#i am very sleepy
esprei · 3 months
I've felt a little silly still face masking and seeing everyone else not but I can't risk getting COVID and getting my family sick.
So, what kind of facemask do you think the train brothers would wear?
I feel like they'd have something train related! for some reason I thought it would be neat to have ones with train tracks that match their natural mouth expressions - like so :D (kinda goes along with the theme of their coats too ;w;):
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or, alternatively:
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Thomas the Tank Engine
(stay safe out there, anon!!)
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kebriones · 6 months
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Don't you hate it when Socrates and Alcibiades are flirting in the agora? Like, get a room 🙄
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sarahmackattack · 2 years
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Yesterday was 10-meeting-marathon and consequently I was a liiiittle bit fried today, so in between more meetings today I gave my poor cooked brain a little break and made some squid stamps.
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foolych · 2 months
Do you think the reason Leviathan wears those goofy ass suspenders in his demon form is because his pants need to be lower in the back to accommodate his tail and they’d fall down without the suspenders?
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lesbianfakir · 1 year
Happy one year anniversary to my tutu hyperfixation, have some assorted memes off my phone
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mysticalspiders · 26 days
it took me till just now to realize that they are not in fact playing queen by midnight
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Small low quality doodle of Them™️ because I miss my boys and they help cure all stress
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selfox · 1 month
A scene:
Drakken is still working at his desk, his eyes now have not only his patented grunge smudge (which is cool 😤), but also dark bags under them. He knows it is late, he knows it's time for bed. But he stubbornly continues.
And then Shego walks in to see where her boy... Boss is in that late hour. Bed gotten cold without him and she wanted to snuggle, but no one needs to know that shhhh
- Doctor D? You know what time is it?
Drakken, without missing a bit (which is surprising considering how often he gets startled by her) and continuing his work at the same time said:
- Late one
Shego, slightly perplexed by unfazed and flat tone:
- .... Are you going to bed?
- I want to. But I can't
- .... Why?
Drakken turned around in his chair and now facing her. His eyes are blinking slowly ... unsynchronized:
- I simply cannot be stopped.
To which Shego facepalmed, grabbed her lover by the hand and dragged him to their bedroom. Drakken, of course, didn't resist, as he actually was sleep-working.
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girlwhoiscringe · 20 days
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small kim dokja doodle
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mail-me-a-snail · 3 months
i really like how the jacket v wears in all promotional art isn't even theirs. it's their boyfriend's and not even his original one it's a REPLICA.
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doe-eyed-dreamr · 2 months
being an age regressor with adult responsibilities sometimes means assisting on a school trip in which you have to help monitor over 70 kids when all you wanna do is play with the cool equipment yourself. (╥﹏╥)
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purpleminte · 8 months
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daily-flowey · 3 months
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Day 36
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inkblot22 · 21 days
Hello, hi. Okay, I'm terribly sorry about that request that has been waiting (Ruggie.) I am filling out the draft I had, and it is currently at 5.5k words and not as plump and weird as I'd personally like it. I need more drama, more buildup and break, yk? Also I had a very nice migraine and dumb boring adult stuff to do when I had allocated time to working on this fic. It was supposed to be out today but I have not slept and I am crashing, and that tends to lead to unintelligible nonsense, so I am going to rest. I'll put a sneak peek under a cut (10 sentences) if you'd like to see it, but the whole thing should be out tomorrow unless I die in my sleep. Big shoutout to my wonderful girlfriend for helping me out with this one.
To the anon who sent me an ask very recently: Your brain is massive and very wrinkly, that shit is my jam and I was in the process of brainstorming for a Vil fic anyhow, so you will absolutely get what you desire. (Poly is completely fine and welcomed, btw. If I do not want to write something, I will let you know.)
Okay, here's the 10 sentences! Thank you for your patience!
The roof was thatched, but beyond the light being streamed in by the afternoon sun, you couldn’t see very well inside the place after Ruggie opened the door. He poked his head in and pressed a hand against your belly, a silent “back up.”
You took a step back and sharply turned your head to the sound of a twig snapping. There wasn’t anything there, but you also couldn’t see the twig. For a place called the Afterglow, this area of it was honestly kind of shadowy. It was pretty unsettling, like a blanket that had a spider hiding in it somewhere, but you didn’t know where. You stared out into the dim distance and a gentle touch on your arm scared you out of your skin.
Ruggie’s hand retracted as he looked at you as though you'd lost it, “What’s wrong?”
“I- Sorry, I thought I heard something.”
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sensitiveheartless · 1 year
Thoughts on the hc that Dazai has a glass eye?
I'm just imagining Dazai getting injured on a case on his blind side, and Kunikida berates him and drags him to Yosano.
And Yosano is like "Really, again? How did it happen this time?" And Kunikida says "Idiot wasn't paying attention."
Dazai "No I was, its just my blind side."
And they both freak out because why? How? Huh? But his eye looks fine?
Yosano: Well, I can schedule an appointment and we can see if we can get you surgery or something-
Dazai: Oh its unsalvagable, I'm blind on that side.
Kunikida: Why does your eye look fine then??? (He thinks Dazai is fucking with him)
Dazai just smiles, reaches up and pull the glass eye out. Kunikida screams.
- Goblin anon
Oh my gosh alsksjdjfjf honestly I think this hc is great just for that potential moment of screaming confusion on Kunikida’s part, Dazai absolutely would do that XD
I guess in general I haven’t thought much about the implications of Dazai bandaging that eye! I know I’ve definitely seen fics and stuff where his vision is off in that eye in one way or another (@feralrookie wrote a fantastic soulmate AU where Dazai’s soulmark is on that eye and it gutted me in the best way). I think it’s really fun to see where different people go with it :0
I do think it’s interesting that he swaps which eye he bandages in the Beast universe…that feels like it has Implications but I’m not sure what they are, I’m not very skilled at analysis lol —Although, slightly related, I do love the moment in the Dark Era where Oda pulls those bandages off as he dies, because it seems like a visual representation of how much Dazai was hindering himself in the mafia (seriously, if there isn’t anything wrong with that eye, that means the dude was shooting guns without precise depth perception seemingly just for the heck of it) and then Oda pulls them off as he tells him to go live in the light and just aaaaaaaaaaaaa I am never not going to be emotional about the dark era ;;
…anyway this got off topic, basically all this to say I think that I think it’s cool how many different interpretations of it there are, and you could definitely do a lot with the glass eye headcanon alskjdjdjd
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dipplinduo · 2 months
Me: OH MY GOD, It's Dipplinduo'd Birthday! W-WHAT Do I do?!
Me: Um...
Me: Happy Bir-
(Explosion in the distance)
(In all seriousness, Happy Birthday Dipplinduo. Hope your day was amazing 🧁🎉🎂🍰🎂🍰🎂🍰🎂🍰)
-Liv Central
Hahaha thank you!! 🤗💛💛💛
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