#i believe this is the first time i'm posting serious art to tumblr so
overlydependant · 2 months
ever wonder what tannhauser looks like under that respirator?
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yeah me neither.
WOW okay jokes aside, I had a lot of fun imagining what Tanny would look like without the mask. Being able to download the character references was also a godsend for this project. I'm so happy the NarraDeclaration team has them available for download, 'cause now I can see every time I forgot a design detail <3 (not complaining though, Skelebean did a wonderful job designing the best gang of chucklefucks in Outset)
This is also the closest I've ever been to trying to be 'anatomically correct.' I had to look up some pretty weird stuff, the tamest of which was 'chin up reference.' I don't think it's 100% accurate anyways, but I had fun and that's what matters.
Uncensored version + more design thoughts under the cut. Trigger warning for some pretty gnarly face modification, specifically to the mouth and lower jaw.
If you don't wanna see that, the basic summary is: I wanted Tanny to look scary lol
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So we know that there was an ACCIDENT that occurred to Tannhauser which resulted in his mostly-robotic form. I'm not sure if it's been mentioned in-game, but my conspiracy theory is that he got mangled by a chainsaw car due to a Tyrant's Guild raid. As a part of THE ACCIDENT, I think he lost his whole bottom jaw, requiring reconstructive facial surgery with leftover skin and more metal to replace the missing bone. The respirator is to help maintain that structure, and to assist in eating and breathing.
Again, it bears mentioning that I had A LOT of fun with this.
Even if he is one of the sillier characters among the party, I think it's always good to remember that Tannhauser can be very intimidating when he wants to be and when he doesn't want to be! The cringefail balances out the coolness perfectly.
Oh and if you're wondering why he's got such sharp canines, the answer is simple: I thought it would look cool and no one was there to stop me.
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nyxmainex · 6 months
I finished it guys. I finished them. IN A DAY.
Be it, they are VERY rushed and look as such, but I AM PROUD OF MYSELF FOR ONCE.
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@velnna @bara-izu @necromosss
Fanart for your characters.
(Warnings: Me rambling)
If any of the artist I made this for see this, I hope you like it even maybe a portion as much as I do. Maybe more. Genuinely, each of these three artists inspire me to continue my hobby of making art. The reason I even do this hobby is to share it in hopes to inspire others. As much courage as it takes for me to even make these much less post them is just proof to myself how far I've come in terms of social interaction. I thank my friend, my mom and teacher for supporting my hobbies and specifically convincing me to make this. I'm off on a ramble, apologies.
I really do hope you like this. Each character has something I added to them, and I explain in their dedicated paragraph. Then you also get an overall part:).
Necromosss is the second BG3 artist I found on Tumblr and I adore their art. Everytime I see Moss post, I promise you I immediately spread it to my friends just so they get the recognition they deserve.
Mira was the last character I ended up drawing, and is definitely the most hurried and sloppy. I made hers pretty late, close to the time I sleep, yet I do feel proud of how I made her. Imagining Mira in the stories I've created, I believe she'd fit in with Meladonia, a kingdom of ghosts, poison, and death. Overlooking the main theme, Meladonia's queen, Chamixie (and funny enough, my character who romanced Gale), is a very lighthearted, flirty person. She, while respecting death and it's concepts, is always up to make an occasional joke. She doesn't take everything personally, and I think she'd get alone well with Mira. The Meladonia magic is dark magic known at Kalak. 'Mixie (Chamixie's nickname) created Kalak as a form of a way to express herself. Kalak magic is not negative, and it's not harmful. In fact, Kalak magic is meant to heal and embrace your fears to use positively. Most of the time, using Kalak magic causes small white, almost snake-like slits to form in the pupil of the user's eyes.
I hope you like how I drew her!:)
MAF is the first BG3 artist I found on Tumblr. I can't put in to words how much they've inspired me. Me and my mom both love Staeve, we think he's great, and I can't wait to see more art from Velnna.
Staeve is the first character I drew, and though not as rushed as Mira's, I wasn't confident drawing him. I'm not too sure about how I drew him, though I do hope anyone reading this likes it. Much like Mira, I imagine he'd be from Meladonia if put in my stories.
In case you haven't read about Kalak magic, I'll copy it: The Meladonia magic is dark magic known at Kalak. 'Mixie (Chamixie's nickname) created Kalak as a form of a way to express herself. Kalak magic is not negative, and it's not harmful. In fact, Kalak magic is meant to heal and embrace your fears to use positively. Most of the time, using Kalak magic causes small white, almost snake-like slits to form in the pupil of the user's eyes.
I've, as an anon, told Velnna about one version of my first OC (Broodmother Nera). And she's a version of my main five characters. Her and Chamixie are sisters, four years apart (Nera is 28). Chamixie is a much more sort of flirty person and takes everything told to her with a drop of comedy, unless it's extremely serious (ex: any abuse) as she has experienced negative situations herself. I imagine that she'd want to be friends with Staeve as long as he wants to, but would likely rather protect him even if he doesn't want to be friends. Staeve reminds Chamixie of Alison, the youngest of the five sisters, and was Chamixie's previous life's bio daughter. Even if they are sisters in this life, Chamixie still, while not overprotective, is cautious around Alison. To an extent, Staeve gives off a similar vibe as Alison, and 'Mixie would do more than her best to help Staeve without being overbearing.
I hope this is interesting enough, and that you enjoy how I drew Staeve.
I have so much trouble remembering how to write this lovely man's name, please correct me if it's wrong, I have terrible memory.
I recently found Bara, and I love all their characters. (No joke though, I ran to my mom to show her your characters). Halion is definitely one of my favourites.
I was the most confident creating Halion, and I genuinely am proud of my art. This is honestly one of the few times I do feel proud of myself. From the posts I read, which is not too many, I love his cheery personality. He makes me believe he'd be from Parfi if he was in my stories. Parfi is the kingdom of the Wasteland, but is known for war, previously known for lust, but after Lord Clemin became the ruler, she changed it to accommodate travellers. While it was re-built for wars, she's made it a beacon of light within a desert. That reminds me of Halion. Clemin, as a ruler, comes off as strong and demanding. But out of all five of the rulers, and as the second oldest sister, she's very soft. Even with her own insecurities, she lifts people up and encourages their positive ambitions. She's actually not very confident, even though presenting as such. Even if she is very silent, and kind of reserved, she'd feel comfortable with talking to Halion.
She created Taei magic, the magic of heat. Taei magic is considered neutral magic, and though she has used it negatively on herself, Taei was meant to be positive. Using Taei magic is essentially holding the essence of a flame, and it's a guiding light to find others. Clemin wants the people of her and her sister's kingdoms to never have to experience what any of them did/do. Using it reflects a flame in the user's eyes.
I hope you agree he'd be from Parfi, and if not, tell me why:)! I also hope you like the art I made for him.
I'm sorry this post is so long, and I wanted to be finish setting up my blog when I made this but I'm just too impatient to do so. The reason this post is so long is because while I could've made art of any artist I enjoy, these three artists inspired me the most. (And I'm an overthinker, so I want to make sure you understand how much I appreciate these artists.)
I hope you enjoy the ideas I had and the art I made. I love all three of these pieces I've made, and I love the original art that they were based on more. And if it's alright with the artists, I'd love to draw more!:)
While writing this, my hands are shaking. Ignore any mistakes in the writing.
Mira: (her Notion page)
And this
And this
Infinite painter for lineart and Clip Studio Paint (pro) for everything else.
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skykashi · 10 months
So I just had to turn off the reblogs of the Gai art, it seems like some popular blog reblogged the post with the ridiculous reblog of the baseless accusations that has absolutely no evidence or proof whatsoever and ppl have been reblogging it from them to point me out as the new villain on Tumblr, just because someone think they are too smart for this world and has a built-in AI detection sensors in their brain that they can throw serious accusations like that with literally nothing to back it up except that their Spidey senses are tingling!
I just can't believe how easy it is to destroy someone's reputation and years of hard work in seconds just because someone wanted to, you have no idea how discouraging this whole thing is, to work your butt off to create something just to be met with this at the end, am I supposed to record the process of every artwork I create and post it with my artworks from now on? How am I supposed to keep working on myself and challenge myself to get out of my comfort zone and improve my skills if the second I post something a little different from the usual I get attached like this? You have no idea how hard it is to have to work with such a crappy tablet, how time and effort consuming it is to keep trying to create something pretty on a lagging screen and no pen pressure sensitivity, but I have no choice but to be stubborn and determined enough to just keep trying anyway and spend 10x more time and effort than anyone else because that's what I love to do and it's limiting my creativity so much but I just have to make it work with what I can afford... and then the one time I had enough motivation coming from wanting to create something that will put a smile on my friend's @depressedhatakekakashi face just like they continue to put a smile on my face so I chose to do something different this time for them, something that I don't usually go for because of how extremely hard it will be on a stupid tablet like mine but my appreciation and gratitude for them gave me the push I needed to do it and challenge those limitations even further, not knowing that there's someone lurking in the shadows waiting for a moment like that to destroy all of my hard work.
First, they said "oh, I think it's AI because some parts look pixilated" so I recorded a video showing how things get pixilated when I move them between Adobe Illustrator and Clip Studio Paint and why I'm forced to use both software together for a piece like this so they then say "I don't understand how what you said is relevant" then changed their reason to "because the art style in this piece looks different from your usual art style" and um, my usual art style is meant to look like cartoon and this one is meant to look realistic HOW COULD IT NOT LOOK DIFFERENT?!!!, like I don't understand, am I stuck with only one type of artwork now because that's what I usually do? Am I not allowed to try something new for a change or try to challenge myself or develop my skills? Can someone tell me where I can get a permit to have freedom with my creations? Or am I supposed to just stop trying all together?!!!
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cleolinda · 3 months
Weekend Links, March 17, 2024
My posts
We have had another Trespasser Weirdness Incident at my house, so. Suffice it to say that the Hot & Vintage Movie Women tournament is my primary coping mechanism at this point, and bless @hotvintagepoll for all their work. All 257 polls are up, although many of them have already closed on a rolling basis these last two weeks. Hedy Lamarr vs Sonja Henie was the very last one, and it is a blowout like I have not seen since the time I asked if people throw away their movie theater trash. I think round 2 starts a week from Monday? I would like to apologize for reblogging every single poll, except that I’m not the least bit sorry. 
I posted propaganda several times--sometimes just because a contestant didn’t have much and I wanted to chip in (still in play: Juanita Moore and Martha Sleeper). But I also showed up specifically for Norma Shearer, Claire Bloom, Tallulah Bankhead, Deborah Kerr, a little bit for Joan Fontaine (poll here), Julie Christie (on my mom’s behalf), Gene Tierney, Paulette Goddard, and Ava Gardner. My loyalties will shift as we see who progresses, but I'm wearing the Ava jersey at this point.
Reblogs of interest
A couple of serious links:
The Jewish filmmakers who won an Oscar for The Zone of Interest, a Holocaust film, used their speech time to condemn what’s happening in Gaza. (It helps to read the quote as “as men who refute {their Jewishness and the Holocaust} being used as justification.” “Refute their Jewishness” jumps out weirdly at first glance and confused people.)
I can’t tell if the JKR defender/Holocaust denier in this ask knows they’re lying or just really didn’t know that transgender health books and surgery did, in fact, exist, and that the Nazis targeted them. If you need photographic evidence for future discussions, here you are. Side note: Don't believe everything your favorite childhood author tells you.
Posts that are not serious links or hot lady polls:
Of course, this week we celebrated the Ides of March. (Happy birthday to... Chocolate Guy Amaury Guichon??) Featuring:
Southern Mark Antony
If Mark Antony was Gen Z
“Oh not you as well, Brutus!”
Also, happy birthday this fine St. Patrick’s Day to Hozier, who was on the Wiggles once, and has a new EP coming out this Friday. Please join me in not being the least bit normal about it. 
The bredlik that the Fairy vs. Walrus debate needed
“Started tone matching my Iraqi corner store guy,” bless everyone involved
A fanfic summary that will hit you like a brick to the face
“Intrigue, Ink, and Drama Grip the Fountain Pen Community”
The Arthur Conan Doyle approach to fic comments
The Kate Middleton Mysteries (”The extent to which this is not Philip Marlowe’s problem is unbelievable”)
Noted power couple/chaos elementals Merchant Ivory
Help improving color in your art
Doggust 2023: the art of Jonathan Wesslund  
Honestly the best part of “I’m Just Ken” at the Oscars for me is Margot Robbie fighting for her life not to laugh
This domino project is honestly really upsetting to me, lmao (THE TIME IT MUST HAVE TAKEN!!)
Death: the bees told her
Puma chirps
A seal’s relaxing ice bath
The sacred texts
The reason we celebrate the Ides of March on Tumblr
Happy birthday to the Old as Balls gifset
A cat’s dating profile
Personal tag of the week
pixel art, because there are some incredible artists on here.
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loaflovesdoodling · 1 month
Okay, kind of a serious post here. Uh. I'm. Going to apologize beforehand for all the whining.
No, I am not leaving Tumblr just yet; it is my home and my first social media platform after Youtube. But I think I need to make it pretty clear here; my work is not reaching about anyone that I haven't already interacted with. And it is. Rather degrading to my own mental state, which is why I have been nearly non productive at all, not drawing, not posting, not finishing what I start, et cetera.
I've been using Instagram more, and the engagement there is so much better. Likes actually help content spread, and I've noticed most people do take the time to even leave little comments and share on their stories and all kinds of gestures that contribute to the artist themselves.
I may, just may, maybe, make another, completely art-focused and anonymous signature 'Loaf' account on Instagram and begin sharing my art on there. I'm not sure yet.
What I am, however, completely sure of, is that with less and less interaction on Tumblr, a site which, to my knowledge at least, was specifically built on art (and more ofc), I will eventually stop posting altogether. No, this is not some form of threat, it is an act of but simple acknowledgement and recognition. I'm simply beginning to lose motivation and willpower to make art.
I want anyone who's reading this to take this as a sign, and I'm gonna be raw and honest with what I'm going to say here:
If you don't want half of this site's art community dead in the matter of just a few years, you better start actually helping. Likes, although appreciated, do absolutely nothing.
Think of it as a plant. Does admiring the buds help them bloom faster? No. Does watering and checking on the plant regularly? Yes, it does help. And you're soon going to proudly look at yet another flower you have helped grow with your support.
I refuse to believe that half of the reblogs on my posts are reblog spams from my friends, the same 3-5 people who always share my work over and over to help me. The same 3-5 people who do thrice the amount of interactions they should engage in just to make up for what the average consumer should be doing, but doesn't instead.
I don't care if you think the art is ugly, I don't care if the artist maybe isn't skilled enough to you. This is a community built on mutual help and support. If we do not support eachother, it's going to crumble apart.
I know some people are going to say things along the lines of "if you're complaining why share it in the first place". I know. I won't shut you guys up, because your point is valid. But if we make art to share, and what we intend to share does not reach the intended receiver, then it'd be basically pointless altogether. That's why we need your help.
Either way, that would be all my worries out of my system. I apologize once again.
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dreams-and-drabbles · 2 years
I feel like I'm gonna be that person but more voice lines 👀👀 maybe liyue this time? I found them sooooo cuteeeee!! ⊂(•‿•⊂ )*.✧
Hehe bet bet
You’re carrying my entire tumblr <3333 I appreciate it, hehe! Σ੧(❛〜❛✿) ♪ ((I’ll post a part II —- Apparently, there’s a limit on photos smh. As for why some characters have more lines than others, it’s because their relationship isn’t as close. [F/N] is kinda like any other Genshin character in this, as in they have their own connections. Some being stronger than others. <333 Tysm for the askkkkk!!! I’ll publish part II this evening or sometime tomorrow .
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About [F/N] (Interest) : Ah, [F/N]? That adventurer? They’re likely one of the few serious adventurers associated with the Liyue Branch of the Adventurer’s Guild. It’s curious to me that they chose to live that life, instead of one of comfort. I feel as though, I could learn something from them. Pursuing one’s passions like that… It’s an admirable thing.
About [F/N] (Sharing Knowledge) : [F/N] is incredibly well versed in Liyue’s environment. Given their status as an adventurer, I am hardly surprised. Oftentimes, I find myself discussing the history of Liyue’s surroundings with them. It’s fascinating hearing what things are like now, as opposed to how they were when I first founded Liyue. [F/N] is someone I enjoy spending time with. They’re very polite, as well. They pay attention when I share things with them. Oh? Did you think I hadn’t noticed? Haah, that is fine. You’re forgiven. If you run into them, please send my regards…
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About [F/N] ( Observation) : I’ve seen them pass through the mountains a few times, and I have decided they mean no harm. Usually, they clear out a few Hilichurls or monsters that wander too close to settlements. From my understanding that’s their job, which in that case I can’t really fault them. They’re a decent fighter, as well… I wonder how they’d react if I joined them in clearing out any potential threats…
About [F/N] ( Kindred Spirits) : Surprisingly, they do not mind my company in the slightest. They were more than willing to turn a blind eye when I joined them in battle. Afterwards, they offered to tend to any wounds I may have. As if I would be wounded in such a fight, yet the offer was a kind one. After that, they offered me their thanks and invited me to lunch of all things… It was surprising, but I think I rather like them. I look forward to fighting with them again soon…
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About [F/N] ( Similarities ) : Oh… You want to know about them? Well, where should I begin? Ah, yes… They’re nearly impossible to get a rise out of, they always seem to be busy with something, and they almost always have some sort of interesting book on them… Sounds familiar? Exactly, my liege!!! [F/N] is indeed very similar to me in some manner, which I fear, is why our personalities clash so much.
About [F/N] ( Trading Books) : Despite our clashing personalities, [F/N] is the only one I trust to trade books with. We meet once a week to swap the latest editions. If it weren’t for the fact we always seem to argue, I’d call us friends. Ah? Frenemies? What on earth are those? Oh, I see… Someone who is friends, yet they often battle verbally? I suppose that fits, then. Ah, speaking of… I need to figure out a good comeback for this week’s book trade.
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About [F/N] (The Arts ) : Ah? [F/N]! Mm, they’re a very interesting person. They’re rather good at writing scripts and lyrics, though they’d never admit to it. Oh? Heh. In that case, you didn’t hear it from me! I first met them when they were doing a Commision for the guild, they had to gather inspiration for an upcoming play, I believe… When they reported back, their words were rather poetic. That’s how I discovered that they enjoyed writing, after a bit of conversation… After all, only artists use such descriptive words when reporting something simple, like pigeons…
About [F/N] (Tea) : Their taste in tea is spectacular, and I’ve found more than a few diamonds in the rough because of them. Apparently, one of their hobbies is visiting various tea houses. According to them, the environment is good for their writing, which I believe fully. A certain degree of calmness is required to allow your imagination to run…
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About [F/N] ( Martial Arts) : [F/N]? They’re an incredible martial artist!!! I’ve asked them to train with me a few times. Surprisingly, whenever we train Xingqiu refuses to tag along. I’ve never seen him so shy before. I should ask them for some advice. Maybe there’s some sort of secret to dealing with his teasing…?
About [F/N] ( Cuisine ) Recently, they’ve introduced me to a few new dishes. They’re all cold dishes, and my favorite is likely either the chilled cucumber soup, or this thing they called Ice Cream. I have no clue how they come up with these, but I truly appreciate their consideration for my condition. [F/N] is a very thoughtful person and one that I cherish…
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About [F/N] : [F/N]…? That name… sounds familiar… Oh… They’re the fairy that brings me my cocogoat milk… I hope they come soon… Cocogoat milk is tasty…
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About [F/N] ( Explanations ) : Ah, yes… Ever since I hired them Qiqi has gone on and on about the cocogoat fairy… I have explained several times that they are not a fairy, but an adventurer under my employee. Qiqi refuses to believe that, however. She’s insistent that only a fairy could get milk from a legendary adepti beast… I would explain that it’s just coconut milk, however she’s been livelier lately. I’m sure she’ll find out the truth soon, regardless.. Haha, you’re awfully inquisitive today.
About [F/N] ( Work Ethic) : They’re always on time with the delivery, and I’ll admit that their work ethic is top tier. However, sometimes… Sometimes they get carried away. It’s appreciated, of course, but bringing in 200 qingxin flowers on top of the milk… I may as well be breaking labor laws, even if it’s a display of goodwill. As such, I have told them I’ll treat any injuries they get for free. It’s precautionary, of course. I am by no means growing attached…
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About [F/N] : Oh!! I know them!! Yeah! They’re the greatest! Sometimes, I’ll get them to help out a lil’ in writin’ lyrics for my songs! I heard about em’ from Yun Jin!!! They were reaaaal embarrassed when I first asked em’ for help, though! Went as red as a Jueyun chili!!!
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About [F/N] : They’re skilled… Surprisingly adept for a mortal. Their patience is commendable… Is that all? Hmph. Fine then. How I feel about them? They’re a good worker…and person. Now, let me be.
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xerith-42 · 5 months
There is no normal to return to.
I'm going to return to normal, or as normal as I usually am on this blog. But that won't stop me from talking about this. I have quite a few reblogs and posts queued up to give some important thoughts I had while I was away in regards to... my usual content. But I also still have plenty of posts about Palestine and the ongoing situation, and I'll be doing everything I can to stagger updates on the funny haha block man stuff, and the actually serious stuff.
If there's another strike called for, I will likely participate in it. Maybe this means my content will be inconsistent and kinda... bursty I guess? But I'll take the hit to my usual stuff and just spend more time on it if I have to. I had fun over the winter break, but life is picking back up anyways. I'm not really returning to normal, I'm shifting to a new normal. And talking about this conflict and the ongoing situation will become part of this new normal for as long as it has to.
I was honored to see the kind of reach my words could have, and I appreciated the amount of people who engaged with my content for possibly the first and last time. Depends on if I have more wildly intense thesis' about the situation to share (I probably will). There's always a part of me that wants to resist "getting too political" but then I remember I'm a dyed hair multi pronouned genderfuck with revolutionary ideas like "people should just get to live their lives however they want without the threat of violence, oppression, or actual genocide." Just some crazy wokeist ideology that totally doesn't bleed out from my creative works at all.
Because my experiences with fiction and the real world don't influence each other at all. Not even a little.
I've had quite a few social media accounts become pretty politicized or even start that way unintentionally, mostly because I started social media accounts centered around art. And all art is political. All art is personal. All art is influenced by politics and by people. That's how art always has and always will exist. So I really shouldn't be surprised this would happen when I got onto Tumblr.
I don't mean to suddenly bear my soul and go on some vague esoteric rant about my state of existence in a system of systems designed to harm me placed onto one of many infinite planets capable of creating life in our ever expansive universe, but that's just how I am. That's just how humans are. My spaces are always going to become political because I as a person am politicized. Our world is politicized. We are politicized from the moment of our inception. From the moment that someone becomes aware of our life the decisions made about it are endlessly wrapped up in the collective of politics even if we are but one measly part of that greater or worse collective.
Even something as seemingly unimportant as Minecraft Roleplays are deeply personal and political pieces of art and unique life shaping experiences. Never let someone tell you that you're being "too political" because in our endlessly politicized world, that's like telling someone that they're being "too human". It's not annoying to care. It's not too political to care.
TLDR: Art is political, everything is political, and even if you plan on "returning to normal", know that you should instead adjust what you define as "normal" to include pertinent issues and be ready to adapt to it. People want you to believe that disruptions won't work, but money and numbers talk. Disruptions to core systems of the western society work. Never underestimate that. Maybe you couldn't do a lot for this one, but keep your eyes out for the next one. Set aside a few bucks to donate. Read some of the reports about the ongoing conflict from ethical sources unafraid to speak to the real atrocities. Even little things can add up.
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rizaposting · 2 months
bff help 😭😭😭😭 i look up to you so much (and a lot of other royai/riza fan artists, but you seem the most friendly) and i wanna start posting my own riza art, but im scared ill be booed off the app 😭 any advice for first time fma artists? 🥺 i mostly plan on just making riza fanarts, a little riza x oc, stuff like that. thank you 💕
WAAAHH anon you're so sweet!! First and foremost GRABS YOU you should absolutely post your Riza art! Everyone should post Riza art forever because I'm starving and slurp it up. But you should ALSO post it because it's fun to create and share with people! No one is going to boo you off of the platform, and frankly if anyone tries to they probably need to take a long walk in nature and say hi to some people they pass on the street.
As far as advice, the biggest thing is to try to avoid the "# notes = success/good quality" thinking. It's totally natural to want feedback, and Internet Validation Numbers is encouraging! But if you post something and it doesn't immediately get attention, don't beat yourself up about the quality of your work. Some of my favorite pieces (drawings and writing) are "flops", but I try not to let that discourage me or sour how I feel about them. Sometimes it's just bad luck with timing; or good luck, oppositely
Okay now for more technical advice:
Schedule your posts on tumblr. I usually schedule my art to post at 7:30pm EST kind of arbitrarily, it feels like a good compromise of time zones. Please do know that you might flashbang yourself with your art every time (I do lmfao)
Reblog your work again the next day; mix up your timing and don't be afraid to do a few self-reblogs.
Tag your posts thoughtfully but not excessively, afaik only the first 5 tags are will be where it shows up (EDIT: apparently I'm thinking of 2014 tumblr and it's now the first 30 tags! But I would also posit you absolutely will never fucking need 30 tags. Over tagging will not help, so only tag what's relevant). Series name and acronyms, character name(s), and ship name are good. Also include a tag that you put on all your art so you and others can find it easily!
Comedy usually has more reach. People love silly memes and shitposts and frankly who can blame them! That's not to say serious posts don't also get attention, but just something I noticed
HAVE FUN!!!! this sounds so patronizing, but honestly it's best to do things that appeal to you and have fun with likeminded people. Your passion and enjoyment with telegraph through your work and it will make people smile!!!
I also just want to say that a lot of other Rizalikers are super friendly!!! It can be intimidating to talk to people, but we're all just freaks on the internet rotating a fictional character in our heads. The best way to get to know people is just to reach out and comment on their art/writing/silly posts. It doesn't need to be anything crazy! You can also join fandom discord servers to talk to them on a more casual (and frankly easier) platform, with less pressure because it's less 1-on-1. If you want to DM them (discord or tumblr) def go for it, but I would recommend against just saying "hi!" and then not following it up with anything else, because then I just go "hi!" and then I don't know how to push the conversation forward lol
I would love to see your creations and hear your Rizathoughts, Anon! I believe in you! I hope you decide to come play with us in this rizaspace. Feel free to message me off anon or send me a DM if you want to chat :]
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redgoldblue · 5 months
Fic Writing Review 2023 🌈
tagged by @itwoodbeprefect - i have also been thinking about this so thank you for taking the initiative!
tagging @faorism @gallantrejoinder if you'd care to do this in any form (including as writing/art review)!
Words and Fics (on ao3) 📚
words posted: 52,220, apparently. Which is actually... basically last year's but minus 10k because I didn't do H50 Big Bang this year, because med school. most things in my life now can be stated as 'because med school'. (actually I just realised I didn't do it last year either, but that was because I was already finishing a 10k H50 fic. so my point stands)
fics posted: either 6 or 29, depending on whether one counts the advent calendar as one fic or 24. plus 3 posted only on Tumblr.
first fic: love don't treat you like that (babe, I'm letting you know) (H50). on the NINTH of january, apparently. i've already lost my first-fic-of-the-year contest to last year, unless i unexpectedly finish something today.
last fic: Advent Calendar 2023 / ...Zaph Kilkane, the pre-eminent climate scientist of the 22nd century...
Ships and Fandoms ⚓
would you believe I literally did not repeat a fandom this year, outside of the advent calendar. and this year's AC had the most fandoms since 2019.
Hawaii Five-0 (McDanno)
NCIS: LA (Sallen)
Starsky & Hutch (S/H)
House MD (Hilson)
MASH (Punnihawk)
and then AC-only ones:
Star Trek (Spirk)
The Man From UNCLE (Napollya)
911 (Buddie)
Due South (i don't know ship names. are there ship names? Fraser/RayK)
Good Omens (Azcrow)
Leverage (thiefsome)
Almost Paradise (Ernesto/Alex. alesto. i'm coining it)
Top 5 Fics by Kudos 🏆
I mean, I have 6 posted fics that can be kudosed separately.
love don't treat you like that (babe, I'm letting you know) (H50)
When You're Loving Me (That's When I'm Loving You) (NCIS: LA)
Advent Calendar 2023 (see above. nine fandoms)
my powers of expression and thoughts so sublime / could never do you justice in reason or rhyme (House MD)
Finding A Cure In You (S&H)
Top 5 Favorite Fics 💖
okay, I'm going to count distinct chapters of the advent calendar for this. in no particular order and subject to mood change:
When You're Loving Me (That's When I'm Loving You) (NCIS: LA) - I cited this as a contender for my favourite fic I've written a couple months ago, so obviously it has to go in the year's. what can i say, fake dating is an immaculate trope, and this also all came onto the page very easily which is always vaguely miraculous.
there you go pulling me right back in (H50) - sometimes vague prompts i've had down for ages write up as something that's. fine, but a bit clunky, and I just have to move on bc it's the advent calendar and a new fic each day. sometimes I start writing them and they spring into life with joyous delight. or in this case, uninhibited grumpiness and love.
singing yesterday's songs wishing i could be with you tonight (MASH) - the one that didn't make it into the top 5 kudosed, I assume partially due to being locked and partially due to being a serious tone, not terribly shippy, and Peg POV. But I've had some version or other of it for a long time, it's one of those stories I'm genuinely proud of, and I was glad to finally post it.
Totally Normal (Due South) - it's fun. it was fun. I was slightly nervous about it, because the only prior Due South thing I'd written was Dief POV and this was Fraser and RayK POV and the first time writing either of those, but it turns out watching + liveblogging four and two seasons, respectively, of a character in four months is. enough to cement their voices in my head. it was unexpectedly easy and also. fun.
Festive Spice (MUNCLE) - i just think it epitomises the advent calendar. in the words of coolbreezemage, 'yesssss bake cakes and kiss your partner'.
Finding A Cure In You (S&H) - this doesn't make it to the above list due to the fact that I haven't actually managed to reread it since I posted it. but just for the amount of time I spent with it, how different it is to my usual M.O. of writing, and the weird way I wrote it (entirely in the notes app, with almost zero rereading while writing), I have to somehow mention it.
A Thousand Words / To Be Spared (Good Omens) - I don't know if they're favourite but I do think they're good. and the format of to be spared was pleasingly experimental and i think it worked.
Fandom Fic Events 🤝
also the Starsky & Hutch SHarecon zine! which the zine still holds copyright on, but will be posted in April.
Projects for 2024 👀
mmm gonna sort this differently and also ramble
Ones that will definitely be finished in 2024 and if they aren't you have free rein to come to my house and tie me to a chair come November: MUNCLE wip, The Unwitting Truth Affair/The Honesty Affair, I haven't actually decided which title yet;
Starsky & Hutch, the still-unnamed Huggy & Pete wip.
Ones I have both hope and some amount of faith will be finished in 2024 and if they aren't you have free rein to come into my inbox and harass me about them: Hawaii Five-0 wip, Much Ado About Something (*salutes squares*);
other Hawaii Five-0 wip, state of disrepair. yes, I'm manifesting state of disrepair 2024. probably november/december 2024, but i'm manifesting it anyway;
Leverage wip, all that I want is a kind heart to haunt
Ones I would like to be finished in 2024, and if my brain decides it likes them might be, but all you have free rein for is to politely ask me about them once per business month: Hawaii Five-0 cath/steve/danny pwp, Wait A Minute Let Me Take You There;
horny S&H wip, Previews Of Your Body Driving Me Insane;
S&H Vanessa coda, so cordial / so rotten (don't ask me);
Good Omens wip, love won't you be as you've always been
Ones I don't expect to finish in 2024 but would like to get some words down in: angsty S&H wip, Relentless As The Rain;
ridiculous undercover H50 wip, Four Seasons of Love;
other ridiculous H50 wip, The Irritating, Annoying, Infuriating, (Effective) Seduction Techniques of One Steven J. McGarrett;
SPN ..wip? depending on the time limit on 'progress'?, Smells Like Turpentine.
vague thoughts: i'd like to write a full-length (for whatever value of that. the AC ones actually were full-length, especially the second one, but what I really mean is AC-independent) due south fic. they're very weird and i enjoyed writing them, and I'd also like to write something with RayV in it. maybe if I successfully inspired @itwoodbeprefect to write new ds, when she does that it will inspire me to write something, and we can set up a ping-pong game. no, wait, that's mixing fandoms.
I expect more MUNCLE fic. this one's already 3.5k and rocketing along, and i'm only two-thirds of the way through season 1. what form that will take i don't know at this stage but we'll see.
....i was discussing the vague concept of house/h50 crossover fic with squares literally yesterday and on the one hand I haven't written a crossover since 2014 and also don't want that to be my legacy, but on the other hand i think there is at least a 50% chance it's going to stick in the back of my brain and keep niggling.
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sweetmariihs2 · 6 months
Hey guys! Um.. I'm not frequently on this hashtag and just came here to adress that Melanie Martinez songs make a perfect playlist for Sun and Moon. It's been years since the release of Security Breach and still this day I never found anyone talking about that (believe me, I search everywhere from time to time in years (when my hyperfixation starts again lol)) and I'm starting to believe that if I don't say anything, no one will. So umm yeah I don't want to make a big post I just wanna point it out
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If you're here in Tumblr and you're interacting with fandoms for a really long time you probably heard at least one of her songs before. Basically for those interested she makes songs with childish aesthetics and serious themes. Her most recent album is more fairycore though, but the first ones aren't.
She has an album called Cry Baby (it's about a disturbed childhood), an album called K-12 (it's about school), and an EP called After School (inspired by school themes but more inspired in the artist's life) and they fit Sun and Moon very well
Also I wanted to add that some of her best gems are unreleased, and like, there are some really good stuff that fit Sun and Moon, you just need to search for it
The songs that fit them most are the first ones of the list, the rest is more like,,, they fit them well but not like the first ones ya know what i mean
That's my mini list of recomendations if anyone is interested;
(if you're going to make a playlist for YouTube be careful with the unreleased ones, Melanie tends to delete them from time to time):
Unreleased- Twins (this one sounds like it was made for them. Want me to put all the lyrics here? Okay then.)
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Unreleased- Toy Chest ("clean up, clean up, everybody, everywhere" (it's from Barney))
Unreleased- Arts and Crafts (creating the perfect bf on arts and crafts)
Released- Glued (she's sad and talking about how her sadness is glued to her like school glue)
Unreleased- Night Mime (she's sad and silent during the night like a night mime. She's waiting for the sunrise so that she can be happy again)
Released- Tag, You're It (she's being chased by a big bad wolf while making analogy to a tag game. It sounds like a little childhood game but the chaser is very sinister and want to do bad things to her)
Released- Teddy Bear (this one fits the whole franchise. Her "teddy bear" (probably a metaphor for an important person in her life, maybe her boyfriend or best friend) was sweet to her before, now he's trying to kill her. "You were my teddy bear, you were comforting and quiet, how did love become so violent?". This was released in 2015, if you're here in the fnaf fandom for a really long time or in the whole fandom part of the internet by itself you know this one. It brings me a lot of memories. How I miss the 2010's)
Released- Sippy Cup (you can try to hide your problems but they're always there. "Blood still stains if the sheets are washed". Even if you always try to keep the lights on, that animatronic killed kids inside the daycare and it can happen again if the lights go out. Oh-oh :c
Released- Carousel (you proably heard this one before let's be real)
Released- Drama Club (theatre!!! Yay)
Released- Show And Tell (She's tired, as an artist, of always playing a character in front of everyone. It's the ventrilocus noises for me)
Released- The Contortionist (idk it's the vibe)
Unreleased- Schizo ("i don't know who you are 'cause I don't know who i am, how can we learn how to love if you change your mind again? I don't know who to be, who do you want me to be?")
Released- Alphabet Boy (a rude boy is telling her how much smarter he is than her for knowing how to spell and write the ABCs)
Released- Lunchbox Friends (we are best friends forever yipee🫶🫶🤝)
Unreleased- Unhappy meal (inspired by McDonalds. Idk it just makes me think of sun)
Released- Pity Party (it's her birthday party and nobody showed up. Then she tries to play pretend with her toys and teddy bears, but she still know that she's alone and ends up destroying her party and stabbing her toys with knives. She's tired of being alone. :(
Released- Fire Drill (she's in a fire, it's the song that plays after the end of the K-12 album. It sounds like a nursery rhyme. There are children singing with her.)
Released- Dollhouse ("everyone seems to be perfect, please don't let them look through the curtains, DOLLHOUSE, I see things that nobody else sees" (again y'all probably know that one))
Released- Play Date (being romantically used by someone while doing analogies to games and toys)
Small list of songs that deserve to be mentioned but don't make a lot of sense like the last ones, it's just the vibes: The whole After School EP, the whole Cry Baby album, Gingerbread Man, Lost and Found, Patient, Papercuts, ZZZZ
There are also some fan-made type beats, since Melanie's community also sometimes link her to jesters and clowns and also make songs about her already released albums, so like here are some: Class Clown, Naptime, Fire Alarm, Janitor's Closet (I love this one sm!!), Punishment
All of those type beats have their own artists, some of those artists even sell them, so make sure if they are free to use if you want to make a playlist, but I guess it's okay to listen to them for fun since they were posted on youtube
Tell me what you think about those. I love interacting with people who like the same things as me 🫶🫶
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thatonecrookedsmile · 7 months
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*kicks the front door with all the strength I have*
Hey there IRIS fans. It's been a while. More than 3 months to be exact. I came once again to offer you my gifts. Behold…..breadcrumbs! :D
Yeah, that's all I have at the moment. I'm sorry.
I was reflecting on the idea of posting things that are more....small? Don't just post finished drawings. Maybe WIPs or, sketches, or in the case above, a doodle! Basically, I don't need to ONLY post finished drawings. Or drawings. Sometimes I can just. Post words, you know. I had the realization about this a while ago when I remembered that I'm on Tumblr. I can post (almost) anything here without limiting myself. Now, will I fulfill this? I don't know. Maybe I'll do that, or I'll just post it when I have a drawing ready to post. I don't promise anything lol.
Anyway, IRIS! I made this little doodle of Goliath while I was out of the house. I only drew his Pre-Explosion version once and it was in that Transmission 3 drawing. As a joke too. So I tried to do something a little more serious. This time…he has a face! I thought it turned out good. I think I found a good way to do his hair too. I decided to color it (and do a light digital lineart over it) to make it more pleasant. Simple, but it looks nice! (I'll leave the normal scribble unedited at the end of the post) Also, I know that in the only art we have of P.E Goliath it doesn't show him with irises and pupils in his eyes. I drew them here because I thought it would be cool.
Next stop is to practice drawing his body. I have to learn how to draw more muscular bodies. Goliath has to live up to his name (and he deserves the muscles tbh)
It goes without saying that I did this after watching the new chapters of Story of Vegala. And speaking of that: i'm gonna be honest with you: I think this is my favorite part of the IRIS story/lore drops posted so far.
It's quite intriguing to see the very story that happened before everything we've seen so far. It's also nice to receive what I've wanted for a while: Tyrant and Fate Lore. It's good to have more information about two characters that we've known (more or less) for a long time now. Especially their origins (broader origins than just *the first beings that walked the Earth* or *beings that came from distant worlds in search of the emblem*)
SOV also makes me excited for other things. Like, obviously, HOAA:R. Releasing soon! December is knocking on the door, you know. But I also really want to see Jaws of Vegala now. And whatever happens in the story that takes place after GT.
So again, SOV is currently my favorite part of the lore, I believe. The anguish of waiting for the next episodes this past week was real.
I'm talking too much once again, SHIT. Yeah, Pre-Explosion Goliath. He deserves the world (He's NOT a monster, he's just BIG and STRONG, and needs a functioning family *cries*)
I don't know when I'll do my next Big Piece related to IRIS. I had something in mind but I lost the will. But I was thinking about doing something related to Solitude for a while. Hold this thought,then. Until then, I'll sketch Tyrant next. Because I like his official design.
Also, here is the unedited scribble:
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firesign23 · 1 year
I am so sorry you are not having fun anymore, is there anything we could have done? But thank you for the Heads Up and also thank you for the reminder to always immediatly download everything I want to keep re-reading! Are you absolutely sure you don't want to do the orphaning option, so more new people can find joy in your work in the future? And you don't have to curate anything, you can just ignore it! (I have no experience with orphaning my work, but I believe that's how it would work?)
So, first of all, thank you (and everyone else) for the lovely messages. This response might be a little long and I apologise in advance for that.
My reasons for planning this deletion are not, really, about not having fun with it anymore, because I am still foolishly besotted by these noble idiots. It's been on my mind for a few months for various reasons, and honestly the specifics aren't super important and until recently were outweighed by the good parts of participating in the fandom. But once that balance began to tip, I took a few days serious contemplation to make sure this was the route I wanted to take, consider alternatives, etc and reach the conclusion before making any mention of it, even to friends. Because the absolute last thing I wanted to do was enter into a cycle of… validation, I suppose? where I feel bad and people say nice things and then I kick the underlying issue down the line and repeat the cycle. A few very long time followers (well before JB) might recall exactly why this is on my radar. It's not a good or healthy way to approach fandom. I debated posting about the deletion at all, for fear of that same cycle, but as someone absolutely awful at downloading I have mourned so many fics lost to me and decided it's what I would prefer from another author.
As for orphaning, I am generally hugely in favour of it over the deletion. I am often the person making sure people know it's available, because it's a great option! In this case, the loss of control (we'll be coming back to this in a moment) over my work was definitely not the route I wanted to go. I considered anonymising them all instead, but that wasn't actually a solution to my specific problem.
Here's where it gets… well, I don't want to say interesting. 😂 But psychological, I suppose. I made this decision the way I usually make decisions. Matters were weighed up, factors thought through, I made sure it wasn't an impulsive choice. We've all got brain gremlins and this is how I make sure mine are not calling the shots, because they're dicks. And I posted yesterday very confident that it was the best option.
Enter: one asshole (my husband) (affectionate(mostly))
Because he pointed out (far less articulately than I am going to now, but damn if he didn't nail it) that if I really had been considering it for months and not yet acted, was I sure I wasn't doing this in reaction to the Grandmother Situation? My grandmother, beloved, died recently. Tumblr isn't the place for all the details, but suffice to say it has been a clusterfuck, as deaths in families often are, and it has been made significantly worse by the fact I am a continent away and have absolutely no way of dealing with the fallout. And, well, "Exerting control via social withdrawal to deal with the complete lack of control elsewhere" is… plausible. Having one's art shared, anonymously or not, is exposing. And usually that's one of the real joys of fandom, but when you're already exhausted and worn thin by Drama even a pebble in your shoe can be A Lot.
What does that mean? Honestly, I don't know. It doesn't mean that I was wrong in my conclusions. It doesn't mean that I won't delete the fics. It does mean that I will be putting a pin in the deletion plan until the Grandmother Situation gets a little less ridiculous and I can re-evaluate though, and I'm not sure how long that will take. It's really fucking ridiculous. Some real Lannister drama on a redneck budget.
I do still recommend people make sure anything they want to keep is downloaded in the near future, and if I do delete and you have missed a fic you're welcome to message me and I will send a copy. And maybe, instead, I'll find my equilibrium and not delete at all. That's going to be something I have to figure out myself. But there is some absolute joy in this fandom, and whatever I end up doing I'm very glad to share it with you all
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aprillikesthings · 4 months
YOOO time for more she-ra rewatch
lolol at myself bc when I opened Netflix it was clear I'd left it paused right at the end of that sword-dragging scene eheheheheheh
so I watched it again
ahem, anyway
s1 ep 10, the beacon
my headphones aren't buzzing this time, thank fuck
(lol I got real distracted during this one)
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oh right they all think Entrapta's dead
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I mean I can't blame any of them for feeling that way
lol and then I got distracted and wrote a bit on my fic--I got some ideas at work today and wanted to pursue them.
and by "ideas" I mean I suddenly thought "hey remember that one bad breakup when you were 23, how the weekend after when you were alone in the house you cried so hard you worried you couldn't stop and started to panic and hyperventilate, and it only ended because a friend called to check on you? you should put that in the fic :D"
back now.
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I dunno if they meant to do this, but to me it looks like Adora's WAY more upset than Glimmer and Bow are. I know part of it is her blaming herself.
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yeah that's not good
"I'll recharge, stop glitching, and my mom never has to know :)" that's not how that works bb but okay
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(hordak is speaking here)
And...that's a good point. She-Ra is even more dangerous than Hordak thought before, because she was part of the Horde and knows a LOT about them.
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So this is one of the episodes I watched the first time with Daci over rabb.it. (That was actually our first "date," which is THE MOST LESBIAN THING EVER. Literally watching She-Ra online together in voice chat because we were long-distance.)
And I know this because I made a joke post about it to tumblr referencing K/DA, my fandom obsession at the time. That was on April 30th, 2019. I think that was the day Daci bought the plane tickets for their first visit. They moved in with me less than a year after that first visit.
Okay I looked up that date in our discord chats and
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EIGHT HOURS lolol okay we watched the show the day before I made the post. Also Daci had just bought the plane tickets I was right-- that visit was the last weekend in June.
We'd been flirting for months but I didn't actually believe Daci was serious about it until they bought the plane tickets. And then the NEXT WEEKEND after watching she-ra and Daci buying those tickets my dad had a brain hemorrhage and we took him off life support a few days after that, and Daci and I started video chatting EVERY DAY because I was alone in the house and off work for two weeks of bereavement leave.
Fuck one of my keys is acting up and the the paintbrush I use to dig under my keys to fix it is upstairs where Daci is sleeping, if I drop any r's that's why
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I mean that seems fair. Also: Emily!!!
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I'm trying to suppress how hard this is making me laugh and FAILING
Also her nose is wiggling omggg
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Did you know it's canon that Catra is entirely covered in hair like an actual cat? Or at least it's "word of God" via the showrunners on twitter. But outside of fan art by furries nooooobody includes that. Especially not in fic. Which is fine. Because I personally do not want to write that. Her ears are fuzzy, the marks on her arms are just birth marks, but the hair on her body is just normal human body hair and that's it.
THAT SAID I think I've only read one fic that intentionally included her sense of smell being stronger, and it was referenced in ONE LINE for smutty reasons eheheheheheh
Anyway it's this fic and it's by a friend and it's good
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Catra's expression is so often some variation on "...the fuck?"
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Literally read a fic last week with a scene about how getting ill in the Horde was a good way to end up dead from a combination of bad nutrition/healthcare and being a victim of bullies but I cannot remember which fic it was
NO WAIT it's this one I think. I've still got two chapters to go reading that fic because I've been intentionally savoring it, the character stuff is just SO GOOD and it's just such the opposite of my own writing style. (But it's also the fic that has a scene of "Adora has a nightmare and injures Catra in her sleep," and I really hope nobody thinks I copied it considering I wrote mine before I read it in their fic, aaugh)
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oh god there's a gif I can't find of a guy pressing his lips together like he's trying not to laugh and then looking at the camera and if you know the one: that one
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Entrapta and her lack of ability to understand personal space or normal boundaries is just so great but also the phrase "another woman's tail" is just perfection
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Yeah yeah I know Catra's being a manipulative little shithead here but also if I were to meet Entrapta and she didn't mind I would absolutely be twisting her hair CONSTANTLY just like I do my own
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the weird noises she's making must've been so much fun to voice-act
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So like, the whispering woods are like that one forest the hobbits walk through in the book version of lord of the rings where the trees keep like, closing in on them?
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that's the name of a g-idle song
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oh right I see what's going to happen here
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she's trying to comfort Shadow Weaver after immediately insulting her, bc of course she is
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"I was hard on you, I won't deny it; and I won't apologize. I just wanted to prepare you for the world. I just wanted you to be strong. :(" BULL FUCKING SHIT
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well, for a given definition of "strong"
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oh shit
Yeah that's a weird thing to bond over but okay
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I dunno why they did the cute little fangie thing here but I'm not complaining
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Okay so her face is stupid here (couldn't get a screenshot that included the caption and not the terrible face) BUT she really leaned into the sexy voice for this one and I made a noise and my laptop nearly slid to the floor pfft
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3-aem · 1 year
im so sorry you got hate :(
sending you free hugs if that’s okay! your art is the most fascinating I’ve seen, I’m serious. the strokes? the colours? i am deeply in love. you are amazing.
Thank you. This means a lot to hear rn.
EDIT 3. Since I felt peeved that someone was asking me to delete an old piece i actually did reach out to one of the artists (cannot currently figure out a way to contact the other). Permission was granted to keep it up.
I'm going to use this as an informal address of the issue if you do not mind. And i may delete it later.
Firstly i want it all to slide. I'm not a person who handles drama very well and I think I've already been made out to be some villain for some folks. I think there's already too much stink in the air but I'm here only to defend myself up to a line. This is long because I want to try and leave no stone unturned and cover all spots.
Skip to the bolded HERE for my direct address to that artist (skip my defense)
I do art for enjoyment. I enjoy when I learn. A crucial step for me has been learning from other artists. When I enjoy an artist or heavily reference their work I will call them out, credit them to the best of my ability. This is a track record you can observe. When I do not it's often because the reference is not exact, there reference was some generic pinterest pose/stock image esque/magazine esque photo, reverse image search and saucenao returned no hits (usually this means I am forced to link the pinterest instead).
I don't believe pose theft, pallette theft, concept theft is a thing, I think it's a form of gatekeeping and elitism but I will concede it can be a courtesy to call it out at will. Yet there are people who literally draw mannequin poses for share. If it inspires it inspires. I will not heavily debate this as I understand every artist feels differently about it but anyone in art understands implicitly the value of studying other art. Which is why I found that artist to be acting rather maliciously (*).
I know everything I've said thus far gets bungled when I start selling pieces and suddenly it appears I have a monetary incentive. Art does not pay my bills. The store is more so people who kept asking for those prints can get them. And I feel silly admitting this, but I only use the store promos on twitter to promo my piece (like on the timeline). It's a tactic I saw other artists using and i was like oh don't mind if i do too. It hurts my pride to admit. I do not make as much as anyone thinks I make and many Many prints do not sell. Inprnt takes half the earnings.
I personally upload almost every single piece so that I may purchase them or give them to friends. You will notice I do not have every single piece for public sale on store. There was an incident where a piece i did not intend to sell publicly was not rearchived and I failed to notice. I have a number of pieces up. The color schemes in a couple are very similar. Things get overlooked when you are not deliberately looking. Only two copies were sold during this time and if I had the option of knowing who bought it and how to issue a refund I would. I don't. I am sorry. This should not happen again.
HERE(*) I now want to address the way that artist framed their post and follow up discussions. First i take tremendous issue with the "big g*jo artist" lingo. My numbers do not dictate where i am as an artist and it is Absurdly infantile to think that bigger numbers means more mature, more seasoned, peak performance artist. I have worked years to get to where i am, and I am still working. I've complained about this. I've talked about this at length here on tumblr, how I get frustrated when I find myself stagnating skill wise, regressing. I don't understand how the thread could be so lost that this artist thinks I have made myself as an artist solely on a select few referenced pieces and that my goal is purely socmed growth.
Next, there's an impression that I blocked the artist on first contact. I did not. There was a full discussion where I brought up many similar arguments and when it reached the point where I no longer felt like any meaningful discussion could be had i made it clear I would be blocking but no hard feelings. It became clear at the end that the artist was truly just pressuring me to delete a couple Old pieces for what I assume was their own pleasure and to satisfy their righteous indignation. I did not and do not want to play that game.
Now the credit issue. There is a belief that I chose to issue credit on two pieces using a burner acct because i did not want that credit to be seen. As I mentioned these posts were old, specifically by 2 months. I post a lot. I have grown a lot in that time. There's a belief I don't feel shame for doing a poor credit job. I do. I feel tremendous guilt. I did not want those Pieces Themselves to be seen even if I refuse to delete (out of spite) If I had used my main art acct to reply there would be no doubt that those pieces would have be replaced onto the timeline and seen new traction, which would very much Not be the desired outcome. Was this the perfect solution, No. The perfect solution would be for me to have gotten the credit right the first time or update my standards for crediting to include the exceptions i listed at the start. The first part which I suspect is what is really being asked, is simply not possible though.
I apologize for those who may feel hurt re those two pieces. I mentioned this in my conversation with the artist that it was Not my intention to discredit, profit or hurt anyone. Obviously they left this out when they plainly said I blocked them and then liked a follow up comment that called me a coward.
This has been long. Thank you if you read all this. I will work to ensure nothing like this happens again.
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abyssalpriest · 1 year
Welcome to the Abyss
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You've stumbled into an arching, sea-worn Cathedral standing firm on a liminal precipice between planes, headed by a lone priest singing hymns ad orientem to the waves. Congratulations!
Housekeeping note: Serious posts and writings currently on hold, they will return (and see the directories for past posts) but for now this is mostly aesthetics.
Anglerfish lure for the spirit and god known by the names Leviathan, Shiva, Poseidon, and others. If these syncretisations don't mean anything to you, you are of course still welcome.
In fact, all are welcome (over 18) as long as you acknowledge this blog is effectively making my homework public and nothing else. I am not here to teach or be copied, I am only learning.
The roles of "Priest" and "God" are solely a roleplay between Leviathan and I for personal purposes, not between me and you. To be clear though: Everything on this blog is genuine spirit work and not character roleplay.
This place will contain talks of adult topics and explicit art, both in terms of religious symbolism and talking about our romantic and sexual relationship. Visual art will be tagged "#nsft", but since sex and related things are symbols, energies, and acts integral to our relationship and what he teaches me, expect to see a lot of untagged mentions and discussions including outright recollections of sexual encounters, and so on.
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Blog-wide disclaimer (link)
Directory of my written posts (link)
The God:
The Destroyer - The Black Hole - The Sky Father - The Polarising Ruler - Lord Death
I use the name Leviathan for him as default. Instead of all his "bigger" names, he uses this one with me for a reason.
Different names invoke different energies and expressions, names of his are not arbitrarily interchangeable nor invoked
He prefers I don't talk about him directly here, everything you need to know about him can be gathered from what's written here whether you it comes across correctly or not
This space exists for him and parts of his energy such as Ahi the Sky Serpent and Red Sky, though you may see one or two spirits close to him here or there. It's a space purely dedicated to he and I, though
You will not see workings with Leviathan's brothers here, nor Goetic spirits beyond Vepar - a name of Red Sky's, one half of Leviathan. It is Leviathan's space.
The Priest:
The Eye - The Incense - The Rook - The Cathedral - The Hellhound
Call me Dei. He/they, NB
Incarnated spirit
Shaivism & Hermeticism are the closest labels to describing my beliefs. I base my beliefs on PVG first, research second however
I am not a Luciferian, Satanist, or follower of the Left Hand Path.
I'm a channeller first and foremost. I intend to go down the Tantric path and this blog is a big part of that, which means, Shaiva and other religious specifics to that word aside, I am focused on action, practice, experience, and understanding and being the world through self as opposed to through other
Most of my spirit work is done in tandem with Leviathan, Hermes, personal spirits, and my twinflame on this plane (currently not on tumblr)
I don't believe people doing things different to me are inherently doing them wrong because they see and know things I do not, and I hope you will approach me with the same courtesy. I believe we're all on the path we need to be even if other people's paths looks wrong, disrespectful, stupid, etc in our eyes. I have spent too much time in discourse spaces and don't want to join in anymore.
Though I am open to discussions and will approach you with the respect you approach me with, I have a lot of severe issues with being social, so please do not think I think negatively of you or what you've said if I don't reply
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To do list:
Tags meanings ("Dreamland Visions = locational tag for mindspace/mental realm things", what the words channelling and possession mean to me when I use them, etc)
Summary & navigation page for all my original posts ie meditations, channellings, etc
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thewolfmanny · 2 years
uhhh sappy post time
last halloween, i played house of ashes with my partner, their sister, and their sister's girlfriend. we all picked our characters and passed the controller around in couch multiplayer mode. obviously, i picked salim cuz he was the only one who wasn't us military lmao and i decided i needed to protect him at all costs. my partner played jason (cute) which thank god cuz they picked the best choices to make him feel really bad about himself hehe
i really enjoyed the story and discovered there was a fan community when i deep dived into the tumblr tag for aesthetic gif sets. i was so confused by how jason/salim could work that i started writing my fic home with you to see if i can come up with a story for them to believably get together. i don't think i did a bad job! it was the first fic i wrote/finished
now for the serious part and the point of this post - last year, i was going thru a major depressive episode bordering on suicidal due to some unfortunate-bordering-on-devastating things happening in my life. i was isolating myself and barely getting out of bed or eating. what was rough was that halloween is my favorite holiday so it was hard to get into the headspace to enjoy it until we got around to playing the game together
i found an online community during a time when i felt very disconnected with the community i used to have IRL and has since disintegrated due to the pandemic. i've lost a lot of friends over these past 2-3 years and it's still hard some days as i am trying to recover from a lifelong struggle with trauma
however, i've met some great people thru hoa and it's given me the inspiration/outlet to draw and write again when i hadn't done so for years. i look back at my first drawings for hoa a year ago and how much i've improved since then, even in writing. now i'm getting the itch to create original stories and take my art/writing seriously. being in fandom this past year has helped a lot in my recovery including safely exploring my gender and sexuality, trauma, educating myself on the world around me, and renewing old passions like learning about history. i love meeting new people from around the world and connecting together to enjoy something we love, to have fun, and relate to each other when so much terribleness is happening all over the place. kinda feels like the point of house of ashes and maybe that's why i love it so much
i'm going to start setting up my patreon and ways for folks to throw me some money if they're feeling generous. recently i had to quit a very toxic job due to racism/ableism and i'm not sure when i'll be in a good place to work full-time again. i wish i could draw and write every day for y'all and live comfortably but it's hard working solely as an artist nowadays. still, i have projects planned for the future - some horror related, kink related, original characters - and i hope y'all stick around. i'm not done with HOA yet
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