#i can get why some find it unappealing but it's such a good way to write her
people need to give more love to The Answer (Persona 3 FES)'s soundtrack. it's good enough to stand alongside The Journey in my opinion; sure the Mass Destruction remix isn't all that good but then you have stuff like Heartful Cry which goes hard as hell and Interstice of Time which is just as good as Tartarus in my opinion. the way it's packaged into the officially released soundtrack is perfect, too; instead of each part of the song being separate tracks that all have fadeouts and don't last longer than like 2-3 minutes, it's one continuous seamless 10 minute experience that is so fucking good, as the tension builds and builds and builds and builds with all the different kinds of instrumentation that's introduced, same as Tartarus, but instead of capping off at an epic orchestral finale like how Tartarus does all that tension is dissipated instantly by the return to the simple piano at the finale and it's fucking Haunting I love it so much
#persona 3#persona 3 fes#p3#p3fes#the answer feels like this all throughout imo#it's such an expertly crafted followup to the journey#i love metis#i love aigis#i love the struggle between sees at the revelation of being able to see makoto again#i LOVE how yukari is portrayed#i can get why some find it unappealing but it's such a good way to write her#i love the flashbacks so much#yeah it's story dripfeed and in the end probably isn't worth it considering the effort it takes to get there#but seeing young akihiko and young mitsuru makes it worth it#p3p came out after fes so the junpei flashback serves to give him some much needed depth as a character#its such a good story god fucking damn#i just wish it didn't suck to play...#i get they needed to stretch it out one way or another but... cmon...#its so needlessly hard#unironically impossible unless youre committed to grinding (which is something i thought persona was actively against but okay)#and even with the grind you still gotta know the game's systems in and out in order to beat the minibosses#it makes me so mad#yeah its a skill issue but i dont fucking care#would it really have hurt them to add a difficulty option#or atleast a baby mode that was more similar to p3's normal difficulty. which is already a fair challenge#idk man i just wish i didnt have to cheat my way through the game in order to be able to experience the story#one day i will legitimately beat the answer#but that day is not today. or anytime within the next few years
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ms-demeanor · 9 months
Atheist condolence card like "sucks that your grandpa no longer exists and you'll never see him again, oh well"
I mean, I'm looking for a condolence card for a Jewish family (found a pretty good one, will be adding a note about a shared memory of the deceased and hopes for the mourners that their memory may be a blessing).
But also I have no idea why people find the concept of an afterlife comforting. Legitimately, that is unappealing to me and the idea that I would be artificially separated from the people that I love and reintroduced to them after a period of separation if there was no need for that time of mourning and loss seems. Bullshit? It seems like bullshit? Capricious and cruel at best?
Anyway when my grandpa died we got a phone call when they tossed is ashes into the ocean and we never saw him again! Being reminded that we wouldn't see him in an afterlife wasn't the sad part, the sad part was knowing that we wouldn't know him anymore, that we'd be on one side of a growing divide, that there was a before and an after and we had left him behind while we had to move forward. It wouldn't have been comforting to think "well perhaps someday when I have lived my life without him, I will see him again in a place where nothing from this life (all the things that I have done, all the things that he taught me) will matter because they were worldly and unimportant."
What was comforting at that time, and after the very many family deaths that I have experienced (and I've experienced a lot! I've been comfortable with the idea that I'll never see my loved ones again when they're gone since I was a very small child!), and what I suspect is comforting even for religious people who have experienced a loss is to be reminded of the people who are still on the same side of that dividing line, who we can still love and adore and support and make memories with.
Anyway. I'm an atheist at least partially because of my grandfather, who was a magician and a skeptic and took great joy in skewering the supernatural. It would be an insult to his memory to think that he was an angel lighting up a star in heaven or whatever the christian condolence cards say.
My grandpa did a sexy comedy magical immolation of my grandmother in front of crowds; there was a devil on the flier.
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(grandma's the one on the right)
Pictured: Not someone who had much reverence for death or much patience for the supernatural:
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(Funny story, when my dad came to visit this week he saw a 2-post 52U server rack on the driveway from a distance and asked me "where did you guys get the guillotine? Did I leave that here?")
But my family is probably *unusually* atheist and irreverent.
For atheists in general I don't know why people think that it's more upsetting to acknowledge the truth (that once people are dead you won't see them anymore) than to be told "comforting" lies (that you will see dead people again at some mystical place that you have no access to or proof of).
I *hate* hearing "they're in a better place" when I'm mourning someone I loved because that's something that's comforting for a religious person to say but dismisses both the way that I mourn and (frequently in my family) the beliefs of the deceased. They are not in a better place, they are *gone* and I don't want to imagine that they're somewhere waiting for me to join them again, I want to remember them for who they were and accept that they aren't in my life anymore.
"They're in heaven now" "they're with the angels now" "they're with their maker" - none of those things are true and they reflect an extremely limited worldview that I don't share and find pretty insipid actually! Thank you for trying to comfort me you are doing a poor job of it I'm going to go hang out and talk to someone who actually knew them and we'll share stories of what an asshole they were and what kind of crazy nonsense they got up to and what a big, important part of our lives they were and we'll start trying to make sense of how to fill the hole left behind with something practical and joyful and fun and honest that they would have loved instead of cardboard angel wings.
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cod-sins · 11 months
Hi! :)
Can I request könig w/ a insecure chubby s/o headcanons? (If you're okay with writing that) I read your könig headcanons and this came in my mind
Have a good day!! :33
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.ೃ࿐ Format: Hcs.
.ೃ࿐ Reader: Undisclosed. Fat/chubby/plus-sized.
.ೃ࿐ Ratings: SFW. NSFW UNDER CUT.
.ೃ࿐ Word Count: 725.
[A/N: Why not kill two birds with one stone? It's not just big girls he likes, it's big boys too! König likes 'em all. Also if this seems a little repetitive sorry my brain is fried and so is my laptop. P.S. My gay ass really likes cheek cupping so yall gon see a lot of that.]
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König understands what it feels like to be insecure about your own body. He was the tallest boy in his class and always felt singled out by his fellow classmates. There were times were he absolutely dreaded going to school knowing he would be ridiculed and teased about how tall he was. To him it was one of the worse things he experienced so he would never want anyone to deal with that ESPECIALLY his partner.
You would stare at yourself in the mirror, constantly comparing yourself to other people you saw. You always felt as if you weren't good enough when it came to everyone else. You tried to ignore it but the feeling always kept crawling back. It would get to the point where you feel like you weren't even good enough for your own boyfriend. You began hiding your shape, wearing clothes that were double your size, and switched out your things for stuff you'd normally wear in the Winter/Fall.
König would start to pick up on this. Noticing that you started skipping meals or wearing clothes that weren't usually your type. He would gently pull you aside to find out what's wrong. Probably waiting until you were both lying in bed to ask, so you couldn't dodge his questions.
"Liebe," he said softly while repeatedly rubbing circles into your back. "is, everything alright with you?" He continued with pauses in his sentence. You mumbled out that you were fine but this answer didn't satisfy König. He pulls you up, rearranging y'alls position so that you were making direct eye contact with him. Even on his lap he still managed to hover over you.
He asks you once again with a more focused look in his eye. “Schatz, what's the matter with you? You have been acting so…different lately. You aren't yourself these past few days.” He says frowning.
Unable to hide it any longer you begin to cry into his arms, confessing that you don't feel worthy about being his partner. You tell him how you don't feel attractive and that you aren't comfortable with your body anymore. König pulls you into a hug, kissing your head while muttering “Oh Liebeling, can't you see how beautiful/handsome you are? You shouldn't hide or change any part of yourself. You are so perfect the way you are, that's why I fell in love with you in the first place.” He says solemnly while cupping your face.
To counter the way you're feeling König would start spoiling you with brand-new clothes, taking photos of you, and giving lots of attention to parts of your body. Don't like your stretch marks? He's tracing them up and down with his fingers smiling. Dislike your stomach/fat rolls, well he doesn't! It's natural and a sign that you're body is alive and you're well taken care of. Think your fat fingers are unappealing? He's already placing them on his face and gently kissing them.
König is going to make it his mission to make sure you feel good about yourself.
Even though his social anxiety is bad he would try and take you out places to flaunt you off. He wants you to know that you can come to him when you feel bad about yourself he's your boyfriend after all.
[A/N: That was the SFW now for me to be a horny degenerate with some once again mild (very self-indulgent) smut. Picking up from the crying part.]
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The only time König wants to see you cry is when he's overstimulating you, so after he's done soothing you he starts kissing his favorite parts of your body starting from top to bottom. He kisses your cheek before moving down to your neck, sucking and lightly grazing it. Spending a considerable König continues to go lower and lower until you're on your back and his mouth is on your heat.
He'd spend hours down on you, sucking your dick/clit, eating your ass/pussy making sure you feel loved. He gets so much pleasure from watching your legs shake after giving him your third orgasm. You're vision is hazy and you have your hands buried in his hair. You could feel him slightly humping the bed for some form of relief.
By the time you're done you're covered in sweat and ripped lingerie. Bite marks, hickeys n bruises are speckled all over your body. König would savor this moment forever keeping a polaroid photo safely tucked away just in case he misses you too much on a mission. <3
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eksvaized · 7 months
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Masterlist. My links.
As you toss and turn in bed, trying to find a comfortable position, you pull the soft blanket over your body, wrapping it tightly around your shoulders. Your face burrows deep into the pillow, the cool fabric against your warm cheek providing momentary relief from the heat your thoughts are generating. A weary sigh escapes past your parted lips, getting muffled by the pillow as you push your face deeper into it. For a fleeting second, welcoming darkness swallows your consciousness, akin to a starless night sky, and you dare to hope that, at last, the sleep that has seemed so elusive all night might finally grace you with its presence. But this moment of serenity is short-lived.
Out of nowhere, it’s as if a bright light has been switched on inside your restless mind. Like inquisitive tendrils of ivy, thoughts weave their way back into your consciousness, shattering the fragile silence that had enveloped you. They revolve around one person: Simon. You wonder if he’s sleeping. And if he’s awake, is he thinking about you? Because no matter how hard you try, all you can think about is him.
An entire hour passes, each tick of the clock hanging above the door echoing in your ears. You realise won’t be able to fall asleep tonight. Your irritated groan reverberates off the room walls, and with a swift move, you kick off the blanket, letting it tumble to the foot of the bed. After peeling your body off the mattress, your bare feet touch the cool floor. The thought of spending the night alone in the dark, deafening silence is unappealing. So, you decide to seek out some company to help you pass the time until dawn.
The once bustling barracks now lie in an unsettling stillness, drowned in an eerie silence that echoes in your ears. As you cautiously emerge from your room, the only sounds are the muffled padding of your footsteps, a stark contrast to the incessant buzzing of the flickering overhead lights. Their dim glow casts long shadows that creep across the barren floor, revealing the emptiness that fills the empty corridor ahead. Your fingers delicately glide along the concrete wall. With each step, your eyes shift from door to door, each one identical to the last. But as you draw closer to Simon’s room, a rush of anticipation surges through your veins, creating a tingling sensation that travels down your spine, quickening your heartbeat.
You knock twice; the noise trailing off into the surrounding silence. As your knuckles brush against the grainy wood, you feel its rough texture beneath your fingertips. With a nervous shift of weight from one leg to the other, you graze your arm back down to your side, instinctively biting down on the inside of your cheek. Suddenly, a distinct noise fills the air - the creaking of a mattress under pressure, accompanied by a soft grunt and a flurry of at least five curse words. The heavy footsteps draw nearer, each one resonating with growing intensity, and finally, the door swings open.
“Were you sleeping?” You ask, keeping your voice low.
“Yes,” Simon murmurs, his drowsy eyes landing on you. You can hear the slight irritation in his voice. He sighs softly, his hand moving to rub his face and scratch his stubble. Still groggy, he leans against the doorway, his tall frame looming over you. He crosses his muscular arms over his chest, sleep still clinging to him, and waits for you to explain why you thought it was a good idea to wake him up at this late hour.
“I can’t sleep,” you confess, taking a deliberate step closer to him. Your eyes skim over his bare chest, coming to rest on the grey sweatpants he put on after climbing out of bed. You’re aware of the way your gaze lingers, the way your eyes greedily drink in the sight before you and the fact that Simon is watching you, but you can’t make yourself look away. A desperate desire, yearning to trace your fingertips over the defined lines of his abs, to feel the warmth of his skin beneath your touch consumes all your thoughts.
Another sigh slips past Simon’s lips. His eyes roll slightly when you finally shift your gaze to meet his. Leaning out of the doorway, he scans the empty corridor, his gaze darting from side to side. After ensuring that no prying eyes are glued to the two of you, he moves aside and opens the door wider, allowing you to step into the room.
You and Simon are friends who occasionally fuck. But what began as quick and meaningless sex, over time, turned into a friendship. The loneliness that comes with being a soldier stationed far from home is a universal experience, and neither you nor Simon were exceptions to this rule, which is why you kept coming to see him, and which is why he never pushed you away.
After the first time you slept together, Simon was apprehensive, so, for a while, he kept his distance from you. He would leave the room when you entered or avert his gaze when you looked at him, acting as if he didn’t notice you trying to talk with him. However, as time passed, and once you reassured him on countless occasions that you didn’t expect to date him and were content with being just friends, the walls Simon had built around himself crumbled. He allowed you to see a side of him that was kept hidden from the rest of the world.
“Scoot,” he orders as you settle onto the bed. Your hand moves across the blanket, feeling the soft texture underneath your palm.
You slip off your slippers, discarding them without a second thought. Next, you take off your sweater in one swift motion, throwing it on the floor. You are left in shorts and a black lace bra. Moving closer to the wall, you make space for Simon. As he crawls in the bed and lays down, the old mattress creaks under his weight. Each movement he makes causes it to groan in protest. You sit patiently and wait for him to get comfortable. When his head hits the pillow, his fingers wrap around your wrist. He gives your hand a gentle tug and you tumble straight into his arms, your body fitting perfectly against his.
The silence settles over you like a soft velvet blanket; the air hushed and tranquil. You nestle your head on Simon’s chest, feeling the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. Your hand, warm against his skin, finds its place on his torso; his free hand, rests on your knee and begins to move, his thumb drawing soothing circles on your silky-smooth skin. The subtle touch sends a wave of warmth coursing through you.
“I told you that you should have stayed,” he murmurs, after closing his heavy-lidded eyes, his voice barely above a whisper. The scent of your perfume and the familiar aroma of your shower gel is clinging to the sheets, which makes you realise that he didn’t bother changing them after you left his room earlier tonight.
As your fingertips slide over his skin, tracing invisible patterns, you can feel the ripple of his well-defined muscles and firm abs tightening beneath the gentle pressure of your touch. His body, tense as a coiled spring, only relaxes when he draws a long, deep breath. The moment is stretched out as he slowly exhales through his parted lips, releasing the breath that he had been holding in his lungs, and with it, some of the tension that had built up within him.
“I thought I should sleep in my bed at least once this week,” you reply, a faint smile tugging at the corners of your lips. “I love waking up in your arms every morning, but I hate being late because of it.”
“Next time, I won’t let you leave.”
You don’t say anything else, but your fingers continue to skim across the contours of his waist, your touch feather-like but still enough to make him shiver. He allows you to continue for a little bit longer, but then his hand suddenly clasps around your wrist, his grip firm but not painful, making you stop.
“Close your eyes and go to sleep.” The words that he utters sound a lot like a command, but you, being a brat, and because you like to annoy Simon until he has enough and puts you back in your place, shake your head, your loose hair tickling his chest.
“I’m not tired.” You lift your chin to meet his gaze. When his eyelids flutter open, revealing those brown eyes that are now fixed on you, a playful pout forms on your lips. Slowly, you inch your face closer to his as if being pulled by an invisible string. You halt your movement only when the tip of your nose brushes against his.
His fingers hook around the soft curve of your thigh, causing an involuntary reflex as your knee bends. As his fingertips embark on a journey, they glide up the length of your leg. He doesn’t rush; he savours every moment, every reaction he evokes from you, whether it’s a hushed gasp or you biting your lip to quell your racing heart. When his hand reaches your ass, he digs his digits into your skin and begins to knead your soft flesh through the flimsy fabric of your shorts. This creates a tingling sensation, a shiver of anticipation that originates from the point of contact but doesn’t stop there. It travels up your back, setting every nerve on fire, leaving a trail of goosebumps in its wake, and stirring a whirlpool of emotions within you.
“If you want something, love, use your words and say it,” he says, his voice low and enticing. His lips twitch, struggling to suppress the beguiling smirk that desperately attempts to make itself visible.
When his hand slips under your shorts and curls around your hip, your body tenses, and your breathing ceases. But that only lasts until your cheeks begin rapidly heating up and you melt into his touch. The tension is palpable. You can taste it on the tip of your tongue each time you part your lips to take a shallow breath. Wanting to escape the electric atmosphere for a mere moment, you place your palms on the mattress, and, with a soft, barely audible grunt, you push yourself into a kneeling position.
Despite the overwhelming darkness of the room, a soft, almost ethereal grey glow fills the space as the moonlight seeps in through the slightly ajar window. Your eyes travel down his body, and you swallow hard, trying to drown out the loud beating of your heart that echoes in your ears. You notice the snug fit of his joggers around his crotch. When Simon realises where your eyes are fixed, he slips further down into the sheets, stretching out his legs.
You don’t have to be looking at him to know that a smirk emerges on his face. You can practically hear it in the silence of the room as his brows lift in amusement, and he continues to wait to see what you will decide to do next.
The air in the room is thick with desire and mounting tension, a palpable energy that makes your skin tingle with heat.
“You have to stop staring at me with those big doe eyes...” His voice is laced with obvious amusement. His hand lands on your knee, a casual yet intimate touch, and you can feel the warmth seeping into your bones, sending a wave of butterflies fluttering in your stomach. “I’ll give you five seconds, love.”
You know what he wants you to say, but you keep your lips sealed. As he starts counting, each time he utters a number, his index finger lightly taps your knee.
“... Four. If you keep those pretty pink lips sealed and stay quiet...” Another tap. “Three... I’m going back to bed.”
You bite your bottom lip, pulling it between your teeth in a mixture of apprehension and anticipation. Your eyes flicker between his hand resting on your knee and his face. Your cheeks are still flushed a bright red, and each time you catch his smirk, the heat intensifies, painting your cheeks with an even darker shade of embarrassment. Even though you are dressed only in shorts and a light lace blouse, the room still feels stifling. The air is thick and hot, and the temperature seems to only rise with each passing second.
“I want...” You wait until the very last second, drawing out the suspense before finally speaking.
“Two.” He taps your knee one last time, the finality of the gesture causing a knot in your stomach. His hand retreats, falling back into his lap. “And... one."
“I want you. Now."
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ghouljams · 3 months
and i sooo think personal biass and views are obvious when people write the traditional a/b/o. sometimes i cant even concentrate/ finish it because its sooo obvious and i start thinking about the real world implications
Maybe it's because I have world builder's disease but so much of traditional a/b/o falls apart with just a little bit of pressure. You're telling me suppressants for omegas are the only form of birth control? You're telling me that betas are basically left to experience life without a sense because they're just normal people next to alphas/omegas? Like what's the point of betas if they're nose blind and don't have fertility cycles or social standing? Afab alphas are rare? Are amab alphas common? Why is that? Hm? Why would that be?
There are always personal biases in fiction, but I find them to be particularly obvious in omegaverse. The way that Dom/sub become gendered so severely really makes me upset! There are just as many dominant afab people as there are dominant amab folks, and vice versa with subs! Why should amab/afab dictate the secondary hormones?
I'm also not a fan of mpreg. Which makes that plot point of a/b/o just wholly unappealing to me. Anyway.
Here are some hot off the presses Ghoul a/b/o world building thoughts I've had recently:
OTC birth control for EVERYONE. If you have fertility cycles as a societal standard then everyone on the spectrum should be using birth control. Pills for Alphas, Omegas, and Betas, plus implants/spermicides/whatever.
In the same vein: After Heat pills. We at (pharmaceutical company) get it, it's hard to remember pills when you're in heat/rut. If you think you missed a dose you can take this neat little after heat pill! Yeetus that Fetus before it starts getting ideas. (call that plan a/B/o)
Specialized food for different endotypes. Different hormones gotta effect different things, and probably need different things, restaurants would probably have "endotypical" dishes with different things for each person. They all taste good but maybe if you're an omega one will taste better than the other? Also snacks? The snack aisle would probably have little stamps on stuff like "great for alphas!" "great for betas!" etc.
Endotype specific vitamins and supplements?
Medical leave for heats/ruts at jobs.
Apps that tell you when your cycle is coming in. Heat/Rut specific pads and whatever?
Beta as a sliding scale between omega and alpha with its own hormone qualifications. Betas with their own scents. Betas with their own pack roles. Betas with their own stereotypes and PORN. God the market for Beta porn must be fucking crazy. Betas that lean a little more alpha having a little bit of a knot, drives the bitches wild. Betas that lean a little more omega who rub the little gland in their neck when they're stressed to get that happy hormone.
Scent erasers... or neutralizers? A little spray perfume that clears different people's scents off you.
Omegas having to be the one to offer sharing their heat with a partner. Omegas having to keep from butting into conflicts that don't involve them...
Alphas having to hold themselves back from micro-managing their friends and loved ones, lest they be labeled as domineering.
Betas having to reign in their propensity towards brute forcing their way through emotional problems when people ask them for help.
Just... Spectrum endotypes where being a "true" alpha or omega is rare and everyone falls somewhere on a sliding scale. (Unless you're like Ghost and have a hormone problem...)
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shinidamachu · 7 months
CHAPTER TEN: Can I Have This Dance?
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SUMMARY: “and I’d choose you. In a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds, in any version of reality, I’d find you and I’d choose you.” – Kiersten White. For each chapter, a prompt from the One Hundred Ways to Say I Love You list. WORDS: 1.570 GENRE: fluff FANDOM: Inukag FORMAT: multichapter ALSO FOUND ON: AO3
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Kagome was many, many things. That much, Inuyasha knew.
Impossibly kind, of course, was one of them. 
He had heard of kindness before, even held it for a while, back when he didn’t know just how easily it could slip through his fingers. Then he grew to learn he wasn’t worthy of it and figured if he didn’t deserve it, neither did everyone else.
Kagome, however, had different ideas. Her kindness was a miracle thrusted upon a non believer. He dared not to pray for it, mocked the ones who had faith such a thing even existed, but experiencing it firsthand still brought him to his knees at the end of the day. To share her generosity with the world so freely was bold, if a little naive. To share her generosity with the likes of him? It was nothing short of incredible.
Add courageous to the list. Kagome was so, so brave, it surprised and scared him in the very same amount. It was a strange balance between reverent pride and inadequate fright, because she was his to protect and yet not his at all.
She was smart, too. Or at least one might say she was. Inuyasha wouldn’t. A smart girl would have left long ago without thinking twice when he offered the chance. A smart girl wouldn’t keep on coming back. And he could have never, ever blamed her for it.
Gorgeous. There was no denying that she was. Even though, for reasons Inuyasha wasn’t quite ready to explore, he couldn’t help but deny it, especially to himself.
And sure, after a lot of practice — and a whole lot of failure — the girl became a formidable fighter with a bow on her hand and some arrows in her quiver.
Yes, Kagome was many, many things. 
But she wasn’t at all graceful. In fact, Kagome was the type of person to stumble over her own two left feet. On flat surfaces. Constantly.
Then why couldn’t he take his eyes off of her? Why were they so obstinate on following her every fumbling move as she danced — tried to dance — with the villagers in this silly little festival of theirs?
If Inuyasha had it his way, they would never have stopped for that sort of useless distraction, not when they were in the middle of a world changing quest. Staying put did nothing to nudge them towards their goal, nor did it soothe that feeling inside, urging him to keep going, reminding him that he wasn’t allowed to waste time, that the enjoyment of the simplest things caused a false sense of security he couldn’t afford, a happiness he wasn’t permitted.
Besides, bad things always seemed to happen whenever he decided to stay around humans — other than his own — for too long. Still, it was four against one. Again. And Inuyasha had to admit: the prospect of warm, seasoned food wasn’t exactly unappealing.
The village was an explosion of vibrant colors, cheerful sounds and appetizing smells. Inuyasha didn’t know or cared about what there was to celebrate. The plan was short and clear. Eat. Get some rest. Then leave at first light.
That was until Kagome thought it was a good idea to drag Shippo to the direction where the music was coming from.
To Inuyasha’s surprise, not a single nose twitched. Nobody screamed obscenities or ran for the hills. Shippo’s presence was welcomed into the dancing crowd like he was just another person. Like it didn’t matter who he was, what he was.
But Inuyasha remained grounded. 
He had made that mistake once or twice: letting his guard down, thinking it might be different this time around, only to pay the price at the end. 
Although Shippo was a demon, a seemingly inoffensive kid didn’t pose as much of a threat as Inuyasha, with his sharp claws and fangs. The best course of action was to not push his luck and keep a low profile. That way, they could co-exist in relative peace.
Worst case scenario he would get to watch while Kagome danced.
He smirked.
Her unusual clothes made her stand out in an almost comical manner, but Inuyasha had no doubt he’d recognize her anywhere, anytime, even if they didn’t give her away. 
There were flowers all over Kagome’s wild hair, their soft shades contrasting with her dark onyx. She was doing her best to keep up and, ever the fast learner, was struggling considerably less to do so now than at the beginning. Barefoot, Kagome would laugh at any missed steps and fall right back in the rhythm, delighted to merely be there, trying.
It was a sight to behold, the way she inadvertently brightened the entire place, the way she captured the attention of everyone present without even meaning to.
“Enjoying the view, I see.”
“Fuck off,” Inuyasha replied, pushing Miroku’s suggestive face away, promptly returning his gaze to Kagome.
Their eyes locked and she smiled, enthusiastically waving for him to join her. Inuyasha refused the offer with a shake of head that held more politeness than he usually would care to show for anyone else, flattered that she’d even thought to ask.
Kagome rolled her eyes good-naturedly and went back to dancing, knowing him too well to act surprised.
“It’s not chivalrous to deny a dance to a lady.”
“Good ‘cause I ain’t no gentleman.”
“Just dance with her already. You know you want to.”
“That’s ridiculous.”
“Leave him alone, Monk,” Sango finally chimed in, “he obviously doesn’t have the guts.”
Inuyasha scowled at her, coming dangerously close to taking the bait, but recognized it for what it was in time.
“This isn’t gonna work, ya know?”
“Well, then maybe this will.”
Sango pushed him and suddenly Inuyasha found himself surrounded by swirling villagers. His brain went into overload, desperate to decide what would be less mortifying: slowly retreating and giving Sango the satisfaction of calling him a coward or… dancing.
That’s when Kagome saw him — her contagious smile growing into a full beam — and reached for him. So he opted for what felt right, for what felt natural.
He went to her.
Inuyasha was painfully aware of how stupid he looked. How was it possible to feel more comfortable fighting demons twice his size than following a goddamn choreography?
Against all odds, he persisted, determined to cross the distance between them. Only every time they got close, the steps demanded them to move in opposite directions.
A lot of clapping, swinging and twisting later, Inuyasha was at the verge of giving up when, by some miracle, they got face to face. His excitement lasted all of the two seconds it took for the music to end and the crowd to disperse. They stood there, a tad bit breathless, a tad bit awkward. Inuyasha scratched his head while she blushed, both avoiding eye contact at any costs. Kagome mumbled something about finding Shippo and left him wondering if she was as disappointed as he felt.
Everything went smoothly and uneventfully from there. Miroku and Sango had the decency to keep their mouths shut and the food was, indeed, fantastic. They set camp on the outskirts of the village — there were no huts available, so Miroku didn’t even try to pretend that granting them the Shogun’s quarters was essential to eradicate the supposedly great evil that lurked the area — and bathed on the nearby river, where Inuyasha was headed.
His friends had turned in for the night, but sleep evaded him. Every time he closed his eyes, Kagome was there, dancing like a dream: beautiful and just out of his reach. His mind made a point out of burning the images to memory and replaying them in the sweetest kind of torture.
He was filling Kagome’s canteens with water, figuring it would be wise to use his restlessness to get at least one chore out of the way come morning, when his ears twitched at the unmistakable sound of her approach.
“Hey! Watcha doin’ up?”
“I could ask you the same question.”
“Is that so?” He didn’t reply, so after a pause she continued, “I had fun earlier.”
“Yeah, I know.” Inuyasha cleared his throat, then confessed, “me too.” Even though I’m not supposed to, he mentally added.
“Can I have this dance?”
That caught him completely off guard. Inuyasha genuinely thought their chance had passed. 
Kagome took the canteen out of his grasp and put it safely on the ground, his heart lapping furiously at the accidental brush the gesture caused. She reached her hand again, the same way she did before, waiting for his answer.
Inuyasha tilted his head.
“There’s no music.”
“I don’t mind, I just… I wanted to dance with you today.”
It was all he needed to hear in order to get up and take her warm hand with his cold, wet one, watching as she ever so gently interlocked their fingers without seeming to care.
They looked at each other, their noses nearly touching until Kagome set the pace, using their connected hands to spin herself away from him only to then step back into his hold, her cheeks now against his chest, her other palm resting on his shoulder. Inuyasha snaked an arm around her waist and they swayed in place under the moonlight.
It was nothing like the gleeful moves from the villagers, but in that stolen moment, Inuyasha swore. 
He could hear music.
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A/N.: written for @inuvember and dedicated to @goshinote as a very belated birthday gift. This was heavily inspired by that one scene in Tangled, with a touch of Delena at the end. Hope you guys enjoy.
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punkeropercyjackson · 17 days
As said yes when i asked my new moot @tubvoids,here is why Percy is autistic and in fact,objectively the most autistic-coded character in the entire franchise!
'Troubled kid' literally just means 'autistic kid who faces peer abuse and even adult abuse for it'.It's Percy's entire character and lingers into his adulthood
Was a bully beater and stayed that way no matter how many times he got expelled
Ass at school but really smart in every other area
Has his intellegence insulted nonstop his whole life and just takes it despite what a strong backbone he has because he thinks he deserves it
Anger issues and general emotional regulation issues
Mama's boy who's mom dosen't quite always understand how he works or why he is the way he is but loves and is good to him anyway and considers his differences from normal people a gift instead of a flaw or something that needs to be 'cured'
Canon safe food(blue food)and Resting Bitch Face(the 'scary default expression' he inhereted from Poseidon)
Dosen't even try to understand social norms because he thinks they're stupid as fuck
Super kind and earnest in a way that gets on normies' nerves both in-universe and irl because they think he's 'corny' and 'unrealistic'
Has a beyond weird as all fuck sense of humor that's just natural instead of actively trying to be funny and always lands
Wears layers/heavy clothes all the time
Complex feelings on morality leaning towards chaotic good but he's done some fucked up shit that was technically justified in the contexts but beats himself up over anyone even though the others deserved it
Dated Rachel because she made him feel normal for once and he specified what made him love her was her brutal honesty and enthutiasm that gave way for healthy communication on both ends
Hates traditional masculinity and wants to be free of it and acts a lot like a trans femme egg,including finding hypermasculinity on men gross and unappealing and often wonders what makes people attracted to boys(Gender fuckery and also even just binary transfeminity are common combos with autism)
Very goofy,silly,chaotic and unrestrained with kiddy interests and a digust towards 'true maturity' but also loves punk shit
Can never tell when someone is attracted to him but when he loves them back he's Rizz City
Anarchist who hates the rich,privilege and power and does activism and direct action both in the mythos world and the mortal world(the former onscreen/the aformentioned bully beating and implied to participate with Rachel in her protests and charity events)
Gets along so well with younger people he basically adopts them as younger siblings and pseudo-kids(P*rcico shippers please stop being jesters,Nico and Percy are peak transmasc 4 transfem and autistic 4 autistic found family realness,they're the BLUEPRINT for it and y'all wildin' for thinking Hazel's not autistic too like hellooooooo she's literally a creepy cute middle school weirdgirl who was outcasted from other kids,even the fellow black ones?Ofc she's autistic)
Dare i say.The fandom's denial of his blatant autism is in of itself proof he HAS autism and is audhd.They're always calling him stupid and insisting it's meant affectionaly when he's stated a millions of times he does NOT like it,they turn his special interests that's so important to him for coping growing up and now too into him being a childish ass mf with no culture(that is also racist with how popular afrolatino Percy but they don't care just like they don't care about making him actually look black lmao),defang his anger issues and meaness and brutality and anti-authority mentality to turn him into nothing but an idiot and give all the credit to Annabeth(and that's misogynistic cause it makes her boring)and finally infantalizing him as if HE'S not fatherly one in the mcs.I don't even mean making him younger,i mean making him act like a little kid and his friends literally parenting him.It's all textbook rethoric and bullying tactics to irl autistic people and they only say he's allistic so they don't gotta feel bad instead of growing tf up and being nice to mentally disabled folks they can't relate to perfectly and to develop senses of humor outside of John Mulaney bits
Is literally the protagonist of a book series that's ultimate purpose is representation for neurodivergent kids as their role model that grows up with them and showed us we can live good lives like he is now????????The idea of allistic Percy is genuinely incomprehensible ong
'Good Kid' from the musical?Yeah,it's literally a song about an autistic kid who can't mask and gets abused by everybody for it no matter how hard they try to be good
I'm exactly like Percy Jackson and always have been and i'm autistic.So,autistic Percy Jackson is canon.End👏🏼Of👏🏼Discussion!!!!👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
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stayteezdreams · 10 months
A Better Ending: Part Two
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Plot: After your unplanned date with San, it is now time for a planned date that you hope leads to many more.
-Part One-
Pairing: Choi San x Gn!Reader
-Meet-Cute Series-
Warnings: Kissing toward the end.
Words: 2k
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Standing in front of your mirror, you sighed as you looked at the third outfit you tried on. Nothing felt quite right, but maybe that was just your nerves. Deciding to try one more outfit on, you began rummaging through your closet.
Hearing your phone ding, you quickly ran over to check the text, thinking, and hoping it might be San.
As you read the contact name you frowned. Why was your ex-blind date texting you now? It had been nearly week since he ghosted you.
Opening the text out of curiosity, you felt an odd sense of ease as you read his message.
'Hey Y/n. I know you probably don't want to hear from me, and I get it. I just thought I owed you an explanation. I'm really sorry I stood you up, that was an asshole move. I ended up running into my ex before our date and things got...kind of distracting? We ended up talking and hitting it off again. I should have texted you, but I felt bad. I still do! I just feel like less of a coward now.'
You hummed, knowing he was telling the truth since you had heard some of it from your friend Tae a few days before.
Typing out a reply, you checked the time to make sure you still had time to get ready for your date with San.
'I heard it from Tae It's understandable you wouldn't want to go on a date after that but you really should have texted me instead of letting me sit there like an idiot for so long. But, thing's worked out for me anyways, so don't worry too much about it.'
'I really am sorry, you didn't deserve that. But I'm glad it worked out, can I ask how?'
'I met someone else, I'm actually getting ready for a date with him now so I gotta go. I hope things work out with your ex, ex-ex?'
'Haha, yeah, we're trying again. I'm glad you met someone, good luck! And goodnight!'
"Good luck to you too. Goodnight.'
You smiled softly as you went back to your closet. You did gain a sense of relief learning the real reason he stood you up. It wasn't as bad as him thinking you were so unappealing that he bolted.
After finally finding an outfit you didn't hate, you made your way to the address San sent you. When you arrived, you looked up at a building you didn't recognize.
Looking around, you saw San standing near the entrance of the building. He was wearing a casual formal outfit, and looked just as good, if not better, as he did when you first met.
Noticing you, he grinned brightly and waved, watching you closely as you approached. You felt your face grow warm as you saw his gaze drift up and down your figure, you hoped you chose a good outfit.
This worry was quickly replaced by butterflies as he leaned forward, pressing a soft kiss to your cheek before complementing you.
"You look amazing."
You smiled shyly "Thank you. You do too." You said with a soft tone making him smile bashfully. You looked over at the building you "I've never heard of this place before."
"Really? It's amazing I think you'll really love it."
You grinned at him as he reached out his arm for you to take as he led you inside. You couldn't stop looking around as the interior of the building was sleek dark colors. Getting into the elevator and going to the top floor, you began to grow a bit nervous.
"I'm dressed alright for this place right?" You asked softly and he smiled warmly at you and nodded.
"You look perfect, don't worry."
You felt heat rise up your next at his sincere gaze as you nodded in relief as the elevator door slid open. The dimly lit room had black matte floors, and the ceiling was covered in a thousand tiny lights meant to look like stars. The room was surrounded by windows showing views of the city.
You were seated at a private table at the back right next to a window.
You stared out at the view in awe, letting out a soft breath. "Wow."
San smiled and let out a breath of relief at your reaction. "It's beautiful isn't it?"
You nodded with a grin, "It's amazing. I can see my neighborhood from here."
After you ordered your food, you and San fell into conversation, everything coming naturally and comfortably just like the first time.
"Oh, I wanted to ask. Did you hear anything from the girl that stood you up?"
San smiled softly as he nodded his head, "Apparently she ran into her ex and forgot about our date."
Your heart jumped a bit and he noticed the almost stunned look on your face. "What?"
"That just...sounds familiar."
He rose his brow in confusion and you told him about the messages you received from your blind date.
He remained silent for a moment, now wondering the same thing as you.
As he met your eyes you shook your head, "There's no way right?" Your tone held a hint of disbelief.
He shrugged his shoulders, "I mean. If they were both coming to the same restaurant to meet us, that definitely heightened the chance of them running into each other."
You let out a bewildered laugh and he shook his head before his gaze softened as he looked at you.
You suddenly felt shy. "What?"
He shook his head softly, "Maybe it was fate after all."
"Us meeting. We were meant to meet that night, so fate stepped in and took away the things that would have stopped us."
You felt your face grow warmer as he stared sincerely, yet intensely at you.
"Do you believe in fate?"
He tilted his head ever so slightly, "I might now."
You grinned, and his smile widened as he saw how his comments affected you.
"Do you?"
You thought about it for a moment, "I'd like too."
He nodded softly, knowing you were feeling and hoping the same things as he was in that moment.
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Walking out into the cool night air after dinner, San looked over at you, and you turned to meet his gaze. Your eyes locked for a moment as San seemed to gaze at you.
"I don't want this date to end." He said softly.
"Me neither."
He grinned before he looked around, "Want to go on a walk? There's a park nearby."
You nodded your head, "I'd love that.
Walking slowly towards the park, your shoulders brushed softly as silence lingered between you. Feeling San's hand gently brush yours, you felt your heart hump. slowly, you felt his hand wrap around yours, and you looked over at him.
He met yours eyes and smiled softly, "Is this okay?"
You smiled and nodded, "Yes."
San's smile widened as he looked forward again, interlacing his hand completely with yours now, his own heart beating heavily in his chest.
"I don't know if I've ever been to this part of the city." You commented after a moment as you looked around the park you entered.
San looked around as well. "I come here on occasion, it's quite nice."
You nodded in agreement "It is."
The quiet night air was suddenly disrupted as the sound of arguing became audible. You and San shared a confused look as you looked around for the cause of the sudden disturbance.
Suddenly seeing a girl stomping down the side walk, and a man not too far behind, they continued to argue, though their words weren't quite intelligible.
As you looked at them, you stopped, eyeing the guy for a moment.
"Wait a second." You mumbled.
Suddenly San squeezed your hand and you looked over at him, seeing a similar look of recognition on his face.
As it slowly clicked in your mind you looked back at the couple and whispered. "Is that them?"
San nodded, "I think so."
Meeting eyes you both shared a look before you spoke softly with a raised brow, "It must not be going well after all."
You let out a laugh of disbelief, as San looked dumbfounded at the couple. Noticing they had stopped and turned to argue with each other, you quickly grabbed San's arm and pushed him a bit.
"Let's go before they see us!" You whispered hurriedly.
San grinned as he let you lead him as you both quickly made your way further into the park. As he took your hand again, you were both giggling as you realized how bizarre the situation was.
Making it further into the park where you could no longer see them, you stopped, soft giggles still falling from both of you. Looking over at a large fountain, San led you over a you both sat down on the edge.
"I really hope we don't keep seeing them." You said as you let out a soft laugh.
San nodded "Once is enough."
Letting out a breath you looked up at the sky, your eyes lingering on a few stars poking out of the darkness.
Looking over at you, San almost felt breathless as he took you in. He really did think you were beautiful. You made his heart hammer in ways that were unfamiliar to him.
Feeling his gaze on you, you looked over at San, your face growing hot as you saw just how intense his gaze was.
A small shy smile formed on your face "What?"
San smiled "Sorry" he let out a soft laugh "I just think you're so beautiful."
You grinned and looked down at your feet, and San smiled proudly, loving the way you got shy at his compliments.
He caught your gaze again "I'm so glad I decided to ambush you at the restaurant that night."
You laughed, "I'm glad you did too."
San placed his hand on top of yours and squeezed softly, your eyes locked for a few moments and silent feelings passed between you. You saw his eyes flick to your lips and you felt a wave of butterflies.
Slowly, San leaned closer, stopped just as his nose brushed yours. His eyes grazed over your lips before he locked them with your own again.
He swallowed his nerves down a he whispered, "Can I kiss you?"
Barely able to find your voice, you nodded softly, "Yes."
Leaning in the rest of the way, his lips melded into yours perfectly as his hand slowly brushed up your arm, climbing to your shoulder and then your face as he deepened the kiss.
You moved with him, gently placing your hand on his arm, as electricity seemed to crawl over your skin. Pulling away reluctantly to take a breath, your eyes locked with his again.
He smiled at you as he gently caressed your cheek. Pecking your lips again he then rested his forehead against yours.
Comfortable silence hung between you for a moment before he spoke. "I want to do that a thousand more times."
You giggled softly "Oh, is that all?"
He grinned and shook his head, "A million times."
As you giggled again, he quickly leaned forward pressing his lips against yours once more. His hand moving to the back of your head as he deepened the kiss.
When he pulled away, he took your hand into his again as you noticed the redness in his ears. You smiled softly, glad he seemed just as effected as you.
"You can tell your friend they don't have to set you up with anyone anymore."
"I already have." You said with a soft giggle.
"Did she ask why?"
"What did you say?"
"That I was interested in someone."
He smiled softly as he continued to gently caress your hands "Now you can tell her it's because you have a boyfriend."
You grinned at him and he smiled teasingly at you. Feeling brazen you leaned forward and pressed a kiss to the corner of his lips. His eyes widened briefly before he smiled brightly.
Pulling you forward, he kissed you again, softly. One hand stayed wrapped in yours as the other held the back of your head. Though your heart was pounding, excitement and comfort radiated through you.
San held you closer to him as you both forgot about the world around you, only thinking of each other and the sudden, yet wonderful turn your lives seemed to take.
xx End xx
A/n: Ugh, I really hate ending fics, sorry it's a bit abrupt lol. I hope you liked this part!
General Ateez Taglist: @soso59love-blog
Series Taglist: @bubblesreplies, @halesandy, @why-am-i-sad, @acciocriativity
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I have so much work to do but I also feel like I’m losing my mind a little so have a mini In Defense of PerthChimon (the people hating on them almost certainly won’t see this or care, but writing is how I cope with my frustration, SO):
This feels so incredibly obvious but clearly it needs to be stated — there are a lot of people who find them very charming. If you think they are “disgusting” or “unappealing” that is a personal perspective. It is not fact.
If you think PC are secretly uncomfortable with each other, I invite you to watch some of their interviews and other behind the scenes moments, because they are pretty clearly not.
If you claim to like one or the other but advocate they should be separated, both have repeatedly said they would only do BL with each other and that they want to work together for a very long time. Just one interview below.
This is similar to a few bullets above, but subtly different — if you think they have “no chemistry” based solely on kissing, you are ignoring several other markers of physical and emotional chemistry, such as eye contact, hands (which they are exceptional at), general rapport, and more. They’ve also repeated said that feeding off each other while acting helps them elevate the really intense scenes they have. There’s also a really phenomenal post I will link to if I can find about how well they physically act together — timing things like throws and fights together.
But regardless, to those who say the kissing is “bad” — again, I personally don’t see it, but enough people are apparently zooming in on the screen and staring closely looking to find issue that it should be addressed. I have two very contradictory points but I am going to make them anyway: (1) they are playing two high schoolers, who are both coded as being each other’s first partners, who are meant to be shy and uncertain and learning together. Like after all the discourse in the locker room, I believe they are exceptional enough actors to be playing their scenes that way. (2) Why does it matter if they are kissing closed mouth? Is a BL only good now if there is really ‘sexy’, open-mouthed kissing? This is placing a very strange priority on a very tiny part of the acting process.
So all this said, pairs aren’t going to be for everyone, but it’s really rude to tag the actors in hate about their performance. It’s also just very frustrating to see pure hate in tags that are meant for sharing fandom joy — sorry but it just makes you look like you are looking for likes/attention. It’s a great way to get blocked by a whole lot of people instead of the reblogs you might want.
And it’s really not in good faith to ask two actors for an interview and then badmouth them shortly after. So I have deleted my previous recommendation to watch the recent PerthChimon interview on an English language BL podcast and encourage people who are fans of PC not to give likes/views to that outlet moving forward (happy to share more information via DM but not willing to further grow their name).
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precious-plushies · 3 months
[EDIT:] i knew to expect these sort of Anon DM's, as i saw others in the community receive them, but didnt think id get them so soon.
Earlier today, i had someone attack my character and call me a disturbing pedophile because of the cat below, and the caption included. Instead of addressing JUST this Anon ask, and have a back and forth with them, i figured I'd address this head on to ALL my viewers, and nip it in the bud.
As i said, i am not a pedophile, and do not condone pedophila on my account. I have two young kids of my own, and was assaulted by a paedophile MYSELF at 13 years old. This accusation is extremely hurtful to me as a result.
Now, lets break it all down, shall we? lets begin with my caption, choice of words, and why i chose to feature the plush itself.
[Original caption:]
"A grumpy kitty boy with his own set of panties and a collar! Good candidate for "customization" if you know what I mean."
[°Why did i feature this plush? ]
Because, from a plushophile's standpoint, he's Cute!! Why exactly?? He has big ol' paws, a squished in face, cute whiskers, and big ol' eyebrows!! He is also a decent size to hold, which i like to ensure about the plushies i feature. I also try to aim for more anthro looking plushies, as i think the baser more beastial looking plushies are unappealing.
°Why did you mention the panties and the collar, let alone the "customization aspect of the plush?
Because, throughout my exploration in this community, i have noticed that people like to dress their plush partners in clothes of all sorts, and that it can be difficult to find clothes that fit for some, and found the fact that the cat comes with an article of clothing upon purchase a bonus.
The collar? As a few of my follwers are into BDSM, and collars are a part of BDSM play, i found the fact he came with a collar ANOTHER bonus. For plushophiles that practice BDSM, giving their plush partner a collar can be erotic and a way they experience BDSM play with said plush partner.
The "customization"?
Because, in the plushophile community, some individuals Modify their plush partners to be able to have a more immersive sexual encounter while they are partaking in sexual acts with their plush. Bottom line. It happens, and i will not shame individuals for doing so. This particular plush is a good candidate because, if it WERE to be altered for such encounters, it has the underpants to cover the crotch if the person who owns them wants to take them around, they can.
For those who do not understand, to a plushophile, this is their ROMATIC PARTNER. They have a deep bond with their plush partner(s), both romatic and sexual.
This is NOT an interest in minors. It is an interest in an INANIMATE OBJECT.
The mental gymnastics it takes to twist this into pedophillia is sick. Its fucking disgusting. The accusation makes me angry, frankly. I try to cater to the community; to make a space where people are safe to experience their plush attraction safely, and possibly find a new partner while scrolling my posts, and instead am met with crass accusations, on an anon account nonetheless. If you are comparing sexual attraction to TOYS to sexual attraction to LIVING HUMAN CHILDREN, perhaps you should see just why it is YOU YOURSELF are jumping to that immediately, you sick fuck.
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[His Link:]
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recently ive been having conversations about sex in games, and by having conversations i mean getting accused of being a puritan by 19 year olds any time i express a critical thought about a game that has depictions of sex in it. most recently i was bemoaning that the vast majority of games where sex is the primary focus exclusively feature characters that neither i nor any of my friends can see ourselves in. my primary complaint was that no characters in any of these games ever seem to be hairy or fat, and when trans women are present they are always of the Cis-Passing™ and/or conventionally attractive variety. i know the usefulness of both these phrases can be debated eternally but im just gonna hope people know what i mean when i say this.
after spending 30 minutes trying to convince younger trans women that i in fact enjoy sex and like to look at porn, i just wish i could see anything other than supermodels and hips too wide to fit through doorframes, i received the snarky suggestion that i should "look literally anywhere other than steam". in addition, it was suggested that my biggest problem is that i dont play visual novels, because that is apparently where most queer representation in video games can be found.
it may have been delivered in a snarky way but it was a good suggestion, the steam storefront is a fucking nightmare, i havent tried a new visual novel in a good long while, so why not try my luck. the specific suggestion i received was to go to itch.io, as that website is, according to this group of young trans women, dominated by queer creators.
now my very first observation was that the site is not, in fact, dominated by queer creators. it is dominated by skibidi toilet low poly analog horror games that look completely unappealing. but, in the interest of good faith, i wont wield that as a gotcha. instead i will just punch in the tags "LGBT" and "Dating Sim", so that i can experience the absolute wealth of body positive interactive erotic experiences that apparently flood this website.
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well, page one is just not the strongest start. but yet again, lets be fair, ive been automatically directed to the "popular" games. lets sort by "most recent" instead, an unfiltered look at what comes through this site.
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i dont mean to be difficult, but it appears im still largely getting buff furry men, skinny anime people, and CGI porn stars. let me go completely out of my way to try to give the benefit of the doubt, i am going to sort through games and only address games that are explicitly erotic and explicitly queer.
just for a second, let me be sincere and say that my goal here is not to point out and mock or shame individual queer creators on the merits of the representation present in their independently developed dating sims. nobody is perfect, no one creator or even team can ensure every single intersection of identity is represented in their art, this is about broader trends and the snarky response i get when i complain about those trends.
i threw in the 'erotic' tag, enduring and suffering more uses of the words "femboy", "lewd", and "futanari" than any person should ever be forced to, and i was able to find some explicitly queer games! the method i used was opening literally every single individual game page and reading through its description. yes this took a very long time and its all in service of proving a point that a lot of people wouldnt argue in the first place, but i still regularly have to deal with people who do argue it, so this is for them. enjoy blocking me on social media and discord after this i guess.
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we are off to a great start, because this game actually has fat characters in it! its a bit too cutesy anime aesthetic for my taste, but thats personal preference, this is absolutely something that qualifies. maybe all i needed was 3 or 4 filters! of course that is not true because there were several generic hentai games ahead of and behind this one, but first row on the first page, im going to remain positive.
after this we immediately start hitting duds. femboy baristas, bodybuilder physiques, high poly hairless porn star physique CGI women, all of these games explicitly mention that they feature LGBT, queer, or gay relationships. now i know i said i wasnt aiming to mock individual games, but i cannot resist the urge to draw attention to "The Date on Elm Street", a game that features a yassified freddy krueger.
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we march on. moe yuri girls who are allegedly adults, skinny college boys, you get the idea. i may have found one game with body diversity among the character designs but i still havent found anything that i feel i can see myself in. gonna have to buckle up and dig for a while i guess.
brief aside, i am judging these games based on scrolling through every available screenshot, teaser, and trailer uploaded to their page. it is entirely possible there could be characters i dont know about that are bangable within these titles, but if that is the case there is still the issue that all of the promotional material exclusively features hot skinny anime people.
for all this effort i walk away with one (1) game that could possibly qualify as being a queer, body diverse dating sim. there were a few dating sims meant for gay men that had a single fat character present, but when theyre lost amongst all the flawless twinks and bodybuilders i hesitate to afford credit.
however. i am leaving out a game i was directly recommended. Hardcoded.
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that is not promising. its the only character depicted in screenshots aside from a one eyed cat and this person
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but i have to assume that these are not the only characters in this game, so i am actually going to download and play it, seeing as it was recommended to me in relation to the topic of lack of diversity in sex focused games.
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total aside here, this feature left me guessing. is the sex in this game rpg style random encounters? i have to assume that if youre not interested in men, you could simply avoid trying to fuck any of the male characters. maybe after playing for a bit this checkbox will make more sense.
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im starting to suspect that most people consider the presence of a single fat person to be Body Positive. REITERATING, i am not trying to give this developer in particular a hard time and i am absolutely not encouraging anyone else to, this game is cute so far, im glad there is a game like this starring a trans character, we're just sticking to my original complaint.
im gonna save bandwidth (and my blog from the fate of a mosaic avatar) by not posting any further screenshots, there is a character with wide hips, the character with the prosthetic arm, and the hyper tits sex droid as far as any deviation from conventionally attractive skinny people goes. im just now realizing this post is formatted like a somethingawful lets play, humiliating. anyway the conclusion i came to is that when i complain about the lack of fat hairy dykes and trans people who are Visibly Trans™ in erotic video games i am indeed completely justified because even queer produced erotic video games do not seem to have these things. im right, everyone else is wrong, goodnight.
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yukidragon · 2 years
What would Jack act like when he is pushed to the edge and is mad, by the actions of his Sunshine. And what will act like when he is devastated or even having a break down, once again because of his Sunshine.
I think we get hints of how Jack behaves when frustrated in the “no” route. I don’t think Jack would necessarily get explosive with his anger, but more... unhinged. I think the energy would be similar to this classic picture Sauce posted on their twitter way back when.
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As a quick reminder, please don’t repost images privately posted on the SnaccPop Studios Patreon. Sauce gave me the green light to use publicly posted images like these as long as I give credit. Respect and support your local artists, folks!
While I’m talking about supporting the original creator, I need to direct everyone to the Something’s Wrong with Sunny Day Jack kickstarter. There’s less than 48 hours left to go! Hurry before you lose your chance at the exclusive rewards, especially the physical prizes and the chance to direct an episode with one of the romantic leads!
Since I’m plugging links, why not check out my SDJ fanfics Sunshine in Hell and Sunshine in Another world? I’d love to hear what you think about my writing!
Now, back to the subject of Jack snapping.
Jack admits to being angry in the example above, but he doesn’t show an angry expression, does he. No, he instead acts more like a disappointed teacher... an unhinged disappointed teacher.
Let’s also look at this classic example of Jack being very... unhappy with someone.
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Jack is caught in the characterization of Sunny Day Jack, and Sunny Day Jack would never just... snap. He’s always happy and cheerful, and whenever he’s unhappy he talks things through with the kids at home as a wise and kindly guiding teacher.
Jack might keep trying to wear a smile even when angry. His words come out more poisonous and cutting (pun not intended, but hey I never pass up a good pun). He knows what words a teacher can say to really cut someone so deep that they never recover.
While I’m looking at artwork whose canon nature is dubious at best and more is to get the sense of the spirit of Jack as it were... (Again, pun not intended, but hey I’m on a roll.) Let’s take a look at one of the first pictures of Jack ever made.
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Naturally, the line Jack says in the upper part of the image proves that the story has changed since this picture was made. After all, MC doesn’t know who Sunny Day Jack is until after Jack comes into their life in the current game demo.
Given how important MC is to Jack, how he’s centered his entire existence around them due to how much he needs them... I imagine there would be a dissonance with the idea of feeling such a strong negative feeling towards the person who makes him feel love in a way no one else ever has. When a person experiences some form of cognitive dissonance, they need to find a resolution, and sometimes that can lead to... irrational justifications.
We all make mistakes, right? MC just made a mistake... and Jack is there to help them when they make mistakes. He can’t show his unpleasant, unappealing side to his sunshine. He needs to be whatever they want him to be. His very existence depends on it. Plus... he loves them so much. He wants them to be happy.
So Jack will likely try to figure out why his MC is causing him to be angry... and figure out a way to resolve it. Before it got to this point he would’ve tried to talk it through with them and be a guiding force in their life to help them not make the mistake again. After all, MC would never mean to make him angry, right? He didn’t do anything to deserve it. All Jack ever does is for their sake. All he wants is their love and warmth.
Sunny Day Jack isn’t unlovable like Joseph Cullman was.
I don’t think it’s likely Jack will explode into a yelling rage and breakdown crying... at least not while he still has options. Before that happens, I think his sanity will fray to the point of snapping first... and that’s when others will pay the price.
Angry has a time and a place. Jack prefers to be happy. Angry never solves anything. Jack is a problem solver. It’s why he’s there, to solve all of MC’s problems...
How Jack goes about “correcting” the behavior that made him mad, well... that depends on what MC did exactly... and who might have influenced them to behave that way.
If Jack can’t fix it no matter what he does... if he’s caught in the helplessness of his situation with a sunshine who just won’t stop making him feel angry and hopeless despite how much he loves them and wants to make them happy... Then I can see him finally having a breakdown.
It would be Jack with nothing left, not even hope, just a desperate plea in a ball of rage and despair begging MC to just tell him what they want him to do. Whatever it is, he will. Just, please, need him, and don’t forget him.
Jack just wants to love MC and for them to be happy. Why is that so hard?
Why can’t he be truly loved, even as Sunny Day Jack?
If you want to see a heartbreaking interpretation of Jack snapping at MC, I highly recommend this heartbreaking comic by my talented friend Meta. There’s even a video version dubbed by Jack’s official VA, NaughtyMaus that makes it even more of a punch to the heart.
@channydraws @earthgirlaesthetic @sai-of-the-7-stars
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creepy-feathers · 10 months
I never thought I’d see a creepy pasta t-word blog :0. Can you maybe do A-Y (unless someone already asked) for Tim/Masky? He really needs to smile more :’)
Yeah, unfortunately there aren't many out there 😞
He certainly does! I love the idea of Masky losing his shit lmao.
A: Aftercare | What is their aftercare like after a heavy round of tickling?
If you just got wrecked by Tim, chances are he'll feel enough morality to at least give you a sweet pat on the head in silent commendation for surviving his attack.
Masky, however? You'll be lucky if he even stops before you pass out entirely. He'll utter some snide remark to remind you why you should never screw with him, then he'll walk away to go on about his business.
B: Bondage | How do they react to bondage, do they enjoy it and if yes, what is their favorite pose?
Bondage? Uh-uh, absolutely not, no thank you. Tim gets exceedingly anxious when he's unable to move, and Masky is just... He likes being in control of the situation. Which is why neither man will ever ever ever enjoy being restrained in any way.
C: Chase | What are their chances in a chase, both as a lee and ler?
Considering both of them are the ones usually doing the chasing, I'd say they'd be naturally inclined to keep that up when they're looking to pounce on someone. They're rather good at it, too—the ler would be doomed.
On the other end of the stick, however? I imagine Tim would be able to find a place to hide without much trouble, due to his history of running from imminent death. Masky would refuse to be chased at all and then proceed to gut-punch whoever was attempting to pursue him in the first place.
D: Death Spot | What is their most ticklish spot?
Thighs, no questions asked. A close second would have to be the neck. Either of these areas targeted will have them writhing in 10 seconds or less.
E: Expression | How do they express their wish to tickle/be tickled?
Tim has to be feeling very playful to get the urge to tickle someone, and since he isn't exactly a physical person by heart, chances that he'll actually go through with it are unlikely. The same goes for when he desires to be tickled, which, dare I say, is even rarer than the latter. If he craves it badly enough, he'll probably just outright say it. With reluctance and awkwardness, sure, but he doesn't like beating around the bush.
'Violence' is the one word that goes through his head on repeat throughout the day; it is the solution to every problem he can think of. It really is no surprise that touching someone without intending to cause them intense agony is a foreign concept to him, and an unappealing one at that. Simply put: the only reason on this earth that he would ever consider tickling someone is if he actually cares about them and wants to bring some form of torment that won't result in serious injury. As for the being tickled, aha, never in a million years will this man let his guard down long enough for someone to be successful, nor will he want to be touched in that regard. Try it and he will commit homicide.
F: Fight | What is their behavior in a tickle fight like?
Tim is a strong dude, so unless his weakest spots are being honed in on, he will have the upper hand. Thankfully, he practices mercy, so it usually isn't a time to panic—plus, he'll let up every now and then so his opponent feels like they're actively contributing to this 'fight'.
With Masky, there is no fight. There is just plain torture. He will pin you solidly and not relent until he is satisfied. 'Nice' is not in his vocabulary, apparently.
G: Gentle | How do they react to gentle tickles?
This man— He will snort if you brush your fingers against any remotely ticklish spot. He'll also squirm, which is an amusing sight.
Pretty much the same reaction as Tim, but he's much more aggressive with his squirming.
H: Habits | As a lee/ler or both, do they have specific habits when it comes to tickling?
This only applies if the two of you are romantically involved; if Tim's feeling affectionate or clingy, he'll nuzzle your neck or any sensitive, accessible area with his beard just to hear the giddy sounds you'll emit.
Pure roughness. He's left bruises on every lee he's ever gotten his hands on and lingering pain for sometimes hours, but somehow this violence is equally effective at drawing the rawest shrieks and highest-pitched laughter. It's unbearable in literally every way. This is a talent he doesn't even consider a 'talent'.
I: Interrogation | How well would they handle a tickle interrogation?
Tim would have the capability to last quite a while, even if his worst spots are targeted. But he would break eventually, and quiet, half-stifled giggles would break into full-blown cries for mercy. He tried.
Masky doesn't beg. Like whatsoever. But he also wouldn't put a lot of effort into hiding his raspy laughter, no. Instead, he would writhe relentlessly and spew threats at his progressor while losing every ounce of self-control he formerly possessed. He's a very loud lee.
J: Joy | Their absolute favorite thing about tickling?
If he had to choose something, it would be the way it bonds him with his loved ones. Before all the Slenderman crap went down he'd always use tickling to connect with his little siblings and cousins, and occasionally for his friends. He and Brian got into it a few times in college; the former won, but Brian was a worthy opponent.
Masky absolutely does not care.
K: Killer Move | As a ler, do they have special skills to use against their lees and drive them crazy with?
This isn't really a skill, but he'll start to laugh along with his lee after a few moments and that always seems to heighten the lee's nerves so they laugh even harder.
Like I said previously: stone cold force. He will attack your weakest areas without a bit of remorse, and he'll do it till you're on the brink of passing out.
L: Laughter | What does their laughter sound like when they are tickled?
Normally, it's pretty raspy due to all the smoking, but there's this sweet—extraordinarily rare—kind of giggle you can pull from both of them, but it takes incredible precision and the exact amount of pressure. Go for the side of the ribcage with firm yet tender claw-like scratching and watch them unravel in an instant.
M: Mornings | Their tickle behavior during mornings?
If you are anyone other than his romantic partner, do not try this or he will straight up bitch slap you. If you are dating him, however, feel free to wake him up with benign pokes to the stomach and/or tickly neck kisses. It will put him in a blissful mood for the rest of the day and he may reciprocate, even in his sleepy haze.
Do not touch Masky. Seriously. The only thing keeping him going right now is a mug full of coffee. If you even threaten to do something he will snap your finger in two.
N: Nights | Their tickle behavior during nights? 
At this point in the day, this man is completely exhausted and is looking for some downtime. He would need to be exceedingly close to a person to participate in tickles, and it wouldn't be for long periods.
Masky is done, man. He's so freaking done. He's put up with everyone's shit the whole day and dealt with his own problems and is not in the mood to be all physical and lovey-dovey. You best pray he doesn't strike at this interval because he's probably out for blood.
O: Online | Text messaging and social media, do they have some kind of online tickly behavior to tease their lee or ler with?
Not...really? Both of these dudes kinda just live in the moment. Tim might shoot a text every once in a while for shits and giggles but that's about it.
P: Partner In Crime | If they were to go after a lee and accept the aid of a tickle partner, who do they prefer to join hands with and why?
For Tim, it would probably be his s/o. If he doesn't have one, he'd go solo.
Masky also typically works alone, but if he's feeling vengeful enough he'll get Johnny to join him.
Q: Question | Their response to the question ‘are you ticklish’?
"Um, heh... Isn't everyone?"
"You'll never get close enough to find out."
R: Role | Lee or ler, what is generally their main role?
Both lers to the core, but if either of them were to be swayed it'd be Tim.
S: Safeword | If they were to suggest the safeword for a tickle session, which word will it be?
Tim is the kind of person that has always been very serious about safewords and consent in general. He will deadass go completely still if you say 'stop', not wanting to push boundaries.
Safewords are not a real thing to Masky. He will go for however long he wants to go and there ain't no arguing with him.
T: Teasing | Their most favorite methods of teasing their lee/ler?
Sometimes he'll drum his fingers against their torso with a certain mischievous sparkle in his eyes that drives the lee crazy.
Rapid, harsh scribbling, especially when he figures out what spots make you scream. No mercy.
U: Unusual | Do they have some unusual tickle spots? Where?
Their thighs. Also sorta ticklish on the upper back.
V: Victim | As a ler, who is their favorite lee and what makes this person their ultimate victim?
His s/o or Sally, but only occasionally.
Masky just targets whoever decided to royally piss him off. Though he must admit, Liu is quite a satisfying victim.
W: Word | What is their reaction to the T-word? Can they say it out loud or do they get embarrassed?
Tim moreso than Masky, but that only applies when he's asking to be tickled.
X: X-Over | In a crossover AU, which other fandom character would be a fitting tickle fight opponent for them and why?
Luna Lovegood and Tim I think would be a blast to watch. Luna would be super sweet yet good with her hands (plus there's the whole 'magic' that would definitely come into play), but she'd play fair too. She would push him out of his comfort zone to the point where he would be comfortable actually fighting back but it would all be in good fun.
Bahloo would be perfect for Masky because he's a literal bear and could just pin him down effortlessly and teach Masky some life lessons.
Y: YOU | Any personal self or reader-insert tickle fantasies/headcanons to share with this character?
Tim hated being tickled as a kid cause it was always a way to "make him feel better". It was nurses and the people keeping him in the hospital that would mostly initiate it.
Then he met Brian years later and realized how much of a playful person he was. His friend was the one that made him okay with receiving that kind of treatment again.
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finniestoncrane · 2 years
Headcanons for Riddler(s) finding out s/o has an OnlyFans?
Riddlers x SW!Reader
Riddler Headcanons this was the most fun to imagine, because if i wasn't unappealing, unfocused, lazy and unable to commit to more than one thing at a time i would enjoy having an onlyfans lmao but i could definitely see the mean green beans reactions and fuck it i added that twojar bastard because frankly i'm in love with him (blaming @riddlemeri and her exceptional fic for that but really it's my own lustful fault) y'all getting more bang for your buck, i can just keep adding riddlers until there are none left request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi minors DNI!! 🔞 cw for nsfw stuff: sex work, suggestive language, daddy!kink
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you know it would be very easy to hack into this thing. is there a way to scam though? what do you mean the DA is subscribed to you? and you haven't tried to blackmail him yet? oh sweetheart, let daddy take a look and see what we can do with this together. not to fall into my own headcanon of arkham!eddie being super into 80s pop, but he's definitely constantly humming that one line "i've got the brains, you've got the looks, let's make lots of money" to convince you that this is a good plan
he has one too! i mean it's just videos and pics of him jerking off in various spots in the prison uploaded with a phone he definitely shouldn't have. sometimes he chats with people too and lets them see his big money shots if they answer correct his riddles three. insufferable though, he absolutely will not be collaborating with you or even giving you a shout out because you're ranked waaaaaaay lower than him in popularity and he can't take that kind of hit babe.
young justice
baby's first jealous fit lmao. but once he's over it, it's kind of hot. you know YOU KNOW he is the kind of partner who would subscribe to you for the goods because he's such an absolute simp for you. and all he wants more than anything in the world is to see what outfits/hair/makeup/toys/anything you have planned for the evening before anyone else does, like a sneak peak. he also very much could get into watching you from another room even though you're right there with him
urgh so many questions. what is it why are you naked why are men commenting why are you getting money woah that's a lot of money why aren't you doing this more? but you're telling him that men are willing to pay this much money for something he gets for free? my god, the ego on this man. it has been blown up, out of proportion
urgh, disappointing that you would choose a form of making money that was legal when you could be out here doing far more criminal things. gosh! oh dear...you have a lot to learn still. also, while we're on the theme of things that disappoint him, if only you'd told him sooner he could have got you a spiffy little green outfit to wear. maybe something with some question marks on it. no he's not marking his territory, only stupid people get jealous and he's smart enough to know you still love him most...right?
ok first of all, when were you planning on telling him? second of all, why didn't you tell him sooner? and third, would you let him do stuff with you and become a couples channel? dude is into banging, dude is into money and dude is into you so a way to combine all three and get to show off that he's the one with his hands all over you? you are literally making his dreams come true
hey it's like his stream! except yours makes money and his makes...untethered violence among the suggestible masses. maybe you can do a collab together, feature on each other's stuff? also he made his own logo, just in case you uh...wanted him to make you a logo too? branding is everything after all. either way you know after every stream he's dropping links to your content to boost you because he's a supportive digital literate partner
absolutely not into it in the slightest and will get overwhelmingly jealous about the idea of other people getting to see what he thinks should only be his. not that he's into monogamy, he's just a possessive and jealous and insecure asshole. on the plus side though, he will give you an allowance of the amount you were making if you want, if you stop doing it, and no no no, he insists
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airplanned · 1 year
Proposition Part 5
These dorks.
Link stepped into the queen's office the next day and came up short as if he'd walked into a wall.
There was not a sofa in her office yesterday.  But there was one today.  Dark green fabric with a deep seat and an arm rest on only one side.  
"What is that?"
She looked up from her work, blinking as if she had been deep in thought and wasn't ready to be interrupted.  "A sofa."
His face turned stormy as his shoulders tightened.  "Why do you have a sofa in your office?"
"As you pointed out yesterday, my office was sparse.  I think it fits well there."
It didn't fit well at all.  It was pressed up against a wall with built in bookshelves, so the back of the sofa blocked quite a few shelves.  The small coffee table in front of it seemed like a bit of an afterthought.
Looking as grim as he possibly could, he marched forward, pressed his hands to her desk, and leaned close.  "Who is he?"
"The guy you're planning to have sex with on that sofa.  I need his name."
She was completely unimpressed with his looming. "Why?"
"Because I'm captain of your guard."
"And you want to scare him off."
"I want to impress upon him that if he harms you or breathes a word of it to anyone, I will rip out his lungs."
"My understanding is that if I were to have an affair, the royal guard would keep that secret for me without judgment."
"Are you having an affair?"
"What if I was?"
"Then you would tell me his name.  The guard would keep your secret, and we would arrange discreet passage for him in and out of the castle."
"And also you would intimidate him."
"I'm not having an affair."
"I am well aware of that.  So why do you have a sex sofa in your office?"
Frustration cracked through her placid face.  "You made it sound as if the lack of appropriate furniture was a point against my plan.  If I'm going to find someone willing to work with me, I will have to make the prospect more appealing."
"And you thought the part of this plan that made it unappealing was the lack of sofa."  Link felt as if his head were about to explode.
Her eyes turned fiery.  In clipped tones, she said, "There are few places where I can make improvements.  I am making adjustments where I can."
"Sex sofa."
"It is a Perfectly.  Normal.  Sofa.  Stop fixating on it."
"Okay.  Let's fixate on how you haven't given up on this plan after all."
"I have not.  I consider this a desperate situation with no good solution.  I am doing it, and that's not up for debate.  Since you insist on taking my safety so seriously, you can find a way to help me do this quietly, or you can get out, since you've made it clear that you do not wish to be involved, but I will no longer tolerate your unhelpful comments."
His jaw hurt from how tight he was clenching it.  His eyes hurt from holding her glare.
It took nearly everything in him to say, "Vesstan.  From the library.  He'd be a good choice.  I've worked with him on some security projects, and I trust he would be discrete."  Because he didn't have many friends. But also the queen had praised his work on a few occasions, and she valued intelligence, so maybe they'd make an okay match.  Link couldn't really judge the guy's shoulder situation.
The queen blinked at him, startled out of he glare.  Then she lowered her eyes to her desk.
"He called me an ice queen."
He...what?  That was--that was bafflingly untrue.  And also how dare he?  How dare he?
Link could feel irritation warming across his skin.  She'd said there weren't many places she could make her plan more appealing.  She couldn't have been talking about herself.  How absurd!  How could she think that?
The queen glanced up at him and then rolled her eyes.  "Good heavens, Link.  Sit down."
He realized that he was kind of looming again.  A bit chided, he took a seat and waited for the queen to gather herself.
"What a mess." She sighed. "I'm starting to worry that you're right and I'm not going to find anyone suitable."  She ran a hand through her hair, somehow not messing it up at all and sighed.  "What am I going to do?"
It tugged at something uncomfortable in his chest.  It made his hands itch.
Slowly, he said, "Tomorrow's Tuesday."
He nodded.  "We have a long security meeting scheduled in the morning."
For a moment, she sat frozen.  "Link, you don't need to--" But she cut herself off when he smiled at her--a small, sad, fond thing.  
Goddesses, he was an idiot.
He reached out across the desk, and she slipped her hand into his.  She was warm.  Soft.  He nodded, then placed a kiss on the back of her hand.
Maybe he imagined the way her fingers twitched.  Maybe he imagined the way her gaze heated when he looked up at her.  His heart was beating too hard to be sure.
But then he said, "Sex sofa."
And she pulled back her hand and dismissed him, going back to her work.
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robynsreign · 11 months
Me and my reasons on why Sonic from Sonic Prime is not too out of character for him!!
I feel like I should start by saying absolutely no hate to people who don't like Prime Sonic. I 100% understand why someone might not like him as a character and I do lightly touch on that!
Also I would appreciate it if when you state your opinion on the matter you do it in a civil way so we can all have a normal conversation on it. I will delete comments that seem too attack based or are just hating on this subject.
Aside from that feel free to tell me how you feel about the matter!!
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I feel like Sonic's character in prime is not necessarily the worst or out of character for him. I actually really like this version of sonic due to his character flaws! I find it to be a fun and different way of writing him in his earlier stages of character development.
First we should approach the negatives before we approach the positives; Sonic is very immature compared to his previous iterations. He is impulsive, not the best at truly working in a team, and can be annoying at times.
These characteristics get in the way of his ability to problem solve and act in a way other iterations do but these aren't too far off from other versions of Sonic.
This can 100% make him an unappealing and sometimes frustrating character. I know I've watched some scenes in the show and hated his responses to some situations.
Although Sonic does have some positives! He's still loyal to his friends, tries his best to listen past his impulsive nature, and is overall still as loving as ever.
There are plenty of Sonic timelines where he is the one that messed up. Was it this bad? Not always but it's not rare for him.
Idw sonic for example allowed Metal Sonic to live his life the way he wanted which immediately backfired, same with the Mr Tinker situation.
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Sonic has a consistent characteristic in which he trusts too much and wants others to have the chance to change. Any mistake he makes is due to him trying to help others.
While Sonic from Prime's situation is much different he still was trying to help others. Prime wasn't just a simple mistake Prime was a big mistake but that's not weird for his character.
Sonic from prime still puts effort into helping so many people but at times that could be a flaw. This want to help others often backfires as he doesn't fully trust his friends to be safe and handle the situation which can make him seem overbearing; This is consistent with him tho. He has always been the self sacrificing type Sonic frontiers is a good example of that.
Throughout all of Sonic frontiers he is hurting himself to help others.
Most sonic iterations want to help others so desperately they don't think about the consequences whether that causes hurt to themselves or others.
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Although many iterations of Sonic trusts their friends abilities and skills they can all still be scared for what can happen.
Sonic from Prime makes mistakes that are undeniable, I mean he destroyed the entire universe but he's still got those positive traits that can sometimes even out the negative.
I feel like judging his character at this current point of the show is very harsh given how much as a character he is potentially set up to change.
At this point in the show it really depends on if the writers want him to approach those issues or not.
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