#i cannot explain this. im just feeling it in my bones. ok bye
difeisheng · 2 years
anakin is dirty little secret by the all-american rejects coded
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transhoverfish · 3 years
What are everyone's "abilities" in Survivors? Ryley has good hearing and Milo glows but what do the others have?
OK SO. as u mentioned ryley has good hearing and milo glows. basically,
ryley = good hearing
milo = glowy boy
emily = electric detection (cooler than i describe rn my vocabulary is small)
danby = like emily's but reverse. controls electromagnetic things
roman = night vision
jochi = the most superpower like one, he got quick regeneration.
avery = telepathy!
bart = also kind of telepathy but more like future telepathy. he has future vision.
and i. never thought of one for ozzy actually and at this point i have no idea what to give them that wouldn't have been brought up prior so. u know genetics are weird! they just dont have anything ig. nobody look at me LABDKABDLABD
AND ALSO paul and marg have powers! paul got that peeper enzyme carrier thing, and marg got the very funny power of feeling others emotions. yes that includes the fish. yes this is one of the primary reasons she didnt kill paul over a decade of dealing w him. yes she hates it.
and the vesper haven't been sick long enough to develop anything! or at least thats what im going with bc i havent thought of anything for them yet 😔
first off on the list: bart! so bart.. kinda has futuristic visions?? but the things he sees are not set in the stone,, as in if he dreams about smth (a lot like ryley can!) it is possible to change those events! most of these visions/telepathy type stuff were bc of the emperor and warpers, and also al-an! once the sea emp died and the warpers all calmed down his powers kind of go away a bit. i think i wrote al-an sort of mentioning it in one chap of awa?? but its only kind of implied. so he has rlly similar powers to avery except he can't tell what others are thinking and he can only kind of tell how his closest friends r feeling. so right now bart pretty much doesn't have powers! he can communicate w the warpers and sea emps much easier than the others tho (he's the only one that can talk to warpers! im not sure he'd get along w them after being hunted down by them for like 12 years though KABDLSBRLSHD)
avery has telepathy! this is because when he first shows up he jokes about having telepathy and i was like "haha. WAIT." and then he got telepathy! i realize its a bad idea to not come up with their powers until as im writing but uhhh well. i never said i was a fantastic writer who's smart. KANROSHROSBF.
he also kind of had marg's empathy ability but wayyy dialed back. he can only tell how other humans are feeling and he can only vaguely understand it as opposed to feeling the emotions himself like marg does. so he can kind of tell how others are feeling and he can tell what theyre thinking about! unless of course for plot convince he can't. strong emotions, especially strong negative emotions (ie. fear) can overwhelm him and makes his powers stop working. and if someone is convinced they're right then he wont b able to tell they're lying/hiding something! yay plot convenience!!
roman has night vision. i have no way of making this sound cool he just straight up can see really well in the dark. like a cat. most of the powers were based off where they originally landed and what would help them in that area! and roman landed in the sparse reef, which is so dark all the time i cry thinking about it. so he has night vision! his poor eyesight is probably all kinds of fucked up now tho.
jochi has regeneration abilities! now i know this might sound a bit much but he just heals from cuts and stuff faster and like. he bones heal fast. and he's more likely to survive smth that might usually kill someone, but its like a 10% higher chance of living nothing too much. he doesn't rlly get scars as much as the others, and its healed his old ones a bit more! this is by far the most unrealistic power of them all, but ya know its alien fish planet game who cares. basically bc his life support systems failed his spine got all fucked up and he got infected faster bc he was barely alive for the first few days and spent a lot of time w bart who was looking after him. power helped fix his back, but he still has a rlly bad limp and pretty much constant pain. big mood there khasar 😔✊
emily can detect electromagnetic waves! works best underwater. kind of like ryley's, but instead of hearing noises she can only hear anything electric, like vehicles or ampeels or heartbeats. gets all fucked up during thunderstorms though sadly. she's the only other one that can kind of hear warpers and can tell when ones about to warp around but she cant actually talk back to them. pretty sick if u ask me tho.
danby has p similar powers to her bc ampeels also spawn in the bulb zone. except he can sense them at a much smaller distance, cant hear warpers, and can control the waves around him! mostly just his own tho. so like, he can quiet his heartbeat or make it stop all together. scary power that he does not know how to control. uh oh. but he can also control other creatures a bit! he's very good at hiding bc of this, which is nice bc he loves to hide from scary things. very big mood once again.
milo is glowing powers! looks a lot like the transparency of a ghost levi or a crabsquid, although he isn't as see through as them. you can def make out like veins but not bones or organs. his powers are activated by touch, the more force behind will create more glow and more transparency! a poke = goes away within a few seconds, a slap = stays for a minute or so. instead of bruises, he just glows until the bruise would normally go away. he's basically a living glowstick. i have another joke for this but i cannot physically convince myself to type it bc its some shit emily would say to him and i cannot embarrass him like that LABDLABDKABAKD
andd ryley's super hearing! can hear basically everything within a mile radius at all times. im bad at math and i don't know the metric system but i think that's like around 1k meters. wait does the metric system use mile already. no. ONCE AGAIN NEVER SAID I WAS SMART.
OK ANYWAYS back on track! this means he can hear about half of the crater at all times. he's gotten p good at blocking out background noise and anything far away. typically only hears everything within like 300 meters of himself. so when he does get back to just hearing everything its like. u ever take out headphones in a busy place and everything kinda hurts for a few seconds bc its so much noise. yeah like that but 500x worse. he's able to concentrate on specific areas within this 1 mile field but if its far away it fucks him up good for a lil while. sorry ryley :(
and then the other two degasi! as mentioned before, paul can carry enzyme like the peepers, but he also can kind of make some himself! only small amounts and it works a bit less than the peeper enzyme does. he does not have to cough it up though thankfully it just like. idk how to describe this idea it can just kind of leave through his skin?? he has like no control over his power at all it just kind does its own thing and he deals w it. this is primarily how he and marg survive for so long w/o dying to kharra!
and finally marguerit! highly empathetic abilities that allow her to feel the emotions of anything around her! i thought it would be funny as hell to give MARGUERIT of all ppl Big Emotion Disease. this is a big reason why she has had yet to murder paul and why she's a lot less murderer like in the au. its hard to kill someone if you. you know. can feel exactly what they are. probably the reason she adopted Dog Bart/Legally Preston Emotionally Not. saw sad puppy and felt too bad to leave him. like paul, she has basically no control over it and is one of the reasons she does NOT want to go back to the survivors base and be around so many other ppl, she'd be feeling like, 13 ppl's emotions at one time. all these powers have fucked up drawbacks dont they??
once again sam, robin, jeff, maxim, and ozzy are (for now at least) not gonna have any powers! mutations are weird and ozzy just didn't get anything, and the vesper haven't been sick long enough for any yet!
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lairep · 6 years
Okay, I know what you’re thinking. “Lai keeps coming back then disappearing! What is happening is she ok does she hate us”
No, I do not hate anyone. No, I am not okay, but don’t worry it’s not anything bad-bad. Everything is just so insane over here that I honestly don’t even know where to begin.
Remember the good news I was talking about that I would get at the end of June? We didn’t get it so... 👀 I’m pretty sure I jinxed it. And if I explain it now I feel like I’ll jinx it for the rest of my life so I reeeeeeeeally need to stop talking about it MOVING ON------------
The other good news I received early on this August. AND I SHALL TELL YOU: I am not terminally ill! Yay~ ✨🎉✨💖
This was one of the biggest things I was stressing about for the whole of June and July, and we had to go get like the nth opinion from doctors to make sure because sis is unhealthy af. If the temperature arbitrarily changes even a little bit, I get sick immediately and sometimes I’ll have bad heart palpitations it’s like 👀 what’s going on am i dying lmao
Apparently, I’m just malnourished. c: I need to take vitamins and get sunlight and not be lazy when eating on time. I turn everything into fat armor in my body instead of digesting them as proper nutrients, so here I am with my weak-ass immune system. Currently, I have another cold, and just the other day I spiked a super high fever that my bones literally hurt from the burning of my body. Fun times.
I have 30-ish days to fix this with the medication provided or I will not be allowed to study abroad. A thing I’ve been working/saving up for since 2 years ago now? So yeah, if I can’t have that I’ll just won’t know what to do with myself again. So that’s fun! Yay!
More news, it seems I actually do have depression and anxiety. 👌 For everyone who’s known me previously, they’ll know that I hate talking about stuff like this in a serious light, and it’s mostly because I kind of... hate... acknowledging it for myself? Hahahahaha. So hey, if you’re wondering why I didn’t DM you this bit of information then there you go lmao. My new therapist was like “yeah gurl you depressed and anxious and passively suicidal lmao” and that was apparently why I get panic attacks when things get overwhelming.
So I need to acknowledge I have a problem and also take medication I cannot afford to buy and jesus man please can this just go away like magic thanks
I mean, on hindsight it explains all the anxiety attacks I never used to have and wishing I could just sleep forever and sometimes no longer enjoying stuff i got obsessed with and being afraid of interacting with people i care about thinking they probably hate me deep inside and are just tolerating me because they’re super nice people and im a charity case but i dont deserve it
If i get my malnourishment “managed” I will be leaving for Japan on the 28th of September. Speaking of, I also need to look for a place to stay there because if I don’t secure a place soon I will end up homeless in a foreign country and literally why do i do this to myself hahahaha
To end this super long spiel that no one will ever read: I have a sore on my tongue from my previous fever and it hurts. 😢
edit: so i wrote this post mid-august and it’s now september and i was supposed to post this and im a mess and i am sorry for existing, thanks
as of this edit, i now have a place to live, which is roughly an hour away from my school, so i have like 40 mins of just sitting on the subway. guess i’ll have time to scroll through tumblr then lmao im scared
also will be having another check-up tomorrow to see if i’m fit for travel. i will be leaving this 28th. EXCITED AND NERVOUS. i’ll probably die on my first tokyo winter hahahaha ok bye for real
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