#i did one of these for heather and billy before
poolsidepanic · 10 months
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this is what heather and billy did after their shift at the pool. you cannot convince me otherwise
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biillys · 2 years
love the idea of billy being able to approach anyone at school and it just being accepted. him not necessarily being apart of the popular crowd but anytime he chooses to grace them with his presence, they're all over him, offering him a seat and the latest hottest gossip. him talking to some nerd in class, asking for a pen becos he doesn't believe in bringing his own school supplies, and said nerd internally rolling their eyes but still handing over a pen. him talking to the drama kids, asking where they got that sick as fuck leather jacket for their musical, getting confused and lowkey alarmed looks but still an answer.
love the idea of there being only a select few people that can approach him and have him actually respond and acknowledge them, everyone else not even getting a glance.
eddie being one of them.
eddie and billy seeming to become eddie and billy overnight, like one day they were strangers and the next they were basically inseparable.
eddie walking up behind billy in the hallway and swinging an arm over his shoulder, fucking with his hair, before dumping half the shit he was carrying in billy’s basically unused satchel. billy giving him a what the fuck look but still holding it open for him, and eddie rolling his eyes and saying it was fucking empty anyway, billy shoving his satchel onto eddie's shoulder cos he’s not carrying around eddie's shit for him all day.
eddie being able to lean against billy's car, jump in the passenger seat without an invitation or even a comment, cos billy does the same thing to eddie's van just as often.
they have one class together, and their teacher’s given up on separating them, cos eddie’s just gonna talk to billy from across the room anyway, and billy’s gonna throw notes back to him, ripping up the piece of paper he borrowed from the guy beside him and throwing them at eddie's hair.
they have fun in detention together.
heathers another one.
they’re coworkers, yeah, but heather was probably the first person that billy ever truly gave a shit about in this shithole of a town. heathers been a cheerleader since becoming a cheerleader was an option, but somehow, like billy these days, always seems to just do her own thing.
she can sit on billy’s lap at lunch if they both bother with the cafeteria and the most billy will do is wrap an arm around her waist and move around 'til their more comfortable.
she can go through his shit to find his car keys to make a quick run to his car at lunch to find some spare hairbands and bobby-pins cos her’s broke and billy’s got spare shit everywhere in his car ever since he basically started being everyone’s personal chauffeur.
she can drag his notes across and copy everything he's written cos she was too busy texting chrissy under the table to pay attention and the most billy will do is ask what the plans were for that night. his notes half the time are basically illegible but billy's more or less somehow got mostly straight A's so heather'll take it.
sometimes she wears his jacket. rips him off about the lip stain. billy tells her to do a better one since she gives so much of a fuck.
chrissy joins billy’s inner-circle slowly, then instantly.
billy knows of her, has probably even spoke to her, but it’s not until they meet in eddie's trailer and all smoke up together - eddie and billy fucking around on eddie's guitars, heather with her feet swung over the back of the couch, chrissy sitting tense on the single armchair before slowly loosening up - that billy feels like he actually meets her.
suddenly, she’s pulling away from jason, from the other basketball players, from all her cheer friends, and slowly she’s hanging out with heather under the bleachers, she’s meeting up with eddie in the woods, and she’s waiting around the camaro at the end of the day to catch a ride home.
suddenly billy’s waiting around after basketball/cheer practice until chrissy’s ready to leave, cos jason's been talking a lot of shit lately, and billy doesn’t really think he’s got it in him to do something reckless, but he’s also not stupid enough to underestimate a guy like jason carver.
chrissy getting nervous when she sees jason loitering around but then she sees billy waiting just behind him, and she’s feeling brave suddenly, so she practically dances her way over to billy, grabs his hand before leaning into his side, and billy’s leaning right back and dropping her hand so he can wrap his arm around her shoulder, and she leaves without looking back. billy flips jason the bird over his shoulder.
max, obviously, when she starts going to the same high school. they’ve spent the previous summer working so much shit out, and it doesn’t mean they’re not still at each others throats over the stupidest shit, but it does mean that when billy bitches about having to wait around after her stupid nerd clubs, he does it without that much heat, and when max bitches about having to deal with the fact that every single person and teacher in this damn school has an opinion on her just becos she’s billy hargrove’s little sister, she sometimes sounds kind of proud to have that label. most of the time, she’s just annoyed.
max sometimes shoves her shit in billy’s locker, becos her locker’s full of dustin’s science shit, and sometimes when she’s carrying her board around at the end of the day, billy’ll come up behind her and smack it out of her grasp before skating down the hallway. she always feels vindicated when billy gets caught though, cos she never does. 
shaking billy down for lunch money, cos susan seems to think max actually likes tunafish sandwiches, when she rly truly fucking hates them. billy usually telling her to fucking scram, but occasionally giving in and passing her some change.
max sometimes tracking him down at the start of her lunch period and holding a hand out for his car keys, a pissed off look on his face, and billy takes one look behind he to see her lil gang looking all shifty, and billy - having been on the receiving end of her attitude fucking constantly in the past - just sighing before handing his keys over. more often than not, trailing behind her, even when she tells him to fuck off, just throwing a shit eating grin her way with an aww, so little maxine can have a pity party for one? fuck no. what'd the fuckers do this time?
lucas, becos he’s max’s boyfriend, and also becos he’s on the team, and he seems to be sneaking over every other weekend, and things may still be rocky between them, but since billy make his apology, they’ve been getting better. they’re not exactly besties, but sometimes they play a one on one game after practice ends and no one’s in a rush to get home, and most times lucas will win becos he’s honestly just better than billy at basketball, and each time billy will ask for best out of three, then best out of five, cos he fucking sucks at losing.
when jason and some of the other basketball dickheads start trying to drag lucas in, pulling their fake shit only to split whenever it’s convenient, billy just watches on before rolling his eyes and pulling lucas’ gear closer to his in the locker room and gives him the worlds shittest pep talk. jason carver ain’t shit, trust me. fuck that guy.
carol! and tommy! except billy’s a dick and he thinks it’s funny to fuck with tommy, so when carol comes up to him and catches him up to date with the latest wild happenings from the party he couldn’t be fucked to attend the night before, crashing at eddie’s with the others instead, and tommy tries to go in for a simple bro-handshake, billy gives him a blank stare and holds his hand out limply, not participating, watches the look on tommy’s face go from excited to confused, before finally grabbing him by the hand and pulling him close, hand on his shoulder, ‘i’m fucking with you’, then doing the stupid bro-shake thing. tommy laughing it off but turning to carol with wide eyes, every fucking time, like ‘shit, are we cool? are we friends?’ and carol just patting him on the shoulder before tucking herself into his side, all ‘yeah, babe, you're good.’
#anyway au where when billy first rolled into town; he truly did feel the need to like. make himself big. surround himself with crowds#fit in with the popular kids. attend every party. but then s3 happened#or like the non-upsidedown version but still a major critical life changing event. and when hes as healed as hes gonna get#and finally standing on his own two feet; trying to get his life back on track#he just. cant be fucked with keeping up appearances anymore. fuck being basketball captain fuck being the keg king fuck being That Guy#instead all he needs is his sister and his few people. that's literally all that matters.#anyway i think its be FUN if eddie can't understand shit in class so he's like 'billy what the fucks this mean'#but the teacher DID separate them so billy - from the literal other side of class - tries to explain it in terms eddie will click with#much to the teachers surprise; eddies grades actually improve#also. heather and chrissy wearing the guys jackets. its THAT simple#but also consider: chrissy wearing eddies jacket but eddies kinda chilly so billy offers him his leather jacket#that happens to be in the car. while heathers got his denim one. and billys just walking around in sleeves in a hawkins winter like a tool#max gives him SO much shit#also billy tommy and carol is like. billy was Faking it Til he Could Make it when he first met them so he keeps them at a distance#but then when he's in hospital and recovering; before eddie and chrissy are rly on his radar#and its just max and heather sitting by his side; tommy and carol come through#they're the only ones from billys Friend Group that reach out and visit; that check in; that fucking care#so when billy does stroll back into school. he just - walks straight pass jason and all his fake ass sympathies; straight past the girls#that use to hang all over him; gives tommy and carol a two finger salute as he walks by but completely ignores everyone else#and meets up w heather at his locker#m#nqff
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ihni · 4 months
The sound of the doorbell is what wakes him. The morning sun is shining in through the window, hitting the messy curls on the pillow next to him and making them shine like gold. The sight makes him smile, and his first instinct is to reach over and brush the curls away from his boyfriend’s face. There’s nothing better than getting to watch him wake up, after all; watch those blue eyes flutter open and squint against the light.
The doorbell rings again before he can act on his urge, though. It is followed by loud knocking, which rouses the body next to Steve; unfortunately in a less peaceful way than Steve had imagined. Billy’s eyes shoot open and he tenses as he immediately takes in where he is, and with who. Wide, blue eyes meet Steve’s.
“Shit!” he says and is halfway out of bed before Steve can even react, pulling a shirt – Steve’s, not that it matters – over his head. “It’s Neil!”
Steve has just opened his mouth to protest, say that it’s not – it can’t be, Neil doesn’t know about them – when there’s a knock again, and an angry man’s voice drifts up from outside.
And it is indeed Neil’s voice.
Steve jumps out of bed too and nabs for the other shirt that’s been discarded on the floor – but no, no, he can’t show up at the door wearing Billy’s shirt, he can’t, so he drops it again before hurrying to his closet. He pulls on an old T-shirt, and then whirls around and grabs Billy’s face between his hands. Billy’s face, which has gone ashen with fear.
“Stay here,” Steve says. “I’ll get rid of him. It’ll be okay.”
He turns and walks out of the room, squaring his shoulders as he goes. In his periphery, he sees Heather’s head peek out of the guest room that she and Robin stumbled into late last night while blushing and giggling, but he ignores her as he makes his way to the stairs.
The knocking and shouting continues, sending equal measures of anger and fear down Steve’s spine. How did the man know to come here? Billy said he’d told him that he was going to a party last night; said that he wasn’t even given a curfew. The man would have had no reason to suspect that the party was in fact a very private affair at Steve’s place, with just him and Billy and Robin and Heather – a safe place, as all of them knew about each other’s preferences by now – and definitely would have had no reason to show up on Steve’s doorstep this early in the morning. As far as Steve knows, Billy’s dad doesn’t even know Steve by name, and shouldn’t know where he lives.
He’s halfway down the stairs when a hand grasps his arm.
“Don’t,” Billy says, voice shaking. Steve turns – he’s standing a step below Billy, so he has to look up to face him – and sees that Billy’s shaking his head. “Don’t open the door.”
He’s scared, Steve realizes. Really scared.
From outside the door, they can now make out Neil’s angry words between the bouts of knocking. “I know he’s in there! Open the door. William!”
Billy is just standing there, still holding on to Steve’s arm. His eyes are big and pleading. He’s obviously terrified, and it feels so wrong. No one who has fought monsters with the same fervor as Billy should ever have to be scared of a mere human.
A calm settles over Steve, followed by resolve. He gently extricates himself from Billy’s grip – ignoring the way Billy trembles – and says, “Don’t worry. I won’t let him hurt you again.”
He continues down the stairs, but Billy shoulders past him and blocks his way. Puts both hands on Steve’s chest and pushes. “I don’t care if he hurts me,” he hisses. “But he’s dangerous.” The man yells some threats from the other side of the door and knocks again. Rattles the door handle for emphasis, this time. Billy flinches and looks over his shoulder before continuing, “I don’t want him to hurt you.”
“He’s not going to hurt me,” Steve says. He doesn’t know that for sure, but he can’t imagine it. This is his house, or, well, his parents’. Neil is the one who’s trespassing. And Steve knows the Chief of Police.
He walks past his boyfriend and crosses the hall. A hand lands on his shoulder again. Not forcing him to stop or trying to hold him back; just there. Imploring.
“Please,” Billy begs, and it pierces Steve’s heart like a knife because Billy doesn’t beg.
Billy, acting like this, is not right. The man on the other side of the door has brought Billy too much pain already. This has to end. And that end starts now. By getting rid of the immediate threat.
They’ll figure out the rest later.
Steve walks on. Stops in front of the door and only then realizes that Billy’s standing there with him, still with a hand on his shoulder. He’s watching Steve with big, wet eyes and shaking his head silently. Don’t do this, he doesn’t say out loud. Please, just ignore him.
But Steve can’t. Not this time. Not when the man is ranting on his doorstep on a Saturday morning, threatening to break in. Not when Billy’s standing here next to Steve, shaking with terror.
Billy is not getting hurt by that man in Steve’s house. If Neil tries to set one foot inside, Steve will kill him.
Steve reaches for the door, and with his other hand, he pushes Billy up against the wall just inside the door. Close enough to touch, but out of sight of his irate father. He can feel Billy’s heart beat frantically under his hand, and silently vows that this is the last time. This is the last time Billy is afraid.
He breathes in deeply and takes a second to slip into spoiled rich-boy mode. Then he opens the door.
“What?” he drawls, unimpressed. He gives the man outside a contemptuous look. The man draws himself up to say something, but Steve doesn’t let him speak. “Do you know what time it is? It’s Saturday, man. Some people are trying to sleep.”
Neil Hargrove is proper; not a hair out of place. It’s the first thing Steve thinks as he sees him up close – he has seen the man from a distance at times and listened in on the occasional phone call between him and Billy, but Billy has never let Steve even get close to the house on Cherry Lane when he knows that his dad is home.
The man is of average build and doesn’t look particularly dangerous from an outsider’s point of view, but there’s something cold in his eyes that sends shivers of fear down Steve’s spine when he’s pinned under Neil’s gaze. He doesn’t let his discomfort show, though; just lets the man take in Steve’s appearance fully – his messy hair, the way he’s just wearing a shirt and underwear, and how he’s obviously just got out of bed – and waits for him to speak.
“I know he’s here,” Neil growls – actually growls, like an animal. Steve sees movement out of the corner of his eye but doesn’t dare glance to where Billy’s huddling up against the wall. Instead he leans against the side of the door, placing himself more firmly between Billy and his dad.
He has seen the bruises on Billy’s skin and he has hated that he has to let Billy go back to that house time and again, but this is the first time he truly sees what Billy faces at home. He thinks, idly, that he won’t be able to let Billy go back there again.
“What are you talking about?” he asks, and tries to make it sound as if he thinks the man isn’t all there in the head. By the way Neil’s face turns darker, he succeeds.
“My son, William. I know he’s here.”
“William,” Steve deadpans, as if it’s a word he has never uttered before. He raises one eyebrow. “Look, there’s no William here, man. You’ve got the wrong address. Go yell at someone else’s door. Or don’t, I don’t care. Just go away.”
He starts to close the door, but Neil’s hand shoots out and stops him. He doesn’t move to go inside, but he’s holding the door without letting it close, and staring at Steve with narrowed eyes. A challenge. A threat.
“I’m not leaving without my son.”
So that’s how it’s going to be, huh?
Steve draws himself up and narrows his own eyes as he stares back. He manages to dial back on the disgust, but some of it must shine through because he can feel himself sneering. “Who are you again?” he asks. Flippantly.
“My name is Neil Hargrove,” Neil says, pronouncing every syllable with obvious annoyance. Good. “And my son, William –“
“You mean Billy?” Steve says, letting surprise color his voice. “You’re Billy’s dad?” He doesn’t let the man answer, instead he lets out an incredulous laugh. “You think Billy is here?”
“His car is parked down the road,” Neil seethes, and oh. “You’re on the basketball team with him. And I know what he’s like. He’s a dirty little faggot who –“
Steve lets his face shut down. Slips on the mask that he has seen on his parent’s faces on many occasions during boring parties and work functions. The ‘do you know who I am’ persona. His voice is ice cold when he speaks.
“I’m not sure what you are insinuating, Mr. Hargrove, but if I were you, I’d stop talking.” Something like uncertainty flickers in Neil’s eyes. Steve drinks it in. “I don’t know if you know my parents –“ He nods to the brass plaque next to the door with ‘Harrington’ etched into it “– but I’m sure they won’t be too impressed when they hear that some lunatic showed up at their door on a Saturday morning, accusing their only son of being …” He holds Neil’s eye. Can’t – won’t – say the word the man used, not with Billy behind the door. “… a deviant.”
Disgust is dripping from his voice – disgust over this sorry excuse for a human, disgust over the fact that he has to deal with this at all – but that lends him credibility in this particular instance. He sounds just like an offended rich boy. An offended rich boy with influence.
As if on cue – which it most likely is, since Steve suspects that the girls have been listening in for some time now – there are soft steps behind him on the stairs, and Robin’s voice drifts out from behind him, “Steve? What’s going on?”
He lets the door open just a little bit wider under the guise of turning around, allowing Neil Hargrove to see Robin. Robin, whose hair is also sleep-mussed, and who is wearing an oversized button-up shirt. It’s not Steve’s – she must have taken it from his dad’s closet – but Neil doesn’t know that. She paints a perfect picture of a confused girlfriend who just woke up to the sounds of yelling, and Steve is so grateful that he’s friends with her.
“Nothing, baby,” he says, softening his voice. “Go back to bed.”
Robin hesitates with one more look at Neil. Licks her lips, as if she’s worried. “Should I … call someone? The police, or …?”
Perfect. Thank you for the assist, Robin.
“No, there’s no need to bother Jim this early in the morning,” Steve says, making sure to use Hopper’s first name, and turns back to face Neil. Neil, whose face has paled. Who has possibly started to realize that he may have messed up. Steve gives him a stiff smile and lets his voice go cold again as he continues, “Mr. Hargrove here was just leaving. Isn’t that right, Mr. Hargrove?”
Too proud or too angry to say it out loud, the man just gives a jerky nod and steps back. Steve will take it, as long as he leaves.
Starting to close the door again, Steve sneaks one glance at Billy’s pale face an arms-length away, and adds, in a sudden bout of inspiration.
“Oh, and if you’re looking for Billy in Loch Nora –“ He gives Neil, who’s half-turned to leave, a slow once-over, showing just enough disdain to make it clear that someone like Neil Hargrove doesn’t belong in this part of town, “– then I suggest you try the Holloways next. I think I saw him with their daughter Heather at the party last night.” He gives a sardonic little smile at the way Neil Hargrove’s face shutters. Everyone’s heard of the Holloways, just as everyone’s heard of the Harringtons. “I’m sure Tom and Janet will appreciate being disturbed on a Saturday morning just as much as I have. Who knows, it might get you a mention in the Post.”
With that, he shuts the door in Neil Hargrove’s face and locks it, and turns to his wide-eyed boyfriend. Who hasn’t moved from his space behind the door.
He ignores both Robin running out into the kitchen on silent feet – probably to make sure that Neil Hargrove actually leaves – and Heather coming downstairs, in favor of putting his hands on the sides of Billy’s face and lean in so their foreheads are touching. Billy is shivering and his breaths are uneven, but he reaches up and grabs at Steve’s wrist and the back of his head with something akin to desperation.
“I can’t believe you,” he whispers. “You’re crazy.”
“Crazy about you,” Steve says, and is rewarded with a shaky little laugh.
“Shit,” Billy breathes. “I was so scared, Steve. I thought he was gonna –”
“But he didn’t.”
They stand there for a little while, just looking at each other. Holding each other and breathing each other’s air. Gradually, Billy’s tremors subside. His heart rate slows.
Eventually, Robin comes back into the hall and announces, “He’s gone. Got in his car and left.” She adds, pointedly, “Didn’t look like he was heading for the Holloways’, either.”
Steve looks at her and then drifts his eyes over to Heather, who’s sitting on the second to last step on the stairs, looking at them with one eyebrow raised. He winces. “Yeah … uh, sorry about that, I guess. I should have asked first.”
“You should,” Heather agrees. “But you didn’t, which means that you owe me one.” She looks between Steve and Billy and says, “I would have agreed if you’d asked, but you know. You still owe me.”
Steve laughs. Heather turns to Billy and points one well-manicured finger at him. “So I guess we’re dating now, you and I. I hope you know that I expect to be wooed.”
After Billy gives her a little salute, she nods and turns to Robin. Smiles lewdly as she takes in her appearance in the oversized shirt. “You look good in that,” she says, biting her lip. “Let’s see what other fun clothes we can find in that closet.”
The girls disappear up the stairs, giggling. Steve has a suspicion that his parents’ closet are going to be in complete disarray soon, but can’t bring himself to care. It’s a small price to pay.
“Do you want to go back to bed, too?” Steve asks, and belatedly realizes what it sounds like. “To sleep some more, I mean!” he adds. Because a Neil Hargrove scare first thing in the morning is probably not exactly a turn-on. “Or do you want breakfast? I can make breakfast. We have –“
“I want to go back to bed,” Billy says, thankfully cutting off the rambling.
“Okay,” Steve says and reaches out for his hand. When Billy’s hand slots into his, is it perfectly steady. No more tremors. “Okay, let’s do that.”
But Billy shakes his head. “I don’t wanna sleep, though.”
“… no?”
Billy’s looking at him through his lashes – his ridiculously long lashes, which he knows is Steve’s Kryptonite – and gives a small smile.
“Not gonna lie, babe. That was a terrifying experience. But …” He takes a step closer, brushes the lightest of kisses against Steve’s lip before leaning in and whispering in his ear, “… the way you shut him down like that, that was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.”
Then he abruptly turns and sashays away, but not before giving Steve’s butt a quick squeeze as he passes.
He stops at the bottom of the stairs with one hand on the bannister, and looks over his shoulder all seductively. “You coming?”
Oh, Steve is coming, all right.
He chases Billy up the stairs. (And this time, when he catches him, he’ll hold onto him and never let him go back to that house again.)
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mmflvrrs · 12 days
DESCRIPTION | You and your best friend visit the pool on a hot day in Hawkins. You weren’t expecting to see your ex-boyfriend, Billy working this Friday afternoon.
PAIRING | Billy Hargrove x fem!reader
WARNINGS | Light angst, spitting, oral (f & m receiving), degradation (slut, whore), slight daddy kink, making out, cursing, P and V sex, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it, or else), marking, biting, fingering, rough sex, overstimulation, some fluff, aftercare.
WORD COUNT | 1.72k
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GIF by fan-ficwriter2000
You and Billy had been on and off for the last few months, but never like this. This felt for real. You had always been going in circles with billy, break up, fuck, get back together, repeat.
You had been moping around for weeks, when your friend Amanda finally drags you to the pull on a day you knew Billy wouldn't be working but, to your surprise Billy was working that Friday afternoon.
"Should we leave?" Amanda asked not wanting you to go back into the funk you had been in the past few weeks.
"No, just ignore him," you sighed leaning back in your chair.
You tried your best to ignore Billy but, you knew that you were still in love with him, and knew that you would always be. He may not have been the nicest but he was the one for you. You both knew it but that never stopped your emotional intimacy issues from getting in the way.
You caught yourself stealing glances at him every chance you got. He only started noticing this now. As he caught your eye he sent you a smirk. That damned smirk.
You immediately looked away vowing not to look again.
"y/n I see the way you keep looking over there..." your friend trailed off, "If you really miss him, go talk to him."
"You don't get it Mands, This break up is different."
"How so?" She questioned. You struggled to answer, you honestly didn't know hot this differed from the others but, you something felt off.
"It just is mands," You sighed looking down once again, "Maybe you were right, maybe we should just go."
You turned to look over at Billy once more, but this time he was already looking at you. You felt like you could melt just from the feeling of him looking up your body.
You returned the gaze, you saw him mouth, 'can we talk please?' as he made a begging motion with his hands. You sighed nodding. "I'll be make mands."
After Billy got Heather to take over life guarding, he made his way over to you.
"What Billy?" You asked standing infront of him.
"I miss you, babe," He said making a pouty face," Why cant we be us again?" He said as he ran his fingers along your arms.
Your breathe hitched feeling heat radiate from your car at the contact, "Billy.."
"I know you miss me," He said whispering your ear leaving a kiss on your neck just below.
"Billy.." You started before he pulled away, interrupting you," Tell me you miss me and I'm yours."
"I miss you Billy," you sighed watching as he smirked.
"Stay til my shift is over?" He asked smiling down at you.
You nodded smiling as you made your way back to your chair.
"Where'd you go?" Mands asked, "You still wanna leave?"
"No, I'm going to stay til closed.." you said not making eye contact with her.
"You sneaky little thing," She said shaking her head," You were with Billy weren't you?"
You sighed and found yourself nodding, once again.
"Well then, I have to be home for dinner, you sure you'll be okay here til closing?"
"Yes, Mands, thanks"
You stayed tanning in the chair until the sun went down. Once Billy finished his closing duties, he came over to you. Sitting beside you on the chair.
"When did you get this?" He asked as he traced the small tattoo that was located on your hip just below your swim suit bottems.
"A few days ago.. I needed a change."
He nodded, "You ready to go?"
"Yeah," You smiled putting a your shirt back on, taking his hand.
You both made your way to his car. As he drove back your apartment, he placed his hand on your thigh, slowly inching it up, once it reached the line of your bathing suit bottoms you realized the growing wetness pooling between yours legs.
"Billy.." you whispered as his fingers slowly dipped below the cloth covering your core.
"God Baby," He groaned, "Your so fucking wet."
He brought his hand out pulling over the car. "Come here baby," He said patting his lap. You kneeled over, straddling his lap. His lips connecting with yours. You were in pure bliss at the feeling of his lips trailing down from yours marking your neck.
"Take this off for me, yeah" Billy said, tugging at the bottom of your shirt. You nodded removing the shirt.
His lips quickly connected with your skin once again. His hands grasped your tits. "God babe, you have such a good rack." You moaned at his words.
"Billy- please!" you needed more the friction of his growing bulge pressing against your core was to much.
"Tell me what you want, baby."
"I want you to touch me," You whispered throwing your head back at the feeling of his lips on continuing their attack on your neck.
"You want me to touch you like the slut, you are?" He asked looking at you like you were something he was going to destroy.
You nodded at his words. His hand slowly traveled down from your tits, to your aching core, His hand dipped below the fabric. He spread the pool of wetness around your clit, rubbing soft circles around the sensitive nub.
"Oh fuck!" you moaned as your hands immediately lacing into his hair. yanking at the roots. He loved the feeling much more than he would admit.
His fingers slipped between your folds and into your throbbing pussy. The feeling of his fingers curling inside of you, lead you to the feeling of preassure building up inside you.
"Fuck, Billy more," You moaned as you began to grind against his fingers.
"Your such a slut, y/n" He laughed at the neediness. "Thats it baby, keep fucking yourself against my fingers like the needy little whore you are."
You were trembling at the amount of pleasure building inside you.
"Oh Billy," You moaned as the pleasure finally released. Your walls tightened around his fingers.
"Fuck y/n, such a good girl for me," He smirked, placing a kiss to his lips.
"Let's finish this back at your place," He smirked, knowing that you wanted him right here and now.
"Billlyy, please baby."
He shook his head smirking, as he moved you back into the spot next to him.
You knew two could play this game. As Billy began to drive home, you placed a hand over his bulge jerking it threw his shorts.
"Y/n..." He warned, looking over at you.
"what?" You asked innocently.
You began to tug the shorts and underwear that were covering his bulge down just enough for his dick to spring up against his stomach. Your hand immediately working it.
"fuck," Billy moaned at the feeling of you working his dick.
"Eyes on the road baby," You smiled innocently as you moved your head towards his aching cock. Your lips meeting the tip leaving a delicate kiss before sucking harshly.
You continued to suck at the tip before pushing your head down, towards the base of his cock. Your eyes watered as the tip hit the back of your throat over and over again.
You felt the car come to a stop as Billy pulled your head up from his cock.
"Your such a whore," He smirked at you.
You made your way into your apartment Billy following close behind. Once you were in your bedroom he didn't waste a second before connecting your lips.
Your bathing suit didn't leave much to the imagination but, Billy tore them off anyway.
"I wanna taste you so, bad baby," He whispered against your lips.
When you felt his warm breathe against your lips you were immediately turned on.
He pushed you onto the bed, kneeling at the edge.
His tongue finding your clit without a second to spare. His arms held your legs down, as he continued to lick at your clit.
He continued licking at your clit, the pleasure nearly unbearable.
"Fuck daddy- please!" you moaned at the continuous pleasure.
He stopped after hearing what you said, "what did you just say?" He questioned.
"Billy-" You too just realized what you had said, you had talked about the pet name before but this was the first time you had used it.
"You little slut." He smirked, hovering over you, "You want me to make you a mommy?" He questioned leaning down to mark your neck once again.
He didn't give you the chance to say anything before he plunged his cock deep inside of you.
"fuck- billy" You moaned out as your hands clawed at his back. He was pounding into you harder than ever before.
"Since you wanna be a slut, I'm gonna fuck you like one," He said moving his hand to rub your clit as his cock continuously rubbed against your g-spot.
"Isn't that right baby? You wanna be my little slut," He said forcing you to look him in the eyes.
"mhmmm," you said, at the pleasure building up inside you.
"cum for me slut," Billy demanded as he rubbed at your clit faster.
You obliged at the command as you came unraveled around him. He continued to fuck you as you rode out your high.
He continued to fuck you until he cam inside you, "fuck." He threw his head back continuing to plunge into you riding out his high.
He pulled out laying beside you, "God, baby I missed you." He said placing a delicate kiss to your lips.
"I missed you too," you smiled.
"Let me clean you up," He said, running to the bathroom to get a damp cloth.
He came back wiping you bottom half, before getting you a shirt and panties to change into. He slipped back on his underwear and returned next to you into the bed.
You snuggled into him laying against his chest. "Billy.." you said as you ran your fingers along his chest, "Yes?"
"I'm sorry I broke up with you," you said looking up at him, "I let my anxiety get to me," you sighed continuing to trace shapes along his chest.
"Baby, I promise, you're the one for me," He said kissing your forehead and pulling you closer.
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harringroveera · 27 days
The whole thing was Robin’s idea. 
So she had a crush on her gym instructor, but that didn’t mean she had to drag Steve with her to their date. Yet somehow, they ended up at the restaurant anyway. 
Apparently, Robin’s crush wouldn’t go on a date unless her friend could come too. The guy had just been dumped, and she wanted to help him. Robin, of course, didn’t find any reasons to protest that. She found so many reasons to get Steve to come with her, though.
I helped you during your finals, Steve. I got you to go back to Nancy, Steve. I let you borrow five bucks last week, Steve.
In the end, he caved in and went with her.
“Okay, how do I look?” Robin put the silver spoon down on the table and turned to him for help. She bared her teeth. “Do I have anything on my teeth?”
“No, Robin. You’re fine!” he said, groaning as he sank back to his seat. “You know, you owe me big time for this.”
“Think of this as an opportunity for you, Steve. Heather’s friend is really hot. He works at the same place she does. Personal trainer. People ask for his number every day. I saw.” 
“I don’t know. He was just dumped. Wouldn’t that make him a little, I don’t know, desperate?” 
“And Nancy just dumped you again, when?”
He rolled his eyes, kicking her leg from under the table. “Shut up,” he said. “Okay, fine! You get the pretty one, and I get the pathetic one. That’s our deal.”
“Obviously. You’re not Heather’s type anyway.”
“What’s Heather’s type?”
Steve snorted, straightening his back, when Robin kicked his foot. She pointed at the entrance, where a girl their age walked through the door in her off-shoulder, black dress. From the mesmerized look on Robin’s face, he could only assume this was the Heather she had been crushing on for months and only gathered the nerve to ask out last week.
When Heather spotted them, she smiled, waving her fingers at Robin as she approached their table. Robin nearly tripped while trying to get out of her chair. 
“Hey! Hi,” she said, pulling out a chair for Heather. “Heather, this is Steve, my best friend. The one I told you about.”
“Pretty,” Heather said, and Steve blinked at her confusedly. “My friend would like you.”
“Really? Who did you bring?”
Heather’s lips curled up to form a smirk. She turned to Robin instead. “I have to go wash the cologne smell off my hands. I had to help him with a bit of an emergency earlier,” she said, and Robin nodded. “Can you get me a daiquiri and a whiskey neat for Billy?”
“Sure, yeah, absolutely! One daiquiri and one whiskey neat!”
Heather patted Robin’s hand gently and headed towards the restroom. Steve watched her go, his shoulders tensing up when he finally processed the words she had said.
“What did she just say?” he said, as Robin looked at him. “Did she say Billy?”
“Billy. As in, Billy Hargrove?” he hissed.
Robin’s lips parted, but then she let out an unconvinced scoff. “No, no way it’s him. You haven’t seen him since you graduated.”
“And now I’m in California, where Max told me he lives.”
“There’s no way that your high school rival is actually friends with Heather, Steve. It’s a one in a million chance!”
“Steve Harrington.” 
Steve froze, sending Robin a sharp glare that made her shoulders shrink. She gave him an apologetic smile before they both turned to look at the guy standing right in front of their table.
“What are the fucking odds?” 
The date, as it turned out, was a disaster. 
He hadn’t seen Hargrove since he graduated. And sure, Max occasionally told her friends things about Hargrove to keep them up to date, and Steve was always there to listen to them, but he had no interest in Hargrove whatsoever. Not since they got into that big fight that ended up with Steve having a broken nose for weeks. He hated the guy.
He was smug and arrogant, and his looks didn’t help either. He was attractive; even Steve had to admit that, but his personality repulsed Steve. 
For Robin, she was rather enjoying her time with her crush. The two of them had been talking since the date started, and Steve had been glaring at Hargrove since the date—not a date—started.
“I see that your nose healed nicely, Harrington,” Hargrove said, and Steve narrowed his eyes on him.
“Yeah. No thanks to you.”
It made Hargrove laugh. That bright, annoying laugh that Steve found irritating. “Don’t tell me you’re still bitter about that. It was, what, seven years ago?” 
“You broke my nose!”
“You kidnapped my sister.”
“I didn’t—” He took a deep breath, swallowing the bubbling anger down. “I didn’t kidnap her! I was driving her to Dustin’s place. They had a stupid game night. I just—I didn’t even know she snuck out of the house.”
“So what you’re saying is, it’s your fault you got a broken nose?”
Steve heaved a breath and said, “Sure, and how is single life treating you after you got dumped?” 
Hargrove laughed again, which was getting annoying. “It’s cool.”
“And here I thought you’d never be dumped,” he remarked. “King Hargrove. Always the dumper, never the dumpee. Weren’t you with Munson for a long time?” 
“We were,” Hargrove said, “until he realized he got a thing for older men, not younger.”
Steve blinked at him in surprise, flicking the piece of carrot in his place. “Oh.”
“And you? Last time Heather talked to me about you, you were with Wheeler. Again.”
“Of course, because I just love talking about him,” Heather said, deadpan.
“We were together for a while, yeah,” Steve said, “then she realized she had a thing for women.”
A smile tugged at the corners of Hargrove’s lips. He said, “Looks like we both had bad luck in relationships.”
“Looks like you both got dumped,” Robin said. “And looks like Heather and I are leaving.”
“Yeah, sorry. We really have to go.” She flashed Steve a guilty smile, patting his shoulder and leaning closer to whisper in his ear, “Heather said she’s very flexible, not just at the gym, and now I really want to find out what that means.”
“God, Robin. Fine, go!” he said, waving his hand in dismissal as she squeezed his arm. 
“Thank you!”
She gave him another smile before disappearing with Heather, leaving him completely alone with Hargrove, who was possibly the worst choice to spend the night with. He sighed, sinking back into the chair and darting his eyes to Hargrove. The guy was already smiling at him.
“What?” he said.
Hargrove shrugged, twirling his fingertip around the rim of his whiskey glass. “Nothing. Just thinking about how I’d need another drink.”
“Yeah, me too,” Steve said. “You aren’t gonna break my nose this time, right?”
“Not unless you kidnap my sister again.” Hargrove gave him a wink, and Steve gulped. When did he get so much more charming than before? 
“I wasn’t,” Steve said. “It was a misunderstanding. I already explained everything to you.”
“Yeah, I heard both yours and Max’s stories already,” Hargrove said, taking the champagne bottle and pouring it into Steve’s empty glass. 
“Woah, hey.” He snorted, nudging at the bottle in Hargrove’s hand when the champagne nearly touched the rim. “You’re trying to get me drunk and get in my pants or something?” 
“You want me to?” 
Steve stared at him. He cleared his throat and said, “Of course not.”
When Steve woke up in the morning, it was from the constant buzzing of his phone on the nightstand. He scrolled past the missed calls and unopened messages from Robin with half-lidded eyes. The last one was a text from Robin asking if anything bad had happened the night before.
He flinched when an arm draped over his chest. He widened his eyes and turned his head, taking in the sight—the person—next to him. Their limbs were tangled, and there was a nest of messy blond hair buried in his shoulder blade. 
His eyes darted down to the skull tattoo on the man’s arm. Steve let out a shaky breath.
“Fuck,” he muttered. “Fuck, fuck. I slept with Billy Hargrove. Oh, god.”
“Yeah, you did. Now shut up,” Hargrove said groggily into his shoulder, squeezing his midriff tighter. “Or do you want me to leave?”
Steve gulped, glancing at their entwined and very naked limbs. Memories of last night came back to him, shoving five amazing orgarms back in his face. Okay, so maybe it wasn’t that bad. Besides, Hargrove was really warm, and his morning wood was poking against Steve’s hips, like a promise to the sixth orgasm he would be experiencing soon.
“No,” he mumbled quietly, embarrassment filling his cheeks with heat. He put a hand over Billy’s arm, tilting his face to breathe in his cologne. “No, you can stay.”
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ladykailitha · 2 months
Well Met By Moonlight Part 12
Long time no see on this one. Sorry about that. I was trying really hard to balance everything out, but it didn't work. Hopefully this makes up for it.
I would absolutely go back and read part 11 considering how long it's been.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11
In this we find out where the blood came from, Billy gets a gift and a shock, and Eddie proves he's smarter than people give him credit for.
Robin sprayed Steve down with a hose and washed away all the blood. Then he shifted. Tommy climbed on his back and dug his hands in the thick fur by his ruff.
He let Tommy steer him to where he needed to go, behind them he could sense both Nancy and Hopper in wolf form running on either side. Neither of them carried any scent of blood, so they weren’t one of his pack who had woken up covered.
Now that he was back in wolf form he could smell that the blood on him wasn’t human. Thank god, but it was still a problem because the scent didn’t smell like any animal he’d ever hunted before.
Patrick was literally on the Coven’s doorstep when Steve arrived. He was surrounded by Billy, Heather, Chrissy, and Keith. Patrick was barely breathing and it looked as though he had been mauled by something. Something big.
Bigger than even Steve.
He nudged Tommy for him to get off which the keeper did quickly. Steve shifted back into his human form.
“Why didn’t you heal him?” he snapped at Billy.
Billy laughed. “Because I figured it was a present to me.”
Steve’s head snapped up. “But you weren’t the one attacked, I was.”
Billy stepped over Patrick’s body as if he was trash. He leaned into Steve’s space. “And you’re weak. Everyone knows it. This was the supernatural community coming to me and telling me that it’s time to dispense of the...” he paused for dramatic affect. “Pleasantries.”
Steve growled and snapped in his face, causing everyone present to gasp.
“I dare you to try, Billy,” he snarled. “You won’t do shit. Everyone knows you’re actual coward, hiding behind the veneer of the Dominus rank. I know about your little spy. I even know who it is.”
Billy was forced to take a step back.
“You don’t know shit, Harrington,” he sneered, trying to gain back the footing he had so clearly lost. “But go on then, come get him if you really think you’re strong enough to take me on.”
Steve scoffed and knelt at Patrick’s side. “I don’t have to take him, Hargrove. I can just do this.”
He picked up Patrick’s wrist. “I can save you,” he murmured. “But you have to consent.”
“Saved me,” Patrick rasped. “Can’t save me–”
“I can,” Steve insisted. “Just give the word and I’ll do it.”
Patrick nodded.
Steve looked up at Chrissy and Keith. “You both saw him nod, yes.”
Keith nodded and Chrissy said, “Yes. I attest that he nodded.”
Steve lowered his mouth onto Patrick’s wrist. Billy whirled around to try to stop him but both Heather and Chrissy leaped to grab his arms to hold him back.
Nancy and Hopper looked on in stunned silence as Patrick’s wounds receded. The boy’s body shook and he howled in pain. Then he laid still.
Everyone watched on.
“Now we see if he has the potential.” Steve got to his feet. He was still naked as he turned to face Billy head on.
“Why would you do that?” Billy snarled. “He tried to kill you. Now if he survives he’ll be able to finish the job. God, Harrington I thought you were dumb but this takes whole new levels.”
Steve scoffed and got right into Billy’s face. They were standing toe to toe and even though Billy was taller and broader than Steve when his blue eyes met Steve’s hazel, Billy ducked his head.
“You didn’t listen, as always,” Steve growled. “He said that I had already saved him. Which means the blood I found when I woke up this morning was that of whatever attacked Patrick.”
Just then Wayne and Eddie landed on the ground behind them, fully transformed. Wayne’s wings were grey to Eddie’s midnight black, but the were longer, heavier, darker in a way that had nothing to do with color but from the aura that surrounded the older vampire.
As none of the current coven were over the age of fifty, most of them born vampires and young, Billy had to bow to Wayne’s age and experience. Wayne hissed and Billy stopped struggling against Keith and Chrissy. He went boneless in their arms as he sank to his knees.
“It’s done,” Wayne said solemnly.
Everyone turned to looked at Patrick.
The boy’s breathing had evened out and his wounds were healed. His clothes were still tattered and torn, covered in the patina of his attack. Steve could hear his heart beat and it too had evened out.
“Take him back to the compound,” he said fiercely. Hopper and Tommy helped Patrick to get on the back of Nancy and Tommy climbed on to help keep him from sliding off. Then Nancy was off like a shot, tearing off toward home.
Steve knelt on the ground and sniffed the blood that remained. It had the taint of something feral and dark. Not werewolf. Not vampire. Some other supernatural being.
“Christ!” Wayne hissed. “What the fuck is a cat sìth doing on this side of the Atlantic?”
Billy scoffed. “There’s no such thing. Not ever legend is real otherwise we’d be fending off at least a thousand demons from Japanese folk lore alone.”
Wayne glowered at him. “Be that as it may, boy. The fae are not only real, but deadly as hell. It’s only because the cat sìth wished it so that he lasted as long as he did.”
Steve rubbed his jaw. There was something off. Something that didn’t make sense.
He shook his head. “A cat sìth was involved, no doubt. But I don’t think that’s who attacked Patrick.”
Every head turned to Steve.
“What do you mean, Stevie?” Eddie asked.
“I’m a good fighter,” Steve explained. “But there is no way that I would have been able to fight one off not if Patrick was the target.”
Billy licked his lips. “Because Patrick wasn’t the target.”
Steve nodded. “The cat sìth was on hand to feast on the real target to make sure there was nothing left.”
“So who was the target?” Hopper growled.
“Considering that Patrick was dumped on Billy’s doorstep?” Chrissy said, “It’s a sure bet it was probably him.”
“But why?” Keith asked.
“Holy fucking shit!” Eddie hissed. “I know exactly what the plan was.”
Billy scoffed. “Like a bitten could figure it out before a bred. Go back to your trailer, trash.”
Wayne leveled Billy a glare that Dominus met head on. Neither man flinched first.
“What have you got, Eddie?” Chrissy asked, breaking the tension.
Eddie puffed out his chest and preened a little at the attention. The alpha in Steve woke with a possessive growl that caught in his throat.
“Patrick was poisoned.”
Every head turned to Steve in concern. Well all but Hopper.
“He’ll be fine,” the gruff former alpha informed the crowd. “Part of the perks of being a werewolf. We can’t be poisoned. It doesn’t stick.”
Steve grinned wolfishly at the vampires. Wayne rolled his eyes.
“Wait,” Chrissy said. “If that’s the case, then they were banking on Billy turning Patrick into a vampire, weren’t they?”
Eddie nodded. “They assumed that Billy would want one of Steve’s assailants as a vampire kind. Adding a valuable ally to the Coven.”
Wayne nodded. “That’s a good thought, boy.” He ruffled Eddie’s hair fondly. “But they didn’t account for one thing.”
Billy grinned this time, finally having caught on. “That I wouldn’t allow a bitten in my coven.”
Steve’s eyes went wide. “So what about the cat sìth?”
“That’s where their plan gets ingenius,” Eddie said. “Billy turns Patrick, Billy dies from the poison, the cat sìth eats or at least mangles Billy’s body, and it looks like a turned vampire killed the Dominus, turning the whole coven against Wayne and me.”
Wayne rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “I’m strong and so is Ed, but there is no way that we’d be able to take on an entire coven on our own.”
“Thereby removing the town’s fiercest protector from the board,” Billy finished. “Whoever this person is who’s calling all the shots, I’d like to meet so I can rip off his head.”
Steve winced. “There’s still the problem of what attacked Patrick if it wasn’t the cat sìth.”
Wayne crouched over the spot that the young man had lain and touched the quickly drying blood with all four of his fingers.
He shook his head. “I can’t tell what it was. It’s no beastie I’ve ever run across.”
“Which means that it wasn’t anyone from the community,” Billy said, his relief palpable.
As much as Steve hated to admit it, he agreed with Billy on this one. If Wayne didn’t know the type of supernatural being this was, that meant that it wasn’t someone from Hawkins.
Unfortunately that meant research and Steve wasn’t very good at it. Nancy was, but he wasn’t sure she would tell him what she found, alpha or not.
Eddie seemed to pick up on what he was feeling because Wayne and he shared a glance. Eddie nodded.
“I’ve got you, babe,” he murmured, low in Steve’s ear.
The alpha relaxed.
“As much as I would love to stand around and chat,” Billy said with a sneer. “But the sun is up and I have no intention of frying out here.” He signaled for Chrissy and Keith to follow him and they all went back inside the large manor house that served as the coven headquarters.
That left only Steve and Hopper with Eddie and Wayne.
Steve turned to Hopper. “Get the pack together so I can explain. And you will not speak of what happened here until I arrive. And I forbid Nancy and Tommy from doing the same,” he said slipping into his alpha voice, not trusting Hopper to do as he was told otherwise.
Hopper bristled but shifted back into his wolf form. He took off in a dead heat back toward the Harrington Compound.
Steve sighed. “I don’t know what to do with him now that he’s back. It’s caused such upheaval in the pack that I’m fighting even the ones that backed me in the alpha challenge.”
“It’s certainly not how things are normally done,” Wayne said, nodding. “I will speak with him and see if I can’t get him to be more understanding.”
The alpha nodded. “Thank you.”
Eddie pulled off a backpack that Steve hadn’t noticed in the hubbub of Patrick’s attack and started pulling out large, billowy clothes. He handed the top set to Wayne, who quickly got to work covering every inch of his skin.
As Eddie did the same, he grinned at Steve’s confused expression. “We knew there was a chance that it would be full light by the time we cleared this up and packed accordingly.”
Eddie’s clothes were black to Wayne’s white, but they both included a large brimmed hat, gloves, and bindings to seal their sleeves and pant legs to their limbs.
Steve thought they looked a little ridiculous, but smiled as he waved them off.
He looked up at the manor, once dubbed the Creel House, named after a man who had built it right in vampire territory and paid the ultimate price for his impertinence.
Whatever was brewing in town there was an undercurrent that seemed to stem from the very under belly of the supernatural community and if Steve didn’t figure it out soon, the town was going to rip itself to shreds.
He shifted and ran at full speed back to the compound. He just wasn’t sure if he was running from danger or towards it.
And that frightened him.
Part 13 Part 14
Tag List: @mira-jadeamethyst @rozzieroos @itsall-taken @redfreckledwolf @emly03
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@carlyv @wonderland-girl143-blog @justforthedead89 @bookworm0690 @littlewildflowerkitten
@vecnuthy @scheodingers-muppet @just-a-tiny-void @potato-of-the-lord @goosesister
@tinyplanet95 @she-collects-smut @irregular-child @y4r3luv @fairytalesreality
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vioartemis · 1 year
Madly in love
(Amber Freeman x fem! Carpenter! reader)
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Summary: After being attacked two times by Ghostface, you find out your girlfriend is one of them. The moment you think everything is over, she talks to you, and the story take a whole new turn... a/n: In this it's not Amber who attacks in the opening scene, it's Richie (I know according to the timeline and all it's impossible but I didn't how to do otherwise TT) Request is here :)) hope that's what you wanted Warnings: blood, injuries, death (English isn't my first language, I'm sorry if there are mistakes or if something doesn't make sense TvT)
“Y/n can you try and convince your girlfriend to come over? I don’t like to be alone a night..”
“Well you’re not..? I’m here too”
“You know what I mean”
“No I don’t”
You took two plates out of the drawer and set them on the kitchen’s counter.
“Come on you don’t like it either. We get bored way too easily, Amber would find something fun to do” Tara said, filling two glasses of water
“You’re not wrong… I’m gonna try something”
You took your phone out of your pocket, turned around, took a picture of your upper torso, and sent it to your girlfriend.
Her answer was quick, as you expected.
“She's getting ready” you informed the brunette
“How did you- I’ve been trying for twenty minutes!”
“Let’s say I gave her two good reasons to come”
You winked at your sister as she opened her mouth wide, understanding what you did.
“What? You told me to convince her!”
“Not like that! Really you-”
You both jumped when the phone rang. Unknown number.
Tara answered.
Everything seemed alright, so you went into the living room to grab some chips, texting Amber about the situation.
When you came back, Tara looked panicked.
“What’s wrong?”
She put the phone on speaker and showed you a video of Amber brushing her hair in her room.
“Oh hello there. You didn’t tell me your sister was with you Tara.”
“How do you know I’m-”
“I know many things about you, Y/n. To answer your question, I suggested we played a little game. Stab movies trivia. You wouldn’t want your girlfriend to die, would you?”
“Wait no! I’ve never seen these movies and neither does Tara! Choose something else, It Follows, The Witch-”
“Warm up question, who is the protagonist of the Stab movies?” interrupted the person on the phone
“Sidney Prescott! It’s Sidney Prescott!”
“Good, you see you know the movies. First question-”
“Wait we got it right! It should count!”
Once again, he didn’t listen to you.
“Who wrote the original book that the Stab movies are based on?
“It’s um the chick from tv!” Tara said
“‘The chick from tv’ is not gonna cut it, Tara”
“I-it’s Gale Weathers! It’s Gale Weathers you motherfucker!” you said, trying to call 911 at the same time, hands shaking in fear
“Correct. Amber might live to see the sunrise. Unless you finish typing 911, then she has no chance of survival.”
You froze, finger hovering over the last 1.
“Question two: Who played the dumb bitch at the beginning of Stab 1, who answers the phone and gets carved up by the killer?”
“Fuck you.” you spat
“Is that the answer you’re going with?”
Tara opened a new tab and Google the cast of Stab.
“A non-answer counts as a wrong answer. Time’s running out. Tick-tock tick-tock tick-tock..”
“Heather Graham!” Tara suddenly said
“Correct. You pulled that one out. Now for the final question: who was the killer in Stab 1?”
Your sister answered quickly.
“I know this one, you fuck. It’s Billy Loomis! I got you asshole!”
“Oh, I’m sorry Tara, but that’s just not correct.”
“The correct answer is Billy Loomis and Stu Macher. There are two killers in the original Stab.”
“No no we got it right! You said killer not killers!” you said
“Don’t play on words Y/n. I’m afraid someone’s got to die now.”
You felt your heart drop as a knife showed in the video. You didn’t think twice and grabbed a knife before running to the door.
Tara followed you, and just as you opened the door, let out a scream. A Ghostface was standing right in front of you. He tried to stab you, but Tara pushed the door on him, resulting in him just cutting your abdomen.
You help her close the door, punching him in the face so he backed up a little.
“Lock the door!”
“I’m trying!”
The blood on your hands made it difficult to press the buttons on your phone so you handed it to Tara.
Systems armed.
“The police are on their way asshole!” she yelled
All systems disarmed.
You looked at each other in fear. Tara pressed the button again.
Systems armed.
You backed up in the kitchen.
All systems disarmed.
Systems armed.
Then the landline rung again. You were the one who answered this time.
“Bonus question Y/n.”
“Please stop…”
You put him on speaker again.
“Do you think I could make it inside your house before you could rearm?”
That’s when you saw a dark silhouette behind your sister.
“Tara behind you!”
She didn’t have the time to move before the Ghostface grabbed her and sunk his blade into her stomach.
He threw her on the counter. You punched him as strongly as you could, but he was quick to grab your hair and slammed your head on the said counter. You felt your nose break on the spot.
You hissed in pain as he pushed Tara to the ground. She kicked him, only for him to break her leg right after. You took the nearest object, a coffee pot, and threw it on his head.
He grabbed your arm and twisted it harshly in the wrong direction, breaking it at the elbow, before sinking his knife in your stomach and pushing you on Tara.
You both screamed in pain and tried to reach the door. Ghostface stabbed you both at least 3 times, and when Tara turned on her back and held a hand in front of her, the blade passed through her hand.
You kicked him in his private parts, hoping it would hurt enough so you could escape before getting killed, but it only took him a second to stand up again.
You were less than thirty centimeters away from the door when he grabbed your feet and pulled back. You could see the police’s lights reflecting on his mask as he raised his knife, ready to kill you both.
<><><><> ♡ <><><><>
When you woke up, in a hospital room, you were surprised to be alive. You turned around a little to quickly, searching for your sister. She was in another bed beside you, already awake, in the phone with someone.
“Yeah okay of course…”
She turned to look at you and smiled a little when she saw you were awake. She took the phone away from her mouth.
“It’s mom. Do you to talk to her..?”
You shook your head. Tara pulled the phone closer to her.
“No Y/n’s not awake yet. …. Yeah I’ll tell her. …. Bye”
She hung up before turning back to you.
“How are we still alive..?” you asked in a weak voice
“I don’t know…” then, after a little pause “I texted Wes and the others, they should arrive soon”
Indeed, they arrived ten minutes later, all worried.
Amber rushed to you, concern written on her face, while the rest of them sat hesitantly around your beds, not wanting to hurt you by hugging you.
Your girlfriend wanted to take your hand, but noticed your broken arm and froze.
Before she could sit beside you, you asked her to help you move your bed next to Tara’s.
“It would be easier for you all to sit around us, and I’d like to be close to my beloved twin”
They helped moving the beds quickly, understanding your need to be close to Tara. Even though you were twins, you didn’t look much alike physically.
Amber sat on your bed next to you, her left hand making its way to your hair. You tilted your head slightly up so she could kiss you, which she did softly, before resting your head against her.
You talked a little, before your older sister came in, to your surprise, followed by a guy. Almost immediately, she knelt next to Tara and you.
"How are you feeling?" she asked
"You came.."
"Of course I came" then, turning to the guy "This is my boyfriend Richie”
You greeted him with a little smile, and so did Tara.
Sam introduced everyone to her boyfriend, before Amber spoke.
“Look guys, they are really tired. Maybe we should give them some space”
They all agreed and started to leave. Tara looked at you, seeking your approval to her silent question. You nodded slightly, understanding what she wanted.
“Not you Sam” she said
“We want you to stay” you continued
“Okay” Sam smiled a little “If it’s okay with you, I could sleep here tonight..”
“I’d really like that”
“Me too”
Everyone was gone now, except from Amber.
"Do have your extra inhaler?"
"Yeah, I'll be fine"
"Okay, be safe Tara…” Amber looked down at you “You too baby…”
She kissed you softly. Sam looked at you with wide eyes. Amber and you had been dating for three years now, but how could she know, as she’s been gone for five whole years?
“Call me if something’s wrong..”
“Will do”
“Okay, bye, I love you baby”
“I love you too”
You smiled at her before she excited the room, followed by Richie.
As soon as the door closed, you started to tear up. Both you and Tara.
<><><><> ♡ <><><><>
After Ghostface attacked you again at the hospital, you all decided it was time to leave Woodsboro.
"Can we at least stop at Amber's house? I have to say goodbye, tell her we're leaving..."
"Y/n, I'm sorry but it's just not safe"
"Why? You don't- you don't think she's the killer, right?"
"... I don't know..."
You looked at her in disbelief.
“She would never do that..!”
"Guys I don't find my inhaler..." Tara suddenly said
"Are you sure? I think I saw it before we left the hospital.."
You helped her search in her bag with your valid arm.
"I have an extra one at Amber's. We have to go pick it up, her house’s on the way”
Richie and Sam argued for a while, before he gave up and drove to your girlfriend's house.
"Welcome to act 3"
You were too shocked to say anything. Your girlfriend just shot Liv in the head and revealed herself as the killer in front of everyone.
They all started to run away, and you were about to do the same, but Amber grabbed your hand and pulled you into an empty room.
"Baby I- I'm sorry for everything... for lying to you, for hurting Tara, everything... He forced me to.. He said he would kill you if I said anything..!"
"'He'? Who? I don't understand I-"
"Richie! He's the other one..!"
She started to mumble nonsenses, completely panicked.
"Amber stop I don't understand anything- Amber! My love!"
You grabbed her face and kissed her to shut her up. When you pulled away, she looked at you, confused.
"You don't hate me...?"
"I should. I really should. My sister almost died twice, I almost died too, our friends.. our friends died. But I don't. I don't hate you. I am still madly, deeply, completely in love with you"
You felt her relax almost instantly at your words. She wrapped her arms around your waist and hugged you tight. You ran a hand through her hair.
"It wasn't me... The Ghostface that attacked you at your house.. It wasn't me.. I wouldn't have laid a hand on you.. I swear.."
"It's okay my love, you're okay..."
You pulled away after a moment. Amber handed you her knife and took her gun in hand. Before you could take the weapon, she was hit from behind by a crutch. She was so surprised she fell on the floor.
You didn't expect Tara to use her crutch this way, so it took you a second to react.
"Tara stop! It's not her fault- Tara!"
You grabbed her waist and dragged her away from Amber.
"What are you doing? Let me go Y/n! She tried to kill us! Twice!"
"I know. But it's not her fault I-"
"Not her fault? Y/n I know you love her but you can't find her excuses! She literally killed Liv in front of us!"
A scream came from the kitchen.
"Can we talk about this later? We need to get rid of Richie before someone else dies. I'll tell you everything after, but I need you to trust me for now"
She stopped struggling against you and nodded slowly. You let go of her and walked to Amber, taking the gun from her.
"Stay here, I don't want you to get hurt more"
"No I'm coming with you."
"No you're not. Call the police and hide. Please.."
She hesitated, but finally agreed and went upstairs with her phone.
You went to the kitchen, where Richie threatened Sam, Gale and Sidney. They must've arrive when you were talking with Amber.
"What took you so long?" he asked his accomplice
"They fought back"
Amber pushed you in a corner of the room, not too hard, scared she might hurt you. He frowned a bit. Shit, you thought, he's understanding.
You reached for the gun you hid behind your back, but Richie was faster than you and shot you in the leg. You dropped the gun and fell on the floor, holding your thigh.
Right after, Sam threw herself at Richie, who tried to shoot her, but only managed to shoot you again, in the stomach this time. Sam bit his arm and ran away from the kitchen, before he followed her.
Sidney grabbed a kitchen knife and stabbed Amber when she tried to get close to you.
The next minutes were a little confused. You were bleeding on the floor, trying to recover, when you heard Amber screaming. That brought you back to reality pretty quickly.
You got up painfully, and saw Gale, gun in hand, ready to shoot Amber.
"No no no! I'm sorry about Dewey!"
"Fuck you."
Just as she was about to pull the trigger, you stepped in front of your girlfriend.
"What the hell? Move!" Gale said, pissed
Sam entered the room with Tara and looked at you with wide eyes.
"What the fuck are you doing?"
"Y/n you can't protect her this time! We all saw her!"
"I know but-"
"Move. The fuck. Out of my way." Gale interrupted you
"She's right, move Y/n." Sam added
"Can you listen to me for a second?!"
No one said a word, and Gale put the gun down with a sigh.
"Thank you." you stayed in front of Amber, just in case, and continued "I know she's one of the killers. But, he manipulated her. He groomed her into doing this. She's a victim too."
"She told you that?"
"Yes. And I believe her."
"Y/n for fuck's sake! She's lying again."
"I know her better than you. All of you. We've been dating for three years, and not once she lied to me. Not once she hurt me. Not once she raised her voice at me. Not once. So yes, I believe her. I love her. You have to trust me. Please..."
You were not one to trust someone without a good reason, and your sisters knew it. They looked at each other, and Sam sighed.
"I trust you"
<><><><> ♡ <><><><>
Eight months after these events, everything seemed back to normal. Your sisters didn't hate you for protecting Amber, even though she killed people. They even said they would try to forgive her.
When Amber knocked at your door that night, Tara was the one who opened the door.
"Y/n! Amber's here!"
When you arrived downstairs, you saw them hug. That made you happy.
"Where are you guys going?" Tara asked
"Can't tell you, it's a surprise"
Amber winked at you playfully when she saw you arriving.
"You're beautiful tonight baby..."
"You too..."
She was wearing a black dress with flowers on it, and a leather jacket on top of it.
"Have fun" Tara said, smiling at you
"We will"
You took Amber's hand before going out of the house.
"So, where are we going?" you asked
"Like I said, it's a surprise, so I'm not telling you"
"Oh come on!"
You pouted, but she didn't give up.
You walked for twenty minutes, before arriving to a house you had never seen before.
"What's that?"
"You'll see in a minute"
You climbed on the roof, where a telescope and picnic were waiting for you.
"Happy anniversary baby"
You had always dreamed of watching the stars with her. You talked about it many times, but never actually did it. It was the best gift she could've found.
She led you to the blanket on the floor, making you sit on her lap. You were quick to crash your lips on hers in a feverish kiss, locking your arms around her neck, her hands on your waist.
You made out for a while, until your lips were all red and swollen. Her lipstick was all messed up, and so was yours. You both laughed and tried to take the makeup off your faces.
After a minute, you reached in your pocket and took a little box out of it, which you handed to Amber.
She opened it, curious. It was a little black box, with a red rose on top of it, kept behind a plastic glass. There was a little drawer under it, with a necklace in it, with a heart shaped pendant.
"Look in the little orb in the middle of the heart"
She was a little confused but did as you told. She gasped as she saw it. Inside the orb, "I love you" was written in 100 languages.
"Happy anniversary my love"
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starlightandfairies · 2 years
Insecure Summer ~Billy Hargrove~
Description: The reader is insecure about her body, she's at the pool and some girls decide to make her feel worse and Billy is there to help in the aftermath.
Warnings: Swearing, hints that the reader is a virgin, angst, fluff, soft Billy, insecurities such as stretch marks and scarring from eczema, she/her pronouns, mean girls
Key: Y/N = Your Name, POV = Point of View
Word Count: 1,920
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First Person's POV
I had my cover-up over my bikini, I didn't like swimming around lots of people, and I didn't like being stared at in judgement by the mums and the teens who either judged or hunted for a bang. I sat on the edge of the pool where there weren't many people, swaying my feet in the water, ignoring the laughs of the children and the scolds of the mothers. It was too hot, and the concrete was burning my skin but it was better than needing to swim around in the water with everyone pushed up against each other like it was some teen party. I also wasn't comfortable with my body, so having to be around all these people did not make me happy. The lifeguards had recently swapped, so it was no longer Heather on the job but 'bad boy' Hargrove. 
Obviously, the mothers checked him out, usually, he'd give them a flirtatious reply but he only gave them a devilish smile. His eyes were solely focused on me and I didn't like that. I've never seen him so dedicated to someone, especially someone that was like me. Billy crouched down beside me and hummed slightly, I glanced at him with a raised eyebrow, the back of my legs becoming numb due to the burning sensation. 
"Hey, there, why aren't you in the pool? Doll?" 
"I just don't want to be," I whispered, freezing as I felt his fingertips graze across my arm, his sunglasses fell off his eyes and a chuckle escaped his lips. I looked at him with a raised eyebrow, he rested a hand on my back and gave me a peculiar look. 
"I think there's a different reason." He whispered, ignoring the girls that swum up closer to him, pushing up their breasts in the hope that it would get his attention. Billy was too focused on me for now, no one was walking around and little kids were being held up by their parents. 
"It's nothing to worry about," I promised, the boy scoffed slightly and he sat down beside me, I glanced back at him to see what he wanted to know. 
"I'll be sitting in that stand, I want you to tell me when you're ready." 
"Okay, Billy," I whispered, smiling slightly as he squeezed my shoulder before he left, I kicked my feet in the water softly humming gently and laughing to myself as Billy yelled at some kid. He seemed perfectly content with himself as he sat in the stand and eyed everyone. Billy's lips curled into a friendly smile as he realised I was looking at him, I blushed slightly as I watched him chuckle to himself as he caught onto my reaction. Billy and I had a very strong friendship, he wasn't the asshole he was with everyone else and he relied on me and I could rely on him. I pushed myself off the concrete, politely excusing myself as I pushed through the crowds of people. 
I walked into the girl's locker rooms, reapplied my sunscreen and I stared at myself in the mirror, my upper arms and back were covered in scars from scratching due to eczema and I didn't like people picking it. Because they did, then there were stretch marks on my hips and thighs. I liked swimming, but I hated being so exposed to heartless people. I stared at the girls that walked in, each of them giving me a bitchy snarl, I went to walk out but they blocked the entrance and gave each other evil smirks. 
"Look at her, what the fuck is that on your back!" 
"Ewww! It's on her arms as well." I stared at one as she took my cover-up and then lit it with a lighter. I glared at the girl, not making any move to get it back. 
"Are those tears?" The giggling emerged from their lips, and then a girl walked closer and stared at my legs. 
"Stretch marks as well, please, it's like you're asking to never be fucked." 
"But still, she's a prude, they have wants and needs. But what guy is going to want to touch this? This body of vile, a body that will be a fuck and leave."
"Come on, you're gonna have to spread those legs soon, we better spread the memo to the guys to take a blindfold for when they fuck. I mean if you look at the facts, we're all a piece to look at and then there's you. The ugliest girl in Hawkins, no fucking way will you be with someone who wants to look at your body while you're doing it. The ugliest girl is here, before us, crying and revealing an untouchable body." I pushed past the girls, speed walking to get my bag, this was why I wouldn't be seen often at the pool, my insecurities were picked up on and it made me feel like shit. 
My eyes were blurry due to my tears, I crashed into someone, which caused a gasp to escape my lips as I felt my feet slip from underneath me. Whoever I crashed grabbed onto me before I slipped, holding onto me tightly by my wrists. I stared at the person in shock, my lip quivering as I felt my emotions take control and stared at Billy in embarrassment. 
"Darling, what happened? Who hurt you?" He immediately asked once he saw my face, I shook my head, pushing away from him and gathered my items. 
"Y/N" He whispered gently, taking my hand before I could walk away, I didn't like crying in front of people and I didn't like that people were staring at me. 
"Billy, it's fine, don't worry," I begged, pleading with my eyes, he nodded cautiously and slowly let go of my arm. I pushed past him, walking past people as they moved in odd patterns of standing in my way. A scream escaped my mouth as I was pushed into the pool, and my arm scraped across the concrete as I landed in the water. I gasped as I broke the service, unable to touch the ground, my shoulders and above poking out. I was short, so I couldn't be in the deep end of a pool. Billy jumped in almost instantly, holding onto me as I caught my breath from my little freakout. 
"Shh, I got you, just wait by the bathroom, I'll be there in a second." He whispered into my ear, rubbing my back gently, I nodded and used his help to get out of the pool. I ignored everyone and walked over to where he said. I jumped as I heard him yell at the teens, getting up close to them all in a threatening way. Billy told Heather to keep watch as he walked over to me, holding my things in his arms, he took my hand and led me to the men's locker room and shouted to the open space. 
"Hey! Everyone out, get the fuck out now!" He shouted, scaring everyone into a scrambling mess. After everyone got out, he placed a sign at the front of the entrance to say the bathrooms were closed and then sat down by me. He threw a clean towel over my shoulders, drying my face with it as he rested the towel on my shoulders and gave a small grin. 
"Thanks, Billy," I whispered, longing for his touch as he let go of my hand. He walked to the wall, took the first-aid kit down and sat back with me. He started treating the wound, making sure to be careful as he cleaned and dealt with the blood. 
"What happened? Who's made you cry?" I frowned at his question, he cupped my face in his hands and gave me a gentle smile. 
"Just some girls, they played on my insecurities and shit. Telling me I'm ugly, that my scars and stretch marks are hideous and that no guy would want to be with me or fuck me and if they did, they shouldn't look at me while we did it. That I should just hurry up and spread my legs, so I'm not a prude anymore and that I'm a 'fuck and leave' kind of her girl." I whispered to him, sniffling as I tried to hold my emotions back once more. Billy pulled me into his chest, hugging me in a tight yet soft way. I blushed slightly as Billy kissed my forehead and then looked into my eyes. 
"Well, those bitches don't know what they're talking about. You, darling, are perfect. You have a gorgeous body more girls should be happy with having a body like yours.  You are not a 'fuck and leave' kind of girl. I think any guy would be lucky to have you and I promise you, I will hurt anyone and everyone who makes you feel this way. Y/N I really hope that whoever is your first, treats you right, these insecurities of yours, they're nothing to be insecure about, they're sexy…" I giggled at his last words, hugging Billy once again and blushed as he continued to whisper in my ear. 
"They show that you're real, that you went through a cycle of life, Y/N please don't believe anything these people say, they are not true. You are infinitely perfect, I will always believe that and I hope you will too." Billy dried my tears, giving me a reassuring smile and then took my hands, pulling me up as he went to his locker. He handed me a set of my clothes, I looked at him confused, then smiled at his words. 
"I got Heather to get your things from your locker, you can put your wet things in mine until they dry." I hugged Billy again, relaxing with the idea of having Billy at my side. 
"Thank you, Billy," I whispered, he chuckled, nodding and pointed somewhere for me to change. I dried off, changing my clothes, being careful around the large bandaid that Billy placed on the obnoxious graze. I carried my items back to Billy, he smiled at me and placed my things in it. 
"I want to take you on a date." I heard him whisper, as he turned back around to face me, I grinned at his words and nodded a little stunned, to say the least, Billy grinned happily, picked me up and spun me around. Billy took a hair tie off my wrist once he placed me down, he quickly did my hair in a surprisingly neat plait. Billy handed me his whistle, winking at my confused look. 
"Blow the whistle whenever you see a girl who said that stuff to you and I'll give them a permanent band from here." 
"You'd do that for me?" 
And so, as we walked out, I pointed out every girl who made me feel shitty today and Billy gave them a permanent band for the pool. He even let me sit in his lifeguard chair, as he stood at the base to keep watch over everybody. Billy spoke with me about the date he already had planned, clearly leaving out some details for a surprise.
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Steve had made a rule against dating musicians.
Really he should have been sticking to that rule. Going through another Eddie Munson situation might actually kill him with humiliation, even if he had to grit his teeth through small talk because he was dating one of Steve’s best friends. At least Jason kicked him out before they started their weekly drag race marathons.
This guy though. He was practically a poet. Green Day t shirt cut sloppily into a tank top, showing the tiniest bit of golden stomach. Rapunzel hair tied into a loose bun at the nape of his neck. And the bluest fucking eyes Steve had ever seen.
It wasn’t a good idea. Especially when Steve had only been out of rehab for about two months. He should be focused on therapy, his dream journal, fucking basketball. Not crafting up his fantasy life with a man who had absolutely no business looking as hot as he did and was best friends with Heather.
Besides what would he even say to him?
“Hello man of my dreams. I’m a recovering methhead who cried for thirty minutes in Target last week. Wanna get married?”
No, that was weird. Definitely don’t say that Steve.
The guy was talking to Robin now. Tongue flicking out of his mouth. Eyebrows raised. Steve wanted to puke. Or hide behind Jason and never come out again. Possibly both.
He was coming over. Crap.
Operation climb into the nearest trash can and hope for the on coming rapture was foiled by Robin taking his hand and firming pushing him forwards until they were practically chest to chest. Heather was grinning. Fucking sadist.
“Alright pretty boy? Names Billy.”
God that voice was delicious. Steve could drown in it. He really hoped he wasn’t drooling.
Robin nudged him in the ribs. Hard.
“Why don’t you tell Billy your name dingus?” Her tone was deceptively sweet. Apparently Steve was accidentally being rude again.
Steve always used to be able to talk. Apparently the skill had deserted him for this specific scenario.
He cleared his throat. Twice.
“I ummmmm………Steve. My name. Steve”
Billy grinned like a tiger. God this was even more humiliating than the Eddie situation.
Then he pulled out a tiny notebook and started scribbling. Pressed it into Steve’s hand. His gaze was warm.
“My number pretty boy. In case you ever want to go out sometime.”
Steve should have told him to find someone better. Some guy who had his own place, had a job, actually knew how to talk to people without the influence of drugs. A guy Billy deserved.
But Steve was selfish. He didn’t say that.
“Sounds good man. It’s a date.”
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dragonflylady77 · 3 months
Mr Steve and The Monster Hunter
It's finally there, time to post my fic for @bigbangharringrove (thank you mods for all your work for this event!)
I've been working so hard on this one... I even did some doodles of a couple of scenes from it (I might post them once I've posted all 6 chapters).
Art by @adelacreations (so very excited about this!!).
I want to thank @ihni for Olivia’s name, @spaceofentropy for noticing I'd forgotten about Will (oops!) and @akioukun for Cindy’s name
Also on Ao3
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Steve gets the surprise of his life when one of his students gets picked up by her father. A man who Steve thought had died on the dirty floor of Starcourt Mall fifteen years ago.  Billy Hargrove is alive... and a dad. He runs a security company called HellGrove and he hunts monsters in the Upside Down for a living.  When Billy opens a portal into the Upside Down in Robin and Heather’s backyard, Steve follows because he wants answers.
Chapter 1 - Mr Steve isn't a boy
Steve is looking forward to the weekend after a long week teaching six-year-olds. Having the school trip to the zoo the same week as the talent show is not something he’s keen to do again in a hurry and he let his principal know as much. 
He smiles as the last of the kids rush past him, waving him goodbye as they squeeze in the doorway before running down the hallway towards the exit, a spring in their step. He notices Olivia is still in the classroom and he walks over to her desk.
“Everything okay, Olivia?” he asks as she shoves the last of her drawings in her backpack. He reminds himself for the hundredth time to ask Robin where she found the Hawkins Lifeguard backpack because he didn’t know such an item existed and he was a lifeguard at Hawkins Community Pool for a few summers, both while he was in high school, and after, during summer breaks from university.
He knows he isn’t supposed to have favorites but Robin and Heather’s daughter is one of the brightest students he’d had in his ten years of teaching elementary school and she is extremely funny to boot, at a level that her classmates usually don’t get.
“Yep, Mr Steve, I’m spending the weekend with my dad so I want to show him all my work.”
“Your dad?” Steve asks, confused. As far as he knows, the little girl only has her two mums. Of course, Steve figures there has to have been a man involved in the process, he did pay some attention in biology class, but he never asked. Heather still scares him a little and he isn’t as close to Robin as they were fifteen years ago.
Nope, not thinking about it.
“Yes, he works a lot all over the country so I don’t see him very much.”
“Then I bet you’re very excited to see him!” 
“I haven’t seen him since Christmas, he’s very busy but he rings me when he can,” Olivia says matter-of-factly as she closes her bag. 
“That’s nice,” Steve says, smiling even though he thinks two months is a long time without seeing your child, not that he has any of his own.
“He lives in California, you know,” she adds as she starts walking to the door. 
Steve follows a few steps behind, in a daze, her words unleashing the memories of loud metal, leather and cigarettes, and a blue Camaro.
Nope, not thinking about him.
He watches Olivia step out of the classroom and turns towards the mess he still has to clean before he can go home when the voice coming from the adjoining hallway stops him in his tracks.
“Hey, princess!”
It can’t be. But that voice… He’s heard it before, and those words…
Shaking like a leaf, Steve turns towards the open doorway and takes the three steps that separate him from the owner of the voice.
It isn’t possible. Billy Hargrove is dead, Steve reminds himself. He died at Starcourt Mall fifteen years ago, in what remains the scariest night of Steve’s life. This is just his brain playing tricks on him. 
He steps into the hallway and freezes. The shock of seeing Billy Hargrove, alive and in the flesh, dims Olivia’s gleeful screams.
He looks… Steve feels all the air leave his lungs. Billy looks fucking good for a dead guy. His hair is cut short, some golden curls on the top still, he looks broader in the shoulders, his muscles more defined than they were in high school, not that Steve is looking, but the guy is wearing a t-shirt that looks painted on, okay?
He is also sporting a scar across his left cheek that looks not too recent but doesn’t make him look any less handsome, as well as some gnarly looking, but silver, older, scars on his arms and Steve knows there would be matching ones on his sides and in the middle of his chest, where the Mind Flayer had hit him with its tentacles.
“Pretty boy?” The shock is evident in Billy’s voice. He clearly didn’t expect to see Steve either.
“Daddy, you’re silly. Mr Steve isn’t a boy, he’s my teacher!”
Billy clears his throat and looks down at his daughter. “I can see that, princess.”
Billy Hargrove has a daughter!! What. The. Fuck? 
“Billy. Long time no see.” 
“Mr Steve, you know my daddy?” Olivia is looking between the two of them, trying to work out the connection.
Billy crouches so he is level with Olivia. “Mr Steve went to school with me and your moms, Livi.” He looks around and picks up her cardigan from her hook. “Is that all your stuff?”
“Yes, Daddy. I gotted all the stuff in my bag to show you.”
“That’s great, princess. Can you wait here a minute while I have a super quick chat with Mr Steve?”
She nods. “Can I play the word game on your phone?”
“Sure thing.” 
Once Billy sorts Olivia with her game, he looks at Steve who is still hovering in the doorway and gestures towards the classroom. Steve nods and heads back inside, Billy a few steps behind him.
Steve stops when he reaches his desk, trying to compose himself. He hears Billy behind him and turns around.
“Robin never said—”
“You probably hav—”
They both stop at the same time and Steve knows he’s being awkward but he is not prepared for this. It’s not like he was friends with the guy back in high school, but Billy sacrificed his life to save them that day in1985 so for him to just show up like that is just… Steve doesn’t even know at this stage. He needs time to process. 
“Listen, I have to run, haven’t seen Livi in way too long and I want to make the best of it but if you want to talk, or like, I dunno, have questions for me, here’s my card. Call me.”
Billy pulls out his wallet and hands Steve a business card with a tentative smile. Steve takes it, trying to wrap his head around what just happened. He nods as Billy puts his wallet away.
“See you around, pretty boy.” Billy doesn’t wait for a reply and he heads out. 
Steve hears Olivia’s voice then the chatter moves further away as they walk towards the exit. 
He finally looks down at the card in his hand. It’s dark gray, almost black, with the letters HG in white in the middle. He flips it to find the same monogram on the left then his eyes read over the words, taking them in.
HellGrove Security Consultants
William H. Hargrove
CEO & Head of Security
Followed by a phone number and an email address.
It’s after midnight and Steve is lying on his bed, flipping Billy’s card over and over, the dim light of his bedside lamp catching on something in the corner of the card. It’s embossed in the same color so he didn’t really notice until now. He brings the card closer so he can have a proper look and…
It’s a demogorgon flower head. 
He grabs his phone to call Robin but then remembers that they’re not really best friends anymore, besides it’s late and she’s a parent now. Olivia did say she was spending the weekend with her dad but Steve isn’t sure what the arrangement is. 
Billy Hargrove is alive and he’s a dad. 
More questions than answers and it’s making Steve want to scream. So he sends Robin a message, figuring that she can choose to reply if she’s awake. 
He hopes she does.
Steve: So I met Olivia’s dad at pick up today. 
Immediately the reply box shows three littles dots. Steve holds his breath for a bit but has to give up after a minute. Either Robin is typing a novel-length explanation or she is not sure what to say.
Robin: Surprise? <cringe emoji>
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Steve yells in the empty room, his frustration at boiling point. His phone dings again and he looks to see what else Robin had to say.
Robin: Come over for lunch tomorrow. We’ll talk.
Steve sends a brief text saying he’ll be there then puts his phone down and switches to his laptop, giving into the temptation to visit HellGrove.com.
The website mentions the usual stuff: the various services offered (most of which mean little to Steve), reviews from clients as well a page about the company and its staff. Steve keeps looking on the main page for the freaky flower and finally finds it, hidden on the Reviews page when his cursor hovers in the bottom left corner and HOLY FUCK!
There’s no photos of the Upside Down but the hand drawn illustration in the banner is enough for Steve to suppress a shudder at the memories. There are a handful of anonymous written accounts by survivors who were rescued by HellGrove and reports about unsuccessful rescue missions. The wording is vague but, to someone who’s experienced it first hand, it’s clear they’re talking about the Upside Down.
Steve goes back to the home page and clicks on Staff. His eyes immediately focus on the black and white photo of Billy. It must have been taken some time ago because the scar on his face is missing. 
The short bio tells Steve that William H. Hargrove joined the Marines at eighteen and left after six years to start his own security company. Steve scrolls down and he is surprised and a bit shocked to find out that Max, Lucas, Will and El also work for Billy. And some guy named Argyle, who apparently has no last name.
He vaguely remembers Dustin mentioning that Lucas got a job in California after college and he knew El and the Byers already lived over there. He feels bad when he realizes he hasn’t thought about Max in years. He ponders reaching out to Dustin but that would open a can of worms and even more questions.
He closes his laptop and dumps it on the other side of the bed and settles on his side to go to sleep.
The feeling of an arm around his waist pulls Steve from his slumber. He gasps when he realizes there’s a (warm!) body behind him, the owner of which is dragging him closer and dropping a string of kisses on his shoulder.
Steve can’t remember the last time he shared a bed with someone, especially while being naked, though he is sure he was wearing pajamas earlier. The kisses morph into a bite and a needy moan escapes his lips when he feels teeth nibbling on his skin. The embrace around his middle tightens and Steve’s hand drifts to the one holding him, fingers locking with the ones of the man behind him. Because it is a man, of that Steve has no doubt.
He looks down, noticing the silver scars in the soft glow of his bedside lamp. “Billy?”
“Sorry I woke you up, pretty boy,” comes the hushed whisper from behind him.
“No, it’s okay. What are yo—” The words die in his throat when Billy moves their linked hands south. Steve can feel Billy harden against his ass as their hands start stroking his dick and he shivers.
Billy gives a light squeeze and Steve rolls his hips, arching his back and groaning when Billy bites down on the crook of his neck.
“Oh god… Billy…”
Steve lets go of Billy’s hand to bury his fingers in golden curls instead. It’s been so long since the hand touching him wasn’t his that the pleasure of it is blinding in its intensity.
He moans loudly, earning himself another bite from Billy.
“Shhhh, pretty boy, not so loud, you’ll wake the baby.”
Steve sinks his teeth in his bottom lip in an effort to be quiet, so he doesn’t wake this baby he doesn’t remember having. His entire focus is on not making noise while Billy does unspeakable things to his body. He shudders; he’s so close already…
Billy notices, because of course he does, he always did notice things, and his hand starts moving faster, his closed fist squeezing the head of Steve’s cock on the upstroke. It’s slick, it’s heady, and too soon, Steve can feel his orgasm rushing at him.
He comes with a shout he can’t silence, but when he opens his eyes again, he’s alone in his bed. It’s his hand around his cock, his mess in his pajama pants. 
Chest still heaving, he quickly cleans up using his pants and gets back into bed wearing a clean pair, reeling from the shocked realization that he wants Billy Hargrove. And a baby.
What the fuck?
Chapter 2
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thelovelylolly · 4 months
Hi! Another request you can take as long as you want to do write this!:) a billy hargrove x yn based on the song heather by Conan grey! Fluffy ending please!:))
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Summary: You wish you were Heather... Warnings: hurt/comfort, self-doubt, reader is described as shorter than billy, fem reader, not proofread bc im a bit lazy at the moment lol Word Count: 826 Notes: i cant believe its been like 4 years since conan gray dropped kid krow im going CRAZY AHH
Having a crush on Billy wasn't rare at Hawkins High. Only a few girls were able to win him over, but those were flings to Billy. You were one his best friends, so you saw these girls fawning over him first hand. You saw all the girls laughing just a bit to loud at his jokes and trying to get their hands on him. But you couldn't blame them, he was handsome and charismatic.
It was no surprise that you caught feelings for him, too. You were better at hiding them since you figured you weren't his type.
That's when Heather came into the picture.
She was, at first, like the other girls trying to get Billy's attention. Then, things changed into something else. It wasn't a fling like all those other times, Billy seemed to actually be interested in her. He took her on a nice dates, walked her to her classes, helped her study.
Of course, Billy still hung out with you, but it felt like he was slipping away. It frustrated you, yet you said nothing. He was happy and that was enough for you.
Heather was everything you wanted to be. She was smart, funny, talented, pretty. She was the kind girl next door, the girl everyone would want. You quickly came to terms that she was the girl for Billy, because that's how it always worked. The popular, perfect girl always ended up with the popular guy.
You were fine just standing to the side and letting your best friend be happy. Did it hurt watching your crush be with another girl? Sure, but it would pass.
It had to pass, right?
You tried to make it pass, but Billy started to hang out with Heather more often and spent less time with you. You knew they hadn't made anything official, but things could've changed since Billy didn't have time to tell you.
One day, you even saw her with his jean jacket around her shoulders as she walked to her next class.
That's when you started to distance yourself from Billy. You were still there for him if he needed you, but you didn't want it to look like you were trying to steal him away from Heather.
Sometimes, they would catch your eyes as they walked past you at lunch and it made your heart ache.
You really wished you were Heather.
You were lounging around your living room on a Friday night, your parents having gone out with friends. You caught up on some magazines you followed and watched some shows, but you were bored. You'd usually spent your Friday nights with Billy doing dumb teenager stuff.
Now, you opted to stay in for the night.
You were flipping through one of your magazines when your doorbell rang. You sighed and tossed your magazine down onto the coffee table. You grabbed a nearby hoodie, not really paying attention to it, and pulled it over your tank top and sleep shorts.
You quickly went to your front door, sparing a quick glance out of the side windows before opening it.
Billy stood there, his hands in his pockets. You saw his eyes look you over before meeting yours.
"That's my hoodie," he said softly.
"You're wearing my hoodie," he repeated, stepping inside.
You glanced down, noticing that he was right. He must've left it the last time he was over. You looked back up and saw a smile on his face along with blush on his cheeks.
"What are you doing here, Billy?" You asked.
He sighed before pulling his hands out of his pockets and cupping your face with them. He quickly closed the space between you, giving you a short yet passionate kiss. When he pulled away, he kept your face in his hands.
"I really like you."
"R-really?" You asked, still processing if that kiss was real or not. "But what about Heather?"
"She didn't want anything serious," he answered, his hands slowly drifting down to your waist. "And she made me realize that I really just wanted you, she even told me to tell you that I like you."
A smile pulled at your lips as you felt your face heat up. "You got a taste of your own medicine, huh?"
He chuckled. "Guess so."
"Can I be honest?"
He nodded.
"I've liked you for a long time."
You reached up and cupped his cheeked, pulling him into another kiss.
"I could tell," he murmured against your lips.
You pulled away, playfully hitting him as he laughed. "You jerk!"
"I had a good reason why I didn't say anything!" He quickly said. "I promise."
You closed the door behind him then took his hand in yours, leading him to the living room. Then, you smiled and replied, "looks like we have time for you to explain."
He smiled, getting butterflies from knowing that he was the reason you were smiling. "Gladly, sweetheart."
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fr3akizoid · 2 years
you ain't my boyfriend and i ain't your girlfriend
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pairing billy hargrove x fem!reader
warnings billy being his usual asshole self, jason carver, reader is lowkey mean, mentions of sex.
summary you and billy aren't dating, but billy doesn't seem to get the memo
word count 973
a/n this is not proofread so sorry if it sucks 💀 I just heard ariana grandes song boyfriend and this idea popped into my head so I decided to write it quick.
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You walked around the edge of the pool, the cute two piece you'd recently bought showing off your figure perfectly. You acted oblivious to the stares everyone gave you, middle aged ladies enraged as their husbands and sons were far from subtle.
You made it to the table where your friends sat, mainly cheerleaders and other girls who had made it into the popular crowd. Though you weren't surprised a few basketball players sat close by, including the new team captain, Jason.
With Billy and Steve graduating, the floor was swept clean for other players to take the top spot. And Jason was the lucky guy who took that spot.
You'd been the captain of the cheer team since just after your freshman year, now a senior and soon to be graduate. And somehow, in Jason's head, this meant that the gas pedal on his longtime crush on you would be pressed. Because obviously the basketball captain needs to be date the cheer captain.
"Y/N!" He called, a overly perfect smile gracing his lips. Teeth that obviously had been artificially whitened and bright blue eyes that squinted due to the sun.
"Jason!" You mocked him, not that he picked up on the mockery.
He went in for a hug with clear ulterior motives, but you would humor him. Releasing him from the hug you sat and sipped on your slushy as you began conversing. Jason's eyes stayed locked on you, your mouth and straw to he exact.
Little did he know that former captain, Billy Hargrove, had also been looking. And he was your favorite hookup.
You and Billy had been hooking up for a little under a year, but you weren't a couple. It was just sex, that was the agreement. He wasn't exclusive, and neither were you.
Billy watched you under the protective equipment of his sunglasses that allowed his eyes to wonder. He was curious what flavor you'd gotten, how it would taste on his tounge, and how your cold, stained mouth would feel on his cock.
His eyes narrowed as he watched you and Jason greet each other excitedly, not able to see the sarcasm on your face as your back was to him, something he didn't mind.
He watched the predatory smile, one all to similar to his, that painted Jason's lips as he hugged you tightly, his hand sliding a little to low for Billy's liking.
Lucky for him, Heather was just about to take over. Hearing the door to the showers opening and seeing the brunette walking out in her red one piece, he began climbing down and walking over to you.
You had been speaking to Jason, or more so nodding your head as you listened to him boast about himself, and fighting to urge to roll your eyes as he flirted with you, his flirting was painful to sit through.
That's when you noticed Billy walking over, his tanned skin glistened in the sun as he took off his sunglasses. You couldn't help but stare as he sauntered over.
You smirked as he stood in front of you, "Hi there." You greeted him innocently.
"Hi, how's everyone doing?" He asked the table, though he obviously could not give a single fuck about their answers.
The table echoed with several flirty variations of good, such as 'better now that you're here.'
He nodded silently before looking down at you, "Think I could steal you for a minute?"
"Yes sir." You stood and followed him a bit a ways away from the table, staring as he leaned further down so you could hear his lowered his voice over the excitable screams of children.
"So what was that?"
You knew exactly what he was talking about, but you decided to play with your food a little and play dumb. "Sorry?"
He cocked his head in annoyance before continuing, "Don't sorry me, you know what I'm talking about baby... That douchebag over there you keep flirting with."
You looked back at Jason before turning back to Billy, "What, Jason? What about him?"
"Why's he all over you?" He questioned in a low tone.
You kept up the innocent doe eyes as you looked into his green-blue stare, "That's a question you should ask him don't you think?"
"Well I'm asking you, so tell me... what made him think he's allowed to talk to you?" He inquired, acting as if you'd done something to lead Jason on previously.
You narrowed your eyes defensively, "What I'm not allowed to talk to other boys?"
"Watch your tone..."
"Why should I? Don't tell me Mister Hargrove is jealous!" You squealed a bit, a ploy to embarrass him further with your accusation.
"I'm not jealous, don't get it twisted. You're mine, and I don't like sharing..."
"I'm yours? Since when?"
He smirked, looking at your eyes then your lips, "Since you stuffed my dick in your mouth."
"So, let me get this straight. I'm not allowed to talk to other guys, but you're allowed to flirt with every girl that looks at you?" You asked.
Billy chuckled as he looked away from you for a moment, showing how he didn't care about your argument.
"I want you to listen closely, okay? I am not your property, you do not own me, you do not get to dictate who I hang out with or talk to."
He sighed heavily, as his eyes traveled your form.
"You are not my boyfriend, and I'm not your girlfriend. We are not exclusive, that has been the agreement since day one. I've kept up my end, you keep up yours."
You turned to walk away from him after you finished your little speech, putting an extra swing in your hips to tease him further. He laughed to himself before sliding his sunglasses back on and walking away.
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thissortofsorcery · 11 months
For the soft asks, could you please do 30 and/or 16 with Harringrove? You can do either one or both in the same if you want, I just really like both of those and you're such a good writer so I can't wait to see what you do with them 💚💚
So, um. It's a month and ten days later. I'm still gonna answer all of these! I'm going through rough time with writing and it's taking me a while.
This one's just for you though!!!! I did both 30 and 16, and I hope you enjoy it. Again, I tried to keep it short but it, um. Got away from me. And I added a little bit of angst. Just a smidge.
For context, the setting is a modern college and-they-were-roomates AU sort of thing.
Steve's talking to some chick.
She's pretty, Billy thinks, in the same way Nancy Wheeler is. Tiny, brunette, with huge eyes and dainty, bird-bone wrists, swallowed up by a cable-knit sweater.
And Steve's smiling at her with that wide, pleased smile he sometimes gets when he and Billy are alone and the lights are low, the one that Billy never gets tired of looking at, the only time he's sorry to kiss Steve, doesn't want to wipe that look off his face. 
Billy spots them from outside the coffee shop. 
On Thursdays, Billy has his shift at the library until six, and Steve gets off class at five. Steve always waits for him at the campus coffee shop so they can walk to the dorms together. He's been doing that since before they started hooking up. 
He isn't expecting to find Steve chatting up a girl when he's supposed to meet him, though. Jealousy hits him like a punch to the sternum, leaves him breathless and stunned. He knows he should walk away, but he can't unstick his feet from the sidewalk and force himself to move.
They're leaning against the high, long table by the window, standing close to each other. Steve's talking with so much enthusiasm that Billy would be laughing with him if he wasn't watching him talk to someone else. The girl seems plenty amused, though.
Billy's always known he liked Steve more than Steve liked him. There was no way he'd like Billy like– like this. Like Steve's the only voice he can't go a whole day without hearing. Like his heart's breaking is his chest at the sight of Steve flirting with someone else. 
They haven't talked about what they were to each other, yet, not explicitly. But Billy's been hoping, like a fucking idiot.
Billy breathes hard through his nose, and reaches for his cigarettes. He can feel himself getting worked up. He's not gonna be able to let this go. The ache is turning into anger in his chest, bubbling up to his throat. He's not gonna be able to keep it civil with Harrington when he gets back to the dorm after his date, and this is either gonna turn into a fight or Billy's gonna call it quits before he's even through the door. 
Billy's done watching his dating life go up in flames, so he's gonna go to Heather's dorm to see if she has any booze and ice cream. He turns around to leave when a shoulder checks into him hard, knocking his bag to the sidewalk, and his cigarette with it. His temper's already shot, frayed by a long afternoon listening to an asshole professor that didn't want to teach, so he yells out an, "Asshole!" to the guy's back. The dude doesn't even turn around to give Billy the middle finger. Bitch. 
Billy shrugs his bag back on, and turns around to see that Steve's staring at him through the window.
Well, fuck.
Steve doesn't look caught out, though, he's smiling wide and waving frantically for Billy to come inside, not at all deterred by his scowl.
What the fuck, right? They can do this in public if Steve wants to.
Billy shoves his way into the coffee shop, adding sway on his hips to show Steve just what he's missing, and goes straight for them.
He's not expecting Steve to take his hand, lace their fingers together, and say, "Billy, this is Amanda from my Child Psych class. Amanda, this is my boyfriend, Billy."
His what?
The girl giggles, a melodious, sweet laugh, and gives him a wave and a smile.
"He's been talking about you for like twenty minutes!" She says, hiding a smile behind her coffee mug. "Well, actually, since the semester started, but for the last twenty minutes, too! It's nice to meet you, finally."
On the outside, Billy's quick to recover, but inside, he's still reeling. He can turn on the charm and greet her, but he can't get his bearings about what he just walked into.
"Nice to meet you," Billy says, quirking his lips into a smirk. He adds a wink for good measure and hopes they chalked up any of his off behavior to being shoved outside, and not to being a jealous dick. He leans hard against Steve, squeezing his hand. Steve squeezes back, rubs his thumb over Billy's, and it sends a shiver down his spine.
"He says you have good taste in music," Amanda says, and her eyes are huge in her small face, to match her excited smile. "My friends and I are going to see Greta Van Fleet this weekend, and two of them backed out, so they're selling their tickets. Steve's been telling me you liked the band, so if you guys wanna come with us, I can totally text Cassie to hold onto them for you!"
Steve got him concert tickets?
Steve was getting him concert tickets?
"Are you serious?" Billy says, looking between Amanda and Steve, who's watching him with the widest grin, eyes crinkling at the corners. He wraps an arm around Billy and kisses him on his stunned forehead. He can't believe he thought Steve was chatting her up, and he was getting Billy concert tickets. "Steve, shut up, are you serious?"
"Yeah, Bill, we're serious," Steve says. "Amanda came to talk to me after class because I've been rambling to her about you and your playlists since I met her."
"Apparently we have the same Ratt tshirt," She says, shaking her head at Steve, "And I've been harassing him with my musical knowledge because my partner cannot hear anymore about it."
Billy's eyes narrow at Steve.
"Is that how you've keeping up with everything I've been saying about the music I like?"
Steve just shrugs, looking guilty.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sell you out!" Amanda cries, clutching her chest. "Don't be mad at him, though, he's just a good listener."
Billy looks at Steve, with his wide smile and his kind eyes, the hair he obsesses over so much falling just so over his eyes. He wants to kiss him so bad.
"Yeah," Billy says, and he can't help but match that smile with his own. "He is."
They say their goodbyes, and Amanda promises to text Steve the information they need to get the tickets as soon as her friend responds.
Steve holds Billy's hand all the way back to the dorms. Billy doesn't let go of it for anything.
As soon as they're through the door, Billy shoves Steve back against it, presses  their bodies together, swallows his gasp into his own mouth. Their lips meeting is the sweetest caress, the first breath of air after being underwater, and Billy lets the sensation of Steve's body against his, always so warm, wash over him, make him shiver. He can't get enough of Steve, needs to touch him everywhere. Billy's hands cup his face and circle his waist, his hips, anywhere they can find skin, needing to feel him, real and close.
Steve holds him just as tight, tries to pull him closer. He's already buried a hand in Billy's hair, a favorite of his, knowing just how much to pull on it to make Billy sigh or whine.
Billy pulls back, makes the kiss gentler, less hurried. Gives Steve little pecks on the corner of his mouth, makes him chase Billy's lips.
"You got me concert tickets," Billy says between kisses, nose rubbing against Steve's.
Steve hums, both in agreement and because he's pleased, having caught Billy's bottom lip between his own. "Yeah. 'Course."
"You're so…" Billy cuts himself off with a laugh, and kisses Steve again, licking into his mouth. "I can't fucking believe you."
Can't believe I have you.
Steve called him his boyfriend.
"Steve…" Billy pulls back, doesn't open his eyes. Can't help the smile that spreads across his mouth as he says, lips still close to Steve's. "You called me your boyfriend."
Billy feels Steve's answering grin against his lips, against the kiss he's pressing to them.
"Well yeah, you're what, my study partner?"
Billy laughs, a soft, quiet thing, that's not less happy for how low it is.
"Don't think we've ever studied anything."
Steve kisses him again, and Billy is distracted for a second, eyes falling closed to the feeling of Steve's lips catching against his.
"We studied anatomy, I think," He laughs, pressing another slick kiss to Billy's mouth. "And um, electricity."
"Electricity?" Billy laughs, opening his eyes to peek at Steve's face, and finds that wide, pleased smile he fell in love with, that he thinks he can't live without seeing.
"Yeah," Steve says, and laces their fingers together, sending a shiver down Billy's spine. "Do you feel it?"
Billy looks up at him, caught in that soft, brown-eyed gaze. Jesus, but Billy could look at him forever.
"Yeah," Billy says. "Yeah, I feel it."
This is in no way inspired by the Greta Van Fleet album that came out yesterday and the fact that I think modern Billy would be a super fan.
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billys-pretty-babe · 1 year
The Angel
Pairings : Billy Hargrove x Fem!Reader
Summary : 2 years have passed since Billy was used as a host for the Mind Flayer and as soon as he recovered, he went back to California where he met you.
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Picture from Pinterest
Warnings : Swearing, Karen Wheeler mentions
Word Count : 1.2k
A/N : I couldn't find a gif of him on the floor of the sauna but to me it always looked like ripped away angel wings.
You had always noticed the scars that littered his body, especially the identical large scars on his shoulder blades. Billy was insecure around you at first before he warmed up to you and now he's more than willing to take his shirt off around you, hell he hates the feeling of shirts, claims he's allergic to them.
It was summer time in Santa Barbara, the fan in your room on the highest setting and the two of you lounged around. "We should go see Top Gun." Billy looked at you and scowled, "No, you just want to see Tom Cruise shirtless." You rolled your eyes, "I'm sick of shirtless men," you said, poking fun at him.
"Oh really," your boyfriend asked as he flexed and the scars became slightly more prominent. He never talked about them but Billy noticed the way you looked at them, you never stared, you were taught that staring was rude and disrespectful. "I got these in Hawkins." You nodded, "That's the Indiana place right?" He nodded and laid down, resting his head on your black pillow.
"There was creepy shit in that town, like supernatural shit." You nodded and held his hand. "Um, it was during the summer, I can't really remember the date but I think I was fresh eighteen and I was a lifeguard at the community pool." He furrowed his brow, trying to remember some of the details, sure he had been told about things but he still tried to fill in the gaps on his own.
"There was this mom, Karen was her name, I was going to meet up with her one night at a motel six and on the way to the motel, something hit my car and shattered my windshield, it was a spiderweb shatter. I was at this abandoned warehouse and I was dragged down the stairs by this shadow monster thing." He looked at your face, trying to gage your reaction, ready for the laughs, claiming that he was funny for coming up with an absurd story but it never came.
He was met with soft eyes, eyes that were on his face trying to look for any signs of discomfort. "It did something to me, I can't remember, no matter how hard I try. I had trouble going to work because it didn't like the heat and my skin would burn and I'd get these black veins all over my body." He swallowed the lump in his throat and you rubbed his knuckles.
"It fed off energy so I gathered people, um my co-worker Heather, I don't know what happened to her afterwards. The scars on my back are from a fight in a sauna against this freaky little girl, she was friends with Max." You nodded, knowing who Max was. "They never healed, I'm not sure why. July fourth came and I don't know if you ever heard about it, probably not, I doubt it made the news here but the mall burned down." You nodded, "I heard about it, they said there were two casualties." Billy nodded, "Obviously there weren't, actually, I'm not sure about Hopper but that freaky kid, her name's El or Jane, the kids called her both."
"I was going to sacrifice her and she did this weird shit and got into my head and I felt human again for the first time in a while, even before I got turned into that weird monster. I didn't want anything to happen to her so I was going to sacrifice myself, Max was in the mall with her friends. I was horrible to her and I felt like it was the only way to show her that I cared about her. The monster hit me, here, here and here," he said as he pointed to the scars on his chest, sides and abdomen.
"Apparently someone closed the gate or whatever, I don't remember what they called it but basically, the shadow monster wasn't able to penetrate deep enough to kill me, that's how I got all of these scars." You nodded and looked at each one. "I'm sorry," you said and he looked at you. "What're you apologizing for?" You shrugged, "I don't know, I just feel like I should be sorry. Sorry that it happened to you, I don't know." Billy shook his head, "If none of that happened, I wouldn't be here with you so I guess in a way, I'm glad it happened, Just wish I didn't have the physical reminders." You nodded.
You traced some of the scars, "Your back scars remind me of an angel." He raised a brow, "Baby, I'm far from an angel," he said flirtatiously and winked at you making you laugh at him, your cheeks heating up at the reminder of the previous night that was spent with him. "They remind me of angel wings, like they were taken from you." Billy looked at you before laughing, "You're so cheesy." You groaned and flicked his nose and he laughed as he scrunched it.
"Too bad I can't call you Angel since you already call me that." Billy laughed, "Yup, it's taken, can't be used." You both laughed and he opened his arms for you to lay on his chest and you gladly got comfortable on him, putting your head under his chin. "B." He hummed, "Do you wish you could go back to Hawkins?" "No, I'm glad I got out of it. I wish I could see my sister but she'll be eighteen in a few years, she writes to me a lot plus she's coming to visit in July. She wants to meet you." You smiled against his neck, "You talk about me?" He laughed, "Yeah, of course I do, sent her one of our polaroids too. She thinks you're pretty." You smiled.
"She did mention that when she visits in July she doesn't want to hear happy screams. Whatever that means," he said, acting clueless. You both laughed and he held you tightly, you noticed he did that a lot more lately. He yawned loudly and dramatically smacked his lips and you laughed at him. "Wanna stay the night?" "Is your dad gonna try and chase me over your fence? I can't jump over it again, I ripped a pair of my pants doing that." You bit your lip, trying so hard to keep the laugh in.
"He's in Arizona for business. Won't be back until August and mom has the night shift." He nodded and leaned over to turn off the lamp as he pulled the sheet over your body, knowing that if he got too hot, he would start to panic. He felt your hand search for his and he felt you smile against him as you intertwined your fingers. Your breathing evened out and he let out a happy sigh, he was healing, the physical healing was done and over with a year ago but he was mentally and emotionally healing from everything he's ever gone through.
He still hasn't talked about his dad but maybe he will, Baby Billy still needed to heal after all. You held him slightly tighter in your sleep and he knew you were dreaming and he smiled and kissed the top of your hair before shifting a little and falling asleep with the moonlight being the only light in the room.
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chrisbitchtree · 11 months
When it had first been announced that Heather was the new manager of the Hawkins Community Pool, Billy had been excited and proud. She put in a lot of hard work, and actually gave a shit about the safety of their patrons, unlike their previous manager, Kevin, who spent all of his time avoiding work and getting high in the storage shed out back.
That excitement had last all of about a week, before she started actually enforcing the rules. Right now, she had him in her office, which was really just a rickety desk shoved in the corner of the equipment room. She’d taped a rectangle around the area to show the parameters. Billy rolled his eyes every time he saw it.
“This is your third one this week, Hargrove. If you don’t stop it, I’m going to write you up and send you home.” She said, folding her hands on the top of the desk and giving him a scathing look.
Billy could feel his face heating up. “It’s not my fault, Heather! I can’t help what my body does!”
“You may not be able to help it, but your little boyfriend can help dressing like a whore in your workplace!”
Billy had no retort for that. While he did object to Heather calling Steve a whore, or saying that he dressed like one, or whatever, Billy couldn’t deny that Steve’s outfits were starting to veer into what one might call publicly indecent territory.
His latest new purchase, a tiny pair of aqua short shorts that if Billy had to guess, he’d say had a one inch inseam, had been driving him wild.
Steve would camp out in the mornings that Billy worked on a pool lounger, ass up and on display, and he’d lay there until Billy couldn’t ignore the temptation anymore, making his way over to ask if Steve needed help applying sunscreen to his back.
And ok, maybe his fingers had dipped below the waistband of Steve’s shorts a couple times, in full view of the pool patrons, and maybe he’d had to sit in Heather’s “office” until he’d cooled down, but it was innocent fun, right?
The citation she wrote him for having a public erection two days later said otherwise. Word made its way around the staff quickly, until Billy was being called Boner Boy by lunch. Heather didn’t even have to send him home, he clocked out early, at 2, feigning heat stroke.
But the docked pay was worth it to finally get his hands all the way down Steve’s shorts, on the deck of his own private pool later that afternoon.
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givehimthemedicine · 7 months
🛁💧 Moms, bathtubs and fear of water
today I'd like to dig into some support for the Virginia/Henry/bathtub theory, most notably a Will/Henry parallel I've not seen discussed before, and some thoughts on the rabies thing.
for those just tuning in, we have hints that something awful happened involving Virginia, Henry, and a bathtub of hot water. (that idea is aemiron-main's, you can read the original here)
where there's a tub, there's a mom
let me start by seeing how many ST bathtubs can be tied to mothers. (much of this will have been pointed out before, but I have a couple observations I think are new)
starting at the top: Virginia's vision (turning on the hot water tap and spiders fill the tub instead of water):
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Karen soaking in a hot bath listening to "Memories" before milfing it up with Billy, a minor, a boy her daughter's age. check
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Will and Joyce "he likes it cold" you better believe that's a paddlin
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we saw the Byers' tub before. when El saw it in the mirror (lol) and went to tell Joyce (Will's Mother) about her water tank idea. ok she was addressing the group but Joyce is the one who actually engages. I'm counting it. ps when they do set up the bath for El, Lucas uses a thermometer to make sure the water is the right temperature
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this is a tiny one, but Nancy goes to sit on the tub and cry after excusing herself from Barb's mom at the KFC dinner.
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that scene where El and Max find Billy's tub with ice bags?
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darn, nothing immediately motherly in this scene. but what if we check the last dialogue in the prior scene? or the first dialogue in the following scene?
both hits! mom/age-inappropriate-sexual-knowledge + mother/son combo.💀
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next up, FOR WHAT REASON was I made to see Murray get naked and get into a tub full of ice while on the phone with Joyce in 4x01?
let's also toss in a shot of Joyce being weird in her front yard, prompting a neighbor child to dispense a line of dialogue involving mothers.
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but seriously. after all the flayed/ice tub imagery throughout s3, why kick off s4 with Murray in an ice bath? no, I'm really asking.
we've got a dash of sexual inappropriateness, or so Joyce thinks - Murray happens to plop into the ice at the exact moment that she observes the Russian doll has nipples, which makes her think his reaction is about that:
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the only tub scene I'm struggling to tie super directly to mothers is Heather. you could say it's that Joyce appears in the next scene, but that's weak. or that Flayed Heather later drugs/kidnaps her mom. eh.
as em pointed out, the tub Heather's in here is extremely similar to Virginia Creel's. is that sufficient?
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so anyway, some of those are def stronger than others, but they all provide some combination of: mothers, bathtubs (esp with attention drawn to water temperature), and fear/ sorrow / discomfort / sexual inappropriateness.
am I forgetting any other bathtubs?
now let's talk more about fear
what started me on this post was how possessed-Will's reaction to the bathtub is so explicitly labeled as fear - NOT by Will, but by Mr. Clarke's voiceover:
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yet what sparked One's strength was a memory that made him "sad, but also angry" - which, if the implied tub incident indeed happened, would totally fit the bill.
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sad and angry. not afraid. I guess it makes sense that fear isn't one of the emotions he would draw power from later upon recalling this event, but he undoubtedly would've been afraid in the moment. he didn't say that though.
not in that scene.
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now, idk if he's referring to The Incident here, or his early lab life or what, but. oh I'm at my image limit. ok well his lines leading up to this are (close up of dead kids) "why do you cry for them, Eleven? after everything they did to you? you think you need them, but you don't. you don't."
why exactly would El "need" the other lab kids? according to NINA, they treated her poorly. tbh kinda sounds more like a projected reaction to the death of an abusive mother.
anyway. apart from that "I was scared once" reference to some past turning point, man will not say he is or was scared. he'll imply and project but he won't say it:
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you know who else won't say they're scared? Will.
Will has never said once on the entire show that he's afraid. ever. throughout all the utterly HORRIFYING situations he's been in. he undoubtedly has been scared, and other characters say that about him many times, but Will has never said, in his own words, as far as I can find, that he's afraid.
he dances around it and veils it and teeters on the edge of it, but he will not actually say I Am Afraid.
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"how did you feel?" "it felt like when you're scared" boy what.
but Will has not always been fearless!
wanna know what the very first mention of fear on the whole show is? Will assuring Joyce he won't have nightmares from seeing Poltergeist because:
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is it not giving "I was scared once too" ?
now here comes my favorite part:
Joyce replies with the "my witch" thing, and she doesn't actually finish the sentence, but I think that last word can be guessed pretty accurately:
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cook him up in your what?
your cauldron? cauldron, kôl′drən, noun: 1. A large vessel used for boiling?
so like... have I got this straight? our earliest flashback of Will involves his mother playing an evil character who's gonna put him in a large vessel of hot liquid?
I ask you again: is it not giving "I was scared once too"?
I'm tacking my red conspiracy yarn in at "Henry was five years old."
now, just wondering, what was the turning point that made Will stop having nightmares from movies and "getting scared like that"? Bob_one_day_the_nightmares_suddenly_stopped.wav
now let's talk about rabies
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Robin proceeds to list some rabies symptoms and what's funny about that (besides the fact they're standing in a mysteriously dry lakebed) is she left out possibly the best-known symptom: fear of water.
in fact, rabies used to be called hydrophobia ("fear of water").
hydrophobia in rabies stems from paralysis of throat muscles making it difficult or impossible to swallow, and so sufferers will panic at the prospect of drinking or even the mere sight of water. excessive salivation + inability to swallow it leads to the other pop culture rabies symptom, the appearance of "foaming at the mouth".
pretend here I put in screenshots of El and Barb spitting up water when they wake up in the UD and that unnecessary shot of Billy drooling when El is levitating him
Robin's isn't the only reference to rabies on ST. it's come up in two other seasons:
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so every time rabies comes up, it's in reference to demodogs, demobats, and flayed rats. all critters that are part of the hive.
ostensibly controlled by one guy, who is afraid of water.
misc honorable mentions:
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what do you wanna bet Dart not only doesn't need water, but would hate water like he hates heat?
Dart grew up to be a demodog, and demodogs dug those tunnels - the ones Bob figured out were a map of Hawkins because the "roads" outlined recognizable bodies of water instead of crossing over them.
when Bob said that, he didn't know the "roads" were underground, and therefore it wouldn't be crossing over water but rather crossing through water. if your tunnel breached a lake or river, it would flood. the demodogs were avoiding water.
also: no one in the water, you say?
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speaking of Hawkins Pool, there's also the thing I've mentioned before, how it seems incredibly relevant that One chose Billy as his s3 host - a lifeguard whose one possession-busting happy memory involved his mother warning him not to drown.
also: Hopper saying that jumping into the quarry would result in the water "breaking every damn bone in your body"
and Jason asks Patrick, right before Vecna breaks every damn bone in his body in Lovers Lake:
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I'm going to think of more as soon as I hit post but that's all I have for you today.
I want real answers on the Murray ice thing btw
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