#i didn't fully finish coloring it bc i got tired
raveartts · 1 year
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shadyauthor · 1 year
Nah bc yall are CRAZY where did yall come from!??!? I woke up to 100 likes and like a bunch of reposts!! Thank yall sm 😭 now here's the full chapter you guys probably want
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Strings of their hearts💕 FULL chapter 1
You bursted from your dream, flying up to sit up in your bed. Cold sweat practically dripping from your face. It was that dream again.. you couldn't stand that dream, the uncanny silence always followed by you falling to the ground and wondering what was happening, or what happened really. You never fully understood why you started having that reoccurring dream, you never did anything in the waking world to even cause the dream. You didn't watch horror movies alot, and you haven't been to a forest since you were a pre-teen. Even then, your memories about that summer were blurry and you couldn't remember what happened.
Looking to your nightstand you read your clock "5:00 AM" You sighed, 'time to get up' . You and your friend group had an entire weekend planned out, you all had been planning this for a few weeks, you all would take 3 of your vacation days off of work and go do fun stuff. Fun stuff as in go out on the town for 2 days and regret it all on the third and go back to work on the 4th, today you all were gonna go shopping, you all had very decent jobs so it wasn't very hard to save up alot of spending money.
So not wanting to be late you got up and trudged to your bathroom, flicking the light on you slightly jolted at your appearance 'damn I look like shit man..' you sighed, your hair an absolute mess and your shirt had a wet spot of drool on the collar. Getting ready was the easiest part of most of your days, as you usually knew exactly what was going to happen in the day, so you knew how to dress. But as this days only objective was to "go shopping" it was to vague to know exactly how to dress, but going casual should be good enough. Getting in and out of the shower was a simple task other than the undying fear that you'll slip and break your neck.
You dried your hair with a towel, you wouldn't brush it till you went downstairs. Throwing on your grey button up and torn jeans you shut the lights off and headed downstairs to do your hair and eat breakfast "alexa play don't worry be happy" you stated nonchalantly, it was your favorite song to play in the mornings to calm the nerves.
Humming along to the song, you shuffled to the kitchen in your socks. 'Hmm cereal or eggs...cereal...or....nah cereals easier' you moved over to the cabinets, opening them and pulling out the generic unhealthy colorful marshmallow cereal. You only had a few dishes in your kitchen as you lived alone, unlike your friends who had spouses and kids already. You preferred to live alone, it was more peaceful this way, you had less to worry about. Though you didn't hate the idea of a family, you just didn't really have time to go on dates, you hadn't even had a vacation since you first got your new job. Shaking your head you brought your thoughts back to the task at hand : 'find a bowl and spoon and eat already dude!'
As soon as you got your bowl of cereal ready you moved to your large living room, with black leather couches and dark rugs that complemented the rest of your homes dark pallette. You turned your large mounted TV on and immediately changed it to cartoons, not really wanting to bother watching the News, you already knew the world was going to shit you didn't need another reminder while you where trying to eat your color bombed cereal.
You sighed in content when you settled on spongebob, the joyful sponge making you forget about it all. You finished eating and reached to your brush that was laying on the couch from the previous day of you being to tired to put it up, sighing you brush through all the tangles of your messy hair and half styling it, as in you just brushed your bangs out of your eyes and called it a day.
You pulled your phone from your jeans right pocket, seeing it was already "7:45 AM" you smiled, it was time to go pick up some of your friends!
You got in your car, it was the biggest out of your friends, the most seats and room. So it was the favorite of the group, in total your friend group would be riding in two cars, to make it easier to go from place to place. In your car, you had : Mark, Jamie, Clara, Anita, and Fry. You were close friends with Clara, Anita, and Fry, Mark and Jamie being mutual friends you met through the group. Your friend Claire was driving the second car, in their car they had: Gary, Moose, and Wendy.
You and Wendy used to date, you remember. But you both knew it would've never worked out, neither of you could imagine a future with eachother, but you two were still very good friends. You were the ring carrier at her wedding, she had a very kind wife, always smiling and always caring for others.
Smiling you drove the half hour to pick your first friends up, Mark and Fry. They lived next to eachother, everyone in the group knew they had it bad for eachother but themselves, you shook your head, they were so oblivious to eachother. You tried turning your radio on, but to your dismay, all that played was static. You tried connecting it to the Bluetooth but that wouldn't work either 'Huh...weird, might have to take it to the shop already.' You slightly grumbled, you really didn't want to take it to the shop. You had just gotten this car barely a year back, it was only a few years old itself, it really shouldn't be having problems yet.
It was 8:20, you were daydreaming and drumming on the steerwheel to a made up tune in your head, waiting for your friends to come out already. Smiling as soon as you saw you blonde haired friend Mark, he was always worried about being late to things, he was generally anxious alot either way, but being late was like life or death for him. "Hey buddy! Ready for the day?" He said with his raspy voice, he was the eldest of the group and used to be a singer until his last show that ended in an accident that costed him his voice. It took him years to be able to talk again, the entirety of those years you and your friends worried for him so badly. He fell into a deep state of depression, his deepest passion was gone forever, and he could do nothing about it.
"Course I am bud, how about you? You ready to tell Fry how much you love him?" You smirked, looking at the rear view mirror to look at him. He burst into a fit of embarrassment "Don't say that! He could be here any minute!!" He whisper yelled at you, looking around like Fry would appear out of thin air at any moment. "Fine fine..you gotta tell him at some point Mark." You said, smiling at him after finally turning your head to fully look at him "he's on his way out right now, he just texted me" He nodded, scooting to the seat behind the driver's.
You two only had to wait a minute before Fry was clumsily running out the door, struggling to pull on his coat and walking at the same time. His long red hair falling all over the place, coffee in hand, he really looked like a disaster waiting to happen today. He scooted into the middle back seat next to Mark, already red and embarrassed for how foolish he must've looked.
As soon as they both buckled in, you pulled out immediately. You had to pick up Jamie, Clara, and Anita next, which is absolutely god sent because they were siblings and still lived in the same house.
Arriving at the mall wasn't the easiest thing in the world, no matter how simple it seemed, you and your friends argued for half an hour over which mall to go to and whether to stop for food first or not. In the end, you got some quick fast food and ate on the way to the south mall center and waited in the car till both parties were done eating.
You were already tired, you could feel a headache starting to pull at your head and you wanted to be done and go home already. Your entire body was tired and you couldn't understand why you were so exhausted already, at this point if they just left you in the car to sleep you'd be fine with it.
The triplets were sitting in the back row of seats in your car, all rough housing and making the car shake, fighting over food. You shook your head, you would've said it was to early for this already but it really wasn't with how long they took to pick up. "YOOO WHAT ARE YOU TEXTING YOUR BOYFRIEND???? THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE?" Jamie practically screamed, they really had no sense of an inside voice, and it didn't change that you all were in a car. "NO DUDE SHUT THE FUCK UP YOUR HURTING MY EARS" Clara shoved Jamies face away from her phone, she was always on it, it was like her prop that was glued to her hand. "Was that a rat in the parking lot just now?? Oh nah you aren't getting me out of this car now." Anita, the quietest of the trio, but also the most clean freak of the entire group. She was a neutral hard to hate person, because she was just calm, unless you were dirty then may God have mercy on you.
"Guys, we were supposed to be in the store YESTERDAY. Jesus fuckin' christ man" you passive aggressively told them
You had already been to countless stores, its been hours and if you were exhausted before? Your starting to lay down in the grave now. And the worst part was that they hadn't let you go to a single store you liked yet, and you knew for a fact that you, Fry, Jamie and Moose, wanted to go to the same type of store.
Finally...FINALLY, one of the three spoke up and said they were going to one of the game stores. And just as you guessed it, not only yourself tagged along, the other two did as well. As you and your group walked to the exit, where the game store was at, you all decided it was gonna be the last store you visit for the day as it was already getting dark and the store was closing already.
As you guys all separated inside the large gaming store, filled with anything and everything possibly related to game stuff, from game boards to games to decoration. You knew it would be the shortest trip in the entire store as everything was overly priced and the majority of everyone has spent the most of their money for the day.
Sighing you looked through the games, new, old, demos, it was crazy! They had everything in here. Choosing a few random titles that looked fun and interesting you were nearing the end of the aisle, all the digital games being located in the back corner of the store, it was creepy and poorly lit strangely but to you it was magical. The closer you got to the end of the aisle the more uneasy you felt, the more dirty the floor got and dusty the shelves became. It felt like you were being watched despite no one being near where you were, so finally just speedwalking to the end instead of taking your time and becoming more creeped out.
Then. Something caught your eye, shiny, very shiny. Somehow shining through the cobwebs and dust thats built up over clearly a very very long time, you used one of the cases to wipe it off and looked at it... 'weird...I didn't know they sold dating sims..they really do sell everything I guess' you hummed while looking it over. The characters looked silly and colorful, though it was clearly worn as the colors were fading, the title in jumbled colorful letters spelling "Strings of their hearts" with little glittery hearts surrounding it, those must've been the things that caught your eye. To say you were intrigued would be a bit of an understatement, you slipped it between your other cases of games, not wanting to be teased for getting it.
Dropping your friends off was the most relieving part of your day, as you dropped the triplets off it felt like a pressure had been taken off of your head.
Driving to Mark and Frys residence was the second to last thing left to do today, you looked in your rear view mirror to watch as they both smiled and giggled while talking to eachother, you smiled, they were so happy together and the day they finally tell eachother about their feelings they will be even happier. It is almost a toothrotting sweet thought, you slowed your car into a stop at the curb near their home, you let a breath of relief out as their neighborhood was hard to locate in the dark, even with your headlights on.
It was 10:55 and you still had time to pick fast food up on the way home, you waved to your to friends and your smile widened as you saw they were holding hands as they walked eachother home.
Okay nevermind, the trip to your local Wendy's was already proving to be even more stressful than your mall trip, the lady in front of you yelling at the cashier over a coupon that had been expired for atleast a year. You decided to just walk out and go through the drive thru instead, it was quiet and more peaceful, though the line was long and you were fourth in line you decided to make yourself less bored by trying to see if your radio was still broken, turning it on and turning to a random station that would play at late hours you waited..all that came out was static but you felt like you should wait longer, and then you heard it
... A garbled sound of someone trying to talk through multiple different voices and sounds, you immediately got freaked out and shut it off, 'if Satan wants to take my soul he can do it later when I'm not in a Wendy's drive thru..talk about embarrassing'
After getting your food and it already being 11:40 you were semi-speeding home, you already didn't like being out this late no matter how much it looked so beautiful. You would keep remembering your dream, as the moon hung overhead, and it didn't help that your neighborhood with very large gaps between houses was filled with trees, it was like a forest. You hated it. It made you feel sick and like you didn't belong there.
Stepping on the gas and slowing down as soon as you got home, you grabbed your paper bag of food and plastic bag filled with games and stuffed animals among other things and raced into your home, not bothering to lock the car until you locked your own houses door. If anyone..anything..was out there it couldn't get you in the safety of your home..right? You didn't spend an arm an a leg getting the best security system in the country for nothing.
You ate your food on the couch while watching more cartoons, but something wouldn't stop biting at your brain. That game, it was dusty, old, and was extremely underpriced, so much so that the employees were slightly agitated on how little you spent at their store. You looked at the bag, and jolted as the case was slightly falling out of the bag, 'weird..I thought it was buried in there??' You were slightly unnerved, but having nothing to do, and not being tired enough to sleep, combined with having finished you food..
You turned the TV off, taking the case and the bag upstairs to your room, throwing the bag to the bed as soon as you entered into your room, locking your door you turned to your PC. You didn't know if it was a download code game or a disk, but it did say it was a PC game, so putting the case on the desk and sitting down while your monitor and pc booted up, you read the back.
"Wow! Thank you so much for getting the game! Your just the most aren't you?
Well, welcome to the neighborhood neighbor! Its so nice to have a new face around here, and a very good looking one at that! And say..I think a few of your new neighbors think that too! Find out who likes you and what happens! You have two months to get a date! Have fun!" With a crayon designed smiley face under it. Though it was weird that they knew you bought the game, maybe it was just an oversight? You turned the case back around, looking at the characters again. They were colorful and some of them were attractive to you but then again you were attracted to the weirdest things, but one of them stood out to you, the yellow skinned puppet with blue styled up hair. He looked like your opposite, calm, charming, he actually had his hair styled unlike you...you started laughing at yourself, of course you would degrade yourself and compare yourself to a Muppet lookalike, it was a very you thing to do.
Shaking your head you opened the case, unlike the outside the inside was black. That was extremely weird for a game case, like..really really weird but you shook it off and popped the disc into the slot on your PC.
The game immediately started booting up, and very catchy music that your positive would be stuck in your head started to play, the screen fading from white to a colorful scene of all the characters on a picnic blanket looking at you, as if inviting you to sit down and join them. So joyful, you already loved it, it seemed you were gonna become obsessed with yet another game again
And this...was going to be a long night.
HOOO BOY THAT TOOK ME AN ENTIRE TO DAY TO WRITE OUT. I'm EXTREMELY sorry that its kinda short, as I've said before I'm very sucky at writing, BUT I'm determined to see this out through the end. My thoughts tend to drift alot and overdetail pointless things like the side characters though they won't really contribute to the story much
Im working on the date outfits as I write this, and they are literally turning out better than my writing itself, so you guys will probably enjoy those more than the fic. As I'm going to be making short comics to go with these!
Anyways see you next chapter!
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igarbagecannoteven · 1 year
🔥🦚🏳️‍🌈 if you'd like! good luck with your productivity i know first hand how tempting it is to play solitaire for a billion years -hazel
hiya hazel! thank you for the luck and the empathy; solitaire is turning into quite the enemy for my productivity and yet! we stand tall
🔥- how has the way you think about yourself changed since you realized you were queer? hmm that's a good question! i never had the experience some ace/queer people do where i thought that there was something wrong or i was the odd one out, but it's still made me feel more secure in the way i move throughout the world if that makes sense? it's definitely changed the way i identify as myself in that it's become more important to me than thinking i was straight ever did, and in some ways it's made me feel more comfortable in my own skin. on the flip side, since some of my queer identity isn't fully "hammered out" yet, it does mean i question my actions more (although this has been going on since i first started questioning my sexuality). like, i'll have an intrusive thought relating to sex and instead of brushing it aside my brain will sometimes super over-analyze it being like "okay but do you actually mean this tho" which is. not always a funky fun time lol. since i've begun to question my romantic attraction label (and have currently decided not to use one) i've been overthinking things related to that as well like "okay but when you like [insert person here] is pretty what do you *mean* by that" which is less stressful than the other thing but still kinda tiring. rn i'm just working on being comfortable not being certain, which is also changing how i think about myself!
🦚- are there any queer books/shows/etc. that you would suggest? so many! i just finished reading two books with central queer characters that are both by alice oseman, radio silence & i was born for this. they were both good but i was born for this is just. ohhhh my gosh so so good and as someone who's (semi)active in a bandom it was facinating to read (the book focuses a lot on a boy band's fandom as well as fame in general) and while i didn't agree with 100% of the ways the fandom was portrayed i felt like the vast majority of it rang true, so i def recommend it not only for people looking for books with queer characters but also for people in the 5sos fandom. radio silence is also super super good and deals with queerness and mental illness in really interesting ways!
🏳️‍🌈- do you enjoy the colors of your preferred flag? do you incorporate it into your outfits, decor, etc.? so. listen. i love the ace flag bc, duh, it's the ace flag, but i'm also willing to admit that it's got one of the most boring color schemes out of the major pride flags. where is the contrast?? the drama?? the aesthetic?? however! i do still love it and love owning ace-themed things (i got a super cute ace flag scrunchie that i'm really vibing with) but you know. if i ever figure out a different label for other aspects of my identity and that has a prettier pride flag i will be jumping all over that believe you me
ask me some pride themed questions!
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non-stop-imagines · 3 years
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The Man with the Metal Arm (Part 13)
Here’s Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Black!Reader
Word Count: 4.2k
Warnings: Cute, slightly suggestive, mention of ex, plot thickens
A/N: Heeyyyy, how y'all doin?? 😎 I know it’s been more than a while since I have written, and I apolagize for that. School, as always, got me all the way fucked up, luckily summer courses have started which are shorter and (for me) all online soooo. Also my 21st b-day is coming 🥳 so you know I’m excited for that. Anyway, I started writing this like half way through TFATWS bc Bucky with personality was good inspiration. Anyway, hope y’all enjoy. Love you all!💛❤️💛❤️💛
Man with the Metal Arm TAGS LIST: @storibambino @cutiepiemimi13 @this-chan @elaindeereads @letsshamelessqueen-m @lokislilcaribbeanprincess @shakzer00 @lahjatheblackbrat
UNIVERSAL TAGS LIST: @beautifulwisdom2001 @thottio @jetaimeamore @mixedfandxms @here-for-your-bullshit
Requests are Closed, if you want to be added to the tags list for this series or wrting with Bucky in general, just ask.
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A couple weeks later you find yourself moving around your place, picking up dishes here, wiping off a surface there, moving to the music of your 60s Playlist that played to the lone earphone in your right ear. Louise was taking a nap in her room and has been since 4 that afternoon. It was now 6 pm. Were you gonna regret it later when all she'll want to do is play or watch a movie or dance to music at 11 pm? Possibly. But right now all you know is that the house was quiet, everyone you know and love are safe, and tomorrow was one of the few Saturdays you had off and all you were planning to do was watch TV in either the comfy pajamas you own or in your underwear. You still had to choose, and maybe you could just have Peter watch Lou. If so you should text him now. Your thoughts began to drift, wondering if May would be there to help Peter, wondering if you could plan some sort of day out with her and Imani soon, but the thoughts were brought to an abrupt halt when you hear a knock at the door. You quickly move over to look out the peephole, swiftly pulling back to open the door when you see that it's Bucky.
"Hey, how are you doing today?" Bucky chuckles as you jump into his arms, squeezing his neck in a tight hug. "Woah there, we just talked last night."
"Yeah, but I haven't had affectionate contact, or any physical contact for that matter, from the man that I love for 3 weeks. I'm touch starved, you can’t blame me.” You speak into his neck, taking hefty sniffs of the cologne you love so much and rubbing your face on his few day old stubble. Bucky continues to hold onto your clinging body as he takes a few steps inside your place to close the door.
“Fine, I guess. Where’s Louise?” Bucky sets you down and lightly pulls at a few coils that stuck out of your pulled back puff as you continue to rub at the stubble that adorned his face and study his tired eyes. He always looked tired, even if he had a full night's sleep.
“Taking a nap.” He cocks an eyebrow at your word with unsaid concern. “I know she’ll be up all night, but I’ve gotten so much done.” You whine, gesturing to the kitchen. That doesn’t stop Bucky from looking around the entrance and the living room, which is currently slightly cluttered with Lou’s toys and coloring apparatuses. “I know, I’m not working as fast as I should be, I may have taken a couple short naps here and there.” Bucky just sighs and gives you a lingering peck on the forehead before moving around you to start picking up toys.
“What are you doing for dinner?” Bucky stands and turns to look at you, stretching and groaning as he does.
“I ordered pizza.” You smile, rubbing his jaw as you head back to the kitchen.
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Right as Bucky closed the door after accepting the pizza from the delivery person, almost as if it was staged, a small voice came from the door of Lou’s room.
“Do we get pi- BUCKY!” The little girl with her hair still askew, sprints to Bucky and clings onto his right leg.
“Woah there, Puff. Let me set this down first.” You watch through the pass-through from the kitchen as Bucky limps over to the living room table. “What is it with you and your mom and clinging to me today.” A squealing giggle is earned from his comment before he finally sets the pizza down, swiftly picking up Lou in return and swinging her around.
“Is Uncle Steve and Uncle Sam coming, too?” Lou runs her little hands through Bucky’s hair as Bucky’s eyes met yours before he made a choice decision.
“Uh, no. I thought it could just be you, me and your mom.” Lou’s hands stop what they’re doing and Bucky watches as tears well up in her eyes. The next moment consisted of a hard toddler yank to Bucky’s hair, that had you running in to pull her off of him and setting her on the ground.
“What in the world, was that?” Your voice was stern, but it wasn’t a yell, and it definitely held your four year old’s attention.
“I want to see Uncle Sam and Uncle Steve.” Lou inexpertly crosses her arms and scrunches her face. The attitude doesn’t go fully unchecked when you change your stance to match hers, shifting your weight to one side and crossing your arms, but instead your face sported a cocked eyebrow.
“Fix your tone, little girl.” Silence rests between the two of you, with Bucky standing off to the side, not knowing what to do. “Now,” you squat down at first to meet your daughter's eyeline, but when your knees begin to fail on you, you go for a straight kneel before you continue. “I know you like when Steve and Sam come around. They are a lot of fun aren’t they?” Your question receives a small head nod which allows you to continue. “Your Uncle Steve and Uncle Sam love you very much, but they can’t always be here. I will see if they can come over soon, but you cannot do this again. When you want something, you ask nicely, and if you can’t have what you want right now, what you just did is a no-no. Now apologize to Bucky for pulling his hair.”
“Sorry Bucky.” Lou’s voice trembles as she walks over to Bucky. He picks her up onto his hip and hugs her close after using his unoccupied hand to help you up off the ground.
“Hey, kiddo. It’s okay. I’m fine.” Bucky’s calm voice soothes her before the crying even starts.
“Hey, let me take her. Can you go get some plates?” Bucky nods and hands Louise off, but fluffs her hair once before he goes to get the plates. “I love you, babygirl. So much.” You bring her close to kiss and take a whiff of her scent that honestly hasn’t changed since she was born. “You want some pizza?” Lou nods lightly so you set her down on the couch and head back the kitchen to get everyone something to drink, right as Bucky comes back with the plates. “Show Bucky what piece you want.”
A couple hours later, two empty pizza boxes laid empty on the table and a tired four year old layed asleep with her head on Bucky’s thigh and her feet occasionally kicking you. “Thirteen hours of labor and this is the thanks I get.” You grumble under your breath after receiving one last kick before standing up to clean the dinner dishes. You take one last look at Bucky and his loving gaze on your daughter before heading back to the kitchen. As you put the cups in the sink you laugh at the devious thankfulness you have for your daughter's temper tantrum and crying earlier because that never fails to knock her out and hopefully her circadian rhythm will take over.
“I’m gonna go put her down.” You jump out of your thoughts when you hear Bucky’s voice behind you at the entrance of the kitchen. “Oh, sorry.”
“No, it’s fine. I was just, in my head.” You shake the water off your hands and turn around. “Uh, yeah. Go ahead and put her down, if you don’t mind.”
“No, not at all. Uh, do you want me to wrap her hair?” He gently adjusts her on his hip, freezing when she shifted in her sleep.
“Nah, not necessary. It might wake her up, and I don’t want her to wake up. I might regret this choice later but right now, I don’t care.” You finish your spiel with your lightly bubble covered hand against the counter behind you. Bucky just slowly nods and heads back to your daughter’s bedroom.
Fifteen minutes later, you found yourself in your room, quietly making out with your boyfriend. He sat on the foot of your bed, hands gripping your ass as your tongues fervently danced together. Once the moment to come up for air came, you took that opportunity to push Bucky back onto the bed, and then sent a welcomed attack on his lips that had him pulling you closer than what would be considered humanly possible. After some time, his lips moved down to your neck, the scratch of his facial hair sending goosebumps all over your body.
“Ah, James…” The words quietly drip from your mouth, and the vibration from his chuckled response causes you to moan quietly.
“Oh, it’s James now. Okay.” His right hand begin to trail up and down your torso, gently lifting your shirt until its finally up over your head. He flips the two of you over and sits back on his heels to get a look at you. “Say my name again. Please.” His voice is deep, sultry, and you watch as he slowly gets up from the bed and move to the foot of the bed, lightly griping your leggings.
“James.” Your words start Bucky’s removal of you pants, hooded eyes keeping your gaze on his, but after a few seconds the removal stops.
“Again.” You do as told and he continues, slowly pulling at leggings with help from you shimmying. This repeating continued until your pants are finally off, but a small detail that Bucky didn't pay attention to was how your words began to slur together and fade off, and how your shimmies became less vigorous, so by the time Bucky had removed his own shirt and pants, all he saw when he looked up was you asleep, head fallen to the side and a small amount of drool already escaping from your mouth. “She did seem pretty tired.” Bucky goes into the top right drawer of dresser to get one of your big night shirts then reaching into the adjacent drawer filled with his own items that he brings over whenever he stays the night for a pair of pajama pants. He pulls on your night shirt for you and tries his best to tie on your scarf before finally climbing into bed next to you, pulling you into his body before finally falling asleep.
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Lou’s little feet pad along the wooden floor, first to your side of the bed to attempt to wake you up, but when the effort led to a fruitless reward, she moves over to where Bucky was laying.
"Bucky." Lou begins to shake at his back which was currently facing her direction, and once she sees him stir slightly she continues. "Bucky, wake up Bucky." She climbs into the bed and sits on her tucked under legs and starts to play with his hair again. He got a rather drastic hair cut a week ago, and she's just been trying to familiarize herself with the style. The light touch of her fingers and the sing-songy way say repeated his name eventually had him awake enough to flip over and look at her.
"What's up, Puff?" He wraps an arm around her as she pushes the Rouge hairs on his forehead out of his face.
"I'm hungry." Her focus still on Bucky’s forehead.
"What time is it?" Bucky tries his hardest to stall fully getting out of bed, but deep down he knew it was a frivolous effort.
"Time for breakfast." She now begins to lightly tap out a beat on Bucky's head, so he answers quickly to get it to stop.
"Okay, okay. Go turn on something for us to watch. I'll be out there in a second." The child immediately leaped of the bed and ran to the living room, giving Bucky room to look at his phone on his night stand for the time. 6:00 am. He slowly makes his way out of the bed, pulling on his shirt that was still sprawled out on the floor and heads out to the kitchen to start breakfast, but not before giving you a light peck on the forehead.
Your internal alarm clock had you stretching and reaching for your phone at 8:45 am. It just so happened that as you scrolled through your notifications, eyeing texts from Imani and Sherry about their dates with Steve and Sam respectively, you nose catches a whiff a heavenly smelling breakfast, and the equally heavenly sound of both Louise’s and Bucky’s laughter from outside your bedroom door. So after going through and responding to said texts, you get up and pull some shorts on under your nightshirt and head out to the kitchen.
"Hi, mommy! Me and Bucky are making breakfast." Lou's little head pops out from around Bucky’s torso. “He let me pour the waffle dough.”
“It’s called batter, Puff.” Bucky turns his head to smile at you. “Morning.”
“Morning.” You walk over and lightly kiss his lips then look over his shoulder to see the waffle iron closed and steaming. “Be careful, baby.” You feel your child’s, now daunting, curls, and watch them bounce as she nods to display that she was listening.
“Hey, we should go on a date tonight.” You blink from behind the refrigerator door, watching as Bucky unknowingly lifts Lou off of the step stool and moves the waffle iron next to the sink but back toward the backsplash.
“Uh… okay. Where did this come from?” You grab orange juice from the fridge and close the door, reaching in the upper cabinets to grab cups.
“It would be a redo of our first date.” You totally forgot the night was cut short due to Louise being sick. The part of the date that had occurred was nice, and having him there to help you was also great, but it did suck that a whole portion of the night had to be cut.
“Oh yeah. Well, uhh, if you have something in mind, I just have to see if I can get someone to babysit at such short notice.” You finally sit down at the table with your plate filled with a waffle, a couple pieces of bacon and some eggs.
“Well, I can tell you that Imani and your other friend, uh-ah-Sherry, yeah, they won’t be available.” You look up from scrolling through you phone with a playfully cocked eyebrow.
“And you know this how?” You take a bite of waffle, eagerly awaiting his answer.
“Well, Sam is still trying to woo Sherry, and apparently,” He raises his hands in defense before continuing. “Apparently, Imani has been keeping Steve very busy.” You nearly choke on the waffle your were chewing on trying to stifle your laugh, but the noise and the subject at hand earned your daughters attention from the living room.
"Do I get to see Uncle Steve and Uncle Sam today?!" Her question came out as an excited squealing as she whipped her head back to look at you two.
"Uh, no, babygirl. Not today, but you might be able to hang out with Peter. How does that sound?” You watch as a bright smile spreads across your daughters face and her curls begin to bounce as she hops up from her spot at the coffee table.
“Peter! Yay Peter! My boyfriend!” You and Bucky both stop and look at each other, stifling your laughs.
“You like Peter, huh?” You finish your text asking Peter of he’s free to babysit tonight, and take another bite of waffle.
“Yeah, he’s my bestfriend!” You nod, still holding in a chuckle as Louise smiles brightly.
At that moment you receive a text back from Peter:
Peter Parker (Babysitter):
I would love to watch Louise tonight! I just have some homework to do that I can do while I watch her. But is it ok if I come over there to watch her? May has a date tonight.
Perfect, now you don't have to take Lou there then come back and you can just leave from your place instead. You answered Peter confirming plans and then look back up at Bucky. "Wait, where exactly are we going? I haven't seen you make any reservations recently." You finally place your phone down to finish your breakfast.
"We won't need them." He just give you a toothy grin as he gets up from his seat to clean up his spot. Then you watch him with your signature cocked eyebrow as he comes around to give you a kiss on your scarved hair. "Always so skeptical."
"Fine then Mr. 'I Got This', what should I wear to this date that you got all planned out?" You get up from your spot to clean your dishes and Bucky heads to the living room to say bye to Louise. He thinks for a second before answering.
"Remember the outfit you wore when we took Louise to the giant Toys R Us? The outfit with the cardigan and the jeans?" You nod from your spot as you continue cleaning dishes. "Something like that, kinda casual."
"Well, thank you for being so specific." He nods and finally gets to Louise, whose focus was being held by Saturday morning cartoons, in this case it was Looney Toons.
"Hey, Puff. I'm heading out but I'll be back tonight to take your Mommy out, okay?" He picks her up so she could be at eyeline with him.
"Okay. Where are you taking her?" Lou's hands wander back to Bucky's hair, the little hands rubbing at the short hair bringing Bucky a sort of peace.
"It's a surprise. But I'll tell you all about it right after, promise." Lou nods at Bucky's words then gives him a kiss on the cheek goodbye, that being Bucky's cue to set her back down. "Alright, I'll be back to pick you up around 7, alright?" Bucky's keys jingle as he pulls his shoes back on.
"Okie dokie, love you." You speak to him from the sink thought the pass through.
"Love you too. Both of you." And with these words he leaves, leaving a hopeful feeling for tonight's festivities.
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It was now 6:30, and you were still stationed in the bathroom, a bit past starting your make up.
"Ms. Y/L/N, can Louise have some ice cream? She keeps asking and I just wanted to check." Peter pops his head into the bathroom. "You look very nice by the way."
"Thank you, Peter. Um, has she eaten all of her dinner yet?" You go back to dusting some shimmery maroon eyeshadow along your eyelid.
"Well, it looks like it, but I have an odd suspicion that she hid her broccoli." Peter responds, still only having his head poked into the bathroom, holding onto the door frame.
"She would do that." You sigh, giving your eyes and hand a break. "Lightly grill her to make sure she did eat her broccoli. If she did actually eat her broccoli, then yeah she can have ice cream. 2 scoops."
"And if she didn't eat the broccoli?" Peter's face contorted to a questioning expression.
"Hold out on he a bit. She'll crack and eat the vegetables. Then you can give her some. Have you had anything to eat? Dinner or anything?" You go back to swiping on eyeshadow, now a deeper brown color.
"I got a small pack of powdered donuts before I got here, but I really haven't had anything since lunch." You stop again watch look at him, chuckling as he begins to cower under your gaze.
"Peter, go eat some food. Fridge is open to you, okay? I don't want you starving while you're over here." You take glances back at him using the mirror, smirking at the smile growing on his face.
"Okay, I will. Thank you Ms. Y/L/N." Peter's head finally disappears from the door frame and you hear the boy questioning your four year old, knowing either way he will most likely just give her ice cream.
Eventually 6:30 became 6:55 and you found yourself fixing little bits of your appearance in your full length mirror, checking out your outfit, which comprised of a dark brown cardigan, a basic flowy white t-shirt, leggings and black calf high boots. "This is gonna have to be casual enough." Just as you speak to yourself in the mirror, you faintly here the knock at the door and Peter letting Bucky in.
"Hey, Peter. Thanks for watching Louise tonight." Bucky keeps his attention on Peter as he limps over to the couch with a squealing four year old clung to his leg.
"Oh, it's no problem at all. I love watching her." They both look towards your room when you ask for a couple more minutes then go back to their conversation. "Um, I actually have a question for you, if you don't mind?"
"Kid, I am not helping you with your history homework again. Don't you have the inter-" Bucky begins to rant before being cutoff by a now more nervous Peter.
"No, I actually was wondering if you could help me with this girl at school. You know getting her to notice me." Bucky just cocks a curious eyebrow at him and he continues. "Well, when you and Ms. Y/L/N started dating you weren't t-the most approachable, ya know,"
"Thin ice, kid." Bucky has now put some of his attention into helping Louise color a page in her coloring book.
"S-sorry, it's just, I was wondering, well, hoping you had some pointers to help me talk to her." Bucky hadn't noticed until now that Peter has moved to the other end of the couch which wasn't far from where he sat but the increased distance was noticeable, so be took a breath and gave his advice.
"Don't overthink it, and stay relaxed. That's really all the advice I can give because Louise is the only reason I got the opportunity to talk to Y/N. So, yeah…" Bucky's eyebrows furrow when he sees Peter frantically typing into his phone, about to ask what it was, that was until you exclaim your emergence from your room.
"Ta-da! This casual enough?" You hold out your arms and quickly step to turned around, displaying not only your outfit, but your dangly "diamond" earrings, and your hair, currently in its natural form but done up a bit.
"Perfect. Absolutely perfect." Bucky walks over to you with his arms open and give you a light kiss while gently pulling you towards him by your upper arms. While he was coming towards you, you got a glance of his outfit, dark jeans, burgundy quarter sleeve henley, and leather jacket, a common combination for him that he wore so we'll.
"Well you look great too. Shall we get going?" You go over to the pass though to grab your purse and then the living room to give Louise one last kiss. "Be good for Peter. Love you, babydoll."
"Yes ma'am, love you too mommy." She grabs your face with her little hands to pull you in for another kiss, and then goes back to coloring. "Thank you again Peter. We should be back around 11:30."
"Okay. Bye Ms. Y/L/N. Bye uh- Mr- B- uh…" Peter frantically looks back and forth between the two of you, and you just stifle a laugh and look towards Bucky.
"It's just Bucky kid. We've been over this." He leads you out the door by the small of your back. "Have fun you two." Finally, you and Bucky were out the door and off to the mystery date location.
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"So you having fun?" Bucky asks as you two sway back and forth, slow dancing to the music of an acoustic guitar being played on the stage of a small amphitheater-like area decorated for a date night event.
"Who knew eating a box of pizza in the car and then slow dancing in Central Park would be so romantic.?" You lift your head from Bucky's chest to scan his face, admiring how soft he looks in the light glow of the twinkle lights above. "I like your hair like this." You run your finger up and though his short hair, scratching his scalp and eliciting a deep groan from him.
"You did that on purpose." A mischievous grin grows on his face as his grip tightens slightly around your waist, one hand beings to slip down to grip your butt. "I will not hesitate to bring you back to the car. You owe me from last night anyway." You playfully hit his arms, making him laugh then go to kiss your nose.
"I was tired. You can't blame me, blame my severely messed up circadian rhythm." You giggle your last few words due to the tickle of Bucky's stubble on your neck as he begins to sprinkle kisses up and down.
"You smell good. You always smell good." His kissed being to move along your jaw.
"You have never smelled me after a 12 hour shift, huh?" Bucky's lips finally reach yours, starting with light pecks and ending with deep passionate kisses boarding on inappropriate frenching.
"Woah there, I'm sure you could take this party somewhere more private. Thinking about it, you weren't one to be very modest were you?" That voice. You know that voice. You hate that voice. No, it can't be.
"Trevor." Is all you say, not looking to the man standing a few feet from you and Bucky, seeming to be with someone.
"You know this guy?" You can tell by his voice that Bucky was on edge, hugging you close to him and turning you away.
"Unfortunately. Bucky, this is my uh- ex-husband."
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