#i feel like thanatos and hypnos are a different kind of weird
littlepuffy4ever · 1 year
I like to think my narilamb fanchildren would say the wildest things imaginable and also be incredible desensitized to death and anything related to that
So like, they'll see someone grieving over a loved one, and they'll go "dont be sad!! You'll die really soon and be with them!!!!!" And then leave
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eanul-rmbl · 2 days
Hypnos x reader modern au headcanon/imagine where he thinks she and zagreus are dating and it's this whole puppy princess/jessie's girl (mostly puppy princess tho; hot freaks forever, babyyyy) scenario.
what up fellow hypnos enthusiasts, i am coping ;)
wc: 500+
(Megaera ship has already long sailed and crashed.)
• When they first meet, he thinks she's cute.
• Her eyes squinted and crinkled with laughter
• She looked at so many things like they're worth the world, like they've enthralled her
• And she’s enthralled him
• After a while, he notices how she treats him
• She laughs with him, not at him
• She makes her own jokes to make him laugh, too; to cheer him up
• When he made a self-deprecating joke, she was worried for him.
• She takes him seriously
• Soon after, he grows anxious.
• He sees that she laughs with Zagreus,
• That the two of them aren't shy to touch (she punches him in laughter, friends do that kind of stuff (he doesn't realize that))
• You don't just ask two people if they're dating
• One day, he even sees them together at the place he works (they're shopping for a gift for Than (he doesn't know that))
• He feels terrible
• But then she smiles at him, jokes with him, and he finds himself soaking it all up
• By the time the two of them leave, he grinning to himself sighing
• It's tearing him apart when he feels her fingers brush against his
• He feels electrified.
• He turns to see her smiling with those squinted, crinkled eyes and that friendly (or perhaps mirthful?) expression of hers that hasn't changed
• His heart leaps, but then he sees Zagreus a little ways behind then, grinning with Thanatos, and he pulls away
• She's confused.
• She thought he liked her back,
• She felt how he'd lean ever so slightly in her direction
• She'd caught him staring at her, with a grin and a quip ready at hand
• She remembered how their fingers brushed the other day; remembered the sparks and fireworks ignited from a single touch
• Goodness, he was so precious
• His hair looked like sheep's wool
• His face was kissed in starry freckles
• His voice could lull her to sleep every night; soft as a whisper, gentle as a lullaby
• She covered her face in her hands and hair.
• She'll ask Zagreus about this later.
(She never ends up Zagreus)
• One day, Hypnos hears something about Zagreus and Thanatos dating, when he talks to Megaera about how terrible he's feeling for advice
• Megaera feels it's like it's weird to ask her, considering both her relationships (Zagreus and Hypnos) didn't work out (she's got a situationship with Dusa right now (“tf you talking about, girl? what about Dusa????” “h- what?” “what?”))
• But anyway she's all “isn't Zagreus dating Thanatos?”
• Huh.
• Huh?
• HUH???????
• When he asks Zagreus about it, it's that Hades game dialogue
• Woah. Really?
• Really.
• Woaaaah…..
• Zagreus asks about her and Hypnos
• Hypnos is all “whaaaaat? thats craaaaazy, hahaha…”
• They're talking as normal, her and him.
• Joking back and forth
• The only difference was the lack of touching; no pats on the back or shoulder, no fingers lightly brushing against each other, no coy gazes at each other
• But, this time, Hypnos lightly brushes their fingers
• She stops.
• (she’s inwardly like “hhhhhhhhhh keep it together, keepittogether!!!!!!!!!!! hhhhhĥhhhhh)
• Hes like “would you kiss the homies goonight”
• And she's like “hhhhhhhhhhwho's the homies”
• And he gives her this look
• And
• ....Yeah.. :)
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illegiblewords · 4 years
Some thoughts on a FFXIV fanon thing that rubs me weird under the cut.
I’ve been noticing a few folks, overwhelmingly Emet-Selch/WoL shippers (often lovely people), treating it as a given/canon that the WoL is the Fourteenth member of the convocation and Persephone and love interest for Hades and we will get canon confirmation in the future.
I’m not offended or anything. Even annoyed or peeved feel too strong for me. Whole thing’s just super odd imo.
There are so many different ways to spin the WoL. Some people don’t want any shipping in the equation, or only go ceremony of eternal bonding with other players/RPers. There is no set gender or race or job or even age. There are players who ship the WoL with a Scion, or an Ishgardian, or an Ala Mhigan, or a Doman, or a Garlean, etc. All kinds of orientations at work too. And many, many personalities.
Even within Persephone as a goddess and concept--a lot of people have been focusing on her as sunshine and light and spring-making-flowers-grow. One of the other names of Persephone is the Iron Queen. She is very much the co-ruler of the Underworld, and has absolutely challenged judgments by Hades successfully or executed judgments of her own. People feared to speak her name at times iirc. Her name Kore represents her as the Maiden but part of what makes Persephone as a deity interesting imo is her duality. She’s light AND darkness. Even if you focus on her aspect as spring purely--she would be the renewal of life. Rebirth. Rejuvenating what is barren. Creation through bearing young. Possibly nature red in tooth and claw. Plants may be part of it yeah, but that does not make her an ingenue.
As folks know I have a billion alts. I’ve analyzed the convocation, and part of my own practice at least involves avoiding names that are almost certainly taken by other convocation members. Ex. Mitron literally cannot be anyone but Poseidon with that ocean theme lol, Halmarut is a shoo-in for Demeter given those plants. But knowing the main deities and all, there are plenty who are likely up for grabs. Persephone is one, yeah. And for Nivienne, I do play into that--though not in the ingenue or flower-lady sense. I figure Cenric is probably Thanatos, with the duality of either Eros and Thanatos (Love and Death) or Hypnos and Thanatos (twins, Sleep and Death) at play to reflect Nald’Thal. A certain sir-who-has-not-been-shown-yet is Dionysus. Kiyo is probably Hestia while I could see Kokono as Eris and Asklona as Mnemosyne. Osk, J’mor, Cesaire, and Svatomir would take more thought, but for a general WoL I mean I could absolutely see the devs making them Prometheus. AND, given the devs like to surprise players, frankly I wouldn’t even be shocked if it turned out Minfilia/Ryne was the Fourteenth while the WoL had a different role.
Point is, so much is up in the air here. And while I’d be all for a Dragon Age-style multiple-choice romance option, currently the devs don’t seem to know how or have plans to implement that with the MMO format. So for canon we’re most likely to get flirty options with many different people, with room for interpretation.
Idk. It just confuses me when people speak with certainty about how the WoL was definitely the Fourteenth and was definitely Persephone and was definitely goodness and light and romantically involved with Hades and all about those plants. There’s nothing wrong with headcanoning a WoL that way, and for buddies who have done this again--not annoyed on this end lol. It literally just rubs me weird because of how much it does not apply to many of my WoLs, including the one I am alluding to as Persephone.
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emberalis · 7 years
Thanatos and Hypnos?
Ahh thank you for the ask! :) 
Thanatos: Is there anyone you just really, really hate?
I wouldn’t outright say there’s anyone that I really, REALLY hate (it’s such a strong word). Sure, when I’m angry I’ll say I hate someone but I almost never mean it. One of those exceptions is probably Trump. I even saw/met him in person and I just… ugh. He’s a terrible person. 
As for actual personal relationships, I don’t tend to have too much drama going on. The only thing that strikes me is when someone close to me and a group of friends spilled basically all of our group’s secrets (including outing some people) to a stranger without asking if it was okay. I told them it’d take some time to get over it and forgive them, so just to give us some space. Well… more things happened, this individual said some extremely petty things and didn’t take any responsibility for what had happened, and at that point I just kind of checked out and said “I’m done.” 
There was a whole lot more that got unpacked after that, but I’m not gonna bore you all with some petty drama that didn’t need to even happen. :P But that’s still not really, really hate, more of just a feeling of irritation that I hadn’t caught on sooner. 
Hypnos: What was your most recent dream about?
Really weird! I don’t quite remember it all but it was about how the apartment that I’m living in next year was terrible, and that there was like an apocalypse and a mass exodus of people?? In busses? Wearing different shirts. Some guy was trying to control everywhere and I was like “fuck this” and left with my own group of people. 
My dreams are rarely ever cohesive. I’m afraid the “prophetic dreams” part of being a witch isn’t super strong with me xD I do remember seeing my significant other, though, which was nice! I love seeing them in my dreams :) 
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