#i feel like. what ever your version of fanon anakin
briliantlymad · 5 months
A lot of the people doing sw analysis are either
"Anakin is the only one wrong"
"Anakin did nothing wrong"
It's funny cus both sides keep taking potshots at the other for not understanding the source material when in fact they're both extreme and wrong. I be scrolling through the tag and I can make out when someone makes a post in response to the other but neither @ each other shsjsjdjdjd
Must be nice. Not being able to understand that characters can be multidimensional and that plot developments can be influenced through multiple factors.
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anghraine · 5 months
Fic author interview (meme)
I was tagged by @incognitajones! Thank you very much <3
1- How many works do you have on AO3?
222, though some are very closely interconnected.
2- What's your total AO3 word count?
1,193,545, says the AO3 statistics page!
3- What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
LOL, I had just automatically rearranged my stats graph to rank fics by kudos instead of hits. It's:
Season of Courtship (inevitably), a Darcy/Elizabeth canon-compliant engagement interquel I wrote as a teenager;
But Thou Didst Not Leave His Soul In Hell (always a pleasant surprise), a short AU in which Luke convinces Anakin/Vader to flee the Empire with him;
per ardua ad astra, a Rogue One+ANH Jyn/Cassian AU in which Jyn, Cassian, and Bodhi escape Scarif only to get trapped on the Death Star and forced to pass themselves off as Imperials;
we get dark, only to shine, a longggg yet unfinished AU of The Borgias in which Cesare and Lucrezia begin their affair during S1 instead of S3 (CW for canon sibling incest, murder, etc).
Contradictions and Varieties (baffling), a short Darcy/Elizabeth AU I wrote for a fest in which it takes them slightly longer to get together.
4- Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try, especially with fics I'm actively updating, but I'm always behind on it. I mostly just get distracted and forget.
5- What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
Oh, interesting question! I don't write a lot of angsty endings, but there are a few options, and I think it probably would have to be the gift of men, a short (~1k) Fourth Age fic in which Eldarion goes along with a politically convenient marriage to one of Faramir and Éowyn's daughters, and falls in love with her, only for her to die of old age while Aragorn and Faramir are still alive and Eldarion remains young.
Honorable mentions: Set On This Path (Luke and Leia are brought up in the Empire + fusion with the story of the bloodbending brothers in B1 of Legend of Korra, complete with murder-suicide) and the last day (a chirpy epistolary fic that takes an abrupt turn after the genocidal attack that begins the Guild Wars games).
6- What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
Um, just considering the ones that have endings, to be fair, and ... hmm, that's harder. A lot of happy endings! Probably the ones that are happiest for me, personally, are First Impressions (m!Elizabeth/f!Darcy re-telling of P&P) and whatever we deny or embrace (f!Cassian/Jyn).
7- Do you write crossovers?
Not often, but sometimes! Like now.
8- Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Yes! I've gotten hate more than once wrt Season of Courtship in various versions (even before it become so overwhelmingly the popular favorite of my fics). The rest has been on other fics and mostly on ff.net.
TBH the subtler stuff bothers me more than outright hate (corrections based on adaptations or fanon or expanded universe material I already said I wasn't using, concern that I might switch permanently to a new format I'm trying out, etc).
9- Do you write smut?
Very rarely. I respect people who can write good smut (hi incognita!), but I'm definitely a fade to black sort unless the ship is already so out there that I'm long past feeling self-conscious about it.
10- Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yes. It's happened a couple of times, but the main one was someone who stole a few Austen fics from various people and tried to piece them together into something they could sell on Amazon. One of the fics was The Rich Are Always Respectable (not what I would choose to plagiarize if I were going to, but ... okay).
11- Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, several times. I think it's cool!
12- Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I wrote a short fic with my friend @tulinlina many years ago :)
13- What's your all-time favorite ship?
Darcy/Elizabeth. Truly this ship is the terror of the seas!
14- What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
Oh, man. This probably requires more self-knowledge than I really have. Um ... I hate saying it, but we get dark, only to shine is likely this. I had so many plans for where it was going to go, but I'm just in a very different fannish place these days.
15- What are your writing strengths?
It feels weird to say, but I think I write solid dialogue (it's certainly my favorite thing to write!) and fairly clean prose in general.
16- What are your writing weaknesses?
Description is my truest nemesis—I tend to place scenes in just empty or vaguely described space. Fight scenes and that sort of thing are really difficult (for related reasons). Finishing things—my stuff nearly always grows out of control and it screws up pacing and so on.
17- What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
A little goes a long way, IMO. I did a bit of it in my fic about Leia and Cassian and Alderaanian, in tongues and quiet sighs, so I can't judge it too hard, but it's very much something to handle with care (especially with conlangs—Tolkien fic can be pretty grating this way).
18- What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Tolkien! My first attempt at a fic was a Faramir-goes-to-Rivendell-instead-of-Boromir AU that never got very far.
Well, my first serious attempt at fanfic, that is—I wrote original stuff for years before that, and I guess technically I tried to write Trixie Belden fanfic when I was about 10 ... and the original stuff spun off from a piece that was basically a Secret of Mana fanfic I wrote even before the Trixie Belden stuff. But in terms of something written within a fandom community, the Faramir fic.
19- What's a fandom/ship you haven't written for yet but want to?
Hmm. I'm not sure, actually. I mostly just write stuff if I feel like it. Oh—it's cheating, but I've barely written Korra/Kuvira even though I adore the ship. I'd like to write a proper Korvira fic someday.
20- What's your favorite fic you've written?
This changes pretty often, though there are always a few that come up when I'm asked. At this moment in time, probably The Jedi and the Sith Lord, the third (sort of) of my f!Luke Skywalker fics, and the one where the story finally swerves off the canon tracks and becomes its own thing. Maybe (probably?) not my best work, but the Lucyverse is my baby and I think TJATSL is my best work in it.
Tagging: @elwing, @kareenvorbarra, @heckofabecca, @veliseraptor, @rain-sleet-snow
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squirrelno2 · 2 years
Me at myself in the mirror at 3:50 in the afternoon one day: the thing about the sequel trilogy of star wars is that Finn was in the perfect position to be a foil to Kylo Ren and a hopeful spin on the character of Anakin Skywalker and the fact that nobody even noticed these parallels is a testament to the power of racism and the fact that bigotry actually makes you a worse writer
No but. Anakin’s out here with his introduction in the prequels as a slave, and it’s poorly done but implied that the pain and fear of that part of his life impacts how he interacts with… basically everything ever, and ultimately makes him susceptible to palpatine’s grooming; your mileage may vary on the ratio of canon to fanon in this interpretation but I think we can all agree being a slave from birth is gonna fuck a kid up and there’s a reason why George lucas chose this particular backstory for him.
So you’ve got Kylo Ren, eschewing a family that cares for him (please don’t talk to me about whatever the fuck was going on in those last jedi flashbacks first of all that’s bad writing babe and second, we’re talking solely about the expectations and possibilities established in force awakens because there’s not enough narrative or character consistency in the sequel trilogy to take. Anything as a whole there) in order to chase after this version of his grandfather that isn’t even the version he died as. Like! Whether you think Anakin/Vader achieved redemption or simply did one good thing at the end of his life, we all know that act of sacrifice on Luke’s behalf is. The definition of Star Wars. Vader choosing to do good in his last moments was what the original trilogy built towards and what the prequel trilogy always knew, and it’s this fucked up spectre over everything Kylo Ren says or does in Force Awakens because he’s out here pleading with the ghost of a man who is not real, he’s chasing Vader instead of Anakin Skywalker and ignoring the choices his own grandpa made in the name of… honouring him somehow???
And then there’s Finn. Finn who’s been raised since who knows when but definitely childhood given he has no name to remember to be a weapon for the First Order. Somehow I doubt they pay their stormtroopers, somehow I expect their education is more indoctrination than anything, somehow I doubt Finn was ever instilled with a sense that he as a person mattered – Finn’s a slave when we meet him. Unequivocally. And this man who’s known nothing else his entire life turns around and says “actually I think I will do good things or at least stop doing bad ones” and runs the fuck away, freeing himself. (and also Poe. Something something the act of saving others in turn saves you, this is my eternal soapbox but that’s not my point right now)
Finn is afraid, and very nearly runs away from the fight like “I’m safe so it doesn’t matter what happens to others” – when satisfied that Rey is safe (and under the impression that Poe is dead) he feels no strong compulsion to protect an ambiguous “rest of the galaxy” which honestly is exactly the vibes Anakin Skywalker has for pretty much all his life. Anakin would be a hero because the people he cared about wanted him to be. He fought for Padme and Obi-Wan and frigging Palpatine (and Ahsoka, I say, skipping outside the movies for a hot second because I love her) first and foremost, and the Jedi and the Republic because those were the causes his loved ones cared about. Finn has the opportunity to get away, to protect himself for the first time in his life, and he doesn’t have to worry about the few people he cares about so he very nearly goes for it.
Then the thing is, Finn, unlike Anakin, doesn’t let that fear rule him? He turns around and goes back for Rey, follows Poe, stays with the Resistance. He gets to be terrified but he also says that terror isn’t his only motivating factor, and that his self-interest matters less to him than the galaxy – a choice Anakin struggled to make until literally the end of his life.
In conclusion, if the sequel trilogy had stuck to its guns and been about the tragedy of history as a cycle and the way we cling to idealised pasts and torture ourselves over might-have-beens (and also how that inaction and obsession with history allows the rise of fascism bc we spend so much time patting ourselves on the back for defeating ‘the bad guy’ we ignore what gave the bad guy power) – if it had been a well written story Finn should have been a hopeful twist to the story of Darth Vader, a man who faced the same struggles as Anakin but made better, kinder choices, which would bring it nicely full circle considering George Lucas was like. Very into star wars as being about Vader
But nope we had to have whatever that poorly written racist tug-of-war was instead. I don’t know about you but I need better fandoms
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reconstructwriter · 8 months
Had Another Breakdown and Watched Attack of the Clones
And wow, what a B-Movie title but I’m already committed to this terrible life decision so I might as well continue. Got through the Phantom Menace so how much worse can this be?
Warning! Another long post! Also tw for Attack of the Clones shit including genocide and slavery.
The Watto scene: Not only does it double down on Watto as a Jewish stereotype – seriously, WHY?!? – but a scene where a former slave meets their enslaver after ten years of growing up and mystic training with a laser sword? I expected a lot more. Watto should’ve voided his bowels because this has to be Worst Case Scenario for a slaver! At best he was a little ‘nervous friendly’. And Anakin is already well-established as ‘man-child who Loses His Shit at the drop of a hat’. Like dude, where’s your angst and teenage fits now cause boy does this situation fit the bill! But nope, NPC fulfills their NPC duty and off they go.
Fanon Anakin vs Canon Anakin: I was introduced to the former and slowly learned what he’s really like and oh wow is he such a terrible mess of a human being no wonder Mace Windu noped his training. His Fascist statement is extra YIKES for Padme since she’s one of those Senators who’d be forced to agree. The first temper tantrum alone sounded way out of line given the relatively professional setting, let alone the creepy boundary-breaking stare. The ‘I’ve been dreaming about you for ten years’, the ‘my feelings are suffering’ speech – also taking place with him in shadow for extra broody effect. And his first genocide (I can’t believe we’re already keeping track here!) And he KNOWS BETTER is the worst thing. He admits, out loud, that he knows better and still does the thing Padme why did you say yes to this mess?
Padme being mind controlled: a fairly common fan theory to answer the above question, but in-movie Padme straight up asks Anakin if he will use a mind-trick on her (in the context of a 20 questions game so not serious). Anakin’s response is ‘mind tricks only work on the weak minded’. On the one hand, implies Padme is too strong-willed for Anakin to influence through the Force – but on the other hand this also suggests to me that he would if he could!?!?
Though Anakin was the one to suggest keeping the relationship a secret, which did surprise me so no guilting Padme about ‘wanting a marriage like a free man’ like I thought. Padme is the one who says she won’t live a lie. Good to know for future reference.
Are droids sentient or not? Dex outright says droids can’t think but I honestly don’t know if this is in-universe how droids work or if Dex is having a Cleigg-on-Tusken-People moment.
Jedi are Arrogant? Lots of people have cited Madame Nu’s confidence in her archive’s integrity as evidence the Jedi are arrogant and horrible justification of Sith crimes follows. But Obi Wan thinks there’s something more going on and Yoda encourages everyone to help find his lost planet in one of the only nods to ‘funny trickster teacher Yoda’ we get in the movie. To me this seems a hint that the Jedi are unprepared for betrayal from within. Which Dooku’s, Anakin’s and the Clones’ mind-controlled betrayals all blindside the Jedi Order.
Jango: I’ve been torn about him since I learned about him. On the one hand, understandable vengeance motive (per legends anyway), on the other hand selling his own kids into slavery and probably knowing something about the chips and genocide order because I can’t otherwise imagine the legends version assisting the Jedi.
Jango does state in-movie ‘they’ll do their job well’ in a way that sounds just a bit ominous but I don’t know if he’s being accidentally vague or deliberately giving a subtle hint he knows about the Jedi betrayal plan. If this version is just in it for Boba and the money and doesn’t have the motive of his Legends counterpart, why would the Sith ever need to tell him? Dunno, but I was surprised to not hear him say anything derogatory about his clones. I mean he’s still selling his children into slavery in a way George Lucas doesn’t grok but he doesn’t actively deride them like I’ve read in fanfic. It’s a low bar but not as low as Anakin’s.
Made for the Jedi? So the Kaminoians confirm the clone army is specifically made for the Republic but commissioned by Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas. Glad the movies cleared that up.
Scene Contrast: Kamino is Dark and Stormy with creepy sterile whiteness everywhere in complete contrast to Naboo’s sunny and lush green paradise. The clone army is grown and trained in creepy white lab while the robotic army built in a dark but organic underground hive. Obi Wan sneaks onto Geonosis through the light of day to investigate galactic concerns. Anakin on Tattooine stalks the Tusken people in the dark of night for personal stakes.
The (Other) Horribly Racist Cliché: Speaking of which, I get we’re supposed to assume Shmi was abducted but, um, Cleigg isn’t even a witness – like I initially thought – but is guessing abduction based on tracks in the desert sand and his incredibly racist bias. Are we supposed to doubt every word out of his mouth? If Shmi had been in a bed (even tied) I’d have assumed patient before prisoner.
Anakin’s Genocide: He goes off to save Shmi as ominous music plays and the suns go down, at which point he doesn’t just walk the fascist talk and do baby-Vader’s first genocide but also foreshadows his betrayal and genocide of the Jedi! Which really reinforces the Sith/Nazi and Jedi/Jewish parallel here – Hitler and the Nazis got their Holocaust ideas from White America’s treatment of our native and PoC counterparts. So too does Anakin the future Sith start his genocidal tendencies with the Native people of Tattooine.
But nobody in-universe seems to get that?!? Blorbo!Anakin authors recognize that thar was some FUCKED UP SHIT!!! (Usually by pretending it didn’t happen or re-writing the scene into something less Moral Event Horizon.) Padme’s response would fit better Anakin murdering the literally disarmed Dooku – morally wrong, against the Jedi Code but somewhat understandable but genocide? Cleigg is narratively supposed to be kind and sympathetic but he practically sent a demon after people who’s land and water he’s stealing! The person acting most realistically is the perpetrator and all Anakin admits (again) is he’s a Jedi and therefore should be better. But this still feels like he should have come back to Padme yellow-eyed and Dark Sided!
Once again, George Lucas’ racism screws up the story he’s trying to tell. Ugh. Okay, enough movie time for now. Sorry I’m a hopeless binger despite my friends and kitties’ best efforts.
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purrvaire · 2 years
hehehehe for the character thingy: obi-wan, anakin eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee cody
HI MY BELOVED YOU KNOW ME SO WELL (I'll answer for obi and cody bc I got another ask for anakin, the dramatic bitch <3)
• favourite thing about them
obi-wan: i could gush over this man for the whole day (AND YOU KNOW IT) but ill just quote doctor who and say "all that pain and misery and loneliness and it just made him kind" bc that's SO obi-wan and it's the reason my heart is close to burst anytime I think about this character jesus I'm such a sap I can't help it
also he's the sassiest motherfucker I've ever met 🤍
cody: he has the patience of a saint and he keeps his boyfriend general alive - a full time job he should get a raise - how can I not love him
• least favorite thing about them
obi-wan: tbh it's more about a fanon interpretation of him being like the type of person who wallows in self-pity and... the point is... that obi-wan is actually not that kind if person lol he probably does feel guilty about half of the things that happened in the galaxy but being a cry baby is not him
cody: not. enough. screen. time. I'm mad.
• favorite line
obi-wan: "I LIKE YOUR NEW LEGS THEY MAKE YOU LOOK TALLER" I SWEAR TO GOD WHO SAYS SHIT LIKE THAT PLEASE 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I can't help but think about this line everyday
cody: sometimes in war it's hard to be the one who survives (* starts wailing *)
• brOTP
obi-wan: more than a brotp do you know what what we stan in this houseld THEE SUPERIOR FRENEMY OF THEM ALL VENTRESS (brotp probably vos)
cody: 💗💗💗💗💗💗 REX 💗💗💗💗💗💗
obi-wan: 💗💗💗💗💗 obikin 💗💗💗💗💗💗 i do generally approve most of obi-wan related ships even if im not super invested in them but OBIKIN!!!! SOULMATES!!!!!!! FRIENDS TO LOVERS TO ENEMIES SUPREMACY!!!!! I would die for them.
cody: codywan duh but I have to say that I'm not the biggest fan
• nOTP
obi-wan: qui-gon. no. this is a big no from me. go away. maul and obi are not really my thing?? and I'm also not very big on obitine, my heart broke for obi but in the end... i don't really care lol
cody: meh anything involving other clones ig???
• random headcanon
obi-wan: he doesn't hug very much but I bet his hugs are the nicest hugs I'm sorry I wanted to come up with something better but I'm going through something
cody: can and will drink you under the table i just know it
• unpopular opinion
obi-wan: ig what i said up above + I don't really care about any Korkie related discourse
cody: nothing in particular i think?
• songs I associate with them
obi-wan: soldier, poet, king by The Oh Hellos and Light by Sleeping at Last ❤
cody: probably warriors the league of legends version
• favorite picture of them:
Tumblr media Tumblr media
💗💗 two beautiful men 💗💗
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padme-amitabha · 3 years
Just popping in to say, I agree with you on the Master/Padawan ships being ew. But, as an Obidala shipper, I kinda want to ask that anon why Obidala would mean not understanding the characters? I mean, I've read books upon books in the EU and have a fairly good grasp on the two of them and I feel like they're more compatible personality& morality wise than anidala. (Not saying anidala is bad, because it's not. I ship it, too, just not as much as obidala). Plus there's just the whole part in the RotS novel where Padmé realizes that although she loves Anakin, she doesn't trust him. But she trusts Obi-Wan. Which, for me, is why I ship Obidala just a bit more than anidala because trust is everything, and it's canon that anidala keeps so many secrets from each other.
Also just... Insert that tik tok that's like "So you're telling me Padmé Amidala, former queen of naboo..." Here
I don’t know about the other anon but the reason I don’t ship Obidala is because I don’t think they are compatible. I view Obi-Wan as someone who puts duty and the Jedi council above everything else (I mean it literally took Anakin being burned alive for Obi-Wan to tell him he loved him) and also him being alright with lying to Luke about Vader being his father. Also, both in canon and legends, he chose duty over love (with Siri and Satine). Obi-Wan falls in love with them, that’s for sure, but it’s very different from Anakin as he notes in the book Secrets of the Jedi: 
But the way Obi-Wan had spoken had been so measured. With a temperament like that, it was impossible to love, Anakin was sure.
Padme, on the other hand, is someone who puts love above duty and chose that many times (especially when she decided to marry Anakin, and then overlooking his crimes on Mustafar and giving him a chance to be with her). Anakin has the same sense of compassion and values love more than duty and I think that’s what she admires about Anakin too. I think Anakin and Padme have a lot in common than she could ever have with Obi-Wan. I see Obi-Wan as the type to value the order he’s in whereas Padme (from AOTC novelization) also longed for a life free of responsibilities but ultimately couldn't because she felt she had a duty. But you are entitled to your own opinion so it’s cool.
Even Anakin notes they are very similar in AOTC novelization: 
Anakin shook his head doubtfully, but he wasn’t bothered by the possibility. In a strange way, he was glad that Padmé knew the rhyme, glad that it was a common gift from mothers to their children. And glad, especially, that he and Padmé had yet another thing in common.
 Ah yes. I remember that Tik Tok about what Padme ever saw in Anakin but I think there’s a lot of admirable qualities in Anakin (especially in movies, I don’t mean in TCW because I don’t like TCW’s take on their relationship which fundamentally changed their characters from the movies) so we may be talking about completely different versions of the characters here. 
Here’s some excerpts from novelizations regarding what made Padme fall for Anakin: 
She could see him now, not as a Jedi Padawan and her protector, but just as a young man. A handsome young man, and one whose actions repeatedly professed his love for her. A dangerous young man, to be sure, a Jedi who was thinking about things he should not. A man who was inevitably following the call of his heart above that of pragmatism and propriety. And all for her. Padmé couldn’t deny the attractiveness of that. 
But still, as she stood there looking upon him, his face now serene, she couldn’t deny the attraction. He seemed to her like a young hero, a budding Jedi—and she had no doubt that he would be among the greatest that great Order had ever known. And at the same time, he seemed to her to be the same little kid she had known during the war with the Trade Federation, inquisitive and impetuous, aggravating and charming all at once. 
She loved the way he was reacting to this place, to all of Naboo, his simple joys forcing her to see things as she had when she was younger, before the real world had pushed her to a place of responsibility. It surprised her that a Jedi Padawan would be so ... She couldn’t think of the word. Carefree? Joyous? Spirited? Some combination of the three?
Padmé’s hand slowly dropped to her side and she sat listening in amazement at how honestly he was opening up before her, baring his heart though he knew she might tear it asunder with a single word. She was honored by the thought, and truly touched.
A man who knew exactly what he wanted and was honest enough to simply ask for it; a man strong enough to unroll his deepest feelings before her without fear and without shame. A man who had loved her for a decade, with faithful and patient heart, while he waited for the act of destiny he was sure would someday open her own heart to the fire in his.
He is not a perfect man: he is prideful, and moody, and quick to anger—but these faults only make her love him the more, for his every flaw is more than balanced by the greatness within him, his capacity for joy and cleansing laughter, his extraordinary generosity of spirit, his passionate devotion not only to her but also in the service of every living being.
So, Padme loved Anakin for all his honesty, recklessness and flaws, and I think they were both people who loved too wholeheartedly (and maybe a little selfishly), wanted a family together, and idealized each other which made them overlook each other’s flaws. I don’t really agree they didn’t trust each other. There were many lines at the beginning of ROTS about them trusting each other. 
He could feel her patience, and her trust, and he was so grateful for both that tears welled once more.
I don’t think they started keeping secrets until the very end of ROTS because Padme had given her word to the other Senators to keep all the Rebellion stuff a secret and even then she wanted to tell Anakin but he was siding with Palpatine and refused to listen. And even then she was very uncomfortable about having to keep a secret from Anakin so it’s safe to guess they didn’t have a habit of keeping secrets from the other. 
Don’t make me lie to my husband was her unspoken plea. She tried to convey it with her eyes. Please, Bail. Don’t make me lie to him. It will break his heart.
Also, Anakin in ROTS was really unstable and sleep-deprived and he was constantly being manipulated by Palpatine and the Jedi weren’t helping either. Obi-Wan is more collected and reliable and they were good friends so it makes sense why Padme trusted Obi-Wan about this more than Anakin. Also, didn’t Obi-Wan sneak into her ship and betrayed her in a sense? 
That said, I am not against Obidala and it could work in fanon but I personally don’t see them growing close in the actual story. 
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padawanlost · 5 years
Is there any instances of Obi-wan getting really angry at people putting Anakin in danger? Or being really protective? I sometimes get the vibe that Obi-wan, and especially the Jedi, kinda would let young jedi fend for themselves without much care. I even heard someone else say that Obi-Wan HAS left Anakin for dead plenty of times. Despite that i just can’t picture Obi-wan not getting righteously angry at him being put in harms way a few times. There’s no doubt he cares about him a lot
No, I can’tthink of any moment like that. This idea that Obi-wan was affectionate and protectiveof Anakin is fanon. But here’s the thing, that doesn’t mean Obi-wan didn’t careabout Anakin. Imo, the key to understanding Obi-wan is to understand the gapbetween what Obi-wan DOES and what Obi-wan FEELS. If you had asked about exampleswhere Obi-wan thinks about how much he cares about Anakin I could give youplenty but, unfortunately, he never acts on those feelings.
I know thefandom loves to woobify Obi-wan but, realistically, that version of Obi-wan – “letme SHOW the world how much I love Anakin” – can’t exist, because that version ofthe character could never be a Jedi. so though we don’t see Obi-wan beingoverly protective and caring around Anakin that doesn’t mean he doesn’t carefor him. Obi-wan is not the mom-friend but he’s not heartless either. Imo, the bestway to look at the character is to look at him as a human being: he’s flawed.  And a huge chuck of those flaws are a resultof his jedi upbringing, which leads us to the second half of your question.
Yes, theJedi were reckless with the lives of their youth. We don’t even have get intothe EU to see that clearly. We have Qui-Gon gambling on a life of a 9 years oldchild and later taking that kid to an active war zone, we have 14 years oldAhsoka being turned into a soldier, we have children being left for death, etc.In the EU thing are even harsher with padawans being taken to hostile environmentson a pretty regular basis. In the 10 years between TPM and AOTC Anakin waskidnapped, poised, arrested, manipulated, attacked by wild beasts...and that’sonly from the top of my head. And it was all on missions sanctioned by the JediCouncil. The truth is no one put padawans in harm’s ways more than the JediOrder, so for any Jedi to complain to much about someone endangering theirpadawans would be pretty hypocritical.
That beingsaid, the idea that Obi-wan has left Anakin for dead (pre-ROTS) is harsh and, honestly, something I don’t recall ever happening. Of all the times I can think of when theywere separated they always tried to find each other. Their relationship wasalways complicated but they never got as far as abandoning each other (for good).
The mostinfamous case is probably the time Anakin was sold into slavery and Obi-wanreturned to Coruscant instead of going rogue. But as cold as that was, Obi-wandid the Jedi™ thing and he never stopped worrying about Anakin. and here’s theproblem I mentioned earlier, obi-wan worried but never acted on it. He nevertold Anakin how much he worried and how the thought of losing Anakin scaredhim but that doesn’t mean he didn’t FEEL those emotions.
That’s why Isay Obi-wan wasn’t affectionate or overly protective. He did have all thoseFEELS but because he never expressed them until Anakin was dying at his feet. Which is why, when we are discussing Obi-wan’s ACTIONS, the idea of him expressing himself contradictscanon. This is guy who can’t say the words “I love you” until the object of hislove is dying a horrible death caused by him. Personally, that’s why I can’tbuy fluffly fanon!Obi-wan, a guy who walks around going “I love my padawan, don’tyou hurt him” is not a guy that would ever do anything canon!Obi-wan did in TPM,AOTC and ROTS.
Again, noneof this means Obi-wan didn’t care about Anakin. It only means he didn’t expressit. So you shouldn’t take the lack of moments where Obi-wan acts on hisattachment to Anakin as a reason to believe he didn’t care at all.
I thinkStover got this perfectly:
The man hefaced was everything Obi-Wan had devoted his life to destroying: Murderer.Traitor. Fallen Jedi. Lord of the Sith. Andhere, and now, despite it all … Obi-Wan still loved him. Yoda had saidit, flat-out: Allow such attachments to pass out of one’s life, a Jedi must,but Obi-Wan had never let himself understand. He had argued for Anakin, madeexcuses, covered for him again and again and again; all the while thisattachment he denied even feeling had blinded him to the dark path his bestfriend walked. Obi-Wan knew there was,in the end, only one answer for attachment … He let it go. [MatthewStover. Revenge of the Sith]
Obi-wanfeels but when it comes between choosing between his feelings and histeachings, he’ll always pick his teachings. Ultimately, being a good Jedi ordoing the greater good was always more important than how he felt about thepeople he loved. The choice he made on Mustafar was the same choice he had beenmaking for the past 13 years, the only difference was that that was the first (andonly time) he actually TOLD Anakin how he truly felt.
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bedcorpse · 5 years
i can’t stop thinking about that absolutely cursed star wars “leak” so i’m going to dump it under the cut. WARNING: potential (though i doubt it, as explained below) spoilers for the rise of skywalker.
so, for those of you not in the know, a rumor that’s been circulating for tros has been that rey will be revealed to be han’s daughter, but not leia’s. either han cheated on leia, or slept with another woman following (i imagine) kylo ren’s turn to the dark side and his split with leia. (if i have my canon right, that’s why they split. this could be fan conjecture, though, considering that 85% of kylo’s backstory is fanon at this point. including han and leia being bad/neglectful parents. look up what pablo hidalgo [head of sw continuity] has to say.)
first of all, unless kylo fell to the dark at the age of like.... eleven, the timeline that just suggests han divorced leia and fell in love with another woman makes no sense. this is also the only version of this timeline that doesn’t directly implicate han as a bad person. if rey were older than kylo (aka, meaning he [unknowingly] impregnated a girl prior to the original trilogy and then the mother abandoned rey or died), then i might be able to accept the theory, but since rey is canonically 19, there is literally NO WAY for this to do anything except...
...by completely assassinating han’s character. right after they shocked the dudebros by destroying womanizer han solo in solo. which is the absolute biggest “what the fuck?????????????” lucasfilm could pull for me yet. if han cheated on leia, kylo ren knew, and that’s why he fell to the dark... that’s even worse than luke having a moment of weakness and nearly killing him. like, i hate to compare rian johnson to jj positively, but at least rian forgot han existed and let him rest in peace. if that’s canon, jj really should just admit he hates han and never direct a damn star wars movie again.
also, on top of all this, it makes NO SENSE. the only reason i want rey somebody is because it’s foreshadowed in tfa that she has a connection with luke, leia, and han. having her be a skywalker or an organa-solo makes logical sense because of the “mystery boxes” planted regarding their relationship in tfa. 
rey solo-no-organa DOESN’T make sense with this foreshadowing, though. even if her mom was qi’ra, involving some “i liked leia but love you” bullshit, it wouldn’t make sense. without a direct tie to luke and leia, it makes no sense. in fact, it makes even less sense than rey random. at least with rey random you can say “it was the destiny of the force!” with this, it’s just needless melodrama shoved haphazardly into the last film in a franchise that has aged like milk left in the summer sun.
and, call me biased, but it’s a total destruction of han’s character. it stops being “heroes aren’t always heroes, but that’s okay, because there’s always an opportunity to do better!” and becomes “your heroes are terrible, cowardly people. how bad do you feel for ever liking them?” han’s already had his name dragged through the mud, just barely saved by solo and some eu tidbits. i’d rather not see him be completely deconstructed, and not in the fun way. (nothing about the deconstructions in the st have been fun.)
still, i’m not entirely convinced this leak is real. it’s probably down with “kylo ren lives happily ever after” and “rey is a reincarnated force baby version of anakin” in terms of how likely it is to become canon. and my main reasoning for this is that daisy said rey’s ending is satisfying. now, she could have been lying for the sake of promoting a garbage movie, but it’s not emilia clark’s terrified “bEsT sEaSoN eVeR!!!” 
but there’s nothing satisfying about rey being an illegitimate infidelity baby. not for her, or for the audience. it’s also straight up disrespectful to leia, and by extent carrie fisher. i cannot, for the life of me, see billie lourd allowing them to use her character knowing that she would become a cheap jab at an already dead man. 
although, lucasfilm has made terrible decisions before. the fact that i can’t rule this leak out as completely fake and absurd is telling. and i still stand by my post from a couple weeks ago about how it’s marvel’s move to build hype around leaks, fake and real, not lucasfilm’s. also, there were tons of similarly ridiculous leaks for tlj that ended up being completely bogus. the only way to find out is wait six hellish months for the movie to come out. 
if this is true, though, it’s going to take a several people to hold me back from tweeting jj abrams, quote, “well, now i see why the lost and star trek fandoms hate your guts.”  
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squirrelno2 · 2 years
this is the year in review thing but I reject the gif so. Here we are with whatever this is
I posted 107 times in 2022
19 posts created (18%)
88 posts reblogged (82%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 104 of my posts in 2022
Only 3% of my posts had no tags
#star wars - 39 posts
#clone wars - 18 posts
#julie and the phantoms - 17 posts
#gifset - 10 posts
#somebodys very good fanart - 9 posts
#andor - 8 posts
#fanfic - 6 posts
#julie molina - 5 posts
#fanfic related - 4 posts
#art - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#no but actually he looks so downtrodden and small and the looks they're wearing in the first one like they're wary of us the audience. ouch
My Top Posts in 2022:
Me at myself in the mirror at 3:50 in the afternoon one day: the thing about the sequel trilogy of star wars is that Finn was in the perfect position to be a foil to Kylo Ren and a hopeful spin on the character of Anakin Skywalker and the fact that nobody even noticed these parallels is a testament to the power of racism and the fact that bigotry actually makes you a worse writer
No but. Anakin’s out here with his introduction in the prequels as a slave, and it’s poorly done but implied that the pain and fear of that part of his life impacts how he interacts with… basically everything ever, and ultimately makes him susceptible to palpatine’s grooming; your mileage may vary on the ratio of canon to fanon in this interpretation but I think we can all agree being a slave from birth is gonna fuck a kid up and there’s a reason why George lucas chose this particular backstory for him.
So you’ve got Kylo Ren, eschewing a family that cares for him (please don’t talk to me about whatever the fuck was going on in those last jedi flashbacks first of all that’s bad writing babe and second, we’re talking solely about the expectations and possibilities established in force awakens because there’s not enough narrative or character consistency in the sequel trilogy to take. Anything as a whole there) in order to chase after this version of his grandfather that isn’t even the version he died as. Like! Whether you think Anakin/Vader achieved redemption or simply did one good thing at the end of his life, we all know that act of sacrifice on Luke’s behalf is. The definition of Star Wars. Vader choosing to do good in his last moments was what the original trilogy built towards and what the prequel trilogy always knew, and it’s this fucked up spectre over everything Kylo Ren says or does in Force Awakens because he’s out here pleading with the ghost of a man who is not real, he’s chasing Vader instead of Anakin Skywalker and ignoring the choices his own grandpa made in the name of… honouring him somehow???
And then there’s Finn. Finn who’s been raised since who knows when but definitely childhood given he has no name to remember to be a weapon for the First Order. Somehow I doubt they pay their stormtroopers, somehow I expect their education is more indoctrination than anything, somehow I doubt Finn was ever instilled with a sense that he as a person mattered – Finn’s a slave when we meet him. Unequivocally. And this man who’s known nothing else his entire life turns around and says “actually I think I will do good things or at least stop doing bad ones” and runs the fuck away, freeing himself. (and also Poe. Something something the act of saving others in turn saves you, this is my eternal soapbox but that’s not my point right now)
Finn is afraid, and very nearly runs away from the fight like “I’m safe so it doesn’t matter what happens to others” – when satisfied that Rey is safe (and under the impression that Poe is dead) he feels no strong compulsion to protect an ambiguous “rest of the galaxy” which honestly is exactly the vibes Anakin Skywalker has for pretty much all his life. Anakin would be a hero because the people he cared about wanted him to be. He fought for Padme and Obi-Wan and frigging Palpatine (and Ahsoka, I say, skipping outside the movies for a hot second because I love her) first and foremost, and the Jedi and the Republic because those were the causes his loved ones cared about. Finn has the opportunity to get away, to protect himself for the first time in his life, and he doesn’t have to worry about the few people he cares about so he very nearly goes for it.
Then the thing is, Finn, unlike Anakin, doesn’t let that fear rule him? He turns around and goes back for Rey, follows Poe, stays with the Resistance. He gets to be terrified but he also says that terror isn’t his only motivating factor, and that his self-interest matters less to him than the galaxy – a choice Anakin struggled to make until literally the end of his life.
In conclusion, if the sequel trilogy had stuck to its guns and been about the tragedy of history as a cycle and the way we cling to idealised pasts and torture ourselves over might-have-beens (and also how that inaction and obsession with history allows the rise of fascism bc we spend so much time patting ourselves on the back for defeating ‘the bad guy’ we ignore what gave the bad guy power) – if it had been a well written story Finn should have been a hopeful twist to the story of Darth Vader, a man who faced the same struggles as Anakin but made better, kinder choices, which would bring it nicely full circle considering George Lucas was like. Very into star wars as being about Vader
But nope we had to have whatever that poorly written racist tug-of-war was instead. I don’t know about you but I need better fandoms
6 notes - Posted August 19, 2022
WAIT I stim by singing to myself and the boys canonically improvise with each other - they improvise to stim
That's it that's the post I'm just furthering my everybody-in-jatp-is-neurodivergent agenda
7 notes - Posted December 1, 2022
The way two different people I followed years and years ago for completely different things have posted in the last three days about missing julie and the phantoms... Fucking hell Netflix do you see what you've done. This show was for everyone and you've ruined it. Can you imagine if these people had posted about jatp before now. I might have actually verbally interacted with people I've quietly awkwardly admired for years.
8 notes - Posted November 29, 2022
Midway through Andor and I don't have very solid thoughts, at least not ones that haven't been said already by ppl much better at saying them, but something about seeing the ppl on Aldhani have this religious experience while all this shit goes on behind them. The way the whole chaos of the interspliced scenes quiets for a moment as the sky lights up - and then it's right back to the heist because they don't care because they can't afford to care and it's not their belief anyway
The empire sees the Eye as this thing to gawk at and Cassian and co are looking at the Eye as part asset part obstacle, just something to navigate through, and it would be easy to stay with their perspectives, but instead we get these moments of wonder and community, the culture that these people are trying to protect independently of all this galactic scale stuff - and then of course we also know that the empire is doing their level best to take that away too
I'm not phrasing any of this well but man that aspect of it really got to me and I'm not even sure why, fully
8 notes - Posted December 3, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I wrote a Big Bang fic!!! the amazing @willexmagic was my partner and made some lovely moodboards which I will be reblogging in a hot second, and I had a lot of fun (and maybe some tears) working on this monstrosity of a Superman AU
If you’ve ever wanted Flynn and Carrie to be Clark Kent and Lois Lane (or even if you haven’t and just want superhero content?) then here is the fic! Featuring my usual favourite things of friend angst, sad Flynn hours, and ensemble cast shenanigans, as well as me wandering wildly through some of my favourite coomic book tropes.
15 notes - Posted July 31, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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