#i had like a 6th good one but then i forgot it
vampacidic · 2 years
ok so all of switch have highlights in their hair right (sora has green natsume has white tsumugi has light blue) so i raise you this: switch hair dying night. natsume does not want to dye tsumugi's hair ("it's too dARK" he says) so he just bleaches it and calls it good. (tsumugi goes "why don't i get a fun color like sora natsume kun :(" and natsume goes "perhaps if your hair was not so unrULY, i would be more willing to dye iT.") sora just likes green. natsume also has his just bleached because it's fun and he's tired by the time he gets to his own hair.
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heartyearning · 1 year
handsewing button holes through 6 layers of fabric is an unfortunately huge pain in the ass and tragically i have to do 18 of them
#ive done 3 so far so 6th of the way thru 😔 its ok im being so brave about this#i dont mind THAT much bc i enjoy sewing button holes tbh its just a little Meh bc it takes so long & like#i dont want to waste so much time while other project remain so unfinished#plus theres one layer of fabric which is already a bitch to sew thru one or two layers which like. i chose this fabric knowingly#i just forgot that id have to do the button holes by hand#& its for a corset too so theres boning on both sides which means there isnt all that much manoeuvreability#but ! i finished the top edge w bias tape (which i made myself without a little tool and went way better than ive done before with tool)#& it looks decently sick so ! i am positive about this thing overall its just that i shouldnt have made 7 holes on both sides at the back#i was originally only gonna do 5/side but then i was just measuring a hole/3cm & didnt think about my original reasoning for doing 5#& by the time i recalled how much work it'd be id already actually used a seam ripper to make the holes so i cant back out now#+ something rly rly bothersome is that my iron left a pretty big stain on the fabric (im still not sure how this stuff works#but i think my boning had some rust on it and thats what made the stain rather than the iron itself#i could be wrong tho) so i think im either gonna try to wash it out obv but if that doesnt work#i might do some embroidery which im not looking forward to#but unfortunately needs must and ive already cut a few corners & have some imperfections that i need leeway on#AND i dont want EVERY single project to be noticably halfassed at my jury so#i'll be fine btw im complaining but more so im just sorting thru my thoughts bc im quite pleased w how it looks#despite the imperfections#& ive overall just had a good day#tomorrow is reserved for studying art history bc i have that exam on wednesday & wednesday i wanna use whats left of the day#to work on my drape (possible some of that will happen tomorrow too) so i can get it mostly finished#& then i still have the option of showing my teacher on thursday if i feel the need to do so#& also i just need to get that done so i dont have to worry about it too much anymore#then we'll be taking pics on sunday probably#& then i have 2 more days to finish my portfolios and sort all of that out (and fuck i keep forgetting i have to upload everything online)#& then !! jury time !! & the day after we're gonna go to a theme park & then we just have until the 2nd week of feb#to relax and do sort of whatever we want#excited !!!
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tteokbin · 11 months
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ [bunny] - 수빈.
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☆ -> sub!soobin (ot5) x dom!reader
content -> ot5 x reader, reader is the 6th member of txt, fluff..the most fluff i’ve ever written and i’m doing it for the sake of plot !1!, uhh stuffie humping (?), spitting in mouth, degradation, choking (cause its not a cherriescheol fic without choking), mxm, cumming inside anddd uhh idk 🤔 that’s it i think
note -> okay soz this will be a series of all the members, i’m gonna make a masterlist for it when i finish all of them probably. i’m scared on how this will do or if people will even enjoy it but ik there’s people dying for more sub!txt content and i am here to provide 😼 ngl i also forgot who rooms with who and if soobin was the only one with a singular room so i just went off what i’ve heard recently. also soobin is blonde in this because i will never get over blonde soobin i miss him v much.
pt 2 of my ot5 poly txt au
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It’s around 10:30 at night when you and the boys get home from a long day of non stop practice, clumsily taking off their shoes, slipping into house slippers and hanging their jackets. beomgyu clings to your waist as you both waddle towards the kitchen.
You turn to him once there and cup his face with both hands, taking note of the scattered fading blemishes he had on his cheeks. beomgyu let’s his long lashes flutter against his cheekbones as he enjoyed the warmth of your palms. “did you drink enough water today, puppy?” you ask as you brush his bangs out of his eyes, noting that his hair grew longer since he last cut it.
He hums and just purs into your hands instead of answering and his reluctance to respond to you properly gives you your answer. you pull away from his embrace despite his whine and pour him a glass of water with ice. “drink this and go take care of your skin, okay? And make sure you don’t go to sleep in the clothes you’ve been in all day.”
You watch him nod with a pout then pucker his lips out for a kiss. you roll your eyes but give him a chaste kiss anyway. he giggles into your lips and moves to deepen it but you pluck yourself away before he can try. “c‘mon pup your gonna be tired in the morning if you don’t go now.”
turning him around you usher him out the kitchen with the glass in hand and towards his bedroom while he huffs out small ‘okay, okay’s and pads off to his room. just as he leaves yeonjun comes in the kitchen to get a water bottle out the fridge before grinning fondly at the scene. he places his bottle on the counter before wrapping his arms around your neck and scattering wet kisses all over your face and stopping at your mouth.
“you did so good today Jagi. looked so sexy dancing. Just wanted you to take me right there..” yeonjun murmurs against your lips. he watches you smile and lean to knock your forehead with his before licking his nose.
he sputters and groans while you move to squeeze his ass with a laugh. “ Thank you pretty boy, i was watching you too and you did amazing,” you peck his plump lips and lock eyes with him, “As always.” Normally he’d agree with a smug ‘of course, i’m always amazing.’ but seeing the genuinely loving look glaze over your eyes has him looking away and blushing like a little boy.
“T-Thank you..” he stutters, all of a sudden feeling shy and hot. he looks over your shoulder at the time on the microwave and remembers how late it is. Yeonjun grabs his forgotten water bottle and pecks your lips again before uttering a dreamy goodnight and a reminder to visit the maknaes then heads off to bed.
You grab another water bottle from the fridge before heading off to their room, as well as grabbing a stray molang plushie off the couch. upon approaching the boys room you can tell their both already laying down with the lights off due to the quiet sounds of youtube videos through the crack of their door.
After delivering a knock you enter their room and see taehyun watching his phone while in bed, kai seemingly already asleep facing his mountain of plushies. you pad over to taehyun as he smiles at you over his phone, “hyung!” he quietly exclaims before dropping his phone and opening his arms wide for a hug. you chuckle while setting down the water bottle on the stand next to his bed and dropping the stuffed bunny on the floor.
Engulfing him in a hug, you press warm kisses in the sensitive crook of his neck. Taehyun squeaks and pulls you away to watch the amused curl of your lips. “how was your day today prince?” you unravel one arm from him to lay next to him and rub a thumb over his faint eyebags, “ my baby looks so tired.”
He places a hand over yours and presses into his cheek, closing his eyes prettily, much like beomgyu. “I’m okay, hyung. My day was tiring but i got through it like always.” he opens his big boba eyes to gaze at you with an adorable grin, corner of his eyes crinkling in fondness at your concern, “you don’t have to worry about me. plus, i did good today, right?”
He watches you expectantly, huge eyes anticipating the praise he craves from you so dearly. “Yes my prince, you did so good. My good boy.” you pur. Taehyun visibly vibrates at your words, brightly beaming at you with his adorable dimple poking out from his cheek. He lurches forward and connects your lips, kiss filled with joy and happy emotions.
taehyun presses against you and hooks a leg around your waist, pulling you on top of him to smother him into the bed. he moans happily into the kiss, wrapping his arms around your neck to get as close as possible as if you were to let go. you prod at his soft lips with your tongue and he happily lets you. humming into his mouth as he sucks your appendage then proceeds to slot against your lips once more.
You press him further into the mattress, rolling your hips down into him as he whines into you. your about to grind into him once more when you hear a sleepy voice from across the room;“hyung?”
you part from taehyun at the sound, resisting the urge to destroy him when you see him laying beneath you with such a hazy ‘fuck me’ look strewn across his dazed features. mouth wet and slightly swollen and tank top disheveled enough to where a brown nipple peaks from the side. you reluctantly turn your head to the side and see kai rubbing his eye then gazing at you both from his bed, “Me too.. please?”
his pretty eyes almost hypnotize you towards him in the dark room, the light from taehyuns forgotten phone the only thing allowing you to see his dreamy features. “c’mere then.” you beckon him over from your position, both you and taehyun watching him hop out of bed and shuffle over towards the both of you.
Kai stands in front of the bed, playing with his own fingers and waits patiently as you look over him. he’s in his boxers and a old pokémon tee that’s stretched at the collar, showing a good part of his bare chest and collarbones. you sit up on your knees with taehyun still between your legs, reaching for kai’s neck and bringing his face to yours.
“lay next to me baby,” you whisper, letting him crawl over you and tyun before settling on the opposite side, both boys now sandwiching you on the bed. he faces you and slots your thigh between his while he stares at your lips with desperate eyes, so so cute and obvious about what he wants.
you giggle and lean forward, pressing your lips against his wet ones. you both sigh into the kiss, licking at each other as his squeaky moans muffle into your mouth. you bite his bottom lip, sucking his tongue when he opens his mouth to moan loudly in surprise.
Kai starts subconsciously grinding against your thigh, pulling away by an inch to pant hot breathes against your face. “ah.. hyung,” he pauses to whine, “please— touch me, p-please touch me hyung!” kai whimpers, humping your leg with more fever.
taehyun watches kai from beside you, squirming with his own need and whining quietly under his breath, he wants your attention on him too. tyun places a hand on your navel, trailing his hand lower until he’s hitting the waistband of your sleep shorts. A hand gropes at the half-hard bulge forming between your legs, fondling in slow up and down movements.
He pants at the thought of having it in his mouth. tight, hot mouth suckling on the delicious head, gagging and choking on your delicious cock while stuffing his throat full. big wonderful eyes glossing over with the need to bury it deep inside him. he moves to slide his hand inside your pants to finally fish out what he’s been craving when he feels a hand on his wrist.
Taehyun snaps his head up towards you, realizing that you’ve long stopped playing with kai— in return letting him hump the air with his tongue out like a mutt. “Uh-uh tyunnie. I didn’t say you could touch, now did i?” you tut, moving his hand away and sitting up between both boys. “ You boys are so dirty. Can’t just kiss without getting drunk for my cock, hm?”
Both of them move to sit up along with you but you push them back down and shake your head with a faux sympathetic look. “If both of you want to cum so bad why don’t you play with each other? hyung is busy.” you move to go off the bed, picking up the stuffed molang plushie and placing it between the both of them. Hyuka immediately starts grinding his hips into the poor plush, pressing it into taehyun by doing so.
“A-Ah, hyung! Don’t be mean.” he stutters out. hyuka clings to his body, steadily grinding his hips into the stuffed animal, the force of his thrusts pushing it into tyuns neglected hard on as well. kai’s heavy tongue licks into taehyuns neck, causing him to whine and squeeze his eyes shut from the pleasure. “h-hyunggg,” he mewls out of habit. though he’s long forgotten you left him as you slip out of his room, quietly closing the door.
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At the entrance of soobins room you stand in the dark, the door is shut behind you but you make no move to leave your spot. across the room soobin lays in his bed with his headphones on and head practically sucked into his phone.
his legs slightly hang off the long edge of the bed, toes curling and uncurling in tandem with each other. your eyes trail a bit higher, landing on the very noticeable bulge twitching through his boxers. every once in a while his hips would jut up into the air, hopelessly seeking friction.
you smile to yourself at his eagerness, deciding to end his pitiful suffering. soobin nearly jumps out of his skin when he feels your hand cup him through his underwear— slamming his phone on the bed and ripping his headphones off.
“H-Hyung!” without the light of his phone you could only make out his wide doe eyes staring at you in surprise. you giggle and flick on his bedside lamp letting the light illuminate as much as it could. soobins flushed cheeks are more prominent this way, his cute ears practically dyed red and blonde hair messily unkept with strands sticking every direction.
You squeeze at his bulge, snapping him out of his surprised state and causing a cute whine to slip out his lips. “What are you watching that got you so worked up, bunny?” as soon as the pet name leaves your lips his hips twitch harshly upwards. your teasing grin widens at the action, groping him tighter and leaning down to lick a stripe up his neck.
“aah, y-yeonjunie hyung sent me a video of him playing with—“ he cuts himself off with a gasp when you suck on a particularly sensitive part of his neck, “ah! ah! his toys!! playing with his toys—!” soobin trembles in your hold, resisting the urge to curl away from your actions.
His toys hm? i’ll remember that. “Your supposed to tell me when they send you stuff like this bunny, shouldn’t Binnie get punis-“
“No!” soobin practically yelped upon hearing the word, he hates getting punished. He’s so eager to please that he barely ever acts out, unlike beomgyu and taehyun, but when he is punished he’s immediately fucked out and trying to redeem himself. “Bunny’s been good! S-So good!! bunny didn’t touch himself at all, jus watched Jjunie-hyung! Don’t want t’be puni-“
Suddenly, your hand latched onto his throat, pressing down tightly and pulling a harsh gasp out of him. Soobin immediately looked at your face above him, dark and ticked with anger.
“Did I say you could talk over me, Mutt?” Your palm dug deeper into his neck and angled his head to the side, bracing his flushed cheek towards you. “Can’t fucking talk now can you huh? Dumb bunny, nothing in this head right? Just a pretty face who can't just listen to his hyung." Soobin nodded along with every word as you bring your other hand up and press down on his lower lip, watching him loll his tongue out on instinct.
Soobin stared up at you the best he could through dazed eyes, drool beginning to leak from the side of his mouth. "You want it, don't you?" you whisper, daring him to speak through choked gasps. Soobin nodded his head to the best of his ability, sticking his tongue out farther while pleading with his eyes; yes, yes yes give it to me, please.
Your hand firmly holds open his jaw as you spit harshly into his mouth. "Swallow it." you let go of his throat and watch him gulp down his treat, letting out gasped ‘thank you's’ as he catches his breath. Soobin opens his mouth again proudly showing that he swallowed like you told him to.
You pull and snap the band of his boxers back onto his skin, “Off, now.” and Soobin scrambles to shrug the clothing down his lanky legs. He instinctively curls his legs up to his chest, veiny arms hooking under both his knees, baring his ass to you with a soft whine.
An adorable heart shaped plug rests snugly between soobins unmarked cheeks, “ Oh, fuck bunny..” you whisper in awe, slowly easing the plug out while watching his hole stretch around the wide base.
Soobin whined long and high pitched, throwing his head back into the pillow. “ Ahh please!! Please hyung!” he mindlessly begged, keening when he felt the plug being fucked in and out of him lewdly.
Soobin loudly wails when you finally pull it out of him, letting out a heavy sigh of pleasure when he feels two of your fingers circle around his rim. “ M’ready, m’ready hyung please fuck me! b-bunny’s been a good boy!”
you chuckle at the impatient tone in his voice, sinking your fingers into him and pumping deliciously against his walls. you don’t know how much longer you can resist him yourself, still tight gummy insides just begging to swallow your cock whole.
reluctantly slipping your fingers out of him and leaning back, you pull your sleep shorts down to your knees along with your boxers. You spit into your hand, fisting along the shaft while soobin drools at the sight.
His toes curl once he feels the wet tip prod at his hole and slowly push into him. He fights the urge to close his eyes instead of watching every inch of you sink inside him. “Oh, please..” Soobin whines out. Every single ridge and vein of your meaty cock deliciously dragging against his walls until you bottom out, leaving him twitching and breathless—barely able to speak from being so full.
With his pouty lips permanently held open in a silent moan and his doe eyes fighting back tears, Soobin silently pleads to start moving. You narrow your eyes at him for daring to ask anything when he’s pissed you off already, slowly pulling out until just the tip throbs inside of him and slamming your hips forward— dragging a loud wail out of him.
Your hips move like clockwork; heavily pounding him into the mattress with a bruising grip on his meaty thighs, each thrust pumping into him harder than the last and knocking the air out of soobins throat.
“So pretty, bunny.” you groaned out, angling your hips as deep as possible until your thighs ached. Soobin sobbed and let go of his legs, hands digging into the sheets next to his head. “ So fucking good.” you pushed forward until your chest was flush against his— as close as you could get with his knees pressing to his shoulders.
The new angle served as the perfect position for your cock to ram straight into his prostate, a loud squeal immediately flying out of his lips. “Hyung— oh my god..!” Soobins back arched as deep as it possibly could while being pressed into the bed, hands grabbing onto your back, hard. “Fuck it’s—! it’s sho good! sso good hyung, don’t stop! please ffuck me harder! Aaah..”
Soobin practically screams each time you pummel against that sweet spot inside of him, legs kicking wildly in the air. “Bunny— fuck m’ gonna cum soon, shit!” you moan into his ear. soobin can barely speak in response. His eyes rolled back into his head as his hips bucked up into you the best he could, dumb cock twitching frantically between your bodies.
You quickly sit up and lay each of his legs on either side of your hips, his hands instantly flying to his flushed nipples. you lean back and resume your thrusts but this time fucking straight into his prostate. Each thrust tightening the band threatening to snap in his lower tummy, leaving his swollen dick bobbing helplessly with the force.
“C-Cum for me Bunny, make hyung proud.” It only took one of your hands fisting his throbbing tip to have him crying out a broken ‘c-cumming!’ and making a mess of himself all over his abdomen. You follow soon after him, burying deep and shooting your load into his warm insides, collapsing onto his wet chest.
Both of you start to doze off in each other sticky mess, even though you should get up and clean it before a staff member finds the both of you like this. Soobin mumbled quiet ‘i love you’s’ into your sweaty hair, dragging his tired limbs up and down your scratched back. Before your mind can teeter off into the sweet relief of sleep you press tender kisses against his pecs, playfully licking at his nipple and giggling at his sensitive whine.
The both of you are snoring by the time soobins phone pings with multiple messages from the groupchat:
Beommie 🧸
god are you guys FINALLY finished??
thought you guys were gonna fuck all night, jesus.
oh so now your quiet
holy shit don’t tell me tyun and kai are going at it to
omg you horndogs!
jjunie hyung 🫶🏼
just go to sleep beoms.
actually, come over
hearing them got me all needy
Beomie 🧸
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secretninjadonut · 5 months
| Fangirl | Huh Yunjin
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G!p Huh Yunjin x 6th member le sserafim fem Reader
You and the members were just hanging out waiting for Kkura to finish making food and Chaewon going to help her (literally being swatted away but we move 😭) and everyone was so relaxed on their phones lying on the sofa until they suddenly heard you squeal and stuff your face into a pillow on the sofa while literally screaming into it and throwing your phone on the floor.
Kazuha was so confused and just asked “Y/N-nnie are you ok?” meanwhile you kept on screaming and only the red tips of your ears visible. Eunchae quite literally sighs and says to Kazuha “You forgot how gay Y/N Unnie is right?” while Kazuha nods in realisation going back to her phone you were still flustered and just went even more red if it was even possible when you heard Yunjin speak asking “what was she even watching?” reaching for your phone. You panicked so badly because you got flustered at A EDIT of HUH YUNJIN (relatable tbh).
She picks up your phone and smirked at the sight of an edit of her on a fan page which embarrassingly you FOLLOWED on TikTok having seen you already favourite it and like it immediately while she says in a teasing tone “Y/N/N seems like you have good taste in what to watch hm?” and you just stuff your face more into the pillow in embarrassment and shame. Eunchae just groans and asks “is she watching more edits of you again” while Yunjin just nods and smirks even more but thankfully Chaewon came in and said that the foods ready.
At the table you all started eating and you’ve calmed down but your sitting next to Yunjin and she’s a BIG tease so she puts her hand on your upper thigh rubbing up and down while you had a pink tint on your face. Chaewon looked up from her food and asked “Y/N/N are you ok? You look a bit sick” you just nod scared your voice would crack while speaking so she just nods eating again. Yunjin teased you so badly so this time she wrapped one arm around your waist while still just eating you just blushed harder and looked down at your plate avoiding eye contact with anyone until Sakura asked “Y/N/N why aren’t you eating is it not good?” and you responded “n-no it is good b-but I feel a bit sick” while Chaewon stares at you and says “you should have said earlier go upstairs and we’ll get you some medicine soon”.
You walk up the stairs and run up to your room when you’re out of sight of the fimmies. You just laid down thinking about what happened blushing so hard and basically just fantising about her in her head rolling onto your stomach planting your face in and when you hear the door click open you look up at the door seeing Yunjin walk in you groan and turn back. She smirks and asks “What happened baby you don’t wanna see me?” with a pout you just stuff your face deeper into your pillows while she comes next to your bed and sits down grabbing your waist pulling you on her lap finally seeing your red flushed face just smirking and giving her more of an ego while she says “they sent me to take care of you, darling while they go out to the shop to get some medicine” you just nod and hide in the crook of her neck.
She says “Baby you act like we’re not dating you get flustered so easily” and you respond with “we are dating but we haven’t been for long and also your such a tease” while you feel her turn you facing her on her lap and you wrap your legs around her waist while she says “let’s have some fun while they’re gone hm?” you just nod when she connects your lips together and you taste her cherry chapstick humming while she rubs the sides of your waist comfortingly smiling into the kiss. When you break away for air she starts kissing down your jaw and neck while you whimper softly and moan quietly when she leaves a purple hickey at your pulse point and she just keeps on marking your skin stopping when you say “please can you hurry up” she smirks and asks “with what baby?” while you huff and say “hurry up and undress me already” and you feel wetness grow in your panties when you can feel her getting hard underneath you and she just picks you up and makes you stand infront of her saying “strip baby show me how pretty you are hm?” and you comply undressing giving her a bit of a show while she says “remove your bra too” only leaving you in your panties and you see her begin to undress as well while you get even more wet seeing her pre-cum leaked spot on her boxers and her hard dick poking on the front of the boxers.
She lays you down on the bed and starts leaving marks around your cleavage and not actually touching your now hardened nipples while you say with a huff “can you pay some attention to these please?” directing to your nipples while she smirks and says “ok baby you want it that badly hm?” and you just nod while she says “ok then darling I’ll give you what you want” going down and taking one nipple in her mouth sucking and licking while you moan quite loudly while she pinches your other nipple with her hand switching from sucking to pinching the left and right over time while you just moan feeling yourself grow extremely wet at the teasing saying “can you please just fuck me already nngh~” and she stops sucking asking “what’s the magic word baby?” and you respond with “please mommy” Yunjin just nods and goes down to your pussy pulling off your panties seeing a stand of wetness on them from your pussy simply just smirking and saying “oh my baby is so wet I don’t even need lube hm?” and you whimper while saying “please please I need you mommy” and moan when you feel her dive into you and start licking your clit making you squirm feeling the friction against your clit moaning loudly while she puts in two of her fingers in your hole keeping her mouth licking and sucking on your clit adding another finger into your pussy pushing deeper into you hitting that spongey spot that made you see stars moaning so loudly tangling your hands in her orange hair while practically chanting “c-cum I’m close nngh~” and when she feels your legs stiffen she pulls away completely and you simply groan and ask “what was that for Jen I was going to-“ getting cut off by her dick being pushed inside you her pretty 11 inch dick which is thick with a pretty pink tip you moan so loudly your sure you’d get so many complaints later on but all that mattered right now was you and Yunjin she kisses you shut you up while also starting to move inside of you with her completely erect cock hitting spots she knows you like while kissing you to keep you quiet, when you break off for air you just moan when you feel one of her hands rub your clit while also pounding into you in the room you can hear clapping noises but not for a performance.
You feel her dick twitch slightly inside of you telling you that she’s close but you were so close as well moaning into her ear saying “I-I’m close mommy~” and basically screaming when she went to your nipples and sucked them having a hand on your clit one hand pinching the other nipple and her dick inside of you pounding hard you are screaming at this point begging her “don’t s-stop p-please” and you finish with a “I-I’m cumming” while feeling your eyes roll to the back of your head followed by a pornographic moan and soon after that you feel her warm load fill your insides painting your walls white and she says “you did so well baby should we go take a bath now? How does that sound darling?” you just say “can we cuddle for a bit I’m tired *yawn*” and she coo’s at you responding with “of course baby come here” big spooning you while you fall asleep but of course she woke you up later to bath.
A/N:This is for the poll long awaited results but Yunjin won with smut as well so thank you all for voting and also I take requests I know I say that a lot but I don’t have any ideas 😭😭😭.
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imdead770 · 3 months
Dallas with a s/o who lived in NYC too and has a similar accent as him pls🙏🙏 (Also I love love love you’re writing keep doing what you’re doing!!!)
Dallas Winston x Reader - NYC
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Authors Note - I have like 3 asks before this but I love this and it means it get to write a NY accent and that's so fun
Sorry for never writing yall
No excuse I'm just lazy 💞
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¤ Just a warning this is super stereotypical
¤ I'm sorry I'm from the south I don't know yall so I'm going off stereotypes 😭😭
¤ First of all people can barely understand either of you
¤ I mean everyone else has a southern accent, they're used to that
¤ So an accent that sounds like you're drunk 24/7 isn't exactly easy to understand
¤ If you're both from New York, you already have a lot in common
¤ The fights, the accent, the road rage, the food, all that
¤ Now I'm from the south, I haven't met a lot of New Yorkers
¤ But the ones I have met always have such a resting bitch face
¤ So like whenever someone introduced you to Dal (or the other way around) you both had that same, natural glare
¤ And somehow you both got the 'holy shit, you're a New Yorker too??' message
¤ I don't know how but New Yorkers just know if you're a New Yorker
¤ It's like a 6th sense
¤ So naturally you're both mean to each other
¤ The others are like 'oh shirt they hate each other'
¤ You don't
¤ Like eventually you leave and Dals all
"She ain't bad."
¤ And everyone's all
"You just insulted each other like.. 25 times?"
¤ And he just nods and lights a cigarette like he didn't just meet his second favorite person in this town
¤ Naturally you both see each other at some pizza place
¤ Probably one that's closest to greasy NY pizza
¤ This is meant as a compliment, yall have such good pizza omfg
¤ You both realize just how much you have in common
¤ How thick the air is, the random guy getting his ass beat as you're just minding your business, the fact nobody here can understand certain words you say
¤ You two understand each other
¤ If Dallas would ever open up to someone about his trauma (he wouldn't), it'd be you
¤ He knows you've seen at least a sliver of the same shit he did
¤ Anyways, both of yall love to hype of New York together
¤ Like really play into the stereotypes
"Oh ya', a rat nearly ate m' face off once"
"Happen'd to me, too"
¤ You both think it's hilarious
¤ Plus yall love to make your accents thicker to confuse people more
¤ Slur the vowels together, mumble more then you need to, then watch people try to figure out what the fuck you just said
¤ Dal gets all mad if someone asks him to lighten up the accent
¤ I think you both like hanging out together because it reminds the other of home
¤ Like Dal almost forgot what a New Yorker who wasn't him sounded like
¤ Plus if Dal ever met your parents, even though he's rude and kind of dangerous, they might tolerate him more
¤ Yall intumidate so many people omg
¤ Like half of that town are sweet southern people
¤ So seeing two New Yorkers you get the classic
"Ew, they're yankees"
¤ Yes we really do say that 👍
¤ But people get all scared cuz they're like 'omg they're gonna shoot me'
¤ Again, you both think it's the funniest shit
¤ Like being yelled at by a New Yorker is scary enough
¤ But TWO
¤ It's like you two are so intimidating together it's perfect
¤ Of course Dal asks you on a date to some pizza place and you two walk around the block sharing a cigarette
¤ Another thing
¤ You're actually used to the cold and he's so, so grateful for that
¤ Everyone else in Oklahoma gets all shivery the moment it's less then 60
¤ Like you don't complain about it and he loves that so much
¤ Back to the topic
¤ Date goes great
¤ Once you two become a thing you fight a good amount
¤ I mean you're from the North, it's natural (I think?? This might be stereotypical so sorry)
¤ Even people from the South fight with Dal so this isn't any different
¤ But since you're both used to fights the insults are crazy
¤ Like the gangs jaws have dropped hundreds of times with what the two of yall come up with
¤ Like it's the most foul, disturbingly impressive, heart breaking insults
¤ Then the other returns it with a snicker and another just as horrendously good insult
¤ Match made in heaven
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hart269 · 1 month
Slithering Hearts
Chapter 5
Pairing : Regulus Black x Fem! Reader
Synopsis : You begin an unlikely friendship with the little Black. And soon your whole life seems to have become a tumultuous pathway. The catch, James Potter is your brother.
Note : Seek the stars.
Masterlist / Series Masterlist
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The first quidditch match of the year was gonna start soon, even though you had not such interest in the game, you were still sitting on the bleachers, immersed in your book. Learning everything and more was a motto of yours, you had Fliwick and Slughorn impressed and ready to teach you the advanced stuff. Professor Mcgonagoll was clever yet kind. But it was in defense against the dark arts, you had to strive, cause just as the rumors stated, the teacher changed every single year.
The horn blew and the players entered the field, their green robes flicking beneath their feet as they moved forward. Your eyes swiftly shifted to the newest addition to the Slytherin team, who stood with nothing but a expression etched in stone. That's how it has mostly been since the start of 2nd year, you could only imagine all what happens in the grimmauld place.
Not that you didn't know, you had been exchanging letters most of the system, it was a well established system. After Walburga almost catched your letter, Regulus had sent you a panicked one to not send him one in such a time that his mother might see. Since then, he received your letters at twillight, while you received his at midnight.                                                                                        
The horn blew again, indicating the beginning of the match, all players mounted their brooms and took off soaring. Amelia jumped next to you, "I'm so excited, who do you think will win?"
"Whoever gets the snitch" you remarked, looking at the seekers. It was a Slytherin vs Ravenclaw match, although Regulus was good, the Ravenclaw was a 4th year, so naturally nothing definite could be concluded. Not like you had hopes on any particular one.
Your eyes shifted between the game and the book, until it became too intense and you were solely watching the game. The players flew wildly, with little understanding and Amelia explaining most of it, you were able to conclude some things. The game was in full motion when Regulus stopped mid air, causing the other seeker to stop too and look around in confusion. Regulus raised his hands and in his palm was the golden snitch. The whole side of Slytherin students stood, and jumped in excitement. The match was won.
The after party was held in the common room, filled with people dancing and cheering, you were sitting at the corner, having a rapid discussion with a drunk 6th year, though it did end quickly leaving you bored.
Your eyes wandered until they landed on a tuft of raven hair, who was sneaking out. Considering you had nothing better to do, you sneaked out after him, until you reached the top most floor of Hogwarts, the astronomy tower. Regulus sat on the floor infront of the big balcony, "Aren't you coming?" you jumped at the unexpected noise, he hadn't even turn around, damn him.
You sat beside him, marveling at the stars scattered shining across the plane, the view up here was breathtaking.
"Why are you not at the party" he asked.
"It was boring, besides I saw the star seeker leaving, thought it'd be more interesting" your cheeky reply earned a quiet chuckle, "Star seeker is a bit too snobbish, don't you think".
You shrugged, "I think it's perfectly fitting". You laughed at his groan but then you turned somber,  "Reg"
"Everything's okay?" you looked at him pointedly, not letting him avoid the topic.
"Why won't it be" he replied avoiding your gaze, "It's the usual, just a bit more" his smile didn't reach his eyes.
"You know you can talk to me right" you said meeting his eyes.
"I do know so" he replied meeting your gaze.
"Also I forgot, Congratulations on your first match" you said patting his shoulders.  
He paused for a moment before grinning, "Give me your hand.
You lilted your hand curiously, extending it, he place the small golden ball on it. "The Snitch" you whispered excitedly, examining it, it was your first time seeing the hogwarts one up close.
Regulus watched your face scrunch in wonder, "You can keep it, if you want".
You  grinned "Really".
Regulus looked with a smug expression, "Yeah, I'm just gonna get more, star seeker remember"
And so he did, Regulus was one of the reasons Slytherin's performance in quidditch improved and went hand in hand or broom in broom with the Gryffindors who had been previously dominating most of the matches.
However nothing changed for good in the house of black, The black brothers looked plauged everytime they returned from may it be for Christmas or summer break. They refused to acknowledge each other, it was as if a force was pulling them apart. Regulus had not tried to talk to Sirius anymore, claiming it would be worthless anyway. It felt wrong for you to meddle inbetween them, so you decided to just be there for him.
Whenever he returned, it would take you days to get back a genuine smile from him, opening him up little by little. If it were up to you you would have taken him out of there, long time ago. But all you could do, and did do was to be there with him, the astronomy tower became yours hangout place. However it may be, you were glad to be friends.  
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@shycreationdreamland @mp-littlebit @girlbooklover555 @godofstory @misacc08 @starchaser-lily
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utilitycaster · 11 months
Level 10!
You may or may not know the drill:
Corrections about actually wrong items or major omissions are welcome. "Um, actually"-ing because I did not list every single spell or feat available or speculate the exact same things you did is not.
Because the cast usually does a brief video shortly before the episode for level-ups now (as they did today!), rather than announcing it at the end of an episode, this includes speculation and a bit of editorializing on my thoughts for the next few levels. This isn't necessarily meant to be accurate to what the cast will do, so don't quote me on it - it's just my thoughts on what I think might make sense or will be interesting. Those thoughts may very well change significantly as the story continues.
Anyway, level 10: it's a subclass-centric level for most of the players.
Chetney: His rogue level means he's blood hunter 9, which means Grim Psychometry, the coolest ability, which grants advantage on knowledge checks surrounding tragic or dark histories, with the potential for the DM to grant visions. Looking forward: assuming Chet keeps moving forward with blood hunter, L10 is a big one for him, as his speed increases by 5 feet, he gets another blood curse, and he gains a +3 (INT modifier) to all physical saves.
Laudna: She took a level in sorcerer, so she gets another sorcery point and another spell, this time up to 4th level; I drafted this post a while back and forgot to check the spell list for sorcerer so you're invited go nuts on your spell thoughts in the notes! Looking forward: Look. I've covered my mechanical concerns about this multiclass. Personally, had I been playing a character with this build from level 3 in a party with another sorcerer, I'd have stopped at 3 sorcerer levels and leveled exclusively in warlock. However, she's now 7 levels into sorcerer and so stopping that to go warlock will probably hamstring her mechanically, especially since the 6th level Undead feature is not terribly impressive. I think one last warlock level might be good for the ASI and the known spell, since warlocks have a more interesting spell list, and it makes narrative sense at this point now that Delilah is reawakened, but then I'd probably continue to take the rest in sorcerer. I AM very interested in how Laudna will deal with Delilah since I don't see her getting another undead patron to replace her, but that's so speculative that I'll hold off until something changes.
FCG: FCG gets a new cantrip, a new 5th level spell slot, and the ability to roll for divine intervention, which promises to be a fucking trip (complimentary). Looking forward: 6th level cleric spells, which he'll get at level 11, have a lot of bangers, but I am personally most invested in FCG's Heroes' Feast.
Fearne: with a 9th level in druid she gets access to 5th level spells, and her circle spells are Mass Cure Wounds and Flame Strike, both of which are excellent. As always for druid levels, Little Mister's HP goes up by 5. Looking forward: I'm assuming Fearne's continuing with druid levels, and if so, the level 10 feature of Cauterizing Flames allows her to use the death of a creature (enemy, ally, or bystander) to create a spectral flame that can either heal or harm others who enter that space. This is amazing and I'm excited.
Imogen: At level 10, she gains another cantrip and another metamagic option. I personally think subtle spell is the best one (and given the Vanguard's tendency to collar mages they dislike, could be huge if they come into conflict), but quickened, which Laudna has, can also be clutch. Looking forward: Chain Lightning does seem like an apt spell for her to take, but personally I'd love True Seeing as more interesting and higher utility while still thematic.
Orym: At level 10, he learns two more maneuvers, and his superiority dice become d10s. There are a ton of maneuvers and I will freely admit I don't know them all, but I do like the idea of Commander's Strike (let Ashton and Chet do more damage), Distracting Strike, or Maneuvering attack. Looking forward: Level 11 grants Orym three attacks per turn, which is really the most fun fighter feature.
Ashton: Level 10 is a path feature level, and we don't know the details of their subclass, so it's up in the air! I'm excited to see what it is. Looking forward: level 11 grants relentless rage; if he drops to 0 HP while raging (for the record Ashton has only gone out 3 times; two were during the Otohan fight and one in the Ratanish fight) he can make a con save to remain conscious.
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enkas-illusion · 4 months
The Night Is Still Young
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Fandom / Pairing: Jujutsu Kaisen / Nanami x f!reader
Genre/Theme: One-night stand; non-sorcery au
Content warning: fluff, drinking, flirting, Nanami got rizz, suggestive, no smut.
Summary: You are exhausted from working the entire month and you need some stress relief. What's better than finding a gentleman at the club and things take a turn for good.
Author's Note: This was supposed to contain smut but I really hit writer's block. So here's a quick drabble with my husband Nanami. Thank you for reading, hope you enjoy it!
~ Nanami's Munchkin
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“Shots! Shots! Shots!”
You shoot down the 6th shot of the night, the bitter liquid no longer tastes so bad anymore but the buzz keeps getting stronger.
It’s another Saturday and your plan was to stay home, sulking for the weekend but your friends had other plans.
You had just submitted your assignments and were exhausted beyond repair. Your friends were kind enough to give you an option (not really) between staying home and drinking your exhaustion away only to feel worse the next day – of course, you had to choose the latter.
“You know what would have been better than getting shitfaced tonight?” you asked your friends. Your friends roll their eyes, already knowing you are gonna bitch about being here again for the nth time but what you say next surprises them.
“If a man would fuck me so good that I see God,” you say in all seriousness.
“Damn she’s drunk drunk” your friends laugh at your confession.
You were neck deep into assignments for the past month. You didn’t leave your house except for going to the library to get shit done. So naturally, this also meant that you were frustrated mentally and sexually, needing nothing more than to melt your stress away. 
So what could be a better way than coming to the club to find someone who can help you with it? For your friends, it might mostly be the alcohol talking, but you knew the motivating factor that really convinced you to step out tonight was yet to be met.
“So you’re here to find a guy to hook up with... but all you’ve done is cry about being here. Make it make sense?” your friend Mila counters.
“It’s cause there aren’t any hot guys in here!” you cry out loud. “You need to help me find someone. Please—“
You go quiet as your eyes land on the group of guys that enter the club. Your gaze is fixated on this tall buff guy with blonde hair. He has a tired look on his face that rivals your own and he is oh so handsome.
The thing that catches your interest is his outfit. He’s wearing a black dress shirt with tan pants. His shirt hugs his muscles so tightly that it might rip open any moment. He stood out amongst the crowd of boys who wore T shirts and cargos and called it a fit. 
Your friends have already caught on to him with the way you were shamelessly checking him out. “Go talk to him,” your other friend Dia suggests.
“Oh God! He’s hot isn’t he!?” you whine. 
“Girl, you have a type. And it’s always the stoic, uninterested men.” Mila interjects.
“You forgot the hot dilf body.” Dia chimes in.
You don’t realize that you haven’t taken your eyes off him until you see him catch you staring. You revert back to your friends with a groan.
“Oh shit.”
“Why are you still here? Go talk to him.”
“Urghh… he doesn’t look like a guy who would be interested, you know? I mean look at him. He looks like he was forced to be here,” You say, sneaking looks at him.
“Oh my! You always do this. You thirst over men but never make a move. This ain’t window-shopping! Stop acting like a bitch for once,” Mila states clearly annoyed.
“Don’t you get started, Mila. Why don’t you go ask out the guy at the coffee shop. Harry, was it? You even made me ask for his name! So stop calling me a bitch.” You snapped at her.
“You know what? Let’s make a deal, go dance with that man and I’ll ask Harry out.” Mila replies, her lips twisting in half a smile.
“Deal,” you say, shaking hands with her.
“But I need a little bit more of that liquid luck.”
You head to the bar, ordering two shots of tequila and instead of drinking it, you walk up to the mystery man.
“Hey there, handsome. Care to join me for a drink?” You say almost screaming over the loud music blaring in the background. You were so fixated on him that you didn’t notice his whole group was staring at you.
“Oh he won’t drink, he's a buzzkill, you know. But I can take you up on that offer, pretty girl,” a guy with white hair butts in and you give him an annoyed look.
“Leave her alone Gojo,” the blonde says, pushing the snow haired guy away. “Don’t mind him, he’s annoying that way. Sure I’d like that drink.”
He takes the shot glass from your hand and you click it before shooting it down together.
You move closer to him to introduce yourself so as to not scream in front of others.
He holds his hand out and says, “Nanami Kento, nice to meet you.” When you go to shake his hands, he gently lifts it to leave a small peck on the back of your hand and you feel chills run through your body. 
“I didn’t know you got game, Nanamin,” the Gojo guy shouts. Nanami rolls his eyes and looks at you. 
“Do you wanna—“ you both say at once which makes you laugh. “Go ahead,” he responds.
“I was gonna ask if you want to dance with me?” you ask, suddenly shy.
He nods, holding his hand out for you and leads you to the dance floor. “Hmm… didn’t know you were such a gentleman. You don’t look like the guy who goes clubbing on the weekends,” you tease him.
“Trust me I’m not. I was forced to join them. Need to keep them out of trouble,” he says with a sly smile while his hands move around your hips and you both sway around to the music.
“So, you are the daddy of the group, huh?” you ask, which comes out more seductive than you intended and you cringe slightly.
He spins you around so that your back is touching his chest and you take this opportunity to grind back on him.
He leans closer to your ear and says, “Umhmm… is that the reason you were undressing me with your eyes ever since I entered? Need daddy to take care of you, too?” 
You turn around to face him and snake your hands around his neck. You have to stand on your tiptoes even with your heels on to reach him.
“So what if I do?” you look at him with dark eyes.
He pulls you into a messy kiss and you melt into it letting him take control. You don’t remember how long you’ve been making out in the middle of the dance floor. 
You hear your friends hoot which makes you self aware about your surroundings. You pull away from the kiss breathlessly to look at your friends and give Mila a look to which she mumbles ‘okay, okay’ with a shrug while Dia gives you a thumbs up.
You look back at Nanami who witnessed the whole interaction. “What was that about?” he asks with a quizzical look.
“Argh… nothing. Just a stupid bet between friends.”
“Is that what I am? A stupid bet?” He asks feigning hurt which makes you chuckle, “So what was the bet? Get a kiss?”
“Well I could tell you the truth that it was just to dance with you or I could just lie and say that it was to get you to sleep with me,” You reply with your hands running over his biceps suggestively.
“Hmmm… the lie sounds much more convincing to me,” he says lowly in your ears.
“So Nanami-san, you gonna help me win the bet or not?” your hands move up to play with his undercut.
“How can I resist when you ask so nicely.”
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roosterforme · 2 years
No Nut November I Top Gun Dagger Squad edition
Summary: When left to their own devices for too long, the Dagger Squad aviators usually got up to no good.
Warnings: Humor, adult banter, smut, ridiculousness
Length: 1700 words
Pairing: a mention of Rooster x girlfriend and Payback x hookup
Check my masterlist for more!
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When left to their own devices for too long, the Dagger Squad aviators usually got up to no good. As they finished a group run and headed into the gym for some weight training, one such conversation began to take form. 
"Halloween was fun last night," Phoenix said with a yawn. "The Hard Deck was wild though."
"Yeah," Fanboy agreed, shaking his head as he got a bench press set up. "Crazy! But November is a way more chill month."
Hangman snickered. "Chill? You think No Nut November is chill?" 
Coyote shook his head as he did some squats. "It's the roughest month of the year!"
A bubble of laughter escaped Bob. "What's No Nut November? Like no peanuts?
"More like no penis," drawled Hangman. "Or vagina," he added when he saw the look Phoenix was giving him. "It's a competition. You try to stay ejaculation free for the entire month. Who's game?"
"Count me out," Rooster promptly said. "My girlfriend will absolutely not go for this." 
"Come on, Rooster," Payback said. "You don't even have to tell her you're participating."
Rooster stared at him in confusion. "I think she might notice something's up if I go from being balls deep inside her at least once a day to giving her nothing!"
"There are workarounds, Rooster. Don't you ever use your mouth for anything other than whining?" Phoenix asked, earning laughs from the others. 
"Hmmm," Rooster rolled his eyes at her and contemplated how he could get away with participating. 
"Well, if it's a competition, what does the winner get?" Bob asked.
"The satisfaction of knowing they aren't weak minded," Hangman informed him. "And I'll hang up a gold star outside the locker rooms that says 'Ejaculation Champ' with their name on it. Now, who's in?"
"Yeah," Payback said with a nod as he picked up a barbell. 
"I'll do it," Fanboy added. 
"Me too," agreed Coyote.
"Sure, sounds intriguing," Bob said with a nod. 
"I...will hesitantly say yes. I will probably regret this," Rooster said with a sigh. 
The guys all turned and looked at Phoenix who was stretching before she started weight training. "Oh, I'm already out. I lost."
Rooster's brow scrunched up. "What do you mean you're already out? It's November 1st at 9:30 in the morning."
Phoenix just smirked at the boys. "I had a guest over last night," she said coyly.
"Legendary," Fanboy muttered. "You've got more game than all of the rest of us combined." 
"Are you kidding me?" asked Hangman. "Less than ten hours into the month and you're already out? I'm actually kind of impressed."
Phoenix just shrugged. "The gold star would have been nice, but it was worth it."
Hangman sighed and turned back to the guys. "We've all got to be one hundred percent truthful. If you nut, you're out. And you need to admit to it." 
The guys all agreed. And thus the month of November became a thing of legend.
On November 6th, Coyote woke up with morning wood. He got all comfy in bed and took care of himself. "No better way to start your day," he muttered as he cleaned himself up. "Oh, shit!" 
He had fucking forgotten about the bet! 
When he got to base and saw the guys, he just shook his head. 
"You nutted!" accused Fanboy immediately.
"Yeah," Coyote admitted. "I just completely forgot about the bet, and I....jerked off this morning." He winced, and the guys looked at him with disdain. 
"Well you can kiss that gold star goodbye," Hangman told him. "Everyone else hanging in there?"
"Yeah," they all said in unison. 
On November 10th, Fanboy hit up his favorite movie theater for throwback night. They were showing Star Wars: Return of the Jedi, one of his all-time favorites.
He settled in with his bucket of popcorn, ready to enjoy the film. But then disaster struck. Maybe it was because he'd already gone too long without masturbating, or maybe it was because she was just so hot, but as soon as he saw Princess Leia in her golden, slave bikini, he was rock hard. 
"Oh, fuck," he muttered, still hard by the time the movie ended. He had to hold the popcorn bucket in front of his shorts on the way to his car. "Okay, pull it together, man." But by the time he got back to his apartment, he was panting and in pain. 
"I can't make it!" he said, carefully taking his shorts off and touching himself. The relief was immediate, but the disappointment he felt would surely linger. 
The next day on the tarmac, he told the others, "It was the damn bikini! It had me in its sights, and I didn't stand a chance! I could have made it through The Empire Strikes Back, no problem! I should have known better!"
Hangman, Rooster, Bob and Payback all sized each other up. Shit was getting real.
By November 15th, Rooster estimated he'd gone down on his girlfriend about a hundred times so far this month. This wouldn't have been a problem for him at all, except now his jaw was starting to ache, and she was desperately trying to reciprocate. 
"You're so good, baby," she moaned as she came on his face. 
Rooster gritted his teeth and dug his nails into his palms. "Anything for you, honey," he grunted. God, he was painfully hard, and now she was crawling across the bed toward him. 
"You want me to go down on you now?" she asked, reaching for his shorts. 
"No! Tonight is all about you!" he practically yelled at her. 
She pouted a bit. "You've been saying that for weeks, Rooster. And now you're acting really weird. I want to make you feel good too."
"No! Ummm, let me finger you instead!" he shouted. "Lay down, honey. I got you."
But two nights later, he was outmaneuvered by her. As soon as she came from the pleasure his fingers and mouth provided, Rooster was rubbing his throbbing jaw and trying to think about something un-sexy. But she lunged for his boxers, pulled them down and ran her tongue along his dick. 
"Honey, no!" he groaned, but it felt too good. Two more strokes of her tongue, and Rooster was panting and spurting his cum all over her face. 
She looked up at him in shock. "That was fast." 
Rooster paced around the gym on base the next day. "I'm out, okay? I'm out." He ran his fingers through his hair, making it stand on end. "I swear I tried my best! Plus I think I have permanent damage to my jaw! It's aching from how many times I went down on her!"
Payback cocked his head. "But if you were avoiding intercourse, how are you out?"
Rooster looked slightly crazed now. "She licked me! She licked me three times and I came all over the fucking place! And now she's concerned that I should talk to my doctor about premature ejaculation! I was out there in the trenches, fighting for my life, and now she thinks I have a disorder!"
The guys all nodded in solemn understanding. 
Phoenix cracked up. "You're all idiots, I swear."
Payback had been so careful. He really wanted that gold star. It was November 28th, and he was feeling optimistic about his chances of winning. 
"I've got this," he announced, bragging while playing pool at the Hard Deck. "The gold star is mine, dickheads." 
Bob and Hangman would cave. He just knew it. 
Then the cutest girl he'd ever seen started hitting on him. "Can I buy you a drink?" she asked shyly, and he was putty in her hands. 
An hour later they were kissing next to the jukebox. An hour after that, she was touching him under his shirt. 
"Okay, I'm out guys! I had a good run! See you tomorrow!" he announced merrily as he left the bar with her.
"Saw that coming from a mile away," Hangman drawled, sinking the eight ball. He knew he would make it to December 1st, because he knew he was mentally stronger than the rest of them. He prided himself on it. 
So Hangman went to bed that night with a satisfied smile on his face. He woke up the next morning with a mess in his sheets. 
He didn't even want to show his face at work, and he considered calling out sick. He managed to make it almost all the way out onto the tarmac by his F/A-18 when Payback and the others cornered him.
"You're looking really suspicious, man," Payback accused. "You're out, aren't you?"
Hangman nodded hoping to quickly steer the topic elsewhere. "Yes, I'm out. Congratulations, Bob. You win the gold star, man."
Bob pumped his fist in the air, and the rest congratulated him on his nutless month. 
But it was with untrusting eyes that Rooster turned back toward Hangman, who was trying to sneak up the ladder into his aircraft. "Hey, Hangman! How did you get eliminated?"
"It's not important," he mumbled in response. 
"Come on, everyone else admitted to how they got out," Rooster replied. "Couldn't be worse than ejaculating after a tongue touched you for approximately two seconds."
"Couldn't be worse than getting hard to Star Wars," Fanboy chimed in with a self-deprecating smile. 
Hangman cradled his head in his hand. "Ihadawetdream."
Phoenix howled and bent in half laughing, but the guys all stepped a little closer to hear him better. "Sorry, you what?" asked Coyote. 
"I had a wet dream!" Hangman shouted. "Okay? Happy now?" 
And now the guys were howling along with Phoenix. 
"Yes, hilarious," Hangman drawled. "How did you manage to win, Bob?"
Bob smiled serenely at everyone. "Oh, I practice mindful meditation for stress relief. Plus, my wife has been in Europe for work all month, so it was quite easy."
Bob jumped back as the guys all shouted at him in bewilderment. "You're married?!" 
This fic is ridiculous! 
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AITA for ditching a long-term friend?
I (35F) had a friend (S, 33F) for years. We bonded the first night we met. We had ups an downs, and went everywhere together. I helped her kick her bf out after he tried to hit her and helped her through two miscarriages. She helped me through a family member death and a career change. We would speak almost every day, for hours.
She was always slightly more conservative than me. When 2016 rolled around, she supported Trump. I didn't like that, but it wasn't my place to bitch about it to her, it was her decision.
By 2020, she'd changed. Idk how it happened but she went from slightly conservative Christian who loved school and being a nurse and had friends who were LGBT+ (myself included), to deadnaming trans patients, refusing to do a blood draw on a patient after she said it was a prerequisite for an abortion, forcing patients to pray with her, even when they and their families spoke out against it, and bugging her coworkers to pray with her. She got fired from the hospital and was completely unable to hold down a job after that, and went through about 6 jobs that year, getting fired from them all. She got with a guy (B, 32M) and he is a... Well, he is a damn nut. Flat earther, antivaxxer, anti- Department of Education, anti-cell phone, thought bluetooth was turning kids trans, and that covid is 100% a hoax. Absolutely bonkers. But she was smitten, so I supported her, barely.
It's important to note that I backed away from her a bit after she was fired from the hospital. We were only speaking once every few weeks at that point.
Shortly after she got with B, my nephew was born. My nephew is half Mexican, half white. She called him "cute for a half n*g" because she thought my SIL is black. This blew me away because she's half Mexican. I told her off and distanced myself even further.
In 2021, she was a huge supporter of Jan 6th. She LAUGHED when that one cop killed himself. I stopped talking to her completely after that. Deleted her contact info and forgot she existed for almost 2 years.
Cut to October of this year, and she calls me. I didn't recognize her #. She and B are getting married! And she wants me to be a bridesmaid!!! Yayy! (sarcasm). She told me a long-winded variation of "I know we haven't talked for a bit but I promise I'm not as bonkers as I was, I think I let Facebook suck me in, and I'm sorry."
So, I let her back in. Not emotionally, mind you. She's not the woman I once knew anymore. I don't tell her where our house is (my partner and I moved while S and I weren't speaking), and I didn't tell her what car I drove. I didn't tell her anything about our lives, and kept the conversation solely on her, to try and read her out a bit.
Sure enough, two conversations in she starts ranting about how black people are black because they received the mark of Cain (it's a Christian thing? I guess? Idk I'm not religious) and thus should be avoided because they are inherently "up to no good," and that systemic racism doesn't exist because the US has had a black president.
I roll my eyes, hang up the phone, block her number, and end it, permanently, right there. I received a few odd texts from a number I didn't recognize, probably B's phone, so I just blocked that number and deleted them without reading most of them.
Cue our mutual friends. 🙄
She misses you! People can have differing opinions and still be friends! Why are you being so closed minded? She told us you yelled at her! 😭😭😭
Lol. I didn't say a word, but whatever.
I'd rather adjust my life to her absence than adjust my morality to her ignorance.
My partner is on my side, they saw her change, too. But our mutual friends are still upset. I shared some the racist and sexist text convos between me and S, and it's like they hadn't even considered my side of the situation. One is on my side now, the other two are still questioning how I can throw away a 6 year friendship over "differing politics."
So, Tumblr, AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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mystsee · 9 months
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✦ about: being around simon again felt surreal, but duty calls = past memories flood back ;(
✦ content: afab reader, fluff, breakup mentions, no mask, no mentions of y/n.
opening your eyes, a strong smell of pancakes hit you, making your stomach rumble. sleeping more than 15 hours was making you feel like you had an empty hole in your stomach. at first, you thought lily was cooking for you, it was very usual that lily stayed over in your flat. but this sight you were not expecting it at all!
as you stood up, you forgot about your leg, you felt the pain creep up, but you made it wincing up to the door, feeling pain on your hip now, but hunger was making you desperate!
when you opened the door, you froze. you saw simon, with no shirt on, his back to you, cooking pancakes, for you? you had no idea he stayed over, in fact, you don’t remember very good what happened yesterday, this was quite the surprise.
you stood there for god knows how long, thinking you were being discrete, but you must’ve known by now simon has a 6th sense “see anything you like” his deep voice alone made you squirm on your spot. when did he saw you?
but you woke up confident today, not even thinking the slightest before you talked “what can i say? i’ve always loved your back” simon was taken a back for a second, maybe the meds were still on you.
“why are you even up? you shouldn’t walk by yourself” simon knew you wouldn’t do what the doctor told you and stand up by yourself hence why he was shirtless.
“i can! look, just give me a minute” simon turned and saw you taking one step at a time, not wanting to show your limping, and just laughed to himself, if there was one thing you would never ask for, is for help.
simon turned off the stove and walked over to you “will you ever ask for help?” just when simon was in front of you, your leg decided to stop functioning for a second, making you almost fall over, but once again, simon put his hands around your back, making stand up in front of his chest.
you got distracted for a second, just admiring his chest from here, you could sleep in there for ever! you felt simon nudge you by poking you on your left side of your waist, he knew you were way too ticklish, so you made a very embarrassing shriek “simon!” you said trying to move away from him, but he had very strong arms which you loved “don’t do that” you said pouting.
“then stop trying to hurt yourself love” there was that nickname again, and the blush coming up your neck. even more when suddenly simon put his arms around your thighs and picked you up. “wha-what are you doing?!” simon just started walking to your kitchen, you felt one of his hands on your waist, and the other under your thighs. maybe on the outside you were acting shocked, but you were enjoying this.
“i’m not done cooking” you were so close to him now, that you could feel his deep voice resonating on his chest, again, you could sleep here forever. simon put you on top of the counter next to the stove. he stayed in between you for a few seconds, maybe he is going to say something you thought but he just moved to turn on the stove again.
after a very nice and full breakfast with simon, you told him you would clean the dishes, he obviously refused, but a phone call suddenly sounded on your flat. simon just took a deep breath “sorry love, need to take that” he sounded disappointed “sure, no problem!” now you could clean the dishes simon making a whole breakfast for you was making you feel guilty because you never helped at all :(
by the time you finished cleaning, simon emerged out of your room, you couldn’t read his body language, but the air in the room changed. “come ‘ere, just leave that” simon picked you up again. shrieking you said “stop picking me up simon!” you said in between nervous laughs “if i don’t do this, you’ll try walking all by yourself” he just knew you so well…
he lowered you to your sofa, sitting next to you. he put you sideways, so when he sat, your ankles could lay on his lap. you felt his hands massage your ankles softly miracle hands “uh” simon seemed nervous “what?” you said with a small laugh “i need to leave love” for a second, you felt all the blood drain from you, was he leaving you, for you good? you knew it was too good to be true. him being here with you again, he probably felt bad for you
“leaving? what do you mea-“
“i mean that i’m being deployed, for a month”
simon remembers this was the exact reason you two broke up, it was hard being with someone you could see just for a week, or days sometimes. he understood that, and you were in all your right to do that.
“simon, i’m sorry, it’s just too much” simon saw you all cuddled up in the couch, he just came back from deployment, and the first thing he saw was you, the tv off, a numb gaze to the wall. anxiety building in his stomach. he knew something was wrong ever since he left.
“what do you mean?” he kneeled in front of you grabbing your legs, extending them to the floor so he could lay his hands on your knees “every time you leave, i’m worried sick about you, i can barely see you now!”
that was true, he could barely see you now that he was promoted to lieutenant, meaning he had to be more time on base, deployed, working, etc. while he was happy to be ranked up to this level, he knew your relationship was slowly dying.
he could feel you shaking from where he was, the way he could also feel your next words “i don’t think i’m prepared for this simon, i just can’t”
simon felt all the air on him leave, he saw it coming, yet he never thought of how would he react. he just moved his hands from your knees, and just stared at your legs “i’m sorry simon, i know i always told you i would never leave, but, it’s hard for me” he saw the tears threatening to fall again.
breaking up with him was a very hard decision you made. simon was your life, your love and happiness, you knew deep down this was a bad decision. but it was too much. anxiety was worse everytime he left. not joking, every time he left you felt like 15 years of your life passed. your anxiety was just way too bad. you couldn’t eat, you couldn’t sleep. it was like your soul left with him, which was such a weird feeling for you perhaps it was love but you never said it out loud.
“hey, it’s okay, i understand it, a pretty girl like you shouldn’t be worried for a bastard like m-“ “you’re not a bastard simon”
you never let simon talk bad about himself, even when you’re in the middle of a breakup.
simon didn’t feel right all the time he was without you, like something was missing with him. yet, he dealt with it. but now, having you with him again, the need to protect you 1000x more, and having to leave again, was making him anxious
“oh” he could hear the disappointment in your voice “where will you be going?” “mexico” “hot weather huh?, will you be prepared for that?” “love, i’ve been in a desert for a month, i’m sure as hell i’ll be okay” you felt simon intense stare on you, you knew what he was thinking
“riley, please, it’s been 2 years.” you said holding his hand softly “it’s your job, who am i to stop you?” you said smiling. it was true, being a soldier was what he decided to do, and he is proud as hell for that, as well as you “just come back okay?” “promise love” “and bring me a leaf or a rock, please” you asked simon smiling at him, and who was he to deny you?
a month without him ;’(
do give me ur opinions and allat!! it inspires me hehe
@the-queen-of-england183 @sluttyforsimon @hotaruteba @honey-on-mars @actorryswife
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skiller0dani · 1 year
Secrets | Sebastian Sallow
M A S T E R L I S T Other Masterlist Harry Potter Masterlist
smut | shy!hufflepuff!reader requests info w.c | 7.3k summary | You had a crush on Garreth before you started dating Sebastian, and neither of them can stand the other. Garreth can't accept the fact that you're in love with Sebastian, and Sebastian can't stand the fact that Garreth won't let you go.
Am working on requests now, keep an eye out for them! :) I know I posted this photo recently but Sebastian looks so enamored in this photo, I'm obsessed. You aren't the MC from Hogwarts Legacy in this, and I'll most likely refer to the MC as 'MC' lol
As I'm writing this, I realized this could easily become another mini-series lmao, all of my ideas are so elaborate.
Also just bc I forgot to mention this earlier, I would happily write for Garreth Weasley as well! He's featured pretty heavily in this piece.
Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
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You were never one for danger, never one to put yourself unnecessarily in harms way. You don't like dangerous activities and much preferred to keep your head down so you could focus on your studies. You spent 5 Years at Hogwarts doing just that- being a good student and mastering your spells to pass your O.W.L's. You had always know of Sebastian through your friend Ominis, but never spent much time with him until the end of 5th Year. You're not quite sure what had happened during 5th Year with that new student, but you knew that Sebastian suddenly found himself all alone. Abandoned by Ominis- who was quite cross with him, and that new 5th Year you knew nothing about. You pitied him, so you begun to spend time with him. You couldn't stand the thought of him being all alone. Especially with his sister still sick, though you weren't sure with what.
Sebastian very quickly became attached to you, and that attachment turned to possession. He didn't mean to come across as overbearing and possessive, but he couldn't help it. You're gorgeous, easily the most beautiful girl in the entire school. You were kind, the way Hufflepuff's usually were, and you had this magnetic aura. People were drawn to you, you were never seen in the hallways alone. You had a lot of friends, and more than that you got a lot of attention from other guys. It drove Sebastian fucking crazy to see them trail after you, their eyes shamelessly gawking at what was rightfully his. Truthfully, you weren't technically his until halfway through 6th Year but Sebastian knew from the first second he saw you that you were going to be his.
Sebastian didn't mean to scare you away, but at first he did. You were very timid, tended to shy away from conflict. Flinched when someone rose their voice at you, and unfortunately you tended to be a people pleaser. You would often agree to things you weren't particularly comfortable if someone asked you to do it nicely enough. Sebastian worried that people took advantage of your giving heart, and that caused him to come on kind of strong. He's extremely protective, and once again his possessiveness overwhelmed you. Sebastian quickly realized that if he wanted you, he needed to soften up a bit. He kept his heated glares directed at those who wanted to use you, and his loving smiles for only you.
It was easy for you to let Sebastian into your heart, once he stopped being so overbearing. Stopped with his 'who was that guy I saw you with yesterday?' interrogations. He's charming, funny, charismatic, and kindhearted. There was a darkness to him though, you could feel it. A dangerous edge that he tried very hard to keep tucked away, like a wolf trying desperately to fit into sheep's clothing. He didn't want to scare you, and he would never ever hurt you. He'd never use any of the curses on you- though it was tempting to Imperio you and keep you all to himself. He knows though, that you'd never forgive him if he did that. That you'd be scared of him if he did- you made him want to be better.
Sebastian had nobody else, all he had was you. Anne left and didn't bother telling him where she went, Ominis was so angry he avoided Sebastian like the plague. His new friend from 5th Year had sided with Anne and Ominis, so he saw the two of them together a lot. You were the only good thing in his life, the only person who hadn't turned their back on him. Granted- you had no idea what he did 5th Year, if you knew he murdered his Uncle...he doubts you'd still stand by his side. Which is why Sebastian was so possessive, so overbearing, borderline controlling. He was terrified you'd find out, scared Ominis would mention something. That MC would pull you aside and tell you what he'd done. He hardly let you out of his sight. If you didn't love Sebastian so much, you might of had enough sense to be frightened.
Sebastian tried to be a good person, the way you would want him to be. But he let the Dark Arts into his heart, and slowly it was poisoning his soul. He knew it, he could feel it in the way his palms twitched when he saw Leander or Garreth walking with you to the Great Hall, making you laugh and their eyes drifting to where they shouldn't be. If he saw Garreth glance down your shirt again he was going to be itching for blood. Sebastian was never like this before, always more mischievous than dangerous- but he changed after 5th Year. If he could change back he would, but it's too late for that now. All Sebastian wanted to do now was make sure that what was his stayed his.
Garreth had always been a good friend of yours, often having you try out his concoctions he brewed. He never asked for your help making them however, he said he couldn't risk getting you into trouble. He was funny, and you previously had a crush on him before you begun dating Sebastian. As soon as Sebastian came into your life, no other guys mattered anymore. All that mattered was Sebastian, he had you. Mind, body, and soul. Which is why it baffled you that he got jealous so often, why he felt the need to throw an arm over your shoulders and pull you firmly against him if you were with another guy for too long. Doesn't he know that no other guy could steal you away from him? That you're his? That you love him and him alone? There was something he wasn't telling you, something that made him afraid of losing you. You wished he would tell you what it was, but you doubt he ever would. You're pretty sure it has to do with Anne, which is why you haven't pressed him to tell you about it.
You also worried he knew of your previous crush on Garreth, Sebastian has always been more hostile with Garreth than the other guys who normally lingered around you.
"Haven't decided on a name quite yet...but it's just about finished! Want to try it?" Garreth asked you, he caught you walking from Potions to Divination. You weren't actively avoiding Garreth, you honestly missed hanging out with him. You were just worried about Sebastian seeing you.
"I'd love to!" You beamed, taking a sip. The flavor was sweet, but quickly shifted and tasted like...your Mother's chicken dumpling soup.
"It tastes like whatever you're craving! Neat huh?" Garreth smiled, and honestly if Garreth decided to sell these concoctions of his some day...he could make a lot of money.
"That's really cool Garreth! Wait, where did you get the ingredients for this?" You questioned suspiciously, Garreth throwing you a playful smile.
"That's need-to-know information I'm afraid, can't be giving away all my secrets now can I?" He teases, a glint in his eyes you don't recognize.
"You stole from Honeydukes didn't you?" You place your hands on your hips, giving him your best 'disapproving stare'. Garreth always thought you were too cute to take seriously, much to your dismay.
"I didn't steal from Honeydukes. Somebody did, but it definitely wasn't me." Garreth winked at you, and you laughed. You should have been paying more attention to your surroundings because before you can process what's happening you feel an arm over your body. You're yanked firmly against Sebastian's side, his arm pressing you tightly against him. He's grown since 5th Year as well, and you unfortunately haven't grown much at all. You crane your head to look up at him now, which is why the very top of your head barely reaches the bridge of his nose. Garreth however, stands eye-to-eye with Sebastian.
"Weasley, don't you have a potion to blow up elsewhere?" Sebastian snaps, his eyes narrowed. His grip on you is firm, but it doesn't hurt. You can sense tension, and you detest conflict. You try to melt into Sebastian's side, your hand curling around his robes as you turn your face into his shoulder. Sebastian can feel you trying to hide, and it makes pride swell in his chest to know that you're pressing yourself against him and not Garreth.
"Easy there Sallow, you don't want to scare her." Garreth fires back, he's always protested your relationship with Sebastian. He's worried Sebastian is manipulating you, that he's controlling you. You've tried to reassure him that isn't true, that Sebastian just loves you too much to lose you. He's never believed you.
"Who say's I'm the one scaring her?" Sebastian snaps, you can feel the tension rising. Soon enough, there will be a full on duel happening in the hallway. You wished you could speak up, tell them to stop, but you can't seem to find your voice. All you can do is tremble and hold onto Sebastian, he makes you feel safe.
"We were having a fine conversation before you interrupted Sallow, can't tell when you're not needed can you?" Garreth was pushing him on purpose, he can't help it. Doesn't Sebastian know that it was you and Garreth long before you ever even knew Sebastian? Garreth knows you've made your choice, and yes it stings that it wasn't him, but that doesn't mean he has to approve of you you've chosen to give yourself to. Sebastian feel rage flare up in his chest as he takes a step towards Garreth, his arm still firmly around your shoulders. You were his. He would happily fight anybody to prove that.
"P-Please stop..." You whisper, your voice shaking. You weren't scared of either of them but you've always been scared of yelling and fighting. Ever since you had to endure listening to your drunk Father become enraged at a moments notice and start hurling objects at your poor Mother.
"Not needed? Does it look like she doesn't need me?" Sebastian seethes, and Garreth clenches his jaw. You had turned your entire body into Sebastian's side by now. Your face pressing into his shoulder and his arm curling around your back. You just wanted them to stop, you wanted the fighting to stop.
"Seb please, let's just go." You whisper to him, but Sebastian isn't listening. Garreth won't take his eyes off you, and it's starting to piss Sebastian off.
"She sure as hell didn't need you before, she has me. I can take care of her just fine without your help, Sallow." Garreth shrugs casually, sending you another wink. Why won't he stop pushing Sebastian? Why won't Sebastian listen to you and just walk away?
"It's not your job to take care of her, she chose me." Sebastian's eyes were sharp as knives by now. His left fist beginning to curl, and his chest heaving. His jaw was locked, and you could feel his entire body thrumming with adrenaline.
"She chose wrong, and I will spend every second of every day proving that to her. Why do you think she sneaks away to be with me?" Garreth pushes, taking a step forward. Sebastian pulls his arm from you and moves you behind him. Their chests are nearly pushed together as they glare at each other. You do sort of sneak away to hang out with Garreth, but not because you still have feelings for him! Only because you know that this is how Sebastian reacts every single time you're within 10 feet of Garreth.
While Sebastian has never caught you doing anything with Garreth other than talking, he still has a point. You haven't stopped hanging out with Garreth even though Sebastian has practically pleaded you to. Deep down he knows that asking you to drop your closest friend since 1st Year isn't fair, but he knows that Garreth is in love with you. He doubts you know that, but he does. He can see it in the way Garreth looks at you.
"She loves me." Sebastian fires back, though he's trying to convince himself that more than Garreth.
"For now." Garreth says with a sly smile. Your hands are curled around Sebastian's robes, and you're standing close enough to feel the heat of his body. You can see that look in Sebastian's eyes, you can see that he's losing the ability to restrain himself. You don't want to hurt Garreth, but you love Sebastian. You need him to know that because through the anger you can see insecurity, the gnawing fear that Garreth is right.
"I love you Sebastian, can we please go? Please?" Your voice is so small, but this time he actually listens. He releases an angry breath, turning and pulling you against his side once more. Garreth feels anger pulsing through his body, how could you choose Sebastian fucking Sallow over him? He's dangerous, and Garreth is determined to prove that to you.
"Don't forget Sallow, she loved me before she loved you. She still loves me, she just doesn't realize it yet." With that Garreth is slamming the doors leading to the Grand Staircase open, and you flinch at the force. You're trembling and Sebastian feels guilty once the flare of anger has faded.
"Don't worry, everything is alright dove." Sebastian soothes, pulling you against his chest and pressing kisses to your hairline. You feel the fear flow out of you as you nuzzle against his chest. You've never felt safer with another human being...besides Garreth. You try to push him out of your mind, but he's always lingered. But you still love Sebastian, and you will always choose Sebastian.
"I'm sorry." You mumble against his chest, you know how Garreth makes him feel but you don't want to lose your friendship with him. You feel torn.
"It's okay- we're okay sweetheart. I'm not angry with you." He whispers, tilting your chin up to kiss you. It's languid and slow, it makes your insides melt. Your entire body is tingling when he pulls away, a knowing smile on his face. You and Sebastian haven't slept together yet, and the entire idea of it still makes you feel very shy. You're comfortable with Sebastian, and you know you want to. You just don't know how to bring that up with him... or if you're even ready to yet.
"I don't want to be late." You whisper, knowing that Divination is going to start soon.
"Then I shall escort you there with haste, my lady." Sebastian says, using a silly voice to make you laugh.
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Garreth knew there was something Sebastian refused to tell you. He knew because you had told him once, that you were scared Sebastian was hiding something bad from you. He probably was, probably hiding something he did. Garreth was determined to find out what it was, you need to know that Sebastian isn't who you think he is. Garreth doesn't want to hurt you, and he doesn't want to do this so he can brag and say he won you from Sebastian. That's not who Garreth is, not why he wants to find the truth. He just wants to keep you safe, and he knows you're not safe if you're with Sallow.
Though, he'd be lying if he said there was no part of him that wanted to look Sebastian in the eyes- knowing he won you back from him.
He doesn't like to think about it, doesn't like to admit it even to himself...but he loves you. He thinks he always has, before he even knew what love is. You love him too, deep down he knows you do. He can see it in the way you look at him. Why else would you continue to see him, despite Sallow being so clearly against it? It's because you can't stay away from Garreth, you can't fight the way you feel. Some might think he's delusional, but there's nobody that knows you better than him. Not Sallow, not anybody. He has to protect you, needs to keep you safe from him.
Which is why Garreth has been following Ominis around, bothering him to open up about Sebastian.
"Garreth." Ominis is annoyed, Garreth can hear it in his voice. Ominis has been infuriatingly tight-lipped about Sebastian which Garreth found odd.
"Are you even friends with Sallow? You haven't spoken to him in a year." Garreth pressed. It was hard for the other 7th Years not to notice the sudden rift between Ominis and Sebastian. They've been attached at the hip since they met in 1st Year, and suddenly Ominis won't go anywhere near him. Something happened. So why is Ominis still protecting him?
"Yes of course I'm friends with Sebastian. Just because I am cross with him, doesn't mean I will be forever." Ominis says, though there is uncertainty in his voice.
"Angry enough to still be angry over a year later?" Garreth wasn't going to let this go easily, Ominis was beginning to discover. Ominis huffed, he had to tell Garreth something or he won't leave him alone until he does.
"Sebastian and I had a fight, he made a mistake. That's all." He said, his voice firm but all he did was add fuel to Garreth's fire. Sallow made a mistake? What kind of mistake?
"What happened?" He pushed, continuing to follow Ominis towards the Slytherin common room.
"Nothing you need to concern yourself with." Ominis sighs, Garreth was really starting to get on his nerves.
"Is it about Y/N?" He asked urgently, almost like a Private Investigator would. Ominis paused, he furrowed his brows before he felt his irritation slowly morph into anger.
"Is that what this is about? Ruining Y/N's relationship? Have you nothing better to do?" Ominis snapped with anger that Garreth wasn't anticipating.
"I'm trying to help her Ominis. You know something that Sallow did, I know you do. What I don't get is why you're protecting him if you haven't spoken a word to him in over a year. Does your friendship with Sallow mean more to you than Y/N's safety?" Garreth snapped harshly, a scowl on his face.
"No it doesn't and she isn't in danger. Sebastian would never hurt her, but if you don't stop you will." Ominis fires back angrily, turning and entering his common room after he does. Ominis is wrong, Sallow has this entire school fooled. Garreth should have known better than to try and get Ominis to tell him, he's always been loyal to the twins. Garreth briefly considers trying to find MC, they were close with Sebastian during 5th Year and stopped talking to him around the same time Ominis did. It's worth a shot.
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The first thing Ominis does upon entering the common room is find Sebastian. He spends a lot more time in his dorms than he used to, and Ominis can only guess it's because he stopped talking to Sebastian. He feels guilty about cutting Sebastian out, but his use of the Dark Arts drove Ominis away. That and the fact that Sebastian manipulated Ominis into getting what he wanted...the Dark Arts began to change him. You were starting to bring Sebastian back, the boy Ominis met in 1st Year. Sebastian loves you, truly, unconditionally, and if Garreth were to succeed and tell you the truth? Ominis shudders to think of how Sebastian would react, the path he would follow as a result.
Without Anne and you, Sebastian doesn't have much to live for- and he's already lost Anne. Which is why Ominis is entering the 7th Year dorms without so much as a knock, heading straight towards Sebastian's bed.
"I had an interesting conversation with Garreth today you should know about." Ominis says, drawing Sebastian's startled gaze.
"What did he say?" Sebastian's voice is already tense, Ominis can practically feel the frustration rolling off him in waves.
"He knows something happened in 5th Year, he's trying to find out what...so he can tell Y/N." Ominis informs him carefully. Sebastian is worryingly quiet, which concerns Ominis.
"Sebastian?" Ominis tries, and he hears Sebastian stand from his bed. He's begun pacing in front of Ominis, he can hear his heavy breathing getting heavier. He's angry, very angry.
"That fucking snake. Why can't he let us be happy? Why is he determined to take her from me?" Sebastian is seething, Ominis isn't sure he can calm him down.
"You know why." Ominis says factually. He knows why Garreth is doing this, Garreth didn't hide his feelings for you as well as he thought. Even Ominis, who's blind, can understand he's been head over heels for you since he met you.
"Well he can try all he wants, he won't take her from me. I would happily kill him if he even tries. She chose me. He needs to accept that." Sebastian snaps, tugging angrily at his hair. Ominis knows Sebastian didn't really mean it, but it was still disconcerting to hear him say it after what happened with Solomon.
"You know if he finds out what happened, Y/N is never going to speak to you again?" Ominis points out, as if Sebastian hasn't considered that already.
"Yes Ominis I know that." Sebastian snaps, pinching the bridge of his nose. He didn't want it to happen like this, but Sebastian needs to make you his. Entirely. He needs to stake his unrivaled clamed upon you, mar it onto your very skin.
He needs all of you.
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"Hey." You hear a voice from behind you. His voice is quiet, as Madam Scribner would regularly throw students out of the Library for being too loud. You'd come here to study for your O.W.L's, you know you're going to pass but you like to be well prepared.
"Hello Garreth!" You say happily as he lowers himself into the chair next to you. Sebastian is unlikely to stumble upon the two of you this time, not that you're trying to avoid him. You don't want him to start another fight with Garreth, the two of you aren't doing anything wrong! You're just talking with a friend, you wished Sebastian could understand that. You didn't know how to reassure him that you're his. That you love him and only him, he doesn't have anything to worry about. You chose him, and yet he still worries.
"I'm sorry about the other day...with Sebastian." Garreth says sincerely, and you feel your chest warm. You wave your hand with a smile as you flip your book to the next page.
"Don't worry about it, I'm starting to get used to the fact that you two will always fight." You say, keeping your tone light. You don't want him to know how much it hurts that your boyfriend and best friend don't get along. You wished they did.
"No, you shouldn't have to. I'll do my best to be nicer to him." He promises, though you're not sure you believe him. He's just as hostile towards Sebastian as Sebastian is towards him. 'She still loves me, she just doesn't realize it yet.' His words from earlier flash in your mind, replaying over and over despite you trying to push them away. By now Garreth has brought out his potions notebooks. Not anything from class, his notebooks are leather-bound and usually full of ideas for other things he can make. You love how creative he is, and that he's smart enough to make all these potions. He makes them blow up a few times before they're finished but he never quits until he finishes the potion. You admire that.
"Gar? Can I ask you something." You ask, nervously chewing on your lip. Garreth lifts his head, his expression softening once he notices the anxiety on your face.
"Of course, are you alright?" He worries, making your skin feel tingly with the way he looks at you. You turn your head to refocus on your book.
"When you fought with Sebastian...there was something you said that I don't understand." You started, and Garreth felt his palms get all clammy. He hoped this wasn't going where he thought it was going. He didn't think about what he was saying during the fight, just said what came to him naturally.
Garreth waited for you to continue, but your face was fear-stricken and you began to nervously pick at your thumb.
"Y/N, you can say anything to me. I promise." He reassures you gently, giving you time to feel comfortable saying it on your own. You were easy to scare off when you got in your head like this, he knew he needed to tread carefully and be gentle with you.
"You said that I love you...that I just haven't realized it yet. What did you mean by that?" You whisper the words quietly. You're afraid to look up at him, you don't want him to be angry and you sure as hell don't want to embarrass yourself. Garreth feels like his heart is going to burst out of his chest, this cannot be happening. He doesn't want to admit his feelings for you while you're still in love with Sallow.
"I only said that to irritate Sal-Sebastian. I shouldn't have. I know you don't feel that way towards me, I'm sorry." Garreth says, correcting himself. You don't like it when he calls Sebastian 'Sallow'. You think it sounds mean, maybe it's just because of the way Garreth says it. You're not sure how his answer makes you feel.
Garreth tries to fight the smile that threatens to stretch across his face. "If I didn't know better I'd say you sounded disappointed."
"What? N-No of course not. I love Sebastian so you're correct...I was just...wondering." You feel your cheeks color, and you know Garreth can see it too. Your voice was shaking and it made you stumble over your words, what is it about him that makes you feel so nervous?
"Are you sure?" Garreth says, and you swore he wasn't sitting so close just a minute ago. Your heart begins to race.
"Sure a-about what?" Your throat suddenly feels very dry, and its as though the temperature in the room rose 10 degrees. Your entire body feels hot and flushed.
"That you love Sebastian." He says, his voice a tad bit deeper. You turn your head to look at him, and his pupils are blown open. There's a look in his eyes you can't define, it makes you feel like a lamb looking into the eyes of a wolf.
"Yes, of course." You whisper, adrenaline pumping through your veins when he leans forward a little. His eyes staying firmly locked on yours, he can tell you want this. That you want him. He can see the way your eyes have dilated a little, there's curiosity in your gaze. He can feel the tension between you. His lips barely graze against yours before you snap out of it. You feel horrified with yourself as you scramble away from Garreth. You love Sebastian, with all your heart. Why did you let him get so close? What is even going on?
"I-I have to go!" You squeak out, cheeks blood red and pulsing as you quickly pack up your things.
"Y/N-" Garreth tries, but you're standing and stumbling towards the stairs before he has a chance to catch your hand. There are tears streaming down your face as you head to the entrance of the Library as a realization hits you. It makes you sick to your stomach and a fresh wave of tears gush down your cheeks. It's too awful to admit, even to yourself. But Garreth was right.
You love Sebastian...but you love Garreth too. Oh no.
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You're pacing back and forth outside the Slytherin common room, you'd woken up early today to get ready and wait for Sebastian. Normally it's the other way around, and he's waiting outside your common room to talk you to your first lesson. It usually makes him late for his own class but he's never cared, he's happy to do anything for you. You feel nauseous just thinking about it, but you have to tell Sebastian what happened in the Library. You didn't kiss Garreth and that makes you feel better but you almost did, and you feel like not telling Sebastian means you're trying to hide something. You don't want to have any secrets from him.
When Sebastian emerges from his common room, he looks surprised to see you. He smiles at you, but that smile is quickly wiped away when he can see the panicked expression on your face... and the fact that you're pacing back and forth like a caged animal.
"What's wrong sweetheart? Talk to me." Sebastian urges, taking you into his arms and feeling your entire body trembling. You're as fragile as a flower and absolutely anything can send you over the deep end like this, so Sebastian isn't seriously concerned quite yet. At least, not until the first tear drops and you refuse to meet his gaze.
"My love you're beginning to scare me, please talk to me." Sebastian is nearly begging, and you feel tears spill from your eyes again. He's going to go ballistic once you tell him about Garreth, about what he tried to do. You shudder, you don't want him to hurt Garreth or get himself in trouble.
"L-Last night I was in the Library..." You can hardly speak, your voice is trembling. You don't want to say it.
"Garreth c-came and sat next to me for a little." You pause again, feeling your heart thumping so hard against your ribs you worried Sebastian could feel it. You saw his jaw clench, and the tension beginning to seep into his shoulders. You haven't even said it yet and he's already getting angry.
"A-and Garreth, he...well he tried to..." You stammer, your eyes dropping to the floor. Sebastian felt a red haze of burning rage swirling around him.
"My love, he tried to what? Did he touch you?" Sebastian's voice was trembling with anger. If Garreth touched you then he's as good as dead. You shook your head, your fingers curling around his robes.
"N-No I pulled away before he could...but he tried to- to kiss me." You breathe out, and you can only pray that Sebastian isn't angry with you. You couldn't survive it if he was angry with you. Sebastian's nostrils flared, you could see the rage all over his face. His eyes were focused on the stairs and his jaw was tightly clenched, if you let him you know he'd race off to beat Garreth to a pulp this very instant. You won't let him hurt Garreth, you need to calm him down.
"S-Sebastian? I'm sorry! I'm so sorry. I love you, I would never cheat on you I swear! Please don't be cross with me." You explain desperately, trying to do anything to pull his gaze back to yours. You begin to cry again, pressing yourself against Sebastian's chest. He wrapped his arms around you, he wasn't angry with you.
"I'm not angry with you, I'm not. I love you, always." Sebastian says, finally turning back to face you. You lean up to kiss him as his thumbs brush away falling tears, and you surprise him with the desperation in your movements. You wind your arms around his neck, your lips moving against his as his arms wind tightly around your waist. Sebastian knows sooner or later Garreth will find out the truth, so he needs to follow through with his idea before he looses you. He needs to make sure you'll never be able to look at Garreth or any other guy for that matter without thinking of how good Sebastian can make you feel. He wants to open you up to a whole new world.
"Do you trust me my love?" Sebastian whispers against your lips. You nod instantly, making Sebastian smile as you try to kiss him again.
"Then skip your first lesson with me." He says with a playful grin.
"Skip a lesson? Are you crazy?" You ask him, the idea of skipping an entire lesson makes you feel anxious.
"C'mon, I promise I'll make it worth your while." Sebastian says, taking slow steps backwards with his fingers laced through yours. He slowly pulls you towards the stairs, and smiles victoriously when you let him pull you along without any further objections. You feel butterflies rising in your tummy when you look at him, grinning at you playfully as he tugs you through the castle towards the Defense Against the Dark Arts Tower. Just as you're crossing into the courtyard, your eyes briefly lock with Garreth's- who is sitting next to the fountain with Samantha Dale. You feel your cheeks tingling as you quickly snap your gaze back to Sebastian, and Garreth feels jealousy burning under his skin as Sebastian drags you off. You've never looked happier, and he knows he should be happy you found someone you love. But he isn't, and it kills him to see you smiling like that at someone else.
"Where are we going?" You whisper, a smile on your face as he drags you just past the stairs to Defense Against the Dark Arts. Towards the Undercroft Ominis had finally opened up to you about just last year. Sebastian pulls you inside and once the gate shuts behind you, you see a beautiful plush looking bed tucked against the back wall of the Undercroft, it looks slept in.
"I come here most nights, hardly sleep in the dorms anymore." Sebastian shrugs, you didn't know that. When he isn't with you, he's alone? Every day?
"Seb…why aren't you in the dorms?" You ask sadly. He shrugs off the sadness in your tone, he's used to the fact that he has nobody except for you.
"Easier to be alone. Easier for times like this." Sebastian quickly shifts the focus off of him and onto the reason why he brought you here in the first place. You blink up at him innocently, it makes sets his insides ablaze.
"Do you remember what we talked about a few weeks ago? When you said you were ready?" Sebastian asks softly, his eyes darkening as he watches your cheeks flush and feels your skin heat up.
"Y-Yes I remember."
"Are you still ready?" He whispers, slowly leaning down to brush his lips against yours. You feel a shudder run down your spine as you keen up into him, trying to press your lips against his.
"Yes, please." you beg quietly, and Sebastian groans before pressing his lips firmly against yours. He deepens the kiss by turning his head, reaching down to life you by your thighs. His hands reach under your thighs, lifting you with ease as he walks you backwards towards the bed. His lips never leave yours and soon he's placing you gently against the plush mattress. Your legs fall open to allow him room to slot himself between them. His hips meet yours and you moan feeling him pressed firmly against you, he begins grinding gently. He draws soft moans from your lips every time he rocks against you.
"Can I take this off my love?" Sebastian asks, pulling at your robes and you nod, sitting up to let him push them off and throw them to the side. His lips return to yours then, his fingers slowly pulling your sweater off your body. You feel flushed under his heated gaze and you quickly press your lips against his again when his stare becomes too intense. He shrugs his robes off before reaching up to unbutton your shirt and you can feel the shyness creeping back in as more skin is slowly revealed. Once his fingers open the last button, you pull the shirt off to toss aside. You lay back against the bed and Sebastian's eyes are hungrily drinking up your figure, committing every inch to his memory.
Sebastian's lips press against your neck, slowly trailing down your shoulder as his fingers slyly undo the clasp of your bralette. His eyes meet yours, waiting for any protest before he's slowly pulling the fabric off your body. You reach up to cover yourself, turning your head to avoid his gaze. You feel exposed. Sebastian reaches up to gently take your arms and press them against the mattress. You can feel a heartbeat from between your thighs.
"Don't hide from me my love." He whispers, his eyes locked on your bare chest. His finger turns your head to look at him again, he wants to see that beautiful look on your face as he makes you fall apart.
"Is this okay sweetheart?" Sebastian asks, he has to make sure. You nod instantly, feeling too sky to speak. Sebastian gives you a gentle kiss before his eyes drop again. His lips encircle one of your nipples, his other hand pinching and rolling the other between his thumb and pointer finger. You moan instantly, rolling your hips against his. Sebastian smiles as he sees your eyes shut tightly, your mouth falling open as he gently bites down on your nipple. It feels better than anything else you've ever felt before...and you know he's only getting started. Sebastian switches to the other nipple and sucks it into his mouth, humming against your breast as you moan wantonly.
His right hand slides down your tummy to flip your skirt up, his fingers gently rubbing your aching clit through your panties- which are quickly becoming wet and translucent with your slick. You moan again, feeling him gently rubbing you while his lips and tongue lave your nipple and breast. Your hips can't stay still, and you try to grind against his fingers, which makes you smile. Your fingers wind into his hair, holding him against your chest firmly. He groans every time you accidentally pull on his hair. Soon Sebastian reaches another hand down, his fingers hooking into the waistband of your underwear.
"P-Please." You beg desperately, and Sebastian swears he can feel the blood surging south. He slowly pulls the soaked fabric off your body and as soon as he does he sits back to get a better look. You watch with pulsing cheeks as he examines your glistening folds. He looks utterly entranced as he reaches forward to pull your lips apart, getting an even better look. You turn your head to the side, embarrassed.
"Seb…" You whisper, feeling very exposed as he gapes at your heat. Instead of answering, Sebastian leans forward and drags his tongue through your folds. You cry out, your hand flying into his hair as he begins to lap at your cunt. His tongue circles your entrance before briefly dipping inside, only teasing you as he sucks your clit gently into his mouth. You continue to cry out and grind your hips against his face, and your sounds of pleasure are music to his ears. He laps at you like a man starved, his arms circling your thighs to pull your cunt more firmly against his lips.
Your chest is heaving as you moan, throwing your head back as he licks a broad stripe through your folds, from your entrance to your clit. His gaze is dark and intense and his eyes will not leave yours. You can see the lust in his eyes, and no matter how shy you feel- you keep your eyes locked on his. His tongue explores your folds, his teeth nipping at you gently every so often. You moan like you're a bitch in heat, shamelessly using Sebastian's mouth to chase your orgasm. He presses sloppy kisses to your clit, flicking it with his tongue before you feel your body convulsing. You cum all over his face and Sebastian happily laps up every drop, making sure to lick and suck at you until your body is jerking with overstimulation.
"Did that feel good, dove?" Sebastian asks against your lips, as he reaches down to undo his belt. You nod, but that isn't good enough for Sebastian.
"Words sweetheart." He urges as he opens the buttons of his trousers.
"Yes Seb, it felt so, so good." You moan against his lips, kissing him firmly again. You feel the sharp heat of his cock before you see him, and he's gently notching the head against your folds. You whine nervously, placing your hand on his hip to stop him.
"Trust me, my love. It's going to feel really good. It'll pinch at first, but I promise it'll feel amazing after." He whispers, and you can already feel him pressing himself into you. The stretch burns, and it feels like he's going to tear you in two. Sebastian reaches up to rub circles on your clit to help distract you from the pain. He continues to slide inch by inch into you, and when he meets a little resistance he surges his hips forward until they're flush against yours. His fingers are still playing with your sensitive clit, and it makes slick gush out of you, coating his shaft.
"How do you feel? Are you okay?" Sebastian asks through pants, your walls are hugging him like a vice grip.
"F-Full. It hurts." You whine, holding his face against your neck as he presses kisses into your neck and shoulders. Sebastian feels pride swelling in his chest, you're writhing underneath him. Stuffed full of his cock, and he is the one making you moan and cry out in pleasure.
"I know sweetheart, it's going to feel good soon." He whispers while gently grinding his hips against yours. You moan desperately, wriggling against him. Sebastian takes that as his cue to gently pull his hips back before sliding back into you again. Stars erupt behind your eyes as he continues to sweetly thrust into you.
"You feel- so fucking good my love. So tight, so wet, taking me so well." Sebastian praises, making warmth flood through your belly. You feel stretched beyond your limits, and your toes curl when you feel him sliding against your walls. Your hips begin to push against his to meet his slow thrusts. You feel heat building in your pelvis.
"G-Gonna cum Seb. Please don't stop." You beg and Sebastian is more than happy to oblige. He presses his face into your neck, thrusting into you soft and slow, steadily building up the pleasure until your back is arching and pressing your breasts against him as you cum.
"That's my good girl, you're beautiful when you cum my love. You feel incredible, so so good dove." Sebastian rambles, continuing to thrust into you as his own orgasm approaches. He feels your walls continue to clamp down on him and your cum drenches his cock, making an erotic wet sound whenever he thrusts back into you. With a deep groan Sebastian is cumming, his fingers playing with your clit as he does to make your body convulse and tighten around him again. He pumps you full of his cum, leaving his mark on you. A claim that cannot be challenged by Garreth or anybody else.
You're his. You always have been.
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Garreth knows he should stop, knows he should just let you be happy. He still can't get the image out of his head, watching you walking through the courtyard with Sebastian around an hour after he saw you the first time. The way you looked up at Sebastian made him sick, your rumpled clothing and the button you forgot to close on your shirt made him feel even worse. There's no way you slept with Sallow, he knows there's some other explanation for what he saw. There has to be.
But what made Garreth feel the worst was Sebastian's victorious gaze as it meets Garreth's. His eyes bore into Garreth's as you press yourself against his side and they're saying 'checkmate'.
Garreth clenches his fists before turning to find that damn student Sebastian met during 5th Year, they know what Ominis knows and Garreth is determined to find out what it is they're hiding.
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TAGLIST: @weezley @eddiemunson4ever @idcabouttumbl @saturnawa @valyrra @cerulione @dilucente @riokunova @theknightssecrets @rinascere-di-fiore @sallowapologist @kaixoly @cosmicmadwoman @turnip-milk
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beautifulblooms · 1 year
Newt Scamander Headcanons (meeting him and falling in love, Male!Hogwarts! student edition)
So I finally had an idea and time to write, here's some headcanons I managed to scrounge together before the lack of motivation steals my ideas. This is a masc-aligned reader but no specific pronouns are used, I hope you all enjoy this!
CIS Women and Female Aligned people, please DNI, this story and all of my others are for non-binary, masculine-aligned, and male readers!
God, he’s adorable
Legit the sweetest person ever
And he absolutely loves you
He is quite utterly smitten with you
(For the sake of plot-) 
He met you at Hogwarts and has damn near been hooked since day one
During the sorting ceremony, hearing his name you couldn’t help but giggle
I mean, Newt is not exactly a common name, nor is the last name Scamander
But it was a rather respected name at Hogwarts given his older brother’s record as a prefect
For the entirety of your first year, you two were in every class together
Not just potions or beasts together
Potions, beasts, defense against the dark arts, flying, magic history, herbology, charms, astronomy, and even transfiguration together
He would always pay the most attention in beasts and defense against the dark arts
While you could only pay attention to him
He always got so excited during beasts when the professor would pull out a new creature for everyone to meet and learn to take care of
And he was very good with them that the professor often gave extra points to Hufflepuff because they liked Newt so much
You were okay with beasts, nowhere as good as Newt but good enough for straight A’s in the class
Growing up together it was almost inevitable that you two fell for one another
Spending every class together in your first year, then more time outside of classes the next several
As much as he wanted to, he couldn’t get the courage to ask you out
Any time he’d try he’d just get too nervous and start glancing at his feet and the walls before brushing it off
You of course were not going to give up on getting this man
Any time you had the opportunity, you’d flirt with him
It was always adorable how red his cheeks and ears would go when he’d realize what you were saying
Sometime in your 6th year there, you managed to get him to walk with you to the lake
Precisely one of the old Willows near it
“Newt, are you alright? You look a bit red in the face”
“Oh, um, yes I’m fine, just a bit cold out today, and I forgot my scarf in the dormitory”
“Here, have mine, you clearly need it more than I do” 
He didn’t even get a chance to protest before you wrapped it around his neck and made sure it was snug
“There we go, nice and warm”
He ducked his head into the scarf to “hide” his blush, although he did a poor job of it
“Thanks…why did you ask me to join you at the lake, it’s far too cold to go swimming”
Standing beside the tree you took a deep breath
“Well, I…I wanted to ask you something Newt”
He nodded his head and hummed in acknowledgment
“We’ve known each other since our first year, and you’ve always been a wonderful friend to me, but, I have realized that I like you more than just a friend… and I was wondering if you maybe wanted to be my boyfriend..”
He stood there wide-eyed and shocked, he never expected you to reciprocate his feelings, let alone confess first
However, his reaction made you start to think he didn’t like you back and you immediately began to back-peddle the conversation
“Well of course you don’t have to say yes and if you’re uncomfortable knowing that and being friends with a queer like me you can leave and never look back, only makes sen-”
He cut you off before you could continue rambling by pulling your face to his and kissing you
Now it was your turn to be shocked
Unsure of what to do, New pulled back and started to pull away from you, worried he went too far
Only to get pulled back in seconds when you processed what was going on, kissing him back and much better this time
From that day forward, you two somehow became even more inseparable
I’m sure Theseus was tired of hearing about how much Newt loved you and missed you by the end of the summer between your 6th and 7th year
Good thing that he didn’t have to go back and deal with it all in person
Some of those Hufflepuff students have seen much more than they bargained for
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sereneres · 10 months
asap ⁴
danielle marsh x 6th member!reader / 1.8k
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summary. — a picnic for two, one with me and you.
warnings. — the ending is sort of rushed
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“you want to go on another picnic? why? we just went on one last week.”
“well, for one thing, the weather is great today!” danielle said, holding up one finger before adding another. “and two, why not?”
you hum, nodding your head sagely as though you were that one turtle from kung-fu panda. “why not indeed.” you rasp, making danielle laugh at your actions.
“ynnie, just tell me if you want to go or not.” she told you after she stopped laughing. “if you can’t go today, then we can take a raincheck and do it another time.”
“i’m not busy, but have you asked manager-unnie?” she shook her head and you frowned, tapping your pen against your desk. “in that case, you should go ask her for permission to go out first. do you know where you want to go for this picnic?”
the older girl once again shook her head, an innocent look on her face, and you sigh. “okay, once you tell manager-unnie and she approves, you two should go over some places to picnic at. once that’s done, come back to me, okay?”
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if you were going to be honest, you had expected her to forget about going on a picnic.
like yesterday, she often came up with ideas on what to do whenever she was bored, which ranged from simple things like going out to eat to things like going to beach and teaching you all to surf.
however, she had never gone through with such ideas, quickly forgetting them the minute she found something else to do.
so, when she had proposed the idea of going on a picnic, you hadn’t expected for her to come to your room the next day, practically banging on your door with how eager she was.
“yn, yn, guess what!” she said the moment you opened the door, eyes like crescents as she smiled widely at you.
“what, dani-unnie?” you ask, raising a brow.
her smile promptly dropped at your response, her lips forming a playful pout. “i said ‘guess’, ynnie, not ‘ask me’.”
amused, you smile and began guessing, having decided to play along with the older girl’s little guessing game. “did you just eat another carrot?”
“nope.” she replied, shaking her head, and, had you not moved back in time, the tips of her hair would have whipped you in the face. “you’re close, though.”
“did you buy more carrots?” you ask, tilting your head. she once again shakes her head, giggling as she did so.
“huh, what could it…” you trail off, belatedly realizing that her hands were behind her back. “…unnie, what are you hiding behind your back?”
“guess.” she insisted before gasping when you rush forward in an attempt to grab at whatever she was holding. “hey, i said guess!”
“sorry unnie, but i have no clue what the answer is, so we might be here for a while if you–” you grunt, your arms around danielle as you attempt to take what she was holding. “–gh, if you don’t show me what you’re hiding.”
“it’s a picnic basket.” haerin said from behind danielle, the latter flinching while the former continued to sip on her juice box innocently. “and you owe me, yn-unnie.”
“i’ll make sure to ask the manager for permission to go to the cat cafe.” you promised, moving away from danielle as she pouted. “is tomorrow a good time?”
“i have a schedule tomorrow.” the younger girl said. “what about the day after?”
“i have to go in and record that day.” the two of you frown, staring at the ground – or, in haerin’s case, at you – in contemplation before the oldest out of the three of you clears her throat.
“oh, sorry dani-unnie, i sort of forgot you were here.” you say, smiling sheepishly at the aussie before turning to haerin one last time. “i’ll just ask the manager when we’re both free, how about that?”
the girl shrugged and nodded at the same time, leaving you confused as she walked away. beside you, danielle cleared her throat again, doing it more loudly than she had earlier.
“since haerinnie told you what i’m holding, i’m hoping that you can guess why i’m so excited now.” she said, looking at you with expexctanr eyes.
“we’re going on a pic…nic…?” it sounds less like an answer and more like a question, because, even if danielle was holding a picnic basket, there was no telling whether she would use it for it’s intended purpose or use it for something else.
fortunately, danielle ignores how question-like your answer was and cheers, clapping her hands and even going so far as to spin around. “you got it! good job, ynnie~!”
“when did you get permission from manager-unnie?” you ask, surprised. “i don’t remember seeing you talking to her…”
“i got permission yesterday, when you were in the middle of your recording.” she said as she smiled widely at you. “you told me to get permission, so i did. do you need some time to prepare, or can we get going?”
“hold on, unnie, i need to get dressed.” you gesture for her to wait and, without waiting for a response, ran to the closet you shared with minji and haerin,hurriedly grabbing some clothes off their hangers.
“take your time, ynnie.” she called, swinging her picnic basket around as she waited. “we have the whole day to picnic!”
“how did you even get manager-unnie’s permission?” you ask, pulling on a sweatshirt before pausing. “oh, and could you check whether or not it’s cold out?”
danielle hums, pulling her phone out of her pocket and doing as you asked. “let’s just say i bargained with manager-unnie a bit… okay, it says that it’s currently twenty-four degrees celcius, but that it’ll go down to– oh wow, eighteen in an hour or so.”
“that’s a pretty big drop.” you murmur, swapping your sweatshirt for a regular t-shirt and tying a jacket around your hips. “and what do you mean ‘bargained’? you didn’t do anything you shouldn’t have, did you?”
“i may or may not have said that i would do this commercial shoot thing, but that’s beside the point.” danielle said, laughing nervously as she put her phone away. “have you finished getting ready yet?”
“just one second…” you bend down and grab a bag, cramming it with a random assortment of things – a mask, your phone, headphones, etc. – before zipping it closed and swinging it over your shoulder. “okay. you brought food, right?”
“yep!” she raised her picnic basket and patted it. “i made some sandwiches and brought you-know-what.”
“carrots?” you ask, amused.
“carrots.” she said, nodding seriously.
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“i can’t believe you weren’t joking about the carrots.” you say, staring at the two unpeeled and very large carrots in the older girl’s hands.
danielle raises an eyebrow, placing her hands – which were still holding the carrots – on her hips. “and i can’t believe you thought i was joking about the carrots.”
“you never joke around about carrots.” you agreed, nodding your head slightly. “by the way, s that the same picnic basket we got during the picnic video?”
“yep! the producers let me keep it when i asked if i could.” danielle pulled out a blanket from the basket and unfolded it before placing it on the ground. “they were going to let you guys keep them too, but you guys left before they could tell you that.”
“that sucks.” you mutter, crouching down and picking up a few rocks. “do these look big enough to you, unnie?” she looks over and you show her the rocks in your hands.
“they don’t, but i think if you put two or three in each corner, it’ll be heavy enough to hold it down.” she told you, taking some of your rocks and placing them down. “see? it works!”
despite your doubt, you nod, eyeing the average-sized pebbles rocks warily. “if you say so, unnie.”
“alright, do you want to go find some more rocks, or do you want me to?” danielle asked. “it’s not particularly windy, so i don’t think we’ll need a lot, but…”
“i’ll go get them.” you decide, standing up. “you’re wearing a skirt and i don’t want any bugs accidentally crawling up your legs and… well…”
“oh, you’re so sweet ynnie~” the older girl cooed, patting you on your head. “i’ll set up the sandwiches and carrots while you do that, how does that sound?”
“sounds good.” you say, nodding.
“then that’s settled. good luck finding rocks, ynnie!~”
“thanks unnie. i’ll make sure to come back with a lot of… er, rocks.”
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needless to say, you did not come back with many rocks.
“it’s like some… thing came and took them all.” you grumbled, pouting as you plopped down beside danielle. “there’s even indents in the dirt for where they used to be.”
“it’s okay.” the older girl soothed, patting you on the back. “it's not very windy anyway, so i don’t think we’ll need them.”
you sigh, shaking your head. “you’re right, but still… what could’ve taken them?”
“never mind that.” danielle picked up a sandwich in it and put it in front of your mouth. “go on and eat. i know you haven’t eaten much since this morning.”
“you’re right, i wouldn’t have eaten breakfast this morning if hanni-unnie hadn’t told me to.” you muse before taking a bite of the sandwich. “wow, unnie. this is really good.”
“isn’t it?” danielle said, puffing her chest proudly. “i’m getting really good at this cooking stuff, aren’t i?”
“you’re definitely better than i am.” you said, sighing and shaking your head. “even with hanni-unnie’s lessons, i still suck at cooking.”
“aw, don’t say that ynnie. you’re great at cooking!” a pause. “just… not with a stove. the image of your burnt pasta is pretty hard to forget, as much as i want to forget it.”
“ugh, minji-unnie and hanni-unnie were so mad at me that day.” you take another bite of your sandwich. “they didn’t speak to me for a whole day – or, well, minji-unnie didn’t. hanni-unnie got bored of being upset with me an hour into the silent treatment.”
“‘can’t say i blame them.” she said, shrugging. “making pasta is super simple, i didn’t think it was actually possible to burn it.”
“apparently, i didn’t add enough water.” you pause mid-chew. “at least, that’s what hanni-unnie said.”
“well, at least you know now to add a lot of water.” danielle said cheerfully, smiling at you.
“i guess so.”
“but really, have you never seen your parents cook pasta before?”
“uhm, no, pasta wasn’t really something they made. they didn’t make much of anything, actually.”
“really? my parents made a lot of pasta when i was younger. once, my sister even added chocolate to her spaghetti.”
“really? how did that taste?”
“…it didn’t taste good.”
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mcntsee · 10 months
Letters to her
summary: kaz’s letter to y/n throughout the years.
warnings: Kaz’s past is kinda mentioned, mentions of death, cursing
note: I tried to express kaz’s feelings and growth with every start and finish of all the letters, hopefully you guys understand it too. I added a little something at the end, hope you enjoy! <3333
first letter:
Deer y/n
My da said you can came come play wheneber you want to come play with my me again can you please come play with me soon pleas?
I miss you and Jordie miss and da and the little kitteny miss you we all misses you very much
Love Kaz!
(I drawed a pist picture of you and me and spots playing)
2nd letter
Dear Y/N,
I hope you're doing okay. I wanted to say a big thank you for being there when we said bye to my da. It made me feel better knowing you were there, even though it was kinda sad.
Guess what? Jordie said we're gonna move to Ketterdam. He says it's cause he wants me to go to a good school there. I'm not sure about leaving this house, but Jordie says it'll be good for us.
The cool part is that you live in Ketterdam! That means we can hang out more and play together. Remember when we used to build forts in the living room and pretend we were pirates? Maybe we can do that in Ketterdam too.
I'll miss this house a bit because it's where we played hide and seek and had ice cream parties, but I think Ketterdam will be fun too. And I'm really happy cause we'll get to see each other more often!
I will see you soon, okay?
Love, Kaz!
3rd letter
Dear y/n,
I'm really, really sorry I haven't come to see you yet. It's not 'cause I don't want to, I promise. You're still my bestest friend ever. It's just that things got a little crazy since we arrived.
Jordie met this guy named Jacob Hertzoon. And guess what? Jacob offered us a whole bunch of money for our house! Jordie said it's a really good thing 'cause we can use the money for important stuff. But it also means we're super busy.
I didn't want you to think I forgot about you or anything. I miss you a lot and I still want to see you and play together. Maybe once we're all settled in our new place and get the money, we can have a big adventure like we used to.
Thanks for being the best friend ever. I promise we'll hang out soon, okay?
Love, Kaz!
4th letter
Are you okay? Please write back! Jordie is gone. I need to know you're alive.
5th letter
I heard you went on quite the journey to Shu Han just to retrieve my cane. I assume the trip was bearable. Your efforts are appreciated.
It's curious how life unfolds, isn't it? One day we're children playing in the streets, the next we're scattered across the world for various reasons. Yet, here we are, still connected by some thread of familiarity.
I imagine you'll return from your expedition when the time is right. Until then, business with the dregs continues as usual. The city keeps turning, and so do its dealings. As for me, well, I have my own matters to attend to as soon as I’m able to walk again.
- K.B.
First note
Get well soon! Let me know if you need anything else.
- Love, Y/n!
6th letter
Your letter reached me, and I must admit, it contained more substance than I anticipated. Word travels fast in the Barrel, and it seems that Haskell has taken quite an interest in your recent endeavors. His words carry weight, though they seldom come without a price.
If his assessment holds true, and you manage to prove your worth in the upcoming job, it could indeed elevate you within the ranks. Haskell’s recognition of your potential is both promising and concerning. The higher one climbs, the more treacherous the fall can be.
In the midst of this, know that I await your return.
May you navigate these challenges with the same tenacity that has carried you thus far. I wish you the best of luck, Y/N. Tread carefully.
- K.B
7th letter
You certainly have a talent for uncovering promising recruits. Jesper Fahey. The word on the street is that he’s got a steady aim that’s worth noticing. The skills he possesses could indeed be valuable, particularly in the line of work we find ourselves engaged in.
However, I must tread cautiously when it comes to individuals entangled in debts and vices. Jesper Fahey, from what I’ve heard, is no stranger to gambling. His tendency to wager recklessly has garnered quite a reputation, one that isn’t entirely favorable. The loyalty of a man buried under the weight of debts is a precarious matter. Whether his skills can outweigh the burden of his choices remains to be seen.
Your perspective on recruits is valued, and I’ll certainly keep a watchful eye on Fahey. I trust your judgment, and I’m willing to entertain the possibility. In the midst of all this, remember that your return is anticipated and your presence missed.
Return safely,
8th letter
Do you remember Jesper? It’s almost comical how, after discussing him in my last letter, fate seemed to conspire to validate our conversation. Not long after I sent those words to you, I found myself intervening to prevent Jesper from getting himself thoroughly thrashed due to his gambling debts.
I hope I’ve made the right call by extending a hand to Jesper. It’s a calculated risk, one that I’m hoping will pan out in our favor. There’s potential there, no doubt, but potential doesn’t always translate into reliability.
This letter is short, I know, but I will tell you more about it when you come back.
Stay safe,
9th letter
It’s been days since your last communication, and the weight of uncertainty presses heavily on me. The quiet absence of your presence has stirred an unease I’m not accustomed to.
I’ve seen you handle insane odds, and I know you’re more than capable. But here I am. My mind keeps wandering to places I’d rather it not go, imagining scenarios that could have unfolded, and none of them are sitting well with me.
I hope that this silence is a result of strategic detachment, that you’re immersed in the intricacies of the job and haven’t had a moment to spare for correspondence.
I’m not accustomed to this vulnerability, nor do I care for it. Yet, here I am, plagued by the absence of information. I ask you, if you’re able, to dispel this uncertainty. A simple message, a token of reassurance – anything to quell this rising tide of apprehension.
I await word from you with an intensity I hadn’t thought possible. May it come soon.
10th letter
I received the coat you sent, and I must admit, it's a rare occasion when I'm at a loss for words. It's unlike anything I would've chosen for myself, yet somehow, it feels surprisingly fitting. I can't deny its utility either – I appreciate it.
Jesper and Nina have managed to cultivate a special talent for driving me to the brink of exasperation. Their camaraderie is both amusing and bewildering, a chaotic symphony that I'm still attempting to decipher.
Today was no different. Jesper's antics at the club bordered on audacious, and Nina's unbridled laughter was enough to turn heads in our direction. As I tried to navigate the sea of chaos they create, I found myself, unusually, yearning for a return to some semblance of normalcy.
I must confess, the prospect of your return holds an allure I hadn't anticipated. There's a steadiness in your presence, an understanding that's often a rare commodity in these tumultuous times. The chaos, the hustle – they feel more manageable when you're around.
Till then, I'll persevere in the sea of antics that Jesper and Nina stir up, counting down the days until your return.
Until then,
11th letter
Your mention of the jurda parem caught my attention, no doubt about it. It’s a name that carries weight, and I’ve got a feeling we’re treading on some dangerous ground here. It’s the kind of thing that’s best left untouched until we’ve got a better handle on what it entails.
Listen, I won’t preach, but I’ve got to say it – be careful and keep an eye out for trouble. The city’s not known for being kind to those who don’t tread carefully, and I’d hate to see you caught in something you didn’t see coming.
I’ve got a job for you. One that’s right up your alley. It’s always better discussing these things face to face, so when you can, make your way back. The sooner, the better.
Until then,
12th letter
I’ve never been one for words, as you well know. My tongue seems to have a mind of its own, often saying the wrong things at the wrong time. And when it comes to matters like these, I’ve found that my eloquence takes a swift exit.
So, here I am, writing this letter in hopes that the words come out right, that they somehow capture what I’m feeling. I’ve spent years navigating the intricacies of this city, and yet the complexities of my own emotions have managed to elude me.
I’ve always valued our connection, from those early days of childhood mischief to the present. You’ve been a constant in my life, someone whose presence brings a sense of order to the chaos that surrounds us. And somewhere along the way, that bond transformed into something deeper, something I’ve been grappling with.
I find myself wanting to say more, to articulate the thoughts that remain half-formed in my mind. But it’s difficult, Y/N, and this letter might be the best I can manage.
What I’m trying to say is that you’ve become more than a friend, more than a partner in crime. There’s a depth to my feelings that I’m only beginning to understand. And if I’m being truly honest, I’d like to explore where this path might lead.
I understand if you need time, if my sudden candor is a lot to process. But I wanted to put these thoughts down, to let you know where my heart is at. And if you’re open to it, if you’ve felt even a fraction of what I’ve been feeling, then maybe we can navigate this new terrain together.
Second note
I’d like to explore where this path might lead too.
Love, y/n!
13th letter
I can't thank you enough for stepping in when I couldn't. I hope the contractor in Lij wasn’t hard to handle.
Now, I have a proposal of a different kind. How about we put our skills to use in a more relaxed setting? I'd like to take you out to dinner. No heists, no secret dealings, just you and me, navigating the menu instead of the back alleys.
I've made reservations for us at a place that's a bit more reputable than the Barrel's taverns. Consider it a step toward normalcy, a chance to enjoy an evening without looking over our shoulders.
Looking forward to your return,
14th letter
Dear Y/N,
Your letter reached me, and I've got to say, the way you put it into words – how much you miss me – it hits home. The distance is a constant reminder of the warmth I've grown accustomed to, and I find myself missing you more than I thought possible.
This job is driving me insane, and my thoughts often wander back to Ketterdam, back to you. It's like a pull, a magnetic force that tugs me back to the life we've been building together.
I bought something with me – a box of those chocolates you can't seem to get enough of. The catch? I'm hoping they survive the journey and don't turn into a gooey mess.
I want you to know that with every sunrise and sunset that passes, I'm getting more restless to return to the city that's been our canvas, our backdrop. Until then, my thoughts are with you, and I'm eagerly counting down the days until I can wrap my arms around you again.
With all my longing,
3rd note
I apologize, it seems the chocolates didn’t fare too well. I hope they’re still somewhat salvageable and that they manage to satisfy your sweet tooth.
- Kaz
15th letter
Dear Y/N,
I hope this letter finds you on the mend, wrapped in warmth and taking good care of yourself. It pains me to know you're unwell while I'm away, unable to offer even the smallest comfort.
My love, get well soon. I miss your laughter, your presence – they're a part of my life I can't bear to be without for long. The distance feels heavier when I know you're not well.
Today, during the heist, I saw a small brown cat with delicate white spots. The sight of it was like a reminder of simpler times, of moments when things were less complex. It stirred memories of my old cat "Spots," whose antics used to provide a reprieve from the realities of the Barrel.
As I look around, I find myself yearning for the day when I'll return to Ketterdam. Until then, my thoughts are with you, my love. Rest well, recover soon, and know that I will be there soon.
With all my affection,
16th letter
Dearest Y/N,
There are times in life when words are inadequate, when even the most eloquent phrases fall short of capturing the depth of one's emotions. Today is one such day, and I find myself grappling with a sentiment that defies my usual precision.
I love you, Y/N. There, I've said it, though the words seem almost insufficient to convey the weight of my feelings. You've woven your presence into the very fabric of my being, and I find that I'm navigating uncharted territory, stumbling upon emotions that have long remained dormant.
In a world marked by uncertainties, you've become my constant, the one I turn to when the winds of the Barrel grow fierce. I cherish our bond, our shared history, and the future we're forging together.
As the days pass, my conviction only grows stronger. You've touched a part of me I thought was unreachable, and I find myself grateful for the warmth you've brought into my life.
4th note
I love you too, more than words can express.
- Love, y/n!
17th letter
My Love,
I've stumbled upon something while on my trip to Lij, a revelation that caught me by surprise. My old house is up for sale. I confess, it's a notion that's been hovering in the back of my mind, a possibility I've been toying with.
And then, as if fate had a hand to play, it occurred to me – what if we made it our own? Y/N, would you consider it? The thought of creating new memories in a space that's intertwined with my past is something that holds a certain allure. A place where we could carve out our own sanctuary, away from the schemes and chaos that surround us.
If this notion speaks to you, let me know. It's a step I'd only take with you, a shared decision that would mark a new chapter in our journey together.
18th letter
This is to certify that Y/N L/N and Kaz Brekker is (are) now registered as the absolute proprietor(s) of the land comprised in the above-mentioned title, subject to the entries in the register relating to the land and to such of the overriding interests set out in section 30 of the Registered Land Act as may for the time being subsist and affect the land.
Kaz Brekker __________
19th letter
My love Y/N,
I hope this letter finds you in good spirits, even though I’m far away in Shu Han. I wanted to share something with you – I stumbled upon the perfect dining table. It’s a piece that seems to embody the essence of what we’ve built together, a symbol of the life we’re crafting, even from a distance.
As I stand here, thousands of miles away, my thoughts are never far from Ketterdam, from you. Every corner of the city is a reminder of our shared journey, of the future we’re molding. And with every passing day, I find myself longing to return, to be by your side again.
The plans we’ve made, the dreams we’ve spun – they’re a driving force, propelling me forward through the challenges that Shu Han presents. I promise you, Y/N, I’ll be back soon enough.
Until then, know that you’re in my thoughts, my heart, every moment of the day.
With all my affection,
20th letter
I’ve come across some interesting information that might be of use to you. It seems that there’s a rumor circulating about a certain merchant in the Fifth Harbor. This merchant, it’s said, has been trying to make deals with both the Merchants Council and the Whitecrows, something that has my interest piqued.
I’ve also managed to uncover some details about a potential source of counterfeit currency that might be making its way into the hands of certain unsavory individuals. The source, surprisingly, seems to be tied to a printing press hidden away in the Barrel. It’s a curious development, one that could have far-reaching consequences.
And finally, I’ve received word that a shipment of goods has gone missing from a storage warehouse near the docks. This might not seem significant at first glance, but it’s the timing that intrigues me. A missing shipment, coupled with the merchant’s deals and the counterfeit currency – it’s all connected, I’m certain of it.
Stay vigilant, stay cautious. And know that even in the midst of our separate tasks, you’re in my thoughts.
I miss you, and I love you.
21st letter
Listen to me, and listen carefully. You need to come back to Ketterdam, now. What you walked into, it was a trap – calculated, deliberate. I can’t explain it all in this letter, but trust me when I say your safety is in jeopardy.
I don’t care what you’re in the middle of, what plan you’re executing – drop it, and make your way back. I can’t lose you, not now, not like this. The threat is real, and the longer you stay where you are, the more danger you’re in.
I’m begging you, Y/N, hurry back. We can sort through the details, I’ll explain everything, but right now, all that matters is your safety. Don’t delay, don’t second-guess. Just come back.
22nd letter
I’m pleading with you, begging you to reach out, to let me know you’re safe. This silence, it’s a torment I can’t bear. Every thought is tinged with worry, and I find myself grappling with scenarios that are far too grim.
I don’t care about the details, the reasons – they pale in comparison to my overwhelming need to know you’re okay. We’ve faced down darkness together, navigated treacherous waters, and I can’t accept the idea of you being lost in the midst of it all.
Please, Y/N, come back to Ketterdam. If you’re reading this, if you’re anywhere, find a way to let me know you’re alive. I’ll make sense of the rest later. Just, my love, come back to me.
23rd letter
I can’t wait any longer. The silence is a weight on my chest, a suffocating reminder of the unknown. I’ve agonized, I’ve begged, and still, there’s no word from you. It’s time I take matters into my own hands.
Please, hold on. I’m coming. I hope you’re okay, I hope you’re just out of reach, waiting for me to catch up. It’s a risk I have to take.
I love you.
Stay strong, my love. I’m on my way.
24th letter
My Dearest Y/N,
It's been a week since you left us, a week of darkness and aching emptiness that nothing can fill. I know you won't get this letter, that these words will remain suspended in the void, but I find myself needing to put them down, needing to release the feelings that have taken hold of me.
The pain is suffocating, a weight that's settled into my bones. I still can't grasp the reality, can't accept that you're gone, that your light has been extinguished. It's a void that stretches beyond comprehension, a void I'm stumbling through.
The memories are a double-edged sword. They're a balm, a reminder of the moments we shared, of your laughter, your warmth. But they're also a blade, a reminder of what's been taken from us, of the future that was stolen away.
I want you to know, even though you'll never read these words – I love you. I always have, and I always will. You were more than a partner, more than a confidant. You were my anchor, my solace, my reason to keep pushing forward.
It's impossible to fathom life without you, Y/N. Your absence leaves a void that can never be filled. I can only hope that wherever you are, you're at peace, free from the pain that's gripped my heart.
Until we meet again, my love,
25th letter
My dearest Y/N,
Six months have passed, and the ache of your absence has only deepened. The city, our city, is a different place without you. The crows, the ones you brought together, are slowly finding their separate paths, their separate destinies. It's as if the world itself is reshaping in your absence.
I found the little box where you kept all those letters. Your letters, my words – I'm surprised, in a way, that you kept them all. It's a piece of you that I'll treasure forever.
It's in these moments of solitude that I find myself yearning for your presence the most. Your laughter, your insights – they're still very much alive in my memories, and they continue to guide me through the labyrinthine twists of this world.
I miss you, Y/N. More than words can say. The void you left behind is as vast as the Barrel itself, and there's a hollowness that's impossible to fill. I can only hope that, wherever you are, you've found the peace that eluded you in life.
Until the next time we meet, my love,
26th letter
My Dearest Y/N,
Time has continued its relentless march, and two years have slipped through my grasp since you left us. The city, once our canvas, has taken on a different hue, a different weight. The crows have scattered, their paths diverging, and the life we built together feels like a distant memory.
I wanted to share something with you – I've made a decision about the house, the one that once held the echoes of our shared history. It's a decision born out of the reality that without you, it's ceased to be a home. The walls, the rooms – they're empty without your presence, and it's a stark reminder of what's been lost.
Putting it up for sale again, it's not just about letting go of a physical space. It's about acknowledging that our time together, our shared moments, live on in memories, not in bricks and mortar. I carry you with me, always, but it's time to release the hold the house had on me.
Life continues to move forward, though it's a path I tread with a shadow that can never be dispelled. I hope, wherever you are, you've found the peace that eluded you in life. And I hope, wherever I am, you're watching over me, your presence a guiding light through the darkness.
With a heart full of love,
27th letter
My dearest,
It's been almost three years, and some days it feels like it was just yesterday when I last saw you. I miss you, fuck, I miss you so much. It's like this gaping hole, this emptiness that can't be filled. No matter how many schemes I plan, no matter how many crows I put to work, it's like there's this void that's always there.
I was gonna do it, you know? I was gonna ask you. I got this ring, this small little thing that I bought just a month before you fucking died. It's funny, you know, I never thought I'd be the one to feel this way, to want something that much, to want to stake a claim in this shithole of a world.
But I guess that's what you did to me. You turned this cold, calculating schemer into someone who wanted more, who wanted you. I'm sorry I didn't ask you sooner, that I waited, that I let time slip through my fingers like sand. I'm sorry I couldn't be the one you deserved.
You were my light, Y/N. You shined a light into my darkest corners, and now that you're gone, it's like the shadows have returned with a vengeance. I need you, I need you so fucking much it's like a knife in my gut every damn day.
I don't know where you are, what's out there after this life, but I hope you're somewhere better. I hope you're at peace, and I hope you know that I'm here, waiting in this shithole, missing you every fucking day.
I love you, Y/N. I love you so fucking much it hurts. And I wish... I wish I could've showed it more when you were still here.
With all my shattered pieces,
28th letter
Deer Y/N,
This will be the last letter I write to you, and as I put pen to paper, I’m filled with a mixture of emotions that words could never truly capture. The passage of time has been unkind, separating us by years that have felt both fleeting and eternal.
It’s strange, the way grief works. It’s a steady ache that never truly fades, an ache I’ve grown accustomed to carrying. There’s an emptiness in my heart that’s become a part of me, a void that can never be filled by anyone or anything else.
I’ve learned to navigate this world without you, though it’s been a journey fraught with challenges and moments of unbearable pain. There’s a longing, a yearning, that can never be quenched. You were my constant, the force that kept me grounded, and now that you’re gone, there’s a piece of me that will forever remain incomplete.
As time marches on, I find myself grappling with a heartbreaking reality – the sound of your voice is fading from my memory. The way you felt, the touch of your hand in mine, it’s becoming harder to recall. It’s as though the vibrant details of your presence are slipping through my fingers, leaving behind a hazy impression.
And oh, Y/N, the thought that your laughter will never again reach my ears, it’s a pain that reverberates through my very being. Your face, once etched in my mind with unparalleled clarity, is beginning to blur around the edges. The little details that I once treasured, the nuances that made you uniquely you, they’re slipping away, like grains of sand carried by the wind.
I love you, Y/N. Those words have become a mantra, a whispered refrain that echoes in the corners of my mind. I carry your memory with me, every step of the way, and I hold onto the hope that, wherever you are, you’ve found the peace that eluded you in life.
As I place this letter alongside the others, a part of me hopes that somehow, somewhere, you’ll receive these words, that you’ll know that you were loved, that you’re still loved, even in your absence.
I miss you, “we all misses you very much.”
Love, Kaz!
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imdead770 · 4 months
omg love the idea of steve x childhood friend reader!! could you do that for soda too
Sodapop Curtis x Reader - Childhood Friends
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Authors Note - Slowly (but surely) getting back into writing. Fingers crossed I don't have another words aren't wording era. Enjoy!
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▪︎ Dear, darling Sodapop
▪︎ I know exactly how you met Sodapop
▪︎ I'm third grade, you got paired up with him for some art project
▪︎ And he sucked ass
▪︎ This kid couldn't do anything
▪︎ He can barely read, his hand writing sucks, he can't color inside the lines
▪︎ But for some reason you liked him enough to stick with him all these years
▪︎ Maybe it was how he apologized at least 50 times that you were carrying the project
▪︎ Or maybe it was how he'd still try his hardest to comprehend the big words on the instructions
▪︎ One of the big words including 'instructions'
▪︎ I personally believe Sodapops dyslexic, you can disagree, go for it
▪︎ But the moment he realized he wanted to stick with you was that project
▪︎ How patient you were with him
▪︎ How you helped him read the instructions
▪︎ How you whispered in his ear whenever he forgot half the words to his presentation
▪︎ He didn't really know what love was, he was a kid
▪︎ But looking back on it, that's the moment he fell
▪︎ Fast forward a few years, middle school.
▪︎ I think around 7th grade Sodapop realized just how hot he was
▪︎ He could've pulled a sophomore if he wanted to
"Ya' see that! She was lookin' at me!"
"Every girl looks at you, Soda, it ain't a big deal."
▪︎ You two still did a lot of projects together
▪︎ Normally you did the work
▪︎ But hey, he was good emotional support
▪︎ Eigth grade
▪︎ Somehow both of you managed to have glow ups the exact same year
▪︎ With his jawline being as sharp as Micheal Myer's knife
▪︎ And your body doing its weird maturing thing
▪︎ Which didn't go unnoticed by Sodapop, by the way
▪︎ He fell for you all over again, only this time he had hormones and you had a body that could kill
▪︎ You hung out around the gang a lot
▪︎ Dallas flirted with you a lot
▪︎ Everytime Soda would butt in
▪︎ Everytime the gang teased him about it when you left
"Ya' like 'em."
"What? Na'"
"So can I date 'em?"
"I'll kill ya'"
"Told ya', likes 'em. Gimme that 10, Two."
"Aw, fuc-"
▪︎ Whenever Soda dropped out of high-school he was all freaked out your friendship would end
▪︎ He thought you'd stick with your school friends
▪︎ Instead you two just got closer
▪︎ You'd catch him up on what drama he was missing while he told you stories from DX
▪︎ It was a daily tradition
▪︎ If you were swamped with homework he wouldn't even try
▪︎ He'd still talk until his lips hurt though
▪︎ He came over to your place, all quiet and teary eyed
▪︎ That was the second time he cried in front of you
▪︎ The first being the time a bunch of socs picked on him in 6th grade
▪︎ Anyways
▪︎ Eventually the gang got fed up
▪︎ He was well over Sandy
▪︎ He was head over heels for you
▪︎ You went of your way to see him
▪︎ I think someone bet that Steve couldn't get Soda to date you
▪︎ And Steve went all out
▪︎ He practically threatened Soda
▪︎ Soda did it on his own but Steve takes credit
▪︎ He asked you on one of your catch up nights
"So, remember that sophomore gi-"
"I like ya'."
▪︎ You just sat there for a second, completely awestruck
▪︎ You were gonna say that sophomore girl that liked him got knocked up
▪︎ But that was pushed into the shadows of your brain
"Uh.. I like you too."
▪︎ This man smiled
▪︎ Like pure
▪︎ '😀'
▪︎ He didn't really know how to express emotions after Sandy
▪︎ So he just kissed you
▪︎ Flat out, lips on lips, kissed you
▪︎ After you pulled away he hugged you, smiling into your neck
▪︎ And you were smiling right back
▪︎ Not that he could see it, but still
▪︎ Took a second and ran to tell the gang
▪︎ They all either
A) Flipped out
B) Expected it and didn't care
▪︎ Either way he was jumping up and down
▪︎ Dallas had to tell him at least 10 times to shut up about you
▪︎ He didn't let you go home
▪︎ Cuz like, he was your boyfriend now, he had to be within 10 feet of you
▪︎ After you two started dating he held your hand every single day
▪︎ Cuz like, he's waited over 5 years for this moment
▪︎ Other then the PDA and dates, nothing changes
▪︎ Yay
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