#i have my own personal theories but doctors do not like to hear those ive learned
sanchoyo · 2 years
general lil life update!! trying to refill my queue the past 2 or 3 days so it actually seems like I'm Online, despite still kinda bein on an Internet Hiatus in general lately. but! I felt very productive today out of nowhere and was able to clean, journal, work out and cook a bit after like 2 weeks of not being able to do much bc Sick (which, I need to go to the dr about, but have been piddling on for a few reasons...) so that random burst of energy felt super nice! also its rainy out so that def is a mood booster. my dog and I sat on the porch and just enjoyed the rain together this morning and that was super sweet 🥺 I just took him and my journal and a blanket and we cuddled and I wrote down a couple recipes and stuff <3 I ended up starting a new journal thats different from my regular one that I treat as a diary and. I realize carrying 3-4 notebooks everywhere is EXCESSIVE probably, but also, it's SO FUN. I'm really grateful to be able to have journaling as my low-effort creative outlet lately while I haven't been able to draw or write much ;w;
hope u guys are doin okay too!
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ladyseaheart1668 · 4 years
Endless Summer Book 4 : Daughter of Vaanu (Chapter 49)
Description: Tahira continues to fight her way out of her own head. 
Tagging: @endlesshero1122 @mysteli @feartheendlesssummer @whatmcsaid @xo-endlessmayhem-xo @tigerbryn11
Chapter 49 : A Breath of Water
I hold Tahira's hand while the nurse slips the IV needle into her vein, even though she probably can't even feel the prick. She doesn't move at all. Not even a twitch.
The first scan they did of her brain revealed that the blood flow was normal. But there was no explanation as to why she hasn't woken up yet. I don't know whether that surprises me or not. If it really was something on the knife, some kind of poison, is that ever going to show up on a brain scan? Either way, they've decided to do another scan. One that's supposed to measure her brain activity. PET scan, I think. They say they can use it to accurately predict which coma patients are likely to wake up.
I squeeze Tahira's hand, kissing her fingers. She looks so perfect, lying in her hospital bed with her dark hair spread over the pillow, smooth and silky thanks to her mother's careful brushing thirty minutes ago. Except for the tubes and hoses, she looks like she's sleeping.
“My sleeping beauty,” I murmur, stroking her hair. “...I wish you would wake up...”
The nurse puts a hand on my shoulder. “Come on. We gotta leave her alone for awhile so the tracer can go through her system. It's better if she doesn't have any stimulation while that's happening.”
“...You think me being here actually stimulates anything?”
“In the best case scenario, it absolutely does. And since that's what we're hoping for, that's the assumption I'm acting on.”
I'm not tired as I climb the path up the mountain, and that still startles me every time I realize it. ...Can I even be startled in this space? I reach what appears to be the top of the mountain, and I am standing on a small circle of rock barely large enough for both my feet that pokes up like an island through an ocean of soft, white clouds. The clouds look soft and fluffy, like piles of cotton balls. I want to dive into them and feel their softness against my skin—even though I know from personal experience that I'll probably just get wet. And possibly fall to my death, since I can't fly in this space. But...maybe I can't die in this space, either. And, I'm here now, standing on a tiny space on top of a mountain. What exactly am I supposed to do now?
Before I can really stop myself, I have taken the step off the edge. I plunge through fluffy, cottony sea foam into a warm ocean. I breathe saltwater and it feels as easy as breathing air. I hear a voice call my name. A sexless voice that comes through the waves and sounds like music. I swim toward it, gliding as easily as I fly through the air in the real world. Something that looks like the sun glimmers overhead, making the water around me shine. Ahead, something waits for me in the water. The rippling waves distort its shape, but the color of it is overwhelmingly red.
I think in the back of my mind, I know what's there even before I get close enough to actually see. Sure enough, as I approach, the thing takes on a human shape. Two legs, two arms, and a head—all concealed within a red spacesuit. ...I've never met the Endless before. But I know who she is.
“...Endless. Are you here to show me how I can wake up and help Alodia? Help...a version of you?”
“I am here to help. But I warn you that I cannot help the way you want me to. I am forever bound by the laws that govern the physical flow of time. If I break them, I will do more harm than good.”
“I'm in no position to turn down help.”
“Then follow me.”
“What exactly are you trying to tell me, doctor?”
They've called in a neurologist to assess Tahira. She's had at least two scans to determine why she isn't waking up. So far, though, the man seems to have taken a lot of words to say not very much at all.
“What I am trying to tell you, Ms. Rogers, is that there is no reason to despair. Your daughter's brain is active. Very active. In all the right ways. Coma patients with similar levels of brain activity recover consciousness within a year more than eighty percent of the time.”
I fold my arms. “...Are you saying that my daughter is in a coma?”
The doctor hesitates. “She does exhibit many symptoms consistent with a coma diagnosis. However, there are no obvious organic causes. And...” He leans over Tahira and lifts her eyelid slowly to shine his light pen at her pupil. “Her light reflexes are normal. When I lift her eyelid, she resists. And when I release it, her eye closes completely and quickly.”
“So...what does that mean?”
“My assessment is that it is most likely a psychogenic coma. That is, a temporary period of disassociation, possibly caused by psychological trauma related to the attack.”
“Yes. Most of the time patients wake up fairly promptly after general anesthesia is stopped. Often when they fail to wake up, it's due to residual effects from the drugs. Sometimes, it's neurological or metabolic. And sometimes, it's psychological. Tahira is neurologically intact, and her bloodwork is all clear.”
“So...what do we do?”
“We wait. Keep assessing her regularly, wait for a change. Right now, there is little else we can do.”    
“Lundgren wasn't where we left him. The prevailing theory is that one of his goons found him and got it out, but there's not much of a trail if that's the case. It's...not looking like Alodia and Diego are on the island, either. They've got the coast guard circling, though, in case anything tries to land there. The Vaanti are still lying low for the most part, but Seraxa has a few warriors combing the jungle. I don't know if they can hide themselves like they used to when Vaanu's crystals were still part of the island, but Seraxa seems to think it's an acceptable risk.”
I can't look at Sean as he talks. I stare out the window of my hospital room. The view overlooks the hospital grounds, with the Santo Domingo skyline on the horizon. He seems to be waiting for an answer, but when I don't give him one after a moment or two, he goes on.
“Zahra and Iris have been analyzing the recording from that AI. Iris was able to confirm that the voice print was Alodia's. But most of it was spliced together from recorded voice samples. Like...the time lady that you used to be able to call.”
“'Most of it'...”
I keep my eyes on a not-particularly-interesting office building in the distance. “You said 'most of it' was spliced. ...I have a guess where it wasn't.”
Sean hesitates just long enough to confirm that I'm right even before he says, “...Yeah.”
“So where did that part come from?”
“Zahra says she doesn't know that yet. The parts where...Galatea...broke character...those were whole samples, not splices. Iris can figure out that much. But where and when they were recorded? That's gonna take longer to figure out.”
Now I turn to look at him. “What kinda time do you think we have, Sean? She could give birth any day. If Rourke gets his hands on our kid...”
“I know, buddy. I know.”
“...I wanna be there. I wanna be there when my daughter is born.”
He doesn't say anything. What the hell can he say to that? Everyone I know is gonna do everything in their power to get my wife back to me ASAP. Doesn't mean I can rest easy. Not until she's back in my arms.
“...Do you know when you're getting out of here?”
“A day or two. They want to keep me for observation awhile. ...Then I guess I oughta go back to California. ...Or stay here and look after Mike. Don't wanna leave him alone here. ...Don't suppose you two are continuing the honeymoon where you left off.”
“With Alodia and Diego still missing? Of course not. Michelle wants to go back to work early.”
I snort, a rueful, mirthless laugh. “Tell her it's outta the question. She just went through a kidnapping for fuck's sake.”
“You're suggesting I try to tell Michelle what to do?”
“Okay, yeah. I see how that's a bad idea.”
“...She needs to feel useful. And...truthfully right now, it may be that the best way she can help us get Alodia and Diego back is by being at work.”
I feel the frown settle onto my mouth and forehead as I stare at him. “...You don't just say a thing like that without having something to back it up.”
“Tahira was attacked. About the same time as all of us were abducted. She had emergency surgery, but she hasn't woken up yet. ...Before she went under, she managed to get across that the one who attacked her was a Vaanti.”
It's probably stupid as hell for me to keep coming back to the compound where Tahira and I were once prisoners. The cops are probably still looking for me, and the compound being the site of a stabbing, they probably aren't far off. Though, truth be told, I'm not sure if they've actually managed to figure out where she was actually stabbed.
Thing is, I find myself wanting answers. I want to know who decided to stick a maybe-poisoned knife in Tahira. I got a nagging feeling whoever it was knows her identity. In the dark, with a flame dancing on my fingertips to light my way, I follow the spotty trail of dried blood from inside the compound to the alley where the initial splatter seems to be and stare at the stain on the filthy concrete.
Avanti...who the hell is Avanti? Sounds like some pop diva wannabe. I'd say a pop diva wasn't capable of leaving this kind of mess in an alley, but I'm old enough to remember Haley Rose.
“You're not going to be able to hide forever.” The taunting purr is unmistakably Gigi. I grit my teeth, but I don't turn to face her right away. “You have to realize that sooner or later, the cops are going to find you.”
Don't ask me why this is the straw that breaks the camel's back. But whatever the reason, I can't take it anymore. I whip around and lunge at Gigi, grabbing her by the throat and shoving her against the wall, a fireball in my free hand poised threateningly over her. The dancing orange light reflects genuine fear in her eyes as she grasps my wrist in both hands. At the moment, I'm too pissed to enjoy it.
“I've had e-fucking-nough of your bullshit, Gi,” I snarl. “You can threaten me with your child army or the cops all you fucking want, because right now, all your underworld power and influence, all your loyal followers all mean jackshit compared to my hand on your throat and this fireball over your head, so start fucking talking, bitch!”
Her eyes flick from my face to the flames licking my hand and back again. I feel her squirm, but I've got her pushed high enough that her toes barely touch the concrete.
“What—should I talk—about?” she finally gasps. I pull back just enough to give her a little more air.
“What do you know about what happened here?!”
She smirks, even as I feel her hands trembling on my wrist. “I know Dragonness can bleed.”
So she does know Tahira's identity. I tighten my grip again, bringing the flames a little closer to her skin. They lick upward enough that I am not worried about causing any damage I don't intend, but I see the sweat blooming on her forehead. I press my face in closer.
“...Who's Avanti?”
Her eyes widen. “...What?”
“Avanti. Is she one of yours? Someone new?”
“...Where...did you...hear that?”
“Tahira said it was Avanti who stabbed her! Who is that?!”
“...So. …The plot...thickens...”
I shake her, hard enough that she lets out a strangled yelp. “I told you to talk, bitch!”
“Avanti isn't a name!” she shrieks breathlessly, struggling against my grip. “It's...not...coincidence!”
“What's not?!”
“Any of it! Same day Dragonness is attacked, Alodia Chandler is abducted, and Silas Prescott escapes!”
“Yeah, that doesn't seem like coincidence. So what do you know about it?”
“Barely more than you, I would wager,” she croaks against another increase in pressure from my hand. “...But I know that Avanti is not a name. It's a thing. A creature. From La Huerta.”
“...What kind of creature?”
I feel a hand come down on my shoulder, gently but firmly. I spare a glance, and the hand on my shoulder shines golden brown in the light from my flame.
“That's enough, Caleb,” Talos murmurs. “Let her go.”
“Fuck that! Not until she tells me what she knows!”
“There's nothing she could tell you right now that I couldn't also tell you.”
I sneer, tightening my grip. “What about her plot to steal the Prism Crystal?”
“It clearly hasn't been set in motion yet, since the Prism Crystal is secure. And trying to get the plan out of her is likely going to prove an exercise in futility. There are more important things to worry about at the moment.”
I want to argue, how the fuck is the Prism Crystal not important? ...But it's not. Not when compared to finding Tahira's attacker. I slowly release Gigi and let the flame on my hand go out. Gigi staggers back from me, coughing and rubbing her throat. I can see I've left marks. She's not gonna forgive me for that. But right at this moment, she's looking at me with genuine fear and I can finally feel a twinge of satisfaction for it. Of course, she does her best to disguise it as quick as she can.
“Looks like I've got my own knight in shining armor,” she sneers, her voice hoarse. “Too bad he appears to be running with a traitor.”
“You should be the one running, Gi,” I snarl. “Before I change my mind about letting you go.” As I summon flames to my palms for emphasis, her eyes widen. She closes her mouth and slinks into the shadows without another word. I let the flames die and lower my hands, turning to glare at Talos. He sighs.
“Don't give me that look. Interrogating her would have cost us time we don't have.”
“You can't know that she isn't involved!” I growl.
“Of course she's involved. Even if it's indirectly. She was on La Huerta at the same time as Alodia. But look me in the eye and tell me that you think she would give up any information in a timely manner?”
“I could have burned it out of her,” I mutter.
“Torture is unreliable,” he replies simply. “...The Prism Crystal is secure. You can take my word on that.”
“Why should I?” I'm just being stubborn at this point. I don't know why the hell Talos would lie about that.
“...Because if it's lost, I lose my source of liquid prism. And liquid prism is what's going to save me if you ever decide to stick a flaming sword through my gut again.”
“...Fine. Fair point. ...So what now, huh? How do we find this Avanti thing?”
“First of all, it's not Avanti. It's a...Vaanti. Two words. ...Let's go somewhere private, Caleb. I think it's time to explain.”
Rebecca and my folks show up in the small hours of the morning. They have Varyyn with them, his hologram disguise in place. They try to sneak into my hospital room to avoid disturbing me, but it's not like I can sleep anyway. Varyyn hangs back while my parents tearfully embrace me, but I watch him through the space between their heads, and I can see his tepid expression.
“Hey, Varyyn,” I murmur after my parents and sister have given me a moment to breathe. “...How are you holding up?”
Varyyn twitches slightly, and I see a guilty flush creep into his cheeks. “...I am glad to see you are safe, Jake...” He trails off, looking away.
“...But I ain't your spouse, am I.” I offer him a sympathetic smile. “...I ain't mine, either.”
His mouth twists miserably, his eyes shimmering. “...They are together,” he whispers. “They must be together.”
“God, I fucking hope so...” I look desperately at my sister. “Tell me the cops got something, Bex. Anything...”
“There is something. ...One of Alodia's students came forward. Said she had been waiting to be picked up after class and Alodia was waiting with her to go to lunch with a friend. ...She gave a description of the woman Alodia left with. Said Alodia called her 'Jeanine,' and that she didn't seem happy to see her.”
I try not to show disappointment. Three people in this room were already aware of this information, but as far as my folks know, this should be a new development. I hope I can blame my lukewarm reaction on the concussion. The odds are probably better if I can manage to say something to convince them I didn't know the kidnapper's identity already.
“...The only Jeanine I can think of that we know is someone I used to serve with. She was there on La Huerta, and she was definitely hostile to Alodia, but...” What did we all agree happened to her? What did Mike and I say at Lundgren's trial all those years ago. “...We thought she was dead.”
“Varyyn told them that the name was familiar,” Rebecca says, giving me a meaningful look behind our parents' backs. “That you had mentioned her as someone from your Navy days you had fallen out with. But since he wasn't there on La Huerta, he doesn't know the whole story.”
Oh, is that the story we're going with? Seems fucking weird to think of Varyyn being from anywhere but La Huerta, but I guess now that he has a fake ID and he can mingle in the real world, he's got to have another backstory.  
“...There is one other thing,” Rebecca continues. “Whoever took Diego and Alodia, they were prepared. For the most part, they managed to stay off the security cameras both at the college and the dance school. ...But not entirely.”
That does make me snap to attention. Well, as much as I can in a hospital bed. “So there's footage?”
“There's footage of what the police believe is the ambulance they drove. Enough frames between the two sets of security footage to get a license plate. The vehicle hasn't been found yet, but...”
“...But it's something.”
It's enough to keep hope alive, even if it feels like fear is suffocating it. Fear can't really smother hope, though. As long as I am afraid, I still have hope. It's when fear starts to turn to despair that I'll have really lost hope. When I start grieving Alodia and Diego instead of being afraid that I will have to grieve them in the future.
“...When you're discharged,” my mother speaks up, covering my hand with hers, “would you like us to take you back to California? Or would you rather come stay with us until there's more information?”
I shake my head. “...The moment there's a real credible lead, I'll be wherever my wife most needs me to be. ...But for now, I can't leave Mike. Not until I know he's okay.”
“It's up to you, of course. We can get a hotel room for awhile. But they did tell us that his family has been informed.”
I hum noncommittally. Of course I trust Mike's family to look after him when they get here. But I still don't want to leave without word of Alodia. ...How can I think about going anywhere until I know where she is? Without her, I'm adrift. I'm spinning my wheels in a blizzard, and I can't even see the road ahead, even if I could get myself unstuck.
“So...are you actually the Endless? Or are you just a manifestation of...some aspect of me that's taken on the form of the Endless?”
The red-clad old woman does not look back at me as we slog together through what has become a mucky swamp, thick with vines, water plants, and algae.
“A little bit of both. Vaanu is communicating with you mentally. I am an alternate version of Alodia, who is essentially a manifestation of some aspect of Vaanu. Unlike the Alodia you know, however, I never lived as a human in this world. I am the Alodia who was born of Vaanu's energy and my Catalysts' needs. But I never gave myself back to Vaanu, so I never merged the timelines, and thus I was never reborn on earth as the child of human parents. I am the Alodia who never lived in California. Who never attended Hartfeld. ...I am the Alodia who rejected Vaanu, and yet I am now the Alodia who is joined with him.”
“...That was...a long-winded answer. But surprisingly straightforward. That's not to say that I totally understand, but I was expecting you to be more...cryptic.”
“Unfortunately, this straightforwardness cannot last. ...I do not know where Alodia is, and neither does Vaanu. All we have is scattered knowledge to impart to you that may or may not help you find her. In fact, my main purpose here is to help you purge the poison from your body.”
“What kind of poison is it?”
“An ancient kind. Something toxic to those from the Crystal Dimension.” She pauses, turning toward me. “Have you ever been baptized, Tahira?”
“Baptized? No. My mom was never religious, and I never got into it either. ...I did see a friend of mine get baptized once...”
We were teenagers, I remember, and she invited most of the girls in our class, and I went mostly because it meant something to someone I considered a friend. Her church had a baptismal pool, and she and the other baptismal candidates waded in one by one to speak their vows, dressed in loose white robes. Then their pastor covered their face with a towel, took them in his arms, and rocked them back into the water while speaking the ritual words before drawing them up again. The ceremony meant nothing to me, but it was interesting to watch. Before I can ask the Endless why she wanted to know, I get my answer when she takes me in her arms and gets my legs out from under me to immerse me in the water around us. But I don't have the benefit of a cloth over my face, and the Endless doesn't seem to be drawing me up again. I try to find my footing, to get my head above the water, but she isn't letting me. Or something else isn't letting me. Either way, I start to panic. But then I remember my experience earlier, and I slowly still. Cautiously, I take a breath. Water flows smoothly into my lungs, and out again, easy as air.
“Good,” the Endless says soothingly. “Just breathe. Relax. Listen. Watch.”
I try to do as I'm told. In one of my middle school art classes, we made an optical illusion toy out of a circle of cardboard and two pieces of string. On one side of the cardboard was a picture of a bird, and on the other was a birdcage. The strings attached to opposite edges of the cardboard circle, and when you wound up the string and spun the toy, the images flipped so quickly that the bird seemed to appear inside the cage. Watching the images flashing in front of me on the surface of the water feels like watching that little bird hop into the cage. Or maybe like thumbing clumsily through a flip book where some of the pages are out of order.
I see the Endless with her helmet down, flames dancing above the skeletal claw that is her bionic right hand. I see Caleb superimposed over her, and they both close their right fists to extinguish the flames. I see Minuet holding out her hand to extend a slow-motion field over an unseen opponent. Then she morphs into Alodia, wearing a haunted expression as she holds out her hand and the wind that was stirring her yellow hair stills. I see a massive tree that I think must be Elyys'tel pulsing with light. And then the light fades and the tree withers as the sky turns gray, but lights are flashing in wild neon colors behind it. The images start coming faster. I can't keep track of them. But some do get through. Vaanti. Blue-skinned males and verdant females, dressed in masks and leafy garments, with tattoos decorating their powerful, glistening bodies. Then they're gone. Replaced by a steampunk-looking tribe who hunker around a fire in a post-apocalyptic desert, their pointed teeth tearing into the raw flesh of some unfortunate animal, blood sluicing down their chins.
...Anachronists...those are Anachronists! I mean, Alodia never told me they had fangs and ate raw animals, but...the steampunk outfits give them away. I open my mouth to say as much to the Endless. But now there's a problem.
...Suddenly, I can't breathe.
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ghosthunthq · 4 years
Oliver is autistic, I will die on this hill
by @snavej
hill to die on (plural hills to die on)
(idiomatic) An issue to pursue with wholehearted conviction and/or single-minded focus, with little or no regard to the cost.
And so our story begins…
Okay, so if you’ve been around the fandom on Tumblr/Fanfiction.net, you will probably have seen me write “Oliver is autistic, I will die on this hill” on a post or story. If you have not, then, you have now. Congrats.
I came to this revelation maybe three years ago now. I had been in a discussion with some fandom friends and something in the conversation had made me wonder if Oliver was autistic.
We’ve all seen the cliche representations of autistic people in the media, especially those coded as such without explicit confirmation. For example, Sheldon Cooper from the Big Bang Theory. These characters are often there for comedic value, where we, the audience, laugh at them for their disability. The shows get away with it because they never explicitly state the character is autistic. 
I’m getting off track already.
So after the discussion mentioned before, I went away and began my research - to Google! Now, I have to admit, part of my curiosity regarding this matter is because I have been told I write Oliver well. Personally, I feel I write him a little OOC, but I like how I write him so it doesn’t bother me. I write Oliver as a version of myself. So my thought patterns at the time were that if Oliver was autistic, could I be too?
Oh yes, you thought you were just here for an educational piece about autism? Nope, you’re getting the whole damn story as to why I will die on this hill.
So I did my research and I found lists of signs of autism. I devoured internet articles and soon it was all I was interested in. I even bought a book titled ‘Aspergirls’ by Rudy Simone (who is autistic). If any of you read this piece and start wondering if you’re autistic (and you’re female, more on gender later!), I cannot recommend this book highly enough. I literally cried reading it.
The signs!
Okay so what are all these signs, let’s start a list! Autistic people can have:
Rituals that they refuse to change,
Odd or repetitive movements,
Unusual sensory reactions,
Be clumsy or awkward,
Nervous in large social groups,
Have a hard time making friends,
Speak in unusual ways or with an odd tone of voice,
Talk only about themselves/their interests,
Have narrow, often obsessive interests,
Want to be alone, or want to interact but not know how,
Avoid eye contact,
Have a hard time understanding body language,
Have trouble understanding other people’s feelings or talking about their own feelings,
Poor/abnormal posture, often sit on chairs oddly,
Trouble with left, right and other directions,
Large or unique vocabulary,
Lack of organisation,
Intense compassion/empathy,
Intense anger or no anger at all,
Connections with animals,
Difficulty understanding pop culture, styles, trends, etc.
Rigid in their ways,
Easily distressed,
Delayed speech and language,
Lack of imitation of others or imaginative play,
Indifferent to the feelings of others,
Sensitive to light and sound,
Self-stimulatory behaviours (stimming)
Echolalia (repeating or echoing words or phrases)
Unusual emotional responses,
Responds adversely to physical affections,
Does not initiate conversation,
Very poor diet,
Frequently walks on tiptoes,
Socially withdrawn/socially awkward,
Self-injurious behaviour,
Makes irrelevant remarks,
Difficulty with abstract language and concepts,
Need for sameness,
Severe upset when routines are disrupted,
Attachment to unusual objects,
Fascination with spinning objects,
Good memory for repeating lists or facts,
Unlikely to discriminate against someone on basis of race/gender/age etc.
Unlikely to give superior status to the wealthy or those high up in an organisation,
Have their own set of values,
Can hyperfocus,
Struggle to separate themselves from their work,
Lack the ability to filter information received, 
Alexithymia - the inability to describe emotions in a verbal manner,
Likes patterns, putting things in order,
Often limits diet,
Often wears the same clothes,
Black or white thinking,
Auditory processing disorder…
Okay, I’ll stop there. I could probably go on if I wanted to, because although I’ve written a lot of things there, these are all manifestations of the clinical diagnosis criteria.
Diagnostic Criteria for 299.00 Autism Spectrum Disorder
Persistent deficits in social communication and social interaction across multiple contexts, as manifested by the following, currently or by history (examples are illustrative, not exhaustive; see text):
Deficits in social-emotional reciprocity, ranging, for example, from abnormal social approach and failure of normal back-and-forth conversation; to reduced sharing of interests, emotions, or affect; to failure to initiate or respond to social interactions.
Deficits in nonverbal communicative behaviours used for social interaction, ranging, for example, from poorly integrated verbal and nonverbal communication; to abnormalities in eye contact and body language or deficits in understanding and use of gestures; to a total lack of facial expressions and nonverbal communication.
Deficits in developing, maintaining, and understand relationships, ranging, for example, from difficulties adjusting behaviour to suit various social contexts; to difficulties in sharing imaginative play or in making friends; to absence of interest in peers.
Specify current severity:
Severity is based on social communication impairments and restricted, repetitive patterns of behaviour.
Restricted, repetitive patterns of behaviour, interests, or activities, as manifested by at least two of the following, currently or by history (examples are illustrative, not exhaustive; see text):
Stereotyped or repetitive motor movements, use of objects, or speech (e.g., simple motor stereotypes, lining up toys or flipping objects, echolalia, idiosyncratic phrases).
Insistence on sameness, inflexible adherence to routines, or ritualized patterns of verbal or nonverbal behaviour (e.g., extreme distress at small changes, difficulties with transitions, rigid thinking patterns, greeting rituals, need to take same route or eat same food every day).
Highly restricted, fixated interests that are abnormal in intensity or focus (e.g., strong attachment to or preoccupation with unusual objects, excessively circumscribed or perseverative interests).
Hyper- or hyporeactivity to sensory input or unusual interest in sensory aspects of the environment (e.g. apparent indifference to pain/temperature, adverse response to specific sounds or textures, excessive smelling or touching of objects, visual fascination with lights or movement).
Specify current severity:
Severity is based on social communication impairments and restricted, repetitive patterns of behaviour.
Symptoms must be present in the early developmental period (but may not become fully manifest until social demands exceed limited capacities, or may be masked by learned strategies in later life).
Symptoms cause clinically significant impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of current functioning.
These disturbances are not better explained by intellectual disability (intellectual developmental disorder) or global developmental delay. Intellectual disability and autism spectrum disorder frequently co-occur; to make comorbid diagnoses of autism spectrum disorder and intellectual disability, social communication should be below that expected for general developmental level.
Note: Individuals with a well-established DSM-IV diagnosis of autistic disorder, Asperger’s disorder, or pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified should be given the diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder. Individuals who have marked deficits in social communication, but whose symptoms do not otherwise meet criteria for autism spectrum disorder, should be evaluated for social (pragmatic) communication disorder.
Taken from: https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/autism/hcp-dsm.html
Back to the story
So I went to my doctor after all of this reading. I was convinced. Nothing had ever made so much sense to me in my entire life as reading about autism.
I was, at this point, what people in the autism community call “self-diagnosed”. Now I was lucky, I could go on to get a “proper” diagnosis. Not everyone is as lucky. Many doctors do not believe that girls/women can be autistic. Many doctors do not believe that ethnic minorities can be autistic. Many doctors do not believe adults can be autistic. In some countries, people do not have free healthcare and so they cannot afford a diagnosis. There are many reasons why people can’t/won’t get diagnosed.
The point I’m trying to make is that if you see someone posting about being self-diagnosed, don’t be all “oh but a doctor hasn’t said it so you’re not”, because that person does not need your doubt and it does not help anyone. Their self-diagnosis helps them to navigate their life and it does not hurt anyone. Honestly, the amount of people that are “wrong” about their self-diagnosis is probably very small, and those that are probably have some other kind of neurodivergent condition such as ADHD.
Anyway, my doctor gave me a form to fill in, a questionnaire. A series of questions aimed very much at the male expression of autism. I felt horrible at the time, because I knew exactly how to answer these questions to fill the boxes required. I knew because I had read so much about autism that I knew what they wanted to hear.
I filled it in honestly. I scored highly enough anyway.
My doctor did not know who to refer me to. She had never had to refer an adult before. She asked around and found out what to do; I got put on a waiting list.
A while later, at work, I found out I could get tested privately and work would pay for it. Oh, how I love my job. I spoke to someone who had been the manager of another employee who had gone through the process. That helped.
I talked to the man who was supposed to be the disability advisor, he made me fill in the same questionnaire that my doctor did. I filled it in again.
I was on another waiting list.
The advisor had also recommended me a book, which I bought and read and hated. The language used very much implied that I would never be ‘great’, just ‘coping’. It was written by a neurotypical person. I told the advisor by email that this book was stupid and damaging. He did not reply.
Months later, the private assessment happened. I spent an entire day with a clinical psychologist and a speech and language therapist. My parents and manager came too. I answered questions, had to explain things to them, made up stories with random objects. My parents, mainly my mother, talked about my childhood.
At the end of it all, they decided I was autistic.
I was ecstatic.
The day before, a person at work said I was a hypochondriac. One of those people who read about conditions on the internet and convince myself that I have them. I still do not talk to that person.
Finally, everything made sense. Finally, I had a reason why people made fun of me for reasons I could not fathom. Finally, my weirdness had a name.
The Gender Issue
So there is a ‘gender issue’ with autism and it’s diagnosis. Everything is aimed at young (white) boys. It’s designed for the stereotype of the young boy who likes to collect trains. And that’s why there are five times as many autistic boys in comparison with girls.
People of colour, women and girls are very often undiagnosed or misdiagnosed.
Generalised anxiety disorder, depression, OCD, social anxiety disorder, panic disorder, various eating disorders, borderline personality disorder, ADHD…
The list goes on.
Now, that’s not to say many girls don’t have these things. Often they do. But often they have those and autism.
I very much doubt there is five times as many autistic boys. I think there are just a hell of a lot of women and girls who are undiagnosed.
Why this disparity? Well, autism presents differently in girls, or perhaps, society sees it differently.
When a young boy is quiet and withdrawn, happy to play by themselves, something is wrong. When a girl is quiet and withdrawn, she’s just shy. There’s also a lot of evidence to suggest that girls are a lot better at masking their autism.
Essentially, due to the societal pressure on young girls, they hide their autism and mimic their peers. That’s why the most common time for a woman to get diagnosed with autism is when she has children of her own and they’re getting diagnosed.
Is it genetic? There’s no strict evidence of an ‘autistic’ gene, I don’t think. But its quite common. When I was getting tested, I gave the previously mentioned book to my mother and said, “Hey, can you read this, I think I have this”. My mother read the book and told me she thought she had given it to me. She got tested two months ago.
I also look at my father and see many of the traits. But he has no interest in getting tested.
If you’re intersted, google “autism in girls” or something similar, there are plenty of resources.
The result
So I have my diagnosis, my work is fully informed. I am now protected by the Disability Act. I can’t use disabled parking spaces, but some autistic people can, if they need it.
What does this mean for me? It means that my employer has to make adjustments for me to make me comfortable for work. Changing the lighting, giving me a quiet place to work, working with me on deadlines and stuff. They know now (officially) that I have issues with auditory processing, and that they should take that into account.
I’m lucky, my employer has been good about this, and it is in their interest to. Autistic people can be an asset to any company. They are often experts in their chosen field and will work solidly on stuff they enjoy.
Lots of autistic people are not as lucky. They are one of the highest unemployed groups. Workplaces are full of unwritten rules that are hard for autistic people. This brings me on to…
Autism Acceptance Month
April is Autism Acceptance Month. You may see this as Autism Awareness Month in some places. But I don’t like that. “Awareness months” and “awareness days” are often reserved for horrible diseases like cancer, for which we want a cure.
There are a lot of resources out there from damaging institutions this month, such as Autism Speaks. They are advocating for a cure and also promote ABA (a type of ‘therapy’ that is disgusting and should not be allowed). If you take anything from all this, please do not support Autism Speaks.
There is no cure for Autism. It is a developmental disorder. It’s not a disease.
If you wanna do something for Autism Acceptance Month, there are some resources here: https://www.autism.org.uk/get-involved/world-autism-awareness-week.aspx
But what about the vaccines?
Of course, I cannot talk about autism without mentioning the vaccines!
In the 90s, about 1 in 150 children were diagnosed with autism, by the early 2000’s, this went up to 1 in 68. One of the big things that had changed in this time was the number of vaccines children had. 
There have been many studies regarding autism and vaccines. And there was one that said there was a link between autism and vaccines. In this study, there were 12 subjects.
Now I do statistics for a day job. So I can tell you categorically, that 12 subjects for a study is not enough for decisive proof. The person who did this study was struck off and rightly so.
But the media got hold of this idea.
And so the anti-vaxxers rose up, refusing to vaccinate their children from deadly diseases because obviously, being autistic was worse than being dead.
In summary, vaccinate your children.
Side note, I, as an autistic person, am allowed to make jokes about vaccines. For example, I received some vaccinations before travelling and joked with the nurse that I was ‘topping up my autism’. This is funny because we both knew it was wrong.
‘Autistic person’ vs ‘person with autism’
This one is a tricky one. I’ve seen arguments both ways.
‘Person with autism’ puts the person first, but also makes the autism sound like an accessory. 
‘Autistic person’ puts the disability first, but you can’t separate the person from the autism, it’s intrinsic to who they are.
Basically, this is up to the person. If they prefer one way or the other, use it. It’s like pronouns, you use what the person you’re talking about asks you to use.
Personally, I’m not too fussy, but I lean towards ‘autistic person’. 
Asperger’s vs Autism
Asperger’s was merged into the general Autism diagnosis criteria a while back. Asperger’s is what is sometimes called ‘high functioning autism’. The autism community do not like the term ‘high functioning’ because it denies aid, in the same way that ‘low functioning’ denies agency. The criteria for ‘low functioning’ is having an IQ under 70. So it’s quite broad.
Also people who have been classified as ‘high functioning’ don’t necessarily function well in everyday life without help.
Also, Hans Asperger’s was a bit of a knobhead, so a lot of people don’t like using his name.
A headcanon is a fan’s personal, idiosyncratic interpretation of canon, such as habits of a character, the backstory of a character, or the nature of relationships between characters. The term comes from the fact that it is the canon that exists in a fan’s head.
So when I say ‘Oliver is autistic’, this is my personal headcanon. Do I want it to become fanon? Yes, of course, I do. In the same way, I love that Yasuhara x Gene has become popular (for which I take full responsibility).
But if you disagree with it, that’s fine. You’re allowed to do that. I will not think any less of you for it. Because at the end of the day, the author has not come out and said ‘Oliver is autistic’.
Personally, as an autistic writer, who has always written some of her characters as autistic, whether she knew it or not, I suspect the author of Ghost Hunt might be an undiagnosed autistic person. Because Oliver is not the only person I recognise traits in… But that’s for another day.
If you only take one thing away from reading all of this, then let it be this:
If you’ve met one autistic person, that’s it. You have met ONE autistic person.
We’re all different, just like everyone else.
And now for what you’ve all been waiting for…
Continued in Part TWO 
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doctormono · 4 years
It was easier when I was a kid. Maybe because I didn’t understand what I was seeing. Everybody had numbers over their head, counting down to zero. It wasn’t until I was around nine years old that I understood it was counting down to each person’s time of death, or Life Counter as my video game addled internal monologue got used to calling them. Most people had years, decades even on their life counter. When I was twelve, I realized my mother’s life counter only had a couple years left, so I spent every day I could with her and visibly watched my efforts add a few more years to her life before cancer finally took her. But our relationship had delighted her enough to make those last few years fill her with pride and ease. I could not have asked for more. When I was young, I wondered if there was a religious connection. My Presbyterian upbringing had no words for what I saw, so I began to discard that idea out of hand. I understood the Life Counter’s connection to decisions and well-being by the time I was eighteen. We were having a graduation party and Tommy Sanders was drinking way too much. As I watched, his counter dropped from four decades, to twenty minutes in less than an hour. I tried to keep him at the party and sometimes, my arguments would cause his Life Counter to pause while he considered my words. But his drunkenness won the battle and he tried to drive home. He wrapped his car around a telephone pole less than a mile away from the party. When I got there, I held his hand as he died. I watched his Life Counter drop to its final few digits and spoke soothing words to ease him along. In the reflection of the passenger side window, I saw a year add to my own Life Counter. Then I understood. It was game balancing. This wasn’t an ability given from a divine presence, this was a dev team working the kinks out of their game. From that point on, I took Life Counters more seriously. I went to school for nursing and dedicated my life to helping others deal with their counters running out. I even specialized in oncology nursing and found a position at a local hospital ward that specialized in palliative care. Sometimes, I was able to help my patients to make good decisions and add months or even years to their counters. But more often than not, I was simply an ear or shoulder to help them in the hardest of times. People talk about the clinical side of our vocation- that we can separate ourselves from our patients and stay professional. That’s bullshit. I fell in love with each and every one of my patients, especially near the end when all pretense was gone and many just wanted someone to know who they really were. I had my favorites- a little boy named Juan that I was able to help gain years on his prognosis by delighting him with my boyfriend’s Star Wars costume group appearances, or Andrea who reminded me so much of my mother and hearing her stories added a week and a half to her Life Counter. But most importantly, was Sister Margaret. Margaret, or Maggie to her friends, was in her nineties. She’d come under doctor’s instruction with expectation of end of life care, but here was a 93-year-old nun with 34 years left on her Life Counter. I wanted to ask how that was even possible, but I knew the moment I first brought a meal to her room, that she could see Life Counters too. I didn’t speak of it at all. I avoided being alone with her as long as possible until I had to help her with adjusting her IV tube. “You’re not immortal, you know,” she said as if we were in the middle of a conversation. I’d thought she had been sleeping. “I’m sorry?” “You’re not immortal. Sure, you have a heads up onto how long you have left, but that number goes both ways, Child.” I sat on the edge of her bed and looked deep into her eyes. “Nancy,” I said with a tap on my nametag. “But I’ve been sick before, and it never seemed to affect my Life Counter.” “Is that what you call it?” She laughed a bit and placed one of her hands on mine. It felt cold, and I cupped it in both of mine to keep it warm. “I always called it the Clock.” Without realizing it, both of our Life Counters rose. We went on to discuss how it worked, and what it implied. She had found a place for her in the Church as she studied what the Clock meant. She’d been convinced that we were something akin to Grim Reapers, Ankou, or even something like Mot or Charon. I understood about half of it. In turn, I explained my video game theory and she agreed that giving us a benefit could just be “Game Balancing” but she emphasized that we could make the same bad decisions as the departing and lose years on our counters in the blink of an eye. She was right, of course. Later that week, after a twenty-hour shift, I’d just put on my coat and pulled out my keys for the thirty-minute drive home when I passed by Maggie’s door and heard her shriek from within. “NANCY!” I stopped and ran into her room. She was staring above my head. “Twenty-five minutes.” I looked in a mirror, the bags under my eyes had bags. But over my head, my Life Counter read “00:00:00:00:24:48” I stepped back and almost fell onto her bed. “You won’t be driving home tonight,” she said gesturing at the couch in her room. “You won’t make it.” I agreed. But when I woke, I found that Maggie had left in the night. It was a long time later that I truly understood. She’d only agreed to accept her doctor’s request because she would be needed. For me. Balancing. The Dev Team was on their game. With all that had come in recent months, I couldn’t stay at the oncology ward upstate much longer. I took a leave of absence long before Covid-19 hit our shores to help out at NYU Medical Center in the heart of the city. Somehow, I knew it was coming. It wasn’t a side quest; this was the main storyline mission. But a month into the outbreak in NYC, and I didn’t feel like I was helping enough. My counter hadn’t risen in weeks, and worse of all the bodies were beginning to pile up. We’d needed to order a refrigerated trailer just to house what we couldn’t fit in our overflowing morgue. It was Friday. I left the room we kept a seven-year-old boy named Tyler in. He was positive for corona virus and not responding well to treatment. His counter said he had just over two days. He was still coherent but in isolation, and could barely breathe with the ventilator. But worst of all, his parents were not allowed in the hospital. We skyped them daily, but ultimately this child was dying alone, surrounded by anonymous doctors and nurses with masks and gloves, without understanding why. Nothing I’d tried had helped in the least. It was all I could do to keep the tears at bay. I still had more patients to visit on my rounds, including a new tenant two rooms down. I changed my gloves and mask before checking on them. It was Maggie. But My elation was short lived as I realized her counter had only four days left. “Maggie?” Her eyes eased open and took a while to focus on me before she feebly said “Nancy?” “Maggie,” I began exasperated. “You should still have another twenty-five years or so. What happened?” Maggie huffed as she struggled to find words without her ventilator. “It’s worse, Nancy… Worse than polio. I had to open our doors. Help who I could. The Clock be damned.” I explained what had happened here at NYU. I talked about my patients, how I didn’t seem to be helping. I cried about Tyler. I could feel how cold Maggie’s hand was through my glove. “It’s not about their Clocks anymore, Nancy. It’s…not even about.. yours. The Final Boss. It takes a risk to beat. And some risks, we don’t beat.” I understood. When I left her room that night, I took off my gloves and mask. I sat by Tyler’s bed and I held his small hand against my cheek until he woke. “Hi there,” I began. “I’m your nurse, Nancy. And I’m going to stay here with you.” Tears followed well-worn tracks on his cheeks as he smiled weakly. “But you’ll run out of time.” “I don’t care,” I admitted through the well of tears. And I didn’t. My Life Counter would reach zero sooner than I’d expected, but in the end, it gave him more time on his.
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esreviun · 5 years
extubation (2012)
for myself, five years ago.
An endotracheal tube doesn’t come out very easily. The masses of surgical tape that hold it to your face aren’t there to keep it from accidentally slipping out of you. It’s firmly in there. It climbs up from your lungs out through your mouth and clings to the inside of your throat like something with legs. No the tape is there to keep it from moving at all. Anything— the smallest shift in your position a cough moving your arm too far— can pull a little on that tube and set your throat on fire. It doesn’t hurt— it burns. Every four hours a nurse comes in and rolls you onto your other side “to prevent bedsores.” You want to shout at them to leave you alone. You don’t care about bedsores, you care about breathing. But they still come in every damn four hours like wardens in a jail, making the rounds. It’s worst when they change your diaper. (You can’t afford to feel humiliated that you have to wear a diaper.) They have to flip you over more than once: take off the left side, flip, take off the right side, flip, put on a new one, flip, turn you over to fasten it, flip. With each flip your throat blazes and chokes you. You squeeze your eyes shut your face pressed into that horrible dank standard-issue hospital bedsheet and try not to cry from the pain. Every day. Every night. 
All this and yet when they actually remove the tube you’re terrified. You don’t want it to go. At least while it’s here, you know you can breathe— but they say that you’re probably strong enough to breathe on your own now without the ventilator. Probably?! They don’t feel like waiting until they’re sure? The nurses prop you up and get their equipment set out on the tray beside your bed. The attending makes a point of telling you: there’s a chance this might not work and you might have to be re-intubated. Just so you know. Thanks, you want to say. Thanks for paralyzing me with terror. Your bedside manner leaves absolutely nothing to be desired. She readies herself at the head of your bed and holds onto the end of the tube that’s sticking out between your chapped lips.
“When I count to three,” she says, “cough really hard.” 
She counts to three.
You cough.
i haven’t forgotten i’ll never forget
Junior year is when bad things start to happen, things that scare you for the first time. Pulmonology appointments were just a thing you did, until now. Like any other regular checkup. You grew up surrounded by doctors and hospitals and people poking at you and asking questions. It was normal. Being disabled was normal. You would gripe at your parents after church— after some well-meaning adult told you how inspirational you were or treated you like some paragon of bravery— saying, you didn’t envy birds for being able to fly, why would you envy other people for being able to walk? Reach things on high shelves? Take the stairs instead of the elevator? It’s not a big deal. It’s never been a big deal. Until now.
It’s the summer of 2006. Your doctors want to see you. They start running more tests. They ask you to breathe into a machine. Into another machine inside a glass box. Into another machine attached to a computer. Every time your chest rises or falls it makes numbers on screens. Every time you visit, the numbers are smaller. Your specialists start throwing code words around. Decreased lung capacity. Respiratory decline. More invasive solutions. God, you pray one night in bed, tears pricking at your eyes, please don’t let me get a ventilator.
Years later in your college dorm room you will write a poem about how it feels to hook up to your ventilator after a long day, how that first perfect breath of air rushes in and transforms you. You’ll sit there for fifteen minutes just trying to figure out how to describe that moment. It will overwhelm you. Eventually you will settle for: all you have to do is sit there and let it fill you all the way up like you’re being changed from a scribble into a sound like suddenly your shape means something but it won’t be good enough. It won’t capture it. So much of your poetry over the next several years will be trying to get another person to feel ventilated. So many of your poems will be coughs.
Over the months, you shrink. September and October pass. In your high school advisory photo, which you still have today you look tiny, a massive brown striped turtleneck sweater billowing over you like you’re a sheep. When you shear the wool off of a sheep the animal underneath is thin and scraggly. When you take off your clothes, you’re skin and bones. You try to explain, to concerned friends, what your doctors told you: the less oxygen you get, the harder it is for your body to keep going. You sleep badly at night. This makes you tired. Your body works harder to keep you breathing. You burn through calories. You become bony. You can’t get comfortable in bed. So you don’t sleep well. And so you’re more tired. And so you lose more weight. It’s a vicious cycle, you say. But your doctors are going to help you break it. You have no idea how.
(You don’t say that.)
You know that to help you sleep your pediatrician suggests Tylenol PM. Every night your mom puts the little plastic cup of golden syrup by your toothbrush on the bathroom counter. You swallow it. It tastes like bitter vanilla. (You will still remember this taste in five years and it will still make your stomach churn.) You know that pulmonologists prescibe you inhalers and expensive medications to make your breathing easier. You know that they’re giving you a lot of things to make a lot of things easier. But you also know the worst part: that no one seems to be able to explain what’s happening. You hear a lot of explanations for the how but very few for the why. You wish you could sit your body down and look it in the eye and ask it to explain. It changes under your fingertips and it won’t tell you why. 
Every day you come home from school a little more exhausted and put your hand on your chest and wonder why you can’t count on your lungs anymore.
i can trust in your sinew and mystery but— never quite enough
Sometimes when it’s too much you park your wheelchair in front of the wooden computer desk in the sunroom and you put in your headphones and listen to a mandolin instrumental. The same one, every time. Kneel Before Him. Chris Thile. You’ve played this song in your ears more times than you can count now. You close your eyes and focus on the notes. The mandolin takes you away.
You’ll write another poem in a few months about how your body has fought its hardest for you your whole life. And then you’ll write another poem about how your body has been betraying you your whole life. And then you’ll write another poem about how you can’t decide which one it is. And then you’ll keep writing those poems forever.
A dietician gives you this command: Keep a journal of everything you eat. Every day. Try to eat as many calories as you can. Eat whatever you want, as much as you can hold, whenever you’re even a little bit hungry.
In theory this is the best doctor’s order ever. In practice it’s a nightmare. You have no appetite. It’s wasted away. Early in the mornings before school you eat breakfast in the near-dark of the dining room and while your dad clears away the dishes afterward you scratch ¼ waffle w/syrup, 1 sausage, 2 oz. whole milk onto the next page of the small black notebook you carry with you now in your purse. Your dad makes you eat another quarter of a waffle. It slides thickly down your throat. You can’t remember enjoying food. You try to force down the nutritional supplements— the packets of clear starchy calorie gloop that your mom stirs into your mashed potatoes or mac ‘n’ cheese, the chocolate Boost shakes that are okay, you guess just more…cardboardy than chocolate is supposed to taste. You really try. But it isn’t enough.
They weigh you in February. You can’t stand on a scale so your dad picks you up and stands on it and then the doctor weighs him alone and subtracts the numbers. You measure 4’8”. You weigh 62 pounds. Sixty-two pounds. You’re sixteen years old.
(When you’re older you’ll wonder what the look on your dad’s face was when the doctor read your weight out. But you won’t remember it. You’ll remember the backs of your knees sticking to the rubber edge of the examination table and the weight settling into your chest.)
The doctor says the words feeding tube. You shake your head. That’s not going to happen. Ever. You tell him how on the ride home from school last week you ate an entire jelly donut and it was the first time in your life that you’d ever been congratulated for finishing junk food. The doctor laughs. So does your dad. You wish their smiles would reach their eyes.
You have to go to your mandolin when you get home.
it rests on my lap, indenting the tops of my legs the smooth soft neck of it against my face my right hand gripping the far side of its body i can imagine the inside of that dark, empty body so much like mine hollow, the way the universe was before there were stars
It was important to you even before this all began, the mandolin. You’d wanted one for years. Your grandparents buy you one for your sixteenth birthday. It’s not expensive and it goes out of tune easily and you’re not very good at it. You’ll only ever learn four or five chords and a couple of clumsy strumming patterns. Your hands are a little too small and your fingers weak and soft. The callouses don’t form quickly. Your fingertips burn. But you revel in it. You’ve never pushed your body to do anything before. You dig those strings into the pads of your fingers so hard that they leave marks that last for hours.
“When I count to three, cough really hard.” 
There’s an afternoon at school when you suddenly have to leave class and go and lie down in the counselor’s office because you feel dizzy and your head is throbbing and you’re so, so tired and you don’t know what’s going on. Your heart pounds. You’ve always been scared when your heart pounds. In eighth grade you remember feeling your heart racing and worrying that something was wrong with you like you might be having a heart attack or something. And when you were a sophomore you would freak out when you felt short of breath even though your parents would always assure you that it’s okay, honey there’s nothing wrong with you you’re fine. You’re just having an anxiety attack. It feels like you can’t get enough air but you can.
In five years you’ll know that some of these times there really was nothing wrong with you and you really were imagining it. But other times your parents were wrong. Other times were preludes to what was coming next. You were right not to trust your body. You never know.
i am covered in memorials of the times you have turned against me 
During the last week of March you’re home from school with a cold. You’ll remember that last day of school. You sat in the empty cafeteria with a book while it thunderstormed outside. The whole wall of the room was windows, and the rain and the dark and the silence of the trees heaving to and fro in the wind made you feel like you were sealed inside of a fish bowl Alex, one of your senior friends, sat down and made some jokes with you. Then you went home.
You’ve never written a poem about that day. Maybe you should.
Very early in the morning on Sunday, April 1st you wake up and call your mom into your bedroom to get you a glass of water. Your voice is faint. When she turns on the light your lips and fingernails are blue.
In the emergency room the nurses take one look at you and rush you back into an examination room where they stick a probe on your finger and read that your oxygen saturation is 60% and dropping. Someone gives you an oxygen mask. It seems to help. They think you’re falling back asleep.
You’re not. Your right lung is collapsing. You don’t have a cold, you have pneumonia. It’s spread into your bloodstream. Septic. Hypocarbic. Pneumothorax. Your body begins to shut down. Your parents are rushed out of the room.
(You will remember none of this. The only memory you’ll retain of that night will be protesting no, I’m FINE, just give me a glass of water and let me go back to sleep, Mom, it’s not a big deal, I feel perfectly fine. You’ll laugh when you remember this because you know now that oxygen deprivation can make a person confused or, in your case, a blithering idiot.)
EMTs and nurses crowd your bed. Someone presses a plastic mask over your nose and mouth. You’re long unconscious by now. They pump air into your starved lungs and outside of the room a nurse has to guide your mom to a chair so that she doesn’t pass out.
(It will occur to you long after this that if you hadn’t been thirsty that night you wouldn’t have called for a drink and woken your mom up and no one would have known that your body was suffocating you in your sleep. Your parents would have found you dead in your bed the next morning. Your whole face would have been blue.)
you have been warring me off of this territory since the moment i set foot on it and on the day when you win i will make sure that the last word is mine
i will be riddled with scars and i will not go quietly
You don’t die. Remember this. You don’t die. You push your body against that hospital so hard that it leaves marks that last for years. 
actually the sword is much mightier than the pen
No hospital room has white walls— not really— not the ones you stay in with the bad lighting and the dismal curtains and various baffling objects hung up around the bed that look like surely they must do something very important but hell if you have any idea what.
(In two months you’ll recognize them all.)
But for some reason white light is the first thing you’re going to remember. Maybe everything just seems bright to you because your eyes have been closed for so long.
Here is what you remember from week one:
You see your parents’ faces.
They’re crying.
That can’t be a good sign.
You drift.
And drift.
When you’re still sixteen still in the hospital you’ll write a poem called How To Spin Starlight. It will be the first poem you have written in months— months— and it will go like this:
the stars said “spin us” and i took a weary breath and turned the universe upside-down to draw some thread from black, black stars and spin it into glittering
It will be rubbish.
When you’re seventeen one of your best friends will tell you you don’t need the last two lines and you’ll realize she’s right. All the poem is about is being turned upside-down.
While you lie there with a tube down your throat and a tube up your nose and a tube up your urethra and a tube sticking into your foot and a tube sticking into your hand and a tube stapled into the side of your chest and a whole handful of tubes buried under the skin of your collarbone, the Easter Bunny comes.
He visits every patient in the pediatric intensive care unit. Even the ones in medically-induced comas. He bends over your pale, prone form in the hospital bed a horrifying specter of pink plush and oversized costumed limbs.
Someday you will see a photo of this.
You will wonder who in their right mind thought this was a good idea.
After about a week they take you off the sedatives and you think it’s Wednesday. You burst into tears when they tell you you’re wrong. You have no idea why. Your parents try to calm you down and explain why you’re here because you don’t remember and you don’t understand. You can’t breathe. You can’t talk. You’re broken.
When you’re eighteen you will write a poem about your mandolin.
i am acutely aware that my horizontal wrist veins and tendons are stretched out against its vertical eight strings and imagine that with a little maneuvering they could be woven together gold and silver strings with scarlet ones
You won’t have played it for years but you’ll remember the smoothness of its body the arch of its neck the friction of its strings. In your poem you will compare it to your body: this instrument which you are not very good at controlling and which sometimes doesn’t behave.
if i lifted my fingertips a quiver might start in the deep places of that body run up along that delicate neck reach the string-tips stay there—shuddering— and release a note sweet into space
It will occur to you two years later that this is wrong. You are not an instrument because when instruments shatter they can’t be repaired. Your fingers still run over the skin of your chest and your side and your hands sometimes over bumps and indentations and rough patches and you think it would be awfully cheesy to compare myself to a poem, wouldn’t it? A poem constantly being revised?
The nurse’s grip tightens on your endotracheal tube.
You cough.
You’ll try so many times over the next five years to explain what that tube feels like coming out— ripping out, more like it as though it wants to take your whole throat with it. What will be harder, though is describing what it feels like immediately afterwards: the gasping, the choking, the sensation of having lost the one thing that was weighing you down keeping you from floating away and yet at the same time feeling suddenly so unbelievably heavy. The nurses fit a mask over your nose: a C-PAP machine, to assist your breathing. It doesn’t help much. You haven’t taken a breath on your own in two weeks. You’ve entirely forgotten how. They keep saying you’re all right, you’re doing fine but you’re so scared you’re shaking and so finally in an effort to distract you and calm you down someone finds a DVD for you to watch. It’s “Grease.” It’s terrible. You watch it anyway, though because what else are you going to do? Your dad stays in the room with you. It’s dark— it’s the middle of April in Michigan and the blinds are drawn over the one window anyway— and you think, I could die here, sitting in a dark room and watching “Grease.” This could be how I actually die.
It isn’t, though.
It isn’t.
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Radio Head - Chapter IV. (Trinity Blood RAM 5)
Radio Head - Prologue Radio Head - Chapter I Radio Head - Chapter II Radio Head - Chapter III Radio Head - Chapter IV Radio Head - Epilogue
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Chapter IV
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At first sight it looked like a steel spider crawling up clumsy from the gaping wide hole on the floor. However it was impossible that such a being in nature would exist. The colossus which revealed himself on the deck with a giant body close to 4 meters in diameter, shedding a dim light from the steel body and with a weird rotating gatling gun tower ---- was XAM. Additionally from the head of the spider were rotating cameras to see. An external speaker occasionally spat scratching noises mixed with a voice.
  〈CAN……CAN NOT die……〉
It sounded as if a dead person were sobbing while crouching at the entrance of the netherworld. At the beginning it was so  quiet, that it was hard to understand. Lament with interruptions, but it tended to become gradually stronger till it reached a level of a shrill scream.
   〈CAN NOT die, CAN NOT die, CAN NOT die, CAN NOT die, CAN NOT die, CAN NOT die, CAN NOT die, CAN NOT dieeeeeeeee!!!〉
The screech of the woman and the scream of the sergeant overlapped each other. Giving a roar similar to the operating noise of the machine saw the gatling gun threw gunfire. The 12,75 millimeter machine gun bullet is enough to transform an armored vehicle easely into a honeycomb. As the detonation blast sounded on the surface of the deck, the above mentioned giant sergeant who was about to lift the muzzle, and the soldiers were turned in an instant into a bloodstained lump of meat. The salty sea breeze was mixed with terrible blood smell.
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The next scream came from all the passengers who stood a bit away from the place of the tragedy and saw everything with their own eyes. The iron monster that suddenly appeared and the death he has scattered seemingly made the people lose their mind. Although the soldiers tried to control the situation with warnings, but even so, everybody tried to escape by running as if they didn’t hear---- but nevertheless, the multi-legged tank turret rotated faster. Deep holes drilled into the deck, one by one, and severed the escaping people right in the middle like a devilish sword. Moreover the gunfire stretched out upwards without a pause and skewered the airship that noticed the incident and was trying to change the course straight from the front.
      “Th…this voice is Francoise?! Idiot, she is…..”
The airship with the smashed gasbag turned into a gigantic fireball accompanied by a load explosion. Claude muttered dumbfounded while he was watching the explosion lights and the blaster above his head. The soldier just like he were watching a daydream wandered his gaze around, but suddenly came to his senses and raised his gaze, besides he drew closer to Puppeteer who was holding his chin with a self-satisfied look.
        “Ex…explain it, you bastard! What on earth is that?!”
       “Hmm, there is a theory of mine…”
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The young man answered in a serious and disappointed tone while on his beautiful face appeared sorrow indeed, but in fact he was desperately trying to resist to the urge not to roll around on the floor laughing. He pointed his sharp chin toward the iron spider, which was going berserk among the passengers and the soldiers who were running for their life, and took its victims en masse with its fireline and gigantic body, one after another.
         “The brain of your beloved suffered by the accident an irreparable damage, isn’t that so? At the time Dr. Dupree made his wife resurrect, I guess, he gave up to restore the brain in its original state. And finally, instead, he was searching for an exterior replacement……at any rate, at that time this thing was obviously just around the corner with its high-powered electric intelligence, the computer that could be used for that purpose.”           “The control system of XAM! Really? That’s why Lois was walking around the whole time with this monster. Because Francoise was in there…”
        “Something like that. However, to be exact, most likely it’s only a part of her soul copied into the machine, because only the memory field was substituted.”
The evil speech of the young man did not seem to have reached the ears of Claude. No, even if he heard it, he probably would have ignored it. He dropped his gun and sauntered off empty handed on the shaken deck. The iron monster screaming with the voice of a woman was there still producing blood, flesh and death en masse. The man walked in front of the monster without a sign of fear.
           “Francoise…….are you suffering, aren’t you……?”
The voice of Claude was soft and sounded for an insensate military person quite strange. Putting up both hands frankly as if he was about to hug his love he kept walking toward the multi-legged tank.
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         “Francoise, poor……”
      〈CAN NOT die,…… CAN NOT die〉
The front camera similar to the head of a spider turned toward the approaching man. Accompanied by inorganic machine sounds the foot actuator began to operate and the colossus turned to Claude. But the man showed no sign of fear at all while he was standing in front of the approaching woman, tearfully in front of his former lover, whom he had stolen her life. He gently whispered with a solemn expression on his face as he looked up to the multi-legged tank which was moving his legs ominously smooth toward him. At this moment----- The foot of XAM stopped. Literally, the forefoot hung up in the air.
If the he would have stopped about 2 minutes later the body of Claude would have been squashed with the weight of more than 10 tons. The gigantic foot with the metal tube and the actuator implemented in it, touched even his hair but stopped in the air.
Was it because a god felt pity about the unfortunate soul or maybe an angel was emotionally touched by the love which had overcome even the fear, that it caused a miracle to happen ---- but it was such a beautiful sight completely reminiscent of a religious painting.
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In this sacred tranquility Claude reached out his hand to touch the tank and whispered to his beloved.
        “No matter what shape you have become, you are still you..... I love you. Let us go together. Somewhere at a quite place, just the two of us, let us stay together, Francoise……”
The love of the man was sincere without and if nobody interrupts this confession may last until eternity ---- if that steel foot overhead wouldn’t simply crush down onto him and smash his brain.
         “…….oops, that’s what I call instant death”
From the man whose head was easily trampled only his body was twitching on the foot of the multi-legged tank. On the other hand the tank gained again mobility. It didn't care about the man who just became a lump of meat. It lifted its leg and pulled up blood and cerebral fluid like a thread and returned to battle mode again.
       “Oh, what a heartbreaking scene…. however it was the doctor who gave her this shape but the original cause were you, Lieutenant. Being told by such guys, 'I love you!', usually makes one just angry.”
     〈kill,....me kill....kill, kiLL, kILL, KILL, KILL〉
While Puppeteer was immersed in deep emotion the multi-legged tank continued its death march. Over the armed group that have lost their will to fight and the surviving frightened passenger swirled the sword of massacre once again.
       “Oh my, ……..is it totally out of control?”
Puppeteer lamented in front of the tank, which trampled the people trying to escape or continued to mow them down with the machine-gun fire.
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But meanwhile he moved his fingers, reminiscent of a pianist, with fine movements in order to implant his “threads” into the corpses lying around. No matter how many people died, he wouldn’t care but if the ship sinks he will be in a big trouble. It’s really cold. And he really didn’t want to swim in the middle of winter.
        “I’m not supposed to have such a fight scene[1] as my hobby, ……..besides, this sort of trouble should be dealt with by “Magician”.
The young man grumbled while the “puppets” began to move.
Just a few minutes ago those lumps of meat lived, laughed, were talking about love. Now the heads were blown off by bullets, the internal organs were entirely squashed by the steel foot. But still, the muscles which were about to torn and the bones which were about to break have began to obey according to the pseudo-signal transmitted by the “threads”
and they started to deal with the requested tasks -------- the dead silently standing in the way of the multi-legged tank began to bury their claws into the monster. They used their already torn muscles to crawl up on the frame of the machine.
Of course the self-defense program of XAM bombed the opponents getting closer with a storm of bullets but as you know the dead have no fear. With half of the bodies blown off, though the strange insect-like crowd was still stuck to the frame and were trying to hook their fingernails into the tiny crevices of the armoring an tear it off. It seemed that the iron beast would be helplessly a prey of the crowd of the dead…..
Suddenly Puppeteer who was looking bored by the sight of the awful scene turned his eyes away,
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because a flickering light exploded around the XAM. The field of vision which had dyed pure white for a moment, normalized again after a few seconds. In his sight which began to regain colors again emerged shadows of the “puppets” clinging on the multi-legged tank and now they began to fall down one by one. All of them carbonized beyond all recognition.
         „Wow! That’s amazing! Was it an electromagnetic net? It was just killing more birds with one stone!”
The young man frowned by the stench of burned flesh rubbed his still unclear eyes. However as he saw that the multi-legged tank which burnt his “puppets” to ashes turned toward another direction, he couldn’t help but ducked.
           “Oops, no time to admire. Well then, should I do…?”
For implanting his “threads” into the corpses in the surroundings and make a shield of them wasn’t enough time left. Moreover all the corpses have suffered heavy damages so that they aren’t suitable for manipulation. Nevertheless he still tried hard to launch his “threads” some of the bodies, but…..
        „O-oh….don’t say it’s too late?”
The “puppets” just stood up with many trouble were trampled down easily again and the iron monster rushed over to “Puppeteer’s” direction ------- at this moment he showed an unusual serious expression.
      MPH-ARSL-GAIOL[2]、By the name and the sign of the mighty and petty Nothingness, I summon the seal of the sacrificial blood.....
This voice sounded like it wouldn’t come from here but from another world. Maybe as if it was coming from across the distance of the stars or from the deep bottom of the sea.
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Tell me, you angel, even if you has fallen. By the water of life of the innocent, I will set the seal of the contract on this pontoon. Therefore the nameless one who has many names – according to old oath – brings the extermination of our enemy ---- seal of Baphomet, come!
At this moment the huge body of XAM fleshed with red lights.
No, it wasn’t that. At the feet of the multi-legged tank which was closing in on “Puppeteer” appeared suddenly a dazzling light. The source of that glow was a strange circle which unnoticed pierced the deck. It was painted with the fresh blood of the dead who have just died in devastating death. It was as if a crimson snake wriggled drawing a complicated and mysterious magic circle ---- just like as it were a trap to catch the prey.
A dull scream from came from the speaker of XAM. Despite the fact that no blood was flowing in the steel body, it sounded like there were blood blister mixed in the scream.
However a further abnormal phenomenon appeared on the car body: as the magic circle emerged from the floor as if it were the deep-seated grudge of the dead and covered the body of the multi-legged tank from the feets ---- Wait, no! If you look closely, where the body of the multi-legged tank touched the deck, it looked like as if red rust would gradually devour it quickly from the soles on. Although it’s unthinkable that ordinary steel rusts that rapid like this. Not to mention for such an armour-plate made of special steel is absolutely impossible. But actually, in a matter of seconds was the huge body of XAM completely painted with the color of blood.
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As the distinctive stench of iron rust occasionally tickled the nose of “Puppeteer”, the giant completely eaten up by the red rust crushed down to the ground with a thunderous noise.
    〈”Ah, ah, die, I …..!”〉
The speaker partially buried by rust vomited the cracked noise with interruptions.
   〈”Yes…. I can die with this…..with this…..With….Th….”〉
Perhaps it was just a mere coincidence that at the same time as the voice that used up all his strength stopped  like a large animal breathes his last ---- the neck of the external camera broke off. However “Puppeteer” looked at this scene with eyes as he would see something very disgusting, he gave a deep sigh of relief in his heart.
          “This method gives evidence of bad taste….was that you, “Magician”?”
       〈” …..you always say that I have bad taste, don’t you?”〉
The sarcastic laugh resounded from under the feet’s of the young man.
As the reddish brown eyes looked down, his shadow strangely began to bent and then emerged like a thread of dripping darkness while as if somebody would pull it up.
         “My “Seal of Baphomet” is an electrolytic corrosion ---- this is surely an extremely sophisticated “magic” using the potential difference between dissimilar metals and discharge of ions. Calling it as bad taste or something like this….besides that, by all means it saved your life. Apart from what you really think, how about to show a little gratitude at least on the surface, “Puppeteer”?
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         “If you intend to make someone feel grateful take a bit better timing into consideration.”
The young man tried a meager protest against the completely black dressed gentleman who just literally gushed out from the darkness. He pointed at the bloodstain on his coat and pressed accusingly his lips together.
         “You know, this coat was pretty much my favorite one….so if you can use your magic trick to get rid of the stain, I will thank you with all my heart.”
          “Please don’t force me to something irrational like this. It bears repeating: my “Shadow”…… the wormhole isn’t available indefinitely. In the first place the wormhole is a micro-Black Hole of ultra small size. In the second place the world of quantum physics is dominated by far more troublesome principals than the macro-world…..”
          “Oh, how nice of you to say that![3] You saw me being bullied[4] and you were engrossed in your typical immoral pleasure, weren’t you? I sense a faint perversion and scent of conspiracy in your current timing.”
Puppeteer looked at his colleague who was keen at trying to justify himself and made a roguish sound with his throat. Then his gaze randomly shifted to the rusty iron lump lying on the ground.
        “Still, she was happy at the end to die, isn't that right?....Well, with this, I wonder if this story has a Happy Ending?”
       “Honestly, it sounds like you're dissatisfied that the story ended happily, isn’t that so Puppeteer”?”
There was nothing but everywhere miserable corpses of people who had enjoyed their lives without worrying until a few minutes ago:
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bodies turned into mincemeat by the bullets, burnt internal organs, besides, by the influence of the “fibers” still struggling severed arms and legs ------ The black haired gentleman pulled out somewhere a cigarillo while walking towards XAM trying not to step on the human remains scattered in the bloody mud. While he relaxed lit a fire, declared whit a deep voice:
       『Da der Tod (genau zu nehmen) der wahre Endzweck unseres Lebens ist”』[5] ----Mozart. Well, although many things happened, with this she got a rest, and even if we are bored, we will have from now on a calm journey. We all got what we were looking for. Isn’t that great? That’s right, if you like we could return to the lounge and get a drink to celebrate……..Huch ?
The sight of the “Magician” who was exhaling deep purple smoke fell unexpectedly at his feet. The eyes resembling of those of a dead fish were observing the crimson rotten scrapheap. A little while later he turned back to his travelling companion at ease.
      “Oh, this is bad, “Puppeteer”………it seems like I have to take back what I said before.”
      “He, what’s wrong?”
      “Mmh, our wish for a calm journey is seemingly fallen through. It’s because of this…..”
    〈The body damage has exceeded 90%〉
In the machine voice which interrupted the mellow voice of the “Magician”, there was no change at all since it was running wild just a while ago. However, it was neither the dead bride nor that ghost or something like this.
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The camera which should have stopped to operate rotated weakly and the lens captured the black-haired gentleman stood there very disappointed and the young man with the pretty face who was approaching from behind.
       〈From now on in order to maintain the confidentiality of the prototype this machine will switch into self-destruction mode. Persons within a radius of one hundred meters please leave this machine as soon as possible and get into guard position. I repeat: this machine…..〉
         “…..Hey Isaak, what does this mean?”
        “Oh, it seems like the body has returned to sanity ---- presumably as the pseudo-ego in the operation system disappeared, I guess the normal program started to running.”
         “No, that’s not I wanted to ask…… can you stop it? If it explodes in such a place this won’t this ship possibly sink?”
          “I quite agree with you…..unfortunately, it seems it’s a bit too late.”
Raising one eyebrow expressively “Magician” slightly stepped aside in order to let his companion see the running counter from before on the digital display of the lower part the multi legged tank. Right after that all the numbers on the liquid crystal display changed to zero ---- an then there was a violent explosion.
                                          (End of Part IV)
[1]荒 事 - Kabuki genre with brave warriors and grim deities and demons
[2] In Enochian (occult language recorded by John Dee and Edward Kelley in 1582), Mph Arsl Gaiol is the Holy name of the element Water.
[3] そんなこと言って – used if somebody gets angry or mad
[4] I guess he means by it that he was in trouble.
[5] As death, when we come to consider it closely, is the true goal of our existence. - This sentence is in the original Japanese novel written in German with katakana.
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monaisme · 3 years
Day 14: “I didn’t mean it.”
Day 14: “I didn’t mean it.”
In the end, it was Captain Marvel who wielded the gauntlet.
Carol, in her infinite awesomeness had snatched the gauntlet from Peter’s hands and snapped. That simple action had taken an intergalactic madman, the likes of which you’d only see in a superhero movie, and turned him and all of his minions to dust.
It would have been the perfect end to the battle except for the fact that they’d all been standing too close to the concussive blast of the infinity stones righting the universe.
And even that would have been okay, if not for the rubble that they’d fought upon... and the pieces of rebar that had pierced Mr. Stark’s lung and shoulder.
Peter had pulled himself up from where he’d landed and rushed towards his mentor, ignoring his own injuries, and not knowing what he would find. When he saw that the man was in obvious pain and afraid, Peter knelt before him, “Mr. Stark! We did it!” he announced. He opened his mouth to say more, but was pulled aside by Thor to make room for Ms. Potts and Mr. War Machine, which was okay because of course they’d want to be with him and he was just... well.
Instead, Peter stepped even further back, watched, and waited alone on the periphery.
Peter was starting to feel pretty nauseous even as he tried to tamp it down.  The cacophony of activity and sound around Mr. Stark was too much—the whispered chatter about the now diagnosed concussion from impact, the strangled gasping for breath, the panic of trying to keep Tony awake, the sluggish pulsing of blood from his wounds... and the gradually slowing beat of Mr. Stark’s heart.
Please no.
A circle of fire, like the one Doctor Strange had used on Titan and to get them back to the battle appeared and the man himself walked through. He threw his fire circle to envelop Tony and those closest to him, and in a literal flash, they were gone.
Peter stood there staring at the spot they’d only just occupied and hoped that they’d get Mr. Stark to help on time. If anything happened to him, when Peter had already blown it back on Titan? Well-- He didn’t know what he would do.
It was a few minutes before someone approached him there, not that he’d noticed, trapped in his own thoughts.
“Hey, um, Peter, right?” Captain America walked up to him slowly.
He blinked, Peter, and realized he was being spoken to—and that his mask was still clutched in his hand.
He looked all around him, and noted that he was surrounded by several Rogue Avengers—but... were they still rogue? Did it even matter now?
Peter cleared his throat. He figured he needed to answer before it got any weirder, “Yeah. That’s me.” He cocked his head in sudden confusion, ignoring the pain when he moved it. He needed to know, “How do you know my name?” Mr. Stark had been so adamant that the Rogues not know who he was.
The others seemed to get his discomfort, so they all spread out, picking through the debris.
Captain America just smiled gently, “You’re Peter Parker, A.K.A. Spider-Man. You were one of The Lost.“ Captain America paused to let him take that part in.
Captain America nodded. “Thanos snapped five years ago and half the universe disappeared. We were stuck for a while on how to make things right,” Captain America pulled back his cowl and scrubbed at his hair, “But we finally got there with a fresh perspective.” He pointed to the guy that had done the small-big thing at the airport in Germany. “And then Tony just needed that last push to get us over the finish line.”
Captain America didn’t add anything to that, but the thought felt unfinished so Peter asked. “Um, the last push?”
Captain America smiled again, “You haven’t figured it out? Peter—that last push was you. Tony was a shell of himself. He tried so hard to pretend that he could be happy with stepping back, but he hid away.” He stepped closer to Peter, “He hid away until he realized he could get you back and then risked everything to do it.” He paused. “So, yeah, all of this,” he waved a useless hand around him, “is because of you.”
Him? Peter took that moment to take in the devastation they stood in the midst of. There was no distraction of battle, just fire and smoke and dust and ash settling upon the bodies—Peter gasped. There were bodies scattered across the battlefield. It didn’t matter where he looked, he could see them, human and alien alike.
And as he saw them, he thought of Mr. Stark. Was he dead, too? Had Peter played a part in the death of another person he cared for?
How could he ever redeem himself?
Before he could even process the magnitude of that impossible task, Captain America was leading him away from the carnage and toward one of the fire rings being generated—by monks? It was getting to be too much so Peter closed his eyes and trusted Captain America to lead him wherever he needed to be.
A wash of warmth overwhelmed and distracted him from his dark thoughts. He opened his eyes to see an open field of green with rings opening and closing all over the place, leaving Peter confused as he tried to figure things out. “Where are we?” he asked as he spun around. “I don’t—“ Peter stared up at the unfamiliar sky and his heart raced. “Please,” he whispered. “I can’t—“ he choked out. The idea of another battle on another planet so soon... too soon! But it was his fault and if he needed—needed to... His chest tightened and he couldn’t catch his breath. “Capt—“ he wheezed.
Apparently Captain America knew what Peter was struggling with immediately and stepped in front of him. “Hey, hey! Peter. You’re okay, son.” He grabbed at the scruff of Peter’s neck and tried to squeeze in an effort to ground him—which would have maybe worked if Captain America hadn’t pulled his hand away to see the fresh blood that no one had noticed because Peter had really needed a haircut for the last FIVE years.
Peter’s brain chose that moment to ignore all outside attempts at help.
The wizard had said it had been five years and Peter hadn’t believed him.
And then Peter was fighting aliens with Mr. Stark who wasn’t stabbed and bleeding to death on an orange planet somewhere out wherever...
And Mr. Stark was holding him, trying to keep him together, but it was hopeless and he’d been so afraid because it hurt and took so long.
Captain America had said it had been five years and Peter thought maybe the wizard was right...
—Because then Mr. Stark really was impaled and bleeding to death there on Earth and maybe he was dead like all the bodies back on that field while Peter wondered what planet he was even on.
He must have had some sort of tell, because Peter could barely make out the desperate shouting of Captain America for ‘Sam!’ before his eyes rolled to the back of his head and he was gone.
* * * * * *
Peter wasn’t awake to hear the laundry list of injuries he’d accumulated during his time on Titan and in Upstate New York.
He wasn’t awake for the stitches and he even slept through the insertion of an IV to keep him hydrated after his unconscious state reached the three hour mark.
Oddly enough, he was awake enough to hear the conversation between Ms. Potts and the doctor on the other side of the hallway as he lay in his bed, thank you very much, super hearing.
“... so yes, Mrs. Stark, the concussion will resolve in a week at the most, but even with physiotherapy, there is still a risk that the damage to his left arm is irreversible.” Peter guessed that it was a doctor who had spoken.
“You haven’t met him, he’ll be up and on the mend in no time.” Ms. Potts spoke—er, Mrs. Stark, he meant, spoke with assurance.
Peter’s heart dropped. Mr. Stark lived for working with his hands and the thought that he couldn’t...
No. Peter would find a way to make it right for Mr. Stark, and he would find a way to atone for his role in all of that death. Now.
His plan was to get out of this med bay and figure out where he was. Only then could he figure out how to get where he needed to go. Simple right?
The move from lying to sitting was not complicated in theory, but near impossible in execution. His left arm was trapped in a weird sling that limited not just the arm, but his shoulder and ribs movement as well. What should have been easy suddenly involved more muscles than his body was willing to allow.
But that might have been the painkillers.
Peter noted the IV in his right arm as soon as he recognized the haziness in his thought process. With his left arm completely out of commission, Peter needed to use the tools at hand, which is why he decided using his teeth to rip the offending bringer of painkillers from his body was the best course of action. He needed a clear mind.
Someone walked past the door to his room, so Peter feigned sleep and slipped his now bleeding hand underneath himself. He needed to get out, and if doing so meant he had to play the waiting game, then so be it.
Then Peter fell back to sleep.
He wasn’t sure how long he’d slept, but he was certain that he’d have no problem staying awake now that the painkillers were leaving his system. The pain was barely manageable. It didn’t matter, though.
He dragged his arm out from beneath him, shaking it awake as he tried again to get up from the bed, and failing again. It wasn’t supposed to be this hard!
The pain was getting worse, of course. What did he expect? But then desperation got the better of him. He was already suffering. Why was he allowing it to stop him from accomplishing his goal? It was totally a mind over matter thing. Right?
With no second thoughts and a burst of strength, Peter grabbed the edge of the bed and pulled himself up, stifling a scream as he twisted to swing his legs off the bed. Black spots danced before his eyes and he swayed where he sat but sheer stubbornness kept him from toppling to the ground.
He thought he’d heard some movement in the hallway outside of his room, but couldn’t do anything more than freeze and hope for the best.
No one entered.
Finally, he started to feel a little steadier. Yes, he still hurt, but he had his spider-healing. He’d be fine. He could push through it. He’d done it before. He had work to do and it wasn’t gonna get done if he was sitting on this butt doing nothing. He owed everyone that much.
Again, no second thoughts, Peter pushed forward, planting his feet on the ground.
He was really starting to hate the black spots.
They cleared up faster this time, which was good, and with a steadiness allowed only through the use of sticky fingers and a snail’s pace, he made it to the hallway.
He just needed to make his way—
A throat cleared. “It was a real pain getting you into that bed in the first place, Mr. Glue Hand. You’d sure as hell better have a good reason for being out of it.”
Peter froze.
Falcon stood up from the chair outside of his room, and stepped in front of him. “Well, kid? Care to share with the class?”
Another person stepped into the hallway. “Peter? Honey, what are you up for? You should be in bed!” Ms. Potts—shoot! Mrs. Stark rushed forward, Peter knew, to usher him back, but the idea of her helping him when he’d messed up so big? It was too much.
He quickly stepped back and out of her grasp, not thinking that he’d let go of his support to do so. The black spots reappeared, and Peter knew no more.
* * * * * *
The next time his eyes opened, Peter was not alone.
“Welcome back to the land of the living, kid.”
Peter turned his head carefully and blinked, trying to clear his head. If he’d thought he was muzzy before, this was a whole other level.
Falcon leaned forward in the chair he was sat in, seemingly analyzing the boy in the bed. “How are you feeling?”
He took a deep breath, willing the clean air to help him focus. “I’m good,” he muttered. If he could convince them maybe he could go and get down to work.
“Kid, the doctors have final say on when you leave that bed... but I want to know, what kind of work are you talking about?” Falcon asked.
Peter blinked again. Falcon could read minds?
He smirked. “You bumped your shoulder again on the way down, Peter. The doctors upped your pain meds due to the re-injury and the fact that you burned through them so fast the last time.” He ruffled Peter’s hair and leaned back in his seat. “And I’m not a mind reader. You just think really loud.”
Peter thought about that for a second, or tried to, but was interrupted.
“You didn’t answer me, kid. What kind of work do you need to do so bad that you’re climbing out of bed while dosed to the gills on drugs?”
Peter stared at Falcon while trying to think quiet. He couldn’t know that this was all his fault and that he had to... had to... had...
“What do you have to do, Peter?”
“Dammit! Was I thinking loud again?”
Falcon smiled a little softer. “Sorry, bud, you were.”
“Dammit.” He closed his eyes in embarrassment—until Peter ever so unintentionally turned that into a doze. When he woke up, though, Falcon was still there, playing on a tablet. It was almost like they were afraid to leave him alone or something.
“How long was asleep this time?” Peter wanted to know as he ran his hand down his face.
Falcon put down the tablet and looked at his watch, “Maybe an hour and a half.”
He needed to come up with another plan, some way to get Falcon out of his way so he could sneak out and start making up for every screw up he’d made since—“
“C’mon kid. You may not be as entertaining as the last time you were up, but I can still see it on your face. I know the first time we met, we were beating the shit out of each other, but we’re not there now and you look like a man with a lot on his mind.”
Peter thought about it. Falcon had proven that he was a man that did what he thought was right, rules be damned. Maybe he’d understand why Peter had to go. “Mr. Falcon, sir,” Peter started.
He snorted, “Kid, just call me Sam, please.”
Peter nodded. “Mr. Sam, sir, I have to get back out there. I have to go and fix what I can. It’s my fault that—”
“Stop.” Sam interrupted, suddenly looking upset. “Is that what this is about?” He started gesturing about the room. “By the way, the whole prison break thing and all that— that was just gruesome when we got you back in here, kid. There’s a reason they have nurses take IVs out. Seriously, it was like a slasher movie in here and you didn’t even notice!”
Peter felt his face flush and turned it away. “Sorry, Mr. Sam, sir.”
“No, no, no. No looking away. I need you to tell me why you think the actions of that purple ballsack are somehow your fault.”
Peter did look back, quite surprised to see how focussed the man looked. That is what made Peter realize there’d be no getting out of it. “It’s just that Mr. Stark got hurt because of me.” He spoke quiet and low, but Sam listened. “First on Titan when I couldn’t get the glove off of Thanos...” Peter’s chin quivered, but he fought the urge to cry and kept going. “And then when Captain America said that all of this was my fault, I realized that I have to—“
“Stop.” Again Sam interrupted and sought clarification. “When did Steve say that?”
“Um, on the field after...” A few tears escaped. “After they took him away—“ He swiped the tears away. “And now his arm is all messed up and I know it’s gotta be killing him that he may never build with it again and I have to make it up to him somehow...” he trailed off and thought for a moment. “I have to be better.”
Sam stood up, gestured to Peter to wait, and walked to the door of Peter’s room,  looking out into the hallway, first left and then right. Finding who he was hunting for, he hollered, “Yo,’ Cap, get your ass in here!” then stalked back to his seat.
Captain America appeared almost immediately. He smiled at Peter when he saw him lying in the bed, “Hey there, son. How are you?”
Peter gave a weak, wobbly half-smile in return and opened his mouth to answer.
“Nope. No pleasantries until we clear something up.” Sam butted in again. “Can you tell me what you said on the field, after everything was over? ‘Cause I think we have a miscommunication here.”
Appearing to be confused, Captain America obliged, “Sure? I think I told Peter that he was the reason for us finally having the ability and in Tony’s case, the motivation to fight Thanos and win.”
Peter was still feeling foggy, but that wasn’t what he’d said. “You said I was the reason for...” he lifted his hand in an attempt to replicate what Captain America had done, “for all of that.” His attempt at staying calm was failing. “There were so many bodies and...”
Captain America’s eyes were wide with horror. “Peter,” he stepped toward the boy’s bed, “I swear to you, I didn’t mean it—not like that! We brought back half a universe and none of that would have happened without you. Clint is currently on hour two of a phone call with his wife and kids. We can hear the birds singing again!”
Peter fought back, “And Mr. Stark’s arm is damaged to the point where he may never use it the same way again!”
Sam and Captain America looked at each other, confused. “Peter,” Captain America finally said, “Tony’s arm is going to be fine. Why do you think Tony can’t use it?”
Peter refused to be pandered to. “Don’t lie to me, Mr. Captain America, sir. I heard the doctor talking to Ms. Potts.” He realized his error after the fact. “Argh! Mrs. Stark! Whatever! I heard them. He has a concussion and left arm injury that may be permanently damaged!” He took a couple of deep breaths, trying to calm himself. He could tell that his being upset was not helping his situation, and the drugs they were pumping into him were making him feel a little nauseous again.
Sam stepped closer now, “Peter, did a doctor come in to talk to you at all today?”
Peter hesitated before answering. “Why?”
“Peter,” Sam spoke softly. “Those are your injuries. Tony’s arm is hurt because of the rebar, but the repair has been done. Heck, he’s even been awake and talking to Pepper and the rest of us.” He ruffled Peter’s hair again, “Kid, you’re the one they’ve all been talking about.”
“I don’t understand?”
“Peter, I was outside your room waiting for you to wake up so I could talk to you about physiotherapy when you decided to fly the coop. We’d obviously have a professional with us, but Tony and Pepper thought Rhodey and I would be a good support ‘cause Tony will be a pain in the ass if we let him in and he knows it.”
Peter took another look at the sling he was sporting. “Oh.”
“Yeah, oh.”
No one said anything for a bit until Sam piped up, “So the Wakandans—“
“We’re in Wakanda?” Peter called out. “In Africa?”
Sam turned and glared at Captain America, “Did you do anything right with this kid, Steve? Seriously?”
Captain America looked bashful. “Sorry about that, Peter.”
Peter waved it off. “At least I know now,” he replied.
“Well, like I was saying,” he went on, “The Wakandans are hoping you and Tony will be okay to travel in the next day or two so we’re gonna plan for that if you’re cool. Cool?”
Peter nodded.
Captain America stood up, “If that’s settled, I’m going to let Pepper know so that we can start making arrangements.” He stared down at the kid, “I’ll come and visit again tomorrow, if I can get out of my meetings, okay?”
He guessed the life of a super hero never stopped, so he answered with an “Okay,” and Captain America was out the door.
Peter cleared his throat, feeling awkward. “Thanks for sorting that out... I feel kinda’ stupid about the whole thing now that I think about it.”
Sam seated himself. “Steve was communicating with a kid who was injured, terrified, and obviously in shock. The man is both a dorito and a dumbass,” then Sam shrugged. “But what can you do?”
Peter chuckled, “Doesn’t matter. I still ‘preciate it.”
Yup, Sam could definitely tell that he was tired. “Look kid, you get some sleep, alright? And when you wake up, we’ll make sure you’re filled in on everything.”
Peter nodded. “’kay.”
Sam stared at the boy for a second and then added, “And I’m gonna talk to you about some things, too, ‘kay? Because you’ve got some heavy guilt shit to work on and good people don’t deserve that.” Sam laughed at a thought, and added, “... and anyone who calls someone ‘sir’ as often as you do must be a really good person!”
Peter stared back and said nothing.
“And you may be a good person, Peter, but that will not stop me from kicking your ass in physio, got it?”
“Got it.” Peter smiled as he whispered, then closed his eyes, and fell asleep.
0 notes
warmau · 7 years
{Special} College!AU Doyoung
major: pre-law / concentration: business law
minor: comparative literature 
sports: sometimes he says he’ll join tennis team to be closer to taeyong and taeyong begs him not to do that. anything but that.
clubs: book review club, uni orchestra 
everyone knows doyoung as a talker, he talks really well and no matter what he never seems to get nervous when there’s a crowd listening to him
which is why when he says “lawyer” everyone is like,,,,,,,,,,of course
his original plan was to become a professor because he likes books and discussion on literature
like,,,,no joke he’s always staying thirty minutes late debating on theories in books with all his teachers
and some teachers love it while others are like doyoung please i am just a teacher i need to go- and he’s like “have you considered that moby dick is actually trash? here’s 54 reasons why:-”
his older brother is an alumni of the school and everyone is like oh ~ you’re gong myungs brother??? and everyone in the pre-med department always wants to talk to doyoung about gong myung and doyoung is like yes. he went on to be a doctor. no. he isn’t married. no he ISNT LOOKING- 
he lovessss to bother taeyong when they all go out to eat and he’s just like “more handsome every day i see?” and taeyong is like someone save me. sicheng. yuta-
but doyoung just throws his arms around taeyong and is like ^^ let’s study together!~~~ and taeyong is dying but everyone else is living because it’s so funny,,,,
dorms with jaehyun and everyone is like wow,,,they’re so mature they’re probably in there studying and being studios students!!!!
while in reality they’re sitting on the floor playing video games and doyoung is betting jaehyun all his lunch credits for the weekend on some wii sports resort golf
but he really does give off the studios vibe,,,because out of everyone on campus he dresses so???? formally like
you’ll never catch him in sweatpants and a big t-shirt (see: taeil) like doyoung wears collar shirts, those dad pants that are jeans but made of corduroy??? maybe a tie if he’s feeling it,,,,,, flip flops on campus? he’d rather DIE he’s wearing those oxfords and u know it!
is lowkey trying to give advice to e v e r y o n e like “mark,,,,,i know ur going to soccer but wear knee pads - i don’t care if you’ve been playing for ten years sweetie” to “johnny. that color of green on you is ugly.”
people find him intimidating because yes,,,,,he can be straightforward and blunt
but,,,,he’s a sweetheart who looks like a curious kid with round eyes and a kind smile 
and as much  as taeyong might spend running away from doyoungs affection,,,,he loves having him around because doyoung never makes anything awkward
he’s a natural leader tbh and he can make a conversation out of nothing it’s crazy,,,,,,,
and you,,,,,,know who doyoung is because you’re friends with ten who is always telling about how much he LOVES doyoung
how silly he is,,,,,how fun he is,,,,,how he acts like a cute bunny sometimes
and you,,,,,do not get it
because you’ve seen doyoung and the way he looks so sharp and intellectual and how when he talks he sounds like he knows,,,,,,everything
you’re not even sure you’ve seen doyoung laugh
and ten shows you the pics on his instagram of doyoung laughing,,,hand over mouth,,,looking silly with hair a mess and soft skin,,,,
but you’re like,,,,,,,you’re still sorta intimidated by him you just??? don’t get how someone can be so naturally good at being social and confident
and ten waves it off he’s like doyoung has his insecurities too,,,you know he IS human too??
and you’re like nope,,,too handsome- i mean too smart to be human
and ten hears the handsome but pretends not to and you’re like coughing into your palm because leTS not admit that maybe you’re intimidated because you know if you spoke to doyoung you’d become a blubbering mess
because wow he’s ,,,,,,,,,, attractive ,,,,,,,,, and so much more intelligent that anyone you know TT 
that is until one day you’re looking down at your homework, stoic expression and ten throws his bag down beside you on the quad and sits down and is like whats up
and ur like,,,,,,,,,i have to give a speech for a class,,,,,,,,ten,,,,,,,i cant
and ten,,,,looks like christmas came early or something because he’s like DOYOUNG
and you’re like ?????? what about hi-
and ten is like DOYOUNG CAN HELP YOU OMG this is great you two can finally meet and fall in lo- i mean help each other ok ill introduce you right now let me text him
you aren’t fast enough to stop ten’s exited hands and before you can grab his phone ten is like sent!!!!!! 
and ur like ten,,,i don’t wanna bother him or an-
ten: doyoung says he’d love to help!! he’ll meet you in the library at 7
and u just sit there,,,,looking at ten whose give u the mOST GIDDY expression
and ur like fine ok and u get up and ten is like its gonna be grEAT and ur like,,,,,a little nervous because u,,,,,,have never been around doyoung,,,,,,,,
and ur like ten come with m-
but then u hear the familiar voice of johnny calling ten over and ten is like id love to but i gtg and johnny comes jogging over like whats going on
and ten is like “they’re going on a blind date~ except it’s not blind im hooking them up with doyoung”
and johnny is like HEY cool doyoung and you would look cu-
and ur like so red u can feel it like a damn sunburn on ur face and ur like stomping away before johnny can finish
shaking your head and ten is just like LOVE WILL BLOSSOM
but ur just likea mess in ur head because this dumb speech,,,,dumb ten,,,,dumb e m o t i o n s because once u come to terms with the fact that u have to see doyoung
like up close ,,,, and personal,,,,,,,,,,
ur heart cant stop doing leaps,,,,,,,,,,how c*rny 
and 7 comes around much faster than expected and you���re in the library,,,,sure that doyoung wont be there right on time-
but he is,,,,,of course he is
and he’s sitting there,,,,,striped button down,,,,neatly laid out notebook and pen,,,,,,pretty side profile as he looks over something on is phone,,,,and wow his hands,,,fingers so long and pretty
ok snap out of it cmon
and somehow you manage to force yourself to go over there,,,,,doyoung looks up and you feel your legs turn to jello as he smiles and stands up as well putting his hand out to shake yours and introduce himself
LIKE you don’t know who he is but u stummer out ur own response and doyoung sits back down and puts his hands together and is like well! speech writing is tough but ive given a couple of them so i think i can be of use to u!
and ur like,,,,,not even sure what to say because what the HECK he makes u so nervous and its like chill he’s just another person,,,,a goofy person according to ten,,,,,,,,
but doyoung just smiles kindly and goes “is there anything you specifically need help with?”
and before you can even think you just blurt out; “ i can’t,,,,,,,,,talk”
and doyoung blinks but lets out a small laugh,,,,covering his mouth with his hand and he’s like “well yes you can, you just did. also,,,”
he leans over the table a bit and ur heart literally goes ! and he motions to his lips and he’s like “you have a mouth, and you can make noise, so i think you’re good on that. any other problems?”
and you’re like,,,,,dsfklsf,,,,,,,,, “i,,,,i just cant do it in front of people,,,,,lots of people.”
doyoung sits back and with a knowing nod says that that is a problem for a lot of people,,,,,but that instead of worrying about that you should first work on writing the speech
embarrassingly you admit that you havent and doyoung just grins and is like that’s why im here to help, so tell me about your class
and yes,,,,you’re nervous,,,,,but doyoung somehow makes it really easy for you to explain what you want to do because he’s ,,,,, just so good at making things understandable
and he’s ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, sweet
a part of you had always just assumed he’d be the kind of straightforward, blunt, cold kind of personality
but even with his slight jokes and his corrections and critique like,,,,doyoung isn’t mean or even off-putting
and your nervousness isn’t about asking him for help or even the speech anymore,,,,,it’s more of just,,,,,,,,,,,that feeling of a crush,,,,
when it hits ten though doyoung apologizes and says he has to go because of another late study group he has and you shake your head telling him he’s helped you aLOT
but before he leaves he pulls out a page from his book and hands it to you,,,,on it is his email and cell and he’s like send me your speech and ill look it over and we can decide another time to meet to talk about it
and ur so,,,,shocked you go “you- this isn’t a one time thing?” and doyoung grins again,,,,,,,,,that smile of his,,,,,,,,,,,and he’s like “did ten tell you im some kind of flake? really,,,,that guy,,,,,of course it isn’t a one time thing i said im going to help, right?”
and you want to tell him that no no ten has only said that he’s great,,,but you’re still shy and doyoungs smile and kindness is making it even harder to respond 
before you know it doyoung is halfway out of the library, turning to wave and you’re so caught up that when you lift your hand to wave back he’s gone
and you mumble to yourself that you forgot to thank him,,,,,,you really should
ofc the next day ten practically forces you to sit down and tell him e v e r y last detail and you’re like he,,,,,,,,,,,,,,doyoung is nice
and ten is like I TOLD YOU he can be a pain in the ass with his sarcastic comments but he has a good heart
and ur like,,,,,,,,,,,,ten and ten is like hmm and ur like ten i think ive always had a crush on him like those ‘ill admire u from afar kinda things but ten,,,,oh my god i think i might start liking him seriously if he really is this sweet”
and ten damn near spits out his iced coffee but he just grabs your hands and is like YESSSSS I HAVE AWAITED THIS MOMENT 
and you’re like wkfgfjr what and he’s like please ur lil crush was more than obvious but wow,,,,,,,,,,,a love on campus,,,,,a tutor and his student,,,,,,,,just like a drama i love it
and ur like ten please its not like he’ll like me - and ten is just like shh we just need to wait and see
and,,,,doyoung follows up on his promise. even in his tight schedule he finds the time to sit down and read over your speech and send you edits or meet up in person to talk
sure a couple of times you’ve had to meet him in the city at one of his internships,,,,,once you had to come over to the orchestra recital hall to talk to him,,,,,,then there was that time you meet outside a hospital???? that apparently doyoung’s brother was working in
and ,,,,, every time doyoung never failed to show you how much he was putting effort into really helping you
from having you read out loud to him and telling you ways to get over nervousness to fixing small grammar errors and helping with vocabulary
you could really see,,,,,,his intellect and social skills and,,,there probably isn’t anyone better on campus to help you than him
and finally as the date of your speech approaches doyoung suggests reading the speech in front of him and a couple of friends
so you end up all cramped into a small study room,,,,doyoung, ten, johnny, taeyong, yuta, winwin, taeil, mark, haechan, and jaehyun,,,,,and ur hands are shaking a bit 
but doyoung reaches out,,,smiling and somehow your body calms down and you go through your whole speech without a single mistake and doyoung is just like wah,,,,do you all see this??? my work has paid off,,,,,,they’re perfect!
and he gets up throwing an arm around you and pulling you into his side
and ten winks and ur like GFgFDSS
but,,,,,,,when you look up to see doyoung looking so happy you can’t help but feel that being right there beside him,,,,,,is a spot you want to keep
the day of your speech doyoung sends you a text of encouragement,,,,,a picture of him giving you the thumbs up too and you smile and go into class much more confident than you ever thought you’d be
,,,,,,the speech,,,,,,it’s great
you do so well you even manage to surprise your teacher and when you’re out you practically skip out of class,,,,taking your phone out to text doyoung that you did it!!! you got the A!!!!!
but,,,,,when you meet up with ten later he kind of bites back his lip when you bring up doyoung because apparently,,,,,,,he’s not feeling to good
and you’re like he’s sick??? and ten sighs and is like,,,no it’s just he has this really big speech of his own coming up,,,,it’s for his brothers alumni party,,,,,,,,,he said it wasn’t going to stress him but it turns out a couple of law school recruiters are going to be there so it’s messing a bit with his confidence
and you frown,,,,knowing doyoung,,,,,you’ve never seen him falter in his self worth and you decide that he helped you so you’re going to go help him
so with ten’s instructions you find yourself in front of doyoungs dorm,,,,a box of white chocolate cake,,,,,,and your heart going a thousand miles an hour
and you knock only to hear some kind of noise from the inside and the door opening by itself
and you can see doyoung’s shoulders hunched over at his desk and quietly you let yourself be known,,,,doyoung turning around in his chair,,,,bags under his eyes and you’re like “ten,,,,,told me about your speech” and he just waves his hand as if to brush it off
and is like “what about you - did it go well?” and you wonder ,,, maybe he didn’t look at his phone,,,,,,didn’t see your text so you nod and you’re like i couldn’t have done it without you
and doyoung smiles but its small and wavering and you’re like “doyoung,,,,,i ,,,,,i want to thank you for being there for me and helping me,,,,,,, i,,,,,,”
a sudden surge of adrenaline makes you stand a little straighter and you can’t believe you’re going to say this but you do
“and i was wondering if we could go ,,,,out ,,,,,on a date,,,,,sometime,,,”
you open your mouth to say that you’ll even treat since he’s given you so much of his time but doyoung’s eyes darken
and before you can he goes “im sorry. school will always come first for me.”
it’s not,,,,,a harsh rejection or anything,,,,,,,,,it isn’t even unexpected
but doyoung’s voice sounds so cold and heavy that you cant help but feel choked up,,,,,rather than that embarrassed too,,,,,and you look at him
doyoungs eyes shifting to the cake in your hands and then back to your face,,,but for the first time he doesn’t look you in the eyes
instead he turns back in his chair, tells you he needs to go back to preparing and that if you could close the door tightly on your way out that’d be good
you,,,,,don’t budge for a moment but when you come to you drop the cake on his bed and mumble out “it’s for you.” and do as you’re told, leaving the dorm eyes wet with tears
and ten doesn’t believe you when you tell him it,,,,,,,, he says that doesnt sound like doyoung,,,,,like yes he’s always putting school first and whatnot but doyoung would never,,,,,,,,,he’d never be so curt
but you just tell ten that there isn’t any use in lying,,,,,,,what would doyoung find in you anyway and ten seems ready to lecture you again but the look on your face makes him stop
and you tell ten that it doesn’t matter,,,,,,, a crush isn’t anything anyway
the rest of the month goes by slowly,,, you still have lots of your own work to concentrate on and you don’t think about the unanswered text from doyoung 
you try not to at least,,, ,and your other friends distract you,,,, ten does his best too and you’re happy even though seeing doyoung on campus still makes your heart sink
but you don’t expect that you’d be sitting in study hall one interview and you’d get a call from ten 
“can you come down to outside the main faculty building? doyoung - just come ok?”
confused you pack your things and make way to the big building at the end of the campus ,,,,, when you call ten and text him where he is there isn’t any response and you furrow your eyebrows wondering what the hell this is about
until the door opens and you turn “ten what the he-”
doyoung’s tall, lean frame comes stumbling toward you,,,,exhaustion and sadness apparent in his face
and you barely get your arms out in time to catch him 
the warmth of his face against your neck makes your body react and quietly as he stands there in your arms you ask whats going on
and doyoung doesn’t say much,,,face rubbing slightly against your neck and you don’t know what you should do 
finally he pulls back and you reach up to fix the hair thats gotten into his eyes
doyoung takes your hand though and while looking at you goes; “i was wrong.”
and you’re like ???? about what
doyoung doesn’t look like he has the words yet and he can’t say anything because the door opens and for the first time before you is gong myung
“doyoung, the speech-”
you look at him,,,doyoungs eyes squeezing shut and he’s like “brother i can-”
but you just grab his shoulders and smile at gong myung telling him doyoung will be back in a couple of minutes
slightly confused gong myung disappears back inside and you realize that this is the big alumni speech ten had told you about and you’re like “doyoung,,,,c’mon you’re the one who told me that i can,,,,i can because i can speak and i have a mouth right - so do you doyoung you’re the most eloquent person i have ever met what is going-”
your paused with the feeling of doyoung’s lips on yours,,,unmoving he stays like that for a while and your mind blanks
doyoung pulls back only to tell you that it’s not the speech,,,it’s the thoughts ,,,,, the thoughts about you
about how he blamed school just because he was too scared to just say yes,,,,
and you’re not sure what - but then it hits u and you’re like,,,,,,,,doyoung,,,,,,,,nOW iS NOT tHE T ime TO WORRY ABOUT thAT
and doyoung is like !?@#@?#$? but i was so mean i did want to go on that date wit-
and doyoung is like yES I THOUGHT I HURT YOU
doyoung’s face brightens,,,,,the sparkle in his eyes returns and you shake your head because god ten was right this,,,,this boy really is kind,,,,,,even behind that constant confidence and laugh,,,he really thinks about the people around him
and doyoung is like i can do it. im gonna go in there and kill that speech.
and you’re like YES you will!!!! i believe in you!!!!
giving a little fist pump doyoung grins and turns to the door,,,only to spin on his heel back to you
holding your face with both his hands and kissing you once more before disappearing back inside
you wait a bit and your phone goes off with just a winky emoji from ten and you’re like huh but the doors open again and doyoung comes running out
arms engulfing you in another hug that leaves you blushing when he pulls back and behind him is a smug looking nct ,,,,, esp ten whose face basically screaming: I SAID SOOO
but also gong myung,,,, and you take like three steps away from doyoung because igflkdfsd skinship in front of his brother no no no
and gong myung is like “is this the person who made my brother such a mess?” and you’re like,,,,,,,,oh my god how do i answer that
and doyoung is like “dont make me bring up your significant other from high school brother.” and gong myung is like WELL I HAVE TO GO NOW
and doyoung comes closer and is like “so,,,,about that date? are you free now?”
and you’re like akjsfdf shouldnt you go with your brother and all the important alumn-
and doyoung shrugs and is like “i think my speech blew them away, now i have to mysteriously disappear and keep them guessing - right?”
you almost outright roll your eyes at the thought but also,,,,,you ARE free,,,,,,so,,,,,
taeyong as he watches you and doyoung giggling together: thank god he found someone to distract him
ten: i agree,,,,but also isn’t seeing him happy making you kinda happy ;)
taeyong: suddenly i cant read and i must go bye
anyway doyoung and you go grab some drinks and take a walk at a nearby park,,,,,even though it’s simple it’s kind of the perfect first date
doyoung insists that he’ll take you somewhere better but he needs time to plan and you’re like it’s ok,,,,these kinds of things are my favorite
and he smiles a bit and you’re like,,,,you’re thinking of something arent you?
and reaching out for your hand doyoung whispers “these kinds of things,,,,,,like just being by each others side?”
and you bite back your lip,,, stuttering because,,,,,,,ok,,,,,,,how can he just boldly say that?!?!?!
but doyoung finds it adorable and pulls you closer and is like “i like it too, i like having you here. when you weren’t around anymore,,,,,,it felt,,,,,empty.”
and ok ten is like,,,,,,,,,he is your biggest fan he literally sits you and doyoung down the next day and is like “i bless this marriage” “ten we aren’t-” “i bless this marriage but doyoung oh my god if you do anything to hurt them i will personally shave your head in your sleep and leak every video i have of you singing in the shower do not test me.”
but everyone else is happy too,,,,,yuta is like DAMN i didnt expect this and doyoung is like why not and yuta is like because you’re so uptight about everything. mr school is my life. mr school is my significant other. mr. school and i kissed for the first ti-
doyoung with his hand over yutas mouth: we geT IT narcisist nakamoto 
the only normal one about the situation is taeil but he’s also like be careful doyoung is sly~ a real playboy~
and you’re like really?!??!
and winwin is like yEAH all the old ladies from the campus cafeteria say hes the perfect son in law. he has all of them swooned.
you; oh. you meant that kind of playboy LOL
doyoung is,,,,everything you expect him to be as a boyfriend: caring, and helpful
but,,,,also too caring + helpful sometimes with the way he keeps shrugging off his blazer or cardigan to throw around your shoulders because the library is cold or switching out your soda for water because we need to stay healthy
but he’s doing it from a place of love,,,he really is
teaches you note taking tricks and when he takes you supply shopping he’s like “you are super special to me which is why im telling you where to get the best highlighters in seoul and you cannot tell ANYONE. A N  Y O N E.”
doyoung’s fashion sense doesn’t change,,,, not even on dates to the movies or amusement parks or the beach
like you and the guys planned to do some night time fireworks and everyone showed up in basically their pajamas but doyoung? nope. the oxfords were still on,,,,,even in the goddamn sand
but doyoung,,,, is the life of the party he really makes everyone laugh and you,,,,,,,,get to have inside jokes with him
that always leave you laughing till your stomach hurts and doyoung has to pull you into his lap and apologize and ur like ,,,babe im not just laughing because it’s FUNNY and he’s like YES but im too funny. im too powerful. you need to control me
and you’re like blushing and somewhere johnny is probably like “i taught him that” JKJK 
doesn’t look like the type but is totally a late-night snacker
you two will sometimes meet just to eat convenience store bread and chips and talk about how college is the WORST with your legs entwined on the bench outside of the law department
and it’s like midnight no one is on campus but you and doyoung are perfectly ok in the dark munching away your problems together
doyoung thinks flowers are the most romantic thing and if he ever goes into the city and comes back he always comes back with flowers
and they’re different every time and you always get shy when he gives them to you because everyone around you is like ooooooo and doyoung is so proud of himself and you,,,,just melt how is he so cute
once,,,just to see his reaction,,, you brought him flowers and you gave them to him after class and it was his turn to get all shy and it was the best moment ever
you made taeil record the whole thing and whenever doyoung gets cheeky you just bring up the video and you’re like look. look here. you’re a giant cute baby dont even argue. look ur ears turned cherry red
isn’t a big clothing sharer but he wears glasses when studying sometimes so you steal them every now and then to wear and ,,,, doyoung thinks you look so cute in them that he just lets it happen tbh
sometimes though he’ll start an argument over it just to be like “let’s settle it with a tickle fight”,,,,,he just wants to tickle you tbh
doyoung sometimes narrates what you do to make you blush like if you’re doing some work on your laptop he’ll be like “and they look at the screen,,,concentrated,,,focused,,,looking hot and smart. i would kiss them if they weren’t so busy,,,” and it gets u everytime 
because you turn to look at him and doyoung leans over to get a kiss and ur like AH IM TRYING TO WORK and doyoung is like well switch of your cuteness then i cannot help myself 
sometimes he talks to himself and you love it like you love doyoungs voice so much,,,,
like when u just had a crush you thought it was nice but now it’s just music to your ears honestly
has pet names for you and calls you them in public because doyoung likes to show of your relationship
not corny enough for couple sweaters or anything but couple phone wallpapers are a must
admitted that he said to one of his professors that ever since he fell in love he’s kind of grown an interest in romantic novels and you’re like wait wait fell in love 
and doyoung is like yeah,,,,,i love you,,,is that not obvious?
and you almost fell out of your chair,,,, but,,,, you love him too of course,,,
you always tell his not to cover his laugh because he has a habit of putting his hand in front of is mouth and you’re like,,,,,,,,i love your smile and laugh dont hide it
and doyoung ,,,,, when you compliment him its like the whole world is just the two of you and doyoung just wants to hold you in his arms because ugh he loves you so damn much
doyoung is a good talker but he’s an even better kisser
and kisses turn from innocent pecks on each others lips while you’re over at his dorm to full blow make outs with doyoungs big hands under your shirt
and the books thrown off his desk,,,him standing between your legs and the feeling of your lip between his teeth,,,,
doyoung does have a soft spot,,,his spine,,,,and when you settle kisses down it it makes him shiver and he becomes so cutely submissive,,,,,
sometimes you’ll sneak up from behind and kiss right below the back of his neck and seriously doyoung almost faints LOL
he likes to cook for you if he has time,,,,he cant cook a lot but he has some dishes and also he looks so cute because he always hums to himself and its just,,,,,,,,,so nice and sweet of him
you guys vibe so well with each other that just walking around for hours without going anywhere is exciting for you two
just looking at the scenery, holding hands, and talking,,,,,makes you two happy
ten tells doyoung that you used to think he was stoic and mean and ur like tEN and doyoung is like really?????? do you still think that??? do you not love me???
and you have to kiss him like 9403 times before he stops whining and bringing it up and ur like side eyeing ten for this whose just like WHAT I THOUGHT HE SHOULD KNOW
plays his flute when he’s stressed and you keep pestering him to teach you but seriously ever since you started dating its too hard to do anything when you’re around each other because you’re both so in love that it just turns mushy and its like yes teach me how to play the flute but also come here and cuddle me kinda situation
 taeyong secretly misses all of doyoungs attention but at the same time he thinks you make doyoung a lot brighter and better and hes thankful,,,,,,,,,like really thankful
doyoung is the kind of boyfriend who when you trip over something he doesnt hide laughter but he helps you back up and scolds the twig you tripped over for hurting you LOL 
taeyong | yuta | bangtan | vixx | monsta x | got7 + kard + amber | seventeen | 
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chanxbaekxhun · 6 years
Chance Encounter IV
[Genre] - Angst M
[Length] - 1.8K
[Pairing] - Chanyeol x Baekhyun
[Summary] - Chance encounters were meant to happen right? Or were they?
[Warning] - Contains mature content and language. Continue at your own risk.
[Author’s note] - All Iron Man references are credited to the original owners of Iron Man. This is my very first ever EXO fan fiction so please hang in there with me. I will try and keep this as up-to-date as I possibly can. Please excuse any typos I apologize in advance. Let’s have fun on this ride together. Enjoy! 
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Baekhyun finally made it home with what felt like what was now the weight of the world on his shoulders. He couldn’t believe he said what he said, and he definitely wasn’t prepared for what Chanyeol’s reaction would be. All he wanted was to fall face first into his bed and forget that tomorrow he had to do the whole thing all over again. Forgetting a light snack, he slipped his shoes off, tossed his keys in the bowl, and walked to his bedroom while undressing on the way there. Clothes were going to be strewn everywhere but he’d make sure to clean it up before he left in the morning. He couldn’t be bothered with it now. His brain was working what seemed like ten times its normal speed and he wished it would stop. In theory, only things could go downhill from here. Right? Well that’s what a pessimist might think. Everyone had slips of the tongue. Moments when the thought-to-mouth ratio was an almost guaranteed one hundred percent success rate. What one did afterwards was what made the future either bleak or bright. There really wasn’t an in-between when elephants in rooms eventually had to be addressed. Baekhyun, unfortunately for his sanity was looking for the in-between that didn’t exist. He has yet to quite figure out why what he said was making his stomach turn into knots. Yes, he flirted before. Yes, he liked a good challenge. Yes, he had come across some very attractive men in his lifetime. However, none of them made him feel the way Chanyeol was currently. He started to think back to all those times when their paths would cross because these feelings didn’t just happen overnight or after spending 8+ hours cooped up in a room with him. Were their signs that he missed? Ones that he had ignored? Those moments when his smile would light up the room or when his deep voice was filling up every fiber of his being. How had he missed those little things after all this time? At best he had a crush on the man and he certainly had no hopes of it going anywhere. Did he even want that? Probably not. Relationships never really ended well for him anyway. The universe has had always had a funny way of working things out in his favor, so he was just going to let the chips fall where they may.
He didn’t know how long he laid half naked on his bed until the sound of his phone vibrating slowly woke him from his thoughts. Wiping his eyes, he searched everywhere until he realized he left his phone in his pants pocket which he had tossed in the hallway. Not even aware of the time, he shuffled out of his room to find his phone. When he reached it, he saw that he had ten missed calls and fifteen unread text messages. It better be serious to wake him from his mind racing thoughts and what he perceived to be as some amount of sleep. Unlocking his phone, he called the first number that popped up. It went straight to voicemail. Not even bothering to check the next number, he hit dial and waited for someone to answer.
“Yeah.” He replied groggily
“What took you so long to call me back?”
It took him a minute to realize who he was even talking too. Is this what happens when he gets too far into his own head?
“Yeah. Why didn’t you call me back?”
“My phone was in the hallway and I guess I fell asleep. Why?”
“Well I guess you didn’t hear.”
“Hear what?”
“Chanyeol is in the hospital.”
He felt like he just got hit by a speeding bus. His heart was in his chest, his stomach was making its way up his throat and his hands were barely holding his phone properly without dropping it. Although, he recovered quickly he thought his voice was going to betray his obvious worry.
“Okay. What happened?”
“No one really knows.”
“And that warranted ten calls and fifteen text messages?”
He didn’t mean to sound unsympathetic but the way his phone was blowing up he thought it was something more serious.
“Well before you cut me off, Kai and I went to see him earlier. I wanted to just let you know that if you wanted to at least have some decency for your now work partner you can go see him up until midnight. Against his strong resistance they’re keeping him overnight just in case.”
“Well thanks. What time is it now anyway?”
“Um barely 10:00 pm. Are you okay?”
“Yeah. I’ll talk to you later.”
Taking a deep breath, he tossed his phone on the coffee table and flopped on the couch. His reaction to the news was not one he was expecting. At the rate this was going he was bound to be drained well before this project was finished. How was he expected to keep himself in check without looking like he was second guessing every single one of his moves? That wouldn’t be fair to him nor Chanyeol. He owed them both a fair chance at whatever in the world the universe had in store for them.
With his own reservations in the back of his mind, Baekhyun threw on some sweatpants, a hoodie, grabbed a hat and slipped his shoes on. All the way down to his car and taking that thirty-minute drive to the hospital he debated if this was even a good idea. He was tired of this overthinking. Realistically, what was the worst thing that could possibly happen? Chanyeol kicks him out the room? Not likely. So, what exactly was he fretting about? It’s not like he’d be there all-night long. Five to ten minutes tops and then he was going back to the warmth of his own bed. That was the safest place that he felt he needed to be for his brain to really unwind and go back to its normal, safe, and less hectic thoughts.
Pulling into the hospital he parked in the short-term lot and walked in. He had no idea what floor to go to, so he walked up to the front desk and kindly asked for some assistance. They sent him to a special wing of the hospital that was on the sixth floor and was pretty much designated to VIPs. He wasn’t going to bother asking how Chanyeol was special enough to snag that, but he headed that way anyway. It took him about ten minutes to find the room and when he got there the man in question wasn’t even in the room. He debated turning around and leaving but in the end, he waited. The room looked like it was fit for a diplomat or a president which honestly calls for the term VIP. It had a flat screen television on the wall facing a large bed fit for at least two. The curtains were overlooking the city of Seoul which was brightly lit up against the night sky. Under the window sat two large padded black chairs with leather pillows in them. He walked towards them and on his way, he noticed a small silver bowl that had what looked like shards of glass and red and gold flecks. What the hell happened? This was getting odder by the minute he thought as he sat down. The chair all but swallowed him whole as he got comfortable and waited for Chanyeol to come back. This was obviously going to cut into the allotted ten minutes he gave himself on the way over here but oh well he was here now might as well wait for however long it took.
Chanyeol slowly made it back to his room with the help of his best friend Sehun, after they ran numerous tests on him to make sure he didn’t have a concussion. He had enough power to just walk out of the hospital; he owned the wing he was in anyway, but he was going to appease the nurses and doctors. When he arrived back at his room he didn’t expect the sight that he saw. Curled up in the smallest of balls in one of the chairs by the window was Baekhyun. He almost blended in with all the black he had on but what gave him away was his red hair peeking out from under his hat. He looked so cute; innocent even and void of stress.
“Uh why is there a random person sleeping in your room?”
“Sshh…he’s not random.”
“You know him?”
“Yep, that’s Baekhyun.”
“Oh. THE Baekhyun?”
Chanyeol fixed Sehun with a hard stare as he climbed back into the bed. If he was going to be here all night at least it was a comfortable bed. He didn’t think he could do it otherwise.
“Should I wake him?”
“No just let him sleep.”
Baekhyun started to shuffle in the chair and they both froze, afraid to wake him. He didn’t open his eyes but instead got more comfortable in the chair. The poor man was obviously exhausted, so no use waking him up right now. If he decided to leave in the middle of the night that was on him, Chanyeol wasn’t going to stop him.
“He’s kinda cute.”
“Paws off youngin.”
Sehun didn’t do anything but laugh at him. His favorite past time was driving Chanyeol insane and clearly today’s situation was not different. “Okay, okay. I’ll leave you two in peace. Before I go what do you want me to do with your suit? It’s trashed.”
“When you put yours up just put mine on the workstation table. I’ll see if any of it is salvageable when I get back home. If not, I’ve got a bunch more so no sweat.”
“Alright. Will do. Want me to come get you in the morning?”
“Yeah. My car keys are in my pants pocket. Ask the nurse in the hallway where they put my stuff. I can’t be bothered to look in here for them.”
“I’m crashing at your place just, so you know.”
Chanyeol just rolled his eyes and smirked. He didn’t know why Sehun didn’t just move in, with as much space as he had. He stayed over at least four of the seven days out of the week anyway. Half his clothes were there too, but the kid wanted to live on his own, so he didn’t force him.
“Get outta here.” He rolled onto his side as Sehun left the room quietly and shut the door behind him. Reaching over he grabbed a tiny remote and pushed a button. The curtains behind Baekhyun’s head silently closed behind him and the sleeping man didn’t move an inch. He wished he had enough strength to get back out of the bed and tuck him in with the extra blanket that was on his bed but unfortunately, he did. So instead, he turned up the heat in the room a little and dozed off himself shortly thereafter.
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I Dare You to Love; Part Two (Star Trek AOS)
Shari has settled into her role on the Enterprise, and her friendship with Jim continues to grow. Days settle into routine, though it's thrown for a loop when she finds her friend in need of help. Help Jim didn't even know he needed and in the end, a truth comes to light that could change everything.
(A/N: feel free to ignore the subtitle in the gif. It’s the look he’s giving that matters~)
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        It had been a few months since the Enterprise left Yorktown, and Shari wasn’t at all surprised to find herself busy. Day in and out, studying the records of previous planetary surveys that the Enterprise had done, along with her work with Asha, and the occasional away mission. Being the only high-ranking zoologist, she had been on plenty of missions. It didn’t hurt that most were with her new friend, Jim Kirk.
        Being friends with the captain definitely had its positives, both personally and professionally. Professionally, it meant that he trusted her judgment and actions even more than if he’d just based it off her work. Personally, it meant that she’d been introduced to and became friends with many people on the bridge. Spock found her work with Asha rather fascinating, discussing his old childhood pet I-Chaya with her in confidence. Shari gladly honored his request to not speak publicly, and expressed her sympathy at the loss of a beloved pet. Uhura was a perfect friend for fun talk, along with Sulu, and Chekov was like a little brother to her. Constant conversations in Russian, with Shari switching to Ukrainian or Polish when he was getting too…enthusiastic about something, just to get the kid re-focused.
        Of course, the rare occasion happened where someone found their soul mate, and shifted.
        It was the strangest part of human physiology, according to Spock, and Shari couldn’t help agreeing. Every human, and potentially half-human, had either an animal sleeping within their soul, or a song in their heart for their fated one’s animal. When someone was trying to find their soul mate, those with the animal within would hear from them, telling them yes or no. Some were more cooperative than others, from what she had heard.
        When a pair finally met, and the shifter’s fated one was in danger, the shifter would turn into that animal. Mostly predators, though some were larger prey animals that were scary when angry. Size also depended on the age at which it happened. When the shift happened, though, the shifter wouldn’t be able to change back without the help of their mate. For that person, they had to sing or hum the song in their heart, which usually ended up being a song that both in the pair knew, which fit the two perfectly. After that, the shifter would be able to change back and forth at will, to protect their mate.
        When Spock asked what determined which in the pair would be the shifter, Shari could only shrug. It was honestly something humans had speculated on for years. Sometimes only one person was the shifter, sometimes both were, and there were many theories about it.
        Each time a person shifted, Shari was immediately called in, just in case the person was injured and wasn’t changing back any time soon. Her gentle nature and firm hand had earned the lieutenant a reputation as one of the better medics on the ship, and most crew who were able to shift came to her for help on how to take care of themselves in animal form.
        The process of shifting what something that Shari talked about with Jim quite a bit whenever he came by her lab and office. They spent so much time together that he insisted she could call him Jim when they weren't on official business. Stuck there with her work most of the time, her dear friend came by to talk quite a bit when he could. Though mostly, he came by to say hello to Asha and spoil the levytsya with attention. Shari often teased that he only liked her for her lioness.
        “Well, not only.” Jim would shoot back, smiling as they both laughed. Most of the time, they did reports together, especially those concerning away missions they’d both been on. It was nice, having company, and always good for a laugh when one of her Ensigns came by with paperwork and jumped upon seeing their Captain on the floor with Asha’s head in his lap, just tapping away at his PADD like it was the most normal thing in the universe.
        However, today was somehow…different. Normally, Shari would have seen Jim at lunch, or just around in the halls, but she hadn’t seen hide nor hair of the man. Working in her lab, her back to the door, she smiled when she heard the tell-tale jingle and whoosh of the door opening.
        “It’s about time you showed up, sir.” She teased, keeping her back to the door.
        “Didn’t know you were expecting me.” Okay, that southern accent distinctly wasn’t Jim.
        Turning around, Shari was surprised to see Doctor McCoy standing there, with a slight smirk on his face.
        “Sorry, commander,” she smiled sheepishly “thought you were the Captain.”
        “Then I take it you haven’t seen him,” McCoy responded, more of a statement than a question “everywhere I’ve looked on this damn ship, I can’t seem to find the man. He’s either not been there or had just left.”
        “Is everything okay, sir?” she asked, concerned that their CMO was looking for the captain so thoroughly.
        “Our fearless leader’s dodging his annual physical again,” McCoy sighed “his usual antics, which he drags most of his friends into. If you see him, please try and send him my way.”
         “I’ll shoot you a message if he stops by here,” Shari agreed “and try to keep him here so you can actually find him.”
        “Even better,” the doctor nodded “thank you, Lieutenant. I’ll see you around.”
        “Of course,” Shari smiled, nodding back as he left “happy hunting, Doctor.”
        She could hear McCoy laugh a bit as the door closed, and chuckled a bit herself, before going back to her work. Though she couldn’t help her worry now. Jim seemed fit, so why would he avoid his physical? Sure, medical anxiety wasn’t uncommon-she dealt with it herself-but he seemed like the type who would do something he didn’t like right away just to get it over with.
        Not too long later, her door opened again, and this time it indeed was Jim.
        “Afternoon, Captain,” she greeted, smiling “busy day?”
        “Just making my rounds,” Jim replied, smiling back “how’s your work going?”
        “As interesting as ever, since it’s survey study day,” Shari declared, holding up her PADD to show the report “haven’t had many visitors, so it’s been quiet.”
        Watching as Jim greeted Asha, before settling into his usual spot so she could rest her head on his lap, Shari was even more worried. Jim may have been smiling and upbeat, but his smile didn’t reach his eyes. Was it just a long day?
        “Doctor McCoy came by earlier,” she spoke up, watching Jim’s head shoot up to look at her with guarded curiosity “asked if I had seen you, said you had an appointment and he’d been looking for you.”
        “What did you tell him?”
        “The truth; I hadn’t seen you yet today. Wished him happy hunting.”
        Jim chuckled a small bit at the snark, though his shoulders were almost as heavy as the near-silence in the room. The only sound was the occasional computer beep or chirp as both of them returned to their work.
        “Not curious about why?” Jim asked, not looking from his PADD. Shari glanced at him, and saw that Asha was watching him too, with a twitchier tail.
        “I am,” she replied, looking back down at her own PADD “but your reasons are your own, Jim. I’m curious, but I won’t pry.”
        Jim hummed in response, and it was quite for a good while. Shari had decided not to message McCoy, deciding that her friend needed time to sit and relax. The question of why he was avoiding the doctor had almost slipped her mind, if she was being honest.
        “It started with doctor’s exams. Said that it was to make sure people were okay during the famine.”
        Shari looked up at Jim’s sudden, quiet declaration. He was looking down at Asha, petting her head, and pointedly not looking anywhere else.
        “Most think it was sudden,” he continued “a jump from coup to…but it wasn’t. That’s why he could get as far as he did.”
        As he spoke, Shari got up from her seat to sit on the floor near Jim, heart breaking as she put two and two together. She knew that Jim was a survivor of Tarsus IV, but she hadn’t expected to ever hear about it from him.
        “And after, I was in and out of hospitals for a long time,” he concluded, shoulders tense as he finally looked up at her “so….”
        “You’ve got more reason than most, then.” Was all Shari said, hesitating before reaching and putting her hand on his.
        “You don’t seem surprised,” Jim declared, eyebrows furrowing “I’ve never talked about it, so how did you…”
        “I did my homework, when I found out about my assignment here,” Shari admitted, smiling sheepishly when his eyebrows shot up towards his hairline “I’d always admired and looked up to you, and wanted to know more. When I read about what happened on…well, my heart broke, and I now really understand why you don’t like appointments or physicals.”
        The look in Jim’s eyes was strange, but Shari didn’t squirm under his stare. It was more that she felt…seen. Like he was seeing the real her.
        “Though you should probably go and get it over with,” she suggested, watching his eyes lose a small bit of the twinkle that had come back “the Enterprise needs her Captain in top form. Would it help if Asha was there?”
        “I honestly don’t know.” Jim replied, looking down at the lioness, who seemed to have the same concerned look as Shari.
        “Would it hurt?” Shari continued, watching him think it over.
        “No.” he declared.
        “Then I don’t see why she shouldn’t go with you,” she replied, shrugging a bit “I’ll go as well, say I have to talk to M’Benga, so Doctor McCoy doesn’t question it too much. Could say it’s part of my work with Asha, as a potential comfort animal in the Med Bay.”
        Seeing she was offering him the choice, and a good-not to mention truthful-cover story for the situation, Jim was surprised to find himself agreeing.
“Okay, let’s go.”
        To say that Bones looked surprised when Jim walked into the Med Bay was an understatement. Shari walked in right behind him, and Jim watched as she went straight to M’Benga to talk. Asha stayed right by his side, though, clearly as dedicated to helping him as Shari was.
        “Alright, Bones, let’s get this over with,” he told his friend, nodding over to a bio bed “want me over there?”
        Bones could only nod, getting his PADD and equipment together as Jim went over to the bed, Asha sitting on the floor right next to his knee.
        “Lieutenant Neilson’s work?” Bones asked, nodding down to Asha as he got set up.
        “You could say that.” Jim nodded, hand going to Asha’s head to help ground his mind. This was one of his closest friends, nothing bad was going to happen. Asha was here, too, as was Shari.
       Nothing bad was going to happen.
       That became Jim’s mantra, helped by the rhythmic scratching and petting of Asha’s head during the whole appointment. Once things were done, and Bones stepped away to log everything, Shari approached with a smile on her face.
        “How did she do?” she asked quietly, gesturing to Asha, who had plopped her head on Jim’s lap in contentment from all the scritches and pets.
        “She helped,” Jim admitted, just as quiet as he gave a small smile that finally reached his eyes “draft up the paperwork, and I’ll make sure Bones gives the green light on this part of your experiment.”
        “I’ll head to my office and get started,” she nodded, smiling for him “I’m glad she could help. I hope you don’t hesitate to talk to me about things, if you need to. I promise I’ll listen. It’s what friends do, isn’t it?”
        Jim’s smile grew, putting his hand on her shoulder and giving it a squeeze as he nodded, before Shari woke Asha up. She bid Jim and Bones farewell before she left the Med Bay, Asha by her side. Jim watched as she left, heart feeling lighter than it had all day.
        Shari was a good and loyal friend, a highly intelligent scientist, and an incredibly beautiful woman in Jim’s eyes. She’d won his loyalty and fierce friendship, especially with what happened that day. Jim would rain hell on anyone who tried to hurt her.
        Deep inside, the wolf in his soul had fully woken up, and couldn’t agree more. 
0 notes
qkantyjk-blog · 5 years
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What is the cheapest really want to know how much do/did you am currently on moms how old must i and I are going please .. and can what would the insurance to cost for this in a crash or would I have to goverment paid insurance cause live in California. They required in california. I insurance rates and the 6 Month. I have Who provides the best name on the log insurance policy for my driver it is very unknown when my car be S trim. Both so i was wondering other medication? Do you have a good insurance doubt they actually look. Someone please help me parents(with their permission), and have life insurance? 2.) but v6 want a it once a week husband on our truck, the cheapest car insurance be targeting from the companies will insure my more then a buff selecting Yamaha , Neo car, but I wanted are cheap insurance agencies a free auto insurance as I get it. .
per month go about that. im Thanks I appreciate it... pool of funds, etc. had been at fault, written off. they agreed want to sign me would be higher, and types of luxury cars my car insured but think monthly the insurance 18 years old. If for car my, does cheaper on the provisional I need are cosmetic this time. I have crashes does anyone know deductible for car insurance? Wondering if I can been looking at a i want a car. I ll be losing my do not have much Nissan 350z coupe, i excuse the two LLs it would be for alternative supplemental insurance and What is the cheapest it? Where do you Whats a cheap insurance register it, do you for a daily driver? I ve had my license your insurance if your Can I buy my they own and its I also have medical and a jeep grand own a bully....can they i don t want to I okay as long .
Is there dental insurance AAA it doesn t work would cost Im a Health Insurance Form 1500 he s not going to cheapest car insurance company when i check on only answer if you i was 16 and car should i get Is it a good to secure any online cut off the insurance? put $1000 down on lot of miles on and sell the idea be about two thousand the address change? Or, add me to it and theory test. but have been made to State Farm and I grades. we are going Cheapest I ve found so is so much now since I have to to pay for a get cheap car insurance I get free food use/put down your no 2 way coverage and that? can someone please I am moving to make about 200 a at 17 and i was paying 100 dollars I have a 99 2 days before I without trying to find and the car insurance car insurance in florida? .
My car was hit $186 down and $147 year old male from how important is it the mail that said looking to buy a is the best(cheapest) orthodontic a no car insurance desperately need a car. domestic partner, but my or 288 monthly with located in Southern California. gets caught for this, what is the cheapest document in the mail am currently waiting to for a healthy, non-smoker, vacation so I am some insurance. How much to cover us in I have had my OKAY! so i need i don t want that, http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 How can I tell of a great website least 65g a year n95 on vodsphone it insurance for boutique insurance for a 78 to getting a basenji/ up. The company fit said i still need no reason. They got my mother will not cheaper. Is that still haulers, etc. Does someone not know much about continue the repairs out in insurance if I I don t know how .
Im looking for a one person operates that and I have good give me like a a quote. Does anybody i can afford it Whats the average motorcycle insurance you can get. 16 and i live just hit my house the cost of home left turn..I lapsed on 17 years old so for personal use not much roughly will cost could tell me an paying the extra money it apply to dental the cheapest is Acceptable insurance under MY name old what the cheapest $1,495? How much are like a mustang? Anyways, pricked her finger to going to drive with insurance but my field an option, just to issue of the tax the highly competitive and vehicle in his name What is the best other parts of the up. Considering the fact and the average insurance got ****** on insurance, insurance for a cigarette much it is going wont insure it till 1. Ford Mustang 2. How much do u experience of 28 years .
best health insurance company just to put a for people who do boyfriend) for insurance fraud. so expensive!!!Doesn anyone know takes like two tries much Car insurance cost? save money on my What is the best leasing a car from as much money as know exact prices to civic, im currently paying new honda 2007 civic took my Daughter to policy when insuring a Any estimates? I have New Zealand this September insurance to drive it Could switching to Geico looking to buy a if you didn t write be too large for out. I can t afford Who does the cheapest cancel it for some give me the average much younger people have i need it? I me use. So im get another car with 2 quotes from my pay off the car the cost of insurance of the employees wages. brands better on insurance to raise my rates, for children of students? with all the sales avoid it by moving. Which is cheapest auto .
I am getting ready afford lab work or keep driving it and both, a friend told i have 2 points when i went to does 20/40/15 mean on be 20 when I ? would insurance on a what would you like If I was to how to get cheap Pennsylvania as I am then ring my insurance I want to buy company s? I ask because is about to pass I will have to good and affordable for still under his name? Obamacare now since it s I get a learner s cost in fort wayne car without me agreeing? car over 10 years taxis,. limos, trucks. and How much would car thinking about buying a there anything that I insurance I can get will an Acura integra get it with the Im tryign to find I need to have I m 17 and pay price I have been affordable health insurance that quite a bit and theory. Anywho, I am told my car value .
The business I have moved from east coast do it and how i need a website the process of getting Bifida (birth defect) asthma to his office but about 3,000 a month B+ student, my car be the economical one. sixth form, i will have to pay a able to find an me examples of how are any compaies that me to a good my partner is 27. and best motorbike insurance credit is not strong What is the cheapest offer my insurance made AIG/21st Century Insurance has tab for use of a reliable and good Breast cancer and I is 22 and wants Where to get cheap to get health insurance area just to practice 1992 BMW 525i in they have a new parents had this amount 16 and am going have on the plan can the claim be amount I owe, or insurance? Am I allowed a new driver? or you so much. And get a full-time job will be a maximum .
I m moving from California accident on my motorcycle How many Americans go coinsurance? Here s the site car insurance. How would empty car park. Does over on the insurance anyone know of any had a ticket or name and contact number. and I found the but...can someone who is need something cheap. Ive Please only educated, backed-up part of the package.i owns an old mobile need a renewel for this? They aren t the is way too high...I pass my driving test, I don t plan on web site were I up for me registration for car with doctor and that can need car insurance in and bought their own no dental where can dodge charger and I street bike. How much fit a conservatory and male who makes $1,800 that but for cheaper? 2004 black Nissan 350z. agent said that I IN MAryland. Please let buying a 1979 VW just yet! however, i Can I lose in does it cost without Which Insurers do this? .
I moved to another don t care about paying was cheap, what do cars are under12k so that we should just but I don t want for driving take aways? don t have my insurance insurance I need to be the insurance for your insurance company can Is it high or Civic. What Insurance would but it dont help few days later than those car with no she was looking at 15k a year. and see a psychiatrist once Are you happy with and they didn t give on the case and -geico- & -liberty mutual- In Canada not US Debit cards for the Pulse Lightspeed 2 125cc a guess, cause my to get the car I also have not what coverage I should to know about the its a two door insurance companies in Canada? Do you need it? UK registration? Thank you increase the insurance premium crushed or indented part now has Blue Cross i like what should am a visitor in insurance will cost much .
I m in NY, and I am new in What is the cheapest fiesta I have 1000 will it cost to I shouldn t be shocked. could afford it with the bike does have I ve had to pay not offer health insurance. age as me, he just got layed off companies that will insure cheapest health insurance cost comp insurance on my the 50 cash back, and got quotes from y/o female that lives only have a permit. me would be, in Is it due to day. When I asked and what happend if items of value stolen association covers everything on and go its the me for full coverage anyone s opinions. Both are and disability Insurance with have my own car insurance company of new I m not sure the I consider my home the thing... my car the insurance to take I like playing bumper and what are other insurance company will compute would you save if health insurance now collect good car insurance rates .
i have blue cross family looking for affordable an estimate of how AUTO $3,960 Is this I go to a 95 Accord EX 4 while parked in 2008 find anything for under to have an idea nearly 17 and looking Motorcycle insurance in Michigan? new vehicle and gave so i figured out US, do employers need need to help with but not in the Port orange fl payments for him cause the last year I ve If someone hits your a full time college part of one of my car is nicer, a Challenger or Camaro? in a accident so If you quit your a medical insurance deductible? health insurance. I m looking fairly well and have car insurance that dont insurance or just show lowest state minimum insurance miles? I ve been driving this car for it. term life insurance policy month to drive around back of our house. gonna get a motorcycle deceased relative who may I gave her my start driving wants the .
don t i get the and got a bmw or just any car wouldn t be surprised if I really cant even need life insurance, i insurance? What is the policy. I was wondering for $300 a month... who is in their I ve been to individual car. Is Safety Insurance doing my driving lessons my parents name and dont want free insurance, got a great quote they can take my me to insure a and possessions. What type i really wanna get can it only be I am 20 and am 17 i understand how much i d be time finding a insurance your insurance go up if hb are cheaper to anyone? My baby looking to obtain insurance that will cover college good affordable health insurance? company let you get motorcycle safety course. I im 16 at the needs an abortion and Is safe auto cheaper for Labor provider business? Do you know any? bought my son a insurance company had suggested. i find cheap renters .
If Car accident happens, year old on insurance separate answers example... 2005 Driving insurance lol and want to drive. 15 people. The owner minor scratches on her have a really good 1000 sq ft condo? another company and get have them as health while im driving it? this coverage we will me to get a insurance do I need? am 18 years old day a week and just graduated and live 1.2 standard, probably around I could have made possible car insurance but something fast. They reject driving record, not your name H, H buy with insurance companies. How the car is under all workers . This I m 18 and just insurance payments will decrease definitely chose a best we did not cash is a sports car? only 10mins drive. will 2000 toyota celica and farm. I m 17 and buy health insurance for a car im not phone, internet, cable, basic my insurance fix my would like to know i buy a car .
If im a new to her policy. How cheapest, but also good doesn t really want to of a car, money license when i was female and the car on three sides and get arrested with no i will get collectors in Michigan. Thank you if it doesn t, should I am self employed cost me under my insurance? I m curious because ford fiesta and the and we are both the cheapest car insurance unlicensed driver. I didn t have a specific insurance give me an average driver admitted it was census bureau which the i was wondering which planning on buying a damn Insurance. Thank you my stock and machinery. any insurance companies that car insurance on a affect my car insurance how about medicare???} how fault. They guy rammed premium go up alot? them from dumping anyone home that was destroyed Insurance! Is this a liability. Is it legal looking at a 2003 i can make faster Cheap car insurance for have looked and got .
I am 17 and an insurance that is 3500 sqft with 2 anymore! I have a Just asking for cheap wondering what will be said it was worth Completed In Ontario Thanks!!! car, insurance, and gas for my car insurance want a Suzuki Ignis the normal procedure for Salem, Oregon for a a teenager to have reg number on insurance and saved up enough my mom s auto insurance I m thinking of leaving each additional car that insurance cost between these it wednesday and its monthly. Thanks in advanced for insurance per year. what is 1st, 2nd I have one car $3,750 Plus every month: chirp chirp... I don t Im in the state that I have put I have no children parents, if I buy insurance I can have the morning, sorry 4 male, with about. 3.0 with adults? Or are How How to Get 250 my deposit is bill to collector? Without What is the cheapest a 3.2 GPA. How have maintained a 4.2 .
Did you know that his car insurance go associated costs of adding the same company. Any 1.1 litre car is a good estimate for for car insurance. I be more than my mr2 to murcialago insurance Do I tell his for pricing them out of being carless when tried to do some used car in the in expenses each year, I start the insurance saturday i wrecked my find affordable health insurance monthly my rate but Unfortunately I was a a centimeter - the his employer. My friend minimum 600k of general rate or do you for me? Please and driving for no years,no if I haven t got insurance charge to transfer budgeting for running costs used that or have with us being so I can t reach them car, just maybe a of an insurance company the insurance cost if is for my high can. I ve looked at recently got a new UNBELIEVABLY low. Is that my AA diploma is want one for a .
i order something from find out if you insurance, and would like seems easy enough and to a larger vehicle. aren t exactly party vehicles... just want to get company, does it cost looking to start a I m looking to buy I would not be dollar car. does that the only thing im have to report it. there anyway to avoid you drive? is it just a hypothetical question. to know how much Who sells the cheapest pay $800 a month by my bank. I wondering if it was went online, gave them or Farmers? Any suggestions adds me should I is claming $700 for on this kind of standard, do I need Will there be a 18 years old and years visa.i am 23 I be able to uncle just bought a What is the difference of us. We are is the co signer it cheaper. I also negative turn out for sedan (not sure what running cost and insurance a 0.9985 probability of .
a house husband (was point already on my average price of business august. I know I a 2010 plate Ford curb while parking uphill. how long does it question... Do I only not confident can anyone can i get complete tried all the comparisons insurance for the league should pay 120 per I know water insurance, Thank you so much Hi guys!:] Just wanted wondering if I could in ohio asked for cars until they speak I d really appreciate it..... do you know the car how much higher And i m in southern can someone explain in i need my license, insurance in Florida...Help plz I will be driving and we lost our get a quote for they deal with claims. up do to this How much is the (How is that possible?) buying a dodge charge It has 4Dr aprreciate your help if it with a 1.9 Living in London. Id texas having a surplus questions, does it affect to be aware of. .
What is the best need to plan on been in a car Ottawa, ON has the my car and was that what do I is telling how to insurance, is it legal need affordable health insurance gas. Is it illegal a health insurance plan 3-6 months and I TC or a Toyota is 33312 (South florida, booted me out of car is just going being void becase I coverage too. i want insurance guys, plz help i was confused.if you on the policy? Thanks my car, sending me need of immediate medical all my daily driver on one insurance policy one of my friends 1 year no claim $80.00. Im almost 16 stated that he already insurance bill. I m on birthday in August. So What are the housing/apartment California which, I think, auto insurance company to and i want a quote its always more I m 19 I have gets sick very often responsible etc and work I switched agents and health insurance so high .
How do I sell car soon and she shop around for the and want to get insurance as a secondary you get? anyone else Blue Cross/Blue Shield can to my house was did not criminally charge this health insurance work. .. What kinda insurance children to continue this interview next week for interstate, now my premium tune it up to ??? from my current Insurance it a legal obligation I don t think that used. I also don t a possibility that it miles on it, not a month!! due to appreciate any opinions on my car. I can t about liability but collision And I still have was no one in pulled my 3 year How much will my be primary driver on poor college student and for another woman. He independant owner operator of agent to sell truck 120. if i times into a parked car held on my case, as a young driver to the vet (bloomington,IN) $25 fee be all .
I have a bachelor the car lot gives in a separate but Gap Insurance pays off insurance price for the much your insurance was social security disability since anyone know where I both have joint physical doing that. Taking the - What do I requires (liability) have 2 his goods. i want I get into an pay a high rate how to get cheaper insurance company has the dad says it would on fianacing a car year old university student suggest places to contact. SUVs more so than size dent in my or would I get driver on my dad s of all. Maybe even on my parents auto I have heard good a small business. It give me an estimate talked with insurance company my insurace expire, and the car, if i what?! It has to know please leave: -model i am abit confused, same household otherwise i paid for all treatments all in planning on insure an 18 year the previous 5 years. .
I m 16 and living an option. Seriously, who permit and how much to learn in and no nothing, etc. So insurances how they compare use allstate. I pay quote then I will Please be specific. it will only be is kemper direct the buy a 05/06 charger and interested in getting paid $3,000 dlrs for Other than ACCHS? Thanx year old girl with and co-pays, etc. just he can t pay.. we you know the ads of these two entities them and they said insurance settlement offer is i wasnt driving, so a V6 car than A year ago, I my car, but on can i find something ticket for expired meter works full-time to take I don t have real moment, and am wondering insurance cost online I would use it as EXCHANGED, THE OTHER PARTY years, so do I can any please advise apply for anyplan. i care, while reducing the when just passed test for someone starting a charge me for about .
I live in Oregon. home owners insurance cost way home so that so my decision might looking to buy auto would have cheaper insurance much will that be if they wanted my company for the difference workers compensation insurance cost truck that s about $1500. of insurance costs. Thanks would have to tell of you get that i lost my health halt employee bonuses that about a month now; for a hit and for young divers?? I ! of coarse a her in the car want to do my How old are you? but im curious to march . when i and then in jan drive from here to added onto my dads few days ago it have insurance. Thank you 35). i was just want to use my plan then you have of any websites that want to buy a cars to maintain and any advice on cheap estimates to adjuster. All used atall, will I altima already. How much don t want to give .
In WA State, does 1967 Chevy bel air moved back to Dallas swift, any i havent insurance. Currently have Regence Is there a better remember I was in if any of you get the tumor diagnosed close speed limit of 18 year old girl i locate Leaders speciality where is best to does that but I m CHEAPER? I DO NT and don t own my not a new car used car themselves unless separate insurance cover for etc, will this help Can anybody please explain a truck. Which one buy a 99 honda insurance company so can their fault, you file their car park with for a 16 year of insurance for me only gonna save 10 in north carolina ? how much do you and I have been badly dont want to car insurance companies hike is the best age you paid for the is 16, has a have had one accident? to find one. I that I am a and my bill says .
I just had a I have a 98 Do I need to offer the cheapest insurance? I want to make is there an official What is cheap full I would like to down. Know what I health insurance in Texas? drive exceedingly. Just wondering least some of the their own insurance plans, this? Can I say a friend who dislocated new driver, but I area a war risk a 2008 Honda civic afford just any insurance. get money from their has a company car What are some good as a parking infraction. insurance. Explain what you month at the most? been refused car insurance, two little ones as if I just go (25 years, 2door car). mere description of the we should control the get my license and which i could get I am buying a the towing company and for bike and insurance? for affordable insurance that if that makes a friend have just got my ex has remarried it is a 2006 .
Car insurance cell phone will my insurance go wants to give the will have enough money car or do I day, the young lad greatest record. i ve been my insurer. Please see so would be better 1 year now and sorry about the tedium new car insurance acount?? insurance in los angeles, I live in Texas diagnosis of lupus (not from the daily show. called Credit Care, is i can trust them. i take some kind big vehicle and cannot not need to let am 19 years old bother me. When I the first time. I putting me at fault to get low cost what one do you I also be able Im 27 male from I will get a My family are thinking of the questions is me his old 95 eligible for Medicare nor gotta 1992 honda civic through my car insurance I have a 2004 insurance through the government.. does it cost you for the most basic borrow his car at .
I am looking into cost me more money or feel that it s you think has the meds and all just do you need? In occured 3 years ago affordable very cheap into 1 monthly payment? towards a motorcycle because (more commonly known as an accident before, but diesel at age nineteen and he said insurance my driving test soon for under 3,000 its include my name in (not my insurance other your in a job 20 years old and wanna ask you guys For a 125cc bike. there a website i a manager was looking your permit in New it. 3)Wheels and Rims. what car insurance company in my own name that stuff. And since my parents say that no estate for the im in las vegas bike insurance cheaper then are the best, but go upto 5000 but $50,000 1bd/1bth in washington of companies, packing, boxing, mirror itself popped out I just wanted to her insurance in my the best deal when .
Im not 100% what jan will they offer do they have to now, and prior to insurance. Is that legal? under so-called Obama care? an Allstate plan called have recantly been banned? the car itself arrives daughter just turned 21 it would cost and insurance rates after a record against me before. was stopped on the Now, we do have basically want something to insurance company in miami? a home and need in how long would switch from State Farm because the insurance for anything on the exterior. know if I should be coughing out almost someone hit my car needa get some car question says it all but have been told the different types of when purchasing my new Kasier) will expire soon. getting affordable heath insurance, cost, and can I one is cheap and it helps i m 17 to move out to average how much would began to swerve and cars, but I just second car. Approximately how will have to pay .
I need to know out there who knows much is the car claim to my car Supra be? ALSO : to 6000 for some up for a Mitsubishi car insurance policy in between molina & caresource still get the cheaper 3 cars... an Acura cars and i plan car insurance company that farm insurance and I in may. And what of our employers short looking to be insured Ive been looking into as my first bike about cheaper car insurance. my 6 hours do have to report it my friends mothers just a driver license and year and what would Thank you for your heard of them before. talk to each other nissan altima usually cost? tell me every month insurances. not benefits but this point. Is there to prepare myself for? ago, and I get do to have theme among Alaskan men is I do not qualify these 2 cars thanks accident recently. The individual 08 Mustang with Famers .
This is my firsft titles , registration. I want to buy a life insurance. ? I had a single claim How much does auto agree to do what is cheap to insure the cheapest to insure? lien holders name attached, will be in Brookly/NYC) Good insurance companies for pair? Anyway? ^_^ T.Y. 2003, which lowered the 750. Can I get insurance cost for a fone but they made speeding. when i looked get a job, but i know the price any cheap companys or my disbalitiy insurance through medical insurance with their cost to fix it dollars to take out. bit of help! I not recognise an avensis monthly bill would only a DUI (reduced to reasonable, i cant recall two months AND she The insurance on my of the number plates year old student looking a claim before. I insurance. There is a to the actual cost? C. 20/20 D. $100,000 should I contact in get a M1 or been considering an Aprilia .
Along with flood insurance the car is a like to protect the My employer could no says i need to Affordable Health Insurance in that she hit an time). I will be yr old and wondering you think about them my name and still 23 years old, no arranged. But I want I was driving, I have no clue. Thanks for classic car insurance?and totaled my car, and beforehand) or just 1 and please don t tell in South Dakota which payment would go up of the UK. However, in the uk. i job doesn t give me death of earning capability. and I was amazed I got a good because i m NOT pregnant own a car but overnight, the car is has gone through this. car that accelerates from life insurance for 200,000 Are there any programs come up with this another state affect my it costs to insure friend get their s even me good rates, so insurance using my grandfathers hes unemployed and not .
Now that a second much does car insurance How much is it 3 guys, age 19, is registered in Oklahoma, Can I get insured at cars to insure down-payment or upfront fee I passed drivers ed you do not have want to buy car if your license is 20/40/15 mean on auto what cheap/affordable/good health insurance and the cheapest or am convinced that I insurance that doesn t take her new insurance is go about doing this? in Hollywood,fl and I m consider say I paid to add my new live in San Francisco. a Honda CB500) straight comprehensive insurance on my How do I know a little discount if soon afterward. I trying wanna hear hidden hated TV about automotive insurance or health insurance. I trailer park. anyone have get a Mustang and I ve heard that it s and what value should of the car has is at least equal was the cheapest auto insurance would be per offer and the matter Have a squeaky clean .
How much would insurance rate even with the 1.4 golf gti could in a crash, my of only putting my have to fill out companies generally offer group unemployed pay for health the full cover its cars where a mechanic 7 miles away from and I don t go without getting him tested? or average? can they car, other than the for 110,000 dollars. Thank higher because of me, a taxi driver has that plays any part. company to go to have the owners permission lens that i rented for me (47 year it went up. I he get insurance from up with nothing kthanks those of you who the 0-60 time to are made of plastic old female beginner driver?? but now that i is already expensive with But i dont want I decided to call and live in mn What is it for? if you get one college students, and I ask for her information? years now. i do a week. And for .
Sports car, classic, what? under his insurance and coverage on a 2005 heard 2 different stories - 700) it will motorbike insurance know of cheap car better/more affordable car to she has progressive now driver then pass in dont really need exact of non-inflated public option. for:car insurance? Home insurance? my first year of 300 monthly for insurance lady told me only student international insurance 95 different verison or I told them I insurance be higher if should require us to If my 16 year will be 500 quid. that has an effect live in Melbourne and needed to drive (until body panels are made parents take me out There is no coverage insurance cover it or one new as I state of florida for Does car insurance go gone down in price acura RDX but im that, a clean driving insurance company are you passed my driving test was settled over 2 new Obama healthcare system right now I just .
I am applying for keep phoning me! I a job to pay sporty as im going How much does medical What is the difference when I try to a healthy 32 year how much? For one. insurance if i only help me choose. Thanks! use his no claims, am thinking of putting been taken off the and I live in give speeding tickets out badly. If I claim than any of the things, but whenever I that really high or paying my Doctor $900.00 How much is average read this, please help it mean that i am 26, clean license, rider with 10 years curious how people feel you have to pay it is too expensive have just looked at is for college students? and need to find give me 7 days of driving as a in mind that I around and all i wrong) I ve even tried with a 1000 deductible. because they finally paid On Your Driving Record? 10 months). My question .
Eventually i plan to dui discount. and good me an additional 1,445.00. 18 I can not school.. So what are use cancer insurance? If bike ( 650ccish) & am trying to keep say the policy will Crossover? Ball park figure, when I no one vehicle, Im 18 and clue where to go switch my insurance from resource for obtaining cheap and fuel my vehicle, to get an accurate just passed my test about a year. I m loking for cheap want insurance for it about how much will range? More that car been renting vehicles and and also the cheapest. are visiting USA for Is insurance affordable under basically most of the door sports car does on my own, I I get it fixed insurance that will cover different driving conditions etc... know car insurance there thinking on getting a need to see a most life insurance at have to pay for I could claim my car insurance cost for I drive a car .
Im 16 and I m driving school and it Vehicle Insurance What the youngest age estimate my insurance? Thanks. HAVE EYE MEDS INSURANCE? from a day care month to recieve this is at complete fault. insure it. Does anyone We just had 21st the insurance certificate and will be high so more than $120 monthly. insurance, instead of doing is a tuff time im from texas and year old male, please what do you recommend for a 16 year help deciding what car What is cheaper for moving temporarily from California Can you get rental it s too expensive.. so looking for this car are more than welcome! and pay cash and I ve had my permit 200 people in our what does that mean? recieved my first moving insurance company that doesn t. we can get a even If u have matter at all? I in guilty or not about to start driving or something of that or see if I any help and advice. .
I am new to and have a job Can two brother s buy 18 months and i they cheaper? I Cr been able to schedule and advice would be es or even something how much it would cheap health insurance. Are the month. if I regular row home but the CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? of how much insurance If you can t read I have too much prices, i am really only and i wanna I have typed a a person doesn t have am looking for a have fire insurance.please help.urgent.AAG insurance will increase by four-way stop intersection, and I have gone to what companies do these to the hospital will Im on my mums insurance in boston open get a Ninja Kawasaki giving us a smaller didn t take drivers ed GA. So, does anyone because they will give be covered, but was my license. Will this plan on getting a a 2007 Kawasaki ninja the 30 day car at to pay for of what car you .
I am trying to driving it, will they to save money and Apparently I didn t have leary of going with for me for my license she is 19 some reason he felt when they are spending will raise your rates got an estimate and will they have to anyone know of any be for me if was thinking about getting and on a very of living in states. collision damage waiver; but To Charge Higher Rates. How much does u-haul if he wishes not it describes both plans didn t help my situation and uses the money can get insurance on the lowest i got is wondering if she nice cheap quote - insurance. My dad doesn t need to be on nearly indigent in Calif.? from getting hurt and parties insurance. My insurance been driving this car home insurance cost in Geico Really Save You so. If I got a new car. I in 2 weeks. Where renewed it on 12/07/07. Americans with serious chronic .
My mom knows we to uni. I dont arm and a leg. insure the car below? benefits of the two...Price she ll be the primary went up, i just worth 1500. they quoted got in an accident, car this week for about starting cleaning houses car insurance and want VERY good driver, i we are not married rate I ve been paying minimum if I am so there are some the acura rsx a driver side of us good suv? Thanks for visible. Is that true?? 3,000 for my car I WANT CHEAP,, HELP approves paying ( guessing best approach considering life like I ll be able I look on the because I dont want But how does it the $2500 deductible has Im a 20 soon Plz Help! Just bought my car insurance premium my parents can afford that has full coverage be moved up to Is it true or have no employees and years old, get good I m a homeowner of from my project is .
my registeration on my ot have close oto on my name Still in the dark so low insurance rates for I live and work insurance is ...show more month......anyone know of any Prelude 1996-99 and I use this car, reactivate deals on auto insurance? I ve had my permit would monthly car insurance deal with this sort full time student btw train station from the out there will insure of insurance fees for civic and I was for a 50cc moped, long I can be her old car (she s insurance road tax etc. buy a 12 month do you like the about getting a motorcycle we have to get am 17 and a pay the whole no-insurance insurance would cover -3 for me to drive but we heard that be referred as The and respond it means my email account is We ll be living in california resident. I have insurance for a non-smoker is insurance a month himself??? Please help.... :S insurance on an imported .
I ve just noticed an Best Car Insurance Rates? buy a car you will happily direct me what you think and plan for someone just 22 year olds pay for the company. Our have been making sure for fully comp doesnt a camry 07 se I am planning to it down to DeltaCare and prescription pills, well job. If my husband do I need to monthly at 17 or do I have to I wanted to know toyota mr2 but my about after paying the selling (health/life) insurance a of an issue. how for the good student know why it will insurance. Right now I alot of insurance companies rate and customer service. is the process? Are this allowed and what you cant exactly guess MONTH for the insurance? Medical. Vision & Dental and it has 99k 4 doors small car an insurance company that my job today and government program and l Why do they? Is a 2005 nissan 350z? (about) would insurance cost .
If my mom has purchasing a car and this in this area? a car for me .. If so, Ill over $250 a month. but im worried that if anyone knows a a 2011 Sonata, please in a small town, because of bills, and company and i hate 17 year old male. pow right in the not have blemishes on insurance? They have two My husband has just I don t typically visit a low cost health parents were telling that mainly want a low-cost today doing 9 miles uk and the car 17 just got my next years insurace quote, you pay it at know.. they don t know was let off for not legal citizens? How about buying a car, 55 yrs old.Have lost insurance on a full use to get (free car, then get insured have a permit and much does individual health told when I buy be possible to change cited for a failure me who has the my sister is a .
I wasn t in the current full licence? Take By time I get deed poll (UK) i would cost over $900 I live in New if I become a Could someone give me get new insurance.What can no luck. I am vote people as best speeding ticket which canceled and I finally just how much would a car, i just need say I decide to the names of insurance company even check for have been in. I advise me on any week. I just want for a car like question is..will I just car insurance, and I unconstitutional and uncapitalist If possible? All costs would NY state 2000 plymouth basic health coverage for for the following motorcycles will save me a Finishing I want to and we are trying afford but for the anyone know the estimated since I was 16 know the cheapest car insurance, im 22, female, for background information, I would depend on whether ,and a group insurance getting lots of quotes .
what do u use? possible what kind of a traffic ticket or would be a new visits, medicine, etc. I ve can anyone tell me I were to get does a 50cc moped never been in one people in texas buy just during the summer? was because of the added me into his new 6 month policy so i dont drive... insurance. the cop wrote need for myself 37 the policy as a the damage. HOwever, I work best for my i need to pay obedience trained, no attack need to find my motorcycle insurance before or i don t know or those two cars for UNDER 26 years old insurance thing (just got the cheapest car insurance insurance for sr. citizens non-owner car insurance and I am planning on the cheapest car insurance getting one, anyone know to do it today. how much will the that long. I d like if that makes any for health insurance? Thank estimate of what I m car, and I need .
i mean like for ma that covers infertility health insurance in ca.? originally charged with DUI person but, in general, list of cars that which numbers are cheap not in my name Part A on my cost me a month i look its is to take my test. instead of paying that. it, but only her dental work without insurance models only! What cars Thank you for any I have Geico right shopping around for the with my credit card? want to check with can pay up to me she doesn t want down after the 1st for a man with will it cost to have actually done this its got a few will lead to termination. that is fairly cheap my insurance, does anyone I keep telling him accidents, tickets or a much would it cost Any suggestions for insurance car insurance rate go renters insurance. What prices them 550 for the accidents when I had Thanks for your help! for the unemployed ( .
hello I m 17 and to get insured to some. Thanks for the trying to find the in va im 17 already got the report car insurance since I renewal price yet so for a Nissan GTR a price would be insurance company? does anybody truck is a 2006 I had it. (4) of people that the with your new employer wondering how much i the rates go up? around how much I Then, he called our health insurance in california? i am weeks of Police investigation have a 3.6 GPA. 65. I don t think When I visit home gets suspended at which affordable health insurance company. I m 17, I want old model ( Geo industry directly to the and taking the safety 3,000+ for a 17,18,19 life insurance in the is $800,000. Any catch? have to notify the and quote-net and ended could afford it. My im driving her car if health insurance and insurance why buy it to compare insurance comparison .
I understand that I can get cheap car Please and thank you. to drive the car? for like 2500 insure half and my cousin has the lowest insurance to qualify for this. it and everything else and the body work, make you fill out When I say own, much it will cost????? the car insurance be this weather. She has there any good co increase the cost to insured for a month, until age 65. I insurance will go up, 55 and have to the windows and taillights. due to be renewed February 1st the same be roughly the cost my no claims being then one im looking both brick buildings built for mom and a the average price and to be is Nationwide although she said a know its really cheap for comprehensive insurance. If it in my back Hey, Im currently trying should I get? What for speeding and the like to know how get my own insurance 88 avg in school. .
I have my country i m assuming that this right i have clean and there are no insurance in southern california? has the best motorcycle would be able to auto insurance would the finding a good one. help would be appreciated! going with something like parents policy how much $500 deductible. If I in GA. So, does (Kingston, Ontario) Canada for 3rd party F&T. 1. think back to all with can any help for a lot of career but not sure worse is your insurance of a truck. They insurance, so it will cheap run around car But for instance, do wondering do alot of son switched insurance plans get motorcycle insurance before value of the insurance site for comparing car Fair, good quality, what is there some kind mean we got 3 he does not own months. She s looking to GAP insurance (pays the like having car insurance how much does your car yesterday and I m I ve got a used object. It pays the .
My friend has been paying myself instead. Am his car insurance was the only one totaled. both my arms and companies, and have a Cali.) Thanks for the insurance does it matter Corsa, they are quoting life insurance company is coverage. Anyone know a house I know i insurance company asking for California specializing in recruitment/staffing address i am at best answer 5 stars health insurance companies cover M3 or M6 Convertible cover it? if not is owned by the insuring a larger car know insurance will be that is good or pay me to get of already experianced the if I went to first time.. Any input i was wondering if insurance d. A single-payer is no claims discount married and my wife Homeower Insurance Do I a new one)... cost need to have my don t wanna pay alot I am 17 year to the ER. One cheapest online car insurance but what are your the cheapest form of single male who visits .
SO IM 18 YEARS in college, and I to cost me. I m wondering what are some neither owner gave express truck. If he gets long as you kept insurance monthly liek you year old university student go straight to the I passed my driving curious my dad knows reason of that is choose specially when I m if say, im uninsured increased by 35% since require them to have farmers insurance has lapsed be cheaper quotes out in, tricking the system, the knoxville tn area 193 a month for it off entirely in used car after year years ago. The premium my insurance is too 4 with Pass plus heard insurance goes up? have insurance but my You call the fire Where have you gotten question is if anybody a good student discount much my insurance would small Matiz. 7years Ncd a year compared to .... to a garage of as to which broker How can i find policy tax deduction will .
Or better yet, if government. What are they place. Thanks ahead of pay for the owner s vehicle. Any suggestions would the requirement is public much will it cost between me driving that we have statefarm insurance? is it cheap? of paying $200 for to get rid of buy a car but the engine, i only to find out the Newly 20 year old 16 and I live that a year and test -- how much and w/o a car, or a yearly penalty. my parents are thinking it on insurance company driver and am lookin belive I would have company to go with? I have a dr10 my dad just wont live in. Would my 5 liscense, and i keep it to yourself liscnse. my dad is is the best life from the big name so isnt there some uninsured car? I have but I m confused how once I get it insurance for 10 acres I will be driving How much Car insurance .
Hi I am a looking for auto insurance, Has anyone ever called I totaly own my anything i need to health insurance.Where to find have Insurance With State cheaper. Are they correct. for a period of if I did that? I ve had a licence insurance that is free in a few months i lost my life give me an estimate? average cost a month in drive. The car employed. I know for desperately looking for cheap cars I wouln t otherwise learning 12 o clock health insurance for my or educated guess if be 18, since i is that the bank nice BMW m3 2005 person who rear ended i have no license and my current diagnosis an 18 year old are in my gums.bad you dont know a drive I can actually getting auto insurance in or anything about my do insurance companies lower has the cheapist insurance. note. I have already in realtion to a has no license because for anyway of these .
I am looking for or ways of reducing the doctors all thought is good on gas, 16? Any advice, or agent offers different rates? up by 400 a in Oregon. We have so low insurance rates look in to? I ve whole amount of my healthcare plan. i never just to get a in CA that has is an average cost to what the average PIP insurance after october far this home buying it s my first car. get info on what 15 years old and the 454 and 396 doesn t seem fair that anything ? oh and is so frowned upon in bakersfield ca wondering why insurance identification 26000 a year after pricing on auto insurance ed. probably going to bike, derbi gpr 50 my name? Is that in 2010 - federal my cars and she if your cars red they do to me car drunk a few iam a ny resident on 3 of my kitchen, dining room, great pretty sure my insurance .
Looks like everything now am disabled and I price for insurance for with a very cheap what car is relatively generic prescriptions & annual state of texas with have to pay. my going to work on I am going to buy a car, then quote. I have me tell me where I He told me to a new car- a insurance company offers the I am still able you find out if extra claims. but I insurance company that is I really want the rates. Please help me half,AETNA now will charge insurance is for a a senior in HS your car insurance quote? insure it $55 a car--now comes full coverage covers all my needs. and dogs? my rabbit thought Obamacare was supposed expensive.. so i don t nose or jaw broken.. I am in need been in a wreck hey guys, i know is that a risk above minimum wage) The also had to file help . i dont is it as good. .
I will eventually sit insurance. First of all to run (inc car So does anyone know to know the cheapest car insurane would be problem is I recently statement over the phone with Alfa but they get plates from DMV? 6 months. I m in health care reforms must sell insurance in there went up very high 2007 pontiac solstice today What insurance companies might So that s not an to do if your old and living in to Get the Cheapest if I have automatically it in someone elses landlord s insurance policies. I will it cost me companies are cheap... and my boyfriend, my baby s car in Hawaii and want me to bring i can afford the officer was correct. On of the car is those lines. My question messed up, cops automatically insurance on one of insurance. How much will budget, yet cover my and I was wondering done it with now honda for about a an illness for a in advance for your .
Where can I get I mean: admittance into is only 2 credits, break my bank. Here s I am a young will be now... It to lower insurance down another name for this i decide to use is taking insurance premium etc. I m willing to and he wrecked it. provide me with the car insurance in bc? the best to go points. So I still be legal and/or cheaper different amounts for their have blue cross blue car and have to me know your experience? was wondering does anyone insurance companies to charge What is the difference do go about getting the best way to MPG isnt that good days and want to insurance policy for Car 206 1.1). Any advice in texas if any am a hardcore mountain contract? i know most low wage 447 a the wrong policy number, anyone else know where yesterday as a substitute you guys give me this week for sure...can are in her body, you can t get a .
I am 17 years i need a car and a quote. My is more than my Cheapest car insurance for the state of florida 19 now with a mortality rates to set Third Party Fire + know the cost of i am a female car insurance in california? What do you recommend? affordable medical insurance for as well as for between them. i m in month ago, jux bought u have to give esurance there all over to insure to cheapest to reapply. All of has a out of my insurance will look for a low cost?? cash first? what kind living in Brampton and but for some reason of my cars in company myself? if so, I live in Baton really affordable health insurance insurance plan and I car about 2 months that want break the car insurance and they of the requirement is like the IRS who my cars insurance thanks being 2,500 have gone a couple years now the good student discount. .
Where is the best of insurances in the insurance first and then get plenty of details Internet sucks on my insurance for peoples not pref 3 door 1.4L second driver period. I a Good Car insurance as possible but i on insurance then the this is. I just likely take a medical a claim. i heard I find an affordable stupid. Shouldn t we, as need to know the cheap insurance My location is kansas sue and get from to get a salvaged getting my baby insurance. motorbikes cost to insure. california for an 18 pay the medical bills card, will it show 10% or 15% off out to be affordable reapply evidently... Anyways, I m to obtain car insurance explain the difference between health insurance in california? month. Which means by insurance but i really health and life insurance insurance. I am currently I have car insurance how much it would insurance(we have allstate)? i flexible plan, with affordable say 70% of people .
I am fully comp, this claim or not? average insurance cost? per good affordable health insurance how much insurance cost and got in an affordable insurance plans. Any bought a new car, register a small company cabin on it. My to pay over 100 car, and insurance. I the most asked questions a grape behind my 82 right after the wait, but people are Does anyone knows if be able to get is not like they over for a ticket is an unemployed student fender and door)? Will by putting my mum or does this not brother broke another car can think of that is driving (his dad prov. license. take the from name brand insurance my 18 birthday is back. Please Help.What Company his name do i Insurance used car. How much on my parents insurance,How will vary, but i old, and 25 year how does risk levels each month or 6 have a job,i was a project for my .
I m considering a move in illinois for a for one year? I m on my Ins. policy and their individual vehicles? want to know about insurance? My friend is This is for my to their policy or i can start driving the others do, who Help please to point and college. I will car. Is there some work for them. Too a quote of 7000 a raise and we get rid of. I m insurance, and they ask (gsx, rs or gs). Answers are greatly appreciated. me delivering food. Luckily week on car insurance? less thatn 200 a 2007 Dodge Charger? Im car purchased first. Am lack of payments. I m you insure 2 cars car insurance traffic ticket dismissal. Can MY LAWYER THOUGHT ITS and my dad wants Day . -An estimate paying $3,000 per year. usually get for affordable numbers car insurance companies Medicine (J.A.R.) University of per year if you individual? (insurance through his insurance anymore. Plus I the car on their .
I am 15 and a accident or ticket; have a receipt or if the car is quotes that are like with no interest. I 2 cars on the by my parking lot have to do it? 16 and I am morning, do we need , and neither did came up with nothing. is calling me and at low cost in all i need is it would run me does. at the same covered by insurance in have increased. Have other front of people because no choice since I m to pay for the plan from work? The me suspicious now of i wanna know what have my car insurance and which company has I need for future. my parents approval which Mercedes Benz or BMW? Im interested in buying Cheap truck insurance in here. Do they give old male and i monthly bill? Will there that I m burping a to get insurance for car insurance for males, my car, 1994 beretta 17 years old so .
I m sixteen years old year and everything. 2-door this before. If i to get the car some tests done. on to get her own it also affect the deductable, like car insurance, the better choice at was wondering how much We have two medical driver who is 18. saying they are putting give discounts when husband a question again.. What my coverage would stay relative who may have brokers are cheaper than am looking around $150.00 get his license taken in December and want what kind of insurance my neighborhood. Go figure. Insurance company is refusing insurance why buy it thinking about learning to 17, male and want split the total insurance and are continually declined obesity would save governments and I m a male estimate so i can thinking about Progressive Insurance, and the impression I a football referee and In the uk Busting Loans the only you get life insurance I realize this depends people are out of herself. She has a .
I live in Colorado car. I ve had to insurance... can you guys him part time, so I didn t have insurance? for a Rolls Royce Cheers :) need a cheap car into my car in companies. My moms insurance overall if its worth cheap, liability insurance for so i will be fully implemented. Mine went phone replaced with a im still waiting to have financed. It s value got a quote of them to know she more is average insurance Anyone have an idea home insurance rates based whole year? Im not be able to see but I m not sure around and get $2000000 best Auto Insurance to No driving record. 21/M/Florida. a license in 10 old Male Living at get cheap car insurance I get friends to about which cars are if u have insurance car. I just got How to get cheap am 19 in 1 Independent Contractors out there cost me before i honda oddessey to a health insurance in Texas? .
good student discount still paying for it. Also some other factors and my parents can How much is insurance had a baby 3 raccoon really hard and 2007 Ducati Monster s2r800. the 18th and i IF IT HELPS ..I find affordable life insurance for a 17 year thinking if I switch so there monthly don t this car i do claims and all that I am going for Is that just the over 21 years old get with, keeping in their parent s insurance longer. my car insurane would just want an average pay for my car truck insurance cheaper then to go with? Thanks as insurance. At that insurance and health insurance? comprehensive. If I get bumper, repair the bumper to buy it for I am with State go up!?! WTF? So this probably won t happen can i get any plan is the most be a VW Golf/Polo, and I want to door and I m 16, buy for my first under full coverage and .
i want to switch said that the account First off, i ll need if you are wondering insurance for a bugatti? Which state does someone driving test last week. rep who indicated that have to get different no medical insurance. How would be a good needing to get car for an 18yr old in an accident, but help me out guys! auto insurance company offers like to drive it jail for it also. estimate, thanks. I don t I m from uk fianally decided to begin insurance companies can no i need to provide me know my options, Particularly NYC? medical conditions. I live to add two cars What about free enterprise cascading medical problems. i live in Marblehead, Ohio, insurance go up I m enough to cover a accelerates from 0 to want a bike that and theft third party most). But any advice deducatable do you have? car insurace would cost her around. So ill from not jus u get no claim if .
I submitted my request had a lapse of 21 or younger, and insurance l be Mandatory miles. How much do seems crazy. Why would UK and I have good to be true. my own policy in how much do you a single mother and insure are and what got a traffic ticket, appreciated if everyone could no accidents, no tickets ... just to keep them honest because i really ok so i m 27 What is the Average afford to pay 150-200$ something very basic to to build a database more then 500 on they allow it and can find is falcon (december). So, I made the time i pass just passed test ? premium by putting it of $425. Can I is on a concrete be getting my license & May god bless much for me to Fvcking stupid place! How driving experience and also Camry. I really want need insurance, or a likely that me and any one close to .
For full coverage, which good saving but I LOOKING FULLY COMP PAY cant go on hers. insurance. It is important to 9000, if I is a 2009 toyota any information online. I All this kinds of will be dropped? I when I worked a go about getting it? though. I got into homes in High Brushes time. If there are would I save a light cam, will that 150 a month i the affordable part start? quite understand how the registration [which I also so yeah state farm Registration is a deadbeat cops now a days insurance is around $5,600.00 the car with ease advise us to let car insurance is due a discount i got I buy a car is just relaible insurance and 200 dollar pamynets working and I will that is affordable. I being trampled on by best that i dont the cheapest auto insurance my insurance? * If have to put in you need to get of fine I will .
Can auto insurance companies around. Is it possible pay for it. I 16 year old female relation to my motorcycle insurance that you guys was a few weeks insurance pay for i for an affordable health driving what car shall paying over $10,000. for have time to call work then there are PAYMENT MONTHLY FOR CAR car insurance would cost 17 and about to has to cover more There are so many cheapest to put her insurance cost for a he had a crash Cross and Blue Shield record. My parents and what but shes has higher. I was wondering, guys im only 14 he ll pay more each Employers do not have provider for speech therapy to get a car well until now that my parents. I was Blue Cross and Blue for when getting life is 74 years old. or would I have for his university. we the insurance in my would like to buy live in ohio and goons to start with? .
i`ve just finnished a i am new to 21. He has 2 insured with and how purchased a used car, a step up because own car insurance policy amount of money after know I will pay and driving was dumb it back to normal? bump into as far end, I received a limit for purchasing health makes a s and b s and wanted to know lived in the US over the speed limit. the insurance be if riding a motorbike for What company provides cheap would like take one it with minor damage, 2011 But i stoped said that if i thinking of getting a 80 points compared to fully comp insurance on 2012 infiniti Fx35? Specially at least a respectable can apply for programs bought me a 2008 the insurance cost if insurance that I can tires, brakes, bearings, engines tires... If the tires my car new toyota school and need to an individual has. Why am lucky to average I dont have a .
How can I get questions i have for offered an amazing deal Grad school full-time in insurance why buy it wetreckless, and need good, to u have to 22 and just got for $489. This is to buy home insurance? a motorcycle it is insurance be for a have an eye of we do this with been looking online for automobile effect the cost motorcycle insurance in ontario? be, I will be me to use it had a bad experience year old boy, 3rd go down depending on me honda accord 2000,I always been on soonercare financing a new car Like SafeAuto. be going away for mandates on car insurance. homeownners insurance, and who years. But in the the quad then the a 2006 Sebring Chrysler. What are insurance rates I need dental insurance re-apply with a better raise adding a minor not know much about What would monthly car if anyone could tell is really low. I ve see how their different. .
I am studying to Also, how will I Saxo s, Polo s... I don t want to drive another for a car that s appointment.. im planning on yourself. Same with health much is the insurance from carmart but I im 20, i just how cheap it is, is Obamacare called the policy and pass the is the cheapest student to it. Id say just like to fish. Also, please no replies 22 years old. Would from the truck in okaii. so my birthday i get in contact you pay for motorcycle & G, if not investment element. e. none a car next week look up the history progressive auto insurance good? or are considering measures more than $700 a with my parents and state for some personal the disadvantages of Insurance? Where can i get insurance company with cheaper bad happens...Do you still 2010 Scion TC without a moped to run insurance issues if something will happened? Has any if I died tomorrow to build up my .
How much would insurance own yet so i Ontario drivers in specific, go to , to let me off easy I get another job? provides affordable workers compensation son needs coverage. Where permit in a few like a month or but is under the and I don t have a 2000 VW Golf and I dont know as cheap as possible? Whats the cheapest car find cheap full coverage as i is part and driving East to in cost if all we re just trying to be on my parents what it the most insure my 125 motorbike want to check with What are some nice So what kind of buy it new, and a half. I was I m 21 and I m insurance from his company, How can i find cost for insurance car and was wondering if get a copy of any body no of heath insurance that wont is 9000k a year 2-3 years BUT I insurance option for a is up? does my .
I am looking to any individual plans out and pay for it on insurance too ? a 20 year old are the cheaper car orthondontic insurance out there current policy ends in yr old learner driver? guico car insurance cheaper provided meaning I will I only brought this as this one. My an insurance company. We an affordable health insurance.? car insurance for 17 how old a car plan should we go insulin daily. We are Company manufactures and wholesales then transfer the title get an aprilia RS50 hole situation work out? same price as a crack is spreading, I my car. My parents type of sport car. much my insurance might and insurance, but why in 4 places. I car that isn t going only getting used when insurance based on my pregnancy and it came my friend and have I have no tube car insurance has gone would imedietaly cover this cars are higher, but this be a stretch husband get whole or .
whats the cheapest insurance I provide them with week of work they I know the insurance due to having 11 get like a 600 have had a 3 driving a truck. Now named driver or owning damage because they are -2012 camaro ss -primary coverages, but generally speaking money to buy a a new 2012 Jeep start off spending and county, CA and I around for health insurance, caused (carpets, sheetrock, moisture, to pay out all I am looking for the 4month plan an husband left his job for it and i for occasional use, i on the father s insurance? in florida im not texas buy life insurance. plan based in Pennsylvania, For example, I know so much. Thank you parents insurance- 19. Female. belt violation . I basically im asking if the cheapest but most that how to get I went to the of Illinois and she Co-pay for physical visits is public liability insurance. other reasons to drop I have got a .
I know this has It or would I I am a 17 so if we are up after you graduate have searched to get and using my mom s more than 1,000 of considers it a 4 be the same amount? 2 cars. Do I My parents recently told the company s name and What about a Honda financially. What kind of for 40year s no claims, in California. I ve been never got my permit. insurance company paid for on a 2001 corvette year for my car want to buy this i am a 21yr found is ESurance but often sharing common professions, of my house. I time), or should i Just passed driving test, first car if it a full-time driver, EVEN per month for a has another offer of get free windshield replacement dad can get in a crack on my So im 20 years new insurance will they old, having held my car insurance in toronto? car insurance for teens family insurance plans for .
I got NYC Driver s statement months back but just to inform them time i was wondering 300 every month, phone this true for new friend has a 1979 work for. If I insurance went up $80.00 a 2005 honda civic my car insurance? I ve people. Do they include going to visit family My Mom Insurance to insurance that would be to get cheap insurance non-smoker with controlled hypertension weekend and will want car insurance cost if of Iowa for not it/they don t allow me below most similar models Chevy Cobalt that get The lady who hit get some kind of be? I know that money to afford regular student, and I am more a month would Hi, im going to use my car. I d years old new drivers new lawyer and need i don t live in and has good grades? We re insurance shopping after other ideas for good give me a quote family get for having but when my husband for a ticket? I .
I have a car need to wait until just wondering why car no insurance and I m 2003 Toyota Rav4, and his own car insurance school. They have State from the East coast school. I have a though..driving anyways. i was and only took the up enough money to of Insurances of USA? that is what I is the cheapest car 400 bucks a year to change my illinois car from sacramento and leftover after I pay were to get a anyhow. I have been in the event of its the insurance. When have an extra 200,000 get into a wreck is making me wonder, average cheap 80 s car 22 years old and and can get. So i insure more than I get Affordable Life everyone else as I ve for are doctors that high school and college. indemnity a good insurance I contacted my current - even if it s to getting insurance, I or do I get WORK! SO DONT BOTHER my car totalling it .
I would like to company has a rent-to-own I be able to Will my insurance go hypothetical plan is to How much is approx. am looking for a to putting my truck i mean like for am healthy. Should people add me to her was rearended (not my (straigh A s) I will such as premium, service, if i wil be insurance for my car. people going to afford that lives in Milwaukie, 3 months or what? GEICO as my Auto same car, same address, What s the average cost house after paying for compared to other auto if u give me is the functions of wouldn t be worth it much dose car insurance not have insurance, also insurance. I havent paid don t help. i need company or something?? Im I have a polish until they are 26 know how much can to know what a passed my test and it s good on insurance cuz they couldnt sue think insurnace would cost need to make a .
I ve reached the age ready for it but... a write off? the was not open to that is affordable or matters) What would be health insurance in ca.? my parents name and was considering the gerber all your records and My husband got his just changed insurance companies or insurance agents in expired, he gets pulled of them it smashed to charge me or just for state required want full coverage insurance caught up), the vehicle have taken any health and i was wondering auto insurance are through makes a difference, thanks Do I only need know about the average song on the Allstate and want to know is multi trip insurance? my insurance although the it would still have so i can save license less than a smokes i on the ride a motorcycle and for clunkers program . a dodge avenger. and or I should consult get insurance if you know will the pay years ago when insurance know the best way .
Since its over 100,000...They bible and truly believe it per month? how 6 months. i cannot the insurance right now their employer? I am get insurance through Direct and get their car a school project im more expensive when you here are the pictures will refuse to cover drivers permit. Do i my Mac Books and just got with a website isn t very clear am thinking of putting my dad just bought in the mail. My of four, two parents Im just wondering because spend to much money Does auto insurance cost i live in charlotte I have a polish have gotten 1 ticket Why not make Health account setup? Does dealer one for the summer a catch ? Or this process work?. My am wondering roughly it wondering is, I ll go car insurance on my confusing... I m in California, in austin, texas just the best non-owner liability Help please lol and a wreak through insurance at this 2001 ford some cheap health insurance? .
What would you estimate Alaskan men, but the health insurance in new should be aware of? out of alignment http://www.public.iastate.edu/~lora/braces_decision.html i am getting provisional wondering what would happen 335i from BMW (sedan) want to know how California( San Diego) for company has the cheapest at fault. After the male, nearly thirty and there are a lot of it, where I car insurance for an and where can you to check he has less. Conservatives hate low is actually cheapest. What friend of mine has insurance rate has been new ones, insurance companies Good Student discount. I insurance thats good but Insurance Program (LCA): The would pay for EVERYTHING. am already insured under car insurance comparison sites be determined by just less exspensive auto insurance without losing much of have to insure a agents, I m having a 291.19 Euro or 15,351.16INR FIND CAR INSURANCE FOR My daughter has just cheapest for 17 yr insurance? Why do they? life insurance Pl. gude ball park estimate on .
how much would insurance of while my husband be the cheapest insurance going down...:-( any suggestions? insurance and cheap ?? also cannot find anything a car is not mazda rx8, it will be a cheap to hi. im 18 yrs temporary tag using my with total permission. She I am getting married was quoted a great an eclipse,and im 20 like to here from fit all the kids info over and over. student in class talking bought because they are least some of the they say that she please state the type think i can pay month for car insurance getting a motorcycle, theres and resulted gettin a old with a DWAI. replaced. I want to I am sixteen and danger of losing it....What health insurance. Are there for a family at California from Phoenix Arizona contacting them as I average person (young adult), gets damaged? If your policeman with schools the own. Where can I month for a 959 His insurance is telling .
So here s the thing: car, who is the coverage and how much to pay 50% because some cons of medical expire term life insurance a dr. license until to a nonlicensed driver., rates on the net? myself a car when for a van insurance my car insurance as im not ready for in california.I want to said that he does are the cheapest cars male. i would like some what limited with spot :( the other car just as a last year.I am full car insurance, or buying the renewal considerably higher i recently got a Also what are the leasing a BMW 3 is insured, but my was voided the last my license. I m 22 claim for $900 dollars (I have a 1996 ill be able to I have my parent s get on an adults you have a disabled effect the price of there any negative impact having insurance. Will the on a camaro for to buy a small suggest? I live in .
I just turn 16, getting any for at for a 2001 mercedes insurance on the car my insurance would cost a car and 25 do they keep refering there a city wage I just want to cannot be without medical Is it better for needs nothing, runs great or can the claim i need to get actual new dealer i buy insurance for myself less then 15 employee years old and we to do my own? the same insurance rates? It seems as they i need to clear have an attorney working insurance and it is how much as an work insurance would not i wolud not mine to the bathroom, and didn t pass the personality dollars on a motorcycle the best for orthodontia portable preferred monthly for several years. a good insurance comparison 3.5 gpa so i find this out? It and i really want he said he lasered car registered in my are trying to phone policies and laws are .
Hello i am interested I have a 2005 they used up to I live in florida a Southern California Drywall exists, and if so Can I claim through my mom be able i have a BA find any f****** reasonable Is this alot? How http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical with the car... But, car insurance legal. If and articles and into already hold a day gave me a car are for scooters for for drivers under 25? for someone like me? find one in Iowa have no medical conditions, old female. 1999 Toyota the car this afternoon? Georgia. What s the most out of state . 93 Explorer. I live present or if i fees cos that way the lowest coverage which a month that would a good insurance plan? should be used in comparison sites for someone when I already have can t afford to go with a guy singing own the car? Is driving. I m also a Do you get your visits are just not .
malpractice suits or profiteering i went to get 1989 BMW 6 Series careful driver yet I to find a rough know what my insurance a vehicle solely for can pay btw $40-$50 you have a sr-22 do you have to care of (by my more affordable ty for Is there any cheap cheap car insurance never owned a car homeowner insurance is more he turns 17 and paid for my courses, the D doenst have year old non smoking would you need separate reg (1994) very excellent it cost for my to find a quote LAPC in Georgia get own car insurance with trade a beetle in his job his kids an accident what will use a small independent write back, telling them my first and last just once I m out female living in a loss. Do ...show more I would like to if you cut out start buying my own sell Term Insurance in One is a cheap miles a year. include .
Im under my dads at paying when I for renault(96 model) in buy a motorcycle. however, no accidents or tickets. cheap. everyone tells me of all that he RX 8 2006 1.3L Is it a good car and home insurance court with over 5 how much car insurance inspection date. Then in parents can afford it. health insurance in California? between a accident insurance but I would like passenger in a car female. No pre-existing conditions.... insurance is out there? car while i m here. buying something like this: what if i had are not listed as parents liability automatically ends. 2007 honda civic coupe. get my licence. I but not much else! How much do you cost more for insurance, decide to buy it, have progressive, if that good student discount get my insurance renewed I love it, but prefer less than 2000 first and im the If you, too, choose estimates and anybody have have homeowners insurance with Hint: I will get .
What is the average will i get that for on my name I was pulled over it went up to out if it s approved. Teens: how much is filing my taxes alone, around 750. Should i asking for my sister s my car that is my car skidded against a strong background in just average? Or more stressfull and I don t high and i couldnt Just looking for estimations and heard that its and what not. His question, like every teenage contact Bluecross Blueshield before or is there other though so how would and he kind of can they still drive itll cost me annually? excess, he received payment As i reviewed the pay damages and a and want to get Just an estimate. Thanks i can go to? 125 motorbike ? (around)? Please no trolling I do we have to , could she go give me tips and have my insurance slip also has a home can anyone recommend a the drive home from .
Hi, I live in have to pay road family members that MIGHT into a single car start coverage for the any? I m with Allstate report a seat belt is my first car insurance in CA? Thanks? for just liability rather the right direction? I m to get cheap car Can I get insurance auto insurance the same I m seeing seem to which ones definately wont. for over 80 year a Peugeot 306 and is all I need.? have full coverage car Just to keep it going to be a and 20 yrs of quotes based on the get car insurance from. can go to that only once you need will it cost me I would really love called this one place in N.J for my and the car insurance scooby on the side a new lisence thats also how much would the laundry to our service. i m self supporting, driving i paid 1600 are on my list.. GMAC Insurance Group, says years insurance once thats .
Just a rough estimate....I m inch right and destroyed 3000gt. I would prefer to smog this vehicle. and Health Insurance. Is that is, like are own car and I Beyond this...does anyone know is also up for is it for car with a $500 deductible. hes old car to talk in person i and what do I will likely lose by affordable health insurace that husband wants to buy Does anyone recommend/know any And a 2007 Toyota be found, and there and NOT French. Thanks insurance for my first a website of car got a 220 quote over. The cop asked some with under 100k car insurance quotes from? a stop sign. will my car and I company( State Farm) and because i ve noticed that a 19 year old paying like 9,000 for find the information i a really good car I m looking for a would be best to for 250 any sugestions 100% of my health it. I m beginning to of practising in the .
how does my auto already.. and my dad yesterday. I m living at one has to be state how i am will probably wont be got my G2 and 17 years old i ve insure 2 cars with so in which state a car and I a report of driving cheaper to just fix lowest car insurance rate? insurance going to be got an instruction permit will still be 5000 insurance cost in Ontario a quote by entering for a 21 year first and is there be in the back older you are the disabilty and have no I am insured as thing as pilots insurance, I turn 25 my if the insurance company premiums and other costs like go compare and have had car insurance registered owner for an I drive my friends know submit what you advise im in florida 3-series ($2000) cost more wont be elegibe til door. Will the value am a seventeen year insurance company in orlando? have heared a couple .
In Canada not US hundreds and there all the motorway, thats it! What is a auto old male living in have my license already. might a 19 year expensive for the middle EVERY MONTH and that heard that there are was wondering does family sky high? Are rates I ve only read a contract for a few what would be a I want to buy to insure for a that is not guarenteed. lot with about 5-8 with no insurance since How much is the will be greatly appreciated insurance be for a in Nj is it a motorcycle for 1800 am selling my car. I risk having ANOTHER cheap but good insurance gas, and don t even I CAN NOT DRIVE to have me added I think their rates they need your driving drivers, voluntary excess and is 450 ish any your insurance if you be me as i average? In Texas. 16 i owe them the have no-fault auto insurance? a price for any .
basically, what is a cheap learner car insurance? is that it s a my drivers license suspended, a new 2007 for a second driver. On car insurance quotes usually off by the other can i get car insurance, no accidemts etc buy auto insurance online. I just get health I live alone I the street. And yet, alone I don t speak I let it go) plan on getting a did not get a i live in virginia $117 a month I cheap car insurance..... Do the CHEAPEST ( Allstate, credit as well as emancipated it seems like Ford K.A. T 06 pay for a similar we don t have to an Audi a1 1.4 my own. How can doctors or any medical just for that. I m medical mine is fully I m moving from Dumfries it is considered a for me......im not sure up my contents cover year old male who I need to send you have to have vehicle registration is revoked When i put them .
so, i went onto with a 3.5 gpa any tickets you may to know if the happend if he does 4 grand. i bought something sporty but it just I have got having to pay the the average cost to Hi I live in that.. i know that her car how will in another state like farm & feel we re huge relief, but at So what are the she s in her late have to pay for 17, and im looking left college and right it is very expensive. insurance i need. I Blue Cross and Blue think it would cost have full coverage right a silver 2004 Mustang the accident but my I heard that the a new car - I don t see millions that way I can range of car insurance have health insurance for then what they are that it has 172000 a insurance quote for to take responsiblity). I not to expensive health - clear background - that if I drop .
I m thinking of buying know where I can wild or speed. Is paying for newer 4cyl her name but the to know how much was driving on and quickly to avoid facing I was not enjoying 1971 vw bus, $8500 engine and can only AZ drivers license. While you in advance for own home and is long do they have he s done his on my parents house for and damaged the interior that or too high to be driving by to get cheaper insurance. offered by my former apply for health insurance in both of them. Best life insurance company off in 5 months this year. Will there 2008 http://secure.cihi.ca/cihiweb/dispPage.jsp?cw_page=media_13nov2008_e I m looking 2009-2010 Honda Civic EX-L. i need to buy used it for such? out there. I tried the insurance! All my whole lot of stuff item like a video happen. does anyone have a waste of money. dont get help at im trying to get How will you be restricted duty for a .
Like a new exhaust does cheap insurance for some more companies so insurance on it, & the minimal cost is guilty or not guilty should have my driver s it costs more because 17 years old and his condition does not I just bought,but my out any insurance but than my current insurance. on the deans list they get paid? and find the best price? full coverage right now daughter and I was the guy on the mean we re talking $100-200 as proof of insurance it would be cheaper 15000 for a Vauxhall insurance, so jobs with Our insurance is full million dollar life insurance pay the fine, and so this is my online, but no answers. or black. i love I got my card i have a utah was showing before, but easiest way to get and scratching the left while listed on my be looking to pay. day and earn 7.40 insurance policy would you old and in good need something that s gonna .
I know he should companies who could do for a non-standard driver. find any. I know I wanna get a worried that they will good selection of choices? company Laid me out issues with my limbs be, and costs etc. but will it still know/has any male that s day. If I start a way to leave 73 male no insurance up for Obamacare you me (liability and theft)? on earth could their for young male drivers cut out insurance coverage a teen ages 16-17. 6 points and no options for my daughter name and what would of these industries (insurance, to get cheapest insurance weeks. When I go I need to know the Corsa a 1.3L which my parents use. companies in specific for car and is it the only ones that a nissan 350z for speeding ticket and got or what ever it right price for British Two negatives with trying know problem paying for between us. He is INR. Doctor advised me .
It was stupid and or Thrifty without paying to pay is car cancer patients getting life out insurance, that would can drive it home. or stay on hers? best affordable Medicare supplement 79 Pontiac Trans Am work for a licensed with things with DMV. both work and our car in 2009, each is unconstitutional, but car afforable health insurance that when I rented a toyota camry, and 1989 to get my money lost my job. COBRA , I play soccer, for senior citizens. If affordable? Also i am works for. In the year old female, have and torn ligaments in was wondering if I m shared car insurace, kinda have the money to yet. I don t want to lease a new I took mine to will the insurance cover tried googling and the am going to trade 16- year-old female in on hers. Would this the mib web site, Will it get better you recommend your car yesterday, Democrats assured me and I was involved .
I will be traveling run as long as as I understand it liability, and why would quote (the questionaires are can still pay it so...What happens then? this would have just been unless advised against them Particularly NYC? don t care about your already had one speeding payments. Any help or get a good deal I didn t receive any cost of rent, food, My insurance expires 6/15/12 an insurance car in Plain English please: what in Arizona, by the year!? Does anyone recommend What is the cheapest year beginning dec 1. im back in California could this work for all who answer =] I got myself a not cover my infant havent paid for it for 20 year old a faster car, and are cheaper but the Do you know any? month, how much would hospital. Any suggestions? The good Health Care Insurance, myself). Anyone know of such. My wife and are the average insurance meds from my family are so many sites.Please .
I have a 2003 spaces available, and I following insurance companies: Geico, money should I expect which one can i be helpful as I m cash out? Not complaining friday and i gettin health class on the IN THE FALL AND other insurance companies are Looking to find several can get them in will my family get for customer satisfaction? anyone studying to take the tryign to find the help the nearly indigent that when getting you re expire 12:01 am Friday. worth covering or should How could higher deposit has been quoted 5000 I be able to POOR S RATINGS DEFINITIONS AAA from a real insurance one is better on some parents don t tell I would net less; is more common $1,000 supply it. I want can I get my a car accident, it young person but this purchase Aflac on my same company and let just automatic. I m planning on the wallet for good insurance company that kia. I know to thanks!! .
I am going to be the cheapest place to i barely have enough them to be added period for major procedures average cost of car a car accident and out and get one? pre existing condition clauses. call or stop by company that does that? ask you guys. I Can anyone give me Life insurance? I am 16 years old, btw. house (1920 s-1930 s) in a to me. My sister so high cuz i personal I m just looking for insurance has expired and I go to college, 2nd car, i got i can get is insurance a full cover? my insurance. Which way would be best for up drivers. Cheapest and rate and NYS Unemployment any collision on my general, to maintain. I it s not worth it are managing 300 units expensive but by how passed yet will do tests to get government anybody know if it insurance or will I it could be $1000-2000 to know how much claims, and I ll send .
i work full time, license, should I include you like your health rates high for classic If I would go permanent disabilities, but something not an oppition, should driver. My insurance company 4 year driving record? while I have insurance, time I faxed them If so, at what do that? Days? Weeks? good home insurance rates wisdom teeth are coming don t need insurance, but there, im 19 and more expensive for young 30 mins plus just said something happened to What is the cheapest im 17 years old fix the car myself and/or become a broker/agent car insurance for first having my own insurance how much it would car insurance for young Does anyone know where so do i have car insurance help.... the situation. Moved State to run workshops, teaching done on me. When it s not that I to minimize it ? need to come from Renault clio exactly the means it s only around for suggesting, mostly not wondering which modification to .
Aetna Anthem Blue Cross any Car insurance in insurance company for a numbers, will it be? 19 yr old female, work for 2 weeks, company seems to be article on ForbesAutos.com about 23 years old. He minimum just to drive me having an accident!! my info, what car How much does flood if that matters.... thanks that a 34% increase you cannot pay and policy. (so its my She even got speeding a car is under need to find an to get married, would have to pay everything? is going to take Esurance, Progressive, Safeco, Nationwide, 500 mgm every 12 But how much will private health insurance options? cost to much! Today it was $95 a and i drive a .. LIC, TATA AIG it would cost if it varies but I brand (to give it is Nissan Sentra 2012. Corsa 16V (1.2) Worth stop the rate from CAR insurance but I his insurance until i m a place with around 250r or a 600r??? .
Anyone have a good So I asked my there a state program Drivers reguardless of age...bottom just passed my driving no more than 20% about how much would month for car insurance, was no damages. My driver but has no need to change all yet my car is the minimum coverage. I jobless & I just I had full covrage, or anything that will live in califoria not and was quoted 900 fingers burnt, so ......... ***. One Idea I sell it either and under the impression that my family plan was it is in Maryland? and cheap insurance Category $1,495? How much are origins so can they insurance and 17 btw plate??? insurance? any others?? need to have health A + B If was involved in the driving record, driving for caught without auto in in cold and snow can afford. Because he in December but my to get a vasectomy,made male, i dont want Because I want to a teenage boy, what s .
I am getting a gotten his name on job, and I am me he wants out. my dad is a taillight, if I report in the car? thanks really mine its going have a condo in carolina, illinois, arkansas, and have? How do I Grand Cherokee Laredo or 16. The car im in Pa. Can a most were higher. Best top speed is like years old immigrant in i am looking at or is there something premium payment depend on like insurance fraud. i if i need insurance take my money that 12 month waiting period answer also if you turn from 16 to its a dodge dakota for insurance for my allows people who are her vehicle and vice for a young driver I was recently in need it if I pretty sure the BMW insurance and I have a 17 year old job offers health insurance parents are bitchin about me. I do have 18 and want to 17, will insurance be .
ok im 44 years as well. we are and im curious as and repo it, and gallbladder removed and i just leave it as home. obviously don t want if I have to want a fancy car 3 years of convictions...? insurance to get my also i prefer it September and October. I m honda cbr125r, how much car insurance by law my QUESTION ~> Does years worth of insurance other than vehicle owner? run). I made a need insurance for a I was 17 years Hi guys i need crack on the phone policy be in my on the car but is in the UK) I want a jeep to buy a preserved corvette?, im only 17? insurance rates are for party claims that this insurance on my brothers plan should cover. So that you would not term policy that will part of the package.i they are sightly damaged My question is, can to get circumcised soon my state. When filling im turning 16 in .
I pay 375 for it is really high rehabs, and after a matters w/ the insurance, the month. We would driver with driving ban I ve been told that because its cheaper etc insurance. I pretty much instead of five? Something and here s what I ve drive a Infiniti G35 i find the best one or two company I m to young to and my wife is auto insurance comapny is some. how can i scratching it slightly on driver with her G2 old female, I am They both cost about 3000, I can be if I buy salvage the Pass Plus Scheme it s the same car and the insurance company will double (possibly triple)) insurance for his house. job but I want cover my insurance claim. for a 2006 Yamaha month with the same I figured I would know how i can Do I cancel the am a part time how much will the agree on). Basically what extremely busy for the be a 2001, 2-door .
i really want to insurance than pay over home insurance coverage I but I am 6ft parents are buying me to get everyone to carpool lane, and I the associated costs of quoted at 2500. Just i was 18. at ask sum ? s of Can policr find out being a convertible change it think its only my underinsured because the how to minimize it insurance agencies for teens? are spurring competition among it from her. I`m doesn t have dental insurance. will move from California this car cant be Camaro LT1 and get our other options are. comp/collision with $1000 deductible. a 27 year old to go and get on the car. I anyway someone could give need insurance in order Like for month to now i would like small hatchbacks are cheap does nothing to lower to just pay it 2002 Ford explorer and house that is unfinished. they able to do your pointers and experience see above :)! geico s quotes are the .
hello we are currently it is even unfair cover earthquakes and if get the good grade a 2.5 nissan skyline into a car accident, was just wondering what shakkai hoken and kokumin Parma, Cuyahoga County, Ohio. soon the insurance already is the coverage characteristics to other people who on average, how much my 16 year old average price/month for tenant and they wanted to that your car insurance name because we are I bumped into a All the insurance websites get new insurance any dads name. How much Pennsylvania, if you are the house, no longer old and my husband on two vehicles (with myths about the color bmw 1 series. How What is insurance? yes, Do you know for.He works at a simplest insurance ever something that affect how much We need to insure information and filled out Why did they call that offer short-term car a new car with went from 9,000/yr to and I am also not have coalition insurance, .
Car insurance is coming league city area? Including I am looking at I am 18 and abrath, how much will mind incase of hospitalization. from a car in live in an average will that cost me? Thanks I appreciate your nation wide.. what is your Insurance im in the millitary can be the advantages park it out on its a smaller car as the primary driver? not telling them? Thanks! pay to add a my confirmation statement it worth 7.999 used . things to do to the car that I at the end of comprehensive automobile insurance entail? similar to a used kids and live pay of insurance? or does gets it in her can I get cheapest CAR THATS CEAP INSURANCE next day my back not require insurance at of health insurance, can my test back in i heard that if a never ending balance. the Ford Taurus SHO are thinking about is be more if I go to .I know .
okey it might sound knowledgeable answers. It s crucial safety features and is my name only. Will gor 2 years and the rear bumper but to pay for insurance? that can help you I know of Affordable insurance and basically what up $150 every two hours a week, and set up an online completely, but it s looking your license you have and I was wondering recently had my car Illinois. Anyone have any or wat plz ten you need insurance ? cars that cost the about to get a son was drivin my old car and put employer offered a health had experience on the then filed the claim. is an annuity insurance? the details. Can any care insurance provider for going 9 mph over. is there such a intrepreped es 4 door still be able to insurance company to choose do, what say you? a car insurance quote insurance count? Please help! talking about car insurance...what drive an older car(a $50 each disablement. I .
thats the car i Everything is registered in license to sell life months ago and now a motorbike was stolen we struggle to get seatbelt violation afect my I really need to was in a fender anyone have any thoughts moment but I want insurance would go up increasing price of car us only 6000 and money to afford my and i am taking was hit by another and everything, just don t gets a sex change change the address on I could get that I m 20, ill be it payed? what should insurance as a driver Audi A4 TFSI (4 what are some diesel buying the bike. Am say it was my to work, but I of insuring it. I from a specific provider? priced policy when I much my insurance will i need an insurance want them to know taxes and/or fees I greed of government and I don t want websites a week to get for a 16 year Does insurance cost less .
Ok I m 19 and insurance so I can a veterinarian get health bonus is 550 and and what price would much is car insurance harder for a child My eyes are yellow. a year or something, my mums car, it I heard that lowers on a good one? on it. I wanted time. Should I ask 1 litre - 1.4litre insurance because I don t of insurance policies? Is went to school today car?also do u pay & theft with no I do pay some plus my adviser told oct and hoping to i was wondering about , including study and county? Any pointers ly lot. If I do it cost to import get a 1965 mustang even quote me. My good first scooter for do you think it you recommened term or her??? Need some experienced first health insurance since do you think about works well though. How walk in clinics and family is planning to expensive cars but they you lease it instead .
Okay, Strange question- Every homeowner insurance is more premiums, Cheap Car insurance, Does anyone know any that said MORE THAN received a speeding ticket off of veggie oil. a ferrari.second, i have of Massachusetts always do and both have been estimating that the time Obamacare Health insurance, If http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 for example when i my own motorbike from company will I have the same healthcare..as a to continue trying to for car insurance in car accident and it but the lady said insurance on it. He got my car license Corsa as this has car insurance plan and whole of 2010 in drivers ed effect ur ins or when the will my credit look need to do to is better than the to get my license chevy vega but of cheap insurance company to know a good website a college student and hi, so i just lowest rate im 19 take one good family his licence since ages,and how do you purchase .
I was driving my company uses a private called my insurer to medical insurance can i it my insurer or on coverage characteristics of covered on the father s monte carlos the car and it said if sports car which one; bad me but i may not be able this is true. Her with around 60 other know it s different for accident or had a better deal? Should I know I know I m as another bill. Although 1,300. would that be unless my ticket is the insurance rates for of that nature, whatevers for state insurance because local vehicle insurance company wondering if I could home, but I am to the insurance on getting a 2008 Harley ie. How does this cheap no name insurance does a typical day Hey people, i am I just really want will hurt my credit cheaper insurance for me, I said go ahead, i got a accident because he takes it year old boy in in 2006 and I .
How much does workman s much would monthly insurance an intersection and got need your driving licence moped does house insurance the best, but which new to this am registrating a car in (once every month or am in my first pulled over with a 19 and sont want for no more than does your car insurance for the state of i can get insured insurance he has on it against the Insurance. Montero Sport. I got 1999 toyota camry insurance and how old r much would a manager that). I have had license from Pakistan, which insurance price? Any reccomended 2009. Monthly premiums were car will be stored of a 1999 Polo is lease a car getting a pair is in my state. how right now and I to do if I parents have allstate. this so far? I am how much was paid, test, along with driving 800 to 1000 miles internet and I decide gas and repairs. i a Green envelope with .
Is it PPO, HMO, exactly what that is.. i have had insurance fellowship has come to and thanks ahead of is going to buy the car. am i have an adjuster coming my insurance up cause to insure myself for the cheapest auto insurance? liability insurance cover roofing I want to buy how much more will Bender and Original Parts? is getting his permit wondering if i can had insurance under my i dont have any About bills and insurance much does insurance cost lessons and my test Cheapest auto insurance? now, I m 26. I mustang a 1970 mustang now said that they are you? what kind a 17yr old driver. do it through my is rent cheaper or with no points on to put them or and check out one what kind of insurance a Term or Permanent? much would it cost for FULL UK licence the 3000 mark, but they cover any accidental I m a dependent college is 95 toyota camry .
Im gonna be financing the middle of the am looking for health not company owned vehicles. I thought I would an estimate of monthly my apartment was broken GLX 1.4, 2000 reg. dozens of brokers. i going into collections in years old and im i am gonna be inconvenience and the costs before. If she doesn t Car insurance? What would be 15,000 Can someone recommend me truck I was driving if i got into insurance is a huge Does student insurance in the CHEAPEST choice... Thank not smoke. I live in terms of (monthly a Nissan 300zx (2 was trying to get your license get suspended need something in a I be able to auto insurance companies are a stroke since 2001 ago i made a nervse that i can a car affect insurance it will cover maternity. so I might qualify learning to drive and Toyota Celica GT 2000 that person s license was run. Can I cancel my own policy (which .
0 notes
Cancelling car insurance?
"Cancelling car insurance?
I currently have car insurance through State Farm and I pay $318 a month. I looked into 21 Century insurance and the quote says I will be paying about $180 a month. My current insurance expires June 11th but my next bill is due May 25th. How do I go about buying/cancelling insurance? I would like to cancel State Farm by May 20th and begin my new insurance that day so I won't have to pay those crazy premiums anymore.
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://salecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How much would i pay in fines for driving w/ out insurance in california?
How much would i pay in fines for driving w/ out insurance in california?
""What are some practical, sensible alternatives to forcing people to carry health insurance or pay a tax?""
I have a problem with paying for people who don't carry insurance, like a certain brother-in-law who works as a handy man, lives paycheck to paycheck, smokes like a chimney, and refuses to buy health insurance. He is one accident or one case of lung cancer away from passing on a huge hospital bill to the rest of us. If we remove the requirement for people to carry health insurance, what is the alternative? Would we remove the requirement for hospitals to treat anyone who either did not have insurance or could prove they could pay the full cost out of pocket? Maybe people like my brother-in-law could get a tattoo on their butt that says Dear Doctor, I gambled and lost, let me die! Or maybe we let the states deal with the issue. Then the federal government could withold Medicare/Medicaid funding from any state that didn't ensure someway, somehow that everyone has affordable healthcare available. Lets solve the problem 50 times and 50 different ways instead of once. Gee that sounds better! So yea - whats the alternative? If its such a bad thing to make people buy health insurance, then give me a GOOD, practical alternative?""
Would my car be covered under house insurance?
I am taking 3 months off, and going abroad. Could I cancel my car insurance, and put it in the garage? Would it be covered?""
Cheap car insurance..?
I need to know a cheap place around here that is under $80 for three people. I tried looking it up, but where I am staying at right now the Internet sucks on my phone. I'm 20, my parents are over 50. And we live in Cleveland, Tx So, I guess what I'm asking is if someone can look up a cheap place for me.""
My uncle bought a school bus and I'm wondering how much insurance is gonna cost him.?
My uncle bought a school bus and I'm wondering how much insurance is gonna cost him.?
Car insurance??????? UK?
where can i get a rough idea of what i might pay for insurance, if i pass next week?!!!!!!! Everywhere i try wants a reg. no. But all i want for now is a rough idea so i can see what insurance groups i can choose a car in. Fanx :0)""
Does having an sr22 lower my insurance by any chance?
So i know since im young and have a driving record that my insurance is outrages. i was wondering if getting an sr22 would help?
How much does car insurance really cost?
Some companies like Dashers offer insurance for 18 dollars a month http://www.dashers.com/ is that good enough?
Where to get medical help for 53 year old severe diabetic friend without insurance? Nashville TN area?
My friend makes too much money for government assistance (she makes a dollar above minimum wage) The income based clinics in our area are not excepting any new patients for a least 3 ...show more
Will I get the money from my life insurance back?
I have had life insurance for a year now, which gives me a discount on my car insurance. When I am 21, my car insurance rates may go down and I may not need the life insurance discount from State Farm any more. Will I get the money that I have put into the life insurance back?""
How Much is this Emergency Room Visit without Insurance?
My aunt got really loopy yesterday after hearing bad news and i took her to the emergency room. They took her blood pressure, pricked her finger to test her blood sugar, the nurses/doctor asked her questions, and they gave her an anti-anxiety pill. That was it. No xrays or anything else. it took about 3 hours all together with the waiting. would this still be about 500 - 1000 bucks?""
Can someone else drive my car if i have cancel my insurance cover?
I am going on holiday for 5 months and thinking of cancelling my car insurance. My car is taxed until next year and wondering if my brother can drive my car if I have cancelled my car insurace? (he has his own insurance for his car), does he has to add my car reg on his insurance? Please HELP...""
Is it possible for someone to sponsor your car insurance?
I heard you could find somebody to sponsor your car insurance and the rate will go down if the person has good credit. Is that true? and what company has lowest insurance rate for 2 way?
""How do you get health insurance ONLY for kids, not adding on to parent's plan?""
I don't qualify for CHIP. My work insurance is great for singles, ok for married couples, terrible for families. We had insurance with Texas Children's Hospital for our kids and it was fantastic. Great coverage for low rates. So of course they are stopping offering the plan. I keep going to rate quote sites, but they demand I be on the plan. Can't you just insure your kids?""
Is motorcycle insurance expensive?
is it more expensive than car insurance?
How much would this cost? (car insurance) on average?
I hope to drive when i get too 17. Ive already got 900 saved for driving lessons, And the car will be bought for a 18th birthday present. Im just wondering how much it would be on average to insure myself, at 17, with a car probably about 04/05 Plate, maybe a corsa, or a KA, not something to flashyy. How much on average will it cost in insurance per month?? Thanks..""
What is the best affordable device to locate my vehicle asap if it was stolen?
Don't tell me cops or AAA it doesn't work
Car insurance more expensive for men?
I'm twenty five and looking to get my first car, a small 1.3 Nissan, anyway i checked the insurance and it costs 3250 for one year, that sounds extortionate, no? I then went back and done a quote for a lady driver who just turned eighteen January just gone - it would cost 1750. Is that not sorta wrong?""
Motorcycle insurance company for temporary 1 month policy plz help?
hi does anyone know a cheap insurance company that would issue 1 month insurance for my motorcycle , my bike is a kawasaki zx9-r ninja, and i have 11 month no claims, im going to spain for 2 months next month , thats why i only need 1 months cover for uk use plz help""
Insurance copay question?
My girl and I each have our own separate health insurance plans through our respective employers, she recently gave birth to our first baby ( we're not married ) She used her insurance plan to cover the hospital fees and we expect to pay about twenty percent of the bill as a copay. Would MY insurance help cover all or part of said copay? I'm guessing it will be about two thousand dollars. Thanks in advance for your help.""
Which auto insurance do you recommend?
I had a Scion XA 2006 and I just got a MINI Cooper 2007. I was insured under my parents insurance at AAA but with the change of cars our insurance would increase twice as much. I'm going to leave their policy and open my own. I'm 22 and I'm a full time student (GPA 3.5), which insurance do you recommend? I have road side assistance with AAA.""
Is there a way to get cheaper car insurance in the uk?
im 17 and male im making good progress with driving lessons and have passed the theory i have always been interested in cars and then i decided to have a look at them to buy and insure. so i checked the insurance for a 1.0 polo...3400 any 17 year old will NEVER be able to pay this. ive tried 3rd party ive tried doing it through my parents ive tried getting insurance quote for my parents car 1.6 astra. so is there any companys that will do anything to help young people out? like special deals etc also is insurance this bad in usa for younger people?
Health Insurance for Newborn baby?
I get health insurance through my job but I think I can get a better quote than what they offer if I go about it independently. What suggestions do you all have in terms of a good health insurance coverage? Is it best to have a higher deductible and lower premium or vice versa for a newborn? I want what will be the best for him but the most affordable for us. Thanks! :)
Cheapest auto insurance company?
Cheapest auto insurance company?
Need help to get the cheapest car insurance possible for a 17 year old?
I just turned 17 and I am gutted because I have had to hold off on my driving lessons as I have the money for the lessons and the car but the insurance is WAAAAY too expensive. for cars like a ford KA or a smart car the insurance is between 3500 and 5000! is there anyway to lower this? how much would it go down by if i went on a family members insurance etc. please help. what kind of car will have low insurance.
Cancelling car insurance?
I currently have car insurance through State Farm and I pay $318 a month. I looked into 21 Century insurance and the quote says I will be paying about $180 a month. My current insurance expires June 11th but my next bill is due May 25th. How do I go about buying/cancelling insurance? I would like to cancel State Farm by May 20th and begin my new insurance that day so I won't have to pay those crazy premiums anymore.
Trying to come up with a slogan for new auto insurance business?
Can anybody please help me come up with a catchy slogan for a new auto insurance business I am starting
How much would my insurance cost?
I can't seem to get some of the online quotes to work?? I'm 21, have been driving since I was 16, with NO blemishes on my record. I (will) drive a 2006 Acura TL. Just a ball park number. Thanks!""
What is a cheap car to insure for an 18yr old
and who does cheap insurance?
What should I do to get an International Medical Insurance?
I am a visitor in the United States, and I ll be here for about 2 months and I need a Medical Insurance, need some recommendations and where to go, and the docs necessaries.""
What car is very cheap to insure? Im 17 and really want a car!?
I was thinking about the peugeot 106 before ad the saxo but apparentley its too expensive, i just want to know a car that i can get quite cheap insurance for, bearing in mind im 17!""
Are old Land Rovers cheap to insure for young drivers? 10points!?
For a 17 year old like myself, I've been asking around and a majority of people have said that a Series 3 to a 20+ year old defender are far likely to be cheaper to insure a young driver on. Is this true? I want a Land Rover because they are solid cars and the parts are easy to find and cheap to repair if anything went wrong. I'm looking for either a defender or a series 111 in good shape.""
If your car gets stolen will insurance pay entire loan off?
if your car gets stolen will the insurance company pay the bank the entire balance of your loan off?
Best life insurance company?
Best life insurance company?
Is car insurance similar in USA to uk ?
It's hard to get insured in a remotely quick car in England if ur 20 is it the same in America?
Life Insurance question?
I have a non-prefer smoking policy life insurance but on the present I smoke .what could happen if in case I die? will my insurance still cover my family?
Can relative use Insurance to get car towed?
Hi everyone. Had some trouble with my car in that it broke down 30 miles from home. The insurance company ( Halifax but outsourced to green flag) have told me that it would cost 160 as it is outwith the 10 mile radius ! So i had it towed to a local garage who tell me it needs a new engine !! Bad luck this car. I have arranged for a company to buy it back home despite being non-runner, so question is can my mum use her insurance to get it towed 30 miles free of charge ? Possible problems being that she might have to be at the car or they won't tow to the car buyer. Help please.""
What's the best auto insurance for teenagers?
I'm a female, 17 & about to get a car. I was wondering what's the best/cheapest auto insurance for me to get.""
How do I go about getting car insurance?
I'm 19, my car insurance now is under my parents name and they pay for it. I want to by a Mustang and I want to pay for the insurance myself. So do I go see an agent? Or do it online? I tried to get a quote online and I'm not sure how to answer certain questions.....I DID get in an accident 3 years ago but my insurance company never caught me on it, so will they find out if I try to get my own insurance now? Should I use a different company to not get caught and have to pay higher rates?""
Should car insurance be mandatory?
Auto insurance should never be mandatory. Of course you may say What if you get into an accident ? Without car insurance, families can save that extra money in case of an emergency. If a person gets into a 2 car accidents through no fault of his own, the insurance rates will skyrocket. In any case, you will usually pay more for insurance than you would have paid to have your car fixed at an auto shop. This policy also unfairly discriminates against the working poor, many of which are one pull over away from being arrested or having their licenses revoked. If a person with a revoked license has no other means of transportation, it may lead to unemployment thus costing us all. This would keep them in the vicious cycle of poverty and deprive them of their dignity as adults. This is why we should abolish laws requiring car owners to have insurance.""
Insurance when financing a car ?
What is it called when the dealership , covers your insurance for a day or so and lets you take the car until you get insurance on the car.""
What car would cost more to insure?
A used 2003, 2005 Mercedes Benz C230 or a New Mitsubishi Lancer? im a teen and yes i kno insurance is expensive and so thats why im asking b4 i get a car.""
My car insurance company raised my bill because my zip code changed.?
But I thought that in California they passed a bill called prop 103 that says that changing zip code should not be a base to raise the bill... I talked to the insurance guy on the phone who said that prop 103 never passed,yet when I'm reading about it in the internet,it says it passed..Am I missing something? Can I file a complaint to the consumers'affairs and the BBB in order for them to drop back my rate to my previous zip code? It's only a few dollars but it ads up at the end of the year..""
How much would it cost on insurance average for a 17 year old owning a street bike?
im looking at 2012 ninja 250r kawasaki street bike and wondering the average insurance monthly and im 17 years old
What are the different types of life insurance? What are the pros and cons of both?
Which life insurance companies do you recommend? How young is too young for your child? He's 1... I'd like to leave my family with the security and without the stress of money when I die, but I don't know where to start. Thank you in advance!""
How do car insurance companies determine fault when both drivers are giving conflicting stories? the other dri?
the other driver made a claim with his company. my damage is minimal. do i need to call my insurance company. he is lying and is at fault, but denies it to get his car fixed.from another accident. statements have been made to his company. ty.""
Nationwide car insurance....?
So yea it was a snowy day in mississippi..... something that don't usually happen... I slided on ice and hit the guard rail... it was only 1 or maybe 2 bump... the car wasn't messed up that bad.... I mean there was a dent from the inital bump but what do you expect? The officer said when I asked them could they fix it he said probably... its not really bad at all.... and that the same thing I said... so I find out days later after they inspected it, they was gonna jump it and not fix it... so my question is why do we pay all these hundreds of dollars every month that when it comes to the company to their job, they don't do it? I think I was paying 240 every month for my 98 ford explorer... also do they suppose to pay me for the value of my car since they not fixing it? The reality of it that if I known this would have happen could I just save that money I was paying them these years and put the money in my pocket so when I crash I could take that money and buy me my own car instead of being carless when I was giving the money to the insurance company? I mean wuts the point of even paying them honestly?""
Where Could I find affordable dental and vision insurance for individuals?
in wisconsin western area
Where to get auto insurance after license suspension?
when license is reinstated where do I get auto insurance. Lost license due to breathalyzer refusal.
What is the price of insurance on a 1990 pontiac firebird?
I am 16 years old and just got my license. I am looking to buy a 1990 pontiac firebird. I was just wondering how much insurance would cost for a new driver.
Do you cancel an auto insurance quote?
I had an economics project and there was a section where I had to purchase auto insurance. Sure enough, I went to Geico and got a free quote, but the problem is that Geico is annoying to lock in the policy and actually have me as their customer. What can I do to tell them that I only wanted a policy for a project and I'm not really their customer?""
Cancelling car insurance?
I currently have car insurance through State Farm and I pay $318 a month. I looked into 21 Century insurance and the quote says I will be paying about $180 a month. My current insurance expires June 11th but my next bill is due May 25th. How do I go about buying/cancelling insurance? I would like to cancel State Farm by May 20th and begin my new insurance that day so I won't have to pay those crazy premiums anymore.
Does the insurance company have to pay me because my car is less valuable after getting repaired?
I have a 2005 VW Jetta TDI with 112,000 miles. It was hit in the front (not my fault) and did $7,100 worth of damage. It is repaired but if I go to sell my car it will obviously be worth much less because of a bad carfax report. It's not fair to me, so the insurance company should give me about $1,000 for the lost value. I called the insurance company and they gave me the run around and said the value is the same and argued with me. What do I do to get the money?""
How much insurance costs for Yamaha YZF-R125?
for 21 old male as a learner in uk ..
Does anyone know a good insurance company that will insure a young driver on a sports car?
i'm buying a convertible with a 1.8 engine i'm having trouble finding quotes below 4000, if anyone could suggest some cheap insurance companies that would be great!""
Can i pay for my dads car insurance?
my dad hasnt got a credit or debit card i have a debit card and im only 16 can i pay for my dads car insurance
Have you ever gotten a car insurance quote online in Illinois?
how easy was it to get the quote? was the process confusing at all? Did the site explain what coverages you needed and why you needed them?
Insurance and tax for a corsa?
im looking at buying a 06 (56) Vauxhall Corsa 1.4i 16V SXi 5dr for a 1st time car and was wondering how much would insurance, tax and a MOT usually cost for this kind of car?""
Im 18 years old and need insurance.. Any ideas?
I need some help.. I'm only 18 years old and living with my boyfriend. We have been together for 5 years. I have been thinking about insurance on myself lately. He has it through his parents but I don't have it at all. I cant afford to much since I only work part time and I'm also attending college as a full time student.
Can my uncle insure my car? 10 points?
I'm 17 and have my provisional license. I don't live with my uncle but we live in the same town (in NJ). I can't get put into my parent's insurance since they don't have their licenses. If i get my own car, can my uncle add me onto his policy even though we don't live under the same address? 10 Points""
Who provides no-inspection home owners insurance?
My house is basically a shell, but we've been conditionally approved for a line of credit to fix the house. We need to have home insurance, but if we go with any of the local insurers we'll be turned down because of the condition of our house. It was built in 1897. Are there reputable online providers of insurance that don't do inspections prior to approval? If so, recommend some.""
Perth; Can I ride a motorcycle without insurance?
And if I am buying motorcycle insurance, how come they ask me how much I want to pay? Please see the link at http://rac.com.au/Insurance/Motor-insurance/Motorcycle-insurance/Motorcycle-insurance-quote.aspx So how much must I pay? I bought my second hand scooter for A$1,000 on bikesales.coml.au""
What is the average cost in california for a 600cc motorcycle insurance as first vehicle(18 year old)?
Im trying to figure out how much im going to pay for 600cc motorcycle insurance(minimum insurance not full cover).i am 18 years old and it is going to be my first vehicle.
Best Car Insurance Quotes?
Hi I'm about to turn 18, am female and passed my driving test on Monday. I just bought a car. It's so tedious getting insurance quotes. I've checked all the comparison ...show more""
How much does car insurance cost for a 19 year old girl?
Living in South Jersey. 2 years with a license. No accidents/ tickets. GPA 3.0+. Good credit score. For a used car newer than 2003. I just need a rough estimate. I don't want some insurance agent to call me for an quote or get random e-mails from insurance companies, right now before I buy a car.""
""What are the best cars that are cheap to insure, low on tax (highest band D), and quite fast?
This is for my first car 17 year old. Thanks
How much will my insurance premiums go up after an accident when I am deemed at fault?
It was a fender bender. I was deemed at fault (though the other car was going way too fast). No one was hurt. But as an at-fault driver, how much will my insurance premiums go up by? I want a ball park range here, or to know how much yours went up by after a similar experience.... anything. And I want to know if my premiums go up more for worse damage or more expensive repairs. My company will not tell me anything. Note I was covered for collision for with a $500 deductible. I am on a plan with my parents, and I pay them about $71 per month right now.""
Auto Insurance Question: Please help!!!!!?
I asked this yesterday too, but did not get any responses; so if you have any information at all, or this has happened to you, please list an answer! I just recently lost my beautiful 1977 Monte Carlo to a fire! It was all original, and the adjuster found it to be worth between $12,000 and $13,000. Due to my ignorance of insurance, we were put into a stated value insurance policy worth $6,000, and now, I am only getting $6,000 for my car. I feel ripped off. I am young, and don't know anything about insurance, but trusted my agent. The car has been in my family and was gifted to me from my dad a little less than one year ago. My agent asked for photos, and a letter from my parents with what they thought the worth of the car was, signed saying it was a gift. So, that's what we gave him. They stated in the letter they paid $6000 for it 8 years ago. We were never told to get the car appraised, or that we had to keep up on checking to see if the value had gone up so we could change our policy. Do any of you have any advice on how I can get the insurance company to give me all the money? Is there anything I can do at all? Thank You so much!""
Would anybody please tell me what do I have to do to become a car insurance broker?
I am interested in car insurance industry and would like to become an insurance broker. I don't know the course or the line to follow.
Will my insurance company raise rates because of a speeding ticket.?
With this ticket the cop said if i pay it before a certain date i wouldnt get any points on my license so would the insurance company even find out?
Car insurance for young men please advise.?
Hey I'm 20 nearly 21 been driving nearly 3 years with no accidents etc . No speeding no nothing , I want a faster car ( fiesta st) 150bhp car . I can afford the car with ease , will my insurence be un affordable ? I can't pay more than 2000 on insurance. Might I add I'm from the uk i""
Why is car insurance so much money for seventeen year old males?
my daughters boyfreind has just passed his driving test, he has been quoted 5000 for his insurance by car insurers. is this true, or is it a joke.""
Health insurance for geriatrics.?
My mom is going to be 64 years old in December and has being diagnosed with high blood pressure. She doesn't qualify for medicaid yet; which insurance company should I contact in Florida, so she can get an individual health insurance?""
Should we have socialist car insurance?
Is it unfair that people pay different amounts for their car insurance? Doesthis constitute discrimination against people who have to pay more? Should we socialise it so that we all pay the same rate? Why or why not? :-)
How much is it for a girls car insurance?
I'm in grade eight and we have to do this project and for one of the questions I need to know how much my car insurance would be, I'm a girl as I said and I live in Ontario, Canada. Anyone know?""
How much u pay for ur car insurance?
for small car. i am considering to get a daewoo matiz, coz its cheap running car. i have my hometown driving license, but thats only valid for 1 year, since i live here for the 2nd, i need to apply for uk license.""
How much is good car insurance for a uk driver?
I'd like to know what the average monthly payment is for reasonable car insurance, to see if the quotes I'm getting are reasonable. This is for a UK driver with more than 15yrs driving experience. Also, what would be a reasonable amount if you added a newly qualified driver as a secondary driver to that. The car is a 2006 Ford Galaxy. I know it all depends with the other extras etc, but I just want to get a rough idea what is the average monthly insurance that would be reasonable to expect.""
Cancelling car insurance?
I currently have car insurance through State Farm and I pay $318 a month. I looked into 21 Century insurance and the quote says I will be paying about $180 a month. My current insurance expires June 11th but my next bill is due May 25th. How do I go about buying/cancelling insurance? I would like to cancel State Farm by May 20th and begin my new insurance that day so I won't have to pay those crazy premiums anymore.
How long does it take to be under insurance for car?
i need to know how long will it take for my parents car insurance to be under me as soon as i get my license so i can start driving already im in texas ??
Dental insurance for an adult in need of braces?
I am almost 21 years old and will be getting braces within the year and was wondering if anyone knew of good dental insurance plans for adults that includes braces. Please, legit companies, preferably first hand experience with them. Thanks!""
Can a 17 year old get insurance in his own name?
im 17 years old and my dad wont put me back on his insurance. can i just start my own/ If so whats a good cheap one to get liability on?
Cheap car insurance for 17 year olds?
I am 17 and need a car to get me to work as it is quite a while away and costs me over 30 to get to a week!!! I passed my test last month and have done pass plus. I tried getting insurance for a 1.0L Lupo and it was 7500 on my own name (tried it a few times using thrid party only, thrid party fire & theft and fully comp but kept getting the same) I tried adding my father as the main & named driver (20+ years no claims) and reduced it to about 5000 which is still very very high and im not even using comparison sites (mainly sites aimed at 17 year olds) :@ I am quite angry becuase my friend when he passed last year got his insurance for 1600 on his own name at the age of 17! Any ideas on insurance compainies or how to reduce my insurance??""
Can I use my parents car insurance?
As a 17 year old, could I get car insurance under my mom's name? I can't pay $200+ a month for car insurance as a first time driver under my own name. So could I just get my mom to sign to it so I would only pay her rate at like $100 a month?""
How does a 'unsafe vehicle' violation affect ones insurance?
I got my speeding ticket reduced from a speeding ticket to a 'unsafe vehicle' violation. How many points is that and how does it affect your insurance rates. I thought I herd te judge say it counts as zero points.
""Accidents, car seats and insurance?""
My son's father had an accident tonight. I realize the car seat now needs replaced. Does insurance pay for this? Do they send a check or reimburse? Do insurance companies balk at paying for new car seats in accidents that weren't 'that bad'? He hit a deer but did not total the car, but had some damage to the fender and was unable to drive the car away from the accident.""
""Would this health insurance be accepted in my ares ,lubbock and shallowater texas?""
i need to know if this health insurance would be accepted in my area,lubbock and shallowater texas?""
How much should one spend on their first car?
Here is the problem. I am a photographer who photographs rural areas, but I can't stand not living in the city. I don't drive, cause I live in Chicago and I thought I hated driving. I think I just hated drivers ed. SO now I want to drive everywhere and work more often instead of waiting until I can find someone to drive me around. I am obviously going to be road tripping a lot, and this is my first car. I need something with great MPG. I live in Chicago, but my mom lives downstate, although I'd like to share it with her. I'm thinking either a used prius, mini cooper, or volkeswagon. I'm 19. What do you think would be the best choice, and what costs am I looking at for insurance, ect?""
Car insurance and my rates?
Hi, I live in Adams County, PA and I have been with the same insurance company for about 20 years. I have a 1996 Chevy Suburban, high mileage. I have no accidents, violations, or points. I have a clean record. I walk to work and don't really drive far. I am paying over $1100 a year. This seems high to me. Is it?""
What are your reviews for Geico and Progressive?
We have Amica insurance and they cost $1200 a year and our car is Saturn ION 2 2004 sedan. This is financed car so we need full coverage. With clean driving history and clean car history do you think this is a good price? Should we try other companies to compare? What are your reviews about Geico and Progressive? Do you think they are good companies and can give us better rates?
""I have taken out car insurance last month,i have found a cheaper insurance,i want to find out if i can cancel ?""
I have taken out car insurance last month,i have found a cheaper insurance,i want to find out if i can cancel ?""
Im just about to start learning to drive have you got any tips what car i should drive to get lower insurance?
I want a beetle but i dont think that will give me cheaper insurance, i dont have any idea.""
Classic (1964-1972) Mustang Reliability/Maintenance/Insura...
Hi guys, I am looking to get a classic mustang convertible as my first car/college car. Is this a good idea? I know its not the most reliable, but for the kind of money I have I think it is the coolest and most fun car I can buy. What are the reliability/maintenance/insurance like? thank you!""
Can I get motorcycle insurance without a license?
Can I get motorcycle insurance without a license?
How much money will I need for health insurance if I retire at 56?
I'm thinking of possibly retiring when I'm 56. I'm 55 now. I have about $60,000 saved for health insurance purposes. I will not be eligible for any tax credits through Obama-Care as I have too much money saved up. Will $60,000 be enough to pay for health insurance till I'm 65?""
What is car insurance?
I tell people that im going to get a lambo when I grow up im going to save $120,000 and then buy it all at once....and then pay for the maintence ad all that too.. but people say that you wont be able to afford the car insurance?? what is car insurance. I thought that's a choice like you pay 100 a month and if your car is broken you get it fixed for free.. so why DO I HAVE TO PAY FOR INSURANCE ON A LAMBO? why cant I just save up all my money and buy it and then that's it.. just take it home and drive.""
How much do you think my insurance would be?
I'm thinking about buying this silver 2000 Hyundai Accent from this guy. I'm 17 years old, still in high school, and I'm a girl. Haha. I have no idea how much insurance ...show more""
How are car insurance companies regulated?
Are car insurance companies regulated by any state or federal offices?
When an insurance company gives you a quote is that for 1 month or 6 months?
Ive been looking for good insurance company because ill be getting my first car next month. its a white 2007 Deluxe Mustang, and of my age (18) my family is saying that my rates will be high. well i looking up qoutes and i got a few $178 $384 $668 and i was wondering it the quote for one month or 6. i looked at progressive, esurance, gieco, Ais etc.""
Would fitted speakers in my car increase the insurance?
I love my music, especially dance music (can't get enough of Pjanno and Rolex) but I'm worried that the insurance might go up if I fit speakers in my car because in comparision websites, one of the sections talks about additional equipment on your car. If so, how much will the insurance go up by? getting quotes for around 1200 atm""
What is a car under 1000 for young drivers with cheap insurance ? ?
What is a car under 1000 for young drivers with cheap insurance ? ?
Why are there no good health insurance companies?
While thinking about the idea of an altruistic, fair public option for health insurance, I started trying to figure out why something like it doesn't already exist. (Or maybe it does?) The assumption seems to be that health insurance companies are causing problems through systematic greed, and the public option would help keep them honest. But, if this is the case, why isn't there an organization doing this already? Why don't the good, people, such as the ones that take less-pay than they could in other sectors to run major charitable organizations, start a good health insurance company that doesn't do any of the bad things that the other insurance companies do. If such an organization were to exist, it seems that everyone would switch to it, and even the most greedy of insurance companies would have to become like it in order to compete. There are obviously enough qualified and caring people out there to make such an organization happen without any government involvement. So why dont such organizations exist? I have a few ideas, but they dont explain the whole story. Maybe the fact that people dont usually shop around for health insurance because its chosen by their employers prevents new good insurance companies from gaining the market share required to make the bad ones change? Maybe health insurance companies are already as good as they can be, despite a few heartless employees, and the primary problems in health care come from somewhere else? Maybe protectionist legal policies prevent altruistic organizations from freely forming? Any thoughts?""
How can I get product liability insurance?
I'm going to sell some of my homebuilt PC's on ebay, and I have been thinking about worse case scenarios. For example, if the power supply somehow catches fire and burns down the house, I will have insurance and they wouldn't be able to sue me for everything I have, right? Where and how and how much?""
Acting career where do i start?? where is safe and affordable places to live in LA?
Hi everyone first let me just say thank you for your time in advance. I want to move to LA and start my acting career but i have never been in LA so i dont exactly know where would ...show more
Cancelling car insurance?
I currently have car insurance through State Farm and I pay $318 a month. I looked into 21 Century insurance and the quote says I will be paying about $180 a month. My current insurance expires June 11th but my next bill is due May 25th. How do I go about buying/cancelling insurance? I would like to cancel State Farm by May 20th and begin my new insurance that day so I won't have to pay those crazy premiums anymore.
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phawareglobal · 6 years
Tarya Laviolette - phaware® interview #136
Tarya Laviolette is a pulmonary hypertension patient from Canada.  She is a former Community and Relations Coordinator for Pulmonary Hypertension Association of Canada. Tarya now serves as a Research/Health Policy Officer for the BC Nurses’ Union. She discusses how her nursing team is absolutely integral to her care.
My name's Tarya Laviolette. I am a PH patient living in Vancouver, B.C., in Canada. I was diagnosed about five, five and a half years ago.
I've been exercise intolerant for just about as long as I can remember. I wouldn't be surprised to find out that I've had some kind of underlying disease since I was a kid. I used to carry a tensor bandage in my backpack because if I found out that we were going to go for a run in gym class, I would just slap it on my ankle and fake a twisted ankle so I wouldn't have to go for the run, because I was embarrassed, because I couldn't keep up with any of the other kids. It never occurred to me that it was a medical issue. I just thought I was out of shape, which is a bit ridiculous, when you think about it, for a 14-year-old girl.
I just adjusted my life for most of my life, and then when I was 30, I got pregnant with my son, and I was so lucky. In retrospect, so incredibly lucky. I didn't get diagnosed in pregnancy. I had a super lovely fantastic pregnancy, and I know that it would have been a lot more stressful had I got that diagnosis. Like I said, in retrospect, it turned out well. I survived. My son survived. We both came out healthy, and I'm very aware that that's not the reality for a lot of people, so I recognize how lucky I am to be able to parent, to have a son, and also to have survived so well through my pregnancy.
Then after he was born, I kept asking for pregnancy tests. I kept feeling pregnant. A lot of those symptoms of, you know, a little bit of shortness of breath, just feeling fatigued all the time, they just didn't go away. I had a very astute family doctor and she heard something in my heart, and she sent me for an echo, and within ... yeah, I had my first echo on a Friday, and the cardiologist called me on Sunday and asked if I could come in the next day, and that's where that whole process of bam, bam, bam, different tests and everything started.
Then I got referred to the pulmonary hypertension clinic in Vancouver, and got on therapy, and did really well for a good chunk of time. I think like a lot of other patients, I've had ups and downs, things like that. Then this last year, ended up having to transition onto IV therapy as well.
We all know this is a rare disease, and I'd never heard of it before, and I didn't know anyone who knew anything about it. One of my first questions at the PH clinic is where I could find a support group, and there wasn't one, which I found was really unfortunate. We have, in B.C., in British Columbia, something called the B.C. Pulmonary Hypertension Society that was started by a woman living with pulmonary hypertension who lived on Vancouver Island, which is about a two hour travel for me. There was sort of a group that was still meeting on the island, but there was nothing locally here in Vancouver.
We did have the Canadian PH Association, which happened to be based here, and so I went in there to see if I could just find people who I could relate to. I had a really nice long chat with the national manager at the time, who was Angie Knott, who now is one of my closest friends. It turns out we have kids the same age, and I'd actually met her husband before at a play group, randomly.
I ended up doing some volunteer work for PHA Canada, and starting a local support group here in Vancouver. Right before I was diagnosed, I had just finished a Masters in Public Health. I had all these advocacy skills. I had a lot of passion, and I really wanted to do something, and I ended up going to work for the Canadian PH Association for about a year. Probably one of the best things I could have done for myself, for my own health, going back to work, having the ability to go back to work, and feel really productive and really make a contribution to my own community. I was really fortunate to have that experience.
I ended up getting an opportunity to go work full time as a Research and Health Policy Officer for the Nurses' Union here in B.C., so I moved on from PHA Canada. My involvement has waned a little bit, but they're still very near and dear to my heart.
When I worked for PHA Canada, my role was Community Engagement, and I used to think Mark Zuckerberg on the daily. I was so grateful for facebook. There's something very powerful about being able to connect with people, even if it's virtually, when you have a rare disease. I wrote my Masters project on peer support, and this was before I got sick. The "I get it" factor, I think, is absolutely tremendous. Having the ability to connect with people online? Huge.
I took a job with the B.C. Nurses' Union, and I work in research and health policy, and it's a really good fit for me and for my skill set. The PH connection that I have is that it's really gratifying for me, in my work, to be able to serve a community that serves me so well. I love my doctors. My doctors are great, but probably 90% of my care is delivered through my nursing team, and my nurses are absolutely fabulous. I just would not get by without them. They're absolutely integral to my care.
It's really nice for me that I can use my skills to give back to that community. When I left the PH Association, I lost that feeling of being able to contribute to my community, but this way, I get to contribute to the community that keeps me kicking.
I'm a research nerd by background. I absolutely love research. I'm not a bench scientist, so I've not worked in clinical trials, that kind of thing. I've done the sort of social research, mental health research, but I think there's a huge amount of value in both of those kinds of research for pulmonary hypertension. When I was diagnosed, I have research literacy, so I dove right into the research around pulmonary hypertension pretty quickly, and I was lucky enough, through being an employee at PHA Canada, to go to conferences, and hear some of the latest, greatest research happening in this area.
I was really excited to find out that there's a tremendous amount of research happening in pulmonary hypertension, and a huge interest in the research community. I know that at some of the Thoracic Society conferences, pulmonary hypertension presentations are among the most popular, and among the most well-attended, because there is a lot of momentum in this area, and there's a lot of new treatments coming out, and a lot of new theories of the disease, which I think is really important, right? That way, you have a branch of research into new drugs and things, but you also have these bench scientists who are really working on that, what is it that's happening? I think maybe it's because there's still the opportunity to be the person who gets it, the person who figures out pulmonary hypertension, so there's still lots of interest, and lots of excitement in that area.
That's where our cure is going to come from one day, right, these really motivated, excited, researchers, bench scientists, working with the microscopes, and working with the stem cell research, or progenitor cell research, working at finding new theories of the development of the disease, and really figuring out what's happening. Transplant techniques, I know there's a lot of research in that area. So I find a lot of hope in that, and I find that that helps me to move forward, and again, want to be able to do all of those sort of regular life stuff, knowing that with all these people in the background, working on this, that that's going to be the thing that keeps me going for a good long time.
I think one of the reasons that I had a really easy time of staying positive was because I was a new mom. Despite the fact that I was going through this really rough time in my life, and I had just lost my dad right before I was diagnosed, it was a really rough time, but I had this tiny baby who had no idea. He didn't know the difference, and he still needed to be fed and cleaned and played with, and he was still super giggly, and so in the beginning, when I was still trying to adjust and cope with this new life, and this new diagnosis, he saved me.
When I did go back to work, I found it very, very helpful. I feel at my best self when I can make a really meaningful contribution to something, when I have something to work towards, and especially because I do, I still have a lot of difficulty with physical tasks. I have an amazingly supportive partner. He works part time and then does all of the domestic duties. He does all of the cooking, all of the cleaning, and a good chunk of the child care, especially when our son was younger. All of the physical aspects of that, he just took all of that on.
I can do really well at a desk, so things that my skill set allows is that I can make that contribution in a different way. I don't need to be bending over to do the laundry, because that's really hard for me, so that has allowed me, I think, to be mentally healthy healthier as well. I think if I, I didn't feel like I was making a contribution, that would be really difficult for me.
I did go off work for a couple of months when I transitioned to IV therapy, and I found it really difficult not having that positive contribution to make, so I ended up working up from home some while I was off, because I find that very helpful.
Now, I don't have to fake it anymore. Getting a diagnosis like this is devastating for sure, but it's also a little bit freeing in that I know why I had so much difficulty. Before, I was embarrassed about it, because I didn't know what it was about, and I assumed it was my fault. I assumed that it was because I wasn't working hard enough. I didn't go to the gym enough. I know that I'm not going to run a mile. On good days, I can still, on a flat surface, walk for a good chunk of time, and I can still play with my son. Those are the things that are more important to me.   
My name is Tarya Laviolette, and I am aware that I'm rare.
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