#i have onenote dedicated to this fic
hellscupboards · 7 months
👀 what do you have to say about 'I Love You'? [resting my chin on my hands and kicking my feet in the air]
OOOHOOHOO *twirls mustache villainously* a Question about I Love You (this title is a song lyric so it's extra long for no reason) Well, it's a WIP and while I am vibrating so hard I would cause a random search in a TSA security line over this fic, I am firmly NO SPOILERS (even though I am 120K into this fic and literally have like a mind map thing like im literally this guy)
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(I'm gonna put the rest under a cut with quotes!)
ok very much need y'all to pay attention to how Matt reacts to foes calling him "The Devil" or "Daredevil" i feel like what i'm doing with that may be ~too~ subtle but you'll see why
“Well, you weren’t putting on a show at the Ritz,” Foggy said, deadpanned. “I thought you would come back to the police station after that building came down.” Foggy said, playing with the condensation on his bottle as he spoke. “Everyone else showed up, you know—Luke, the annoying blonde guy with the glowing hand and the nice girlfriend, Claire, Jessica Jones. But, you,” Foggy motioned. “You never did. Me and Karen waited and waited and…” 
And I thought it was my fault. Foggy added in his head, but didn’t say out loud. He took a sip of beer instead and huffed out a breath.
i just want to lay this down on the table like a trap card that sends your whole deck to the shadow realm 😃
anyway, i gotta post more chapters before i can go any further otherwise we get into spoiler territory. I admire the writing of Daredevil so much because they do an amazing job of paralelling Matt with his foes to the point where the line is a tightrope. I hope give that storytelling model of DD a nod, so to speak with this fic as well as deep-dive into Matt's character via the vehicle of ANGST
Also, I'm sure you are wondering about that brettkaren tag 😃 so i am bestie, so am i
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I swear I write more (either WC or more frequently) for my self-insert fanfics that are for me only than I do on actual stuff I’ll post to Tumblr. 
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anxiously-going · 2 years
Y'know, if you had told me back in December of 2016 that five years down the road I would have posted Star Trek and Batman fanfiction, I would have laughed at you. But now thanks to @beauty-grace-outer-space and @trekkele I have an entire OneNote notebook dedicated to my Star Trek fics and within the last week and half started four different pages for Batman fics (some are for the same fic, don't judge me).
It's just wild to me. I signed up because I was bored and had seen a bazillion screenshots on pinterest and I got curious. Now I have people bookmarking my fics! It just blows my mind.
I'm not the published author I thought I would be. But I am a Hugo Award winner on AO3, which is freaking amazing!
I'm not usually one big on New Years Resolutions or whatever, the New Year thing has never been a big deal to me. But this year... this year I wanna keep it up. I want so badly to create things and I don't ever wanna stop.
Even if it is the incredibly self indulgent fics I never evem began to think of writing when I was younger because I didn't know I was allowed to.
I'm just...so grateful to my friends here, to all the people who have read my stories. You guys have literally made my dreams come true and I- I can never thank you enough for that.
I want to start this new year just being thankful. There was a lot that went sideways the last two years, and those things steal so much of the focus, so I really, really want to intentionally focus on the good of the recent years. And just genuinely want to say thank you to those who offer support whether that's by just reading or having in depth conversations about characterization at too late at night.
Thank you all so much.
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mxstyassasxin · 4 years
How I Write Fic...
@hdywf has set up a page to show how fanfiction writers find and go through the writing process. I haven’t been writing in the fandom for very long but here’s my answers to the questions they posed in this post:
Best time of day to write: I’m one of those people who annoyingly works best under pressure and I generally write the most quite close to the deadline. I really wish I could write steadily but it never quite happens. The same goes for writing during the day: I open my laptop up at about 11am on a day where I’m not working but I won’t start writing until after 2pm (in these three hours I flit between tumblr, ao3, ffn and unsplash). I then find myself adding slowly to my wip or editing what I wrote the previous day until I finally get in a good flow between 9 and 11pm.
How do you write: So, I plan and draft in Microsoft OneNote. I have pages in one ‘notebook’ with different ideas in them – some simple prompts, some thought out headcanons and others decently figured out plots. I then have other ‘notebooks’ dedicated to my WIPs and each page is a chapter that I work through linearly (I also set these pages to have old-school lines on them and make the colour a bit duller than white). Before I upload a chapter or ficlet, I copy it into a fresh Word doc and read through it, editing any last bits I might have missed. That doc also gets saved so I keep track of what exactly I’ve uploaded.
Awesome writing tip you learned the hard way: I learned pretty much straight away that I shouldn’t start to post a wip when it’s less than halfway written. I didn’t give myself enough time to get into the flow of the whole fic and the structure of my initial chapters ended up feeling off. Also that a beta reader isn’t just for editing and that it’s really good to have someone to bounce ideas off and pick you up about your work when you’re stuck in a rut with a particular chapter.
Refill the creative well: I listen to music and dance to get myself in a fresh headspace. Sometimes I get passionate and sing along to songs from the musicals - my favourites at the moment are Evermore (Beauty and the Beast), Get Down or No Way (Six) and Burn or Satisfied (Hamilton). Other times I’ll stick some Salsa, Bachata, Kizomba or Tango music on and dance around the kitchen. It helps me clear my head and allows me to refocus.
Quick craft tip: When I have a section of dialogue in my head, I don’t focus on the he said, she said part of it. I just get the actual dialogue down first as it flows in my head and then go back through it to put it into properly structured and narrated paragraphs.
Where can people find you: I’m mxstyassasxin on tumblr, AO3 and FFN. I’m a HP multishipper but Drarry and Dramione are my mains.
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rosenfey · 5 years
5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50! 💙
5. — How much writing do you get done on an averageday? 
It depends. I’m not very consistent when it comes to writing (I would love to write every day, at least for a few minutes, but that’s easier said than done lol), but when inspiration hits me, I can very well pour several hours in one sitting and usually, if it’s a one-shot, finish the whole thing in one go. I remember I spent around 8 hours on that Confession fic and didn’t take any breaks. I might find it hard to really get into writing very often, but when I do, I get in hard.
10. — Doyou set yourself deadlines? 
No, deadlines tend to stress me out and since I’m writing for myself and for the fun, I don’t really see any reason in putting additional pressure on myself. I used to set deadlines for Night Lands a few years back but it only resulted in me stressing out and not writing. I generally found out that the less I pressure myself, the better it turns out to be, because I’m more relaxed.
15. — Howdo you deal with writer’s block?
I usually divert my attention somewhere else. I generally don’t like forcing myself to write, because it’s a hobby and should not feel like a chore. Practice is great, and even a few lines, even if I’m not satisfied with them, really help out, but sometimes that’s not possible. I think it’s important to let myself feel frustrated for a while. Creativity fluctuates all the time and it’s normal I will not always be in the flow. I usually check out pinterest, listen to music or do some brainstorming until inspiration comes back again and I get back to my writing or even get some new ideas.
20. — Howmany WIPs and story ideas do you have?
Too many. 
I’m always writing drabbles and one-shots for Jonathan and Debs, sometimes I even publish some of them on ao3 (not all of the ones I wrote are there, but there is something, lol). There’s also the western!AU longfic for them I’m currently in the world building phase for but might start writing very soon.
Because of that I haven’t touched my original stories for quite some time, but these are, apart from Night Lands, a slavic fantasy set in a renaissance-inspired era, The Devil’s Play, a fantasy set in the modern times about a deviless who saves the life of a priest and has to face the consequences, and Firmamentum, sort of a steampunk / fantasy / post-apocalyptic story set in the universe of Night Lands (Edean is just one of many worlds in the universe) about a world shielded by dark black clouds that cover the sky and people have to use artificial sunlight to get by. The myths say that a mountain that reaches above the clouds can be climbed on and the one who does so, can stare into the face of the ancient gods (but their gaze might not be entirely kind). 
25. — Favouritepart of writing
World building! Probably not a part of the actual writing, but it still counts, in my eyes. I love designing the world, thinking about the places and the vibes and the overall aesthetic! My favourite parts are probably thinking of all the geographical sights and designing religions and the pantheon. Character backstories are another thing and I abuse pinterest greatly for all the neat ideas.
30. — Favouriteidea you haven’t started on yet
I’m really intrigued by the whole idea of Firmamentum, but I still didn’t get to the actual writing, even after whole months of plot planning and world building (sigh). There’s also the western!AU of course, but I’m getting way closer to it and will start writing the prologue soon. I’m actually super looking forward to it, as john x debs are the thing I enjoy writing the most these days (hence all the neglect of my other things, sigh). I also have a ton of ideas for them written in my OneNote that I still didn’t get to, because there’s too much and I’m way too slow (and once I hyper-focus on one thing I tend to forget all others… shame on me).
35. — Whatscene/story are you least looking forward to writing? 
I… am not a great fan of angst. I do appreciate it when it comes with fluff and do like writing it in some degree because it makes the good, happy stuff feel more appreciated, but I do always get myself sad. I… did cry a few times when reading my stuff so… yeah. I also don’t like describing combat scenes because of my limited knowledge on the subject and usually avoid very descriptive details (tag yourself I’m Ambie educating herself on how fencing works and even receiving a few lessons only so she can describe it well in her stories, but still being a dumbass and forgetting everything. “they fought with swords. end of the story.”).
40. — Sharesome backstory for one of your characters
Asher Moschella (one of the members of the main squad of The Devil’s Play), wasn’t lucky enough to have an ideal childhood. Abused by his father, the young man found sanctuary in God. He attended catholic school as a child, but his life took a sharp turn as he enlisted in the army as a young man, following in his grandfather’s footsteps. He was full of potential, ambition, and unquestionable dedication to serve his country. Well-trained and believing he was prepared for anything, there was one thing that broke him in the end. Deployed in abroad and witnessing death and violence, nothing prepared him for loosing his best and only friend. Psychologically unstable to carry on, he was discharged from the service. Loosing everything in his life, he took solace in God, yet again, but this time in a theology seminary, becoming a priest in his late twenties. When a deviless brings him back to life after he’s shot to death, his dedication doesn’t waver a bit - in fact, he seems to love the Lord even more, despite the fact, or maybe because, it was the God himself who willed him to die.
45. — Howmuch world building do you do?
I guess a lot. It’s my favourite part of the whole creative process and it’s easy for me to get lost in all the ideas and dedicate way more time to world building than the actual plot (sigh) - it’s way more fun, though. This is primarily the case of Night Lands, which is my oldest original story and I spent years on the world building, entering the worldbuilding june for the past three years and coming up with more and more ideas to flesh the world with each year (this one was def my peak tho, and you can find all the entries in the #ambie’s wbj tag).
50. — [Otherquestion—ask me anything]
In this house we think like gamers so I often think about my stories as… video games. Like how exactly all the areas look like, how the interactions would go, what exactly would the characters say, what kind of music would play in the background, what background conversations would the NPCs make, what would combat / skill trees / inventory look like… It’s mostly to entertain myself, partly a bi-product of my big unrealistic dream to write a story and have a video game based on it, partly because, as I said, in this house we have gaymer brains, but sometimes it helps fuel inspiration and gives me more ideas. It’s also easier to write and describe stuff this way.
// a writer’s ask game
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stedesdimple · 5 years
OneNote Fic Rec Masterlist Screenshots!
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As you can see, I’ve decided to separate broader categories into its own dedicated sections up top in rainbow order, and within there will be more specific topics. Within those pages is where the lists of fic recs go. For example, under ‘Music’ there are fic recs about singing, fics based on songs, playing instruments, musicals, etc. Sometimes the lists overlap (ex. Potterlock could go in either teenlock or AUs), but I put them where they seem like they would fit the best. 
I have almost all of the Christmas lists done. Should I open this up for y’all for the holidays and just keep on adding, or wait until I go through all of alexx’s fic recs? 
@one-thousand-splendid-stars​ @thekatlocker​ @gryssenielsen​ @johnlock29​ @itsneverjustheartdisease​ @ladykeane​ @sw70sw70​ @flyingvicebox​ @notjustamumj​ @teeeffdee​ @theotherwillow​
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iasfuturekings · 7 years
Can you give any advice to someone wanting to write a grand scale AU in the same vein as yours?
Thank you for asking! There’s a lot of advice I would give people, but I think it boils down mainly to time management and be okay with being unconventional.
Organize a Notebook - For virtually every big AU I’ve written up, I make a Section Group or a full OneNote Notebook to keep a list of all sorts of things, like Character biographies, Timelines, Script drafts, and research. It’s easy to type up stuff in it, I can organize Sections to smaller sections, and I can access it anywhere, anytime, in case I do get an idea. The only disadvantage is that I don’t a strong instant spellcheck when I write script drafts. There’s other similar software that’s free for this stuff like Evernote, or just organize a really well put together folder system.
Make a timeline - The only thing I do bother to put together fully before starting is a basic timeline, because that guarantees that I have something to work off of along the way, and I don’t just putter off and lose direction. I need to know how it begins and ends first, and some of the key events that must happen to bring the conclusion I desire.
Do it out of order - You’ve seen it before. You go on AO3, find a really cool fic with an interesting premise, but it’s only like 5-6 chapters before the story ends prematurely or isn’t updated at all. So, to make sure you don’t run out of ideas and lose motivation, just post your work out of order. But wouldn’t that ruin the suspense, you ask? Yeah, are you going to potentially put out like a few hundred chapters within a year, in chronological order? No, probably not. I usually start by coming up with a few scenes that I really want to happen, and then the rest of the work is me stringing it together. When I get tired about writing about one section, I just jump to another part of the timeline and write there.
Don’t be afraid to downgrade, be flexible - A lot of big projects I’ve tried before have ended up being abandoned because I’m such a perfectionist that I couldn’t handle the idea of taking a few shortcuts or making the project a little less ambitious. But I’ve learned from that, and I’ve come to understand I have certain limits and now work within those limits. This project was originally going to be a fanfic for both Conquest, Revelations, and Birthright, but then I reduced it to exclusively Conquest with a Revelations ending, in script form. If you know you can’t make a huge multi-chaptered fic, fully beta’d, then you could always just do a script, like me. Sure, it may not be as appealing to the casual AO3 visitor, but you’re still putting work out there!There’s nothing stopping you from mixing mediums, too.
Get Feedback - You are not alone! If you’re stuck with something, or you don’t know if something you made makes any sense, you can consult some friends or anyone you’re comfortable talking to about this. I have been blessed to have a great roommate who likes writing stories just as much as I do, so we talk about plot points all the time. I’m more than happy to answer questions about the creative process, and so are the other writers in the community as well! Remember to ask politely and be respectful!
Writer’s Block? Just Do Something New - By new, I mean take a break and look into other stuff. Catch up on that TV show your friends recommended you, or play that video game. Technically, you’re absorbing information all the time, so having fun in other ways is still helpful! Sometimes, I drop by TV Tropes if there’s a plot element that I need defining, and sometimes I do check out the examples to better understand the execution of said plot device.
Be nice to yourself - Big fictional universes would probably be formulated by like a team of people who probably actually do this for a living, so don’t be hard on yourself if you get stuck somewhere. You’re just one person dedicating your own free time to make this. And don’t get too caught up in what your audience thinks if you do take a break. Most of them know real life is hard and that sometimes you need to recharge even from your hobbies.
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phans-secret-blog · 7 years
4, 5, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 28, 47, 50
(gonna assume this is for the fanfic ask)
4: name three authors that were influential to your work and tell why
fanfic authors or book authors?? for both I’d say Dan Gemeinhart, Cathy Cassidy (my first favourite author I ever had) and probably this internet friend I had that I’ve long forgotten who wrote short fanfics that gave me the idea to write fanfictions in the first place
5: since how long do you write
since like grade 4 where I picked up my love of it but for fanfiction since two/three years ago
12: favourite place to write
my bedroom
13: hardest character to write
since I mostly write dnp fics, other youtubers because I rarely watch anyone outside of them that the phandom usually associate them with (louise, zoe, tyler, even caspar and joe, etc.)
14: easiest character to write
dan, because I relate to him more and generally project myself onto his character (when writing)
15: hardest verse to write
???????? what
21: least favourite character to write
phil and his point of view, mostly because I can never seem to get it right
28: worst review you ever got
gosh, probably when I first started publishing my fics on websites I got this really long comment on my first ever longer work basically saying it was shit and how they hated it. (i just logged onto that account for the first time in 2 years - never posted again - and im actually laughing now because i remember it as so much worse than it actually was, because, to be fair, my writing was pretty suckish and they do have a point in most of their characterisation complaints and I got heaps of really nice ones so it shouldn’t have affected me)
47: how many unfinished ideas/stories are you working on at the same time?
how many, you ask? well, I have like 3 folders dedicated to that and about a hundred different ideas written in onenote and like 30 unfinished fics and also-
50: open question to the writer
yeah maybe this wasnt what the question numbers were for but whatever
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othercat2 · 7 years
Writing and General Update
I've made it to my next goal, which was getting to 70 dollars a month. I am now at 80 dollars a month thanks to Best Benefactor. The reward for the goal is supposed to be a thank you podcast for my Patrons. First however, I need to figure Audacity and then upload the podcast to Patreon. I am not sure what else I'll do for the podcast besides thank everyone. I am thinking about maybe talking about writing in general or talking about a few of my favorite authors and why they're my favorites. I might start a regular podcast, depending. The next goal will probably also be a monetary goal. I am still working on the first goal reward, which was ten drabbles. I was hoping all the patrons would have kicked in with prompts, but I didn't get prompts from all of the first five so I'm going to have to try to write according to what fandoms I know the patron is in. Or just write Non-Specifically-Dedicated-Drabbles. I am trying to figure out Patreon still. I know some people post fan fic/art on Patreon publically, but I feel less comfortable about it. I think I am going to have any fanfic on the Patreon be a)Patreon exclusive b) Patron exclusive. I have been up to my ears in appointments, but this week seems to be mostly free. I'm going to do more writing! And figure out Audacity. Last week I saw the ophthalmologist and the neurologist. The ophthalmologist does not think the vision blurry headaches have to do with my eyes. The neurologist wants me to have an MRI and see what's going on in my brain that is causing the chronic headaches with occasional vision blurriness. I have a bunch of prescriptions I need to pick up. I also need to buy More Plastic Containers and other necessary odds and ends I haven't been able to buy due to the entire No Money Halp situation. I am currently experimenting with Microsoft OneNote and seeing what I can use it for. I also did a major clean up/deletion of a few of my folders in hopes of creating a more organized system. Writing Fanfic: I have recently created another part of two for mirth and also completed a chapter for (they flow from form to form.) I have plans to either write a part to complete the two for mirth chapter and work on the next chapter of Safety Dance. Safety Dance is pretty close to the end. Next project will probably a Rose/Kanaya fic in the same setting. Two for mirth may or may not be coming to and end. (They flow) is possibly nowhere near an ending just yet.) Still not feeling anything for Voltron. Would LIKE to write more Bones and Salt. Fan Meta: Lots of ideas but no actual writing. I HAVE started a fan fic rec blog though, and I have a bunch of recs queued. I also have a bunch of future recs written up but not yet posted/queued to the rec blog. Original Fic: Chapter Four of The Forest Room is almost done, though I might need to re-write some stuff. Wondering if I should try working on one of the other original projects while also working on Forest Room. (And maybe Writing Smut For Amazon.)
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