#i have to actually make my own food & even when i'm hungry i just. barely am able to
spacenintendogs · 1 year
being an adult is hard
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diejager · 3 months
First of all HEYYY I love ur work smmmm I read almost every. single. day. So I have anemia (iron deficiency) and I'm always super cold and pale. Like my body barely produces any heat. Sometimes I don't even realise how cold I actually am like I just look in the mirror and realise my lips are blue and I look like a zombie. So I was wondering if u could do like a Ghost x cold reader like with the blue lips and nails and everything ykkkk?? And to be sum like they end up having to stay in a safe house together cause they're snowed in and the radios don't work or wtvvvvv and the heats brokennnn OMGGG and there's only one bed😭😭😭😭🤌🤌 I would love that sm tbh and again LUV UR WORK
Cw: fluff, humour?, anemia, snowed in, mention of hypothermia, cold, one bed trope, tell me if I missed any.
You hated the cold as much as you hated snow despite how lovely you remembered it was, to feel the soft and cool flakes fall on your face and staring off into the landscape. You couldn’t help feeling some sort of aversion towards the cold when your condition made you nearly vacant of any heat, extremities turning blue or purple if you didn’t regulate your own tempature. But the thing you hated the most, was being stuck and snowed in a safe house without any communication from Laswell and a broken heater. 
At the very least, you had company, sent off to Siberia with Ghost by your side, a man that burned higher than anyone you’d ever met. Perhaps he was the best option out of everyone, someone you got along with and enjoyed his jokes. That left you shivering under many layers of warm blankets, a bundle on the single bed that the safe house had. Oddly enough, it had enough food to feed a team of ten powerful and hungry men for an extended amount of time, space for many to roam around, but it had one single bed in the whole facility. 
Not that it minded you, you were as close to him as you were with the other men, a gentle friendship that often led to idiotic decisions and humourless jokes (more so on his side than yours). You watched him move around the room, securing the windows before he did the same to the rest of the house, checking the locks and insuring that both of you would be safe for the night; and when he was sure everything was secure enough, he climbed into bed, slipping under your pile of blankets. Ghost held you against his chest, an arm under his head and the other around your waist, keeping you close to him to share his heat with you, to relieve you of your shaking and shuddering, and breath coming out in frozen vapour.
“Tell me a joke, Ghost,” you quipped, wanting to take your mind off the numbing cold and your low iron count.
“What does a doctor ask a snowman?” He started after a few seconds of thinking, a lightness in his tone.
“What?” You raised your brows, burying your face into your blanket burrito and squirming until he got tired of it and tightened his hold on you.
“And you say you’ve been erect for 4 hours?” He ended with a low chuckle, laughing at his own joke. He was shamelessly proud of it, apparently.
You blinked owlishly, lips pursed as you mumbled lowly, huffing through your nose with a quick sigh, worming around to stare at Ghost. Even with the mask on, you could see the softened expression through his eyes, his darkened eyes gleaming with mirth and innocent joy.
“That was bad,” you pouted, narrowing your eyes a him.
“Oh? But you laughed,” he grumbled.
“Because it was bad.”
“Yeah, now shut up and sleep.”
Taglist: @sae1kie @yeoldedumbslut @bvxygriimes @distracteddragoness @konigsblog @im-making-an-effort @daisychainsinknots @0alk0msan @danielle143 @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @notspiders @brokenpieces-72 @petwifed @randominstake @cassiecasluciluce @hayleybarnesx @shironasumi @sparky--bunny @bloobewy @infpt-zylith @sweetnanah @aldis-nuts @evolutionarry @kaoyamamegami
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felice-jaganshi · 3 months
My Fallen Apple
Lucifer X Reader
Chapter 1
You weren't originally supposed to be in hell. You only ended up here after telling Adam you refused to be his Third wife. He was a bitter prick about it, and shoved you out of heaven. Last thing you saw as you fell, was the look of shock and regret on his face. Not that you cared. He didn't deserve your forgiveness or pity…
Next thing you knew when you opened your eyes was pain. A burning sensation from your back. Oh fuck, your wings! They- they're not supposed to bend like that! You scream in agony and despair, realizing you'd broken and bent your wings! There was no way to fly back up to heaven now!
“Someone… Someone help!” You cried out, hoping maybe somehow one of your friends in heaven could hear your prayers. But… it was pointless. No prayers from hell could ever reach heaven, not even from an angel. Now here you were… fallen.
“Whoa! That looks pretty bad.” A voice, footsteps getting closer!
“Please! I- I don't belong here!” You tried to sit up, barely managing it with a sob. You look up to see who the voice belonged to.
“I'll say, you're in my garden, almost landed in my rose bushes too.” A short man with blonde hair frowned at you with his arms crossed. “I swear, just because my wife has been off working for seven years, doesn't mean I'm magically single! How did you get in here?”
“I… fell… who are you?” He looked surprised by your words.
“Who am I?! You're kidding right?” You shook your head, and he got serious.
“where did you fall from?”
“Heaven…” He took a deep breath through his nose.
“I see…” He started walking towards you, and you started to pull your wings around to shield yourself, having forgotten they were broken. This made the firey pain flare back up! You hadn't noticed it go numb earlier, but now, you wished you hadn't moved them! You couldn't help the whimper that escaped your lips. It made him stop moving. 
“H- hey, I'm… I'm not gonna hurt you.” His voice was soft and low. “I promise, I just wanna help. Will you let me?” He held out his empty hands, waiting for permission before moving even a single step closer.
“Y-you still didn't answer my question. Who are you?” You had a sinking feeling…
“Me? Oh, nobody. Just the big boss of hell himself!” He chuckled at his own humor before shooting you a grin, “Call me Lucifer. And you are?”
Before you could answer, the world went dark, and you fell unconscious again.
The next time you open your eyes, you're in bed. A dream then. Thank God! But why have a nightmare about getting kicked out of heaven? Was it a warning Adam was gonna be a pissy shit when you gave him your answer today? You finally open your eyes and realize… this isn't your room. And… this isn't your bed! You sit up, wings curling around yourself as a shield and looking around frantically! Everything was extravagant and gilded! Some kind of palace suite? Then… oh. OH FUCK! YOU REALLY DID MEET LUCIFER!
“Oh hey, you're up! Great, hungry? I made pancakes.” The devil himself entered the room with a syrup soaked stack, steaming and fresh. Before you could refuse him, your stomach growled loudly, answering for you.
“I didn't think the devil would cook his own meals…” was all you could think to say. He set the tray in front of you, there was even a glass of juice.
“Why wouldn't I? Best way to make sure no one poisons me! Haha, not that it'd actually kill me.” He smiled, “oh, and you're welcome for healing you by the way. Once you're done eating, you can head back on up home.” He smiled and made a wing flapping motion with his arms. You giggle, it was kind of cute. He was so tiny, and handsome in a cute way. Not at all how heaven described him.
“You're… different from how heaven said you'd be.” You say, before eating some of the food he'd been generous enough to share. They were apple flavored.
“Oh really? And how is heaven describing me to you younger angels these days?” He raised an eyebrow, genuinely curious. 
“They said you would be cruel. Take joy in the pain and suffering of others. That you didn't know how to laugh or smile, only how to hate and hurt… but, you just proved all of that wrong.”
Lucifer was shocked, “I… that's how they think of me? My own siblings are telling people this?” He looked hurt, gripping a hand to his heart. “Mikey and Gabe… they know I'm not… that I'd never…”
You got up from the bed, you couldn't stand seeing him like this, on the edge of tears from your own words! You should have found a gentler way to… ah fuck it, too late for that now. You pull him into a hug, wrapping your wings around him.
“I'm sorry.” You kept your tone soft and genuine, and that seemed to be the last straw. He hugged back and started bawling into your shoulder! 
Now here you are, fallen from heaven, showing sympathy to the devil. You rubbed his back in soothing circles. “It's alright, let it all out, I got you.”
You weren't originally supposed to be in hell, but it didn't seem like such a bad place to be really.
(This was written for a very dear friend of mine. She's crazy for Lucifer, and I'm crazy about her so... yeah! Hope you all like it as much as she has!)
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yourheart-inmyhands · 8 months
Hii! May I request how would Venti, Aether and Diluc(separarely) react to reader going on a hunger strike? Like- reader refuses to eat no matter what, untill they get back their freedom? (Lets just say that reader has been kidnapped)
i've actually decided i'm not going to write for any mc's anymore, so Lumine, Aether, Stelle, and Caelus will no longer be requestable, sorry :[
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Warning: this post contains yandere-themes, including forced feeding, delusional behavior, being held against will, and other potential topics. Please read at your own risk!
Yandere!Venti would pout about it, making all your favorite meals to try and entice you to eat. He knows humans need food and think you’re behaving ridiculously. He’ll even go as far as retraining you and forcing you to eat, using the tactic of pinching your nose so you can't breathe and have to open your mouth. And while he doesn’t prefer it, he can always use his archon strength to pry your mouth open, even without his gnosis he’s still incredibly stronger beyond human comprehension.
“Don’t be like that Brise, you know you have to eat. Now you can either open up, or I’ll make you.” His sickeningly sweet doesn’t make the situation any easier, the soup he had scooped up in the spoon looking as vomit-inducing as his face right now. It had been days since you had last eaten and yet you haven’t felt less hungry in your life than you did now. No matter how tempting, you’d stay starving to prove a point. You were determined to not be the first one to break, pushing Venti to resort to the extremes he had previously only threatened.
Yandere!Diluc would simply let you starve, you aren’t getting freedom so if you don’t want to eat then suffer the consequences of that choice. He does eventually get worried and makes sure you’re at least drinking water to stay alive. When you finally succumb to the weakness and collapse, unable to move due to lack of food, your body going into panic mode and slowly breaking down your muscle. That’s when he strikes.
Diluc smirked to himself as you lay on the bed, barely conscious and unable to resist now. You had fought so hard to keep up your hunger strike, but it could only last for so long. Walking over to the bedside with a bowl of cold soup, he couldn’t be bothered to warm it up for you, he gently props you up against the headboard. You had lost a significant amount of weight but he didn’t mind, you were still as stunning as the moment he first laid his eyes on you. “Don’t fight me now my Traubensaft, there’s no use.” His smile is condescending, letting you know that even if you tried to fight he could still easily overpower you. With gentle hands, he brings the bowl of soup up to your lips, forcing you to drink every bit. He repeats this process once a day until you can stomach more than that, recognizing that your stomach has shrunk in the weeks you spent denying sustenance.
Brise - Breeze
Traubensaft - Grape Juice
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figgrrr0 · 2 years
can i request florist boyfriend!tighnari with a gender neutral reader smut? i don’t really mind the length of it, but maybe ‘nari needs to… “unwind” after dealing unruly customers demanding to see the manager and treating him badly (when in reality, he is… in fact, the manager)
i just think ‘nari is the sweetest boy! he’s so used to taking care of us and giving us gifts, so perhaps it’s time that we take good care of him and shower him with some intimate and loving nighttime indulgences (top!reader x sub!tighnari)? <3
i hope i followed the format correctly :>>
Got a bit carried away, I hope this is what you wanted!
I didn't end up doing any actual penetration, it didn't feel needed with the way I took it! But if you want to see it, feel free to send in another ask and I'll try again! This is my first time writing smut so please be gentle with me!
Want to skip the lead up? Look for the NSFW sign that marks the smut!
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Stressful Business
Character: Sub!Tighnari // Reader: Dom!Gn
Genre: Smut // CW: massage, nipple play, handjob, slight biting, praise, pet name "baby" quite a bit, dumbification?
Plot: Yes // Word count: 3.8k
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Two long hours. Is that really how long it's been? You double check the clock once more, but it doesn't change what you are now certain that you'd seen a second before.
Tighnari, your competent boyfriend of the past 3 years, has never once been home late from working at the flower shop he owned. Not without warning you of the possibility of such in the morning. But he hadn't done that today. He wasn't supposed to be late.
As much as you know you shouldn't worry about him - don't have to worry about him - you can't help the feeling that something has gone wrong...
'POP!' The gurgling crackle of the overflowing pan you'd left on the stove breaks your tense reverie.
"Oh shit!" You exclaim, before promptly forcing yourself to calm down once you realise it's not as bad as you thought, and move to turn down the heat and place the pan in the sink. You hope the contents haven't burned... that'd make Tighnari's night even worse than it likely already is.
He's been dropping hints lately that he'd been craving a particular dish that you knew him to be fond of: mushroom stew. Mushrooms were his favourite, after all. And, after planning to make it today, you'd kept it a surprise, knowing that regardless of his mood in the evening (right now), the reveal of the food would cheer him up! Hopefully.
You'd just started stirring the pot for a final time, when the front door to your and Tighnari's shared house suddenly opened. Had you been so lost in thought as to not even hear his keys jangling outside? (He often gets his keys out before even trying the handle to see if the door was indeed locked. Because of this, he'd locked himself outside plenty of times before now, and you're certain he'll do it again)
You wait to hear him call out to you as he always does, but his voice never comes. You're relieved that he's home, but now you're more worried as to whether or not he is okay... It's unusual for him not to seek you out first thing after returning home.
"Tighnari? Are you home? I'm in the kitchen!" You say, raising your voice only slightly, knowing that he'll hear it wherever in the house he is. In return, you hear his distinct voice uttering a displeased grumble, followed by a painful sounding hiss. At this, your brows furrow, and a minute later, his arms sneak around your front to hug you from behind, peeking over your shoulder. Turning your face slightly, you greet him with a quick peck on the cheek.
"You making dinner?" He asks simply, his voice holding a barely hidden sigh as he slumps behind you, obviously tired.
"Yeah," is your reply, keeping your voice a bit hushed to not hurt his sensitive ears, what with his extremely close proximity, "are you hungry? You seem a bit off..." He nuzzles his face into your neck, hiding his eyes as he leans on you for support against the counter top.
"Got a headache from work today... I'm not much in the mood to eat right now. Sorry..."
At this, you turn around and tenderly cup his face in your soft hands, making him look you directly in the eyes, wanting to properly convey your next message. "There's no need to apologise, 'Nari. It's okay if you're not feeling well, but I promise you're gonna want what I've made for you." You end, sending a knowing smile his way, and move to start serving the food.
"Go sit at the table, Nari! If you really don't want to eat it, that's okay. We can just heat it up later when you are hungry. Or I can make you an extra 'special' breakfast tomorrow~" Putting some emphasis on the word 'special', you shoot him a wink, to which he huffs and turns around quickly to hide his reddening cheeks, taking a seat at the table behind you, further back in the room. "Well, that's odd..." you think, normally he'd hit right back with some teasing of his own. He must've had a super hard day at the shop.
After a couple minutes of relatively comfortable silence, you break it, eagerly wanting to hear about what kept him away tonight, and brought him home in his testy mood. "Sooo... what happened? Bad day?"
He let out a sad sounding sigh, "To say the least... a few weeks ago, I had a customer come into the store wanting a bouquet comprised of hard-to-get flowers... because they don't grow in Sumeru."
You look over your shoulder as you let out an understanding hum, seeing him rearranging the vase of flowers displayed in the middle of the table. He'd brought them home a few days ago, and even then he'd spent an hour getting them to lay 'perfectly' as he'd said. He was just never satisfied, always having to focus on something. Perhaps that's why he's been getting so stressed recently... he just needs some help taking his mind off things... to relax.
"I told them then that it'd take a couple of weeks for the flowers to be shipped over, and even then, they weren't likely to make the journey healthy enough to survive. But, still, they wanted me to try anyway. Even though it wouldn't likely work." He rolls his eye, adding in an annoyed scoff, " they came in yesterday, and even I was surprised that they looked well; they stood tall, their colours vibrant, no fallen or ripped petals or leaves, and they looked amazing in the bouquet I arranged."
He lifts his head to look you in the eyes, his face softening upon seeing you so interested in his story, despite being busy with the food. "I honestly think it was the best one I've made yet, I would've loved for you to see it." He let's a weary smile make its way onto his face as you approach, holding a bowl of the mushroom stew in each hand, and setting it on the table in both of your places.
Upon realising what the food was, his ears perk up, nose twitching as he took a revering sniff, picking up the spoon you'd laid in front of him at the same time. "Oh, love... you really shouldn't have-"
"Shhh!" You interrupt, "I know what I do and don't have to do, Tighnari. And I know what I want to do for you." You take his hand across the table, gently running your thumb over his knuckles and feeling him soften under your touch. "Now finish your story and eat your dinner."
He gulps, his Adam's apple bobbing in his throat, the flush rising higher on his cheek bones. "Right... uh.. s-so the customer came in this morning to retrieve the bouquet, but then- and this is the most ridiculous complaint I've ever gotten thus far: the flowers weren't the right colour! They never specified a colour!" He threw his arms up I'm the air, still holding the spoon, as if he were still in disbelief. "They said, when they made the order, 'The colour doesn't matter'!"
Though his voice was full of fury, his eyes betrayed him: eyes wide and tearing up, he was blinking quickly in succession to try and bid them away. As he finished, his throat was wracked with barely fought down sniffles, "I spent the last two hours arguing, trying to come to an agreement with them, and eventually I had to make up a new flower arrangement including what we already had in the store..."
You stand up from your seat abruptly, taking your dish and stepping behind Tighnari. As you pass by him, you rest your hand on his shoulder, rubbing his taut muscles through the fabric, "you know that this incident has nothing to do with your skills, right, 'Nari? None of it was your fault. You had no obligation to continue helping that person, but you did because you're a good person. Unlike them." He pushed into your touch, a faint whine forcing its way through him before he could repress it. You could tell be the way that his alert ears pricked up then went slack that he'd liked your response, his inner instincts keening at the venom your voice held towards the rude customer, proud that you'd agreed with him.
Before he can get ahead of himself, you step away into the kitchen, but not before leaning down to press a slow kiss and a nip onto the back of his neck, and whispering next to his ear: "Finish your dinner, Tighnari. Don't keep me waiting too long..."
To which he replies with a barely audible, "Y-yes, Y/N..." with a certain shake in his voice.
Then, you place your bowl on the counter, ready to be washed later, before heading to the bedroom. Opening the door, you look back to see Tighnari shovelling the stew into his mouth, eating almost as quickly as possible, when he then notices you staring at him. He nearly chokes and looks away in embarrassment, covering his face with one hand. At that, you step into the bedroom and close the door behind you. He really can be quite immature, sometimes... as endearing as it is...
While undressing yourself and changing into some light sleeping clothes that you knew Tighnari liked, you begin some preparations. It seems as though your dear boyfriend could do with some... stress relief, to say the least. After everything he does: working so hard at the flower shop, being so caring towards you, and even bringing home some flowers every now and then for you, you decide that it's time for you to pay back some of those amassing favours to him...
You start by blowing out the flames of the scented candles around the room, preventing them from disturbing Tighnari's sensitive nose, but still letting their calming scent and effects roam through the air. Then, you go into the bathroom, open a cupboard, and pull out some massage oil and a towel; after touching his shoulder earlier, you knew that his muscles were extremely tense, and you were going to help him with that tonight.
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No more than 10 minutes later, Tighnari opens the door, walking into the dimly lit room, the only light being that of the few unscented candles that you'd left burning. His eyes met your own as you sat on the bed, your lips upturned in a welcoming smile as you motioned for him to come closer. He eyed the towel and bottle of lotion next to you with an air of suspicion, then met your eyes again, one of his eyebrows going upwards in a questioning manner.
In response, you sigh and roll your eyes playfully, starting, "I'm giving you a massage, silly." You pat the bed in front of you, urging him to sit on the edge. "C'mon, 'Nari, hop up here and sit down like a good boy!" You knew just how to get the reaction you wanted.
He growled in warning. There it was.
Usually he'd try to put up a bit of a fight when you did this, denying the praise and demeaning acts, declaring that he "hated being treated like a pet!", but you knew better. You knew the truth.
You knew he loved it. And you knew he was too exhausted to play his usual games tonight, that he'd accept and do anything you wanted. Because tonight, he wanted to hear those words.
"Good boy." You let out as barely more than a whisper, voice soft and encouraging as he comes closer, turning around to sit between your thighs, sitting right on the edge of the bed. Just where you want him. "I knew you could do it, 'Nari." He looked back at you over his shoulder, a deceiving glare shadowed his features, but his tail was wagging discreetly. After the years of living with him, of loving him, of playing with him, you knew exactly how to read his reactions.
Not paying any mind to his slightly rude actions, you slowly slide your hands up under his shirt, making him flinch a bit in surprise before he eases into your warm touch. Splaying your fingers flat against his stomach, tracing each curve and line, dragging your nails lightly against the tight skin of his abdomen, you do anything you can to make his breath hitch, to make his chest rise faster and faster, until he can't help but beg you to do more. To touch him more, to give him more. He could be so greedy sometimes, your Tighnari, but you were glad that he was comfortable enough to act that way around you. You wouldn't want him any other way.
"Are you going to take your shirt off for me, baby?" You chuckle softly at his confused expression. During your ministrations, his eyes had drifted closed and his lips had strayed open to let out his content breaths, but upon your arm pulling away, his eyes had shot open, his mouth has slammed shut, and his hand had darted out to grab tight a hold of your receding wrist. "Well how else am I gonna give you a massage, hmm?"
"You could always just give me one through my clothes... or are you not that good?" He smirks at you over his shoulder, the light that can usually be found in his sly eyes finally shining bright again.
"Oh, but then it wouldn't feel as good! And tonight is all about helping you, Tighnari, I want you to relax for me..." You place a hand on his cheek and guide him to face you, giving him a deep kiss. When you pull away, he chases after you, trying to capture your lips with his again. "Do you think you can do that for me?"
He grumbles an answer, and even just from the implied tone you can guess what it meant, but you want to be sure, you want to take care of him and give him what he needs. "I want you to tell me properly, baby. Tell me you want this. Tell me you want what I'm going to give you." You look him in the eyes, imploring him to obey.
And, just like that, he crumbles.
"I want you, I want this, please, Y/N..." He begs, shifting to take off his shirt in a hurry, as if he couldn't possibly wait to feel your hands on him again.
This is how things always go between you and Tighnari; he pretends he doesn't need your help, pretends he will be fine without your touch, when, in reality, he craves it, begs for it with so much as a slight prod or a threat of receiving nothing. He's so easy to read, and yet, still just as fun as when you first met.
As soon as his shirt is peeled from his body, he casts it off into the room, only to be found in the morning, and as soon as it is out of the way, he reaches to grab your arms. You let him, of course. You just can't help giving him what he wants, especially when he's being so open about it, so... needy.
He leads your hands straight to fondle his nipples as he coaches your fingers to play with them just the way he wants, pinching, pulling, flicking and circling them as he groans, whines, whimpers and cries. This is the loudest he's ever been so soon after starting, and you haven't even really done anything yet... maybe you should just let him use you however he wants at some point? Make him tell you exactly what he wants, where he wants it, make him tell you how to do it, as if you don't already know what makes him cum the hardest... and the fastest... let him think he has control, only to make him submit and beg for forgiveness when you refuse to help him anymore, watch as the embarrassment paints his face a deep red as he realises he was giving you what you wanted the entire time... Well. That's for another night, perhaps. Tonight, right now, all your generous, caring boyfriend needs is some loving touches and sweet pleasure.
Once he is certain that your fingers will continue the set rhythm on his perky, pink nipples, Tighnari moves his hands to traverse his own body, surfing across the soft planes of his stomach and thighs, working himself up for you, just as you've taught him before now.
One of your hands moves away from him and to your side, reaching to grab the massage oil you'd planned to use before Tighnari got ahead of himself. He complains about it, but you know this will make it all that much better for him in the end, so you ignore his pitiful questioning whines and shuffles.
You spurt a few small pumps of the oil onto your palms, running them along his body where he'd been stroking himself a few mere seconds ago, giving him more lubrication to warm himself up and provide more pleasure in even the simplest of touches. In addition to this, you begin kissing and nipping his neck, littering bruises and bite marks of different sizes and severity trailing from his jaw down to his shoulders. Each bite earns a high keen from deep within him and a tilt of his head, readily giving you even more access to the surface he so wants you to bite into, to mar and stake your ownership.
"You're such a good boy for me, baby... so, so good. You want me this much? Yeah? Want me to claim you as my own, make you mine and let everyone know?"
He lets out an unabashed moan at that, nodding desperately in agreement, "mhm! W-want you so bad, wanna be yours, wanna be your- mmh! Y-your good boy!"
Leaving his hard nipples lonely before they become uncomfortable sensitive from your teasing, you smooth your fingers along his strong, slender shoulders, pressing into the crevices and rubbing in the oil, continuing the massage that he was so ready to forget and push past, wanting to skip straight to the main act. But, as you've come to learn, while Tighnari loves to care for you and your well being, he can be quick to forego his own. Well, you're going to show him right now, that taking care of himself can feel amazing. Starting with a massage.
You press and grind into all of his muscles, slowing the frantic pace that he has set for himself. He cries out, upset that you're teasing him further, but he quickly shuts up when you pull lightly on the base of his tail.
"Shush, baby. Trust me here... it'll feel good."
You gradually work your way down, following after his own hands in their wanton display of lust, feeling out the tense knots in his muscles and working them beneath your insistent fingers and the lubricant oil until the stresses on his body yield and he sighs and moans in relief. You work his abs, his arms, his thighs, all the way to the top, where you pull away just before making it to where he wants you most.
He breaks.
"Pl- hah! Please! Please Y/N, touch me! I'll be such a good boy! I need it so bad!" He sobs, crystalline tears finally falling, begging as he shakes under your calm gaze.
"Awh, 'Nari... there's no need to cry, baby... you know I'll always give you what you want, right? I just want to take care of you first."
You press your lips against his again to take his mind off of it, pushing your tongue into his mouth when he gasps. For a few seconds, he tries to take control, pushing against your tongue and attempting to set the pace, but he quickly learns that he much prefers when you take the lead, letting his spit swap and mix with yours as your tongues slide against each other, swallowing each other's noises.
Again, you uncap the oil bottle, spilling a generous drizzle onto your open hand, and take it to his ready and aching cock. Instantly, as your hand wraps around him, the clear oil mixes with milky white, precum drooling from his sobbing slit. He mewls at the touch, unconsciously bucking his hips up into the wet, tight heat enveloping his cock head. One hand slipping over his hard cock over and over again, and the other swapping between each nipple, giving them both equal attention, you proceed to kiss him at the same time, nipping his lips with each pullback for breath. You're overwhelming his senses, making him feel so much more, and even the lewd 'shlik shlik shlik' that resounds around the room only serves to make him shudder and whine and beg for more.
"Please, please- Ahhn~ Please~!" Is the constant moan streaming from his mouth, as if there were a dam inside of him that could no longer be contained.
Just from his erratic mannerisms you knew he was close: the tightening of his hands on your thighs, the shaking of his legs as they hang over the side of the bed, his ears twitching and tail jerking faster and faster.
"Cum for me, baby. It's okay, just relax... let it all out..."
As soon as the words are out of your mouth, he stiffens, a silent cry forcing his lips wide, tiny squeals of his voice intermittently ringing out when his throat loosens enough to let them escape.
Still, as he's coming down from the high of it all, you continue to stroke his now sensitive cock until he begins shaking, and his face scrunches in displeasure. Only then, do you release him, guiding him to lay back comfortably in the pillows of the bed.
5 minutes later, after a short break and a continued massage all the way up both legs, -which he did, admittedly, enjoy- Tighnari leans up onto his elbows, staring down at you in your position between his thighs.
"Uh.. mmm.... do you.. -I mean, should I return the favour? Can I make you feel good? Or is that not allowed?"
Ah. It'd seem as though he's beginning to regain his wits enough to start being snarky again, accompanied with that signature little smirk he always wears when he's proud of himself. Seems the shock to his senses was just what he needed.
Maybe he could do with some more.
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fangirlstorycreator · 5 months
KK3 Terry Silver X Reader
Context: Damsel In Distress! Your in a dangerous position, and Terry comes to help you 💚 Part 1/2
Ever since this new dojo opened, you were now finaly able to get some more work. You saw that the Cobra Kai dojo was in need of a cleaner on their board outside the building, which you applied for as quickly as you could. Being a single woman and having to pay rent in your studio flat, meant you needed a job, but unfortunately like some people, sometimes that was two jobs instead of one. You already were a cleaner in the local gym, but that was barely making enough to live. You needed something that will let you also have money to feed yourself properly, and not live off packet food or noodles. You applied for the cleaning position and got it the very same day, you were over the moon about it. The guy who interviewed you was someone called John Kreese, he seemed nice, if a little rough around the edges. He and his business partner owned the dojo, but you had yet to meet him, in time maybe. John laid out the cleaning you needed to do, and the days and times you were needed too, which fit into your other job roles timings perfectly. Your first day was a piece of cake, you cleaned everything you needed too, plus had a little time spare to do one or two other things before you left. John was impressed, and even bumped up your pay a little for doing such a good job whilst you were working there.
It had now been two weeks since you started this second job, and it was safe to say that you were feeling quite tired from doing it. You weren't used to working two jobs, especially since one was a day time job, and one was an evening. There was only a small amount of time in between each shift to stop, and that wasn't enough.....but you kept going. You thought to yourself that there are people out there who work 3 jobs, you needed to get a grip and power through, which is what you tried to do. It was Friday afternoon, and you were nearly done sweeping the floor of the main room. You were the only one there, as far as you were aware, and you had some music on in the background to listen too. You swept, back and forth, again and again, when suddenly you stop as your vision goes blurry. You hold onto your sweeping brush as you steady yourself, closing your eyes in hopes it will pass. Your legs and arms felt wobbly, and your stomach was growling. You new you were hungry, famished actually, but you had no time today to stop, especially when your gym job needed you earlier today to clean a new yoga room. You opened your eyes, and the dizziness faded away. You took a deep breath to steady yourself and tried to carry on with the floor. But it seemed that doing that wasn't the best idea, and before you knew it, everything turned black. And the last thing you remember was smacking the side of your head on the floor as you fell.
You feel dazed and still dizzy when you start to come around. You eyes are still closed, but something feels strange, you can feel that your feet are leant up on something, maybe a chair? And there is something cold on the side of your head where you fell on it. Your eyes slowly open, and there knelt next to you, is what looks like an incredibly handsome man, and it definitely wasn't John Kreese. "Hey....How are you feeling? It looks like you took a bad fall. Hows your head?"
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This man asked in a calm and gentle tone. "Uhh? Yeh I...I think I'm alright, just a little dizzy" "That's ok, when that goes away I can help you back up. It seems you banged your head quite hard on this floor, but it's ok, I've got this ice pack on hear for you" You reach up to touch it, it feels like a big bump on your head, hopefully nothing to serious had happened, you see no blood thankfully. "I came in and saw you like this, can you tell me what happened?" "I was feeling light headed and my vision blurred. I thought I shook myself out of it, but it seems I didn't. I just remember everything going black and then...Ummm, who are you by the way?" He smiled widely, he had a gorgeous smile. "I'm sorry, I haven't had a chance to meet you recently with the dojo still needing work done. I'm Terry, I'm John's friend" "Oh! Your Terry Silver, John told me you both own this place"
"Yes, well I own it, but he co manages it with me. I've been meaning to come and introduce myself to you, ever since John said we had a new cleaner. Your Y/N right?" "Yeh, that's me" "It's a pleasure to meet you, it's just a shame it's under these circumstances. Can I ask, do you know what might have caused you to pass out?" You look down in shame, you didn't want to admit it but you had too. "I uhh....I haven't eaten anything yet. I swear I was going to as soon as I finished sweeping the floor" "Oh dear, your blood sugar must be really low. You shouldn't prioritise work over your health you know. Is John working you to hard?" "No, not all. I have two jobs you see, and it's on the evening" "So your working day and night? Everyday?" "I have to, some people can work 3, and I'm just doing two" "So? One job can drain a person as well, but 2 is a lot, especially if it's everyday, and pretty much day and night" You just nod, knowing he is kind of right. He looks around and sees your bag, he stands up and runs over to grab it. He brings it back and helps you to sit up a little. "You bring a lunch with you?" "Yeh, it's just in hear" You take out a sandwich and an apple just as Terry walks into the office and grabs you a bottle of coke cola. "I'll stay with you to make sure your alright, I don't want you to have another fall just incase it's not your blood sugar that made you fall"
"You don't have to you know, I'll be fine. Besides I've got to get to my other job in an hour-" "You are kidding me right?" "What?" "There is no way you are going to work in another job after you fainted! Plus you have that bump on your head, your not going" "I don't exactly have a choice, I need this job to afford rent and food" "Food that you have barley any time to eat anyway? To the point where you pass out? I'm sorry but I can't allow that" "That's kind Terry, but it's not you that cant allow it, it's my boss at the gym who will tell me if I should stay of go" "Alright then, I'll call him" "Really? I'll doubt you'll be able to get through to him, he's an #sshole" "Just to you or others aswell?" "Honestly? I'm not sure he likes women in general" "Ahhh, one of those eh? Well look, as your employer I'm not happy letting you work in another place when your in this state. May I talk to your other boss?" "Yeh, just try not to piss him off" "Why?" "I don't know I just....when people have pissed him off before, he's had a tendency to fire people" "Don't you worry about a thing, I'll make sure that whatever happens, you'll still be working" You hand Terry your phone after getting your bosses phone number up, Terry calls him and your boss answers in a grumpy tone. "Y/N, what do you want?" "Hi there, my name is Terry Silver" "And? Why should I care?" Terry looks over you you, but you raise your eyebrow in a way that says (I told you so). "You should care because I am calling on behave of your employee" "What about her? She'd better be coming in, there's a new yoga hall that needs cleaning"
"Actually she won't be coming in, for her own health" "Health? Oh what? Is she having her stupid period cramps? Or did she break a nail?" "She has actually passed out and hit her head quite hard on the-" "Are you seriously telling me this stupid girl is not coming in to do her job because she is acting like a princess and pretending to faint?! And she hit her head?! That's something a toddler walks off then starts playing after!" "I think you'll find that it's far more serious than that, I'm taking her to get checked out at the hospital to make sure there's no underlying health issue, and to make sure the head injury isn't something more serious. And the fact that you don't care, and are not taking it seriously is something I'm not only concerned about, but actualy angry about" "Ooooh! Big man on the phone thinks the way I order my employees is wrong. Oh wait, I don't give a sh#t! Tell Y/N to stop messing around like a typical woman and get her #ss in work before I fire her!" Terry holds the phone against his chest as he gives you a sympathetic look, he had no idea how hard you really had it. He could see the bags under your eyes, your shaking hands, your exhausted look and you just looked completely deflated. He knew there was something about you that was unique, and he knew what you were going through was unfair, and he wasn't going to stand for that. "Now you listen to me you arrogant piece of sh#t!" "Who the f#ck do you think your talking too?!" "Oh I know exactly who I'm talking too, a spoilt little pr#ck who thinks his position gives him the power and right to abuse and use his employees in any way he wants! Well Y/N is not coming in, unless you treat her like a human being!"
"Like hell am I going to do that! And just for the way you spoke to me, not only is she going to be working today, but I'm going to make sure she works even later, without the over time pay!" Terry can't take this, he can see you and he knows you can hear everything he says. "Y/N is NOT coming in!" "Then she's fired! Let's see her afford a home on a one jobs wage! Stupid b#tch deserves it!" And just like that, your boss puts the phone down on Terry. But Terry can see your starting to get upset, so he kneels down to you. "He fired me?! How am I supposed to-" "Shh shh it's ok, don't worry" "Don't worry?! I won't be able to afford my rent, what am I going to do?" "It will be ok, I promise. You see, I have many connections and more money than I can want" "That's nice for YOU" "But listen, he fired you for something that was out of your control, so legally you can sue him. And I have a lawyer who can do that" "Terry....that's not necessary" "No no listen, he has never lost-" "Terry....while it's a lovely offer, I just don't want anymore trouble. I just....I just need to make sure I'm fine, then look for another night job"
"Y/N, I can help you" "I know Terry, but I need to be able to support myself and not use someones elses resources when I could never repay them. I'm sorry" Terry's face is still, no expression, but he nods to you. "Alright Y/N.....listen, at least let me take you to the hospital to get checked over. I wouldn't want you to have any other issues" "Ok...thank you Terry" You were feeling so stuck now, you had lost your night job AND you knew you wouldn't be able to pay rent for next month and have enough food in the fridge. You planned to start looking for a new job at home once you were finished at the hospital, and hopefully there would be something that would come up quickly. Terry helped you up and into his car, and he took you for a check up at the hospital. He was right, according to the doctor, your blood sugar was low and she recommended that I need to eat correctly and rest for a while. And thankfully the bump on your head didn't result in anything serious. Terry offered you a lift back to your flat, and when he drove away to let you get some rest, you snuggled up on the sofa with a blanket and a hot chocolate. Your laptop was poised on the coffee table infront of you, so now you were ready to surch for another job....but the stress of going through all of that again was getting to you, you just looked at the screen, and felt low. Yes, Terry was trying to help you, but you lost your job over it, and now you had no choice but to find another one. And hopefully this time, the next boss wouldn't be so horrible. However, you were happy that Terry wasn't horrible, in fact, he was quite nice.....and definitely handsome too. You pushed that thought of Terry to the back of your mind however, because you now had your laptop on your lap, it was time to search.
Meanwhile, Terry was working out in his house, practicing his karate like he normally does. John knocks on the door and Terry's door man let's him in to come and speak to Terry. "Hey! Johnny, I'm glad you came buy!"
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"Of course. So what did you want to talk to me about?" "Something happened at the dojo this afternoon" "What happened?" "I walked in to find Y/N passed out on the floor" "She what? Is she alright?" "Yeh she's ok, nothing serious. But she had very low blood sugar, she wasn't eating" "Why?" "Because she's been so busy" "Is the work load I'm giving her too much?" "No no it's not that, she's been working two jobs" "Has she? I didn't know that, she didn't tell me" "I only found out myself when I spoke to her. It was my first time meeting her and I could tell she has been overworking herself. This is why I asked you to come over John" "What do you mean?" "Well, when I called her other boss to tell him she wasn't able to come in due to her not being well enough, he ended up being super rude and fired her! The guy is an absolute #sshole" "Right, so why did you want to talk to me?" "I want to raise her pay John. I want it so she doesn't have to worry about her bills, put herself in dangerous moments like today and have time to not only have a life, but to be able to live happily and comfortably too. And right now that's not what's happening for her. She's at home right now trying to find another job, and I want to help her" "Alright, so shall we just give her a pay rise, or is she in need of more support too?" "If you could do the paperwork for her pay rise at the dojo, I can sort out another issue for her. She said she didn't need to do it, but she deserves something for what her other boss did to her" "Alright, so we have a plan then?" "Absolutely"
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It had been a few days since your fainting incident, and both Terry and John had said you shouldn't come back until your properly fit for work. So once you got the all clear from your local doctor, you were going to go back to cleaning the dojo once again. Luck wasn't on your side with another job though, noone was hiring and you felt really low. It seemed like it was time to go back to cheap packet food to keep you going until you found another job again. The next day, you came into the dojo ready to start cleaning and making up for lost time, despite the fact that John and Terry gave you paid time off, you still didn't want to seem like you were doing nothing when you could be working. Noone was in there when you arrived, so you just stuck your music on and proceeded to go about your cleaning routine. About an hour later, John walks in, and you see him out of the corner of your eye. Turning off the music, you say hello to him. "Hey Y/N, listen, could I have a word with you in the office please?" "Sure, no problem" You left your cleaning supplies and walked into the office with John, taking a seat on the sofa as he sat on the office chair. "How are you feeling Y/N?" "Yeh, I'm fine" "Are you sure?" "Yes, that feeling I had is no longer there. I'm eating and my blood sugar level is normal" "Good, that's good. Now, I do have to ask you something. Are you currently looking for a second job?"
"Well...kind of yeh. Don't get me wrong I do like this job, I just need to do something else to put towards the bills" "I understand that, I've been in a similar position to yourself one or twice over the years. But I'd just like to let you know that you will not be needing to find a second job" "Why? Is it something I'm not allowed to do with the contract I'm on hear?" "No no it's not that, you won't have to look for another job because we are giving you a pay raise" "A pay rise? That's not necessary" "Oh it is, I heard about how you lost you other job, and this is adequate compensation for that issue. Hear, I have your pay slip hear so you can see the rise yourself" John hands you the paperwork, and you've seen that you've been given a pay rise so big, that this is worth possibly 3 jobs! Let alone 2! "John...I can't exept this, this is too much for a cleaning job" "Well, what if it wasn't just a cleaning job?" "What do you mean?" "What if I was to give you just a few extra responsibilities around the dojo? Me and Terry could really use someone working a receptionist position now that Cobra Kai is getting more popular" "You want me to be a receptionist?" "If you would like too, yes. So you would be doing that from 9 till 4, then when the dojo closes at 4, you'd do your normal cleaning job until you finish at 6. So it would be a 9 till 6 shift instead of working nights and days. It's available if you want it"
"That's...that's amazing! Thank you John!" "Well, you should be thanking Terry most of all" "Why?" "Well this was his suggestion. You see I didn't know about your second job and your fainting spell until he told me. And would you have told me about that Y/N? Be honest" "Alright....I don't think I would have told you, I wouldn't want to worry anyone" "I knew you'd say that. So when Terry suggested a pay rise, I was happily on board with it. I wouldn't want anyone who is working for me and Terry to be stuck in a position you were in" "That's very kind, of both of you. Thank you" "Alright then, I'll grab the paperwork for you to sign, and next week you can start your new role" "You said Terry suggested this, where is he? I'd like to thank him" "He's busy at the moment with some people who want to invest with the dojo, but he should be coming back in just before your cleaning shift finishes. You can chat to him then" "Perfect" After that surprisingly nice meeting in the office, you head back out and continue cleaning. When anyone gets called into a meeting or to the bosses office, there is always that little worried feeling in your belly when you think your in trouble, but thankfully that wasn't the case today. A few hours passed, and you had just finished up moping the floor, when Terry walks in, with his beaming smile.
"Hey Y/N!" "Hi Terry, how are you?" "Yeh, yeh I'm good. Are you feeling better?" "Yes, much better thank you" "Great, I'm glad to hear it" "Listen Terry, John had a word with me earlier about the pay rise" "Ah yes! I'm glad he did. Are you happy? No need to worry yourself with a second job now eh?" "Yes your right, and I am happy about it. I just wanted to thank you. You didn't have to talk to John and give me extra money to support me, but you did. I'm not used to that kind of generosity, and I just wanted to thank you properly" "Oh Y/N, there's no need to thank me. I'm just doing what's right by you, and doing my best to help you out" "You really have, I mean that Terry" At this moment, John walks out of the office and over to you and Terry. "Hey John!" "Hey Terry, you were gone a long time" "Well business can take it's time" John looks at Terry in a hinting kind of way, looking back at him and you until he knows why he's doing that. "Oh yeh! Y/N, me and John are heading to a club tomorow night, we've heard it's really cool, and I was wondering if you wanted to join us?"
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"Really? I'm honestly suprised you want to invite me along"
"Because we think your cool, and we work together. It would be nice to hang out and not talk about work" "Also Y/N" says John "I'm going to need someone who is also a responsible adult to help me watch this one. Even without alcohol, he can be a bit of a handful" This makes you giggle, and John chuckle. Terry just nods, he knows how excitable he can get. "Alright, count me in" "Brilliant! Well John's going to get there before us, and I'll pick you up if you like?" "Sounds like a plan to me. Ok, I'll see you both later, I have to get going now" You all say your goodbuys and you head out the door to go home. John just looks at Terry with an amused look. "Terry..." "What?" "Could you be more obvious?" "Oh come on John" "You couldn't keep your eyes off her just then. Just...try not to make an #ss of yourself tomorow ok? If you want to impress her, don't do anything stupid" "I won't do anything stupid John, you know me" "Terry, that's precisely WHY I'm telling you that!" They both just share a look before bursting into laughter, going about the rest of their day as usual.
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You in the meantime were thinking about what had happened today on your way home. A promotion, more working hours in a better time, WAY better money....and getting invited out to a club buy Terry and John. This was definitely a good day, and tomorow was going to get even more interesting.......
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barkspawn · 1 year
what about farmer being pregnant and instead of like an announcement dinner or something seb goes to robin and orders a nursery to suprise her? :)
Y'all making me get baby feels but like... I'm not even mad
Amelia had known for three days and two hours that she was pregnant. She stressed for every second of that time and she was sure that Sebastian was starting to get worried. He had brought up the idea of going to see Harvey and making sure she wasn't sick. She couldn't keep trying to handle this on her own. 
He was her husband and he spent so much time going out of his way to prove how much he loved her. 
But does he even want a child? Whenever a joke was made, he was quick to make jokes like ‘oh, I sure as hell hope not’ or ‘you’d better knock on wood’ if someone joked and said that maybe she was pregnant. Regardless, she panicked. She knew he wouldn't leave her because of it; he wasn't that kind of guy. But if he got too stressed out or they fought more… She couldn't forgive herself. 
It was somewhere around 5:45 am when she rolled over to wrap her arm around him, only for the bed to be empty. She sat up, shifting to stand before grabbing his t-shirt from the dresser and walking out to find him. 
He had always loved when she wore only his shirt. 
When she stepped out, she saw him, his back to her as he brewed coffee. This was certainly one thing she'd miss with a kid around, sneaking looks at her husband's body when he walked around in his underwear. 
She walked up behind him before slipping her arms around his waist and resting her head on his back. 
He jumped, nearly dropping the mug of coffee before he settled, putting the cup on the counter with a small, tired smile. 
“Hey, handsome,” she hummed, pressing a kiss between his shoulder blades, prompting him to shift, turning to face her for a gentle morning kiss before she continued, “couldn't sleep again?”
He tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear, though it was no use, her hair wild from sleep. 
“Yeah, figured I’d get up and make us some coffee.” She stood on her toes to steal another kiss, finding that she was oddly hungry for him instead of needing coffee. She behaved though, knowing he was definitely not a morning person. 
She slipped from his arms and turned to go fill Loaf’s bowl for when he crawled out of his own bed. As she stepped away, Sebastian smirked, arching an eyebrow and letting out a low whistle.
“You’re pretty cruel, you know,” he took a small drink of his coffee, his eyes never leaving hers, “putting on my favorite shirt and coming out here like I wouldn't notice.”
Her smirk mirrored his as she chuckled, “I have no idea what you're talking about,” she hummed, stretching her arms above her head so the shirt rode up, revealing her naked ass. 
This might actually be a pretty good morning. 
She heard him taking long strides over to her, coffee forgotten on the counter. When he reached her, his hands found her hips, pulling her back against him to feel just how cruel she was being. He bent and pressed a kiss to the soft below her ear, her breath hitching as he nipped at her ear lobe, whispering in a gravelly voice, “go ahead and feed Loaf. I've got some rainy day plans for us.” 
She nodded, lower lip drawn between her teeth as sparks flew through her whole being, pooling in her lower belly. 
Where there was a baby. 
She shook the thought away as Sebastian walked back to his coffee, readjusting himself as he watched her. The smirk she loved so much stayed fixed on her body, which she made sure to show off as well as she could, bending at the waist to open the container, giving him a view that would help make this morning very interesting. 
Her plans screeched to a halt as she actually opened the container, the smell of dog food wafting up into her face. Suddenly, she knew she was going to puke any second. 
She looked over at Sebastian in a brief panic before running to the bathroom, barely making it to the toilet before the contents of her stomach emptied. He must have run behind her, his whole body tense as he tied her hair back and rubbed her back gently. 
“We need to go see Harvey today. This is the third time you've puked without any warning and it's really not okay, Ames. I'm getting worried,” he rambled, trying and failing to mask his panic. 
Her eyes started to well up with tears as she wiped her mouth, flushing before pulling her knees to her chest, “I'm fine, Seb. Really.” 
She sounded hardly convincing as she choked on a sob.
There was no way she couldn't not tell him now. And a million ‘what if’s plagued her mind as he sat in front of her, any facade of calm faded. 
“Ames, look at you. You're not fine. I need to call Harvey, I'm sorry,” he shifted, standing and turning toward the door. 
“Seb, wait,” she managed, wiping her tears before standing and walking to him, grasping his hands with all of her might, “it's… I just…” she looked up at him, rivers of tears falling, “I'm scared you'll… Be mad or… Freak out…”
His eyes moved quickly, scanning every inch of her face. His voice was soft when he responded, cupping her face in his hands to wipe her tears away, “love, you know I love you more than anything in this world,” he gave a small smile, teasing her just a little, “even sashimi. And that's a lot of love,” she laughed through her tears, leaning into his hand, “Ames, you can tell me anything.”
He really didn't know. Had no suspicion. 
She searched his face for a moment before closing her eyes and taking a deep breath, “I'm nine and a half weeks pregnant,” she breathed, her voice hardly audible. 
He stood there frozen for a moment, her face cupped in his hands, the only change being his intake of breath and eyes widening. After a moment, just when she was about to panic, his expression formed into a small smile. The fear wasn't gone, but there was actual excitement in his eyes. Her heart soared as he pressed a loving kiss to her head. He rests his forehead on hers, letting out a breathy laugh. 
“That's what it is… We're having a baby…”
Her tears spilled over freshly before she wrapped him in a hug, releasing every ounce of relief she held. He was genuinely excited, which made her realize… So was she. 
Sebastian picked up a lot of the work around the farm, much to Amelia’s frustration. The second she started to show, he shifted into overdrive, making sure she was as relaxed and happy as possible. They had just finished dinner and he sit on the couch with her head in his lap. With one hand, he toyed with her hair while the other one rested on the small bump forming in her belly. He often touched her belly, having fallen in love with the baby the second he saw the little bean on the sonogram. When he heard the heartbeat? He was already wrapped around the baby's tiny finger. 
She looked up at him, his gaze turning to hers as they sit there. 
“Seb, we have to tell people. They're gonna know I'm not just gaining weight. Especially when you go to get me some more olives and ice cream.”
He chuckled, considering for a moment. 
“I want to tell my mom and Sam before anyone else.”
She hummed in agreement before laughing and pointing to the area behind them, “good because we need her to build the nursery before we lose track of time.”
He nodded for a moment before a devious grin spread over his face. 
“No problem. I have an idea.”
── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──
They walked together up the mountain path, hand in hand as they buzzed with excitement. Seb had brought some ‘sketches and ideas’ with him to show his mom, which she'd politely take into consideration. But as she leafed through, the latest sonogram should be there, a small note along the top stating simply ʼHi Grandma!ʼ
Thankfully, it was cool enough for Amelia to wear layers and effectively hide the growing bump. 
They stepped inside, Robin smiling brightly as she saw the two. She came around the counter, greeting them both with hugs. 
“Hey! I feel like I haven't seen you both in so long!” she teased, gesturing to the papers Sebastian held, “what brings you guys in today? A barn or second coop, or–”
“We actually wanted to upgrade the house a bit” he interjected, met with a surprised look, though not suspicious.  He held out the manilla folder, carefully handing it over. Sebastian slipped his hand into Amelia's before nodding a silent hello to Maru, who was in the lab. He continued, “we have some pretty basic ideas, though we know we can trust you regardless.”
She beamed and started leafing through the pages, commenting on each idea until she stopped mid-sentence, the small image now facing her. 
Sebastian squeezed her hand, hiding his nerves as she touched it with a shaky hand before looking between her son and daughter-in-law. Her eyes were glistening as she pointed at Amelia as if perhaps it was a friend’s or a random photo. Sebastian, without hesitation, shook his head no before pointing to himself, obviously trying to make her laugh. Make her do anything. 
“Oh Yoba, you're not joking? I swear, Sebastian Ainsley if you're pranking me…” 
He held up his hands in surrender, laughing aloud as she wiped tears from her face, “that would just be mean, grandma.”
He joked, though it only made her run around the counter and throw her arms around them, laughing and firing questions off faster than they could answer. 
Amelia unzipped her jacket and moved Robin’s hand to the small bump, making the woman stop in her tracks, a fresh set of tears falling as she spoke, her voice quiet through her tears, “my Sebby is going to be a father…”
Amelia beamed as Robin wrapped her son in a tight hug, Sebastian throwing Amelia a look. He was happier than he'd been since the wedding day. 
Maru heard Robin and came over quickly, Demetrius behind her, concern plain across his expression as Maru spoke, “what's wrong? Is everything okay-” she caught sight of the sonogram and then the bump before she shouted in surprise, “you guys are having a baby?!”
Sebastian laughed and shifted as Maru rambled excitedly about being an aunt and all of the cool ideas she had for things she could build already. 
Sebastian shared a look with Demetrius, who, to Sebastian’s shock, offered a kind smile and nod before turning to try and reel Maru back in. Robin wiped at her eyes before tapping the sketches on the table, “you need a nursery then?” 
Sebastian gave a nod, “we have all of the necessary materials and money at the house, we just wanted–”
“We'll pay for the addition to the house,” Demetrius called over, surprising everyone there. He laughed and put his arm around Maru, who had hugged him from his side, “as grandparents, it's our job to spoil this child,” he looked pointedly at Sebastian, “and I want to show you that we're here as resources and family. Congratulations, you two.” Sebastian stood and stared for a moment in shock before noting Amelia was zipping her coat back up, a telltale sign she was ready to go home.  “Thank you so much, all of you,” he started, already feeling a million times lighter, “it means so much. Text us if you need anything or if you just want to gush about the baby,” he teases, watching as Robin furiously started sketching out designs. 
Needless to say, Sam lost his mind in excitement. 
The whole town will know by nightfall. There was no way Jodi didn't hear Sam yell it out. 
Honestly, it just made their job easier.
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fuckingstrange · 5 months
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| Day29: Diana Reid |
WARNINGS: Physical abuse (slapping), verbal abuse, blood & cuts (no sh), interrupted breakdown, not much comfort
WORDS: 1,662
PAIRING: Spencer Reid x m!reader
Fair warning, Spencer is not as happy in the fic as he is in the GIF😋
Whoopsie, my finger slipped and I accidentally tormented Spencer
Not beta read😰 (+ yes, this is a remake bc the first sucked ASS)
I think I owe all of you a formal apology.
Spencer stands in the kitchen, cooking up some dinner for his mom. The egg sizzles in the skillet as he works on the small salad, listening to her ramble about whatever she saw on the news. He pauses when she brings up the recent string of home invasions, telling Spencer “You know, you should really get a couple more locks on the door to prevent that. Maybe some cameras, too.” Spencer doesn't really like when she watches the news, knowing it starts up her paranoia and has even led to an episode before. “Yeah, I will. Your dinner is almost done.” Spencer responds, though has no interest in actually buying locks or cameras.
Diana stands up and looks over at the food her son is making, a disgusted look on her face. “Gross. I don't want to eat that.” She grumbles, making Spencer give her a confused look. “Mom, come on, you haven't eaten in three days. You like egg, right?” He asks, only for her to shout a harsh “I never said that!”. Spencer looks down at the food he made, frustrated that he keeps doing things like this for her just to end up having to eat it himself or toss it. He grabs a spatula and gets the egg out of the skillet, putting it on the plate just before it can burn. He fits most of the salad on the side, grabbing a fork and tossing it on too.
Spencer turns around and presents the plate to his mother, stating “You have to eat something, “Mom, You can't go hungry, and the lack of food might screw up whether or not your medication actually helps-” Diana slapping the plate out of his hand cuts him off, the sunny side up egg smacking face down on the floor, yolk splattering on the tile as the salad lands in it. “I told you, I'm not hungry!” She shouts, reaching for the bowl with the rest of the salad and tossing it onto the floor as well, the bowl shattering making Spencer jump. “Mom, you need to eat! Please!” He pleads, only getting a smack to the face in response.
Spencer holds his cheek, wincing at the sting from the force of the hit. He pulls his hand back a bit to see she managed to give him a light cut from her nails, bits of blood on his fingertips. Diana grabs her hair and shouts before storming off to her bedroom, leaving Spencer to deal with the mess she had made. He stares at the mess on the tile floor, feeling his stomach rumble in anger from going unfed, though it's gonna remain unfed considering his dinner is on the floor.
He stands in silence for about a minute before beginning the slow process of cleaning it up. He cleans up the food and shattered pieces of the bowl, cutting his palm on the sharp pieces. He simply holds a hand towel and continues to clean, mopping up the yolk that splattered before heading to the bathroom.
Spencer looks into the mirror, seeing the slight blood that rolled down his cheek from the cut his mothers nails gave him during the slap, looking down at his hand as he peels the hand towel from his grasp. He sucks in a sharp breath when seeing the red stain surrounding the cut, turning on the sink and washing it before wrapping it. He washes the blood off his cheek but doesn't do much else for the cut there considering it wasn't that big. He meets his own gaze in the mirror, letting his hands fall to rest on the sides of the sink as he stares at himself.
Spencer can barely even register that he's looking at himself. The purple bags beneath his eyes, the cut on his cheek, his hair more unkempt than usual, and the defeated look on his face. He's able to see the tears well in his eyes before even feeling them, beginning to sniffle as he wipes away the tears before they can dare to fall. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.” He whispers, desperately trying to regain his composure. He kneels down, curling in on himself in hopes of making this easier on himself. A nearly pathetic whimper escapes his lips as his forehead rests on the cold tile floor, trying to blink away the tears. He can feel his whole body begin to shake, feeling tingly, itchy. He starts clawing at his inner elbows, breathing starting to get a bit heavy.
A knock on the bathroom door breaks him from his panic, Diana’s voice coming through it, gently asking “Spencer? You in there?” He swallows the lump in his throat, grabbing onto the edge of the tub to help pull himself up. He hears another knock, making him squeak out a quiet “I'm in here. Be right out.” He looks down at his arms, seeing the light red scratch marks. Spencer looks in the mirror again, wiping the tears off his cheeks that he didn't know he even shed. He notes that his eyes are a bit red, but knows she wouldn't really notice.
Spencer's phone dings at the same time as another knock from his mother, he pulls it out as he mumbles another “I'll be out soon” in hopes she goes away for a few minutes. The notification on his screen shows a text from you, asking “Hey, you still plan on coming over? I rented those movies you wanted to watch”. He smiles and replies that he'll be there soon before putting his phone away again, wiping away any tears he might have missed the previous swipes before opening up the bathroom door.
Diana stands nearly toe-to-toe with him, making him jolt back a bit, squeaking “Jesus!” in surprise. She puts her hands on his shoulders, the touch being very much unwelcomed due to whatever you could call just happened in the bathroom, but he doesn't dare say anything. “Spencer,” She starts, the sound of his name coming from her enough to already worry him. “I want to apologize.”
Spencer sighs in relief, having thought he was gonna get chewed out again or something. His hands move to her elbows as he guides her backwards so he can exit the bathroom. “It's fine, mom. I'm gonna go out for the night to see my boyfriend. You're all good here, yes?” He says before pulling back and walking off to put on his shoes. She doesn't seem to enjoy the fact of him leaving, following him and grabbing him by the shoulder when he goes to bend down, forcing him to face her again. “No, I'm hungry. Make me something to eat, would you?” She asks, more like demands, though. “I'll have something delivered for you.” Spencer grunts, pulling back from her and resuming slipping on his shoes.
Diana scoffs, crossing her arms. “You're just gonna leave me here? Alone? What if somebody breaks in!-” Her words get counteracted by his as he shouts “Nobody is gonna break in!”
Spencer immediately feels bad for shouting at her, reaching towards her in an attempt to apologize, but she backs away. Spencer watches his mother walk off to her bedroom, hearing her mumble about him being disrespectful. He stands there for a few minutes before slowly getting ready to leave again. Tears find their way back into his eyes before he even finds himself in the car. He cries on the drive to your apartment.
You walk into your living room, setting down a bowl of popcorn you made for you and Spencer to share while watching the movies he requested a while ago. You just about sit down before the doorbell rings, a smile forming on your face. You get right back up and nearly run over to the door, opening it up.
Spencer falls into your arms, a shaking, near sobbing mess as he clings to you. “Woah, woah.. hey.. what's wrong?” You ask gently, wrapping an arm around his waist as you guide him inside, shutting the door. “It's.. not much. Just.. mom, again.” Spencer whispers back, sniffling as his head moves to your shoulder. You let him rest against you, even pulling him tighter against you for a hopefully soothing hug. “Are you sure it's not much?” You question, pulling his head so you can look at him. You swear your heart stops when you notice the cut on his cheek, moving your hand to rub your thumb under it. “..fuck, baby.” Is all you can choke out in worry.
Spencer just leans forward, giving you a light kiss as he mumbles something to try and reassure you, “it's nothing”. His own hand moves up to rest on your arm, and you notice the bandaging on it. “It's not nothing! Was this from Diana!?”. Spencer sighs but nods his head, letting you peel the bandaging back to inspect the wound. You find it to not look too deep, but that doesn't mean it's any less worrying. Your gaze moves from his face to his hand, looking at each cut caused by his mother. “..fuck, I'm sorry about this.” You whisper, a light laugh escaping Spencer. “It's not like it's your fault. It's not.. not hers either, really. Let's just watch those movies, hm?” He requests, wiping his tears away.
You slowly nod your head, rewrapping his hand and pulling him over to the couch to lay down with you. He grabs the remote, waiting for your approval before he starts whatever movie you had put on first. Spencer lays his head on your chest, grabbing a few pieces of popcorn, offering one to you before he eats one himself. Your attention isn't completely on the movie, more focused on the man in your arms. Within an hour both of you are asleep, Spencer having been exhausted from the shit day taking care of his mother, and you having just decided to nap with him.
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jessjad · 4 months
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Chapter 4
Summary: After a Halloweenparty Y/N actually didn't want to got to, her life seems to be turned around. The reason is a very stubborn Supe that seems to have her in his visier. Is it just a coincidance or more?
Pairing: Soldier Boy/Ben x Reader
Word Count: 1939
Warnings: none really, some language (duh)
A/N: Not me over here, who deleted the whole chapter and didn't have a backup of it. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Well, that's what my mind remembered. Hope, you still like it. All mistakes are mine.
My Masterlist Series Masterlist
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When Y/N woke up the next morning she felt incredibly warm. It took her a couple of moments to fully awake but then she shot her eyes open upon realizing why. A heavy arm was draped over her middle and Ben's bare chest was pressing against her back. Y/N smiled a little for a few seconds but then she sat up in shock.
Yesterday after she stormned into her bedroom she didn't come out again. All of this was so ridiculous and she just wanted to be alone. Some time later Ben had knocked on her door a couple of time complaning that he was hungry, but she ignored him. There were a lot of groceries in her kitchen. If he was really hungry, he could make himself something to eat. She had already made it very clear that she was not his servant.
The talk she had with her mom on the phone was still present in her mind. She never wanted to hurt her like that. Tears started to build in her eyes again. It had been a tough time for all of them and this was not a situation she had seen herself in. Trying to get rid of these thoughts she fell asleep at one point. And the whole time, Ben was still outside in her livingroom and not here. With her. In her bed.
Ben started to groan slowly. "What'r doin'?"
"What are you doing?" she pointed out.
Now, he opened one eye, wrinkled his nose and looked at her appraisingly. "I'm sleeping."
"IN my bed! You're sleeping... in my bed!"
To that Ben propped himself up on one arm and looked over to her.
"Where else am I supposed to sleep? On your little couch out there on which only my legs fit? I don't think so." Ben laid down again on his pillow and was already drifting back to sleep.
"Great... not just my life, my bed too." Y/N grumpled to herself as she left the bedroom.
On her way over to the bathroom she drew a quick glanze to the couch. Ben had no idea what he was talking about. The couch was big enough to sleep on it, she had had enough of good afternoon naps to prove it. And even he would fit on it without a problem, if he would not be such a big, whining baby.
After she freshened up, Y/N went back to the kitchen to make herself a coffee. At the same time she called the store. Stacey picked up and told her how the people had reacted after she left with Ben. They were asking if this really was Soldier Boy and why he left with that woman. They started to fight and argue with eachother, so that Stacey had to ask all of them out of the store. Y/N sighed at that and told her that she was coming in to work today.
"You gonna make breakfast today?" The bedroom door was open and Ben looked over, rubbing his eyes. "I had to order something yesterday 'cause you didn't cook anything."
"There is so much food in this kitchen. You're a grown ass man, make it yourself."
Ben groand. "Even Faye Dunaway was not in such a fucking bad mood as you are right now when I suddenly assfucked her."
'Oh, you're not gonna get into MY ass. That's for sure!' Y/N thought and drank a sip of her deliciously warm coffee.
"Well, you'll never know. Maybe you'll like it." Ben smiled sleazy.
"Huh, I can promise you right know, that..." she started to answer, but stopped and frowned. "Wait a second... I... I did not say that out loud!"
Now, the supe frowned too, but didn't give an answer. He stopped beside her, took out a mug of the cabinet and pured himself some coffee. Y/N looked up to him with angry eyes.
"Can you read minds?"
After he swollowed a mouthful of his own coffee he looked at the woman next to him hesitantly.
"It's not like that..." he responded. "It's more like... I can hear thoughts."
Oh great! That's not what she wanted to hear. It'll make things even more complicated and in a way it made her feel vulnerable. She turned away from him, placed her half full mug into the sink and left the kitchen.
"I have to go to work." She grabed her jacket and purse.
Ben followed her. "You think that's a good idea?"
"We'll see. I have to go back anyway to discuss the situation for the future. See you later."
And with that she left an almost worried supe behind.
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"The Cameron Coleman hour" was about to air and Homelander tried to look at ease. Coleman made some smalltalk with him, but he didn't really respond to that. They got counted in and he displayed a big smile on his faces. The questions were discussed beforehand and so the blonde man was confident to be able to handle this interview.
"Today on the show we have Homelander, who will give us his intake on the recent events in downtown New York. There have been some videos and pictures that have gone viral."
In the backround on the big screen they showed various sightings of Soldier Boy and the woman he picked up out of different perspectives. Coleman turned to Homelander who did the same.
"So, Homelander. I'm sure you've already seen all of these." he pointed to the screen and Homelander nodded his head. "What do you think about this? Is this real... or fake?"
"Well, Cam, what can I say? It definitly lookes pretty real."
"He really seems to be back, right? Which brings up the question where he had been since the last time we've seen him in New York. It was confirmed that he blew up the house by which 10 people died. He didn't seem that stabile back then. You think that changed now?"
"Look. The last time he was back in New York he didn't stop by the Vought Tower. We had no official testing getting done on him. He disappeared and reapeared now. It is impossible to say how he's feeling and what's going on with him. But..."
"Is that not something that Vought should care about the most right now? That he's not a risk anymore?"
"BUT..." Homelander continuted firmly without answering Cameron's question. "... Soldier Boy is not what we need right now. He is not america's hero anymore. He is NOT better than me or any other supe of the Seven. We have men out there who will lookout for him and when we get him, he will be gone forever."
"Is... is that not a little... excessive?"
"I will promise you all out there, on my name, that I personaly will take care of him." Homelander said directly into the camera, ignoring Cameron completly.
And the underlaying anger in Homelander's eyes left no room for doubt on his words.
"Well, we... know, that we can rely on Homelander. He's our hero after all." Cameron brought the camera and attention back to himself.
"Another thing I heared is that you're now a active part on the board of Vought. Is that right?"
"Yeah. Yeah, that's right. After all, I am now the rightfully face of Vought." Homelander smiled.
"That’s true." Cameron agreed and turned to look at the camera again. "And after the break we will talk about how Homelander affects the flow of Vought's shares on the stock market and whether they will achieve this year's percentage or whether our 'all american hero' will have to change the marketing strategy. All this right after the commercials."
And while Cameron talked, the smile disappeared from Homelander's face and he seemed more and more distracted. As if he had to consider whether Cameron was intentionally embarrassing him or just wanted to clarify the facts in this way. However, the high pitched noise in his ears was only audible to himself.
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The way down to the store went rather uneventful. The hoddie Y/N had draped over her head probably did his part to it. She tried not to make any eyecontact with poeple that passed her and kept her eyes down. By the time she went through the door, she released a sigh of relief. The noise from the streets outside went silend and calmed her racing pulse down a little.
"Y/N?" Stacey brought the attention over to her.
Y/N looked up and hurried to her co-worker behind the desk. In the back of her mind she still heared Ben's question and it made her uneasy. The escape out of her apartment felt better than staying in there with the supe. But now, being out in public, seemed not to be such a good idea anymore. If something were to happen to her, the best protection she could get would be from Soldier Boy himself. So, the faster she got done with this, the faster she would be back in her apartment... with Ben. Either of these solutions seemed not asspiaring, but that was all she got now.
"How bad was it yesterday? I know you said that the customers were... lively, but..."
"That's one way to put it. That they didn't rip the store apart was all. But what's more important is... you're together with a supe? I mean... Soldier Boy himself???" Stacey asked excited.
"Shh. Not so loud!" Y/N took a look around but the few customers didn't seem to overhear them. "C'mon."
They went a little further in the back. "It's not like I planed it. I... I met him on a halloweenparty and he... kept sticking around."
Stacey smiled over her whole face and it took everything from Y/N to not let her know the truth. Even with Homelander on live tv killing people the fascination did not die down, but she would not give in to it.
"But I don't wanna talk about it. I don't have much time anyway." and with that they talked about her probably long absence at work.
An half hour later Y/N was ready to leave again, but when they came out of the back, the store was full of people and when they realized, that is was really Y/N, the woman Soldier Boy had left with, the mayhem began anew. People started to get closer to the counter, taking out their phones to take pictures or videos, she had no idea. Stacey tried to break a way through the crowd, but it was not that easy.
"It's her! It's her!" , "She's together with Soldier Boy!" , "How can you do something like that?" , "She's together with a traitor!" , "Homelander is the only hero!"
This was not what Y/N had expected. She kept her head down and tried to make her as small as she could, but it did not really work. She was thankful for Stacey, but she also felt sorry for her to take in the bigger blow of this. They did not get as fast to the front door of the store as she had hoped and some of the people started to try and grab at her arm or her hair just to get her attention. This was getting bad.
But then, all of a sudden, the front door blew open with a bang. Gunshots rang through the air without hitting anyone and people started to gasp. The herd scattered down in shock and everyone looked around in fear. Only Y/N and Stacey stayed where they were, with their eyes to the door.
"Alright, Motherfuckers! Get out of the way!"
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A/N: That was a close one. Who has come to help her? 🤔 We'll see next time. 😊
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@lyarr24 @leigh70 @k-slla @deadlydivergentgirl @deans-spinster-witch
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1-beansss-1 · 6 months
~ Ice Breaker Part 8 ~
Winter king x gn!reader
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Warning - candy queen shenanigans, manipulation, touching without consent, Ice Marcy, Angst, mentions of Blood/Death/Injuries, suggestive content.
You both started to walk to Marcy's room. You were walking at a slightly quicker pace than Winter. You couldn't help it. You were excited.
You said poking your head in her room.
"I... We got a suprise for you"
Winter quickly came into the room, standing next to you. He was practically beaming with happiness.
"You're going to have your own concert, dear!"
Winter said with a big smile, the word concert formed above his head in ice, making you distracted.
You looked at the word in amazement. You didn't know how he did it. His magic was so amazing, so wonderful.
Marcy jumped out of bed, stumbling forward a bit before she hugged Winter's legs.
"Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!"
She said jumping up and down, excitedly. Winter knelt down and hugged Marcy.
"Of course, anything for you, dear.."
You looked at them, and your heart melted. You forgot about ever being scared of him. How could you be scared of a man so sweet and kind?
"Go, thank Y/N too. It was their idea"
He said, letting go of Marcy. He gently pushed her in your direction
She ran over to you, suddenly hugging your legs.
"Thank you, Y/N!"
She looked up at you with a big smile. You bent over and picked her up.
She put her arms around your neck, squeezing you tightly.
You put a hand on her arm, trying to tell her that she was holding you too tightly.
"Ease up Marcy.."
She was practically choking you. Winter pulled her from you and smiled.
"Marcy, dear, be more careful. You were choking them"
He poked her noce before he put her down. she walked over to you and tugged on your pants. She looked up at you with big eyes. She felt bad, she thought she hurt you.
"It's fine, I know you were just excited"
You patted her head and smiled at her.
"Oh Marcy, you should figure out what songs you should do.."
She nodded and ran over to her bed, quickly picking up her bass.
"I suggest we leave so she can concentrate."
He grabbed your hand and walked out of her room.
"What do you wanna do now?"
"What do I want to do?"
He looked over at you, he was blushing slightly. He let out a soft chuckle and squeezed your hand.
"I don't think you want to do what I want to.."
"R-Right.. sorry.. I don't think I'm ready for.. that"
You looked away from him, feeling really embarrassed. You knew what he meant, and you weren't ready for that.
He stopped walking and gently pulled you in front of him. He put a hand on your cheek. He rubbed his thumb against your warm skin.
"Y/N.. Don't apologize. I'll wait as long as I have to. Now, what would you like to do?"
You nodded, smiling at him. You were glad he understood.
"Well.. I feel a bit hungry.."
"I suppose it's getting close to dinner time.."
He said as he let you go. He quickly gasped when he realized you probably hadn't eaten anything.
"Oh my dear snowflake! You haven't eaten all day have you?"
His face changed into concern. He put a hand on your sholder.
"A-Are you supposed to eat multiple times a day?"
You tilted your head. You've never actually had enough food for yourself to eat multiple times a week, let alone a day.
Winter's face looked even more worried.
"Yes...yes you are, three meals a day"
You looked at him like he was speaking a different language. The idea was so foren to you.
"Three?! At that point, it's a waste of food.."
He chuckled a bit, but he still sounded concerned.
"Mabye, if you don't have enough resources... Anyway, snowflake, let's get you something to eat, shall we?"
He grabbed your hand and glided to the dining room.
You were getting used to him putting you around like this and you barely stumbled this time.
He sat down at the dining table and snapped his fingers. Ice servants brought food for you both.
You sat down in a chair next to him. You smiled as the food came. You watched him put a napkin in his lap, and you copied him. You watched him carefully put food on his plate.
He looked at you and tilted his head. He didn't understand why you were just watching him.
"You're hungry, correct? Why are you not eating?"
You blushed a bit and laughed nervously. You felt embarrassed that he caught you watching.
"I...I wanted to watch you, so I could figure out how to have proper manners.. I don't want you to think I'm gross or anything.."
"Snowflake, I don't think you're gross. Eat however you'd like."
He patted your head. It made you feel better. You started putting food on your plate and started to eat. You smiled as you ate. You didn't have a chance to eat two days in a row very often. You looked at him with a big smile.
"Thank you.. Thank you so much.."
He smiled back at you. He didn't know where this sudden thanks came from, but he found it cute.
"You're welcome, but Why are you thanking me, my dear snowflake?"
"I-I'm just so grateful.. I've never had someone be so kind to me..."
You felt your eyes start to water as you talked, you couldn't help it, you were so happy. You squeezed your eyes closed, trying to push the tears away. You didn't really want to cry. It seemed like it was the only thing you've done since you got there.
He put a hand on your sholder and pulled you closer to him. He kissed the top of your head.
"You deserve all the kindness in the world, snowflake"
You pulled back from the hug, your face was red, and you had tears going down your cheeks.
"Winter.. I.."
You sighed. You were annoyed at yourself. You couldn't bring yourself to say three simple words.
I love you. Why was it so hard for you to say? It was what you felt, right?
You put your hands on his shoulders and pulled him closer to you.
You got even more annoyed at yourself
Just say it!
He smiled, knowing what you were trying to say.
You looked down and squeezed his shoulders. You couldn't bring yourself to say it.
"Snowflake I-"
"Why can't I say it dammit!"
You cut him off. You were getting frustrated and started to sob.
"You're so sweet and kind to me.. you're way too good to me... I know how I feel about you so why can't I say it?"
You squeezed his shoulders more.
He put his hands on your cheeks and made you look at him.
"You don't have to say it right now.. it's alright, snowflake."
He wiped the tears off of your face.
You huffed and grabbed his face, kissing him. You pulled away quickly and turned back to the table. Winter smiled and brushed his fingers against his lips. He was shocked at your sudden kiss. He wasn't used to you being so forward.
"I'm not good with words..and I'm not good with emotions.. but I do know that I.."
You clenched your teeth, you just couldn't say it, no matter how much you wanted to.
He put his arm around your shoulder, getting closer to you. He leaned over and put his face on your sholder.
"I love you too, my sweet little snowflake.."
He whispered into your ear and kissed your neck. He moved his free hand on your thigh, and he slowly moved his hand closer to your crotch. You grabbed his wrist. This was your first relationship, and you wanted to take it slow.
"W-Winter.. I'm n-not really for that yet."
He let out a sigh, he was slightly disappointed, but he moved his hand back.
"Yes, snowflake.. I'll stop, just tell me when you are, alright?"
He said, sitting back up in his chair.
"I will, I just want to take it slow.."
"Of course, snowflake..."
He paused and glanced down at himself. He started to blush slightly.
"N-Now! I have something to attend to, please excuse me"
He said, standing up abruptly.
"Oh.. ok?"
You looked up at him, confused.
His hands were in front of his crotch. He was trying to hide it the best he could. Luckily for him, you were oblivious. He left the room quickly, gliding on the ice instead of walking.
"Must be important.."
You mumbled and started to eat again.
<<< first part / << previous / next >>
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stormoflina · 2 months
Hello! It's the talkative anon again, I never seem to catch you when games are going well for Liverpool :/ but anyway looking back at the game yesterday I can say for certain the whole team and klopp greatly underestimated the opponent. I watch a lot of serie a, I like milan a lot along with Liverpool.
So when I saw the lineup and how there wasn't a lot of thought in tactics on the field I knew it was going to be rough. One thing the serie a does well amongst other things is out technical teams as we say yesterday. And when klopp made a joke about only knowing about the food in Italy I cringed, no team at this point should be brushed off and that was clear on the pitch.
I don't know if the magic of klopp's last season wore off but the team looks flat and uninspired and I'm tired of the missed chances. Don't know how many more times I can say that before something clicks. The man u game clearly was not a gut check for this team and someone(s) need to step up and turn things around or no more trophies will be won
I'm really hoping Trent can do something for us but I hate putting everything on one prayer but it's come to that and I know he has that ability
Side note Domi, oh boy. His head is anywhere but in the right place. It's so frustrating to see because he used to be 100% that guy every game and now I'm like well at least he pressed this game and that's not good enough for him. He shouldn't just be a pressing merchant and applauded but that's what it seems like
Anyway long rant over! I hope you have a great day :)
Hii 🫶🏼
Anon, how I wish we could overtalk about more positive things! 😔 But my hope is not lost, I think my headloss about Thursday is officially over - although I'm still sad a bit. Hopefully in a week when we pull another cornertakenquickly or at least just score 3 and keep a clean sheet. 😭 But maybe I'm just being delusional. First they should prove themselves on Sunday, then we can talk about Europa.
You are absolutely right, Atalanta was greatly underestimated and we paid the price for it. I will admit, I'm a bit lost recently what the tactics are supposed to be - we go all out against Sparta when we are already at 5-1, but then we play Kostas who was out for months and this was his first start if I remember correctly. Yes, I know injuries and all, but at this point it's hard not to feel like we are making our own things harder. I didn't watch the pre match interview, and thank god for that, that line is just not it. 😩 It feels so repetitive at this point, acting all cocky and mighty, then faceplanting once the match starts and our opposition actually shows fire and willingness to actually win. We did this against United all this season, hells, even in the Europa earlier.
I'm also so tired that not only do we miss our chances, but recently we have been struggling to adapt when the other teams plays in a different way than previously thought. That's what happened on Thursday, and it was really painful to watch how we could barely even lead a promising attack. And you are 100% right regarding Trent. I fear for him, now everybody is acting like him (and Jota) are singlehandedly going to carry us towards the title. I would love nothing more than that to be true, but it's an awful lot of expectation to put on him after missing months due to injury. Still, if that truly happens, give him the Ballon d'Or next!! And yes, I agree with Domi too. He's just incredibly frustrating to watch at the moment. I have been watching him for a while now - although obviously not this much before - and seeing him play with so little confidence is truly so weird to see. I hope he can pick himself together, he is just as needed for the rest of the season as anyone else. We all need them back, hungry, fired up and ready to do their best.
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kart0 · 2 months
Tw eating disorder
I have barely eaten all day. I feel miserable. I feel so hungry I feel sick. I skipped dinner, and made my mom cry because I have stopped eating together with my family.
I am so fucking miserable and I am so. So ashamed.
I think I can finally admit I have anorexia. Even though I am not as skinny as a "typical" anorexic person would be, I think I fit into the characteristics and behaviours of one. I skip meals, I don't see myself as skinny even thought I have lost a ton of weight. I am anxious about my looks and how much I am eating. I stopped eating candy, of anything that actually brings me happiness and pleasure. I do not binge. I feel like I do not deserve to have food. I do not deserve the pleasure of eating. I only eat when I do good. I have to battle for food. I have to behave nicely, do well on university, finish my projects, finish my drawings, interact with my friends, be thoughtful, and caring. That's when I can eat. When something I do is good.
And all I want is to get skinnier and skinnier. The problem is that I did have a goal before. But now that I am actually getting there it's like my goal gets further away and I am always never quite there yet. Like I need to keep doing this until...until when actually ? There's no limit to what I'm doing. If I keep doing this I will mostly die.
And I don't know how to stop. And I am so, utterly scared. How do I compromise, eating, and losing weight. I know I should eat healthy and exercise and build muscle and get strong and I was doing better I was eating and going to the gym but then it's like it just snapped and I started eating less. And less. And it kept going and now I am skipping meals, barely having any food. And I am so fucking tired. Being hungry makes me pissed and sad and just bad. Of course, I feel sick, nauseated, headaches, I already have low blood pressure and I am anemic. But there's this sick mentality of feeling pride whenever I feel like that. It's like a sick reward, a proof that I am losing weight.
I can't keep doing this but I don't know how to ask for help because I am so embarrassed because it should be so fucking easy. LITERALLY JUST FUCKING EAT. EAT. JUST EAT YOU MORON. YOU STUPID BITCH. DO YOU WANT TO FUCKING DIE ??????????
I don't want to tell anybody. I want to deal with this on my own. Part of me thinks I can do it, I can recover and be healthy again. I already went through this once, and I did get better. I can do it again. But the other part of my brain keeps thinking I do not know what I'm doing. I will fail. And how I should keep doing this, even though it's very dangerous.
I am so hungry. I will try to eat something before bed. I hope I get better. I don't want to be like this anymore.
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doctorguilty · 3 months
I really hope I stop being sick before my partner gets here :') everyone else in the house got over their stuff, they even got antibiotics. I didn't think to go to the doctor because the first cold did seem to clear up, but then I got hit with the second one just days after (which I thought was allergies at first..), probably a sinus infection, and this one is more stubborn. I won't have time to go before I go get my partner in new york in a few days. There's just nothing I can do about this stuff. I barely leave the house, it's usually once a week on average, sometimes less than that. But my grandparents are out frequently and will bring stuff home and make no effort not to spread germs, they won't wear masks, won't stop open mouth coughing everywhere, and so on... So it's nearly impossible for me to be getting these infections on my own. And they get better faster. Everyone does because I'm the one that's immunocompromised. It sucks. I don't want to get my partner sick. But I guess they've been out and about and working and whatnot, and doing fine so.. maybe it won't affect them at all..
In April I finally see the rheumatologist..
Oh also I haven't gotten groceries in ages because my grandparents leave for the store without without me so I'm just running out of stuff to eat again -_- I've been really hungry basically all week and that's probably not helping me recover but. What can I do. Yesterday's meals were a bowl of edamame, half the small loaf of bread I made, and instant Ramen. All the food groups, surely
If I had more unobstructed use of the kitchen I could in theory like, make an actual meal entirely from scratch but, I don't usually, and it's too much to do all in my room with my hot plate. Also it's really really hard to scrounge up the energy to so that anyway when I've been hungry and tired.. and sick for multiple weeks
My life sucks dick and balls
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inexplicifics · 2 years
I was thinking that the Very Scared Person needs Aubrey but then... Bran. Bran sits there and makes small talk, telling them about KM life, the exact kind of rambly talk he did to calm his moose when it was going nuts. Imagine this in a very deep, very slow voice.
"You've hidden in your room for five hours, and haven't eaten since then. I'm certain you must be hungry, but maybe making you come down to the dining hall for dinner's a bad idea, hmmm? I'll see if one of the servants or trainees are able to grab you something from the dining hall. Marlene's the head cook, y'know. She's very, very good, and knows it. We'd be in a bit of a mess without her. There ain't a Witcher in this keep who won't sing her praises, except for maybe the Wolf himself and a few of my school, but only because they're not particularly verbose and show their appreciation in other ways. We value our staff here. They keep us running, keep us functional. Before we had them, well, I could tell you a few stories. We did have a duty roster, but there were so many complaints about not having enough time in the day for everything that needed to be done. What I'm saying is, we haven't always been... Whatever we are now. I've seen what men can do, what they're capable of. And most of us have spent enough time fending for ourselves that actually having help, not having to spend every moment surviving, being allowed to actually live? We cherish the people that make that happen. And I'm sorry that they didn't cherish you. And I guarantee that everyone in this keep feels the same way. Except for maybe Jad, but he's an asshole, and if he's mean to you, he gets stabbed. Jad gets stabbed a lot. There was even serious consideration of tossing him out at one point, but we wouldn't inflict him upon anyone else who makes the mistake of trying to befriend him. Your food's here, so if you'd like to open the door, I'll pass you your plate? There you go. Figure you won't eat as much as a guy like me who spends half his time swinging swords and the other half tearing firewood apart with his bare hands, but if you need more, just let me know."
"Would you... Would you come in?" The person sounds scared, like they're suprised at their own guts. "You- you seem nice enough, and it's rude to keep you in the hall, and it's nicer to hear you talk than just my own thoughts..."
"Sure, I can come in. How's about I tell you about how I got myself a battle moose..."
Oh, I love this a lot. Darling Bran!
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timeoverload · 5 months
I had an episode at work earlier suddenly and I was so angry that I was in tears. Nothing triggered me other than my own thoughts and I thought I was going to snap. I wanted to scream and go crazy but I didn't. I got lost in my head and I was making assumptions about things that I'm not sure are even true. I typed up a long explanation about why I'm upset but I'm not going to post it. I don't want to make anyone mad because that's not my intention. It's not going to make anything better if I do say anything about it so I should be quiet. If you really want to know what I'm thinking, you can ask me yourself directly. I don't to involve anyone else in that conversation.
You also reminded me earlier that some of the best times in my life haven't happened yet.. when will that be..? It has been over 2 and a half years now. You told me santa claus was coming to town but I think he must have gotten lost. You are the only gift I wanted for Christmas so I was sad but I didn't want to make a big deal out of it and ruin your weekend. I'm not trying to blame you for how I feel. I also still want to give you the gift I got you for valentine's day. It's nothing that exciting but I hope you will like it whenever I'm allowed to give it to you.
Thanks for posting stuff on instagram because I appreciate it and it's very sweet. I wish it could substitute actual human interaction but I should be grateful you send me anything at all. Sometimes I feel like I am getting the silent treatment when you don't post on your tumblr for a while. I guess sometimes it seems like you are totally fine without me around but maybe you are good at hiding it. I know you are very busy all the time so you don't have time to sit at the computer like I do.
I hope that someday things will get better between us. I want to clarify that I am not angry with you. I am just having a horrible time trying to deal with this situation. There's so much uncertainty. I also miss you a lot.
Anyway I haven't had the best day. I'm sorry, I don't want to be a pessimist. I've been quiet for most of it and I still don't feel very talkative at the moment.
My eye is bothering me but it's not as bad as yesterday. My glasses still haven't arrived. I probably won't be able to get out of work to go pick them up so I'm not sure when I will get them.
I also can't drive anywhere until the snow melts. I'm stressed about Friday because I won't be able to go to my appointment if the roads still have ice or snow on them. I don't want to have to reschedule but my dad has to work so he won't be able to take me. I'm hoping it won't snow any more so I don't even have to consider that. I need to stop worrying about things I have no control over but it's so hard.
I wish I felt hungry because I really need to eat but I will try to force feed myself in a little bit. I want to be able to enjoy my food instead of feeling like I'm choking. I have been trying to avoid buying food at work to save money. I found out recently that the hospital bought the restaurant that caters our food every day and I'm tired of paying for it. I don't want to give back the money that I earned. It seems like they own everything in this town now and they are very greedy. Profits are more important to them than anything else. I don't want to support them. I will spend $2 on breakfast but that's it. Luckily breakfast has been better. There was a period of time where they would keep reheating the scrambled eggs several days in a row and they smelled and tasted horrible. I only ate them because I was starving at the time and they didn't have anything else. If I buy lunch, it is usually over $8 and it's rarely good anymore. Other people have complained about it so I know it's not just me being a picky eater. I think they send us all of the old leftovers from the restaurant so they can save money. I know I should take my own lunch but I can barely make myself dinner at night as it is. It's cheaper to just skip lunch. I have been drinking boost a lot with my dinner to try to compensate for not eating lunch. I know that's not something I can do forever.
I've given up soda for now but that's because I made myself sick last week. I don't want it anymore. I have switched to sugar free energy drinks and they don't make me feel quite as bad. They have a ton of sodium though so I have been drinking so much water. I can't remember the last time I went an entire day without caffeine and that's sad. I have withdrawals if I don't have any.
I'm sorry for being so grumpy. I am having a bad mental health day but otherwise everything else was ok I guess. I am grateful that I had a peaceful morning where nothing bad happened and there was no one around to throw tantrums. I went in early because the eye coordinator texted me late on Friday night to tell me my ultrasonic washer was broken. I got there and I had no problems using it so I'm not sure what happened but I was relieved I didn't have to scramble to find a temporary replacement. They have one in the basement I could use but I didn't want to haul it upstairs because it's a pain when I have to do that. I also didn't have eye cases this afternoon and there aren't any scheduled for tomorrow afternoon either. I was able to dispatch earlier without too many issues and I wrapped 5 sets of total pans so I got a lot done. I think I lifted too much though because my back hurts and my leg is tingly. I got to leave on time and the department didn't look like a disaster zone so that made me feel good.
I am going to try really hard to be positive. I know I will make it because I always do somehow. I will do my best to put a smile on my face tomorrow even if sucks. I have been rambling for a long time so I'm sorry about that. I still have shit I need to do tonight unfortunately. I need to make some soup soon I think. I'm going to get ready for bed after that. I need to try to sleep more than 4 hours tonight.
Thank you all for listening to me even when I'm a moody mess. Hope you have a wonderful day tomorrow. 💖💖💖
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crinkled-emotions · 2 years
15 or 16. Your choice!
15. “Tell me what's wrong.”
I love this prompt so much! What a way to kick off this weekend!
Also... moving weeks are finally here and it's just a little hectic lmao. I might be a little later than usual BUT know I am working on it!
Bob fic!!
Notes: I got some dick jokes in there somewhere.
Can you really have a TGM fic without Rooster and Hangman beefing in the background?
In other news- I'm really hungry (update: had dinner with my parents... don't think I'll need food for a month now).
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If there was anyone Bob knew he could go to when something was wrong, it would be Phoenix. She's got that attitude of no fucks to give, but he also saw her wait until Hondo was gone to bail Rooster up on the tarmac about his reckless (and apparently out of character) flying.
He's also watched her drink Hangman under the table and manage to maintain her respected reputation. It's a talent.
It took Bob a while to work out his dynamic with the others who apparently had known each other a while. He was the only one completely new to the group, no ties to flight school or his first stint at TOPGUN. He knew from watching the others that most of them knew each other from beforehand; the dynamic of Rooster, Hangman and Phoenix was tense but also highly amusing. Bob didn't drink, he preferred to sit back and observe the rest of the team.
So did Maverick, apparently. He loved coming to sit with Bob, watch the others play pool, threaten to put Hangman's head through the nearest window, and overboard people who were being assholes out the double doors. Sometimes Maverick had stories for him, but most of the time they just sat in comfortable silence.
The Hard Deck, of all places.
It was the last place Bob wanted to be when he felt so unwell. The lights hurt his eyes and he had a feeling if Rooster didn't step away from the piano soon he was going to do something very uncalled for. Bob got up from his seat beside Maverick, nudging his shoulder and pointing toward the bathrooms. Maverick nodded, but his gaze was on his godson being the star of the bar. He was taking requests, currently belting Garth Brooks' Friends in Low Places for Coyote and Hangman. Bob carefully made his way through the bar's crowd and yanked the bathroom door open. The second it closed behind him he dropped to the floor, grimacing as he took his glasses off to scrub at his eyes.
Phoenix moved from Hangman's shoulder, brows furrowed when Maverick came to find her. Maverick was the least intimidating Captain she'd ever met so she didn't even put her beer bottle down.
It just made her respect him a hell of a lot more.
"Your backseater is holed up in the bathroom, better go see if he's alright."
Phoenix's eyebrows shot up and she began to shove through the crowd. She finally got to the bathroom and yanked open the door.
"Phoenix? 'Nix?" He replied. It sounded muffled and she glanced at the stalls before jumping at least a foot in the air when a hand caught her bare ankle.
"Fuck me," she swore, kneeling by him.
"You scared the shit out of me! Are you okay?"
"No... I need to go home but it hurts."
Natasha frowned, brushing a hand down Bob's back. His head was buried in his knees, all 6 feet of him dwarfed by the way he held himself. He could easily hold his own against the likes of Hangman and Coyote yet he chose to make himself small at all times possible.
"Tell me what's wrong," Natasha insisted carefully, not wanting to panic him.
"It just- hurts."
"What hurts? Hey, talk to me."
Bob leaned into her touch. He always leaned into her, whether it was in the classroom or sitting tightly together because the Navy had plenty of people with broad shoulders and were too stingy to buy more tables.
"My head," he finally confessed. Phoenix reached for his glasses on the bathroom floor, glad she hadn't actually put her heeled boot through a lens. They looked expensive to fix.
"C'mere. C'mon, we'll get you home. Can you walk?"
"T-think so..."
Bob tried to get himself up but yelled, and Phoenix caught him under his arms at just the right time.
"I can't carry you, you're gonna have to pull yourself together. It's a headache, you're not gonna die."
"S'not a fucking headache, Natasha. It's a migraine."
There we go.
Sometimes the best way to get Bob out of his head was to rile him up, in the same way Hangman often did it to Rooster when he clung to his perch for a little too long.
"Hey, anyone seen Tash since she went looking for Bob?"
There was Fanboy, looking out for one of his closest friends.
"Nah, they're probably- y'know."
Hangman cocked an eyebrow ever so slightly in a very suggestive manner. That earned a smack up the back of his head when Rooster was close enough.
"I think he's sick, from what Mav said," Rooster said. Payback glanced around the crowd, able to get a better look with his height.
"I can't see her or Bob, maybe one of us should go see if everything's okay?" He suggested.
Rooster and Hangman both immediately dibsed out. Coyote glared at the both of them.
"Can you two act your ages for two seconds?"
Hangman looked slightly ashamed at the way he'd been scolded. Rooster took another sip of beer, shrugging.
"The second Hangman acts his age instead of his dick size, I'll retire from the Navy-"
"-I saved your life, you fucking asshole-"
"-hey! Bob and Tash?"
Payback snapped his fingers in front of the rivals, glaring at them.
"I'm going, I'm going," Fanboy sighed. He finished up his beer, hopping off his bar stool to make his way through the crowd.
"Hey, Tash? Bob, you in here?"
Mickey poked his head into the bathroom, eyebrows flying up.
"What the hell?"
"Mick, give me a hand here."
Fanboy let the door slam closed behind him, taking Bob's crumpled frame from Phoenix. She frowned, checking him over.
"He said something about a migraine... then passed out."
"Oh, that's great. Okay, what do we do?"
"What do you fucking think?" Phoenix hissed. Fanboy went to raise his hands in surrender but nearly dropped Bob and promptly cleared his throat.
"Here's the plan. We get him to Rooster's Bronco, Rooster drives us home, we sleep like babies and Bob suffers in his own bed."
"That... is a great idea, Mickey, one minor flaw. Rooster is smashed past recognition and is probably gonna fight Hangman in the next twenty minutes or so."
"Aw, shit. Okay, Plan B; we take Rooster's keys, drive home, and Bob can wallow in his own bed."
"Another minor issue; none of us are under the legal limit except for Bob and even if I was under the limit; I wouldn't be driving. I've had a couple tonight and I wouldn't risk it."
"Okay, okay! What's plan C?"
"Two seconds. Hold him properly."
With Maverick (sober, surprisingly) under her belt, Phoenix and Fanboy managed to get a now sleeping Bob outside to Maverick's Jeep.
They had no idea he owned a Jeep considering he rode in on his bike every day. Even when it was raining.
Bob had managed to stay out even when they got him into the Jeep, Phoenix sitting in the back seat with him while Fanboy took the front passenger to give directions. Halfway back to base Bob stirred, scrubbing at his eyes under his glasses.
"Did I pass out?"
"Yeah. How are you feeling?"
"God, like shit."
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