#i imagine you look lovely and sweet except your teeth are razor sharp
omg what about siren! reader and sea monster/mermaid! foul legacy?
i like that theory that sirens are beautiful because they need to lure sailors while mermaids are monstrous as they want to be left alone. i can imagine legacy hunting a whale for sport and then presenting it to reader as a courtship offering. legacy is intimidated by the beautiful siren as they regard the gift and then swim away to their cove and legacy thinks their offer has been rejected. but then the next day, reader gives legacy a human they hunted. i can also imagine they give each other gifts from sunken ships because they think "ooh shiny...perfect for mate!"
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ohhh my goodness, it seems that great minds think alike because this is wonderful and adorable!!!!
sirens and sea monsters are usually quite distant from each other, not antagonistic but also not close enough to justify stopping in the other species' territory for a rest. it's entirely by chance that you and Foul Legacy happen to live near each other, generally staying out of the way until Legacy catches the tail end of your haunting yet beautiful song, his crystalline eye widening as he tilts his head to listen. there's screaming and a horrible crunching sound when the melody ends, a nearby ship ramming into sharp rocks and crumbling to the seafloor as you swim after it with an eerie, gleeful laugh. Legacy's heart flutters as his scaled tail waves behind him, and he quickly turns and swims off to hunt down the perfect courting gift, just for you
he's incredibly nervous when he ventures into your territory, a dead whale clutched in his claws. you perk up when you see the sea monster swimming towards you, stopping a few meters away and gingerly pushing the whale towards you, letting out a meek chirp that doesn't match his bestial appearance as you inspect the gift carefully. his wing-like fins droop when you flick your tail and swim back into the grotto you call your home, only to flutter in surprise when you return, proudly dragging a drowned human behind you to present to him. Legacy trills in fascination, swimming in circles around you as you also show him the various treasures you've collected from sunken ships and drape a glittery necklace over his horns. he purrs, claws twitching to hold you and hug you close, but he settles for tentatively twining his tail with yours in a silent request. his purrs grow louder when you return the gesture, accepting his courtship, and Legacy's bioluminescence glows brighter out of sheer delight
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nichoswag · 10 months
Hey I really love your works!! I wanna request the trope "demon x human" with maki please? Demon is y/n and human is maki! Not sure if you need more infos, but you can add the prompt #9 "may i have this dance?” Thank you!!
eyes . hirota riki
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prompt: "may i have this dance?"
trope: demon x human
pairing: stranger!human!maki x demon!female reader
warnings: reader is a demon obviously, lots of flirting, kissing, cursing, teasing, fear, pet names (handsome, love, cutie)
song rec: your eyes tell - bts
a/n: this is an interesting take on this trope! when i put it on the list, this was not exactly the person and scenario I'd imagined for this quote and trope, but i'm happy to write it!! i like writing new things! thank you anon for requesting, and i hope this is what you had in mind! enjoy ♡
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maki looks around the lively room. he's currently at a party his friends have dragged him to, except they've all gone off and he's all alone.
he keeps looking for his friends when he spots you.
you meet his curious, doe-like orbs with your own siren eyes.
immediately, you decide you need to have this man. he's simply too cute and attractive. you have the urge to steal him and take him far away so only you can look at him.
maki's curious eyes turn fearful as he realizes you're eyeing him as if you want to devour him whole. he realizes as your eyes flash red exactly what you are.
a demon.
maki obviously knew there would be demons at this party, but he could not have predicted he'd pique one's interest. he wonders if the rumors and myths about your kind are true - are you truly capable of unimaginable sins? would you snap and kill him in a heartbeat?
you notice the look on his face change from curious to terrified, and flash him a smile as if to say 'it's alright, i'm not gonna hurt you,' as you're thinking quite the opposite. there's just something about him that makes you want to protect him forever.
as you smile at him, he takes in your razor-sharp teeth from across the room, and his fear turns to sheer panic.
"relax, she won't hurt you," a voice says from beside him. a girl slings her arm around his shoulder. "i think she likes you, actually, considering she looks like she wants to rip my throat out."
maki looks back to you to see you making a face that's truly much more terrifying. somehow, even looking angry, he's able to notice how absolutely stunning you look in your red dress with your hair down.
"do you wanna go get a drink with me?" the mystery girl next to him asks.
only then does he notice her sharp teeth and red eyes.
"oh- i, uh-"
"sorry to interrupt, but can i steal this guy away for a sec?"
maki turns to see that you've made your way across the floor and are now standing in front of him, seemingly close to bursting into flames.
the girl side eyes you, but maki feels something wrong about staying with her, so he opts to nod at you as you take his hand and lead him back across the room.
you both seat yourselves on an unoccupied couch, ignoring the couple making out against the wall next to you.
"sorry if i startled you," you say. "that girl is just-"
"dangerous, right?" maki asks, and you're taken aback at how he knew that. "i could kind of sense something was wrong with her."
"she's one of those demons who hurts humans for fun," you explain. "i won't get into detail, but it's pretty fucked up."
his eyes widen. "wait- so you mean all demons aren't like that?"
you're again taken aback. "how little do you know about us? the laws we go by say we can't do any harm to humans."
it's his turn to be surprised now. "but- earlier, you were staring at me like you were gonna eat me."
you laugh, and he somehow still thinks the sound is sweet. "i wasn't gonna eat you, silly. though i could if you want me to-"
"i'm good, trust me." he chuckles.
"so what's your name, handsome?" you ask.
he blushes furiously. "it's maki. well- riki, technically, but my friends call me maki."
"cute," you mutter. "i'm ____."
"that's a pretty name," he says, attempting to be bold.
you giggle. a new song plays in the background, a japanese song you recognize by bts. "ooh, i like this song!"
he nods his head to the beat. "it's a nice song. you have good taste.
you stand up in front of maki and extend your hand. "may i have this dance?"
he giggles like a little kid. "you sound like an old person."
you glare at him. "do you wanna dance or not?"
he grabs your hand and you both walk closer to the middle of the room. his hands are on your waist, yours on his broad shoulders, and you swear you could die like this as you sway to the sweet melody.
"so, you like me?" maki asks suddenly. "that's what that girl said, and the way you were looking at me..."
you contemplate how to answer. "well, yes. i thought you were really cute when i saw you and i hated that that bitch had her claws on you."
he blushes again, flustered. "you're really pretty yourself."
"yeah, love?" you smirk at him. "you like me too, don't you?"
he exhales sharply, not sure how to answer. "um... i think so."
"you think so?" you aren't satisfied with his answer. "you mean you don't know?"
"well... i wanna get to know you better," he says.
this satisfies you a bit. "you're so cute," you whisper, but he hears anyway.
"thank you," he says, not meeting your eyes.
you remove a hand from his shoulders to palm the side of his face and steer it back towards you. "look at me. i wanna see those pretty eyes of yours."
he blushes again, his doe eyes wide as he looks into your narrow, crimson orbs. they're beautiful to him, in a way.
he realizes your faces are getting closer together when you're only inches apart.
"can i kiss you?" you whisper as your lips ghost his.
he closes his eyes and connects his lips to yours. your arms wrap fully around his neck, pulling his body in closer, and his arms envelop your torso.
a few moments later, he pulls away with a gasp for air. "jesus. that was..."
"good?" you ask, tilting your head to feign innocence. your eyes narrow. "i've been told i'm a good kisser."
"how many people have you kissed?" he asks, seemingly upset.
you caress his face with one hand, reaching the other to snake around his waist and close the distance again. "the number doesn't matter. what's important is that none were ever as stunning as you."
you kiss him again, and this time he rests his hands on your hips, thumbs rubbing circles into the bare skin where there's a gap in the dress you're wearing.
this time, you pull away to let him get some air, but you stay close, resting your forehead against his. "i want to get to know you too, cutie."
he giggles against your lips. "well, what are you waiting for?"
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©nichoswag | do not copy my work or repost onto any other platform.
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lizzie-tempest · 3 years
Can...can we get the paps of the yanderes SO finds out they are pregnant and manages to escape?
Oh no.  If there’s one thing you’ve learned about the skeleton brothers, it’s that even though they’re both yanderes, Papyrus is the one you really need to worry about.  Sans may be the violent and manipulative one, but at least you can predict when he’s gonna strike.  But Papyrus?
Completely unstable.  There’s a reason why he usually gets what he wants.  No one wants to get on his bad side.  You don’t know what might happen if you do.  And once he finds out you’re pregnant, there’s no knowing what he’ll do to keep you with him.
You’re quick to leave.  You’re surprisingly lucky.  You find a place to settle down, find someone new to love who accepts your pregnant.  The months go on and as you get more and more heavily pregnant, you relax.  You think you’ve finally done it.  You’ve finally broken free!
There’s a knock on your door while your partner is at work.  You don’t think anything of it, until you open the door.  
Papyrus is standing there, grin crazed and eyes wild.  He’s covered in blood and you can see why.  Your partner’s body is lying on the floor, completely mangled beyond recognition and their decapitated head in Papyrus’ grasp.
He takes in your form, his hands stroking your belly and it’s then that Sans steps into sight, waving the pregnancy test and smirking.
“you didn’t think we’d let you go, did you?”
You try and get away.  Really you do.  
But no matter who you try and turn to for help, they turn their backs on you.  Family?  Consider yourself disowned.  Friends?  All talking behind your back.  Everyone who you used to talk to, be friends with and care about before you started going out with Stretch, now wants nothing to do with you and you can’t understand why.
But it turns out, that Stretch has actually been rather busy.  He knows you’re pregnant.  He’s known for days that you’re trying to get away.  He could see it in your soul.  He can’t let you get away.   He loves you too much. 
So he started spreading rumours.  It’s amazing how the tiniest rumours spread among humans and can flare into a wild fire of nastiness and cruelty towards the one being talked about.  Stupid human idiots will believe everything.
You finally come back to him in tears, sobbing and genuinely upset about how your loved ones have treated you.  
He shushes you.  Stretch pulls you into his arms and dries your tears, allowing you to sob openly into his hoodie and telling him your woes.  
“shh.  it’s alright, honey.  they can’t really love you if they treat you like that, right?”
You nod.  He grins.  He’s got you right where he wants you.
“it’s okay.  you’ve got me.  i’ll always be here, i’ll never say such mean things about you.  you can count on me.  you don’t need anyone else.  wanna go upstairs and cuddle?”
You sniffle and mutter a quiet “Okay.”
Without you even knowing, he’s got you in his clutches again.  And this time, there’s no chance of escape.
Naturally, he’s furious when he discovers you’re gone anyway.  Even more so when he finds the pregnancy test.  This just would not do at all.  Has he taught you nothing?
It really doesn’t take him that long to hunt you down, he’s rather experienced in hunting humans after all.  He doesn’t listen to your protests and unfortunately for you, no one jumps in to help you.  No one wants to confront the giant, scowling skeleton with razor sharp teeth.
When he gets you home, he tugs you in the direction of the basement and you start struggling and screaming even more.  You know from experience what will happen if you go down there.  
He’s going to punish you for leaving.  
Oh, but rest assured that the baby won’t be harmed.  He’ll make sure of that.  He just has to make sure that you realize what you did wrong and then he will restart the process of training you.
A good mate is an obedient one, after all.
Is completely delusional.  Your unsteady relationship with Crooks is based purely on the fact that you look a little like the main character on his favourite show.  He insists on you dressing, talking and acting like that person so that he can live out his fantasy of being with that character.  It makes you uneasy to begin with, but when you find out you’re pregnant you know that you can’t do this anymore.
You try and break it to him gently.  Besides the whole character worship thing, he’s been sweet and kind and you don’t want to break his heart.  You can still be friends and you want him to be involved with the child if he wishes to be.  If not, then you understand.  Not everyone wants to be parents.
He takes it surprisingly well and sends you on your way.  He...took it a little too well.
Crooks shows up at your work the next day, all smiles and holding a gift basket filled with goodies.  His obsession’s favourite snacks and treats.
When he calls you over, he’s not using your name.  He’s using their name.  You try and talk to him, try and explain that you’re no longer together and that you broke up the day before.  He just smiles sweetly, blinking.
“What are you talking about, my dear?  We had no such conversation!  Oh, you must be imagining things!  An effect of the pregnancy, no doubt!” He’s announced it so loudly that everyone is looking over now.  Crooks insists on taking you home and you reluctantly agree.
Except he doesn’t take you to your home.  He takes you back to his home.  When you try and protest he pouts and says that he has prepared a home-cooked meal for you.  He made it with love!  You’re aware of what the situation in the Underground was.  You can’t bring yourself to turn him down. 
When you step inside he locks the door.  You reluctantly eat the spaghetti he’s made, feeling more nervous with every mouthful.  Why isn’t he eating?
You feel drowsy.  You just about catch Crooks grinning with excitement before everything goes black.
You wake up in their basement, surrounded by pillows and blankets.  And dressed as the main character from his favourite show, hair styled in the same way and a chain around your ankle.
You left him?  You left?  How could you do this to him?  Don’t you realize how much he loves you?
Mutt hunts you down out of desperation.  He needs you.  He can’t live without your presence in his life.  Every moment that he’s without you increases his anxiety.
Are you safe?  Are you alive?  Are you happy?  These questions and more bounce around in his skull as he searches, growing more desperate and frustrated with each passing day.  He needs you, you’re his princess!  His goddess!  His very reason for staying alive!
He starts scratching at his bones.  It’s his fault you left.  He wasn’t good enough.  If he had been a better mate, if he had protected you from the outside world then you wouldn’t have left.
You’re a few months along when he finds you.  He takes you in, stares at your belly and the cogs start turning.  The dots connect.  It makes sense.  
You wanted this to be a surprise!  Oh what a wonderful mate you are!  So perfect!  He grabs you before you can run.
“i finally found you!  at long last, stars i was goin’ crazy without ya.” he presses a gentle kiss to your lips.
You whimper, protesting and trying to get away and his expression turns crazed.
“no!  don’t leave me again!  please, i can’t live without you!  look!  look what i did!  i did this because you left me!  that kinda makes it your fault, haha!”
He’s shoved his wrists into your face and you take in the deep scratches.  The kind soul you are can’t help but inspect them, trying to make sure they’re not infected or hurting in any way and he purrs at the attention.
Mutt’s teleported you home without you even knowing it, having used his scratched wrists to distract you.  He pulls you even closer, placing his hand on your belly.
“now we can be together forever.”
I’m so sorry this took so long.  I got this ask really late at night, so I decided to leave it till morning.  But then I had to help Big Bro make a CV and THEN I got dragged out to walk Tilly dog and have only now just been able to get to it! >_> 
I hope it’s okay! 
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askmyboys · 3 years
I’d call these more, my own interpretations instead of just OCs
I’ll tell you how this happened tho, i was literally just comin back from a l o n g ass road trip listenin to the musical and my tired lil brain started thinkin bout these boys and i was like ...what if i just,, made my o w n versions of em? What if I just,, and then boom, out popped well, this-
| Names: Henry Jekyll and Edward Hyde
| Nicknames: Jekyll doesn’t much care for nicknames but Hyde calls him Jek, Hen or Hen-Hen, or Henny which he REALLY hates. For the other, it’s either Ed or just simply Hyde ...Jekyll has given him many ‘nicknames’ mostly they are hateful ones tbh.
| Genders: Henry goes by he/him and Hyde goes by he/him and it/its
| Ages: Unknown but they are both adults
| Heights: Jekyll is 5’7” and Hyde is like 6’6” for sure (even tho they inhabit the same body, fuck it, im makin the rules ..andchangingthemfromtheogthing but i say height changes when Hyde’s in control)
| Species/Races: Henry’s a human ofc and Hyde? Honestly, idk what this thing is, all i can tell you is he’s stinky
| Eye Colors: Jekyll’s eyes are a Baby Blue color and Hyde’s eyes are Blood Red (ooh e d g y man)
| Hair Colors: Jekyll’s hair is honestly a messy curly undercut and the color of it is a dark brown and he has gray on the sides meanwhile Hyde’s hair is Black and in a spiked quiff style and he also has gray on the sides
| Skin Colors/Body Types: Jek’s a BIT pale but Hyde’s a much more- his skin is definitely more so a Whitish Gray kinda color so it’s definitely more noticeable than Jek’s skin if you look close enough at that (things do have to change when a certain one is in control of the body, can’t be EXACTLY the same or else it might give away that their the same person hehe) and their body types don’t really change- Jek’s body type is skinny (nothing TOO bad ofc, just a tad bit) if Hyde had his own body he’d definitely be a more average kinda bulkier build.
| Appearances: Okay first things first- they both have circle beards EXCEPT Hyde’s is a LOT more scruffier (he also has thicker sideburns btw!) and a BIT more grown out than Jek’s which is trimmed a bit more and groomed perfectly.
Jekyll usually has the typical lab coat on and a baby blue turtleneck underneath it, he also has blue pants that he wears with it as well and some oxford shoes that match the outfit, he also wears circle glasses as well (they help him see a lot better p much whereas when Hyde’s in control he doesn't really need em actually) Henry has a GOOD amount of scars all over his body, whether it be by accident, inflicted on purpose, or something more… It’s partially why he keeps his turtleneck on mostly and the lab coat helps as well- he’s ashamed of the scars and he tries to hide them especially so no one will worry about him, also for some more minor details- he wears a black watch on his wrist as well (he has no piercings or nothin like that) that’s p much it for Jek tbh, his features are p much 100% human so uh yeye
Now onto Hyde’s outfit- And yes, keep in mind- he’s still kinda,, an entity or whatever the fuck he is inside Henry’s body essentially but he DOES change his clothes when going out- his main one for going out is usually a black cloak he wears around himself (the outfit underneath is a black suit vest with a long dark red tie (his shirt underneath the suit vest is a dark red long sleeved shirt), he also wears black pants, and dark red oxford shoes, and of course he’s got a black top hat on (the band on it is red, definitely keeping a black n red themed appearance here aint he?) (his other outfits, hm I can leave up to the imagination tbh this is just for when he’s travelling around and so other people don’t spot him nearly as easily, especially when it’s n i g h t t i m e…) he’ll wear whatever the fuck he wants, and it doesn’t have to be fancy in the s l i g h t e s t- he has a variety of options.
He also has pointed ears, razor sharp teeth (got them bear trap teeth but not only that, he’s got a lot more s e c r e t teefs than that ;) he’s a lot more monstrous on the inside than the outside i’ll say that much, Jek’s n Hyde’s anatomy does change and transform depending on who gains control ...honestly it probs hurt to have your body transform and shift like that ouchie) he also has multiple tongues, he has claws that he painted black and red for the a e s t h e t i c s ya know- and hell at this point he might as well have tentacles ...He might- but I mean if you really wanna know, fuck around and find out for yourself and fuck it- he also has a dark red devil style tail since he wanna act like fuckin Satan himself smh
...I made him a lot more monstrous than originally planned but eh its fitting- bc this is Jek’s body even with a LOT of changes in these regards, he’s got the same scars n such as that, he also wears black and red spiral gauges in his ears (I should also say, he can technically hide these features to make himself appear more human, i didnt originally intend on giving him any actual monstrous features except maybe sharp teeth, claws, n the pointed ears but here we are, he still gotta not arouse suspicion around him too much tho) also his eyes have dark circles around them, not because he’s a tired man he’s just a fucking- hellish bastard who loves to look intimidating.
| Personalities: Let’s uhh start off with Jekyll because he’s better and nicer and not nasty and gross n smelly looking- He’s kind, sweet, compassionate, caring, honestly wouldn’t hurt a fly himself- could never willingly hurt someone! A sweet babey man! He’s very intelligent- I mean,, he IS a Doctor after all, he takes pride in his work but it’s not that overbearing narcissistic type pride, he’s just proud of the breakthroughs he’s made ...Granted, there is one “breakthrough” he wished he could take back .. -glancing slowly at Hyde in the reflection of the mirror- ahem- but he’s always been pretty outgoing but a lot has changed since, that abomination came into his life, sure he still tries his best to be a good person, he tries his very damnedest to find some sorta way to separate or better yet a way to destroy this evil vile beast that plagues his and everyone else’s lives! He’d rather destroy Hyde than separate from him because even then, it's still back to square one only with worse damage since he’d be of his own free will now.
He shuts himself away in his Lab a LOT, as much as he can anyways to avoid going out and risking something more happening to anyone else, of course…
There is no avoiding the outside world forever, he needs things to eat and drink, he needs things to keep his body functioning and not to mention not going outside could drive him, well, more insane than he already feels he is- He just tries to be as quick as he can about it before the other takes control or tries to, Jek definitely has a lotta anxieties and fears, and ya know at this point I mean,, hell- the man’s got trauma- Sometimes he wonders if any of this is actually real, if he had just gone insane and was just imagining all this, sometimes his head hurt because of all the thoughts and potential scenarios along with their outcomes plagued his mind, he feels a lot of things he never thought he’d feel towards anyone, he feels anger and hatred toward Hyde but in a way aside from feeling so negatively toward the other, he can’t help but admire the way Hyde wishes to just simply l i v e, and even before this beast became apart of him… He was always anxious deep down and almost scared to take that jump when needed.
But Hyde? Hyde doesn’t seem to even c a r e! That thing lives it’s life without any care whatsoever, he doesn’t have any anxieties or fears at all it seems! In a way, Henry might even be a lil envious toward the other’s carefree attitude and that he’s free of anxieties and fears ...H-He still doesn’t want the other around, he still wishes to destroy Hyde of course, even with the envy and maybe a slight bit of admiration he has his morals and principals, and if Hyde continues to exist or w o r s e gets his own body it could prove v e r y perilous.
Now onto… Eugh, Hyde- The bastard man himself- He’s stinky- an evil bastard who really needs just a good punch in the face (god don't do it yourself tho, he’ll probs eat ur entire arm) Hyde’s absolutely disgusting, will do ANYTHING to get what he desires, he can be narcissistic in some regards, VERY prideful and greedy in many ways, he isn’t above committing murder like really, was he EVER above it? If he wanted, he’d literally murder you not even for a bag of corn chips but literally just one, psh- selling you to satan for one? Bah that’s amateur’s work! He’s somehow a minor inconvenience who can commit REALLY nasty and horrible atrocities at the same time if he feels like it, if he finds out something annoys you or REALLY pisses you off he’s going to keep doing it, he will literally try driving you insane just for the fun of it, really at this point it doesn’t seem like he HAS much of a goal but to just l i v e and cause chaos, destruction, and mayhem wherever he goes, he despises Jekyll in many ways, one being for trying to destroy him first and foremost but also Henny is just s o fucking weak, such a weak man with far too many anxieties, fears, etc- He’d be SO much better of a man if he’d simply let Hyde take control and STAY in control!
It’d make everything a lot easier, then Jek wouldn’t have to worry about ANYTHING ever again! No more of that pathetic nonsense! If it were possible, Hyde would absolutely l o v e to have his own body, separate from Jekyll, that way he could have his own life separate from that pathetic weakling’s! But… Even then, Jekyll and Hyde are one, in many ways they are absolutely apart of one another, two sides of the same coin, even with their MAJOR differences in personality and Hyde almost seeming like an entirely different entity just merely possessing Jekyll, after all, Hyde will admit it himself, he spawned from deep within Jekyll’s mind, he’s tried to get the other to see time and time again that he’s always been apart of the other deep down, Jek’s always had a more mad and evil side to him! Even if the other will deny this and take the denial to his grave, Hyde always persists in trying to get the other to see the truth in front of his eyes!
Aside from that tho, Hyde is just generally a dick and loves to mess with Jek and terrify him sometimes for literally no reason, hell he could be bored one day and decide “Hey Henny, fuck you, you suck” he loves to start drama, he loves to cause problems on purpose- Both of them would give anything to separate from each other, even if Hyde knows the truth deep down bout the both of them, even if he were always originally a part of Jekyll, it didn’t matter, that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t jump at the opportunity to get his own body, away from that pathetic coward of a man!
| Side Facts: Jekyll rarely ever gets to relax or any free time, he’s too worried to give himself that in fear he’ll lose control, he’s almost CONSTANTLY fighting to keep control over the other, even though he knows it's physically impossible to do so, after all, he can’t stay awake forever, sure that doesn’t stop him from trying to stay awake as long as he can before his body practically forces him to pass out and he’s MUCH weaker than he used to be, I mean hell, given how long Jekyll seems to have been around, fighting SO much and almost EVERY single day has practically worn his body down but whenever there is an opportunity for any “free” time he usually spends it trying to figure out an antidote or a way to get rid of Hyde (I will say, before Hyde REALLY started doing bastardous n horrendous things, Jek would still get annoyed with him bc he was always that way but he actually, I’d say tolerated him more so than he does by now) and Hyde even- well, he still disliked Henry IMMENSELY so, but he definitely wasn’t as bad or as awful as he is to the other now, it was more so I tolerate you and we dont have to seriously fight or struggle with each other for control and back then Jek would even sometimes let Hyde have control.
But then… A serious incident (I wont name what exactly) but a serious incident that happened caused the two to absolutely despise each other (i didnt say up there, yes, Hyde absolutely despises Jekyll but there is some heavily hidden admiration in regards to the other’s determination, his persistence, and even somewhat of his creativity, Jekyll despite being an annoying nuisance in Hyde’s way, he does have some admirable things about him) but anyway- ever since that incident occurred, Jek has tried almost EVERYTHING he knew of to get rid of Hyde, even if separation from his body would still be bad bc that could mean Hyde would obtain his own body honestly? I believe Jekyll would still take that opportunity if he were given it, if he needed, he’d try and find someway to stop Hyde’s evil, maybe it’d be easier even if the other had his own body, he didn’t know, he just wishes he could be free from all this torment and agony like gosh damn give this man a b r e a k. Give him some fruit gummies and an appy juice carton and leave him be!
When Hyde is in control he wastes little time in finding things to do, being able to be out, to see the world, the world ripe for chaos and destruction, he wastes little time in getting straight to work with whatever his devious lil mind wants to think of- also for more monstrous purposes, back up there, I was p vague with the mention of teeth on his insides- p much teeth going down his throat and hell who knows, the bastard probably has teeth on the inside of his stomach at this rate- Another not so fun fact, this man can unhinge his jaw! Yaaay so u can see sharp teefs! ...He does have to kinda set his jaw back in place though bc god forbid Jek takes control then.
Smh imagine taking back control of your body only to have a fucking dislocated j a w wouldn’t that be hellish?
Hyde rarely ever does this for a few reasons- he only does it if he’s in the mood for just takin a big chomp outta someone (big chompy) just, just please- lock this thing away- or kill it, it's a menace to society and deserves nothing good- two more things btw, tbh I genuinely wasnt even considering inhuman features at first but ya know, I compromised- he has them he just chooses to hide them more often and speaking of, while Hyde says he’s always been apart of Jekyll (well this version I made anyway) that deep down their two sides of the same coin, can you really believe him? I mean, I’m not going to spoil it and tell ya anything in that regard, but who knows, who knows what Hyde REALLY is, whether or not he’s always been apart deep down inside of Jek or just some form of entity that spawned via that wonderful little formula.
And the final thing is, their voices are p much based on the musical ones' voices- Hyde’s is that deeper n raspier kinda voice while Jek’s is much softer and ya know POLITE sounding.
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Seduced (Heidi Volturi)
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Word count: 330 Halloween imagine special! Trigger warning: blood and death
Oh that smile. That damned smile. It was all she needed to lure you with her, to a room unknown to you. It was dark inside, apart from a small stray of moonlight. Something about her lured you in It was just that her beauty, was exceptional, unforgettable. You simply couldn't seem to look away. Her mahogany hair was lustrous, and her eyes were the strangest shade of violet. She was very tall too, towering over you as she pushed you against the wall. “You kept me waiting long enough, sweetie.” She said. Her voice sounded like honey tasted. Sweet and luring. You looked up at her, her strange, violet eyes boring into yours. “Cat got your tongue, love?” she whispered teasingly as a blush crept over your cheeks. “No worries. I have ways to retrieve it.” She murmured in your ear before seductively sucking on your earlobe. A small moan escaped your mouth, earning you a lovely chuckle from the beauty. “There it is.” She said and looked at you. You smiled as you looked back at her.
However, your smile soon faded as you looked into her eyes. Her one violet eyes had turned blood red. The kind smile that first laid upon her red coloured lips had been turned into a wicked one. “Now let us see if you can make even more sound.” She said before ducking towards your neck. Her razor sharp teeth soon ripped your neck open, ripping not only your arterial blood vessel, but also your wind pipe, making any sound apart from the gargle coming from your lips possible. You coughed up blood, as the beauty in front of you lazily drank your blood, moaning seductively as the sweet ambrosia ran down her burning throat, warming her entire body up. Your eyes soon rolled back as darkness possessed you. You had been seduced, and you should have known that it was too good to be true in the end.
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katalyna-rose · 5 years
Commission for @river-goddess-sionann of Xeema Lavellan and Solas!
Smut, BDSM, choking, bondage, cunnilingus, blow jobs, orgasm denial
2,930 words
There was something about the visitor that Xeema was not saying, and it was beginning to grate on Solas’s nerves. A member of her clan and thus more familiar with her than most others, there seemed to be something just beneath the surface whenever he spoke to the Inquisitor. Aenor was just a little too comfortable around Xeema and Solas needed to know why. He had attempted to ask her on several occasions but she had brushed him aside and refused to answer each time, and watching Aenor look at her like that was grating on his nerves.
It was difficult most days to carve out time for their games, their duties with the Inquisition taking precedence even over need, but it was possible. He begged leave from Josephine for the Inquisitor to rest for a day, citing the sheer volume of work she had been buried under for too long, and he had smiled as she’d seemed almost flustered that he would do such a thing for his lover. Josephine handled it from there, and he suddenly had all the time he needed to make Xeema talk.
He cornered her at her desk in her quarters that afternoon, leaning over to get in the way of her work and extracting her pen from her fingers deftly enough not to get ink all over her hand. The wolf was prowling in his veins, had been promised a hunt, but there were steps that the man had to take before the wolf was let off the leash.
“Hey!” Xeema protested as she was interrupted. “I was doing something!”
“You were,” he agreed easily, his voice dark with the promise of the hunt to come, and he watched the way she changed as she realized she was prey. Her shoulders went back and her head came up and her gorgeous dark hair was tucked behind her ear in a gesture she’d never admit was nervous. “And now you will do something else.”
She scoffed at him. “And why should I?” she defied, but her golden eyes were glinting with mischief.
“Because I will make it worth your while,” he vowed, and she couldn’t quite suppress her shiver.
Then her face soured. “I can’t. I have too much work to do in the morning,” she told him, sounding as though she were trying not to whine. Her shoulders slumped in defeat but he gave her a predatory grin.
“You do not,” he revealed. “I took care of it. You have nothing to do tomorrow except recover from what I will do to you tonight.”
She straightened, interest sparking once more. “How did you manage that?” she asked suspiciously.
“Josephine is not immune to my charm,” was all he said, though charm had nothing to do with it. He just wanted to see her chafe for a moment.
And chafe she did, shooting him a sharp look. “So you cleared my schedule for tomorrow?” she clarified.
He lifted a brow. “That is what I am telling you, da’len,” he asserted, and saw the way the pet name made her shift in her seat. He stood straight once more, holding a hand out to her in invitation. She did not hesitate to take it as she rose from her chair and joined him on the other side of her desk.
He knew her well, knew what she liked and what she didn’t, had been preparing for this all day. She knew her limits and what to say if he went too far, what he would say if she did too much. It made things quite simple as he drew her into his arms and kissed her hard enough to leave her gasping and clinging to him. The wolf was off its leash and hungry for her, as hungry for the chase, for the fight, as it was for the sweet taste of victory. And he knew that she would fight and claw and disobey at every turn, and it made his cock ache in his trousers to imagine all the ways that he would punish her for it. And he thought for a moment of how sweet it would be in the aftermath to trace each new mark on their bodies and hold her in his arms as she slept, looking so innocent in the wake of it all.
Clothing was removed easily, a barrier neither of them would enjoy, but when he swept her into his arms she kicked and twisted like a snake. He kept hold of her until he was able to toss her onto the bed. She vaulted herself up but he was too quick for her, pinning her with his weight as they grappled for control. His cock was hard as iron, blood beating on his inner ear and excitement speeding his breaths. He could smell the clean scent of her skin, of her hair, of the arousal that was quickly overtaking her, and his body burned hotter. She clawed and growled as she attempted to buck him off, dark brown skin flushing red with exertion and desire in equal measures. She was swift, but he was strong and the wolf was more patient than her, and he won this first battle. Hands pinned to the mattress on either side of her head still she bucked and kicked. He sat on her legs, kept them together for the moment, and beneath his weight she was finally immobilized. Her eyes blazed and she snarled at him, but when he bent to kiss her hard she kissed back, her tongue twining with his and her teeth in his lip.
“Tell me, da’len,” he said at last, attempting to mask the fact that he was winded. “This Aenor who looks at you in such possessive ways. Who is he to you?”
So started by his question that she ceased all struggle, Xeema blinked up at her lover blankly for a moment. “That’s what this is about?” she finally cried, disbelief clear in her tone. Eyes narrowed to show his displeasure with her tone, he bit the tip of her ear hard enough to sting.
“Careful, da’len,” he warned, hot breath in her ear to make her shiver. “That sounds dangerously close to disrespect.” He felt her take a breath to respond, but his magic seeped into her skin and rendered her unable to move a muscle. He sat back and sighed as he looked down at her, no longer needing to hold her still. Her eyes blazed at him but she could not voice her protests and he could smell on her skin how much she loved that he had her at his mercy. He moved her like a doll, raising her arms higher above her head and spreading her legs wide.
He took a moment to sit back and admire her form, to trace the puckered skin around one dark nipple and run his nails lightly along her inner thigh. Then he pulled his magic back until he restrained her only at wrists and ankles, no more than rope could do to her.
As soon as her mouth was free she was using it. “You’re that jealous, hahren?” she asked, still sounding surprised.
“You have not been forthright with me,” he replied instead of answering. “I have grown tired of asking and never receiving a proper answer. You do not see, or you ignore, the heads that turn when you walk by and I grow tired of others coveting what is mine. Who is he?”
Her eyes narrowed as she thought of how to answer, and he knew it would not be the truth. “He’s a member of my clan,” she said at last, and he sighed his disappointment. Magic sparked on her belly, a snap of electricity that startled her into a little shriek.
“Try again, da’len,” Solas offered in a hard voice, a final chance to make it easier on herself. “Who is he? What is your relationship with him?”
“He’s a hunter,” she gasped, and the magic crackled on her inner thighs.
Solas loomed over her, casting her in the shadow of his form. “It seems that I must break you before you will cooperate,” he growled. He watched her swallow hard, then bent to carefully close his teeth around the front of her throat. Hard enough for her to know the threat, gentle enough not to cause pain, he could taste the fine hairs that rose on her skin from the touch.
“I’d rather let you be jealous,” she asserted, her tone arch and her body trembling with desire, and his teeth were instantly replaced with his hand squeezing. Measured pressure, the placement of his fingers just so, she managed a strangled gasp before he cut off her air.
“I think you had best be silent until you are ready to tell me what I wish to know,” he told her, and her shiver was such a sweet reward. He held her there, watching the way her pupils dilated, until he knew she would be seeing stars, then released. She gasped hard enough to make herself cough, and he drew one hardened nipple into his mouth. Teeth dug in carefully, tugging hard enough to make her whimper. But he was not satisfied with that. Down her body, settling between her legs, he breathed deep of the scent of her arousal. Sweet and rich, she radiated heat, head lifted from the bed to watch him. No, not yet, he wouldn’t give her that pleasure so easily. First a tease, he bit up her inner thigh from her knee to the joint of her hip, moving slow and leaving the marks of his teeth in her skin. They would bruise by morning and she would enjoy that soreness as she wrapped her legs around him later. Once he had reached her soaked cunt, breathing the humid scent of her, she raised her hips to his mouth. And he denied her, moving to her other thigh to bite his way up it as well. She released a grunt of irritation and jerked on her bonds but his magic was strong and she would not break it. No, this time she had to wait.
One last bite into her thigh that she would be feeling immediately and then he savored the moment before the plunge. Her lips were wet and already swollen with desire though he had not touched her yet, and her body trembled with need. And then he was upon her, diving into her like a drowning man coming up for air. Hands clenched on her ass, kneading the muscle and lifting her for better access as he thrust his tongue deep inside her and moaned at the thick flavor of her. She was addictive, writhing in his hands and moaning so loudly for him as he found her bud worried it with the tip of his tongue. It swelled for him as she released a rush of wetness that he eagerly lapped up. Tongue deep inside her again, he nuzzled it with his nose and savored the way she thrashed, denying himself breath to bring her pleasure. When he could feel that she was on the very edge of release, her body straining at the razor’s edge, he pulled away all at once.
“No!” she cried, but it did not mean stop. He waited in case she would say anything more, but had her jaw stubbornly clenched and he smiled, predatory, as he licked her off his lips.
“Are you ready to cooperate, da’len?” he asked, his voice rough with the pleasure that beat against his chest.
Her jaw remained clenched, a concession that was also disobedience since he had bid her to be silent until she acquiesced. He chuckled low in his chest, enjoying how she defied him, and settled his hips between her legs. Leaning over her, he kissed her lightly and laughed once more when she chased his lips in desperation.
Both a punishment and to ensure that she would not find her finish, he washed her body in cold magic. She gasped, those eyes he loved going wide as she jolted against her bonds and attempted to curl into herself away from the cold that puckered her nipples and raised goosebumps across her skin, but she could not escape. She glared her displeasure at him but her jaw remained clenched.
His achingly hard cock, unaffected by the cold he had doused her with, pressed at her entrance. Her lips were chilled but her wetness had not receded, and the pleasure arced up his spine as he slid slowly into the hot and slick embrace of her body. She whimpered at the stretch, the size of him a strain for her, but he closed his lips around one nipple and sucked, a burst of pleasure to reopen her body to him. Her pleasure flowed from her like a wave, coating his cock and dripping down his testicles as her body open and then squeezed around him. She felt like bliss, like home, like times long forgotten by the world where pleasure was the work of decades. He would have taken great pleasure in her body then, laid her on silk and balanced on the line between pleasure and agony until the euphoria engulfed them.
But those days were gone, and he had a goal tonight. He thrust into her, careful to measure her pleasure, and increased his pace until he was pounding her little body into the mattress with enough force to make the headboard bang against the wall, to fill the room with her cries. And when she began to clench around him, her sweet cunt squeezing his cock hard, he pulled out.
She shrieked wordlessly at him, all but sobbing for completion and thrashing against her bonds. He sat back and merely watched her struggle, his own pleasure pounding through his blood and demanding release.
“You could end this, da’len,” he reminded her. “Tell me what I wish to know and I will give you release.”
She only shrieked again and jerked harder at her bonds, hard enough that she nearly broke free. He renewed his grip on her, shifted it, pulled her upright by the shoulders and moved her arms behind her back. He shifted her around on the bed until she knelt before him, glaring with gleaming eyes and trembling with unfulfilled pleasure.
“Open your mouth,” he commanded, and she trembled. He wondered if she would disobey again, but her lust won out and she opened. His cock was dripping with her as he thrust carefully into her mouth, but she sucked on him without hesitation, tongue sweeping over the flesh. He watched her, a hand in her hair to control her head, liquid heat pooling in his belly. In this, she was eager, deriving nearly as much pleasure from the act as he did. And he rewarded her for her compliance, his magic warm against her skin as he thrust his hips harder and she took him deeper. Tingles along her skin made her shiver as she took him into her throat and his moan was wrenched from his chest. The magic solidified between her legs, pushed past her lips as his cock pushed into her mouth again. A steady thrust against her tongue, matched by the magic, and she tried to hurry him, to take him harder and faster as she realized what he was doing. His hand in her hair tightened, forced her to bend to his will, and he fucked her slowly. Slow and steady, no matter how hard she tried to rush him, he fucked her mouth with his cock and her cunt with his magic until his pleasure crested. A deep thrust into her throat and he released his seed with a low cry of her name.
She took him well, swallowed his spend, and sniffled a little as he pulled away. He knelt before her and wiped away the tears that had fallen as he fucked her face. “Tell me, da’len,” he urged, gentle this time. “Who is Aenor?”
She met his gaze and he saw that she was broken. Thumbs stroking her cheeks to comfort her, he held her steady as she was at last ready to give in. “I slept with him once, long ago,” she revealed. “With my lover at the time, we had a night of fun. He made a pass at me the other day, an offer to rekindle an old affair. I refused. I have you, instead.”
Smiling, Solas leaned in to kiss her gently. “Good girl,” he murmured, and helped her lay back. Arms still bound over her head, he released her legs. She trembled as she wrapped them carefully around his hips. His arousal had not waned with release, and with a stroke of his hand he sank into her once more. Deep, hard thrusts angled to bring her the most pleasure, he held her against him as he made love to her. When she came she sobbed in relief, and he held her gently. The magic vanished from her body and she sighed heavily as she relaxed into the mattress.
She was all but boneless as he washed the sweat from her skin and brushed her damp hair. He offered to heal the bruises he’d left on her thighs, but she covered them protectively and refused. Tangled together, they rested a while. Soon, Solas told himself, he’d go in search of food. But for the moment he laid in bliss with Xeema sleeping in his arms.
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Pandora’s Box
[Full story this time]
“Nice and easy does it,” whispered Pandora, her soft hands overlapping her daughter’s as they both emptied the contents of a pot into a boiling cauldron. “Very well done, sweetheart,” she praised, gently peeling her daughter’s fingers off the metal handles.
“Was it really? Or is that something you have to say because you’re my mother and you love me so very much?” asked eight-year-old Luna.
“The science and art behind spellmaking are both held in a delicate balance between one another,” said Pandora. “This means that even the smallest changes can have enormous consequences. If you hadn’t done it correctly, I would have let you know so you’d never make the same mistake again.” She’d turned away from the work table to begin scrubbing the pot in the sink. “That being said, I do enjoy pouring praise on those I love very very much.”
“Like me,” stated Luna, eyes wide and mischievous.
“Like you,” smiled Pandora. “Why don’t you keep an eye on that while I finish up here and once it’s done, we can call your father in from the garden and have some tea.”
The legs of a stool screeched across the floor as Luna pulled it around the table. She clambered onto the seat and was content to keep watch over the potion in near silence. Every once in a while, she’d hum disconnected tunes, both from existing songs and imagined ones. When Pandora recognized the song, she’d hum along with her daughter until the girl tired of the same melody and reverted back to her solemn vigil.
“Mm, yes, dear?” hummed Pandora.
“What did you say was supposed to happen after we added the Draught of Wilderness?”
“It’s supposed to turn yellow, then solidify until it become gelatinous and produces small pockets of purple and mustard bubbles. Shouldn’t be much longer now.”
“Oh,” said Luna.
Then, “Mum, I think something’s wrong.”
Pandora didn’t question her daughter’s statement. She whirled around, dropping the sopping pot in the sink full of water with a splash and rushed to Luna’s side.
“What’s the matter, swee—”
A great plume of smoke erupted out of the cauldron like the contents of a shaken, fizzy drink. The smoke was the darkest of purple, almost black, and shot up high until it hit the ceiling and began crawling across it, darkening the room until it seemed like night-time.
“Mum, what’s going on?” Luna’s inscrutable, airy voice trembled as she craned her neck to observe the festering clouds in the room.
“I’m not entirely sure, sweetheart,” conversed Pandora, purposefully keeping her own voice unaffected. “It’s getting awfully dark in here, though. Why don’t you head on out, get some sunshine and fresh air, while I clean up in here?”
Pandora didn’t wait for her daughter to respond before she was hauling her out of her chair and pushing her to the door. The smoke was solidifying - beginning to take its form and shape from a hybrid of magical and non-magical animals. The entire ceiling was covered in those dark clouds and as the substance reached the edges dropping into walls, they started to change, grow a likeness to legs, arms, heads, some with horns, others wings and all of them with razor sharp teeth and amber, glowing eyes.
“M-mum, what are those?” whispered Luna. “I don’t think they like me.”
“It’s nothing to worry about, sweetheart, you just head out through the door and—”
Whatever she was about to say was cut short as one of the smoke creatures detached itself from the mesh of clouds on the ceiling and dragged itself down the wall. One of its three-fingered paws touched the top of the door and left behind scratches on the wood.
Pandora’s breath caught in her throat. She grasped Luna’s shoulders and twirled her around, hugging her close enough to stop her from getting a good look at the creatures twisting and jerking into existence above them. Pandora took out her wand from the pocket on her apron and held up over her head.
“Protego Dome!”
The familiar light blue film of the protective charm dropped out of the tip of her wand to form a protective dome around mother and daughter. The smoke creatures had almost completely solidified now, only the thinnest wisps of smoke trailing behind their forms. They were crawling down the walls and over the windows, blocking out the last remnants of light.
One of the creatures - a beast with the body of a snake, the clawed wings of a bat and the head of a boar - dropped down from the ceiling and landed directly in front of them. Pandora held back her terrified scream as half its body rose up off the ground to survey the room and she couldn’t control the trembling in her body or the tightening of her arms around her daughter as the creatures locked its gaze on them.
“It’s really dark now, mum.”
“Y-yes,” - Pandora cleared her throat - “yes, I know, darling. Mummy’s trying to see how she can go about letting some light back in.”
“It’s not even night-time yet,” Luna mumbled into her mother’s stomach. “Where did the sun go?”
The smoke creature which had landed at their feet opened its mouth and hissed, exposing its sharp teeth and two thin tongues which it proceeded to run over its lips.
Pandora shuddered.
“It’s still there, it’s just… playing hide and seek. Like you do with your daddy sometimes, or with that Weasley girl from across the village. Remember her?”
Luna’s head burrowed further into her mother’s apron as she bobbed it up and down. “She’s nice. I like her,” she said.
“I know you do, sweetheart,” Pandora replied lightly, her mind working a mile a minute trying to figure out a way out of the mess they were in. She dared to glance back at the door and noted that it was now completely obscured from view. The smoke creatures had taken over the entire room, they were clinging to the walls and dangling from the ceiling, taking their time inching closer and closer to the huddled pair in the centre of the room.  
Pandora’s arm was growing tired from being held aloft for so long and she was developing a piercing headache from holding the magical shield for so long. She was pouring all her strength into it, praying it would be enough to sustain them, to protect them from the creatures mercilessly taking over their home.
Huddled up as close to her as she was, Pandora felt Luna’s humming vibrate through her chest before the sweet melody made its way up to her ears and at that moment, Pandora’s heart broke a tiny bit. She didn’t know what she’d done to deserve such an exceptional daughter, would probably never find out in fact, but she would go to the ends of the Earth and beyond for the little girl in her arms, to see her smile, to make her laugh, to brighten up her day…
“Sweetheart, you know what?”
The humming stopped. “What?”
“I think I just had a stupendous idea,” Pandora declared. “Since we can’t go out and enjoy the sunshine right this moment, what say you we bring in some of that light in here, hmm?”
Small fingers dug into Pandora’s sides as Luna thought the proposal through.
“How? Can I help?” she asked, oblivious to the creatures now circling their protective dome, using their claws, horns, tongues and tails to poke at the magical defences.
“You certainly can,” announced Pandora. “I need you to close your eyes - keep them shut as tight as you can - and think about the happiest memory you have.”
The dome shook as one of the creatures with a long snout and scales running down its back opened its mouth and breathed toxic green fire.
“My happiest memory?” asked Luna. “Like when you, me and daddy went to that beach for Christmas and spent all that time searching for the sand dollars that Sea Nymphs use?”
Pandora’s eyes filled with tears, the same ones that felt like they were choking her with a vice around her throat. Her hand trembled as she brought it up to cradle the back of her daughter’s head, fingers running over the silky strands of hair she’d fashioned into a braid that very morning.
“Yes, darling, just like that. Can you do that for me?” Luna nodded her head. “Are you doing it right now?” Another nod. “Perfect.”
Pandora had a thought just then, the thought that these were quite possibly her last moments on Earth, on this plane of existence. What she was about to attempt was full of risk and sacrifice. It required more strength than she had and would leech off her magic until she had none left so it would then target her life, the very essence which kept her walking, breathing, eating, talking, thinking, hoping, loving.
If her spell went well, she’d be walking out of her own life so her daughter would have a change at living hers.
Pandora gathered her daughter close and breathed her in, recognizing traces of jasmin from their homemade soap, hints of burned wood and coal from the fire warming their living room and freshly turned soil from a morning spent rolling around in the garden.
“You know what’s so amazing about good things like happy memories, sweetheart? We can call on them whenever we need them and they’ll come back to us, just like that. Are you at the beach with daddy now?”
“And you,” said Luna.
“That’s my girl.”  
The protective dome quaked and shattered. Pandora kept her wand raised over her head as the smoke creatures prowled towards them. She didn’t flinch away from their glares as they focused their yellow eyes on her. In fact, she met them head on with an unspoken warning and a promise brimming in her eyes and coursing down her cheeks.
Pandora gripped her daughter tight, closed her eyes and spoke the incantation to the spell she’d been working on for the past decade.
A light flickered to life on the tip of her wand. Though it appeared nothing more than a solitary bubble hovering in the air, radiating a steady glow in the dark of the room, there was something in the depths of the bubble, right at the centre, which danced and gleamed with the essence of life.
Pandora had no way of knowing what she’d summoned to her home to protect her daughter. She couldn’t possibly know that it was only through the slightest miscalculation, the smallest amount of give in the tightly wound strands holding the spell together which allowed her to be woken up several minutes later by her panicking husband.
“What happened? Are you all right? Is Luna okay? Is she hurt? Are you hurt? Should I call for a Healer? I should call for a Healer,” Xenophilius rambled, dark hair sticking to his pallid face.
Pandora shifted and groaned. She’d fallen on her back with the weight of her daughter pushing her down and causing twice as much damage when she’d hit the floor. She was sure to have bruises all over her back and arms, and even her head going by the warm, pulsing bump sticking out behind her left temple.
“I-I think I’m fine,” she mumbled, taking Xenophilius’ hand gratefully and pulling herself up. “Check on Luna, please, Xeno. I think she’s just unconscious but if there’s anything wrong with her, I don’t—”
Xenophilius nodded and took their daughter in his arms, carefully resting her on top of the long work table when he took out his wand and ran the few diagnostic spells he knew.
“She’s fine,” he breathed out, then, louder, “she’s going to be just fine, my love. Nothing a hearty bowl of soup and some pumpkin juice won’t fix.”
“Thank the Gods,” sighed Pandora. She stumbled upright on unsteady legs and fell into her husband’s arms, whispering what had happened in one steady stream of shaken breaths.
That night, when Luna’s bedtime came about, Pandora was quick to snatch her favourite book out of their shelves, one about adventure and daring and love and sacrifice, and read it to her daughter from front to cover. She continued reading aloud long after Luna had nodded off and didn’t realize her husband had been listening in until she found him sprawled out outside their daughter’s door, head hanging to his chest, legs sprawled out in front of him.
Over the weeks after the incident in the laboratory Pandora found herself spending more and more time with her nose buried in her books, her hair sticking up at all ends from the fumes of boiling cauldrons and the bottom of her pencil worn to the lead from continuous anxious chewing. She didn’t know what she was searching for as she explored and took apart the spell which had saved her and her daughter’s lives months ago.
She knew she’d never take her family for granted though and that was why she limited daytime experiments in her lab and continued them late at night, when Xenophilius and Luna were asleep. Her project would come along faster if she knew what she was looking for, but she couldn’t explain what fuelled her to keep investigating and experimenting any more than she could make sense of her husband’s passion for The Quibbler. It was like a singular substance added into the mixture which made her whole and without it, she wouldn’t be the person she was, the people they all were.
Luna was happy. She’d suffered nightmares for a few weeks but those seemed to have been left in the past and she now ran around the garden, played with the Weasley girl, continued her search for the creatures she and her father were convinced were hiding in far-off corners of the world and had resumed helping her mother in her lab - though they read their instructions out of a book rather than Pandora’s personal notebook.
A year passed in this fashion. By this time Luna had completely forgotten of that one scary incident with the smoke monsters jumping out of the darkness.. She was oblivious to her mother's vigilant eyes as she helped stir a potion, or the twitch to her father's shoulders when she wrapped herself in her child-sized, potion-making apron and trotted out of the room.
Therefore, she thought nothing of it when one night, when she had woken up in the late hours for a cup of water, strange noises started filtering into the kitchen through the cracked door to the laboratory. Luna did find it curious that her mum would be working so late but it wouldn’t be the first time Pandora lost track of time fiddling with one thing or another and tuning her experiments to perfection.
Luna was prepared to go straight back upstairs - in the frigid cold of the kitchen at night, her warm bed was calling to her like an irresistible siren - but then the kitchen became. She’d been relying on the moonlight to guide her through the house but now that it was gone, covered up by a black cloud, she was left feeling out of sorts, her childhood fears of monsters under the bed having not quite left her yet.
As suddenly as the darkness descended, a light joined it side by side, its long, spindly fingers reaching for Luna from under the lab’s door. Luna walked towards it - to her mum - but came to a brisk stop once she spotted what was going on inside the room.
The smoke creatures were back, circling her mother who stood in the centre of the room, three large circles drawn on the ground in chalk with a different candle placed at each cardinal point. There were symbols etched into the floor in dizzying patterns, ones which Luna had never seen before, and her mother, Pandora, was positioned in the middle of it all, wand in hand.
“I needed to know,” Pandora was saying, “I couldn’t not know. It was eating away at me, I just… I had to do something. I didn’t know this would—I didn’t know, please.”
“Don’t think you can fool us, Mrs Lovegood,” purred one of the smoke creatures, its strange features shifting from one form to another in a matter of seconds. “We may not be as powerful in this plane as we are in ours but we are strong enough to spot a lie.”
“I am not lying,” begged Pandora, “I was just… curious and foolish and I never should have continued that spell—”
“Alas, but you did.”
Luna couldn’t see the creature from the doorway, but she could tell from the lilt to its voice that it was smiling. She wanted to run to her mother, pull on her hand and rush her as far away from the room as they could get. They’d all run away together - Luna, her dad and her mum - and they’d hide like the Crumple-Horned Snorkack and they’d never have to worry about these creatures finding them ever again.
“Please,” sobbed Pandora, head dropping forward in supplication. “My family… They have no idea, they—”
“No harm will come to them if you submit willingly.”
Luna was young, almost too young to understand what was happening on the other side of the door, but she wasn’t young enough to ignore the way her heart got caught in her throat, how her legs weakened to jelly,  as her mother’s wand clattered to the ground and she dropped to her knees. She must have made some noise for her mother’s spine suddenly became ramrod straight and her eyes snapped to Luna’s still form by the door.
A message passed between mother and daughter then. Pandora didn’t have to say anything for Luna to understand what her mother was asking of her, the impossibility of it. Her lips parted, ready to argue and beg if she had to, but her mother shook her head almost imperceptibly and mouthed ‘Stay. I love you’.
Luna’s response to that was to break down in silent tears and noiseless sobs.
“I won’t put up a fight,” said Pandora, gaze now focused on the creatures in front of her. “Do me a favour and make it quick, please.”
The creatures hissed, growled, snickered and chirped all at once.
“As you wish.”
In a flash of darkness and power, the creatures lost their form and turned back to shapeless smoke, then began joining together and converging into a thick cloud directly on top of Pandora. They began moving together in spirals, creating a tornado which quickly picked up speed until papers, books, chairs and tools were flying around the room. As the storm finally took its shape, Pandora calmly tipped her head back and stared at the moving masses above her.
The creatures struck. The tip of the vortex caressed Pandora’s lips then pushed into her, flooding her body with the creatures’ essence until her skin turned blue and dark, raised veins erupted across her face, protruded from her neck and lined her arms. Luna watched in mounting horror and fear the way one would view an accident unfolding from far away, unable to help and frozen with the knowledge that even if she were there with her mother, she wouldn’t be able to save her.
Smoke was starting to leak out of Pandora’s nose, eyes and ears. The cloud above her was becoming smaller and smaller as the creatures took over her body and once the last of them had filtered through, Pandora slumped to the ground, convulsing. There were cracks and slaps as bones broke and flesh hit the ground and then Pandora’s mouth opened once more and white, ephemeral mist drifted out, curling and twisting to the ceiling where it sank through the cement and ambled into the night.
The creatures were gone; only Pandora’s lifeless body was left behind along with her daughter, who tripped into the room and stumbled to her mother, dropping down by her side.
That is how Xenophilius Lovegood found his family the very next morning, hours after his wife’s death. He let out a senseless cry and cradled the bodies of his wife and daughter in his arms, one cold as ice and the other seemingly on her way there.
Though Luna was woken up by her father’s presence, she left herself be hugged, kissed and murmured to, only barely registering what was going on around her. She sensed it when her father picked her up and detached her fingers, one by one, from her mother’s shift. She saw through flashes that she was being moved upstairs and felt the soft cotton sheets of her bed against her legs as her father tucked her in. She also heard the mutterings of a sleeping spell, and after that, there was no force strong enough to pull her away from the clutches of sleep to hear what happened next…  
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What if one day when the bears were out in the woods, they find a scary mutated human? They have like shark teeth and weird claws coming out from their hands. But they're like really shy and gentle, and always carry around a small potted daisy and they risk their life for the daisy.
Now to answer this question, I’ve decided to do a little ficlet for it. It’s Nebulous’ very first answer so I hope you all enjoy. If not, then give me all the criticism you wanna give so that I can improve!…
I imagine Pandafinding it first (because Panda always has to meet weird wildlifebefore anybody else for comedic effect) and he screams and thecreature just runs into their tool shed, and Panda bars the door andtrapping it inside. He doesn’t notice the daisy being heldprotectively the sharkman’s arms or the look of terror on its face.In the swiftness of the moment all Panda had seen were pointed teethand razor sharp claws.
After convincing anannoyed Ice to grab his ax, and then after pulling Grizz away fromrecording himself doing the Cinnamon challenge for online fame, Pandaleads them all to the shed, trailing nervously behind hisbrothers.“Guys, be careful.” Panda said withapprehension. “That thing is evil! I swear I saw it try to rip meto shreds with its razor sharp claws!”In the face ofhis little brother’s frazzled nerves, Grizz simply answered withcasual ease. He figured it was just another wild beaver. “It’sokay, PanPan. We’re here now. Nothin’ to worry your cute littlehead about, trust me.” “Ice Bear will clip itsnails.”Panda gave a distressed whimper. “You guys,I’m serious! You shouldn’t be taking this lightly! Ohhh, maybe weshould call animal control or something…”
Smirking, Grizzshrugged. “What for? We’ve chased wild animals away before.Remember the time that wild turkey jumped through the open window andattacked us?” He looked at the polar bear on his right. “Youremember that, right bro?”
“Ice Bear stillhas flashbacks.” Panda grabbed tufts of his own hair.“ARGH, you guys! This isn’t some dumb turkey, it’s a… aTHING! I don’t even know what to call it! And it’s fast! I’mlucky I trapped it in there. What if it attacks one of you and youget hurt real badly? Or worse?”
The despair in hisbrother’s voice was enough to get Grizz to take his littlebrother’s fears more seriously. Even when there were times hecouldn’t understand how Panda had such sensitive stress triggers,Grizz was always ready to accommodate his little PanPan. He loved hissweet little brother too much to dismiss him so callously, even ifhis fears weren’t all that bad.
“Hey.” Grizzsaid, his voice taking a more serious tone. He put both paws on hislittle brother’s shoulders to assure him. “Nothing bad is goingto happen, PanPan, I promise. Just stay behind us, we got this!”
Ice Bearkicked the door down before Panda could object. From within the shedthey heard a bloodcurdling scream. The creature washuddled in the corner, staring at the bears with glassy wide eyes.Its mouth contained sharp teeth that barely poked out of its closedlips. What made its appearance so nerve wracking was the fact thatalthough it was clearly abnormal, its face held just enoughsimilarities to a human face that it unnerved them. It had two eyes,a mouth, and a nose, all in proportionate areas. It even had littleears in the right places, although those looked rather small and moreelfish.
All the boastingspirit within Grizz had completely died at the sight of it. Itsappearance was even worse than how Panda had described it. Thegrizzly was expecting a tiny beaver, not this mutant-looking…human.
It appeared to bemore lizard than anything, with its green scaled body. But it hadlimbs that were reminiscent of a human. It was alien but all toofamiliar. Its savage looking stance appeared ready to pounce. Grizzreflexively held his arms wide apart, trying to shield his brothers.
Ice Bear initiallyjumped when he saw it. Its razor sharp teeth and claws mixed withhuman flesh looked what he could only describe as monstrous. If ithadn’t shrieked the way it did he would’ve believed it to be anactor in poor makeup…
But his curiositypiqued when he noticed something in its eyes… He knew fear in acreature’s eyes when he saw it. He recognized how it was huddledover. Like it was protecting something.
He slowly loweredhis ax, listening to the beasts’ whimpers.
The polar bear’sheart jumped up his throat when he was suddenly shoved forward andalmost fell. He whipped around and shot Grizz the angriest glare hehad made in a while.
Grizz gulped,sheepishly rubbing the back of his head and glancing away. “Uh…You’re the one with a weapon, bro… Go get it!”
Ice rolled his eyesand took careful steps towards the creature, gripping his ax.
As the polar bearapproached, he noticed how the creature looked away from Ice’sapproaching eyes, almost shyly.
When Ice had finallyreached the shark man, he saw just how frail it was, how weak itsarms and legs appeared up close. Like thin plastic bags coveringbone. And its “claws”, if you could call them that, were simplyuncut nails. Hardly a threat. Moreover, it didn’t seem all thathostile. It just looked hungry, and from this close proximity thepolar bear could smell its fear. Ice had an exceptional talent forsmelling fear, let alone seeing it. Hell, with his instincts kickingin he could practically feel its fear too. It looked pitiful.
“Not worthkilling.”
He stood there for afull minute just assessing what he should do when a sudden highpitched voice squeaked across the shed, startling the polar bear.
“L-Littlebrooooo!?” Panda called from the doorway. Ice glanced back at himand rolled his eyes. “Are you okay? Uhm… Maybe just chase itaway, or something? It doesn’t look all that dangerous now that Isee it like this, but…”
The atmosphere inthe shed was losing most of its earlier tension. Grizz’ shouldersslumped down and he breathed out a small breath.
“… Yeah,actually…” The grizzly began. “It just looks… scared.”
Grizz moved forward,loud footsteps echoing in the dusty shed. Upon seeing the creaturecurl into itself in fear, Grizz slowed down and took lighter steps,raising his own paws up to chest level in a show of peace. “Hey,hey, it’s okay buddy. I’m not gonna hurt you…”
Once he stood beforeit, the creature looked up and trembled at the bear’s sheer size.The big fuzzy monster was going to eat him, he believed.
Grizz loweredhimself to his knees to meet the shark creature at eye level, sendinghim a gentle gaze.
“See? It’s okay.I’m not gonna bite.” Grizz said with tender care, as thoughtalking to a toddler. “How are you?”
The creature was tooembarrassed and didn’t know how to respond. It quickly looked away,still using its arms to cover something.
Something about itsshy nature had reminded Grizz of someone. Who that person was hecouldn’t say exactly. Regardless, he knew how to deal with shytypes. All it took to break the tension was a little gentlepersistence.
“I’m Grizz. Andthat’s my little brother. Introduce yourself, little bro.”
Ice Bear pointed tohimself and said, “Ice Bear.”
“And that there isPanPan.”
Panda, stillstanding by the door frame, swallowed his own apprehension, or atleast he tried to. “Uh, I-I’m Panda… Uhm… It’s nice to meetyou?”
“See? We’refriendly!” Grizz exclaimed with an excited arm flail which causedthe creature to flinch. The grizzly quickly pulled down his own armsand apologized for the sudden outburst.
“Say, what do yougot there?” The grizzly gently inquired. Grizz could see what hebelieved to be a red  rock or something poking through the sharkman’slanky arms.
The creature kepthis glance aimed at the floor.
Ice Bear gave a fewsniffs, “Ice Bear smells daisy.”
“Huh?” Grizzsaid. “What does that mean?”
“I think he meanshe smells a daisy.” Panda said, finally joining his brothers insidethe shed. “Look, he’s holding like a plant pot orsomething.”Grizz did a double take. “Hey, yeah,you’re right! He totally is! Is that what it is? Are you carrying asmall daisy?” Grizz asked, raising his voice in uncheckedexcitement. He wanted to learn more about this scaled little creaturenow that he thought it could be friendly.
The scaled man stolequick glances at all three of them, appearing more frightened thanbefore.
“Uh…” Grizztried to amend.
“Grizz,” Pandascolded. “stop freaking out the poor guy.”
“Hey, I’m nottrying to freak him out or anything. I just wanna be friends.”
“Well you’recoming off too strong man. You gotta relax.”
“Right. Sorry,sorry.” He turned back to the creature with a smile. “So, uh…You got a daisy there or what?” He yelped when he got bonked on thehead by the stick of Ice Bear’s ax. “Ow!”
“Still too strong,dude!”
“Ah, I’m sorry,I’m sorry, bros! My bad.”
Before they couldsay anything, the sharkman shifted his body to face them. He sat onhis rump and presented to them what he was so defensive over theentire time.
“Ha! I knew it! Itotally called it!”
“Bro, our littlebrother called it, not you.”
“Ice Bear likeshow you take care of daisy.”
The sharkpersonsmiled for the first time, which wasn’t frightening to the bearsanymore. In fact, it looked kinda cute, in a godzilla kinda way. Atleast in Grizz’ opinion.
“Hey, Godzilla canbe cute!” Neither of the bros agreed, although neither did theydisagree, so that’s an agreement in Grizz’ book.
A few hours laterand the bears invited the creature to dinner. It was a vegetarianlike Panda. Grizz took to calling him “Sharky.” It seemed to likethat name.
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gaypretzle · 3 years
this one is my longest , it's call running against the moon
Blackness, it was all I could remember then loud, deafening claps of thunder, the crackling of fire above me, then the pounding of 80 or so paws running away, the beats of their paws growing fainter and fainter until I couldn’t strain my ears any longer to listen for the sound of the paws, I was alone. When I finally opened my small, soft blue, almond, eyes and rose from the dry grass I had been laying on for 2 weeks since my birth ,when my pack catered to me and my parents’ every need, I would now be alone for the next year of my life. Little did I know My first steps alone by myself would be the best ones in my life. After I took those steps I bounded down the hill to the river below, and drank the fresh, clear, delicious, sweet, water and watched the salmon swim up river and remembered that my pack hadn’t taught me how to hunt, I howled in anger, distress, and hatred once I had calmed down I figured I could teach myself because hunting is born, raised and fed like a fire in my blood. I decided to practice on a salmon, I aimed carefully and pounced into the river headfirst, grabbed the first moving solid object I could feel and swam to the river bank with the object between my sharp teeth when I got out of the river the warm spring air slowly drifted through my soaking wet, smoky grey, pelt, it felt amazing and when I opened my eyes I dropped the object from my teeth and looked at it ,I had caught the fish! Excitement, joy, happiness filled my body. I used my razor sharp claws to slice the fish open. The salmon’s eggs spilled out of its dying body, I took a bite of fish. It was delicious I ate the rest of the fish and its eggs, leaving nothing behind but clean bones. I wandered around and rolled in the lush, soft, green, dew coated grass happily hoping these feelings would last forever. I got up from the grass and began trotting to a dense, overgrown, forest. As I entered the forest it seemed not dense and overgrown but just perfect, I began scouting for a large den preferably on a not too steep cliff that overlooked a widely populated hunting ground with a variety of animals and a river where salmon was plentiful. After 1 long year of looking I found exactly what I had imagined, the perfect den. Now to create a pack, I searched from the highest mountain peaks to the lowest valley points and found my 5 pack mates and a messenger owl(including me as the fifth) , A bright eyed, female, 1 1/2 week old, white pelted, pup named isla, a tall, male with blood red eyes, 1 year old, matte black matted pelt with a crest like ridge that went from the end of his long tail to his scruff, and a small triangle of grey fur on his chest, named Shadow, a yellow eyed, hazel colored male with a swishy tail named Rex, a grey eyed, tan and white pelted male named Kaz, and a matte black pelted female with a crest like ridge that was smoky grey, almond shaped sharp blue eyes, a long irish setter like tail that was slightly marbled with smoky grey, the tips of her paws were snow white with vicious grey claws and white razor sharp teeth that had a very light red tint on the tips, her pelt was soft and silky, she had a small, brown, very tattered, bag, she was named Nash, After the pack was created the roles had to be put into place, Isla became the gatherer, Rex became the scout, shadow the lead hunter, Kaz the secondary hunter, Nash the alpha female, and lore the messenger owl. I now had a pack to look after, A pup to teach, and a male alpha to find. The first thing my pack did was learn their alpha’s howl, so I being the alpha howled, it was a loud, strong, furious, courageous, howl, Shadow has second to howl, then Rex, then Isla. “Alpha'' Shadow spoke strongly to me “yes Shadow, also watch your attitude'' I replied without missing a beat, “may I take Isla down to the hunting grounds to teach her?” He asked kindly, “I am going to take Isla to the ‘herb forest’ to teach her how to gather” I spoke “May I go with Kaz then, Alpha?” he asked “yes” I spoke quietly, “what?” said Rex, Kaz, and Shadow, “LEAVE AND DO YOUR JOBS NOW!” I roared at them
Kaz was the first to dart away, Shadow ran after him quickly catching up and surpassing Kaz, Rex now on the other parts of the outlook, I spun on the spot and looked at Isla, she was trembling, I slowly walked over to her and nudged her, she smiled happily, then before Rex could say anything a large hawk swooped down, attempting to take Isla. I jumped into the air and caught the hawk not hurting it. The hawk snapped its beak at me and loosened itself out of my grip and attacked me, cutting me, giving me gashes on my silky black pelt matting it with blood, then the hawk darted at me. Everything went black, Isla noticed and howled, seconds later the whole pack was there. After 3 hours I woke up, to my left was the hawk “w-w-who k-k-killed i-it?” I asked stuttering slightly “Me” Shadow spoke calmly, “will you come with me” Shadow said to me “everybody stay here” I ordered “yes Alpha” said Kaz, Rex, And Isla. I followed Shadow down to a still, clear, lifeless, 3ft deep, lake “look” he said I looked and I saw myself but I had a large scar over my right eye “is there anything you can do to fix it” I asked “maybe” he said “take off the bag” he said “ok” I said, he walked over to a bush and pulled out metal sift like net and a sharp rock with a handle and walked back over to me “lay in the lake” he said to me, I hesitated but agreed and laid in the lake. He set down the net on the beach and walked into the lake. I closed my eyes. 2 hours later he said “open your eyes” “ok” I said when we walked out of the lake I waited for it to become still, when it did I looked and saw my fur was now much shorter except for the long piece of fur covering my right eye and ridge “I love it” I darted as fast as I could back to the den“ look!” I said “wow!” said Kaz, Rex, and Isla. “everybody come here” they came “I will be having a competition” “there are only three competition" “Kaz, Shadow, and Rex” “ and the winner will become the male alpha” I said. “The challenges are simple, be the first male to kill a bull elk singularly, then you must call to me, the last to call will be eliminated, last wolf standing becomes the alpha male” I finished “now let the challenges BEGIN” and Rex, Kaz, and Shadow all darted in different directions, minutes were passing like seconds in my head after 10 or so minutes I heard a howl, it echoed through the valleys, it was deep like the wind’. This howl wasn’t from my pack, I saw a young pale tan wolf emerge from behind a large tree then an older wolf with a sleek yellowish tan pelt trotted in front of the young one. I speed walked over to them “hello” said the older wolf “hi” I replied “would you like to join my pack?” I blurted out “I’d be delighted to, can my son, 2 daughters, and wife join too?”he said “of course” I said. His wife was a beautiful white wolf with crystal blue eyes and a kind voice her name was lily, their daughter was an off-white silver eyed beauty with a flowing piece of fur on her head, her name was rose noire, their son was named Rally, the father was Alex, and their second daughter was a deep sleek black with a dark grey ridge and long piece of fur shaped like a crescent over her left eye, she had sharp almond shaped misty red eyes and a sharp attitude, her name was Alice. I took them up to the den and asked what position they wanted, Rose Noire took the position of the fisher, Lily took kappa, Rally became a watch guard with Rex, Alex became a gatherer like Isla, and Alice became the beta. Suddenly I heard Shadow’s howl then Kaz’s howl Then Rex’s, I ran down, gave Shadow the male alpha position and ran back. When Shadow returned to the den carrying a large bull elk in his mouth, he set it down near the den and began walking towards me as I nuzzled Alice who was larger than me looked like a male, Shadow growled threateningly at Alice first the at me I stood up and barred my bloodstained teeth at him, Alice did the same “who is this thing” he asked his voice low “nobody” I said “ who is this thing” he said again raising his voice “nobody” I said matching his volume “WHO IS THIS THING”
he roared with his eyes closed, but I did not answer when he opened his eyes I was gone and so was the rest of the pack, we were long gone already on the other side of the valley. Once I had found a new den, a large cave, I covered our scent, covered out the light, and started a fire to keep us warm, I burnt, pine and other scents to ward anything away, a coyote wandered into our cave and begged for life when he saw we were wolves “you can live here as long as you do our hunting” I said to him, he accepted and laid down with us beside the fire. The next morning I heard loud scratching at the closed entrance, but our coyote was still here, I sent the coyote out to see who It was moments later the coyote screamed but didn’t run back in the den. I bolted out of the den, ready to fight whoever killed our coyote, I saw shadow he looked rugged and hurt but I didn’t care “what do you want” I snapped “s-s-sorry alpha” he cowered “don’t call me that you, you, thing” I said “What do you mean” he asked “YOU’RE A LONE WOLF NOW” I roared “besides Alice was crying after you called her ‘this thing’ last night” “who’s Alice” he spoke “the girl you called ‘this thing’” I said “that wolf was a female?!” he asked “yes” I snapped rudely “please give me another chance” he begged “ok”I said smirking “there will be slight changes to the pack members’ jobs” I said “I don’t care if I’m not alpha, Kaz can be the alpha for all I care, but please I want to be the lead hunter” he pleaded “this can be arranged” I said “Kaz”, I called and he bolted out of the cave “yes Alpha?” he asked politely “You will be the new male alpha” I said “I cannot thank you enough alpha” he said “you may call me Nash now” I said “ok” he said quietly. Once everybody was back at the old den it became night and everybody was fast asleep except me and Alice “What are we doing?” she asked quietly but still very excited “to the hunting grounds, I am going to teach you to hunt at night”I said “Does Kaz know?” she asked “no” I said and we both snickered and ran down the hill into the hunting grounds both of us like pieces of night moving around we skidded to a stop before we fell into a deep, clear lake, we ran around it and continued to the grounds where before we could stop we hit a tall, black, silver eyed, wolf with a white chest and underbelly, with streaks in his tuft of fur on his head, I quickly jumped up and playfully pounced on the wolf “hello Nashy” said the figure “hello Jack”I said “who is this?” Alice asked “my older brother” I said “ you have an older brother?!” Alice asked amazed “of course I do, Ali” I said to her “might this be your daughter?” asked Jack “no” I said but perhaps you’d like to meet my pack” I spoke with a smile, “sure” he said “you can come and meet them” I said “of course” jack said . When we got back to the den Alice ran to go sleep with her parents and I slept with Jack. The next morning Kaz slept in late but shadow and Jack woke up early and greeted each other kindly. I woke up and crept into the den quietly to wake up Kaz so he could meet Jack as he walked out he saw Jack and went to greet him “hello you must be Jack'' Kaz said “I am, so you must be Kaz” “you know, Nashy here talked a lot about you” said Jack “really?” said Kaz “yep” Jack said. Then Jack pulled Kaz aside and spoke to him in a low voice “you treat my sister well or you’ll regret it” Jack threatened when they came back I had fallen asleep again so Kaz woke me up “Leave me alone! I’m tired!” I said, raising my voice and he let me sleep. 2.5 months passed like hours and I now had 7 pups to take care of 1 was a runt but I would make sure she survived. 5 weeks later my 7 pups had their pelts: Ruby had bright blue eyes and a snowy white silky pelt, Luna, the oldest, had a bluish , purplish black flowing pelt with crescent shaped tan splotches and light purple eyes, lilac, lilesto, and Lola all had tan, scrappy, fur and brown eyes, Melanie had pale blue fur and green eyes, and Ashley, a runt, she had silvery eyes like jack, and a black pelt with an even deeper black ridge and no
white whatsoever, even though Kaz was entirely white as was the rest of his family and I had white you could barely see all of my family had at least a small portion of white on their pelts. The next day I was preparing to take Isla to the herb forest when I heard the sounds of Ruby, lilac, lilesto, Lola, and Melanie taunting Ashley and Luna but when I went over to see what was happening, they were just playing together. So I asked Luna what happened , “Ruby and her group of meanies were picking on Ashy so I stood up for her and the were mean to me” she said “I will have your father talk with ruby and the girls, ok” I said softly “ but for now you and ash can come with me” I finished, and we left to go down to the hunting grounds. As we padded down to the grounds a flash of off white flew past us, then again. It stopped in front of us, it was a pup. It had thin heavily matted fur and many scars, it had sharp claws and it’s eyes were silver except for it’s left eye which was blind from a scar, “hello?” I asked nervously. but it only replied with a grunt. “Hello?” I asked louder and less nervously “what?” it said in a low almost growling voice. “You're on pack territory” I said still a bit nervous “I don't care” it replied “well you should” I said shedding the nervous voice and sprouting a more confident one. “Why should I, packie” it asked “well we could kill you if we wanted to”I said growing more confident but it just rolled it’s eyes and bounded away towards the small lake shadow cut my fur at. “HA WIMP” I barked happily only to see a wall of the off-white fur running at me, going full speed. I managed to yelp before crashing to the dewy morning grass, my head hitting last with a thud, then a sudden coyote-like howl struck my ears like nails against a chalkboard, then many yelps. I woke quickly to a body next to me “what happened“ I groaned, “that scum happened“ shadow spat, sticking his snout in the air. face turned from sour to panicked in seconds “kaz, get Nash, isla, Rex, lily, rose, Alex, rally, and Alice to safety, i got the runt” shadow said to kaz. Kaz picked me up after rounding up everyone as fast as possible, darting in and out of trees to get us to safety. Shadow helped the runt up and took off after kaz then he stopped dead in his tracks and bolted for the den collecting my pups and chasing back after kaz.
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