#i just think he's had a really surprisingly consistent career and that most people don't think of him much
tafadhali · 6 months
Shout out to my family for tolerating me even though I cannot watch anything with Peter Krause without saying "Did you realize he has been the lead on a TV show basically continuously since 1998? Three of them long-lasting and very popular or critically acclaimed? Come look at his Wikipedia with me!"
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kinderedgeisc00t · 1 year
Okay, how do I do this,
Let's see uh
Okay I have nothing to copy and paste really, so I'm just going to write from scratch. Bear with me.
Hiiiii I'm Edmund Endless. I'm 18, as of last February. Seems important to put out into the world.
I'm a little weirdo. Or, well a tall one according to some people (is 5'8" tall?), But either way, I fully admit that I am in fact rejecting the term normal when it comes to my identity. I'm in fact very eccentric in between the fact that I consider things like slacks to be casual pants and almost always wear some kind of Hawaiian shirt out in public because I like the design of a short sleeve button up with desgny stuff, that definitely counts.
As far as hobbies go, I've had a bit of time to accumulate some, such as being an artist on paper and digitally, a rudimentary writer in the works, and then I look cooking and playing Minecraft (I am most certainly not a gamer but that will hopefully be something I can work on)
I also like to dress super femme [though, also, I see clothing as a thing all should be able to enjoy free of gendered norms, sooo-]. So far not anything huge since I'm working on getting a job as we speak, but once I have money flowing in, I plan to do more. I think skirts, fishnets, and makeup are all amazing things, and that's not even the start of it.
Edit: I've been considering Gothic Victorian attire... I think it's also called Gothic Lolita? Outfits I've found look cute and i wish I had them now-
Anyway, as mentioned in my blurb at the top, I am neurodivergent. As far as I know I Do have an official diagnosis but I don't know where they are because I was not the one who got them- but anyway I have Autism and ADHD. I like to think of them as additional overlays over my brain (I imagine ADHD as like the weird additional RAM space over with my left hemisphere for example) that have a few drawbacks but generally make me who I am. Everyone is a unique individual and I think that's one of the best things ;]
Formerly I was a proud owner of a surprisingly old cockatiel whom I love and cherish- he got to be 31, nearly 32, this year. And throughout the last summer, I also care for two cats- neither of which have any problem with my bird. Usually it's more a concern of if he'll bite them lol
Since my birds passing I've adopted two rescues who needed a new person and while they're not fully tamed yet, we all enjoy each other and I hope to further the bond with time and effort.
Anyway it's a fair warning that because of that I may or may not understand certain social cues, sarcasm, certain jokes, etc. I definitely understand text tones a little better even before people started employing the /srs or whatever stuff, but it's better to put that out there. I can also be a little blunt, but between autism and experiences, I do try to not be harsh if I can.
Anyway I'm running out of long things to list so I'm just going to put some additional facts down here
- I currently have at least one experience working on an alpaca farm, and as a result I have a couple vague understandings of the stuff that goes on there and why they're quite profitable.
- I really really want to dye a bit of my hair hot pink. I think it would be awesome and very outside the box. [Edit: I DID IT! I'M GONNA DO IT AGAIN eventually]
- I like scary stuff and I like silly stuff, and I especially like it when both are involved. Mainly because I see a lot of the same humor nowadays and horror doesn't always phase me (I was one of those kids who got into FNAF when I was younger so a lot of the feeling of being scared over those kind of things desensitized me a little.)
- I at one point wanted to be a YouTuber as a career, but most likely that will not happen due to the ridiculousness of the platform not likely going to mesh very well with my vocabulary at least half the time consisting of Fuck here and there- which is to say I will probably still eventually get back into that because I wanted to post things on there too.
- I've been getting into baking and I really want to try to make creamy jalapeno popper stuffed chocolate donuts from scratch. I also want to make a pizza from scratch :]
- I love Legos and I like making transformers out of them when I can figure out how to do it.
- I like music that is either from the 50s jazz era, older rock, shitposty songs, and then will wood. I/me/myself babyy :D
- I have read the entire Twilight series and shamelessly admit that I used to think it was the coolest thing when I was younger. Not So much Anymore.
- I'm a big fan of books by Rick riordan, James Patterson, and other obscure artists that right strange cool stories- such as The hitchhiker's guide which I also read the entire trilogy of four books.
- for some reason my default thought to looking cooler involves spikes and leather and you know I can't entirely say why. But I think it makes anyone look instantly cooler to be dressed in at least a cool leather jacket and heeled matching boots.
- I am in fact the person behind the two projects R.O.O.T and Enduralt. The former (Root) which I work on more because that's a long-term project and an original project. The other one (Enduralt) was just something me and an old friend kind of jumped back into for fun and I figured I'd keep the ball rolling as long as I can since I felt like it deserved to have its ideas shown in some capacity.
- I have a C shaped spine last I checked. It doesn't affect a whole lot as long as I'm careful, but I think it's an interesting fact to mention.
- through very roundabout means I am related to Johnny Cash, but not by blood.
- at some point I really want to have the space to build the model of an old car but retrofitted for modern road safety stuff since nowadays you need to have at least a partially electric car to drive on the road. I'd like to have mine look nice and cool.
- this probably should have gone upwards by the cake idea but I really like mixing foods together and at some point I intend to create my ultimate burger I've always dreamed of.
- also my favorite color is magenta and I am frustrated that it is hard to find that color in the kind of clothes I like to get because if I could I would have a lot of nice sweaters and skirts and stuff in magenta and it would be amazing-
Anyway, that's all I can think of right now, so unless I something start reblogging and adding more to the list, that's everything relevant. Feel free to ask more about that stuff and I'll tell stories like the weird uncles/dad friend that I am to people.
How the hell do I pin this-
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zingaplanet · 2 years
I agree soooooooo much with all you said in that answer and especially you saying that it’s difficult to find the right words to describe what they have!!! Looking at it factually, Rafa and Novak have played each other a whole third times more often than Rafa and Roger have (59 to 40 if my memory’s correct) but I have honestly never sensed that kind of… feeling? Between the former as I have between the latter… And that isn’t to say Rafa and Novak or Roger and Novak or all three of them or all four of them with Andy don’t all have something special (After so many hours spent together on court and so much tennis-defining done, it must be so!) but there is a magic (?) about Fedal that transcends words and really does speak to the depth of the bond they share? I always find it hard to describe what exactly they make me feel, even outside any “ship” stuff (that’s just fun and games in the end, anyway) there is something so undeniable between them and I cannot put it into words at all, or rather, words don’t really do it any justice? I could try to write the most beautiful verses about them and it still wouldn’t capture what it means to know someone like that, to the very, very core of one’s being… and being known back the same. Sorry for the super long ask, but please do keep up the long answers if you have the time and energy, they are wonderful to read!
Hahaha don't worry, getting engaged in philosophically long discussions on other people's personal relationships is my favourite thing cause frankly, I DON'T HAVE A LIFE, so keep the asks rolling anons lol
So here's what I think honestly about the big four, or in this specific case if we're being a little honest, the big three and how Roger and Rafa approach their rivalry with Novak differently. I think the tennis world hasn't been kind to Novak (and by god they have their reasons) but if we're looking purely from an objective competitive perspective, I think it's also because the tennis world doesn't really like nor do they have the space to accommodate trios. Tennis has always been, as I mentioned, a very personal relationship between two people, either in doubles (we've seen many strong bonds and stories formed over the years with the Williams sisters and the Bryan brothers), or an intense two-sided rivalry in singles (Sampras-Agassi, Borg-McEnroe, Lendl-Edberg). There's just something mystical about pairs, I guess, and Novak broke through the Federer-Nadal story, he did it consistently and once we've thought we already have all the star players of a golden-era defining generation, and I think this is partly the reason why the other two of the big three didn't feel that particular sense of depth to their rivalry with Novak because THEY ALREADY HAD ONE, they've already had their biggest, career-defining rival to chase or to beat way before he came onto the scene.
Federer-Nadal were basically the ONLY story on the run from 2004 to around 2009, nobody else even came close, they were number 1 and number 2 for so long. And I think this initial period is the key to why the tennis world held their rivalry superior for so long but also to why they themselves did it. Firstly because the early 2000s saw a crucial transition from the older Sampras-Agassi generation to a new one, one that is surprisingly much more stronger than the previous one (Federer actually beat Sampras and Agassi multiple times, instead of just picking over their leftover crowns). When he became world number 1 and frankly with little competition (Hewitt and Roddick never really managed to beat him), there was a dominance established that somehow the whole tennis world feels is lacking something, a restlessness that doesn't exactly settle, and Federer himself actually feels it, I think, he references in a couple interviews that there was simply, in the humblest term, not enough exciting competition. And this changed when Rafa came into the frame, and he did it in the most staggering way, barely 17, beating the world number 1 and winning a first grand slam final against him. From then on, I think, they have already made a story for themselves, for Federer that this was a new challenge for him, and for Rafa, that he can now truly chase his idol on an equal level. The intense ranking chase going on from 2004 until 2008 was I feel something that the tennis world hasn't seen before and will probably never see again. It feels as if the balance is finally restored and the world is finally set right again. Tennis is somehow saved, because healthy competition at the very top level is the heart and soul of every sport.
As for Roger and Rafa personally, I think these formative years were the foundations of why they will always consider their rivalry to be the most important of their careers, regardless of the number of meetings, titles, or head to heads, simply because of its personal significance. Rafa became world number 1 for the first time chasing Roger, he won his first grand slam and Wimbledon against Federer. Federer lost his first grand slam final against Nadal, and truly felt the brunt of mortality when he lost his number 1 to Nadal, he was quite simply flying on wings and only realising that he could at some point fall. But that also reinvented his game, made him appreciate his wins more and as he later on admitted, made him fall in love with tennis and competition again.
Lastly, on this very long answer of an ask that you have now definitely regret asking (lol), I also think it's because of the very strange and almost psychically fated nature of their beings. They are literally polar opposites in an almost poetic way, not just in their extreme reverse style of plays but also in terms of their personal lives in general and they both knew it. Federer is the epitome of Swiss calmness and elegance, he doesn't actually show that much emotion on court, he literally grew up in the Swiss Alps (lol) and Nadal is the ever-passionate Spaniard, who wears his whole heart on his sleeves and was born and forever in love with his island Mallorca and the sea. I think there's never a truer example of opposites attract than them both. But the bottom line is, differences don't actually form a bond, it's the realisation that underneath all of these supposed opposites, there is a realisation that actually, they're also as close and as similar a person as they can be. Rafa even mentioned this again in their last presser, that they have very similar outlooks on life, and relating to my previous answer, they are two sides of the same coin, the only ones who can be as close as possible to 'live' the other's life.
I think that, is very frankly, one of the most whacky, poetic, and beautiful things the universe has ever designed, that underneath it all, those we thought our enemies were actually our brothers, and those we thought our opposites were actually the ones who're always there all along.
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3desiderium3 · 3 years
For your love
chapter two - Venus Doom
[ series masterlist ]
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pairings : reader x damiano david
story summary : damiano and reader are in very loving relationship that sometimes almost too quickly becomes too toxic for anyone likings
chapter warning (s) : basically I want to describe you how I imagine Y/Ns and Damianos relationship in the best way possible.
slight angst , mentions of corruption , mentions of sex , mentions of abuse and some mental illnesses , god complex , mentions of various kinks ,
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song recommendation - venus doom
Damiano David was a very complex person. He was a very hard to define persona. Adored and respected by many who knew him or not , never feared but was certainly often a main topic of various gossips.
He was very energetic and optimistic person , he loved to provide good time for the people around him but he also expected to be entertained. He was so artistic and charismatic, he had this cloudy velvety aura that could describe him as royalty.
He wanted everything or nothing .
He wanted to be dominant in every field he could reach. He was hardworking and stubborn.
He had a vision he didn't hesitate to fulfil.
His looks and his self presentation was mainly an act put up as guarding system and some sort of mechanism to prevent himself from bad outcomes.
Only his closest family , his bandmates ( whomst are also practically a family to him ) and his beloved dearest lover knew him truly.
Y/N however , knew him better than he did himself .
She was the first girl he let under his skin and under his layers of colours , luxurious presentations and egoistic posture.
He was bewitched by her. He opened himself up in all sort of ways he could to her.
She was the first girl he was making love to , not simply just fucking , but making love to, the first girl he ever cried in front of , the first one he introduced his ENTIRE family to , the first one he considered having their own family with etc .. etc ..
She was simply love of his life.
There was nothing much more to say about him than either to praise him or despite him.
Depending on if you wanted to be him / with him or if he stole your girl.
He was a sweet manipulative heartbreaker who was just simply along his fame and talent bored to death.
He cared about his physical appearance a lot , he took extra care when it came to facial and body hygiene and he loved to look good and markable.
He loved to dress fancy and he loved to wear accessories , he loved being in some dim spotlight.
He meet Y/N through his band mate Thomas , almost 3 years ago , and now they are dating 2 years in a row. Never breaking up but constantly fighting.
Her family loved him , I mean , everybody in her surrounding did. But their not so hidden aggressive and toxic relationship was not something they tried hiding.
He never laid a hand on her , only when fucking , he never cheated on her , only flirted to make her pissed , he maybe once beaten up a guy for talking to her , he never controlled her movements or tried changing her habits but he did liked to make bitchy comments trying to hide his jealousy and concern.
He had a huge pride along his ego that he was so damn skilled at hiding , but Y/N saw it instantly.
He was in fact often insecure when it came to dating , especially if it was a relationship he cared about.
He was not insecure about his looks , his habits , his actions , way of making love to a girl or if someone liked him or not. He was insecure if he is good enough at pleasing his partner in a spiritual and sensual way.
I repeat what I said . He always must be dominant.
So , in a situation like this , where you have a person whomst is consisted of su much pride and ego and insecurities , what are you going to do?
Y/N questioned her sanity and her mental health so many god damn times.
She was thinking for herself almost every second or third day if this is really what she wants for herself ? Is this the person she swears her life upon?
And million yes in a row.
Damiano was a complex person with some certain needs that was just simply afraid of losing the most valuable person in his life.
His pride was not allowing him to admit that to her verbally , but his actions ( which Y/N knew like they where hers) gave him away.
So instead of reassuring himself somehow that their relationship is not in danger when it came to those simply and silly small things they fight over each day , he became violent and possessive.
His toxic and deadly behaviour and perfect skill of manipulation was the any way he thought was possibly good enough to keep her beside him.
She got hooked onto him.
She couldn't live a day without him. She would rather fight and yell at him than to leave him. He was her everything and so was she to him.
They where not so different. Y/N was also very capable of getting her way through manipulations and coping his actions.
But believe me... They where the sweetest and most dear people you could stumble upon.
They where both very supportive of each others carriers , they always had cute dates planned ahead and they had surprisingly the same hobbies.
They simply adored each other.
They where madly in love and it was taking over their racional reactions.
When a huge dramatic beyond the borders fight happens between them Y/N either gets kicked out of their apartment for the night or she simply leaves by herself.
In those times the only safe place is her parents house and she often heard her mother repeat the same damn words.
" Y/N I love that boy so much and he is very dear to me and your father as well , but he crossed the line again, you should start to consider if he is the healthiest option for you. "
Y/N hated her mother for being so right in such times.
Their mutual mental health was not a thing to brag about. They never mentioned paying visits to some kind of relationship adviser. They thought it was not needed , that they can handle themselves the best.
But Y/N did seek for some professional help and Damiano did not hold her back. He was happy even to hear about it. He never considered going for himself but he was happy and somehow sad that his lover could open to someone professional who could help her out with coping around stressful situations.
He was more than aware that he was causing her the most damage.
Their apartment was cozy , creamy coloured and modern. Their fashion taste was opposite yet similar.
They had a small dog and 2 gold fishes. They also planned to move into a bigger house with bigger yard once they decide on having family.
Damiano was convinced him and Y/N would be the most amazing parents a child could wish for , both of them spoiling their children with love and switching between good and bad cop role. He wanted a girl and a boy , in that order.
But he also wanted to focus on his career , Y/N as well.
Maybe those children will bring them closer to that inner peace they are eagerly searching for.
When it came to appearing together in public places they had one simple rule.
If I am not coming neither are you. They all shared mutual friends and they where always invited together on events and such things.
There was a difference actually.
When the band Måneskin, in which Damiano was lead singer , was invited somewhere Y/N always came , often mistaken for the 5th member or their menager. But in fact she way jealous of everyone landing an eye on her glorious boyfriend.
Those nights went peacefully some might say. But they didn't see the hand or thigh gripping under the table , the oral sex in public restrooms and silent eye language of hate and despite in their eyes . The kind of language only Y/N and Damiano knew for.
Y/N had a lot of friends. She was never forbidden to see them and she could go whenever as long as she was telling him where and with who she was , never turning her location off and always answering his calls and messages.
He had no problem with it , after all he followed her around secretly. She found out maybe 2 times out of 102.
Damiano is a type of ' a small circle of close friends and wide circle of acquaintances ' person. Victoria , Thomas and Ethan witnessed many fights of theirs.
Y/Ns best friend Y/Bsf/N as well.
The 4 of them would often exchange worried looks on their faces as Y/N would throw things at Damiano and he would shout such filthy and problematic stuff at her.
Ethan and Victoria had an intern joke that soon became something they rarely mention cause in each da they became more and more concerned for their friends.
" I don't need to watch porn , all I need to do is imagine Y/N and Damiano fucking after fight. "
Everyone thought that it was a phase these two lost themselves in. But it was not.
And it never got worse , it was always the same old tiring stuff between them.
Both of them where hard smokers , never considering doing drugs or overdosing with alcohol. Tho Damiano knew to drink beyond his abilities.
" If both of them would stop smoking , they could build two skyscrapers on the spot in one day. " Thomas and Y/Ns dad joked oftenly.
Thomas was the closest to Y/N out of the other band members. Damiano was never jealous of him neither did he felt like he could ruin their relationship.
First reason was that Thomas was the one who met them and thanks to who Damiano found the love of his life.
Second reason was that Thomas was beyond scared to even try thinking of doing something more than friendly to Y/N.
Victoria and Y/N had such a great friendship indeed. Having rare but meaningful girls night and sleepovers and rants about everything.
They cooked , went in shopping and shared topics about everything together.
Victoria was there for Y/N so many times listening to her cry on her shoulder about Damiano being an asshole.
Ethan was a huge softie for Y/N , he saw role model in her and he had just an amazing amount of respect for her. There was so much adoration between these two.
Damianos and Y/Ns sex life was yet another (not so much surprisingly) aggressive but consentive thing in their relationship.
It was built on mutual respect towards their partners needs. Simple as that is Damiano would never do and has never done something to make Y/N uncomfortable , same goes for her to him.
Before even sleeping together for the first time they detailedly talked about everything they where and where not interested in.
Their sex was rough, fast , aggressive , filled with degradation coming from his side.
Damiano was a switch top , but when it came to his so to say submissive side , it was expressed in very small amounts .
He loved being in charge , he was very flexible and he loved to use his tongue a lot , he loves to blindfold her and torture her , he loves slapping and biting into her soft creamy skin , shoulders , neck and chest especially.
He loved when Y/N left marks on his back and thighs from her sharp nails , he loved how she took good care of her hygiene and now she smelled.
He loved her hair and loved to squish her thighs. Did I mentioned he was into biting?
Y/N was flexible when it came to kinks , but she was definitely a switch bottom , it was just that she wasn't interested in being dominant and there was no need for it in her opinion.
She knew how to seduce Damiano , she knew very well.
After each time they slept together , regardless if it was fucking to realise all that stress or if it was love making he would always , but always ask her the same.
'Was it good , how are you feeling mio amore?'
Mio amore or simply amore was his favourite nickname for her . Aftercare was huge kink for them.
Damiano was not into letting Y/N leave visible marks on him , neither was he so much into marking her visible spots but sometimes when rage blinds him her porcelain heck is his canvas.
He loved planned dates and he loved bringing her various flowers every third or forth day. He never forgot about a single special day of theirs and he sometimes remembers the birthdays of her family members even before her.
He loved , and i mean loved spoiling her with gifts. Y/N also loved giving him gifts but more than that she loved to cook with him some delicious and various meals.
Damiano and Y/N where not near the perfect. But they where madly in love. And no one could ever take that away from them
A/N sooo as i sad on the beginning this is my personal view of the relationship these to have going on. This was in fact inspired by my personal experience and i want this story not fully to be a smut or nsfw but a kinda lovey one , just wanna say this is not kind of behaviour you should tolerate or romanticize !
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june2734 · 3 years
The Short Lived Golden Age of Nerdy Web Shows
There was a time between the years of, let's say, 2007 to 2015 that I like to call the golden age of nerdy web shows. It consisted of a lot of small low to no budget productions that had a lot of heart, the kind you just don't see very often anymore for some reason. Many of these show have found a dedicated home on streaming services like The Fantasy Network, some have even gained enough steam to be featured on big name services like Netflix and Amazon like The Guild and LARPs The series respectively. I'm not exactly sure why the web show trend died out so hard, maybe the crowds just aren't there for them anymore like they use to be with some many pieces of high budget productions on streaming services vying for their attention. Every once and a while I'll jump onto Google to try and find new web shows that have that same heart and feel but rarely if ever do I come up with anything. As far as I can tell the only place new nerdy low to mid budget web shows or films gets any attention is at GenCon or small streaming services like The Fantasy Network. Who knows if there will ever be another nerdy heartfelt web show created that captures the spirit of those old series I hold so dear to my heart, but regardless if it happens or not I'd like to bring some attention to a few of my favorites. They may be old by the standards of the internet and maybe even cheesy by today's standards, but I really think they were something special and if you give them a shot maybe you'll think so too. If you have any others that you think would fit in with shows like this feel free to let me know.
The Gamers: Hands Of Fate
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Zombie Orpheus Entertainment use to be one of my favorite channels for nerdy fantasy related content back in the day. You could always see the quality and passion that they put into every piece of content they out out on their channel. They're still around today but they've shifted their focus to other ventures such as the ever popular trend of live streaming table top games rather then making scripted content. That being said their old stuff is still well worth a watch and The Gamers series, particularly The Gamers: Hands of Fate, is some of their best work they’ve ever put out. The series centers around a group of table top gamers(the same that can be found in most of the other The Gamers creations by ZOE), particularly the character by the name of Cass, as he steps into the world of one extremely popular card game hopes of impressing a woman who's a huge fan of it. But this is seemingly simple premise is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to this series. The show also features a secondary narrative that involves the characters that actually exist in the card game as as the players decisions in the real world effect their lives and leads one character, Buckstahue(not sure if I’m spelling that right), in particular to start questioning what mysterious forces are controlling their lives. The show is a real treat filled with twists and turns I never saw coming, it's fascinating seeing how the real world actions of this card game effects the card characters lives as well as question if and when Buckstahue will figure out what strings control her actions. The stories surrounding the other characters in the party might not be as engaging but they are by no means a weak point of the series either, many of their subplots are engaging in their own rights and pay off certain character moments established in proper The Gamers creations. If this peaks your interest then the series can still be found on Zombie Orpheus's Youtube channel or as a movie on The Fantasy Network. ZOE had pivoted more towards live streaming as opposed to the scripted content of their past but I'd love to see more content from The Gamers one day. Source
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LARPs The Series
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LARPs The Series first premiered at GenCon 2014 and took home the award for Best Independent Series. The year after it was picked up by Geek and Sundry as a part of a push for more scripted content on the channel which was where I and many others first got a chance to watch it. When the short trailer for popped up on the G&S channel everything about it screamed that I was absolutely going to love it, and I wasn’t wrong. The series centers around a 4 man party of larpers (AKA Live Action Role Players) by the names of Will, Brittany, Arthur and Sam and their DM (Dungeon Master) Evan as we follow their lives in and out of the game. The show is surprisingly heartfelt and sympathetic towards the characters involved in this often misunderstood and mocked hobby as it shows how larping enriches their often turbulent lives and connects them all as friends on a deep and meaningful level. These characters felt real and you really rooted for them as they deal with, work, relationships and the many other hurtles of adult life as they wait eagerly to gear up for whatever peril might befall them in their next campaign session. The show was also pretty hilarious, seeing them play out classic predicaments that any party, whether they be larpers or table top roleplayers, have experienced such as one player trying to roll to kill a tavern owner or romances between PCs were always a joy to watch unfold.  Another thing that most will notice right away is how the production value and direction are surprisingly astounding as well, especially in season 2. I was shocked by just how much quality was put into the show from the costumes and sets as well as from a writing standpoint. If you're interested in checking out the show then it can be found on Amazon Prime but they can also still be viewed for free on YouTube or in The Fantasy Network. Beanduck, the production company behind LARPs The series, is working towards a funding campaign in hopes of earning enough to produce a third season so if you have any spare change you might want to toss it their way in support. Regardless if you decide to help or not, LARPs The Series is a show that I think any nerdy individual will enjoy. Source
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Glitch was another show produced by the team over at Zombie Orpheus Entertainment, but it never seemed to get the same kind of love as many of their other productions. The concept was brilliant: What if one day you woke up and found out your life operated on the logic of video games? Well this is the predicament that a programing temp nicknamed Glitch finds himself in. Most episodes of the show centered around particular game mechanics causing problems in his and his friends lives and how he tries to figure out ways to work around or fix problems they've created. Glitch, Wyatt and Samus were all fantastic characters and it was always fun seeing Glitch trying to work through some real world problem with game logic like trying to flirt with a woman he likes using a conversation wheel like in Mass Effect or figuring out how to "defeat" his boss at work who he see's as an actual game boss. Another thing I liked about the show was how the characters really felt like real people I knew, they played games on the couch, debated about which Sci-Fi starship captains were the best, and they grilled each other in nerdy ways while working in slang from their favorite bits of nerd culture into their daily vocabulary. I always hoped that ZOE would eventually put out a second season but unfortunately for whatever reason that never became a reality. Now days the channel that originally hosted Glitch has changed their name to Burger Orchard and rarely if ever uploads anything, but luckily those original episodes of Glitch can still be found on their. Give it a watch, it's short but sweet and if you really enjoyed the show a lot there are little companion shorts that can also be found on the channel. Source
The Street Fighter
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The Game Station was an early find for me back in my early college days, and I'm not ashamed to admit that I shaved away many hours watching all kinds of gaming related content on that channel instead of studying for exams. One production, created by one of the channels founders Layne Pavoggi, which came out in late 2011 and was a cut above much their already fantastic content was a short lived series was called The Street Fighter. The series centered around a single dad by the name of Phil who has just lost his job and decides to take up a short career as a professional Street Fighter player to provide for his son as well as keep his mind off of the stressful and highly competitive job market. This a real underdog story that’s extremely reminiscent of old sports 80s films where the protagonist has everything working against them, with that being said you might think that such a trope filled narrative would make things a little predictable and you wouldn’t be wrong but there’s still plenty to love since this concept has really never been explored with videogame to my knowledge. Phil is a guy you’d be hard pressed not to warm up to, especially when you see him interacting with his preteen son Ryan or his best friend/semi love interest Camile (played by former All That star and all around spectacular person Lisa Foiles). Seeing him trying to make his way into the job market, taking odd jobs here and there just to try and get by while also playing Street Fighter to destress and become better for the sake of winning a competition for money to support his son really makes to root for him through all of it. One aspect of the show that I really this is fantastic is how it feels truly authentic to the FGC (Fighting Game Community) when it comes to talking about all of the technical aspects of play Street Fighter on a competitive level. There are moments when Phil goes into detail about his “bread and butter” combos or talks about different strategies when it comes to taking on different characters compared to his main. The show was short lived but it can still be found on The Game Stations channel, if you’re looking for a heartfelt underdog story then I highly recommend giving The Street Fighter a shot. Source
Versus Valerie
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Versus Valerie is a bit of series finale for a fictional character created by Hannah Spear for the character more commonly known as the Sexy Nerd Girl on her YouTube channel. Even if you didn't watch the characters vlogs over the years leading up to the web series I still think you'll find something to enjoy in this extremely charming show. It centers around Valerie Lapomme, the titular Sexy Nerd Girl, as she lives life hanging out with with her best friend Guy, shopping for comic books, going on dates, vlogging, and trying to make something of herself as a mid 20 something living in Toronto. The brilliant thing about this series is how each episode is structured like or makes homage to popular shows, films and games such as Star Wars, Doctor Who, Memento, and The Matrix just to name a few. On top of that the show is surprisingly well produced and written for something that spawned from a fictional vlog series, Valarie and Guy are much more fleshed out and all the characters including them have some really fantastic character arcs and moments in the show. Valerie’s awkwardness and extremely nerdy imagination felt embracingly relatable to me personally since I often imagine different situations in my life in relation to my own nerdy fandoms. What I was often taken aback by when I first watched the show years ago was just how enjoyable all of the episodes were in their own special way, and the pay off of it all really feels like a proper satisfying ending to the strange and imaginative journey we’ve been on with Valerie. If it peaks your interest at all then you can still find the full series on the Veruse Valerie YouTube channel as well as some of the vlogs prior to the series on the Sexy Nerd Girl channel as well. It’s well worth a viewing and aside from the fantastic lead characters of Guy and Valerie the show also managed to grab Mark Meer as a supporting character, aka the voice of COMMANDER MOTHER F^*$(^% SHEPARD BABY!!!  Source
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