#anyway thanks again to my family for hearing about this like 23 times
tafadhali · 6 months
Shout out to my family for tolerating me even though I cannot watch anything with Peter Krause without saying "Did you realize he has been the lead on a TV show basically continuously since 1998? Three of them long-lasting and very popular or critically acclaimed? Come look at his Wikipedia with me!"
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Birthday Plans - Charles Leclerc
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<word count - 5161>
warnings - smut near the end, nothing too hardcore
The bright sunlight streaming through the curtains of yours and Charles' bedroom window disturbed Charles, and gently ushered him awake. He turned onto his side, expecting to see you lying beside him. Much to his disappointment, you weren't there.
"Baby?" he called out, but his voice was drowned out by the silence of your apartment. That was odd, he thought, since he hadn't noticed your departure. Normally, he would feel the temperature drop beside him and the bed would shift slightly, but he hadn't even realised.
Wanting to find you, he reluctantly pulled himself out of the warm and cozy confines of your bed, and padded through your apartment to find you. As he walked through the hall, he spotted random pieces of confetti sprinkled about the floor.
That was when it dawned on him. Checking his phone, he saw what day it was. 16/10/23. He couldn't believe that he'd actually forgotten that today was his birthday, and he realised exactly where you were. He also couldn't believe that you had let him forget.
For the past three years since you had been together, you had made his birthday the biggest deal of the year, without fail. Whether it be organising the biggest party he had ever been to, fully comprised of all of the people he loved and cared about on his yacht, to a quiet day in with his family.
This year, he had asked for nothing too over the top, since he just wanted to spend the day with his favourite person in the world. "My love?" he called out again, but he didn't expect a response. The double doors through to the kitchen were closed, which was odd, since you usually left them open.
Opening them, he was greeted with the loud pop of a confetti cannon, and a shower of red confetti. "Happy birthday baby!" You shouted as he walked through the door. Charles gazed around at the balloons stuck to the walls and lying on the floor, and plenty of birthday banners plastered about the room.
"Thank you, my love," he smiled, pulling you into a hug.
Turning out of the hug, you stepped over to the kitchen table, before skipping over to Charles and placing the party hat atop his ruffled locks. "Seriously?" he asked with a cocked brow. "Obviously, the birthday boy has to wear a party hat!" you playfully scoffed, putting one on too.
"Well thank you for all of the effort, sweetheart, I appreciate it," he told you, pulling you in for a kiss. Even if he was certain you enjoyed the thoughts of his birthday more then he did, it was always made a better celebration when you were planning it.
He wasn't looking forward to the fact that he was turning a year older, he was looking forward to the bright smile on your face when you got to show him whatever you had planned. Despite him telling you over and over that you didn't have to put so much effort into it, you always ignored his protests and did it anyway.
He always put effort into making things special for you, so you thought it was only fair that you did the same for him at any given opportunity - even if he didn't allow much room for someone other than you to be spoilt.
You just enjoyed the day that you got to celebrate him, since he was always celebrating you and you were able to make him priority for this one special day.
"Would you like to know what I have planned for today?" You asked, leaving your arms linked around his neck as his stayed on your waist. "Yes I would, I want to hear what you're going to do to try and outdo yourself," he told you.
"Well then you might be a bit disappointed, it's not very flashy" you winced, knowing this year's plan wouldn't be as extravagant as those of previous years. "I don't need it to be flashy, baby. You know we could do nothing and it'd be a great use of time spent," he said.
"So, I have invited Carlos, Arthur, Pierre and Kika over for some drinks and maybe some games, y'know, fun stuff," you explained, hoping he would like the sound of it. "Now that is my kind of night," he smiled, gently kissing your forehead. 
"I'm glad you think so,"
"Does anyone want another drink?" You asked, hopping out of your seat and looking around at the group of people sat around you. "Y/N, I can get them, you sit," Carlos offered, but you shook your head.
"I'm already up, but thanks," you dismissed, collecting empty glasses that wanted to be filled. Charles watched intently as you were running around, playing hostess. You were making sure everyone was well taken care of, and he could see you pacing around the kitchen, making sure everyone got the drink they wanted.
He was mesmerised by the way your dress clung to you in all of the perfect places and he was infatuated by the way you moved. You brought through the numerous different drinks that everyone wanted, and Charles noticed that you didn't have one when you sat down.
"Are you not having one, my love?" Charles leant in to ask while the others talked about something that you weren't quite listening to. "No, I've had two, so I'll stop there," you smiled, not wanting to get too drunk.
"Come on, have a bit of fun. It is my birthday, after all," he said, giving you those puppy eyes that were too damn irresistible. "Fine, I'll have one," you caved instantly as a triumphant grin spread on Charles' face. That was the grin that came out when he'd gotten his own way.
You went to stand, but a firm hand on your shoulder pushed you back down into your seat. "Sit, I've got it," he said, standing and disappearing into the kitchen. He was back shortly after, handing you a glass with some sort of clear, bubbling liquid inside of it.
"What is it?" You asked, sniffing it to try and discern what it could be, to no avail.
"Drink it and I'll tell you," he smirked. You took a sip, and you still couldn't quite tell what it was. It was slightly bitter, but the edge was taken off by a hint of sweetness, and it tasted faintly of some sort of berries. "That is very nice, whatever it is," you told him, drinking some more.
Suddenly, that triumphant grin appeared on his face again. "I knew I'd get you to like gin and tonic at some point," he chuckled, winking at you. 
"This isn't like the stuff you've been giving me," you scoffed, rolling your eyes at him.
"It's the one Arthur brought, it's in the kitchen if you want more," he smiled, taking your free hand in his and intertwining your fingers together. "Y/N, have you still got Twister?" Kika tipsily giggled. Her, Carlos and Arthur had been drinking slightly more than you, Charles and Pierre, so they were all rosy cheeked and giggling a lot.
"I sure do," you smiled, going over to the cabinet and producing the colourful box of the beloved game. Kika clapped, and Charles looked downright mortified. He was never a massive fan of the game, but he liked to see you have fun, so he allowed it.
"Ok, so we'll do the Leclercs' vs the rest of us,'' she said, and you were slightly confused.
"Four on two? How is that fair?" You asked with your eyebrows furrowed.
"You're technically a Leclerc, so you play with Charles and Arthur," she smiled, and Carlos and Pierre smirked at Charles. "You might as well be at this point," Charles muttered, smiling at you. Without anymore deliberation, Kika leapt up and set the plastic mat out on the floor.
"Charles, pick your challenger," she said, gesturing towards Pierre and Carlos, who were both reluctant to play - but it was all in good fun. "Carlos, you're one of the least flexible people I know, come on," Charles said, pushing himself off of his chair.
As the round went on, you span the spinner to see what Carlos would be doing next. "Carlos, left foot red," you laughed, looking at the tangled mess that he was in. His arms were crossed, and he somehow had to get his left foot under the entirety of his body to reach the red dot.
"It's not possible!" He complained as he tried to stretch his leg underneath him. As he groaned in discomfort, everyone was just laughing at him. Charles, who was also in a pretty compromising position was laughing too as Carlos' limbs collapsed beneath him and he clattered down to the floor with a thud.
"That was impossible," he huffed as he led on the mat on the floor as Charles stood and stretched his arms and legs out. "Good game, mate," Charles cockily grinned, offering a hand out to Carlos to help him up.
"Yeah, whatever," Carlos chuckled, hoisting himself up with Charles' help.
"So that is 1-0 to team Leclerc, Arthur and Pierre, you're up next," Kika smiled, straightening the mat out for the next round. Pierre and Arthur both groaned, reluctantly standing out of their chairs and standing beside the Twister mat.
Unfortunately for Team Leclerc, Pierre bested Arthur, leaving the game on your's and Kika's shoulders. "Y/N, you and me, let's go," she challenged, kicking her heels off to the side.
"Oh it's getting serious now," Pierre teased as he had to miss the flying heels that were coming in his direction. "I don't like to lose," she smirked, pointing at her boyfriend.
"Neither do I," you countered, leaving your heels beside Charles' chair as you stood to challenge Kika. "It's 1-1, let's see who can come out on top," Arthur said like he was presenting a football match or something. "Wait, so you're telling me we could have just let these two do it and our rounds didn't matter for anything?" Carlos asked.
"Yes," you nodded, and you watched the poor guy's face just drop.
"So I didn't even have to go through the pain and suffering that I went through?" he asked again, and everyone started giggling at him. "Sorry Carlos, the game is the game," Charles laughed, and Carlos looked dejected. "I am never hanging out with you guys again," he scoffed with feigned seriousness.
"Sure you aren't, Carlos," Arthur said, receiving a playful punch on the arm due to his comment. "OK, you two, OK, Y/N, right hand blue," Pierre instructed, flicking the spinner with his finger for Kika's turn.
You had your back to Charles, so you bent over to place your right hand on the blue circle. Your dress only barely covered your ass, and it took every ounce of self-control that he held in his being to not find an excuse to get you into any room in the house and have his way with you.
But, he had to remain a gentleman while your friends were there - even if he was going to find that incredibly hard. Especially when you looked as good as you did. He had to avert his eyes and look anywhere in the room but at you, but he was struggling immensely.
Thankfully for him, or not so much, his sinful thoughts were interrupted by Pierre giving you the instruction to put your left foot also on blue. He had dodged a bullet there, but Twister was most certainly going to send another huge one flying at him.
"Are you kidding me?" you exclaimed a few rounds later, as your left hand was supposed to go on the nearest yellow, which was underneath Kika's back. The problem with this was you were doing a crab over Kika, so you wouldn't be able to balance. "Just give it a go, you'll be fine," Carlos collared, loving seeing you two in a compromising position too.
By some miracle, you managed to balance yourself whilst still hovering over Kika. "So the next one is..." Pierre dragged out as he slowly spun the spinner.
"Pierre, hurry up!" Kika squawked, and you wanted him to hurry up too. Your muscles were aching as you held yourself in place. "OK, so, Kika, left foot green," he said, and all she had to do was stretch her leg out by one circle. "Y/N, right foot blue,"
"If I do this, I will flash you all, so look away," you tipsily laughed. Normally you wouldn't have done it, but there was alcohol running through your veins, so the logical and self-preserving part of your brain wasn't in full working order.
Arthur and Pierre averted their eyes, but Carlos looked for that second too long. "Carlos." Charles scolded as the Spaniard defensively held his hands up. He wasn't being disrespectful, he simply reacted too late.
Charles couldn't take his eyes off you, spread out all pretty for him as he uncomfortably shifted in his seat. His resolve was crumbling, and he was counting down the seconds until everyone left you alone. As soon as that door was closed, his hands were going to be all over you.
"Kika, left hand-" Pierre started, but her limbs too gave in under her. You breathed a sigh of relief as you were able to stand up, and your muscles were aching. "And team Leclerc win!" Arthur exclaimed, raising his arms in celebration.
"That was a tough one," you sighed, high-fiving Kika as she took a seat next to Pierre. There weren't any seats left, since Carlos had sat on the floor before Twister started. "Y/N, sit here, I can move," Arthur offered, noticing how there weren't any seats left.
"No, no, you sit down. I can sit on the floor," you dismissed, walking to Charles' side and attempting to sit down. "Absolutely not," Charles said, grabbing your wrist and tugging you onto his lap. You draped your legs over the side of the chair as your arms comfortably wrapped around his neck.
His hands found their perfect position on your waist as you leant your weight onto him. "My girl doesn't sit on the floor, especially not on my birthday," he whispered into your ear, his breath hot on your skin.
His words sent tingled up your spine, and you had to repress a shiver as you sat with him. "Can we do a round of this?" Kika piped up, snatching the Five Second Rule from the shelf beside her, and everyone audibly groaned.
"Just one round, please?" she asked, and you all caved in and thought it could be fun.
"Charles." You stated, tilting away from him as you looked at the car in your hand.
"Baby." he responded, intently looking at you as he waited for you to read him the prompt. "Name three vegetables!" you told him, turning the 5 second timer upside down as it made that strange noise. "Carrot, pea..." he fumbled, his brain short-circuiting as he couldn't think.
"Carrot!" he exclaimed as the timer ran out. For a second, everyone fell silent, and Charles looked utterly confused. "Carrot pea carrot? Name three vegetables and you say carrot pea carrot?"
"That's three vegetables, isn't it- Oh shit," he said as he realised what he had done. Everyone started chuckling, and you were just flabbergasted. "Carrot and carrot are the same vegetable, Charles. I know you don't cook very often, but I'm sure you have the ability to know that carrot and carrot are the same thing!" you ranted, and everyone was crying of laughter.
"Baby, there's no need to make it personal," Charles chuckled, trying to keep a straight face. "There are so many different vegetables in this world, and you name two of the most basic ones, and one of them twice. You adore pasta, and you have forgotten about the humble tomato. Maybe a pepper?" you carried on, and Carlos was practically rolling on the floor with laughter.
"I'm sorry, my love, I'm sorry," he laughed, kissing you on the cheek. You simply rolled your eyes at him as everyone calm down. "Carrot pea carrot my god," you muttered, and Charles chuckled at you.
As the six of you talked and sipped at the remnants of your drinks, you slowly shifted on Charles' lap to get more comfortable. "That is a dangerous game, baby," he said lowly in your ear. You couldn't help but shift a little more, as his hands braced on your waist to keep you still.
One of Charles' hands steadily moved along the inside of your thigh, his fingertips tracing the skin. He was getting dangerously close to you, as his fingers brushed over the thin lace that was the final barrier between him and you.
"Hey, later," you winked at him and you pushed his hand away. There was no chance you'd be able to keep yourself from being calm and inconspicuous if you let him do what he wanted to do. You wanted it, but you would never be able to live down the embarrassment if anyone caught you.
You all talked for another hour or so, and they all stood up to leave. You hugged everyone and waved them out of the door, and you were glad the night was such a success. You had enjoyed yourself, everyone else had enjoyed themselves, and -most importantly- Charles had enjoyed himself.
Once you had closed the door, you picked some glasses up off the tables and took them over to the sink to wash them. You couldn't be bothered to wash them now, so you just left them in the sink. You were putting away some of the bottles into the cupboards, and Charles appeared in the doorway.
For a moment, he just let himself watch you. He had behaved for the whole night, but now his resolve had fully crumbled and he rushed up to you. "Hey, you-" you started, but were abruptly cut off by him pressing his lips to yours as he lifted you onto the kitchen counter.
The marble was cold on the backs of your thighs, and it sent shivers through your body. "You have been driving me crazy all night, you know that?" he told you between kisses. You could taste the alcohol on his lips as his kisses became more aggressive, more desperate.
"I probably could have guessed that," you smirked against his lips, running your hands across his chest and over his shoulders. His hands slid up your thighs, pushing the skirt of your dress over your thighs and hips.
As your fingers fiddled with the buttons of his shirt, you saw the hunger in his eyes. The pure lust. "Just because it's your birthday, you can do whatever. You. Want," you whispered, and you knew you could have just gotten yourself into something dangerous. 
"Well then that makes this easier," he smirked, his lips ghosting across your neck and down your chest. "I have been wanting to do this for hours, but you just had to go and make things difficult for me, didn't you?" he playfully scolded, gently nipping at the skin on your shoulders.
The white fabric of his shirt was sent fluttering to the floor as you slid it off and over his shoulders. Your hands moved to his belt next, but he effortlessly tugged your wrist away. "Not yet, I want to see you squirm for me first," he said, slithering his hands up the sides of your thighs and to your hips, his fingers hooking into the flimsy slithers of lace that sat there.
He slipped the garment over your thighs and down your legs, discarding them to the floor just like his shirt. Charles looked at you with those big green eyes, keeping them locked on yours as he sunk to his knees in front of you. His eyes still trained on yours, he placed a hand on either knee and spread your legs as he slotted himself in between them.
"God have you been this wet for me all night? I would have sent everyone home earlier if I had known," he smirked, placing soft kisses up the insides of your thighs, nibbling on them every now and then. You shuffled closer to the edge of the counter, hoping he would take the subtle hint.
"So desperate for me, but I'm feeling nice. How could I make my gorgeous girl wait?" He teased, kissing dangerously close to you. You were desperate for it, he had gotten that completely right. You were positively throbbing for it. Without another word, he licked a thick stripe up your dripping folds.
You leant back against the kitchen cabinets, tangling your hands in his hair as he kept your legs split open with his hands. Every now and then, he would attach his lips around your sensitive bundle of nerve endings, just to keep you on edge. His tongue teased your entrance as you tugged on his hair even harder.
You pressed your hips into his face as he smirked against you. "If you wanted more, all you had to do was ask," he told you, sucking and nibbling on your clit as you moaned out in pleasure. It was like sparks of electricity pulsed through you every time he made the slightest movement on you, and it was becoming almost unbearable.
"Fuck, just like that," you mewled, running your hands through his hair again. He kept on licking and lapping at all of the right places, and you felt like a volcano was going to explode inside you. "Shit, baby, I'm-" you started, but you were cut off by him slowing his movements.
"You close, my love?" He mumbled, running his tongue over your clit again. You were so sensitive, moaning with every movement he made. "Mhm," you hummed, not able to form full words without moaning out. Charles knew you were close as he carried on teasing you with his tongue.
Just as you were about to come undone, he pulled his mouth away from you and kissed you on the lips. "You really thought I'd give it to you just like that? You made me wait, now you've gotta wait too, it's only fair," he mocked with a wicked grin plastered on his face.
"Baby," you whined, looking at him with those eyes that told him everything he needed to know. You needed it, and you needed it badly. But, he wanted to hear you say it. "Beg for it, baby. Tell me how much you want me. How much you need me," he instructed, sinking back down to his knees again.
He planted excruciating kisses on the insides of your thighs as he waited. "Please," you whispered, jolting your hips forward, desperate for the extra contact. "I can't hear you," he dismissed, nipping the soft skin of your inner thigh.
"Please, Charles," you groaned, louder this time.
"What are you saying 'please' for? What do you want?" He grinned, adoring the control he had over you right now. "Please, baby, I need to cum," you practically shouted, hoping it was enough for him.
"Oh you need it do you? Do you need me then, my darling?" He teased.
"I need you so bad right now, I'm aching for it baby," you grovelled, and that was like music to Charles' ears as he came closer and closer to you. "That was exactly what I needed to hear,'' he told you, diving straight back into you. His tongue circled your clit perfectly, and the extra pressure you had been so desperate for was being granted.
"Is this good, my love? Is this what you wanted?" He mocked, tasting the neediness on his tongue.
"Fuck, yes," you moaned, tipping your head back. Your breaths were short and shallow as you felt yourself crumbling. "I'm going to-" you began, but Charles pressed your clit that tad bit harder, and you felt a tingling wave of pleasure wash over you as you cried out for him.
He stood back up, aggressively kissing you as you could taste a mix of yourself and alcohol on his tongue. But, the taste of him was far more intoxicating than any alcoholic beverage could ever be. It ran through your veins and made you drunk on pure lust, and it felt better in every conceivable way.
As he kissed you, Charles thought over where he could take you. He didn't want to keep you on the counter, but your bedroom was far too far away for how much he needed you now. Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted the empty dining room table, and it was the perfect option.
He held his hand on your bare ass as he carried you over to the table and sat you down on it. He slipped the remnants on your dress over your head, leaving you completely exposed to him as your nipples pricked up in the cold. "Fucking hell, you're so goddamn beautiful, baby,"
He stole yours lips with his before you could say a response, and he wasn't in the mood for waiting any longer. You could sense his neediness, slinking your hands down to his belt and unbuckled it. He didn't have any protests as he kept his hands on the sides of your face, holding him there as he kissed you.
You pushed his pants down to his knees, and he couldn't be bothered to kick them off - he didn't need to, anyway. Charles pushed your legs further apart with his knee and stepped impossibly closer to you. "You ready?" he asked, despite the fact that he already knew the answer.
"Yes," you breathed as he gently eased into you, and the feeling of him filling you up was like pure ecstacy. He gave you a second to get acclimatized to the stretch before slowly starting to rock his hips into yours.
The feeling of you wrapped around his cock was unlike anything, and it sent straight euphoria surging through his veins. He touch every inch of your insides as he moved, the tip of his dick hitting that one spot that nobody else seemed to be able to find with every thrust.
You didn't know where to put your hands, so caught up in what he was doing to you. You linked them around the back of his neck, nails digging into his flesh as you came closer and closer to release.
"How the fuck did I get so lucky?" he groaned, hands gripping onto your hips so hard you were certain they'd leave bruises there in the morning. But you didn't care. "My girl is the sweetest in the whole world, and her body is perfect in every single way. It's like you're made for me, baby," he rambled as he picked up his pace.
His head was spinning as he leant in and peppered random kisses all down your neck. He was addicted to the way you made him feel and the way he made you feel.
He could feel your legs start to shake, but your walls were already clenching around him. "You close again, baby?" he spat through gritted teeth, rutting his hips into you harder and harder. "Mhm," you hummed, not able to formulate full words. 
The feeling of you combined with the sweet sounds of you moaning for him sent him over the edge, and you dug your nails into the flesh of his shoulders as you came with him. As you both rode out your highs, letting the tingles slowly fade away, you clung onto him. 
The room fell silent, before Charles broke the quiet with a, "Thank you, my love. You're amazing, and not just at that, of course," he softly chuckled, holding you in his arms for a moment. 
"Happy birthday, baby," you smiled, leaning into his embrace as he tucked a lock of your hair behind your ear. "And this has been the happiest of birthdays for me. Yes, I love the yacht parties, but a quiet night in with my favourite people is all I need," he told you. 
You sleepily smiled at him, holding your eyes open as you looked at him. "Are you tired, my love?" he cooed, looking at your half open eyes. Your cheeks were flushed and your hair was all puffy, your lips red and puffy from how much he had kissed you. 
There were small red marks over your neck and shoulders from where he had gently nibbled at the skin as he gently ran his fingers over them. They were just small reminders of who you belonged to, even though there was no doubt in anyone's mind of who that was. 
"Yeah, but we can stay up. Whatever you want," you said, suppressing a yawn. 
"We can go to bed, I need birthday cuddles," he said, hoisting you up into his arms like a bride on her wedding day. "You get cuddles every night, what makes them different because it's your birthday?" you giggled, clinging onto him for dear life. But, you knew he would rather die than drop you. 
"I don't know, they just feel more special when it's on my birthday," he explained, dropping you down onto your bed. He threw a hoodie from his drawer at you, before slipping some sweatpants up his legs. 
Just as Charles hopped into bed beside you, you remembered something. "Shit, how could I forget?" you scolded yourself, scrambling out of bed and into the kitchen. 
"Baby? You alright?" Charles asked, wondering why you had disappeared so quickly. 
"Close your eyes!" you told him as you stood outside the door. Charles did as he was told as you walked into the room, trying not to drop what you were carrying. "Happy birthday to you," you started to sing as Charles opened his eyes. "Happy birthday to you," you continued as you perched on the bed beside him.
"Happy birthday dear Lord Perceval, happy birthday to you," you finished, completely off key. Charles saw the very poorly done Ferrari logo on the top of the cake, the prancing horse appearing to have three legs and his eye was very wonky. In the top corner, you had hand-piped a list of all the races he had won, as well as your favourite podiums of his. 
"Blow out the candles," you told him, moving the cake closer to him. The orange flames on the 2 and the 6 were extinguished as he blew them out, unable to wipe the goofy smile off his face. "When did you make this?" he smiled, taking the cake out of your hands.
"Yesterday when you were out with Arthur," you told him, glad he had noticed that you had made it. "I know it's a bit shit, but I tried,"
"I prefer this to the actual one any day of the week," he said, grabbing his phone and taking a picture of the cake. "It's perfect, thank you baby," he thanked, looking at the cake again. 
"Happy birthday, Charles," you said again, and you both hoped there would be many more to come. 
A/N - Tanti Auguri to the love of my life, and the guy who makes everyday that slight bit easier. Forza Ferrari, and Forza Charles Leclerc 💖
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milkywayhou · 2 months
You've Got Email (König x OC: Medical Student!Snow) PART III
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Summary: When the Colonel from some Private Military Corporation group accidentally send KorTac's secret file via email to a random civilian girl and now they develop some weird relationship.
Snow now overthinking about how fucked up her situation can be
TWs: Slow burn (not really), Implies stalking behavior. I just wrote this for fun.
Words Count: 1.9k (The email contain 1.3+ words while the rest was Snow's 4Chan post)
To: Colonel_Kö[email protected]
05/13/23 at 01:38 am
Subject: A late night conspiracy ramble…
Once again it’s a late night and these weary med student brain cells are firing off all kinds of…interesting theories and connections, to say the least.
For example, okay hear me out, but what if Big Pharma is actually run by ancient shape-shifting lizard people from the center of the hollow earth who feed on human adrenal gland fluid harvested during rituals conducted at Bohemian Grove, and they started the pharmaceutical industry just to get us all addicted to medication so we’re docile little cash cows?!
I know, I know, it’s utterly ridiculous…buuuuut it would explain a few things haha! Anyways, somehow my winding thought process led me back to pondering your own doubtless intriguing backstory, oh mysterious Colonel.
You’ve given mysterious snippets here and there, but never a straight history lesson, you sly dog. Care to unravel some of those shadows for this thirsty student? Like how’d you get into this line of work anyway?
Maybe share something to take my mind off lizard people conspiracies before this insomnia kills me. You’ve got me curious now!
Conspiracizing but also bedridden,
From: Colonel_Kö[email protected]
05/13/23 at 02:01 am
Subject: RE: A late night conspiracy ramble…
You’ve a vivid imagination, to be sure. As for my own history…it’s nothing so fanciful, I’m afraid.
I grew up isolated, with only books as company. Social skills proved…challenging. The bullying was constant. All I wanted was to disappear into the quiet of nature, far from the incessant noise inside my head.
By 17 I was desperate to escape, and the military offered just that. I dreamed of being a sniper – controlling chaos from afar through calm precision. But my frame and restlessness didn’t suit remaining still for long. They saw potential elsewhere. They assigned as an insertion specialist instead. It was difficult, but taught discipline. In time I learned to turn noise into focus, chaos into strategy.
Now I protect others as I wished to be protected then. It brings…solace, of a kind. Purpose, where once was only turmoil.
Get some rest, Snow. Sweet dreams.
To: Colonel_Kö[email protected]
05/13/23 at 02:14 am
Subject: RE: RE: A late night conspiracy ramble…
I see.
Thank you for sharing that with me. I can’t imagine how difficult those experiences must have been, but I’m grateful you found your calling in spite of them. It takes real strength of character to turn trauma into purpose like that.
Also, I should say the bullying says far more about their weakness of spirit than anything about you. Their loss, as it brought you to where you’re meant to be – helping people in your own way. I can’t help but smile thinking of a tiny bookworm König dreaming of sniping lizards in the woods! Well, you may not be in the trees anymore but it seems your aim is truer than ever.
Thinking on childhoods, mine wasn’t all sunshine either as an awkward kid. Let’s just say blending in was…challenging, to put it lightly. Between moving a lot after my parents split and living with various relatives, school was an escape into study. Seemed the safest route to gain some footing and make the family proud, at least. Kept me busy avoiding the realities outside books for a while too, I suppose. Somehow I suspect lonely bookworm me and you may have gotten along splendidly if our paths crossed back then!
Anyways, not sure where I’m going with this aside from reflecting our younger selves may have found solace in one another, strange as that sounds now in these roles. At least we’ve come into our own in the end, in our own ways. Small favors and all that.
Just a light note before sleep – rest well, König!
Your friend,
To: Colonel_Kö[email protected]
05/28/23 at 08:27 pm
Subject: Essay Woes and Cadaver Flashbacks
My apologies for this incoherent word vomit you’re about to endure. I’m approximately 5-7 days into an all-nighter essay crunch and my last two brain cells are DANCING.
This final assignment is killing me dead but at least after it’s over I can finally be done with med school! *insert jubilant celebration emoji* Of course that’s if I don’t starve to death first living off instant ramen. I’m positively wasting away without a decent meal. At this rate they’ll be teaching anatomy lectures using my lifeless body.
Whoever invents a magic food delivery service that beams freshly cooked meals directly to overworked students is getting a freaking Nobel Prize. A girl can dream, right? At this point I’d kill a man for a good pizza. *hideshypotheticalmurderweaponbehindback*
Anyways, in my spiral of delirium my thoughts keep wandering back to that fateful day months ago when I randomly received your classified KorTac email out of nowhere. Still bewildered how you even had my address to begin with…were you watching me, Colonel? *pretends to be frightened but is secretlyflattered*
Getting that file was kinda scary at first, not gonna lie. Reminded me of the first time we received our cadavers – that creepy feeling of being watched even after leaving the lab. Is that what it’s like being you, always paranoid someone has intel on you? :)
Anyways, enough gibbering – just wanted to share my pain and also wonder again how our wacky email friendship began! Stay safe out there in whatever shady places your work takes you. And send help – I mean, good luck with all the classified stuff!
Tired and Hangry,
To: Colonel_Kö[email protected]
05/28/23 at 08:40 pm
I was joking in my last email! Sort of! Please say this was all just a coincidence. I don’t need some extra secret stalker on top of everything else ;____;
Explain yourself soldier man!!! My paranoia can only be quelled with answers.
Sending mildly panicked regards,
From: Colonel_Kö[email protected]
05/28/23 at 09:12 pm
I assure you, any capabilities related to surveillance are reserved strictly for operations.
As for your delivery, consider it a small kindness from one overworked soul to another. Now eat, regain strength, and get back to that essay. You’ve proven quite resourceful in pulling secrets from shadows. But some mysteries deserve to remain.
Worry not and carry on with your studies.
To: Colonel_Kö[email protected]
05/28/23 at 09:25 pm
Subject: Spill. Everything. Now.
I appreciate the pizza bailout, don’t get me wrong. But my paranoia has now reached DEFCON 1 levels and it WILL NOT stand down until I get some answers. So spill. Just how much do you actually know about me? Do you have my address on file somewhere? Photos? Socials? Pet peeves? Middle name??
I understand need-to-know for operations, but this is need-to-know for my own peace of mind. Please assuage these frazzled med student nerves and assure me you’re not some mysterious stalker Colonel (unless that’s just part of your charm). I’ll even send new Luna's pics in return! Consider it a debriefing – you give, you get. Otherwise the wheels will keep spinning in my head…
Sincerely (and only mildly obsessively),
05/29/23(Mon)22:37:10 No:132926391
Colonel Stalker Dude is freaking me out
Image: [Confused pepe scratching head.jpg 230kb, 400x400]
>Be me, a totally tired out and broke student
>Remember getting those shady files months ago
>Thought Colonel dude was cool and weird pen pal
>Even started to like him after long talks
>But NOW he knows my address???
>WTF how long has he been watching me
>On one hand it’s creepy AF but kinda flattering a high rank dude cares
>Other hand I don't want a secret stalker or to get disappeared
>Free food is nice but feeling stalked is not cash money
>Used to have bit of crush but now I'm skeeved TBH
>What do? Can't go to cops cuz questions. No close friends/fam
>Too broke to move or change info
>Maybe he’s just lonely but also maybe he climbs in my window ;____;
>What if he takes my organs in the night like some human harvester?!
>Only protection is my cat Luna and she's useless in a fight ;_;
>Try to be positive and asking him how much he know
>Currently waiting for his replied while I was writing this post
>Anons pls help, should I keep talking to possible stalker man?
Don’t want my organs harvested but also don’t wanna waste a free food connection
Very conflicted and slightly paranoid this girl is in DIRE need of advice
Anonymous 05/29/23(Mon)22:45:19 No:132926405: >>132926391(OP)#
Sounds like a thriller romance novel lol! He probs just cares in his own intense way. Keep talking but be safe, maybe feel him out more? Could be nnothing ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Anonymous 05/29/23(Mon)23:16:08 No:132926439: >>132926405#
IKR it does sound like a book! But what if it’s a prequel to a snuff film?! I’ll try to subtly find out wtf he knows without pissing him off…
Anonymous 05/29/23(Mon)23:37:12 No:132926502: >>132926391(OP)#
LOL girl chill no one climbin in ur windows. He prolly just admires ur spirit. Keep lines of comms open, set boundaries if needed but relax!
Anonymous 05/29/23(Mon)23:45:01 No:13292623: >>132926502#
You’re right, I do overthink! I’ll calm my farm. Thank u stranger, maybe he’s just a bored soldier man and not a psycho (´。_。`)
Anonymous 05/30/23(Tue)00:25:31 No:13292684: >>132926391(OP)#
Change ur info anyway, maybe he won’t go to ur new stuff. And get some locks/alarms jfc. Play it safe.
Anonymous 05/30/23(Tue)00:42:44 No:13292692: >>13292684#
Can’t change anything, I used my student email! And too broke for moves or upgrades, these loans gotta last :’( but self defense is a must, thanks!
Anonymous 05/30/23(Tue)01:28:19 No:132922735: >>132926391(OP)#
Send Luna pics. Also tell col u feel weird, set ground rules like no stalking. Maybe he just wants friendship. Be safe!
Anonymous 05/30/23(Tue)01:46:31 No:132922757: >>132922735#
[sleepy_Luna.jpg 1,3mb 1000x1000] You’re so right, communication is key. I’ll lay it all out clearly and see how it goes. Thx fren <3
Anonymous 05/30/23(Tue)01:59:36 No:132922805: >>132926391(OP)#
Maybe he liiiiikes you ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) whatever happens keep us posted! We’re invested now lol
Anonymous 05/30/23(Tue)02:08:55 No:132922822: >>132922805#
omggg don't say that!! Now I'll be paranoid AND flustered X_X But I definitely will update y'all, this is quite the melodrama unfolding
Anonymous 05/30/23(Tue)02:15:36 No:132922811: >>132926391(OP)#
Girlll tell that stalker if he wants a piece he gonna have to pay your tuition first! Then maybe you’ll reconsider the organ harvesting. Gotta respect your worth sis 💅
Anonymous 05/30/23(Tue)02:23:12 No:132922834: >>132922811#
Omg you genius!!! If he’s really interested he can sponsor my broke ass med student life lol. Alleviate my debt and he gets unlimited Luna pics, win-win!
Anonymous 05/30/23(Tue)03:01:46 No:132922839: >>132926391(OP)#
Lmao girl you been reading too many thrillers! Military guys have ways of finding people, changing email won’t do shit. Just ask him wtf is up like a normal person
Anonymous 05/30/23(Tue)03:39:44 No:132922926: >>132922839#
Ugh you make a good point, confronting is smarter than hiding. But what if he locks me in a dungeon for being nosy?! I have no one to turn to if I disappear ;-;
From: Colonel_Kö[email protected]
05/30/24 at 03:45am
Subject: RE: Spill. Everything. Now.
Let’s just say I know more than you think. But rest assured, your privacy and safety remain my priority here.
As for debriefs, some questions are best left unanswered, even between…friends. Maintaining mystique has its place too, no?
Focus on your studies. I’ll focus on ensuring no more interruptions are needed.
Now get some rest. You’ve an early lab tomorrow if I’m not mistaken.
Sweet dreams.
To: Colonel_Kö[email protected]
05/30/23 at 03:47am
Subject: DUDE.
This one was short because I've been busy with other stuff hahah. It sure took some twisted turn hmmM? or maybe poor Snow just over reacted ;)
Also love, comment and reblogged are really appreciate! 💖
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sleepingdeath-light · 7 months
s/o who is half hawaiian hcs ; main cast
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requested by ; yesthetrashbin (09/05/23)
fandom(s) ; black butler
fandom masterlist(s) ; hub | specific
character(s) ; baldroy, our!ciel phantomhive, finny, mey rin, sebastian michaelis, snake
outline ; “Hi! After seeing your "mixed race hc" for Black Butler, may I pls request the main cast (of your choice) with a mixed race s/o from Hawaii? (Male or gn reader pls) I'm just self projecting rn, I was born and raised in Hawaii for a very small portion of my life but since I was a military brat, I lived in many different places. Now as an adult and living back in Hawaii, I have major imposter syndrome and for a whole year I never felt like I belonged here and ppl treat me differently for acting more haole... but feel free to disregard this request! Hope you have a good day/night!”
note ; this may not be a perfect portrayal of the reader’s requested experience as i (a) am not a part of this culture and had to do a lot of research, and (b) had to try and adapt whatever i could find to the time period bb is set in — apologies if any part of this piece feels off because of this
warning(s) ; brief references to period typical racism and feeling disconnected from one’s heritage, but mostly fluff!
bard tries his best to help you reconnect with your culture and heritage — namely through food and language — but he’s far from perfect and his pronunciation might just make you wince at first (he’s trying, really, he’s just also really not good with accents)
do not let this man hear about dishes like loco moco or kālua pig because he will try and recreate it for you and it will go horribly wrong — please, please, if you must, ask sebastian to oversee everything because otherwise you will be eating some charcoal (made with a lot of love and good intentions, but still definitely charcoal)
he calls you ‘ipa’ a lot, alongside his usual rotation of pet names like ‘babe’ and ‘hun’, and his pronunciation gets better and better over time — and if you comment on that improvement then he’ll get the cutest smile on his face and mention that he has ‘the best teacher’ (between you and the books he’s been studying, of course)
he practises a lot independently in the hopes of being able to impress you and your family in the future (a habit ingrained in him from his upbringing — the need to gain approval from the relatives of whoever you’re dating before marriage), but let it be known that he is struggling his way through the syntax and grammar as best he can — but of course he’ll end up coming to you for guidance when he’s truly stuck or realises that perhaps that’s not how he should be pronouncing that word (sometimes it just feels wrong, even to a new learner)
he has punched someone out cold for being cruel to you for your heritage before and he will do it again if the need arises — he has a temper and he can use it to his advantage (sometimes, anyway)
(our!) Ciel Phantomhive
he’s highly empathetic to you feeling out of place in your culture does whatever he can to help mitigate that uncomfortable feeling for you — usually by having sebastian do something or another
he uses a great deal of his sparse free time to learn the specific dialect your family uses, either from you or alongside you depending on how much you can recall, and whilst his pronunciation is imperfect the effort is definitely there (and you’ll often find him practising his annunciation and sentence structure in the late evenings between working through the startling pile of paperwork on his desk)
more hawaiian dishes and desserts are incorporated into the manor’s menu — thanks to sebastian — based on ciel’s research and your own memories of food you grew up with (his personal favourites are lomi salmon and malasada)
if you ever wanted to wear something closer in design or pattern to what you wore back home, then he’d happily commission you some garments from nina — granted they’d probably not be perfect replications of what you grew up with, but he’d make sure that they were as close as they could reasonably be
he’s not afraid to leverage his reputation, connections, and staff in order to protect you and threaten anyone who tries to make you uncomfortable or discriminate against you due to your heritage (his peers, usually) or, conversely, your disconnect from it (other members of your community back home)
finny finds everything about your heritage and culture to be so very interesting — whether that’s the food, the celebrations, the language, the clothing, or just the island that your family hails from itself (he did grow up in a lab after all, so an environment like that is one that he’d jump at the chance to go and visit)
he’s shockingly quick at picking up the spoken side of your dialect just from hearing you speak it, but reading and writing is a very different story — but he’s so very eager to learn and he wants to be able to help you reconnect with that side of your family in his own way (trying his best to start and maintain conversations in hawaiian throughout the day with you, occasionally pausing mid word to shake his head and correct his pronunciation slightly and asking you if that was right — grinning so broadly it reaches his eyes every time you let him know that he did good)
loves all of the food you grew up eating and will happily devour it and ask for a second helping — his personal favourites are the sweeter things like haupia and kūlolo but he also enjoys the more substantial/proper foods and will just eat whatever you put in front of him
doesn’t quite understand the concept of being ‘haole’ but gets deeply upset by the way you’re treated by some of the people on your island because you happened to travel a lot growing up, which in turn makes him more protective over you and clingy (likewise he gets very emotional and affectionate after someone mistreats you back in old blighty because of your heritage, apologising for how you’re being treated and angry that people could ever be so mean to someone he loves so much)
if he had the opportunity to go visit hawaii with you then this man would be in heaven, exploring the terrain and learning about all the new native plant life (even trying new fruits like lychee, papaya and pineapples, which are far too expensive for him to even consider looking at back home) — you will definitely struggle to get him indoors during your visit and he might just sleep outdoors if you let him
Mey Rin
mey rin can definitely relate to feeling disconnected from her heritage given that her parents passed away when she was young and her only exposure to anything from her home country was the gang that treated her terribly — so the journey to reconnect with your roots would be something she’d happily support you in
she’d join you in relearning the hawaiian language whilst she learns mandarin (well beyond the cusses and insults and derogatory terms that were tossed around in the gang) — exchanging terms of endearment like ‘ipo’ and ‘xīn gān’ as you each become more familiar with your own languages and each other’s
she’s happy to try any of the foods you grew up with (especially anything involving meat), but she’s not exactly the best cook and far too clumsy to be trusted in the kitchen, so you’ll have to take on most of the actual cooking — she’s happy to help fetch ingredients, though (and she’s yet to drop anything… key word being ‘yet’ but it’s a big achievement for her)
if you ever manage to scrape enough time off to go back to your home island then poor mey will be fretting and practising her hawaiian near religiously for weeks leading up to the visit (even practising to herself when she’s working) — she wants to leave a good impression on your family, after all, and is really anxious about getting their approval
she’s not afraid to stand up for you with brits or other hawaiians who try and look down on you because of your heritage and your relationship with it — she knows what ‘haole’ means and she does not like hearing you get insulted (and, as many people could tell you, she can be very intimidating when she wants to be)
Sebastian Michaelis
sebastian is the type of partner who would go above and beyond to help you reconnect (or keep connected) with your heritage even though you’re stationed an ocean away in england
he makes sure the kitchens are stocked with the ingredients necessary to not only feed the master and his guests, but to keep the taste of home close — even memorising the steps to making the perfect lau lau, poi, or haupia (amongst many other dishes) for whenever you’re feeling homesick
being a demon he also has an excellent capacity to acquire languages and dialects without having to do the same amount of active learning that humans do, meaning that he’s more than happy and able to sit and talk with you in your native language (standard or in regional dialects like the niihau dialect) or help you relearn if if it’s something you lost or never quite picked up for one reason or another
it’s not like he randomly incorporates phrases or words from hawaiian into his daily life or work, as he has no reason to, but when the two of you are talking it’s easy for him to slip into it as a more intimate and private thing for the two of you
he makes a point to help you visit your home island and family whenever possible, even at times twisting the young master’s arm to do so — ensuring that you’re able to make any celebrations, festivals, parties, or holidays that you might have otherwise missed (whether it’s a more personal gathering like a luau, or something more communal like the merrie monarch festival)
as one could expect of him, sebastian is incredibly protective over you and intolerant of any attempt to judge or discriminate against you from either side of the debate (brits for being too non-white and your community for being ‘too haole’) and will make his disapproval known in the most aggressively polite way possible (unless he can get away with actively threatening them without repercussions for you or the young master, at which point he might just outright attack the offending party)
snake is mostly a very quiet and introverted person but that doesn’t mean he’s unsupportive of you and your want to reconnect with your heritage — in fact he offers all of the support he can (using his wages to buy books, food and materials in the same styles that you grew up with just to make things a bit easier)
he knows what it’s like to feel like you don’t quite fit in anywhere and he has extremely little patience for anyone who treats you poorly for your heritage or upbringing — using his snakes and appearance to his advantage in order to intimidate anyone who even tries (he doesn’t speak enough hawaiian to know what ‘haole’ means but based on your reaction he knows it isn’t good and he doesn’t like you being called it as a result)
he’s a big fan of a lot of hawaiian dishes and will easily clean the plate whenever something is made — but his personal favourites are ahi poke and lū’au, both of which he can happily have several servings of
he’d struggle a bit with connecting with your community if you ever managed to bring him back to your island for a visit — but that’s mostly because of his natural introversion and he’s otherwise fine with following you around, helping you prepare food, celebrating holidays with you, and so on
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Season 3 Rewatch Drabbles: 3x16 It's not Easy Being Green
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Note: I don't know who created the above gif. If you're the creator, reach out to me, and I'll add an attribution.
Summary:  A series of 100-500 word drabbles to accompany my    rewatch of season 3 of Once Upon a Time.  There will be a drabble–either a deleted scene, a “fix it” fic or a character musing for each episode of the season.  Focus will be on Emma, Henry, the Charmings and Killian–with an emphasis on Captain Swan’s epic love story.
Word Count: 649
Other Chapters: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28)
Emotions swirled within her that evening as she heard the knock at her door at the B&B and opened to find her son and Killian–windswept, smiling, excited–standing before her.  So many emotions, she wondered how they could all exist within one person and not tear her apart.
Grief over Neal’s death, anger over the Zelena for causing it, frustration that they’d survived the recent encounter but still been thoroughly trounced, relief that her son at least was safe and happy, something like butterflies at the very sight of Killian, guilt that she might, possibly, perhaps, in some small way feel….something…for him.  Not love of course!  Couldn’t be that, but…something.  But yes guilt that she could feel anything for someone else when Neal had just died, anger at Neal for his bull-headed stupidity in getting himself killed.
Yes, all of that, but above all, an overwhelming desire to run.  A part of her deep inside knew things were more complicated now, that she couldn’t just run back to New York, to the good life she’d thought she had, and forget about all of this–Storybrooke, magic, being the savior, her family, Henry’s family. Killian.  But the fact that she knew that was the case didn’t make the desire lessen.
Why, why, why couldn’t she just have an ordinary life?  A peaceful one?  One where she didn’t have to worry about some sadistic green witch turning her son into a flying monkey?  One where she could have an ordinary job (albeit one with more than a little danger and unpredictability)?  One where she could have a perfectly ordinary (even if kind of boring) man to love?
He was lying to you.  He was really just another one of Zelena’s flying monkeys, the honest part of her that she could never completely drown out pointed out helpfully.
And there it was.  Even her happy, ordinary life was an illusion.  But she’d built a happy, normal life for herself and Henry.  She could do it again, and she could put all of this behind her.
At least so she told herself when she was alone, when Killian wasn’t standing in front of her looking at her like that–like he knew her, really knew her to her core and loved her anyway.  It was terrifying.
“How did the queen fare against the witch?” Killian asked as soon as Henry disappeared into their room.
“She survived, but the rest is definitely more than a doorway conversation,” she said a little dismissively.  But Killian deserved more than that.  He deserved at least a little gratitude.  “Thanks for taking him.”
Killian smiled wistfully.  “There’s more Bae in your boy than you realize,” he said sadly.  
She could see it in his eyes, hear it in his voice.  It was easy to forget–especially after the idiots the two of them made of themselves over her in Neverland, but Killian cared for Neal too, mourned him too. She prepared to say something comforting, something to let him know she understood and was there for him like he’d been there for her, but then he continued and touched on the heart of the issue.
“He needs to know about his father, Emma,” he said gently but firmly. “You can’t just take him back to New York when this is over and pretend like none of this is real.”
The fear, guilt and need to run bubbled up again, and she knew she couldn’t deal with this any more tonight. 
And so she ran.  Rather than answer, she smiled sadly, said good night and disappeared into her room.  One day, probably one day soon, she’d need to confront the truth of what he’d said, but that day was not today.  Today she just needed to shut him out, listen to her son gush about the fun he’d had with Killian, and pretend like normal was still possible.
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anjuschiffer · 11 months
Amira Wayne - Chapter 23
...oh where have the writing deities gone now that I’ve gotten this random burst of motivation despite my job draining me?
Anyways, hope you guys enjoy this chapter :D
P. Tag: @toodaloo-kangaroo @elijahcrevan @vixen-uchiha
Tag: @we-want-mini-mini @ramos123 @redscarlet95 @corabeth11 @anonymously-odd @officiallydarkgeek @galla02006 @jayjayspixiepop
If you would like to be added to the taglist, just let me know in the comments
Chapter 23: Family, Friends and Identities (2)
Damian sat in the middle of the archive room, assessing his new findings over the portrait he found of his father and sister with the unknown woman although he did have an inkling of who she might just be. 
However, guesses are guesses until you have enough evidence to make them into truths. 
One thing led to another and after coming to an obvious conclusion, he needed some evidence to know that he was right…that he was right. 
Which is how he found himself in front of his sister’s room. 
After all, she must have some clues about the woman that shared the same portrait as her, even if it was from some time ago.
It was strange to say the less the awkwardness Damian felt as his hand hovered over the doorknob leading into sister’s room. 
While there was a logical, or rather, biological reasoning for Amira’s existence, that was just it…
He has a sister. 
He has a sister who he didn’t know about until just a few hours ago.  
A sister that is the same age as him and has been living with their father since she was a toddler. 
He didn’t even know about him until he was four and even then, he didn’t know his name until he requested it as a prize for managing to land a hit on his grandfather on his birthday duel…
And that was years ago…
He didn’t want to thank the traitor, but…if it weren’t for Wilson’s invasion, he would have never-
“You shouldn’t be here.” A voice spoke from behind him, Damian holding in a huff. 
Timothy Jackson Drake.  
Father’s latest charity case…
Even though Drake has one relative left to care for him…never mind that. 
Just how long has he been standing there?
Ignoring the child, Damian turned the knob, only for it to only turn halfway. 
Of course it was locked. 
“Amira-“ Drake started, only for Damian to cut him off.
“What my sister owns and does should not be a secret to me. I’m her brother.”
“Blood doesn’t justify invading another person’s privacy.” Tim argued, recalling the importance of the word ‘blood’ and ‘biological’ meant to him. “ She shouldn’t have to report about every little thing she does. She has a right to keep secrets to herself. Not even Jason walked into her room unless she allowed him in. And that’s considering the fact that Jason was the closest to her.”
Damian pondered for a minute, his hand never letting go of the door knob. 
“Jason…as in Jason Todd?” 
Tim fought the urge to let out a snort.  
“I thought you knew-“
“I saw him once in the halls of our headquarters.” Damian casually mentioned, wondering what Drake’s expression would look like. “Todd looked just like you when he arrived; scrawny and lacking any sense of-“
“Jason was with you?” Damian turned to face him and based on the expression on Drake’s face, it seems like no one knew where Todd resided these past few months… or the fact that he was even alive.
“Apparently you lack the skill to comprehend. I only saw him. Never actually interacted with that plebeian.” He watched the boy’s eyes narrow. 
“Do you always look down on those beneath-“
“When I saw him, he was being restrained by two of our strongest guards, they were taking him to our solitary confinement area.” Damian clarified, not exactly knowing why he did so. “He was thrashing, snarling like a wolf cub that had been taken away from its mother.” Damian began to walk down the hall, hearing Drake’s footsteps softly trailing behind him as he took a turn. “It was a miracle he actually managed to become sane again after emerging from it.
It didn’t seem like it at first by the way he reacted once he was out of the waters…
Even Grandfather found it fascinating to see a person react so violently after emerging from the Pits. He had neutralized the entire security around the waters, something only Grandfather had done.” He noticed Drake tense at his words.
He remained silent as they approached what he recalled to be his father’s room. Or at least, what should be his room if the floor plan he memorized was accurate to date. 
He turned the knob, surprised to see that it was actually open. 
Damian’s enthusiasm was short lived as he found nothing as he rummaged through the drawers and walkthrough closet, tapped at the bottom of every drawer, inspected the floors for any creaks, lifted any carpet he could find and checked behind any furniture he could move.
Not a single thing stood out from the norm..except for a few papers that laid on the nightstand.
Picking them up, he examined them, noticing that they were hotel reservations, attraction reservations, a few copies of money transfers…
“Oh, you found the tickets for Disneyland Bruce was looking for yesterday.” Drake casually stated, taking them out of his hand. “Should probably tell him-”
“Why does he need these? Are they part of some mission? But even then it wouldn’t make any sense. Why would he only need reservations for two people if it’s just-”
“He actually bought them for Harley and Ivy as thanks for- that’s right.” Drake tried to redirect, quickly making his way towards the door, apparently not knowing any better. “Alfred-”
Damian quickly grabbed him, throwing him  to the ground, pressing one of his daggers against his neck.
“Speak. Or else.”
“First, take that off me.” Drake demanded, Damian noticing the small trembles in his voice as he attempted to speak firmly. “Then I’ll tell you.”
Damian slowly lifted the blade, observing every moment from Drake as he slowly sat up. “As I mentioned, Bruce had bought these for Harley and Ivy.”
“Before you fail to mention why specifically Father bought those for Doctors Quinzel and Doctor Isley.”
“It’s seems like you already know who-“
“The Jester and plant maniac? I spent hours reviewing their files down-“
“Right… you see, they’re Amira’s therapists.”
“Therapy? Why would-“
“That’s something you should ask her, not me.”
“Why should I-“
“Just because I know why Amira receives therapy doesn’t permit me to tell others the reason why she does.” Drake reminded him, getting up and dusting himself. “Since it is something relating to her, it’s up to her whether or not she wants to share her personal activities. Even if they are family.” Drake slowly opened the door to walk out. “After all, family doesn’t always mean they respect your decisions and boundaries. Not even being blood related guarantees being understood…and I know that better than anyone…even you.”
With that, Drake left the room, leaving Damian to his own devices. 
Ra’s always told him that blood was everything. Blood was family and that there wasn’t anything blood couldn’t do when it came to achieving greatness…especially for an Al Ghul.
And yet why was everyone so insistent in saying the opposite?
Damian decided to not dawdle into the thought for long, circling the room one last time before stopping at a door that he had yet to investigate. 
The placement of the door had thrown him off; the layout of his father’s bedroom wouldn’t have needed a door to the right as his wardrobe and bath were at their optimal place.  
So there was only one way to get his answers.
Testing the doorknob, he let out a sigh of relief when he found it opened, slowly pulling the door forward to see what was inside the room. 
A crib.
That’s the first thing Damian notes when he steps into the room, the mosquito net draped over it slightly obscuring the items within. 
The large cloth hung from the ceiling straight to the floor, Damian slowly walking up to it, pushing the net aside. 
It felt awkward as his hands tried to settle against the wooden frame, his hands hovering over the frame as he peered into the crib. 
A stuffed sheep stared back at him, mismatched buttons boring right into him. 
Now why would his father need a room like this? He wasn’t expecting another child…was he? If anything, he shouldn’t be. If the files he read on Kyle meant anything, his father had yet to procure another being as they are…engaged… 
Damian felt his nose wrinkle at the thought. 
His father, marrying a thief. Out of all the women his father could have settled with, why a thief? Why not a woman of his stature? Of his league?
”The heart is a feeble thing, emotions even more. Make sure you never let those things dull your sense of duty.” 
That’s right. 
Grandfather had always warned him of emotions and the heart making one soft and causing one to stray away from their potential. 
Perhaps he could help talk his father out of this. Maybe help him look for someone else who could- a faint glare snapped him from his thoughts.
Damian quickly picked up the sheep that was staring at him all this time, lifting its ear up to see a name embroidered in gold into the inner portion of its ear.
Quickly scanning the room, he noticed the walls covered in photos, drawings and diplomas displayed for everyone to see. Books lining the shelves of a nearby bookcase and other odd items adorning the floating shelves on the other side of the room. 
What seemed to be a table of some sorts had padding on its top, empty crates next to it.
It was then that it dawned on him. 
This was Amira’s nursery. 
He quickly went over to the frames, absorbing the photos of Amira looking straight at him with large doe eyes or a huge toothless smile. Or with a single tooth in some photos. 
Pictures of Amira wearing overalls and tiny frilly dresses, sometimes wearing a smock with paints or food thickly covering her small hands. 
There was one picture with the very same sheep he saw early, only this time, the doll was covered in mud and had lost a limb during play time. 
There were drawings of all sorts hanging about, some of random strokes of paint covering a canvas while there were a few of more detailed scenery, Damian being able to tell his sister was at an age where perspective was yet to be her forte, but he could see her improvement throughout the years…
Damian felt his gut twist at that realization…
Amira had evidence of her growing here, of her skills improving and seeing the improvement herself…evidence of her existence…evidence of their father’s pride in her…
It wasn’t until he heard something hit the floor that Damian realized that he was carrying Amira’s sheep in his hands the entire time, realizing then that he had torn off its eye from the frustration, the button falling onto the floor.
Setting it down on a nearby chair, Damian went back to looking at the diplomas and certificates that he realized something wasn’t right…
“Who is Marinette Dupain?”
Chloe gnawed the tip of her nail, pulling her thumb away when she realized what she was doing. Although honestly, she could care less about her manicure right now. 
She had other matters to think about, like Alya’s visit.
Just what did Alya want to talk about? Was this about earlier today? About not being part of their party? Then again, she mentioned Marinette.
But what about Marinette? 
Marinette was…Marinette! There was nothing more to the girl than- 
Chloe let out a scoff, biting her tongue to hold in a laugh.
Marinette wasn’t just Marinette, but at the same time, she was. 
Yes, her knowing Selina Kyle threw her off at first, but after knowing that the girl had known Jason Todd -one of Bruce Wayne’s sons- of course it would make sense that Marinette would know the rest of the family.
But then there was the kidnapping…she was just the daughter of a pair of sweet bakers, who would kidnap the child of a pair of bakers?
But what if…what if…what if knowing the Wayne’s made her a target?
Was Alya perhaps going to talk about that? About Marinette’s connections with the Wayne’s? Did she find something regarding the reason behind her kidnapping?
But then again, she wasn’t in the know of the kidnapping, unless Marinette told her… so why-
“-Queen! My Queen! Your phone has been going off for some time now!” Pollen spoke up, snapping Chloe from her thoughts.
Quickly going to pick up her phone, Chloe was about to return the phone call when she noticed Pollen whiz away. On cue, Adrien came bursting into her room. 
“Chloe! What’s wrong? Why aren’t you answering- oh. You’re fine.” Adrien pointed out. 
“Of course I am! Why-“ Chloe tried to deflect.
“I’ve been texting you for a while and when those didn’t get read, I tried calling. And when you didn’t pick those up, I came here thinking something had happened to you. After all, there isn’t a time you aren’t on your phone.” 
“But as you can see, I’m fine. I was just busy admiring the bracelet Marinette gave me.” Chloe showed off said bracelet, Adrien noticing that a few of her nails had picked nail polish, parts of it lifting. He frowned.
“Somethings bothering you. Tell me.”
“Nothing’s wrong.”
The room stayed silent for a while. “Sit down.” Adrien motioned to the chaise, patting a seat next to him. A split minute passed when Chloe finally sat down beside her friend. “So, what happened?”
“Alya wants to talk about Marinette. Not exactly sure about what, but…”
“But what?”
“That's just it, I don’t know.” Chloe stared at her hands, taking off the last bit of nail polish off her finger. “Her voice, her way of asking me if she could see me now…it sounded urgent. Panicky,  almost.”
When Adrien didn’t comment on anything, Chloe decided to turn to him, only to find him zoned on who knows what. “Adrien?”
“So she didn’t mention what she wanted to talk about?”
“Didn’t you just hear what I said?” She scoffed. “Ridiculous. Anyways, she urgently wanted to talk about Marinette and didn’t mention-“
“If she didn’t mention anything, that means it’s something she uncovered while looking at Marinette’s public information.” 
“Public information? What is that suppose to-”
“Alya knows something that everyone else doesn’t. It’s something besides having been Banshee, besides her being adopted, besides being from Gotham and knowing the Wayne’s.” 
“Are you saying Cesaire is digging up information on Marinette?” Chloe couldn’t believe the girl. “She claims to be her friend and she does that? Who does-”
“You know she’s not like that Chlo. We both know that.” Chloe remained silent. “I didn’t mean to imply that Alya is digging up information on Marinette, but rather…”
“Rather what?” Now Adrien went quiet, causing Chloe to scowl. “Adrien, what are you getting at?”
“It’s…it’s something that’s been weighing on my mind recently. Something that has been plaguing me ever since we’ve come back from Gotham.”
“Adrien…that was almost a month ago. Why didn’t you-”
“Because it concerns Marinette…”
“Now you’re doubting Marinette?”
“Chloe, listen…I think…I think Marinette isn’t who she says she is.”
“Adrien. You can’t just-”
“I know, I know! But…Chloe.” He grabbed her hands. “You’re my bestest friend. My sister from other parents. You know I trust you with everything, right?”
“I know that already. But what’s does this-“
“What I’m about to tell you stays between the two of us, okay?” 
“Always.” She answered without a second thought.
“Chloe,” he huffs. “There were so many loose threads and even then, I’m sure of what I’m about to say…” Chloe feels his grasp tighten. “Marinette…I believe Marinette Dupain Cheng is not the Marinette Dupain Cheng she claims to be. I believe…I believe that it’s just-”
“Adrien…get to the point already…please…” Chloe rushed, causing Adrien to hesitate to finish his thoughts more than what he already was.
“I know it sounds crazy and believe me, I’ve been in denial this entire time but now I’m sure of it. Marinette is actually-” The sound of footsteps caused Adrien to stop mid sentence, the two turning their heads to the doors to see who was running towards them.
They watched as the doors bursted open, Alya not even giving them a second to question her entrance.
“Marinette is Ladybird!” Alya bursted out only to then collapse to the floor.
“Cesaire! How dare you-” Chloe started to yell as she approached Alya.
“I don’t care if Adrien is here and I don’t care what you say about me having to ask to enter because you have to help me decide what the fuck to do with this piece of information,” Alya demanded, taking out a flashdrive, “because I can’t exactly say this on the Ladyblog or anywhere without causing another-“
“Alya, calm down. Breathe.” Adrien told her as he guided her to a seat at the chaise they had gotten up from. “And we’re going to have you say that one again because we want to make sure what you said was indeed what you said, okay?” Chloe handed her over a bottle of water. 
When Alya took a few sips and calmed out a bit, she looked at the two before taking interest in the bottle in her hands. 
“As I was trying to say before, I found out something I wasn’t supposed to.” She looked at the two before her. “Marinette… 
Marinette is Ladybird…and unfortunately, I have proof.”
It seemed that with each room he tried to enter to get answers, his list of questions only got longer.
Seeing as his father’s room had no answers and nor did the nursery, Damian returned to the room his brain knew should have the answers to all his questions: Amira’s. 
After taking mere seconds to lockpick the bedroom door, Damian was yet again disappointed with the lack of answers he got from his sister’s room as well.
Every photo on the wall lacked the face of the woman in the portrait. Instead, various photos of the circus boy and orphan joined her in several photos. In others, there were other teens being the main focus with his sister being in the background. 
In short, his sister also knew nothing of the woman from the portrait. However, there was something that caught his eye.
A red haired teen would often be found holding his sister’s hand in more recent photos, the teen often found being at her side at all times. 
While Damian was raised within the domain that was the League of Assassins, that didn’t mean he wasn’t aware of the signs of intimacy between two people. 
And this was exactly it. 
But who exactly was he?
Did their father allow them to be together? Was he of the same standing as them? 
Perhaps of the same wealth status? And if not that, then what? 
Damian closed his eyes and took a deep breath as he cleared those thoughts away. 
He’s not your top priority now. Finding out who the woman was and why his father had diplomas of a ‘Marinette Dupain’ in the nursery were his main concerns. 
After re-establishing his thoughts, Damian sat down on the edge of his sister’s bed, staring at the photo of what he assumed to be the skyline of the city of Paris from the top of the Eiffel-
Why did his sister have a picture of the skyline of Paris? Or rather, how did she get this picture? Judging from the angle of the photo, it wasn’t just from the touristic height of the tower, but rather the very top, from the antenna of the tower itself…
“I have a few things left to do before I have to go elsewhere.” 
“Duties? Robin?”
His sister’s words from before her departure rang in his head. 
Just what were her duties in Paris? What drove her to Paris that made her not want to take the mantle of Robin?
Seems like there was only one thing left to do: visit his sister.
But first, he had some research he had to do before heading there.
The three teens looked at the screen in front of them, Alya barely holding in her tears while Chloe tore off a tip of her nail she had been chewing this entire time. 
Alya had decided to run through all of her data she had gathered that proved Marinette being Ladybird, screen mirroring Chloe’s laptop screen to a nearby tv to allow the three of them to see everything clearly. 
To see the facts Marinette had hidden from them all this time. 
From her mystery filled family background to her ability to adapt to any challenge thrown her way to knowing government related issues regular civilians shouldn’t know about...
“And you’re sure you haven’t told anyone-“
“For the last time Adrien, no!” Alya shrieked, finally letting the tears spill. “I’ve only found out now! Everything clicked when I left the Dupain-Cheng’s, I-“ Alya let out a frustrated scream, pulling at her hair. “What am I supposed to do with this?! Tell me, what-“
“Alya, please! This is…this is just as-'' Chloe dug her nails into the palm of her hand. “If she’s really Ladybird, then she must’ve had her reasons. I mean, Hawkmoth! 
She couldn’t just go and reveal herself to us. Can you imagine what would have happened if Hawkmoth knew that we knew who she was? 
He could’ve used us against her. And I don’t ever want to go against her!”
“Because of Banshee?” Alya dared to ask.
“What? No!” Chloe shrieked, appalled Alya would ever say something like that regarding their friend. “Because if she’s Ladybird, then I can’t risk endangering one of Paris’ vigilantes! And…
And…because she’s my friend, Alya. And the last thing I wanna do is hurt my friends, even outside of being a Victim.”
“Is that why you came to tell us?” Adrien asked, hating the pit he felt in his stomach after hearing Alya’s question. “Are you…are you afraid of Marinette turning into something like Banshee again?”
Alya opened her mouth to refute, only to clamp it shut when she saw Chloe’s wide eyes. 
“Cesaire. What the-“
“No! Yes! I don’t know!” Alya slumped to the floor. “I’m worried that one of us might get akumatized again and-“
“Alya, what do you mean by again?”
“If Marinette knows that I know that she is Ladybird, her emotions will get the best of her if I decide to confront her and ask if she truly is Ladybird. She won’t turn into Banshee per se, but she could turn into something just as powerful and if not, worse. And if she decides to lie to me fully knowing my evidence is correct, being called a liar…I’m afraid…I’m afraid I must just- I just…I don’t want anyone to fall into Hawkmoth’s manipulation again.” 
Alya hugged her knees, her head pressed against them. “ I don’t want to fall into this manipulation again…I don’t ever want to go through that again...”
“You keep saying again…were you akumatized before?” Adrien asked. Seconds ticked before Alya raised her head to look at him. 
“LadyWifi. That’s how I realized Marinette was Ladybird. While we were talking, I brought up therapy and tried to tell her how she had to power through all of this…even when we feel like we should be punished for something we weren’t aware that we did…
It was then that she mentioned LadyWifi. 
No one should’ve known that I was LadyWifi and when I realized this..” she quietly trailed off. “I got so excited to know I wasn’t the only one who felt this way that nothing alarmed me at first and when it finally dawned on me...it was too late.
I had connected the dots and now…everything she had ever said to me makes sense…and now I can’t do anything to help her because I fear I’ll do more harm than good if I try to approach her…
And that’s the last thing I want to do. I don’t ever want to hurt those close to me, those dear to me. Because unlike you Chloe, I have hurt my friends and family before and before you say anything, you aren’t going to be the first one to tell me about this, nor the last. 
‘It wasn’t your fault,’ LadyWifi wasn’t really you. Her actions weren’t yours. You weren’t in control.’ But that’s exactly what bothers me!
Because it was me. Because it was me. 
Just because I don’t remember being LadyWifi doesn’t mean I wasn’t at fault!
After all, it was my fault for letting my emotions get the better of me, of allowing myself to get manipulated by Hawkmoth despite being fully aware of the conditions needed for him to take control of you…
While I was LadyWifi, I hurt so many people around me…I hurt Ladybird…
I feel like I should be held accountable for all the trouble I did while akumatized…even if I was being mind controlled…
And since Marinette shares the same approach to akumatization, I can only imagine the turmoil she is going through…”
The trio sat there, wondering what to do with this information, wondering how the three could avoid setting-
That’s when something dawned onto Adrien.
“Why hasn’t he attacked us?” The two girls looked up.
“Hawkmoth.” Chloe’s eyes widened.
“Now that you mention it.”
“He hasn’t akumatized a single person since Banshee.” Alya noticed. “How long has it been since then?”
“Almost a month.” Chloe watched as Alya quickly opened up Beetle and Cat, navigating to the page that listed all of the latest Victims, Banshee being the most recent of them all and just as Chloe mentioned, that was roughly three weeks ago. 
There’s no way Hawkmoth would’ve let this type of opportunity slip just like that. 
So then, why?
“What hasn’t he akumatized us yet?” Adrien asked no one in particular.
“Could Banshee have taken that much energy from him?”
“We don’t know for sure.” Alya said as she continued to browse the site. “Hawkmoth has never been MIA before so we can’t really say for sure that was the case. 
It doesn’t help that we don’t know much about Hawkmoth nor the main details of the Banshee case.” Alya quickly filled in when she remembered what Marinette told her not long ago. “The security breach.”
“The what now?” Chloe looked at Adrien for clarification only to get a shrug of the shoulders. 
“The security breach. Marinette spoke to me about the city’s internet having been hacked into that allowed the situation in Paris to be known world wide. Marinette said that her identity as Banshee was leaked and how she has to lay low for-”
“The PRM has been violated.” Chloe whispered, Alya wondering what that meant. 
“Alya, what else do you know about this security breach?” Now that threw Alya for a spin. 
First Chloe and then Adrien. 
Why are they acting more serious the minute she spoke more about the breach? 
“Apparently, during the Banshee incident, Paris’ internet got hacked, allowing everyone in the world to see the whole akuma attack play out, including the aftermath. Because of this, Mari-”
“He’s being affected by this too.” Chloe pointed out. “With the Hawkmoth situation now out in the open, Hawkmoth is being more cautious now.”
“Of course!” Alya caught on. “With more eyes on him, he’s probably laying low to stop himself from-”
“No. I don’t think that is the case.” Adrien shut down, both girls feeling their conviction shrink. “I don’t think he would really care about having more eyes on him. If anything, he would see this as an opportunity. 
Take Queen Bee for instance. 
Even with the addition of more heroes, that didn’t stop him from akumatizing civilians. 
If anything, I think he’s using this as a distraction. He’s using the security breach as a means to gather the attention away from him and let it point towards the Parisian government for hiding this from the rest of France and the world.”
“But why would he do that? What has he to gain from all this chaos?” Alya’s eyes widened. “Oh no.”
“With this all going on, everyone will be on high alert now. Everyone’s minds and emotions would be all over the place.” Chloe scowled. “He’s not hiding because he’s afraid.”
“He’s hiding because he’s planning something big.” Adrien finished off.
“But can’t we-? I mean, I know we can’t exactly go to Marinette and ask about being Ladybird and whether she has noticed this or not. But we can’t just let Hawkmoth-“
“But we can’t just throw this at Marinette either. She’s already been through a lot this past month. I don’t think it’s wise of us to throw this identity question at her right now.”
“But Adrien! We have to act now! We know Hawkmoth is into something and if we don’t do something about it, all of Paris-“
“We can’t just go ahead and start doing something without a plan, Alya.” Adrien hissed, “We can’t just-“
“I agree, but I’m with Cesaire on this.” Chloe sided, taking Alya aback. “True, we can’t just ask Marinette about all of this, but we can’t just sit here and do nothing either. 
I want to do something before Hawkmoth gets the chance to act. I want to stop him before he can hurt anyone else…don’t you too, Adrien?”
Adrien stared at the girls before letting out a sigh. 
“We can’t just go ahead and play hero, you know that, don’t you?” When Adrien saw Chloe open her mouth to retort, he continued. “But knowing you, I know you’re going to do what you can to get what you want and all I can do is help prevent you from throwing yourself into danger.”
“Are you saying-”
“We have to create an opportunity to ask Marinette about all of this while also making a plan to try and let another vigilante know that Hawkmoth is planning something.” Adrien addressed. “I might know of a way to get into contact with one of the other vigilantes, even if it is risky, but as for creating an opportunity to ask Marinette…”
“We have to make the opportunity as soon as possible too.” Chloe pointed out. “After all, we don’t know when Hawkmoth might strike.”
“And we might need to take Selina into account for our plans.” Alya brought up. “Marinette mentioned that Selina is looking after her at the moment as her parents are in China visiting family and is feeling guilty for allowing Marinette to get kidnapped while in her care. We won’t be able to ask Marinette out unless Selina is there to look after her. And if we don’t take Selina in account, then the only other way we can ask Marinette would be at school.”
“But that would be in a month and we don’t exactly have time to just wait for the right time.” Adrien stated, noticing Chloe having gone quiet. “Chlo, what’s on your mind?
“What about another party? And this time…let’s invite the Wayne’s. We were invited to one of their galas before, it’s only right we invited them to ours.”
Amira bit her tongue, fighting the urge to take off her coat and shoes and just run back upstairs. Just thinking about heading outside made bile rise up to her mouth, Amira feeling her hands tremble as she tried to stuff them further into her pockets. She felt as her nails dug into her palm, wondering why they weren’t calming her down like usual.
A few days after the Christmas party, Adrien and Chloe invited her and her parents to a New Year’s Eve party, Amira finding herself promising to be there and promising to bring some eclairs for her friends.
“Māomāo, everything alright?” Selina asked, snapping Amira from her thoughts. 
“I’m fine.” She lied to herself, letting out a long huff. “A bit nervous, but I’m fine.”
“We don’t have to go if you don’t want to.” Selina softly spoke, her father nodding in agreement. 
“It’s one thing if you guys don’t go and it’s another if I don’t go. While they’re expecting both of us to be there, they’re expecting me to actually show up because I’m their friend.”
“They’ll understand if you don’t want to go.”
“But I need to go.”
“Amira,” her father spoke, crouching to her eye level. “Don’t force yourself if you’re not feeling up to it.”
“I’m not forcing myself and I do want to go. I can’t go back on my promise after all.”
Bruce looked at Selina, Selina giving him a shrug.
“Alright. We’ll all go. But if anything-”
“I’ll make sure to let you guys be the first ones to know if anything goes wrong.” 
“Alright then.” Selina said, clapping her hands together. “As much as I like making a grand entrance, being two hours late isn’t what I consider to be an entrance nor can my outfit for tonight allow me to use the excuse of being fashionably late. So come on. Let’s go already.”
Amira didn’t know what to expect when Chloe had told her almost anyone she could think of -celebrity wise- would be at the party. 
For starters, her parents. The minute they entered, they were swarmed with people, a few congratulating their engagement, some asking them for the wedding date while others tried to talk business with them. 
While her parents took the room by storm, she quietly made her entrance, asking Chloe’s butler -Armand- about Chloe’s whereabouts.
According to the man, he last saw her with her father, who was just on the other side of the dimly lit hall.
As she made her way towards the mayor,  she couldn’t help but notice a few strangling reporters like Nadja Chamack there and a few play directors like Sarah in the crowd talking with Paris’ most popular show host Alec Cataldi.
She also noticed Bob Roth with his son in the crowd, his cackling regarding who knows whatever new accomplishment his son did causing her to make a mental note of avoiding him at all cost.
She didn’t need to get tangled into a long conversation of boasting with a man who already gave her a bad impression.
Just as she reached the mayor, she was tackled from behind, thankful to know it was just Chloe and Sabrina, the two girls having been tailing her the moment she walked in.
Sabrina tried to tell her something, but the multitude of conversations surrounding them, Chloe suggested they meet up with the others, Amira fully agreeing to going to a more open spaced area to converse in.
As Chloe guided her to where the rest of the group was at, she couldn’t help but spot Penny Rolling- Jagged Stone’s manager and if she was there, Jagged himself should be somewhere nearby. And the minute Chloe had guided her to the rooftop, she spotted the rock singer by the pool, telling Adrien and Nino stories of his tours and about Fang. Said reptilian guest was splashing about in the water, without a single care in the world.
It was only when Jagged spotted Clara Nightingale in the distance that he tore himself from the group, quickly giving them an apology before running over to talk with the pop singer. Something about an upcoming collaboration. 
“Marinette! You made it!” Adrien chirped, going up to hug his friend.
“Dudette! How've you been?”
“Never felt better!” Marinette said with a practiced smile. “By the way, I brought the snacks you guys asked for. I made sure to leave it in the kitchen for safe keeping. Oh, but won’t Natalie say anything about the sweets? I know-”
“You don’t gotta worry about her!” Nino said with a grin. “My dude can finally eat whatever he wants without her reporting to his old man tonight, isn’t that right?” Nino turned to Adrien.
“Y-yeah.” Adrien said with a strain smile. “She let me come here while she stayed back home.”
“Hey, is everything alright?” Chloe asked, placing a hand on his shoulder.
“Adrien, are you alright?” Sabrina looked at their friend with worry.
“My dad…my dad hasn’t been feeling well as of late. It sometimes happens from time to time where he would randomly collapse, sometimes getting fevers and bad colds out of nowhere. Nathalie tells me everything is fine, that it’s just from overworking himself…but…I think it’s more than just work…” Adrien fumbled with his hands. “I’m worried they’re just trying to downplay it…just like…just like when-”
“Ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous!” Chloe interrupted. “This is a party. A party I worked hard for so that we can enjoy ourselves and countdown for the new year. I don’t want you starting the new year being all sulky when you have us around, so enough of this!” She looked Adrien square in the eyes. “You will enjoy this party and I’ll make sure of that!”
“That’s right!” Sabrina backed up.
“We’ll make sure you party so hard you forget about all the things that are making you sad!” Nino added.
“Adrien,” Marinette softly spoke up. “You’re dad is going to get better, you’ll see. And just like Chloe said, we’re here for you.” Amira mentally laughed at herself. The sweet hypocrisy that was about to come out of her mouth. “If you ever need someone to talk to, we’re here for you. You can trust us, okay?”
Adrien nodded, finally giving them a grin.
“Alright then, what are we waiting for? Let’s start with some drinks!”
“You know we’re not supposed to drink more than a cup, alright?” 
The group of friends managed to find an empty table to sit at and get some champagne, the friends quickly diving into small talk and retellings of their childhoods. 
Hours passed and Amira could feel the jitters from earlier start to fade away over the course of the night, even telling stories of her time at Gotham Academy and stories of when she first started to learn to bake.
Amira smiled as the others laughed at her retelling of her attempt at a cake when something passed by her, the corner of her eye barely catching it.
She ever so slightly turned her head to see what it was only to feel her heart stop and drop to the pits of her stomach.
Dark purple wings barely made it through the shut roof doors, but she knew that shade of purple all too well.
Hawkmoth’s butterflies’ wings. As in…an akuma…
“Marinette, is everything alright? Marinette jumped at the sound of Sabrina’s voice, turning to see said girl quite close to her. “You don’t seem-”
“I’m fine!” Marinette managed to squeak out, noticing she caught Chloe and Adrien’s attention from her sudden shout. “I-I just need to st- I was wondering where the kitchen was! I want to bring in the eclairs I made.” Marinette managed to fumble out, hoping they wouldn’t question her any further. After all, she had to find that akuma…now. “Do you know where it-”
“Marinette, are you alright?” Adrien asked, Marinette cursing his timing. “You seem a bit pale.”
“She says she’s fine. She’s looking for-”
“The kitchen!” Marinette cut Sabrina off. “I want to bring my surprise in!”
“Oh, I can take-”
“NO! I mean, no, that’s- I can get there myself! I, um, I can go if you just tell me how to get there.”
“Oh, I- sure, I guess.” Adrien fumbled, wondering why Marinette was acting strange. Was she onto them? “It’s right down stairs, right under us, in fact.”
“Under us? Alright. Thanks!” Without a second to lose, Amira bolted towards the glass dome, making sure each step she toko connected with the step, making sure she held onto the railing as she walked down the spiral stairway.  
She cursed herself when she realized she lost the butterfly when a faint trail of miasma seeped from the doors that lead to the staff stairwell. 
Without missing a beat, Amira followed, apologizing whenever she almost knocked someone over as she went to the stairwell, her eye barely catching the miasma as it went to a lower level, Amira stepping into the new floor, noticing the miasma seeping out of another pair of doors yet again.
Rushing towards the doors, she felt the hairs on the back of her neck rise when her hand touched the door handle. 
Pushing the doors inwards, Amira scanned the room, wondering where she was at. She circled around the round table, admiring the neatly composed white rose bouquet. She picked up on the two open doorways on either side of the room, wondering where she should start with to search for the aku- 
“Mlle Dupain-Cheng. I did not take you to be a child that snoops around other people’s homes.” Amira whipped her head to find Gabriel Agreste sitting on the furthest sofa chair, his eyes casted onto the book in his hands. 
“Mr.Agreste! I- I thought you were-what are you doing here?”
“The same reason you are here, Mlle Dupain-Cheng. I was invited to Mlle Bourgeois’ New Year Eve’s party. I had arrived just a few minutes ago, but I asked Andre if I could have a few minutes to compose myself before joining everyone else. He agreed, graciously allowing me to have a seat here.” Gabriel flipped a page. “But what about you, Mlle Dupain-Cheng? What brings you to Mlle Bourgeois’ quarters?”
“O-Oh. I-I wasn’t aware this was Chloe’s room…this is Chloe’s room?”
“More like her entertainment room although she likes to try and call it a waiting room for any person she deems worthy of her time. She usually spends her time here watching the hotel’s security cameras or viewing movies��or at least that’s what Adrien says Chloe does whenever they’re in this particular room.” Another page got flipped. “So back to the question, what brings you here when you should be upstairs, enjoying the countdown with your friends?”
“I was looking for the kitchen to check on the pastry I brought for the party. I was told it was the room just below the rooftop.” Marinette spoke, daring to take a step forward, now standing in the doorway. She scanned the room for any remnants of the akuma, only to realize that there was no miasma to be found anywhere in the room. 
There was no butterfly in sight either. “I must’ve gotten distracted by my phone as I went down the stairs as when I walked through the doors, I just found myself in a corridor and not the extravagant hall I was first brought to. Thinking I would find someone here to help me, I walked through the first doors I saw and I didn’t think I would run into you Mr.Agreste.
Although to be completely honest, I did not expect you to be up and walking. I was told you weren’t feeling well as of late. Or rather, Adrien told me that you’ve been fighting an awful cold these past few days.”
She didn’t expect Gabriel to be taken aback by this sentence, or rather, the fact that Gabriel took the time to look at her when she mentioned Adrien being worried about his father. He looked back down on his book.
“Adrien should not worry much; there have been a few times this has happened to me, but this cold will leave me soon…” Gabriel closed his book. “If memory serves me correctly,” Gabriel slowly got up, tucking the book into his arm. It was only then that Marinette noticed what the book he was reading this entire time was: the grimoire. “This is our second time meeting each other, is it not?”
“I suppose you can say that.” Marinette said, remaining where she was, making sure to scan the room with as little movement as possible. “But if you don’t want Adrien to worry, shouldn’t you-“
“Do you believe in fates, Mlle Dupain-Cheng?” Marinette tried her best to not show her confusion.
“What do you mean by that?”
“There must have been a reason for you waltzing into this room, Mlle Dupain-Cheng. Don’t you agree?” That took Marinette aback, almost letting out a laugh from the sudden change in topic but she bit her tongue to prevent herself from doing so. 
“Like I said before, I was looking for the kitchen to bring my pastry to Adrien’s room. But to answer your question, I don’t fully believe in fates and destinies. I say we have the ability to change them.”
“You disappoint me, Mlle Dupain Cheng.” Marinette frowned.
“Sounds like you are hoping I would agree with-“
“I was. After all, we’re two kindred spirits.” Gabriel took a seat at another sofa, this time motioning Marinette to take a seat on the opposite one. Slowly, she took the offer. “Marinette, I need your help.”
“With all due respect Mr.Agreste, what can I -a 13 year old girl- do to help you? I don’t have much to off-“
“Oh, but you do.” Gabriel disputed. “You know how to translate the language in this book, can’t you?” She tensed up when he motioned the grimoire. 
That’s right. He knows that I know. He knows that I still remembered parts of Jason’s journal by memory. But why is he bringing that up now?
“As I’ve mentioned before,” she let herself relax, disregarding the still standing hairs on her neck. “It was my brother who knew how to decipher it. I, myself, don’t actually know much about the language, much less how to decipher it. So I don’t see how-”
“Yes, you did mention that it was him who knew the mysteries behind the book’s language.” Gabriel said, opening up the grimoire. “However, thanks to the small translations you’ve left behind, I was able to understand a few of the pages within the book.”
Marinett’s eyes widened. Did…did he find out about- no.
There’s no way he learned how to properly decipher the grimoire in mere days, there’s no way. Not with the simple translations she left behind. Hell, he shouldn’t be able to figure that out at all!
After all, it took Jason months to even find out that there was-
The cameras! 
She should’ve been checking them more often! Speaking of, when was the last time she checked it? Was it after- “Take the following section regarding the Butterfly. ” Gabriel started, interrupting her flow of thoughts. 
“The Butterfly is the miraculous of transmission, not to be confused with the miraculous of emotion - the peacock. While both are similar in regards to the miraculi allowing their users to grant powers to others, their way of doing so is where it differs. While the peacock user can grant an ally a champion to command, the butterfly user makes their ally into the champion.” 
Silence shortly filled the room, allowing Marinette to hear her heart racing loudly in her ears.
“I’m-I’m,” Marinette could feel her uncertainty continue to eat her thoughts, “I’m sorry…I-I don’t quite follow. How did the translations I left behind-”
“You see, thanks to the few translations you’ve left behind, I was able to see where my own translations were wrong, where I mistranslated and therefore mixed up the actual meaning of various pages of information.” Gabriel turned over a few more pages, the flipping coming to a stop a few pages over. “I always mistook the words ‘transmission’ and ‘emotion’ to be the same word, using them interchangeably throughout my translations. 
However, had I not stumbled into you and for you to give me with the little knowledge you had on the ancient language, I would have continued to misinterpret the information within the book. 
And for that, I thank you.” 
Thank me? 
I did nothing.
Jason was the one he should be thankful for. 
Why can’t he understand that it was all Jason?
Jason…she never told him about any of this! How did she forget to tell him?
“You have nothing to thank me for. If you want to thank anyone, it should be my brother..if he was still with us...” Gabriel watched the girl sink into herself 
“While it was your brother who originally discovered how to decipher the language, it was you who continued his legacy.” 
Her mind went blank. She felt her back straighten upon hearing those words. “Or do you not believe so?”
“No.” She ended up vocalizing, saying it as she looked at him. “I-I don’t think-” 
“You see, Marinette. Thanks to the little amount of translation you’ve left behind, I was able to fully translate this small portion of the introductory paragraph of the butterfly miraculous that I wasn’t able to before.”
“Again,” Marinette clasped her hands together, fighting the urge to dig her nails into them. “That was all my brother.” 
That’s right, this was all Jason. 
She didn’t do a single thing to earn this praise. If anything, she was just taking credit for it…
“I just managed to know a few words that- coincident-“
“That wasn’t a mere coincidence, Marinette. This, this is the power of your knowledge-” 
Jason’s knowledge. 
Jason’s determination to crack the code. 
His efforts. 
Not hers. 
She somehow managed to zone back into Gabriel’s monologue. “-even as little as it may be, you've remembered enough of your brothers translations-“
“It was all his efforts! Not mine!” Marinette yelled, feeling her throat drying up. 
Oh no. 
Now there’s a lump. “I only know some of the things that he did and that just won’t be enough! Whatever it is you wanted me to help you with, I can’t help you! I have nothing else to offer!” She let herself catch her breath. “All I did was memorize what he translated and that’s it! I myself can’t translate the book! I’m…I’m useless…”
She didn’t expect her to get a laugh from Gabriel.
“Useless? Marinette, take a good look at yourself.” He smiled, sending a chill down her spine. “You’re more than just a translator. You’re the key to my success.”
“I’m- what?” 
Why? Why does he keep insisting- 
“With the knowledge you possess, you can translate the rest of the book, can’t you? Once you’ve helped me translate the book, you’ll help me-”
“I already told you that I can’t! Why are you still-”
“Marinette, my child. You’re failing to see the truth before your eyes.”
Why does she keep feeling this way? 
Why can’t she shake this feeling off? 
That something was happening and she couldn’t figure out what it was…
“The truth. Your worth. Your potential.” Gabriel flipped to another page in his book. “You’re so busy trying to keep your emotions in check that you’ve become afraid of the possible aftermath that would happen if you let them out.”
Emotions in check? 
There it was again, her mind warning her about something…
“What are you-“
“Just imagine the creativity of your ideas if you just let them be, to let them happen without logic backing them up but instead emotion.”
“You’re not making any sen-“
“According to the grimoire, emotions allow a champion to become their greatest self, their power limitless if they allow their emotions to completely take over. Banshee-“ her breath hitched, “-was a perfect example of-“
“Stop it!” Marinette cut off, struggling to keep herself calm. The itching that began to gnaw on her skin didn’t help. “What do you know about-“
“I know a lot of people are against the idea of Hawkmoth’s guidance-“
“Guidance?” Marinette scoffed, hearing something inside her snap. “He uses a person’s greatest emotion and uses it to further his distorted desires, whatever it is. That’s not guidance. That’s manipulation.”
“But couldn’t the same be said about Ladybird?” 
All the buzzing in her head went silent.
“Why yes. Despite her declaration after the defeat of Remidator, she has yet to complete her promise. Better yet, she had to gather help to take down Hawkmoth.”
“Because Hawkmoth has gotten stronger.” Marinette defended.
“That is true. But if that’s the case wouldn’t you think she would be in the front lines more than ever?”
“What do you mean more?”
“Oh.” Gabriel smirked. That couldn’t be good. “Haven’t you noticed? She hasn’t been on the frontlines for the past, I want to say, five akumas.”
“You probably didn’t see her.” Marinette tried to play off. “After all, now we have more than just her and Chat. We have two other heroes- Queen Bee and Carapace.” 
“Perhaps that is the case. But even when it was just the two of them, only Chat Noir would be seen more often; Ladybird would often make her entrance halfway through the fight. Wouldn’t you say she’s just using her supposed comrades to do the majority of the work before taking cre-”
“No! Why would she-”
“Why would she indeed? That is a good question. Do you want to know what I believe is to be the answer?”
Marinette sat there silently, allowing Gabriel to continue. “I think she wasn’t supposed to be Ladybird from the beginning.
She wasn’t meant to be the one to guide her team. I think Ladybird was supposed to be someone else. 
That the current one is only Ladybird now because she was a last resort.
After all that would be the only explanation behind her behavior. Why else would she be-“
“You’re  wrong.” Marinette tried to defend, but was coming with a blank. “Ladybird…Ladybird-”
“Ladybird is simply a placeholder and because of that, she can’t truly control her powers to its full extent. Why, with the most recent akuma proved that. Had she been the true Ladybug, Ladybird should have-”
“The power of the miraculous depends on the holder wielding the miraculous in that moment.” Marinette started, not really sure why she was even trying to defend herself, because Gabriel had a point…she couldn’t even hold up her end of her promise. 
Even with her comrades…she had yet to gather enough evidence and manpower to take down Hawkmoth. “Based on the holder’s compatibility, creativity and relation with the miraculous, the miraculous in use will be either at its most prime state or at its worst. 
Based on the latest additions to the grimoire, in comparison to her previous predecessors, our Ladybird seems to be the most astute of them all.” Marinette glared at Gabriel. 
That’s right.
Maybe she wasn’t the best Ladybug, but the new one will. They would have all the knowledge they would need to do what she couldn’t - defeat Hawkmoth!
The true Ladybug will triumph!
“So don’t say Ladybird isn’t fit for the job when she is! She will defeat Hawkmoth, just watch!” 
They just have to!
Standing up, Marinette marched back towards the doors that lead her to this room. “And if that’s all you wanted from me, then goodb-”
“And you called yourself useless.” Marinette turned around, wondering what he was talking about. “And yet you managed to tell me about a part of the book that doesn’t exist-”
 Oh…oh no…
”-unless you knew that the book’s information morphs as new wielders appear.” 
This…this was…this was all set up… it was a trap!
“Anyone who studies the grimoire for a bit more than a few months can figure out how the book works.” She tried to playoff.  “As for how I knew, it didn’t take much to figure it out as the pages mentioning older wielders were decorated differently compared to the newer pa-” 
“Two could play at that, Miss Dupin-Cheng....or should I say, Mlle Wayne?” Amira felt her heart stop, Gabriel internally grinning upon seeing her pale face. 
“What…what did you call me?” Was all she could say, Amira feeling her vision starting to narrow, her heart beating loudly in her ears. 
This wasn’t good, this wasn’t good, this wasn’t good!
She felt as her hands began to get clammy, growing warmer by the second. 
She tried to focus on anything else but the rising and falling of her chest, which just quickened with each second she paid attention to it didn’t allow her to breathe. 
“Destiny is a funny thing, Mlle Wayne.” Gabriel started off, deciding to flip onto the next page of the grimoire, deciding to not look up as he already knew he had her where he wanted her. “Everyone believes one can change their fate, but that is never the case. 
Decisions are made, whether one regrets them or not so that one day, the decisions start to have cohesion and start to create a picture. A meaning.
Losing your name, your identity, losing your brother and then your home. 
Even coming to Paris and attending Dupont - it all had its meaning. A purpose.
They all led to the day the grimoire made its way to your hands.” Gabriel looked up to see Amira frozen in place, her eyes quivering as she kept staring at him, her eyes getting glossier by the second. “It was all so that you and I could meet. For you to help me with my goal.”
“Wha-What are you talking about?” Amira asked in hopes of changing the subject, trying her best to keep her voice from shaking. Oh but how her eyes betrayed her, unshed tears pooling at the brim of her eyes. “And how-” 
“Interested, aren’t we?” Gabriel smirked. “Thanks to you confirming my theories of you knowing how to translate the grimoire and its other mysteries, I think I should let you in on a little secret. 
Remember how I stated that your translation helped to correct the mistakes I made on my own? Well, let me read to you one of my corrections.” Amira watched as he scanned the page before him. “Ah yes, a bit further from where I first left off.” 
Alongside sharing a telepathic connection, the butterfly user can perceive anything that their champion perceives, as well as everything the champion hears and feels emotionally. This is due to the miraculous’ acute ability to sense emotions, allowing the miraculous to precisely pinpoint a champion’s true identity so as to not mistakenly give another person the power selected for them.
In other words…” Gabriel trailed, grinning as he watched the child further process the passage he finished reading, watching as she silently watched in horror as an ever familiar glow appeared millimeters away from her face, causing her to let out a whimper. 
“No...it can’t-”
“But it is.” Gabriel said with a smile, snapping his book shut and getting up. “I felt the anger and pain you felt when that girl from school claimed to have known your brother. A brother who has long stopped roaming on this Earth. 
How no one believed you when you told them that girl was lying and you were telling the truth. 
It was I who offered a hand when no one else did. It was me who gave you the power to seek vengeance…Amira.” Gabriel made his way towards Amira, seeing the way the gears were beginning to spin in her head, the way tears began to cascade down her face. Gabriel called out a white butterfly, Amira watching it land gracefully onto his finger.
“That’s right, Mlle Wayne.” Amira watched as the man clasped his hands over the white butterfly, a purple miasma abruptly consuming him, watching it glow before it revealed him in a completely different attire. 
Long gone was the white suit, a black one replacing it. His face was now covered by what she mistook for a helmet, black, except for the giant reflective butterfly covering the majority of his face. And in his hand, an akuma, glistening purple lines adorning its small miasmic wings.
So this is what Hawkmoth looked like…so this was the enemy she had perfectly pinpointed towards…the enemy she had allowed to get the better of her…
Thanks to the reflectiveness of his mask, she saw how the glitching glowing butterfly that was mere millimeters away from her face looked on her…how it perfectly framed her eyes. 
How it reminded her of her mistake. 
Of how she failed her team…
Her father… 
She watched as the akuma flew away. “I am Hawkmoth and you, my fated pupil, will help me get what I want.
You will help me get Chat Noir and Ladybird’s miraculous, whether you want to or not.
After all, as long as my miraculous continues to remain broken, the link between us will continue.” 
He closed the distance between them, placing a hand on her shoulder. Tears began to fall down the young child’s face as he watched her process everything that has just transpired. “So I suggest you start to cooperate if you want to get rid of it…” He watched as it finally sunk into her, watching as she fell to her knees, one of her hands gripping at her chest. 
He crouched down to try and look at her. “I know this is well overdue, but-” Hawkmoth offered her a hand.
“Welcome to Paris, Mlle Wayne.”
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hikarry · 1 month
Since I didn't communicate clearly earlier:
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 39
Oh, God lord, Sam
Okay, yes, yes, sure
Just, be prepared for a long post I guess then. Ill skip the ones I already answered
2. show us a picture of your handwriting?
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3. 3 films you could watch for the rest of your life and not get bored of?
The Imitation Game, The Muppet Christmas Carol and Corpse Bride
4. what’s an inside joke you have with your family or friends?
Ah...a evil version of "You've got a friend in me" from Toy Story with one of my friends
5. what made you start your blog?
Honestly? No idea. Technically I've been here since 2014 and I kinda just joined to see pretty pics in the beginning. And now here we are, neck deep in the Good Omens fandom
6. what’s the best and worst part of being online/a creator?
The best is honestly the interaction. You guys really have no idea how nice the Good Omens fandom is. I used to be a "creator" for the Yuri on Ice fandom and it didn't used to be half of this. It's very exciting.
The worst? Maybe the pressure to post new stuff? Which is not exactly no one's fault but mine, but alas
7. what scares you the most and why?
Ah. Dying in pain? I don't like pain and I don't appreciate dying so, yeah. Kinda logic
8. any reacquiring dreams?
I don't think so?
9. tell a story about your childhood
We went to the beach this one time and I, for some reasons, made friends with this one guy I never saw again in my life. Somehow he caught a big ass fish (or big in toddler scale) and gave it to me and my first reaction was toss it back into the ocean. It was a magnificent throw, lemme tell ya. For a 3 year old, anyway
10. would you say you’re an emotional person?
It depends on how mentally stable I am and who I am with. But yes, overall, I would say so
11. what do you consider to be romance?
Small things, like sleeping cuddling, cooking together, drinking coffee together at the window in a sunday morning, kissing in the rain. My idea of romance is very...fairytale-y. And not realistic. That's why I am very very good by myself
12. what’s some good advice you want to share?
Don't look for yourself in other people. You're good enough to make yourself happy. You don't need anyone else so don't think you do. Other people are a bonus, not a requirement
13. what are you doing right now?
Answering this long ass thing thanks to you, Sam
14. what’s something you’ve always wanted to do but maybe been to scared to do?
Piercings. I've conquered my fear of tattoos and piercing are next, write what I'm telling you
15. what do you think of when you hear the word “home”?
My grandma's house
16. if you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
Physically? My weight. Because I've been fighting it ever since I was like 4 and so I could go under surgery and change my chest.
In general? Just...I would like to be more simple. I feel like other people in the world are way simpler than I am. Think and feel in a simpler way. Or I'm too complicated, depends on how you want to see it. I would like to feel simple
18. do you believe in ghosts and/or aliens?
No, to both. If I allowed myself to believe in any of those I would become way too paranoid and that's a no no
19. favourite thing about the day?
Getting home after a long day
20. favourite things about the night?
Actually getting to sleep properly, which is being an impossibility at the moment
21. are you a spiritual person?
No. I don't believe in any god or religion or entity. I max believe that the universe has my back and everything will work out somehow. But that's it
22. say 3 things about someone you love
My grandma is an amazing cook. I love her snuggles. I miss her every day
23. say 3 things about someone you hate
My uncle was assaulted last week, aparently. Not to be mean, but he could have died. I wish he had died
24. what’s one thing you’re proud of yourself for?
Not having killed myself when I really really wanted to. Living is super nice and I enjoy it quite a lot
25. fave season and why?
Autumn. Because it's when I was born and it's spooky season! And hella cozy! I love cozy!
26. fave colour and why?
Blue. Because it feels calming and reminds me of the ocean and/or water in general
27. any nicknames?
My friends used to call me "Mouse" when I was in school. It was an inside joke
28. do you collect anything?
I collect books and military jackets
30. what’s one thing that never fails to make you happy/happier?
Honestly? Without being sappy, you guys. Every time I'm having a shit day and I come here to complain y'all manage to cheer me up. It's very sweet and I thank you very much
31. are you messy or organised?
I am proudly organized in my messiness
32. how many tabs do you have open right now?
On pc? 4
On the phone? 48. 47 of those are fanfics
33. any hobbies?
Mainly reading and writing. I don't have time for much else
34. any pet peeves?
When people are slow. Not only walking, but in general: thinking, moving. It annoys the shit out of me
35. do you trust easily?
Oh no. Not at all. I think the only people I currently trust are my grandma and my therapist. And one of them I pay them to trust them so-
36. are you an open book or do you have walls up?
Way way too many walls up. I've been broken more times than I care to count and that does something to someone, lemme tell ya
37. share a secret
I stole a Hello Kitty necklace from a girl I hated when I was like 7. I still have it, as a trophy. I really hated that girl
39. youtuber you’ve been obsessed with and why?
Pinely! He's so fucking funny and I love his accent. Besides, his videos are amazing. Go watch it!
Ooof, okay. That's it, right? I tried to give short answers so it wouldn't get too annoying, but there we are. Hope you're happy, Sam!
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floosies · 5 months
Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
steve harrington x poc!fem reader
summary: always the babysitter, but has the father figure found the mother figure to help put up with the nonsense?
warnings/tags: friends to lovers, fluff, cursing, (p.s. despite mentions of s4, eddie is still alive here)
a/n: stevie deserves the world and if a fic is how to do that then so be it. merry xmas to my favorite golden boy ❤🎄☃️
tagging: @reidsbtch for the beautiful moodboard 🤍
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The holiday season in previous years for the Harrington's meant trips to Australia or Florida, anywhere else where there isn't midwestern cold air blowing around them. Steve would begrudginly string along, forgotten in a hotel room or given spending money and told to have fun in the resort.
It was 1990 now though, and at 23, he was spending this Christmas at his own place with his own traditions now. One of which was choosing a Christmas movie or show to watch as a group. Though his and Robin's place was considerably small they always made it work. This year however Home Alone had just come out and the plan had been to get tickets on a night everyone could make it.
Only scheduling was becoming hell, everyone had plans or work. The Wheelers were planning a family trip with the Byers, Eddie had gotten a new job with more hours so his uncle could have some more rest time, Robin and Vickie as well as Lucas and Max were planning family centered stuff, which left the always trustee Dustin to promise Steve he would go with him.
It was all he would talk about to her, how everyone else had basically ditched him and here he was again relying on Dustin to step in. She heard him intently as they shelved vhs tapes onto the tinsel topped displays, "how do you think I feel? This is my first Christmas away from home. Although I do enjoy being able to hear Wham singing and not my folks yelling over it." She quipped as he sighed, his eyes rolling, "at least your parents hung around for the holidays, I think mine are in Florida right now." She shrugged, "oh Steve lighten up tis the season and you have little Dustin to cheer you up." She further taunted him by throwing him one of the candy canes from their small tree they had on the check out counter.
She'd moved to Hawkins earlier in the year with the only goal of surviving on her own away from her previous situation. Within a month she was hired at the Family Video and met both Steve and Dustin in the middle of a heated debate about batteries and star wars. It was Dustin who vouched for her to join their friend group especially after seeing her homemade twilight zone pin and weird al cassette in her car. However he only ever regretted it when he got into trouble, because now he wouldn't hear the end of it from her and Steve.
Considering Dustin, he had come in before the store closed, ever thankful he ran into her first and not Steve. His face worried and guilt ridden, "what'd you do this time dusty? Am I going to have to talk to your mom again?" She joked as he mocked back, "that was so not cool, but no. It's about the movie night with Steve...I messed up." She was curious now but before she could ask what he meant, Steve had come up from the back of the store, "Henderson you better be ready to get all the snacks dude, we are going in heavy this year since-" catching a glimpse of Dustin's sour face he stopped his ramble, "do we need to talk to Higgins and your mom again?" Rolling his eyes he shook his head, "again totally uncalled for and embarrassing. You guys didn't need to be there" She quipped back "Then why are we on your emergency contact list?" He groaned, "whatever anyways no, that's not why i'm here. I'm sorry dude I royally screwed up my schedule -" "No. No. No! Not you too!" Steve cried out in frustration, "I literally had to beg Keith to give me Saturday night off." Dustin felt like shit about this, "I'll make it up to you I promise. It's just Suzie is coming down from Utah with the whole family and my mom has this whole dinner planned. I'll bring her by so you can meet her!"
She really felt bad for Steve now. He was genuinely hurt by now, it was written over his face. In the back of her mind she knew better but before she could regret it or overthink it, the words flew out of her mouth, "I'm free Saturday night if you still wanna go see that movie? I still haven't been to the theatre here so it would be cool to see the rest of Hawkins?" Steve looked at her about to decide whether to shoot down her kindness or ask if she's serious when Dustin speaks, "problem solved! Thanks so much! You guys'll have all the fun in the world. I got run." He started for the door with a 'merry holidays!' as he ran out and back into his mom's car.
Steve took his hands into his face with a loud sigh, "I was being serious Steve you literally said you did this every year, don't let the tradition fade out because those gremlins can't make it." He looked up at her, "well I guess it couldn't hurt." She smiled at him nudging his side with her shoulder, "see theres the holiday spirit. I'm going to start getting the store ready to close now though." He watched as she walked off to start turning off the window lights while thinking about how happy she seemed at his approval. He didn't want to read too much into but could it be that she might like him?
What was she thinking? Sure he was cute but from what everybody had mentioned so far, he was some sort of big shot around the area. He did say yes though, but it was probably a pity yes, still she could always say it was some christmas kindness is all. That's what she told herself for the rest of the week, because deep down she wasn't sure what to make of him entirely.
He spent the rest of the week pestering himself with the notation, the very idea that maybe he had missed something entirely or he was so full of himself that he was misinterpreting the whole thing. Robin was tired of hearing the same ramblings at work and as he dropped her off at home, "don't be a dingus, dingus. She literally said she wanted to go with you, she even brought up having zero plans." He shrugged as he pulled up to Robin's house, "I mean what if she just feels bad for me?" "Oh I think we all feel bad for you." She said opening the car door, he rolled his eyes, "ha ha laugh it up." Slamming the car door behind her she looked back through the car window, "it's gonna be fine Steve."
Saturday came by way too quickly for both of them. After multiple outfit changes and hair stylings they both found themselves waiting for the other. Well Steve found himself waiting in front of her apartment door with flowers in one hand and the other in his pocket where he was fidgeting with his car keys.
When the door opened and he saw her in a black mini skirt with sheer tights and a red knit sweater. She had clearly done something right based on the look he was giving her, "hey Steve those for me?" She asked pointing to the bouquet in his hand. He suddenly came to again, "yeah. Yes! I mean yeah, got these for you, I umm...I didn't want to come empty handed?" He was messing this up already, but in her head it was cute how nervous he seemed, She took them gently from his grasp, "well that was very kind of you. Now I feel bad I didn't get you a gift." She stepped back waving for him to enter. He shook his head, "no no, you tagging along to my misery parade is gift enough." This made her giggle, "c'mon it won't be that bad. Plus everyone is saying this movie is really good." He groaned out in frustration "yeah which was why it was so hard to get some damn tickets." She had placed the flowers on a coffee table behind her, "well lets get going then. Don't wanna miss those trailers." Before they could step out he stopped her, "think you need a coat first." Shit, there went the cool look she was going for, "oh yeah. One sec."
For two adults, they both seemed to come off like thirteen year olds, while they did enjoy the movie, they were sneaking glances at each other much than they were paying attention to kevin mcallister's boobytraps. Still they found themselves laughing at the mayhem the kid was making. She hadn't heard Steve ever really laugh like how he was laughing now and it made her smile, no wonder all the girls of Hawkins were into him. Which just made her that much more nervous. He had felt just as nervous since their hands had accidentally touched while trying to get popcorn at the same time.
The movie was great, as expected and they left the theatre in happier mood even arguing about which trap they could make while they walked around the town. It had happened gradually that their arms were linked together while he showed her around adding small stories here and there. Despite the cold and the dark of the night, it was still fairly early but Hawkins was small enough that all the nice scenery could be seen in a half hour or so. They headed back to his car when he suggested the idea of food, "we could get some burgers or a pizza." She perked up at the idea of spending more time with him, "I just got this new christmas record and a new tin of hot cocoa mix?" He smiled at the idea, "take out?" She nodded.
They got the food and headed to her place. The conservation continuing on about both the movie and the stories he'd told her. It'd been a while since he'd felt this comfortable with someone. Maybe it was the hot chocolate or her very decorated home, but he felt good around her. She felt the same way though, he hadn't made her feel the need to keep her guard up. Into their second mug of cocoa she quipped, "you know, you sure do know how to show a girl a good time." He let out a breathy laugh, "I sure hope so. I was worried I was going to bore you to death. By the way you looked great tonight." Her eyes widened in a playful manner, "is that so? Well so did you, that sweater is pretty cute." He smiled at her, his eyes linger onto hers.
The moment grew while the christmas music played in the background, her hand reaching for his as they sat on her couch. His hand also inched closer towards hers, in a soft voice she spoke up "so...christmas tradition saved?" Matching her tone Steve replied, "oh totally, in fact made even better." There it was again, the laugh he was growing to love more and more. They looked at each other a bit more, his thumb rubbing circles over her top of her hand, in the same hushed tone he mustered up the courage to ask, "am I reading this moment right?" She simply nodded, he leaned in closer towards her "got any mistletoe in here?" With a small shake of the head she spoke, "oh I don't think we need that now." Closing the gap their lips met into a tender kiss they didn't pull away from for a while.
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I just want you to know it’s got my brain worms tossing and turning in their little graves. I am seriously considering properly analysing your fic (threat).
Now on to the theory (below the cut to avoid spoilers) :)
Well, here’s my theory: Muninn and Huginn (I refuse to believe he’s dead)….
Just think about it for a second. With the whole scuffle that was going down, Muninn had time to escape, or at least find a place to hide and carry Huginn off with him to (or drag or whatever).
There’s no way that Muninn would return to Draxum after the betrayal and the showing of Draxum’s true colours and all that juicy angsty stuff. And the pair have also canonically not had a previous master (at least none that they’ve stuck with for a substantial length of time) that they would go to in a crisis. And he wouldn’t return to the Gargoyle Sanctum thingamabob we saw them come from in the series. So that leaves only one conclusion: Muninn is somewhere out there fending for himself and a very injured Huginn.
My theory is that Donnie’s little notifications are of Muninn resurfacing for supplies - we’ve seen how often the boys have to change bandages for wounds in LFLS, so the logical implementations are that he has to buy a fair amount of bandages for his buddy. Whilst he would have to buy bandages for Huginn, there’s also the additional requirement of food - it doesn’t matter how small they are, the little guys still have to eat - and Muninn is only small and canonically not very strong, which means he can’t carry heavy loads of shopping. Also, without the income (if he even got any) from Draxum and/or the ability to rely on the yokai for a constant supply of food, much like a dog it’s owner (not derogatory, that’s just how they’re represented in the series) that means Muninn had to risk leaving Huginn often to steal food and supplies. Seventeen times in a week may seem a bit excessive, but when you’re building an infirmary from scratch and consider how tiny Muninn’s little arms are, it really isn’t that crazy.
This bit’s a little bit flimsy and I’m not too sure how to answer it, but I’m doing my best to fill the 7ft plot-holes in my theory. I believe it is due to a possible combination of three things: (1) He’s worried about how injured his family is and he doesn’t think they can handle another fight; (2) He’s not sure how Leo will react to seeing the Gargoyle pair again (this is the big one); (3) Donnie may not completely trust them yet (HEAR ME OUT!!) and he hasn’t turned off the notifications bc he feels guilty for not doing anything, but he still wants to know that they’re there and alive (also, if Draxum suddenly appears, Don will know about it).
(I also have a theory that Don is going to try and save them himself, but that's a very shaky one because of the trauma of Leo going alone and what that all entailed that glitch has been exploring throughout the fic. He probs has several trackers planted on the whole family by now. I’d honestly be more surprised if he didn’t.)
But I digress. On to theory one: The family is 100% injured and not at all ready for a fight. April is out of commission, Raph's hands are fried (but I feel that he would insist on joining a fight anyway), and we all not Leo's kinda down in the dumps. Plus, everyone is emotionally and mentally destroyed. They are not up for any kind of fight. And Donnie doesn't exactly strike me as the kind of person who intentionally puts his family in more danger than is necessary, especially in this current situation.
Number two: He's not sure how Leo will react to seeing the sidekicks present for the worst trauma he's ever (and hopefully will ever) experience in his lifetime. The pair were there during just about everything that happened to him - including the Battle Nexus, when Draxum wasn't present - and Leo would undoubtedly have made strong links in his mind between the gargoyles and the trauma he experienced. One can pretty confidently assume that having the pair around whilst he is trying to recover and whilst the fear of Draxum's return is still very heavy in the air, is going to cause problems for both Leo and the rest of the family, even if they know that the gargoyles willingly chose to help at the risk of their own lives. And if a dumdum such as myself can make those links, then there's no way that Donnie hasn't made them as well. For the sake of his family (especially Leo), Donnie is choosing to do nothing for the ex-henchgoyles. BUT, with each passing day and as more of the notifications continue, Donnie's guilt may start to eat him up inside and he's likely to just react without thinking (he's very emotionally tense and high-strung, so he's not thinking like his usual, logical self) and try to rescue them. I could go so much further into depth about the repercussions of what the gargoyles being in the lair might do to the fam, especially Leo, but I'm trying to keep this relatively short, lemme know if you wanna know more and I'll theory dump on you :)
Third and final: Donnie doesn't completely trust them. Let's be honest, Donnie's never really struck me as the overly trusting type and this whole situation would have only amplified it and made his trust issues a thousand times worse. This one is probably my flimsiest reasoning and it likely just added on to the others.
Either way, whether I'm right or not, I know glitch won't leave us hanging with that forever. They're a good writer and they don't seem to me to be the kind of author that leaves loose ends just hanging around. Cliffhangers, absolutely without a doubt they leave us hanging off of. But not loose ends (especially with how hard they were hinting at the notifications during the last chapter, it MUST be something important and I am absolutely BURSTING to find out what it is :)
(I'm looking back over and you can tell which one my favourite theory is LOL)
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sturnsbae · 2 months
disclaimer: you are MORE than welcome to suggest your own ideas as well! also, please do not combine more than 3 prompts! and don’t forget to please clarify the prompts when you request!! <3
1. "you're the only one who can calm him down"
2. “your fans don't like me"
3. “i’m here baby, don't worry"
4. "i love you more than anyone"
5. “come cuddle me"
6. “i want attention"
7. “quit stealing all the pillows!”
8. “you’re my new pillow”
9. “i’m so drunk i think i love you”
10. “there’s room for two!”
11. “stop being grumpy”
12. "aww you're blushing!"
13. “you make me feel safe”
14. “can i get your number?"
15. “i’m scared to meet your family"
16. “i love your family, they make me feel so welcome"
17. “i like showing you off”
18. “i miss you"
19. “i need you right now"
20. "that's the prettiest fan i've ever seen"
21. “i’m so stressed out”
22. "lets have a movie night"
23. “can i do your makeup?"
24. "dance with me"
25. “it's a tiktok trend i'm sorry!"
26. “do this tiktok with me"
27. “let's go on a drive"
28. “you're drunk, i'll help you"
29. “i like that nickname"
30. "i like that outfit on you
31. “my clothes look better on you anyways"
32. “bake with me”
33. "let's go shopping"
34. “i’m sick"
35. “you're ticklish?!"
36. “let me teach you how to ice skate"
37. “take me to get my wisdom teeth out"
38. “have you seen my hoodie?"
39. “stop video taping me this isn't funny!"
40. “don't you dare post that"
41. “i look ugly”
42. “he won't stop talking about you”
1. “was this all just a joke to you?”
2. "we're just hooking up, it's nothing serious"
3. "why don't you ever post me?"
4. "i’ll change for you, i promise"
5. "i got in a fight because of you"
6. "i thought you cheated, i'm sorry"
7. "no need for attitude!"
8. "yeah, i'm jealous"
9. "forgive me?"
10. "they’re my ex, we broke up for a reason don’t worry”
11. “are you really that oblivious?”
12. “i want this to be real, not fake anymore”
13. “yeah i like you, dipshit”
14. “i want you, not them.”
15. “can’t you make some time for me?”
16. “i don’t even know who you are anymore!”
17. “forget it, you’re a fucking asshole.”
18. “don’t ever do that again!”
19. “do you even love me anymore?”
20. “can you shut up and listen to someone other than yourself for once in your life?”
21. “i told you not to fall in love with me.”
22. “the worst thing is, that even after all of that, i’m still in love with you.”
23. “why are you even here?”
24. “are you even listening to me?!”
25. “if you love me, you’ll let me go”
26. “i cant keep doing this to myself!”
27. “you don’t know me, so don’t act like you do.”
1. “you’re my tutor? absolutely not.”
2. “you haven’t called me an asshole yet today, everything okay?”
3. “i guess were partners for this…” “oh please someone kill me now.”
4. “just cause our parents are friends doesn’t mean we are”
5. “stop following me around like a lost puppy!” … “maybe you being around isn’t so bad.”
6. “congratulations, i guess.” “oh, are you done being an asshole now?”
7. “don’t feel special that i’m here, my mom made me come.” “mhm, sure.”
8. “are they fighting again?” “worse, they’re kissing”
9. “did i just hear a ‘thank you’?” “do not get used to hearing that.”
10. “i am not getting in that car with you, are you crazy?”
11. “do you ever stop complaining?” “you ever think that if you stopped being an idiot i wouldn’t need to complain?”
12. “why do you hate me?” “you think i hate you?”
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writing-with-emy · 1 year
My prompt-list #1
All my prompt lists in one place: 🪽🪽
#1 - "Is it still murder if I give them a heads up?" ; "That's called a threat." ; "Damn."
#2 - "Do you trust her?" ; "No.. but I trust her anger."
#3 - "We're lost." ; "No we aren't!" ; "Yes we are!" ; "No we aren't!" ; "Fine then - Mr./Ms. Navigator, where are we?" ; "Errr... uh, we are right here."
#4 - "I won't let you die." ; "I don't think that's how it works." ; "I am death, honey. I decide how it works."
#5 - Where is the Idiot, anyway?" ; "I'm right here." ; "Suprisingly enough, I'm not talking about you this time."
#6 - "How dare you! I... I trusted you! ; "Sweet, naive little girl/boy. Trust is for children. You, my dear, are a soldier."
#7 - "Your arm is bleeding." ; "Oh really? I hadn't noticed that half of my goddamned blood was flowing out of my arm, but thanks for letting me know."
#8 - "Are you sober?" ; "I'm moderately functional." ; "I'll take that as a no."
#9 - "What's our exit strategy?" ; "Our What?" ; "Oh my god, we're all going to die."
#10 - "Watch your mouth kid. You are one sentence away from starting a war."
#11 - "I- I can't stop it. I'm sorry..." ; "It's okay, it's okay. Just breathe. You don't have to be sorry for anything. I've got you."
#12. - "Don't tell me you haven't noticed the way they watch you, how they whisper when you appear. They think you're going to save them."
#13 - "You give out pieces of yourself to people but you never let them see the whole picture. I've seen it. I know who you are."
#14 - "Did you really not see it? Or were you too afraid to look?"
#15 - "If you do that again, I'll throw you out that fucking window you- what are you doing?" ; "Checking how high the drop is, see if it's worth it."
#16 - "Why are you staring at me like that?" ; "I think I just... finally understood you."
#17 - "You know I'll win.' ; "And you know I'll fight."
#18 - "Hey! Watch it! You're scaring her!" ; "ME scaring HER!?"
#19 - "I don't like saying 'I told you so', but-" ; "The hell you don't, it's you favorite phrase."
#20 - "Just because you are speaking in a different language, doesn't mean that I don't know when you are cursing me out."
#21 - "Did you get my note?" ; "Of course I got it. You taped it to my forehead while I was sleeping."
#22 - "You say you were my family. But where were you when I was hurt, when I needed someone, when I needed you? You weren't here, but they were. Always."
#23 - "I think I actually hate you." ; "Yeah I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that."
#24 - "You look very nice tonight, I love your-" ; "What do you want?"
#25 - "There's no Happy Ending to this right?" ; "Not really, no."
#26 - "Let this be a dream, I can't take it if it's reality."
#27 - "How on earth do you open a girl's diary lock?" ; "Trust me I got this, I had sisters growing up."
#28 - "It's okay to cry." I held their face in my hands. "It's okay."
#29 - "It's a long Story' ; "You convinced me into thinking you were dead for eleven months. I have time."
#30 - "I feel like I'm being stabbed." ; "How do you even know what it feels like to be stabbed."
#31 - "You are the worst human being on the face of planet earth." ; "Aw, that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me."
#32 - "You are all remarkably well behaved tonight... What did you do?"
#33 - "You're not my favorite person today." ; "I'm not your favorite Person on any day."
#34 - "Just take a deep breath or something!" ; "TAKE A DEEP BREATH!? It feels like my insides are being RIPPED OUT!"
#35 - "What kind of noise was that?" ; "I sneezed." ; "That was NOT a sneeze."
#36 - "I hate you." ; "Why? I'm lovely."
#37 - "Bring them home. All of them." ; "But-" ; "All. Of. Them."
#38 - "Who are we to each other?" ; "You tell me."
#39 - "If you're going to break my heart, can we do it outside?" ; "But it's raining." ; "That way I can go all-in on my melodramatic movie moment."
#40 - "I don't want to look like a princess, I want to look like a formerly evil queen who reluctantly redeemed herself for the side of good." ; "You read too much." ; "Damn right I do."
#41 - "Why are you doing that?" ; "Doing what?" ; "Treating me like a person."
#42 - "I didn't think you were the type to lose your sanity for a girl." ; "I didn't either."
#43 - "I thought you said you knew how to get inside!?" ; "Yeah, well, that was a lie."
#44 - "Hold on, you died." ; "Yeah, well it didn't stick."
#45 - "You don't scare me. Your anger scares me."
#46 - "Hey! Those are mine!" ; "Not anymore!"
#47 - "Are you there?" ; "Physically, yes. Mentally is debatable."
#48 - "I mean, yeah, I didn't need my heart anyway. Who cares if it breaks."
#49 - "We can't just steal it!" ; "Of course not! We'll just borrow it for a little while... while they aren't looking."
#50 - "I'm really nervous." ; "Why's that." ; "...I've never danced before."
#51 - "You love her don't you?" ; "Was it that obvious?"
#52 - "Ten years of friendship and this is the treatment I get." ; "I met you yesterday!"
#53 - "Can I keep it?" ; "No." ; Pleeease!" ; "...fine."
#54 - "I was just kind of hoping that you'd, y'know... fall in love with me."
#55 - "What are you doing up at four in the morning?" ; "I might ask you the same thing."
#56 - "Don't get up, I'm comfortable like this."
#57 - "Why are your hands purple?" ; "That's a very good question."
#58 - "So what's your plan?" ; "My plan was to follow your plan!"
#59 - "This is the worst plan ever." ; "Why? Because I made it?" ; "Yes."
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sturnsbaebackup · 7 months
disclaimer: you are MORE than welcome to suggest your own ideas as well! also, please do not combine more than 3 prompts! and don’t forget to please clarify the prompts when you request!! <3
1. "you're the only one who can calm him down"
2. “your fans don't like me"
3. “i’m here baby, don't worry"
4. "i love you more than anyone"
5. “come cuddle me"
6. “i want attention"
7. “quit stealing all the pillows!”
8. “you’re my new pillow”
9. “why are your feet so cold?”
10. “there’s room for two!”
11. “stop being grumpy”
12. "aww you're blushing!"
13. “you make me feel safe”
14. “can i get your number?"
15. “i’m scared to meet your family"
16. “i love your family, they make me feel so welcome"
17. “i like showing you off”
18. “i miss you"
19. “i need you right now"
20. "that's the prettiest fan i've ever seen"
21. “i’m so stressed out”
22. "lets have a movie night"
23. “can i do your makeup?"
24. "dance with me"
25. “it's a tiktok trend i'm sorry!"
26. “do this tiktok with me"
27. “let's go on a drive"
28. “you're drunk, i'll help you"
29. “i like that nickname"
30. "i like that outfit on you
31. “my clothes look better on you anyways"
32. “bake with me”
33. "let's go shopping"
34. “i’m sick"
35. “you're ticklish?!"
36. “let me teach you how to ice skate"
37. “take me to get my wisdom teeth out"
38. “have you seen my hoodie?"
39. “stop video taping me this isn't funny!"
40. “don't you dare post that"
41. “i look ugly”
42. “he won't stop talking about you”
1. “was this all just a joke to you?”
2. "we're just hooking up, it's nothing serious"
3. "why don't you ever post me?"
4. "i’ll change for you, i promise"
5. "i got in a fight because of you"
6. "i thought you cheated, i'm sorry"
7. "no need for attitude!"
8. "yeah, i'm jealous"
9. "forgive me?"
10. "he/she’s my ex, we broke up for a reason"
11. “are you really that oblivious?”
12. “i want this to be real, not fake anymore”
13. “yeah i like you, dipshit”
14. “i want you, not them.”
15. “can’t you make some time for me?”
16. “i don’t even know who you are anymore!”
17. “forget it, you’re a fucking asshole.”
18. “don’t ever do that again!”
19. “do you even love me anymore?”
20. “can you shut up and listen to someone other than yourself for once in your life?”
21. “i told you not to fall in love with me.”
22. “the worst thing is, that even after all of that, i’m still in love with you.”
23. “why are you even here?”
24. “are you even listening to me?!”
25. “if you love me, you’ll let me go”
26. “i cant keep doing this to myself!”
27. “you don’t know me, so don’t act like you do.”
1. “you’re my tutor? absolutely not.”
2. “you haven’t called me an asshole yet today, everything okay?”
3. “i guess were partners for this…” “oh please someone kill me now.”
4. “just cause our parents are friends doesn’t mean we are”
5. “stop following me around like a lost puppy!” … “maybe you being around isn’t so bad.”
6. “congratulations, i guess.” “oh, are you done being an asshole now?”
7. “don’t feel special that i’m here, my mom made me come.” “mhm, sure.”
8. “are they fighting again?” “worse, they’re kissing”
9. “did i just hear a ‘thank you’?” “do not get used to hearing that.”
10. “i am not getting in that car with you, are you crazy?”
11. “do you ever stop complaining?” “you ever think that if you stopped being an idiot i wouldn’t need to complain?”
12. “why do you hate me?” “you think i hate you?”
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razzrex · 1 year
1 MARCH 2023
Hello readers this is an honest day in my life
I am writing this like I am talking to someone (like my diary) so please ignore the structure and grammar of the sentence or paragraph.
Woke up at 7 am usually, I used to wake up at 6 am, and then get ready to hit the gym, recently I was not able to go to the gym due to family issues and my mental issues ( lol).
So yea I woke up at 7 and get ready ( took a 💩 then brushed my teeth) my aunt was waiting for me, and we had planned to go to a nearby clinic to check our blood glucose level and we have to do that before eating food (fasting)
Came back by giving our blood sample. My aunt made breakfast and she went to work, as an unemployed person the whole boring hectic day was waiting for me. Done my breakfast at 9.30 came to the front yard of our house where the sofa is located where I used to sit, and had to do nothing played a phone game (dream league 23 I got Ronaldo and rashford yesterday)
Started to get bored and checked my social media thank god no one to text me and no replies. Huh f*ck this day. I want to make this series so honest, I have a bad habit of exhibitionism so half of the day went me doing that weird shit ( flashing my n*de).
Tried to do some home workouts to make my body go along with the workout so it won't affect my performance when I go to the gym again. I was planning 30 min full body hit cardio but it didn't go well I stopped at 10 min lack of motivation and interest (due to the mental issues I mentioned above)
12.45 went to have lunch in the nearby hotel and came back home
Had made a new Instagram to post my art #100 days of art it was 2nd day so I posted my 2nd art on my insta and continued my exhibitionism. Till 3.25 where my dirty pervert mind forced me to watch p*rn from Reddit and then you can guess what happened after that.
But it made me feel guilty as usual but this time I want to change 4.00 pm to 6.00 is the best time to do exhibitionism but I controlled it and went to take a hot shower, wore clean clothes.
Decided to read a book so I took this book on the autobiography of charlie chaplin (didn't start at the moment)
5.00 clock my aunt called me to come to the clinic I have talked to earlier to collect the result of our blood checkup.
6.00 pm got my results everything is normal, drank a huge cup of coffee and ate a lot of biscuits.
Played dream league again, and after that started to read the book (chaplin) sorry to say that it didn't interest me so I read 20 pages and kept it on the shelf and I saw a new book " love at the time of cholera" so gonna start that book ( not today anyway its already 7.12 pm) was surfing through youtube and found this travel vlog about Luxembourg wow what a place, took the bucket list app that I have on my phone added Luxembourg to the list.
8.30 played dsl 23 again 🥱
8.57 completed my dinner ha time to hear some music
Watched some news while surfing the internet hmm multitasking
9.25 now its time to brush my teeth
Made a workout plan to focus on the basic body movements for learning callisthenics made a 12-week workout plan
This is my hectic day worst right I know
Good night and see ya tomorrow
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jasmine-tea-latte · 1 year
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I posted 916 times in 2022
51 posts created (6%)
865 posts reblogged (94%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 908 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#zutara - 499 posts
#zuko x katara - 447 posts
#zuko - 212 posts
#katara - 195 posts
#not atla - 130 posts
#ooh this is pretty - 60 posts
#atla - 55 posts
#avatar the last airbender - 51 posts
#avatar: the last airbender - 49 posts
#zutara week - 46 posts
Longest Tag: 133 characters
#this is why i love fire lady katara. not only bc she would bring new ideology to the fn but bc she and zuko are great rulers together
My Top Posts in 2022:
delicate - chapter 18
In which Katara unleashes a display of power to save the Fire Prince while keeping her promise. But in doing so, lines are crossed that can't be uncrossed...
Tumblr media
FYI, I updated the tags, and while I tried not to make anything too graphic, some parts at the beginning may make you squeamish. Nothing like Stranger Things' Season 4 levels of graphic, but still reminiscent in a way.
Lastly, you're not going to like me for this cliffhanger (but just wait until you see chapter 19's - y'all are going to be MAD.)
Anyways, without further ado... enjoy!
36 notes - Posted July 23, 2022
delicate - chapter 14
In which Katara and Zuko join her family for a dinner at the Beifong’s, where their pretend courtship will be put to the test against the living lie detector known as Toph Beifong…
AKA, the chapter in which Toph and Suki channel their inner Rachel and Phoebe to figure out what these two pining idiots in denial are hiding, like in the episode of Friends when they find out about Chandler and Monica.
“They think they can mess with us? The mess-ers become the mess-ees!”
(technically Chandler’s line but who’s keeping score?)
and of course:
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While poor Sokka (who’s both Joey AND Ross in this scenario) just wants food and for this to all be over with, because this is his best friend and his sister 😩
See the full post
43 notes - Posted June 18, 2022
let’s go back to the start
Aang could only stare, rendered speechless as he watched his most loyal companion who he’d given up mastery of the Avatar State for - his forever girl - choosing to side with the Fire Prince instead.
It was all too clear now exactly where Katara’s true loyalties lied, and they weren’t with him.
Or, Aang finally awakens onboard a strange ship a month after the fall of Ba Sing Se to a new world, one where both the Avatar and a traitorous Fire Prince have been declared dead by the Fire Nation.
Now, the pair have no choice but to put aside their differences to form an uneasy alliance. The Avatar must learn to finally let go of his attachment to Katara, while the Fire Prince finds himself surrounded by former enemies who’d just as soon see him dead...
Sequel to Taste of a Poison Paradise.
50 notes - Posted January 28, 2022
When the ZK antis are trying to spread their toxicity yet again but you're too busy living your best life shipping ZUTARA and having ✨FUN✨ unlike those lame haters:
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So the next time you hear "iT's NoT cAnOn" just tell them to SMILE and thank them for letting us live in their minds rent free for 15+ years 💜
(and yes, I redid the gif from the OG post because that's been bugging me all this time ahahahaha)
53 notes - Posted September 15, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I am now the proud owner of Zutara mugs 🔥🌊
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(Hot Leaf Juice not included.)
111 notes - Posted July 4, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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bordysbae · 1 year
(feel free to ask for anything, these are just ideas!)
last updated: june 10th
1. "you're the only one who can calm him down"
2. “your fans don't like me"
3. “i’m here baby, don't worry"
4. "i love you more than anyone"
5. “come cuddle me"
6. “i want attention"
7. “quit stealing all the pillows!”
8. “you’re my new pillow”
9. “why are your feet so cold?”
10. “there’s room for two!”
11. “stop being grumpy”
12. "aww you're blushing!"
13. “you make me feel safe"
14. “can i get your number?"
15. “i’m scared to meet your family"
16. “i love your family, they make me feel so welcome"
17. “i like showing you off”
18. “i miss you"
19. “i need you right now"
20. "that's the prettiest fan i've ever seen"
21. “i’m so stressed out”
22. "lets have a movie night"
23. “can i do your makeup?"
24. "dance with me"
25. “it's a tiktok trend i'm sorry!"
26. “do this tiktok with me"
27. “let's go on a drive"
28. “you're drunk, i'll help you"
29. “i like that nickname"
30. "i like that outfit on you
31. “my clothes look better on you anyways"
32. “bake with me”
33. "let's go shopping"
34. “i’m sick"
35. “you're ticklish?!"
36. “let me teach you how to ice skate"
37. “take me to get my wisdom teeth out"
38. “have you seen my hoodie?"
39. “stop video taping me this isn't funny!"
40. “don't you dare post that"
41. “i look ugly”
42. “he won't stop talking about you”
1. “was this all just a joke to you?”
2. "we're just hooking up, it's nothing serious"
3. "why don't you ever post me?"
4. "i’ll change for you, i promise"
5. "i got in a fight because of you"
6. "i thought you cheated, i'm sorry"
7. "no need for attitude!"
8. "yeah, i'm jealous"
9. "forgive me?"
10. "he/she’s my ex, we broke up for a reason"
11. “are you really that oblivious?”
12. “i want this to be real, not fake anymore”
13. “yeah i like you, dipshit”
14. “i want you, not them.”
15. “can’t you make some time for me?”
16. “i don’t even know who you are anymore!”
17. “forget it, you’re a fucking asshole.”
18. “don’t ever do that again!”
19. “do you even love me anymore?”
20. “can you shut up and listen to someone other than yourself for once in your life?”
21. “i told you not to fall in love with me.”
22. “the worst thing is, that even after all of that, i’m still in love with you.”
23. “why are you even here?”
24. “are you even listening to me?!”
25. “if you love me, you’ll let me go”
26. “i cant keep doing this to myself!”
27. “you don’t know me, so don’t act like you do.”
1. “you’re my tutor? absolutely not.”
2. “you haven’t called me an asshole yet today, everything okay?”
3. “i guess were partners for this…” “oh please someone kill me now.”
4. “just cause our parents are friends doesn’t mean we are”
5. “stop following me around like a lost puppy!” … “maybe you being around isn’t so bad.”
6. “congratulations, i guess.” “oh, are you done being an asshole now?”
7. “don’t feel special that i’m here, my mom made me come.” “mhm, sure.”
8. “are they fighting again?” “worse, they’re kissing”
9. “did i just hear a ‘thank you’?” “do not get used to hearing that.”
10. “i am not getting in that car with you, are you crazy?”
11. “do you ever stop complaining?” “you ever think that if you stopped being an idiot i wouldn’t need to complain?”
12. “why do you hate me?” “you think i hate you?”
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deathschool · 1 year
hey hi Vito sounds cool as hell and I'd love to hear more about him sometime if you would care to share
OMG HII THANK U i would love to 🙇‍♂️
under the cut bc this got...long im kind of just describing his whole backstory sorry LOLLL
OK SO not all of this is solid or set in stone yet bc he (and his crew) is relatively new.... but i have the general Ideas for just about everything!!!
basically. Ok so his full name is vito ironbreaker, and i gave him a wizard last name even tho hes a p101 oc (for all intents and purposes) bc he is a scorned wanna-be wizard! In his youth he tried to learn magic at ravenwood, but he was highly destructive and ruthless in his attacks to the point that merle was greatly worried of his intentions... (this is also post-morganthe but by how much is debatable bc of how weird that timeline is. Hes 23 by the start of pirate101 though [which i see as congruent to wiz, which starts w my oc at 12 yrs old] if that gives you an indicator.)
Im not sure if he has any family.....my options right now are that hes an orphan who was given a chance, or hes from a pretty high-standing wizard family who ended up the family disappointment lol. (i might go with the second one honestly)
Anyways, merle talks to him and vito takes it BAD, he refuses to see that theres anything wrong with what hes doing or his intentions and just gets really angry. merle ends up having to expel him and this is where vito's downfall begins.
He attempts to try and learn magic anyway, but without the resources or connections (like morganthe had) he cant really go far. eventually he ends up running off to [random world ill decide on later for plot impact, maybe skull or marley] where he ends up in the slums and finds a group of witches. Hes very intrigued by this ripoff magic and immediately tries to get in their fold, which is much easier than it was at ravenwood. he learns a pretty fair amount and grows in power.
Sometime during this hes traveling (or perhaps in the same place. again ill hammer out the details later) and runs into a group of ravenwood students on a field trip. this launches him back into his horrible feelings towards ravenwood, and when one student kind of wanders off from the rest, he "warns" them about it. This student listens intently, having a lot of insecurity about being there themself, and he ends up being so convincing that the young wizard leaves a changed person. He hopes theyll start to convince others of ravenwood's corruption, but past that, he forgets them.
skip forward a bit, he's been practicing with other witches still and growing in power. He still has pretty nefarious intentions behind it all though, and hopes to one day be able to tear down the wizard population himself. Gotta dream big i guess.....
anyway hes doing all this plotting for a while until soon he runs into a ragtag pirate crew... consisting of shannon ward and maeve, my other pirate ocs! im also still hammering out the details here.... im thinking hes antagonistic to them at first and they maybe fight before hes like "hmmmmm i can use these people for my own gain >:)" and joins their crew.
initially hes just in it for his own purposes and to hopefully use them as pawns in his battle against wizardry, but over time he starts to actually feel.... Remorse?! Sympathy?! Friendship?!?! he has a hard time getting used to that. during his travels with the crew (who are also taking on the main story plot of pirate) he starts to slowly become a better person and utilize his witchcraft for good. He's SHOCKED at himself when his first instinct once when seeing someone injured and in need is to....actually help them?!
Anyways so the whole p101 main questline goes as it does. yada yada hes all niceys now.
but that doesnt mean his past wont catch up to him...... years later, a certain young wizard who got some horrible advice from a witch has hit their breaking point, and using their twin's identity, they start rallying forces against ravenwood, spreading lies about the school to grow an army against it. vito happens to run across them on one of their recruiting trips, and he thinks theyre a little familiar, but he has no idea.
But they know exactly who he is.
they tell him theyre finally realizing his goal, that soon ravenwood will crumble under their feet. vito is horrified to hear this, especially now that hes starting to remember the more they talk. It really hits him the damage he caused during his dark times, and hes determined to do what he can to fix this mess....
that arc is still forming in my brain so theres not much else i can say on it ^_^ Sorry to infodump about LITERALLY his entire story on you but um....... autism
I hope you like him!!! hes definitely an oc im very proud of (as well as his entire crew TBH)
also i LOVED answering this so if anyone wants to know abt any of my ocs feel free to ask!!! ^_^
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