#i just think it's funny that 1) mb trusts no one until it knows them really well and 2) mb is SO OFFENDED when people who don't know it
coquelicoq · 1 year
gurathin, thiago, indah...starting to get the sense that if murderbot didn't have any specific person playing the role of "someone i deep down respect who i'm convinced hates me" at any given time, presaux would have to assign someone, for enrichment purposes
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thotantics · 6 years
Can You Trust Me? | Chapter 1
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[mb credit: @blankpaper-colouredeyes]
⚤   pairing — female reader + Kim Taehyung (bts) ✎ word count — 12k ✦ genre — smut, slight angst, college!au / non idol!au ✗ warnings  — graphic descriptions of sex, friends with benefits, unprotected sex (brief), mentions of self doubt/self hatred(??), mentions of attempted sexual assault (VERY brief early on, nothing intense but better safe than sorry lovelies) ✓ prompts — “What? Does that feel good?" + "I think that's the first time I've heard you moan...it was like a fucking melody" [a/n] — this is something I’ve wanted to do for months, lowkey one of the reasons I even made this blog. I’ve been actively working on this first chapter (and the rough draft for the next two chapters) for the last few weeks now and I’m very proud of how it’s coming together. big shout out to @over-kooked for indulging in my many musings about this idea and being super supportive always and to @scarletsehun for requesting these prompts together for Taetae which ultimately inspired me to get this story started ♡♡♡
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Taetae [11:03pm]: are you asleep
You sigh as you stare down at your phone in the darkness of your bedroom. Taehyung had been avoiding you for the last week. It wasn’t like him at all, but texting you like this just before you went to bed definitely was. You frown at your phone, your instinct to pick it up and answer him immediately battling with the pettier side of yourself wanting to roll back over under the comfort of your duvet and ignore him. The thought crossed your mind for only a second or two before you dismissed it, however. You couldn’t sink to that level. Not with him. It was childish of him to ignore you, but you were sympathetic to (what you assumed) his reasons for doing so. 
Within the time that you’d known him, Taehyung had become one of your closest friends, but your feelings for him had grown...complicated. 
It had been lingering in the air between the two of you for some time now; this sort of "What are we?" conversation that nobody on earth wanted to have. It felt like setting yourself up, at your most vulnerable, and putting your friendship on the metaphorical chopping block all at once. The stakes were particularly high, because Kim Taehyung had grown to mean the absolute world to you.
What had started as a typical day of hanging out, the last time you saw him, had an unpleasant vibe that hung over the two of you until Tae eventually made up some excuse and left. And you hadn't seen or heard from him in over a week now. Which was unlike him. He had been a stable, consistent presence in your life since the day you met. You had texted him for the first couple of days like normal, but after the third day, Taehyung was starting to leave you on 'read' without a single word in response. So now, just barely after 11pm as you sit in the dark on your bed, you find yourself typing rapid fire in response to Tae's text.
You [11:04pm]: I'm awake..
You [11:04pm]: are you ok?
Over a week ago, the last time you saw or spoke to Taehyung, someone the two of you barely knew had brought up the fact that they thought the two of you were a couple. It was a harmless misunderstanding that, in the moment, you had found kind of funny. You thought Tae also found it funny as he had been laughing right along with you. It was, after all, just an acquaintance the two of you shared and what did it really matter if they were wrong about your friendship, anyway? They had apologized, and explained their reasoning behind thinking you were a couple. Your friendliness, your body language, the way you look at one another, on and on. Then it went just a step too far and suddenly, "You're just so cute together, you would make such a great couple!"
Really, the whole thing was so juvenile. After a simple misunderstanding, two adults should be able to brush it off and recover fairly easily from the embarrassment. If it hadn't been for the fact that you wear head over heels in love with him, it would've been a lot easier, you guessed.  After so much silence from him afterwards, you were beginning to wonder if he even gave a shit about your feelings at all. After all, how else were you supposed to take his odd, week-long silence if not as a rejection of some sort?
Taehyung doesn't respond to your text for a while and you're feeling nervous all over again. You're wondering why he would even bother texting you to begin with. During his absence, you had begun to think that he was ghosting on you, and it hurt a lot to even consider that possibility. Losing him would be a big blow. He had been one of the only people you could rely on when you moved away from your hometown to the city on your own. 
The day you met him, working at a local bar, he’d practically saved your life by calling over a bouncer to your table when he noticed from across the room that the guy who’d asked you out was getting way too friendly. You weren’t into it and the guy was getting frustrated that you weren’t fawning over his handsy advances. After the bouncer escorted the plastered, worst date of your life out, Tae sauntered over with a drink on the house just to make sure you were alright, and he called a cab to make sure you got home safely. The next day, you headed back to the bar in hopes to repay him for looking out for you, and offered to buy him dinner when he got off work that night. 
Taehyung had encouraged you in your struggle to find a job, in starting your own life, finding an apartment, becoming the person you are today. Not having him in your life after everything you’d been through together, after how much you’d needed him over the years, would be the absolute worst case scenario.
Taetae [11:52pm]: do you wanna come over?
The notification from your phone, clutched in a vice like grip in your hand, startles you out of your thoughts.
You [11:52pm]: I was about to go to sleep..
Taetae [11:54pm]: come over :( I haven't seen you in days. you can sleep here
You [11:54pm]:  why haven't you been answering my texts?
Taetae [11:55pm]: I've been busy with work and helping my roommate move in
You [11:55pm]: you finally found a roommate?
Taetae [11:56pm]: yeah, he moved in yesterday officially. there's boxes everywhere so don’t mind the mess. you'll have to be quiet when you come over, I think he's asleep already
You can't help but laugh at the way he's texting you now as if he's already decided for you that you're definitely coming over. With a roll of your eyes, you find yourself giving in just as easily as you always do when it comes to him.
You [11:58pm]: ok...I'll be there in, like, half an hour
Taetae [11:58pm]: be careful
The complicated part of this whole thing had never been Tae himself. He made it all very, very easy. Effortlessly comfortable to be around, endlessly charming and filled to the very brim with happiness, the only complicated part was the way that you had grown to feel about him. He was very easy to fall in love with. Even early on when you had resisted those feelings. At this point, they were much too strong to resist and you were simply… stuck. Because it had become apparent at this point that Taehyung absolutely did not feel the same way about you.
In the past, the winkwink, nudgenudge had only gotten you more physically close with Tae than what you had hoped for. Which was really nice, but not ultimately what you were hoping to achieve. There had been a lot of developments in the last two years or so that you had known and gotten familiar with him. You had slept in the same bed, limbs tangled up like lovers, far too many nights to count. Stolen kisses, a lot of hugs, lingering touches, intimate fingers dancing on goosepimpled skin, and long talks about your deepest fears and wildest dreams. Then there was the other girls. Girls who had come and gone, two, specifically, that you could recall with a dull ache in your chest.
Taehyung had always treated you differently than he did the girls he dated. He didn’t look at you the way he had them. Seeing those relationships, even the briefest ones that never got past harmless flirting, was eye opening for you. It kept your heart guarded and your mouth shut, as far as your feelings for him went. Despite the many things you’d shared that felt intimate to you, Taehyung had never opened up his heart to you the way you saw him do to others.
With your feelings hurt and your heart as weak as it felt, you had a nagging feeling in the back of your mind that you were going to regret not staying in bed tonight. A distant, anxious part of you knew this was stupid and probably  just a pointless waste of your time, but you still slipped on that dress you knew he liked and made sure to dab some perfume behind your ears and at the nape of your neck.
When you walked out of your bedroom, your roommate was lounging on the couch in her PJ's watching Netflix, and she smiled over at you, "Where are you going at this time of night dressed like the classiest whore I've ever seen?"
You couldn't help but laugh at Olivia as you rushed over to slip on your shoes, "Tae finally texted me back, he asked me to come over. I think maybe we’ll talk about stuff..." You tell her briefly, a smile lingering coyly on your lips, "I'm hoping I won't be back home tonight, so don't wait up."
"Seriously?" Olivia asks, her brows arched in surprise, "Awesome! Good for you."
You grin back her, "Thanks."
"Good luck, doll.” Olivia tells you, “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!”
You laugh, “Thanks, Liv. Goodnight.”
Olivia was the only person who knew how you felt about Taehyung. She thought he was sweet and funny and she was always encouraging you to let him know how you felt, but the timing was always off. After Tae's silence for the last week, you didn't have time to wait for the "right moment" anymore, and you definitely didn't have time to muster up the courage.
It was scary to think that maybe he didn't care about you after the last week, even if his excuse for being too busy to respond to your texts had been legitimate. Taehyung had always been the type of guy that hid his feelings and put up a wall to protect himself, you knew that and it made you feel weak in moments like this. When you can’t swim and end up drowning in your emotions, Taehyung is standing at the top of a tall dam, guarded and protected. If you were ever going to tell him how you felt, now was the time, regardless of how your hand was shaking when you lifted it to turn the doorknob leading into Tae's apartment.
He left it unlocked for you and the first sight that greeted you when you walked in was Taehyung, lounging on the couch with his long legs splayed open, wearing nothing but a pair of dark blue pajama bottoms. He's surrounded by boxes, some empty, some with various types of packaging garbage, all around the furniture. When he sees you walk in, he smiles but he doesn't move a muscle, eyes lidded and sleepy. You think that he must be tired from helping his roommate move, so you navigate the maze of boxes and plop down on the couch next to him.
"Hi." Taehyung smiles, reaching out his hand and motioning you forward to give him a hug, which you give to him happily. "How are you?" He asks casually, his voice not quite a whisper, but definitely lower than normal, so you match his volume, not wanting to wake the newest occupant of the apartment.
"I'm ok. I can't believe you were ignoring me all week." You tell him with a pout, hoping to keep the mood light but wanting to get right into it. You don't want him to think you're upset with him because, in truth, you aren't. It's impossible to truly be upset with him. Worried? Sure. Scared? Shitless. But you weren't upset with him, and even if he didn't feel the same way you did, you couldn’t fault him for that.
"Sorry," Tae tugs you over into another hug, a tighter one that draws you into his side and you tuck your feet under you on the couch, draping one arm over his bare midsection. "I finally got a response from my listing and I met up with the guy and we got along really well. We were hanging out all week and I've been busy helping him get moved in." He tells you briefly, adding, "You'll meet him soon, you'll like him."
You melt so easily into Taehyung's embrace, your cheek against his chest listening to the steady drumming of his heart and the deep tone of his voice. It makes perfect sense, when you think about it, much more sense than that he would be actively ignoring you because of what was said before. The word 'juvenile' is circling around your head and you feel bad for doubting him. To invite you into his home in the middle of the night and lay with you the way he was now, so comfortably and easily, had to mean that you meant something to him. Unless he accommodated all of his friends this way, but nobody else was here, and hadn't he always treated you special? At least, when you were together, just the two of you like this, he made you feel as if you were special. Separated from Tae for the last week, all of these doubts and fears cropped up, and you had wondered if he cared about you at all. Now that you were with him...none of it mattered anymore. 
Nothing else could matter when he was warm and gentle and holding you in his arms. Or when he smiled at you and laughed with you. You make small talk for a little while, and he tells you what he's been up to the last few days. He asks about your work and Olivia, and he even brings up the awkward incident from the last time you saw him, mentioning it with a laugh as his hand repositions around your shoulders and suddenly his fingers are stroking through the strands of your hair. Your heart skips a beat when he brings it up, but he’s casual, even as he tells you with his low, raspy, sleepy voice, “I’ve been thinking about that a lot, actually.”
Taehyung’s fingers feel so nice as he pets you delicately, like you’re his favorite companion in the whole world as you lay side by side, curled up into one another. You fall silent for a while, and with the lights out and the faint blue light from the TV, you feel comfortable and at peace. It’s the way he pets your hair that starts to help you drift off to sleep. 
He slips his hand from your hair, down your back, and lifts your shirt so he can stroke the bare skin of your side tenderly and you’re snapped out of your sleepy haze then immediately, because the touch of his hand feels much more intimate and deliberate than playing with your hair. Besides, the feel of his fingers delicately sliding up and down your side is giving you goosebumps. You have to remind yourself to breathe evenly as the pads of his fingers smooth across your skin, grazing you occasionally with his nails.
It's easy to get lost in the moment with Tae. He has this way about him that makes the atmosphere feel cozy and peaceful . You arrived at his apartment with trembling hands, ready to confront him and have a difficult conversation that you feared would end badly, but now that you were here it was like your objective had faded until his touch shifted to stroking your side had jolted you back to this reality; the reality of your friendship being different, special, maybe.. hopefully something more. The reality of needing to talk to him about it.
He chuckles at something that happens on TV, a quiet rumble in his chest that vibrates against your cheek. You don’t turn to see what he’s laughing at but instead turn to look up at his face, handsome and sleepy. His eyes are lidded and his lips are parted and full as his smile fades. He’s still petting up and down your side but he doesn’t seem to have any motive behind the touch, and you’re more than happy to let it happen. It feels nice, despite the goosebumps he’s leaving on you and the weight of your own thoughts that had followed the touch. You settle onto his chest again, using him as your own personal pillow, and he reaches with his opposite arm to lace his long fingers together with yours.
Taehyung stays like that for a long while, holding your hand, stroking up and down your side rhythmically. His fingers leave trails of warmth and electricity, his touch tingles on your skin ever so slightly, keeping you awake despite your eyes wanting to flutter shut.
“Mmm,” You hum to him sleepily, “Your hands are so nice.”
Tae doesn’t reply, but he shifts onto his side a little more, your head slipping off his chest. He’s not paying attention to the TV anymore, his eyes watching as his opposite hand now resumes stroking your side, smoothing over your bare skin. You squirm just a bit when he grazes feather light touches over your ribs, suddenly ticklish, and Taehyung lifts his gaze to meet your eyes, biting his lower lip to stifle a smile.
“What?” You ask him, unsure what the look he was giving you meant.
“Nothing.” He insists, but it’s the kind of ‘nothing’ someone says when there definitely is something, so you narrow your eyes at him suspiciously.
“Don’t.” You tell him, and he breaks out into a wide grin. “Kim Taehyung,” You threaten, “You better not tickle me.”
The laughter that bubbles up from him is contagious, and even with the threat of him tickling you, you can’t help but laugh, too. His hand is still under your shirt, pressed tight and warm into your rib cage, and you give him a warning look through your giggles, and he puts a finger to his lips.
"We have to be quiet, he's asleep." He reminds you, but he's still grinning playfully and for a moment, you're sitting there staring at each other when suddenly, Taehyung leans in and kisses you on the cheek.
"What's that for?" You ask him. Not like a kiss on the cheek was the most scandalous thing he had done. You've made out in the past but those were always chalked up to "Wow we were SO drunk last night" Even still, the kiss made your face tingle where his lips touched, and you knew you were blushing at him, thankful you were sitting mostly in the dark.
“What?” He asks you, leaning in and kissing your cheek again. “I’m not doing anything.” He says, and kisses you a third time, but he presses his mouth to the very corner of your lips.
You're frozen, unsure if you should respond to the kiss or cut the playful moment short and demand some answers from him, but before you can decide what to do, Tae's staring at you with lidded eyes, and his lips are full, his tongue coming out to wet them deliberately as his eyes flit down to focus on your mouth. And you're unable to think about literally anything else except the look on his face and the fact that he's definitely, absolutely going to kiss you.
He moves in and you shut your eyes, waiting to feel the pressure from his pillowy lips on yours. Instead, you feel his hand graze your cheek and your eyes flutter open, the breath you hadn't realized you'd been holding leaving your lungs in an almost mournful sigh.
"Can I ask you something?" He asks instead, and you know you probably looked like an idiot, shutting your eyes and waiting for a kiss that never came, but the way he's looking at you so tenderly and touching you so softly makes you feel like the only other person in the world. You're unable to formulate any words, so you nod your head and swallow past a lump in your throat.
"We've been friends for a long time. And stuff like this keeps happening between us.." He trails off, and his eyes leave yours almost shyly and it feels so unlike him that you can't help but worry. Taehyung is loud, boisterous, unapologetically himself. It makes you wonder what it is he's going to ask, and despite your intentions for coming over here, you're suddenly afraid of anything between the two of you changing. Because what if the two of you can’t handle that change? What if it breaks apart your friendship entirely? What if this moment, now, makes it inevitable for you to lose him? 
"Stuff like this?" You repeat back to him, mostly because if this is The Moment that you've been waiting for, you don't want anything to be left unsaid. You're afraid but at the same time, this is Taehyung sitting in front of you, tucking your hair behind your ear and then nervously ruffling the hair at the back of his head as he chuckles sort of awkwardly, avoiding your eyes.
"Don't act coy." Tae says, "That's not going to get us anywhere."
"I just want to know what you think 'stuff like this' is." You tell him.
"The flirting," He replies with a heart shaped smile that's spreading wide across his face, and you're delighted by the fact that he's now beginning to blush, too. "The kissing. The last time it happened, I said I was drunk but I wasn't really that drunk, you know?"
"So why did you kiss me?"
"Why did you kiss me back?" He counters.
You hesitate, feeling unsure. After a couple moments of struggling to put it into words in your head first, you finally tell him shyly, "It felt good."
Taehyung beams at you, all the light and warmth that you've ever felt in your life coming from the way he smiles all the way up to his eyes. He reaches out to you like you're the cutest little puppy and caresses your hair affectionately.
"It does feel good." He agrees, "That's a big reason why I wanna ask you this..."
"Ok. Ask me." You encourage him.
"It's just...I'd really, really hate it if something..." He trails off, his brows furrowing, deep in thought, and you realize at that moment that maybe what's been plaguing your thoughts all this time had been bothering him, too. At least enough to the point that he feels the need to be cautious choosing his words. He had always seemed like someone with no brain-mouth filter when it came to you. 
With a sigh, he continues, "I don't want to make anything awkward between us. I think we have a really great friendship and I'm not trying to ruin that."
You're holding your breath, because it feels like this is it. But just like the kiss you expected earlier, Taehyung leaves you sitting there waiting for something that doesn't come. Instead, he asks you, "Do you think it would make things between us weird or awkward if we hooked up? I mean...beyond just drunken kisses and Netflix cuddle sessions?"
You fall silent, not at all expecting this to be the way the conversation was heading and you're unsure how to respond.
After a few moments of internally struggling, Taehyung speaks up again before you have the chance to form a coherent thought, "Listen, if you have someone that you’re seeing, or someone in mind you wanna be with or whatever, that's fine. I just...I guess I'm just hoping that we can add some more... fun to our sleepovers." He chuckles somewhat shyly, then he hesitantly asks you, “Do you treat all of your friends like this? Do you go to other guys’ apartments in the middle of the night and lay in their arms?”
You swallow thickly, shaking your head. "No...only you. And I-I’m not seeing anybody."
"Good." Tae smiles at you, "Nothing has to change between us, not really. We can stay the same as we always have been. Just, maybe we can do more things that feel good. Like kissing. And...you know...whatever else you like." He smirks in a way that's almost cocky, as if somehow he already knows what you like and he knows that he'll make you feel really good. It makes your blood feel white hot rushing through your veins and there's a cloudiness in your head. You feel drunk in a way. Mainly in the way that, when people are drunk, they don't really make the best decisions.
"Ok." You tell him.
"Really?" Taehyung seems surprised, like he thought he'd have to talk you into it but he has to be aware of how charming he is. He has to know that if he suggested literally anything to you, you would ultimately agree without much coercion. He has to know the hold he has on you, but yet, he his brows lift in disbelief, in genuine surprise at your easy response.
"Yeah." You shrug, "Why not?"
"I just… I mean, you're really ok with this? I'd hate to risk our friendship just for sex." He says. “So if you think it’s weird or feel like you aren’t into it in the slightest bit-”
"Maybe it’ll be worth it." You cut him off, tired of waiting for the moment when it was right here, right now, "Kiss me."
Taehyung is taken aback but he doesn't hesitate long. Just long enough to scan your face and decide that you definitely mean it. He's looking for any sign of apprehension, of any slight hesitation, and then he's leaning in kiss you again but this time, you don't dare shut your eyes. You keep them open and watch as his flutter shut, and he sweeps one of his hands into your hair at the back of your neck. He's so close you could count the number of dark stubbles growing on his upper lip but you keep your eyes on him until you feel the pressure from his lips on yours.
With a sigh, you purse your lips back into his and let your eyes fall shut. It's a much more gentle thing, to kiss Taehyung when you're both sober - there's no rush of alcohol in your bloodstream causing a similar rush in your actions. It's tender this time, and so, so slow. Tae doesn't move his lips at all at first, he just presses them to yours and breathes deep for a couple of seconds, in and out of his nose, his body shifting closer. He drapes his forearm over your lap and his fingers grip ever so slightly onto your outer thigh. You feel him pull back just enough so barely a breath could fit between you and your eyes crack open only to be met with his own, big, wide, curious ones staring back at you.
You don't want the moment to end, not so soon. With your mind reeling with thoughts and feelings that you aren't ready to deal with quite yet, you reach for his face with both hands and tug him closer so you can kiss him again. This time when Tae feels your lips, he properly kisses you, slotting his lips over yours and he sighs when he feels you respond. Then his tongue is pressing between you, swiping across your lower lip very carefully, asking permission, which you immediately grant to him. The hand on your outer thigh slides up, the dress you wore bunching into your lap, and he touches the bare skin of your thigh at the same time that he dips his tongue past your parted lips and into your eager mouth.
You're so lost in the moment together you don't hear the bedroom door creaking open down the hall, or the padding of someone's footsteps approaching, until they round the corner and spot the two of you.
"Shhit!" He draws the word out, as if he didn't mean to make a sound at all but it was too late - you and Taehyung were already jumping apart, startled by the intrusion. Tae makes eye contact with the owner of the voice over your shoulder, and you whip your head around in time to see a young man turn around on his heels and head right back from where he came from, mumbling an apology that's barely heard.
You turn back to Tae and he looks mildly amused, "Let's go to my room." He says, "We won't be interrupted."
He leads you to his bedroom and says that he'll be right back, and he shuts the door behind him, leaving you alone. Sitting on the bed waiting for him, you find yourself trying to resist the urge to stand up and run away. There's an excitement in the air but your nerves are getting the best of you since your kiss had been interrupted. Your head is reeling, and there's a great battle waging inside of you - should you stay or should you just bail and go back home? Should you follow through? Is this a mistake? Was this the right step to take next or were you setting yourself up for the most epic failure?
Tae returns after only a brief amount of time and he locks the door behind him before he moves to come sit next to you. "Sorry about that." He tells you, and when you don't reply, he cocks his head sideways, bending down a little to meet your downcast eyes. "Are you ok?”
You nod, but your throat is tight and you're too afraid to use your voice, knowing it will expose you. But Taehyung is intuitive and he picks up on it anyway, reaching out and affectionately grasping your hand. It's a simple gesture, one you're used to, but the taste of his tongue lingers in your mouth and you can feel the ghost of his lips pressing to yours and it makes even the most normal, platonic touches feel magnified. Like all your nerve endings have been rewired to be hypersensitive to him.
"If you don't want to do this, you don't have to." Tae tells you gently. "I understand if you don't. It was really stupid of me to assume this would be ok to just ask you out of the blue..."
"No," You tell him quickly, "It's not stupid, it's ok. It's fine. I mean...I'm just..."
"You're allowed to back down." He tells you, "I mean it. I won’t mind at all. I'll never mention it again and we'll just...pretend like it never happened."
You think to yourself that would be damn near impossible to do, realistically. Regardless you know that you aren't trying to back down. Not really. There's a lot of fears and doubts holding you back, and Taehyung knows you way too well for you to try and hide them from him. So you cringe even before you say the words out loud, but you force yourself to ask, "What's going to happen in the morning?"
Tae considers, his eyes never leaving your face. Cautiously, he asks you, "Can you trust me?" You don't hesitate to nod your head to let him know that yes, you absolutely trust him. "Then you don't need to worry about tomorrow." He says, and he sounds so calm and sure of himself and the situation, "You just need to trust me and relax. It's really no different than anything else between us, is it? I mean...it's just more. Nothing has to change. We’re just having some more fun together, that’s all."
Maybe if it wasn't for the fact that you were head over heels in love with him, you would have been reassured. Instead, you felt a stab directly in your heart, because as much as you liked what you had now, as much as you were afraid of losing him or being rejected, as much as you wanted more, you did want things to change.
Tae is waiting for you to say something and it happens all at once, but you find that the most overwhelming feeling that you can't push aside in the moment is that you don't want to disappoint him. You don't want to make him withdraw from you anymore than what he had in the past week, regardless of his reasons for doing it, so you swallow your pride and you put aside your fears and you try to smile at him warmly. 
"Ok." You tell him, "I trust you."
He studies your face carefully, trying to find resistance or hesitance in your eyes but he can feel nothing but honesty and maybe a little bit of fear coming from you in that moment. You think that maybe he's a little bit afraid too, and maybe that's normal because of the subject at hand and the repercussions of what this could possibly do to your friendship. But Taehyung doesn't feel resistance or hesitation from you because you had already long decided there didn't need to be any of that. You trusted him and he was absolutely right, after all - things didn't have to change. Not just because you wanted them to. That would be unfair to him.
"Just do me a favor," Taehyung tells you quietly, and you find yourself listening carefully, hanging onto every syllable he speaks and watching his lips form the words as he speaks again, "Keep in mind this is about making each other feel good. Just be honest with me, and talk to me. If I do something you don't like, I'll stop and we'll move on." He says, "At literally any point, if you tell me to stop for literally any reason, I will."
"I know." You tell him softly.
"You said before, that you kissed me back because it felt good?" He turns more to the side to face you now, his leg pulling up onto the mattress and bending at the knee between you. "Did you like kissing me earlier, too?"
You blush, nodding your head.
"Do you wanna kiss me more?" He asks you, smiling mischievously before he adds, "And maybe let me touch you...?"
"Ok," You're damn near ashamed of the girlish tone of your voice all of a sudden. It matches the skimpy little dress you wore especially for Taehyung tonight and doesn't do anything at all to help you feel more confident or ready for what's about to happen, but it makes Tae laugh a little bit and the sound, somehow, soothes your very soul despite everything. "Do you care if we turn the light out?" You ask him hopefully.
"Because, I feel shy." You admit, "Please?"
Probably just as much as Tae makes you want to give into him, you know that he has a similarly difficult time telling you 'no'. He doesn't hesitate to walk across the room and shut off the overhead light, even if all the while he's complaining that "Doing it with the lights out isn't any fun."
"Neither is hearing a grown man say 'doing it'." You tell him and he laughs, flopping down heavily on his side next to you, patting the spot on the mattress behind you, indicating that you should lay back with him. You hesitate, biting your lower lip nervously.
"You don't have to feel shy," Taehyung tells you. "It's just me."
"I know," You sigh heavily, "It's you."
The weight of your words settle uneasily in both of your stomachs as you lay back next to him, avoiding his gaze. Taehyung props himself up on one elbow and reaches out to toy with a strand of hair by your ear. The weight of the silence that falls between you is almost crushing. You want to tell him how you feel but instead you find yourself wishing that you were better. Nicer looking, funnier, kinder, easier to get along with, but most importantly, you find yourself wishing that you were braver.
Taehyung has definitely never looked more attractive, you think to yourself as he lays next to you shirtless, absentmindedly twirling a strand of your hair around his finger and then back off again. His eyes are scanning your face carefully and you want to hide, feeling the burning of a blush creeping over your cheeks, but he's so enticing to look at you can't turn away from him.
"I promise we'll have fun." He says, finally breaking the silence. A smile breaks across your face that you're unable to hide at his words, and you nod your head, focusing on the freckle on his bottom lip instead of his eyes.
"Mm, I bet." You reply quietly.
"So...you're not going to back down?" He asks.
"No." You tell him quickly, "I'm not backing down."
"You can." He reminds you again, "At any point." You nod your head, and he smiles, biting lightly on his lower lip before he shrugs in a coy sort of way, "You won't want to, though. You'll be begging me for it all the time after this."
The laughter that bubbles up out of you does well to shield your unease from yourself for the time being, and you relax a little bit more knowing without a single, minute, modicum of doubt that he wasn’t just bragging. You know he’s going to take care of you in this way, the same way that he had always done - with affection and such an exquisite attention to detail. You had no doubt that after tonight you’d be frequently wanting more.
You could tell Taehyung that every brain cell you possess is telling you not to do this, and ruin the moment. Or you could live in it, for once in your life. You could face your fears head on and dive into the deep end. You could do what feels good and you were very, very sure that being with Tae like this was going to feel very, very good. The positives far outweigh the negatives, and with his smile in front of you and giggles coming from you as he wags his eyebrows suggestively, you finally are able to flip the switch in your mind and you decide to throw all caution to the wind.
"Fuck it." You say out loud, and you lift your upper body from the bed and reach across for Tae, grabbing his face and pressing your lips tightly to his own. He's still smiling when you initiate the kiss, but it fades gently as his tongue traces along your bottom lip sensually within two beats of your heart.
Taehyung doesn't feel the need to be overly cautious after you initiate a kiss between you for the first time. It's a victorious sort of rumbling groan that comes from his chest as he pushes you onto your back underneath him as he leans over top of you. With the lights out in his room, all of your other senses are heightened and you can feel, smell, hear and taste nothing but Taehyung as he consumes your entire existence with nothing helping your vision but the pale moonlight just barely trickling in from the singular window in his messy room.
You press your tongue back into his mouth, tangling the muscle along with his own as he hums in approval. Then all at once he draws back from you and you're left blinking up at his silhouette in the darkness.
"I really hate having the lights out," Tae tells you and you can hear from the tone of his voice that he was sulking and pouting about it, "You can't even see who's gonna fuck you so good."
You scoff lightly, "I know it's you, stupid." You tell him, and you stretch briefly under him, luxuriating in the weight of his body on top of yours - his long legs and small waist, his broad shoulders and his chest pressed to yours. "I know you so well, Tae, I can feel that it's you."
"Oh yeah?" He asks you, as if it were a challenge of some sort, and then he's pushing your legs apart with his knees, nudging your thighs wide, and grinding his hips down into your center. You feel the thick, solid ridge of an unmistakable erection pressing directly onto your panties, your dress ridden so far up your waist by now you might as well not be wearing it. Taehyung grinds his hard dick against you through his sweatpants and you let out a small gasp as he chuckles, his lips against your ear, "Does this feel like the Taetae you know? Hm?"
You shake your head 'no' in the darkness, and Taehyung can't see it but he can feel it and he chuckles again, pressing a kiss just under your jaw. His firm erection pressing into you is an entirely new sensation, a side of Tae that you hadn't familiarized yourself with yet, and the prospect of being able to do that soon was making your head spin.
"I'll keep the lights out for now because you're shy," He tells you, "But next time I want the lights on. I want you to see every little thing that I do to you. Would that be ok with you?" You nod your head, and Taehyung murmurs softly, "You said you'd talk to me...tell me."
"Y-yeah," You reply, your voice shaky, thoroughly distracted by the feel of him pressing long and thick and rigid right up against your panties and the prospect that he’ll want to do this with you again, even before you get started. "Yeah, that'd be ok."
Taehyung can tell you're affected by this, and he playfully chuckles even as he grinds forward even harder, pressing so tightly right up against your clit, the friction was making you dizzy. Vaguely you're aware of him asking if you like the way that feels and you begin to nod your head wordlessly but you recall that he wanted you to be vocal, so you clear your throat, and start to tell him that yes, you do, but he shifts his hips, rocking them into you just right, and a moan interrupts your words.
Instantly, Tae stops, pushing himself up and in the pale light of the moon streaming through the curtains of his bedroom window, you can see that he's smiling down at you, amused and mischievous.
"I think that's the first time I've heard you moan." Tae says, and his hands smooth up your bare thighs, shoving your dress up around your waist, then his hand slips under it, fingers skimming along your ribs until he finds the cup of your bra , and he leans down and presses his lips to your neck, "How can I make you do it again?" He muses huskily, kissing down your neck until his lips are peppering light kisses over the tops of your breasts, his hand bunching in your dress from underneath and yanking it down, your bra exposed. His tongue snakes out and he licks the spot where your skin meets the material of your bra, dipping in ever so slightly before he pulls back and hums in question.
"Maybe if I take this off of you..." Tae mumbles.
You take the hint, sitting up a little so his steady hands can easily slip your dress over your head, and before you lay flat, one of his hands is pressing on your back, holding you upright against him, and Taehyung kisses you, nice and slow, while the fingers of his right hand unhook your bra. When you lay back down, you're thankful the lights are out, because even in the darkness you feel exposed, but Tae doesn't give you time to dwell on the feeling before he's leaning over you, pressing his chest to yours, and his pillowy lips are slotting over yours once more. He gently sucks on your bottom lip, and the warmth of your shared body heat is both soothing and lascivious - calming your soul while simultaneously lighting a fire in your belly.
Taehyung's hands had always been one of your favorite things about him; big and soft, with long, beautiful fingers and wide palms - he was so nice to hold onto but even nicer to feel him touch you. You knew from experience that Tae was skilled with his touch. How many nights had he gotten you to fall asleep by playing with your hair or rubbing your back, laying across his chest like his literal baby? To have him reach for your body in the ways that he was now, to feel his fingers skim across your nipples to harden them and the way he cupped the fullness of your breasts deliberately to make you feel good was altogether thrilling and intoxicating.
If Tae's goal had been to hear you moan again, he was definitely going about it the right way. Your breath quickened and you found yourself wishing you could see his mouth in the darkness as you felt him drag it down from your collar bone, coming closer and closer to your right breast with every soft kiss. You manage to keep yourself under control enough so that you don't moan out right just from the feel of his fingers teasing your nipples, contained to just heavy breaths but the very moment you feel his soft lips press a gentle kiss to the bud of your hardened nipple your mouth falls open in a quick gasp.
Always watching and listening, taking notes, Taehyung realizes that you're particularly sensitive in this area and he's cautious moving forward, not wanting to push your buttons too much too fast but your breast is soft and warm against his lips and he can't resist parting them and letting the tip of your breast fill his mouth for just a moment.
That's what does it, a gentle little moan that escapes from you and he's so delighted by it that he copies his movement, mouth opening again and this time, he laves over your nipple deliberately with his tongue flat, and you let out a longer, louder moan this time.
Taehyung reaches up and he kisses your lips almost like a reward for the sounds you made, and he sounds intensely excited as he tells you, voice low and husky, "It sounds like a fucking melody, you moan so beautiful for me."
Blood rushes to heat up your cheeks and chest as you blush at his words but Tae means it, he didn't say it at all to stroke your ego or because he thought you wanted to hear it. It's evident because he's immediately back at your breasts, kissing them and occasionally indulging in lavishing attention to your nipples. He's gauging your reactions very carefully, but he kisses, licks, and sucks at your breasts as if the feel of you against his mouth and tongue feels as amazing to him as it does to you - as if the sounds emitting from you are truly like music to his ears and he, the conductor.
After a particularly loud and desperate moan, you recall vaguely that Taehyung has a roommate now. So you put in an effort to try to be at least a little bit quieter so as not to wake him. But also because you don't want to sound too needy too quickly. It feels too fast to be this turned on but his mouth feels like heaven, and he's doing everything exactly right. Just enough of his lips and tongue, just enough focus on your nipples and his hands keep them covered when his mouth isn't doing the job, so you feel warm continuously despite how wet he's getting your chest with his eager mouth and the cool air in the room.
The steadfast pounding of your heart is loud, thunderous in even your own ears and with his mouth all over your chest, you're sure Taehyung can feel it. Your thighs saw together, in desperate need of friction after a few minutes. Tae seems content, focused on your right nipple, and he even moans ever so quietly as he latches onto your breast and sucks hard. You feel overstimulated briefly, but before it gets so bad that you want to squirm away from him, he stops, releasing your breast with a soft pop and then his mouth is on yours, lips swollen and wet, but it's his hand that captures your attention more fully.
Taehyung is dragging one hand up your inner thigh, his fingers inching slowly towards your panties. You invite the touch, spreading your thighs open to give him room to touch exactly where you want him to. His fingers are gentle as he presses soft kisses to your lips, nuzzling into your neck when he makes contact with your panties only to find them dampened by your arousal. His hands are so big, even just a gentle stroking of his first two digits through your underwear feels like so much contact already, and you can't help but to gasp, your hands gripping tight onto his forearms.
"What?" Tae asks, pulling away from your neck, keeping his hand still as he looks down at you in the darkness and speaks gently to coax you into being more vocal for him again, "Does that feel good?"
You nod your head, and when you speak your voice comes out small and simpering and entirely unlike your own, "Yes...it feels so good, Tae."
This time, he rewards you by stroking his fingers along your slit through your panties, applying the slightest bit of pressure. Your eyes have adjusted to the darkness in the room by now, and you know he's watching you as carefully as he can, his eyes are so big even in the darkness that you briefly wonder if he's nervous, too. He licks his lips as he stares down at you and in a fluid movement, his hand slips down the front of your panties and his long fingers curve to the shape of your sex, cupping you gently. If he was nervous at all you couldn't tell, because his actions felt bold and sure of himself.
At this, you curse not having the light on but you didn't want to interrupt what he was doing to mention it. Instead, you focused on the way he kept licking his lips, a habit he had that sometimes made him seem like a nervous puppy.
Taehyung's fingers were gentle as he stroked up your sex, directly over your slit, not pressing firmly enough to part your lips just yet. He was warming you up to his touch skillfully, and every move he made was that little bit more that pushed you towards an inevitable nirvana. You could feel it with every nerve ending when he presses two fingers on either side of your clit and tenderly rubs back and forth. You don't even try to stop the moan that burst forth from deep in your chest, your nails digging into his sides.
"Ohh," Tae groans, "I haven't even gotten started yet~" He chuckles against your collar bone and grazes his teeth very gently along your skin, and then his fingers dip down to the source of your wetness, and he carefully presses the tips of two fingers just barely into your entrance. Your chest is heaving up and meeting his own, heart to heart as he leans over top of you, and he presses further inside as you grind your tailbone firmly into the mattress.
"Fuck." You hiss, "Your f-fingers are so long." He pulls back, and you think briefly that maybe you’re a little bit overeager. It had been a long time since anybody else had touched you like this and Taehyung with his long, slender fingers was reaching places that you never could with your own hands.
"Wait until you see my dick." Taehyung tells you, but he's unable to get the sentence out fully before he bursts out into a wide grin and then you're both just laying there laughing together for a moment, while his fingers stroke deep inside of you and he rests the heel of his palm right against your clit.
"You're so dumb." You sigh in between bouts of giggles, thrashing a little bit under him, "But I fucking believe you, though." You wedge your arm between you, reaching for the front of his pajamas, "Let me see it."
"You won't be able to in the dark." Tae points out in an almost smug tone of voice.
"Can I touch it?" You ask, biting your lower lip to stifle a groan when he shifted his hand and was rubbing your clit steadily with his thumb.
He pumped two fingers shallowly in and out of your pussy and leaned back just a little, putting enough space between your hips so that you could reach down into his sweatpants. The first touch was your fingertips skimming over the velvety skin of his shaft, surprising you because he was laying, without underwear, fully hard in wait for you. You smooth the pads of your fingers down and around him, and stroke to the base and then very carefully back up, inch by inch, and you giggle again.
"Taehyung~" His name left your lips in a playful, delighted way that made his heart bloom in his chest. You had always assumed that he would be big but to have him in your hand, firm and throbbing, it was almost too good to be true.
He flexes his hips forward, thrusting into your hand to speed up your movements and his fingers match the pace, unbothered by your reaction to his dick as his head bows forward and bumps into yours.
"Ah, fuck.." He groans into your ear and you shiver all the way down to your toes, curling them into the mattress in a desperate attempt to ground yourself as he picks up the pace even faster.
You're all of a sudden hurling head first into a full body orgasm and once Taehyung realizes, he stops fucking into your tight grip and his focus is 100% on you. He presses deep inside of you and fucks you on his fingers, murmuring soft encouragements.
“Yeah, that’s it...that’s it. Cum for me.”
You feel yourself coming back down, calming from your high when Taehyung, turned on by the sight of you convulsing and gasping, decides he needs to slide your panties off in a big hurry and get his mouth on your dripping pussy.
Your thighs start to clamp shut, and you gasp as his tongue licks flat over your swollen clit. He pulls back, looking up at you in the darkness and from this new angle, with the shadows casting over your faces, you can't make out one another's expression. So you still, watching him watch you in the darkness, and then he spreads your pussy lips with one hand and licks you nice and slow.
"Oh, my god," You whimper, "Tae.."
"Too much?" He asks you quietly, his voice low and husky.
"Mm...a little." You mumble, "I like it, though."
"Fuck." He groans and his head leans over to rest on your inner thigh, and you just know that if the lights were on, he'd be staring at your cunt adoringly. "I like it, too."
"You do?" You ask him, a little bit surprised that he would say that because, in truth, you had just been laying there underneath him, feeling good, but you hadn't really given anything back to him yet.
"Yeah, your hand felt really nice. And you taste delicious." Tae tells you, and if you squint a little you can just make out his blissed out smile as he rests on your inner thigh, "I bet your pussy feels amazing."
Your heart does flips in your chest, but you manage to tell him in a somewhat even tone, "Come and find out."
He doesn't need to be told twice, and is standing and shedding his remaining clothes, his hands greedy as he feels you for any remaining clothes, wanting your skin fully bare under him. He fishes a condom from the bedside drawer and slides it down his shaft, giving himself a couple of slow strokes as you lay under him, legs spreading wide to welcome him.
"How do you want to do this?" Tae asks you, his voice low and soft and you're thankful to him for making this as easy as possible for you.
"This is fine." You tell him, scooting back so your head rests on the pillows a little bit more comfortably.
Tae shuffles forward on his knees until he's able to hunker down between your spread legs and cover you with his upper body. Laying a few inches farther up the mattress, the light from the moon coming through the curtains is across his face and you can see that he looks ever so slightly concerned as his hand brushes your hair away from your neck and lays it across the pillow delicately.
"You ok?" Tae asks you quietly, eyes staring so deeply into your own you're very sure that he can see your very soul.
"Yeah," You breathe, your hands clutching his sides and you gently tickle up his back with your nails, a movement you knew he liked a lot. "Are you ok?"
He chuckles, bumping his forehead tenderly into yours, "Mhm. I'm great, actually."
"You feel pretty great." You sigh, exposing your neck as his lips moved down from just below your ear to your shoulder. You lift your hips just a little, and feel him hard hovering above you. With one hand, you reach between your bodies and wrap your fingers around his shaft, guiding the tip to your entrance.
"Fuck, you feel so good." Tae groans, lifting his head from your shoulder and staring down between your bodies in the darkness, as if he was just hoping he could see himself slowly pushing inside of you.
It's a tight fit - it had been a while since you had taken anybody inside of you and Taehyung was thick enough that you felt the pressure of him stretching you open immediately, but the length of his cock seemed to go on forever. He stills, and you think that he's bottomed out but then he grunts and pushes forward just an inch or two more and your mouth falls open, a low groan escaping your lips.
"O-ohhh, Taehyung.."
"You like it?" He asks you with a chuckle, trailing his tongue up the length of your neck, biting onto your earlobe and pouting at you as he nuzzles into you adorably, "Tell me."
"Yes!" You gasp, "I lo...love it." You feel delirious and drunk on the sensation, being filled so fully and with a man in your arms who you care so goddamn much about.
It shouldn't make so much of a difference but it does. It's supposed to just be sex, a physical exchange of pleasure and nothing more, but it's evident that's not going to be the case the more that you let yourself get carried away with him like this. You knew you weren’t going to be able to separate sex and the way that you felt about him, but you let it get this far, and there was no turning back. Not when he filled you up so full and made you feel this incredible.
Taehyung begins to move inside of you and you feel your body heating up all over, a thin veil of sweat coating your skin and making everything between you feel deliciously slippery. You have to move him away from your throat, because he's panting so heavily against your skin that it feels like he's fogging you up, and you move him to your lips, kissing him deep and slow and messily.
You briefly think to yourself that, clearly, this was a mistake, because you're unable to put aside your head and, most importantly your heart in order to just feel him. But you don't have time to dwell on how much of a fuck up you are before Tae lifts his upper body off of yours, pressing his hands into the mattress by your head, changing the pace and the angle of his thrusts.
All coherent thoughts are wiped away when you feel a familiar stirring in your lower belly, a tightening in your muscles that makes even your toes curl as your legs come up to wrap around his lower back, holding him tightly against you.
"You're gonna make me cum, doing that." Tae gasps, and he tries to slow down a little because he wants it to last, but he can't stop chasing his high at this point.
The steady slap, slap, slap of skin hitting skin echoes around the room, mingling with his low groans and grunts, and your simpering moans and gasps for air. You're still trying to be at least a little bit quiet, hoping not to disturb his roommate but Taehyung is loud, unashamed.
He grunts out your name and then he's pushing your legs up by the backs of your knees, drilling into you so deep that you see stars. You're faintly aware of a wailing and it's when your throat begins to burn that you realize it's coming from you, and Taehyung hisses harshly down at you through clenched teeth, "Cum again, cum on my fucking cock."
The orgasm washes over you intensely, an earth shattering sensation that you feel with every nerve ending in your body, from your head to your toes. You convulse and twitch, push him and pull him, and eventually you lift your head off of the mattress and bite down on his shoulder harshly to stifle the sounds you’re making.
It's the bite that throws Tae over the edge with you, and his eyes roll back in his head as he cums, filling up the condom with harsh flexes of his hips rolling into yours. Taehyung's voice pitches up when he cums, and he sounds so good that you find yourself holding your breath to keep quiet and focus on his soft, desperate moans as he finishes.
When he rolls off of you and twists his hips to the side so he can remove the condom without making a mess, you breathe in deep, trying to control the frantic beating of your heart as your thighs squeeze together and you shiver.
"Fuck, that was amazing.." Tae sighs, turning briefly to reach over to the bedside table and click on the light. It illuminates across his naked body as he tosses the condom into the trash and lays back down, his eyes fluttering shut, chest heaving. "Really amazing."
You mean to agree with him, but your find yourself lost, distracted by the sight of his naked body in all it's glory splayed out in bed next to you. After a few seconds of silence, Tae's eyes open and he glances over at you curiously.
"Sorry," You tell him quickly when he catches you staring with a cocky smirk, "You're just...really good looking."
Tae chuckles and his brows raise, then he glances down at his cock, still rock-hard, and he flexes so that it bounces enticingly. "Want some more?" He asks you.
"No, no, no," You laugh, "I can't..."
But Taehyung knows he can get whatever he wants out of you, and he knows that you wouldn't be staring if you weren't interested, so he pulls you over on top of him, and rubs the bare head of his cock through your folds, pressing into you effortlessly from underneath you. You gasp, staring down at his chest and the way you can see his pulse pounding in his throat.
"Yes, you can.." Tae says softly, gripping your hips and encouraging you to ride him.
"Wh- oh fuck." You bow your head down, slumping over onto him even as your hips rise and fall on top of him, "What about another condom?"
"I won't cum so much the second time," He grunts, planting his feet on the mattress and thrusting up into you, increasing the pace, "I'll pull out. Promise."
You nod your head, fucked beyond ignorance because there's no way you would ever let any other guy you'd ever been with take you raw like this, especially not the first night you have sex. But this isn't any other guy. It's Taehyung, and you’re not the same person you were before you got here, anyway - tonight, you’re his.
He's bossy when he's underneath you, controlling the pace with his hands guiding your movements if he's not just blatantly fucking you himself while you hold on for dear life. The second time isn't as quick, and your legs grow tired long before either of you are ready to cum again, but it feels so nice that you don't want to stop. His hands grab onto your ass cheeks and Tae buries his face in your chest, licking and sucking and biting at your breasts and you grip his hair and keep him there, bouncing on his dick and moaning his name, chanting it like it's the only word you know how to speak.
When you feel yourself beginning to cum, you push him away, planting your hands firmly on his chest and grinding down onto his lap, stimulating your clit and working his cock at your own pace, twitching and biting your lip to stop from screaming. Taehyung watches you in awe, eyes flashing and teeth occasionally gritting when your nails dig into his chest.
You begin to still, and you're breathing heavy and covered in sweat but Taehyung looks at you like he's still just as needy, and you ask him wearily, "Do you want to cum again?"
"Yes." He smiles at you sweetly, "Do you want to lick up the mess you made? Can I cum in your mouth?"
You nod your head, exhausted by this point and willing to do anything he asks of you. So you slip him out of you with a groan and slide down his body, admiring the thickness of his thighs briefly before you wrap your fingers around his shaft and guide him into your mouth.
The taste of your own orgasm coats him, making him slippery and easy to take despite how dry your mouth feels. It's intoxicating, and it surprises you how much you like sucking the taste of yourself off of his velvety skin while he groans and tangles his hands in your hair and tells you how good your mouth feels.
This time, when Taehyung cums, he's mostly silent save for a few grunts, and you're thankful there isn't much of the bitter tasting cum that spills on your tongue, finding it easier to swallow. He grabs you by your arms and drags you up his body, rolling to the side and flinging his leg over your hips. Taehyung kisses you deep until the taste of cum fades from your lips and tongue, then he wraps you up in his limbs and snuggles in close.
"Wow, ___..." He murmurs into the crook of your neck, using you as his own personal pillow and locking you in place with his arms and legs. "You're amazing."
Taehyung only moves away from you once, and only to turn off the bedside lamp, but then he’s wrapped up with you and falls asleep almost instantly after he gets himself comfortable. He leaves sporadic kisses on your neck and shoulder and before long, his soft breath is nice and steady and his grip around you is a bit more lax, and you know he's good and asleep.
You untangle your limbs, knowing he won't wake up without a good fight when he's this deeply asleep, and sit naked on the edge of his bed, glancing around his room as a fog of unease washes over you.
You feel nervous and you know waking up naked with Tae the next morning is bound to be embarrassing or awkward, so you slip on your panties and steal one of his shirts from the closet. Your body doesn't feel like your own, like Taehyung had claimed you tonight and somehow, you were left as nothing but a hollow shell of a person, nothing more than the mistake that you were very certain you had just made.
Thoughts were swimming in your head when you laid back down, attempting to keep your distance from him as he slept clinging to a pillow, hoping he didn't wake up and want to cuddle because you felt awkward and like a major fuck up.
Sleep was impossible. You laid there for an hour or more watching him sleep and wondering how in the world you could fix this come tomorrow, or if there was no salvaging the remains of your friendship after this, when you finally decided you needed to get out of bed for a drink of water and a quick trip to pee.
You're lost in your thoughts as you leave Tae's bedroom, leaving his door open wide as you head to the bathroom first. You finish up quickly washing your hands, avoiding your reflection in the mirror over the sink, pretending for a moment that you're someone else. That you're just one of the nameless, faceless girls that Taehyung had hooked up with over the span of the time that you'd known him. That you aren't yourself and that tomorrow wasn't going to reveal that you had ruined the one good, consistent thing in your life just for sex.
You don't hear Taehyung's roommate leaving his room and reacting with quiet disgust as he reaches in and shuts Tae's bedroom door, not wanting to see him lying naked and freshly fucked. You don't hear him head into the kitchen just a few paces ahead of you, so you're startled whenever you walk into the kitchen yourself and see someone's back as they lean down to get a bottle of water out of the fridge.
A loud gasp startles him into a quick standing position and he bangs his head on the freezer door, hissing and pulling away to see you standing there, hand on your heart.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry, I forgot anybody else wa-" You stop mid sentence, studying the face of the young man standing before you, rubbing the bump on his head. Something about him was familiar. His nose...the way his eyes were so big and round. It reminded you of someone from a distant memory, someone from a lifetime ago.
The sound of his voice and that word specifically makes it all click in your head, and your mouth falls open in shock, your brain unable to form any words as you stare across the kitchen at him.
"Is that you, ___?" He asks, and he drops the hand rubbing his head and offers you a brief smile. "Seriously?"
You cover your mouth with both hands and try not to squeal out loud, rushing forward and flinging your arms around his neck. "Jungkook!!" You can't help the way your voice comes out in nearly a squeak of delight and surprise, hugging him as if your very life depended on it.
The younger man is cautious about hugging you back for only a second, when you pull away and cup his cheeks in both of your hands, squishing them together and you coo at him, "Look at you! You're all grown up, Jungoo!"
The nickname and the way you hold his face melts any resistance in him and he smiles, absolutely beaming at you, and hugs you back tightly to his chest. You bounce lightly as he embraces you again and he lifts you up off of your tip toes, causing you to squeal in delight and kick your legs back.
"You're so big, Jungkook!" You laugh in disbelief, "When did that happen?! I almost didn't recognize you!" He lowers you back to your feet and you step away, shaking your head in disbelief.
"Don't wake up Tae-hyung." Jungkook tells you in a hushed tone, but his smile is brighter than the sun as he looks over at you, and you feel tempted to squish his cheeks once more, but refrain yourself.
"He's a heavy sleeper, don't worry about him." You tell Jungkook briefly, "So...you're Tae's new roommate?"
"Yeah." He rubs the back of his neck a little awkwardly, shuffling his feet and avoiding your gaze suddenly, "Yeah, uh...I just moved from back home. I didn't know you lived here, too."
"Oh, I don't live here." You tell him, "I'm pretty close by, though. How's your parents? Your brother?" The excitement in seeing someone from your hometown is completely overshadowing everything else, his awkward demeanor and the fact that you're just standing there in one of Taehyung's shirts and your panties.
Jungkook finds himself thoroughly distracted and flustered by the whole situation, especially considering the fact that he had spent the last few hours trying to drown out the sounds of you fucking his new roommate with loud music blaring through his headphones, which sometimes wasn't enough to stifle the noises that came from Tae's bedroom earlier.
"Yeah, they're good. Everyone's good." You realize he's avoiding looking at you now, and it doesn't take a genius to figure out why.
"I'm really glad to see you, Jungkook." You tell him sincerely, now matching his levels of awkwardness as you try and tug the hem of Taehyung's shirt down farther over your bare thighs, "It's so crazy that you moved in here, of all places."
He chuckles, "Yeah...pretty crazy."
"I was just...going to get a drink of water," You tell him, "Sorry if I woke you."
"I haven't been to sleep yet." He tells you briefly, and he offers you the bottle of water he had gotten out for himself, still unopened. "You better get back to your boyfriend.."
"Oh..." There's a sinking feeling in your gut at his words, and you know he doesn't mean to hurt you, he can't possibly be aware of the situation and what was happening and in truth, anybody would think that way after catching the two of you making out earlier and hearing what was going on in Tae's room shortly after. Not to mention you're standing in your underwear in the kitchen in only Tae's shirt. It’s an easy mistake, but it doesn’t hurt any less.
"Tae and I...we're just friends."
Jungkook's brows shoot up and he turns back to the fridge in a hurry, unable to hide his expressions well but he doesn't want you to see that he's as shocked as he is. He gets another bottle of water for himself, being careful as he stands back up, muttering quietly, "Oh...sorry. I misunderstood."
"Don't worry about it." You tell him with a wave of your hand, "I, um...better get some sleep. I'm glad to see you again, Jungkook."
"Me, too." He smiles, "Goodnight, noona."
"Goodnight, Jungkookie."
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EPISODE 1-Well here the f*ck we are again! - Trace
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As the game begins and everyone gets used to their new camps, personalities clash together. In the first challenge of the season, a mistake and a fumble causes Keaton a big loss but merges alliances together.
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I want to die
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ITS SO MUCH EASIER TO TALK TO SURVIVOR PEOPLE THAN BIG BROTHER PEOPLE. I’m in IHOS right now and they’re so overly dramatic, it’s not funny. I already feel good about this tribe- such cuties! Also, I hope I’m the first confessional.
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I'm about to be devoured alive on this tribe. I don';t know anyone here. But I peep icons like RTP, Dana, and Ruthie on the other tribe
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I don’t trust any of these people, HAHA. I am really excited though. Right now I’m trying to talk up Linus and Seamus because I don’t trust EITHER and I want to be in their good sides. I also want to get in good with Amanda and Pippa. I feel like Glo and I are good and I want to get a solid bond with RTP but... we’ll see! IM NOT putting all my eggs in one basket! On the plus side I think we have a real solid team! There are still a few people I need to talk to but... I’m being more social this season already than I’ve been on some of my others.. heh
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lmao can i mutiny?? Earlier this year i had a falling out with some ex friends and one of them is in this game and the other one has a bestie thats in this game and honestly its exhausting. I wouldnt mind being here if they kept things game related but i know that they're going to make things personal and they're going to continue to spread lies about me.
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tell me WHY my favorite person i have talked to so far (linus) is a STRAIGHT MAN. why am i hoe for the straight men. i have become the very thing i swore to destroy. i literally hate myself.
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As of right now, I want to do either paintball or bottles because I don't want to be the SOLE reason we lose in one of those individual challenges. Also, I think I'm pretty good at endurance challenges for paintball so it'll be fine. My tribemates seem to be an active, ok bunch. I like most of them. I'm getting really good vibes from Dan, Chloe, and Trace. They would be the people I'd add to an alliance. I haven't talked to LAchie or Kwaton yet so maybe they'll be my target if we lose. Nic is pretty cool. I think we'll get along well. Still trying to sus him out. Everyone else is just fine in my eyes. But they're all just obstacles in my way
*a little while later*
The tribe call was initially about the challenge, but now it has become something greater: an alliance. I always try to get alliances early within tribe calls. It makes the pre-merge a lot easier for me. I actually really enjoyed the company of John and Chloe. I didn't think I would, but here I am. If Brien was on a little longer then he would've been in it too. Oh well. Maybe he'll be in the next alliance I create.
*even later*
I really fucked that one up. Jesus christ. I did terrible. Hopefully my tribe can carry the other challenges because doing that badly is almost first boot worthy. Ugh I fucking hate myself
*the camera man keeps recording but is losing consciousness*
I truly do not know how my tribe can be this messy with challenges this early on. Keaton is seemingly going to fuck up the puzzle since he GAVE HIS LAPTOP AWAY. We're a mess. The first challenge isn't even done. Jesus, if we go to tribal, I am praying that they will not want me gone. It'd be terrible
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I meant to send this last night but I think Ryan got himself out on purpose.  Did he or did he not... that is the question! So I’m getting along really well with Linus, Amanda and Anabel at the moment. I love Glo but I feel like people will be down to vote her off if we lose. Hopefully my people winning the paintball match will mean all four of us will be safe but people are crazy so... we’ll see!
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I'm kind of frustrated with my tribe right now. It seems like none of them know what they are doing in the challenge. "I can't find the puzzle." "I don't know the phrase." "What's the order?" Y'all should have figured this out a day ago. But whatever. I guess we'll lose and I'll have to cut out some weak links. I'm very over the absolute unprofessionalism of this tribe. 
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YAAAAAS I’m so happy we won the first immunity challenge. I’m pretty sure if our tribe loses then I’m going to be the first person to leave the game. Literally NO ONE is talking game with me, I even tried to form an alliance with Anabel today and she just like laughed it off fkfkfkfkfkf. IM SO FICKED
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Well here the fuck we are again! The rebels tribe is cute tbh. I know Nic, we played together well in Chamonix. Lachie and I made it to the final of ILM a couple years ago. Chloe and I didn't work well together in Kuwait but we have a similar sense of humor so I have a good feeling about it. I hosted Dan and Keaton in MB and have good relationships with both. I don't know Brien but he already basically told me he has my back, and I do trust him even though he is a bit of an outcast. I don't really trust Raffy, he's kinda hard to talk to. Everyone else is basically irrelevant. I was so convinced that we were going to flop and flop HARD in the challenge, and we did. But at least Chloe, John, and I flopped the least and got us our one point. Now nobody can hold that against me! Tbh I wouldn't be mad sending Keaton out of the game. He's all over the place and didn't even compete in the challenge. So idk, we shall see. I feel pretty good about my place in the game but lord knows shit always hits the fan for me the second I have to talk strategy. So fingers crossed ladies!
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We really got our asses handed to us HUH!? Honestly, I feel okay? I think I’ve chatted a bit with everyone and had meaningful convos, but that means nothing. I lost my wave so why should I feel super safe? I mean Keaton should be worried for sure, but I love him, so I’m just trying to see if there’s another option. I personally can’t fucking stand Raffy, BUT everyone seems to enjoy his twinky shady ass. Can’t relate!! I’m just gonna work on my growing bond with Asya and Nic and see where that takes me (: Here’s a list of who I trust from most to least so far! 
 1. Asya 
 2. Nic 
3. Lachie 
4. Trent 
5. Chloe 
6. Keaton 
7. Brien 
8. John 
9. Raffy
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Losing the challenge sucks. Especially since we got stomped on. My target for this tribal is Trace. I don't really talk to him, and he just didn't do the challenge. That's a liability in my eyes. So, he has to go. However, I'm trying to avoid spreading his name so early until a few hours before tribal. People are being hesitant to throw out names because they don't want to be "That Guy." It's scary out here. I feel like I should be fine since I'm relatively social and active. Talking with people last night, I think I managed to make Trace an ally of mine. I suggested working together and he accepted. So, hopefully that pans out in the future. It just adds another person to my ranks. It's extremely important that I make these solid connections to protect me in case of a swap or once we get to merge.
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I’m in rebels vs royals WHOO these royals are going down. We lost the first challenge but it’s okay it gives us time to trim the fat on the tribe and see where everyone stands. I like mostly everyone so far but I think it’s the honeymoon phase now and things will get real soon when we all ruthlessly target each other. I played with Keaton before and we agreed to have each other’s back and I would love to work with him for the long road and even be loyal to take him to the end with me even if I was definitely gonna lose. I’m trying to flip the way I play with friends and not be selfish and stick my neck out for them. It’s completely a transformation for me because my first season I betrayed my best friend cause I didn’t want to go to rocks but when I’m reality I was selfish. Raffy- seems cool but he is also a likable player that I have to have on my radar to not let get that far 
John- I love John I know it’s early but if I had to pick my final 3 now it would be me him and Keaton. He might be playing me but he is just such a great person I hope we can work well in this game. 
 Aysa- Idk how I feel about her she seems nice however she also seems shady granted everyone is but I can’t let her get to far. 
 Lachie- my first target we don’t mesh well in our conversation and that’s a sign to me early on that we won’t work well in this game. He is my number one target at this first tribal we have to go to. 
 Trace- I like trace but he seems like a poser and I think he’ll say whatever he has to in order to finally snatch the win in his 8th time. 
Nic- he is quiet but could also be deadly he was playing up that he hasn’t played in a while and doesn’t want to go first and I get that but i know it’s just a play for him to integrate himself in the tribe. 
 Chloe- she is nice but idk where she stands strategy wise but I like her and I can certainly see it being hard getting her out. 
 Dan- I almost forgot about dan he is so UTR I don’t trust him and if I can’t get lachie I would love to get him out at the first tribal. Now I know people have past season connections but I can’t really do much about it I just have to hope they implode on themselves and then I can find a crack within all the ruins. I’m certainly playing this game differently then before I’m gonna be as loyal and honest as I can and i know it’s a marathon not a sprint and I have to treat this game as such.
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I’m so glad to be safe this round! I fell asleep really early last night and I’m glad we aren’t on the chopping block because when I scramble I look like an egg head. I wonder who is going home on the other tribe hmmm
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So.....I am ELIZA levels paranoid, even though it’s the first vote. Trace is my number 1 so far because we worked together in a previous game and he’s just cool. So I trust him. I also know Dan, but the way we left things in our last convo before the game was darksided...but we promised to work together this time. I am somewhat confident in that. I like Lachie a lot even though I don’t know him, and Brien seems like a strong player. I think this first vote is coming down to Keaton or Raffy. I am kinda wanting Keaton because I feel like Brien has him under his wing and if Keaton goes then Brien will be weaknened and maybe be easier to control? Keaton is saying Raffy is a strong player for some reason and we should get him out as soon as possible. So...idk. BUT...I am a paranoid mess, so this could all just be a big plot to get me out!!! Who knows??
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Ok so basically I know almost everyone on both tribes which really fucking shocks me?! I was expecting to know like one person and then not be very invested but I was wrong luv. Because I’ve played with basically everyone before I like actually want to do well lmao, imagine me actually trying in a game. That being said I did so bad in the flag comp thing, I literally didn’t understand the rules at all whoops. She really thought it had to be all red, the only reason I didn’t draw it was because I was imagining having to fill in the background red after and I GAGGED. I luv Asya, trace and Nic. Last time I played with dan we both got to like final 7 but I barely spoke to him and I’m p sure he’s the reason why kate and I left. But I’ve been speaking to him more In this game and we have like A LOT in common. I’ve also been trying to talk to Chloe a lot because we played a Facebook game together once and she rlly thought I hated her and made so many vls about me, so I’m trying to like be more active in her pms.
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A lot of people in this cast don't like me. Dan, Dane, Pippa. To name a few. With Dane it's very personal. He hurt me and I don't think he gets that I'm still super sad about it. We havent talked since March. We have so many inside jokes im reminded of and I laugh and I always just instantly wanna text him but I can't cause then I remember. I'm not going to throw his name out ever. If people come to me with it then yeah i'll do it. Anyway. I love RTP we've never really gotten to play together something always happens. Love Amanda. She's slaughtered me before but it's always been fun so I hope we can be an amazing team. I think shes still really good friends with Dan which might cause huge problems. Anyway later skater
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oh shit a rat oh wait thats just my reflection hihi i was gonna do a video but i hate my face so we're typing today girls. so. i like my tribe!!!! i think everyone is like smart which is scary bc i have approximately 1 brain cell that i share w trent and it is VERY obvious that i am not in possession of said brain cell. i keep saying crackhead things to people and i dont know why, i guess im just on meth or something i dont know... maybe the ppl at my local ice cream joint(tm) slipped something into me bc i am in the mood to get WILD!!! i think as of rn i am ssn 90's sweetheart and everyone loves me and YES i am COCKY but i have a right to be bc i am fucking POPULAR!!!! my ranking is as follows, anyone who disagrees with me sucks ass. 
1. linus 2. dane 3. amanda 4. seamus 5. ruthie 6. gloria 7. ryan m 8. ryan p 9. pippa 
 i will not explain these rankings bc i am right, u r wrong, shut the fuck up
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Pippa doesn’t respond to me, feels bad man. Everyone else is pretty dope though, I’m definitely getting along with Anabel the best, she’s probably gonna win the game. Honestly the big story is just how Keaton’s opening was so cocky, yet called us cocky but then he abstained and likely will be first boot based on the abstain. Fantastic storyline making a full circle in the period of just 3 days. Sorry this is probably lame, I’m in a shitload of pain, I really just need to sneak by until I’m not suffering from my tonsil removal and then I can really tear things up. Oh, also Hoodie Ryan is the only epic gamer on my tribe so I hope he goes far so we can rise up together.
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so far I am getting to know Seamus Pippa and Linus and other but dan;t think of their names lol. Had fun doing bottles challenge then messed up  but our tribe rocks and we still won challenge. Where I stand I think I am liked by several so far. Wonder where it  will go who knows <3 GLO <3
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Am about to be first boot and I’m not even surprised lol xx
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I’m just like an emotional wreck? Idk. I’m trying to keep plugging along but I have so much stuff taking up time in my personal life. Like rear ending a car tonight :~) soooo I think the vote is Keaton, but honestly who the fuck knows. Everyone could be pulling a fast one on me. I tried pitching an alliance with Asya, Chloe, and John but it went no where so look at me booboo the fool. I just feel like I don’t have much traction yet and I don’t wanna be caught off guard by a blindside tonight. I’m always just so paranoid at first tribal. Why didn’t we just kill the royals in the comp. fucking flop ass tribe.
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Okay so THESE PEOPLE WANNA KILL ME. I thought I would be good with Chloe, Dan, and Trace but they all ran to the kingpin, Nic. I tried to throw Raffy under a bus, but Lachie and Asya protect, John didn't wanna talk, and Brien...I'm sorry Weber. You better fuckin kill it this game. Time to do what I do best though...cause an absolute shitton of chaos....for you Weber.
0 notes
all-hallows-scream · 7 years
Book Recs for Autumn and Halloween !
So as a lot of you probably know, I love horror stories and Halloween-y books. I read them year round, like many of you probably do also, but when autumn rolls around I think we can all agree we need a few really good books for the season. In no particular order, these are a few of my personal favs!
1. Tithe by Holly Black
This book is one of my all time favorites, and as I’m sure you can tell, is all about faeries. I read this every year around October/September. It’s not necessarily a happy go lucky fairytale story. It’s dark and makes you fear the seelie court as well as wish you could visit it yourself. Black’s writing is absolutely beautiful as well, so that’s always a plus. I recommend every single book she’s ever written they’re all amazing and perfect for Halloween.
2. Slasher Girls & Monster Boys by April Genevieve Tucholke
Okay so technically this isn’t written by Tucholke. This book was compiled by her. SG&MB is a collection of horror short stories by various other authors including Cat Winters, Danielle, Paige,  Megan Shepherd, Kendare Blake, and A.G. Howard. I was pleasantly surprised to find that I liked every single story in the book. And, to top it all off, they’re all inspired by other works such as The Birds, Alice in Wonderland, and I Know What You Did Last Summer. (”In the Forest Dark and Deep” is based off of Alice in Wonderland and is my personal favorite.)
3. The Diviners by Libba Bray
I have a lot of feelings about this book, and I’m not entirely sure how to put them in words. This book ... y’all ... it’s incredible. It’s set in 1920′s New York and is all about, you guessed it, Diviners. Specifically, a Diviner named Evie who is trying to help solve murders being done by a serial killer who ... uhhh ... happens to be a ghost brought back through a ouija board. Explaining that sounds a little bit cheesy but I swear on my grave this book is well worth the read. However! It is quite long. 578 pages to be exact. But again, so very worth it. And the third book is coming out October 3rd!
4. The Merciless and Survive the Night by Danielle Vega
Now .. truly I didn’t want to have two books by the same author on this list but both of these books are amazing and I couldn’t chose. The Merciless is like .. The Exorcist meets Mean Girls. It was very fun to read and stayed that way until the last few chapters where things started getting very intense and way creepy. Survive the Night is a rave underground gone horribly wrong when people start getting killed by someone or ... something? Both are very good and get very wild towards the end. In a good way, though!
5. The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern
I’ve read this book a million times. However, I haven’t read it in a while so I think that’ll be one of my reads this month! The Night Circus is about a circus that appears without warning and is only open at night. Le Cirque des Rêves ; the circus of dreams. This circus is primarily created by our two main characters who are competing against each other; it’s a duel between the two magicians. That they’re completely unaware of.  Because of this duel, they create beautiful, amazing circus tents that could literally only exist in a dream. I’m horrible at describing this book, so please, read it and you’ll see what I mean! You might not be able to read it all in one sitting though. When I first read it I had to take breaks between chapters to “catch my breath” so to speak!
6. The Exorcist by William Peter Blatty
I think we all know what The Exorcist is. Hailed as a classic horror movie by many. Which I truthfully don’t understand because after reading the book, the movie seemed tame. This book scared the hell out of me. It was so incredibly creepy and I loved every second of it. The movie actually skipped one of my favorite book scenes which was a bit disappointing. I could not put the book down though, and honestly got chills a few times. I don’t think I need to explain any further why you should read it this Halloween!
7. Skulduggery Pleasant by Derek Landy
Okay. This book is in fact more of a middle grade book. But the plus side of that is that it’s an easy read, as well as very well written and entertaining. It’s full of magic and kicking ass. The concept sounds silly; a magical skeleton detective with a twelve year old side kick who only just found out she can also do magic. It definitely sounds like a kids book. But it’s so incredibly funny and just good. I did start the series when I was about thirteen, so I might be biased, but I still reread the series to this day and enjoy every second of it! There are, I believe, 10 books in the series as well as four novellas, but reading just the first one is good enough to get your Halloween fix. I don’t even have the last two books. The only problem with this series is that you have to order it from Ireland because I believe only the first two books were released in the U.S.
8. My Best Friend’s Exorcism by Grady Hendrix
This book is just another demon possession story but it’s very entertaining. It’s set in the 80s and one night after a bad acid trip, Gretchen, Abby’s best friend, seems to get possessed. Things get wild from there as everyone but Abby abandons her, and then the tables turn as the demon seemingly flips a switch and makes Gretchen a perfect student, gaining everyone’s trust and affection,  making them turn their backs on Abby. It’s a wild ride from start to finish and you’ll probably hate everyone in the book at one point, but it’s a great read. And the cover looks like a campy 80s horror movie VHS art!
9. Masque of the Red Death by Bethany Griffin
If you like Edgar Allan Poe, you’ll like this book. It includes steampunk, the plague, clubs, glitter, death ... what more could you ask for? Griffin states that she wanted to know more about the characters of Poe’s short story, and that’s where her story originated. A very good read, whether it’s Halloween or not!
10. Anna Dressed in Blood by Kendare Blake
I read this book a while ago but still stand by the fact that it was a great read. This book is about a boy named Cas who’s purpose on this Earth is to kill the undead aka ghost, demons, etc. When we meet Cas, his goal is to find Anna Dressed in Blood, a notorious ghost, and send her back to where she belongs. The issue is that she kills anyone who enters her house, wrapped up in the rage of her brutal murder. And of course, you probably guessed it, she let’s Cas live. It sounds a little cliche, but it’s a great seasonal read and if you’re looking for something easy to pick up one day, it’s perfect!
I wish I could include more books on this list but unfortunately, many of the ones I wanted to include I haven’t actually finished yet. They’re amazing, but I think before I decide to recommend them to people, I should finish them first! Hopefully next year I’ll have a lot of new books to recommend! Hope you enjoy this list!
What books do you think should be on here?
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celeryw · 7 years
Word Count: 2k
Relationships: AF, BD, MB, SB, CF
Warnings: vague mentions of torture, gender dysphoria a tiny bit
Summary: Tsunade is tired and she just wants Kakashi to just step up for once. Kakashi is tired, he has to deal with team Kakashi and team 20 (or whatever they call themselves these days) Iruka is glad he wasn’t a teacher while they were going through the academy, Sasuke doesn’t want to know what’s going on and Aoba just wants to go home. There are dragons
or 5 times the konoha cool squad 8) are asked what theyre doing and the one time they ask it back. 
ao3 link
Crimson bakes, and he has baking companions (none of which are currently present at the moment) he’s really good at it says Chouji and Ino when they drop in for food. Sometimes he feels like a simple farmer feeding his animals whenever team 10 drops by. 
He’s made a monstrosity of a cake, it’s not even baked yet. It’s huge. He doesn’t know what to do with it. He needs to bake it somehow, but Scarlet isn’t home so he needs to find like someone who can do fire release... Maybe Iruka isn’t busy because it’s the weekend. No academy. With that thought in mind, he leaves to find the teacher. 
Iruka is in his office, because he apparently has no life outside of naruto and school. Crimson marches in and grabs him by the arm loudly proclaiming that he is in dire need of Iruka-sensei’s presence please come with me it’ll be quick i swear 
It is not quick. Iruka has been lied to (’conveniently deceived’) by an adult he trusts, a jounin he trusts. A jounin that has been drafted for anbu if the rumours are correct however...can you get into anbu if you’re utterly incompetent at reporting the mishappening that occur in your own home. Because, Iruka thinks, because Crimson Fist is one of the world’s most reknowned Earth: Release users and yet. 
The cake is huge, it is. It’s big and they had to take it outside using chakra enforced strength. It’s bigger than Iruka standing up and wider than three Irukas. Which is very funny but also not really when the academy teacher looks like he wants to rip him in half. 
“What the heck is this, Crimson?” Iruka continually asks through the adventure. He asks when he sees the cake, he asks when theyre lifting it out and through the front door, he asks when he’s made the hand seals for a slow burning fire release. 
Breeze Dancer is really famous, really very famous. Like top notch A class famous. Except he’s SSS ranked and almost everyone in the elemental countries knows who he is. Devastatingly beautiful and strong, he’s up there with Sakura Haruno, Tsunade Senju and Mei Terumi. Which is very flattering, but he can’t help but wonder what the tabloids would think of this. 
He’s interrogating a border spy. A grass nin who’d made a deal with Iwa to “check it out” he’s unimpressed and even more so when this kid starts using the wrong pronouns. Disgusting. He knows peripherally that he’s had worse than this and this petty thing shouldn’t bother him as much. But it is. He hates it.
His anger builds and he sends his partner for the mission away for a few short minutes. 
He gets the information, but he keeps the spy. He does not kill him, as is protocol. No, he continues to torture him. He wants the spy to suffer. Naruto would be so disappointed in him. He stops when the sun dips below the horizon and kills the traitorous ninja and returns to the camp his partner had set up. 
Aoba looks up tiredly from the rations he’s picking through and sighs, he puts it down and sits next to Breeze. “what were you doing, you get the information and then you get out of there. there’s no time for personal feelings.” Aoba knows Breeze knows this. Then again, most don’t get away with telling Team 20 the rules. 
Breeze looks up, he looks distraught and very sad. Aoba rubs his shoulder soothingly and gets up again saying something about finding a rabbit to eat instead of nasty war food. It is his fault they only have rations, snacking while travelling is fun ok. Breeze smiles tightly and nods, he curls in on himself as Aoba hunts. 
When he’s back, Breeze has tears running down his face and Aoba jogs up to him with placating words and a gentle hand on the back. Aoba really wishes that there was another member of team 20 here, because he doesn’t really know how to deal with dysphoria. 
It’s a miracle that Tsunade can get any work done when the majority of team 20 is in konoha. The purest joy she ever feels is when there is a team mission and she can just send them away and out of sight. However, only Breeze Dancer is on an out-of-village mission and her blood pressure rises with each day. 
Scarlet Blaze and Azure Fang are often inside the hospital, with varying reasons. Today it seems, is to make a hokage want to declare a loyal shinobi a fucking missing nin. The two have pushed three beds together up against the wall and surrounded themselves with everything that wasn’t bolted to the floor. They’ve made a medical forest and they’re giggling in the midst of it. Tsunade is mad. 
“What the actual fuck are you doing” she sorta yells, but not really because this is still a hospital, with feeling. Their heads poke up and she can see them through the tubes and windows theyd created by precariously balancing trays with things still in them on heart monitors. It’s a picture made for incredulity, she hates it. 
“Tsunade-sama we’re just” Fang trails off, thinking of an excuse. An excuse does not come and there’s a short minute of silence and then a puff of smoke and the sound of water and really this is exactly why she did not want to be hokage, konoha shinobi are the Worst. 
Kakashi has two favourites, it’s Midnight Blade and Genma Shiranui who he is currently talking to. It’s a nice pleasant morning, he hasn’t turned in his mission report but he can do that later. The conversation turns to Midnight’s significant others, because there’s always some form of drama or fun going on there. It usually takes a few hours for Midnight to finish retelling the stories of the day. Kakashi is happy he isn’t apart of that, he likes watching just fine. 
However, the three of them are pulled into some sort of madness when Azure and Scarlet appear next to them. The duo start sprinting towards training field 20 which is ‘the most epic training field for legends only keep out losers that means you naruto’ obviously coined by Breeze, the small caricatures of team 20 drawn by Crimson.  
Midnight puts his hand over his sword and he’s running after them. Genma sighs and looks over at Kakashi and they both walk slowly after them, wanting to see this happen but also the three need supervision. There’s really no entrance to this training field and today there is no floor either. The floor had been refilled and reconstructed a lot, because team 20 is extraordinarily powerful and they probably have more ninjutsu between them than kakashi knows. 
Team 20 is probably one of the worst things to ever face and when they are sent out as the entire cohort it’s probably for something really serious. It’s a terrifying thought if one of them were to defect... he doesn’t like to think about it. 
Kakashi surveys the field, Midnight is stood on top of a fiery pit and the other two are attempting to form some sort of lava? it’s a weird image and Kakashi knows that they’ve been working on a fire-water dragon combo but apparently it’s not going along well. Kakashi is a little amused because Midnight has his armour up and is also attempting to stand on the flame water. 
Scarzure are whispering frantically together and they try again and a huge fucking orange water dragon just burst out of the pit and it breathes fire and Midnight falls off the tiny rock he’s stood on and lands on the dragon and he’s flying on the firewater hell dragon. 
“what the fuck are you doing” Kakashi asks reverently, Genma is stood shocked next to him and Midnight is laughing loudly and apparently he can control the dragon and he’s just bouncing around. What the fuck. 
Somehow Azure has enough chakra to make another smaller water dragon, and that’s now flying around too. There’s a big silent ‘What The Fuck Is Going On’ in the air, it is really funny to see Kakashi lose his shit over the amount of inanimate dragons flowing around. There’s Hell Dragon and Water Dragon and they should get Sasuke so he can bring Kirin and hoo boy that’ll be fun. 
Azure ponders whether she can get Midnight to learn Kirin and then they could make an ultimate dragon. 
Sasuke Uchiha is unfortunate. He hears the loud shouting from training ground 20 and he gets curious, he really shouldn’t be. But he is. He knows it’s going to be a pain in the ass, because no doubt team 20 is there and messing around. Which would definitely move to sex back at their huge house, he doesn’t want to know. 
The training ground is, well, it’s not really there. And even if there is the occasional tree, the tree would be on fire and smoking. Sasuke isn’t surprised, at all this is really to be expected. Azure spots him first and perks up and is almost glowing, but that could just be the sheer amout of water surrounding her. 
He stumbles over dodging the huge dragons? literally what the fuck is that orange one. 
“what are you doing, what’s going on” he asks, because he’s here and probably won’t leave until they all get bored. Azure is suddenly talking, very fast. Super fast that he isn’t catching any of the words. She does however convince him to summon Kirin and she joins the other dragons and now there’s three. 
Aoba and Breeze get back to konoha in the evening. Aoba says that he’ll deliver the report to the mission desk and lets Breeze go with a quick see you hope you feel better soon go find the rest of your partners. 
Breeze goes home first, gets changed into something a lot more comfortable and heads back out again, looking for the konoha cool squad 8)’s chakra. They’re in the training ground. Except for Crimson he’s on the hokage monument? for whatever reason, Breeze would go say hi afterwards. He leaves the house and very carefully does not look at whatever is going on in the front yard. 
The training ground is much deeper than he remembers, there’s like steps down to where the group is. It’s like a party. He’s impressed w the is that four chakra dragons wow and he just is glad he’s home. 
The sun is down and Scarlet realises that he is actually really hungry. Crimson had come to join them at some point and they were all sparring w the almost sentient dragons, which is very dangerous but he’s loving it. foreplay, Breeze calls it and he’s not wrong. 
They return home with two dragons behind them, Midnight has not gotten down from the hell dragon which is hilarious. They stop in front of the huge boulderesque thing that’s sat in front of the front door. Crimson is the first to start yelling in shock. 
“What the heck is this, wha, i, what... what’s going on i thought i, what??” Crimson sounds distressed so they move the alleged cake inside. 
The cake is decorated and Scarlet is so hungry and it smells so good in the house now. Oh god, he’s the first to take a swipe at it and dig out a fist sized piece and to put it in his mouth. It’s so good. This is good, and even if it’s been poisoned, they can deal with it later. For now, his husband is back and he’s perfected the new jutsu. Life is good
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