#i know it’s missing the important line but this is too intimate a moment to ruin with talks of love
literaila · 10 months
your newest fic has woken something in me, verity. can i request nice sweet petter with mean!reader, who isn't actually mean ? but she just teases peter and flirts with him and leaves him tongue tied and peter is like "its cruel of you to make me fall in love with you". thank you, you're the best !
tasm!peter x reader
a/n: this means absolutely nothing. and everything.
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“peter,” you say, dryly, frowning as you set your bag on the chair next to you.
the library is usually empty this time of night. nothing but bookworms and tired librarians with their yawns to break the silence. but that’s how you like it.
that’s why you come this late. you don’t want to make small talk with a stranger asking if they can borrow one of your chairs. and you definitely do not want to get charm and pretty eyes all over you. it doesn’t come out.
“fancy seeing you here,” peter says, and he’s moving from his table to come and sit at yours. his papers are a mess and he doesn’t even blink when he almost drops a pen on the floor.
of course, he doesn’t even need an invitation because he’s peter parker.
“are you stalking me?”
“intentionally?” peter asks, and his smile is teasing and far too bright for the dark of this room. “no. it’s not my fault you always show up where i am. but i’m not complaining.”
“well, i am. i came here to study. alone.”
“and you got the pleasure of receiving my company instead. lucky you.”
you grunt but sit down anyway. even if you actually wanted him to leave, peter wouldn’t. he’s far too stubborn and shiny for that.
it was a mistake to take calculus in the first place, but it was a certifiable failure on your part that peter seemed to latch onto you. he was good at math (another red flag) and he liked to coo and you and your smudges and erase marks.
and he seemed to show up when you least expected it; like he wanted to give you a heart attack.
peter leans over the table, his hair falling over his eyes. “what’re you working on?”
“an essay.”
there’s a beat of silence, and peter laughs. “about…” he ducks his head, eyes teasing and smile incandescent. and irritating.
“the probability of committing homicide in libraries at eleven pm,” you tap a pen against his forehead, pushing him back.
“always at your service.”
“why are you here?” you ask him. “don’t you have babies you need to swaddle? old women you need to fond over you?”
“pfft,” peter says, leaning back, looking far too comfortable. “i already did that today. plus it’s a wednesday night, and the visiting hours at the nursing home end at eight.”
you nod understandingly. “well, unless you want to become apart of my research study, shoo.” you wave him away.
he only laughs. “but i haven’t seen you in almost a week. you’re not taking calculus b.”
peter is wearing a mock pout. his eyes are glowing in the three foot distance between you. and the smirk on his face is only a harsh reminder of how much you hate him. his hair is curled at the edges and it’s brushed across the top of his forehead. his teeth are straight and white.
and you can see when he swallows.
“oh you mean bodily torture part two? yeah, no, i figured i’d go with the classic bondage exposé class this semester.”
peter clears his throat, chuckling, and you watch as his cheeks tinge with pink.
“you’ve taken that class, haven’t you, peter?”
“haven’t had the opportunity, no.”
“well, if you never need a quick lesson…” you whisper, voice sultry and on the edge of manic laughter. watching peter squirm in his seat almost makes up for the lack of studying going on right now.
“good to know.”
you purse your lips at him, making an effort not to laugh.
while this conversation has headed into unfound territory, you’ve managed to pull out your notes and turn on your computer, making peter a little more than an object in the distance.
but not peter spins your computer around, illuminating his face, and frowning as he stares at the screen.
“this is a blank document,” he says.
“what wonderful observation skills you have.”
“your name isn’t even at the top.”
you steal the computer back, scowling. “i’m working on it.”
“oh, are you?”
“you’re distracting me,” you hiss at him, eyes glaring and heart burning as he smiles back.
peter is too smiley. he’s too effortlessly calm. too much for you, and too much for this entire library.
“oh, i’m distracting you?” he repeats, shaking his head. “that’s priceless.”
“i’m not sure what you’re implying.”
“i’m saying,” peter whispers, “that you’re the one talking to me about bondage while i’m trying to make pleasant conversation—“
“oh, i’m so sorry,” you interrupt, hand going to your chest in mock sympathy. “it just seemed like something you’d be in to.”
peter snorts. “really?”
“if the rope fits,” you say back, looking away from him and counting to ten.
you need lessons in holding your tongue. lessons in how to respond when someone smiles at you like there’s nothing else they’d rather be smiling at.
“that’s not funny,” peter says, but his lips are curled.
“then why are you laughing?”
“i like riling you up,” he says, “it’s very amusing.”
“you just called yourself a tease. you’re not even trying to hide it now,” you point out.
your computer dims because you haven’t touched it in the last three minutes.
“that would make you the masochist, wouldn’t it? since you’re the one enduring my teasing?”
“is this your idea of foreplay, peter?”
“is it working?”
you hadn’t even realized that you were leaning in with him. just a couple more inches and you’d be nose to nose.
you smile at him, undeterred by his proximity—at least, mostly—pretty and sweet. “why don’t you come over here and find out.”
peter tuts. “don’t say things you don’t mean, bub.”
“who says i don’t mean it?”
you’re mostly teasing him. mostly trying to get him to move as far away from you ask possible before you wrap your hands around his neck and either strangle him or kiss him until he wants to strangle you.
but finally, peter leans back, sighing. “you’re driving me insane, you know that?”
you shrug. “you’re the one stalking me.”
you look away from him, pulling your computer closer to you, and tapping on the keys to wake it up.
“i wouldn’t have to stalk you if you would just accept my offer to go to dinner.”
“i’m not really a dinner person,” you say, licking your lips while you purposefully avoid his gaze.
“coffee, then. or a trip to the schools gift shop. i’ll buy you a sweater.”
“mmm… i’m not really a peter person.”
“now that’s just mean,” he says, but you can hear him smiling. you can feel him watching you, his eyes burning circles into your skin.
it’s a pleasant warmth, though.
“i know,” you drawl, looking up at him. “and you still won’t leave me alone.”
peter sighs, shrugging, and he’s smiling while he looks at you. “maybe i’m the masochist.”
you try not to laugh and fail.
part two
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flynnriderishot · 5 months
Could do when y/n and Matt get matching build a bears 😍🙏🙏
build-a-bear - m.s
a/n: i’ve never been to build a bear so bare (😉) with me. i don’t actually know how everything works
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you and matt have been together for a year now.
in honor of your celebrating this, your boyfriend thought this was the perfect opportunity to take you out to dinner and end the night with going to your favorite store in the mall.
to many people, this seemed like just a cute moment between a couple, nothing too serious.
funnily enough, it was wrong.
something like this meant so much to you.
your past relationships all thought it was weird and far too intimate to go to build-a bear for matching items.
one even mentioned how he knew how girls were and something like this practically solidified the relationship. he didn’t want to commit to something so early on. mind you, you dated him for two years. he also cheated, so maybe that should have cleared things up.
matt’s hand tightened in yours as you made it into the store.
“you okay?”
you nodded at him, “yeah. but- you know you don’t have to do this, right?”
“why wouldn’t i want to do it?” he furrowed his brows in confusion, slowly moving you so you weren’t in the way of passing customers.
“i don’t know…”
truly, you didn’t. you just assumed he was doing this because your exes never did and he felt bad. you weren’t aware that something like this was just as important to matt as it was to you.
“i’m doing this because i want to, it’s fun and taking care of twin build-a-bears could be practice for the near future.”
matt left no room for argument, leading you over to the the skin of your bears.
in the end, you both ended up choosing something simple- nothing too flashy but something you both smiled at anytime you looked at it.
“you wanna get clothes?” matt asked, laughing softly at the way your eyes lit up at the idea.
he nodded, “yeah, of course. let’s go pick before we get in line.”
the boys eyes followed your figure as you moved around the shop like a kid in a candy store.
“which one should i get?”
“uh-actually…” he cleared his throat, “how about we pick each others outfits and meet up later to show one another.”
confused but intrigued, you nodded at your boyfriends idea. matt left you in your area while he ventured off elsewhere.
there was no need to swap bears as you got the same kind, all that was left was to put together an outfit, let the workers fill it with stuffing, pay and leave.
as you looked through the outfits presented, you couldn’t help but wonder why you couldn’t do it together.
you watched as matt thanked the employee with a smile, walking out of the store with his hand in yours.
“okay, are you ready?” you lifted on your toes in excitement.
matt’s cheeks flushed, nervousness clear in his expression.
“yep.” he blew out a breath, passing you your bag while taking his from your hand.
“you go first.” you urged.
matt didn’t disagree, closing his eyes as his head dropped in shock.
you laughed out at his reaction.
“you didn’t.”
“i did.” you giggled.
his bear almost matched the outfit he wore on your first date to a T. of course, a couple of things were off as your choices were limited in the clothes they had, but matt recognized it immediately.
“do you love it?” you asked, already knowing he did.
“i love it.” he smiled quickly before it faded a bit, “speaking of loving things, i think you’ll love yours more. open it.”
you did as he said, smiling sweetly at the bear that wore a simple, yet cute outfit.
as you went to thank him, matt reached forward and push the play button that you missed while admiring the outfit.
‘i love you’
a soft gasp escaped your lips, “what?!”
“i love you, yn.”
tears welled in your eyes as you wrapped your arms around him, “i love you too, matt.”
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i-2hoon · 11 days
can u write hc's for sub!enha and their first time w their bf :00
no need to ask me twice ugh i love this
enhypen & their first times
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pairings ᱖ sub/switch!enha x dom/switch!male!reader
warnings ᱖ explicit content, established and implied relationships, subtle sub/dom dynamics, conversations of virginity, underlying corruption kinks, sub!enha, dom!reader, subtop!heeseung + jay + jake, subbot!sunghoon + sunoo + jungwon
important notes ᱖ hi!! thank you so much for suggesting and i love this so much! you never specified top/bottom, so i did follow my personal preference. the oldest three are sub!tops, and the youngest three are sub!bottoms, however they are all still subs, i hope its not an issue!
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heeseung 박희승 : patient
heeseung, compared to other members, may need a bit more time to be ready for anything sexual beyond making out and greedy touches. needless to say, you two will be taking it slowly and patiently. he has trouble relaxing and relinquishing any control to you, but with the way your fingers scrape against his scalp and the tone of your voice when you whisper in his ear.. ah, even if he wasnt ready, something switched in his mind. he wouldnt be one to lean back and let it happen; you would speak him through it all for him to be comfortable. this includes whispering sweet praises and reassurances as your fingers wrap around his cock, and interlocking your fingers with his when you move your lips to bite at the pale skin of his neck. just know that the moment youre actually on him he might fall into some sort of.. daze, burying his face in the crook of your neck as he let you do all the work. you would have to be slow as to not overwhelm him or make him overthink, but itll be beyond heavenly for the both of you.
jay 박정성 : intimate
see, for him, jay never exactly wishes to be out of control. but theres something about you—his beautiful boyfriend—that allows him to give in. running your hands down his chiseled chest and nipping at his ear, it seems like majority of the night would be calculated foreplay. youd trace a line up his jaw and fuck would he have a hard time keeping his hands off you. simply send him that one glare, however, and hed put his hands behind his back if he had to. its your eyes that make him melt like that. hes never seen you like this before and that in itself was a turn on. when you ride him for the first time with a hand around his throat and lips against his (well, barely. your minds are too fogged you think you may be missing his lips when youre kissing), he thinks that theres nothing better in this world but to be like this with you.
jake 시재윤 : need
have you ever seen a man genuinely so eager to get you off that he forgets about his own raging hard on? ah right, thats jake. the second your makeout session morphed into something more, this man was putty in your hands. grinding on his thigh with your hands tangled in his hair.. well its certainly far from a romantic first encounter with sex, but the desperate whines and curses slipping from jakes lips are enough to make it worth it. you seriously could mold this man into whatever you wanted with your hands. when you told him to suck you off? he was on his knees before you could even finish the second. due to all the pent up frustration in him after a few months of not having any sort of sex, just know that hed come untouched in his pants just from blowing you.. and hed have zero shame about it.
sunghoon 박성훈 : lust
while a lot of people assume that sunoo would be the most of a brat or tease, i disagree. sunghoon is the definition of bratty when it comes to these situations, and youd only just get a taste of how he can be when it is your first time. it was like there was zero warning for how he would be, but part of you isnt complaining. how pretty he looks against the sheets, giving you that smirk and lidded gaze as you have two fingers knuckle deep in him. maybe you partially wanted to give up and give into him, but the way he taunted you with his words and his body was far too great of a reward to give up. overall, itd feel more like a game than anything; a back and forth until you snapped and pressed his face into the sheets. who said anything about first times being gentle? you probably only did it because he pushed your sanity just a bit too far this time.
sunoo 김선우 : playful
really, it started as a cute make out session. no more than pressing teasing kisses to each others lips and jokingly tugging at waistbands. so how did you end up here, with sunoo on his knees in between your legs? well, regardless of how, just know that itd all be lighthearted and playful. teasing insults, gentle bites, and maybe a bit of humiliation. it was more casual than you were expecting for your first time, but you werent complaining. the way he giggled when you bit his thighs was enough to ease any of your nerves and insecurities, truly. no need to even begin to speak about the way he looked at you and spoke meaningless insults to motivate you; some comments along the lines of "well? if you havent messed up my makeup already, you really arent that good."
jungwon 양정원 : affection
on the contrary, your first time with jungwon would be quiet and intimate. the only words that would leave your lips would be 'i love you''s and sweet nothings filled with praise. despite taking it slow, it was truly nothing but love and trust. he trusted you with his body, shivering at the way your cold hands felt against his bare waist. and you? you trusted him with your ego here, but that would be a topic for another time. gentle kisses against his chest that trail down to his hips and his feet resting on your shoulders—you were never a religious man, but you swore that this was heaven itself.
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color-without-lines · 2 months
I have been thinking about the shifting dynamic between Qian and Yuan all week. A ton of people have written really insightful posts about these two, and I can’t get them off my mind.
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again and again: the tragic backstory is not used as a shock factor or just to make you sympathetic towards a character. It is ingrained into Qian and Yuan’s thoughts, behaviors, actions, and responses. And it contributes to their compelling relationship.
Qian is hesitant around intimacy of any kind. Yuan is eager to care for the person who saved him.
We’ve seen from the beginning how much of a caretaker Yuan is for Qian. The vast majority of intimate physical contact Qian accepts is from Yuan (and by intimate I don’t mean romantic. I mean familiar, personal, etc.).
Qian rarely ventures beyond surface level relationships with people. His experiences growing up left him in a constant state of survival. He focuses on work as a means of survival and doesn’t consider slowing down as an option.
We see this at work, where he is often separated from his coworkers and rarely interacting with them outside of a professional capacity. He often stays late and arrives early at the expense of his own wellbeing.
It’s Yuan who bridges the gap. Who asks coworkers to take care of his brother. Who makes Qian sleep and eat right. Who is there at work and at home ensuring that Qian won’t overwork and exhaust himself.
But their relationship is not one-sided. Qian takes care of Yuan as well, making sure he’s able to take advantage of academic opportunities and clubs and things that Qian never had a chance to partake in. He gives Yuan a life where survival is a guarantee, not something to earn.
Qian protects Yuan through hard work. Yuan protects Qian through tender care.
When Yuan is sent away to study abroad, the time skip works because it isn’t used at the very end of the series to jump to happily ever after. Too often, time skips force us to miss important character growth and leave us unsatisfied and wanting more. By placing the time skip towards the middle of the series and using it as an actual part of the story and character development, we are able to see how Qian and Yuan live during the separation and the impact it has on their relationship.
And their reunion is more than one scene before the credits roll. There’s still many episodes for them to keep learning and growing together.
Once Yuan returns, the line between them has shifted. Qian actively seeks out Yuan’s care in a way he never did before. He’s always watching Yuan, reaching out for him, and aware of his presence. He had always welcomed it, but the separation forced him to feel what the absence of Yuan’s care was like. He was miserable.
Yuan matured on his own and still knows that he loves Qian. Being away only confirmed what he already knew. And Qian is starting to realize that he loves Yuan too.
Yuan knows exactly where the boundary is between them, but he’ll let Qian be the one to break it down. They have complex relationship, and it is being respected, not rushed. Moments are earned, not pulled randomly from the trope bucket.
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seohwang · 1 year
Bedroom mishaps. (Maknae line)
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An Ateez reaction to getting into an embarrassing/awkward situation while intimate
Genre: fluff, smut (nothing too explicit, though)
Word count: 6 155
Warnings: the slightest, tiniest hint of cnc/helplessness in San’s reaction, mature themes, embarrassing moments, and just awkwardness in general, lol
Dynamics: mostly sub!ateez-leaning or with no dynamics, except for mild dom!Jongho
A/N: This fic is the long-awaited second part to my Bedroom mishaps series! You can find the hyung line version here. Hope you enjoy!
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In his defense, it had been a long time since the two of you had had sex
And so, when San practically jumped you the second you both had a free evening to yourselves, you really couldn’t blame him
After all, if you were being honest, you really missed him too
But, as unfortunate as it was, you still had some important things to do after you got home (that didn’t include riding him into oblivion)
You know, things such as eating and resting for at least a little bit after a tiring 9-to-5
Which meant that you (but especially San) would have to wait just a bit longer
And while you were admittedly just as impatient as he was, you did not expect him to actually sit right next to you on the couch while you ate, patiently waiting for you to finish your food like some kind of needy puppy
You tried to keep your focus on the TV, watching the show on screen intently as you ignored your impatient boyfriend to the best of your abilities
Which was hard, considering how touchy he was in general, let alone right now after waiting for so long
And sure, it was a bit cute, you had to admit
Until the questions began
“So, are you almost done?” “San, I just started eating.”
“...And now?” “You can literally see the food that’s still in the bowl!”
This then went on for the rest of your meal, with only a few minutes of silence in-between whenever you gave him a quick peck as an attempt at distraction
But even with that, you could still see the giddiness in his eyes once you finally stood up from the couch, walking over to the sink to clean the dishes
With San in tow, of course
“You’re really something, you know that?” You asked in amused disbelief, turning to your boyfriend as he clung to you from behind with a coy smile
“Mm-hmm,” he wordlessly agreed, tightening his grip on your waist before moving to kiss your neck
“Can you really n-not wait until I’m finished here? Are you that needy already?” You asked abashedly, trying to keep your composure when he found a particularly sensitive spot
“If I say yes, will you finally let me take you to the bedroom?” He asked back, pressing your body even closer to his as his kisses grew more feverish
And who were you to deny him?
And so, you made your way over to the bedroom, with San leading the way this time, eagerly pulling you with him
He was surprised, however, when you quickly matched his enthusiasm the moment you landed on the bed, pulling him into a deep kiss before getting on top and taking over
It was as if a switch had flipped within you, finally properly getting into the right mood and leaving all of the stress of your daily life behind, with San now being the target of choice
Not that he was complaining, of course not
He was just taken a bit off-guard, that’s all
But even that surprise just seemed to rile him up more, pulling the sweetest noises out of him as your hands roamed his body
You could only chuckle at that, watching the previously eager and assertive man quickly crumble right before you into a desperate, deprived mess
It’s not like he could do much to hide it either, already way too sensitive to be able to suppress any of his reactions to your touches
You wouldn’t have it any other way though, thriving in every little (or not so little) noise he made as you worked him, grinding down on the bulge in his sweatpants
Unbeknownst to you, however, amidst all this, there was an ongoing conflict going on in San’s head, eyes closed and eyebrows furrowing as he held onto your hips tightly in a feeble attempt to ground himself
On one hand, he was feeling incredible, loving every single thing you were doing to him
From your fingers pulling at his hair and exploring his broad chest as you kissed him fervently, to the oh-so-amazing feeling of your hips moving against his
Everything you did was just the way San liked it, the way he’d needed it for so long
But that’s where the main problem resided as well
Because while all of this felt unbelievably good, it was starting to feel a bit too good too soon
And before San knew it, he was beginning to feel that familiar warmth in his stomach, alerting him of his high just a tad too late
“W-wait, Y-Y/N-!” He tried to warn you, but his words only came out a jumbled mess, half-muffled by your lips on his and half-muffled by his own inability to speak in his current state
But even if you were to understand him, you were still so focused on everything else that you just didn’t register him speaking altogether, grinding down on him even harder if anything
And it was seemingly that exact feeling of hopelessness, the feeling of not being able to stop the pleasure, that completely did it for San, finally snapping that coil within him as he came
With a pathetic cry of your name, he suddenly stilled, holding your hips tightly against his as he threw his head back
The sudden change was enough to bring you out of your own daze as well, watching your boyfriend shudder beneath you, breath hitching with every involuntary jerk of his hips as pleasure coursed through his body
Despite your surprise, you let him be for a few seconds, allowing him to slowly come down from his high
It was easy to tell when he was starting to return to himself, a deep blush spreading across his cheeks as his foggy mind finally realized what had happened
Refusing to open his eyes, he slid his hands up your back, gently pulling you down to lie on his chest as he hid his face in the crook of your neck
After a beat or two of complete silence, you finally dared to speak up in a slow, tentative voice
“Did you just...?” You trailed off, unsure if you wanted to make your boyfriend even shyer by saying it out loud
“Um...maybe?” He replied just as hesitantly, letting out a nervous chuckle as he tried to secretly peek at your face, “would you be mad if I said yes?”
Now it was your turn to laugh, pulling away to look at his embarrassed expression
“Sannie, baby,” you began, cupping his cheek softly as you spoke, “do you really think I’d be mad at you for something like this?” You asked back, moving your hand up to fix his hair gently
He pouted at that, giving you a small, guilty frown
“I mean...” He began, another wave of embarrassment flushing his face, “I was so eager to do this before, only to just, you know...”
“Cum in your pants after a few minutes?” You brazenly finished his sentence, eliciting a humiliated sound from him
“Y/N!” He groaned as he hid his face in his hands, mortified
You just giggled, moving to pry his hands away again, “come on, you know I’m just joking,” you said, trying to coax him to look at you
“Not only was it, like, really fucking hot,” you began again, earning a surprised yet curious look from San, “but you have the whole night to make it up to me, don’t you?”
Hearing this, you finally got a sweet, genuine smile from him as he looked up at you, feeling reassured at last, “you’re right.”
With his new-found confidence, his hands slowly trailed up to your face, pulling you down gently for yet another deep, passionate kiss
“That I do.”
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It’s no secret that Mingi likes to joke and play around, especially around his family, friends, and you
But lately, as you’d come to notice pretty early on, the smile he wore around you didn’t quite reach his eyes anymore
Instead, his eyes screamed exhaustion, the same way his sluggish movements and sagged shoulders as he walked around your apartment did
You wanted to ask him about it, of course you did, but with the way Mingi was, always trying not to bother anyone too much, you knew it would be useless anyway
(unless you were to pressure him into it, which just sounded like the last thing you should be doing at this moment, so that was completely out of the question)
Besides, it wasn’t like the reason behind his tiredness was some government secret anyway
With the latest project at his job nearing its deadline, it was pretty obvious what the cause was
Every day, he’d already be gone when you’d wake up, and you were lucky if you got to spend more than 2 hours in the evening with him before he’d crash in your shared bed, out like a light
So really, if anything, it was surprising that Mingi was still able to hold up his usual front even under these current conditions
Well, except for one thing, that is
For the same reasons as stated above, not only was the social aspect of your relationship hurting, but so was the sexual one
Not that you were too upset about it, of course not
You knew that Mingi was just having a busier period at work right now, and you were perfectly content waiting until he’d feel more rested and comfortable
It was just that you could see it slowly start to affect him
He’d become more touchy with you, staying close whenever the two of you were alone together (and sometimes even when you weren’t - poor cashier at the nearby convenience store)
Even the way he looked at you every time you faced him told you he needed you
But of course, with Mingi being Mingi, he was both too tired and stressed to really do anything, and too unsure about initiating any deeper kind of intimacy with you when your time together was already so limited
And so, being the loving and attentive partner you are, you decided to take matters into your own hands (literally)
It was pretty late when Mingi came home, the cheerful chime of the front door being opened sounding long after it’d gone dark outside
You were sitting on the couch, already waiting for him to finally set your plan into motion
After a couple of slow, dragging footsteps, your boyfriend’s face finally came into view, making you smile
“Hey there,” you greeted softly, getting up from where you were seated to help him with the bag over his shoulder
“Hey,” he replied, giving you a tired smile as he let you take the bag from him, but not before pulling you in for a soft, affectionate kiss
As you momentarily parted ways for you to put his things away and for him to change, you called out to him from the other room: “How was work today?”
After a few moments of silence, he finally shuffled back over to the living room, only to see you already waiting for him with a suspiciously coy smile on your lips
“Good,” he mumbled, running a hand through his slightly messy hair, “just the usual.”
You hummed in acknowledgment, thinking silently for a second before carefully walking over to him
You wrapped your arms around his waist, looking up at him with a playful spark in your eyes, “hm, that’s good to hear.”
“Yeah,” he replied in a slightly breathy voice, giving you a mildly curious look as he automatically hugged you back, “what about you?”
You grinned shyly at his question, happy that everything was going according to plan so far
“Also mostly fine - just a bit lonely, I guess. I really missed you, you know.”
Tightening your hold on him, you gently leaned into him, putting your left foot forward as a silent command for him to move back
He obliged immediately, though the confusion on his face was evident
After a couple steps backward, his legs hit the back of the couch, making him fall down onto the cushions
This time, it seemed that Mingi’s curiosity had reached its peak, as he looked up at your amused expression with big, unassuming eyes, “I- what exactly is going on right now?” He asked with a light chuckle
You let out a laugh of your own, ignoring his question as you sank down to your knees between his legs, eagerly reaching for the hem of his sweatpants
The sudden escalation obviously startled Mingi and his hands grabbed a hold of your own, stopping you before you could try to pull his pants down
“Y-Y/N, wha-what are you...?” He questioned, clearly surprised
But you just gave him another coy look, taking his hands and pulling them off his lap before grabbing at his pants again
“It’s okay, just let me take care of you, hm?”
This time, Mingi let you slide his pants down, breath hitching as you palmed him over his boxers
“I-I, uh, you don’t have to, it’s okay-”
Before he could say anything else, though, you swiftly rose back up to his face, placing a quick peck on his lips to effectively shut him up before going back down
“I know I don’t have to, but I want to,” you reassured him, making a deep blush rise to his cheeks at your genuine enthusiasm, 
“So let me.”
And let you, he did.
Before long, you had reduced Mingi to a moaning mess, more sensitive and needy than you’d ever seen him
One of his hands was gently cradling your cheek, the other coming up to shield his blushing face
You were having none of that, however, instantly coming to a halt and pulling off, drawing a frustrated whine from him
“Y/N, why,” he complained needily, slightly lifting his arm to peek down at you
You reached up to grab it, pulling it down to rest by his side instead
“That’s why,” you explained, giving him a cheeky grin, “now, if you want me to keep going, you better let me hear and see you, alright?”
“Ah, o-okay, I wi-” but before he could finish his sentence, you were right back on him again, making him interrupt his own words with a strained groan, eyes closing in bliss
Without any other obstacles in your way, you resumed your previous pace, looking up at Mingi with sultry eyes as you did so
Recovering from the short moment of overwhelming pleasure, Mingi opened his eyes again, looking down at you, only to be met with your hungry gaze already on him
Immediately, he looked away again, feeling his heart skip a beat at the intensity in your eyes
Now, don’t be mistaken - Mingi could be a very passionate, confident lover when he wanted to be, and even when he didn’t, he was still somewhat composed most of the time
But now, after what felt like an eternity of not being able to experience you, hold you and take care of each other in whichever way you wanted, to suddenly seeing you so enthusiastic and focused on him in such a compromising position was, well...
Really fucking hot
And with the oversensitivity from not being touched by you for so long, Mingi could feel himself getting dangerously near the edge in no time
“Y-Y/N, you’re too good to me, I think I-” a hiss escaped him as your nails dug into his bare thigh, slowly but firmly dragging down his leg
“It’s okay hun, just cum whenever,” you said, still looking up at him to gauge his beautiful reactions
And although the hot lines you left on his thigh were comfortingly grounding, Mingi’s mind still felt like complete mush
With the past few weeks filled with nothing but work, work, and more work, the countless days running on 5 hours of sleep if he was lucky, with barely seeing you for more than a few hours a day,
Only to now be completely engulfed in your care and attention, to have you treat him so well and make him feel so much at once, physically, mentally, and emotionally,
Mingi felt like he was becoming delirious
As he was approaching his high, his hazy eyes were flitting around the room, brain completely fogged over as he could barely focus on anything except the overwhelming pleasure
And then he felt your hand on his other thigh, felt your nails slowly start to press into the muscle again, and he lost it
Suddenly tensing under you, Mingi’s mind seemed to have completely blacked out as he came, feeling the waves of pleasure wash over him as he moaned out your name
Or what he thought was your name, at least, until he finally registered the sounds of you giggling, forcing him to open his eyes again
You were looking down, forehead dropping to rest on his leg as you trembled with laughter
“W-what?” He asked, words still a bit slurred and airy as he barely started coming down from his orgasm
The question seemed to make you laugh even more, much to Mingi’s amused confusion
“Am I- god,” you took a deep breath, trying to calm yourself down enough to talk, “is my name LG now?”
Mingi looked down at you incredulously, not understanding what the fuck you just said
Did he just cum so hard he went insane?? Because he definitely felt like it
“I- n-no? What are you-”
It was only then that Mingi’s eyes seemed to have focused properly again, as he suddenly took notice of the LG television behind you, the big bold letters standing out against the otherwise black plastic
“Why did you moan out the name of our TV then?” You asked him, breaking into another fit of laughter as it all finally clicked in his head, mouth hanging open in shock as he looked at you
“Did- did I actually...?” He muttered, looking absolutely bewildered by his own actions
Trying to suppress any more giggles, you nodded with a small “yup”, grinning as you stood back up to help him re-dress
“Holy shit, I’m so sorry,” he immediately began apologizing, letting out an amazed chuckle of his own, “I knew I was a tired mess today, but not this much, damn.”
You just laughed again, moving to sit beside him and wrap your arms around his middle
“It’s fine babe, don’t worry about it. If anything, I can now proudly say I give head so good it makes you accidentally endorse electronics.”
As expected, your teasing remark worked just as intended, pulling a humiliated cry from Mingi as he hid his face in his hands
“Y/N, please!”
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“Fucking finally”, Wooyoung muttered to himself half-annoyed, half-excited as the front door slammed shut at last, signaling that his roommate had left after what had felt like an eternity
You couldn’t help but chuckle at his impatience, though, if you were being honest, you were feeling pretty restless as well at this point
Wooyoung had been planning this night for more than a week, making sure that everything lined up perfectly - you were free for the evening, he was free for the evening, and, most importantly, his roommate would be out for at least a few hours
It all seemed to be working out just fine when you arrived too, joining Wooyoung under the cozy blankets he’d laid out for you on the couch and choosing a movie to play in the background as you talked about your days
The both of you were content like this, happy to indulge in each other’s comforting presence and catch up with each other (so you could have more time to do other things later-)
But as the hours slowly went by and Wooyoung’s roommate was still sitting at the kitchen table, not getting ready to leave any time soon as he kept typing away on his laptop, Wooyoung was starting to become impatient
He wanted to say something to him, to hopefully speed things up just a little, but how do you do that without sounding like a desperate, horny teenager?
Exactly, you can’t
And so the two of you kept waiting, watching the TV absent-mindedly as you started to draw slow, teasing shapes on Wooyoung’s leg to try and rile him up even further
This clearly seemed to work, judging by the way his jaw clenched every time your nails traced the insides of his thigh, desperately trying to keep his eyes on the screen and not jump your bones right then and there
Wooyoung was trying to keep calm, he really was
But with each passing second of your playful teasing, he could feel himself slowly going insane
That was until a sudden ringing echoed around the dorm, making both of you jump a little in your spot
You turned around to look in the kitchen, watching as Jongho, Wooyoung’s aforementioned roommate, fumbled with the phone in his hands, quickly swiping on the display to answer
“Hey, what’s-” he began but got quickly cut off by the person on the other side, their annoyed nagging loud enough for you to hear from the other room
“W-wait, what do you mean? It’s-” Jongho’s eyes suddenly widened, seemingly realizing something just then
He quickly stood up, slamming his laptop shut as he rushed back into his room, cursing under his breath the whole way there
“Dude, I’m so sorry, I just got completely caught up in what I was doing that I didn’t see the- yeah, yeah, I know I’m a dumbass, just, uh, wait for me, okay? I’ll be right there, I swear. Bye.”
And with that, Jongho emerged out of his room again, rushing out of the apartment without sparing a single glance at the two of you
Not that either of you minded, anyway, too preoccupied with the fact that you were finally alone together to care about anything else
There was not a word spoken between the two of you as you faced each other again, the eager look in your eyes enough for the both of you to know what was about to go down
Wooyoung decided to take action first, closing the gap between your bodies by pressing your lips together in a hot, feverish kiss
You wasted no time either, quickly crawling onto his lap and tangling your fingers in his hair to deepen the kiss even further
Wooyoung’s hands roamed all over your body until they eventually came to rest on your hips, helping you grind down on the hard-on he’d been trying to keep at bay for way too long
You stayed like this for a few minutes, just enjoying each other’s bodies and the electrifying anticipation of what was about to come
That was until you tugged on Wooyoung’s hair just right, the sensation of it along with the unexpected bite on his lower lip making him let out a wanton moan
Deciding that he’d had enough, he suddenly stood up from the couch, taking you by surprise as he lifted you up with him
The look of shock on your face must have been evident, judging by the smug smile on Wooyoung’s lips as he carried you to the bedroom
“Didn’t think I could do that, huh?” He asked teasingly, eyes gauging your reaction as he breached the entrance to his room
And while you usually got annoyed by that shit-eating grin of his, you had to admit, you were genuinely impressed
“Honestly? No, I didn’t,” you conceded, watching the look of surprise on his face at you actually giving in to him, “and I gotta say, that was really fucking hot,” you continued, making Wooyoung’s ears turn red in response
He’d never admit it, but as much as he loved the usual banter and bickering between the two of you, genuine compliments and admiration like this made him completely weak in the knees for you
And so, with a new wave of fervor coursing through him, he basically threw you down on the bed, taking a split second to admire the view in front of him before jumping on it as well to join you
You couldn’t help the giggle that escaped you at his new-found passion, peppering kisses all over your neck as his hands slipped under your shirt, eagerly exploring the skin there
Not wanting to waste any more time, you gently pulled his head away to take off your shirt and bra, immediately causing his eyes to look down, taking in all of your beautiful body under him
It seemed as though everything you did made him even more enthusiastic, every little movement, noise, or revealed skin turning him on impossibly more
And while this was definitely endearing and sexy to you (as well as a huge confidence boost), it also came with quite a bit of clumsiness from Wooyoung
From the way his hands fumbled with his hoodie before finally managing to take it off, to the momentary loss of balance as he dove back down to give you yet another hot kiss
Only to accidentally lean a bit too forward and bump your foreheads together - hard
“Ow!” You cried out in pain at the impact, pulling away from him as you caressed your throbbing forehead
Wooyoung let out a small groan of his own at the collision, but shook the pain off right away to tend to you
“Shit, are you okay?” He asked worriedly, replacing your hand with his to try and soothe the spot himself
“I- yeah, it’s- it’s okay, just,” you tried to reply, forced to pause for a moment due to the sharp pain in your skull, “didn’t expect it, is all.”
“Are you sure?” Wooyoung pressed on anyway, not believing your words when your eyes were still scrunched up in pain, “I swear I didn’t mean to do that, I’m so sorry, babe.”
You couldn’t help but chuckle at that, making him even more puzzled
“Woo it’s fine, really,” you said, finally opening your eyes again to give him an amused smile, “and of course you didn’t mean to, who would ever consciously decide to just ram their head into their girlfriend like that?”
Wooyoung groaned at your words, leaning down to hide his face in your neck in embarrassment, “shut up, I still feel bad.”
You cooed at that, finding this guilty and sheepish side of your boyfriend utterly adorable
“I know hun, it’s okay,” you comforted him, rubbing gentle circles on his back while the pain in your forehead slowly started to subside, “I think we both just got a little too excited for our own good, you know?”
Wooyoung rose up at that, looking at you with big eyes as he argued back: “Of course we did! How could I not be horny out of my mind when Jongho made us wait almost two extra hours?!”
“And there he is again”, you thought to yourself with a chuckle
The drama queen of a boyfriend you came to love so much, happy and lively just like before <3
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Sex with Jongho was fun.
Contrary to what the people around him made you believe at first - that he was this mature and aloof guy who was always so quiet and serious - you quickly came to find just how wrong all of them were
Because despite admittedly keeping to himself most of the time around other people, that did not apply to his romantic and sexual relationships in the slightest
After all, when you have to hold yourself to a certain standard all day, it gets pretty tiring pretty quickly
And so, once the two of you started to get more comfortable with each other, Jongho let himself relax around you as well
He gradually became more and more open and vulnerable with you, letting you in on his various thoughts and opinions, and, later on, even some of his deepest secrets
Of course, this is no one-way street, and in the same way Jongho expects you to accept him fully, he does so to you as well
Whatever it is that you want to share or are interested in, you can always trust Jongho to hear you out with a completely open and curious mind
At first, this pertained mainly to your general relationship, but as time went on and you’d had your fair share of comfortable, vanilla sex, the two of you mutually agreed on trying to venture a bit further
You started out pretty simple, introducing light bondage and some mild dirty talk into the bedroom, which ended up being a lot of fun for the both of you
Eventually, however, even that became too mild and familiar, and you continued to explore even deeper
Because of this, discussing different turn-ons and fantasies became pretty common between the two of you, and although it still made you feel a bit embarrassed (and, judging by the small blush on Jongho’s cheeks as he stumbled over his words a little, you weren’t the only one), it was really exciting to hear and see what Jongho found arousing
During one of these discussions, you’d decided to bring up something that had been plaguing your mind for the longest time now, finally feeling brave enough to admit to it
“Actually, there was something new I’ve been wanting to try for a while now,” you confessed shyly after Jongho asked you if there was anything new you wanted to look into
“Oh? What is it?” He asked, perching up in his spot on the couch
“Ah, it’s a bit embarrassing, especially now that I’ve admitted to thinking about it for a long time,” you nervously chuckled, making Jongho smile at your cute antics as well before silently beckoning you to continue
“It’s just that...I’ve been wondering if maybe you could try being a bit...rougher in bed, so to speak? Like using your strength more and just, you know,” you trailed off, somehow feeling a lot more shy bringing up this specific idea than any of the other interests
Jongho giggled at your red face, unable to stop himself from blushing either
It’s not a secret that Jongho is pretty buff and strong, anyone can recognize that just by glancing at him
However, that didn’t stop Jongho from nearly melting on the spot whenever you complimented him on his physique, puffing his chest like the cheesy man he is whenever you did
So now, to hear that you not only liked his strength but liked it like that, Jongho was pretty much screaming and squealing on the inside (in a good way, of course!!)
“Oh, um, uh,” Jongho began, stammering like a bumbling idiot as his head filled over with way too many interesting ideas at the prospect
It wasn’t like he hadn’t thought about this either, of course he had
It was just that he didn’t want to force anything like this on you, since your sex life has been mostly just soft and loving so far, and he didn’t want to make you think he didn’t enjoy it that way
And so, he waited for you to come to him of your own volition, wanting to be sure that you genuinely wanted this as well and weren’t agreeing to it just to please him because most porn sites showed the rougher parts of sex
But now that you did, he was so surprised that he almost didn’t know what to say, except for the stuttery and giggly “y-yeah, sure, I’d love to.”
And it was exactly those few words of agreement that brought you here, lying with your back on the bed, legs wrapped around Jongho’s waist as he let all of his frustration out on you
He’d had a long, infuriating day at work today, and after storming home almost fuming, it was unanimously decided that this was the perfect time to try out your latest suggestion
With the way Jongho was already furious, there was no need to try and rile him up any further
You knew as much by the way he suddenly picked you up in the hallway, throwing you over his shoulder with a slap to your butt as he stomped over to your shared bedroom
There, he threw you down on your bed, quickly tossing his shirt off before making his way to you, caging you between his arms as he kissed you feverishly
And now, a few minutes later, you were still pressed beneath him, grasping onto his arms and back for dear life as he let himself get completely lost in you, grunting with every rougher thrust
“Jongho!” You cried out, making him look down at you with wild, dazed eyes
“Wh-what? Fuck, you feel so good,” he moaned, closing his eyes momentarily to try to calm down (or at least enough to be able to comprehend your words)
“M-more,” you whined weakly, giving him an equally as fucked-out face
He let out a hitched chuckle at your words, lowering his head with a grin of disbelief
“More? I’m already fucking you this hard and you still want more?” He questioned, making you whimper at the teasing words
“You’re insatiable, I swear,” he muttered proudly, leaning down to give you a passionate kiss before suddenly pulling away, “but fine.”
He removed your legs from his waist, only to then hoist them up to rest on his shoulders as he nearly folded you in half
You gasped at the sudden change of positions, feeling him drive even deeper into you like this
Without any further ado, he resumed his previous pace, pushing into you with a loud groan
You were quick to return back to your cloud nine, mind hazed over with nothing but Jongho firmly gripping your hips, brows furrowing as he desperately tried to hold back his orgasm for just a little longer
You were getting way too close yourself, sneaking a hand between the two of you to help yourself just a little bit more to get there
Not long after, you felt yourself dangerously near the edge, mouth opening to tell Jongho in what you hoped would be a stable enough voice for your pleas to still be coherent
Before you could say anything, however, a loud snap resonated through the room, and you could feel the bed under you dip slightly
The two of you froze instantly, looking at each other with wide eyes as you tried to catch your breath
You were the first one to break the silence, still gasping for breath as you spoke: “Did the bed just...?”
After a beat of nothing, Jongho replied: “I-I think so.”
Leaning a bit to the side to check the bedframe, Jongho first let out a shocked gasp before an incredulous chuckle left his lips as he saw a huge crack running down the side of it
“Holy shit.”
You shared a long look of both amazement and embarrassment before a sly, teasing smile made its way onto your lips
“So, are you gonna keep going, or...?”
Taking a second to process your words, Jongho let out a small laugh at your words, shaking his head in amused disbelief
“Just like I said...”
He cautiously moved off the bed, hearing a dangerously loud creak from under him as he got up
But then, without a warning, he pulled you by your leg to the edge of the bed before picking you up into his arms, making you yelp in surprise as you instinctively wrapped yourself around him
“You’re absolutely insatiable,” he said, a playful grin on his face as your eyes met again before giving you a quick peck on the lips
Carefully, he carried you down the hallway and into the living room before laying you down on the couch
Just like before, he climbed onto the couch with you, lifting your legs up again to resume what you had been doing
Not before going in for one more kiss, though, pulling away with that beautiful smile of his
“But I love it.” 
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Thank you for reading! And remember, feedback is always appreciated! ♥  
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kbagraces · 3 months
Curious Time - Lando Norris
Lando Norris x Singer!reader
Multiple part series where their friendship was easy, their feelings were confusing and the distance was the hardest <3
(3rd person perspective)
PART 3 -
"It's sad because it just hurts. I'd do anything for you."
The week drawing to a close, a sad vibe lingered between the two of them. They cherished the moments they spent together, but with the final day approaching they both struggled to keep spirits high.
With both of their career paths, it was hard to fit into each other lives, but Lando's summer break ending and you preparing for the release for her next single, she knew contact would fall back to a minimum. They were both the most important people in one another's lives, even if they didn't speak for a year that would remain true, but bitter sweet.
The staycations would become day visits, turning to missed calls and sparse texts until their schedules aligned once more. She hated saying goodbye, she hated leaving him. She wished either of the jobs was less demanding but neither would ever give it up despite the toll it took on the two of them.
The final day was here. They agreed on day in bed as her flight was late and she couldn't be tired and miss it. The day was filled with hugs and sweet nothings, days like today is the only time she blurred the friendship line, when sober that is. Nothing too intimate, they'd never take it that far but her fingers would find their way into his curls as he's lying on her lap. Massaging any stress he has away, knowing it'll come flooding back as soon as she leaves.
"I wish you didn't have to go. Everything is easier with you here." He sighs. His head lifting up, sitting beside her so he can look in her eyes.
"You'll be fine in a week and you know it. Back to normal, you'll busy yourself with work and soon enough you'll be racing, you won't have time to give me a second thought." She smiles, she knows the first week is the hardest, but they're both cut from the same loaf, distract yourself with work and it soon enough goes. Until a hard day hits and all she needs is him.
"You're never a second thought and you know it. You're first in my life, always."
She could cry, she would never not in-front of him that's not fair on either of them. But God does she adore him. She couldn't live without him. "You're my favourite. I wish I could stay."
Silence takes over once more, nothing more needs to be said. An hour more of cuddling this way the sun has set the room dimly lit by the street lamps and the glow of the city.
"I need to make sure I've got all my stuff." She sighs shifting his head off her lap. Slithering out of bed, dragging herself to the room, her bags mainly packed but she likes to check then check again. She drags each bag to the front door, another quick glance over the now empty room making sure she hasn't forgotten anything.
Lando's now stood in the doorway once more, "I'll miss having your mess everywhere."
"It wasn't mess! It was so I was able to see what I brought with me!" She fires back, knowing he was only joking.
She falls into his arms, she has to leave now. He can't take her to the airport it's far too busy for the two of them to both arrive there. A mob at an airport is one way to piss the staff off before a flight.
She breathes in her scent once more, he kisses the top of her heard. "Don't go." He mumbled into her hair.
"That's not fair Lan, and you know it.", she looks up at him with sad eyes, their faces inches apart. His eyes dart between hers, he's leaning in.
He kisses her, she doesn't even comprehend before returning the kiss. Just like them laying together they fit. It's right. This feels right. So why is she pulling away, why is she pushing him away.
"We can't Lando, we can't do that. Please don't do that." Oh but I want to do that again, her heart says but her head is stronger.
He looks hurt and confused, "Why? y/n/n I know you feel it. Everyone says it. Come on." He grabs her hands pulling her close, not to kiss her again but to lessen the distance. He doesn't like how far she pulled away, he needs her close. Always.
"I can't do this Lando. Not now. Not when I'm leaving. I know what'll happen you'll promise me stuff and I'll promise you stuff. But we can't maintain it, not with the distance. And I'll lose you, one of us will get hurt and I'll lose you. I can't lose you." Tears appear in the corner of her eyes but she wipes them away before they can exit. Don't cry, dammit, she thinks.
Lando let's go of her hands now, running his own through his hair in frustration and upset. "You won't try? You won't even try? You'll never lose me no matter what. This could be good, so good and you won't try?" He's aware he sounds desperate, apart of him is. Having her here for almost a month has made him more aware of his feelings than even.
"We've never even discussed this Lando! You can't say all this as I'm about to leave!"
"I don't need to say it! I know you feel the same. It's us, I know how you feel. 'He's not you' that's what you said."
"I'd love it work Lan. I'd love nothing more. We can't even keep our friendship going for months, let alone a relationship. Please don't be angry at me. I need to in my life I don't want to risk losing you in case it doesn't work."
Lando knows in his soul it would work. There's nothing in the world he wouldn't do to make it work. He can't force her mind to change however.
"I disagree. But I can't force you. Im always yours. I'll always be yours, y/n/n. It's you." He pulls her in for a hug, her phone ringing in the background. The Uber having just arrived at the worst time.
He clears his throat, weak from holding back tears and frustration, "I'll bring ur bags down, I'll meet you down there, tell him to wait 5."
Y/n runs ahead, speaking to the Uber driver in her limited French as Lando loads up the boot. The driver gets in, sensing the goodbye should be private.
"Lan, I'm yours but it just won't work."
What does that mean? He wants to scream. He knows she wants him. That's why she rejects every man who's not him. She's shown no romantic interest in anyone else since they met, she hides behind the work excuse, because she wants him, she just won't give herself to him.
"I'll wait." He promises.
"You don't have to."
"Then how come I do?"
They hug for a little too long, the driver visibly getting impatient. They don't care. She kisses him, on the cheek this time, like she always does. He makes her promise to call him when she lands, she does but she knows he'll be asleep, and the drifting apart will begin again. It's only a matter of time.
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haoboutyou · 6 months
taking it slow | xu minghao
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angst | 1.1k words | warnings: y/n gets a panic attack
an: and if i told you this was based off a dream i had a whole year ago?
These past few months had been an absolute mess for you. Missed deadlines, cracked phone, broken bag straps; you thought the world had already thrown its all at you. Clearly, you didn’t take into account your soulmate throwing himself at you too.
Ever since the day you bumped into Minghao at the train station– ever since the moment the offending red string materialised on your pinkies– it was like he was following you everywhere. The cafe? He was in line behind you. The grocery store? Minghao’s in the baking aisle, checking out a new brand of flour. In every encounter, he would try to approach you. The florist you work at? He was buying flowers for his mom (your heart melted a little at this- he was buying them just because). And in every encounter, you would try to run away.
Which was why you’re frustrated as to how he’s managed to corner you here: in an art gallery, in the middle of an exhibition. You were caged against the wall by Minghao as you were walking, hidden right behind a pair of potted plants.
(You find out later that he worked there. And that it was his exhibition that you were walking through. Of course, he works at the art gallery, you think.)
“Y/n, look at me.” Minghao’s hands grasped you by your shoulders. Head tilted, he tried to make eye contact, but your lowered head wasn’t doing much for him. He sighed. “Y/n, stop running away. You know you’ll have to face me sooner or later. Come on.”
You couldn’t. Looking at him meant you were accepting the fate that was destined for both of you. Soulmates?! The very thought of the universe forcing two strangers together for the rest of their lives made you feel queasy. Your commitment issues or lack thereof were quaking in their boots.
“Y/n,” his voice was softer this time. Gently, Minghao’s fingers cupped your chin in the warm embrace of his hand, his thumb caressing the soft curve beneath. With a tender touch, he lifted your chin, guiding your gaze upward. Your eyes met, yours already brimming with tears threatening to roll down anytime. It was a gesture so intimate and reassuring, as if he held not just your chin but also a delicate moment suspended in time.
He sighed as his thumb delicately swiped across your cheek. His touch, so warm and comforting that you had to fight the urge to lean into his palm. “Y/n,” he started once more.
“You’re important to me. I need you to know that.”
“You don’t even know me, Xu Minghao.”
“I know you like vanilla lattes. I know you prefer cats over dogs, and how you like lily of the valleys because they’re your birth flower.” The deadpan look on your face despite the dried streaks of tears elicited a small laugh from him. “I’ll take all the time in the world to get to know you. Please, Y/n. Can’t you see the red string on our hands?”
As if doused by cold water, you tore yourself away from his touch. Your eyes drifted down to where Minghao was referring to. Yes, that stupid red string was still connected to your hands. It had never disappeared, ever since you had first met Minghao all those months ago.
Of course, everyone has a soulmate; it wasn’t rare for people to meet their destined partner at all. However, that didn’t mean that all relationships the red string had helped to bind were happy ones. You’ve seen your fair share of people perpetually had their trust in their red strings of fate torn apart and broken. You didn’t want to put your all in a ‘destined’ relationship only for it to fall apart and ruin your life, just like all of theirs.
Anxiety gripped you like a relentless tide, each wave threatening to pull you under. Your breaths quickened, shallow and erratic, and your chest tightened with an overwhelming sense of dread. The world around you blurred as a suffocating sense of panic took hold.
“Hey, hey…” you didn’t notice when Minghao approached you again, but this time you let yourself melt in the comfort of his arms. His protective grip around you tightened as you felt yourself let go, slumping into his chest as sobs shook through your whole body. He continued holding you firmly, palms rubbing slow circles on your back as he whispered words of comfort in your ears.
Your fists clenched up against his chest, tears staining his carefully pressed shirt. Not that it mattered to him- comforting you was his top priority now. Minghao, ever loving, patted your hair, gentle whispers of “I’m right here,” and “it’s going to be okay,” every once in a while. It took you a while, but eventually, your sobs subsided into little hiccups and pants. Minghao looks down at you, using his sleeves to wipe away any more tears on your face. He couldn’t help himself; he chuckled a little upon seeing your pout. Even during a mental breakdown, you’re still the most precious thing in his eyes.
“S-sorry… I didn’t mean to…” Your hands betrayed your inner turmoil, fingers restlessly intertwining and then pulling away as if unable to find solace in each other's company. Minghao took it upon himself to separate them by intertwining his slender fingers with yours. “It’s okay. You’re fine. I’m right here.”
His thumb traced gentle circles on the back of your hand, a silent language of comfort and connection. Each gentle brush carried a whisper of comfort that was beyond words. The world outside vanished in that little instant, and the simple, tender gesture spoke volumes about the unspoken bond you clearly shared.
Minghao cleared his throat, catching your attention once again. “I’m aware… that you don’t like the whole idea of soulmates. I’m still interested in you, and I’d love to get to know you more. As friends! We don’t have to date if you don’t want to.
“I’m glad the red string brought you to me. I don’t think I’ll be able to live with myself if I let you go.” He chuckled, a pained expression despite the loving smile on his face. “What I’m trying to say is: I’ll take responsibility for everything. Please, Y/n. Trust me. Give me a chance. Don’t just push me away like this.”
Your silence was deafening to him. Still, Minghao waited patiently for you, rubbing slow circles on the back of your hands. You couldn’t phantom how someone could have so much love for a person they barely knew, yet Xu Minghao exceeded your expectations over and over again. You sighed, finally giving in to his puppy-dog eyes.
“Okay,” you breathed. “Friends first.”
He heaved a sigh of relief, heart already swelling with affection for you. He nodded.
“Friends first.”
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misshoneyimhome · 5 months
Can you please write something sexy/smutty/funny with Freddie Andersen? Maybe along the lines where he and Y/N are in a established relationship, and in a ~love making~ night he gets maybe too eager and finished first and he gets embarrassed but she just makes fun of it and plays it cool and he's determined to give her a good time and redeemed himself!
I love you writing! Thank You! ❤️
I really hope you can understand my request 🙈
Oh, thank you very much, bb! 🤍 Of course, it makes perfect sense 😉
Omg, yes! A Freddie request 😍 I've missed this man so much! So of course, I can create something about my favourite ginger man 🤍 It's been a while since I've written about him, and I truly appreciate you sending me this request!
I do apologise for the sports puns, though… 🙈
Warnings; 18+ smut; fingering; unprotected sex (p in v); creampie; more fingering; more unprotected sex; more creampie; play with cum?... I don't know, something along those lines
・✶ 。゚
I’m gonna fuck love the Hell out of you I Freddie Andersen 🖋️⚡️
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It had been too long.
Far too long since you'd felt the touch of your boyfriend, and since you'd touched him.
But it wasn't his fault, not in the slightest.
For months, Frederik Andersen had been wrestling with his health, and as his girlfriend, you'd supported him to the best of your abilities. Whatever he needed, you'd been there – both physically and emotionally.
Freddie, usually a calm and reserved man, was slowly being consumed by the struggles that kept him from the hockey rink. Hockey wasn't just a job for him; it was everything he loved. It was intricately woven into his personality, and without it, he felt empty.
It wasn't that you weren't important, or that he didn't cherish having you around. You were his partner, a significant part of his life. However, hockey meant more than just a sport to him; it was his lifeblood.
And you understood his turmoil, or at least you tried to. The emptiness that lingered when he couldn't engage in the sport he loved reflected in his eyes, and you couldn't help but ache for him. You'd been by his side through the physical struggles, the emotional toll, and the silent battles he fought within himself.
Now, as the days stretched into weeks and the weeks into months, you found yourself yearning for the return of normality. Yearning for the days when the touch of his hands wasn't overshadowed by the weight of his health concerns. It was time – time for the healing to progress, for the quiet moments to be filled with shared laughter and stolen kisses, and for Freddie to reclaim the joy that hockey once brought to his life.
It was as if his eyes lit up with an intense brightness the moment the doctor gave him the all-clear on his health issue, though the reminder lingered that he'd have to take it slow and wait before fully returning to hockey.
Yet, the two of you felt like you could conquer the world.
With Freddie's smile finally gracing his lips again, you decided to make a proper night out of it, complete with a romantic dinner – not the health-conscious meals he'd been stuck with for the past few months. No tonight, you both cooked his favourite dish together.
And as you indulged in the deliciousness, laughter echoed through the room of your shared apartment. Freddie was back to cracking jokes, even discussing hockey, which had been a topic he'd avoided as it only brought him sadness, knowing he couldn't play. Oh, his sweet laughter.
The beautiful sound you'd missed so much. But what you craved even more was the feeling of his hands on you. The way his large palms would roam your body, making you feel small and at ease as he gently caressed and massaged you.
Freddie had a way of making you feel incredible.
It was one of the things that had captivated you from the beginning. The way he took his time the first time you were intimate, exploring every inch of your curves, ensuring no skin went unnoticed. He had made you feel as light as a feather under his touch, undressing you, kissing you, and eventually using his fingers to prepare you for him.
Freddie was a big man, everyone knew that. His 6′4″ and 238 pounds could easily envelop your small figure, and not to mention his member. Though it wasn’t unrealistically large, it certainly matched the rest on him, and you knew from the first time he’d push it into you, you’d have to adjust to it.
And as soon as you'd become comfortable to his length and girth, he thrust into your warmth, feeling every inch of your tight walls around him as he pounded and pushed you over the edge.
Yes, Freddie had the ability to make you see stars simply by making sweet and passionate love to you.
Yet, it was nothing compared to when he was in one of his moods, particularly after a bad loss or a great win. Freddie could turn 180 degrees, and the sweet, calm, and quiet man would transform into a beast.
Or on those nights when you'd be a tease – whether unintentionally or not – he'd lose control and simply dominate you, asserting that you were his and no one else's.
Because you were indeed like no one he'd ever been with before. Despite your limited knowledge of his home country and background, you showed nothing but interest in him and curiosity.
You had devoted yourself to him and his lifestyle from the very beginning, and he fell so quickly and hard in love with you that he couldn't even believe it himself. No one could have prepared him for how deeply he would come to love you.
Then, when his injury came, rendering him unable to play hockey for an indefinite period, he feared the worst. He was no longer the cheerful man you'd fallen in love with. Nor was he capable of showing you the love and affection you deserved, paying you attention, and sharing intimate moments. No, he felt almost handicapped.
Like Superman without his cape or Batman without his Batmobile.
However, to you, it didn't matter.
Freddie was your boyfriend, the love of your life, irrespective of his physical state or career, and you were committed to being by his side through it all.
Every waking moment, you endeavoured to bring a smile to his face, assuring him that everything would improve, and no matter what, he wouldn't be alone in this. Though the future remained uncertain for both of you, one thing was certain – you would face it together.
And tonight, you could finally celebrate as he neared full recovery and a return to the rink.
Furthermore, it appeared that you weren't the only one eager for the occasion. Freddie's hands roamed over you as you cleared the table, did the dishes, and ensured there was nothing to attend to in the morning.
His lips found your neck at every possible moment, leaving a trail of butterfly kisses mixed with gentle nips from his teeth. And you could sense his cock slowly growing in his trousers, quicker than usual, as you felt your cunt almost at a pulsating rhythm between your legs.
"Freddie," you moaned softly as he stood behind you, his face buried in the crook of your neck while his hands massaged your breasts through your clothes. You had to steady yourself against the kitchen counter as his mouth worked its magic on the sensitive skin.
"I want you… now," Freddie's words were deep and husky, his movements impatient and eager, and you couldn't help but sink into his touch.
"Bedroom, Freddie," you managed to whimper, and in no time, Freddie carried you out of the kitchen, placing you on your back on the bed.
Under the soft glow of the bedside lamp, you and Freddie then found yourselves naked, tangled in the sheets of your shared king size bed. The room echoed with the hushed sounds of soft moans and whispered sweet nothings as Freddie kissed your jawline and massaged your breasts.
You felt his eager member teasing your inner thigh, your fingers weaving through his thick ginger hair as he connected his lips with yours again, his tongue exploring your mouth.
You could sense his hunger.
Using a hand to sneak down between your bodies, Freddie gently circled your clit a few times before pushing in two fingers. Yet, as soon as he felt your tight, warm walls around them, impatience and a desperate need to replace it with his cock took over.
It was as if all his usual calm, patient, and focused goalie skills had vanished during his time away from the ice, and tonight he felt needy.
Swiftly withdrawing his digits, he replaced them with his length, slowly easing into your core, feeling every stretch he caused you. Moans escaped your lips as Freddie's large member filled you up, not even fully in before the tip hit your very back. His strong arms on either side of you tensed as he began rocking his hips, letting his shaft stimulate your walls with every thrust, as he found a steady rhythm.
"Yes, Freddie… Mmm, you feel so good," you whimpered as heavy breaths filled the room, mixed with sweat, sweet noises of pleasure, and skin slapping together. 
It was intense, eager, and almost rushed as Freddie suddenly increased his speed, feeling his climax building up and his patience challenging him as he became desperate for release. In a way, he seemed to forget all about your needs, something he'd always attended to first, but not tonight.
And as the passion between you escalated, Freddie's eagerness got the best of him. In a moment that could only be described as "goal-scoring speed," he reached the finish line a little sooner than anticipated.
Feeling the rush take over, he let out a deep, uncontrolled grunt as he spilled his seed into you, painting your walls with his cum. His large body felt heavy on you, almost collapsing from his intense high, and a sheepish grin spread across his face as he avoided eye contact. A disappointed sigh escaped him, feeling the heat rise to his cheeks.
You, however, couldn't contain a light chuckle. "Freddie, did you just set a record for the fastest goal ever?"
Freddie blushed, a mix of embarrassment and disappointment playing on his features. "Uh, yeah, I guess I got a bit carried away."
You let out another soft chuckle, running your fingers through his hair, as your eyes gazing up at him. "Well, someone's eager tonight. It's cute, really."
But Freddie didn't find it cute at all.
This wasn't the lover he usually was to you. He was your attentive man who always took care of your needs, but tonight he had only cared about himself and given in to desperation.
However, determined to redeem himself, Freddie looked into your eyes with a spark of conviction. "I promise I'll make it up to you, love. Round two is going to be legendary."
"Oh, really?" You raised an eyebrow, feigning scepticism. "I'm counting on you, Andersen."
Both of you took a moment to calm from the recent activity, Freddie resting on his side next to you as he caressed your body. You were incredible to him, and he felt more and more eager to give you what you deserved – the pleasure and rush he had reached himself.
Gently, he found your little pearl of nerves again, slowly circling and stimulating it.
Your lips parted with a small gasp as you locked eyes with him, feeling the pleasure slowly building up in your lower abdomen, your hands finding the sheets on the pillow case behind your head to tuck on. 
"Mmm, Freddie… Please, more."
But Freddie took his time, knowing he had to make sure he got fully hard again before giving you what you needed. Instead, he gently let two long fingers slip into your core again, feeling his own cum as he massaged your walls and pumped his digits.
It almost felt naughty.
Playing with his own ejaculation inside your body, Freddie's eyes intently followed your sweet, squirming facial expressions. Your eyes closed as you relaxed under his touch, and he slowly felt his member fill with blood again.
With renewed enthusiasm, Freddie set out to prove that his skills extended beyond the hockey rink. The room filled again with a mixture of sweat, passion, and the sweet sounds of your moans as he worked tirelessly to ensure your satisfaction. You couldn't help but admire his dedication.
Your orgasm slowly formed, and as Freddie increased the intensity of his finger pumping your heat, curling his fingers at the right angle, he hit your sensitive spot. Your moans became louder, your lungs emptying for air as your breaths felt heavy and incoherent.
"Yes, Freddie… I'm close," you announced, arching your back in anticipation and desperation to reach the climax.
With a few more pumps, amidst the sticky sounds of Freddie’s and your juices, you let out a deep moan and surrendered to the orgasm, letting it course through your body. Your legs trembled as you slowly came out of the rush, your hands' tight grip on the sheets loosened as you again opened your eyes and looked at your man.
"Well, I must say you did pay me back," you flashed him a sweet, lazy smile. However, Freddie wasn't completely satisfied. Sure, he'd made you come. But to him, that wasn't enough. He had to show you that he hadn't lost his touch completely, and you were still in for the rest of the second round.
So, withdrawing his fingers, he flashed you a mischievous smile, and you knew right away that he wasn't done with you.
Instead, he rose from his resting position, knelt between your legs before swiftly turning you over onto your hands and knees, your ass completely exposed to him. This was probably one of Freddie’s favourite positions as it provided him great access, and he could control his force as he liked. And most importantly, you loved it too.
Though it wasn’t particularly romantic, it always felt amazing when Freddie could fill you up completely and pound into you.
And as he once again let himself slip past your folds, stretching your sleek entrance for the second time tonight, moans slipped off your lips. His hips rocked against your ass, allowing him to hit your very end with his throbbing cock, and you knew you wouldn’t last long.
Freddie felt so good, and he had your mind clouding with every thrust. A smile formed on your lips as you tilted your head back, your hair almost like an invitation for him to grab, as you let Freddie pound into you with eager motions. 
Wrapping his large hand underneath, he took hold of your locks and gently pulled them while his other hand rested on your hip, holding it in place as he increased his speed.
If you could see yourself from a different angle, it probably looked like a poorly homemade porno film; with Freddie fucking you in doggy style and you uncontrollably moaning his name.
You felt your second orgasm approach. And as Freddie could feel how your walls clenched around him, he knew he wouldn’t be able to hold back either.
"Yes, baby… come for me," he managed to speak darkly in between deep moans.
And it took nothing more for you to let yourself go again, and the rush took over, blurring your mind as your juices covered his shaft. Your muscles tightened as you arched your back, and Freddie’s name rang from your mouth, which had him feeling his own second release upon peaking.
With a few more forceful pounds, his grip on your hair holding on, he let himself bottom out in you again, deep husky noises coming from deep down as he came.
“Fuck…” Freddie breathed out, letting go of his grip as he stayed in the position to make sure he let every single drop into you, before gently pulling out and watching his cum drip from your core, slowly gliding down your inner thigh.
It was incredibly hot. So much of his white liquids were still in you, and as you dropped your head, trying to regain control of your breath, he observed your beautiful cunt for a few more seconds.
Almost a minute went by before either of you moved from the position and retreated to rest on the messy bed.
As it turned out, in the end, Freddie's determination paid off, and you shared a laugh as you cuddled in the afterglow.
"See," he teased, "I told you round two would be better."
"Well, you definitely made an incredible comeback," you grinned, tracing circles on his chest. 
"Good," Freddie laughed, pulling you closer. "It’s important to me that I make you feel good too, baby – I’m just sorry I haven’t been able to touch you for so long."
Your eyes were intensely locked onto your boyfriend, and you couldn’t help but smile up at him.
"Oh, don't worry about that, Freddie... I've had my vibrator," you teased with a chuckle, prompting a bewildered expression and laughter from Freddie.
"Hey! It's not funny…" but he knew you were just teasing. Despite how effective a toy could be in bringing you to climax, it was nothing compared to the pleasure Freddie provided – his embrace, his lips, his warmth, and his cock.
He made you feel incredible, and nothing could ever replace that.
"By the way, I thought the doctor told you to go easy with activities?" You raised an eyebrow, earning a light chuckle from the tall redhead beneath you.
"Well, he didn't say anything about these kinds of activities…"
"Baby, I think I meant all sorts of activities," you chuckled lightly.
"Hmm, then I guess it's good that this was me going easy…” 
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theflyindutchwoman · 7 months
Everyone seems to think it was so romantic when Tim said "I can't lose you the way I lost her", but I honestly can't.
To me it implies that he's ok with losing Lucy in any other way, just not in that especific way he lost Isabel.
Like his biggest fear is not losing Lucy, is going through those traumatic events again.
Which is totally valid and understandable, but I fail see romance in that. I just see Isabel's shadow looming over their relationship.
I really enjoy your analysis, help me see what others see. Thanks!
To be honest, I don't know if romantic is the word I'd use either, though I can understand this perspective… I can't speak for others, of course, but what resonated with me is the humanity and the extreme vulnerability that Lucy and Tim portrayed in this scene. This is about them sharing their deepest fears and that is something incredibly intimate and personal. Important too.
To me it implies that he's ok with losing Lucy in any other way, just not in that especific way he lost Isabel. I mean, if you were to take this out of context, maybe… But as it is, this sentence doesn't exist in a vacuum. Never mind that we're talking about the same man who was ready to cross a line when Lucy was missing, who needed to embrace her for a while to reassure himself she was alive… Earlier in the episode, he practically had a heart attack watching her get shot at and was only able to breathe again once he saw she was unharmed. He was still so rattled that it almost cost him his life a few minutes later. So no, this isn't a man who is even remotely OK with losing her, regardless of the way. And I don't think this is what the writers intended to imply.
Let's get back to what Tim says : 'Listen, I need you to take it seriously if I ever sound the alarm about something. Otherwise, the pain of what I went through will have been for nothing, and I can't lose you the way I lost her'. There's something so profoundly human and relatable in how he is trying to find a meaning behind his pain. To convince himself that what he went through must have been for something. This is how many react after a tragedy or a trauma. And for him, the meaning is related to Lucy. In his mind, if his experience can help her avoid some of the pitfalls of undercover work, can ensure that they make it through, then his pain wouldn't have been for nothing… He's trying to find a way to turn a traumatic experience into something positive.
Like his biggest fear is not losing Lucy, is going through those traumatic events again. See, I understand this part a bit differently - I think his biggest fear is to see LUCY go through something like that. To lose HER that way. Watching the people you love lose themselves and their light fade away while being powerless to stop it, is soul crushing. It's brutal. He barely survived it with Isabel… Going through that all over again, with Lucy, who is so empathetic, who has been his light from the start, would be completely devastating. This isn't just reliving his trauma that terrifies him… It's reliving it with Lucy. And this fear is particularly tangible in that moment… Because Isabel just came back into his life. Everything is a bit more tender, more raw. Especially since they spent time talking about her time as an undercover agent. That had to stir up some memories. You can't erase life experience. And a few days later, Lucy had to go undercover… where she could have died. Tim can be very good at compartmentalising, but not so much when it comes to her. By the time they made it back to her apartment, he was reaching his boiling point. And fear took over.
I do think it was important for Lucy to make sure he understood she was different. Otherwise, it is unfair to her. And they needed to have this conversation. To set some boundaries. But I'm not really sure Isabel's shadow is looming over their relationship either… Until that episode, he had never said anything to indicate such a thing - with the exception of his outburst in 3.06. And notice that this was pre-relationship and right after his friend ODed. Other than that, he has been nothing but supportive, even going as far as encouraging Lucy to go to UC school. So it's not like there is a pattern. Yet. Who knows where this storyline will go.
The way I see it, relationships are not about perfection. It's about communicating even when it's hard, it's about choosing someone with all their flaws, not despite of them. It's about finding someone who can help you carry your baggage and who you can help carry theirs. Because we all have baggage. Some bigger than others, but we all do. And this is where I can see the romantic aspect. Because none of this is new to either of them. Lucy knew all about his hang-ups and Isabel and Tim knew all about her choice of doing undercover work. And yet, they both chose to take that leap of faith, they both believe that the other is worth the effort and the risk. They choose to communicate, even when their instincts would be to pretend that everything is alright. They choose each other and help each other when it's hard, when it gets uncomfortable… And that's romantic to me. I can understand if you feel differently though. I hope this answers your question :)
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stormyoceans · 5 months
vv brainrot continuation:
dad, I missed you (mom, I missed you)
that cute "feels so good" sound (pink drink, I really want to try it)
hugs in bed are the same as after joob’s funeral
part 3/4 damn music from vice versa! aof, fuck, just admit everything already!
we got lost (and found our local glasshouse)
bonfires and songs with guitar
return of shirts (and they smell like each other. what could be more erotic)
interrupted kiss (okay, not because of bad breath)
the description of the sky is worthy of rawi’s palette the guys were right, this damn miss universe appeared before our eyes. lord, I'm not completely alive, monica. what about you? you know, maybe sea didn’t lie, and the remaining episodes won’t be sad even despite the breakup, bc the worst and most expected has already happened, and then everything will go easier. william's song brought me to tears, it's beautiful! and I liked day's version. its so romantic. but, forgive me, the bed scene could have been much better, the angles and amount of blur didn’t turn out very well, and, tbh, I expected more tactility from day, so that he could study mork’s body with his hands. it was so important to him, but they showed it to us very quickly and didn’t spend enough time on it. but I really liked that they were presented as switch, moving away from the nightmare clichés, it's great. the scene on the mountain is the pinnacle of it all, and lord knows the boys pulled it off superbly. it was so emotional. I crumbled like sand and don’t know how I’ll recover by next week. monica, share your brainrot, I’m sure I missed everything possible bc I was so busy in the bed scene.
and you've already pointed out all of these moments but allow me to put them side by side anyway because!!!!!!!
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and even if these two moments can’t really be compared THEY INVENTED EMOTIONAL FOREHEAD TOUCHES TOO!!!!!!!!
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my personal emotional devastation aside, tho, i do think there are some parallels to be drawn between episode 9 of vice versa and episode 9 of last twilight, between puen on an island finally accepting his life in the original universe and by the end "gaining sight" on who talay really is, and day on a mountain finally accepting going blind and having his last sight being mork. i also think it's interesting that in last twilight (the ost) at one point there's the line "my heart cherishes the memory of us" while in vice versa the very last line of friend credits' second movie is "though we aren't together tomorrow, you're always here in my memories". like idk if it's a reach but both shows are about seeing when you can't really see (not just in the literal physical sense) and acceptance and carrying this love that helped you through it all with you and i just think someone with a brain activity currently higher than my own could make some connections!!!!!!!!
i personally did like the sex scene (i've talked about it here a little if you're interested), but i think i also get what you mean. if it were for me we would definitely have gotten a 17 minutes long one take focused on day's hands as he traced every part of mork's body starting from his face and slowly making his way down to his feet. but at the same time i wonder if it would have made sense for their first time. i feel like day was already so preoccupied with his sight being almost gone that what he needed in that moment was to get lost in the feelings rather than commit mork's body to memory. and who knows, last twilight has already broken p’aof’s habit of having only a couple of kisses in his shows, maybe it will make him give us another intimate scene too!!!
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Worked up
For the few that still read Cody writings
This idea popped into my head and I just kinda ran with it
Warnings: talks of sexual activity, implied sexual activity, making out, taking clothes off, the word “hell” is used. Let me know if I missed any!
You’re sitting on set, scrolling through your phone. You wanted something to distract yourself from your nerves. You had an intimate scene to film with Cody and you have been nervous about it since you first read the script. You have had intimate scenes with Cody before but it never went any further than kissing. Now your characters have decided to take the next step and this is what the writers wanted. It wasn’t having to do the scene with Cody that made you nervous, you were very comfortable with him having been dating for the past 2 years. It was doing the scene in front of the crew. This was your first intimate scene and you had no idea if you would be any good, if it would be awkward having to act everything out, if you could make it believable. There were so many concerns running through your mind.
“Hey, are you ready? I think they want to get started soon.” You looked up to see Cody smiling at you. “Yeah, I think so. I want to get this over with.” You said with a nervous laugh. “Baby” he said while cupping your face “If you really don’t want to do this, let’s talk to the writers. I don’t want you to do anything you’re not comfortable with.” “No, I want to do this. I’m nervous as hell but I think it’s important for our character’s development. I also want my first intimate scene to be with someone I am 100% comfortable with.” You smiled and kissed his cheek. He looked at you with an unsure look. “I’m good, I promise.” You smiled and went over to let the directors know you were good to go.
Your legs are wrapped around Cody’s waist, arms around his neck. He has one hand on your back and the other on your thigh, holding you up. This part is fun for you, you get to make out with your boyfriend for work. As Cody makes his way over to the bed on the set that is meant to be your character’s room, you start to get a little nervous again because you know it’s really about to start. Cody feels you tense up a bit. Luckily it wasn’t enough for the camera to see so you two kept the scene going. Cody lays you down on the bed and gets on top of you. He kisses your neck and whispers “Pretend they’re not here. Close your eyes and imagine it’s you and me at home.” You close your eyes as he continues to kiss down your neck to your collarbone. He stops just long enough to take your shirt off then starts to kiss down your chest and to the waistband of your jeans. He takes your jeans off too, quickly taking a moment to take in how gorgeous you are. “I think we have to even out the playing field.” You say your line, in a flirty way. Cody smirks and takes off his shirt and pants too.
The next scene is you two under the sheets together. You’re lying in the bed, sheet covering your bare chest, completely zoned out. “Are you ready for the next scene?” A voice breaks you out of lala land. You blink a couple times and look over to see the director. “Yeah, I’m ready!” You say, actually excited for the next scene. “Great! Keep up the great work. That last scene was amazing. You two have great chemistry!” He says giving you a smile and walking over to Cody to see if he is ready too. Cody got into the bed next to you. Your head is on his chest, hand drawing mindlessly on his abs as your characters enjoyed the post coital bliss. “I know we were just as close as physically possible but somehow this moment feels more intimate.” You jokingly gasped “Is tough guy Theo going soft on me?” You said and smirked to yourself knowing he would probably make a sarcastic comment himself. “Soft for you? Never. Actually, I’m ready for round 2 if you are.” He said you looked up at him to see him wink and you couldn’t help but giggle at what he said. Cody rolled on top of you and started to kiss you again, implying that your characters were about to go for round two.
“How are you feeling about the scenes?” Cody asked as he sat in your trailer, waiting for you to finish gathering your things so you two could go home. “I’m actually really excited to see how they turn out on screen. I think the TW fanbase is going to love this new step our characters have taken together. I do want to thank you though. You helped ease my nerves and got me into the right mindset for the scenes. So thank you baby.” You said and leaned in to give him a kiss. “I’m so happy you’re happy with everything and I could make you feel comfortable.” He said giving you another kiss. “Now lets go home because those scenes got me really worked up and all that has been running through my mind since has been the image of you in that lingerie you were wearing.” Cody said, shifting in his seat a bit. “Say no more.” You grinned and you both left to go home.
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fonulyn · 2 months
20 Questions for Fic Authors
thanks for the tag @thebrandywine 💖
answers under the cut.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
268 works.
2. What is your AO3 wordcount?
1,256,253 words.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
RE. and still have the urge to write Gears but lol if you thought nivannedy was a rare pair...
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
nobody's perfect (TOG, pretty gen)
now drunk on lust I drown in you (forever within I'm lost in you) (RE, Chreon)
and who's to find the way right through you (RE, Chreon)
scattered fragments of time (that's all we are) (RE, Chreon)
how to accidentally get adopted - a guide by Piers Nivans (RE, Piers-centric, also background Chreon)
5. Do you respond to comments?
always! i know i missed a couple, sometimes i take ages, but i do always try to respond bc i love and cherish nice comments.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
the bad endings on three words to last forever. i still like the angstiest one the most :'D
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
lmao like everything else idk i want them happy. i've written loads of fluff idk how to quantify which is the happiest.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
only ever got a few nasty comments thankfully, so no, not really.
9. Do you write smut? If so, which kind?
yeppp. idk what does 'which kind' mean? anything that feels inspiring lol.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest crossover you’ve ever written?
not really. i did start a few back in the day but i didn't really finish them. i am not really into crossovers tbh i don't even read them 99% of the time.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
yeah. someone was selling it on amazon pffth.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
a few. apparently five on ao3 lol but i think there was one or two back in the lj days too. might be wrong tho :'D
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
lol loads. at one point in life like... fifteen years ago, most things i wrote were co-written with a friend. and i've done it a couple of times after that too. i really like co-op stuff tbh but haven't found people to collab with lately.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
right now i would sell my soul for nivannedy. might already have.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
ehhhh at this moment i doubt i'll ever finish anything. maybe the lifeguard au? i was red-hot for the idea at first but then it kinda... fizzled out. kept changing. got ruined by pushy ppl lol. but maybe i'll get back to it one day bc i would love a nivannedy summer romance tbh.
16. What are your writing strengths?
uhm. characterization. dialogue. emotional shit? idk i think i do best when i have intimate moments with two people. tiny everyday moments and mundane shit. like that. if i get going writing sometimes flows super well and i think i can get consistently readable stuff done in one go. but that'd require getting going lol.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
action. i suck at action. i also suck at it in the way that i can't actually make myself start writing. i got way too co-dependent when i still had people excitedly participating in the process and now i sit here sad doing nothing :'D but anyway. writing action and having some self-discipline lol.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
depends very heavily on the context. in general i do think it should be all in one language for readability but there are exceptions. i've done it too lol but it was only like a line or two in finnish :'D
19. First fandom you wrote for?
diru, twenty years ago lmao, it's like a different lifetime. i only learned of the existence of fanfic at the ripe old age of nineteen lol but yeah it's still been so long now.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
asdjfngkn i can not choose between all of my children c'mon. uhm. am just gonna say the self-indulgent series bc it truly was so important to me for so long and i'm still devastated it ended. sigh. now i made myself sad again :'D
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take2intotheshower · 4 months
Endless List of Why I Ship Jane & Kurt - Part 9 (by @kate-dammit-run)
(re-posting to preserve this list, which was originally created and posted by @kate-dammit-run, whose account was deactivated in 2023)
401. Because she can open up to him about her deepest and darkest thoughts and memories and feelings 402. And because he will still support her 100% no questions asked 403. Because when her past leaves her paralyzed and broken, he is there to help her in any way she needs 404. Because it’s nice to have her back 405. Because Kurt is willing to jeopardize an entire case if it means saving Jane’s life 406. Because he is useless as an agent when her life is on the line 407. Because goodbye phone calls and I love you’s 408. Because the only thing that kept her going is knowing they were looking for her  409. Because with only a few minutes left to live, she just needs to hear his voice 410. Because he will find her 411. Always 412. Because Kurt Weller is the biggest Bill Nye fanboy in the world and Jane Doe finds it the most endearing and adorable thing in the world 413. Because they get Tasha bagels in the morning 414. Because she shares the most intimate details from her past with him 415. Because she lets him read her angsty teenage poetry 416. … and because she laughs when he teases her 417. Because Remi doesn’t scare her anymore and he’s so proud of her 418. Because even though the past few months haven’t been easy, things are finally where they are supposed to be 419. Because Kurt loves getting to know everything about her– her past, her present, and her future 420. Because of the annoyed grumpy faces when Rich interrupts them 421. And the appalled reaction when he offers to film that which he just interrupted 422. And of course Kurt’s desperate attempts to stop Jane from opening the door 423. Because Jane immediately recognizes Linda from the sketch 424. Because she drove out to Philadelphia with him to see his mother 425. Because she urges him not to run from his problems– just like he would urge her 426. Because she wants them to face whatever that comes their way together 427. Because Jane is the mostly fiercely supportive wife ever 428. Because she knows exactly what he needs even when he doesn’t 429. Because she doesn’t want him to make decisions he will regret later 430. Because after a long exhausting day, just seeing her sitting there waiting for him puts a ridiculously big and bright smile on his face 431. Because who needs money when they have all of this 432. Because they invite all their friends over when Little Bee is visiting 433. Because Jane is now the friend who gives relationship advice 434. Because with everything that happened with Kurt, the hardest part for Jane was trying to deny how she felt 435. Because it was impossible to be around each other without acknowledging it 436. Because she knows how torn apart he is about missing time with Bethany and she’s there to make him feel better 437. Because at bedtime, she watched him read Bethany ten books, teach her the Johnny Cash song and then make her the Easter Bunny out of Play-Doh 438. and because he is so proud of that Easter Bunny 439. Because down the road, there’s gonna be so many more bunnies. They’re gonna take time off, vacation, move back to Colorado eventually and watch her grow up 440. But right now they’re  working to make sure that Bethany has a world to grow up in 441. Because of petting fluffy puppies on the way home, and feeding the duckies at the pond and trips to the zoo 442. Because even thought Kurt knows their job is important, he doesn’t want to just keep working for the future 443. Because he wants to grab as many moments as he can and spend them with his daughter and his wife 445. Because of Bethany’s drawing in Kurt’s locker 446. Because the weekend went by too fast 447. Because it was nice being a family again 448. Because of Bethany snuggling all night between them and karate kicking Kurt in the face 449. Because they are lucky– very lucky 450. Because they will always always protect each other no matter what 451. Because Kurt saying “my wife” will always be everything 452. Because even when they disagree, they talk about things and find a way to reach something they both agree on
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beggingwolf · 2 years
“You haven’t been acting like yourself.”, sidgeno
Sid watched the lawn care guys roll out their equipment, unloading the huge mower from the back of the trailer. He'd waited too long.
He tapped his phone against his thigh before getting up off his patio and heading back inside. He'd wanted to make this call sitting by the lake and watching the sunrise. He'd missed the sunrise by a few hours, and now he didn't even have the lake.
He swore softly to himself in a way that reminded him of his father, and then he finally hit the call button on the screen.
He looked out of the glass doors unseeingly as the phone rang, and rang, and rang.
Just before he went to voice-mail, Geno picked up.
It was loud. Not club-loud, but people-loud. There were lots of disparate voices clogging the line, and Sid turned away from the patio doors and closed his eyes, focusing on the sound of Geno's voice.
"Hi." Sid cleared his throat. "Is this a good time?"
"It's lunch," Geno said. "Sasha, Dima, lots of guys. Why you call?"
"It's a bad time. Sorry. I'll call back."
"No, no," Geno interrupted. "You okay? It's Sam?"
"No." Sid let out a little wry half-laugh. Sam was graying these days, and Geno demanded photographic evidence of her every time Sid went to his parents' place. "She's still kicking."
"It's morning. You not training today?"
"No. Rest day. Got up early out of habit."
The noisy silence between them got quieter as Geno moved away from the ambient restaurant noises. He heard Geno mumble out something in Russian before the squeak of a door hinge plunged them into true quiet.
"You call because you miss me last night?" Geno's voice slid into an intimate, familiar teasing tone. In private, away from everything else, he got so soft.
"It looked like you were having fun." Sid's voice was a little too high in return, his chest tight. "Run into anyone else I know?"
"Russian celebrities. The most famous. My friends now," Geno teased.
Sid twitched as the lawn mower roared to life outside. He'd seen the photos Geno had thrown into the team groupchat. He'd also seen the photos Geno had sent just to him: Geno, drunk and draped over pretty people with his shirt half unbuttoned. His smile had been bright enough to shine in the flash.
"The knee's okay?"
"Good, good," Geno said, waving it off.
Sid searched for something else to ask. His mind whirled like it sometimes did these days, too full to form into anything worth saying.
"You're okay?"
Sid chewed at his lip as he heard the lawn mower turn and get closer. It was an impossible question.
"Sid. It's bad day?"
"I haven't had a bad day in months." It was true. The sick feeling, the nausea, the light sensitivity... they'd all been gone for a long time.
"You call twice yesterday. You sure?"
"It wasn't important."
All Sid heard for a long moment was the lawn mower eating through his yard. The loud buzz in his ears rang. It was familiar in a way that made him feel very small.
"Sid, you're acting little bit..."
Geno trailed off. His voice was unbearably soft.
"What," Sid bit out.
"Little bit not like you. What's happen? You okay?"
"Yes. No."
Sid couldn't bear hearing Geno's voice like that over the phone, across an ocean. They had spent so long with each other over the course of Geno's knee injury, bonding over their injuries and their bone-deep need to get back onto the ice. It had led to more than just a closer friendship. Now, with Geno in Moscow, Sid missed him like a limb.
"I miss you," he finally confessed. "I miss hockey. I miss my normal life. I'm not myself. I don't feel like myself without it. I don't feel like myself without--"
The lawn mower roared. Sid stared at his hardwood floors, wishing they looked like the carpet of the Consol locker room instead.
"Sid," Geno said, and Sid finally sat down, the weight of the world on his shoulders.
Geno spoke softly to him for a long time, and Sid missed him like the feeling of ice beneath his skates.
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misscammiedawn · 1 year
Charmed! Recap Day 5 (Sunday)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
It was not good sleep. My neck hurt. My brain was flooded with painful static electricity. I felt nauseous. Call it a hangover from feeling everything at 12 yesterday.
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Charmed! Outfit 7: The Lazy Domme
For toppy Fae who want to impress but don't really want to get dressed up.
Copper wanted to have a coffee date and to spend some time with me. He was a little sad about the little amount that he had gotten during the weekend to date. At least the amount outside of classes.
I met with him and gave suggestions on places and he, to my pleasant surprise, opted for hotel coffee so we didn’t have to leave and could enjoy our morning here at the convention.
He wanted to experience some of the trancey energy that I was emitting during my class. I do not know if Copper has ever seen me in that light or realized I was capable of that. Of my partners he is the one I don’t really dabble too much with. Not for any negative reason. Copper is the only partner I share a bed with two nights a week and the only member of Prime I have a regular date night/morning with.
We have something firm and solid and secure but hypnosis was never really an active element. Not in the way it is for Goddess, Sleepy and Daja.
So we sat and worked on a negotiation. Me in my coat, watching people go by and thinking about the stories and realizing how many of these people I know and how much intimate knowledge I have about them and how my shyness kept me from turning that into actual connection. Like studying for a test I never bother to take.
Copper asked for the mirror lake sequence that I described in my class, I added in a probing question about whether he would imagine a specific one in Canada which Goddess made a file referencing. He agreed to that. I went over tactile sensations, hair, where to touch, elements that were on the table and off. Location, length, any programming or suggestions wanted to be touched upon.
As I spoke, serious and very much in Dawn space, my legs were crossed and I sipped coffee, watching my boyfriend and realizing he had a bit of nervousness in him. Not shy or fearful nervousness, more the kind of putting oneself out on the line and not being certain that faith would be rewarded.
I felt very much like a true Domme in that moment. Running a negotiation. Crafting ethical consent. Tailoring the scene. All while lounging comfortably and enjoying how remarkably adorable my silly science boy was being.
He was most certainly going to be rewarded.
We found some space on the con floor and I got to work. Lulling and fractionating at first before pulling off the mirror lake sequence. I lightened his hand and made it fall, I had him struggle against the pressure of my push, I let him rest against my shoulder, I tested the beard related hairplay that the hairplay class had introduced in the former day.
I utilized another of Goddess’ old tricks with him, on his request, the “Together” trigger where, no matter the distance, he could hear Together and feel their connection across distance. I ran him through that a few times and worked as hard with him as I ever have in any scene. I was unspeakably proud of myself.
I eventually had to count him up and described it as leaving one pleasant experience and coming into another, as I embraced him and told him trance fades as love expands. Drew him up and pet his hair.
He was touched. Moved to emotion.
I had done my job well.
From there we went into Service Topping, something Copper had been *ordered* by Goddess to attend. Hypnostory and Panda were presenting. I had hoped to see Story all weekend. The Triad are important to me and to Oikos in general and I had been missing Yoshi intensely. At least giving hugs to 2 of the 3 would soothe some of that emotion of feeling an absence that was likely noted by all present.
Story handed me a LGBT+ pin which I gratefully accepted and added to my badge next to the spiral pin that was being used as a soft indicator of my present headspace.
As I checked my phone, Puppet sent me a message. They were at the consent team desk for the morning shift and would be done about 3:30pm. Much like Copper, my skills and care were requested to soothe stress and heightened emotions and grant relaxation and care. I am touched Puppet longed to have a hypnotic moment with me at some point of the weekend.
It’s a terrible shame to feel like my Oikos partners “can always have time with me when we get home.” it hits different at Charmed. I eagerly agreed to take care of her.
The class was wonderful. Copper was engaged the entire time and the pair of us maintained a polite back and forth by writing on our tablets. 
I was happily surprised to see Panda was leading this class and that the rapport between the pair remained as energetic as ever. There was a lot of love in their dynamic and the moments felt organic and welcome. They have such a vibrant range of emotional energies which made my display during Presence seem a little lite in comparison. It made a lovely companion in that regard though, as Panda showed off all the emotional facets it had on offer as well as some delightfully fun tricks such as losing the ability to communicate beyond the word Panda.
As the class went on the walls banged. An UnCon must have been happening next door and I briefly wondered if Daja and Tenn were doing take-downs. That does not appear to have been the case. But it was interesting, to say the least.
One of the audience questions was specifically about shame, that one would top out of shame of feeling like they were always taking.I felt my ex’s spirit in the room again. I topped because she needed me to.
I could never have imagined years later I would be teaching a class on topping and would feed so hungrily upon that energy. 2023 Camdelyn would crush 2019 Camden. In a hug, of course.
The class soon ended and thus returning to the room was the next logical step. Sleepyhead, quite satiated from the previous day, was utilizing AGDQ as a way to prevent con-drop while at the con. It was a remarkable strategy I had not considered. Softening exposure leading towards the end to ween off of experience and not overload or overwhelm with anxiety or a sudden end to heightened experiences.
My hedonistic Fae ass simply could never.
Leftovers from the prior night were on the menu and Daja was summoned to enjoy the meal with.
This was the night. The night where the Kindred take a trip to Elysium. The party. The grand finale of the event.
…which meant we were running short on time.
As I finished lunch, I began to get into my Work Mode. Not my dayjob workmode, that’s its own thing, I mean Top Space.
With Sleepyhead wearing headphones and lunch enjoyed, I simply wanted to do some shenanigans. Ride this energy I had been gathering that day. Make my lass whimper a little bit and make use of the Perfect Obedience trigger while I still had it.
At first it was just a semi-private moment but soon enough Dolly wanted to engage, so I pulled her in and began to work both my girlfriends at once. Not the first time I’ve had the opportunity to do so, but I always find my spirit ignites when I’m riding that energy and playing with them both.
At a point I had mentioned the metronome which had been patiently waiting in Daja’s room above. It had not come into play yet, I had requested it, especially as Dolly was one of the ones who had shown a heightened interest in it online.
The metronome was set into motion and I know Daja did that at 60 BPM. I let things start off and got her nice and focused and fuzzy. Enjoying her immobility and rapidly sinking state.
Daja would have liked to have joined, but Dolly was not wearing her collar. Chosen are allowed to play with one another without collar. External play ALWAYS requires a collar. Mine hadn’t left me all weekend. Pride in Goddess cemented that fact. The Mind Melting Machine solidified it.
She said that she would have given her a voice box and a pull-string… so *of course* I had to work with that.
“I am a good dolly. Good dollies obey.”
Any time she felt me tug the invisible string on her back and return it to position she softly repeated.
I fixed her collar on and offered the floor to my wonderful lass, who noted that Sleepy had negotiated with her prior to the convention.
As Daja got things prepared I simply sat back and watched my girlfriend work on my girlfriend.
There are times I feel like my presence in a room during a scene is a detriment. When I am intruding and my emotional energy is radiating obtrusively into an active moment that two people are sharing.
There are times where I feel my participation in a scene is included in the moment. Where I am either invited in or that my presence is a calculated factor. These are the moments when tag-team and double-team trances are born. When consent is granted for the third party to add to the ongoing trance on either side of the watch. The moment Daja teaches in her classes about my head hitting a headboard during Beguiled is one of those moments.
I need to be better about negotiating boundaries of when that “join in!” energy is acceptable or not. Sometimes it cripples my vibe.
This was neither.
Sleepy and Daja were in a world of their own. My presence in the room was not a factor. I’ve never felt that before. I did not long for trance or to induce it. I did not want to be included nor feel excluded.
I was present.
And that did not factor at all into the beauty I witnessed and it truly was beautiful. They bounced off of one another so effortlessly. Daja had been in a Mood™ all weekend. Cammie draws it out of her, I suppose. That energy translated perfectly to Sleepyhead. Which makes sense. I adore my somft side but she is Sleepyhead Lite. Literally. By design. Goddess is programming that into her.
…I need to teach The Sleepyhead State at some point in the future. I want to make an entire class just to drop that Esdaile is to depth what Sleepyhead is to susceptibility.
But I just enjoyed my proximity for all the scene entailed. I recall being fairly respectful of their space, utilizing a moment to check my Discord and the schedule. It felt the right thing to do. Of all the moments of the convention that were just peaceful bliss, that one ranks high among them.
I would have remained outside of the scene, but the door opened. It would appear our dear sweet JAYMAX had returned.
JAYMAX is the personal healthcare robot that Puppet cosplays as, based on the large armored marshmallow from Disney’s Big Hero 6.
Her expression shifted in that way I am so used to seeing on our dear sweet Dolly’s face. That little eye flutter, those parted lips. The metronome was impacting her. She only had one word to offer as she absorbed the scene happening before her.
I had already said I was going to give her some trance time when her shift was over and told her as much with my voice sliding fully into seductive allure. I was already riding high from working with Sleepyhead and now I could ride that emotion to somewhere quite productive.
I lured Puppet in and set her down on her bed. Two queen beds in the room, the one closest to the door was mine, closest to the window Puppet and Sleepy’s.
When down I pacified and lulled Puppet down and they asked in such a sleepy and detached voice. “Are you satisfied with your care?”
I kissed her forehead. They were so adorable and dreamy with that big open grin that Goddess and Sleepy love her for. My counterpart is so lovely and it is impossible not to feel overwhelming affection for someone who holds such an important place within the hearts that mean the world to me. 
Having seen the movie I told them that I was satisfied and they sighed and sank further into blissful surrender.
Daja needed to get moving, so I took over the scene, promising to return the metronome at a later point. 
Goddess has a specific suggestion set up for her soft Sleepyhead dolly and her Perfect Puppet. A LAN connection that tethers the pair of them to one another, the deeper one goes the deeper the other goes.
I opened up the WiFi version of that suggestion and reminded Puppet that Sleepyhead can go so deep and had been oh so fractionated in the past 24 hours. I told Sleepyhead that Puppet was letting go entirely and looked so serene.
As the metronome tick
I snapped my fingers.
In time.
Perfectly in tune.
With every clack.
60 BPM.
Sixty snaps per minute.
Speaking in time.
Drawing them down.
One line at a time.
One word.
Just like that.
I asked Puppet to switch to my bed and snuggle up close to Sleepyhead.
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I had them whisper to one another their affirmations. Deepening their trances and solidifying their devotion to Goddess. I demonstrated Dolly’s new drawstring and once they were completely down, I checked in and asked if they wanted to be woken. They seemed comfortable and I asked them to rest together and care for one another. About this time Sleepyhead’s friends from the other night arrived and I drew my counterpart and girlfriend awake and let them have their privacy.
In the lobby a decent gathering were in the back lobby and I was able to calmly mingle with folx, including two of Daja’s partners. I scarcely recall the topics but do remember I heard Timbit and decided to follow her restrained barking. Goddess was walking down the hall attended by two of her Chosen. Copper was holding a box with spiral eye design.
I knew that box.
I knew what was happening!
There was little fanfare beyond the puppy squeaks and a small number of folx followed in to the classrooms. A gathering of significant individuals had gathered in the same room the Soiree happened in. A room where the chairs were out to the side and the space was wide open.
Goddess was wearing her ceremony regalia. The phases of the moon on a gorgeous midnight blue. Those moments where she embodies that title she so lovingly has earned from each of us Chosen.
She sat at the front of the room on a single chair facing those who had been gathered. As if sitting on a throne, Copper stood behind her with the box.
I have so very few regrets about Charmed! 2023. So very few moments I wish something had gone other than it had. Even in the midst of meltdowns, tears, serious moments, COVID scares and anxiety; I would change not a millisecond of the event spare for this one.
I wish my counterpart was with me in that moment.
A year ago I imagined a moment just like this one. Goddess on a hotel chair throne in her full regalia with her Chosen standing behind her and an audience gathered in front of her.
In that dream, that imagined moment that lived in my brain for so long, Sunrise and Puppet kneeled before her. Copper with a purple collar bearing the symbol of the sun rising over the mountain, Sleepyhead with a blue collar bearing an infinity symbol lock.
We would have each bowed and received those collars and devoted ourselves to her. Just as we had done in a living room in Minnesota but with one exception.
The crowd of peers, well wishers, friends and partners would have been there showering love and the applause that would soon echo this room and cause Timbit to lovingly and excitedly bark, would have been for the promised ceremony. The ceremony as planned.
I did not know I’d be given the vision of seeing that vision. Letting it mingle with the reality of the moment. But I got that gift and it seems so unfair that Puppet was not allowed to have it alongside me. I hope she can picture it in my words as I share them.
But this was not a moment from my imagination. It was a completely different kind of ceremony. One just as loving and beautiful and surrounded by the approval and delight of those around.
See there’s a tradition within the hypnosis community. An old thing started by Hypnomedia during the days before Charmed and Beguiled. An antique watch on a stand lovingly crafted by the woodsmith/Jedi Master himself. The name was emboldened with names that held significance at a time as well as a few who still make the circuit.
Each year this Traveling Watch award is passed on from one “Person of the Year” to the next. It came into Goddess’ possession during COVID, albeit it only arrived at Oikos a few weeks before the event.
I had been involved in some of the talks on who it would be passed to but I did not know who Goddess had picked.
The story of the watch and its history was told and Goddess explained that the list of people had been shortened from 20 down to 2 and from 2 down to 1.
The box was opened to reveal the antique watch on its custom made podium and it was awarded to its new owner— EnScenic.
The applause was earnest and enthusiastic. From myself, too. I can think of few people more deserving of the honor. EnScenic has always been sweet, engaged, kind and informative. Her classes are imaginative and spark inspiration and conversation, she offers wonderful wares at the vendor’s room and made such an inviting open space for new folx to feel welcomed.
At Beguiled, before Daja and I had really worked out our thing, I had been welcomed in and given some decompress space. Plus there is the gift I was given the previous day. I do not mean to make my praise so grounded in personal opinion, but she has done nothing but prove in my eyes that she deserves any award that my Goddess has received.
Of that I am sure.
Congratulations and kind words were offered and I hesitate to type more because the emotional moment was for those present. If the story was anyone’s to tell it would be the award winner herself.
Ceremony over, I poured back to the back lobby and found some folks to pass some moments with. I had a brief conversation with one of Sleepyhead’s close friends about my upcoming hospital visit and promised to remain in touch after the event. It seemed unreal that we had not made our own connection, I intend to fix that.
Wonder Woman stood at the top of the stairs leading in to the back lobby and any chance of connection was put on hold.
…Daja was a vision in a sequined Wonder Woman outfit and she strode down with confidence.
I should note that from here on out the line between fantasy and reality, which is normally drawn with a drying felt tip pen now becomes smudged. The Sunday night event is something I had been preparing for with a mixture of anticipation and nervousness since the idea was firmly cemented.
Of everything I did during the weekend, this is the one that I felt required specific permission from Goddess.
I know where home is and play is okay so long as I wear my collar.
I just needed to be TOLD that this was okay. I didn’t think I could have it unless I was told explicitly I was allowed to have it.
Daja, in her red and blue dress, walked down the stairs and any distractions faded away. There was no longer a convention. No longer ambient discussion in the air. I was vaguely aware of the fact my conversation partner was staring too. Maybe in another world they would have been able to enjoy Daja’s presence for more than a few seconds, but she beckoned and I glided forward in an amnesia ridden haze and appeared at her side.
“I’m taking this one.” I remember her saying that. There were other words, but that was the thing I remember. She was making one of my fantasies from the Tumblr list come true. She was picking me out from a crowd and pulling me aside.
In actuality there was a full hour if not two of events that go here. A meal, discussions of important topics, driving to Panera Bread– I have those memories. They *were* returned to me.
But I want to type about how I perceived them on that night. The meal, the dialogue, gender concerns born from the hospital conversation— none of it mattered. Because Sunday Night Cammie was asked to let those memories fade away.
One of the more important ones lost in the mix was Panda offering a gift to Daja and I. A pair of conditioned leather bracelets. One denoting Daja as THRALL and one denoting me as SWEETLING.
I received Goddess’ permission for that.
Sweetling is Daja’s pet name for Cammie, a reference to a book series she shared with me after Beguiled. The main character of which is an allegory for trauma survivors and potentially BPD, given she “lost her temper” at one point and it destroyed a palace.
I’ll never forget the bliss in my heart when I finally saw the name she had been calling me in the books.
“I’m real Sweetling, it truly is me.”
It stole my heart all over again.
I near about teared up from the generosity of the moment and hugged the lovely creature— it had been so sweet the whole weekend.
With Panda rushing to attend to its Miss’ needs and ready for the party; I returned to Daja’s room to prepare for the ball.
Though… from the perspective of Cammie on Sunday, it was all a blissful haze. Everything just a little soft around the edges.
I do recall, at the least, that Daja used a Susan Snap on me to place the Silver Crystal in my hand. That crystal instantly hypnotizes me when I see it, with intent and she had intended to make me go deep and embody my role.
It's so hard to remember the details. It all just felt so… immersive.
Daja was sliding into her role as a vampire. A kindred who was sired by Nath’s vampyric persona. Owned by her Lady but now willing to take on a thrall of her own. I was being conditioned into a space to be that thrall.
But it was ONLY for that night. I was to keep Goddess in my thoughts and actions the whole night. That my collar would remain on and that nothing. No power could impact my connection to Goddess. That she had entrusted the two of us with this care and we would ensure that I would return to normal at the end of the night and share the joy of the experience with her.
My deepest desire is for my joy to spread to my partners. I want them to feel my excitement, my bliss, my euphoria, my dreams and desires.
But for now, I was in Daja’s care and a thrall needs to be dressed for the occasion if it is to attend a vampire’s ball. To attend Elysium.
I was lead down to my room, guided by Miss and instructed to not allow my roommates to suspect that I was enchanted. That I was to act completely normal. I invited Miss into the room, for vampires need an invite, and Acted Normal.
Daja says I may have slipped into LARP space a little too heavily while I was pretending to be normal and that she didn’t want anyone but her Sweetling and that my behavior should not be changed beyond sliding into obedience for the night…
And so I got dressed and became the thrall I was going to be for the night.
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Charmed! Outfit 8: The Merchant's Daughter
For those who have been enthralled and are going to accompany their Miss to the vampire's ball.
Daja was unaware of that dress. It was my surprise for her. No amnesia required. She knew I had an outfit prepared. It was so important to me that I got to be perfect for that night.
I was returned to the room and told to stare at the metronome while Daja got prepared.
While staring at the metronome, Daja asked me to perform a COVID test. All attendees of this ball were to be screened because the last thing any of us needed was to invite the virus into our event.
I must have stared for 15 minutes. Blank and helpless. Sinking and sliding into my role. A younger Cammie felt her connection to LARP and White Wolf returning. LARP used to be a big part of her life. She knew how to embody this role in its entirety.
My journaling notes were updated while I was still in trance and Daja got dressed.
Then literally before I knew it, the doors were opening for the vampire gathering and Miss beckoned me to rise.
Oh how I floated to my feet. Miss’ control was powerful. Just for one night. With my Goddess’ permission, I was enthralled by a Kindred. Bent to their will and existing only to be prim, proper, presentable and sometimes— if Miss required it— be a snack.
Lingering in her shadow I followed her to the elevator.
The door opened and we found ourselves in Nath’s room. Daja sat on a chair and I knelt by her side, back straight, chin held high, a faint smile upon my face. A treasured possession on display. Silent and in the background but present. Though I had made a gentle and forgivable mistake. Daja asked me stand and sit *properly*. Pulling my dress forward as I fell down to my knees and then bustling the fabric back to pool around me as I returned to posture.
She petted me gently and proudly shimmered for her Lady. It was always good to see her emboldened by pride and performance.
The party was happening around me but I focused only on Miss. Eyes on her as she softly glowed. Miss had a very quick moment with her Lady that is not mine to share. Afterwards Miss took from my wrist and I let out whimpering mewls of yearning need. Once done I affectionately nuzzled and tranced myself out. That trigger still worked, even while I was in thrall space.
There were many demonstrations and the other people at the party did their thing. I remained in the corner, focused on looking the part, in being a Good Girl.
Daja stood across the room and she beckoned a summoning and I obeyed. This time, by instruction, I fell to my knees and stared up longingly, captured and helpless. She asked for my wrist and I offered it.
I truly hope everyone in the room was as awed and proud of Miss as I was in that moment. I was enamored.
I had a brief and important conversation with Panda. That was a good night for the two of us and I am grateful to it for being so communicative. I forget a lot of the details and am editing the public version to not mention the party beyond my interaction with it. I know Dawn was inspired to make a quick appearance and she was being a world class brat.
“May I please have some tissue from the restroom?” I asked the party’s host.
“You may”
I maneuvered my finger to Daja’s forehead and the blue flame of Perfect Obedience swallowed her mind and I made a simple command. “Bring me some tissue from the restroom.”
Oh how I smirked in triumph. For certain my most boastful moment of raw power abuse.
But once Daja returned, Dawn attempted to return things back to normal. Daja’s conditioning had already made it so that I would always feel myself naturally sliding back into Thrall Space. It was understood that I may need to perform some of my own Fae charm during the party but I was, by both negotiation and desire, tied and compelled to be Sweetling.
It’s important to me that my facets are never forcibly shifted. My ex had a “Stop That” trigger which forced Cammie to go away and I promised myself I would never let that happen again. Daja had her own baggage regarding trying to compel headspaces.
So I feel deep shame that in Top Space I attempted to draw Daja back to her Dominant Space. That was a Mistake. Her head shook and I realized my mistake and backed off with apologies. She found it for herself and in turn I slid back into my role of being a thrall and kept remaining on the corner of the scene. Quiet and poised and perfect.
Miss was glowing and I found it increasingly difficult to stop myself from nuzzling and accidentally trancing myself over and over, but I was just captivated. Miss was commanding enough to dominate me; my will was gone, I could not resist.
Conversation happened and VtM talk ensued. It was a lovely lull and I enjoyed the casual nature of it all.
Alas… something caused a Drop.
Between having been riding Dominant Space for hours and some external stresses, Daja needed to call it a night and I went with her to take as good care of her as I was able.
It was the final night of the event. I held her and she held me. We rid the energy out of everything that had happened and had some frank discussions. Grounded one another and offered all we had.
The night, sadly, faded away and it was soon midnight. The con was officially over. All that was left to do was return to the room and sleep…
Saying goodbye is always so hard.
And that's all I have to share in public. My private journal goes over more and the Monday events, but this is as much as I'm posting.
Thank you all for reading.
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So, I am aroace but I write both romance and attempt smut currently. I understand most sex stuff but I have never figured out why people like kissing. All advice I have found is something along the lines of 'write about what you like when kissing' but well. doesn't apply to me.
Ooooh you came to the right place! I myself am aro but poly and extremely sexual and hell you see my body of work in regards to writing! So allow me to help you out and try to explain the appeal of kissing. 
Now a lot of what you think people enjoy about sex is applicable to kissing, it’s a way to show affection, it’s intimate and the biggest and most important one, it feels good. That drives so much of what we as people do, especially physically, if it feels good, we as people crave more of it. The act of it can elevate just so much too, you know? It makes sex better for sure but kissing on its own, just for the sake of it is wonderful, and there are a million ways to do it.
Kissing someone hello in greeting, whether luxuriated in and lingered on or a quick moment is a great way to communicate a level of closeness and a way to make someone feel how much you missed them. Sleepy kisses shared when waking up or going to bed, ones that happen in apology, ones that happen when something good happens you wish to celebrate, ones that happen just because. A kiss goodbye to be shared at the end of time spent with someone in hopes of telling them that you wish you didn’t have to go, that it didn’t have to end, that you can leave them with at least the feeling of their lips against yours, the sensation clinging even after you’ve departed to help ease the ache of separation.
And speaking of ache, let’s talk about aching, how a good kiss can make you feel an almost painful want for more. Even the moment leading up to a kiss can be huge, hold so much promise, a lot of people call it the drum roll, that moment of leaning in and your lips are almost touching but not quite can be nearly as good as the kiss itself, the anticipation palpable, the feelings already building, the tension so fucking present. 
Then it happens, the gap is closed, no more distance left and lips meet and then it all comes to ahead. At first it can be so tentative, barely brushing, hardly pressing together and then movement comes into play, which increases the feeling it can give, which in my experience is so varied. It can provide warmth, tingles that can run through my arms and up my spine, an undeniably pleasant kind of chill, a want to make me press my thighs together, that same aching I mentioned, longing, desire, arousal. It gives me feelings of wanting to be closer, to pour emotion into it, and imbuing feeling to try and get across whatever I feel for the other person simply with physicality as opposed to words.  
Parting of lips to let yours rest below or between the other persons, teeth can nip and tongues can enter the equation and every little move, every small act, all can bring different feelings into play. Kissing is just another one of many ways to express care, love, and a million more things to another person. I love how it can get so hungry, how it can show so easily how much someone really wants you, how you can find a good rhythm and groove and just really sink into it. Taste also plays a factor, there is wanting to know how someone tastes and then getting to discover that for yourself, satisfying that curiosity is huge for me personally.
When writing kissing imagine what the kiss is trying to say, what one or both people are thinking, feeling, are they nervous, aroused, elated? Where is the kiss happening, what are the other points of contact, who initiated the kiss, there are a lot of factors you can play with or focus on. If you are worried about how to write the actual act of it, no shame in watching it in movies or tv shows and then using that for a framework on how to write the physical act of it, how people move or little tricks they employ. 
I hope this helps you out Anon!
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