#i litterally do not inderstand a word o just read
sadsoftserve Β· 5 months
barges in as a fellow Transformers fan after liking half your content Aight, just hear me out. EE OC crossover AU where the Ashling family are Cybertronians. (If you have any questions as to how they reproduce w/o the use of the Wells as per usual, we can just go with them using budding, but communally as so to avoid their offspring getting less sapient as the generations go on. Or we can figure something out later, lol) Moving on, the Ashlings were among the last to leave Cybertron as the Great War was breaking out. Getting aboard one of the last 4 Ark-class cruisers (which also have aliens from Iacon's Xeno-Quarter (Space in, well, Iacon for organic immigrants to live in, as most of Cybertron isn't suited for them)), they were headed for Aquatron to wait out the Great War At least, that was the plan. Unfortunately, some tampering via Decepticon saboteurs malfunctions from hastily retrofitted technology (the Arks having been mothballed for a long while) screwed up the coordinates & sent them to the EE world's solar system, a couple decades before Canon. They've got the supplies to set up camp, but not their FTL has been damaged & they can't fix those w/o getting help from Earth. The one coordinating the evacuation in the first place, Dai Atlas (renowned war hero & all-round good guy, but dealing with PTSD from it all & has strong personal convictions) is, along with the Autobots who were tasked with seeing these refugees to safety, has struck deals of sharing non-military technology in exchange for resources to fix the ships. Cue Canon going completely off the rails, Sylvie & Sabrina make new squishy friends, all while the shadow of the Autobot-Decepticon War loom over everyone's heads. (Made this at 11 p.m. , so sorry if it's of bad quality.)
Hey uhhh @demonitizedstuff can you dumb this down in a way I can understand?
Look, this sounds like a great idea. But the only piece of transformers content I've consumed is Rescue Bots. This hit me like a sack of bricks. And I'm only slightly familiar with the franchise as a whole.
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