#i love bridgette so much
688199 · 1 year
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i will, don’t test me thomas doodooballs. my hatred for you triumphs everything 🔥🔥🔥 once i familiarise myself with mlb (🤮) i will maybe write a test script for an episode.
thomas and his writing team is proof that just because you have a job in something doesn’t mean you’re good at it.
huge rant and ramble:
as an avid enjoyer of story telling, i strongly despise everyone behind the writing of mlb.
firstly, marinette is supposed to have bad luck through her ditziness. i watched a few episodes, and her “bad luck” seems to just be with anything regarding adrien? it’s actually just more of her being obsessive and leading to stupid mistakes. on the other hand, bridgette obviously has bad luck. getting drenched, burning her tongue, yet she smiles through it. THIS IS POTENTIAL FOR BRIDGETTE’S CHARACTER. marinette’s character has never been properly explained. why is she this way? why is she different as ladybug? (honestly is she even different? kinda, but it’s not obvious) we sure do know why adrien is more carefree as chat noir. but not marinette. on the other hand, the set up for bridgette’s character can lead to so many plot possibilities. why is she so optimistic? is it because it’s what is expected of her? is she purposefully dense? when she gets drenched by the car, she pauses for a short while looking solemn, then smiles. but that smile looks pained almost. like she’s sick of acting that way. (yes i know i’m looking too much into a pv but that’s the point. i’m saying why the pv has potential.) therefore, as ladybug, she can be herself. someone who does whatever she wants, going ahead without thought, being the person she cannot be. anyways, why the hell is marinette even in love with adrien anyways. he just gave her a god damn umbrella or smth idk. i believe my baby bridgette loves felix because she truly sees his soft side. it may be cliche but it sure is a better reason than an umbrella.
secondly, felix. thomas and his team said he was too much like a cliche male anime protagonist, and adrien would let them tell more interesting stories. i mean sure, but it’s most ironic how they even FAILED AT THAT. i rather a cliche male anime protagonist than bitch boy adrien who is as bland as cardboard. felix being cold to those around him is very reasonable because as a model, he’s used to people only liking him for looks and his money. he thinks that bridgette only likes him for those reasons, so he pushes her away. but as chat noir, felix, like bridgette, is able to be someone he truly feels. unrestrained by societal pressures. EVEN THOUGH THEY ARE BOTH POLAR OPPOSITES, ONE BEING COLD WHILE THE OTHER IS TOO WARM, THEY SUFFER FROM THE SAME ISSUES DEEP DOWN. AS HEROES THEY ARE THEMSELVES. ISNT THIS COOL????? ISNT THIS A GOOD STORYTELLING POINT?????????? then even though he needs to kiss ladybug to break the curse, he soon falls in love with her because he admires her boldness, which is something he lacks when he’s himself. he doesn’t have the courage to stand up against his father. i think mlb chat noir likes ladybug for similar reasons but i don’t remember it being connected like that. (never watched the entire 100+ episodes, only bits and pieces, and read up other stuff so might be wrong.)
i believe his team is just straight lazy. they watered down the relationships and characters to the point that dynamic contrast is just not as powerful as before. in early preproduction art, the concept shown is supposed to revolve heavily around the idea of opposites. marinette is now just an obsessive stalker and adrien takes it. chat noir flirts with ladybug and she takes it. where’s the rejection from the opposite party??? where’s the oomph?? where’s the spice???
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i do enjoy the concept of them letting go of their crushes. but i didn’t like how it was done in the series. it’s as if the writers don’t fucking know the hell they’re going. felix struggles with understanding whether he truly loves bridgette or is it because of the effects of the ring’s curse. does he really want the curse to be gone? while it gives him bad luck, he gets to be himself. what does he truly want? for bridgette, she realises that she is bothering felix too much. wanting the best for him and for her to focus on being ladybug, she learns to leave him in the past for both their good. she also suffers with the weight of being the main heroine. even though she uses her identity as ladybug to be free of expectations and responsibilities, yet it’s coming back to haunt her so she starts to feel stress. while chat noir and bridgette backs away, felix and ladybug realise that they miss the other’s company since the other was always there for them when they needed it the most. the way this was written in mlb was awfully horrible.
look at what i can do thomas astruc, look at the potential. “their chemistry sucks it’ll never work” SUCK MY BALLS WHAT BULLSHIT IS THAT.
anyways, other than the obvious reason as to why the animation is a lot more visually striking and can express more things the cgi can’t (dynamic movement, special effects, etc) (funny enough, the people behind mlb said the cgi made the show more dynamic???), this is why the pv has much more potential and i will never stop believing that.
(also why didn’t the cgi ever put in effort to make ladybug and chat noir look different than their normal selves. it’s the biggest fucking plot hole that never attempts to change. even the pv tries to make bridgette’s hair change.) (sorry for low quality but see, her hair is more messy too.)
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thomas astruc and zag you’re just lazy money grabbing bastards 🗣️ i stand by that. if you’re truly passionate about what you want to do (which i believe you guys were until you weren’t), you wouldn’t have sacrificed quality for money.
“the concept of the original show dealt with political themes geared towards teens and young adults but it failed to gain traction with networks so it retooled for a younger audience.” other than the team failing to realise that “cliche” doesn’t automatically mean bad, the other huge fault is that they think children are stupid and can’t handle heavier themes. look at bluey, look at all the series out there with a relatively large children audience which also deal with such stuff. it’s not impossible, it just needs exceptional writing skills. but what can i expect from a team like that.
sorry not sorry, i’m pretty mad. i have a lot of other complaints but i already spent 2h writing this. down with thomas astruc!!!!! all hail ladybug pv!!!!!!
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l1linya · 6 months
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Happy Holidays everyone!!!
I started out my early mlb artworks with some Christmas art of PV!ladybug and chat noir so I just thought it was fitting to do another one this year (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠). I have been in hiatus due to covid and schoolwork but I'm slowly getting back into things.
Thank you so so much everyone for supporting me this whole time. Lets hope for another good year and Happy Holidays everyone!! (⁠。⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠。⁠)⁠ノ⁠♡
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robstarsupremacy · 20 days
bridgette appreciation post
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cloudwasdead · 2 months
Hey- hey guys lindsgette
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I love them they are everything to me I will tuck them into bed and gi e them forehead kisses for a goodnight sleep
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wheredidalltheusersgo · 6 months
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totally-trans-island · 8 months
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A Few (mostly Jess centered) Doodles!
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Tw: blood, hinted cannibalism
I hated the cannibalistic art I made of DJ recently so I re drew it just so I could hate it less.
Design is inspired by @total-drama-got-me-quaking
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saturnzirl · 2 months
bridgette x leshawna.... save me..... yuri wins
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nekogaaaaaaa · 2 years
Thinking about relationship between PV Felix and Bridgette will going to be like Ataru and Lum-
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adrienjay · 9 months
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the sillies
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peachcitt · 2 years
Bridgette calling adrien boss man made me think of another fic and then i was like wait a fucking second am i thinking of bone tea and turns out i was so basically what im saying is i love your bridgette shes spectacular
this is so funny to me because i did not even intend to make her that similar to how i characterized her in bt😭😭 office bridgette just comes out of me fully formed i guess
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duncneytales · 2 years
The world needs more Geoff x Bridgette fanfics. I know after TDA they were done so dirty, but they are still adorable (and endgame). We need a centric gidgette fanfic!!!! they are just so cute and I love them
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thimbleb3rries · 6 months
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I drew Bridgette/concept Marinette(???) from the PV! :D
just kinda getting the hang of her design. Her hair is SO fun to draw!!! I love the expressiveness of her hair so much. PV Ladybug was also fun to doodle, love the super long ribbons
I plan on drawing PV Felix/Chat Noir as well!! (I love him so much arrgghhh!!!)
I absolutely adore any and all PV content, regardless of whether or not it's considered it's own separate universe with separate characters or if it's just the concepts of the current show we have now. Me personally, I love the idea that it's its own separate little thing
I absolutely LOVE seeing au's where the PV characters merge into the Show stuff and I absolutely love Felix and Bridgette (oh! And the quantic kids[???] as well!) as their own characters. It's very yummy and there's lots of good lore to work with. But also, since the PV isn't entirely its own fully fleshed out universe there's a lot of room for creativity with personalities and plot elements and AU's n stuff! I love how the part of the miraculous fandom still clings on to PV stuff (sometimes even separately from show fans!) and all the amazing fan-works that have come out of that have been endlessly impressive.
[some close ups!]
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finnylemon · 2 months
Hiiii have my massive passion project of an AU ,, I had yet to see the concept of two brothers trapped together, so that's what initially sparked the idea for this! This sets up for tons of emotional scenes so enjoy my inconsistent dumps on this AU 🤣 I have spent WAY too much time writing this thing. You can find the fic on Ao3 under "FinnyLemon" in the search bar :3 "Alone Together - Floyd and Branch Trapped AU"
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Synopsis; After a long and monotonous uninterrupted wedding of King Gristle and newly appointed Queen Bridgette, the royal Queen Poppy and her partner Branch finally get to spend a night together. Having been so preoccupied with all the new tasks associated with the expansion of the Trolls kingdom, the couple is exhausted and overwhelmed. However, Branch now newly inspired by the passionate show of love from earlier that day, decides to pop the theoretical question to Poppy. Before he can get the chance, the couple runs into a familiar face Branch had long since forgotten, resurfacing old wounds. Rekindled fires tend to bring smoke, alerting nearby predators.
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And these are their designs!! I wanted to keep Branch more gremlin and scrawny, being the smallest of the brothers. Because of his size (and prior incidents of turning grey) the diamond atomizer affects him much more aggressively then it does Floyd.
Floyd in turn has been through hell and back, but clearly none of that is about to stop anytime soon.
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AHHH. Have my brainrot MMMMM
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silly-writes · 10 months
What if reader was an old childhood friend of some of the competitors (ie Courtney, gwen, bridgette, Heather, duncan, Izzy, cody, etc) with said character(s) having strong feelings for before reader moved away just to come back into their life during one season with reader initially unaware of these returning feelings in said camper.
Bonus: What if reader/camper did get together in that one season, only for next season to have a love triangle form involving another character. The camper is aware of said triangle forming though reader might be oblivious due to now having eyes only for first camper. What'd this be like for different people?
Compretitors with returning feelings for childhood best friend reader!
u guys r really feeding me with these prompts I can't even lie this one was a little tricky with all these moving parts! Sorry if some of these are a little angsty and don't really have happy (per say) conclusions, but I'm just doing what I think best fits the character! I only write pure fluff if that what im given. I hope you enjoy anyways anon!
Courtney is beyond stricken when she sees you.
What are the odds you both would have signed up for the same shitty reality tv show?
Well, high as Courtney would tell you. You always were very similar even back when you were inseparable as children.
You knew Courtney was always very fond of you before you moved away, so the reunion is very sweet, and heartfelt.
The two of you attempt to spend a lot of time catching up on what you missed out on after you had moved, but on the show there isn't much time for it.
Courtney can't help but think about how absolutely heartbroken she was when you moved away.
I would think with Courtney's determined attitude (plus based on what she says to Gwen during their friendship) she has made too many friends.
So when you moved away, especially since she was little, it sort of felt like the end of the world to her.
I imagine you being around is wildly distracting for her. Despite her returning romantic feelings.
You were the only person who ever had that type of close vulnerable relationship with her, she would do anything to please you, receive attention from you, or keep you in the game.
All of it leads to some very undesirable slip ups from her, which with you is how I imagine she goes home on the island.
She watched you as she got pulled away, she's not going to leave it unsaid this time, she remembers what that feels like, she remembers how isolating and awful it feels.
"I'm going to miss you ______!" She called out to you from the end of the doc of shame.
You waved wildly "I'm going to win this for you Courtney!" You call back.
"No- I mean! I'm going to miss you because I'm in love with you!"
You stand there stunned as she boards the boat and calls out one final thing "You had bet your butt you'll win this for me! I just confessed my love to you on live television!"
You try to call back that you feel the same, but Chris does what Chris does best and gets in the way of a good time. Even if the boat hadn't driven her off before you got the chance to confess back, the motor is loud enough to where she probably couldn't hear you anyways.
By action, you two have fully discussed your feelings, and how everything should go now that you're into each other but still competitors.
You both agree that your first real official date should be after the show is over, so while things aren't technically official by next season, you two are undoubtedly interested in each other and therefore not getting involved with anyone else.
You stick true to that, but Courtney can see Duncan keeps looking at you, and she's not stupid, she would know that punks gazes in and out.
She doesn't bring it up to you, she knows you're generally very dense about those kinds of things.
But eventually, she can't take it anymore and her jealousy starts driving her mad.
She declares that you two are official, and that you very much are dating, which causes some tension between the two of you during action since you both agreed it just wasn't a good idea.
After some fighting, fighting, and more fighting eventually it's you this time taking the walk of shame to the lame-ousine.
Courtney fights her way to you.
"I'm sorry, I didn't expect it to play out this way!" She says sorrowfully.
But you did, you know just how Courtney is, you know how she gets, and while you didn't fully understand why she did what she did you could've guessed that some kind of fight was inevitable. Plus you know how she gets during competitions.
"Hey don't sweat it," you smile "now that I'm not technically on the show, I don't have as much of a problem doing this-" you say and bring her in for a short and sweet kiss.
After years of waiting for this moment, Coutney can't help but freeze up.
You pull away, and head towards the lame-ousine as she calls "I'll win this for you!"
"You had better win this for me! I just kissed you on live television!" You say smiling as you duck into the back seat.
Gwen feels nothing but nervous when reuniting with you.
She was happy to see you sure, but her anxiety held her back in how she displayed that happiness.
She's mainly worried that too much time has passed since the two of you knew each other, and that the two of you won't have anything to talk about anymore.
Eventually the two of you slump back together and things go back to the way that they were before you had moved away.
Another reason she was desperately trying to avoid you at first is because of the huge massive crush she used to have on you.
And dang it of course you had to get cuter as you got older!
Just as she realizes that those feelings for you are slipping out of hiding, is also when she realizes that it's already too late.
Once again the two of you are glued at the hip, just like how it used to be.
You, being who you are and were, are wildly oblivious to these feelings because of course you are.
Gwen isn't one to wear her heart on her sleeve, and even though you two are close she is less so with you, she's been burned before, she's not letting that happen again.
The two of you are sitting next to each other at the talent show when it happens.
Heather goes up on stage and says "Originally I was going to dance for you, but instead I want to celebrate team spirit with a collaboration" She holds up a dark notebook with an evil look plastered on her face.
Gwen seems to recognize it and instantly freezes up "Gwen? Are you okay?" You asked, knowing immediately something was off.
"She wouldn't," she says, and then braces herself.
"So with words by Gwen, performance by me, enjoy."
She cleared her throat before beginning "Okay so I've been trying to ignore them. But they're just so cute! I know it's been forever since we've seen each other and in that time they have gotten so hot! Out of all my childhood friends, of course it had to be them."
Gwen dashes away from the bleachers, and Heather seems satisfied.
Of course you run after Gwen to comfort her.
She lamented on and on about how you must think she's such a creep now, and was acting like a total school girl, still writing in a diary.
But of course you didn't feel like that at all, this was Gwen you were talking about here. The cool, collected, funny quiet girl, and you were obsessed with her.
You two start getting a little more romantic after that, and Heather seeing her plan to drive a wedge between the two of you did not work realizes she has to get her hands messy and plays a little bit more of a direct role in getting you eliminated.
It's a sorrowful goodbye until you see her again in action.
Reuniting with Bridgette is nothing but vibes.
She's beyond stoked to see you again, and even more stoked to ride the wave with you again.
I imagine the two of you met at the beach, and it was love at first sight for her.
You two click all over again like no time has gone past, and she fills you in on every little thing you've missed.
Things are super cut and dry with Bridgette, no mess, nothing but chillness.
She makes her feelings pretty clear, with some hints and stuff.
She learned her lesson the first time, letting you leave without having ever told you how she really felt hurt in ways she wasn't ready to feel again.
But if you don't pick up on it she'll just flat out tell you.
"I'm not doing this cause you're my team mate, I'm doing it cause I like you. You dork."
"I like you too Bridge, you know that."
"Not like that-!" She exclaimed, splashing you playfully, rocking the canoe as she did "-like like like you."
You stare at her in disbelief for a moment.
"what?!" you exclaim.
"Do you not feel the same?" She frowned.
"No I do... I just wasn't expecting-" she cuts you off tackling you rocking the whole boat as she does.
The rest is history and you two are pretty much inseparable from that point onward.
Up until World Tour, where Alejandro starts becoming a plane wide problem.
He tries targeting you at first, but youre so in love with Bridgette he can't get any headway.
But Bridgette being stuck on an opposing team leaves her exposed to his manipulation, he lies about you and makes her question her loyalty.
After she gets stuck to a pole, you find her, but when she explains what happened you just feel so hurt and betrayed that you leave her in the dust (or well, snow).
After a world tour it takes a lot of apologizing and healing to get over what happened between the two of you but you're both determined to make it work so you both put your strongest foot forward and work at it.
Heather is absolutely stunned when she sees you.
You greet her excitedly when she hits you with a "hello? Earth to nerd, I don't know you!"
That's enough to keep you away from her for a while.
She 100% is only pretending not to know who you are, but what choice did she have? She couldn't risk her feelings for you returning and ruining her chances at winning.
Close tender friendships like you used to have were bad for her image now, she had an impression to keep in this competition and she'd be dead in the ground before she let you or anyone else come in the way of that.
Her tenderness for you starts to show through and through though, you know her like the back of your hand, still, even after all these years.
You'd recognize those glances anywhere, and you knew it meant more than just being a strong team mate when she would point out all the ways in which you did well in the challenges. She was trying to keep you in the game.
The two of you never have any heart to hearts, nothing like that anyways.
She never reveals that she does remember you, not even as you watch her fade into the horizon on the boat of losers.
World tour she's more determined than ever, you've never seen her so deranged to win.
I'd imagine the love triangle would have more to do with her and Alejandro then you and anyone else.
She becomes torn between the two of you, and the inherit struggle in trying to pick over someone who actually matched her wit, and her childhood best friend and longest crush.
She makes her decision when she inevitably votes you out.
"Heather... you voted for me?" You asked, heart breaking, eyes already feeling wet.
She scoffs, "Don't take it so personally."
You sniffle a little bit, and then shake your head "I should've known better than to fall for your two faced snake self twice." You spit.
And with that you're gone.
She's not stupid, she's not forgetful either, and you knew that she knew just what "twice" really meant.
But she'd dug her grave now, she would just have to hope it could hold a million bucks.
The meeting with him is very awkward I'd imagine.
He'd likely pretend not to know you until he can get a moment alone with you.
I would imagine he's largely embarrassed of your relationship due to the fact that he met you before his Juvie days, and you were one of the only people who had known him before he became nothing more than a delinquent.
So yeah, he's hell bent on making sure people don't find out about you two knowing each other.
But we all know deep down Duncan is a totally sweetie, even if it is deep, deep, deep down. His affection for you is bound to show one way or another.
Ever the observant one I'm sure it was Courtney who noticed first, marveling at how strange it was that you two of all people had romantic feelings for each other.
She urged the two of you together, subtly, attempting to be your sort of wingman, unbeknownst to even you.
Eventually Duncan works towards getting her voted out because of this, he's so obsessed with keeping his bad boy persona he'd do just about anything in this competition to keep it up. Even risk losing a million big ones.
You knew something was fishy about Courtney getting voted, but you couldn't put your finger on what. At least not until you heard him in the confessionals.
"I had to get that Courtney chick voted out, she was getting too close. I hate people who get to close,"
"Duncan!" you exclaim.
You can hear him mutter curses from the outhouse.
"Forget it! You know I can't believe I was actually starting to like you again!"
After that it's a nonstop battle for Duncan to win back your affections.
I would imagine the love triangle would consist of you, Duncan, and of course, Courtney.
She would start falling for you based on the way you shamelessly defended her despite your feelings for Duncan.
Only problem for you was those feelings hadn't exactly gone away since last season, and you were still very much into him.
You three fight a lot, and are the reason all three of you end up going home.
Which leaves nothing but time to work out your messy feelings for Duncan, and his for you.
But maybe time is really all the two of you need.
Izzy is a bit of a wild card (obviously).
I feel like reuniting with her is just super duper chaotic, and very overwhelming at first.
She wants to fill you in on every little detail in her life within the same second she sees you again.
But you remember how to rein her in, she really hasn't changed much from the chaotic messy kid she was. (save for being a criminal now (whoops!)).
You being in the challenge with her would keep her much more rallied and motivated towards an understandable goal.
She can feel those intimate feelings creeping back, but she isn't shy with it.
I imagine she probably would've confessed to you once before, when you first moved, only neither of you wanted to try out long distance and thought it might only ruin what a good friendship you had. So through your move you decided to just stay friends.
You don't get long to sit and wonder about if those feelings still linger for her as they do for you when she abruptly asks
"So hey, are you interested in dating during the competition?" she asked, sitting beside you, anything but shy.
Izzy was nothing if not explorative, she collected new experiences like pokemon cards, and she wanted to live fully every part of life.
"It might be a little bit messy. But I think maybe it could work, if all that was keeping you was distance the first time... well... I'm here now."
She stares at you with an expectant kind of rare almost nervous look, and though the confession is anything but picturesque, with her, it's perfect.
I think the love triangle would come in with her next season with maybe Alejandro falling for you.
Hard to say whether his attempts at flirting are due to advancing in the game, or genuine attraction. Either way you have trouble picking up on it, especially when things are going so well with Izzy.
I wouldn't say Izzy isn't a jealous person, I just think she could fall either way, depending on the person, depending on the day, the humidity in the air, basically on nothing at all. She's nothing if not erratic.
With Alejandro, she might be inclined to threaten him with her license to kill depending on her mood, and depending on what he tries to pull with you.
The reunion with Cody is one that is very heartfelt, and he instantly lights up upon seeing you.
You can see that he's fairly committed to his "too cool for school" schtick, so having any genuine connection with him might be a little tricky.
He's one person I feel like would have definitely tried to keep in contact with, it wasn't anything like every day phone calls, but the two of you had definitely spent at least some time sending letters back and forth.
So when you too meet there isn't a lot of catching up to do, only some.
He's overall very excited to see you back, and you know him enough to know that, even if he's refusing to show it.
You can feel those creeping feelings sneak up on you until the hit you smack in the face during one of the challenges.
"Cody!" you exclaimed during one of the challenges as he hit the ground hard.
"I'm fine," he lied, his voice strangled, the wind having been knocked out of him wholly.
You helped him up, and picked up a piece of paper that had tumbled out of his pocket and went bouncing a few feet.
At first you mistake it for trash, but with the way that even injured and put out Cody grabs for it, you figure it must be something good.
You were due for a little bit of teasing when you decided to open it, only to realize that it was a letter from you.
It's an old one, a really old one, perhaps even the first one you'd ever sent.
"Uhhh... how'd that get in there!?" He exclaims, swiping it out of your hands which are too stunned to fight against it.
Realization dawns on you just as quickly, there is only one reason he'd would've kept that with him after all those years.
"Oh my god Cody, you like me!"
The rest is history, and you two start dating among the challenges.
The conflict would come with Sierra I would think, who's hell bent on breaking you two apart.
All of her attempts fall flat unfortunately for her, and you two stand as one of the more healthy and strong relationships within the show.
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f1bordeaux · 12 days
The String That Binds Us. (Chapter 1) | ln4, cl16
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You fell in love with this sport all because of him. It would be selfish not to thank that boy for his help in getting you here today, even if you both ended on rocky terms. However, after finding yourself in the same paddock as your childhood bestfriend, your mentor, your first true love, and the boy who left you for the bigger picture, you realize that he wants nothing to do with you. So, as fate has it, perhaps you'll end up in the arms of someone else. Or maybe, just maybe, that string that has been tied to the two of you since birth will pull you back into eachothers lives. Warnings : none Pairings : Lando Norris x reader, Charles Leclerc x reader Word Count : 1923 Poetry style | Story style A/n: here, my lovelies, is chapter one. Not proofread srry lolsies. Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2
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one; y/n. 
There was something about it, something in the early morning rays reflecting off the cherry-red paint that just wiped away all exhaustion previously held in your bones. You were wide awake as you stared at the cars being rolled off the truck and into the garage. It was only five am but the sun had already crept over the horizon well enough to illuminate the sight in front of you. Golds and reds, blacks and yellows all mixed into a work of art nobody else could recreate. This is what you were here for. This is what you were living for.
“Gorgeous, innit’?”
You turned to your left, face to face with two others donning the same uniform as you. The woman who had spoken seemed a bit older than you, but now way had she yet reached her thirties. A man was accompanying her, although his eyes rested not on you, but on the tyres now being rolled out of the truck. He seemed close to her age, his deep-tanned skin a high contrast to hers.
You smiled at her before looking down at your lanyard. It was still so hard to process being here, on a Thursday morning in Bahrain, waiting for the weekend that was about to ensue. You were one of them now. You were an insider, a person that got to see everything on a deeper level. People dreamed of getting here, people worked their whole lives in hopes of getting here and yet here you were, 23 years old and face-to-face with Carlos Sainz’s car. It looked so much better in-person.
“It really is.” You sighed, looking back up. The truck was empty now, they were beginning to close the back door. “I still can't believe I’m here.”
The blonde lady leaned forward, trying to catch a glimpse of your badge. “Y/n y/ln? You're new, huh?”
You turned to meet her eyes, a large smile on your face. “Yes, I just graduated University.”
“What an amazing first job to have then.” She smiled back. The man beside her now looked at you as he adjusted the ballcap on his head. “I'm Bridgette, but everyone in the garage just calls me Bridge.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” You extended out a hand which she gratefully accepted.
“This is Lorenzo.” Bridgette nodded to the man who offered a toothless smile and his hand. “Enough standing around, we’ve got work to do. Walk with us.”
So you did. The garage wasn’t too far away, just around the corner, but Bridgette loved to talk; that you quickly found out. “Where are you from?” Was her first question.
“I hear it’s nice. They’ve got that beautiful river running through it, no?” She asked, looking straight ahead. You just nodded, unsure if she saw your response, but when she kept going you assumed she had. “I’m from Perth. Nothin’ quite like Australia, I must say.” “Isn’t Lando from Bristol?” Lorenzo added. His accent was thick as he spoke.
You nodded again, this time opting to expand on the question. “He is, yeah. We actually grew up together.”
Bridgette turned her head to look at you. “No way! Why didn’t your mate get you a job over at Mclaren?”
A blush coated your cheeks. You didn’t know where it came from, maybe embarrassment, maybe fear, hell, maybe even sadness. Lando wouldn’t have put in a good word for you, not today. Perhaps seven years ago when the two of you were teenagers and on a completely different page, but not now.
“We don't talk like we used to. He was gone a lot but he moved away for good when he was seventeen. He never really looked back, either.” You sighed. An odd sense of pity hung over the three of you. In an attempt to lighten the mood you clapped your hands together and smiled at the two engineers next to you. “But he got me into cars and engineering! So, I owe him a thanks for that.”
Bridgette nodded and pressed her lips into a thin line. “There ya’ go.”
The next few moments were rushed. The three of you entered the garage where people worked on putting everything into place. You were introduced to management and owners, mechanics and bosses. Tyres were being placed on racks, tarps were being placed over backup cars, tool boxes were being passed around. It was thrilling, even if you were just standing on the sidelines watching as it all happened. Soon, however, someone called your name. You were sure it was Bridgette or Lorenzo, but it was someone else. Alessandro, Charles' chief mechanic, was heading straight for you, clipboard in hand.
“Have you been assigned a team yet?”
“No, sir.”
He smiled. “Call me Alessandro. No need for formalities. But anyways,” He looked down at the clipboard then back up at you. “Our front jack guy broke his wrist and I need someone to replace him. Care to run some drills?”
You couldn’t stop the smile that spread across your lips. “I would be honored.”
“Awesome.” He nodded over his shoulder. “Let's go get you a suit and helmet, then.”
“I’d be surprised if you didn’t get the spot.” Bridgette sipped her coffee. “You absolutely crushed it.”
You blushed, rolling your finger around the rim of your cup. The Ferrari motorhome was gorgeous with its meeting rooms and rooftop balcony, with its relaxation spots and cafe. It really put into perspective where you were and who you were working for.
“Thank you,” You said quietly.
The day had gone by rather quickly. The sun was already setting over the desert and exhaustion clung to your body just as tightly as the uniform you wore. You’d spent hours running drills, practicing the most simple yet vital job-jacking the car up. You did it over and over again, improving with every run. After that you were tasked with doing inventory. Sure, it was a small task, one that didn’t require you to get hands on with the car, but it was still important. You wandered the garage counting tyres, drills, wrenches, going through tool bags and drawers. It helped you get situated in the space, to learn the layout and whereabouts of everything. Once you had finished that, you were offered to help wash Charles’ back up car. You gladly obliged, happy to be finally touching the car at least. You washed the tyres, the halo, the rear wing and a bit of the body before standing back to revel in the beauty of the car. It seemed to shine, even in the dim garage lighting. You felt so fulfilled, so privileged, so at home.
“Alessandro likes to give everyone a shot, he doesn’t discriminate.” Bridgette continued. “Today might have been your lucky break.”
“I’d be happy even being a back-up jack, honestly. Just wearing the fire suit and helmet makes me feel all,” you paused looking for the right word to describe it. “Giddy.”
“Well,” Lorenzo began, setting his phone face down on the table. “He needs to pick tonight so we can have that person participate in tomorrow's practice. You should know if you got it first thing tomorrow morning.”
“Guess I’ll be tossing and turning all night, then.” You joked.
A small laugh cluttered the table. It was getting late, the track becoming more and more empty with each passing moment. The motorhome was silent, save for the three of you lingering around. “We should go grab the last shuttle to the hotel,” Bridgette stood, taking one last swig from her cup before tossing it into a bin. “Are the two of you coming?”
Lorenzo stood up, as did you. “I left my bag in the lockers. I can wait for the next one if you both would like to go.”
“It’s ok,” he said. “We can wait for you at the front gate.”
“Alright, then. I’ll be quick.”
You jogged through the paddock, grateful that the heat had subsided. Lights poured out of each garage, illuminating pit lane in a way the sun hadn't. The sun, harsh and bright, brought a form of intimidation onto the pavement. The lights however, soft and orange, seemed to bring peace. It was a gentle reminder that at the end of the day, everything would be alright.
You dodged into the Ferrari garage, running to the back lockers to retrieve your backpack. Although your head was almost completely submerged in the metal box, you could hear faint-chatter? You leaned back, wondering if Bridgette and Lorenzo had come to find you. No, it didn’t sound like them. The voice sounded much more familiar. It was like listening to one of your favorite songs after a long while.
Lando paused at the entrance of the garage. His phone was pressed into his ear. He stared at you, eyes squinted and eyebrows furrowed. Did he know it was you? Could he see you? Did he even remember what you looked like?
You swung your bag over your shoulders and closed the locker. As you approached, Lando lifted his brows, erasing the confused look on his face. He surely could see you now.
“Hey, I gotta call you back.” He sighed. “Yeah, everything is good. See you tomorrow.”
A few feet separated you and him. You debated on starting conversation, on asking how he’s been. But you decide just to nod and walk past him. That is your plan until he stops you.
You pressed your lips together in a flat smile. “Hey, Lando.”
He looked you up and down. You were uncertain if he found your Ferrari uniform insulting or fitting. What if you were wearing papaya? What if you were sporting  orange instead of red? Would he be looking at you in the same way?
“So you really did make it, huh?” Lando crossed his arms over his chest, smirking as you avoided eye contact.
“I suppose so.”
“Have they assigned you a driver?”
You looked up for the first time since your conversation began. A bit of pride swelled in your chest as you said, matter-of-factly, “Yeah, Charles Leclerc.”
He blinked hard, shocked that you landed not only a job with the most infamous F1 team, but on their star drivers car. Maybe you were better than you let on. Maybe it was more luck. But deep down Lando knew how good you were. He was able to experience it first hand as a kid.
“Wow. Most people remain without a designated driver for their first year. They kinda’ just float around doing all the dirty work. At least, that's how it is at Mclaren.”
“Right.” You gripped your backpack straps like a kid. “Good thing I'm not over there, then.”
The two of you fell quiet, only the sound of nearby passing cars and people walking by filled the air. To any bypasser this surely looked sketchy. Lando Norris, Mclarens golden boy, and a new engineer for an opposing team, just staring at one another. How odd.
You broke the silence first saying, “Well I’ve gotta’ go. I have some friends waiting for me to catch the shuttle.”
Lando just nodded, staring at the ground as you walked by. As you passed Carlos’ garage, he called out, “I’ll see you tomorrow, y/n.”
You could barely hear it with the way he spoke so quietly. But you stopped, turning your head and offering a real, genuine smile. “Yeah,” You breathed out.
He smiled back. “Good luck.”
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