#i love the 'theyre scary to everyone else and to you theyre... still scary but in a more playful way'
aka-indulgence · 4 months
I also love a villain who just loves toying with how much he can scare you and you think he's mean and evil to you
Until someone else tries to mess with you and he smashes them through a wall and shouts "DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH THEM" and you realize actually the way he acts around you... is him liking you... a lot. And that's, also a problem,
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musubiki · 3 months
how was playing hsr? was there anything that you liked in the game and the story?
ITS BEEN AMAZING AS EXPECTED!!!!!!!!! i actually havent played genshin in a while since starting it, i have no motivation to do the filler event while a perfectly good star rail is sitting there waiting to be played :')
but for mechanics, i love they have auto battle so you dont have to nessecarily sit there and invest in every little battle you gotta do....and i love that the resin (resin??) system is a lot more forgiving with a higher cap, lower cost, and allow for overflow...thats nice...i also love that the mc and starter units are very useful. im so emotionally attatched to the star rail crew so im glad they never have to leave my team !!!!
storywise im LOVING IT SO FAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i started playing it at the beginning of spring break 2 weeks ago and im almost all caught up!!! i went through belabog and penacony and now im just doing those leftover intermission main quests which im only now realizing i shouldve done before going to penacony LMAO
and of course.....danmarch....im so soft for them......and also i love sampo i cant wait to see what they do with him
#besides the star rail crew and sampo im not too attatched to anyone else#im very much a (what would happen in canon) type of player so the only units i REALLY want are himeko welt and imbibitor lunae#(and sampo)#everyone else i can go without#so this game is probably gonna be a lot better for my wallet#overall it just like it better than genshin minus the open world part#i like the story and characters...i like that you can play as bad guys while theyre still bad guys???? like blade and kafka???#cuz in genshin you always gotta redeem them somehow first before theyre playable#not here hueheuhe#also i love that they actually kill off playable characters#(spoilers from here on out)#i know were supposed to be all sad for fireflys death but honestly.......i didnt care about her too much LMAO#i was actually a little annoyed for the secret base part because her base was SO FUCKING DEEP IN ENEMY TERRITORY#i was like (damn bitch how far away is this shit??!)#that by the time we got to the emotional part i was just mad#i never liked characters where the game tries to like....force you to care about them#and its implied you have some super close relationship ESPECIALLY when you havent known them long#now if march died that would be a whole different story#but firefly??? i mean rip but i didnt really know her#im loving the penacony quest so far though#any setting where its like a place of mind tricks and gambling and spending money and sin is always so scary to me#especially the dream within a dream within a dream shit#the mind fuck aspect is always a good plot that i enjoy#i also love that theyre not afraid to upgrade units#like we have dan heng and the dragon dan heng#so characters arnt stagnent forever#everyday i hope we one day get to see a 5-star secret power march#cuz that girl has some shit going on i swear#i just did her luofu memory quest#and those fuckers in the garden of recollection............
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oldmemoria · 7 months
hate the ultimate guide. heres a few reasons why.
reused art: I understand how hard it is to make art, especially at that calliber of detail. I'm an artist, I get it. but the charm of the original ultimate guide was that we had these hand painted, unique pieces of art of these characters, it showed a little personality too.
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How stale and lifeless the art is: This is a complaint that I've had with the current western artist for years, the art is just... boring. the colors are pretty, yeah, like wow hyperrealistic cats. cool. but what else? can we see their personalities? what's the book gonna be like? the old covers had that charm, but not these ones. at all. (also is that even... i could not tell that was runningnose and littlecloud. i mean. runningnose has water in his snout, thats not what cat snot looks like but go off. he just looks a little soggy ig, not in a perpetual state of sick.)
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Lack of Personality: this is a different complaint I promise. I dont like how the art seems to take away the personality of every character so theyre staring stoicly at the camera. some of these characters arent all that stoic. I never liked the firestar art in the last hope because I deadass thought it was mapleshade until someone told me it was firestar. firestar isnt this scary, stalky cat in the shadows. not to normal people at least. if i can mistake your main character as one of the villains in your cover art that isnt fucking good. I don't want to see these cats staring bug eyed at the camera, I want to be able to tell what they're like JUST from a glance at the art. Who is that- harestar?? why doesnt he look nervous?? he looks almost noble here, which is the opposite of who he's supposed to be, he's a wuss and a loser and i love him for it. like girl that is NOT mudclaw thats some random cat i saw at the shelter once, WHERES HIS ANGER? WHERES HIS FUCKING RAGE??? RISE RISE RISE RISE RISE RI
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the Characters are hard to recognize, even with the title cards: Who are these cats. who. who the fuck are they. I can recognize a few cats, sure, but thats if I can pick out a defining trait. Squirrelflights tail, Scourges Collar, Ravenpaw's white chest, those are things that are explicitly told to us that these characters have, but everyone else??? WHO??? Like that was supposed to be leafstar?? HUH?? Wait that's supposed to be Oakheart? I cant even tell if hes red, its so YELLOW OUT I CANT FUCKING TEL WHO HE IS. Sagewhisker is described with yellow eyes, yet she has blue ones in the ultimate guide (i dont usually get pissy about eye color but not only are these cats supposed to be distinct from each other but i really like sagewhisker and i would die for her, yes i will gatekeep her from the artist fucking fight me), Bluestar is barely recognizable, i didnt know who half of these cats were before i read their nameplate. thats not a good thing.
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Red mapleshade. Why she red. WHY SHE RED.
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Leafpool. I didn't even know that was you at first but man they did you dirty.
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sol. dude that is not sol no matter how much you stretch it- why is he a tabby?? hes supposed to be a tortie, why does he look like lionblaze?? and even then he doesnt look that lionlike, even though hollyleaf literally thought he was when she first saw him like what?? HUH???
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mothwing. why she anger. also why she not fluffy
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squirrelflight. i always hated her SE art but seeing the whole thing makes me angrier. like she isnt not accurate to canon or anything i just... hate it. i hate it withe very fibre of my being. ALSO WHERE IS HER PERSONALITY I WANT TO SEE HER BEING ENERGETIC NOT STARING 😐 AT THE CAMERA FUCKING HELL-
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yeah, so im not gonna buy this book. i dont even want to know how they wrorte any of the female characters to make them somehow evil or how they somehow make a completely irridemable male character a sweet uwu baby. and everyone has talked about the ableism to death so im not going to beat this clearly still living horse, im just gonna let you find it yourself.
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spacedlexi · 4 months
sorry if this is a personal question ... 🐛... but what are you doing for college and how did you decide to go for it?
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im going to school for animation but im realizing how much i love storyboarding specifically (and how little patience i have for full animating/not having the time i need to make animations that arent quick and stiff to meet a deadline (also i want adobe animate obliterated off the earth)). ive cried about how much i love boarding LMAO its that serious. but i love working with Little Guys and putting them in Situations plus theyre characters i dont have to make up myself?? im adapting a script?? but i might still be able to have fun with it? and as a lover of visual mediums i get really excited about being able to control a camera/composition for Maximum Emotional Effect, plus the idea of leading a viewer through a scene. knowing "rules" and breaking them with purpose. im in an editing class rn thats got me really excited aha
it was NOT an easy choice to make. im going back to school so late because i kept telling myself i shouldnt do it and should pick something non art related but well.... here i am.... (my mom kinda pushed the idea even tho the concept of going into art school debt keeps me up at night 💀)
i stumbled around community college for a few years hoping something else would Click for me but in the end i just kept taking art classes. i knew i would be miserable doing anything else. its still Work but its a kind of work i still derive enjoyment from even when im tired or frustrated. i think i would hate the academia world when it comes to my more scientific interests, and i dont have the patience to put up with the bs of being female presenting in a male dominated field like engineering (plus my math brain got broken by a bad calc teacher so...), so instead im taking those inspirations and using them for my art :) im a little engineer at heart so being able to apply that kind of thinking to my art inspires me (and i hope maybe something i make one day will inspire some scientists too lol). plus i dont think i would be happy if i wasnt surrounded by other artists
i doubt my choices every day 😭 but i really do love it a lot. im hoping that my passion and vision takes me SOMEWHERE in the industry, but its scary for everyone out there right now... i mostly try not to think about it honestly
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fishcop · 6 months
may i request your full, unfiltered thoughts on william wisp?
oh absolutely absolutely you can
this question has fully opened up flood gates in my head you don’t even know ‼️
he isn’t the archetype of the one smart character because he’s wayyyyy too cringefail for that
spoilers of course of course
I love love love his parallels with Dakota (Dakota who’s so morally set in the right and rigid direction vs William who sways on the line so much that it feels like the tightrope metaphor wasn’t just for losing control of his powers, it’s also about how with just a few actions his morals can sway very quickly as well and even tumble off the deep end.)
his parallels with vyncent too and how he’s running away from his past while vyncent a trying his best go get back to it! the scene with Kamuri broke me dude you don’t even knowwwww
it hit way to close to home with the ‘feeling like you’re inherently worse than everyone else, and letting that stop you from feeling like you can do anything.’ THE WAY HE LOST AND GOT HIS POWERS ABCK IS SO. FUCKING COOL TO ME
ITS ALL DESERVED AND FOUGHT AND CLAWED FOR!! HES the one who in the end, has to make the choice to keep going even despite his chances being handed to him on a platter earlier on. All his revives were given to him for free which he took for granted and it’s sooo clear in the finale when he finally notices that. ghostknife is so funny to me yes little guy go go pine for a whole campaign‼️
I wholeheartedly support Williams rights and very, very long list of intriguing wrongs
if there were like a moral scale or something he’d be so grounded compared to the other two but like so grounded that his moral scale goes into the negatives and that’s so cool because I love characters with flaws that are their fault, that they have made real horrible mistakes. I love characters that stray the line of ‘I couldn’t have done anything different’ while knowing full well that they could’ve but can just simmer in regret. I love characters with problems that you can’t say ‘it’s not your fault’ but they still deserve a chance anyways
I love how he gets confident when he’s in control, and he deals with fear by being in control of it, and as long as he’s master of the horrors the horrors aren’t so bad. Cause like in season one, it’s scary that mal has Kamuri in a bottle and what he could do with it… but if William knew, if he had control, then it wouldn’t be so terrifying. The bell tech ordeal was so stressful but he’s only calm when he is the one pulling the strings. I think this has something to do with how little he was in deadwood pre death- so many ghosts! So if he tries to rationalize it becomes less scary. Especially with the prime force and heroes, they keep him and pd in the dark and he’s terrified of not knowing what’s going on because look at what happened to Ashe! Where were the heroes! In his mind it’s flawed but it would be less flawed if he had more controllll
THIS ALSO GOES FOR THE WISPS! THEYRE unpredictable they’re finicky they’re tricksters (heh) and he’s scared of his own powersss. Allow me to be poetic and metaphorical for a sec because they’re very literally like fire (the wisps,) unruly and unpredictable but William is so fixated on how they could burn him that the warmth, the light, all the good elements of a flame are lost in fear. FEAR OF DEATH, FEAR OF NOT COMING BACK, FEAR OF LOSING AND LOSING FINITELYYY
thanks for the ask :D
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ohshy · 4 months
Feelin kinda down so fuck it- how about some burnt bread hcs if you got any?
If not, how about disco kid?
~ fan-mans
hope u feel better soon bro ! also HELL YEAH BURNT BREAD !!!!!!!! one of my favorites :3
so where does it all begin? well.... (under the cut bc its Long)
aran didnt actually have to use any of dirty tricks to take joe down, so they didn't start off on that bad of a foot, or a bad foot at all. (fighting is par for the course for this sport, of course.)
that being said though, you still see n hear things ab eachother, and have assumptions as a result. Aran initally sees joe as a snobby, wimpy man, and joe aran as a scary, unpredictable brute.
eventually, however, aran starts looking at joe... a little differently. he pranks him a lot because yknow. its funny. but joe doesnt seem to mind it at all... in fact, he takes his pranks really well, and it makes aran see strong joe is in a way and how much of a sense of humor he has.
joe at the other hand, noticed that aran, outside the ring, was actually fairly tame, outside of his pranks of course. it helped a lot with mellowing his perception of him. combine this joe's many hobbies and aran's try-everything attitude, and youve got the start of a click !
news of their little budding relationship spreads around the minor- and world circuit, and kaiser begins to take notice ab how joe talks ab aran, how hed normally b horrified at the prospect of him being anywhere NEAR him.
so one day, in all his eternal german grace, he says...
''well if you love him so much, why don't you two kiss, hm?''
and joe hadnt gotten that thought out of his head since.
as for disco kid hcs, ive already told most of them so ill talk ab how the minor circuit reacted to joe wanting to confess to aran instead !!
disco, albeit kinda scared of aran, is ecstatic for joe, wishes him luck and wants to know EVERYTHING about how it went afterward
i imagine hippo would be pretty whatever about it. guy isnt too concerned ab peoples love lifes. wishes him luck like disco tho.
meanwhile kaiser? ''Eh, it is your funeral''
I imagine the world circuit wouldn't be as close with eachother seeing as how theyre busier n likely more hounded by journalists, but they do know in broad terms what goes on in the lives of eachother.
so macho catches wind of aran's crush, and he basically shittalks joe to arans face
''I know everyone's standards are too high for you, but joe's just a sad bar, even for you.''
Aran, not even reacting to the dig against him, starts ranting to macho about how joe is admirable as all hell for getting back up after 99 losses, and how that must mean he has a real love and respect for the sport. He even boldly exclaims that joe arguably works harder than macho, the victories who seems to come so easily to him.
macho eventually leaves, deciding aran's not worth his precious time.
aran then turns around, and OMG HE SEES JOE STANDING THERE !!!!!
anyway he heard all about what aran said (thats right, overhearing ooc conversations and miscommunication happening is OUT, overhearing conversations and gaining respect for someone is IN), and confesses right there and then. aran, hearing prolly the most romantic speech thats ever been directed to him in his entire life, is at a loss for words. He can't say anything other than ''of course, joey.''
and thats the start of their relationship :3
as for other misc hcs that dont fit anywhere else...
one time, when cleaning out aran's jacket pockets (joe's a bit of a neat freak), he found... a bunch of lint. But also !! he found a ton of crumpled up notes. They included phrases for the ring, comedic poems... but they also had affirmations for himself, about his family, but also about joe. joe, sans the lint, left the pockets as is. ever since then though, he's felt closer to him than ever.
joe will often try to pick up aran like a princess. considering hes still decently muscled, he can do it succesfully.
joe loves baking, especially bread, but aran will ALWAYS manage to set something on fire. think spencer from icarly.
they infodump to eachother ab their respective countries histories and folk tales, joe esp ab the former n aran ab the latter.
one time, joe and aran set out for a night walk. then, they (or rather aran) thought he heard a banshee screech. what they actually heard prolly was a car tire screeching in the distance. aran, however, was never the less scared SHITLESS and ran tf home, screaming highpitched. He had to be comforted by joe all night after they got home.
aran loves going to theme parks. he loves the rush. joe, however, hates the tall rides like the rollercoasters, n prefers the calmer rides like the teacups. They have a ''goes onto the rollercoaster alone'' x ''holds the persons stuff while theyre gone'' dynamic.
they rly like singing duets together, especially after a couple drinks. wine in joe's case and beer in arans case. theyve sang at macho's parties before as well, and needless to say they make for great entertainment.
aran often sends joe cursed memes n selfies that joe just Does Not understand
''aran, i will Not hold feet with you, zat's disgusting''
''come on joey..... do ye love me or not......''
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arudoe · 6 months
Ok, first of all I have to say that I love your art style, it's just so comforting idk how to explain it but it's really really really nice
Also I saw your bruise wallpaper hc and you are so right, but which other hc do you have of them??
OMG ueueue thank you so much that is so sweet of you 😢😢
and also im soo glad you liked my silly hc hehe because i have so many its not normal actually
i made a post the other day with some of my hcs (this one) but i have plenty more!! so um enjoy 🦈
- they are both autistic (i infected them /j)
- my jay is transmasc ! (cole too sometimes depending on how i feel)
- they dont rly do petnames only like mean nicknames that are said with very much love and affection (like dummy stink fartface yk…)
- i feel like they do everything together like train play video game even when theyre doing separate things theyre tgt… like its always cole AND jay and never just them seperate… always team up for missions and everything… when they arent together the others will go wheres your other half haha stuff like that also they bicker all the timr and never say anything to each other but when the other isnt around they always talk so fondly about each otjer and 😭😭 it makes me wanna puke /pos
- they have very different music tastes (i hc jay listens to kpop and cole to 80s rock & new wave) and theyll always talk about how bad the others music taste is but secretly they actually like it… (jays kpop playlist got a save once and he was trying to figure out who it was and cole was like whoever it is has the worst music taste in the world) (it was cole who saved it) (also vice versa)
- they play every game and watch every show together and when one of them starts something without the other they get offended 😭😭
- speaking of watching cole cant handle anything scary at all but sometimes jay will somehow convince him to and always puts on the scariest stuff because he thinks its cute when cole jumps 😭
- jay still sleeps with his plushies so when they cuddle jay is spooning his plush and cole is spooning him and sometimes cole lays on jays chest
- they playfight and wrestle a lot and sometimes get seriously hurt while doing it
- they play dancing games tgt… like just dance and ddr
- also i think jay deffo dances to stim (totally not self projecting here) and his dance moves are always a bit silly so cole will copy them and jay is like are my making fun of me >:( and cole is like yeah maybe i am
- on the topic of stims they deffo mimic each other a whole lot in the sense theyll copy each others vocal stims and it annoys the hell out of everyone else because theyll say the same silly phrase over and over again for weeks 😭😭
- i also hc them both as chronically ill (jay is hypermobile and cole has arthritis) and sometimes after especially hard training days they will give each other back rubs/massages…
- they arealso borh very smart separately but when you put them together they become super stupid and lose all their brain cells
UMM okay this is kinda long so ill leave it here i have like a million more but id sit here forever writing them so 😭😭😭 once again im rly happy for ur question im kind of obsessed with them if u cant tell but um yea… enough yapping from me… adios..
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cabin10diaries · 1 year
percy, jason, and lester are all attractive (platonically, romantically, whatever you want to take it as) but in their own ways.
like, percy is powerful (obviously). and he's so damn nice and understanding, too. he has this home-ly aura to him (after you get past the scary??, god-like sense he's described to have), which makes you feel so relaxed upon talking to him. plus, he's a funny guy. extra points there.
jason is supposedly mysterious and off-putting (in the sense of him not being able to make friends easily), but once you get to know him, he's actually kind of just, dorky. it's sweet how pathetic (i say this lovingly as a jason grace fan) he is once you get to be closer with him.
lester is simply awkward in an endearing way. he was a past god and is trying to be mortal (even though he's become a god again– but that's not the point here). he still has hints of his egotistical self, but he's kinder. and he says shit thats gives you second-hand embarrassment, but it's in a nice way (that makes no sense idk how else to say it but?? he makes fun of himself in a nice way and everyone agrees but we all love him fr <3 this isnt making sense help)
anyway that was all to lead up to the point that it's hard to compare them because theyre all really good in their own ways; percy is powerful and loyal, jason is strong and helpful, apollo is dorky and caring.
bonus chart i made to attempt to make sense to a friend of mine (p.s. it didn't help)
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spicymaruchancontajin · 11 months
i had something else in mind but this is way better 😭
not proff read 😪
It was in the month of December and had a free week. So what better then going and visit the snow? And what do you do in the snow? Snowboarding. So that’s exactly what you guys did. “BILLLL” you yelled it was time to go and bill was still getting ready in his room. The rest of the group was waiting outside in front of the door with me. “IM GOING” he responded and Tom rolled his eyes. I just banged on the door again “BILL HURRY UP” this time Tom yelled. Bill finally opened the door ready to go after thirty minutes of you guys banging on his door. “Ok let’s go☺️”
Gustav was already in the driver seat just waiting so you got there scary fast… you guys get out and Gustav gets into dad mode and starts to unload stuff making everyone help making sure everyone has even and no one is missing anything and with that you all walled to the ski lift. “Ok who’s going with who” gerog asks but it so happens that Tom was already in line flirting with a girl. “We’ll…” “I wanna go with [reader]” bill chimes in with a smile “ok I’ll go with Gustav” after a while it was your turn to get up on the lift. You struggled a little as bill got on with ease. “Oh my god it’s high” you say a bit nervous “watch it brake” “DONT SAY THAT” bill laughed “Ooo it’s cold” you rubbed your hand in a atempet to warm up “yeahh” bill hummus after giggling and talking you sit in silence and lean on him “hey um [reader]” “yeah” you sit up to look at his face but is meet with a nervous look. “You good?” You asked moving to sit up and look at him better. He swiftly pressed his slightly cold lips on yours basically smushing your face into his before pulling away. He still has his hand around your face as you just sit there in shock blinking.
“I wanna go out on a date with you tomorrow”he blurted out like he didn’t just kiss you. He had a worried questioning face as you where still in his hands. you lean in fast smooshing your face against his. Your lips on his cool against your warm lips. You pull back questioning what you just did as now he’s in shock batting his eyes. You finally said something “yeah I’d do it” the lift had came to an end right when you said that. You and bill hoped right off to meet with Tom, gustav and georg. “Don’t be stu-“ “finally” tom cut of George “dam why dose it take you guys so long”gustav said before beginning to walk toward the snow bordering area.
After hours of falling on your ass and Gustav munching on snow it was getting dark and time to head back. You where all exhausted getting to your hotel room. You fell right into those white fluffy sheets and cuddling the lonly pillows thinking about going out with bill the next day.
The knocking on your door and the beeping of the hotel room door opening broke the silence. You had given bill your extra key just incase you lose yours. You where still in your bed the fluffy sheets basically eating you as you layed there. Bill walked over to your bed standing right in front of you. He lighty shook you In a temp to wake you up. “Get uppp”“Mmmph” came out if you in response “hey I said I was going to take you out on a date today so wake up” he poked you “I’m up I’m up” you rose up to your side leaning on you elbow looking at bill. He was half ready looking at your tangled hair and sleepy face. “Ok we’ll you have 20 minutes to get ready so I would start getting ready now” suddenly you weren’t so sleepy and bill was rushed out of your room.
Bill drove you two to a cute little cafe for coffee and food. You ended up sitting at a table with bill enjoying food and each other’s company with out a care in the world. ・:*+..:+・:*+..:+・:*+..:+・:*+..:+・:*+..:+・:*+
Hey it’s me Maru sorry for taking so long I’m lazy ass hell😪 and I read it wrong and wrote A WHOLE ASS STORY JUST FOR ME TAKE A SECOND LOOK AND RELIZE SHE MENT SNOW NOT SHOW 😭 or was it show 🧍‍♀️
anyway love y’all and keep on requesting 😜🙏
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Maru out😜
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cowboy-robooty · 4 months
Robooty Reviews: Yandere Kanojo (7/10)
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My first manga I ever laid mein precious little eyes upon... hoo boy is this one nostalgic! You can definately see how it influenced my artstyle lol. It's incredibly charming imo and i fuckin love it. anyways this manga is about a yankee girl reina and her new nerdy boyfriend tanaka (who is most definately not a yankee) and them having slice of life swag together. It's all done in a 4-koma style but is incredibly charming with a delightful cast of fun characters and quite a few interesting dynamics + jokes! Just be careful, there two versions of this story, the print and online one and they contain the same plot but have different comics each. I recommend reading both since its kinda like getting more in between stories (except when it comes to the end with the more plot heavy stuff then they diverge a bit)
you know robooty okay GIRLSEME FOREVERR!!!! I LOVED REINA AND TANAKA AS A KID MMMM THEIR DYNAMIC IS SUPPPPPERR NICE I LOVE THEM THEYRE SO CUTE TOGETHER UWAAA!! I will say that when i was younger i struggled to appreciate tsubasa and hijiri properly, but now I quite enjoy their addition to the friend group. I also have always loved the cafe manager and his gay ass chef. I used to reference the pannel where he goes "okay now stand next to me so i can grab your ass every once in a while (itll keep me motivated)" all the time. I do appreciate how in the print version theres also the long ass baseball arc but thats just because i love baseball lol
but okay. imma be ngl rn guys. this manga scored a whole extra point or two purely because it has Ran and Kouichirou Ryuuzaki (reinas parents). Guys. They are the best fucking couple ever. I WISH THERE WAS AN ENTIRE SIDE MANGA FOR THEM THEYRE SO GOOD THEYRE SO GOOD UGHH I LOVE HUSBAND WIFEEEE!!! The yandere in the title is actually supposed to stand for "yankee-dere" (lol shows age doesnt it?) but its alright, because ran is a true yandere. Shes protective and smiley and cutsey and literally kills people and has a demon in her heart. and her husband kouichirou has a scary face and insane social anxiety so everyones terrified of him because he just stares at people but its because hes terrified of everyone else. ITS SO GOOODDDDDD!!!! SHES SO OBSESSED WITH HIM AND ADORES HIM AND HE LOVES HER INCREDIBLY DEARLY TOO GIVE ME THE FUCKING MANGA SPIN OFF THATS JUST THEM!!!! RANS INCREDIBLE I WANT HER TO BE MY GIRLSEME WIFE. AND I WANT KOUICHIROU TO BE MY BOYUKE HUSBAND BECAUSE HES JUST SOOOOOOOOOooOoO CUTE! I still draw fanart of those two... theyre amazing and adorable i love them...
Anyways, this mangas really good lol. I like it a lot, it isnt winning any nobel prizes but I find it quite charming and a really nice read when youre dicking around on the bus. The art is really good and the jokes land a lot and are quite funny ^_^ Please consider checking this one out guys!
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drfirefly08 · 7 months
class reunion
okano: hey did you and karma break up or smth? he's being lovey dovey with isogai
hiroto: oh, no! we're still dating! we're also dating yuuma :)
nakamura: wait what! i thought isogai and asano jr. would be a thing!
hiroto: oh yeah theyre a thing! we're also dating shuu!
kataoka: holy shit??? all four of you?? dating???
hiroto: yeah it took a bit of communicating but we're all in a loving relationship with each other :D
fuwa: oh fuck, that is a powerful and scary relationship
everyone else: oh fuck you're right, that IS a powerful and scary relationship, the world is doomed
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leebgutz · 2 years
nadja x the guide rambles because I’m mentally ill over a ship with close to no actual canon chemistry and I need to make myself feel better via headcanon:
- I just want a scene where nadja and the guide are forced to be alone on a mission and they actually connect quite a bit in a way they haven’t before to the point the guide actually catches massive feels. this actually is the ‘ unsuspected crush ‘ the writers were talking about I’m keeping myself blissfully oblivious to the fact she’s canonically crushing on guillermo - she can have two crushes ok !
- if they were in a relationship nadja would hype up her little anxiety-ridden loserwife so much and she’d help the guide come out of her shell a lot more and get past some of the insecurities she previously had. nadja would be the person in the guide’s life helping her push herself to be more confident and self-loving, while the guide might even help nadja understand humans more and help her be less cold to everyone
- nadja and the guide first start seeing each other and they delve into this passionate “secretive” love affair where they think they’re being so sneaky but everyone finds out literally the second it’s official because they’re not slick about it at all. the others have to pretend like they have no clue what’s going on when nadja makes some bullshit excuse like “ um we have to go. do council stuff it’s very urgent! “ and then she grabs the guides hand and they run off giggling. only nandor is like “ 🤨 but we aren’t on the council anymore “ and everyone else just stares at him tiredly
- they paint each other’s nails/do each other’s hair and talk about all the scandalous things they’ve done over the centuries. the guide is nervous about spilling her secrets at first because of all the shame that’s built up and all the repressed memories but nadja eventually helps her feel more lighthearted about it all and learn to laugh at her past and maybe even feel a little nostalgic instead of guilty
- nadja teaches the guide how to be more aggressive/assertive flat out while the guide teaches nadja how to be more unsettling and ominous. nadja gives her lessons on how to confront people in the loudest and most scary possible way while the guide gives nadja lessons on how to make people shit their pants when she sneakily and mysteriously enters a room. the guide learns how to make people stand down with a single threatening stare and hiss while nadja learns how to jumpscare people through turning into smoke
- theyre passionate and flirtatious 24/7. It’s worse than nadja and laszlo. they’re CONSTANTLY touching and giving each other goo-goo eyes and batting eyelashes and randomly leaving during important meetings just to go make out somewhere or even just enjoy each other’s company in private without any strictly romantic stuff. occasionally you will see the guide sitting in nadjas lap at house meetings or the other way around. they’re constantly attached at the hip and if they’re not then they’re having a couples squabble. no you know what even then they still probably hold hands they both just refuse to look at each other and appear cross despite the fact they can’t stop touching because they’ll get too lonely if they do that
- laszlo is chill with all of this. no, really. “ this is my lady wife nadja and this is her lady partner the guide. “ - laszlo probably, holding nadjas hand while nadja holds the guides hand
- nadja asks laszlo to teach her about psychology and when that inevitably obviously fails she asks (demands) guillermo what he knows about it so she can understand the guide better and even help her through bad ocd/general anxiety moments. she becomes weirdly supportive and gentle and it freaks everyone out
- the wraiths set up nice small cliche dates for them where they dine upon blood in goblets under candlelight on a nice round table with flowers on it in a little vase. they do this at least once a week and nobody else is invited and all they do is vent to each other and hold hands
- nadja helps the guide regain part of her past self and it makes the guide more of a spontaneous party animal at random times and it’s just nadja being like “ YES BABE SLAY! “ while everyone else watches in fear as the guide swings from a very expensive chandelier
this post is getting quite long so I’ll leave it at that but I have so many thoughts about this guys it’s actually insane
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slaythespire · 2 months
im sorry my tumblr followers who dont know me im mad rn, im just rambling mad under a readmore again thanksss
listen its not that i need to be dating someone im just chilling. in fact rn i would not want to date anyone.
but i HATEEEE HATE seeing people say shit like "You dont need anyone, you should learn to be happy without someone else in ur life! why do you need someone else! just be happy without that!" well damn sue me for wanting someone to deeply love me who i deeply love back!! why is that such a bad thing to want!! obviously if you cant function without being in a relationship that's not good, but people always say that shit to someone going "i feel unlovable and like no one will ever want me" and it feels so meanspirted!! damn!!
its been like almost a year since i got ghosted and i know its annoying to hear people complain abt the same thing over and over again. but its just HARD bcus i feel stupid, and used. i really thought my ex was like, THE person, we talked abt getting married and how we'd combine our last names, abt moving in together, supported each other through everything. when i was in inpatient this person called me almost everyday i was there to say hi and check in on me. i thought my future involved them and then they just dropped me without even an explanation. never in a million billion years did i think that would happen (outside of my bad brain telling me it would, which, well i was right so LOL) bcus they were my best friend of 8 years!!
and its scary bcus it makes me think there must be something wrong with me/"how could anyone ever love me when even the person who dated me for 6 years didnt". and people always say things like "you haven't met everyone who will care about you yet" but what if i have, and my one chance at having a relationship i was so happy in was ruined bcus the other person is a self-obsessed asshole who lied to my face abt so much for who KNOWS what reason. WHATEVER.
i feel like when i make posts like this i come off as an insane person in the "no wonder they broke up with you" way, but i promise im actually normal ive just been very emotionally ripped to shreds by a very bad breakup. barely a breakup bcus it was over TWITTER DM. whatever im just gonna be one of those people that obsesses over fictional characters so much i think were in a relationship.
i just rlly rlly wonder what their reasoning for doing this to me was and if they feel bad abt it. or if they think its funny, or if they just dont care. i also wonder if they think they can just message me one day and apologize and think itll be okay (i dont think this will happen, i used to but i dont anymore)
i lean towards they just dont care, i doubt they even think about what they did lol. i mean i HOPE they feel bad, but i dont think thats true. id be shocked if i ever heard from them again which is just, crazy. 8 years of knowing someone and it ends like that through no fault of your own. i wish i had a screenshot of the break up dm id post it in a heartbeat so anyone who actually read this far would feel whiplash like i do. (filled to the brim with "i love you so much" "i feel horrible for hurting you and i hate that im doing it" "i really care about you" "i hope you stay in my life bcus youre my best friend").
and it makes me really sad bcus OFC we would have stayed friends, i loved them so much that while id be sad abt breaking up i would still want them in my life. (WE EVEN TALKED ABT HOW IF WE BROKE UP WE ALWAYS THOUGHT WE'D STAY FRIENDS). but even in my fantasy world where they reach out after a few years all apologetic and guilty i just couldnt do it anymore.
one more but i don't understand what would compel someone to say all that knowing theyre lying and dont give a fuck about you, like it only comes off as evil and fucked up and cruel to me, so how else am i supposed to take that.
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violetc4ts · 7 months
things i noticed while thoroughly rewatching d2
i found this in my notes from back in july 2022 and stand by it. mostly mevie, including core four, ben, ben & harry, umal exes & a hint of lonnie appreciation
- at the curl up n dye, not only did mal let evie have her moment with dizzy, but as soon as dizzy said it would make her so happy to know that evie is wearing something of hers in auradon, she stopped dead. she immediately looked at evie to check on her, she knew that statement would have an impact on her. as soon as she saw the heartbroken look, she put herself back into the convo . "e, we gotta go." then when dizzy left she took evies arm and guided her to the side. she let evie have a moment to get herself together. "she's gonna be okay." when she caught evie feeling bad again, she tapped her arm and took her arm, leading her away, starting an easy conversation so lighten the mood.
- after mal says "and i am, and will always be, the girl from the isle." her eyes water and when evie looks away she looks up so she doesnt cry. then she finds a distraction by pointing to the sign
- carlos and jay making fun of evie i cant do this . "you know how spontaneous she is bro" it starts off as an excuse but its pretty fucking accurate so jay just goes "right???" and i just know evie has done some stupid fucking shit before and the boys are annoying ass brothers but wbk
- no straight man grinds his way up the king .
- i'm looking at you harry
- bens into it
- "she's not my gf anymore" yeah ben u go . make sure ur pirate crush knows ur available
- ben is the definition of :]
- lonnie looks like a scary dog from the pound being held on a chain lead taking a few steps back growling ready to pounce on her enemies no i will not elaborate
- i also just decided that lonnie has adhd
- evie jay carlos and lonnie looking behind mal when shes saying the plan bc they know shes in a vulnerable position with her backturned and need to be aware of every movement . lonnie is glaring in a threatening manner and standing in a position that shows she means business . jays eyes are flickering between mal and the pirates, showing he's listening but still watching for any movements. carlos is looking straight into mal's eyes. theyre communicating via body movement. evie is angled closer to mal, she's there to protect if anyone lunges at mal and watching closely for any danger
- as soon as mal turns back, evie's stance soon relaxes. she rests her arms against the sides of the bridge knowing mal no longer needs protection
- evie leaping through the air behind mal doing her little dancy dance while everyone's fighting
- evie was the one who noticed dude. after carlos went "we're dead." she subtly leaned next to him and whispered in his ear, when mal looked back for help, that's when he nodded to dude. evie saved her gf whats new
- ben getting held off the plank: :] vs ben when uma finally gives him back: :0
- mal after pinning uma "you miss me?" oh u wanna kiss so bad .
- harry is using sword fighting as an excuse to flirt with every vk such a pansexual pirate
- evie vs her heels being her best and favourite weapon
- mal i am in love with you
- descendants vs having the hottest fucking characters
- ben you dont just compare ur gf to her worst enemy and ex gf like that someone get this man a book on dating
- jay and mal being the emotionally stunted ones of the group and it works bc they understand each other and even though they bicker they love each other immensely i'm gonna punch through a wall
- "so ur not seeing happys son or anyone else." ur girlfriend is gay
- id love to go to auradon prep . like imagine the drama dude like . omg did u hear the king serenaded the new vk girl while his gf watched and then asked her to the coronation AND THEN his now ex kissed charmings son in front of him . then the kings new girls mother crashed the coronation and new girl cried and killed her with the power of friendship but then she got sad and ran away and king ben got KIDNAPPED and then at cotillion he cheated on new girl with an octopus and then they fought in water and then they kissed and kings ex was jealous of new girl so she terrorised the kingdom and turned us to STONE
- EVIE MAKING JOKES :( "just a little bit"
- mal tracing patterns on evies back <3
- i started this movie four hours ago this is what happens when someone with adhd watches descendants
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vivrcard · 6 days
sorry im gonna make my own post about this actually because it drives me up a wall. i love inscryption to absolute death but oh my goddd WHAT was going through the devs head with that stupid ass arg. i dont understand. like i said, the bones for a good twist are literally all there but arent utilized properly because the story is just a smidge too obsessed with giving the audience a reason for whats happening, and i think thats an issue with a lot of pieces of media these days. everyone wants to tell you that yes, there is in fact an explanation for why this specific thing is happening. but no one thinks about whether it's good for the audience to know how things work. tying inscryption to a stupid conspiracy immediately takes a bit of the edge (not as in edginess. in fact id argue the game gets edgier once you know about all this and not necessarily in a good way) off the story. it's trying way too hard to be interesting or scary and fails to realize it was already interesting and creepy. without the karnoffel code stuff youre left with a game about a living video game whose characters all want to be in charge and thats literally fine. i dont need an explanation for that! im ready to accept that it's just possessed or glitched or whatever else.
in theory i like the idea of the game having hidden stuff in it that the characters warn you about. i think there are interesting routes you can go with that. maybe theyre all trying to prevent the game data from getting corrupted and dont trust each other to do a good job at that (and of course they all still want to be the one in charge). so you end up seeing bits of corruption as time goes on and each of these bits looks like a creature or something until it gets so bad that the game has to be erased. maybe the player can find and access bits of code and influence how the game works or what the scrybes do and they arent happy about it and eventually it all gets out of hand. i dont know. those are just a couple ideas i came up with on the spot; lord knows if theyre actually any good. frankly anything is better than the karnoffel code though imo.
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crabussy · 9 months
sorry about that weird stupid awful asshole loser anon you are awesome forever nd ever and they cannot handle your creature like swag and whimsy .. in all seriousness theyre just being a dick. it doesnt reflect on you as much as it does on them especially if they dont even have the guts 2 say it off anon. i'm sorry they were so awful 2 u because you definitely dont deserve it and you have been forever compassionate to me and everyone else and a friend of mine along w i myself would've been so lost without your previous advice u gave 2 me on systems and all that. it genuinely means a lot to me how much you've helped me in the past ! and i love your art whenever i see it on my feed or in a discord server ! i know you've probably left front by this point but i wanted to leave this message nonetheless because it seems to be thing appreciation hour (as it should be) and i wanted to leave my two cents. other people have said this but i want to repeat because its true : i hope you feel better soon and please remember to take care because you deserve to feel good (++ im ripping that anons head off with my big scary sharp teeth and sending my big army of ghosts after them. everybody whos mean 2 you is banished to the awful and messed up haunted house that eats people forever. btw)
THIS MEANS SO SO MUCH TO ME I WISH I COULD EXPRESS IT THROUGH WORDS !!! AHHHHHH!! <3333 also unfortunately I'm still in front because my brain isn't friends with me )): I am TRYING ! to GET OUT !!!
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