#i love this beanpole so much
nearlycassidy · 9 months
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youngpettyqueen · 3 months
thinking about trans Julian again specifically thinking about the idea of Julian being trans but electing to not undergo any gender-affirming surgeries
like I was thinking about this the other day in the context of his line about him and Kira being the only other options for a womb when he had to transplant the baby from Keiko, because the implication that Julian has a womb also implies he's elected out of having a hysterectomy for gender-affirming purposes. I say that because we know gender-affirming surgeries- at least the more cosmetic ones- are very easy to undergo (see Profit and Lace, where they very quickly and easily turn Quark into a woman (yes I know it wasn't gender-affirming for him but its the easiest episode to use for my point)) so I feel like it wouldnt be a reach to say that a hysterectomy would be a fairly easy procedure to ask for and undergo
which as ive been thinking about it more I think this like. perfectly tracks with Julian as a character, that he would opt out of undergoing gender-affirming procedures. because I think, considering what his parents did to him and how strongly he resents it, that he would steer clear of anything he would view as "changing" himself. honestly so far in the future I think its safe to assume views of transitioning are very different, and I'd like to think that there wouldnt be nearly as much social pressure to physically transition at all, but even if there was I think Julian would be very resistant to the idea that he would "have" to change anything about himself. Julian is very unapologetically himself in every regard, so im pretty confident in saying that that would translate over to his gender identity and asserting that he is a man, and he doesnt need to change anything about himself or his body to be one
#star trek: ds9#julian bashir#I dont typically put this much thought into my trans hcs but Julian being trans is an hc that fascinates me#from a character analysis standpoint#I think he wouldnt physically transition at all!#I dont think he'd even go on hormones#'but what about the facial hair in the prison camp' afab people can grow facial hair without hormones#'but what about the lack of titty' he could be wearing a binder#frankly I dont think he even would I think he's just flat-chested#it would track with his build. beanpole man#but yeah Julian as a trans man who does not physically transition. things I am thinking about often#like I said Julian does not apologize for any aspect of himself and is very loudly himself#and he doesnt let other people's opinions of him change that#look at his friendship with Miles#Miles loves to remind Julian how annoying he is and Julian thinks its funny#I think its one of the reasons they get along so well honestly#cause sure Miles complains but he also wouldnt change Julian and Julian knows that#I dont read Julian as being insecure about himself#he hates what's been done to him but he isnt like. insecure about it. he knows it wasn't his fault#he hides it for legal reasons not because he's insecure#but I think his resentment over what was done to him ties directly into how he would resist undergoing any procedures or physical changes#frankly I think Julian hates being a surgery patient just in general#I think he hates any procedure he cant be awake for#and he fights like a cat trying to get out of a bath anytime he has to go under#but thats a whole other post and hc#anyways trans Julian supremacy
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thebigfudanshi · 8 months
I'm curious how the rock afire fandom views Beach Bear. Like, his body type specifically. Is this man a skinny twink polar bear man, or a hunky Bear polar bear man? It's kind of hard to tell for sure because his mascot costume is usually played by someone hella skinny, and his animatronic is,, and animatronic built for stability. So,
This is for research I swear--
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No other thoughts, just Mike's happy lil wiggle in the pizza scene with El
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inga-don-studio · 1 year
Being called ‘a beast’ for doing some feat of strength is still one of the most validating experiences of my life.
To the beloved twink at my factory job who was so easily impressed by my ability to throw around 40+ lb. boxes all day - wherever you are, thank you from the deepest queerest reaches of my heart.
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icarryitin · 1 month
Workplace Hot
spencer reid/gn!reader
look i don’t know what this is or where it came from, all i know is one day i woke up normal and then by the end of it i had started CM from the beginning and fallen in love w this man
word count: 1.2k//warnings: literally zero, just vibes
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Things never go smoothly, do they?
Never quite to plan, there’s always something missing from the final draft, or something unexpected lurking in the background of the big picture.
This surprise comes gift wrapped just for you, in stupidly attractive, nerdy, beanpole patterned paper.
The first time you lamented about your unfortunate crush on Dr Spencer Reid had been over mojitos at your favourite little hole-in-the-wall bar. Sitting at the raised table with the remainder of your girl group from college, staring dismally at the bottom of your glass, they’d tried to convince you he was just Workplace Hot. Proximity Hot. Work crushes are commonplace as anything, they come just as quickly as they go. God, you wish they’d been right.
You’d tried to convince yourself of it, anyway, and that worked for a little while. You were happy enough to sit at your desk, the man in question mirroring your position somewhere on your right, five days a week. You could do your paperwork in his general vicinity and not feel like you were about to catch fire every time he leaned over the aisle to pinch a file from your stack. And then, there was The Incident.
The Incident - named for the absolute havoc wrought on your nerves until the early hours of a Sunday morning in May. Uncoordinated nights out though they had been, with your own friends out celebrating a birthday and his little group with their own agenda for the evening, it would have been rude not to wave across the bar at him. The rest of them had been too far gone already but one of your friends noticed your shy grin, arguably your best - friendship forged in the fire of back to back forensic psychology classes would be hard pressed to die. She noticed, because of course she did. So you’d told her, because of course she’d have worked it out. And then, to your horror, she’d walked right over to him. Because of course she would. She’d wandered back over to your group only a few minutes later, a solemn look on her face under the dulled bar lights.
“Do you get what I mean?”
“Oh, I get it, my condolences.”
You had been doomed from the start - cursed, bewitched. Lulled into a false sense of security via cardigans and wide eyes and odd socks until you find yourself here. Six months into your new job, and six months into an embarrassingly cumbersome crush on the good doctor.
Which probably would have been fine if either one of you stayed behind at Quantico regularly, but you don’t. Instead, you’re burdened by six months worth of knowledge of all his little quirks thanks to case after case after case.
You know he’ll commandeer the couch on the jet when he can, because he likes to stretch out when he naps. You know exactly how much sugar he takes in his coffee, too much - you feel mildly nauseous every time you make him a cup, but you still make it. You know that he chews on the inside of his lip when he’s thinking particularly hard about something, just as well as you know he doesn’t even realise he’s doing it. And sure, it’s not just him, you’ve learned these silly little things about every member of the BAU team. But Reid’s just seem clearer to you. More significant. You’re a little more self conscious when you find yourself looking at him. Even in conversation, even if he’s looking to you for an observation about the Unsub. You can’t hold his eye for very long.
He knows, you’re sure of it.
There’s a rule - don’t profile the team. The golden rule. The golden rule that gets broken about fifty times a day.
Spencer likes the rule, even if he doesn’t always respect it. Sometimes it needs a little disrespecting, he thinks so anyway. Sometimes his colleagues, his teammates, his friends - they need somebody to prod them a little, letting people in goes against every fibre of a behavioural analyst’s being. But trust has to be built somehow.
He’s about this close to cracking you.
Which hasn’t been easy by any stretch of the word. You’d held him at arm’s length for much longer than the others, and at first he’d thought he annoyed you. It made sense enough, he’s been called annoying enough times in his life to know he definitely can be, and the way you’ve never really been able to look him in the eye would suggest you don’t want to get into the situation where he could be. He tries his best not to ramble at you, even now, just in case. Though that initial ice has long since melted.
You’re a lot more open with him now, even if there’s still parts he has to chip away at thick stone walls to get to. Silly things, that not everyone would care to know about their co-workers, but Spencer absolutely needs to know about you.
Which is where the stakeout game comes in.
It’s silly, really. Twenty questions - who plays twenty questions as a grown adult? FBI agents who desperately want to get to know other FBI agents whilst they’re stuck in the confines of an SUV’s backseat for hours on end. That’s who.
Derek and Emily sit up front, watching the quiet street, the way they’re supposed to be - as Spencer desperately tries to guess your favourite movie. He’s narrowed it down to two in his mind, in only three questions. The traditional rules of the game had gotten boring after the first few cases, you’d laughed and told him that he’s too good at guessing. He’d told you that you’re just not asking the right questions on your turns. You’re watching him carefully in the dark now, the way you’re meant to be watching the Unsub’s house. You don’t make eye contact but you’re studying his face all the same, he wishes you would. He’s become a little too dependent on the way his heart seizes when you allow him that kind of vulnerability.
He doesn’t have time to pick a film or ask another question anyway, because the Unsub is flying out the back door of the house, he’s jumping out of the SUV with everybody else, and the Unsub is surrounded. Thanks to your work, your observation being the final piece of the puzzle that had clicked everything else into place.
You’re chatting to a local officer when Spencer calls out the title of your favourite movie across the street. His guess, twenty questions completed in just three. How very Spencer Reid of him.
He’s right - obviously. He doesn’t need to watch the way your head drops and your shoulders shake with a giggle, interrupting your conversation to turn to him. But he watches all the same, he always does.
Your eyes sparkle in the dark when you look back over your shoulder, finally catching his under the orange haze of the streetlights, and sending a kaleidoscope of butterflies surging in the pit of his stomach. Paper thin wings clog up his throat, spindly legs tickle his lungs.
Work crushes are commonplace - but this one might just be the death of him.
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murdrdocs · 6 months
drunk love confessions w coryo😵‍💫
both are drunk but aware ft public handjobs MDNI 18+
peacekeeper!coryo and the moonshine he bargained ma plinth's goods for. he's had too many swigs, forced to hold the bottle as smiley and beanpole went off to dance or something. and with nothing else to do, coriolanus found himself bringing the bottle to his lips purely out of habit. to pass the time, even. then you come along, waltzing up to him in a pretty dress (nothing even comparable to the ones in the capitol of course) and an even prettier smile. "hi, handsome." the smile coriolanus gives you feels lopsided, even if he can't see it himself. but you can, noticing how lazy it is instantly.
"hey, pretty."
if his appearance hadn't given it away, his voice did. the waver of it, the way it slurred, the end of his words dropping similarly to the way the people spoke here in twelve. despite the change being alcohol induced, you still find it adorable. you can't hide your smile, eyes catching sight of the clear bottle in his capable hands. you didn't even have to see the clear bottle in his hands to know, but seeing it confirms your suspicions even more. he attempts to bring it to his lips, but you intercept him, snatching it out of his hands. coriolanus pouts, but he doesn't reach for the bottle again. instead, he lets you have it.
"you 'ave to catch up anyway," he reasons.
you were taking it easier for the night, but as coriolanus starts to sober up, you go the opposite way, the couple of swigs you'd taken of the liquor working quick. eventually, you've both had enough of the bottle and passed it off to beanpole who passed it to sejanus who set it down out of sight of any of you.
the other members of the covey play a few slow songs, ones you sway with coriolanus to. your back to his chest, his arm thrown over your shoulder, your fingers playing with the new callouses along his palm. you feel his chest rumble with his humming, you sink more into his warmth, pushing your ass into his crotch. it's then that you notice the tent brewing.
you feel coriolanus sigh rather than hear it. it's much too loud in the hob to hear anything. and much too dark in this corner for anyone to see either of you. it gives you a thought, it sparks an idea.
one that comes to fruition with the button and zipper of coriolanus' bottoms undone, your hand snuck down the hem to stroke his cock. you would think the friction would make it uncomfortable for him, but coriolanus is immediately grateful. he nestles his head in the crook of your neck, damp skin against damp skin. his plush lips press against the salty sweat coating your shoulder as if the perspiration doesn't bother him one bit, but you know it's the opposite.
still, he takes it all beautifully, his hips slowly canting up into your fist until it gets to the point where he's fucking your hand. his movements slightly sloppy from the liquor sloshing through his bloodstream. it releases his inhibitions, lowers his self awareness. makes it easier for him to confess.
"i ... i love you." he tells you with his cheek pressed to yours. as soon as the words leave his lips, he presses a kiss to your cheek. it's one that feels like a plea almost. so with pity, you turn your head, press your lips to his, and swirl your hand around his tip.
when coriolanus cums in your hand, you whisper the confession back to him.
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paranorahjones · 2 months
okay so my theory about How To Train Your Dragon is that Astrid loved Hiccup WAYYYYY before the events of Romantic Flight but due to how the vikings lived in near constant combat with the dragons and young children/teens being forced to learn how to defend themselves and their families from an early age, she closed herself off to those feelings because by all accounts Hiccup was doomed to die. she resented how useless he was in combat, and she resented how much she cared. she was mean and dismissive to him out of fear that she would inevitably have to mourn him soon, and the colder she was the easier it would be.
then, miraculously, Hiccup begins to show some kind of competency in dealing with the dragons. but he's still not defending himself. he's finding strange ways of controlling them, but he's still as physically weak as he was before and Astrid can't see how whatever he's doing will help him outside of the training ring. great, you found out that Deadly Nadders like chin scratches. what about the Monstrous Nightmare burning down your house?
all this just makes Astrid angrier. how is Hiccup succeeding without violence? how will he survive without violence? violence is what she was born into. what does he know that she can't comprehend?
it's only later, when she sees that this scrawny beanpole of a boy has found a companion in a Night Fury, the embodiment of Death, that the miracle of him starts to make sense. he knows so much more than what any of their people can comprehend. and he wants so badly to show her. and for the first time ever, Astrid has hope.
i believe that this explains Astrid's comfortability and affection for Hiccup that she shows during and after the events of Romantic Flight, why she wraps her arms around him and kisses his cheek after everything. considering her personality, i don't think Romantic Flight shows her falling in love with Hiccup for the first time. i think she has loved him for a long time, and was too trapped in self-protection to allow herself to feel it (similar to Katniss regarding Peeta). but now she has hope that maybe he won't be ripped away from her. now she sees how much more there is to him, sees that he embodies Mercy stronger than Death.
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sailorholly · 11 months
Strictly Business Pt 1
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Summary: Spencer wants to gain sexual experience before asking his out his dream date. You just want a way to release stress. What could go wrong?
Pairing: Spencer Reid x F. BAU Reader
Warnings: Descriptions of crime scenes/cases. Friends with benefits. Eventual smut.
W/C: 1.5K
You roll your eyes at Officer Brewer. The handsome cop came on pretty strong with his cheesy pickup lines. Each one was more inappropriate than the last. It’s not that you didn’t find him attractive, but in your five years at the BAU, you had learned not to hook up with the officers you were assisting.
You had only been with the team three months when you were called in to help Portland’s local police on a case. Deputy Julian Lopez had been assigned to assist you on the field and you quickly fell for him. It took six weeks to catch the unsub. During that time, you and Julian were sneaking around, having a secret relationship.
You were heartbroken to learn he had been using you for information he fed to the media to make himself look like the sole hero on the case. What made it worse was the scolding Hotch gave you. You should have known better.
You and your favorite coworker, Spencer were on your way out of the small police station to see the medical examiner. A jogger had stumbled across two bodies in the woods on their daily route. The two of you were going to see if you could find any similarities between them.
“Hey beanpole, take care of my girl for me.” Brewer called out to Reid, winking at you in a way that made bile rise in your throat. “You don’t actually like that guy, do you?” Spencer asked once you left. “No way! I just flirt with him to make sure he cooperates with us.”
Spencer took his plump bottom lip between his teeth. You watched the innocent act wondering what it would feel like to have his teeth sink into your lip like that. You were attracted to Spencer, there was no denying that. It was purely sexual though. You knew the kind of hectic life JJ and Will had. You wanted no part of that.
You didn’t understand why there wasn’t a pile of women at his feet at all times. But so many thought he was too awkward or talked too much. You found it endearing when he shared the information his brain retained from reading something only once.
The two of you were closest to each other out of everyone on the team. You read together on the way home from cases. You would let him look at the latest book you were reading. He would finish it in three minutes, then continue with his own. Once you had finished, he would discuss it with you. You loved that about him.
You mostly read smutty romance, and you looked forward to the blush that would flood his cheeks when he read a particularly spicy scene. Sometimes he would clear his throat and shift in his seat. Those were your favorite moments. You spent most of your spare time together watching movies, you were teaching him how to cook and he taught you how to play chess. You paled in comparison to his skills, but he enjoyed playing with you.
When you returned to the police station, Spencer started giving statistics about the unsub. You watched as he scrunched his nose when he got to a part he found particularly interesting. You were practically drooling when he started talking with his hands. You couldn’t help thinking of what they would feel like against your skin.
You squeeze your thighs together trying to suppress the throb in your panties. Most everyone hated when he went off on a tangent, spilling every detail he knew about something, but not you. You never interrupted him once he started. You thought it was incredibly sexy how much endless information was stored in that brilliant mind under his messy curls.
After four long days, the case was finally solved. Morgan had captured the unsub when he went back to visit the crime scene. The whole team and the local police went out to the closest dive bar to celebrate. You were three shots in when Officer Brewer asked you to dance.
You decided it wouldn’t hurt, and you felt a little bad for shamelessly flirting with him all week. To your surprise, he was a great dancer. He spun and dipped you like a professional. When the song ended, you both walked over to the large booth both of your coworkers had settled in. Brewer placed his hands on your hips pulling you tightly against his body. He pointed at Spencer. “That’s how you woo a lady, Einstein. I’ve seen how you look at her. Just know she’s in good hands. She will be sleeping with a real man. She’ll be screaming my name tonight.”
You quickly remove his hands from your body. One glance at Spencer was enough for you to know that the jab had hurt him. Luckily, Brewer wouldn’t be able to tell. But you could read Spencer like a book. You grabbed the nearest drink off the table, splashing it in his face.
“You pompous ass! I wouldn’t sleep with you if you were the last man on Earth. For your information, Spencer is more of a man than you’ll ever be. He’s the perfect lover. He knows the female anatomy like you know your ABC’s. He can spell out Webster’s Dictionary in its entirety with his tongue when he goes down on me. He’s incredible.”
Spencer looks at you in disbelief. His brown eyes widen as he takes in what just happened. You take his hand in yours. “I’m ready to go.” He stands and walks out with you. You go back to the hotel spending the rest of the night watching rom coms on TV.
When you were back home, everyone was talking about what you said at the bar. Most importantly, you had to explain to Hotch that you and Spencer were not involved. He didn’t want to deal with all of the paperwork or the drama if it didn’t work out.
Penelope, Emily, and JJ cornered you by the coffee wanting every dirty detail of your hookup with Spencer. They were understanding when you explained you made it all up to defend him. Rossi seemed amused by the gossip. When you tried to set the record straight, he said “What you kids do behind closed doors is your business.”
Morgan was a different story entirely. He greeted Spencer with a high five. “My man! You could have told me. You and Y/N, huh? I’ve seen you two all cuddled up after cases. I should’ve guessed.” Despite Spencer denying anything between you, Derek couldn’t be convinced otherwise.
A few weeks passed, the gossip had been long forgotten with all the cases you had been working on. Your first free weekend, Rossi invited everyone to his house for a cooking lesson. The wine was flowing, even Spencer had a few glasses.
He was chatting with Derek about some girl he met through his Dr Who fan club. Spencer described her as his dream girl, but he was nervous to ask her out. Derek slapped him playfully on the back. “At least you’re not a virgin anymore, Pretty Boy. You should have plenty of confidence with the ladies now.”
Spencer’s face fell. He stormed out of the house. You followed after him, concerned for your friend. “Hey, what’s wrong?” You catch up to him, sitting on the step beside him. “I’m just tired of all the comments on my personal life. Just because I don’t have a different girl in my bed every night doesn’t mean I’m a virgin. Can I ask you something?”
“Sure, anything.” You reply laying your head on his shoulder. “Why did you say all that stuff at the bar?” He places his head on top of yours. His mop of messy brown hair flowing down your cheek. “I didn’t mean to offend you. I was just trying to stand up for you. I wasn’t going to let anyone talk to you like that.”
“I know that. I meant… Never mind.” He lifts his head and scoots over, distancing himself from you. “What is it? You know you can talk to me about anything, right?” He sighs looking everywhere but at you. “Why did you say I was a perfect lover and that thing about the dictionary?”
“It just kinda came out. I guess I said it because that’s what I always imagined it would be like.” Finally he looks at you. “You’ve imagined doing that with me?” His voice raises several octaves when he asks. You nod your head in response. You could tell the conversation was taking an awkward turn so you change the subject.
“So tell me about this dream girl. You’ve been keeping secrets!” He smiles sheepishly. “Her name’s Chloe. She’s brilliant. We like a lot of the same things. She speaks three languages. I want to ask her out on a date, but all that stuff Morgan said is messing with my head. What if I’m not enough for her? I’ve only been with one woman. I’m not exactly skilled in that department.”
He swallows hard, self doubt sketched all over his soft features. “I would like to have more experience before I take her out. So I can be more confident.” “I have a crazy idea. You can say no if you want. But what if we slept together? You want more experience and I haven’t been with anyone in a long time. It would be great practice for you since we are comfortable with each other. I would tell you what you need to improve on. And it would be a good stress reliever for me. What do you think?”
Spencer studies your face carefully looking for any signs of this being a cruel joke. When he is certain you meant it, he answers. “What about our friendship? I don’t want to mess this up.” He gestures between you.
“Of course we will still be friends. It’s not like we are going to fall in love. Think of it as a business transaction. We won’t let emotions get in the way. It will be strictly business.”
“No feelings?” He asks reaching his outstretched pinky towards you. “No feelings.” You confirm hooking your pinky with his.
Part Two
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@cindylynn @potter-puff007 @multifandom-worlds @mochie85
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I Gave You My Heart
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14/12: Hand Holding & Dry Humping - Billy Washington Word Count: 2.1k~ | Warnings: grinding, p in v sex, horniness as a result of drinking alcohol
12 Days of Smuff Masterlist
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Christmas was always a difficult time of year for Billy.
To most, it was a happy, cheerful time, when families would gather, stuff themselves with as much meat as they could manage, drink as much wine as they wanted without stumbling into the garden shed (as his dad did the year before, to which his mum still hasn’t let him forget) and pass out on the sofa before the King’s speech could even come on tele.
To Billy, as with most years he gathered at his parent’s house, it was just another opportunity for his parents, sister and extended family to badger him with the usual abundance of questions.
How’s the job hunt going? Not well? Aw, well there’ll be something out there for you. Just have to keep at it.
No girlfriend yet?
You’re still looking for a job?
Lana not here yet? She’s doing well isn’t she?
He felt that if he had to go through yet another year of it, he’d go ballistic.
Aunties. Uncles. Cousins. He hugged them all on arrival, but felt very little.
But this year was different.
There was an element of protection she provided. A buffer, so to speak. And Billy being Billy, didn’t want to lean on her for that buffer, but was relieved all the same when she didn’t mind.
How did she do it?
How did she smile through it? Remain polite, despite the fact that it was socially sapping and emotionally draining to be around this many new people at once, all bombarding her with questions.
She was the shiny new item to a mischief of magpies, and all his aunties were babbling like turkeys at her, taking all the attention away from him. To his relief.
He watched her with a warmth to his face, a can of cheap beer in one hand, leaning against the radiator in the hallway to warm his backside.
She entertained them with brief, vague answers, but still somehow managed to keep that smile to her face he loved so much. Perhaps he was just wavy from the alcohol, he couldn’t tell. But he did realise he was flushing with embarrassment when her eyes clapped on him from across the room, and he realised he’d been caught staring.
His heart rate skyrocketed as she excused herself and crossed the room like she was floating, the Christmas cracker tissue paper crown was still somehow perched on the top of her head, whether she realised it or not.
“What you doing here by yourself, Wash?” she smiled.
He’d almost forgotten to move his lips to reply, his face was so hot.
“Making use of the central heating to warm your arse?” she prodded with a cheeky smile, turning to stand beside him, pressing her own back to the radiator and sighing as the warmth spread through her body from the middle outwards.
“Have my aunties bored you to death?” he asked, smirking beneath the rim of his can as he sipped.
She laughed through her nose, “That obvious?” she smiles, “Nah, it’s alright. Much better company than my house on Christmas Day, anyway. At this point, my dad’d be a snoring mess on the sofa and mum’d be fretting about Boxing Day lunch”.
In his alcohol-addled state, the raising of Billy’s eyebrows was a bit unmatched, alongside the lazy smile on his face, “I can picture that”.
She raised her own eyebrow at the way he seemed to subtly sway, despite being stood.
“What number’s this?” she asked with a knowing smirk.
And she watched with amusement as the cogs inside Billy’s head visibly turned, trying to form a memory of how many cans he’d swiped from his dad’s fridge before now.
“Um…4? I think?”
“You think?”
He pressed his lips together, trying not to laugh out of embarrassment.
The heat once again rose to his chiselled features, something she would never not find endearing about him. Sometimes it was worth saying something risque or embarrassing just to see this beanpole of a man blush.
His baby blue’s glimmered with drunkenness as he looked over at her, for a moment searching her face as if he was ticking off all boxes that were labelled with her features. Her eyes. Her lips. The gentle slant of her cheeks. The shape of her nose. How her dimples sank in when she smiled lovingly at him.
He was sure nobody in his life had ever looked at him the way she did.
It made him feel good and also like he wanted to hide at the same time.
“You wanna get home soon?”
He nodded without even thinking. God, he fucking loved her for that. The way she was able to know when he was socially complete without him having to say it.
Leaving in any British household, especially on Christmas Day, is an event in itself.
It takes twenty minutes minimum, to pack up all the things you have, piling the presents you’ve received into various bags for life, and giving a ceremonial hug and a peck on the cheek to all who are still awake and present. Often people who you’d circle back to once you finally made it to the door, graced with yet another hug goodbye.
It was solemnly enchanting, the clear roads on Christmas Day, the ice that clung to the side of the roads, and the grit that coated the middle. Christmas music blared through her radio, muffled by static, and about the sixtieth time that BBC Radio 1 had played ‘All I Want For Christmas is You’. And they’d both laughed, delirious from over-socialising, when she’d realised only halfway through the drive back home, that she was still wearing the shoddy tissue paper crown.
“Was Santa good to you this year?” she’d asked jokingly, briefly turning her head from the red light.
He huffed a laugh, “He’s about to be when we get home”.
She rolled her eyes, shifting the car into first, but unable to help the smile that rose to her face.
Billy’s flat was donned with the basics of Christmas decorations.
Fairy lights along the headboard of the bed, a tiny plastic tree on the side table, several tea lights along the TV stand and finally, the pièce de résistance, the scented faux pine candle sat in the middle of the coffee table. Lit and extinguished this morning, but still managed to fill the room with a pleasant woody fragrance.
Billy talked big when he was a bit drunk. But she knew him better than that.
And though Billy might have wanted to tear all her clothes off, pull her to the nearest flat surface and let her know all he’d wanted for Christmas, all he was able to do was snuggle in behind her on the sofa, throw one arm around her waist and kiss the top of her head as his brain swam.
It was just noise mostly, something to fill the comfortable silence as the late afternoon became late evening, the tea lights illuminating the front room with a pleasant atmosphere. She was sure he’d fallen asleep, the hand that was over her middle now firmly in hers, his long digits intertwined with her small ones. Not that she minded. She simply held his hand, using her other to scroll through her phone with the volume turned down so he wouldn’t wake up.
She clicked her phone off when she felt his arm tighten around her middle, tugging her back closer to him and turned her head up to smile at him, “Billy”.
His eyes were closed as if half asleep, his dark blonde eyelashes moving to betray the fact that he was indeed awake, but he only hummed, his hips chasing hers to grind against her backside. The alcohol had fuelled his desire, but had hindered his actual ability to act on said desires, and he made a noise of frustration when his body hadn’t reacted the way he wanted.
“...‘m sorry…”, he mumbled quietly, speech slurred endearingly.
“For what?”
“...’ts my little soldier…can’t…”
She had to press her lips together to stifle a laugh, not used to or remembering Billy being this loose-lipped under the influence of alcohol. All the while he was still pressing his soft and clothed length against your backside, willing his ‘little soldier’ to life, to no avail.
It was both endearing and amusing, that even in the state Billy was in he was trying, and god he really was trying, to initiate intimacy, fully knowing that the likelihood was that he wasn’t going to be able to. Much much too drunk to even think straight.
“It’s alright, Billy, just go to sleep, ok?”
He huffed much like a child would when you refused him something.
“...but it’s Christmas…”
“Sex on Christmas Day is no better than sex on any other day. Just get some sleep, okay?”
He sighed, slumping his head onto the cushion in something akin to defeat, fingers still threaded through hers on her stomach. But not a moment later, she heard his steady breaths and threw the blanket over him as well as her and laid her head down as well.
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Waves of consciousness kept pulling her to the surface, a pleased sound falling from her lips as she parted them, feeling all warm both against her flesh and tugging in her gut as well.
She could feel Billy’s hot puffs of air against her neck and ear, the hair there reacting to his quickened breaths as they stood on end, her brain failing to realise quickly enough what was going on, and why her boyfriend lay behind her, was breathing so quickly.
That was until she heard him whimper, a stuttered moan following it.
Her eyelashes fluttered open, and instead of the warm ropes of sleep tugging her down it was something else, something hardpressing against her and chasing friction. His grip on her hands was so tight, his knuckles were almost white from the effort of holding back.
By now the candles had all burned out, save one, and the sky outside was pitch black, with the smallest flurry of snow decorating the darkness.
Hours had gone by.
She jumped when she felt his hands, colder than she expected, dip beneath her jumper and shirt, pressing his large palm against the flesh of her stomach, his little finger teasingly sliding beneath the waistband of her underwear.
“Sorry - babe, I need you…”
She could feel how impossibly hard he was through his jeans, chasing friction with every cant of his hips, using one hand to unzip them with difficulty as his other held onto her like she might disappear.
Freeing his length from his boxers, Billy almost moaned aloud when he saw that she was pulling her own jeans down as well, having woken more than aroused at the idea he was grinding against her searching for pleasure. So he made use of his hand and turned her face towards him, enveloping her soft, puffy lips with his own in a warm, wet kiss, not pausing for a moment to think about anything else other than having her right now, as he’d dreamt of doing since Christmas morning.
She nearly gasped when he slid his thick manhood into her, sheathing himself inside her in one, smooth confident movement, as if nothing, nothing, was going to stop him from basking in the warmth she offered.
In this position, with her thighs squeezed together, and his hand on her hips, pulling her back to him with each desperate thrust, it felt like so much more. And every blow to the sweet spot that lay deep inside her felt so utterly maddening, that her brain, still rising from sleep, felt like it was being shaken around.
She came with a choked cry, her grip on his wrist where his nimble fingers were applying frustratingly little pressure to her bud as he continued to piston into her. And when she was so close to begging him to stop from overstimulation, Billy leaned back a little, his teeth grazing against her neck and one hand palming her backside to push himself deeper as he too came with a long, broken whine.
His chest moved against her back with his heavy breathing, sucking in air into his lungs after the craze he’d just fallen over.
Billy pressed kisses to her neck and jaw in a sort of admiration, moving slightly with his length still buried inside her, eliciting a whimper from her as well as the friction.
She felt his eyelashes move against her cheek when he opened his eyes, “Did we really just shag with Die Hard on in the background?” he chuckled breathily.
This time, she couldn’t hold back her tired laugh, swatting his arm playfully, “you’re such a dickhead.”
He smiled wearily, turning her face once more to capture her swollen lips in a kiss, more tender this time without the urgency of desire.
“What was that about Christmas Day sex?” he prodded.
She furrowed her brows and double-tapped her phone.
Cheeky fucker.
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General Taglist: @aemondsfavouritebastard @bellstwd @blairfox04 @buckybarnesb-tch @castellomargot @hb8301 @jamespotterismydaddy @mochi-rose @natty2017 @nenelysian @randomdragonfires @risefallrise @thelittleswanao3 @theoneeyedprince @thetrueblackheart @tsujifreya @urmomsgirlfriend1 @valeskafics @virtualsweetsqueen @watercolorskyy @fan-goddess
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heartsoji · 1 year
Hello. If Requests Are Open I Have One. Tsukishima, Suna And Kenma With A Reader Who Is Kinda On The Thicker Side (Thick, Not Chubby) So She Gets Sexualized And Catcalled A Lot
a/n: yes! thank u sm for submitting a request ☺︎
warnings: swearing, guys (not the hq guys) way overstepping and making reader feel uncomfortable, fem reader
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tsukishima, suna, and kenma x reader
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when something happens to you, he shows his protection subtly, but he really really cares about you
would attack the weirdos and people jealous of your body
he wouldn't be the "don't worry babe, i can fight" kind of attacking guy, but the "beat them up mentally until their spirit is broken" kind of attacking guy
you were doing your work diligently at your desk when suddenly, one of your male classmates stopped at your desk.
"goddamn, girl. being serious is great and all, but would it kill you to show a pained expression every now and then?" he rested his hand on your desk, covering part of your paper.
"pardon?" you asked, not quite comprehending.
"i mean," he smirked, "can't imagine what you'd be like under me if you're so serious all the time. have you ever even felt pain?" he paused. "i can show you great pain and pleasure, babe. just gotta say the word."
you froze, speechless. how were you supposed to respond to that? whilst you were trying to come up with a response, you saw kei getting up out of the corner of your eye.
"well, cutie?" your classmate grinned widely before sliding a finger down your back, making you cringe in disgust silently. "how about it?"
"don't you have anything better to do?"
"huh?" the guy turned around to see kei towering over him, a nasty glare in his eyes.
"i said, 'don't you have anything better to do?' are you deaf, or just stupid?" kei asked, an annoyed expression present on his features.
"what the hell are you talking about? you're just a cocky brat, aren't ya?" the guy snarled. "man, i hate people like you. so much confidence with nothing to show for it."
kei paused. "i apologize. i was unaware that you hated yourself that much. things will get better, i promise." he mocked, patting the guys back, causing an angry vein to bulge out of the guy's forehead.
"haha, very funny." the guy muttered. "bitchy beanpole brat."
"alliteration! very good!" kei applauded with a smile before sending him a death glare that could freeze lava. "but seriously, are you such a loser that your ego won't allow a hit?" he then leaned into his ear. "she. isn't. interested. scram. you're just making a fool of yourself at this point."
the guy looked around and noticed everyone staring and whispering, clearly judging him for his creepy ways. he angrily stormed out of the classroom, with kei calling out a, "nice talk! let's do it again sometime," on his way out.
once the guy was fully out of the classroom, kei grabbed a chair and put it next to yours at your desk, plopping down his work as well.
"thanks, kei." you whispered a bit shakily.
he simply gave your hand a reassuring squeeze in response. "let me know if that loser gives you anymore trouble, ok?" he whispered back. "i'll beat him to a pulp." he followed up, a terrifyingly murderous intent in his eyes.
he then gave a smile, though it was still terrifyingly murderous-looking. "verbally, i mean."
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another guy with a tongue that could slice boulders
hes not quite as mean tho, instead choosing to go with the more "protect my girl" stance rather than tsukkis "belittle them and make them feel like tiny little idiots who have no worth" stance
he'd try to embarrass the hell out of them
he's good at manipulating people, after all. he finds their weaknesses in an instant and uses it to his ultimate advantage
and also
he loves your curves
he'd definitely come over and like place his hand on your hip or ass or smth to mark his territory
bro hes the only one who gets to say how much he likes your ass?? um who tf is this other dude
he'd probs also try and cause a scene or incorporate humor to make you feel better
you were scared
a guy from the inarizaki cheering section had been staring at you ever since you entered
though you weren't absolutely positive, you felt like you could feel his eyes scanning your curves, and it made you feel like curling away in disgust
you'd lessened your cheering ever since you realized that the screaming made your tits bounce, and his eyes were practically burning a hole through them
once the game was over, you quickly dashed off from the stands to meet rin at the bottom, but the same guy met you down there
"so, hey, i was just thinking that you're like, really hot and have a great body, you know? and not to brag but i kinda have girls drooling on my abs left and right. if we got together, we'd be the ultimate power couple! whaddaya say, doll, hm?"
you scanned the room, looking for rin, but unfortunately, the coach was giving a talk, so rin wouldn't be able to come right away
"um, thank you for your offer, but i have a boyfriend." you politely declined.
he put his hand on your shoulder, and you could feel his thumb searching for your bra strap. you leaned away uncomfortably, but he gripped your shoulder and pulled you back.
"hey, now, its ok. don't think that i didn't see the way you were showing off these pretty assets of yours to me on the stands. you were practically shaking the things in my face! i can take a hint, you know. don't worry. i understand women. you were hinting at wanting to get with me, right? i get it! promise i won't be mad if we start dating the minute you break up with whatever loser you're with right now, doll. i don't need to wait."
"hey, bun."
you whipped around to see suna rintaro not-so-gently shoving the guy off your shoulder and wrapping his arm around you, placing his hand right at the curve of your hip, giving you butterflies.
he directed his attention to the guy hitting on you. "'sup."
the guy stuttered for a few moments before regaining his cockiness. "this your girl? sorry, man, but she was actually just hitting on me. she aint loyal enough, i guess."
"the hell?! no i wasn-"
"she definitely wasn't." rin interrupted. "she'd never be into a piece of garbage like you."
a vein popped out of the guy's forehead. he grabbed the collar of rin's shirt.
"say that again."
rin opened his mouth, and for a moment, you thought that rin was going to retaliate, but instead, a piercing shriek ran through the air.
a baby's wail? a crying girl? a dropped mic? no, it was 6"1 inarizaki high middle blocker suna rintaro.
every head in the area turned, and suddenly, at the negative attention, the guy ran off in humiliation, calling out some insult towards you like "you weren't even that hot, by the way" on his way out.
once he was gone, suna picked you up and ran to somewhere with a bit more privacy
once he had found a spot he had deemed private enough, he engulfed you in the biggest, tightest hug, burying his head in your neck
"'m sorry that happened, bun." he murmured into your neck. "and 'm sorry that i interrupted you earlier, and i'm sorry that i wasn't there sooner, and im sorry that i didn't punch that guy in his pathetic, ugly-ass face."
you hugged him back. "it's ok, rin." you squeezed tighter. "i'm just glad you came."
"anyways, at any rate, he had no right to look in your direction, nonetheless insult you!" you felt his fists tighten. "pisses me off."
"and also," he added before moving his hand downwards to squeeze your ass, "i'm the only one allowed to call your body hot. everyone else can just fuck off"
you giggled and sighed into his locks. "ok, rin."
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he wouldn't be one for words
he'd just glare daggers into the other guys body and then drag you away
he liked to call it a tactical retreat
"hey, what grade are you in?"
you looked up from your phone to see a group of what seemed to be some middle school boys circling around you, with what seemed to be their leader approaching you.
"pardon?" you were a bit taken aback. what was even going on?
"shy. cute, i'm into that." the boy smirked. "class 3-2, izumitate junior high soccer team captain, sato emiko."
you froze. junior high? you were being hit on by junior high boys?
you really tried not to, but suddenly, you burst out laughing. "sorry, sorry, but, well, junior high? i'm a 2nd year in highschool!"
you expected him to back down after that, but to your surprise, he kept going. "an older girl, huh.. well, it doesn't bother me if it doesn't bother you. and if im being honest, i don't see why it would." he grinned cockily. "i am a catch, after all."
"sorry, i'm not interested." you declined, trying not to break his junior high heart.
to your surprise, he smirked and started approaching you. how cocky was this kid, anyways?
suddenly, he grabbed a handful of your thigh, though he was quickly met with a slap from you.
"come on," he said, walking towards you. "i know you want me."
but before he could reach for a handful of tit, he was interrupted by kenma shoving his way through the crowd.
he gently took your hand and smiled softly at you before glaring daggers at the boy and walking away.
"h-hey!" the boy stuttered, clearly a bit flustered. "you can't just walk away! who do you think you are?"
kenma turned his head to give another death glare that definitely sent chills down that kid's spine. yeah, the boy would definitely see that in his next nightmare.
once you two were out of earshot, kenma turned to you. "hey, you ok?"
you smiled warmly. "yeah. thanks for getting me, ken."
he turned away. "they were just a bunch of cocky middle schoolers. honestly, where do they get the nerve?"
the rest of the way home, kenma added in abrupt complaints about what had happened throughout the conversation. though he didn't say it, you knew that he was actually kind of scared to grab you out of there, despite the fact that the boys were "puny" and "weak," as kenma had described. you knew that though he wouldn't say, he was worried about you and was caring for you, in his own, unique, kenma way.
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kyokutsu-sama · 1 month
"Take care of me in the middle of the night"
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A/n: A fluff scenario for this man because I need to read more about his soft side😭🥺
I will write more of this type for him because I believe in the supremacy of big men with soft hearts🛐❤️
Tw: Mentions of alcohol and nudity (but no nsfw)
"Just look at you!!!" Jack left the bar, staggering and laughing, along with his friend and rival, Yami. "You're too drunk and you've lost all your money and clothes.”
"What about you? You're talking about me when you're worse than me, you beanpole!!" Yami pointed out to his friend who was equally naked and drunk.
"I'm sure Y/n will put you on the couch tonight, she won't like knowing that you arrived late and in this condition"
"What are you saying? My dear Y/n loves me and she wouldn't do that.” Yami frowned
"No? You're quite convinced!!"
"And you're jealous because you're single but well, who would fall in love with an asshole like you?" Yami laughed loudly at the other captain
"What? Know that I don't have trouble finding someone. I'm just oblivious to it."
"Yeah, yeah, I'm going to pretend I believe it," Yami tried to light a cigarette but the lighter wasn't giving off any light. "Damn, why doesn't this shit light up?!!" He grumbled, giving a sigh of frustration.
He kept the lighter, keeping the cigarette at the corner of his lips as he walked back to the black bulls' HQ, leaning on Jack.
You were sitting in the armchair where he usually sat, while you waited for him to arrive from another one of his nights out. You heard voices outside and laughter and assumed it was him.
"Damn, don't you know how to open a door properly?!" Jack said after Yami kicked the front door and entered
You got up and stood with your arms crossed, looking at your completely naked and drunk husband and his friend who was also naked, but only covered with the cloak.
"Oh, you are there, my beautiful wife!!"Yami went to you even after seeing your serious look and hugged you for a moment. You gave a long sigh seeing all that joy, he was quite drunk. “I missed you so much, baby.”He said, taking the cigarette out of his lips and distributing a ton of kisses all over your face
"Tch, look at her serious face!! I don't think these kisses are working on her, looks like you messed up, Captain Yami!"Jack laughed and you approached him, making him shut up for a moment
"Captain Jack, I thank you for bringing my husband home after a night of drinking. Now, get out!" You ordered
"It looks like I wasn't the only one who messed up..." Yami smiled at his friend and the other chuckled
"Fine, I'll be on my way. Have a good night, you drunkard!!"Jack looked at his friend and then at you, before leaving
As soon as the other captain left, you turned to face Yami and he gave you a playful smile. You can't help but smile when you see the unlit cigarette on his lips, he was probably so drunk that he didn't even care about it.
"Where have you been, Yami?" You asked, changing your expression to something softer now, taking the cigarette from his lips and put it aside
"I uhm...I've been drinking a few drinks but there were only a few, believe me!" He tried to hide it but seeing how he was stinking of alcohol, there weren't a few
“A few you, you say…”
"What about our boys? Where are they?" He asked, whispering in your ear and leaving a small trail of kisses from your neck to your shoulder
"They're sleeping, after drinking too much again." You said holding onto his forearms while pulling him away from you
"My brats are looking more and more like me" He chuckled
"Where are your clothes at?" You looked at his naked body
"I...I lost them in a gamble."He scratched the back of his head and you shook your head, smiling
"Yes, again."
"Come on, let's go to bed." You extended your hand to him and he gave you a mischievous smile
“And why don’t you take off your clothes too? That way, we wouldn't waste any more time, princess." He laughed smugly, trying to hug you but you slapped his chest and walked away from him."Sheesh! You're cold, babe!"He pouted and you smiled
"And you're being cheeky when I'm just trying to help you."
"Cheeky? I've never heard you complain about me being cheeky." He replied and you rolled your eyes. "Now, where is the damn bathroom again?" He said looking around, so drunk that he didn't even recognize his own HQ
"You're going to take a shit, aren't you?" You looked at him with a chuckle
"No, I just drank too much beer and now I need to take a big piss."He said
"I'll take you there, then." You held his hand and took him there
The walk from the living room to the bathroom seemed longer than usual, due to the way he stumbled with every step and also because of his dirty talk and his playful teasing to you. Nothing you weren't already used to. You just smiled at him and little did you know that it was that smile that motivated him to do even worse.
When you finally got to the bathroom, you opened the door for him and he went in so he could take the big piss he was talking about.
You were leaning against the wall waiting for the captain to come out, he opened the door and looked at you.
"You finished?" You asked
"Yeah, the biggest piss I've ever taken," He stretched, then yawned. "I really wanted to take a nap right now."
"It's been a long night already…" You caressed his arm and he nodded. "Let's get some sleep."
When you entered the bedroom, he threw himself on the bed and sighed heavily against the pillow. You approached the bed and sat down, staying next to him.
"I miss you so much.” He murmured as he lay down on his back on the mattress
"You had already said that before, you know?" You smiled
"I was talking about the bed."He said and you closed your eyes for a moment, feeling a certain embarrassment
"Yeah...the bed." You looked away
"I missed you too, don't be sad."He noticed your expression and smiled."Come here, my love."He pulled you to his chest and you hugged him
The captain placed a kiss on the top of your head while his hands caressed your back, he couldn't be more relaxed than he was at that moment.
"Thank you for taking care of me in the middle of the night. You are a wonderful wife."He whispered before closing his eyes to sleep
You looked at him, seeing him, with his eyes closed and guessed that he might already be falling asleep. This man slept like a log in a matter of seconds.
You leaned over a little and gave him a little kiss that he didn't even feel.
"I love you, idiot." You whispered
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stealthnachos · 5 months
is it ok to draw fanart of some of your characters? ive been wanting to try drawing slightly more nsfw art, or really just learn how to even draw boobs and butts at all since ill ive been drawing is homestuck style beanpoles, and your art seems perfect to study to try to get better at that.
so the characters i post on here lately are all adopts and they have all sold, but i do have some of my own characters that everyone is always free to draw.
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this is meg (the bat) and piper (she's a turnip crossed with a strawberry). i don't draw them much because when i sit down i usually want to make a new character but i still love to see art of them!
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octuscle · 7 months
Id love to become a hot Asian bodybuilder. if its not too much trouble?
Mate, that's a no-brainer. I have a pretty cool preset that I'll send you.
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Yeah, that's smoking hot, isn't it? I think you can be very happy with it. If you want to make some adjustments, you can adjust the attributes in the "Active Preset" menu item.
Yes, you are satisfied. You can hardly get enough of your reflection. But somehow you are jealous of the big lads in the gym. So you reach for the Chronivac and set the muscle mass to "Like the biggest lad in the gym". And "Less fluffy" for hairstyle. And "More body hair".
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An Asian hunk, as it is written in the book. A few side effects are already showing. You start to smell like sweat and musk. And your cock is also the biggest in the room. Fuck yeah, we're getting close…. You go to Mindset and change it to "Addicted to the Gym". Your head empties. And for that you know everything about nutrition and training cycles. About the right supplements. And about the winners of the big tournaments of the last 20 years. Your hairstyle is self-cut. Visits to the hairdresser only cost unnecessarily precious training time. And tops are only worn by losers who can't afford to show off their upper body.
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Your Korean has already become very simple in structure. But your foreign language skills are even worse. You start to have problems with the menu navigation. With muscles you enter "big much much big". Your muscles swell. You start having problems washing all over your body. You smell like a locker room. And you are as dumb as toast. But you are much much big.
You need to go to the bathroom urgently. Shit and fart. The problem because you eat all the time. You take off your pants and see the reflection of your back in the all-round mirrored anteroom of the toilets. You let your pants down. Shit, you have legs like a beanpole, you think. Where is the Chronivac? And how does this damn thing work again? You can no longer cope with the menu in the foreign language. You're so angry, Hulk would turn green now. But you are bigger than Hulk. And you crush your cell phone.
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The supervisor must point out to you that you have forgotten your pants. Hehehe. This happens to you more often. But you are much, much bigger! Enjoy it!
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specialagentlokitty · 2 months
Fat gum x reader - changed for the better
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Hi, saw you wanted requests for MHA so maybe Fat Gum x reader with this prompt from your prompt list “The hero and the villain don’t work together.” “They’re not married either but here we are.” but only if you want to of course. Thanks🥰 - Anon💜
Hands stuffed in your pockets, you idly wondered around the streets, looking for something to do to pass the time.
You were waiting for your husband to finish his patrol and go on break, and you were lingering nearby his agency.
After all this time you still felt uneasy around heroes, and you didn’t want to enter a whole building of them, you you settled for standing outside, scrolling through your phone.
“You’re here!”
You grinned, putting your phone back into your pocket, letting the hero pick you up and spin you around a few times before setting you down.
“I told you I’d be here!” You laughed.
“I was getting worried when I didn’t see you out the window, I’m glad you’re here though, I’ve got a new intern! Look!”
You looked behind him to see Tamajiki as normal, but there was a red haired boy with him this time who grinned brightly, bowing his head to you.
“Hello! I’m Kirishima from class 1-A! It’s nice to meet you!”
“So loud…”
Fat Gum laughed softly, covering your ears, gently rubbing small circles into your temples.
“Sorry. I forgot to tell you that (Y/N) doesn’t do well with sudden loud noises, their quirk means their hearing is slightly heightened.”
“Oh, I’m sorry, I should’ve been a little quieter. Are you okay?” Kirishima asked.
You smiled softly at him, nodding your head as you held your husbands hand in your own.
“Yeah, I’m good thank you. And Tamajiki, how’re you?”
The quiet hero to be turned his head to the ground, pulling his hood down a little bit.
“I want to go home…”
You laughed a little.
“Maybe I can convince my lovely husband to let you guys go for the night.”
You gently nudged the hero at your side making his laugh loudly, nodding his head.
“Yes! Go on home and be safe!”
“Thanks sir!”
Kirishima ran off with Tamajiki quietly following behind.
You walked in front of Fat Gum, gesturing for him to kneel down, so he did, and you grinned brightly, kissing his forehead, then you walked around to climb in his back.
Once you were comfortable, you draped your arms on his head, and he stood up to carry on walking.
“How does it look?” He asked.
You hummed a little, looking around.
“Looking funky, what’s the plan?” 
“Well maybe we can take a walk, then go to that restaurant you love so much, does that sound good?”
Fat Gum glanced to the side, and you leant down, grinning from ear to ear as you nodded your head at him.
He grinned brightly, gently resting his head on yours.
That’s what you guys did, but soon he became busy with work, so you spent a lot of time just wondering, looking for some other way to occupy your time.
That was up until you were stopped by Sir Nighteye, and you looked up at him a little confused, gesturing to the bracelet on your wrist.
“I haven’t done anything wrong?”
“I need you to come with me, it would be a lot faster if you didn’t fight.”
You waved your hand dismissively, already walking to the car he had gotten out off.
“Yeah yeah, I know the drill.”
You got in the car, letting him take you to wherever it was that you needed to be, and he escorted you inside.
You immediately hated the amount of heroes that were also walking through the doors, and you shuffled a little nervously on your feet.
You looked to the doors, quickly making your way over to fat gum, immediately tucking yourself into his side.
“There’s too many heroes…” you huffed.
“Why’re you here? Did something happen?”
“I don’t know, asking beanpole over there he dragged me here.”
Fat Gum nodded, leading you over to the middle of the room and stood you next to him, placing a hand on your shoulder and you wrapped your arm around his.
As the meeting started you lost interest in what was going on.
“I would like devil dog to help.” Nighteye said.
You snapped back from your little daydream and looked over confused.
“Huh? What?”
“An ex villain? You can’t be serious.” Someone scoffed.
“I believe that their quirk would be useful in this situation, your quirk allows you to summon numerous hellhounds that are connected or you correct? You can jump consciousness between them and turn into one?”
“Yeah, and what?”
“Be nice…” your husband whispered.
You huffed.
“I would like for you to assist us in this operation.”
You scoffed a little bit.
“The hero and the villain don’t work together.” You huffed.
Fat gum leant down a little, showing you his face, and you immediately looked at him, annoyed gaze softening the moment you connected eyes with him.
“They’re not married either but here we are.” He mused.
“Yeah that’s a point.”
“You can’t be serious and letting them have full control of their quirk, they terrified people for years just for fun.”
“Okay but I never actually hurt anybody Eraser, I was more just annoying the general public for fun.”
“You’re still a risk.”
“I’m reformed.” You grinned.
You placed a hand on fat gums head, pushing him up a little so you could look at the hero you were currently arguing with.
“You’re not safe with your quirk out in the public.”
“Seriously what the hell do you think I’m going to do? Run off and cause mayhem? I’m married to a hero for god sake he’ll find me straight away.”
Fat Gum stood back up fully.
“They’re right, I know all their hiding places.”
“You can’t be serious about this.” Someone else called out.
Tapping your husband on the stomach, you gestured for him to crouch down so he did, letting you climb on his back and he stood up.
You rested your arms on his head, messing with a little bit of his hair that was sticking out of his costume.
“Okay I get it, I have a shit past, but there’s a girl that needs saving right? Why the hell would I go running off to cause trouble knowing it would put her at risk? I’ll admit I did some shit things, but I never hurt no one, well, aside from present mic but that was actually an accident and beside the point. I’ll help, then I’ll wait for the bracelet to be put back on.”
There were a few mutters around the room.
“Please, I know you don’t trust them, and a lot of you question why I married them but I will vouch for (Y/N), if something happens or they run off I take full responsibility.” Fat gum said.
You leant down a little.
“Sweetheart you dont have to do that…”
“Of course I do, I know you’re not going anywhere.” He said softly.
You smiled gently back at him, kissing the side of his head.
“Course I wouldn’t, why would I go when you’re here?”
He grinned a little at you, and you rested your chin on the top of his head, letting the heroes go back to debating this.
Either way you didn’t care if they trusted you, you knew you had changed, and as long as your husband trusted you that was good enough for you
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karuuhnia · 4 months
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I've been a Pokémon fan since the very beginning and recently a friend asked me who my favourite character was. I couldn't answer with just one character. So instead I gave her my top 3 favourites from each generation - and then turned it into this. lol
A little bit more info under the cut if you're interested.
Please do not alter, repost/reupload or redistribute my artwork anywhere! (Reblogging is perfectly fine, of course.)
Gen 1:
Blue: The original rival, you loved to hate him. :D
Erika: I loved her design as a kid, even though I had no idea what a kimono was back then lol
Bill: No idea tbh lol. I like his hair and that he's a nerd, I guess? Honestly, Gen 1 did not have that many memorable and fleshed out characters, so I kinda struggled here.
Gen 2:
Lance: Honestly, he was my fave in Gen 1 already. I love his strength, his design, his virtuousness, his bravery, his code of honour, his everything. To me he's like a knight in shiny armour from old fairytales. lol I could spend a whole day describing all the things I love about him, but I don't wanna bore you.
Eusine: Probably a weird pick for many because he is kinda obnoxious in the game lol I've always had a soft spot for him though and I really wanted him to get Suicune in the end, after he'd changed.
Morty: I love his design and colours and that he's Eusine's bff and voice of reason.
Gen 3:
Steven: He is classy, wears a really awesome suit, has very cool Pokémon and is still a huge nerd. I love it!
Archie: (I see you, @chipsncookies) Big hunk with a big smile and a cool outfit. Beard. Not a bad guy, actually. Learns that he was wrong and does everything to make things right again. Frienemies with Maxie.
Maxie: Scrawny beanpole with a silly (but very cozy looking) outfit. Secretly a dork. Not a bad guy either. Learns from his mistakes and wants to make them right again. Frienemies with Archie.
Gen 4:
Riley: I was a huge fan of Sir Aaron in the movie and Riley is just as awesome. I love his hat too. His personality is also similar to Lance's, so that's a huge plus.
Cynthia: I really, really like her. She is so cool and strong and her theme is amazing. Just like Charizard she's become too popular and that gets a bit tiresome sometimes.
Looker: Okay, I admit, it took me a while to get used to Looker. But now I like his quirky, funny Inspector Gadget shenanigans. What changed my mind was the aftergame of XY. ;__;
Gen 5:
Ingo & Emmet: I couldn't do it. I couldn't choose who of them I like more. So they share the first place.They're a duo anyway. And absolutely inseparable. R-Right?
Elesa: I like her mainly because of the fanon that she's bffs with the subway twins. But she's also not the bitchy supermodel that I first thought she was. She's actually kind and supportive.
Alder: Funny grandpa with awful hair, but a big heart and a great theme song.
Gen 6:
Lysandre: His design always gave me Ganondorf-vibes. That's pretty much it. His goal is stupid.
Emma: Her storyline in the post-game was by far the best thing in XY. And her theme is so beautiful!
Sycamore: I still wish he had actually turned out to be evil. I still like him.
Gen 7:
Kukui: What is not to love about him? He's a hunk, he loves his wife, he takes in Lillie, he punches Pokémon with his bare hands.
Lillie: Sweet little girl who deserves all the love from her friends and her adoptive parents instead of all the shit her psycho bio mother put her through.
Burnet: She's sweet and smart and kind and I wish she had a much bigger role in the game. Her anime part was great though <3
Gen 8:
Piers, Sonia and Raihan: Honestly... These are pretty much the only characters that I remember lol Gen 8 was very underwhelming for me.
Gen 9:
Arven: Just a poor neglected boy who wants to save his sick dog. In contrast to his shitty parents he's got a big heart, is caring, nurturing and supportive.
Clavell: The twist about this character was that there was no twist. He is just a very kind grandpa who genuinely cares for the well-being of his students. I also LOVE his battle theme.
Hassel: This game really is full of wholesome boomers. Hassel's got a huge heart for art and his students and Pokémon. He's also not afraid of showing his emotions.
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