#i made this because i thought Jason and Tim were opposite sides of the spectrum. Jason kills because Batman. Tim don't kill because Batman.
Bite Me - Tim Drake x Reader
Requested by @astressedwriter : “For the sexual tension thing, ""bite me." With Tim drake ?? Love you! ❤” (ILY2, thank you for the request!)
A/N: Hello my dudes! I am here with another Tim story. (You have only done two, you dumb ass.) I’m kinda annoyed with how long this took but I’m happy on how this played out even though I wrote way more than I was expecting to for this. (Though this did come out more angsty rather than sexual tension-y, so sorry about that, but I tried 😅.) Anyway, hope you guys enjoy and be sure to let me know what you guys think! Love Y'all. Also, I hope all my fellow Floridians up in Panhandle are safe and sound because it looks extremely ugly up there and I know hurricanes are no fun at all. Good luck my dudes, please stay safe and be careful!
Now to say that you didn’t get along with Red Robin was a major understatement. From the minute you guys were introduced, to this very second, you guys hated each other. The two of you just butted heads constantly, it wasn’t as apparent in the beginning but things slowly escalated as the months passed and it just got to the point the two of you couldn’t even be in the same room as the other.
You both were the smartest people on the team, but other than that you were polar opposites. He was more reserved and intensive, so focused on his work that he wouldn't stop for anything to make sure a case is solved. While you, on the other hand, were more energetic but laid back and was generally the type of person who would make sure all your friends were happy and healthy.
The final nail on the coffin though was your quick friendship with the devil himself, Damian. Oh, man were the two of you annoying, your guy’s friendship was literally a giant hate on Tim Drake club, and it seriously pissed him off. Plus, what kind of maniac could befriend Satan as fast as you did? Like what kind of crazy person are you?
But it was so damn hard to get you out of his mind, it was nearly impossible. You were there in the back of his mind, you were there at the forefront of his brain and you were there in the Cave way too much for his liking. Then on the other hand, you were no better, what thoughts went through his mind also went through yours and none of you had an absolute clue about it. Like it got to the point where you just don’t want to care anymore but here you were, going back to thinking he looked kinda cute with his focused gaze on the screen.
At this point, the two of you were obsessed with each other but neither of you wanted to admit to themselves, let alone with each other.
But the rest of the team, they just knew that something was going on between the two of you. While a couple ignored it to the best of their ability, others may or may not have made bets about whether or not they would either punch each other then kiss, or kiss then punch each other. Damian was a part of the ignore it at all costs and it might go away group. Then on the opposite side of the spectrum was Dick who was just praying at this point for you two to just kiss and make up already. Of course, there is also the Chaotic Neutral, Jason who really loved watching you guys go at each other’s throats, but also wants you guys to see that you both like each other. Everyone else was just scattered throughout the spectrum.
Either way, you guys were a frequent topic of conversation. This would also triple when Dick would pair the two of you for missions. To you, it felt like a punishment because don’t you see that me and him just can’t stand each other?! Was the main thought process that had gone through your mind. The same thought process was going through his. Today was one of those days.
This operation though was on an increase of gang activity around an abandoned elementary school on the edge of Gotham from some of Black Mask’s men. Everyone knew that there was something not right there so you guys were sent to go investigate to go see what was going down and to put a stop to it.
So sucking up your pride you guys go on your mission, but the entire time it was silent between the two of you. At this point, it was just unsettling to you, as the noiselessness of anything had always put you on edge. The entire ride to the mission’s destination there was completely soundless, not even the radio was on to help distract you from him.
Basically, your entire thought process was focused on him. So you observed him as he drove. You notice his jaw clenching after a while, but his focus never left the road. Was it weird that you wanted a little of that attention on you? Yeah probably, you thought.
What you didn’t know was that he was barely focused on the road, he might have been driving the car but his brain was studying the body language the body language off yours in the passenger side of the car that he saw at the corner of his eye. He knew that you were staring at him, he could feel your gaze piercing his face as he drove. Tim for a moment felt slightly giddy but he pushed those feelings down as he thought you were making a million insults about him and his imperfections. That gave a very bitter taste in his mouth.
“What.” He says, annoyance and a slight venom burning through his words.
With the silence broken by him, it left you a little clueless. “Huh? I didn’t say anything.”
“You’re staring holes into my head, what unpleasant thought is going through your pretty little-deranged head right now?” At this you scoff at his pettiness, eyes scrunching in displeasure.
You let out a harsh groan. “Who the hell said I was even thinking about you?”
“You’re undivided attention,” His eyes never left the road as you neared the abandoned school where the case led you to. “You have that face whenever you and the demon spawn start talking trash.”
“Woah, you’re completely full of yourself, Drake.” You state, annoyance and sarcasm filling your voice.
“(L/N), that's all you do when I’m around.” His glare maybe on the road but it is directed towards you. “You guys are the literal hate on me club.” Well, that threw you back a bit.
“My dude, you do that to me all the time.” You were feeling pretty vulnerable now “Complaining about me to Bruce behind my back. Picking my insecurities one by one when you want to make me squirm. Hell, you did this the first time I ever went out on patrol with you guys.”
That made him pause. “Okay, first of all, I didn’t complain-”
“Okay fine, you bitched your heart out of your pretty mouth.” You interrupt as he pulled into the school, crossing your arms across your chest, moving your gaze in front of you.
“No, I didn’t!” He exclaims as he parks the car.
“Yeah, you did!” With that, he turns to you with furry in his eyes only to meet to yours with as much anger.
“Why do you always have to always tell me I’m wrong?!”
“Why do you always have to contradict me?!”
“Why do you always have to make me feel like I’m doing something wrong?!”
“Why do you hate me so much?!” You both yelled at each other, and for a moment everything was still, both yours and Tim’s eyes opening to each other for the first time.
Tim opens his mouth to say something but nothing escapes his lips.
Having enough of this game, you look away sliding your mask down your face and unbuttoning the shirt you were wearing over your costume. You let your eyes wander back to him, seeing him do the same after a couple seconds. You even caught him glancing over at you too, but there wasn’t any malice there anymore.
Before you left the car, you whisper, “I don’t hate you.” Then before Tim could say anything you exit the car, leaving the conversation behind, your heart feeling lighter but at the same time being dragged back to him.
Yet you put it to the back of your head, getting your game face on, with the now dressed Red Robin following behind you.
Fast forward an hour or two later you and Tim after finding the base inside and putting a stop to the weapons operation there take down the operation. It was an extremely hard fight. Harder than any of you honestly expected but you guys took it down.
When it was finally over though, the two of you were out of breath. On the way back to the car you were extremely quiet and were lagging a good bit behind him. It was definitely out of character for you, and given the “conversation” you had with Tim before the mission, he felt something was off.
“(S/N)?” He questions, turning around and expecting to see your tired self walking behind him.
He saw you on the ground on your knees, grasping your side with one hand and trying to keep yourself up with the other.
Now your fatal flaw was making sure that you were a help instead of a burden. You felt the agony of the bullet puncturing into your body, embedding itself into your side. But you couldn’t stop fighting, you might die but so could Tim if you stopped so you kept going, the battle ending a few moments later. But you were having trouble as you tried to stay standing as long as you could, putting a hand to the slowly spreading stain of blood on your uniform, trying to steady your breathing so you could follow without letting Tim know.
Tim ran right for you, removing your hand to see the damage then cursing under his breath as he sees it, then immediately picking you up and dashing towards the car. Opening the door putting you inside, running around the car to get in and dashing back towards the cave.
“I’m sorry,” You mutter as he speeds across Gotham to Wayne Manor, fear shaking your voice across the car. “For everything.”
He could barely hear you, and it really scared him in a way he didn’t think possible. “Don’t say that like you’re dying (Y/N), that’s not going to happen.”
You chuckle, but there was no humor behind it, just pain. “Bite me, Drake.”
You could barely hear him at this point, your senses fading as you neared the Cave.
You were completely unconscious by the time Tim got you there.
It was a miracle that you even made it there alive. An even bigger one that you made it through the night in the infirmary. Hell, you shouldn’t really be breathing right now.
But you were and even though you were alive, it took a couple of days to wake up, then about a week until you were able to stand up and walk around. The healing process was a long one, but it was much better than being dead was your thought process throughout.
A couple months after the incident and you were back to fighting crime, and it was like coming home for the first time in years. God, you missed the freedom it gave you, the wind in your hair and the adrenaline pumping through your veins.
One thing that put you slightly off was that you now had a shadow in the shape of Red Robin trailing a couple rooftops behind you.
Now throughout the time that you were unconscious, he was with you almost the whole day according to Damian. (Who wasn’t happy about it, like at all.) But when you woke up, he faded into the background, trying to distance himself from you as much as possible. It wasn’t about hate anymore, no it was about guilt. Yet, he was never too far away from you, and this put you on edge, and maybe even a little remorseful on how you handled the situation back then.
With a sigh leaving your lips, you turn around just staring at him across the roofs in between the two of you. “I didn’t realize that I ordered a stalker by mistake.” It wasn’t said with annoyance but with a witty twist to it.
“You know, you do realize that you don’t order stalkers right?” He says with a dry chuckle as he jumps across to the rooftop your standing on.
“I know, but given the situation, it kinda feels like it.” You state, watching him walk across to you.
“Why do you say that?” He had a feeling he knew the answer but he wanted to hear you say it.
“Because it was my fault that I got shot and didn’t tell you about it until it was almost too late.”  Okay, he got what you were saying but he didn’t like it.
“No it’s more on me than anything,” He says, resting his arms on the side of the building and facing the city lights. “I was the one who started the fight in the car beforehand and threw us both off our game.”
“I sure as hell didn’t help that, I was about ready to chew your head off.” You state, turning to face the view.
“Yeah, but nothing new there.” It wasn’t cruel when he said it if anything it was a joke and the growing smile on his face showed it.
You laugh, oh two can play at that game, you thought. “And you looked like you were ready to shoot lasers from your eyes.”
“While you were staring holes in the side of my head,” He says mid-laugh. “I thought you were planning on figuring out a way to help Damian shave my head in my sleep or something.”
You scoff, giggling soon after. “I plead the fifth on the involvement of that one.”
“Doesn’t mean you weren’t involved.”
“Bite me, Red. I didn’t say that I did and I didn’t say that I didn’t.” Your eyes travel to him as you speak, catching his eyes staring into yours.
It was quiet for once as if the world had held its breath for the second time in the past couple of months just to see what would transpire between the two of you. Then when the moment passed with both of your eyes locked together, ever so slowly you both lean in and when your lips finally meet, it felt like the universe shifted. Not in the bad cataclysmic way, but in a way to let the light shine through on the both of you.
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sleepychai-fics · 6 years
Damian Wayne x Poor!Reader - Love isn’t Money
Requested: Yes
@redrookrising​ asked;  Hi! I saw a post from you about wanting requests to write stuff for DC, and I was wondering if you’d be willing to do something (short story, head cannon, whatever you want!) about an older Damian Wayne dating a reader who loves him a lot, but grew up poor and is kind of worried about not fitting in with the rest of his world? (Being uncomfortable at galas or with going on lavish dates, fearing that people might think that they’re taking advantage, etc?) sorry it’s such a long request!
so i may have swerved a bit off the request but hopefully it’s still ok.
Hope you enjoy.
The Wayne Manor was decorated in luxury. Crystal chandeliers hung from almost every large room, sparkling in the envy of the light. Shiny silver platter decorated the outdoor tables with the indoor tables being filled with expensive delicacies.
The Wayne boys were spread out through the ball room, all doing their own thing, except for of course Bruce Wayne who was never able to get a step in before he was pulled in a different direction.
Dick was where the ladies were, of course, most likely using his dashing looks and charm to flirt some of the ladies into his bed tonight.
Jason was most likely going to be outside, not bothering to converse with the guests at all. Probably having a smoke.
Tim would most definitely be participating on behalf of Bruce, meeting up with all the important business clients and customers, maybe even striking a deal or two, who knows.
You however, stood off to a corner, the beautiful (colour) dress hugging your body. You hugged your body, not from the cold but the way the dress felt.
You see, you weren’t born into the rich, in fact, you were rather poor. You struggled to pay your bills and buy necessities. You lived by yourself in a small apartment in old Gotham. You had moved out of your parents home because you didn’t want to add any extra cost for them. They both had full time jobs and you hardly got to see them so you decided it was best for you to move out as soon as you finished high school in order to de-stress them. They both tried to get you out of the idea but you were stubborn when it came to them. You saw the struggles they had to keep you in school and you hated being a big money burden on them.
You worked at a cafe down the street, it wasn’t the best paying job but you got a somewhat decent amount of money from it. Your job was how you met Damian. He had come into the cafe, ordering a vegetarian sandwich. He became a regular customer and always seemed to visit only on your shifts. One night as you were working the night shift, some thugs came in and started demanding money. 3 seconds later the windows were smashed and Batman and Robin were there. You had instantly recognised Robin as Damian. His cheek bones were one of a kind. The day after you had confronted him after he made a visit to your house, asking if you were okay. He was appalled that you had found out his identity but complimented you on your smarts. He and you exchanged phone number and from there is history.
Not the most romantic love story but you weren’t complaining. After you had found out he was the son of Bruce Wayne, you nearly jumped out of your skin. You were dating a billionaires son.
You got a full sight on it with his first date he took you on. He had bought you an extremely expensive dress and had taken you on this beautiful city view restaurant. You loved it, you really did, but it didn’t feel right for you, you didn’t feel like you belonged in that environment.
Now most people would expect you to take the money for granted, but you were far from most people. Every time Damian tried to give you money, to pay your bills, to help with groceries, you would turn him down. It’s not like you turned down his generosity, you just felt like you had no right to chew off of him. You had no intentions on taking someones money for granted, you wanted to earn all your money yourself, you wanted to conquer life as it is and fight for yourself. You didn’t want to cheat through life, that would be too easy. Besides, what’s life without it’s ups and downs?
As for the gala your currently attending and the dress you’re wearing, Damian had insisted that you attended tonight for you to show yourself to the public how you had become a true part of his heart.
The public hated you, to be blunt. They despised you, wanted to rip you away from Damian. So much so that so many rumours about you had spread, about how you were a money whore who was only dating a billionaire for his money, and how you were a prostitute off the street. Everything said about was fake of course, but that didn’t stop the emotional pain. You had almost broken up with Damian, had it not been for the intervention of Alfred revealing a recent news article about your relationship. Damian realised soon after and comforted you in his arms. The next morning, Bruce was informed and he made a very angry announcement to the public.
You got along really well with his family and had obtained a good relationship with everyone. Bruce was a hard one to obtain but he soon accepted your relationship, and he completely understood how you felt about money. Your parents met them once and were surprised at how understanding they were of the situation, considering they were on two completely different levels on the money spectrum.
You once again, played with the dress around your thighs, not liking the fact that it stuck to you. That’s when you heard them again, the gossip girls.
“Oh my goodness, there’s the money whore again. I bet my purse that she begged Damian for that dress.”
“I would’ve thought that she had him in bed last night just to even attend this gala.”
“Why is she even here? It’s not like she here to donate.”
“Maybe she’s donating her life to the garbage.”
“Oh please, like her life could even make up a dollar.”
That was the last straw. You restricted yourself from punching the girls as it would attract more unwanted attention to you.
Instead, you opted for storming out of the ball room and outdoors. Your feet seemed to be on automatic as they lead you away from the guests and to the opposite side of the house. You didn’t realise where you were going until you reached a large fountain than ran a couple metres from the house to the garden, fairy lights adorning every tree. Sculptures of bugs lay at every metre and and the end of the fountain, laid a stone bench.
Your stinging eyes looked at the stone bench and your legs seemed to follow. The tears didn’t fall until you had sat down on the bench. You place a hand over your mouth to stifle the sobs that broke out. You held no care as the applied makeup on your face began to smudge and tun down your face. The sharp wave of cold rushed through your body as the night wind washed over you.
You poured out your tears as the humility and shamefulness hits you fully. You don’t know how long you stay there, weeping senselessly into the cold night, all you know is that a familiar tuxedo jacket wrapping around your shoulders is what brings you out of your breakdown.
Your sobs stop, as well as your tears, as you turn around, locking eyes with the concerned green eyes that belong to your boyfriend.
“You’re going to freeze out here beloved.” He states as he takes his spot next to you and wraps his arms around you, bringing your form into his chest.
You tilt your head away slightly, trying not to smear his white shirt with your make-up. That is how you remain for another few minutes. Snuggled into Damian’s chest as he runs his fingers through your hair.
“Was it the rumours again?” He asks quietly, almost scared as if he’ll break you.
You reluctantly nod your head as you pull away from Damian and wipe away your tears and makeup the best you can.
Damian reaches over and into his inside tuxedo pocket, pulling out a small pack of tissues, he pulls out one and hands it to you whilst he grabs another and starts wiping away at your face. You wipe away at your hands with the tissue, getting rid of all the smudged up colour and tears while Damain finishes up wiping your face.
Once he finishes, he takes both tissue and tucks them away in his pants pockets.
“You look better without makeup anyway beloved.” He smiles down at you, which is a sight to remember. “I am sorry I dragged you here tonight. I shouldn’t have done that when you have reasons to not want to be there. I am sorry for your pain tonight (Y/n), I promise that I’ll handle them myself.”
You smile lightly up at him and lean onto his frame, placing your head at his neck and looking out to the garden. He places his chin atop your head, joining you in viewing the garden.
“This isn’t your fault, none of it is. I understand you wanted me to be here to try to persuade the public, but I just don’t think that they’ll be persuaded as easily.”
You feel Damian's sigh ruffle your hair. “It is not you’re fault either, don’t drag yourself down with their comments about you. You are better then they are, they don’t have the brain to realise that you are someone who is kind and thoughtful. In fact, they wouldn’t be much different either. They have no chance in life if they think everything is money. Money isn’t what makes love, the heart is.”
Your smile spread at Damian’s words. You lift your head out of his neck, staring into his eyes as he also looks down at you. You bring your lips to his, encasing them in the familiar warmth and safety. You pull away after a few seconds and look up at him.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
You two peck once again before returning your eyes to the dimly lit garden, the gala and the gossip girls completely forgotten about.
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