#i might finish this later if i feel like it but im very sick rn and just dont have the energy
herorkgk · 5 months
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testing another new brush again
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fionajames · 6 months
Hey!!! How’s the concussion? Hope it’s almost healed. How are you since the last time I’ve asked?
Requesting time: may I pretty please with a cherry on top have a story about an AU where the wars over and all our fav clones have been recognized as citizens and all have their dream jobs (what do you think they would be) please?
If that’s too hard, may I substitute it with a little story about Xi (I believe that’s his name?) the clone who got sick from one of my other requests and has a little crush on General Skywalker?
Thank you so much, hope you’re well, have a great day! -Sha 🫡
fix-it-fox au
HI SHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3
ok so guys, originally i was also gonna do headcanons for all my clone ocs and i wrote a few but gave up cause its been hours.
also, yes, normal dogs and cats and their various breeds exist in this.
have some headcanons:
(writing below the cut)
The Clones get like, idk imma just say money but basically they get a bunch of money to make up for not getting paid but especially to make sure they’re not gonna end up homeless.
Most Clones live in groups as it feels unnatural for them not too.  (i feel like im doing a david attenborough documentary rn, read: ‘most clones live in groups’ in david’s voice, go check him out if you dunno him)
The Clones are then all ‘employed’ by the GAR (they’re not rlly given a chance, as the senate wouldnt fully permit them to just become civvies, padme, chuchi and bail as well as some others managed to negotiate this, which was the best why could do). This means they can have other jobs and are only called upon if there is a problem that requires them. Sorta like how the Jedi were before that, but different.
Most Clones move to planet Nay-Mets (an anagram of amnesty, i think this is funny because the definition of amnesty is ‘an official pardon for people who have been convicted of political offences’ which is kinda what the anti-clone people would think about them, so its like the clones r saying ‘we dont care what you think’ and owning it) - which I have made up. Nay-Mets is a planet of earthy terrain, with lakes and rivers running through it. Its beautiful, and had a sparse and small population until the clones arrived. The clones are careful with what they do to the land and care for it dearly. The Non-Clone civvies are very welcoming and help the Clones build homes and other things. They moved into a town that had been uninhabited for a year or so for no real reason. Only a month after the end of the war, Nay-Mets is busy and buzzing, with Clones and Non-Clones.
Bail Organa has become Chancellor and is pushing everything for Clone rights. Between him, Chuchi and Padme - plus some other senators - they’ve gotten good and better rights for the Clones.
Anakin lives with Padme on Naboo. When the war ended, he ended up telling Obi-Wan about his marriage who happily informed him the Council was changing the code to allow such things. 
Anakin is off-world when Luke and Leia are born, but feels it through the Force. He rushes home (Obi-Wan orders him to, claiming he can finish the battle by himself) and cries upon meeting his children.
Obi-Wan visits Naboo before returning to Coruscant and immediately feels the tug towards Luke, who’s Force is a blanket of warmth and sunlight. Ahsoka comes as soon as Anakin comms her (which is pretty quickly, and rather excitedly) and upon meeting Leia, she can’t help but hear the raindrops and feel the moonlight she emits to her. Luke has a special bond with Obi-Wan, just as Leia has a bond with Ahsoka. 
Even though Palpatine is dead, the events of the other seasons take place, but slightly differently. The battles that do take place (no way im specifying, i dont have the patience for that) are run by Dooku. He’s keeping the war going, but without Palpatine, it’s hard. He’s captured by Anakin, then Grievous is killed by Obi-Wan. Dooku goes to jail.
Ahsoka still gets the message from Bo-Katan and frees Mandalore. She captures Maul who is taken to trial and he is the reason that the trial against Fox finally proved him not-guilty (well, guilty but fairly).
Order 66 never happens (no shit) and the Kaminoans are ordered to de-chip every single Clone. They are taken to jail immediately afterwards. Some Clones remain on Kamino to raise the youngers, and Shaak Ti ends up taking control of the whole place.
During this time period, after the Kaminoans were arrested, the Bad Batch stumble upon a certain blonde girl hiding in a lab. Hunter - seeing no reason not to - immediately ‘adopts’ her. 
Some cadets and baby Clones leave Kamino, but these are only ones who have an older Clone who has managed to snag legal custody over them. These guys aren’t very common, as they didn’t have much exposure to older Clones, but it’s not so bad.
Shaak Ti begins to make the Clones’ training intertwined with schooling, and also give them excursions off-planet. The young Clones no longer hate Kamino like so many of their elders did.
Alongside the de-chipping process, Clones are all given a vaccine that returns their ageing to normal, meaning they get to live normal, long lives.
Oh and Ahsoka is paid for helping Mandalore, so she’s no longer broke.
As soon as the war is over, Rex goes and visits Cut.
He isn’t really sure what to do at first, as he’s put his heart and soul into the GAR, and now he doesn’t have to.
He follows Ahsoka around like a lost puppy because she’s got more experience with civilian life, and frankly, he’s missed his sister. He does help Fives whilst he’s recovering from his trauma and as a result, it's Fives and Rex bunking at Ahsoka’s place for a bit (she pretends to be annoyed but she really isn’t).
Eventually she convinces him to take Fives and Jesse (who’s been crashing on her couch and making ramen at 3am for a few weeks) and go get a house. This is because the Clones are given… like, money, because they didn’t get paid during the war.
So Rex, Jesse and Fives get a place next door to the Bad Batch (including Echo and Omega) and end up knocking down the fence separating the two houses and building a hallway between them so it’s like one big, slightly separated house.
Rex slowly begins to relax as a civilian, but still is a bit too rigid. He’s the third person to meet Luke and Leia (aside from Anakin and Padme, ofc) - first being Obi-Wan and second Ahsoka. He’s utterly honoured but immediately uneasy, as he hasn’t had much exposure to children. 
But Luke, with his mighty force connection, sees Rex and is instantly puppy-eyed, and won’t stop crying until his uncle holds him. This boosts Rex’s confidence a lot, and he finds himself visiting a lot.
Rex wears mostly hoodies and baggy/cargo pants. The first time he put a hoodie on, he did that thing where you pull it over your knees and curl up. He didn’t move for hours. Ahsoka went out the next day and put him a ton, mostly blue ofc.
His favourite hoodie is the custom one Fives got for him (although he’ll never admit it aloud). It’s blue and white - the 501st’s colours, ofc - with his jaig eyes on the front. On the back is his CT number, but with a line through it and below, his name. Fives says he wants everyone to know that they’re not numbers, they’re people. Rex cried when he heard.
Rex doesn’t get a job at first, and instead helps Fives, Jesse and Echo out in their cafe when needed. Eventually, he turns his farming hobby (something he’d picked up to use his time) into profit and attends the farmers’ market to sell products.
Echo didn’t really know when the war ended, until the Bad Batch came and rescued him. 
Even after being sweetly reunited by Fives, he struggles mentally and physically, unused to being a cyborg. 
He finds himself staying with the Bad Batch the most, because of his newly found troubles. When it comes to house-arrangements, he has a talk with Fives, and they agree to live separately, but everyone knows you can often find them in the other’s house anyways.
He ends up running a cafe with Jesse and Fives that becomes popular very quickly. His favourite thing to have is a hot chocolate with a choc-chip cookie, which he often does whilst reading a book at the counter.
Speaking of books, Echo is finally exposed to books, like, fictional books. Although others were shocked, Echo prefers fiction over non-fiction, as he likes the made-up stuff. He wishes desperately he had it growing up and with that thought, he and Shaak Ti teamed up to get the cadets and baby Clones on Kamino books.
Echo cries when he gets his custom hoodie. It’s like the rest of the Bad Batch’s with the grey, black, red and white pattern and ofc his crossed out CT number and name on the back, but there’s also a blue hand print where it was on his armour. 
He wears his hoodie everywhere, much like Rex.
Other than his hoodie, Echo mostly wears baggy long-sleeved stuff in an attempt to cover his robotic screwdriver-thing hand. Anakin offered to get someone to remove it and replace it with a prosthetic hand like his own but Echo denied it. He's proud of it, but a little self-conscious.
Echo’s a lil more shy than he was before, but still his sarcastic goofy self. He buys a bike (bicycle) when he arrives on Nay Mets, and rides it everywhere. Its not uncommon to see him riding his bike through the hills at 6am.
Because of the whole ‘Tup’ incident, Fives’ mental health has deteriorated drastically. Rex is his biggest help, alongside Echo and as well as Jesse and Ahsoka.
Because of this, he goes with Rex when he moves into Ahsoka’s apartment temporarily. They basically get two mattresses and chuck them in an empty room, sleeping on the floor (on the mattresses tho) with blankets, but its so much comfier than their bunks.
Fives starts becoming his usual self a bit quicker than expected, especially when he arrives on Nay Mets.
He ofc runs the cafe with Jesse and Echo, and is the main drink maker. He makes the best milkshakes.
After a bit, Fives ends up assembling a group of Jedi and Clones to help him get hoodies for almost all the Clones. It takes a few months but with him learning to sew, dozens of others doing the same and various people across the galaxy being paid to make them, the hoodies are distributed everywhere.
He designs his last, and its pretty simple with the blue and white markings and his crossed out CT number and name.
Like most Clones, he prefers comfy and baggy clothes, wearing mostly hoodies and baggy pants. He develops a love for beanies.
Fives takes up electric guitar as his hobby, and thoroughly enjoys it. 
When he first meets Padme, she hugs him and comforts him without a second’s hesitation. He cracks immediately and cries. She spends the entire day calming him and comforting him, and she’s self-employed herself as his unpaid therapist.
He returns to Naboo to visit Padme regularly, and his General, ofc. 
To everyones’ delight, when Leia is toddlerish age and her rebellious side is evident, Fives becomes more like himself as he assists her in getting into trouble.
Anakin and Padme don’t mind having to clean off the noticeably washable marker from the walls when Fives starts laughing again. They’re grateful he’s getting better, and that he chooses to use materials easy to clean up.
Jesse spends the first few weeks of his civvie life going absolutely nuts in trying to experience stuff. 
He quickly realises that he has no home and ends up crashing on Ahsoka’s couch. She pretends to get annoyed at him when he constantly gets up at unholy hours to make ramen but she frankly is glad he’s doing well.
He’s the one to organise a house for him, Rex and Fives on Nay Mets.
He ofc runs the cafe with Echo and Fives, and he’s the cooking expert. He’s well known in the town for his delicious foods and alongside Fives’ excellent drinks, its what gets the cafe popular quickly.
His hoodie is the same as Fives’, but with his number and name, ofc.
It’s only been six weeks since the War ended when Jesse arrives home with a sheepish grin and a box that moves. He giddily reveals a black and blue merle mudi dog (such a cute breed, go google it, you wont regret) that he names Tundra. Tundra is rather quiet for his breed (never had this breed but during researching, it says the bark a lot, sorry if thats not true) but filled with energy and affection. 
Jesse and Tundra are rarely separated. When Jesse has work, he brings Tundra. He either sleeps on the floor whilst watching or will go out to the fenced-in area through the dog door they installed in the cafe.
Jesse adapts rather quickly to civvie life and really enjoys it. 
Kix has pretty mixed-feelings post-war.
He loves being a civvie but can’t help but find himself up late at night, waiting to attend to a wound of sorts.
At first, Kix is really anxious and uncomfortable with being aware from the battlefield. Jesse tries to get through to him but ultimately fails, as Kix needs alone time.
Anakin sees his medic in distress and tells Padme. She immediately agrees to let Kix live with them on Naboo until he can regain his footing, no matter how long that takes. 
Kix spends his almost-three months on Naboo recollecting himself and then turns to Jesse, who immediately agrees to let him move in with him, Fives and Rex. 
Kix ends up taking a job at the hospital, and instantly finds himself better footing. Its much easier for him after he takes up the job.
His hoodie is the usual but with his red medic symbol on the shoulder. He wears it as much as possibly, and thanks Fives almost daily for the gift.
When they were de-chipping, after he got his removed, Kix worked tirelessly to remove the other Clones’ chips. He was thrown a ‘thank you’ party afterwards by all the Clones he helped. 
Cody’s immediate reaction is relief.
He’s just grateful the war is over.
The first few weeks he spends living with Obi-Wan (idc if you see this as a ship or platonic, basically the embodiment of the ‘and they were roommates vine’ tbh) as he doesn’t really have any where else to go.
Eventually, he moves to Nay Mets like many others, and takes Meerrt and Vick with him. They have a room for Obi-Wan which is used a lot more than expected, but they love having their Jedi over.
Cody’s hoodie is the usual, in yellow of course. 
He spends most of his first few months reading and experiencing life as a civilian (alongside making the best cinnamon scrolls you’ll ever taste) but eventually gets a job at a kindergarten, of all the places.
Unexpectedly, Cody works really well with kids, and it really shows. He becomes an idol to a lot of little kids on Nay Mets.
Upon meeting Luke and Leia, he takes up a job as unofficial babysitter when Padme and Anakin need a break. 
Cody wears mostly sweaters and cargo pants - like so many other Clones - and a golden bracelet with a sun charm attached. He doesn’t take it off.
He also starts learning violin, and really enjoys that too.
He’s one of the first to get de-chipped, and waits until his battalion have also been de-chipped to even leave Kamino. This is mostly because Obi-Wan got annoyed when he found out Cody wasn’t sleeping out of worry.
Wolffe’s immediate reaction was also relief, but in a sarcastic way. Like, ‘oh we’re finally done?!’ But deep down, he is super glad.
He stays with Plo and several others from his battalion before finding a place on Nay Mets with them. Plo lives more on Nay Mets than Coruscant, just like many other Jedi do too.
When he gets his hoodie - the usual but in grey with a small wolf symbol on the front - he breaks and grins, giving Fives a huge hug. But he then blackmails him into not telling anyone he did.
Wolffe wears his hoodie everywhere, rarely takes it off. He likes the ‘not a number’ statement that comes with it.
He also wears like thick, fluffy winter coats and cargo pants a lot, with the occasional bad-ass leather jacket.
He attempts to get a job somewhere, but can’t really find one that works, so he stays unemployed. 
After a little while, Wolffe adopts a grey, male tamaskan dog (also beautiful, check it out, they look like wolves) he names Fang. Everyone thinks its hysterical he got a dog that looks like wolf.
Wolffe and Fang are also inseparable.
Wolffe finds himself enjoying hiking and does it almost daily, with Fang joining him. He finds it peaceful and enjoyable.
Fox is ofc the one who basically ended the war, or at least he majorly turned the tables.
He’s so relieved when its finally over.
He’s one of the first Clones to move to Nay Mets, and ofc Dhole, Vector, Menace, Dice and Bloodshot tag along. They live in one great big house.
Almost immediately, Fox impulsively adopts a ginger tabby she-cat he names Pumpkin. She’s a beautiful, silly cat and Fox has zero regrets in getting her.
He lets her be a very free cat as he feels bad for being any other way.
His hoodie is red and white with the usual and a fox symbol on the front. He loves sweaters.
He wasn’t really looking for a job at first, and eventually decided to stay unemployed.
Fox picks up piano as a way to calm himself, and grows to become a great pianist. He practises practically all day with Pumpkin sitting on his lap.
He regularly goes for long walks and takes Pumpkin, cause she’s that kinda cat. 
Once there was an incident in town when a guy lost it and started shooting or smth and Fox just calmly tackled him (that's an oxymoron lol) and got someone to arrest him. He was really quiet afterwards.
When he got his chip removed, Fox became a lot more quiet for a little. This was because he could finally hear properly. When he had the chip, he always heard a little voice in his head, something he now knew was Palpatine.
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judeswhore · 2 years
instagram au: his girl - mason mount
a collection of photos of mason and his girlfriend as he supports her through to her graduation
pictures are not mine, credit to the original owners
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liked by tyronemings and others.
masonmount last date night before i lose her to serial killers🙄🙄
load all 8,258 comments.
masonmount think i might get this framed
yourinstagram what a peculiar thing to say
↳masonmount am i or am i not losing you to serial killers
↳yourinstagram im referring to the fact u thought this was a date🤕
↳masonmount i bought you flowers.
↳yourinstagram bro u got them for free off an old lady
jackgrealish i’m confused about the caption
↳yourinstagram dont u worry ur pretty little head jacky
jazbenham still wondering how she agreed to date you
↳masonmount i’m rich and fit
↳yourinstagram ^^^ the first statement yes, second no.
timowerner i’d like to opt out of training until y/n finishes her degree i hate whiney mason
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liked by sophiaaemelia and others.
yourinstagram deadlines are looming but i’m too busy making the bedroom look comfier
load all 175 comments.
masonmount are those my joggers🤔
↳yourinstagram no baby they’re OUR joggers❤️
masonmount can you answer your phone i’ve been waiting for 10 minutes
↳yourinstagram sorry y/n is busy rn call back later x
sophiaaemelia ur too hot to stress about deadlines
↳yourinstagram this is what i keep trying to tell myself smh
benchilwell how long did it take to set your room up for this picture😂
↳yourinstagram longer than u last in bed
landonorris you don’t look like you’re working very hard
↳yourinstagram u drive a car for a living what wld u know abt hard work🥲🥲
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liked by benchilwell and others.
masonmount i’m pretty good with my distraction techniques
load all 6,638 comments.
yourinstagram i just feel sorry for u
↳masonmount shut your mouth
↳yourinstagram make me
↳masonmount now you just look desperate
kaihavertz there are children on this app
↳masonmount okay virgin mary👍
rlc is that a chain👀
↳yourinstagram he’s trying out a new style
calteck10 you two are just like a teenage couple
↳masonmount you don’t have to be jealous if you ask nicely y/n might let you join
↳yourinstagram we have actually been looking for a third, how tall are u
↳calteck10 taller than mase
↳yourinstagram brilliant, text me x
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liked by declanrice and others.
yourinstagram the mood for today😴😴
load all 261 comments.
sophiaaemelia gorgeous girly
↳yourinstagram just come here and kiss me already x
↳sophiaaemelia say no more im omw
masonmount my pretty girl
↳yourinstagram love u masey❤️❤️
masonmount what’s under that duvet
↳yourinstagram why don’t u come home and find out😼😼
declanrice studying proper hard aren’t you🤨
↳yourinstagram how many gcse’s do u have liam gallagher ?
↳declanrice fuck off🤣
↳lauren_fryer she just mugged you right off
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liked by yungchalobah and others.
masonmount stolen by the laptop once again
load all 2,836 comments.
yourinstagram not my fault all u ever talk abt is football and kai
↳masonmount sorry that kai is funnier than you
↳yourinstagram kai tells u jokes in german so u don’t even understand
↳kaihavertz he’s in the top 10 on duo lingo
↳reecejames wondered why you two kept hiding in the laundry room together🤐🤐
masonmount brought you for coffee to be your personal cheerleader and you’ve barely even looked at me
↳yourinstagram cheer louder, can’t hear u over the sound of the coffee girls second heart beat
itsamelewigi take the hint mase she’s sick of you
↳masonmount daft if you think she could ever get sick of me
sanchooo10 mate post a selfie or something you’re like y/n 2.0
↳masonmount my missus is fit sancho let me show her off
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liked by kaihavertz and others.
yourinstagram few free hours?? sneak into cobham✅
load all 927 comments.
yourinstagram mason’s looking extra fit today so i thought i’d share x
yourinstagram masonmount gonna show me some tricks w that tongue😼😼
↳masonmount someone’s feeling needy today
↳yourinstagram can u blame me when you’ve been running around in those whore shorts
kepaarrizabalaga thanks for showing mason up in the pen shootout
↳yourinstagram i had the best teacher😙
reecejames what number you getting on the back of your shirt
↳yourinstagram was thinking 69
↳benchilwell why do you have the humour of a 13 year old boy
↳yourinstagram probably bc i spend half my time with u
tammyabraham can you stop posting mason i’m about to drown in the tears of his fans
↳yourinstagram i don’t think it’s tears ur drowning in tam
↳masonmount turn your phone off and get back to ted bundy
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liked by jazbenham and others.
masonmount my girl’s smarter than yours😜
load all 8,264 comments.
itsamelewigi well done squish!!! drinks on me tonight❤️❤️
reecejames congrats y/n!!! the better half of this weird relationship
yourinstagram cant believe u refused to post the pic w my tits out🙄🙄
↳masonmount saving those for later
benchilwell yooooooo smarty pants
chunkz you’ve been outdone here mase
↳masonmount i cant even pretend to be mad about it😂
thiagosilva well deserved🥳🥳
tammyabraham “my girl” down bad bro
↳masonmount locked down🤣🤣
lauren_fryer pretty, smart, funny, can make mint sunday roasts, she’s too good for you mount
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liked by sasha__rebecca and others.
yourinstagram COMPLETED IT MATE💃💃these past three years have been hell but all the crying made me sexier
load all 627 comments.
masonmount that’s my girl❤️
sasha__rebecca she’s hot AND smart, so proud of you gorgeous🤍🤍
↳yourinstagram loving u the most!!!
declanrice so can you like solve crime now???
↳yourinstagram shall we test it out?
↳judebellingham 999 i think i’m about to witness a murder
masonmount can’t wait to show off how smart you are to everyone
↳yourinstagram please don’t, i only associate with degree level people now
↳masonmount okay but you’re literally friends with kai
↳yourinstagram u know how much i love helping out with charity
jazbenham so so proud of you!! no one deserves this more❤️❤️
↳yourinstagram love u sm jaz!! <3
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liked by judebellingham and others.
masonmount proud is an understatement, no words could ever describe how incredibly happy i am for you. you’ve worked harder than anyone i know these past few years and missed out on so many things you love just so you could get this degree, i love you more than you could ever know baby❤️
load all 8,368 comments.
masonmount got something extra special for you tonight😏
↳yourinstagram does it rhyme with stick
↳masonmount no it rhymes with lake get your head out of the gutter
yourinstagram thank u for putting up w my terrible mood swings and 4am mornings💙💙
yungchalobah this is the soppiest thing ive ever seen from you but congrats y/n!!! smarter than all of us together
↳masonmount she still has to count on her fingers.
↳yungchalobah yeah but she has a degree what do you have mount
↳masonmount trophies.
↳yourinstagram u constantly talking abt ur trophies is actually giving me the ick
lukeshaw if i thought you were punching before you’re definitely punching now
cesarazpi you next mase💪😂
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liked by itsamelewigi and others.
yourinstagram surprise trip to paris for graduating? my bf is better than urs <3
load all 1,236 comments.
masonmount my favourite girl🤍
↳yourinstagram i love you so much xxxx
benchilwell fake news it’s a green screen
↳yourinstagram sorry not all of us stay locked up in our shag pads x
↳benchilwell that’s just because you can’t afford a shag pad
↳yourinstagram chilly residence? porn star central
↳masonmount uncalled for🤣
itsamelewigi mason’s never taken me to paris
↳declanrice that’s because you don’t sleep with him
↳yourinstagram neither do i
↳declanrice my spare bedroom would suggest otherwise
↳yourinstagram shhh the mason girls can see
sophiaaemelia this might be the nicest thing he’s ever done
↳yourinstagram he’s a try hard🙄
788 notes · View notes
hazelcephalopod · 2 years
The Eye of the World Ch 52-53
Oof. That… that is certainly a conclusion. Huh. Just. Rough times ahead.
More thoughts at the very end.
And I’m finished! I will edit this with the book two tag when I’ve decide what that will be.
Re-Edit: the tag will be #series of many thoughts on twot
Disclaimer: this is my first read thru but I’ve watched all of the show this far and been spoiled on some book things. So… I’m going to lean into that. Enjoy figuring out what I know, and what I think I know, and what I just don’t. Also s/x I add commentary when I edit.
Spoilers for the first book and up to the most recent episode under the cut. Potential spoilers for latter books.
Ch 52: There is Neither Beginning Nor End
Oh. He disintegrated and melted that guy.
Oh that… just a lot
Oh so… yea. He just basically went into like a dissociative state and wrecked shit up. And now channeling sickness
… and probably the madness huh?
Yup. That’s an altered state if I’ve ever seen one
Mania? Seems like mania (editor me: Idk. Just not a good time)
Do these people have like… a holy book with all these quotes or like… is it just the ol’ folk religion?
He’s really riding that ‘I just killed the devil high’
…tbh I hope we get some of this on the show.
… and … crash
That’s. Geez guys. Wow. Harsh.
…and Nynaeve is the first to kinda reject him. So that’s harsh
“But it wasn’t me. The Light… pulled me along. It wasn’t really me. Doesn’t that make a difference.” -Rand, after explaining all the magic he just did.
… no. Sry.
Ohhh and sadness. Dropping right into the sadness
I… don’t… wow. Maybe don’t say that to him rn? ‘Yea you might be a tool of destruction. But it’s ok to be used for your purpose. Why are you crying?’
“Moiraine Sedai says we are done and we can go. Home. Rand.” -Perrin to Rand. Not knowing Rand’s the one who just channeled a lake of saidin. Yikes. Big oof
Oh that is such the bare minimum. But good on you Lan. You win the… reacting to this. Prize for the hour at least.
Yea this is a bit fucking weird. ‘Oh where we’re you Rand. The women wouldn’t let us search for you. You know the channelers and they looked distant and sad. Probably nothing.’
… I mean at least Loial isn’t human. Like. I’ll give on that.
Ta’veren I guess? *big shrug*
Oh. Cuendillar! (It’s basically magic super vibranium)
“This was one of the seven seals on the Dark One’s prison.” -Moiraine, on the cuendillar artifacts they found in the eye. I don’t like ‘was’.
Oh buddy…
Puzzle chest!
I’m sry is that the flaming Horn of Velere? In a chest in the Eyepool?
What the fuck?
Also… “Tia mi aven Moridin isainde vadin. The grave is no bar to my call.” -Loial reading the writing on the horn.
It… brings back the dead? Sry dead heroes of the ages.
Cool. Ancient tapestries.
… Im sure it’s cool.
That’s not reassuring! (I later learn it really really isn’t)
53: The Wheel Turns
The wheel of time symbol.
Uhh well that’s nice I guess?
Ya know I don’t think it’s still for a good reason personally
Mmm. That is a very vivid description of all that. *sus*
“We struck a mighty blow at the Dark One…” -Moiraine. Did you tho? I guess they killed some forsaken.
Huh. Well I guess they did something if spring is finally coming. Like three months late
Yea I guess everyone saw that then huh?
“The Age of Legends has come back!” -random. I mean…
“…hung a garland of morningstars around Rand’s neck.”
Don’t wry dude there’ll be plenty more opportunities for you to do battle. Unfortunately for everyone else
I honestly keep forgetting Moiraine is supposed to be grievously injured and exhausted rn
“We won… but I fear the last battle he has not yet been fought.” -Moiraine to Agelmar. Yup. There’s the truth.
‘Ok I’ll take that help now thnx. No you can’t keep the horn. Sry!’
… I feel a cliffhanger coming. This is all strangely neat. To clean
Seven days?
Oh sword training!
… so he’s don’t like three weeks of basic sword training in the past ~2 months? At best?
Oh! So he’s already decided to run away. Ok. That makes sense actually
Ha. Yea. Pretty sure no one ever has succeeded at doing that. No one can resist the Source for long
“I’m going away, but not home. Not ever home.” -Rand to Egwene after telling her he’s decided to leave. My heart!
Just deep into the depression now.
“… as a girl in the Royal Palace in Cairhien…” -(Moiraine). Uh I think that’s the first mention of that! Royal palace?
So she is in fact actually royalty?
“The Dragon is Reborn.” -Moiraine to herself.
The end!
Final thoughts:
… I think the show ending is better. Like this had merit and some interesting moments but really it’s just not even a cliffhanger or and ending it’s just. Ok. Well, stay tuned!
Which I will. Obviously. Overall I liked this book.
The parts I liked would be difficult to translate to the screen, and the story the show is telling -which is a bit different but in essence the same imo.
It’s right into the fires of sadness now isn’t it?
Also honestly… the horn makes as much sense being under that throne as it did being in the Eye imo. Like. That does not matter. Equally ridiculous imho.
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Comparing RWBY and YGO DM: The Handling and Evolution of Themes
Hey! Its been a hot minute since I last posted anything RWBY-related but Im laying in my bed right now and Im sick and bored so I guess we're doing this. Today I will do my best to analyze what I percieve to be the main themes and messages of both of these shows, or more specifically, how theyre handled narratively. Im mostly focusing on that part because, while these series do have similar themes and messaging, they are still a few things in which they are wildly different. And with that, lets start with this essay-post-thing!
1. Theres something we need to adress first
Okay so, before we can really talk about this, theres something I feel the need to clarify here: Neither of these stories was "planned from the beginning".
Now, I dont think a story being planned from the beginning or not nesscessarily makes the story any better or worse by default, however, it is still important to acknowledge because the way the story is planned is going to affect every facet of it. Things are not going to be foreshadowed properly, things are gonna be set up only for nothing to come of it, the story might drastically change directions, characters might act differently, etc, etc.
And, this is bit off-topic but, it's much better to just admit that the story was not planned than trying to pretend that it was. Like, there are a lot of reasons why I tend to be so forgiving towards YGO even though its not very good, but one of them is definitely the fact that, as far as Im aware atleast, the guy who wrote it isnt pretending to have had this big master plan all along and neither is the fandom. With RWBY on the other hand... yeaaaah, its kinda the opposite. From what Ive seen of RWBYs fandom, there seems to be this pretty popular narrative that everything was planned even though it clearly wasnt. Thats pretty bad and honestly lowers my opinion of the writers so much more than if they would just admit to not having a proper plan.
Like, I initially consumed YGO like this: Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh (aka Season 0), like, a quarter of the Yu-Gi-Oh manga (I still havent finished it)
In all three of these we have the character of Yami Yuugi, or just Yami. Broadly speaking, he is an ancient egyptian gamer spirit who lives in a magical puzzle that has not been solved for 3000 years until this highschooler named Yuugi Mutou comes along and solves it, thus setting him free and allowing him to possess Yuugi and have access to the vague magical powers of the puzzle.
In Duel Monsters he's perfectly fine most of time, morally speaking. There is an instance of him almost murdering a guy and its a bit unclear what exactly happens to those he mindcrushes but overall he's very much a pretty good guy. In Season 0 most of what he does is set up these games for bad people, where they will go insane no matter what they do. From how I understand this whole Shadow Game, Penalty Game stuff, if you lose a Shadow Game, you get violent and intense hallucinations and you will always cuz yknow, gamer spirit. But if you try to cheat, which most of the bad people do in this show, you get violent and intense hallucinations as a punishment.
Since the two anime are generally considered two different continuities, its perfectly fine that Yamis characterization is wildly different in both of them. But in the manga both of these characterizations appear, basically one after the other with no real arc or consequences, for that matter. Why is that? Simply put, someone thought it was a good idea to try to turn an episodic, very slice of life-y light-horror manga into a more traditional, more plot-driven battle shounen. From what Ive heard, it was apparently largely because of network interference or something, but the point is, it changed directions incredibly drastically with little planning and everyone knows this and I can understand that for the most part.
In RWBY we have the character of Blake Belladonna, who, in the first 3 volumes/seasons atleast, was this aloof, more toned down loner-type character with a pretty strong sense of justice. She's an in-universe marginilized racial minority and she clearly cares about racial injustice. The way its initially framed makes it seem like she had a very hard life and no stable support system, which is what eventually pushed her to join a Civil Rights group/Terrorist organization (good god, the Faunus subplot is so awful, I could write a whole essay about it but Im already de-railing rn so I'll just save that for later).
Then, in volumes 4-5 it turns out her father is actually like, the mayor or chief of this island-place called Menagerie and she grew up in this big mansion with multiple guards/servants. Oh and also, apparently "space is a commodity" on there, so theres that. She still retains large parts of her personality but she's kinda like, worse somehow I think. I cant really describe it in a meaningful way but I hope you get what Im saying anyway. Then in Volume 6 she confronted her emotional abuser Adam (sorry for not mentioning him sooner but yeah, he was like, her abusive boyfriend, which is something that a lot of people disagree with but I wont really say anything about it either way because I dont really feel any specific way) with her friend, Yang, and ended up killing him.
After all that, she pretty much lost the rest of her personality, as well as her arc about all the Faunus stuff. She just kinda became the meek, generically nice, recovering abuse victim. Why? Well, the actual reason is that they didnt plan out shit and are just kinda flying by the seat of their oversized clown-pants and if they and the fandom just admitted it, I would have less of an issue. I still wouldnt be as forgiving towards RWBY as I am towards YGO because the crux of the issue, for me, is just that I dont particulary like RWBY but also like. Do you really expect me to take MKEK seriously as writers after admitting to not have a timeline because iT wOuLd CaUsE pLoThOlEs?
However, since they want us to believe that everything was planned out from the beginning, the explaination would be.... Idk, they deliberately butchered one of their main characters?? Because.. they hate her?? Maybe????
So yeah, that was quite a detour however, I would like you to keep this mind going forward.
2. Themes of the Early Series'
First, what do mean by 'Early Series' for both of these shows respectively? Well, for YGO that would have to be Season 0 or if youre reading the manga, everything pre-Duelist Kingdom. Basically, the part of the series thats a episodic, very slice of life-y light-horror series.
For RWBY that would be the first three Volumes, also known as the Poser-Era. Back then it was just kinda an action series that took place at Anime Warrior Academy (also known as Beacon) with some pretty bare minimum worldbuilding, character-driven plots and developments but now its more of an epic high-fantasy story with more of an emphasis on plot as opposed to just action.
The themes and messages in Early YGO are kinda vague, very confusing to me and if you were to follow any of it literally that would be pretty bad. For now Im just gonna say the main themes are Friendship and Identity and mostly focus on the Identity aspect.
Now, it took me a little while to figure out RWBYs deal but I think the main themes for Volumes 1-3 are also Friendship and Heroism. Once again, I'll mostly focus on Heroism and touch on Friendship more briefly later.
I dont have much more to add to YGOs themes right now, so I'll briefly go over Heroism in RWBY.
In RWBYs setting there are these man-eating monsters called Grimm that have basically infected the planet. In order to deal with that, they have people called huntsmen and huntresses that kill them and protect people. Theyre trained at special academies like Beacon and go on missions there and stuff like that. Our four main characters, Ruby, Weiss, Blake and Yang, are training to become huntresses and one day they go on this mission to clean up a grimm infested city block with one of their teachers. Obviously, that takes a long time so they have to camp out in one of the empty houses. Weiss, Blake and Yang cant sleep because theyve been thinking about this question that their teacher asked them when they were fighting grimm: "Why do you want to become a huntress?"
They have a heart to heart and we find out about their motivations; Weiss wants to bring honour back to her family, Blake want to distance herself from the White Fang (that terrorist organization I mentioned earlier) and as an extension from Adam, Yang wants to have a life of adventure. They also talk about why Ruby wants to be a huntress and it turns out that she judt wants to help people. Unlike the others, she has no motivation besides that. We're meant to listen to that and look at her as a sort-of personification of Heroism: kind, but not naive, strong and most of all, selfless. The others on her team are not portayed as bad for not being like Ruby by any means but we are clearly meant to admire her the most out of all of them.
Okay, now comes the part Ive been looking forward to the most:
3. How did these themes evolve in the Modern Series'?
Alright, before we can really delve into the way they evolved in YGO I'll have to give you a brief summary of the character progression. At the start of DM, during the Duelist Kingdom arc, Yami Yuugi is just that; A darker Yuugi. Hes more confident, bolder, his voice is deeper, hes somehow taller, more ruthless, all that good stuff. Notably, he doesnt actually seem more skilled than Yuugi even at the start of this story, but he's still dependent on Yami. Yami on the other hand, has no identity of his own or even hints at one at this point. He's just The Other Yuugi.
Then during the Battle City arc, they find out that Yami was actually a pharao prior to being sealed in the puzzle, he just didnt know because of amnesia, I guess. So now they need to find out his real name and then send him to the afterlife because hes meant to be dead, but not before saving the world from being swallowed by darkness, which is also a thing they have to do now.
Then we finally get to the Memory World arc, where Yami, Yuugi and the rest of the gang astralproject to ancient egypt via puzzle magic. Yami is trying to figure out what the hell is going on and who all these familiar people are, while Yuugi & Co are trying their best to help him. Then some weird shit happens and it turns out that all of that is not just Yamis sealed away memories, but also a giant D&D Shadow Game that will destroy the world if Yami loses. So now theres Pharao!Yami who is still clueless on the metaphorical and literal playing field and Player!Yami, who is kinda controlling himself now? I guess?? Yamis opponent, The Spirit of The Ring, has something similar to that going on where hes both controlling and properly participating in the game. So Player!Yami is now fighting against Player!TSoTR, Pharao!Yami is now fighting against Thief King Bakura (who is like, the human, ancient egyptian version of the Ring Spirit) and Yuugi is now fighting against Yami Bakura (who is like, the human, modern japanese version of the Ring Spirit). Yuugi gets Yamis real name, he and the gang go over to Pharao!Yami and tell him his name, meanwhile Player!Yami is also somehow helping as well and they defeat the Ring Spirit, thus saving the world. Then they travel to modern Egypt, the Ceremonial Duel happens and Yuugi wins, sending Yami to the Afterlife where he can finally rest and that was the series!
I originally wanted to recount the stuff that was going on with the Ring Spirit and his host as well because they parallel eachother, but this summary is already far too long and I think youll get the point without me needing to explain any more.
My point here is, that the story went from being vaguely about Identity, maybe? to being very clearly about Self-Discovery and Learning to Be Independent. I think this is a very good way to evolve the messaging of your story. How does RWBY track on that?
Well, uh... its not great. I will acknowledge that they have tried to introduce new themes and ideas since, even though I wont really be talking about them in this post. But yeah, the whole Heroism thing really regressed.
Like, I didnt explicitly say it when I was explaining grimm earlier, but theyre not going away. The grimm have always been there and people who sign up to become huntsmen and huntresses are effectively signing up for a job that will never truly be done, no matter what they do. Characters like Ruby and even more minor ones like Phyrrah have shown us that that doesnt matter when youre a hero. No life isnt worth saving, no grimm isnt worth killing, no criminal isnt worth arresting. Then, in volume 6 they find out about Salem. Salem is the Big Bad of the show, shes immortal, controls the grimm and is supposed to be very powerful.
What do our heroes do? They give up. Sike! They were just mindcontrolled by monsters or some shit, of course they didnt give up their mission (which is to bring an Important Macguffin to a city called Atlas, sorry I didnt mention it)!
But then they arrive in Atlas (which is llike, a city thats floating over another city called Mantle) and yknow, they do some plot stuff thats not really important right now until the city gets invaded by Salem and this big grimm army she has.
What do our heroes do? Well, Ruby, Weiss, Blake and some side characters are chilling, drinking tea in a mansion and Yang and the B Team were actually trying to do something, but even those efforts seem incredibly minimal.
Oh wait, I also forgot to mention that Ironwood (a fairly minor, vaguely antagonistic character up until now) wanted to lift Atlas even higher to save Atleasian civilians from danger while leaving Mantle vulnerable to Salems invasion.
What would be the most heroic thing to do?
A) Let Ironwood lift Atlas, get as much support as they can down to Mantle and save as many Mantle civilians as they can from the invasion
B) Prevent Ironwood from lifting Atlas but then split up in order to protect both Atlas and Mantle civilians
C) Prevent Ironwood from lifting Atlas and then dont do anything else
Congrats! If you choose C, you think exactly like the writers!
And I just
This is so mindboggling to me, I feel like I shouldnt even have explain how this is bad. And like, it wouldve been so easy to actually make them seem herokc through their actions, to make it seem like they did try but no.
I have never seen a central theme be this botched, how in the world did they do that? Why did they think it was a good idea for Ruby "The Embodiment of Heroism" Rose to sit in a mansion doing nothing, no planning, no organizing just ..... God, how are they this bad? Like, this doesnt even have anything to do with it being planned in any way, this is just straight up incompetence
4. Very briefly touching on friendship
The friendship is awful and its not solely because they all have the same opinions. They barely interact with eachother outside their designated pairs which leads to it all feeling incredibly hollow. Theyre also practically indistingushable from one another now, which is a shame because it wasnt always like that. Like, I dont think the characters were that well-developed in earlier volumes but they were very well-characterized. But now we've gotten to a point where you can literally copy and paste one characters dialogue onto another and literally nothing changes, it really sucks.
5. Some closing words
Damn, this took way longer than I thought it would and now Im pretty exhausted. I have no idea how yall always write these but props to you! I feel like this ended up a bit rambly but overall, Im pretty proud.
Please let me know what you think of the points I brought up! Id also really appreciate some tips on how to get better at these longer posts because I am planning on writing more in the future (not the near future, probably but yknow).
Thats all I have to say for now, thanks for reading!
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“So Happy Together” Analysis
i don’t sleep
tl;dr: tbh not much to go off on about. i think we see a new skin for Iron Bear, one with some stripes. amara smiles, i do talk a little bit about little sisters in bioshock but tbh i think this was all just a stylistic choice lol. oh and handsome jack’s masks- probably Mount Jackmore. i don’t want to get to freaked out over jack returning, but damn gearbox lol u had me there for a second. im pretty sure it’s just a reused cut quest from bl2 that they never got to implement. 
EDIT: here’s all the cut content in bl2 (plus all the non-cut content as well for funsies). you can go to the cut quests and see the audio files for claptrap’s jackmore quest
holy shit can i just vomit all my emotions rn, they’re all good so imma do that so im rational when i start analyzing stuff okay? okay! 
holy shit that was fucking great and im really glad i tempered my expectations to something smaller than i thought because i feel bad for people expecting something huge, i was under the assumption we’d be getting a new mechanic that was like ‘choose ur +1 and they’ll be able to play the game with you if you’re both online even if they don’t have the game’ which was what someone said on reddit. altho im sure the poor company is gonna get spammed now with hate like ‘WTF YOU SHOULDN’T HAVE BUILT THIS UP AAAA’. not to lie, i was slightly disappointed it wasn’t a longer stream, but i mean if they’ve got nothing to announce, they’ve got nothing to announce and HEY! new trailer!!! gonna be combing thru on the assumption this has some easter eggs like the MoM trailer did, just in case. i thought it was a cute trailer, gearbox never explicitly said what it was gonna be, a lot people all just assumed what was gonna happen was a demo/beta which sucks so i hope this doesn’t negatively impact people’s perspective of the game. im staying off reddit for now bc when i first checked it people were pretty pissed and i dun need that negativity lmao
okay! emotions are LOCKED behind closed doors. i am shifting into study mode. here we go boys/girls/those of us who know better. haven’t done one of these in a while, let’s see if im rusty at all.
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claptrap! and the skull on the chair which reminds me of tyreen’s “favorite skull”. 
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tv says “we are under attack, please stand by”
and afaik claptrap is near the beginning of the game, you can see part of the recruitment center behind him when the camera pans.
im thinking there might be something in the roses, specifically the hand-drawn roses later on in the trailer. will be keeping an eye open for that.
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this is specifically a jakobs brand chest. i really like the see-through aesthetic of it
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intro area of the game again. possible hint to the opening cutscene? tbh i was worried that’s what we were about to get because i haven’t finished the roughs of my mock up lol
so what i didn’t notice my first time through is that you can then see claptrap, also being shown in the chest
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waving up at the camera. that’s not trippy at all or anything lol
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this car in the foreground (with no one driving it, mind you)
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randomly combusts, looking quite like elpis in that one shot of the claptrap presents pandora trailer. wonder if that means it’s gonna ‘splode.
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ohhh it spins. please no spin imma get motion sick blech
shot of some cultists. one appears to have a jetpack near the bottom right there
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another explosion to the beat
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the shock wave!!!! that’s awesome
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shock nomads cultists are back. f in chat for our shields
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another cultist seconds before he gets blown to bits
it cuts to black for a secco as it moves thru said explosion
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another cultist, i assume a psycho
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finally some good fucking angles
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idk what i expected from someone who’s first action skill line i ever heard was them shouting MAGIC WALL!!! TAAAADAAAAAAAAH
as a side note
who is shooting those lasers
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we see them coming from behind the VHs, but
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there’s nothing there
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they’re coming from... the wall???
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tfw u shot urself in the foot on accident
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amara is not amused
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`is this some human custom i don’t understand yet`
also i hate that i’ve done this exact dance before when i took dance classes as a kid
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with less style of course, i was like 7
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moze is into it, hell yeah
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this reminds me a lot of Kingsman. where all the blood is like fireworks and stuff. i wonder if that has anything to do with the psycho brainwashing. like little sisters in bioshock. they see roses instead of blood, right? maybe there’s something like that going on with the psychos
i’d certainly hope our vault hunters aren’t brainwashed, anyway.
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this dude looking SHOCKED to see that tho, lmfao
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i relate to this man on a spiritual level i stg
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man he looks pissed
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omfg lol
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“i guess this is okay”
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the body language in this is gold i am just having the time of my life
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this is so cute
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also in retrospect, i think this is one of the turrets we see on promethea. i wonder what it’s doing here!
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moze u ok?
oh nvm she’s into it, look at her! she’s dancing! She’s Dancin’!
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oooo one of the robots from the we are mayhem trailer! okay you can totally see why i think they’re jakobs, RIGHT???
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iirc this is a maliwan soldier
man this is a crossover event, isn’t it?
i get it now. togetherness. i gotchu gearbox.
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some maliwan ships in the sky. possibly sanc-iii on the right? or a ship of the same model as sanc-iii!
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this is a magitek dropship, change my mind
eh, they both start with M, fuck it.
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no idea what fl4k is doing here
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mayyyybe shielding themselves from the ‘firework’/confetti shower
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i like that the confetti explosions are backed up by purple, you know like eridium/slag/siren powers. seriously, maybe this is just how to cultists see us Vault Hunters and the mass murder.
at the very least, the psychos.
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fl4k’s into it. i wish we knew the name of their skag, if it has one. i hope it does.
well now the lasers are coming from the other side! what the hell
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moving on
i think this is the HBC from the speakers, plus im pretty sure that skull and the stained glass are the entrance to mouthpiece’s arena
we also get a different colored explosion. im paranoid jack is somehow making a return (please god no), so i’ll just note it’s the same color as his eyes.
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AND the chests are vomiting out gold guns, which i think, gold-plated gear, is the cult’s way of signifying standing. which im sure is a tongue-in-cheek commentary as gearbox gives out a gold weapon pack as a pre-order bonus. no, like, it even shows up as an ad on the video
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smh gearbox lmao
oh, also, the cultists are doing fuckin flying impressions
im not saying its a reference to the cultist with rakk wings on the cover, buuuut
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bitch it might be lol
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it’s an upside-down vault symbol! ive been trying to figure out what that is in those screens for the longest time!
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back on promethea and we get to see fl4k’s spiderant in action
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their skag, too, of course
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the jabbermon in the back there, too! i wonder if they’re going to be shock or cryo. i would imagine shock given how they’re glowing
also i love the way the flowers look in contrast to the character models
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moze is so happy aw
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i love the way fl4k’s skag comes flying in and slides to a stop. such a good doggo ;-;
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this is beautiful, i want it as a wallpaper
moze skipping? holy shit
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100% verified the best thing i’ve ever seen
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i lied. this is.
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is this the fast travel station effect?
also! IB is looking a bit different
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i wonder if this is a redesign or if IB is wearing a new skin moze picked out
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pan over to zane who clearly doesn’t notice the being of darkness and horror in the doorway
oh also, we’re on eden-6 now. which would explain the fast travel effect
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psychos dancing on the rooftops lol
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oh god my eyes
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nothing to really say here, i just like this screenshot
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pink shields booyah
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this is so fucking cute
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we also get a better look at that one facility on eden-6
is that... red i see? >w> i won’t say it i won’t i won’t say it i swear i just- ATLAS
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i like that zane’s clone spawns with his melee attachment
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not AS excited as the real life version though
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GB pls let this be a zane emote
is that a varkid? on eden-6?
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wtf is a varkid doing on eden-6???
more shots of the facility btw. reminds me a lot of sanc-iii so maybe this actually is the supamax mfg construction facility like i originally thought. hmmmmmmm
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ah yes, of course
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holy shit what is this a reference to?
im told it’s the sex pistols
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the back of the bullet turns into Athenas
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pans in
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enemy with a top hat on. some variation of/upgraded gravedigger? it’s like a psycho but recolored with blue pants and a top hat. you can see it fall off when amara shoots him
y’know, these guys
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some rakk in the background
i am hoping bc this is a celebration of togetherness we’re seeing all enemies everywhere, not that the planets don’t have their own unique fauna.
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she’s so happy omfg
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oh, you want some?
Uhhh then there’s THIS sequence
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they’re doing the flying thing again lmao
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there’s also whatever that black blob is on the left. a spaceship maybe?
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car wheel
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all their eyes started glowing red. uh oh gamers
also another fast travel effect
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hmmmm... zarpedon is that you??
back on pandora.
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“super 87 racetrack”, maybe this is near that motorcade fast travel we saw?
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huzzah! rainbows!
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i do believe that’s sanctuary-iii
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another ship. drop ship?
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elpis is looking nice this time of year. definitely not explode-y. yet.
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pret-ty sure that’s iron bear. moze is standing atop the tower lmao
also! back to it’s old paint scheme. looks like moze was using a skin or smth
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we also have this. are my eyes failing me or is that a big cross on the left? could be where jack was buried. 
also i know there was cut content in bl2 about Mount Jackmore! and this looks like a Mount Jackmore to me. it’s a cut quest where claptrap asks you to basically ruin the thing. but since the quest was cut, it’s still here in bl3. maybe they’ll reintegrate the quest lol
i can’t imagine it being roland’s gravesite. because it looks like the below.
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i do know we’re going to roland’s grave in bl3, but the statues don’t really match up. maybe it is and the statues were broken, or ruined or something and replaced by a cross. could be then that the gravesite was defaced with, well, the guy that killed him. 
im really hoping jack doesn’t make a return. im fine with dealing with what he set in motion, and his influence, and probably even some ECHO logs and movie trailers, but please, for the love of god, don’t actually bring him back, AI or otherwise. im really excited for the calypso twins, i’d really hate to see the focus shift back to that guy. he’s had his fingers in every borderlands game. it’s time to let him go.
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idk what this is exactly. it looks like maybe that weird eye bot troy stands next to in the intro for the behind closed doors panel?
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goodbye mr magical jakobs chest, it’s been real
the RC now has red drapes going down it. have those always been there? i don’t remember those
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hmmmmmmmmm maybe we’re looking at it from the back 🤔
anyway, that’s all she wrote. i haven’t see any hidden morse code messages or anything yet, but if something surfaces, i’ll be sure to add it here.
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thelifetimechannel · 6 years
The Dave and Dirk log, for obvious reasons, was something I wanted to try very hard to get right. That meant although we drafted it together via msparp, as was our custom, I ended up overhauling it way more than any of our other combo walkaround logs. A few chunks did survive the transfer, though.
In other news, we’ve made a solemn pact to finish TLC over winter break, which is good because I’m running out of bonus content. Hopefully we’ll have some assets to show off soon. I’ve already seen a few; they’re very nice.  
DIRK: Hey, dude. You did pretty well out there. DIRK: Didn't even die once. DAVE: twice in a day is my max im satisfied with keeping that record DAVE: even if getting machinegunned is rapidly becoming my "thing" DIRK: Seems we each have our respective "signature deaths". DIRK: Or at least it ain't a party until I get decapitated. That sure was something we needed to do again. DIRK: Just once, for old time's sake. DAVE: well that puts the nail in the meme coffin DAVE: any time you panic someones gonna tell you to keep your head on DAVE: like keeping your hair on except you know that shit aint going anywhere its probably shellaced DIRK: That shit is bolted to the floor. Did you know I walked around with a girly-ass pink tiara on my head this whole day and had no idea? DIRK: I had no idea. Couldn't feel a thing. DIRK: And people let me do that. DIRK: Can't fuckin' believe it. DAVE: oh DAVE: i figured you knew DIRK: I am less than pleased with my Skaia-ordained divine color scheme. DIRK: But I guess I have to live with it. It's part of the team aesthetic. DAVE: you could always change DIRK: Nah, with the tiara and tights ditched I have at least mitigated the enforced flamboyance. It's bearable. DIRK: I can't be the one dude out of uniform. Couldn't bear the shame. DAVE: my outfit is pretty sick ngl DAVE: sburb knows everyones secret desire is to have a cape DIRK: Unfortunately, mine isn't long enough to also make for a good tactical maneuver. DIRK: Not gonna lie, that was pretty funny. DAVE: if nothing else my attempts at combat can provide a source of humor in our lives DAVE: but honestly id be fine if my fighting days were over DAVE: i was never into it DAVE: rose on the other hand was obviously itching to beat people up DAVE: one of those 12 year olds who wants to get jumped in an alley to work out her suppressed anger DIRK: Maybe Skaia did make a few miscalculations in dumping your asses with your respective guardians. I think you'd get along well with Roxy and her cats, make her budget her time away from the alcohol. DIRK: ...in theory. DIRK: Rose can go a few rounds with me if she wants, we still need to sort out who has the rights to document our legendary journies. DAVE: ill plan your funeral DAVE: what kind of flowers do you want DIRK: ...there's different kinds? DAVE: damn thats right you grew up in waterworld DAVE: these choices matter DAVE: allegedly theres a thing called "flower language" DAVE: whether you can actually send someone a boquet telling them to meet you in the pit i dont know DIRK: Like, I get that, in theory, different kinds of flowers exist. But I fully anticipate any attempt on my part to conjugate in the language of said plants would end in my coffin declaring my hovercraft was indeed full of eels. DIRK: Maybe it'll have thorns on it. Or it'll be like the sixteen millions tons of green bullshit covering my land and making my nose itch. DAVE: probably DIRK: Worst case scenario, I'll pick out something orange and present to a prospective love interest and it'll mean something like "my brotherly passion for you knows no boundaries, and also no homo". DAVE: my bro wouldnt go for flower arranging DAVE: or pink tiaras DAVE: he was pretty uptight about the whole rah rah macho act DAVE: probably subscribed to alpha males weekly DAVE: which is weird considering DAVE: well DAVE: youre gay right DIRK: Uh. DIRK: Well. DIRK: My symbolic quest land is not covered in green bullshit, but I. DIRK: Happen to like watching birds, if you know what I mean. DIRK: Fuck, you probably don't know what that means. Jake and his goddamn thousand euphemisms. DAVE: cant say i do no DIRK: Nobody knows what it means but Jake. It's an old time epithet for being into dudes. DIRK: He knows all the old epithets, including some I suspect he made up. DAVE: so DAVE: thats a yes DAVE: in a roundabout way that includes birds DIRK: I've never denied it. DIRK: I'm just. DIRK: Not a huge fan of the word. Why, in this world post-society, do we need to confine ourselves to labels like "gay"? Such constraints were washed away from my world with the rest of the human race. DAVE: holy shit that was such a pretentious dodge DAVE: dont let rose hear you say that DIRK: Rose can hear all she likes. DAVE: but anyway DAVE: i wasnt asking to get up all in your business like SOME PEOPLE DAVE: who are so into getting into other peoples businesses theyre basically the fucking mafia or the irs DAVE: but DAVE: it explains some stuff DAVE: but on the other hand it doesnt DAVE: the way you raised me was kinda aggressively mainstream masculine enough that it wasnt something that ever seemed to come up as an option DAVE: [describe that type of culture and mindset better later, I KNOW what i mean but im tired rn lmao] DAVE: and anything outside of that id just brush off because it couldnt apply to me DAVE: and that went for pretty much everything that went against what you wanted for me DAVE: including that DIRK: And yet, here the man was, subconsciously shrieking his desire for floppy felt dong through, DIRK: What I guess you could call his art, for want of any other applicable word at all. God, the mental images are crawling up the insides of my skull like the Exorcist child, do I want to know? DAVE: probably not DAVE: guess trying to act peak male has its drawbacks DAVE: weirdly enough troll culture is obsessively hyperviolent but doesnt give a shit about sexuality DAVE: they dont see the difference most of the time i guess DAVE: and so like DAVE: maybe it rubs off on you because in some ways that kind of makes sense DAVE: but after so long its hard to know what i feel and what it means because i spent so long ignoring it DAVE: so i guess i was wondering DAVE: if you had anything that might help with that DAVE: or if youre also trapped in this whirling screaming maelstrom of bullshit DAVE: while kinsey sits in the eye of the storm laughing DIRK: Wait, wait, wait. DIRK: You're coming to me. DIRK: For advice. DIRK: Do you know what a laughable hurricane of disaster my interpersonal life has been? DIRK: Like, in a weird way, I'm kind of honored, especially since about five hours ago you were scared shitless to be around me, but. DIRK: I'm standing here and waving my credentials in the air just to display how I don't fucking have any. My degree is a sham and my hands are empty except for a crudely scribbled on piece of construction paper. DAVE: are you suggesting theres a gay university DAVE: where you study bird watching DIRK: Do I look like a man who's been to college? DAVE: fair DAVE: but like DAVE: your friends know DAVE: how did you broach the subject there DIRK: I might as well have been dating a Yoko Ono for the devastation it wreaked on our friend group, so yeah, it was a little hard to ignore. DIRK: Compounded by the fact some smartass from Gay University was using my social circle for romance geometry homework. DIRK: It wasn't even a love triangle so much as a love roundabout. DAVE: ok but thats just because you were a dipshit not a gay dipshit DAVE: they were chill about the first part right DIRK: Thanks. DIRK: I mean... Roxy always seemed disappointed. DAVE: luckily i dont think anyones waiting in line for me DAVE: i guess im blowing it out of proportion DAVE: i dont think anyone will MIND DAVE: no one did about rose and kanaya DAVE: didnt even question the vampire bit which goes to show what our lives are like these days DAVE: like ok our outfit has vampires now DAVE: thats a thing that we have DAVE: if i say oh hey i might be bisexual theyll just say sure pull up a chair at the acronym table DAVE: the only one who might be weird about it is john DAVE: but hed be just as weird if i told him id changed my favorite color hes just like that DAVE: the only person its really a big deal for is me DIRK: Jane was a little bit like that. I'm pretty sure the only reason she had to object was because she found out the day I made a move on her crush. DIRK: It might just be growing up in a household where you're not regularly fighting for your life, and thus what genders are kissing whom has the space to be higher on your priority list. DAVE: that aint anyones priority these days DAVE: im prepared to acknowledge the concept that hey maybe everyone elses lives dont revolve around me and my personal drama or self revelations might have some merit at least as a hypothesis DAVE: when i met kid english he kept going on about how i was the most important person and everyone else was side characters DAVE: and maybe ive acted like that sometimes DIRK: Yeah, like you alone are the one responsible for everyone around you. DAVE: and maybe ive acted like i think that way too sometimes DAVE: ive been wrong about people DAVE: people i care about people i shouldve known better DAVE: i was wrong because i wanted to believe things that matched how i wanted the world to be DAVE: things that made it easier for the story i was telling myself DAVE: i dont think kid english meant to call me on it but damn DIRK: Reality is, after all, something we construct for ourselves. DIRK: I think maybe I knew that all along when I surfaced for air inbetween shoving my head as far up my ass as it would go. DIRK: Or maybe that's just what I try to tell myself in hindsight. DAVE: well if it takes a hyperactive 12 year old version of the final bosss creepy hero worship of me to make a point i guess thats not the least subtle way the universe has sent me a message lately DIRK: You want unsubtle? Let me tell you about my damn planet quest. DAVE: haha DAVE: i didnt have to do much of my quest because im invisible DAVE: thanks mom DIRK: My denizen practically sat me down like it was my life coach and growled in my ear about improving my communication skills with a guy I told to go fuck himself not eighteen hours prior. DIRK: So while I'm glad SBURB has a vested interest in me repairing my friendships, playing electroshock death DDR with him was a little on the nose. DAVE: maybe getting shot again wasnt that bad DAVE: so weve all learned our life lessons good job team DIRK: Exactly. Can we wrap this up now? Can we please go rest? DIRK: I'm so exhausted I haven't even noticed I'm still hungover. DAVE: sure thing DAVE: but if i need tips on leaping out of a closet to intimidate passerby i might text you DIRK: I mean, I can try. As long as you don't ask me for dating tips. That, I definitely shouldn't be helping you with. DIRK: Go talk to your sister for that. DIRK: ...wouldn't she, by the transitive property of siblings, also be my sister? DAVE: yeah i guess DAVE: but theres no way in hell im asking rose for dating advice DAVE: on her first date which she refused to admit was romantically oriented she got wasted in anticipation forgot to show up and then fell down the stairs DIRK: Oh my god. DAVE: she tries to look like shes got her shit together but its a lie DAVE: if you find my corpse floating on lolar in the next few hours dont let the truth die with me DIRK: Why are we like this? DIRK: Is there actually something hardwired into our DNA that predisposes us to being disasters? DIRK: But, that aside. DIRK: I won't object if it's me you come to talk to. DAVE: ill hold you to it DAVE: and if you ever want to publicly you admit you DAVE: "enjoy birdwatching" DAVE: in less vague and evasive terms DAVE: ill have your back DIRK: Thanks.
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feraldavestrider · 6 years
i never check my mentions apparently @alpacalmond and @uiyutrentasei tagged me in a GTKM thing so im gonna do it oh uhhhh 2 weeks later LOL because i cant sleep and i hate myself
i tag @hal-strider if they didnt do it? and @noctiilucent, @kiyumiarashi, @whimsicmimic and @ataliaf uwu and anyone else who wants to do it!!
how tall are you: this is a cryptid question. i get a different result every time i try to measure myself and ive never asked anyone else to do it for me. some people tell me im very short, others have told me im average height for someone who is afab. im gonna hazard a guess at 5′5 tho.
what colour are your eyes: very dark brown
do you wear contacts and/or glasses: glasses. i literally CANNOT see without them. i mean like 2 inches from my glasses-less face is so blurry its unbelievable. i get super triggered by eye stuff tho so contacts are a no go ALSO i look weird w/o glasses anyway.
do you wear braces: no my teeth r p good actually. one is a bit wonky but thats life
what is your fashion style: i mean 90% panties and a sweaty 4 day tshirt because i just spend all day in my room like a goblin. BUT when i actually go out im ur basic ass post-emo trans dude with skinny jeans, converse and a too-big graphic tee. sometimes i spice it up with a plaid shirt because im fuckin GAY.
when were you born: october 12th 1999, babey
how old are you: 18 motherfucker flashes my titties and gulps a bottle of vodka im an ADULT
do you have any siblings: yes. a younger brother and hes a cunt
what school/college do you go to: im at sixth form rn (last yr of highschool technically if ur american but im not and hs finishes at 16 yrs old here deal with it). im going uni next yr tho and this years almost over for me academically since we go on study leave soon for our final exams. uwu overshares
what kind of student are you: the asshole who never studies for tests and does homework at 5am the morning before and still manages to pull straight As to everyones anger. im also the adhd class clown who makes random noises and cant concentrate half the time. ik i hate myself too im so annoying irl even more so than online.
what are your favorite subjects: in terms of actual content of the subject, english lit fs. in terms of classmates/teachers/general atmosphere DEFFO drama we spend half of our time eating cake, singing random shit and just losing our minds while filming it on snapchat which shouldnt at all be allowed.
what are your favorite movies: god idek. um. fuck. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA i cant think of a single movie. ok ok ok i got it: white chicks, premium rush, scott pilgrim vs the world, the cornetto triology too i just love edgar hes such a great director. i like a lot of the marvel movies esp the spiderman hc and thor ragnorok and both gotg were p good. i love a lot of movies my brains just a void that sucks memories up into its fat gob and steals them from me forever.
what are your pastimes: sleeping, crying, used to be rping but i gave up on that, playing overwatch way too much and getting tilted because im shit, reading fanfictions did i say sleeping
do you have many regrets: dude. my guy. come in close. let me whisper in ur ear. are you close? no, closer. ok. 
what is your dream job: whoo boy. im do indecisive and i think a LOT of jobs seem super cool that id never do i.e. be an actor or be in a band. my dream job since i was like 8 was to be a writer which is unlikely since i cant even finish a pwp oneshot. but thatd be cool. id also like to write plays and direct them but thats also wild and v dream > reality. 
would you like to get married: honestly. marriage as an institution? angers me. i dont like a lot of things about it. BUT. part of the reason i hate it is honestly if ur in a long long term relationship with someone ur better off married than not in terms of the benefits so. id happily get married if the other person wanted and/or we felt like it was the right thing to do, i just dont really care about being married or having a wedding tbh.
do you want kids? how many if so: no. hard pass. i might adopt if im long-term with someone who SUPER wants kids but that likely wont happen because i dont want to get into a long-term relationship with someone so desperate for kids since i dont have that same enthusiasm. sorry. ill be ur uncle gabe but im not having my own children im just not well equipped to literally have a full time job of making sure little idiots (meant affectionately) who dont know fuck from shit dont just straight up die. i can barely do that for myself.
how many countries have you visited: shit dude actually ive only visited like... uh... 4??? a lot of my holidays tend to be to the same countries (portugal/america) so i dont have that much experience like i feel like i do.
what was your scariest dream: hmmmm. when i was a kid i had these recurring dreams where i worked at this like. “zoo” where these MASSIVE, i mean ABSOLUTELY MASSIVE string rays that were also pancakes were like. hooked up to make electricity? anyway i hated the job because we all abused the rays super bad to make them generate the power and it sucked and it was all dystopian. there was stuff where like we had to kill the baby rays and stuff. anyway one day it went all planet of the apes and they broke out somehow and could fly and they killed loads of people and i had to go into hiding because they were super clever and could id who had worked at the zoo plant and wanted revenge. its super weird ik but this is pretty tame for my dreams they go HARD and BIZARRE and this one always made me wake up feeling super sick and scared idk. ur welcome.
do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/significant other: no im lonely but its ok because i need to work on me 
put your playlist on shuffle and without skipping the first 15 songs: ok so i dont really have a “playlist” per se so im just gonna use my top 100 2017 songs on spotify which ignores a lot of my non-spotify non-2017 bangers but whatever.
1) ‘My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark’ by FOB
2) ‘Tuxford Fall’ - Vasudeva
3) ‘Our Lawyer Made Us Change The Name Of This Song So We Wouldn’t Get Sued’ - FOB
4) ‘Fried Noodles: Getter Remix’ - Pink Guy, Getter (listen ive never watched any filthy frank he weirds me out but this is a banger)
5) ‘Brick By Boring Brick’ - Paramore
6) ‘Thnks Fr Th Mmrs’ - FOB (i really dont listen to this much fob this is crazy)
7) ‘Death Note L’s Theme Goes Metal’ - Charlie Parra del Riego (theres no defence for this)
8) ‘Turnstile’ - Vasudeva
9) ‘Idle Worship’ - Paramore
10) ‘Monster’ - Paramore
11) ‘Miss Missing You’ - FOB
12) ‘The City’ - Madeon
13) ‘Far Too Young To Die’ - P!ATD
14) ‘Don’t Stop’ - Nothing More (really this is the band i listen to much smh these results are so skewed)
15) ‘Smile Like You Mean It’ - The Killers
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crvcio · 7 years
85 Questions Tag Game
I was tagged by @tedslupin thanks so much! xx 
rules: answer these 85 questions and tag 20 people
tagging: @malfoymaxima @draccomallfoy @malfoyxsx @parselmouthingoff @engorgio @dearlovegood @susanbone @jilyss @unsqeakable @ginniewheezie @gothicmalfoy @horaceslughorn @azkabqn​ @burkesandborgin​ @ptterharrys​ @gryffindvor​ @gryffindorkx​ @1959black​ @bottomkirk (if you’ve already done this, don’t want to, or don’t do tag games, feel free to come to my house and punch me in the face honestly ill be totally fine with it)
1. drink: water 2. phone call: my mom 3. text message: my mom 4. song you listened to: cruel world by active child  5. time you cried: yesterday, really difficult homework assignment had me freaking out. apparently i wasnt the only person in my class to cry over it lol!
HAVE YOU EVER 6. dated someone twice: only if fwb counts? 7. kissed someone and regretted it: yep 8. been cheated on: not as far as i know 9. lost someone special: to death? not really, but in other ways yes 10. been depressed: yep im in a good place but it happens sometimes 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: nah fam im sober
3 FAVOURITE COLOURS 12. black 13. blue 14. purple
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU 15. made new friends: yep! lots of the lovely people on here included :) 16. fallen out of love: wasnt in it to begin with! 17. laughed until you cried: yeah not too long ago because of a dumbass inflatable alien haha 18. found out someone was talking about you: yeah, sort of, had some nasty coworkers 19. met someone who changed you: aforementioned nasty coworkers changed how much i trust people, but nothing super significant 20. found out who your friends are: in little ways, but for the most part i was already pretty confident where people fell in my life. 21. kissed someone on your facebook list: haven’t kissed in the last year at all!
GENERAL 22. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: the vast majority 23. do you have any pets: cat named moose, dog named crusher 24. do you want to change your name: i already have once legally (my last name), and i use different first names in various places for trans reasons but i dont think ill legally change my first name 25. what did you do for your last birthday: took a trip to DC, got horribly sick, threw up everywhere. good times haha! honestly it was still really nice. 26. what time did you wake up: 8am, i usually get up a bit later but i had a dentist appointment 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: reading fanfiction... whoops 28. name something you can’t wait for: my phone interview to work for disney tomorrow! 29. when was the last time you saw your mom: literally like a minute ago, she’s on my couch rn 31. what are you listening to right now: world princess pt II by grimes 32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: probably but i cant think of anyone i know named tom 33. something that is getting on your nerves: homework  34. most visited website: tumblr, tied with my email probably 35. hair colour: brown 36. long or short hair: really long, i dont cut it. 37. do you have a crush on someone: only celebrity crushes ha 38. what do you like about yourself: my adaptability 39. want any piercings: i might get a fourth on my left ear, but otherwise im happy with the ones i have 40. blood type: o-, universal donor 41. nickname: in a way, j.d. is a nickname 42. relationship status: single af lol 43. zodiac: saggitarius 44. pronouns: he/she/they 45. favourite tv show: person of interest 46. tattoos: nope 47. right or left handed: right 48. surgery: had dental surgery done twice. it’s not so bad. 49. piercing: 1 on right ear, 3 on left ear (all on the lobe) 50. sport: basketball, but i rarely play. im not very sporty 51. vacation: been dying to go to peru someday! 52. pair of trainers: one? 
MORE GENERAL 53. eating: nothing but im hoping i can bug my mom to make cinnamon rolls for us 54. drinking: water 55. i’m about to: finish my paper due thursday... but really im gonna write fanfic cause im trash 56. waiting for: my mom to wake up so i can bug her about the cinnamon rolls ha 57. want: cinnamon rolls. also world peace. 58. get married: ha, it’s gonna be a while before that. but i hope to someday. 59. career: educational psychologist, what im getting my degree in. or musician, if it works out lol.
WHICH IS BETTER 60. hugs or kisses: kisses 61. lips or eyes: eyes? 62. shorter or taller: shorter i guess? im open minded 63. older or younger: considering im 18, im not going to go much younger 64. nice arms or nice stomach: idk stomach? 65. hook up or relationship: relationship  66. troublemaker or hesitant: i guess troublemaker. but there are limits
HAVE YOU EVER II 67. kissed a stranger: no 68. drank hard liquor: yes 69. lost glasses/contact lenses: yes, temporarily 70. turned someone down: yes 71. sex on the first date: technically no 72. broken someone’s heart: yep 73. had your heart broken: yep 74. been arrested: no 75. cried when someone died: yes 76. fallen for a friend: yes
DO YOU BELIEVE IN 77. yourself: yes 78. miracles: small ones, but not like crazy stuff 79. love at first sight: infatuation, sure, but not real love 80. santa claus: no?  81. kiss on the first date: sure idgaf 82. angels: angels are real have you seen tom felton
OTHER 83. current best friend’s name: dont really have a best friend but my closest friend is ezra :) 84. eye colour: green 85. favorite movie: all that jazz
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survivorwakea · 5 years
Episode #2: “yee yee can’t wait to DOM” - Anabel
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a joint tribal!?!?!?! THIS IS JUST TOOOO FUCKING MUCH!!!!!! 
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Tbh like I wanna win but I also don’t want to put in a lot of effort just for us to lose Bc I fully expect some other tribe to go try hard and I can’t see our sorry sack of losers being the best at any challenge much less one that requires effort
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Okay so like anybody who thinks that this round is going to be anything near simple is absolutely oblivious to what game we are playing. This is going to be complete chaos. Whatever game plans you have come up with you can just toss out the window because I don’t think there is a single person that has any idea of what to aspect or even how the hell to handle this. Shot completely shot
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I’m starting to get more and more annoyed with these people as time goes on. Are y’all aware this is for immunity and yalls games are on the fucking line? Because it definitely doesn’t look that way. NO EFFORT AT ALL BEING PUT INTO CHALLENGES. And the stakes are higher than fucking ever this round.
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this fucking challenge is legitimately draining me bc i keep fucking up and i feel like joey and jared hate me lol.... i might jump out a window but we’ll see
it’s 1am, jared just told me he was proud of me and im legitimately SOBBING. this is the most exhausting challenge i have ever participated in.
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So, we finished in second again. That is the good news. The bad news is, only one tribe wins immunity. So we’re at tribal with Haumea and Kanaloa. The question is, do we go with Haumea, and take away potential swing vote power from Kanaloa, or do we go with Kanaloa, and try to whittle another tribe down to 4? Decisions, decisions.
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wow y’all i just called jared for like 45 minutes and he might be the kindest human on the planet ugh... im keeping him. he’s the new johnny. bye johnny helLO jared. and jared isn’t even straight!! so that’s another thing he has over johnny BESIDES being nicer than him (just kidding i love johnny so much johnny if ur reading this u will never be replaced)
can’t believe we won immmmm this is crazy i love this tribe and this game and that challenge yee yee can’t wait to DOM
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So it looks like a 14 person joint tribal is coming like what the fuck! I'm excited though. This vote I can see being based off of activity. It's probably the safest move but I am saying that now, things can change later.
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this joint tribal really got me fucked up. of COURSE we lose immunity. what a shocker. it’s not like ben fucked up two times in a row when we were so close to being in the 30s... if he would have never fucked up, we LITERALLY would have won. i’m so mad. but ugh. anyway. being at this joint tribal is a blessing and a curse. a blessing because i have 24 hours to kinda build other relationships outside of my tribe incase of a swap, while the other immune tribe is missing out on building relationships. a curse for the obvious.. i don’t wanna be voted off! yes, i have the idol, but i wanna just play like i don’t have it for now and i don’t wanna rely on that. i need to save that for the future. obviously, i have elmo’s back. even fucking bens back even tho he got me real mad. ian? he can go at anytime, i truly don’t give a fuck. he’s rude and disrespectful and i’m sick and tired of his slick ass remarks. adam? a non motherfucking factor. but i don’t want ian nor adam leaving in this tribal, just because i think i faked it so good and they actually think i like them. justin messaged me and i LOVE justin so i’m feeling good about that. taylor messaged me and he’s a king in training.. he could use a little more work. and johnny messaged me and he seems iconic. only red flag is.. he’s straight..! i know.. a big red flag. other then that, i have chloe on the other tribe and i talked to her a bit and i think we’re on a mutual understanding not to vote eachother out. so as of right now, it’s kinda just a wait and see who wants to thro the first name out, because i don’t. and to be completely honest, i don’t care who goes home. it’s to early to even throw a random name out and maybe have it come back and bite me in the ass. i really don’t care who it is. i’m willing to vote out absolutely anyone right now besides myself and elmo. so. we’re gonna have to sit and wait, but i’ll make sure it’s not me.
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this is an interesting round bc i think logically in a normal situation a tribe with fewer numbers would be in the middle here but since the general vibe at least right now is that the blues (bar chloe and thomas i think?) are inactive so that tribe could end up being targeted
I think that there isnt rly a reason to make a big move at f19 in the game so i think most ppl will jump to whatever vote they hear first but at the same time usually u dont want to be the first one to throw a name out because ppl can pin the vote on u and make u a big threat etc i definitely need to talk to everyone on my tribe just to get their vibes i talked to zack and ben a lil and they both seem to agree that we should work with haumea
idk who will be the target but my prediction is either asya or dean honestly rn im just trying to be social with everyone bc if there is a change of plans or whatever then i dont want to be the one who will be paying the price
anyway im somewhat calm right now? i dont know if there is a plan already in the works without me but i highly doubt it also if there will be a plan that shouldn't involve me, im fairly certain that i would hear from it
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What’s going on? Honestly idk. Not even sure who is on the other tribe and we aren’t far enough into the game for me to care too much (jk jk I care but also damn I don’t have time to get to know 5 more people). Luckily I already know and love Elmo. I’m really hoping I can sway him to vote for someone on his tribe instead of ours. But we will see. I don’t have much time today to play so I’m hoping I use the little time I have wisely.
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So major Internet connection issues  forced me to unofficially sit out of the challenge. They carried over today and now I've barely spoken to anyone about tribal. I'm so out of the loop it's actually hilarious
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Heading into what I believe will be a three tribe swap of 6 players each, I feel good. Not having to go to Tribal is making me a bit nervous tho, I need to get some blood on my hands in order to establish a place for myself in the game.
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So first tribal for our tribe Haumea, and it's a joint tribal! Whoa! I've never been a part of a joint tribal, but I'm just trying to lay low and let everyone else decide what will happen. Of course socially I'm trying talk with everyone so I don't get targeted for NOT talking to people. It's also great for starting to build that foundation with some of the other players so when the eventual swap comes I can already have  connections. It's like using 2 -in-1 paint & primer🖌️ it's just more efficient, and time saving 😂 It seems that the consensus may fall on Dean from Kanaloa. I think it'd be a smarter move because it would anger the least amount of people. Leaving Kanaloa with only 3 members. But of course some things are never that easy, So i guess we'll see. Connections-wise I really like Elmo and Zacky, and would be interested to know more of and potentially work with Asya too. Johnny has definitely taken the leadership role of our tribe, which I'm completely okay o. Takes the pressure off of me and means I can just sit back, relax and enjoy the shield.
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Oh god I feel so sick right now writing this. Being chucked into a tribal with like 12/13 other people most of whom I didn’t know was insane. Especially sort of feeling like I was on the bottom. All day people have been saying to me about Dean being inactive and I’ve been like ok cool I’ll vote him if that’s how it swings. And not it’s basically confirmed he’s the vote I feel sick that I have to turn my back on someone I’ve worked with the last couple rounds and who would told me he’d look out for me. But at the same time how can you look out for me if you’re never here and have put in very little effort to ensure that we didn’t end up in this position. I barely even had a proper chance to talk to the guy he’s been so inactive but I still feel like such a terrible person
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my tribe won immunity but we thought we lost it so that was funny
it allowed me to exercise my connections with people. it showed me that me and jared are close and that me and joey arent close! so im gonna go fix that if i can but hopefully we can win to the end
Dean is voted out 11-1-1.
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sorry for the lack of art...
im just not feeling very confident lately. i had like five requests from this person who i wont mention and im too scared to tell them how i feel. keep reading if you wanna know what stupid stuff's been going on in my head for the past week. BUT IF YOURE GONNA KEEP READING READ THE WHOLE THING BEFORE YOU KILL SOMEONE so as some of you know, i recently did a live stream drawing the person (lets just call them jam) jams "gemsona." but the problem is, this wasn't their gemsona exactly. he literally just searched up fire opal in google and saw that he liked the design and just declared it his own gemsona. now, some people dont know that reposting art without the artist's permission is illegal, but i dont know the situation between google images and plagiarism so, im not sure if he was allowed to consider it his own. and if you watched my live stream, you could SEE him put into chat "you can make your own design." that just made me feel... furious. and a gemsona isnt a gemsona if its just something you saw on the internet and called it your own and THEN decided to make it a fan fusion. i cant remember if i actually sighed out loud, but if i did, it meant "ok you need to get the fuck out and get your own gemsona and guess what im not drawing that shit." but i try to keep my channel at least pg 13, and im a weak crybaby that is too scared to tell him how i feel. im too scared to tell anyone anything to their face or on the internet how i feel if it might make them have a bad opinion of me, and of course, i didnt want to cause arguments in the roleplay me and some other friends from the internet were in. and thats not all, jam has broken the same rule at least five times. rule number 2. no spamming. and before, there was also conflict with jam and some other guy who ill call draco. oh yea, forgot to mention that im the leader of this roleplay group. i literally had to kick out draco from the group and i made a biiiig mistake when i did that. draco came back and apologized. but that big mistake was, i shouldve kicked the both of them out. i feel bad for making draco feel like he was being personally attacked. so now that all of the group chat stuff is out of the way, its on to the main cause of the lack of confidence and art. so, like i said, jam has requested about five drawing from me, all at different times. he requested a point of the plagiarized fire opal design number one. he chose two pictures and he gave me the first one. so i made a point out of that and he used it for his pfp and gave me credit, yay, points dont take that long to do so it was cool. but there was more details to it. so, he first asked for a drawing of it and i said id make a point because it takes less time and im getting ready to pretend to go to sleep in a few hours. so i decided that i was done drawing on my pc for the night so i sketched a little fire opal point. so i send him a picture with the terrible colored pencil coloring and i said "well im done drawing on my computer for tonight but i can draw it tomorrow if you want" and jam said that he wanted the digital version, which i can see why. so in the morning, here is the average schedule for me : 11:00-12:00 - mom wakes me up 12:05 - we make lunch together and watch who wants to be a millionaire which plays for 30 minutes including commercials and it starts at 12:30, sometimes my dad comes home from work to get lunch, sometimes he doesnt. 1:05 - the chew starts and i either go take a shower and sit in my closet watching jse's the escapist series for about 30 minutes, or i do that without the shower part. 2:00 - im usually completely ready for the day and i have requests read (if any) and i think about what im going to draw since my mom doesnt want me staying up until 3am, she makes me put my phone and pc in her room during weekdays (sometimes she forgets and those days i take advantage) so i usually take my pc at around 2:15 pm sometimes we go shopping, sometimes we dont so when i go to sit in my closet watching yt, jam just messages me saying "hi" me thinking i was smart, i keep watching yt. jam says "can you see this?" and i keep the private dms unmuted incase if theres a problem in chat (the chats muted) for my rp acc they could just ask me personally. i go on instagram, and say "yea" and they legit say "can you make my point now?" i said "oh were going shopping i might be able to do it now bt i might have to do it later." we actually were going shopping and out of sheer panic, i finished changing and did the point. i did that, and then a few days later, he asks for the drawing so i did that on stream blah blah blah. but then he asks me for another point. my maximum for gemsonas are 1 rn. bt this wasnt a gemsona. it was jasper, but with splatoon hair. i dont play splatoon, but jam does. so i make the point AND HE DOESNT EVEN USE IT FOR ANYTHING. LIKE WTF. I COULDVE USED THAT HALF HOUR TO WATCH YOUTUBE. so, yea. then, the last thing. this was the last request and i already had like five at that point (hehe cuz they were points) so i decided to do it last because ya know, it was a full on picture, nothing much. so i dont start on it and he says "did you start on it yet" i said "no not yet im taking a break for tonight" and he knows i had a lot of requests that day. the next day, i sneak into my moms room and i see the notification that says "you dont have to do the drawing, if you dont want to" and i said "ok" just to be nice. and he said "but you can if you want" and i didnt reply. i almost said "oh well i ddint want to do it anyways" but i didnt. because im nice. he literally requested a drawing of himself wih splatoon hair. in the splatoon art style. like tf bro. thats the first time anyone asked for a drawing of them tho so i think im growing as an artist. BUT WAIT I FORGOT THERE WAS ONE MORE i cant remember what the drawing was, but i remember i was in a restaurant about to leav when hes like "so can you make it now" and i was like "no im in a restaurant but ill be home in like 20 minutes" and he said "okay well can you do it as soon as you get home?" and then he said "wait no im sorry i shouldnt have said that. i should have said enjoy your meal and take your time" so i cant remember what i said in return but i think i jsut replied with "okay" and when we got in he car i noticed that google maps said that it takes 30 minutes to get home and i told him and hes like oh geez and stuff. so i did the drawing for him and yea. thats basically it. oh yea, i didnt mention why i havent drawn lately. i havent been feeling good (no im not sick) and i have just been feeling... used for the past week. bt dont freak out or anything, im fine... well maybe not and the reason why i didnt want to put this on youtube is because he subbed to me and i dont want him to see this. well, not like anyones going to read this, in fact some people might unfollow me for this, so yea. you might not see art until next week
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