#i need to recharge
starrysnowdrop · 11 months
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Hope everyone is having a good day! After all of the socializing I did over the weekend and then yesterday at my in laws for the 4th, my social battery is almost dead. Which also means that I have low spoons and I wish I could get back to writing, since I haven’t written anything in over a month and it’s getting to me. Please brain, I need you to work damn it! 😫
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thefelinefox · 1 year
Loathing Girlboss Tournament results, Round 3
Well, this was certainly something. Let’s see who goes on to the finals….
Out of 30 votes…
The Naughty Sorceress: 27%
Doc Alice: 73%
Doc Alice wins!
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Out of 48 votes…
Gabby: 21%
Dark Noël: 79%
Dark Noël wins!
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That means Doc Alice and Dark Noël are our finalists! Stay tuned, the finale will be coming soon!
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idrawgaystffs · 5 months
Ggggghhhhhhh comicing is hard
I have that feeling after you stare at something for too long and don’t want to even check it one last time
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batstorm93672 · 2 years
Tim walked around the empty halls, holding a cup of coffee and a case file in hand. He was merely fixated on his work and kept moving. Sometimes he'd peek into someone's room merely to make sure everyone was okay.
Making a stop at Damian's door and opening it slowly, he might still shift in his sleep if he hears anything. Damian got more relaxed and actually manages to sleep without much worry of an attack in the Manor. As Tim opened the door something shifted in the air, the first thing he caught was how Damian was sleeping. He slept in a very rigid position, his mouth was tightly closed and it was hard to hear any breathing from him.
Tim's eyebrow shot up as he creeped forward to the young boy's bedside and whispered "Damian?" That's not right. There was no rise or fall of his chest. Tim feeling uneasy put his fingers to Damian's pulse. Nothing.
Nothing?! Why the hell does Damian not have a pulse?!
Tim lightly smacked Damian's cheek trying to make him stir or do anything. No response.
Why isn't he breathing?! There's no blood, he didn't eat anything bad right? Fuck! What is going on?!
He shook him harshly "WAKE UP!"
Then the thumping of footsteps followed, Bruce, Dick and Alfred ran in.
"What's going on?"
"He's not breathing and he has no pulse!"
"Come on wake up Damian!!"
"Tim move" Bruce put his hands on Damian's face and tilted his head to the left "Hey, Damian come on wake up now. You're scaring us. I need you to wake up"
Damian's eyes shot open and he leapt up with a gasp, one hand over his chest as he screamed.
"What can I do Master Bruce?"
"Get an oxygen mask"
"Right away"
"Damian. Look at me, look at my eyes"
He kept screaming and kicked his sheets away from him. Damian choked on his own screams, but he didn't stop regardless of the pain he could be experiencing.
"Master Bruce!"
Bruce took the mask and placed it on Damian, the hiss of air took over. Damian was in tears, clinging onto Bruce's hands for dear life.
After a long time of seeing that Damian was healthy and okay, they let him go back to sleep. Bruce stayed by his side the whole night. Damian hadn't said a word on the situation, he just walked off and everytime someone mentioned it he would look down and frown making everyone no longer bring it up.
Tim arrived to the living room and found Damian sitting on the floor against the sofa with his knees close to his chest, his head buried in between. Tim walked over and sat down on the sofa, letting Damian do as he wanted, Tim carried on with typing on his laptop.
It was a silence that Tim knew not to interrupt with talking, it would make Damian stressed and he'd rather not do that. What felt like an hour, but was merely ten minutes, Damian sighed and Tim could feel the question linger in the air.
Tim nodded and Damian held his head up to rest on his knees as he looked at the fireplace.
"I heard you were the one who found me"
"I did"
"I'm sorry if I frightened you. I had hoped to not mention that to anyone"
Tim kept silent, gotta let Damian talk if he wants to.
"The whole... not breathing thing, was merely a nightmare. When..." Damian took a trembling inhale as he collected himself "Whenever I died, I would burst from the Lazarus Pit screaming accompanied with the voices. I've found myself as of late that whenever those nightmares haunt me, I awaken out of breath and my heart pounds like it was just started back up with electricity"
"How long does it last?"
"About half an hour before I fall back asleep"
"Does it happen often?"
"No, any of my nightmares don't have a pattern, most are of killing. Dying in the League... that one is troublesome at times I can't discern whether or not I died when I wake up. As soon as I wake up from that, everything is loud and normally only the voices would scream. I suppose with you all there I had screamed as well. These nightmares only happened almost constantly back at the League. I didn't expect it to happen here... especially now that I'm so far from it"
Damian buried his head back in between the gap, Tim rested his hand on Damian's head touching his soft hair and moving his fingers through the his locks. "If you ever go through that, you can come to me when I'm at the Manor. Okay?"
"Okay... I would appreciate that"
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kudzucataclysm · 8 months
gonna not draw for a bit maybe
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heromonty · 1 year
i’m now officially off for two weeks 😎
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fuyuesu · 1 year
uuuawguhgehaeghhh the horrors (<- mentally and physically exhausted)
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muffinghostie · 2 years
My social battery is lowwwwwww. Wanna interact with my friends but blegh
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tearsasmascara · 2 years
i’ve got like 100 notes in this one day gosh, i’m gonna go offline for a bit guys, my introvert self is getting really overwhelmed :(
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scientificartickles · 3 months
In the mood for domination. Clothes on, nothing especially sensual/teasy, nothing cruel or sweet. I'm not even sure if tickling would even be on the table,which is so rare for me to say. Just being bossed around for a bit. Want me to sit on your lap while you watch TV or play games? Want me to sit or kneel while you do whatever?
Fucking tired of thinking, come get me out of my head.
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k-atsukibakugou · 4 months
i need like 4 months paid off work please
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macybeckham7 · 1 year
i’m currently running on 30%
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catsforthewin · 1 year
Little Do You Know...
Running on coffee and no sleep, I am on a mission to fix my sleep schedule. 6:51AM, three cups of coffee in, mini breakdown later, I feel as though things may never change. Cannot understand whether things are progressively getting better or worse. Maybe I just grew up. Can't see a difference anymore. Maybe it was like this for so long I have gotten numb to it. A breakdwon and a good cry later I'm back to being able to function. Regardless of the whole brain pain that goes on. I cannot understand if I have become stronger or weaker as time went on.
My mortal body is exhausted. Suffering from all kinds of frequent diseases, it is an endless cycle of pain. Back and forth between physical and mental pain. It is a war between the two, and trapped in the middle of it, trying to get out would be what little's left of my untainted mind. If I succeed, I will let you know.
The universe as a whole, has its own mysterious ways it likes to work. The Earth became and so as time went by, the human. Understanding this species has been a struggle for eons. Even with modern days technologies it is simply too much. If someone who spent their entire life studying us cannot figure it out then how can I, who've only existed nearly upto two decades possibly accomplish that?.
There may be someday where I'll be able to post at a reasonable hour. I hope that that day is soon to come.
Bye bye.
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remerstoothgap · 1 year
my therapist is so weird like i told her i've been overstimulated and had a meltdown or panic attack almost everyday in the past week and she's like "yea that makes sense your schedule has been off and messed up and you really need that" like damn she couldn't just tell me i'm being a little bitch to get over it??
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kiiraes · 1 year
hi guysss
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bewhatuwannabe-blog · 2 years
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I wanna unwind so badly. Feels like I need to recharge a bit. Work is getting heavier and heavier now....
Wanna go home to my family...
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