#i only just convinced the children that the two little boys I nanny are NOT my kids
selchielesbian · 2 years
re: last reblog I am hit with that whammy every day because my coworker (who has an 8 year old child at the school) is ten days older than me 🙃
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casuallyawkardd · 11 months
Hi dear, how are you?, could you write a imagine where reader offered to be a nanny for mayday and the newest member of the HQ, jess's son, and when Miguel arrives home, he can't take his eyes off reader as she puts the children to bed slept. And I couldn't get out of Miguelito's mind when he wants to put a baby in you, please.
Hello! I am well! Just got some good news in my personal life so even better than usual 🥰 Anywho I think this idea is so cute so let's dive in
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Pairing: Miguel O'Hara x AFAB!Reader
Warnings: fluff, established relationship, suggestive themes but mostly PG, not fluent in spanish so plz correct grammar/spelling errors
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"What the hell is this?"
Your head whips around to see your husband's figure in the entryway of the apartment. Miguel had just gotten off work, it had been a long day and he was hoping to just spend the rest of his afternoon at home; followed by curling up in bed with his arms wrapped around you. Maybe even do a little more than sleep once the two of you got under the covers.
Instead, he comes home to find you sitting on the floor surrounded by baby blocks and plastic animals. Miguel immediately recognized your little guests. Mayday, who was currently crawling her way over to greet him, and Gerry, Jess's new baby, who you were burping over your shoulder.
You, having ignored Miguel's initial comment, somehow made it to your feet without using your hands, which were occupied with Gerry, taking a few steps in his direction. "Jess and Peter stopped by and said they needed a sitter while they were training," you explain like it's the most obvious thing in the world.
"Last I checked, they were both married," Miguel's arm scooped up Mayday, who had already crawled halfway up his leg, "Can't MJ or Jess's husband watch them?"
"I don't know, I saw cute babies and said yes," you shrugged simply. The deadpan look Miguel gives you makes you chuckle softly, "C'mon, don't be like that. It's only for a few hours. Besides, it'll give you some practice."
"Practice for what?" You roll your eyes at his stubbornness, planting Gerry on one hip to make room for Mayday on the other, taking both babies to the kitchen for a snack. "....¿Mi amor?"
It took some convincing, but eventually Miguel was aboard the babysitter train. In a way, you felt like it was like you were playing house with him, a few hours of simulated family time. Playing pretend with the little toys Peter had brought with him, bouncing the little ones in your lap and pretending they were flying as you maneuvered them through the air. Something about the domesticity of it was charming to you, watching Miguel trying to fetch Mayday after she had crawled up onto the ceiling. She didn't make it easy for him, but seeing your husband's face shift from annoyed to amused once she fell into his arms warmed your heart.
The four of you were now sitting on the couch. It had gotten late, the two little ones having fallen asleep while watching some random kids movie you had thrown on. You looked between the baby boy in your arms and your husband, who currently had Mayday passed out on his chest.
"This is nice," you say, Miguel glancing at you once you have his attention. It makes you suppress a giggle, knowing he's probably trying to move as little as possible so as not to wake Mayday.
"S'pose it is," he begrudgingly agrees. looking back at the television. "Although, the science in this movie is completely unfounded. I don't think you can bring someone back from the dead with the power of love."
His commentary has you scoffing, "It's about the message, Miguelito, not the science."
"...Well it's a pretty shity message."
"Are you saying you don't think love conquers all?"
"Ye-" the words die on Miguel's tongue when he notices how your eyes narrow and the corners of your mouth turn down, "No? No. I'm not saying that."
Your expression softens, but only slightly, turning your attention to Gerry who's tiny hand is wrapped around your pointer finger. "I love baby hands. They're so chunky and small," you voice your thoughts, absentmindedly pressing down on Gerry's hand with your thumb, "Aww, squishy, little humans."
"Oh, you've got it bad," Miguel chuckles, the sound rumbling in his chest, "Cómo se dice...oh yeah, baby fever." How do you say...
You shoot him a smirk, sitting a little straighter, "Maybe I do, what about it?"
Something in the way he looks at you shifts, the glimmer of admiration turning into something much darker. The kind of look that makes you hot under the collar, "Maybe I'll have to find the cure."
A knock at the door pulls you from the conversation, face red as if you just got caught doing something you weren't supposed to be doing. There's an internal sigh of relief when you see it's only Jess and Peter coming to pick up the kids. In all honesty, you only half pay attention to the small talk that ensues, your answers simple and brief when they ask how the kids were and if they had gotten dinner.
As the door shuts, the three of you exchanging your final farewells, a familiar arm snakes around your waist, pulling you into your husband's firm chest. His lips tickle your ear, making you jump as a chill goes down your spine.
"Let's go to bed, mi amor. I think I know just the thing to make you feel better," he's uncharacteristically playful with his words, adjusting his hold so his hand rests on your stomach. "te verás tan bonita con mi bebé dentro de ti." You'll look so pretty with my baby inside you.
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@prettylittlebrowngirl @khaleesihavilliard @leahnicole1219 @edgycatx
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echantedtoon · 10 days
Single Dad Michikatsu Au
This has been plauging my mind for a long time and I needed to get this off my chest. This takes place in a Kimetsu Gauken au and it's hilarious to me. It's basically Michikatsu just ending up being a single parent to many small kids.
It starts with Kaigaku. One day Muzan just shows just with a scrawny black haired boy shaking in his shoes and pushes him towards the bodyguard-
Muzan: "This is Kaigaku. He's going to be our informant inside the Academy's walls going forward."
Michikatsu: "Ah. That seems like a clever tactic-"
Muzan: "You're going to be sure he has all his accomodations and care."
Michikatsu:"...I beg pardon?"
He's stuck with the kid's childcare and upbringing from that day going forward. Kaigaku doesn't live with him, but he's seen with him multiple times whether it's parent teacher meetings with the Academy, training Kaigaku in good spying tactics, or if it's just a check up at his home.
However Kaigaku isn't the only one he cares for.
Yuichiro and Muichiro are in his custody. Muichiro and Yuichiro Tokito are related to Michikatsu and Yoriichi however Michikatsu's coworkers have no idea if the Tokito Twins are his cousins, nephews, or his children. If anyone asks he simply tells them some relatives passed away and that's how he ended up taking in the teenagers. Similar to Kaigaku he's always there for parent teacher meetings (despite how awkward it is having Muzan's bodyguard in the Academy) and he often shows up for important events for the twins.
He's there when Yuichiro wins prizes in his shogi championship games. (Since it's cannon both twins are good at Shogi and have made appearances on TV in KG) Or drives Muichiro and Yuichiro to the Ubuyashikis residence to tutor the children. Muzan has tried more than once to convince Michikatsu to get the boys to spy for him there but whether he refused or the twins choose not to do it is unknown. Everyone just knows that both boys are often picked up by a scary looking bodyguard.
And finally his two children from his divorce. (I dunno Michikatsu's wife's actually name but Harahime seems pretty popular in the fandom so I'll use that name to call her for this.) His marriage was one arranged by his father and Haruhimes parents. However it wasn't a very good marriage and they ended up getting a divorce after almost five years. Michikatsu got main custody of his two children a toddler son and a baby. So he often hires nannies and babysitters to watch his children while he's at work or he drops them off at Uncle Yoriichi and Aunt Uta's for the day. It's a shock to everyone seeing this big intimidating man pull up in his black top of the line SUV only to see him open the back door and start taking care of a toddler and baby in the back seat.
Everyone at his work is shocked when he walks in with a little tot on his hip, a baby strapped to his chest, and a diaper bag thrown over his shoulder.
Muzan: "...What is this?"
Michikatsu: "The boys have school activities, the daycare is closed, and all my usual babysitters are too busy today."
Muzan: "...That really doesn't answer my question!"
I'm debating on whether or not to add Y/n but if I do then they'll meet in a very funny but cute way. Like Y/n is a fast food worker or works in a bakery and one day Michikatsu just walks in with all his kids.
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scratchandplaster · 4 months
FEBUWHUMP DAY 15 - "Who did this to you?"
CW: love bombing, conditioned Whumpee, planned recapture
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As Bens first day home slowly came to an end, so did his usual limitless energy. After cleaning up, he and Shawn spend the rest of residual sunlight squabbling in the grass. Leftover specks of glitter from his hair were caught in the blades, freeing him of his thoughtless decisions.  
It was a struggle to get Ben washed and primed for his bedtime, even as Shepard finally got his son to his shared tent, he didn't want this day to stop.  
A single kiss on the forehead and his hand firmly against the small of his neck, the priorly abandoned father felt unsure about sending him off. Beneath soft words and gentle touches, a lingering state of trance shoved itself to the forefront of Ben's mind. Through the gentle haze, his father's words were more command than plea: "Stay with us."
A faithful nod convinced Shepard to finally let his son go for the night.
"Sleep well, starshine."
"Good night, Dad!"
The tent entrance closed behind him, Shawn and the triplets. Suddenly, it was Ben who felt abandoned. Tomorrow, they would all be united again, he had to be patient.
His sleeping space was just as tidy as he had left it, two square meters of mat per child, with his nightshirt and blanket properly folded atop. Brushing any crumbs and dust away, he finally laid down in the dark.
One triplet, impossible to say who, shyly crawled over to Ben and placed their head on his chest: "I watched Trunks while you were gone."
The well-loved abomination made from old corduroy and too many eyeballs stared at him: "Thank you, kiddo. I bet she had a lot of fun with you."
Their siblings, along with Shawn, gathered around Ben in a cozy circle. An arm around his neck here, a leg on his stomach there: one by one snuggled up to him. Safe and loved, surrounded by the people he missed so much, he closed his eyes for a final time today.
Everything was alright, Ben had found his way back home.
Lukas was surely on the alert by now, another reason to quickly figure out his location. Shepard achieved so much in a single day: all the success still left him unsatisfied.
Silently, Otis trudged behind him and took a pensive look back at the camp: "Sometimes you scare me, Shepard."
"Only sometimes?" came the smug answer, "I'm beginning to slack off, it seems."
"He's too old for the children's tent." 
"I noticed. But you got your nanny back, so quit whining until I sort it out."
With a quiet growl, Otis let himself rest on a camp chair, overseeing the whole pasture. Guard duty was no exciting business. Until he was ready to take turns, it was nothing but watching and waiting out here. 
One way or another, Shepard wouldn't sleep tonight. 
"Want to fetch the other one too?"
"Without question."
"Mhh," was all Otis said in return. Shepard knew how he thought of Luke, but as long as he didn't intend to put his boys on the fields, Otis should keep his little opinions to himself. He wasn't in the mood to discuss parenting with his right hand's right hand.
Shepard fought himself through the grass up to a tiny log cabin at the settlement's entry. The surrounding fence was new, another change he surely had to break to Reuben gently. Martens were a good explanation, maybe honey badgers if he felt bold with his flowery hyperbole. 
Inside the cabin that served as his office, front desk, and roost in one, somebody was waiting impatiently. The solar-powered desk lamp was already switched on, illuminating a more than pissed-off face on Shepard's cot. 
Sam didn't look too happy altogether: "I've been sitting here…for HOURS!"
"I offered you to join us for dinner earlier." Would've certainly stuck out like a sore thumb, he mused.
"I'm good." They remained determined but visibly nervous underneath, "Fulfill your part of the deal."
"I'm truly thankful for your help. But I'm going to return the favor tomorrow, Sam. This day wrung me out."
"Hell no, I didn't make myself complicit in a kidnapping just to be pushed aside. We're doing this right now!" Restless fingers hammered on his desk.
„Good grief. Calm down, no need to be upset,“ Shepard demanded, looking at the angry red spots on their neck matching their hair. He was fully expecting them to huff and puff every tent away. "Take a deep breath in."
Their face said "Don't tell me what to do, old man!", yet their body followed nevertheless.
"And out." A bit of hostility left with the exhalation. Tolerable, for starters.
"You helped me to locate my missing son and get him home after one too many drinks. Does that sound like a kidnapping to you?"
"He didn't look overjoyed to me." Unsuccessful in finding any documents that could prove any degree of kinship, Sam was even less proud of yesterday's stunt. They scoffed wordlessly.
"Why don't you ask him in the morning? I requested Birdie to make us waffles for breakfast."
"Fine. We're still doing the interview now, anyway!"
"Yes, we are. But please don't scream at me, Sam." With a patient smile, Shepard took a seat in his swivel chair. Now and then, bad press was precisely what it claimed to be and everyone already had enough trouble for the day, so a few more white lies seemed necessary. 
"Okay, alright." With a final huff, Sam fished out a notepad and started recording on their phone. Double the precautions; so much distrust seemed unhealthy.
Half an hour, tops, he couldn't afford to waste any more time on the requests of his decoy.
"I hope your friends from the World Wide Web won't be disappointed with my old tales," he mumbled and rubbed his eyes, "remind me of the main subject again, please."
Modern cult structures.
"Alternative lifestyles," Sam claimed instead.
The last thing they needed was an angry guru inciting the masses. At worse, the calculated twenty-minute drive to their motel would get enough distance between them to cool off a bad temper; better to stay bedfellows with redneck mites than sleeping in a tent nobody can hear them scream in. Stuck at the end of the world, they watched Shepard interlace his fingers expectantly.
"Okey-dokey. Shoot!"
Thanks for reading 🤍 [Febuwhump 2024 Masterlist]
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circusgoth-dotcom · 4 months
6684 Lemon Gulch
Ship: Logan Howlett x Gabriel Reaper-Argabritt [Exes AU]
Word Count: 1396
Summary: Hot damn another long one fhfhfh (For me, anyway). When the X-Men are faced with a new threat, they will need all the help they can get. Professor X sends Wolverine to track down and try and convince Gabriel Reaper, his ex, to return after disbanding from the team many years ago. Logan is shocked to find his ex has been "domesticated" since the days they used to go steady. CWs for mentions of implied prejudice toward mutants, brief suggestiveness, alcohol consumption, smoking.
Tag List: @canongf @futurewife @rexscanonwife
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Logan heaved a reluctant sigh as he stood on the doorstep of 6684 Lemon Gulch, the last known residence of Gabriel Reaper, his ex, in several senses. He didn’t know if he wanted it to be here or not. The only reason he was tracking it down was on Xavier's command. They needed all the help they could get. The neighbourhood was nice… quaint… something that didn't suit the Gabriel he had left.
What if he didn't recognize it at all? Could things really have changed all that much since Gabriel voluntarily left the X-Men? Birds twittered in the sturdy trees lining the well-paved streets. Everything was so… quiet here. It made his supersonic hearing buzz with understimulation. He raised his hand, waffling between knocking and ringing the doorbell. He chose to knock.
A young man opened the door, his expression both confused and curious as he peered at the stranger on the doorstep. “Can I help you?”
“Does Gabriel Reaper still live here?”
The man braced his palm against the doorway, leaning back into the house. “Mr. Reaper-Argabritt! There's some guy at the door asking for you!”
You've gotta be shittin’ me.
It didn’t take long for a tired-looking Gabriel to appear. “Kev, I really appreciate you, but I just put Shelley down for her nap…” They trailed off, eyes widening as their gaze fell on their old flame, their face paling slightly. “Logan.”
“Ah, geez, I’m sorry. I’ll go make sure I didn’t wake her up.” The young man rushed inside, leaving Gabriel gaping, his breathing shallow.
“Well… I… come in.” He felt light-headed as he let Logan in, closing the door behind him and leading him into his Boho Gothic living room. “Make yourself comfortable, can I get you anything?”
Logan stood awkwardly at the edge of the room, unable to make himself sit as he took everything in, his hands buried in the pockets of his jeans. “I suspect happy-go-lucky back there isn’t your partner, is he?”
“Oh-hah, Kevin? No, he’s just the nanny. He’s been a big help, especially now with Shelley…” Gabriel cleared his throat and floated over to a shelf, off which he picked up a photo of himself and another man, showing it to Logan. “Otis Argabritt. My husband.” It stung both of them to be said aloud.
“Well, at least I can rest easy knowing you’ve always had an eye for the older ones.”
Gabriel put the photo back. He wore a long, grey, loose-fitting button-down dress over a white tank top and black sweatpants, along with a pair of grey, fuzzy slippers. He looked comfortable. A band of white gold glinted on his left ring finger. They then picked up two more photos.
“This is Bram, our little boy, he’ll be four in two months, and Shelley, she’s a year old as of the first.”
“They’re beautiful, Gabriel.”
“Thank you…” They softly smiled and put the photos back. It was a sad expression.
“Does Argabritt know?”
“Please, be more specific, Logan.”
“That you’re a mutant, and that his kids’ll likely be mutants, too.”
“Oh.” Gabriel slowly sat on its couch, clearing its throat. “No. I haven’t.”
“And how long have you two been together?” Logan absently rubbed his stubble, keeping Gabriel just in his peripheral.
“Five years married.” It swallowed. “It won’t matter unless the children start displaying powers, and that’s years in the future…”
“It’s still a possibility.”
“I know. I know.” They sighed and rubbed their eyes, pushing up their glasses in the process. “How did you find me?”
“With a little help…” He inhaled deeply but subtly. It still smelled like it did when they were still together, even under all the smells that weren’t its own. “But that brings me to why I’m even here-”
“Mm, there it is. I knew this wasn’t just an instance of ‘I was in the area and wanted to check in.’” He leaned back, inviting Logan to continue with his body language.
I’d be more than happy to see you if it was on any other terms. “The professor wants you back on the team. We’re facing something we haven’t seen before… we need all the help we can get.” He reached into his jacket and pulled out a thumb drive, handing it to Gabriel. “This contains everything we know so far.”
They frowned as they examined the drive in their palm. When their lip began to tremble, they put it on their coffee table. “I can’t. I’m a father, now… I’m going to guess Xavier knew that already. I didn’t exactly tell him not to keep tabs on me.”
“How did that happen, anyway?”
This surprised Gabriel enough for them to fold their arms as they looked up at Logan. “I had sex with a man who loves me, simple as that.”
“You didn’t want kids when we were together.”
“I was also younger then and preoccupied with being a superhero, Logan. If I remember correctly, neither did you.”
He grunted… it had a point. Still, this is not where Logan saw it ending up after all these years. He stepped closer, looking directly at him for the first time since he came to the front door. All those feelings never went away, no matter what he tried to replace them with. “Besides the interior decorating, this doesn’t really seem like you, angel.”
Gabriel’s breath hitched. “Please, don’t call me that.”
“I’m sorry,” he rumbled immediately. Only Gabriel could get him to apologize so quickly. They crossed their ankles, looking down at their knees. He wished he knew what they were thinking.
“Do you want a beer?”
They quickly rose from their seat and went into their kitchen, giving Logan more time to absorb what had happened to his ex in his absence. He wanted to know how exactly Otis had turned him into this “housewifey” thing. Though, of course, he didn’t want to immediately assume that Gabriel wasn’t working… but they had certainly been domesticated. He resisted the urge to go snooping, if only because it had returned with two beers and was beckoning him further into the house, leading him to a back porch.
“I know you like to smoke with your beer, so I thought we could sit outside,” it explained, settling into one of the deck chairs. Logan sat in the other.
“I hope that’s not the only impression I made on you, ange- I mean, kid- I mean, Gabriel.” He unsheathed one of his claws and popped the tab on his can, clearing his throat. They blushed as they opened their own.
“Of course not! … I also know you can be very sweet, even when you’ve convinced yourself you’re only capable of being a bitter loner who cares for no one.”
He sipped his beer, placed it in the mesh cup holder, and retrieved a cigarette from his pocket. “Only for you, kid.”
It let the pet name slide and reached over to light the cigarette, a flame sizzling from its fingertip.
“Don’t mention it… though, I’d prefer if you didn’t go back inside after this, for the baby’s sake…”
He nodded, then let a small smile tease his features. “Shelley and Bram. That’s clever.”
Gabriel cheesed. “Thank you, I knew someone would appreciate it. I don’t think Otis quite got why I chose those names, but he agreed to them.”
“How’d you two end up together?”
“I did a lot of travelling after I left the X-Men… we met in Arizona, I was photographing the state parks. Funnily enough, he also likes photography… he noticed we were trying to shoot the same thing one day and we got to talking. I guess you could say the rest is history. He bought this house as a proposal gift.”
Logan coughed into his fist. “Must be some big shot, then.”
Gabriel nodded. “CEO of something or other. Such a boring job for an interesting man. He’s into rocks and minerals, and the migrational patterns of herd animals like caribou.”
Logan could care less, but he nodded along as if he were interested. Selfishly, he hoped there was something flawed in this relationship… some chance that he and Gabriel could get back to the good old days. I miss you. I’ve missed you so much. I’m sorry that I pushed you away. If only he could express it clearly.
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thestressedsimmer · 1 year
The Windenberg Royal Family: 1300 - 1307 On the same day that Prince Edward was officially announced as heir, Queen Rohesia gave birth to their second living son - Harold. The banquet celebrating the princes was a rowdy one, but the monarchs feel that they truly are blessed to have two wonderful boys.
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1301 - 1306
I'm going to admit, I only realized I wanted to share this (my comfort save) once I reached 1307, so the beginning areas of this? Are going to be a little bit sparse on ALL of my families.
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Meet the royal couple: King Henry (I randomized their names BEFORE thinking about naming them after actual monarchs at the time) and Queen Rohesia. They got pregnant in short order in 1300 - but their son wasn't born until 1301. They named him Edward. Here is the queen emerging from her birthing room to introduce Edward to his father. She wasn't alone, of course, she had her FAVORITE servant (Payton) with her, who she quickly assigned to be Edward's nanny.
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In 1302 (when the queen is pregnant for a second time), Payton woke up with abdominal pain. She tried to work through it, continuing to set the table for the monarchs' breakfast, but she soon felt woozy and weak. Her knees buckled and she fell. Nothing could be done to save her.
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The queen organized a decent funeral for her - she found out that her servant had a LOT of friends in town and among the local farmers. It didn't take much convincing to ask one of the farmers' wives to create a bouquet for Payton's grave.
1303. The Queen gave birth to twin boys, however... neither of them were breathing. She went into a long depression.
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Now THIS is when I actually start documenting a little bit. The royals brought in a new female servant by the name of Lana - their male servant had married by this point, but in order to keep my population manageable, I'm leaving it until a poor Sim takes up a servant job. For now, poor Lana is on her own.
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Despite it being her son's birthday, the queen was FAR too close to giving birth to be present. She spent time in seclusion with the holy book. (for anyone wondering, I do play out the whole pandasama childbirth experience, I just 'pause' time. As in, the next 3 months don't progress until midnight the day AFTER the baby is born)
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Meanwhile, Edward is getting used to his native language. Both of his parents know several - being royals and all - and he will too eventually. He is one of the FEW children in my save who will go to school - to symbolize being educated.
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There was a grand banquet thrown to celebrate Edward aging up into a child and officially being named as heir. It was a day for great celebration - of course, AFTER church.
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Some quality time with the little guy before it's time.
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There were so many cheers as he blew out the candles. Everyone was just praying that he would make it to childhood....
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AND HE DID! I must admit, I held my breath as I rolled for him. By this point, I had gotten attached.
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Upstairs? The queen's labor began. She leaned HEAVILY on her servant Lana, the poor woman kept running upstairs and downstairs between the party and the queen.
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Knox did so well at the May Day Party that they hired him to play for Edward's banquet. The amount of MONEY that he is bringing home to his family by being a skilled musician that the royals like listening to? Unreal.
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Rohesia was almost... serene when it was time to give birth. She has done this twice now, once with TWO babies, so she can do it again. She said one quick prayer to the watcher that this time, she hears a cry....
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it's a......
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BOY! Named Harold! Now, I've run out of image space, so we'll have to have a SECOND post for 1308 until 1310!
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subpar-ghoulfriend · 3 years
Live In Nanny
Villain!All Might x Reader
All Might raising baby Deku but is in desperate need of a nanny. 
TW: Yandere themes, breeding kink (our villain is ready to make the reader a mommy), dub con 
AN: literally just took Hero All Might and flipped him upside down. So baseline form is big buff boi and villain form is lanky but retains the strength.
Single father with a nine month old child, seeking live in nanny services. Negotiable pay. Negotiable time off/vacation days.
Toshinori was impressed with your interview. You had over 8 years of experience working with children between babysitting and working at a day care. Plus Izuku took to you immediately. It was just a bonus that you were easy on the eyes.
You agreed to begin immediately, trying not to let on that you were in desperate need of money and a place to stay. You didn't have much to move in. And, in comparison to the huge room you had been given, it seemed like you owned even less. You figured your new boss must get paid well. His house was huge, the largest you'd ever been in.
Your room was next to baby Izuku's. Settling in to a routine with the baby was easy. You weren't sure exactly what your employer did for a living, his schedule was sporadic, he would be in and out throughout the day. Whenever he was available he would stop by to love on the infant. It was clear that he was doing his best as a single parent, but house keeping wasn't his strong suit. You tried your best to help out with the chores and grocery shopping, after all he was paying you graciously and giving you a roof over your head.
The only bump in the road so far has been getting Toshinori's permission to take the little one on walks through the nearby park. According to the father, errands were one thing but what was the point of going to park? Izuku can't even walk, there wouldn't be any benefit. Eventually you convinced him, after rambling about how good it is for babies to be exposed to different levels of stimulation. You could show Izuku the ducks and dogs, plus he could see all the pretty spring time flowers.
The older man was worried, he feared that his child, and you for that matter, would be targeted by his enemies. Plenty of low life's would love to make a move against the notorious villain. But you wore down his resolve. So long as you would tell him before you went. Thankfully he could play it off as being a bit of a helicopter dad. He always has a spare crony he could send out there to watch over you two.
"What are you both doing," your bosses laugh filled the air.
You were in a very flattering position, palms on the floor stretching through your hips, ass hiked up with a tempting arch to your back. Then you pushed yourself forward, giving the giggling baby raspberries before returning to your original position.
"Baby yoga!" You smiled, oblivious to the growing bulge in the villains pants. "Right now we're doing downward facing dog and cobra."
He watched you cycle through the motions, hypnotized by your movements.
You took such good care of him and his baby. Ever since you got here you went above and beyond (very plus ultra of you). You even packed his meals to go when he had to rush off to a job. And you did it all with a smile and his kid bouncing away at your feet. The man allowed his mind to drift to the thought of you with his babies, Izuku on your hip and your round belly ready to pop.
You made an amazing nanny but you would make an even better housewife.
It wasn't until a week after Izuku's birthday that you learned about your bosses occupation. You were at the park and a stranger approached you to coo over Izuku.
"Such a little cutie, this is Toshi's kid, right?"
That caught you off guard, how did this person know Toshinori? You knew he was a protective dad and there something about this woman felt off.
"Well, either way, this is for you," she smiled as she passed you a manila envelope. "A little birdie wants you to have it."
You skeptically eyed the parcel as the woman disappeared through the park. You shoved it into Izuku's diaper bag before rushing back home.
You decided to peek into the envelope after settling 'Zuku down for the night. You curled onto the chair in his nursery, using his nightlight too sift through the documents. Various photos of Toshinori, your employer, amongst high profile criminals. Photos of the most terrifying villain among his infamous exploits. And finally a piece of paper with a single web address and access code. This was the most damning piece of evidence, All Might - the villain himself - joking amongst his companions before transforming into the man you knew as Izuku's father. Without this video you would have never even guessed. All Might was known for his unassuming nature, his slender frame concealing his god-like strength. Still he looked terrifying, like make children cry type terrifying. Toshinori on the other hand was massive but his sunny attitude made him approachable. For all these months you had been working for a criminal. A criminal with a child. You had been living with him, laughing and raising a baby, taking care of him and his family. Oh god, your late night fantasies of your boss, a total DILF, were fantasies of a sadistic monster.
The betrayal and shame brought you to tears. You should call the cops. Take Izuku far away from this place, from being exposed to his fathers atrocities. But you were torn, he was a good dad, he always put his son first and provided him with only the best. He would tear the world apart for Izuku even if he had to put a target on your back. You shook as you muffled your cries, trying not to wake the baby you cared so much for. Eventually you wrote yourself out, falling asleep in the nursery.
By the time Toshinori made it home it was close to two in the morning. As usual he tip toed into his sons room, shocked to find you curled up in the rocker asleep. He was quiet, surprisingly more so than in his slender form. As you made his way to wake you he was surprised to see your phone still unlocked, you had fallen to sleep with that video on loop. Underneath your phone was the envelope, he didn't need to look to know what was inside. He hadn’t woken either of you, managing to shut off your phone and pick you up with or so much as a peep. He decided rather quickly that he would wait for you to make the first move. At least in the mean time he could pretend you didn't care about his lifestyle and that you wouldn't try to leave him or his son.
"Toshinori," you mumbled as he was about to settle you into your bed. You were half asleep and groggy from crying.
"Go back to sleep, darling, it's late," he paused to sway with you, just like he did when putting down 'Zuku for a nap. He was shocked that it worked and finally escaped your room. You let him lull you back to sleep, further affirming his belief that you would stay.
The next morning you creeped downstairs. Izuku wasn't in his crib, meaning Toshinori was him. You found them both in the kitchen. The sight of the pair would usually warm your body but now shivers radiated down your spine.
"Look who's up, buddy, say good morning," he bounced the child, beaming like the happiest father.
Taking a deep breath you decided to rip off the band aid. "Mr Toshinori, I have to resign."
His pause was so long you wondered if he heard you.
"Did the video upset her that much, Zuzu?"
He looked at you with the same warmth he always did. "There's no need to be formal, you were fine calling me Toshi just the other day. Take a seat, I made pancakes, just like you like'em."
You complied, his unchanged demeanor intimidating you into submission.
"There's no need for you to quit," he started. "Nothing has changed aside from your level of awareness."
"I can't work for you knowing that you hurt people."
At that his smile faltered, "Darling, if you truly felt that way, you wouldn't be here. You would've slipped out early this morning."
You were silent. He was right, in a way. Trapped between what was right and what was best for Izuku. You'd never be able to do anything about your boss's criminal activity, even if you did and All Might was locked away, Izuku would suffer the most.
"Give yourself a few days to adjust, okay? If you still want to quit after that, we can reassess."
There's was a glint in his eyes that hinted he wasn't asking.
"I'll be back this evening," Toshinori told you a as he kissed Izuku's forehead. He was uncomfortably close as he returned the baby to your lap. "There's plenty of groceries so you don't need to go out today. I have a coworker out front, so don’t worry if you see someone outside."
"What are they doing?"
He placed a hand on the top of your hair, petting you like some cat.
"He'll just keep an eye on things. I need someone to make sure you stay put."
A week flew by with your employer pushing off the discussion of your resignation. He wouldn’t leave you unsupervised so just walking away wasn’t an option, besides could you really leave Izuku? 
Then the child came down with some type of bug and was absolutely miserable for several days. You couldn’t get much sleep as a result, even if his father was home for most of the day. 
Izuku finally fell asleep around three in the morning. You napped beside his crib out of fear he would wake up if you so much as changed positions.
Then you woke in Toshi's arms as he carried you down the hall.
"Where are we going," You whined, anxious to be away from the child.
"I told you to rest, instead I find you in the nursery."
"'Zuku is sick-"
"But he's asleep, there are baby monitors, not that he won't wake the whole city up with his cries. You've been up for nearly two days with him, time for bed."
But he wasn't taking you to your room. Instead he dropped you on to his bed.
"What are you doing?" You snapped.
"I don't need you sneaking back. I can keep an eye on you here. I'll take care of him if he starts crying." He rolled in next to you.
The bed was huge but so was your boss. "Stop wiggling."
"Well I can't get comfortable."
“Fine,” he said and pulled you into him, “now stop it and get some sleep.”
You burned with embarrassment, turning silent after several attempts at protest. Just as you began to drift off, Toshinori's hand moved to beneath your shorts. You shut your eyes, pretending not to notice. He probably didn't even realize what he was doing. Then his fingers grazed the spot where your skin met your panties.
"I know you aren't asleep yet, darling."
You didn't respond, opting to keep up the façade.
"Mmm, are we playing pretend? I don't mind."
You gasped, pushing at his hand, "I'm trying to sleep."
"I can see that," he chuckled. "I'm just helping you wear yourself out. You've been taking such good care of the baby, let me return the favor."
He jerked your hips, pressing you tightly against his bulge.
"You've been such a good mommy."
God the way you could feel your body responding made you hate that he was a villain.
"'M not-" You gasped as he did his fingers into your thighs. "His mom."
"You sure about that? I know how much you care about him. Always rushing to him when he’s cranky, never taking any days off. You make sure he's a happy little baby and you take such good care of his daddy. Isn't that's what mommies do?"
A moan slipped through your lips, "Stop."
"Are you sure? It seems like your having such a good time," he teased, sliding his hand to find your wetness.
Your body jerked involuntarily. He wasted no time tearing off your layers. Your determination quickly fading.
"I'm gonna take such good care of you," he pushed a finger in to your warmth.
You shivered at the sensation. Before you could register his actions there was another digit. He skillfully maneuvered his fingers to prep walls.
"What a tight like cunt," The man cooed. "So perfect and pretty. Just waiting for me to claim."
You gasped as he curled his fingers in you. Tears of pleasure pricking your eyes.
"Atta girl, I think you're ready to take daddy's cock."
You shouldn't be surprised when you saw how absolutely hung your boss is. There was no way the whole thing would fit inside of you.
Without hesitation All Might slowly began to press inside of you. The head of his cock already made it feel like you were tearing.
"Wait wait wait," You cried. "Too big."
He paused, reassuring you, "I know you can do it baby. You're okay."
You shook your head violently.
With a sloppy squelch he withdrew. He disappeared momentarily, give you much need time to breathe. Then he was back and you felt a cool, slick fluid rub against you. He applied a generous amount of lube knowing full well that if he played his cards right you'd happily be his forever.
Regardless there was still a painful pressure as he forced himself deeper.
"You're doing so good, taking me so well."
He was slowly increasing the speed off his hips. All you could manage was incoherent whines as his momentum bounced you back and forth.
"Toshi, Toshi," You panted.
"I don't think so baby girl," he slapped your thigh. "You know what I want to hear."
You couldn't be rational, not when he was pounding into you. All you knew was pleasure in this moment. How could you not give the man what he wanted when he was fucking you dumb.
"Mmm daddy, hurts so good."
"Ah- fuck yeah. I knew you were a little pain slut. You want me to fuck you like a whore and then treat you like my little princess?"
You nodded, gasping for air.
"You've been such a good little mommy, I think you deserve this little treat huh?"
You didn't respond, stubbornly refusing to tell the man what he was desperate to hear.
He shifted to a painfully slow pace as he would pull almost completely out just to slam back into your abused whole.
"And here I thought you wanted to cum, I can always stop here, finish myself later-"
"No! No no no, don't stop."
"Then repeat after me: I'm such a good mommy."
As you stayed silent until he began to move at a snails pace. So close to losing your high.
"O-kay, okay, I-I've been a good mom-mommy," You cried tried to buck against the giant.
And just like that your boss was pushing you back to the edge of an orgasm. You were sobbing from pleasure and frustration.
"I know,” He growled. “Fucking good girl, taking care of our baby while daddy's working. You're gonna look so pretty knocked up. All glowing and swollen. Bet your tits are gonna look so pretty when they get full. Gotta keep you stuffed with my cum so our little boy can have a sibling."
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sukirichi · 3 years
A Feral Naoya.
A rare cute feral side and the everyday mean feral side.
I was going to write about Naoya but what about your baby who got his Naoya's attitude of hissing and attacking people who is not you or his father. Super intimidating and demanding too.
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# soft hours with daddy! naoya
# part of the trophy wife collection 
# anon, thank you sm for this, i super enjoyed writing about this and i’m soft byeeee
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There’s something about the way in seeing you swell with his kid that makes Naoya on edge; possessive and feral.
He’s always been possessive, if his manners of staring down anyone who even glances your way and always proudly holds your hand whenever, wherever, with no regards to the apparent frowns on his elders’ faces. This side, you’re very much familiar with, but ever since it’s been announced that you’re going to be parents soon, it’s like a switch has been flipped in your husband.
Naoya’s refused to leave your side since, spending less and less time working or coming home earlier than before because ‘he needs to check on you and the baby.’ It’s cute, really, but there’s no need for him to breathe down your neck when he’s already barking to the resident doctors to watch an eye on you every time he’s not around.
Along with the announcement of the newest addition to the Zen’in estate, rumors have spread like wildfire, the chatters between the servants growing louder with each passing days.
Others speculate that your baby might be just like Naoya-sama, a spoiled young boy… but there are also a hopeful bunch who’ve claimed that as long as you’re there, there’s hope for children in this god-forsaken clan, the heir will grow up right. You voice no opinions on it despite the fact you wished to defend your baby and your husband, focusing on your health instead to deliver a healthy baby boy that the clan celebrated, which, to no one’s surprise, really did turn up to be the spitting image of his daddy.
Little Naori, as much as he was an angel in yours and Naoya’s lives, was also a troublemaker.
The amount of times you’ve been called to his school because he made girls cry from claiming they had cooties has been horrendous. It doesn’t help that his nannies aren’t able to calm him down either, for little Naori only preferred his parents and refused to settle down unless he’s seen his mommy or daddy, which brings you and your husband driving to his daycare with worried looks on your faces.
Naori is already there, grumbling with his little, chubby hands that no one was allowed to touch him. His teacher, a poor soul named Yuuta, is grimacing as he speaks to your toddler in the most soothing voice. “Naori, hey, your mommy and daddy is coming—”
“Do not speak to me!”
“Naori!” you scolded, your husband in tow with a stern expression on his face. Upon seeing you, Naori stops baring his teeth and hissing at his pale teacher who seems drained. Instead, the little boy wobbles on his short legs to climb up to his dad who is already carrying him with one arm, flicking his nose that makes the boy giggle.
“Daddy here!”
“Naori, you were mean to your teacher,” you tell him with a stern expression, though you make sure to keep your voice leveled and soft as to not make him cry. “What do we say?”
“Naori,” Naoya speaks up this time, using his naturally authoritative voice that makes your son just his lower lip out in a pout. “Your mother is telling you to apologize. Now, go and say sorry.”
“But Daddy doesn’t say sorry when he’s being mean!”
At your son’s statement, you flash your husband a glare, to which he scoffs that the tables shouldn’t be turned and he’s not the one at fault. Boys, really, they’re such a pain in the ass. Thankfully, Naoya is smart enough to understand your unspoken thoughts and turns to Yuuta, his jaw clenched and voice almost choking while Naori buries his head in his dad’s shoulder.
“We’re really sorry about that. Thank you for looking after my son.”
“I-it’s no matter, sir, I’m just glad you’re here.”
“Now, Naori,” Naoya pats his son’s back, “What do we say?”
Little Naori’s reaction is immediate. Quivering lips, eyes turning glossy and chubby fingers curling into a fist – if you and Naoya aren’t here, he’d have thrown a fit already. You step forward and cup his cheeks in your hand, soft as you pat his hair that matches his dad’s. “Naori, we need to apologize when we’re wrong, okay? You don’t want to be on the naughty list this year, do you?”
“Naori not naughty,” he sniffles back, “Naori good!”
“I know you are, baby, so be a good boy and apologize to Yuuta, okay?” After some convincing, Naori finally looks up to his teacher but ducks his head once more, fiddling with his fingers as he mumbles out a weak I’m sorry. Yuuta beams at the boy’s apology and even ruffles his hair, which sends Naori into a flushed mess.
“Apology accepted, though be nicer to the girls next time, okay? See you tomorrow!”
Naori is already asleep in your lap as Naoya drives you home, and you’re not an exclusion from the exhaustion of it all. Pressing a kiss at your son’s forehead, you lean back to the seat and sigh. You’re about to sleep when Naoya’s hands that are previously on the steering wheel snakes to your thigh for a light squeeze, his smile soft and intimate.
“Thank you.”
You blink back. As much as you love him, hearing those two words such as I’m sorry was rare. “For what?”
“For everything,” he nods to your son, “For marrying me, accepting me, loving me and always being patient with me but not tolerating my bad sides either. You’ve given me the whole world and more, so I promise I’ll be better to you from now on.”
“Better?” you echo with a silent laugh as to not wake up a drooling Naori, “You talk as if you’re awful to me, my love, which I assure you’re not.”
“I know but just,” he pauses with a slight furrow of his brows, “I think I need to be a better person…so I can be better a husband to you, and a good role model as a father for Naori. Maybe I should start apologizing and being nicer to people.”
Naoya, being nice to others that isn’t you or your son? While it seems unlikely of him, the thought is definitely welcomed.
Love and affection for this man completely bursts through you that you can’t help but lean over the console to kiss his cheeks, giggling when your lips meet heated skin. Even after years of marriage, Naoya is still just as affected by your presence from the first time he saw you, and you too keep falling and falling for him each day.
“I’ll be a good wife and a mom to our son too, Naoya, I promise you that.”
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eternally-writing · 3 years
helping hands | jjk
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genre: fluff and angst
rating: G (no swearing or sexual content)
pairing: Jungkook x reader
theme: parent!au, idol!au, husband!au, one-shot
word count: 3k
warnings: none
synopsis: Parenting in general? Hard. Parenting while your husband Jungkook is away on tour? Extra hard.
special thank you to @justasparkwritings for beta reading this and @moccahobi for helping me with the title!
banner by me!
It had been 2 weeks since Jungkook had left on tour. You would think that after being in the industry for 10 years he would have a little more leniency with his schedule, but even after the birth of your little girl, Jungkook couldn’t seem to get out of a 3 week tour around Japan and Korea.
It seemed like the Earth was weeping with you today as the rain battered against your window while you made what seemed like your 15th cup of coffee for the day. Your daughter Gidae was for once not crying - and you were eternally grateful since it gave you time to change out of your puke-covered shirt and close your eyes for 5 seconds... as if that was any replacement for the lack of sleep you’ve encountered.
All your friends whose husbands were busy idols or businessmen gave you the advice that “everything falls into place over time when you’re parenting on your own”. That it just magically happened. You’re not sure what memo you missed, or if there’s some book you forgot to read, or if worst of all, you lacked some parental intuition that everyone else possessed. Jungkook had left 13 days ago, and nothing had fallen into place.
Between Gidae being up all night every night, the pile of puke covered laundry sitting in a pile in the corner of your room, the dirty dishes in the sink that had accumulated to the point that you were eating your microwave meals with plastic cutlery, you definitely felt like a failure.
And probably the worst part of it all was that Jungkook wasn’t here to help you. This wasn’t the first time Jungkook left on tour while you two have been together, but it was the first time he had left you since Gidae had been born. The first time he had left you, a first time mother, alone with your child for an extended period of time. The first time you needed help and couldn’t ask him for it.
As if on command, while you were bracing yourself on the counter in exhaustion, your phone began to ring.
Incoming call: hubby kook ♡
As you pressed “accept call”, you could immediately heard the hustle and bustle of the backstage crowd. Too tired to be the first to say hello, you waited to see how long it would take for him to realize you were on the other line.
“Hey Y/N, just checking in before the show! How are things?” cheered Jungkook.
You could imagine what Jungkook looked like as he talked to you: already dressed in his first stage outfit, a makeup artist blotting away at the nervous sweat on his forehead, him grinning ear to ear with his hyungs and bursting with excitement for performing.
On a normal day, if you had maybe actually gotten some sleep or eaten at least one meal that didn’t come out of your freezer in the past week, you probably could have mustered a convincing “good! How’s the show going?” But you were on your last straw, and it was already giving way.
“Bad Jungkook. It’s bad. I haven’t slept at all for as long as I can remember. I have no clean clothes or clean dishes, I haven’t showered since you left so I smell like a pungent mixture of puke, sweat, and god knows what else, and Gidae misses you and won’t stop crying.So yes, it’s horrible without you here.”
You knew that wasn’t what Jungkook expected to hear,the sharp intake of breath on his side serving as a telltale sign you had caught him off guard.
“Baby I-, I’m sorry, I had no idea.”
You couldn’t stop your voice from cracking as you continued. Your chest was tightening, feelings bubbling over.
“It’s -“ you paused to take a breath. “It’s really hard without you Jungkook. Really really hard.”
Jungkook tried his best to piece together the words over the phone, but you could already hear the speakers in the background calling for Jungkook to head to his position for the start of the show.
“Y/N I-“
“You have to go Jungkook, I know. Bye.”
You didn’t give him a second to recuperate as you ended the call.
No parenting book ever provided you with advice on this. The loneliness, helplessness, and frustration you were feeling right now. Crumpling down to the kitchen floor, you felt like the world was collapsing around you as you sobbed.
As if on cue, Gidae’s cries joined yours from the other room.
You woke up slouched in a rocking chair in the nursery, with your hand reaching down to touch your daughter’s in her crib. She seemed to show you some leniency by sleeping more than 2 hours at a time, but unsure of how much free time she’d give you, you figured you might as well get a head start of the day since you felt like you were miserably falling behind already.
While mixing some formula in your kitchen, you heard a knock on your front door. The only people who ever came over were the boys and a couple of your friends, and you definitely weren’t expecting any visitors at 8am.
Frying pan clutched in your hand (safety first, right?), you creaked open your door to see a small woman standing in front of you.
With a cheery smile painting her face, the lady began to speak.
“Mrs. Jeon, I’m Seokjin-ssi’s nanny. I’ve been sent here today to take care of Gidae. Here’s a note from Mr. Jeon.”
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You couldn’t help the smile that decorated your face after reading it. After so many years together, Jungkook still managed to surprise you. Taking in that there was now a woman in your house who was basically Supernanny here to help you, you couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief.
When Jungkook said that you were going to be pampered today, he sure meant it. By a “car” being outside, he actually meant a glorious Porsche with a driver and all your favorite snacks tucked in the backseat. He had booked an entire spa day just for you to get whatever treatments you needed without having to deal with the hustle and bustle of anyone else being around. Simply being in an environment that didn’t always sound like crying and children’s TV shows felt like heaven. A schedule had been waiting when you arrived, including a built in “nap” (multiple hours is just sleep, right?) in one of their private suits and lunch with none other than your best friend. It was the best surprise, and the girl talk you shared was exactly what you needed. Of course the mom guilt crept in, but whenever it did you reminded yourself of Jungkook’s words - you needed this, and only once you take care of yourself will you really be able to take care of your daughter.
You weren’t sure if it was because of the hydrating face mask or the 3 hours of uninterrupted sleep that you were able to get, but you walked into your house with a new pep in your step thanks to the relaxing day that Jungkook planned for you.
Welcomed by Ms. Yeong wearing an apron and bustling around your kitchen, you smelled freshly baked cookies (chocolate chip, your favorite too) and were thrilled at the sight of a clean house in front of you.
Wiping her hands on her apron, she began to speak with that signature smile.
“I’ve cooked dinner for you tonight and also have meals for the next 3 days in the fridge. The dishes are all done and your laundry should all be folded in your drawers. Gidae just had some milk and is now watching some Cocomelon.She woke up from her nap around 3 hours ago.”
In your excitement you couldn’t help giving her the biggest hug, squeezing her tightly. Slowly, Ms.Yeong began to pat your back, unclear about whether this hug was really for you or for her.
“I’m just doing my job Mrs. Jeon.”
You pulled away to look sincerely into her eyes.
“You are seriously a lifesaver Ms.Yeong, I don’t know what I would have done without you.”
After patting your back again, it was her turn to be sincere.
“You’re a good mother, Mrs. Jeon. I know it may not feel like it sometimes, but you really are. Gidae is lucky to have you as a mom.”
Tears began to prick at your eyes, but unlike yesterday, these were happy tears. With all the failures that you had felt in the past two weeks, it meant everything to hear those words from someone, to get some confirmation that you weren’t completely messing things up.
Unable to make any words come out of your mouth, all you could do was nod in appreciation at what she was able to do for you today. Your eyes glimmering with unshed tears said all the words that Ms.Yeong needed to hear.
As she walked out the door, you made a mental note to message Seokjin and thank him for finding the angel on Earth who saved you today.
Picking up your daughter from her crib, you cooed and brought her to you. Settling into your rocking chair, you cradled her gently in her arms.
“Mommy missed you today, babygirl, and I know you miss daddy.”
At the mention of the word “daddy” you could see your daughter perk up, looking around and trying to find said male.
All you could do is kiss her forehead. “I miss your daddy too. He’s really amazing, yknow.”
“Amazing, really? I may have said handsome, or sexy, or...”
Your head whipped around to the source of the sound.
And there he was, in the flesh. Jeon Jungkook, the man you had been waiting to see for days on end, was standing right at the door.
“Hi my love,” he said with his silly grin.
Your heart felt like it was bursting as you saw him there, and you couldn’t help but start sobbing your heart out (and I mean ugly sobbing). You felt a waterfall of emotions seeing Jungkook so close.
“Hey hey hey, what’s with this crying? I came home because I didn’t want you to be crying anymore baby.”
Walking over to you, he crouched in front of your chair and started to wipe your tears. Cupping your face in his hands, he pressed his forehead against you.
“I missed you Y/N. I missed you so much.”
You were still reeling from Jungkook’s presence.
“You have no idea how much I’ve dreamed about this Kook. I feel like I’m dreaming.”
Jungkook pressed a short kiss on your lips.
“Well believe it, I’m here for real babe,” he said sentimentally as he peppered your face with kisses.
Picking your daughter out of your grasp, Jungkook lifted Gidae into his hold, lifting her slightly into the air first to make her giggle. Putting on his best stern dad voice, he began his lecture.
“And you little miss, what is this I hear about you causing trouble for your mom?” Questioned Jungkook.
You smiled through your tears as you watched Jungkook go into “dad mode”.
“Before I left you promised you’d be a good girl, but I think good girls don’t cry all through the night and they definitely don’t make a mess with their toys or throw up all over their mommy.”
As Jungkook raised an eyebrow, your daughter looked at him, slightly apologetic, eyes shifting down to the floor, as if she could understand a word of what he said.
“But most of all Gidae, I missed you a whole lot. Your daddy missed you a whole lot.”
You felt like your heart could burst at the way Jungkook looked at your daughter. Even though he might be miles away when he works, you know that he doesn’t love you or your daughter any less.
“I’ll let you put her back to bed, daddy. It is my day off after all, right?” You joked with a chuckle.
Picking up your hand and kissing your palm, Jungkook grinned in agreement.
“Of course my love, go wash up and I’ll see you in bed.”
After reading A Very Hungry Caterpillar, The Princess & the Pea, and Rainbow Fish, Gidae was beginning to yawn in Jungkook’s arms. It seemed that it wasn’t just Jungkook who was reluctant to let their father-daughter time come to an end, as Gidae was still fighting to keep her eyes open, and always kept one tiny fist clutched onto the middle of Jungkook’s shirt, as if she was worried he could disappear at any moment.
Wondering what was taking them so long, you peeked your head back in the doorway to watch Jungkook look at your daughter like she was the one who put the stars in the sky. Not wanting to interrupt, you stayed as silent as possible as you watched them together.
“Now I’m gonna say something very important Gidae, and you need to listen very very carefully to me.”
Bringing her up to eye level, Jungkook looked at your daughter sincerely as he continued.
“Sometimes daddy isn’t here and it’s just you and mommy, but I want you to know that daddy loves you and mommy so much, and you’re always gonna be daddy’s little girl, even if I’m not here with you. And I miss you always, so so much. Daddy loves you.”
You could see the tears start to stream down Jungkook’s face, and as much as you wanted to run to him and wipe his tears, just as he did hours earlier, you knew that this moment wasn’t for you. This was for Jungkook and Gidae, and you were sure that he was going to remember this forever.
“You know what would make me so happy Gidae? If you could say the word daddy. Come on - “da” “da”. You can do it!”
He started to bounce her on his lap, exaggerating his mouth movements so much that you were worried that he would accidentally pop his jaw out. His ministrations continued on fruitlessly, with Gidae still staring at him with big doe eyes (a trait she inherited from Jungkook, of course).
Unable to hide your presence any longer, you had to help Jungkook out. “You were only gone for 2 weeks, Kook. She’s still only 6 months old, it’s going to be a little while before she says any words.”
Jungkook shook his head in disbelief. It seemed that Gidae had finally succumbed to sleep in his arms, and he stared down at her again.
“Look at how big she is Y/N, she’s grown so much just in the little while I’ve been gone.”
He looked at you with tears shimmering in his doe eyes yet again.
“Seriously, next time I leave on a tour and come back she’s going to be walking and talking or something.” joked Jungkook as he lightly wiped his tears.
You hugged Jungkook from behind, pressing a kiss to his shoulder before resting your head on it.
“Wherever you are though babe, I’m gonna take photos and videos of all of it so you won’t miss a second of it.”
Jungkook stayed silent as he simply enjoyed having his small family together again.
“You were right earlier you know, on the phone.”
“Hmm?” You hummed in response, unsure of what he was getting at.
“This isn’t working - me leaving isn’t working. I’m not 15 years old anymore, when I could just drop everything and travel the world; I have the two most precious girls in the world with me now, and I need to take care of them.”
Putting his hand in yours, you sincerely looked him in the eye.
“We’re always going to be proud of you Koo, and you know I love watching you do what you love. This may be the hard part, once she gets a little older we could start travelling with you or you could fly back too. Whatever comes our way, we’ll handle it together.”
Jungkook kissed you passionately, hoping his lips could convey what he couldn’t seem to put into words. He repeated your words back to you.
“Whatever comes our way, we’ll handle it together.”
As if Mother Nature was on your side, the rain stopped, leaving the smell of new beginnings wafting in through your window.
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fayeimara · 3 years
Suna Rintaro || Found You | First Meeting
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SUMMARY. What happens when your elementary school daughter arrives home unexpectedly with a surprise in tow?
PAIRING. You x Suna Rintaro
GENRE. Can I even write anything but fluff for this man?
WARNINGS. Suggestive, sexual innuendos & references, kissing - let me know if I need to add anything else
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Haikyuu! Anthology Series | It's Fate When Your Kids Are Friends
SUNA | First Meeting > Second Date > Third Time's The Charm > Four Is Our Family
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You're on your way back to your study after grabbing a snack from the kitchen when the sound of a key in the lock of your front door halts your steady steps. There aren't many people with a key to your house that would be visiting you at this time.
Even more concerning, however, is the light soprano of your daughter's voice echoing from the foyer to reach your ears, prompting you to quickly turn and rush to meet her at the door.
"Ryoka! What are you doing here?" You skid around the corner, already calling out in concern, "How did you even get home by your-"
You cut yourself off as you meet not only one pair of eyes, the copy of yours that you expect, but a second solemn pair, both wide in small faces that peer up at you.
"Mommy!" Your daughter's look of surprise and chagrin melts into a sheepish smile as she throws herself forward into your already extended arms. "I missed you!"
You hold her small frame close for a moment before gently pushing her out with your hands on her shoulders. "I missed you too, sweetheart. But you need to tell me what you're doing here and, more importantly, how you got here."
"Well school ended early today and.." She hesitates, peering up with big eyes and a small pout, "we thought we'd just walk home together."
You resist the urge to close your eyes and place a hand to your head in exasperation, aware that even at the young age of 7 years old, she's incredibly sensitive to your reactions. Instead you look at the little boy standing patiently behind her and ask, "And who's this?"
"This is my friend, Kiyoshi!" She's a little subdued, likely aware that she'll be hearing more from you later, but perks back up as she pulls away and grabs his hand to draw him further in your shared home.
"Hello Kiyoshi. Do your parents know where you are?"
He's definitely more guileless than your own daughter, answering directly and honestly in a quiet tone, "My dad's at work and my nanny was supposed to pick me up when school ended."
Okay, so clearly neither parent nor temporary guardian are aware that this boy is no longer at the school. They'll be frantic. Just as you're about to ask several more questions, hopefully leading to a quick resolution, you get a call, screen indicating it's your daughter's school, so you have both kids move into the living room as you pick up.
You're not too happy to hear about the early release at this point, given the lack of heads up and you make sure to give the school a piece of your mind, letting them know you'd be by at another point to discuss this further, before hanging up. If you're this upset and you know your daughter is home safe, you can't imagine what Kiyoshi's father is feeling at this point."
Crouching down in front of your daughter's friend, you wait until you're eye level with a patient, unhurried expression on your face, "Kiyoshi, do you know your father or nanny's phone number?"
He answers with a small nod, reciting the digits so clearly from diligent practice that you have to smile as you type it in and then stand back up to make the call, "Ryoka, why don't you show him your toys while mommy makes a call? Only the ones here in the living room where I can see you, okay?"
Your daughter dutifully nods but you catch the smug smile of success she throws her friend, likely having planned this improvised playtime with him. You'll definitely be having a serious talk with her later about safety and responsible decisions but you move slightly away for now, keeping an eye on the kids while the phone rings out.
"Suna." A deep voice answers on the other end, a little clipped but mostly unreadable.
"Hi.. Suna-san- I assume I'm speaking with Kiyoshi's father?"
There's a pause and then the voice gets sharper, "If you're calling back from the school, I don't want to hear it right now. I'm leaving now to find my son, but you can expect to hear ba-"
"I'm not from the school. My daughter is friends with your son and he's safe at my house."
"He's- he's with you." There's finally emotion other than anger and annoyance, it's an odd sort of relief and slight confusion mixed with a new wariness, "And who exactly are you?"
"I'm L/n F/n, as I mentioned, your son and my daughter are friends. I was pretty surprised to see them both show up at my house just minutes ago and have a bone to pick with the school too. But I would have wanted to know that she was okay before anything else if the positions were reversed so I'm calling you now. You said you were leaving work? Your son is safe, Suna-san, and he will be while we wait for you here. I'll text you my address."
As you're speaking you've already pulled your phone away to quickly text your address to the number you're on the line with. You can still hear if he speaks though but there's another pause from him and then, "Got it, thank you. You said they just showed up? How did they get there?"
"I'm pretty sure they walked, but I was going to cover that after I spoke with you. How far are you?"
His tone is back to unreadable but you think it's calm rather than neutral. "It's about a 30 minute drive, I'll be there in 20."
"Please don't rush, Kiyoshi is safe here. If it's okay with you, I'll make them snacks while we wait. There's no really no need to drive recklessly." It'll be easy to put something small together for the kids from the dinner you'd prepped for earlier.
There's amusement colouring his voice, "Thanks for the concern, L/n-san. I'll be there in 25, then."
You chuckle at the small compromise and there's a moment of silence between you both until you think to ask, "If you haven't left yet, do you want to quickly say hi over facetime?"
"You want to videochat?" He sounds confused again and you laugh in response.
"I meant with your son. You know, to check in on him."
He pauses yet again and then the amusement is back, "It should be fine.. unless you're going to tell me you're holding him hostage or something."
"Yeah, sure, or something." You roll your eyes with your dry response. What do you even say to that coming from a complete stranger? "We'll see you soon, then."
"L/n-san." You lift the phone you were lowering back to your ear when you hear him call out to you, "Thank you again."
"No need."
"Not everyone would have reacted as quickly and efficiently. Or maybe even bothered."
You can't imagine what parent wouldn't have been compelled to react in a similar manner but you don't say anything, uncomfortable accepting thanks for such a seemingly human reaction.
He seems to either understand or realize you don't have a response and you hear him chuckle lightly, the sound tugging at your own lips in sheepish acceptance, then he finally replies, "I'll see you soon, then."
You end your call and turn to fully face the two kids again. They've already managed to create a messy pile of toys they've pulled out and then discarded from Ryoka's toy box. Almost as if they feel you watching, they both stop their odd conversation about monsters and cats, and turn to face you simultaneously.
You suppress your smile at their adorable wide-eyed expressions and ask, "Who's hungry?"
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After the snacks are quickly devoured, the kids try to convince you to play hide-and-seek and, thinking nothing of it since Suna-san should be arriving soon to pick Kiyoshi up, you tell them you'll all play later and convince them to build a Lego structure instead. Happy to have them work on an activity that keeps them occupied in one place for the remainder of their time together, the time passes by quickly as you help them put together their incredibly creative vision.
When the bell finally sounds through your house, precisely 23 minutes after your call, you find yourself opening the door and looking up to a much taller, and much younger man than you'd expected. He actually seems to be about your age, in his mid-twenties, which is surprising because you'd thought you were one of the youngest parents at your daughter's school.
There's a quick look of surprise that likely mirrors yours on Suna-san's face before it's replaced smoothly with a polite expression. You pull away from his startling, keen eyes to step back and gesture for him to enter your foyer as you welcome him, equally politely, "Please, come inside, Suna-san. They're in the living room."
He hesitates only a moment before stepping into your home, stopping again to toe off his shoes before following you deeper, into the living room. The sounds of the kids chatting reaches you both well before you enter and you notice him watching his son with a small smile on his face before he catches you looking. His only response is the quirk of an eyebrow as if daring you to say something.
You only smile and call out, "Ryoka, it's time to say goodbye to Kiyoshi. His father's here to take him home."
The two kids look up, smiles fading as their eyes tear up. It's safe to say neither you nor Suna expect what comes next, as both children break out in tears.
Suna exchanges a surprised look with you, then crouches down with his arms stretched out, voice soothing as he calls to his son, "Kiyo, come here. Daddy missed you. Didn't you miss me too?"
You're surprised at the sweet, gentle tone from the intimidating man, even more so by the pure affection he easily displays for his son. He's nothing at all like his first impression on the phone, the cold, clipped tone nowhere to be found. You relax a little, not having noticed the uncomfortable tension that had slowly crept in by the thought of inviting an unknown man into your home, even if for the most innocent of reasons.
It doesn't work to relax his son, however, who only breaks out into unbelievably loud wails, particularly unexpected from the quiet boy you'd gotten used to over the past half hour. Ryoka's cries rise with Kiyoshi's and their chubby arms encircle each other as if to send home the point that you'd have to literally pry them apart.
You're pulled from your thoughts when Suna looks up at you a little helplessly, also seeming to be thrown for a loop, "It looks like Kiyo has grown very attached to your daughter. I'm sorry, I can just pick him up and go but..."
He trails off and you find even more respect rising for the man, he's clearly trying not to just completely run his son's life on a schedule or in a way that works only for him.
"But you don't want to break his heart when he's having so much fun?" You finish his sentence with a grin that prompts a self deprecating smile from him.
"Yeah, great parenting, huh?"
"It's really different parent to parent and, trust me, no one's an expert." You pause as you consider an idea, his peridot eyes steady on yours as if he can see you might have a solution to present. Impressive perception, and patience too.
You have a positive vibe and good feeling, so you don't ponder it too long before offering, "Why don't we let the kids play a little longer? They still have an abundance of energy and excitement from the improvised change in their daily schedule but once they've tired themselves out, I'm sure it'll be easier to separate them."
It's Suna's turn to pause, still holding your gaze with a carefully neutral one himself as he contemplates your offer. "I don't want Kiyo and I to be an inconvenience..."
"Not at all, it's just me and Ryoka as it is and dinner's already prepped so we'll just play some games with them and wait them out."
It's just as you say the word dinner that you hear a low, hungry rumble and there's another moment of silence but this time, you only see the tips of Suna's ears, which tint red as he hangs his head for a few seconds.
Biting your lip to hold back your laugh, you add, "You and Kiyo are more then welcome to join us for dinner first. I only gave them light snacks before and if there's one other thing than playtime that makes children more at ease, it's food. As I mentioned, it's already prepared and there's more than enough for four."
He keeps his head bent for another second before finally raising it and with the motion, he stands back up to his full height so you're tilting your head back to look up at him again. His smile is both sheepishly thankful and appreciative when he accepts, "If it's really not too much trouble, we would love to. Thank you."
The children cheer, tears still drying on their faces, but it seems like they've actually been eavesdropping through their shared tantrum and have grasped that playtime is extended. What an eventful day for them.
Suna offers his help but everything's pretty much ready so you put him to work setting the table and helping the kids wash their hands. He's equally gentle and no different with Ryoka, chuckling and treating her like royalty when she insists she's a princess from her most recent favourite movie. He's got them talking about the structure they're building and the two almost seem to finish each other's thoughts, eliciting a grin from both you and Suna when you share another look.
When you're seated at the table, across from Suna with Ryoka at your side and Kiyoshi across her, you notice how relaxed and comfortable the atmosphere is, enjoying it for the space of several heartbeats before realizing you forgot to offer the man a drink.
"Suna-san, would you like a beer? Or something else to drink?"
"I'm good, thanks, I can't really drink right now." He must see the inquisitive look slide on and quickly wipe off your face because he laughs and elaborates, "I play volleyball, professionally, so I have to be strict with my diet even if it's off season."
Your mouth drops in surprise, his stature and build making perfect sense now. Of course, how fitting. Your tone is heavy with respect when you reply, "That's incredible! I was a setter in high school so I know the discipline that comes with going pro, I could never have thought to pursue it professionally. You must be really dedicated."
So it would seem the light blush doesn't just kiss his ears when he's flustered or embarrassed, you can see the flush dust across his cheeks, however faint. It's pretty adorable, not a word you thought you'd use to describe this towering man but here you are, eyes sparkling and a soft smile teasing your lips.
He pauses before placing the meat platter back down in the center, eyes definitely not shy as he studies your expression with a small smile of his own gracing his lips. "Ah..thanks. And you can drop the honorifics by the way."
You already have in your head so you're glad he brought it up because you would have hated to slip up accidentally. "You as well then."
There's a moment of silence in which you think to ask, "How about any alternatives? I've got wine but also various other options if you want to take a look through the fridge."
"A glass of wine should be good, actually. Thank you."
"Mommy, can I have some too?" Ryoka looks up at you with pleading puppy dog eyes which has Kiyoshi attempting to match the look aimed at his dad with a low, "Me too?"
You both laugh and Suna tries to explain that wine isn't good for growing kids but you shake your head at him, prompting him to arch an expectant eyebrow while he waits for you to handle the denial.
"Ryoka, Kiyo, the wine mommies and daddies drink would just make you feel sick and bad. But I have something better for little princes and princesses that even adults like your dad and I aren't allowed to drink. Would you both like to have that instead?
Thank god they're not at an age to question every word out of your mouth just yet because they cheer for this 'special drink' so you move back over to the kitchen to pour it out, along with Suna who offers to help but by the playful look in his eyes, he's just curious to see what you'll pull together.
You direct him to the glasses and bottle opener as you take two plastic, stemmed glasses that mimic wine glasses in different colours and pour out cranberry juice in each. You hear Suna's chuckle and turn to find him already holding an open bottle in one hand and two glasses caught between his fingers by their stems in the other.
Wow, he looks really good in your kitchen, doesn't he? It's your turn to blush and he doesn't miss a thing, eyes tracking the heat as it flushes your face before his gaze drops to your lips, his own tilting from a grin to a teasing smirk.
Your only defense is to roll your eyes and turn to head back to the table, where the kids are now picking through the items they like versus the ones they don't and trading their unwanted portions off onto each other's plates. Okay, and that's even more adorable. It's only been weeks since they started classes and likely met, how have they become so close so fast?
"Cute, huh?" You startle at the low whisper in your ear, a small puff of air caressing the shell of your ear, when you realize Suna stopped right behind you to observe the same scene. His body heat seems to seek you out once you're fully aware of him, instilling you with the crazy urge to just lean back into his broad chest as he continues to whisper to you softly. Or just wrap his arms around you and hold you tight.
Wait, what- You stop yourself from looking back to meet his gaze, because you'd definitely expose your thoughts then but you have a feeling he's very aware of exactly what he's doing and not opposed to the reaction you just had. Either way, you just met this man today, right?
Ugh. You move forward instead, placing a cup in front of each kid, both reaching for it instantly. Ryoka tastes hers right away but Kiyo examines it first before tentatively attempting a tiny sip. And it works!
Each of their faces twists slightly at the tangy taste of the cranberry juice but seem to have picked up enough to know that 'wine' isn't exactly a sweet drink so both exchange a look before smoothing their faces out into haughty imitations of bored satisfaction. Haha. Little con artists.
You and Suna are grinning at each other too, as you each reclaim your seats and he pours out the wine for you both. The conversation flows easily once you're all settled and digging in, kids chiming in with random questions or requests for help with certain foods, but then zoning out constantly as they talk about their plans for the structure and something about cats again, as if it's just the two of them at the table.
Suna asks about your time playing volleyball and you ask him about his, noticing he has the same passion for the sport as you but definitely also an impressive dedication. He talks about his mindset in high school compared to now and you talk about your chosen vocation.
You both even have a chance to pull the full story about the events from earlier in the day, kids explaining that there was an unplanned early release, you and Suna putting two and two together to realize that the school did mess up big time. You both put it aside to deal with later and when he asks what you've covered with the kids already, you mention you didn't think it was appropriate to give Ryoka a lecture in front of Kiyoshi, keeping in mind that Suna might want to handle the discussion differently with his son.
He seems taken aback in a good way, throwing a very appreciative look your way and states that you're an incredibly considerate person and an amazing mom, prompting a full blush to work it's way back onto your face as your daughter throws her little arms as far around you as she can, agreeing very vocally with the amazing mom part.
You have to send her a teasing but firm look, adding that you're definitely saving a lecture on safety and responsibility for later since they shouldn't have left school grounds without an adult they know and trust. When Suna sees Kiyo's small look up at him, it's as if all he needs is a look to convey the same sentiment to his son but he places a hand on his head to ruffle his hair in a soft gesture.
It's near the end of dinner that conversation about each child's other parent arises. Your answer with a nonchalant shrug is to easily state, "Like I said before, it's just me and Ryoka."
Suna borrows a page from your book with a cheeky smile, right down to imitating your casual shrug and stating, "Likewise, just me and Kiyo."
There's nowhere to look but the steady gaze of his piercing eyes. Actually there are many other places but you're drawn in by a seemingly mutual pull.
"Mommy!" You're daughter's call has your eyes finally glancing away to meet hers instead, "You promised we could play hide-and-seek later!"
"Oh," You blink in shock at the long memory of children, "I did say that. But.."
"Please?" It's Kiyo's small voice that makes you pause and look towards Suna with wide eyes.
Oh, he's trouble because he's looking back at you and rounding out the group as the third pair of sparkling, mischievous eyes as he too asks with a teasing lilt, "Please?"
You have to laugh and agree, but only to a few rounds and only after the dishes have been cleaned. So Suna helps the kids wash their hands again before joining you at the sink, waving away your objections about being a guest and insisting he return the favour of an incredible meal.
Between the two of you, you make quick work of the dishes and it's time to deliver on your promise. You start of as 'it', counting down loudly by the front door while the kids rush off with Suna to find hiding spots around the house. You make sure to find Suna first and he trails after you as you hunt down the darling little treasures, finding Kiyoshi last. He really is good at hiding and staying quiet.
Suna's next and then Kiyoshi, then finally Ryoka is caught first and it's her turn to find the three of you. You follow the middle blocker's lead in allowing Kiyoshi to settle on a hiding spot and when he gestures to a closet in one of the guest rooms you quickly tuck yourself into the empty space.
But it seems the little boy has either run out of ideas of places to hide, or he's feeling rushed by Ryoka's faster countdown because he pushes his dad in with you and, frantically looking around after studying the lack of remaining space between the two adults, closes the door instead and you hear his little feet patter off.
Leaving you and Suna almost pressed together in the small, dark space. The silence between the two of you is heavy with restrained tension, the flirty comments and teasing glances throughout the evening hitting you full force as you realize the unintentionally intimate position you're in.
There's a thin beam of light streaking in from the crack between the doors that falls across Suna's face, making his already ethereal eyes appear even more unearthly, like glowing gems in the shadows that mask the rest of his face. They're trained right back on you as if he can see clearly in the dark, his intent gaze probing your own.
"I'd have suggested buying me dinner first..." His voice rings clear with mischievous amusement, quiet enough to reach your ears through the heavy gloom, "but I guess you already did."
You bite your lip to stop your smile, trying to shake off your overwhelming awareness of the man a breath away from you, "Isn't that supposed to be my line?"
Suna's chuckle is low, sending curious shivers resounding through you and his husky response succeeds in spiking your temperature, "If you want it to be. Or we could just save that part for later."
"Later, then." Why is it that your voice sounds so seductively throaty?! Is that really you?
In the inky darkness, all your other senses are on high alert so you almost jump when you feel his fingers brush at yours, trying to calm your racing pulse to no avail, as they tangle with yours oh so briefly. Then he's sliding them lightly up, brushing past your sensitive wrists, skating over your arms and shoulders and leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake before one slides under the fall of your hair, to curve around the nape of your neck.
While the fingers there tangle into your hair, gentle pressure drawing you forward and up on your toes, the other hand only caresses the side of your neck before finally settling softly to cup your cheek. Is this really happening? With a quiet but charming man who was all but a stranger to you until today?
Any further questions slip from your mind and you only have a second to register the smallest shift of his head before his lips are softly pressing down on yours. Instead of butterflies or tingles, you feel as if the very floor beneath your feet tilts, disorienting you further in the inky darkness. But it doesn't matter much when his arms slide around you to gather you close, eliminating the already laughable amount of space between you.
Suna finally deepens the kiss when you give in to the urge to press yourself closer, a new ferocity seeming to overtake you both as you each devour the other. You have no idea where he ends and you begin, only focused on the sensational moment, as you chase each other's lips in the darkness.
It could have been seconds or minutes, or longer still, but you've lost track as you match his intensity. The desire only deepens when he elicits a deep groan, drawn out by your delicate bite on his lower lip and reverberating through you like am electric current. His grip in your hair tightens and you feel almost delirious, caught in this ardent spell.
You two finally separate for air, short gasps from you both gradually slowing until it's silent again. There's a new tension but also an undeniable relief in the air between you. You feel compelled to say something so you hastily drop the first thought that pops into your head.
"Talk about seven minutes in heaven."
He laughs, louder this time, as if he's forgotten why you're both hiding there in the closet in the first place. To be honest, so did you for a couple minutes there. And you suppose it probably only has been that long, an assumption he corroborates with his response. "Can I get the full seven, then?"
But before you can respond, the closet doors are yanked open with a dramatic move that can only be your daughter, her voice happily calling out her delightful victory, "Found you!"
You send a wry look Suna's way as your eyes slowly adjust to the light, "I'm sure your laugh just now gave our spot away."
He places a hand to his chest, acting wounded with a sad look thrown at Ryoka who only nods excitably in response. Kiyoshi is standing behind her with a smile on his face, proud that it took longer than usual and he makes it a point to state, "I gave them that spot. It was my idea."
They start to walk away with her congratulating him at being a hide and seek master, her acknowledgment prompting a change in their focus to discussing classic versus strategic spots at school. You're thankful for the moment to completely regain your composure and you make sure to settle your expression into something nonchalant when you look back over at Suna.
Yeah, you're probably not fooling him if that teasing smirk is any indication of his keen awareness.
"Suna, that-"
"That's my name. Rintaro."
"Oh I- That wouldn't be very appropriate." You realize the irony too late as the rebuttal slips automatically from your slips.
His eyebrow raises in a sardonic salute, both of you aware that you're each well past the point of being worried about that now.
"Call me Rin, then, or any variation. But don't kiss me like that and then call me Suna." He sounds torn somewhere between teasing and serious but you understand the sentiment.
Licking your suddenly dry lips, conscious of the speedy pace your.. relationship with this man has been moving, you don't give yourself a chance to hesitate before you respond, "Then call me Y/n."
That slow, answering smile is everything you didn't know you wanted. You're not going to question this unexpected attraction. It's mutual, it's consuming, and it's something you don't think you can walk away from at this point. You're both adults as it is and, it seems, both in silent agreement to let this unfold as it may.
"Daddy," Kiyo pokes his head back into the room, "You're it this time! Hurry up."
Suna walks ahead to pick his son up and swing him in the air, asking, "Weren't you caught first, kiddo?"
"Yeah, but I'm tagging you in because I don't want to be it this round." He aims wide, earnest eyes at his dad. Suna chuckles, likely at the whimsical but simple reasoning, but unsurprisingly complies.
"Okay, but this is the last round, then. And you all better find some really great spots to hide." With a brief pause just before he walks out of the room, he looks back over his shoulder to you, gaze holding yours steady with a confident smirk, "I'm really good at getting what I'm after."
You're left alone to digest that pointed declaration, holding your hand to your warm cheeks for a quick moment before dropping them and following the others out.
As promised, you all play one more round in which you're found first, probably by design, if the challenging smirk Suna throws your way is any indication. Then Ryoka and Kiyoshi are found in equally short order, the latter claiming the title of ultimate winner - at least for today's game, as Ryoka makes a point to stubbornly state.
The kids are still really energetic, remnants from the excitement of the game, so you settle them down to continue their Lego project with the hopes it'll help them wind down quickly. For additional guarantee, you also set a children's movie to play in the background, hoping it'll catch their attention and hold it long enough to help finally relax them.
Suna joins you on the couch, handing you another glass of wine while he settles in just beside you so that his side is as close to pressed up against yours that he thinks he can get away with. Not that you're complaining, no, but it is very distracting when his thigh shifts against yours or his arm moves to settle on the couch behind you.
It's distracting every time he makes a comment in between the silent moments, teasing remarks that steal your attention for long stretches after he's done speaking. It's distracting when you think you're both engaged in pretending to watch the movie, only for his breath to brush your ear whenever he leans in to speak.
It's distracting when he tucks a lock of your hair behind your ear before letting his next playful words slip from his tempting lips. And it's distracting when you look over to make a comment of your own and find him already studying you.
You wonder what he sees, but it's undeniable that his interest in you seems to only get stronger rather than wane. You feel the same, undoubtedly drawn and inconceivably connected to this man you've known for hours. It feels more like you've known him for years.
Finally winding down near the end of the movie, Ryoka and Kiyoshi move to the couch, one on each lap and holding hands between them as they start to slump down with heavy, sleepy eyes.
"I'm sad to say, I think it's time for Kiyo and I to head out." Suna's caught it too, the kids are well past the capability of throwing a tantrum again. But even more so, they're both happily sated with their time today, left with great memories of a fun, impromptu play date.
It's time for them to leave, and you and Ryoka see them off to the door.
As he helps Kiyoshi with his shoes, Suna thanks you once again, sincerely and without motive, "Thank you so much for everything today, Y/n."
"Me too, but as I said before, don't thank me for any of it."
"Hm. Well, it wasn't really a great situation to start, but I'm glad with the way it turned out. Meeting you is something I can't regret." His smile is flirtatious but sweet, and you do get butterflies now, finding yourself at a momentary loss for words.
You're thankfully both distracted once the kids move to give each other hugs and when you and Suna comment on their closeness, Ryoka simply states, "Yeah, of course. He's my brother now, right Kiyo?"
"Mhm. We both said we wanted a brother or sister-"
"So now we have each other!"
That's so completely adorable. You glance back over to Suna, who's already looking at you with amusement. Children can be so heartbreakingly precious.
Of course, Suna just has to comment, trademark smirk right back on his face, "Brother and sister, huh? Sounds good to me. What do you think, mom?"
Did he really? Just.. wow. You're definitely red all over, that was so highly suggestive on so many levels. You're okay with the fast pace that swept you off your feet today, but really- acting like co-parents... buy a girl dinner first. Damn.
"I think it's great you two have such a strong bond. You'll keep watching out for each other, yes?"
They enthusiastically nod their agreement and you send a challenging look Suna's way to see if there are any more awkward comments he wants to drop on you before the night is over. He takes pity with a small smile though, sending you a playful wink before turning to open the door with Kiyo's hand slipping in his.
They both wish you and Ryoka a good night as her own hand finds yours and two of you watch them walk over to, and settle in, Suna's car before you finally close and lock the door. Looking down at your daughter with a gentle smile, you say, "We'll save the talk about your choices from earlier today for tomorrow. But I hope you had a good day, munchkin."
"Yes, yes! Thank you so much, mommy!" She wraps her arms around your legs as you place a soft hand on her head, "I love you!"
"I love you too, baby. Let's get you to bed. Why don't you go pick out your pajamas for the night while mommy quickly finishes up here?"
She nods before running off to her room while you go over to the living room to turn off the TV and lights. When you're placing your wine glass in the sink, thinking of the moment Suna had brought it to the couch for you as if he somehow knew what you might want, you hear a text come in from your phone.
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A/N: Okay so this is the final draft of a scenario that's been taking some space in my head every night when I'm trying to get some sleep. It was initially planned as a set of short scenarios for my Fayevourites (you can find the link to the anthology series up above, the other character concepts are explained there) but when I started writing Suna's story, it stretched much longer than anticipated. He has a habit of doing that to me but regardless, all it means is I've had to change some ideas and break the rest up into more manageable chapters. That said, there are three more chapters I plan to release. I'm hoping to start working on the other characters for this series first to keep it even, but I'll basically go where my writing takes me (: I hope you all enjoyed reading this one as much as I enjoyed writing it <3
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© 2021 fayeimara. All rights reserved. Please do not repost, modify, or claim as yours.
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atinybitofau · 4 years
[ateez] S E O N G H W A ⤮ baby daddy au
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a/n: in honor of the beautiful vlive from last night 😭😭. how ya’ll doing Seonghwa stans?
• Seonghwa’s proud of his son.
• even if he works dirty jobs—
• isn’t exactly proud of himself.
• he’s got pride, believe me.
• but it’s not ordinary pride.
• Seonghwa’s far from the ordinary.
• “The nanny quit.” Hongjoong teeter’s Seonghwa’s baby-double on his hip. “Hwa, you need to find someone who can handle Yeolhwa. Your son is as bad as you. If not, worse.”
• he chuckles lowly putting down his stack of papers before reaching over for his son.
• his son always curling at the scent and warmth of his father.
• he playfully glares picking at his cheeks before telling him, “Yeolhwa, you can’t just pull nanny’s hair when you can’t get something you want. That’s not good.”
• Yeolhwa’s too young to understand.
• because his son is spoiled by everyone he encounters.
• and Seonghwa expects nothing but when he works his ass off to get the things he wants.
• he doesn’t want his son to struggle the way he did when he was young.
• “What’s the mother doing?” Hongjoong is merciless when he asks. “That dumb skank only knows one thing and it’s popping kids and popping pills.”
• he admits he’s had too much leisure when having his fun in the past—
• but he never regrets having his son in a mistake he can barely even remember.
• “I’ve made it clear he needs no mother.”
• “Seonghwa, no matter what you do, that boy needs a mother.” the younger rolls his eyes. “A nanny can only make up so much for what you deprive. And your job doesn’t make things easier. You can’t take care of him like this forever. Not by yourself.”
• Seonghwa teeters his own son to sleep in his arms.
• staring and cradling his face like he’s the greatest gift not even money can buy—
• not even his power.
• he didn’t have to kill someone to get Yeolhwa.
• his son is everything to him.
• but he has to make sacrifices to give his son everything.
• nothing is ever just given.
• “I’m sorry it’s such short notice, Ms. y/n. But I hope the accommodations we have are enough to settle with.” Hongjoong opens the door for you. “Yeolhwa can be a little arduous when it comes to caretaking. Do be careful.”
• you are anxious you must admit.
• the home smells eerily like iron and musk.
• you can tell the job you took wasn’t just leisure or easy money.
• “Oh.” you shyly smile. “I’m sure he’s just a little hard to understand. Children can be unpredictable and we can’t blame them for that.”
• Hongjoong hears that too many times.
• knows that’s what they all say.
• chokes on his breath before he says something that might scare you away.
• “Well I must get back.” he hands you a cellphone and a book of references before pulling his suit. “Please don’t hesitate to call me. Everything you need is in that book. I’ll be back to relieve you at 9 pm tonight.”
• “Thank you, Mr. Hongjoong. I hope I don’t let you down.”
• he scoffs at that. “Good luck, Ms. y/n. You’re gonna need it.”
• you don’t know what that means.
• but you’re more concerned on taking care of a child who is claimed to be intolerable.
• and you stern by the idea of inexperienced children.
• because they’re not like us.
• they learn from what they’re surrounded with.
• “M-mr. Hongjoong. I’m sorry for bothering you but I was wondering if I can take Yeolhwa to the park today. I see there’s no schedule for outside play time and I—“
• “Unfortunately his father doesn’t approve of outside exposure.” Hongjoong’s fast to quib. “He’s going to have to settle playing inside.”
• “But Mr—“
• “I apologize y/n but that just can’t happen.”
• you observe Yeolhwa.
• he’s a quiet and kept child.
• but he doesn’t like the word no.
• no, he likes getting what he wants.
• and he plays with his toys like they’re not toys at all.
• holds his toy gun like it’s almost real.
• “Yeolhwa, what’s that baby?”
• he looks up to you with golden eyes. “Nanny y/n.”
• you smile at the small boy who offers you a book. “You want me to read to you?”
• he cracks a smile and curls in your lap.
• he’s a sweet kid and is quite capable.
• but you see why he’s not easy to deal with.
• not when he throws tantrums like he’s a grown ass adult—
• “Yeolhwa baby, put the book down.” you ease him in the best way possible. “Sweetie, you can’t play anymore. You have to take a nap.”
• he sobs again.
• hurling a heavy hard cover book in your direction.
• sighing, you only collect the things he throws never giving it attention.
• it only peeves him more.
• “You can cry all you want. But crying won’t get you your toys, baby. You have to sleep.”
• eventually fulfilling your hopes,
• he gets tired.
• curling in your lap when he seeks comfort and warmth for slumber.
• once he’s asleep, you pack your things ready to leave for the night.
• “I hope he wasn’t too much trouble.”
• Hongjoong’s surprised the safe house wasn’t a complete wreck.
• he’s surprised nothings broken.
• but notices the bruising marks that formed on your legs.
• “I’m assuming you won’t be back?” he asks while teetering the small sleeping boy on his hip.
• “I’ll be back.” you affirm. “And I don’t intend to leave any time soon.”
• he’s convinced you’re different.
• that you have a certain will and composure that resembles someone he knows.
• tells Seonghwa immediately.
• “She’s worth watching. You should definitely see.”
• it happens again for the next couple days.
• but Yeolhwa’s toys hurt more than the books.
• and now you’re bleeding hard in the bathroom while he sleeps in his bed.
• “Children are unpredictable, y/n.” you mumble to yourself. “They grow learning from you.”
• Seonghwa watches through his monitor how you treat his child.
• sometimes peeved that you don’t give his son what he wants—
• but mesmerized when his son crawls into your lap every time despite it.
• “Hongjoong, I’ll be picking up Yeolhwa tonight. And prepare Yunho for babysitting duty.”
• Yeolhwa cries when he’s pulled out of your arms by a dark suited man,
• wants to stay in yours.
• crying for your name while you smile softly at him, hand to his cheek.
• “I’ll be back tomorrow, baby.” you coo. “Be a good boy okay? And I promise if you don’t cause trouble, I’ll come back every time.”
• he understands well for a child.
• curling obediently into the dark suited man who resembled him after you spoke.
• “I’m assuming you’re the infamous father?”
• Seonghwa studies you. “You take care of a child well. Thank you.”
• you shake it off pulling at your scarf. “I take care of a child as if it’s my own. Thank you for letting me.”
• your voice is soft,
• motherly and gentle.
• Seonghwa hasn’t felt this kind of delicate emotion in years.
• “I have dinner waiting. Care to join me?”
• you smile while holding at Yeolhwa’s reaching hand. “I have my own family I must attend to, Mr. Park.”
• “It’ll only be a couple minutes.”
• you notice the tattoos on his neck.
• the similar stamp of injustice that lingered on each of the men you’ve met prior.
• realizing days ago that Seonghwa’s son was a prodigy.
• one so that isn’t exactly safe or ordinary.
• “Your family relies on you.” Seonghwa keeps his eyes on you in midst of eating. “You’re a very lovely woman, y/n. Strong willed and captivating.”
• you blink softly unsure of how to respond. “I do what I must..”
• “Don’t we all.”
• your eyes meet his and you swallow your emotions harshly biting back at your lip.
• you don’t deny he’s a charming man.
• like his son, quiet and kept.
• “But you’re a beautiful woman too.” he admits. “Caring and gentle. My son’s fond of you for those reasons. He has good taste.”
• “Like his father I presume?” you tease making him laugh. “I have one request I want to light up though, Mr. Park. I want to bring your son out. Expose him to more than just the guns and walls.”
• he notes your observance.
• strong willed indeed.
• “I trust you.”
• you should be the one trusting him.
• but it’s inevitable what happens with his son as soon as he’s vulnerable, exposed.
• he’s a prodigy wanted by the best and worst of the world.
• and now your shielding a child with your own life.
• as if he was yours.
• “Hey baby, don’t cry. You’re gonna be okay. Yeolhwa, you’re gonna be okay sweetie.”
• he’s only crying because you’re crying.
• cause you don’t know what to do in this situation.
• but when Seonghwa appears from nowhere, spins you and his son around into his chest,
• you suddenly feel safe.
• him guarding you,
• you shielding his son.
• “Y/n, look at me.” he’s careful to touch you. “I’m gonna need you to come with me, okay?”
• you can only blink when his son is yanked out of your hands,
• the poor boy wanting only you.
• but with Seonghwa’s men, he’s safer.
• Seonghwa staying behind to protect you.
• “Y-Yeolhwa!”
• “He’s gonna be okay.” Seonghwa caresses your face shooting blank bullets over the car you two hide against. “I need to get you out of here okay? You need to be strong for me.”
• crying’s not gonna get you anywhere and if anyone were to know that, it would be you.
• so you follow.
• now safe from harm, Yeolhwa sleeping soundly on your lap,
• while his men try to console you with a cup of hot herbal tea and sweet talk.
• “This must be a lot for you. We’re sorry y/n.”
• you smile softly bouncing Seonghwa’s son up and down on your lap. “I don’t mind. I read the book Hongjoong gave and it was all in the fine print. A disclaimer that promised to keep me safe.”
• it’s no lie even Seonghwa’s men find you attractive.
• and it might be because you’re so humble.
• so delicate.
• Seonghwa has a proposition for you when Yeolhwa’s asleep.
• today being the day you should be quitting.
• but you promised Hongjoong your full effort and nothing but.
• “Y/n, stay with me.”
• Seonghwa leans his forehead against yours, hand cradling the line of your jaw.
• you feel warm against his touch.
• like a baby to a mother.
• in this case, a woman to a man.
• “Stay with me and Yeol.” he runs a finger over your parted lips. “He needs you. He needs a mother.”
• he admits his son has grown to love you.
• and maybe he’s grown to love you too.
• “I can’t take care of him the way you do.” he watches as your eyes lull to his voice. “He won’t be able to live without you.”
• “I’ll stay for as long as he needs me too.”
• it’s the first time Seonghwa’s ever stayed home.
• ever slept in his own bed with his own son curling into his chest.
• but it’s not the first time he’s slept in a bed with a woman.
• but it’s the first in his own bed with a woman he loves.
• “Mommy, hurry..”
• your eyebrows furrow and you whip around to face Seonghwa and his son,
• “M-mommy?”
• Seonghwa chuckles brushing through his sleepy son’s hair. “You heard him, mommy. Come to bed.”
• you take care of his son like he’s your own.
• but now Yeolhwa doesn’t need a nanny anymore.
• most of the time, looking for his father.
• “He doesn’t need me anymore, Seonghwa.” you playfully nudge at him when his chocolate haired son plays with new toys. “I don’t think I need to stay.”
• “Absurd.” the mafia boss spins you on your feet so your lips meet his. “If he doesn’t need a nanny, he needs a mother. But if he didnt need you at all then stay because I do.”
• you giggle against your boyfriend’s lips.
• “Hongjoong keeps having me sign a contract.” you pull at his collar, studying his eyes some more. “But the one this morning seemed to have unordinary discrepancies.”
• “That’s because that was a marriage contract.”
• “Ah.” you tease, him biting at your lip. “That must be why I saw your name instead of Yeol’s.”
• “APPA!”
• you two are suddenly pulled apart, the small boy holding out his arms protecting your legs.
• “You’re hurting mommy with your teeth! Bad appa.”
• you choke a laugh when Seonghwa furrows at the cockblock son of his.
• “Yeolhwa, you can’t just hurt me to get the things you want.” Seonghwa teases hoisting up his smiley son on his hip. “Who taught you that?”
• “You appa. You said we have to protect mommy from bad people. And that mommy should never get hurt.”
• “Oh yeah. I did, didn’t I?”
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vanilla-vivillon · 3 years
Part two of Zoyalai kid as promised
Here’s part one- https://dablackdahlia.tumblr.com/post/650586205772201984/the-black-dahlia
Massive row spoilers
Prince Mycanae Juris Nazyalensky( My Kuh Nay Uh) was turning one years old
It was suprising how quickly he grew up
To Nikolai at least
For Zoya, who adored her son couldn’t wait for him to get older
For one thing while the baby didn’t cry to much at night (whitch was a blessing from the saints)
He couldn’t be Grisha tested
Most ravkans were tested around the age of seven though it varies
Myca was far to young
It was decided when he turned four he would be tested
And so the country was forced to wait four long years
Three more years to go Zoya thought to herself
Myca was an easy baby
That was what his doctors said
He barely if ever cried in the night and was sociable enough
Unlike Genya and David’s son Forrest Kostyk who from all of Zoyas interactions and everything Genya and David mentioned he was a nightmare
Constantly screaming
Hates to eat everything
And now that His teeth were a big enough size he started biting
She had gotten lucky
But Nikolai and her started talking about having more kids
And Zoya found she wanted more aswell
Nikolais pitch however would be far to amusing for her to not listen to
“Come on Zoya only children are the freaks in the playground!” Nikolai said gesturing incredulously
They just gotten Myca put to bed and were having much needed glasses of wine
He needed his rest for his birthday tomorrow
Even though they could’ve had many nannies take care of him that night, neither of them wanted that
Nikolai grew up like that and he wasn’t as close to his mother because of it.
Not to mention the old king was scarce most of his early upbringing
Zoya didn’t want that for Myca either
Of course with all of there duties they had to get some help but they always, always, made sure they put him to bed in the room across from there’s
“Nikolai I’m an only child” zoya retorted
“Touché, but what if something were to happen that Myca couldn’t become king? We would need another option!” Nikolai threw back
Nikolai having another realization
“Plus, it would’ve really helped me growing up to have a good sibling”
This was something Zoya thought about aswell
As a girl she wished for a baby sister
And so did her mother
Sabina had four miscarriages
The last one was the worst
She was safely in the third trimester when it happened
Sabina was distraught for weeks
And when she finally came to, she was different
And a couple years later marching Zoya down an aisle
“You know I’m already convinced Nikolai right?” Zoya laughed tired of this charade
Before Myca was born Zoya thought she’d have one
One child
One heir
But she had changed her mind and wanted more
Nikolai showed her a dazzling smile “perfect” he said with a kiss
Zoyas second pregnancy was different
Her morning sickness wasn’t as bad as her first
But a new thing has arrived
She was consuming unhealthy amounts of Ravkan chocolates
But nonetheless the baby’s due date was July eighth
The date came and passed
But it was nothing to be worried about
There was a lot of moments where they were like “this Is it, the babies coming” then nope
Zoya was 43 weeks pregnant
The baby would be post term
Nikolai would say this is a sign that this child was going to Be late for everything
A difference when Myca was born on the exact due date
But in the middle of the night July twenty second Zoya went into Labor
There second child was Prince Nazariy (Nah-Zuh-ree) Dominik Nazyalensky
He had Brown skin almost darker then Zoya’s and black hair
But it was his eyes that captivated people
He had sectoral heterochromia
His Blue eyes like his Mothers had parts of brown (example below)
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They decided on his middle name after Nikolais friend Dominick after some rigorous debate
Zoya wanted to continue with Saint middle names
Nikolai argued Juris was a personal friend
In the end with Nikolais charisma he won
His name Nazariy was actually found in a simple baby book
While Mycanae was in old ravkan and they liked the nickname Myca
They were much more lax with there second son
They eventually decided to have four kids but wanted to wait until Myca would get tested before having there next two children
Time skip three years because your girl can’t detail everything
Myca was four years old and today was the day
He was dressed in his best clothes
What would happen is he would go up in front of the entirety of the Ravkan nobility and other ambassadors and such and would get tested
Zoyas power still couldn’t sense anything in him or Nazariy, but a couple months prior Forrest Kostyk was revealed to be an Alkemi
It seemed that when the grisha first used there ability it activates something and typically Zoya could sense it
Because now Zoya could see Forrest as an Alkemi easily
So while she couldn’t sense anything in her sons that didn’t mean there was nothing there
Zoya and Nikolai had finally gotten most of the details finished and it was them, Nazariy and Myca, and the triumvirate working out some details in the meeting room
Well, Nazariy was pretending he was a squaller by blowing on some paper
And Myca was clearly trying to convince him that wasn’t how it worked
It seemed Myca hadn’t quite grasped his two year old little brother couldn’t care less about what he thought
A fact that would never change over the years
“I don’t understand why we don’t just test him right here right now?” Adrik insisted for the ninth time “less risk”
“And then what if he turns out to be Grisha but presented before the nobility nothing happens? The grisha test only works when they just start out” Tamar responded
“It could still work in front of the nobility” Adrik insisted
“And if all else fails we can just tell him to summon a gust” Tolya added
Tolya was fiercely protective of the boys
It probably started when a couple months ago Myca showed a vague interest in his favorite Poet and the friendship bloomed
“Tolya most summoners can’t summon until days of practice” Leoni interjected “Plus, we’ve made plans on all outcomes and it’s to late to change them now, look on the bright si-”
“Nazariy spit that out!” Zoya interupted
Apparently the little hellhound put one of David’s nails in his mouth
Nazariy, learning his mother wasn’t to be trifled with quickly on, spit it out
Back to the conversation they started on a topic healthy debated
“There’s no way the kid is Grisha!” Adrik started on
“But Adrik he hasn’t gotten sick. And Grisha dont get sick to!” Leoni countered
This back and forth started since Zoya announced her pregnancy
It was a headache really
But when she turned towards the three boys who had come to mean the world to her it was all worth it
Nikolai was with the boys and was apparently taking on Nazariy’s side claiming him blowing on the paper was just as credible as Mommy’s lightning
Myca fought back and claimed any otkaxatsya could do that
It was something happening more often
Myca makes an offhand statement and Nikolai fighting the other side
It was adorable really how Mycas eyes would light up and debate with his father
Plus it would make him think more critically and would make a good king out of him
Not to mention how it really helped Nikolai and him bond
Nikolai and him had some trouble sometimes
Myca doesn’t usually respond to jokes
It seemed after his silly and rambunctious troublemaker of a brother was born he decided he would have to be serious enough for the both of them
Or at least as serious as a four year old could be
But rigourous debate on whether or not green looked good on Nazariy was something they both seemed to enjoy
And as much as Zoya wished she could watch forever it was time
Time to see if her baby boy had certain talents
Myca was scared
He was behind the door waiting to be presented before his mother, father, brother, who would all be seated on the thrones, and of course the rest of the nobility
‘People like you Myca!’ Nikolai would insist ‘there’s nothing to worry about no matter what happens!’
Myca thought he was trying to alleviate the pressure but it wasn’t working
Suddenly his que to come In was called and he walked in
Head held high and posture immaculate he waltzed through the door
The person who was testing him was the Baron of Banewood
An old man who hated nonsense, children, and Prince Nazariy since he was both of those things
He came forward and after some very boring speeches that Myca couldn’t bring himself to listen to until the Baron told him to stick out his hand
Myca complied and the baron produced a very big pin
Guess everyone wanted to be really sure he was Grisha or not
His eyes wandered to his family
Theyre faces looked calculatingly impassive
He knew it was a front
They needed to seem stable for the people
Nazariy who was standing next to the throne was having difficulties standing still
Myca felt bad for him
Half of being royalty is sitting still looking pretty
He trained his eyes back on his parents and saw his father give him a small wink
I got this, I’m prepared for the result, I can do this
As the pin was stabbed into his skin Myca felt it
That calling
That thing begging to come out whenever he saw his Mother doing something grand
Or when he really wanted his brother to leave him alone
And Myca let it overcome him
When he opened his eyes he could see the Baron knocked over and a small breeze
A firm hand clamped his shoulder
“Congratulations Mycanae” Tolya started dragging him away from the scene where the nobility were discussing the scene “Your a Squaller”
Hey so part two of the Zoyalai kid as promised. This was originally gonna be longer but then It became a 230 word monster and i cut it down and will save the rest for part three
35 likes and I’ll make part three
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victoria-daydreams · 3 years
Till Kingdom Come
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Chapter Thirteen: A Simple Lover’s Quarrel
AN: Can’t believe I abandoned this story for two, three months. Then again, I only got three notes on the last chapter so that was a little disheartening which made me want to take a break. But I’m back now and slightly reinvigorated to write again.
Word Count: 4.0k
Trigger Warnings: offensive language, racial slurs, racism
Taglist: @nerds4life246, @leahnicole1219​
Chapter Fourteen: Welcome Home, Sabine Freemen
"Really Miss Jones, you didn't have to go out of your way to check on Mama," Emile stated.
In all her years, Sabine had carried out worse plans before than the one she hastily concocted last night in bed.
Sabine smiled a little, "I was concerned, your mother seemed so wound up yesterday and I felt obligated to check on her well being," she explained.
"How did you find our home?" Emile asked, tilting her head slightly.
"Well, your mother had said your first name and then your surname. I put two and two together and... " Sabine answered, before trailing off as Emile raised her eyebrows in anticipation. "Let's just say I'm an extremely determined young woman," she finished, with a nod and smiling slightly.
Just then, a maid entered the parlor room holding a silver tray in her hands. Another maid followed behind her, with saucers for milk and sugar. Emile had them place the trays on the table and dismissed them with a gracious smile.
"Miss Jones, would you care for tea?" she asked, taking the teapot in her hands.
"Yes, please," Sabine responded.
She looked around the sitting room, the home seemed quite similar to their hideout in some aspects. And in others, well, it was quite clear the immortals didn't have a decorator come in and acquire furniture in some expensive European store in Philadelphia.
"You have a lovely home Miss Freemen," Sabine commented, bringing her attention back to her older sister.
"Actually, it's Mrs. Freemen," she corrected, a soft chuckle escaping her. "You wouldn't believe how many other Freemen's you'll meet in New York," she added, as she finished pouring the amber liquid into their cups. "Thank you though, this home is big enough for Mama, Papa, and my family," Emile stated.
"Your father?" Sabine questioned, trying to keep her best poker face at the revelation.
"Mhmm," Emile hummed, stirring her sugar and milk into the tea. "It is quite an improvement from a raggedy slave shack, wouldn't you say?" she asked, lifting her cup to her lips and Sabine could only nod. "Papa didn't think he would live to see the day that colored folks would be able to live as dignified citizens of this country, and hold a dignified job being dressmakers," Emile explained, bringing her cup down.
"And here you are,"
"And here we are,"
"Do you have any more family?" Sabine asked curiously, as if Emile wasn't literally talking to her sister.
"I have a husband named Lee, he's out of state on a business trip. I have two sons, Jimmy and Phillip. My oldest, Phillip, lives in Chicago and practices medicine. Jimmy, he's about your age. He's down in D.C. studying at Howard University, he'll be home soon. Lastly, I have...had a..." Emile said, her voice lowering.
"A younger sister?" Sabine supplied quietly.
"Yes," she whispered, placing her teacup and saucer down onto the table with a soft clack. "Sabine, she was only five when she was taken from us, Mama never forgave herself," Emile stated.
"But why? Your mother can't possibly blame herself for her child being ripped away from her," Sabine said.
"You see, the day that Sabine was taken, we were supposed to runaway at night and go up North," Emile explained. "Mama has agonized over the question of 'what if we left the night before?' ever since," she finished, her mouth drawn into a thin line.
"I'm sorry about your sister," Sabine said softly. "Do you think she's alive still?" she questioned, trying to gauge Emile's reaction.
"In my heart, I want to believe that's she still here, that she escaped. But, my mind is also telling me to be logical, and that is no, little Sabine didn't survive enslavement," she replied. "She could be a feisty five year old, you know?" Emile said, a watery smile on her face. "And feisty slaves don't last long on plantations," she reminded grimly.
It was quiet after Emile's haunting statement, Sabine felt as though she lost her appetite. A feisty slave she was, and Emile was right, they don't last long. Sabine knew from firsthand experience. Suddenly, the door opened and Emile and Sabine both jumped back from the table slightly.
"Mrs. Freemen—"
"Goodness gracious," Emile breathed, placing her hand on her chest. "You scared the living daylights out of us," she laughed, and shook head.
"A'm sorry ma'am, but there's an ofay-I mean, white man at the door," the maid announced. "He said he's here to collect Miss Jones and return her home," she continued, glancing over at Sabine.
"Thank you, I'll see my guest to the door," Emile responded, the girl bowed her head and left the room again.
"I presume that this is the same ofay from yesterday?" Emile questioned, a knowing smirk on her lips.
Sabine laughed softly, "Yes, it is," she admitted. "But in his defense, Mr. Greene is alright for an ofay," she joked, standing up from her seat.
"Is he your husband?" Emile inquired, lifting her brow as stood as well.
"No," Sabine answered quickly, a nervous chuckle coming from her. "Thank you for hosting me Mrs. Freeman-"
"Pfft," Emile said, waving her hand. "Please, call me Emile,"
She smiled, "I know I showed up to your home uninvited and completely unexpected," Sabine stated, offering her hand for Emile to take.
Sabine waited for the woman to take her hand, but instead Emile softly grabbed her by the shoulders and kept her at an arms length.
"You know, I can see why Mama could mistake for you for our Sabine," Emile commented, tilting her head to the side. "You do have my sister's eyes," she mused, sighing wistfully. "Do come back and visit us again Miss Jones. I would love for you to meet the rest of my family and reintroduce to Mama when she's less hysterical," Emile joked, removing her hands from Sabine.
"I would like that, very much!" Sabine stated, vigorously nodding her head. "And please, you can call me Edith,"
Josef and Sabine strolled through Central Park arm in arm, passing a duck pond as they went. The park was fluttering with life: little girls playing hopscotch, children rolling hoops, nannies pushing baby carriages, couples walking together, and a policeman patrolling the area. Silently, he sent Josef and Sabine a pointed looked as if to wordlessly say, he's watching them.
"How did it go yesterday?" Josef asked, directing his attention towards Sabine. "Was it bad? You practically locked yourself in your room once you got back," he pointed out.
Sabine twirled her parasol, "No, actually it all went really splendid," she answered, smiling wistfully. "It was just a little overwhelming, as one could imagine. I needed some time to myself, that's all,"
"And did you tell Booker about your plan before you took off yesterday morning?"
Sabine shook her head, "Look, I came back in the afternoon and he wasn't there-" she started.
"Yes, because he was searching like a madman to find where you gone," Josef cut in, lightly chuckling.
The sound of a crack of the bat could be heard far off in the distance, a game of baseball was being played as spectators cheered in encouragement.
"I wrote down my sister's address and handed it to Nicky for when Bastien inevitably came back home," Sabine continued, tilting the parasol to shield her eyes more. "And he did," she finished.
"That must of been an interesting walk back home," he commented, with a grin.
"I told him, if he had nothing nice to say then I rather not hear him say anything," she replied. "I suggested he air his grievances elsewhere," she said.
"Oh, he did," Josef smiled, nodding his head.
"What did he say about me?"
"In short, he said what you did was rash, irresponsible, and above all else," he listed, lifting a finger in the air. "He was afraid that your expectations were set too high and that you would be heavily disappointed with what you found,"
"Aww," Sabine smiled. "Even when Bastien is angry with me, he still looks out for my best interests. It warms the heart," she said, giving her parasol another twirl.
"Of course he would, he does love you, you know," Josef replied.
"Yes, I know," she laughed softly.
"Now, I'm going to go that ice vendor to see if I can convince him to let me buy two lemon ices," Josef stated.
Sabine followed his stare to a plump, middle-aged man that had a straw boater on top of his dark hair. A handlebar mustache adorned his face and was waxed to perfection.
She looked back at Josef, "I bid thee good luck then," Sabine joked, as she unlinked her arm for his.
Shooting her a grin, he tilted his brown hat towards her before walking off to the vendor leaving her to her own devices. Sabine subtly rocked and forth on her feet, watching people moseying about on the promenade. She made the unfortunate mistake of making eye contact with an older woman who scowled at her almost instantly. Sabine averted hers eyes away and in the direction of little boys playing marbles, the last thing she needed was some old, white woman making a scene over a supposed slight against her.
Suddenly, a grimy hand gripped Sabine by the wrist and she whipped her head around.
It was a haggard man dressed in a tattered Union army uniform, his hair matted and she could see a wild look in his eyes.
"Spare a penny for a vet ma'am?" he asked, his gray irises boring into her.
Sabine glanced around in a futile effort for help, even if "help" did come, she would not be on the receiving end of it. She returned her stare towards the vet, her eyes widening when she realized the left sleeve to his soiled jacket did not house an arm in it, he was an amputee.
"I-I uh, don't have anything to spare, I'm sorry sir," Sabine said, trying to wrestle her wrist from his grip.
His grip tightened, "What do you mean you don't have change to spare?" he questioned, growing angry. "I fought for your people to be free and this is how you repay me!" he snapped.
"I'm sorry sir but I don't have anything to give," Sabine repeated, successfully snatching her wrist away.
The vet sneered, "Uppity negro bitch!" he spat, before hobbling away to beg elsewhere.
Sabine placed her hand on her chest to still her pounding heart, briefly closing her eyes and exhaling deeply.
"Look at what I got!" Josef cheered happily, his voice approaching her. "Two lemon ices, I think my Italian impressed the vendor, he's probably never seen a colored man that spoke the language fluently," he chuckled, as Sabine reopened her eyes. "It's not Delmonico's, the lucky bastards," Josef continued, referring to Nicky, Andy, and Bastien who were meeting someone that had work for them. "Sabine, are you alright?"
"Better now, I was accosted by a man-"
"Where is he?" Josef cut in, his expression turning serious.
Sabine closed her parasol and hanged it from her wrist, "Don't," she warned, taking the frozen treat from him and linking arms. "He's a homeless war vet and white, you're not going to win this fight," Sabine stated, patting his bicep.
"I was just goin-"
"No, what we're going to do is imagine all the meals we would be eating right now if we were allowed into Delmonico's," Sabine corrected, looking up at him expectantly. "I'll start, I want lamb chops, whole plates of them,"
Josef turned away from her and looked down the path in hopes of finding the assailant, but he was long gone, lost within the crowd of people.
Sabine tugged on his arm, "Indulge me, please," she said softly.
He sighed heavily and began leading her away, "I want a steak," he stated, making Sabine giggle. "A big, juicy steak,"
"And what would you have with that steak of yours?" she asked curiously.
"Oh, the creamiest mashed potatoes one could dream of,"
Within the time frame of less than a week, this evening marked the night that Sabine was going to meet the rest of her family. During her afternoon tea with her sister yesterday, Emile had told Sabine that her husband and son were both coming home today and she wanted her to meet them. Not to mention, Emile had also believed that enough time had passed that Mama had recovered from the shock of seeing Sabine, and they could be properly introduced now.
"Can you tie this?" Sabine asked, looking over her shoulder.
Her bedroom was illuminated by the few kerosene lamps that sat on top of her dressers. Sabine heard movement behind her before feeling fingers slowly trail down her back and began to lace up her corset.
"You never dress this way for me," Bastien complained.
She chuckled softly, "We don't go anywhere that I'd have to," Sabine pointed out, feeling him tug on her from behind. "Plus, you're dressed to the nines yourself," she reminded, glancing over her shoulder. "You never dress this way for me either," she added, wincing a bit when Bastien pulled the laces tight around her torso.
"Sorry," he apologized immediately, noticing her body tense. "I wish we could dress up more like this," Bastien stated, finishing his work.
"Technically, we could," Sabine responded, affixing a bustle to herself.
Bastien made his way towards her bed where her evening gown was laid out. The dress was green and made of silk taffeta, the neckline was round and the sleeves short. Making his way back towards her, Sabine raised her hands in the air as Bastien lifted it over her head, careful not to mess up her elegant updo. The dress slid on easily and a vast of silk fell onto the floor, covering her feet and trailing behind her.
"Yes, but I want to actually take you somewhere," Bastien said, buttoning the back of her dress. "I want to take you somewhere special, to show you off to the world, without all the stares and scowls," he finished, kissing Sabine's neck.
Sabine turned around and faced Bastien, "Like the two of us being able to sit together in box seats at the opera?" she hinted, with a slight chuckle as she smoothed the dress down around her undergarments.
"Sabine if I could, you know I would," he insisted, grasping her waist.
"I know, I know," Sabine replied, nodding her head understandingly. "This job is a 'whites only' type of a job, meaning Josef and I are out commission. While you three get to infiltrate high society and all the luxuries that come with it," she continued, lightly gripping onto the lapels of his tailcoat. "Have fun with all those stuffy, rich ofays," she wished, a smile peeking from her lips. "Josef and I will enjoy dinner with my family," she finished.
"About this dinner..."
Sabine looked downward, "You don't agree, I know," she said, finishing his sentence with a sigh.
"It's not that," Bastien corrected, lifting her chin to look at him. "I'm worried you're moving too fast, that you're losing yourself in the moment," he explained, enclosing his fingers around her biceps.
"Well of course I am," she agreed. "This is a second chance at being a family-"
"Sabine you're immortal," he interrupted softly, Sabine's mouth opened to argue. "Please let me finish," he requested. "You cannot recreate or rebuild the relationship you once had with your family," Bastien stated firmly, shaking his head.
She looked away from him, biting down her lip. Sabine felt her nose burn with the tears she was holding back from Bastien's bluntness.
"I can try," she countered, her voice cracking.
Bastien took her chin in his hand again and turned her face to him, "I'm sorry, Sabine. I'm so, so sorry, but you can't," he said, cupping her cheeks in both his palms.
"It's not fair," she choked, tears threatening to fall.
Bastien wrapped his arms around her, holding her head to his chest while he stroked her back.
"I know you want this reunion to be like a fairy tale, where you get your happily ever after," he began. "But we don't get those, and I'm sorry fate has chosen this path for you, because you don't deserve it Sabine. You don't," he finished, looking at her sadly.
Tears that she promised herself wouldn't show start to flow down her cheeks and he wiped them away with his thumbs. Sabine let her forehead rest against Bastien as he held her. She was sure Bastien could feel her crying. They stood in silence for several minutes, save for the occasional sniffle from her. When she shed her last tears, she removed her head from his chest slightly.
"I just want this so badly, Bastien," Sabine said, her voice above a whisper. "It's a bittersweet dream come true,"
"I know," he murmured, kissing her forehead.
Sabine sighed, resting her head on Bastien's heart, her grip tightening a little around him.
"I know I don't express my love verbally," she began, slowly bringing her gaze upwards to Bastien. "But I do love you, Bastien," Sabine stated. "And I'm grateful that you're being supportive towards me, even if you disagree," she finished.
Bastien let out a soft exhale, his eyes shining in such a way that Sabine never seen before. Cupping the back of her neck with his other hand, Bastien leaned down and placed a light kiss on Sabine's lips, so tender. The kiss was not deep, they only moved their lips against each other’s slowly. After a few more sweet kisses he pulled back once again to rest his forehead against hers.
He smiled warmly, "Say it again," Bastien said.
"I love you Bastien," Sabine repeated, softly grinning. She kissed him again on the lips. "I love you," she kissed him on his right cheek. "I love you," she kissed him on his left cheek. "I love you," Sabine stood on her tiptoes, kissing his nose and forehead. "I love you..." she whispered, capturing Bastien's lips once more.
Tilting her head, Sabine deepened the kiss and Bastien returned the gesture in equal vigor. His hand traveled from her neck and down to her waist, lightly wrapping around it. Slowly, they parted from one another and she stared into his blue orbs, seeing them gleam. Sabine wondered what it was about Bastien that made her feel this way, was it his loyalty, his compassion, or his devotion. Whatever it was, Sabine hoped that it would last forever for she had never been so happy, content, and in love than ever before.
"I will never get enough of you," Sabine said, nudging her nose against his with a contented hum.
"Neither will I," Bastien whispered, almost non-audible. "Now, go enjoy your dinner,"
Hearty laughter echoed in the dining room along with the clinking of utensils on dinner plates.
The first course, a soup of creamed mushroom, had been served and conversation at the Freemen table had flowed pleasantly, giving controversial topics a wide berth. Thankfully, Sabine and Josef were seated next to each other, putting her at ease that she was close to a familiar face. On her left, sat Jimmy, a charming young man. Sabine could tell he was a bit of a rake due to his constant double entendres that were just enough to remain both humorous and respectful. Despite all of that, she found herself feeling refreshed at his conversation. He talked of his various travels and the people he met with great excitement.
"Miss Jones," a booming voice called, causing Sabine to look up from the rim of her wine glass.
She met the eyes of her father, who sat at the head of the table. Fine, gray hair haloed his head, instead of the thick curls he had passed down to her. His face was lined with heavy wrinkles, an indicator of the hard life he had been through, but there was one thing about him that hadn't changed. It was his eyes. Those same kind eyes sparkled with spirit even though forty-four years had passed since she last seen them.
"Emile has been telling me that you're a ward to a white woman," he stated, just as the second course was being served.
A hush fell across the room, everyone's attention turned towards her awaiting her response.
Sabine briefly glanced at Josef, "Please, call me Edith, Mr. Freemen," Sabine said, placing her glass down onto the table. "And yes, it's true, I'm Mrs. Scott's charge," she answered.
Emile's husband, Lee, raised his eyebrows. "I'm curious as to why she would take a colored girl into her care," he said.
"Maybe she wants to relive the glory days," Jimmy suggested, before sipping from his wine.
"Jimmy!" Emile admonished, glaring at her son.
Sabine shook her head, "It's fine Emile, I wasn't offended," she reassured. "My parents died when I was very young, I believe sickness took them both," Sabine said.
"You poor child," Mama commented softly.
"I was in a orphanage when she found me," Sabine informed. "She was a lonely, childless, war widow and wanted a companion. I don't know what made her go to a colored orphanage, but I suppose it was just luck of the draw for me," she recounted. "She has treated me as if I were one of her own ever since, and for that I am grateful," Sabine finished, telling her "life story" to everyone.
"Quite the life you have lived," Papa said, Sabine only nodded in agreement. "What about you, Mr. Campbell?" He asked, turning his attention to Josef. "How did you come to meet Edith here?" he questioned.
"I'm the family doctor," Josef replied, sitting up in his chair. "Mrs. Scott knew how white doctors would treat Edith, or should I say, wouldn't treat her. So, Mrs. Scott employed me for my services," he explained.
"An excellent profession Mr. Campbell!" Jimmy cheered, sending a smile his way. "We need more colored doctors in America," he added.
"I've been meaning to ask Mr. Campbell," Emile began. "Are you from this country? I've seen hundreds of colored men and none look quite like you," she pointed out.
"No," Josef responded, shaking his head. "I'm from Africa,"
"The Motherland," Mama hummed, her lips curving upwards.
"What about that man you left with Edith? One of the maids noted he had a slight accent," Emile recalled.
"Oh, that's Mr. Greene," Sabine named. "He's French,"
"You have a white butler?" Jimmy asked, chuckling in amusement.
"Now that, would be a sight to see, but no, Mr. Greene is not our butler," Sabine clarified, laughing herself. "He's my guardian, a second pair of eyes for Mrs. Scott, if you will. He makes sure that I don't get myself into trouble," she explained, which wasn't a complete lie.
"You keep quite the company, don't you?" Lee asked, with a smile. "Anyone else noteworthy?"
"Well there's an Italian," Josef chimed in.
A slight laugh escaped Lee, "My god, all you need is a Chinaman and you all would make quite the colorful party," he said.
"We would, wouldn't we?" Sabine responded, joining in with his laughter. "That's actually why we moved from our previous home to New York," she stated. "Less stares here and easier to get lost in the crowd,"
"How long do you all plan on staying here?" Mama asked curiously.
"Just until the beginning of next year," Sabine answered. "Mrs. Scott wants to go Europe,"
"It seems we have no choice but to treasure every second we spend with you, Edith," Mama declared, smiling warmly at her.
Sabine grinned back, "I wouldn't have it any other way," she agreed.
"Plus, it would do you some good wouldn't it Edith?" Jimmy began. "Spending time with folks who look like you,"
"We'll be your home, away from home," Emile said. "A second family," she finished.
"Oh, if they only knew," Sabine thought.
Sabine picked up her wine glass, "Emile, words cannot describe how happy that would make me," she grinned, before raising her glass. "To the Freemen's!" she cheered.
"To the Freemen's!"
Chapter Fifteen: A Journey’s End
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nonalectos · 3 years
Jury Duty
Fandom: The Nanny
Genre: Romance/Humor/Comfort
Pairing: Fran Fine/C.C. Babcock
Rating: M
Summary: C.C. has been called to jury duty, and Fran decides to come along, placing C.C. in a very uncomfortable position considering the feelings she has been harboring for the nanny the last four years. To make matters worse, there's only one room left in the hotel.
Word Count:  2,826
Author’s Note: My first fic in six years, folks! I am currently neck deep in The Nanny hyper fixation, Fran x C.C. in particular, and I was inspired by my lovely friends and fellow shippers to write my first fic in years and very first fic for this pairing! Boy, have I come a long way since my Fran/Maxwell fanfic on Quizilla.com when I was 14-years-old. Interwoven with canon from S04E17: Samson, He Denied Her. Please enjoy!
This fic can also be found here on AO3.
“What’s that?”
“That’s...the nanny.”
C.C. rolled onto her stomach, burying her face into her pillow, and groaned, the coolness of her satin pillowcase warming to match her body temperature a bit too quickly for her liking. As she shifted, contemplating whether to get up or relegate herself to a day in bed, ignoring all responsibility and...other stressors, an orange-brown fluff next to her feet growled.
Damn dog.
In order to prevent the mongrel from biting at her ankles, C.C. slowly pulled her legs up towards her chest before gently removing the covers, pushing herself up into a seated position, and scooting to let her legs hang off the side of the bed. She sighed and looked at her alarm clock.
5:30 AM
She had one of those dreams again. She was rarely the type to dream, but somehow her subconscious had been invaded by the intrusive thoughts she routinely pushed away during her waking hours. Sparkling red, a hand on her waist, her own hand tangled in a large nest of brown hair, and the recalled scent of scratch-and-sniff magazine perfume flashed through her mind before she could prevent it. She groaned again--loudly--and a retort, almost indistinguishable from her own guttural sound, emitted from the ball of fluff.
C.C. let out one more sigh before standing with renewed intention to have a good, productive day. She would bury her nose--and her mind--in her work. No one could get in the way of her and her job. She was the C.C. Babcock. She made her way to the kitchen and started her coffee maker. While she waited, she opened an envelope that she had left sitting on the table and froze, defeated.
C.C. barged into Maxwell Sheffield’s office, ignoring the skip in her chest when she caught the image of brown, black, red, and white in her peripheral, accompanied by that--against all odds--alluring scent.
“Maxwell, you are not gonna believe this. I have been summoned for jury duty! Well, that is the last time I vote.”
The blur came closer. “Ms. Babcock, maybe I’ll go be on that jury with you.”
C.C. covered her panic with a chuckle. “Nanny Fine, you can’t just go.” This was it. The perfect moment for a witty jab. That would help. “It’s not like Supercuts.”
“Are you kidding? I’ve got a drawer full of those things. Besides, there’s nothing keeping me here.” Fran glared at Maxwell, and C.C. silently stepped out of the office as she heard the man’s voice raise, only making out an exasperated, “Ms. Fine!”
“Oh I’ve just gotta get on this jury!”
As Fran blabbed on, C.C. tried not to focus on how close together they were sitting and how she could still feel the heat from the nanny’s hand on her knee, even after she had removed it. As Fran handed her a book, C.C. was given another chance at a jab. She gasped theatrically.
“You know him?”
“No. You read?”
Fran snatched the book out of C.C.’s hand, and C.C. laughed, the awareness of her leaning closer to Fran escaping her.
“What do you mean there’s just one room left?” C.C. growled at the hotel receptionist.
The receptionist looked at the tall, blond woman towering above them nervously. “I-uh I’m sorry, ma’am, there are no other rooms available. Just the one.”
“But we have two people--” Fran gently placed her hand on C.C.’s shoulder and stepped in between her and the distressed receptionist.
“Are there two beds?” she asked, smiling.
“Y-yes,” the receptionist said hesitantly and then, more assured after calming down, “Yes, there are two beds.”
“See Babs? No harm, no foul,” Fran said brightly, squeezing C.C.’s shoulder as she reached over the counter to take the room key. As they walked towards their room, Fran went on and on about the plot of the romance novel she had shoved in C.C.’s hands earlier. C.C. focused on her breathing, trying to remain calm. She could feel the heat creep up her neck the moment the kid at the desk said they only had one room available, and now she didn’t even have to look to know she had red blotches all over her chest and cheeks. She couldn’t distinguish between her anger and...fear? No. C.C. Babcock was never scared.
“So then when he pulls her in--” holding the book close to her chest, Fran twirled around to face C.C. as she continued walking down the hallway backwards. “Ms. Babcock? Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” C.C. responded curtly.
“You’re not having an allergic reaction, are you?” Fran rushed up to her and lifted her hand to examine C.C.’s face as she spoke. “You gotta be careful with shellfish! You know, my cousin, Ernie, never had an allergic reaction in his life. One day, 40 years old, he ate one fried shrimp and BAM --”
C.C. slapped Fran’s hand away, “I’m fine.” Her heart was racing.
“Okay, okay, sorry Mrs. Hyde.” Fran threw her hands in the air, and C.C. could have sworn she gave a tiny pout as she turned around and continued towards their room. When she opened the door, she paused, pulled it back to her, and turned. “You know, Ms. Babcock, we should celebrate! How about a drink? A whiskey. Bourbon. On me.” She winked then stood up straight with a stern look on her face, “ Well. Not top shelf.”
“Nanny Fine,” C.C. uttered through gritted teeth, “I just want to--” she pushed past Fran and opened the door “--lie down.” She stopped in the doorway, still as if she had come face-to-face with Medusa herself.
One bed stood in the room.
The first night was somewhat tolerable. Fran was very kind to C.C., ensuring she was comfortable and that she did not take up too much of her space. C.C. reciprocated by keeping her distance as well. Falling asleep was another story. C.C. was the first to lie down. Being on the side of the bed facing the bathroom, she saw the nanny walk out, wearing one of her bathrobes. God, I hope she has something under that. She could hear the shuffling of the fabric as Fran let the robe fall to the floor and felt the weight in the bed shift as the other woman settled in. Before she could make sense of what was happening, she felt two swift pats on her hip. “Goodnight, Ms. Babcock!”
“Hm,” was the only confirmation she could utter.
C.C. was hyper aware of Fran’s presence. She measured the woman’s breathing and could tell by the slower, deeper breaths when she fell asleep. It took her a while to close her eyes. Every time she did, she saw Fran’s hand on her knee…
Her shoulder…
Her hip…
C.C. jolted awake from a half-sleep. She sighed and stared at the wall in the dark. The blackout curtains weren’t closed all the way, and she could see a sliver of light flash on the wall every once in a while. She could hear sirens, car horns, distant yelling, and sometimes a drunken laugh. She didn’t know what time it was, but it felt like she had been drifting in and out of almost-sleep for hours, still aware of the body radiating heat and energy next to her. What is it about Fran Fine? was the last thought that crossed her mind before she drifted into a very, very light sleep.
C.C.’s eyes traveled down Fran’s figure as she stood up when Vincenzo approached the stand, her expression a mixture of endearment and bewilderment. Why her?, a question echoing the sentiment from the night before repeating in her mind. The rest of the day in the courtroom was filled with typical annoyances, with the exception of a moment of outburst from Fran that left C.C. with the sting of an emotion she couldn’t quite place in the moment as she softly pulled Fran’s arm down.
The next day, C.C. pinpointed the emotion as Fran spoke. “See, that is what happens when a man tells you that he loves you and then he takes it back.”
C.C.’s face was still until she realized her arms were full of snacks that Fran had been piling onto her.
“What are you looking for?”
“My Dexatrim,” Fran responded.
C.C. rolled her eyes and stuffed the food back into Fran’s bag, the thought popping into her mind again. Why her?
She was exhausted. Eight days, hardly any sleep, and “a horse is a horse, of course, of course” stuck in her head practically 24/7, C.C. wanted to explode when she read the words on the slip of paper, “And one ‘not guilty’…,” followed by Fran convincing another juror to vote “not guilty.” Every time she thought she was going to escape her personal hell, she was dragged back down. She was Sisyphus, and Nanny Fine was her boulder.
C.C. stood. “Could it be that you’re just a little sensitive to this shrew maid because you have some fantasy of ending up with your employer yourself?”
“Let she who is without fantasy cast the first stone!”
Ohh, if only you knew, Nanny Fine!
The rest of the afternoon was full of more sting as Fran not-so-subtly talked about Maxwell and the children, but at least they were finally done. C.C. could go home and try to put this all behind her.
As they walked out of the courtroom, Fran hooked her arm through C.C.’s and cheerfully said, “I have a proposal.”
“And what would that be, Ms. Fine?”
“I propose we take one more night off. You know, eat, drink, relax, before heading back to work.”
“Nanny Fine, I really--”
“Pleeease Ms. Babcock?” Fran pleaded, stopping and tugging on her arm. C.C. looked into Fran’s eyes: earnest, gentle, kind.
That’s why her. “Well, alright.”
“You know, I really feel like this has been a good bonding experience for us.”
C.C. rolled her eyes...and couldn’t help but smile.
 She wasn’t drunk, but she did feel a little tipsy. A little more relaxed. She and Fran were making their way back to their room after a pleasant evening of food and a couple drinks each. The nanny really was good company, when C.C. let herself enjoy it. C.C. settled into what she had established as her side of the bed for the previous eight nights, lying on her back and staring at the ceiling. Her blond hair pooled on the feather pillow under her head. She could hear the sink faucet turn on. A couple of splashes. Off. The towel being pulled off the rack. C.C. tore her eyes from the ceiling to the bathroom door. Fran walked out and, as she walked around to her side of the bed, began to untie her robe. C.C. didn’t take her eyes off of her. Fran wasn’t wearing anything particularly risqué--why would she be--but the loose fitting, thin material that made up her pajamas hung on her perfectly. C.C. could feel her neck and cheeks getting warm again--a nightly routine for her body at this point--and she turned over to hide. Her head was reeling with the influx of emotions she had felt over the last week, a mental Rolodex: anxious, longing, annoyed, jealous, hopeful...hurt.
“Nanny Fine?” She wasn’t sure if Fran had fallen asleep.
“Yeah, Babs?”
Her heart skipped.
“Why…” she turned over to face the nanny. “Why do you put up with it?”
Fran had been facing the other way. She turned over. The bedside table lamp hadn’t been turned off yet. C.C. was able to look into the other woman’s eyes again.
“Put up with what?”
“Maxwell. He...well, obviously he isn’t willing to give you what you want. Why hold out hope?”
“Why do you?” Fran retorted with a hint of defensiveness.
C.C. was silent for a moment. “I think I’ve confused myself.” Oh god, how much did I have to drink? “I don’t think what I really desire is what...I thought I desired.” I don’t feel drunk.
Fran maintained eye contact. Silent. Almost as if she knew. C.C. cast her gaze down. She felt a hand on her shoulder.
“Why do you act so hard?” the woman said. The words were accusatory but the tone was soft and empathetic. Despite her attempts to keep them at bay, C.C. could feel the sting of tears and a lump in her throat. “Oh, Ms. Babcock,” Fran whispered, slowly rubbing the blond’s shoulder with her thumb. “You really are a wonderful, caring woman. You just won’t let others see it. Like you’re protecting yourself from something.” Earnest, gentle...kind.
That’s why her.
“You hurt others before they can hurt you.”
C.C. looked back into Fran’s eyes. Up to this point, she thought her jabs had all been in jest. “Have I hurt you?”
Fran laughed. “Oh, honey. It takes more than what you can throw to hurt me.” C.C. sniffled. “But listen. I was holding out hope for Mr. Sheffield because the other person I noticed--the strong, loyal, brilliant woman who crossed my path every day--didn’t treat me the way I deserve to be treated.” Before C.C. could interject, Fran continued. “Now, that’s not to say he’s a saint. Faaaar from it, missy. But you, Babs. I see a lot of potential in you, but you gotta soften up that thing you got in that chest of yours.”
“I...don’t--half the time, I don’t even know what I’m feeling,” the words started escaping from her lips, betraying every cell in her body, every natural inclination she had. At least what she thought up to this point was natural for her. “When I first saw you, four years ago, in that sparkling red dress...the way you moved, the way you talked, your confidence, god I felt so...so intensely jealous. But...four years later, and I can’t get that image of you out of my head. Just you. Not Maxwell.”
Fran lifted her hand to wipe a tear from C.C.’s face then back to her shoulder. She felt the woman’s hand travel from her shoulder down her arm…
Her waist…
Her hip…
Then she tugged.
C.C. placed her hand on the brunette’s waist as she was pulled in, the many inches between them closed. She gasped, and her breathing became uneven. She could feel the flush in her cheeks as she glanced down at Fran’s lips, which she now noticed were coming closer...and closer. She had kissed people before. Plenty of times. But Fran’s lips felt like home. They were soft and warm, moving in tandem with her own. The perfect fit. C.C. moved her hand up Fran’s side, taking note of every inch of her curvature, until she was able to tangle her hand in that nest of beautiful, brown hair. Every breath she took in between kisses was filled with that wonderfully intoxicating scratch-and-sniff perfume scent, and in the moments a soft, nasally moan escaped from the nanny’s lips, C.C.’s hips pushed forward and she moaned in return. Fran coaxed C.C. onto her back with a gentle but firm push and straddled her, not letting their lips part for more than a second. C.C. put both hands on each of Fran’s hips as Fran began to leave a trail of kisses down C.C.’s neck…
Her collarbone…
Her chest…
This is better than being drunk...
C.C. finally got the rest she needed. She woke up from a deep sleep and could feel the tangling of sheets around her body. As she began to shift, she felt a heavy weight on her legs and her waist. A quiet, gravely moan emitted next to her ear. As C.C. rolled over, Fran shifted but didn’t move her leg or her arm. Instead, she tightened her grip and pulled the woman closer. C.C. caressed Fran’s face as her eyes fluttered open.
“Mornin’, Babs baby.”
“Morning, Fran,” C.C. said with a smile and placed a sweet kiss on the nanny’s lips.
Hand-in-hand, C.C. and Fran walked up to the desk in the hotel lobby to check out. The receptionist from their first night was working that morning. Fran smiled and slid the key across the counter, while C.C. took out her credit card to pay for all the unexpected nights.
“Good morning, ladies! Hope you enjoyed your stay. Did the pull out couch work out alright?” the receptionist asked.
Fran and C.C. exchanged glances and both blurted, “The what?”
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fortheloveoffanfic · 3 years
Behind Closed Doors
Keanu Reeves x OFC (Emma Mathers) A/n- Just a random AU I wrote way back when.
Summary- An AU where the Emma (OFC), is hired to take care of the Keanu Reeves' kids; twins Mathew and Poppy Reeves. Tension between a boss and his young employee rise, but nothing good is ever easy.
Masterlist (very incomplete by adding it here nontheless)
Warnings- Brief NSFW/SMUT mentions
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His hands, surprisingly rough, slid the length of her body, starting at the curve of her ass, all the way up to the supple contour of her breasts. Lips peppered hot, wet, open mouthed kisses to her chest, Keanu's rough scruff bruising her silken skin, "You taste so good," he mumbled, almost too taken by her to speak.
Emma's only response was a breathy moan as her head lolled back, her long dark hair brushing the center of her back. When Keanu's hands inched forward, his thumbs pressing into her pebbled nipples, the sounds leaving her plump lips grew louder and she ground on him encouragingly. "What do you want sweetheart?" His low, gruff voice, the one she'd grown used to hearing for months, though in a far different capacity, filled her ears. Drunk on him, Emma clumsily felt around his chest, eventually digging her nails into his shoulders.
She knew what she wanted, Emma, for as long as she'd known herself, always knew what she wanted. That very evening, straddling his lap, feeling his girth pressed against her longing heat, both their bodies begging for what had been months in the making, Emma still knew what she wanted. It was the same thing she'd wanted as she'd grown to know Keanu. But the only question was, how'd she even get there?
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7 months earlier
"And you can start tonight?" His dark, whiskey eyes were practically pleading with her, and it was the first time that Emma considered that someone of Keanu's stature could be desperate. They were at his office at Arch, a sleek glass table separating them, and in his hand, he held a manila folder containing every piece of information she'd given him about herself, and probably what he'd had his people dig up too.
Emma hadn't expected to just be thrust into the job when she applied for it. Hell, she wasn't even expecting to get it, things hadn't been going her way lately anyway. If they were, she wouldn't even be sitting in Keanu's office, discussing the job she'd heard of from the friend of a friend's friend. But alas, she needed the money. In fact, she was desperate for it, and coincidentally, Keanu was in dire need of a nanny. "I……" Hesitating, Emma thought back on all the warnings her mother had given her about jobs like that; it starts with the kids and next thing you know you're cleaning the toilets. But still, what other choice did she have; thanks to her flaky roommate, she was out of an apartment, the job that she'd worked her ass off to get had miraculously gone to someone who was far more connected than she was, and student loans weren't going to pay themselves.
"Yeah," finally, Emma nodded stiffly, "I can start tonight." When that seemed to sudden, she added, "Are you sure you don't want……like a trial period, you know where I get to know them a bit, see if they like me? See if you like me?"
"Honestly," Keanu chuckled, closing the folder and standing from his desk, "I'd be surprised if you make it through the night. Poppy and Matt haven't been able to keep a nanny for longer than a couple weeks."
Well that wasn't alarming at all. Not. Trying to laugh it off the way he did, Emma followed his lead and stood too, collecting her jacket and draping it over her elbow, proceeding to follow Keanu out. "I'm sure they're perfectly sweet," she smiled tightly and though he couldn't see it, considering she was a couple paces behind as they made their way through the desolate shop, fear lingered in her hazel orbs.
"Oh! Don't get me wrong," Keanu carried on, holding the front door open for her as they left the building, "They're great kids," she could hear the pride in his tone as Keanu spoke of his twins, "Fun, adventurous, adorable. But they aren't too keen on new people, especially if they think that someone's just gonna pack up and leave one day."
Noting the drop in his tone, a clear indicator that he didn't want to press the issue much further, Emma frowned, remembering everything she'd pieced together on the internet. It wasn't much, considering how private he was, but what she could gather was that his girlfriend had split a year after they'd had the twins, leaving him to raise them on his own. It wasn't much, and Emma was positive that there was more than what was out in the open, but as she got into the passenger seat of Keanu's car, she could easily tell that he didn't want to get into it. So instead, she just buckled up and listened to him shift the conversation back to his five year olds, listing some of the things that he wanted her to know before meeting them.
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"Daddy!" A pair of giddy, little voices, jumping with excitement, grew louder as the sound of light feet pattering on porcelain drew nearer. In an instant, two dark haired children came bounding towards Keanu, who was already crouched with open arms.
"We missed you," the girl, Poppy said, hanging onto her father's neck, planting a kiss on his bearded cheek.
"Yeah," Matt was the one to pull away first, though, it was to eye Emma suspiciously. "Who's that?"
At that, Keanu stood, lifting Poppy up into his arms when she refused to let go, and ruffling Matt's hair when he clung to Keanu's jean clad leg, "Pop, Matty, this is Emma Mathers, if things go well, she's going to be your new nanny."
Groaning, Matt hung his little head, slumping his shoulders, and simultaneously, Poppy's grip on her father grew tighter, she was clearly the more reserved of the two. "Another one?" Matt, who wasn't too smitten with the idea, solemnly looked up at Keanu, and Emma smiled faintly realizing how much the boy looked like him, "Why can't you just take care of us?"
Sighing quietly, "You know I do my best bud," hugging him closer, Keanu continued, "But sometimes I need help." And even though Keanu would never admit out loud, he craved some semblance of a motherly figure for his children. Someone who could be around more often than his sisters and mother, someone who could care for them the way they deserved when he couldn't do it.
"But what about grandma? She helps," still reluctant, Matt didn't dare to look at Emma, probably hoping she'd just disappear if he willed it.
"You know I like it when grandma helps, but sometimes it's just not possible for her to be with us," Keanu worried on his lower lip, searching for an argument that would convince his son, hesitantly looking to Emma so she'd give it a go.
Taking a deep breath, hoping it would miraculously chase her nerves away, Emma stepped forward, the heels of her thigh highs filling the silence, "Hey Matt," she sank down in front of him, "I'm Emma," and when nothing but dead silence only interrupted by shuffling feet followed, Emma continued with yet another nervous breath, "You know, I used to like it when my grandma babysat too. She'd make me all kinds of fun snacks. Does your grandma make you snacks too?" Tugging at the hem of his t shirt, Matt surprisingly nodded yes, still avoiding her gaze, "Really? That's awesome, what's your favorite?"
His voice was soft, his head remained down cast as he picked at the hem of his pale blue t-shirt, and he definitely had no intention of speaking more than he had to, "Chocolate chip cookies."
"No way!" Emma smiled brightly, hoping it would encourage Matt to do the same, "I love chocolate chip cookies, and it just so happens that I have a recipe for 'em, they turn out great every time."
"Really?" A glimmer of a smile twisted his lips, and out of the corner of her eye, Emma could see Keanu's hopeful look too.
"You know bud," he intervened, "If we let Emma stay, and you ask nicely, I'm sure she'd bake you some one day."
"Would you?" His dark eyes widened in disbelief and his expression wasn't one anyone could readily deny.
"I would love too," Emma giggled, glad that she'd won over one of the kids. Next, was Poppy, though, when she stood, trying to get a look at the girl's face so she could say hi, the child immediately buried her head in Keanu's neck. "Hey Poppy," Emma went on anyway, "I know that it's a little scary having someone new around but I promise that I just wanna be friends."
When, after a minute, Poppy didn't respond, Keanu offered Emma a faint smile, mouthing, "She's a little shy." They exchanged tight smiles once again, before Keanu craned his head to look at his daughter, "Pop, don't you want to say hi to Emma? She's really nice, and I'm positive you'll like her," when she shook her brunette head in an unspoken no, he coaxed, "Come on sweetheart, Matty likes her," and with the slightest redness in his face, he admitted, "And I do too."
Maybe it was the way he looked at her, or maybe it was the little school girl crush she'd developed through seeing him on television sometimes, but when Keanu said it, heat rushed to Emma's cheeks, all the way up to the tips of her ears and she could feel butterflies fluttering in the pit of her stomach. When Emma lifted her gaze again their eyes locked unexpectedly when for a second and just before Keanu turned his head away, she couldn't quite decipher his expression. Though, even after the moment had passed, the awkwardness in the air lingered, and Emma felt compelled to fill the silence, "It's okay," her forced smile faltered, "Poppy and I have a lot of time to get to know each other, "Right?" Searching for confirmation as she held her breath, she once again looked to Keanu.
"Yeah," he agreed, looking immensely relieved, "Yeah, lots of time."
Tagging- @harrisongslimited @magnificentclodpiebanana @keandrews @greenmanalishi @rdjloverxxx @danceoftwowolves @planetkt @wheretheriversrunintothesea
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supercasey · 4 years
TMA Child Avatars AU
Alright, so ever since I listened to the episode about Agnes’s origins, I keep thinking about an AU where a bunch of the other Entities, after realizing that it’s at least possible to create an avatar from birth, perform their own rituals and make a bunch of the future Archives gang. This AU has a lot of potential for angst, but since TMA is sad enough, I’ll probably mostly focus on the world building and fluffy/funny stuff (‘cus god knows I’m a slut for that shit).
To all my followers, I’m sorry I keep making kid AUs; I got told in like 2015 or so that I sucked at writing kids and it’s Never Left My Mind, so now I always wanna make stupid AUs in order to practice writing kids better (I also have an original story I wanna write soon with a ten year old as the main character, so yeah, I need all the practice I can get).
Anyways, here’s all I’ve got on the AU this far (explanation under the cut; a very long post is up ahead):
Character Backstories
Jonathan “Jon” Sims - Apprentice Archivist of the Eye
Jon is a very complicated story, at least from everyone outside of the Eye’s gaze. It was Elias’s idea to create him, and were it not for Gertrude getting lucky, no one but Elias, Peter Lukas, and Simon Fairchild would have ever known that Jon existed until he was ready to become the next archivist. Gertrude found out by pure chance when she accepted a live statement from one very frightened Delores Sims, who told the archivist about how a strange man had been stalking her ever since she found out she was pregnant. Out of completely nowhere, her husband died a month after she conceived, and even though it looked like an accident, Delores swore that she saw an arm surrounded by fog push him down the stairs. Things only grew worse for her over the next few weeks, as in the midst of her grieving her dead husband, Delores began seeing green, glowing irises out of the corners of her eyes, watching her every move as she lived her life, which was followed by the stalker in question appearing constantly in her dreams, always watching her from afar, an unpleasant and frankly unnerving grin on his face the entire time.
Suspicious, and finding the description of the stalker all too familiar by the end of the statement, Gertrude investigated Delores’s claims on her own time, going so far as to break into Elias’s office in order to dig up more information on whatever he was up to. No matter what her theories may have been, none of them were anything like what she found in his letters to his associates. Somehow, Elias had conspired alongside the Lukas and Fairchild families to find their heirs/avatars together, and Elias was the last person to acquire one of his own. Gertrude was unsure of the details at the time (and she still unfortunately is), but from what she could gather, the child growing in Delores Sims’ body was somehow touched by the Eye because of something Elias had done, and they would be born with the perfect framework to have the powers that an archivist learns over several years of training at birth! With no time to lose, Gertrude got back into contact with Delores, and after much discussion between the two women, she convinced Delores to come to her apartment when she eventually went into labor, and to give Gertrude the baby after they were born so that she could keep them safe from Elias.
The birth was meant to be done in secret, but the second the first contraction occurred, there was a knock on Gertrude’s door, Elias waiting for her on the other side with an unhappy grimace on his face. He came armed with a gun, and threatened to murder Gertrude if she didn’t allow him to claim the child as his own. Aware she still had many rituals to stop in the near future, and that none of her assistants were experienced enough to stop them by themselves, Gertrude reluctantly agreed to let him inside, but on one condition; the child had to be shared between them. Elias was abrasive to the idea of course, but he eventually complied with his archivist’s demands, not wanting to replace her so early on in her career. The sight of her stalker coming into the bedroom to watch her give birth unfortunately sent Delores into a panic attack while she was still very much in labor, making the rest of the birth a rather dangerous thing, but the child survived, leaving his mother terrified and shaking. Gertrude had planned on letting her go on her merry way after the baby was born, but Elias wasn’t taking any chances, and he shot her as soon as he deemed it safe to.
Since then, Gertrude and Elias have had dual custody of Jonathan- the name was Gertrude’s idea, on the grounds that it was a nice, proper name for a young man- trading him back and forth every other week. It’s been hard, especially with the adults he calls his parents wanting to kill each other, but Jon’s oblivious to most of the fighting right now, assuming his folks are just going through a messy divorce.
Martin Blackwood-Lukas - Adoptive Son of Peter Lukas
Peter ended up running very behind in the whole child avatar thing (a first for his family, something Simon reminds him of on a daily basis), and he really struggled with creating a baby avatar that would actually be able to “keep up” with the other young messiahs that were coming to be. Eventually he realized that his family’s usual method would take too long, so out of desperation he went to Elias and Simon for help. It was Simon’s idea that worked; he suggested that since the normal methods weren’t working, and kids usually don’t become lonely until they’re older, that Peter should try his own summoning ritual like the Lightless Flame did with Agnes. Peter was hesitant at first, but he gave in quickly, sacrificing a number of lonely souls to his entity in a well-timed manner, until finally, he found a small, swaddled baby in the midst of the fog; a supposed gift from the Lonely for his loyalty.
Peter was delighted by this discovery, and so were his colleagues, the men relieved that their hard work had actually paid off for once. After naming the little boy Martin- it was Elias’s idea, though he didn’t have much of an exact reason for the name, simply claiming that it “suited” the child- and before long, Peter began raising his newfound son much the same as he was; in almost total isolation, save for a variety of rotating nannies and caregivers. Unfortunately for Peter, this went horribly wrong almost as soon as he got started, as by the time that Martin was six months old he had accidentally forced five different nannies into the fog out of fear of them leaving like the ones before them had. With no other options available, and being able to actually leave the fog if Martin threw anymore fits, Peter was forced to raise his son by hand, which again went wrong, but for very different reasons, as to his shock, he became quite attached to his adopted child.
This evolved into Peter having doubt of the Lonely for the first time in his life, but he refused to acknowledge it for as long as he could. But he was finally forced to when, after Martin turned five years old, the rest of the Lukas family insisted on performing a test on the child to see how well Martin could handle the fog without any guidance. He had been inside the fog before of course, with Peter holding his hand or carrying him through the dense chill, but the family wanted to isolate Martin inside for a full month. This secretly scared Peter like nothing else ever had, but out of fear of what his family might think, he didn’t say anything at the time, simply watching from afar as his son was dragged into the fog and left to fend for himself. The ritual went wrong within the first week, Martin having a full-scale breakdown and nearly hyperventilating to death, and yet the family kept him in there for another week before the intervention.
The results of the test of course disappointed the other members of the Lukas family, who suggested that they simply leave Martin to disappear into the fog and look for a new, more sufficient messiah to serve their god. The news hit Peter incredibly hard, and despite his previous inhibitions and fear, he knew he couldn’t let the Lonely consume his one and only son. So, without telling anyone of what he was up to, he ventured into the fog, rescued Martin, and fled to live with his estranged ex-husband the Magnus Institute. Since then he’s been living with Elias at his house and avoiding his family at all costs, all while young Martin has grown up alongside the other entity kids and has struggled to figure out his role in everything, but at least he has his dad on his side through all of this.
Sasha James - Chosen Daughter of the Mother of Puppets
(Note: I headcanon the Mother of Puppets as a giant spider, so that’s how I’m writing her… sorry if this is inaccurate, but I’m only on MAG 152, y’all. Besides, I think this is cool af.)
Sasha was very much planned, even more so than Agnes was so many years beforehand. The Mother of Puppets had her minions gather hundreds upon hundreds of orphaned infants and bring them to her nest. She swaddled each every one in her webbing and kept them like this for several weeks, allowing them time to adjust to the webbing and adapt. Unfortunately, most of these children weren’t cut out for the Web’s influence, and while a few indeed held their adoptive mother’s mark, almost none of them were marked deep enough to become a fully realized avatar. The unsuccessful batches were subsequently sent off to orphanages across the world and replaced with new babies, this process repeating for years and years, until finally, Sasha was born. There was nothing special about her parents, yet she not only bore The Web’s mark, she seemed to have it embedded into her very soul. This, of course, was met with celebration from the Web, and plans were quickly made as to how to raise her moving forward, as no one wanted Sasha to end up like Agnes did.
Annabelle Cane ended up being the one chosen to home Sasha for the first few years of her childhood, and she was dutiful in her new, rather honorable role, as she not only cared for the child well, but she treated Sasha as her own, though she was careful to be seen more as an older sister than a mother to the girl; that role was, of course, reserved for Sasha’s real mother. When Sasha finally turned five, the Mother of Puppets announced further plans for the young avatar, calling on Annabelle to take Sasha to the Magnus Institute and give her to one of their hidden agents there so that she could learn more about how the Web uses it’s influence over other entities. This worried Annabelle, who wanted to keep the child near her and prove that she was the most loyal of the mother’s children, but she would never disobey a direct order from the being that had given her life such meaning. So, rather reluctantly, Annabelle gave Sasha to another member of the Web, watching from the shadows as this unworthy follower took the blessed daughter into the institute for further training.
This went wrong within only a few months. Gertrude ended up finding out who the Web’s spy in the institute was, as she had suspected that another entity was trying to control her from the shadows, and after disposing of the threat and searching their home for anything useful that she could use against the Web, she found Sasha. The archivist was tempted to kill the supernatural child on sight, but while she can murder her assistants and enemies without much remorse, on the grounds that it’s always for the greater good, killing a child is a very different story. So she took Sasha in, raising the Web’s child as her own alongside the Eye’s own prodigy Jon, all while trying to help Sasha control her slowly budding powers. The Mother of Puppets has been trying to get Sasha back ever since, enraged that the child is so close to her yet just out of reach, but with no luck, though there’s no telling how long that will last.
Timothy & Daniel Stoker - Dancer and Future Ringmaster of the Stranger
Both Tim and Danny are chosen ones of the Stranger, created as soon as their god had gained enough spare power to create them. Tim was born first, being the Stranger’s first attempt at birthing an avatar that might be powerful enough to help lead the Unknowing, but Gertrude interrupted midway through the ritual. By some miracle, Tim survived the ordeal, but he was left “incomplete” to some degree, leaving him simply marked and not fully connected to the Stranger. The entity’s followers ended up keeping him around though, both because Nikola Orsinov was too fascinated by the newborn baby to give him up, and because his parents wanted him to survive, but it was agreed that another attempt would be made, this time with more planning involved. Four years later, Danny was born, and with Gertrude too preoccupied to intervene this time around (and because she didn’t realize they’d try again so soon), the ritual went much better and created a far more suitable vessel for the Stranger’s powers.
After that, Tim and Danny’s parents died, fully succumbing to the Stranger’s transformation and leaving them orphaned. Not that their presence was strictly necessary after the kids were born, as Nikola Orsinov was more than happy to take over in most of the child rearing, genuinely growing quite fond of the two boys, particularly Tim, as despite his lack of supernatural abilities, she found him to be rather endearing, which is probably the closest she can get to genuinely caring about someone. Both brothers were raised more or less the same way, save for Danny being showered with more praise and being trained as a future ringmaster while Tim was mostly ignored and trained to be a dancer. Some followers of the Stranger feared that Tim might harbor resentment towards his little brother and try to kill him someday, but to their surprise, Tim only grew more protective of him over the years, swearing to keep Danny safe as he grew up to fulfill his destiny and help their family mold the world in their image.
Eventually though, when Tim was eleven and Danny was seven, Tim realized what was actually happening behind the scenes, and not wanting his brother to risk being sacrificed for the world’s destruction, he told Danny everything, leading to the young messiah to run away with him to London (they were raised primarily in Russia, but moved with the circus a lot, and were in France at the time that they finally ran away). There, Tim found the infamous Gertrude Robinson, who he knew had the power to stop the Unknowing, as she had once saved him from becoming the Stranger’s avatar, and inadvertently led him to having a little brother. Tim and Danny have since moved in with Michael, and they visit the Magnus Institute whenever they get the chance, as both boys have grown to become friends with the other avatar kids. You’d think that the Stranger’s followers would be furious about all of this- don’t worry, many of their acolytes are- but Nikola has laughed it off entirely and keeps insisting that the boys are just having a “sleepover” or are away at “summer camp” (in fucking January, apparently).
Melanie King - Cadet of the Slaughter
Honestly, the Slaughter wasn’t as into the whole “let’s make an avatar from scratch!” thing that the other entities’ followers were doing, but hey, sometimes child avatars just kinda wind up on your doorstep, ya know? Melanie ended up being found at about four years old, sobbing on her hands and knees outside of a burning hospital and calling for her mommy and daddy to come back to her, but no one answered her cries, and she was left to weep for quite some time before someone found her. The hospital, you see, had been overrun by the Corruption and promptly burned to the ground by the Desolation, neither of which bothered to stick around for some worthless child. Melanie’s parents were both inside when the entities clashed, leaving her orphaned and scared, and while Alfred Grifter, who had been on his way to a show with his bandmates at the time that he found her, had intended on just leaving her be, he saw the overwhelming rage and blood-lust in her crying eyes, and realized in that moment that she was touched by the urge to kill, just like he was.
Melanie was promptly taken in by Alfred Grifter and the band, who honestly had no idea what the hell they were doing. On one hand, Alfred knew that keeping a kid around was unbelievably dangerous for all parties involved, but on the other, he really didn’t want to leave Melanie all by herself, for fear of what she might do if left without any guidance from “people” who knew what she was going through, at least to some degree. That isn’t to say Alfred and his bandmates were all that great at raising her- they mostly just brought her to gigs and let her play on her Gameboy backstage while they started massacres- but they did at least try to give her somewhat of a home. It wasn’t until five years into this that some other Slaughter followers found out about Melanie’s existence, to which they told Alfred to give her to them for proper training. Knowing her life would be horrible with them, Alfred gave his ward a backpack full of everything she ever owned, a kid sized guitar, her Gameboy, and sent her on the run.
Melanie was scared out of her mind at first, having grown to see Alfred and his bandmates as her new family; she had already lost her parents, so why did she have to lose the band, too!? But there were no other options, she had to run, so she did just that, attacking any adult who tried to stop her along the way. She didn’t actually know about the Magnus Institute when she made her way to London, and Alfred didn’t tell her to go there or anything, but she ended up being spotted by Adelard Dekker while she was looking for a place to stay in the area. Seeing that Melanie was an avatar of some kind, Adelard managed to convince her that he was safe, and to let him take her to someone that could help her. He brought Melanie straight to Gertrude Robinson, who agreed to house the child since Adelard couldn’t, though she ended up letting one of her unofficial assistants (*cough* Gerry *cough*) take her to live in his flat so she wouldn’t be as easy for Elias to monitor/get ahold of.
Julia Montauk & Alice “Daisy” Tonner - Children of the Hunt
(Watch as I fuck with timelines so badly that the people who keep track of this shit will order a hit on me) The Hunt found both of their avatars in strikingly similar yet different ways; Julia was first, born from the womb of another entity’s follower, but bound for so much more than anything the Dark could give her. Years after her destined birth, Julia’s mother was viciously murdered by the People’s Church when she was just five years old, her father Robert Montauk going down the path of becoming a fully-fledged Hunter, and in the process he unknowingly marked Julia with his newfound entity, which in turn unlocked an unprecedented potential inside of her, not that it was fully realized until another tragedy struck her. This next tragedy, unfortunately, claimed Julia’s father. Mr. Pitch was mistakenly summoned, and in it’s rage, it destroyed Robert while he was in the midst of a sacrifice. The monster would’ve gotten Julia next, had it not been for the intervention of a nearby Hunter.
Trevor Herbert honestly didn’t mean to get involved, but when he witnessed a little girl screaming as she ran out of a house, a giant mass of darkness chasing after her, and no one willing to so much as call the damn cops, he knew he had to rescue the poor kid. In a flash he ran over, picked Julia up, and ran away with her to safety, managing to get her in his car (which he stole, but that’s not important) and drive as far away from her old home as possible. In the aftermath, Trevor had no idea what to do with Julia, since he had never actually wanted any kids of his own, but… well, he ain’t heartless, and that monster was still out there somewhere, just waiting to sink it’s cursed teeth into this young child’s flesh. Trevor ended up keeping her after that, becoming her adoptive father as he traveled with her around the UK, slowly but surely training her to hunt the same monsters that claimed her beloved parents.
You’d think that would be the end of Trevor Herbert adopting little girls marked by the Hunt, but nope, he just can’t catch a fucking break! He found Daisy about a year later, when Julia was eight and becoming more adjusted to her new lifestyle. Again, Trevor wasn’t really planning on going on any hunts at the time that this happened, he was just traveling through the area, but upon finding a bloodied up, terrified little girl being chased by a boy who looked possessed… well, it wasn’t like Julia wasn’t lonely, and again, Trevor isn’t heartless, and he sure as hell can’t let things go. So yeah, he kidnapped another child touched by the Hunt, even though this one actually had a living parent, and once again he took to traveling the UK with his adoptive daughters, secretly reveling in his new role as a father. Daisy, while scared at first, quickly grew fond of her new family, and even fonder of her new nickname after Trevor patched up her wounds, and noticed a flower-shaped scar on her back, prompting him to start affectionately calling her Daisy.
Yep, things were going pretty good for the family of three, but of course, shit eventually caught up with Trevor, not that he thought he could avoid it forever.
The police eventually caught wind of “Trevor the Tramp” traveling with two little girls who looked an awful lot like the missing thirteen and ten year olds Julia Montauk and Alice Tonner, and in his desperation to keep from getting arrested and having his children taken away, Trevor fled to downtown London in order to lie low for awhile and raise his daughters in relative peace, only ever going out for food runs and the occasional hunt. It was through one of these hunts that he ended up meeting Gerard Keay, the two of them chasing after the same book that had been summoning shadow people to wreck havoc on the city, and after a bit of back and forth banter over the campfire that was once a Leitner, Gerry convinced Trevor to move in with him so that the girls and him would be safer and actually have a home. Although he was hesitant to accept an offer he thought was too good to be true (also, he’s not gonna lie, he thought Gerry was a vampire when they met), Trevor agreed and moved into Gerry’s flat with his daughters, and has since helped Gertrude and her assistants with monster hunts.
Oliver Banks & Georgie Barker - Fetchlings of The End
Georgie and Oliver are an odd story, with the latter of the two having gained his powers as a mere toddler, being plagued with horrible, ghastly dreams that would keep him awake through the night, leaving him absolutely haggard by morning. His father tried everything to help Oliver through this torment- counseling, medication, bedtime rituals- but nothing worked, and before long, Oliver’s beloved father was claimed by his nightmares, dying of a heart attack that he couldn’t stop. Alone and misunderstood by everyone who tried to raise him, Oliver ran away countless times, coming across Georgie during his last attempt. He found the little girl to also be on the run for similar reasons, but unlike him, she wasn’t the least bit afraid. She wasn’t exactly happy, but she wasn’t a bawling mess like he was. Together, the two of them struggled to survive, relying on kindhearted drifters for support while they avoided the police until, at long last, something took pity on them, that something being a large, fat tabby cat.
As it were, the tabby cat- dubbed The Admiral by Georgie- wasn’t a normal cat in the slightest, and although it couldn’t speak, it’s intentions were clear; it was there to help these lost, orphaned children. Oliver was skeptical of course, but Georgie wasn’t about to look a gift cat in the mouth, so Oliver reluctantly followed the cat and his little sister to an apartment building, and from there, into an unoccupied flat. Since then, the two children have been living with Admiral in that very same flat, the cat providing them with a fully stocked fridge, warm beds, and running water. It’s still unclear what the Admiral is, but he seems kind enough, and is obviously quite protective of his newfound children, accompanying them on their outings and occasional visits to the institute.
Michael Crew - Prodigy of The Vast
Out of all avatars to be raising children for their entity, Simon Fairchild absolutely has had the most fun with it all, treating it almost like a fun game or pastime. He was the first (save for the Lightless Flame having Agnes, of course) to “create” an avatar child, and from minute one he was overjoyed with the results. A few years after news broke of Agnes’ origins, and the followers of other entities were all arguing over whether or not to follow suit, Simon didn’t bother waiting for anyone’s input or permission, simply throwing himself into the deep end and praying he could make his plan work. Seemingly overnight, Simon somehow acquired a baby later identified as the missing and presumably dead infant Michael Crew, who he referred to as Mike when he finally introduced him to his friends/associates. He still hasn’t told anyone how he even got the kid- not even Peter or Elias know what he did!- but by some means, he illegally adopted Mike and took to raising the kid like a duck takes to water; a bit unsure at first, but growing to love it fast!
When Mike was introduced to the rest of the entity followers community, many were shocked (excuse the pun) to see that the infant had a long, frightening Lichtenberg scar running down his right arm, his back, and his right leg, the scars glowing a bright blue whenever he took to the sky or, as Elias learned the hard way after accidentally annoying Mike by bouncing him on his knee for too long when he was a toddler, used his powers to electrocute people. Even with his child being such an oddity, even among other avatars, Simon took it all in stride, proudly bragging about Mike to anyone who would listen, most of these people being victims of the Vast, who were hardly able to hear Simon’s excited rambling over their own shrieks of terror. He usually also insisted on bringing Mike with him, even when he was a mere infant, though he at least kept the kid in a tight harness on his chest. In all honesty, Simon being such an excited parent was what kick-started a lot of other avatars to start acquiring their own child avatars, as he made it look so easy!
However, things weren’t always perfect, especially on Mike’s end as he grew older. Being the eldest and more or less “firstborn” of this new generation of entity-made avatars put a lot of pressure on him at a very early age, pressure which Simon tried to help him deal with by not acknowledging it, which unfortunately didn’t help in the slightest. Thankfully Mike started to feel less unsure of his place in the world as he reached his teen years, seeing as the younger kids were now getting all the attention and giving him a chance to breathe. Even now that he’s an angsty teenager, Mike loves Simon like a father, referring to him as such without hesitation. This, of course, delights Simon to no end, and makes all his peers low-key high-key jealous of the awesome relationship he has with his son.
Helen Richardson - Droplet of The Spiral
Not much was known about Helen when Michael first found her. After being sent into The Spiral by Gertrude on what he thought to be a suicide mission for the greater good, Michael was half certain he wouldn’t find anything but his end in that place. Instead he found a small, strange toddler where he was meant to find… well, he didn’t actually know what, but certainly not a baby, that’s for sure! With no one watching baby Helen, and therefore making him believe that she had been abandoned by The Spiral’s other creations, Michael had no reservations against scooping her up and taking her back to the physical world with him, where he was met be a very confused Gertrude Robinson. Michael wasn’t exactly keen on killing/abandoning a baby after he got out, so he and Gertrude brought her back to London with them in hopes of finding out more about the odd child. Along the way, it became clear that the baby was gifted with The Spiral’s powers, the giggly toddler continually screwing with reality, though she wasn’t aware she was doing so.
Back home in London, it took another three weeks of research, but Gerry eventually found out more about the child Michael had more or less adopted. Her name was originally Helen Richardson, and her father, a rookie paranormal investigator who had once been marked by The Spiral, was obsessed with the distortion, and was willing to do anything to become more than simply marked by it. He ended up finding a map similar to Gertrude’s, and a few years before she even knew it was possible, the father went into The Spiral and used his own daughter as a vessel for the entity, hoping she would be a good enough sacrifice to earn it’s favor. This of course ended in disaster, with the father “disappearing” while Helen absorbed The Spiral’s power, but seeing as she was so young, it couldn’t manifest properly, even after two and a half years spent trying to “raise her” within the deepest depths of it’s domain.
With research still being done on what to do about the child, and whether or not the team can remove her powers without killing or permanently injuring her in the process, Michael has agreed to take Helen in, secretly delighted to be raising a baby. With the Stoker Brothers already under his roof, Michael has his hands rather full with them and baby Helen, but the boys take her antics in stride, having learned quickly how to deal with the apartment they live in occasionally “growing” some new doors and changing color at random. Luckily for Michael, he has back-up in the forms of Gerry and Gertrude, who occasionally take Helen and the brothers off his hands for him so he can take a break/fix whatever Helen may’ve accidentally broken with her powers.
Character Roles in this AU
(Feel free to add your own OCs/other characters if you wanna do stuff with this AU, I’m just naming characters I know about/remember!)
Avatar Kids: Jonathan “Jon” Sims, Martin Blackwood, Sasha James, Timothy “Tim” Stoker, Daniel “Danny” Stoker, Melanie King, Julia Montauk, Alice “Daisy” Tonner, Oliver Banks, Georgie Barker, Michael “Mike” Crew, and Helen Richardson.
Avatar Kids Semi-Reluctant PTA Group: Elias Bouchard, Gertrude Robinson, Peter Lukas, Gerard “Gerry” Keay, Trevor Herbert, Michael Shelley, and Simon Fairchild.
PTA Allies: Basira Hussain (Daisy’s best friend and the local Normal Child™), Agnes Montague (Everyone’s emergency number for avatar child advice), Alfred Grifter (Just shows up to hang out with Melanie and cause problems on purpose), The Admiral (Guardian to Georgie and Oliver and occasionally the other kids; best babysitter), Adelard Dekker (Comes around the archives sometimes and always brings presents for the kids + assistants), and Rosie (Elias’s assistant and the only sane and sensible adult in this Chili’s tonight).
PTA Enemies: Nikola Orsinov (Tim and Danny’s “Mom” who keeps kidnapping Jon on accident), Annabelle Cane (Hates the institute and wants Sasha back), Jude Perry (Hates the kids but loves Agnes; worst babysitter),  and Jared Hopworth (Nightmare flesh man that needs to fuck off; mediocre but funny babysitter).
Character Descriptions
(Feel free to tweak the physical designs if you want; I’m just going off my own headcanons, and seeing as my drawing skills are pretty shit, it’s not like I’m gonna be doing much art for this outside of writing. So yeah, go off with your own headcanons if you want to!)
Full Name: Jonathan “Jon” Sims-Bouchard-Robinson Age: 7 Birthday: October 26th (Scorpio) Entity/Mark(s): Avatar of The Eye, Marked by Literally Fucking Everything Guardian(s): Alexander Sims (Biological Father - Deceased), Delores Sims (Biological Mother - Deceased), Gertrude Robinson (Adoptive Mother - Current), Elias Bouchard (Adoptive Father - Current) Appearance: African heritage with dark brown skin, worryingly short for his age, dark brown eyes that glow bright green when he’s using his powers, long black hair with a few green and grey hairbands tied in, constantly “borrows” Martin’s sweaters to wear, occasionally wears skirts but most of the time he wears slacks, constantly looks sleep deprived, has a very intense stare, and occasionally he can be seen carrying his stuffed moth around. Personality: You’d think he’d be a quiet kid, considering his entity, but no, he has Questions and he wants them Answered, goddammit! He wasn’t raised around many kids his age, being home-schooled by Elias and Gertrude all his life, so he struggles to connect with the other avatar kids. Is only close to the S1 gang at first, but he gets closer to everyone else over time. Idolizes Gerry and thinks he’s the coolest guy ever. Appears rather cowardly at a glance, but he’s braver than most people give him credit for. Would die for his friends/family.
Full Name: Martin Blackwood-Lukas Age: 8 Birthday: February 29th (Pisces) ((This one’s for you, Dane)) Entity/Mark(s): Avatar of The Lonely, Marked by The Eye Guardian(s): William Blackwood (Biological Father - Uninvolved), Edna Blackwood (Biological Mother - Uninvolved), Peter Lukas (Adoptive Father - Current) Appearance: Polish heritage and pale as a fucking ghost, average height for his age but growing fast, pretty chubby, covered head to toe in little red freckles, short and curly red hair, bright brown eyes, wears big round glasses, wears sweaters and comfy trousers almost 24/7, carries a backpack full of “emergency tools” wherever he goes, usually has a cup of tea in-hand, and sometimes wears a small sailor hat that Peter gave him. Personality: Incredibly reserved, much like Mike, but he’s been trying to come out of his shell more. He’s “Best Friends Forever” with Jon, and gets along well with Tim and Sasha as well. Fears Melanie and Daisy. He likes hanging out with the other kids, but he often gets talked over, leading him to withdraw for awhile if it’s bad enough. Adores his dad, and is so much braver than anyone knows. Incredibly snarky when he feels like it.
Full Name: Sasha James Age: 10 Birthday: November 18th (Scorpio) Entity/Mark(s): Avatar of The Web, Marked by The Eye, Marked by The Stranger Guardian(s): Francis James (Biological Father - Deceased), Patrick James (Biological Father - Deceased), Annabelle Cane (Adoptive Mother - Uninvolved), Gertrude Robinson (Adoptive Mother - Current) Appearance: Mixed race heritage of African and Caucasian with dark brown skin, slightly taller than average for her age, long dark brown hair, wears big round glasses, sometimes wears a little make-up if she can get away with it, wears a lot of turtleneck sweaters and long skirts, always has at least one cobweb on her, carries around a stuffed spider that she brings with her to the archives every day, and she wears a headband most of the time. Personality: Easily the most level-headed of the kids, as she’s been raised around paranormal stuff the longest and is rarely bothered by the stranger things that happen. She hates Artifact Storage with a passion, but other than that, she loves exploring the institute and occasionally stealing Gertrude’s laptop to mess with it. Very tech savvy, and even more curious! Incredibly smart, to the point that she can even outclass Gertrude and Gerry with her quick-wittiness.
Full Name: Timothy “Tim” Stoker Age: 12 Birthday: August 3rd (Leo) Entity/Mark(s): Marked by The Stranger, Marked by The Eye Guardian(s): Markus Stoker (Biological Father - Deceased), Olivia Stoker (Biological Mother - Deceased), Nikola Orsinov (Adoptive Mother - Uninvolved), Gerard “Gerry” Keay (Adoptive Guardian - Current) Appearance: Mixed race heritage of Latino and Korean with dark tanned skin, slightly on the taller side for his age, messy/spiky black hair that looks impossible to comb, dark brown eyes, is described as a “handsome young man” by strangers, has a very charming smile, wears a lot of Hawaiian shirts and shorts (even during the winter), needs to wear glasses but he refuses to wear them in the archives out of self-consciousness. Personality: Probably one of the brightest personalities of the avatar kids, Tim comes off as very cool and funny, but underneath all of that he’s rather paranoid, afraid that the circus will come and force his baby brother into becoming a monster. Protective of his little bro and the archive kids, but he still teases them to no end. Smarter than he looks, and isn’t afraid to break his cool guy persona to tell someone off.
Full Name: Daniel “Danny” Stoker Age: 8 Birthday: August 1st (Leo) Entity/Mark(s): Avatar of The Stranger, Marked by The Eye Guardian(s): Markus Stoker (Biological Father - Deceased), Olivia Stoker (Biological Mother - Deceased), Nikola Orsinov (Adoptive Guardian - Uninvolved), Gerard “Gerry” Keay (Adoptive Guardian - Current) Appearance: Mixed race heritage of Latino and Korean with dark tanned skin, about a head shorter than Tim, somewhat neat black hair that sticks up in odd places, eyes are impressively dark and glassy looking, slight gap between his front teeth, is described as being a “handsome young man” by strangers, wears a lot of tank tops and shorts as well as the occasional hoodie if it’s cold, and loves running around barefoot. Personality: A lot of people describe Danny as being a “smaller and cuter Tim”, but that’s just not true. Danny is a lot like his older brother in many ways, but he has a much more refined taste for adventure, constantly getting himself into trouble with Jon on the grounds of “exploring” or what have you. He idolizes his big bro to the moon and back, and loves hanging out with him alongside the other kids. More of a follower than a leader, but he doesn’t mind. Secretly fears the day that the circus will come back to make him into their future ringmaster.
Full Name: Melanie King Age: 9 Birthday: June 7th (Gemini) Entity/Mark(s): Avatar of The Slaughter, Marked by The Corruption, Marked by The Desolation, Marked by The Eye Guardian(s): Boris King (Biological Father - Deceased), Carrie King (Biological Mother - Deceased), Alfred Grifter (Guardian - Uninvolved), Gerard Keay (Guardian - Current) Appearance: Irish heritage but not terribly pale, rather short for her age, incredibly thin from malnutrition, short brown hair with the ends dyed bright blue, bright brown eyes, brings her leather jacket and her guitar with her everywhere she goes, wears a lot of pink/blue skirts and band t-shirts, wears black leather boots, has a lot of bandages on her knees and knuckles, and always has a camera ready to record things. Personality: Melanie is probably the most disconnected of the avatar kids (save for Helen), seeing as she only just recently joined the group, but already she’s beginning to befriend Sasha and Basira. She’s very protective of the other girls, and she keeps challenging the boys to fight her (only Danny ever agrees; he always loses). Secretly idolizes Julia and Daisy, but will never admit it. She sees Gerry as her big bro and Alfred Grifter as her adoptive dad; she misses Alfred more than she let’s on. Would stab as a warning.
Full Name: Julia Montauk Age: 13 Birthday: April 19th (Aries) Entity/Mark(s): Avatar of The Hunt, Marked by The Dark, Marked by The Eye Guardian(s): Robert Montauk (Biological Father - Deceased), Linette Montauk (Biological Mother - Deceased), Trevor Herbert (Adoptive Father - Current) Appearance: Indigenous heritage with dark tan skin, tall for her age, skinny enough to look malnourished, close-cropped red hair that gets her mistaken for a boy a lot, metal grey eyes, a scar runs diagonally across her right eye, often wears medium length skirts and oversized t-shirts, always wears athletic shoes, has a lot of scrapes and bandages on her knees most of the time, and has abnormally sharp canines. Personality: Before the deaths of both of her parents, Julia was considered rather normal for her age, being interested in horses, dolls, and dress-up games. After her mother died, she became more tomboyish, which only became more extreme after her father’s death. Since being taken in by Trevor, Julia’s been trying to act more like an adult in an attempt to seem less vulnerable, to varying degrees of success. She adores Trevor to the moon and back, and sees Daisy as her little sister. A bit standoffish around other children, but she’s got a good heart.
Full Name: Alice “Daisy” Tonner Age: 10 Birthday: March 15th (Pisces) Entity/Mark(s): Avatar of The Hunter, Marked by The Slaughter, Marked by The Eye Guardian(s): Greyson Tonner (Biological Father - Deceased), Antoinette Tonner (Biological Mother - Uninvolved), Trevor Herbert (Adoptive Father - Current) Appearance: Welsh heritage with cream colored skin and a light tan, average height for her age, short and shaggy blond hair, has a number of tiny scars all over her face and hands, has a huge scar on her back that Trevor has told her looks like a daisy, striking green eyes, wears a lot of sleeveless shirts and shorts, refuses to wear dresses or skirts, prefers to be barefoot, and has abnormally sharp canines. Personality: Is already rather hot-headed at her age, especially after her encounter with Calvin while he was being possessed by a spirit of the Slaughter. Even so, she’s protective of her newfound family of Trevor and Julia, and while she misses her mother, she believes it’s best if she stays where she is. She loves playing outside whenever she can, and will spend hours chasing after squirrels and rabbits if left alone for too long. A bit argumentative, but she gets along really well with Julia and Basira.
Full Name: Oliver Banks Age: 10 Birthday: June 14th (Gemini) Entity/Mark(s): Avatar of The End, Marked by The Hunt Guardian(s): June Banks (Biological Mother - Uninvolved), Isaac Banks (Biological Father - Deceased), The Admiral (Adoptive Guardian - Current) Appearance: African heritage with dark skin, has an array of pitch black freckles on his face, short and neat black hair that reaches just below his ears, ghastly grey eyes that look almost clear and turn black when he’s using his powers; used to be dark brown, worryingly thin from years of malnutrition, wears a lot of baggy and long-sleeved shirts, wears sweatpants, has boots on everywhere he goes, and he’s almost always shivering. Personality: The more distrustful of the “End Siblings”, the only person Oliver even sort of likes is Jon, and even then he’s still scared of him. Constantly fidgeting and yawning from both his paranoia and fatigue. Is protective of Georgie, but more out of obligation than friendship. Prefers to be alone, and rarely visits the archives. He knows something bad is coming, but he’s too scared to do much about it. In the end, he knows he’ll do the right thing, but for now he’s hiding until the bombs finally fall.
Full Name: Georgie Barker Age: 7 Birthday: December 9th (Sagittarius) Entity/Mark(s): Avatar of The End, Marked by The Hunt Guardian(s): Georgie Grounding Sr. (Biological Mother - Deceased), Sarah Grounding (Biological Mother - Deceased), Jason Barker (Adoptive Father - Deceased), The Admiral (Adoptive Guardian - Current) Appearance: Mixed race heritage of African and Indian with dark brown skin, fairly chubby, has an array of light brown freckles all over her arms, back, and face, has long and curly black hair done up in poofy buns using colorful hair bands, paints her nails all the time with different colors every week, cutest little smile you ever did see, wears a lot of ghost-related clothing (mainly t-shirts and jeans), and she brings her ghost backpack with her everywhere she goes (it has her stuffed leopard inside). Personality: Despite being an avatar of the End, Georgie has a very upbeat personality, having no time for her adoptive brother’s endless worrying and fearfulness. In fact, all her fear has been gone since she was little, so she’s never scared to explore something new and parade into danger! She’s very close friends with Jon (even if he’s distant sometimes) and best friends with Melanie, though she gets along with most everyone else as well. She may be a chipper person, but look out, she’s carrying more baggage than she let’s on. Loves The Admiral more than life.
Full Name: Michael “Mike” Crew Age: 14 Birthday: May 13th (Taurus) Entity/Mark(s): Avatar of The Vast Guardian(s): Ramsey Crew (Biological Father - Uninvolved), Whitney Crew (Biological Mother - Uninvolved), Simon Fairchild (Adoptive Father - Current) Appearance: Caucasian and pale as a ghost, shaggy white hair that’s almost always wind-swept, strikingly pale blue eyes, smells of ozone and burnt hair, incredibly short for his age, very bony and thin, tends to wear a lot of oversized hoodies on the grounds that they make flying more fun, clothes are almost always pristine and clean, his back, right arm, and right leg are covered in a Lichtenberg scar that glows bright blue when he’s using his powers, permanent bags under his eyes. Personality: A very, very quiet kid, at least around strangers. He’s much bubblier around Simon, but otherwise he’s viewed as an “old soul” by most adults. He does have a sense of humor though, taking a bit too much pleasure out of sending people soaring into the air against their will, especially if they insulted or annoyed him beforehand. Secretly a bit protective of the other avatar kids, and has been known to take them flying if they promise not to let go of him when they do so. Nice kid, but don’t make fun of his height or he might just electrocute you out of spite.
Full Name: Helen Richardson Age: 3 Birthday: February 23rd (Gemini) Entity/Mark(s): Avatar of The Spiral Guardian(s): Tiara Richardson (Biological Mother - Uninvolved), Dexter Richardson (Biological Father - Deceased), Michael Shelley (Adoptive Guardian - Current) Appearance: African heritage with dark brown skin (has the beginning patches of vitiligo on her face and hands), fairly chubby but Michael swears it’s just baby fat, has bright purple eyes with swirling yellow irises, has short but frizzy black hair that cannot be tamed, is often dressed in very colorful onesies and footie pajamas alongside the rare dress, and occasionally she’ll have a child leash vest on (though it often disappears because of The Spiral). Personality: She honestly doesn’t have much of a personality yet, being a toddler and all, but she’s a very giggly child, and loves nothing more than making Michael “be silly” with the use of her powers. Speaking of which, she has very little control of her abilities, and although she’s too young to understand their impact on the world, she still feels bad when she accidentally goes too far and gets Michael hurt. She adores Michael and Jon, and loves it when Michael brings her to the institute with him. Very playful and mischievous.
And that’s all I’ve got for now! I wanna write some fics for this at some point (particularly I wanna write a fic that has all of the kids’ origin stories in better/more detail), but for now anyone is free to fuck around with this AU, so long as you’re not doing too much shipping between the kids (hints at ships are fine, but they’re still kids, y’all) and ESPECIALLY not any shipping of the kids with the adults/guardians. Feel free to PM me or scream about this AU in the notes/tags; I’d love to hear people’s thoughts!
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