#i really am not meaning to typecast my friends
i hate this. i hate this!!
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tabithatwo · 1 year
it's yellowjackets / jennifer's body parallels time!
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hi hello keep reading if you would like to hear about shauna/jennifer and jackie/needy, here's my totally noncomprehensive, very much off the cuff thoughts on this very complex and interesting dynamic!!
(i'm not getting into the basic parallels, i'm gonna assume you know the karyn kusama of it all, the heart necklace, the homoerotic female friendship, the death)
yellowjackets is so brilliant because it feeds you stereotypes and absolutely does not deliver on them. there could be an entire paper on each girl and how this is true for them specifically, but walk quickly with me because i want to get into the nitty gritty gory fun stuff! a brief oversimplified example: nat is referred to as a burnout, some would assume she's a loner based on that, but she cares about the team as a unit more than arguably anyone else. (this is common in real life too, our stereotypes often don't hold water in reality and yj reflects that beautifully!)
now to the jackie/shauna of it all. it would be oh so incredibly easy to look at jackie and think she's the jennifer of the duo. we are set up to see her as prettier, more popular, more demanding. but that illusion falls apart QUICKLY if you pay attention to the things that jackie actually says and does. she's not a mean girl. she's actually one of the kindest on the team. she doesn't pick on shauna, she clings. there are plenty of takes on this on tumblr so i won't exhaust it, my adhd loves to digress and meander but i'm forcing myself back onto the trodden path to this point: people look at the first few minutes of the pilot and they immediately decide that they know who these girls are. the audience typecasts jackie as a jennifer and shauna as a needy. the popular, bubbly girl and her shy, bookworm best friend.
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a lot of people, especially casual viewers who don't study this show like its their job (god, wonder what that would be like lol) understandably stop here. but to me the BRILLIANCE of yj is that they don't actually make it HARD for you to undo your initial impressions. the material is there. it isn't hidden. it isn't some deeper self of each character that is unraveled throughout seasons. they push, push, push to see just how far they can carry our deeply held stereotypes/expectations. how forward and violent can shauna be, with viewers still clinging to a shy and sweet girl, who was really their own creation? how kind and honestly pathetic kicked-puppy can jackie be, with viewers still clinging to a mean girl, who was really their own creation? how far will we go to warp the characters intentions, so that we can keep them in the box we understand them in? they ask this of the viewer and of other characters, but AGAIN i digress.
so, while this might sit strangely with some, yes i think that jackie is very much aligned with needy if you peel back just one layer. but far above and beyond that, shauna is so very fucking jennifer.
the overall veneer is thinned immediately in yj. there isn't one girl in the stands and one on center stage. jackie and shauna are both on the team. they go to the same parties, they play the same sport, i would argue that shauna isn't even coded as "less pretty" (please note the word coded, because i'm not saying needy is literally less pretty than jennifer, i am simply saying that we have hair, makeup, clothing, glasses trends that we use to stereotype characters, are you with me?)
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so now what? now these girls are both and neither. shauna thinks that she is the needy to jackie's jennifer. jackie wears the necklace and the introductory shots frame her as important. but we're already diverting from that set-up.
our absolute clearest common denominator here is one that i rarely see people mention funnily enough: JENNIFER IS A SUCCUBUS. she CONSUMES. she KILLS. she WANTS and she TAKES.
now before you get TOO EXCITED!!! i see some of you getting ready to say i'm a shauna shipman hater, put the pitchforks down!! shauna is one of my favorite characters of all time. i love her crazy ass so deeply that it's alarming. (i don't hate jennifer, either, for the record.) i love her largely for WHAT she is. i think sanitizing or sweetening her is a disservice. she's amazing and complex and wounded and capable of deep love. but she also, quite LITERALLY, consumes.
her character is sex and desire and violence and obsession and consumption. and it's AMAZING. she's POWERFUL. she's our main framing character (in this dynamic), rather than needy. the scripts are switched. jennifer dies and needy lives, and that's one story. that's clearer cut, simpler, made for a horror film. but here, jackie dies and shauna lives, and that story is deep and rich and goes on to include a whole lot more death and destruction and chaos.
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shauna tells us herself that it excites her. she likes it. she is this girl. this woman. she reminisces and she recreates and she covets.
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jennifer tries to consume needy, shauna literally consumes jackie.
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there's more to this story, obviously. you could deep dive and mine for the intricacies of the set up and fall of stereotype and expectation, or collect all of the exact parallels. but i'll stick with a few, because this is a quick outburst of thought.
a huge one, who is taking whose boyfriend?
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here's another personal favorite of mine, just for kicks
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is it too complex to neatly tuck away? absolutely. they're different stories with different themes. shauna isn't simply a teenager possessed by a demon. it runs far deeper. as is the essence of this show.
but if you want to look at parallels, look at the one who has been holding the knife the whole time.
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gallawitchxx · 3 months
weekly tag wednesday thursday!
oooh baby, look at all the hotties that tagged me to play yesterday: @darlingian @creepkinginc @suzy-queued @metalheadmickey @too-schoolforcool @lingy910y @crossmydna @sgtmickeyslaughter @iansw0rld @juliakayyy @thisdivorce & @energievie !!!! THANKS HOTTIES! how fun!
how is your day going?: so far so good! i honestly laid in bed for hours this morning - much longer than i intended to. but i think that's fine!
are you okay?: life has been super whumpy lately & i haven't been riding the waves all that gracefully. but yeah, i'm okay! this too shall pass.
what is your favourite shade of your favourite colour?: i don't really have a favorite color, but i love turquoise that's more blue than green.
are you single?: i am Very Married!
are you happy about that?: yeah! my wife's the best! we have our shit, like all couples do, but i wouldn't be who or where i am today without her. i'm very lucky.
what age do you feel in your brain?: oooh... 970?
do you feel like the good times are behind you or ahead of you?: both! past, present & future good times for me, bayybeee!
do you have a best friend?: many! but in the traditional sense, yes. i have two besties who i've known since childhood & it's a blessed miracle that we're still loving up on each other after all of these years.
did you have a childhood pet?: i had fish & a couple of cats!
do you sing or whistle around the house?: oh, i was literally just singing take me or leave me from rent (both parts thank you very much) while doing the dishes! so yes! my wife & i also are constantly making up dumb songs lolol.
do you light candles or incense?: yes yes both! more candles now, but incense when we used to *gasp* smoke weed inside hahahalksgjsl. but now we're strictly backyard stoners, so the candles work just fine. plus, i have tons of witchy candles too that i'm always working with for spells & such.
are you busy Friday night?: no? lol. what day is it? we have some weekend plans, so a friday night in sounds grand!
if you were a circus performer which act would you be in?: probably a fortune teller (typecast), but i think in another life, i'd want to be a trapeze artist & swing from the rafters!
what is your favourite outfit?: oooh this one's easy! a white mock turtleneck, my black Wildfang overalls, and sneakers!
what's the last thing you created?: i'm working on a writing project for work & still attempting my end of the Having a Ball collab with @callivich (hi calli, ily calli, thank you for your patience calli), but i suppose the last thing i created was this art of mickey's booty.
what is your favourite fic or book of all time?: it might need an update, but my forever favorite book is a tale of two cities by charles dickens. my favorite fic? shit that's hard. eerrrrmmmm - i truly cannot answer this, sorry lolol.
what are you looking forward to?: by this time next month (plus a few days), i'll have hugged all of my favorite people! HOW EXCITING FOR ME!
what can put you immediately in a better mood?: a movie night with the pals! a play sesh with my pup! a smoocherooooo.
do you like hugs?: love 'em! c'mere! let me squeeze you round the middle & bury my nose in your neck!
what is something you wish people understood about you?: oooh. um, i think that because i'm pretty positive all the time, people don't think to check in on me & see if i'm doing ok? this isn't a plea by any means lol - i'm good! - but it takes a lot of effort to keep a good attitude when the world can be so harsh. also! i'm a witch! don't mess with me! *wink*
tagging @heymrspatel @howlinchickhowl @whatwouldmickeydo @whatthebodygraspsnot @milk-o-bitch & @squidyyy23 - who may not ever see this, but who i almost put down for favorite fic! (i'm DAD's #1 stan!) & who i miss every day of my life! if you don't want to play, that's cool! imagine we're laying together in a field of green, looking up at a clear, sunny sky. ily.
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lifesver · 3 months
what made you pick up the muse you have ? : my friend typecasted my muse type when the victims concept art was announced. just immediately pointed out the horror jock like yep. that'll be the one u like. and then i played the tcsm beta back in may me and rae started wildly theorycrafting.... and well my demons have been winning since. i love a jock who is kind of fail but trying his best like you got me there.
is there anything you really enjoy writing ? : i'm a creep i'm a weirdo i love exploring horror and the many themes that can coexist in it. ig i like to kind of examine trauma and the healing process through the lens of the slasher genre, as well as where horror and love coincide as themes. i think there is underrepresentation in just....... letting slasher final kids have some kind of healing arc, or letting their story continue in general? seeing them before and after the things that happen to them? and i can't always do it but i do also like to kind of dive down into slasher horror and light gore and just practicing writing dynamic action scenes and what a character's thought process is like during those kinds of moments. i love an opportunity to be mean to my blorbo
is there anything you don't like to write ? : probably just anything needlessly like... melodramatic between characters? i have no interest in plots like genuine jealousy and love triangles and interpersonal shit like that, mostly because i write horror and there are so many more interesting things to focus on imo? and because not enough slasher content casts seem like they actually care about each other lmaooo. is this a callout post about gun.'s take on the friend group? perhaps.
how do you come up with your headcanons ? : dude i just receive the prophecies and act like im on twitter tossing my every stupid thought into the void.
do you write in silence or listen to music ? : tbh i usually write either in silence or in a deranged third way (writing between games of overwatch) my adhd sometimes demands that i am doing several things at the same time and sometimes i can sit down at the coffee shop put on some instrumentals and just slam some replies in
do you plan your replies or wing them ? : hmmm a bit of both? i usually have to start by winging it, which usually involves me dropping in whatever reaction dialogue immediately comes to me. kind of work around that, save and close the draft, and then think about the reply a bit until i eventually know where i'm going with it LOL
do you enjoy shipping ? : i do with friends! i'm not actually a huge like... ships person in a general fandom sense and i rarely feel any particular way until something is compelling to me in fanon, but i can ship most things if it's with a writing partner i like! simply ask rae we will be creating ships 0 people are thinking about shout out leland/connie tcsm tommy/jenny f13 and jake/adam dbd. i also usually go hard on the slowburn, and that's just like, personal comfort for getting to know my muse and my writing partner's muse, but also just think slowburn rules
what's your alias / name ? : kels.
zodiac sign ? : pisces sun, gemini moon, aries rising.
Birthday? : march 20th!
favorite color ? : a sort of pastel pink-lilac
favorite song ? : feel that it must be go your own way / fleetwood mac
last movie you watched ? : oh jesus i fear it was hellraiser: revelations
last show you watched ? : icr if it was an episode of goosebumps or true detective tbh
last song you listened to ? : putting the dog to sleep by the antlers....
favorite food ? : veggie burritos probably. or honestly like. just a really good bagel cream cheese LMFAO
favorite season ? : spring (:
do you have a tumblr best friend ? : rae and i have been in and out of these trenches for years i fear
TAGGED BY : @solarisgod thank u!!! mwah mwah <3
TAGGING : all my fellas
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gayofthefae · 1 year
MAYBE buckle up for some general audience Byler posts because I just gaslit my friend HARD into thinking I hadn’t totally spoiled Stranger Things for her.
So she doesn’t really follow pop culture or fact check pop culture stuff on google and also she is notorious for forgetting major plot points I’ve spoiled very quickly. Her record is [9-1-1 spoilers] forgetting I told her Eddie got shot within a day [end of spoiler]. 
So I was telling her about Stranger Things and spoiling it for her bc she doesn’t watch it and then I was like “damn I wish I hadn’t so I could send you in blind and hear what you have to say and kinda live vicariously through your first watch” yk?
And then I said MOSTLY AS A JOKE BECAUSE I DID NOT THINK IT WOULD WORK: Unrelated! There’s this other cool DnD show called Stranger Things you should watch. And she was like “Isn’t that what we were just talking about?” and I doubled down and said NO. The one we were just talking about was the Snape kid one (she thinks Mike looks like a young Snape). And she was just like...oh okay.
And then I thought she caught me because she was like “hold on” and sent a YouTube link and I thought it was gonna be like a clip of a plot point I told her titled “Stranger Things” or something. But it was just a DnD podcast and we started talking about that instead. 
I asked her to watch it and she said usually she wouldn’t but because she loved my 9-1-1 recommendation I was earning some points with her. So she’s gonna text me if/when she starts it. And then she went to sleep.
So ummmm.....yeah basically
tldr: I spoiled Stranger Things for my friend then as a joke said “I wish I hadn’t spoiled Stranger Things for you because then I could send you in blind and hear your thoughts but you should watch this other show Stranger Things.” And she caught me for a second but I doubled down and then we changed the subject and the conversation ended. Also, she is notorious for forgetting things so the odds that she doesn’t catch on are higher than you think.
My one concern is that she will recognize Steve because she recognized him beforehand but if she does I’m just gonna tell her “haha he has a crazy specific typecast for DnD shows amiright?” and if she asks what the other show is called I’m prepared to say “I won’t tell you so that maybe someday you forget and I can recommend it to you” because I’m a meta evil genius like that. And since she’s likely to forget the plot points, she could actually probably talk to people about the show without my lie getting busted. I mean, I hope she doesn’t and she’s unlikely to anyways but...this is actually kind of weirdly air tight.
My goal is to stay friends with her through 2024/the season 5 release and have her believe it the whole time and tell her after the finale. But I am feeling fucking maniacle right now.
Oh also! She doesn’t know them by their names. I mentioned briefly at the beginning Steve, Mike, and Will but that was around the same time I said “Stranger Things” and she forgot that. For the rest of the conversation, I just referred to them as “Snape, Enola, and Bowlcut”
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bereft-of-frogs · 1 month
friday! 🌿
(in progress) Salvation Day - Kali Wallace: I have started and not finished this book like 4 times. Which is probably a bad sign because I also didn't love the other book by this author I read. I've heard this is better though. But I couldn't pick anything else, officially DNF'd Kill Show, I skimmed a couple pages of the other book I took out of the library and I think I'm too much in A Mood to read it, so I am attempting this again.
(in progress) The Rising Storm - Cavan Scott: Not much to say, chugging along with catching up on the High Republic, extremely slowly. I'm just happy Bell and Indeera are back! Love them.
(finished) The Hobbit: Not my favorite, but I feel like it's good to revisit occasionally. Still hilarious when Tolkien kind of slips into that super epic fantasy voice, and then goes right back into 'kids adventure' tone
(in progress) The Silmarillion: Ngl, part of this reread is fueled by that person on the 'have you read this fantasy book' who for some reason didn't believe that 300 people (based on the results at the time of their comment) read The Silmarillion and accused us all of lying for clout. (which like...clout? what clout? why would I lie about this?) So I'm reading it again.
Constellations (AppleTV+): I LOVE this. LOVE it. I mean I'm always a sucker for space ghosts so that was a given, but this is really fun. The lost cosmonaut stuff, communicating through tapes, the fairy tale like elements. I love it Also my toxic trait is basically any multiverse thing I judge based on whether or not I think it could be a branch of The OA's multiverse tree and this passes that test, you can easily imagine Brit Marling and Jason Issacs chasing each other around the universes just off-screen. I only have one episode left, really interested to see where things are going (still wondering who the 'ghost' who appeared when the Soyuz disengaged from the ISS was, I have a Theory, but I'm not sure yet). Also bonus point for having some absolutely genuinely creepy scenes. I am so desensitized, it's always really fun when something manages to unsettle me.
You (Netflix): Trash fave, this is my current 'while I'm cooking/eating dinner' show, it's so cheesy but I love it. I never watched the latest season but revisiting season 1 is fun.
Under the Bridge (Hulu): Yeah so episode 1 I was like 'oh old friends? that would be hot. they'll never do it' and then episode 3 was like 'yeah they're *old friends* *wink* *they make out*' and I was like OH OK.
They Cloned Tyrone (2023): I love movies where at the climax everything seems to go wrong and then it rewinds and shows you how it's really all going according to plan. Also, this was brilliant for the plan basically revolving around the villains seeing what they wanted to see, and the protagonists playing into that. And it recreated the vibe of those 70s exploitation films so well.
Palm Springs (2020): This kept appearing on 'what time loop media is your favorite' polls so I thought I'd rewatch it. Still SUCH a fun time loop movie. I did vote for it in both polls, despite the second also having 'that one episode of supernatural' as a possibility.
The Grudge (2019): ABYSMAL. Like truly terrible. I'm not saying the original US remakes were good, but they do have a special place in my heart because they were some of the first movies to really scare me. And also I thought maybe this wouldn't be so bad, I liked the Netflix Ju-On: Origins series that came out in 2020 fine despite it not getting very good reviews. But no. In this case, the reviews were correct, this was awful. In the running for the worst movie of the year and it's barely May.
The Stranger (2020): Maika Monroe has such a weird typecasting haha but I don't hate it. I learned that this was apparently supposed to be a Quibi series and was stitched back together after the fall of Quibi. It probably would have been more effective as short form content. I probably would have ate it up. But as a film it just felt like 'ok wtf is going on'.
to do:
work day: I'm hoping to get through my tasks fast so I can write on the clock. ('doesn't that mean you should be doing them and not making this post?' SILENCE.)
oh man so much writing because I set myself a deadline so now. there's that. well ok it is self-imposed and if things do go catastrophically wrong, I can JUST post the first chapter. That's for sure ready. ideally though: finish the last 2.5 chapters this weekend -> resolve comments (most of which are just 'come up with secondary character name', 'check spelling on wiki', but there is one I know I have to be clever for which...we'll see how clever I can be) -> full read-through. I'll eventually (sooner rather than later) have to rewrite the action sequences of chapter 9, but I think that should be enough to make me feel like I can start weekly posting.
I might go to my favorite thrift store tomorrow to look for some 'person who cares about their job' dresses/blouses/idk for annual corporate socializing event week
Star Wars day! lol remember how exactly a year ago I was like 'idk man, it's star wars day but I'm really not feeling it' and then had to eat my words like literally less than two weeks later? that was funny. cheers to that. Meeting my dad and brother at the movie theater and then we're going out for pizza just like it's 1999 (ok my brother was not actually there in 1999 because he was 4, but we welcome him to the nostalgia trip)
the monthly Big Clean (aka I fell behind on recycling so I have to take a lot down to the recycling bins, and the vacuum and mop are coming out)
pretend to care about my job for 3 days. Ok, no, I do care about my job in that I actually do like it and I want to do a good job, I just don't really care about like...*the company*. but I will get a lot of free food and probably wine if I pretend to care about the company for 3 days. so. fair exchange.
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Thai QL Favorites Tag game
Got tagged by @plantsarepeopletoo
Favorite Thai QL: I would have to say Until We Meet Again. Simply because it was my first BL (Disclaimer: I don't actually remember if I watched Love By Chance first or UWMA first, either way they were close together and I had both options at the same time, I think I started with UWMA) and I fell in love with it so hard. I still rewatch it all the time. I know it has some issues but it is unquestionably why I fell for BL.
Favorite Pairing: Now first I want to start with: I do not like real life shipping and I think pair branding can be amazing only if done responsably and with minimal or no fanservice. That said I do find it quite amazing that I can just enjoy the same pair of actors acting together in different shows. I think the true test of pairing is if they manage to not get typecasted, at least for me. That means that I think OffGun is best BL pairing. FirstKhao is a close second but I have not seen them in enough roles together yet. [Side note: I love OffGun, but if they don't give me even a temporary non endgame relationship between Gun and Sing in a BL soon I will fucking riot]
Most underrated actor: I am not sure, I don't know which metric to pick one for this category. Underrated by who? The people in charge that never give them main roles? The fans? Because apart from the people I follow I don't really see what fans think. So I am not really sure how to pick someone.
Favorite Character: This one is hard, but I would have to say Amagi from Takara-kun to Amagi-kun. I love characters where the happiest person on the cast is allowed to both be actually a happy kind person and be extremely sad and insecure. And I think this show does it really well.
Favorite Side Character: Todd from Not Me. He is my poor little mew mew ok. I liked Vegas fine but I never went super crazy gaga over him. But Todd. Todd was my Vegas. We were robbed!!! Robbed I TELL YOU!!!! I will never forgive them for not giving me ToddBlack!!! NEVER!!!
Favorite scene in a QL: Either the rooftop kiss in bad buddy or the scene in UWMA with the friends talking about reincarnation and Pharm and Dean "answearing" how it felt to meet again. Or just the official first meet in UWMA.
Favorite line in a QL: My memory is very bad and I do not remember this kind of stuff at all.
Most Anticipated QL (& why): Only Friends for both Jojo reason, and because I love the fact that GMMTV is doing it and mixing up some pairs and being messy and I am so happy we get to see it. Also Shadow the Series because I want to see Fluke Natouch in a darker series and an hopefully darker role, because he deserves it and he can do it and I want the power that be to stop making a sweet innocent character, one of his first roles was super dark, let him play darker meaner roles!!!!!
Healthiest relationship in a QL: PatPran --- This one was hard to pick because I have seen so many BLs and there are now many realationship that I would call healthy. But if I have to go with healtiest overall, I would say PatPran.
Most toxic relationship in a QL: Everything MAME, no contest most toxic ships in the QL sphere. It's worse with them because you can just tell it wasn't intentional.
Guilty pleasure series: I don't think I have one. I guess despite me seeing how toxic they are I do enjoy some (key word some) MAME series and I am a bit ocassionaly put annyoed by it. But that is it.
Most Underrated Series: Again same as above I don't really know which metric to use. Most of the ones I would consider underrated don't really feel like that because a lot of the people I follow also like them. So I am not sure I can judge when a series is underrated.
That's it. Thanks for tagging me <3.
I am going to tag two mutuals that I think haven't done this yet <3 @benkaaoi and @callipigio
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invisiblegarters · 10 months
Hidden Agenda Ep 7
Word on the street (lol) is that this is actually going to be 12 eps, which I am thankful for because Only Friends is going to start bringing that promised messiness beginning next week (I hope) and I will need more time with a palate cleanser.
Oh don't get me wrong I'm going to love every second of OF, but also I know me and I know I am going to be very frustrated so it'll be good to have this cute tropefest to look forward to after the mess.
Would a promotion to win headphones get me? Yes it would, because I am one, cheap, and two, always up for a challenge. Also I like rollercoasters so it wouldn't be too much of a hardship for me. Unless I had to get on the swings. *shudders* We don't do the swings here.
Is this the same theme park they go to in every drama? It's just making me want to ride rollercoasters.
Lol there's always the one who can't handle them.
Ah, my old friend product placement. It's weird to miss you but there you go.
These rides are not that challenging! Boo. I was hoping the fourth one was a free fall ride - I love those and it would be hilarious to see the faces Joke would make - bet he would scream too - but alas.
Pfft Joke definitely has Zo's number. He totally liked that line.
Wait is that a wild Title? Yes, yes it is. Pfft, now that GMMTV has him in their stable they're just gonna put him in all the things, huh? Not complaining. Although he's again playing an ass, lol. Are we gonna typecast him already?
Aw, heartbreak at a theme park. I am sure that there are worse places to have that happen, but still. Yeesh.
I find it interesting that Zo's hesitance with Joke wasn't due to freaking out about these new bi feelings though. That's nifty.
Sometimes, I just love me an uncomplicated, cozy romance, and honestly I feel like these two deliver on that front. They did it in SIMM too.
I love how they're always alone in mazes like this. In reality it's a freaking crush, and there's always the two or three girls in front of you who scream at literally everything so they cast all jumps at them and you're just kind of behind them feeling a little bored and checking out the decorations. I still love 'em, though.
If he doesn't go for the photo cheek kiss...
Huh. Literally every other trope but not that one, show?
AOU AND BOOM! I almost forgot they were in this show. I want to care about this hiding plot. I do. But the problem is we get so little of them that I just...don't. I don't know if there was supposed to be more of them and then they cut it out or couldn't film it for whatever reason or what, but I just don't feel like I've been given enough to care. And that makes me sad because I was especially looking forward to Aou.
Okay so is grandma homophobic or just not impressed that Joke didn't tell her that Zo is his boyfriend? My guess is the former since the whole thing with Jeng but who knows, really. At this point it could swing either way, really. I would guess it's the latter because this show is fairly straightforward romance but! But. Sometimes the straightforward romances will hit you with that kind of serious thing out of nowhere.
Aw go Zo. I like his optimism.
HEH. Nope we're going simple. That is not a complaint. Grandma is fun. Also what do you mean you're not dating, Zo? You literally just went out on an amusement park date! There was a headphones winning montage and everything!
Yes you know what I agree. Competence is hot.
Hahaha okay I love Joke. Literally any chance to get his shirt off around Zo. And his pathetic attempts to clean himself like he's never done it before. Oh Joke you transparent fool.
Oh yes the academic scholarship. I forgot all about that too. Why is he so devastated? Does he think that he surely won't get the Finland trip if Nita is also competing for it?
Joke dude. Chill out he probably just passed out after studying all night. Good lord. You are embarrassing.
Pottery date!
I am Old but all this paying by QR code freaks me out.
Oh hey Title's back. I guess I knew that would happen.
Okay NO. No, it is not your place to go off on the asshole former friend, Joke. Come on. What he did was wrong but it's been ages and if Zo wants to know what happened then it's on him to find out, not you. I do not like his high handedness sometimes. He really really needs to quit it with that.
Yeah I'd have blocked him too. I am super petty and I have blocked people for less.
"You could have been honest without being cruel." No but for real. This should be printed on a card and distributed because I swear sometimes people just don't get that memo.
Oh just make out already.
Thank you.
Hahaha all right, point to Zo. That was a good one. And since it ain't OF, I'm pretty sure Joke's not gonna turn around and sleep with someone else lol. So you know, it's a win. :D :D
Look, I make fun but like I said, sometimes you just need something sweet and uncomplicated and fun. And i firmly believe that there's room for both this and stuff like OF or even Dangerous Romance. We can have gritty and realistic, mean and fraught, and sweet and simple! They can coexist. In the same weekend even!
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skippyv20 · 2 years
Ambition is not the problem here!
Hi Skippy & Friends-Pilgrim here simply astonished with the "double standards" spewing from Raptor, because she is really showing her fangs now as she mauls the English language, twisting and turning meanings. I can see how barely educated people (Serena, JH) would think her whipped up word froth was smart. Instead, IMO, it is fury that qualifies for "madness" on display for all to see.
How could you not "feel the negative connotation of the word ambition" while whoring around the globe Megnut? Did MA protect you from "the notion of ambition with many judgements and nuances-especially for women"? Wow-what a great pimp he must be.
How could you not believe or respect Catholisicm while gladly attending their school for 6 years? How many religions have you professed so far to believe in only to quickly dump the whole exercise if it means more fame and money somewhere else? I didn't realize the nuns taught "feminist ideology" to this extent..."trickled down into nearly every aspect of my education." Raptor is saying the nuns taught her that limitless ambition was the whole point of their education....hmmm. I am sure they have a very different take on this deduction by one of their infamous alumni.
How does having an agenda become selfish? Being organized, calculating with goals are tools to be polished and used by ambitious people. Raptor has twisted that into a misconception used against her. NOPE! You CHEATED every step of the way Raptor! That is your definition of ambition not the dictionary's. Raptor represents the opposite word INDIFFERENCE.
Serena continues to complain about why she has to retire and JH within one hour helped her decide...sounds like he charged her for a session on BetterUp with his usual modus operandi to bad mouth supporters and bail.
This is a real doozy...Raptor, referring to her pain behind doors says, "...even though that's on a world stage, I don't know if that feels much different for any woman." You don't know??!!! You, the fab sorority sister, claiming to champion women worldwide...don't know that "small town" women would feel pain from negativity too? Sounds like a Spanish Inquisitor to me.
Word salad ingredients: unfeel, unsee, mischaracterising, typecasts shape our narratives, sprinkle with archetype...add oil and vinegar. Toss and try not to gag while chewing. Good Grief.
Perfectly said! Love this!😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
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greaseonmymouth · 2 years
I am late to the party but I have finally watched top gun: maverick (I also rewatched top gun before I did) and I have thoughts
I really liked that Iceman and Maverick became livelong close friends - it would've been so easy to force a continued rivalry and turn this movie into a bad rehash of that, but it isn't! they're friends!
related, I liked that this didn't in any way diminish Maverick's friendship with Goose and that he still thinks of him and that Goose is still his anchor
ALSO that bit towards the end where Rooster says 'talk to me dad' ? very strongly implies that Maverick has at some point in the past told him about his own 'talk to me Goose' thing. It's obvious that they were close, that they knew each other as he grew up, and I figure, maybe at some point little Bradley was missing his dad and Maverick told him about how he still talks to him and that he can do the same? my heart
follow-up point: the fact Maverick and Rooster are close! It would've been so easy to make their animosity about Goose's death, but it seems like that was never an issue? They only fell out because Maverick pulled his application, and when Bagman Hangman was riling Rooster up about Goose, it seemed clear to me Rooster wasn't upset about it because of Maverick (I mean, Hangman probably thought he was revealing some earth shattering secret which just shows he's an arrogant asshole who knows nothing) but because Rooster didn't want his dad talked about in that way and especially not be the guy who'd been a dick to him
I'm gonna have to say it but: I was a lot apprehensive about Miles Teller in this film because everything else I've seen him in he's been an absolute dickhead to the point that when I see a pic of him I just want to punch him in the face. and I didn't want Goose's kid to be another Miles Teller dickhead, for starters, but also I was worried that even if he wasn't a dickhead character, I wouldn't be able to see past it. HOWEVER, Miles Teller was amazing, can we stop typecasting him now please
watching top gun and top gun: maverick back to back was. an experience. yes tom cruise no longer has plump early 20yo baby cheeks. why does he look like a man in his forties when he must be pushing 60 at this point. did he drink some of that Ralph Macchio cool-aid (I'm joking, I know it's hair dye and Sc13nt0l0gy sauce.)
I'm sorry to make this about Karate Kid/Cobra Kai but look, part of my motivation for watching these was Cobra Kai. can we all take a moment to consider the parallels here. Johnny has cast himself as Iceman which makes Daniel Maverick by default. What does it say about them that Iceman and Maverick got over themselves and became friends right out of high school top gun but Johnny and Daniel, uhm, did not. And the homoerotic tension between them? Johnny, Johnny Johnny.
listen I know Hangman was designed to be an unlikeable dickhead and I think the casting worked extremely well because (I'm sorry bro) the guy has one of those punchable faces. I'm sure he has a normal face when he's not smirking like that, but the cubic shape of his head paired with that tiny mouth and then that smirk, he just. god. he's like a caricature of an asshole, he's that big an asshole. AND YET I SOMEHOW LIKE HIM? the moment he did not get selected to go on the mission he had a genuine Emotion and I was like, oh.
that bit at the end, though, I wanted to punch him again. and then buy him a drink (from a distance)
I just want to say again that I loved basically everything to do with Rooster and Maverick, it was great
I'm sure other people have gone into the parallels between top gun and top gun: maverick so I won't rehash them but suffice to say I noticed them
overall verdict: top gun: maverick is the perfect sequel and I will hear no slander
MOST IMPORTANTLY THOUGH: has anybody drawn fanart of Maverick with his students as if he's mama duck and they are his ducklings? please, I need it
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musingbymunelite · 8 months
Productive Day
Today was spent in a chaotic mess.
Pulling everything out of my closet, I attempted to Marie Kondo the shit out it.
People always reference Marie Kondo when it comes to organization or downsizing items, whether it's in jest or seriousness. You know what though? After reading her book, it left a lasting impression on me. Like why not? The idea of surrounding yourself with only the things and people that really "sparks joy" in you is just beautiful.
Why wouldn't I want to wake up every day surrounded by items that just glancing at, makes me feel happy. Going through my day, socializing, using certain items, that brings a smile to my face. That bolster of good vibes will counteract any negativity I may encounter that day.
I think it's about time that I really take an active role in ignoring the negativity that surrounds me and just carry on doing what makes me happy. I'm tired of constantly hearing from people how I should be, how I should feel, what I should do, why am I eating this or that. It's unbelievable how much people try to direct me on even the simplest things like what drink I should be ordering. Why? Just because I don't really care to speak up? I also get crap for that as well.
It's not even just an avoidance of confrontations. It's more of a I just don't feel like this is worth my time. If I feel strongly about something then I do speak up. Then again, it's also a waste of time speaking up if the person just talks over me or dismisses my thoughts. Then it's more of an alright then, you do you and I'm just going to carry on so please stop talking. There's just nothing left to discuss. A discussion means both parties should be willing to converse and listen. I find that many of my "loved ones" these days don't even believe in me anymore. Anything I may say has often been looked down upon.
For example, when I mentioned that ube, purple sweet potato and taro are in fact, not the same root. I had looked it up before with another group of friends when we were trying to determine what it was we were eating. Yes, the ube and purple sweet potato are similar and are even in the same family but there really is a distinction and are categorized as its own root. So why? What was with the disdain and dismissal as if I really am just too stupid to do anything? As if all those years of being the most responsible and trustworthy one in the family meant nothing just because I've been struggling these past few years.
No one has ever stopped to asked me why. What happened? Is there a story behind it all? Asking and then not listening doesn't count. It's ridiculous when strangers give you the benefit of the doubt and hear you out before making judgement but the people closest to you have already typecasted you so no matter what you say, they're not even listening.
Has anyone ever thought about why I act a certain way towards certain situations or certain people? Maybe that situation is a trigger because of some past trauma. Maybe that person has so thoroughly broken my trust that it's all I can do just trying to treat them civilly. I have no patience left to spare for someone who abandoned me when I reached out for help.
Some have been pushing me to go to therapy. Therapy will help. Don't talk to them about things because ya know, they can't help me. Again, why dictate how I should be when you won't even support me. Therapy only works when you have a support system. What support system do I have? Too much shit has happened over the years and I feel like everyone's so concerned with their own lives for me to even reach out. Even if I do, which I have here and there, I was just betrayed anyways. When something's a secret, it's supposed to stay a secret. Not told to your mother or your significant other who has no real obligation to keep quiet about it. The worst is when you spill your guts out and the other person use it as a conversation topic with someone you're not even close to. Why?
I feel like I'm constantly asking why? Why would you betray my trust like that? Why are you forcing your opinions on me? Why are you making me feel like a waste of space? Why are you getting angry when I'm literally just doing what you told me to do, ignoring the negativity and doing my own thing? Why are you wasting my time?
At this low point in my life, with so much trauma and PTSD, I just don't have the capacity to deal with anyone's negativity. Keep your shit to yourself. If you don't wanna hear about mine, don't tell me about yours. I'm tired of being the one always there to help, always there to do a favor but I get nothing in return.
I'm tired of being told I'm all alone and no one cares. Everyone's just nice to me because so and so. Why even say these things to me? As if I'm not already feeling low. How does this make things better? This isn't "tough love", it's just negativity. It's verbal abuse with how far and how long you go with it. Again, why? You claim to love me. Where's the love? The comfort? The support?
There's just so many issues that's piled up over the years and I just don't really know where to start.
Therapy sounds great and all but there's no connection. I'm just paying someone to listen to me vent. I might as well start journaling again. I mean, I only stopped because my mother kept reading my entries then coming after me for them. There was literally no safe space growing up. I never felt safe and relaxed at home. Not even once. My room wasn't even safe. No where was. I felt more comfortable being at school. There was structure and expectations, as long as I stayed within those parameters, I didn't get shit for it. Instead I got the praise and encouragement I needed.
I remember being so afraid when I got in trouble at school. I wasn't afraid of getting beat up. I wasn't afraid of getting detention. I was afraid of my parents getting called in. Anything else could happen, any punishment accepted. Just don't call my parents because that meant shit at home where I couldn't escape from. That meant walking on eggshells for days and being afraid of triggering who knows what trigger that ranged from just sitting in my room quietly to just sitting in the living room. Essentially just being around and breathing could be the trigger to some epic fight.
Life just sucks and then you die.
The End.
P.S. Mr C was a great teacher. Encouraging free writes and always replying in such interested, invested comments. It's been a while since I've done one. So thank you Mr C for making part of my childhood so safe.
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the-woild-is-y-erster · 10 months
LMFAO OK IM GETTING DISTRACTED BUT WHEN I ALMSOT BROKE MY FOOT my friend literally came up to me and said
‘u can finally convince *drama teacher* to do newsies, you’re perfect for the part’ AND I WAS LIKE WHAT YHE FUCK
that was fun. anyhow i agree. i am a gnome.
specifically that one gnome in the gstring and sunglasses from gnomeo and juliet.
but yeah!!! i love theatre just hate my teacher. in grease i auditioned for anyone but i specifically wanted a girl role and she was like ‘ok i’m gonna typecast you as a geek u GAY’ and i was like oh
but wtv wtv we move and plus i’m convinced she hates me so
i do wanna be in newsies just to be crutchie and experience that and do letter from the refuge on that fake scaffolding omg 😍😍 my skl is probably too poor for that but idfc 😭😭
the thing your friend said, thats so foul wtf??💀💀
and i totally get it abt your school being to poor to do a musical, mine almost was💀💀
like our teacher said that she got no profit from our (the advanced drama/musical theater) class and only from the junior drama class she taught because she was putting all her funds into doing the musical and we were like :| damn didnt ask dont care, you pity seeking bit-ANYWAY im like 99.99% she only said that to get us to shut up when some of the cast werent paying attention cuz she said it in A Voice™️
i also get the thing abt being typecast, literally every single, and i mean aaaaalll of the roles ive landed, have been the comedic side character. and like sure i like being the comedy relief but like??? gimme a lead for ONCE IN MY GOTDAMN LIFE, JANET
and she has like ✨favorites✨ that ALWAYS get the leads
and she only picked like really obscure shows for the first semester, and we basically had to call down a miracle from God Herself Lord Almighty to get beauty n the beast
like i adore theater, i want to get my BFA in theater at this one specific school (i have it all planned out in my head lmfao) and hopefully if im good enough ill be on broadway one day and meet all the people
imagine if one day i get to shake hands or smn with jeremy jordan or ryan kopel i think i would just.die
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hollyweirdot · 2 years
Weekly Release Radar: Week of August 12th, 2022
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1.) Emily the Criminal 
Genre: Crime Drama Thriller 
Theatrical Release: Limited 
Run time: 1hr 33min
Director: John Patton Ford 
Stars: Aubrey Plaza, Theo Rossi, Gina Gershon
Synopsis: Emily is a broke AF college student looking to score just a little extra cash on the side. What starts off as small petty credit card scams quickly becomes more daring jobs with high rewards and even higher risks. Will Emily the criminal free herself of her crippling student debt? 
My Take: I am particularly interested in this one because I am curious to see how Aubrey Plaza can fare in a roll like this. I also do enjoy seeing her as a leading lady on the big screen and I support my boy Theo Rossi as well! It’s great to see him in a big role as well. He’s definitely got something going for him if Hollywood would just stop typecasting him in lame roles. But even when he is playing a cliche stereotype he never fails to add his own flair that makes it memorable every time. 
It’s the directorial debut of John Patton Ford as well. I personally always find it fascinating to be able to see the beginning of someone's career. For me this also adds onto why I would like to watch this film above the rest. 
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2.) FALL
Genre: Thriller 
Theatrical Release: Limited 
Run time:  1hr 47min
Director: Scott Mann
Starring: Grace Caroline Currey, Virginia Gardner, Jeffery Dean Morgan 
Synopsis: Best friends Becky and Hunter find themselves stuck at the top of a 2,000-foot radio tower. 
My take: I mean, there’s not much to say here to be honest. The plot looks pretty straightforward. The only thing that interests me is how do they keep the tension going the whole movie? Is it really THAT sustainable? I more than likely won’t be catching it but if you do please let me know what you think! I’d love to hear about it. 
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3.) Mack and Rita 
Genre: Comedy, Drama
Theatrical Release: WIDE 
Run Time:  1hr 35mins 
Director: Katie Asleton 
Starring:  Diane Keaton, Taylour Paige, Elizabeth Lail
Synopsis: A 30-year-old writer who’s never fully lived her truth, spends a wild weekend in Palm Springs and wakes up to find she has magically transformed into her 70-year-old self. 
My take: Think of 13 going on 30 but it’s 30 going on 70. It seems like a fine movie with probably some good laughs and lessons to be learned at any age. Lessons like: you’re never too old to change your life around and live it as authentically as you can. And it looks like Diane Keaton is having a blast of a time with it though. Definitely not my cup of tea for sure.
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trvelyans-archive · 5 years
i wish i could take a tumblr break but like. for my real life
#i try not to talk too much about my emotions on tumblr for fear of getting too Personal and getting sent anon hate sdlkfsdljfs#but uh. this year has been hard man!#i basically never leave my house because i get nervous 1) when i'm alone 2) when i meet new people 3) interacting with strangers#and when i do leave my house it's just to go to acting class and uh. that's hard !#especially because my self esteem is both at it's lowest and highest it's ever been#(lowest in regards to how i fear/feel other people perceive me and highest in regards to how i feel about myself on a good day)#(but another part of that is also the fact that i regard other people's emotions/feelings/beliefs as more valid than my own#due to my low self esteem in regards to my brain/mind/thoughts/intelligence and constantly feeling dumb or like an idiot)#and i love acting but. basically it's been very very difficult this year - more than any other#both because i am realizing that there is a pattern on how i'm typecast because i'm tall and not very feminine bc of my weight#and because i have to confront my intimacy issues and my insecurities about never having been a viable relationship option for men#due to - you guessed it! - my height and weight and like Braces too let's be honest#and it's. a lot!#and it's even worse when i'm in an environment that wasn't healthy for me last year either but is also the easiest way for me to DO acting!#at least where i live#but ANYWAY. i'm pushing through it 'till april when we perform and then after when we perform in the summer at my city's theatre festival#and then hopefully once i start university i'll actually feel ? good about myself and have good friends whom i trust#also i REALIZE I ALREADY KNOW ALL OF THE PROBLEMS I HAVE and can describe them really well skdfjdskfs#it's just that uh basically all coping mechanisms... don't work or haven't worked yet#so thank you for your nice anon messages and stuff! it does mean a lot i'm not just saying that#and it'll mean a lot to me if you keep supporting me and my content in the coming months because it helps a lot!#i love you guys!!!#if you're still reading these tags... props to you man#anyway sorry i'll probably delete this i just needed to get my feelings out SOMEWHERe dkfjsd okay bye !
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glofigs · 3 years
Dan Stevens Interview: I'm Your Man
I'm Your Man star Dan Stevens talks about what drew him to the German sci-fi rom-com and what he looks for in new roles.
Dan Stevens plays a humanoid robot designed to be the perfect life partner in the new film, I'm Your Man. Directed by Maria Schrader, who co-wrote the script alongside Jan Schomberg, the film takes a playful look at relationships, romance, and what it means to be human. Stevens stars alongside Maren Eggert who plays Alma. She is persuaded to partake in a study that requires her to live alongside the robot in order to receive research funding.
RELATED:TIFF Review: I'm Your Man Is Smart, Charming & Deceptively Deep
Stevens spoke to Screen Rant about the unique new film and how he chooses his roles.
Screen Rant: I loved this movie, it was so darling. But this is also the moment that I learned that Dan Stevens speaks fluent German! What is your history with German, and was there a challenge in doing a romantic comedy in a language that isn't your first language?
Dan Stevens: I spoke German from quite an early age. I learned it at school, and we had some family friends who lived there, and we used to vacation there a lot, and [I] just fell in love with the language and the country pretty early on. I did a movie there about 13 years ago, so I'd had some familiarity with film German, which it is its own kind of language in a way.
It definitely improved a lot last summer, and I polished it up pretty quickly to tackle this role. The language, and the heightened language that this role requires is I think pretty complex even for a German. And it was a tremendous challenge, the physical challenge of portraying this evolving Android. But also you had the linguistic challenge of just getting my head around some of the languages, and thinking almost doubly differently. It was kind of wonderful.
My favorite characters to watch are those newborn-baby type adults, like in Wonder Woman when she's discovering the world for the first time. What was your favorite part about playing a character like that?
Dan Stevens: There's a certain kind of naivety to him, for sure. And in that sense, it falls into a classic genre in a way, whether it's like a caveman coming back to modern-day or whatever. It's like, "What is this world?"
I think in this film, you sort of see-through both the character’s eyes, really, and I think Alma is a wonderfully naturalistic human character. And then you have this, as you say, this naive man-baby very quickly trying to adjust. And yeah, just looking and learning, and that's kind of a delightful space to be and a place to play. And just calibrating exactly how quickly he's learning, and how much he's learning, and watching him get it wrong as well. And I think that's what the film looks at very much, is about imperfections, and how human it is to get things wrong, and to be off.
You're one of those people I run to the theater for, because what I love about you so much is that you haven't fallen into this typecast thing, you're not pigeonholed into any certain type of role. How do you feel like you've managed to navigate that? And is that something that's intentional, because you're so great at every single genre, you're so funny too.
Dan Stevens: Thank you very much. I definitely am always looking for challenges, and that's not to say that I wouldn't retread old ground sometimes, but trying to look for things that stimulate me, and hopefully stimulate audiences. And also to keep surprising people, I think, and it's as much about what you say no to, as what you say yes to. I could tell you the things that I would like to do, but I don't know if somebody out there might not want me to do those. But there are plenty of people who want me to do certain things that I've maybe already done, and I feel I've done those, or the way they're presented, it doesn't make me want to do them again yet. So, it's about just picking and choosing, it's as much about the filmmaker, and the role, and the quality of the writing as the genre, exactly. So if someone came up with any number of genres I've already done that really appealed, I'd do it in a heartbeat.
Was there something that came up to replay a character, and you were like, "No, I'm not ready to do that yet"?
Dan Stevens: I don't know. I struggle to think of specifics, but it's funny, each time you do something, well usually, there'll be a wake of similar things that come along, whatever that is. But yeah, not many German sci-fi rom-coms come my way. So yeah. It's the challenge.
If I could pitch one to you, I feel like it would really save the day if you would do a Eurovision prequel or sequel with your character, because that was my favorite role you've done. I thought it was so funny.
Dan Stevens: Oh, bless you. Yeah, it was one of my favorites too. I had a huge amount of fun doing that, and yeah, getting to learn from the likes of Will Ferrell and Rachel McAdams. And it was a real treat, that one. So yeah, thank you.
(The link also has a vid as well) 
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alchemabotana · 3 years
Horoscopes for New Moon in Cancer July 9th 2021
Horoscopes for the New Moon in Cancer
July 9th 2021
By Antonina “Little Thunder” Whaples
If you find these horoscopes useful, please consider voting for me in the Muscle and Fitness Hers front cover competition for 2021′s Ms. Health and Fitness: https://mshealthandfitness.com/2021/antonina
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Digital painting by Antonina Whaples
Still steaming in the energy of the overarching solstice sun rays, this New Moon in cancer will have you blissfully forgetting any of the struggles of the very conflicted Capricorn dominated conversations of the last Full Moon. In the wake and bake of the solstice, our Yang energy gets an overdrive that manifests in contrasting ways. Looking at your focuses on this way down the epic landslide of energy will open up gates of knowledge to understandings about your true identity. With Saturn coming into center with Aquarius soon, and Jupiter hitting retrograde in Aquarius on July 28th, your inner databanks are getting a major makeover Queer Eye style.
Much of this reorganization will center around how we collectively feel about ourselves individually, our responsibilities for our words and actions in our communities, and how we plan to make real-time changes to our “Ways” in order to contribute to grand legacies. Legacies themselves will undergo a transformation of definition. We can thank good old Venus opposing Saturn in Aquarius for this. But, unlike the “tower of babble” moment, the scenarios brought up by this New Moon will have your communication systems recalibrating towards epic achievements of the mind/body/spirit varieties. It’s all about Love, your memories of it, the ways you’ve embodied it, and the sacrifices made for it. Some of those sacrifices are coming full circle, and in the New Moon, this will be mostly felt by the Yin collective consciousness as a major relief. If you’re feeling unbalanced on the 10th, try to focus on activities that bring you comfort and ease your mind. This act may feel like a true moment of spiritual rebellion. 
There’s a lot of hope in this moon, cradled by Cancers’ warm and loving waters. The “Home” is pivotal to this Moon’s inherent cleansing cycle, which may bring up dust and twigs swept under the rug. The idea of responsibility for our actions is heightened. We will all be challenged to face our own idiosyncrasies and dualities. This appears to be a long standing theme we’re all checking in and out of repeatedly until Neptune stations direct in Pisces on December 1st 2021. This very slow moving energy feels like a drum out of rhythm with our daily lives. Individually we are learning to tune into deeper vibrations of our own, and tune out wavelengths disruptive to our growth. This moon is a good time to move your body to healing sounds that help you manifest the emotional experiences attached to your not yet manifested dreams, hopes, prayers, and altar work.
My fiery frequencies have been running too hot. I find places to release my steam that are quiet, dark, and all my own. Whether in the outside world, or my inner mind palace, I find slices of shade are my delight. I desire a type of self-synergy that can only be activated in the realms of the subconscious, and I make time to rest in the ways that make these new synapses happen. I want to learn and grow, and I’m giving myself the space to honor the eternal internal scholar within myself.
I’ve been typecasting my own archetype for some time, and I’ve realized those imprints have become outdated. I do not fear the revelation of my Cosmic Face to my own self, but rather look forward to the introduction of myself to Myself. I find ways to greet my emerging identity by balancing my time with friends and family. I take the time to meditate on what I am agreeing to when I go along with the herds. I respect my self sovereignty enough to reject projections on my personhood. I take responsibility for my own reflections on others, and these actions allow me to accept myself in any situation. I release all concepts of my empathic or psychic nature as negative, and allow the gifts I have been given to garnish me with life’s abundances.
I’m preparing for my mic drop moment. I’ve been writing bars and aiming for the stars, and I feel it coming. Not sure what, not sure when, but this moon is bringing mojo. I sense the message I was meant to embody is being written deeply inside me by a host of ghosts and ancestors ready to protect my destiny. Things are feeling extra cosmic, and I can almost feel my future touching me from time to time. I let myself enjoy my dreaming time, and this New Moon gives me a place to hide my secret poems and self reflections. There’s a softness coming over me, and I feel comfortable allowing myself to relax into the knowledge that my creative genius isn’t just valuable, it’s real.
The cycle of filling and emptying feels extra powerful under this New Moon. Elevated by this lunation, I use this dark moon to focus on the moments in-between. In this meditation, the world opens up a new concept of Time to me. In this knowledge I am able to reconstruct my psychological leanings away from worst-case-scenario and anxiety -laden secret self conversations. I don’t need to look outside myself for cues from the pack, and I am comfortable asserting my authoritative genius when applicable. This acknowledgement of my self-worth and efficacy gives me awareness that assists my community and gives others much needed moments of Hope & Joy.
Things feel saucy in the right ways this new moon. Yin and Yang are focused on balancing my section of the sky’s influences this lunation cycle. Sometimes I feel the tug of my shadow side urging me to use my head AND my heart. Although I feel driven by the power of my heart center, and the emotions of my inner oceans, I find time to stop and ask myself “is this what I really want?”. When I allow myself to acknowledge the influences beckoning me to overspend my creative and sexual resources, I am able to find my personal zen. I discover new secret distractions in the everyday experience of relating and existing in community and friendship. I’m learning to tune my volume to the right settings, and this allows my audience to hear me clearly. Clarity has become increasingly important to me, as discernment makes me feel centered. This moon I use the dark hours to clear my mind, and calm my heart.
The quiet emptying of this New Moon secretly invites me to advocate for my silent needs in ways that feel safe to me. I practice self loyalty regularly, and renew my vows to my internal compass under the protection of the current skies. I know that moments like this aren’t always accessible, so when they are, I congratulate myself for my good luck. Spending time with private projects makes me feel centered and focused in ways that empower me. I use this darkened moon to look at my private world with a gentle eye. I know that my goals are just an echo of desires I’m learning to advocate for. Finding words for my journey helps me understand myself the way I wish to be understood.
I am allowing myself to be seen and appreciated by myself. When I take the time to be in relationship with myself, my moods, and my memories, I find a special center. I’m manifesting a reality where my sense of self is solidified and appreciated by myself first and foremost. Through my self manifestation work, I am becoming aware and knowledgeable of the long history and sacrifices of those who came before me. I use this awareness to build gratitude within my heart center for myself and anyone else who shares in my archetype. My focus on self-healing is a radical step in my generational efforts in this timeline. I am an important person, and I tell myself so often.
I am quietly waiting for new moments to try out my newfound knowledge. I’ve been watching and observing, but now it is my time to act. I take the reins of my destiny, and I do not apologize to the previous carriage driver. I know the power of an apology, which is why I know when one is owed or not. I do not need to struggle with power games that play in the psychopomp of the collective, and am my own sovereign spiritual space. I trust that my future is held in love & beauty and is supported by the generations of ancestors present on all planes. I am using this dark moon to get in touch with my essence and knowledge of my true self. 
This New Moon I am shedding responsibilities that have become recognizably not-mine. With this awareness has come the revelation of what is mine to control, and what is mine to let go. I accept the blessings of my responsibilities as the reason I am able to hold space for myself in my own life. I do not allow others to speak on my behalf, and use my voice to set the story straight. I use my energy for higher purposes and don’t have space this lunation to be dragged into any conflicts. I use my arrow to draw solid lines in the sand about which energetics I’m willing to play with. I promise myself to treat myself with compassion daily, especially as I outgrow scenarios and scenes that just ain’t me.
I’m learning how to define karma for myself, and this New Moon is giving me a lot to think about. I understand that if I wish to heal, I must practice kindness towards myself. When I notice the mean monsters arrive in the darkness of night, I use my practical wisdom to ward them off. I’m noticing that fear doesn’t have as much power as I once imagined, and I’ve been slaying small demons like candycrush. This lunation I allow a space for the internal/external conflicts to find a cease-fire, and I find myself enjoying new mental quiet. I’m learning to trust the process of letting go, and this small cycle feels like the period at the end of a sentence.
The labyrinths of my inner circuit board are asking me if I’ve tried turning it off and turning it back on again. When I consider my own off/on switch, I contemplate who I give access to it. When my triggers are alarming, I respect myself enough to take the time to respond carefully to my own messages. I acknowledge the wiring of the ancient ones, and use the ancient technology of this Moon to allow my power centers to upgrade. My dreamtime is especially sacred to me in these moments, and I use this lunation to discern important inner truths. I do not need to fear when I have premonitions, but instead, refocus that awareness on trusting my own intuition first and foremost. 
This New Moon I let out a deep sigh of relief. In the feelings of stuckness and frustration, I’ve discovered hidden patterns of life. As I discover which patterns benefit me the most, I learn to recalibrate my channels to an easier stream. This work opens me to timelines I may not have previously considered when vision-boarding and manifesting dreams. I thank the spiritual abbacus for working out ancient calculations this New Moon. I give gratitude when my supplies are distributed exactly how, where, and when they will make the greatest impact for my ultimate visionings. 
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