#i really dont want to make another selfship blog
hopecountyisforlovers · 9 months
part of me kinda wants a fresh start on tumblr and part of me just wants to. not use tumblr
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crowtechs · 5 months
8, 12, 14, 19 for the end of year selfship ask game :] !! (@kiawren)
hiiiii tysm for the ask :] sorry on answering so late tho
ask game here :]
8. in which ways did your F/O(s)/selfshipping help you this year?
i dont have much of a memory of that unfortunately ^^;; + this years been very chaotic & mentally draining for me personally... but if i have to say i think what really helped me this year via selfshipping is falling back into old fandoms i used to enjoy & love!
srry this answer isnt like the best tho </3
12. if you have spotify wrapped, were there any songs related to your F/O(s)/selfships in your top 100? if you don't, were there any songs you listened to a lot this year because they remind you of your F/O(s)?
this is such a SILLY QUESTION TO ME HEJPL. but most of which were of ben because i was like so focused on him for a bit lol. the main song on my wrap was cybernetic entities / madame macabre which is just basically a fan song dedicated to him and i love it sm
i can talk so much about songs here because its all i ever talk about but another is artichoke / yumi <- this one just gives me dave vibes its so silly and stupid ok (it also makes me think its something hed totally do for shits and giggles)
theres more songs that are related to those two on my wrap funnily enough but wed be here all day
14. did you find out anything new and surprising about yourself through selfshipping this year?
honestly. i think learning that i just go "i hate f/o sm" is just my way on saying "i f/o sm" so idk if thats something to learn about. but if you want a genuine real answer: i dont like being very public about my affection for my f/os i much rather keep it at a downlow.
19. has your general outlook on/relationship with selfshipping changed over the year in any way?
ok this answer might actually be quite long because im just gonna go on a whim to say i have a hate/love relationship with selfshipping.
i used to be super happy to openly selfship with characters that i love so very much and was excited to talk about it. but then shit happened that made me question it so i started to hate on it a lot because it made me visibly upset and i wanted to deactivate this blog a lot.
i felt really off and unsure how to approach it for the longest and i still dont know how to approach selfshipping even if its the only thing that makes me feel happy i guess.
the entire year in general just made me realise its 50/50 to me. like sure i do enjoy it and i think its fun, but i also hate the fact that i question myself so much about it. that i just dont go on here anymore because of it.
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red-eclipse-proship · 6 months
Greetings!! I'm sorry if this is the wrong place to ask, and if it is, you don't need to do so, but I want to make a question that's rather confusing, if I may say?
I made a selfship blog to interact with the yume/selfship side of tumblr bc I thought it was fun but after a while, poeple naturally noticed about one of the characters I played Yume (an underage character, who in their media, they don't age up, kind of like how's "eternally summer" in Phineas and Ferb), and I ended up locking this blog behind a password
After a while I found out about this side of the yume community, and I felt to much more welcomed by this side although I never directly interacted with it... If that makes sense? Like, the posts and the way people talked about their f/os and such sounded much more welcoming
I would really like to interact with the people there, but I'm afraid it won't be exactly what people expect?? The most """problematic""" I play as Yume is a character I mentioned previously, but other than that I'm kind of boring?
I'm sorry for this long ask (again, no need to answer), but thank you in advance anyways!!
Hey anon! Thanks for the ask!
I want to say first off that you're absolutely welcome here and there's no need to apologize for the long ask! I apologize if I use any of your terms wrong, I'm not super familiar with how to use Yumejoshi terms in sentences lol!
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think you're asking if it would be okay if you interacted more in the community if you dont really have a really problematic yume.. and the answer is yes! The whole point of this community is to respect others ships, even if you yourself don't ship them. You don't have a problematic yume/fictional other, but respect others that do? That's all you need!
If you're asking about our server specifically, the same thing goes! You don't have to even actively ship anything problematic to join. Being profiction/proship just means you don't mind what other people do, your ships and selfships could be perfectly "normal"! And that doesn't mean you're boring!
I hope this helps you and makes you feel more welcome. I'd say the community here is really nice and honestly, feel free to just pop up out of nowhere! Hell, that's what we did, and the people here are really friendly.
Feel free to send another ask if you have any further words or if I got anything wrong!
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centercide · 1 year
Uwaaa thanks for the art! I LOVE how you draw Egoism, and I don't selfship with ingsoc but the way you draw him is also yummy (Boobs....)
I want to share some Egoism headcanons as a thank you, I guess I'm a regular here now XD (I should probably make a jrumblr (?) Blog but I'm too scared of both people inside and outside the fandom thinking I'm weird. *_*)
First of all, projection time: he has autism because I think that would fit with his rejection of the spookedness of social norms and stuff
His special interests are Max stirner and his work (of course) and the paranormal
Second: Like canonically shown on the ref sheet, He's really short, I specifically headcanon him as only 5'1, Even shorter than me. The others make fun of him for this but he doesn't care and thinks it adds to his cute charm (he's correct)
I also imagine his hight difference with ingsoc to be more than in canon, because I see ingsoc as like 6'2 so more then a foot difference between them
HIII, mod spice here!!!!! anon we love these (and mod sugar thanks you for the compliment!)
you are very cool anon. and yes i agree. boobs
we’re glad to have another regular, and if you wanna make a jrumblr blog, you should go for it! i dont think theres any reason for worrying about lookin weird, we’re all obsessed with a series about political ideologies after all.
egoist short king. we love to see it. if you have any more hcs feel free to send them in >:) we enjoy looking at them
- mod spice 🔥
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selfshipprompts · 3 years
hello ive stumbled upon your blog and im interested in selfshipping but im extremely new to this and i have a few questions?? sorry to bother
i was just wondering, how could i pick a f/o and is there a limit to how many i can have? what if i,, have trouble deciding,? i mean this is something that’s for myself only right so, is it really as simple as doing whatever i want?
and another question thats more personal u can ignore it if its too much but, why selfship? I mean, is picking out a f/o just something to get u thru stuff until ur ready for a real relationship? or maybe just, if real people aren’t the same i guess, and u still need to feel some connection? i dont mean this to sound judgmental im really sorry if it does
thank u for ur time!!
it's not a bother, don't worry! im happy to offer help wherever possible - and none of this sounds judgemental, i understand ^^
the TLDR here is: selfshipping is incredibly personal, everyone has their own way about things - there aren't any rules! just do what's right for you, and if anyone has a problem with what you are doing then that's their problem (as i always say, just block.)
ill use a readmore here so i don't clog up the timeline trying to answer your questions! though on that note, as a disclaimer - i am one single member of the community, my word is solely my personal take on things! please explore to your hearts content ♡
first of all, no, there is no limit on f/os! you could literally have hundreds and that is fine. some people have a long list, some people just have the one, some people prefer to keep a smaller list and some people choose not to list all of their f/os. these are all valid selfshippers! sometimes people categorise them into mains/secondaries/etc to tier them, too.
as for picking f/os, just go with whatever you feel. get a crush on a character? take them on a test run. same goes for characters you want to befriend or view as family - selfshipping isn't a solely romantic thing! if you have trouble deciding, then you can go back on your decision. i personally dont purposely seek out f/os, I either get a crush on them (or equivalent for platonic/familial), or I find a character that is my type and I see where things go. you could literally just point at a random character and decide you're dating now lol it really is as simple as doing what you want.
people selfship for different reasons, so again, i cannot answer for everyone. i personally do it for both coping reasons (it's a genuine comfort) and for fun, but any reason is as good as any, honestly! though some people may use it as a substitute for dating real people, some do not desire an actual relationship (a lot of aromantic selfshippers exist! i personally am not aro, but also i am not in any place for a relationship, nor am i interested right now but i enjoy having a romantic outlet) and some people selfship in tandem with real relationships! it just all depends on the individual
honestly the main reason to selfship should simply be: because you want to :)
if it's something you're interested in, then i wish you luck! there's no wrong way to selfship, just make sure you enjoy yourself. no need to force yourself, im sure you'll fall into it naturally if you let yourself.
as a side note to anyone reading this: i apologise for my inactivity both here and on @/tomyfo — i won't bring personal matters to this blog but some serious stuff came up irl so i haven't had the time to keep up. things are settling down now, so i should have things back up and running within the next few days. thanks for your patience!
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selfshipeventhall · 4 years
Selfship Con 2020: End!
Thank you all so, so much for making this thing come alive and thrive. It warmed my heart to see people come together and support one another. It reminded me of what I love so much about this community. Thank you.
I would personally like to thank @scroogesspouse @selfship-loving and @perseverancex-self-shipping for your help with this con. Without you it might not have worked out the way it did. I appreciate each and every single one of you for what you did.
And finally, lets close this year’s con with a Q&A from the wonderful @coulromantism or better known as Simon to many of you out there. Simon has been here since 2016 and that to me is really special. He’s seen this community grow and become what it is, so lets hear what he has to say as a longtime member!
Mod: So, how long have you seen selfshipping for?
Simon: well, i've been selfshipping for my whole life basically!! going as far back as i can remember, i've always had crushes on characters and imagined myself with them. i started selfshipping online when i was around 10, on deviantart, but i wasn't in the community until i found it on tumblr, in early 2017 :o)
Mod: THAT'S REALLY GREAT. I'm glad that you've felt comfortable with it and enjoy yourself.Who was your first F/O ?
Simon: tysm!! ^_^ tbh i can't really remember who my very first f/o was, since i began selfshipping so long ago.... one of the earliest that i can remember is ragetti, from pirates of the caribbean, when i was maybe 8 or so? my first public selfship (on deviantart!) was with slenderman, and then my first f/o when i joined the community on tumblr was freddy krueger!
Mod: Good choices over all!! So what was it like for you when you first started in the community? What made you wanna join and stay?
Simon: my first introduction to the community was a blog for general selfship positivity and community stuff called @selfshiplove if i remember correctly! i was so excited to find other people who selfshipped like me, and i'd send them tons of anon asks, until i eventually made my own blog and joined servers and stuff. i mean, prior to that, i was basically thinking about my f/os all the time, but i had no one to talk to about it. so of course when i found the community i had to join it haha. being able to finally share such a big part of yourself with other people, it's sort of a life-changing experience!! and i loved listening to other talk about their f/os and selfships, as well. i made friends, and of course that made me want to stay in the community even more ^^
Mod: Your experience sounds pretty positive!What do you suggest for people that are afraid to be open about self shipping or just about joining us in general??
Simon: i feel very happy and lucky to have found the community the way i did ^_^ i know thats a little cliché, but tbh, just try to enjoy yourself, and focus on nothing but that!! i see a lot of selfshippers (not just new selfshippers tbh!!) worry about so many things: that their content won't be good enough, that their f/os are weird, that their gush posts are unnecessary, that they'll be judged for their selfships or the way they selfship.... and those things hold them back. but know that none of them are worth worrying about!!! ik that ignoring such anxieties is easier said than done, but i reallly encourage you to actually put yourself out there; make those "unnecessary" gushing posts, talk about your unconventional f/os, post your content even if youre not 100% confident about it (ofc, you dont have to push urself too much!).... even if it's a slow process, little by little. you'll realise that judgement, disapproval for these things will never come to you. tldr, there are no rules to selfshipping, no "standards" you have to meet; you're always good enough, your content is always good enough; nothing about you, your faves, or your selfships is worth being ashamed about, ever. don't be scared to put urself out there: ik selfshipping is an incredibly personal experience, so you're likely to put up more barriers, bcus talking abt this stuff feeld vulnerable; but i promise that in this community, despite its faults, you will be met with overwhelming love and support. some less general advice for new selfshippers would be to find other selfshippers who have f/os from the same source as you, since it'll be easier for you to engage & interact w each other's content that way. you'll be able to find community within community, and hopefully that'll also help you feel better about selfshipping & becoming more open about it. i really hope that was helpful!!! :o)
Mod: I really like the way you put this. I think this is something a lot of people need to hear.In what ways has the community changed from back then?
Simon: well, i don't remember everything abt what the community used to be like, but i think it grew a LOT, in size, i mean. i feel like the selfship community on tumblr used to be pretty small, but now theres like, thousands of us!!! maybe thats anecdotal, but i feel like selfship content in general gets more attention/notes than it used to, and there are more "popular" blogs now. i also feel like theres more of a sense of community than there used to be; at least thats my impression. not that there wasnt one before!!! but now, we have so many more general blogs for prompts, quotes, promos, art.... we have events, takeovers (thx to people like u!!!).... we adress the issues within the community.... its really cool to see this community start thriving so much over the years!!! ^_^
Mod: How does selfshipping effect your life in general outside of Tumblr?
Simon: ofc np!!! ^_^ well, since selfshipping is smth that i think about a LOT, it has a big effect on my life, obvs!!! id say the biggest thing is trying to make my faves proud, impressed, that sort of stuff. i personally don't always have a lot of drive in life, if that makes sense? and its nice to have something that motivates me to work, improve myself, that sort of stuff, and it keeps me going during tough times as well. and in general it just makes me very happy n it completes me. so thats why selfshipping is very important to me :o)
Thank you so much to Simon for this interview about what he enjoys the most about the community and also to all of you for making it so great.
Stay tuned for the next event <3
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selfshipmess · 4 years
Tagged By: @juniexo Thank u sm skfkfhdhdh!
Instructions: Tag 10 followers you wanna get to know
Name: I go by four names! Ari, Alex, Bee and Tay!
Nicknames: Cro
Gender: nonbinary!
Star sign: Taurus
Height: i forget my exact high but i'm above 5'5! i know that much
Sexuality: Pansexual
Hogwarts house: Slytherin
Favorite animal: Lions!!
Average hours of sleep: anywhere from 2 to 13 hours. there's no inbetween
Current time: 4:45pm
Dog or cat person: Cat!!
Blankets you sleep with: A fluffy weighted blanket
Dream trip: to go to a beach!! ive never been to one and i really wanna go
Dream job: Author!!
When i made this blog: New Years Day of 2019
Followers: 54! Most of which are mutuals, which makes me very happy ^^
Why i made tumblr: To selfship! I had another selfship blog but ah.. forgot my email to it ;^^
Reason for my URL: I selfship and I am a Mess fjsjjg
Aa!! uhh lets dddooo @soft-fizzy-cake, @evieships, @vectorselfships, @occultfic, @olliesselfshipblog, @lovinglittlecrow, @nougatships, and if anyone else wants to do this, feel free to say i tagged ya!!
[to those i tagged: if u dont wanna do this don't feel pressured!!]
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What made you decide to write this muse?
Munday Questions // accepting!!
{{ oh this is actually a LONG story lmao so strap in.
so first i got into soul eater when i was about 11 or 12, and just around then i had also first discovered tumblr ( the rules say you have to be 13 but it’s not like i listened ). i had actually been roleplaying for a few years on deviantart, but i was completely banned from there by my mom bc i was doing Naughty Things ( please kids dont smut if you’re under 18 ) so i had to find a new outlet for my blossoming creativity. probably like, literally THE DAY i finished soul eater, i made an rp blog with two soul eater ocs, a meister and weapon pair named gwen and hoshi ( they were...Bad )
but i was actually pretty well accepted into the community despite my awful ocs. i found myself a nice little group in with a few other oc blogs and a REALLY nice spirit blog ( shout out to bipolarclumsiness and redhotscythe hope yall lead good lives now ) and somehow, i think it was bc of a magic anon, i wrote as stein for a day bc he was My Fave Character. and my friends said i did really well as him? so i decided to start a stein blog! ( currently sitting covered in dust over at masteringmadness-archive )
i ran that for a long time, and through that blog is actually how i met my friend, who at the time ran an mlp oc blog ( interesting crossover i know ). we clicked very well and actually started to do a lot of private rp ( we still do!! sneak peak into our chat rn: stein is a mob boss and spirit is getting Fucked by axel from kingdom hearts ) 
anyway bc of us doing our private rps i ended up as spirit a lot of the time, and honestly? i clicked with him WAY more than i did with stein. i love stein to bits but i felt i could never do him justice bc i made him too serious or too silly and also i’m A Dumbass and he’s A Gotdam Genius. but spirit is silly and fun and loving and as much as i wanted more content from him, him being more of a supporting cast member gives me a lot more room to grow and interpret his character ( even tho i already ignore most of canon and just carve for juicy bits but that’s neither here nor there ). he’s also a GREAT canvas to project all of my issues with anxiety and relationships on to lmao
so then back in 2014 i decided to officially make a spirit blog! ( honestly i mostly did it so me and my friend could do more of our ultra rare pair spirit/axel but whatever ) i actually,,,didnt get as many interactions here as on my other blogs so that was a little bit disheartening, my only rp partner really was @young-golden-eyed-doctor whomst i still cherish. but around that time was when my depression REALLY kicked in, so keeping up the blog when not a lot of people seem interested ( while i was also suffering through high school ) was really hard so i ended up just...dropping itim honestly glad i didnt delete tho, bc obviously i came back!! i actually owe that a lot to a discord server i joined in late february ( another shout out to #ClubThirsty ) which was focused on selfshipping with borderlands characters. everyone is really nice there and honestly i’ve had the most fun writing my self insert there and collaborating with the admin on the overarching story. and i just thought about how much i missed roleplaying, and when a couple of others in the chat made rp blogs i decided to make the push and relaunch this blog!
im so glad i did, it’s been so much fun and im so grateful for all the new friends and rp partners i’ve made ( and i miraculously got back in touch with my old stein partner thru a different blog of theirs!! ). this past month has been the most fun i’ve had in the tumblr rpc and people are a lot more welcoming than back when i first started.
anyway sorry this is so fuckin long djskfhjdksk
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conspiraships · 4 years
Tagged by: @kryssiesbookofselfinserts !! thank you so much!! sorry this took me so long ahhh
[ Rules: answer and tag 9 people you’d like to get to know better/catch up with! ]
x Ships: my newest selfship... well the newest one ive added to the blog at least... is me/Bloodhound from Apex!! im working on my apex self insert but i just know i wanna hold Bloth’s hand... and go feral with them.
x Last Song: Clumsy by All Time Low! i’ve been listening to Wake Up, Sunshine nonstop except for when another song/artist is rec’d to me.
x Last Movie: i watched Hocus Pocus with my family!!
x Listening to: i have a restoration video on my other monitor! i find them very soothing to listen to and to watch!! this one is restoring an antique stove !!! im excited to see how it comes out
x Craving: god i really want a hot fudge sundae. we have all the stuff for it. i just gotta... go Make It.
x Tagging: anyone else who wants to do it? i dont wanna be annoying sksksksks and im not mutuals with a lot of selfship blogs so i’d feel weird tagging them :(
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