#i rest my case your honor
risestarkiss · 6 months
"This Whole Situation"
Rise Ramblings #1
So as you guys know, one occurring phrase in the show between the boys and April is “This whole situation.” Although vague, and used in many other contexts, sometimes the family uses the phrase to refer to their mutations.  
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However, once finishing the series it’s hard to miss that Donnie never says the phrase. Now, I could be wrong (and If I am, just comment and let me know!) but I have a theory as to why Donnie doesn’t say it… Donnie never says “this whole situation” because in his mind, there IS no situation.
The Evidence:
I started noticing something interesting about Donnie’s state of mind about himself.
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He never really expresses that he’s different from other people, he’s just…him. Obviously, he knows that he’s a mutant, but it’s not something at the front of his mind. I associate it to if someone has a certain attribute, that person is just that, a person first. I believe it’s the same for Donnie. He’s a person, that just so happens to be a mutant turtle, and I live for it.
What made me solidify my theory was the use of disguises in Rise, specifically the use of disguises in April’s school.
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All of the boys have visited April’s school, and all of them decided to wear disguises, except Donnie.
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He just shows up in his regular clothing. One could argue that the hoodie is his disguise, but then why did the rest of the boys wear actual (silly) disguises while our boy Donnie is just like, “Hoodie? Check.” And not only that, but for the whole episode, all eyes are on him, and he just. Doesn’t. Care. It’s glorious!
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Later, in the episode Donnie vs. Witch Town, we see that Donnie showing up all willy-nilly pell-mell at April’s school was not a one-time thing. It’s literally been happening for years!
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Therefore, I believe that canonically Donnie doesn’t care about “this whole situation.” And if someone does, as far as he’s concerned that’s their problem, not his.
Part Two: On His Own Terms
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rking200 · 25 days
((So I was messing around with my freecam and stumbled upon this cute interaction that I don't think you can see in the vanilla game? There's no animation to it so behold:
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When the grenade is thrown into the barricade during the Final Chapter protest, Simon is off cam helping North! They just stand there while Markus rolls around on the ground before the scene cuts, but I thought it was cool nonetheless.
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Josh can also be seen far off from the rest of them, struggling all on his own :< I still think it's cute that Simon seems to be helping North towards him though
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Peek Markus rolling around in the bottom left
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That's all! Just wanted to share))
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aveloka-draws · 4 months
Why do you make Heket so, respectfully, Hot?
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And thats all I got to say about that
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violaobanion · 3 months
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ANTHONY BOYLE + wearing hats (and little else)
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p-redux · 24 days
Had no idea cherylecheryl was bootsaucepunk but makes perfect sense as both are pathetic, nasty, malicious bullies. Thanks for the interesting info.
Hi, Anon. Sorry it took me a few days to put this together. This post is gonna be a long one. So, grab a beverage and get comfy.
For those who don't know, Tumblr blog Bootsaucepunk has been around for years and has cemented a reputation as a Sam Heughan and Caitriona Balfe hater. As far as her being the Instagram troll cherylecheryl, well, we know Bootsaucepunk's name is Cheryl. How do we know this? Because she OUTED HERSELF and her FULL NAME, Cheryl N. on her OWN, now deleted Twitter account. Everyone who was around back then knows Cheryl's last name, but I won't post it in its entirety since not everyone may know it. Cheryl doxed HERSELF, and I'll show you how down below, but I won't repost her last name for obvious reasons. After Bootsaucepunk revealed her own identity, of course, people easily found her info, including that she's from New Brunswick, Canada. But this is because SHE HERSELF posted her full name and a pic of herself on her Twitter account. Here's the backstory of how she DOXED HERSELF a few years ago...
Bootsaucepunk gloated that she would repeatedly harass Sam on social media, he would block her, and then she'd create new accounts. She also badmouthed Caitriona Balfe, her husband, Tony McGill, and bragged that Cait blocked her too. On the left side of the screencap below, you can see her as Bootsaucepunk talking about Sam reporting her to Twitter, Twitter suspending her accounts, and then she would create new ones. She even joked that she's playing "whack a mole" with Sam. Harassing Sam and Cait is a GAME to her. On the right side of the screencap, she posts a LONG diatribe talking crap about Cait, after Cait blocked her. 👇
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Bootsaucepunk continued to boast that Cait blocked her and showed the proof of this. 👇 I've also attached the PROOF that Bootsaucepunk is Cheryl N., provided by HER. 👇 You can see that Bootsaucepunk is asked by another hater, Cant-Resist-Temptation, what Bootsaucepunk Tweeted that caused Cait to block her on Twitter. And Bootsaucepunk replied by posting what she said to Cait WORD FOR WORD. Basically, Cait blocked her for talking shit about her husband, Tony McGill. The thing is those EXACT words were posted on her real life Twitter account, CherylN_____89 (now defunct). 🤦‍♀️ Either she didn't think people would make the connection, or she was so arrogant she thought no one would call her out. (Click on the screencap to read it better). Oh, and notice in the second paragraph, Bootsaucepunk takes the opportunity to continue to talk negatively about Cait.
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Let me show it again so that everyone is VERY CLEAR that Bootsaucepunk posted on Tumblr the Tweet that got her blocked by Caitriona Balfe (she's responding to another hater, its-mootpoint). 👇
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And it is VERBATIM what Cheryl N. posted on her then Twitter account! 👇
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AND Cheryl/Bootsaucepunk was either dumb enough, or arrogant enough, or both to post it on her Twitter account with her FULL NAME and REAL PICTURE. 🤦‍♀️
After that, everyone in the fandom knew EXACTLY WHO Bootsaucepunk was on Tumblr. Bootsaucepunk tried to say that the pic she used on her Cheryl_____89 Twitter account wasn't really her. But, after she posted her full name, the fandom had no problem finding her on social media. 👇 Obviously, the avi pic on her old Twitter account is from YEARS ago, so she looks younger, but the pic matches her Facebook account. There is NO denying it's the same Cheryl N. And I have other pics of Cheryl N. from N.B., Canada proving this. But Tumblr only lets you post 10 pics or collages total. I'm not posting her full face, she did that all on her own, but trust me, it matches the pic SHE POSTED as her avi on her CherylN_____89 account. Same face, same person, no room for doubt. Bootsaucepunk IS 100% Cheryl N. from New Brunswick, Canada.
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Again, this is NOT ME doxing her, SHE handed her identity to the fandom on a silver platter...and MANY other people in the fandom then called her out publicly as Cheryl N., and as a Sam Heughan and Caitriona Balfe hater. Here is just a small sample. 👇
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Cheryl deleted her CherylN_____89 account on Twitter, but we know the approximate date when she posted the Tweet that got her blocked by Cait...because another person responded to her on February 12, 2020, calling her out for the Tweet. And also chastising for touting herself as a journalist. 👇
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Guess WHO else was stirring the pot, harassing Sam, right around the SAME TIME on Instagram? 👇 Instagram troll, cherylecheryl commenting on an Instagram post, stating that besides trolling Sam on Instagram, she would also troll Sam on Twitter. That particular cherylecheryl comment was dated March 20, 2020. And CherylN_____89 was called out on Twitter by the account Fans of Sam Heughan on the SAME DAY--March 20, 2020!
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Instagram troll cherylecheryl has DIRECTLY harassed and bullied Cait, Tony, Sam, and EVERY woman Sam has ever dated. This is well documented for YEARS. But here's just a small sampling of cherylecheryl harassing Sam's ex, Anna Modler and most recently, the Brazilian fan who got a pic with Sam in London, and inadvertently posted a video of Sam and rumored current date, Sarah Holden. 👇
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And those are the MILD comments, she's said some horrible stuff to Sam's ex, Mackenzie Mauzy, Gia Marie, as well as many others.
Something else that's of note. An ex-shipper who got sick of Cheryl's bullying, DMed me and showed me cherylecheryl's Instagram account and something very interesting on it. Here's the content of cheryelcheryl's Instagram account. 👇 It's all faux shippery Sam Heughan and Caitriona Balfe pics. Fake, fake, fake, fronting as a shipper, yet we KNOW all the crap she's said to Sam and Cait, and about them. The cognitive dissonance is staggering. And she also follows all the hater accounts that mock Sam's dates and Cait's husband, Tony. Her oldest post is dated January 10, 2022, in it, she attacks another fan, she attacks actress Hannah James directly, and boasts the fan blocked her. BUT, if one checks her account info, it shows the account was started in March of 2018! It's not logical that she created an account in 2018 and didn't post anything until 2022. No posts at all for 4 years? NOPE, she obviously posted from 2018 to 2022, and then DELETED posts that would identify her as Cheryl N. This is also why the account shows she's changed her username 2 times. Lemme guess? Was it originally CherylN_____89? 🤔😊 👇
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For those saying cherylecheryl isn't Bootsaucepunk, um, I just PROVED to you beyond a shadow of a doubt that Bootsaucepunk IS Cheryl N. And Cheryl N. has an extensively documented history of saying horrible things about Caitriona Balfe, her husband, Tony McGill, Sam Heughan, and EVERY woman he's ever dated. Cherylecheryl on Instagram has an extensively documented history of saying horrible things about Caitriona Balfe, her husband, Tony McGill, Sam Heughan, and EVERY woman he's ever dated. And I showed you in a screencap above that cherylecheryl on Instagram talked about going go harass Sam Heughan on her Twitter account. Just like Cheryl N. aka Bootsaucepunk. Gee, what are the odds that there's another Cheryl who's a horrible troll and isn't Cheryl N. aka Bootsaucepunk? C'mon, now.
Regardless, there is NO doubt WHO Bootsaucepunk is = Cheryl N. And not only is she a Sam hater, but she's also a Cait hater. Let that be known to newbies who aren't aware of the history. I'm shown accounts who claim to be Cait fans but they associate with Sam hater accounts who interact with Bootsaucepunk, comment on her posts, let her comment on their posts, and mutually reblog. In your disdain for Sam, you're inadvertently commiserating with a Caitriona Balfe and Tony McGill hater.
So if the hill you want to die on is proving that Bootsaucepunk on Tumblr isn't cherylecheryl on Instagram, that's on you. BUT, do not forget that Bootsaucepunk IS a PROVEN Cait hater. There are MANY other examples of her hate toward Cait, but the ones I showed you up above should be enough to distance yourself from her. Make NO mistake, Bootsaucepunk hates Sam Heughan AND Caitriona Balfe, and has gloated about her disdain for them BOTH for YEARS. There's no justifying or excusing Bootsaucepunk/Cheryl N.'s behavior and anyone who associates with her is guilty of condoning such behavior.
I rest my case, your honor. Case closed, Edith.
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shitpostingkats · 5 months
My dealer: I got some straight gas. This strain is called “Crow is the youngest Satellite brother”, you’ll be zonked out of your gourd.
Me: Yeah whatever I don’t feel shit.
My buddy Crow, five minutes later: But if I’m younger that Yusei, who was an infant when zero reverse happened, how was it I was able to survive on the streets for years before being adopted by Martha?
Me, pacing: Canon is lying to us
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the-ghost-fangirl · 25 days
Okay so I asked my best friend this totally random question
And her response is the correct answer:
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Bestie called J/C lovesick and a sappy(affectionate) romance, she is correct.
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Bitches be like, “Wow!! Such a cute couple!!!!” And it’s literally a gay man and a lesbian.
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*Mike hides El in his closet*
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*El kisses Mike in front of Will’s closet*
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*“one way” sign points to Mike’s open closet*
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“Our son with a girl?”
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“…I’m gonna send some to Max Mayfield. And they will stop him— ” “Her.”
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“Good.” “It’s good?” “Really good.”
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“That’s blasphemous! Putting fruit on pizza?”
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“No, you’re right. It’s good.”
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*“In the closet (at rink o mania)” plays*
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*“In the closet (at rink o mania)” plays*
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randomfoggytiger · 10 months
Mulder's Dichotomy in Three Words
Mulder spends Three Words trying to hide his trauma from Scully, scraping together the only smiles he can manage for her benefit.
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It's after the Doggett mention that Mulder springs from adrift to vehemently territorial, catching Scully accidentally in the crossfire (her "Mulder will you listen?" and his "No!" from E.B.E. serving as a definite precursor for this episode.)
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Mulder's actions leading up to the finale become a blend of both emotions; but he still whips out a smile or soft glance for his Alien Baby Baby Mama (and his Three Stooges.)
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There was even an almost light-hearted, bantery moment about his and Scully's baby (a shade of Empedocles to come):
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...until Mulder divined that his old friends wanted to side with Scully's caution over his need to know the Truth (a backslide into his behavior in One Son.) It's only then that he directs some of that anger her way.
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When Scully walks back in her apartment later, Mulder knows something is wrong immediately (because he is still paying attention), getting up ASAP when she doesn't respond.
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The second and last time Mulder gets sharp with his partner is when she admits to wanting to withhold some information from him (his scolding an ode to Elegy's "Why can't you be honest with me?")
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There is no onscreen resolution between himself and Scully that bridges into Empedocles; but we do see Mulder nearly tear up (and duck his head to hide it) as he defends his actions to a roundly chastising Doggett.
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It's safe to conclude that after this debacle Mulder had time to reflect and confront what he'd been unable to fight (his PTSD), prompting him to open up and reconnect with Scully.
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His PTSD doesn't go away (...right?) but Mulder does attach himself firmly to Scully's side again. And, really, isn't that what it's all about?
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Thank you for reading this Bernie Knopp's slideshow~
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bottombaron · 7 months
all im saying is that Laszlo loudly declares himself the King of Bottoms and then immediately takes Guillermo under his wing
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invinciblerodent · 9 months
This morning's mood is very much wanting to grab Gale Dekarios of Waterdeep by the sides of his face, yanking him in, and sternly telling him, right into his pretty face, "magic exists to serve man; and never to rule over him".
Then kissing him on the mouth, flipping off Mystra, and cartwheeling off
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sinsydia · 2 years
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Seiji reading shizuku's cheesy lyrics but secretly liking them
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luckybyler · 2 years
See? This is what I'm talking about. If you think Byler is platonic, imagine Mike saying this:
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To Lucas
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midnightmah07 · 8 months
I have yet to spread the Gidel/Gideon is daiggie's accidental adoptive child agenda huh
Maybe if I have time tomorrow
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seawitches26 · 8 months
Where'd Ed get that lovely post-coitus robe from huh? HUH???
Was it mayhaps from some... secret closet??
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withywhump · 1 year
if whumper is threatening whumpee with a knife, they are LEGALLY. REQUIRED. to stab whumpee with it.
and if they don't then the whumper should get stabbed with the knife idk maybe it'd be sexy but somebody needs to be stabbed with the damned knife.
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