#i think thats how it goes atleast
luck-of-the-drawings · 2 months
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smth smth about 'the thing that the character did that you thought was rly rly funny in the moment is actually linked to a terrible trauma that lies within said character.' or wahtever.
#jrwi show#jrwi fanart#jrwi riptide#gillion tidestrider#made this within a short span of wahtever bc i gotta go up to the mountains for my stupid gay job tonight n im trying#nnot to frrRREAAAK THE FUCK OUUTTTTTTi dont wanna work but. get that bread we fuckin shall i guess#ONWARDS TO THE FISH TORMENT!! sometimes flowers feel pain when you trim them before their blossoming. atleast i imagine so#i used to draw gillion with loooong hair tied into a big ol braid. and then it was confirmed that he had short hair when he was little.#AT FIRST I WAS SAD. but then i realized the duality of. when they were little. gill had short hair. edyn had long hair.#AND NOW THEYRE OLDER. and gillion has long hair. and edyn has short hair#both mirroring eachother. looking up to eachother. subconsciously or not. they most certainly care. and most certainly miss eachother.#GILLION ALWAYS LOVED HOW LONG HAIR LOOKs. atleast i imagine so. he hasnt cut it since he left the undersea. sure he wanted to go back home#but even at the very start. he knew he was free in some way now. free to grow out his hair. an adventure would await him before he returns.#he knew it would be a while. so he cant let this go. he cant let this sought-after hair-length get cut away from him again#not yet. not yet. i like to think he loved music too. I SAW SOMETHING INTERESTING A BIT AGO#i see alot of ppl commenting on my baby gill comics like;'i wouldFIGHT this teacher i wanna KILL EM i want them DESTROYED#all very good and nice sentiments! i LOVE the energy here! and it would be nice. to have that catharsis#but the story of young tidestrider is not a story of catharsis. it is a story of agony and being so so small and so special and also so dum#and sucking so bad. and just being a kid and doing the things that a little kid does and so many tired tired people reacting badly to it#youre supposed to be the hero that will save us. our world hangs in the balance and you are the one who tips the scales.#YOU are supposed to SAVE US!! you NEED to SAVE US! CAN YOU PLEASE STOP SQUIRMING IN YOUR STUPID CHAIR!!#you'd think that young tidestrider ought to prevail. and be tucked someplace all safe and sound.#elders gone missing and rotting in a jail. their cultists nowhere around. but theres no happy endings. not here not now.#this tale is all sorrows n woes. you may dream that justice n peace win the day. but thats not how this story goes#BIG ideas for this lil baby gillion series. if anything i make ever gets disproven im killing myself in a well as to poison a water supply
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nonbinaryaubrey · 1 year
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wait actually. since we r talking rn. thoughts on this specific Basil design. he appears directly before the truth sequence actually starts.
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natailiatulls07 · 10 months
excitedly waiting for part 2 of party girl already
Party Girl Pt.2
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Arthur Leclerc x Norris!reader Lando Norris & Norris!reader
Summary - Arthur and Y/n, Landos younger sister are getting cozy behind Lando's and Charles’ backs
Warning -
A/n - Thank you for the request, I really appreciate it 🤍
Reader is still 18 years old
Part 1
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Spotted: The formula one drivers should have kept a better eye on their siblings because Y/n Norris and Arthur Leclerc (who also is a formula two driver) are looking cozy at a party in Monaco. How will Charles and Lando feel about the growing chemistry??
Liked username and 5,975 others
username Ngl they’re cute 🤭
username Wait until Lando finds out, he will not be happy oop
username If they ask me to have threesome with them, I would not hesitate 🤤
landonorris right.
= username Watch out we’ll see Arthur running in a sec 😳
username Atleast she’s not one of those fake fame and money grabbing girl
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Real footage of Lando when he found out about his sister and Arthur Leclerc 🔪🔪
Liked by username and 3,686 others
username Yeah did you see his comment on the gossip post?! Landy was not happy 😃
username I think I can see Arthur running across Monaco right now!!
username Well we know that he's a good guy so hopefully Lando will let this happen 🤞🏻
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When you're brother goes from hating your boyfriend to becoming bestfriends with him ☺️
Liked by charles_leclerc and 21,478 others
username I love this so much, they're the cutest 😭
landonorris If anything happens, I will stand by what I said
= username What did Lando say?!
= username No don't leave us guessing please!
= yourusername In summary, my dear brother said 'don't you dare ever break my sisters heart, I know where you live' lol 😂
= username Protective Lando is something we need LMAO
charles_leclerc Photo credits?? 📸
= yourusername Of course, thank you Charles 🙏🏻
= charles_leclerc Anytime little Norris
arthur_leclerc I love you ❤️
= yourusername I love you too 🤍
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Okay, maybe I'll allow you to date my sister but I have my eye on you 👀
Liked by yourusername and 47,857 others
username Y/n Norris, luckiest girl alive!
username The Ferrari and McLaren girl, here she is 🤩
yourusername Thank you Lano
= username 'Lano' thats the cutest thing ever!! 🤭
arthur_leclerc I won't let you down
= landonorris I'll hold you to that
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My party girl 😍
Liked yourusername and 23,576 others
username 'My party girl' Screaming, crying, throwing up!!
yourusername Aww Thur I love you so much 🤍
= arthur_leclerc Yeah not as much as I do
= landonorris Please save this for your own privacy!! 🙈
username Alexa play jealousy, jealousy by Olivia Rodrigo 😭
landonorris posted a story
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blossomthepinkbunny · 23 days
Hazbins bad character design
I feel like there is a definitive lack of varitey when it comes to the designs in HH as well as a problem of characters' designs not fitting them or what the show wants us to assume about them.
I've said it before and I'll say it again (like lots of other ppl already) but the designs in HH specifically mostly don't work. They're fine if you look at them disconnected from the show. Maybe as just random characters who don't really have to carry a show visually. But they don't work if you actually put them into context and into the background of Hazbin Hotel.
Obviously this stuff is very objective and if you do like the designs thats fine (which I shouldn't even have to say). Also I didn't study art or character design and I don't think you have to to be good at it/be able to form opinions on it and this is mostly just me compiling what I don't like while using some basic knowledge on how shapes, colours etc work.
(rant under the cut)
One problem I really have is, that as soon as you have a design there are immediate assumptions about the character. In the sense that if person A is very muscular and fights against person B, who is maybe slimmer or less buff, you would probably immediately assume that person A wins, atleast in physical combat. Whereas person B would probably be the assumed winner in a stretching or flexibility competition. Often characters are designed with these assumptions in mind. Muscle, height, weight, age, clothes etc. give way into assuming stuff about people, their condition, lifestyle or personality.
The expectations that are set up by the design choices are usually either picked to genuinely represent something about a character or to be subverted and shock/confuse the audience.
Like how a lot of fighting types in Pokémon will either be more muscular or have other details relating to certain fighting styles/sports and the fairy types are usually pinkish, fluffy and cutesy. Because these elements are something typically associated with these types and when we look at them we can pretty easily tell which type they're supposed to be.
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Otherwise, Monster girl from Invincible is drawn as a twelve year old girl, so it subverts expectations when she turns into a big green monster and generally doesn't stray away from violence, because it's something you wouldn't have assumed about her from her appearance.
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In Hazbin Hotel most of the time the character designs don't necessarily fit what they're supposed to be and they also don't use the other design choices as subversion (the one that would probably count here is Nifty with looking and acting very childlike usually but then also acting violent/crazy sometimes).
The first thing would probably be that characters don't look their age mostly.
Charlie and Valeria (Vaggie, but I really don't wanna keep calling her that so she gets a new name) look fine as they're supposed to be around 20. Rosie and Carmilla also look alright for what we can assume their ages are supposed to be. But Alastor is in his 30s or 40s (what it says on the fandom wiki) and he looks around 20 as well. The same thing goes for Lucifer. He looks so young that he could also count as just Charlies brother or friend rather than her dad, because he doesn't look like he could be the dad of a 20 year old. This makes the song "Hell's Greatest Dad" a bit awkward because these men are singing/competing about who is better as Charlies father but they don't look a day older than her. Husk also looks way too young for someone in his 60s-70s (again from the wiki).
The body types being all the same also doesn't help.
Mimzy and Adam are pretty much the only more relevant characters who aren't like all the others in terms of body shape. All the other relevant women in the show have a tiny waist and either big boobs/big hips or just a slimmer build in general. All the men have thin waists and then broader shoulders.
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And for some characters it makes sense. Like Angel is really flexible and his more lanky body fits with being a spider. But why are Lucifer and Valentino like that? Other than the fact that Viv doesn't like drawing muscles there is really no reason for them too being build like every other skinny man there. Valentino is supposed to be intimidating not just by how he acts but physically too. He seemingly has a bit more muscle than others but his arms are still super thin and look like they could snap if I look at them wrong. I'm not trying to say that abusers all have to be buff, but simply from a design perspective the scenes with him would be a lot more effective if we saw him actually have a big physical advantage over Angel and others, even when he isn't necessarily threatening them. As soon as he comes on screen, we could see him as a much more intimidating presence, especially when all the other characters look like sticks. Or they could make it so, that he hides his muscles under his coat and when we get the reveal of him actually removing it, it's more shocking and immediately makes the situation more tense.
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Lucifer could've had a more confident frame as well. He's the king of hell and the strongest being in hell, so just for the diversity I would give him some muscles too. Husk is also super skinny and for someone who only sits around and drinks alcohol all day, he should definitely have a beer belly (please I swear to god I wanna see more men with bellies, Mammon was great). Also for Valeria and Lute and pretty much all the Angels I don't get why they wouldn't be more buff either. Valeria is a fighter, she's Charlies bodyguard but she looks like all of the other women there. It's stated that Angels fight so wild because they don't know they could get hurt. And while I know that the Angels can really only get hurt by angelic weapons, having this whole reveal that they can be injured would've definitely suprised me more, if they actually looked like they couldn't be injured in the first place. But then again, Valeria looks like her arms would break as soon as a breeze hits them too hard. In some episodes her thighs look a bit more muscular, but not notably and she also doesn't fight using her legs (like Carmilla) so only her thighs being bigger sort of doesn't make sense. In general, she or Lute don't show any difference to the women who aren't physical fighters. And obviously just to have a more interesting show to look at, including different body types would do a great job at making these characters stand apart from eachother more.
While we're on the topic of diversity, another obvious thing that makes the characters redundant and borig (sometimes ugly too) is the reused colour pallette. Colour coding is probably one of the easiest things when talking about character designs and it's something atleast Helluva Boss understands.
What effect warm/cold tones have or what feelings we associate with different colours is a great way to bring stuff about characters across without being too on the nose. Obviously colour can also be used to either connect characters or to make them very distinct. Shape language also plays into that of course. In Inside Out the emotions are mostly characterized by their respective colour and by their distinct shapes.
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Joy = yellow (bright colour often associated with the sun/light)
Sadness = blue (cold colour often associated with tears/rain)
Anger = red (very strong colour with aggressive association with fire or when someone turns red because of anger)
Fear = purple (light colour here, mix between red and blue as fear often falls into a more angry or sad feeling)
Disgust = green (colour of most dirt or puke or other stuff people usually see as gross)
Or in a show like Bluey, where different patterns, shapes and colours show the breed of the dog and also how characters might be related to eachother (same breed/mix of breed = usually related).
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Or how colours can be used as lighting effects to create cool shots when the colour pallette changes all of a sudden. In JJBA these changes happen often when someone is in distress or unsure of themselves. Also in tense moments to make them seem more exciting and interesting.
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Hazbin Hotel has very limited range when it comes to the colours of the main cast. All of them feature some form of red and that usually in combination with black or white (if they aren't just purely red like Alastor or Rosie). This makes them not stand out from eachother and creates very similar colour pallettes which get boring once you've seen them repeated over and over again. It also makes the visual connection between characters who are actually related (like Charlie and Lucifer) a lot less strong because so many characters share similarities already.
Also they just hurt to look at sometimes because the background is mostly red as well and with a lot of them being very overly detailed. People have also spoken before about the show being pretty inaccessible for colour blind/vision impared people due to these issues with the colour.
And now you might say that it's hell and therefore it makes sense for all of them and the background to be red. But firstly, I don't think that there is a definitive source which decides that hell is red and can only be shown/interpreted as red. And also there is another show, also set in hell which actually does a much better job at that and actually shows different colours in hell. Like in Helluva Boss the rings are all colour coded.
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And I know, that HH plays in the pride ring fully, but imagine how cool it would've been to see sinners have colours similar to the sin(s) they committed. This could lead to them looking distinct from eachother and the background and would also lead to us being able to assume stuff about them, if we're familiar with the colour coding. In "Hell's Greatest Dad" they do a fun colour change with different light and it's really refreshing and I just wanted to see more variety like that (of course I kinda get that the colour changing isn't really part of the shows design but it was pretty cool to see in that song).
There also is the issue with characters that are supposed to be animal-like sinners not looking like the animal they apparently take inspiration from. The thing is that the animal/object parts don't necessarily have to be visible to understand a character. But in the show, how sinners look in hell is often influenced by their life on earth. Vox's head being a TV is because he was a Tv-show host when he was alive. Nifty also is supposedly a bug, which makes sense because she hates bugs and probably hated them in real life too. But that is where it would be great to actually have Nifty resemble a bug, instead she has no features of one and just looks like a regular humanoid sinner. The same thing happens with Alastor being a deer, Valeria a moth, Charlie goat-like and Angel a spider (also Mimzy is apparently based off of a chicken). Like I said, the animal inspiration isn't essential to the characters, but emphasizing these design elements could help the characters stand out instead of them all just looking like sort of human characters. Sir pentious and Husk work the best in terms of presenting their animal inspiration (though pretty much everything else about Husks design sucks ass).
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And then there are complaints about the characters that are supposed to be people of colour not having any features that resemble their race. It's just a bit weird when a mostly humanoid sinner doesn't really seem to resemble how the person looked in real life. Black characters have really desaturated and sometimes just straight up grey skin in HH. Alastor is probably the most egregious in that regard, but also Emily has just light blueish gray skin and no textured hair or other black features like the nose or lips or palms. Velvette and Sera have darker skin but also no other features (except for when we see Velvette's natural hair texture in like one shot at the end of the season). I know there are other things wrong with how Voodoo is presented in HH or with Mimzy's design often being seen as a jewish caricature, but I don't wanna focus on that fully, because I feel like there are people better suited for talking about that (black people or jewish people ofc).
In general HH is a show with pretty bad designs (imo). That's actually a thing I prefer about Helluva Boss, because there the designs are mostly okay or actually sometimes pretty good. Striker is probably my favourite design in both shows (he reminds me of Dillon and that's cool).
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I like Mammon, Asmodeus, Octavia and Loona as well. I would still probably change a bunch if I were to redesing the HB cast but they overall look more solid than the HH cast.
This was another post which pretty quickly became an excuse to talk about other media I enjoy. I might do that more often, because comparing elements of HH or HB to other stuff makes it kinda easier to articulate my feelings. Also just because I enjoy talking about other stuff too.
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moonybug444 · 11 months
toxic thoughts with connie<33
tw toxic relationships/lowkey abuse?? | connie grabs you by your hair n threatens ya | mean connie☹️☹️
thinkin about connie n you being in a toxic lil on and off relationship. calling it quits every other day cuz youre just so bad for eachother.
you guys are screaming n throwing shit at eachother every chance you get. but its never your fault, no its always connies.
“youre a fuckin idiot (y/n),” he takes another drag from the blunt in his hand, “‘nd you’ve got one more time to raise your voice at me before i come over there and beat the shit outta you.”
its just a threat. an empty fucking threat, you know it is, but glancing up at him shirtless, muscles bulging with nothing but his plaid blue boxers on and a mean glare on his face. you cant help that chilling shiver that goes down your spine.
“m’not—dont call me that!”
“maybe than, lets see…” he lets out a mocking loud laugh, “dont fucking act like one?” you hate how he wants to make you cry. how he wants to see you act a mess. how he does everything in his power to upset you. and you hate he he almost always wins. always pulls a reaction out of you.
you feel the tears spill over your cheeks before you can even try n hold em in and you do everything in your power to not just flop down on his clean grey carpet and roll around and curse him. thats what connie springer does to you.
“‘m so fuckin done with you,” you pull up the strap of the lightpink nightgown silk dress connie gifted you as a im sorry for fucking up, again gift that just flops right back off your shoulder, “nd m’serious hic this time, you wont every hear from me again.”
bullshit. you know its bullshit. and it pains you to admit, but you dont think you’ll ever truly be done with connie springer.
connie sits up at that. intrigued. “oh really?” he’s putting his joint out in the ass-shaped ashtray he stole from jean and scratching his hickey covered neck (from guess who) and you can tell hes not taking you seriously. he never does.
his tone is mocking when he huffs out, “go ‘head, y’know where the fucking door is dum-dum.” he’s grabbing the remote, just about to turn on somethin other than the lame shit playing on tv before your throwing one of your bunny slippers directly at his face.
atleast you tried hitting direct. it barely grazes his ear but youre still satisfied when you see his scrunched up face.
and you know hes real mad. his handsome face is turning red at the minute and hes grabbing the slipper from his side before heading towards you.
you try to get away quick, little feet making it maybe two steps out the room before hes grabbin you by the hair and pulling you towards the ground. “ow—connie,” here come the tears again, “s-stop..! let go of me!”
“stop all that fucking crying before i really give you some shit to cry about,” hes letting go of your hair and turning around before your shoving him from behind, trying to get even. “dont fucking touch me! i dont fucking care—” he cuts you off, “shut the fuck up. my gosh.” and hes turning around, grabbing you by your now scrunched up nightgown and pulling you real close to his face.
he can see how upset you are. the tears streaming down your puffy face, your brows all furrowed and all the hiccups coming from your swollen, wobbly lip. sometimes yeah, he does feel bad for how he treats you. the random disappearing days when he knows how much you depend on him, the name-calling even though he knows you cry over every-fucking-thing, the pushes and the shoves knowing your barely half his size. all of it.
still he cant help it. maybe theres something wrong with him. he doesnt know and he doesnt really care. he knows you wont leave so what the fuck, why would he stop?
“look at you,” he takes the hand that isnt practically raising you up to your tippytoes and cups your face, running his thumb over your bottom lip, “your the prettiest girl in the world y’know that? too bad your a crazy bitch.”
its only like an hour later n youve forgotten all about the petty fight with your boyfriend. forgot that you threw the slipper at him cause he was being sneaky with his phone nd refused to let you see it. dont care tho. you love him again.
“feels so good baby,” he groans, pushing in n out of your slippery pussy with his thick cock, “i love you so much…y’know that?”
you’re being shuffled down towards his standing form some more, ass hanging off of the bed and pushing against fat balls that are pat, pat, patting against your squishy thighs.
“yesyesyes, love you—i-i love you!” you dont even know what the fuck your saying—cant process anything but the feeling of his fat cock stuffing you full. hes so deep n you and its hard to even breathe. feel like hes up your nose.
“s’deep connie ngh…m’cummin again,” youre looking up at him. watching his pretty eyes open n close again n again. watching him bite his saliva covered lips and waching his button nose scrunch up in pleasure. your eyes flick down to obvious bulge in your tummy and you mewl wrapping your legs around his moving hips. trapping him.
your pussy is so fucking greedy, suckin him in again n again and she still cant get enough. connies bringing his hand down and pushing right on that bulge in your pretty tummy that has you both whining. looking you right in the eyes, “go ‘head princess,” and he giggles when you let out the sluttiest little moan, “that feel good huh?”
youre whining out the loudest connnieee follwed by some praise before your squirting all over him, getting both your tummies soaked up and making a mess all over his dark blue bedsheets.
hes following close after with an annoyingly sexy, fuuuck baby and coming right in your swollen pussy.
youre so tired. can hardly open your eyes when you feel connie already pulling out of you to go clean you up. grabbing one of his freshly cleaned sweat towels usually reserved for basketball, crouching down and dabbing it around your messy pussy.
“there you go princess,” hes speaking not to you, but to your cunt, “good as new.” hes leaving a big wet kiss to your pussy like he always does, standing right after and hovering over you to leave an even wetter kiss to your abused lips, throwing the towel somewhere across the room.
your cozily straddling connie in his bed, being lulled to sleep by his fingers smoothing over your hair.
hes smoking again, cautious enough to not blow it in your face though—he knows you hate smoke—thats only for when he wants to piss you off. you hear him clear his throat.
“m’gonna stop this baby,” hes smoothing over the same roots of your hair he tugged on earlier, “m’serious, no more of this arguing shit,” he grabs your face, pushing your lips into a pout. “ill do better.”
yeah fucking right. you both know thats bullshit. you guys ‘ll be back at all the screaming n yelling tomorrow.
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chrissturnsgirlll222 · 4 months
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second, never first
part four | part one | part two | part three
chris x fem!reader
summary - you grew up hating one guy all of high school but suddenly become close friends, but as time goes on feelings develop, only its one sided.
warnings - mentions of underage drinking, throwing up, swearing, use of y/n, BOYS (no smut… for now lol)
word count - 700+
falling for your best friend is not the easiest thing in the world. especially not when he is an annoying ego boosted guy that often hooks up with every girl you know.
the fact that chris was always talking to two or more of my close friends was the one thing that always made me feel like shit. its hard seeing the person you have feelings for not be into you.
this whole thing is particularly difficult when im sitting in his room at his desk helping him with school work, alone.
“just read through these little booklets she gave us, they really helped me with the last chapter and most of this information was on the test.” i say.
he smiles and grabs the booklets out of his bag and they are all crumbled up from being stuffed in his bag.
“what about these question sheets she gave us last week do i need to finish them?” he questions.
“no their not for marks but honestly you should do them, they really help you understand the material.” i say
“i really would rather not.” he says leaning back.
“how about we do them together would that help you do it.” i say smiling.
“sounds like a deal.”
and hour or two passes and we finally finish up studying.
every time he got a question right he high-fived me. it was really fun to be honest i loved hanging out with chris he always knew how to keep me entertained.
“why have you never been in a relationship?” chris asks
i was taken aback by this question as he never acknowledged my dating life before and we were completely silent just sitting in his room on our phones.
“why?” i question
“well like i never see you or anyone talking about you being in a relationship so i just guessed you never had one i guess.”
i sat up and shut my phone off. “well i dont really know i never talked to any boys before, i guess the opportunity never came to me” i reply.
“thats strange.” he says starring at me.
“why is that strange.” i mumble.
“your almost finished high school and have never talked to a single guy, ever.” he states
“why do you make it sound like im a freak.” i say getting annoyed.
“im not trying to make you feel bad its just i dont understand why you never put yourself out there. you have to put yourself out there.”he breathes
i just stay silent thinking about his words.
put myself out there.
what the fuck does that mean. does he not know that i am internally screaming at myself after every glance or conversation we have. that i am constantly jealous of his choice in girls. that i am falling harder and harder for him every passing minute we spend together.
he shifts in his spot on his bed and sits up.
“ok how about this.” he says putting his hands on my shoulders. “how about i get you a boyfriend or fuck buddy or whatever you want and you help me get with anna.” he says
of course thats what this is about. remember when i said that if me him and anna were the only people alive he would choose her over me any day. yeah this is exactly what i mean.
“what are you talking about.” i say.
“i mean i would get someone to get with you, i mean any girl just wants male attention. i can help you get it from someone but you know eye for an eye policy.” he says removing his hands from my shoulders and sitting back.
i think for a second. would i really want to set him up with my best friend, the guy i think about every second of everyday?
“actually?” he says shooting up.
i know i may seem insane but if i said no i would have to live knowing that chris likes anna and just be uncomfortable with that thought. atleast maybe this way i will have someone of my own to distract me from the fact that chris is with anna. right?
“yeah, deal.” i say sticking my hand out for a shake.
he does the same and i smile uncomfortably.
either i just made a deal to help me get over chris, or i just signed my death sentence.
thank you for reading xx
taglist: @sleepysturnss @blahbel668
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heartssatoru · 1 year
Hey! I love your HCs so far! If you do smut could you do JJK men wanting to have sex or are horny and how they go about asking you/initiating it? (Gojo, Megumi, Sukuna, and Itadori)
Yes of course! I know a lot of my readers request fluff so if you don't like smut im so sorry😭
Characters: gojo, megumi, sukuna, itadori
Warnings: smut smut smut!! Afab reader
I have a few request im working on, to all the others that requested! :)
In public:
Starts off flirty but then becomes needy cause he's extremely horny
At a date
Slips up and tells you a dirty joke by accident. And does that little giggle
It maybe depends, because there's times where he thinks he can hold it but can't
Most of the time he hints it. If you don't get it then he'll say it shamelessly
Doesn't care if its in public or not. He just wants relief.
He kinda does care😭 but doesn't at the same time.
Bathroom, alley way, really whatever. Tries to make sure no ones really there though
Someone spots you two? Oh shit let him finish atleast
Tells you to just relax but it's extremely hard when his cock is pounding into you
If your hiding your moans then he'll make you either way. Cause that's just offensive to him
Will deny your organsm if you hide them too. So lesson learned
At home:
Tries to ignore it. But its too much to even ignore, wouldn't be surprised if you could notice
Prefers to hint because he feels embarrassed. No matter how much you tell him he doesn't need too.
You already know because that's always how he gets when he's horny
Doesn't want to risk being caught. And he always makes that clear.
Always at home no matter what. He can wait, maybe..
Excusing that, he skilled with his fingers, and always uses his fingers to prep you
He doesn't want to cause you pain. Really just pleasure for both of you.
Will be a little hard or deny your organsm if he's having a bad day. But still will let you cum
By the time he's done you guys will be fast asleep, but always makes sure you fall asleep first.
anywhere, literally doesn't care:
Will straight up tell you. Maybe if you don't take so long he'll actually be nice to you.
1% chance of that. But its better then nothing!
Will fuck you anywhere. Unlike gojo, he has nothing to worry about
Doesn't even care if anyone sees. They'll simply see how much of a slut you are for his cock
Said by him of course
Does it for his own pleasure, if he's feeling nice he'll let you cum
Also if you try and touch yourself then thats another reason why he shouldn't.
Abuses your poor cunt, especially with his size
Rough, but knows your limits. Maybe goes aganist them every one in awhile to see your fucked face
Cause it drives him near the edge even more.
Feels guilty each time so he always tries to go on without anything
However if he's desperate will beg you to let him fuck you
Makes sure your comfortable and everything. Sweet as hell
But just because of that dont expect to not be teased
Will always let you cum though, unlike the others, besides megumi
Goes gentle, unless you want it hard he can do that. Just doesn't want to hurt you
Asks every once in awhile just to make sure your comfortable and everything
No matter how tired he is, will still try to clean you up afterwards
Gives you the best care. Would feel guilty once again, if he didn't
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cherllyio · 7 days
The Hypocrisy/Irony of Li Jing
Li Jing is an antagonist who quite literally dresses himself up as the "Hero", and whom is a weird mix of both the Lady bone Demon and Azure Lion.
First of all his colour scheme turquoise, is a colour often related to The Celistial Realm.
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Notice how in the monkie kid crews "celistial realm outfits", the only colour they all have in common is turquoise.
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Not even The Jade Emperor dressed himself in that much turquoise (he didnt even wear it at all). Which just goes to show how Li Jing views himself.
He even plans to become The new Jade Emperor, and will not have ANYONE stop him. (even if they arent even trying to stop him in the first place-)
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Hell, as i talked about in my theory of how he might have impriossoned Nüwa, he and the rest of Celistal Realms biggest flaw is their intense focus on order.
Nezha's intense work habit in season 3 - 4 is big example of this, mixed with how accurate Azure was about the whole celistial realm system.
But honestly Li Jing just takes it to another LEVEL.
I swear, if he starts talking to Nezha about how he has: " Left his job in the Celistial Realm for the monkie kid crew"(aka leaving his "destiny"), we can very well perspectiv it back to THE LADY BONE DEMON, and her intense focus on "ORDER".
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But as @lunamikobrony2 mentioned in my theory mentioned earlier:
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The villians (aka. LBD and Azure Lion), have this way of wanting a "new and perfect order".
But as we saw with espically Azure Lion: Power corrups.
Azure Lion turned so quickly from: " The Jade Emepror is a fraud" to "Kneel before your emperor", in a matter of MINUTES.
Li Jing is very clearly going to do the same thing. He might even kill things he viwes as "imperfect", if we really want to make it 100% clear, that this man is A LOT like LBD.
And thats just the Hypocrisy.
The thing that honestly first caught my attention was how ironic his characther was set up VS the actual villians of the show.
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Because even though both the 9 headed demon, and the 100 eyed demon were both shown in the trailer, LI JING, was the one clearly shown as the most "villianous", or atleast "antagonistic"
He is literally shown WORSE than two DEMONS. And some demons with some quite horrifying designs too i must say.
It honestly reminds me of how Belos, from the owl house, was also set up this way.
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If you dont know, The Owl House takes place in quite literally the closest thing we got to Hell.
But is the scariest monster a demon, or a powerful evil witch?
No, the scariest guy is white cishet man from the 1600, dressed in the gold, who also thinks he is quite literally the messias. But in the end he becomes quite literally "The King of Demons."
(Watch a video about Belos it here, its amazing)
But, what is my point with this post? What do i want to tell?
Well my entire point with this is to point out how their is such a faint line between good and evil in this show.
And this is just scratching the surface of it. Because if this keeps being proven right in season 5, I will make an entire analysis video about this after the new season is out.
Where I will also be looking at Wukongs journey from an anti-villian to a hero.
The Celistial Realm VS The Mortal Realm VS The Underworld.
Nezha's philosophy vs Li jings philosphy and their entire relationshsip.
And a lot of other stuff, and how this is the reason for why this show is so amazing.
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tiredgoodomensfan · 2 months
Fuck it we ball fanfic time. Gn reader x lars pinfield WOO
Okay WOO lmk if this is shit or ooc or anything, but im pretty happy with how this went :D its a little rushed, might redo it in the future idk. Also i made Y/N bit too much like me (northern) so watch out for that american readers SORRYYY. anwyays enjoy!
I am smart.
No don't laugh, I am, genuinely I am.
Maybe not in the way that others deem important, maybe not in the traditional sense, but I am bright.
Pinfield doesn't think so, the prick.
Every day I come into work, all smiling and welcoming, and what do I get in return? A roll of the eyes if I'm lucky.
But I don't let him get to me, I love my job. My boss is chill, I love hanging out with Lucky, and the Spenglers seem nice! It's a good gig, really.
I'm the "PR guy" for Ghost Corps. Every time they fuck up and destroy a building or whatever I'm the one who covers it up. I'm a real smooth talker, 'gift of the gab' my mum used to call it.
The team needs me, I know that, they know that. Im crucial to the whole operation, the sole reason why that whiny mayor dude hasnt shut them down.
I'm the one who goes to press interviews, who goes on the radio or on TV. I'm the social media manager, I make videos, and post tweets, fuck I've even started a Ghostbusters youtube account! I deserve a raise honestly. #justiceforY/NthePRguy
I get on with everyone at work except for Pinfield, and I genuinely dont know why.
I've tried getting him to feature in videos, or explain the science of stuff to me so I can actually seem like I know what I'm talking about- but he just brushes me off.
Gary tries to reassure me about this on a daily basis. "Its nothing to do with you Y/N" he smiled one day, putting a hand on my shoulder and guiding me away from the busy scientist. "He doesnt really talk to anyone, he gets really passionate about his work"
"I get that, but there's no need for him to be a dick to me, he's got me thinking all kinds of shit honestly!" I replied, exhasperated "I've never done nowt to him"
Suddenly, Pinfield raised his head from his work, scrunching his eyebrows together. "thats a double negative" he commented, looking at me as if I was stupid. Great, It's the most he's ever spoken to me and its a fucking insult- atleast I think it is.
"you what?" I ask, making my way over to him despite Garys protests. I fold my arms, looking as menacing as i can (which ive been told isn't very menacing at all)
"I said its a double negative, if you've never done nothing then you must've done something" before I can reply, he adds onto the end "which you haven't, by the way. I dont know why you think that. I treat you the same as anyone else"
I can't explain why his answer bothers me so much, but it does. Why does he view me in the same way he views the others? That's hardly fair. I'm always welcoming to him, I make time out of my day to include him in things. I hate to admit it, but I genuinely admire him aswell. His love for all things paranormal, the way he gets so excited and proud when he gets to explain the science of ghost-catching to someone. It's oddly endearing.
I tell him as much (excpet for the stuff about him being endearing, he doenst need his ego inflated any more than it already is)
He looks confused, I've never seen him look like that- its weird. Arrogant? sure. Annoyed? when is he not bffr. Happy? Once or twice. But confused? Weird. This is the guy with all the answers, the smart one.
He thinks for a moment, before seemingly making a desision. He stands up with a small huff of exhasperation, and walks off.
As he goes past me, he grabs my arm, more gently than I thought he was capable of. Okay, i guess im coming too. Fun, roadtrip time.
He takes me out of the lab and down the corridor, into a relatively well lit small room.
"Well this is-" before i can speak properly, he cuts me off. Told you he was a prick.
"I dont understand you Y/N" he blurts out, looking at me, as if I'm some sort of specimin hes studying in the lab.
"Well good." I joke. I dont like the serious tone he's taking. Dont like how aware I am of his gaze. HATE the fact I can feel my cheeks burning. Gross. Pinfield is a dick, we've established this. Why the fuck am I BLUSHING because he's LOOKING at me? Bit embarassing, pull it together Y/LN.
He doenst like this though. He shakes his head, pacing around.
"No Y/N you dont get it. I understand everyone, sort of anyways. I've observed them, I can predict their reactions to things. I know what they're all like- but you're... I just dont understand! You're so happy and nice all the time, but you also get angry at stupid stuff, but never really properly angry? I cant make sense of it, genuinely. You've not done anything wrong, you can't do anything wrong. Thats frustrating too. It's like you're this perfect, beautiful person, and I've been trying to see flaws but I cant-" He rambles, speaking like hes just letting out one stream of constant thoughts. He seems stressed, poor guy.
I interupt him, grabbing his arm. "Hey, c'mon Pinfi- I- Lars. C'mon Lars. I'm not worth the stress mate" I try and reassure him, but that just agitates him more.
"See! That's just it! I've been horrible to you, I admit it. But you've kept trying with me! When I hurt my hand you were the one who bandaged it and put it in a sling"
(i had found him almost blacked out from the pain on the lab floor, even the memory of it sent a shiver down my spine)
"you were the only one that looked for me after we all nearly died fighting Garraka"
("Pinfield? Pinfield!? Oh my god, there you are! Thank fuck you're alright!" Okay maybe this tiny non-crush had been going on longer than i thought... christ)
"I dont like the thought of you hurt..." i muttered, embarrased. this definitely wasnt how i was expecting this conversation to go, fuck my life I was crushing on a nerdy scientist who defintely didn't like me back.
He stopped his pacing and walked over to me until the gap between us was non existant. He slowly, hesitantly, lifted his hand until he cupped my cheek.
"I don't like the thought of you upset because of me" he muttered, his voice low.
My heart completely stopped, my breath caught in my throat, was this happening? how was this happening? i swear this guy was like my mortal enemy not even 5 minutes ago. so many revelations were bieng made today...
I decided to be bold, why not? fuck it, i've got nothing to loose at this point.
I leaned in so our noses just grazed eachother, looking at him, really genuinely looking at him. his soft blue eyes that seemed to peer into my soul. Not pierce through it, like some weird blue eyed fuckers i knew, but looked. gently, tenderly, as if he was looking at everything i ever had been, or would be. like i was something beautiful, something to be treaured.
It made me want to sob at the thought. god, how disgustingly sweet.
"make up for it then" i whispered, the tension so thick i could cut it with a knife.
I'd planned on being the one to make the forst move, but apparently, that was all that Lars needed.
He kissed me. His soft lips pressed against mine, sotfly, tenderly, tentatively.
I could feel the anxiety radiating off of him, so i quickly reciprocated. More eagerly than i owuldve liked- but oh well.
I could feel his hand resting on my waist, his thumb gently stroking my cheek. It all felt so tender, so raw, not at all how i thought it would be.
I felt like a teenager again, and couldnt resist letting out a small giggle, making Lars pull away. He looked confused again, making me laugh once again.
"What?" he aksed, a sort of amused smile on his face.
"Nothing- sorry. Nothing at all. Just thinking of how fuming mums gonna be when i tell her ive got a posho for a boyfriend"
"I am NOT posh!"
"you are a littleee"
"I AM NO- wait- boyfriend?"
"oh shit didnt mean to say that bi-"
he cut me off with another kiss, this one much more confident.
It felt like a million fireworks were going off in my head, oh I could definetly get used to this feeling. This war, sweet, happy feeling. My senses were flooded with everything Lars. His taste, his smell, his touch.
I felt like I was learning to live again.
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bluetoraa · 2 years
I know u aren’t taking rqs now but to maybe put this in the corner of ur mind… timeskip karma smut hcs..😳😳 and his kinks… just a thought!!
karma akabane smut + kink headcanons!
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—both you and him are 18+
—huge sexual content warning. like huge.
—Dacryphilia, Degeneration, Light praise, Edging, Oversitmulating, BDSM, Hickeys, ‘Too big karma’, usage of toys, and Public Sex.
ok so, lets just get on with the obvious, karma is sadistic in bed. to the point where it’ll make anyone cry.
but he enjoys it!
thats right, karma gets off to your tears.
why? because you look so beautiful with your face stained with old tears as new ones flow over the faded paths the former tears made.
and you cry because he just can’t seem to fit his cock in :(.
he’s wayy too big! like he’s huge!!
while trying to fit it in everytime you two fuck he leans over and whispers in your ear mixes of praise and degradation. something along the lines of,
“shh shh, you’re fine. look at you, taking me so well, my lovely little slut..”
karma definitely fucks you to music.
not to guide his thrusting, but to drown out your moans so the neighbours don’t complain again.
plus, its a bonus for him, cause it means nobody else will get to hear you moan his name.
anytime you ‘tease’ him by wearing his favourite outfit when the both of you go out and you notice his eyes just can’t seem to leave your body.
just know that when you get home expect to be rushed to your room for a fantastic night that leaves you unable to walk without tumbling over or tripping over nothing.
karma believes in sloppy kisses while fucking you against a wall!!
 karma is soooo into tying you up and gagging you.
he just thinks you look best when tied up and gagged, begging with your eyes to put his cock in after edging you for so long.
he had definitely used a vibrating toy on you while you were tied up just to see how needy you’d get after awhile of him not paying attention to you and for not touching you.
speaking of a vibrating toy, karma has DEFINITELY used it on you in public while having his arm around your waist while the other arm controls the toy.
yes, you two have had sex in public.
he just likes the thrill of the idea of someone catching you getting fucked stupid.
like, take the time the both of you went to a party together.
you wore the cutest outfit you could find to impress people you haven’t met that you’d see at the place you were going.
while all karma thought of when he saw what you had on was to get it off.
so, after half an hour or so he dragged you off to the nearest bathroom where he told you to take off the lower half of your clothing.
to which you gladly did, knowing where this was going.
he lifted you into his arms as you rested your back on the wall behind you.
karma put his face near your neck as he tried to prepare you for a long night at the party and at home.
“c’mon, just relax and it’ll make it easier. god..you looked so good with that ‘fit on i could barely hold myself back darling..”
karma LOVEEES to see the look of humiliation on your face.
which is why everytime you two are done fucking, he whips out his phone and tells you to ‘smile for the camera.’
the look of embarrassment and shyness that fills your eyes makes him wanna go for another few rounds.
which brings us to the topic of karmas stamina.
and oh my god, its like you fed a man steroids.
he already has crazy stamina outside of the bedroom but WOOO when it’s just you two fucking he goes all out.
on average atleast 4-5 rounds. karma has to make the most outta this!
he gets you to beg all the time.
whenever you really want it he always says something corny like,
“i know you can beg better than that doll. so do it, beg better. just then, will i maybe think about touching you in the slightest.”
he makes it his life mission for you to beg to cum everytime he edges you.
he lives for the desperation in your voice as your legs shake more and more.
karma says you have the prettiest moans he’s ever heard, but his moans are something not even the devil could compete with.
he 100% chuckles while hes balls deep in you. not like a ‘hahaha!’ chuckle but a low and deep ‘haha..’ ya know?
on your chest, in between your thighs, and your neck.
anywhere this little shit can ‘mark whats his’ he’ll do it.
i feel like karmas favourite thing to say is probably something like,
“awe.. what, does it hurt? what hurts baby? c’mon i know you can take it. you were just begging for it, don’t go crying this quickly. or do, i’ll just go even harder.”
ya know?
haha, yk you just requested at the right time! i just started taking requests!!
and this is my first smut!! ahh i was so nervous writing all this!!
and omg??? ur brain is amazing!!! and thank you for the request!!<3
anyways, i hope whoevers reading this has a great day/night, thank you for reading!
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sunday, september 25 2022. 11:30 PM
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sulfies · 2 months
I'm curious to hear what your Altair and Ezio think of The Farm, should Desmond tell them about it!
I dont think my hc Desmond would outright talk about it unless they ask, but the other two would figure out bits from their convos.
Like Ezio would talk about big family dinners and how noisy it was and how he kinda misses it and Desmond would be like "Must be nice, my meals were mostly silent and quick" just bits and slips that hint on how isolated his childhood was. He maybe doesnt even realize how fucked up some things he says are.
I do love when in fics authors make it so Desmond was trained harder than anyone, but I find it funny that Canon Desmond barely had any idea wtf Assassins were or how they work till he got kidnapped, so maybe he talks about smthn and goes like "ooooh so thats why I had to do that *incredibly dangerous* thing as a kid"
Once they did learn/figure out tho,
Altair: would probobly be the person who understood the most since he grew up as a Assassin too, even tho his childhood was also crazy, I think he would almost Pity Desmond bc atleast he had a good father for a bit and the Assassins in Maysaf were still a community and not isolated from the town. Probobly would open up first about himself to get Desmond to talk about it but it might backfire a bit w desmond saying "oh god I got no right to complain their parents died infront of them😭"
Ezio: would be like "so u grew up with assassins whoa! Must be a huge family that has eachothers backs!" And Desmond is like 😬 "not rlly", once he learned he would be devastated, especially if its Ezio after brotherhood is established "thats not right! Its supossed to be a Brotherhood!" And just like be extra mad on his behalf and Desmond would appriciate him being loud for him. Might force him and Altair to family dinners with Maria and Claudia.
I think they would take the news of Desmond being made to genetically be a perfect cocktail of Assassins the worse out of everything and would have the "ur so much more than ur dna" group hug session
Overall I dont think they would Coddle him too much and Desmond wouldnt want to be coddled but It would strengthen their bond once he spoke about it, just regular old traumabonding
But If they ever saw Will for some rsn:
Ezio: his smile would drop as soon as he was talking or he looked towards Will, would give short answers which Will would think fo him being respectfull till Ezio disagreed with every idea he says (bad or good)
Altair: glares, silent, would use big words to show his superiority would say stuff like "oh thats what you guys do? Hmm we found that unnecesery and timewaste" "These swords? Hmm we dont use them due to bla bla bla but you do you" just find something bad about every single thing and like make jabs about it.
Bc he is sadly a Mentor they wouldnt like go punch him in the face but they would do their best to annoy him in a way he cannot call out bc thecnically they didnt do anything. And ofc they wouldnt answer any question he asked and just say "u dont know? Hmm👀"
One of them almost always would be next to Desmond even tho he would be like "omfg stop acting like guarddogs" and litterally not rlly give a shit that Will was there anymore (basically over it)
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lizaluvsthis · 4 months
PART 2 HYPERFIXATION FOR SMG4: Mario looks at SMG4's browser history
Okay last one...(f-cking photos has a limit)
Previous hyperfixation (read first)
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So it is true that SMG3 does torture SMG4's life by ruining his day(come back from the episode you used to be cool where smg3 said "usual")
Since the word "usual" is used from SMG3's statement after we learned from that episode where he "considered killing" him. Directly to smg4.
Seems like SMG3 DOES love to put out a good show where he still makes smg4 suffer the most mildest things with apparent reasons of constant teasing for the man and Three just enjoys it.
(If SMG4 did things to ruin his life so badly, by smg4 doing so in purpose, then so should SMG3 WILL and would ruin his day back.)
Worst thing SMG3 would think of, is forgiving SMG4. Because why in hell would he do that after everything?
Not only... SMG3 hides behind his secret, and mentioning WOTFI 2021 where SMG3 said something along the lines with "try and make him cry" is and definitely puts on that SMG3 still concealed himself from his inner shell as his emotional break down to cover up the sensitive emotion he has.
And that it'd be so out of character and sudden to forgive smg4 just like that, he'd be in the usual doings of "Hell no f-cking way I'd do that just now, why would I forgive this assh-le for ruining my life?"
Because thats an emotional baggage for SMG3 to cope on, he livestreams himself on twitch to play random ass games for his stress relief because of him. SMG4 has been stuck with him for like- a decade now and this is sh-t ass ruining him
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if you all shouldve noticed just now, smg4 hasnt apologized EVERYTHING to SMG3 yet. Because he wasn't sure how "emotions" and "actions" could play out from his character after he did those "assumable" things to break SMG3's dreams.
Thats simple. He's a very difficult man to comprehend with his own self thoughts, he's overwhelmed at himself to where it breaks him. If SMG3 is socially awkward to talking or making new friends, then so SMG4 is the one whos difficult to solve the problem with his causes (like saying sorry wasnt very easy for him to put out)
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Cause all smg4 did was focus on his meme contents from doing what he loves, he broke three for being famous, and his cafe, with also his dreams on starting his own production, not to ALSO mention his damage to SMG3.
If smg3 would even still forgave him for doing all of that om purpose without even realizing. But to smg3, he didn't want to say he'll forgive SMG4 instead. He still recovers from each and everything from that.
Because he'd seen how fragile SMG4 is at this part. SMG4 could only rely with making his contents to get money off from youtube, to THEN paying the expenses for whatever waterbills, electricbills, his loans from the property he's paying for, foods from groceries.
Literally EVERYTHING.... he's been trying to provide and same this goes on with SMG3 where he started his coffee shop, the one who works two jobs as a twitch streamer and a cafe owner. (The reason why SMG3 gets money from thats how he could afford everything just by double timing his job)
Since smg4 doesnt know sh-t with jobs, SMG3 is up ahead him, smart enough to think. While SMG4's knowledge is a bit too unstable without any of his college experience since he didn't like school then he hates studying.
Studying helps you learn countless of things even tho its a hard challenge to try, you still need to learn either way to know bits of facts. SMG4 dropped out and didn't graduate from college, but did SMG3 continued college?
That remains unknown, but we do know for a fact he is twice as smarter than SMG4 and Mario. (God what a fabulous b-tch.)
The reason why college is important is that you can set a course of what you'd want to get a job you'd be capable of loving from. And knowing that SMG3 pays atleast too many stuff by marketing and selling or trading or who knows what from the internet to make him get that much of advantage to get enough money.
SMG3 improvised his skills to survive
And so if SMG4 could do the same he'd probably have the same braincells as his boyfriend/j
- (whoops I just realized that I moved the topic to college but eh-)
Anyway following on with our focused topic.
If SMG4 couldnt admit that he'd say sorry to SMG3, then there would be a constant loop of the friends not understanding each other.
I still have a feeling that SMG3 could almost understand, like he could see through what SMG4 has been feeling. But he couldnt show that emotion to four- it'd look WEIRD. for him. Better yet is that- SMG4 would most likely be the optimisstic one to show symapthy, but still- SMG3 is an empathetic man for SMG4.
Just so is SMG4 when he cant understand how his actions can cause consequences like smg3 for example, SMG3 didn't even do much damage to SMG4 after everything. Because what SMG3 thinks is that he- deserved it. Everything to him from what he had done to smg4- willl be always pointed at him as he only sees himself as the bad guy.
Like oh man- how assumable can smg4 be when smg3 gets something that he finally wishes to have for? Attention. And he's been the one saying "thats what we do for each other right?" When SMG4 did it his way while SMG3 has finally moved on. Like SMG4... I see you as the person who've been causing a lot by i mean ALOT. Of problems.
Four suffers because of this cause he never understands how relationships or just by general actions work, because he never had someone close to him to guide his way for understanding.
They both were literally born from a USB and then came down there to explore their new selves.
Not even once SMG4 thought about- "why did I do that to him? I should say sorry... If only I didnt destroy his cafe nor even his productions"
Its because FOUR WAS SO AFRAID. In repeat. Lets repeat this again.
Three cant forgive SMG4 because he's been having alot of thoughts from his head that would lead to the death of him.
And SMG4 cant apologize cause he's unaware of what would happen if he did. He would overthink about this... and better yet- Three's motions are unrecognizable so Four would keep on missing his chances if he'd want to say it. He wondered that if he told sorry to smg3, he'd be the one to blamed more and three would be more pissed. Because they both wanted to forget the past.
But the past is already apart of them, a memory they both went through together...
So... well- theres my fixating- :)))))
@b-r-i-n-g-x .
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katarzynakrzysztofa · 5 months
Kokushibo x Reader fic
Smut, non-con but she consents at the end?, aphrodisiacs, kidnapping, blowjob, riding, he calls her pet once, mild injury, yandere if you squint.
Description: Reader goes out to train, gets kiddnapped, gets injured, healer demon gives her aphrodusiac and she gets fucked :))) thats all.
I've always wanted to become a swordmen or more specifically a swordswoman, Watching my father training was one of my favorate activies! even though my father focused on my older brother in teaching the art of swordmenship I alwasy listen thoroughly. Despit my efforts to convince my father of teaching me aswell, I was rejected "A young lady such as yourself shouldnt be thinking about swords!" My father scolded me and force me to take lessons with my mother in cooking, cleaning, sewing and ect. While I enjoied these activities I didnt want this to be my future! So going against my Fathers wishes I went and took one of the spare wooden swords and went to the forest.
It felt amazing! Being able to wield a sword even if its just a wooden one is like a dream come true! I picked a location within the forest near a lake with lots of fresh fishes swimming within it. I practiced hard with my stance, remembering my fathers words towards my brother... "Keep a tight grip on your sword and legs, spread them apart and bend your knees slighty", as I recall all those intructions I put them in motion, and swing my arms towards a tree I choose as my spare buddy, I strike the tree with all the forces in my body... A scratch! I did it, I was actually able to successfully strike my 'opponent'! while I was celebrating, I didnt notice how much time went on, and while time flew on I continued to train without a thought in the world. While training a sharp branch stab her arm, "AH!" the woman shouted, she looked down and saw the branch pierce through her arm thats when she noticed how late it was "Father will get mad.. espcially after having a branch stab me.."
I looked through my bag that I brought with me and tried to heal or atleast stop the bleeding, I did so wrapping my arm in a bandage, was it good? no, did it stop the bleeding? yes. I thought it was enough as I ran through the forest to get home faster.
While running I heard footsteps... silent but it was so quiet in the forest it was noticible, I got worried at that.. someone was in this forest with me at at this hour. No, It might just be an animal, I thought to reassure myself and my safety.. I increased my speed just in case...
The footsteps sounded closer.. louder.. faster than mine, This cant be an animal, no.. I looked behind me to find a tall figure running towards me, A figure 2x my size running at me at full speed made me worry but when it came closer.. I saw no ordinary man.. no, I saw a man with six eyes staring right at my own eyes with the word number on written on the middle ones. My eyes widden in horror as my body freezes like a dear being hunted by a lion. The figure noticed my sudden stillness and stoped aswell, we were just staring at each other for a momment.
My mind went wild on what to do, If I ran I wouldnt be able to out speed it. I cant fight it with a wooden sword. All thats left is... death.. As the forest stayed silent I spoke out "What are you? Why are you chasing me!" I said, almost at the verge of crying, It was the end this was demon she was sure of it, She heard stories about monsters that hide within the shadows in morning and hunt at night, her own mother believed and told her about this but she believe them.. who would? The mans voice broke my thoughts "your blood caught my attention.. Rare blood". Attention? Her thoughts ran wild that she didnt notice the demon disappeared, and in the end she was knocked out.
It was no use, she was now somewhere unrecognizable, maybe a room. It had a bed and night stand in the corner, I was tied to a chair and had a gag in my mouth to keep me from screaming, I was scared as the demon left me alone for while.. I hope.. I hope were not in demon teritory!! As I was worrying about my stituation The six eyed man came back.. with another figure.. A demon perhaps?
"This person will.. heal your injuries.." The six eyed man said, injuries..? right. The thing that attracted the demon towards me. How could I forget
The demon walked towards me with a vile, A pink slimy substance was inside. "Now this will heal your injuries my dear.. but, it does have some side effects.." the demon said with a smug look. Side effects? I looked at him confused as the demon continued " you will feel some.. difference with your body, you might feel sick or.. aroused, it depends on the person taking the vile after all". What.
he took my gag out and forced the vile down my throat and left afterwards, leaving me and the six eyed demon alone. It felt.. weird.. VERY weird. "How are you feeling? feeling the side effects already?" he questioned. Dizzy.. and inflamed.. "I dont.. I feel hot.. is that normal..?" I said with a flushed face, "Ah." the demon sighed.
"You feel sexually aroused no..?" The demon said quietly, "No! I feel fine!" I obviously lying, moving around trying to free my hands, rubbing my thighs together to stimulate the heat I was currently feeling. The demon walked towards me, ripped the ropes that tied me and lifted my onto his strong arms, "Oh.." I sighed.. The feeling of another person let alone a demon felt amazing.. "I can smell your arousal.. theres no need to lie"
No! I cant feel such things for a demon! He might be attractive but that doesnt change the fact that he is a man eating demon that kiddnapped you! I tried to move away from his body "Are you rejecting me? Are you sure you will be able.. to handle yourself?" He said with a smirk, rubbing your thighs "...No.." I said quietly as I buried my face on his shoulders accpeting the faith I had. "Thats what I thought... Let me make this a special night for you as he kissed me passionately, I wrap my arms around his shoulders as support as I return this kiss.
He was bitting my lip gently as I opened my mouth allowing him access to my thoart, he quickly enters his tongue and took over my mouth, my body felt like it was on fire, A fire that would burn brighter until someone put her out, and this man right infornt of her, dominanting me and my body is the only one who can help me.
Before he took my clothes off he asked "Are you sure about this? This will definately change your life if you do... give yourself"
"Yes! please I cant handle it anymore.." I whimpered out as I felt my panties dampend.
He smiles gently before his smile turned into a lustful one, he ripped my clothes off in a swift motion, This night will DEFINATLEY change things.
(time skip)
I was moaning over and over again as my back was pressed on his sheets, he was pounding my pussy roughly "Do you enjoy this, pet?" he asked in a low dark voice, all I could respond with was a whimper that sounded like a yes as he laughted softly at that response, I've never had a man take me like this before, so passionately and rough. His dick was Big.. very big it hurt, but it also felt so good..
I was drooling as he changed our position, leaving me on top, I quickly bounced up and down to feed into my heat, the heat that didnt go out. I held onto his chest as support as I rolled my head back and let out a loud moan. "Nghh.. Ahh..! Its too muchh..!~" I said in a maon, I felt his hands grope my chest and play with my harden nipples.
He took my left breast on his mouth, licking, biting, pulling. It was an experience indeed.. The stimulation of riding his hard dick while he was playing with my breast brought me to my climax. "Im cumming! Im cumming! I cant hold it anymore!" I screamed, "Then cum" he said looking straight into my eyes while licking my breast, I squirted all my juice out leaving my pussy juice all over his dick, pelvis, and thighs with the loudest moan. I collapse on top of him panting.. he held my body tight.. I too hugged his body, I was about to fall asleep until "No,no no.. dont fall asleep now.. the night has just began, we have so much to do."
We fucked all night, he put me in so many different positions I thought I was a whore being bought and used.. like I was his play toy, maybe I was.. Im happy thought I loved it.
At the end, I was covered in his semen as was my insides aswell.
I was currently cleaning his large dick with my mouth sucking him gently as I ran my tongue on his cock, He was grunting softly, holding my hair up and pushing my me deeper than I already was, I moan softly as I closed my eyes, my jaw was sore and tired from having been stretch for so long.
I looked up and saw the demon with all his eyes lightly shut and he looked dazed, it was cute and hot at the same time honestly.. He then trusted into my mouth gently and slowly until he got a rythm, I stayed still talking it like the good pet I am, pleasing her master. Oh I feethe heat is starting to light up again.. He started pounding my mouth, his dick bulging on my throat and finally after a few thrust he came inside my mouth, the feeling of his thick, sticky, hot cum going down my throat was so arousing, I started touching my pussy as I stared at his moaning. Fingering myself and atlast came too.
I took his cock out of my mouth, kissing the tip of his dick before letting it go, He then laid down on the bed panting, I crawled up to him and laid on top of him pushing my body on his and wrapping my arms around his neck. He then placed his hands on my waist holding me. Our sweaty body mixed with cum were embracing each other. "I still dont know your name, mister.." I said quietly as I buried my face on his chest.
"Kokushibo" he answered quietly, "You may call me Kokushibo."
Does this make sense? No. :))
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cyberkitty1 · 11 months
E!42 miles x thick/chubby black reader Part 2
Part 1
warnings: lowercase intended, mean family members
she walkes up eyeing miles like he was a prey and she was hunting him down, not before looking st you with utter disgust. “ not sure how ou could pull someone like this” she days looking at miles smiling “ and eho are you?” she says sweetly, way to sweetly.
“ miles” he says plainly “ no need to be salty! you can come with me so your not as sad, how bout it?” something inside you snapped, why was she always picking on you? its not like she looked any better, she looked like wendy williams post rehab.
“ no he wouldn’t sorry” she looks over at you “ i dont think i was talking to you?” “yea just like he dosent want to talk to you, if you dont mind, or even if you do could you leave?” she scoffs “ and who do you think your talking to miss piggy? why dont YOU leave? i thought you’d be gone by now!” she laughs as if you havnt heard it before.
“ oh you want me to leave? sure ill leave just like your 4 baby daddies that dont even pay child support might i add” the whole party was looking at you guys now, music turned down
“ you know its crazy how ive sat here all these years getting bullied by you but atleast i can keep a man! girl you get pregnant every year! arnt you on baby number 6? that baby bump is more visible than that volcano on your face” miles looked at you in utter shock “ how old are you again? 25?! have you ever heard of condoms or birth control?” at this rate she might as well left because everyone was snikering and laughing “ and dont even get me started on your lifted lace and chunky make up, i may not be skinny but atleast i know my shade, you walk in here lookin like that one james charles meme DONT play with me today”
everyone goes silent she just looks at you dumbfounded “if you have anything else to say, say it now or forever hold your peace” you say one last time before she scoffs rolls her eyes and walks off.
everyone kind of goes back to normal and miles just looks at you “ ive never seen you like this before” he says looking you in your eyes “ yea, sorry i just got fed up-“ “ hey you don’t have to apologize it was actually kinda hot” you laugh a little “ thank you miles” before you can bask in the radiant feeling your aunt, your cousins mom walks up to you
“ now who do you think you are talking to my baby like that?” you look at her dumb founded “ are you kidding me? you guys only talk down on me and now you have the utter audacity to walk up to me and ask why i’m treating your daughter how her and you have been treating me for YEARS?” you pause
“ you know there is absolutely nothing stopping me form dragging you too, you’re built like your constantly taking a big breath, you got the worst camel toes i have ever seen in my ENTIRE life and now i know where your daughter gets the “have a ton of baby daddies to the point where you dont know who the father is “attitude. that reminds me arnt you pregnant with your 10th child? and your 9th baby daddy? thats a world record somehow. you should call Nick Canon up here, y’all would make great friends.”
“ don’t ever talk down on me again or there will be consequences” you say finally before grabbing miles hand and leaving the party. miles stands next to his car looking at you absolutely dumbfounded “ what?” you ask confused “ you just dragged yo auntie in front of everyone! what do you mean what? ive never seen you stand up for yourself like this i’m proud of you” he says giving you a kiss on the cheek.
i just imagine you doing that like ugly giggle he loves lmao
🏷️ @soseoulol @shoyofroyoyoyo @pandoragalora @miles-42-morales @heavisdelulu @lilcassipuff @levanneisdumb @thebaddest @sussybaka10 @itsznanabanana @malllywally @missyysyx @c4nth3lp1t @sgmianne @miles4hour @ulovejayy @onginlove @buckleyverse @lexixiii @swaqlover @yoursidehismain @florencepughswife030196 @lethycia @edgyficuselastica @druiggf @onsimpshii @lovely-horror-show @vivsamortentia @leighs-gallery @remuslupinsno1slut @steve-harringtons-bitch @shurisbbymama @bunnybabylovesstuff @karmascute @c4rine @janaeby @mookiebutt @paraccosm @zkristuz @reflectionsinrealtime @mindymeeksrules @nagi3seastorm @popeheywardssecretgf @be3_Fl0w3er @piopio @hoodypunpurri @hiyoo-o @enchanting-violet @inluvwithneteyam
if y’all think this is cringe lmk so i can remake it lmao
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saytrrose · 5 months
Someone reblogged your Kinger and Queenie comic and I saw your reblog on curious anons, so here I am.
Anyways, dunno if ya have done this before but ya got headcanons on Kinger's relationships with everyone on TADC?
Like, besties with someone in specific, we get along even if he doesn't know we get along, that kind of stuff.
Ooh!! I really love this question eee
Kinger Headcanons! With.. EVERYONE! (Im including the abstracted characters, they are so so silly in my brain rn and i have a strong perception of them)
- Queenie and him started out with a mutual.. dislike? Dislike from Queenies side, and general uncomfort from Kingers side.
- From the start their relationship was more so small bickering, mutual pining even, They both possess a sarcastic side to them, (I personally believe before Kinger went crazy that he used to be rather analytical and in control, a lot smarter yk.)
- They both were constantly compared for their likeness, which of course gave them a sense of need to.. prove themselves better? To stand out? Saw eachother as an obstacle until FINALLY they tried actually having a conversation.
- Their relationship dynamic is very much golden retriever x black cat.
- Once they actually were in a relationship, Queenie definitely keeps her sassy personality but she’s very soft spoken around Kinger.
- Kinger also changes, they act more differently around eachother than anyone else. Their general idea of “we are different” changes to “we are the only ones that truly understand one another”
- Oh they bickered SO MUCH it’s so silly, Queenie loves to tease, seem like she has a large ego but in private around just him she’s very very vulnerable and relies on him for comfort. She doesn’t feel like she needs to act a specific way around him or ever get really defensive.
- Kingers personality doesn’t change as much as Queenies does around people, however he does lean into feeling more vulnerable around her as well. He tries to seem calm and mostly friendly, but in private with just her he feels like he can actually rant and get emotional.
- Kinger and Wriggle have a very funny dynamic, as Wriggle is Queenies “best friend is the whole wide world” (quoted by Wriggle, not Queenie)
-They often like to wriggle in between Kinger and Queenie, (hahaha look at me I’m so funny I love puns please don’t unfollow me) they are bit clingy towards Queenie which Kinger doesn’t particularly mind in the slightest.
- Putting Queenie aside, those two I’d say are good friends too. Wriggle loves to ramble on and on to Kinger about things they enjoy or made or did- the list is endless and it’s usually Kinger when it comes to this because atleast Kinger looks like he’s paying attention, whereas Queenie has that.. blank stare.. (autism, your honor)
- Think of Wriggle as a wingman also, They know Queenie well, and things she wouldn’t tell Kinger? Thats Wriggles job. For example, Queenie talks about how it’d be cute to receive flowers but doesn’t want to outright ask for them, Wriggle goes to Kinger and keeps jabbing him in the side with their tail until his attention is gained, and tells him “you know what you should do!!” you get what happens fr
- The wingman job was specifically asked of by Kinger, to which Wriggle, being the snooty little “hmmm idk if I like you enough” worm they are.. obviously decides not to share Queenies private words. (I’m still deciding if Kinger persuaded Wriggle into the idea that it’d make Queenie happier in the long run or if he just dropped to his knees like PLEASEPLEASEOLEAZEPLEASE-)
- Slinky and Kinger have a good relationship, they aren’t really friends that hang out on their own time, but if they are ever in a group then they’d interact.
- Slinky loves to knit and crochet, and she made a task to knit everyone a tiny plush to have. She gave Kinger a tiny stag beetle plush, and he adores it so much, it’s right on his bed. ☠️ (perhaps I could make another post listing all the plushies Slinky made for everyone but idkkk only if it’s inquired about)
- They are the two shyest? Of the whole group, not inherently shy but the most quiet unless spoken to and definitely most anxiety filled. They have an unspoken code of certain looks they give eachother that they can instantly understand.
- In Kingers full honesty, if he was given the chance to choose a person to be in his team for an adventure and Queenie was taken, he’d choose Slinky. She’s just a very patient individual and he thinks he goes well with someone like that.
- Their friendship is like trying to combine oil and water.. they don’t mix easily… They have respect for one another, an extent of it and Kinger probably has more than Kaufmo but they have very different conflicting personalities.
- Kaufmo is prickly and pessimistic most of the time, however I do want to think around Kinger he hold back a little. These two ended up being the last of the old cast, they’ve been through alot together…
- Kaufmo hates lovey dovey stuff, god forbid Kinger even rests a hand on Queenies side or something- he WILL point it out like a toddler grossed out by seeing their parents kiss.
- I think after Queenie abstracts it really changes. I want to assume that is when Kinger finally fully lost every marble he was hanging onto and Kaufmo.. well he realized how much he really missed those two together.
- Post Queenie, I think their relationship evolves from annoyance to much more understanding, not knowing eachother too personally as one would hope, given their circumstances but they would still go out of their way for a quick “are you okay?”
- Peepo is a super sweet guy, and I’d say he was a good acquaintance of Kingers just for the fact there wasn’t too many guys and they were both very friendly.
- Peepo was the first to arrive of this old group, so he was much like in Kingers place with the current crew. However he’s not crazy because this is likely to beginning of when people started to get trapped in the game still, and not too much time had even passed. Aka, more people were entering than abstracting most definitely.
- Anyway, to touch up on the above one, because of this he has a sort of natural leadership over everyone, people seem to seek him out on information about the world just because he’s been there the longest. This includes Kinger! To Peepo, if he needed a right hand man he actually really relied on Kinger.
- There’s a small place by the digital lake that no one knows about except Peepo. When the sun starts to set he almost always likes to just.. go outside the tent and walk to it, and the only person he ended up showing was Kinger. It became sort of a spot for just them to talk, which is likely what made them closer. Kinger later would use this exact spot to ask Queenie out…Jumping to canon, the only person who knows of the spot now is Kinger, and he often goes there to seclude himself.
- Even though I put her here, I can’t really come up with anything! I use Moppsy as the first abstraction Kinger would witness, and likely didn’t really know her or have a relationship with her. Putting her here to include this though!
- Woo!! Og cast now!! I think Pomni and Kinger will get along well given time. While Kinger is certainly.. eclectic in his personality at this point in his stay in the circus, I think Pomni would be comfortable talking to him about things more than Jax or Zooble, who knows! Just based on what I know from the pilot.
- Kinger used to invite anyone and everyone into the pillow forts he made, but once majority of the old cast abstracted I’d assume he stopped completely, instead using it as his own safe haven. However, Pomni is the first one that he very awkwardly asks if she would like to come inside, which leads to him feeling more inclined and comfortable to invite the others.
- Kinger notices and thinks Pomni is very different than the others, anyone he’s known so far infact and he probably outright tells her this because he lacks the ability to really filter his thoughts anymore. She doesn’t quite understand the nonsense he babbles out about it, but in the series if Pomni finds the exit or changes the circus for the better or WHATEVER goes on as she’s the protagonist, I’m just gonna say Kinger had a gut feeling from the start.
- Pomni seems to care the most when Kinger wants to show someone a bug, and that can be left up to the interpretation that the others just got tired of him doing it all the time and Pomnis not used to it yet, or she genuinely just tries to nod along and it makes him very happy to get a response.
- I think during the whole old cast abstracting and being replaced, if we look at the lineup of how everyone entered, I think Ragatha was the only one to actually know Queenie. Atleast see in person for a while, perhaps.
- I think those two would have gotten along SOOO well but!! This is about Kinger,, and I think Kinger and Ragatha also get along very well. She reminds him of Slinky…
- They both know they don’t talk or vent about their own problems at all, atleast anymore for Kinger. They are both bad at keeping it bottled up inside and while they both understand this about eachother, they don’t pry.
- If anything they have tea together often, and only they know alot about tea and really really enjoy it so it’s like their own bonding thing in a way.
- Ragatha came out to him first as a lesbian for some interesting strange reason, though if we follow my beloved trans Queenie hc I like to apply to things sometimes then she likely did it because she knows Kinger isn’t judgmental on lgbt topics.
- I enjoy thinking of Zooble as an angsty teenage child compared to Kingers senile old dad energy
- I think in Kingers eyes they seem to get along a little bit but he’s just a tad intimidated. In Zoobles eyes they wouldn’t let anyone know how much they really like Kinger, afterall he’s nothing but sweet when being spoken with. It’s a nice break from.. Jax or Caine, even the others who are very emotional. Yes they can be kind too, but it’s like you don’t have to try with Kinger because he’s so finicky that he doesn’t remember every detail of your interaction to judge you on it anymore.
- I like to think whenever Kinger needs help with something Zooble lets out a dramatic sigh and goes to help him (no one asked them to and anyone else could’ve volunteered but okay Zoob we know you just genuinely like his company)
- Zooble gave him a weighted blanket as a gift to include in his pillow forts once and he had a panic attack while under it once because he couldn’t move (he loves it so so much I promise)
- Again hhh Dad Daughter vibe I really enjoy it I think Queenie would’ve adored Zooble like a mother too plsplsplsolsolsols
- Jax would call Kinger a boomer a lot and it stresses Kinger out so much because he doesn’t know what it means and when he asked Zooble to explain it to him they convinced him it was slur and so Kinger got Caine to censor the word boomer
- Kinger is like genuinely terrified of Jax and how much of a menace he is, he’s never known anyone that acts like this mf its insane
- Kinger does infact has some pet bugs in a large terrarium in his room and because Jax has keys to everyone’s rooms he with steal Kingers bugs (an example, the centipede he put in Ragathas room? Probably Kingers..)
- Kinger honestly tries his best to avoid Jax hhshs
- Kinger is probably the closest to Gangle of everyone in the current cast.
- Gangle likes to draw and write and ramble and everything to Kinger, even when she has her tragedy mask on, he seems to cheer her up a little just by hanging out near her. Kinger really enjoys it.
- When Gangle does have her happy mask on, it irks something inside Kinger. She really reminds him of Wriggle. And he was much closer to Wriggle than Slinky so.. it bothers him a bit unlike Ragatha being similar to Slinky in few ways.
- She introduced him to anime and while she has a giant ass list of ones she enjoys he’s.. just quite fixated on ghibli movies… he finds them neat.
- They are.. autism buddies.. More so it’s well aware with everyone that Kinger is diagnosed with Autism but Gangle isn’t diagnosed, and Kinger is the only one staring HARD like “hhh ik what you are” fr fr anyway because I hc them both as autistic that’s another reason they tend to group together and get along more.
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elvisslut · 8 months
𝐀𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐜𝐮𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞𝐬
Elvis x reader
Warnings-none,strong language, fluff thats it:)
Summary-Elvis come off the stage with a little doubt in his ability to please a crowd, trying to help that and rudely getting interrupted you find out that he just needs a little bit of love.
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Sitting back with joe and jerry as Elvis sang his final song, talking about the less important things; which was a luxury for anyone in the group that was deemed ‘the Memphis mafia’ a few years ago.
Hearing clicks from the familiar boots, telling you and the guys elvis was almost down the hall to the room, you all knew he’d want out of his suit and in regular clothes in the matter of seconds.
With the guys shuffling out you stayed back wanting to talk to him a bit in the privacy of his dressing room, elvis walked in slouching slightly from the weight of the jewels on his jumpsuit.
“Did you have fun?” You ask with a smile, getting up out of the way of the curtain so he could change in his own privacy sitting on the top of the vanity in that room.
“The crowd was good..” he answers softly going behind the curtain and closing it, peeling the sweaty jumpsuit off and throwing it over the curtain rod.
“Did you not like the songs? Isn’t this your first time doing burning love though?” You frown to yourself as you try to think of what he didn’t like.
“Yeah, but it’s pissin’ me off to stand there an’ sing the same damn thing with different words.” He huffs getting in his regular a little less sweaty clothes.
“I know..maybe you could change up the set list, here..” you trail off grabbing a pen and gift shop bag of the vanity-that being the only paper available.
“What songs do you like to sing?” You ask pulling your knee up and laying the paper-bag on it to write.
“Honey i don’ think-” you’re quick to cut him off, really not wanting to have him doubt himself or his show right now. “Shut up, what songs do you like singing?” You ask again, earning a exasperated sigh as he opened the curtain.
“That one tonight would be a good opener i s’pose..” he muttered, walking to the chair in front of you. “Mhm and what else?” You hum writing down the song and a note in parenthesis; opening song.
“Honey-” you roll your eyes at his attempt to protest again and cut him off. “I said shut up. What. Songs. Do. You. Like?” You say pronouncing the words individually.
He sighs and shakes his head. “I don’ know honey..maybe how great thou art? An’..are ya lonesome tonight” he says rubbing his temple and his forehead as he tries to think of some songs.
“Good thank you..more” you say in a bit of a strict tone, writing down his answers. “Honey can we-“ you let out a long heavy sigh rolling your eyes again. “Elvis..I’m trying to help you enjoy your shows here can you help me figure out how to help you?” You huff putting your leg down as well as the paper bag and pen.
“I don’ think ‘m allowed to be switchin’ up the set list” he say’s looking up at you, his brows frowned upward. You mentally awe at the sight before reaching over and patting his cheek. “As your stage manager honey i allow you to switch up the songs..as for the people who run the way it goes in the musical part of it all..i changed the songs.” You chuckle giving him a smile.
“Maybe we can just..switch it up another day? ‘M tired an’ I just wanna go to bed” he says timidly leaning against your hand, you let out a softer sigh this time and nod.
“Okay E. Ill walk up to the room with you I need to go up there anyhow” you say pushing him back a bit with your foot and hopping off the vanity.
“You feel better being in your..clothes?” You ask the word ‘regular’ definitely not being the word to describe his style. “Much” he chuckles softly getting up and starting the walk with you up to the suite he was staying in.
“Do you get to bring lisa next tour? Or atleast get her when you get back home?” You ask missing her on your own accord but knowing he’d had to have been dying to see her after it being so long.
“Cilla ain’t called me to tell me yet..but i hope i can do both..she’d love the lights in Vegas an’ she likes car rides i wanna take her on a road trip” he said with heavy notes of hope in his voice. “If you get her when you get home you better call me, presley. If you don’t i’m whooping your ass.” You say half jokingly, you’d punch him so hard in his beautiful bicep if he didn’t tell you- in all honesty.
“Okay no need to threaten me..ya should get your head checked out..always threaten us guys..you’re a scary woman” he says with a laugh. You quirk a brow and punch his arm. “Hey! ‘M just bein’ honest..damn you’re provin’ my point” he hollers rubbing his arm in the area you punched it.
“You’re just weak” you say rolling your eyes at him and walking into his room. You head towards the coffee table grabbing the files of paper work you left in there and turning to see his chest mere inches from your face.
“Can i help you?” You ask looking up to his face. “I wanna know if ya can stay in here tonight..i don’..i don’ wanna be alone, i ain’t had a great day..” he trails off biting his lip with embarrassment as his ears turn a soft shade of red.
“Yeah sure E. Just get me a blanket i’ll stay on the couch.” You say softly, him shaking his head at you making you frown in confusion. “Stay in my bed please..i’d still be alone if ya slept in here.” His voice is a little shaky..almost like the boy was about to cry and you were the one who was going to make or break that barrier.
“Yeah..are you sure elvis? I can sleep on the floor or something” you suggest earning another head shake. “No my bed” he says his voice a little less shaky; you nod and turn around setting the file back to the table.
“Thats fine i need to go to my room and grab a-“ he shakes his head cutting you off. “No- no just..i got stuff ya can use..just stay an’ don’ leave i need ya here..i need ya everywhere..” he trails off again, making you frown in confusion again.
“Elvis..what do you mean?” You laugh a little making a face. “Baby ya know what i mean..i wanna be with ya, it would be a lot easier to see ya too..bein’ my stage manager i could see ya more then i seen cilla” he say, making a good point.
You look everywhere but his eyes, knowing you wanted this conversation to happen long ago when you were teenagers and you were very comically in-love, like a teen girl with elvis now days.
“Be with me? Elvis are you okay? Do you need to go to bed? Yeah, here come with me ill help you down” you say grabbing his hand leading him to the bedroom part of the suite. “No doll, i mean what i said. I wanna be with ya..forever” he confirms, pulling you back to him and wrapping his arms around you.
“I don’ think i ever wanted anythin’ more than you” he adds holding you to his chest and leaning his chin on the top of your head. The moment was sweet but you quickly pulled away to look at him making it short lived.
“Elvis i don’t think you’re thinking clearly. Me?” You ask earning a nod and smile. “I’ve loved ya since the day we got in that motorcycle accident, ya all scrapped up an’ still smilin’ it really got me turnin’ my head ya know?” He says with a laugh.
“ELVIS! That was 15 mother fucking years ago! You could have told at least a little sooner!?” You shout, mentally you were bouncing off walls just hearing him say he wanted to be with you and jackhammering off of them as he told you he loved you for 15 years.
15 years before
“Do ya wanna go ride around the block?” Elvis asks as you look over his new bike in amazement. “Do i?! Do you?” He chuckles at your response and gets on starting the bike up and nodding for you to get on.
You happily get on wrapping your arms around him and laying your head on his back, taking in the smell of his new leather jacket mixing with his cologne.
He drove down and WAY further than the block. Going somewhere you haven’t even been; even with touring and all. He went up what he called deadman’s turn, and of course going 40 and in the middle of the road a car turns the corner too, which he would have moved for but being the reason he called it deadman’s corner was because you couldn’t see no-one turning till it was too late.
He lucked out and swerved just nearly scraping the car, then apparently he unlucked out. Complete losing control of the steering and gasping a bit as the motorcycle rocked down throwing you and him off it before slamming into a tree completely totaling the bike.
He sits up and looks over himself a bit before snapping his head up and looking around for you remembering you on the back of the bike. You sit up and stand walking towards the bike completely unfazed by the road rash the cuts and the scraps all over you.
“Are ya okay honey?! Oh god mamas gonna kill me for hurtin’ ya..” he says looking over your face and wiping and blood off with his thumb. “Elvis im fine, are you? Your bike aint” you say pointing out the obvious.
“Yeah ‘m okay..an’..i think she could make it home” he says with laugh, looking to the bike. “I hope you weren’t expecting to pick up any girls with it..they only thing you’ll be picking up is a tow truck guy” you say half jokingly, because he’d really be getting a tow truck guy.
“Haha yeah” he says with a fake laugh, pulling you to him again just to recheck that you’re okay. “Elvis stop im fine” you chuckle swatting his hands away. “I know ‘m just checkin’ to see if it knocked a brain back in this hollow head of yours” he sasses, making the both of you laugh.
He laughed that gorgeous hiccupy laugh and nodded. “I didn’ mean to keep it from ya that long i was just scared i’d lose ya” he said, you very much would have stayed whether you loved him that way or not.
“You could just kiss me” you say a bit confused actually, on why he didn’t. Thats what he did with almost all his other girlfriends. Kissed them longingly in a private room chatting after and bam Elvis Presley had a new girlfriend.
He chuckles and nods, leaning his head down and pressing his lips to yours and oh god. You were in trouble. One taste of his lips was like a taste of…really really good steak that you wanted to eat every day, for 24 hours. They were addicting, and as soft as they looked, not dry or wet but just right.
The kiss itself was passionate and filled with nothing but love and affection for one another. It was everything you’ve ever dreamed of.
“Come lay with me..i just wanna be close to you..” he says pulling away and smiling down at you. You nod and go to the bed with him, crawling under the blankets and warping your arms around his shoulders as his face buries in the crook of your neck, his lips pressing softly kisses against your skin.
His legs tangling with yours as his soft and messy hair tickles at your jaw. This is all you every wanted and its all you’ll ever need. “I love you too” you say softly, realizing you hadn’t said it back.
“You do?” He mumbles against your neck. “I do..and I always will.. like i have.” You answer, bringing one of your hands up and messing with his hair, earning a satisfied hum from him as he leans his head against your touch.
“You’re my best girl..ya an’ lisa will always be my best girls..maybe one day ya can be her step mama” your brows shoot up as he mumbles. “Woah now there Presley. I have been your girlfriend a few minutes and you’re talking about marriage?” You ask with a chuckle moving your head a bit to press a kiss again his head.
“Lets save that talk for later” you add earning a chuckle and nod against your neck. “What songs do you like singing?” You ask deciding to give it another try, he lets out a sigh and pulls away laying on his back with a smirk.
“Ya killed the the mood” he says looking at you with his goofy smirk still on his lips, your lips part a bit as you push his shoulder. “I was just trying to help” you say before crawling up on his chest and wrapping your arms around him, laying your head against his big chest and listening to his heartbeat.
His arm going around you and his free hand going to your hair playing with it softly. “Your hair feels nice.” He says quietly. “Sing me a song” you say quite randomly making him chuckle. “What song?” He asks making you think.
“How about…here comes santa clause?” You ask. “Here comes- are ya in a Christmas mood?” He’s answers with a question, earning a nod from you. “Women its the middle of July” he laughs shaking his head. “Fine how about true love travels on a gravel road” you huff with a small pout.
“That i can do in the middle of july” he say with a chuckle, making you roll your eyes a bit. “You can sing Christmas songs too” you talk back earning a light swat on the back of the head. “Hey!” You holler making him laugh, his chest bouncing your head a bit. “Just sing asshole” you mumble.
“How many girls choose cotton dress worlds, when they can have satin and lace And stand by her man, never once letting shade touch her face How many hearts could live through all the winters We've known and still not be cold True love travels on a gravel road.” He sings to you softly, his hand gently running through your hair.
“Love is a stranger and hearts are in danger All through streets paved with gold For true love travels on a gravel road.
Down through the years we've had hard times and tears But they only helped our love grow And we'll stay together no matter how strong the wind blows Not once have I seen your blue eyes filled with envy Or stray from the one that you hold Oh true love travels on a gravel road.
Love is a stranger and hearts are in danger All through streets paved with gold For true love travels on a gravel road.
Yeah, true love travels on a gravel road. Mmmm True love travels on a gravel road. True love travels on a gravel road.” He softly finishes the song and leans his head up press a kiss to the top of your head like you did his earlier, hearing soft snores from you making him smile.
“Goodnight baby..” he says softly.
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