#i usually don’t socialize that much but now i am going to be having lunch 3x a week with a group of girls from choir and ..
stonechild · 5 months
can i be completely honest and real im finding it hard to relate to my peers
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The Man 2
Warnings: non/dubcon, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Character: mob!Lloyd Hansen
Summary: a demanding customer complicates more than your work life.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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A few days pass as the humiliation of your big lesson clings in the air. You think about it too much. Enough that you find yourself cringing to yourself on your bike ride home or even when lying in bed. You’ve never been the most socially adept so the encounter leaves you reeling.
As you help Bre with opening, you feel your heartbeat pick up once more. You need to chase the elephant from the room. You puff out and wet your lips as you glance over at her. She measures out grinds into the silver machine as her eyes pinpoint on the task.
“Um, so, Bre,” you approach her warily with a fresh sleeve of cups, “I wanted to ask you something.”
“Mm,” she grumbles groggily. She’s on her second coffee already and she only just got there twenty minutes ago.
“So, um, that guy, from the other day,” you rub your boiling neck, “with the mustache. You said he’s the boss. So he owns this place?”
She scoffs and rolls her eyes as she shuts the lid of the machine and turns the silver dial on the front. She shakes her head as the machine starts to brew and she plants her hand on the counter in front of it. She faces you, her other hand going to her hip.
“Mr. Hansen? Lloyd. Hansen.” She enunciates as if you should know the name.
Your lips downturn and you shrug, “is that his name?”
“Are you new in town?” She asks hotly.
You nod, “yeah, actually. I used to live about forty minutes out of town but there was nothing there--”
“It shows,” she retorts, “he owns this shop, he owns the street outside, he owns me, he owns you. He owns this city. Got it?”
You hum and nod as you look thoughtfully to the ceiling, “not really. But he’s important, got it.”
“Just if he comes back in, come get me and say as little as you can. And please, for the love of god, do not ask him for money,” she snips.
“Oh, alright,” you deflate, “I didn’t know--”
“Now you do. Just trust me when I tell you, you don’t want to fuck around with him. If he tells you to pour boiling water on yourself, you’re better off just doing it,” she sneers.
You wince, “okay, sorry, Bre, I was just asking.”
“You ask too many questions,” she turns and goes into the backroom. She returns, dangling a keyring from her finger, “open up. It’s time.”
You take the key and go to unlock the door and flip on the sign. You retreat back behind the counter, swallowed up by the tension between you. You regret asking. You thought it might help clear the air but now you can barely breathe.
When the first customer enters, you volunteer to help them. Bre just mutters and slurps from her coffee. She might have less of a headache if she takes it easy on the caffeine. You don’t say as much to her, nothing really at all as you work through order after order.
She hops onto prep as you man the till while the queue grows. The morning rush is in full effect as you slide baked goods into little paper sleeves and hand them over before sending customers down to the window to wait for their drinks. The hectic flow helps you forget about the awkward start.
When at last the crowd trickles down and the cafe hums with voices sitting at the tables, you have a moment to catch your breath and center yourself. You like this job, it’s just like your last one, but the company isn’t as pleasant. Bre taps her thumb on her phone screen and ignores you.
The ebbs come with hide tides and soon lunch has you scrambling once more. The smell of toasted bread and cinnamon has your stomach grumbling. You’re too busy to let the emptiness bother you for long. When high noon influx subsides, Bre yawns.
“Lunch,” she announces, “I’m going to head down to Tabitha’s. They’re having a clearance sale.”
“Oh, alright,” you agree, not mentioning that she said earlier you could go first, “I’ll be here.”
She doesn’t respond as she disappears into the back to get her things. You hear her leave through the side door that leads through to the alley. You sigh out and watch the sit-in customers on their laptops or chatting with friends.
You resist the temptation of the tarts staring at you from the display. You can hold out until it’s your turn. The door jingles and a new customer enters. You’re too fixated on the painting of a latte to glance over. Not until you sense the sudden shift in the air. Several people quiet and pack up to go.
Footfalls scuff across the floor and customers leave their unfinished drinks on the table as they hurry for the door. You peer around then at the approaching shadow. It’s him. Oh no. Bre isn’t here.
“Um, hello, Mr. Hensen,” you smile shakily, “how are you?”
He stares at you as he comes to stand across the till from you. His blue eyes darken as he lets a long exhale out through his nose. You gulp and your cheeks tremble. He tilts his head and arches a brow.
“Hansen,” he corrects.
“Right, Floyd Hansen, I remember--”
“Lloyd,” he hits his fist on the counter and you gasp. “Lloyd fucking Hansen.” He leans forward and bares his teeth, “get that through that thick fucking skull.” He reaches for you, grabbing the front of your shirt, “you won’t forget who I am.”
“I’m s-sorry, I’m bad with names--”
“Shut up,” he twists the fabric until it strains against the back of your neck, “if you weren’t so goddamn pathetic, I’d drag you across this counter.”
Your eyes round and you bat your lashes. He’s only an inch away from you. You shiver as he opens his hand and presses the vee of his index and thumb to your throat. You’re frozen, terrified. Who is this man?
“Get me my fucking coffee,” he squeezes then shoves you so you choke.
You stumble back and bring your hand to your neck. You nod, eyes glittering with unspent tears, and look around. You can’t remember what he ordered. You’ll just have to make something up. Or maybe you could just sneak out like Bre...
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ultralightpoe · 3 months
Anti-hero - Roy Kent
Authors Note : Based off a request I got {Could you do a Jamie or Roy fic with a girl who feels self conscious as their date to a gala or something? Lots of fluff and comfort! If you don’t want to write it, no worries 💜} A quick reminder that you are all beautiful and truly wonderful. You all deserve the world, and I hope you all find your own Roy Kent. -Ultralightpoe
Word Count: 3,997
Warnings: self doubt. curse words
Requests: OPEN
Main Master list - - Midnights Event List
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(Thank you for the gif @50shadesofpemberlypost )
x Enjoy x
I have this thing where I get older but just never wiser
Midnights become my afternoons
When my depression works the graveyard shift
All of the people I've ghosted stand there in the room
It had been an issue for years, one that was directly caused by your mother. 
It’s not that she was a villain, and it wasn’t like she knew she was doing it anyways, it was always something that just managed to slip out of her mouth in passing moments . A quick ‘that shows your back fat’ there and a ‘are you sure you like that color? It washes you out baby’. Always said with that tone that made you rethink every decision in life. 
She did it out of love. 
But the comments she made built up, that and the pressure of school and social media building up. It all took a toll on you. You found your life mixed with new issues. Anxiety, self-doubt, depression, and you became a new person. 
It was like a shadow version of you, one that tracked how much she ate and thought about how loud she laughed and how much was too much talking. Every single move you made was tracked and overthought.
But then Roy came into the picture. 
At first you did what you usually did, you tried to speak low and not draw too much attention. Tracking how much you laughed and how much you ate. It was fine because your friend group never really realized it, they didn’t know a thing was out of place. But Roy, who had been brought by his sister, was quick to call it out. 
“Fucking stop that.” He muttered when you tried to fix your skirt, using his hand to slap yours away. “You look fucking perfect. Take a breath, yeah?”
“I just…. I’m debating the color, everyone else wore pastels and I hadn’t realized that it would be that type of party.” You admit, body hot with embarrassment as a group of girls pass you at the party. But that was the least of your worries, you had eaten too much cake and had tripped on the stairs in front of your friends. Could everyone see your makeup on your neck? Were they laughing at you-
“Do you overthink everything?” Roy blurts, catching your elbow to pull you back gently as a waiter with a heavy tray passes by. “Because I’ll tell you right now that you’re the prettiest fucking woman at this party.”
“You can’t say that at someone’s birthday party.” You laugh, stepping closer to him without realizing. “That’s one of the biggest rules. It’s like saying someone is prettier than Aphrodite. Next thing you know that person will be cursed to marry your father because the goddess hates you.”
“I’m sorry?”
“It’s…. Greek mythology. I’m not going to marry my dad. It… okay. I’ve ruined this so I am just going to-” You move away quicker than he can follow and you think that it was over. But you had not known just how determined Roy Kent was. 
Soon enough he was taking you out, one date became 4 which led to a relationship. 10 months in and you were the happiest you had ever been. He saw you, in every outfit and every mood and every way, and he loved you just as you were. 
But there was something you didn’t expect, the amount of attention that would come with dating a professional football player. It was a whole new demon in itself. 
I should not be left to my own devices
They come with prices and vices
I end up in crisis (tale as old as time)
I wake up screaming from dreaming
One day I'll watch as you're leaving
'Cause you got tired of my scheming
(For the last time)
Lunches with your mother were the worst, and yet you loved her more than anything. Today she chose an extremely fancy restaurant dressed in a Valentino outfit and her makeup to perfection as she cut her salad up with her fork and knife. 
“Oh this is dreadful.” She sighs, shaking her head. “There is barely any chicken in here. This is insane. Do you see chicken?”
“There is chicken.” Roy shrugs, narrowing his eyes a bit. Lunches with them were always such a weird dynamic considering they were exact opposites. Your mother looked for drama, she thrived off of arguing. Roy chose brutal honesty, he worked best on shutting arguments down before they could even start.  “It’s right there.”
“Oh, baby that is a terrible color on you.” She huffs, sitting the plate back down and turning her glare on you as her hand raises to call the server over. “It washes you out. What have I told you about-”
“She looks fucking stunning today.” Roy scoffs, blinking slowly. 
“It’s fine.” You whisper to him, trying to defuse the situation. 
“No, it’s not.”
“Now I read somewhere that there is a big fundraiser gala coming up, it was in the paper. I assume you both will be attending.” Your mother begins, smiling when the server starts heading over. “You should let me dress you darling. I know how you get anxious about that all and I want to make sure you look your best.”
“She’ll look bloody fantastic in anything-”
“Oh you finally decided to serve your table.” Your mother interrupts him, talking to the server and completely disregarding your boyfriend. 
He takes a moment to lean over to you, catching your eyes. “I’m about to stab my fork into my fucking eye.”
“I know.” You smile, leaning in closer to kiss his cheek which makes him growl a bit at the pda but you see the smile he fights off anyways. “We’ll be gone soon.”
“You look great and the dress you pick will be fantastic. Don’t listen to her.” He gruffs out. 
“Have you seen those posts of you two? They were commenting on your age difference and I just want you to know that I do not think you are too immature for him. Truthfully honey I am proud, I never thought you’d make it with someone so accomplished. I mean it’s not like you had many prospects.” She laughs as the server sends Roy a wide eyed look while taking her plate away leaving the table once more. 
“That’s it.” Roy snaps, slamming his silverware down on the table and pointing his finger at her. “You watch how you speak to her. She’s perfect. And she will be a bombshell at the gala.”
Your mothers face flushes, blinking at him slowly as Roy goes back to his meal like nothing happened while you fight off a smile, your foot rubbing his calf under the table in a silent thank you before you try to pull it back only for his legs to slam shut keeping your foot held there. 
He sends you a sharp look, but the corner of his mouth curves up and you know that was his way of showing his love so you take it, smiling right back at him. 
It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me
At tea time, everybody agrees
I'll stare directly at the sun but never in the mirror
It must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero
The dress you chose for the gala was perfect, you were excited to wear it and truthfully you were excited about the whole thing. This would be the first event you had ever attended with the Richmond team in the public eye, and you wanted to make a good impression. 
But your mothers words from the years rang through your head constantly as you waited for their practice to end, leaning against the wall in the hallway as you thought about everything. 
“Oh! Hello.” A angelic voice rings out, pulling your attention to Rebecca Welton coming down the hallway, making you stand up quickly. 
“Ms. Welton! Hi, hello, hey…. I’m saying hi in too many ways.” You blush, moving to shake her hand. “It’s great to see you again.”
“I was just about to say the same thing. Are you waiting for the boys?”
“I am, yeah. My car is in the shop so I need a ride.” 
“Oh lovely, will I be seeing you at the gala? I have been planning it for weeks, my ex husband used to plan it. The wanker.”
“I’ll be there. I just hope I dress well enough.” You laugh slightly, but her eyebrow raises and you panic slightly. Did everyone on this team just see right through all your shit? 
“You’ll look perfect. I wish I still had a figure like yours.”
“ANGEL!” Someone calls out before you are lifted into the arms of Danny Rojas, kissing the side of your face as he swings you around. 
“Alright. Set her down, will ya?” Roy snaps, coming around the corner and rubbing his knee as Danny sets you down quickly, kissing your cheek one more time before heading away. You lean forward and rub Roy’s knee right where you know he feels the most pain. 
“Is it hurting a lot?” You mumble, as he pulls your hand away. “Sorry, did I hurt you?”
“No, I just don’t want to moan in the middle of this hallway. Let’s go home?” Before you can even answer he is grabbing your bag and moving to take you to the car. 
Sometimes I feel like everybody is a sexy baby
And I'm a monster on the hill
Too big to hang out, slowly lurching toward your favorite city
Pierced through the heart, but never killed
Roy was in a shit mood the day of the gala, slamming cupboard after cupboard. You knew he was irritated about having to dress up and see the reporters that used to write about him all the time, and you knew in moments like this it was best to let him work through it. But sometimes you just couldn’t stay away. 
Shuffling closer, in his shirt, you wrap your arms around his center and shove your face into his back. He huffs out as he keeps swiping  the sponge against the counter, but he doesn’t push you away so you take a chance and kiss between his shoulder blades. “It’s going to be okay. What they say about you doesn’t matter.”
He sighs out, letting go of the sponge before turning around in your arms and wrapping his own around you, placing a kiss on your forehead. 
“You were young and they were assholes for that…. So fuck them.”
“Fuck them.” He repeats. 
“You’re going to walk by them in your fine ass suit with your fine ass body-”
“Please don’t objectify me.” He mumbles, but a smile is already on his lips as he leans down to kiss you deeply before pulling back. “And I will have the brightest fucking gem with me tonight.”
“Oh, c’mon.” You blush, trying to pull back but his arms are tight around you. 
“I think we need to fuck.” He huffs kisses at your face again. 
“Don’t be so crass!” You laugh, trying to escape him and shuffling you both to the bedroom right as your phone rings. “It’s my mother.”
“No. Don’t answer.”
“I have to, or she’s gonna be mad.” You answer back, watching his face turn dead serious as he looks at you. His hands come up to rub at your jaw. 
“You listen to me you little rat.” He mumbles, you fighting back a laugh at the nickname. “Don’t listen to a word she says, because you are beautiful.”
“I won’t. I promise.” You promise, kissing his lips deeply and losing yourself to the kiss for a moment before he pulls back and shuffles to continue cleaning the counter. You swipe your thumb across the screen and mumble out a “Hello mother.”
“Oh you’re there! I thought you were about to ignore my call.” She snaps through the phone. 
Did you hear my covert narcissism I disguise as altruism
Like some kind of congressman? (Tale as old as time)
I wake up screaming from dreaming
One day I'll watch as you're leaving
And life will lose all its meaning
(For the last time)
You broke your promise, and you let your mother get the best of you. 
Her words from earlier bounce around your mind as you get ready. You debate whether or not your hair looked healthy as you spray hairspray across it. Did it look greasy? Untamed? Could they see your split ends?
Was your nail polish the wrong color? Was there a patch of hair on your legs that you missed? Did the dress color wash you out? Did you look too heavy? Was it too late to cancel?
“You look…. “ Roy blinks, coming up behind you to help zip the dress. “Fuck.”
“Is that good?” You ask, biting at your lip as he leans to kiss the nape of your neck. 
“Good? You look bloody amazing.” He snaps, kissing your neck one more time before standing straight. “Now let’s go make money.”
“What are we fundraising for? I never looked into it?”
“I have no fucking clue.” 
“Right.” You laugh, turning with your hand in his as he kisses your knuckles softly. “Then let’s go make money for whatever needs money.” 
“Make a fortune.”
It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me (I'm the problem, it's me)
At tea time, everybody agrees
I'll stare directly at the sun but never in the mirror
It must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero
Your lip was worn down from the amount you had been biting it. 
Walking up to the gala you saw a red carpet with dozens of flashing cameras and begin to panic as you get closer, your hand tightening in Roys as he stands straighter. You would not be able to handle the cameras and see your picture all over the internet. What would people say? They would trash you, oh how bad would it be?
But Roy, ever the perfect man, simply held your hand tight and walked across the red carpet with a confidence that made your skin hot. He muttered to each that called his name, his voice deep and uncaring. “No. No. Fuck you. Fuck off. Fuck no.”
A smile blooming across your face as you let him lead you into the building where everyone is walking about with drinks in their hand. 
“I’m going to go get us drinks. Your usual?” He asks, waiting for your nod before heading in the direction of the bar leaving you standing there to take a look around. 
You took your chance to look around at everyone around you, smiling at anyone you make eye contact with. The anxieties began rising, as every gorgeous female passed you in their perfect dresses. Was your dress cheap looking? Did you look pathetic?
You were caught up in your thoughts as Jamie approached with his date, a model that introduces herself with a hug that makes you sniff caramel, leaving you with a crater in your chest as you look at her perfection. Jamie talks about the gala, looking around at everyone as a flash makes you blink, all three of you turning to the person that just took your picture. 
“The actual fuck?” Jamie scoffs, staring at him. “We were having a conversation, ye?”
“Sorry.” The man nods, moving to walk off and bumping into Nate with another apology. “Didn’t see you.”
“Hi Nate.” You smile, trying to seem calm when he walks up. “You look great.”
“Thank you! Mr. Lasso actually bought me this suit.”
“Who?” You blink, trying to see who he had been talking about. It wasn’t meant to be a snappy or snide comment, you had yet to be introduced to the new coach and the name didn’t ring a bell at first. But the second you saw the man with the mustache owning the crowd not far off you knew who Nate was talking about. 
But when you turn back to Nate you see a glare set on his features, his cheeks a little red as he blatantly looks away from you. “You look great, Jamie. You as well Keeley.”
Then he walks off, bumping into you harshly as he passes which makes the blonde look at you with wide eyes as Jamie excuses himself for another drink. 
“Oh, that was extremely rude of me. I shouldn’t have asked about the coach- that was-”
“What are you talking about?” She blinks, looking extremely confused. “You didn’t do anything wrong?”
“Here you are.” Roy grunts, handing you the chilled glass. “Keeley.”
“Hello Roy.” She smiles before Jamie whistles to pull her over. 
“Did he just call her like she was a dog?” You ask Roy as she walks over, and he shrugs. 
“He’s a wanker. Always has been and always will be.” Roy grunts out, rolling his eyes. “He doesn’t ever pass the ball. And he is a massive tool. You should hear some of the things he says to-” He begins to explain as you try to smooth out your dress before his hand shoots out to stop you. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing.” Your answer was too quick, his eyes narrow and he catches it. 
“What happened?”
“I just…. I think I upset Nate because I asked to Lasso was and I didn’t mean to and everyone here looks amazing. But I’m fine. Everything is fine.” 
“Did that little fuck say something?”
“No. It’s fine Roy. Everything is fine.” You smile, leaning forward to kiss his lips which he allows before moving back and holding his hand knowing he doesn’t like pda.  “Let’s go find our seats?”
I have this dream my daughter in-law kills me for the money
She thinks I left them in the will
The family gathers 'round and reads it and then someone screams out
"She's laughing up at us from hell"
“Hello Roy, you handsome devil you.” A southern voice rings out, walking up to where you and Roy were seated together. “And what pairs so well with a handsome devil? An angel.”
“The devil is technically… well historically the devil is an angel.” You blush, immediately feeling stupid as the fun fact slips from your lips. “Well, I mean- I’m sorry that was stupid.”
“Stupid? Absolutely not. I feel ashamed that I didn’t know it.” He laughs, leaning to shake your hand. “My name is Ted, all my friends call me Ted which means you must.”
“It’s wonderful to meet you. Roy was telling me about all the new techniques at your practices.” You smile, making your boyfriend shake his head. 
“I said nothing good.” Roy huffs.  
“He said everything good.” You smile which makes Ted smile back. 
“You both look fantastic. Have a drink on me, since it’s an open bar.” Ted jokes, moving to walk away as Roy places his hand on your lower back. 
“Why the fuck would you tell him that I said good things?” He huffs and your stomach drops. 
“I’m sorry. It was just teasing and you do always say great things about him so-”
“Take it easy. You are fine.” He shakes his head. “Are you okay?”
You hadn’t noticed but your fists had clenched and your nails were digging into your skin, his own fingers were quick to make you release the hold and rub his thumb over the crescent marks left on your skin before bringing your hand up to kiss your palm. 
“I thought you hated pda.” You whisper, leaning so your foreheads were pressed together as he pretended to roll his eyes. 
“Fuck it. I have a gorgeous date and I deserve to kiss her in public.” 
“Are you sure? It’s a big move for you.”
“Have you seen yourself? Prettier than the goddess aphrodite.” He smiles and your eyes widen. 
“How. Dare. You! What have you done? I’m going to have to marry my dad now. Roy, how could you have done this to me?” You laugh, shaking your head. “I also cannot believe you remember that from almost a year ago.”
“Of course I remember.” He blinks. “That was the first conversation I had with the love of my life. Who would forget that?”
“Oh knock it off.” You mumble, shaking your head. 
“Knock it off? Knock what off?” He snaps. “Do you realize how fucking lucky I was that day? The day you looked at me? My life was made. The second best day of my life.”
“Second. My niece’s birth is the first.” 
“I’m fucking honored.” You laugh, smiling from ear to ear. 
“Did you just cuss?”
“I did. I’m sorry. My mother would kill me.” You blush. 
“Can I be honest with you for a second?”
“When are you not?”
“Fuck your mother.” He blurts, which makes your eyes widen. “I hate her. I think she is miserable and you are far fucking prettier than aphrodite and you don’t have to worry about the goddess making you marry your dad because I will be marrying you. No goddess or god could keep me from you.”
“Oh yeah?”
“You’re stuck with me. And I need you to stop being to fucking mean to yourself. You hear me?” He asks seriously. “Because that’s the love of my life you are talking about.” 
“I can try.” 
“Good. Now lets get another round and wait this fucking gala out. Then lets go get actual food because I know you skipped lunch.”
“Sounds like a plan.” You smile before a flash blinds you once more, making you both whirl to the man with the camera. 
“You fucker-” Roy begins to stand as he dashes off. 
It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me
It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me
It's me, hi, everybody agrees, everybody agrees
You both end up at a late night potato stand, sitting on one of their benches as you both laugh at the memory of the auction that had taken place. 
“A fucking grandma bid on me. You know how embarrassing that was?”
“Hey! I bid on you too!” You laugh, body shaking from laughing so hard. “And Keeley!”
“Keeley was pissing that little wanker off.” He huffs, rubbing your thigh gently as you keep his blazer wrapped around you. “Thank you for coming with me tonight.”
“Thank you for bringing me. I am sorry I upset Nate-”
“Stop saying sorry. You have nothing to be sorry for.” He mumbles, leaning to dig his spoon into your baked potato and take a big mouthful of it. “Fuck. That is good.”
“You say that about anything I get! You always do this!” You laugh, pretending to pull the potato away. 
“You always choose better!”
It's me, hi (hi), I'm the problem, it's me (I'm the problem, it's me)
At tea (tea) time (time), everybody agrees (everybody agrees)
I'll stare directly at the sun but never in the mirror
It must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero
“Fuck!” You wake up to the sound of Roy yelling from the kitchen, rushing to wrap yourself in the sheet left on the bed from last night as your feet pad across the floor to find where he is at. 
You find him sitting on the couch with a cup of coffee, glaring at his laptop, until he sees you coming out of the bedroom in just a sheet. 
“Fuck.” Unlike his last curse this one is said with a lusty tone, setting the coffee down as you come closer to the couch and move to sit by him. 
“What’s got you so mad, handsome?”
“They posted a picture of me and they said I’m retired. What fucks.”
“Is it a bad idea? To be retired?” You ask, moving to straddle him before he can pull an attitude. “You would have more time with me. More time to hang out and cuddle and sleep and…. You can finish the rest.” 
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williamswifey · 1 year
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pairing ; bella ramsey x fem!reader
summary ; bella does an at home interview, and you overheard them discussing your relationship while they think you’re asleep.
content warnings ; none
a/n ; i was watching a bella ramsey interview and was inspired so enjoy this 🥹
you blinked sleepily as your eyes fluttered open, rolling over to your right. while normally your head would gently hit bella’s chest, instead you found yourself brushing against an empty, cold spot.
this woke you up fully as you sat up in confusion. you yawned and stretched, and you could hear bella’s voice coming from the dining room. their voice was loud, much louder than it usually was when they were on the phone attempting to remain quiet while you slept.
however, you noticed bella’s tone was professional, the way they did whenever in public or when doing something work related.
you remembered last night bella had mentioned an interview early in the morning, and you had been half asleep as you hummed in acknowledgment to their statement.
you frowned. it was a saturday, and you loved saturday mornings with bella. you loved cuddling with them until noon, you loved brushing you teeth side by side. you loved cooking breakfast with them and doing chores while singing, and then rewarding yourselves with lunch and a movie.
however, bella wasn’t there for you to cuddle. the room felt chillier, and your feet softly padded down the hallway of your shared apartment.
you peeked your head out slightly, trying to get bella’s attention so you could wave to them. except bella was so into the interview, they were in their own world. you loved how serious they were about their job, and how respectful they were to interviewers.
you sighed, noticing bella had left a few windows open throughout the hallway. you closed them and went back into your bedroom to grab one of bella’s sweatshirts. it was long and fluffy on the inside and smelled so strongly of bella you could’ve mistaken it for the real thing.
when you returned to the spot you stood moments prior, you noticed bella and the interviewer discussing an entirely new topic: you.
“…yeah, as cringey as it sounds i never really felt i belonged until i met y/n. it was an instant bond—an instant warmth. it sounds cliché, i know, but…my heart was just drawn to her.”
“that’s beautiful,” the interviewer commented, “now tell me, how different do you think your life would be without y/n?”
you heard bella scoff at the question, as if it was a joke.
“i don’t think i could fathom a world without y/n. i definitely wouldn’t be where i am today—she’s pushed me to do the unthinkable.”
“do you think she feels the same way?” the man on the laptop asked.
“i’d hope so,” bella said with a giggle, “i mean, she’s asleep right now but otherwise i’d straight up go and ask her.”
“you live together? how’s that experience been?”
“it was the best decision of my life. getting to wake up next to y/n every morning—being able to see the little things about her, the things i wouldn’t have seen had we not lived together.”
you felt a smile grace your face. you bit down on your lip, and you felt your heart squeeze within your chest.
“your relationship is by far one of the most popular on social media. how have the two of you dealt with being in the spotlight?”
“um…it surprisingly doesn’t affect us much. because yeah—our fans see a lot of our relationship, but it’s really only what we want them to see. there’s still so much to our relationship that’s only for us to have, and that’s what keeps the spark going.”
you grinned to yourself, fiddling with the lose thread on bella’s sweatshirt. you listened for a few more minutes—even after the topic had changed. you loved watching bella at work, but you were exhausted and couldn’t fight the urge to crawl back into bed.
you had fallen asleep again, much to your distaste, though a soft hand running throughout your hair woke you up.
you blinked to see bella above you, smiling down at your sleeping figure. they noticed you stirring awake and pressed a kiss to your forehead.
“my sleepy girl,” they said softly, “how did you sleep?”
“good,” you replied, “better now that you’re here.”
your hands interlocked with bella’s, and you remembered everything they said about you. it made your heart flutter as you pulled them impossibly closer.
“i love you, bella. you know that right?”
bella let out a hearty chuckle at your words.
“of course i know that darling, i love you too.”
“you promise?” you asked, sleep still fogging your brain, but your head was clear enough to know that you loved bella more than anything else.
“on my life,” bella whispered back, pulling the blanket over the two of you, ensuring that your saturday morning cuddles were still on track.
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mrsmandalorian · 2 months
meeting your parents
--cowboy!joel x techie!f!reader
-one-shot in the city lights, country nights series
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summary: a year into your relationship, your mother learns about your relationship with joel. she insists you bring him to dinner after you agree. joel gets rewarded for his good behavior, though.
series masterlist/main masterlist/word count: 3.4k
warning: 18+ mdni, reader is able-bodied, no outbreak AU,  pet names (baby, angel, darling), fluff!!!!, flirting, make-out, drinking, parental issues, talk of trauma, drinking, handsy make-out, oral sex (m receiving), sexual teasing, joel's southern charm 🥵
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a/n: howdy, everyone! i hope all is well with everyone! i am super sorry for the delay in this. i hope you all enjoy it! comment, reblog, and like to show your love! i appreciate you all! much love 🫶🏼 maddie
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It was common for you to have noon meetings during the week. These meetings ruined your lunch break and made the day go by longer. Your break was usually when you got to catch up with Joel and socials throughout the day, so this meeting ruined your vibe. 
You sighed in relief as your boss let you all out about ten minutes earlier than usual. Gathering all your items, you hurry to your little office and get out a little lunch from your bag. You grab your phone, planning to text Joel when you see your mother has tried to call you. After closing your office door, you call her back with a slight eye roll. 
Your relationship with your parents was okay, but you were very independent and broke many generational curses that disappointed your mother. Your mom was the type to try to set you up with all her friends, coworkers, and kids, and she wanted you to go to the University of Virginia like her and your father. You have never told her about Joel. The two of you have been together for almost a year now. You were not ashamed of your sweet and sexy cowboy at all. You just enjoyed the peace of them not knowing. Your parents were just tricky and old in their ways of thinking. That’s why you did not get along. 
“Hi, honey! I thought you would be on a lunch break, but I guess not,” she uttered as soon as she answered, causing you to shake your head. 
“Hi, Mom. I had a meeting during the first half of my lunch break. I'm just calling you back. How are you today?” you asked as you sat back in your chair. Your mom only calls every other week, usually to get gossip for her book club or country club women's group. Your apartment was about thirty minutes from their house, but you only went over once a month, if that. 
“I’m doing okay. Leanne just told me some interesting news,” you could hear the fake grin on her face as she spoke. “It was about you.” Why the hell would she know anything about you?
“Oh really? What did she have to say?” You hesitantly asked her as you sat up, wondering what her friend had news about you. 
“She was telling me about how she was on your side of town going grocery shopping because there were better prices on fruit and vegetables there. She ran into her old construction worker, and once she got to the check-out line, you were there with him checking out two lanes down all lovey-dovey.” She began her speech on ‘how could you’ as you started to fidget your fingers across the top of your desk. “Hello, are you there?” 
You slowly take a deep breath before you respond to her. “I’m here. Yes, he’s my boyfriend,” giving her a short response was the best you could do right now as your stomach turned. 
“Boyfriend? How old is he? Leanne says that he has kids! Honey, you are only twenty-five years old! You don’t need to be with some older man and some woman’s kids.” She nagged back at you, and your fingers were immediately at the end of the call button. 
“Mother, whenever you find the time to be respectful and happy for me, you can call me back, and we can discuss Joel.” You say as you finally hit the end call button and let out a shaky breath. You sit back in your chair, wishing you could simply disappear to your country heaven. 
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It took her three days to call you back. You almost did not answer, but your drive to the ranch was on a Friday evening. I was hoping you would lose the phone service anyway. 
“Hello, sweetie. I am sorry for how I reacted the other day,” she started the talk in a sweet apologetic tone. It caused you to wish you had not answered. 
“I’m not saying I forgive you because you said very unfair things about Joel the other day.” You replied quickly as you continued to drive farther away from the city. 
“I know. I judged a book by the description and cover. I am sorry, sweetie.” She lets out another apologetic plea. “I was calling to apologize for my behavior, but also invite you and Joel for dinner at the house on Sunday if you are both free. Your father and I would like a chance to meet him.” 
You bite your lips as she speaks and tap your fingers along the steering wheel. “ I will have to talk to Joel about it. I’ll let you know by tomorrow morning.” 
The rest of your conversation was short as she tried to catch up with you a little. Because of her old manipulative ways, you knew not to play too much into her games, but she was still your mother. You eventually lose service before you get to the ranch, so you end the call. You try to relax a little before you pull into the driveway as you roll down the windows, enjoying the cool breeze. 
The drive past the ranch gates was quiet; usually, you could see someone out in the pastures. You pull into your regular parking spot and still cannot see anyone around. 
Sassy comes running the house from the direction of the barn, barking at you. She let you give her some quick love but started herding you towards the barn. “Alright, I’m coming,” you say to the dog as you follow her directions. As you come around the side of the house, you see Joel waiting for the two of you to join him with a smirk. 
You noticed he was covered in dirt and sweat when you approached him. His black T-shirt helped hide some dirt, and his large biceps peeked out. His large, dirty hand was wrapped around a cold yellow can of Coors. “Howdy, sweetheart,” he greets you with a gentle hand around your waist, pulling you into a small peck. He didn’t show much affection because Ellie and Tommy sat with him. It all looked like they had a rough day.
“You guys just slacking off and drinking today?” You joked with them as you pulled away from Joel to hug Ellie. You reached up to wipe some dirt off her chin like a mother. Ellie and your relationship was something you worked hard for. She gave you hell, but you won her over reasonably quickly. Her protectiveness over Joel was the biggest obstacle, but she accepted you in her small circle after seeing how you cared for and loved him. 
She jokingly pulls away in disgust, which makes you roll your eyes dramatically. You hear the sound of a cooler opening as you turn towards Tommy, yellow jacket in hand. He nods and gives you a beer, “Evening, city girl. I would hug you, but your old man decided to work my ass off,’’ he jokes with his giant smile and southern drawl. If you had not found Joel and Mariah wasn't in the picture, you could picture yourself with Tommy. You lift your beer to the two men (Ellie is still a senior in high school, but Joel told her she had to wait till she graduated to drink with them) as you all take a sip of the beer. 
“As much as I would love to sit here and drink beer all night. I need to go get ready for my hot date,” Tommy says as he finishes his beer in two big gulps. He lets out a loud belch as he grabs his cooler and puts it in the back of his truck. “I will see you guys in the morning. Call Ellie if you need anything. I will not answer if you call me.” 
You all chuckle as he waves and drives off down the driveway. The three of you all chat while you finish cleaning up the stables; then Ellie says she’s going to her room to shower so she can go into town later. 
Joel gently pulls you into his chest as the two of you watch her walk up to the big house. “You look mighty pretty today, little lady, but you seem tense. Let me help you with that.” He whispers into your ear as he moves your hair. Joel cups one side of your cheek as he pulls into a passionate kiss, pulling away slightly with a smirk and then going back in. He starts kissing down your neck, to the collar of your shirt, and to your ear. His wandering hands move from your waist to your bottom, kneading your ass. He held you still and gently guided you against the wall as he continued to kiss and let his hand wander. 
“I need to,” you stopped, letting out a small moan as he started to move his hands under your shirt. “I need to talk to you about something, Miller.” You couldn’t help but bring it up as it weighed heavy on you. You wanted to go ahead and get it over with, then ride your cowboy from sunset into the night.
Joel quickly stops his movements as his body eases off you gently, his concerned brown eyes meet yours. “What is it, darling?” He asked as he rubbed his hands gently on your hips, his eyes scanning your face for an answer to what could be wrong. 
“My mother called,” you say as you lay your hands on his chest. “She has invited us to dinner on Sunday. Her friend saw us together the other day and spilled the beans. We don’t have to go through.” 
“Why won’t we go? I mean, it’s been a year now,” he rubs your shoulders to reassure you that everything will be okay. “It would be nice to meet the parents who made me my favorite person.”
“She said some ugly things on the phone about our relationship. I made her call me and apologize for it,” you quickly tell him as you bite your lip, waiting for his response. 
He runs his thumb across your cheek as his brown eyes intensely meet yours. “I’m happy that you stood up for us. We can go, baby. I will just blow their socks off with my Southern charm,” he whispers as he kisses your forehead. Joel was insecure about never being good enough for you but never worried about other people’s opinions on your relationship, especially the age gap. 
“I’m sure you will,” you mumble back as you lean into him to give him a heartfelt kiss. “Now, we can resume our activities, cowboy.” 
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Sunday evening came too quickly for your liking. You and Joel drove into the city together, and Joel drove your little sedan, which was always cute. You pull into your parent’s driveway with a slight groan escaping your lips. Joel’s hand gently rubbed your thigh, comforting you, “We got this, darling.”
Joel dressed more than usual in a solid button-up shirt rolled up to his forearm with nice dark jeans. You wore a simple dress that made you guys almost late whenever Joel saw you in it. 
Joel takes the lead as he gets out, opens your door, and helps you out of the car. He holds your hand as you both walk up to the door.  You ring the doorbell and look at him quickly with a small smile. He squeezes your hand and slightly winks as the door swings open, revealing your father. 
There is silence as your father awkwardly stares down at Joel, which causes you to stop breathing for a second. Joel breaks the silence as he lets go of your hand and puts it out for your father to shake: “Good evening, sir. I’m Joel Miller.”
Your father glances at his hand and shakes it hard. “Nice to meet you, Joel. Please don’t call me sir; we are too close in age for that. I’m Dave.” He says it almost as a joke and moves out of the way to let you in. You give Joel an eye roll about the comment as he walks in with his hand on the small of your back. 
“Dad, don’t be a dick,” you say as your mother walks into the room. She looks horrid at what you just said but gives Joel a small smile.
“Hello Joel, it’s so nice to meet you finally. I’m Tracy. Our daughter has been keeping you hidden,” she jokes beside your father, then gives you a death glare to behave. The tension in the room was giving you significant anxiety as you fidgeted your fingers as you all walked into the living room. “Would either of you like to drink? Dave could get you a beer or whiskey, whatever you like.” 
Joel looked calm and collected as he sat beside you on the couch. Your mother sat across from the two of you on a decorative chair. “Thank you. I’ll take a whiskey,” Joel responded as he smiled back at your mother. Your father started rambling about his whiskey collection, and Joel entertained it. He was putting that Southern charm to work tonight. 
The tension faded as you all sat at the table in the dining room, which your mother had beautifully decorated for the night. You helped her serve all the food. Joel tried to help, but you told him to return to entertaining your dad. 
As you help your mom in the kitchen, “I like him. I’m sorry that I judged him too early,” she says as she finishes plating the last dish. “I’m happy he makes you happy. I think I was just hurt that you kept it a secret.” 
You smile at your mom as she does a genuine behavior. She was lovely, but she could be very fake with her friends. “I’m happy you like him, Mom. He’s pretty okay,” you joked as you hugged her quickly. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner. I have no excuse for it.” 
“I can’t blame you either, honey. I didn’t tell my parents about your father until we moved in together. They were pissed when we got married three months later,” she giggles as you carry out plates to the table. 
Everyone starts eating as you all make small talk amongst each other. 
“The dinner is excellent, Tracy. Thank you guys for inviting us over for dinner,” Joel says after he wipes his face off with his napkin and then places it on his lap again. The two of you had been playing footsie under the table all night as you sat across from one another. You also took your shoe off and teased his crotch every once in a while, which caused you to get a stern look from Joel. 
“You are more than welcome, Joel. I’m so happy you guys are here,” your mom says back to him, smiling happily. The southern charm was still heavy as Joel won everyone over more and more, especially your dad—even the discussion of going to a University of Texas football game next season and a visit to the ranch soon. 
“Joel, if you don’t mind me asking, I heard from my friend that you have children. How old are they?” your mom asks as she finishes her meal. She seems genuine with her question, and there are no games. 
“I don’t at all. They are one of my favorite topics to discuss besides your daughter. I have two daughters, Sarah and Ellie. They are both seniors at the high school in the closest town to the ranch. Sarah comes from my previous relationship; her mom left us when she was two. Ellie is my not legally adopted daughter, and she is a spitfire. Ellie’s parents should burn in hell for how they were treating her. Luckily, she and Sarah were close enough for her to say something, and we could help her,” Joel spoke, and it made you want to get emotional as he talked with such love for his girls. They are his world and mean everything to him; he will do everything for them if they let him. 
“Aw, I’m sorry for the hardship of being a single parent. It is hard, I bet,” your mom says as she gives him a small smile. 
“My brother, Tommy, and his wife, Mariah, have been there for me as I am with them. This little lady has been heaven-sent as the girls get older and more challenging. Changing the diapers is easy, but feelings and relationship trouble are more challenging,” Joel jokes as his brown eyes meet yours with a grin. He reached across the table to your hand and held it briefly.  
Dessert was served, and the men drank one more drink as they helped wash the dishes in the kitchen. It was finally time to start heading back home. Your parents walked you out and gave you both hugs and farewells. 
Joel gently held your hand as he walked with you to the side of the car. He helps you in with a squeeze of your ass out of sight of your parents. As Joel pulls the car out of the driveway, you wave back to your smiling parents. 
“They loved you and your charm, handsome,” you look over at him with a smirk. “I think you deserve a reward for your good work.” You slide your hand over his clothed crotch, which earned a low groan from Joel.
“Are you trying to wreck us, darling?” He asks you with a chuckle and bats your hand away from him. “Either wait till we get away from the street lights or get home.”
“What if I didn’t do either,” you teased him as you slowly slid your hand back over his crotch. You bite your lower lip and palm him gently as you bat your eyelashes at him. 
“You better, or your ass is grass when we get home,” he grumbles as he bats your hand away. “You only have to wait ten minutes. I don’t want to get pulled over with my dick out.”
The next ten minutes were full of you teasing Joel as he got more and more sexually frustrated with you. As soon as the city lights went out of sight and pastures started, Joel gave you a stern look. “You have been teasing me all fucking night with that damn dress and your under-the-table activities. You will be punished for that,” he sternly tells you as you get an idea to get yourself out of trouble. 
“Or,” you dramatically drag the R as your hands slide back over to Joel’s clothed erected crotch. “I could reward and ask for your forgiveness now.” You trusted Joel that he could handle driving if you continued to pleasure him, and you would stop if not.
He lets out a shaky breath as you start to unbutton and unzip his jeans. You spit into your hand as you begin to pump his cock in a rhythm that makes him groan loudly. Eventually, after your hand starts to sting, you lean over and take him in your mouth. 
“Fuck, darling,” he lets out as his non-driving hand entangles your hair, gently pushing your head in rhythm as you are going in. “You’re going to make me come, angel.”
You continue to bobble your head down as your tongue glides against him, with some extra pressure applied that causes him to grip your hair a little harder. His quick breaths come a little sooner than you thought. You work him a little harder as you meet his brown eyes with big eyes. 
“I’m about to come, darling. Do you want to swallow?” he asks as he tries to calm down to give you time to answer. You nod and make an agreeing noise as you continue. Shortly, white ropes are shot into your mouth as Joel’s moans meet your ears. “Fuck, good girl.” He reaches down and cups your cheek as you pull up. “Just wait till we get home, little lady.”
“Oh, I can’t wait, sir,” you giggle back as his hand wanders under the skirt of your dress. He runs his thumb over your clothed pussy, which causes you to spread your legs. Joel teases you until you pull into the driveway. 
“You better get inside and on all four in about two minutes,” he warns you as he parks the car with a smirk. 
Luckily, the girls were away at a friend’s house because the two of you had a very energetic night from the couch to the bathroom shower. Joel’s Southern charm worked for him and worked with everyone, especially you. 
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thank you for reading!let me know what you think!🤍
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captain-mj · 1 year
Hazelnut Truffle Mocha
What do you guys think Koenig is? Just curious on what you guys would predict
Alejandro left eventually, saying something about making good on his promise to bring Rodolfo lunch. Ghost stayed for a few hours.
It wasn’t just Soap that made him stay. He didn’t have anywhere to be. His social battery had hit zero at 5:01 am that morning. While he could go back to his flat, that also didn’t seem like a good option.
So Ghost stayed in the dark corner of the cafe, watching the patrons. A lady with big bracelets that jingled talked animatedly with Soap. Another man trying to flirt with him that Ghost noticed he brushed off. Interesting. Teens and old people alike, ebbing and flowing. Until around 2 pm, the place cleared out. Ghost blinked at the clock, wondering how he spent almost six hours without moving before letting out a huff, watching his breath cloud up.
Oh. It was cold. No wonder he felt like this. He also hadn’t eaten and despite the nausea at the idea of forcing something down, the headache building at his temples was enough to convince him he had to.
Ghost went to stand up and accidentally pressed right into Soap who had walked right up to him at some point. They were chest to chest. Soap felt rather cold, even this close, but Ghost chalked it up to him having been outside recently.
He realized they were still touching. Soap had turned bright red, freezing in place. Ghost gently pushed him since he didn’t have room to move away.
Finally, his barista seemed to reorganize his thoughts and back up. “Uh… I was just… um.”
“Yes, Johnny?”
Soap looked up at him. “I was wondering if you’re hungry? You’ve been here a while.”
“It’s like you read my mind. Yeah.”
“I was planning on closing the cafe for an hour so I can go eat… Did you want to come with me?” Soap looked up at him.
Ghost hummed. “Do you not get free food here?”
“Oh, I do. Just so many times I can eat my own baking though…” Soap smiled.
“You make everything here?”
“Almost everything! I get some of the pastries from a bakery close by. I don’t think I could make thirty croissants a day. Might go insane.” Soap smiled. It was stunning. It softened his features, not so much as to make him look younger, but more to make him look relaxed. Ghost wanted to see it all the time.
They went to a nearby restaurant and sat together. It only really occurred to Ghost that this was likely a date. Checked all the required boxes for a date. They were alone. There was food. Soap had asked.
Ghost decided not to ask, just in case it wasn’t. He stared at him, realizing that unlike with the drinks, he’d have to keep his mask up for more than a few seconds at a time.
Ah. Sorta backed himself into a corner. He fidgeted under the table.
Soap noticed immediately. “Why do you wear the mask?”
“I have some… scarring. It’s not pretty.”
“Are you nervous about me seeing?”
“Nervous about anyone seeing…” Ghost answered honestly. Soap felt easy. Honesty came naturally.
Soap looked very curious, though Ghost noticed how… sad his eyes looked. They were beautiful. A soft blue that he could live in. Soft lashes that fanned across his cheeks when he blinked. A scar across a small part of his face that he wondered about. The rest of his face was gorgeous of course, but right now, in this lighting, he couldn’t drag his gaze away from Soap’s.
Behind those eyes were dark pools. Ghost had gotten used to seeing shell shocked men with nothing behind their eyes, but it usually faded. It certainly was not present in situations such as these. And yet, Soap’s eyes were still empty.
“Were you listening to me?” Soap said gently, leaning in.
Soap laughed, luckily. Ghost hadn’t made a good impression if this was a good date. “I said I’ll try not to look too much, but I don’t think scarring is too bad. Bet your handsome under there.”
Flirting. Soap was flirting and Ghost didn’t know how to flirt.
“Well, I doubt anyone will look at me with you next to me.” Ghost looked at him, making eye contact again. He saw Soap’s eyes flicker, something a little softer appearing before reverting back.
“Think I’m that handsome?”
“Yes.” Ghost didn’t have to think about it.
Soap blushed and looked away. They ate together and it felt… nice. Soap was the main talker. Mostly about his job or customers before switching to what he had watched lately. Apparently, he had recently watched a movie about a woman trying to avenge her friend by going on a killing spree. He didn’t catch the name, but that was an excuse to talk to him later. It sounded like the kind of movie Ghost would like. True to his word, Soap’s eyes stayed on his own food or Ghost’s eyes, only occasionally glancing to his mouth, but never lingering. Ghost started to feel a bit guilty for his rather obvious staring.
His scars itched. The large Glasgow smile. Soap grew up in Scotland, so he probably had seen them before, but Ghost’s were so jagged. Traced over and a lot thicker than most people’s. Not to mention the snake bite scars from an… incident when he was a little kid. They weren’t like Soap’s soft well healed scar. They were all bad. They healed wrong and ugly. Ghost tried not to think about them too much.
“This was really fun, but i have to get back now. Work calls.” Soap stood up and went to pay.
“I got it, don’t worry.” Ghost pulled out some pounds.
Soap shook his head. “Absolutely not! I ordered more expensive stuff anyway.”
“Yeah, but I never spend money, I have plenty.”
“You don’t know much I make.” Soap shot back. “I’ll pay.”
“I’m in the military. I go on leave like six weeks a year so I have plenty.” Ghost insisted.
The waitress came back. “I thought your checks were supposed to be split…”
Oh. Right. Ghost knew neither had said that, but from the outside view, they probably looked like two friends.
They were technically two friends.
Fuck, was this a date??
Soap began laughing. “Oh… Uh… I’ll pay mine then.” He glanced at Ghost before leaving, brushing against him just a little.
Ghost felt like he was walking on air. The waitress though had continued to stare at him.
“Oh, let me…” He handed her a rather large tip and her eyes widened before she nodded rather conspiratorially, as if she had picked up on something that Ghost hadn’t. For a moment, he considered asking her if everything was alright, but she had already left and he was pretty sure it was just the bored imagination of a war machine, looking for something to do when there was none.
Ghost stretched and went home, texting with Koenig.
Koenig was going on and on about this Gumiho he had met that he was infatuated with. “He’s kinda small and he constantly wears a mask and sunglasses, but he has these gorgeous fluffy ears and nine tails and he’s just so pretty.”
“Gonna ask him out?” Ghost like Koenig fine, but he acted so different over text. Less anxious. He thought it was funny.
“I will… attempt. He’s a bit intimidating.”
“Be careful when you kiss. He may kill you when you do.”
“I’d let him.”
Ghost blinked. Ah. He forgot his buddy had a death wish.
“Have you found anyone to keep you entertained over your leave? A… what did Price call it… a fling?”
Ghost paused. Should he talk about Soap? Koenig talked to him about almost everything.
“There’s… a guy.”
“Oh? Magic too? Find him at an underground place?”
Ghost never really bothered, but he knew a few places around that were filled with non humans. Bars that kept humans out of them. Places to meet creatures that were alike. He didn’t go to them often, usually for hookups if he was honest. Humans were fine, but it was difficult to explain why they couldn’t touch his things and why he stole their fancy gold watch or why his teeth looked so sharp. They always had so many questions.
“No. Human as far as I can see. He’s nice. Wears gold jewelry all the time.”
“How stereotypical of you. Jewelry really was the first thing you noticed?”
“Yes. Also, he’s very…” Ghost deleted the last part of the message and tried again. “He’s so…” Another deleted message. “His name is Johnny.” Yeah, that works.
“Johnny? English?”
“Scottish. His accent is nice. He’s a little difficult to understand at times, but we can move past that.”
“I’m happy for you, friend!”
“Thank you. I had a… date? I think. He invited me with him and we talked.”
Ghost frowned at that message, staring at it. “What the fuck does that mean?”
“Oh. Nothing. Nothing.”
“No, no. You’re clearly thinking something.”
“I am happy for you. You’ve seen better recently.”
Ghost swallowed. He didn’t want to think about it. Just drop the conversation. Just drop the conversation.
“I am sorry, Ghost…”
“Better than what.”
“I just meant I am happy you are doing well.”
“Why the fuck wouldn’t I?”
Koenig stopped responding.
Ghost knew what he was talking about. Of course he did. He had been doing well recently. Doing all the stupids steps to take care of himself. During Christmas, he stayed on a solo mission far away from any celebrations. He avoided thinking about his family. He tried to try new things and get out of the house and talk to people and and and and and
Ghost took a deep breath, counting. He hated that was an instinct he had now. It was nice to not spiral, but he hated that he had been changed like that. Stupid fucking therapy.
Ghost took a deep breath. He wanted to be angry. To keep lashing out. But that wasn’t helpful.
Koenig didn’t mean any harm. He was just… checking on him. Like everyone was. All watching him like a ticking time bo-
Ghost groaned and started to count again. He tapped his foot as he impatiently waited for his stupid feelings to calm down.
Another reason it would not be good for him to every truly date Soap. No reason to drag him down into his giant mess. Ghost was a bundle of spikes. Full of problems and venom. The last thing he wanted was for someone else to get hurt by their proximity to him.
Taglist! If you want to be included, just ask :) Also, some of the people that asked, I couldn’t seem to tag,
@the-snarky-dragon @elevenclouds @lukewarm-chickensoup @nervouspsychologynerd @korym @cthulhusstepmom @princess-heathen @badbitchescantgetkilled @revenge-of-the-bucket-demon @roachboy
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wearelondonhq · 4 months
Time for a meme! If you want to take part all you have to do is reblog this post. Remember if you reblog to send them out to those who also do. Meme lasts from today (17/02) to the next Friday (22/02)! As always, please have fun and happy meme day!
MARVEL CINEMATIC UNIVERSE SENTENCE STARTERS: featuring quotes from deadpool, venom, ant-man & the wasp, thor: ragnarok, wandavision, doctor strange, ant-man & more. credit for some of these goes to @scotchymemes
Go back to whatever cave you ever crept out of!
What is grief, if not love persevering?
The world has taken too much from you for you to still be considered innocent.
I love you. I love you in every universe.
Where once you were nothing, now you are something.
Expect disappointment and you will never be disappointed.
We were good together, weren’t we? Maybe it’s time to reignite that flame...
I love you 3000.
You still owe me a dance.
Every good family film starts with a great murder.
Kiss me like you missed me.
You’re a lot smarter than I look. You can’t really live until you’ve died a little.
You are not judge, jury or executioner.
You’ve let me down for the last time. What did I do to piss off a grumpy old sucker with a Winter Soldier arm?
You shut your trashmouth!
Sorry, I tend to process traumatic events with dad jokes. 
The only thing that does make sense is that nothing makes sense.
I make grave mistakes all the time. It all seems to work out.
You are my sadness and my hope. But mostly, you’re my love.
Good morning! Are you ready for your hot fresh cup of bodily harm?
You’re not seriously thinking of going back, are you?
Piss off, ghost! I have to get off this planet.
It’s an honor to meet you, officially. I sort of met you, I mean, I watched you while you were sleeping.
We never lose our demons. We only learn to live above them.
I’m expendable. That’s why I’m here.
Some of the best love stories begin with a murder.
You ever feel lost? Just look into the eyes of the people you love.
Do I have to figure out my whole future before lunch, or is there, like…?”
He’d rather lose this fight than lose you.
I’m gonna have to rain check that dance. 
Don’t do anything I would do, and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do. There’s a little gray area in there. That’s where you operate.”
Love is a dagger. It’s a weapon to be wielded far away or up close. You can see yourself in it. It’s beautiful until it makes you bleed.
Someday I’m gonna make great machines that fly. And me and my friends are gonna go flying together, into the forever and beautiful sky.
There’s not a day that goes by where I don’t regret having said yes.
I just want a chance to prove myself. Because that’s what heroes do!
You know what I like about being upset? The blame.
You’re just using me to get to (...). That’s so gross, you’re not even my friend.
You don’t have to fight anyone, but we’re in danger so we have to move.
Your hair looks nice. What did you do to it? Did you change it, maybe wash it?
He is as dishonourable as he is attractive.
Where do you store all this useless information?
Good is not a thing you are. It's a thing you do.
You know you didn’t have to humiliate him in front of everyone.
House blowing up builds character.
I’m just a bad guy who gets paid to fuck up even worse guys.
Motherfucker, you’re the world’s worst friend.
Less talking, more kissing.
Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?
I know what you’re going to say, but this guy/girl/person is all the way bad.
You are so pathologically self-observed
Love the optimism, but in my experience, when it looks bad, it’s usually worse.
I do not understand the intricacies of social interaction.
What master do I serve? What am I supposed to say, Jesus?
I told you that when I was drunk, why are you bringing this up?
Please tell me nobody just kissed me.
There’s a shawarma place two blocks from here. I don’t know what it is, but I want to try it.
If he ends up being evil, we’ll just kill him.
Trying to get you to stop has been one of the few failures of my entire life.
! Do you ever feel like your life is one monumental screw-up?
You people have no shame! What does the FBI even stand for? Forever Bothering Individuals?
Ninja Turtle, you better stop poking me.
I get emails from a raccoon, so nothing sounds crazy.
I just keep imagining you waking up in the morning, sir, looking in the mirror and then in all seriousness saying to yourself, ‘You know what would be a really kickass name? ______!’
I told you, I don’t want to join your super-secret boy band.
Look, I’m going to be totally honest with you:
I forgot you’re here. Well, I was in the neighborhood so I thought I’d save you the hassle.
So are you two…do you…fondue?
You call me _______ again, I’ll shove my foot up somewhere it’s not supposed to be.
Don’t drink fountain water, you idiot.
That’s disgusting.
We'll be okay. You can rest now.
I do some dumb things and it ends up hurting the people I love the most.
Maybe you need a partner, someone to watch your back.
You can do it. You can do anything.
Together, we’ll figure something out.
Missed me, missed me, now you gotta- You know what, forget I said anything.
I’m not one to be judgemental, but you, sir, are an extremely disturbed man.
Lie is such an ugly word. I prefer misdirection
I just conned the hell out of you and here you are trying to save me. How can you be so damn nice all the time?
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shuxiii · 1 year
Everyday pt. 10
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Hanni Pham x reader pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4, pt5, pt6, pt7, pt8, pt9, pt10, pt11, pt12, pt13
A/n meow meow credits to "every day" by david levithan, I am in the stages of insanity at this moment its 7 am and I haven't slept at all, not a single blink of sleep lord save me. P.s: this made me kinda sad this chapter <\3 if u want i recommend listening to "something between us" george romance 101
Day 6008
I go to the computer as soon as I wake up the next morning. But there’s no email from Hanni. I send her another apology. I send her more thanks for the day. Sometimes when you hit send, you can imagine the message going straight into the person’s heart. But other times, like this time, it feels like the words are merely falling into a well.
I head to the social-networking sites, searching for something more. I see that Austin and Hugo still list their relationship status as being together—a good sign. Jiwon’s page is locked to non-friends. So there’s proof of one thing I managed to save, and another where saving is possible.
I have to remind myself it’s not all bad.
Then there’s Haruto. The coverage of him continues. Reverend Poole is getting more testimony by the day, and the news sites are eating it up. Even the Onion is getting into the act, with the headline: WILLIAM CARLOS WILLIAMS TO REVEREND POOLE: ‘THE DEVIL MADE ME EAT THE PLUM.’ If smart people are parodying it, that’s a sure sign that some less smart people are believing it.
But what can I do? Haruto wants his proof, but I’m not sure I have any to give. All I have is my word, and what kind of proof is that?
Today I’m a boy named Jeongwoo. He has diabetes, so I have a whole other layer of concerns on top of my usual ones. I’ve been diabetic a couple of times, and the first time was harrowing. Not because diabetes isn’t controllable, but because I had to rely on the body’s memories to tell me what to look out for, and how to manage it. I ended up pretending I wasn’t feeling well, just so my mother would stay at home and monitor my health with me. Now I feel I can handle it, but I am very attentive to what the body is telling me, much more so than I usually am.
Jeongwoo is full of idiosyncrasies that probably don’t seem all that idiosyncratic to him anymore. He’s a sports fanatic—he plays soccer on the JV squad, but his real love is baseball. His head is full of statistics, facts and figures extrapolated into thousands of different combinations and comparisons. In the meantime, his room is a shrine to the Beatles, and it appears that George is by far his favorite. It isn’t hard to figure out what he’s going to wear, because his entire wardrobe is blue jeans and different variations of the same button-down shirt. There are also more baseball caps than I can imagine anyone needing, but I figure he’s not allowed to wear those to school.
It’s a relief, in many ways, to be a guy who doesn’t mind riding the bus, who has friends waiting for him when he gets on, who doesn’t have to deal with anything more troubling than the fact that he ate breakfast and is still hungry.
It’s an ordinary day, and I try to lose myself in that.
But between third and fourth periods, I’m dragged right back. Because there, right in the hall, is Haruto watanabe.
At first I think I might be mistaken. There are plenty of kids who could look like Haruto. But then I see the way the other kids in the hall are reacting to him, as if he’s this walking joke. He’s trying to make it seem like he doesn’t notice the laughter, the snickers, the snarky comments. But he can’t hide how uncomfortable he is.
I think: He deserves this. He didn’t have to say a word. He could’ve just let it slide.
And I think: It’s my fault. I’m the one who did this to him.
I access Jeongwoo and find out that he and Haruto were good friends in elementary school, and are still friendly now. So it makes sense that when he passes by me, I say hello. And that he says hello back.
I sit with my friends at lunch. Some of the guys ask me about the game last night, and I answer vaguely, accessing the whole time.
Out of the corner of my eye, I see Haruto sit down at his own table, eating alone. I don’t remember him being friendless, just dull. But it looks as if he’s friendless now.
“I’m going to go talk to Haruto,” I tell my friends.
One of them groans. “Really? I’m so sick of him.”
“I hear he’s doing talk shows now,” another chimes in.
“You would think the devil would have more important things to do than take a Subaru for a joyride on a Saturday night.”
I pick up my tray before the conversation can go any further, and tell them I’ll see them later.
Haruto sees me coming over, but still seems surprised when I sit down with him.
“Do you mind?” I ask.
“No,” he says. “Not at all.”
I don’t know what I’m doing. I think of his last email—PROVE IT—and half expect those words to flash from his eyes, for there to be some challenge that I will have to meet. I am the proof. I am right in front of him. But he doesn’t know that.
“So how are you doing?” I ask, picking up a fry, trying to act like this is a normal lunchtime conversation between friends.
“Okay, I guess.” I get a sense that for all the attention people have been giving him, not many people have been asking him how he’s doing.
“So what’s new?”
He glances over my shoulder. “Your friends are looking at us.”
I turn around, and everyone from my old table suddenly looks anywhere but here.
“Whatever,” I say. “Don’t pay attention to them. To any of them.”
“I’m not. They don’t understand.”
“I understand. I mean, I understand that they don’t understand.”
“I know.”
“It must be pretty overwhelming, though, having everyone so interested. And all the blogs and stuff. And this reverend.”
I wonder if I’ve pushed too far. But Haruto seems happy to talk. Jeongwoo is a good guy.
“Yeah, he really gets it. He knew people would give me grief. But he told me I had to be stronger. I mean, having people laugh is nothing compared to surviving a possession.”
Surviving a possession. I have never thought about what I do in those terms. I never thought my presence was something that anyone would have to survive.
Haruto sees me thinking. “What?” he asks.
“I’m just curious—what do you remember from that day?”
Now a wariness creeps into his expression.
“Why are you asking?”
“Curiosity, I guess. I’m not doubting you. Not at all. I just feel like, in all the things I’ve read and all the things people have said, I never really got to hear your side. It’s all been secondhand and thirdhand and probably seventh- or eighth-hand, so I figured I’d just come and ask you firsthand.”
I know I’m on dangerous ground here. I can’t make Jeongwoo too much of a confidant, because tomorrow will come and he might not remember anything that’s been said, and that might make Haruto suspicious. But at the same time, I want to know what he remembers.
Haruto wants to talk. I can see it. He knows he’s stepped off his own map. And while he won’t pull back, he also regrets it a little. I don’t think he ever meant for it to take over his life.
“It was a pretty normal day,” he tells me. “Nothing unusual. I was home with my parents. I did chores, that kind of thing. And then—I don’t know. Something must have happened. Because I made up this story about a school musical and borrowed their car for the night. I don’t remember the musical part—they told me that later. But there I was, driving around. And I had these … urges. Like I was being drawn somewhere.”
He pauses.
“Where?” I ask.
He shakes his head. “I don’t know. This is the weird part. There are a few hours there that are completely blank. I have this sense of not being in control of my body, but that’s it. I have flashes of a party, but I have no idea where, or who else was there. Then suddenly I’m being woken up by a policeman. And I haven’t drunk a sip. I haven’t done any drugs. They tested for that, you know.”
“What if you had a seizure?”
“Why would I borrow my parents’ car to have a seizure? No, there was something else in control. The reverend says I must have wrestled with the devil. Like Jacob. I must have known my body was being used for something evil, and I fought it. And then, when I won, the devil left me by the side of the road.”
He believes this. He genuinely believes this.
And I can’t tell him it’s not true. I can’t tell him what really happened. Because if I do, Jeongwoo will be in danger. I will be in danger.
“It didn’t have to be the devil,” I say.
Haruto becomes defensive. “I just know, okay? And I’m not the only one. There are lots of people out there who’ve experienced the same thing. I’ve chatted with a few of them. It’s scary how many things we have in common.”
“Are you afraid it will happen again?”
“No. I’m prepared this time. If the devil is anywhere near me, I’ll know what to do.”
I sit right there across from him and listen.
He doesn’t recognize me.
I am not the devil.
This thought is what echoes through my mind the rest of the day.
I am not the devil, but I could be.
Looking at it from afar, looking at it from a perspective like Haruto’s, I can see how scary it could be. Because what’s to stop me from doing harm? What punishment would there be if I took the pencil in my hand and gouged out the eye of the girl sitting next to me in chem class? Or worse. I could easily get away with the perfect crime. The body that committed the murder would inevitably get caught, but the murderer would go free. Why haven’t I thought of this before?
I have the potential to be the devil.
But then I think, Stop. I think, No. Because, really, does that make me any different from everyone else? Yes, I could get away with it, but certainly we all have the potential to commit the crime. We choose not to. Every single day, we choose not to. I am no different.
I am not the devil.
There is still no word from Hanni. Whether her silence is coming from her confusion or from a desire to be rid of me, I have no way of knowing.
I write to her and say, simply:
I have to see you again.
Day 6009
There’s still no word from her the next morning.
I get in the car and drive.
The car belongs to Kang taehyun. He should be in school. But I call the office pretending to be his father and say he has a doctor’s appointment.
It may last the entire day.
It’s a two-hour drive. I know I should spend it getting to know Kang taehyun, but he seems incidental to me right now. I used to inhabit lives like this all the time—testing the bare minimum I needed to know in order to get through the day. I got so good at it that I made it through a few days without accessing once. I’m sure these were very blank days for the bodies I was in, because they were extraordinarily blank days for me.
Most of the drive, I think about Hanni. How to get her back. How to keep in her good graces. How to make this work.
It’s the last part that’s the hardest.
When I get to her school, I park where Ahn yujin parked. The school day is already in full swing, so when I open the doors, I jump right into the fray. It’s between periods, and I have all of two minutes to find her.
I don’t know where she is. I don’t even know what period’s starting. I just push through the halls, looking for her. People brush by, tell me to watch where I’m going. I don’t care. There is everyone else, and there is her. I am only focused on her.
I let the universe tell me where to go. I rely purely on instinct, knowing that this kind of instinct comes from somewhere other than me, somewhere other than this body.
She is turning in to a classroom. But she stops. Looks up. Sees me.
I don’t know how to explain it. I am an island in the hall as people push around me. She is another island. I see her, and she knows exactly who I am. There is no way for her to know this. But she knows.
She walks away from the classroom, walks toward me. Another bell rings and the rest of the people drain out of the hall, leaving us alone together.
“Hey,” she says.
“Hey,” I say.
“I thought you might come.”
“Are you mad?”
“No, I’m not mad.” She glances back at the classroom. “Although Lord knows you’re not good for my attendance record.”
“I’m not good for anybody’s attendance record.”
“What’s your name today?”
“Yn,” I tell her. “For you, it’s always Yn.”
She has a test next period that she can’t skip, so we stay on the school grounds. When we start to encounter other kids—kids without classes this period, kids also cutting—she grows a little more cautious.
“Is Minji in class?” I ask, to give her fear a name.
“Yeah. If she decided to go.”
We find an empty classroom and go inside. From all the Shakespearean paraphernalia hanging on the walls, I’m guessing we’re in an English classroom. Or drama.
We sit in the back row, out of sight of the window in the door.
“How did you know it was me?” I have to ask.
“The way you looked at me,” she says. “It couldn’t have been anyone else.”
This is what love does: It makes you want to rewrite the world. It makes you want to choose the characters, build the scenery, guide the plot. The person you love sits across from you, and you want to do everything in your power to make it possible, endlessly possible. And when it’s just the two of you, alone in a room, you can pretend that this is how it is, this is how it will be.
I take her hand and she doesn’t pull away. Is this because something between us has changed, or is it only because my body has changed? Is it easier for her to hold Kang taehyun’s hand?
The electricity in the air is muted. This is not going to lead to anything more than an honest conversation.
“I’m sorry about the other night,” I say again.
“I deserve part of the blame. I never should have called her.”
“What did she say? Afterward?”
“She kept calling you ‘that bitch.’ ”
“I think she sensed it was a trap. I don’t know. She just knew something was off.”
“Which is probably why she passed the test.”
Hanni pulls away. “That’s not fair.”
“I’m sorry.”
I wonder why it is that she’s strong enough to say no to me, but not strong enough to say no to her.
“What do you want to do?” I ask her.
She matches my glance perfectly. “What do you want me to do?”
“I want you to do whatever you feel is best for you.”
“That’s the wrong answer,” she tells me.
“Why is it the wrong answer?”
“Because it’s a lie.”
You are so close, I think. You are so close, and I can’t reach you.
“Let’s go back to my original question,” I say. “What do you want to do?”
“I don’t want to throw everything away for something uncertain.”
“What about me is uncertain?”
She laughs. “Really? Do I have to explain it to you?”
“Besides that. You know you are the most important person I’ve ever had in my life. That’s certain.”
“In just two weeks. That’s uncertain.”
“You know more about me than anyone else does.”
“But I can’t say the same for you. Not yet.”
“You can’t deny that there’s something between us.”
“No. There is. When I saw you today—I didn’t know I’d been waiting for you until you were there. And then all of that waiting rushed through me in a second. That’s something … but I don’t know if it’s certainty.”
I know what I’m asking of you, I want to say. But I stop myself. Because I realize that would be another lie. And she’d call me on it.
She looks at the clock. “I have to get ready for my test. And you have another life to get back to.”
I can’t help myself. I ask, “Don’t you want to see me?”
She holds there for a moment. “I do. And I don’t. You would think it would make things easier, but it actually makes them harder.”
“So I shouldn’t just show up here?”
“Let’s stick to email for now. Okay?”
And just like that, the universe goes wrong. Just like that, all the enormity seems to shrink into a ball and float away from my reach.
I feel it, and she doesn’t.
Or I feel it, and she won’t.
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yakumtsaki · 2 years
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As you guys know, Claire being so into Sugar has been vexing me from the start for obvious, nose-based reasons. I assumed she was either secretly batshit or that Sugar has inherited some hidden sexual talents from Cyn, or both. But finally, I think I’ve cracked the case:
So Claire, like Sugar, has the amazing combo of popularity aspiration + 3 nice points and her LTW is to become a Celebrity Chef. So when I moved her in I thought it’d be cute to give her this ice cream dress like she wants to be a pastry chef and I never thought about it again. But as I was editing pics before, it finally dawned on me: she’s a PASTRY chef and he’s SUGAR. IT ALL MAKES SENSE NOW❤️
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Moving on to something significantly less cute, it’s time for Sophito to begin another day of hoeing. Roxie wouldn’t accept our invite to come over so I pulled a pro gamer move and invited her whole household and she accepted, so we’re about to knock out 3 dates at once! I was feeling so proud of my efficiency-
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-that I literally FORGOT ROXIE AND JONAH ARE DATING. LMAO. Literally wtf is my problem, I’ve even done a photoshoot with them. 
-ROXIE WHAT THE FUCK HOW COULD YOU  -I’M SO SORRY JONAH I JUST WANTED TO SEE WHAT IT’S LIKE TO KISS SOMEONE WHOSE MOUTH SITS AT A NORMAL HEIGHT -Dude, can you just be cool? I was gonna date both you and her brother afterwards, you’re ruining my morning.
Another massive dating success under our belt!
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We immediately move on to Edwin without even bothering to say goodbye to his sister whose relationship we just ruined, classic us. I’m like am I cray cray or would Edwin and Sophito actually be a super cute pairing-
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-but it looks like we’ll never find out as EDWIN REJECTS THE FUCK OUT OF SOPH. CRY.ING
-Do I look like my slutty sister who’s just gonna make out with any rando fuckboi with a popped collar?? Fuck off!!
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STAN EDWIN. ABSOLUTE CHAD WTF. I’m definitely marrying him in later!!
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It’s finals day and everyone is frantically last minute studying but Wilfred and Sophito find time to have a nice lunch together!
-Did you poison this burger, Wilfred? -Whaaaat?! Of course not! Do I look like someone who would poison their own cousin over some petty sexual rivalry?
You absolutely do, I didn’t even know ‘cousin-poisoner’ was a social category until now but man you have the entire look down. 
-Alright then, why don’t you just tell me what ingredients you used.
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-The usual! Buns, ground meat, lettuce, tomatoes, ketchup.. drain cleaner.. -Did you just whisper ‘drain cleaner’? -Of course not, that would be stupid and also a criminal confession! Oh man, 8 hours till finals?? Time to get going!!!
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I don’t know how to even react to this information BUT SUGAR WAS THE ONLY ONE THAT GOT AN A+. WHAT IS HAPPENING
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-Maybe if June spent a little less time worrying about Erik’s lack of funds and more time studying she’d have kept the top spot, am I right, darling? HAHA
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-Friendship over with Sugar, now Sophito is my favorite nephew!  -Hi June, what about me? :( -Oh I don’t know, Reginald, how much did you spend on rugs today?? -Never mind :(
Oh is that that Almeric Face 1 Twin Guy? Let’s go ask him out! 
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-Hey Almeric Face 1 Twin Guy ;) -My name is Aldric.  -That sucks, Almeric is a way cooler name. -I know >:( -Don’t worry, it doesn’t really matter-
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-because I just decided during our date that I want to fall in love with Kea!❤️
-Ya, I’ve figured out that Cheerleader Kea is the one for me after all! 
But you only had one date three semesters ago, you don’t even have a crush on her??
-I’ll get one! 
What about Eliza???
-Eliza has a lot of thoughts and opinions and demands and Wilfreds. Cheerleader Kea only has cheers!
Alright then, I guess? We’ll ask her out?
-Great, and then I’ll ask her to marry me! 
-I’m on a date with Almeric here, you’re being rude. -Aldric. -Whatever.
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paleode-ology · 9 months
okay so today is my first day being medicated for adhd, I’m on extended release adderall, and for the most part I don’t feel too different but here’s what I’ve noticed:
Definitely different:
- food cravings. Normally I feel like I need to constantly be having little treats in order to get through my day, like I go through sooo much juice and chocolate milk boxes in a week it’s insane. Today I haven’t done that at all, but my appetite is normal like I had lunch and stuff
- I practiced piano and was able to focus on it for a lot longer. I felt like I was practicing more efficiently also? I’m not sure how long I practiced, should’ve timed it, but I only stopped bc my stepdad had a call and the mic would’ve picked up the sound.
Maybe different:
- ability to initiate tasks? I haven’t done too much today bc I just don’t have a lot I need to do, but I read for fun for a bit and made my bed finally (this one was coerced by my mother so I’m not sure if I would’ve done it on my own? Maybe? But I was able to do it all the way through, I only had one or two distractions which were minor like turning on my lamp etc)
- I feel kind of tired now, but I’m pretty sure that’s just because I was up too late last night. But I napped for like twenty minutes and I was a lot less restless than I usually am when I nap, I feel like I was able to zone out a lot faster.
- I think that my thoughts are a bit more coherent? As I’m typing this I don’t have a lot going on in the background of my mind, mostly just echos of what I’m typing or only one or two words ahead.
Things that might be affected but haven’t been tested yet:
- driving. I’m REALLY curious about this one, especially because I don’t think I could placebo myself into being a better driver. I’m fine at driving but keeping track of everything that’s going on or looking far enough ahead is often difficult for me.
- social interactions. I’m going to a family reunion/birthday party tomorrow and will be interacting with a lot of people I don’t normally see for a very long time. Curious to see if anything seems different.
- doing homework. I haven’t done any yet today so I’m not sure how much easier it will be (if at all) to start and finish it. That’s for tomorrow or Sunday. In that vein, class as well. I have an online class on Monday and an in person one on Wednesday.
- concerts! I go to a lot of classical music events bc my grandmother is a classical fanatic and lives really close to us, but I ALWAYS struggle to pay attention bc the listening alone just isn’t stimulating enough to me. On Sunday I’m going to an organ concert, so we’ll see how that goes.
- sports! Im on a rec vb team, we only play once a week but maybe something will be different. Or not.
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bf-skz · 2 years
24 to 25 days of SKZMAS | December 7th - Seungmin
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pairing: Kim Seungmin x Reader
genre: meeting by chance
synopsis: Seungmin works as an HR assistant for JY Publishing. He is invited to help interview the new candidates for an open position and he is susprised to see an old friend. The very same old friend that they had a crush on back in college. Could this be fate?
words: 955
7th day of SKZMAS
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December 7th
“Do you guys ever wonder what your old classmates are doing?” Changbin asks suddenly, during a company lunch. 
“What do you mean?” Chan asks curiously, not sure where Changbin is going with it.
“I just met my ex a couple days ago in the store.” Changbin says. “It was somehow very bittersweet… I have been thinking about them ever since.” he admits sheepishly, pushing his food around. 
“I mean, I think it is pretty normal… you wonder about the what ifs and could bes.” Chan shrugs. “Sometimes I see my old high school classmates and I see them getting married and having kids. It makes me somehow relieved to know that they are living their lives well.” he admits with a cheesy grin.
“Honestly, it makes me kind of upset, actually.” Seungmin finally speaks up. “It makes me feel a little behind compared to them. I mean I am grateful for what I have but… I’m single and I don’t think that it will change any time soon.” 
“Never say never. Love finds you when you least expect it.” Chan cheers him up, nudging his elbow, thinking about the love of his life. “Me and my partner also met unexpectedly at a music store.”
“And if you are anything like Jisung, love has already found you but you are way too blind to see.” Changbin jokes, pointing over the table where Jisung sits with his colleague, giggling and looking at each other, being all lovey-dovey.
Seungmin scoffs as he pops a fry in his mouth while watching the pair. It does make him wonder though… is there someone out there for him too? It would be nice not spending the holidays alone for a change.
“Maybe you are right. Who knows.” he concludes. The rest of the lunch goes by in a second and soon Seungmin finds himself sitting by his desk in the HR department, looking through old classmates’ social media. Particularly one classmate.
Seungmin hasn’t heard much about you since you graduated college and you don’t seem to post much either. He wonders what you are up to… he wonders what would have happened if he asked you out for prom all those years ago. You might be married by now… Seungmin shakes his head.
What a silly thought, he thinks to himself as he scrolls down on your short feed and finds a very old picture of you together… Seungmin smiles softly. You were always so beautiful…
“Hey, Seungmin, could you help me interview the new joiners?” One of his colleagues, Jihyo asks. “The one I would have done it with has a meeting and I really need HR to be there.” 
“Oh, but I haven’t read their CVs.” he admits, nervously clicking to close the tab. “I don’t think I’m quite prepared for it.”
“Ah, no, don’t worry. I just need someone to ask the usual HR questions.” Jihyo waves it off, handing him a stack of CVs. “But you can have these too. I have them memorized by now.” 
“Alright.” Seungmin chuckles, accepting his fate. There is no saying no to Jihyo. “Shall we?” 
You are already sitting in the office, having a glass of water and trying to concentrate on the things you know for sure. You want to work at this company, you have the experience and the knowledge to become a journalist… with the right first impression, they will beg you to join.
The door behind you soon opens and you hop on your feet to greet the interviewers with a bow.
As Seungmin closes the door behind himself, he turns around to face what he has been waiting for his whole life. You’re that very classmate introducing yourself to Jihyo that he tried to stalk just a few minutes ago. You didn't age one bit, your smile is bright as ever and you are so damn charming.
“And this is Seungmin from HR to discuss your wishes regarding salary and all other human rights things.” Jihyo jokes as she introduces him, and as Seungmin locks eyes with you, he knows you recognise him too.
“Kim Seungmin.” you say with a widening smile. “Is that really you?” you ask, but there is no doubt about it. Seungmin is tall, handsome, and insanely attractive in his smart little suit. Gosh, you find it hard not to stare. “What a pleasant surprise.” you say sweetly, holding out a hand for him to shake.
“Do you know each other?” Jihyo asks, surprised.
“Yes. We went to the same college.” Seungmin explains as he shakes your soft hand. “They were one of my closest friends.” he adds. “I thought you disappeared from the face of the Earth…”
“Oh, you know how it is… I got a job in Japan and had to move right after graduation.” you explain as you all sit down, Seungmin's eyes never leaving you. “I got so swallowed up by work that I didn't have the means to visit home. I'm sorry.” you say softly. “But you look amazing! And being the HR manager? I'm so proud of you, Seungmo.” you say with a wide smile.
Seungmin blushes to a deep red color as he feels Jihyo’s eyes on him with a shit eating grin. He will never live that down.
“Um, yeah,” he clears his throat with a cough. “I'm just filling in." he adds and decides to busy himself with your CV. It almost feels invasive to read through all the lines that he missed out on. All this he could have been a part of, if he wasn't too much of a coward to ask you out.
“Well then, let’s start your interview properly, alright?” Jihyo grins and the interviewee nods enthusiastically.
to be continued...
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lyrenminth · 2 years
Big news
NOTE: I apologized if there is any grammatical mistake. English is my second language and I wrote this after midnight. Enjoy!
Justin and you have been dating for a long time. Mostly your dates were in private places without public and his house. Since the beginning of your relationship both agreed on keeping it low-key for several reasons, like avoiding drama and rumors. The main focus was Justin career not your relationship, and you understand that since the day one. All your family and friends knew that, so nobody post anything about you on social media. Besides, your relationship was awesome. Justin was the most caring man you've ever met. He was honest, kind and hardworking. In private, he loved to cuddle with you, having long talks on your backyard while he cooked some brisket, and of course all the kisses and snuggles which led to sex.
But no, you eyes couldn't believe what they were reading. "Here are some of the pictures of Justin Herbert's new girlfriend" All your body went cool. You were in the kitchen, making some lunch to eat while working but you stopped. The pictures were not as blurry as you wish they were. In the picture,  you were laughing at something Justin said. He was holding your hand, looking at you with a shy smile. On another one, you were hugging each other. His body almost engulfing you. "The lady which name is unknown have been dating the famous quaterback for the Chargers for months, and it seems that Justin Herbert is happy, showing that he only has ice in his veins while playing football"
You tried so hard not to look at the comments, because you knew how football fans were, but your little masochist ass scroll down. "Finally, I was kinda worried about him" "He didn't need an extra motivation but is ok" "I hope he doesn't get distracted with that chick" "She kinda ugly" "I expected an ig model or something but is Herbie" You didn't know what to think. So you locked your phone and stare at the wall.
Justin came after his training. You didn't go to work since you feel uneasy about the situation. When he arrived, you gave him a hug and a peck, as usual. "How do you feel?" he asked. Those kind blue eyes reading your face. "Exposed" you said, with a sad smile. "Why are you not panicking?" He shrugged. Ah, Justin, the rational in the relationship. How could you forget it? "To be honest they got it late, I expected it sooner" "Do you care?" "Mmmm well, it depends. I'm not going to talk about us to the media at all. My team is going to confirm the news but that's it" "News" you laughed. Thinking how much your life would change. "I know, is weird" he smiled "But now I hope to see you in every game" "With glasses and a mustach?" He smile. "With my family. You are part of them now officially" That answers warmed you heart. You hugged him again, whispering. "I am kinda scared" "Don't be. We are going to do this together...just, don't read anything on internet. You know is trash" Oops. You thought. "Okay" "I liked you so so much" he said in you ear. Dear god.
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angstyaches · 1 year
A scene that comes before an early-days Shayne/Charlie hunger-related request. It became very long and plot-heavy, so I decided to split it in two, at least for now.
Takes place during the prologue, sometime after Shayne confronts Charlie’s demon and before Shayne visits Charlie at home for the first time. (Note for die-hard readers: “Rin’s Exposition Inquisition” is basically being retconned and no longer canon, because I want to develop her character and story a bit more slowly in the rewrite.)
Hunger/whump happens in part two (hopefully posted later today; if not, it’ll be next week because I’m travelling again this weekend).
CW: mentions of death, anxiety, insecurities, childhood trauma, food mention, horror elements (mentioned).
“Hey, Charmander.”
Charlie had been peacefully eating his ham and cheese sandwich when Rin Johnson swept up next to his desk. It was rare to see her without her band of pals these days, but she was alone. 
Before he could even open his mouth to question her choice to call him by a Pokemon’s name, she pulled up the empty chair from the desk in front of Charlie’s, spinning it around to face him.
As she sat, she drew a couple of glances from some of Charlie’s classmates who’d formed little groups throughout the room. It wasn’t against the rules for students from other tutor groups to eat in another tutor group’s base classroom, but it was a little unusual. If people wanted to mingle, they went outside, or to the canteen, to eat. Rin usually went to the latter.
There was also the fact that as far as secondary school social hierarchy was concerned, Rin was considered royalty. Not quite a queen bee, but perhaps a princess.
“Charmander?” Charlie asked.
Rin smiled secretively, propping her lunch bag on an empty corner of Charlie’s desk. “We’re officially friends now, and I have a whole bunch of nicknames I want to try out on you.”
Her floral water bottle was placed on Charlie’s desk, too, while Rin rummaged in her lunch bag. She started tearing into the wrapping on her sandwich.
She hadn’t bothered to tie her hair in its usual space buns today, and it fell in fiery-orange waves around her shoulders. She had a small streak of pink glitter drawn across each eyelid, and she didn’t seem to have noticed that a speck of it was stuck to one of her glasses lenses.
She looked up at him, chewing. “You don’t even want to question me on the ‘us officially being friends now’ thing? I was getting ready to bribe you. I brought Tucs!”
In case he thought she was bluffing, she put down her sandwich, reached into her lunch bag again, and pulled out a snack-sized packet of salted crackers.
“You don’t have to bribe me, Rin,” Charlie smiled. “I already thought of you as my friend.”
She smiled in what seemed to be relief, which was a bit confusing to Charlie. What exactly had she expected to happen?
His gaze was drawn back to the packet of crackers she’d put on his desk. He remembered taking them to primary school to have as a snack, and he was suddenly in the mood to relive his youth. “Although, I do kind of want to open those.”
“Go for it! A bribe’s a bribe, even if it was unnecessary.”
Charlie picked up the packet and split the side of the wrapper. “Share them?”
“When you really think about it,” Charlie said as he opened the packet, “I’m the one who should have been begging you to be my friend.”
Rin frowned.
“Don’t look at me like that,” Charlie grinned. “You’re so much cooler than I am, Rin. And even if you weren’t… I mean –” Charlie pulled a cracker out and used it to gesture all around him. There were about fifteen other students in the room, all convening at different points and at a considerable distance from Charlie’s desk. “I can’t exactly afford to be picky, can I?”
Rin bit into her sandwich and glanced around too, though she seemed to be looking for somebody, rather than following Charlie’s point.
“Well, we do have something essential in common, you and I,” she said around a mouthful. A conspiratorial look crossed her face as she swallowed and leaned in closer. “Something that binds us.”
Charlie bit back another smile, not wanting her to think he was laughing at her. He adored the way Rin could romanticise the mundane, or make a lunchtime chat feel like he was being indoctrinated to a secret society.
“Okay, well now I have to ask,” he said, crunching down on his Tuc. “What is it?”
“Rejection.” Rin wrinkled her nose, as though the word tasted bad in her mouth. “From the same boy.”
All of the heat, along with the remnants of his smile, left Charlie’s face. What the hell kind of rumours were going about now?!
“What – I haven’t – what are you talking about?”
Rin gave a thin smile and touched the back of Charlie’s hand. “Shayne Devine rejected my friendship, too. Only that was about… wow, I guess it was about twelve years ago.”
Charlie barely had time to settle his frantic heart – friendship, she’s just talking about friendship – before his head started reeling with this new information.
“You knew him twelve years ago?”
“Well, yeah. We went to primary school together.”
Charlie nodded, battling a sudden wave of despair. Of course. That made sense. Rin and Shayne had grown up in the same town. They knew each other from way back. Meanwhile, Charlie had never been in one place long enough to hold down a friendship for longer than a year, let alone know anybody from way back. The only people he knew from way back were family members, most of whom he wouldn’t have anything to do with if he wasn’t forced.
“I tried so hard to get him to be my friend, but he would never even come to my birthday parties.” Rin dropped the remnants of her sandwich back into her lunch bag and pulled a pot of yoghurt and a spoon.
Charlie nodded again. The birthday party thing was a big deal. Ingrid had insisted he go to every party he was invited to, even if he didn’t know the birthday kid for very long. Charlie had always suspected there was a political force behind children’s birthday parties. Like the more birthday parties your child attended, the better it reflected on you as a parent. He tucked that thought away for later interrogation.
Rin peeled the lid from her yoghurt pot and began licking it clean. Charlie realised he wasn’t even remotely surprised that she was the kind of person who did this.
“So, Shayne was always… the way he is?”
Rin tilted her head to one side. “Well, he was always extremely shy…”
Charlie struggled to swallow a mouthful of his food. After the number of insults he’d been handed by the person in question, he wondered how anyone could ever describe him as shy. He took another bite of his sandwich to keep himself from making a shady remark.
“But he wasn’t always so…” Rin glanced towards Shayne’s empty desk, as though it might be listening in and would report back to him later.
“Cranky?” Charlie suggested sheepishly.
Rin flinched. “Sure. Let’s go with that. That only happened after his parents died.”
Charlie nearly dropped his jaw, and a mouthful of his sandwich along with it. Nobody had ever mentioned this before. Charlie had known Shayne was adopted, but he hadn’t known that Shayne had once lived with his biological parents.
“They… died?”
Rin frowned. “You didn’t know?”
Charlie shook his head.
“Oh. Crap. Um, sorry, babe! I’m used to everybody knowing everything about everybody. But, yeah, they died when we were, like… I guess nine or ten.” Rin’s eyes became unfocused for a few seconds. “Well, let’s see. We had Miss O’Rourke as our teacher that year, I think… yeah, we were ten. It messed him up really badly.”
“I can imagine,” Charlie whispered numbly. Judging by the way she had started staring blankly into her yoghurt pot, Shayne’s parents’ death had probably affected Rin in some way, too. “Are you okay?”
She nodded and cleared her throat. “I guess what I was trying to say is that I get it. He acts like he doesn’t want anything to do with you, but he still sort of… pulls you towards him, doesn’t he?”
Yes. He didn’t trust himself to say it out loud, certain that he’d betray the depth of his feelings if he did. 
He nodded.
“I guess I always thought it was just me.”
Charlie was entranced by how much this conversation seemed to be affecting Rin’s mood, like it was sucking her entire personality away from her. It must have been an extremely sad story...
Charlie stiffened as goosebumps rocketed up and down his body. No. No, it couldn’t be… Someone would have told him… 
“Uh, Rin?”
She listlessly picked up a Tuc and popped it in her mouth. “Uh-huh?”
Don’t ask questions you don’t want the answers to. Charlie swallowed the fear in his throat. “Shayne’s parents weren’t involved in that… that tragedy that happened at Mulberry, were they?”
Rin’s eyes took on that glassy, faraway look again. Charlie thought she was going to slip into the habit that most people had, of avoiding that particular topic at any cost. He half expected her to tip her yoghurt all over his desk, exclaim about how clumsy she was, and run off to get some paper towels, only to never return.
“They…” She seemed to swallow with some difficulty. “They were kind of unusual, from what I remember. Shayne’s mum was… She was so beautiful and kind, but always carried this air of, like, sadness. But her pies were always the best thing at the school bake sales. I didn’t know much about his dad, but my dad got along well with him. I… I don’t think I stopped crying for a week after they…”
Charlie felt a lump in his own throat. He’d only been able to stomach reading a few details about the incident; he couldn’t imagine what it would have been like to be a kid growing up in a town with a story like that attached to it.
But beneath his sadness, there was a pit of anger bubbling. How had no one thought to mention this to him before?
“Anyway.” Rin drew a circle in her yoghurt with her spoon. “Have you… Have you been out in the woods since you moved in?”
“No,” Charlie croaked. “They give me a weird feeling.”
Rin looked up, her spoon stilling. The absent look fled her eyes, leaving behind what could only be described as... desperation? Like she was teetering on the edge of a cliff, and the only person who could grab her and pull her to safety was Charlie. 
Charlie was just relieved that some of that furtive intensity was coming back to her.
“What kind of feeling?” she whispered.
“I…” Charlie’s heart sank as he tried to gather the words. “I don’t know. It’s…”
Careful. The voice insisted. She doesn’t know.
She might know, Charlie thought, examining the interrogative look in Rin’s eyes.
She doesn’t.
She… kind of acts like she knows.
“It’s kind of like… I’ll walk up to the edge of the garden feeling normal, and as soon as I think about putting my foot over the line, it’s like this huge wave of nausea crashes over me. I look through those trees and it feels like… like I’m staring into the ribcage of some huge… decaying… corpse.”
Rin put down her yoghurt with an air of finality.
“Sorry,” Charlie muttered, placing the last section of his sandwich back in its box.
“No, no, you’re good.” Rin drummed her fingers against the table. “You know, everyone says there’s something weird about Mulberry, but as soon as you start getting into detail, they just...”
Charlie’s heart skipped a beat. Does she know? ... Maybe she knows.
“Crap! I have to go,” Rin exclaimed, glancing at her watch. “I completely forgot there’s a yearbook meeting today.”
She gave Charlie a pleading look, like she wanted to be rescued from something, as she packed away her lunch.
Charlie grimaced. “Um... sorry this turned so dark.”
“Oh – no, don’t be sorry for that.” Rin’s eyebrows knitted together. “You have any idea how much of a relief this was?”
“It… was kind of a relief,” Charlie said. This was the first time in weeks that he’d been given new information, either about his house or about his desk neighbour. He also hadn’t mentioned how much the woods at Mulberry unnerved him to anybody else, and he could feel a new lightness where it’d been weighing on his chest.
He didn’t really know what made it a relief for Rin, but that was what he liked about her company. They seemed to understand each other’s emotions, even if it wasn’t clear how they’d arisen.
I’ll tell her, he realised. I’ll tell her everything. Another time.
“You have my number, right?” he asked.
“I – yeah, I think so.”
“Do you want to come over this weekend?”
Rin raised her eyebrows. “Yes. Please. I’ll text you.”
“Cool.” Charlie watched Rin scoop up her bag. “Have fun at your meeting.”
“With a room of self-obsessed control freaks? How could I not have fun, Charlie Bear?” Rin tilted her head as she stood up. A hint of her smile crept back. “Hey, I like that one.”
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28whitepeonies · 2 years
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Born in Doncaster, Tomlinson was part of the boy band One Direction, who sold more than 70 million records worldwide. After they split in 2016, he launched his solo career and returned as a judge to The X Factor, the show that launched the band. He has a son, Freddie, six, from a previous relationship with the stylist Briana Jungwirth, and lives in north London.
I’m not an early riser. When I was touring with One Direction, I used to wake up at 4pm as the adrenaline of being on stage and after-show partying meant staying up until 3am was normal.
I’ve been touring solo all year and the post-show energy is still intense, but I’m out of bed by midday now.
If I’m not touring, Doncaster is where my heart is, but I split my time between my house in north London and LA, where my son lives.
The first thing I do every day is have a strong coffee. I love a full English but I’m lazy, so I’ll probably have a bowl of cereal.
I’m very good at just watching shit TV all day, but if I’m trying to be productive I like to inspire myself by watching interviews with other artists I admire, like Arctic Monkeys or Liam Gallagher. It’s dead interesting hearing the way they think.
If I’m having a lazy day, I’m not gonna lie, I rate Bargain Hunt. I love it when someone pays well over the odds. I’ve not been invited to the celebrity version yet but if my career starts winding down one day, who knows? If I’m writing or recording, I’ll never start a session before 2pm. I’ve learnt not to get too carried away when a tune gains momentum. Sometimes you think it’s a f***ing banger, then you come back to it three days later and it’s not quite as good as you remember.
There’s a different sort of pressure being a solo artist, and the lows are lower on your own. In One Direction we made decisions collectively, but now it’s all on me. That also means the highs are higher. This year I did a concert in Milan in front of 34,000 fans. The adulation was almost overwhelming, but I could take all the credit — not just one fifth.
For lunch, I love a tuna sandwich with salad cream — not mayo — and some prawn cocktail crisps on the side. I’m a shit cook. I’ve survived on microwave meals for years, but I do feel sorry for my son — he must be sick to death of cheesy pasta.
I never work too long away from LA, so I see Freddie as much as I can. After my LA gig he came on stage and played the drums, which he loved. I think he assumes that it’s normal for everyone’s dad to tour the world performing.
Being a father has changed me but because my mum used to work nights and I was the oldest, the responsibility fell to me to feed, dress and bathe my younger siblings, so I’ve already had a parenting crash course. I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t challenging, but it’s so rewarding too.
Social media has been really important for connecting to my fans, but I’ve got a funny relationship with it. It can be a toxic place and I’ve had some unhinged messages sliding into my DMs. I can’t keep up with these people posting 20 photos a day on Instagram, though, as all I’m doing is watching Bargain Hunt and that’s not that interesting.
If I’m performing in the evening, I have a double vodka and Red Bull to calm my nerves. When I was in One Direction, that pre-show ritual made me feel like a rock star. It just gives you such a great f***ing feeling on stage. I’d love to say I don’t get more nervous if I know Harry [Styles] or any of the other boys are in the crowd, but I do. You want to give your best.
When I come off stage I need five minutes to decompress, but I’m still buzzing so normally a big group of us will go out. I won’t be touring like this for ever, but while I am I want to have all the fun I can. That usually ends at about 3am with me crawling into my pitch-black bunk on my tour bus before we start the whole process all over again the next day.
Tomlinson’s album Faith in the Future is out on Friday on BMG
Words of wisdom
Best advice I was given
Always be a student of music
Advice I’d give
Have faith that if you’re not happy with where you are, eventually you’ll be all right
What I wish I’d known
Make the most of the lack of responsibility that youth brings, as being young won’t last for ever
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markabnett · 1 year
Okay this is a big post but I need to do it.
Just back home in Scotland from Dublin ComicCon.
One thing this weekend left me with is to remember to get fit for your convention!
My body is like a slab of carbonite at the moment. Quite drained and very heavy footed.
So why is that?
I am unfit.
I mucked up and didn’t prepare my body for the con.
Leading up to the con at least 2 weeks before walk everyday each day increasing the time of your walk by 10 minutes minimum.
This will help you get your body ready for being on your feet for extended period of time.
Don’t the cons provide chairs?
Yes most do.
But have you ever been to a con and noticed what artists and writers are doing when they are on their butts?
They are not focused on YOU a potential customer who wants to give them money so they can make more comics!
Well rule number one if you actually want to SELL your books.
Never, NEVER sit down!
Get a yoga mat. Roll that bad boy out and stand behind your table.
Rule number 2
Stay off your phone!
Take photos of your table and surrounding area before the con and set up social posts on schedules through out the day. This keeps you focused on your customers and not missing opportunities for sales.
This gives you a huge advantage and you can look people in the eye and make a connection. Mimic body language. Adjust your tone and pitch to the individual . Be positive and remember your book may not be for them but if you are polite with both your time and theirs they may come back with a friend later on or follow your future endeavours.
Ask them Open ended questions and funnel their answers till you have an answer you may have a solution to with a book on your table.
Have 3 different elevator pitches prepared to adjust to their needs in a book but NEVER lie to them about your book. That will come back and bite you in the arse.
Let them know why your book is worth their hard earned money. Compare it to other similar pop culture properties “ If you like this movie then you will like this book”
Other tips
At 2 day cons compliment cosplayers.
Day one they go large on their looks. Day 2 they usually try something else or come back shopping. They can be a pain and block isles on single day cons but manners and compliments go a long way.
Let them know who you are!
Don’t hand out business cards, hand out free prints with your social details / website on the bottom. People throw cards out. People also post prints up on walls. If you have a memorable print and your social details are there that will give the customer an instant connection between and art piece/ project/story and your name.
I have a sign on my table that says “Say Hi and get a FREE print!” This helps even those who are a wee bit socially awkward muster up the courage and engage in conversation.
Now this print is only 120gsm on gloss paper and coloured on one side. But it’s cheap as chips and I have thousands of them. They result in more social followers (which the value of is still extremely debatable) and importantly post con web-store sales!
Ditch the coffee, red bull and sugary drinks.
Water and electrolytes are the way to go.
Treat your body like a finely tuned machine and do not get drunk the night before!
You are there to put your best foot forward and get your books into peoples hands.
Odour check.
A can of lynx/axe body spray (or alternative ) on hand is a must. Add mouth wash / mints and hand sanitiser to that list . Keep your self clean and healthy. Heck in a hit event centre a spare shirt does not go amiss either.
Pre-packed lunch and snacks. Trail mix, sandwiches, Bananas and other fruit are massively important. Maybe a bit of chocolate to reward yourself should you feel low but not too much.
You pull up banner should be broken down into thirds.
Top third- your name- your socials- then your titles.
Middle third. Amazing Splash page art or collage of action from your books that best represent you and your “brand”
Bottom third- a continuation of this or nothing at all. It’s behind a table no one should see it!!
On the table.
-Books open on the best pages of art/ splash pages or double page spreads are a bonus . This will invite people to pick them up and flick through more.
-Books at attention. Small collapsible cardboard standees to have your books upright.
Have them closest to you at the back and in front stack those books high and watch them fly.
More books stacked actually helps sales.
You mean business . You are professional . You’ve come prepared.
Don’t have an empty table.
Use a tablet to have a slide show of art from your books. Add animation elements if you can grab that passer-by’s eye.
Battery pack for devices and back up cables.
Already got a battery pack? Great! Now buy another for backup.
Pens/ sharpies. Make sure they work in your book for signatures and other notes. Seriously test them out first . You would be surprised what pens work and what don’t.
Price LIST!
Using the same branding as your banner header.
Type out your items you have for sale and either leave the price bit blank and use a whiteboard marker if you want to be flexible or make them fixed.
Laminate that bad boy. Helps to keep it firm on the cardboard stand.
Small price tags.
Again use your branding and have multiple price point ready that are the length of a A5 sheet but only 1-2 inches across. Laminate them then tuck them into the books you have in front of the table. These are reusable and with the laminate make them firm enough to hold attention.
You will get a sore throat from talking too much if you follow the above!
I think that’s all at the moment.
But this stuff is some basic key principle stuff for Indy sellers.
Sure some cons you are there to hang with mates but if you are not
Presenting yourself well and giving yourself the opportunity to earn money to make more books then you are wasting that moment, your own time and your own money.
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lovemesomesurveys · 1 year
1. What is something in your life that you feel hopeful about right now? Uhhh. Honestly, as much as I’d like to feel that way, it’s hard. I’m having a difficult time seeing past some of the stuff I’m going through and imagining anything changing. I’m scared it’s only going to stay the same. I mean, there’s been significant progress with some stuff, but I’m still bedridden and not where I’d like to be strength-wise, though that has gotten a little better. I’m lacking the motivation and energy that I need to work on things. And the hope. :/
2. What was the last thing you worried about that turned out better than expected? I mean like I said, I really have made significant progress with one of the major things I’d been dealing with for years. For so long I struggled with it and it seemed to only get worse without much chance at all in getting better, but now here we are. Even in the hospital it had actually gotten worse. However, once I had the feeding tube for awhile and was back home where it could be better managed and monitored by my mom, things really started improving. So, I need to remember that when I feel hopeless and down about other things. If something like that situation managed to really turn around, then the other stuff has a chance as well. 
3. Name somewhere you are planning on visiting in the near future? All I’m able to do right now is go to my doctor appointments. I have two in the next couple weeks. 
4. How often do you go grocery shopping and how much food do you usually get in one go? My mom goes twice a month for our big grocery trips and gets a lot. 
5. What is a meal you eat extremely often? Or do your meals & food choices vary a lot? I’ve just been eating the same few foods to be honest. Like, I have Cream of Wheat every morning and Taco Bell for dinner like 5 or 6 times a week. I’ve started having sandwiches most days for lunch. Other foods I throw in the mix sometimes are chicken wings, hot dogs, and pizza. Oh, and of course I eat a lot of Reese’s everyday. :X
6. When was the last time you felt unable or unwilling to speak your mind to someone? I’ve been struggling with something involving a couple family members since last year and I’m afraid to address it to them. I just don’t see that conversation going well. I don’t want to cause any issues or make things weird between us. I don’t want to hurt their feelings. But I am upset with some things that were said and how they went about some things and it’s caused me to be distant and bitter. I don’t want it to be that way, but I can’t seem to just let it go.
7. What was the last thing you changed your mind about?  Hm. I’m blanking at the moment. 
8. Who was the last friend you saw, and what did you do together? I don’t have any friends.
9. Who tends to show up in your dreams? Do you ever wonder if you appear in anyone else's dreams? I always have the most random dreams about the most random people. Like, people I went to elementary school with that weren’t even my friends will show up in my dreams and I’m like wtf??
10. What is something you wish you could say to someone who is no longer in your life, or something you wish they could know? I do miss Ty. He was a special part of my life for a time and he was there during a time I really needed him. It’s like he was put in my life for that time and then he served his purpose cause it’s like he literally just vanished. He stopped contacting me and deleted all his social media so I had no way of getting in touch. But the time we had together truly was a special time and I just miss him. I even thought at one point he was going to be “the one.” Anyway, I guess I’d just want to tell him what he meant to me and how much of an impact he had on me. I wish we could be in each other’s lives again. 
11. Instead of flat earth, what do you think of the simulated earth theory, that we're basically all just a giant computer program or virtual reality? No, we’re not Sims. 
12. What worries you most about your future? Like I always say, I’m scared I’ll never get better or get worse and that I won’t do anything with my life. I feel like I’m grandpa Joe from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory right now and I don’t want to spend my whole life this way.
13. What is something you do to feel better when you're scared? I mean, it depends what I’m scared about. I guess I typically talk about it with my mom and get comfort and reassurance from her and just try to distract myself with something like ASMR or a show.
14. Who do you feel you can count on the most in life? Is there anyone you wish you could count on more? I know I can always count on my mom. She is why I’m still here and keep going. 
15. What makes you trust someone? When was the last time someone broke your trust? If I feel comfortable talking to and sharing things with someone is a good indicator. I’d have to get to know them of course and establish a friendship. That takes a little time. And obviously if they don’t give me a reason to feel like I can’t trust them. I’ve met people who clearly like to gossip and I questioned whether I could trust them or not. I kind of just get a feeling, ya know? As for the last time someone broke my trust, it was last year with a couple of people. They did some things that made me feel uncomfortable sharing things with them.
16. When was the last time you shared a secret with someone, and how did they react? I don’t remember. 
17. Are you more likely to give advice or to ask for it? I used to be the one often giving advice. I don’t tend to ask for advice a lot, but I do try to look up stuff and figure things out on my own. Or I just dwell on stuff and not do anything. 
18. When was the last time you felt totally lost, figuratively speaking? How about literally? >> I constantly feel lost, figuratively speaking. I almost never feel lost, literally speaking. <<< Yeah, I feel that way as well. I’ve been in a place figuratively for quite some time where I don’t know what to do, what I’m doing, or what is going to happen. I just feel so unsure about everything. I don’t know how to get past this. I don’t even recall the last time I literally felt lost. 
19. In what ways are you emotionally strong? In what ways are you emotionally weak? I don’t feel I am emotionally strong. In fact, I feel very, very weak. I just feel like such a hopeless mess. I haven’t been handling things well. I don’t know how to get through this. I’ve just kept going and try to get through each day. 
20. What is the strangest book you have ever read? How did you find out about it? I can’t really think of a book I’ve read to be “the strangest.” Probably some book for school, ha. 
21. Do you prefer to watch movies or tv alone or with other people? Is there anything you refuse to watch alone? I love having shows to watch with my mom and/or brother. I just find it more enjoyable and it’s fun having someone to discuss the show or movie with and freak out together. I also like going on my personal Tumblr and seeing what other people are saying about it about it and reblogging a bunch of stuff. It’s just really fun to get involved in a fandom and share the experience with others. 
22. What was the last thing you broke? How about fixed? I haven’t broken something in quite awhile I don’t think. I’m not much of a fixer upper so I don’t know. 
23. Is there a sign or symbol that means a lot to you for whatever reason (eg. seeing certain animals or birds, 11:11 or other repeating numbers, syncs, butterflies, hearts in nature, etc)? Ever since I was a kid the number 8 has been my favorite number and it does have some significance to me. 
24. Do you have any personal ghost stories or paranormal experiences? No.
25. What do you get complimented on the most? I’m a total mess so I’m not getting complimented on anything regarding my physical appearance that’s for sure, ha. I also don’t have any skills or talents to be complimented on either. Sooo, nothing. 
26. What is something unusual that you find attractive? Men’s veiny hands are attractive to me for some reason. 
27. What time do you tend to eat your first meal of the day? And your last? I typically have my breakfast around 11AM and my dinner around 7 or 8PM.
28. What was the subject of the last video you watched? I’m watching Disney history and ride related videos.
29. When was the last time you traveled out of town, and where to? Last March. Feels like forever ago.
30. How would you describe your overall aesthetic? >> I wouldn't, really. I just wear and surround myself with what I like, what feels good (physically and emotionally). <<< Ha, I mean yeah same. 
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