#i want hateable women until i see people hate them
warlenys · 7 months
i hate that people hate clara but if she wasn’t hateable she wouldn’t be as good. it’s unfortunately a necessary part of the ecosystem
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seraphtrevs · 4 months
my monkey brain saw fargo so i have to ask, how would you rank the seasons?
I hope you're still around anon because I love this ask. I just wanted to wait until I was finished with s5 to see if it effected my rankings, and turns out it did! Two caveats - I have only seen each season once so I don't have 100% recall on them lol and 2) I have not seen season 3 yet! which is completely insane because I love Ewan MacGregor. That's next on my to-watch list, but for now, here's my ranking of the seasons of fargo, from best to worst (I'm also going to grade them on a scale out of 10 because I think it's important to note that when I have criticisms, I still think this show is consistently excellent):
Season 2 - one of the best seasons of television in television history. An incredible work of art. This is the season that really exemplifies the kind of profound absurdity that defines the series. The comic and the tragic are perfectly blended, and the characters are all depicted with an unsentimental empathy that I found very moving and enlightening. All of the moving pieces of the plot slot together so perfectly and there is zero handholding. Like I love a show that respects me enough to not spell things out so I can have a little think for myself, as a treat. Perfect season, no notes. rating - 12/10
Season 4 - I guess there are people who don't like season 4?? I don't get it. Maybe I'm just predisposed to like it because I love the historical setting, feuding crime families, plucky girl detectives, and female serial killers. It doesn't get on the profound level of season 2 but it's very entertaining. rating - 9/10
Season 1 - there was a lot to love but i feel like they were kind of finding their footing. It's not as polished as the later seasons, and I actually find this one unpleasant because I hate Martin Freeman's character so much - like, he's meant to be hated and they did a super good job of making him hateable, so I can't knock them for it exactly. But seriously there was nothing to like about this guy and watching him was often very unpleasant. Obviously I love Malvo, because I can't resist satan-coded characters. But sometime I felt like they went a little too far with him - like sometimes his only motive is that he's just so cccrraaaazzzzzy! Like there were a couple of moments that were moriarty from sherlock kind of lameness. But those are very minor complaints. Rating - 8.5/10
Season 5 - I still really enjoyed the first half of this season, but the back half really rubbed me the wrong way. I loved Dot and I especially loved that when you discover she's a secret badass, it's not because she's really good at martial arts. Instead, her strength is in her quick thinking and ability to construct elaborate home alone traps, which is so much fun. I also love the actress - this is a great performance. John Hamm is also really good. But the whole season had this maudlin tone that was very at odds with the other seasons. Lorraine's character didn't work for me at all - like her "no daughter of mine will be held captive!" moment was supposed to make us feel good, i guess? except it felt so forced and unearned. And I really have no idea why the narrative decided that she was a cool girlboss for using her power to control people via their debt for....good, I guess, by giving the cop lady a nice job and using her influence to punish john hamm via prison violence. That last part I particularly hated - not that i have sympathy for asshole rancher john hamm but the idea that prison violence is a righteous part of the justice system is very fucking gross and they really wanted me cheering for that. the battle of the sexes aspect in general was very on the nose, and it read like a fantasy of domestic violence by a man who feels very upset and guilty over the fact that women suffer from domestic violence than a more serious look at the issue. I also HATED both of the deaths in this season - I'm not against character deaths but they both felt completely pointless and just there to add to the body count. rating - 7/10
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neshabeingchildish · 4 years
23. The Future
Determined: A Chasper Fic is being wrapped up within the next couple of chapters. Thanks to all who read, reviewed, were remotely interested in this tale of sheer self indulgence for my Chasper heart.
The Future
They didn’t really have a “honeymoon is over” phase. One of the benefits of a 6 year relationship, including a 2 year engagement was that you sort of figure out most of the things to make it work in that time period. Especially if you’re as smart as Charlotte or as caring as Jasper. 
The problems that they ran into were almost exclusively work related. 
Jasper had become someone that he wasn’t sure that he wanted to be (something Charlotte warned him about when he initially accepted his internship), but he felt like he HAD to do it. She never wanted him to try to change for her, but she did appreciate that he had the desire and the potential to do so. He made the choice to be who he felt like he should be for them and a future family… and it was a little bit miserable. He had been working at the firm for a few years and for most of that time, he sold stocks, had sales meetings, and just worked himself like crazy at something boring and often uncomfortably unethical.
How had he gotten to that point, he would sometimes wonder. He rationalized that anywhere he could get his foot in the door would be some place that he would work hard, prove himself and move ahead. He was correct about that, but that fact didn’t bring him joy and neither did all of the money that he was making. Plus, Charlotte was working so much, so many fickle hours, and having a hard time at work. They weren’t seeing much of each other and even when they tried to plan their quality time together, she usually fell asleep before time was up. He didn’t mind it too much. She was still there. They just weren’t connecting like he wanted them to. He missed his wife.
He had been so eager to try to get Charlotte to settle down and to try to take care of her that he abruptly rushed into a career that he believed could sustain them, that he could also possibly be good at. Now, he realized that he should have probably figured out more about himself, instead of trying to have things together - or seem to - just because she had things together for herself. Because of that misstep, he was now trying to figure out something else that he could do, and also trying to be a good husband to an even busier wife.
Charlotte was saving lives, building artificial body parts, researching, and testing medical treatments. She had been part of a team that made several HUGE advancements in her field. And on this team, she was one of only two women, and one of only three people who were not Caucasian. Herself, three men - one Indian, one Chinese, and one Korean, and a Russian woman were the only minorities in the entire building, and they rarely worked on the same projects, so.. Basically, she was often alone and even when they were around, the microaggressions they faced were very different. From her perspective, it seemed like she frequently got the brunt of things. Because even those male counterparts seemed to forget how they were sometimes treated and they handled her with the very same attitudes. (Or they just viewed her differently, from the start) Either way, the work, while rewarding, was exhausting enough without the additional stress of her coworkers being unkind, but sometimes, they honestly seemed like they were trying to shove her out or make her quit!
Jasper began to conduct these seminars to try to tell CEO’s how to make sales jobs less hateable and while Charlotte didn’t think it would lead anywhere (she knew that if he fell on his face, she’d have them covered). He… actually did well - above and beyond what she expected and by their second anniversary, he was branching out from the firm and beginning his own career as an Executive Coach - which Charlotte didn’t even know WAS a profession, much less that it could be as lucrative as it seemed to be for him. He hardly even seemed to be working and he was starting to bring in more money than she was! She. Was. Saving. Lives… But, she was on a team saving lives. He was helping huge companies… by himself… and he was LOVING it! Sigh. 
One day, she came home particularly upset while he was finishing up some items on a PowerPoint presentation, and she was ready to either punch something, or cry, or both - but was trying to rationalize that if she did either, she might have to explain it to him. Before she could come to a decision, she felt Jasper’s hands on her waist and she jumped. She hadn’t even seen him get up. “Whoa! You okay?” He asked. She started crying and leaned against him. “Hey… Who do I have to go down there and punch?” he asked, rubbing her back.
“Nobody… I just… Why are they always so…?” She wiped her face on his shirt and squeezed him tightly. He lifted her up and went to sit back down, resting her on his lap when he did. She sniffled, “I thought that once I had my official degree and had been working there for a while that the respect would come. I thought - there’s no way that the kind of treatment that I got in highschool at my crummy job was gonna be the way that it was when I became a member of society. It’s so much worse. They don’t respect me any more than at the Man Cave, but these people are all intellectuals, so you know that it’s deliberate, that they mean it, and that they can cover it up, rationalize that it isn’t what I’m saying. And if I’m outnumbered, what then? I look either crazy or angry, which just gives everyone else more fuel to invalidate me. I HATE that place, so much! But, I fought to get there. It is a coveted placement. All of my work history is there. Every change that I’ve helped to make is related to this company. If I leave, I don’t get to take my individual merit with me and what will they say to potential employers? Probably bad things! Any time that I even so much as glance at another laboratory, they treat me like I’m trying to go sell secrets or something.”
“Why don’t you just take a little break?” He wondered.
“I can’t. It could be career suicide. By the time I get back, things have still kept moving and nobody will care to catch me up, if I can’t stay fully immersed enough, and that would defeat the entire purpose of a break. The only way that I could possibly do that is to get sick, injured, or pregnant and even then, the bounce back might keep me lagging behind…” He was staring at her. “What?”
“Just… the thought of you pregnant. It always makes me...enraptured.” 
She smiled and leaned back against him. “I mean, I’ve eventually gotta… We did say that we’d have a couple of them.”
“How about this? We work on putting a baby in you and if it doesn’t happen and you have to vent every single day, I’ll be here for you, unless I’m on my way down there to give somebody a piece of my mind. If it does, then you’ll have an excuse to get some space from them and you’ll still have work to do, because - hello, we’ll have a baby.”
“I’m not gonna argue for or against anything at the moment, but I definitely want to immediately get into the stuff that translates to working on it.”
“You wanna do some sex stuff.”
“I feel like I clearly suggested as much.”
It took her a couple of months to decide to stop using her birth control, and another month or so for her body to feel normal without it, and around the fourth month after this conversation, she received her news via every single pregnancy symptom imaginable and Jasper pulling out a home pregnancy test and saying, “I got a good feeling that this is it!” While her face was still in the toilet. 
Yes, he quickly realized his foolery and rushed to try to see about her, hold her hair back, etc… hunt down crackers and salt. Once she was capable, she took the test, but she already knew what it would say. She had never felt this way in her entire life! Besides, she worked in the medical field, she knew what this had to be. Positive. 
Jasper called his parents on a group call, first and spoke with them for a while, about arrangements and them coming to visit and stuff. Then, he called the Man Cave. He thought to call them first, but since it was officially a family thing, he went for his blood family first. Besides, he knew that this call would be much longer. They talked for at least a few hours and didn’t wrap it up until Piper wondered, “Is that Charlotte lurking around in the background?” Charlotte was finally out of bed! She greeted everyone, whined about there being nothing to eat (the fridge and pantry were both full, though, and started crying as she went back to bed. “Is she gonna be like that for the next few months?” Henry wondered.
“I don’t think so. She just didn’t feel good today. Threw up all morning and had to call out of work. Now, she’ll have to start setting steps in motion there to prepare for this and I think she’s just tired. I’ll have to get her something to eat, though. There’s food here, but maybe she’s having cravings? I’ll have to check, so I have to go!”
Charlotte had called her mom first, cried a lot and said that she was already tired of being pregnant, even though she had just found out. They talked for a while, then she laid down and listened to windstorms, then took a nap and woke up extremely thirsty, only to find that after drinking half a gallon of water in one sitting, she had zero gallon of food she wanted to eat. 
She flopped into the bed, crying. This was… scary. For some reason, she thought that when this happened, she’d be cool, since she had every aspect of the plan figured out and stuff, but she had not taken the way symptoms that she had only read about previously would feel. The nausea was unsettling, and she was starving, but the thought of eating anything in there for whatever reason made her feel sick, as well.Whenever Jasper came in and sat on the side of the bed next to her, she snuggled herself into his lap. “You’re hungry? What ya wanna eat?”
“I don’t know.”
“You want… some bacon and eggs?”
“A sandwich of some sort, maybe some soup?” She considered this, but then, shook her head. “Give me a nudge, Chef’s Kiss. Italian? Chinese?”
“You know those fried turkey tenders from the food truck near the university? I want some of those, a basket of them with the chips and gravy.” She sobbed, because that was about 30 minutes away.
“Okay, well… You’ll have to ride along, if you wanna eat it fresh,” he said and began to help her into her shoes. “I think I’m gonna get something from there too.” 
She sat up and sniffled, “It’s kinda far and we have food in the house.”
“You kidding? You’re literally growing a life inside of you. Even if it’s early, it matters to me. I don’t care what you ask for, you’re gonna get it as long as you’re like this. Why not? You were already worth everything and now, you’re worth everything plus one.” He lifted her up gently, by the hands and promised, “And you always will be immeasurable to me for this.”
“More than before?” She wondered.
“Not because you weren’t enough! Because, you were already more than enough and you’ve still given me this wonderful thing. This is gonna be much harder on you than it is on me, so… I have to make it as easy on you as I have the power to. Come on, Pretty Little Thing.” He placed his hand on the small of her back and helped her to the door. 
Fried turkey tenders became her go to food. Jasper would order them for delivery almost every night so that whenever she got home, if she wanted some, they were available. She also ate a lot of chips. She would always have a family sized bag on her at all times, sometimes, multiple. 
She worked for several months, as her job technically couldn’t get rid of someone for being pregnant, but her work load definitely had to change. Even if her body wasn’t suddenly very aware of how tiring a single day in the life of her was, Jasper was always monitoring stuff. “Should you be doing that? Because at least 17 articles stated that you shouldn’t at this time…”
From the day that they found out about it, Jasper began a Junior Journal. He put everything in it pertaining to the future addition and wrote it as though he was writing to the unborn child, sort of like the affirmation journals that he and Charlotte kept, but with way more details in it. He even wrote “Father Vows.” So that it is official everything that I intend to do for you for the rest of my life… 
“Hey, Charlotte… you’re getting kinda far along now, so I was wondering if we could maybe figure out what we’re having and maybe… start thinking of names and stuff?”
“I was thinking that we were raising any children without labels and letting them tell us when they’re ready what they feel like they are, and also… I like the name Jasper.”
He smiled brightly, “I definitely like the thought of not putting any genitalia based societal pressures on them, but you know… society will, and what if they… look like a girl?”
“Jasper can be a girl’s name, if they turn out to be a girl at some point that they’re sure of. I love the name Jasper and I think it’s good for a firstborn.”
“Firstborn? You… would really do this again? You HATE being pregnant!”
“I mean… I hated the early days, definitely, but the further we come, the closer I feel to them. Now, I’m like… This is my kid in here, finishing up their formation. No longer a mass of tissue making me feel like my stomach has been kicked around. Now, they’re my little Jasper. After the initial issues, I’m grateful for them.”
By seven months, she was at home most of the time. Maybe being a mother could help her segway from the lab, onto somewhere that she might be valued. She was going to keep her hand to the pulse of the science community to figure that part out. Meanwhile, she was able to do most of the nursery by herself, while Jasper took on a few huge clients, including his former employer, and he began negotiations for his first business related book. 
The nursery Charlotte decided to tap into her love for art - something she rarely allowed herself a chance to do very often, because she had been so busy. But, she had been in a baby shop with her mother and saw a cute adorable Creation Story nursery set, so she basically copied that idea, but of course, with a more practical spin. Where Did I Come From? Was painted onto a very lovely sign to hang up right when you walk into the nursery, and the “creation story” along the wall was basically a reenactment of her relationship with Jasper, including some gifts and souvenirs that highlighted certain moments, like the collection of Custom Star Maps that Jasper had began getting her when they were dating and gave to her as an engagement gift. “The moment we first kissed, When you told me that you love me, The night that we… Chef’s Kissed, The night that you decided that I was worth another chance, The night that you said, “Yes.” The next one will be monumental. It’ll be one for the moment you said “I do.”
So, she hung up six custom star maps in the nursery that had a kind of space/planet type decor, stars, sun and moon and stuff on a dark purple color. The custom star maps were designed to look like what the sky looked like at the exact moments that Jasper had ordered them for. The next one, which she intended to hang next to the crib would be the moment that Jasper Jr. was born. She began calling them Jasper Jr. in her mind to differentiate between her Jaspers mentally. 
Jasper loved the idea of putting the maps in the nursery and of course, the idea of Charlotte spending hours chronicling their love on walls for their baby had him a completely mushy mess. 
Henry came over to help out and convince Charlotte to allow him to throw a Sip and See for “Baby Jasper,” which was what Henry called them.
“You got that from Real Housewives,” she said.
“Yeah, and it was fabulous. Imagine us all, dressed in all white, like an all white party or whatever and the baby in their brightest, flyest, boldest outfit and everyone is  sipping bubbly and gushing over Baby Jasper and all he wants is to you know, suck on some titty.”
“Sounds like too much and also, please do not speak of my titties in this way.”
“In the titty way?”
“STOP SAYING TITTY!” She snapped. She calmed down and said, “If you wanna throw a party, you can do the shower. I don’t think I’m having one, otherwise.”
“Your mom’s not doing one? Or Adanna?” He asked, surprised, then immediately called Piper, “Hey! Did you know that we’re supposed to be in charge of Charlotte’s Baby Shower?”
“WHAT??? Since when? Rosemary and Adanna aren’t doing it?”
“I don’t really need one,” Charlotte tried, but Henry and Piper were already in their mode. He was sending her all over the shop for different stuff that she would have to set aside for his Baby Shower vision. Charlotte laid on the couch and ate roasted nuts. They’d be at this for a while and at seven months, she was never in the mood for any of their “extra.”
Rosemary and Adanna had been planning a baby shower, but it was proving difficult for them because they kept having to cross out ideas that pertained to gender. Neither of them noticed how much gender related entertainment was a part of baby plans. Even with ordering gifts - Charlotte had given them a list of acceptable items, but whenever Rosemary sent her a photo to ask about something, she often declined, saying, “Something more gender neutral.” 
“You know, this kid isn’t gonna just want gender neutral stuff their whole life, right?”
“When they’re old enough to see stuff that they want and like, then it’s their choice. Right now, anything else would be imposed upon them. I just want Jasper Jr to be able to look back at baby photos of themselves and seeing their baby pictures. Too many people have told me that they look at baby pictures of a body that they didn’t feel connected to, dressed in the wrong type of clothes and playing with toys that they never would have selected for themselves. That’s heartbreaking.”
“Okay, but anybody can be a firefighter!”
“Yes, but that says fireman in training, Mom. If there’s one that says firefighter, sure. I mean, it’s weirdly worded because what baby is “training” to be a firefighter?” Rosemary hung up on her.
Adanna began sewing stuff for them. She didn’t want baby blue or baby pink items, but she accepted baby blue AND baby pink items, so whenever one of them found something that was too cute to live without, Adanna brought it home and touched it up to be a more inclusive outfit. Rosemary joked, “This baby gonna be wearing transgender flags until they can talk!”
Adanna told her, “I am so excited that you’re familiar with a trans flag!”
“Girl, I been studying all the gender neutral stuff that I can to make sure my grandbaby winds up both loved AND fierce, and a lot of the parents with gender neutral upbringing tips are either trans or have trans kids, so I got a lot of flags in my memory banks, now. Have you kept up with Pansy to make sure she’s sticking to stuff properly?”
“I try to not keep up with her as much as possible. I thought since you live in Swellview, you were on that!”
“Ugh, I don’t like her though!”
“Put Cohort on it. She’s good at being around people she doesn’t like, because she doesn’t like anybody.”
“Yeah, but she might give her gills on her face or something if she gets on her nerves too much… Which… You know what? Wouldn’t be my problem! You’re right, Sis.”
Charlotte spent most of her free time working on stuff that made her pregnancy easier and fussing about the fact that people didn’t think of a lot of this stuff sooner, then often sulking about the fact that they probably did, but didn’t get the support or funding to make it mainstream because their society didn’t care about reproductive care. It made her consider medical school. Sure, she had been out of college for a few years, but she still could go, and that would pave the way for her to be either away from the lab or more qualified to move to a different one. Maybe, she would be able to be a medical biochemist. She had some familiarity with it, having worked with some in her career. It wasn’t like if she became a medical biochemist she would somehow not be able to do biomedical engineering anymore. She’d be better for it, and so could maternity. Her mother kept sending her reports about the dangers Black women face in the maternity process (thinking that she was unaware or that it was helpful, when really, Charlotte knew all of this information and tried not to think about it so much as she made sure that she would have the proper treatment and care), but it DID light a fire under her about medical school!
The day of the shower, not very long before her due date, Henry and Piper took her to this spa to have a day of pampering, styled her afterwards in this all white maternity gown with one of those halo crowns and Piper did her makeup. “You look like an angel,” Henry gushed.
“A pregnant angel?” she retorted.
“Yes!” He squealed. 
They got back to her house and whenever they pulled in, she was already emotional. Dang pregnancy hormones. There were white, pink and blue flowers and balloons decorating the outside of the place and whenever she got inside, she saw a life sized statue of herself on a pedestal, wearing what she had on right now and as pregnant as she was. “What the?” She looked around, extremely confused.
“It’s my present!” Jasper cheered. She was in shock. “To you… For the…” he gestured at her belly. “It’s a gesture of tribute.” Tears were falling. Was he gonna be doing stuff like this to her for the rest of their lives?
Henry prompted her along, “She’s a little overwhelmed. Let’s get to the shower, Mama.”
Between the four of them - Adanna, Rosemary, Piper and Henry - they were able to organize a beautiful and fun gender neutral baby shower and evaluated all of the gifts beforehand, to ensure they fit the criteria. Jasper had on his crown and remained next to Charlotte the entire time. She looked happy that everyone was there, but very tired, too. His mom and stepdad showed up together. It was the first time he’d seen them together in a while, but his stepdad told him how proud of him he was and how excited he was to finally be a grandfather… Weirdness. Jasper couldn’t help but wonder if it was because he now had money, was very successful and continuously becoming moreso. But, he wasn’t gonna hold a grudge. Years of therapy made him unresentful towards the man and he did seem to genuinely want to be a grandfather. 
Craig did the photos, and the photoshoot, which included pics like Charlotte seated with various groups around her, one with her friends, with her parents, with all the parents, with all the moms, with all the dads… And in all the dads, she somehow wound up with her dad, Jasper’s dads, Ray, Schwoz and Mr. Hart. Her dad stared at the last three whenever they came forward when Craig said, “And now one with the dads!” But Charlotte took his hand into hers and just shook her head. They laughed about it and it became one of her favorites of all of the photos. 
The past nine months had been a voyage that she hadn’t expected. The future was going to be glorious.
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nianderful · 5 years
so yesterday i saw the infamous emoji movie, and let me tell you, it was bad. like, i’ve seen worse things, and this movie isn’t on the level of a lot of them, but on its own? it’s astounding how bad this is. a lot of this movie sucked, but here’s what i can remember from the top of my head:
-the movie becomes an advertisement about 20 minutes in, and it has a lot of the apps you can think of; youtube, twitter, facebook....it’s almost insulting in its transparency, even worse when you remember that this was made for children.  there’s no jokes or any bit of self-awareness. it’s just ‘oooh, there’s an app’! there’s one moment where they make fun of the shallowness of facebook....everyone’s done that, movie. what do you want, a medal?
-gene is...well, for lack of a better term, meh. he’s too bland and generic to be hateable; what i really hate about him is how he gets away with destroying not only several apps (and the innocent people in them), but nearly wiping out the entire phone. which would have murdered the entirety of his people. he never shows any sorrow or acknowledgement of this. 
-the villain, smiler (oh, poor maya rudolph :<) was honestly pretty boring too, but by the climax of the film, i started to understand where she was coming from. yeah it’s crappy of her to wipe out gene for simply existing, but his antics could have (and DID) risked not only the safety of their home, but their ENTIRE EXISTENCE. 
-james c0rden’s character was awful. i normally like the guy but hi-5 is the worst. he’s a dick, he’s a nuisance, and the film clearly thinks he’s funnier than he is, because he never shut up. he spent most of his screentime acting selfishly, yet is treated like he made a change at the end....uh, hello. movie? can i actually SEE that, pretty please?
-this film clearly tried for a female empowerment angle with jailbreak (and her arc)...and this failed in so many ways.
for starters, jailbreak claims that female emojis can only be brides or princesses. ....except that smiler is a female. there is also a female emoji, gene’s mom. like if you’re going to call out gender roles, make sure it’s supported by your setting and its rules--not just through dialogue.
jailbreak and gene’s romantic arc. ignoring the fact that the movie doesn’t give them nearly enough time to bond (or even try to do so), and the transition is really sloppy....jailbreak ends up rejecting gene’s proclaimation of love, so she can follow her dream of going to the cloud. gene’s response? turn completely meh. this doesn’t get solved until jailbreak, under the threat of the phone’s wiping, breaks through to him by telling him she loves him.  in short: the film guilt trips jailbreak for not returning gene’s feelings, and strong arms her into making a confession. 
and that’s not even the worst part of how this arc ends--jailbreak starts the movie wanting to discard the idea of being a princess, in favor of making her own identity as a hacker--even when her past identity is revealed, she greatly resents it. and on paper, this is actually fine--until the climax. not only does she have to reveal herself as a princess to save gene--this again--but she ends up staying that way, completely discarding her hacker garb. so basically, jailbreak has to give up her dream and the identity she made and liked, for a designation she clearly hated. not to mention she’s constantly told ‘you’re fine the way you are!’/’be yourself!’ which is clearly meant to be interpreted as ‘don’t disregard your previous identity!’ it flies right in the face of the movie’s message at best, and at worst sends a terrible one to any girls in the audience. boys get to be interesting and unique, and embrace the fact that they are, but girls? just sit down, shut up, and conform to the role society gave you! that’s being your TRUE self!
jailbreak was actually one of the few things about this movie i tolerated, and seeing her so poorly treated by the narrative was just another sprinkle on the doo-doo sundae. and that’s not even getting into all the cringeworthy ways this movie tried to sprinkle feminist topics in its dialogue (’men are always stealing women’s ideas!’)
-speaking of characters treated terribly....the just dance avatar, voiced by christina aguilera. she essentially served as a minor helper character...until smiler’s robots get into the app, looking for gene. the app gets destroyed, aguilera’s character with it...and that’s it. the next time we see her, she’s in a trash app, dancing (it’s heavily implied that’s all she’s capable of doing, even KNOWING she’s been left to die). and that’s the last time she appears. ever. gene’s antics resulted in the destruction of her home, and possibly her own death, assuming the trash gets wiped out. even worse? gene eventually goes to the trash app...to rescue hi-5, who was caught in the destruction of the just dance app. he only shows concern for hi-5. that’s one thing, but hi-5 being an exceedingly unlikable character is another. and just like above, it’s another example of gene getting away with the destruction that came from his adventure.
-this movie is STUPID. stupid, in so many ways. from the user character, alex, deciding to wipe his ENTIRE phone when some apps act up, to a lot of the representations of apps being inaccurate at BEST (there isn’t actually an app of the just dance game--not one that doesn’t serve as another controller anyway). for a film that’s a love letter to smartphones and the internet, it gets a lot of stuff wrong.
-there is so much.....pompousness in this movie? especially when it comes to the emojis. the movie acts like they’re the ULTIMATE form of communication, to the point where the kids in this film almost never communicate through speech. (‘words aren’t cool!’--an actual quote of the movie) this is so SO not true, it’s laughable! emojis are basically sentence enhancers, like undersea swears. they’re not shortcuts for actually talking to people with, you know, words. (example of this: the emojify feature tumblr tried out. turn that on and just LOOK how incomprehensible everything becomes.)
overall, it was well intended as a film conveying individuality, but those intentions are killed by EVERYTHING about its execution--the derivative way said message is presented, the treatment of jailbreak, and the fact that there's nothing about this film that wasn't done before or better. it’s a little hard to internalize a ‘be yourself’ message coming from a film that is a frankenstine-ing of wreck it ralph, toy story, and inside out with a splash of the lego movie.
if anybody’s interested in seeing this for a good laugh....well, i guess i can’t stop you. but i’ll tell you--you will have a lot less fun with this than you think. as for me...this is one movie i am never touching again. 
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clueless909 · 6 years
odd numbers for the dr ask game :)
hhhh oh no help okay ily froot
1. Favorite Game
Super Danganronpa 2, no question... I would die for that game. Best characters and best story, no question. AND THE PLOT TWISTS??? amazin
3. Favorite Antagonistic Character
I’m not exactly, 100% sure what this means. Mastermind characters (Izuru, Junko, Mukuro, etc) or the Foils (Togami, Komaeda, and Kokichi)? In any case, I love Junko the most out of any mastermind character ever (Tsumugi is... Probably my least favorite sorry to her fans) and Komaeda will probably always be one of the best written characters in the Danganronpa franchise who offered so much more to the obnoxious foil along with the BEST trial of Danganronpa: (2-5).
5. Best Girl?
Unfair question, okay? I love (almost) all the girls! My favorite of all time is Ruruka Andou, though followed closely by Sonia Nevermind, Mikan Tsumiki, and Ryoko Otonashi
7. Favorite Class Trial from All of the Games?
2-5. That trial is SUCH a journey and I loved every second of it. Except for the fact that it just gives people a reason to cry that Chiaki was too pure and didn’t deserve to die.
9. Least Favorite Class Trial?
Hmm... I’m gonna say 3-3. If ONLY for the fact that there was such a missed opportunity with two killers in one trial and that Kiyo could have had to stay with the rest of the students freely despite committing murder! Otherwise, it was just kind of weird and the motive was absolutely bizarre.
11. Favorite Cast?
DR2 has my favorites but also my least favorites. I love Sonia, Mikan, Peko, Mahiru, Gundham, Twogami, Fuyuhiko, Komaeda... But I hate Chiaki, Hiyoko, and Teruteru. Overall though, has my favorite characters of any of the games (or other media)
13. What’s your opinion on the Danganronpa 3 anime?
Oooh boy. Okay so Despair Side was a literal, actual train wreck. From advertising the “prequel” of DR2 and then having the anime be fanservicey, random nonsense which retconned both how the class became despairs and that Chiaki was a person before being an AI to having many episodes which were not even focused on the DR2 cast but instead perfect human Chiaki and how sad it was that she got killed :((( Also Twilight Case got just... Ruined because they made Sato be the “true villain” while Natsumi isn’t to blame at all which wasn’t the case in 2-2 and made the whole thing just... Stupid. It also made Chisa, someone with a lot of potential, a Mary-Sue teacher who was obnoxious to watch and everyone loved her for no reason (just like Chiaki).
Future Side was stupid but much more enjoyable in my opinion because at least the characters acted like themselves. The only thing I consider canon about this entire anime series (including Despair side) is the new characters introduced. I love you Ruruka.
15. Your absolute OTP?
I would be dead without Sondam. Ruruka/Izayoi is also great though
17.  Do you have an OT3? Which one?
Not really, but if I did, it would probably be Fujisaki x Oowada x Ishimaru because I like both Fujisaki x Oowada and Oowada x Ishimaru though Fujisaki x Ishimaru isn’t really... anything to me...
19. Who do you think is an underrated character?
DEFINITELY Ruruka. All I hear about her is that she’s a bitch and the worst. I really disagree and think people give her way too much crap because they think Seiko is just a precious girl who did nothing wrong (though I do like Seiko, don’t get me wrong).
21. Favorite voice actor?
Oh my gosh, no question, honestly! Natalie Hoover, English voice of Sonia. She is the SWEETEST person! My old friend (hate them now lol) got her to sing me happy birthday in Sonia’s voice for my birthday! I couldn’t believe it but she was just amazing.
23. Favorite Mascot?
Haha, that’s such an unfair question! Monokuma, no question. He’s just the best and he’s a staple of Danganronpa. The others don’t have a chance besides maybe Monomi!
25. Least Favorite Mascot?
All the Monokubs. Period. I hated every scene with them and just wanted them to shut up. Sorry but I just couldn’t stand them! Monodam and Monotaro were the least hateable though but they were all kind of a package deal.
27. Least Favorite Execution?
Mikan’s. Forgettable, stupid, and she wasn’t even herself when she died.
29. Which character should have survived in your opinion?
Ruruka because she just lost everything and had so much room to grow and become more self-reliant and atone for her mistakes. Also because it made the whole Class 76 arc kind of pointless? They did the same thing with Ishimaru and I believe he should have survived as well.
31. Is there a character you think who shouldn’t have survived but did?
That’s... Kind of an awful question LOL but I don’t think any V3 characters should have survived because it honestly skewed the message. I’m happy that Maki is alive, of course, but everything in the last trial was kind of just ignored.
33. Character with the best clothing?
Hmm... Probably Chiaki, honestly. The backpack and the hoodie are super cute. She has one of the best designs in the game but she just doesn’t have enough depth for me to enjoy her character.
35. A character who should’ve got more character development?
Just one? Let me list out a few LOL. Mikan, Sonia, Mahiru, Saionji, Kaede, Tenko, Miu, Kirumi, Hoshi. Characters who needed to get character development at all: Chiaki, Chisa.
37. Favorite Minor Character?
Would Ryoko count? Ryoko. If not, I rather like Taehime Uozumi and she’s pretty minor LOL
39. Smartest Murder Plan?
Mikan’s original Ibuki murder. Unfortunate that Saionji happened to walk in.
41. Person you’ve never expected to become a culprit but they became? (Doesn’t include Chiaki)
To be honest, I didn’t think Celes would become a blackened because she was just so... Obvious? Like, when you talk to Celes, she just kind of has a typical murderess look to her AND she was the one who designed a bunch of safety rules. 
43. Describe Monaca Towa in 3 words!
Dorky manipulative follower
45. Unpopular Opinion?
Chiaki is an underdeveloped character and was literally made in the image of Kodaka’s perfect woman so that fanboys could have a perfect waifu to jerk off to.
47. A headcanon you have about a character?
Mikan and the Imposter are really really good friends and Mikan learns to hang out with nicer people and forgive herself and get better.
49. Favorite Mini-Game?
Panic-Talk Action! Good stuff
51. Character you thought you were gonna dislike but loved in the end?
Sonia Nevermind. Her introduction is tasteless and gross (because of Teruteru) so when I met her, I thought she was just going to be an idiot who got into situations that made me cringe. I really didn’t even like her until around Chapter 3-4.
53. Favorite Game End?
Danganronpa 1 because of how much mystery there was surrounding the outside world and whether anything Junko said was true and I didn’t know how they were going to survive out there or what they’d do! 
55. Favorite love hotel scene?
Kirumi’s gave her more depth and Kaito’s was just so Kaito that I enjoyed it a lot. So they’re tied imo.
57. Character who should’ve lived longer?
Kaede. No question. She had so much potential and she seemed like such a strong interesting person with so much chemistry with the other characters. Also I like Komaru but I was hoping this female protagonist would have much less fanservice...
59. Favorite moment?
The end of trial 2-2. Peko and Fuyuhiko finally being able to come to an understanding of what they thing of each other and Fuyuhiko finally being able to get through to Peko that he loves her as a person, not as his “servant” was actually heart-breaking and hands-down my favorite moment of the series.
“I never wanted a tool! I just wanted you! Only you!”
61. Character who looks like the love child of ???
Uh... I’ll just go with the thoughts I had when everyone thought the v3 crew were the kids of the other survivors. 
Shuichi - Makoto and Kyoko, Kirumi - Peko and Fuyuhiko, Kaede - Sonia and Gundham, Gonta - Nekomaru and Akane, Angie - Aoi and Hagakure (?), Kaito - Mikan and Twogami, Iruma - Togami and Fukawa
63. Describe Kyoko Kirigiri in 3 words!
Intelligent soft-spoken detective
65. Who did you never expect to die but they died?
Saionji. I didn’t like her so I thought she would live forever. Chiaki as well because she’s the sweet angel but I was happy they had the guts to kill her off.
67. Which character would you never want to meet in real life?
Just one??? Junko for OBVIOUS REASONS such as I don’t want her to exist in real life at all.
69. Choose one character which you would take with you on a trip.
It’s between Sonia and Mikan... Sonia deserves to see all around the world in an environment that isn’t constrained so she can enjoy it. And Mikan deserves to go on a trip with friends and be happy :)
71. Character you can relate to?
Ruruka, which is probably why I like her so much. Ruruka has a lot of paranoia and is pretty distant from people but craves love and attention which sounds a lot like me. She also shares my birthday! November 20th!
73. Character who deserved better?
Mikan. Horrible, awful backstory and desperation to not be neglected is heartbreaking enough but then people go and see 2-3 and think she’s a lunatic when ANY CHARACTER would have acted the exact same way. They just didn’t see them do it so Mikan’s the crazy one.
75. Describe Gonta Gokuhara in 3 words!
Pure but easily-manipulated
77. What do you think of the fandom?
There’s three sides I see: Really sweet and kind who have discussions but not arguments about characters and plot points, people who would defend their favorite character and opinions violently even when the other person is being civilized and not trying to start anything, and the ones who just want fanservice of the sexy big-boobed women. And I only like the foremost option.
79. Which character has the cutest design?
Chiaki. The best design in all of Danganronpa imo. The second would probably be Chihiro.
81. Could you be the Ultimate Lucky Student?
I’m pretty lucky but honestly? My boyfriend blows me out of the park in terms of luck so I’d say probably not. He could be though.
83. Least Favorite Chapter?
EVERY SINGLE 3RD CHAPTER. Killed off Celes in 1-3, my favorite character in DR1. Killed off Mikan in 2-3, one of my favorites of all time. Killed off Tenko in 3-3, my favorite girl (along with Maki and Kaede) in V3. They’re also very poorly written. Celes’s acting is atrocious, Fuyuhiko’s death was replaced with Saionji so her murder weapon wasn’t even talked about in the trial, and Kiyo so obviously killed Tenko it wasn’t even funny.
85. Could you be a Dangan Protag? Why?
I mean... I think anyone could be. Kodaka even says he tries to write the protag as though they could be anyone else (though I think he does a bad job there). I think I would be super scared and paranoid so I don’t know how great of one I would be but... Yeah.
87. Describe Peko Pekoyama in 3 words!
Lovestruck loyal awesome
89. Least favorite Danganronpa 3 character?
Chisa. I despise Chisa so much I couldn’t even tell you. She has a great design but she’s basically an older Chiaki without the video games. Perfect motherly woman with the biggest boobs and skinniest waist who excels at all she does and gets tortured through no fault of her own because she was just trying to save others aw :( Characteristics? Loves Munakata and is a motherly figure who everyone loves and can do no wrong unless she’s brainwashed to.
91. What do you think of Monokuma?
A fantastic mascot and really funny character himself! Cold-blooded but also hilarious. 
93. Did you like the Monokubs?
No. Next question.
95. What do you think of Gundham Tanaka?
He was a great character! He was funny and charming and didn’t get super repetitive. I also think his past and the reasons for why he acts the way he does is spectacular but then again EVERY backstory in DR2 is fantastic.
97. Overrated ship which is your NOTP?
Chiaki x anyone (mainly Hajime or Mikan). I just... Don’t like Chiaki and seeing her with characters I consider actually good is... Bleh to me.
99. Your absolute NOTP?
Ruruka x Seiko. I hate that ship so much.
Mikan x Saionji. Don’t ship people with their abusers please...
Celes x Hifumi. She lied about being raped to get him to kill someone. Let’s not like this ship.
Mahiru x Saionji. Because I’m tired of Mahiru HAVING to be around Saionji and not being allowed to be her own character.
Mikan x Ibuki. Sexualizing Mikan? That’s ship material!
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thekoreanlass · 5 years
To zombie apocalypse fans alike, I think that Rampant‘s plot is going to be a lot interesting considering that South Korea did use a juxtaposing mix of genre’s in this one, possibly surpassing the uniqueness that ‘Train to Busan‘ had.
Surely, there’s nothing more intriguing than mixing zombie thriller, historical fiction and political war in one single movie. That should be the absolute and almost impossible made possible recipe that will surely bring in patrons that once loved the first-ever Korean zombie film two years ago that took over the world.
But the real question is: ‘is ‘Rampant’ able to surpass or at least come on par with ‘Train to Busan’? 
Brought by the same studio as ‘Train to Busan’ and directed by Kim Sung Hoon that brought to us well-acclaimed 2017 action film ‘Confidential Assignment‘, surely ‘Rampant’ will not disappoint.
The Story:
Prince Ganglim (Hyun Bin) goes back to Joseon after a long political imprisonment abroad in the Qing Dynasty. His sudden return was due to the last will that he received from his befallen brother, the crown prince (Kim Tae Woo), who he thought died from suicide. It had stated that as a last favor for Ganglim to retrieve the crown princess and their unborn child and bring them back with him to Qing.
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Ganglim’s long absence made everything in Joseon so estranged to him that he had shown great disinterest about the darkness that’s looming over his birth country. He did not wish to come back for anything else other than saving the crown princess in honor of his late brother. So, after encountering ‘night demons’ that had been plaguing Jemulpo and being saved by Park Eulryoung’s (Jo Woo Jin) group from being mugged by them, Ganglim still refused to cooperate willingly though the peasants that had been waiting for him were begging for them to be saved by the prince. 
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Upon seeing though the chaos and terror these ‘night demons’ caused to his people, though reluctantly, Ganglim agrees to speak to the King to send an army to help those still trapped in Jemulpo.
However, upon his return to the palace, Ganglim is denied his request by the vicious Minister of War Kim Ja Joon (Jang Dong Gun). More so, he ordered for Eulryoung and his gang to be imprisoned for high treachery. A similar incident with the ‘night demons’ happens though as one of consorts who got infected by the plague turns into a night demon and bites the King. Eventually, chaos in the palace starts after this and more people are bitten and unfortunately turned to grotesque looking monsters who feed on human flesh and blood. While Kim Ja Joon sees this as an opportunity to usurp the throne from the King’s bloodline, Ganglim, together with his men, becomes determined to end the long standing plague caused by the ‘night demons’ within the palace walls before it’s too late.
I’m giving this film extra points for the plot’s originality. I think that while ‘Train to Busan’ can be a common westerner’s vision of a modern zombie apocalypse, no one would have thought that zombies and historical period can fit in the same picture. Like how can zombies arise in the old period? There’s no way zombies could exist during those times since it will take an uncontrollable virus outbreak situation to create an army of them. So, I think it is also wise of them to call these creatures as ‘night demons’, because the real cause of the infection can be left alone as ‘unknown’, especially that this movie surely left out that very important detail: as to how the first ‘night demon’ caught the condition. It would have been more interesting if we were given a little backstory, but we’re left in the dark, so we should just take what we can. 
Night Demons
In terms of the ‘night demons’ or zombies or whatever you want to call them, I think that this film has maintained the same image about zombies that we saw from ‘Train to Busan’: (1) they are sensitive to sound, (2) they go rampant upon hearing sound or upon smelling blood (3) they look grotesque, (4) they are fast, strong and vicious. The only thing I see different is that these zombies hate the sun, because the sun actually hurts them or at least I think so; while the zombies from ‘Train to Busan’ were tamer in the darkness. It is good that the same concept is used to make sure we are not lost in the story, but this actually killed some of the excitement since I was actually looking for something new. I was hoping they’ll depict zombies a little differently. Nonetheless, I have enjoyed the action packed zombie rampage scenes versus Prince Ganglim whose sword fighting skills is so unparalleled that it’s so entertaining he actually killed a whole bunch of them alone and while remaining untouched, though that basically made his role a little predictable.
The movie itself is actually plagued with cardboard characters that lacked a past, a backstory to back them up. Just like when Ganglim is introduced once his ship lands in Jemulpo, though many was said in the plot about his past and his reason for going back to Joseon, the scenes itself did not give me much information about this, so I was confused why Ganglim was coming back from Beijing.
What I like about this character the most, though, is his character development: from a vain and self-centered jerk who is more interested with vices and women he left back in Qing, Joseon molded him to become righteous and a person that thinks more of his people above all else. It made him deserving of becoming a King through his actions.
There’s even one part along the end that his lines really made me cry. He said something about it not being true that a King should be above his people, because the people are who makes the King. So, the King should protect his people. I guess, it’s at that point that he has accepted the responsibility of becoming king after Joseon rudely taught him how to be one.
I think that Hyun Bin is able to own Ganglim’s character in this movie. He has owned the spotlight all throughout and because most of the action-packed scenes are centered towards him, it highlighted even more Hyun Bin’s commendable portrayal, though it is inarguable that his character leans on the more predictable side despite the zombies’ efforts on trying to bring him down. I think the character actually beats the purpose of such a grotesque zombie thriller, but I guess since I’m more of a happy ending person, I’m happy that he did not end up dead during the final scenes; something that I did not get from ‘Train to Busan’. 
The other characters, though easy to sympathize with, lacked their own backstories and development in the story, so it was hard to connect relationships among characters and read their minds. So many of them had the potential to be something more. Like for example, Kim Ja Joon who was played by Jang Dong Jun. I think that he has portrayed the role so viciously that the role was so hateable even until his end, but at the same time it missed the opportunity to be something more. I think that the script itself prevented these amazing characters from growing, so I can’t really blame the actors for how they portrayed them. 
I think that though I really enjoyed the movie to the fullest, it is right to say that it lacked consistency when it comes to the themes. There’s the zombie apocalypse and endless chase, gun fights and sword fights that will totally pump up adrenaline in your body, but sometimes it is overcome by the political struggle that period movies like this has. So, we go back and forth from a zombie invasion to a dramatic political war that involves families and vicious foes. Making it a little bit behind ‘Train to Busan’ in this area, since the movie’s theme felt like its everywhere, whereas its former zombie movie sunbae actually focused on a singular item with less dramatization of the situation.
Though there’s a lot of obvious flaws to this movie and there’s still a long way for ‘Rampant’ to catch up to ‘Train to Busan’ in terms of its overall production and impact, I think that the film overall is really good. Cinematography-wise it’s really dark and grotesque depiction of a zombie plagued Joseon is flawless, believable. The sound effects also added additional suspense to important scenes, especially when it’s about time the leads face their otherwordly flesh-eating foes. The cast is also able to turn a very plot driven story to something more character focused, though there’s a lot of times it’s hard to find a distict characteristic or emotion from them.
Rating this, I’ll give it 4.4 out of 5.0. There were times when I felt like I’m losing the hype I felt before while watching some parts of the movie and when I tthought there’s nothing really extraordinary about this other than the fact we’re seeing zombies in fictitious Joseon, that’s why I’m giving it that kind of score. Other than that, it’s a good watch. I’ll recommend it to you guys at any day.
 [Film Review] Korean Period Action-Zombie Movie ‘Rampant’ To zombie apocalypse fans alike, I think that Rampant's plot is going to be a lot interesting considering that South Korea did use a juxtaposing mix of genre's in this one, possibly surpassing the uniqueness that '
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