#i wanted to end with the apology but simultaneously was like 'no way in HELL did gen do that of his own volition'
thinkaboutmeff7au · 1 year
flash time 108
(read me first)
I planned to watch them fight, you know, to make sure Gen didn’t chop Seph’s head off, but I got a call to do a report, so I’m late. Whatever happened is all over, but Genesis is changing in the 1sts locker with a blank expression.
“Hey, what happened?” I ask. “Did Sephiroth find you?”
He nods deeply before he speaks. “Ya,” he says.
But he doesn’t elaborate. “And? You didn’t hurt him, did you?”
He shrugs and shakes his head.
“Gen. Gen, come on.”
He pushes me away. “Leave me alone.”
He’s impossible, and it’s pissing me off today. I dig deep and find the voice I use when I need the 2nds and 3rds to listen to me. “Look, look at me. Genesis!”
He starts and he does look at me. The voice and posture works--worked when I was 18, works now. He looks sheepish and scared. He wants to just pretend this didn’t happen. Brush it under the rug.
After the shit he said while I was in the room? I don’t think so.
“You have to apologize to him,” I say. “I don’t give a shit about what the hell is going through your head. You have to grow the fuck up and apologize for what you said in front of me, whatever the hell you said in the training room, and any injury you might have given him. Got it?”
I can’t tell if he wants to cry or if he wants to bite me. His expression is that mixed. “He’s not your junior anymore. We’re all on the same rank now. We’re going to be working together, and he just went through hell. So the least you can do is beep him and apologize.”
I hate being like this to him. I’m not his father. I’m his friend. But, he never really had anyone else but me. And if I don’t say anything, he certainly won’t take responsibility for himself. He barely apologized to me when he did something...like this, and I was the subject.
He runs his hand through his hair and pulls out his pager. “Hey, sorry about...all that,” he says.
That’s a good start. He looks to me, but I give him nothing. He has to search for the words. “I’ll, ah, make it up to you.”
I know he will. He does like Sephiroth. He’s a moron with no awareness of his own emotions, but he will make it up to him.
“S-See you tomorrow,” he finishes, and jams the pager in his pocket. “There. Good?”
Not the point. “Sure,” I say.
He purses his lips, then continues back at his locker, putting on his jacket. “Fuck,” he mutters. “I think I want to fuck him.”
“What?!” Unreal. “You really are insane.”
“No shit,” he says with a weak laugh. He looks very defeated with a cigarette hanging from his mouth. “I’m gonna go home and smoke ten bowls.”
I’m speechless at this point, but he doesn’t just walk past me--instead, he gives me a tight hug, clapping my back. That’s his “thank you” to me, before he leaves.
If he’s lucky and Seph is gracious, this can be salvaged. No guarantees for anything else, though...time will tell if Seph can handle the full brunt of Gen’s intensity.
Because after this, I think he’s going to get it.
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igotanidea · 2 months
(4) Cheater: Dick Grayson x reader
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part 1
part 2
part 3
Warnings: heavy angsts, heatbreak, crush and burn, girl fighting.
“Shit” was a light description of the situation they were currently in.
Enraged Sienna looking at terrified Y/N and Dick in between them.
There was no denying that those two women were more than ready to fight tooth and nail for the man they both wanted in their lives and – if need arise – draw blood.
In any other circumstances, and perhaps a couple years earlier, his ego would be over the roof from the fact that two beautiful girls were displaying their jealousy over him, but he was not that playboy-attitude-like guy anymore.
He fucked up hard and yet, he couldn’t bring himself to care. Taking Y/N and going all the way with her was not a mistake and he was not going to apologize or leave her now.     
Now, he ended up torn between the need to protect Y/N and keeping with the mission that was in fact supposed to protect Y/N while simultaneously putting her in harm’s way.
Impossible situation.
“Sienna-“ he tried to say while still holding Y/N tight, covering her naked form from the other girl’s eyes.
“YOU BITCH!!” Sienna yelled and without thinking, in a blink of an eye threw herself at Y/N, who squealed in surprise and fleeing Dick’s embrace grabbed the first piece of clothing from the floor to cover herself and started running away.
That “first piece of clothing” was Dick’s shirt. And as you may suspect, it did nothing to ease things up.
A man can really do nothing when two women are fighting. So despite all his skills and abilities, all his attitude and way with words Dick was rooted to the floor, watching the fight unravel before his eyes.
“Girls can we just – “
“STAY OUT OF THIS!” both Y/N and sienna yelled at him, showing a surprising amount of solidarity.
“Stop it!” not giving a shit about their opinion he joined the fight.
If someone were to watch this situation from outside perspective it would be hilarious. Straight out of comedy.
A girl with messed hair in a guy’s stolen  shirt, jumping and ducking on the furniture.
Another girl with a fury in her eyes, throwing said furniture out of her way with a surprising amount of strength.
And a bare chested guy, miraculously and swiftly escaping everything flying his direction, relegated to the background, dealing with the aftermath of his own behavior.
There was no denying that most of this was on him. He seduced Y/N purposefully. And now she was paying for this, forced to repel attack of his ex-girlfriend.
Y/N might have been fast and agile, but Sienna was strong and driven by fury. So when it started to look like the escape was just withing reach, and the first girl reached the entrance door, almost, almost getting to safety (cause the chances of getting attacked in public, on the street were fortunately lower)—
“Oh hell no!”
Y/N’s fingers slipped on the handle and she felt herself being yanked back and on the floor. 
And from then the things started going downhill in an accelerated speed.
“You slept with him you bitch!?” Sienna slapped y/n’s face
“He slept with me!” Y/n did not pull her punches, doing the same thing to Sienna, emphasizing the fact that it was all a conscious choice.
“He has a girlfriend! Me!!!”
“Clearly not anymore!”
“You were just an entertainment for him!”
“He choose me over you!”
“Because I was gone!”
“Because he doesn’t love you!”
“You piece of shit!”
Sienna straddled Y/N and started hitting her face, stomach and everywhere else she could reach, causing little groans and squeals to escape the attacked girl’s mouth.
“Stop it!” Dick yelled rushing to help his love, who was in an immeasurably worse situation.
“Get the hell off me!”
In a blink of an eye the things changed and now it was Sienna with her back pinned to the floor with Y/N on top, both girls going head on each other, focused on defeating the opponent.
“He’s mine!”
“Fuck you!”
“If he didn’t pay you for the service I’ll be more than happy to do so just to get you out of our hair” Sienna hissed vindictively with a smirk, throwing Y/N off her game.
“Did you just call me-?”
“A prostitute, yes.”
The hit, aimed at the nose reached its destination perfectly and blood started running down.
“Did you just-?”
“You can shove your money up your ass!”
“You’re a journalist, you clearly need them more than me.”
“Are you after man’s money Sienna?”
“Huh. Me? You resort to certain measures of getting paid by genteman!”
“At least I’m good at it!”
“Is that what he told you?” Sienna smirked again
“He might have mentioned how good I feel and taste.” Y/N retorted with a viciousness in her eyes.
Now the clash between girls were getting more verbal than physical.
“I already told – it’s because I was gone. You were a substitute.”
“Or maybe I was simply the only choice from the beginning?”
“The hell you talking about?”
At this point, Y/N could hardly recognize herself. The girl who was so insistent of sticking to her own moral rules about not going behind another’s girl back was gone. Just because Dick touched her and made love to her.
Fucking hypocrite, but all that was left was a woman filled with lust, desire and deeply rooted love for a man, and there was no way she was letting go easily. Even if that meant throwing a bucket of slop on another person. Even if that meant living in self-hatred till the end of days.
Dick was hers.
“We were together long before he started going out with you.” She hissed, feeling a surge of power in her veins upon seeing the pain in Sienna’s eyes.
“Y/N! Don’t do this!” Dick finally got his tongue back, but choosing the worst moment to speak up.
 “And why shouldn’t I?” the girl spun towards him with fire in her eyes “you said it yourself, you want me, you love me��” she mocked theatrically “so now It’s your chance to prove it. Show me those wasn’t just words Dick. Aver that you want to be with me. Choose.”
“Dick…?” Sienna stuttered, the role switching, leaving her in the position of victim while Y/N turned into the oppressor. “Is- is it true?”
“Yeah, come on Dick, tell her. Tell her how we were touching and kissing at that Wayne gala while she was oblivious to our dirty games too occupied by Jason.”
“Coward.” She hissed to cover up for the way her heart started to hurt and tears wanted to brim in her eyes.
“Please don’t -“ he took a step closer to her but she moved away from his reach.
Seemed like Nightwing was winning against Dick Grayson.
And it gave Sienna back her power.
“See?” she grinned with a self-complacency. “you were just a distraction. A plaything to fill in for me. Cause this is who he wants. Me. Not you.” She stepped closer to Dick, wrapping arms on his side and snuggling into his chest.
Legitimate girlfriend
“You can go now, little girl.” Sienna laughed “oh, and this-“ she reached to her pocket and retrieved a one dollar bank note “that’s for your trouble and the great performance. For a moment I almost believed it was all real for you.”
“Dick—” Y/N stuttered, her bottom lip trembling.
She felt betrayed, used, fooled, but deep inside – hoping, wishing and praying for him to do something.
But while she broke all her rules for him, he seemed to not care, standing there without a single word, with her arm wrapped over Sienna waist. Not a hint of self-reflection in his entire posture.
Mission comes first.
“ I think you should-“
“Fuck you both. Have a happy life together. Liar and gold-digger.” She hissed grabbing her pants and coat and shutting the door on her way out, before any of them could see how broken she was.
Left with nothing, including her dignity and integrity.
Poor naïve, gullible little girl.
If only she looked into his eyes.
This was not how it was supposed to go.
@miraculous-panic @fullbelieverheart @xlatinaaxx @ietss @arfrona
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nats-firefly · 1 year
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my train could take you home
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part 1 of bent right to your wind | main masterlist
vampire!natasha romanoff x witch!reader x vampire!wanda maximoff
summary: everyone has mixed feeling going back to their hometown, what you didn't expect were the people you ended up running into
warnings: vampires, magical powers, tension, mentions of blood, death, and grief, church, prayer, disrespect towards religious figures, no smut but as with all my other works 18+ only
words: 2.6k | feedback is always welcome
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You take a deep breath as you look down at the map on your passenger seat. You wanted to make sure your return to the small town was absolutely necessary. All of your most treasured and simultaneously painful memories lived in the cobblestone paths and surrounding woods. A faint purple fog surrounded your steering wheel as you checked the geological map, trusting your centuries worth of practicing magic to keep you safe. 
“Why do blood crystals only exist in this fucking town?” You sighed, running a hand through your hair. You took control of the steering wheel once again as your car shook from the cobblestone road. 
An eerie chill ran down your back as you drove through town, the buildings still looked suspiciously well preserved. To anyone else, this looked like any other small historical town; brick buildings lining the narrow cobbled streets. Everything seemed so monotone now, you don’t remember it being this way. 
As you turned the corner, your stomach knotted and you felt like you needed to throw up. You cleared your throat, resisting the urge to heave your breakfast up. The small church surrounded by an equally small cemetery made the hairs at the back of your neck stand up. You parked your car across the street, turning your head to face the building still standing after all this time. 
“What am I doing here?” You groaned to yourself, your fingers tingling with a purple glow. You clenched your fists for a second, before relaxing again, then frowned at your hands. What the hell? The last time you had to deal with subconsciously showing your powers you were just starting out. Right behind that church. A glimmer in the surrounding woods caught the corner of your eye and you snapped your head towards it. There was nothing.
Maybe you were just imagining things. 
Right as you faced forward to pull away, another glint. You were definitely not imagining it. You glued your eyes to the spot, the sound of your car door slamming shut made you flinch. You hadn’t realized you got out of the car. You could hear your heartbeat increase with every step you took. 
Your hands felt warm, and without even glancing at them, you could tell faint streaks of purple circled your fingers. You took another deep breath, trying to focus on the spot in front of you. There was another glint, it shone right into your corneas. It was so bright you wanted to bring your hand up to shield your eyes.
And then, suddenly, as soon as it appeared, it was gone. You stopped mid step, the ground underneath you a different texture as you heard your shoe scrape against something rough. You looked down and quickly stepped aside with a gasp, you accidentally stepped on a small rectangular gravestone. 
“Crap, sorry…” You groaned, stepping back. Your eyes scanned for the name of who was buried there, wanting to apologize. You crouched down, wiping the grass off the stone. You fell backwards as your whole body went rigid. Your breath picked up and your ears started ringing. You could hear your heartbeat in your ears as you clutched your chest with one hand and supported yourself with the other. You swallowed hard, slowly standing back up. As your eyes stung with tears, you struggled to croak out the name you hadn’t spoken in centuries. “Sorry, Wands.” 
You swallowed the lump in your throat. You weren’t planning on coming to see Wanda, it had been almost 300 years since she died. You felt like you moved on. At least you told yourself you did. You never again had a friend as close to your heart as Wanda. You didn’t want to reopen the wounds you worked so hard to heal. 
The fact you stepped right on Wanda’s grave was enough to creep you out, but what upset you more than anything was that you felt no connection to this gravestone. Even with the surrounding strangers you could feel some sort of energy emanating from each person eternally laid to rest. And from Wanda, someone you once loved and deeply cared for, you felt nothing. It was as if she was never there in the first place. 
You wanted to barf. As you turned away from the gravestone, you decided to go into the church. You were here anyway, might as well revisit your roots. The sound of your shoes against the floor of the old church echoed in the space. You looked around, noticing the small differences to uphold the structural soundness of the building. You walked to the back corner, deciding to light a candle. As you lit the small prayer candle, you heard faint century old footsteps sound behind you.
It was late at night, you pulled your shawl tighter around your shoulders as you took refuge in the slightly warmer church. You walked a few steps closer to the altar, bowing your head and making the sign of the cross. As you made your way to the back of the church, your tears uncontrollably rolled down your cheeks once more. You don’t remember a time you weren’t crying. 
You internally prayed to any higher being who would hear you, you felt hopelessly lost without Wanda. She was part of every aspect of your life. Now she was gone, and you didn’t have a chance to say goodbye. Now every night without fail, you took solace in the church, hoping that wherever Wanda was, she was okay and at peace. You hoped the peace she took from you brought her comfort in whatever form of afterlife there was. 
You dragged your feet to the closest pew, your already bruised knees from your constant attendance sending a sharp pain up your body. 
“Dear Heavenly Father,” You silently prayed, clasping your hands together as tight as you could make them. As you continued your prayer, you felt a pair of eyes on you, the same you’ve noticed every night. “Please, God, please let her be okay,” Your shoulders shook with sobs. “Please, whatever happened to her, let her be at rest,” You wiped your cheeks with the back of your hands. “Or bring her back to me, my lord. I need her, I need my best fr—” You knew you were more than that. “I need my Wanda.” You opened your eyes just enough to see your tear stains on the wood in front of you. “Amen.”
“Oh honey, God isn’t gonna help you with that,” Your eyes snapped open with a gasp, the one whose observant eyes belonged to now sitting at the other end. “Your faith astounds me. Every night you walk in here, begging for your Wanda back,” You frowned, you didn’t like the way her name sounded coming from her mouth. “But you know she’s buried right out front. So why do you come in here? Why don’t you stay out there with her?”
You sniffled, still frowning at the overconfident attractive woman sitting a few feet away from you. You opened your mouth to speak, unsure of what you’d say. You closed your mouth. Why did you come in here every night? What has God ever done for you besides taking your Wanda? You looked down at the wood between you as you sat on the seat, hearing the sound of raindrops against the large windows.
“You have a powerful energy,” She says, leaning towards you. “You have so much potential. I’m Dorothea.”
Dorothea passed on all her knowledge to you before she decided her life cycle was over. The corner of your lips tugged upwards as you remembered when she recruited you. Dorothea turned into a better mother figure than your own. She taught you everything you knew and every time you felt your power flowing through your body, you knew a part of her was with you too.
Your heart felt full as you walked back to your car. It felt weird. You once felt comfort here because of your faith; now you feel comfort there because of your power. You barely noticed Wanda’s grave as you walked back to your car, sending it a quick glance before looking ahead. 
She didn’t linger here. You had to take comfort in that. You took a shallow breath. You had to.
It didn’t take long to get to the hotel from the church. It didn’t take long to get anywhere in the small town. The second you got out of your car, you felt eyes on you. Everywhere you looked there was at least one person who turned their head. You swallowed hard as you pulled your bag out of the trunk of the car, looking behind you sharply catching two strangers staring right at you. The sound of the trunk closing echoed in the space, dispersing any lingering looks, you never liked the center of attention. 
The large building of the hotel seemed to be built long ago; it wasn’t there the last time you were in town, but you estimate the construction started not too long after you left. The air was surprisingly cold inside, it carried a weird energy you couldn’t quite pinpoint. 
Your shoes clicked against the marbled floor as you made your way to the check-in desk. You took in the wall behind the counter, the intricate pattern almost comes to life with its flowing curves and surprising depth; the more you looked at it, the more detail you found. The front desk clerk rounding the corner to the front desk caught your attention. Her face seemed slightly paler than it was supposed to be and her hair was slightly tousled. Her blood stained shirt collar gave her away. When you turned your face to catch the more lingering looks sent your way you were finally able to pinpoint the weird energy you felt earlier. 
You were in a hotel full of vampires.
Not everyone in the room was one, you could tell some of them were human; you could feel their lively energy and they stood out as tourists more than the others. They seemed comfortable here. Centuries worth of comfortable. You never noticed them before. The clerk called you up, you checked in seamlessly. 
“You have a beautiful view,” She said, sliding the keycard over to you. “The most ocean any of us get around here.”
“Oh? The website didn’t advertise an ocean view,” You said, taking it back with your ID and credit card. 
“That’s because calling it an ocean view is pushing it,” She laughed. “The town is surrounded by cliffs, and this is a three story building, if you squint you can catch a glimpse of it past the tree line.”
“I’ll keep an eye out then,” You smiled, finally putting your documents back in your bag. “Thank you.”
As you turned to leave the counter, you walked straight into someone. You stumbled back apologetically, almost tripping over your own bag in the process, but luckily the beautiful stranger caught you. Her cold, strong grip sent chills down your spine.
“Oh God,” You said, standing back up, face heating in embarrassment. “Sorry.”
“There’s nothing to be sorry for, dear,” Her grip lingered even after you were steady on your feet. “Glad I caught you.”
The redhead smiled at you, shamelessly roaming her eyes over your face. She was hypnotizing. Your body felt warm, lighter, almost as if you were floating just slightly above the ground. You stepped out of her grip, grounding yourself once again. 
“Thank you…” You trailed off, not breaking eye contact.  
“Natasha,” She replied. You smiled. Her hand came up to your face, delicate fingers brushing against your cheekbone before tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear.
“Natasha,” You repeated, bringing your hand up to hers. Despite her delicate touch, her hand was strong, unwavering. She opened her mouth to ask your name, your eyes followed her lips. Pink, delicate, soft. “Y/N.”
“I can help you with your bags,” She said, taking the opportunity to look you up and down.
“It’s okay,” You gripped the handle, biting the inside of your lip. “I’m a big girl, I can do it myself.”
She smirked, a light hum leaving her throat. “Welcome to Willowcrest,” She replied, starting to walk past you before leaning in close to your ear. Her lips met your cheek. “Y/N.”
Before she could walk away you reached out your arm, stopping her midstep. “Anywhere you'd recommend for lunch?”
Natasha smirked. Her answer wasn’t tasteful. “There’s a cute diner down the street,” She turned towards you again. “I have lunch plans, unfortunately,” Her eyes subtly drifted to the front desk clerk helping another set of guests who had just arrived, before drifting back to your neck. She thought the way you wore your hair up was indecent. It made her mouth water. “I can give you a tour around town tonight though, I’ve always thought the town looks better in the dark.”
“You live here?” You wondered, she felt confident enough in the space you sensed she was a local. 
“My family owns part of the hotel,” Her eyes dipped down to your lips before moving back up to your eyes. Natasha couldn’t pinpoint why you felt so different. “We all live here.”
“I’ll take you up on that tour then, Natasha.” The two of you exchanged numbers before you finally made your way up to your room. It was by no means the most luxurious room in the hotel, but it was nice. The bathroom was a decent size, the bed looked comfortable.
You set your bags on the floor just in time for your stomach to growl. As you straightened back up, the view out the window caught your attention. The clerk was right. You could just make out the glimmer of the sun against the water of the ocean in the horizon, just barely over the tops of the conifer trees of the surrounding boreal forest. You walked over to the window, cracking it open. The fresh air was cool, it brought a new color to the stale air of the room. 
When you made your way to the lobby, you spotted Natasha by the clerk that helped you. Her gaze lingered on the clerk’s collar and you wondered if the clerk was her lunch plans. You lowered your sunglasses as you stepped outside, the bright sunlight warming you down to your bones. 
As you walked down the street to the diner, you felt a weird sense of belonging. This town was the closest you could call to a hometown. You had to move around pretty often, never able to stay at a place for more than a few years. Sometimes because you got bored, and others because you did something suspicious. It was almost… nice.
The bell rang as you opened the door to the diner, some heads turned your way but not many. You wouldn’t expect a diner out of all places to be filled with vampires. You sat down at a booth in the back, a waitress handed you a menu and a glass of water before going back to another customer to give you some time with the menu. 
You heard it then. The sweet, angelic sound of an unforgettable laugh that made your heart stop and your body go cold. Your hands gripped the menu you were holding, your palms warming. 
You took a deep breath, your stomach knotted. 
It’s not her, it can’t be her. She’s dead. Surely it’s just someone else with a similar laugh. 
When you put your menu down, you locked eyes with green ones. The green eyes you never thought you’d see again. 
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malleusfucker · 2 years
a night with leona and malleus
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warnings: smut/nsfw, angry sex, unprotected sex, just malleus and leona being greedy bastards, reader is afab but no gender or pronouns are explicitly specified - i tried to keep it as gender neutral as possible
synopsis: threesome with leona & malleus, they’re both irritated with how you’ve been leading them on so in turn they both come to an agreement to fuck you at the same time just to basically ruin you. 
words: 2k
this is my first ever smut that i tried to write in detail so pls ignore if its shit 😭 my grades in english were terrible so dont judge 😐 also i might as well change my user to malleus&leonafucker bc at this point theyre all i can write about LMAO
you can say that you have a very fickle mind. suddenly being placed in a college with so many different and eccentric characters out of the blue definitely piqued your interest. some can say it was almost too much - your eyes constantly diverting to different faces making you act in a way that you never did before, though, that being a result of two people in particular. leona kingscholar and malleus draconia.  
since the moment you set foot in the college, you haven't been able to take your eyes off the two dorm leaders, whose very presence causes you to sweat and shuffle your feet under your desk. and albeit challenging, being placed in classes with them gave you the opportunity to eventually get rid of the itch you'd get under your collar.
the auras that both malleus and leona exuded were so attractive and tempting in their own different ways that they just served to further confuse you every day. you became increasingly irresponsible as you got to know them better with each class, to the point where you would ultimately steal kisses from both of them. you never considered your relationships with them to be anything more than casual sexual encounters; nothing more than that. every time you got close with the two stunning princes, with academic prowess you'd never see in a million years, it both humbled you and boosted your ego. 
however,  you were terribly naive in assuming you could mislead the two men for your own selfish ends because one thing you were unfortunately unaware of  was that they were anything but dumb.
malleus and leona both slowly caught onto your little game - taking note of how you would focus all of your attention on one of them while ignoring the other. to put it mildly, it infuriated them. and to add salt to the wound, they were fiercely competitive with one another, and seeing how you treated them like toys led them to reach a bizarre agreement.
you were comfortably asleep in your run-down dorm in the middle of the night when all of a sudden, a hand violently ripped your bedsheets off of you. your eyelids slowly opened as the chill began to spread across your flesh, only to be greeted by two sets of brilliant green eyes. “apologies for intruding on you at such an odd time like this-” the taller male with horns, who was clutching the bed frame at your feet, smirked at you eerily. immediately, you widened your eyes and repositioned yourself so you were sitting up straight 
“wh- leona?! malleus?! what the hell are you doing here? how did you get in-” without even being able to finish your sentence, leona grabbed your face and forcefully pulled you towards both of them grimacing at you with disgust “huh, you got some guts actin’ so innocently like that - ‘just pisses me off even more” you were trying so hard to spit your words out but the more you tried the harder leona gripped your face - it only resulted in your body starting to tremble and fear bubbling up in your stomach. 
you were so confused, what did they want with you? and especially at this hour? all these questions were racking your brain but were immediately cut short when the two princes simultaneously pinned you aggressively onto your bed.
with leona’s firm hand still covering your mouth, you unexpectedly felt a long wet tongue lick a stipe up your exposed neck eventually leading up to the shell of your ear. you yelped at the sudden attention and darted your eyes to your left where you saw malleus leaning against you lowering his hand towards your crotch. the two men were only encouraged by your muffled voice and became more ready to humiliate you.
without warning, malleus pulled down your shorts and slipped his hand inside your pants. his gentle fingers caressed your sensitive spot on your body, turning your dread into shameful pleasure. the two men already had you at their mercy without even touching you that much. and with your arousal increasing by the second, all you wanted was for them to touch and fondle you more. whilst malleus showed some generosity towards you, leona, on the other hand, did not. he hated everything about the situation, just the idea alone that you were secretly getting intimate with malleus whilst also being the same with him made him gag and gave him all the more reason to just completely break you.
whilst malleus was palming your crotch, he leaned in and kissed your lips sweetly. it was his touch that reminded you exactly why you enjoyed his company so much - everything he does is just filled with grace and tenderness which just made this situation feel all the more surreal. you closed your eyes and gave into his kiss, letting his tongue inside your mouth, feeling his slender fingers slowly ease inside of you, making you moan. he steadily pumped his fingers in and out of you, noticing all the slick start to drip from his hand making him smirk against your mouth.
leona interrupted your kiss by once again grabbing your face, but this time he seemed more spiteful than before. “this wasn’t a part of the agreement.” leona scowled and glared across to malleus, still thrusting and curling his fingers inside of you making you rut your hips up against them “hm? what’s the problem?” leona scoffed, furrowing his brow “you don’t get to have all the fun you fucking bastard.” he grabbed malleus’ hand which was in your pants and snatched it away from your body. 
the immediate absence of the pleasure that was slowly building up inside of you made you gasp and you opened your eyes to see leona quickly shove malleus’ fingers straight into your mouth. “ngh!-” you gagged at the sudden force being pressed against the back of your throat and looked over at malleus to see a face of brief shock quickly turn into smugness. “hehe… well go ahead kingscholar. they’re all yours.” the sound of their bickering back and forth over what they were going to do to you made you feel a lot more excited than you’d like to admit and you were beginning to feel restless.
fortunately for you, leona could smell how aroused you were, but due to his arrogant attitude, he was more than furious. you weren't the only one who became restless though, as leona began to fumble with his belt buckle and threw it across the floor. 
while you were kissing malleus, you were unaware of how hard leona was getting just from the sight of you, although feeling guilty about it. he pulled down his pants and let his dick spring free which hit against his stomach before pumping it a few times, pearls of pre-cum started to gently emerge on the head. he then took hold of your hair and forced your face into his crotch, causing you to abruptly gag as the length of his member forced its way inside of your mouth. he didn’t give you any time to adjust or even make you realise what was going on and suddenly snapped his hips up towards you and pushed your head down even further. 
tears already pricked at the corners of your eyes and you felt shame like you had never experienced - the shame being that you have never felt this aroused in your life before. 
leona started to grunt and grind against your face, his grip on your hair only getting harsher and his pace getting more brutal.
“hah~ you’re so… fucking disgusting you know that?” he continued to blurt out insults to you, only deepening your guilt and humiliation but just turning you on even more to his surprise.
you were gagging and unable to breathe but even so, you couldn’t ignore the throbbing ache you were feeling from your crotch - wishing that something, someone could relieve you of your frustration. luckily for you though, that’s exactly what malleus was there for. 
he could see how your body twitched and how your desire trickled down your thighs and onto the bed from behind. malleus eventually made the decision to satisfy your hunger out of kindness for you.
he grabbed your legs and propped them up so that you were on all-fours. leonas hand still holding your head in a vice, malleus gently touched your crotch. he massaged his fingers in between your wet folds, causing you to whimper and stick your butt into the air to give him better access.
“hehe, so eager.. you do know that you’re the one that caused all of this?” following suit, malleus undid his pants and released both of his cocks, which had already begun to ache when he entered your room.
malleus seemed to be a nice man, yet his actions were anything but. he lined up against your entrance, briefly rubbing the tip against your slit, and slammed his hips into you, giving you no opportunity to prepare. your already watering eyes quickly were screwed shut as a result of the unexpected force and pain. you tried to cry out, but your voice was stifled by leona's length as he continued to abuse the back of your throat and forcibly shoved his way in and out of your mouth.
it was a matter of seconds before malleus started to rock his hips, one of his dicks brutally assaulting your insides whilst the other slapped against your crotch with each thrust. you were starting to dreadfully realise that the two dorm leaders weren’t here for you, but instead to use you just like you had used them. 
as malleus's pace intensified and became more severe, his delicate touch started to lose meaning. when leona saw his climax approaching, he abruptly slammed your face right down to the base and sprayed all of his pent-up cum into the back of your throat. he shoved your face up from his dick, releasing your mouth with an embarrassingly loud ‘pop’ all the while your hole was getting constantly assaulted by the darker-haired male behind you.
as leona descended from his high and malleus continued to drive into you, the room was filled with gasps and moans. now that your mouth was free, your whimpers and whines were becoming louder by the second. you could feel malleus’ cock throb more intensely inside of you. after what felt like hours of agonising pleasure, he spewed thick ropes of cum into you, filling you to the point where it seeped out of your hole. when the two men got you in this position, they felt even more determined to treat you more brutally. you were drained, out of breath, and your legs were shaking like never before wishing that they would be easy on you. 
malleus bared his fangs as he slowly pulled out of you, noticing all of his cum spilling from out of you. 
while malleus was thrusting into you leona sat surprisingly patient, pumping his cock in his hand waiting for his turn. and now that malleus had finished with you he wasted no time before he quickly pounced on you. you were still catching your breath before you felt another cock thrust its way inside of you with no warning. your pleas and cries were starting to become insignificant and only made the two men want to fasten their pace.
hours went on, them constantly switching turns and thrusting more and more cum inside of you every time. your mind had gone white, having lost count of how many times you climaxed and your body had gone limp. 
it was clear as day to you that the two dorm leaders were just using you for their own sadistic pleasure and feared how long they would continue as they didn’t show any signs of stopping.
every round was seemingly more intense than the last. to the point where malleus’ frustration started to spill out onto you, though not showing it as much as leona. 
he was still angry with you for secretly getting with leona behind his back and it showed with each thrust getting more merciless and rough. his claws digging deeper into the flesh of your thighs, making your legs buckle from underneath you from all the stimulation. 
your moaning of both their names rang in their ears as they continued their plan to completely break you. you could see how leona's chest was heaving from all the rounds he was having with you, but because of his stuck-up pride, he didn't want to stop until he and malleus were sure that you had learned your lesson to not play around with them. 
you could see in the corner of your eye that the sun was slowly beginning to rise and you could hear the faint sound of birds chirping outside. 
you didn’t realise just how long they were going at it for and were surprised that you weren’t passed out from all the overwhelming pain and pleasure they were constantly forcing onto you. 
your eyes were slowly starting to shut as you felt the lack of touch on your skin, thinking that they finally finished their torturous game with you. hearing malleus faintly giggle behind you, he gently kissed you on your shoulder before him and leona both made their way out of your dorm. 
you felt extremely humiliated, but more than that, you felt exhausted. knowing that it was morning now, you groaned at the thought of having to go to your lessons and worse - having to see the two dorm leaders in your class after having the most intense night of your life.
you were certain of one thing though. that you were never going to toy with leona and malleus ever again.
nah bc this was surprisingly so fun to write considering how shite i am at writing longer stuff but also how tf do yall not end up writing 10k words it was so hard not to write a whole ass novel omg 😭😭 but hey im just horny for these two n just wanna fuck the shit outta them lmao
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radioisntdead · 3 months
Eeeeee oki, so I just finished watching boy swallows universe (an absolute masterpiece) and I was wondering what if the reader was like sold drugs or just did bad stuff for money for their family, like they grew up pretty fricking poor and did whatever they could for the extra cash (which is why they're in hell). They die somehow, land in hell and get treated like absolute dirt because they're small and they're wearing plain ass clothes, not powerful at all. Then comes Susan, and she's like "I'm so sick of the pathetic youth today, I'm taking you home with me" and just teaches them how to be proper and less shy and stuff, and to tear people with their teeth (yhey never got used to the whole eating people thing, Susan rolled her eyes and asked if she was a vagitarian or whatever it was called) and this reader hardly talks to anyone but Susan. Then they get introduced to Rosie and Alastor and it's just Susan simultaneously boasting about them telling them to stand up straight
Good evening my dear! This is definitely one of my favorite requests that I have gotten,
I finished boy swallows universe while writing this and I cried, I'm trying to convince my best friend to watch it now, it was very good.
I'm imagining the reader to be around the size of Niffty, maybe a little taller?
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Susan's grandkid
Susan & reader
Drug usage, child neglect, cannibalism, murder etc etc Susan kinda treats you as a stray pet in the beginning, not proofread so apologies for any spelling mistakes!
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You died young, tragically young, you died in the winter, cornered away curled into a ball, clutching your stomach, wearing a old thin sweater that your older brother gave you, overalls, flimsy socks with a couple of holes in them, and worn down sneakers, you were beaten and bruised, you wanted your mom to hold you and tell you that everything was alright but she wasn't coming,
Did she know where you were? How would she react knowing her kid was gone?
You were a good kid, you just made a couple of bad decisions for your family, you mimicked what you saw,
No one ever suspected the kid with a babyface was dealing, getting involved in shady stuff and horrible, horrible people who couldn't care less that you couldn't even drink yet.
You woke up with brimstone and sulfur around and a dingy old sign saying welcome to hell, It was unfair.
You wondered around aimlessly, you were small enough that most folks didn't notice you at first, and those that did well, they either ignored you completely, tried to kick or spit on you, or something else you didn't want to know.
You stumbled upon a mirror, you looked...
different from when you were alive, alot shorter, you kept the same clothes you died in though, it was a struggle the first few days but you managed to stay alive and relatively unharmed, you always were resourceful.
Eventually you ended up on the cusp of cannibal town, your overalls were covered in dirt and whatever else, you were curled up against to some wall when she found you, in all her old woman glory.
"Good grief youth today is pathetic, how'd you even get down here you little shit?" she tsked as she bent down and picked you up by your overalls, you barely had a chance to react before she put you on her hip and continued her way home.
She didn't put you down as she entered her home claiming that you'd get mud on her floors,
She filled up her bathtub with warm water and bubbles, she took off your shoes and plopped you right in the tub, she put a glob of shampoo into your hair and foamed it up like one would bathe a pet.
She left the bathroom as you looked around the bathroom , confused on why this random old lady just picked you up like a soggy stray dog and dunked you into warm water, and put soap in your hair.
You weren't complaining by any means but you were caught off-guard.
She came back within a few minutes carrying children's clothing like the other cannibals wore, she washed your hair and your back, scrubbing off the grime, she dried you off and put the clothes on you, the next few hours were a blur, she picked you up, sat you at a table and placed what looked to be part of a raw arm on your plate.
You stared at it while she went ahead and dug it,
She raised an eyebrow, "you one of those vegetable people?"
You shook your head, poking at the arm slice
"Speak up, are you mute?"
You look up at her, "No ma'am."
"Speak up you sound like a mouse, now use those teeth of yours and eat."
You simply nodded and opened your mouth to dig into the arm,
You'd rather not eat what you assumed to be another person but you hadn't eaten in days and well, it was rude to refuse a free meal, right?
After the meal Susan handed you a toothbrush and told you to brush, giving you a set of pajamas to change into before leaving you to do a night routine,
Once done she picked you up and tucked you into a bed, turning off the lights and closing the door leaving you in pitch black darkness.
Living with Susan wasn't particularly easy but it was better then when you were alive, you didn't have to worry where your next meal came from, or maybe you did considering Susan had a diet of sinner meat, you didn't have to worry about not making ends meet, about the possibility of the folks you dealt too coming for you,
You did miss your family terribly though, you wondered if they missed you, or if they've found your corpse yet, maybe you were permanently put as a missing person, maybe you were chopped up into pieces,You didn't want to know.
Susan would teach you how to properly eat someone, you already had sharp teeth so you were a quick learner in that regard [Although you did prefer normal food]
You would cower behind her and she'd grab you by your shoulder and move you Infront of her, telling you to stand up straight, smacking your lower back with her cane if needed, some days She'd place a book on your head and have you practice walking around with it to correct your posture.
You wouldn't talk much at first but soon became a chatterbox with Susan, and mostly only Susan, keeping talking to others at a minimum unless Susan made you, she paraded you around cannibal town getting you used to the tight-knit community.
You soon went from a rather timid and frankly weak child to a more confident person, Susan wasn't usually seen without you skipping along behind her, eventually once she deemed you as proper she took you to Rosie's Emporium to introduce you to her and obviously get some treats,
"This is [Name] I got them off the streets and I made em' into a proper member of society, [Name] stand up straight, say hello"
Susan said moving you to the front where Rosie was,
Rosie immediately adored you, after all you were small enough to put in her pocket, she leaned down to shake your hand, and in that time
Susan proceeded to accidentally left you at the emporium and Rosie saw her chance and took it,
"Well aren't you adorable! Let Auntie Rosie spoil you, okay?"
Within seconds you were sat in a comfy chair with a plate of cannibalistic desserts infront of you and Rosie across from you, chatting until Susan came back for you two hours later.
She knew she left you after like five minutes she just didn't want to make the trip back and let Rosie babysit you.
Another time she took you to Rosie's Emporium the infamous radio demon was there, and while you didn't particularly know much about overlords and the like since you mainly stuck with Susan, or in the safe parts of cannibal town, you did know that overlords were more or less dangerous,
Susan did not care though and immediately started insulting the radio demon,
"Why don't you have a wife yet? Do you not like woman? Then why don't you have a husband then??"
"Susan, I believe that's none of your-"
"It's because you don't brush your fucking teeth isn't it,"
"You probably blind all the ladies looking like Rudolph's nose"
"Excuse me?"
You quickly intervene before Susan ends up being the radio man's dinner, Alastor tilts his head at you and bends down,
"And who is this Little one?"
Susan moves you Infront of her and puts her cane between you and Alastor,
"My grandchild, they're very well-mannered unlike you now get away before you influence them to listen to your modern jazz music"
"̵̢̯̫͕̀̀̓̕M̷̧̧͎̬̹̦͚̺̼̳͊͒̽̌̅͑́̕͘ỹ̶̱̮̕�� ̴͇̹̣͙̖̉̽̏̊͜m̸̡̧̱̲̱͔͉̲̫͋́̄̎̄̔̈̈́͠ö̵̢̢̙͍̩̩̮̺́̃̿̎ḑ̵̰̪͎̀̿̔͊̒͛̄ͅͅͅę̸̪́ř̴̛̳̥̭̼̌͊̄̉̑̽̇̚n̴͕̥̗̻͕̊̅͐̒̂̌͆̚̚͜͠ ̵̛̪̹̔̈́̈́͂͝͝Ẃ̸̽̓̈́̾͂ͅH̵̨̢̯̳̗̦͕̭̯̑̈͆̇̚̕̚Ḁ̸͍̱̩̠̼͚̾̉̚T̵̥̠͓͛͊"̸̛͎̼̺́̔̀̎͛̀̈̕͠
Thankfully Rosie soon appeared before Alastor and Susan could get into a brawl,
She handed you a lil' box of treats and sent you on your way with Susan.
A very polite way to get kicked out in your opinion,
The next time you see Alastor he brings Niffty, trying to get her to influence you enough to drive Susan to insanity.
It backfired.
You, on the rare occasions you roam outside of cannibal town you see someone you may have known during life, you usually don't interact with them, but sometimes they recognize you too, they give a look of mixed disbelief, pity and guilt or just indifference, you made similar decisions to them.
You saw a member of your family, trying to sell something on the streets one time, you went up to them with the confidence of Susan talking to Alastor,
You know they recognized you, you may look different but you were still you, just better then before.
Their face dropped seeing you, filled with guilt and shame, you weren't supposed to be down here, of all places, you should've gotten to live to be old and wrinkly, shaking their head they shoo'd you away in what you assumed was a way to tell you to move on, make the best of your afterlife.
"I don't know you, now shoo' go home."
When you got home to Susan making cannibal meatloaf, nagging you about getting home in a timely manner as you take off your shoes and place them by the door, it gives you a somewhat nostalgic feeling,
You may never seeing the majority of your family again, after all maybe they're in heaven or below with you,
They'll always be your family and while they weren't perfect but they loved you, and you loved them, and you always will even if you were apart.
And now you had a new family member, Your Grandma Susan,
And you loved her, and while she didn't outwardly say it, you knew through her actions of making you a scarf, bringing you a bowl of peeled or cut fruit, or something else, she loved you too.
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good evening folks! Hope you enjoyed this, I'm making my way through the requests now so tune on in later for those!
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littledollll · 9 months
Hii can I please request a fic for principle weems x student reader. Where R has been missing from classes all day and the teachers have reported it. so weems goes to find R and is kind of mad beacuse R is a bit of a problem student with good grades. So when she finds R is sick in her dorm w a fever and is delirious she’s worried and so weems looks after her. I would love this. Thank you for considering it even if you dont write it :) also I love your writing its very amazing. <3 (sorry if this request is a bit long)
Problem child
Larissa weems x student!reader
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A/n: I love requests like this so don’t you worry! I started writing this the very same night you requested and had so much fun, thank you for your request<3
Warnings: platonic relationship, sick reader, Larissa being such a mom, reader actually calls Larissa mom once, food.
Larissa could already feel a headache coming on after checking the attendance of the homeroom teachers to find out that you were yet again, not in class. But it wasn’t until the end of the day that all the teachers reported you missing from class that she really got concerned.
It’s always something with you. It was one of the seven wonders to Larissa how you managed to keep up good grades while simultaneously being one of the most problematic children in the school. So you not showing up to any of the classes had to mean you were up to no good. Thankfully though, when she checked if your usual group of trouble making friends attended class, most of them were in all their classes, with the occasional skip or tardy. So what could you possibly be up to on your own?
She was about ready to storm into your room and even more ready for the probability of not finding you there. Turns out she didn’t even consider any of the normal reasons for why a student would miss class, figures.
To say she was shocked to actually see you in your room, in your bed, practically rotting away sick, would be an understatement. In a flash, her anger seemed to fade away as she knocked on the door to announce her presence, which was a little too late but still appreciated.
You looked her way as you heard it, and instantly groaned and turned away. “Oh my you look horrible-“ words came tumbling out of her mouth before she could even think and rephrase.
“Oh thanks- I really appreciate that.” The middle of your sentence was cut off by a cough. You sounded horrible too, but Larissa learned to shut her mouth by now with the dripping sarcasm in your words. “I apologize. That’s not what I meant to say. I just mean you look really ill.” You turned to her, squinting your eyes. “Yeah sure, that sounds better.”
Larissa sighed and rolled her eyes. “You’re impossible.” And you wouldn’t be you if you didn’t bite back even with your hoarse voice. “And you’re an as- mean. You’re mean.” You instantly trailed off from your intentes words at Larissa’s warning look, but she moved on from it quickly.
“Do you have a fever?” She asked, not wanting to overstep or touch you without you allowing it. “How the hell would I know? I just feel like shit and the world is all spiny..” Did you just feel like being extra impossible today? She sighed. “Have you been locked in here the whole day?” The second you nodded she decided to take the rest of the afternoon to care for you as best as she could.
She encouraged you to go back to sleep as she went down to the cafeteria, grabbing a few bottled waters and having them pack up your dinner to bring back to your dorm. Usually nots allowed, but in cases like these she’d make an exception.
When she came back you were already fast asleep. She sighed and spoke quietly to herself. “What am I going to do with you, problem child?”
In all honesty, she truly didn’t know what to do. Should she wake you up to eat?.. no resting should take priority but it’s late, and you’ve yet to have a bite of food. So after a bit of contemplating, she lightly shook you awake, leaving you to wake up confused. “..mom?”
Oh you poor thing. Larissa offered a small smile, choosing not to mention it. “I’ve brought you dinner, I think it’s best if you eat up before heading back to bed, alright?” You whined and complained but eventually sat up, looking between Larissa and the food a little awkwardly. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to sit here and watch you eat. I just needed to make sure you’d actually get to it.”
You nodded, placing a pillow over your lap and resting the container there. There was a beat of silence before you looked back up to her. “Thank you.., principal Weems.”
She flashed you her signature smile, it was oddly comforting. “Of course. Do let me know if you need anything else, and please, rest up, darling. I rather see you up and causing trouble than like this.”
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fr4nkie0stein · 7 months
Loona x reader???
I just did general dating headcanons, I hope that's alright ♡
Loona dating headcanons (gender neutral)
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Content warning(s): none that I'm aware of
Dating Loona is basically like having permanent scary dog privileges 
No one wants to do or say anything that might upset you or otherwise accidentally piss her off because most people are smart enough to realize not to make her mad 
The two of you as a couple also follows along the lines of the "I hate everyone but you" trope 
Loona will snap at anyone who so much as looks at her wrong, but with you? 
Literally a huge, overgrown puppy 
If you're ever mad at her or have a fight she's a lot more rude than usual while simultaneously pouting that you're avoiding her 
Doesn't always apologize first, but when she does you can tell she really means it 
Likes when you pet her, even if she refuses to admit it </3
Will let you braid/style her hair to your hearts content as long as you ask first 
Same thing with her makeup 
Just don't make her look like a clown, intentionally or otherwise, because it's likely you won't be allowed to touch her face with any sort of makeup product ever again 
She isn't the big or little spoon because she doesn't really like to cuddle or sleep real close (unless either one of you is upset) 
Actually, you might not want to share a bed with her at all because she a) hogs the covers, b) flails around a lot in her sleep, and c) snores really, really loud
The only time those things won't happen is if you've fallen asleep on her accidentally
Loona will refuse to move even an inch, afraid she might wake you up
When she's certain you're definitely asleep, she'll be surprisingly gentle as she picks you up and carries you to bed 
Really over protective when it comes to you 
She knows just how awful hell can be, and she doesn't want you to get hurt 
She also gets jealous really easily, which stems from her abandonment issues 
If you spend so much time with someone else, you might realize how much happier you are with them and end up leaving her 
Of course that would never happen, but she can't help worrying all the same 
Shares her earbuds with you when you're listening to music together 
Also shares her clothes, her makeup, her magazines... anything, really 
You're the only person who has that privilege, by the way, so don't take it lightly 
♡ Send in more requests here ♡
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skyfallslayer · 6 months
The Darkness In Me || Story 3: Kingpin & Daredevil
-Kingpin!Matt Murdock x Vigilante!Reader-
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Main Masterlist || Series Masterlist
🖤 Series Summary: You were shocked to find out your childhood friend turned out to be the Kingpin of the underworld, but you had to put those thoughts aside to bring him down. You were Hell’s Kitchen vigilante, its protector. There's no valid reason not to stop him. However, when your hidden feelings for him start to surface once more, how will you be able to even think about bringing him down?
🖤 Story Summary: Your night trying to save a kid takes a dangerous turn. Now fighting to stay alive after a possible life threatening injury, you soon find yourself face-to-face with the man that runs this city’s underworld: The Kingpin. Aka… your childhood friend.
🖤 Date: 12/06/23
🖤 Rating: Mature
🖤 Word Count: 12, 842 (Damn o-0)
🖤 Warning: Blood; Gore; Talks of Child Abuse; Child Death(s); Child Manipulation; Mental Break; Murdering and Allusion to Murder; Non Consensual Touching(?) Looks like it but its not); Seductive Talk; Implied Seductive Manipulation; Slight Karedevil; Implied Frank/Karen: Past Killing of a Love One; Talks of Betrayal; Death of a Love One; Dark!Matt; Yeah, Matt gets a fucking warning in this one (I mean, he ain't the Kingpin for nothing); Russian & Japanese Via Google Translate (not super accurate, I apologize). READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!
-Let me know if I missed anything-
🖤 A/N: Oh boy, this was tough but fun to write! Hopefully nothing is too overwhelming for y'all. Alrighty then… we're finally getting to Matt's POV of things, which I honestly think I enjoyed writing more than reader's (*le gasp*). But yeah, here's a bit of the flirty and charming Matt Murdock we all know and love with a dash of darkness. Enjoy!
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There’s no fucking way this was real. Was the first thing you thought. Maybe it was the next one. Or the next one, or– Oh, geez. You really didn’t know what to think. 
Here you are thinking the whole time that he’s the same as you; That despite your rough childhoods, you both managed to put the nightmares aside and build the life you guys wanted. You both had your hopes and dreams, you both got the jobs you desired, you both made a friend that had your back. But now…
You don’t know when or where or how this even happened. You don’t know why he’s on this route. You don’t know why you just watched him kill a man for screwing up his ‘responsibility’. You don’t even know what to think of this situation, what to think of…
Matthew Murdock, Your childhood friend; The person you were starting to feel more for. The person that was none other than–
The King of Darkness himself.
|| Four Days Ago || 
The doors slammed simultaneously, the both of you sighing as you laid back in the chair as your partner, Frank, rests his forehead against the steering wheel before lightly tapping it a few times. Your mornings had started off with a call of distress from an elderly man claiming that he had been robbed. Turns out, the poor man just had dementia. So after a talk with his son who stepped out to run an errand, they ended up back her with slight annoyance. 
Frank sighs again, finally bringing his head up. “I know he has health problems, but still… you think your stuff’s gone and you call 911?” 
“Yeah…” You rub your eyes, dark circles dusting them. “This is going to be a long day.”
“Of course it will be.” He starts the car, sitting up straighter. “Breakfast?”
“Please.” Like you could turn that down after not eating anything for a few hours straight.
He pulls away from the curb, driving in the direction of a local diner that he’s mentioned a few times. “So, Y/N… how are you adjusting to the move?” He said at his attempt at small talk (he didn’t speak much if he didn’t need to, you noticed, so I guess you could say this was a good sign).
“Me? I’m actually doing pretty good. I know how Hell’s Kitchen ticks so–” You shrugged. “Except for when some of the places I’ve been to have disappeared, I didn’t really need to adjust to anything.”
He raises an eyebrow. “You’ve been to Hell’s Kitchen before?”
Your eyes widened slightly in surprise. “Oh, shit. I guess I didn’t tell you. I was born here.”
“Yeah. I lived here till I was eight.”
“Damn. So it’s been awhile.”
“What made you move away in the first place?” Frank asked, making you pale. But he didn’t seem to notice since his eyes were on the road. “Y/N?”
“Uh, well…” You frown thinking about that day. You sigh, trying not to play with your hands like you were a kid. “My parents passed. Car accident, uh– Truck ran a red light and hit up straight on.”
“Oh, my god.” He begins, and you hold your hand up.
“Before you apologize for asking, don’t. You didn’t know.” 
“Yeah, but still.” He frowns worriedly. “You were… eight? That’s rough.”
“It was, but I had to accept it pretty quickly when I moved to California with my Aunt and Uncle.” You explain, feeling your heart clench at one of the names.
“My Aunt wasn’t the nicest woman.”
Frank scoffed, but not at you, but at everything else. “I got to hand it to you, Y/N, you turned out pretty well. To me, your story sounds like the makings of a villain’s origin.”
You chuckled. “So I’m not the only one to have that thought.” You reply, half joking as the car pulled into an open spot.
“I mean it though.” Frank says, turning the engine off. “You’re strong. Stronger than you think. I don’t know what I would have done if I had lost my family like that.” He opens his door. “Alright. Enough depressing shit. Let’s eat. I’m starving.”
You snort. “What? Did you not eat before your shift last night?” 
“You think I know how to cook?” He smirks. “I leave the cooking to someone else.”
“I could see that.” You teased, following him inside.
“Well it’ll be dinner when our shifts are over. We should get burgers.”
“I wish I could. Unfortunately I got dinner plans with friends.”
“Oh, Y/N!” Foggy shouts as soon as he spots you, standing up and waving you over. “So glad you could make it.”
“Well thanks for the invite.” You said, with a smile, hoping the makeup you put on hid how tired you were (Seriously, why did you talk yourself into being a vigilante and a cop at the same time?).
“Y/N, this is Marci.” He said, gesturing to his lovely wife, who shakes your hand.
“Hello, Marci. It’s finally nice to meet you.” 
“Likewise.” Marci said as you guys took a seat. “I swear, he talks about you more than Matthew does.”
“Hey, she gives me all the juicy details my dear friend leaves out. That’s all.” Foggy defends, making her roll her eyes playfully.
You chuckle. “So, speaking of the devil. Where is he?”
He frowns, almost feeling like it was somehow his fault. “Unfortunately, poor Matty can’t make it tonight.”
“No?” You copy his expression. “How come?”
“Says he’s got something important to do.” He sighs dramatically. “I swear he’s got some weird night time hobby. He’s always disappearing.”
“Sounds like something he would do.” You smirk as the joke rolls off your tongue. “You think he’s a secret mob boss or something?”
“Honestly, I was thinking more like Batman, but wouldn’t be surprised with that either.” Foggy said with a shrug, before picking up his menu. “Now, let’s eat. I’m starving.”
“Never heard that one before.” Marci said, hiding her laugh.
This was nice. You finally made some acquaintances that you could now call your friends. Although this dinner would be a bit bittersweet without Matt, you couldn’t complain, you were just glad you were here, living the moment.
Deep down…
You still wonder what he’s doing.
Punch. Punch.
“Is something going on with you? You know you can always talk to me.” Foggy said, clasping his friendly hand onto his shoulder with a warm smile.
Punch. Punch.
“I thought you were supposed to help me.” Wilson Fisk said as he stared in disbelief from across the table; his hands were aching to strangle his lawyer as they stayed handcuffed to the metal flat top.
“But I am helping you.” Matt replies, his calm complexion suddenly morphed into something wicked that even made the ex-mob boss shiver in his seat. “The Defense is just doing a better job than me.”
Punch. Crack. Punch.
“You’ve done a wonderful job, Matthew.” The older woman, who happened to be the leader of assaination group that took him in, Alexandra Reid, smile so proudly at him as she grasps his shoulders. “You… are the most perfect soldier I’ve seen in a long time.” She chuckles. “Go spread chaos, my love.”
Punch. Crack. Pain. Whine. Punch.
“You fight well, kid.” His old and blind mentor said, making his heart skip with pride until… “But not well enough. You disappointment.”
Punch. Pain. Pain. Whine. Pain. Punch.
“Is Mama really gone?” Matt croaked as held his father’s hand, laying in bed as his head started to go numb from the medicine. But he didn’t need sight to know what expression his dad was making.
“Yeah, Matty. She is.”
Punch. Punch. Punch. Punch. Crack. Punch. Punch.
“You really are leaving?” He asked, watching his best friend’s face morph into hurt and sadness.
“Yeah. I am.” You could feel yourself starting to cry. “But I don���t want to.”
He grabs your hand, holding it tight. “Then don’t. I don’t want to lose you. Don’t go.”
“Matty, I don’t have a choice. I have to go.”
Matt lets out a low growl as keeps pounding his fists over and over into his ‘sparring’ partner. In the boxing ring he had the man backed into one of the corners, flat on his bottom as blood sprayed everywhere; small bone fragments starting to stick out of his bruised flesh too, But he didn’t care. This was just someone he could easily replace, so he picked up the speed, turning the dial full. Striking over, and over, and over, and over again. And again. And again. And again. And–
“If you don’t stop you’ll cripple him. Or worse.” The blond Karen Page, his advisor, said as she entered the room, making him pause for a second.
“Should I care?” Matt snipped, voice sounding like acid that could melt anything it touches.
Karen’s jaw clenched, but she kept her composure. “You should care, seeing that our number of men is declining. Fast.”
Matt groans and punches the man again, surely KO-ing him this time. “I turn my head away for one second, and my men just disappear in a blink of an fucking eye. They’re all ending up on police departments’ doors so fast, It’s not even safe enough to let them go without some suspicion. Fuck!” He kicks him in the shin, getting a crack. “It’s all because of that fucking asshole in a mask! Do you have any idea where he came from?”
“No, sir. I asked around. Nobody knows. And the reports I… ‘borrowed’ shows that there’s no reports of a mutant, or superpowered individual other than Ghost-Spider in the last ten years or so.”
Matt pauses, thinking. “You think they come from out of state?” 
“It’s a possibility.” Karen quickly notices his silence. “Someone comes to mind, sir?”
“No. I was over stepping.” He sighs, holding out his hand as he’s thrown a towel. “Did the delivery arrive smoothly like I asked?”
“It’s on its way. Should be there soon.”
“Good.” He throws the towel around his neck. “I need a shower, and send someone to bandage him.”
“Shall I tell the driver the penthouse or regular?”
Matt pauses again for another second. “Regular. I need to go to work tomorrow.”
“Very well then. I’ll call him now.” Karen bows his head. “Goodnight, Sir.”
“Likewise.” He says, while exiting the ring and into the locker room, still burning with rage that keeps on growing. 
Stretching out in your new pajamas, you casually let yourself float around your apartment, excitement (or I guess pride) ran through your veins as you read the next article about your alter ego ‘Daredevil’. The local news lately has been flooded with nothing but articles about you. The next one made you grin, some twenty year old blogger was geeking out how fast you were in some reports and sightings.
You chuckle, lips curling in a smirk. “Damn right, I’m fast.” You didn’t have enhanced speed for nothing. Besides that, you were also cursed gifted with levitation, superhuman reflexes and stamina, and lastly, psionics; Something that you can manipulate in many different ways. It wasn’t as glorious as when your mother would do it, but you were trying.
I wonder how Uncle Pietro would have felt if he knew I had his speed. You frown, shaking your head when a gruesome memory crosses your mind.
Gosh. Why am I living so much in the past all of sudden? Why is everything flooding in quickly? You’ve been pretty good about not reliving your past over the years, but now… you can’t seem to get away from it.
I wonder why? You perk up when a knock comes from your door. You rotated slowly and gently landed on your bare feet, trekking across the room.
“Coming!” You call out, fixing your top before opening the door. You were met with a familiar sight, just like when you had moved in you saw the white vase at your feet filled with the same color and number of Roses. Looking around with caution again, you saw no one before picking it up, plucking the note off one of the stems. This time it just had a single word which was–
You furrow your brows. “What the fuck?” Did whoever sent them know that you were down to your last rose? Did this person know that getting these was intriguing to you? Did they know that this was secretly creeping you out as well?
You scoffed out loud.
Why the fuck were you hanging onto the roses if they were driving you crazy anyway?
Matt does his best the next day to hide the cuts on his hands, and bruises lingering on his body. Although he’s grown used to the smell of blood staining his flesh, he knows everyone else around him is not (And being a blind man certainly didn’t help his cause). He got dressed like usual, skipping the red suit for his normal, freshly pressed, black one. He slips on his shades, grabbing his cane and briefcase by the door before stepping outside; One of his men standing there just like always. Dressed in what looked like a ‘caretaker’ outfit, he puts on the bubbly personality he was instructed to do.
“Morning, Mr. Murdock.” 
“Morning, Anthony.” 
“Taxi’s here like you requested.” 
“Perfect.” Matt starts walking with his men a quarter step behind. Now since they’re out in public, it’s time to start speaking in code. “Still having dinner with the family later?”
“That’s the plan, but you know Brently and his boys are. They’re probably out adventuring around here, waiting to give me a scare.” His response made Matt mentally smile. 
His bodyguards were in their posts like they should be. “Well, we wouldn’t want that for you.” He plays along, feeling for the door handle before pushing it open to the outside world.
“Oh, and don’t forget, you have a doctor’s appointment tonight. A follow up.”
A meeting. He almost forgot about the meeting he set up weeks prior. “Ah, almost slipped my mind.” Matt admits, opening the taxi door to get in but—
The smell is what threw him off. This scent was completely different than what he was used to.
“Where ya heading to, sir?” The driver spoke, which was another unfamiliar thing. 
He frowns, hiding his worriedness. “Mr. Richards?”
“Mr. Richards’ sick. I’m taking his place today.”
And that makes Matt grow quiet, letting his other senses kick in. Other than the scent, he could hear the steady heartbeat slowly start to spike, the knuckles tightening their hold on the steering wheel, and the smell of ink lingering on the man’s neck. Now he’s realized what’s going on.
Sliding back outside, sensing his bodyguard looking at him with concern. “It’s a shame, Mr. Richards is sick.” Matt said, acting like he was scratching his neck but in reality was a signal. His bodyguard trails his eyes subtly inside, confirming what Matt thought the tattoo was. 
A logo for a rebel gang in the area. A real pain in his side, always gutting for him. I guess he should have seen this coming sooner.
“It is. I hope he feels better.” His bodyguard said, still with a smile. “Will you be taking a stroll instead?”
“I will.” Matt pushes away from the vehicle, heading in the direction he needed to go. “Just make sure you take out the trash for me.”
“Of course. I’ll see you later Mr. Murdock.”
Matt listened as his bodyguard shut the back door before getting in the passenger, and took out his side arm, politely telling him to drive. He wishes he could go back and laugh in his ‘kidnapper’s’ face. He’s been in this business long enough to know who he trusts and who he can gut. Even though it can be tiring…
The monster inside him sometimes enjoys the thrill of it all.
He sighs when the knob doesn’t turn, and starts fishing around for his keys; His pocket was like a void sometimes. He brushes off your scent and footsteps as being part of his tired mind, so it still surprised him when you suddenly appeared next to him.
“Wow, look who’s late.” You say, with a cheeky look.
“Y/N? What are you doing here?” He asked, pausing his actions (guess he should stop brushing the thought of you off).
“Thought I stopped by on my patrol of the neighbourhood. I brought bagels.” You hold the piping hot food up. “And if you’re wondering why the door’s still locked, Foggy had… lots to drink last night.”
He raises an eyebrow. “How hungover is he?”
“Well, not sure on that, but he did call me three times in the middle of the night to talk about the Yankees and how Darth Vader would be great at the sport.”
He chuckles. “Oh. So he’s that drunk.” He finally unlocks and opens the door. “I’ll make coffee.”
You smiled. “Sounds good to me.” 
He started the machine and you walked around again, being nosy as usual. The office still had its characteristics about it, enough to know what side was Matt’s and what side was Foggy.
God, I’ve spent too much time around them. You spotted a stack of papers nearby, printed on it is what looks like an ad and you let your curiosity get the best of you on this one.
“You going to start standing on street corners and pass these out?” You asked, before realizing you didn’t phrase it right. “Sorry. The fliers, I mean?”
He smiles. “I thought that’s what you meant. No, Foggy thought it’d be a good idea to get the word out more.”
“Is business not good or something?” You asked, worriedly. For being in a building like this you thought they had to be doing good. 
“Don’t worry, we are. But we want to branch out more. Marci’s job allows her to travel around New York City, so we’re going to have her put some up whenever she gets the chance.”
“Well that’s good.” You look back at it, admiring the work until something catches your eye. You noticed that each of the men had signed their names on the bottom right above the printed version of it, a nice warm idea to show how ‘cozy’ this place was. But that’s not what was stopping you; There was something… oddly familiar about Matt’s penmanship. 
Where have I–
“Coffee’s ready.” Matt announces, coming out from the kitchenette with two cups.
You smile, subconsciously folding the paper and tucking it away. “Thanks.” You take a sip, the cheap coffee actually tasting pretty good this time around. Then, you noticed something else about him, something more troubling as you jump into action. “You’re bleeding.” 
That catches him off guard. “What?”
“You’re bleeding.” You set your cup down before he could speak and roll up his sleeve. You noticed the deep gash on his forearm, not too big, just deep. You furrow your brows concernedly. “How’d you get this cut?”
Matt keeps his cool, the lie he tells rolls off his tongue with ease. “Curse of a blind man. Can’t see where I’m going.”
“Let me fix you up. Where’s the first aid kit?”
“Y/N, you don’t have to.”
“I want to. Where is it?”
“Don’t be a brat, Matty.” You slap him in the shoulder, holding back a laugh. “Where is it?”
Now he seems like he was trying to do the same thing. “Really? You’re bringing that name back?” He asked as you hum and nod. “Well… peaches, it’s under the sink.”
“Pfft.” You slap him again as you pass and mumble, “Can’t believe that name is still haunting me.” You grab the kit and examine his arm again, taking a better look. “Looks deep. I could stitch it up?”
“Nah, don’t bother. It’ll heal.” Matt says, trying to calm the nerves he could hear in your voice.
“But it’s deep. I really should.”
“Y/N, it’ll heal. Trust me. Just bandage it.” 
You comply against your better judgment, and start cleaning it up first. “You got some superpower I don’t know about?” You asked, ironically.
“Hmm, maybe, I don’t know.” He grins. “Wouldn’t little peaches like to know that.”
“Oh, my god. Stop.” You blush a bit. “You’re never going to let that go.”
“What? Like I said the last time, I think it’s adorable.”
“No, it’s not.” You shake your head, all embarrassed as you start applying the bandages. “What would you think if I started calling you ‘Bratty-Matty’ again?”
He chuckles, making your heart flutter. “You already did a few times.”
“In public.”
“Oh, well—”
“See? You’ll hate it.”
“No, not necessarily.”
You pause. “Huh?”
“Well, you know, in today’s environment it’s kind of–” His free hand tugs on your badge around your neck, getting closer. “Kinky.��
“Kinky?” You said, with a flush face and slightly intrigued (completely unaware that he could hear your heart racing with excitement). “I didn’t think little… Catholic Matthew Murdock would be into those things.”
His pulse skipped a beat, feeling your hand gently brush the injured one. “Well, we were just children so… we wouldn’t talk about adult stuff now, would we?”
“Oh, certainly not.” You feel his chest press against yours as he closes the gap. “You… like to talk about that stuff?”
“Only with the people I really admire.”
“Oh, yeah?” 
“Yeah.” His hand creeps up to the back of your neck, gently bracing you. 
You couldn’t help but moan a little from it, drawing a seductive smile from him. “Matty…”
“I kind of want to share that with you.” He whispers, trying to lock his lips to yours and–
Your walkie suddenly crackles, an order coming through.
You blush. “Sorry.” You reply, trying to unclip from your belt as he steps away to give you space.
“It’s okay.” He says, listening to you ask the operator to repeat and you to take it.
You sigh. “Geez, I’m sorry, Matt. I’ve got to go.”
“No, no. It’s okay. You’re still on duty.” 
“Okay. Thanks.” You start to leave, until you feel him get close to you again (and looking flustered once more).
Matt rubs the back of his neck like a nervous tick. “Hey, uh… would you like to… catch up some more? Just the two of us? Like… over dinner?”
Now it was your turn to be caught off guard. “Dinner?” You asked, making sure you heard that correctly. “Like uh… like a date?”
“I was thinking more of a play-date, maybe?” He replies with a half shrug.
“A play-date, huh?” You raise your eyebrow, grinning. “And where would this play-date partake?”
“Oh, I was thinking maybe that Sicilian place in that hotel off 5th?”
“That’s quite the restaurant. You sure?”
“My treat.”
“Alrighty then, hot shot. I’ll see you seven. I’ll wear something nice.”
“You could wear pajamas and I wouldn’t care.” He listens to you laugh a wave goodbye, standing in the doorframe of his office until he hears you no more. His expression fades away into something more serious now. “Brently.”
The office across the way, which was ‘up for lease’, opened up to one of his bodyguards who was awaiting a task. “You called, Boss?”
“Call Karen and tell her to move the meeting I have tonight to tomorrow.”
Brently’s face stays the same, but his tone shifts to concern. “Sir, would that be wise? I mean, they’ve been waiting weeks to have a word from you. You sure they won’t lash out?”
“They should know enough to not even try that. If not, handle it. Understood?”
“Did Castle disappear again?” You asked an officer as you entered the office, noticing that he was not lounging around where his desk was. 
“Probably. I haven’t seen him all morning.”
Seriously, where does he run off too? You should probably ask him, I mean he trusts you enough to tell you, right? You head into the women’s locker room, heading to the row in the back. You quickly examine to see if your lock has been tampered with before putting your bag inside. It’s kind of sad you had to watch you back here, a place you should feel the safest but you don’t. You lock it back up as you hear the door being opened, sounding like two officers coming inside, chatting.
“-surprised she’s not dead yet.”
“I know, right? I’m still amazed.”
You roll your eyes at the gossip and how they sounded like they were teenagers in high school. “Oh, boy…” You whisper, and start to leave, but–
“I wonder what Lieutenant Y/N did to the Boss for him to spare her so far.”
You froze, breath caught in your throat.
Wait, what? 
“I mean, how long has she been here with us? A month? Two?”
“That sounds about right.”
“I mean, she’s survived a lot longer than we expected. Remember Captain Trevor? He refused to follow the program and guess what? A day and a half later he was dead. Bullet embedded in his skull and they ruled it a suicide, but we all know what it is.”
“Yeah.” A sigh, and the next words were like a knife to your heart. “I feel bad for Castle. A hardened soldier like him still felt guilty about doing it. You could see it in his eyes.”
“Yeah. Poor Trevor too. He was young. Castle probably saw his own son in him.”
“Man, this sucks. How has the Lieutenant been living this long?”
“That’s what I’m saying. There’s got to be something to it.”
“I believe it.”
You continue to listen as they talk about something else before grabbing something out of their lockers and leaving. The whole time you had your hand cupped over your mouth, your face went pale. Frank had told you briefly about his ‘program’ kill but…
You didn’t think it would hit so deep. Now all you could think about now was–
Why were you still alive?
You wore a cap sleeve red dress for your date, accompanied with black heels and a purse. You kept your makeup kind of light, and decided to style your hair long today with an exception of a clip for looks. Just as you finished putting some perfume on, you were surprised when you found Matt already at your door.
“Matty?” You said, taken back.
“The one and only.” Was his response, hold out his arm for you to take. “Ready to go?”
You knock yourself out of your trance (that of shock and how good he looked tonight) and lock the door. “Yeah, of course.” You take his arm and you both guide each other around down the apartment stairs.
“You smell good, by the way.” 
You blush. “Thanks.” Then you mentally slap yourself. “I just realize you can’t see what I’m wearing.”
“I can feel.” He fingers brush the fabric. “Silk?”
“I got it years ago when my precinct was doing this charity-gala event, and haven’t worn it since. It’s red by the way.”
“Ah. I always liked that color on you. Cherry?”
“Apple.” You answered as you get to the last step when the thought from earlier comes back. “Hey, how did you know where I lived?”
“You told me one time.” Matt replies, masking his panic pretty well (God, how did he forget that?).
“I did?” 
“Huh.” Maybe it was all those third shifts you’ve been doing lately. “You must have a better memory than I do, ‘cause I don’t.”
The restaurant was… way more fancy than you thought it was going to be. I know Matt said he’d treat you but Jesus H. Christ this place was way above your pay grade. The materials they used and decorations you could see knew they were attached to triple digits, and when a menu doesn’t bother showing you the price for something, you knew you were out of your league.
Now I feel kind of guilty mooching off of him. You thought, knowing he was a lawyer but still. Could he really afford this?
“Here’s some glasses for the wine.” Your server said, gently placing them on the table. You quickly now noticed the the brace on his forearm and out curiosity, you asked,
“Your hand okay?” 
“Oh, this? Yeah I’m fine. Lucky actually. I was getting mugged the other day.” He says, and you suddenly realize why he looked so familiar. 
“That’s awful. Sorry to hear that.” Matt replies, as the waiter shrugs.
“Like I said, I was lucky. Thank god that vigilante was nearby. Saved my ass. Just wished I could have thanked him.” You couldn’t help but smile a little while Matt mumbled something incoherent as he continued tracing his fingers over the braille menu.
What’s up with him? You wondered, before tuning back into what your waiter was saying.
“-So, have we decided what we’re eating tonight?” He asked, and the two of you placed your orders before handing the menus back. “I’ll have that out for you shortly.”
“Still not sold on Daredevil?” You asked, pouring a glass of wine for the both of you. 
He thanks you before answering, “Like I said, I just want the right guy to pay.”
“And you think he’s not doing a good job?”
“Well the media thinks he is. I’m not so sure myself sometimes. But I’ll admit, I admire how persistent he is.”
You pause before tilting your head, confused. “Persistent? What do you mean by that?” You took note how he looked like a deer in a headlight just as your waiter came out with the appetizers. By then the subject was changed, something less ‘intense’ and more lighthearted. And by the time your main courses came the two of you were laughing and enjoying yourself, feeling like you two were kids again. 
“Oh, man. I can’t believe you guys actually did that.” You said, mixing around your carbonara with your fork. “How did you and Foggy not get expelled?”
“Good…” He chuckles. “Good question. We really should have, to be honest.”
You hum, staring at him for a minute before feeling a twinge of guilt. You wanted to ask him something that’s been bugging you for a while, and you were not sure if it was the appropriate time or not. You set your utensil down, nervously. “Can I ask you something?”
“Of course.”
“It’s… kind of a debbie-downer.”
“You know I’ll answer it, Y/N.” He says, reassuring. “Shoot.”
Backing out crosses your mind, but you managed to encourage yourself to finally ask, “Why did you stop writing letters to me?” And then you saw his expression again, one that you didn’t know how to place. Why was he so surprised you were asking him certain things tonight? 
You watch him set his own fork down, eternally debating with himself as he takes a deep breath.
“Listen… Y/N, I–”
The sound of something shattering caught both of your attentions, followed by hush voices before it got really loud.
“I know he’s in here! I recognized his cars outside! His people!” A man shouted, his thick accent lingering. A worker shouted at him to get back as he entered the dining hall, catching everyone’s eye now.
“What’s going on?” You said, missing the way the brunette clenches his fists (‘Cause unlike you, he knew exactly who this was).
“I know you’re in here! Тащи сюда свою задницу, ублюдок!” (*Get your ass over here, Bastard!)
“What the hell is babbling about?” You asked, recognizing it was Russian, but didn’t understand it. You watched him get pulled away by a few people, still shouting and kicking like a child throwing a fit. “What do you think that was all about?”
Matt’s hands twitched and ached in his lap, unbeknownst to you. “Um… I don’t–” But then his phone rings, this time you could see the bit of annoyance on his features as he pulls it out.
[‘Brently. Brently. Brently.’]
The automatic voice chimed over and over until he picked it up.
“Sorry. Let me take this.” He says, before you have any say. “Hello?” You watch him talk, the annoyance on his face seemed to progress that was starting to rub off on you. “Alright, then.” He hangs up with a sigh.
“Who’s Brently?” You asked, slightly irritated (and you would be more if he knew he was going to lie next).
“Uh, client. Um, he’s in some legal trouble, I, uh… gotta go bail him out.” Matt replies, scooting his chair back.
You blink in surprise. “What?” 
“I’m sorry, Y/N, I gotta take responsibility for this.”
“To bail your client out?” He shakes his head, causing you more confusion. “Doesn’t he have a family? Why did you call you to bail him out?”
“Well, I’m… his lawyer, and he calls me so it falls on me.”
Now that just sounded like a load of bull to you. You frown. “So? Make him wait, or call Foggy then. We’re–”
“Foggy’s out with Marci. Don’t want to bother him.” Matt says, cutting you off.
“And we’re not… out? Together? Like him and his wife?”
“Y/N, I’m really sorry, I’ll make it up to you, but this is important.”
Now that got your blood boiling. “And this is not?” You asked, standing up yourself and walking away with him calling out your name like a broken record.
Matt was really surprised that you let him even open the taxi door for you, but he knew you weren’t looking his way with your arms cross and head down with rage (he honestly couldn’t fucking blame you for acting like this). He then walked around and told the driver your address, and told him to drive safe which he complied.
“You Mr. Richards son?” He asked in a low tone that you couldn’t hear.
“Yes, I am.”
“Is he doing better?”
“A little banged up, but he’s alright. Should be back in a few days, Sir.”
“Good.” Then he made a face that makes anyone’s skin crawl. “You make sure nothing happens to her, or I’ll gut inside out and mail it to your dad as a ‘get well’ gift. Understood?”
The driver pales and nods before driving away. Matt then gets in a black tinted SUV, fuming in his seat as his bodyguard rolls the privacy screen down to talk.
“Page has Mr. Anatoly, Boss.” 
“Where are they heading?” He asked, hands aching again as he bounces his leg to confine his anger inside. 
“Usual spot. Shall I drive you over there?”
“Yes.” A grin. “Please.”
“Here’s a twenty.” You said, as the taxi pulled up to your apartment. “Just keep the change.”
“Uh, no need, uh… Your date paid for it.” The driver explained, waving it off.
You roll your eyes. “Of course he did.” You mumbled, getting out of the vehicle quickly as he bid you goodnight. Well…
That had to be one of the worst dates you’ve ever been on (and you’ve been on a lot). You threw your purse on the kitchen counter, kicking off your heels somewhere in the dark hall before sliding down to a sitting position against the wall. You get that he had an important client, but did he really have to take priority over him rather than spending a nice evening with you? Or better question… Why did he look like you caught off guard so many times tonight? 
What are you hiding, Matt? And that was a question that was burning like candle light.
Meanwhile, on the other side of town, Karen was sitting in the back of another SUV listening to how Anatoly, the Russian mob member, went on and on about something (to be frank, she was only half listening).
“You were right to reach out to us, although, since we’re being truthful, a call would have been more appropriate.” Karen explains, feeling slightly sorry about what was going to happen to this man.
“Look, I… I wanted to speak with him in person. Try to put the past behind us.” The Russian said, getting a hum which was right on cue for the vehicle to stop. “Why are we stopping?”
“They say the past is etched in stone, but it isn’t. It’s… smoke trapped in a closed room, swirling, changing. Buffeted by the passing of years and wishful thinking.” Karen starts poetically saying. “But even though our perception of it changes, one thing remains constant. The past can… never be completely erased. It lingers. Like the scent of burning wood. And it’s my job as his advisor to make sure everything just… lingers.”
Anatoly gives her a strange look, which Karen ignored to answer a call.
“Sir?” She said, listening closely. “Yes, passenger side.”
“Was that him?” The Russian asked, hopeful.
“Yes. He’d like to have a word with you.”
Anatoly nods and mumbles something in his native tongue seconds before the door flies wide open. To his shock, an angry Matt Murdock reaches inside and yanks him out, throwing him viciously on the ground. 
“You embarrassed me.” Matt snarls, even with his shades on you knew there was bloodlust in those blind pupils. “You fucking embarassed me infront of her!” And throws a punch.
They both exchange some hits, equally spilling some blood, however, at one point, Anatoly pulls out a knife, swinging it defensively. What thought could do some damage, he ends up seeing the Kingpin’s suit was barely touched by the blade.
Surprising him again, Matt had him pinned against the vehicle, breaking his wrist the weapon was in. “Мне бы хотелось, чтобы ты просто позвонил. Я бы дал тебе пропуск. Но нет…” He hisses, cradling the sides of the Russian’s head (*I wish you had just fucking called. I would have given you a pass. But no…). “Ты только что выкопал себе чертову могилу.” (*You just had dug your own fucking grave.)
He then starts banging his head on the side of the car a few times before tossing him back at the ground. Anatoly desperately tries to crawl to the car, begging Karen to help in Russian, but Matt’s advisor made no movements that she would at all. Instead, Matt drags Anatoly by his hair, laying him between the floor and the door…
Then slams it hard.
And over.
And over.
And over.
And over.
And over again.
As blood bathed the concrete with its glorious red color, Matt never stopped until his enemy’s head was completely taken off. 
Inhaling heavily, body still tense as Karen walks over carefully, offering her Boss her handkerchief.
“Tell Mr. Potter, I’ll need a new suit.” Matt said after a moment, and wiped his face clean.
Karen nods with a hum. “What about this?” She asked, gesturing to the body behind them.
“Keep it. Freeze it. Let his brother worry for a few days, and will pull the cards if we have to.”
“Which cards, if I may ask?” 
“Send it to Vladimir to show who really runs this city, or…”
“We blame it on Daredevil.”
“Alright, listen up. Last night, a father was driving home with his son until they were surrounded by unidentified men.” Your police chief said as you all were gathered around the office. You knew by how tense he was this was going to be some tough news to swallow. “Those men beat the poor dad and kidnapped the kid. Griffin Banks. Eight years old, he has curly brown hair and brown eyes; about 5 feet tall, 86 pounds, and was last seen wearing his little league uniform. Your jobs are to find him quickly and bring him home safe. Understood? – Great. Off you all go!”
And then all of you scattered like ants, hopefully to get some kind of lead, some kind of evidence of where he was but… 
“This shit’s going nowhere.” Frank complained, after a few hours of tiredly searching. You couldn’t blame him for complaining about this, because you too were feeling the same way.
If only I had heard about this last night when I was on the street. I could have been looking already. You went out as Daredevil last night to clear your head after that disastrous date and didn’t come across any crime or hear anything to spark your interest. You thought that was a good thing, you thought maybe the criminals finally understood that you weren’t leaving, but now you realize that the reason was entirely different. 
Did everyone in the underworld know about this kid? Was this an act of war or treason? You still weren’t a hundred percent sure how everything ran, but you did know that not everyone in the shadows worked or agreed with the Kingpin, so maybe this was a way to get back at him.
But why an innocent kid of all things? 
“Let’s try around the park again.” You said, heading back for the car.
“Again? Y/N we just came from there.” Frank said, as you shake your head.
“Maybe we missed something. I want to check.”
“Y/N. Hey, wait. Y/N–” He grabs you by the shoulder to stop you from entering his car. “Wait. Look, I know you want to catch this guy, I get it, but we can’t keep going back to the same place over and over again, it’s not doing us any good.”
“Yeah, but what if we’re missing something?” You asked, forming a look of desperation in your eyes that means so much more. So much more that he actually understands it.
His face softens. “Y/N, I know that look, you’ve been through this before haven’t you?”
You bite the inside of your cheek, breaking eye contact. “I just want him to be alright. I couldn’t save the last one.” You explain, voice quivering at the end.
“Hey, I get it. We all have a similar case every once and while, and it gets to us. I understand how you feel. However, if you keep running in circles, and getting inside your head, you’re not going to be able to do much. You’re going to make the same mistakes.”
“I know, but–”
“Go take a break. Go clear your head, then come back to the precinct.”
“There are a hundred or so other officers looking for this kid. You can take a rest.”
And how could you say ‘no’ when Frank reminded you of your old partner Max here? He was making the same thoughtful, worried expression that made you want to break and asked for a hug. 
You wanted to say ‘no’, to show them both that you could handle it, to show that you’ve grown but… You can’t.
You haven’t grown one bit since then.
“Fancy seeing you here.” 
You take your face out of your hands, looking up from your spot in the waiting area. You decided on getting a quick bite before you head back. “Foggy?”
“Thought I get some grub myself.” He said, sitting down next to you, waiting as well. “Rough morning?”
I guess he could tell how messed up you felt. “You could say that.”
“Is it because of that missing kid?”
“Yeah.” You said, as you laid your head against the wall. “Guess word got around quickly.”
“You guys will find him.” He gives you a reassuring look. “I have faith.”
You scoffed. “You have more faith than I do.”
He looks proud of himself while replying, “Hey, It’s what I do best.” 
“What about you?” You cast him a glance. “Did you and Matt sort out that client issue?”
Foggy tilts his head, eyebrows scrunched together. “Issue? What issue?”
“The client issue.” You realize he didn’t know what you were talking about and continue trying to specify. “Matt and I went out last night but he cut it short; Told me he had to leave because of work. An issue with a client.”
“Issue with a client? I don’t recall a current issue with anybody.” Foggy says, honestly, as he scratches his head to think. “Are you sure that’s what he told you?”
“I’m dead serious.” You sit up straighter. “You seriously have no idea what I’m talking about?”
“No, I’m sorry, Y/N. I would know if we had an issue, I mean, we’re partners; Fifty-Fifty, you know? But if he comes into the office later I’ll ask him about it.”
You let his words sink as he excused himself to grab his food. You were… baffled. Completely fucking baffled. Did Matt really lie to you last night? And for what? He didn’t want to be there with you anymore? Did he think you were being nosy? Did he not like you in the way you thought he did? Whatever the reason was, it didn’t matter…
You were going to be pissed off anyway.
“Take the bag off.” Matt snarls as he enters the freezer. His bodyguard complied, showing their enemy off for him to ‘see’. “If you’re smart you’ll make this quick. Where’s the kid you took?”
The Russian grinned, his teeth stained red with lips full of blisters. “Like hell I’ll tell you. Not until you agree to meet with Vladimir like you promised!”
“Where’s the kid?” He tried again, patience thinning out already.
“Fuck. Off. 3асранец.” (*Asshole)
Matt hums. “So not smart? Not a shocker.”
“Hey, I’m not the one who backed out at the last minute. I don’t know what was so important last night that you just had to miss it.”
“Well, all of us have lives, you know.”
He laughs. “A leech like you? Have a life? I find that hard to believe.” Another chuckle. “We know you so well that Vladimir had us on standby to take a kid.” And another. “We know you have a little soft spot for them.”
But Matt stays calm, eerily calm that could make anyone’s skin crawl. “Just Vladimir? So did his brother not have any say in that?”
“You know, Anatoly paid me a visit last night. He actually interrupted my important event. If your bosses had such a… grand plan, how come one of them came looking for me?”
He scoffed under his breath, mumbling, “Цифры. Анатолий всегда был нетерпеливым.” (*Figures. Anatoly was always the impatient one.)
This makes Matt grinned. “Ah, so you guys have no idea? Do you?”
“Know what?”
“Что я тоже нетерпелив.” Matt says while snapping his fingers (*That I am also impatient). The meat hooks were shifted around until it was a headless body that appeared, but that didn’t shake the Russian too much until someone pulled out the body’s severed head from a box of ice. 
The man paled. “O Боже…” (*Oh God…)
“Понимаете?” Matt asked, the same expression staying (*You see?). “Мне плевать, какой у тебя статус. Ты меня злишь, я убью тебя.” (*I don’t care what status you are. You make me angry, I’ll kill you)
“You really are a monster.” He says, trying to keep it together.
“Yeah, I know. And with no regrets too. Now…” Matt’s face falls. “Where’s the kid?”
“Like I’d ever tell you after what you just did! 3асранец!” He snaps before spatting in his face. (*Asshole!)
Matt stays quiet, and calmly wipes the red spite from his face. “Otomo.” He calls out to the deepest part of the freezer, a person dressed in an all black ninja outfit. “Kare o korose.” (*Kill him). The assassin nods, unsheathing his blade which was enough to get the Russian to wiggle in his restraints and start begging.
“W-Wait! Wait! Wait! What about– No. No–”
“Dispose the body anyway you can.” Matt orders as he turns to leave the cold, until…
“Ты хочешь остановить Сорвиголову, верно?!” (*You want to stop Daredevil right?!)
As soon as those words were spoken, the Kingpin stopped in his tracks. It was only until he turned back around, the Russian started laughing with hysteria and joy.
“I know you do. We all do.” He pants and swallows. “Этот парень... он поможет любому. И я гарантирую, что он захочет спасти ребенка. Пусть все это ускользнет…” (*This guy... he’ll help anyone. And I guarantee he’ll want to save the child. Let this all slide…) He chuckles with a painful smile. “Я-я упущу это, и вместе мы сможем поймать Сорвиголову. Разве это не было бы красиво?” (*I-I let this slide, and together, we could trap Daredevil. Wouldn’t that be beautiful?)
The man prayed that this would work, and his spirits seemed to be lifted when the King of Darkness smiled.
“No one else saw you take him?” Matt asked one of the guards who shook his head. “Huh. You know…” He shifted the weight on his cane. “I like that idea. It is beautiful. Slightly risky, but beautiful.” Then he flickered his blind gaze back to his assassin. “Kare o korose.” (*Kill him)
Then he spun on his heels again and left, the door shutting behind the screams that his sensitive ears could still hear. He maneuvered around the place, listening to his adivisor’s heels click around behind him at the pace he told her to as he finds a sink to clean his soured face.
“So you’re going forward with his suggestion?” Karen asked, hands behind her back, waiting.
“It’s a little far-fetched, but if Daredevil catches wind of the kid, we actually can kill two birds with one stone.” He said, running the very idea over and over in his head. “Any updates?”
“Your phone’s been blowing up. The personal one.”
“Texts mostly.”
“Who’s it from?” He asked her, as she pulled it out of her pocket and reread it over.
“Foggy.” She replies, watching him stop drying his face.
“Is it important?”
“Might be.”
“Might be?”
“He wants to know what client issue you had last night, and says you should contact Y/N.” She frowns. “Apparently she’s pissed at you for leaving last night.” He mutters something under his breath that she didn’t hear before she decided to take a step forward. “Forgive me if I’m stepping over a line, and I know she’s a long time friend, but she’s also a cop; A cop that hasn’t been linked with your program yet, and has been begging for you to tell her yourself, which I know you won’t.”
“Your point is, Karen? Matt asked, throwing the towel aside.
“What if this works out like you hope, and you reveal to her that you’re the Kingpin, then what? You expect her to be okay with it? Expect her to accept it without a little blackmail on the line?”
A brief pause. “No.”
“Exactly. She’ll try to take your ass to court, better yet she’ll try to shoot you dead. I just don’t want a repeat of last time.”
And the haunting memory flashed before him. He didn’t think it could still hurt so much. “I appreciate your concern, but I’ll figure that out later. But what about you? How’s your task going?”
“Still growing strong like you asked.” Karen said as he cups her jaw with a smile. “He trusts me a lot.”
“Good. Good. I’m glad to hear that.” He says, while slowly tracing her red lips with his thumb. “Even if, and that’s a big if, Castle ever thinks that he’s out of my control, he’s not, not if you’re on him like a thorn in his side. Right?”
He hums, and lightly ghosts her arm with his fingertips drawing a small sound from her. “Bet you’re imagining me as him. Hmm?” He pulls her head down closer, his lips right next to her ear. “Keep seducing Castle for me, okay? I don’t care if you catch any feelings either, as long as you know he’ll still be between my fingertips, then I’ll let that slide. Understood?”
She makes a sound again, eyes half lid. “Understood.”
“Good.” Then he gently bites the side of her lower lip, kitty licking the bruise before pulling away. “Tell the driver to bring the car around while I make a call.”
With a shaky breath she says, “Yes, sir.”
The voicemail still buzzed in the back of your head as you came bursting through your window, barely having the mental strength to lock as you started shedding your DD suit as you walked towards your bathroom.
[ ‘Hey, Y/N. Look, I know you’re upset, and you have every right to be, but please just… Can you just call me back and just listen to what I have to say? Please? I just… I know I messed up. I’m sorry. Please call me back when you get the chance.’ ]
You kicked off the last pair of clothing as you crawled into the shower turning the hot water on, letting it run on your hunched over back with your forehead against the tiles.
These few days have sucked. First your date leaves you high and dry, then you find out he lied, and now you can’t even find a missing kid whether your Daredevil or Detective L/N. It…
It really hurts.
This task… hits… close to home.
You hold back the tears you felt, and hold back the urge to sob as you let your fingers trace the scar on the base of your neck, remembering how it got there. 
It was stupid mistake. 
You should have waited for your partner instead of running off on your own. 
You’re an idiot. You’re an idiot. You should have waited. You should have waited. You–
You honestly thought the universe would grant you this. To grant you a chance to catch the man you’ve been hunting for weeks; To catch the man that’s been stealing those kids and doing heinous things with them. You needed to catch him, you begged to catch him but…
No you can’t.
As soon as you spotted him you ran like hell after him, ignoring as your partner Max yelled your name. You had blinders on, you’ll admit, but you don’t want that man to take another kid, to steal yet another kid’s future. No.
Not on your fucking watch. However–
He catches you by surprise, and suddenly your whole world is on its side as you free fall, hitting something sharp and painful on the way down. Now you’re laying on the ground, your spine feeling funny as you feel the pool of blood grow around your head, your ears ringing like they’re dying out.
Damn it. You thought. You really thought you had this one in the bag as you started to fade to black just as your partner’s voice broke out into a scream. A scream that you know was–
“Fuck!” You yelled, and swiped off all the bottles off the shelf and let it rattled to the tub floor (you know you probably just woke up your downstairs neighbour but you couldn’t care less). You sigh heavily, holding the sides of your head.
Tonight was going to be a long night for you.
Frank’s fingers glided over his phone for the millionth time this morning. You haven’t arrived at all this morning which was so not like you (Especially since you were so desperate to solve this case). He waited a few minutes before texting again:
[ Forget what precinct you work at or something? Where are you? ]
He just wants something from you, even if you respond with an emoji that he’ll have to decipher.
Come on, Y/N. At least tell me you’re staying home. One of his fears right now was you doing something drastic. After his conversation with you yesterday he decided to look up what was scaring you, and that was the case you took just a few years out of the academy, the same year you became a detective. A criminal that had been taunting you and your partner for months, and when you finally had him, the night ended with you getting a near death injury… and another kid getting killed.
Poor girl. I just wish you didn’t have to get demoted here. You’re too good for this place. His thoughts were interrupted when his phone finally dinged with a message from you.
[ Detective Stubborn: Ate something bad last night. Stomach’s killing me. ]
He sighs with relief, whether that was true or not, he’s just glad to know you’re away from here.
[ Feel better. ]
He just really, really hopes you stay home and clear your mind.
But of course… why would you?
After planning all day and looking over very little evidence you had you decided to go out as soon as the sun started to set. You had to rough up a couple of street thugs to get some more solid evidence, but eventually it was enough for you to figure out where they took the boy.
The warehouse district.
You floated through one of the skyline landing without a sound, and the rest  of your mission honestly became a bit of a blur. Why? Well… as you rushed around through each warehouse undetected until you actually found the kid, your enemies, when they finally noticed you, didn’t seem very fond of you poking your nose in their business. Now you’re running like hell, a kid in your arms as you tried shielding him from every bullet that came your way. You tried levitating a few times when you found yourself up high and trying to cross a beam or a walkway, but you’ve never actually flown with someone in your arms so you’re out of practice.
Come on, Y/N. Remember bootcamp, Remember your first rescue mission, you know how to carry someone to safety. Which was true, but all those other times weren’t with you being pelted with bullets from an angry mob.
You felt the kid grip your outfit tighter making you say, “It’s okay. It’s okay. Everything will be okay.” You just kept repeating that comfortingly as you made three small crates float and fly to knock the men out of your path. You kicked one of the guys in the head when he tried to get up, sprinting again. If you can just get to the edge of the building, you’ll be home free.
Trekking across a catwalk, you used your abilities to conjure up a quick shield to block before surging the power outwards, knocking the gunmen off his feet and over the railing, plummeting into the overly packed room of wooden crates from overseas (you’re not sure if you really wanted to know what the Russian mafia was importing). You fought a few more guys that dared to intervene, dared you to stop and surrender and be killed.
You could see the finish line, you could feel the boy relaxing your arms as he sees it too; You were finally going to complete the mission that’s been haunting you for so–
You heard something rattle and roll behind you.
You just had enough time to look at what it was before putting a shield up, the tiny thing exploding your whole world.
When you came back around, an excruciating pain ran through your body, a pain that was so unbearable that you didn’t want to move. The explosive you managed to shield took out the catwalk you were on and everything close by. You fell all the way down with debris dusting your face, still holding onto the kid before blacking out. Now… you laid on the floor, your head shaking as you urged yourself to look down, finding what was causing the pain.
 A metal bar was sticking out from your abdomen.
You somehow didn’t scream, maybe because you felt like you were going into shock, or maybe you were shouting and haven’t noticed yet.
Oh, god, I’ve– wait… the boy… Trying not to black out when you turn your head to look, and about a foot away was the boy who had bounced off your body during the fall. Your heart would have caught in your throat if he didn’t see his chest moving, but it was.
He’s alive. You sighed with relief, but here comes the tricky part. How are you going to move and save him with this pole in your stomach? You groaned loudly as you tried to move, arm reaching out in the attempt to at least shake him awake, trying to tell him to run if you’re truly stuck.
“Uh, Gr-Griffin… g-get up. W-Wake… up. Please…” You croaked, yet it doesn’t seem like the sleeping boy can hear you… but someone else could.
But as you shifted again, pain shooting out as the metal shifted with you, that’s when you noticed someone coming over in the corner of your eye. One of the Russians had come over, checking if you were still alive which was plain as day now. You watch his eyes go between you and the child for a few seconds before grinning like a maniac. 
Your eyes widened when you saw the gun in his hands. “No.” You whimpered with your fingertips glowing red, right as he shot a bullet into the kid’s head. “No!!!” You couldn’t believe what you had just witnessed. Would this have happened if it didn’t–
Then he pointed the weapon at you, out instinct or adrenaline your abilities shifted the gun towards him, firing his own bullet into his own skull.
His body dropped like it was made of bricks, the gun sliding inches away from him, causing you to nearly throw up in your mouth. I mean, you were a cop after all, so of course you’ve had to shoot a person or two but this was…
Messing with your fucking head.
You could hear shouting in the distance, which was enough for you to kick it high gear again and try to move. First things first was trying to get this damn bar out of your stomach. 
How the fuck– wait– let’s see– You concertrated the best you could as you redirected all the energy you had into yanking it out (doing it quickly probably was the best idea but you didn’t have much time). The bar rattled next to you, a pool of red oozing out as you rolled to your side feeling the blood rise to your throat. You quickly moved to all four, pulling your mask down to cough up the rest of the red. Sweating and heaving, you felt like you had no energy left to move, but you needed to. You could hear them coming.
As you got up to your feet, your knees nearly buckled but yourself forward where you noticed some stairs going up. Ripping and pushing your hood against your wound as you started to climb, hoping you weren’t leaving too much of a blood trail. 
Just as you got to the top you heard the voice grow near, and you managed to slide yourself into a place that no one could see from below. You just needed to stay hidden long enough for them to leave to make your escape (whenever that was). However, you never thought after searching for a few months that you would actually get to see the man they call ‘Kingpin’.
You peaked out watching two very different groups of people arrive. The Russians looked slightly surprised when the Underworld’s Ruler showed up, dressed in the red suit that you’ve heard about on the street. He walked like he owned the place, his black cane with gold trim was like the piece that tied his whole look together. He stopped with his back towards you, with many of his men standing around as, what you tell was, the Russian mob’s leader came face-to-face with Kingpin.
“3асранец. Now you show your face.” The leader, Vladimir snaps (*Asshole). 
“Well, seeing how this is my turf now, I have to show my face.” Kingpin said, making you perk up with confusion.
Why does his voice sound–? But your thought trails off as you watch Vladimir scoffing in disbelief.
“Your turf? You think we just… ‘mess up’ and you take over?”
“Well, I certainly don’t need to see that–” Matt points to the mess the explosion made. “You pretty much destroyed most of your cargo.”
Vladimir frowns, shifting his weight. “I’ll admit, I wish my men didn’t blow up half the warehouse. But I will give him a pass because he was trying to stop our rat.”
He raises an eyebrow. “A rat?”
“Yeah, a rat.” Vladimir smiles a little. “I had a feeling Daredevil would come for the kid. Why wouldn’t you if it makes you feel good?”
Matt clenches the top of his cane, keeping his composure from the neck up. “Daredevil was here?”
“Still here, I think.” The Russian points to the bloody puddle on the floor. “There’s a pipe laying next to a large amount of blood. In my experience, getting impaled you don’t get very far.”
His frown deepens, grip tightening. “And the kid? I smell two bodies with no heartbeats.” Then his whole aura changed into something darker, suffocating. “Tell me, are those your men?”
Vladimir paled, and tried to keep the discomfort off his face. He didn’t want to answer, even he knew staying silent wouldn’t be a good idea. “One of them.”
“One of them?” 
“Why do you care? It could have been Daredevil! She could have pulled the trigger!”
Matt didn’t say anything as he cast his blind gaze at the corpses before saying, “No. His scent is the only one on the gun and its bullets. So the kid’s death is in your hands.” But then he pauses, realizing something. “Wait. She?”
“Yes. My men said they saw Daredevil upclose, says the stature’s too small and not burly enough to be a man.” Vladimir replies, making Matt hum in response. “I guess something good did come out of this after all. We finally have more evidence of what we’re up against.”
And those words were his signature for his own death. 
The room got really cold, and energy felt suffocating. Everyone present began praying that they’ll be spared.
Matt grits his teeth, shaded eyes growing hungrier. “First you embarrassed me, now you insult me? I’m not even sure what to say anymore.” He says, snapping his fingers as his bodyguards shoved Vladimir to his knees, the end of a barrel being pressed in his face. The other Russians tried to make an advance, but they were outnumbered, making them slowly raise their hands over their heads.
“Давай, мужик.” Vladimir said, as Matt made a tsking news (*Come on, Man).
“Don’t ‘come on, man’ me. You brought this upon yourself. I mean–” Matt chuckled dryly, lowly, scary. “All you and your brother had to do was just wait the next day for our meeting. But no, you had to go out and throw a tantrum, you had to go out and kidnap a kid that has no meaning to any of us.”
Vladimir scoffs. “No meaning? It always has some meaning to you. Don’t act like you haven’t kidnapped someone’s kid before.”
“And I’m not. I know what I’ve done. But unlike you, when I kidnap someone there’s meaning to it, a purpose. Like when I… ‘picked up’ our DA’s lovely daughter after soccer practice, and said we were good friends. And like any child, she believed it.” Matt smiled just a little before it faded in an instant. “However… she never ended up like that.” He gestures to the body on the floor. “You get what I mean?”
The Russian growls. “3асранец.” (*Asshole)
“You can keep calling me an asshole all you want, but you know I’m right.” Matt sighs. “I just wish your brother was like you.”
Vladimir’s breath caught in his throat. “What did you do?”
“Nothing that your brother didn’t deserve. He did interrupt a very important date I really care about. I’m honestly surprised he found the restaurant I was in.”
Brother? Interrupted? Restaurant? You thought, wondering why this sounds so familiar. 
“What. Did. You. Do?!” Vladimir shouted, baring his teeth as the King of Darkness lips curled into a mischievous grin.
“Like I said, nothing he didn’t deserve.” Matt snaps his fingers again, this time summoning someone over who was holding up a duffle bag. He reaches inside and pulls the brother’s head out by his hair (You had to hold back from gasping loudly at the sight).
Vladimir nearly broke down on the spot. “Anatoly…”
“I really wished he had just called, I wouldn’t have resorted to such manners.” Another sigh. “I even had to lie to my date that I had to go bail him out.”
And that’s when your whole world collapsed.
No. You thought, shaking your head as everything started to click in place.
No. No. This has to be fake. I have to be sleeping. This can’t– But you can’t deny what was plain as day. You didn’t have to see his face to know it was him. I mean, he had a cane you thought was just for fashion, he had shades on that you thought was just part of his look, but you can’t deny that his voice is the same, you can’t deny that the missing pieces had formed a whole. 
But then his name rolled off your lips as you stared with disbelief.
“Matt…” You whispered, and as soon as you did, his head snapped your way. 
Tensing up and pushing yourself further into the shadows, you slapped your hand over your mouth as your heart pounded in your ears.
There’s no way he heard me… right? However, that couldn’t be a coincidence. There’s no way you just mutter his name and then look your way. It’s too much of a coincidence for it not to be true. But does that mean–
Can Matt… hear anything? Does he have abilities like me? You didn’t know what to think as he went back to his conversation with the Russian mob leader.
His perplexed expression changed back to the grin as he continued to taunt the man before him. “Now do you understand why people don’t cross me?”
“You’re a monster.” Vladimir replies, voice filled with venom. “You’re a fucking monster.” 
“I know.”
“You won’t get away with this. When people hear about what you’ve done, there’s no way the others are going to let this go.” The Russian clenched his fists. “My people, even if I’m gone, they’re not going to put up with this. Same with the Doctors, S.I.L.K., the Chinese, the Japanese–”
“The Japanese?” Matt said with a laugh. “Oh, they work for me.” And he almost laughed again when he saw his prey’s face pale again in shock. “Yeah. You see, they raised me. The Hand taught me everything I know, and helped me rise to this position.”
What does he mean he was raised by the Japanese? You managed to think after slowly coming over your shock. You knew his mother died in the accident that blinded him, and he mentioned his dad pasted as well, and–
Matt never told me when his father died. Does that mean he was young enough to be taken in by someone? Someone like… You couldn’t even finish the sentence. You’ve heard bits and pieces about The Hand on the street. You knew they were hardcore, highly skilled and basically an assassination group; People you didn’t want to mess with.
So does that make Matt… an assassin? 
“You really have power in everything.” Vladimir said, head hanging low.
“Pretty much.” Matt said, proudly.
“Then I guess… I’ve got nothing else to do than follow you.” 
“Follow me?” The blind man scoffed. “Oh, Vladimir, you lost your chance at that. You’ve already proven to me that you have no loyalty, that you only think about yourself.”
“Mr. Murdock–”
Matt cut him off by holding his hand up, and staying quiet for just a moment. “I really wanted to like you Vladimir, that hard head of yours I could have used for so many things but…” He sighs and stays silent again. 
And then you watch him plunge his sword into the side of Vladimir’s head.
Your pupils shrunk and you felt all the air get sucked out of you. You–
Matt slowly pulls his weapon out, letting his bodyguards drop the body to the floor. He just stares again, almost like he was basking in what he just did.
Oh, my god… he just… Then you watched him sheath the blade back into his cane and says,
“Kill the rest.” 
And that’s when you knew you had to move. Using all the strength you had left to bolt away as Matt’s men started firing at whoever was left of the Russian mob.
You’re not sure how you’re even going to get home, but fuck…
There’s no way in hell you’re going to stick around here.
You practically crawled to the bathroom when you got back to the apartment, black spots started dancing as you ripped open the first aid kit. You shake off your top, turning the shower on for a few seconds to remove the excess blood.
“Matty… would you still be friends with me if I was a freak?” You asked him as the two of you sat on the fire escape of his apartment. The question has been gnawing at you for quite some time, and you weren’t sure how to express it so.
“A freak?” Matt said, confused. “Why would you ask me that?”
The pole didn’t go all the way through, which was good, but damn… that was going to leave a nasty scar when it did heal. You had to bite on a rolled up magazine as you started sewing up the wound, the pain keeping you awake.
“Well…” You nervously shifted your weight, looking in his direction. “What if I told you… that my parents are special?”
“Special? In what way?
You placed the gauze over the wound, then bandaging it up. You then cursed as you pushed yourself to a stand, running your blood soaked hands under the water, watching it swirl down the drain.
“Like… what if they had abilities? Like superheroes?” 
“Like superheroes?” Matt perked up a little. “Do they?”
“It’s just a question.” You shrug and look away. “Would you be okay if I was a freak too?” 
Your eyes shifted from the bathroom to your kitchen, remembering something. You flicked off the faucet, wobbly walking towards the very thing that’s been peaking your curiosity for the longest time.
The vase of roses.
With a shaky hand you grabbed the note, opening up to reread the one sentence on the paper.
“I wouldn’t mind.” Matt said, with a smile. “I’d think it’d be cool.” 
You blink in surprise. “Really?”
“Yeah. You would be like an actual superhero. Like the ones you see in the comic books. I’ll admit though, I’d be kind of jealous if you did.”
“How come?”
Now you were back in your room, rummaging around for the outfit you wore to work the other day. You know you still have it, you have to. You needed the chance to compare the two.
“Because–” Now it was his turn to shift in his seat. “My best friend has powers and I don’t. Everyone would be in awe with you but with me? Nothing.”
You frown at his words. “Don’t say that. I think it would be nice to have someone different than me.” Then smiles. “Keeps me from not going completely crazy.”
He chuckles. “Well it would be my job to keep you from going nuts. I wouldn’t want you to be the villain of the story.”
You smirk a little at that, scooting closer. “Is that a promise?”
Your (Y/E/C) eyes widened with disbelief for the millionth time tonight. In one hand you had the note from the vase, the other? It was the ad from Nelson and Murdock, the ones they were going to pass out, spread the word. 
The one that had their penmanship on the very bottom.
A perfect–
You held out your pinky. “Promise me. Promise me that as long as we’re together, we won’t become villains in this world. Will always be each other’s light.”
He stays quiet for a second, like he’s thinking. Then he raises an eyebrow, saying, “Superpowered or not?”
“Superpowered or not.”
“Okay. Deal.” He interlocks his pinky with yours. “I promise I won’t do anything crazy while you’re here.”
“Thank you, Matty. I’ll hold you to it.”
You snagged everything that was off the counter, marching over to the window, ripping it open. Without even looking you just tossed it out, letting it drop and shattered on the dumpster lid below.
You just couldn’t believe it as you sank to your knees.
You just couldn’t believe it.
You just couldn’t believe it.
You just couldn’t believe it.
You just…
Couldn’t believe your whole life was in a lie.
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-Taglist Is Open-
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qfzeeph · 3 months
People liked the first Kaito x Reader post I made, so lets say, hypothetically, I made a part 2. And for the sake of debate, lets say that it was about him having a lil' crushy crush on the reader >:)
♡Kaito (Vocaloid) x Reader/Master HCs [2]♡
♡All fluff. No spice!♡ ♡Kaito is crushing on the reader!♡
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☆ He won’t outright say he’s got a crush on you, but there will be signs. He’s shy about it, worried you’ll think of him differently if you were to find out how he felt.
☆Kaito has been down this path before with other Masters who have gotten bored of him in the past. He hopes that if anything ever came of the two of you, it’d last. He’s simultaneously nervous and yearning at the same time, afraid of the worst outcome but praying for the best.
☆ He tries to spend as much time with you as he can, learning about your favorite things and what makes you yourself. He’s a quick learner and before you know it, he’s gifting you little things like your favorite snacks or candies when you’re having a rough day.
☆He flusters real easy. Any sort of accidental contact, be it bumping into him in a crowded space or your hands grazing one another when reaching for a treat, his face lights up bright red. He always apologizes, hoping you won’t notice his flushed cheeks. You see it every time. ☆In case you couldn’t tell, he’s not the best at hiding it. He might not outright say how he feels, but you can tell from every move he makes he’s into you.  ☆You see more of him. Much more of him. He wants to be around you as much as he can, chasing that serotonin only you can give him.
☆He puts a lot of extra effort into the songs you ask him to sing, the more intense his feelings develop the more effort he puts in. He wants to be his best for you, hoping you’ll catch on. ☆His heart melts if you compliment him. He’d stutter out a nervous “thank you,” as if he had forgotten how to speak.  ☆He’d eventually get brave and confess. Unless you beat him to it, he’ll be the one to tell you. Not because he’s any less nervous, but because keeping it to himself would become too much to bear. Of course he’ll be a shaking nervous wreck, but once he starts his onslaught of praise for you he’ll loosen up and put his entire soul into it. He wants you to know how special you are to him and how much it would mean to him if you were to return his affection.
☆If it ended up you two were smitten, he’d be overjoyed. Expect a barrage of light kisses and hugs on the spot the minute you tell him you’ve felt the same way the whole time.
☆If his confession caught you off guard, he’d hope you’d at least give him a chance. He’d understand if you didn’t despite the fact it’d sting like hell for him, but he’d hold out for the best outcome either way.
☆If YOU were the one who approached him to tell him, he wouldn’t know how to respond at first! He’s wanted this so bad, but he never expected you’d be the one to come to him. Of course he’d tell you he loves you too, but not without short circuiting out of pure joyful shock first. 
☆L/N: You thought normal Kaito was shy about his feelings. L/N Kaito is worse. This man is mortified to speak to you and prefers to fawn over you from a distance. You’re going to have to be the one to catch him and lay all your tender feelings on him. Once you have him though, he’ll gradually start to open up to you and only you. ☆WxS: He’s always trying to impress you, whether it be magic tricks, voice impressions, monologues from a play, or some sort of crazy stunt Miku taught him. He’s planning on asking you out via a magic act, by the way. ☆VBS: Everytime you see him, he’s either got a new brew of coffee for you to try, a baked good he made himself for you to taste, or a new mix for you to listen to. You’re his motivation! There was never a formal confession, but a touching of hands on the DJ board one day when he was showing you how he makes his music and a heat-of-the-moment peck on the lips after that sealed the deal for the two of you. ☆MMJ: You’re a distraction. A lovely, lovely, distraction. He can’t get any stagehand work done when you’re around, or when you’re on his mind. If only he wasn’t so busy, he could talk to you more. If you offer to help him with his handiwork, you may just get him to slip up and tell you how he really feels. ☆N25: Good luck. He’s a proud one, and isn’t going to drop the act for anyone. Except for you of course, when you’re alone and there’s nobody else around to see him. He’s honest with himself and you regarding his feelings, and he’s just as passionate as he is irritable. He loves aggressively, but not so much as to break your boundaries. You belong to him, but in the best possible way.
...cool fun fact. I've been trying to write a fic of N25 Kai and it keeps uh. going in an interesting direction. I had to put it down for a little bit because some life stuff came up but if I ever get around to finishing it, lord have mercy on all of you. anyway, thanks for readin' and I hope you enjoyed <3
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godkilller · 2 months
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out of character. Frembly remembly that while I may write Gin and Rangiku being soft / cute, that doesn't change the fact that Gin commits a few problematique relationship crimes aside from his canon betrayal... including, but not limited to:
Stalking -- it's not always outright following her around, but keeping constant tabs on Rangiku via locking onto her reiatsu at any given moment is still lowkey stalking behavior in my book.
Possessiveness -- this is mostly my own interpretation and it's pretty subdued at most times, but there have been a few points in my roleplay where I have it flare up nice and ugly; this is the Ichimaru Gin who says he devours his favorites whole, this passion of his can easily become possessive and obsessive lust and fully envelop Rangiku in a strangling grasp.
Honorably mentioning Obsession in its own bullet point because of how potent that can be when blanketed across his entire vow to retrieve her soul piece being based entirely on him deciding, as a child, that this was the hill to die on, to murder for. For a girl he just met, that's a lot.
Murder! Gin killed those Shinigami that assaulted Rangiku as a child, they're shown to be the ones Gin plucks a Shinigami robe from in the blizzard when he tells Rangiku he's going to 'fix things' for her. The following murders Gin dishes out for the Third Seat and many unnamed others aren't directly linked to Rangiku/for the sake of Rangiku alone, so I won't count them specifically here, but those three/four guys? Hell yeah. We can argue they had it comin' and I'll agree, but it's still Problematique that he killed them 'for' her.
Emotional Withholding -- again, not quite in the outright and proper way that is prevalent in toxic and abusive relationships (often used to convey anger/punishment via that withholding), but he's withdrawn from her during the Rescue Rukia arc in a way that is specifically distressing and confusing for Rangiku, who knows Gin isn't behaving like himself, and he's refusing to communicate anything to her during that time. A blanket apology before abandoning her on Sokyoku Hill doesn't cover it.
Abandonment. Because of the lasting effect it had on Rangiku, this is considerably awful and something that could have at the very least been eased via him explaining himself to some vague degree rather than not at all, leaving her to wonder where he was going, what he was up to, and why he didn't tell her shit. The argument could be made that he didn't want to unnecessarily lie to her, but he's already lying to her in other ways.
Deflection via Twisting, turning Rangiku's questions onto her instead of allowing her to properly drill into him when she finally confronts him on the rooftop, which then subsequently leads to guilt-tripping topped with a cherry of "you're in the way," that's overall an awful thing to say/do AND THEN POINTING SHINSO AT HER AND --
Threatening Bodily Harm. This one's getting put on here because at the end of the day, regardless of Gin's intent to skewer Momo and not Rangiku, Rangiku still put herself between them and it still happened where he almost hurt her instead. The second time being on the rooftop, where he pretends to kill her via a well-aimed Shinso with a simultaneous Hakufuku, but the act is so well guised that Rangiku, in that moment, thought Gin was going to kill her.
But joke's on you, Ginran makes me froth at the mouth and howl at the moon before barreling at you on all fours, so... if you can't get past these fictional flaws? Skill issue tbh.
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shallowcrypts · 2 years
Avoidants are unfairly demonized.
And you know what? I’m sick of seeing anxious-attached folks being treated as if they’re fully the victim and totally blameless.
They just cannot ever admit that they might make mistakes, especially serious ones. Can't apologize. Self righteous as hell, and so, so blaming. It's such bullshit. It’s so often that the avoidant partner is forced to take “accountability” for whatever the issue and the AP gets to be relieved that its “not them” and they don’t have to look at their own outrageous behavior that may have contributed to the original issue.
AP’s get all the sympathy because they are usually the loudest, therefore we all have to center around their feelings. It's not that the avoidants DON’T want help, it's avoidants are more likely to avoid and if someone doesn't like conflict and the AP is constantly having a temper tantrum... so who is going to get heard? Have the most attention to their problems?
I was recently talking to a friend about couples therapy with her avoidant partner & even in listening I could tell that she didn't realize how much she dominated the therapy sessions, while simultaneously complaining he wasn't there enough. When he finally broke down and cried about something she had said, her response? You've never cried about that before but it bothers you NOW?
And that’s the thing, it's never good enough for APs. It is hard to be a person when an AP is suffocating the room, and it's easier for them to blame avoidants because we are the only people who will continually put up with their shit, because we ignore it and somehow they are the victims in that too. The goal post is forever changing with them, and nothing is ever good enough. They complain and put pressure on to be, think, feel a certain way and when you manage to come close, you're still somehow in the wrong. I would rather shove everything down and suffer silently than possibly trigger an AP into an episode because THAT is pure psychological torture.
And don’t even get me started about how they then proceed to be the "humble brags" of self-work:
"I just have too big of a heart and I over-give because I'm too generous.”
If all the APs I've known ACTUALLY took accountability it'd sound like:
"I make comments with the intention of making you feel ashamed and guilty so that in your diminished self-worth you might be insecure enough to come to me. Maybe if you're upset we can have a conversation or emote at each other, which is a form of connection, so I force that since I can't force you do do whatever I want at any given moment. I push and push and push and push you so that when you break A) again, I can feel the connection that comes with conflict, at least, and B) I can feel victimized by how 'mean' you are by finally breaking at my prodding. I do not ever stop to consider how this might be tanking your life and our relationship... because I always find a way to blame you for that. I have the audacity to purport to know what your problems are and your inner work should be, and though I'm begging you to open up to me, I don't listen when you do. I just cry because whatever you say scares me, and my fear is still ultimately more important than any of your experiences." APs don't "care" anymore than Avoidants as a default, though they may try too hard, sure.
The issue is that the “I care too much" gets recognized as "and that causes problems for ME” and they're like "oh look I'm taking accountability!" But they never get to the part about how them "caring too much" caused problems for OTHERS and they never want to earnestly apologize. Their behavior can be seriously, seriously, damaging to be on the other end of.
"I'm impatient, have unrealistic expectations, and I over-perform for love. I'm going to work on this with my therapist because I'm realizing now how this is backfiring and causing me pain."
^That would be accountability.
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rosedom · 1 month
HIHIHIHIHI :D daily reminder from the lil froggy on your shoulder that ily drink your water and take good care of yourself however that looks for you!! (this is both at you and at anybody who sees this <3)
this is a more serious conversation but can we,,,? Talk about the amount of fem-aligned (usually cis) people who get involved in gay transmasc spaces and interact with gay transmasc work just On The Regular?? Because like. I have marshmallow boundaries and struggle to assert myself even in regular conversations, and I know the other transmasc people in my life have said the same kind of thing (it gets practically shoved down our throats through societal expectations and the reactions to the way we don't conform I fear) and that usually goes doubly when we're trying to assert ourselves to fem-aligned people, so it's just- Why do some fem-aligned people choose gay transmasc spaces specifically as the one they want to be part of? Because I also know I sure as hell am NOT welcome in their "girls only!!!" spaces. The hypocrisy of it and the weaponized incompetence vibes makes me genuinely a little furious and the transphobia and TERF mentality doesn't sit right either.
And my favorite part of that conversation: Reassuring anyone who thinks I'm talking about them because I'm talking about people who are using she/her and are cis, OR do not express a single thing about gender nonconformity, and then simultaneously using gay transmasc spaces. I am not talking about multigender folks or anyone who is gnc and feels safe in transmasc spaces. Y'all are welcome. I love you. Kissing you on the mouth rn (or a forehead kiss, high five, or just finger guns depending on your level of comfort ^>^)
Would apologize for ranting in your inbox but I'm not sorry. Love you lots Rosey, if you need a guard dog I can bark (jk ^>^) but I AM a guard frog and I take my position seriously!
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drink water, too, lovely !! (^∀^●)ノシ
and honestly !! yeah !! i leave a lot of leeway on my gn!reader posts for people of any gender to read and enjoy, reblog, like, interact with, whatever, cos. it's gn. gender neutral. but . . i'm made uncomfortable when it's cishet women interacting on my amab!/male!reader posts, especially with ftm!characters. i write transgender porn of characters, as a transman myself, cos i want other transmen to know that their bodies are desirable, and they are not disgusting. it is so hard for us to learn to love our bodies in a place where we are constantly either 1) told that we are gross, or 2) fetishized.
it's just . . there are so many other blogs out there that cater to femdoms, to cisgender/heterosexual doms in general. why stick here? at the end of the day, i am a safe space for trans mlm (as well as cis mlm and nblm) above all else, and i am most terrified of people treating my blog as place where they can fetishize men with pussies.
but most of the time, i'm not even gonna bother hunting it down. if you have she/her in ur bio, i'm not going to be one to assume, ya know? i give people the benefit of the doubt (marshmallow boundaries yooo), probably too much, but . i just want people to feel safe here, and i want fetishizers to know they are in no fucking way welcome here.
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kryptonitejelly · 2 years
i hope you’re well!!! ilysm!!! <3
I have been thinking alot about jealous jake recently because it has me just ldhfkshfkshfkshal idk.
Imagine getting him all riled up at this big fancy event. Maybe purposely - because why the hell not? >:)
You caught the eye of some other Lt. One you don’t recognise. You catch him staring at you while you are by the bar getting a drink. Jake has been caught by a group of other Naval Aviators and you had slipped away yourself to get yourself a drink. So while you see the unknown Lt. approaching, your head whips around for Jake - but he isn’t anywhere to be seen.
“You here alone?” The Lt. slides up next to you. Tbh, he is pretty handsome, but he isn’t Jake. You are about to respond, to say something that will send him away when you finally see Jake in the crowd, looking over from a a group he is standing with. His features are relaxed, save for his lips which are drawn into a line.
It makes you smirk, and you decide to bat your eyes at the Lt. going “what answer are you hoping for?” It makes him laugh and step closer to you, and you see Jake move immediately, from the corner of your eyes.
“One that allows me the pleasure of being your company for tonight.” The Lt. says and you can see his arm reaching out for you, when a tanned hand cuts in, blocking the Lt.’s touch to your skin.
“Well, I am afraid you won’t have that pleasure Lovell.” Jake’s eyes are flashing with thinly veiled anger as he slides a very possessive arm around your hip, pulling you to him.
“Seresin,” the Lt. is slightly ashen, because while they might be of the same rank, everyone knows you don’t mess with Jake’s girl. He mumbles some sort of apology and before it even ends, Jake is pulling you away through the doors of the ballroom.
“What the hell was that?”
“He just asked if I was here alone,” you shrug, biting your lip innocently - because you just know it will push Jake’s buttons.
“And you sure as hell didn’t say no.”
“Did I? I can’t remember.” You bat your lashes at Jake and that does it.
“You want to behave like a brat? You get punished like one.”
He is tugging you into an empty bathroom at the end of the hall, executive style with only one of everything snd locking the door behind him.
Practically manhandling you, bending you over the sink counter, hiking your dress up, pushing your underwear to a side, fingers sliding between your wet folds.
“Being a brat makes you wet huh?” You feel his fingers brush against your clit, and it makes you mewl, legs twisting in your heels. Tbh, you’ve been turned on the moment you saw Jake in his dress whites because that man in a uniform, please.
“What are you going to do about it…. Sir?“
That has Jake growling, tugging your hair back, fingers still sliding against your folds, and then you feel it - his middle finger pushing in, while his index massages against your clit.
You both lock eyes in the mirror and he doesn’t respond, but his continues ministrations have you bucking back against his finger, wanting more.
“Jake,” you whine, pushing yourself back against his hand, while simultaneously trying to create more friction against his finger massaging tour clit, “need you to fuck me.”
“No baby,” he brings his head down so his lips are beside your ear, “you know I can’t get the whites dirty.”
He continues to use his hands, fingers, watching you the the mirror as your breathing grows more laboured, the pace of your hips picking up. He sees your lips part, lids droop snd he knows you are working your way up, sooo close to an orgasm and he just stops as you are about to hit your high.
“You wanna behave like a brat, you get treated like one.” He says, pulling his hand from you.
Hckdhddkksjdkalxhdlajdkshfksksj WHAT DID I DO 🫣🫣🫣🫣 I write this and leave everyone hanging but actually my favourite Jake is soft Jake 🤨
Also I am well <3 ily right back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Literally flinging all my love at you
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thisonesatellite · 2 months
Catch up tag
i was tagged by the lovely and incomparable @booksandabeer, who makes my life better and also adds to my never-ending pile of reading and watchlists with a maximum of impunity and a minimum of compunction. 😂😍💖
Last song I listened to: Last Train to Nowhere - Ghost Hounds
If you like blues - check them out. Their sound is straight out of a 1940s oil drum and they're channeling every last dirty guitar riff and bass line through the last six decades from Free to The Black Crowes to Rival Sons. From earlier tag games some of you know that i listen to the gamut from grunge to industrial to hiphop to metal, but sometimes, darlings, it's just gotta be blues.
Last thing I read: The Second Sleep - Robert Harris
He does a lot of alternative-versions-of-history novels, often with a mystery /thriller element, but this was a bit of a letdown, unfortunately. It has an incredibly well-built world with some very thought-provoking elements of how civilization would fall and rebuild after a technological extinction event (not a calamity -- just the absolute dependence of society on not just technology, but the cloud, and the complete ruination its failure and loss brings) --- which is revealed very gradually and organically (initially you think you're reading a normal high-middle-ages story and then, suddenly -- ancient plastic artifacts. It's well done). But the story builds and builds and builds -- and you keep watching the pages dwindle and worry about how he'll wrap this up, and then, basically, he doesn't. It's not an open end, not even unfinished -- but it is intensely dissatisfying and has an air of "my publisher wanted this by tomorrow". It was definitely worth reading once, but it won't become perennial.
Last movie I watched: Dune Part Two
Enough said. 😂 i'm going to go see Civil War this weekend.
Last TV show: The Continental (look, i love everything John Wick, i won't apologize. And this has a lot of really good world building and storytelling ideas so far.)
Which doesn't disguise the fact that i. Am. So. Fucking. Behind. On. EVERYTHING.
EVERYTHING. OMG. i have not enough time in the day for all the stories i want to imbibe and write and also i have to make room for my current Leverage re-binge, because sometimes i need to see a world where justice is A Thing.
Next up: Fallout, obvi. And Ripley. And The Gentlemen. And now that @booksandabeer mentioned it, Shogun has climbed up the watchlist to #4, and 3 Body Problem has entered it.
You guys still want fic from me, or can i stop writing to free up some time? 😂
Last thing I googled: i cannot stress this enough: i DO NOT GOOGLE. i DUCKDUCKGO.
Having said that, the last thing i searched for was: "longest sniper shots in military history". For a throwaway fic line. i'm going to end up on a letter agency watchlist one of these days and they're not going to like my explanation of 'realistic fictional character dialogue'. Are they.
Last thing I ate: Buttermilk. Which is either very cool, or very sad. 😂
Sweet, salty, or savory: Here's the thing: i do not like the taste of sweet. All sweet. Every iteration of sweet. My fave chocolate is 85 - 99% and my actual hell is a candy store. So, like, SAVORY all the way. And then salty, natch.
Sleep: What is sleep? Do not compute. Want it, though.
Currently reading: Rivers of London - Ben Aaronovich
Mostly for phrases like: "Being a seasoned Londoner, Martin gave the body the "London once-over" - a quick glance to determine whether this was a drunk, a crazy or a human being in distress. The fact that it was entirely possible for someone to be all three simultaneously is why good-Samaritanism in London is considered an extreme sport - like BASE jumping or crocodile wrestling."
Really, it's all the fun you can eat.
Absolutely zero pressure tags: @stoneserafina @cable-knit-sweater @ace-in-reserve @ohhsodebonair, @voylitscope
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clumsiestgiantess · 1 year
Second addition of @entomolog-t ‘s Soul Shard AU  (the smaller pov):
I have no clue what happened, and only had a split second to figure it out before I was thrown backwards by a force much stronger than I expected.  The ground beneath me jerked forwards too quickly for me to catch myself, and I fell over on my back, the air briefly knocked out of my lungs.  Once I managed to sit back up, my blood ran cold.  I had some hint of where I was by the distinct rumble of a motor beneath me, but as I gazed around at the undersides of seats raised way too far above my head, I was simultaneously thrilled and terrified.  I was me, but not – a smaller version of myself.  Which could only mean.. whoever is driving this car is my soulmate.  Why else would I have ended up like this?  Suddenly seeing everything at a smaller scale meant that I was only one small portion of my soul at the moment, and I'd been brought directly to whoever was destined to be my soulmate.  I must have met them sometime today and hadn't even realized it. 
It took me a while to even get somewhere where I could see them.  I’d shown up directly behind the driver’s seat, which meant I’d have to walk to the side of it to see the driver, which was no small task.  With the floor constantly moving, it was hard to get around.  Nevermind the fact that I was now ridiculously small.  I thought about calling out to my soulmate, before realizing that distracting the driver with something as jarring as myself probably wasn’t the smartest idea.  Until the car came to a stop, I would have to make do with trying to get a good look at them from here.  Before long, the rumble of the engine finally faded out and the floor finally stopped vibrating.  Nerves knotted in my stomach as the driver opened the door to leave.  It wasn’t the best time to second-guess myself, considering I certainly did not want to be left in the car.  “Wait!  I’m still in here!” I called right before the door fell closed.  Out the window high above me, I watched them flinch from behind.  Slowly, the driver leaned into their car and peered confusedly into the backseat.
Oh no.  Oh hell no.  THEM?!  The bewildered driver, my supposed soulmate, was none other than the person I’d bumped into earlier — the one who’d been unnecessarily rude to me before I could even try to apologize.  In a split second, the passenger door was thrown open.  The woman stared me down in what was probably shock, but to four-inch-tall me, it seemed a lot more like malice.  Practically anything could be considered a threat to me at my height, but she seemed threatening even before I was small enough to be held in one hand.  “What the..?”  The moment she uttered those two words, I scrambled away from her as fast as I could, dodging beneath the seat beside me.  I lay grasping the floor with my heart pounding in my ears.  It can’t be them!  It just can’t be!  My blurry vision could faintly make out the shape of someone gigantic looming closer.
Even if I managed to hide from her, what then?  I would still be locked in with no way to escape.  So much as jumping down from the edge of the car to the ground would be enough to break my ankles.  I was torn from my horrific thoughts by the sound of a voice loud enough to have come out of a speaker.  “Hello?  Where did you go?  You.. You must be my soulmate, right?”  I could feel the slight thump of her head resting on the floor to peer under the seat.  Clearly she hadn’t gotten a good enough look at me to recognize who I was.  “Hello?”  The woman called again, and suddenly a gigantic hand slid beneath the seat only a few inches from my face.  I couldn’t help but shriek involuntarily at the sight.  Hesitantly, the massive limb retreated backwards.  “It’s- It’s ok.  You’re my soulmate.  I’m not gonna hurt you.”
She’s only being that nice because she doesn’t know who I am.  What happened to all these niceties on the street?  Taking a few deep breaths to try and steady my voice, I spoke.  “Do you swear you won’t hurt me?  No matter who I am?”  There was a long pause.  I peered out of my hiding place just enough to see her gaze wander in thought.  “Should I want to hurt you?” she asked, confused, “Who are you?”  I tried to back further up, but the end of the seat stopped me after just a few inches.  I let her question sit in silence, but answering it would definitely have been better.  Without an answer to satisfy her, a hand shot beneath the seat again, grasping around in the small space.  I shrieked as her fingertips brushed against me.  Desperately, I tried to cling to something, but soon I was dragged dizzyingly out of my terrible hiding spot.
“No!  Wait!  Please!  I-I’m sorry for bumping into you earlier!  Don’t-!”  My throat squeezed closed before I could say anything else, leaving a frightening silence in the air.  My definitely non-soulmate held me in a fist from the torso down.  I couldn’t help but imagine how many bones she could break by tightening her grip just a bit more.  Even with my eyes closed tightly, I could still feel her scrutinizing me from above.  “Wait a second…”  Without warning, her hand opened up, releasing me into her palm.  I sat up fearfully, gazing up at her with nowhere to go.  “You’re the person who bumped into me a while ago?”  “Please, I-”  “Why are you so worried?” she chuckled, “I thought you were going to be someone a lot worse.  Like my new boss.”  
Gently, I was slid off her palm and onto the seat in front of her.  She looked at me with concern while my mind drew a blank.  “Wh- But-  You were angry with me,” I protested, slowly pulling myself out of my hunched-over stance.  “And?” the gigantic woman replied, slightly amused, “I was angry with you.  For like, five minutes after I walked off.  After that, I forgot about the whole thing.”  I gawked, suddenly feeling very stupid.  All I did was bump into someone.  Why was I so upset over her reaction?  I guess now that my life might’ve depended on it, her reaction had been extremely important to me.  From the moment I recognized her, I chose to play it safe and assume the worst.
Sighing in relief, I sat back on the soccer field sized seat.  “I- I guess I got a bit carried away there.”  I chuckled nervously, glancing up at my soulmate, who watched me intently.  She shrugged after a brief moment.  “Happens to the best of us.  So, will you tell me who you are now?”  “My name’s Alexis.  Sorry for judging you so harshly.”  “That’s alright.  To be fair, I must look rather intimidating to you at that size.  My name’s Erica, by the way.”  I huffed, the tiniest bit annoyed at my much smaller vantage point.  Though she made it clear she wouldn't hurt me, Erica was still more than capable of it.  “Do you know when I get to go back with my bigger self?  I never paid much attention to this type of thing.”  Erica sat back, eyes wide.  “Oh!  I forgot you have a normal-sized version of yourself somewhere.  That means there must be a tiny version of me running around somewhere too.”  She glanced back at me, “Sorry, I don’t remember when that stuff happens.  It’s supposed to be crazy, though.  You gain all these new memories in an instant.  Like deja-vu, even though you haven’t actually seen them before.”  
I looked around the vast space of the car, “So I’m stuck like this.. indefinitely.”  “Eventually you’ll go back.”  “But what am I going to do until then?  It’s not like I can go and live like this; I wouldn’t be able to do anything!”  Erica shifted to sit on the seat beside mine, gesturing to the open car door.  “Well, I just got home.  Why don’t you spend the night?  I could help with anything you might need.”  I thought about it briefly.  If Erica really is my soulmate, then it would be senseless not to take her offer.  “I’ll come with you,” I nodded, “If I can’t trust my soulmate, who can I trust?”  Erica held out a hand for me to step onto and I took it, grateful she hadn’t grabbed me again.  She held her hand steady as she gathered her things and made her way inside.  Though I’d been horribly frightened only minutes ago, I was certain that with our misunderstanding cleared up, things would turn out just fine.
The smol version! It’s always a struggle to pick either the giant or tiny’s perspective whenever I start writing something. Both are so fun to write that I’ll sometimes go and do a bit of both. Hope you enjoyed!
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discobrainrot · 1 year
1. At first, Kim and Jean both feel like they’re invading the other’s territory.
Kim is… new.
New to Harry, new to the 41st, and new to these sorts of feelings. Not queer ones, but ones that pull in multiple directions. He loves Harry’s curiosity, his enthusiasm, and genuine desire to do good. He’s also WILDLY attracted to Harry, and it’s not hard for him to admit.
But there’s something about Jean. Behind his sad, tired eyes, there’s a wickedly sharp wit. He’s funny. He’s dedicated and wants the people around him to experience joy. For fuck’s sake, he showed up to the whirling in a wig and sunglasses to try and make Harry laugh.
Jean does a lot for Harry. He loves him far, far beyond the bond of the RCM. It’s easy to see in every look and gesture, regardless of how much he hides it behind stabbing sarcasm. It’s so obvious that for a long Kim holds himself back. He’s the interloper, the outsider. But it’s okay. He tells himself that he’s used to it. It’s nothing new.
Meanwhile, Jean is grappling with his feelings. The Harry that came back from THE HANGED MAN isn’t his Harry. Well, in some ways, he is. He’s still unstable, still has nightmares and apologizes too much. He still has strong arms and a stupid lopsided smile. He still kicks mailboxes and collects trash, but he’s kinder. Jean realizes that Harry isn’t that kind of animal anymore.
He’s Kim’s animal. He follows Kim around d like a duckling. Obeys him like a dog. Preens under his attention like a cockatoo. He looks at Kim like he’s the next Innocence, and for once, Jean understands why. Kim is cool. He’s smart, he’s an impressive detective, and he’s unerringly honest. He didn’t crack a smile when Jean wore his wig and sunglasses, but he seemed so touched when Harry dedicated his karaoke song to him. It made Jean’s chest ache - not just because he wanted to be the centre of Harry’s attention, but because he wanted to make Kim the centre of his.
By the time Jean realizes he’s having those thoughts, he feels like a fucking traitor. He’s betraying Harry by having feelings for Kim. He’s abusing Kim’s trust and professional boundaries because he’s still interested in Harry. He starts thinking that it’d just be better if he left both of their lives for good. He brings nothing to the table, so why bother?
2. Harry pulls them all together but doesn’t realize he’s doing it. Kinda.
I mean, if it’s normal to be bisexual, is it normal to love two people at once? By Harry’s calculations, it must be. He’s been learning so much about himself and how he fits into the world - as a detective, man, and queer person.
When he starts bringing Kim and Jean over to his place simultaneously, things are awkward but he kind of figured they would be. Dating is always kinda stressful and weird at first, right? So he just keeps inviting both of them around. He’ll put on movies and try to break the tension by keeping everyone talking. It goes on like that, and eventually, the pressure starts to fade.
But Jean and Kim are coping with their own internal battles. Both of them think they’re third-wheeling the other. Jean gets Tense when Harry leans over Kim’s shoulder, mouth close to his ear. Kim is deeply uneasy whenever Harry slings an arm around Jean and pulls him close. But they endure. Harry is happy, and they hope the other is, too.
And then, one night, he sits between them and puts an arm around each of their shoulders. He tells them he’s so glad they have each other and gives each of them a kiss on the cheek. And all. Hell. Breaks. Loose.
Flurries of questions from both Kim and Jean, and Harry answers the best he can. Yes, he really thought all three of them were dating. Yes, that’s something he wants. Yes, he’s sure he’s attracted to both of them. Yes, yes, yes.
And I think it’d be Kim, at the end of his fucking rope, who asks Harry if he wants to watch while he kisses Jean. Still processing everything, Jean doesn’t realize that Harry said yes until Kim leans over Harry’s lap to kiss him. And oh boy. Oh boy, what a night from there.
3. Sleeping next to each other is either a fucking nightmare, or the best thing. No in between.
In the summer - a nightmare. Too hot, the bed is too small, and everything is humid/sweaty. (I say this from the experience of having slept in a double bed with two other guys before. In the summer. Even with AC, we didn’t sleep super well, lol.)
In the winter, though? God. Jean and Kim are huddled around Harry like he’s a heating lamp. He’s constantly on middle-of-the-bed duty. He sleeps on his back the whole winter so each can cuddle up under an arm. And Harry gets the gift of constant Deep Pressure Therapy from both his loves slinging their arms and legs over him. He’s the ultimate teddy bear.
And suddenly, the winters are a lot less hard.
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