#i will give you everything sir
tanktop-lou · 2 years
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justpassingbyoursht · 1 month
Yknow when I first saw Chronos i couldn't quite take him seriously bc he's... he's a twink. who gave him that tiny tiny waist and those birthgiving hips? why is he built like that? i expected a giant or something, i mean the big 3 brothers are built ykno their father should be big muscly guy too right?? and then i realized he's got an hourglass shape and. 😶
my bad supergiant u are right. titan of time. hourglass. titan of time? hourglass. checks out ✓ he is hourglass shaped. an hourglass. ⌛that. that is him. titan of time alright. hourglass
but still that tiny waist
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pocketwei · 1 month
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six feet deep below the street the sky came crashing down
second piece for @opdoffyzine, this one was for the nsfw add-on, Heavenly Pleasure, and also in collaboration with my dearest @hazeism who wrote hawser's smolder (rated E, 1k8 words) THE most banger fic ever for me to illustrate <33 I'll never not be obsessed with Loguetown dfwn so. enjoy....
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heeslomll · 21 days
he is so ceo husband coded <3 (jay i have a big ass, i cook i clean btw)
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moongothic · 7 months
The worst part about trying to figure out what Crocodile's deal is that because he's so fucking irredeemably evil in Alabasta... Like... Yeah he's just irredeemably evil. Like I love him but he did cause countless casualties, a ton of pain and suffering and literally attempted to blow up a million people
Like no amount of theoretical "trying to do it to save his son from the Government" or "trying to stop the Government from hurting anyone else" or just "doing it for the greater good" is going to make him any less of a mass murderer
But also Robin absolutely 100% helped with all of that shit simply because she wanted to read the Poneglyph for herself.
No amount of her intending to betray Crocodile from the begining and sabotaging his plans erases the fact that Robin also caused countless people to starve to death and die in the civil war. Her sabotages only succeeded out of sheer luck, and only spared the lives of the people at the final battle. She has the blood of countless innocents on her hands. Because she wanted to read history.
But her crimes were swept under the rug because she has a sad backstory and her sabotages worked out just at the nick of time by sheer dumb luck
So Croc??? Just??? Is there a chance??? At all???
But also he did literally intend to sell Buggy into slavery
Like, fuck Buggy, but jesus
What's also killing me is that we like. Don't know what Luffy thinks of Crocodile right now. Which really is like. The thing that will decide how we, as the readers, are supposed to feel about Crocodile. Luffy is our POV
Like we don't know what Luffy's opinion of Crocodile is after he helped save Luffy (and spared Ace once) during the Summit War. Like Luffy clearly fucking hated the man in Impel Down and the two interactions they had during the War weren't like positive (in the sense that Luffy himself didn't think of the interactions as particularly positive. Defending Whitebeard from being attacked once and then being like "wait what HIM?!" when Crocodile defended Ace. To be fair, in the midst of the chaos, there wasn't much time to spend on Pondering On Such Things because Ace needed to be saved, and Oda goes out of his way to not show us what's going on inside Luffy's head, because it's all meant to be out in the open anyways. Regardless, these weren't like "yay it's Crocodile! :)" moments for Luffy is what I mean)
But also Luffy was very grateful of Law for saving his life and was willing to put his trust into Law for their alliance- of course, they weren't explicitly enemies to begin with, rivals at most, but still. Luffy respects those who help him.
But also Luffy grew during the timeskip. Like he's not that clueless anymore (like he finally understands Hancock is in love with him etc), and similarly Luffy gets that Buggy is an absolute loser now. But also Buggy did also help save Luffy's life (even if it was by accident), and while IDK if Luffy is aware of that, I don't think that helped improve Luffy's impression of Buggy
So like. The fuck does Luffy think of Crocodile, at this moment? Even with the Cross Guild reveal, he didn't even really comment on Croc and just focused his energy on being confused about Buggy being "the leader" of CG. IDK it feels almost intentional or something, that we don't know what Luffy thinks?? Especially since we did get Zoro's opinion on Mihawk in the situation?? Or am I delulu?? (Sidenote. I'd love to know what Robin would have to say about Crocodile helping save Luffy's life. What Jinbei might think of the final words Crocodile left him with before blasting them out of Akainu's reach. But mainly just Robin's thoughts)
Like IDK my best guess would be that Luffy still hates Crocodile just the same but is like grossed out by technically owing him one??? In the classic
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-kinda way, you know? And that he'd be just kinda confused about it?
Because I can't fucking imagine Luffy being like "oh we're cool now" with Crocodile, let alone "Yay Crocodile :) He saved my life!". But also like. Luffy does kind of owe Croc one. Kind of. And Luffy is usually very respectful of that kind of thing. Aaaaaaaa???
(Also does. Does Luffy even know it was Crocodile who yeeted him and Jinbei out of Akainu's reach to begin with. 'Cause he was unconcious. Knocked the fuck out. Does. Does Luffy even know. Did anybody tell him???)
I just.
There's the reasonable part of me that knows Crocodile is an irredeemable evil dickbag and everything he has ever said and done up to the most recent chapters support that. He is too far gone.
And then there's the absolutely delulu part that loves a tragic villian who gets a heartwrenching redemption that's looking for any fucking sign that could indicate Crocodile could maybe be one
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onceinawhilemoon · 2 months
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yes, Frogwares!Sherlock is very handsome and cute, but i mean have yall seen his brother ????????!!?!???!!!!!!
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lloydfrontera · 5 months
male authors, writing m/m friendships: their bond will develop through hundreds of chapters, we will get to see each stage of their budding relationship, they'll constantly be in each other thoughts, their first instinct will always be to reach for the other, their first worry will always be the other's safety, they'll spend every minute of the day together, they'll be complete opposites and yet perfectly compliment each other, they will put everything they ever loved in risk just to keep the other safe, they will give their life without hesitation to save the other's, they will fight and argue and tease and joke around but they will always be at each other's side at the end of the day, they will plan to spend the rest of their lives together, sharing the happy moments and the hard times, the idea of being without the other being unthinkable, the thought of being always together coming naturally, as easy as breathing.
the same male authors, writing m/f romance: she'll like,, smile once at him and he'll start thinking of marrying her and having children with her idk
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bubbipond · 14 days
Peem, my love, my sweet, sweet baby… It’s time you hang up the QToey wingman role because you barely doing well yourself.
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acourtofquestions · 13 days
Chaol. friggin. Westfall. My old love, who I thought got “unjust treatment” that I would never agree with — WHY oh WHY did you have to go make me change my mind??? Cause I’m sorry but CHAPTER 7 of QoS— SIR what was THAT little stunt!?! IM SORRY but “UNPREDICTABLE” …oh no-no-no sir… I THOUGHT BETTER OF YOU! But oh boy, the tides are changing!
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accursedvoid · 11 months
Can’t wait for unhinged father-son duo Vlad & Dan
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halscafe · 9 months
i simultaneously love and hate how in the dark we are about hush’s plot line
like in this video, we are made to both empathize his character, and fear his intentions and purpose and there’s so much whiplash between the two
like when is this taking place? what are his intentions? what magical species is he?
it’s going to be interesting when his intentions are revealed, and how doc is going to react like will they have grown attached at that point? how attached will hush have gotten?
in conclusion, theorizing is so much fun and i’m terrified for the rest of his story 🤭
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lazybakerart · 11 months
tony cavalero: “I feel like he’s done everything under the sun. So is there like a little bit of, ‘it’s okay, let me teach you,’”
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sleepanonymous · 9 months
I saw the look on your face I watched you try to swallow I've been sitting here for days But still my head is hollow
Lost the chance of an escape From these walls of sorrow Where your footsteps take their place I will surely follow I will surely follow And I will surely follow I will surely follow...
Borrow faith but I would steal To me this world is faithless I know exactly how you feel But I just can't take this
Whatever nightmare, this is real A constant stream of hatred And how it is you look at me If only I could change it If only I could change it If only I could change it If only I could change it...
An open doorway at my feet For fire and missing answers I should think before I speak ‘Cause actions hit you harder
I've been sitting here for weeks Ascending ever higher Hell's got me and all the sinners Climbing hopeless ladders Climbing hopeless ladders Climbing hopeless ladders Climbing hopeless ladders...
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non-un-topo · 10 months
The homoeroticism of carrying a sword
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kenobion · 1 year
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Andrew Garfield at the SBIFF Cinema Society Q&A on tick, tick...BOOM!
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genesis-quoi · 5 months
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nine after destroying the universe
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