#i wonder if the card is going to be kalim instead???
crystallizsch · 24 days
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merakiui · 4 months
Riddle - he spent all week learning how to make aphrodisiac chocolates, but unfortunately he made them a little too strong. You're in for a very fun, very long night. :)
Trey - Both. Why pick just one when both are equally wonderful?
Cater - He doesn't need either when he can use Split Card!! <3
Ace - Aphrodisiac. Arguably one of the few potions Ace masters fairly quickly and it's for nefarious purposes. T_T
Deuce - Flowers and chocolates (cum-free). That's for later in the evening after he's taken you out on the best date of your life!
Leona - Neither. You'll get it straight from the source.
Jack - He gives you actual chocolates. If you want filling (or to be filled), he's more than happy to oblige.
Ruggie - It's purely coincidence you happen to feel hot and bothered after eating the chocolate Ruggie gave you, just as it's purely coincidence you touch yourself according to his every movement.
Azul - He overdoes it every year for Valentine's and this is no different. You're getting an entire spread of sweets, and after you've had your fill he'll spread your legs and indulge in his treat.
Jade - Aphrodisiac. <3 he has all the time in the world to make sure you remember the taste of him on your tongue.
Floyd - Neither. You'll get it straight from the source.
Kalim - Definitely aphrodisiac chocolates. He can't stop feeding them to you. Kalim knows exactly what he's doing when he insists you have just one more. He'll take care of you!!
Jamil - I like to think he'd use both, but then for more dubious purposes perhaps he doesn't need either and resorts to hypnosis...
Vil - Aphrodisiac!!!!!!! Vil is a master of mixing and making poisons. You can be sure he'll have whipped up the most potent aphrodisiac solely for some Valentine's Day fun.
Rook - Both. This is Rook Hunt. He's weird. T_T also, every day is Valentine's Day if you're Rook Hunt.
Epel - Neither. You'll get it straight from the source.
Idia - Both. He definitely gifts you a skimpy cosplay as well. Please grant his wish and wear it just this once. orz
Malleus - Neither. He will get you lots of gifts: flowers or cute plushies. Anything that reminds him of you, really. Plus, he has two dicks. You will be very well-filled by the end of the night, more so than any chocolate or candy ever could be.
Lilia - THAT'S chocolate?????? T_T Lilia cooked...something. You think you'll settle for kisses from him instead. ;;;;; and a bruising round of sex. That's good, too.
Silver - So romantic!!!!! While there isn't any dubious ingredients added to your chocolates, Silver goes out of his way to make sure you feel appreciated and loved. The birds sing for you, draping a flower crown over your head, and guide you to where he's waiting in hopes of asking you on a date.
Sebek - He would never give you a gift! As if! >:( the gift of viewing waka-sama should be enough for you and him! Be grateful to be in his lord's presence!!!!! (Sebek won't admit it, but he wants you to give him head,,, >_<)
Rollo - Very traditional for Valentine's Day. Flower bouquet, a lovely date, holding hands, chaste kisses to your cheek or knuckles....... and then the most sheet-gripping sex you've ever had that night.
Neige - He suffocates you in love omg,,, but if you start feeling a little too hot halfway through your date, don't worry!!! He'll take good care of you. <3
Che'nya - Rather than that, he can just go invisible and toy with you until you're begging him to properly fuck you.
Fellow - He's not extravagant or expensive with it, but he does mean well with his gifts (mostly). Some may come with strings attached, so be forewarned. He's sneaky! However, he's certain he can help you out of that. There are plenty of ways to mitigate an aphrodisiac...
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rendy-a · 10 months
Congrats on the followers 🥳
For the self aware au with Malleus's thing about not being invited to events what about reader making sure he gets an invite by inviting him to the dance with them
Writing this one sure was a roller coaster! I wrote half of it with some random plot that I had no plans for. I'm glad I got a sudden inspiration on how to tie it together! Thanks for joining my event. I hope you like it!
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You’d never have suspected that you’d become a member of the fashion police in another world.  Not that you’d put in any effort into it.  People just seemed to ask your opinion on things.  Ever since the dance was announced, the number of random students who would stop you in the hall to pull out a handkerchief or pair of socks and eagerly request your opinion on the color or material was growing.  You weren’t sure you were even qualified to give expert opinions on otherworldly fashion, but it didn’t seem to matter.  Any item you deemed nice was shown off like a treasure.  If you should happen to pause or trail off instead, the article in question was quickly hidden from view and the unfortunate student requesting evaluation of such an inferior item scurried off equally as quick. 
It surprised you greatly when the requests began and even more when you started to notice some of the names requesting a moment of your time.  Azul asked you to weigh in on a tie.  Kalim came with an armful of bangles that only you could possibly select the best from.  Even Vil had one day haughtily remarked he was going to wear his hair up to the dance and subtly prodded you for an opinion on that.  You had no business giving Savanaclaw A advice on his fashion, let alone Vil, but each time you were requested an opinion, you answered honestly.  Overtime, you’d come to give just about every member of the main cast advice, including the teachers!
Professor Crewel smiled at you like you’d preformed a wonderful trick, “Well done, pup.”  You smiled back indulgently, used to the unique way he addressed his students.  “You may go, Prefect,” Crewel replied, still gazing at the boots you’d said suit him well.  You’d almost made it to the door when Crewel’s voice stopped you, “Matching colors.”  You paused and turned toward him, “What was that?”  Crewel turned his sharp gaze to you, “Everyone is waiting to see whom you attempt to coordinate with.  Such a show of favoritism means a great deal to a young man.  And if it’s with you…”  Oh, well.  That was a complication you didn’t need.
“Get this junk out of here!” Grim complained for the third time tonight.  You look up from the assortment of notes you have spread out over the floor and remind him, “I can’t do that Grim.  If I pick someone to favor, I’m only going to trigger…I don’t know what.  Mass overblot?  Chaos in the streets?  Who knows!”  Grim opens his mouth to disagree but then appears to think twice about it.  “So, what are you gonna do about it then?” he asks softly.  You gesture to the massive network of notes, “I just have to find it here; a color that no one is wearing and pick that one.  Then no one can get offended or misunderstand.” 
From all the fashion advice you’d been giving out, you had a vague idea of what each character of the main cast and good portion of the general student body would be wearing.  That information was spread out on notecards across the Ramshackle Dorm’s floor.  Only, finding the thing you needed was harder than you anticipated.  You’d tried organizing the students by color family, school years and dorms before looking for that elusive missing shade.  Maybe it was Grim walking over your notes or perhaps it was the Ramshackle ghosts playing tricks but every time you think you have it; a card will turn up with your chosen color, turning your unique shade into a matching pair.  
“Ugh,” you toss a handful of cards up, “This is hopeless.”  Grim looks at you from the table where he eats his tuna, avoiding your little project as much as he is able, “So don’t go then.”  You sit up and consider, is that an option?  You tried to picture it.  ‘What do you mean They aren’t coming!  Let’s start a riot!  Everyone to Ramshackle, let’s drag Them out!’  Ok, you were probably being dramatic but still, people in this world weren’t normal about you.  “So, I guess everyone has to go then,” you say as you throw an arm across your eyes and moan to Grim about your ordeal.  He endures your antics for a moment before he mutters, “Not everyone,” under his breath.
You drop your arm and look at him, “What do you mean, Grim?”  He gestures with his eating utensil to your pile of cards, “Tsunataro isn’t there.  Why do I hafta attend a dance if he doesn’t?” Grim scrunches his face and shouts, “I only wanna go to the banquet!  The party ends when the food is gone!”  You’d already tuned out Grim’s complaint on food, instead focusing on Malleus’s omission.  That can’t be right.  You’d have noticed if Malleus wasn’t in your notes, wouldn’t you?  You head over to the Diasomina stack and rifle through them, no Malleus.  Could it be mis-sorted?  You check the entire collection again but still no Malleus.    “How can this happen?  I get that he doesn’t get invited in the game but why didn’t I notice?” you gesture dramatically, “I mean I even sorted them by dorm, for crying out loud!”  Grim slowly chews a bite of tuna as he watches you, “You know, I don’t like to bring it up since you are who you are and all but…why do you think you are so special that you can go against the Will of the World?” 
You consider that point.  When you’d first met Grim, well, you’d sort of freaked out at him.  He’d listened to your ravings about games and characters before calming you down.  He was the only ‘person’ you actually spoke to about the game world and, somehow, he seemed to both believe you and guide you through your unusual situation.  So, when Grim suggests that you are also being restricted by the game plot, you have to give the idea merit and it made you profoundly sad.  You had a soft spot for Malleus, he was one of your favorite characters, and now you might end up forgetting about him like the rest of the cast? 
You put aside your quest for the perfect color, having grown frustrated with that anyway, and pulled out your phone.  Unsurprisingly, you didn’t have Malleus’s number.  Nor Lilia’s, which was odder considering what a social butterfly he was.  You scrolled through your contacts, searching for someone you thought might know his number and settled on Cater.  You seemed to recall a vignette where Cater forgot to invite Malleus to a party, which was not the best of signs, but at least it suggested he had a method of contacting him.
[Hey, Cater!  It’s just me.]
[I mean hi there Great One]
[I mean buddy…great buddy]
[What can Cay-Cay do for you?]
[Do you have Malleus’s number by chance?]
[Oh noes!  I don’t!  So sorry!]
[But I do have Lills number!]
[Want Cay-Cay to hook you up?]
If you texted Lilia, then he’d have your number.  He can be…rather odd sometimes.  Perhaps it was best not to let more people have access to your number.
[Can you just pass a message along?  Ask him to make sure Malleus is invited to the dance?]
[Sure!  You can count on me!]
You couldn’t count on him.  It wasn’t until the very night of the dance that you pulled out your phone to plan where to meet up with your friends and saw the old text.  You felt a foreboding sense of dread for you had fully forgotten about the situation until that very moment.  The power of the plot was no joke.
[Hey Cater]
[Are you here?]
[Where are you?]
[Do you need me?  I’ll do anything you need]
Of course, he was freaking out.  You interrupted his text stream.
[Did you get that message to Malleus about the dance?]
[Ah, Malleus.  Of course.  Let me check]
You didn’t consider texting to be particularly personal, but you can feel disappointment through the text.  You’d have to make it up to him.  While you were waiting, you took a selfie and sent it to Cater. #readytodance.  There, that should cheer him up a bit.
[Ah!  You look so cute in that!]
[I’m totes jealous of your style]
You can picture him making his signature v hand sign as he says that.  At least you could count on Cater to be easy to distract.
[Lils says Malleus was out when he got the text and he forgot]
[I’m SOOOO sorry!]
Dammit.  So, after all your bravado, you’d let him get left out of a social event again.  Some all-knowing Player you were. You sigh and look at the ceiling for a long moment until you hear your phone’s notification chime again.
[So…are you still coming?]
You look at the question puzzled.  What else would you be doing?  You’d spent all this time finding this horrid shade of pink to wear just to attend.  Why did he think your plans might change?  Then you had it.  A smile came over your lips as you knew exactly what you should be doing instead.
[Yeah, tell the guys I’m just going to be a little late.]
The towers of Diasomnia gave off an imposing aura, like that of their master.  The sudden and frequent lightning strikes did nothing to tone down the atmosphere.  He clearly realized he’d been forgotten again and was deep into a sulk.  You kept a wary eye on the sky as you crept closer to the castle gates and finally felt less dread once you were inside.  You didn’t exactly know where Malleus would be but sort of figured you’d try the top of the tallest tower and see how that went.  This was a storybook inspired world, after all.  True to tale, that was where you found him, gazing deep into the darkening night from his window with a sever frown set upon his face.
You knocked carefully on the doorframe.  “Hey,” you called out gently, gaining his attention.  “It’s you,” he says in surprise, “Why, whatever are you doing here alone?” You give him a mournful smile, “That’s what I was going to ask you.”  He clicks his teeth in annoyance, “Where else would I be?  I’m not wanted at their little celebration.  I’ve not such bad manners to attend a party I’m not invited to.  Even if everyone else has been.  The royalty, the nobility, the gentry…” You gesture to yourself and finish for him, “Even the rabble.”   At that, he looks upset, “Certainly not.  I’ll let no one refer to you so.”  You waive your hand, calming down the ire of your draconian friend.
“It was a joke!” you assure him, “I just…thought this color didn’t suit me is all.”  He considers your pink formal wear.  “Is it not to your liking?” he asks musingly.  “Hmm, I don’t know if I’d say that.  It’s more that I didn’t really pick it out totally myself,” you sigh, “There was a whole situation there.  I couldn’t let anyone think I was showing favor or inviting a date or…”  You trailed off, getting an idea.  “Actually, Malleus, what do you think if we…”
You stood at the door to the gardens where the ballroom venue had been set up.  You smiled at Malleus, who stands by your side, and give his hand a nervous squeeze.  “Are you ready for this?”  You were worried about the reaction this entrance is going to cause but apparently Malleus is unphased, “With you by my side, Prefect, I am prepared for anything.”  Perhaps this should have made you happy to hear but all it did was to remind you that even a great dragon mage like Malleus believed ordinary you were capable of amazing feats because you were the famed Player.  Well, if you manage to open this door without setting off a riot, maybe he was right.  You stepped in front of the door, grasped the handle, pulled it open and entered the ballroom.
Two things happened immediately.  Firstly, you looked in shock at the sea of pink filling the ballroom.  You’d spent weeks helping the students of NRC choose outfits and sneakily collecting notes on what they planned to wear only to have basically everyone change their formal wear last minute.  And to pink, surprisingly.  At the same time you were entering the ballroom and taking in the array of pink, the gathered students were noticing you.  And how you weren’t wearing pink.
“GREEN!” Epel shouts, “Why’m I wearin’ PINK if the Prefect is wearin’ GREEN!”  The aggravated boy isn’t alone.  A crowd of angry students gather around Cater.  Azul pushes his glasses up and peers at Cater from between his fingers as he speaks enquiringly, “Were you attempting to make fools of us, Cater?”  The nervous third year glances at the menacing Leech twins that accompany Azul, all three in matching pink suits and fedoras.  “Of course not!” Cater stammers with his hands up, “Why would I be dressed like this otherwise?”  The formidable crowd of pink adorned students considers Cater and his equally pink formal wear carefully.
“Hey guys,” you say as you carefully push your way through the crowd, Malleus following in your wake, “What…what’s going on here?”  Cater clutches onto your sleeve and exclaims, “PREFECT!  I’m SO GLAD to see you HERE.  In…in green.  Wha, what happened to the pink from that pic?  You…you looked so good in that.”  You give him a sheepish smile, “Ah yes, about that…”  You gesture to Malleus who smiles proudly at your side, “I thought it would be better to match with Malleus, since he is always getting left out of things like this.  So, I had him use some color-changing magic to change my clothes to Diasomnia green!” 
There is a moment of silence as everyone takes that in.  Then that silence is broken when Jamil smiles a most devious smile and remarks, “Color-changing magic?  Is that so?”  Then several other students look slyly at each other and draw their magic pens.  “Hey,” you say backing away slowly, “Let’s not go crazy here…”  It’s not surprising when Deuce, who rarely thinks things over, is first to shout his spell.  It is unfortunate though, that his magic is so unpracticed, resulting in your garment taking over a spattered pattern of blue; much like paint covering the cloth. 
“That won’t do,” you hear Riddle tut from the side of you, “I’ll fix that up for you.  My apologies, Prefect.”  With that, a much firmer wave of magic washes over you and you see that your formal wear is now a vibrant red.  “Red?” you say questioningly before looking up to see a sly smiling Riddle has also changed his own garment back to the original Queen’s Red.  “I see how you want to play this,” Vil remarks sharply, “Well, if you want a challenge, you’ve got one! Rook!” The deviously smiling huntsman barely joins the Dorm leader of Pomefiore before an utter cacophony of spells begins.  In just a few moments, you were hit with at least fifty spells, causing you no harm but nearly knocking you off your feet. 
Malleus catches you, lending you a supporting hand and you look up at him gratefully.  Then you sadly consider the state of your formal wear.  So many spells landing at once seems to have caused an unexpected reaction.  Now, instead of your garment being one color, it shifted from one to the next as each spell fought for dominance over your clothes.  You look beseechingly at Crowley, who is chaperoning the dance.  He sighs, “There isn’t anything to be done until it settles, I’m afraid.”  You look at Malleus for confirmation but he only frowns, not able to meet your disappointed gaze.  You feel a pat on your back and Lilia remarks, “You know, it has a certain charm this way.  Yes, I rather like it.” 
You give him an exasperated sigh, shaking the hem of your color shifting garment, “I can barely look at it.”  Lilia laughs and suggests, “Well then don’t look!  You’re not meant to look down when dancing anyway.”  Such practical advice from Lilia makes you snort at him, but his words have reached you.  Fine then, you can’t change the situation, but you could control how the rest of the night went.  The three fae waited patiently for you to respond.   You turn and calmly ask, “Malleus, may I invite you to dance?”  With a glad smile, he takes your hand and leads you to the floor.  You glide through the dance with your prince and color changing garment.  First pink, then green and now blue.  It’s a sight like something from a tale you’d heard long ago.  A tale you’d make end happily ever after.  It was up to you to decide; you were the Player, after all.
Malleus happily opens his shrine to the Player and adds a scrap of unusual color shifting fabric to the collection.  For now, his treasure would sparkle and change; offering him a reminder of the first dance he’d ever been invited to (and by the Player, no less!).  Someday, he knew the magic would fade and the small scrap of fabric would settle on one color.  No matter what color that was, Malleus knew that he’d change it to green.  Afterall, it didn’t matter how the story began, just that it ended with you and him paired in Diasomnia green.  He had to honor your decisions.  You’d chosen him and you were the Player, after all.
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2-lines-and-a-circle · 8 months
Naive vs kindness
So as everyone has been unveiled for the new event, I was excited to see an event focusing on Kalim, Ortho, and Ace. I feel as though this is going to be a fun group. However, I’ve also noticed these three have some strong traits that tie into each other. Once again this is just my thought, so feel free to disagree or agree. 
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Kalim is undoubtedly kind, but that often can be overlooked as him being naive. I personally don’t see his kindness as him being too naive, rather I see it as his truth. Kalim is someone who takes things as people say, he puts trust into other’s words and believes them earnestly. However, the problem here is that he’s surrounded by people who know how to use this trait of his to their advantage. Instead of it being an honest truth it’s now tied to him being naive because he isn’t aware of what others are doing to him. Quite a problem, but it doesn’t seem like those closest to him truly try to tell Kalim he’s being taken advantage of. You could argue Jamil tries his best, but most of the time he tends to divert the situation. One could also argue that it’s Kalim’s fault as he’s blind to it. In the upcoming event story, I have a feeling Kalim will get lured to the circus on the account he believes he’s doing something good. On another note, Kalim has a piano behind him in his card, but it’s broken which is unusual for Kalim. Especially since he’s a member of the light music club and values music greatly. 
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Now for Ace, I think he’s both kind and naive, even if he’s not the nicest. Ace has a very roundabout way of being kind, which is kinda similar to Lilia. They won’t say it straight up, but it’s enough to tell what they want to show or mean. As for him being naive, I think it’s his ignorance. He often forgets to read the fine print especially if he got involved with Azul when he was warned several times from Riddle. This would be the only way I could really see him getting involved in the circus. It’s that or maybe we’re getting Ace’s brother!!! I highly doubt it though, but it would be interesting if Ace’s brother was there as a magician or something. I’m only saying this because he learned magic tricks from his brother, and you often see them at circuses. But you know what you also see? Showmen. Ace’s outfit looks more like a showman than anything else and with his pose it looks like a show is going on. So maybe he’s playing a role which entitles him to be a puppet for the performance? Like is he tricked into performing??? Plus, with all the clocks I think there’s going to be something to do with time, maybe there's a time limit. 
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Lastly, Ortho! I have high hopes for what we’re going to see with Ortho, especially since he’s going to be with Ace in another event! Otho is naive in the sense that he is learning about the world. Other than that aspect I can’t really see him being naive otherwise. For his kindness I would say I think he has just as much as the average person, but it’s a little selective. I can’t see Ortho being nice to those who have done him or those closest to him harm. Nor do I think Ortho is the most forgiving character. It’s a little tough to say where he truly lies on the meter for me. In regard to his card and the connections to the story, I wonder if he’s trapped. Ortho is the only character who is visually upset in his card. Plus, there’s a bird cage near him and with the solo spotlight, it looks like he’s trapped like a doll. Which is why he could possibly not have his heart flame visible. 
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yuurei20 · 8 months
Jamil Info Compilation part 33: Worrying, Flattery and Deuce
Kalim is often commenting that Jamil is a “worrier,” saying that he should take life a little easier.
Jade makes a similar comment, while Floyd says that it is “more like paranoia.”
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During Firelit Sky, Najma says that she worries about Jamil: “You put on a real good show of being a decent guy in public, and you do a great job taking care of everything. But you can take silly things way too seriously sometimes, and you can be so stubborn. It makes me worry that you’re pushing yourself too hard.” Jamil insists that he is doing just fine. (It is unclear if Firelit Sky takes place before or after the events of Book 4.)
Jamil is prone to flattering people: When Vargas compliments his flying ability he says “It’s really all thanks to your splendid instruction,” and he flatters “the fairest of them all, Vil Schoenheit” so heavily in a vignette that Vil calls him out on it to his face.
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This is possibly the source of Vil’s voice line, “Those who play their cards close to their chest have a knack for distasteful tactics, I find. I’ll need to watch out for Jamil.”
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In Book 5 Jamil refers to Grim and the player character as “diamonds in the rough,” saying, “I bow before you, sir…surely you two can find us a solution using your sparkling intellect!”
Much like Vil, Riddle also calls Jamil out on his patronizing flattery.
When discussing suit colors for Lilia Jamil says, “I think you could make any color work,” to his face, but silently reflects, “Who cares about the color? I just want to go to bed.”
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Jamil is one of very few characters who has ever seen Deuce in delinquent mode, following him to a forest during Halloween with the intention of intervening when Deuce seems to be getting swept up in a group of Magicam Monsters.
Instead, Jamil witnesses Deuce telling off his former friends for daring to threaten his new ones, leaving Jamil to wonder what it was he just saw.
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Jamil and Deuce overlap again during Culinary Crucible, where Jamil talks to Deuce about his mother and impresses him with his knife-handling skills. They meet up briefly during the Wish Upon a Star event as well, when Deuce goes to Kalim and Jamil for their opinions on his dancing.
Deuce has a voice line about Jamil fixing the lace on his Halloween costume, saying, “I guess all vice housewardens are good at looking out for others.”
During New Year’s Jamil brings snacks for Deuce and Kalim while they work at the school store, offering to take over their jobs for them while they eat.
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(Deuce usually, strictly refers to all upperclassmen as "last-name-senpai," and he does so with Jamil, as well, when Jamil first appears. After he gifts Deuce with a sandwich, however, Deuce makes a one-time exception to his rule, saying "Jamil-senpai" instead of "Viper-senpai" when he thanks him.)
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This is revealed to be a ploy to acquire an “amazing ticket” using Scarabia students that Jamil has employed for the purpose. The students reveal they are working for Jamil, but Deuce does not seem to notice.
Jamil purchases the bag, but they were mistaken: the bag contained meal tickets for special lunches at the cafeteria.
Jamil says he might give the tickets to the students who helped him.
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yuri-is-online · 8 months
for the 500 followers event, could i request prompt 6 for jamil and ace?
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Of course you can my darling friend. This was by far the most popular prompt, which really should not have surprised me but it did because I am ever so slightly dumb.
notes: they/them used for Yuu, Ace is a brat, I decided to try and write Jamil post overblot but before Chapter 6 this time for a bit of a challenge, so he is a bit more comfortable with his feelings for the prefect. The other event requests can be found on my masterlist here.
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"It is easier to prevent a bad habit than to break one." Jamil remembers seeing that on your notes, a simple saying generic enough to have been thought up in both your worlds. Like many things in this world, Jamil had associated it with Kalim. So many bad habits formed over so many coddled years, certainly he was immune from such criticism himself. But he wasn't, there is a particularly nasty habit biting at his tongue, begging him to choke on his intended words and stuff his intelligence to the back of his mind.
"Prefect please take off your mask and see yourself up to the balcony. And with our first victim selected," Crewel waves his hand in a show of magical theater Jamil would have otherwise been impressed with "the night falls once again, as a reminder dear detective you only have one chance to make the correct guess, let's not be hasty."
Jamil had, without much thought he realizes now as he surveys the scene before him, intended to let this game go on for a good while. Middling results had been the only thing he was allowed to produce, and unless Kalim was the first "victim" he would be content to let the killer pick off a few students, and only naming them when he could be assured no attention would be drawn to his "brilliant reasoning."
That's not the outcome he wants from this situation. He keeps to the outskirts, eyes darting around for that poor actor unfortunate enough to have been placed in his dormitory, and completely at his mercy in both this game and whatever else the boy might have planned. It's a curious feeling, this desperation for a single person's praise instead of an entire room's, seconded only to the idly possessive anger at the thought of any genuine harm coming to Yuu that intensifies when he's forced to look into the shining eyes of this B-List Scarabia resident.
"Can I see your card please?" he presents his, wicked smile gracing his face at the brief look of surprise that the younger student gives, only growing as the shock stretches into awe.
"Wow Jamil," he passes over the killer's card almost in a daze "I didn't realize you liked the prefect that much."
"That didn't have anything to do with it." All amusement immediately falls, that fear from the before times roaring back when he was insistent on not admitting to himself, let alone other people, that he had any affection for anyone other than maybe his family and even then never out loud. "You started showing tells as soon as Crowley gave you the card." It's true, and directs him towards his appropriate shame for someone claiming to represent the Sorcerer's spirit of mindfulness instead of the truth he had intentionally unearthed.
Yuu has everything to do with it. There is a constant thrumming desire for praise in every beat of his heart that they sate like no other. Kalim would praise a fish for swimming, his dorm mates have had their expectations sadly lowered by his leadership, but Yuu, lovely despite their unpredictability Yuu has a voice that drowns out all others.
Praise me, praise me until I am completely satisfied and don't be surprised when I always demand more.
Sometimes you wonder why Rook chose to call you Trickster when Ace existed.
"Ahhh because Monsieur Heart wears himself on his sleeves so beautifully it would be a shame to not recognize it."
Bullshit, you huff to yourself as Ace laughs as Crowley reads out your death sentence and shooes you up to the balcony with his expected indifference, Rook just saw his Queen of Hearts mandated make up and got lazy. Sure, Ace's face settles into something more serious once he sees you are no longer looking, sure he flinches when he reaches out after you and gets ignored. And sure, Rook sees all of this with a self satisfied grin on his face, already satisfied enough with this victory to wonder just what he should do for the rest of the game.
It's not exactly like Ace is going to be an actual obstacle to his hunt after all.
This sucks ass and Ace doesn't really want to admit to himself why. Protecting Yuu is something he really prides himself on; as much as he might like to say that he only ever puts forward the bare minimum, or that his goals were only to beat his housewarden, or meet the measure of his upperclassmen, the real truth was that he just wanted Yuu to be safe. Most of the time he did a good job hiding that.
That time was not tonight.
"Say, did you see who Yuu was talking to before-" he mimes a knife across the throat and dies a little inside, despite the tight grin on his face. Hurting Yuu is unacceptable, even if it's in a game he's the only one allowed to make them the butt of the joke because he's the only one whose intentions are never actually mean. He barely registers Crowley announcing another victim, even as Ace makes sure to note the name he continues his line of questioning to those who were around them.
“Did you know that was the prefect?”  Most people did not.  What a bunch of losers, how could they not realize who they were talking to?  Did they just forget everything that had happened this past school year?
“They didn’t seem surprised to get picked.”  He noticed that himself genius, try harder.  Or don't, he doesn’t need another numbskull accidentally hurting Yuu with their stupidity.
“Oh they looked really annoyed!  Did you make them mad again?” 
“What do you mean again?”  Ace glares at the person even as he backtracks into his own mind hyper aware of all the times he’s made Yuu mad, some very much intentional as Crowley calls out yet another set of victims and he grinds his teeth together looking for a pattern.
“Vil Schoenheit!  Oh dear I thought you would be quite safe.  Please take off your mask and make your way up to-" As the headmage drones on Ace finds his head whipping around to make eye contact with an all too amused looking upperclassman, who suspiciously isn't wailing at all.
"Monsieur Heart you look quite troubled," Rook's sympathetic head shake would fool most anyone in the room, but not Ace, not when he's this upset "has the loss of your bosom friend affected you that much?"
"Oh fuck off and give me your card." He tries to pass himself off as annoyed at loosing the game, but Rook circles him like a particularly annoying bird, if only someone could name one. "You're not the one who has to listen to their whining every time someone singles them out from the crowd." Rook tuts, not particularly annoyed at having "lost" as he passes over his card.
"Non, non, there are three things you cannot hide Monsieur Heart, a cough, poverty and-" mercifully Rook shushes himself as Yuu appears, but he doesn't have to finish his sentence. It shines through in Ace's eyes, the way he jumps at the little backhanded praise Yuu gives as he needles for more, heart firmly bleeding on his wrist as his hand seeks out the small of their back to guide them away from all perceived threats back towards the safety of the roses.
As if Ace could ever claim to be a trickster when he only ever wants to fool himself.
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ryuichirou · 5 months
It’s been a while! Being productive at the end of the year is truly one of the most difficult things in the world… But here are some replies~
simplydlightfuldestiny asked:
Whenever I look at the shroud brothers or specifically Idia, I kept thinking: I wonder if he would be hooked of angelique layer?
It's an old series made by CLAMP (card captor sakura, tsubasa chronicles, etc..)
But basically it's a battle of figurines that's linked to your mind and teamwork. I think he may have gotten inspired by it when he first made ortho.
You know, I also wonder what kind of anime Idia used to like as a kid and which ones he likes now. He seems to enjoy the “cute girls doing random things” genre, but he’s also definitely a man of culture that has a lot of favourite titles of all kinds of genre. He definitely would like something from CLAMP.
I haven’t seen Angelique Layer, but BATTLE OF FIGURINES!! That’s fun.
Maybe he did get inspired by it to some degree (he absolutely got inspired by anime, let’s be honest), but I can also imagine Idia realising the similarities later, maybe when he rewatches it together with Ortho.
Anonymous asked:
What would be one example of Azul and Idia being affectionate with one another
What are you talking about, Anon? They're always affectionate.... 🥹
But I’ll answer your question properly as well!
It’s very difficult to catch these two being affectionate with one another due to their condition (“being allergic to being emotionally open and vulnerable”), these instances are quite rare, but also completely depend on Azul’s mood. Idia just prefers not to do anything; the most thing you’d get from him is that sometimes he won’t tease Azul for being affectionate. Sometimes he might even kiss him back or push his cheek against Azul’s in a surprisingly cute way. But for that to work they need to be alone and frankly to shut the fuck up. And once again, Azul needs not to feel bitchy and pissy that day.
But also, these two are the most passionate for each other when they do something together and it works. Especially Azul. If something that he and Idia have been working on works exactly how they’d planned it, he’ll get so overjoyed that he’ll hug and kiss Idia, scaring the shit out of him…
Anonymous asked:
Do you think if Jamil died then Kalim would turn out like Prince Soma in Black Butler? Go from happy to angry-despair?
I honestly believe that Kalim would overblot if something happened to Jamil. I say it every time we’re getting asked about Kalim’s possible overblot (which I find almost impossible, unless something happens to Jamil lol).
But if he is defeated and calmed down, it’d definitely affect his disposition for quite some time. A lot of it also depends on just how Jamil died in this scenario… But even if there is a culprit, I feel like Kalim would be more sad than angry.
Which doesn’t mean that he won’t brutally punish the culprit (which really goes against his morals, so it’d be extra painful), and also doesn’t mean that his mental state won’t progressively get worse and worse. Maybe he’ll become apathetic, maybe he’ll become even more self-indulgent, but deep inside he’ll mourn Jamil forever.
Anonymous asked:
Any thoughts on Ruggie x Idia?
“Oh Ruggie deserved it” was my first thought lol please give him all the S.T.Y.X. money. Azul would have to fight the hyena boy yet again!!
But in all honesty, that vignette where Ruggie saw Idia stalking Jack during the PE class and didn’t tell on him was quite nice. Even though it was for Ruggie’s own benefit, I like how he prefers to build connections instead of immediately trying to blackmail Idia for some perks.
+ I really like the fact that Ruggie seemed to be aware that Idia Shroud is _that_ Shroud, while the rest of the cast seemingly either didn’t think much about Idia at all or believed that he just happens to have the same last name as that rich and powerful family. It just shows who really pays attention lol
In general, even though they really don’t have all that much in common, at the same time both of them have this pragmatic side and “mind your own business” side, so I think they could get along or at least have interesting interactions. One thing that they definitely would have a conflict about is the fact that Idia clutters his place with merch and stuff, and Ruggie absolutely wouldn’t understand the idea of collecting useless items (we’ve seen this conflict during their Glorious Masquerade interactions)… So there is a lot of “food” for this ship if you think about it.
So yeah, we’re not deeply into them, but we definitely aren’t opposed to them as a ship.
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xenya1111 · 2 years
Season of the witch 🕷
Ever wondered how the dorm leaders would react to a witch S/O?
Readers name is: Y/N
This is in 3rd persons P.O.V but reader is female.
Warnings: There are some very minor chapter 6 spoilers in Idia’s scenario and Vil’s as well. Also, I know there’s different things in each practice, I’m simply using the examples that come to mind. (For Leona’s I know some people do different rituals, I’m just doing a ritual that I personally am familiar with.) Also I did decide to do Jamil instead of Kalim for this one as well, apologies. Likes and shares are appreciated!
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Riddle Rosehearts
It was simply an ordinary day, Riddle had planned on paying a visit to Ramshackle dorm, mainly wanting to see you and perhaps talk over a cup of tea. He actually had a free day today, having finished all of his work earlier than usual. It was rare for Riddle to actually have time to spare, so instead of doing more work, he decided to spend it with you.
In the beginning of the relationship, Riddle had noticed a few odd things about you. He noticed how you weren’t too frightened by the fact that you’d traveled to another world, not to mention a world that was full of magic. But you weren’t really scared, no. Instead, you were fascinated by this world. Riddle had always wondered why you weren’t terrified, but, unbeknownst to him? He would soon find out.
As soon as Riddle opened the door to Ramshackle dorm, he was greeted by the smell of burning rosemary incense, as well as the faint smell of lavender & roses. He walked into the living room area, where he first saw it. A circle of salt surrounding you, and you sitting in a meditative position. You were whispering something under your breath, unaware of your lovers presence.
Riddle, for a few moments, was unsure of what to do. He recognized it to be some sort of practice, he wasn’t dumb. It was sort of obvious that you were a type of human witch. Riddle wasn’t sure if he should interrupt you or leave you be. As he looked around the room, he noticed certain symbols etched onto candles, herbs scattered across the floor, tarot cards on the table, and other things he couldn’t name. Suddenly, you giggled and faced him, having felt his presence long ago, but simply let him look around. He jumped a bit after hearing you giggle.
“Sorry Riddle. I was meditating. I wasn’t expecting you to come by my place, with how busy you always are.” You exited your salt circle and walked over to him. Embracing him, you kissed him. Kissing you back, he pulled back slightly afterwards to speak,
“I wasn’t sure what to do, I thought it would’ve been rude if I’d interrupted you. Are you a human witch by any chance?” He questioned. You silently nodded at him.
“Well that does explain why you weren’t too scared of everyone here. You were already familiar with the world of magic.” He stroked your hair and kissed your forehead. You smiled and looked down.
“Its sort of difficult to explain, but only up until recently have I been way more in tune with my abilities. I wasn’t actually sure if I should tell you or not, mainly because I was sort of scared of what you’d say. Initially, I thought you’d just find me weird.” You mumbled. Riddle grabbed your cheeks and made you look at him.
“Love, I find the fact that you’re a witch fascinating. To me, at first, it was a bit odd, seeing you in a salt circle on the floor, but I realized this must’ve been one of your personal practices. So instead of finding it weird, I find it beautiful, just like you. It seems everyday I learn different things about you, my dear.” Riddle smiled and closed the distance with you.
“Thank you Riddle.” You smiled and hugged your lover. If you had him appreciate you like this, what more could you ask for?
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Leona Kingscholar
Leona decided one day to go over to ramshackle dorm, mainly since you were his favorite pillow and he couldn’t really sleep well without you. It was late, the moon started to pop out, and you hadn’t shown up to Savanaclaw yet, so he went looking for you, normally he’d just nap without a care in the world, but until you stepped into his life, he’s gotten used to you being by his side. After arriving at your house his nostrils flared, the smell of something burning caught his attention.
Running past the gates, him worried something was happening, he noticed that it wasn’t your place on fire. As a matter of fact, your place looked completely fine. His brow twitched, wondering where the scent of something burning was coming from. After going in and checking Ramshackle dorm, he found that you weren’t there.
One thing he did find, however, were books. Tons of them, filled with a different language he didn’t understand, handwritten from the looks of it, top it off the pages were also filled with symbols he hadn’t seen before. He smelled the faint scent of jasmine incense and sage. Looking around your room, he saw a multitude of crystals adorning your night stand.
Leona, being a smart guy, already guessed that you were most likely a human witch. He wasn’t stupid, he knew what witchcraft was. Thing is, he still couldn’t find you, and you were more important than that for now. He’d ask you later of course. After walking out of your room, the three ghosts appeared in front of him.
“If you’re looking for Y/N, she’s in the woods.” Ghost A explained.
“Yeah, tee hee, she’s doing a ritual.” Ghost B said. Leona’s ears perked up at the word ritual.
“N’ what type of ritual is she doin’?” Leona asked the ghosts. Walking past them to go look for you, he heard the third ghost say,
“She’s praising the full moon or something like that, hehehe! You’ll find her easily, she’s making a bonfire so you should be able to find her from the smoke.” Ghost C said, Leona having already exited the front door, but he heard him loud and clear. Looking around, he soon spotted an area from which smoke was rising, deep in the woods.
“Alright, my little witch. Where are ya?” Leona said, smirking to himself, soon afterwards walking towards the smoke. As Leona walked through the woods, he heard the faint beat of a drum. It was a primal beat, and it sent a shiver down Leona’s spine. It almost made him pause to listen to the beat, but he figured he’d enjoy it more once he got to you.
Once he arrived at the bonfire, not only did the smell of smoke welcome him, but your enchanting singing also lured him in. The smell of sage burning as well as the very faint smell of mint, mingled wonderfully with the drum beats that echoed throughout the forest. He looked over at you sitting in a circle, with a star in the middle, creating a pentagram. A few crystals surrounded you, as well as the drum that sat in front of you.
Leona slowly walked up to you, but he hesitated once he got near you. He wasn’t sure if he should interrupt you or let you be since this was your ritual and he didn’t want to interrupt. But he did want to be there with you, even if you were in your own little world. He decided to simply call our your name.
“Oi, YN.” He called out, waiting for a response. You flinched, then turned around to see your boyfriend. Your eyes widened and you got up.
“Crap, I didn’t know you would be looking for me. What are you doing here?” You asked meekly. Leona raised an eyebrow at you.
“You know, with all of the things your doing right now, I should probably be askin’ you that. But I won’t, since I know that this is your practice is it not?” You nodded at him. You walked over to him and embraced him. He buried his face into your hair and inhaled. He felt instantly relaxed with you back in his arms.
“If it’s not obvious enough, as you can see from the bonfire and everything, I’m a witch. I wasn’t exactly sure how to bring it up, since I originally thought you wouldn’t really care. But I never thought you’d walk in on one of my rituals.” You buried your face in his chest, feeling a tad bit embarrassed. He chuckled and lovingly stroked your hair, placing a kiss on your temple.
“It’s kinda thrilling knowin’ that your girlfriends a witch. I suppose that’s why you weren’t too scared when you arrived here. I find it fascinating knowing that my herbivore practices stuff like this.” He smirked at your pout.
“Y’know, I’ve always been one, a witch. Ever since I was little I would always see stuff that I shouldn’t have been seeing. I’ve only recently come to accept that I’ll always see stuff like that.” You lifted your hands and fondled with his braids. He locked eyes with you and smirked.
“Ya think i can join in on your little ritual?” Your eyes widened before you laughed.
“Of course Leona.” You dragged him over to your drum, sat back down with him and started to make beats with it. Leona found himself placing your head on his shoulder and relaxing with you. It’s things like this he would look forward to with you in the future, he looked forward to being with you in general, but hearing your beautiful voice and the primal beats of the drum, was also a nice addition to the mix, he also didn’t admit it but he felt very energized now that he had joined you. He felt, alive, in a way. It called to something primal in him, and he liked it. He definitely wouldn’t mind joining you once in a while.
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Azul Ashengrotto
Azul surprisingly, had free time today, it was closing hours at the mostro lounge, yet you hadn’t popped up like you usually do. Azul found himself getting a bit antsy, since you usually popped up right after the lounge was about to close.
The twins soon finished closing the lounge, having escorted the last customer out, then walked over to your boyfriend, who was still pondering over what he should do since you weren’t there with him.
“Hey Azul, Where’s shrimpy?” Floyd said, his bored look complimenting his bored tone. Floyd liked hanging around you since you were just so squishy to him, he also found you fascinating. He and Jade had a feeling you were something else, from the moment you started dating both of them had time to observe you. They still hadn’t figured out what you were but there was something they knew was different about you, they just weren’t sure what you were. Jade soon said,
“I do suppose it’s odd, since Y/N usually shows up after closing hours. Perhaps you should go and look for her. We’ll take care of things here, Azul.” Jade said.
“Alright then, I’ll drop by ramshackle dorm.” Azul said, soon after leaving the lounge to go look for you. After arriving at your place, he quietly entered, not knowing if you were asleep or if you were busy. He had only been to ramshackle once, and even then he wasn’t really used to being in your home all the time.
It’s times like these that remind him of how grateful he is to have you by his side. He wasn’t sure what you saw in him but he loved the fact that you appreciated him and loved him for who he was. You didn’t care about his faults, you forgave him so lovingly. You had always been so kind to him, heck, when he even showed you his mer form for the first time, you were actually gushing about how cool and adorable he looked.
He did notice a few things when starting out a relationship with you, on certain days you would carry different crystals, always stuffing them into your pockets, making sure no one noticed. He did notice of course, he was always curious as to why you’d carry crystals around. He was into shiny things after all. So he figured one day he’d go right out and ask you. Although, he never exactly got the chance to, since the two idiots you hang around with came and stole all of your attention.
After entering your place, he was greeting with the lovely scent of citrus incense burning, as well hints of coconut. He followed the scent into the living room, to where he found you sitting in a salt circle meditating, with what looked like a pendulum in your right hand. He looked around your living room, instead of feeling shocked, he found it fascinating, it was like walking into a cute little trinket shop. It looked different from the last time he came in here. After all the last time he came in here was when he swindled you into that deal and took ramshackle dorm from you.
Ultimately, he regretted doing those things to you, even though he apologized consistently, and you constantly told him it was fine, he still couldn’t help but feel really guilty about throwing you out of the only thing you considered a home. He didn’t really remember much detail to it before now, since you hadn’t bothered decorating it before, but now, as he looked around he saw the wonders of your newly decorated home, he found himself utterly fascinated by it.
Skulls, incense, feathers, crystals, books that were filled with mysterious writing and symbols, tarot cards sprawled out onto your coffee table, other things he couldn’t name. He honestly fell in love with all your little Knick knacks and all of your crystals. He wasn’t exactly sure what you were but he figured you must have been some sort of human witch if you collected stuff like this. You reminded him of that mermaid he heard of countless times, the one who constantly collected different things from the surface.
He hadn’t said anything to you yet, and you must have been in a deep meditation since you hadn’t notice your lover standing there yet. He wasn’t entirely sure if he should bother you or not, since you really were deeply meditating, but he missed you dearly, and the selfish part of him said to call out your name.
“Y/N?” He called out, waiting for you to reply. You flinched and turned around, dropping your pendulum but paying no mind to it, eyes growing wide as you saw your boyfriend standing there for who knows how long. You cleared your throat and asked him,
“Azul? I didn’t think you’d be dropping by! I’m sorry I didn’t notice you I was just-“ you looked around, your face beginning to feel hot. He chuckled and approached you, stopping right outside your salt circle.
“Angelfish, are you by any chance, a human witch?” He asked you, lifting your chin with his fingers, making you look at him. You nodded shyly and he smiled at you.
“Truly, I would have never imagined you were a witch, but that would explain why you carried different crystals on different days. It seems I’m learning new things about you everyday, my dear.” He soon embraced you and you gladly hugged him back.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner, I was just afraid of what you would think. I wasn’t sure if you’d accept me or if you’d think it was weird-“ Azul interrupted you by placing a kiss on your lips, silencing you. Pulling away for a moment, he said,
“Angelfish, please don’t say such things like that. I truly appreciate you, you know? I would never think your practice is weird, as a matter of fact, I find it fascinating! Especially with all the little trinkets I saw when I walked in, like your crystals and your skulls and all of your other little Knick knacks, I love all of it. Including you.” He held your face once again and softly kissed you. You giggled, then pressed your forehead against his.
“Thank you Azul, I love you.” He smiled and told you the same. After picking up your pendulum, you two then went off into your room after you’d cleaned up the rest of your area, him asking you questions about all of your little trinkets and your crystals along with their different meanings. You found it adorable, with the way he seemed to take an interest in witchcraft. If he loved you this way, by appreciating you and your practice, then you definitely knew in your heart he was a keeper.
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Jamil Viper
It’s extremely rare for Jamil to have time off, but seeing how he hasn’t hung out with you in some time now, and seeing how he missed you dearly, he decided to finish all of his cooking and cleaning earlier than usual. He left Scarabia in the hands of the students he trusted most, and rushed to find you.
It’s times like this when he remembers how he became so infatuated with you. He initially thought you didn’t like him, especially with how he lied to you. He felt such shame when he snapped out of his overblot, he waited for you to be mad at him and leave him. But instead you cried and asked if he was okay, tending to his injuries and making sure he got proper rest.
~Let’s go on a trip down memory lane~
“Jamil, why are you cleaning again? I thought I told you I’d be helping you for now. Please, you need rest.” You ushered him back to his bed after seeing him break into a fever after cleaning, he was pushing himself too hard. He let you push him into bed, him not having the heart and strength to tell you no. Even Kalim had noticed his fever and ordered him to rest.
Seeing how you genuinely wanted him to get better, if he knew any better, he’d listen to you. But he wasn’t used to having people care after him, not to mention look after him with such love and affection before. With the fate that was handed to him, he was used to taking care of others all the time. He was not used to having you on his case, telling him about how he should be in bed, or how he should be taking better care of himself. As you put a cold, damp rag on his forehead and his neck, he asked you quietly,
“Why do this for me? Don’t you hate me? After I lied to you? That person wasn’t the real me you know. You should have distanced yourself from me, and yet here you are, taking care of me.” Jamil said quietly. Your lips trembled and your voice cracked a bit.
“You know you are right. I will admit that. I should be mad at you, but I’m not. How could I be mad at you, when you’ve felt this way for so long, and you weren’t able to do anything about it? Jamil, that would be selfish of me. It’s okay to feel this way. It’s okay to feel angry about your fate, but that doesn’t mean you can continue with pushing yourself like this. It’s okay to let people in sometimes, it’s okay to take a break sometimes, and it’s okay to let others help you once in a while. I’m here with you, because I fell in love with that same boy that I met at that assembly. I’m still in love with you now, and I don’t plan on leaving you anytime soon. So stop being stubborn and let me take care of you. This is the least I can do.”
You wiped his neck with the cold towel, wiping off his sweat. You secretly whispered a spell to heal him over the rag you had in your hand, then placed it over his head once more. He frowned upon hearing your words, not hearing the small spell you whispered,
“But what if I don’t want your help? What then?” He asked you, looking at you for a reaction, your eyes softened,
“Even if you don’t want my help, I’ll still be here cheering you on and making sure you’re well enough to stand up on your own two feet. Jamil, I love you…I’ll say it again if I have to, I love you, so much, and I want you to get better. I’ll be here on the sidelines, until you’re ready to be with me properly.” You kissed him on his forehead, then whispered a sleep spell after you’d backed off. Once again, he hadn’t heard you, since he was dozing off, and was too tired to even bother listening to you. But the words you had said before, had stuck to his heart like glue.
“You…you are one troublesome girl. But I suppose…that’s why I fell for you…”Jamil dozed off, then fell asleep. Your heart swelled, then you kissed his forehead once more.
“Sweet dreams Jamil. I love you.” You then fell asleep on his bed, too tired from your day to move.
~Back to the present~
As Jamil walked down the road to ramshackle dorm, he couldn’t help but reminisce on that memory. You were willing to stand by him on the sidelines, waiting for him to finally accept your feelings. You cheered him on, despite him deceiving you.
Jamil honestly felt like he truly didn’t deserve you sometimes, he felt like you were too good for someone like him. You were there to help him with whatever he needed, be it cleaning, doing laundry, or cooking. He felt as if he hit the jackpot when he first realized his feelings for you.
He could never understand why you wanted him of all people. There were so many other guys out there for you, especially in NRC, so many other guys who had money, and fame. Yet you had chosen him, a servant. You were so patient with him, willingly helping him anytime he needed it. He had been standing alone in the darkness for all his life, and yet, you were the only one who walked into his life and brought light to his world. And not to mention, you would always gush about how talented he was, how smart he was, even going on about how handsome he was. He felt himself blush a bit, thinking back on those memories with you. He could never get tired of you, he looked forward to seeing you each day, despite how busy he was all the time. Seeing you at the end of each day, always made his worries escape his mind. He was honestly so grateful for you, you truly had no idea.
As he opened the gates to ramshackle dorm, he smelled something so mouthwateringly delicious he had to know what you were making. He walked up to ramshackle dorm and entered. He was hit with a mixture of scents, the smell of burning sage and beach rose incense, and the smell of your mouth watering cooking. Jamil walked over to your living room, where he soon found all of your craft items.
Initially, Jamil wasn’t exactly sure what he was looking at. He hadn’t been to ramshackle dorm in a while, before he’d complain to you about how dusty ramshackle dorm was, now he was glad the place wasn’t filled with dust as it used to be, assuming you fixed the place and cleaned it. But with your items everywhere it certainly looked like you hadn’t cleaned up your area.
However, when Jamil looked closer at your stuff, he noticed that there were odd items he’d never really noticed before. He gently picked up one of your open books, finding pages filled with an oddly written language he couldn’t understand, as he continuously flipped through the pages he found odd symbols that he had never seen before.
Putting your book down, he looked around once more to see what was an incense stick burning, next to it, burning sage and an obsidian skull, along with a variety of crystals. Other little Knick knacks adorned your living room, but what caught his eye was the crystal ball in the corner of the room, as well as a mirror that was covered.
Jamil didn’t really know what to do with all of this information, but as soon as he saw your tarot cards on your coffee table, as well as that crystal ball, he could only really think of one thing. It didn’t take him forever to figure out, Jamil was a smart guy, after all. He figured you were a witch. He just didn’t understand why you didn’t tell him sooner. Were you not that comfortable with him yet? Did you not trust him that much yet?
He decided to go and ask you himself. Walking up to your kitchen door, he opened it and saw you jump. You relaxed once you noticed it was your lover. Placing your utensils down, you ran up to him, hugged him and kissed him.
“Jamil!! What are you doing here, weren’t you supposed to start preparing Kalims food for tomorrow?” You asked.
“Yes, but I finished all of my tasks early so I could spend some time with you.” He stroked your hair and you smiled up at him. Leaning down, he kissed you. Soon after, he pulled away slightly so he could ask you,
“Y/N. Tell me, are you a witch by any chance?” You backed away a bit but soon hung your head in shame.
“I figured you’d find out, with all of my stuff everywhere. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner Jamil, I just thought you’d find it weird or you’d find me- wha-“ He interrupted you by pulling you close and embracing you.
“I was a bit scared that you didn’t trust me enough with this. I initially thought you weren’t comfortable with me yet, but I never imagined it was because you thought I’d think you were weird. You’re so silly sometimes, Y/N.” He laughed and buried his face in the nape of your neck. You laughed at the ticklish sensation and pulled away to face him.
“Of course I trust you hun, I just thought that you’d find it odd. That was all Jamil, I’m sorry.” You exhaled as you felt him move back to the nape of your neck and adorn your neck with light kisses, then you tightened your grip around him, he following suite.
“Why would I ever find you odd? I always knew there was something different about you, I just couldn’t place my finger on what it was. Knowing that you’re a witch, I honestly find it cute. You know you can trust me right?” He pulled away to look you in the eye.
“I do trust you Jamil. Thank you for being so accepting.” You kissed his cheek and walked back over to the stove, where the soup you were making was bubbling over.
“I think it should be done! You’ll love it I promise, it’s one of my culture’s recipes!!” You exclaimed happily, Jamil smiled at you and walked over to you.
“It looks delicious, what’s it called?” He asked you, eyeing the soup.
“It’s called (insert dish name)! You’ll love it I promise!” You grabbed a spoon from the tuber-wear and tasted the soup, soon after dipping it back it to give your lover a taste. He smiled.
“It’s delicious, y/n.”
“Told you.” You giggled as you waited for it to finish cooking. As you waited, you felt his arms wrap around you and you leaned into him.
“Thank you for being mine, my zahra.” He tightened his arms around you and you leaned into his touch, smiling.
“Of course Jamil. I love you.”
The both of you waited until the soup was fully ready. You had waited for him once, and now he had opened up to you once more. You were glad he appreciated your love, and you were happy that he loved you and your craft. You couldn’t ask for anything more than this. After all, being by his side was enough.
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Vil Schoenheit
(I’ll be basing Vil’s at the end of chapter 6, since that’s when they pitch in and decide to fix ramshackle dorm after they get back.)
Vil has always been a busy man, with his acting career, his modeling career, and as a full fledged student. That much was obvious, before he met you, he never really thought about anyone else but himself. He was in his own little circle, where he could watch everyone and everyone else was watching him.
So, initially, he was a bit jealous of you when you first arrived at NRC. You seemed to pull everyone in, and even though you were magicless, it seemed that you were magically luring everyone in. Himself included, but Vil being, well, Vil, of course he didn’t admit it at first. After a while of being stubborn, he eventually started finding you very beautiful, you just had this natural aura to you that was so enchanting, so beautiful. You were also so kind to him, even when you had seen the worst sides him. That was when he truly fell for you.
Shockingly, when he confessed to you, him going all out of course, he wasn’t taking any chances lmao, you said you harbored feelings for him as well, and then the both of you started dating. He truly couldn’t have been more ecstatic. You truly did love him, and he did truly love you. But there were some things he just didn’t know about you yet.
Vil never particularly liked going to ramshackle dorm, mainly since it was filled with dust, but after the whole ordeal with S.T.Y.X, he decided to help you fix it and mainly everyone including him pitched in, since he never had gotten to since the both of you were, well, you weren’t even on the island not to mention your house was in shambles. The moment you both had gotten back, he fixed the dorm, and it no longer had cracks in the walls, it no longer had that huge hole in the wall and roof, and it had electricity, heat and water. It had better plumbing systems that connected with the school. It was a funny moment to him after everything was finished, seeing you cry about how kind he was to you and you went on about how much you loved him for it and how grateful you were to him.
He also decorated the inside of course, he had to make sure it was nice after all, he even changed the wallpaper and curtains and rugs, of course this was before he knew your secret, so he never saw any of your craft materials. (You had actually put your things away in a separate room no one went in, since you didn’t want to risk anyone seeing your things.)
Vil did believe you were hiding some things from him. Especially when he saw you putting crystals in your pockets one time, and another time when you two were cooking together he saw you throw salt over your shoulder. He wasn’t exactly sure why you didn’t want to tell him your secrets, but he was soon going to find out for himself.
One evening, Vil surprisingly got off one of his modeling gigs early and they told him he could go home. With how busy he was after school, it’s only natural he’d want to see his sweet potato after not spending some time with you in a while. He did feel guilty about it, he missed you dearly after all, but you assured him over the phone once that it was fine and you didn’t want to get in the way of his job because you knew it was important to him. Quality time was his show of affection after all, so soon enough he found himself outside ramshackle dorm.
He was honestly so proud of the work you and him had done to the place, even as he pestered you to just move into Pomefiore with him, you insisted on staying in the dorm. He couldn’t exactly blame you, since it was the one thing you had closest to a home in this world. As he walked up the new porch he had built for you, enjoying the way his heels clacked against the fresh wood, he inhaled deeply as he smelled cinnamon incense burning.
After opening the door to ramshackle, he was greeted by the mingling scents of Eucalyptus, cinnamon, and the faint smell of wax. He walked over to the living room when he suddenly stopped in his tracks. There, he found you sitting on the floor with what looked like tarot cards sprawled out in front of you, an incense stick burning in front of you, different candles lit across the room, and newly place items were around the room as well, items he’d never seen in your place before. Surprisingly, you hadn’t heard the clacking of his heels when he’d walked in.
As he looked around the living room, the shock of seeing you like this still had his mouth agape in awe, he found himself looking at all of your books that were spewed out onto your coffee table. He wasn’t able to read the language it was in, but Vil was smart, he knew it must have been your spell book. He knew what witchcraft was and he could easily tell what was a spell book and what was a normal book. He confirmed his thoughts when he saw different symbols, ones he hadn’t seen before, etched onto the sides of the candles across the room.
Vil didn’t really understand why you didn’t tell him you were a witch. He found the craft fascinating. Did you not trust him enough? As he looked around he saw your crystals, some animal bones, black skulls, a covered mirror and a crystal ball. All of those things simply confirmed his thoughts. He looked over at you, and instead of being angry at you for not telling him your craft, he felt pride instead. You were his beautiful potato, who had such beautiful practices. He felt his heart swell with love for you, he was genuinely so excited at the fact that you practiced witchcraft, maybe you could even teach him a few witchy tricks.
He approached you soon after, his clacking heels startling you, Vil paused and said,
“Oh dear. I’m sorry if I scared you my love. I didn’t mean to frighten you, I assure you. You must have been in deep concentration, since you didn’t notice my heels when I walked in.” Vil told you. You giggled a bit, relaxing. Soon after, the reality dawned on you, he now knew everything, and your face reddened a bit.
“Well, the cats out of the bag I suppose. I guess I can’t hide things from you forever. I didn’t mean to deceive you, Vil, I’m sorry. I wasn’t sure if you were going to accept my practice or not I- Vil what are you doing??” You suddenly asked, raising your voice a bit after Vil suddenly joined you on the floor next to you. You knew he was wearing one of his favorite outfits and you knew the floor wasn’t exactly the cleanest place, not to mention Vil wasn’t one for kneeling. He chuckled, seeming to know what was on your mind, all the time.
“My outfit is fine dear, I’ll get it dry cleaned later, right now I want to be next to you. Oh, and let me tell you something, I would never consider you weird, especially your craft. As a matter of fact, once I confirmed you were a witch, I honestly felt so proud of you. Not only are you insanely beautiful, but you also practice something I’ve always been curious about.” Vil leaned over to you and kissed you, you leaning into him afterwards and feeling the tension leave your shoulders. Vil pulled away from you slightly to ask you,
“Would you be interested in teaching me a few things? I’d love to learn from you, my sweet potato.” You smiled at him and giggled,
“Of course Vil! I’d love to teach you, anyone can learn. I love you, Vil….Thank you for accepting my craft.” You hugged him and he embraced you back.
“I love you too my dear, now, where do we start?” You got up with him and led him to your room after putting the deck away, knowing there were a few books there he could learn from. You were honestly so thankful for him, especially when he didn’t think you were weird, he accepted you for who you were, and he made sure that you knew he loved you. If he accepted you in such a loving way, you knew that if all things considered, he’d always accept you, and you couldn’t really ask for more than this wonderful outcome.
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Idia shroud
(I’ll be basing his right after chapter 6 happens to give it a bit more depth, no major spoilers but it mentions how Idia and ortho put the reader though some things in chapter 6, and frankly, chapter 6 is HELL.)
Idia already knew there was something up with you. From the start of the relationship he didn’t truly understand why you chose him of all people. Especially with the hell he and Ortho put you through at S.T.Y.X, and having to deal with both of their overblots as well, it was only natural you should hate him. I mean, come on, you had a lot of options to pick from, so why a weeb like him?
Idia didn’t get it, you were such a gorgeous girl. You could pull anyone! You had a reverse harem going on and you didn’t even realize it! Heck, you could have picked a smoking hot prince from the savanna, a soon to be king of briar valley, a popular actor and model, so many other students who were more handsomer than him, and had famous names. Sure he might’ve been infamous due to his family name, but nobody really knew about his family name. But seriously though, him? Out of all your options? He just didn’t get it.
If Idia had to pick one good decision he’s ever made in his entire life, he’d say going to that one dorm leader meeting in person was the best decision he’s ever made in his life. He found you so alluring, so beautiful. You were truly so gorgeous and you had no idea. It was like time had just stopped around you two when you’d first met.
Everyone at NRC just seemed to love you, you were just naturally good at making people love to be around you. You were so charming, he always felt so grateful to have you.
As Idia walked over to your dorm, the night was still young, well to him at least, it was around 11-12:00am, the usual. You two stayed up late playing games sometimes and today was one of those days. He wanted to play games with you and after asking online you said he could come over. While walking to your dorm it gave him the chance to look back on how the both of you first met.
~Time skip down memory lane~
When Idia first met you, he couldn’t truly believe you were talking to him. He just got so nervous and ended up bolting, leaving you to deal with your confusion. It was a while back, your paths crossing through a dorm leader meeting that he actually showed up to in person and not over a tablet. Crowley had forced him to go, same thing with you even though you didn’t technically have dorm students to take care of he still made you go none the less.
You were walking towards the meeting room, you hadn’t noticed the flaming haired boy in front of you before it was too late. The both of you bumped into each other. Since he was a bit taller than you, you ended up bumping to his chest.
Cue Idia getting a gushing nosebleed like those scenes in the animes he watches. The boy was RED. The tips of his hair were red his ears and face were red, he couldn’t believe that he was even holding you of all people in his arms. You broke the silence with your beautiful voice, snapping him back to reality.
“Oh, sorry about that hun! I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going. Your Idia shroud right? It’s nice to meet you!” You flashed him that beautiful smile of yours, and he felt his heart melt. Idia had hoped you weren’t able to hear his heartbeat with how close you were to him.
“I-I-It’s…n-n-nice to meet you…” that was all Idia managed to blurt our before he took off running, not even caring about the meeting anymore, he can always attend the meeting on a tablet. He left you in the dust wondering what had happened and what you did to make him bolt like that.
~Back to the present~
Looking back on that fond memory, he couldn’t help but feel embarrassed about the way he bolted right after meeting you. He felt a slight blush creep up on his pale cheeks but he pushed those memories aside when he finally approached ramshackle dorm.
When Idia walked into your dorm however, your place was pitch black. He could barely see in front of him, his hair only lit up the small area surround him, it couldn’t really get him that far, so he took out his phone and turned his flashlight on, wondering why your place was so dark when you said you were going to be waiting for him.
As Idia walked into your living room, he lifted his phone to look for you when he suddenly felt his heart stop. His eyes widened as he looked around your living room, noticing all the new details that hadn’t been there when he was last here at your place. Black skulls, animal skulls, tarot cards, a large mirror with an odd symbol carved onto the top, candles adorned with what looked like runes,, herbs, and much more.
Idia was familiar with the world of witchcraft, having seen it online and from the games he plays, but he never expected you to be a witch, as a matter of fact he thought you were just an ordinary magicless human. But when he approached your coffee table he saw a multitude of books, written in a language he hadn’t seen before. Those books had runes that looked familiar to him, but he couldn’t place his finger on where he’d seen them. But it only confirmed his suspicions.
Idia knew what witchcraft was, he wasn’t stupid, he just didn’t understand why you didn’t tell him you were a witch. He felt himself grow more insecure as his thoughts hastily raced across his mind. Did you not trust him?
His thoughts were interrupted when he heard a door open in the hallway, spooking him. He decided to just go and find you since waiting here was getting nowhere, and he figured he’d just ask you about your craft instead of waiting for answers. As he walked through the hallway he smelled wax and a hint of orange as well as hints of vanilla.
After arriving to your room, he opened your door, only to find you on your bed in a meditative position with candles lit around the room. A pendulum was in your hand and you were whispering under your breath. Even though he already knew what you were, this basically confirmed all of his thoughts. For now though, he’d just simply confirm it with you, he wanted to hear it from your mouth.
Idia didn’t really understand why you didn’t tell him, but, even then he only felt his love for you grow. Ever since walking into your home, gaming had completely slipped his mind. He became curious about human witches and what they were like. Approaching your bed and sitting himself on your bed he quietly called out,
You flinched and dropped your pendulum, looking up to see your boyfriend sat on your bed. You felt your face grow hot as the both of you sat in silence.
“I didn’t think you would come this early. The cats out of the bag now I suppose.” You blushed even more and you squirmed in your spot when he made eye contact with you. He hesitated, before he spoke.
“W-Why didn’t you tell me you were a witch? Do you…do you not trust me enough?” He frowned and you crawled over to him, hugging him.
“No Idia of course not, I love you, and I trust you, I initially thought you would find my craft weird-“ Idia laughed, pulling away from you.
“Pfft, weird? I don’t think your weird y/n, you’re a real life witch! I find that so cool, you…you’ve always been so beautiful to me and this would never make me think your weird. Y/n I’m so lucky to have you with me, you could’ve easily picked somebody else, and yet you decided to be with me.” Idia kissed your lips and you leaned into his embrace. With you he could feel at ease, with you, he could be bold. Something he was almost never able to do by himself.
“I honestly still don’t know why you picked an otaku like me, but one things for sure is this just makes you 10x cooler in my opinion.” You laughed and went to blow out all of the candles, then placed your pendulum on your nightstand. Afterwards, you lied down on the bed with him, plopping yourself onto his chest.
“Do you still want to play games?” You asked, playing with his hair.
“Nah. I want to sleep.” You gasped dramatically.
“The famous Idia shroud doesn’t want to play games?! I’ll take it let’s sleep.” Giggling at his pout, the both of you slipped under the sheets. “Night Idia.” You laughed as you felt him pull you close, then kiss your forehead. You played with his hair for a little bit, finding it to be soothing, then dozed off. Stroking your hair, he lulled you to sleep faster, unbeknownst to him.
“Night. Love you.” He felt himself doze off with you soon after. The both of you weren’t even aware of how much you two appreciated each other, but with Idia’s reaction to your craft, you felt yourself relax a lot more. You hoped it would stay this way with him, for as long as possible.
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Malleus Draconia
Malleus definitely knew there was something magical about you from the moment he met you. He could sense magic a mile away, and no matter how hard you tried to hide it from him, he still knew you were hiding something from him. He simply didn’t understand why. Did you really think you could hide something from him?
Malleus comes from a land filled with magic, so it was no wonder he sensed something when he first met you. Not to mention there was always a certain, “energy”, with you always. You always carried crystals with you, stuffing them into your pockets before you left with him on a date. Ramshackle dorm always smelled like dragons blood incense and juniper. He already knew there was something up with you from the moment he met you, but he couldn’t exactly put his finger on what it was.
But when the both of you first met, Malleus fell for you hard. For him it was basically love at first sight. You never seemed to mind how intimidating he was, you called him a silly nickname and you were so loving to him. You were the first human to have ever made him feel this way. He knew his time with you was short, as human lives were fleeting. So he always made sure to spend all his time with you. He just felt his heart ache a bit when he remembers that you were hiding something from him. But of course, you couldn’t hide things from him forever, he always finds out.
Malleus was attending yet another boring dorm leader meeting, of course, having showed up on his free will since no one had bothered inviting him. He was starting to regret coming since he could have gone to your house instead, and yet here he was, attending a dull and boring meeting. To his relief, Crowley suddenly dragged him out of his thoughts.
“And that concludes our meeting for today.” Malleus sighed, and walked away. He figured he would pay you a visit since he knew you must have been home by now. Teleporting to ramshackle dorm, he was greeted by the familiar scent of dragons blood incense and juniper. He loved the way your home smelled, it put his mind at ease and he always found himself wanting to stay over with you.
As he teleported in your living room, Malleus was greeted with quite the sight. He was greeted by the sight of you sitting on the floor with a candle in front of you, you were lighting the candle on and off, with nothing at all. From the looks of it, you were using psychic abilities to light the candle aflame.
Malleus felt his eyes widen when he looked around your home. The last time he was in your home it was destroyed after the incident with S.T.Y.X. But your place had been fixed by the donations of the VDC members, and the holes and damages were repaired. You also, had added your own touch.
As malleus looked around with wide eyes, he saw candles with runes etched onto them, he saw that oh so familiar dragons blood incense stick burning, he saw animal skulls, black obsidian skulls, crystals, large pointed crystals, and many more items. Malleus immediately figured out what you were, it wasn’t hard to guess after all. You were a human witch.
He felt himself smiling, becoming filled with pride and love for you. He was ever the curious one, picking up one of your books and reading one, but was unable to understand the language since it was written in a tongue he couldn’t understand. He placed the book down and slowly walked over to you. Walking up to you, he silently called out to you.
“Child of man.” You jumped at the sound of your name, then recognizing it to be your boyfriend. You felt your shoulders relax as he knelt in front of you. You looked down at the floor as his green eyes made contact with you.
“You know, I’ve always told you this, and I think I’ll continue to say this to you. But you always never cease to surprise me. You know you wouldn’t have been able to hide this from me forever.” You nodded at him shyly. He cupped your cheek and lifted your face so he could look at you properly.
“Im not mad my dear. I’ve always known there was something magical about the way you move. From the way you approached me with not a care in the world, to the way you practice human witchcraft. But there’s one thing I do not understand. Why did you not tell me right away?” You noticed a frown starting to creep up onto his face and you reached out to embrace him.
“Malleus, I’m sorry I never told you sooner. I’ve had a few…bad experiences with people in the past, when they figured out I practiced witchcraft, due to their own petty religions. So, I originally though you’d find it weird. I now know that was silly of me-“ you looked down, feeling ashamed as well as embarrassed but you soon felt his large body embrace yours.
“My dear, I would never find your craft weird. You do remember I practically live and breath magic, right? I would never find the world of witchcraft weird. As a matter of fact, I find it utterly thrilling, knowing my child of man is a witch. You truly never cease to surprise me.” You giggle as he takes your face in his hands and kisses you. Breaking away from him, you lifted yourself up. You watched as Malleus curiously looked at your animal skulls.
“You seem interested in them. Maybe I should teach you about all the things I use! Sam had basically everything I needed, it was kind of scary actually but let me go show you more stuff!” You excitedly dragged your lover to your bedroom, him chucking behind you. Malleus felt excited to learn more about you, his darling child of man. You never considered him weird, you approached him without fear. All the time. You embraced the future ruler of Briar valley without fear, you loved him without a care in the world as to who he was. So why would he find you weird? He loved every single part of you, and from now on, he’d continue to show you, just how much he loved you.
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toreii · 1 year
Tamashina Mina spoilers part 12
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Sunset Savanna - Sunset Villa
In the middle of the night, Kalim is laughing. Lilia says it’s his turn next, and starts singing really loudly. Kalim hears banging, and asks if it’s coming from outside the door. Lilia gets irritated, and says to be quiet. The door swings open, and in comes Vil, pissed as hell. He tells the two that they’re the ones being loud. Kalim simply grins. Did they wake him up? Sorry, sorry! They’ll be careful now. Lilia says he tried to be quiet as much as possible, so as to not disturb the others in the room. Vill yells that singing in the middle of the night is insane!!! Did they not hear him when he told them to rest? Lilia smugly says he was told to rest, but never to sleep. For him and Kalim, this is the best way to relax their bodies. Vil calls them annoying.
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Lilia continues by asking Vil if he doesn’t think it’s strange to go to bed without doing anything because they’re on a trip with friends? Kalim says Lilia said the same thing to him. He thought “Certainly!”, playing card games and having pillow fights. Kalim mentions they finished playing both things, so they started playing a singing word game, a classic game of the Pop Music Club. Lilia says it can’t be helped. They should play quietly. Like cards. Kalim is game. However, once again, the door opens. It’s Yuu.
Choice A: “I want to join!”
Kalim is excited. This makes it three people!
Choice B: “Please be quiet.”
Kalim is surprised to see Yuu awake. Were they really that loud? Vil mutters that Lilia’s shouting was the clincher.
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Kalim notices Grim is absent, and wonders if he’s still sleeping. Lilia comments it’s to be expected. If they think about going to bed, they will sleep. Were they really trying to sleep? Vil asks why he, the victim, has to be preached? He tells Lilia to go back to his room, and quickly go to bed. Lilia says he’s a descendant of darkness, so he feels better at night. He’s going to make a fuss all night in Kalim’s room. Vil snaps at Lilia that if he deprives him of sleep, and ruins his beauty, he will not let it slide!
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The door opens again, and this time, it’s Leona coming in. He’s more pissed than Vil. He yells at everyone in the room to shut up! Kalim asks if they woke him up too? Vil tells everyone to look. A very lazy Leona woke up. Leona asks Vil who he is calling lazy? He was just about to go to bed. Lilia says it’s been a while since they split. He asks Leona what he’s been doing instead of sleeping. Leona says not much. He was preparing for tomorrow. Lilia laughs, and presumes Leona was watching the starry sky. Lilia seems to be spot on. Leona wonders where Lilia saw him. He tells the old man he’s not worth devouring.
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Kalim inquires if Leona was looking at the stars. It’s true the starry sky around here is so beautiful! Vil comments that he had no idea Leona had a romantic hobby like stargazing. Leona says not to make him laugh. Those things are just burning lumps of gas. Lilia muses that there is no shred of romance. Vil says that seems like Leona.
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Leona recounts that in the era of the King of Beasts, the stars represented successive kings who died. It’s said that he watched over the royal family, and led them on the right path when they felt lonely or troubled. Lilia says that’s a very kind thought. However, Leona says it was a poor lie. His mind is really twisted. Vil asks if Leona isn’t interested in the starry sky, why bother going outside to contemplate? Leona says for no particular reason. Tomorrow’s strategy is more important than that.
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In today’s practice, Leona learned about the skills of all three people. On top of which, he was simulating various battle patterns. Kalim says he’s relieved if Leona thinks so since he doesn’t know much about Catch The Tail. Lilia had no idea Leona was thinking about the game while they practiced. He admires him! Leona says they absolutely cannot afford to lose. Vil asks if Leona really doesn’t want to do the “Guardian Class” that much. What is it exactly? Kalim also inquires about it. Leona replies that he has to explain how honorable and proud it is to serve the royal family. Kalim asks if Leona really hates that. Leona says that he sees no meaning in such a class now that they are at peace, regardless of the days when they were fighting all the time. So, he just doesn’t care.
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Vil asks if that’s so. The reason why Leona doesn’t want to go to class, or the situation in this country have nothing to do with him. But, Vil doesn’t want to lose in any battle. He lends Leona his help. Lilia says that’s right. He’s traveled all over the world, but this trip has been the most enjoyable. The Catch The Tail tournament will be the climax. Let’s win and finish it. Lilia especially wants Leona to remember it as a fun trip. Kalim is happy to travel with everyone. Plus, Catch The Tail is interesting. It’s a continuous heart-pounding excitement. Kalim is thrilled that this moment will become a memory for tomorrow! That’s why, Kalim vows to enjoy it all tomorrow, too!
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Leona says that he sees now. Everyone seems to be motivated above all. They want to win as much as he does. They’re on the same page. He tells them they can’t sniff meat without him. He tells the boys to listen to his advice. Tomorrow, they will definitely win! The boys shout in unison. I made Yuu exclaim “Let’s do our best!!!” instead of “Yes!!!” Either option does not affect the dialogue.
The door suddenly opens. Grim barges in, angry as hell. He yells at everyone to shut up!!! The boys and Yuu remain silent after that scolding.
To be continued in episode 4! Thank you for your support!❤️
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starryeyedfroggy · 2 years
⭐️To See the Stars in Your Eyes ⭐️
Disclaimer: I don’t own Twisted Wonderland, Disney, or any references that are from Disney films.
(A/N Hoping to manifest my baby’s birthday card with this 🥺)
Scenario: Reader takes Jamil somewhere special for his birthday
You were determined to make Jamil’s birthday special. You wanted to make him light up the same he did when he danced. You wanted to see that genuine smile on his face. That soft breathtaking smile—Okay, okay you had to focus if you wanted to get anything done for Jamil.
Once you had forced yourself out of your daydreams of Jamil, you put together a plan. It took days of research and field work, but it was worth it. Your plan was finally coming to fruition today.
As a lover of celebrations, it was no surprise that Kalim threw a party in Jamil’s name for his special day. While Jamil did enjoy the attention he received (even if he didn’t want to admit it), parties weren’t really his thing. Having to micromanage huge scale parties all his life made him lose a bit of his excitement for parties. The novelty of it had waned off. What he had really wanted was a moment of peace. But, the day was practically over, so what else was he to do? His birthday celebration had come to an end and it was time to go back to the humdrum of life…or so he thought.
One moment Jamil was walking back to his room to rest for tomorrow and the next, he was being dragged by the Ramshackle perfect through the mirror portal, claiming that they had a surprise for him.
The two of you ran through the hallways of Night Raven College. You passed through the lecture hall, the cafeteria, and the classrooms. You had zipped through the courtyards and soon, were out the main gates of the school.
Having enough of this confusion, Jamil demands, “Where exactly are you taking me?!”
Instead of a proper response, Jamil hears a “Do you trust me?” Those were words he had often heard from Kalim. Words that had always promised crazy shenanigans from the wealthy heir. But, he had no reference point of what those words meant coming from you. You were good to him, but he hadn’t known you for that long.
“Do you trust me?” you ask again. Jamil had always wondered if such words should really be directed at him. Somehow it had always felt like those words were for someone else, someone not like him. Perhaps, a princess or some sort of noble. But, both you and Kalim had never cared for such things. In fact, if he were so bold to claim, he would say that you always treated him like royalty. You were always complimenting him, giving him small random gifts, and offering help him whenever you could. Maybe, it was a ploy, but he couldn’t help wanting to believe it was real. To trust you was something he wanted to do.
So, softly and shyly, he finally says, “Yes.”
You beam at his words and now, Jamil finds himself in the wildest taxi ride he’s ever been on. No wonder, you only paid this “Mr.Tod” 2 madols for the ride! The toad-man could not drive to save his life.
There were crazy turns and he almost hit a house! When the taxi went downhill, the three of you were flying up in the air for a good minute or so. Somehow he had felt more safe being a thousand of miles up in the air on the magic carpet than with Mr. Tod driving this vehicle.
By the time you two had arrived at your “destination”, Jamil suddenly found himself empathizing with Azul's fear of flying in their PE lessons. But, you had simply smiled and thanked Mr.Tod for the ride. “You can always count me, kiddos!” the toad-man cheerily said before driving off to who knows where.
One thing Jamil could credit Mr. Tod for was his speed in driving. He hadn’t realized it then, but Mr.Tod had managed to get you two down the mountains and into the center of the town in less than 5 minutes. (Though, Jamil had an inkling that man had had to have broken a couple of driving rules with his speed.)
There before you two was the lighthouse of the town. Jamil had only passed by it in his 2 years on this island, but looking at it now, Jamil could see why the lighthouse was the town’s pride and joy. It was a beautiful tall pillar of light that looked over the town and its river systems.
“Want to look inside? The town chief lent me the keys,” you asked him, jingling the keys in front of him. Jamil had always known that the townspeople were generous, but he didn’t realize that they were THAT generous. Perhaps, a certain crow fae could take a page from their book.
But, he was curious about what was inside, so he allowed you to lead him in.
The end of the spiral stairway brought you two to a single wooden floor room. In its center was the light of the town. A large window at the end of the room gave a bird’s eye view of the whole town. It was late when Jamil’s party had ended, so by now warm rays of the sunset were pouring in from the window. It was a sight to see. Jamil could see the small houses from below, its people getting ready for the night, and the vast blue of sea that surrounded the island. But ahead, Jamil could see the towers of RSA. He hated that school, but its buildings were nice enough to not be an eyesore.
He had a view of something like this back in the Asim Mansion, but this was different here. This wasn’t his home. He wasn’t known as a servant here, but as a student of NRC. It was different. It was good.
He heard some light shuffling behind him and turned to find you sat on top of some blankets surrounded by numerous paper cranes.
“Ah, is that the legend about the 1,000 paper cranes?” he asks.
Awkwardly laughing, you answer, “Yeah, I want your wish to be granted. I’m like 20 cranes off, so please bear with me.”
Jamil had thought of sentiment as rather sweet. They were like the wishing stars in the starsending event, but with more effort. Personally, he wasn’t sure if these things really worked. But in the off chance that they did, Jamil was willing to take all wishes available to him. After all, the genie granted wishes. Jamil sits down on the floor with you and grabs a few of the colored pieces of paper that you had. “Let me help, my little genie.”
“Ehh, but that ruins the purpose!!!” you whine, a bit flustered from the pet name.
“The legend never said that only one person had to make all 1,000 cranes.” You relent and the two of you start making the last of the paper cranes.
The room is silent except for the soft sounds of paper being folded. It is peaceful. Jamil finds your presence quite comforting. You pass him pieces of paper from time to time and for brief moments your fingers meet. The touch is warm and ecstatic.
Soon, the two of you were done and the room was filled with more various types of paper cranes. There were red ones, yellow ones, blues ones, green ones, black ones, pink ones—all sorts of colors. There were also ones with patterns. Paper cranes with balloon designs, snake designs, geometric designs, heart designs, you name it.
“How long have you been making these?” he asks. There was no way you folded 980 cranes that quickly.
“For a while now. I’ve just been making them whatever chance I got. I’ve been working on them way before I found out I wanted to bring you here.”
“You wanted my wish to come true that badly…”
You both had to look away from each other. Both, too flustered to face each other.
You awkwardly cough and pull out this small box from a corner in the room. “I brought some snacks in case we got hungry. There was a festival going on in town a few days ago, so there were some sales going on.”
You open it to reveal a couple of mooncakes and some almond cookies. “I figured with all the food at the party, we wouldn’t be too hungry, so I didn’t really get too much.”
Food was a good distraction for the tenseness between you two. There were always these strange moments between the two of you. Jamil really couldn't put a finger on what it meant, but it wasn’t a bad feeling.
After eating for awhile, you speak again. “So, are you enjoying yourself so far? The main event was the stars, but they’re not really here yet. I hope I’m not boring you.”
With some thought, Jamil says, “…I like being here with you. It's a nice change of pace from the school. It’s calming to say the least.”
“I’m glad. I didn’t really get to talk to you a lot today because of the party. I was hoping to make it up here,” you say as you lie down on the blankets.
Jamil follows suit and the two of you look up at the ceiling. “I like talking with you too,” he admits. The two of you spent the rest of time talking about sorts of things. Schoolwork, classmates, upcoming events, random shows, and any funny stories.
Finally, it is dark and stars have come out. The light of the lighthouse is a bit blinding, but it makes it easier to see the sight around you two. Everything is so vast. The dark ocean and dark skies blend together as one. The stars and the lights from the homes still up, sparkle in between that darkness. It was beautiful.
Today was Jamil’s birthday, but that didn’t mean that days after wouldn’t be special. There would always be pretty sights to see every other day. There would always be someone special to share these days with. Jamil smiled. He had gotten what he wanted for his birthday.
As you drank in the sight of Jamil being basked in light of the town and his eyes filled with awe in wonder at the night sky before him, you whispered,
“Happy birthday, Jamil.”
(A/N I hope you guys liked this. And to answer any lingering questions, yes, Mr. Tod is based off Disney’s Mr. Toad.)
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My Little Hybrid Family_Part 2
A.N:  After a thousand years, this 20+ chapter is finally ready to start rolling out!! This is a hybrid AU that features all my husbandos, Leona, Malleus and Scarabia.
In fact, this started because I loved the Scarabian Halloween cards so much, I thought I’d make a hybrid story for it. Then Octavinelle slid into the story rather seamlessly being they are mermen. That’s just hanging out in the wind.
As for the rest of the characters, there are hints and cameos around.
I hope you all enjoy this as much as I do!!
Twisted Wonderland Masterlist  
And so Kalim’s and Jamil’s new lives with you began. Kalim seemed to quickly latch onto you, smiling so widely he shamed the sun.  The first time he threw his arms around you, you had never seen Jamil so panicked as he tried to pull Kalim off you with a murmured apology. 
Realizing what he did, Kalim apologized, both of them bowing deeply. 
You waved them away, “Enough. It was a hug. No big deal!” 
Kalim gazed at you, “Really? You don’t mind?” 
Jamil hit Kalim on the arm to be quiet as he spoke to you, “Our old owner had very few rules, but one was to never touch him or his guest unless they requested it. I apologize for Kalim, he forgot his place.” 
With a hand to the back of Kalim’s head, he forced him to bow again, himself included. 
“I want you two to understand something....” 
Still bowing both tensed even Kalim hearing your serious voice, “I am not your old owner. And I’m not a human that gets jollies in tormenting hybrids, either mentally or physically. We are to live together it seems, and while you are here you will be afforded respect. I cannot attest to how it will be when my parents return, but since they are seldom here, it’s nothing you need to concern yourself with. I don’t want you to fear me. Now, please stop bowing. It’s uncomfortable.” 
Jamil allowed the two of them to straighten, looking at you. Kalim seemed to brush the tense moment off and smiled. 
And then you smiled back. 
It was different from that moment on, Jamil felt it. Kalim seemed to grow closer to you each day, sometimes giving you a hug. But after a week, Jamil still did not tell you his name. You both knew that you had heard it, but you still pretended not to know and never addressed him as such. 
“Yo, What are you cooking? Smells good.”, you asked as you entered the kitchen. 
Jamil tensed once. You had discovered that Jamil was very adapt to cooking. Even with their old owner, he left them to their own devices when it came to cooking. Since he didn’t want them to go outside, he provided the food, but never did he or have anyone cook for them. He didn’t want anyone to see them.
“I’m surprised that a human would allow a hybrid to cook for them.” Jamil spoke instead. 
“I’ve heard many have hybrids for domestic duties.” 
“Yes, and how do you know if said hybrid wouldn’t poison the owner?” Jamil stirred the pot, looking into it as he asked lightly. He didn’t want to seem as though he was challenging you. 
But wasn’t that exactly what he was doing? 
But why? 
He never tested their previous owner before. But with you, he had been testing boundaries all week, and each time you brushed it off or never responded as he expected you to. You let them have their space, not policing them. 
“Yeah, I often wondered myself, actually.” 
Jamil snapped his head up to look at you. You were serious, “I mean, if you are going to treat someone badly and then tell them to cook your meal, how can you reasonably expect them not to try to poison you? I would try, though I guess they are bound by fear, so there is that.” You shrugged. 
Jamil had stopped stirring to just stare at you. Then he caught himself and returned, “Dinner will be ready in an hour.” 
“Cool!” you responded, going to walk out the kitchen. 
You stopped and turned to him, “Excuse me?” 
“It’s my name. Jamil.” 
There was a beat of silence, but Jamil didn’t dare turn around. 
“Then, it’s nice to meet you, Jamil!” you said before walking out the kitchen. 
And so three months passed in this manner. Jamil slowly began to warm up to you, and you caught glimpses of a rare smile. You even discovered that he hated bugs. Thankfully there was Kalim because you hated bugs as well. Kalim only laughed and said the two of you bonded then. Both of you yelled at him to can it, but he only smiled and said, that you two were clinging to each other and didn’t even know it. That was the first time Jamil had touched you. 
But then, your peaceful world ended, and you found yourself lost. The private jet that your parents were on crashed. Although you didn’t see them much growing up, they were still your parents. But now they were gone. 
You shut down. 
You were barely aware of Kalim being at your side as much as he could. Even Jamil started worrying in his own way. You barely ate and seem to go through motions. 
As rich parents, their funeral was covered in the news. Jamil never seen Kalim so serious as he paced in front of the TV. As hybrids, they were not allowed to go with you, and Kalim wanted nothing more than to be by your side. Watching the TV, seeing you so distant, broke his heart. 
Yes, even Jamil. 
After your initial shock and break down, they hadn’t seen you cry since.  
Not even at the funeral. 
Part 3
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Ft x TW: NRC boys' type of fairy tail magic
Ohohoho what a can of worms to open! I have considered the FT in TW au far more than the TW in FT au, but this changes now lol.
Obviously both sources are fairly soft with their magic, but it's true that FT specializes far more, either by choice or by affinity. Soooo time to spitball around a bit. (As I try really hard not to get too deep into backstories and make this more complicated than it has to be.)
Riddle: Some sort of nullification/wave magic—essentially like his signature spell. Riddle probably tries to be an all-around mage nonetheless, but it comes back around to nullification nonetheless.
Trey: Enchantment. He'll claim up and down that it's just minor tricks and little buffs, but this dude can probably rewrite a human being if he wants to. Though he would be fantastic support. Full mom mode, for sure.
Deuce: Full Counter. Yes I am aware this is not an explicit Fairy Tail magic. But I call him my Full Counter child way too often for me to get it out of my head.
Ace: How far he goes with it is up for debate, but card magic. It starts with some simple tricks, and then his Quick Learning kicks in and Ace can do a variety of things given he has access to the card for it.
Cater: Solid script magic. Maybe some other script magic too, though Cater would downplay how much he could do with it, but dude has a way with words alright.
Leona: He would be the type to know a variety of magic, enough to keep people guessing about his limits, but his main developed magic would be crush magic, much to the consternation of everyone. (Himself included sometimes.)
Ruggie: He could totally have something funky like Figure Eyes or some sort of straight forward puppeteer magic, but I think his overall magic would be speed. Ruggie go noom.
Jack: Transformation magic, so he can turn into a wolf and whatever other animal he desires. Not necessarily seith magic, but I do think he would focus on animals because he's just like that.
Azul: Dude would totally be a celestial spirit mage. It's all about collecting minions and getting them to do the heavy lifting, after all. That said he's definitely a Contract Guy so he would be fair about things. (And he would get heckled by the spirits sometimes too; a true give and take relationship right there.)
Jade: Telepathy magic that is definitely just used for good ol consensual communication. Yep. Not like Jade can eavesdrop on people's minds or anything. :)
Floyd: Reflector magic of some sort. Can't hit him because your magic goes wonky. Oh no, you gotta fist fight instead. What a nightmare. (For you.)
Kalim: I honestly can't decide if he'll be a water mage, because of his UM, or if he'll do something completely left-field, like dancer magic, because he is a fun guy and a good bean like that.
Jamil: He would certainly be a jack-of-all-trades type, but mostly an air/wind mage. Within that sphere, Jamil has a lot going on: healing magic, some purification, transportation, ripping the air out of your lungs, enhanced hearing, invisibility—all the useful stuff. He probably knows some charm magic on the side, too, but that's a surprise tool for later.
Vil: Poison magic because I think it would be hilarious. He's equally very proud of his very potent poison and also distressed because it's such a volatile magic and everyone looks at him *like that.* Vil would be great at making elixirs and antidotes too though.
Rook: If anyone would have some sort of take-over magic, it would be Rook. It's the ultimate appreciation of life if you ask him—as well as the ultimate hunt. He would probably deal mostly with beasts, but with just enough other types of transformations that it makes people wonder. How exactly Rook acquires these take-overs is up to the imagination.
Epel: Make-magic. I'm not 100% sure on the type—I think some sort of glass/crystal, maybe—but his amazing carving skills definitely strike me as good make-magic material. Plus he's a creative little fella that would definitely whack people with a comically large hammer given the chance.
Idia: He'd be the guy to naturally develop seith magic against his explicit will, but that's okay because he never really uses it. (Except, perhaps, for Ortho...) Idia would focus on magic tech and developing items, but if his extremely sentient constructs happen to house some souls because he's a bleeding heart after all, then nobody really has to know.
Ortho: Archive magic. Because it's the internet. Tbh I don't really get archive magic in the context of FT's world all that well, but nonetheless, I think Ortho would be able to do it. It's all about running analysis and being the bestest support. (That said, Ortho would probably be casually good at some sort of light/energy magic on the side; for the tactical nuke.) Provided Ortho is not, you know, a soul in a construct.
Malleus: He's gotta be a dragon slayer. Them's the facts. That said, I am somewhat undecided on the type. I lean towards lightning, because the lightning motif is pretty prevalent, but Malleus is also very fond of his fire breath. A green fire dragon slayer, perhaps? Or he would be something super Extra and Edgy, like "tempest dragon slayer" or something, that is mad OP and can do large scale atmospheric stuff and weather. Dude's a beast, after all.
Lilia: Something spatial focused—like teleporting or territory. Well, he would probably use it mostly for teleporting but he can actually do some super insane stuff if things get serious.
Silver: Like his dad, he's also a spatial mage, but for requip magic. Silver would totally play the Erza-card and focus on weapons and armor and such.
Sebek: He would have the type of sound magic that makes your eardrums burst, and Sebek would be sooo effective with it. Maybe he could be a speed type on the side too, as a treat.
Grim: My dude would be an Exceed that stubborns his way into learning fire magic, even if it's super basic.
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dreamerswriter · 1 year
Book 7 Theories for the Second Part Because Everything is Going Downhill (And I am for it!)
Also, this will have spoilers for book 7 at the moment and book 6. If you don't want to see or read anything, do not look. This is your only warning. Anyway, let's dive head first into this wonderful madness. Just to be clear, I love this series, but I love how insane it is.
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First! Ya'll look pretty and the internet exploded when your cards dropped. Especially bat dad. I have never seen people simp so hard for a father figure since Batman and Iron Man. Not the point, but wow. You guys are fast. Also, freshmen squad is here! Everyone has a card! I hope to have them together, but I shall wait since I am playing this game in the west. Now, onto the speculation.
I will be refering to my old one, so here is the link to it if you want to read it. Bonus, you get a jumping Grim
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The Synopsis
We all see this as an obvious first part of the movie. Lilia's throwing his retirement party and inviting everyone (which I will come back to). Malleus is knowhere to be seen. This is almost when Princess Aurora Christening and betrothal to Prince Philip (which I will address). So, I don't believe they forget to invite their dorm leader. I honestly believe Malleus is really down that his caretaker/father figure is retiring and going to leave him. I will admit, Lilia didn't handle this well by just dumping this on the three of them. Think about Malleus though. He's not invited to other parties as much and everyone is afraid of him. This is probably one of the few parties he is invited to and it is about someone important leaving him. I really feel bad for him, but this worked out well for him. If everyone is at the party, he can cast his spell and put them to sleep. We don't know who is going to be at the party, but it is going to be a majority of the cast.
Silver is Doomed
No, this is not me hating on the character, and to be honest, I really don't hate any of them. I am weirded out by at least 3 of them, but I don't hate any. They're all great and I love them. That being said, yeah, Silver's doomed.
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He's Anime Male Aurora (gods, I can say that sentence and it makes fricken sense). So, I can't wait for Sebek to have a 180 on that. Anyway, in the context of the movie, after the three good fairies return Aurora to the castle, they gift her a crown. Lilia returns to his room and gifts Silver this crown necklace. That doesn't sound bad, does it? So, what happens after the three good fairies give Aurora her crown? Maleficient puts her to sleep. Malleus wasn't present in the party and wants to put us to sleep for a while.... Yeah, calling it, Silver's going to be knocked out first.
Maybe Malleus was going to put Lilia to sleep first, but Silver rushed in and was put to sleep instead. Or, maybe Malleus went for Silver first. Think about it. Besides Yuu, Silver is human. He's not going to be there for long, so Malleus puts him to sleep. Either option is valid.
Speaking of Silver...
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Ok, this part is a spiral, but please, let me get this off my chest. I am going to assume a lot of things, but we can agree that this boy is a prince. So... is no one looking for him? Like, he's a lost prince. He has a royal crown. He talks to animals! IS NO ONE LOOKING FOR THE PRINCE?! I feel like someone should be looking for him unless someone killed his whole family and left him. I just don't understand why no one is searching for him! I feel like someone would right! Also, I know not everything is a one to one, but is he betrothed? Is there a Twisted Philip?! Is that person looking for him!?
Also, Kalim paid the tution, and none of us have any clue as to why Rook is here, but did no one from RSA just look at Silver and go "Hey! That kid embodies the beauty and grace of Princess Aurora! He should be he here!" And I know not everyone has to go to either school, but I just have so many questions....
Sebek is going to use the Axe... And Maybe an Ace Moment
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Ok, I know Lilia is a unique father, but who in their right mind would give one of the FRESHMAN AN AXE?! Let's be honest, we want a fight where we either fight against the axe or use it. It is going to play a part in this. There was a fairy tale about a golden axe with Cinderella, I think. Not sure if it will mean anything, but who knows.
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not to mention this is one of the weapons those little gremlins weilded in the movie. I still believe Sebek is going to stand with Malleus until something really drastic happens. I do wonder what will make him switch sides to help us. Maybe he attacks Silver or something else makes him realize that this isn't right, and that's where my man Ace comes in.
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I don't think Ace will get his unique magic in this, because I think they'll save it for when Grim explodes into the terriyfing monster that killed us in the opening. But Ace would be the best person to against Sebek. What did Ace do the moment he arrived? He challenged his dorm leader, Riddle. Sebek would never do that. Ace did it to knock some sense into Riddle and tell him what was wrong and how to improve. I would really love it if Ace did that with Sebek. Sebek really believes Malleus can't do anything wrong, but Ace didn't hestiate to call him out for Halloween. I would love Ace to face Sebek and tell him off. It would be really interesting and a nice bridge to the next book or if he gets his unique magic.
Side note to our freshmen, I think they'll try and protect Yuu considering they're helping Yuu find a way home. I still think they'll try and save Yuu or help Yuu in some form, but look those freshmen against a dragon? The dragon will win. No, Ortho wouldn't be strong enough to win. I do think Yuu's going to play the Prince Philip role like they have for the previous books in a sense.
Malleus Gives Us a 'Perfect' Gift
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Gotta be honest, he's going to be succesful and put us to sleep. I still believe he's going to create that perfect reality/dream for everyone to enjoy. It will be a perfect, happy place for everyone. Nothing is wrong and everyone is happy. Come on! Dr. Maruki did it! You do it! Do it!
Lilia is a Factor and Knows It
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Gotta be honest, he's going to be the reason for why Malleus Overblots and puts everyone to sleep, but he will also be the reason Idia's most likely going to help us. Lilia is their connection to each other. He's going to know too. He probably knows Idia is his gaming buddy and is timing this so that Idia can help us! He's going to play us like fiddles and do everything to save his other son!
Idia is Going to be Comedic Potential and Help Us
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I hope this is one of the first parties he's been invited to it, and then this happens. It would be too funny. Much like the Ghost Bride, but this time a party.
Also, make a JRP joke about how you're going to fight a dragon. Bonus points if you mention Fire Emblem Protagonists and how they're blue and fight dragons. I can't wait for his humor, I love it.
Besides that, I still believe Idia's going to be one of the first people to realize that the reality is fake. I hope it is also because of Ortho. If Ortho is human or appears humans and Idia isn't tied to the company, he's going to notice something off. He's smart and also accepts reality. He would not accept this. He would accept the real one and want to go back to it. He's also going to be the one to help Malleus through this as well. Which leads into my next point.
Malleus Don't Be a Rollo!
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Really thought I could go without him, but no, this is important. What Rollo did is what Malleus is going to do. Rollo is trying to make sure no one suffers like him by taking it out onto others. Malleus doesn't want to lose us, so he'll put us to sleep. I know this isn't the same, but this is not a good pattern either.
This is also where Idia comes in. Bonus points if he shouts "Don't be like Rollo!"
Regardless, Idia helps Rollo or tries to. Idia knows the pain of losing a love one and taking blame for it with Rollo. Idia knows that pain and will carry it with him. He's going to make sure Malleus understands this and doesn't have to be alone either. Idia's going to be the reason Malleus understand that people we love do move on from us, but we have those memories and their wishes with us. It is painful, but it will be ok in the end.
Also, Malleus and Idia friendship please! Please!
Unique Magic?
I don't know if we will get anyone's unique magic. I really want to know Silver's, because I hope his has something to do with dreams. As for the other three, maybe. We might see Malleus since he's really speeding up his Overblot and has used a lot of magic. We could see Lilia's if he uses it to protect us. I don't know about Sebek, but it would be interesting to see too.
That's All I've Got
There are probably more stuff I missed, but I had to get this out before the book drops and wanted to gush about it. Anyway, here we go! Put us to sleep! I dare you, Malleus! Let's do this! Have fun everyone and good look pulling foxy, bat dad Lilia.
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ashipiko · 3 months
If you’re still doing the OC questions thing, may I ask for 6, 12, 18 with Ashi?
THANK YOU LILLYYY 🫶 v happy to see you in my inbox!!!
6. What is their worst class?
ANYTHING HISTORY RELATED. my girl can’t DO IT she could barely do history in her home world AND NOW IN THIS RANDOM WORLD????? PLEASE. SHE CANNOT. she just doodles in that class NGL 😔 trying her best to rmb but she just can’t………
12. What is your OC’s favorite event(s), what was their role?
😭😭 this event is just known as MY event w my friends because when it first came out like. in JP I was FREAKING OUT OVER ACE and it’s forev my fave Acey card…. SO OF COURSE ASHI PLAYS A MAJOR PART IN IT!!! FOR THOSE WHO ARE NOT AWARE. ghost marriage w ashi is a slightly altered SLIGHTLY rewritten event where ashi channels her rizz and woos Eliza!!! it’s fun and chaotic AND CONTENT FOR IT CAN BE FOUND HERE AND HERE
THE EVENT IS BASICALLY THE SAME just that after the second group goes in and gets slapped, ashi’s watching and is like “damn fam… yall’s rizz is Hella Bad” and she ends up going to sam’s, buying a suit, taking the ring and making her way to woo eliza herself. AND IT WORKS? BECAUSE ASHI IS JUST REALLY GOOD W WOMEN??? DESPITE BEING STRAIGHT?????? IT’S A CURSE like actually FR. ANYWAY it works and Ashi even puts the ring on her finger but nothin works?? BECAUSE OF ACE. BECAUSE THE TWO OF EM WERE MESSING AROUND W THE FAKE AND REAL RING AND ASHI TOOK THE WRONG ONE BY ACCIDENT. so due to peer pressure and being blamed ace is all “JEEZ FINE ILL SAVE HER” and that’s when the actual groom team goes in!!
IF YOU’RE WONDERING ABOUT IDIA……. nobody cares about him 😔 they all end up going “why did it have to be ashi? couldn’t idia still be there instead?” AND HE’S LIKE “WHY DO YOU GUYS ALL HATE ME……” and it’s really funny 🫶 ashi is scared for her LIFE because she’s terrified of ghosts and also her hopeless romantic is CRYING BECAUSE “I DID NOT WANT TO END UP MARRYING A WOMAN BEFORE I DIED THIS JS NOT ROMANTIC SAVE ME”
ITS A REALLY CHAOTIC EVENT but it also plants the seeds for ashace 🫶 it’s just a fun rewrite for my fave event and I think it’s fun!!! plus afterwards when she hangs out w the first years she talks about her hopeless romanticness and her type….. considered writing a fic for it 🤔
18. What is the hardest thing to adjust to at NRC? The magic? Being away from their family? Ect.
I THINK IT’S A FOOD AND FAMILY SITUATION. ashi whines SOOO much about missing food and even going to scarabia to eat w kalim doesn’t heal the wound…… she just wants some good food from her mom!!!! 😔 she misses her family a lot and gets really homesick. on top of that she also has the worry about what’s happening at home and if anyone misses her and how her family is doing and YADAYDAYADA!!! HAVING TO PROVIDE FOR HERSELF TOO…. she’s too used to being pampered but it was def hardest for her in the beginning having to move into ramshackle and provide for herself at first w/o anyone’s help……..
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traumxrei-archive · 1 year
im kinda curious, what were your teams for book 6 :0 sincerely, another anon that's getting beat up by 6-67
hello suffering nonnie (2), let me just go back and screenshot my teams bc i do not remember them off the top of my head—
ta daaaa my teamsssss
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pome team's the one with the least SSR cards bc i do not have any SSR cards that compliment pome except for beans floyd :'))) i did swap out robes vil with beans vil at times and used lab floyd instead of beans floyd when we needed water, but this is the default
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ofc i got my beloved dorm azurid duo <33 they're legit a lifesaver + hween jade makes them so *chef's kiss* this team has a whopping NINE buddy bonuses which is so fire emoji sjfkdjsfk (also sometimes i swap out dorm riddle w/ lab riddle for more water spells)
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this is the team that changes the most with each fight. the default is this bc we have two heals from lab jamil and gala kalim, but i swap out jamil's card a lot per fight. sometimes i use his birthday card for flora/water, and sometimes i swap to his firelit card. (originally this team was supposed to have dorm cater and robes trey, but i swapped to idia/lilia last minute)
these teams have been working pretty well in all the containment facilities + in the 6-66 fights, so i wonder how they'll hold up with the 6-67 final fights,,,,,
also for anyone curious abt spell levels and buddies, i'll put them below the cut
pome team:
robes vil -> 5,5 (hp rook)
robes epel -> 5,5 (pow ace, hp vil)
beans rook -> 5,5
beans floyd -> 10,8 (hp ace, pow vil)
robes ace -> 5,5 (pow epel)
azurid team:
dorm riddle -> 10,10 (hp azul)
dorm azul -> 10,10 (hp riddle, pow jade)
hween jade -> 7,7 (hp azul, pow ruggie)
dorm ruggie -> 8,6 (hp jack, hp azul)
beans jack -> 5,5 (hp ruggie, pow azul)
leojami team:
gala leona -> 8,7 (pow kalim)
lab jamil -> 5,5 (pow kalim)
gala kalim -> 10,10 (hp leona)
suitor idia -> 7,7 (hp lilia)
suitor lilia -> 10,10 (pow idia)
do not ask me how many thaumarks i spent on these guys ough they're the reason i'm broke !! (not literally but figuratively.)
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twstgameplay · 2 years
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Hi! Thanks so much for doing this. I am hoping to get to at least S rank for omni, water, and fire exams on EN.
I’m able to defeat hard mode, and right now I’m getting A for omni, water, and fire. I’m wondering how I can improve to eventually get to the S and SS rank?
Dorm Leona, max buddy with Vil, level 9 spell 2
Silver birthday: lvl 6 spells, lvl 5 buddies with everyone
Gala Leona: working on maxing him out, all spells at lvl 5, lvl 5 buddies with everyone
Ruggie: working on maxing him out, all spells level 5, lvl 4 and 5 buddy with Leona and Jack
Jade: haven’t really touched him yet
Almost all my leveled SRs have spells of at least 4-5. I can definitely invest resources to other SRs if they’re needed! I unfortunately don’t have a Kalim that works well with Fairy Leona yet.
Please let me know if I need to provide more! Thank you so much
To get S you need to play Hard more and preferably completely deplete the other team’s HP. Turn 5 will do, but you need to end on turn 4 if you want SS. Here are some teams you can try.
Dorm Leona (Flora/Flora), having one of his spells maxed will get you way more damage
Dorm Ruggie (Cosmic/Water)
Bday Silver (Fire/Water)
Robe Vil (Fire/Water)
Lab Jack (Cosmic/Fire) or Robe Jack (Water/Flora), adding one more DUO will increase your score
Dorm Leona (Flora/Flora), max his DUO for more damage
FG Leona (Flora/Water), use his Spell 1 with Dorm Leona’s Spell 1
Robe Vil (Fire/Water) or PE Vil (Flora/Water), Robe Vil’s Spell 2 hits hard and PE Vil is great to adjust dmg + has no weakness
FG Kalim (Water/Fire) or PE Kalim (Water/Flora), adding one more DUO will increase your score
Robe Malleus (Flora/Water) or Uniform Rook (Water/Flora), Malleus for hitting hard or Rook for heal + buff FG Leona’s POW even more
Dorm Ruggie (Cosmic/Water)
Bday Silver (Fire/Water)
FG Leona (Flora/Water)
FG Kalim (Water/Fire)
Robe Jack (Flora/Water) or Lab Jack (Cosmic/Fire), Robe is better because he hits harder and has 2 Water hits, but if you lack the DMG to end on turn 4 or has trouble surviving when you’re forced to use a Flora spell, then consider using Lab instead
As your SSRs (other than Dorm Leona) are all Defense type, you might need to max their spells to deal more damage and easily end the battles on turn 4. For now, I’d say to focus on both spells for Dorm Leona (the 2 hits on Spell 1 at Lv.10 is great), then go to FG Leona (hits hard for a DEF card thanks to his 2 POW buddies and his Spell 1 is very useful) and then move on to Dorm Jade (he’s pretty much a BAL SSR disguised as DEF). I know you didn’t mention Flora exam, but now you’ll have a DUO of each element.
~ 🦈
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