#i'm putting this into tags so you can reblog without shame
protect-daniel-james · 6 months
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I love how happy he is about the tough match. He can't even hide it.
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jojo-oliver · 11 months
How to tumblr for artists… my own version
A collection of things that have been working for me, but may not work for everyone
~~~ your posts ~~~
!!!reblog your own stuff!!! you need to reblog your own stuff, there is nothing morally wrong with reblogging your own stuff regularly. in fact, it is morally right to allow the chance for more people to see your artwork.
~~~ queue it!! ~~~ my queue is 500 posts strong. maybe don't try to make your queue hundreds of posts strong in the same day omg but like… once every month or two i'll go through my whole blog and just scroll and "add to drafts" to every one of my own posts i have. then i'll use the "mass post editor" to add content warning tags. and add to queue, and shuffle. and then I write down what the date was for when I last added my posts to be reblogged on queue. this is helped by turning on timestamps for posts in tumblr "dashboard preferences" settings.
queueing is necessary and life saving for me. It takes out so much work with decision fatigue and the anxiety around posting. It also guarantees that even if I suddenly need time off or away from my phone, I don't just disappear and lose all traction. It also breaks the instant-gratification cycle that you expect when you finish an artwork. It's hard to keep creating when you post something and, when you're expecting to get that gratification, you get none... If you queue your new artwork to come out at a later time, you've separated that expectation - with time. It hurts less and contributes to a more consistent gratification thing instead of peaks and troughs.
~~~ tag ya stuff ~~~ when you're making a new post, the first 20 tags are what gets put into the searchable tags. do not feel shame for using lots of tags. shame is the mind-killer. tags are hard. hard to know what to tag a post with. hard to remember the tags. so I found some ways to help myself. maybe they'll help you too. dedicate some time towards just figuring out what tags you want to use. i have a list in my phone notes that i add tags to and reference whenever i'm making a new post. i have the phone right beside the laptop while i'm tagging so that i can just look at it and scroll. tags are the only way for people to find your artwork, other than people manually coming to your blog because they saw you somewhere. there is no algorithm. posting without tags, until you have an established fanbase, is throwing something into the void.
When I'm doing tag research, I look at what people seem to use - when you put something in the search bar, tumblr recommends you some that have a higher following, typically. Looks like this on desktop:
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if you like one tag, look at what other people who use that tag also tag their posts with. Observe and learn how this tag is used. search through a bunch of them and write them down.
here's what i got in my notes, for the specific kind of art I post and look for:
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these tags are sort of specific to me and the kind of art I make. You'll want to research your own tags, but this is an example of how I keep them organized to make posting more effective. I generally only write down a tag when it's got more than 2k followers. You might be tempted to use the tags with millions of followers, but I've actually found those a lot less functional for small artists. If your stuff doesn't immediately get a bunch of notifications, you're drowned out and pushed to the bottom much faster. But the bigger tags are better than no tags, so I keep them if I can't think of anything else to tag something with.
~~~ post at the right times….? ~~~
fridays and saturdays is when I post fresh new things... usually. every website has it's own peak hours, and you can find those hours in many different online articles that try to sell you social media growth services. tumblr is unique in having later hours.
here's some random graph from google images:
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please don't over think this. please don't let this consume the idea of when to post, preventing you from posting at all. it doesn't mean too much - if you post during very active hours, maybe your art would just be pushed down the feed faster. if you post at the end of hours, maybe everyone's going to sleep… if you post at inactive hours, maybe there's less 'competition'… if you post at the beginning of active hours, maybe that's just more time for your post to circulate for the day, if you have enough people reblogging it once it drops....
this also is in EST. So fuck the other time zones, I guess. I'm over here in europe knowing that the "best" time to post would be like 2-3am or something. It's like this for most english-speaking majority sites - higher traffic in north american time zones.
it's also worth mentioning that this is scattered as heck, compared to other social media sites. and it's not like, the activity times of your followers. it's not the best time to post for your niche. this is just tumblr, broadly. all of tumblr.
~~~ Plan ahead for annual dates ~~~
Your artwork will get more circulation if it's posted on a celebratory day. You could just put them on your calendar and if you're wondering what to make, look on the calendar for what's coming soon. For example, asexual awareness day, trans day of visibility, location-specific holidays, etc. Here's my phone notes thing with my own recorded annuals:
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I got these dates from googling and reading different articles, but I find that I still miss dates, and then I add them for next year. If you know of some I missed, tell me and I'll add them please <3
~~~ reblog other people's stuff ~~~
tumblr is sorta about ecosystems. things get passed around within groups of people that are all following eachother. to enter this ecosystem, you must engage and reblog other people's stuff too.
if you reblog other artists' stuff, sometimes they'll come over and reblog your stuff too. sometimes they'll follow you back. this is called becoming a mutual. I'll search specific tags for the kinds of people I want to follow and the kind of art I like - those are listed in the screenshot of my tag note under "Tags for finding new people".
I see a lot of blogs out there that are very clean, posts are tagless, and are only for the artists' content. like scrolling through a portfolio. I imagine this is good for people who are migrating to tumblr but already have their own established fanbase from elsewhere.
you don't need to do reblog other people's stuff on your art blog, you can do this on a separate blog. but if the two don't look very closely correlated, it's hard to tell who you are when you're interacting. and hard to make sure people know that you are the same person as your art blog. and you gotta remember to promote yourself on your personal blog.
~~~ have an art tag ~~~
make your blog easy to search!
if i go to your blog, and you've written 'artist' or 'sometimes art' in your bio, i wanna see it… it make me so sad when i don't get to see it. i want to reblog it. please let me reblog it :(
to make a tag on your own blog searchable, you don't need to repost it to add a tag. you don't even need to reblog it. you can actually just go back to the original post and edit it to add your tag. I've seen post people just have their art tag be something like #(blogname)art . you can see my own in my tags image above. if it's very unique, then it'll work tumblr-wide. I think that's good, since the tumblr search function is really weird. Otherwise it should still work if it's not entirely unique, people just have to make sure they're searching specifically your blog to see only your stuff.
I like to have a link in my pinned post where people can click to have immediately searched for my art tag. Convenience is king. Keep in mind that most people are on mobile, and if something isn't immediately clickable, they often won't find it.
~~~ be consistent and be patient ~~~
!!!this time will pass anyway!!! how many notes you have is not correlated with how good you are as an artist. wanting to earn something from your art means you essentially have two jobs. two potentially full time jobs. this shit's difficult. most of the job is promoting yourself. don't undersell how hard it is to do… don't feel bad for not immediately succeeding. I would write about how hard it's been to promote myself, but it would just be long and sad I think.
This isn't a full guide, please feel free to add more!!
I'm sure in another year I'll disagree with a lot of this, it will become irrelevant with time, and I'll have a lot of different opinions. Chip in and share what you've been doing? Teach me? This is very overwhelming. Don't do it all at once, just like, try one thing at a time, and see how it works for you. Your niche might be different. One size does not fit all. If you're confused about some of the things I talk about in here, you might be on mobile. I do most of my queueing and posting from the desktop browser version.
I will update this with more as things change, but I think you'll have to click through to see the updated post
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wwinterwitch · 1 year
questions — joel miller x fem!reader
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summary: after a night at the bar, joel walks you home and you finally confess what has been on your mind since the night everything fell apart pairing: joel miller x fem!reader word count: 3.9k warnings and tags: doesn't really follow canon but sill minor spoilers for ep. 6 i guess?, angst with a good ending, alcohol consumption, reader is drunk, joel being joel, miscommunication, sharing feelings go wrong, i'm not used to write angsty fics i'm sorry if this sucks author's note: omg omg happy finale day!! i wrote this listening to question...? by taylor swift so that's what inspired this concept, also this was supposed to be a tiny little blurb idk how we got to almost 4k words but okay i guess
a reblog and/or comment on my posts really help me out as a content creator so thank you in advance if you take the time to do either!
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Before tonight you were fine.
You barely even thought about him in that way. You barely remember the way his skin feels against yours, or the way a simple kiss from him would leave you begging for more. It was like all those nights you two would stay up talking about whatever, his arms around you and your back pressed against his chest, never existed.
Training your heart not to long for him and your brain to keep him out of your thoughts was no easy job at first. It was almost impossible for your body not to want him close. Not being able to talk to him about whatever was on your mind and knowing he no longer will reach out to share even his most profound secrets was absolute torture. Walking next to him all day without being able to reach out for his hand or stop for a quick second just to hold him close to you was a living nightmare that you couldn't wake up from.
Because how could he be so easy to forget? Joel Miller. The first and only person you've fallen in love with. That special someone that opened up a door to a whole new world that you never realized you were dying to discover until he was standing in front of you, his extended hand being an open invitation to walk all these unfamiliar roads and witness the beauty of it all together.
It was new and scary and beautiful. You were addicted to loving him before you even realized exactly what it was. From the moment you were able to put a name to this new feeling he taught you, you vowed to be his for as long as he'll have you- but what a shame it was to realize that the ending to a seemingly long story was already written at the very back of the page.
Perhaps your love blinded you enough to believe he had fallen just as hard, only to realize he was still standing at the edge of the precipice, staring down as you fell into the darkness of the abyss. Perhaps it's the fact that death is all around that makes it impossible for anything to be born. Why would you be able to live a fairytale in the middle of a horror show? What could possibly make you so special?
At least he doesn't seem to be affected by the fact that you two drifted apart. It's not like he's the best at sharing his feelings to other people, his ever-frowning gaze always present in his face no matter the circumstance, but you were still hoping that maybe he cared enough to show you he's hurting even just a little bit.
That should be comforting, right? To know he's perfectly fine and that you never cross his mind in that way. He doesn't have the need to apologize or make it right. He doesn't regret what happened and it never plays back in his head as he curses at himself for not doing things differently. You and your...relationship? are that easy to forget.
No. It's not comforting at all. If anything, it makes everything worse.
You can still remember the night you told him you loved him. A moment in your painfully short history together that you wish you could erase. A disappointing ending to what could've been an absolute masterpiece.
Ellie was already asleep and the two of you were keeping watch. He insisted you should get some sleep but you wanted to stay with him. He wasn't a fan of showing you any type of affection since Ellie joined the two of you, so the nights are the only chance you have to be closer. It was like the moon and stars were your best of friends at that point, because they meant he could finally be yours.
The confession slipped from your lips in a quiet whisper. A simple and timid "I think I'm falling in love with you" was all you offered. It's not hard to remember the way your hands would slightly tremble, or the rapid beating of your heart. It's as unforgettable as the confidence you were feeling because despite being so nervous, you were certain that he'll say it back.
He never did. He didn't say it back that night, or the morning after, or any other morning that followed.
It was embarrassing to look back on it now that you know what happened next. You were snuggled up next to him, one of his arms wrapped around your shoulders. His eyes were fixated on the fireplace that helped to make the chilling air of the night a little more tolerable.
Staring at his handsome complexion without his permission was probably one of your favorite things to do. He had confided in you a couple of times that he couldn't understand why you enjoy it so much. That he's not this breathtaking sight that deserves to be contemplated in the way you do.
Truth is, he's the most hypnotizing sight of all. You didn't care about the roughness of his features or the years visible in the corner of his eyes, hair and beard. He's gorgeous and unique and yours. You could stare at him for hours and never get tired of it.
Like many times before, he caught you staring at him. And just like those times before, he made a gesture that should tell you he disliked that habit of yours, only to be betrayed by the smirk timidly forming on his lips not so long after.
It was then, with his eyes staring back at yours, that the verbal proclamation of your love for him invaded the quietness of the night.
And that's when his smirk magically disappeared. His eyes became dark with something you couldn't quite decipher at the time, still staring back at you but not really. It was clear he wasn't there with you anymore, too lost in his own thoughts to truly acknowledge your presence anymore.
Before you could even think of saying something else, he surprised you with an almost robotic "I think you should get some sleep".
Feeling more heartbroken and confused than ever, you did exactly that. You got up and joined Ellie, cuddling up in your sleeping bag with your back facing him. It's still a mystery to you how you were able to cry yourself to sleep that night without making a sound. How you were able to control the hurricane of emotions after telling the love of your life how you feel and him not caring about it in the slightest.
And suddenly, being in love was still new and scary but it had turned into something horrible.
You had to spend every second of every day with him after that, pretending nothing ever happened. He never brought it up either, so you decided to ignore it to avoid making a fool of yourself again. His reaction was enough to let you know he never really loved you, so you ran with it and tried to continue knowing whatever you two had or could have was no more.
But it was still difficult at times. Ellie kept asking you questions regarding you and Joel even weeks after the incident. She's not stupid. She could see you two weren't exactly friends, no matter how hard Joel tried to convince her otherwise. She's also not someone who settles for made up excuses or half truths, which made her push the subject until she got a good enough answer. That's why she continued coming to you for answers, because she knew he'll never talk about it.
It was only when you explicitly confirmed you two weren't just friends before quickly telling her it was completely over that she eventually let it be. After that, she also started to pretend nothing happened.
Jackson became pretty much the light at the end of a pitch back tunnel you thought was never-ending. You were excited to meet new people and have new things to do during the day, knowing it'll help to keep you busy, forcing Joel out of your head.
It was so exciting in fact, that it helped to make it seem as if the quick "she's the one I've been traveling with" that Joel used to introduce you to his brother wasn't that terrible.
Tommy, who much to your luck was nothing like his big brother, made sure to show you around and introduce you to a few people. He got you a house so you and Ellie could settle in and helped you find a job at the local library, officially starting your new life that didn't revolve around Joel.
In time, you found your place in the commune (as you and Ellie love to call it to tease Tommy). Joel was slowly becoming just a bad chapter in a much bigger story that you started to write for yourself, and you're loving the new plot that's unfolding across the blank pages.
However, all of that progress came crashing down tonight. Tommy's birthday was being celebrated at the local bar and there was no way you would ever miss it. Not only has he become a very good friend, but you also needed the distraction.
The familiar faces, the food and drinks made you forget about Joel's presence for most of the night and you barely made the effort to acknowledge his presence. Without being able to prevent it, your eyes accidentally met for a few seconds. It was almost sickening that everything about that half-a-second-look was so much like a movie. You were laughing at something a friend had said before you finished your third drink of the night, casually scanning the room to catch Joel already looking your way.
He smiled and you barely smiled back before focusing on the conversation with your friends again as if nothing happened. The alcohol might have motivated you enough to just not care anymore. To show him you really couldn't care any less to try to be nice after he was such an asshole when you were completely vulnerable before him.
The idea of not caring seemed tempting. Thinking the alcohol was helping, you continued drinking until you forgot about pretty much everything- which didn't take that long considering your alcohol resistance wasn't that good after a long time without drinking. You don't care about Joel, or the hours passing by, or the fact that you're probably making a complete fool of yourself giggling and dancing with a few friends that are probably as drunk as you are, if not more.
All the hype from being intoxicated started to wear off after a while, becoming more and more sleepy until you were practically dragging your feet towards the exit, putting on your coat and hat to prepare for the cold night outside.
"Looks like you had a good time," you hear Tommy comment in a mocking tone, sending a sympathetic smile your way.
"I did! Thanks for inviting me. And happy birthday to you again!" you exclaim cheerfully. "I hope I didn't make a fool of myself tonight."
"Oh, you definitely did," he mocked, chuckling lightly. "But hey, those dance moves you were pulling off back there? Best birthday gift I'll ever receive."
You looked positively embarrassed after his comment, but managed to laugh it off. "I guess that's good."
"It is," he immediately reassures you. "Let's get you home now, okay?"
"Oh, you don't have to go with me. You can't leave your own birthday party. It's okay, I got it."
"I want to make sure you get home safe. It's fine."
"Tommy, please. You should stay and have fun."
"I won't have fun if I'm worrying about you all night."
"I can take her," you suddenly hear Joel's voice behind you, which immediately made you roll your eyes because you really didn't want him around. He noticed the gesture but didn't seem to care about it in the slightest, putting on his jacket. "I was heading out anyway."
Tommy couldn't have known you really didn't want to be around his older brother, completely unaware of your history with him. Perhaps if you told him, he'll insist on going with you or find someone else that could walk you home. But you never told him what happened, so you're stuck with Joel. "Okay, great. I'll see you guys tomorrow. Thank you for coming," he says, allowing the two of you to leave.
The first few minutes outside in the snow have got to be the most awkward minutes of your entire life.
You tried not to stumble despite still being a bit drunk, not wanting to embarrass yourself in front of him. You're mad that he's here with you and you can't stand being alone with him.
"Did you have fun tonight?"
Oh, and of course he had to open his mouth. Because when has Joel ever done what you want him to do? It seems like he'll always do exactly the opposite of what you expect from him.
"Yes," was all you said.
"Just yes?" he tried again.
You heard him sigh. "So, no talking?"
"I'd really like that, actually."
The tone of your voice would've been enough to make him shut up for the entire walk. Even he seemed to be a little taken aback by the honesty of your answer because you could feel him staring at you for longer than usual before he focused on his boots as they left marks on the snow.
He didn't ask what was wrong because deep down he must've known. He can't not know. And in that drunken state you allowed yourself to be pity as you wished that he thinks about it every single day. That it tortures him. That he despises himself for breaking your heart and not doing something to make it right. That he looks back on it and hopes that he could go back.
But does he? Does he actually think about it every single day? Does he regret what happened? And if he does, why is he not trying to say he's sorry? Does he even want to say something at all?
It was almost as if the alcohol betrayed you. Or maybe it was your head that just allowed every barrier you have built these past few weeks to crumble down. Not caring turned into caring way too much and it was like you couldn't stop thinking about a hundred questions without being able to find a single answer to any of them.
Joel turns to look at you once again when he notices you stopped walking. Your head is spinning as more and more questions fill up your mind and you get frustrated because you know there's only one person who has all the answers.
Should you say something? Should you make a fool of yourself once again? It shouldn't be you. Why is he not doing something? How come you're the one who has to speak up about this? It's not fair.
But it was late, cold and you were just so drunk. And you know that no matter how much you try to move on, you'll never be truly okay until you hear an explanation as to why he broke your heart in such a vicious way. Even if he lies or tries to sugarcoat it, you deserve even the tiniest of explanations.
"Is everything okay?" he eventually asks, which only frustrates you more.
"Do you ever think about that night?" you let out almost immediately after, feeling the way your heart was beating faster than ever. As fast as the time you confessed your love for him.
He was quiet, so you decided to continue. "Do you ever wish you could go back and change the way it ended? Does...does it ever cross your mind or you seriously don't care?"
After those questions, Joel seemed to finally react. "Are we seriously doing this now?"
"If not now, when? You were clearly not going to say anything," you accused him, leaving him completely defenseless because he was very much avoiding ever bringing this up and you just called him out on it. "I just need to know why, Joel."
"I don't- let's get you home, okay?"
"Stop doing that! Stop trying to avoid this!" you exclaimed with obvious exasperation, feeling the corner of your eyes burning due to the tears that would surely roll down your cheeks at any point. "I was in love with you and you weren't decent enough to at least tell me you didn't feel the same way! Don't you think I deserved at least that?"
"We can talk about this tomorrow..."
"No, fuck that. I waited long enough," you quickly interrupted. "I was so patient with you. I gave you your space when you said you weren't sure about us, I respected your decision of being discreet in front of Ellie, I stood up for you countless of times when I shouldn't have. I did so much for you and you can't even look me in the eye and give me an explanation!"
"It's not-"
"You've got to be the biggest asshole I've ever met. And you know what's the worst part of this? That I'm still expecting shit from you. I still hope that you'll say you're sorry for breaking my heart and acting like you never did something wrong. I'm so fucking stupid to believe that you actually-"
"I was afraid!" he practically shouted, hoping that would stop your rambling. It seemed to work, because you were silent as soon as he said that. "There. Are you happy?"
"Don't put this on me," you immediately snap back.
Joel sighs yet again and takes a second to calm down, knowing that if he gets defensive this will end much worse. It's time to accept he fucked up and stop trying to act like he didn't.
"I'm sorry," he finally said. "For this and for what I said that night. I should've been honest with you."
Now it was you the one who was silent, taken aback by his reaction. Usually, he'll try to come on top by creating any type of argument until he's able to get the last word. An actual apology was definitely not something you were expecting.
"I don't like people. I keep my distance and everyone else stay away from me in return. I like distance," he explains. "But then you came along and it was impossible to stay away. No matter how hard I tried, I'd always come back to you. I started to need you and it was scary because I should be keeping my distance."
Silence. Absolute silence. You were surprised to hear him being so honest with you, but you were also feeling a bit nostalgic because deep down you missed being the person Joel would go to when he needed someone to talk to. Even when it was difficult for him to open up, he always tried his best to rely on you whenever he needed it. Needless to say, it made you feel very special.
"When you said you loved me I didn't know what to do. It felt so...definitive. Because I knew that deep down I was falling for you too and if I said something that'd mean I'd never be able to let you go. And it was so scary to think of giving in to that feeling because...because I couldn't allow myself to care again."
You knew exactly what he meant by that. His daughter is not a topic he particularly enjoys bringing up, but you've heard a few things about her. And honestly, you couldn't really blame him for being scared. Despite all these years, losing his kid in the way he did has got to be the worst pain he'll ever experience. Of course he'll want to run away in the opposite direction when he starts seeing the similarities.
It doesn't excuse the fact that he avoided you, but you would never pretend like his feelings weren't valid.
He was scared of loving you because with love comes the inevitable attachment to that person forever. You care so deeply, the mere idea of ever losing that person shatters your world completely. And he knows what that loss feels like. He couldn't experience that again.
"Besides, you know me. You know I'm a mess. I couldn't let you ruin your life by loving me, because I'd just let you down- which I did, so I was right. So instead of saying something, I just said what I thought would help to make you not love me anymore. If I couldn't keep my distance, I had to do something so you'll want to stay away from me."
Once again, Joel was doing exactly the opposite of what you expected. He poured his heart out to you, sounding so honest and vulnerable. You've only heard him being this sincere whenever he would mention Sarah or that one time when you both stayed up talking in depth about your relationship with Ellie.
Tears started to roll down your cheeks as predicted as you stared at him. You don't know whether to hug him or punch him at this point.
"You're such an asshole," was all you could say.
The comment made him chuckle, but it was evident he was holding back his own tears. "I know."
"But that's exactly why I loved you. I know what you've been through, I knew you were a challenge and I was willing to work on it for as long as it would take us. The decision of whether I wanted to love you or not was never yours to make."
"I was trying to save you from having to deal with me."
"What if I didn't want to be saved?"
"Well, I think it's already too late for that," he replied. There was another pause that encouraged him to ask, "Is it? Too late?"
"I don't know," you replied. It was the truth.
"I can work with I don't know."
"What does that mean?" you asked curiously, wiping your tears away.
"It means I'm willing to make it right this time," he replied. "If you let me."
You frowned just a little, failing to hold back the smile that appeared on your face just seconds later. "You know you'll have to really try if you want to fix this, right?"
"I know. It's okay. You're worth it."
So far, so good, you thought.
"This means no more hiding, no more trying to push me away, talking about your feelings..."
"I can handle it."
"Can you?" you asked in a much more serious tone. It sucked not being able to fully trust his word, but you both know you had your reasons not to. "I just don't want to get my hopes up again over nothing."
You watched as Joel took a step closer to you, reaching out to grab one of your hands. He examines your face, making sure you're okay with him touching you before he brings it up to his lips, gently kissing your knuckles. "I promise you this time will be different," he says, and he's looking at you with so much affection, it's impossible not to trust him.
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romanarose · 8 months
If You Wanna Be Wild: Chapter 4
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Co-written with @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction
Javier Peña x Latina!sex worker!informant!Reader x Santiago Garcia
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Summary: Javier confronts Santi, but Candy has Santi's back; we get a little insight into Santi's childhood and what makes him this way.
Content and warnings for whole fic, not chapter by chapter unless something is added: Sex work, drug trade, some drug use/pressured used, sex workers and the mistreatment/stigma surrounding them specifically in the 70’s (my blog is sex worker positive) but ima put potential dub con depending how you look at it as a sex worker who works with dangerous men, some action surrounding reader and the guys and the drug trade, SMUT HEAVY, corruption kink (were corrupting santi here, he’s young, 25), no loss of virginity tho, threesomes, some slight m/m smut but that’s not the focus here, but as you know this blog is an lgbt blog so I’m always open to gay shit. Talk of war and some PTSD but I won't be going a whole lot into it.
For the record, this is a fic that takes place in the drug trade and deals with the darker side of humanity, so anything from Narco's and Triple Frontier is liable to be discussed or mentioned here. This is your warning. This is not a dark fic nor is it centered around dark themes like Leather and Lace or Sunshine Starlight Sweetheart Brightside, but they are open to be talked about.
Reader has a nick name: Candy. Not her real name just what she goes by on her profession. Much of the inspo for this and for the title came from the Bruce Springsteen song “Candy’s room” so check it out for the vibes.
Reader speaks Spanish and had hair. I've decided Candy is just latina bc she's a sex worker in Colombia so this is what I'm doing. Reader also has curly hair and dark skin.
ADDITIONAL WARNING!: I'm adding implied covert incest to the warnings. If you don't know what it is, it's NOT the same as physical/sexual, its where the child has a relationship with a parent that is more like spouses than parent/child. I'll leave more to google. In the context of this fic, Santi's mom parentified Santi, made him the "man of the house", treated him like a husband and relied on him to help pay bills.
Thank you as always to my beloved Fen <3 I couldn't do this without your encouragement.
A short 1.8 words
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“GARCIA!” Javi chased after the young man, running down the stairs. Santi moved fast with his youth, but Javi’s longer legs gained an advantage, skipping stairs and eventually catching Santi and slamming him against the wall.
“I’m sorry!”
“You’re damn right you are! How did you get her number?”
“Your book!”
“You’re going through my shit, Garcia?”
Candy’s voice rang at the top of the stairs, her robe and wild curls flowing as she transcended down the stairs. “Let him go!” 
Javi backed up, letting go of Santi’s shirt with a shove. “You stay the hell away from her!” He said to Santiago.
“Excuse me?” Candy stood in front of Santi, crossing her arms over her robe to protect her modesty, for whatever that was worth. “He is my client, and if he wants to see me, he can see me! You don’t own me!”
Jaci sighed, pinching at the bridge of his nose with a huff. “That’s not what I meant. He’s a DEA agent-”
“And you aren’t?”
“He’s not going to be careful! Candy, you sleep with dangerous men, men we are after! If he’s not subtle, you both end up dead!”
“And screaming out his name in my stairwell is being subtle?” 
Javi didn’t have a response, chewing on his cheeks and Santi tried to excuse himself. “I’m just, I’m going to go.” But Candy caught his hand. 
“Santi, sweetheart, it’s okay, we can go back upstairs. You paid me, sweetie.”
He was still avoidant. “No, it’s okay, I reserved the time, I-I’ll just go… yeah- fuck,” he shook his head and tried to go.
Santi pulled away again, but Candy held on: tight but gentle. 
Javi tried to nudge him on. “Go on out of here-”
“I’m sorry-” Santi tried to apologize to the floor when the door opened, and an old woman in a black lace vale shuffled in.
Candy dropped Santi’s hand in favor of wrapping her robe better. “Hola, Señora Perez.”
The old woman eyes Santi and Javi, then looks at Candy. “You alright here, mija?”
With a soft smile, Candy assures her. “Si, Señora, gracias. El,” She nodded to Javi with a glare. “él se va.”
Señora Perez nodded, placing a withered hand on Candy’s shoulder and turning her away from the two boys. “Mija, have I ever told you about my grandson?”
Candy held back a laugh. “No, Señora.”
“He’s a nice young man, a church going boy.” She touched the cross around her neck. “If I may offer some advice, I would suggest you find some different company.” She glanced at Santi and Javi who both avoided her eyes, then back to Candy’s expensive, flowing robe. “And perhaps some more clothes.” Señora Perez patted Candy’s shoulder and moved on towards her door.
Candy muttered “Garcias, Senora” and everyone waited in silence until her apartment door was closed before Candy turned to Santi, as soothing as ever. “Would you like to come back upstairs with me?”
Santi seemed to be considering it when Javier butted in. “Garcia, don’t you fucking-”
“Enough! You are not in charge of him!” Candy shouted before grabbing Javi’s arm and pulling him out the front door and closing it behind her. “What are you doing?” She asked, unsure why Javi was acting this way. 
But Javi didn’t know himself. He wasn’t an idiot, he knew she saw other men. Hell, he saw plenty of other women himself. Was it that he saw Candy with another man? Was it that the man was Santi? Or was it what he was claiming, that Santiago couldn’t be careful, that he couldn’t protect her? Yeah that was it. It certainly wasn’t the bubbling jealous at the idea that Santi was fucking her, holding her, that she kissed his plush lips- uh, that he kissed her plush lips. No, Javier Peña was jealous. 
Instead of divulging all this, Javi diverted. “What are you doing with him? He’s just a kid.”
She scoffed at him. “He’s 25, plenty old enough.”
“Yeah, old enough to get sex from bars, or a nice girlfriend not-” Javi stopped, but it was too late.
She cocked an eyebrow at him. “A prostitute? You can say it, Javi. I’m aware of my job title.” 
“Candy, baby, that’s not what I meant-”
Candy rolled her eyes, her hand reaching for the door. “Call me whenever, Javi, but you leave that boy alone.”
She opened the door and Javi only got a peak at Santi, connecting eyes before the door shut in Javi’s face as he took a step forward.
Santi watched as Javi walked towards the door, and when it shut he was certain Javi would open it… but he didn’t, and eventually the sound of descending footsteps signaled he left.
“Santiago? Can I call you that now?” She asked as she approached him carefully, with that soft smile that always put Santi at ease. Santi kept looking at the door. “I knew that was your name, before. Knew you worked for the DEA, didn’t know you were Javi’s partner.”
Finally, Santi turned toward her. “Can we not talk about him?”
“Sure. Would you like to go back upstairs with me?” Candy extended her hand that Santi took. She smiled wider. “Let’s go, handsome.”
As they ascended the stairs, Santi’s nerves were through the roof. He felt guilt, like he’d been caught. Santi never got caught before, because he’s never done anything wrong. The pressure from such a young age to be good, to do right, to be the man of the house… it carried over. Santi got his first job at 8 with a paper route he held for years until he found a less than legal job at 13 in a kitchen. The job had so many health code violations and safety hazards, Santi’s arms and legs were burned and cut with scars he now passed off as from the military. He had wounds from there too, but that was primarily the scar down his neck from the bullet that almost killed him, and a few in the chest that went straight through. Frankie said the 4th bullet you don’t even really notice anymore. Santi’s fourth bullet he didn’t feel because he thought he was dead.
All his life he’d needed to do right. His older sister, she was the problem child, the one causing mami problems… Santi loved her too. Elena had her own troubles, their father leaving severely affected her and she sought out that healing from men way too old for her. By the time she entered college, she was a full blown feminist and was teaching Santi all she knew. For his sister’s part, Elena was insistent that Santi be a good man. He learned a lot of valuable lessons about consent and how to treat a woman, not that he had much opportunity to use it.
Santi had become the man of the house when their dad left, his mother treating him like a husband some days. She called him her esposito; her little husband. She’d stay up late at night with him on the couch talking, talking to him about how his father did her wrong, her troubles at work or church… Sometimes it made him feel special, but often it just made him feel worried. He felt like all the problems were his to fix. Elena got into college on scholarship. She’d been a part of a women’s group and had worked hard to save up… Every dime Santi made in his youth went to his mom, so when it came time for adulthood, he couldn’t afford the luxury of college. Santi enlisted in the army at 17, sending home chunks of his paycheck to his mom until the day she died.
The pressure to be good, to be right, to never mess up even the slightest… it manifested in anxiety that Santiago pushed down and down and down… it was bubbling up right now, gurgling in his stomach and in the bile at his throat.
Mami would not approve. She was violently against Elena’s premarital sex, and had told him he could not be like her. God forbid she knew he was seeing a prostitute. Did she know? Was she watching him? Did she know of all the meet ups they'd had this month? Elena wouldn’t approve either, she thought prostitution was degrading to women and that men that sought out prostitutes were objectifying them… this act with Candy was desecrating the two opinions he valued most.
But he didn’t want to stop.
“Do you want to have sex, or would you rather just talk?”
Santi turned to her, confused at that statement. “I thought… do you…”
Her smile changed from soft and assuring to bright and joyful. “Talk? Yes Santiago I can do more than suck dick.”
Panic swept through him. He didn’t want her to think of him like that. She was special to him. He wasn’t stupid, he knew they weren’t dating, but he didn’t just value her for her body. “No! Oh god no, Candy I don’t think of you like that, fuck- you’re- I”
“Santiago.” She placed her comforting hands on his shoulder, a hunt of worry in her eyes. “It’s okay, sweetheart. I’m just teasing you. Breathe, can you do that for me? In your nose, out your mouth…”
Santi did as she said, and slowly calmed down. “I’m sorry, I just…” When she cocked an eyebrow in concern again, Santi collected his thoughts better. “I enjoy your company. P-physical or not.”
Her reassuring smile was back. “Well I’m glad. I enjoy yours too.”
“You’re just saying that.”
“No I’m not.” She frowned ever-so slightly, but unlike his mother he didn’t automatically feel like the frown was his fault or his problem to fix. “Santiago…” Candy took his hand, leading him to the small loveseat and sitting down. “I have a lot of different kinds of men here. I hope that isn’t shocking to say, but I do.” With a gentle nudge to his shoulder, Santi smiled again. “You’d be surprised how many men just want to talk. It’s a lot of them. Before or after sex, but sometimes that’s all we do. I like talking to them, getting to know them. And Santi?” She kissed his cheek and giggled at the tickle of his mustache. “I like getting to know you.”
So Santi stayed there with Candy curled up and lying against his chest on the love seat, just talking. She calmed him. He liked being with her, just being. He knew it was an act, at least part of it. She was paid to be here… but Santi couldn’t help feeling for her, wanting to be with her… With Candy, Santi felt like he could actually be himself, he could be that version of himself he was with Frankie, Benny, Will, and slowly but surely Javi, even if today set him back. Fuck, what was Javi going to say at work tomorrow? Would he yell at him again, get him fired for soliciting prostitutes or for going through his things, would he request a new partner- Santi’s finger wrapped around one of Candy’s curls, carefully letting the lock slip through his fingers as to not to mess them up… he found himself grounded again. That could wait until tomorrow. Candy mattered now.
Check out the playlist!!! Lots of fleetwood mac and eagles!
Prescious baby Santi <3
Now tell me...
please tell me why in the comments and reblogs! I love to here your thoughts on who had better chemistry, who would work better, who needs to work on themselves etc bc they both got their issues, Javi is a sad slut and Santi is a sad baby.
Thank you so so much for reading!!!
And I want to add, to all my readers effect by the war, whether you or your family or friends, I'm praying for your safety. I don't know how much that means to you, but it's what I have <3
@runa-falls @lunar-ghoulie @campingwiththecharmings@whatthefishh @persephone-girl @criticalarchitecture @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog @beelzebeth87 @pimosworld @millerscoffee @heareball @thatwonderouswoman @poolboo @meveispunk @lovable-liar @millllenniawrites @read-and-wip @missdictatorme @the-fox-den @milkymoon2483 @k-ra @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin @rosellacwrites @legendary-pink-dot @dreamingofbucky @axshadows @englandsgray @starsthatwatch @fairlyang @alwaysmicado @theywhowriteandknowthings @casa-boiardi @lostfleur @ninebluehearts @puglover12 @sub-aro @laiisleitte @itspdameronthings @heareball @comfortlessjoy @csarab615 @calaveramangonda @bit-dodgy-innit @stevngrant @nanfafnan @kirsteng42
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blacksailskmeme · 2 months
Hi there piratefam!
Happy Black Sails Netflix day! 🥳 🏴‍☠️🥳
A quick reminder that we have a little Black Sails Kink Meme running right now (live up til the end of Summer 2024!) The link above is to the event collection of fills and below I'm posting some more info about how to participate if you haven't yet heard about it! :D <3
I’m encouraging as informal and low stress/pressure of an atmosphere as possible here. Back in The Day when LiveJournal Kink Memes were common, it was very typical to see a prompt put up and filled within an hour. It doesn’t have to be polished, it doesn’t have to make logistical sense, it just has to fill the prompt as best as you can, sexily! It’s supposed to be fun. A bunch of fun, raunchy kink and smut to roll around in as a fandom. 🥳 🥳
So yeah, first thing to expect, it’s basically ALL PWP (porn without plot). Not to say that someone can’t write a full plot epic if they like, do whatever you like, but in my experience, a 4am fugue state smut fill written in a sweaty haze is kind of, the spirit of the thing. We’re creating ficlets, snapshots, tasty treats of smut with as little pressure to make it in any way polished as possible. Please think of this as, hmmm, a little fun writing exercise you do before you go back to your Big Serious Work, if that helps. We are letting loose, we are having fun, we are being deliciously, joyously, unrepentantly filthy with it! The tagline for the event is: “Get High, Jerk Off Three Times, and Write Me a Warmup :DD”
Literally ask for whatever smut you want~~ This is your chance, toss it into the pot! It will be tagged accordingly when posted if it’s filled, so live your truth, chase your bliss, know no shame, no one can see you~~
–This is an 18 plus event, please, as all of the content will be Explicit. 
–It is also a Black Sails Only Event, please no crossover prompts or fills. However, AU of all types are encouraged with our favorite pirates.
–All ships, all kinks, are welcome for submission, and the fill will then be tagged appropriately. If you have any questions on how to tag something, or just want another pair of eyes to confirm, you can always DM me <3
–Fills must be 500 words minimum of fic. There is no maximum and the fill is allowed to be WIP if you intend to write more chapters later. I would encourage that the content of the prompt be IN the first chapter at least before submission to the collection.
–We’re Gonna Be Nice and Civil!! No ship bashing, no kink shaming, we’re all mature adults here. If you don’t like something, then don’t fill it, don’t reblog it, don’t read it, pretend you do not see it. If you don’t like it, it’s not for you! 
For prompts-- you may submit ANON ASK PROMPTS to this blog. I will publish them with a number and a link to the collection. If you like one of the prompts, simply post it through the collection with its corresponding number and then that AO3 link to your fill will be reblogged underneath the original ask prompt. It is helpful when submitting a prompt to give details that are important to you, and the prompt filler will do their best with it. <3 So, I suggest giving a ship specification up front, maybe a vague timeline (season 1, season 2, etc), and then the kinks you want to see with a short description.
For fills-- There is NO CLAIMING PROCESS NECESSARY! If you see a prompt that strikes your fancy, you are IMMEDIATLEY encouraged and free to fill it, there is NO LIMIT ON FILLS for each prompt!
Both prompt submissions and fills will be open simultaneously through the entire span of the event.
The entire collection is marked Anonymous, which means any work submitted to it will be posted Anon. There is no option you need to worry about checking to guarantee this.
After the event is closed, if you want to then de-anon your work, that is your prerogative. However, it will mean you must remove the work from the collection, as the collection itself will forever and always remain anonymous.
As more prompts come in, I will continue to assign them numbers and post them using the tag #2024BSKMemePrompts. As they come in, fills will be reblogged under their prompt using the tag #2024BSKMemeFills.
(PS: If you submit your fill and do not see it immediately, please remember it’s just me handling the organization and I might be asleep. But rest assured just as SOON as I get the notification on the collection I will publish it on Tumblr.)
Information regarding posting to AO3 collections can be found here. The expanded guidelines and rules for fills can be found here.
If you are unsure of something, tags, anything at all, or if you have questions I haven't covered here: please do not hesitate to reach out to me either through the event blog or my main @jaynovz. I will respond to questions as soon as I’m able :DD
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princemick · 11 months
hi, hello and welcome, we've seen what's been happening to twitter and we welcome you to our little corner.
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there are however some things that differ from Twitter to Tumblr and so we have some different rules and behaviour then you might be used to!! I'm gonna try to explain them to you in this post! everything is below the tab!
reblog reblog reblog!!! likes do absolutely nothing, and your blog 'aestetic' in reblogs doesn't really matter unless you're a specific aesthetic blog, reblog are the way people see the content. likes are private! so remember to reblog the stuff you see and like!
DO NOT STEAL GIFS/GRAPHICS I WILL COME AFTER YOU!!! always ask if you can use a gif an then ALWAYS CREDIT properly
shipping is, prevalent. shipping even rpf is ingrained into tumblrs culture on every side of it if you dont like it thats a you thing, you can 'blacklist' tags so just add 'rpf' or the shipnames to them and you should be good!
continuing with that idea, curate your own experience is the most important thing on this site, blocking and blacklisting is normal and very much allowed and welcomed. almost no one is going to change how they do or act around here for one person, just unfollow or blacklist.
but do NOT put long posts or x reader fics, anything in the main tag without putting it under a 'read more' tab people will get annoyed by you
followers dont matter!!! no one CARESSS about basically anything this site is wonderfully anonymous and we can't see how many followers anyone has so genuinely no one gives a shit do whatever you want
remember to trigger tag and unlike twitter spell it out completely! so when a crash happens or is talked about make sure to tag it 'tw crash' even with reblogs!! also remember to tag when you're being negative about a driver as 'anti *insert first name*' never do full name then it will show up in their tags which defeats the purpose of anti tagging.
adding to that, use tags! they're one of the best tumblr features its free to be overenthusiastic and excited in the tags BUT the blog you can reblog it from AND the op can also read those tags so keep that in mind!!
be nice! this shud be a given, be nice, let people do their thing and vibe, just support people and block when u you dont vibe with them! when you do wanna send hate asks do it off anon, dont be shy do it on main
and things arnt 'weird' in the same way they are on twitter, this place has no drivers and no public figures so shame is a lot less existent here, you have to get used to that
and lastly as quoted by my anon 'Don't be afraid to be funny or weird be thirsty on main ship the middle aged man no one cares.'
and most of all. HAVE FUN!!! dont be scared to ask people how things work most of us are very okay with answering 'dumb' questions a lot of us have been here for about a decade we know its a confusing platform please ask away!
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hillbillyoracle · 8 months
My Care Kit
I've hesitated posting about this because I know it's not hard for this to get to the wrong side of the site - because even though there's been an awesome shift in the conversation about how care can look at different levels of functioning, we're still not really there yet. So if you're rude in the comments, tags, or reblogs, expect to blocked. Cause I just don't have it in me.
With that out of the way, I wanted to talk about what's been allowing me to be infinitely more regular with skincare, grooming, and to a lesser degree dental routines - my care kit.
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It's not mindblowing or original. I basically just took all the stuff I was storing in the bathroom and store it in my bedroom to use there. I'm sure plenty of people have figured this out before me but it took me a minute to realize how helpful this is.
So what's in here?
CeraVe AM Moisturizer
The Ordinary Hyaluronic Acid
Good Molecules Discoloration Correcting Serum
CereVe "in the Tub" - Moisturizing Cream
Differin Gel*
*Differing Gel is something I only use when I take this kit to the bathroom as it's important to wash your hands after using a retinol
"But you're supposed to use it on wet skin!" - yeah I know. I keep a small spray bottle in here to wet my skin before applying
"But that can mold!" - yeah I know. It's a small one and I use it up in a few days before I need to refill it. I try to clean it regularly too.
But ultimately done is better than none. I accept some risk in order to make this accessible to me. My skin is no longer so dry it's cracking and getting infected. Thank god.
Native Deodorant - Black Oak + Amber
Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab & Sphere and Sundry - Her Eyes That Were Full of Shining Perfume Oil
Kat Von D - Everlasting Liquid Lipstick in "Witches"
Besame Cosmetics - Black Cake Mascara
Tweezerman Tweezers
I don't use all of this all of the time but I appreciate having the option. Sometimes you know you're not getting out of bed but you'd like to look nice. Sometimes looking nice helps you get out of bed.
Not pictured but I keep a small mirror on my shelf near where I store this bag. I use that for make up and tweezing. When tweezing, I wipe the edges off with a tissue then toss it the next time I get up. I also rinse it the next time I use it at the sink. Not perfect, I know. But it helps.
I do have a facial razor in here, but I only use that at the sink at the moment. I also want to swap from disposable to reusable soon. But baby steps and all that.
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And now for the part that will horrify some people and be saving grace to others.
Disposable pre-pasted toothbrushes
Sea to Summit Collapsible Cup with Lid
I won't be accepting comments on this. It's personal and I hesitated to share this because I know it's polarizing. But I know there's something like me out there for whom this would help a ton.
I have a horrible reaction to most toothpastes. I'm talking brush my teeth for 2 minutes, shitting on the toilet for multiple hours afterwards bad. It is miserable and makes me terrified to brush my teeth. I also have just always struggled with it and been shamed a lot for it.
These dang pre-pasted toothbrushes for some reason I do not react to. Idk if it's the fact I toss them after or the paste they're using somehow doesn't have the thing I'm reacting to but I can finally brush my teeth without unbearable cramps afterward.
I recommend them for people who are depressed, bedbound, or otherwise can't get to the sink to brush their teeth though. For me it falls into the camp of medical waste - which no one should be shaming anyone for - if it's this or nothing.
The collapsible cup will also put some people off. What I do is spit into the cup, cap it, then empty and clean it whenever I get up next. Gross? Maybe. But it works. I've not had issues with smell this way and since it's capped, there's no way to spill it if I lose my balance or accidentally kick it.
Holotaco Nail Kit
Badger Sleep Balm
The nail kit was a gift and boy oh boy is it nice. You don't need this one but something like this is a godsend. It is so nice to be able to clip nails back, file them, and clean them up without needing to like make a session of it in the bathroom. I'm considering adding my fav base coat, nail polish, and top coat so I can more easily paint them too.
Badger Sleep Balm has become a part of how I wind down and also how I help recover from panic attacks. I've taught myself some basics of self massage and use this to make it go a little easier. I really recommend learning. There are some good videos on youtube and I get fewer cricks in my neck now.
I really hope this helps someone out. Maybe this doesn't suit your particular use case but I hope it serves as an example that sometimes you're not keeping your desired routines because the environment needs a redesign and sometimes that requires thinking outside the box a little.
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ailendolin · 4 months
Idk if you're still doing the ask game but if you are --> ❤️‍🩹 Pat & Thomas (platonic or romantic idm) :)) love your fics btw <3
I'm always up for doing ask games, no matter how long ago it was that I reblogged them. So thank you for sending this in! 💙 I don't ship Thomas and Pat so I'm going for a platonic headcanon based around the hug they shared in series 5. I hope you enjoy it!
Headcanon ask game can be found here. Answered asks for this ask game are gathered under this tag.
❤️‍🩹 - Hurt/Comfort
Pat realised early on that Thomas can talk for hours without really saying anything. It's the things he doesn't say that are the most enlightening, so Pat starts reading between the lines. It's how he learns that Thomas's father wasn't around for most of Thomas's life, or perhaps not around at all, and that Thomas would have traded all the money and support his mother gave him throughout his life for something as simple as a hug from her.
There is an emptiness in-between Thomas's sentences when one knows what to listen for; an aching silence that tells of a longing Thomas doesn't know how to express. Pat can't quite put his finger on what that means until Thomas pulls him so desperately close the night they think one of them will move on. When Pat makes him pull back almost at once, shame and embarrassment are written all over Thomas's face for all the world to see, and the puzzle pieces are finally falling into place.
There is no time to act on his revelation that evening. Too much is going on and emotions are running far too high to draw any attention to it. But the next morning he goes to find Thomas in the library, and when he sits down beside him, he doesn't hesitate before he pulls him into a hug - a gentler, less desperate version of the one the night before.
"You've been waiting for this for two-hundred years, haven't you?" he asks quietly. When Thomas's breathing hitches, Pat smiles sadly and holds him tighter. "I'm always up for a hug, mate. All you have to do is ask."
It changes everything. At first, Pat has to open his arms in silent invitation whenever it looks like Thomas is in need of a hug but once it sinks in that he really meant what he said, Thomas starts coming to him of his own accord. He's all shy and self-conscious when he does but Pat doesn't mind, not when Thomas smiles at him so heartbreakingly genuinely every time they part. It suits him, that smile, and Pat is glad to see it emerge more and more these days - and all because of a simple hug.
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toxicanonymity · 1 year
WELCOME ABOARD! This blog has amazing readers which makes it a lot of fun. Check your content settings to make sure you can see everything. Heed warnings on fics. UPDATED 4/30/24.
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Tox/Toxy, she/her. millennial. Blog is 18+.
As of 5/31/24 all WIPs are on hiatus.
Do not copy, translate, or repost* my work. Do not put it into AI or make bots of it. Ty for understanding.
*reblogging ( 🔁 button) is encouraged.
Q: Are Requests open?
A: no, not for new fics. but feel free to send thots, particularly on my stories. if I use it I'll tag you. you can also ask Qs about lore, etc.
Q: Will you write more every inch/left in Lincoln?
A: I plan to. More here. For Every Inch, there are three more parts planned.
Q: When is [fic] coming back? How many chapters?
A: IDK, sorry. If I knew I'd tell you. I have to delete asks like this for my sanity. I get overwhelmed. In the future, I'm not planning to release things as I write, I'm gonna try to finish everything before posting. Problem is I have a lot of one shot fails / play as I go AUs. We'll see. I can tell you Every Inch has 6 total parts.
Q: Did you read my fic?
A: I'm sure it's good but I'm a slow/bad reader. I'm also overdosed on pedro rn. More here.
Q: AO3
A: Here, not everything is on there but lmk if there's something you'd like me to prioritize as I work on bringing everything over.
Q: Tag list?
A: Please follow @toxicfics, use the person icon to turn on notifications, and use this trick for getting a tab on your dashboard just for your blog subscriptions so you can see what you missed.
Q: Are the fics always dark on this blog?
A: No.
Q: What is the brothel?
A: I HC my characters as living in my brothel which has its own crack sideblog @toxicbrothel and tv show.
Q: What are Joelkémons?
A: Reader-coined term for the Joel variants on this blog. Some listed here: Joelkémon cards.
Q: Can we make your characters into bots?
A: No, please don't do this. It makes me feel bad and they don't even work. Every time it puts me farther away from updating the fic. Please. o not copy, repost, translate, put in IA, or make bots of my work. Please lmk if you ever see my work made into a bot, copied, etc.
Q: Who's night walks!Joel? Who's thighs out?
A: Night Walks is an AU where Joel is your hot, older, creepy pothead neighbor. Night walks masterlist. Thighs out (another AU) is your boyfriend's hot slutty dad.
Q: What's a HOG? Who/what is GILF?
A: Hot Old Guy, from Silence can never be bought pt. 2 and 5. GILF is grandpa I'd Like to Fuck and may refer to the one from Pawn Shop (Joel in his 60s) @gilfjoel.
Q: Who is Dr. Rock?
A: Hot sex therapist who roleplays my characters. Dr. Rock is also the poster boy for avoiding discourse.
Q: Do you still write slashers?
A: Yes. I just wrote my first Thomas Hewitt in March 2024. Main/slashers masterlist.
Q: What other fics & blogs do you rec?
A: Please check out @toxicrecs
Q: How can I stay motivated to write without getting a lot of notes?
A: Please see these posts: here and here.
Q: Why did you unfollow me?
A: As a Tumblr noob, I followed accts all willy nilly--i was impatient to diversify my dash by account. But now I want it more diverse by fandom too. I recently put my dash in chronological mode and began seeing a lot more of some people. If we've never interacted, I don't want to feel like a lurker. Or I could've lost (some or all) interest in your fandom. Or I may have forgotten why I followed you, especially if what you're posting has changed. Or I might be wanting to reduce the discourse I see. Or it could be be something like what's described below that I don't want to see.
✨Q: Am I blocked? Why can't I see your main blog from my account? / Did you soft block me? What is going on?
⚠️ A: The most common reasons I block are for policing or judging what others post, kink shaming, or spreading harmful rumors. ⚠️
When it comes to rumors and shaming, silence is not a sign of guilt or agreement. It's confidence in the truth and desire to keep harmful takes off the dash. As a rule, I would ignore and block false accusations, rumors, or kink shamers instead of giving them a huge audience by responding or addressing it.
Harmful takes in the wild / targeted harassment: blocked. And if a post is bad enough--such as calling for targeted harassment of writers or trivializing a serious crime by casually accusing writers of it, I may block people for positively interacting with it. I don't want to be on your dash if you share those views, even if it's about som thing I don't write. On my blog, it's important for readers to understand fiction can't be equated with real life. And who's to say I won't offend or traumatize you on a different topic one day? It's for your own good.
You can get blocked on anon too.
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kazewhara · 2 years
and with great power...
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# — pairing: spidey!kazuha x gn!reader
# — characters: gender neutral reader, spidey!kazuha
# — summary: ...comes great responsibility.
# — warnings: mentions of blood, injury, violence, mentions of character death (confirmed minor character death, no real MCD)
# — tags: spider-man!kazuha, nursing student!reader, physical hurt/comfort, fluff, angst, confessions, kisses, a little bit of arguing, lots of banter, kazuha almost dies (HE DOESN'T ACTUALLY DIE, REST ASSURED)
# — notes: always wanted to make a title like that. (edit: i'm crawling on my hands and knees forcing this in y'all's face, LOL) as always, reblogs and reactions are greatly appreciated and i hope you enjoy!
wanna join the tag list?
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✧ — 🍁🕷— ✧
the whole city saw it happen. everyone, all eight million people, watched in mutual shock and horror as the beloved vigilante known as spider-man was bested by the newest supervillain that terrorized the city streets.
to be fair, kazuha tries to reason with himself, he didn't go down without a fight. and at the end of it all, he still technically came out on top. the villain put on quite the show but grew too greedy in the end; once kazuha figured out their weakness, it was easy to figure out how to take them out. doing so was easier said than done, and it certainly wasn't ideal for the villain to have to die in the end, but with them out of the way, the city was safe — you were safe — and that's all that mattered.
well, sort of.
kazuha's never worried too much about his public appearance. it's not like he was keeping the city safe for the attention. in fact, he doesn't like it very much — he actually thinks he hates it now, especially since the villain somehow televised most of the entire battle. the entire city had to see him get stabbed and knocked unconscious. the end of the fight and the villain's defeat didn't seem to be shown to the public, so essentially, the people think that spider-man is dead.
kazuha stops his shambling down the alleyway and leans on the concrete wall. "they may not have to think that much longer..." he groans to himself.
barely conscious and annoyed beyond belief, kazuha has been trying to feel his way around the backstreets of the city to find your apartment for over an hour now. with the extent of his injuries, the average person would have dropped dead over thirty minutes ago; kazuha considers himself lucky that he managed to make it this far. he would have swung here, but he's fairly sure he'd widen one of several gaping wounds, and he'd rather not do that when he's so close to his destination. but close or not, his body is finally reaching its limits. it's hard to tell if he's made it to your building or not. he'd planned to scale the wall all the way to your balcony, but he doesn't think he can lift another finger.
kazuha slowly eases himself to the ground and rests his back against the wall with a weak chuckle. he can practically hear your enraged yelling now. you'd probably panic at the sight of him and make some snarky comment about him interrupting yet another one of your extensive study sessions. you'd force him to lay still and tell him to shut up every couple of seconds even if he wasn't saying anything, and he'd probably laugh at you.
"it's a shame," he whispers to no one, "i can't do that anymore."
kazuha's breathing becomes uneven. he may not be a nurse like you (he can hear your rebuttals already), but he's sure he's dying. the sleep that's creeping up on him feels oddly final; he knows for a fact that if he closes his eyes now, he's never going to open them again. but he wants to keep them open — he wants so badly to see you one last time, even if only for a second.
you, the only person he's ever loved; the only person who means anything to him; the only person left in this world who cares about him.
kazuha wheezes a laugh. technically, you don't care about him; he's long since pieced together that you've fallen in love with the masked version of him, yet he still swung by almost every day to see you.
"i'm a glutton for punishment, aren't i?" he murmurs.
...he misses you. he's going to miss you.
kazuha pulls his mask off and rests the back of his head on the wall with a sigh. at least he's going to die having kissed you at least once. the memory brings a smile to his face, but it quickly crumbles. he promised he would come back safely. he even sealed it with a kiss, and yet here he sits, barely clinging to life alone in an alleyway.
"...i'm sorry." he whispers.
kazuha blinks slowly, his vision dotted with black spots. did someone call him just now?
"oh my fucking god..! kazuha!"
there's the quick slapping of feet on pavement approaching, but kazuha doesn't move to see who it is. there's no real use in that, he thinks tiredly. with what little strength he has remaining, he tugs the mask back over his face. whoever it was that called him already saw him in the suit, but he may as well try to salvage what little privacy he has left, if any.
the footsteps stop and the person's once distant voice comes in clear from right beside him. "no, no, no, don't cover your face! don't hide from me, please, i--"
kazuha frowns from behind the mask. that voice... it sounds an awful lot like... you?
"no," he rasps. "that can't be right."
your voice doesn't go away. if anything, it gets clearer. "what can't be right? kazu-- i-i mean, spider-man, you have to get up!" you touch his arm gingerly, a silent request for permission to do so. when kazuha doesn't move, you pull his arm up and drape it over your shoulders. he groans loudly and you begin to spew apologies. "i'm sorry, i'm sorry, just bear with me, okay?"
in a moment of desperation, kazuha's brain tries to switch itself back on. it is you — you're actually here, trying to help him. the heavens took pity on him and let him be with you one last time, but now that you're actually here, he finds himself scrambling to find ways to stay alive for just a moment longer. unfortunately, his body's exhausted just about all of its energy reserves — he's nearly dead in the water.
that doesn't stop you, though. despite all odds (and kazuha's agonized noises), you put your all into helping him into your building, into the elevator, and into your apartment. it takes far longer than you would have liked, but carrying a half-dead body isn't exactly easy for non-morticians. the entire way up, you could hear spider-man mumbling incoherently, the occasional apology coming in clear.
"if you're really sorry," you grunt as you lay him on your carpet as gently as possible, "you'll stay alive."
kazuha tries to laugh, but it comes out as a cross between a pant and a groan. "i'm... not too sure about that one, dove..."
you press your fingers to his pulse point; just barely a flutter. you need to act, and fast.
on any other day, you'd bemoan your status as spider-man's personal caretaker. you can't even call yourself his doctor -- or nurse, for that matter. you're just a nursing student who just so happened to stumble across him one day in the very same alleyway you just found him in.
but today, you have not one life in your hands, but two. and you'd be damned if you let either of them slip through your fingers.
you rush to your linen closet and sweep an entire shelf clean of medical tools and supplies. you're going to need everything you've got. you find a sizable hole in the suit and cut away the cloth on spider-man's (kazuha's?) torso with a pair of scissors.
the damage is almost as bad as you thought it was; there are four large clean cuts amongst a palette of bruises on his body, each one steadily oozing blood. with the way he's (barely) breathing, you'd assume that he's broken quite a few ribs, and that doesn't even begin to cover what you assume is similar lacerations on his arms and legs that are hidden beneath the suit.
"first things first," you whisper to yourself, your voice trembling. it's going to be a long night.
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it takes almost eight hours to stabilize spider-man.
thanks to your lack of expertise and access to high-end supplies, it takes far longer for you to get his body to stop going in and out of shock. but in spite of it all, you did it. once you wrap the final bandage, you sit back and look at the carnage. there's blood everywhere; you're going to have to trash this carpet. the thought almost makes you laugh. almost.
now that you have the time to think about something other than keeping someone alive, you find yourself scanning over spider-man's slumbering body. how were you supposed to explain any of this to him when he woke up? he wouldn't be surprised to know where he was, but you remember what you saw when you found him.
how were you supposed to tell kazuha that you found out his secret? do you even tell him at all? how do you tell him?
your thoughts are halted by a yawn. tears spring to your eyes with how big it is. maybe you're still thinking too hard; after all this, you need time to process — time to rest. so, you climb onto your couch, lay yourself out, and let exhaustion take you under.
you awake to the sound of your balcony door opening.
you shoot upright and squint and shield your eyes immediately. it's impossibly bright outside; did you sleep until morning? you blink back the vertigo and your vision clears to see spider-man with one foot out the door. you may not be fully awake, but you jump to your feet anyways, panicking. "wait!" you yell at him.
spider-man doesn't flinch, but he does stop. he looks over his shoulder at you, the gesture uncharacteristically cold for him. you feel your heart sink. "you're finally awake." he says evenly. "good afternoon."
"afternoon?" you parrot back. you fumble for your phone and check the time. sure enough, it's well into the afternoon — not only that, but you slept for over 24 hours straight. you gape, but then remember what you sat up to do. when you look back at him, you see spider-man perching on the edge of your balcony, ready to leave. "no, no, stop, seriously! wait a second, dammit!"
"i'm afraid i can't," he barely turns to face you again. "i have to go now."
"what about your injuries?"
"eighteen hours of sleep was more than enough for me to regain my strength." spider-man faces the city again. "now, if you'll excuse me."
you ball your hand into a fist at your side. why isn't he listening to you? why isn't he trying to crack a joke with you? why does it feel like he's never going to come back? if your heart sinks any lower, you think you're going to throw up.
what can you say to make him stay? he's so close to leaving. there's a lump the size of a rock in your throat and the words become stuck. you need to think of something. say something, anything!
"kazuha, please... don't go."
that gives him pause. you exhale, relieved, when spider-man — no, kazuha — hops down to stand on your balcony properly. finally, he turns to face you completely. you notice that the holes you made in his suit have been closed; he must have found your sewing kit while you were sleeping.
kazuha's shoulders sag. "i can't stay here." he says your name so softly, the sound of it jostles the lump in your throat. "i have to leave."
you swallow thickly. "and do what, almost get yourself killed again?" you don't know how the words are coming to you so easily. "i don't think so."
"in my defense," he tries to joke, "i nearly get myself killed every day."
it feels so sick to you, seeing the man who you'd barely managed to resuscitate make light of everything that's happened. he will never know of the four times his pulse completely stopped, of the hours you spent choking back tears as you desperately tried to keep him alive. you're barely holding it together now as you look him in the face — you still haven't even had time to process the fact that you've fallen in love with kazuha twice over.
molten tears sting your eyes. "am i a joke to you?" your throat tightens and your vision blurs.
you wonder what expression kazuha is making beneath that mask. the fact that you can't see his face — the fact that he still won't let you — only makes your face burn hotter. "no," he says. he says it like you've personally offended him. "never, i--"
"then stay." you demand. your vision blurs with unshed tears. there's just too much to process. "please, just... stay."
kazuha seems to consider your request. then, he walks further in your apartment. there's still so much distance between you two. is he doing that on purpose? he's silent for a while before he pulls the mask off, revealing his face. before you stands kazuha, the barista you've been seeing for the past couple of months. something akin to regret swims in his autumn colored eyes.
you bristle. "don't look at me like that."
"like what?"
"like you want to leave." you barely manage to get the words out. "like you don't want to be here anymore." when kazuha doesn't say anything right away, you feel your heart crack. "is this really that painful for you?"
kazuha frowns, his pretty features marred by regret and something else you can't quite place. "you were never supposed to find out this way." he sighs quietly. "you weren't supposed to find out at all."
you feel tears sting your eyes. so you were going to start a relationship with a man who was hiding a secret as big as this one? was he really never planning on telling you this? "why?" is all you can manage.
"for your safety." kazuha's response is quick, almost sharp. his brows twitch downwards.
"why?" you feel like a broken record. "i could've handled knowing something like this, i--"
"songbird," kazuha comes closer to you and you shudder subtly. you're not used to hearing that name come from his lips. "if someone found out that you knew my secret, there would be serious trouble. and i... i can't let anything happen to you. i won't let anything happen to you."
and yet here you stand with a single tear slipping from your eye. you're not sure what it is that's breaking your heart. it could be many things, really: it could be the fact that you're relieved to know that in the end, you were in love with kazuha all along, or that you've been keeping him alive for months without knowing, or that he literally died in your arms several times during the night, and had you not resuscitated him, you would have had to unmask his corpse.
there's just so much weighing on you, and you're nowhere near prepared (nor awake) enough to handle it all.
kazuha's in front of you in an instant, his hand coming up to rest on your cheek and swipe the tear away. he calls your name softly, like it's a fragile thing. he's been treating you that way this entire time, you realize. "don't cry, please." he almost begs.
"i just don't understand," your voice cracks. "how long were you going to-- to lie to me, kazuha?"
it's kazuha's turn to crumble. he visibly winces, clearly bothered by your choice of words. it's harsh, but you're right; he's been lying to you as both spider-man and as himself. "however long i could." he admits. more tears roll down your cheeks and he cups your face and rests his forehead on yours. "please believe me. it was for your own good, dove. i never intended to hurt you. that's the last thing i ever wanted."
"i know," you sniff. "i know, but..." you're at a loss for words. you stop for a moment and just bask in how warm he feels. the silence you share is weighted; so heavy that it closes your throat and nearly chokes you. kazuha's gloved fingers swipe your cheeks free of tears, however endless they may seem.
"what if i'd lost you?" you finally ask. "what if-- what if i couldn't help you? what if i ki--"
"you wouldn't have." kazuha cuts you off quickly. "i knew that you wouldn't. you have my gratitude. i literally owe you my life. but.."
"but..?" you echo. "but what?"
"i can't entrust that job to you any longer." kazuha's hands leave your face and you shiver at the loss of warmth. "i can't..." a pained expression makes its way across his face. "i can't see you anymore, dove. i have to go."
kazuha doesn't make any move to leave just yet, but you grab his hand, keeping him in place. it's almost funny -- he said he had to go, yet he curls his fingers when you take his hand, tightening his grip on you. "i can still help you!" you insist. "d-don't just cut me out-- i can help you, so let me help!"
kazuha shakes his head. "and run the risk of you getting hurt? no. i can't do that."
"kazuha, please--"
he calls your name, soft but firm. "i told you, no."
"i was always at risk of getting hurt! what's so different now?"
that doesn't seem to sit well with kazuha. something dark skitters across his face. "you're too important to me. i need you to stay safe, and... and if that means that i have to keep you away, then so be it."
"what the hell?" you throw kazuha's hand away from you. "you've been doing this ever since--" you stutter for a second, your emotions and memories coming in too fast for you to process. "fuck, you've been doing this since we met! making decisions without asking me how i feel!"
kazuha reaches towards you, but you slap his hand away.
"i take you in and patch you up once, and suddenly you decide that i'm your personal doctor. did you ever ask me if i wanted to help? no! you just kept coming back!" the words flow out of you faster than a rushing river current. "you dumped the responsibility of keeping you alive on my shoulders without my consent, and now that i'm doing it, you suddenly want to take it away -- again without asking me if i'm okay with it!"
"dove, breathe."
"oh, fuck you." you hiss. your head hurts. "i'm not going to let you jerk me around anymore, kazuha. i can't do that." a fresh wave of tears hits you, but you blink them back. "i don't care what you say; you're stuck with me whether you like it or not. you made this bed, so you better lie in it, dammit."
kazuha just stares at you. he's silent as you sniff and catch your breath from your outburst. something about his silence feels so condescending, so oppressive. something tells you that you're not getting through to him. then, after a long pause, he speaks.
"you're right." he says.
"huh?" you reply, too stunned for words.
kazuha gives you a wry smile. "you're completely right. i dragged you into this and it would be... improper of me to push you out of it." he looks so pained by his words -- like the weight of his actions is finally coming to crush him. "i pulled you in all because i..." he trails off and looks past you.
"you what, kazuha?" you move in an attempt to meet his eyes, but he avoids you. is he finally going to tell you why he did this? "why did you keep coming back here?"
something so vulnerable and raw crosses kazuha's face and he doesn't catch it in time. the sight of it makes your eyes widen. his jaw sets and he finally meets your eyes. he looks so serious -- you're not used to it. as if he can hear your thoughts, kazuha exhales slowly, and the tension leaves with his breath. he seems to be his usual self once more.
"because i was in love with you." kazuha says after a beat. "and i'm standing here because i still am."
you balk. as obvious as it should have been based on how you two have been dancing around each other for the past couple of months, the idea of kazuha liking you back in earnest -- the thought of him loving you -- just never crossed your mind. you thought yourself alone in your intense feelings, and you were okay with it. you still had kazuha's affection at the end of the day; you were content with what you had.
perhaps it was because your feelings had split between kazuha and spider-man that you believed your feelings to be one-sided. spider-man could never have loved you back -- your intense emotions would be a hindrance to him. so by that logic, you automatically assumed the same must be the case for kazuha.
but it's not. it never was. spider-man and kazuha are the same person. and he's in love with you.
kazuha keeps talking. "i latched onto you, songbird." he huffs a laugh, the sound derisive. "it was a desperate move on my part. clinging to the one person who'd shown interest in me -- to both sides of me. i couldn't stand the thought of being without you. i still can't."
"but there are some sacrifices that must be made." kazuha's words are firm, but his voice wavers. his whole expression shifts, and you can see just how uncertain he is about all of this. he gives you a tight smile. "if i have to lose you to keep you safe, then i'd lose you a million times over. i would do anything if it means keeping you out of harm's way."
you don't speak and for a while, neither does kazuha. the two of you let his words marinate and you can see plain as day just how affected he truly is by this decision. now that you're thinking about it, you think that this sounds scripted -- like kazuha made this decision and kept it on the back burner as a last resort. but if that's the case, then there's one thing he didn't account for: the depth of his feelings.
tentatively, you reach up and brush kazuha's face with the tips of your fingers. he blinks at you but doesn't pull away. you cup his face in one hand and sigh softly. "you don't really want to leave," you whisper. "do you?"
kazuha shuts his eyes and leans into your touch. he doesn't answer verbally, but you both know that what you said was correct. he presses the faintest kiss against your palm and looks you in the eyes. "i love you." he declares just loud enough for you to hear. "i want to keep you safe, but... truthfully, i... i want to do so by your side."
kazuha's words dance around every corner of your brain, lighting you up from the inside out. you lean in and lightly brush your lips over his, sending butterflies loose in your stomach. "then stay." you whisper in the space between.
you can feel kazuha sigh. he pulls you in for a longer, sweeter kiss, murmuring something incomprehensible as he does. kazuha's lips are soft and his hands are so gentle as they brush over your face. you try to break the kiss to say something, but kazuha keeps you in place, murmuring a soft, breathless wait.
he seems satisfied after a few more minutes, breaking the kiss to leave one on your nose and forehead. "hey, kazuha?" you murmur as he does.
"i love you, too." it's almost liberating, finally getting that off your chest. your face burns with your confession, and when you see the way kazuha's crimson eyes brighten, your body temperature rises even further. god only knows what he's thinking right now. you avert your eyes. "kazuha... promise me something."
kazuha nods. you can still feel his eyes on you. "anything."
"come back to me alive." you chuckle quietly. "i'd say come back safe, but that's, uh... not our thing, apparently. so just... don't die out there. let me take care of y-- mmf--"
kazuha silences you with a kiss, one you melt into. when he pulls away, he looks torn. it takes a second for you to realize just how loaded your request is. in his line of work, where most of his opponents would rather see him dead than merely unconscious, staying alive is quite the hefty task.
he brushes his thumb over your cheek, his brows carrying the slightest draw to them. "you know--"
"i know." you cut him off with a weak smile. "i know. but at the very least... try your best. please."
kazuha looks at you for just a moment longer before leaning back in, resting his forehead on yours. "i'll do my best," he says. "for you."
you let your eyes slip shut. the thought of him leaving you after this makes your stomach turn. so you ask, "will you stay?"
kazuha's answering hum is immediate. "i will." he pulls you into his arms and sighs, the sound low. "i will."
you wrap your arms around him in turn and heave a soft sigh of your own. it's starting to dawn on you just how much you're taking on by having him here like this. kazuha's secret is a monumental one -- one that you now share. the safety of the city rests in your hands as well, now; whether you're ready to handle that responsibility or not doesn't matter anymore. your choice to stand by kazuha's side means that you're choosing to help take on the burden he's been shouldering alone.
you tighten your arms around him. you'll be damned if you let something like this happen to him again.
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✦ okay, okay, i know i've written better endings, but i didn't know how else to wrap this one up..
✦ but FINALLY this comes to an end... this has been in my drafts for AGES. i suppose you can say i'm cleaning out my drafts? i'm going to try wrapping up some old stuff and checking it to see if it's worth posting! there's some good stuff in here, y'know?
✦ anyways, i hope you liked this!
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lore-gore · 7 months
Ride The Cyclone Open Roleplay
Doing a Ride The Cyclone roleplay.
Jane Doe: Taken by me
Ocean O'Connell Rosenberg: Taken by @democracyrockzz
Noel Gruber: Open
Constance Blackwood: @savannahwiththegreeneteyes @thenicestgirlintown
Mischa Bachinski: Taken by @max--jagerman
Ricky Potts: Taken by @krowsselfindulgy (@spacingbachelorette)
This will be the main trigger warning for the beginning of every scene:
Tw: death, unreality, body horror, implied gore, yelling, trauma, loss of identity, horny teens being horny teens
This will also be in the tags.
Any other trigger warnings should be added to reblogs as well as tags.
The concept is basically if Karnak died before ressurecting anyone. So it's just them doing silly shenanigans as ghosts, singing songs we think they would sing, and probably a bit of angst. It will mainly act as a follow up to the 2016 bootleg version, with yannick's edits of course. (If you headcanon a different performance of your song for your character that's fine.)
We will also create character sheets consisting of name, gender, pronouns, age, sexuality, sign, birthday, favorite ride, appearance, personality, backstory, and "the most _ in town." (Mine is the only one without a sign, birthday, and favorite ride. If you forget, don't worry, I can edit it in.)
It's how you imagine the characters, with a mix of headcanons and canon.
The uniforms are the same as the 2016 ones but without the plaid.
How they wear their uniform and how they accessorize is up to you.
You can interpret the characters however you'd like, but make sure to stay faithful to their base character traits. (Things like Noel being gay and Misha being Ukrainian. Also Ricky using MOBILITY AIDS THANK YOU.)
Be as descriptive as possible. (See mine and my friends character sheets for examples!)
Also me and friends are high school students, so please only other high school students!
No NSFW roleplay. Talking about sex is fine, but no actual sex scenes! I'd prefer SFW blogs too.
Characters having crushes on other characters is allowed, but it might not be reciprocated. (Me and @democracyrockzz are pretty much planning to do perfectdolls.)
Every thread will be a scene. When you want to start a new scene, make a new thread. Give a synopsis of what the scene will be about, as well as the location in the fair.
New Scene
Synopsis: The choir plays a board game.
@democracyrockz reblogged
Ocean: Guys look what I found!
(Ocean emerges with a board game)
Noel's roleplayer reblogged
Noel: Oh god, no.
It will be a public thread so people who aren't in the roleplay can still enjoy it.
No racist, sexist, ableist, saneist, colorist, binarist, pigmentist, homophobic, transphobic, biphobic, panphobic, acephobic, enbyphobic, queerphobic, xenophobic, islamophobic, fatphobic, misogynistic, transmisogynistic, body shaming, "pro-life", transid, "MAPS", pro contact para, TERF, anti semitic, anti neopronouns, anti xenogenders, anti mspec, anti BLM, anti feminist, or incel blogs.
Toxic behavior will not be tolerated. Hate comments will be deleted.
To claim your character, simply comment who you want to play or DM me.
Afterwords, write your character sheet. Take your time, the person playing Noel won't be ready for a little while so don't be rushed. (I'm getting ahead of time.) Make sure to tag me too.
Also let me know what to add to the main tw. If you plan on having your character bring a sensitive topic up, I need to add it.
I will then put your character sheet in the pinned post of my side blog @mystery-contestant. Make sure to follow it!
If you want to make changes to your already posted character sheet, edit the original post and send me a message letting me know!
You will know the roleplay has started as I will announce it on my side blog. I will be starting off the first "scene."
Also if there's something you think should be a main tw let me know!
We will be starting this summer!
Jane's character sheet!
Ocean's Character sheet!
Ricky's Character sheet!
Constance's Character sheet!
Breakdown of edits!
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honeyhotteoks · 1 year
I was tagged in the most lovely not safe work game by @ja3hwa.... so if you want to know more about my personal NSFW dynamics with respect to the boys..... keep reading. share you own thoughts in a comment or reblog i'd love to know what everyone thinks ♡♡
Thank you so much @ja3hwa for tagging me ♡
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Nominations for this game go to any other writers that haven't gotten to this yet! I'd love to hear your thoughts and you better tag me if you do x
♡ NSFW Under Cut ♡
1. Make out with Yeosang or dry hump Yunho?
Starting off strong with my bias here.... but my god Yunho's thighs? All I can picture is a desperate make out session that goes a little too far.
2. Give Mingi a lap dance or have Wooyoung do a sexy dance for you?
The idea of giving a dancer a lap dance makes me anxious but the idea of grinding on Mingi's lap and telling him to keep his hands to himself? Priceless.
3. Tease San under the table at dinner or Jongho tease you under the table?
I'm getting dizzy at the idea of Jongho keeping a fully straight face and talking to the table while his hand slides up under your skirt, gently teasing over the panties until he finally pushes them aside. Asking you if something's wrong when you make a little noise and try to cover it with a cough.
4. Give hickeys to Yeosang or get hickeys from Seonghwa?
God.... Seonghwa's mouth though. His plush lips, his tongue on your throat, teeth lightly dragging against your neck. Sucking hard on your pulse points until you're squirming under him and begging for him to touch you more
5. Praise Hongjoong or receive body worship from Yunho?
Yunho would take his time with you, locking the door and putting both your phones on silent. Not a single thing could interrupt him from his plans for the evening, from tasting you, touching you, feeling you quiver and break in his hands.
6. Blindfold Mingi or be blindfolded by San?
The idea of San controlling the moment, covering your eyes with a silk blindfold. He makes sure you keeps your hands tucked under your thighs, praise on his lips every time you keep still as he drags his mouth over your body, telling you to open wide to take his cock in your mouth.
7. Sexting with Wooyoung or send dirty snaps to Seonghwa?
Well we're revealing too much now, but I love the idea of torturing Seonghwa while he's on tour. Just sending him flirty, suggestive pictures at first with no warning until he scolds you for it. He's surrounded by his friends after all.... but that only makes you up the ante, sending more and more revealing photos until he locks himself in one of the dressing rooms and calls you.
8. Choke Yeosang or be choked by Jongho?
Although Jongho's grip strength is a little intimidating, he's aware of it. He would be so gentle at first, testing out exactly how much pressure makes you dizzy and panting, making sure to press only the sides of your throat.
9. Pull Hongjoong’s hair or Yunho pull your hair?
I'm weak for getting my hair pulled, and I think Yunho would be quite the man-handling type. His hand laced into your hair while you take him in your mouth, pulling you back harshly when he wants you to stop, pulling back your head so he can come across your chest.
10. Tie up Wooyoung or Jongho tie you up?
Listen.... Wooyoung would be the perfect boy to tie up. He would look so needy and perfect restrained to the bed and unable to touch you while you make yourself come next to him, unable to do anything but watch and whine.
11. Beg for Seonghwa or Mingi beg for you?
I'm convinced Mingi is vocal during sex, a dirty talk master, and the idea of him flat on his back and restrained while you ride him painstakingly slowly just to hear him beg... that makes me dizzy
12. Ride Jongho’s thigh or sit on San’s face?
As my best friend has said many times... San has a perfect nose and perfect face to ride. I feel like he would eat you out like he's starving for it, completely without an ounce of shame or reservation. He wants to taste you, why should he be shy about it? He'd encourage you to move, take what you need, hands tightly knotted in his hair as you lose yourself.
13. Dirty talk with Seonghwa or Mingi?
This one is a tough choice... but I think the idea of Seonghwa controlling your every movement, holding you spread open on the bed as he let's the most filthy words fall from his lips, that look on his face when he knows he has you pinned.
14. Spank Wooyoung or Hongjoong?
I don't know that I'm into spanking one of them, but if I had to pick it would be Woo. I'm sure he's done something to deserve it...
15. Get spanked by Jongho or Yunho?
We all know my answer. Bent over Yunho's thighs as he palms your ass, teasing you with little touches of his fingertips between your thighs until you're jerking against him, punishing you for making a noise with a sharp clap of his hand, rubbing your raw skin and pressing kisses across your back for taking your punishment so well
16. Deny San his orgasm or Seonghwa deny you yours?
Edging San... now there's an idea. It seems like something he wouldn't want at first, but after seeing how much you want to try it, he'd lie back and let you do your worst, which as it turns out makes him spin out of control. He lets you edge him until he can't take it anymore and then he takes back control and has you on your back for the night.
17. Have Yeosang as a master or Hongjoong as a pet?
Yeosang. I honestly could not answer this fast enough, but he's the perfect quiet presence. You wouldn't know what he was thinking, you'd just be waiting for the directive on baited breath. But the other thing that he would be amazing at is the aftercare and all the parts of that dynamic that don't have anything to do with sex at all.
18. Touch yourself and make Yunho watch or Mingi touch himself and make you watch?
Mutual masturbation with Yunho is a definite yes. Could you imagine this boy who is a pro at active listening and always looks so attentive when watching the person he's speaking with in this scenario?? I can.
19. Call Hongjoong ‘daddy’ or Seonghwa call you ‘mommy’?
I think it's easily calling Hongjoong daddy, but that probably just reveals too much about me lol
20. Receive aftercare from San or give aftercare to Wooyoung?
I think receive aftercare from San. I have been working on this exploration of aftercare and San to me is the natural choice to do that with. He's an attentive person by nature, caring and very tactile, and I think he would be wonderful at reading his partner and taking the time to provide quality aftercare.
21. Skype sex with Hongjoong or phone sex with Yeosang?
I'm fully dizzy at the idea of phone sex with Yeosang.... that voice in your ear? I feel like if you see the way he unleashes on stage and becomes almost an entirely different person, he would be good at verbal direction as long as he was alone on his side and felt comfortable with his partner.
22. One night stand with Mingi or friends with benefits with Wooyoung?
This one is basically impossible, but I'm going to go with friends with benefits with Wooyoung. He seems like he would be fun and lighthearted and without the pressure of a relationship you could both just be free to be honest with your desires.
23. Studio sex with Hongjoong or practice room sex with Yunho?
Practice room with Yunho for sure. The idea of it getting out of hand after he's finished a late night practice, sweaty and serious... all charged up on endorphins? Please.
24. Receive nudes from Seonghwa or a sexy video from San?
Nudes from Seonghwa, mostly because I think he would take the most artful and sexy nudes. He's incredibly good at taking selfies, and I'm sure he would understand what people actually find sexy in photos - subtlety and good lighting, no thirst trap lip biting.
25. Cowgirl position with Jongho or doggystyle position with Yeosang?
Cowgirl with Jongho, specifically because I think he would still maintain good control from this position, whether that be reaching up with a hand around your throat or just through verbal instruction.
26. Hot tub sex with Mingi or shower sex with Yunho?
I think it's important that everyone be aware that water is not the best lubricant. In fact, it makes everything much more difficult, so the idea of sex in a hot tub with someone as clearly well endowed as Mingi? Pass - at least in the shower with Yunho you don't have to be directly in the water making things more difficult. Plus.... a strong tall man holding you against the shower wall? Enough said.
27. Give oral to Yeosang or receive oral from San?
Receive from San. He seems like he would be so gentle and teasing at first, I can picture his soothing voice and warm hands, and then when you finally relax and let yourself be taken care of, he shifts into pure desperate body worship.
28. Seonghwa cum in your mouth or Wooyoung cum on your face?
I've written about this plenty, but Seonghwa for sure. Something about him standing above you, trousers undone and his hand in the back of your hair holding you still? Dizzy.
29. Car sex with San or sex under the stars with Yeosang?
Yeosang would be the perfect person for a quiet star gazing date that becomes something more. I can see him cuddling up to you for warmth, wrapping a blanket around both your shoulders and then when his fingers start slipping up the back of your shirt it's perfectly innocent, until it's not.
30. Take Mingi’s virginity or Yunho take yours?
I think take Mingi's... I can picture him being over confident and overly cool until he realizes you see through all of that. Finally, finally, he admits he's a little nervous, so you ease him down onto his back and tell him that tonight you'll be the one taking care of him.
31. Library sex with Wooyoung or movie theatre handjob with Yeosang?
Library sex with Wooyoung because you know this boy would dare you to stay quiet while he plays with you under the table, hushing you when you gasp a little too loudly and telling you to focus on your book instead, eventually dragging you into the back of the stacks where no one can see so he can slip under your skirt for a taste.
32. Lazy morning sex with Yunho or late night sex with Jongho?
Ugh lazy morning sex with Yunho - bleary and exhausted but it's a beautiful morning outside and neither one of you has to get up and rush out so it just comes naturally. Stretching into one another and taking it slow, because after months and months of rushing, today you have all the time in the world.
33. Wear a collar for Seonghwa or San wear a collar for you?
Listen I have an entire fic where Seonghwa has you in a collar and calls you puppy I think that's all I need to say about that.........
34. Rough sex with Hongjoong or romantic sex with Jongho?
Something tells me Hongjoong might be the type to fully lose himself in the moment, so the idea of rough sex with him... just straight neediness and desperation, his hand tight in your hair as he ignores everything around him but you.
35. Receive anal from Seonghwa or give anal to Mingi?
I think receive from Seonghwa - he would be so good about making sure you're prepped and comfortable, playing with plugs and vibrators for weeks before he ever really tries to suggest you take things further, but when you do? It opens up a whole new path of possibilities.
36. Suck on Yunho’s fingers or San suck on your fingers?
It's no secret that hotteoks love Yunho and his hands, so I think thsi one is a fairly obvious answer. His thumb slipping past your lips as you wait patiently on your knees for more instruction, his lips open softly as he nods and urges you to suck, smiling when you do.
37. Wall sex with Jongho or mirror sex with Wooyoung?
Wall sex with Jongho - that boy is strong, we've all seen it. The idea of him pinning you up, broad, strong hands holding your thighs and pressing you open as he fucks into you, his mouth hot on your throat....
38. Hongjoong finger you or give Yeosang a handjob?
I wasn't sure about this one for a moment and then I thought about Hongjoong laying you back and then taking off his rings slowly as he stands over you, pushing your knees apart with his and a teasing smile on his face so... that's your answer
39. Overstimulate Mingi or be overstimulated by Wooyoung?
Be overstimulated by Wooyoung - I can already hear how he would tease you, making fun of how needy and noisy you're getting when all he's doing is just painstakingly slowly circling your clit with his thumb. He hasn't even reached for the toys yet, but he will.
40. Woosan threesome or Seongjoong threesome?
Woosan threesome I think, but honestly the real answer is all of them and I think that's valid.
♡ Okay... this was fun and now I'm in the mood to write... ♡
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I'm not sure if the word has spread here or anyone knows but I figured I'll post something and give a heads up in case someone doesn't know.
This goes out to ALL the fanfic writers I follow. Please reblog and spread the heads up and warning. If you post fanfics here, wattpad, fanfiction dot net, or AO3 please be aware that there has been a massive rise in random terrible people/users downloading/stealing fanfic writers fanfiction stories printing them out, binding them AND SELLING THEM illegally without the knowledge of the original author which as fanfic writers especially those of who writes and has been doing it for a long time and others even since even Quizilla know is illegal and is rule number one.
For those who need a reminder if this gets read by anyone pulling this stunt you are putting the writers at risk for your own profit. What you're doing is illegal. Rule number one: fanfic is free and you should NEVER profit off fanfiction. You are not the original author or creator of these works. And to the people actually buying them shame on you.
Please report any seller that you see whom is selling these fanfic binded books. They are selling them on Etzy and have also migrated to tiktok shop so if you use any of those Please be on the lookout and report them to have them removed.
I apologize for any grammatic error I'm on my phone and just wanted to get this out there before I forget is also very late.
I'm going to tag as many Fandoms fanfic writers as I think of but if anyone who sees this thinks of one please tag and reblog to spread the word.
TLDR: People are stealing fanfic stories off AO3, wattpad, fanfiction dot net so they can bind them and sell them illegally without the knowledge of the writers on etzy and tiktok shop or any other site they can think off but the ones I know they are using is those two. Selling fanfic is illegal and profiting off fanfics is illegal.
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gatoplaga · 2 months
It'll be updated to keep track of anything new or necessary to add.
Can I draw/write fanfics/do edits/mood boards with/of your ocs?
YES! I love when people do things with my children, just make sure to credit me and tag me, I wanna see (headcannons are also very welcomed and encouraged).
I do not give permission for the usage of my work in any form that involves AI in any way tho. No chat bots, no feeding it, no anything, relating to that shit.
Can I make pins/posters/other merchandise of your art?
Yes, but only for personal use. Pls do not sell my work in ANY way.
¹Can I RP with your ocs? (²& kin them/tag as kin/anything of the sort)
Privately. I don't mind as long as I don't see it. Not judging or anything, it just makes me kinda iffy yk?
Yeah sure, have fun, go wild. Love to see people relating to my dumb creations. I would like if you try and keep them as close to canon as possible, it's not mandatory tho!
Can I send you an ask about something 1.NSFW / 2.Personal?
Yeah! be as nasty as you want, there’s no shaming in here. We love that nasty stuff. . . .But about characters and stuff, obviously nothing directed to me. I think that should go without saying.. Be respectful though, and mindful. We're all buddy buddies in here until lines are crossed. And please have your age in bio or somewhere where I can see it! I won't answer anything even suggestive otherwise.
Shoot, but an answer is not guaranteed! I'm not fond with the idea of putting too much personal information about me out there, but we'll see.
What program do you use? Did you study art?
Fire Alpaca now. Used to use Sai2 but.. well. Stuff happened, so it'll be a while until I can go back to my wife.
And.. does self taught-ing myself counts..? if so, then yes. I did go to art school but honestly I didn’t learn shit and it was stupid, worthless, pointless and draining. It sucked and I hated it. Don’t go to art school kids. It kills your creativity.
Are we allowed to repost/reference/use/trace your art?
Don't repost. To any platform, especially tiktok(hate that shit..). Not even with credit, yeah? Giving credit is not having consent. Send links to my posts, reblog them, I have an insta, you can upload my stuff to ur stories and all. But NO REPOSTING of any kind.
But reference and trace? Yeah, sure. By all means, have fun with it, I don’t mind. If it helps u grow and learn, then I'm happy to help! Just credit me when tracing (ref too), and it'll be nice if you can take the time to add the original piece or leave a link to it in the post. OH! and make sure to tag me in referenced stuff if you want to, I would love to see what y'all can do with my shit!
Can I throw money at you for no particular reason at all?
I mean... if you want, go ahead. Feed me your greens. The links should be up there. In the carrd thingy. If ya don't see it or it's working wrong, my PayPal is @gatoplaga LMAO<;33
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vivi-the-goblin · 2 years
People just don't seem to get that many of the "flaws" of tumblr are by design, sometimes OUR design, and the only thing keeping us safe. Tumblr is a community garden. The mods are half-conscious landlords that own the lot, stumbling around without much clue about what's going on or even who thier tenants are. WE made this place into what it is. We grew this site ourselves, planted every seed, maintained every plot. All the content was grown ourselves and shared via reblogs, they're the heart and marrow of this place. Reblogs aren't theft btw, as I've heard many confused by. To continue the metaphor, reblogs are like spreading fertilizer. You're definitely still contributing, it makes notes explode and motivates people, gives people the energy to keep creating. Reblogs start chains that can increase activity by orders of magnitude. Likes are private words of encouragement that only you and I see, they're quietly saying "good job" as you pass. I appreciate it, I truly do, they're like a cool glass of water that gives me energy to continue. If you wish to help the whole community without ever posting, a quick reblog on something you like seriously helps. Even without tags or additions, that's fine, it still greatly expands the lot we have to work in. We all follow blogs that're just "someone with similar tastes reblogging things," a good half of the people I follow are. That's all I was on my original blog for like 10 years before I started this, no shame. Oh, and I was serious about the maintenance bit as well. We've had bots spring up like weeds in the past and the only thing that ever kept them in check was community effort to block-report them. I mean "got 5 new followers every day even on brand new blogs" sort of bad, but we beat them down through group effort. So if you have no title or reblogs and are wondering why people block you after you follow, it's because people think you're either spam or a burner account about to start sending hate. Personally don't block until something actually happens, especially now that I'm aware many of you just showed up, but I did think that like half of you were bots at first. Chaning your title to anything, even just "not a bot" will fix that if it bothers you though. Or just reblog something. I see an account completely blank except like, a picture of a spinning lancer, I know they're just someone's personal sideblog. This is getting a bit rambly, but point is that the "flaws" people talk about are primarily by design and what we've fought to keep for 15 years. Yes our landlords wander around incompetently, but that's just as much OUR design. We don't want massive corporations paving this place over to make another shopping mall. We want to stay the quirky little farmer's market living off word-of-mouth, not be replaced by "more convenient" superstore of the algorithm. The work we put in makes this place the wonderful, terrible, irreplaceable treasure it is. Enabling our self-destructive staff, maintaining our community, and making sure we're bottom-of-the-barrel for advertisers is how we do that.
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milknhonies · 5 months
I know lots of people had a bad 2023 and there's really traumatising things happening in the world.
But I will be selfish and share the good things that happened in my year that drowned the bad:
1. Friendships have been made. I have been incredibly lonely since 2020 due to a plethora of reasons. I met my online bestfriend in person this year. I have made friends here on Tumblr over fandoms I didn't originally know about.
2. I learnt how to date and what men really mean when they're actually using an innuendo. This has led me to unashamedly put my standards high and my boundaries strongly walked.
3. I got diagnosed with ADHD, which has given me the opportunity and privilege to access medication that has significantly improved my mental health.
4. I got a new job that I actually love with a respectful boss! No more living paycheck to paycheck on government supports.
5. I get to live in a affordable flat with a roof over my head in a safe neighbourhood. No fearing for break ins and no worrying about making rent in on time.
6. I learnt how to balance giving myself a break and motivating myself. How to give myself real self-care.
7. I managed to get help, therapy that helped me find outlets and strategies to express my anger, anxiety, depression, rage and controversial thoughts without everlasting abundance of shame.
10. I survived my own mind long enough to turn 22 years old. Kinda a big flex 💪 telling my intrusive thoughts to fuck off.
11. I have reconnected to the happier version of me. I have embraced the joy I had when I was 13. When I got butterflies over actors and characters and the thrill of reading new fanfics.
12. Despite being shadow banned, I was able to create a new account and start fresh and happy. Tagging and organising posts.
13. My Abuser is still alive and well. She remarried and had a baby. But she finally changed her lastname from my fathers to her new husbands, cutting the important tie we shared. I want to say that I hope her daughter grows up and grows to hate, despise, and abandon her, even murder her...but I also don't care anymore. I think I'm healing. I'll never forget those horrors, but after over 11 years I think I'm accepting there's nothing I can do to get the justice back and even if I got my revenge entirely...it wouldn't have changed what happened. Those are words for the universe.
In a year I am sure there will be lots of things that might change my life again. But after so many years...I'm getting used to it. This year has been relatively peaceful. I pray we all have a peaceful and accepting 2024.
I'm going to reblog this and see if in a year how much life as changed. ❤️ A message to future me... You might be scared, you might be sad, but you are alive and loved and your creativity brings joy. You have survived before, you will survive again. There's always a way out of trouble with the right support and resources. Don't give up. Stay proactive. You can do it because you've done it before.
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