#i'm still learning so it doesn't look nice! yet!! i'm trying my best
illir · 1 year
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it's a bit messy but... tried a scrapbooking style... digital version (??)
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buggybambi · 5 months
mama’s boy | carmen berzatto
content warnings: angst. donna insulting reader, mom!reader, carm and reader are married, carmen defending reader??, she/her pronouns for reader| content level: all ages, just be mindful of the angst.
summary: family dinner with the berzattos was never peaceful. until donna brings up your maternity leave.
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“I don’t know. Maybe we should just.. not go.” Carmen offered as he held Winifred, or Winnie as you two called her, in his arms. A bottle pressed close to her mouth as she drank, with him lightly bouncing with her.
“Carmen, your mother has been calling and texting me all week asking what we plan on putting Winnie in. She barely got a chance to meet Winnie when she was born and I want her to at least get the chance to bond with her granddaughter.” You say as you cut up the vegetables for dinner.
Carmy lets out a sigh as he sits in one of the dining room chairs. “I just don’t want her to say something.” He mumbles. “She always says something, I just— I don’t want her to make you upset or say something insulting to Winnie.”
You turn the heat down on the stove, walking over to Carmen, placing your hands on his shoulders. “We can always leave. I just think it’d be nice for you and Winnie to see your family. That’s her family now, too.” You say softly as you stand behind him, gently scratching his scalp.
He leans his head back, looking at you upside down. “How’d I ever get so lucky to have you?” He asks. You press a kiss to his lips, smiling. “You have spit up on you.” You say softly, walking back over to the stove.
So far, nothing major had happened.
You'd been at Donna's house for nearly an hour and no comments, remarks or anything had been made. In front of Carmen, anyway - who was now in the living room with Pete, Richie, Fak. While you, Sugar and Donna stood in the kitchen, with you shaking up a bottle for Willow.
"So, when do you go back to work?" Sugar asks. "Two weeks. These past two months have been going past so fast." You answer with a smile. Thankfully, your job was flexible and let you work from home so you could handle Willow while Carmen went back to work.
"You still aren't back? Hm. When I had my kids, I was back to work after a week." Donna comments. Sugar quietly whispers a "mom" to try to get Donna to stop before she looks at her. "What? All I'm saying is, women now-a-days are just so.. lazy. They don't want to work. Your baby doesn't need you for three months, put her in a daycare." She scolds.
You stand there for a moment, processing before you quietly excuse yourself and exit the room. You went over to Carmen. "I'm gonna go feed Willow." You say, gently taking your daughter into your arms, lightly bouncing her.
Carmen knew that look. He'd worn that look before. His mom had said something. He waited until you were down the hallway and he heard the faint click of the guest bedroom to go into the kitchen. "What the fuck did you say to my wife?" He asks, his tone angry.
"Carmen-" Sugar begins. "No, Nat. What the hell did she say?" He demands. "All I said was I was shocked she isn't back at work yet. I went back when you guys were less then two weeks." Donna answers as Nat takes a step back, standing by to de-escalate.
"Ma, it's none of your business. She isn't you! She knows what's best for her body, it's not for you to try to debate." He says. "Carmen, do not raise your voice at me."
"Do not comment on my wife's decisions." He responds. "You're being very overdramatic, Carmen." Donna rolls her eyes. "She's my wife, and I'll be as dramatic as fuck for her." He says, before he turns and walks out.
He slowly opened the bedroom door, finding you on the edge of the bed. The half empty bottle beside you, a small towel thrown over your shoulder, with you gently rocking Willow. "Yeah, I know. You and I are both kinda new at this, huh? But we're learning." You spoke softly.
He steps in, smiling. "Hey. You okay?" He asks in a hushed voice, sitting gently down beside you. You nod, smiling at him. "Are you alright?" You ask in return.
He nods, placing a kiss on your head, wrapping an arm around you and stroking Willow's cheek with his pinky. "We're all good." He says, eyeing the bottle. "She's eating more." He points out.
You nod. "She's doing better at it." You reply. "Of course she is. She has you as a mom and you're the best mom out there." He says. You peck him on the cheek, laying your head on him.
"I love you."
"I love you, more."
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steddieas-shegoes · 11 months
Request: smooth as butter Steve flirting with Eddie while the CC boys watch in shock as their ruthless Eddie turns red(?) and gets all blushy bc he doesn't know how to deal with this STEVE???? making it better:it happens during DND the one time Eddie gets Steve to play & the entire time Steve's human bard character flirting hardcore with Eddie via his NPC's (the kids aren't involved in this one just Steddie & Corroded Coffin boys)
MY LOVEEEEEEE!!!! Okay I have never played. I know. Hush, I know. My best friend wants me to so bad she bought me dice. And like, I probably will, but like Steve, my brain is trying to not only deal with math, but also just how involved it all is. I like games that take about half a brain cell. I'm also super bad at the flirting thing, in real life and when writing. I just cannot do it my friends. But I did my best here and I hope it isn't the worst😂 - Mickala ❤️
He was doing this for Dustin.
He made a character sheet with Lucas, went over the basics, learned that maybe the math part wouldn’t be so bad.
And then he convinced Eddie to let him do a one shot with the Corroded Coffin guys so he could get a feel for it all without Dustin knowing.
He didn’t get that creative with his character according to Lucas, but he was also supportive and understanding that Steve wasn’t doing this as a regular thing.
Eddie explained to the guys that they needed to be patient, that Steve was genuinely trying to learn.
“Everyone was new once, so I don’t wanna hear anything from any of you about how annoying it is to have to take it so slow and explain everything. He’s trying to do a nice thing for Henderson and we’re going to be nice.”
Everyone groaned, but nodded in agreement.
“Are we talking about your crush on him yet, or is that still off the table?” Gareth had the gall to ask.
“There’s no crush to even have on the table,” Eddie said.
“Sure, dude.”
Things were not going well.
Well, okay, they weren’t going bad.
It’s just that Lucas apparently explained to Steve that being in character was very important and Steve failed to mention that his character’s charisma was the highest possible option.
He shouldn’t be surprised by that.
Maybe he’s just surprised with all the blatant flirting.
The guys keep shooting him looks like they know that he’s struggling, that they can see that he is barely able to hold onto the power the DM usually has.
“The guard stops you, but he recognizes you. ‘You’re the one who stole the sword!’ he yells, catching the attention of the other guards. You panic because your party is still hiding in the bush with strict instructions not to be seen unless they draw their weapons on you. How will you respond?”
Steve smirked.
Not good. Run away. Get out, Munson, you’re fucked.
But he couldn’t leave.
He was the DM, and they were barely halfway done with what he had planned.
He had to see this through and he had to give Steve the best possible introduction to this game.
It was for Dustin.
“I’d probably have to insist that it wasn’t me he saw, but that I sure wish I’d seen him before. Maybe wink at him,” Steve said. “Actually, definitely wink at him.”
Steve looked at everyone else, smile silently asking for approval.
Everyone smirked at Eddie before giving him a thumbs up.
He’d be saying something later for sure.
“The guard is still suspicious, but waves the other guards off. He looks you over, circles you, decides to take your only weapon.”
“Not my only weapon. I still have plenty of time to distract him.”
Eddie squints at him, just as suspicious as the guard in their game.
“Roll for-”
“Persuasion, right?” Steve interrupted.
“Sure. Roll for persuasion, Stevie,” Eddie pretended not to be flustered at Steve remembering aspects of the game.
“18!” Steve yelled. “Plus the 13. So that’s…” he held his hand up while he thought about it. “31!”
Everyone at the table cheered except for Eddie.
He knew what was coming.
“I offer to let the guard check me for weapons in private if he’s still suspicious. I tell him it’s better to take all my clothes off where he can do something about it.”
Eddie hated what was happening.
He hated that he could feel how red his face was, and how much Steve was thriving off of putting Eddie off of his own game.
He hated the way the guys were all watching, literally holding their breath for Eddie’s reaction.
“The guard decides to lead you past the gate, but instead of taking you to the entrance to the castle, he leads you down a side road. It leads to a small cottage, and you start to worry that your party won’t find you.”
Steve doesn’t even hesitate.
“I let him lead me where he wants. I can take it.”
Eddie is going to die. Right here.
Steve knows what he’s doing, what he’s saying.
He knows what he is doing to Eddie.
And, okay, maybe they haven’t talked about it, maybe they’ve both been avoiding the very obvious tension between them for months. Maybe Eddie could have taken a chance any of the times they’ve been alone lately to finally talk about it.
Or maybe Steve would just keep flirting with him through this stupid game until Eddie couldn’t even do what he needed to do.
And everyone around them would just get to watch it unfold.
Jeff, his only friend at the moment, cleared his throat and decided to speak up.
“I think the rest of the party should follow. Just in case he needs backup. Guys?”
Thank God for Jeff.
It continues, the rest of the party finds a way to get past the guards, and Eddie admits to himself that he’s making it easier on purpose.
He wants, no, needs this game to end.
And he gets his wish ten minutes later when the phone rings and it’s Dustin, begging for a ride.
Eddie ignores the fact that he called his trailer knowing Steve would be here already, but the rest of the group doesn’t.
While Steve is on the phone, they all quietly tease Eddie.
“If I knew Steve would fluster you this much, I think we would have invited him a long time ago,” Grant said.
“Yeah, we probably would’ve had much easier campaigns if he joined in high school,” Gareth added.
“Yeah? Next time you all get to die, how about that? Terrible, bloody deaths. Gareth gets tortured.”
Before any of them could answer, Steve came into the room, looking a bit sad.
“Sorry about this guys. I couldn’t really come up with a reason that I couldn’t go without giving it away what I was doing. We could pause and come back to it later?”
Eddie knew the guys would be fine with just calling it here; They’d managed to get far enough along that they knew it would have been a good win for them.
“Nah, you did good. Maybe you can join us for real after Dustin’s birthday campaign,” Jeff said.
Steve beamed back at him.
“Maybe, yeah. If you guys are cool with it.”
Was he…shy?
He was just flirting up a storm! Absolutely taking the lead in a game he’d never played before! And now he was being shy?
“Hell yeah!” They all agreed.
Great, Steve was making friends with his friends.
“Alright!” Steve clapped his hands together. “I’m off to get the kid. Thanks guys!”
He started to leave, but stopped by Eddie.
Then his lips were on the top of Eddie’s head.
“Bye guys!” He said as he continued to walk out.
Eddie’s eyes were wide, unblinking. The guys were all staring at him with the same wide, unblinking eyes.
The front door to the trailer closed.
“Uh,” Eddie said.
“Did he-”
“He just-”
“On your head.”
The front door opened.
Steve was standing in the doorway to the kitchen area, eyes wide, unblinking.
“Did I-”
“Uh huh,” Eddie answered.
“Is that…okay?”
He was looking nervously between the guys and Eddie, like he expected someone to punch him.
“Oh! Yeah. No, they’re good. Um. Did you want to kiss me?”
“Yeah. I kinda…always do?”
“Yes. It’s kind of all I think about.”
Eddie took it all back; This was the best and he had never been happier that Steve wanted to play D&D.
He didn’t even care about the guys watching as he stood from his chair and walked to Steve in the doorway.
“Me too.”
He pulled Steve against him, ignoring the whistles and cheers from the table, and kissed him.
The kiss left them both breathless, despite being barely more than a peck.
“Um, I should go get Dustin,” Steve whispered.
“Yeah. Come back after?”
“Will everyone still be here?” Steve asked nervously.
“Nope, just you and me, sweetheart,” Eddie replied.
“Good. I’ll be back soon, then.”
When Steve left, Eddie turned back to the group, lovestruck grin on his face.
“So it’s off the table now, right?” Gareth asked, smirking.
“Shut up.”
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pablitogavii · 21 days
Hello can you do a Fanfic about Pablo Gavi and the reader are in toxic Relationship but with some smut? Btw no pressure take your time writing 💘💌
They are not in a relationship..yet ;)
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Moving in with Pablo Gavi might have been the worst choice of my life. Even though the apartment was in the center, very luxurious and nice, having him as a roommate was the same as having him as a jealous boyfriend sometimes!
"I'm telling you that you're not going out like that!" Pablo was determined laying back in the sofa watching some old Barça game while I was getting ready in my own bedroom.
"And I'm telling you to stop acting like my dad Pablo! Just because we live together doesn't mean you can boss me around!" I yelled back rolling my eyes while messaging his sister. She is the one who suggested I move in with her younger brother so I at least have someone in Barcelona.
"I won't repeat myself, Y/n..you..are..not..going..anywhere" he was now at my door frame checking out my little black dress trying his best to look me in the eyes instead.
"Why do you care what I wear!? Maybe I want some attention tonight!" I said the first thing that came to mind obviously not meaning it..truth be told, I quickly developed a crush on my jealous roommate.
"Whose attention!?" he was quick and I rolled my eyes grabbing my phone but he quickly snatched it from my hands looking at the screen.
"Hey! That's mine! Give it back asshole!" I jumped trying to grab my phon from him but his hand quickly wrapped around my waist holding my down while he looked at my messages with his sister.
"You're dissing me to my sister, bug?" he smirked and I rolled my eyes pulling away and crossing my arms in front of my chest in anger. Pablo gave my phone back when he was satisfied that it was only his sister I was texting.
"Now if you're satisfied, move so I can go"I said about to walk past him but he was still as a statue shaking his head looking down at my little outfit.
"You will get in trouble looking like that at night.." he said more so worried than angry now. I looked him with big eyes using them to my advantage per usual. I quickly learned how to get my way with this man.
"Fine! Do what you want but have me on speed dial!" he said leaving my room and I smiled nodding my head quickly kissing his cheek before leaving for the night.
Barcelona, Spain
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See ya tonight Barcelona ✨
juancarlos: aiii mamiiii 🤤
javierbar: i'll search for you in the crowds hermosa
braxtonmall: things I'd do to that body mamiii
gavifans: is Gavi coming???
aurorapaezg: linda💗
y.n.bebe: 💗💗
Pablo just kept scrolling down at the comments of various men saying the most gross and nasty things they would do to me. He was so anxious that he couldn't even pay any more attention to the game so he turned the TV off.
All he could think about is me in that black dress..all alone..with all of those sick people out there. He quickly changed into some fancy clothes texting to ask for my location. I didn't respond cause music was too loud to hear anything, so he called Aurora in the middle of the night.
"Do you know what club she went to Rora!?" he asked and the girl was just waking up from her sleep confused.
"Pablo? Did something happen to Y/n?" she asked
"No! I mean, I don't know! But she shouldn't be out looking like that and alone! It's dangerous Rora! They know she lives with me, so what if someone attacks or kidnaps her!?" he was spirling and Aurora told him to breathe for a moment.
"Seriously, Pablo. You care almost like you're her boyfriend. She's probably fine, why don't you go to sleep?" Aurora said knowing deep down about her brother's crush on me.
"I can't sleep when she's not here...just please tell me where she went!" he said feeling his own heart jump at the words he used. He really cared about me and wished I knew how much.
Meanwhile, the party was getting boring. People were too drunk and everyone started touching random strangers. I was never into that kind of stuff so I decided to call myself an Uber and go home knowing Pablo must be going mental already.
When I turned on my phone, I gulped. Shit! He called me nine times!? Ohh he's probably pissed off right now.
"Pretty girls like you don't need to pay for an Uber, I can drive you home linda" half drunk man walked up to me and I politely said that I was fine.
"What!? You think you too good for anyone but Pablo Gavi!? I have the same car as him, princess..vamos!" he was grabbing my hand now and i panicked speed dialing my emergency contact..Pablo Gavi.
"Y/n! Are you crazy not to answer your phone! Hola!?" Pablo's voice was heard as he was yelling as I tried my best to make him realize I was in trouble.
"Um..I don't want to go with you please leave me alone" I said a bit louder hoping Pablo heard before hanging up the phone.
Since Aurora told him where I was, he was already almost there seeing me in the parking lot pulling away from the guy and quickly braking and rushing outside of the car not caring that he almost cause a car accident.
"Hey hijo de puta! How do you like this, huh!?" he fist punched him and I screamed while he grabbed my hand and pulled me into the car with him before cameras and paparazzi showed up.
"Oh my God Pablo! You won't believe what happened..I.." I was catching my breath trying to talk but he interrupted me rather rudely.
"Callate! We'll talk when we get home!" he said and I gulped looking at his clenched jaw and bloody knuckles..fuck he was pissed off now!
"Come on, let me help you" he said seeing a little bruise on my knee when I fell trying to run and he carried me bridal style onto our shared apartment. I felt my heart beating fast as he sat me down on the sofa grunting a little while inspecting his hand.
"Pablo..I.." I tried again but he shook his head making me shut up.
"Are you really angry with me?" I said sadly but he was in no mood for sentiments. He was scared half to death when he heard my helpless voice on the phone.
"Yes! I am angry with you!" he yelled and I punted curling up in the ball leaving him alone.
"I told you what would happen! Bot Mrs. Independant does anything she wants even if it puts her in trouble!" he was saying it still not looking into my eyes.
"I didn't know that would happen, okay!?" I was angry now too. Why was he scolding me when if I try to be closer to him he pushes me away!?
"What did you think huh!? That you can protect yourself if a guy throws himself at you!?" he said finally looking at me with eyes red from anger.
"Whatever, Pablo! I didn't need your help anyways!" now I was acting out of stubbornness hating the fact that he still looks at me as a child. I tried getting up but he wouldn't let me throwing me on the sofa and hovering above me.
"Oh yeah!? And what would you do if a guy pins you down like this, huh!? Hold your arms above your head? You would fight him off, no?" he was mocking me now and I blushed bright red at the position we were currently in. He was only inches away from my face holding me tightly against the sofa.
"Pablo, let me go!" I said trying to struggle which only made the boy laugh.
"That's all you would do? Please, bug you don't have half of my strenght!" he said and I stopped struggling looking away with a sad face. He was right..he really saved me tonight and I am giving him the attitude again.
"I know what I would do.." I whisper and he leans down turning my face towards his.
"What is that preciosa?" he said looking from my lips to my eyes and I bit my lower lip..fuck it!
"I would call you.." I admit and he smirked nodding his head and leaning further down to capture my lips in a sweet passionate kiss.
"And I would always come..to protect you princesa" he spoke while leaving butterfly kisses down my neck and shoulders while I closed my eyes enjoying the new sensation.
"Mm Pablito?" I said and he raised his head looking me in the eyes.
"Yes mi amor?" he said and I swear something in be broke the moment i heard those words leave his gorgeous lips.
"Are you still angry with me?" I say with a smile and he shakes his head in disbelief shrugging his shoulders in response.
"What if I help you now?" I said moving a little to sit on his lap and he welcomed it curious to what I will do next. I smile leaning forwards to kiss his knuckles and he smiled playing with my hair gently.
"Better mi heroe?" I smile looking up and he smirked nodding his head and leaning down to kiss my lips hungrily.
"Don't ever do something stupid like this again, princesa!?" he said sternly and I blushed nodding my head.
"Now i have all the attention I need at home..from mi novio" I said and he grabbed my neck pulling me a little up before smashing his lips onto mine again.
"How long I wanted to hear you say that mi amor.." he whispered into my lips while we were kissing.
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oryxmuse · 7 months
office au boss!könig x f!assistant!reader
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• boss!könig needed assistant anyway, just to keep him organised, remind him about meetings, arrange these meetings, and to check paper work before it comes to his office, so when pretty thing like you came to him with these pretty eyes, pretty lips, pretty face, pretty long hair and with great cv... he couldn't not use this. he gave you the job really quick!
• boss!könig couldn't stop himself and not take advantage of this situation... saying that his coffee is already cold and you need to remake it so he could see your ass more as you walk away, and again when he said his coffee is too sweet, and again when he said you forgot to bring him papers from someone on the floor below, and again, again, again...!
• when boss!könig have important meetings he bring you with him and sit you down right next to him, so he can have you near him but also make you stressed because he wants you to tell all these people about his plans! but thats just your job!
• he can't stop using you to the limits, giving you so much work to do so you can't have lunch! after all, these are important documents for mr. könig! but he does this so you wont be distracted after some guy from another floor flirt with you! he does this for you! be thankful to your boss!
• boss!könig needs to keep his hand on your lower back while walking with you, he just needs to! he can't let anyone think they can mess with you. you're his! for you, you're just his assistant, you don't know yet he's the best man for you! he cares about you, soon you'll see it.
• when you talk to him, you make him go crazy as you keep calling him ‘sir’! it makes him so, so hard. boss!könig can't stop imagining his little assistant calling him ‘sir’ when he fucks her dumb on his desk. would she still be nice and cute? be obedient?
• boss!könig is so mean to you! why? you thought you work so hard to be a good assistant and still he's never satisfied! you learned how to make his favourite coffee, you smile at him, you always come to work early and stay late, and you wear such nice outfits for him!
• even if you think he doesn't see this, he does. and it makes him cum every night when he comes to his apartment! he sees how hard you're trying to be a good girl assistant. you're his little, good employee. he'll show you later how much he likes it.
• and seeing you in overtime is so so SO exciting, he can enjoy having you near in an empty office. and you think thats okay to undo the top few buttons of your shirt as almost everyone has already got home. and its so strangely hot here.. boss!könig can't help but look at your breast when you bring him some documents!
• but you are naive! you don't know that he doesn't look there because it's against dress code! he just... can't help but stare...
“sir... can i help you with anything else?”
you ask nicely, feeling uncomfortable as he keep staring at your shirt. he gets up from chair, finally looking into your eyes. you need to you have to tilt your head up to be able to look into his eyes. even wearing heels you're feeling small next to him.
“yes. you know this is against dress code, kätzchen?” könig ask, getting close to you. „you can't just walk here half naked”. you feel ashamed, looking at the floor.
“sir, i'm not half naked... i'm sorry, it wont happen again.” you say, not dares to look at him. so you don't know how close he gets. “but i thought, were the only ones here and its so hot here, so-”
“is it really that hot here? can't let you overheat. i'm not that bad, am i? i wouldn't want my favourite employee to feel uncomfortable. take off your shirt, kätzchen”. he commanded. könig doesn't even wait for your answer, he just starts unbutton angrily your shirt.
“wait, sir, wh-” doesn't even let you end, tightens his hand around your throat. turns you around and pushes you onto the desk. he pushes your ass onto the plat and presses his bulge against your pussy. he tears off the last buttons and takes off your shirt.
“can't even say anything now, huh, kätzchen? you're just stupid, little slut walking around trying to seduce me, aren't you?” he lets go of your throat, still holding you in place, his other hand rubbing your thigh.
“no, kön- sir, no, that's not like that!” könig doesn't listen to you, in trance, kissing your lips roughly. you kiss back, moaning. he breaks the kiss, playing with your closed clit.
“no, kätzchen?” he pulls your skirt up, putting your panties aside. “you're dripping wet, pup. be honest, you wanted this to happen, ja?” könig rubs your pussy with his finger, but takes him away.
he pulls your titties out of your bra and squeezes your right nipple and then twists it, making you moan. “könig...! sir, please!”
“what?” ah, so you are still nice. gonna call him ‘sir’ to the end? “what do you want, kätzchen? use your words.” he rubs his bulge against your pussy. his fingers come back to play with your clit, but he's so mean! he doesn't make you feel better!
“ahh-h please, fuck me” you close your eyes, ashamed. he moan with satisfaction. he kiss you again, even roughly than before. you can hear his pants being unzipped and after that you feel his hard, heavy cock on your thigh.
you can't make yourself open your eyes. mean, mean, mean. you feel a hard slap on your cheek. “look at me, kätzchen, or you're free to go”. you don't hesitate. “there you go, darling” he's touching you with his tip, then he slides himself slowly, your moaning with pain makes him even more disgustingly exciting.
what the actual fuck is this
english is not my first language
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silvershiningtarot · 1 year
🌸🙈🌸🙈PAC: Channeled Message From Your Kids
🌸another channeled Message from your future kids. I feel that most of your kids will be honest with you guys. I mean honestly! These are Five piles of their channeled message to you. Enjoy and hope it brightens up your day. Take what resonates and what doesn't
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Hey Mommy,
It's your son I wanted to tell you that you're the best Mom in the world. I can see that you are trying Mommy. Don't worry about Dad right now. He tells me that he loves you always. Can't wait to meet you. I wished that I was there with you right now. I've seen you struggle all the time, but I send you all my life Mommy. I know I'm going to be the greatest gift of your life Mom. You're my superhero, I will always protect you even if I'm the man of the house, I will always protect you, Mommy. Never forget that. Sometimes I wanna hug you, Mommy, even when you cry I just wanna hug you. I can't wait to share all the good memories with you. How happy you made me feel? I wish that I can make you happy even now I do. Daddy and I love you very much. I hope that this letter makes you Mommy. If you are not a Mom yet then I can feel that you will be a awesome Mom to me. Because in my eyes, you are an Awesome Mom. Even from a far distance, you are. Remember that you are special. Thank you, Mommy, smile more.
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Hi Mom,
You are my favorite Mom in the world to me. I love how your heart is. The way you share it with other people. I love that. I love that when you have your bad days you still put a smile on your face. How was your day? Mommy. I know you see me in your dream. This is your Son and Daughter talking to you. Can't wait for you and Dad to be together. I can't wait to connect with you on a 3D level soon. I can't wait to travel the world with you and learn from you. Learn about different cultures and backgrounds on how you grew up. I wanna learn so much about my Mommy. Can I ask you a question? Are you feeling okay? Do you want to cry right now? Come here, Mommy, let me hug you. Let me give you a nice monster hug. Hahaha, peek-a-boo I can you Mommy. You're face I can't erase from my mind🌸💋. Once upon a time, I saw a beautiful Mom in the world. She had wished upon a star I had come down and granted her wished the end. I hope you like my little story. I had been watching over my little sister. She's okay Mommy I promise you that. She does miss you. But you should talk to her. She does want to talk to you. But I drew you a picture I hope you like it. 🙈🌸🌸🙈🌸🙈🌸. I drew you a flower. You are like a Lotus flower when I see your face. You will blossom Mommy. I love you, Mom. Get some rest, Mom.
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Mommy, are you okay?
You don't seem okay. Are you feeling down? I know I ask too many questions. It's your Daughter. Can you hear me? I can hear you and feel you. I don't like it when you are down. It makes me down. I wanna say to you that get your ass up and take back your power Mom. Don't let anyone else tries to steal your shine. You meant to change something even before I come into the world. You meant to make something different with you and Dad. I can feel it. Can you? I know you do. Me and Dad talk about you all the time, even in his dreams we do. I know I wasn't supposed to tell you that but it just came to me. I am your first daughter talking to you. I want you to wake your ass up. Move up, mommy. Smell your bullshit, Mom. I have a little surprise for you Mom. Close your eyes. Daddy and I wanna talk to you. No need to check on the media. Just look out for our clues and signs Mom. I know you thinking about being a Mom, but Mom can I be honest with you? You, I, and Dad are telepathically connected. I know what he feels and thinks about. Again Dad & I talk about you in the dreams he is having. Even the moon, Daddy manifests you, Mom. I call you all the time, sometimes you ignore me that's not fair Mom. I watch over you while you be sleeping all the time. Even when you wake up in the morning I watch you mom. I watch over my little brother Zaire. I know I will come first. You and I Mommy are destiny. So as Dad. I know who my Dad is. But I just want to you get some clarity more. I don't like it when you're angry, sad, or hurt. I know that sometimes Dad comes into your dreams and visits you. So do I. I just want to tell you whenever you are feeling down, or anything I am here for you. No matter what. We are both each other wish fulfillment. Sorry for my language. But I just want to wake you up, Mommy. You're my Mom. Between you and Me, Mommy I miss you so much. I just wanna tell you that in person but in Spirit Mommy. I love you and I miss you. Take care of yourself and talk to me. I'm always right here. I'll send Daddy the message if that's what you want me to do. Then I'll do it. I'll make sure he gets it. Your sweet Goddess.
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Mom, Do you know how blessed you are?
Let me tell you how. I seek through the universe. I watch you grow up so beautifully. Can you see how much you have grown up Mom? I mean what the fuck. This is your Teenage son. I love how much of a badass you fucking are. Again excuse my language no need to be cursing like that. Mom, I just wanna tell you that I want you to surrender you know why. No offense to Dad but you smoking hot Mom. Look how much of a badass you fucking are. I mean you keep Dad in check. Haha. I want that type of love you and Dad have. Fucking awesome. Okay, sorry for cursing. Watching you makes me not afraid to speak my mind. I love it when you are honest with me Mom. You are honest now. Look how much you care for others and you forget about yourself. Never do that okay? This is awesome talking to you. I know I'm your son no matter if I'm a teenager or a kid. Still your son. I know I shouldn't talk about Dad like that but Dad chats about you. Dad irritates me because he be ignoring the signs. You guys are match-made in heaven. Even I can't explain much of your connection with Dad. It is so amazing and I want it. Always will be my Mom. I'm watching over my sibling. They wanna thank you for being an awesome human being. Yes, you have your flaws but who cares your fucking amazing person. I know it isn't my job but I just want to protect your beautiful heart and you Mom. I mean Duh! You're my mom. I love you forever 🌸. The way you perform is awesome. I love watching you dance Mom even now I do because you are awesome.
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Come and play with me. We have to play dress up and play dollhouse. Do you want to play with me? I want to give you a big fat kiss 😘😘. Mom, can I say something to you? Close your eyes. BOO!! Hahaha did I scare you? I hope I did it as a joke I'm just kidding around with you Mommy. Wow, I know that you have your problems to deal with but I’m glad I can talk to you, Mommy. I wanna give you a little message. You are going to have fun today, and every day because you are a fun person. You are an amazing person. Because you love Mom no matter what. Don't push the pain away whatever you feel, Mommy cry it out. I promise that your days will be better. Even through the years, it will be better. I feel always watching over you. And my brothers. Yes, I am your daughter, but I also feel free when I talk to you, Mom. The funny thing is Mom you are an amazing person. Can we still play Dollhouse? Thanks, Mom for being My mom. I can't wait to explore all the adventures and stories together. You can sing me a lullaby song. I miss you, Mom. Don't forget to take care of yourself, Mom. You are special.
Reblog and Comment. This is a message from your kids some of them are Teenagers talking to you but I hope you enjoy it. 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸.
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OFMD S2 EP 4-5: Izzy Hands (from a S1 Izzy fan)
I'll admit. I teared up at the Izzy shit in ep 1-3. Not a full-blown cry. But close. I was stressed, and tired, and hurt more than anything. I only cried in my car driving home. It hit, but it was more prolonged.
Do you know what got me crying? Izzy opened that letter, revealing 'For The New Unicorn'. He looks up and smiles. I went from 0-100 dry eyes to crying in seconds. I had to rewatch it because HELL.
The entire episode, hell, debatably from (S1ep4) we see Izzy go through it. Socially isolated and losing his identity. Leading up to S2ep4. Drunk and sad and heartbroken. He tries his best to stay afloat without a lifejacket as his self crumbles around him. He doesn't care anymore. He thinks his life is over. He lashes out because there's no one there to help him.
BUT THEN THE LEG. He cried and I cried during both scenes.
GOD, and the way that leads into EPISODE 5. Izzy slicked his hair back and regaining some of his own personal identity. Izzy genuinely bantering with Stede, and gently helping him to be a better Captain. The way he desperately asks Stede if Ed said anything else nice about him? Showing that. Yeah, he's not all the way there yet, but he's working on it. The training scene where Izzy just looks on in fascinated horror at Stede's skills? THE LITTE OKAY HANDSIGNAL AT THE END WHEN STEDE USED HIS GRUFF VOICE? He smiles, and jokes, and TRIES. Izzy is pissed, obviously, but he's getting there.
He is kind and caring, all WHILE STILL BEING A PRICK? Him being a total nerd during the curse monologue? Izzy mutters 'rude' and pointedly crosses his legs as Stede ruins the vibe. I laughed harder at Izzy sitting at that desk than I did at most of the jokes in the show. THAT'S MY FUCKING BASTARD!! I'm so happy I saw a character and have been rewarded by showing, yes. He is kind, and trying, but he needs to learn to let himself become new.
I fucking love him. I can tell from the teaser that Izzy is just going to grow closer with the crew (and with himself) and I can't wait. (Even if it means his imminent capture, whoops).
I do think they'll do something with Izzy/Lucius, at least a single happy (Izzy no longer holding himself back from wanting) consensual kiss or genuine discussion about life(post-wedding) to show their growth as characters because I had to pause with the cig and shark interaction. Jesus Christ. I didn't really ship it before, but they are so snarky and it's great.
I'm a bit sad as Izzy's current arc likely means he might not get the big 'fuck you' moment of anger to Ed that Lucius got. Mainly because Con would make me cry, but If Izzy is genuinely just shoving this shit down, ignoring the years that Ed ignored his existence, then...idk.
They purposefully gave Izzy and Ed no scenes and thank god we get a TINY break. Because Ed will try to patch things up, and I don't think it works like that with Izzy. He needs proof that Ed is trying. Add to that Ed ACTUALLY saying sorry to him, and not expecting Izzy to immediately accept it(my theory as to why Lucius pointed it out: Ed will ACTUALLY say sorry to Izzy and mean it. This will heal something for Izzy, and hell). I can't wait for Ed to come back and see him. See him for who he is, a silly prick who is loyal to a fault, who is loved.
This is likely the happiest two episodes we'll get, and fuck, I loved them both SO MUCH. After a rewatch I'll write about the crew. Ed/Stede is actually working for me as we watch them both learn, and Fuck, Lucius/Pete...my darlings.
THE IDEA OF SEEING CON IN DRAG AGAIN MAKES ME SO HAPPY! Especially what it means for Izzy. Izzy lets his hair down and has fun with Wee John as he explores what actually makes him happy. Hell, him opening up to being a bit of a masochist as a joke while tied up is...actually my favorite thing (while obvious, given his propensity to put Ed before him in all matters, Izzy casually mentioning 'I like to be roughed a bit up' in front of the crew is the type of openness about himself that I crave). Izzy "cocksuckers" Hands letting himself joke about SEX-GAY SEX(probably)- Kill me now.
(To clarify: I don't think he or Ed ever got off to the abuse, hell, we see Ed flinch away when Anne/Mary do it. That's not the face of someone who knows what that's like as the Sadist).
I just love the way Izzy has so obviously relaxed into a person that he'd never let exist. Hell. I hope Izzy gets to rub this happier version of himself RIGHT in Edward's sad face. I need a 'he was never like this with me' moment of Ed watching Izzy SMILE to parallel Izzy's jealousy in S1.
Con obviously loves this character, you can see it in the performance. He fills the role perfectly, from his ups to his downs. Con smiles and hell, that's not Con, that's Izzy fucking Hands. Striding along proudly pretending his world isn't changing, because it is, and he is healing and I LOVE IT.
I am so proud of our growing Izzy loving community. For some, we've been through a lot of shit. Probably in life, and hell, maybe even in this fandom. Even if you haven't been harassed, you loved Izzy, you saw yourself in him, and I hope you felt the show giving us a big fucking hug.
We grow, we recover, and hell. We get a happy fucking ending (with a few yet-to-be-seen bumps in the road).
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writing-with-gremworm · 2 months
A Bothersome Herbivore
I'm not sure when it happened, this tiny herbivore started clinging to me. It's hard to get a break since they follow me everywhere. When I nap, they nap beside me. When I eat, they follow along. Though, the latter is better than the time they slept so soundly I was able to leave them for a few days. When I went back to my normal napping spot they were sitting like a dejected mouse. They had teary little eyes, and their complexation was terrible.
I learned later that they slept through lunch, so they ended up just not eating the first day, and they refused to move during the weekend when I hadn't retuned yet. The worst part about it is they were so happy when I came back. They were like a stupid dog, so happy to cling to me again.
I let them be for a while. It wasn't really my problem, and they didn't actually bother me most of the time. They were surprisingly quiet.
"Why exactly do you follow around like a lost dog?"
"I dunno. I just like you. So, I stay with you, because you're safe."
It was weird. I shouldn't be safe for them. I'm just a lousy second prince with nothing in my future but disappointment. I am, and will always be, second best in the eyes of anyone else, so why is it that this creature clings to me? I still don't understand it.
The thing that irks me the most is that I started to worry about them. I woke up from a nap as usual, expecting them to be beside me. They weren't there. The little mouse had scurried off somewhere and that made me uneasy.
"This is bullshit."
I must have done so subconsciously, but I ended up looking around the places I usually went, expecting to find them there. I only found them when I returned to the greenhouse. They were sitting, waiting for me to come back.
"Leona!" They sounded so happy, their eyes lighting up as if the best person in the world was standing right in front of them.
"Ah." I had so many questions, but none of them mattered. 'Why did you wait? Where did you go? Are you okay?' They were here, so why did it matter?
We returned to routine. But one thing did change. I started leaning on them. I don't know if they noticed, they never mentioned it to me. This change ... felt necessary.
In time it felt stranger to be separate from them than to be near them. In a way, I guess I must have found them comforting too. So, it felt strange when one day, they started crying.
"What's with the tears?" I asked, not really expecting an answer.
"I don't know. I just- I." They sobbed quietly, sniffling and rubbing their eyes. They tried so hard to calm down, only to sob more. It hurt, hearing them quiet their sobs. I felt like I saw a bit of myself in them. Maybe that's why I spoke up.
"Don't force it, just sob okay?" It was a useless comment. They would probably cry for a while anyways. They did stop trying to choke back their sobs, though they kept sobbing quietly, as if they forgot how to cry loudly.
"I'm scared. I don't know if I want to go home or stay here. I feel unwanted either way. I don't know if anyone would miss me if I left, of if anyone in my world even realizes I'm gone. I'm terrified because it doesn't matter which world I choose. I'll be alone again in either world."
A beat.
Right, they needed to go home eventually. They weren't from this world. I forgot that somehow. Unlike Yuu, who was social, this one wasn't particularly close to anyone. Except maybe ... me.
"Oh? Aren't I right here? Do you think I'll forget you because you vanish for a little?"
"I-I ... I thought you were annoyed by me."
"Then why would I let you cling to me? I could have actively ignored you."
"But you ... you left me alone and I ..."
"So? People can change their minds. I'm not running from you anymore, so don't go running from me, okay?"
"Heh, hehehehe."
"Why are you laughing?"
"Sorry I just- I didn't expect you to say something like that. It's so sweet."
"Don't get used to it."
"Hehe, I know. I'm just ... Thank you."
"... It's fine."
Things were nice after that. We returned to routine.
Or, as close to routine as possible. I found myself gazing at them for longer than I intended. If they were still asleep when I was up, I would pick them up. If they were hungry, we'd eat early, or I'd get Ruggie to buy us snacks.
'Fuck.' I had fallen for them. It was confusing. They weren't particularly pretty, or smart, or even useful. Even so, I found them undeniably breathtaking. I couldn't look away from them.
It was juvenile, but I couldn't help but touch their hand. Just to feel their skin against mine. I wanted to kiss their forehead, to hold them in my arms, to claim them.
I'm no idiot. I know I'm handsome, I know my position, though lesser than my brother's, is coveted. I understand that being a member of royalty limits my options for love. Despite everything, I wanted them to stay with me. If nothing else, I just wanted to continue our days like this. The litte moments of warmth, their laughter, their joy. I wanted to bask in it.
When did my world stop being gray?
No, not my world. Just them.
It's still hard to justify waking up, to find a reason to move forward every day. But even still, I want to be selfish and be beside them. I wonder if this is what it means to feel safe with someone.
"I'm going to graduate this year. You've still got a few years left."
"... Yeah ..." They smile sadly.
"Come to me. When you finish. Find me, and I'll have a napping spot ready to share." It was a stupid promise. They might be blocked from my side. They might not even be able to understand me outside of school property.
But I think their smile was worth it.
"You've been sulking in that window every day, brother." A grating voice says, a smirk decorating the words.
"So what?" I glare, irritated by the interruption. I come to this window whenever I think about them. It seems like a spot they'd like. Or maybe they just liked me. Maybe after all this time they forgot me. It would be better that way. For them to forget me, they can live a different life, instead of being tied to the second prince.
"I was just worried. How can I not worry a little when you're my brother?"
"Piss off."
"Ah, I see you don't want company. Should I send your visitor away?" My ears twitch. It's rare I receive visitors. It's even rarer my 'perfect' brother bothers to tell me about them.
"A visitor? Haiz. I have enough sense not to turn visitors away." I shift, hopping down from the window ledge.
My heart is beating faster than I would like. It seems like my chest is going to burst at this rate. It will be disappointing if it's not them, so I shouldn't keep my hopes up.
"Leona?" A familiar voice chimes as I enter the room. They smile warmly at me and walk over, looking at me somewhat reluctantly.
"I'm surprised you actually came here." I hold out my hand. They take it carefully and I pull them into a hug, "Welcome home." I add with a whisper.
They tear up, hugging me tightly.
"Yeah, I'm home." They mutter. They feel warm in my arms. They feel like the keystone of an arch, holding me together despite being so small.
'So, I still love you.' I think to myself, closing my eyes and forcing myself not to do too much. I want to give them soft kisses, I want to whisk them to my room and cuddle with them. I want to tell them how much I love them. But the words don't leave my throat. I can't love them, not as a royal.
"Well, isn't this a nice reunion." That ruined it.
"And you're still here because? This is my guest. I thought you'd leave." I hiss, glaring at my brother.
"There's no need to be hostile. I'm just surprised you have someone close to you."
"Oh? Thanks, I didn't realize I needed to tell you these things."
"I'm not chastising you, I'm glad. Really. Ah, I should probably introduce myself to your lover."
"Are you two not? Ah, I'm sorry for misunderstanding." He doesn't sound even slightly apologetic.
"I-It's fine."
"... This is my brother. That's it, don't worry about getting close to him."
"Oh- okay." They smile sadly.
"Well this does complicate things a little. I had just convinced the elders to let you have your lover join you here. But if they're not your lover, then I'll have to clear that up."
"That won't be necessary. It'll be more convenient if everyone assumes we're lovers anyways." 'Though I'm not particularly fond of receiving help from you, I won't turn it away when it benefits me.'
"S-So then- Do I- have to pretend to be your lover?" They seem surprised, their face flushed a bit. It's cute. It makes me want to lick their cheeks and nibble on their ear.
"No, just act like before. Us spending so much time together will get the point across."
"Oh! Okay." They nod, seeming perhaps a little disappointed.
"Last time we spoke, I promised to have a napping spot pick out for us. I think I found one. Though, you'll have to sit on my lap if you want to lean on me." The window ledge wasn't wide enough to sit side by side unless you laid against the window.
'This spot is chosen partially out of my selfishness. If nothing else, then I can hold you tightly. Not that you need to know my reasoning.'
"That's okay. If you're okay with it, I mean. I've always kind of wanted to hug you when napping." They admit wanting to cuddle closer.
'I wonder.'
I pick them up, cupping their rear as they cling to me. They seem a bit surprised.
"W-We could just walk there-"
"We are walking there. What? Did you never wonder how I carried you before?"
"I never thought about it- This is embarrassing. I could just walk with you."
"Hm, no. You clung to me this long, cling to me more, won't you?"
"Leona." They whine.
I can't help but chuckle a little. This was warm. It felt nicer than just remembering them.
"Hey, do you love me?"
"What? I mean- yes. You're the closest person I have."
"I mean, romantically, sexually. How, do you love me?"
"T-This is very sudden- and I don't know how to answer- aah."
"That's fine. We've got plenty of time." I sit down, letting them situate themselves on my lap as we sit by the window. I wrap my arms around their waist, and rest on my chin on their shoulder.
"You're more affectionate than I remember."
"Well, I have to make up for the missed nap time cuddles somehow, right?"
"What? Hah, hahaha. Sure, let's go with that. Leona. I missed you."
"Yeah ... me too."
"I never thought you'd admit it ... so ... the question."
"Do you love me?"
"Yeah, that one ... was it, because you love me?"
"W-wait really? Um! How so?"
"Hm, I'll tell you after you tell me. I did ask first."
"Hahaha, okay, that's fair." They lean into me, resting against my chest, relaxing in my arms. We sit there for a while, just enjoying each other's company. It doesn't really matter how they answer. We'll stay beside each other anyways. I can tell that much. They wouldn't have found me if they didn't intend to stay.
"Hey ... Leona ..."
They turn their head and move so their mouth is close to my ear before whispering their answer. Perhaps embarrassed, or worried that telling me loudly would hurt me. Regardless, the action was cute.
"I'm not sure. I've never felt anything like this before. I've never had the chance. So, I may not get it right the first time. I don't know what type of love this is."
"Okay, then let's figure it out together." I've waited this long, waiting a little longer should be fine. Besides, I'm with them now, so that is enough.
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linkemon · 9 months
Voice line headcanons 2
Friendly reminder that English is not my first language. You can check my Masterlists both in English and Polish here.
Paimon and Aether demand information from you! Who is [Reader]?! Being discreet? Excuse me, Paimon is very discreet and will get to the truth!
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Arataki Itto
✧ [Reader]? They're my greatest enemy. Did they arrest me? Don't be ridiculous. No one could capture the great Arataki Itto. Except for Kujo Sara... er... Huh? I didn't say anything. Of course it's about beetle fights. [Reader] can't beat me, so I still graciously agrees to let them try get back at me. Lie? Can those eyes lie, lavender melon? Hahaha! If you want, I can take you to them. It'll be the perfect excuse to see them... How do I look like? Give me a minute, I'll fix my hair and we can go!
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✧ Information has a price. What's yours like? Why the long faces... Of course I was joking. After what we've been through together in the mines, I'll answer your question. Remember when I mentioned once that I took the fur meant for Tsaritsa in exchange for the lost bracelet? Regrator, also known as Pantalone, participated in this operation. [Reader] works with him. It was under theirs care that the entire cargo was lost. As far as I know, they didn't die. They've been looking for information about me for some time. They're really persistent. Apparently the Harbinger business is keeping them away but I'm sure they'll be around sooner or later. If you want, I'll let you know when I see them.
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Kujo Sara
✧ [Reader] is the best carpenter in Inazuma. They used to make furniture but eventually took up small handicrafts. Their works are masterful. I have many myself. I'm a little surprised the two of you are looking for them. Ah, are you looking for a figurine? That's the wrong word. Downright offensive. It is a lacquered sculpture of Her Majesty, the Mighty Narugami Ogosho, Goddess of Storms! How long is a name? Everyone here knows that respect is needed. You should be careful. There are serious consequences for offending our archon. I will not hesitate. Give you one when I have many? No way, especially after what Paimon said. And you'd better be nice to [Reader] or we'll talk differently...
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✧ Hmmm... Qiqi doesn't remember at the moment... Qiqi will see the diary.... Nice person... Sometimes they come to the pharmacy when Qiqi sells medicine. I don't think they like Dr. Baizhu. They teach Qiqi to use a sword but Qiqi forgets that she can fight...
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✧ [Reader]? I haven't seen  them for a long time. I wonder how they're doing. Time spent meditating flows differently. Especially in the mountains. It would be good to see them again. Oh, I got off topic, sorry. [Reader] is not an exorcist but they are very fond of learning more about how the spiritual part of this world works. They took some techniques from me. Of course, only the most secure ones. They even managed to talk to adepti, which is not given to everyone. They work as a ritual helper. You should ask Chongyun if you want to find them.
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Kuki Shinobu
✧ And why exactly do you want to find them? Just don't tell me someone in the gang did something wrong again. We're friends, so I guess it won't hurt if I tell you. [Reader] is also part of our team. You probably haven't met them yet because they often work in the field. At least you don't have to clean up the mess after it. Itto told you we're a couple?! I can't with him! Always talks too much. Blush under the mask? You just imagined it for sure...
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lizdonnelly · 5 months
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Pairing: Elizabeth Donnelly x f!reader Warnings: Language, and minor hurt/comfort I suppose? It's fluff overall Summary: Despite working in different fields, you and Liz Donnelly have built up a rapport over the past few months. When Liz finally confronts you about your relationship status, you panic, not wanting to reveal the crush you've developed on her for fear you'll lose her from your life. Unbeknownst to you, the Bureau Chief has been harboring feelings of her own, and takes the matter very seriously.
"This is the only place around here that doesn't fuck up their espressos, so it's worth the line. Otherwise, I wouldn't bother," the woman in front of you said. You chuckled. The tiny cafe was a warm, bustling retreat that you savored going to each morning before work, despite the lengthy lines they always had. "They're the only place on my way to work that makes decent Americanos, so I feel you there," you replied, trying not to yawn.
"Nurse?" she asked, taking note of your scrubs and shoes you wished were cuter in the moment. They had the best comfort insoles you could find, but they certainly weren't as snazzy as the woman's leather loafers.
"Doctor, actually," you said with a shy smile. "I just got out of residency, so my soul isn't completely dead yet." The woman raised her eyebrows and nodded, impressed with your response. You took in her well-tailored pinstriped suit, leather briefcase, and starched white dress shirt with the collar popped. From experience with family members in law that gave off a similar aura, you could safely wager that the woman in front of you was an attorney. "Paralegal?" you asked with a wry smile. "Fuck you," she said, laughing.
"So then they wheel him in, and I'm guessing the guy's gonna have a few fractures from what they told us, right? Guy supposedly fell off a ladder and landed on top of a tree while he was landscaping," you said between bites of a croissant. "Nope. Nothing like that. They had to saw off the tree branch and bring it in with him, because it was stuck up inside him," you finished. The woman across from you, whose name you recently learned was Elizabeth, snickered and took another sip of her espresso. "I'm sure he'll be staying away from pine air fresheners for awhile," she joked, tossing her paper cup into the trash can as she walked towards the door. You giggled, thanking her as she held the cafe door open for you.
"Well, have a good day. I hope Alex stays out of your hair. That's her name, right?" "Yes," the blonde said. "Let's hope she does. I'm running low on Ibuprofen as it is." You parted ways on the sidewalk without another word. You began heading down towards Mercy General to start your shift, still smiling. It was nice to have a little chitchat here and there with people. Between college, medical school, and residency, you rarely had time to make friends with people outside of a hospital setting. It was finally beginning to feel like moving to the city was worth the extra expenses. "If you can't find a seat on the subway later," you heard Elizabeth say behind you. "I found you one," she said. You turned around. She gestured towards a Christmas tree strapped to the roof of a car headed down the street beside you. "Whatever," you laughed, flipping her off playfully before turning back around. --- "One espresso and one Americano for here," Elizabeth told the man behind the counter. From your position just behind her in line, you got a waft of her perfume over the smell of coffee beans and cinnamon. Something warmed in the pit of your stomach. "Elizabeth, you don't have to, really," you said, wondering if you looked more beat up than usual this morning after surviving an especially brutal shift yesterday. "Already did," she said, handing you your coffee. You admired the way her short blonde locks fell over her forehead this morning. You hadn't seen her style them that way before in the month you'd gotten to know her. "And it's Liz," she said, finishing her espresso in a single sip.
--- "We'll be trying the kid as an adult, so if the mother isn't a complete dumbass, she'll take the deal," Liz said between bites of the croissant you shared. Her fingers brushed against yours as she handed you a piece she broke off for you, and you fought to hide the blush that was threatening to bloom across your cheeks.
"We have a measles outbreak on one of the floors, so you're welcome to trade with me," you said with a smile. "I'd take catching measles over cleaning up after one of Alex's messes again, so you might just have yourself a deal," she replied with a wink. You were certain she didn't mean anything flirtatious by it, but it still made your heart skip a beat. Suddenly, a man accidentally walked into you, too preoccupied with the woman on his arm to notice you sitting at the table in the aisle. He exchanged a hasty apology, and Liz grimaced as the couple walked away. You mentally forgave the pair, as Valentine's Day was around the corner. You saw so many crumpled bodies get carted into the ER each day that you were just thankful they were able to walk in the first place, for that matter. "By the way," she said, her tone shifting into one you couldn't quite place. "You got any plans for the holiday?" Your eyes widened. It was an odd question, as you'd always known Liz to be brash and strictly business, but it was a normal thing to be curious about someone you were getting to know. You still hated the prospect of answering it honestly though, as you had recently come to terms with the fact that you found Liz rather attractive, and your daily meetups over breakfast and coffee had become the highlight of your weekdays. Though it had only been a few months, you now thought about her while you were at work, wondering what trouble the ADAs were stirring up for her, and even when you laid down to head off to sleep. The woman hadn't given you any indication of being with someone, and she didn't wear a ring or talk about anyone romantically. To be honest, you were too afraid to ask her about her own romantic life, for fear you'd get an answer you wouldn't like.
Across the table, she raised her eyebrows impatiently. Your heart began to race sickeningly, a bead of cold sweat sliding down the back of your neck. Your eyes darted around the room, scanning the menus and signs that adorned the walls of the cafe. "Joe Cortado," you blurted. You immediately wished a sinkhole would open up below you and swallow you into the earth. It was just about the stupidest thing you could've said. Liz's face went blank. Something in her eyes shifted. "Pity. Guy sounds like a douchebag."
"Elliot, I need you to run a background check for me," Liz said coolly. The detective stared at her quizzically. "With all due respect, ma'am, what's this all about?" he asked, crossing his arms against his chest.
"The why isn't relevant to you." "So this isn't related to a case?" Liz tilted her head and furrowed her brow. "Detective, if Kathy was spending time around some schmuck, tell me you wouldn't run his name." Elliot smirked, eventually nodding in agreement. "Who's the schmuck we're looking for?"
Liz slid him a piece of paper with a name scribbled across it. --- You rifled through your cabinet, mentally swearing at yourself over never having gotten around to buying espresso cups in the time since you'd moved here. Your mom's old Winnie the Pooh mug you took with you when you moved would have to do. "Liz, is there something wrong?" you asked, turning to the woman that had an iron grip on your kitchen countertop. "Tell me something." "Something," you replied, giggling. She rolled her eyes and huffed. "Are you aware of the kind of company you're keeping?" Your face scrunched up, unsure of what she was getting at. "What do you mean?" She took a deep breath, not even questioning the mug you handed her. "I'm concerned for your safety." "Liz, if this is about the measles outbreak, I'm fine. I don't work in that ward, I promise," you said, trying to throw her a reassuring smile. Her frown didn't lighten up. "I am not talking about measles, I'm talking about the good for nothing low life that probably has plans to take you to some two star restaurant for a half-rate steak this weekend for Valentine's Day," she began ranting, some sort of floodgate having burst. "And then he'll flounder on top of you for five minutes on his sorry excuse for a bed before he runs off and guns down a couple other gangbangers to top off his night." You froze across from her. You were thankful you hadn't been holding anything at the moment, because you surely would have dropped it. "Who are you talking about? I don't know anyone in a gang," you replied, laughing uncomfortably. "So he hasn't told you, or are you too blind to see that, too?" Liz's eyes steeled. "I'm sorry, but I'm not sure what this is in regards to, and I can tell it's eating at you," you said, walking closer to her. The attorney's jaw tightened. "Joe Cortado," she said through clenched teeth. Your breath stopped in your chest. Liz's eyes narrowed. "I had one of the detectives run his name. Were you aware that he's racked up charges for aggravated assault and armed robbery? If that wasn't enough for you, he's currently under investigation for running a counterfeit operation." You couldn't help but let out a laugh, running a hand across your forehead. "I don't see how this is funny," Liz said, clearly even more aggravated by your reaction. You took a deep breath before resting a tentative hand on her shoulder. "Liz, he's not real." "Excuse me?" You swallowed thickly, mentally kicking yourself at how poorly this was all coming to light. "I panicked when you asked me whether I had plans for Valentine's Day, and found the first words on the cafe menu that could pass as a name," you managed. "Truth is...I didn't want to admit that I've fallen for you, because I don't want to lose you."
Liz's gaze fell to the mug in her hands. She chewed at her bottom lip. "Why did it matter so much to you, anyway?" you asked slowly. "I feel bad that he turned out to be a real person, because you were ready to have him dragged into custody." Liz was uncharacteristically silent for a few moments. She then looked up at you, wide brown eyes holding the faintest vulnerability in them. "Because I was hoping to make plans with you myself," Liz answered. "To be honest, I wouldn't have taken well to anything you would've said besides admitting you didn't have plans." Stunned, your jaw fell slack. She set the mug down on the countertop and turned to you. She reached out and cupped your cheeks, pulling you into a soft kiss. You involuntarily sighed into it, arms looping up around her neck.
"So..." you started, fiddling with a button along her shirt when you finally broke the kiss. "What are we doing for Valentine's Day this weekend?" She pulled you closer to her chest and kissed your forehead. "Buying you a proper set of espresso cups."
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misc-obeyme · 1 year
A Patissier's Suffering?
Okay, I'm back! This time I wrote a little scene based on one of the Barbatos daily chats. He doesn't have a ton, so when I got this one I was like okay, but then what happened?! So this is after the daily chat called A Patissier's Suffering. (Once again, I'm including the chat because I think it's needed for context.)
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Barbatos x GN!MC
Warnings: None, I think. Pure fluff yet again. There are some references to one of Barbatos's birthday events and also a chat called Best Butler in the Three Realms from his My Master UR card.
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BARBATOS: We’re finally free.
MC: Good work today.
BARBATOS: You too, MC. I was surprised at the amount of students who were lured into the home economics classroom just by the smell. My sugar cookies I worked so hard baking were in danger for a moment there.
MC: I wanted to try some of your cookies.
BARBATOS: It just so happens that I saved a few cookies especially for you. I’ll be waiting in the classroom. smiling demon sticker
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After rushing back to the classroom, you found Barbatos waiting for you as promised. The home economics classroom mostly consisted of various kitchenette work stations, but there were also a few bistro-like tables. Barbatos had moved one of these beside the tall window that looked out onto the RAD grounds. There was a chair on either side and he was seated in one. He had already neatly arranged an adorable plateful of sugar cookies beside a teapot and two teacups. Where had he gotten the tea things from? Best not to question it. This was Barbatos, after all.
Barbatos smiled as you walked over to sit across from him.
You inhaled deeply. “These smell amazing. I’m so happy I get to try one. Everything you make is delicious.”
Barbatos picked up the teapot and poured tea into the two cups. He handed one over to you, which you took carefully. “You did well today, too, MC.”
You picked up a cookie and took a bite, closing your eyes as you savored the flavor of it. “I appreciate you saying that,” you said. “But I know you’re just being nice. My baking skills are average.”
“Hmm.” Barbatos looked at you over the rim of his teacup. “Perhaps I could help you improve with some private tutoring.”
You paused, trying to figure out if Barbatos was messing with you or not. The way he said private tutoring could be taken a couple of different ways. You cleared your throat and went with the safe response. “I’m sure I’d get way better with you as my teacher.”
“I would be happy to assist you as much as I can,” Barbatos said.
You relaxed at this normal reply. “I know you’re busy, but if you have the time, I’d love to learn some things from you.”
You tensed again almost immediately when Barbatos reached across the table and took your hand in his. His usual smile had a hint of something else - something soft and playful. “I will gladly make time for you for any reason. Should you need anything at all, please know you can depend on me.”
You could feel the blush rushing up your neck and into your cheeks. Your expression at that moment could be described as deer-in-headlights. Despite this, you managed to arch an eyebrow at him. “Anything at all?”
Barbatos was no fool. He chuckled softly. “Anything within reason.”
You sighed. “I suppose forcing you to take a vacation would be out of the question, then. I’ll settle for private baking lessons.”
Barbatos squeezed your hand gently. “Perhaps not completely out of the question. I would enjoy nothing more than to take you on a vacation.”
You were sure that going on vacation with Barbatos would result in him taking care of you the entire time instead of relaxing himself, but the idea still brought your blush back full force. “O-oh?” you managed to say. “What about Lord Diavolo?”
Barbatos smiled. “I have been able to leave the Young Master in Lucifer’s capable hands for short periods of time.”
You remembered when Barbatos took time off to go to a baking convention in the human world for his birthday. It was proof that Lord Diavolo could indeed live without him. Though there was also the time when, without Barbatos, Diavolo had shown up at RAD wearing two different shoes. It was kind of hit or miss with him, but you kept this thought to yourself.
You looked at Barbatos, sitting across the table looking amused. You smiled, shifting in your seat and leaning forward toward him. You lifted your hand and intertwined your fingers with his. “In that case, I think we should go somewhere, just the two of us.”
You watched with satisfaction as a blush crept up the butler’s face. The tables had been turned, but he managed to remain composed. It would take quite a bit to really ruffle Barbatos, you knew.
“I will endeavor to make it happen,” he said calmly.
Your stomach fluttered and you couldn’t help giggling a little. “In the meantime, I really do want your help with baking.”
“Of course,” Barbatos said, back on solid ground. “We will work out a time for you to come to the Demon Lord’s Castle.”
You took another cookie with your free hand. “You’re always so accommodating. Or are you only like that with me?”
“I think it is fair to say that quality is one I display more frequently with you,” Barbatos said.
You laughed a little. “Is it because you want me to be happy?”
“Yes,” Barbatos said without hesitation. “I care very deeply about your well being.”
You suddenly found you couldn’t hold Barbatos’s gaze, which had become more intense. You looked away. “Do I really matter that much to you? Or is it only that I’m an exchange student that needs looking after?”
Barbatos’s tone of voice caused you to look at him again. His expression had softened.
“Your status as an exchange student is certainly an important reason for all of us to look out for you,” Barbatos said. “However, I cannot deny that my feelings for you run much deeper. You do matter that much to me. The fact that you had to ask tells me I need to do more to ensure that you believe it.”
Your heart skipped a beat. Eyes wide, you stared at Barbatos for a moment. “Oh,” you said, at a bit of a loss for words. You took another bite of the cookie in your hand.
Barbatos chuckled, dispelling the serious atmosphere. “I will begin by giving you baking lessons.”
You had almost forgotten about that by this point. You smiled as you thought about your future private lessons with Barbatos.
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others in this series:
Mammon | Solomon | Lucifer | Leviathan | Simeon
Asmodeus | Diavolo | Beelzebub | Belphegor | Satan
masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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deathisararemercy · 1 year
Hey so i was wondering if you could do a p2 to the kung fu panda au? Maybe with the second movie as the main recolved arc? If not thats fine i just really liked it lol ^^
Puss in Boots x Kung Fu Panda AU Part 2
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Death x Reader
A/N: Howdy anon! I had to brush up on KFP2 for this one, but I'm glad to continue this little AU! Though I did explore Death's relationship with the reader in the original post, I mainly did that with anticipating a part two. So for the sake of having a nice narrative, at the start of this little post, the reader and Death are just acquaintances. Thank you for sending in this request!
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You are living your best life as the Dragon Warrior. You're defending the valley, have five awesome new best friends, have one very cool kung fu master as your teacher (who was going to teach you all about inner peace!), and also your parent is still running the best noodle shop in the valley.
Also there's that one wolf guy: Death.
Sometimes he shows up when you're defending the valley, sometimes he doesn't. But whenever you see him, you're both glad to see each other. At least, you think he's glad to see you. Kind of hard to tell since you usually see him wearing his hood.
When you and the Five are sent to stop a gang of bandits, you're reminded that not all wolves are nice.
And you have a flashback of another panda, just like you.
Death appears (again). Normally, you'd be startled by his presence, but you're still reeling from the memory. He's Death, but he can't read minds, so you brush him off and gather the gang to head back home.
Sidenote: Yes, Death was there when your biological parent died. Yes, he could (and would) tell you more about them if you asked. But he hasn't put together the dots that you're remembering your past.
You ask your parent about your past, and now you're a bit shaken, having learned you're adopted and still having questions your parent can't give you answers to, but WHOOPSIES time for a quest.
(*Shrek the Musical Fiona voice*: Skip ahead, skip ahead, skip ahead-)
When you're out sitting on the boat to Gongmen City, you hear familiar whistling. It's Death. Initially, you freak out because now you're wondering if someone is going to die. But he clarifies that no one is dying. Yet. He confesses that he's been breaking a few rules recently, but he wants to check on you because you seem...troubled.
You talk about your nightmare.
For a minute, you're worried you've wasted his time. He's frowning and looking ahead on the river, thoughtful. "Sorry, that was a lot. I should let you get back to work doing your whole Death thing. I just...I don't really know where I belong. And it's not a great feeling. What did I do...for my parents to leave me?"
And the wolf stands up and shakes his head, quietly swearing under his breath. The things he does for love. "Mind if I tell you something?" You nod, curious. "I was there. When your parent left you in that crate." "Oh. Wait...does that mean..." "That doesn't matter right now." "Of course it matters! They could be-"' He grabs your shoulder. "Listen. They loved you very much. Both of your parents. They did what they needed to out of their love for you." "But why? And what happened to them?"
He is conveniently interrupted by the sight of Gongmen City and the Five waking up from sleep. He vanishes into the night.
You and the Five sneak into the city and see all the wolves. You're getting really sick of these guys. You try to get Rhino and Croc out, they can't leave because of the weapon, you run into the wolf boss again and you're all caught.
(Why can't these guys be more like Death? you think to yourself as you're climbing the many....many stairs in Shen's palace.)
And speak of the devil, you spot him in the shadows when you meet Shen for the first time. He looks more that displeased, paws firmly gripping his sickle handles. But he can't interfere in anything can he? Not after doing so much for you recently. You can't help but wonder if you're going to die right then and there in front of the canon. But Mantis saves you all and there goes the canon. Boom!
You try to get to Shen but you have another flashback. Shen escapes, and Death interferes again to get you and the Five out of the tower. You guys were having too many near death experiences for his taste. You all regroup together.
Once again, you are having an identity crisis, and Tigris tells you to stay behind, telling Death to keep an eye on you to make sure you don't do anything that'll get you killed.
Luckily for you, that's not in his job description.
"I don't take orders from anyone. Especially mortals." he sighs. The wolf nudges you with a wink. "Alright then, Dragon Warrior. Go. I won't tell."
Honestly, I think if I were going to give Death an arc this 'x reader' ver of KFP2, it would be the conflict between his duty to let the everything pan out and not interfere before he needs to take souls to the spirit world, and his own desire to engage in mortal life (ie. protect you) and talk to them and learn more about them (ie. you). He's already interfered so many times, and he can tell the cosmic balance was getting a little bit out of sorts. But...
Death decides to stay back during the fight, lurking in the shadows and doing his job properly. But he is shocked when Shen tells you that your parents didn't love you. And he loses it when you nearly die again to Shen.
He carries you out of the river and looks around desperately for help. He's Death. Death can't be afraid of anything or of anyone. Death shouldn't feel fear. But right now...he's terrified. He knows everyone dies at some point. It was inevitable. But was uncertain was whether or not him being there could actually lead to your death. If you died, would it have been because he interfered and got too close?
He follows the river away from Shen and the Five, and he makes it to the Soothsayer. The Soothsayer is vaguely aware that Death is someone from beyond the mortal world, but he rests you at her feet and tells her to help you.
When you recover, it takes both of them talking to you in order for you to recover your memories and achieve inner peace. When the Soothsayer tells you that your present actions define who you are, something resonates with Death.
He joins you, the Five, and the Masters in the final fight in Gongmen. Cosmic law be damned, Death says no to weapons of mass destruction. He's going to let his actions define him and how he approaches his relationships.
Yeah, no. Seeing you make the water droplet technique your own made him fall even harder for you.
And once again, I have a link to swanpit's art because 1. This art is hilarious and beautiful and 2. I think seeing Shen and Death interact like this would be lovely and fits this fic.
But yes. Our Dragon Warrior achieves inner peace and Death is becoming more and more of his own person aside from literally being Death.
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Also: on the trip back to the valley, Death tags along. And he may or may not try to indirectly ask you out to dinner. You say "Sure! Let's head to my parent's place!" and his tail is thumping on the boat's deck, causing it to tip a little. Needless to say, he's excited.
Changing timeline things from the first post so that they now occur after KFP2:
At this point, he starts showing up more frequently, during and outside of battles, and he seems more relaxed around you. And you come to learn that his presence doesn't always mean someone's going to die. He just wants to visit. (And after so long observing how people live and die, he has a chance to try living for himself.)
He starts dragging you away from training to get a meal together in town or to go on a nice walk in the mountains.
When Shifu complains, Death shrugs. "Alright then." He draws his weapons, snapping the sickles together and forming his staff. "Let's continue the Dragon Warrior's training then."
Plenty of sparring practice and playful banter between the two of you. It's so much fun for the both of you, and you start tag-teaming during battles. He joins you and the Five in your fights, always sure to use just a fraction of his strength as to not kill everyone in his path. But he reaps souls if need be.
And after all of this, in a shocking turn of events, you are the one to confess your love to Death.
And after all of this, he can confidently reciprocate that love.
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Hi! Can I please request headcanons for Seras being friends and having a crush on reader who's been working at Hellsing before she came and is also an extremely skilled vampire hunter? Thank you and have a good day!
Alright! It's been a little while since I wrote Helling stuff. Still not sure how to write Seras, I'm still trying to figure out my style for her so it's nice getting to write for her more. Hope you enjoy it!
It's not uncommon to meet vampire hunters in the Hellsing manner of course but most of them don't plan to get close to others
It was no different when Seras arrived, sure not everyone was mean but it was clear no one planned to make friends with her and honestly with how much her life had changed it was almost a good thing
But then came meeting you and it felt like everything had changed
At first her feelings were purely admiration, as a skilled vampire hunter of course she would look up to you
Seras, like the almost lost puppy she is, wants to learn from you
she wants to tag along on all your jobs and have you say she did well!
Honestly Seras doesn't even realizes its a crush until Alucard and Pip point it out
The first like week she realizes its a crush, that she likes you romantically Seras will avoid you
It's easy to think she's hiding because of bloodlust, maybe she's just having some trouble controlling herself around humans
In reality though she's just so confused about what to do
A vampire and a hunter dating? Would that even be possible, would Sir Integra let something like that happen
There are so many questions about how it could work or if you would even like her, could you see past what she is
Within that week Seras takes time to think about her feelings and how they might affect work, for as puppy like as she can be Seras does take her work seriously
Just approach her casually and she becomes so easy to read
Now that Seras is aware of her own feelings she gets so nervous and embarrassed around you, even a smile or bit of praise is enough to make her dead heart flutter
Tease her a little for it but make sure it's all harmless, poor girl deserves nice things by now
She wants to stay friends and worried that something bad might happen Seras won't confess but you could and it would send her over the moon
She obvious in her crush but this doesn't change much in her actions, wanting to spend time with you or being excited to hear about your work it's all the same
Seras is soft but deadly, still a sweetheart trying her best in death
You're someone she looks up to and that will always be a thing so really just treat this lovely lady well
Not much to say with this one but I hope you liked it! I definitely haven't nailed down my Seras yet but I still find it fun. ~ Lilly
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elwolfen · 23 days
Alfred Molinathon Day 9
Prick Up Your Ears (1987)
Kenneth Halliwell
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His Role: Quite the perturbed man, huh? Both of them stuck in this seemingly never-ending toxic cycle. Kenneth being left to the wayside as Joe shines in the limelight must have been a terrible blow. As he said in the end, "In the way of circumstances and background I had everything an artist could possibly want. It was practically a blueprint. I was programmed to be a novelist or a playwright. But I'm not and you are!" In the beginning he had plenty of things that could go for him as he said, a novelist, a playwright even an actor. Yet overtime, he didn't continually presue them, possibly the time he spent in prison made it more difficult? His mental health took a deeper divot over the years? It could've been plenty of things. A cocktail.
While he had his extremes, I do feel deeply sympathetic towards him. I know what it's like at one point it seems everything is fine, and in order, it's all looking up and then the next something or someone could tip you off and you suddenly developed a heightened mania. You lash out, inappropriately so. A few minutes later, it's like it never happened because something else grabs your attention. Being with someone who seems unsympathetic to your mental blights, your needs, and your lack of direction can make you feel a bit deranged. To have someone excel and be successful at something you were once good at or something you taught them, while you just idle by and question what happened to that spark can be very dreary.
I do wish that he was able to have the help that he desperately needed. It would've also helped if he had more support too, but Joe wasn't that. Joe felt that this relationship was dying yet didn't feel the need to push the question of why or actually figure out what to do. What was he hoping for? For Kenneth to just up and leave? Get himself admitted? I don't know. I'm not saying Joe was the main problem. As I said, they were both toxic towards each other. Kenneth's extreme emotions and Joe's lack of empathy can make for quite a tumultuous relationship.
The beginning of their relationship was nice to watch, but knowing how it all ends... it's a little unfortunate.
Besides that, he's such dramatic and funny to watch, even though he doesn't mean to come off that way. It is a comedy, after all.
One of my favorite scenes (right after "have a wank"), it reminds me of my choir class... I will not elaborate.
Really, I could go on and on, but it's best I don't. I don't have the best writing skills and don't have a very sophisticated inner dictionary. So...
The Rest of the Movie: Joe himself. He was also quite funny himself and was oozing with charm. But as I said, his lack of care was a bit off-putting to me. Yet I still also relate to him. Trying to relate to people who experience sadness and anger always makes me quiet and unable to help quell or calm any of it. I don't feel deeply as I should. It's something I constantly struggle with and to watch a character who is always trying to charm people while unable to do much for someone he possibly cares deeply about's feelings, hits a bit close. But where we differ is that I try to understand and reason while he berates and ignores.
I mean, this man paid another guy to please Kenneth to boost him up and make him believe that the wig helped. Which, I didn't know if that was horrible of him or kind of him? And on the topic of the wig! Did he do that out of genuine kindness, or was he actually ashamed of Kenneth? Or perhaps he wanted to shut him up for a little while.
Outside of that, he charms nearly everyone he meets. I mean, look at his cheeky grin. It's hard not to be. He's can be sly when he wants to be. He can lie right through his teeth with authorities. This includes throwing Ken under the bus very hard during their time on prison.
Learning that he could write fourty words a minute and him not utilizing it and doubting his writing then to see him only write all the time was a fascinating climb to watch while Kenneth goes in the complete opposite direction.
I can't see much about his work due to the fact that we don't get to see what his shows are about in the film, just the success. Makes sense. If I wanted to, I could seek it out.
Again, I can go on and on about these two, but wording my thoughts is a difficult task. Why did I do this to myself?
Peggy isn't nearly as interesting to me personally. She just narrates sometimes, which makes sense due to the framing device of her being interviewed about her connections with the couple. She also has more insight than most thanks to her stealing Joe's diaries and claiming she lost them.
Mr and Mrs. Lahr were also uninteresting. It's not any of the actors fault at all. It's Joe and Kenneth's story, I'm more intrigued by that.
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If you’re still taking requests, can I ask for 8. sweater weather and either romantic steddie Or platonic stobin?
i wasn't expecting this thing to grow legs and run as far as it did. i'm sure i lost the original plot somewhere along the way. but i hope you like it! takes place after the events of spring break and is a companion piece to this. also now on ao3
Robin will admit she's a bit of a clothes thief. 80% of her closet now consists of every article of clothing she'd ever stolen from Steve's wardrobe.
Though, stealing is a strong word, she thinks. They're more like hand-me-downs, or "a charitable donation to the less fortunate, Steve. I won't get mad if you write it off your taxes, pinky promise."
Most of the clothes Steve doesn't even realize are gone until Robin wears it to work or a movie night. Just gives her a once over, an appreciative nod, and a "looks nice, Rob. Better on you than me." Which.
They're platonic soulmates. Best friends. Twin flames, even. Everybody knows this. They've both come out to the party and Steve is with Eddie exclusively now, so there's no romantic feelings between them whatsoever— excluding the brief moment of one sided attraction on Steve's end.
Steve is still Steve.
He's still Steve Harrington.
His natural state is casual flirting even if he doesn't mean anything by it and Robin is 100% a hot blooded lesbian, but his easy compliments still manage to make her tummy flutter and her cheeks pink as she fights the smile trying to worm its way onto her face. The giggle (a fucking giggle) that bubbles from her throat is no help, either.
She chalks it up to never receiving a lot of compliments from people in her formative years.
Now that Steve's dating Eddie, though, their closets look like they've exploded together in a clash of brights and darks, leather and chains meeting polos and denim. Eddie would never spend his hard earned drug earnings on school spirit attire, but sometimes he'll be lounging around the trailer in some Hawkins High sports shirt. Steve wears Eddie's band shirts more often than not because of how comfy they are (he does this on purpose.)
So now when Robin raids Steve's closet, she gets Eddie's clothes too, which is what gets her into the current situation:
She doesn't even think about what she puts on that morning before rushing out the door so Steve will stop honking the fucking horn. It's 6:30am and she has elderly neighbors who need their beauty sleep, for Christ's sake.
(Mr. Cochran currently mowing his yard across the street doesn't share the same sentiments.)
She can tell something's wrong by the whispers that follow her down the hallway as she walks to her locker. She ignores it, though, chalks it up to another rumor about her and Steve making the rounds again.
It's not until lunch that the reason becomes apparent.
She sits beside Nancy at the Hellfire table. The boys aren't there yet so it gives them a chance to catch up and gossip a little, something Robin never thought she'd be interested in before becoming friends with Steve Harrington and Nancy Wheeler and learning that little miss reporter has stories on almost everyone of their classmates.
They're in the middle of Nancy telling her how Becky was caught in a janitor's closet making out with someone not her boyfriend, when—
"That my jacket, Buckley?"
Eddie's voice is suddenly right in her ear and he materializes out of nowhere, dragging a chair to the head of the table and turning it around to sit on it backwards. The guys follow suit and sit in their own chairs, flanking Eddie's left and right.
Robin frowns and lifts the collar like she's expecting to see Eddie's name stitched on the inside. "Uh, no? I think I'd notice if it were, Munson."
Eddie laughs as he pulls out his lunch that he won't admit Steve made for him. "I do think it is, little birdie."
Robin bristles a bit at the nickname. Eddie jerks his chin.
"Take a look at the back."
Robin glances around the table before hesitantly shrugging the jacket off. She balks at the very obvious image of the signature Hellfire Club devil, painted against a wall of white on the black denim.
"What the hell was this doing in Steve's closet?"
Eddie chokes on his sandwich.
Nancy's perfect eyebrows pull together. "Why were you looking through his closet?"
"Stealing his clothes, obviously."
"Why do you steal his clothes?" Gareth asks.
Robin throws her head back and groans. "I always take his clothes, haven't you noticed almost every shirt I wear is his? We're getting off topic, why did Steve put this in his closet?" She throws an accusing look at Eddie who shrugs.
"Why are you acting like my clothes being in my boyfriend's closet is some big conspiracy?" he shoots back.
Robin narrows her eyes. They stare each other down for a few seconds. She can hear that little whistle from all the western movies and she glares at Jeff to knock it off. Eventually, Robin concedes.
"Touché, Munson. Just don't be surprised when I start wearing your clothes, too. If it's in his closet it's fair game."
Eddie tilts his head in a bow. "As you wish, Lady Buckley."
She doesn't give the jacket back. Isn't sure if she wants to and Eddie doesn't mention even wanting it back. So she keeps it. Admires the little stitches on the front pocket and traces her fingers over the painted devil. There are pins she was somehow blind to, of bands she'd never heard of— except Metallica and Dio— and she curses her brain for being too curious for its own good.
A couple weeks pass and Robin casually mentions to Steve in passing that they should take a day trip down to Indy and hit up a few thrift shops and music stores. He doesn't question it, so they do, and she comes home with new tapes she wants to show Eddie and new clothes that she can call hers.
She doesn't give the jacket back. Instead it hangs on her closet door as she pulls on her own, decorated in various pins and patches she bought in the city and had her mom help her sew them on, over a black Blondie t-shirt.
She's even taken a chance with eyeliner and darker eye shadow that compliments her nails. Wears the chain necklaces she was wearing the day she got Steve as a best friend.
He's leaning against the car when she walks out of the house. He gives her that same once over and she can already feel the warmth spreading across her cheeks. She comes to a stop in front of him.
"It's a good look on you," he says gently as if he can sense her nervousness. He probably can. They share a brain cell, after all.
She lets out a sigh of relief and leans into his space. He just laughs and pulls her in to plant a kiss on the middle of her forehead.
"Does this mean you'll stop stealing my clothes?"
"Not a chance, dingus."
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mentallyshattered · 7 months
This is part 5 of the "What if Yuu didn't want to go back?" Series!
(I, the author of this work, do not consent to this work being crossposted/translated without my knowledge or used to train an AI, ever.)
Class starts in 15 minutes. First period is History of Magic- should be easy to find, right? After all, Vil made sure to give all of Pomefiore easy access to a map of the school. First floor, somewhere on the left...is this it? The room numbers match up.
The room is about half full. The paper says we have assigned seats, but it doesn't say where those seats are, so... where the hell do I sit?
"Grim... where's our seat?"
"Says we're in seat 34... so, third row, fourth seat?"
Counting the seats, we take our spot and hope for the best. Soon after we remove our notebook, textbook, pencil case, and folder, a boy with dark blue hair and an upside-down black heart on his face bursts into the room, panting heavily. The red color of his vest indicates that he's a Heartslabyul, but I can't tell if he's in the right room or not.
"Myaah? Hey, are you in class A?"
"Yes," the boy pants out, "seat 24... I'm not late, am I?"
"Nope! You're right in front of us."
The boy looks up, seemingly suprised at the sound of my voice. Our eyes meet- his are a beautiful, bright cyan. He'd fit right in at Pomefiore, at least visually.
"We're in seat 34. Your seat is right in front of ours."
"Oh, okay." He looks grateful now, jogging to his seat and turning around to reach us.
"Ah, Deuce Spade- it's a pleasure to meet you!"
He sticks out his hand. I shake it.
"I'm Yuu- Y-u-u, not y-o-u."
Grim follows suit and sticks out his paw. Deuce takes a moment to catch on, but he does.
"And I'm Grim! Pleasure to make your acquaintance. "
Deuce looks relived, but that look soon turns to panic when he hears someone much older behind him.
"We are still missing someone."
A panicking #24 sits down quickly and puts his stuff down. The man- who is probably Professor Trein- lets the door shut behind him, but someone catches it. Another Heartslabyul, by the looks of it.
"Hey, teach! I'm on time, right?"
"Hey, Yuu! That's Trappola, from the entrance ceremony," Grim whispers. "He's claustrophobic. "
I laugh quietly. "That he is, Grim. That he is."
To Spade's horror, Trappola plops down right next to him, in seat 25.
"Heya! Nice to meet'cha. I'm Ace."
Deuce is visibly horrified. "I'm Deuce Spade. Please try not to be late in the future. "
Entrance Ceremony Claustrophobe scoffs. "What's up your ass this morning?"
Grim raises his paw. Trein calls on him. "Yes, Grim?"
"Trappola just asked Spade what's- and pardon my language- 'up his ass this morning.' It's distracting."
Now it's Trappola's turn to look horrified. Deuce, taking the opportunity, raises his hand. "I can confirm that. I can also add that he said that in response to me asking him to try to be on time more."
Trein looks pissed. Trappola looks terrified. I raise my hand, ready to put the final nail in the claustrophobe's coffin-box. Trein calls on me.
"I can confirm that both Spade and Grim are telling the truth." Trappola is very pale. He should get more sun. And more time management skills, but that's been pretty obvious for a few minutes at this point.
Trein's cat meows, and Claustrophobe's fate is sealed.
"Trappola, see me after class."
Deuce, Grim and I smile. Time to learn.
The rest of class goes by without a hitch. Ace's detention is that he has to wash all of the chairs in the classroom after school. Fitting, I think.
Deuce walks with me and Grim to alchemy. Crewel seems strict, but kind, so long as you stay in line. We don't brew anything just yet- big whoop, first day- but we do get a lot of notes. Deuce is turning out to be e great friend, too! He's an honor student, recovering delinquent, and generally great guy- Vil would approve. He doesn't look like he has much of a skincare routine, though.
The big thing happens during Phys Ed. Grim and I faint during the laps- Vil is going to be pissed when he hears about the lack of water- and Deuce is the one to single-handedly carry us both to safety, and then the nurse's office. Apparently, we already lacked energy. Oh, well. Nothing eventful occurs until lunch.
Back at Pomefiore dorm, where lunch is free, Rook stops to talk to us.
"Monseur Mystery, Monseur Chat! I heard you fainted today?" The concern in his voice sounds real.
"Yeah... the nurse says we already lacked energy."
"And we weren't drinking enough water. There's that too, Grim. "
"Why weren't you?" Vil sounds rather intimidating right now.
"Myaah, no water bottle."
Vil just sighs.
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