#i've thought about it and it's more respectable (and you'd come closer to reading the book) to skip the 'main text'
mar3ggiata · 2 days
professional help, c10. Kidnapped
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simon riley x original character.
trigger warnings: violence, sexual assault, mentions of rape, trauma, sexual themes, swearing, use of alcohol and drugs.
song to listen to when reading this: Come a little closer, Cage the elephant.
abstract: hey this is Jude. you doing alright? you'd never guess who I saw! anyways, I'm almost content in this chapter and then I'm angry again. I've been angry my whole life guys I swear. also, had a special someone with me that night, can you guess who my passenger princess was?
She chuckled when he left the room. Skeleton mask, skeleton gloves, hell he probably had skeleton fucking underwear on. It seemed so out of character for him to be this nice to come all the way to her office and talk to her. He did seem a tiny bit uncomfortable, maybe he wasn't the best at social interactions. He had woke up happy and decided to be a decent human being for once. She didn't trust that his intentions were pure. Maybe he wanted her to speak about it cause he already heard from his friends and wanted the full version. You really want to know Simon, I'll send you the security cameras footage via email, that'll hunt you for a lifetime.
She had a busy day and had to stop thinking about their interaction for a few hours. She was in such a good mood she even had lunch, alone in her office, but still. Her thoughts kept wondering to the Lieutenant, his blue jacket and his thick arms, she had to compose herself when Sergeant Raul, her last patient of the day, had a panic attack in front of her. She got home late, exhausted. She went on a night walk with Jinx, cooked dinner and sat down at her table, her violent grinder and little jar with weed in front of her. She had some reports to finish, she had another two Nutcracker songs to choreograph. Her eyes lingered on 'The Pilgrimage' which she kept as a souvenir from her Sherlock CIA experience with the Arash case. She fished out a lighter from her bag and opened the book in front of her. She liked reading it, she enjoyed it. She had never been much of a religious person, though she was raised catholic. She respected the idea of faith, how it guided people, how it made them feel less alone. She had a thought. A tiny one. A sneaky suspicion. The little urge to lurk. It was a little lightbulb moment, a cinematic sequence in which the music stopped and then violins started playing as she began to think. Her rollie in one hand, the book in the other, she looked at her dog, smell of weed all around her. The poor thing was asleep on the couch, blissfully unaware. When she reached for her laptop to do some research, she knew she was gonna find something.
Two days later she was still debating on telling Price. She really didn't want to bother Laswell, poor woman didn't need more work. They were going to leave in 4 days. She decided she'd tell the first person she would see. It would be the universe to decide. Her office was at the opposite area from Price's so she had slim chances of telling anyone. It wasn't her mission, it wasn't her job, it wasn't her place. She was overstepping.
'Fuck', she said to herself, when she saw the Lieutenant in the parking lot. She froze, foot on the brakes. That's it, it's the universe's choice, you have to tell him. He's gonna kill you. He was smoking. His mask was slightly raised on his nose, exposing his mouth. Not that she could see anything, he was way too far and she was short sighted. Did he ever leave that mask home? He had a vest on, a light blue sherpa jacket that looked extremely comfortable. She looked at his cigarette, he had less than half of it left. Four drags maximum. Just tell him for fuck's sake, it's for the greater good and it’s a fucking good theory. He was almost finished. She slowly came to a stop in front of him and rolled down her window.
The world was silent around them. The sun was setting, the air was crisp. He had noticed the car, he remember it was the same model as hers. He didn't think she would stop. What she said next made his heart skip a beat. 'Hop in? I need to talk to you'. Her eyes were even a prettier colour in this light. They looked translucent. Her skin was shining and golden under the sunlight. 'Can it wait?' He tried to avoid getting in the car with her. Deeply unprofessional. Where did she want to take him anyway, couldn't they talk in his office? What was it she wanted to tell him? 'I'll take you back here when we're done, just a little ride’. She wasn't giving up. Am I being fucking kidnapped by you, Jude? Most guys wouldn't really complain to be honest, but still… He reluctantly sat in the passenger seat, having to adjust his seat to accommodate for his size. The lack of control he had in the situation made him uncomfortable, his fingers tingling with excitement and a slight bit of panic. But this girl… this girl, her presence was just weirdly irresistible. He wanted to know what she wanted to say, every little detail, every hint to who she truly was. He craved that. She slowly took off. She seemed a good driver, she kept her speed stable. 'What is it?' he asked impatient to know why he was being kidnapped. 'So, I kept thinking about what you said about Khorram, that he's hidden somewhere.' She glanced at him while she talked, maintaining her eyes on the road ahead. 'I thought about The Pilgrimage, the book. It's the three stages that I thought about, you know, the Jordan River was the first. Then the middle of the desert, then the Persian Gulf.'
He had to know she was coming up with another theory of hers. He started to get tense. He was getting tired to ear about this, she really had to let this go, it wasn't her place to be talking about it, all these speculations... This was war, people were getting killed everyday by this man and she was here playing detectives. 'I don't think you should keep working on this Jude. It's not your job', he said in the most assertive tone he could manage. She licked her lips, they were entering the city. She sighed, 'I know, I'm just suggesting', she insisted, but he cut her off. 'It's not your place.' He stated. He wasn't afraid to be rough with her or sound disrespectful. She was driving through a bit of traffic, she change gears swiftly and still managed to wave her hand in the air while she talked. 'I know! Since you guys didn't have a clue what you were doing the last time…' he interrupted her again, 'Doesn't mean you're right this time'. She scoffed and slightly raised her tone, visibly annoyed. 'You didn't even fucking let me finish, you don't know what I was about to say!' He caught a glimpse of her eyes, they looked darker. She had the same expression she always had. She looked like she was going to cast a spell on him and turn him into a chair. She must have always won every single argument in her life. Not with him, not with that attitude. 'I don't want to hear it, I can't make my soldiers do things and go places because you read a fucking book, Jude.' If she thought she could win this, she was seriously delusional. 'I read the fucking book that made you not die last week, Simon!' She raised her voice again, turning to face him. Hearing his name escape her lips made him feel weird. It was unusual to hear his name. Ghost, L.t, he had a few nicknames. Only Price called him Simon. He thought about whether she even knew he was Ghost to the others. Simon. It sounded different. It sounded warmer, it sounded pretty. She sang his name. It sounded like it belonged in the phrase Do you want to try that new restaurant with me, Simon, or There's a song I want you to listen, Simon, or Want to take a walk with me, Simon? It sounded like it belonged to a nice, handsome and normal guy, which he wasn't.
'Merda. Oh, merda.' He didn't realise she wasn't looking at him anymore. She had stopped the car, was she going to abandon him on the side of the road? They had stopped in front of a closed building, a few cars parked in the front. The woman next to him had a confused look on her face, which quickly shifted to panic. There was a girl in front of one of the cars. She was alone and she had a bag on her shoulder. Jude pulled the handbrake and got out of the car, walking towards the girl. She must have been 14. He got out of the car, but didn't approach them. He looked at Jude take the girl's hands in her own and talk to her. He couldn't really hear what they were saying, but the little girl was sniffling. She had been crying. 'Oh god', whispered Jude as she hugged the girl, scrunching down. He watcher her hand caress the girl's hair. Why was everything so complicated and bloody mysterious when it came to this girl? He looked at Jude taking the little girl's hand and taking her to the car. He probably looked scary with his skull printed balaclava on. 'Get in Gemma, I'll drive you home okay?' She said, seating down. 'Gemma this is my friend, Simon. Simon this is one of my students, Gemma.'
Jude was perfectly calm now, the little girl sitting in the back of the car. Her eyes were dark, she was driving much slower now, more carefully. She was mad. For what? What do you mean students? He had so many questions he couldn't process to say hi to the girl. Jude kept glancing in the review mirror to make sure Gemma was okay in the back. 'You like the choreography so far?' she asked. She danced? 'Yes, really much' Gemma answered 'I like when we do the circle. With the tour jetés' she said. Jude smiled 'Yeah I like that part too'. She was driving in a residential area more far away from the city centre, but they were getting closer to the road that would take them into the desert. 'Was it this one or the next Gemma?' she was slowing down. 'The next one' said the girl quietly. 'I'll talk to your mom okay?' She said while getting out of the car. She quickly turned towards him, her look apologetic 'I'm sorry, I'll explain. Just a second.' She felt bad for making him wait, it was very unprofessional of her, but it was an emergency and he just happened to be there. At least they stopped fighting. She explained to Gemma's mother that she was driving past the school when she saw her standing outside. The school was open when they arrived, it had closed 5 minutes after she had left. The girls had told Gemma about an extra lesson just for the 5 top students of the class and Gemma had asked her mom to take her. She said she was furious with the others and would talk to them and possibly even prevent some to dance at the final performance. She apologised to Gemma for having to wait outside because of that stupid joke and hugged her one more time, before making her way to the car. Furious was an understatement. How could they be so fucking mean? So so so stupid... She sighed while getting back into the car.
'I'm sorry, I'll take you back. Sorry. Sorry.' She quickly reversed and took off in the direction of the desert. 'Everything okay?' He decided to speak since she was gripping the steering wheel with her knuckles turning white. She waited a second before replying. 'I teach ballet. The other girls told her we had lesson when we didn't, she was the only one who showed up. The school is closed, it's dark out she could have been kidnapped', she said all in one breath. She was shaking her head, how fucking horrifying and dangerous was it to be left alone in the middle of nowhere as a 14 year old girl. Thank God she saw her, poor Gemma. She wasn't blaming her mom, the school was probably still open when they arrived and closed soon after. They were approaching the base in silence, she stopped near the entrance to let him go inside. She kept muttering words in Italian, she was biting her nails nervously. 'Che stronze. Come si fa…assurdo. Troppe poche botte da piccole.' She turned towards him before he had a chance to open the door. 'I'm very sorry you had to witness that, I truly am.' She blinked a few times trying to hide her embarrassment. She messed up all her chances to get him to listen to what she had found now. 'It's fine' he said. His voice was soft. He probably understood that she really couldn't leave the girl there alone, but still. His hand was on the door handle but he wouldn't open the door yet. 'Okay… I'm sorry either way I shouldn't have… done all this.' She was panicking a little at this point. 'Jude it's fine, seriously.' He finally opened the door and got out of the car 'Go home.' He stated before turning away and entering the base.
She went home. She facetimed Salvo and told him about the situation to rant a little bit. She didn't mentioned who she was with, cause it embarrassed her. Cause picking him up was the stupidest idea of her life. She was so fucking mad at the girls she thought about a million fucking different ways to find out who was responsible and make them pay. God, I sound like my mother. Which is very bad, considering what she does for a living…
notes: oh god, what does her mother do then? translation: 'those bitches. how is this possible… incredible. didn't get hit hard enough as kids.' don't hit your kids, violence is bad. also is bullying. I am getting really good results at uni guys!! I'm gonna post the next preview as well cause I'm gonna be studying a lot again, and working and you know. figuring out how to be happy with my life I guess.
love, mare.
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genderqueerpond · 6 months
IF 👏 YOU 👏 DIDN'T 👏 READ 👏 THE 👏 FOOTNOTES 👏 YOU 👏 HAVEN'T 👏 READ 👏 HOUSE 👏 OF 👏 LEAVES 👏 (you have read The Navidson Record)
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norrisleclercf1 · 11 months
Mafia!Charles Headcannons
Warnings: slight smut, angst, mafia, kidnapping, etc.
A/N: fucking deal with it, I've always wanted to write Mafia!Charles
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Mafia!Charles who rules Monaco and no one can come and go without him knowing
You the pretty trophy wife he married to stop a war from breaking out of territory
Both of you hated the idea of marrying each other you didn't want to marry someone you didn't know
Charles didn't want to marry at all
His men knew that you hated the idea of being married to him
they respected you, since Charles told to or else they'd deal with him
to you Charles was a horrible man who only cared about gaining power
Charles thought you were just an airhead who only cared for shopping and the lifestyle he gives you
for a while the both of you avoided each other and people would only see you two together if there was some function
The two of you grew closer one night when at a function you were bored
each time an old guy would hit on you, you'd whisper to Charles on a scale to 1-10 how much you'd want to bang them
Charles found it annoying at first, but the more it went on, the more he started to laugh and join in
After that you both started to relax around each other
Charles had woken up late and decided to join you for breakfast, he wasn't a late riser
So when he walks outside to see you eating your breakfast and reading he joins you
Of course you raise an eyebrow wondering what the hell he's doing as he is served his breakfast
For the next 2 weeks you continued to have a silent breakfast with your so called husband
Until the 3rd week when he asked you what you're reading
From them on you two would have small conversations about your day or anything in general
It started to become a routine
One that Charles looked forward to every morning, he hated that he was starting to like you
If people found out that he had a soft spot for his wife then that only means it’s a way to hurt him
Charles wasn’t someone that could easily be touched, but you?
You didn’t like your bodyguards and always slipped them, so it was very easy for someone to get to you
He started to pull back on getting to know you, but you refused for that to happen
Refused to be in a marriage that made you miserable
So when he stopped showing up to your morning breakfast, you went searching for him
Finding him in his study you sit down and ring the bell signaling the people to bring in your breakfast trays
He glares at you and of course tells you to leave, but you level the so called King of Monaco with one look
Hiding a smirk, he curses himself for falling for you even more
For a while he buried himself in work, you bringing him meals once in a while even staying for a while to make sure he eats
Once, he didn’t want to eat so, pulling his chair out you sat down in his lap straddling him
You decided to wear yoga pants and one of his shirts you found lying around
Charles had to think of the gruesome things he had done to people to stop from getting a boner
Your ass was hugged tight in those yoga pants,
taking the opportunity you feed him small bites of his sandwich while his fingers rubbed into your hips
After the day in the study Charles could add touching and you sitting on his lap along with breakfast together as a way your relationship was growing
He asked you why you always wanted to sit in his lap, but all he received was a smile and light kiss on his cheek
leaving a clear imprint of your lips
Your lipstick glowing against his skin, making you giggle
You teased him and told him to find out why you liked sitting on his lap
he just laughed and tickled you slightly causing you to wiggle
As you two drew closer, people started to notice more and more
The way the feared King of Monaco was bowing to his Queen, something they never thought possible
Going shopping by yourself wasn’t a thing anymore, Charles was right there next to you
Telling your husband that he needed new clothes and dragging him to some fashion store
He always wore black something straight out of books, a splash of color would do him good
Grabbing a nice red shirt and some other clothes you don’t even have him try them on
You know his size after snooping in his closet
Charles is busy in his phone, not even looking up when he sees your open palm
Digging in his wallet he places his black card
You giggle, swiping the card and giving it back to Charles who doesn’t accept it
He mummery it’s for you, kissing your cheek, maybe a little squeeze on your ass as he goes back to his phone
Blushing you notice that he’s not paying attention so when you drag him into a lingerie store you start to plan
Charles finally looks up when he hears a woman’s voice ask you what size bra you wear
Stumbling over his feet he follows you to a private changing room and sits down, still shocked
He tries hard not to blush seeing all the different styles the worker brings as he waits
When you walk out, Charles loses all ability to breath
You wore a gorgeous red wine mesh lingerie set that had garters
It left nothing to the imagination
You ask him what he thinks, but all he does is stand moving closer to you
The look on his face is one you’ve seen before
It’s one he makes before he makes a kill
Whispering his name you touch his chest, the large classic diamond on your ring finger catches the light, making it sparkle
Charles’s larger hand envelopes yours, his own ring catching the light
Leaning in his kisses you slowly, almost in a painful way, his kiss burned you
Mummery how gorgeous you looked, but how much better it’d look off you
Tells you how much he’d love to claim his wife’s pussy once and for all
Making sure that everyone in the house hears you scream and cry his name
Definitely has to buy you the set because he’s ruined it just with his words
Charles holds truth to his words, after that he never leaves your side
You’re so blissed out of your mind you actually forget who Charles is
It all comes hurling back at you when the driver is bringing you home
Your on the phone with Charles when you scream, the driver having hit the brakes hard
All you hear is Charles’s panicked voice as he yells for you to tell him what’s happening
But it’s too late when 3 men grab you muffling the scream of your husbands name
Charles rushing to your car to find the driver dead and you missing
Loses his fucking mind, going on a rampage throughout Monaco looking for you
Every man he finds that was in connection, killed if they don’t give him the information he’s looking for
7 painful and torturous days later he finds you chained and crying on the floor
Refuses to let anyone but him touch you
Whispers how he’s here, that you’re safe, that no one will ever touch you again
Kills anyone who let you get taken and those that took you
You don’t see him again for another 3 days
When you wake from your sleep, he’s suddenly there, crying as he holds your hand
Never thought he’d be so happy to hear the voice that once bothered him
Hugs you tightly, telling you how much he loves you
Smiling you pat his back telling him you’re alright now, that nothing can hurt you
Whisks you away for a vacation that extends to you two living in Italy while you heal
Long nights of being in each others presence, telling each other who much you love one another with words and tour bodies
Mafia!Charles who would kill everyone in Monaco just for even touching you
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ashwhowrites · 8 months
Older! Dealer! Eddie x reader, she goes to his house every Friday to buy from him, Eddie likes her, but he doesn't know if she likes him, so when they are dealing, he acts more flirtatious than usual, and that ends up in smut
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I combined these requests since they are similar. Then I realized not everyone is into older!Eddie so if the anon that requested is uncomfortable with older!Eddie, please reach out and I can rewrite it :)
I sat on this fic for three days because I could not get the creative energy for the smut so the smut is like building up smut and not full blown, I do apologize. I wanted to finally get it out because I had a feeling it's going to take me a while to get that right mood to write
Older dealer
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Eddie opened the door as Y/N knocked. Her contagious smile and gentle voice made Eddie's head spin. Y/N has been coming to Eddie for months now for deals. Eddie never mixed his business with his personal life, but he couldn't get this girl out of his head. She was in her 20s and Eddie was in his 40s, the age difference was the only thing stopping Eddie from making a move.
Too many nights he thought of her, lying awake as he thought about her, if she was single, her type, and if she was somehow interested in him. Eddie knew he wasn't the perfect bachelor. He lived in a small trailer and sold drugs as a quick cash grab. She seemed put together, lived in a bright world, and was so young still. She had so much to learn and explore. But he wanted to sink his teeth in her before anyone else did.
"Hey Eddie" she greeted with a big smile, sitting down at the familiar kitchen table. Eddie looked down at his watch as he sat across from her.
"Like two hours early, sweets." He teased, grabbing his bags of weed as he passed them over to her.
"Yeah, I had a date and got stood up. Figured might as well come here while I was out." She shrugged, sliding over her cash as she put the weed in her purse.
Eddie felt himself clench at her words. She was dating, but of course she was. She was gorgeous, hot, and young.
"Who's stupid enough to stand you up? Is he blind or just stupid?" Eddie asked, crossing his arms as she laughed.
"Second one. I can't tell you how many horrible dates I've been on. These guys are so shallow and boyish. Never have respect or manners. Just trying to get laid and bounce out." She complained Eddie found a sense of excitement knowing she was failing miserably in the dating world.
"Sounds like you need a break from the young ones." Eddie winked, maybe this was his shot. He pushed his head on his hand, a little smirk on his face as she tried to read his face.
"And what are you suggesting?" She asked, her eyes looking from his eyes to his lips and back. Eddie smirked at the action, licking his lips as she looked at them again.
"That you need to try an actual man," he stated, looking into her eyes as he kept his voice low. "Someone that knows how to touch a girl like you, hit the right spots, make you whimper, and make pretty sounds. Someone who will be there when you wake up." Y/N felt herself shivering at his words. Her brain thought of his hands touching her, ruining her.
Y/N felt like her throat was dry as she tried to speak up.
"And do you have a man in mind?" She asked, not realizing she was leaning in.
"Depends, are you into older men? Maybe twenty years older than you?" His eyes looked down at her lips as she kept leaning closer.
"Not until I met you. Then I couldn't get you out of my head" She confessed, Eddie smiled at her words. He pulled back and stood up. She blinked confused as she watched him.
He grabbed her hand and yanked her up. She yelped in surprise as he picked her up and placed her on the table. He stood between her legs and wrapped a hand around her neck, tilting her head up.
"I was worried you'd be too young for me. But fuck, you never leave my head. Can't believe those boys don't realize the chance they got." He said, his lips ghosting over hers. Giving her time to stop it if it wasn't what she wanted.
"What about you? Dating around?" She whispered, she knew he was with others and she hated knowing his body was touched by someone else.
"Eyes just on you, baby." He admitted, his lips even closer to hers. He moaned when she smashed her lips on his, her arms around his neck as she tried to control the kiss. He let her have the control for a little while. He took his time to taste her and feel her body under his hands.
He pulled away, she whimpered as he did. Her hands are trying to yank him closer. He pecked her pout softly.
"Patience darling." He whispered, he stood between her legs as he stripped her clothes, admiring her as she laid bare underneath him. His hands moved to her chest, squeezing her breasts softly as he kissed down her neck. His mouth wrapped around her left nipple, sucking softly. His right hand moved down her body, rubbing her clit slowly.
Y/N never thought she'd find herself under her older drug dealer, gasping and cumming over and over. But she was grateful that every bad date led her to this.
Eddie figured people would have shit to say about their age difference, but he didn't care.
He wanted her and he got her. That's all he cared about.
@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @somethingvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @manyfandomsfanvergentreblogs @silky-luxe @lokiofasgard616 @loving-and-dreaming @eddiemunsonsbitch69 @thegemaqua @ashlynnkennedy @strangerthingsstories5255 @harringt8ns @pleasinghellfire @whoscamila @stusdollface93
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hypostatic-oath · 7 months
I've the post about how you think comps would work and we are allow to ask. Assuming I read that right.
And if so, I was wonder if you had any thoughts on how Dehya, Zhongli, Ei or Nahdia team would interact. Especially when I often joke she the bodyguards to three Archons, even if she doesn't know Zhongli was a former Archon it still funny to me.
I can see her being very proud of being Nahida's bodyguard. That one is obvious right off the bat, those two would absolutely adore each other.
Dehiya is thankful for the old consultant on her team. There is something odd about the man, always in those heavy robes that cover his full body - she has no doubt that out of all of them, he'd have the hardest time in the desert. And yet, the refined gentleman never seems to issue a complaint.
They've developed a kinship, she figures, of being the two mortals sided by two gods. Dehiya assumes he is the one meant to watch over the Electro Archon, just as she is the protector of Lesser Lord Kusanali. His shield is nearly impenetrable, and he is rarely ever startled... to her, it makes sense why you'd chosen him to be Eternity's guardian, even though the man hails from Liyue and not Inazuma.
They get along well, too - Ei seems to hold as much respect for him as he does for her, and the two converse with an ease that highlights the consultant's old age.
As for Nahida, she is slightly nervous. It is true that with Dehiya as her protector, and Rex Lapis raisong those shields of his, nothing will ever harm her. But she is still aprehensive to speak to the other two Archons - it has been a long time, and she has no idea how to introduce herself. She wonders if you'll give them time to play hopscotch together sometime amidst your exploration.
When you name Dehiya as the "Archons' Bodyguard", Ei is curious. She has fought for her entire life. Her skills are unparallelled. Why would she need a bodyguard? She's asked Morax about it, confused. Did you think she was weak? The old dragon had only laughed and said it was probably some sort of term of endearment - that Dehiya had been a bodyguard by trade before. Nevertheless, Ei was still curious about the woman's skill. Whenever you're logged off, the two can be found sparring. Both of them appreciate the opportunity to train.
During these times, the God of Wisdom sits next to the funeral consultant. Though reluctant at firstn their conversation ends up flowing. It is widely known that Zhongli likes to talk, and Buer, if given the chance and the encouragement to do so, will ramble about almost any topic. They have you to thank for placing them together in a team - they've become fast friends, and Nahida feels much more confident about approaching the rest of the Archons.
As for Ei and Nahida, it is almost the opposite. Both have been isolated for far too long, and neither knows how to start. The Raiden Shogun is an intimidating god, and her silence makes Nahida wonder if the ruler of Inazuma would even care to speak to her. As for Ei, she simply enjoys that Nahida has chosen to sit beside her, unaware of the God of Dendro's struggle as they both sit in silence. They eventually bond over their shared love for sweets, and as they grow closer, Nahida's worries diminish. It is not that Ei looks down on her - the Shogun is simply just as bad at interacting with new people as she is, or perhaps even worse. Kusanali is instilled with newfound resolve - she will share with the Electro Archon all that she's learnt from you and the Traveler when it comes to talking to others!
After months of traveling together, of being guided by you all across Teyvat, Dehiya has begun to suspect that there might be something odd about one of her travel companions.
You've named her the Archons' Bodyguard - Archons, plural - so what is Zhongli's role? The more she learns about the Shogun, the more she wonders why the Electro Archon would even need a bodyguard, let alone two.
Plus, the man's occupation makes no sense whatsoever. How does a funeral consultant learn to fight like that? He wears gloves, so she cannot thell whether his hands are calloused, but she's willing to wager they might be - he swings his polearm with an ease that tells her he is an experienced fighter. His dominion over his element is astonishing, and there is something... off, about how both her Archon and the Shogun talk to and about him.
Maybe one day one of them will slip off and call him Morax in front of her. Or maybe one day you'll tell her who he is. Either way, Zhongli drfinitely won't open up - both to preserve his secret identity, and because he knows that Dehiya finds comfort in the notion that she's not the only mortal among them.
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krizariel · 8 months
"You need to stop this."
"What?" Tim said, taken aback
"You like me. I have noticed the way you look at me, the way your eyes linger when you think im not looking, how you try to advocate for me in front of Bruce or Dick. The way you always stick around. At first I thought you were just keeping an eye on me making sure I don't go batshit but I'm not an idiot. I know what that is like and you have a big fat crush."
Tim didn't assent or denied, he just stood there, unmoving.
"You need to find someone better. Someone who actually, genuinely, cares for you. I'm an asshole but I'm honest and I'm not one to play around with someone's feelings especially not someone I've come to genuinely respect. Right now, right here, I'm telling you: it's going nowhere. Deal with it however you need to and find someone worth your affections. I'm sure it's out there, it's just not me."
That was the last time Jason saw him.
…With his eyes open that is.
When he first heard the news, it hit harder then he let on. A mission with Batman went wrong and Tim was shot in the head. Although Bruce managed to take him to the hospital in time and he survived, he had fallen into a coma. As he stood there while Bruce reported the details, his words suddenly felt further and further until he couldn't hear anything. He didn't want this. Yet another Robin falling for the mission. But most importantly… he never got to make peace with him. Now the last thing he remember of Tim is his saddened eyes quickly turning blank and turning away. Maybe one time he had misplaced hate towards him but he doesn't feel any of it now. He had hurt him before; he didn't want to hurt him again. He thought letting him down fast and hard would be better for Tim… but maybe it was just better for himself. He could've done better but he didn't. So he did what he did when he feels he screwed up and he can't do anything about it: He focused on what he CAN do. The assholes who got Tim were still out there. They escaped while Bruce focused on saving Tim's life. So Jason didn't waste time. He knew Bruce would not rest until he found them so he offered his unsolicited assistance, with the caveat that he cannot refuse. "It's either this or I'll do it my way and we both know you'd prefer it if we do it your way."
(and so would Tim)
(If he was angrier and he broke a more bones than intended, no one said anything)
At first he'd sneak during the night, seat at the further corner of the room, staring at Tim's hospital bed. The room ever so silent tormented him at first.
At first maybe it was torture. Maybe that was the reason why he'd come almost every night. Sometimes he'd doze off for an hour or two and then he'd head out the same way he came.
Later he decided… the least he could do is bring flowers. Maybe. It was too late to find a flower shop so he stole some gardenias he thought were pretty.
Another day he brought some white lilies because they seemed bright and somehow reminded him of Tim.
And so on, different kind of flowers made their way to Tim's bedside table.
(Jason finally found himself inside a flower shop almost at closing time, browsing flowers)
It finally hit him that he doesn't know what Tim's favorite flower is. He thought…that is something he would like to ask him when he wakes up.
Slowly, he found himself getting closer to the bed, keeping the flowers watered and seating in silence, just reading. Somehow knowing that Tim's heart was still beating was good enough. Months passed and this became his routine.
Sometimes, he'd just seat beside Tim's bed to tell him about his day; sometimes he'd read for him some of his own favorite stories (and wondered what did Tim like to read for leisure? what were his favorite books?)
Sometimes he's just have a shitass day and sneak around to Tim's room. No one ever thinks to look for him there. Great hiding place.
Sometimes he feels like talking about his past, his present and wistful future.
And sometimes he wonders if any of it reaches Tim's subconscious, somehow.
He started thinking about Tim opening his eyes. He is starting to forget how he looks awake, fighting or working. It is then that he decided to just loook for photos of Tim… just about any he could find in files or at the mansion. Alfred had quite a few, most of them were of younger Tim.
There were some others of older Tim in the news (Thank you Vicky!) And that brough him back to the last memory he has of Tim's bright blue eyes, clearly heartbroken.
And so he wonders if he could be given another chance to see him again.
If he was granted another chance, he promised this time he'd do anything to make him smile instead.
"Hey there, sleeping beauty." Jason greeted him as he bumped his forehead to Tim's. This close he could see those pretty eyelashes, pretty and still unmoving. But could also feel a bit of Tim's warmth and that was enough. He couldn't help himself and hopes Tim would forgive him for that.
It's been over a year, but Jason hopes. It finally happened, not long afterwards. Tim's eyes finally fluttered open.
"Who are you?"
Part 2 Part 3
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ayoharuko · 3 months
Valentines with Him! Part 1: Zayne
his is officially my first L&D post! I've been SUPER obsessed with this game, its such an addictive game which is not good for my wallet😪
Anyways, I know this Valentines post is super late but as long as its February its still Valentines to me :3 but I hope you all enjoy reading it regardless😊
If you guys enjoy a clingy and soft Zayne this ones for you~!
The reader here is Female (She/her)~!
Reminder: The character belongs to INFOLD/ its respective creators; this is all just fictional work so please try to not take these too seriously :)
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“Uh..Zayne? Whats all this?” I asked the Doctor who was currently setting the dining table (in my home) with different types of breakfast food, he took a glance at me and smiled briefly before walking over to me and ruffled my hair like it wasn't already messy beforehand.
“Good Morning, how was your sleep?” He asked slowly leading me to the dining table and eventually pulling the chair out for me to sit down; to which I did sit down on thanking him.
“It was alright…” I said my eyes following him as he sits down, ok…his acting kinda weird…
“Well, what are you waiting for? Lets eat” He said urging for me to start eating first; I took a bite of the pancakes he made that was decorated with blueberries and strawberries, instantly my eyes lit up; it was delicious…I close my eyes in content and forgot about his unusual behavior mot until we were finished eating did I ask him as he offered to wash the dishes.
“Zayne? Do you not have work?” I asked leaning back on the chair as I looked at him curiously; he looked at me briefly and walked over to me then to my surprise he knelt down on a knee and his calloused hands wrapped around my soft ones, okay now I was even more confused and I think my expression was showing that I was confused.
Before I could speak he spoke first; “Did you forget what day it is today?” He asked and I thought for a moment as he took his phone out from his pocket and showed me his phone screen….
February 14…….
I gasped as the thought came to me when I saw the date…..TODAY WAS VALENTINES DAY.
I immediately felt guilt wash over me as I forgot about the plans we planned out last week; “I-shit…Zayne I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to forget; I mean wanderers-no…I…ugh..” I choked through my words as griped his hands tighter.
“Silly Girl….” I heard him say and I looked up at him as I was looking down in shame and saw him giving me a gentle smile as I felt him take one hand out of mines and he started stoking my hair.
“I do not mind you forgetting as I know you've got Wanderers and missions to think of” He said as I lean my head into his hand that was stoking my hair more, “Thanks for understanding Zayne…but I still feel bad so…” I pondered for a bit as I wanted to repay him with something.
I mean what type of Girlfriend would I be if I couldn't pay my Boyfriend with something? I mean he already cooked me breakfast and offered to wash the dishes……
After coming up with nothing I sighed and just decided to ask him instead; “Do you want us to do anything particular today?” I asked hoping to get an answer, he seemed to be in thought for a bit until he spoke again in that same calm tone of his.
“Could I…have you all to myself today?” He asked; “Huh…?” I let out a sudden yelp as he suddenly carried me off of my chair and bridal carried me to my couch and he put me down gently on the soft cushion. “Zayne…wha..” I looked at me confused out of my mind as he climbed onto of me….
“I want you…all to myself today, no wanderer business and no hunter business” He said in a firm tone as he hovered over me, I giggled sightly at his behavior and smiled smugly up at him.
“Doctor Zayne…I didn't know you'd be so clingy today~” I said holding his chin and bringing his face closer to mines, we stared at each other for a few moments as we closed the gap between us; his lips circling around mines. I could taste a hint of chocolate that was present in his pancakes earlier, the kiss was sweet yet passionate…
After this gentle, sweet kiss our lips separated from each other but by looking in his eyes I could see he had wanted more, and I was proven correct when he had kissed me yet again; however this time with more passion and love.
I sneaked my arms around his neck as we both kissed more and more and more and more until we both needed oxygen…
“Ah..Zayne-hah….” I huffed out his name as I tried to catch my breathe; I looked at him and his face had red hue as he tried to catch his breathe as well.
“Zayne….” I blushed but smiled as well, I watched him pull out a small box out of his pocket; he presented it in front of me and opened it; for the box to reveal a…flower necklace?
“Zayne whats..whats this? I mean I know it's some type of flower but…you get what I mean” I said sheepishly groaning at myself as I heard him chuckle.
He then got up from his position above me and sat down properly on the couch, so I also did as I followed his moves quietly, “Turn around, I wanna put it on you” He said so I obeyed and turned around for him; I felt his hand gently move my hair away from my neck and he gently locked the necklace around my neck. With my back still turned to him he started to speak again but in a tone I wasn't familiar with.
“The flower is a Jasmine which symbolizes….” He stopped speaking for a moment and I felt him move around from behind me and felt his hot breathe fanning on the back of my neck, I stiffened and felt my face getting red.
He continued to speak again in a hushed tone; “….Love, purity, beauty and sensuality” He finished and I flinched sightly as I felt his warm lips on the back of my neck.
He the turned me around and cradled my face gently in his hand as the other one was wrapped around my waist, “Thank you…Zayne..I think the necklace is beautiful” I said kissing his hand that was caressing my face. “But I'm sorry I…I don't have anything to give you..i..ugh I'm so stupid for that” I said frowning at the fact that he went out of his way to buy me a special and meaningful gift while I've got nothing for him.
He sighed and the hand caressing my face held my other hand and he buried his face on my chest seemingly listening to my heartbeat.
I started stoking his soft black hair as he sighs and started rubbing my waist with his other hand; “I don't need for you to buy me a gift so that I could feel your love” He said and I stopped my stoking and looked down at him but he had closed his eyes as he spoke more.
“Your presence and safety is more then enough for me…..” He finished and he held my waist tighter; for once I didn't really know what to say as Zayne normally doesn't act like this yet what I do know is that the words his saying are truly genuine and was full of love.
“Zayne…i..thank you for always being here with me” I said wrapping both of my arms around him, I felt him smile against my skin which made me smile as well.
“Your most welcome. My Jasmine.”
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Happy Valentines everyone! I hope you guys enjoyed the read :3
Sorry for not posting in like..2 months I think? I didn't even give a update-
So sorry again for that but I really got busy with my personal life (For example I already had moved out of my old place and am still trying to get comfy in my new one)
I hope this Zayne fic makes it up for the lack of posts I haven't done, Xavier's and Rafayel's will be done before February ends (I'm not gonna promise that they'll be out by tomorrow or the day after)
Anyways; thanks for reading this far, enjoy the rest of your day and see you~!
Part 2: Valentines with Xavier!
Part 3: Valentines with Rafayel!
Reblogs are appreciated and Feedback/Comments are always appreciated! :3
(Note: please don't copy and paste my works anywhere, and if you do see them on other platform please inform me.)
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izvmimi · 5 months
cw: spoilers for the end of dr. stone! smut near the end. minors dni. angst at the beginning. reader implied to not be from japan.
Your subtle gift of premonition truly never fails you, and you realize so once more when you're crowded around Senku's laboratory with the remainder of Yuzuriha and Taiju's closest wedding guests and staring up at the monstrous contraption Senku is designating as a time machine.
While the remainder of the party is in curious astonishment, the uneasy feeling that's been sitting heavily in your chest since the morning of the wedding only solidifies further. 
Now you know why you woke up sick to your stomach on what should be a happy day.
Tsukasa stands close to you, pensive as always, thinking before he adds his own commentary, ever so careful with his words. There's a small smile on his face, and you read that as awe and amusement at Senku's relentless pursuit of scientific advancement; something he had once tried to suppress, he's come to appreciate, and while you'd normally be pleased with how far he's come in that respect, in this very moment it feels like a betrayal. 
A time machine would change everything.
Truly everything, and the selfish part of you scorns it. 
Tsukasa finds your hand besides him, still mulling over the details as Senku explains his roadmap to the group, and squeezes it gently without looking. Your corsage of pink flowers brushes against the sleeve of his suit, and you watch a few petals fall. Suddenly you are far too overwhelmed, and would much rather run of the room, but when you see hope warm Tsukasa's brown eyes, you hold in your unease as best you can. 
"Senku really is amazing, isn't he?" you say through a smile that should come easier than it does. Tsukasa hasn't turned to return your smile yet, still watching the machine, eyes wide. 
"He really is."
That evening, Tsukasa in his contrarily roundabout but very direct way of speaking, reaffirms his intention to marry you someday. In a small way, you might as well be married - you're inseparable, you live together with Mirai who calls you big sister and means it every single time, and he makes you feel his love every time he holds you in the dark, and presses deep into you, relishing in the sound of his name as it falls off his lips.
Something big if you want it. Something small will also suffice. Something that makes everything even more real, he says to you, pressing his face into the crook of your neck. Pillow talk should make you feel warm, warm as the liquid seeping between your legs. Warm as his arms. Warm as the sensation of his tongue in your mouth, on your skin. 
"Tsukasa," you finally speak up in the dark.
He pulls you closer, and you pause before the words bubble up inside you and force their way out -
"I don't want to lose you."
A lamp flickers on and Tsukasa takes in your tear-stained face with as much alarm allotted for someone so naturally stoic. His palm takes your cheek and rubs it gently, the other arm pulling you in closer to press against him. Your face buries into his chest, and there you let yourself really cry.
He lets you tremble in his embrace for a few more moments, pressing soft kisses to the top of your head. He has no idea what you're talking about, because how can he when you've remained in your head all day?
Once your sniffles have slowed, he pulls back so that he can look at you in the eyes again, making sure you're still within an arm's reach.
"How can you lose me when I've never left?" he asks. 
You swallow, and then decide if you must sound awful, now is the time.
"Without de-petrification, there's no way we would have met."
Tsukasa tenses for a moment, which makes your heart sink, but then he pulls you closer, then on top of him. Sliding upwards so that his back is propped up by the headboard, he strokes your forehead. He mulls the thought over for a moment, and you look up into his beautiful face, your heart pounding in anticipation. 
"I'd find you," he says, confidently, and you're stunned practically silent. Simple as that.
You blink for a moment, surprised by his answer, then find your face growing hot.
"What do you mean, 'you'd find me'? We lived on the opposite sides of the world? You would have been famous and I just... some girl with some normal job, and-"
He kisses you again to interrupt you, then presses his forehead to yours.
"Trust me. I'd find you."
You can feel your breath halt and he smiles.
"You don't believe me, do you?" he says. His gaze is soft, and he grins wider, confident, flipping you over so that he's over top of you. You can feel your face growing hot again but for a different reason now. Sucking in a breath, you wrinkle your nose.
"Were you gonna pluck me from my grad school classroom?" you ask him.
"If I must," he says. He kisses your neck, then parts your legs to wrap them around his waist. Your eyelashes flutter.
"Unrealistic," you reply. 
"I'd find you," he says again. His fingers intertwine with yours as he rubs against your center. You sigh, but he's taken all of the worry out of you and replaced it with playful jest. He's so good at this, the way he validates your fears, but doesn't allow you to feel afraid because he lacks that fear, and is always strong enough, good enough, brave enough to protect you. Even from yourself.
"Would you send me special signals through MMA's greatest knockouts montages on Youtube?"
This time he actually laughs, falling back on his heels.
"Yes," he answers. "Whatever it takes."
He's hard again, and the heavy thickness slaps on your pubic bone, and you tense, your heartbeat quickening, your mouth drying in want. He runs his hand through his hair to free the strands sticking to his face before he descends on you again, the other hand gripping the base of his cock to line up with your entrance.
He blows air from his nose, then pulls one of your legs over his shoulder. His teeth flash at you - he is your perfect, sweet, confident love of your life, and all of your worries cease.
"You should be less worried about universes where we don't meet and more concerned about the fact that you can't escape me in any timeline."
He fills you up, your back arching as his hands grip around your waist.
"You're always mine to love."
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familyabolisher · 10 months
Apologies for bringing up a topic you've already discussed at length, but I've read through your posts on "anti-intellectualism" and completely agree with you on all counts. But I'm just now curious about how you'd define the increased culture of outright rejection of critical analysis (vague though the term is) as opposed to simple disinterest. Situations like people dismissing any deep analysis of systems, media, texts etc with "It's not that deep", or hostility towards fuller and in depth responses to statements (especially on social media with the ever prevalent "not reading that"), with the result often times being that anything requiring slight effort to engage with, or that isn't entertaining is dismissed completely.
Although I understand that these are just peoples reactions on the internet, and not systemic or material issues, I'd love to know your thoughts on how that cultural behaviour and trend could be classed, if not as anti-intellectualism.
(there are obviously a huge amount of external reasons (the attention economy, media, education etc) for people to react in that way, so I'm not blaming people personally, nor do I think everyone needs to go read Hegel and become a master critical thinker, but I do think it is a trend that has some damaging effects, especially as a response to any criticism of capitalism)
talked a little about it here—i guess i would ask what you're actually seeking to accomplish with the word "define," because there's no one explanation that can neatly account for every individual rejection of the practice of critical reading, and nor should we be seeking to find one. certainly 'anti-intellectualism' doesn't cut it, so i would just reiterate the point i made in the initial piece—how people feel about critical analysis, what their base skill level in critical analysis actually is, how that skill level is articulated, what their relationship is to the work or works in question & the respect with which they are willing to treat it are all highly contingent questions which cannot be easily explained away but instead merit thorough materialist investigation. ultimately as marxists we have to be materialists; our investigations should seek these material explanations, which means interrogating normative epistemes, education & academia, how we define "literacy" & its social use + social distribution, who benefits and who winds up disadvantaged. the "anti-intellectualism" position is broad enough to be near enough useless when it comes to articulating actionable responses; i also find it cruel.
also tbqh whilst i do get impatient when people don't "want" to engage with challenging narratives in ways that i find intellectually stimulating and would rather watch marvel film #47384 or whatever, i think it's good to take a policy of, like, blocking and moving on, curating your feed, and remembering that you don't + shouldn't have access to that person's relationship to the media landscape and the sorts of analytical tools that they may well only ever have encountered in a hostile educational setting, as well as working towards showing that engagement with "difficult" works is a) possible and b) fun and worthwhile. often people's reluctance to engage with works that have a (perceived) higher entry barrier (however ethically questionable that perception might be) simply comes from the fact that they lack/believe themselves to lack the right tools for engagement, and don't want to be made to feel "stupid" by not "getting" it—they preemptively go on the 'let people enjoy things'-esque defensive to counter this. the more candidly we talk about critical practices & the more digital airtime we give to less "mainstream" work, and the more space we give people to not understand things/to ask questions/to communicate and share ideas rather than participating in the big pissing contest of who can be the most Media Literate, the closer we get to resolving these sorts of tensions, imo.
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fl3shm4id3n · 8 months
ₕₐᵢᵣ Fᵢₗₗₑd wᵢₜₕ ₛₑcᵣₑₜₛ
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐝 𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐡𝐢𝐝𝐞, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐚𝐝 𝐚𝐧 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐛𝐢𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭. 𝐖𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐡 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐨𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝.
ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: ᴀꜱᴛᴀʀɪᴏɴ x ꜰᴇᴍ! ʏᴏᴋᴀɪ! ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
Tw: Yokai (futakuchi onna) reader has long black hair,
A/N: I've been reading a lot about Yokai, one of my favorites is Tutakuchi Onna, so I wrote a small fic of that yokai. I may do more.
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You were somewhat odd, but people don't really take notice of your odd behavior because they're too busy looking at your beauty. Specially your long black hair, it was very long that it reached the back of your knees. Despite everyone only focused on your beauty, Astarion was very observant of those in the traveling companions. He was the one who took notice of your 'odd' behavior.
How you ate very little and how you'd save the rest for later. At first he thought that you were just being cautious due to the amount of food you received that day. Not only that, but you'd eat alone, you never really let anyone eat with you, not even him since you and him are getting closer. He assumed something was going on, where you seen somebody else? Or did you just want to be alone? He could respect that, he knows that people need some alone time. Then, food began to disappear at night. At first it wasn't big of a deal, since there were a few of you, but it got stranger. Huge amounts of food would be gone by the next day and no one knew who or what was eating it. Everyone thought that it was an animal coming by or something.
Another things is about your hair, now you never let anyone touch it. Specially the back of your head. One time that Astarion tried to touch your beautiful hair, you nearly ripped his head off. He never touched your hair again, without your permission at least. He couldn't help himself. He just liked to touch his lover's hair and caress it lovingly. Others didn't mind, but you did. What would be the reason for your outburst? He was now demented to know. Not only that, but he had seen your hair moving in battle, it was fast, but he saw it. As if, your hair had a mind of it's own. Or was he just seeing things? He couldn't get that thought out of his head, he had to know what was going on.
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It was just any other night, everyone was most likely sleeping in their own bedrolls in their small tents and Astarion was out eating livestock in the woods. He's been exhausted from that day's mission. It felt long and as if their was no going anywhere. After he was done, he headed back to the camp, ready to get some shut eye. As he approached his tent, he couldn't help but hear a noise. Listening closely, it sounded as if someone was eating. Trying to track the noise, it was coming from your tent. So it was you who has been eating the food? Of course you would, you'd eat like a bird. You didn't eat much.
When he approached your tent, he peaked inside, just to see if his theory was true. But he was met with a whole new different thing. It wasn't you that was eating, but something at the back of your head. Looking closely, it looked like a pair of lips. Munching away at the food that you had saved that day earlier. He watched as your long hair had become some kind of tentacles grabbing the food. Looking down at your physical form, it was clear that you were sleeping. As you slept, the back of your head was practically eating the food you barely ate from. What were you? You looked human, but you weren't exactly a human. So, what were you really? He thought about asking you another day or maybe you'd tell him.
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You were feeling guilty, as much as you wanted to tell the others about your second pair of lips, you couldn't. You thought that maybe they'd see you as a weirdo and look at you different. You didn't really have the courage to tell them. Not only that, but the fact that you couldn't really stop it, would only make it upset. If you didn't allow it to feed, it would scream non stop until your ear drums bursted. So you had to let it eat whatever it wanted. First you tried giving it the food you had saved, but it began to eat the other food that was saved for the next day. You had to find a way and time to tell them, but you'd just think of it a lot. How they'd react about your hidden secret.
The next day you were having a lot of thoughts taking over your head. It didn't make it better that the other pair of lips was whispering many things that sounded like gibberish. You were biting at your nails, nervously, overthinking. "What is going on in that pretty little head of yours?" You heard someone say, the you turned at the direction of the voice. It was the one and only Astariron. "Oh, hello Astarion.." you said, removing your hand away from you mouth. "Hello my dear, tell me. What is wrong? You look awfully anxious." He mentioned. You were, he could probably smell it on you. Should you tell him? Do you trust him enough that he won't go and tell everyone? You thought.
Looking down at your feet, as you fiddled with your fingers nervously. "I mean.." you paused, scratching the back of your neck. "I don't know how to put it.. I mean, I've never really told anyone.." You admitted, looking back at Astarion, who was standing there. Waiting patiently. "It's okay, you don't have to tell me anything now, or ever." He responded. "But I do, It's been eating me up for days." You said, very anxiously. "Alright alright, calm down dear." He said, taking you by the shoulders and sat you down on the tree trunk. Trying to get you to relax a bit. You took a few breathes. Trying to maintain and keep yourself calm.
A few minutes have passed. Now you were much calmer. "You alright now dear?" He asked you. Which you responded with a nod. "Much better." You said, a few moments of silence passed. Then you just blurted it out. "Ihaveanotherpairoflipsatthebackofmyhead." You said rapidly. Trying to just let it out. Astarion just looked at you, a bit wide eye by how open you just were. "So, you have another pair of lips in the back of your head?" He repeated what you had said, but in a form of a question. You only nodded, hiding your face with your face with your hands. Afraid that the might say something mean to you or accuse you of something. "Oh darling! That's nothing out of the ordinary. At least to me." He said with a wide smile.
You looked up at him, seen how he didn't react the way you thought he'd react. "It's not? But, I have another mouth at the back of my head. I've been the one who's been taking the food." You added, as a way to test him a bit. "So? I sort of figured it was you. I mean, you barely eat anything and not to mention that one night." He said. This made your heart sink a bit. "Wait, you saw?" You asked him, now getting nervous. "Yeah, by accident. I just wanted to confirm my theory. It made me worry seeing that you barely ate anything. I was going to have a talk with you about that. But I came across that, so I didn't intervene." He explained.
"So you knew, but you didn't freak out and tell everyone?" You asked him, he only nodded. This was new to you, every time someone were to find out about your secret, they'd freak out and go tell everyone about it. This felt as if a huge bolder was taken off your shoulders. "Well, That was unexpected." You admitted. "I take that you're not used to that kind of confession?" He asked you. "No, normally someone would run away, thinking they'll be eater by the other lips." You explained, this made him curious. "Well... can you?" He asked you. "I can." You admitted. "You remember what happened to that one mugger that tried to mug us and he suddenly disappeared?" You asked him. "Yeah, that was odd, I was just about to-" he paused. Thinking about what you had said. "You had something to do with it?" He asked you. All you did was raise your brow at him, indicating that he was right. "You are just filled with secrets are you?" he asked, with a toothy grin. "I guess so." You responded, feeling your face heat up a bit. "Well, I wouldn't mind learning all of them, in due time." He told you with a smirk. Only making your face get even hotter.
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thebestofoneshots · 10 months
✩ Star :
very funny/makes jokes, sarcastic, can be closed off but only about backstory, sweet, can be cute but mainly sarcastic
slim with freckles on my back, 5’6-5’7ish [people putting they’re elbows on my shoulders like they’re a table or stand is shockingly hot okay 😭], short black hair, shockingly blue eyes that are apparently pretty
writing [fanfiction omfg], reading [romance novels]
open to polyamorous relationships
If you want to participate in "TBOS' 400 Followers Celebration" too, you can look at this post for all the options of prompts you can choose from <3
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I ship you with Sirius Black and Remus Lupin. You have been friends with the boys since you started Hogwarts. You really enjoy hanging out with them, and they equally enjoy your company, especially because they find you absolutely hilarious, yet also very small? Sirius used to say you were like an evil squirrel, too cute to pose a threat, but with claws sharp enough to blind someone.
"Hey Moons," you said one day while chilling with him, both of you engrossed in reading your respective books, both of your feet rested on the boy's lap. Sirius lounged nearby, lost in his music.
"Yes, dove?"
"What do you think about poly relationships?"
"Poly… what?!" Remus asked, confused, peering up from his book.
Sirius laughed from the side, “Means you’re dating more than one person at the same time. Of course everyone is aware of it,” he explained. "Why the sudden interest, Fluffs?"
Sirius had playfully given you the nickname shortly after likening you to a squirrel. Originally it had been "Flufftail," but he thought it sounded to much like Wormtail and he didn’t want to aoscieate you with him, so he switched it to Fluffs.
"Oh, it's just this book," you said, indicating the one you held, "It's about a poly relationship. Seemed like an intriguing conversation starter."
"Well, I'd give it a shot," Sirius chimed in.
"Shocking!" you teased.
"Only with the right people, though."
"I've seen you hook up with plenty of girls, what do you mean 'the right people'?"
"Hooking up isn't the same as having a relationship, Fluffs. You'd know if you tried," he said, smirking and gesturing for you to come closer with a suggestive smile. Instead, you threw a pillow at his face.
"I guess I’d have to test it to give my opinion," Remus replied with a nonchalant shrug, returning to his book.
"I guess it's the same for me," you mused.
Suddenly, Sirius had an idea, a metaphorical lightbulb illuminating his brain. "Let's do it!"
"Do what?" you asked, perplexed.
"Let's test it, the three of us."
"Like a throuple?" you questioned with a slight frown.
"Exactly, a throuple!" he affirmed. "We'd be exclusive with each other and see how it goes."
"For how long?" you inquired, setting aside your book.
"Three months."
"You won't last three months without hooking up with someone."
"What do you mean without hooking up? I'd have both Remus and you! I could kiss your pretty faces whenever I want. Sounds perfect to me."
"Now you're just trying to charm me into it."
"And is it working?"
"A little," you admitted, smiling. "What about you, Remus?"
"Count me in," the boy responded, a playful smirk gracing his lips.
Long story short, those three moths extended into six, and those 6 into a year, and eventually you all decided that you'd just stay together, you just didn't want to go back to how things were before. Becasue this, this was perfect.
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A/N: Hope you like this darling, I had lot's of fun writting it!
Sending you great vibes, Lilly xxx
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kneexcutter · 1 year
Desert rose
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Soap x 141 reader
I've never played COD nor do I plan to. I cracked because of all the other stories and Tiktoks. If things are inaccurate I apologize in advance.
Reader can sing
Possible part two?
Call sign: Bumblebee 
Price handed you a dossier to read at, and you peered at it for a minute before glaring at your boss.
“You want me to what?” 
"I want you to go undercover as a performer," Price remarked gradually.
"A performer?" Gaz asked, his face furrowed.
Soap started to snicker and you and Gaz both looked at each other with distraught eyes. "What type of performer?"
"Get your head out of the gutter, MacTavish," you said with a groan, tossing the file on the table. " I doubt I would be of any assistance in this department, sir, with all due respect."
Soap retrieved the file from the table and examined it, with Ghost gazing over his shoulder.
"Don't worry, Bonny , you'd be fantastic in this department," Soap replied with a wink. Your eyes rolled as you heard this.
"The buyer will be there tonight, Bee, it's too late to find someone now," Price spoke as he handed you another file. "We leave in an hour, here the information you'll need. Alright meeting dismissed."
You aimed daggers at Price's head, knowing he could call anyone with the flick of a wrist, and Kate would have made sure of it. Fuck, she could be in on it. You thought to yourself.
"Aye, bumblebee, got a minute?" Soap calls to you. You sighed as you walked over to him. "What is it, MacTavish?"
Soap rubbed the back of his neck lightly with his fingers. "Er- you looked a little bothered, I was just wondering if you were alright?"
You lifted your brow at the Scottish man in front of you. "You called me over here…to see if I was okay? Really?”
"Yeah...I know you avoid doing undercover missions since it's not really your style-"
"Speed it up MacTavish." You breathed. Soap sighed, and you saw a change in his mood; his gaze seemed to soften as he stared at you. He put his hand on your shoulder and gave you a light squeeze. "I'm here for ya, I got your back."
You nodded and squeezed Soap's hand before turning around and walking down the corridor, clenching onto the file in your hand.
If Soap was being really honest with himself, he had a hard time getting his eyes off of you ever since the day you two met. He observed you as you walked down the hall, meticulously inspecting you from head to toe. The day you were introduced to the team for the first time. When you stared at him, he felt as if he had no words for the first time in his life, and you stung his heart. For him, the name bumblebee was perfect for you; it fitted you well.
You were beautiful, stunning, and absolutely breathtaking. He wasn't the only one who noticed; he also noticed other people stealing glances at you. The notion of you being closer to someone else with all his pent-up sentiments just waiting to spill out sacred him at times.
He also knew you despised undercover assignments because of your history, but although understanding they were part of the job, you pushed through them. He admired that about you, you were sweet but also a kick ass solider.
Kate jolted Soap out of his stupor. Kate lifted her brow at him, and he noticed a bag in her hand. He figured it was for you. "Yes, ma'am?"
"Where's Y/N?"
"She just left, I think to her room," Soap said, indicating in the direction you had just come from. Kate nods and begins walking down the hall. As she continued down the corridor, Kate spoke up. "Oh, and one more thing, don't linger like that, you look ridiculous."
You were standing inside a dressing room, staring out the window, trying not to worry about having to perform in front of a large crowd for the sake of this mission.
A highly skilled and knowledgeable man who was capable of detonating several blocks' worth of buildings with the flick of a finger must be interrogated for information. But no one can get a hold of him, which is where you come in. You needed to lower his guard, get him to look at you, and give him a performance to remember... at least
Your stomach started to flutter with butterflies. "What am I doing here?" you wondered aloud. You looked down at your hands; they were clammy and dripping with perspiration. You began wiping them on the chair to prevent getting them on the fancy outfit Kate had bought for you. Kate claims it was quite expensive, and she want to have it returned in one piece so she may wear it on her date night.
For a brief period, you were transfixed by the flashing lights and dancing people. They were dancing carelessly, with one of the world's most lethal men inside, nonchalantly wandering around with blood on his hands.
"Bumblebee how copy?"
You scoffed smugly hearing a familiar Scottish accent, "I Copy."
"Told ya I got your back."
"My hero," you chuckled.
"How you feelin'? Your on in twenty."
"Nervous…anxious, I don't know honestly," you sighed.
"Ah, come on lass you'll be okay, if anything happens I'll pull you off the stage myself."
"And risk the mission and your like, nah I don't think so Soap."
"Trust me bee, your not the only one with stingers y'know."
"Pft, really, I might have to have a chat with Price about changing my code name," you laughed slightly.
"You better not even think about it lass."
"Mmm, we shall see soapy."
"Soapy huh?" You heard Soap chuckle a bit.
"I know it's not my best," you admitted with a giggle. You had to confess that hearing Soap's voice made you feel a little less anxious. You stood up from your seat and walked slowly towards the door.
"I'm going to the stage..."
"Copy, Good luck Bonny."
"Bonny? What's that mean?"
"I'll tell you... someday."
You emerged from the changing area and made your way to the backstage, where you saw other women leaving the stages. Judging by their attire, you could tell that these women were exotic dancers. As one of the women smiled and winked at you, you felt your cheeks flush. "Hey there, looking fine honey, knock em' dead out there."
A curvy woman came to a halt in front of you. You remained motionless as the lady observed you. She had blonde hair and brown eyes, and she circled you for a bit before humming. "What's your name dear?"
"Bonny," you said hastily.
That wasn't your alias.
"Come this way, Bonny," the lady said as she led you to the stage. "What are you performing, hun?"
"A song..."
"Shy little thing aren't you? Does the manager know your preforming?"
You said shakily, "Uh- yeah..."
You seized the microphone from the woman as she started to wave someone over; based on the way they stared at you, you assumed it was the manager. The DJ then gave you a thumbs up. During the woman's introduction of you to the crowd, everything fell silent. As you entered the stage's spotlight, you felt all the anxiety surge back towards you.
You closed your eyes and then reopened them, scouring the crowd for your objective. You started humming before you started singing.
Soap listened intently as you sang; when he heard your voice, which was calming, he felt as like he was being cast under a trance. And only then were you entrancing, the way you walked smoothly as if you hadn't been scared and stressed just seconds before.
You appeared calm up there, as if you belonged there. You looked like an angel with your eyes half-lit as you swept the crowd until you made eye contact with him. He followed you as you walked to the edge of the stage, past a few people, and over to him, putting the mic between you and him.
At the exact second Soap was about to risk it all, you put your palm on his chest while gazing into his eyes. "I got sharp edges, I get defensive too lost to care, middle finger in the air, I'm sorry that I scared ya, be my protector when I cross the Sahara... Take me there, take me there and-"
He wanted to follow you, spin you around in his arms. He breathed out. He closed his eyes as he heard your voice, allowing it to flood his mind. God- you were intoxicating. He opened his eyes starring up at the ceilings lights. He yearned for you above all else—he ached to hold you, touch you, feel you, hear you, and everything else. You and only you.
Your voice quickly returned to a murmur as you returned to the stage. The music stopped, and then a wave of whistles and cheering erupted.
"Good work bee." Soap heard Price say.
"I've got eyes on the target." Gaz said. "He's headed to the backrooms."
"Copy that," you said. "Going in."
You walked into your dressing room and were greeted by a tall man. He was dressed in a velvet suit and wore a gold watch around his wrist.
"Hello, sir. May I help you?" You speak gently. "Are you lost?"
"Ah no miss, I was actually looking for you," the man said, clearing his throat.
"What is it?"
"See, I never really do this since it's not really my thing- but I was captivated by your song, you have such a lovely voice miss," the man explained.
You made a phony giggle and said, "Thank you, appreciate it, but honestly it was all last minute."
"I wouldn't have suspected, and you're relatively beautiful, I should add."
You starred at the man curiously, "Thank you, your not so bad yourself," you trailed off. You needed him to look at you because the way he looked at you felt strange. You felt your cheeks flush, though, and for a brief moment, you pictured Soap. You wanted him to look at you. The way he stared at you, it was as if time had stopped for a split second.
"May I ask what your name is Ms?"
"Oh... it's Bonny...well my name is BB but I recently have found a new liking to the name Bonny."
"Hm... any particular reason why?"
"Well, it's just something someone close to me calls to me as," you stated as you sat in your chair. "I think it's adorable."
"I see…so, Ms Bonnie, would you like to join me tonight?"
"I'm not sure… I need to get home to my dad; I need to give him his medication before he signs me up for anything else," You scoffed.
"I'm sure your father will be okay without you for a night," the man murmured as he approached you, standing behind you.
You made a humming sound "A night —? I'm only worth a one-night stand?"
"Certainly not," the man responded with a deep chuckle, trailing his fingers along your shoulders. "You deserve the world, and I'm more than willing enough to give it you, a voice like yours deserves to be kept for one's ears alone."
"Is that what you say to every woman you meet, sir?" You giggled. You wanted to roll your eyes and walk out of the room. You didn't want him to touch you, you wanted Soap to. You wanted Soap here, you needed him here. You let out a sigh turning your head to look up at the man. You tilted your head at the man. "You never told me your name..."
The man grinned and extended his hand for you to take, remarking, "Let's get out of here so you can properly say it."
You gave the man a modest smile and placed your hand in his.
He led you rapidly outside the building, perhaps ready to engage in physical contact that you were trying to avoid at all costs. This is what happened the last time you went undercover, which made you hate them. You weren’t sure why Price wanted you to do this mission to be exact. If he wanted to hear you sing or something all he had to do was ask. The man led you to a car opening the door for you on the passenger side with a small gesture telling you to hop in. You sat in the seat with a nervous smile as the door shut.
Leaning your head back against the seat you sighed as the man got in the drivers seat turning the car on and making way to who knows where. Mid drive he placed his hand on your thigh giving it a firm squeeze, you wanted to slap his hand away. You closed your eyes, picturing Johnny’s hand on thigh…
“So… what brought you to out tonight?” You spoke up making sure your tone was curious.
“Just business.”
You tilted your head to look at the man, “You run your own company?”
“Yes, I do.”
You pretend to let out a amused hum as you placed your hand over the one on your thigh, “I’ve always wanted to do that, do you mind if I told you my idea?”
“This should interesting then, go on Bonny.”
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pluraldeepdive · 1 year
A comment from 2016 about viewing CDDs as "disordered" versions of plurality. I found this comment pleasantly relatable and really nice as a DID system, myself. That's my personal experience, though. Any CDD systems want to share their own thoughts?
(I'm not going to post the link with respect to this person's privacy but, for transparency's sake, this comment was found within a tulpa community.)
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(Image ID is under the read more!)
[ID: "In any case, I do have a few notes I want to add. The first is on this comment:
Well, what makes DID a disorder isn't the multiple consciousnesses- it's the amnesia and derealization. Take these away, and you have a state of being that is not inherently disordered.
[Censored user's name.]
I was part of spreading this misconception, so I apologize for that. The truth is, it's not that simple. Saying DID is 'disordered plurality' is like saying 'war is scary'. It's technically true, but it downplays the scope of what goes on so much. Sadly, it took me uncovering the hidden traumagenic side of my system to get me to read DID systems' accounts in-depth and see that.
It doesn't stop at amnesia and derealization. That can be part of it, yes, but it's far from the whole. There's the trauma, whose effects will linger even if you get rid of the amnesia and derealization, which many DID systems have said is the worst part of the disorder. There's the confusion about who you are. There's the fear of being found out and discriminated against, no matter how functional you are. There's paranoia about whether you're making it all up, and frustration at being denied your own reality.
Every system's experience with DID/OSDD is unique, but... to borrow from what a member of a DID system posted elsewhere. Think of it this way. People are shaped by what memories they have, yes? Now imagine that you were born from traumatic memories, from a desperate means of surviving. You're thrown into a head with a bunch of others carrying trauma in this way, and then a few who don't know of that trauma consciously and carry on trying to live a 'normal' life. You have no context for what's going on, and even if everyone does realize what's going on, it's a mess of denial, people having conflicting desires and sabotaging each other directly or indirectly, being shoved down and denied over and over, and on top of that, some are already struggling with containing the trauma that started all this in the first place. The distrust, frustration, resent, anxiety between everyone, it doesn't go away overnight. It doesn't go away when you're diagnosed, and it certainly doesn't go away when someone tells you that the state of being that's caused you so many issues doesn't have to be a disorder. Especially when it comes off as, 'If you'd just appreciated your system more, it'd be fine! Look, look at how happy our non-traumatized and having-gone-through-entirely-different-experiences group is!'
With all that in mind, I can't really blame people for not wanting anything to do with plurality ever again. Some come to value being multiple, even with all the shit that went on. Others find they can't erase the past, or always truly 'put it behind you'. It's a wide array of experiences, as was said before.
It's sort of like... coming from a dysfunctional, even abusive physical family, and seeing all the other kids talking about how excited they are for Winter Break. And if you talk about how your family's been through the shitter, you get reminded that 'but not all families are like that! I'm so happy in mine!' Or told, 'But can't you still appreciate having a family in the first place?' Or get looked at sideways and asked why you aren't doing more to bring your family closer together. It's a slap in the face, even if it isn't meant to be that way. I don't agree with the abject hostility I've seen many clinical systems exhibit towards non-clinical systems--including a well-meaning but misguided yours truly--but sadly, I've come to understand where it comes from.
This comment took a turn for the darker, but I do feel it was something that needed to be said.
Anyway. Be careful, too, of using examples from across the spectrum to prove that other parts of a spectrum exist. If I were to claim that the color 'X' existed, collecting green objects wouldn't be sufficient to prove that 'X' exists. It would be sufficient to prove that color exists, and since 'X' is hypothetically a color, that 'X' could thus potentially exist. You would need to collect objects of color 'X' to show that 'X' itself exists. Which, well, I think the fiction writer study and Nimoy's autobiography do well enough, in any case."
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miroslavcloset · 1 year
Hi! Would I be able to get Benji hcs of him being child hood best friends with another footballer and he’s been secretly in love with her?
Childhood friend and crush of Benjamin Pavard -Imagine-
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A/N: I've been scrolling through polls here and answering every single one with Vanilla Extract. Yes. Anyways, Thank you very much for the sweet request bestie <3 Loved the scenario. Hope you like it!!
Benjamin's love of the sport didn't come from anywhere, actually, in the beginning, it wasn't even his idea. One of his friends, a girl who lived not too far from his home was the one who made him fall in love with the game in the first place.
You were the kind of girl who would take the initiative, even explaining to him how the whole game worked, well as far as you understood when first meeting Benjamin as children. Going to play together became usual, and getting to know each other to develop a friendship that would last even after going to separate places every once in a while.
The spark in your eyes when talking about the sport you enjoyed was the first thing he loved about you, the effort you put in the training, may it be in school or when you started dreaming about being professional about it, something few actually achieved.
Your relationship was one of those where more than friends, you were each other's confidence source, a safe space where you could be yourselves freely, without any judgment or the pressure of expectation. Without even noticing how it came to be, Benjamin knew you were a vital part of his happiness, a feeling of comprehension and inspiration, that emotion that anyone else would have called love.
Luckily for both, their careers would follow similar paths, being able to pursue your main interest in common. When you started to earn attention from the french clubs, Benjamin was the first one supporting you, celebrating by your side. His desire to be at the level of the person he cared about the most started to ignite a flame in his matches and training, and his skills gained notoriety as well.
One of your favorite moments together was when you could celebrate together the jump to the professional fields of football. Your success was an achievement for him, and his promotion was one for you as well, it was the epitome of the bond that tied you both together, that had got you both closer with every passing year.
When the international compromises started, the distance did as well. The texts and the video calls replaced the long conversations you used to have while sharing laughs and playing friendly games. That was the first time Benjamin thought about talking to you about his feelings, the way he wanted to be at your side.
His favorite part of the season is when you get to play in the same city, both of you escaping the training and meeting to have something to drink and tell each other how everything was going in your respective clubs, and lives. Also, something that was kind of a tradition between you two, playing together where no one could bother you and take some pictures together so the distance wouldn't be so hard to endure.
One thought he had to himself was that the female division didn't get as much attention as the masculine, and he would love to see you get the full recognition you deserved... Even he thinks you'd be glowing while receiving a trophy and being received as a hero in Paris. That's what the person he adores truly deserves.
Disclaimer under the cut
DISCLAIMER: This is just fiction and imagined scenarios written by a fan of the aforementioned player, in no way intended to harm anyone in any shape or form. I do this as a hobby, to practice my writing and English skills since it is not my first language (and because I love him, of course, I do) so thanks for reading! <3
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harudnae · 1 year
The Roger Pirates brainrot is so strong those days, so I figured I could share another fic with some of them 😏
I wrote this one the day after reading Chapter 1054, and it was fully canon compliant back then... I've always hated the evil!Shanks theories so I wanted to share mine.
We've gotten more data about Cross Guild since, and things didn't happen the way I thought they would, but I still hope they'll have that conversation one day 😬
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Originally posted on AO3 on 2022.07.28
Rating: Teen
Pairing: Shanks x Buggy
Summary: Buggy is pissed. An explanation is needed. He gets more than he bargained for.
Content warnings : Post-Wano, bitter Buggy, angst with a happy ending, spoilers for chapter 1054
Word count: 1.3k
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🔶 Better late than never 🔶
"Oi, oi, oi ! What do you think you're doing, bastard ?!"
Shanks gets a hold of Buggy's wrist where it's grabbing his collar, and gently squeezes.
Buggy tightens his grip around the fabric and steps into the redhead's personal space. "No, you've gotten away with too much of this already, so now you listen closely. First, you stayed in the East Blue for long enough to find me but you never met me somehow. Then you left your- no, Captain Roger's hat with the rubber brat. Plus, you may have helped me escape Marineford, but considering all the backlash I've gotten since then, I wouldn't consider that a favor from you to me. And now what ?"
Shanks frowns. "Buggy-"
"Oh, no, Shanks, you better shut it ! I thought I'd read wrong when my crew brought me the latest News Coo. Says you're going... Where, now ?" Buggy squints, threateningly raises a detached fist under Shanks's chin as he raises his voice. "Oh wait. I already know, and since you don't seem to care let me remind you of something. We were supposed to go back together. That was your so-called "promise" from twenty-five years ago." He grits his teeth and swallows around the growing lump in his throat, his voice slightly wavering as he continues, "Can't you respect shit anymore ? I mean... Why ?"
Shanks releases Buggy's wrist, offers him an apologetic smile, and pulls him for a one-armed hug, burying his head in blue hair.
Buggy stiffens in the redhead's embrace. "What-"
Shanks places his hand between Buggy's shoulder-blades and hold him flush against him. "Buggy."
Buggy feels the rumble of Shanks's low voice echoing through his chest, strangely soothing. He realizes it's been years, decades even, since they've been so close physically, and he feels tears welling up in his eyes at the unprompted nostalgia.
"I'm not disrespecting or betraying anyone", Shanks murmurs in the crook of his neck. "Luffy's going to reach his dream and when he does, he'll help Captain realize his. I just want to be there to see both come to completion..."
Buggy closes his eyes, trying his best to hold back his tears. "What about me ?", he asks, voice tight.
Shanks pulls him tighter, buries his head a little closer to Buggy's skin. "I need you", he quietly says.
Buggy's heart stills in his chest. "What for ?", he barely manages to breathe out.
"Well... Now that Luffy has awakened his Devil Fruit he makes a good target for Blackbeard and his crew of Devil Fruit stealers. We have to take them down."
Anger flares again. "What does that have to do with me ?", Buggy growls, opening pained eyes only to glare at Shanks.
"You were the first to notice that something was wrong with Teach. Twenty-six years ago, you knew, I was too immature to consider him a threat but he's long since proved otherwise. And since I doubt World Government or the Marines would take action against him now, considering the circumstances, well... It's up to us."
Buggy grits his teeth. "That doesn't answer my question."
"I knew you'd come. I thought you'd know me better than that, but I'm still sorry for not making my intentions clear. Considering our current positions I couldn't really reach out without attracting attention, but... well." Shanks leans back a little, still holding Buggy flush against him.
Buggy reluctantly makes eye contact.
Shanks looks serious, a little hopeful, and something else that Buggy can't quite pinpoint. "We're only a couple of days away, now." He glances behind him, towards the Red Force's prow, then back at Buggy with a hint of his trademark lopsided smile. "Come with me ?"
Buggy blinks. He raises a hand to rub his temple, frowning and closing his eyes in annoyance. "Are you really, seriously asking me to go to Laugh Tale with you, now, to see your rubber protégé claim our Captain's title ?"
No answer.
Buggy opens inquiring eyes, only to find Shanks smiling like an idiot. He heavily sighs, shakes his head and shoves an accusatory finger into Shanks's chest. "You goddamn bastard. You are the most insufferable", he shoves his finger again, "annoying", and again, "obnoxious fucking idiot I've ever known ! How was I supposed to guess whatever your plan was ? Couldn't you just- I don't know, like tell me about it instead of..." Buggy flails his hands in the air. "Ugh- You're so infuriating."
Shanks's grin only widens. "Is that a yes ?"
Buggy glares, and sighs again, more angrily. "What's in it for me, huh ? Why should I even bother ?"
"Because this trip is long overdue... Because for all you say that you don't care, I bet you'd like to be there to see Captain's dream come to life. And... because once it's done, you can take whatever's left of the Tenryuubito's wealth and finally get all the riches."
Buggy gives him a deadpan stare until that last bit, where he can't help but perk up a little. He blinks. "Oh."
"So ?"
Buggy squints, studying the redhead. Shanks has always had a knack of dragging me into impossible situations, but now that the world's in chaos what's really left to loose, eh ? At least we can fight together once more. Nostalgia blurs the edge of his vision again, he blinks the faulty salty drops away. He takes a deep breath and looks to his side, at his own ship close to Shanks's, at his crew quietly but expectantly waiting for his decision. He knows they'd follow him anywhere. He looks back at Shanks. "Damned if I do, damned if I don't." He shrugs, and lets a smirk curve his lips. "Let's go ?"
Shanks intensely looks at him as he nods.
Both of their crews start loudly cheering, but Buggy barely hears them, deafened by the sound of his own heartbeat as Shanks now fiercely embraces him.
He's got that serious look, the one he has when he's dead set on something and nothing can change his mind...
Buggy's kind of scared to be the target of that look. What did I just get myself into ?
Shanks leans in and closes the short distance between their lips.
Buggy blinks. He doesn't move, surprised this was even in the tree of possibilities in the first place. He blinks again. He still doesn't move, but as Shanks's lips linger on his, he finds he doesn't want to draw back either. He closes his eyes, exhales the breath he hadn't noticed he was holding, and kisses Shanks back. Well, fuck. I'm an goddamn idiot because that too was long overdue. Suddenly at peace with a lot more than he expected when he first came here, he threads a hand at Shanks's nape and pulls him closer, deepening the kiss.
Shanks all too happily indulges him, grinning against his lips.
Buggy bites Shanks's lower lip – why didn't we do that sooner – and earns a downright sinful moan that goes straight to his groin – fuck I want so much more – and starts sucking on Shanks's tongue when the redhead draws back, short of breath.
Buggy opens his eyes, intensely looking at Shanks.
Shanks quietly mouths the word "tonight", and gives a quick glance to his side.
Buggy's heartbeat stops for a fraction of second, muting the loud drumming in his ears for long enough to hear both of their crews cheering even louder. He clears his throat, steps away from the redhead's embrace but remains close enough to place a hand on his shoulder. Then he turns to his crew, making a few rowdy jokes but otherwise pretty happy for him. "Yeah, well, I'm just that flashy", he shrugs, forcing a laugh in an attempt to maintain a semblance of composure.
Shanks pats Buggy's back, prompting him to look up. He grins, wide and bright as always. He looks happy.
Buggy realizes that despite Shanks being such an insufferable, annoying, obnoxious, infuriating bastard... He really missed him. He won't tell him, never, but he guesses Shanks can see it anyway. As his gaze softens, a new hope fills his lungs, and he turns back to his crew yelling, "Let's go, people ! To Laugh Tale !"
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setesran · 4 months
used to think i wanted a girlfriend
when i watch obscure, uncanny youtube videos from 2013, i see this girl in them, and she just, captivates, arrests my mind without even realising, and i feel so, so, so, strange, strange and bad, like i've missed something very important, but it's also foreign and uncomfortable, and also nostalgic, yet i didn't experience it, and i was alive around that time but i had no idea she existed, the human race was just an insignificant mass to me, until i saw her, and as she speaks i forget that any other human exists besides her, but it's haunting because i know she's no longer real, the person i'm witnessing has changed so much that she's practically dead, it feels like a simultaneous love and death, like a child that has died immediately after being born, difficult to process or even comprehend, but she's not magical, i know that, she's just… what is she, what do i want from her, i don't think i want anything, i know it's all after the fact, it's just a video, it's already happened, she's off somewhere now, not 18 anymore, her youthful visage left behind and encapsulated to haunt the minds of those who come after, those who are lonely and fall through the cracks into old, strange corners of the internet, part of me panics when i leave my computer, to continue with my day, and i realise i'm still thinking about her, the fear that i might be obsessed gives me anxiety and i feel strange again, like butterflies in my stomach, but what could i possibly be excited about… to be honest, she reminds me of a ghost, a victim you'd read about posthumously, she just looks like someone who'd naturally attract fucked up freaks, because she's innately the antithesis of them, either way, she's dead to me, victim of a murder, or married and aged, what's the difference, i don't respect anyone that fades into such a conservative lifestyle, because they all act like they'll never do it, like they won't settle down, like they'll be a murder victim, then they settle down anyway, and how disappointing is that… she could've been beautiful forever, immortalised as a victim in her youth, but i shouldn't be saying this, it's wrong and i don't even know why i'm saying it, if something is possessing me to do so then i don't want it to stop, i don't want it to leave me, or maybe i am it, i'm always it i just get FUCKED UP BY MUNDANITY in this stupid little organized society with it's hypocrisy and censorship… i wish i could've known her, take me back in time and set things up perfectly so that i'd meet her, then be inevitably disappointed when she doesn't like me, inevitably she wouldn't reciprocate my feelings, she'd already have someone she desired, even though i don't expect romantic feelings from her, i don't expect ANYTHING from her, i simply want to help, listen, i would thrive simply off the biproduct of her THOUGHTS, of her incoherent ramblings, of her unconscious humming throughout the day, of the fucking sound of her breathing at night… i don't expect anything, but if i can't even be near her, what's the point in continuing, what's the point. (good thing she's confined to a youtube video from 2013 otherwise i'd disappoint my parents by fawning over this girl until she tells me to fuck off and i either kill her, kill myself or kill the both of us… could this have happened to me, could my life have gone this way… it certainly feels like it would've been the more emotional option, more pain, more pleasure, more love, more hate, and frankly, as my life currently goes, i feel that apathy, the expectation of mundanity, the repetition of daily living that breeds insanity, the pathetic state of this society, they all feel like cancers, slowly and affirmingly killing me, turning me into a husk, and what is the real me if not the one that feels the most emotion, otherwise, less sensation means less life, and i'm closer to death, i wake up and wish i didn't, and i care about girl from a youtube video from 2013, who as far as my life is concerned, doesn't even exist… and i ask myself; is this the person i was meant to become?)
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