#idc i'm having fun
stanpinesfan0410 · 2 months
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osc art jumpscare 🤯
WIPs and allat ⬇️
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the amount of references I used for this 💀
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oddthesungod · 10 months
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they're a little bit fucked up and i love them a lot 🥰
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macksartblock · 5 months
could you do some gothcleats? pretty please
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anyone else haunted by snowballs at school dances? no? just me okay
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hajihiko · 1 year
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Pat the heads that you have while you have them... (thx for all the stage play content + screenshots @kazuichikazuichi
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have some kinitoPET content, 'cause why not
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a version with YOU
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+ a thing and a few YOU doodles
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willowycreature · 4 months
#them calling this movie jonsa fan service is sooo funny because it wasn't the biggest ship in the show (that was braime) or even a recognized jon ship by the gp! it's literally because sophie and kit wanted to work together again because they LIKED working together 🤷🏽‍♀️
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thetreeturnedoff · 2 years
heyyy, so i may or may not have compiled the entire new asra tale into a google drive for people to see for those of y'all who don't want to give dorian any downloads or money. if there's anything missing or that you think needs to be changed, or if something isn't opening (i have to set my phone browser to desktop mode to open some folders and i'm still trying to figure out why), just lmk and i'll take a look!
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bellysoupset · 2 months
Vince sick with the flu at Wendy's birthday
Vince knew he was bound to catch the bug after being so terribly exposed, he had just been counting on the fact he had gotten the stomach flu back in the end of January and hoping this meant he was immune.
No such luck.
Not only he had definitely caught the bug, judging by how upset and gurgly his belly felt, but he had caught it on Wendy's birthday. He wanted to cry.
"Are you alright?" His father asked, looking up from the dishes he was doing when Vince groaned, tugging at the roots of his hair.
"I think I caught the stomach bug that's going around the school," he answered and Giuseppe frowned, drying his hands on the dishcloth and walking closer.
His palm was cold against Vince's forehead, all soft thanks to age, "you're a little warm, piccolino," he hadn't called Vin that since his son had outgrown him.
"That's just great," Vince sighed, leaning slightly on his dad's touch. He wanted nothing more than to go upstairs and crawl up into his childhood bed, let his family fuss over him, but instead he had to hit the road. There was no way he was going to miss Wen's birthday.
They had already talked the night before, video called at midnight so he could wish her happy birthday, and texted in the morning, Wendy sending excited updates about everything.
Her parents had sent her a huge breakfast basket with flowers and she had gotten a bunch of chocolate from patients, which Wendy was over the moon about as it was her first time getting gits from patients.
She was going to have lunch with Bella, Jonah, Barbie and Megan and then the party was going to be at night, at a rooftop and Vince knew for a fact that Jon had gotten fireworks for her as a surprise.
"I have to get going," Vin forced himself to pull back and stand up. As soon as he stood up, he felt all sorts of woozy, so Vin grabbed the wall behind him and breathed through his mouth until the slight vertigo faded away.
Giuseppe's silver eyebrows were up, blue eyes scanning him, "you're planning on driving like this? No, you're not."
"Babbo, I can't not go," Vince sighed, "I'm gonna drive slow, I promise. And text you as soon as I get there."
His father didn't look one bit pleased, "at least take some medicine before you go..." he mumbled, looking nervous about the prospect.
Although the old man looked fearful, he did let Vin go, without telling Ma about the fact he was sick, something Vince was very grateful for. There was no way his mother was going to be this cool about him getting in the motorcycle when feeling that woozy.
By the time Vince entered the big city, he was freezing. It was only partially due to the fever, it was the last day of February, so it wasn't exactly warm to begin with.
He had the key to Wen's apartment and she, thankfully, still wasn't home, so Vince headed straight to the bathroom. His reflection was a sight, his skin had gone from its usual light olive tone straight into green territory, all pale and with dark circles around his eyes. His lips were devoid of color and his hair had flattened down around his head, clinging to his clammy skin.
"Looking handsome," Vince grumbled, planting his hands on the sink and taking a steadying breath as his stomach gurgled uncomfortably. The nausea was taking its sweet pace building and currently he was covered in goosebumps, his mouth feeling sticky and sweet.
Vin stumbled into the shower area and turned up the hot water, hoping to wash away the look of sickness. He had very little energy, so he just stood under the stream, letting the water do most of the work.
He washed his hair and then gagged when the scent of conditioner hit his nose, making him rush to wash it off. It was to no avail, and Vince leaned over the drain, retching softly until a thin stream of watery puke came up.
It brought no relief whatsoever, but his stomach's muscles relaxed, leaving him still just as nauseated and unable to barf. Vince groaned, washing away the evidence and his face all over again.
Once he stepped out of the bathroom, with Wen's large lilac towel wrapped around his waist, Vince opened a smile as he saw Wen had left an outfit picked out on top of the bed.
He put on the boxers and the social pants and was sitting on the edge of the bed, struggling to tie his social shoes since the position squeezed his tummy, when Wendy opened the bedroom door.
"Oh hi..." she sounded all breathless and Vince didn't have to force a smile. His girlfriend stood at the doorway of her bedroom, with her hair in rollers and a pink robe.
"Hi birthday girl," Vince grinned, "c'mere-" he got up to kiss her and Wendy's whole face turned pink as she promptly wrapped her arms around his neck, getting on her tippy toes.
They stumbled back inside the bedroom and Vince bit down a groan as he felt Wendy climb his lap, still kissing him fiercely. He moved his face, planting a kiss on her neck and squeezing her on a hug.
"I missed you," Vince whispered, planting a kiss on her shoulder, pushing her robe out of the way, "I missed you so much."
Wendy let out a pleased sigh, pulling back and running her fingers through his humid hair, "I missed you too," she pressed her forehead to his, "I almost wish we could just stay in bed."
Vince snorted at that, patting her ass so she'd get off his lap, "no, you don't, you'd never miss your own party."
She blushed as he read her so easily, then climbed off of him, "I'm just gonna take a quick shower, can't get the hair wet. Are you almost done?"
Almost, he just really needed to throw up first, Vince thought, but kept his happy smile on.
"Yeah, pretty much. Take your time, though," he kissed her temple and swatted her ass, "I'm gonna go get your gift."
"My gift?" Wendy's voice went up at least two notes as she smiled and Vince rolled his eyes.
"Yeah, your gift," he steered her to the bathroom, "c'mon, you don't wanna be late."
He had left Wendy's gift in his backpack and Vince went to the living room to retrieve it, while buttoning up his shirt. She had picked a deep red button up, her favorite color on him.
Vince sat on the couch as he heard the shower running, allowing his mask to slip and wrapping an arm around his stomach. Even though he had left his belt quite lose and not yet tucked in the shirt, he already felt like he was being squeezed by it all.
His intestines were gurgling something fierce and when Vin pressed on his warm, sensitive belly, he felt a burp sneak up his throat. Airy and with no sound, but turning wet at the end. Vin snapped his mouth shut, swallowing back the urge to gag.
He felt another shudder run up his spine and Vince pressed his eyes closed, valiantly fighting a cramp- Then he heard the bathroom door open and immediately pulled himself together, pushing everything out of his mind and getting up.
Wendy was already in her shapewear, pulling out a deep magenta dress from her closet. She had removed her hair from the rollers and they fell around her heart shaped face like old Hollywood waves.
"You look great," Vince smiled, leaning against the bedroom's doorway, "you look gorgeous."
Wendy opened a big smile, then she caught a glimpse of the simple black box in his hands and raised her eyebrows, "what is it?"
"Turn around," Vince stepped closer, holding the large square box. He was quite nervous about it, actually. It hadn't been cheap, but it was nowhere near what a girl like her was used to. He knew Wendy was the Harry Winston and Cartier sort, so he was really nervous about buying her jewelry.
Vince put the necklace around her neck and planted a kiss on top of her head as she looked at her reflection in the closet mirror, "what do you think?"
It was a simple white gold necklace, with a flower pendant made of four rubies and the center a topaz.
Wendy didn't say a thing, leaning in to inspect it and Vince cringed, feeling a whole new layer of nausea wash over him.
"I know it's no Tiffany's or whatever, but-"
"I love it," she interrupted him, glaring at him in the mirror, "it's stunning."
Vince's cheeks burned and he fidgeted uncomfortably, as Wendy smoothed the necklace against her collarbones and opened a pleased smile.
"I really love it, Vin," she turned around to hug him by the waist and tilted her head back, opening a blinding smile, "thank you."
"You're not just saying that? Because its from a local jewelry shop, so you can definitely exchang-"
"I love it," she shook her head, squeezing him, "and it matches my dress."
Vince let out a scoff, biting down a burp as Wendy's head pressed to his upset stomach. He gulped down, keeping a hand in the middle of her naked back and breathing through the queasiness.
There was no way he was going to make it through the night without puking, Vin thought, as Wendy moved in his arms and planted a kiss to his tummy, pulling back.
"I'm just gonna do my make up and we can go," she said happily, putting on her heels and Vince forced a smile.
"Alright, I'm gonna wait in the living room."
The party was in the same rooftop Vince remembered being for Jonah's birthday, when Wendy had gotten sick due to a migraine. It was ironic she had picked it, given how horrible he was feeling.
Vince was practically wincing as Wendy intertwined their fingers together and pulled him as she checked with the staff everything was alright.
He was bouncing a leg nervously up and down and Wen let out a chuckle as she noticed that, "it's just our friends," she misinterpreted his nervousness, grabbing a champagne flute and pushing it in his hands, "you have nothing to be nervous about."
Vince offered her a strained smile, but that wasn't exactly true. Wendy was a social butterfly and he knew for a fact it was not a party just for Jonah, Luke, Bell and Leo. Half the hospital would be there, as well as all the girls she knew from yoga and from other courses. Barbie, Megan, whom Vince had met before, but they still made him nervous. Other people he had no idea how Wendy got acquainted with.
He wanted to die as the place started to fill up and his head continued to swim. Vince couldn't pay attention to anything that was being said, but thankfully his participation in small talk was all but optional.
He was feeling clammy all over as the little canapes started to circulate on top of trays.
Wendy squeezed his arm, "are you hungry?" she tilted her head to look at him and Vin promptly shook his head, almost stumbling back as it made the room spin.
Just the mere thought of putting anything in his stomach made more sickness splash up and he gulped down, "No-" his voice came out all hoarse and Vince cleared his throat, "no, I'm just warm. I'm gonna go outside for some air, okay?"
Wendy pouted slightly, "are you alright...?"
"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine," Vince squeezed her hand in his, "talk with your friends, I'm just gonna get some air and I'll be back," he promised and she opened a bright smile, turning around and squealing as she caught sight of Jonah entering the room.
Vince turned around and bolted.
It was not lost on him that once upon a time he had found Wendy hunched over the same rail. He pressed his tummy to the iron rail and forced up a sick burp, but nothing came up with it.
Vince groaned, squeezing the metal and feeling like he was about to collapse. His legs were shaking and he couldn't stop swallowing down, his mouth pooling with saliva.
Another burp snuck up on him and Vin whimpered, feeling his eyes sting. He hated this, he wanted to be having fun with Wendy, not almost ruining her party.
A hand came to rest on his back and Vince shuddered, knowing who it was without even looking back, "fucking kill me, Luke."
"What's wrong?" Luke's voice was impossibly soft and Vince tipped to the side, leaning against his best friend's chest. He was freezing, he wanted all warmth he could get.
"Stomach flu..." Vince groaned as his stomach flipped again, "gonna be sick..."
"Okay, think you can make it inside? To the bathroom?" Luke squeezed his nape, rolling his thumb in a comforting manner. Vin took in a deep breath.
"Don't-" he gulped down as a gag interrupted him, "don't want Wendy to see me-"
"Buddy, the chances of her seeing you here are way higher," Luke squeezed him a little tighter, "lean on me, okay? We're gonna speed walk."
"M'kay," Vince slumped almost completely and heard Lucas let out a little huff at his weight, but he didn't let go. He was so dizzy, he didn't actually see a thing as they moved back inside the restaurant area, only heard the noise escalate and then get low once more, as Luke pushed him inside the bathroom.
Vince stumbled, bracing against the sink and Lucas let out a sigh, "c'mere," he wrapped an arm around Vin's chest, steering him towards the toilet and Vince immediately fell to his knees, leaning over the bowl and panting.
His stomach hurt with how much it was churning and finally he let out a weak gag and felt everything he had eaten since morning rush up his throat.
Vince groaned as the sheer amount seemed to suffocate him, coughing and groaning as it stung his nose. He spat in the bowl, blindly reaching to flush it, but his arms were too shaky and that almost caused his chin to hit the porcelain, wasn't it for Luke wrapping an arm around his chest.
"I got you, I got you," Lucas reassured him, before flushing the toilet, "done?"
"Nu-uh," Vince gagged, spitting once again. He had never felt so nauseous in his life, what the hell was this bug?
"Jesus, dude..." Luke groaned when Vince let out another gurgly burp, which quickly morphed into a violent heave and even more puke rushed up and splattered in the bowl.
Lucas moved so he was crouching practically next to him, planting a hand on Vince's forehead and keeping him from taking a dive in the toilet as the heaves continued to rock him. He cringed as he could feel the crazy heat under his palm, it was shocking Vince had been able to play off as healthy for so long with a fever like this.
"Okay, okay, big breath," Luke rubbed his back as Vin let out a whimper and swayed on the spot, bracing against the stall wall and causing the entire thich plastic structure that separated the cubicles to tremble.
"Fuck," Vince breathed out, squeezing his eyes and massaging his chest. His hands were trembling and tears had run down his cheek, he also looked terribly pale, "this isn't a stomach bug, it's some plague."
"It looks like it, yeah," Lucas flushed the toilet again, grabbing a bunch of toilet paper and passing it to Vince, "you good?"
"For now..." Vince wiped his mouth, blowing his nose, "but my stomach is still churning and I feel like I'm gonna shit my pants."
Luke wrinkled his nose in distaste, getting up from the floor, "you need to go home-"
"I can't go to Wendy's, it's her birthday," Vince whined, "I'm not gonna ruin her night-"
"No, you're coming to my place," Luke rolled his eyes, "can you just sit there and not die? I'm gonna let Bell know-"
"Oh god, Bella-" Vince groaned, curling up as much as he could in the small space and Lucas let out a sigh.
"Just don't die, alright? I'll see if she can go home with Wen and you come with me- Don't die," then he turned around and ran out of the bathroom.
Vince sighed, leaning his head back against the hard plastic and trying to find any strength to get up and wash his face. He hated himself for going anywhere close Daniels last week.
There was a gurgle through his stomach and Vince squeezed his belly, breaking in cold sweat. He let out a sickly little burp, getting on all fours and struggling force himself up, swaying so much he nearly smashed his head against the stall wall.
Vince fell down on the toilet, tugging on his social pants and clumsily reaching for the door and locking it, before managing to push down his pants just in time for the runs to hit him.
He wrapped both arms around his tummy, pressing his eyes closed and sniffling pitifully. The cramps were killing him and to make matters worse he was starting to feel nauseous all over again, the curled up position forcing up sickly little burps.
Vince gulped down, breathing slowly through his mouth as the woozy sensation only seemed to get worse. Then there was a knock on the door and his head snapped up, colorful little spots dancing on the corner of his sight.
"Vin, it's me," Luke said and he could've cried. In fact, judging by the way his throat was hurting and he could feel his eyes burning, he was pretty sure he was.
"Gimme- Give me a minute..." he groaned, "just wait."
"Okay, yeah, no problem," Lucas said hurriedly and Vince assumed he probably could hear the pleading in his voice, since he didn't fight him.
Vince wiped the cold sweat from his brow once again, taking slow measured breaths as he cleaned up and then got out of the stall, stumbling to the sink in order to wash his hands and his face.
He looked dreadful. Vince made a little pray that Wendy was across the rooftop and didn't get a glimpse at him, because he looked pretty close to a corpse.
He dried the cold water from his face, before all but collapsing against the bathroom's main door, pressing his forehead to it, "Luke."
"Yeah?" Lucas' voice was very clear, as if he was glued to the door and Vince thanked his stars for that.
"I think I'm gonna faint..." his lips felt numb, this wasn't good. The second the weak words made out of his mouth, the door opened. Just in time, because Vince's knees buckled and Luca caught him by the armpits, letting out a grunt as he almost went down with Vin.
"Christ, Vin-" Luke's hand pushed his hair back, patting his cheek, "hey man, I need you to help me here or I'm gonna drag your ass to the hospital."
Vince shook his head, angrily forcing his eyes open and trying to think through the fog, "Wendy-"
He jumped as there was a loud noise, followed by squeals, just outside the private hallway that led to the bathrooms. Luke stiffened his hold around him, only to let out a nervous chuckle.
"It's Jon's fireworks. We should go."
"Uhmm," Vince nodded, grabbing on Luke's arm, "I'm gonna hurl on you."
"I know," Lucas forced him up, voice all strained, "but outside of here, deal?"
"Deal," Vince almost chuckled, pressing his feverish forehead to Luke's shoulder and allowing him to rush them out of the fancy restaurant.
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spider-man-2o99 · 1 year
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REALLY love how this suit design uses the reds in a way that evokes aposematism, AND that miguel is skittering nd scuttling around like a beaft like in the comics. LOOK at his posing here. like. this is a threat display he’s intentionally using his suit’s arm spikes to make himself look Bigger and more Threatening while showing off those bright warning colors...... not a single bird on the planet is brave enough 2 fuck with this guy, no sir-ma’am, he WILL Poison You with the Venom from his Fangs without hesitation
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samuelroukin · 6 months
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SAMUEL ROUKIN as John Simcoe in TURN: WASHINGTON'S SPIES (2014—2017) Episode 2.02
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mango-mya · 16 days
I was wondering if you make a shipchild design for the elora and peepers shipchild? And curious to know how it turns out or would look like. And who would/which one take after their parents..
I can't really ever picture them having kids, but..... IF THEY WERE TO.......
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TEEHEE this is Victoria :33 She's a flashlight fish!!! She's probably a little spoiled, but smart and charming nonetheless!!!
Siggghhhhh chat I'm sorry is this the end for me
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plumadot · 14 days
im lov character design
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holocene-sims · 4 months
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next // previous
august 16, 2021 8:45 a.m. paradise hotel
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littlespoonevan · 9 months
the thing about romcoms is just- it's never meant to be 'is it believable?' but instead 'do you believe it?' do you believe these two characters are actually falling in love with each other??? do you believe their chemistry??? do you believe whatever obstacle is thrown in their way is legitimately something that might keep them apart for a time and not something that could be solved with one conversation?? do you believe that they believe they need to fake date for this very specific reason??? do you believe the reason why they're 'enemies' at the start, no matter how silly a misunderstanding it may be??? do you believe the grand romantic gesture fits the characters and is actually how one character would show their love to the other?? like!!!! it's about empathy and authenticity and feeling what the characters feel so strongly that even if it's a trope or a cliché it doesn't matter because you believe it
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ikamigami · 24 days
The only thing I wonder about is if they'll give Moon the same treatment they gave Sun - they give some episodes focusing on his worsened mental state but then they'll drop it and forget about it and heal him off-screen because Earth helped him and he'll have a break and be put aside and he'll be drinking wine and relaxing at home while others are dealing with things.
I hope that that's what will happen. I saw a thumbnail and this is what came to my mind.
Do people think that Moon will turn evil?
They probably aren't thinking that he'll hurt himself because they're not doing this in this show.
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nadhie · 2 months
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this is so chaotic
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