#idk i think his stories seem a bit all over the place (first impression) but it makes him complex. more than a babygirl or pathetic wet cat
welcometoteyvat · 1 year
reading kaveh’s story leaks and What
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pttucker · 5 months
Aaaand we're done! \o/
Well... "done" in one sense of the word since I just did a very quick search and apparently there's like another 140 chapters of side stories and counting. Possibly post-epilogue stuff??? Didn't look too closely since I don't want too many spoilers if I can avoid it. I already saw one vague spoiler relating to 49% Dokja's side story. 😢😢😢
Though at least now with the main novel+epilogues finished all of the mysteries have been wrapped up (as far as I can remember).
I guess I'm still curious about the Library, but even if that's never touched upon in any side story chapters, I think I kinda get it with my theories and how he broke up into many, many different Dokjas and/or was two different Oldest Dreams?
Oh, and the stuff with Dokja & 1863's Sooyoung's blurry faces, I would have liked to have seen that resolved. There were mentions of Dokja slowly getting less blurry that were kinda glossed over but nothing concrete ever popped up for why his face was blurry or if/when it fully stopped being blurry? Unless I just missed some subtle thing?? Like I guess the epilogue did mention that Sooyoung had fun writing in stuff about him being the Ugly King but I don't think she made him ugly, that was just her memories of him?? Either way, poor Dokja. 😭
idk maybe I'm the only one obsessed with things like that. (I literally eventually started a separate section in my ORV Scrivener notes just for all the times Dokja's looks are mentioned in any way.) So maybe it just wasn't deemed important to "resolve"? Or, again, it was but I totally missed it.
Or maybe there's still something about the Library and his looks (and other mysteries I may not be currently remembering) in the additional 140+ chapters out there?
Unfortunately, English translations of Chapters 552+ don't all seem to be in one place, or at least I wasn't able to quickly find them in my first search. I'll keep looking, though. Might just have to cobble together the chapters one by one from various sources. If anyone happens to know where I could possibly find them...
Though I'm honestly not certain if I want to immediately jump into them or if I want to give it a moment to breathe. I actually am a little bit disappointed that I jumped right into the 40+ chapter epilogues right after finishing the main story since I feel like it stole some of the impact from him finding his two separate ■■.
Even if I was really happy to see how they continued living on in the system-less world and how Dokja felt after losing all of his companions to be Oldest Dream. Seriously you never get to see those sort of things after the "happy" ending.
And I did love seeing how it all tied back together with Sooyoung being the author and ORV itself being Dokja's story (which Sooyoung also wrote!) which in turn is our story and getting to see Secretive Plotter and the 999ths again and poor Joonghyuk just not knowing what to do with himself after losing his purpose as a protagonist and him and Sooyoung wanting to save their precious Dokja more than anything and both of them coming to understand Dokja better and so on and so forth.
But if nothing else, I do really want to finally read some fanfiction and otherwise engage with fandom now that the big mysteries are solved. And if I can make one final prediction it's going to be that the top fanfic is some kind of modern, no powers gamer AU or something. Because that's just how these fandoms seem to go. 😂
Anyway, I think it should be obvious from my many, many ORV posts but I really enjoyed the novel! I am very happy that so many things were so well foreshadowed, so much was so carefully planned, so many loose ends were tied up in a very satisfying manner, etc. It's very impressive for such a long, looooong story. I mean, just the fact that you could get inklings that something was up with Secretive Plotter before we even hit Chapter 100 yet not have the reveal come until much later is impressive just on its own.
I guess if I had one complaint it'd be that I didn't quite vibe with the whole "multiple walls to open the Final Wall" thing. Like, I totally was into the idea of Dokja's Fourth Wall being the largest fragment, and I actually thought that Jang Hayoung's wall was pretty clever since it's all about commenting/texting others when Jan Hayoung was created due to Dokja's comments.
But I'm not quite so into the Wall of Samsara and Wall That Divides Good and Evil. Like, I do get how they relate to the story, what with Dokja literally reincarnating into multiple worlds himself and the fact that a lot of Dokja's main theme was that he didn't nicely fit into a box of good or evil. I mean, his literal Modifiers are Demon King of Salvation and Watcher of Light and Darkness. Not to mention, Dokja went through a ton of the novel saying that just because they were evil in one turn doesn't mean they're evil in the next and vice versa, as well as the fact that the had companions on both sides of the spectrum.
So I'm not saying that they just came out of nowhere, but personally I find something to be a little off with them when compared to the other two walls? idk these are just my initial thoughts and I might feel completely different once I re-read the novel and can better appreciate things.
Which, speaking of, I'm debating with myself if I want to do the truly ridiculous thing and start this entire novel over right from the beginning in true Dokja fashion or if I want to be good and maybe give some other universe some love. I was looking at The World After The Fall but...uh...
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Not to say that things with tiny fandoms aren't also good!!!
But it does make me kinda side-eye it a little and wonder if I shouldn't just read Solo Leveling...
...or read whatever side stories I can find, aaaaaalllllll the fanfic, and then read ORV all over again. 😂
We'll see.
FYI when I do start reacting to the side stories I think I'll use the tag "orv side story" if anyone wants to block it preemptively to avoid spoilers.
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defectivefanboy · 1 year
You’re better when you’re quiet
trying to take a moment to yourself in teyvat you decided to take a walk around the land, but it didn’t help much when it slowly became taking out treasure hoarders, hilichurl camps. Just to make it better, you took out one wrong fatui camp and the silhouette of a man casted a shadow behind you. Seems you both could use a stress reliever…
Overall notes: While this story doesn't use specified pronouns for the reader, it is AMAB and is written for the gays and they's. My boys and... bOiis? idk but it isn't written with female in mind, same with all my other stories. if you don't like that, find another blog. don't know what to tell ya.
C/W: NSFW. sub scara. top!male!reader. cursing. hate fuck. choking. degradation. praise if you squint. hair pulling scratching impact play yah da yah da. bit of blood. disappointment in myself. the fact ill have to explain some things to my friends bc i let them read these :’)
Notes: Minors DNI. this is old asf this was written on oct 13th 2021. So this is when scara was still thought to just a rumor of a playable character. he literally only came up in game once and then the trailer dropped. I crack up reading this
you’re better when you’re quiet.
     It was supposed to be a peaceful walk. Supposed to help you, y’know, clear your mind. Yet, it only made you feel worst. After having to deal with a night full of drunkards you were tired of people for the day. So once you completed your daily commissions for the guild, you set yourself off for a simple walk.
And simple was the last thing it was.
     First it was the treasure hoarders roaming around the place. Next it was the uncleared camps that the normal knights should've taken care of, and it’s still too early for Diluc to take his nightly patrol. That would’ve been fine if it wasn’t for the Fatui.
    Of course when you were finally able to take a breathe, a mob of them were gathered within a small clearing surrounded by trees. At this point, you just sighed, because either way,
you were going to be the one dealing with them.
     After getting shoulder checked into a tree, to almost be hammered into the ground like a nail. You were over it. Over the pain. The soreness. Over the fighting. Oust over everything. Like the snap of a rubber band your sword slashed the last of them as you stared off blankly.
     Before you were able to let your guard down for a moment, a figure had to appeared behind you. Only to be luckier, the shadow had casted a large outline of a rather familiar hat. Turning around and clicking your tongue on your teeth, you gave a glare to the male.
     “Wow. Not even a word in and you already look like you want to kill me. Color me impressed, Honorary Knight.” With a low laugh at the end, the male lifted his head as he held a smirk on his face.
     Letting out a low groan you brought your empty hand up to your face. “I don’t believe now is a good time to be a brat.”
his smirked dropped at the name. A what? Who do you think you are. A brat? Absolutely not. He was about to make way to you when you took the first step.
“Ah, ah, ah. Not a step, I'm in control today, doll” stepping close enough to hold his face in your hands. You grab his cheeks with your hand with a sinister smile on your face. One that could be mistaken for a innocent one if you didn’t know any better.
     If anyone were to look, if they even could, Scaramouche was wide eye at your actions. It quickly changed into a look of annoyance as he was about to say something, most likely yell. Though, before he could get a word out or even a letter, you shut him up as you placed your lips on his in a rough kiss.
     Frozen once again his eyes went wide. The thought to push you off did cross him mind as he brought a hand up letting off light sparks of electricity, but the kiss you had him in was a terrible poison. So intoxicating and addicting, yet so deadly and dangerous. Kissing back, his body relaxed moving his raised hand to your hair as it became tangled in it.
     As the kiss grew more heated you both pulled each other closer as you fight for dominance over the other. That was quickly shut down as you grabbed his ass and lifted him up, pushing him back into a tree. Keeping him caged between you and the perfectly place tree.
     “What would happen if someone saw you like this, doll? Think they would still see you has the high and mighty Harbringer? or just a horny puppet in my hands.” Hiking a knee between his legs, lightly grasping at his neck. He bit back a moan, closing his eyes and clenching his legs.
     Pushing your leg up further, you move a hand down to his waist before trailing his jaw and neck with kisses. Leaving dark marks as you trail further down he lets out small whines and hushed moans as he lightly grinds down on your leg. His hands move from around your neck down to the bottom of your shirt, trailing his hands up your chest, before you removed it completely.
     Placing your own hands under his top you lifted it passed his head, revealing his chest as you trailed your kisses down, leaving marks on his chest in your wake. Removing your leg from between his, he let out a low whine, stopping once you filled in the spot with yourself, letting him wrap his legs around your waist. “Awe.. was someone enjoying that?” you whispered moving close to his ear. 
     “And you seem to have a death wish you perverted freak.” He spoke through his clenched teeth with a hiss as you pulled him down against your bulge. “Hmmm..? What was that love? I couldn't hear you. Could you speak up for me?” placing your forehead on his you pushed yourself further into him as you begun grinding at a slow pace. 
    Light gasp came out of his mouth before he bit his tongue and his hold around your neck became tighter. Only letting out a low laugh you begun fiddle with his shorts, he brought his hands to your hair and pulled your neck to close him as he begun to leave marks of his own. Pulling down his shorts you brought your hand to the tent that had formed, precum leaving a stain in the fabric.
     “If i didn’t know any better i would say you’re quite happy about this. Am I right, Scara? before you could say anything more, he bit down on your neck harshly breaking the skin drawing a bit of blood out that he lapped up with his tongue. “you speak one more time i’ll-... fuck” he cut himself off with a moan as your hand pulled back the fabric and began to jerk him off.
     “Awe.. What happened, darling? Cat got your tongue?” you smirked as his hands pulled at the back of your hair as he tried holding himself up, but the motion of your hand was telling him a plan. He was about to open his mouth and speak, but you shoved two fingers into his mouth to keep him silent.
    “You’re much better when you’re quiet, doll” moving your head back to his neck, leaving more marks on the other side. He sucked on your fingers, twirling his tongue around them. His hands had moved to your waist pulling at your pants, even lifting his waist up to pull them down as he fiddled with the fabric to pull your cock out.
     Sitting back on your waist he placed your dick next to his as he began to jerk you both off in a sloppily manner, short gasp coming out of his mouth––
––and thats where I had left off and I'm too embarrassed and shy to write anymore :')
hope you enjoyed
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eventinelysplayground · 2 months
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This is my first of idk how many entries for @lorei-writes and @wordycheeseblob Wish Upon an Aide challenge. I don't normally finish and post a fic in a few hours but I was super inspired for some reason by this. This fic is set at the end of Theo's route chapter 6 the start of Chapter 7, no major spoilers if you haven't read it yet. Most of Theo and Mitsukis dialogue is pulled from the chapters except for at the end and it's written from Kings pov. I chose the yellow prompts Joy and Warmth, they are a bit subtle maybe but overall I think they come across okay. I use italics for when the pets are 'speaking' WC approx 1984.
Nice to Meet You King
Just a bit more…and got it!
There was a metallic clank and soon the door was being pushed open.
Where are you going?
That should be obvious, just look outside.
Cherie stood up on her back paws and strained to look out the window.
Vic be nice, I'm going to greet Theo of course!
Oh, have fun King.
Cherie pouted a bit and King slipped his paw through the bars of her kennel to pat the cub on the head.
I'll be back soon and I'll tell you all about it.
Do you want me to tell you a story until he gets back?
King strode out of the kennel shaking his head leaving his friends behind. Vic would never admit it but King knew he was fond of Cherie, even if she was a cat.
Now he should be home soon. I just have to make my way to the gate and hmmm that scent…
King stuck his nose out and sniffed the air around him as a faint scent tickled his nose.
Theo has that scent on him lately…it must be her!
King started bounding across the yard at an incredible speed all while continuing to sniff at the air. The scent grew stronger and he came to a sudden stop near some bushes. Slowly he crept forward while taking a deep breath as if to steady himself.
She should be just on the other side, I wonder what she's like? If Theo likes her she must be nice.
King shook his head and peered around the bushes. His eyes widened as he examined the lady standing there. He had been wondering what she looked like, she was a bit smaller than he thought she'd be but she seemed strong and she had a gentle face.
She seems nice, I bet she'd give me lots of treats and belly rubs. I like her!
Just then King heard the distinct sound of the gate opening. He looked up tail wagging but as soon as he saw the look on Theo's face his tail stopped and head drooped.
He looks that sad-mad again, I wonder why he's always so-ah oh no!
King noticed that the lady was moving and he darted further back. He was confused, she had clearly seen Theo and yet she was hiding from him.
Why is she hiding? Does she not want to see Theo because he's sad-mad? Hmmm, oh I know how to fix this!
King bounded out from his hiding spot and leapt at the lady's back.
The lady turned around and King got a good look at her eyes.
“Bark bark!”
Oh boy she smells even better up close, and her voice and eyes are really gentle. Sorry I scared you, I didn't mean to. I'm sure you can help me make Theo feel better though!
King knocked the lady over and began licking at her face.
“H-Hey that tickles! Shh…”
Nope, he'll notice any second now I know he will.
“King! Did you get out of the kennels again so you could come welcome me home?...Hm? Oh, Hondje. I didn't see you down there.”
See, I knew he'd notice any second! Hey what are you doing Theo? No, I want to cuddle her more!
King was wrestled off the lady by Theo.
No fair, and why do you look like that now?
“W-Welcome back. Is this your dog Theo?”
You didn't tell her about me! Why didn't you tell her about me?!
“Yes, that's right. Af, King. Hier.”
I want to go back! Better make a good impression on her though.
King swiveled his head at Theo's command and stood at attention.
Treat now? Please, I made you look good!
King gave Theo the very definition of puppy eyes.
“...All right, fine.”
Oh boy oh boy!
As soon as King saw the bone he pounced on Theo placing his big paws squarely on his chest.
This should work!
King bounced enthusiastically trying to get the bone from Theo.
“...Af! Nee, King! Sit! I said sit!”
Good boy Theo, it's working! Just a little bit more.
Just as King had planned, the lady started laughing uncontrollably.
“...Hey! What do you think you're laughing at?”
King looked between Theo and the lady anxiously waiting to find out if his plan worked.
“I can't help it! He won't listen to you at all! I think King’s the perfect name, because he's clearly the one in charge!”
Hehe, oh I really like her. I hope we get to keep her!
The lady kept laughing and King heard Theo sigh.
“... I don't even care anymore, not after seeing that silly look on your face.”
Oh good it worked. Theo's not sad-mad anymore.
“I had no idea you really had a dog, Theo”
Guess even though you spend a lot of time with her you still aren't there yet are you?
“A painter I knew just up and left, leaving King behind. So I took him in. I keep him in the kennels by the horse barn.”
Theo lifted King up and nuzzled his fur.
I love your cuddles. I bet she gives awesome cuddles too.
“I never thought you'd get big, that's for sure. No, I didn't!”
Cut it out, you're gonna embarrass me in front of…wait a minute what’s her name? She has a name right? Look Theo, the way she's smiling at you! Now it's gone, why did she stop smiling like that?
“He just left? And you don't know where he went?”
She's sad for me?
“Struggling artists lead very rough lives under intense pressure. He probably fled at night because he couldn't pay rent.”
Don't tell her that you idiot, you'll just make her more sad! Don't be sad nice lady, I'm really happy here with Theo and everyone else! Well I could do without Arthur, he's always with Theo though and I guess he's a good friend but. I don't like how he always seems to smell like death. Did you know death has a smell?
“But to this little one, his owner was all he had. …And I know how painful it is to lose someone who was your whole world.”
King hung his head for a moment and let out the softest whine.
At the time maybe, but not anymore. Now you're my world Theo, I just wish you weren't so sad all the time.
The three of them stood in silence for a moment. Clearly the lady didn't know what to say to help Theo at the moment and King watched as the leaves blew in the breeze.
“I’m sure he likes his old owner better.”
What? No Theo! Why do you always have to think so-
“No, I'm sure King was so happy you found him and gave him a new home, Theo. Otherwise he wouldn't sneak out to greet you, right?”
That's right! Oh your hands are soo soft.
King closed his eyes for a minute but partially opened one up just in time to see a smile on Theo's face.
“I hope you're right.”
Don't worry she is.
“...Ah, I almost forgot.”
Aww why are you putting me down? Oh is that another bone?
King wagged his tail in anticipation of another treat but instead Theo pulled something out of his bag instead.
What's that, not food. Is it for the lady? You got her a treat too!
“... That's an awfully pretty magnifying glass for you, Theo. Did your other one break?”
….I can see why you wouldn't think it was a gift but-
“No, silly. This is yours.”
Uggh don't call her silly.
“What…? It's for me?”
Ok if you keep saying things like that you're not helping yourself.
“You're helping me with work for a month, right? You need the proper tools if you're going to be examining paintings so much.”
That's right, wait what? She’s helping you with work? And what do you mean for a month? What happens after a month Theo? Theo?
King tilted his head to the side and started to look nervously between the two.
“Hey, Theo. Why are you letting me help you with work?”
King looked at Theo.
“I already told you. So I can keep an eye on you.”
“Are you sure that's it?”
No, he's lying! I don't know why but go on, tell her the truth. See she can see your holding back in your eyes.
“...Yes, that's it.”
Uggh now who's the silly one. Look you made her upset now, why can't you just be honest?
King hung his head and let out a silent growl.
“But if you don't like it you can quit at any time."
No, no she can't! Don't say something so stupid, bad Theo!
“... What?”
“Everyone's been on my case saying I'm forcing you to come with me. What? Isn't that why you asked? Because you don't like it?”
No, that's not it!
“No, that's not it at all!”
See? Are you really that clueless as to what's happening here, or do you just not want to see it?
King sat and stared up at Theo and tilted his head ever so slightly in thought. Theo started to put the magnifying glass away but the lady grabbed his hand.
“Oh? So you do like it?”
She likes you.
“I never hated it, Theo. I mean I still don't know what I'm doing-”
Heh you're not the only one.
“But coming with you to look at paintings is, you know…fun.”
Theo, Theo do you see that! Do you hear how fast her heart's beating?
King stood up wagging his tail furiously but it stopped as soon as he heard Theo laugh.
“I was only joking, Hondje. Don't worry, I'll work you extra hard tomorrow, so don't be sad.”
“Who said I was sad?!”
That wasn't funny, if you mess this up Theo…
“Go on and take it. It's yours.”
“Thanks. I'll take good care of it.”
“What are you smirking for, hm?”
King continued to look between the two watching their changing expressions. He noticed the lady's cheeks turning progressively redder before she spoke again.
“I should really go help Sebastian with dinner.”
The lady bent down to King and he sat for her as she scratched him behind the ears with her dainty fingers causing his tail to wag furiously.
“It was nice to meet you King, I hope I get to see you again later.”
Yes please, I would love to see you again and get more scratches.
“You can visit King any time, Hondje. What kind of owner would I be if I didn't socialize you properly.”
No no no, very bad Theo!
“Very funny Theo.”
King saw the lady roll her eyes before she headed back to the mansion. Once the lady was out of sight completely he hung his head and whined. Theo sighed then reached down to stroke his head.
“So what did you think of Hondje boy?”
King started to wag his tail and pant.
I liked her a lot. She's so full of life and joy and warmth.
Theo was still looking in the direction the lady had left in, he seemed to be thinking about something.
“She looked so lost and frightened when she got here. I just want to help her, make her happy if I can.”
Theo…you can.
King looked up at Theo just as he cleared his throat.
“ There's something special about her you-whoa.”
King got up on his hind legs resting his paws on Theo's chest just as he had done earlier and looked right into Theo's eyes.
She really is Theo. She was so kind and warm and gentle, do you realize how fast your heart's beating? She's everything you need and she could bring you so much joy Theo if you only let her so please, please don't mess this up.
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dorizardthewizard · 4 months
Galactik Football season 3 rewatch, eps 22 - 24
Episode 22:
Yeah Thran, you SHOULDN'T be there! Why are you with the Pirates in the first place other than you knowing the plot needed you to help out there?
I'll always love how that memory wipe device is literally just the one from Men in Black
Honestly can't believe the Xenons haven't scored yet
Oop! Spoke too soon!
WHYYYYYYYY DID YOU LEAVE SHARKY'S CAMERA INTACT!!!! He was snapping with that thing all the time, I don't believe the Pirates would fuck up that badly. Even if Harris's cat hadn't found it, Hush Sharky could've just woken up, seen the pictures, assumed he'd had his memory wiped (in season 1 Aarch seemed to have the common knowledge that Pirates do that), or he'd had a fun night lol, and then published the photos anyway! He would've spun some made up story from them! WHY IS CAMERA
YESSSSSS MEI!!!!! epic goal
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fsdkjfsdkjdfs look at this
Yeah with Vega controlling the team Paradisia girls they do feel more like androids, even if they're not supposed to be. How much of this is control and how much is their own free will? Spooky
THRAN IS ON FIRE! YOUR DEFENCE IS TERRIFIED! 🎵 Ok I guess it would be their attackers, but he's going on the offence too because he's just that cool in this match
Holy shit 4-1? Man they nerfed the Xenons. They were running circles around the Snow Kids in the first half they should have scored more than one goal then
Aww another respectful handshake between D'jok and Luur
Nork: Artegor, what are your impressions of the match? Artegor: Excuse me, but I think I have to go join my friends!
Awwww Artegor has come so far since season 1
D'jok and Mei holding hands...... not sure how to feel about this........ I will reserve judgement for now
Thran being the one to fall asleep this time I love it
Sidney and Harvey reunion! Peace and love <3
Nothing like a bit of clubbing to celebrate a victory, would be a bit weird with your parents there though LOL
Sinedd's parents live so far out they've never heard of the GF stars? Sounds a bit hard to believe in this universe I mean, I don't really care about irl football but I still know who Messi is. Also Maya STILL hasn't spoken to D'jok LMAO
Why the fuck would Adim and Aarch being in a relationship mean the Snow Kids could get disqualified. Literally the only case I can think of where they could have accused Adim of favouritism is letting them form a team way back in season 1, what else could she have possibly done to help them win? Some guy on the news accuses them of cheating, but WHAT does cheating in Galactik Football even mean????
LIKE. Look I hear all sorts of accusations of corruption and rigging every world cup but usually people actually have something to point at – poor ref decisions, easy matchups, whatever! There was none of that for the Snow Kids, I know it's supposed to be ridiculous that this is going on, but idk it just doesn't feel that believable to me as this huge deal and not like, a bit of drama that will blow over once the next scoop comes out. Sure they might lose some fans but there's no real risk of them being disqualified because for that you need concrete proof of favouritism.
Clamp spitting fax!!! Exactly my thoughts
Callie is throwing SUCH shade at the Aarch Adim scoop hahaha
Mark is having his romeo balcony moment but much more emo. It's so dramatic but whenever this happens in shows I always end up thinking about how they can't have known each other that long to be so in love 😂
RIP Brim Simbra. Didn't even get a funeral eulogy
Side note Dame Simbai's flux society shades are swag
Episode 23:
Whyyyyyyyy does Aarch have to quit because of this?? This is all.... so sudden! We've got like 3 episodes left after this one and we're having Aarch quit? Right before the FINALS? And why would you not at least discuss this with Rocket first before springing the surprise that he's gonna be the coach now in front of everyone???
It's NOT the only solution Aarch this is so dumb 😭😭 It's not like they even went for an arc where he realises it's time to pass on the baton and settle down into a new life of whatever, it had to be with the drama
I do like that it didn't end in Adim quitting her position though
And now they're throwing in like two lines about Aarch being happy about his decision and moving on, but there was no build up or arc about him needing to quit coaching!
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Work it, Magnus. Of course Artie and Bennett can't stop themselves from cracking up hahaha
Clamp getting the recognition he deserves <3 Sorry Aarchtegor fans, he was not included in this goodbye speech. We can't have it all
Ooooo Tia's dad mentions he's the ambassador of the Obia moon, not specifically Akillian. Was Obia mentioned specifically prior to this season I can't remember
Geez Sinedd is the spitting image of his father
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Hey check it out, this is almost a looping gif! This is not sped up, the animation really is this goofy 😂
Sooo this flashback thing Maya communicates to Sinedd's mother through mind-meld confirms D'jok and Sinedd used to be friends, which is something we'd been wondering about for a while. It would make sense why Sinedd is so hung up on their rivalry.
I headcanon that he got jealous of D'jok's life (having a parent, being really good at football etc.), feeling worse about himself, especially with him never getting an adoptive family. Maybe he even was the first to start playing football, but felt like D'jok was surpassing him and this was another thing taken from him. So he starts putting down Micro-Ice so he can feel superior and challenging D'jok, who eventually ditches him. It's an interesting dynamic, would have been cool to see some full flashback scenes about this.
Yay more Elektras water skating!
Awww rip Elektras :( Their friendship and support of Yuki is so cute I love them
Bwuh???! Where on Akillian did Rocket get the idea to recruit Sinedd back??? Like sure the audience knows he has the potential to develop into a nicer person and actually work in a team with the Snow Kids, but Rocket doesn't! Like, in my head I'm imagining they had interesting interactions in season 2 during the whole Netherball thing, but we were never shown enough of that on screen for this to make sense.
Like. With Aarch gone Rocket seems to think they need a change? HOW DOES THIS SOMEHOW CONNECT TO GETTING SINEDD TO COME BACK??? And so close to the final? Changing things around like that last minute is crazy. I just... SINEDD COMING BACK TO THE SNOW KIDS AFTER THREE SEASONS SHOULD BE A BIG DEAL WHY IS IT SO RUSHED 😭😭😭 I mean I know why it's rushed, the showrunners knew they probably wouldn't get renewed so tried to tell as much of the story as possible, that's just how it is unfortunately
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BWAHAHAHA why is Sonny just hiding directly behind Magnus during this call instead of... anywhere away from the camera ahahahaha that's so stupid Sonny there is NO NEED stop being so dramatic
Rocket (to Sinedd): We need you to beat team Paradisa, you can make the difference!
Again, WHAT DIFFERENCE? Why is he so sure they need an extra player all of a sudden, are team Paradisia THAT good? The Snow Kids have been training hard with this lineup and they're two-time champions. Sinedd is a great player sure but... WHY.
On the other hand Rocket is the first guy on the show to be like: hm... maybe we SHOULD have at least one substitute for our team huh?
Rocket: Deep down, you're a Snow Kid too. Rocket: You come from Akillian, and you've mastered the Breath
UHHH, HAS HE? I'm pretty sure he left before he even got to use the Breath, actually
Sinedd is so quick to consider this offer FSDJKDFSKJDFS THIS IS DONE SO BAD I'M SORRY 😭😭 Like the concept is fine, I really like that it's Rocket calling him back (as someone who also needed his team to bring him back once) but it's just... the pacing is so bad and Sinedd's development was so all over the place that it just doesn't seem believable that he would take up this offer right now, especially with D'jok on the team
Episode 24:
Callie I know it's for your “a day with the Snow Kids” report but maybe at least knock first?
Neither Mei nor Tia are morning people lol
Oh of course Mark has a cup of tea for breakfast XD Or maybe it's coffee, idk.
The way Rocket bats the camera away 😂 Isn't it weird to do this report right before the final, and broadcast it live? Aren't training sessions supposed to be more secretive at this time?
Aw Sinedd's sister is cute
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Micro-Ice: Yeah well, Tia is by far our best captain in ages, because D'jok- D'jok: Oh, yeah?
Besties! <3 No I still haven't forgiven how quickly D'jok was accepted back into the team <3 Also yeah D'jok wasn't a great captain <3
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Callie why are you sitting like that. Rocket get her a chair
Oh wait there is a chair
Aww Lun-Zia's little high-five with Luur. Fun training session!
Wow we really sped through Sinedd meeting his real family huh 😭 And just like that, he's back with the Snow Kids because his little sister wants to see him play. Let me guess, Rocket didn't discuss this with the others first?
This is making me want more sports with the flux. Just imagine, galactik volleyball! I have a whole AU in my head and I will draw it one day I swear ToT
If Sinedd isn't a hologram, then why does he spawn into the holo-trainer like that? They've done that animation a couple of times in this season and it doesn't make sense considering how we've seen the holo-trainer work before. It's not them teleporting in, the holo-trainer manifests itself around them and... wait, how DOES the holo-trainer work? My brain hurts just thinking about it
Oooooh Rocket didn't discuss this with anyone and just gets Sinedd to join in the middle of a practice what a surpriiiiiise, there is no way this could go badly whatsoever /s
D'jok accepts that Sinedd is back way too quickly, I get that he messed up too but he immediately switches to “ok you're on the team, but remember you're a substitute, bitch <3” (Mark: Well thanks)
I'm still sad we don't get a scene of Sinedd leaving the Shadows, I mean the guy played with them for yeeeears they must have had SOME sort of connection. He calls them family earlier!
I like this sequence where Sinedd's flux keeps switching between the Breath and the Smog. I imagine that with the Smog being so powerful, and it lending itself to Sinedd's emotions more, it's gonna be hard to give it up.
Bennett is once again trying to find the location of a bomb hahaha
I was about to comment on how cute it is that Aarch can finally spend more time with Norata but JUST as Aarch starts relaxing, Clamp tells him there's a multi-flux bomb on Akillian LOL. Guy can't catch a break, he really didn't sign up for all this shit
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its-tickety-boo · 1 year
My personal opinion of TSATS that no one asked for-
I personally loved Nico and Will’s relationship throughout the story, it felt realistic considering their situation and their miscommunication seemed accurate as no relationship is going to be constantly perfect, though I do wish their conversations were a bit longer
I love Will but I feel like this book left a lot of things unanswered about him, like they wanted to follow up on a promise of development for him but weren’t exactly sure how to follow through, especially with a book so focused on Nico. If this story had lasted even 2 books instead of 1, there would have been more development possible
The first half of the book, I loved. The trogs, Menoetes, Gorgyra, all of it felt the closest to books with Nico and Will I’d read in the past. Once they got to Tartarus was around when I started noticing this weird feeling, like something wasn’t right. It wasn’t super in your face or anything, but there was more that caught me off guard
I say this in the most love filled way possible, but parts of the book felt like a tumblr post
I honestly don’t really get the whole ‘Nico’s out of character’ thing I see people saying. His change feels natural, a part of his healing as he learns to accept joy into his life and focus on being a teenager. If anything, the dumb references seemed exactly like him, just a side we haven’t gotten to see in a while
If anything, Will seemed the most out of character, which makes sense. He’s someone whose POV we haven’t seen before, stuck in a place which is bringing out parts of him that don’t usually show on a surface level. The Will that so many people had in their head before this book was seen through other eyes, and now people are acting disappointed that he’s not who they thought he was when we weren’t given enough information to form a fair original impression of him
The one thing that kind of grated on me in this book was, unfortunately, the gay stuff. Nico and Will’s relationship felt so natural in the past, it felt almost more supportive to have it treated so plainly, a simple fact that Nico and Will were dating, and that was that. And don’t get me wrong, I was all for more representation, and things like Piper’s partner being mentioned or just simply Nico and Will being together was incredible. But now it just seemed to be all over the place, and again, often when it was mentioned it felt like a tumblr post
Wtf was up with Hazel and Reyna?? You know?? His two living sister figures?? I appreciate that we finally got some closure on Bianca, but to see Nico barely mention the other two kind of bugged me
The trogs should get a mini book. I said what I said
Idk bout y’all but Bob calling solangelo his sun and his star was some of the cutest shit-
Wtf was Nico’s coming out though like it still felt like it wasn’t fully his decision, after Cupid it seemed a little weird not letting his coming out be a private moment with the people he trusted most
Kinda confused how Nico survived his first fall to Tartarus when he didn’t have shit to protect himself? And yet with Will they had to make a half pipe to survive. How did Nico not just become a pancake on impact?? <- genuine question, anyone got ideas??
I think part of what made this book just slightly off for me was the lack of other characters. Even when it was just Percy and Annabeth in Tartarus, there were more familiar monsters, new friends, and there were other characters chapters in between theirs. I think that was why the Underworld part of the book resonated with me more than the Tartarus part, there were more characters to help the book move more smoothly
Also, they were fighting against Nyx, who is literally night. I know maybe my expectations were too high, but I was kind of hoping for more of a clash between night and the child of the sun
Overall, I liked this book a lot and it helped me reconnect with a part of myself I hadn’t explored in a while, but there’s a lingering ache of disappointment that I didn’t love it. Whether it needed more books to come to its full potential, or I raised my expectations too high, I don’t know. I’m still happy to own the book, to have read the book, and maybe the remaining melancholy is just a feeling of having to let go of characters, but I’d say this book did at least give some closure to all the sadness Nico has been through. The book did market itself as a ‘Nico Di Angelo Adventure’ so it makes sense he got the most insight
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feuqueerfire · 6 months
July - November 2023 Movies/Shows Wrap-Up
A little monthly (spoilery!) wrap-up of all the shows, movies, and shorts I’ve watched or am watching in July, August, September, October, November 2023, general thoughts, and ranking of them all.
Recommendation of the month(s): Stay With Me or Our Dating Sim
Enigma = Stay With Me = Our Dating Sim
Love Tractor 
Be My Favorite
Sing My Crush
Skimmed: Addicted Heroin
Average Rating: 5.9/10
MDL Updates - Added to Watchlist:
A section because I’m curious about how many shows I decide to add to my Watch List a month and also the ratio of watching them:adding them.
Love Tractor
La Pluie - tentatively adding this. Apparently it's really great until ep 7 and then there are some good scenes between eps 8 - 10 but it's mostly just frustration
Stay With Me
Oh No! Here Comes Trouble - wanted something thriller that had a bromance/BL but romance wasn’t at the forefront and was recced this
Merry Queer - I probably removed it a couple months ago cuz it seemed like I’d never watch it but I saw a few tiktoks again that reminded me that I do want to
Sing My Crush - just found out about its existence (apparently it came out all together on Aug 2) and saw ppl say this was another good kBL this year, hopefully it’ll be good
Laws of Attraction
Love Class Season 2
Only Friends
Midnight Runners 
A Breeze of Love
To Watch List At Start Of Month: 49
To Watch List At End Of Month: 49 (idk how... should be like 53 or smth)
Removed from To Watch List:
Removing these on June 30 because now that I’m getting into kpop as well, my interest in watching dramas isn’t as high and I know I’m probably not gonna get to these. 
Unintentional Love Story (2023) - probably wouldn't end up watching it
Gameboys (2020) - I keep putting off watching it, so I likely won't
Kingdom (2019) - I was on the fence about adding it in the first place and now I don't think I'll watch it
D.P. (2021) - don’t think I’ll watch it
La Pluie - lol already removing it
I got into zerobaseone and it took over all my free time, so I barely watched any shows this month.
I randomly skim-watched Addicted Heroin eps 10 - 15 on July 15 and yeah, it's deranged lol but I do kinda get why it took over people's minds, esp when there wasn't as much live-action BL. Also, foot kiss ep 13 at 14 minutes in and the guy asking "what if it hurts?" "well then I can bottom, idc" but him lying down again despite the offer anyway are uhh very good. There's a Chinese bromance remake, right? Maybe I'll watch that if it gets good reception.
July 29: Watched the My School President: Super Special Episode. It was cute, Gun and Tinn are cute as expected, even if nothing revolutionary.
July 30: Rewatched Malec scenes because I suddenly wanted to and missed them.
I didn't watch much this month, so I'll combine August with this as well.
A bunch of shows I wanted to watch are ending, like Enigmal, Stay With ME, and Be My Favourite, and there's some shows that I've been wanting to watch like Love Tractor and Boys Planet. Since my internship and summer semester is ending soon + ZB1 YITS promotions are over, hopefully I can watch some of these.
Completely Watched
Love Tractor 
Country: South Korea
Release Dates: Jun 7, 2023 - Jun 21, 2023
Watch Via: iQiyi (paid, so :>)
Watch Dates: Aug 4 - 5, 2023
Rating: 6/10
Overall Impression: Ah, the dynamic is so delicious. Older, colder, richer, more jaded Seoul city man and younger, cheery, puppy-like new adult. Also, ummm I liked how much Yul scolded Yechan, ah + that one time Yechan apologized by kneeling. Yechan is cute, esp his antics after the sexy dream he had about Yul, but I do think he's a bit too childish sometimes, so that's meh. Overall enjoyable but I didn't super connect with the story or the characters and likely won't be thinking about them again.
Country: Thailand
Release Dates: Aug 4 - 5, 2023
Watch Via: GMMTV Youtube
Watch Dates: Aug 7 - 8, 2023
Rating: 6.5/10
Overall Impression: I wish the wrap-up/ending was done better/explained a bit more like what was that Ajin possession thing? No Ajin past? Why did we redeem mother so easily? Who was the blurry girl in ep 1 (maybe Yiwha?)? I wish the horror aspect continued on cuz I think it was strongest in the first episode but not much after that. It's had me hetshipping and lesbian shipping (Fa/Namsine were literally soooo) and that's a good mark. Good after credits scene to pique interest for a larger story, hope we get a good follow up next year.
tags: enigma
Live Blogging: Enigma Live Blogging
Stay With Me
Country: China
Release Dates: Jul 7, 2023 - Aug 12, 2023
Watch Via: Viki (paid, so :>)
Watch Dates: Aug 11 - 14, 2023
Rating: 6.5/10
Overall Impression:  Well, this is really as close as BL you can get without saying out loud that they are dating but there are innuendos galore and it's pretty clear (there was lube on their bed, like...). The family aspect was the best, I love that we got to see Su Yu's situation so much and his blended family and the way they were always there together. You can understand why Wu Bi prefers the warmth of their home over the coldness of his, though we got to see progress on that end too. Duoduo sooo cute, little munchkin. The ending is... an ending, that's for sure. Hope we get a season 2 next year but who knows.
tags: stay with me
Live Blogging: Stay With Me Live Blogging
No more BL this month, it’s Boys Planet time! Well, an exam first, then boys planet!
Boys Planet (Aug 19 - 30): I’m not logging/tracking this on MDL bc it’s a survival show, not a drama but whew, I don’t know how people manage to watch survival shows, especially live. Also not rating it because idk how I even would.
Many weeks of not watching a new drama, though I started and stopped watching a few 10-20 minutes in
GMMTV 2024 Part 1 Showcase (October 17 - 18)
This makes me want to actually watch something, even if it’s a short kBL or kGL
Completely Watched
Our Dating Sim
Country: South Korea
Release Dates: Mar 9, 2023 - Mar 30, 2023
Watch Via: Viki (free)
Watch Dates: Oct 19 - 20, 2023
Rating: 6.5/10
Overall Impression: The pacing of this was so good, they managed to give everything needed and timed it well within 2 hours. Well written, well acted, well planned, well shot, nice. I liked and understood the main characters and even the side characters had distinct personalities despite not being fully fledged. I loved how Gi Tae and Wan were so playful with each other, whether it be with the teasing they did and playing hard to get but also the easy affection they often had whether it be kisses, pecks, tickles, hugs, hand holding, just regular romantic touching - a good balance between being strangely chaste and very raunchy. Was cute and I’m glad this is the show that I watched after not watching anything for a while but I won't think about them again, probably. 
tags: our dating sim
Live Blogging: Our Dating Sim Live Blogging
Sing My Crush
Country: South Korea
Release Dates: Aug 2, 2023
Watch Via: iQiyi (paid, so :>)
Watch Dates: Nov 18, 2023
Rating: 4.5/10
Overall Impression: It was... fine I guess, the plagiarism subplot had me invested because it was so frustrating (as it was meant to be) but I really didn’t care about the main couple. Their relationship and interactions did nothing for me. Also I’m shallow so either they needed to have more chemistry or needed to be more attractive to my tastes for me to enjoy watching it rip. I literally skimmed so much of Ep 4 - 7, especially skipped over the main couple interactions and watched to see the plagiarism issue get resolved.
Be My Favorite
Country: Thailand
Release Dates: May 26, 2023 - Aug 11, 2023
Watch Via: Youtube (free)
Watch Dates: Nov 23 - 30, 2023
Rating: 5.5/10
Overall Impression: It is such a tragedy that despite looking forward to this show for so long and enjoying some aspects and moments, ultimately, it fell flat for me. I feel like a lot of this show was objectively done well like the character arcs and acting and stuff but I'm not attached to any of it. The romance didn't make me feel giddy even though I really wish it had like it's strange that I didn't care at all about all those cute moments Kawi and Pisaeng had or the established relationship montages when usually they're some of my favourite aspects of a BL. agh whatever ig at least the show didn't treat Pear terribly.
tags: be my favorite
Live Blogging: Be My Favorite Live Blogging
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afanofmanyhats · 11 months
Vakama and Nuju for the send me a character thing
First Impressions: It's been a while, but I remember watching the Legends of Metru Nui as a four-year-old and my general takeaway at the time was that Nuju and Vakama complained a lot but did cool stuff at the end. I didn't have the highest opinion of the Toa Metru for a while because of that. Impressions Now: Vakama is great. I straight up disliked him for a bit, but y'all have rehabilitated my opinion of him, and now I appreciate him for being one of the most interesting and developed characters in the story (even if he still isn't my favorite). Nuju is still hard for me to get a bead on, but I at least appreciate that other people find him engaging. Maybe it's the Whenua stan in me that just refuses to like him. Favorite Moments: For Vakama it was during Tales of the Masks, when he solos the Rahi Nui. That was my first impression of just how smart and scary Vakama could be, and it's stuck with me. Nuju... I need to read the books again, because I know it was during his time as a Toa, but I don't remember the specifics. I think when they were confronting Mavrah? Idea for a story: I think an extrapolation of how Vakama got the commission to add a scope to Nuju's Matatu would be fun. At the surface level, the story would be very basic, with the two of them just conducting business- not even meeting in person, necessarily- but as Vakama modifies the mask he gets impressions of how important this Matutu will be in the future, and as Nuju conducts his research with a placeholder mask, he looks through his regular telescope and sees unexpected star patterns click into place. Just a lot of foreshadowing that could expand on their relationship to each other and to seeing the future. Unpopular Opinion: Well, that would have been my dislike for Vakama, but now I'm not sure I have any strong opinions about either of them that are really noteworthy? Idk, my approach to this fandom is to just soak up everything and have fun with it, I'm not here to cause drama or die on hills much. Favorite Relationship: For both of them, it's with Matoran from their tribes. Vakama has a lot of great dynamics in place, but one I wish had gotten a little more emphasis is his relationship with Kapura. I can see him watching this odd little fellow over the years, someone who's a bit slow but is still quite smart and capable, and Vakama, who peers into the flames for secrets all the time, sees what Kapura is capable of. I especially want to know more of that in contrast to his relationship with Takua, which seems to be more exasperation tempered with curiosity. As for Nuju, well, what more can be said about his relationship with Matoro? I love their mentor/mentee relationship, how there's so much trust and respect between the two of them. Favorite headcanon: Vakama being one of the only beings in existence horny enough for Roodaka to have seduced is pretty funny. I can see Nuju getting incredibly frustrated on Spherus Magna when he tries to talk to the birds and they have an entirely different language that he's going to have to learn completely from scratch with Kualus' help.
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bluelockednyx · 2 years
thoughts on lunasae? u have them listed in your pairings, i was wondering if u could elaborate on them more specifically. i'm still conflicted on the pair myself. sometimes, i think it'd be a cute and funny ship that id love to see more content for. other times, it feels like it'd be wayy too draining to put anyone in a relationship with luna (probably just my own personal biases speaking though. it's tiring to deal with people who are so… backhanded. but i feel sae would probably handle his personality better since he doesnt really seem to take shit passively). i can see them as a couple… but like, one that's gonna break up in the future? or just a relationship where they just have the occasional hookup or sumn? idk, thats why im so interested on what u may have to say abt it. im also curious as to why u may like it over something like shidousae
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An ask for my other shipping log in Blue Lock!!!!
As always, a ton of rambling, so it's behind the read more.
On Shidou / Sae: they're on the lower end of my ship interest ranking, simply because there’s nothing in their interactions that particularly compel me towards them (those superbly gay lines to each other aside), and there’s not much of Shidou’s character design that interest me. My initial impression of him was some sort of spoof on the gyaruo subculture, and it really hasn’t changed much, hypersexualisation included. If there’s more stuff between them, or more development of either of them in the future I might get more invested, but for now I think that Lunasae could have a far more interesting dynamic and narrative, even if the authors don’t take it to where I think they could.
I get why you say that Luna is possibly tiring to deal with in a relationship. The way he talked to Rin? Not everyone can accept that kind of sarcasm and way of talking. But there’s quite a bit more to his character, even in his very, very brief appearance in the manga. It could really just be me overthinking things as usual, but I don’t think so. There’s some subtlety both in his character design and depiction that suggests that he is a character that has been given a fair bit of thought by the authors, so I’m running off of that. This is gonna be a little all over the place, so bear with me.
As a very, very minor character, there’s not much screen time for Luna, but there’s a ton of stuff we can extrapolate from his very brief appearance.
His interactions with Rin in the vs World 5 miniarc is really fun from a writing perspective. On the surface and in a quick skim through, the impression that he gives off is that he’s sarcastic and rude, but his actions with Rin in the mini arc tell a different story. He first deescalated Rin’s provocations (to Rin’s benefit, might I add) and neatly keeps Dada, Pablo and Adam from Rin after that by turning Rin’s attention, and Rin’s ire, onto himself. And how does he do it? By talking about Sae, praising Sae, even, to Rin’s face and saying he’s looking forward to see how Rin does.
During the match he gives Rin valid criticism and points out his weaknesses, and towards the end after Isagi and co. have given up on winning the match, while Rin is still trying to win, he even goes so far as to say he’ll face Rin sincerely. After he scores the last goal, he immediately reassures them as well, reminding them that this is an evaluation, and that they were never expected to win. He even tells them (foreshadows?) to meet in an official match next time. All in all, I think Luna has a sharp tongue on the surface, but he’s also pretty subtly caring with a certain level of emotional maturity and astuteness at handling conflict. Also seems to be a bit offbeat, judging by how Loki had to point out that he was being rude for him to apparently notice it.
I’m gonna dive a little more into meta about character design, since there really is so little we have about him in the story right now.
I’m going to start off with his name: Leonardo Luna. Luna was the part that really jumped out at me first, because one of the most common uses of Sae’s given name, the Japanese kanji, is to describe nights and shine, e.g. 冴えた夜、冴え輝く, both of which well, can be easily linked to the moon, thus Luna. The moon shines brightest in a clear night, after all. :D
For Leonardo, the meaning is lion-heart, and there’s a ton of positive connotations with the name of course, mostly to do with bravery, but I also like the implied meaning of a lion at the head of its pride, caring for the cubs and its pride members etc.
Then Leonardo’s nickname: the Noble of Real Madrid. Probably something in there about how he’s probably noble-hearted, tying into his given name, but there could also be something about Leonardo being a Madrileño and perhaps a legacy player of sorts, with older family who had made names for themselves in the sport too.
I’ve said before that I like them as an asshole x asshole ship, though in all fairness that’s pretty much all of the Blue Lock characters and ships. Just thinking of the both of them being judgy assholes together is hilarious to me, along the veins of Sae outright insulting someone to their face and meaning it, then Luna at first seeming to come to the other person’s face, then delivers another backhand insult way worse than Sae’s without intending to be rude is a comedy bit for me.
From what little we’ve seen of Luna, he seems to be a little fond of teasing people. Maybe a bit fond of leading people around the nose, with the way he played against Rin that time. I think that Sae is okay with that. Sae doesn’t give Shidou a hard time for any of it in the U20 match, even going along with it, somewhat. The only time he got pissed was when Shidou leapt onto his back without permission after Shidou got his second goal. When Oliver outmaneuvered him, Sae too, went along with it and continued playing in the match.
I think they both appreciate the hard truth, and have a pretty level-headed view of things overall (arguably you can’t get far in competitive sports without being able to do that, but y’know). Leonardo certainly doesn’t hesitate to say that he believes a Spanish guy could win in sumo more easily than Japan could win the World Cup in football, and its the same poor opinion that Sae himself has about Japanese football. They’re both also pretty decent at guiding/giving advice to others – I’d even say that Leonardo and Sae had some parallels to each other when they were with Rin and Shidou in the World 5 miniarc + U20 arc respectively, talking about Rin and Shidou’s weaknesses and how they needed to get better.
They’re both also more subtle with how they care for people, and we can see it in how they treat Rin. I just talked about how Luna looked out for Rin in the World 5 miniarc, but Sae is similar too. I’ve talked about how Sae treated Rin badly, but he’s still mostly a good brother to Rin: he didn’t scold Rin when Rin interrupted his match when they were children, he played and pushed Rin to be better with him, before he went to Madrid he was worried about how Rin would do without him since it’s implied Rin has never played without him up till that point. He would have ditched the U20 match after seeing Rin score, even saying that he has ‘seen what he wanted to see’, which strongly implies he just wanted to see Rin doing well with the Blue Lock project. He also thinks very highly of Rin’s capabilities, and his word choice shows as much when he talks about Isagi to Rin at the end of the U20 match (RIP Rin for not understanding the subtlety and having better insight to Sae’s thoughts).
Luna mentioned Sae specifically to Rin. It could be simply a minor detail more to distract Rin than anything, but I’m inclined to think that Luna has watched, or maybe trained a bit with Sae before despite the age gap. It’s not unlikely, since Sae is one of the best young talents around within Real’s Youth system. Clubs try to train up their own people irl and move them up if they have potential. There’s probably some level of regard he has for Sae there. On a more speculative note: I wonder if the authors are implying that Luna took the part-time job with Blue Lock because he was interested in Sae’s interest. Sae cancelled his return flight to Spain just to observe the Blue Lock project. It would have made some buzz in Real, especially if Sae is a core figure of Real’s youth team and that well-regarded, which I believe he is.
Also, Luna’s a world-class player, I can’t imagine Sae considering his butt as unattractive lmao.
Beyond that, I think Luna could be a fantastic foil to Sae, if the authors take it that way. Given the name etymology I discussed above, it would be amazing to have their stories paralleling each others: Leonardo, as a true blue Madrileño, growing up and achieving international success in his hometown and home team, vs the struggles that Sae had to go through while living out the basic immigrant story: of searching for greener pastures overseas to fulfill his dream, the hardships from living in a very different culture etc. Potentially quite a bit of drama, such as microaggressions, racism + bullying, the need to work twice as hard to prove himself to get at the same starting point others already are, the child exploitation that exists behind the whole sports youth system; basically a side commentary of a ton of social issues, which, again, I kind of doubt they’ll dive deeply into. It’s a bit too heavy, I think, for your average shonen sports manga, but who knows.
Then there’s the whole bit of the career paths both have chosen and are succeeding in: Luna as a world-class forward, and Sae as a genius midfielder part of the current generation's world-level players. There’s a fair amount of conflict and, well, story that could be in there too. We have nothing yet about the full reasoning behind Sae’s decision to change his dream, so *shrug* imagination, here I come.
Also I wonder why all the forwards Sae's been shown to play with, besides Rin, are blonde. Hmm?? Hinting at something, Kaneshiro-sensei??? Does Sae have A Type beyond the butts???
On the shippier side, I do believe they can have a pretty easygoing dynamic going on between them. A lot of easy banter, not quite like Shidou and Sae's conversations in the U20, but similar. They both definitely like the high life too, and I wouldn't put it past them to be the type who'd have super expensive dates and have them on a whim too, like, idk, a spur-of-the-moment trip to Paris or something.
And there's the typical drama involved with an age-gap relationship, plus the side dishes of navigating an interracial relationship, and a queer one, in a pretty homophobic environment overall. Especially when you remember that Sae himself is a perfectionist. It's an excellent bedrock for all sorts of character and ship dynamic explorations. All fun stuff to explore and think about.
TLDR; I like their individual aesthetics. I like what we’ve seen of their individual personalities. I like the potential they could have, both their commonalities and their differences. There’s a lot of story that could be there between them, and I have a ton of fun imagining dumb shippy and not-so-shippy stuff between them. So that’s why I ship Lunasae.
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louwhose · 2 years
Wind of the Desolate
This was my BOTW2 speculation fic that I spent too much effort on to let it die. But in an effort not to clog up everything with a long post, I'll put it all under the cut. Warning: this is basically just a rant.
So we're going to start this story back in March. I had just finished playing Breath of the Wild, and wasn't... really in the fandom too much yet, but rather just enough to know that there was a sequel coming out. So I went and looked up the trailers, and of course went crazy over them, quite naturally.
At some point in April, after the delay announcement, I somehow started thinking about BOTW 2 incredibly too much, and theorizing and everything, and decided to just do a speculation fic.
So the first thing I did was comb through the trailers, getting as many relevant screenshots as I could, literally going frame-by-frame in places. I literally have over 100 screenshots from that. And then I printed some out and went and made a conspiracy board before plotting.
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...and it was more or less at this point that I started getting ridiculously inconsistent about working on it but I did work on it some? It was July/August that I really started working on plotting it in any consistency again
And I did finish the plotting it out bit. It was a lot of struggling but I did sometime in August. And somebody remind me never to extensively plot like that again because as soon as I finished I had basically no motivation left to actually write it on top of feeling pretty lackluster about some of the later parts on account of finding it extremely difficult to try to world build at all in a fanfic.
And so here's where I'll say that in some ways I'm sad that the Tears of the Kingdom trailer totally ruined my plans for this, in some ways it's a relief. And so here's an abbreviated version of the story based on my outline with an emphasis on I CANNOT WORLDBUILD NON-AU FANFICS
First we'll start with the Prologue that I actually posted (you can read it either on tumblr or AO3) because it kinda works on its own. I was trying to go for something like the irony of them being glad and thinking that their adventure is over and they will never have to face Ganon again... only to have the rest of the story start and ultimately find that to not be true.
And so we get to the first chapter that I actually started writing and has a few things I enjoy but is ultimately... not nearly there. And also a good portion of why I was losing motivation, because I was having trouble convincing Link and Zelda to explore the cavern or whatever deeply enough to get to Ganondorf and therefore the story.
And now that I've got the entirety of ranting out of me, I'll basically just give a rundown of my favorite things about the story because I already tried just slowly doing each bit summarized and it was NOT working for me:
After Zelda falls away, Link stupidly tries to fight Dehydrated Ganondorf and like,,, ends up getting his arm and the sword consumed by malice... so they're both actually in really impressive condition considering that.
Zelda is down in deep underground caverns where she gets an axolotl friend. Once I had the idea I tried doing research to confirm that they lived underground but I guess they don't, but I decided to disregard that fact and do it anyhow.
Link just being so dramatic and angsty in this. It probably actually more about me than about him.
Zelda has the Sheikah Slate, but it's too far underground and away from any signal to actually teleport out of there, and it's uncharted underground caverns so of course there's no maps. But she ultimately figures out a way to like,,, program it and stuff so that she can create a new map or whatever and slowly works on getting out. That sounded really dumb but it seems cooler in my head, I swear. I'm just bad at explaining things.
Link meets giant... weird robot lizard thing in the sky? idk how to say it, but he fren :)
Link goes to see the Gerudo to see if he can find out more about Ganondorf. Right before this, Zelda is chilling and looking through all of Link's clothes on the Sheikah Slate and sees the Gerudo outfit and is like, "hope he doesn't need this." Cut to Link needing it. And then going around to the back of the town to pester Riju until she gets him some new outfit so that they can talk.
That climax in the middle where Link, Zelda, and Ganondorf were all at Hyrule Castle and there was a boss fight and Zelda and Link got to be happy together for a little bit until Ganondorf somehow made the castle go into the sky
Mopey Link and Zelda that are apart once again.
Zelda going, okay, well I'm stuck in the castle again, might as well do some... espionage
And okay basically that summarizes what I'm happy with in the last half of the fic until the ending
Zelink marriage (naturally)
Also Link letting the arm go because in this story it was the Previous Hero from 10,000 years ago that held back Ganondorf for that long and it was like, He deserves a rest, too.
Anyhow that is a gross simplification of what it was but I needed to post something to get it out. If you read this far... good for you, I guess? You know about a fic that will never be written.
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inkofamethyst · 1 year
February 10, 2023
First, the update on my Choice B was not at all what I was expecting it to be.  Not gonna say what it was necessarily bc it’s a lil gossipy uhm and also it’s not influencing the decision I made about that school a week ago.
Second, got the official acceptance from my Choice A (bottom choice/“safety”) which means I can officially reject their offer but like,,,,, that makes me feel kinda mean.  I don’t know for sure where I’m going but I know it ain’t gon be there.  Part of me wants to reject them right away, rip the band-aid off, so to speak, but idk another part of me wants to also write a lil note to the potential advisor being like “hey I appreciate your time and consideration but... idk but after assessing this offer it’s not for me” or something.  Something a little less impersonal than a rejection of their acceptance (which they may already see coming.. idk).
Third, the good news (kinda).  Had that chat with the potential advisor at my Choice E (that crazy good school that literally checks almost all of my boxes, more than any other program (but bc it’s so good I figured it was kind of a long shot for multiple reasons (as a result my parents and I decided early on that we would not tell my grandparents that I was even applying because it’s the only name they’d recognize instantly and they’d never let me live it down.  To my grandparents, I applied to six schools, not seven, and they will only learn of the seventh (Choice E) if I’m accepted and choose to go lol))) and... I mean he starts off the meeting by telling me that I’m his top candidate and that he really wants me to come work with him, and while acceptances have not yet been finalized, he’s fightin for me.  For me.  He said he’d read over my app multiple times (for all of January I felt like there were so many ways I could’ve improved it ha) and besides being impressed by the accomplishments (which to me seemed maybe only just slightly above average? an REU, a national conference poster, a few scattered research experiences, but no real publications, no research with matching methods, no senior thesis, no awards (partly bc I’ve gone all my life being nominated for awards without me doing anything, but at my giant school you have to nominate yourself for any and everything and ain’t nobody got time for that)), he said he really connected with my story.  And then he just sort of talks for an hour in a clear effort to both sell the program to me but also to show how proud he is of it and why he thinks it would be a good fit for me and my guy probably could’ve gone on for another half hour but I had another meeting immediately after and then he sent me a followup email asking if I’d be down to keep chatting.  And of course I say yes bc why not.  I feel desired by one of the top institutions in the world and the guy who I would be working with seems so down-to-earth and humble despite his position and wants to work and learn with me.  Forget about my Choice B, Choice E is The Place to Be.
And I know.  I am so thankful to be in a position where I already have multiple good offers in case this one doesn’t work out.  I know even making it to the final round is a huge accomplishment.  I know that there’s a possibility I may not get past this stage for reasons outside of my control.  I understand all of that and have tried to minimize my emotional investment, just in case.  But after today?  I definitely do feel even just a little bit more invested.  I’m so close.  This is not what I expected from that meeting at all.  Neither of today’s meetings went as expected.
Today I’m thankful for academic validation lol.  I’m thankful that I got to hang out with my photo-friend this evening.  Thankful for the really good comedy show we got to see tonight.  Literally the best comedy I’ve seen at this school since freshman year (maybe my photo-friend is a good luck charm for good comedy, because freshman year was the last time we went to see a comedy show together and I haven’t been satisfied by a comedy show since).  Thankful for women of color who look out for each other.
[edit, next morning: oh and apparently the guy who I had the weird interview with last week wrote a “glowing review” about our chat, so uh there’s that]
[edit 2, next evening: apparently I was supposed to have two interviews from Choice E, and the second person emailed me on a literal saturday morning but it’s not like I do anything particularly special on saturdays so I met with her a few hours after and it went well!  better than the other one lol (I think I just got antisocial academic vibes from that guy).  learned quite a bit about the program, so if I get in I feel like I’d just need to reach out to grad students to get the full picture.  Also btw I’m still runnin on a bit of a high from yesterday’s revelations :D  The urge to do a conciliatory Depop spree has subsided and in its place has quickly risen the urge to do a congratulatory Depop spree (which, tbh, getting a bunch of offers in a week deserves a bit more celebratory hoopla, I think.)]
[edit 3, an hour or so after edit 2: (at this point I should’ve just made a whole nother post for 2/11 but eh) I don’t really consider myself a person who thirsts after celebrities, I don’t watch fancams, uh, but The dvcree Pedro Pascal Edit is really well done and I kinda do love how it’s invaded my side of tiktok.  Haven’t seen The Mandalorian (not a Star Wars person), haven’t yet started The Last of Us (will in a few weeks I think), but I have seen Kingsmen 2 (and 1) and it was enjoyable (1 was really good).  k I’m done with this post I promise (also these “edits” fully could’ve been reblogs, but)]
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voltrixz · 2 years
Then do Auditor
Show us your thoughts
Ty for this wonderful opportunity
However,Woopsies this one took a while, had to condense my thoughts here and there because I don’t wanna share everything just yet (I want to talk about them more later down the line)
First Impression: I seem to have a trend of not paying much attention to one character at first and then becoming obsessed with them the next time. Anyways I just thought of the Auditor as the silly flame guy. Who had a whole agency to kill one single guy (what a loser (affectionate) Idk i just thought they looked really cool (gender envy) (another factor of me realizing I wasnt cis)
Impression Now: MANY MANY THOUGHTS, several discord messages with my friends are just about me rambling about Auditor, hell I have like 2 or 3 docs with hc’s/analysis’ about Auditor. But basically, I like to think that they’re the youngest of the employers (yes they’re all siblings, i love the employer siblings hc so much) and i think that sorta facts in with how they’re like rlly stupid and just kinda incompetent (like have you seen how much he struggled to fight hank in his mag form?) plus its been mentioned that they’re the only one of the employers to actually interfere directly with Nevada, which kinda gives me that “younger sibling that wants to prove themselves to the others but ends up messing up horribly as they’re very impulsive and kinda foolish” Also think they’re like secretly very interested in nevada and the people there, sorry i just kinda think they fit the like ‘sheltered disney royalty’ trope. ALSO!!! I think they rely too much on just how much command and how they’re like a literal god, and they just rely on that sorta status when really it weren't for all that, she would be almost powerless i think, Which i think rlly factors into how we seem him struggle a lot in fights against hank and why like in project nexus they just make people take care of everything for her. Also ermm I think they’re also like rlly into flashy entrances like the whole pillar scene thing where it rises and theres like flames everywhere, what a showboat (affectionate). So in conclusion, secretly very curious and a bit foolish while also thinking they’re above everyone else and having a really really short temper. Also ermmm took the lil tidbit of Auditor liking sugary things as a secret soft side, which I will talk about later and also ermm also gets embarrassed easily. Sorry I'm all over the place woopsies.
Idea for a story: MANY IDEAS, like one that explores the sibling dynamics in the employer family + Maker (yes i think Maker is the “father” of the employers) (he just created them from thin air and went “My kids!!! I love em!!”) anyways a lot of stories for that, sorry I love family content. For other stories, I have a bunch of au ones like the one where Auditor and Phobos temporarily took care of the knight in my madcom x hk au. Also have a few ideas of how I think Auditor views humans/nevadas and all the things that confuse them. Also a few on his day to day and like her decreasing mental state (sorry they’re my fave character ever and that means they have to suffer through the horrors) oh and a lot, a lot, a lot of Auditor/Phobos ideas, love these 2 sm. Yet also ermm will put them through the horrors (I have several solo fics about Auditor dealing with Phobos death and post fall of Nexus time) but also just a lot of stories exploring their dynamic and how i think it would develop
Unpopular opinion: Ummmm not sure here honestly since I havent heard too many people talk about Auditor sadly but ermm I guess just like a lot of people kinda brush over Auditor a lot and ermmm it makes me so sad because they’re actually so so so interesting, idk it that counts as an unpopular opinion or whatever but like eh
Favorite relationship: If you’ve been on my blog for a while, I think we all know what I'm going to say. AUDITOR AND PHOBOS!!!!! Love love love these 2 so so so much. Guys I need more people to like this pairing so I can ramble about it more. LIKE GRGHAHH love these 2 evil bastards being in love. So many hc’s about them (I have dedicated doc for them) (and a bunch of short ideas) (might share some them here tbh…) But graghhh love thinking that Auditor decided to interfere with Nevada and ended up having to work with Phobos’ annoying ass only to slowly fall in love with him. Sorry, I just really like to think about how their relationship would develop. Phobos would go from teasing and joke flirting with Auditor for Auditor to turn it around on him, until the Auditor deemed it “far too unprofessional” and called a truce. (they still hated each other but they decided to might as well try to put up with each other for the sake of this “business” relationship (ended with them growing closer and learning more about the other) (which led them to find solace in each other’s company, and enjoy their little friendship until they realized wait a minute I'm like actually in love with you, how is this happening) LIKE GRGAHHH love these 2, their dynamic is so silly.
Favorite hc: All of mine (/hj) but tbh the good thing about having a favorite character that isn't talked about, is that you get to make all the hc’s yourself. And oh boy do I have a few (MANY) but we’re doing favorites so I’ll keep this as short as possible. Auditor has a more dragon like form, which he just has large wings, a tail and horns, which means he can fly around YIPEEE!!!Also its very easy to tell Auditor’s emotions just by looking at their flames, flames will like flicer much more slowly and droop a bit when stressed/tired, when they’re furious, their flames will rise and spark violently, when they see something they like (or someone (hi phobos), little heart shaped sparks will emit from their flames, etc etc. Also like I mentioned before, very curious about mortals in nevada, despite seeing them as below them, Auditor finds them very interesting especially Phobos (they’re gay) ALSO!!! An awful cook, they just summon food they like out of thin air and will set the kitchen on fire if they try to cook anything. Also of course the usual touch starved and attention craving hc, this guys craves some sort of affection. Also!!! Definitely gets teased about her crush on Phobos by their employer siblings. Oh and woops angst jumpscare but Auditor would pick up Phobos’ smoking habit (yes I hc that he smokes) after Phobos dies as a coping mechanism. Couldnt let you guys off that easily. (evil little grin)
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zeevoidlight · 7 months
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Just finished the Talos Principle 2. I have thoughts on it.
I liked it very much :). Is one of those games that will stay with me for quite a while. I like the world building, the robots, the problems and questions that arise from the story. Just like last game.
SPOILERS My ending was that I unintentionally (because i didn't knew it was a choice) pushed for Byron to become mayor. I actually think it was a good outcome and something I wanted ultimately because the city couldn't possibly survive without him in command for the next election. I liked Byron at first because is almost obvious. But as the story progressed in the game I started to see what the others were talking about when referring to him. I do think he is umm... a bit insane, lol, and later in the game i couldn't but see him as a too rash and unhinged at times, just like the other extreme with Hermanubis. He's clearly a Utopist with big ambitions which wouldn't be so bad if they weren't driven by his own trauma, he cannot see past himself using others necessities to justify and prove his personal point into the extreme. That's why I wanted to side with Alcatraz, which to me feels like the safe option, of not being to rash to take a definitive decision in that moment to completely change reality forever and focus only on the immediate problems at hand. He wasn't opposed to the technology, he was just wary of it, which is perfectly understandable. But... I didn't wanted to admit it but the narrative seems to favor Byron in the very end, even leaving Alcatraz completely out of the picture in all endings, and depicting the "theory of everything" as the only one that gives fruit. maybe, Idk exactly but that's my impression after seeing three endings by myself and the special endings on youtube. Although I still don't know the conditions of the special endings and their variants, and also my impression was a bit different, more balanced when i saw the normal endings by myself. Maybe reddit has a way to skew the truth by deciding to find and choose a "true" ending or "canon" ending, maybe the game is actually biased, idk. The ending i got was, like i was saying before i got sidetracked, I got Byron elected, and I wanted to turn off the machine, not destroy it, to maybe take a bit of time to think about it and study it, and Byron in the meantime could move New Jerusalem out of their stagnation into something better than what they had currently. I was my best outcome because they needed the resources and I think they were absolutely exaggerating by saying that they will destroy the planet if they just basically grow any inch. They were already much better the moment the started making plans for expeditions and gathering resources for their immediate needs, and thinking about creating new things, while at the same time not immediately giving the theory of everything power to them as they were right now because Athena's concerns and Alcatraz concerns where very much real. Is the power to change reality itself! Is Teensy and Tot and the Polyhedron all over again! Don't you see the danger they inherent?! (insert Jeff Goldblum here).
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But i feared the game wasn't going to understand me and it was going to give me a bad ending for taking the middle of the road decision, and that's exactly what happened. I took the option to turn off the machine, and apparently that's the worst ending because the mayor is not actually elected, they end up fighting each other, 1K just ends up leaving them to their own and basically exiles himself with Athena and says "fuck this shit I'm out" and leaves them to figure the future out themselves, and the Sphinx tells me that i took a decision that is not a decision. like... *sigh... So, I watched the ending that I think the game wanted me to take in the first place, which is to use the machine to know everything and gain absolute control over reality itself. And i watched it, but to be honest it was still not the good ending, at least for me, even with that Byron super heartfelt dialogue at the end over the scene with 1K creating life in another corner of the universe and the holograms (ghosts? ppl on reddit said it was ghosts) of other AIs and the music and all. I just think that's too much, and as Al and at some point Yaqut said, it felt devoid of meaning, to suddenly have everything and can do anything and know everything, to manipulate life that way. Everything looses purpose. At least that's how i felt.
So, I chose then the other ending where you outright destroy the machine. And I thought the game was going to punish me with something worse than my first ending, complete oblivion. But surprisingly it was the ending i was actually looking for. One where Byron gets elected and he says that he respects my decision without any resentments since he expresses that with respect. I was surprised when he said that! and he was saying in his speech that he was still going to take New Jerusalem to a brighter future worthy of the people that doubt them. It was so much better! And just what i wanted! And then 1K goes into the woods and find a stag, and kneels before it. I don't feel it was in a worshiping way but just in a respectful way. I was just disappointed that I didn't saw Alcatraz in that ending then, because I feel like he would be much more at ease and happy with the results. The only thing he wanted was for Byron to not go crazy, not to stop advancement altogether. But towards the end i feel the narrative started to change Alcatraz into being the opposite of Byron like he was depicted at the very start for you to think that was all his character was. It reverted back into it with little details he says to make you misunderstand what he's saying again...
... I'm happy with that last ending i got being my canon one. Even if it's "the wrong one". Feels like Pathologic all over again. I just cannot win with the choice I thought it was the good one. I hope i'm just tripping and there's actually no bias. But that's why it will stay in the void along with other things as long as the general consensus say there's an actual "canon" ending. At least until the new Talos comes out in a couple of years, if there's another one. Or someone on the team says otherwise. I will have my own canon. And Alcatraz and I can be the forever party poopers.
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listenrose · 1 year
A new love story…
It’s pending though…
2016. His friend asked to meet me. I kindly declined (at least I think it was kind..) and but then he offered maybe something more casual and said his friend could join us. I’ve always had people hit on me but I’ve always been open to meeting new people to hopefully have as friends. I always have felt like it’d be a better experience to just have friends and keep it cool. Idk.
2016. They walk in. It was almost like..lol.. the wind gushed through his hair (he has a fade and a hat on) and the sun shined only on him. Lmao. It was like the world slowed down because I was not in a good place this day but seeing him made me realize I want to be in the best place possible. He barely talked. He said his name and I felt like light years passed and he used to be mine. His friend was the one who asked me to go on this “casual date” but MY GOODNESS what’s yo fren talmbout.
2016. What is this. This man didn’t give impressions that he wanted to see me, only dimly, maybe a few small gestures here and there but I was so sad bc I thought his energy was so fire. Pure perfection! Idk maybe he knew how much his friend liked me and wanted to be a good guy. Or maybe it was 6 other girls on his mind. Or maybe all of that or even none of that. Either way I was trying to be committed and down for any way he’d have me. Oop.
2016 ugh. He just wasn’t havin it. Although I held some loyalty for a while, I gave up and went w the safer choice.. the one who confessed their love for me through time. It’s okay.. I was obsessed w my ex from 2014 anyway. That’s what I always said whenever I got rejected. (L O L she’s sick!) I loved my ex for sure but I absolutely have always used that fantasy to keep me guarded, protected and he didn’t even talk to me lmao. Idk, I just wanted to be loved and my, my how selfish that created me to be because I had no foundation.
2021 mid year. I saw him again! He looked so cute. So quiet and so fake mysterious and so cute. (Fake mysterious bc I felt like I knew him). But ahh. Alas, my boundaries must stay. I remember where this went before and I know what it is now..
But I got his number and was like hey let’s be friends because I like who you are. Genuinely like frfrfr. Like fr. I gotta work on myself anyway so mightswell chill out, have a good guy as my friend and we can have a dope friendship…. I knew how I used to feel though. My heart dropped when I saw him at first, ngl, but I kept it cool I think. Lol.
I asked him to come listen to an album with me to hopefully make up for a comment I made talkin bout “he can’t come spin the block on me”. We hung out and it was cool. Reeeal cool. Perfect actually.
2021 November. He came to da crib w the fam. I invited him and my friend over to have dinner with the fam and have fun. Miscommunication hit with my friend so she ain’t come, but he came! And..tehe.. lol.. why I feel like he had a good time w us and really enjoyed me? Oh maybe because after some good family time we went to my room and listened to music doing nothing and he actually staaayed and didn’t cross the line. I asked him to write a poem and why’d it seem like a love letter to me?? Ohh because it was bro! Idk. I definitely was in denial but the words were a bit too direct to not think it was about me and us in that moment. Talkin bout “who sent you.. why we vibe like this?” AHH he’s fire. But maybe it’s not about me idk looool. Anywho, I’m a God damn wreck, ain’t no way. And he’s so sweet why’d I bring him into my bs. I’m terrible right now. But honestly I was extremely hype that he might’ve felt a way.
“Let’s stay friends”. He invited me to a few family gatherings and I did too. But I was like naww im getting over my ex from 2014 I’ve been obsessed with for years and we just started rekindling, I ain’t bout to drop this for you!! You used to play me like a guitar boy! And you don’t even know how much I liked you!! Ahh!!!! I’m sitting here prayed for a husband around Oct/Nov and you just gon show up and have perfect energy?! I can’t even believe you’d ever love me sooo like nah. You are not gonna love me how my ex did!… I suck fr.
We met again he brought me a flower
2022 we hung out on New Years. Tears because ugh. Why’s he so fire. But no! I must stay the course and not fall in love again! No Mammer! “Let’s stay friends”
He cooked for me not once not twice but a million times!
He invited me over not once, not twice but a million times!
“Let’s like not just be friends” he wanted me so bad and expressed that. Maybe let’s not be JUST friends.. dang it he got me. Im still gonna keep my ex in the background of my thoughts in case this fails but I’ll still be down and not link w anybody. Let me just be celibate actually or abstinent. Whatever, some months passed and I made sure to never EVA do anything wrong or to betray his trust and if I felt I would I’d leave him for my ex I’d just leave him alone now! I WANT YOU BOY I LOVE YOU BOY!! But alas, I never shared that and his fire burned out slowly… it seemed. He still cared for me but he had his guard up now bc he couldn’t trust I’d be down. But omg I’m DOWN. I’M UP FOR YOU.
Now I’m writing love poems to get him back…
2023 wish me luck. Pray for me. Please I know I’ll be okay but I miss that man dearly.
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soul-dwelling · 1 year
For some reason, even before knowing about all the creepy and contrived shit Ohkubo did in Fire Force, I had some strange aversion of it. IDK maybe its the main charachter who just seems generic and boring or something else, hard to say, but guess my intuition paid off
Fire Force ending spoilers below.
It’s weird: when Fire Force started, I was open-minded about Shinra, even as I could point out how archetypal (not necessarily cliche) he was. 
I didn’t have a sense that this was strange or bothering me. I’ll get to how it was generic in a bit, but even that wasn’t bothersome: typically, if a story still hits me emotionally, I can overlook cliches. The art style is still not as engaging for me as Soul Eater, but there are some times when Shinra gives that demonic smile that something more fascinating appears in the art. And having him look off-putting in the art when crying hit hard emotionally. All of that was good. 
I do think Chapters 0 and 1 do a great job making you cheer on Shinra. 
(Just ignore the stupid shower scene and the stupid “Akitaru points out Shinra is staring at Maki’s cleavage.” Maybe you keep “Shinra gets nervous about bumping into that girl and smiles and the girl misinterprets it,” but you need to re-frame that given the male gaze problem.) 
It helped that all of the good stuff in Chapters 0 and 1 was before Fire Force got really bad, and when it was fascinating how Shinra acted as the opposite of Maka. Maka can come across as so capable, with it, powerful, sure of herself. And then there’s Shinra, someone with incredible power but, beyond his trauma, is awkward and easily riled up. 
That’s not to ignore Maka’s own feelings of self-doubt (as I just discussed about the Book of Eibon arc) or anger problems (you don’t use a book all the time as a weapon to hit your partner and not have serious anger management problems that need addressing; you don’t hold this grudge to a parent over this bad shit but admittedly not-as-bad shit to this level of unhealthiness, but that changes with age; you don’t react this way when dealing with Black Star when it was Stein who should have put Black Star in his place). 
But it felt like Ohkubo was willing to actually engage with the talks about trauma, guilt, peer pressure, lies, rumors, and, forgive this stupid fucking phrase, cancel culture. It was actually looking at what would happen to someone who is accused of something they didn’t do and how that eats at you (and better than shit like Rise of the Shield Hero, which, LOL, nah, fuck that story). 
Shinra being Maka but the opposite is the more impressive way of Ohkubo stretching, to make a character who isn’t just a Maka retread, and wasn’t just “Soul Eater but the opposite” as was so much of the rest of the series (“death is taken more seriously, the pigtail girl is make into a sex joke”) before giving up on that (“LOL just kidding, it’s all the opposite because it’s a prequel and that is somehow ironic”). 
I think what also helped endear me to Shinra initially was just how shamelessly he is a Rin Okumura knockoff: same face, same hair, similar personality, similar ostracitism, even the same smile.  And, at least in English, similar names: you can’t spell “Shinra” without “Rin.” 
Then things fall apart when Sho arrives. 
It’s lazy to have Joker just info-dump that Sho is alive. It doesn’t feel like a reward to the audience to tell them, “Look, you know this kind of story, you know of course Sho is alive, you probably expect Mari is that Demon Infernal, so we’ll just have Joker info-dump this because why bother coming up with an elegant revelation.”
Not to re-write the manga, because that’s less useful--but if I was adapting this for anime, I would do the Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood approach: anime viewers already read the manga, they know who Father is, they really know what Bradley is really about, so make sure the first episode to this reboot puts that out in the open. I would do the same if I had adapted Fire Force: end Episode 1 or 2 revealing the White Hoods and Sho plotting and scheming somewhere else. 
And this opens up the problem with Shinra: the story treats it as obvious that Sho is alive, starts acting like it should be obvious that Mari is the Demon Infernal, and sets up Burns as hiding all of this. It’s reducing all of this to paint-by-numbers plotting--and hence reducing Shinra to just a stock character, no longer a Rin Okumura expy or your typical shonen protagonist but a shonen cliche. I stop caring as much about Shinra because the story moves from insisting he wants to be the hero fo this story and just flat-out says, “This is fiction, this is not real, he is just a character, he is just an archetype.” It robs some of the depth to showing his trauma, that smile, his survivor’s guilt, his brother’s absence, his mother potentially dying, people lying to him, finding any family in the 8th: it’s all just a story, and it feels less special. 
Then Ohkubo literally positions Arthur as a literal knight and Tamaki as just a plot device for fanservice, and this meta crap undermines any authenticity to get out of Shinra.
I know, it’s silly to whine about authenticity in a work that is already fictional. And getting into suspension of disbelief kind of flies out the window when you have a story about pyrokinetics that kick and punch with flames. But this is after Promare, after Avatar: The Last Airbender--there comes a point that you are not doing something new with fire powers because other people have done it better, so your solution is to just go meta and make it a Soul Eater prequel? Come on, man. 
It’s also why that ending pisses me off. Shinra is reunited with his brother…and we timeskip to him watching his kid go off. But is that his kid? Or is it Arthur’s kid? Or Iris’s? Or Inca’s? Where is Sho? Why do we show Sho going to school and not more of him bonding with his brother? Where the fuck is Mari? We’re told she is cool with staying a demon, we get that stupid harem ending with Iris and Inca and I guess Hibana, and Mari is fine with that--and that’s it. Shinra doesn’t get a satisfying ending, at least not for me. We don’t see that family reunion in a satisfying way. Maybe the point is that the group hug with the 8th is the family ending? Okay, that just threw Sho and Mari under the bus, thanks, Ohkubo.
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buffintruder · 2 years
Shaking Like a Leaf Underneath Your Family Tree [fma]
Greed sub vs dub [fma]
Story [original]
please <3
Shaking Like a Leaf:
So.... this is a long story that is still in my wip folder because even though I'm never going to post it, I've worked way too hard on it to truly abandon it.
Basically it's a Lucifer au gone out of control (idk how much you've seen of Lucifer, but the premise is that the Devil leaves Hell to go run a bar and ends up helping the LAPD solve murders. he also has daddy issues and refuses to tell lies, so big Greed parallels there)
In my au, Greed is a demon (Father is the Devil) who ran away and runs his bar. Ed is a cop who is reluctantly assigned to work with Greed but is super suspicious of him because nothing about his backstory makes sense and Greed also insists that he can compel anyone to tell him their greatest desire, which seems to actually work on everyone except Ed and Al.
Meanwhile, one of Ling's siblings at the highly nepotistic and competitive Xing Corporation has been murdered, and all Ling knows is that Ed's new partner has the weirdest most terrible qi he has ever felt and that something has to be up with him.
Also, Scar, Lust, Izumi, and Hohenheim all show up at some point with fun magic and angel/demon stuff.
I think last I checked, I had over 70k words of this au, but I'll probably never finish it. (I am planning on making a folder with all the chapters I've finished and edited to share with friends though, and I can send you a link, or anyone who dms me asking for it)
Greed sub vs dub:
This is my 'i didn't have to write a thesis paper for my history degree so i'll write one on fma for fun' project that i haven't touched in like a year pff.
Basically I wanted to analyze the difference between Greed's character in the subs vs the dubs and maybe talk a bit about adaptations and American vs Japanese expectations of that archetype of characters and stuff.
In the last ask I answered I said I wouldn't post an excerpt but well, I guess I change my mind.
Another person that Greed holds power over yet once again shows a more positive treatment towards is Ling Yao, the person he possesses. When first entering Ling’s body, Greed in the dub says, “Am I really supposed to use this little brat?” He does not appear pleased to be given the body of a teenage boy to use, nor is he impressed by Ling himself, and actively voices these thoughts to Ling. There is an element of dehumanization here as well, as he sees Ling more as a tool with the purpose of being of use to Greed and not as his own person. In the sub, Greed says, “What’s a little kid doing in a place like this?” Rather than disdain, the main emotion that comes across here is confusion and possibly even concern. Though he does not appear to think too highly of Ling in either version, “brat” is a harsher term than “kid”, which is factually true even though the preceding adjective “little” makes it somewhat condescending. His first thought when coming across this strange situation is of Ling rather than his own personal problems. While neither is particularly benevolent, the sub version of Greed does not go out of his way to insult or belittle Ling during their first meeting, showing their relationship from the very start to be on less antagonistic grounds than in the dub.
After that first line, the dub continues, “Oh well. Just hand over your body. I guess I’ll have to make do with it.” Again, Greed expresses his dissatisfaction with Ling and his body, saying that they are far from his ideal. By making these negative judgments, Greed places himself in a position above Ling; Ling is not good enough for him and Greed does not care enough about him to avoid insulting him. In comparison, the sub takes a far more neutral stance on Ling. “No matter. Hand over your body. I’m going to use it.” The “no matter” here takes on a different meaning than the “oh well” the dub uses. In this case, Greed is brushing off his own curiosity over Ling’s situation to get to the point which is to possess him, rather than adding more emphasis to the idea that Greed is settling with Ling as the dub does. Over all, the subbed Greed is far more neutral towards Ling. Demanding his body is not a kind action, but the sub does not have this newly reborn Greed act with any sense of malice, merely a callousness of following his nature and orders above any other concerns.
Uhhh I really don't know how to describe this one so I'm just going to give you the first part of it.
It is rare for my kind to interact with you humans. We are busy attending to our own matters, and humans do not often factor into them. We see you as too far beneath us to be of any concern. Not in a malicious way—we simply do not notice or care.
There is the occasional contact between our kinds, however. Sometimes it’s intentional, when one of us gets bored and turns to one of the sentient, mortal races such as yourselves to prod at for amusement.
Most of the time it’s just an accident. A human might see a rainbow appear on a clear and sunny day, a fire spark where there was none before, a waterfall flow backwards, or any one of the more obvious things we might cause without even realizing there is an audience for it.
My kind does have a few of our own stories about humans, though far less in number than you have of us. One of the ones that has stuck in my mind since I first heard it goes something like this:
Once upon a time, there was a human who killed one of our kind. For many years, she kept them in her home out of selfish desire, and at last, in her dying days, she destroyed them, wiping them completely from all of existence. This is how the first and only one of our kind died.
This story is true, and it is not true.
For my kind, stories are not solid unchanging things. We have no concept of truth, only of narrative. Each story has its layers and variation, shifting from person to person and between retellings, echoing differently in every mind.
This is the first version of the story I heard, but it is not the version I will tell.
For beings as powerful as my kind, time does not work for us the way it does for you. Different cultures have their own concept of time, but for the most part, humans agree that the past and present can be known while the future cannot, merely guessed at and predicted. 
But for my kind, the present is the only certainty, even as it is ever moving. Our past and future are known, but they are known as stories, also constantly changing. I have heard many versions of this story long before it came to pass, and now that it has happened, I hear many more. I will tell my own versions of this story, and though my kind will refuse to listen, many elements will nevertheless spin their way into the versions of others.
This is one such influenced version:
Once upon a time, there was a member of our kind who was too curious for their own good. Bored with the usual patterns of our lives, they stuck their nose into business outside of our own, in search of new stories to hear and tell, ones that were nothing like the ones we know.
Their search led them to a human village where they grew fascinated by one who lived there. She was as bright as the moon and soft as sunlight, and they were entranced by her, forgetting all their ties to us.
That was to be their flaw. The human killed them, the one who trusted and loved her, putting a final end to the story of their existence. None of us came to their aid, for it was their own fault for being seduced into turning their back on their own kind. And so they died, the first and only one of our kind to do so.
Now, we keep more firmly to ourselves, for mortals are not to be trusted. Many are cruel and power-seeking, and would use their fine words and trickery to steal our lives for the sake of their own power. One time already, they have taken the life of one of our own, but never shall they again.
This version, again, is true and it is not.
But my version of the tale, as one who has lived through these events and felt and saw the story for myself, is not so simple nor so tragic.
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