#idk young people are so lonely
champagnemoon · 6 months
i think so many people lacking strong community is going lead to a wild spike in cults we havent seen before
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kissmefriendly · 2 years
On a slightly more serious note, I just wanna post this before the final entry, not counting the epilogue. I’m so, so thankful for Dracula Daily. It’s been an absolute blast beginning to end, reading discourse, seeing the jokes and memes and all the art, reading theories and reactions. And getting to be apart of that! Reading this book again in this format was a hell of an experience but the fact that I didn’t do it alone, I don’t know. We’ve all gotten to experience this book in a new way in real time together. I love that. And I hope that it won’t be just a one-off event, either. And even if it is? But this? It’s been wonderful. So, thank you to everyone for collectively going nuts over a 130 year old novel. Thank you for posting and making those artworks and memes and analyses. Reminds you you’re human and not stuck and alone.
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andromedasummer · 9 months
you know what i would love to be an option in bg3? making your own party member. like Icewind Dale style. choose their class, voice, appearance and travel with them. obvs i understand why they didnt, but it wouldve been so fun to have the option to make your own member, esp if they could be incorporated into your backstory. a sibling, parent, spouse, adventuring buddy, best friend.
#this being spurred on by my want of my pc sabine being joined by my drow pc schezelle#have been working on them more (made sabine a lathander paladin as that made more sense and schezelle a seluné worshipping sorcerer)#they both knew each other through mutual friends becore being kidnapped in baldurs gate. while sabine was an experienced adventurer#schezelle only recently escaped the underdark after betraying her family after being rescued by members of sabines adventuring party#so all this kind of danger is very new and scary for her. i have her at about 70#(young adult in elf years) and sabine a half elf at 45.#whereas sabine follows the canonical romance line with shadowheart#schezelle falls for astarion and supports him unequivocally but gets trapped into a relationship with him when she helps him ascend and#his alignment/the relationship as a whole changes. after the tadpole is removed the rest of the party help her get away from him and#in the meantime she looks for a way to use either true restoration/resurrection/some other cure for his vampirism#because she realizes she made a HUGE mistake just going along with everything he wanted to do#and only went along with it because 1. her own alignment is still slowly becoming unfucked cos. female drow raised in the underdark#2. shes just used to doing what people who like her say because its easier that way and doesnt make conflict#i dont think she gets back together with astarion after she finds a cure for him but they stay close. she returns to waterdeep with sabine#and shadowheart to live in the formers tavern with her adventuring party#maybe falls in love with gale while researching cures for astarion#idk yet still thinking things through and going through the game#anyway yeah. wish i couldve made a friend for sabine. think she gets lonely and misses home a lot during the adventure.
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eldrichthingy · 7 months
I'm so tired
#honestly.. I have a lot of thoughts right now and I just. I truly am cursed with loneliness#idk how people do this all the time? interacting with each other chatting talking spending time together. talking about hobbies and just#just being friends you know?.. it's so unfamiliar to me and it scares me#I'm so lonely and I'm comfortable with that#but at the same time. I feel like I'm being chocked. I feel so helpless and wrong because I just can't do it#how do people have friends? how does it even work? how do they keep up with each other? it's a pity I'll never know this because I barely#have anyone in my life. maybe I have like two people that I talk with rarely and I don't even have friends or anyone in fandom#it's so tiring and.. feels wrong to live like that. but at the same time that's what I'm grateful for the most - because I don't have anyone#to keep up with. to feel obligated to talk with. maybe it's really better to spend all the time working and enjoying hobbies#idk how I should feel. especially in my age#yes I know I'm.. fairly young for now but it scares me so much#I feel so wrong for not doing what others are doing. so wrong for not having anyone when all these people just.. do have someone#I'm very very lonely and I'm mostly okay with this but I can't help but feel loss#my siblings don't really care about me and that's okay - none of us are social enough. and I haven't seen my parents for what? for a year?#maybe it's for better#but I just can't help but feel so crushed and lonely because of this. I know I don't need anyone because it's too difficult for me to have#an active friendship but at the same time I feel so.. socially starved I guess?#I wish I wouldn't feel hurt of this feeling#nonsims#delete later#olya's rambles
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Anyone see the aspec stereotype allos have of us  “prioritising work over everything” the “no room for romance I have a job to do!” and see it in a completely different light? Like for me I am so job oriented and future oriented not because I “have no room for people blah blah blah” but because I am so terrified of my future, I will not ever get/have a partner so buying a house is so much harder because I’m not going “halfsies”, I have no financial support from a spouse paying for bills and food. When I get old I wont have anyone to look after me, no kids to help me, no partner to keep me company, I have to do everything alone. In our current state there is not enough support for the elderly, and what little support there is is so hard to get you need the help of a family member because an ever deteriorating senior cannot keep up with and understand the ever changing rules, documents and healthcare climate. I need to work my hardest now so I can afford to look after myself because I know that I will have no one to help me. Everyone that cares about me in the future will be married, have a family or be dead, I will have no one to care about me or help me because society dictates that my friendship or familial bonds are inferior to other relationships and therefore I am not worthy of being cared about or even remotely a priority. So I have to work, not because I want to but because I am terrified of a future where I cant look after myself, because no one else will.
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snallavanta · 1 year
hi friends. it's only been one day since i finished young royals and life feels so meh already. what even is the meaning of life. seems stupid that i have to work everyday for the rest of my life until i die. where are the joys of life. i need to feel something. let me feel anything
#nurin#young royals#i just feel so 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨#nothing sparks joy anymore#idk what to do with my life#i can't keep watching young royals to make me happy forever 💀#can they tease heartstopper season 2 now so that i have something to look forward to again#actually speaking of show#i think it's unhealthy how much i rely on them for comfort & company#shouldn't i be seeking connection with real people and not just from those in my screen#but making friends is so difficult#idk no one ever seems to stick with me#they all have better people to go to and i'm never the first choice#sometimes i wish i was better at making friends so maybe i won't be so lonely all the time#ok this ended up being sadder than i thought i'm sobbing#goodnight now i guess#update: i've come back on here because i have more things to say#even though the online community is not a very reliable space#i am grateful to have joined the yrtumblr family because even though i've never personally interacted with many of you#i feel so seen that so many people in the world relate to my posts through likes and reblogs#it may not seem like much but it just means a lot that you resonated with my thoughts & feelings in some way even if it wasn't said aloud#ok yeah that's all#i can't believe i've been in this fandom for only a month-ish!!!!!!#feels like i know this show & cast since forever <3#anyway even if i may not be active in the fandom (for whatever reason) this era of my life will always be so special to me#thank you and if you didn't hear it today i appreciate you very much
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seagullcharmer · 1 year
sigh. feeling very shy and lonely in this chili's tonight
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sickgraymeat · 2 years
[complaining again]
#I am so young to be a bitter lonely old person with scoliosis and maybe arthritis#I have like all the bad stuff abt being old but none of the wisdom or like general stability one might hope for as an old person#I really am just sitting on a rocking chair with a gun on my porch but I’m 24 years old so I don’t have a porch#I mean technically but it’s shared and very small and I don’t own it#and I’m pretty sure my landlord would take away my deposit if I ever put furniture out there#I don’t have a gun either but I do have a sick rocking chair I love it so much#i wouldn’t have a gun id just grumble a lot#off track#anyway#I am so lonely and bitter and I don’t know how to go about not being like that bc I’m not good at talking to people or being a friend#even when I did talk to people I was so bad at it and now I’m so out of practice sigh blah complain#also my town sucks how am I supposed to make friends when everyone has like fundamentally different values from mine#as in they’re racist and misogynistic and transphobic and homophobic and ableist etc etc#sigh I am discussing this in therapy of course but opening up to a therapist is sooooooo fucking hard#and the social stuff is also like almost definitely trauma related to some degree#and I’m not there yet#there being a place where I can talk abt my trauma aside from the occasional quick joke#also therapy is so expensive idk if I can keep up#ok bye sorry!!!!#torchic used growl#I feel so stupid using that tag but now o can’t stop 😭
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noxtivagus · 2 years
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tinylittlebab · 1 year
maybe when im skinny ill somehow magically have friends somehow. idk how me having friends would change the fact i dont know or meet people but i bet it will fix all my problems
#idk. ive been told be people im attractive idk why. i think i look disgusting :/ but when im really skinny maybe people will think im#pretty enough to talk to and i can make friends that way. idk. im not sure where id even meet people. hmmm. well id be willing to do some#bad ideas if it meant i had people to talk to. tbh im just thinking i wanna meet ANYONE and maybe even if i dont like them i can meet other#people through them and it will work out. idk. i wish i were closer to drinking age so i could go to bars and maybe meet people there#idk. id just like to meet people somehow. im so lonely. i never got to meet people in school bc ive literally never been to school :/#im one if 6 kids and im the only one who never got put in school. by the time my parents started homeschooling i was too young to have#gone to school yet and by the time my mom finally realized it was a mistake i was too old. i was 17 by the time my younger siblings were#put in school and it was too late for me. it feels bad that im leaving my childhood behind before im even 18. my older siblings spent years#still essentially being kids before they moved out and my one sister is gonna move back in soon. they had it rough too but i just wish i#couldve spent awhile still being a kid. i didnt get to spend any of my teenage years being a kid and ill be 18 in june#:( i miss having friends. my sister is great and all but its just different. i hope i can meet people somehow but i juat dont know#it makes me so sad tho think about how i lost all my friends when i was 10 and the only one ive made since has been my older sister#im just so lonely. everything sucks. maybe ill do that dangerous bad idea that might result in me meeting people even uf they suck#maybe not. i think maybe i dont wanna but i might be desperate enough.
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hate hate hate celebrity crushes
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johannestevans · 1 year
i've been listening to a lot more fat liberationist stuff recently and like...
so obvs i already had some backing in a lot of the basic theory, stuff like institutional anti-fatness in medicine, fashion, travel, etc, but like
so as a really thin guy who's always found it impossible to gain weight, its been unbelievably emotionally and mentally liberating to hear people talking really casually about the disability that's associated with thinness
so like being really thin, you lack additional joint and bone support - if you fall, you have less padding and less STRUCTURE to protect your bones from breaks and fractures, right?
obvs theres plenty of fat people that do have issues with bones and joints, im not saying thsres not, its just that normally i feel like im the lone person saying "being this thin is bad for me and is part of various health problems i also have"
and idk its just like. my whole life i was such a sickly child lmao
like i couldnt stand for long periods except "long period" would often be like. any period. i didnt understand how my peers were just standing for so long and just weathering that, bc to me it wasnt possible at all - i breathed badly, my joints were fucked etc
and looking back and realising as i get more disabled like the extent to which i was similarly disabled in my youth, and how i lacked the language to verbalise or sometimes even recognise my own pain and struggle
but also like
the treatment of me as so evil and lazy because i wasn't exercising, or because like. a PE teacher would pick me out as an example because i was so thin, and then be furious that i wasn't remotely physically fit, and that i was disabled
i remember multiple times esp from cis female teachers just. frothing rage at my diet and the things i ate, or when i wrinkled my nose at talk about diets, bc i was so thin so i had to be doing The Right Things, and if i was that thin and doing bad things i had to be punished
and its bc a lot of these ppl thought of fatness and being fat as a punishment, a target for abuse that people deserved, and bc i was a young disabled trans guy like. i deserved punishment for my laziness and nonconformity, and it became a lot about my weight
like expressing that i wanted to gain weight, that i was cold all the time, that i had no energy etc, that eating was hard but that i enjoyed food, all of that was met with such fuckin aggression and really sharp policing, esp from PE teachers and esp from women
and obvs all that is to do with the way that diet culture particularly targets women and those perceived as women, and the desire to engage in lateral violence to police others into complying with gender roles etc as they were upholding them
but idk like. fat liberationist politics is imo inherently tied up with disability liberation, because of the way that "health" is weaponised as a symbol of being good or deserving, and how fatness and disability are both used as targets and symbols of evil and punishment
MOST OF ALL for fat & disabled people
but for nondisabled fat people disability is often threatened as punishment - if you don't become less fat, you'll (deserve to) become disabled
and for disabled thin people, if you don't act less disabled, you'll (deserve to) become fat
and its not a punishment to be fat or disabled or sick. its just how some people are. its not BAD to be this way - and what makes things hard for us is not something inherent to the badness of our bodies, but instead the lack of kindness and accommodation anybody is willing to extend to them
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Going back to work tomorrow... Not looking forward to it...
#i was gone for two months to work at summer camp#at camp i worked from 7:40am-9pm for the most part#but i woke up at 7:25. stayed in my area sometimes to help people with art. there could be meetings after 9#i still had to shower and socialize#but i worked for like. 13-14 hours a day usually. and it wasnt easy work! teaching young scouts. dealing with asshole adults#paperwork. driving all over because my boss hadnt picked up the materials i need so i have to steal them from somewhere else in camp#got so upset with a scoutmaster i nearly decked him. had to bring one of my staff to the office so the health lodge could pick him up#BECAUSE a camper had come to get me in my area saying 'theres a guy at the bottom of the hill that says he needs... oxy something'#it was my assistant director who couldnt breathe. that was the scariest part of camp this year honestly#hard labor. lots of emotions. anxiety. lack of sleep. fourteen hour days.#its still my favorite part of the year. and i vastly prefer it over:#getting screamed at over cold fries. homophobic/transphobic/racist coworkers. having to smile and nod to whateve someone in a maga hat says#youd think it would be easier right. take orders. fry shit. assemble sandwiches. go home after eight hours#most nights i go home thinking 'i hate my job.' most nights at camp i go to bed thinking 'i cant wait to do this again tomorrow'#im also worried jt might be difficult to jump back in? just remembering basic shit might be wack at first#im good at this job but also it takes awhile to be good at. and itll be one of our busiest days#idk. but hey. ill be done after eight hours. five days a week instead of seven.#i wish i was at camp...#i miss my friends. i am very lonely. at camp i woke up next to a friend. now i wake up alone and drive to work#pray for death the entire day. go home. be alone again. god im tired#on the bright side i think ill be able to sleep tonight! ive been exhausted but hsvent been able to sleep lately. so i walked 11000 steps#all in one go so that i could hopefully tire myself out. i think ive succeeded. wish me luck#the only thing that could make my shift worse is by being exhausted#oh its gonna be weird to not have a leadership position anymore..at camp i could kick people out of my area. i didnt have to take any shit#now i have to smile and nod and take it. fuck. im gonna miss being an area director. i have a lot less responsibility but a lot less power
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littlelou22 · 1 year
pretend | joel miller x fem!reader
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summary: joel ends things with you, leaving you in the dark as to why. will the two of you get back together or stay apart?
warnings: angst, hurt, mean!joel, insecure!joel, eventual fluff, age gap (reader in undefined age but young, joel’s canon age), language, men being TRASH, violence, y/n used like twice, probs shitty writing, idk let me know if I miss any
divider credit: @saradika
word count: 6.2k
author's note: my first post, let me know what you think :)
requests open!
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The two of you stood on opposite sides of the bed in your – his – room, chest heaving as you stare at Joel. You didn’t know what had gotten into him, the two of you were fine when you returned from patrol a few hours earlier. Joel had gone to help Tommy with something and you had taken Ellie to see whatever movie was playing tonight.
“I don’t understand why you’re being so cold with me,” you spoke, shaking your head. 
And you truly didn’t. You and Ellie had stopped at the Tipsy Bison to pick up dinner for the three of you after Joel was helping Tommy. Ellie had run off while you waited for the food, seeing Dina stationed at one of the tables. You passed the time at the bar, occasionally making forced small talk with the other patrons. Even though you had been in Jackson for a few months, you still didn’t feel quite at ease with most of the people here.
After you got the food, you ventured off home with Ellie to wait until Joel was done. But he never showed, not until after you and Ellie had eaten and the younger girl had gone off to bed. Joel had stormed in, kicked off his boots, and immediately went upstairs, not sparing you a single glance. Obviously, you had followed him, but you have no idea how you ended up here.
“I’m done with this,” Joel says, eyes everywhere except on you. “I’m done with you.”
“What?” You take a step back as if his words had physically pushed you.
“I needed you for her. That’s it,” Joel snapped at you. “Now that it’s over, I don’t see a reason to pretend anymore. Understand?”
You felt as if the air had been sucked out of you, as if Joel had kicked you right in the stomach. You thought you finally had a grasp on Joel, that you could finally read how he was feeling. But as you stared at him from across the room, he felt more like a stranger than the man you fell in love with.
You wanted to scream, to cry, to plead with him to not do this. To not leave you like everyone else did. But you didn’t – you couldn’t. Before you could even process what was happening, you were nodding.
“Okay,” you breathed, nodding your head. You felt the tears burning behind your eyes, begging to be released, but you refused to crack in front of him. Refused to let him see how much his words had made your heart ache. “If that’s how you feel, then okay.”
So, you left. Out of his bedroom and down the hall, passing Ellie’s door where you knew she was inevitably listening to the fight. Down the stairs and out the front door, letting it swing closed behind you. Your feet carried you down the dark street until you couldn’t go any further. The tears burned behind your eyes, a sob escaping you as you stumbled into the stables, barely making it to one of the hay bales before collapsing in on yourself.
You didn’t understand what happened, what had changed since you got back from Salt Lake City. Since the three of you tried to integrate into the community. Since Ellie started at school. Since you and Joel started to patrol and help wherever you could in Jackson. 
Did you do something that upset Joel? That made him rethink whatever it was between the two of you? The two of you weren’t officially together but your relationship wasn’t nothing. At least, you didn’t think you were nothing.
Clearly, you were wrong. What you thought was a relationship was actually just a means to get by, a way to pass time for Joel. You get it, you really try to. The road was long, it was tough, and it was lonely. The three of you had seen, and done, unthinkable things to get Ellie to the Fireflies. Obviously, that didn’t go as planned, landing the three of you back in Jackson. Where it felt impossible to return to some semblance of normalcy. So, how could you blame him for using you as an escape?
You just wish he would’ve told you from the beginning what it actually was.
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It was morning by the time you dragged yourself out of the stables. Thanking whatever higher power there was that you didn’t have morning patrol, you made your way to Tommy and Maria’s. If Joel didn’t want to pretend, then neither could you. You couldn’t pretend to be okay with being around him after what had happened, so you decided to avoid him at all costs. But, you couldn’t abandon Ellie, not after everything the young girl had been through. Even if she was more distant after Salt Lake, you couldn’t bring yourself to up and leave her. You wouldn’t.
With a deep breath, your knuckles rapped against Tommy and Maria’s front door. You knew it was early, the sun barely just peeking over the horizon but you couldn’t wait. You and Joel were assigned second patrol, and you’d rather not be subjected to that after last night.
“You look like shit,” Tommy said after answering the door. You knew you did, sleeping on a rectangular stack of hay could only offer so much.
“Good morning to you too,” you force a smile at him. You liked Tommy, you had become close with him and his wife after settling in Jackson but you didn’t want to see the younger Miller brother right now. You knew it wasn’t his fault, but you couldn’t help the deepening pit in your stomach at the sight of him. “Is Maria up yet?”
“She’s out back, hanging laundry on the line,” he answers, eyes scanning over your puffy eyes and pale face. “You okay, bug?”
“M’fine Tommy, thank you” you grimace at the nickname. Joel had gifted you the name when the two of you met and upon arriving in Jackson, Tommy took up to calling you that as well. You make your way to the back of the house where you found Maria, true to Tommy’s word. Sighing, you grab one of the shirts in the basket, joining her at the laundry line.
“Good morning,” Maria muses, a playful smile on her face as she turns to you, wiping her hands on her jeans before resting them on her hips. “What can I do for you?”
“What makes you think I need something?” You can’t help but respond. Maria was the closest thing to a friend you had in Jackson, it was hard not to feel as though you could be yourself around her.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you up and out this early in the morning,” she says, glancing back at the house to see Tommy in the window, watching the women through the glass. He shrugs, answering her silent query. “What’s wrong?”
You sigh heavily, pinching your nose between your fingers after hanging the shirt on the line. “I need you to switch my patrol partner.”
“Trouble in paradise?” Maria asks, voice gentle as if you were a frightened deer.
“No paradise to have troubles in,” you mutter, shaking your head. “I don’t want to talk about it. It didn’t work out, I just need you to switch my partner.”
Maria stared at you, narrowing her eyes as she, like Tommy, surveyed your condition. You knew she saw right through you. Knew there was more to the story than you were letting on to.
“Okay,” she nodded after a minute, looking at the watch on her wrist. “There’s still fifteen minutes before first patrol, go let Alexander know he’s with Miller now. You can patrol with Marcus now.”
You let out the breath you didn’t know you were holding, relief filling you to the thought of not being around Joel. The relief soon left at the mention of your new partner, but you couldn’t be picky here. “Thank you Maria, I won’t let you down.”
“Yeah, yeah,” she replies, crossing her arms in front of her chest. “You better get going if you want to make it.”
“Right,” you say, turning on your heels to start the walk back to the stables, knowing the morning patrol people would be there by now.
Maria watches you leave, only making her way inside once you are out of her sight. As she enters the kitchen, Tommy appears before her with raised eyebrows.
“What was that about?” He asks, passing her a cup of warm tea.
Maria sighs, shaking her head. “I’m not sure, but your dumbass brother might.”
“Joel?” Tommy questions, confused as to what might’ve happened between his brother and the woman he is obviously infatuated with.
“Do you have another brother that I don’t know about?” she raises her eyes at her husband, shaking her head. “She wanted to switch patrol partners, wouldn’t tell me why or what happened.”
“Shit,” Tommy sighs, leaning back against the counter before muttering. “What did you do, Joel?”
“I have no idea,” Maria shrugs before setting her mug in the sink. She pats Tommy��s shoulder before making her way towards the stairs, turning to face her husband before she climbs them. “But have fun letting him know!”
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“That was fun,” Marcus smiled at you as the two of you rode your horses through the front gates after patrol. Eyes zeroing in on your hips as they rise and fall with each step of your horse.
You force a smile at him, half listening to him as your eyes dart back and forth in search of Joel. You knew he was due to head on second patrol and the last thing you wanted to do was see him. “It sure was.”
“Alex never looked that pretty when taking down Infected,” Marcus continues, not picking up on your disinterest in him. “Glad there was a change up, I was beginning to get bored of watching him.”
You don’t offer him a response as you continue towards the stables, preoccupied with hoping and praying that Joel and his new partner had already left for patrol. For once, whatever higher power out there was on your side as you find the stables vacant.
“Thank God,” you mutter to yourself, sliding off your horse, Luna, to guide her towards her stall which was thankfully far away from Marcus’. Once you got her in her stall, you began to take off her saddle and get her ready for the night. As you did so, your mind wandered to your new patrol partner. 
You weren’t oblivious, you knew what Marcus was doing. It wouldn’t be the first time that he tried to sweet talk you. The man had been adamant to gain your attention since you stepped foot in Jackson after the Firefly incident. Whether it was at the stables, the Tipsy Bison, or at movie night, Marcus tried everything to engage you in a conversation.
Any chance he got, Marcus would try his best to make an impression on you. To ask you out on a date. None of his advances ever made it far, you weren’t interested in the men of Jackson and had made it clear. At least, you thought you did, especially after yesterday’s event at the Tipsy Bison.
While you were waiting for the food, Marcus and his friends were putting the ‘tipsy’ in Tipsy Bison. When drinking, Marcus liked to get a little handsy and his previous rejected advances did not seem to deter him trying again. In good Marcus fashion, he attempted, again, to get you to go out with him. You rejected him, as you had many times before, by sliding his arm off your shoulders before moving to a different part of the bar. Luckily, your food was ready soon after so you didn’t have to endure his stares any longer.
“Penny for your thoughts?” A voice rang out in the stall, causing you to whip around to find the intruder.
Ellie leaned against the opening, arms crossed over her chest as she watched you catch your breath, clearly you had not heard her enter the stables.
“Jesus, Els, you can’t sneak up on people like that,” you breathe, shaking your head at the young girl. You eye the backpack she throws onto the ground before she flops down onto the stool you had brought in earlier. “Aren’t you supposed to be in school right now?”
“It’s boring,” she answers as if it was an acceptable reason. “You gonna tell Joel I’m skipping?”
You stiffen at the mention of his name, glancing at Ellie before answering. “Nope.”
“You want to talk about what happened last night?” She presses, confirming your previous suspicions of her eavesdropping tendencies.
“Nope.” Exiting the stall, you make yourself appear busy to avoid further questioning from the girl.
Ellie follows, picking at the end of her sleeves, shifting from foot to foot as she watches you flit around the stable. You spare a glance at her, knowing that her mind is running a mile a minute as it gears up before speaking.
“You okay, Bellie?” You ask, halting your work.
“You aren’t gonna leave, right?” Ellie asks after a moment, eyes avoiding your face.
You sigh, setting down the pail of food you gathered before walking up to the girl. You place your hands on her shoulders, giving her a gentle shake. “Of course not, I promised you that I would never leave you, remember?”
The girl nods, “I remember.”
“Good,” you smile at her, ruffling up her hair before giving her a gentle push towards the stable doors. “Go back to school before you get us both in trouble.”
After Ellie leaves, you putter around the stables for a few hours before you hear the clopping of horses approaching the stables. Peeking out of the window, you see Joel and his new patrol partner.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. You think, immediately running back to Luna’s stall. You frantically grab your things and hightail it out of the back entrance of the stables. Leaning against the back of the barn, you wait until you hear the men enter before making your way back to town. You had no idea how you were going to avoid Joel for the foreseeable future, but there was no way you were ready to face him.
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The next few weeks went by similarly. You left the house before the sun rose, before anyone in the house was awake. You would go on patrol, endure several hours of the torture that is Marcus and his antics before returning to the town. You’d wait to watch Joel leave for patrol before going to the house you shared or going into town. Once he was back home, you’d return to the stables where you would spend your evenings, only returning home in the late hours of the night. One day while he was on patrol, you had moved all of your things into the third bedroom that was now your own. It worked, you rarely ran into Joel. When you did, you would turn and go the opposite direction or retreat back to your room. 
It worked until it didn’t.
You were at the Tipsy Bison, leaned against the bar with a drink in your hand as you listened to Maria. She had to practically drag you out here after days of begging for you to socialize. To be a part of the community. You partly did it to get her off your back, but as you listened to the conversation around you, you felt happy that she managed to get you to come out. It had been a long time since you stayed in one place for longer than ten minutes without constantly checking over your shoulder.
Maria had been recounting a story about Tommy from early on in their relationship when you felt it. Felt eyes burning into your back. Stares that felt like ice water spilling down your shirt, sending vicious shivers up your spine. It felt uneasy, putting you on edge. The longer it lingered, the more uncomfortable you grew.
Turning to give the establishment a once over, you noticed two things. One, Joel was in the corner with his brother, hands full with glasses of neat whiskey as they conversed with one another. Eyes on Tommy, not on you. And two, your oh so lovely patrol partner making his way over towards your group.
“Maria,” you start, turning to your friend, attempting to say your goodbyes before booking it out of the bar when a rather large and heavy arm is slung around your shoulders.
Marcus steadies himself on your shoulder, the smell of alcohol seeping from his pores as he surveys your group, eyes lingering on you for too long. “Ladies! Looking fantastic tonight!”
“Why thank you, Marcus,” one of the women, Fiona, in your group respond, smirking at the obviously drunk man. She bats her eyelashes at him and you feel sick. “How can we help you?”
“Just wanted to talk to my patrol partner here,” Marcus turns to peer down at you, offering you a smile as he squeezes you to his side. “Tommy told me we are patrolling a new area tomorrow, so I figured the two of us could talk strategy. Maybe over a drink or two.”
You grimace, trying to shrug his arm off your shoulder but he is gripping onto you impeccably tight. “It’s late, Marcus, and I was just about to leave. We can talk about it tomorrow.”
“How about he walks you home?” Maria suggests, raising her eyebrows at you. You throw her a look, hoping she picks up on the obvious disapprovement you have over this idea. But she doesn’t, the other women in the group joining in on the idea. “The two of you can discuss it on the way back.”
“It’s the least you can do,” Fiona nods at you, cutting you off when you go to protest. “You did force him to change partners, you can’t blame the man for wanting to make sure he’s safe tomorrow.”
Sending Fiona a hard glare, you push Marcus’ arm off of your shoulder to slip on your coat. “Fine, let’s go.”
You wave off the group’s goodbyes before beelining for the door. The faster you get out of here, the faster you can get home and away from Marcus. On the way out, you glance at the table that Tommy and Joel were residing at, finding it vacant. At this point, you didn’t care if you would run into Joel at the house. Anything was preferable to spending any more time than necessary with your insufferable patrol partner. 
After exiting the building, you start towards home at a quick pace, hoping to shorten the usual ten minute walk into a five minute walk. You don’t feel Marcus at your side, hoping that you lost him in your haste out of the bar. Your thoughts are silenced when you feel his hand wrap around your wrist, yanking you to a halt and into one of the allies in the town square.
“What’s the rush, sweetheart?” Marcus smirks, pulling closer to you as his grip on your wrist tightens.
“Got the kid waiting up for me back home,” you quickly lie, tugging your wrist back in an attempt to free yourself. “QZ schools weren’t the best, she needs help with her homework.”
He chuckles, shaking his head at you before backing you into the brick wall of the alley behind you. “I’m sure her dad can help her with that. We have some things to discuss.”
“It would be best to discuss whatever it is in the morning,” you gulp, pressing closer to the wall to create more space between the two of you. “When we both haven’t been at a bar for the night. With clearer minds.”
“Baby,” Marcus breathes, “My mind has never been more clear.”
He ducks his head, pressing his lips forcefully against yours. His hands move to your hips, pressing himself into you. You desperately try pulling your head back to avoid him, but the brick wall behind you prevents you from moving away. Panicking, you sink your teeth into his lip, biting down until you taste the metallic tang of blood. Your hands move to his chest, pushing him off with all your strength. Marcus stumbles back, hands dabbing at his lip to feel the damage. 
“What the actual fuck are you thinking?” You seeth, wiping the taste of him away with the back of your hand. You stare at him for a beat, bewildered, before pushing off the wall to make your escape.
You make it a few steps before Marcus surges forward, arms encircling your waist to pull you off the ground. All attempts of your struggle are thwarted when he throws you onto the pavement, hands wrapping around your throat as he straddles your stomach, your arms pinned to his thighs.
“You disrespectful, little bitch,” he spits, hands tightening at your throat. “Your daddy ever teach you manners as a young girl? Like all girls need to be taught?”
You gasp at the lack of oxygen as you try to squirm your way out of his grasp. Your constant struggle only seems to agitate Marcus more as he pulls you off the ground before slamming you back down. The back of your head bounces off the hard pavement beneath the two of you. All efforts to fight cease as dots begin to swarm your vision. 
“You respect men that want to talk to you,” Marcus growls, smirking at your dazed face. His hands continue to tighten around your throat. “You’re lucky to even have my attention.”
Your vision is starting to go dark when his weight is suddenly pulled off of you. Coughing, you roll onto your stomach, attempting to gain your bearings. You hear fighting next to you, propping yourself on your hands and knees to try to see what’s going on.
“So help me god,” Joel practically snarls, one hand gripping Marcus’ collar while the other delivers a nose shattering punch. 
“If you ever go near her again, I will kill you.” Punch.
“If you look at her again, I will kill you.” Punch.
“If you even so much as breathe in her direction, I will kill you.” Punch.
“Do I make myself clear?”
You watch from your hands and knees as Joel delivers punch after punch until Marcus is whimpering under him, gasping for air like you were only moments earlier. Once he believes the message has been received, Joel drops his hold on Marcus and backs away, chest heaving.
You must make a noise as he turns to you, eyes quickly scanning your face before his gaze settles on the hand prints adoring your throat. He’s rushing to you before you know it, gentle hands helping raise you to your feet.
“Can you stand, bug?” Joel whispers, softly turning to check the spot where your head had kissed the payment. Today must be your lucky day, no blood appearing on his fingers after he gently ran them through your hair.
“M’fine, Joel,” you rasp, embarrassment pooling in your stomach. While you were thankful that he came by when he did, you couldn’t help but wish it happened to be anyone else. 
Joel sighs, running his hand down his face. “You sure you’re okay?”
“I said I’m fine Joel,” you pull yourself out of his gentle grasp, wrapping your arms around your midsection tightly. You take a few cautious steps back, stumbling but steady enough to walk.
“Let me get you home, angel,” Joel steps forward, hands reaching out to help you. “Ellie’s been askin’ bout you.”
Shaking your head, you continue to take tentative steps away from him. “I can take care of myself, Joel. You don’t have to pretend anymore, remember?”
And with that, you turned on your heels and began to make your way back to the house. You knew he was trailing some feet behind you, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care at the moment. All you wanted to do was crawl into your bed and forget that the night ever even happened.
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“It looks like the bruising should heal in a few weeks,” Rick, Jackson’s one and only doctor, assesses, fingers gently pressing against the prominent hand marks on your neck. “The petechiae should clear up within the next few days.”
You nod, readjusting your collar whenever the doctor leans back to scribble down some notes. In the corner of your eye, you see Tommy and Maria share a glance before whispering, as if you weren’t even in the room.
“Any new loss of consciousness? Confusion? Dizzy spells?” Rick asks, pen pausing on the paper.
“Nope,” voice still scratchy but nowhere near as bad as it was a few days ago. “Can I go back on patrol now?”
With a sigh, Rick sets his clipboard down. “Sweetheart, what you went through was a traumatic event. You need to let yourself have time to recuperate mentally too, not just physically.”
“I take that as a no then,” you deflate when the doctor nods.
After answering the rest of Rick’s questions, you’re finally able to leave the infirmary. It seemed like you were there for hours, so to feel the sun on your face whenever you exited felt like sweet relief.
“Y/N,” Maria starts, guilt practically dripping from her.
“Maria, if you apologize one more time, I think I might implode,” you interrupt her, turning to face her. “You didn’t know, I didn’t tell you what he had been saying on patrol. This isn’t your fault.”
“But –”
“No buts,” groaning, you grab her shoulders, giving her a playful shake. “Some drunk asshole’s actions are not your fault. There was no way you could’ve known what would happen.”
“Darlin’, she’s right,” Tommy intervenes. “It’s no one’s fault but the man that did it.”
You hum in agreement, rolling your eyes at the way Maria practically pouts. “Just don’t give me another shitty patrol partner and we can call it even. Okay?”
Maria nods, pulling you into a tight hug. You gently pat her back, knowing the hug is more for her sake than yours, so you allow yourself to enjoy it, just this once.
You’re about to walk away but Tommy stops you, hand gently on your wrist. “Ellie wanted me to tell you to meet her at your house, said she needed help with somethin’.” 
“Little shit skipped school again?” You groan. “What would be so important that we have to do it now instead of after dinner?”
Tommy shrugs, smirk playing on his lips. “You really think I'm privy to how she operates?”
“I wish I was,” you mutter, waving your goodbyes before trudging back to your house.
You were going to have to talk to Joel about this. Ellie skipped at least twice a week and you thought the last discussion you had about it got through to her, but apparently not. You understood why she struggled with it, being one of the only outsiders in a building full of kids that had never been outside the walls of Jackson. People looked at you guys funny, you and Joel got it too. Even in the apocalypse, school was important.
After what seemed like an eternity, you crossed the threshold of your home. “Ellie?” you called.
No response.
“Ellie Bellie?” You called again, hanging your coat on the hooks by the door. You knew Joel was on patrol so you began to wander to find the girl.
After checking the entire upstairs, you began to worry.
“Ellie!” You yelled, thundering down the steps and into the kitchen.
“In the basement!” The girl finally responded.
With a breath of relief, you descended the basement steps and found the girl sorting through boxes, various tools of Joel’s spread around her.
“What did we talk about?” You approach, tugging on her ponytail. “No more skipping school, kid.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever,” she waves you off, pointing to the door behind her. “The water heater is in there, right?”
“How am I supposed to know?” You shrug. “The old man takes care of that stuff.”
Ellie rolls her eyes, grabbing your arm and pulling you towards the door. “Well the stupid fuckin’ thing stopped working and I want Joel to be able to have a hot shower when he gets back from patrol.”
“So call Tommy, Els,” you resist her tugging. “I can’t fix it.”
Pouting, the young girl bats her eyelashes at you, putting on her best puppy dog face. “Please, please, please?”
After a few more seconds of her insistent begging, you cave in. “Fuck, fine. Just stop with the face. Promise you won’t skip school again and I’ll see what I can do?”
“Promise!” Ellie smiles in victory, holding out the worn owner’s manual to you.
You grab the dusty book from her before shouldering the door open, wandering into the room. It’s pitch black and you can’t seem to find the lightswitch.
“Els, where’s the light?” You ask, blinking to try to adjust to the lack of light.
“Don’t be mad, okay?” You hear the girl plead before the lights flicker on and the door slams shut, lock clicking.
A tired looking Joel sits in front of you, one hand handcuffed to the gas line of the water heater. You gape at him, part of you impressed that Ellie was able to get the one up on him.
But then the reality of the situation sets in and you start to bang on the door. “Ellie, open the damn door!”
“You can come out when the two of you work out whatever shit happened,” Ellie’s voice is muffled through the door but her message is loud and clear. A key slides in from under the door. “Unlock him if you want to.”
“Great, just great,” you mutter, forehead resting on the door. “Looks like we’re never going to get out of here.”
You can hear Ellie stomp up the basements and slam the door, off to do god knows what with both of her guardians locked in a room. Turning, you look to see Joel, his eyes watching your movements. You take in his appearance – right hand cuffed to the flimsy gas line of the water heater, left hand resting in his lap, both legs extended in front of him with crossed ankles. Under different circumstances, you would have laughed.
“Would you mind givin’ me that key?” Joel asks, motioning to the key resting on the ground by your feet.
Nodding, you kick the key to him, praising yourself that it slides within reach of him. You watch as he uncuffs himself, rubbing his skin where the cuff adored his wrist. Joel slowly stands, exhaling as he stretches himself up right. Once he’s upright, you take into account his bruised knuckles, undoubtedly from the other night.
The two of you are silent. The tension is palpable – too thick to cut with a knife, maybe even a chainsaw. You watch as Joel awkwardly shifts foot to foot. You can tell that he has a lot on his mind, but you aren’t sure if you want to know what he’s thinking.
You clear your throat, already regretting your next words. “Thank you, by the way.”
Joel nods, staying on his designated side of the small room. “I’d never just let that happen to you, y’know that.”
The awkward silence lasts a few more beats, neither of you know what to say to the other.
“You don’t have to avoid the house and town,” Joel breaks first, clearing his throat. “We can be friends, can’t we?”
“Speak for yourself,” you mutter, turning around to see if the door is actually locked. It is, to your dismay.
“Bug…” Joel starts but the nickname sets you off.
“Can you, like, not call me that?” You snap, whirling around to glare at him. “You lost any and all privilege to that the second you decided to use me for your own personal pleasure. Without regard to how I would feel, may I add?”
Joel scoffs, shaking his head, “I didn’t use you for my ‘own personal pleasure’.”
“Really?” Laughing, you feel insane with how worked up he has got you in one sentence. “Then what exactly did you mean by, and I quote, ‘pretend’.”
Joel opens his mouth to respond, but you cut him off.
“Or what about ‘I’m done with you’?” You step into his space, practically chest to chest. “Because being done with someone doesn’t really leave room for friendship, now does it?”
“That’s not what I meant, y’know that!”
“Do I, Joel? Because it doesn’t feel like it!” You can feel your hands shaking as you shove him back. “You are so hot and cold. You give me fucking whiplash. I can’t stand it! You–”
His lips press against yours, hands settling on your waist to keep you in place. You freeze, the feeling of his mouth moving against yours is a foreign after not feeling it for so long. You feel yourself melting into his arms, your own wrapping around his neck as you kiss him back, lips fusing together as if they were made for each other.
Until you realize what’s happening.
“What’s wrong, bug?” Joel whispers after you throw yourself back, chest heaving.
“You can’t just do that,” your voice shakes and you feel small under his gaze. “You can’t fuck with my feelings like this.”
Joel lets out an aggravated sigh, hands running through his curly locks. “I’m not tryin’ to, sweetheart.”
“Then what are you trying to do, Joel? Because I can’t do the back and forth.” You desperately try to blink away the tears pooling at your eyes. “One minute you want me, the next you don’t. I don’t know what you want from me.”
A tear slips down your cheek.
And all of Joel’s resolve breaks.
“Baby,” he breathes, hands cupping your cheeks as he thumbs away your tears. “I…shit, hold on.”
You wait. You wait as his eyes squeeze closed. As he inhales and exhales deeply. As he shakes his head before looking at you again.
“I love you,” Joel admits. “But I’m no good for you.”
“Please,” he begs. “I can’t protect you, or Ellie. You saw what happened with the raiders at the university, I almost got the two of you killed because I’m not as young as I once was. I’m not a good man, bug, I’ve done so many bad things that I will never deserve someone like you, no matter what I do now.”
You listen to all of his reasons why he doesn’t think he deserves you. You watch the pain of his past hold him back from ever realizing how much he is worth.
“Is that why you did that?” You ask quietly, hands coming to rest on his chest. “You pushed me away because you think you’re too old for me? Too much of a burden on me?”
Joel nods, tucking a piece of your hair behind your ear.
“But, Joel, those are your reasons,” you breathe. “Your thoughts, your opinions. Not mine.”
He shakes his head. “But–”
“But nothing,” you interrupt. “I love you because of all of that. I love everything about you, your past included, Joel. There is nothing that you could do or say that could ever possibly change that. Why do you think I avoided you for weeks?”
“Because you hated me?”
“Because I couldn’t be around you thinking that I loved you when you hated me.” You laugh, leaning up to briefly press your lips against his. “Next time, how about you talk to me before you make all the decisions?”
Nodding, Joel leans forward and slots his lips against yours. You wrap your arms around his neck, locking your hands together. You feel Joel smile against your lips, a feeling you had missed, before pressing yourself as close to him as possible. Your kisses become more feverish, Joel backing you up against the door as his hands run down your sides to your hips. His hands snake around your waist, lowering themselves to your butt, groaning at the way you react to him.
A loud bang on the door startles the two of you apart.
“As much as I love that the two of you figured it out,” Ellie yells through the door. “I don’t want to hear those noises. Ever.”
A giggle escapes your lips as you hide your face in Joel’s neck, a smile spreads across your lips when you feel his arms encompass your waist.
“Are you decent? Can I let you out now?”
“Yes, Ellie.”
“Thank god,” Ellie unlocks and swings the door open. She smiles seeing the two of you wrapped up together. “I was beginning to think you’d never figure it out.”
Joel shakes his head. “Shut up.”
“You mean ‘you’re welcome’,” Ellie teases before escaping up the stairs, pausing at the top. “Just don’t suck each other's faces around me, got it?”
“Yes ma’am,” you salute her goodbye before turning back to Joel, who is pretending to look annoyed at the teen.
“By the way, how did she manage to handcuff you?”
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hxney-lemcn · 3 months
Crushcrushcrush — Ranpo Edogawa x gn! reader
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summery: a simple deal turns into more as reader and Ranpo become closer.
tw: idk if it should be counted as objectification but Ranpo refers to reader as a treat (this is all sfw)
a/n: idk how I feel about this, what do y'all think? (title is a song)
wc: 1.6k
Master List
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“I have an offer,” You stated, dragging a lone chair to sit across from Ranpo’s desk. A bored look painted the young detective's face, mindlessly rolling a lollipop over his tongue. Although he didn’t move, his eyes watched you with slight interest. 
Recently Ranpo seemed less and less inclined to do his work. It shouldn’t bother you, he wasn’t your responsibility…well at least when it came to his paperwork. Yet a nagging feeling tugged at you as his pile of work grew, less and less cases likely to be solved. The closure for someone’s loved ones or the safety of others relied on the whims of a childish detective. It didn’t feel right. So, when you were overthinking this problem only you seemed to have for the past week, you believed  you came up with a bulletproof plan.
“I’m listening,” Ranpo hummed.
Running over exactly what you wanted to say, you brought up a deal he couldn’t pass, “If you solve 10 cases every work week then I’ll treat you to whatever you want as long as it’s ¥4,500 or under. I’ll keep track of your monthly average, and if you exceed 40 cases solved in a month I’ll treat you to something worth ¥10,000. What do you say?”
There was a pause as Ranpo considered the pros and cons of this deal, and skeptically he asked “What do you get out of this?”
You hadn’t considered him to ask that. Either he would have agreed or disagreed, not dive into your intentions. Ironically, you felt that your reasoning was somewhat childish, so you hesitated before coming clean, “I just want to help people.”
Ranpo blinked before a smile spread across his face, “Okay! Nothing the world's greatest detective can’t handle.” He leaned back in his chair, arms resting behind his head.
“Oh!” You blinked, surprised he had actually agreed. “Cool, great. We’ll start next month so it’s easier for me to keep track.”
What became a simple agreement between co-workers shifted into a friendship. At first you thought you’d just give him the cash at the end of the week to spend on whatever his heart wanted…yeah you hadn’t thought that part through. When you tried to give Ranpo the cash at the end of the first week, he whined, complaining about how he needed someone to guide him to his favorite candy store. So not only were you giving him an allowance, but you had also become his go to guide. At first you were a bit annoyed, yes you had no grudges against the black haired detective, but all you wanted to do on a Friday evening was to rest in bed. 
Although it was an annoyance at first, your time together had grown on you. You got to know Ranpo better, and although he was very childish, arrogant, selfish…you get the point, he was also quite entertaining. You two worked together, but you hadn’t really interacted with him except for the meetings or greeting as you’d pass by. You felt yourself glued when Ranpo would tell you of his past cases, hands moving around while still holding his spoon with melting ice cream dripping onto the table. 
It didn’t take long for feelings to start forming. This agreement had gone on for 3 months at this point and you found yourself excited for the weekly outing you two shared. His childishness that had endeared you before was your downfall. Ever since you got to know each other better, Ranpo had begun pestering you more. Whether it be poking you for more snacks, or requesting you to join him during his cases, he never failed to gain your attention in one way or another. Which gained the attention of your fellow co-workers.
Dazai drawled your name, moving his chair to join you at your desk. You barely gave the bandaged detective a glance, continuing the report you needed to finish about you and Ranpo’s last case. Dazai disregarded your disinterest and continued, “Why haven’t you offered me a reward for getting work done?” A pout rested on his lips as he stared at you with a mischievous glint in his eyes.
You quickly shut him down, “You wouldn’t do the work.”
He found a way to make himself look even more pathetic as he whined, “You’re so mean! Ranpo gets to hang out with such an attractive person while the rest of us are just chopped liver.”
You stared at him blankly, unsure what his motivations could possibly be, “You just want free food.”
Dazai leaned back in his chair, hand resting over his chest in a dramatic gesture, “You wound me! Is it really such a shock that I may want to spend time with you, Belladonna?”
You squinted at him, very aware that he only used that pet name when he was trying to woo someone, or in this case to bring your defenses down. And even though you knew he was up to something, you felt yourself give in. It’s been a long week and useless bickering wasn’t going to finish your report. 
“Do you want to join us or something?” You asked exasperatedly. 
“You’re inviting little old me?” Dazai asked with a dramatic gasp, a smile replacing his previous pout. “Oh I don’t know…”
“You’d have to ask Ranpo,” You grumbled, turning back to the half finished report. “And you have to pay for yourself.”
Little did you know, Ranpo was watching your entire interaction, a frown painting his features. He wasn’t sure why, but the thought of Dazai encroaching on your shared activity didn’t settle well. He was a selfish man, and you had become a treat all on your own. He wanted your attention on him, and although he knows it’s impossible for you to focus on him at all times, it didn’t stop him from wanting it. The thought was foreign to him, as he only really cared about the President’s praise or Yosano’s opinions, but you had managed to wiggle your way into his life and now he also cared about having your attention, praise, and opinions. 
When you had brought up Ranpo, Dazai looked over to said man, a pleased grin on the brown haired detective's lips. Ranpo’s frown grew, unsure why Dazai seemed so pleased. No way was he letting the lesser detective spoil his treats. 
“Oh Ranpo~” Dazai sang, only to be cut off.
The sternness in Ranpo’s reply stunned you into tuning back into the situation. You watched in slight shock as Ranpo glared over at Dazai.
“You’re both so mean,” Dazai whined, but finally dropped the subject, sending you a smirk before returning to his desk. 
You glanced at Ranpo once more, only for him to have returned to his normal self, opening a bag of chips as if nothing unusual just happened. That was only the start to his unusual behavior towards you. You knew your doting on him would clue him in on your feelings, but you hadn’t expected him to reciprocate. Yes your agreement had started because you wanted to help people, but it had turned indulgent as you enjoyed your time with the detective. What you hadn’t expected was for it to become indulgent for him as well. 
The next sign was how the seemingly touch adverse man had turned into the clingiest motherfucker you had ever met. You didn’t mind until it started to intrude on your work. It started with small things, holding your hand as you walked the streets together, resting his head on your shoulder while you sat on the bus. Small things you could easily mistake as friendly (which you had), but the gestures started to blur some lines. Hugs that lasted longer than you could brush off, getting piggy back rides from you (if/when possible), cuddling with you on the break room couch when you both had a break. Dazai had found it his new goal in life to tease you as much as possible (it seemed that Yosano had taken up the same practice with Ranpo). Finally you both had breached gestures that clearly couldn’t be waved off as friendly. Ranpo had decided that the best seat in the office was your lap (you couldn’t suppress the embarrassment you felt as everyone in the office stared at you both), or how he’d insist you sleep over (you basically live in his dorm at this point).
The biggest sign of how Ranpo felt about you was when he offered you your favorite snack. Not only was it a snack, something he guards with his life, but it was your favorite, something he deemed worthy enough to know. Such a small gesture managed to warm your heart. There was only one problem…neither of you seemed to be able to open up about your feelings for the other. Your agreement had fizzled, as Ranpo settled for receiving your praises in exchange for his work, but you still would buy him an ice cream or some candy as a reward. 
The lines of your relationship continued to blur more and more. It wasn’t until finally Ranpo had introduced you as his partner, and no, not as a work partner. At first you became flustered, a label finally falling onto your relationship, and soon Ranpo had followed as he realized what he let slip. He thought of you both as together, and a wide grin adorned your face. Hoping to get through to him that it was okay as you wanted the same, you had pressed a kiss to his cheek…which only seemed to worsen his flustered state. 
At the end of the day…none of your co-workers were shocked. In fact, when Ranpo had declared your status to the office (much to your dismay), Dazai just had to quip, “Wait, you weren’t before?”
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youremyheaven · 2 months
Outcaste Nakshatras: The Outsiders (part 3)
Here's part 1 and part 2
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The more I study Mleccha nakshatra natives and the art they make, the more I understand how deeply lonely it is to have a Mleccha nak (Bharani, Ashlesha, Vishaka, Shravana) and I really feel for them. To live your whole life feeling misunderstood and othered is so difficult.
The movie Edward Scissorhands is a really good example of the "outcast" trope. The titular character is played by Johnny Depp who has Ashlesha Rising and his love interest is played by Winona Ryder who has Mercury (amatyakaraka) & Venus (atmakaraka) in Vishaka
I find Outcaste nak pairing very interesting because obviously you only feel like you belong/truly feel accepted in the presence of another Outcast.
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Sidharth Malhotra, Vishaka Moon is married to Kiara Advani, who has Mercury & Venus (atmakaraka) in Ashlesha (if you have 2 or more planets in the same nak that energy is very concentrated even if its not your big 3)
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they're both known for being pretty low-key people which is unusual in Bollywood lmao
Sid is an "outsider" which is what we call non-nepo actors in India. imagine the extent of nepotism in cinema in India that its the exception to be an "outsider"lmao. anyway Sid is pretty reserved and introverted and is known for not fitting in with the Bollywood crowd. Kiara is also kinda like that I guess but idk too much about her personality. They both seem happy together tho
Kareena Kapoor, Shravana Moon is married to Saif Ali Khan, Ashlesha Sun & Shravana Moon
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Kareena's parents are famous actors who are separated (her dad was misogynistic and abusive and didn't want women to act) and even tho she's a nepo baby she didn't grow up with the same privileges as others in her famous family. Her elder sister had to drop out of school to support the family by acting as they were raised by a single mom and had fallen on bad times. You can see how the "outcast" themes were present in Kareena's life even though she's a very privileged nepo baby
Saif is also a nepo baby (welcome to bollywood lol) but he married a much older actress when he was 21 and had two kids. they later got divorced and Saif received a ton of bad press for alleged adultery, not getting custody or visitation rights of the kids, not paying child support (the amount was absurdly high tbh) etc he didn't fit in with the other actors of his generation. The media & public went crazy when news of Saif & Kareena getting married came out bc Saif is a divorcee with 2 kids (this stuff is still taboo in India unfortunately) and Kareena is one of the most successful stars of her generation. But they've been married for 10+ yrs and have 2 kids and are as happy as ever.
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Even Kareena's longterm ex-boyfriend, Shahid Kapoor was a Mleccha caste nak guy (he has Vishaka Moon)
Expanding on the outcast tropes, Shahid's parents separated when he was young and he saw little of his biological father. He had to work very hard for very long to break into the industry and even now, he's not really given his due as an actor.
Alia Bhatt, Shravana Rising is married to Ranbir Kapoor, Shravana Moon
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their marriage seems hella toxic to me ngl BUT they've both had similar childhoods.
Alia & Ranbir are both nepo babies (welcome to bollywood), Alia is like a tier 3 nepo (her father is a notoriously controversial filmmaker) whilst Ranbir is like a tier 1 nepo (he is a 4th generation actor from the biggest film family in India) however both their parents had unhappy marriages, and both of them had abusive fathers. trauma bonding, mayhaps? they're both also extremely close to their mothers as well (Moon dominant people often tend to be)
Its another example of Outcaste naks bonding over their shared experiences/feelings of being the outcast.
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all members of Blackpink have an Outcaste nakshatra in their chart that is prominent in some way.
Jisoo- Shravana Moon, Venus in Vishaka (darakaraka), Ketu in Bharani
Rose- Venus conjunct Jupiter (debilitated) in Shravana
Jennie- Vishaka Moon, Mars in Shravana
Lisa- Jupiter in Shravana (debilitated), Swati Moon (Swati is a Shudra nak, which is the lowest caste so the themes are similar to that of outcaste naks)
This is interesting to me because BP is the biggest girl group of all time yet they are also probably disproportionately hated for things they cant even control. they were mismanaged by a shitty ass company with very few comebacks and barely got to display their true calibre as artists and their media interactions, promos, other activities etc were severely controlled and restricted. all of this is to say that despite being the most successful group their actual experiences are far from sunshine and roses. they were treated like outcasts by their company and the industry and fans. they trained for 4-6 years, enduring a brutal and toxic system, worked very hard with what they were given, with 0 creative liberty to come this far im glad theyre pursuing solo careers now and hope to see them thrive<333
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the movie Lost in Translation is a good example of two outcasts/lonely people who find comfort in each other
Bill Murray is Shravana Moon and Scarlett Johansson is Vishaka Moon
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Sridevi, Ashlesha Sun & Rising and Boney Kapoor, Vishaka Sun & Mercury
So they had a really fcked up marriage that I won't get into but they were both people who felt like outcasts in their lives. Sridevi grew up with a stepfather and was pushed into acting by her mother when she was 3-4 years old (she's like an Indian Judy Garland tbh) who deprived her of formal education and a normal life so that she'd be the family cash cow. Being South Indian, she also found it hard to fit in among Bollywood folks as she initially spoke neither Hindi nor English. Boney's the ugly duckling of his family and his younger brother is one of the most famous/iconic actors ever, he had to become a movie producer since his brothers became actors and his father (who was a movie producer) thought it would be better if he stayed behind the scenes. themes of exclusion and outcast-ness crop up in their lives and in the lives of all the people I mention here.
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Lady Bird is a good example of a movie about a female teenage outcast. The titular character is played by Saoirse Ronan, who has Bharani Moon
Recently I came across the content creator, Alana Lintao who often makes shorts about social behaviour. This one in particular stood out to me because its literally about one person being excluded by a group of friends or being treated like "the other".
Alana plays the excluded friend in this short as well. She has Bharani Sun, Swati Moon and Mercury in Revati amatyakaraka (Swati & Revati are both Shudra naks)
Outcaste naks are vilified and crucified for mistakes others get away with.
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Janet Jackson, Vishaka Rising & Ketu
Janet's career took a hit and her life took a tumultuous turn after the Superbowl incident. She did not deserve all the vitriol she received then especially considering how so many others get away with wayyy worse
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Jennie, Vishaka Moon gets hated on for absolutely nothing
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Lana Del Rey, Ashlesha Moon, Vishaka Rising (&stellium)
Lana does say dumb things from time to time but she gets soooo much unnecessary hate
I have noticed how Outcaste nakshatras often tend to have really difficult childhood experiences
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Jeanette McCurdy- Ardra sun, Bharani Moon & Pushya Rising
Jeanette opens up about her abusive mother and terrible childhood in her memoir. I mention her other placements as well because I've noticed that both Ardra & Pushya natives also experience abuse in their early lives
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Britney Spears, Shravana Moon
she has endured so much abuse from so many people including her family. i wish her peace.
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Wheein, Vishaka Moon grew up with a single mother and later after she made her debut her estranged father tried to borrow money from people under her name?? there was a minor scandal about it many years ago. She also grew up quite lower middle class if not poor.
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David Bowie, Shravana Rising
Bowie once said, "“It wasn’t a particularly happy childhood, my parents were cold emotionally. There weren’t many hugs. I always craved affection because of that.”
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Cole & Dylan Sprouse, Ashlesha Sun
Speaking on the Call Her Daddy podcast, he explained that their mother's issues with mental health and addiction contributed to her being "financially the most irresponsible woman ever." He said that when their dad was given forced custody when the boys were 10, their mom had already spent everything they'd earned from their early acting jobs. Though their dad wanted them to be "normal kids," he ultimately decided that the boys' acting careers were a financial necessity.
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Ariel Winter, Shravana Sun
Ariel Winter has spoken out about how acting wasn't her choice, but it was her mother's. Ariel shared that her mother, Crystal Workman, had dreams of being an actor herself. Ariel said that with Crystal as her stage mom, she dealt with a lot of abuse and exploitation.
Once Ariel's acting career began, she said her mom put her on a strict diet and neglected her education. Her mother also had her dress in outfits that sexualized her. Ariel claimed her mom put her in “the smallest miniskirts, sailor suits, low-cut things, the shortest dresses you’ve ever seen. People thought I was 24 when I was 12. If there was going to be a nude scene when I was that age, my mother would have a thousand percent said yes.”
Now Bollywood is an industry run by film dynasties, its very rare for someone from the outside to break in and make it big. Being an "Outsider" is very difficult, people bully you, try to sabotage your career, try to isolate you etc etc, needless to say its not for the faint of heart. So lets take a look at some of the most successful "Outsiders" in Bollywood who made it big without any family in the business
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ofc we have to start with the most successful outsider of all time, Shahrukh Khan, Shravana Moon
he truly came from nothing (father died when he was a teenager, mother died before he made his debut, has a sister with special needs who he has taken care of his entire life) and became the biggest star in the world.
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Akshay Kumar, Vishaka Moon, he was a martial artist, chef, waiter and worked numerous odd jobs before he started modelling in his late 20s and later started acting and today he has a net worth of $340 million
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Anushka Sharma, Bharani Sun
her life is truly a case of being lucky af, she was a model and by the age of 19-20 she was cast in a film opposite Shahrukh Khan aka the biggest actor in the country produced by YRF, one of the biggest film production companies in India. its truly a fairy tale because neither can Anushka act nor is she gifted in any other way (bad dancer, heck she was even an awful model) but she's incredibly successful in every way and is now married to the (former) Captain of the Indian cricket team
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Deepika Padukone, Shravana Rising
she is from a privileged background (her dad's a renowned badminton player) but she worked very very hard to get where she is today and has had more career longevity than just about any other actress.
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Bipasha Basu & John Abraham, Bharani Moon
they were both a hot couple who were really popular in the 2000s
there are many other successful Outsiders but they don't have outcaste naks lol, these are the only ones i can think of rn :/
i hope this post was informative<33
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