#idle x reader
tyun4airy · 3 months
(G)I-dle Masterlist
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4 notes · View notes
lustspren · 1 month
Royal ft Miyeon, Soyeon.
length: 14.6k words ✦
Miyeon, Soyeon & Male Reader. 
O Sole Mio Sequel.
genres: threesome, breeding, overstimulation, blowjob, squirt, facefuck, voyeur, hard sex, bi, creampie, pussy eating, party sex, public sex ✧ 
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Month and a half since you were in Los Angeles. Month and a half since Miyeon saw you, Soyeon and Yuqi naked in her own room.
You thought about it often; her reaction had been hilarious to say the least, but you were afraid that it would change your relationship with her in some way. Luckily that didn't happen. However, every time you saw her you couldn't help but remember that day. You were sure the same thing happened to her.
When the recordings of the Queencard and Allergy music videos were finished, you returned with the girls back to Korea and everything continued as usual. To no one's surprise, Queencard became such a hit that it gave the girls a PAK. An achievement like this, desired by so many groups and artists within the country, was not something that was achieved every day. It deserved celebration.
You had already had a small meeting at Soyeon's apartment to drink and do karaoke, but the idea for something bigger came from Minnie: the only person among them capable of spending absurd amounts of money without the slightest remorse. Her idea was to organize a big party, with a multitude of idols and their respective companions—if they had them—as main guests. It seemed crazy to you, but neither Soyeon nor the rest of the girls thought it was a bad idea.
Although Minnie was the leader of that initiative, the rest of the girls, in her eagerness to participate, convinced her to also help with the expenses. This is how they inaugurated the fund from which all the money destined solely and exclusively for the party would come. You, of course, couldn't contribute anything even though Soyeon was always in charge of giving you everything you needed; the amount of money you earned was tiny compared to the current most famous group in Korea. You had no choice but to help with all the logistics, at least.
No expenses of any kind were spared: they hired private security personnel, apparently among the best. They also bought alcoholic beverages of all kinds, snacks and sweets to fill the cupboards, and a sophisticated sound system. The jewel in the crown was the place that was rented for the event: a big house located in an exclusive neighborhood under construction in Yongin-si, a city located 40 kilometers south of Seoul.
The fund was made up of all the girls, but Minnie was responsible for all that uncontrollable spending. The speech she used as an excuse was that 'the fund would never fall short as long as she was the main investor.' You couldn't argue against that, besides, it was her problem.
You were with Soyeon like a limpet, glued to her at all times, doing preparations and errands everywhere. Aside from this, a big part of your job—or rather your girlfriend's—was making calls to every entertainment company you could think of to fill them in on the details. The big hook that Soyeon had going for her was that they wouldn't have to worry about security and privacy issues. Some bigwigs objected and dismissed the idea as crazy almost immediately, but in these cases Soyeon used her influence to get CUBE's own staff—who had no choice but to obey the person who fed them—to convince them in person.
So, with a bit of tug-of-war all the corresponding permissions were obtained, and invitations began to be sent to every possible idol in the girls' contact book. If your calculations were correct, by the end of that day around 60 people had been invited. That's not counting the possible companies that each one will bring.
What a mess.
"Hey, remember what I told you that night with Minnie?" Soyeon asked you.
You were in her apartment, sitting on the couch with the table in front of you full of papers and folders. You had been making expense calculations and adjusting budgets, and then sending the documents to Minnie. After a couple of hours Soyeon had gotten up to get cups of coffee and take a break.
You sipped the steaming energizing nectar, a pen held to your ear.
“Huh…” you thought about it for a moment. "The thing about...?"
"Aha." she nodded, crossing her legs, the coffee cup in her hand.
"Yeah, I remember. Why?"
Soyeon leaned forward, arms crossed over her knee.
"Because this will be the perfect opportunity to make Miyeonie take the bait." she said, lowering her voice, as if someone else, in the apartment where it was just the two of you, was going to listen.
You had had few interactions with Miyeon since that day, but all of them were normal, pleasant. Of course you acted like she hadn't seen your dick a month and a half ago, but you were sure she thought about it every time you talked, because every time she zoomed out looking down. You didn't know if she was looking where you thought she was looking, but she was, which was suspicious enough.
"And how do we plan to do that?" you said.
"Bringing her to a point where she can't resist. Cook her over low heat." She took a sip of her coffee.
You hesitated.
"She's not like Minnie or Yuqi. She's not easy to corrupt."
"And you're right, but," she held up a finger and set the coffee cup down next to a folder. "It's easier to make her give in on her own."
You wrinkled your forehead.
"What are you supposed to mean by that?"
"You'll see, darling," she patted your knee. "you will see."
—A week later—
Getting ready for an event where everyone was more attractive than you was a pain in the ass.
The day finally arrived. A Saturday night. You and Soyeon got ready at her apartment; three long hours that seemed eternal while Soyeon took even more time than you to choose what to wear. More than once you were honest with her and gave her the go-ahead for many outfits, but she just kept dismissing them. In the end she opted for a short black dress with long sleeves, wide wrists and pointed shoulder pads. She adorned her neck with a necklace of black pearls, and on her feet she wore wide, high platform heels.
The dress code was elegant, and the color was black. That was supposed to make things easier, but it didn't. You were Jeon Soyeon's partner, you just couldn't look dull.
You already had the complete outfit: black cotton sweater, high-waisted dress pants, and wide-soled formal shoes; but you were missing something, you could tell at a glance what it was, so Soyeon took you out of the house and bought you a nice leather blazer to wear over it. Now you were perfect for the occasion.
After an hour and a half by car you arrived at the neighborhood in question.
There were rather very few inhabited houses around; everything was in the process of being remodeled, and all the residences that had already been put up for sale were at least three blocks away in the case of the closest one. One of these houses was the one that stood in front of you, but the girls had only rented it for two nights. It was a masterstroke, not only were you out of the eye of the hurricane, but within that same block no one was going to be able to bother you.
As soon as you got out of the car you saw Minnie in the doorway, talking to two tall, robust men dressed in suits. You moved to the lower sidewalk and walked past the garage door until you stood behind the men. Soyeon cleared her throat, and they immediately moved aside to make way for you.
You and Soyeon greeted Minnie—who also looked spectacularly luxurious, in a black top and skirt and a black feather coat—and walked through the gate to stand behind her.
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The men were the heads of security, who repeated the information they had given to Minnie so that she would be aware as well. Basically, a surveillance perimeter had been set up around the house to monitor any suspicious movement and act immediately against a potential photographer. You doubted how legal that last one thing was, but they seemed like completely professional people. Besides, you trusted Soyeon and Minnie's judgment.
After the explanation, one of the men left and the other stayed as a doorman, with an iPad with the guest list in his hand. You three went inside.
"Damn, you've worked on it, haven't you?" you asked Minnie, as you walked through the front entrance and into the living room.
She turned to look at you with a sneaky, almost arrogant smile.
"What did you think, that we were going to invite half of the industry here and not have security well covered?" she raised an eyebrow.
The living room space was divided into two zones: the left side, with doors leading to a small private dining room and a small space that led to a bathroom and a guest bedroom; and the central part, where you were standing, with an opening that offered a view of the second floor ceiling, from which hung a set of circular lamps that floated at least two meters above your heads.
The entire front part of the living room was glass panels facing the yard, where Yeh Shuhua was taking selfies and taking photos of the mountain scenery. Minnie went to sit on the large sofa installed behind one of the wooden beams, but you went through the door on the right to get to the kitchen. There you met Yuqi, with whom you exchanged a few words while you drank more than necessary glasses of cold water.
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There were no traces of the leading star down there, so you went up to the second floor. The master bedroom was just up the stairs, behind a door on the right. There you found her, standing in front of a tall floor mirror; she fixed the short dress she was wearing, adjusting the thin straps with which it was held around her neck.
The aura of confidence that she emanated was one of the most attractive things she had in her arsenal. That, of course, is not counting a beautiful pair of legs and killer shoulders. One side of her shiny black hair fell in front of her left shoulder, and the other fell behind her right. Half of her back was exposed, a sight for which you had to thank the almighty himself.
She looked at you sideways and smiled at her reflection in the mirror. She then took out a lipstick from a small bag.
"You could at least knock on the door," she said, putting on lipstick. "I could have been in my panties."
"And what would have been wrong with that?" Soyeon replied, walking behind her to sit in the corner of the gigantic bed.
You put your hands in your pants pockets and stood five feet behind Miyeon, looking her up and down. She glanced at you through her reflection, and to your surprise she winked at you.
"Well, that would have been a pretty unfair way to get revenge for what happened in L.A."
Your gaze was lost and your thoughts went blank, not expecting her to take out that dirty cloth so soon. You stayed quiet for a second until Soyeon evaded the topic.
"My goodness, woman," she said, looking her up and down. "You look fucking beautiful."
"Yeah." You nodded. "Nothing new about you tho, but something tells me you know you'll have competition today huh?"
Miyeon adjusted her earrings and turned to look at you. She raised both eyebrows as if you had said the most absurd thing in the world.
"Competition?" she asked, amused. "Ha! Who's going to compete with me? That's ridiculous."
Soyeon laughed.
"At levels of egocentrism, well, quite a few people, you're right about that." she said before standing up.
"Your boyfriend's eyes don't say the same," Miyeon gave you a look and turned towards the door with a mischievous smile. "I'll wait for you downstairs."
Soyeon waited for Miyeon to come out of the bedroom before standing in front of you and look at you with a raised eyebrow.
"What?" you asked.
"Couldn't you be a little more sneaky?"
"But what did I do!" you protested.
"Yeah yeah, forget it," she said with a swing of her hands. "Listen to me carefully," she grabbed your face. "I won't be able to be with you for the entire party, unfortunately I have to play my role as hostess and I can't leave the guests unattended. Anyway, I'll be going with you frequently, so don't worry."
You nodded throughout her explanation, and did so again as you grabbed her waist.
"Yeah, don't worry about me, I think I can acclimatize well." You leaned down to peck her lips. She gave you another one immediately and looked into your eyes.
"Hey, don't forget," she lowered her voice. "This is your perfect opportunity to spend time with Miyeonie. Golden opportunity, actually."
The music began to boom from downstairs, getting louder with each passing second. It seemed like they were testing how high they could go without making it unbearable.
"I don't promise anything. That woman looks innocent but she's… scary."
"I was too when you met me," she objected. "And now I'm taking you late at night to the mall to buy you a jacket."
You and her shared a laugh, gave each other one last kiss before leaving the bedroom and headed downstairs.
The music resonated throughout the house through an interconnected series of powerful speakers installed at different points on the ground floor, connected to a main sound system located on the yard porch. Yuqi and Shuhua were in front of it fiddling with things on the console, since they were in charge of the playlist. The two of them had a pretty solid taste in music, so you were calm about that.
Soyeon left you to go talk to Minnie, leaving you alone with Miyeon at the bottom of the stairs. Kanye West's Gold Digger started playing.
She turned to look at you.
"I'm going to go take some photos, are you coming with me?" she asked.
"I mean I don't have much to do in here, come on," you gestured with your chin towards the yard.
Miyeon walked ahead of you, you followed her from behind. Soyeon's gaze was fixed on the two of you for a few seconds, but she didn't take long to hide it.
As you walked out onto the porch you gave Shuhua a friendly tap on the back of the head in greeting. You had to run away so she wouldn't kick your ass in response.
Miyeon took you to the side of the house, where there was a dining area covered by a large patio umbrella. You walked ahead and pulled out one of the black chairs for her. She giggled.
"Woah, what a gentleman," she said, taking a seat.
"I know right?" You sat next to her and left your phone on the table. "I'm clearly a different breed."
"Oh yeah?" She raised both eyebrows and laughed again.
You nodded your head slowly, sinking into the seat.
"Yeah, there are few like me left in the world you know?"
"Right," she nodded as well, pulling her phone out of her clutch. "That's appropriate then, if you're going to be my company for the night you must be one of those."
She entered the camera on her phone and started taking selfies. You stared at her, your hands inside your jacket pockets.
"As long as you let me be, I'll be delighted."
"It's not like I have a choice," she said without looking at you, doing different poses and angles. "Sana is on tour and Jiwoo has a busy schedule."
"Ouch, that means I'm the last option."
She turned to look at you with a confused expression.
"Don't talk nonsense, silly." She looked back at the screen. "You're far from being a last option. Besides, I need few things on a night like this, and you can fulfill all of them more than well."
You raised your eyebrows and tilted your head, nodding.
"May I know what those things you are talking about are?"
Miyeon put the phone down and looked you up and down. Again, she stayed looking down for too long, but when you tried to follow her gaze she quickly raised it.
When she was about to answer you, you realized that there was beginning to be movement inside the house. The guests had begun to arrive.
From your seats you saw how the yard began to fill with people that you had only seen through a screen or from far away during your work. Miyeon didn't look fazed about it, but it was overwhelming for you. On top of that, it got worse when some idols came up to greet Miyeon: Wendy from Red Velvet, Jiwon and Seoyeon from Fromis, Mingyu and DK from Seventeen, Sehun from EXO, Eunwoo from Astro and even Somi herself, to name a few.
At one point you realized how truly gigantic the industry really was, as the place was packed with people. And that didn't even represent 20% of all of them. But you were sure that every big shot that could be there, was.
There were few who went with a non-famous person, you could count them on the fingers of both hands. One of them was Isa from STAYC, who was arm in arm with a foreign guy who seemed very familiar to you, but you didn't know where from. They were talking to Minnie and Ryujin, with whom you knew Isa was friends.
While you looked in that direction your vision was obstructed by Soyeon, who was accompanied by some of her close friends that you didn't know until now. Somi was behind her, as were Elkie, Sorn, and Yeeun, the three former CLC members. She formally introduced you to everyone. They were kind enough to you, but that didn't make you feel any less like a little ant in the middle of a metropolis. You still seemed confident and fun on the outside, or at least you tried to.
She left with them, and she left you and Miyeon alone again.
You stood up and wandered around the house, striking up short conversations—or rather Miyeon—with several of her friends, many of whom had already gone to say hello previously. By then you had already started drinking. You two drank from thermal mugs to make it more comfortable while you went from here to there. Yours had vodka and lemon soda, and Miyeon's had white rum and watermelon juice.
You hadn't been drinking for long, you had barely finished a drink and you had just finished refilling your mugs. But you already noticed that Miyeon was behaving slightly differently, she seemed eager to move her body, you noticed it while you were starting a small conversation about your favorite vocalists.
"Wait a minute," you interrupted her, while she was talking about Christina Aguilera. "Wanna dance?"
Miyeon tilted her head and looked at you as if you had guessed the lottery number. You decided not to point out how much it showed on her.
"Oh, actually… yeah,” she nodded. “Come on," she smiled, and she took your hand to lead you inside the house.
The heart of the party was there. If outside it seemed like the place was at maximum capacity, inside you felt like you were in rush hour in Seoul.
You made your way through the crowd, Miyeon leading the way as she held your hand. Having that point of view was kind of comforting: all those people you saw on screens, shiny and seemingly perfect, being ordinary people. There was nothing new under the sun, it was evident that these young people enjoyed their private lives as much as anyone else. But being there, meters—even less—from them, made you forget that they were famous people. That made you feel more comfortable.
Miyeon led you to a corner of the living room, near the stairs leading to the second floor. You stood with your back against the wall, and Miyeon turned her back to you to corner you against it.
You had four guys from NCT Dream nearby, but you only recognized two: Mark and Jisung; you knew the other two, but you couldn't remember their names. They were talking to two girls you didn't know even by face and to Sehun from EXO. They all gave small polite bows to Miyeon and went about their business.
You weren't dancing as such at first, you were just moving subtly to the rhythm of the music while you drank and enjoyed the atmosphere. She just made sure that you were pressed against the wall at all times, so that you could soak in the scent of her hair and the warmth of her body as much as possible.
She turned her head and leaned closer to your ear.
"Won't Soyeonie be upset if she finds us like this?" she asked.
You thought about it for a moment and let out a chuckle.
"No, I don't think so," you shook your head.
"Great, then it's my time to check something."
Miyeon pressed her body against yours, her ass, firm under her short dress, rubbing against your bulge. You let out a sly smile, realizing that your mission was not going to be as difficult as you expected.
"Hmm… even this way it feels really good against my ass," she continued, then took a sip of her drink. "Come on, let's dance."
She had dared, now you had to dare too.
You wrapped your hand around her waist, placing it right in the center of her abdomen, which she didn't seem to mind. You didn't want to get hard, but despite your efforts you were sure she ended up feeling the firm bulge press against her.
You danced for a couple of songs. Nothing too flashy or risqué, but you remained close during every second. You were lying if you didn't say that you wanted to bury your face in that long, slightly sweaty neck, or kiss those pretty lips with the aftertaste of liquor on them, but you couldn’t rush.
You were forced to stop when Yuqi appeared in the crowd. Her gaze dropped to your hand on Miyeon's abdomen. She raised her eyebrows in surprise, but she didn't say anything about it.
"Hey, Soyeon sent me to find you!" she said. "We will hold a hate convention towards CUBE."
Miyeon jumped away from you and smiled broadly at Yuqi.
"I'm in!" She looked at you and offered you her hand. "Come on!"
She was the happiest you had seen her all night. That said a lot about the experience of those girls under the yoke of a disgusting company. Of course you took her hand and followed Yuqi.
Yuqi led you back to the side alley of the house. In the dining area, where you and Miyeon were before, Soyeon and Minnie were sitting along with a good number of people you already knew beforehand: Elkie, Eunbin, Yeeun, Sorn, Dawn, Wooseok, Kino, Sanghah, Juhyeon and Hina. All former, or idols under CUBE Entertainment. It was going to be a more than entertaining talk.
"Hello everyoneee!" Miyeon greeted, taking a seat in a free chair. You sat on the side. "Where is Shuhua?"
"We have no idea," Soyeon responded from across the table.
"The last time we saw her she was with a guy I don't know, two girls from STAYC, Hanni from New Jeans and... her name is Rei, right?" Yeeun said next to Soyeon, looking at Lightsum's Hina, who was also Japanese.
"Aha," Hina nodded.
"Oh, I just saw her with Hanni and Isa in the dining room," said Yuqi sitting on your left. "I didn't see the other guy or the other two."
"And why didn't you tell her to come with us?" Elkie asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Of course I did!" Yuqi protested. "But you know how that girl is, she didn't listen to me."
"It doesn't matter girls," Soyeon said. "That shouldn't be an impediment for us."
Of course, the main subject of the conversation was CUBE and why they were a huge garbage company.
You didn't have much or practically anything to contribute to the conversation, since you weren't even an employee within that company or had any connections of any kind beyond the girls. Even so, they came to you from time to time to find out what someone's point of view was like from the outside, so you enriched the conversation anyway.
Listening to their experiences was heartbreaking for you. They had all been through horrible, unfair treatment, but you were surprised by how lightly everyone talked about it. You even noticed that they took it with a certain amount of humor. You couldn't blame them, after all it was a very natural defense mechanism in everyone, but you knew how they felt. In the end you all agreed on the same thing: CUBE deserved the worst.
Over time—about an hour or an hour and a half—the group began to dissolve piece by piece, either because they were going to dance, because they were going to refill their drinks, or because they were going to talk to other people at the party. 
Soyeon also left, telling you that she also wanted to spend some time with her Lightsum hoobaes. She gave you a kiss and winked before leaving with Sanghah, Juhyeon and Hina.
In the end, only you, Miyeon, Yuqi and Minnie were left at the table.
"Now why are you two so close together all of a sudden?" Minnie asked cross-legged.
"Yeah," Yuqi nodded. "I can count the times I saw you together during these months."
You were about to jump to your defense, but Miyeon beat you to it, placing her hand on your right thigh.
"He's just looking out for me," she said. "You know, neither Sana nor Jiwoo can be with me today," she pouted and looked at Yuqi. "I thought you would know what a good company he is."
As she said that last sentence she slowly moved her hand up your thigh and squeezed it very close to your crotch, even touching your bulge with the side of her hand. You couldn't say a single word, you were frozen.
Yuqi opened her eyes wide. You noticed that her cheeks turned into an intense blush and that she shifted nervously in the seat.
Minnie wrinkled her brow and looked at Yuqi with a raised eyebrow.
"What is she talking about?" she asked.
Yuqi looked at you, looking for help. You just shook your head. She then looked at Minnie.
"Uh… oh!" She pretended someone was calling her from behind you. "Chenle is calling me!"
She stood up and ran with small jumps around the table, grabbing the skirt of her dress so as not to trip.
"Wah! And Xiaoting unnie too?" she said again, as if her flight had not been false enough already.
The three of you looked at her as she left, in disbelief. She didn't end up going anywhere. She stood in the middle of the yard looking for one of the people she had just named, but when she didn't see anyone she quickly went into the house.
"Very well, I won't be anyone's third wheel," Minnie said as soon as she locked eyes with you. "Have a good time, cuties."
Minnie stood up and blew you both a kiss before leaving as well. Only then did Miyeon remove her hand from your thigh. You looked at her, narrowing your eyes.
"What are you playing, Cho Miyeon?" you asked.
She turned to look at you with an innocent expression.
"Huh?" She was playing dumb. "I only said that because I know how much fun you guys had in L.A."
"A certain part of me caused so much fun, can you imagine what I'm talking about?"
Miyeon put a finger to her lips and wrinkled her forehead, pretending to think. In the end she shook her head.
"The truth is that I have no idea, I'll try to search my memory to see if I remember anything."
"I could help you with that, don't you think?"
"Yeah," she nodded, looking into your eyes. "I'm sure you could."
"Do you want to go inside?" You gestured towards the house.
She pushed the chair back and stood up, but when she put one foot away from it she 'tripped' and fell sitting on her side right on top of your bulge. You instinctively held her waist. Her sexy little waist.
"Oops," she said, her face inches from yours. "The heels played dirty on me."
"Thank god you landed in a safe place, then," you said, looking at her lips and then at her sideboob inside her dress.
Miyeon nodded slowly, holding onto your shoulders.
"Very comfortable, too," she added, looking at your lips. "I wouldn't mind falling here more times."
Your lips were very close to each other. You thought it was time. You could smell her breath, hot and tempting. She approached you, squeezing your shoulders with her fingers. But just as your lips touched, a commotion meters behind you interrupted you. You turned to look.
It turned out that some guys, among whom you recognized three from The Boyz and a couple from Enhypen, had brought out a ping pong table—god knows where from—and were installing it there, along with a bunch of party glasses and a ping pong ball. One of them had a bottle of vodka in his hand, which he placed in the center of the table before starting to play.
Miyeon turned her gaze to you.
"Do you want to go play?" she asked.
"I would like to play with you, not gonna lie."
She raised an eyebrow and grabbed your face, her lips pressed into a mischievous smile. She scrutinized your face and ran her thumb over your bottom lip.
"Later..." she said. "I don't feel horny enough yet."
"No rush, then," you smiled.
You made an attempt to kiss her, but she pressed her index finger against your lips and slowly shook her head before standing up. The damn proud smile she wore on her face only made you want her more.
Reluctantly you stood up and walked with her to where the crowd was gathering around the game. There you met Shuhua, accompanied by Isa and Hanni. Soon they were joined by who you assumed was the guy Yeeun told you about; with him came Yoon and Rei. You spent another little effort trying to figure out where you knew him from, and finally your mind clicked: you knew him from a viral clip of him playing Fortnite, he was a famous English-speaking streamer.
Once you took off the weight of knowing who he was, you didn't pay him any more attention. You focused on beating Cho Miyeon at beer pong.
She was kicking your ass in a somewhat humiliating way. You didn't know whether to associate it with beginner's luck or the discouraging fact that, at that moment, the universe was against you. Out of 10 balls you could score, maybe you got 3 or 4. Miyeon scored 8 of those 10.
Every gulp of vodka burned your throat and made you wrinkle your nose. It went down your entire body too quickly, as it didn't take long for you to feel dizzy. You needed a break, so you motioned for Miyeon to stop and move aside. This was a roundabout way of accepting defeat, and she didn't hesitate to tease you for it.
"Are you ok?" she asked between silly laughs, her hand on your shoulder.
You looked at her with a frown. You noticed her flushed cheeks, a sign that the alcohol was also affecting her.
"Fuck yes, perfectly," you replied, concentrating on not losing your center of gravity. "Since when the hell are you the Stephen Curry of beer pong?"
Miyeon laughed harder and hugged your neck, almost making you fall backwards with her. You wrapped your right arm around her waist and anchored your right foot behind you.
"Beginner's luck, I guess?" she said in your ear.
Yeah, that was the answer.
"Your beginner's luck just destroyed me," you grabbed her waist and subtly pushed her away because you really felt like you were going to fall.
"Let's eat something in the kitchen, that will help," she said with her hands on your chest.
"I hope you're right, come on."
You let Miyeon pull you with her. You had no choice but to trust her and let her guide you, since your body couldn't coordinate movements with your brain very well at all.
When you got to the kitchen you found at least a dozen people pouring drinks or mixing them as if they were in some kind of bizarre laboratory. Miyeon pushed everyone out of your way just with her presence, and the first thing she did when you arrived in front of the refrigerator was push you back against it.
"Wait a minute, you're in all your senses right?" she asked, both of her hands on the refrigerator on either side of your head.
You frowned. What a random question.
"Uh… yeah?" you said. "I mean, my motor sk…."
Before you could continue speaking Miyeon grabbed you by the neck and crashed her lips against yours.
Surprised and still confused, you wrapped both arms around Miyeon's waist and reciprocated her kiss. You felt that all that preparation had been worth it; her lips felt delicious, with an addictive aftertaste that made you want to go deeper and deeper. She granted you that pleasure, adding her tongue to make clear what an excellent kisser she was.
While you pressed her body against yours and made the gesture of lowering one of your hands to her ass, something happened that completely took you out of your bubble: Miyeon pushed you to the side, opened the refrigerator and took out a box of Choco Pies .
She pulled away from your lips and looked into your eyes, showing you the box with a little smile, as if nothing had happened.
"Do you want a Choco Pie?" she asked innocently.
You stayed silent for a few seconds, trying to solve the indecipherable enigma that Cho Miyeon was.
"Yeah..." you nodded, looking at the box. "Sure."
Miyeon took your hand, closed the refrigerator and led you to the area on your left: an extension of the kitchen that housed the dining room and some appliances and also led to the yard.
You sat on two empty chairs and began to eat the Choco Pies while you saw many of those present making fools of themselves. Among them was Yuqi, dancing with Elkie, Chenle, and Yiren. You put your hands to your foreheads when she tripped over her own dress and fell on her butt against the grass.
About twenty minutes and several Choco Pies later you already felt composed and ready to continue, so you went with Miyeon to the kitchen and refilled your mugs with more drink. This time you put less alcohol in yours, not wanting to push your limits further.
"Let's dance again, handsome?" Miyeon asked, looking at you with mesmerizing eyes.
You grabbed her waist, pressed the side of her body against yours and gave her a small kiss that she gladly accepted.
"Only if you promise not to hold back this time," you said against her lips.
"Oh don't worry, I won't," she assured, with a smile that should have terrified you, but instead turned you on.
This time it was you who led the way to the living room. The corner where you had previously danced was occupied by a couple who were kissing. You noticed that they were Chaeyoung from Fromis and Soobin from TXT. Who was going to say it.
You went to the opposite side of the room, just below the threshold of the passage that led to the bedroom and bathroom doors. There you were clearly blocking the way for anyone who wanted to enter, but you didn't think about it—or rather, you did but you didn't care.
Now you and her reversed her roles: her back against the wall and you cornering her against it. She wrapped her arms around your neck and you grabbed her waist. You began to dance face to face, with your lips inches from each other at all times.
Every few seconds you let your lips touch in a fleeting kiss. Your hands began to run up and down Miyeon's waist, who gently stroked the hair at the nape of your neck. You discreetly placed one of your hands behind her, on her lower back, and then lowered it to grab her buttock. It felt too good not to do it again with the other one.
The song changed to A Milli by Lil Wayne, a moment that Miyeon took advantage of to turn around and press her ass against your cock. She began to move it like you knew she knew how, making wonderful use of her hips to rub against you to the rhythm of the music.
You buried your face in her neck and breathed against it, clinging firmly to her waist as she moved her ass against you. You heard a gasp from her, and then she went against all your expectations: she reached between your bodies and reached down to grab the now hardened bulge in your pants.
You hid the surprise as best you could, in order not to draw too much attention from the people around you (they didn't give a damn anyway). You put your free hand on Miyeon's abdomen, while she squeezed your cock and massaged it through your pants. You lowered your hand to try to reach her crotch, but she gave you a pat to stop you in your tracks.
“Hold it there, cowboy,” she said in your ear. "If you want dinner, let's go upstairs."
You smiled from ear to ear and licked your lips.
"Are you horny enough yet?" you murmured, peppering the side of her face with kisses.
She gave your cock another firm squeeze.
"Pretty much," she simply replied, then bit your bottom lip.
You took a step back and grabbed her by the forearm to separate her from the wall. Then you took her hand and went to the other side of the room, towards the stairs. You went up and tried to quickly go to the master bedroom, however, you ran into an unexpected problem.
It was locked from the inside.
"Huh?" Miyeon said, frowning. "Did you close it when you came down?"
“Nope,” you shook your head. "In fact I'm pretty sure I left it open."
You tried opening it once more and then pressed your ear against the cold wood. You couldn't hear anything inside. It was to be expected: whoever was inside must have had a good scare when they saw the knob turning unsuccessfully. They were trying not to get caught.
"It doesn't matter," you said, renouncing. "Let's go to the other one."
As you walked through the short hallway that led to the other side of the second floor, you couldn't help but think about Soyeon. You were making a move without her, a giant one, how was she going to react if she found out about it? You didn't think about the consequences at the time: you were so clouded in your desire for Miyeon that you took it as a secondary problem, something you would deal with later.
You reached the end of the corridor to enter the bedroom, which luckily was open and empty.
That bedroom wasn't much smaller than the main one, in fact, they were practically the same: both with dressers and beds of the same size. The only differences at first glance were that the master bedroom had a small library room and was better furnished.
It wasn't even important. The last thing you and Miyeon paid attention to was the quality of the bedroom. You only needed a bed, and even that was optional.
As soon as you locked the door behind you, you left the mugs on a dresser, and Miyeon lunged at you with her arms around your neck to kiss you.
Without the annoying restriction of being surrounded by people you now let yourself go, wrapping your arms around Miyeon's waist and pressing her against your body in the middle of a kiss that lacked tenderness.
Miyeon clung to your neck with both hands, breathing heavily as a result of the intense exchange of saliva. You were moving stumbling to the right, towards one of the side edges of the bed, which Miyeon collided with and fell back onto the mattress. You fell on top of her.
"Would you let me eat your pussy, Miss Cho?" you asked, biting her bottom lip and pulling on it.
Miyeon let out a tiny moan and pulled the jacket off your shoulders. Her eyes burning with desire fixed on yours.
"Eat whatever you want from me," she replied with a gasp, bringing one knee up to rub against your crotch.
You dove into her pretty, soft neck, showering it with kisses as much as possible.
"Fuck… watch your words, I can use them against you," you muttered against the end of her neck, almost touching her collarbone.
That had been an invitation that you did not hesitate to reject.
Not wanting to leave her neck too quickly, you stayed there for a few more long seconds, just kissing it and filling it with eager hickeys that were soon reflected in light dark marks. Miyeon just let you work, rubbing her thigh against your cock.
You put your hands under her and reached behind her back, to untie the small knots that held the straps of her dress to her neck. With her dress already loose at the top you were able to slowly lower it, covering each new area of bare skin with deep, wet kisses. Before releasing her tits you went up again to her marked collarbone, and one last time to her neck. You went back down, and with a single pull you revealed a pair of perfect perky breasts.
You didn't hesitate for a second to put one of them in your mouth.
"Hfmmm..." Miyeon moaned, bringing her hands to your hair to tangle her fingers there.
You grabbed your right arm behind her waist and lifted her forward to bring her further into the center of the bed, sucking on her nipple and licking it up and down. She kicked off her heels and hugged her legs to your waist, as she let out small moans.
Because of this, her dress went up to the elastic area that kept it attached to her abdomen. Her beautiful pair of legs were now fully exposed to you. You placed a hand on each of her thighs, squeezing them on the underside with your fingers and then rubbing them up and down.
After leaving one nipple covered in saliva, you moved to the next. Miyeon's moans, although still small, became more desperate with every second that you didn't touch her. You brought your right hand to her crotch, rubbing her slit with your thumb over her soaked lace panties.
"Fuck, are you going to eat me or not?" she asked between gasps.
You lifted your mouth from her nipple and smiled to look at her. Her cheeks were burning with blush.
"Are we needy, Princess Cho?" you asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Yeah..." she nodded slowly, looking at you. "Too much, so please give me what I want."
"What you want? How do you know it's not what I want too?" you said, giving kisses to the outline of her tits.
"Because it's obvious," she replied. "How can you not want to eat a princess's pussy?"
You should have seen that response coming. You laughed, and lowered the top of her dress even further, until it joined the bottom. Now every part of her dress was bunched just above her navel.
You freed yourself from the embrace of her legs and moved back onto your knees to get comfortable. With your face now at the level of her sexy belly, you covered the lower part of her abdomen with a lot of kisses that you eagerly enjoyed, and later reached her crotch.
You grabbed her panties by the curb and pulled them off her legs. You were met with a perfectly shaved and beautiful pussy, soaked in a light layer of shiny fluid, the product of so much foreplay. Miyeon held her breath, thinking you would attack her pussy all at once, but instead you moved towards her inner thighs.
"Oh, come on!" she whimpered, hitting the mattress with her clenched fists.
You had to hide your smile behind her thigh, which you kissed very slowly on purpose. Her hips writhed with subtle movements, and her chest rose and fell in desperate breaths. You moved to her other inner thigh, now kissing so close to her pussy that she let out a high-pitched squeal, grabbed your hair and buried your mouth against her pussy herself.
"Fuck, finally." she said with a sigh of pure release.
Once you were there you couldn't just back out, you would let her win just this once.
Her pussy felt so good against your lips that you were afraid you would become addicted to the sensation. You started with soft kisses and sucks between her folds; then you moved up to her clit and licked it slowly, drawing deep moans from her.
Miyeon caressed your hair and tangled her fingers in it to give it little tugs. You gripped her thighs with both hands, holding them back so they wouldn't move as you picked up a gear. Now you could tell that you were eating her pussy properly.
"Oh yeah..." she moaned, arching her back slightly. "Just like that daddy!"
You certainly didn't expect that word attributed to you from her, but it didn't bother you, on the contrary it awakened a deep instinct in you: it was the sensation of wanting to make her your property, the wild desire to show yourself as a possessive animal.
You grunted in a short breather and wrapped your arms around her thighs, hugging them, to dive back into her wet pussy.
You began to devour her with hunger, driven by the uncontrollable desire of wanting to flood your ears with her beautiful moans of pleasure. Every time she let one out of her, your hands pressed firmly against the flesh of her thighs, and your mouth, as well as your tongue, moved in the most frantic ways possible.
Miyeon writhed on her mattress, both hands outstretched at her sides with her fingers crumpling the white sheets. She was trying to close her thighs around your head, but you simply wouldn't let her; instead, she grabbed onto your hair again to push you harder against her pussy.
"Don't you dare stop!" she screeched, her thighs shaking. "Keep going, keep going!"
Seconds later Miyeon reached her wonderful, electrifying orgasm. You let go of her thighs, and she instantly trapped your head between them to grind her hips against your face. You ate her all that little while, with long tasting licks and loving kisses as her peak slowly subsided.
“Oh my god…” she gasped, letting go of your head. "Take off your clothes. You deserve a good blowjob."
You got up so quickly that in a way you were even embarrassed.
You took off your shoes first, then you moved on to your sweater and finally your pants. Miyeon settled on her stomach, her head just above the edge of the bed. In front of her was your hard throbbing bulge, which almost ripped the fabric of your boxers in its eagerness to be released.
"Come on, show me that thing daddy," she said in a provocative tone, then approached your cock and kissed the outline.
You let her worship your cock for a few more seconds. You stared at her, mesmerized by how she pressed her lips against your shaft and balls, eager to receive more. Soon you would give her what she wanted: slowly pulling down your boxers so that your cock, once freed, would slap her pretty face.
She let out a loud breath of surprise. You smiled, holding your cock by the base to rest it flat on her face.
"Just like you remembered?" you teased.
“I think even better…” she replied, opening her mouth to slide her tongue out and press it against the back of your shaft. "I should have seen it closer that time."
Miyeon's lips and tongue moved into action; she took your cock in her hand to kiss the sides of it, highlighting each path of kisses with sensual licks. She looked up at you, kissing just below your tip before swirling her tongue there.
She made a move to take you into her mouth, but as soon as your tip passed the threshold of her lips she changed her mind and went down to your balls, using her hand to rub the first few inches of your shaft while she salivated them between sucks. You growled and clenched your fists, knowing well that this was a revenge.
"Fuck, is this really necessary?" you complained.
Miyeon let out a smile as she licked your balls and around your base.
"Are we needy, daddy?" she asked, in a mocking tone.
Damn woman.
‘You reap what you sow.’ There, helpless in the face of Miyeon's torturously slow advances, you understood that saying perfectly.
You stayed as still as you could stand, watching through gritted teeth as Miyeon teased you. She repeated the same damn movement without stopping, hoping that you would finally feel the warmth of her mouth. At least what she was doing felt good: by this point your entire shaft was covered in saliva thanks to the tireless sequence of kisses and licks.
But no, damn it. You needed more. And if she had given in to her own impulses, you wouldn't be shy about giving in to yours.
You grabbed a handful of her hair in your right hand and held her still, but she, perhaps anticipating that you would do that, immediately stuck out her tongue to greet you. She had beaten you again.
"You clever bitch..." you muttered, finally taking your cock inside her mouth.
Miyeon accepted you gladly, with a deep resolute moan. She wanted it, she was crazy about the idea of having you inside her mouth, but she just wanted to make you give in to your desperation. It felt like a chess game in which you had received a checkmate.
She sucked a few inches of your cock, her hand gripping the base. Her mouth felt so good that she made you gasp multiple times from the beginning; she moved it slowly, each time taking it further. Finally she stopped a couple of centimeters past the middle. She looked up, evoking pure lust from her dilated eyes and her flushed cheeks.
She pumped her head a few times, moaning around your cock before pulling out.
"I know you'd love to fuck my face..." she murmured, placing kisses on your tip. "But I waited a month and a half for this moment."
"Ah yeah?" you said, raising an eyebrow. "Then enjoy it, slut."
"That's what I plan to do… daddy," she said, adding rasp to her voice on that last word, before returning to your cock.
You gathered Miyeon's hair and held it with one hand behind her head, in a ponytail, to make her job easier.
She slurped your cock hungrily, as if she wanted to give truth to her words. She did it slowly, with sensual, noisy pumps that covered just over half of your shaft.
You let out soft moans, hypnotized by how Cho Miyeon's pretty lips moved faster and faster on your cock. You leaned forward slightly to grab her ass, giving each of her butt cheeks a small spank that made her moan.
From that position you did not hesitate to put your fingers between her buttocks, to rub between her folds and take them inside her. Miyeon let a small moan escape her and she pulled you out of her mouth for air, giving your cock a long lick along the underside to sink back in.
Your fingers pumped in and out of her tight pussy, as she moaned between the now intense bobs of her head. Her ponytail was still firm and taut in your fist; you used it to force her to take your entire cock in a rough and messy deepthroat.
Miyeon didn't expect it; she latched onto your thighs with prickly nails, struggling to minimize the coughing as the tip of your cock rubbed against the beginning of her throat. You didn't let her go soon, not until thick drops of saliva spilled from the corner of her mouth and fell to the ground between your feet.
Once satisfied, you decided to let her go, also releasing her ponytail so that her hair flowed freely down her back. She let her head fall down and brought her fist to her lips to let more coughs come out, between labored breaths. You leaned to the side to look at her, noticing that her eyes were watering.
You took your fingers out of her pussy, and with that same hand you grabbed her chin to make her look up.
"Would you like something, princess?" you asked in a whisper, running your thumb over her lip dripping with saliva.
"Yeah..." she started to say, taking your cock to rub it slowly. "I want you to put it inside me and fuck me... raw."
Driven again by your wildest instincts, you cradled her face in your hands and forced her to her knees, to share a steamy, sloppy kiss with her.
A few seconds later you grabbed her by the waist and made her turn around on her knees, then put your hands on the back of her neck and pushed her forward, so that she fell on her hands with her ass raised. 
Miyeon's ass wasn't exactly the biggest, but it made up for it with a perfect shape and softness, like all of her; you spent a few seconds admiring it, rubbing your hands in circles on her buttocks, which you also squeezed before adding a strong spank to each one.
Miyeon squealed and leaned on her elbows. She looked at you over her shoulder, biting her lower lip.
"Enough teasing, fuck me already!" she demanded with a hint of desperation in her voice.
You smiled and applied another spank, harder. Miyeon screeched.
"You don't need to whine again, baby, I got you."
She spread her knees further and put her ass at the perfect height for you, making a beautiful arch with her lower back. Her pussy looked delicious, inviting you to destroy it. You grabbed her by her waist and pulled her back just a little, to grab your cock and press it between her folds.
As soon as she felt your tip rub against her pussy she leaned forward, away from you, and she gave you a stern look.
"What do you think you're doing?" she said. "Put on a condom right now, that's my only rule."
Coming from her, that didn't surprise you in the least. She might be one of the sluttyest members of the group, but you figured some degree of decorum she had to maintain.
"Fuck, it's okay, I'm sorry," you replied. "But don't look at me like that, I might cry."
You took a step back and picked up your pants from the floor. From it you took your wallet. You searched through the partitions until you finally found the condom; you opened it carefully, then threw the envelope on the floor and quickly put it on.
Now ready, you wasted no time and resumed your position behind Miyeon, standing in front of the edge of the bed. She returned her ass to the previous position, watching over her shoulder as you prepared yourself.
You looked into her eyes, and took your cock with one hand to bring it to her slit, where you made slight pressure forward to finally feel Miyeon's pussy slowly engulf you to the core.
She let out a loud moan and clutched at the sheets, her mouth open in an O shape and her brow furrowed as she stared into space. You held your breath, overwhelmed by how tight she felt around your shaft, which had already disappeared between her buttocks.
"God..." she muttered to herself, letting her head fall between her shoulders. "I have never felt anything like this. Please fuck me hard and show no mercy."
That was an easy task, it was your idea from the beginning after all.
The first pumps were slow, in order to stretch her walls as much as possible so that your cock would slide in more and more easily. It was a wonderful sight you never thought you would see: Cho Miyeon on her hands and knees, with her shiny hair falling down her back and her expensive dress wrapped around her waist, at the complete mercy of your cock. 
Soon you demanded more of yourself, and she did the same with her eyes.
Happy to comply with her demands you moved your hips faster, making the crashes of your pelvis more pronounced and louder. You had one hand on her left buttock, which you squeezed tightly, and the other on her waist to keep her in place as you let yourself be carried away by your own desire.
Miyeon sighed contentedly, crumpling the sheets with her fingers and biting her lip with her eyes locked on yours. Her moans filled the room, becoming more frequent and uncontrolled as the seconds passed. She let her face fall, her cheek now pressed against the mattress. Her hair covered her face, but you, needing to look at her at all times, uncovered it.
"Harder daddy..." she moaned, pressing her open hands against the mattress. "Be fucking ruthless with me... I'm ready to take it."
The response you gave was a spank that reverberated throughout the room; multiple more like this followed, each with the sole intention of making her really sting. Soon her buttocks were each glowing an intense red color.
Miyeon screamed again and again, her body being shaken between violent thrusts. She grabbed all of her hair and brushed it behind her back, then looked over her shoulder at you and gave you a suggestive look. You got the message: you grabbed her hair in a ponytail to forcefully pull it back, making her raise her head.
With a strong push you rested for a few seconds, with slow but strong pumps that left Miyeon breathless. Then without warning you returned to hammering her pussy so hard that the bed wobbled. She let out a scream, loud and desperate.
"For God's sake, keep going!" Miyeon groaned, hitting the bed and clutching the sheets again. "I'm cumming daddy! Ahhhh!"
You dragged her to her peak in a matter of seconds, pulling her closer to you so you could grab her neck and lift her back, which you pressed against your chest as you fucked her with frantic thrusts.
Miyeon exploded; you surrounded her abdomen with one arm, and with the other hand you clung to her neck. You turned her face to kiss her, drowning out her loud screams against your lips. She moved her hips back, fucking herself against your cock while you held her upright with your arms.
When her orgasm had passed you let her fall like dead weight forward; with that your cock came out of her pussy, but not for long.
She had fallen stomach flat against the mattress; you took her right leg and flexed it upwards, leaving the other extended. Then you went back inside her, with one hand on her right buttock.
Miyeon, with glassy eyes, let out a small tired moan and just relaxed.
"Come on daddy..." she murmured, feeling you deep again. "Use me for your pleasure. Let my pussy drain you."
You were too turned on at that point to be able to formulate a response. A growl rose from your throat and came out through your clenched teeth, as you fucked her again with rapid pumps, this time up and down.
Miyeon allowed herself to be used as a sex doll, an insignificant piece of meat that you could use at will to fulfill your carnal desires. She was just panting, her mouth half open with her weak eyes fixed on yours and her body being brutally railed.
The tickling in your abdomen was the indication that you were approaching that long-awaited orgasm that you had been wanting all night. You pumped quickly, your veins showing on your neck and one on your forehead.
Just as you were going to cum you pulled your cock out of Miyeon, took off the condom with a hasty yank, and masturbated over her ass until your orgasm hit.
She let out a satisfied sigh, watching as multiple jets of thick semen came out of your cock and fell onto her buttocks; these were covered with the thick liquid, forming a viscous layer that reflected the light from the ceiling.
When you discharged each drop you let out a long breath and sat back on your ankles. Miyeon put one hand on her ass and with two fingers collected some of your cum to take it to her mouth.
"Mmm..." she said, tasting it and then swallowing it. "Thank you for not being a selfish bastard and cumming outside."
"I figured you'd want to taste some after begging me like a whore," you replied, catching your breath.
Miyeon gave a low giggle and lay down on her side, letting the rest of your cum fall from her buttock onto the mattress.
"I knew from the first moment that you would know how to use that thing," she looked at your cock, still throbbing, and then at you. "I have no doubt that Soyeonie and Yuqi had a blast."
"Oh yeah? Well you looked horrified, woman," you laughed.
"How would you react if you arrived at the room where you will sleep for the next few days and found three naked people on your bed?"
You thought about it for a moment, staring into space. You then shrugged, finding no fault with her logic.
"Yes, I thought so," she continued. "Now, can you please find something to clean me with?"
"There's no bathroom in here," you pointed out. "I have no idea what I can get you."
"Just look for some clean sheets in the dressing room, I'll use that."
You nodded and stood up to go inside the dressing room. You took out a thin black sheet from one of the drawers in the third closet at the back. When you returned to the bedroom you threw it at Miyeon, who hurried to clean herself.
She then invited you to lie down and cuddle together to take a break.
After about ten minutes—maybe a little more, since Miyeon's body felt very comfortable in your arms—you got up and dressed again. She did her best to look as presentable as before, giving her makeup a few minor touch-ups and combing her hair.
Once Miyeon was as pretty, elegant and superb as always, you took your mugs back and left the bedroom laughing.
"Did you have a good time?" said a high-pitched voice behind you, as you exited the small hallway that led to the glass railing area.
You and Miyeon almost died of a heart attack. You turned around. Leaning against the wall to the left of the hallway was Soyeon, with her arms crossed and one eyebrow raised, staring at you.
That was the closest you'd ever come to knowing how those condemned to be executed by guillotine felt.
Your heart beated fast and strong. You gulped and gave a small glance at Miyeon—who was a living reflection of yourself—before taking a step forward.
"Soyeon, I-"
She pushed herself away from the wall and raised her hand to interrupt you.
"Shut up you fool," she snapped, putting her arms on her hips. "I'm not mad."
You and Miyeon wrinkled your brows and exchanged glances.
"Aren't you?" you asked, looking back at Soyeon.
"No, on the contrary, I'm even hornier because of this," she looked at Miyeon, who avoided her gaze. "You loved that cock, huh? With all that daddy daddy daddy. I could hear your screams from here."
Miyeon's cheeks burned with blush, no longer in pleasure like before, but in shame. She stammered a few clumsy syllables, looking at the floor.
"I know you did," Soyeon cut her. "You don't need to say anything," she looked at you. "Walk back, come on," she ordered, gesturing toward the bedroom.
The two of you led the way back, with Soyeon behind, as if she were a teacher taking two unruly students to her office.
You walked back into the bedroom, embarrassed by the fact that you hadn't even bothered to fix it when you came out. The black sheet was still there, with a white glob exposed to the naked eye. Soyeon didn't say anything about it, but it was something else that caught her attention.
"A condom huh?" Soyeon asked with a giggle, picking up the torn envelope from the floor. "How responsible."
Miyeon couldn't find a rock to hide under to appease the embarrassment; she had cheeks so red that you could mistake her for a dull-colored apple.
"I always fuck with a condom, please shut up," she finally dared to say, crossing her hands on her belly.
"Ah, really?" Soyeon raised an eyebrow, approaching you after placing the envelope on the nightstand. "Adorable. But it takes all the fun out of it."
Soyeon jumped with her heels still on and clung to you with her arms and legs to crash her lips against yours. She took you by surprise, but you accepted it: wrapping your girlfriend's petit frame with your arms.
Her intentions were not unknown to you: you already knew her well enough to know that what she was looking for was for you to throw her into bed; but to give it a little twist you let yourself fall on your back, so that Soyeon fell on top of you.
"Guys... uhm," Miyeon said to your right, sitting on the corner of the bed as the two of you kissed. "Are you just gonna pretend I don't exist or what?"
You broke away from the kiss to look at Miyeon, but before you said anything, Soyeon put her hand over your mouth and made you look at her. Those eyes made the message clear to you without her needing to say anything: 'Shut your mouth.'
Normally, that woman always had an elaborate plan in her prodigious head, so you didn't question her, even though part of that plan included completely ignoring Miyeon.
It wasn't until Soyeon attacked your neck with kisses that your mind lit up. The memory of what she had told you hours before came to you: 'It's easier to make her give in on her own.' There, looking at the ceiling between gasps, everything made sense to you.
Mother of god, Soyeon was evil.
From that moment on everything happened very quickly: in a matter of a couple of minutes you and Soyeon were already completely naked; you had groped and kissed every corner of your body before the expectant eyes of Miyeon, who couldn't stop moving nervously in the corner of the bed. She wanted to get into the action, her eyes showed it, but she wouldn't be the one to take the step.
You had settled yourself in the center of the bed; Soyeon had an idea that only strengthened the desire she had to make Miyeon desperate: she had turned around on top of you, adopting a 69 position only for Miyeon to see her sucking your cock while you ate her pussy.
"I want to at least be touched by you, just a measly little finger, please!" Miyeon whimpered.
Soyeon took your cock out of her mouth—which she had been sucking with an uncontrollable frenzy—, reached out to grab her own panties, and shoved them roughly into Miyeon's mouth to shut her up.
Miyeon let out a moan with Soyeon's panties inside her mouth: a moan that was more like a complaint than anything else, but your girlfriend had done her job. Despite your limited vision—with Soyeon's entire ass and pussy in your face—you could notice that she was now undressing at record speed.
"Pleaseee!" Miyeon whined again. "Either of you two, I'm begging!"
When she received no response from either of you, she began to touch herself. Her patience was already bordering on non-existence, and you could understand it more than perfectly; the worst thing you could do to a person like her was to deprive her of the attention she demanded.
The constant and somewhat exaggerated moans that Soyeon emitted with your cock inside her mouth didn't help either. You were eating her with hunger and dedication, squeezing her ass in the middle of passionate licking.
Miyeon's moans, small and adorable, now joined Soyeon's; these intensified when you brought your girlfriend to her orgasm.
Her body writhed on top of yours; her muscles were tensing and her joints were shaking. She could not have taken your cock out of her mouth, in fact she never did when you made her cum in that position, but this time she did it just to torture Miyeon.
"Fuck me now!" she said, hoping that her turn would be next.
You thought that was your entrance onto the scene; Soyeon had already gotten off you and was sitting on your side. Miyeon's gaze immediately fell on your cock, soaked and throbbing; it was a predatory, eager look.
But the evil did not die, it did not disappear. It rested and woke up when it was poked with a stick.
"No one's going to touch you until you say the words, baby." Soyeon said, brushing her hair off her sweaty forehead and brushing it behind her back.
Miyeon frowned, tilting her head with her mouth open.
"Are you kidding me?" she asked. "What words?! Jeon Soyeon!"
Soyeon ignored her—again—and climbed on top of you. She rested her feet on either side of your hips on the mattress, facing away from you, and took your cock inside her with a single downward thrust. You, like her, moaned out loud.
Miyeon's pussy was tight, but nothing was a match for your girlfriend; it was simply another level of grip and constriction around your cock.
You held on to Soyeon's waist with your hands, while she jumped up and down on your cock in a reverse cowgirl position, so that Miyeon could see in detail how with each jump Soyeon took you in and out completely.
"What the fuck are you talking about, dammit!" Miyeon moaned, hitting the bed as she rubbed her clit in circles with her other hand. "I just want you to fuck me and treat me like the princess I am!"
No word from you two, just moans, the sound of flesh slapping against flesh, and a fluid-soaked cock moving in and out of a tight pussy.
Soyeon jumped non-stop, with the seemingly inexhaustible energy that characterized her. Her loose hair formed a curtain that prevented you from seeing your cock disappear between her legs, so you gathered it all into a ponytail and held it in your fist.
After a few seconds she suddenly stopped and looked at you over her shoulder.
"Fuck me, baby," she said, panting. "Fill me with that load."
You let go of her hair and brought your hands to her waist, then planted your feet on the mattress and pumped quickly up and down, intensifying your own pleasure and consequently, your moans.
Adding to the cacophony of lewd sounds coming from you and Soyeon were more moans from Miyeon, including the constant slapping of her palm against her pussy as she fingered herself.
If you were going to fill your girlfriend's pussy to give Miyeon a good show, you were going to do it in style.
You made Soyeon fall back with a tug on her hair, her back now pressed against your chest; then you lifted her legs up and hugged them around the back of her knees, and now fucked her in full nelson.
"Oh fuck yes baby," Soyeon groaned. "Fuck that tight little pussy, destroy it, fill it deep!"
Soyeon's words came true a few seconds later.
The aggressive and rapid pumps brought you too quickly to an intense orgasm; it electrified your entire body, causing you to be unable to stop moaning as you filled your girlfriend's pussy between slower pumps.
"God... it feels so warm, so fucking delicious." Soyeon said after a long moan.
The load was too big and thick, to the point that you felt your cum leak out of Soyeon's walls and down your shaft until it pooled around your base. For Miyeon, the shock must have been such that she even stopped fingering herself.
It was happening.
"For the love of God, I can't take it anymore!" she screamed out of nowhere, like she was about to cry. "Fuck the condom, I just want to be fucked and breeded right now! I'm begging!"
Soyeon nodded satisfied. The princess had relented.
"Then start by coming here and cleaning, you needy little whore." Soyeon said between pants.
The speed with which Miyeon lunged forward made her look like a jumpscare from Five Nights at Freddy's. It even made you laugh a little.
She herself took out your cock from inside Soyeon's pussy, to greedily clean both parts soaked with cum. First she licked and slurped every drop that leaked from inside your girlfriend's pussy, and later she moved on to your cock to lick it all over. Soon your entire load—which had not been small—was swallowed by her.
When the work was done Soyeon got off you and looked at you. She nodded, giving you the green light.
Damn, finally.
The first thing you did was sit up and wrap your arms around Miyeon's body, pressing her against you and kissing her. Miyeon moaned against your lips, running her hands all over your body; one of these went to your cock, only to rub it gently with her palm as she knew you should still be sensitive.
After a few seconds you grabbed her thighs and pushed her back. She fell face up, instinctively with her legs wide open; Soyeon attacked them with kisses and bites, and you went to the upper body, to eat her tits and kiss her from her neck to her abdomen.
Soyeon began to eat her pussy, eliciting a moan from her that could be translated into sincere gratitude. You meanwhile knelt on the side of Miyeon's face, took your cock in one hand and rubbed it all over her face.
“Fuck my pretty face daddy, please,” Miyeon moaned, kissing your cock and looking at you with a pair of glistening eyes.
"I thought you were never going to ask for it."
Miyeon opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue, you took your cock in there with a long sigh.
You grabbed the sides of her head with both hands and lifted her to turn her towards you; then you started moving your hips back and forth.
She moaned against your cock, which was going in and out almost all the way; the only thing stopping you from going all the way in with each pump was that little limit she had that you didn't want to push carelessly either.
Soyeon brought her to an orgasm too quickly, but that didn't stop the two of you; she continued to eat her out furiously, and you continued to fuck her mouth faster and harder.
Miyeon screamed with pleasure around your cock, which she also licked from behind with her tongue as it went in and out of her mouth. Her body shook between sharp spasms, her pussy grinding against Soyeon's mouth.
Eager to give her more pleasure, you leaned just enough to the right so you could reach out and rub her clit in quick circles, driving her even crazier.
She could no longer close her mouth around your cock due to the uncontrolled series of moans coming out of it, causing all of her saliva to spill out of her mouth and soak your shaft.
You grabbed a handful of her hair on the top of her head, using it to push her against your cock as you pumped, feeling yourself getting closer to cumming with each passing second.
Then Miyeon came again, twice as hard and twice as pleasurable for you to feel.
Soyeon had to make a tremendous effort to keep her pinned to the bed, holding her thighs. You on the other hand reached your peak after a few seconds, now cumming inside Miyeon's mouth.
“That's it, fuck…” you moaned, pumping slowly as you shot your cum down her throat. "Take it all, slut."
Miyeon swallowed your entire load diligently, even though she could barely control her body and the sounds emanating from her throat; you could hear the little chokes she had as she tried to swallow every drop.
"Damn, I need a break," you said between heavy breaths. You looked at Soyeon. "Honey, all yours."
You pulled out of Miyeon's mouth and went to lay your head on one of the pillows on the side of the bed. You made yourself as comfortable as possible, to enjoy the show that was coming.
Soyeon then left Miyeon's pussy, only to climb on top of her and straddle the princess's face. She moaned immediately, and you knew Miyeon's tongue had been the cause.
Unwilling to give Miyeon a break, your girlfriend leaned forward and took her two fingers inside her; you heard her muffled scream under Soyeon's ass, who held onto her thigh with her free hand, while with her other she quickly pumped her fingers.
"Mmm, come on princess, I know you know how to do it," Soyeon moaned after a couple of minutes, grinding her hips into Miyeon's face as she moved her wrist at supersonic speed.
You frowned, not knowing what she meant by that. But when you saw Miyeon raise her hips you knew, and you prepared accordingly.
After a few seconds Miyeon came, and an immense, pressurized squirt came out of her pussy; she wet you from your knee to part of your foot, also staining the sheets beneath her as the stream lost strength.
"What the fuck..." you muttered, watching as Miyeon's hips trembled. "Since when does she know how to do that?"
You received no response as the next one to cum was Soyeon. She held onto Miyeon's thighs and buried her face in her pussy, while she ground her trembling hips against her face.
The next few seconds were probably just muffled moans against flesh, until Soyeon, already tired, got off Miyeon with a heavy, satisfied sigh.
Miyeon's chest rose and fell violently, as if she had run two marathons in a row. You sat up to look at her; her eyes immediately met yours.
"Are you okay, Miyeonie?" you asked, kneeling next to her.
"Daddy..." she took a deep breath, trying to get her brain working for a moment. "Fuck me, please... Fuck me and put a huge fucking seed inside me."
You raised both eyebrows in amusement.
"And you're sure you can handle it?" you pointed to her shaking legs.
"I didn't ask for your mercy, you damned fool," she snapped with a frown. "I asked you to put a baby in my damn belly."
A laugh escaped Soyeon. You exchanged glances with her, impressed by that last bit.
"Just give her what she wants, otherwise the spoiled bitch will cry again," she said, kneeling next to her.
"Well," you shrugged. "Clearly I'm not going to refuse."
You grabbed Miyeon by her thighs and pulled her close to you; she then spread her legs wide open, giving you the green light to penetrate her pussy with a single thrust.
She greeted you with a whimper. You held on to her waist and then she held on to your wrists, receiving quick thrusts from the start. Soyeon joined in immediately, getting on her hands and knees to kiss Miyeon's lips and tits.
Miyeon's thighs served as a grip for the next few seconds; you squeezed them under your fingers, hard and backwards, pressing them against her upper body. You were already hammering her pussy hard, mercilessly, just like you knew she wanted it.
Soyeon slipped a hand between Miyeon's legs, where she once again set out to stimulate her clitoris so quickly that it brought her to another inevitable orgasm.
Miyeon squirmed and rolled her eyes, her mouth permanently open. You felt her legs shake and her back bend upward as her spasms attacked her, but that didn't stop you, on the contrary you went even stronger.
"You better get ready, bitch," Soyeon told Miyeon, removing her hand from between her thighs. "You will have no rest until that load is inside you."
She was absolutely right. You weren't planning on giving that woman a break after making a whole scene of whining and tantrums to get fucked. You would give her what she deserved.
No sounds of any kind came out of Miyeon, only hints of moans that got stuck in her throat and disappeared with each thrust. Her eyes were half-closed; in them you could only glimpse a fixed white spot. Her hands were paralyzed as well, one on each side of her hips, with her fingers bent downwards and her nails digging into the sheet.
Another orgasm shook her as if she had received the shock of a defibrillator, but that didn't stop you either. You adjusted her position a little: you extended her left leg and sat on top of her thigh, and put her other leg on top of your shoulder. In this way you continued pumping between grunts.
Miyeon had reverted to her sex doll status, to a piece of meat whose only purpose was to drain your cock. There was a moment when she finally opened her eyes and looked at you; you only saw two wells of tears, which spilled down her cheeks and ruined some of her makeup.
She reached out a hand towards you, brushing your abdomen with the tips of her fingers as you fucked her.
"Give me your seed daddy..." she managed to say with complete serenity, even though her body was shaken non-stop and was full of sweat. "Put it all inside me… every drop… I beg you."
Soyeon put her hand to her mouth, watching the whole scene. She shook her head.
"Jesus Christ, what a fucking whore," she said.
Miyeon came one last time, and a few seconds later you followed. You gritted your teeth; your entire jaw clenched and your fingers gripping the flesh of her thigh as you sank inward. You shot every drop of cum that was left in your balls, making sure to leave that load deep inside her pussy.
"Oh fuck yes..." Miyeon whimpered, bringing her hands to her face and combing her hair back, overcome with pleasure. "My god, it feels so fucking good... put it all in, fuck, all of it. Don't you dare waste any drop."
You pumped slowly, with your mouth half open and your gaze fixed on Miyeon's weak, teary eyes. She arched her back and shifted on the bed, her nails digging into your lower abdomen.
Seconds later every possible drop of cum was inside her. You knew you did a good job when you pulled out of her pussy and only a small trickle managed to leak past her folds.
Already completely exhausted and drained, you fell next to Miyeon, lying on your side and supported by your elbow. You looked at her, realizing that she had fallen asleep instantly. You then exchanged glances with Soyeon, who was staring at you from before.
"What?" you asked.
"I want you to know that whatever happens in that womb is your responsibility."
You thought about it for a second and then realized that Miyeon shouldn't be on birth control for the mere fact that she always used a condom.
But fuck it, there were solutions and you didn't have time to think about it. You plopped down, head now lying on the mattress on the side of Miyeon's face.
"I'll go out in the morning to buy her the pill," you said, closing your eyes.
"It can't be more than 12 hours, otherwise it won't be as effective," she pointed out.
"Don't worry honey, I've got it under control," you nodded, clasping your hands on your abdomen. "Are you coming to cuddle?"
Soyeon stood up and crawled until she was on top of you, straddling you and covering your face with kisses.
"I would love to, handsome," she said between kisses. "But I can't disappear for the rest of the night and leave Yuqi and Minnie alone and drunk."
You laughed and opened your eyes, wrapping your arms around her.
"The last time I saw Yuqi she fell on her ass, and she wasn't even that drunk.
"Then I must go with greater haste to put things in order, lest a disaster occur."
Soyeon gently cradled your face in her hands and planted a soft kiss on your lips before standing up.
"You stay and take care of the princess. Rest," she continued. "It's up to you if you want to rejoin the party, but she won't wake up until morning."
You gave a thumbs up.
"I'll be down there in an hour, you have my word."
"I'll be waiting there, honey," she replied as she got dressed.
Soyeon left the bedroom a few minutes later, leaving you alone with the sleeping beauty.
You were forced to place her with you on the opposite side of the bed, on top of the pillows. You tried to separate her from you so she had space, but as soon as she felt your warmth she clung with her arms and legs to you like a koala.
Trying to push her away was useless, but it didn't bother you either; you were so exhausted that you just wanted to close your eyes and rest.
And so you did, since after a few minutes you had already fallen asleep. The last thought you had was the inevitable anguish that if luck wasn't on your side, you would have gotten Princess Cho pregnant.
As always. Thanks for reading! MASTERLIST HERE!
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0cta9on · 1 month
Sana and Miyeon fucking their boyfriend and they fight over him to make him choose her favorite girlfriend (full story please)
A Stroke of Luck
length: +3k words
Twice Sana x (G)-Idle Miyeon x Male Reader
(Author's Note: Sorry for taking so long!! First threesome piece, so I hope it's alright)
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Sometimes you wonder just how you got so lucky. Since the day you were born, you were able to glide through life, getting anything you could ever want with a simple wave of your hand or a nod of your head. Perhaps your life of luxury can be attributed to your incredibly wealthy parents spoiling you the second you drew your first breath, or maybe your past life sacrificed themselves to save the universe and the higher power up there is finally giving you your recompense. Regardless, you revel in the fact that you have everything - and everyone - right at the tip of your fingers.
Frankly, you have a vague memory of how you met them - your memory always gets hazy when alcohol is involved. You were never too keen on clubbing, viewing it as a waste of money for a night you’ll never be able to remember, but it was a small price to pay to appease some potential business partners that your parents would eventually bleed dry before tossing to the curb. While trying to keep up appearances, the crowd parted at just the right moment, allowing you to gaze upon these goddesses for the first time, two Mona Lisas that made even the most beautiful supermodel comparable to a two-year-old’s crayon drawing. This is when your memory gets a bit blurry. A quick exchange of sultry alcohol-infused words, a brief yet lingering touch on the arm, and suddenly you had them both face down in some expensive hotel room, pounding away to high heaven. After a night of blissful sex, you would wake up alone with a note on the nightstand and one new message on your phone from an unknown number. Upon reading the note, only then did you realize just how truly lucky you are.
That night was a year ago. In fact, today marks the exact anniversary of that night - your first anniversary with your girlfriends. You have a whole schedule planned for later, which includes an expensive dinner for the three of you, a private fireworks show, and a steamy ending between the sheets as the cherry on top. As bizarre and outlandish as your situation is, you genuinely do love them and want to spoil them with a good time. Unfortunately (or rather, fortunately), one of them isn’t content with waiting around until dinner rolls by.
The sight of the cute Japanese woman crawling towards you in nothing but one of your white button-up shirts is a sight you would gladly get surgically implanted into your retinas. She tries to glare at you menacingly, but her round eyes and her bread-like cheeks only serve to make her look adorable.
“Sana, what are you doing?” You ask, amused.
“I’m a tiger stalking their prey. Rawr~” she teases, stifling a giggle. Any attempts at trying to watch the game on the TV prove futile once Sana starts rubbing your thighs, her hands tantalizingly close to your crotch.
“Miyeon is gonna be pissed if she finds out we’re fucking without her, you know?” You say as you run your hands lovingly through her silky hair.
“If she finds out.” Sana punctuates her statement with a kiss on your bulge. “Just don’t let her find out,” she giggles. Before you can object, her hands are already unzipping your pants and taking out your erect cock. Sana gazes at it affectionately, licking her lips as she strokes you slowly. Compared to Miyeon, she is much more vocal about her desires, begging and pouting until you finally give in to her demands (Not that you would ever say no to that face). Whether it’s a new handbag or your cock inside of her, Sana gets what she wants one way or another.
“You naughty girl,” you tease, caressing her cheek. “You really can’t wait until Miyeon gets home?”
“Mm-mm,” she mutters, shaking her head before taking your entire length into her mouth. The overwhelming sensation of her tongue lapping up your precum causes an involuntary groan to escape your throat. An entire year of this and not once does it ever get old. Life is fucking great, isn’t it?
Sana’s doe eyes scan your reaction as she worships your member, always so attentive, ensuring that you’re enjoying the experience as much as she is. She watches the way you squirm when she sucks on your balls or the way your breath hitches in your throat whenever her teeth gently graze against your skin. To the unknowing eye, Sana can easily be seen as a materialistic brat, but you know better than anyone how much she reciprocates your affection. It’s most evident in how hard she tries to take all of you in at once, struggling to the point of tears as she forces your cock down her throat.
“Fuck, Sana,” you moan. “Save some of that energy for later tonight.”
She struggles to catch her breath after another attempt at deepthroating you. Precum and saliva coat her mouth and chin, dripping down to her chest that’s barely hidden behind your white button-up shirt.
“I just can’t help myself when I’m with you. That beast between your legs is just sooooo enticing.” Sana hops into your lap, pressing her full body weight into you. You feel her panting breath tickle your nose while you stare at the many charming features of her face. How lucky you are to have such a beautiful woman in your life.
“Why are you smiling?” she teases, the sweet sound of her laugh brushing against your ears.
“I love you, Sana,” you state firmly. Her cheeks turn a bright shade of pink right before she hides her embarrassed expression in the crook of your neck, giggling delightfully. You’re so infatuated by her cuteness that you almost forget that she’s naked and sitting on your lap. Almost.
One by one, you unbutton her shirt, slowly revealing that body you love so much. Her full, perky breasts sit above her toned stomach which flows and ebbs into her petite waist. You run your hands along her familiar curves, painting her chest with kisses. Your body aches for her and hers for yours, clawing and gripping and kissing every inch of your beings, trying to absorb one another just to get closer than humanly possible.
Sana cups your face, eyes steeled with lustful determination. “I need you to fuck me. Fuck me so hard that Miyeon gets jealous. I want to be the only woman for you, even if it’s just for a little moment.”
Without another word, you stand up, carrying her by her ass and aligning your cock with her moist folds before staring deep into her eyes as you thrust yourself into her, watching her face morph into several shapes of desire as she adjusts to your size. Sana’s arms and legs wrap around your torso, desperately clinging onto you to try and take in every inch of your cock. You’re not sure how long she’s felt like this; you always considered her and Miyeon to be a package deal, never one without the other for too long. You love them both equally and always ensure that you never showed favorites. Maybe you slipped up recently, or maybe the two of them are fighting behind the scenes. Whatever it is, if Sana wants to feel like the only woman in your life, you’ll gladly grant her wish in a heartbeat.
“Sana… baby… I love you so much,” you pant into her ear.
“MMPH, yes! I love you too, baby! F-Fuck! You’re the only one that can satisfy me!” She mashes her lips into yours, forcing your tongues into a messy yet sensual dance. Her moans vibrate in your mouth, drowning out any kind of background noise other than the clapping of your hips against hers. Her sweet pussy takes you in so well, almost as if it was tailor-made just for you. However, your cock belongs to two women. One of those women happens to be unlocking the front door right at this moment.
“Hey guys, I’m bac- Hey!”
Much to Sana’s dismay, you momentarily pause your thrusts to glance at the source of the voice. The second love of your life, Miyeon, is standing right there with a large bouquet of flowers and an irritated pout on her lips.
“Hi princess,” you say to her, hoping to ease the tension. “What do you have there?”
“They’re from work,” she huffs, tossing the flowers onto the sofa before stomping towards you. “What are you doing?!”
You let out a sheepish laugh as you set Sana down to the ground, pulling out of her sweet embrace. Now two pairs of unhappy eyes are looking up at you. “W-well, you see, you know how Sana is-”
“How could you two have sex without me?!” Miyeon exclaims.
“Yah, don’t yell at him!” Sana interjects. “It’s not his fault he prefers my pussy over yours!”
“O-okay, I never said th-” You try to come in between them, but they both push you away with surprising synchronization.
“No, he doesn’t! You probably just threw yourself at him, you slut!”
Sana gasps. “Slut?! You’re just jealous that he likes me more than you!”
The two continue to bicker and argue, and you start to worry that things could get physical. Right as Sana lifts her hand, you step in between the two of them, shielding Miyeon from a potential slap.
“OKAY, let’s all calm down for a second, alright?” You gently grasp Sana’s wrist, putting it down by her side. “What is going on between you two? You guys are best friends, why are you fighting all of a sudden?”
The two fall silent, averting their teary eyes to the floor, standing there like bickering sisters. You never expected this kind of behavior from either of them, especially on the day of your anniversary.
“Look at me,” you command, lifting up both of their chins towards you. “I love the both of you and I don’t want to see you fighting. We’re going to stand here and talk until this all gets resolved, even if it takes all night.”
Seeing the serious look in your eyes, both of their expressions soften. Sana is the first to speak up.
“I see the way you treat Miyeon. Sometimes I feel like you like her more than me, and it makes me feel… jealous.”
Compared to Sana, Miyeon is on the quieter side, rarely demanding things from you or complaining about anything. In the beginning of your relationship, you assumed that she wasn’t into the idea of polygamy and only tagged along because of Sana. It took a while to understand her, but you eventually found out that Miyeon just doesn’t like asking for things and wants you to basically read her mind. Now, you can tell exactly what she’s thinking just from her body language, and Miyeon consequently became more affectionate towards you. Sana must have noticed the differences in the way you treat her and thought you were showing favoritism.
“Okay, yes, I treat Miyeon differently than I treat you, but that doesn’t mean I love her more than you, Sana,” you reassure her. “You girls have different personalities and both of you deserve a man that can love you the way you want to be loved. I’m sorry if it seems like I treat her better, but that’s really not the case, okay? Please don’t fight because I made a mistake.”
Sana and Miyeon look at each other with an apologetic expression before falling into a warm embrace.
“I’m sorry I fucked him without you,” Sana apologizes.
“I’m sorry I called you a slut.”
Sana pulls Miyeon into a deep and loving kiss. It starts out innocently enough, but eventually, the two begin moaning into each other’s mouths while their hands explore their bodies. You can’t help but stroke your cock at the sight of your two ladies making out in front of you. Miyeon notices your erection and whispers giddily into Sana’s ear, prompting a mischievous smile to grow on the Japanese woman’s lips.
“We’re so sorry about fighting, baby,” Sana says in a sultry tone.
“Yeah, we’ve been such naughty girls.” Miyeon looks at you with her siren eyes, drawing you in with a simple glance. “Maybe you should punish us, baby.”
Sana reaches out and grabs your rod, pulling you closer. “Yeah, punish us with your big, fat cock.”
With your heart pounding with excitement, you grab their wrists, pulling them towards the bedroom as the sounds of their giggles trail behind you. You throw them towards the bed, quickly freeing yourself from any clothing as they watch with anticipation. Miyeon bites her lip as she ogles your body, while Sana touches herself just thinking about all the things you’ll do to the both of them.
“Miyeon is a bit overdressed, don’t you think so, Sana?” You ask, smirking. Sana nods in agreement, pulling Miyeon into a heavy kiss while her hand snakes its way into her top. You get to work on Miyeon’s bottom half, kneeling in front of her and tugging at her skirt to reveal the damp spot on her panties. You pull Miyeon’s legs over your shoulder so her thighs sandwich your face and begin planting kisses all over her supple skin. Sana tosses Miyeon’s top and bra to the other side of the room before sucking on Miyeon’s perky tits. Her high-pitched princess moans fill the room, accompanied by the wet kissing sounds of you and Sana pleasuring her body.
“Ah, fuck! Yes, just like that!” Miyeon exclaims. You hungrily pull off her panties before diving into her heat, licking between her folds and flicking your tongue against her clit. Sana sits behind her, holding her spasming body while nibbling her ear.
“I bet you’re sooooo exhausted after work, aren’t you, princess?” Sana whispers into Miyeon’s ear. Miyeon nods amidst her whimpering, biting her lip at her girlfriend, begging for her to take her. Sana obliges, shoving her tongue into her mouth as you shove your tongue into Miyeon’s dripping pussy. It doesn’t take long for Miyeon to reach her first orgasm, squirting her nectar all over your face which you gladly lap up, not wasting a single drop. Her body shivers with pleasure, but you have only just begun.
Sana and Miyeon watch intently as you stand up and align your cock with Miyeon’s glistening heat. With a mischievous smirk, Sana moves aside, letting Miyeon lie on her back. Miyeon’s mouth forms an “O” as you insert your tip inside of her, and Sana seizes the chance by sitting on Miyeon’s face, grinding her hips into the Korean woman’s open mouth. Your bodies form a literal love triangle as Sana pulls your face towards her, catching your lips with hers as you thrust deeply into Miyeon. You imagined this to be the last thing you did on your anniversary night instead of the first thing, but you don’t mind doing things a bit out of order. As long as these two lovely ladies are happy, you’re happy.
“Isn’t Miyeon’s pussy so tight, baby?” Sana asks with a smirk on her face. You nod, becoming increasingly aroused by Sana’s dirty talk, quickening the pace of your thrusts. Miyeon’s muffled moans become significantly louder, causing Sana to cling onto your shoulders for support as she reaches her climax. Sana pulls your head into another kiss, moaning into her mouth as her body trembles from her orgasm. She eventually collapses to the side of the bed, allowing Miyeon to finally breathe. 
The light reflects off of Sana’s nectar on Miyeon’s skin, giving her the appearance of a glimmering angel. You slow down the pace of your thrusts, bringing your face close to Miyeon’s ear.
“Mirror?” You ask simply. She nods excitedly, biting her lip with anticipation.
If there’s one thing you learned about Miyeon since dating her for the past year, it’s that she absolutely adores herself. If she suddenly turned quiet, it was because she was either staring at a mirror or taking selfies. Every time she sent you nudes, it was more so to show you just how beautiful is rather than solely for your benefit (Not that you minded, of course). On the nights the three of you felt particularly frisky and decided to film yourselves, Miyeon would always rewind her parts, going on about how sexy she looks when she’s about to cum or how pretty her own moans sound. You wouldn’t say she’s narcissistic; rather, she’s just confident in her looks, and she had every reason to be. Cho Miyeon is the perfect embodiment of a princess, and you love that about her.
You bend Miyeon over the vanity, making sure she has a good view of herself before you rail her from behind. She peers over her shoulder at you and winks, wiggling her ass playfully.
“What are you waiting for? Aren’t you gonna punish m- AH!”
You grip onto Miyeon’s slim waist and begin to pound her hot cunt with ease. The entire vanity shakes as she clings onto it for dear life, barely able to support herself as her legs become as stable as jelly. Despite the stage of disarray she’s in, Miyeon maintains eye contact with herself in the mirror, evidently turning her on more with how her pussy tightens around your cock.
“Cum for me, princess,” you whisper gruffly into her ear. “You look so pretty when you cum.”
“I do?” she asks, flashing her puppy dog eyes at you through the mirror. You nod, unable to speak a coherent word as the sensation begins to feel too much. Miyeon squeals with pleasure as her juices begin to leak down her legs and onto the floor. You hold her up in case her trembling legs give out on her as she rides out her orgasm.
“Good girl,” you reassure her, planting kisses all over her back. Once she calms down, you help her to the bed and lay her down gently next to Sana.
“That was so fucking hot, princess,” Sana says, giving Miyeon a small peck on the lips. Miyeon giggles, her eyes barely able to stay open. With Sana’s energy back and your cock still hard, she descends on you like a panther, pinning you to the bed.
“Miyeon’s tongue is nice, but I needdddd your fat fucking cock inside of me,” she smirks as she straddles your lap, guiding your tip inside of her pussy. Her eyes roll back inside of her head as she takes you little by little, before completely bottoming out inside of her. After a moment of adjusting, Sana begins to ride your cock, holding onto your chest for support. You squeeze and tug at her bouncing tits, eliciting cute little squeals from her. A still-tired Miyeon decides to join in the fun, pushing Sana down onto your cock with more force and teasing her clit.
“HOLY FUCK!” Sana squeals ecstatically.
“I bet you like being a little slut, huh?” Miyeon teases her. “You like being filled up by our boyfriend’s cock, don’t you?”
“FUCK! Yes, I love it so much!”
“You wanna be filled with his cum, right baby?” Miyeon smirks at you as she whispers into Sana’s ear. With how close you are, you have no choice but to follow along with her impromptu plan. 
“Oh god, yes please fill me with your cum, baby!” Sana exclaims, eyeing you desperately. Miyeon’s hand trails up your chest as she leans in towards you.
“You heard her,” she says, slyly cupping your cheek. “Better give her what she wants.”
Without hesitation, you shoot your load straight into Sana’s womb. Sana’s second orgasm follows shortly after, your fluids mixing together inside of her. Out of an entire year of fucking these two wonderful girls, this is the hardest orgasm you have ever experienced.
Eventually, Sana collapses on top of you, gasping for breath, while Miyeon quickly laps up the fluids dripping from the Japanese woman’s legs. You can’t help but laugh at Sana’s post-orgasm shivering.
“H-holy… shit,” Sana says breathlessly. “That… was fucking amazing.”
Miyeon crawls up, laying her head on Sana’s chest. “Yeah, he’s pretty great, isn’t he?” The two girls giggle at each other, exchanging playful kisses and warm looks. You wrap your arm around the both of them, grateful that they’re not fighting anymore.
“How did I get so lucky to have the two of you in my life?” You ask, gazing at these two beauties lovingly. With a quick glance at the clock, you notice that you still have a couple hours until the dinner reservation. “Why don’t you two hop in the shower and get ready? I have something special planned for tonight.”
“You’re not gonna join us?” Miyeon asks.
“I would love to, princess, but I know for a fact that we’re not gonna make it to dinner if I join you in the shower,” you joke. Sana jolts up, grabbing Miyeon’s wrist.
“I am NOT missing out on dinner,” Sana states, dragging Miyeon into the bathroom with her. Right before they close the door behind them, they turn to you one last time.
“We love you!” They say in unison. 
You lay back on the bed, smiling to yourself as you look up at the ceiling. How did you ever get so lucky?
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harmonysanreads · 9 months
Reader : Come to dinner tonight. I can't cook, but I'll bring plenty of good wine.
Neuvillette : Marry me.
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unstable-samural · 1 month
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Miyeon x Male Reader
tags: blowjob, teasing, strangers tor lovers, penetration, creampie, girl next door
[Note: English is not my native language, So possible grammar errors and more rigid prose can be found in the text. But I ask that you give it a chance, if I don't give up on this, I will work hard, bringing longer and more effortful stories:)
This is the first version, I will eventually correct whatever is wrong.]
The moving team worked very hard. Fortunately it would be a quick job. One of the many advantages of being a single and minimalist man: little furniture. Y/N helped the moving team by picking up the most delicate boxes that contained electronics and fragile objects. The neighborhood was beautiful on that calm afternoon, the golden sun radiated the green grass and the white fences of the houses on the street.
"Man, I'm going to love living here", thought Y/N, sighing with satisfaction.
He noticed that the neighboring house on the right had a beautiful flowerbed. Maybe it was a kind old lady who lived there. The whole flower and decoration thing indicated that. He still didn't know any of his neighbors. Y/N cut off his thoughts and returned to his task. It didn't take long to get everything inside the house, anyway.
The interior of the residence now had some furniture scattered throughout the rooms and several boxes that needed to be opened. Y/N wasn't in a hurry, he would do everything calmly, after all, it's not like visitors were going to show up anytime soon...
Well, he was wrong about that.
While he was drinking water, the doorbell rang, slightly startling him. Y/N really thought he was going to be completely alone, at least for the first few weeks until he adjusted to the neighborhood. The person at the door was probably one of the neighbors wanting to welcome him or something. Y/N was exhausted as hell, but he couldn't start things in this new city by ignoring people like that.
To his surprise, the one on the other side of the door was a beautiful young blonde. She holding a box of chocolate.
"Hello, new neighbor! I came to welcome you to the neighborhood." She said, quite excited.
The girl was wearing a red flowery dress that highlighted her small body.
"Hello! Are you one of my neighbors?"
"I'm the girl next door. I brought this to you." She handed him the box of chocolates.
"You didn't have to do that. Thank you very much. What's your name?"
"My name is Miyeon." She smiled at him. It was a charming smile.
He reached out to shake her hand, but Miyeon pulled him into a hug. Y/N couldn't help but enjoy the heat her body emanated, the sweet scent was also delirious.
"I was watching you when you were bringing the furniture into the house." She revealed it to him.
"Serious?" Y/N questioned. "I did not see you."
"You seemed focused on the task."
"It must have been because of that. Are you, by any chance, the owner of that beautiful flower bed?"
"Yes! It's mine! I've been taking care of it for about two years. It's my greatest pride!" She told him, her little eyes sparkled with joy. "It's not very common for men to pay attention to flower beds and things like that. You're quite observant, Y/N."
"I think we both are."
Miyeon laughed, her cheeks flushed.
"I hope you like the chocolates."
"They look great."
"Do you have anything for dinner at your house?" Miyeon asked.
"Actually, I was thinking about ordering a pizza."
"Save the pizza for tomorrow. I can make you dinner at my house and bring it to yours. We both eat together. What do you think?"
Y/N quickly thought that: even if he was delirious with fever he would still be unable to refuse a proposal like that.
"If it's not too much trouble, I would love that."
"Me too! Then I'll see you later."
"I'll be waiting for you."
She said goodbye to him and went to her house.
He wasted no time getting ready. Y/N ran to the bathroom to take a well-deserved hot shower. In the shower he felt silly for being so excited about that dinner, he almost looked like a 15 year boy on first date. But Miyeon was a really beautiful and attractive woman, as well as incredibly friendly. He didn't expect a blessing like that to happen so suddenly on his first day in the new house. "Miracles happen," he thought. And also, after the last relationship, he deserved to breathe new air.
Breathe new women.
Y/N played poker on his laptop sitting on the sofa in the living room. The internet would only be turned on the next day, and he was starting to feel a bit of withdrawal from not being connected. But when deciding to leave the troubled capital, he should also get used to being a little offline. All the social media shit had been fucking with his brain for a while.
"I need to learn gardening or something.", he thought.
The doorbell again. And now Y/N didn't feel fear when he heard it, but rather excitement. Y/N took the notebook off his lap and placed it on the sofa, combed his hair a little more with his fingers and went to open the door.
"I hope you like lasagna!" Miyeon exclaimed, carrying a glass baking dish with both hands.
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Y/N barely managed to speak since he opened the door. She was dressed really provocatively, and acted like she didn't give a shit, totally casual. She had placed the lasagna on the kitchen counter. The two were sitting on the sofa. Miyeon was cross-legged, and the short skirt she was wearing wasn't able to hide even half of those juicy thighs.
"You're going to live alone, right?" She asked.
"Yes. Do you live alone too?"
"Correct. I used to live in the capital, but I got tired of the traffic, the people there, all the futility and stuff. My job luckily allows me to live anywhere I want."
"We're not much different then."
"You also lived in the capital?!" She asked, amazed.
"Now I'm sure we'll get along great." Miyeon commented, and casually placed her hand on Y/N's knee.
It was soft and warm. A thought came over him and he imagined her sliding that hand to his thigh, and from his thigh to his groin. Just by vaguely imagining this scene, Y/N felt his dick harden inside his pants.
"You know, I was actually watching you move in. You caught my attention. In fact, I've seen you since you came here last month to look at the house." Miyeon's voice was no longer animated from before. It was now in a low and sweet tone. Sexy. "I hoped you would become my new neighbor."
"I think if I had seen you too, I would have moved here a lot quicker."
She smiled.
"You're sweet" Miyeon slid the hand that was on Y/N's knee to his thigh. "And naughty."
"Why you say that?"
"Because I can see your hard dick in your pants."
Y/N couldn't contain himself and placed his hand on Miyeon's thigh. The grip was so intense and sudden that she couldn't take it and let out a muffled moan.
"I can't control myself with you dressed like that" he said, looking intensely into her eyes.
"I don't want you to control yourself, darling." when she finished speaking she jumped into Y/N's lap. He grabbed her small waist and started kissing Miyeon on every corner of her face: cheek, mouth, chin and neck. She was totally surrendered, and felt between her legs how hard his dick was.
Y/n slid his fingers along the strap of Miyeon's crop top, feeling the soft texture of her skin under her eager touches. With a slow, deliberate movement, he lowered the strap and, to his surprise and delight, saw that she was not wearing a bra. Miyeon's small but perfectly formed breasts were exposed. Without hesitation, Y/N leaned forward and captured a nipple between his lips, sucking it voraciously as his tongue played with the sensitive tip. Miyeon arched her back in response, moaning loudly with the pleasure that coursed through her body. "Yes, baby!" she said between muffled moans.
"I love having my breasts sucked. They are sensitive. This makes me so excited." She commented, ecstatic.
As Y/N occupied himself with her tits, Miyeon felt more and more aroused, her breathing becoming heavier by the second. With hands shaking with desire, she got off Y/N's lap, her mind fixed on one thing: completely drooling over that hard, thick cock that was waiting for her. In one agile movement, she unbuttoned Y/N's pants, eager to taste what was underneath.
Miyeon played with Y/N, caressing the dick that was inside his underwear with desire. "Make him wet for me, baby," she begged, slyly. Miyeon started kissing Y/N's dick. The warm, soft lips through the cotton of his underwear gave him indescribable pleasure. "Keep going...argh!! This feels so, so good," he sighed. It didn't take long for the underwear to become damp where the glans of the cock was. Y/N let out an anticipatory moan when Miyeon released his dick. He breathed quickly when he felt the skillful caress of her lips wrapping around his cock, which was pulsing with excitement. Y/N's eyes closed instinctively, getting lost in the overwhelming sensations that Miyeon's mouth provided. Every suck, every moan of pleasure she made, every flick of her tongue, pushed him closer to the edge of absolute pleasure.
With a husky moan, Y/N pulled away from Miyeon before she made him cum, her eyes shining with lust as he made her stand. "Sit on the sofa and open your legs for me!", he ordered, and she smiled at the order. With eager hands, he lifted Miyeon's skirt, exposing her wet, pink pussy to him. Without hesitation, he dove between her legs, his tongue finding the right spot of pleasure that made her tremble with desire. Miyeon's moans echoed through the room, her mixing with the sound of wet and obscene movements that filled the air while stroking Y/N's hair.
Finally, momentarily satiated by the intensity of pleasure, Y/N sat down on the couch, her eyes burning with desire as he watched her hungry for more. With a husky, lust-filled voice, he ordered her to ride him, giving in completely to the desire that consumed them. Miyeon didn't need any further encouragement, riding Y/N with a ferocity that only increased the intensity of the pleasure they shared. Her pussy turned out to be very tight and incredibly delicious. The hip movements were incredible, the skirt was lifted to the waist, while the top was pulled down. It was beautiful the way she rode on his lap, so that Y/N didn't want to close his eyes just to see her moving smoothly and steadily on top of him.
"Daddy!" She blurted out of her mouth.
"Do you like riding your Daddy?!"
"I love it! I love it! I love it!" She moaned louder and louder.
"Just like that! Yeah! Such a good girl!"
"Argh! Daddy! Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!" Miyeon moaned following the rhythm of her hips going back and forth simultaneously. That was art!
"What you said before?" Y/N asked between moans and heavy breathing. "Your boobs are sensitive, right?"
Y/N took his back from the back of the sofa and hugged Miyeon. He could wrap his entire body around her, and that was delicious, because that was what he felt like doing with her: wrapping himself completely around Miyeon until he ejaculated.
Y/N grabbed Miyeon's waist and it was as if she already knew what he was going to do because she automatically arched her back so he could suck her boobs. This made her go crazy immediately. "So good..." she moaned. Miyeon started to ride faster as she became delirious with pleasure.
"Like this! Keep sucking my little tits, Daddy! Oh!How naughty you are! You suck so good!"
Y/N squeezed Miyeon's ass tightly while licking one of her nipples without stopping. She was moaning incredibly loudly.
"Slap my ass, Daddy!"
"Ask again!"
"Spank my ass, Daddy. Slap it until it turns red, please!" She screamed.
He slapped her while she rode frantically. Y/N was going crazy with so much pleasure.
"I'm going to cum!" He groaned in her ear.
"Cum inside me, baby! Let's cum together!"
"I can?"
"Yes! I'm taking the pills.
Y/N thrust her hips making her accelerate at a pace she had no control over.
"I'm going to cum... I'm going to cum!" She said.
"Cum for me!"
"I'm going to cum on your cock, Daddy!" She screamed, then wrapped her arms around Y/N's back, scratching him in the act.
Miyeon flexed her thighs on his lap as her pussy squirted, gyrating her hips and rolling her eyes in pleasure. Those movements involved all the sensitive receptors in Y/N's dick, and that was the end for him, cumming inside her, pressing Miyeon's body against him, while she said:
"How delicious! I feel your hot cum inside me... Uhhh!" Her entire body shook. "Now it was dripping..."
She remained astride him for a few moments longer, while cum slowly dripped down her pale thighs. Y/N kissed her, slowly and tenderly.
"That was amazing!" He said. His body was completely relaxed and the brain had reset itself. Little by little reality returned to his mind.
Miyeon got off his lap and it was a surprise for both of them to see that his dick was still a little hard.
"Can you handle another round later?" She asked, giving him a teasing look. "I haven't felt this hot for someone in a long, long time."
"We can have sex after dinner. Now I'm starving... Damn, the lasagna must have gotten cold!"
"Do you know what the second best thing is to sex?" She asked, trying to hide a laugh.
"Hmm, i don't think so."
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popponn · 3 months
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Seeing the esteemed Duke of Meropide eyes a pair of decorations curiously is an amusing experience, turns out. Even when your relationship with him is pretty much an unsaid ‘almost lover’ situation.
“So,” leaning against his working desk, you try not to smile too wide, “do you like them?”
Wriothesley continues to stare and blink at the black and white dog miniatures—intended to be placed on flat surfaces, however, your creativity is your limit, or so the craftsmen of Liyue said. Straightening his sitting posture, he then leans towards the objects that sit on his desk. “…this feels like a series,” he finally says after a long while, taking one of the two dogs. He once again takes in the merry dog figurine in his hand. Slightly bigger than his thumb, carrying a ball with a tail that is depicted to be in the middle of a swishing motion.
“It is. There are actually another eight dogs,” and also another twenty cats that are a story or, perhaps, a gift for another time, “but I don’t know if you will like it… or do you even have the space to keep all ten, so I just buy you two this time.”
“Hey, hey, since when do I seem like the sort of person who is unappreciative of something people give me?” Wriothesley put down the dog, only to take another one up. In between that, a smile and a glance are addressed to you humorously, yet as softly as always. “And also…”
You realize he purposefully trails off. “And also?”
With how entertained he is at the handcrafted woods, you think he will praise the craftsmanship. Or perhaps, it is time to recall that musing of his about wanting to keep a pet and how these two will be a perfect replacement. Or maybe, he will make another unpredictable joke one would never thought would come out from his mouth.
Yet, instead of all of that, Wriothesley merely reaches out a hand to take yours while his other hand and focus remain on your present. His tone is far from anything—as if he is simply stating a fact. Despite all that, the squeeze he gives as he intertwines his fingers with yours says enough.
“This is from you,” he states, finally shifting his attention to fully land on you. “There is no way I would dislike it.”
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sproutzai · 12 days
Do you have any fluffy Dazai in love headcanons you'd like to share?
ABSOLUTELY I DO !!! ( some of these are obviously x reader others are just. general hcs )
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dazai obviously absolutely adores cuddling. it can't be a headcanon post without mentioning how he clings to you whenever he can get his grubby hands on you. he's a little like a big dog if you squint - you can sit anywhere and even if he's not supposed to fit in your lap , damn we'll hes crawling into it and nestling himself into your chest regardless.
he likes sharing meals with you too. he's always had problems with eating, everyone knows that. but with you? something about the joint effort gives him that extra push. maybe it's the excitement behind preparing the meal, maybe its how he enjoys reading your expression on what restaurants you want when you're ordering takeout. or maybe it's the quiet praise you give him when he's eaten more then usual. whatever it is, it's a good motivator to get him to eat anything.
he figets with anything. any necklaces or jewellery you're wearing are basically toys to him. dazai adores listening to you ramble while he plays with the loose threads of your shirt, fiddling with your hand while you talk about whatever hell you'd been dealing with lately. he adores your voice, and something about the closeness and how he can keep his hands busy makes it all so much better. it helps him focus on anything other then his mind.
he likes going on walks, this might seem pretty basic. but sometimes hearing the birdsong and feeling the breeze on his cheeks sways him away from finding any new suicide methods to attempt while out there. the scent in the air as he passes a bakery, when he decides to give himself a little treat. seeing things in the window he knows his coworkers would like. things like that .
on the subject of coworkers, dazai likes to leave little gifts around for you and members of the agency. he doesn't credit himself for them at all - but sometimes there's a new pen on kunikidas desk that dazai doesn't annoy him into snapping as fast. sometimes there's a lint roller on atsushis desk , because he knows how bad white cat hair is on black trousers. sometimes there's stacks of candy on ranpos desk, ones he'd been rambling about wanting to try for months. little things like that.
whenever its cold outside he has a habit to share pockets with you. gently taking your hand in his and pulling it into the pocket of his trenchcoat, chuckling when you ask him what he's doing and simply kissing the top of your head as an answer. proximity is everything to him - if you couldn't tell already.
dazai gets really sleepy around you easily. he feels a LOT safer around you , and as a result he doesn't mind it as much when he finds himself drifting to sleep when he's laying in your lap after a long day. he knows you won't hurt him, he knows nothing bad will happen to him when hes unconcious. so he allows himself to close his eyes and snuggle that little bit closer.
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moonhoures · 7 months
First Time For Everything
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🕷️ kinktober — day 27: squirting 🕸️
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pairing: soyeon (g-idle) + reader (afab/fem)
genre: non-idol!au, smut
warnings: 18+, minors do not interact, explicit smut, wlw relationship, oral (f receiving), fingering, squirting
word count: ~890
synopsis: your gf makes you squirt for the first time 💦
posted: october 31, 2023
kinktober masterlist
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“Well now I just feel like you’re challenging me.”
Your girlfriend couldn’t believe it. You had never squirted before. She was in genuine disbelief at what she was hearing. Then again, she couldn’t believe you had only been with two other people before her. Honestly, she was shocked she bagged you in the first place. To her, you were a goddess—and she made sure to treat you like one. Now that she thought about it, she wondered why you hadn’t squirted with her yet.
“I didn’t even think it was a real thing. When I looked it up online they had discourses about if squirting was an actual liquid or just like . . . pee, or something.”
Your beautiful girlfriend laughed that candy sweet laugh that made your heart flutter, “No, it’s definitely real. I’m kinda bummed I haven’t made you do it yet. I feel like my skills are being doubted.”
“Maybe my body just can’t do it?” you wondered.
“Well, we could always find out,” you looked to her with wide eyes, but she simply smirked at you before pouncing on you with those irresistible lips of hers. After a moment of kissing her, you pulled away. Her roommate had just left not too long ago, and you weren’t sure when she would be back, “Wait, we shouldn’t. Miyeon could come back any minute.”
“She has work,” Soyeon retorted, already diving in to finish the hickey she had started on the side of your neck. You closed your eyes and groaned, and you felt her wicked grin against your skin. She knew exactly what she was doing to you.
Always the ever-determined woman she is, she had managed to get you right where she wanted you. You lied down on her bed, your head resting in the plush of her pillows as she left teasing kisses between your thighs. You made it a point to stare at the ceiling because if you looked down you would see your gorgeous girlfriend staring up at you with those tantalizing eyes that made you weak in the knees. But she loved when you made eye contact with her, so she got your attention the only ways she knew how.
“Oh my God!” you gasped out loud as you felt the sudden intrusion of her tongue deep between your folds. No prep or anything. Right down to business. Soyeon was making it very clear that she had an objective, and neither of you were moving on until she completed her little mission.
Her manicured fingernails dug into your thighs as they constricted around her head. They pulled them away so that she could continue to lick you with ardor, the familiar taste of your arousal on her tongue. Her nose bumped below your clit with every movement of her head. You felt like you could cum just from that.
“Just relax,” she cooed to you before sticking two of her fingers into her mouth to get them wet, “Let go for me.”
You nodded as you melted back against her bed, your fingers clutching onto the duvet underneath you as you felt her fingers enter you. Her fingers weren’t long, but you could tell she was thrusting them as deeply as she could. Over a few minutes, her pace quickened and she focused her fingertips on the spongey texture that lied deep within your walls. You were already soaking her fingers just from how wet you were, but she was aiming for so much more. So she set her target on that one spot and kept at it, hooking her fingers and thrusting them in and out. As she felt you pulsing around her, she leaned down and sucked your clit between her lips, sucking them in just the way she knew you liked. And as if the moment couldn’t get any better, she hummed, the vibrations sending you reeling.
It felt . . . different. This wasn’t the same as when you usually came. There was a slightly different feeling, like your body had become frozen as the pleasure coursed through you. Then you felt it—the liquid flooding between your thighs. Your eyes rolled and your back arched. Your fingers went to Soyeon’s head. You held her right in that spot until it all became too much. Then, you started pushing her away.
She came up from between your legs, a prideful smile on her lips as well as the glistening of your juices on her face. She wore it like a medal, not at all in a rush to wipe it away.
“You did it,” she praised you, caressing your leg, “How did it feel?”
“Good,” you replied, chest heaving from the deep breaths you took. You lifted yourself up onto your elbows. You suddenly became hyper aware of the fact that you—and a large spot on her sheets—were drenched, “I’m sorry for making a mess.”
“Shut up,” she rolled her eyes and playfully poked your forehead with her finger, making you fall back against her pillows, “You just made my ego so big. I couldn’t care less about these sheets.”
You bashfully smiled, “Oh no, that head of yours is already too big.”
“But I’m your big head,” she reminded you, hovering over you to tenderly kiss your lips.
“You are.”
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— taglist #1
@jaylaxies @xiaoting999 @kookthief @zaddywilk @wonrangwoo @ikykleeknowww @odisdad @abby-grace @jungwonloveer @celestialplatinum @pinklemonadeflav @luvkpopp @kisses4denji @jenos-eye-smiles @a-l-i-y-a @channiesprincess @bekah931215 @heerinnie @cinnikoi @unlikelysublimekryptonite @k-drizzle @neo-stay @v0relino @pedriswrld
— couldn’t tag
@multi05ho3st4n @nlklstan @fairygirl18 @thxbxx @iguanas-world @ddwaekk @love-me-a-little
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senp1i · 4 months
(G)-Idle Yuqi x Male reader
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Words: 4175 req: @dav1233555
The deafening screams and cheers of the fans were still ringing in Yuqi's ears as she finally staggered off stage, her members similarly buzzing with adrenaline energy around her. 
But despite the adrenaline still pumping through her blood, the person on Yuqi's mind in this moment wasn't one of her G-IDLE members, or even her fans...it was him - her boyfriend who she hadn't seen in months thanks to their conflicting schedules and due to her world tour.
She had resigned herself to their usual lengthy separation after shows, only able to stay connected through short, delayed phone calls and video chats. It was the new normal when you both had demanding careers in different countries. But then yesterday he texted, out of the blue that he flew out and would be at this Seoul show to surprise her, and Yuqi hadn't stopped smiling since.
Weaving through the organised backstage chaos, she scanned the crowds of staff urgently, not even bothering to change yet. Where was he? Her stomach fluttered with a mixture of anxiety and nerves. What if she misunderstood and he wasn't actually...
And then she spotted him - leaning casually against a concrete wall looking unfairly hot in dark jeans and a black tshirt that hugged his tall, bulky frame. He was watching her approach with that smile she had missed for months, the one that made his eyes crinkle at the corners like a crescent moon  and her heart skips several beats.
"Oh my god!, you're actually here!" Yuqi squealed, launching herself at him recklessly. Strong arms caught her, spinning her in a circle as she wrapped her legs around his waist. She was dimly aware of people probably staring, but she didn't care one bit.  Laughing, he set her down gently. "Of course I'm here baby! You didn't think I would miss your show in Seoul did you?" His large hands lingered on her hips, thumbs just barely grazing the strip of bare skin between her “tank top” and leather pants.
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The unexpected loud throat clearing jolted them back to semi-coherent reality. Breaking apart awkwardly, Yuqi felt her cheeks flame as she met the dancing backup singer's amused smirk. Whoops. 
"Maybe we should continue this somewhere more private?" Y/N suggested, equally red if not more but his eyes still heated. Yuqi quickly agreed, grabbing his hand to lead him away before they scared any other staff members.
They bid goodbye to her members, who sent them off with eyebrow waggles and whistles. Soyeon made some cheeky comment about using protection that Yuqi pointedly ignored. There were more important things on the brain right now, like fucking her boyfriend into the next life….
The sexually charged tension from earlier snapped back instantly once alone in the car. Yuqi just couldn't keep her hands to herself - after being deprived of his touch for so long, she desperately needed to feel him. Starting innocently on his thigh, her hand wandered higher each red light, loving his sharp inhales when she "accidentally" touched the front of his jeans.
"Fuck..." he choked out, grabbing her wrist before she made contact. "Behave, unless you want me to wreck this rental..." 
Yuqi just bit her swollen bottom lip, eyes dancing, this was going to be fun...
By some miracle they arrived at her apartment intact. They barely shut the front door before crashing together again like magnets. Clothes disappeared rapidly between sloppy kisses. His shirt hit the floor, followed by her half-zipped leather pants stumbling down the hall. Falling sideways onto the unmade bed finally skin to skin, all remaining rational thoughts out the window. 
Propping himself up on one elbow, he allowed himself a long appreciative look at the gorgeous naked woman before him. From her flushed face and kiss-bitten lips, over smooth collar bones to perky round tits peaked in lust, down the feminine curve of her waist to those sexy black lace panties...
His heated gaze snapped back up to meet her own wandering one, catching her shamelessly ogling the bulge in his tented boxers. He smirked.
"Enjoying the view, baby?" 
"Mmhmm..." Yuqi purred, shifting closer until her lips just barely grazed the shell of his ear. 
"Though I think you're still a bit overdressed down there..." 
Not needing any further encouragement, she wrapped one delicate hand around his considerable length through the thin fabric - hard as steel and already leaking in anticipation. Groaning, his head dropped back against the sheets at that first tantalising contact.
"Fuck, I missed you," he grit out. Surging up to capture her grinning lips again, he kissed her deeply, tongues sliding. His hands slid down to grip her lace-covered ass, hauling her tighter against him until she could feel every hard ridge of cock. 
Breaking their heated lip-lock with a gasp as one thick finger slipped unexpectedly under those panties to drag through her slick folds, Yuqi's eyes fluttered closed. 
"Oh yes, just like that..."
Easily sliding first one, then a second digit into her welcoming heat, he watched in a haze as she began to slowly fuck herself on his hand. Shoving those same fingers upwards, he simultaneously rubbed her swollen clit, smirking when her inner walls instantly clenched tighter at the dual sensations. 
"Fuck baby you're dripping...Can't wait to feel this tight little pussy squeezing my cock again." The gravelly words against her ear made a more slick gush, drenching his pumping fingers. 
"Mmm what's...ah!...stopping you?" She managed to gasp out between moans. The delicious tension coiled tighter and tighter in her core, right on the brink...
And then suddenly, maddeningly he withdrew his fingers. Snapping her eyes open, she whined in frustrated protest - but then caught the positively horny glint in his hooded gaze. Maintaining eye contact, he slowly, deliberately brought those slick fingers to his mouth. A deep groan rumbled in his broad chest as he licked them clean of her juices.
"Mm delicious as always, baby. But it would be a damn shame if this ended too quickly..." 
With unfair ease he flipped them so she was on her back, caged between strong arms. Reflexively Yuqi spread her legs in blatant invitation, aching and empty. But instead of lining himself up, he shifted downwards. Large hands pushed her thighs further apart, baring her glistening pussy. 
"I think you deserve a reward first for that killer show tonight..." 
Yuqi barely processed his husky promise before she felt the soft heat of his tongue drag firmly from her leaking entrance up to circle her aching clit. 
"Oh fuck!" Her fingers instantly tangled almost painfully in his hair, hips bucking. Humming approvingly at her reaction, he gripped her waist with steely strength to hold her still. 
"Been way too fucking long since I got to properly taste this pretty pussy..."
Then he dove back in with shameless enthusiasm, alternating broad licks with tight circles concentrated right around her swollen clit. Yuqi saw literal stars behind her clenched eyelids. When he sealed his lips around that straining bundle of nerves to suck firmly, she nearly convulsed right off the bed. 
"Yes yes yes just like that oppa!" she heard herself babbling mindlessly. The filthy endearment she knew drove him wild always slipped out unfiltered in moments like this. As expected, his answering groan reverberated straight to her clenching core. So close...
But once again, just before she toppled over the cliff's edge into oblivion, he stopped. Sitting back on his heels with a smug grin that she wanted to slap off his handsome face. 
"Fucking TEASE!" she accused in a breathless whine, chest heaving as she kicked his chest gently. His chuckle came out strained, cock visibly throbbing almost angrily behind those damned boxers.
"Now now, watch that naughty mouth babygirl..." He mock scolded. When she just scowled, he arched an eyebrow. 
"What do good girls say?"
Huffing at the game but deciding to play along, Yuqi relaxed back against the sheets, letting her thighs fall open in unmistakable invitation. Biting her lower lip coyly, she met his darkening gaze through her lashes. 
"Please make me cum with your cock oppa..." she whispered. 
His lips crashed back to hers roughly. "That's my good girl," he rasped when they finally broke for air. Gripping her hips hard enough to leave fingertip bruises, he guided his painfully swollen length through her slick folds before sinking into her sloppy heat. Their twin groans echoed loudly in the room.
"Fuckkk you feel even better than I remember baby," he praised through gritted teeth, buried to the hilt inside her silken pussy. Restraint evident in every quivering muscle, he gave her a moment to adjust while she revelled at having this part of him back where he belonged. 
Propping himself up on forearms braced on either side of her head, he began a slow retreat. Their heated gazes locked, both holding breath...Only to gasp it back out sharply as he snapped his hips forward, filling her completely again. Yuqi saw literal stars at the perfect angle dragging along her g-spot.
"Oh yes, just like that oppa!" 
Needing no further encouragement he quickly built an aggressive rhythm - almost  brutal snap of his hips punctuated by the lewd sound of skin slapping on skin. Interspersed with their mingling moans and curses were wet noises from her sopping pussy greedily swallowing every vein-lined inch again and again. 
Fingers tangling almost too-tightly in her fanned black hair, he claimed her bitten lips in a messy clash of tongues and teeth. Breaking away with a gravelly groan, his head dropped to mouth wetly at the slender column of her arched throat. 
"Fuck you take me so well Yuyu... Gonna make you cum so hard on my cock." 
She could only mewl affirmatively, nails raking red trails down his flexing back at each punishing plunge. Tilting her hips up sharply, she eagerly met his every thrust, inner tension coiling impossibly tight. So fucking close...
Sensing her impending release, he shifted angles - somehow hitting even deeper. One large hand left her hair to slip between their sweat-slick bodies, fingers instantly finding her neglected clit to rub hard, fast circles in time with his pounding hips.
"Be a good girl and cum for oppa..." he commanded, pinching the swollen nub ruthlessly. That bit of pain/pleasure pushed her shrieking over the edge - cunt spasming violently around his relentless cock still hammering into her throughout the endless pulses of ecstasy. 
Vision whiting out, Yuqi was only vaguely aware of his gravelly praises murmured against her temple as she slowly floated back down. 
"So fucking gorgeous when you cum baby..." 
She mewled when he carefully withdrew his still rock-hard length, her sensitive walls fluttering around sudden emptiness. But he kept her thighs cradled open, massaging the trembling muscles soothingly. 
"Think you can give me another sweet girl?" His cock prodded just barely back inside her sopping entrance, teasing them both. Still breathing hard, Yuqi managed to nod eagerly. 
"Want you...to cum inside me next," she affirmed huskily. That lusty glint returning tenfold, he surged back into her welcoming heat with a loud groan. 
"Fuck yes... Take this cock just like that."
Her arms wrapped around his broad shoulders, nails biting in with each pleasurable drag along her sensitised walls. When he made to pull out again, she locked her ankles behind his thrusting ass - keeping him buried balls deep. 
Breaking their messy kiss with an approving chuckle, he carefully flipped them without severing their intimate connection. Now straddling his hips, Yuqi braced both hands on his chiselled chest as she began working her still-trembling thighs to ride him. Slowly at first, loving the delicious stretch of her stuffed pussy around his girth. 
But soon she built up eager speed, tits jiggling wildly with each rise and fall. His large hands anchored bruisingly on her waist, guiding each slick slide along his entire length. The lewd sound of their coupling filled the room.
"Fuck yes, just like that Yu. Ride my cock..." One hand left her hip to roughly palm a bouncing tit, pinching her tightened peak. Whimpering as sparks shot straight down, she ground her hips tighter. So deep... Chasing that peak again she slipped one hand between them, finding her swollen clit and rubbing urgent circles around the sensitive nub. 
Imminent orgasm rolled hot at her core for the second time. Leaning down without losing rhythm, her lips found his ear. 
"M'close again oppa," she panted, clenching teasingly along his thickness. "I want you to fill me up with your cum..." 
His answering groan sounded pained, cock jerking inside her. His bruising grip yanked her down hard once, twice more before she felt the hot pulses of his release coat her fluttering inner walls. That sensation tipped her over too - cunt spasming erratically around him, drawing out every drop as she moaned her climax. 
Chests heaving, Yuqi collapsed against him, their mixed juices already seeping onto his thighs. His softening cock slipped free and she hummed at the loss. Propping up slightly to meet his dazed eyes, she deliberately dragged two fingers through the slippery combination of their orgasms before bringing them to her puffy lips. Maintaining eye contact, she licked them clean with a tiny moan.
"Mmm delicious oppa." Ignoring his halfhearted swat for her teasing, she giggled against his neck placatingly. 
After a few moments catching their breath, he gently manoeuvred her Jello-like limbs off him towards the bathroom. Under the warm spray he carefully cleaned every inch of her thoroughly used body himself. The loving tenderness made Yuqi's chest squeeze almost painfully. She wished they could stay in this little bubble together indefinitely, ignoring the outside world...
But eventually prune-like fingers made them move from the cooling water. Towelling off, Yuqi noticed the mess of clothes still thrown haphazardly from front door to bed. Slipping into his discarded tshirt like a micro dress, she padded towards the kitchen to whip up some food. 
They cooked a simple pasta dish together, conversation flowing easily about everything and nothing. His arms wrapped around her from behind while tomatoes simmered or noodles boiled, chin hooking casually over her shoulder. Unable to resist, Yuqi tilted her head giving him access to nip and suck marks along the curve of her neck. Things nearly got derailed onto the kitchen floor at one point. 
Later stuffed full of oily pasta, they collapsed sideways on her couch not even bothering to get dressed yet. Half paying attention to some drama rerun, Yuqi drew nonsensical patterns across his bare chest with a fingernail. The occasional rumble of his laughter vibrated against her cheek where it lay tucked under his arm. Everything just felt so right. 
As the moonlight fading towards early sunrise outside though, reality began creeping back in. Stomach sinking, Yuqi realised she had no idea how long they actually had left together before...
"When does your flight leave?" She tried to keep her tone light despite the sudden ache blooming behind her ribs. His sigh ruffled her hair. 
"9am." Glancing at her phone screen, she calculated barely 5 hours now remained in their little haven. Sensing her mood shift, he hugged her tighter against his side. 
"It's not goodbye forever though, okay Yuyu? I'll visit again as soon as I can get more time off work, I promise. We'll figure this out." 
Still she had to bite her lip hard to keep sudden tears at bay. Sucking in a deep breath, she sat up abruptly before the dark thoughts could take hold. Grabbing his hand off her waist, she fixed a cheeky grin on her face.
"Well no point moping about it now huh? We've still got a few hours left to enjoy!" Not giving him a chance to react, she dragged him stumbling back towards the rumpled bed, already shrugging his oversized tee off one shoulder...
Over the next hours they proceeded to make more thorough use of every surface of her apartment, switching positions and places continuously. By silent mutual agreement, they didn't speak about his leave again, choosing to stay locked in each other's eyes or connected by roaming mouths and hands instead. Committing every muffled moan and pleasured gasp to memory for the next lonely stretch that loomed ahead.
All too soon however, the dreaded alarm on her phone shrilly announced it was time. A heavy silence surrounded the bedroom where they lay tangled up, hearts still racing from their last frantic fuckery not even 10 minutes prior. 
As if putting it off could somehow stop the inevitable, they lingered longer under the sheets sharing soft, slow kisses. But his return flight wouldn't wait, responsibilities in another country calling insistently. So finally with a deep sigh he untangled their limbs and rose to gather scattered clothes. Yuqi couldn't bring herself to move yet, just watching silently with the sheet held over her bare boobs. 
Once dressed, her Y/N, sat back on the edge of the mattress, fingers combing gently through her tangled hair. 
"Come on baby, don't look at me like that," he cajoled softly. "This isn't forever, just a few more months."
Yuqi bit her lip, trying and failing to force a smile. His warm palm cupped her cheek, thumb swiping away a stray tear before it could fall. 
"Promise you'll video chat me the minute you land?" she asked in a small voice. He smiled gently. 
"Of course. And I'll be back to visit again before you know it." Ducking his head, he kissed her tenderly. "Wild horses couldn't keep me away for too long."
A moment passes as they stare at each others eyes, lost, "I love you, you know..." The whispered words blurt out before she could second guess them. It was the first time either had actually voiced the emotion out loud. His answering smile practically lit up the room.
"I love you too," he said simply, like it was the most obvious thing. Happiness bubbled up Yuqi's chest and she dragged him down into a slick kiss. 
Too soon though, her phone alarm blared again, signalling it was time to depart for the airport. With a reluctant sigh he gently extracted her clinging limbs from around his shoulders. 
"C'mon baby, don't make this harder," he chided without any real heat. Shouldering his backpack, he kept an arm wrapped securely around her waist as they made their way out to the idling taxi. The ride passed in near silence, her hand clinging almost desperately to his larger one the whole way.
At the busy terminal, he checked his bag through to the gate before turning to properly say goodbye. Yuqi fiddled anxiously with the hem of his shirt hanging around her thighs - the nearest thing to a security blanket for when he was gone. Sensing her distress, he tucked a knuckle under her chin, tipping her face up.
"Hey, no more tears okay? This is just see you later." lowering his head he kissed her sweetly. When they separated, Yuqi took a deep breath and fixed a teasing pout on her face. 
"Fine. But you better keep your promise to video chat me the minute you land, mister." She accentuated the warning with a playful poke to his chest. He barked out a laugh.
"Yes ma'am. Though with the time difference it might be pretty late."
"Don't care," Yuqi insisted stubbornly. "I'll keep my phone volume all the way up. I expect your handsome face on my screen bright and early." 
Overhead the boarding call for his flight crackled through the intercom. Glancing regretfully towards his gate, her boyfriend swept her into one last rib-creaking hug. 
"Last chance to cram me into your suitcase," Yuqi mumbled into his shoulder lamely. His body shook against hers with another sad chuckle. 
"Tempting. But I'd have a hell of a time explaining that to airport security not to mention your members and company." Pulling back, he kissed her forehead lingeringly. "Get home safe baby. I'll call you as soon as I land, I promise."
Nodding, not trusting her voice anymore, Yuqi stepped back out of his embrace. Their joined hands clung together a heartbeat longer before finally slipping free. With one last devastating smile over his shoulder, her boyfriend handed the gate attendant his ticket and disappeared down the boarding tunnel. 
Shoulders slumping, Yuqi slowly meandered her way back out of the airport in a daze, thankfully no one recognized her this early in the morning. She kept glancing instinctively for his tall figure every few yards before the painful reality sank in all over again that he was really gone. The taxi ride back home felt endless, bottom lip raw and bitten between her teeth against the threat of more tears escaping. 
By the time she let herself back into her empty, too-quiet apartment, eyes burning with exhaustion, the glowing screen of her phone read nearly 1 pm stilll no message yet, but she hadn't really expected one. With the lengthy flight plus time difference, it would probably be hours still until he landed and made it through customs. 
Curling up in the centre of her big, cold bed, Yuqi clutched one of his leftover shirts that still smelled faintly of his cologne. She forced her eyes closed, willing sleep to come and temporarily dull the hollow ache in her chest. 
Sometime later she gradually registered the buzz of vibration and a familiar ringtone. Bolting upright, heart suddenly racing, she fumbled to accept the call - not even bothering to check the time. His gorgeous, rumpled face filled the video screen, baseball cap pulled low and flashing that killer sleepy smile. 
"Hey you," he greeted warmly. "Told you I'd call."
"I didn't actually think you'd manage it tonight, isn't it like 3am there or something?" Yuqi asked, unable to keep from mirroring his smile. He shrugged, stifling a yawn. 
"Yeah about that. But I missed you already so I didn't wanna wait 'til morning." 
Her heart swelled two sizes, previous gloom vanishing. They stayed on video chat for nearly an hour just catching each other up and chatting aimlessly. More than once she caught him yawning widely or eyes drifting closed before snapping back alert. 
"Okay babe I better let you get some sleep," Yuqi finally relented, taking pity on his obvious jet lag. He started to protest but she cut him off. "We can talk more later after you get a nap. I'm not going anywhere." 
Nodding reluctantly he blew her a silly kiss through the screen. "Sweet dreams beautiful. Talk to you in a few hours."
Ending the call, Yuqi fell back against her pillows feeling lighter than she had any right to. Nothing had really changed - they were still continents apart just like before. But hearing his voice again and seeing him settle safely back into his own bed made the looming separation more bearable somehow. Snuggling back under the sheet that still smelled faintly of his cologne, she drifted easily off to sleep herself.
Over the next weeks they fell into a familiar routine - daily phone calls or video chats when their schedules aligned, occasional cute selfies or candid snaps throughout work days. The time difference made things tricky but they made it work. 
During one such call about a month later, Yuqi was in the middle of recounting some silly prank Minnie had pulled on Soojin when she noticed him start to shift restlessly. 
"Babe are you even still listening?" she accused, one eyebrow raised. 
"Hmm? Oh yeah, sorry you just...distracted me for a sec," he mumbled, cheeks faintly flushed.
"Oh really? What could possibly be more interesting than my story?" Yuqi challenged.
Clearing his throat, he gave her an uncharacteristically shy smile. "That shirt you're wearing is just really familiar…”
Glancing down, she realised with a start she had subconsciously thrown on his oversized tee that she'd stolen, the hem hitting mid-thigh as she sat cross-legged on the bed. Suddenly she matched his blush.
"Oh! I guess I just grabbed it without thinking when I got dressed earlier..." She trailed off, teeth catching her lower lip. An inviting heat entered her boyfriend's gaze, making her stomach swoop deliciously. 
"Mm I like it," he says nodding . "Maybe flip the camera down and give me a little spin? Remind me what I'm missing..." His voice dropped lower and Yuqi suppressed a shiver...
a/n; not really a fan of gidle, also havent seen any content other than their music so this might be a little... off, sorry about that lol, tho hope u enjoy
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shingekinomyfeelings · 6 months
See, I don't think Reiner of any era can bring himself to degrade you or talk mean during sex, even in his more exuberant and rougher sessions.
Cadet Reiner has enough guilt in his heart for all the lies he's already telling you and all the pain he knows he's going to cause you that even pretending to be mean to you during a moment of vulnerability makes his chest hurt a little, and Marley Reiner is utterly soft and devotional in his intimacy - Reiner's all about praising and playfully teasing you until you're an absolute *wreck,* his capacity for charming arrogance on full display. If he does blurt out something derogatory in the heat of the moment, afterwards his cockiness vanishes and he's all 'you know I don't really think that, right? :c'
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archangelsarchway · 10 days
GUYS! ok
Imagine you're just working in overwatch, writing mission reports blah blah blah BUT there's a certain rock muncher putting their head in your lap and oh my goodness you can't stop yourself you're going to scratch their scalp and
They turn around and give you the biggest puppy eyes with the biggest blush you've ever seen
"Um... can you keep doing that? It's... soothing."
Holy shit you didn't know someone could be this red.
You don't wanna mention anything because they haven't said anything so you slowly move your hand up and down the nape of their neck, all while staunchly not making eye contact because holy shit my attractive co-worker/friend is letting me pet them.
Then, as you get to the very spot where hair starts and neck ends, there's a soft whine...
(You're NOT getting any work done today.)
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bellaaae · 4 months
Shuhua protecting yn [453k views]
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— clip one✰
<Yn and Shuhua were invited on a drinking show>
The host was discussing something but yn was in the background eating.
She didn’t mind the cameras and just ate anyhow and how she’s comfortable with eating.
Shuhua noticed it and looked over at her before covering Yn’s whole face.
“Yn did you forget you’re an idol…” Shuhua whispered to yn who just kept eating her food unbothered.
“I’m not in the frame right?” Yn asked Shuhua.
“You’re completely in the frame” Shuhua said and yn stared at the camera like she was crying on the inside.
She then shrugged.” You saw nothing!” Yn said to the camera.
— clip two✰
Yn and shuhua were doing a live together on weverse.
When shuhua noticed the sad and down look on Yn’s face..it didn’t only show on her face but also her tone.
She was confused and worried until she looked at the comments and saw hate comments towards yn.
Shuhua was furious.”Yah don’t say mean things towards her…if you know that all you want to do is honestly comment mean stuff you have to get out..those aren’t nice words to say” shuhua said not minding that she was an idol and said it straight and directly how it was on her mind.
You couldn’t help but smile and be thankful for having her has an older sister.
— clip three✰
(G)-idle were at an award show.
When a group was called a confetti popped making yn flinch.
Shuhua looked over to yn and moved closer to her.
Before another confetti was popped shuhua covered Yn’s ear tightly knowing she has fear for loud noises.
Yn smiled at her.
— clip four✰
At (G)-idles concert fans were suggesting that yn twerked.
Shuhuas eyes widened in shock.”Nooo” she quickly disagreed.
The crowd all changed for yn to twerk.
Before you knew it yn started twerking making shuhua use her body to cover her.
“Yah Yn!” She yelled.
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lustspren · 9 months
O Sole Mio ft Soyeon, Yuqi.
length: 9.5k words ✦
Soyeon, Yuqi & Male Reader. 
(The Judge A.U)
genres: threesome, anal, voyeur, hard sex, double blowjob, oral sex, facefuck, squirt, facial, bi, outdoor sex, squirt, bdsm
✧ ✦✧✦✧✦✧
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You didn't know where the hell you were or what had happened, but you woke up accompanied by two stupidly hot and beautiful girls on each side of your body. You rubbed your eyes for a few seconds, and blinked a couple of times to regain awareness of what had happened. Minnie was still with her back to your left, and Soyeon was still hugging you in the same way she fell asleep a few hours ago. Both were quite disheveled and visibly destroyed.
"Damn, we left her a mess right?" Soyeon said next to you, because of the position of her head you hadn't realized that she was awake.
"Don't bring me into that, you were the conductor," you tried to excuse yourself, smiling up at the ceiling.
"Maybe, but you were the solo violinist," she patted you on the chest and sat up, smoothing her hair back and stretching out her arms.
Minnie began to stir at the sound of your voices, and at one point she rolled over to lie on her side facing you. You stared at her for a few seconds while Soyeon stood up and looked for some things in her suitcase, she slowly opened her eyes, smiling when she met your gaze; She closed her eyes again, and with a small smile still on her face, she reached up to put an arm around your body and hug you tight.
"This is not the time to continue sleeping, Miss Yontararak," you said, hugging her back.
"Hmm, what time is it?" she said sleepily, snuggling against your chest. You looked at Soyeon since you had no way of knowing.
"3:21 in the morning," Soyeon said after checking her phone and pulling her hair up into a high bun.
"Damn, we did get a lot of sleep," Minnie replied, and she pulled away from you to let out a long yawn before sitting up.
"Yeah, and I'm fucking hungry as well as sticky," Soyeon sighed, standing on the side of the bed and looking at the two of you, "get up, we'll take a shower."
"I don't feel my body, it seems like I went to the gym for 5 days straight just doing legs," Minnie said rubbing her thighs then trying to stand up, failing.
"Honey, please help her, I'll wait for you in there," Soyeon said to you, and you nodded before standing up in front of Minnie, offering her both your hands.
"How gentlemanly," Minnie teased, taking both of your hands and standing in front of you, your bodies only inches apart. She looked you up and down, and raised an eyebrow with a little smile, "And hot," after saying that, you and she shared a slow and sensual kiss in which you remained immersed for long seconds. You would have lasted longer making out, but Soyeon's voice interrupted you.
"Everything alright out there?!" Soyeon asked from the now running shower.
"Come on, we'll have time for more kissing later," you winked at her, and slipped an arm around her waist to help her walk toward the bathroom.
When you two entered the bathroom, Soyeon was already under the shower behind the slightly misted glass, she had turned on some of the hot water. You went inside it with Minnie, leaving her between you and Soyeon for the two of you to help her stand up and bathe. You had a nice time there in the shower, no lewd comments or anything, just silly little laughs while making fun of Minnie.
After about twenty minutes the three of you came out of the bathroom wrapped in your respective towels and "dressed" to make yourself comfortable. Minnie just wore a short black tank top with black panties, Soyeon an oversized hoodie with absolutely nothing else underneath, and you stayed only in your boxers.
"What do you want to eat? I can call room service," Soyeon said, sitting on the edge of the bed as she looked at the two of you, already nestled between the pillows.
"Hmm, I don't know," you said, "I could eat an elephant if I had to, so I'll leave the decision up to you."
"I want baked chicken!" Minnie said, you and Soyeon looked at her with both eyebrows raised.
"That's quite a heavy meal for these hours," Soyeon warned, going to pick up the room phone.
"I sleep better with a full stomach," she smiled, and Soyeon had no choice but to comply with her wishes.
Soyeon called room service. She not only ordered food, she also ordered an extra set of sheets to remedy the mess you left a few hours ago. The requested service arrived about an hour after the order, and after changing the sheets, you enjoyed a delicious meal before finally lying on the same bed, watching an American variety show that was not funny at all. but it was entertaining at least. This time Soyeon was between the two of you, both hugging her.
"I can't take it anymore… I have to sleep," Minnie said sleepily after a yawn.
"Me too, my eyes are heavy," you said, rubbing them and then pulling the blanket up to your neck.
"Then rest well, babies," Soyeon said, before giving each of you an affectionate peck on the temples, minutes later, the three of you fell asleep to the voice of some host with less grace than a funeral in the background.
A bright new day in LA, and a new day of filming for the girls of G-IDLE. This day was going to be a very different one for them, since the recording team rented a luxurious house perfect for the summer in which they were going to shoot some scenes in the pool.
Soyeon and Yuqi would be chosen for this occasion. The day went great for most of it, little mishaps here and there, but nothing out of the ordinary for a day of shooting for a couple of girls who were more than used to this level of work.
During this day Soyeon had the perfect pretext for her next master plan, and that was the incredibly hot bikini that Yuqi wore during the entire filming session. She couldn't stop looking at her and drooling for her body for even a second, Yuqi was meaty in absolutely every right part, perfect tummy, perfect legs, and a nice round ass that she couldn't wait to revel in.
"Manager-nim!" Soyeon approached her manager, who was discussing important issues with some producers but had no choice but to give her the attention she deserved, "we'll have a day off tomorrow, right?" she asked.
"Oh let me see," the man took his phone out of his pocket and entered the notes, then nodded, "that's right, why?"
"I just wanted to know if it was possible to rent this house just for us tomorrow," the manager was perplexed for a few seconds.
"Well..." apparently he didn't quite know what to say, even the producers were baffled, "for what?"
"Fuck just give me the contact of the owner of the house, we'll pay with our own money," Soyeon snapped already impatient, crossing her arms.
"Well, well, whatever you say," he said, "don't drink, that's the only condition I give you."
"Seems fair to me," Soyeon agreed with a smirk.
"It wasn't exactly cheap, so prepare your pockets," he warned, and soon Soyeon received the contact on her phone.
"I've made enough money, don't worry about me," Soyeon winked at him, and after a little pat on his shoulder, she went back to Yuqi to give her the news.
"May I know the reason behind this last minute rental, Jeon Soyeon?" Minnie asked as the two of them left their suitcases in one of the bedrooms in the house that had a direct view of the pool.
"I won't even bother lying to you, there's the reason," Soyeon nodded her head to the right, to the window through which you could see Yuqi laying down on one of the pool chairs.
"Oh, and you're going to invite him, right?" Minnie asked, sitting on the edge of one of the beds.
"He'll be coming here shortly, yes," Soyeon stated, undressing right in front of her to start putting on a two-piece swimsuit, "that's why I need a big favor."
"You want me to get Miyeon and Shuhua out of here, right?" Minnie raised an eyebrow.
"Yeah, just take them shopping around, those two bitches love that," Soyeon adjusted her bathing suit top and then went to sit on Minnie's lap, wrapping her arms around her neck. Minnie grabbed her waist, "I promise I'll make it up to you later."
"You better eat my pussy so good you have me squirting in your mouth, this is going to be tricky," Minnie said, biting her lip in a small smile, "alright, get up, I've got a couple of chumps to take on a hike."
"Remember to buy them nice and expensive panties, they'll need them later," Soyeon winked at Minnie and then stood up. Minnie also got up, and after giving Soyeon a kiss on the jaw, she left through the bedroom door.
Soyeon waited for a long time, hoping to hear the main gate of the village open as that would be her signal that Minnie and company had finally left the place. The gate opened, and immediately Soyeon headed towards the pool.
She reached the pool, finding the funny image of Yuqi trying to put sunscreen on her back but failing as her arms didn't reach. As soon as she became aware of Soyeon's presence, her face lit up.
"Oh! Thank god you're here," she said, handing her the bottle of sunscreen and settling into the pool chair with her back to her.
"Could you at least say hello to me first, right?" Soyeon said, raising an eyebrow, to sit right behind her and take the bottle of sunscreen.
"I saw you half an hour ago, for what?" Yuqi asked with a frown.
"I don't know, education I guess," Soyeon said with a shrug. She opened the bottle of sunscreen, poured a little into each palm, and began to spread it all over her milky back.
"Education? I've been knowing you for more than 6 years, woman," she excused herself, looking towards the beautiful landscapes of California.
"So what? I'm still older than you," Soyeon smiled, running her hands over every inch of soft skin as gently as she could, slowly making her movements more and more sensual as she reached her waist.
"Huh?!" Yuqi exclaimed, offended, "You're only a year older than me!" She was starting to get tense, so Soyeon snuggled up behind her, pressing her lower body against her ass.
"It doesn't matter if it's a year, I'm older than you and you have to live with that," Soyeon said in a huskier, lower voice, close to Yuqi's ear, who Soyeon noticed as she shuddered, "I even think you should call me mommy,” Soyeon giggled.
"W-what are you talking about?" Yuqi asked, slightly nervous at Soyeon's closeness, but also delighted by the work that her hands were doing on her back and lower back.
"Just a suggestion..." Soyeon massaged both sides of Yuqi's torso, very close to her tits, "god, do you know how hot you look in this bikini?"
"Ah, really?" Yuqi played along with her, matching her seductive low tone of voice but putting on her trademark deep voice.
"Fuck yeah," Soyeon was now whispering in her ear, "I haven't been able to stop staring at your sexy body since yesterday," her hands now went to her tits, grabbing and massaging them over the top of the fabric. Yuqi let out small gasps.
"And what are you supposed to do about it, unnie?" Yuqi moved her hips slightly, feeling the heat take over her body.
"Well, all I'm thinking about is fucking you mercilessly," Soyeon slipped her hands under her bikini top, playing with Yuqi's small, hard nipples as she gently squeezed her tits, "eat that nice pink pussy… fuck, I'm happy just filling your ass with spanks."
"Hmfmm.." Yuqi pursed her lips, reaching back with one hand to cup the side of Soyeon's face and gently caress it. Soyeon already had her trapped in her cobwebs.
Soyeon didn't continue saying anything, instead she used her hands as a method of communication so that Yuqi understood what she wanted at that precise moment. She removed her hands from Yuqi's tits, only to give the knot at her back a little tug to remove her bikini top and leave her small mounds free.
Yuqi pressed her back against Soyeon's chest, and with a perfect view of her sexy tummy and her thighs, Soyeon lowered one of her hands down her abdomen to slide it under her bikini bottom, running her hands up. fingers between her slightly wet folds. Yuqi tensed a little between small discreet moans, which soon stopped being discreet since Soyeon inserted a finger inside her pussy.
“Mmm… so wet and silky,” Soyeon whispered, nibbling on Yuqi's earlobe. She pumped only one finger for less than a minute, and soon added a second finger inside her, then began pumping her wrist slightly faster.
At that moment you arrived.
The way to the village had been longer than you thought, Soyeon had paid for the taxi and sent it directly to the hotel where you were all staying now, so you never really knew the address of where you were going, the only idea you had you had was thanks to the photos that Soyeon had been sending you since she was there. As you were leaving the center of the city, you realized that you were going straight to the top of Beverly Hills. Luckily you had dressed for the occasion, the sun was set on your heads, but you were dressed in khaki shorts, a baggy black t-shirt and white sneakers.
As soon as she saw you out of the corner of her eye, Soyeon waved at you with her free hand for you to quickly join them. You stood to one side of the chair where both of them were accommodated, Yuqi had her eyes closed, but she noticed your presence by the shadow you generated. You didn't have time to process everything your eyes were seeing at that moment. Yuqi's small tits exposed, her pretty gasps, Soyeon fingering her pussy.
"The girls left a very short time ago..." Yuqi murmured with her eyes still closed as she enjoyed Soyeon's fingers in her pussy, "so this can only be one person."
"Hello there," you said, and Yuqi grinned before opening her eyes to see you.
"Will this finally be the day you can fuck me?" Soyeon started to move her wrist faster, pumping Yuqi's pussy, "all the time I envy Soyeon for having a guy like you's dick whenever she wants."
"We'll see about that, we'll do as the boss orders," you said, looking at Soyeon, who smiled.
"Well, the boss orders you to fuck her face, right now," Soyeon said, pulling her fingers out of Yuqi's pussy and straight into her mouth, causing her to taste her own fluids. Yuqi received Soyeon's fingers with pleasure, sucking them clean as she brought a hand to the bulge in your shorts, giving it little squeezes and massaging it until it was almost completely hard.
You quickly unbuttoned your shorts, and pulled them down to your ankles along with your boxers, releasing your cock just inches from Yuqi's face, who gaped happily in surprise.
"Fuck, I knew you had a big cock," Yuqi let out a small smile, taking your cock in one hand and stroking it slowly.
"And it's not even completely hard, go ahead and suck it," Soyeon said in Yuqi's ear, and she didn't hesitate for a second to lean forward and take the tip of your cock between her soft little lips. You gasped, and Yuqi soon took a few more inches inside her. She began to slowly suck half of your cock, purposely moaning so that your shaft would receive the vibrations. Your cock came to full hardness in a matter of seconds, and with that, Soyeon grabbed Yuqi by her hair and gently pulled her back.
"Stop right there, miss," Soyeon said, "open your mouth and stick out your tongue, I want to see that pretty face destroyed."
Yuqi obeyed Soyeon's order just as she asked, sticking out her tongue as much as she could while she stared into your eyes, waiting for you to put your cock inside there. You didn't make her wait too long, taking your manhood by the base and teasing her by rubbing your tip against her tongue a couple of times, seconds later, you finally slowly slid every inch of your length into her mouth, finding a barrier in her throat that prevented you from reaching the bottom.
You tried to push forward of her to reach her throat, but Yuqi's gag reflex made her cough and pull you out of her mouth.
"Fuck, it's too big," she said taking a long breath, "just try again," she opened her mouth again, and you slid your cock inside her again. You reached her limit once more, but this time she didn't flinch as her gag reflex jumped, she coughed against your cock, letting a large amount of saliva escape from the corner of her mouth, but just like that you could finally put your entire length inside, caressing her throat with the tip.
"Good job honey..." Soyeon complimented Yuqi, playing with her small tits between pinching and caressing her nipples. You muffled a moan against your pursed lips, and kept a hand on Yuqi's head as you began to pump your hips back and forth, slowly at first so she could get used to the feeling of deepthroating.
Your impatience didn't allow you to give her more than five minutes of warm-up, and as Soyeon continued to play with Yuqi's tits, you began to gradually increase the speed of your pumping faster than she could have expected. With each thrust you hit her throat harder, it soon got used to the sensation and let you fuck her without any impediment.
Despite showing almost no gag reflex anymore, you were fucking Yuqi's mouth so uncontrollably that your cock was completely drenched in her saliva, which also fell everywhere, especially on her creamy thighs and Soyeon hands. You grabbed a handful of Yuqi's hair tightly, and began to shake her head in coordination with your hip movements, Yuqi wrinkled her face, and in the midst of small moans she clung tightly to your hips, desperately seeking a break.
"Holy fucking god!" Yuqi exclaimed as you gave her the break she was asking for, her mouth connected to the tip of your cock by thick threads of saliva.
"I said the same thing in my mind the first time he fucked my face," Soyeon smirked, reaching a hand to your cock to drench her own hand in Yuqi's saliva, stroking quickly and finally giving your balls a light squeeze. 
"No but, this thing is massive," Yuqi said, still reaching for her breath, taking your cock with both hands at the base and giving it a few more sucks, "I can't wait to feel it inside my warm pussy."
"Don't get him excited too early, honey," Soyeon stood up, leaving Yuqi alone in the pool chair, "let's have some fun with him first."
"I couldn't agree more," still sitting on the chair, Yuqi grabbed the strap of the knot from her bikini bottom and slowly pulled it undone. She lifted her hips, and removed her bikini bottom to toss it into the pool. Now all of her luscious body was uncovered, and your eyes went straight to her plump shaved pussy.
Seeing Yuqi hadn't let you realize that next to you Soyeon had also completely undressed, you were the only idiot who still had clothes on, but you soon changed that. You threw away your shorts and boxers, you took off your shoes, and finally you took off your black shirt to be on an equal footing with the two of them. As soon as that happened, Soyeon pulled you to sit next to Yuqi, who got up to stand next to Soyeon, leaving you now alone in the chair.
"If you're going to cum don't even bother telling us, I want it to be a surprise," Soyeon said after winking at you, and next to Yuqi, she knelt between your two spread legs. Soyeon was on the left, and Yuqi on the right.
Soyeon took your cock in her hand, and the two of them leaned forward to share a steamy, intense and sensual kiss with the tip of your cock right in the middle. You moaned out loud, putting both hands on their heads and gasping for air as you watched her tongues swirl around your throbbing cock.
They continued making out with your cock in the middle for a few long seconds, where they ran their tongues down each side of your shaft, towards your balls, and then met again at your tip. Soyeon took you inside her mouth, sucking your dick up and down frantically before giving way to Yuqi, who mirrored Soyeon's intensity by giving you a quick and disastrous blowjob.
While one kept your cock in her mouth, the other concentrated on complementing it with licks on your shaft and on your balls. You couldn't think straight at the time, unable to take in the fact that you were in Beverly Hills being brutally sucked off poolside by two women of that caliber, the you of a few weeks ago would have taken it as a joke, but there you were, with the California sun overhead as you received tons of pleasure.
"Soyeonie," Yuqi said, pulling you out of her mouth between ragged breaths, "I feel like doing something we haven't done in a long time."
"And what is that?" Soyeon asked, placing small kisses on her lips.
"We'll scissor with his cock in the middle," she smiled, glancing at you, "he'll probably love that."
"Oh I bet he will," Soyeon stood up and sat with you in the pool chair on your left, while Yuqi on the right. They positioned themselves facing you, and you leaned back so they could settle on your thighs. With both girls' asses now on your thighs, they moved their pelvises forward with their knees open and brought their pussies closer to either side of your cock. You stared, and when Soyeon and Yuqi made a sandwich with their pussy folds and your dick in the middle, you almost went crazy with pleasure.
You pursed your lips as the two of them pressed against your cock with their pussies, moving their hips up and down at different paces to make it more pleasurable for you. Your cock felt hot in the middle of their warm folds, also silky and extremely wet. They both teased with taking your tip inside their pussies, but in the end they only limited themselves to rubbing your entire length up and down between sensual moans.
"You like that huh?" Yuqi asked, leaning on both of her hands just like Soyeon as she moved her hips.
"Don't you see that he can't even talk?" Soyeon asked, biting her bottom lip, her gaze fixed on you, "I bet he's about to explode."
She wasn't too far off the mark. You had your eyes closed now, concentrating on the overstimulating sea of sensations that you were receiving from the waist down at that moment. You didn't know what the fuck or how they were doing it, but somehow they managed to make you squirm in the chair while your cock slid up and down between their pussies, and before long you exploded.
"Oh fuck yeah," Yuqi moaned, watching as your cock erupted with thick streams of cum that drenched both pussies equally. You writhed between moans, while the thick white liquid ran between your cock and their pussies.
"Just wait until you have that load inside you," Soyeon smiled, separating her pussy from your cock to take it in one hand and slowly stroke it up and down, while you still let out tiny droplets of liquid.
"Can I ride him first?" Yuqi asked, sitting down, rubbing her pussy that was drenched in your cum, "please tell me yes," she begged.
"Go ahead, I want to see you jumping on that dick anyway," Soyeon smiled, and Yuqi was on top of you in a matter of seconds, planting both feet on either side of your hips. She took your cock in one hand to straighten it, and no matter how sensitive you were or that her pussy was still drenched in cum, she impaled herself completely on you. You both moaned aloud as your cock slid smoothly and slowly into her wet pussy, drawing in a deep breath as her ass rested against your pelvis.
"Holy fucking sh-!" Yuqi immediately covered her mouth to keep from swearing, but her eyes squeezed shut, and when she removed her hand from her mouth, it was gaping, "how the hell doesn't this thing rip you in half?!" the question was directed at Soyeon, who had climbed up next to you and was on her knees, her face close to Yuqi's.
"Once you get used to it, it's fucking delicious," Soyeon kissed you for a few seconds, moaning against your mouth as you reached out to grab her ass, "now jump on that cock, you little bitch."
Soyeon gave a spicy spank to Yuqi's ass, Yuqi let out a little squeak, grabbed your shoulders and obediently began to move slowly up and down, taking your cock all the way in and out of her creamy pussy, which felt like a warm, silky cloud that squeezed your shaft from all directions.
Yuqi turned her face to the side of her, meeting directly with Soyeon's lips in a passionate and hot kiss that took all your attention. Your cock throbbed inside Yuqi's pussy due to the sensual scene, and Yuqi, feeling it, began to move faster, giving your pelvis the first crashes it was going to receive from her round ass.
Your previously still hands now went to Yuqi's ass, holding it while it bounced up and down against your cock. You gave her another spank, squeezing both wobbly cheeks together hard then plunging your mouth right onto her pretty little tits. Her nipples hardened inside your mouth, and you sucked, licked, and kissed as much as you could.
Yuqi removed her hand from one of your shoulders and used it to cling to Soyeon's neck from behind, muffling loud moans against her lips as she began to frantically bounce on your cock, causing a euphony of lewd sounds that had your inner flame on you ablaze.
"Fuck... I want to eat you," Yuqi said against Soyeon's lips, while she was still jumping on top of you, "and I want you to fuck me from behind," she said looking at you now, biting your lower lip.
"Let's go to the ground then, we don't have enough space here," Soyeon said, getting off her chair and going to lie down on the side of the pool, her back and her ass on the synthetic grass.
Yuqi got up from your cock and followed Soyeon, landing on her hands and knees with her face only inches from Soyeon's pussy. She didn't bother to wait for you, she just plunged her face into her drenched pussy and began to clean all the remaining cum from between her folds with her tongue.
Soyeon's moans were soon present when Yuqi's tongue began to work intensely on her pussy. You got down from the chair, and knelt behind Yuqi's magnificent upturned ass. You took your cock in one hand, and after rubbing your tip a couple of times between her wet folds, you slid with a single push to the bottom of her pussy.
Yuqi moaned against Soyeon's little pussy, who had her hand between the blonde strands of the girl you were fucking so hard her ass bounced in mesmerizing shock waves. One of her buttocks had a red mark in the shape of your hand, so you decided to leave one exactly the same on her other buttock, then grab onto her waist and pump hard in and out of her.
The blonde girl had already been stimulated in almost every way for a long time, so it didn't take long for her to reach her orgasm when you least expected it. Her entire body began to shake, and she pulled away from Soyeon's pussy so she could growl with all her might, her hands clinging to the synthetic grass in intense spasms.
You slowed down your pumping considerably, letting Yuqi's orgasm pass to pull your cock out of her pussy. Yuqi kept moaning, her face resting against Soyeon's lower abdomen.
"Shit... what the fuck was that," she gasped, her eyes slightly teary, "I've never felt a cock like that in my life."
"Don't get too used to it either," Soyeon said, caressing her hair, which was still tied in a nearly undone bun, "that cock is all mine."
"Come ride this cock then, bitch," you taunted Soyeon, sitting on the grass with your hands resting behind you and your legs spread out.
Soyeon took the teasing as a challenge, and she carefully broke away from Yuqi (who stayed lying on the grass to watch the two of you) to crawl towards you, climbing onto your lap with her thighs braced on either side of your hips and take your cock already lubricated with Yuqi's fluids inside her tight pussy.
You wrapped your arms around Soyeon's petite frame and let her begin to move up and down your cock, riding you slow and sensual at first as she searched for your lips to kiss between moans filled with mutual desire.
Your hands went to her wide hips, holding your fingers there for a few seconds before moving to her ass, as smooth and tight as ever. You squeezed and spanked it with both hands, and Soyeon moaned into your mouth, tangling her slender fingers in the strands of your hair and pulling slightly as she took your cock in and out completely.
Soyeon pushed you, and your back was flat against the warm grass. The intense Californian sun blinded you for a few seconds, but Soyeon's raven hair together with her face soon served as an awning for you. Her small tits pressed against your chest, and her face sank into your neck to nibble, suck, and kiss as she planted her feet on the grass on either side of your hips and began to bounce hard up and down.
Her body was small and skinny, but you were always impressed with how hard she could fuck sometimes, and this was one of those times, it was like the sun was giving her enough energy to almost break you in half with every bounce of her ass against you.
After having left your neck full of teeth marks and slight hickeys, she returned to your mouth, drowning out the intense moans that were a warning that she was soon about to explode. Her already tight pussy smothered your cock from all directions, the sensation making you moan along with her, and within seconds you both came at the same time.
Soyeon grabbed both of her hands around your neck, squeezing it tight as she bounced slower, but also harder and more aggressively against your cock, which shot thick streams of cum into her throbbing pussy. You couldn't help but moan out loud, psychologically and sensorially overstimulated, your first instinct was also to grab Soyeon by the neck, and since your strength was superior to hers, the grip of your fingers around her neck made her loosen your neck
She moaned and writhed, unable to breathe properly due to the pair of hands she had clamped on her slender neck. Your cum was starting to spill around your cock, staining it all over and leaving her pussy extremely creamy and slippery. When your orgasms had passed you let go of her neck, and she collapsed forward with very heavy breathing. You felt that she was going to pass out, but with the seconds she was relaxing.
"Damn, you guys fuck hard don't you?" you heard Yuqi ask behind you, you peeked over the side of Soyeon's body, seeing her lying on her side with her legs crossed and resting on her elbow.
"Ask Minnie," you said, placing a hand on Soyeon's lower back as she recovered.
"No need, she already told me," Soyeon, who was still catching her breath, raised her head to look at you with a raised eyebrow, and you returned the same look, "Hey, how about we go to a bedroom?" asked the blonde girl, "Getting a tan wasn't on my mind today."
"Can you get up, honey?" you asked Soyeon, and she nodded.
"You'll have to carry me over there," she said, sitting up with your cock still inside her. She lifted her hips slowly, pulling you out of her with a little 'pop'. The cum immediately spilled over your lower abdomen and your cock, an opportunity that Yuqi did not miss to clean both you and Soyeon. She first used her tongue to clean the pool of liquid on your abdomen, then she sucked you for a few seconds until your cock was shiny, and then she ate Soyeon's pussy until her folds were completely clean.
"Come on, stand up," Yuqi said after feasting on your load, "I haven't enjoyed this cock enough yet."
You used all the strength of your legs and your lower body to get up with Soyeon in your arms, all to be able to put her down and pick her up again, but this time on your right shoulder, holding her by the thighs. This done, you gestured with your eyes to Yuqi to go forward. She started walking into the house, and you followed her from behind.
You noticed that the house had quite a few bedrooms, but you chose one on the top floor, the one with a direct view of the pool and the rest of Beverly Hills. You were all alone in the house, so you didn't even bother to close the door when you came in. It was also not necessary to turn on the lights in the bedroom, enough natural light entered to illuminate every corner of the room without much complication. In that bedroom there were already open suitcases and messy clothes here and there, so you guessed that it was Yuqi and someone else's room. Who? You didn't know, but the panties you were seeing were definitely not Soyeon's or Minnie's.
You left Soyeon face up on one of the beds, and immediately your gaze focused on Yuqi, who you were sure saw you in the same way that you were seeing her, dying to continue tasting every corner of that thick body. She walked towards you, and brought a hand to your cock to stroke it slowly, crashing her lips against yours in a slow and sensual kiss, meanwhile, out of the corner of your eye you could see how Soyeon put a hand between her open legs and began to touch herself very vaguely.
Yuqi knew your cock must still be a bit sensitive, so she was as gentle as she could as she returned it to its full hardness. On the other hand, your hands went through every corner of her body to feel the delicious meat that made it up under your fingers, you were obsessed with her tummy and her waist, but all your attention was focused on her magnificent ass, which you squeezed hard to making Yuqi moan against your lips and have her body press against yours.
"I want to eat your pussy so bad…" you murmured against her lips. She was playing with your balls, "would you grant me that honor?"
"The honor of having that tongue in my pussy would be mine," her hand returned to your cock, this time she was stroking it slightly faster.
"I know a way you can suck my cock while I do it..."
"It just so happens that me too," she giggled, "go ahead, pretty boy."
You separated from her and went to sit on the edge of the bed where Soyeon was lying. You laid your back on the soft mattress, and Yuqi climbed on the bed to later climb on top of you. She straddled your abdomen with her back to you, and moved slowly until her thighs were on either side of your head and hers were her pretty pussy inches from your mouth. Yuqi flopped forward, her small tits pressed against your lower abdomen, and as she took your cock into her mouth, you wrapped your arms around her waist to make her hips drop, and therefore, make your nose and your mouth will be buried between her buttocks.
The first taste you had of her pussy drove you crazy almost immediately, so in no time you were eating her mouthwateringly, using your tongue to stimulate every corner of her slit to the best of your ability. Yuqi moaned around your shaft, and began to pump her head up and down, making wet noises and holding on to your thighs.
Her ass squashed against your face felt like a soft cotton quilt, shaky and still red from your spanks earlier. Both of her buttocks were once again massaged and squeezed by you, this time spreading them apart in order to have better access to her slit. Yuqi moaned louder around your cock, and she gave you a deep throat that took your breath away for a few seconds, apparently she already knew what she was capable of.
She took you out of her mouth for a moment, to spit all the saliva accumulated against your cock and jerk you off quickly, seconds later, to wrap her lips around your shaft again and pump her head frantically. You took your tongue as deep as possible inside her pussy, stimulating her pussy walls and then quickly licking between her folds, also touching her clit along the way.
At a certain moment the light bulb went on with an idea that you were sure that Soyeon, who was fingering herself while you ate each other, was going to love. You clung tightly to Yuqi's body with your arms, and using all the strength in your legs (with some instinctive help from Yuqi), you stood up with Yuqi still clinging to your body and her mouth on your cock, making a standing 69.
“Holy shit…” Soyeon said out loud, expressing her astonishment but also moaning at the hot scene before her eyes. Yuqi clung to your neck with her strong thighs, testing the stamina of your muscles as you felt as if you were being constricted by a reticulated python. Your arms also clung around her body, and you kept eating her pussy like a hungry dog while she choked on your cock. You stayed in that position for at least a minute until Soyeon threw a pillow at you, "stop, I want her to do that with me."
"And what do I get in return?" you asked, kissing Yuqi's thighs.
"You can do what you want with us anyway," she replied, "now bring her to me," she ordered, and you had no choice but to obey.
You lay back on the bed, and Yuqi pulled you out of her mouth to get off of you. She grabbed a pillow and positioned herself on her back horizontally to the bed, Soyeon climbed on top of her, and as soon as she left her ass floating above Yuqi's face, she caught her with her arms and pressed their bodies together, both of them faces now buried in each other's pussy.
You dedicated yourself to just watching how they did her own 69, Yuqi clinging to Soyeon's small waist while she held the blonde girl by her thighs, lifting them up and spreading her legs wide to have better access to her pussy. They both looked completely committed to making the other moan as loud as possible, Soyeon was even using two of her fingers to finger Yuqi while the tip of her tongue was focused on her clit. Yuqi was also using her salivated fingers, but not to finger her pussy, but her butthole, which gave in very easily to her fingers and let them slide in and out like nothing.
Seeing that made you want to get in on the action, so you got to your knees between Yuqi's spread legs and in front of Soyeon's twisted face. You had been giving Yuqi quite a bit of attention for the past few minutes, which is why the first thing you did was take your throbbing cock in one hand, Soyeon's head in the other, and guide your shaft directly into her mouth and straight to her throat.
Not being ready for it, Soyeon choked on your cock at first, coughing a few times against it and making a mess of saliva between your shaft and Yuqi's pussy. You didn't come out of her mouth, instead, you let her find a way to catch her breath before starting to fuck her mouth mercilessly.
You grabbed two fistfuls of Soyeon's hair with both of your hands, pulling her head towards your cock and using her mouth as a puny sex doll. Yuqi kept eating her pussy, and now she had her hands on each of her buttocks to squeeze them hard. Soyeon moaned and writhed like crazy because of her pleasure, and lots of saliva kept spilling from her mouth, landing directly on Yuqi's pussy, which already looked too tempting for you.
A few seconds passed when you took your cock out of Soyeon's mouth and took it directly to Yuqi's pussy, sliding inside her with just a simple movement of your hips. You heard how the blonde girl separated from Soyeon's pussy, letting out a loud moan of satisfaction as she felt you deep inside her wet pussy again.
"That's honey, take all that juicy cock," Soyeon moaned, licking Yuqi's clit as you placed your hands on her milky thighs and began fucking her just as hard as Soyeon's mouth.
Just like Soyeon a few minutes ago, Yuqi was squirming under her body with her hands on Soyeon's waist, her nails digging into her flesh with such force that it looked like it was going to draw blood from her. That didn't stop you from continuing to pump in and out of her, completely ecstatic at how soft her plump pussy felt inside.
You pulled your cock out of Yuqi's pussy, and once again took it inside Soyeon's mouth, to frantically fuck her throat. Your hand went to her hair to pull it back, but you used the other to slap her hard as her mouth was a complete mess of saliva and tears falling from her eyes. She looked at you with weak but defiant eyes, inviting you to give her another slap, and so you did, another slap right to her cheek, causing several strands of her hair to stick to her sweaty face.
Not a minute passed when you returned once more to Yuqi's pussy, but this time you wouldn't last too long, because a few strong pounds against her pussy were enough for Yuqi to explode for the second time that day, screaming against Soyeon's pussy and desperately searching something to break so she could channel all the energy her orgasm was hitting her with. She found nothing, and all she did was pull the sheet off the edges of the bed after crumpling and pulling it.
"She cums way harder than Minnie, holy fuck," you gasped, looking over at Soyeon, who just grinned looking over her shoulder at Yuqi.
"Forget about her for a second and fuck my ass, right now, I'm close," Soyeon commanded, strands of her hair still clinging to her forehead.
You moved to the side of them and grabbed Soyeon around her waist to pull her off of Yuqi (who was staring blankly as she tried to take in what had happened) and face down against the mattress. You braced both of your legs on either side of her hips, and slid the tip of your cock between her buttocks a few times before finding her butthole and driving your cock deep inside.
Soyeon moaned loudly, and clung to the already wrinkled sheets as you pinned her against the bed with all the weight of your body. You left your hands fisted against the mattress on either side of Soyeon's head, and began to move up and down with the sole objective of pounding the girl below you so hard that she couldn't walk properly for the rest of the day.
The sound of your pelvis crashing against her wide ass resounded loudly throughout the silent house, as did Soyeon's desperate shrieks as you knocked the air out of her with each thrust. One of your hands went to the nape of her neck, supporting all your weight on it to keep her head glued to the mattress. It was like that for a few seconds, until you directly grabbed her hair carelessly to leave her cheek pressed down.
You spent a few long seconds fucking her face down, hammering her tight butthole until you wanted to change her position, and without getting out of her, you manipulated her like a rag doll and turned her on her side with her legs drawn up. From that position you could see her face completely destroyed and sweaty, but also full of lust and desire. You started moving again, pumping furiously in and out of her to lean forward, spit in her face, then slap her hard again. Soyeon growled, incredibly turned on by how rudely and roughly you were treating her.
You clung to her waist, and she clung to your forearm. Tears were coming out of her eyes, and you wanted nothing more than to leave her completely destroyed in every possible way, a sign of this were your clenched teeth, or the thick drop of sweat that ran down the side of your face, always present every time you and Soyeon fucked like animals.
Soyeon's neck was once again adorned by a pretty hand-shaped necklace, your fingers clinging around it and cutting off her breath as you delivered what would be the last thrusts before she exploded. You had already made her cum this strong, violent and good, but this was the first time that she let out a stream of squirt when you fucked her ass. The fluid stained your legs, and she completely drenched the mattress beneath you as she jerked and trembled as if she were demonically possessed. She wanted to moan and scream, but the hand on her neck wouldn't let her.
You let her relax patiently, moving your hips very slowly in and out of her butthole, which you could appreciate how incredibly dilated you had left seconds after you had pulled out of her.
"You guys scare me… you fuck like wild animals," Yuqi sighed, who was prone lying on her own forearms, feet moving separately in the air.
"And I'm not even done with both of you, cutie," you winked at her, leaving Soyeon for a moment to get on top of Yuqi, pressing your cock against her buttocks, grabbing her by the neck and pulling her head back so that your lips will meet.
You two made out for a few long seconds, in which she moved her wide hips and her ass up to rub against your cock. She was looking for just one thing, and you certainly weren't going to deny her that, but first you played with her a bit, using your free hand to play with her nipples, you pinched them for a moment, and then you moved the same hand to get it under her body, reaching her pussy and gently rubbing her folds with your index and middle fingers.
Yuqi moaned tenderly against your lips, and she reached back with one hand to cup your cock and stroke it slowly. You pleasured each other that way for much longer than you planned, her pussy felt so good in your fingers, as did her soft hand wrapped around your throbbing cock, eager to spill another thick load. 
"Jeez, fuck me already, please," Yuqi moaned, taking your cock between her buttocks and rubbing it against her slit. You kissed her again, and satisfied her carnal desires by taking your cock for the third time inside her pussy. Yuqi's body shuddered, and her muffled moan against your lips let you know that from that position you were hitting a sensitive spot for her.
You began to slowly move your hips up and down, fucking her in a careful and sensual way, seeking to touch that sensitive spot with each of your pumps. It was certainly working, Yuqi was holding both of your forearms tightly, and her breathing was already rough. She helped you to caress inside her, moving her ass up every time you pushed down. You moaned against each other's lips, filled with pleasure and submerged in your lust.
"Hey, fuck both of us… I want to do something," Yuqi begged between moans, looking at Soyeon face down like her.
Soyeon next to you was face down with one leg up, staring at you and completely still, without saying a single word or moving a single muscle. She was scary sometimes, and this was one of those times when you'd rather do everything you could to not make her even scarier. You had bad experiences seeing her upset.
"Get on top of her then, go," you said in Yuqi's ear, and she nodded. You came out of her, and she got up to lie on her stomach right on top of Soyeon, who didn't complain knowing what you two had in mind.
You knelt between their legs, your cock pointing right between the two pussies stacked on top of each other. You were forced to choose, but while you thought about your choice you dedicated yourself to touching both pussies separately, Soyeon's first, taking two fingers inside her and pumping them slowly, while bending your back to eat Yuqi's pussy.
The symphony of groans began, and with it the inspiration came to you. You reversed her roles, but since you couldn't reach Soyeon's pussy with your mouth, you used your other hand to rub her clit while the one with your fingers inside her was Yuqi. That's when you made your choice, taking your cock and taking it inside Soyeon's pussy.
You started fucking Soyeon as fast as that position would allow, continuing to give Yuqi the attention she deserved from her, using your hands to massage her buttocks and finger her pussy to soften her up, getting her ready for her turn. The two of them were sharing a kiss right in front of you, and Yuqi brought a hand under Soyeon's body to quickly rub her clit as your cock pumped in and out of her pussy. The three of you moaned in different tones and levels, Soyeon being the loudest but being partly silenced by Yuqi's lips.
After a few seconds you quickly made the switch, now bringing your cock inside Yuqi, who broke away from Soyeon's lips only to let out a primal growl of pure pleasure. You gave one of her milky buttocks a hard spank, rekindling the bright red mark in the shape of your hand that was already fading. You repeated with her other buttock, and now her ass was burning red hot right before your eyes.
Yuqi kept rubbing Soyeon's pussy, so you didn't need to focus too much on pleasuring her as well, since your job was being facilitated, you just dedicated yourself to fucking her hard, holding onto her ass with one hand as you watched them making out between desperate moans.
You switched between pussies again, this time going back to Soyeon's, which you noticed was already tighter and tenser than normal, a sign that her orgasm was near. You spat on Yuqi's pussy, and pumped your fingers in and out of it again while hammering Soyeon's little pussy.
You knew your girl pretty well, and you weren't wrong when you thought her orgasm was just around the corner.
"Oh fuck fuck fuck FUCK!!!" she finally screamed breaking free of Yuqi's lips before exploding with another intense stream of squirt, which this time not only stained your legs but also part of Yuqi's crotch and pussy.
"Holy mother, woman," Yuqi gasped, pinning her under her body as she writhed and shrieked.
As soon as Soyeon's orgasm passed you focused one last time on Yuqi, taking your cock inside her with a single thrust and pounding her pussy as hard as you could, even planting your feet on either side of them for a better angle and moving faster. From there your hand reached her blonde hair already completely loose from her to grab a handful and yank it back violently. A few pushes were enough to make her cum too.
Yuqi didn't cum as hard or as violently as Soyeon, but you were sure that she was enjoying that orgasm as much as the previous two, besides, you had been hitting her sensitive spot at all times, a factor that contributed to her pussy dripping with fluids very slightly.
"What was it you wanted to do?" you asked Yuqi, slowly pumping your cock in and out of her throbbing pussy.
"I want you to come in our faces to give Minnie a little surprise," she asked, and you raised an eyebrow, suspicious but not complaining about being complicit in it.
You came out inside her and Yuqi automatically got off Soyeon to her back, Soyeon was still unable to move properly, so you had to help her to her back as well. Now with both girls on their backs, with their faces next to each other, you knelt in front of their heads and began masturbating just above them. Yuqi and Soyeon stuck out their tongues, and Soyeon put a hand to your balls to squeeze as you soon reached your peak.
Long minutes of holding your load resulted in an intense eruption of cum coming straight from inside your cock. You moaned loudly, quickly stroking your cock while shooting thick streams of cum on both faces, painting every corner of them, their foreheads, their noses, their tongues and even their chins. Both pretty faces were completely smeared with white like an abstract painting.
"You want me to take a picture of you, right?" You gasped, catching your breath and stopping stroking your cock since your balls were already emptied.
"Actually I want to do it myself, would you be so kind as to pass me my phone?" Yuqi asked, "It's the one with the black case with white puppies."
"Whatever you say," you sighed, standing up and looking everywhere for the damn phone, it turned out to be in the window frame that overlooked the pool, "what the hell is it doing here? It could fall."
"Don't ask and give it to me," she said, and you rolled your eyes, handing it over.
Yuqi entered the front camera, and as if it were a photocard, both of them posed for a perfectly beautiful and functional selfie, except for the detail that they were completely covered with your cum. You also saw how she entered Minnie's chat and sent her the picture.
That's when you heard footsteps in the hallway, they were too quick to react to it, so the three of you stood completely still when Miyeon entered the room, apparently not noticing you as she had entered with her eyes on her phone and then looked for something in her suitcase. You stay completely silent, hoping that just as she walked in with no idea what was going on, she could leave, but you weren't so lucky.
"AHHHHHHH!" she squealed rather loudly, bringing both of her hands up to cover her mouth. Her eyes were wide open, observing the three naked bodies just a few meters from her. Between all the hustle and bustle you had not heard either of the two doors open, neither the main gate nor the door of the house. The princess had caught you in the act, and she had already seen your cock.
You noticed how her cheeks turned bright red like her whole face, she was stunned, and she only took a few steps back until she ran out of the bedroom.
Yuqi, Soyeon and you burst into laughter.
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shinestarhwaa · 4 months
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This piece broke me, apologies x
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Smut
Pairing: Miyeon x Fem reader
Word Count: 5.6K
Tags/Warnings: Closeted lesbians, Forbidden Love, High society/Bridgerton inspired, 1800s, Princess!Miyeon, Aged down Miyeon (you and her are both 18 years old), unprotected sex, virginity loss, make outs, fingering, cunnilingus, squirting, scissoring, overstimulation, grinding/humping, emotional damage, heartbreak
Taglist: @anyamaris @a-soft-hornytiny @whatudowhennooneseesyou @wooyoungmybelovedhusband @pyeonghongrie-main @woosanbby @dreamlesswonder86 @changbinslovelylegs @jonghostie @lovjensoo @mjyungi @bratty-tingz @sugarnspice630 @stardragongalaxy @bro-atz @wisejudgedragonhairdo @mingisg00dgirl @wh0re4yunsangho
February 10th, 1815
You couldn't help but look at her all night. It was as if the entire world paused and only she, she was moving. In fact, she was moving right into your heart and you swore you could literally feel it swell in your chest.
She was absolutely magnificent in her gown, hair pinned up and a beautiful, shining crown in her hair. The jewelry she wore must cost millions and she truly did look like a million dollars, as they say. If only she'd look at you, right? And if only you were a man of royalty because how else would you ever be with her?
Yes, you were lucky enough to be born in the high society class, in a family that was wealthy, but the smile you wore everyday is fake. Your mother and father didn't marry out of love and they couldn't stand each other, always fighting. Honestly, you were used to it and you could definitely handle it, but that doesn't mean it hasn't had a negative effect on you and your sisters.
All five of them were different from you, they're more to the standard. Alice, Idylia, Florence and Genevieve were all married now to their husbands and the eldest two even had children. Florence and Genevieve both got married last season and your mother now forced you to find a husband this year's season.
You hated it, the way things were arranged in the society, but you couldn't possibly break the rules that have been the standard for so long. But you really do not want to fit into the society's standard, you are too emancipated according to your family and most important of all; you'd have to marry a man while all you can think about is princess Miyeon.
Princess Miyeon and her beautiful hair, her slim body, deer eyes and her elegant manners. You were a little clumsier than that, and you didn't truly mind but somehow you wished you were more elegant and calculated so maybe she'd like you. But you had to get those thoughts out of your head, you told yourself, nothing could ever happen. You are a woman and she's the royal princess, she's the heir, she's to be queen one day. She'll probably be excited to have a king by her side to rule the country with.
But fuck, you wanted her. You had met her long ago and spoke to her a few times because you played together as kids when the adults held their party's or fancy balls if you will. As you and Miyeon turned older she got more reserved, held back and protected by her family. She looked sad though, she must want to be more free.
Suddenly you looked eyes with her and you swore your heart stopped. She flashed you a smile and walked up to you. "Y/N, it is lovely to see you again, it has been a long time, hasn't it?" She said. You bowed to her and smiled kindly. "Princess Miyeon, your grace, I'm glad to see you again too, it has been years indeed."
"The ball is kinda boring, is it not?" She giggled. You smiled, recognizing the mischief she had in her eyes when she was still an innocent child. When the world hadn't caused her pain yet. "It sure is a quiet one," you nodded.
"Do you wanna go for a walk? Let's sneak out," she grinned. It truly was just like old times again. The two of you slipped away from the stunning ballroom and ran through the halls. Your heels were clicking on the floor and your giggles and laughs were echoing throughout the halls.
Miyeon stopped running and entered the balcony, taking a deep breath as she leans on the cold white stone. "Your grace, isn't it too cold to be outside? It is still winter and I do not want you to catch a cold," you said worriedly, stepping onto the balcony with her.
She grinned and sighed. "It does not matter, Y/N. I'm just glad I finally can breathe again. I love the fresh air and I hate staying inside all day, drinking tea with my mother. Ever since my father died she's been so..."
Miyeon stopped talking and sighed. Your heart sank, remembering the terrible news from last year when it was announced the queen's husband; king Theodore had fallen sick and passed away in his sleep.
"It has been hard on her, and now she's making it even harder for me because she's pushing me to get married and have children so there'll be more heirs."
Princess Miyeon is the only child of Queen Isabella and the late king Theodore, as they hadn't spend much time together in their younger years due to wars and battles. Queen Isabella raised her on her own while also ruling the country. You had felt bad for Miyeon, it must be a tough and lonely life for her. Maybe, just maybe, you could spend more time with her, as a friend?
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
April 29th 1815
Time passed and you and Miyeon had actually gotten closer to her as a friend. The queen was glad Miyeon had a lady of great class that Miyeon could trust so she elected you to be the princess' court. You'd spend a lot of time with her, the queen told you, and to be honest you couldn't be happier.
In public you were very professional but behind closed doors you joked and played around like every normal 18-year old girl. You drank tea together and discussed all the drama and gossip going around and you shared wisdom with one another, reading books together.
Today Miyeon was feeling particularly mischievous and she took you with her to one of the big libraries in the palace. You were checking out the books when all of a sudden her voice called out to you.
''Y/N, What do you know about the marital act?''
You froze and looked at her. ''The marital act? You mean the wedding night... occurrence?'' ''Yeah, do you know what that is?'' You sat on the couch next to her and looked at the book she held in her hands. ''I don't know much about that, actually, my family has never told me about it except for my sister Florence. She told me there's a thing that married people do and that's how children are made.''
Miyeon nodded and opened the dusty book. It revealed texts about the marital act with pictures and details of male and female anatomy. ''That's what a naked man looks like? That is the...'' ''That's the penis,'' you said, nodding. ''It looks strange,'' Miyeon comments. You nodd and sigh. ''I agree, I'm not really... attracted to it. Or the man,'' you say. You mentally slap yourself for basically confirming your sexuality but Miyeon seems to skip over it.
''I have never seen it before. I have only seen myself naked.''
You felt like your skin was on fire, why did she have to talk about her being naked? As if you hadn't imagined that enough already. ''Are women's bodies different?'' she asks. You grin and play with your bracelet nervously. ''You're a curious one, for sure. Well, me and my sisters' bodies are all different... Some of them are taller, some have bigger breasts, some of them have bigger buttocks or thighs...''
''And the... crotch area? Is that the same?'' Your cheeks were bright red about now. ''T-The crotch area? You mean the... the vulva. I haven't seen my sisters', that is a little... inappropriate.'' Miyeon nodds, understanding that it's a more private matter. ''Sometimes I think about what it would be like to touch another woman's body. I wonder if it's different,'' she confesses.
You can feel your pussy clench around nothing, and you were most definitely aroused now. It was only because of Florence - who is definitely your favourite sister - that you learned about what arousal is and what you can do about it, what you can to do yourself. Even though you don't understand the entire concept of these so called 'sexual' acts and feelings, your instinct is to touch yourself between your legs and now you definitely feel the desire to do the same to her.
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
May 11th, 1815
It has been about two weeks since your feelings for the crown princess started to develop into something more. You felt such affection and fondness while looking at her. You wanted to kiss her lips and carress her, and also undress her and lay naked with her, desiring to feel pleasure with her. You secretly stole the book from the library and in the back there were several drawings that were vague and nearly crossed out, but you could see well enough that the drawings and texts were about sex between women.
You had never seen, heard or read anything like this but you could not stop. At every waking moment you wanted to look at the drawings again, imagining princess Miyeon and yourself and at night you touched yourself. You did it all night long, dreaming about her and her body. You thought you might be delusional because you felt like she might be experiencing the same things. Did she not say she wanted to touch another woman?
When you showed up in her room you felt some sense of guilt, because you felt like it was the most horrible thing in the world to do. But her sweet and kind smile and her beautiful feminity made you forget that guilt. She seeked more touch than before, giving you hugs, holding onto your arm and hand and she even gave you a kiss on the cheek when you left her last Tuesday night.
Miyeon's welcome was warm as always and you sat in her room without any guards, just hanging out as two normal girls, not caring about your statusses. Once again Miyeon started to talk about the sexbook and you hold back a frustrated groan. You just nodd along and listen to her rants as she keeps on talking and babbling about it.
''So I don't know if I would ever have sex again if I had a child. Sex with a man doesn't interest me much. Would it not be easier to be with a woman? Know how the body works? It seems like... like a good time,'' she finally says, leaving you with your mouth wide open. What did she just say?
''You feel that too?'' you breathed out. ''I do... Maybe all women feel like that. I think women are prettier, more delicate.'' You literally could not breathe at this point, your core aching for her. ''Have you ever kissed anyone, your grace?'' Miyeon shook her head. ''No, but I have read about it and I saw other people doing it.'' ''Ah, I understand,'' You nodded.
''Would you like to kiss me, Y/N?'' She swiftly and suddenly said. You gasped a little as Miyeon scooched closer to you, her leg brushing up against yours. ''I... I would like that, princess,'' you nodded. Miyeon rested her soft and dainty hand on your cheek, carressing your face ever so gently. You leaned in and pressed your lips on hers, pecking her softly before pulling back. A fire broke out in your body, it was burning with passion as you stared into her eyes. Miyeon licked her lips and closed the space between you, pulling you close and putting your lips together again.
Her head tilted to the right as your lips moved together. It felt so nice and smooth and you felt the desire to deepen the kiss more. You pulled her even closer and felt her torso against yours, the sensation of your chests coming together sent a lightning bolt straight to your core. Her hands ran through your hair now, as yours ran over her back and hips. The material of her expensive dress felt so nice in your hand you wanted to keep touching it but you desired to feel her skin even more.
Your hands now slid from her back to her buttocks and you grabbed it, pinching and squeezing it. She whimpered softly, lips parted against yours. The princess slid her tongue in your mouth, slowly gliding it against your own and tasting each other's saliva. You felt so warm, like you'd combust. To your disappointment she pulled away from you after a few minutes, panting softly.
How were the two of you ever gonna move on from this?
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
May 20th, 1815
Apparently, you did not have to move on from it, because it kept happening. Miyeon kept kissing you from morning 'til late at night, in her room, hallways and secret places. Your hands, lips and tongues were all over each others ever since the first time. You're in the library once again and you lifted her on the dark wooden table in the center of the room. Your tongue glides over her neck and she throws her head back, moaning out softly.
Miyeon tugs down the top of her dress so that her breasts pop out. You curse underneath your breath and pepper kisses from her neck and collarbones down to her chest. Your hands reach up to her breasts and fondle them gently, watching her face closely. You kiss them and then close your lips around her left nipple, licking and sucking on it. She mewls and squirms underneath your touch and instinctively widens her legs.
''Y-Y/N,'' she moaned softly. The princess takes your dominant hand in hers and brings it underneath her dress, to her crotch. Your hand grazes the fabric of her underwear and it's so wet, so goddamn wet.
''You're so aroused, aren't you, my princess?'' You teased as you rubbed over her clothed crotch. ''Y-Yes, my lady, my Y/N, I'm so hot right now, please, I have read so many texts about this and I want it, I want it, please, I know you can make me feel good, please, God, I want it!'' she begged.
A smirk played on your lips and you pushed the bombastic skirt of her dress up and pulled her underwear down, revealing her glistening wet cunt. You looked at it up close, admiring how it's similar and yet a little different than your own. But it was wet in the exact same slick way yours got when you thought about the princess.
''I'm going to touch you now,'' you announced, spreading her legs wider. Your fingers slid through her folds, collecting her juices before pushing one finger inside her. ''Relax,'' you ordered her as you felt her body tense up. She nodded and watched you pump your finger in and out of her pussy slowly.
When you noticed her body relaxing you moved it faster and harder, opening her up before adding a second finger. You scissor your fingers inside her and curl them just right so it hits all the sweet spots inside her. You take off her panties and stuff them in her own mouth to keep her quiet. Her pussy clenches around your fingers and you decide to use your other hand to play with her clit. This is one of those times where you're thankful for having perfect co-ordination between your hands.
The princess is squeeling, whimpering and squirming as you move your fingers faster and put pressure on her clit. Her body tenses again and you know she's close to orgasming. You keep going and rub her clit even faster. ''That's it, princess, you're gonna come for me now, you'll come like the perfect princess you are,'' you breathed out, surprised at your own vulgar talk.
In a matter of seconds Miyeon came undone, coming and squirting so hard on your fingers, arousal seeping out of her pussy. She drenches herself and you in her juices and you ride out her orgasm before retracting your fingers from her wet hole.
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
May 23rd, 1815
The Queen threw another party in her gigantic ballroom for the debutants and other ladies to find a suitor and both you and Miyeon were expectant to look for one tonight, but you sneaked off again. This time she brought you to a room full of artworks that were just collecting dust, meaning barely anyone came here in the past weeks, if not months.
She crashed her lips on yours again, sinking into your embrace and feeling your warm body against hers. You pulled away minutes later and panted, wiping the lipgloss from your cheek. "Princess, should we be doing this here?"
"Y/N, my dearest I keep thinking about you. About your hand between my legs, and your lips on my breasts, but that is not all. I think about your kind and beautiful face, your beautiful laugh and your golden heart. I think... I think I might have fallen in love with you, my dear."
You gasped softly, stunned at the sudden confession from the heir. "But princess, do you not know this is impossible? You need to find a suitor to be your king, you have to focus on ruling the country. It is... definitely not possible for us to be anything," you muttered.
Her eyes became glassy, welling up with tears, but as she learned she held them in. "But Y/N, I love you," she whispered. Her hand carressed your cheek softly, her fingers grazing your jaw. "Our love isn't impossible, I know you want me too."
"But the situation is impossible, in years you'll be the queen and you cannot... you cannot be a queen without a king and children. And even if you were, you couldn't be a queen who loved another woman. It's scandalous!"
"If I'm the queen can't I just... change the rules?" "You know damn well that you can't, Miyeon, you'll be a queen and not God" you spat. "Well fuck God, to hell with God!" You gasped and palmed her mouth. "Do not shout these things princess, please, we'll get caught and you'll get in a blasphemy scandal."
She took a deep breath and took your hands in hers. "I only want to be by your side. Can we do at least that?"
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
June 4th, 1815
You just came back to the palace from a long walk with the princess, which was more of a date because you felt like you were out with your lover. You talked about the world and about happy things while you held hands and laughed. Now you brought her back to her room and before the staff got to say anything Miyeon told them that you would be helping her get a bath and get ready for bed. You bowed to the staff and send them off, then closing the doors to Miyeon's room.
She pushed you up against them immediately. The gold ornaments on the door was gold on your chest but the hands gripping your buttocks firmly set you on fire once again. "Finally we are all alone," she whimpered in your ear as she pressed herself against you. You felt her breasts on your back and you wanted to turn around but her grip was surprisingly strong this time.
The princess grinded her crotch against your behind while her hands traveled up to your chest, pulling your dress down so your breasts sprung free. That's when she spun you around and fondled your breasts, kneeding them and massaging them just the way you like it. "Y/N, you drive me crazy, these... these beautiful breasts of yours, I wanna hold them all day long and I wanna touch you while I drown in your eyes," she sighs, kissing your breasts and lapping her tongue at your nipples.
"Why don't you drown between my legs instead?" You moaned softly, smirking slightly. You helped yourself and the princess out of your dresses and underwear, seeing each other completely naked for the very first time. Miyeon pulled you to the bed and you laid down on it together, embracing one another. "You're a beautiful woman, Y/N," she says with a smile, caressing your hip gently. "As are you, your grace." She laid you against her soft pillows and spread your legs wide. "I can not wait to taste you, my dear," she breathed out. "Then don't wait, please, do it, now." She nodds and licked a stripe up your wet pussy, tasting your arousal and smirking.
Her tongue glides along your folds, licking you up and again, and again until she tries to push it into your hole. You mewl and quickly cover your mouth with your right hand, stifling yourself as much as you could. After a few minutes of her tongue pumping and licking your inner walls she pulls out and finds your sensitive clit instead.
You cry out and grab the sheets tightly with your fists and moan at the sensation. It's one thing rubbing your clit with your own fingers but having the most beautiful woman on earth licking and sucking on it was something else. It didn't take Miyeon long to make you come undone on her tongue, lapping up your arousal as your body squirms.
When you gain your breath again you pull her on top of you, feeling her breasts on yours and rubbing them together slightly as you make out with her again. You notice yourself becoming impatient and wanting more so you flip yourselves over, getting on top of the princess. She looks at you with her big and beautiful brown eyes, patiently waiting with hunger in her eyes, curious as to what you're planning to do now.
You spread her legs and lift the right one up, letting it rest on your shoulder. She gasps as you align your sexes together, arousals colliding as you do so. "God, baby, Y/N, what are you doing to me?" She moaned. "I'm going to make love to you, princess, and I can do this sweetly, but I could also fuck you, fuck you hard," you grunted as you slowly rubbed your pussy on hers. "God, that sounds so good, please, that's what I want, Y/N, please do it hard and make me cum again," she begged. "Say no more, my princess," you nodded.
You started to rub your crotch on hers quicker, aligning your clits together and sparking a fire between your bodies. Both of your whimpers, moans and pleads were slowly becoming louder and louder, no longer thinking about keeping things quiet.
"Yes, yes, Y/N, that's so good, that feels amazing, my love, please do it harder, oh! O-oh that's good, yes! Please!"
Miyeon was a loud one, squeeling and moaning, nearly screaming as you quite literally rocked her world. The headboard of the bed was banging against the wall as you kept riding and grinding on her at a fast pace. The tension between you two was growing and both of you were getting close. You held each other as tight as you could while grinding together and quickly you both came, arousal dripping out of you and moans becoming a beautiful set of sinful harmonies.
When you stopped and laid down next to her, Miyeon still hadn't had enough, spreading your legs and putting her pussy on yours once again. She was still so sensitive from her previous orgasm, as were you, so it didn't take long before she started moving quicker and harder, moaning loudly. She threw her head back, her hair coming undone and falling onto her shoulders in lucious shiny curls.
Miyeon presses her lips onto yours as she keeps rocking into you, moaning into your mouth as she comes again in a matter of minutes, squirting on your pussy. "Fuck, fuck, princess!" You moaned against her lips. You flipped her over again, laying her down. The princess' head is laying over the edge of the bed and you set yourself back in the familiar position, grinding on her pussy, her pelvis, her thigh, you rubbed your pussy everywhere, chasing your own high.
"Yes, Y/N, Fuck! Use me! Rub it on me baby, rub it on me, use my body and make yourself come, give it to me, come for me!" You screamed loud and came, shuddering and shaking and falling on top of the princess. The two of you laid there for a while, sweaty and panting.
After a while you stood up and helped the princess up, carrying her to the bathtub. You drew the bath and helped her get in, massaging her skin and scrubbing her while pressing soft kisses on her lips. "I wish we could do that all day long," she sighed. "Me too," you nodded, washing her hair. "I love you, Y/N, You're my dearest love." You sighed but smiled and kissed her. It hurt you when she said those things, because you were realistic enough to know this was gonna end badly and you'd end up in pain. So you didn't ever say it back. But she knew.
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
June 15th 1815
''Miyeon, my dearest,'' Queen Isabella said, ''I have found you a suitor! He will be attending the ball next Saturday. You will have to look your absolute best, yes?''
You swallowed thickly, looking down at the teacup in your lap. You tried hard to stay calm, and not to scream 'No! Don't take her from me just yet!' but you knew there was no use. If it's the Queen's orders Miyeon would have to obey her wishes. Miyeon nodded and cleared her throat. ''Yes mother... May I ask what he looks like? What his name is? Where he is from? Because... I would rather marry out of love but if I cannot then I will at least have to know who I marry, right?''
''That is not important. He is a good man, he is from France and we shall hold the wedding soon, after the two of you meet.''
Miyeon nodded, but she stayed quiet the entire time. When the Queen had left and you asked for a private conversation she bursted out in tears. ''Y/N,'' she cried, ''I do not want to marry that French prince, I wanna stay by your side!'' ''My princess, I will be on your side, except our situation will be different. You understand that what has been happening can not happen again.'' She sighed and brushed some hair out of her face and dried her cheeks. ''Not until after the wedding. I can still do whatever I want right now.''
The sovereign pulled you close in her arms and kissed your lips and then your neck. Her hands slid over the material of your dress and she pulled the skirt up, grazing your soft thighs. ''Oh, princess,'' you sighed out when her hand slid into your underwear, cupping your sex. She rubbed your folds as she kissed and sucked on your neck. ''Miyeon, oh God,'' you moaned when she entered you with two fingers. You wanted to stop her, tell her it would only hurt more if the two of you would continue this illicit affair, but you could not stop her. The power of her love and her being was too strong for you, and so you let her.
Her slender fingers pumped in and out of your pussy, making you wetter and moan her name into her mouth as she kisses you. It did not take long for you to come undone on her fingers, falling into her embrace.
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June 18th, 1815
Watching the love of your life meet her future husband was killing you inside. What was worse than that is the fact he was making her laugh and he was touching her hand. The hand that only belonged to you, the hand that fucked you just a few hours ago. Louis, was the guys name and you found him a snob, an arrogant man. Why was she laughing at everything he said?
You knew you tended to overthink certain situations but the way she looked at him showed you she was fond of him and you could not watch it any longer. You took a glass of champagne and drank the entire thing in a matter of seconds before exiting the ballroom. You sat in the hallway, where staff walked around but did not give a damn about how you fell to your knees and cried out. You were losing your love and nobody gave a damn.
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
June 19th, 1815
''He's not too bad, luckily,'' Miyeon sighed after she told you about her fiancé. ''Not too bad? You were drooling all over him,'' you scoffed. ''Y/N, please, if I had a choice you know it would be you, not him. I'm just saying I'm glad he's not a total... twat.'' ''He is a twat, he is stealing you from me. You might end up with someone but what about me? I will not be living in a golden palace and I will not be having anyone's children and-''
''Y/N, for one moment, will you think about me?'' ''ALL, I think about, is you princess. You are my thoughts, you are my life, you are it.'' ''You have said yourself that this would hurt and it would not work out even before I did, why are you suddenly verbally attacking me? You knew this was going to happen.''
''So that means I cannot have feelings about this? That means I cannot hate him and feel outraged that he will kiss you and hold you while I rot away in my parents house?'' ''Y/N, please, I will be heartbroken too if I can never hold you again but you knew it was coming. This is not new information. I might be with you but I am still your princess!''
You swallowed your pride and looked down, nodding and taking a deep breath. ''Yes, your grace, princess.'' The tone in your voice was enough for Miyeon to know you drew a line. ''Come on, Y/N, do not do this, we still have a little while,'' she says, trying to take your hand but you step away and bow for her. ''I will not let you cheat on your fiancé, my princess, I shall head home now.'' You bowed once again and left princess Miyeon alone, in tears.
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
June 21st, 1815
You were a weak woman, because only days later you were back in bed with Miyeon. Her body felt warm and delicate against your own skin. ''Princess,'' you called out softly. ''Do not speak, Y/N, do not say anything to... to stop this moment.'' You nodd and close the gap between your lips. They move together as you get on top of the beauty. You spread her bare legs and put your crotch on hers. The contact feels so good you throw your head back as you roll your hips forward. You bite back a moan as you bit your lips, breathing picking up as you grind your clit on hers.
''Y/N, Dear, please move faster, please make me finish on your beautiful cunt!'' she pleaded, holding your hips tight. ''Yes darling, my princess I'll make you come again, that is my duty.''
Your hands moved to her naked chest, fondling her breasts as you fucked yourself on her crotch, chasing your on relief. Miyeon was moaning over and over again, nails clawing in the soft flesh of your buttocks. ''Do it harder, harder!'' she screamed. ''Oh my God, oh my God!'' she squeeled when you did her just right. She moved her body along with yours and came hard, eyes rolling back to her brain. The sight of her coming for you made you come as well. You rode out your highs before getting off her but keeping her legs spread.
Miyeon whimpered when she felt two of your fingers dip into her core and she clenched around them. ''Y/N, please, t-too sensitive!'' she cried, but you did not care, you wanted to leave a memory and make her orgasm over and over again. Her arousal was seeping out of her cunt as you moved your fingers inside her quickly. Miyeon's breathing was picking up and with just a few more thrusts she squirted over your hand, coating you in her slick. Without giving her a chance to gain her breath again you kept going, determined.
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
June 26th, 1815
The wedding bells were loud, too loud actually for you. It was incredibly hard to hold back the thick tears welling up in your eyes as you watched Miyeon walk out with her prince, her husband. It made you feel nauseous, you wanted to throw up and run away, cry, scream and disappear, knowing you have now lost her to someone else.
You bow to her and congratulate her as she walks by, and when she gets into the carriage you run away. You do not even know where you are running to but you are running, running far away from the church. You end up in the field you once sat in with her and you fell to your knees, not caring your dress would get dirty. You laid in the grass and looked up to the sky while tears fell from your eyes, rolling down your cheek. You missed her dearly, already, and this was only day one. From now on there would be a lifetime without her. Without anyone ever knowing she was once yours.
And that's the thing about illicit affairs And clandestine meetings and longing stares It's born from just one single glance But it dies, and it dies, and it dies A million little times
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httpsyeons · 5 months
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⭑ — morning : jeon soyeon x fem!reader
☆ a/n : a little gift to hold you off while I work on your requests! thank you so much for 100 <3
☆ warnings : smut. thigh riding. praise kink. fingering. dom!soyeon. sub!reader. morning sex. written under the cut!
☆ word count : 1.2k
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When you wake up in the morning, your first move is rolling onto your side- reaching out for Soyeon. But she isn't there when you reach. With a small huff you sit up and glance around the room, and it's lack of a certain small girl.
But, as if on cue, your ears pick up the faint sound of music. Pushing out of bed you peck out of your shared bedroom and hear it louder now, seemingly coming from Soyeon's home studio.
With a hum you leave the bedroom fully and walk to said room, knocking once in the door before opening it and poking your head in.
"Hi, baby lion." Soyeon speaks from her chair. Her back is to you but you can make out the soft puffy headphones on her head. Cute, did she seriously not realize those things weren't plugged in?
"Morning, baby," You chuckle softly, moving to her. Your hands land on her chair and softly turn her to face you, before promptly sitting on her lap. Your hand stretches to the cord of the headphones, raising it up so she can see. "How's your music?"
Soyeon smiles sheepishly and pushes the headphones off her head, humming slowly when she hears the music a bit louder now. "I wondered why it was so quiet.." She wraps and arm around your waist softly. "Did I wake you?"
"No," You shake your head with a laugh, dropping the cord. "I woke up on my own, literally."
"I didn't mean to leave," Soyeon murmurs, her hand rubbing at your waist. "I got hit with inspiration, you know how it is.."
"I certainly do," A chuckle leaves you as you lean into her and kiss her neck once. "Is the song for the group or..?"
Soyeon shrugs. "Not sure yet. Could be. Could be one for fun," She relaxes when you kiss her neck again, and softly squeezes your waist. "Does the baby lion want something?"
"Hmm.." You nuzzle closer. "I dunno, do I..?"
Soyeon's hands both come to hold your hips, shifting slightly as you sit on one thigh now. "Come now," She starts, drawing melodic little shapes into your hips. "Be a good girl, and tell me what you want."
Your breath slightly hitches the way it always does when she calls you good girl, and Soyeon smirks slightly- knowing before you even say it now.
"I want you, please.."
"Yeah?" Soyeon's full-on kneading your hips now, her warm breath occasionally fanning over your ear. "Just woke up, and you're already this needy..? What a desperate girl you are.."
You can hardly even suppress the small whine that leaves you. Soyeon chuckles at this. "Soyeon—" You huff. "Please.."
"Alright, alright." Your girlfriend's hands dig softly into your hips— as she slides you against her thigh.
"What is it, baby?" Soyeon chuckles as she slides you again, this time back up her thigh. The friction of it pushing up against your clothed core causes a short small moan to leave your lips. "Mm, do you like this?"
"S-Soyeon..-" You're interrupted by another soft moan, as Soyeon continues to slide you along her thigh. Her head leans to yours and begins to lace small kisses up your neck, nibbling softly at your jaw.
"Ohh..baby's really enjoying it.."
Soyeon presses her nails a little further into your hips, speeding as she slides you against her. You press down, more moans tumbling forth with the added pressure. "M-Mph..Soyeon.."
Your embarrassingly wet, feeling the slick coating your panties and seeping through onto your shorts. And you're sure Soyeon can feel it, especially given the low moan she has in response.
"Such a good girl.." She purrs, moving one hand to gently push into your shorts, rubbing your clit softly as you ride. "Fuck..you're so wet for me.."
"Soyeon..~" You whine her name, she nibbles down on your neck. "Nngh..so good.."
"Undo your shirt for me, pretty girl.." Soyeon husks, pressing against your clit. "Show me those pretty tits of yours.."
The husk in her tone has you dying, and your hands shakily reach to unbutton your pajama shirt. You slide it off slowly and reach to your bra, unclasping in and letting your chest out.
Soyeon comes up immediately, licking her lips as she takes one of your perky nipples in her mouth. Her tongue expertly swirls it as she guides you on her thigh and continues to flick your clit.
You're a mess of moans, gliding against Soyeon shakily.
"Nngh..Soyeon- mm..oh god...—"
Soyeon's lips fall from your hard nipple with a wet pop, as she slides between your tits and places sloppy wet kisses. "Such a naughty girl.." She purrs. "You're just gettin' wetter and wetter for me baby..."
Her lips trail over to your other nipple, happily taking it into her mouth with teasing nibbles as her finger presses harder against your clit and rubs it faster.
Your head tilts back as you slide back and forth, a mess between your thighs. Soyeon continues her ministrations for a few more seconds before lifting you up. She sets you down on her desk and slides off your panties and your shorts, spreading your legs wide for her.
Her eyes are glazed over in lust, hands moving eagerly toward your soaked pussy. She presses two fingers to your entrance snd pushes in easily, sliding deep inside you.
Immediately you're bucking your hips up into her hand, grabbing against her. Your hands grip her desk, knuckles turning white as she goes knuckle-deep inside of you.
"Fuck.." Soyeon purrs, watching you. "Beautiful baby..I bet you're close, aren't you?"
You nod along as she fucks you, lazily lolling your head off as you continue to moan. The force of her thrusting causes your tits to bounce up and down slightly, supplying a hypnotic view for Soyeon who happily watches.
"S-So close..Soyeon.." You whimper, squeezing your eyes shut.
Your thighs are so messy. Sticky arousal coating the inside of them, and your pussy. You can see a little of it still on Soyeon's thigh and the image alone only drives you further insane, your peak creeping up on you.
The familiar tremble of your body makes Soyeon moan in a low tone, as she spreads your pussy wide for her and fucks you harder on her desk. "Cum for me baby... I know you're close..~"
You don't even waste a second— white hot pleasure shooting through you as you finish with a jolt, making a mess on your girlfriends fingers.
"Beautiful.. so beautiful, little lion." You hear Soyeon's soft praises make your head go fuzzy, as she slowly pulls her fingers out of you with a soft wet noise.
She leans up to you, still holding onto her desk, and kisses your jaw. "You did so well, so so well for me.."
"Thank you.." You whisper, blinking tiredly. Soyeon grabs you by your hips and sits you back on her lap, rubbing your back slowly.
"You're so tired, hm?" She hums. "How about I run you a bath.. and then we can lay down together in bed?"
You nod with a tired yawn, and Soyeon smiles affectionately as she leans down and presses a kiss to your head.
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vraisetzen · 7 months
on nanami
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sometimes i forget that a healthy part of the fandom hasn't read the manga, and that nanami's death actually came as a shock to some this week.
which is warranted, given that nanami is one of JJK's better written characters – a rare breath of fresh air, maturity, and warmth in a story that often speed-runs character development.
but i've also seen people bringing up this tweet, expressing a bitterness at gege for killing nanami when he initially intended to let him off with losing an arm:
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now, don't get me wrong – gege has had his fair share of bad writing moments (more to come in future seasons when we finally get to the culling games and, uhm... you'll see).
what he meant by a "character taking their own life" referred to the natural end of a character's narrative.
nanami was introduced in JJK as an opposite to gojo – he's aloof, he's too serious, and he just wants to knock off work on time. but as we come to know, nanami also has a softer side to him – one that instinctively protects and cares for the young jujutsu sorcerers, as a result of his traumatic past after the death of his best friend.
and in the story, nanami served as yuji's mentor. he defined, for yuji, what it meant to be a sorcerer, and more importantly – a young jujutsushi.
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in many ways, he wrote and defined the moral compass that yuji would lean on subsequently in the story.
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i wouldn't go as far as to make this post a "why nanami had to die" – but i would also like to make it clear that nanami's role in the story besides being a board-certified dilf™️ is to root both the readers and yuji in the realities of being a jujutsu sorcerer.
and for mahito – his thematic opposite, someone with a complete disregard and disrespect for humanity – to kill nanami, while allowing nanami to pass on his final words to yuji...
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he is not only resolving the conflict he has within himself – because he is able to die with the knowledge that yuji will not be "cursed", that yuji will continue as a jujutsu sorcerer with the right moralities, capable of facing the demons nanami once tried to run away from as a teen.
so, no, gege did not get carried away with killing nanami, as some have opined. nanami's narrative – as a character saddled by the burdens of being a sorcerer, who escaped from his responsibilities as a teen only to return, and to pass them on to a young boy who also has too much to shoulder – simply came to a close. x
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