#idv jack x reader
oletus-writer · 6 months
Can you make a 'Jealous of their mini version' with Jack, h!Melly and fools gold? (if they had one) will be so glad to read them :)
Of course!! I’ve been busy being consumed by Baldur’s Gate III so this is late by a long shot.
Jack, Hunter Melly, Hunter Norton being jealous of their mini pet version
Warnings: slight jealousy
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He’s amused, to say the least. You can’t get enough of him, so much so that you’ve decided to purchase a little version of him to follow you around when he’s not there. Unlike others, he won’t be too jealous, and is willing to pamper it alongside you, treating it like a child.
‘Oh my sweet robin, it looks like you’ve been missing me. Well, don’t you worry; there’s enough of me to go around. This little darling can’t be much of a replacement, hm?’
Of course, if he finds you spending more time with little Jack than with him, jealousy settles in. He’ll court you, all gentlemanly and saccharine. Expect flowers, poems, being treated better in matches, and maybe even a painting. Holding the door open for you, kissing your hand… you get the picture.
‘You did so well in that match… Sure, I wasn’t there, but I’m certain you did well, dove. Would you like to enjoy this wine with me as celebration? If not, may I interest you in some of my cooking?’ (You’ll have to supervise his cooking, though)
There isn’t much pettiness, as he understands why you’d buy a mini Jack, and that it’s more available to you than him, being a hunter and all. He does have a photo of you that he carries with him at all times, after all, but he might get jealous over the fact you actively spend time with mini Jack than him. Sure, it’s a pet you need to take care of, but he’d prefer it if you invite him over a bit more frequently.
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Hunter Melly
She’s a bit more possessive of you than her survivor counterpart, and is a bit ruthless. She doesn’t mind locking away little Melly so she could have the entire day alone with you, nor does she mind resorting to threatening the little pet. However, she’s not a total savage, and is willing to raise it like a child.
‘Honey, as much as I enjoy your company evermore when we’re alone, perhaps this little pet you have isn’t so bad. We should give it a proper name, not just Little Melly.’
Bitter jealousy still settles in her ribcage like acid reflux, though, and she’ll find any excuse to get you to have greenhouse dates, as the mini pet would get lost, it’s little legs and short perspective unable to find its parents in the maze. She’ll pick flowers and tell you their meanings all the while ignoring that nagging sense of guilt.
However, she finds that little Melly has its uses, such as observing small details on her insects, and finding new species within the greenhouse. She’ll treat the pet a bit better, and there are some times when you find her giving all her attention to it.
‘This little sweetheart has done wonders to my research. It was a good choice to purchase it. You have my gratitude.’
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Hunter Norton
He understands that you’re not all his, and that he should be nice and respectful of his lover, but he just has the instinct to hold things dear to him so tightly that his ribcage wraps around them. There’s an ill feeling in his throat and he can’t swallow and his rock fingers twist knobs into the table.
‘What’s going on, darling? Oh… that little thing. I see. Suppose I should leave you to it, then, since it’s obviously better company that me.’
Unlike the other two, he’s never going to accept the mini him into his life. He hates children, and having another mouth to feed is quite the annoyance.
‘When are you gonna throw that thing aside? It’s just a toy, right? Come to your rightful place in my arms.’
He simply doesn’t understand why you’d rather the substitute than the real thing. After all, as much as he doesn’t want to admit, you could always seek out survivor Norton.
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teabreakpancakes · 1 year
hello!! i absolutely love your writing and cant get enough of it!! the fics with jack is so cute ;;!! is it okay if i request norton, jack, michiko, joseph (or anyone else!!) with an energetic s/o being able to shrink like the explorer and it gives them a heart attack like “oh my god where are they—WHERE-“ “STOP DONT JUMP OFF THE SHELF-“ “ARE YOU INSANE I NEARLY STEPPED ON YOU-“
Fun-Sized Ball Of Energy Norton, Jack, Michiko, Joseph, and Antonio with an Energetic S/O
Genre: Fluff
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often times, he finds it hard to keep up with your energy
luckily, you like it when you're smaller, and it's much easier to catch you when you're smaller
"Not another peep out of you" the prospector chided, covering your mouth with his finger. You squirmed in his hand, attempting to break free, earning an eye roll from your lover, he had enough of your energy for today—he wasn't going to chase you around again.
he's considered purchasing a tiny bed for you, along with more tiny furniture
one time, the hunter almost stepped on you, but before they could, he pulled them away
oh boy, you were in for a scolding
"Idiot!" Norton yelled out, forcing the hunter to collide with the church's walls. He vaulted over the open window, picking you up with one of his hands before running off to the open exit gate. Onyx eyes glared daggers into your tiny form as you tried getting away from his sight, burrowing into yourself.
Your heartbeat raced, not because of the hunter, but because of your lover. You pressed your body up against the kitchen island, hoping that he wouldn't see you at all costs. An angry Norton was a scary Norton after all.
"(Name) come out! i'm not that mad anymore, probably" he hollers, a somewhat eerie smile plastered on his handsome face. He roamed the halls, entering the kitchen. Where were the others you ask? well, they all had a match, you simply had to hide until your boyfriend hopefully stopped.
he's asked miss nightingale to design costumes and clothes for your tiny form despite knowing that your clothes will shrink down with you in matches
he thinks it's pretty interesting, a pain in matches though
he likes putting you in his breast pocket
Jack hummed, roaming the manor with a small smile. He steps outside, taking a seat in the garden on one of the many garden benches. The smell of earth soothes you, coaxing you into leaning into the soft material of his suit.
He brings out a book, flipping it to where his bookmark was fixed at. Your arms hang outside his pocket, reading along with him and listening to his hushed voice. He truly was an excellent narrator.
please stop climbing up shelves or walls without him watching over you
"Dear!" the hunter exclaimed, visibly alarmed. You had almost fallen off the shelf you were climbing up. A small pout graced your face as he told you off, "I promise to not climb anything without you around, can I go now?" you whined, nearly laughing when he lets out an exasperated sigh at your antics.
he tends to caress you as if you're a little doll, you sure are as fragile as one
he likes dressing you in doll's clothes
"These types of clothes suit you" he crooned, smoothing over the fabric of the tiny apparel. He picked you up gently, placing you in front of his vanity mirror. You stared in awe—you truly did look like a tiny doll. "I look pretty" you whispered to yourself, bashfully twirling around in a small circle. Jack chuckled softly, "You always do darling" he spoke, smiling down at you.
you're so small he's actually afraid of accidentally crushing you
he asks you to be his muse often, your small size adds a touch of surrealism to his paintings after all (i'm well aware that surrealism began in the 20th century and that the ripper is from the 19th), roses held nothing against your beauty.
she thinks you're even more adorable when you're tiny
she often worries about the chance of you getting hurt when you're shrunken down, so you tried lessening your tiny adventures
"Please be more careful about roaming about while not being your normal size, you could have gotten seriously injured" she spoke, sounding very disappointed and worried. You couldn't bear to look at her, not when she already sounded so upset.
Noticing your downcast gaze, she approached you, embracing your smaller form. "Don't be upset, I only worry because I care about you deeply" she soothes, rubbing your back gently.
you remind her of a cute little porcelain doll
she enjoys crafting clothes for you: regular sized or doll sized
Michiko appears to be engrossed in her sewing—making sure to pay a great deal of attention to every detail on the miniature clothing. Various types of fabric surround her, along with mini and regular sized tailor's mannequins.
she has a small chair for you that's always on her coffee table for when you and her have tea parties
"It seems that it's taking you a while to finish your cookie, would you like me to make it smaller?" she inquired with a teasing smile. You shook your head vigorously, turning away from her while still munching on the large cookie in your lap.
you like playing hide and seek with her in her room
you are going to be the death of him
the amount of heart attacks this man experiences within a day is outstandingly concerning
"Honey! catch me!" you shouted from above the staircase. Joseph looks above him, onyx eyes widening upon landing on your figure. Just as you jump off, he rushes to catch you, making sure to not scratch you with his long nails. "Ne refais plus jamais ça mon amour!" he scolded, holding you to his chest. Inky tears trickled down his cracked porcelain-like cheeks as he pressed a small kiss to your small head. That was the moment you vowed to no longer put yourself in any kind of danger.. outside of games of course.
you are cute but troublesome.
Joseph chaired the gravekeeper, the last survivor before getting sent back to the manor. Whilst walking down the halls and towards his quarters, he hears a soft yet familiar giggle coming from inside the inner pocket of his coat. He pauses, placing a hand on his temple and closing his eyes in preparation for the upcoming headache.
Using his other hand, he gently fishes out your figure from his pocket. You wave at him, kissing his hand with a sweet smile. Good god, how was he going to get mad at you if you were this unbearably adorable.
you have taken a liking to hiding in cookie jars
The photographer reaches for the cookie jar in his bedroom, opening it to be greeted by the sight of you nibbling on one of the cookies. "My, and what is this delectable treat doing amongst these common pastries~" he teases, picking you up with a smirk. You freeze up, avoiding his gaze. A deep and rich chuckle was drawn from his lips as he closed the distance between you and his face,"Why don't I give you a taste then?" he whispered.
tiny doll's clothes—not including your normal clothing—fills up the drawer of his bedside table
he likes taking pictures of you, he always brings a camera with him in order to document your tiny adventures: walking through the garden's flowers and even on the kitchen cupboards, you can have an adventure everywhere if you're tiny!
antonio is amused by your ability to shrink, seeing as he literally examined you from head to toe the first time he witnessed it... he deadass held you in front of his face by your ankle.
he adores you both ways
he babies you when you're shrunken down, treating you as if you were made out of porcelain
"Name! darling! don't lift anything larger than you in that form, you'd likely injure yourself!" Antonio berated, lifting up the teapot, peeling away your tiny limbs from the ceramic. His chucked the crockery behind his head, cradling you in his hand. You blinked owlishly upon hearing the porcelain shatter, opting to instead lean into his touch.
he lets you sit on his head when you're in your smaller form. it sure is nice to have a tall lover, unless you have a fear of heights
he gets you a tiny violin it's just a violin that was shrunken down mysteriously
"'TONIOOO! is this for me?" the survivor questions, shooting an expectant starry-eyed look towards the hunter. The violinist nods, lifting the tiny survivor up to his face using one of his hands. "You seemed rather interested in one and since you're often in your smaller state, I decided to get one appropriate for your size—of course, it can grow to back to it's regular size" he spoke in a hushed tone, not wanting to be too loud because of your close proximity. You squealed happily, hugging his face. "Thanks Toni" you whispered, kissing his cheek.
he accompanies you on your tiny adventure, playing music so it seems like you're in your very own show. he actually enjoys listening or even joining you in your monologues
"As the brave adventurer wanders through the gigantic forest," you monologue, weaving through the tall grass. Antonio played a piece suited for adventure, adding more drama than necessary; his playing was more gentle—telltale sign that it was you he was playing for. A soft smile branded his face as he watched you pretend.
"But alas, the adventurer had to stop midway, for their beloved waited patiently for them to come home from their journey" Antonio butted in, gesturing towards the food spread out on the picnic blanket. They gasped mutely, growing to their regular size before lacing their arms with their lover. "Let's take a break, adventuring can be done later—after we eat!" they beam, causing the violinist to chuckle, amused by their quick change.
of course, you guys don't get back into adventuring after since you both end up taking a nap. always
when you sleep next to him in his bed in your tiny form, he swaddles you in his hair so you don't fall off the bed
you aren't able to wander off this with man, his hair is wrapped around you at all times as long as it's outside matches
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smittenroses · 2 years
hello i have come to fill my needs for jack content
can i request jack with an s/o who often stares into space? thank you :D
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“Staring into space, love?„ — Jack the Ripper with a Spacey S/o
Fandom — Identity V Pairing — Jack the Ripper/Reader Content Warnings — you get poked with a knife, mentions of murder and blood (not graphic), violent thoughts (him towards you) (briefly) Author's note —[none, ily [platonically] dude tho lmao]
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As people should know, Jack is an asshole; a pompous asshole who enjoys tormenting those around him in ways that wouldn't get his head chopped off by Bane or Burke (as those two help keep the hunters... civil).
By god, you swear his "love language", if you could call it that, was frightening you every time he could.
When your beloved can turn invisible at will, it is to be expected.
He can and will use the fact that you stare into space often to frighten you, dragging his fingers along any exposed skin he can find, blowing on exposed skin with that icy breath of his, etc. If you haven't heard him walking up to you when he was invisible, it frankly was on you.
Jack has poked you with one of his claws before, though it was because he had asked you a question about the paintings that decorated the manor walls and you hadn't answered even when he had called. What else was he supposed to do?
Now Jack won't admit this, especially since he prides himself on not being poetic, but there are little drawings of you stuffed into the desk drawers of his room; his previous self, the real Jack that had once held the body, had never truly disappeared, being ingrained in muscle memory that twitched and begged for him to draw.
When you're spaced out, he commits your features to memory, taking note of things such as items you were holding, what you were looking at, what were you doing, etc. Each of these little things gets put into a drawing.
Sometimes, he even wonders, staring at your blissful face as you stare into nothingness, how you could even stand him. He wonders what allured you to him and what was so alluring about you. He wonders what it would have been like if he, The Ripper, was still being suppressed, only able to watch from a window if the 'good' Jack had remained. He was nothing more than a killer, someone whose heart beat fast for the blood of those on his hands.
Those feelings get forgotten the moment you would come back, smiling at him with that smile that made him, for a while, forget that annoying, nagging voice that wished to tear you apart. All seemed right in the world for that short moment.
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rosemaze-reveries · 2 months
During an interview, the manor guests suddenly get a question about you.
this is def an experimental format!! i got this idea while reading the character letters. in the POV of an unknown interviewer (not reader). reader uses they/them.
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Q. Could you describe your relationship with (Y/N)?
🔗 Ada - "Yes, that's my lover. I would say our relationship falls within the typical scope of that sort of thing. Of course, I believe we share something special, but everyone does when they're in love, don't they?" She covers all her bases in one decisive breath, leaving little room for me to comment.
⚰️ Aesop sits perfectly upright, fingers threaded at his knees. His eyes drift to the side and he seems to begin speaking mid-thought. "I had... cautioned myself not to upset their perception of me," he explains. "But they pried, and stayed, regardless of what they found... For that, I'm grateful."
📰 Alice has kept a sharp eye on me the entire time, but it's at this question that she drops the formalities. "I wasn't aware you would be prying into my personal affairs. Where did you learn that name?" Her frankness pins me in place. For some reason, I end up apologizing.
🔮 Eli can't help a sheepish smile from blooming across his face. "Well, truthfully... I don't use this term lightly, but they might be the love of my life." He has been consistently grounded with his responses, so I'm surprised to catch him flustered, however subtle it is. Personally, I'm touched.
❤️‍🩹 Emil considers for a moment. He doesn't meet me in the eye, instead pinning his gaze on nowhere in particular. A faint smile ghosts his lips. After a while, he answers, simply, "Safe."
💉 Emily's hands are folded neatly on her lap. At the mention of that name, her shoulders tense, but she otherwise maintains her composure. "Someone I trust." Her answer is vague and cautious, but acceptable. I'll try to uncover a deeper meaning behind that 'trust'.
🌪️ Ithaqua - "Mine." He is curt and to the point. Yours? I echo, hoping he'll elaborate. His head tilts to the side, and while I can't see the face behind his mask, a sense of dread suddenly overcomes me. I decide not to press further.
✂️ Jack stretches out his hand of blades, flexing each finger in front of him. I can't deny the cold sweat that drips down my spine just by being in his presence. "May I respond with a question of my own?" he says to me. "Suppose a butterfly loses its way, and winds up caught in a spider's web. Wouldn't you agree that the more it writhes and struggles, the more exhilarated the spider becomes?" I don't have the courage to hear out the rest of this analogy.
🍀 Lucky - "I've always been known as a pretty lucky guy, but the luckiest day of my life was when I met them! I remember it was the—" He drags me down a long-winded story about their life together. I get the idea. Eventually I'm forced to cut him off.
🩰 Margaretha twirls a curl of hair, a meek blush dusting her cheeks. "Have you ever been in love before? You're never prepared for the magic of it all. I feel a new rush with them everyday. I know, realistically, all good things come to an end, so I tried to remind myself to expect the worst, but they've proven over and over that... I'll never feel safer than in their arms." After rambling for some time, a look of surprise flashes across her face. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to go off like that. Oh, but I've just never met someone who feels so much like true love before."
🔫 Martha doesn't miss a beat. "Sorry, I don't know anyone by that name." I look down to double-check the name written in her file. Her watchful gaze follows my line of sight. Are you sure? I try. "Must've been some confusion somewhere," she insists. The next day, I realize all my files on her and (Y/N) have gone missing.
🪡 Matthias - "Wh-What?" he starts, but keeps going before I can repeat the question. "Oh, uh, an ally, I guess." Well, I gathered that much. When I press for more details, his head sinks low, fingers grasping at the armrest. "I don't know what they saw in me. Was it out of pity?"
🤹 Mike's eyes light up and he blinds me with a contagious smile. "(Y/N)'s a sneaky one, and I mean it—they've got me under the trickiest spell of all. Guess what happens every time I think about them?" Egged on by his grin, I take the bait. You get lovesick? I guess. Suddenly, he tosses a handful of butterfly glitter in my face. "I get butterflies!" Very funny, I sigh, exasperated with these carnies. Why did he have that on hand in the first place?
🧲 Norton leans back in his chair, scowling. "What's that got to do with anything?" He snaps a couple times in my face, urging me to "stay on topic." It's hard to say if this question struck a nerve, as he's been uncooperative for most of this interview, but my suspicions point me to prod further. After all, it'd have been much easier if he just said he didn't know them.
🦋 Vera's face contorts into a leery, hostile glower. "Why do you ask that?" Before I can say anything to mitigate the rising tension, she catches herself, and her expression softens slightly. "I'm sorry. That's... someone quite dear to me, so your question took me by surprise."
🐍 Yidhra's follower goes pale, clearly unnerved. "She won't answer that," she tells me through shallow breaths. "Th-This isn't my place to say, but I'd advise you not to involve yourself with that person." As if on cue, I get a sensation I can only describe as a hand slowly wrapping around my neck. It disappears when I move to scratch it. Must've been my imagination.
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Part 2
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eunxhan · 25 days
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Ꮺ Anon Requested ⨾ Hiya! I just wanted to know which killers in IDV you head cannon as just like contrasting yanderes? (Basically when you behave they pepper you in kisses gifts until you disobey them and then.. well, you imagine 😞😞) Have a good day/night!
Ꮺ Eun Replies ⨾ Oh I love this idea, I had to read each and every Hunters Wikipedia.. And I can't seem to find more explanations about 'contrasting yandere'. Some characters I don't really know quite alot about and I'm sorry if these are rushed and little, I ran out of ideas for most. I just noticed that all of the yanderes I've picked have one thing in common.. Is they love music:'))..
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Words used ⨾ 1,583 words 8,824 characters
Links ⨾ My Navigation and Mandates
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She's a dangerous, sympathetic and terrifying at the same time. She's a faithful and devoted follower of a Hunter, whom she regards as her God and savior. Though, she's a dangerous and sadistic individual who relishes in punishing and torturing those who defy her God. Now she expects you to do the same, she wants you to be disciplined uand do nothing but to listen to her. It's on her name.
She worships her darling by being overly devoted, possessive and loyal. She will do anything to make her darling happy, including stalking and isolating you from other people. She will also be very attentive to your needs and wants, and will always try to anticipate your wishes.
Now if you obey her? Oh she'll reward you with her love, affection, and protection as usual. She will do everything in her power to make sure her darling is happy and content, and will go to great lengths to please you. This might include cooking their favorite meals, planning activities they enjoy, or even sacrificing her own needs and wants. That's how she express her love to you.
But on the other hand, if you ever disobeys or betrays her, she will not hesitate to use her violent and vengeful nature. She will stop at nothing to make sure her darling is hers and hers only, even if it means using force and intimidation to keep you under her control.
Now after her horrible punishment as trapping you inside a small dark room with nothing. Expect for her cat to be following you whenever you go, The cat is a way for her to monitor and control your behavior, as the cat can act as a spy and snitch on you whenever you behave in a way that is not approved by Ann. The cat is a good a tool to punish you if they disobey or betray her. Now say goodbye to your privacy...
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Like I said on my last headcanons about him.. He's not nice even in the beginning. He's a violent and unhinged type of yandere who takes great pleasure in causing pain and suffering to others. His sadistic nature, he's obsessed with his darling and will do anything to make you happy.
Jack's love to his darling is such that he'd go to great lengths to keep you close and under his control. He'd stalk, isolate and even kill anyone who stands in his way. His darling is his everything, his reason for existing, and he'd do anything to protect you.
He'll showers you with love and affection, just like the last yandere. He will do anything to make you happy and fulfilled, oh he's so proud of his darling! He'll be more attentive to your needs, spoil you with gifts and attention, and make sure you feel safe and protected in his presence. Now you understand why he's doing all of this for you!
He's not surprised if you disobey him, Jack shows no remorse and use violence and intimidation to keep you in line. To let you know who's the one being in charge here, don't even think about trying to escape from his presence again. You'll never see the outside world again if you did.
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Please, I have a soft spot for this man. He's a musician who's deeply in love with his darling, but who's also capable of resorting to extreme measures to protect and possess his beloved. I hc him as a yandere who likes a darling that appreciate on what he do..
There's a gentleness and sensitivity to him, which makes him complicated. Unlike other Yanderes, who are often motivated by fear or hatred, he seems driven more by love, and is capable of displaying affection, tenderness, and even compassion towards his darling. He actually loves it more when you're comfortable with him.
So when you obey him, he showers you with love, and will do anything in his power to keep it that way. Playing his violin for you (not in a hurtful way—), singing to you, and even composing new pieces to express his love.
If your obedience was just an act in order to keep him blind just for you to escape or seems to be distancing, he can become overbearing and controlling. He'll get frustrated on why you had to do that for, he have given you all, was he not enough? He'll be more strict and give you the cold shoulder.
And if you still continue? He does not hesitate to use his terrifying melody on you. He'll continue to play as your ears are bleeding, throwing up, crying hysterically, having the biggest migraines known to man until you apologize to him and promised to not do it again. Don't worry though, he'll treat you and shower you with affection as if nothing had happened.
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He is a skilled and talented photographer who is always ready to capture your perfect moment, though he is also a master of deception and manipulation, using his charm to lure unsuspecting victims into his web. He is obsessed with you, your charm and he will go to extreme lengths to keep you under him, going to an extent to isolate you from anyone.
It's not common for you to obey him, so when the time you suddenly obey him or satisfy his every desire.. He was skeptical, as if it was a trap.. Or a sign that you're giving up and giving yourself to him. Though he rewards you by giving his time and attention.. If you're patient enough and continue to be obedient, he'll be giving whatever you ask.
but when you go against him or betray his trust, he can become cold, cruel, violent. Not hesitating to use his powers to get rid of any obstacle that stands between him and his darling.
He'll be using your insecurities and your past against you as he punishes you by geing trapped in a picture, he'll use manipulation, guilt-tripping, and even stalking, to keep you under his control. To physical or emotional abuse as punishment.
We both know what he's gonna do to you in there. You'll come out with a couple bruises.. And will he help you? No, he's still disappointed of you trying to escape from his grasp.
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I actually see her as some mother loving yandere, with so many people that have mistreated her. You manage to catch her in the eyes, usually she hates it but something to you made her want to take care of you, treat you like you need help and guidance from someone bigger.
Deep sense of love and loyalty towards you, whose behavior are often driven by her desire to keep her darling safe. She's not driven by hatred, but by a deep-seated fear of being alone and of losing the person she loves.
It'll take long for her to notice your sudden obedience towards her but once she got to it, she's so happy that you're listening to her! she showers you with more affection, and keep you obedient. Spoiling her beloved with expensive gifts, taking you out on lavish adventures, and using her charm and beauty to make you love her.
If you ever disobey her, she let's it slide twice or thrice.. But if it keeps going and using her kindness to your advantage. She'll be angry, she can't manage to hurt you as it hurts her more but she had no choice.. She's manipulative.
She's more on scolding you with her words, the same as Joseph, she'll use every single flaw that you had against you until you fall back. It hurts more than it hurts you, yknow?
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Ꮺ XIE BI'AN & FAN WUJIU ⨾ ( a bit ooc? )
Xie Bi'an is a quiet and reserved individual, who's deeply in love with his darling, and will do anything to keep you safe. He's the type to use manipulation, guilt-tripping, and stalking to keep you on his grasp. He's also capable of resorting to physical or emotional abuse as punishment just like any other yanderes.
Fan Wujiu, on the other hand, is a fun-loving and playful individual. He's the type to use charm, wit, and humor to distract you from doing something ridiculous. He's also capable of using manipulation and gaslight to ensure that his darling remains loyal to him.
Once darling get so obedient, both of them might view the sudden obedience of you as a sign that they are finally getting through to you, and might feel a sense of satisfaction and relief as you're finally accepting them as a part of your life. Fan Wujiu would be more touchy while Xie Bi'an continue to whisper sweet nothings against your ear.
They have all the patience in the world no matter how many times that you disobey them, they understand that it's suffocating to have them by your side most of the time so they give you space..as long as you're still in their sight.
But once you try to escape or do much worse.. They see it as disloyalty, you have no choice but to accept them being next to you at all cost. Taking turns to keep an eye on you, keeping you under their umbrella.
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kohabielnin · 5 months
Truth & Inference headcanons working together
It's been a while since I wanted to put down on paper all the knowledge I have about the Truth & Inference universe, so… here it is
D.M/Désire Mélodis
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• As a famous nobleman and art teacher, in front of others he treats you well and pleasantly, not so much when behind closed doors,
• He often sends you on missions with Noir or simply to come if Gatto is okay,
• Even though it doesn't seem like much, he actually cares about you, always teasing you and things like that,
• If you stay in the same environment as him, Noir and Tuberose, the only one who will defend you will be Noir because both Tuberose and D.M will provoke you,
• D.M is like a devil in human skin, but anyway he thinks you are a very important person in his life and will take care of you,
• He often likes to show you off as his, even though you are just an employee at his service, he is very proud of the little mouse he has in his hands
Gatto/Aesop Carl
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• Gatto is by no means a person who enjoys company other than four-legged furry ones, but after so long he has learned not to care so much about you,
• Cat and the other kitties seem to just love you, so it makes Gatto feel a little better around you,
• Both you and him share the fear of being left alone with Tuberose,
• As you have a degree in chemistry, he usually asks for your help when he has some difficulty in an experiment,
• Usually trusts you to make his coffee and look after Cat while he's away,
• You are the only person he trusts to tell you that he has been leaking information about D.M to Sir Inference and you don't really care about it, but you still promised to keep it secret from the others for the safety of the Silent Rebel
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• As soon as D.M told him that you would be his partner, be sure he held back a lot until the day he could have your confidence to tease you,
• Generally he likes to talk about Lady Rosemary and you can be sure that this conversation only ends when you end up sleeping,
• Even though he is an idiotic provocateur, he is very kind when he wants to be,
• As I said, he has his moments of kindness, presenting you with flowers, but then he goes back to teasing you again if he sees your face flushed,
• Pray you never have him and D.M in the same room, they both love to tease you,
• We all know that Tuberose is a hot man, and he clearly knows that so the normal tease he uses on you is just how you look at his six-pack on display.
Noir/Saphir Mélodis
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• You and him always worked together because you both wanted to, not at D.M's request,
• Since you've known each other since you were children, it's as if you two can read each other's minds and that helps a lot when it comes to getting your hands dirty,
• It's not just him who has a certain affection for you, Leon your falcon also likes you a lot and likes to receive affection from you,
• D.M lets the two of you stay together because he says Noir is happy in his company and performs great on missions when he's by his side,
• Of course, not everything is a bed of roses, after all, there isn't a day that goes by that Tuberose doesn't tease you because of his childhood relationship with Noir,
• In the same way that Tuberose provokes you, Noir always appears at the right times to save you, of course, not before giving beautiful answers to Tuberose
Lady Truth/Emma Woods
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• You, her and Mr. Inferece met at the orphanage and have been together ever since.
• She is very affectionate and dedicated to her two childhood friends, so there won't be a day that goes by that you are sad that she doesn't try to make a smile appear on your face,
• Unlike Mr. Inference, she is not as serious and is more relaxed, trying her best to make the agency's atmosphere light,
• She loves to surprise you with her favorite snack at least one day a week, it only changes when it's your birthday week which is every day and on your birthday she throws a surprise party for you,
• When it comes to investigations, she relies heavily on her deductive potential, so while she looks for clues, she usually lets you come up with the line of reasoning to solve the case,
• Once a month she changes the flowers in the vase on her table, always to her favorite flowers.
Mr. Inference/Naib Subedar
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• He always saw you as a little brother/sister,
• Even with his serious demeanor, he cares a lot about you and often asks if you're okay,
• When the two of you are alone, he often shares his concerns about D.M.
• Usually you, him and Lady Truth go to events as guests and you can be sure that you are the only person who can calm him down when they meet D.M,
• D.M, in turn, really likes to provoke the detective and you, which clearly doesn't come very cheaply to the count,
• As your relationship with him is long-standing, you understand each other without needing words and he also trusts your deduction a lot.
White/Saphir Mélodis
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• He is always extremely affectionate with you,
• You two haven't known each other long, but you feel like you've known each other for a long time,
• His owl also loves to sit on his shoulder and receive affection,
• He usually sleeps at work, according to him it's a nap to work better, but he usually keeps muttering things like "I really like your company" and things like that while he calls your name in his sleep,
• On his days off he loves going out with you to a park and being able to sleep under a tree on your lap, according to him it's a moment of peace for him,
• There's no denying that he's extremely cute, and sometimes he uses that to his advantage to get your attention.
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sleepingcup · 1 year
Happy Valentine's Day - Idv x Reader Headcanons
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Genre: Fluff/Platonic (Be aware of the friendzone)
Source Image: Identity V owns that picture, it is used at the event.
Summary: You are the store assistant from the owner Emma Woods, tending to the store especially in the middle of the night. But one night you were not expecting something from your client...
Note: I added Emma to this headcanon since she is the owner of the shop. So you can consider that she is an additional route.
Jack the Ripper
Although you know how sinister he is, that won't stop him from greeting you "Happy Valentine's Day."
He gave you the product he purchased but you were not expecting that he also gave you a rose he bought for himself the other day.
He did had a polite chat with you and know that you are the reason why he was in a good mood. As a reward he offered you to go on a hang out with him to a cafe that serves delicious chocolate there.
Norton Campbell
Sure he is sassy, sure he is greedy and a bit of an angsty. You might find yourself catching you off guard when he ask you to go on a date with him for food.
Of course, he will be asking you to pay him money since he liked to be a rich person.
However there are times where he does want to get closer to you. You may not see it but he was making sure that you are safe and not harmed, just be aware that you might want to pay him in return...
Unfortunately, he has a lover and he doesn't want to cheat on his lover Ada once you found out about his relationship. However Emil gave you a friendly card so the thought counts.
There might be a day that you would talk to Ada and Emil but something tells you to give them their space.
Tip of the day: Don't steal their lover.
Annie Lester
A shy timid girl she is, but was honestly flattered when you wanted to have a nice time with her over a cup of hot chocolate.
You would often find her staring at you from the distance and yet she just wanted to show you her wares about what she wanted to show. Yet again you two did talk about that with interesting ideas.
At the end of the night she had a good time and gave you a nice hug before exiting the store. She was once shy but she was actually happy to have fun with you.
Victor Grantz
He is shy but his buddy Wick was there to keep you company. It was a nice hang out with him that you might catch him blushing when he is having too much fun.
Plus Victor gave you a letter that indicates his appreciation towards you, it was a very sweet letter that you gave him your gift for free.
Be prepared for a long letter chat from him from time to time.
Aesop Carl
He arrived to your store just to have a conversation with you over a cup of hot tea about deep dark conversations. Knowing him, he knows that you talk too much but it really caught his attention to hear a different opinion.
The hang-out was actually enjoyable for the both of you while watching the snow falling slowly.
But once it was time for him to go home, he gave you his rose from his breast pocket telling you that he was fond of talking about deep conversations with you before leaving.
Emma Woods
Your owner aka boss decided to hang out with you just for a simple hang out. Talking about businesses but also about what type of flowers that she wanted to bring to the store.
She was enjoying herself talking about various new types of flowers that she started talking about having a greenhouse at the side of the store for sight seeing or a mini garden.
Seeing her that happy makes you want to work hard for her, and yet Emma actually appreciates you for the chat and hot chocolates for the night.
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freakspectors · 1 year
May I request a Jack x Reader smut hcs?
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𝒥𝒶𝒸𝓀 𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝑅𝒾𝓅𝓅𝑒𝓇 𝒮𝓂𝓊𝓉 𝐻𝒸𝓈 .
Jack | "The Ripper" x Gender-Neutral Reader Smut Headcanons .
warnings ; smut , praise , slight degradation , dirty talk , cockwarming , marking , size difference , oral (f and m receiving) .
authors note ; oh my god this was so fun . jack is so fine oh my goodness gracious i just had to do this . my boyfriend loves him too so I cracking my knuckles and giggling deviously when I saw this in my inbox . anyways have fun reading anon !!
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✦ Oh lord where do I even start.
✦ He LOVES dirty talk. Definitely one of his favorite things to do.
✦ He likes it when you sit on his lap. That being said, he enjoys thigh riding.
✦ Whispers praise in your ear while you get off grinding on him. He'll moan a little too if you grind down on his cock.
✦ He enjoys cockwarming. He pretends nothing is happening and will start a conversation with you or paint while humming a tune.
✦ He'll thrust up into you to tick you off. Don't try to ride him, though. He'll shame you for being a whore and fuck you for hours on end. Hypocrisy, I know.
✦ Pretty vocal. He'll whisper sweet nothings in your ear while dicking you down or fingering you, moaning in your ear about how much he wanted this. How much he wanted you.
✦ There's bound to be a size difference between you both. Jack's about eight ft. tall. Good luck soldier.
✦ Jack's dick is long. Seriously. He likes receiving oral from you for that reason. The sight of you gagging on him and tearing up gets him going.
✦ He'll give you oral every once in a while, but when he starts he doesn't stop. He can't bring himself to. Your cries and whines while pulling on his grey hair will forever spur him on, no matter how long it's been since you two have been going.
✦ Jack doesn't really have a favorite position, but his go-to is most certainly G-Whiz.
✦ He'll throw your legs over his shoulders, put his hands on your thighs, and start thrusting at a agonizingly slow pace, speed increasing with every whimper of his name.
✦ For AFAB readers, Jack would know about putting pressure on lower abdomen to stimulate the G-Spot further. His dick can already hit your cervix with every thrust, so expect cumming quicker than usual each time.
✦ Jack has a habit of getting rougher when he's closer.. You'll have multiple hickies and bitemarks on your neck by the end of it.
✦ He's happy yet disappointed at this.
✦ Jack would usually put his marks on specific places of your body - places where nobody but him would see. Your upper thighs, collarbone, chest, etc.
✦ The sight of his marks on your neck make him smile to himself, knowing that he only can do that to you. The pleasure of knowing that he's yours will always bring him joy.
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@ orpherizz 2023 . do not share or repost .
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ithaquasbbg · 6 months
Hello, may I have some headcanons on Hunter Luchino and Jack react to their y/n falling asleep during a match?
Omg yes I love this trope!!! Sorry for the delay
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Luchino and Jack with an exhausted s/o Headcanons
Pairing: Luchino x reader, Jack x reader
Tw: none
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(He looks like he’s seen some things in half of the official art Netease needs to do him better)
|🧪| He knew there was something wrong when he saw you early in the match. You looked like he did back when he would spend his entire days doing research!
|🧪| Luchino decides to go easy on you since you look exhausted and manages to chair one of your teammates only for you to come rescue.
|🧪| When you rescue your teammate, it’s not long before you’re passed out on the ground in front of the hunter and your very concerned teammate.
|🧪| Forget about chairing your teammates- Luchino needs to make sure you’re okay first! He sits down and lays your head down on his lap so you can rest until he can surrender.
|🧪| As soon as he gets the option he does and walks you back into your room in the manor as fast as possible, laying you down in your bed and taking a seat next to you
|🧪| He sits down reading a book of some sort (probably science…) until you wake up
|🧪| The moment you try to get up he gently pushes you back down with a stern look on his face.
|🧪| Forget your matches for the rest of the day, he’s going to make sure you can get out of them and get proper rest.
You open your eyes to find yourself in your bed.. weren’t you just rescuing your teammate? Confused, you start to sit up only to feel a gentle hand pushing you back down into your pillows. “(Name), you need to rest.” Luchino sets his book down and gives you a worried yet stern glance. “..But-” He quickly cuts you off, a small smile on his face. “I got you out of your matches so you can sleep, (Name), you need it.”
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(He’d be a pretty good baby girl if he wasn’t a killer..)
|🔪| Jack doesn’t see you until you come to rescue your teammate from being chaired, and boy do you look exhausted!
|🔪| Out of pity (or maybe morbid curiosity) he lets you rescue your teammate despite the fact you can barely stand up. It’s no surprise to him when you pass out.
|🔪| Unlike Luchino, Jack has no desire to spare your teammates even if you’re out cold, and simply Carries you around for the rest of the match as he hunts.
|🔪| Once the other three survivors are out though he surrenders so he can walk you back to your room.
|🔪| Tucks you into bed and runs his hands across your face, it’s not everyday he gets to admire you up close like this.
|🔪| When you eventually wake up, you’re met with a kiss on the lips and the ever prominent smirk on Jacks face (assuming you can see it… let’s just say you can)
|🔪| He’s not going to let you do another match for the day, and makes sure you don’t get out of bed if you don’t need to.
“Jack..? What happened to the match?” You ask after coming to your senses, only to hear your boyfriend chuckle at your cluelessness “You passed out cold in the middle of it, (Name).” You feel your face getting hit with embarrassment before a glass of water is handed to you. “Take a drink and go back to bed, (Name), I can’t have you passing out in front of somebody else now can I?”
There we go, hopefully it’s ok :))
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otakusparkle · 1 month
Identity V 6Th Anniversary "Truth and Inference" Series
Offline Package Order Begin
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Link :
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sk3tch404 · 2 years
Yandere: I like you
Reader: Like as in, like like you?
How yandere Idv boys would react to being asked if they 'like like' you after confessing (Survs + Hunters)
Characters: Eli, Norton, Naib, William, Ganji, Kevin, Andrew, Luca, Antonio, Wu Chang, Joseph, and Jack
A/n: Help I stayed up all night again and I gotta reread this when I wake up at 8 PM later (It's literally 9:05 in the morning rn bruh)
Okay uhh just post this for shits n giggles hehe
Um, I guess? Lol
"... Yes. I 'like like' you."
He says it in the most serious tone ever. He does laugh a little afterwards though so 👌
Brooke cocked her head to the side and quickly looked back at Eli for confirmation for what you just said. His face was dead on in your direction, so she just took it as, "Go with the flow."
"No? I love you."
Would get emotional because he thinks you're gonna friendzone him, or worse, reject him.
Once you explain that you're not that great at wording and you just wanted to accentuate what your saying into shorter terms, Norton finally understands that you're not directly telling him you dont share the same feelings.
He though you were making fun of his confession for a bit a first
"So, do you, 'like like' me too?"
Um, I think so?
"I do like you Y/n, but it's far greater than 'like like'."
He also thinks you're gonna friendzone him.
He tries not to question you as this is a serious moment and he doesn't want it to be more awkward as it already is.
But he caves and asks you what you mean by 'like like'. You explained it to him and Naib thought it was one of the most dumbest ways you could try to say attracted.
"Why couldn't you have said romantically attracted?"
"Well, because, uhhh idk cause it was easier."
He still loves you, he just looks at you as a bit dumber than he thought (Not like that changes his feelings about you. Naib loves that you're a bit aloof and will cherish you everyday of his life no matter what)
"Yes! I do 'like like' you!"
Got the memo very quickly. 1 shared braincell moment.
Likes how you two get along so well! He thinks that you basically said that you liked him as much as he likes you, so strap in and hold on bc you're in for one hell of a ride.
... He doesn't understand
"Like like? Is this a joke I haven't been told of???"
You explain it to him and he's greatly relived. He really thought he embarrassed himself there and lost the chance with you forever.
He's used to your way of talking, but he just got so nervous while confessing that he just freaked. Ganji's mind ran through so many scenarios and mishaps when you said that.
"Oh *ahem* then, I guess I do 'like like' you..." (He's blushing and looking away shyly as we speak >\\\<)
Yes yes yes yes yes
"I like like like like you!"
Very much same energy given. Kevin loses his flirty persona and gives you genuine reactions.
Dw he's still a smooooth cowboy; All he wants to do is to show you the true authentic side of himself before you go on thinking he's just trying to hit on you even harder.
"I truly do love you Y/n. You're the only one I want. I love love love love looooooveeee you!"
Did he say something wrong? Oh no he just blew it. He knew he shouldn't have confessed to you today. You're trying to investigate him further so you can really make fun of his waste of an attempt later.
"... I'm sorry, I don't think we should speak right now..."
You're gonna have to tackle him to stop him from running away.
You explain to him through his nervous babbling. Once he's got it, Andrew is gonna just be sitting there a bit dumbfounded.
"Oh... I'm sorry for misunderstanding you. Please forgive me."
You're the only one he really trusts and ultimately loves, please dont hate him from now on.
"I like like you!"
He answers you how you expect him to. Straight to the point and unfiltered as per usual.
Luca is so happy you understand him and his vibes! He knows you're only making sure, so he's gonna give you exactly what you want! Just give yourself something back in return!
Erm, sure why not
"Yes... of course I do."
He thinks you're so cute when you're aloof. Your questioning makes him want you even more.
Antonio wants to lure you to him as to gain your trust. He doesn't need anymore running from you.
Be careful if you do try to turn the other way, he's quicker than you think.
"Symphonies can't compare to your melodies..."
Wu Chang
Xie: uhhhh, yeah, we do like you a lot :)
Fan: We love you? What is this 'like like' nonsense???
Xie hits Fan as a signal to follow his lead. Xie tries to lure you in by being compliant and nice just like Antonio.
Fan likes you being a bit of an airhead, but sometimes during serious moments like these, his patience gets quite low.
"Fan, don't you 'like like' Y/n too?"
"Tch, yes. I do 'like like' Y/n."
"I'm glad that's settled. Now Y/n, I wonder if you 'like like' us?"
"If that's what you want to see it as, then I guess I can say I 'like like' you."
He loves how you make up these funny little terms. It's interesting.
You bring so much light and color into this world. How could he let you slip away now that he has you in his grip?
"We're pass the point of no return Y/n. How will you proceed Y/n?"
Okay lol
"*laughs* Of course not. I'm infatuated in you darling."
Of course he likes you. He wouldn't be confessing his love and his 'deepest darkest' secret to you if he didn't.
You entertain him to no end. Jack enjoys your way of talking. It really spices up your conversations.
It also helps you evade death.
"Can't you say the same for me Y/n?" (Say yes or else :D)
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oletus-writer · 10 months
HII!! same anon that requested the hastur nsfw but may i request nsfw hcs of jack x a small reader?
Ah, of course. (Can I call you monsterfucker anon)
What have you made me do I am not writing any more size kinks after this
Jack, Frederick x small reader (nsfw)
Warnings: nsfw, size kink, sadism (on jacks part), jacks part is shit
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He’s quite the tall, lanky man himself, and hadn’t known he had a size kink until he watched you struggle to wrap your mouth around his penis and how you whimpered and cried when his cock was put inside you, and how you said we was too big.
Naturally, the two of you would have safe words, and he wouldn’t do anything that would hurt you too much, but the sadistic side of him wants to watch you ride larger and larger dildos until you’re completely exhausted and you were stretched to your limit.
If you’re possessing female anatomy, he’ll say that your too tight, and fuck you (a bit gentler at first, but then loosing himself in the pleasure) while fondling your small breasts and whispering how good you’re doing.
If you’re possessing male anatomy, he’ll stroke your chest while riding you, smugly saying how small your dick is, and how you can’t fill him up at all, regardless of its truth. He wants you to flip him over and punish him for the bad things he’s done.
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He’s gentler, during sex, a soft dom, and so he won’t do anything that may hurt you in any way. He’ll make sure to prep you properly and lube you up, regardless of your anatomy, and whisper sweet praises as he slowly slides himself in.
Unlike Jack, Frederick does not have an undiscovered size kink, and won’t put you down for your size, but he’s also not a service dom, and can go fast and hard when he wants to, but, mostly, it’s soft and gentle.
If you’re possessing female anatomy, he’ll gently stroke his fingers inside you, while pressing his face against your chest and kissing your breasts, imagining the rhythm to which he’d fuck you, and kissing your freckles and moles to distract himself, intent on savouring every moment.
If you’re possessing male anatomy, he’s not going to cut any corner when it comes to prepping you - he knows that the anal tract is more delicate than the vagina, and all the while, he’s telling you how good you are, gripping your thin waist. He’s still a bit impatient, so don’t blame him if he suddenly picks up the pace.
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teabreakpancakes · 2 years
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Kinktober: Day Twenty-Three
Rope Bunny (Dom The Ripper x GN Reader)
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sensory deprivation, bondage!
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Jack digs his long fingers into your hole, grinning at the way you shuddered. He nipped at your skin, leaving marks as he got lower and lower. Sharp teeth bore into your thighs, groaning into your supple flesh.
He licks at the indent of his teeth into your flesh. The pained whimper falling from your bitten lips made him feel a tad bit apologetic, soothing the bite mark with some gentle kisses.
He takes in the image of you dangling from the ceiling, ribbon wrapped around your tiny frame. He was never one to be patient with opening his presents, especially not when the present was right in front of him.
Oh how he wished to see your eyes roll to the back of your head as he made you climax but no no no, for the sake of seeing just how sensitive you can get, he'll resist.
"G, Gonna cum" you cried, toes curling. You felt so damn helpless, you couldn't grab onto something to at least ground yourself, it felt like you were about to break.
"Go on, cum for me, pretty little thing" he whispered enticingly, chuckling when you spill all over your legs and his hand. Slowly, he pulls his fingers out of your hole, scooping up some of your cum and bringing them to his lips—his soft but deep growl sends chills down every inch of your sensitive body. His long tongue wraps around his long digits, savouring the taste of his beloved.
"Dear, do you mind staying there for a bit more? I, I would like to paint you, you just look so pretty and I," he mutters, unsure of why he felt so restless; Jack sounded desperate, with the last ounce of your clarity, you quickly nod, signaling that you were alright with it.
Jack quickly whips out all the paint and paintbrushes he needed, ignoring the painful tent in his pants—it could wait, he desperately needed to capture everything, the way tears wet your blindfold, how some of the ribbon was soaked in your juices, and the way his marks littered all over your perfect body. The red ribbon contrasted so beautifully against your skin, like a beautiful puppet carved with delicate affection, how could he not adore and worship you?
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the-manors-writer · 2 years
Can we please get a fic about possessive/yandere Jack tunneling/tormenting his darling during a match? Something akin to the snippet of him we saw in the Emil and badly injured s/o headcanons. That bit had me barking, I need more of y'alls Jack 🙏🥴
thank you for enjoying that tidbit, detective! i am a very firm believer of slandering jack as much as possible but immediately making him attractive in the worse ways i could <3 he's a horrible man and i love that in him! please enjoy this food, and do bark more. if you do so, he might buy you a collar and leash. - mod orpheus
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request: yandere!ripper tunneling/tormenting his darling headcanons pairing: [the ripper] yandere!jack x gn!reader warnings: general yandere behaviour, descriptions of blood & injury, near death experience
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jack the ripper
to be the apple, or may i say rose, of his eye is a death sentence in of itself.
the ripper does not do “obsession”, or so he thought. it was a useless endeavour, to be so taken in by something or someone temporary, especially with what he does for a living. he assumed, be it person or item, it will leave and perish over time in his presence. more than anything, the only thing he ever thought he’d be obsessed over was his work. something he was very much okay with.
that all changed when he met you
everything about you captivated him; from your appearance, your movements, down to the way you speak. he was drawn to you, like a moth to flame, desperate to have you at any cost. he spent days, absent from matches, in his room. the curtains drawn, the lights dimmed, paint splattered across floors and canvases. art pieces, abstract, stylised, realistic, all pieces with you as its muse. with each brush stroke, his obsession grew, and grew, and grew. neither survivors nor hunters knew this was what he was doing in his absence. the survivors, more than anything, were relieved about him being gone for the time.
you were warned about him by both factions. you were warned greatly. jack, but we mostly call him the ripper, says the perfumer, was a ruthless hunter. his very presence struck fear in those who opposed him. he hunted with skill and precision, but at the same time was sickeningly nonchalant about it. he plays with his food, that disgusting man, whispered emma to you. a monster through and through, he even has the gall to flirt with some of us in the middle of hunts. every warning sickened you and made you fear the day you’ll have to match against him. that was why his absence was a cherished moment by both survivors and hunters. however, such a thing cannot always stay permanent.
eventually, the ripper returned, and everyone saw it was with a renewed gusto. a bad thing, stated the seer. he had his mind set on something, or shall i say, someone. you.
your first encounter with him was outside a match. the way he peered at you, eyeing you like you were a slab of meat for him to slice and cut open than a human being; it made you understand why even some hunters were uneasy [a great understatement] about him. though some hunters weren’t human, either changed or lived that way their whole lives, the ripper was a different level. he was... human, but he didn’t feel human. not even someone like the hell ember made you feel like that. something about him was uncanny, even if all he did was brush past you with a wicked promise of meeting once more. preferably in the near future, little rose, he chuckled out.
for a while, you thought that was an empty promise. wicked and terrifying, sure, but empty. the matches you joined within those days were with other hunters. you haven’t seen jack in a match with you for a few days at least. you thought he was just scaring you with that talk about ‘near future’- he’s had to be scaring you, no? that’s what a hunter like him would do.
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you grew familiar with what arms factory looked like in the time you spent here. it was a ‘starter map’, as other survivors said. good kiting spots, fairly spread out rocket chairs, strong pallets. it’s the perfect place for newcomers, though you have long since shed that little nickname from the others. you, alongside the gardener, doctor, and perfumer, all sat at the table together, excitedly talking about what plans you may have for the upcoming off days. “i think i’ll spend time with coordinator,” vera tapped her chin in thought, “she mentioned wanting some tips for makeup. i’ll help her out then.” “sounds fun!” emma nodded her head and giggled, “i’ll just tend to the gardens again, as i always do. emily should join me!” the doctor laughed politely, a hand over her mouth as she did, eyes crinkled with content, “yes, i think that sounds fun. what about you?”
you paused in thought and shrugged, “didn’t really think about it that much, but i’ll probably find something to do sooner or later.” “you can help with the gardens too!” the gardener suggested, “the manor could always use more green thumbs.” “oh, yes, you could come with,” emily nodded in agreement along with the perfumer. the conversation was stopped by a smooth, honeyed voice humming from behind the curtains. all four heads turned to face it. silver blades pushed the cloth aside as the towering figure of the ripper spun through, bowing down in front of the table. attached to his back was an evil looking scythe, black and sharpened with flicks of smoke curling off of it.
your heart lodged itself in your throat in a bad way when the ripper lifted his head to look at you.
the game began.
right off the bat, he was ruthless. the ripper roamed the map like a wretched, evil, fog. he was playing with the doctor, it was clear to the three of you. he chased, he hit, and then he simply just waited nearby emily. you knew he’d be able to catch her easily if he just tried, but he was waiting. waiting for something, even if it costed him a cipher or two. the moment the second bell rang throughout the match, it was like the realisation struck all four of you. he was farming for presence. he wanted full presence.
it was like the mist through the factory thickened significantly as that happened. the ripper turned his back on the doctor and stormed through. even if he passed any of the other two women there, they were unbothered. perhaps shaken, a little scream from his chilling fog that brushed past them, but nothing more than that. after all, he wasn’t there for them. he was there for you. and you were made violently aware of it when you saw a sudden bend on the pole of your cipher. slowly, you lifted your head, fingers trembling over the keys, sweat sticking to the back of your neck. the fog shifted, unwrapping itself around its commander.
there, standing so casually over your cipher, and you by extension, was the ripper. he tilted his head, eyes squinted in delight. “hello, little rose,” he crooned. you slammed your hands firmly onto the cipher and lunged away, nearly missing the button to ping the girls. the hunter is near me!
the cipher in factory was finished, but the basement was there. however, nowhere else was safe for you to kite, as nearby would be one of your three teammates decoding a cipher. you had to take the risk. you had no other choice. you felt your heartbeat thrum loudly in your ears as you ran across the map, the ripper right on your tail. your legs screamed at you; a split of stop running, it hurts too much and keep running, he’s going to kill you. you had to dodge a foggy blade, seeing the black mist hit the wall and disperse right beside you. you stumbled in your steps, nearly tripping over your feet and falling. but you managed to catch the metal railing in the factory, using it to boost yourself some more distance away. not like it did much, as the ripper stepped through the fog and slipped past the door with an increased speed. he never downed you, no matter how close he was to you as you vaulted the window or a pallet for a terror shock. it was like he enjoyed seeing your discomfort, as you vault, as you run, his hand or claw ghosting against you lightly.
two ciphers later, the last one was on standby with the perfumer. both doctor and gardener waited at the gate close to the factory. but he still hasn’t downed you, let alone hit you once. it wasn’t like he wasn’t trying too much; he aimed his blades carefully in a way that would hit you if he was just a bit more accurate or if you were just a bit more sloppy. however, with the blood rushing through you and adrenaline pumping through your veins, you couldn’t afford nor even try to be sloppy. especially not against the ripper of all hunters.
seeing as he was doing nothing more but stalling at this point, you had to do it. focus on decoding! if only you did it a bit later, perhaps when you were in a more safer position...
the cipher popped, and it was like a switch was flipped in the ripper. with a manic exhale of his breath, you knew you made your first, and final mistake. you gripped the windowsill as you lifted your body over, a vault in progress. but as you did so, his claws raised, the blade wrapped in black fog before he swung harder than he would have usually. the black smoke that wrapped around you momentarily made the sting worse. through your clothes, your fabric ripped, and you felt a searing pain across your back. from the corner of your eye, you saw splatters of blood, but you knew there was more gushing out. your back was wet. warm, cold, wet. you crashed into the ground, a nasty, filthy scrape digging and ripping up your skin and irritating it. a scream ripped throughout your throat; one so loud and pained that you thought your chords were about to burst and split. it was a scream louder tha emily’s. it was a scream of true pain.
blood was rushing everywhere as you gripped your leg, yet that strained the deep gashes across your back. you knew he hit deep. it was painful. it was hell. tears streamed down your face as you sobbed and cried, choking up on tears as you looked at the ripper. he stuck his legs on the windowsill, vaulting over casually as if he didn’t just damn near break your back in half with one hit alone. he peered down at you with a cruel smile, head cocked to the side as he crouched down beside you. the lack of glowing red eyes didn’t excite you as much as it would have any other time. you only had enough strength to ping that he had no detention before you had to go back to crying out in pain, head turning away from him.
you couldn’t even bring yourself to a crouching position to crawl away, you could only drag yourself on your stomach bit by bit to try and gain even the most insignificant amount of distance to the ripper as you could. he let you do so for a while, but eventually gripped your leg with his unclawed hand. you were relieved at that. he was going to chair you, and your teammates were going to escape.
but he instead yanked your leg and twisted you, forcing you to slam against your back. the earth dug into the open wounds and you threw your head back with a pained scream. there was so much blood. on the ground, on you, on everything you feel. the ripper’s hold on you loosened, and you were subjected to his ghosting touch as he caged you in beneath him. “my, my, look at you,” he whispered breathlessly, very obviously happy with his work. he tilted his head aside, fingers brushing from your scraped leg to the inside of your thigh, reveling in how you turned your head away with a pained sound.
“now now, little rose,” he chastised lightly, but gripped your hair with a strength so tight it nearly ripped off your scalp, “look at me.” a breathless gasp left your lips as you looked at him, one eye barely able to open from the pain and stinging tears. “s.. stop... l.. let me go...” you sobbed. he haphazardly let go of your head, making you lightly slam it against the ground by the sudden loss of support. the ripper bent his back down, claws tapping against his face, chuckling as he gazed at you with a crooked grin, “just listen to that. what a precious, beautiful sound.”
he twirled your hair in his unclawed fingers, tugging your head up before abruptly slamming it back down again. “just like those fucking whores,” he snarled, “you cute, pretty, little thing... those breathless cries, those ragged shrieks, the last time i heard those were in the alleyways of london, my hands wrapped around some broad’s fucking neck as i break it backwards. my darling, what i wouldn’t do to gut you right fucking now. your insides, organs, everything, spread open on the ground for me, and only me to see.”
you could barely thrash away, sobbing and crying as you see the blurry figures of your teammates running to try and help you, only to stop abruptly at the bloody sight. “r.. run..” you force out through gritted teath, “get.. get out of here..!” “n.. no- no, emma has to help!” the gardener tried to run forward, but she was pulled back by the perfumer and doctor. “stop- stop it, what are you doing?!” emma cried, “we can help them! we- we can help- he has no detention!” “we have to go, emma,” emily urged as they began pulling her away. you saw the ripper start to grin at the desperate sight of the gardener thrashing and kicking, trying to run towards you. emma reached her hand out, screaming your name, sobbing just as, if not even harder than you have been as you see her figure get smaller, smaller, and finally, gone.
“now, do scream out as loud as you can. if you satisfy me, i might let you crawl your way out of here, whore,” he whispered the filthy nickname for you in such a sickeningly excited way, “let’s have some fun, shall we?”
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[ art credit - unknown ]
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d00fus · 1 year
𝐀𝐧𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐓𝗼 𝐖𝐢𝐧
𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐢𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐈𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐕
Chess Player! Reader
Fem! Reader
Survivor or hunter, you choose!
Back and forth between enemies and lovers 🤷‍♀️
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Y/N was replaying chess games from the past on a chess board at a small table around midnight. One night, she moved a white piece, starting the game, but before she could continue, she heard footsteps. She didn’t want this person to be weirded out by the fact she was playing chess so late at night, so she quickly went to her room before she could be seen. The next night she notices that a piece has moved.
I stared at the pieces in front of me, playing the different moves through my head. My cheek rested against my hand as my eyes started to feel heavy. The manor was quiet, quiet enough to where only my breathing and the occasional sound of chess pieces clunking against the board could be heard. I hoped to find someone to play chess with, someone actually decent, someone that would push me to my limits.
I hate to lose. Just the feeling of failure after giving your all, is something I hate to experience. I moved a pawn to e4, but before I could continue, I heard light footsteps that grew gradually louder.
My first instinct was to get out of there as quickly as possible, so that’s exactly what I did. I left the room before I could be seen.
The Next Night
Around midnight I exited my room and sat down at the white side of the board. A piece had moved, knight to f6. I don’t remember moving any black pieces, so who did? I thought back to the person from the night before, who was it? They played a solid move, I moved a white piece and chewed at my nails as I played the different moves in my head. I’ve beat everyone I’ve played against at the manor without much of a challenge, but this game felt different, I don’t know why. I heard the footsteps once again and looked at the clock, 11:56, they’re rather early. They came around 12:15 the night before.
I stood up and exited the room.
The Next Day
I sat on the sofa in between Xie and Fan, we all sat in a circle around the coffee table with Mary, Joseph, and Jack. I got along with all of them except for Fan and Jack, Fan because he’s a bit…aggressive? Jack just seems like a cocky jerk, hiding under this gentlemen like act, he seemed like someone who needed to be seriously humbled. His right hand, usually a claw, was now shaped like his other hand, his long slender fingers holding his cards.
Out of everyone in the room, I got along with Joseph and Mary the most.
Jack once again demolished us, Fan slammed his cards onto the table before exiting the room, muttering obscenities.
“Oh, well.”
“I’ll go get him, see you guys later.”
Xie said with a smile and a wave, everyone bid him farewell as he went after his friend.
“Jack..you seem very experienced in card games…why is that?”
I asked, no ordinary person could shuffle cards as well as he could, just the way his hands moved was…odd.
“Practice and experience, my dear.”
I nodded, our eyes met before I pulled away. His “innocent” smile never faltering once. I needed to play him in chess. After I find out who this midnight person is, he’s my next opponent.
“Even with practice and experience, I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone shuffle cards like that.”
Joseph said with a soft chuckle, a hand covering his mouth, his legs crossed. Jack shrugged.
“I could ask Y/N here the same question.”
Joseph raised an eyebrow.
“How is she so good at chess?”
I interrupted.
“You’ve never seen me play.”
“I’ve heard enough to at least have an idea.”
I shrugged as he dealt the cards once again.
“Practice and experience.”
“Good answer.”
Another round had passed, it was Jack and I remaining, he had beaten me with a full house.
“Is there anything you’re not good at…because I’m having difficulty finding anything..”
Joseph said with a nervous chuckle.
Mary said with a small laugh as Jack shrugged.
“There is.”
“What is it?”
“Now why would I tell any of you that? Wouldn’t that ruin the fun of it?”
I fought the urge to turn around and wipe that stupid smirk off his face…cocky bastard.
“I’m gonna go. See you guys later.”
The group bid me goodbye as I left the room, I had an upcoming match I needed to worry about.
The nights went on as the game continued. Moves would be played during the day to make the game go by quicker, but we still never saw each other. The only thing I had to worry about was how the endgame played out. One blunder and it could screw up your entire game. I was confident until I made a terrible mistake, it took me so many days to notice. I stood, looking down at the board. How could I have lost? How? I didn’t get it. I kept replaying all the different moves. I didn’t notice that I started muttering myself.
“T-There’s nothing I can do…it’s mate in 6..”
I felt my back pressed into someone’s chest, he leaned over me, his cold, slender fingers guiding mine to the board, I’ve never felt so pathetic. I was so caught up in the game I hadn’t noticed him walk in.
“Resign, love.”
He muttered, his lips inches away from my ear. I didn’t need to look at him to know he was smirking, his mask was off. He motioned towards my king, trying to set it down on its side, meaning I resign, But I wasn’t going to give in that easily.
“No. There has to be another move.”
“You sure about that?”
I felt like I was melting into his touch, fighting the urge to let his lips connect to my skin.
“What did you call me earlier…ah! That’s right…a cocky bastard if I’m correct.”
“You cheated. You switched your card with the ace of diamonds in your sleeve.”
"𝐀𝐧𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝗼 𝐰𝐢𝐧, 𝗺𝐲 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐫."
I turned around to face him, his hands on either side of me, leaning against the table, his face inches from mine.
“I hate you.”
“You hate how much you want me.”
“Sure seems like you’re the one who wants me, in fact, I’d say you love me.”
He leaned in and placed his lips on mine, before pulling away.
“I’m sure you’d want that.”
“How could you know that?”
“Because I seriously doubt you’d let any other guy touch you like this.”
“Joseph is an exception.”
I teased.
“You’ll regret saying that when I’m done with you, my dear.”
His right hand gently took hold of my neck, pulling me back into him, his lips making themselves comfortable on mine. His hands went to the bottom of my shirt, before he could pull it off, I pulled away.
He raises an eyebrow, confused. His eyes were filled with want, he wanted me, no, needed me, terribly.
“𝐈 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐠𝐧."
I said with a smirk, before fixing my shirt. I know I had lost against him in chess and poker, but in the game of love, you do, as he said, 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝗼 𝐰𝐢𝐧.
If this gets enough hype I’ll make a part 2 of Jack getting his revenge or smut or something. 🤷‍♀️
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callimaria · 2 years
Interaction with yandere Jack please 🎩 thank you :)
I don't really like card games all that much. Mostly because they get kind of boring after a bit, and my 'math plus' teacher ruined blackjack for me when I was in middle school. Who ruins blackjack for a 14 year old?! I know it's math and all, but c'mon-
lounging in a chair, he tilts his head. the ripper was intrigued hearing what came out of your mouth. a ‘claw’ of his taps his mask, feigning curiosity.
“boring, hmm? maybe it’s the repetition that gets to you.”
“..though… give the manor’s blackjack a try, won’t you?” he chuckles, tone half lighthearted and half mocking.
jack mutters something underneath his breath. “it’ll do you much better than that teacher.”
words seemingly hang in the air, unsaid; you reflect over his words, being left in silence.
YESSIR I HAVE REVIVED AND I’M TACKLING THE INBOX !! it’s been too long i’m sorry, tumblr was knocking at my door but i left to get the milk
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