#if you idiots ever cared about that then there would be more of y’all mobilizing to make space for minors to enjoy themselves among their
pbscore · 1 year
A lot of current adults who grew up in the online social atmosphere of sheltered tumblr ideas are slowly becoming what I like to call ‘proto-Boomers’ because they cannot fathom the idea that they are, in fact, getting older and not younger and that they are going to be held to different standards as adults that were completely different from when they were as minors. We are going to be expected to have a level of accountability for how we act towards EVERYONE, especially minors, who will one day have to take care of us when we’re old and can’t do it ourselves.
And maybe that’s just me but it’s because of my realization of having this toxic mindset (and actually going to counseling lol) well into my mid-twenties that I’m starting to notice it outside of just myself. As well as how it has negatively impacted activism for genuine social and political change. How it’s steered the once understandable idea of ‘I don’t want kids because I don’t want them (insert any reason)’ into ‘uwu KiDs ArE sO ToXiC aNd TEenS NoWaDaYs aRe So DumB and MeAn uwu ThEy dOn’T UndErStaNd aNytHinG LikE uS 90s KiDs uwu’.
The weird behavior of adults around my age and a little older acting like they’ve lived a hundred lives over and have the authority to call the shots on whether or not minors should be seen or heard when it’s convenient for them and then have the audacity to turn around, using the most out of date, fandom baby talk to defend some crappy (most likely white) mediocre artist or creator for their ‘uwu nostalgia’ while making it seem like they’re actually doing it for a political or social reason is like…hideous to me.
I’m over it 😂
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indigo-villin · 2 years
I’m gonna talk about a show I used to watch via youtube when it was being made and many people may dislike me for it. I’m gonna talk about Steven Universe.
First off, I really enjoyed the show, didn’t watch every little bit (especially episodes I heard the plots of that were...less than nice sounding), but I watch most of them and bits and pieces of the future series. I also saw the movie and LOVED it, especially Spinel.
I loved the show so much that I still have gem OCs: https://toyhou.se/Indigo_Villin/characters/folder:530808
I was never a part of the fandom and heard about the toxic stuff people did, but I still watched the show and enjoyed it.
Now I’ll explain why I’m talking about the show with the MOST toxic fandom ever.
I saw a tiktok today where it was a scene from the future episode where Steven was trying to help Pink’s OG Pearl get healed up properly, He and pearl were kinda trying to help (pretty sure Pearl herself was still weirded out by Volleyball) and in the clip it was showing them all in the Pearl fixing room place when the Pearls were discussing what Pink did to Volley and Pearl trying to say “Pink never had outbursts, or harmed anyone“ as Volley is saying she was fractured by Pink due to a tantrum. Now I can talk for a WHILE about this apart in specific, BUT I actually want to discuss the comments on that video.
The video ended just as Steven yells at the two as Pearl is starting to get louder and more annoyed with Volley’s comments. It ends just as Steven turns pink.
Everyone in the comments were either talking about the other comments or making “Steven L“ comments. (Between this vid and a furry vid I have never blocked more people in a day.) And I just want to ask, why?
Why would people make “Steven L“ comments when he’s a traumatized 16 year old kid who has never had the chance to take care of himself mentally and is STILL having to listen and fix all the crap his mom did wrong. From fixing the ENTIRE gem society, to keeping Earth safe, to making sure his dad is fine, to making sure Pearl isn’t missing his mom too much anymore, to making sure the gem team sticks together, finding Lion wherever and taking care of them (yes they’re a lion, but they’re a lion that’s PINK), literally having to be there for Spinel who everyone FORGOT ABOUTTTT, he had to reintegrate all of the bubbled gems back into the newly fixed society, he had to find  a way to HEAL the corrupted gems, he literally spent ALL OF HIS CHILDHOOD HEALING EVERYONE ELSE and people have the gal to criticize him. A 16 YEAR OLD, for not being able to control his emotions and new powers. Like literally so many people said “he should act his age“ and “Well his dad was around and was a good dad when the gems let him be around his son“. LIKE NO, y’all did not watch the show.
And then there were comments like “ugh of course, Steven just has to be the main character (insert emoji here)“ (I am not on mobile, so can’t add the emojis people used) and it’s like... YES, yes he does have to be the main character.. CAUSE HE ISSSS. and like there were side comments like “I never liked Steven as a character“ and it’s like yeah that’s fine and understandable young Steven was a bit annoying to watch at times, but it’s TIKTOK what happens if you interact with stuff on there? YOU GET MORE OF IT RECOMMENDED meaning these people are even more idiotic cause they’re making themselves see stuff they dislike (it’s like haters interacting with furry vids, like y’all interact with them it’s your fault you see them more often).
tl;dr I do not interact with me if you hate the show steven universe, but if you don’t like the fandom that’s fine, I didn’t either. I will not stand for Steven slander when he’s a traumatized 16 yr old.
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primofate · 3 years
Genshin x fem!reader [Volleyball Team AU - Inspired by Haikyuu!] He introduces S/O to the team
Before you read this, might be a good idea to read the introduction first. To give you the whole low-down of the team and their dynamicsssss.
Other works in the Volleyball Team AU Series: Click Here
Scenario: You and him have been dating for a while now. Why does the team not know and what’s their reaction in finding out/when he introduces you?
Warnings: AU if that’s not your thing then don’t read, not proofread...as usual.
#1 Zhongli (Captain/Wing Spiker/Ace)
You’ve been dating for nearly 5 months at this point. Beforehand the two of you were close friends. So the team kind of already knew you guys were close, but you’d never met the team properly.
It’s not that he was HIDING your relationship, its that he didn’t want to pressure you into meeting his team. They could really be an overwhelming bunch of high schoolers sometimes.
As it happens he walks to the gym hand in hand with you one day, his other hand on his duffel sports bag, thinking that he’d be the earliest one there as always. 
But when he slides the gym doors open his WHOLE TEAM greets him “CAPTAIN!” and then there’s an awkward silence that descends as they all catch him with his hand intertwined with yours.
KAEYA AND TARTAGLIA LOSES IT. “C-Captain, you had a girlfriend and didn’t tell us?!” “You finally made a move on her?!” “S’about time!”
Needless to say they both get knocked on the head by Zhongli’s fist. 
Zhongli sighs and turns to you apologetically but you say that you don’t mind meeting them. He perks up and claps his hands to ask his team to line up.
They do so diligently. Kaeya, Tartaglia and Thoma are giddy while looking at you. Xiao and Kazuha have their mouth slightly agape as if you’re some kind of rare species. Diluc and Albedo stare you down. 
You introduce yourself as Zhongli’s gilrfriend and as you do so Tartaglia’s eyes dart towards Zhongli who has a slightly shy expression on his face. 
“Oh, oh question time!” Thoma raises his hand “Does the captain secretly eat sweets behind our back?” You haven’t even answered when Kaeya asks “Does the captain ever glare at you (he mimics Zhongli’s face) and say 10 Push ups NOW!” Surprisingly Diluc raises his hand too “...Is the captain strict with you too?”
Zhongli gets irked the more questions are asked and he finally steps in with an ominous presence. “10 laps around the gym...NOW!” 
He apologizes to you again but you reassure him it’s totally fine and they all seem like such fun. 
#2 Diluc (Vice Captain/Wing Spiker/Defense Specialist)
The vice captain is a very secretive guy.
Not even his brother knew.
It’s not that he was ashamed of you, he just liked his privacy and you already knew that. 
But there was this one time where he forgot his textbooks under his desk and you had to go and give it to him while he was at practice.
Shyly looking into the door the first one that spots you is Albedo.
“...Do you need something?” you tense up at Albedo’s question and shakily hand him the textbooks.
“U-Uhm... D-Diluc’s...”
Albedo tilts his head and turns to shout at the team. “Someone’s looking for the vice captain,”
Everyone stops what they’re doing and snaps there head towards you.
Diluc jogs over, sweat still fresh on his forehead. Without thinking he takes the books from you, small smile on his face and thanks you.
The rest of his team freezes up all thinking: “Hold on, is he...SMILING?”
You’re oblivious to them staring and give him a quick kiss on the cheek before leaving. When Diluc turns back his team is glaring daggers at him, he stares back at them. Doesn’t say anything, and continues practice.
No one is brave enough to ask him about it.
Tartaglia whispers to Kaeya “You didn’t know about it either huh?”
#3 Kaeya (Middle Blocker)
This MF would talk about you whenever he had the chance.
Y/N this, Y/N that, Y/N is so cute. 
Frankly the team is kinda tired of it. 
But when you finally visit one of their practices the team levels their gaze at you and think “Oh shit, he wasn’t lying, she is actually cute,”
Sees his teammates expression and brags even more. “I know what y’all are thinking. You’re thinking, OH! She’s actually really cute! Hm?”
Slings an arm around you shamelessly with a grin. “Back off boys, I’ll block all your attempts,”
Diluc is the one that walks up to you and you blink at him. Kaeya blinks at him, confused as well.
Diluc suddenly bows, “I feel sorry for you but please take care of him,”
The rest of the team either bursts out laughing or snickers behind their hand.
Their vice captain is low key savage
#4 Albedo (Setter)
The team finds out about you cause when they finish practice they find you waiting outside the gym.
Kazuha asks politely while the others look on “Are you lost?”
You straighten up and stutter a little, “Ah, uh, no, I’m...” You’re at a loss for words. 
Then Albedo suddenly appears from the gym doors and sees you. “Ah, were you waiting long? Sorry,”
Thoma tilts his head in question. “Albedo...Your sister?”
Albedo at this point was standing next to you already. “...No, my girlfriend,” like it was the most normal thing in the world.
Everyone is stunned into statues.
“H-How did you get one before me?” Tartaglia looks as if his soul had been sucked out of his body.
“Next time you can just come inside and wait inside the gym, it’s dark out here,” their responsible captain suggests and you’re amazed at his kindness and bow at him with a thank you.
Albedo doesn’t see what’s the big deal and just grabs your hand and starts walking away.
#5 Tartaglia (Middle Blocker/Wing Spiker)
The team already knew since the first date. It’s because he.would.not.shut.up.about.it
That particular day at practice his spikes were a tad bit stronger than usual.
“Oi... you’re getting too excited...” Xiao mumbles at him. Tartaglia just grins and scratches the back of his head. “Aaaahhhh... I can’t help it, I’m so nervous for my date with Y/N!”
A few more dates later he starts showing off his phone wallpaper to the others. It’s a picture of you and him.
Kaeya tries to piss him off by saying, “Huh, we’ve never actually seen her in person. Maybe it’s photoshopped,” The others snicker.
Is so pissed, asks you to come immediately.
You thought it was an emergency so you come into the gym with a worried look on your face only to be hugged tight into his chest. “See? See? She’s totally real and totally cute!”
Albedo crosses his arms and blinks, then looks at Kaeya “...You totally baited him, he’s such a simpleton.”
Kaeya responds with a smirk “Right?”
#6 Kazuha (Decoy/Middle Blocker/Wing Spiker)
The most formal out of all of them and even tells them seriously that he had an announcement to make.
Next day he comes into practice with you in tow.
Properly introduces you as his girlfriend. 
Everyone is wide-eyed at how official it feels. Then you suddenly take out a big container of fruits and tell everyone it’s for them (The captain doesn’t allow sweets, he thinks it’ll fatten them up or some crap.)
EVERYONE IS BLESSED BY YOUR PRESENCE and Kazuha is just enjoying you getting along with them.
Kaeya and Tartaglia try to whisper and bribe you into making cookies for them. 
Albedo and Xiao stares at Kazuha thinking ‘If someone like you can get a girlfriend, we can get one too, right?’
You offer to come back next time with more fruits and some secret cookies.
#7 Xiao (Libero)
Tried to keep it a secret because he knows his team will make a fuss about it.
The team finds out when his phone suddenly starts ringing in the middle of practice and he asks for a timeout to pick it up.
“Mm... Yeah... I’ll pick you up when I finish,” Everyone starts nudging each other when they hear him talk to you in an unusually calm and soft tone. So different from when he plays volleyball and gets angry at them.
By this point everyone tries to keep quiet and enlarge their ears to eavesdrop.
“Idiot... I won’t be late. I promised to take you out didn’t I?” 
Hearing their tsundere libero say something so sweet makes everyone combust.
When he turns back everyone is staring at him with smirks on their faces. “Hey, why not just ask her to come here?” Kaeya sneakily suggests.
Xiao blushes “A-As if I’d let her near you bumbling fools!”
He was worried it would scare you away, actually.
#8 Tohma (Pinch Server/Middle Blocker)
Literally no one is surprised he has a girlfriend.
It would be MORE of a surprise if he DIDN’T have one.
But they find out cause he left his phone out on the bench one day and there’d been a text message while Xiao was conveniently sitting on the bench.
“...Tohma, someone me--” Xiao looks at the screen where the message ‘I love you!’ is clearly written.
Xiao is so curious but is not gunna admit it so he nudges Kaeya or Tartaglia who might be sitting next to him and secretly motions over to the phone.
They read it and ask in a real loud voice “Oi Tohma! Who’s Y/N? They said I love you!” 
Tohma laughs nervously and since it’s already out he might as well introduce you. 
“This is my princess,” he says when you enter the gym to walk home with him that afternoon. You bow and introduce yourself and everyone looks at you thinking... “Ah, they look like the perfect domestic couple,”
Low-key everyone is jealous of how you dote on him.
Hello Hello! Technically this could be counted as fluff, but I understand that not everyone is fond of AUs, so, if you don’t mind being tagged to something like this, please fill in the survey again (I’ve added AU as an option, just click that one if you’ve signed up for the others before!)
Please do consider supporting me at my ko-fi! I’ve fixed the payment link so I think you can love me more now <3 (haha jk, it’s optional, but it would greatly help and make me happy!)
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calypsoff · 3 years
Eighty Two. Part 3
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Now that Robyn has mentioned it, this was all a joke that Drake and I do say back and forth, but he had to say it on the live “why is he taking shots at you? Because he can’t do it at me so he’s doing it at you?” Now I am pissed off “then deal with it Chris, I keep telling you that your mouth runs. Your jokes are monitored now, you’re married to me Chris. Anything you do and say will affect me, it will look bad on me, you didn’t need to say he is feminine did you? You didn’t even need to react either but here we are, I am being dragged into it. Chris you have to understand that this ain’t no joke anymore, this is my life, my future. Now I am looking like some pawn in y’all argument, you had to drag him into it. And Drake is all besties with you, but he also tried to date me, he also chased me around and asked me for dinner and kept telling me he wanted me, I didn’t want him. Now he’s friends with you, yes I probably picked the wrong idiot but now Rakim is going to be on your ass with his stupid mob” I shrugged in annoyance “why you tell me this about Drake? You’re here telling me drake wanted you, but you declined him, you dislike that I am friends with him anyways and you told me this to piss me off, I’ll take Rakim ass out, I don’t give a fuck. I’ll do it again but don’t ever come to me and stand in front of me and tell me what man wanted you, got it!?” I lost my temper “crying to me saying people assumed you was this and that but you here in my face telling me this, you know we get on and you dislike that but now you telling me he wanted your pussy, you’re telling your husband this? Me!?” Who does she think she is speaking too; I allow her to speak shit but she is doing too much “speak then!? How many people have you actually slept with in Hollywood? Who next, who liked you now. I mean what I fucking said Robyn, watch your mouth when you telling me that shit, now you quiet. Don’t worry I will deal with Rakim but don’t come to me and say that shit to me about Drake liking you when you had all the fucking time in the world to tell me that Robyn! Remember who you’re speaking too!” She walked off, of course she would walk off because that is Robyn all over, she needs to understand she is speaking to her husband and telling me who want her pussy, I am already pissed that Rakim is bringing her into this, I will kill a nigga for her.
Walking back into the living room “where is she?” I asked, “she went upstairs” Rylee is crying and she went upstairs “Chris, why you both arguing?” My mom asked “because she forgets who she is speaking too, she needs to know her place sometimes. I let her get away with everything she says to me, I allow it because I am just that guy, but she is pushing and pushing. I am that nigga and I won’t be pushed over no matter what you both say, fuck that. Why she left Rylee crying for” is she actually being real right now, walking around the couch and my phone started to ring also in my hand it’s of course Drake, now I am not mad at him, I am mad my wife. Stood at the bottom of the steps “Robyn!?” I shouted, answering his call “Ayo” I answered, “I say we roll up on his crew, I mean he didn’t have to mention Rih” now I feel annoyed him speaking on her “one second” muting my speaker “Robyn!” I shouted again, she finally appeared at the top “Rylee is crying, pick her up. Be a mother, you’re constantly running because now I stated something, come down and deal with her” I pointed, unmuting the call “yeah what you saying? I got something for his ass, I beat his ass once I can do it again. The nigga is five foot nothing, fuck him. I need go though, speak soon” disconnecting the call, walking off as Robyn came down, I am just pissed off about everything because she does constantly nag me and demand I can’t do this and that and I take it, but she is pushing me.
I’ve messaged Rocky and I’ll even give him my address because I ain’t taking that shit from him, Robyn doesn’t want it to be public and she wants it to be all low-key so here I am just trying resolve this with him, tapping on his message this nigga sent me his mobile number. I ain’t scared of him so there is that, copying his number and pasting it to call him. The call rang out “I should have known your bitch ass would call ASAP, without an ounce of time wasted nigga” he thinks he’s fucking funny “why wouldn’t I call you? I ain’t scared of a midget, I already beat you my nigga. Come on now, you want another beat down. You are talking about my wife nigga! You are talking about my wife! You fucking want a death wish! You are speaking on my wife” I am so angry “the fucking truth, it happened! You started this shit, I had your wife or whatever she is, call me begging me to not press charges on your ass, please don’t start with me. How you feel that I had your wife begging, ain’t the first and it ain’t the last, I’m just that pretty. She loves me then you came out of nowhere and think you can clown me. I don’t even need to get my hands dirty, I got Harlem on you” I’m gonna hurt him “don’t speak on my wife; I am telling you now. I don’t care what army you got, you pussy that is why you need that shit bro. I don’t need anyone, I just need you to come to me, you scared bro” Rocky laughed down the phone “I ain’t scared, you all mad at facts my nigga, you and that Jew motherfucker thinking y’all funny and now you upset at facts? You looking stupid, I am the same nigga telling your wife I am happy for her, I text her those words and her stupid dumb husband want to talk shit!? No disrespect to my ex but you a clown nigga, I dare you to beat me, I get your ass back in jail and I’ll take your family nigga” throwing my phone across the room, it hit the wall, but I am pissed. He is right I can’t do shit, now I am pissed.
He practically said Robyn still texts him, that is what I heard, and he said that, she never said he told her anything like that or that she has his number, but god forbid that I have a single female in my phone, I am pissed off and I should maybe stay away from Robyn because I am very angry, she got me looking stupid “son, come here. Let’s talk” I am so lost right now, I want to snap on Robyn but then I don’t want too because I know that I have already upset her so I don’t want to say anything to her but I am angry “come on” my dad put his arm around me “let’s talk son” she has his number still “Chris, why are you harassing Rakim. Seriously?” I didn’t need Robyn to be coming down, this is the worst thing to do, pushing my dad’ hand away “why the fuck are you coming to me! About him! Are you fucking real right now, you have been messaging him behind my back and have his number, honestly. Get out of my face until I have calm down” I really don’t need to be in her space and for her to be in mine “come on now!” my dad yanked me “both of you just need to stay away at this moment, no more” my dad is not having it now.
I don’t like to smoke weed in front of my dad so we both just sat outside saying nothing, it’s cold out here too but I am angry “you’re shivering, can we just go in?” shaking my head, I am that angry that I am warm “the thing is right, with Robyn. I let her do what she pleases, I am very easy going with her because I love her dad, she is very headstrong and she tells me off and again, I allow her to be that way. Not like in a way she belittles me but I let her, you get it? I allow her too dad, what pissed me off here is that she started speaking on Drake. Now me and Drake get on, I know Robyn dislikes him, but she mentioned that he used to chase her, that he wanted to be with her. He liked her, how she come out with that shit now dad!? Because I know her, she said it to piss me off and to get me away from him, I am angry and then speaking to her fucking ex, he is telling he has her number. He is happy for her, now her ass comes downstairs and says about Rocky, how does she know? She knows because she is speaking to him, how does that make me feel. I want to kill him dad, I am too angry to be even near Robyn. What gets me is that I let her talk to me as she does, I let her disallow me to go places and do things, but she is here messaging random men” my dad is letting me rant on but I am very pissed off, maybe it’s something that has annoyed me because I do like being my own man and I allowed her to take over that.
Shit is wack but my dad and I went inside because of course it’s cold outside “let’s just speak here, I have listened to you and heard you out Chris, but you do need to realise what you say and your reaction to it really doesn’t look good, what I am saying is that in anger you are shouting, she isn’t shouting so easily the woman becomes the innocent party. You lost control when you shout, you are angry and I understand that son, but you cannot speak to a woman the way you do, you are full of rage. You want to fight; you threw your phone. Your mother and I are not going to come between you both, but you need to speak to her, you need to work together. I am different, I can be quiet for so long and accept your mother and listen to her rants, but we didn’t have things like social media to fuel things. I have had arguments with her, but my tone is never chaotic, that is when I know I have lost control. I think maybe tonight you stay in a different room, have some space and tomorrow you gather yourselves and first you need to apologise, hear me out what I am saying to you. You need to apologise for your tone but not how you feel, you hear what I said? You feel that way and you need to express that, you say how you feel without being rude or mean ok? Get some sleep, get some rest and not get yourself in more trouble. Do not tell a mother how to raise her child either, I made that mistake once” nodding my head.
My dad is a good man, I am not him either. I am a dickhead, and I am pissed off, I want to go to Harlem and beat his ass, I got fucking Robyn speaking to this dude. I didn’t even know she spoke to her ex, she dislikes Seiko and would get at me but she has him there, I get why she wasn’t angered, she was more angry that her pictures of her sucking my dick was aired out, I get it now, I do. My phone is bust, totally too so I have no phone “I came to get some water” looking behind me, it’s Austin “cool” I mumbled “you know what cuz, you can marry the most beautiful woman in the world. They all the same” I snorted laughing at him saying that “women are women, nothing changes that at all. They will be the same and always be on the same shit, it’s ok for them to do something but not the man, and when you raise your tone it’s my bad? Get that shit out of my face, don’t love. Don’t show love, don’t do love, don’t love. Be a player Austin, live your life, don’t get nobody pregnant either, don’t get married but do not love. Major one, especially one that be having more money then you so it’s a power trip” my plot to kill Rocky isn’t going to happen and I hate that for me, I am just fucking annoyed.
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Five Fics Friday: April 10/20
Hey, everyone!!
Well, I asked on my Twitter and here if y’all wanted to see a special edition 5FF for the Long Weekend since we’re all stuck inside (and some of you stuck with family I’m sure you’d like to avoid or are just tired of seeing), and it was a unanimous YES, because who doesn’t love to curl up all weekend with a good book or fanfic??
So here we are: Fifty fics either pulled out of my ass, recently read, recently bookmarked, or recently Marked for Later! Each section has a count so you know how many are in that section (and it’s for myself when I go to double check the count, LOL). I hope you guys enjoy these!! <3 Love you all, and happy reading :)
As always, read-more will appear on the third reblog. Sorry mobile, please don’t hate me :(
@johnlockficclub APRIL NOMINATIONS (5)
A Beginner's Guide to Apiology. by VictoryCandescence (M, 10,952 w., 1 Ch. || Retirement AU || Friendship, Love, Bees & Beekeeping, Old Age, Dreamy Sexytimes, Angst, Soulmates, Grumpy Sherlock, Magical Realism) – John and Sherlock meet for the first time as old men in Sussex. (to read)
Through the Clouds by Mazarin221b (E, 20,004 w., 6 Ch. || Retirement, Sussex, Bees, Home Improvement, First Time, Romance) – Sherlock takes a remarkably early retirement at 47, and convinces John that a change of pace would do them both good. They buy an old cottage on the South Downs, and exchange their nonstop life in Baker Street for quiet contemplation, bee studies, and book writing. They might go completely insane, but sometimes it takes stepping outside of the life you're living to find the life you want. Part 1 of Through The Clouds (“WINNER” fic)
The Winter Garden by Callie4180 (T, 31,213 w., 13 Ch. || Post-S4, Retirement, Christmas, Slow Burn, Grown-Up Rosie, Parenthood, Rosie’s Cat, Angst with Happy Ending, Holidays, Beekeeping, Magical Realism, Sherlock POV, Sherlock’s Violin, Future Fic, Sussex, Honey, Magical Healing Honey, Love Confessions, Sherlock’s Scar, First Kiss, Touching, Mycroft is Dying) – As Sherlock nears the end of his career, he's given the gift of a cottage in Sussex. The honey from the beehives out back is amazing. Almost...magical.
Where Else Would I Be? by cwb (E, 34,910 w., 10 Ch. || Retirementlock, Domestic Fluff, Falling in Love, Parentlock, Fluff and Smut, Reminiscing) – John and Sherlock's five-year-old granddaughter spends the weekend with them in Sussex. Sherlock happily indulges her whims, and John takes care of them while quietly revisiting the past thirty years of their lives together.
Crimson Hymns by brilliantlyburning (E, 48,982 w., 9 Ch. || Post-S3/TAB, Angst,  Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Drug Addiction, Unhealthy Coping Methods, Demisexual Sherlock, Boxing, Pining, Sensory Processing Issues, Drug Use, First Kiss / Time, BDSM, Mary is Not Good, Parentlock, Proposal, Happy Ending, Beekeeping, Violence, References to Addiction, Poetry) – He laid his head over John’s heart, eyes level with his silver-rough scar, and listened to the crimson hymns beating beneath the surface. He imagined flowers blooming in his own chest: veins weaving intricate patterns on petals of thin muscle engorged with blood, sinew for stems and tendons for roots—the flowers would be poppies, maybe (addictive) or foxglove (deadly yet useful)—twining gleaming blood-red around the porcelain bone of his ribs. In his mind’s eye the gruesome bouquet all tied together on the left side of his chest, the stems bound together in heartstrings and the flowers fed by the rhythmic contraction of ventricles. It’s yours, he imagined saying to John—from the vena cava to the mitral valve to the arteries it is yours.— Or, the Love Song of W. Sherlock S. Holmes. (to read)
Five Times John Watson Remained Oblivious (K+, 1,154 w., 1 Ch. || Five and Ones, Romance, Friendship, Asexual Sherlock, Queerplatonic Relationship) – ...And one time he didn't. asexual!Sherlock/John.
Linger by orphan_account (E, 4,879 w., 1 Ch. || Lingerie, Fluff and Smut, BJ / HJ, Switchlock, Sherlock in Lingerie, Come Play, Dirty Talk, Anal Fingering, Anal/Oral, Implied Shower Sex, Neck Kissing) – Sherlock decides to surprise John after a somewhat stressful day at work.
Given In Evidence by verityburns (M, 5,034 w., 19 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || Post-TRF, Angst, Drama, Case Fic, Romance, BAMF!John, Submissive Sherlock, First Kiss, Humour, Three Garridebs) – Coming back from the dead can be a complicated business. With a new case on the horizon, rebuilding a life is one thing... rebuilding a friendship quite another. For Sherlock and John, things may never be just the same...
Iris by slashscribe (E, 11,948 w., 1 Ch. || Parentlock, Pining Sherlock, Post-S3) – Sherlock does his best to make John happy when John comes back to 221B with his new baby after the events of Season 3, but Sherlock has a track record of getting things wrong in this area. This story is an exploration of their gradual shift from friends to lovers, told from Sherlock's perspective, full of a lot of pining and lack of emotional awareness.
Fucking Cake by Random_Nexus (E, 12,965 w., 1 Ch. || Pre-Slash, Humour/Crack, Inanimate Object Smut, Frottage, “For a Case” / “Experiment”, PWP / Kinky, Mutual Pining, Fluff) – Sherlock brings home a chocolate cake, John finds him about to have sex with said cake, then exceedingly weird hijinx ensue. Part 1 of "Fucking Baked Goods" - Sherlock BBC
Guardian and Assistant by I_Have_No_Clue (M, 1,229 w., 1 Ch. || Omegaverse || Blow Jobs, PWP, Alpha Sherlock/Omega John, Mentions of Heat) – In this A/O world, ever Alpha, Beta, and Omega have a Type to them that describes the traits they have. John tries to figure out Sherlock's. Part 1 of the Types series
Bonneville Black by HollyShadow88 (E, 3,362 w., 1 Ch. || Established Relationship, Motorcycles, Motorcycle Sex, Public Blow Jobs, Semi-Public Sex) – John discovers that Sherlock has a motorbike. He also discovers that he finds Sherlock on a motorbike to be unreasonably attractive.
Code 221b by whitchry9 (T, 6,528 w., 11 Ch. || S1 Canon Compliant, Medical, Paramedics, Hurt/Comfort, Outsider POV) – Sherlock Holmes is well known to the paramedics of London. So when John Watson comes into the picture, it seems like a fantastic solution. Someone would take care of Sherlock and prevent all those problems. Of course, they didn't think about what would happen if John was hurt. (They really should have.)  Part 1 of the The Patron Saint of Idiots series
Permanent Fixture by vitruvianwatson (E, 18,836 w., 9 Ch || Post-S4, Parentlock, Slow Build, Friends to Lovers, They’re Good Parents, Blushing Sherlock, First Kiss/Time, Explicit Consent, Sexual Content) – Now, as Rosie sat curled up against Sherlock’s side, John watched and wondered exactly how he had ended up here. Domesticity had never suited him before, not at any point in his life. His disastrous marriage had been proof of that. But somehow, here in the warmth and safety of 221B Baker Street, here with Sherlock Holmes reading medical jargon to his daughter, Sherlock’s bony feet nudging against his leg, John couldn’t imagine anyplace that would make him happier.
Sex Shop Quartet Series by testosterone_tea (E, 28,180+ w. across 3 works || Series WiP || First Kiss/Time, POV John, Sex Toys, Sex Talk, Anal Play, Anal Beads, Anal Fingering, Awkward Sexual Situations, Rimming, Inexperienced Sherlock, Oral Sex, Developing Relationship, Love Confessions, PWP, Bondage, Handcuffs, Praise Kink, BDSM, Kink Negotiation, Edgeplay, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Orgasm Denial, Ice / Wax Play, Blindfolds, Emotional Love Making, Teabagging, Riding Crops, Impact Play, Intercrural Sex, Roleplay, Spanking, Collars) – Sherlock goes undercover at a sex shop but finds he has no idea what any of the toys are for. Cue John Watson, awkward sexual conversations and some unfortunate incidents involving too much plug and not enough lube. But all's well that ends well and Sherlock gets the best happy ending of all.
Roll Away Your Stone by foxxcub (E, 39,463 w., 1 Ch. || Downey Holmes || Boarding School AU) – Seventeen-year-old John Watson is set to finish his final year of school with a flourish, until the headmaster assigns John as a "tutor" to an arrogant, yet brilliant new student named Sherlock Holmes. Holmes is not about to be put in his place by this popular rugby football player with the too-blue eyes, and John isn't going to let this impulsive fifteen-year-old get away with anything. Neither expects to become friends, but a series of unexpected events and a possible murder mystery bring them closer together than either of them thought possible.
I Believe in Sherlock Holmes by Ranowa (T, 63,038 w., 10 Ch. || S3 Fix It, Hurt Sherlock, Implied/Referenced Torture, Homeless Network, Alcohol Abuse, No Mary, Bit-Not-Good/Angry John, Protective Mycroft, Angst with Happy Ending, Non-Linear Narrative, Major Character Injury, Recovery, Forgiveness, Sherlock’s a Mess) – John's been angry at Sherlock since the day he turned up wearing a fake mustache and a tuxedo. He's still angry, even as he moves back into 221B, and he never hesitates to let Sherlock know it.One day, Sherlock stops saying sorry, and walks out instead.One day, Sherlock wakes up handcuffed in the boot of a car, and John doesn't know, because John's been angry at him for so long he's forgotten that he's not the only one that's hurting.
I'm coming home, John. -SH Series by Ranowa (M, 67,247 w. across 3 works || Post-TRF, Angry John, Idiots in Love, No Mary, Drug Use/Substance Abuse, Emotional Rollercoaster, Violence, Implied/Referenced Torture, PTSD Sherlock, Recovery, Sherlock’s Violin, Angst with Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort, Asexual Sherlock) – In the two years after Sherlock throws himself off the roof of St. Bart's, crunches into the pavement below, and dies in John's arms, John starts texting.He doesn't know that his text messages are being read.
Roommates are for little people by alexxphoenix42 (E, 69,042 w., 14 Ch. || Teen/Unilock || Forced to Share a Bed, Pining, Hurt/Comfort, Fake Relationship, Sherlock is a Prick, Drinking, Inadvertent Drug Use, Family Wedding, Footballer John / Ballet Dancer Sherlock, Frottage, Slow Burn, Mild Dub Con, Cuddling While Sleeping, Slight Homophobia, Posh Boy, Dirty Dancing, Endearments, Nosy FAmily, Bathing Together, Mild Angst, UST/RST, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Fluff) – John was looking forward to seeing his friends back at uni, but a new year brings new complications, not the least of which is a dorm room with only one bed, and a stroppy roommate with an utterly spectacular arse. God, John doesn't need the headache.
Gold Rush by ShirleyCarlton (E, 71,783 w., 17 Ch. || Post S3 / No Mary, Friends to Lovers, Mentions of Past Sexual Abuse, First Kiss, Case Fic, Slow Burn, Alternating POV, Switchlock, Angst with Happy Ending, Marriage Proposal, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Abduction) – John has divorced Mary and pops round to 221B one evening to find Sherlock in the middle of a case. As Sherlock tries to find the identity of a young woman’s stalker, John realises he can no longer deny his feelings for Sherlock – which then, to their befuddlement, turn out to be mutual. Shy kisses and tentative embraces ensue. But will Sherlock be able to cast off a shadow from his past that he thinks might prevent John from wanting to stay?
Scheherezade by sgam76 (G, 197,576 w., 45 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || Post-TRF/Pre-TSo3, PTSD Sherlock, Implied/Referenced Torture, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Humour, Protective John, Papa Lestrade, Big Brother Mycroft, BAMF John, BAMF Sherlock, Aftermath of Serbia, Past Child Abuse, Childhood Memories, Drunk Sherlock, Canon Compliant, Suicidal Thoughts / Attempt) – Sherlock is home, he and John are returning to cases, and all's right with the world--right? But a series of minor mishaps and injuries makes two things very clear to his friends and family: first, Sherlock's time away wasn't the grand adventure everyone has assumed it was; and second, that time has left Sherlock with a legacy that's bleeding into his life today. Sherlock is Not Okay, and it's not going away. Part 1 of the Scheherezade 'verse series
POSTED THIS YEAR [WiP’s & Full] (19)
A Bowl of Comfort (Store-Bought is Fine) by tepidspongebath (T, 763 w., 1 Ch. || Food, Comfort, Domesticity, Fluff) – “When did you last eat?” “What day is it?” “Oh, for god’s sake - you can’t keep skipping meals like this, Sherlock.” “It’s Lent.” “And since when do you care about Lent?” “Since you get chocolate eggs at Easter.” (to read)
End of the Curve by doctor_not_your_girlfriend (T, 833 w., 1 Ch. || COVID-19, One Shot, Medical Realism, Major Illness, Recovery, Optimism, Disability, Needles) – July, 2021. Mycroft has a special delivery for Sherlock. Inspired by Proving A Point by elldotsee, J_Baillier. (to read)
Love Is A Smoke by J_Baillier (T, 3,617 w., 4 Ch. || Heavy Angst, Pining, Romance, MCD) – It's spring in 2036. John and Sherlock are no longer together. Sherlock attempts to cope — or doesn't. (to read)
A Study in Beard by Loveismyrevolution (T, 3,810 w., 1 Ch. || Established Relationship, Fluff and Humour, Experiments, Beards, Idiots in Love, Quarantine) – Sherlock has to face the consequences of using up all of their shaving foam. Which turns out to be more fun than expected. Boys being boys, nothing can go without a challenge. Although, being isolated presents a problem. How will they determine the winner? Part 2 of the Hairy Situations at 221B series (to read)
Isolated by CarmillaCarmine (G, 3,926, 3/4 Ch. || WiP || Quarantine From Virus, Fluff, Idiots in Love, Bi-Panic, Cuddling & Snuggling, Coming Out, Bathing/Washing, Bubble Bath, Kissing) – Due to an ongoing pandemic, John and Sherlock find themselves isolated at 221B. (to read)
Sherlock's Solution by PipMer (T, 4,125 w., 1 Ch, || Fluff, Romance, Friends to Lovers, Isolation/Quarantine, Pining, Miscommunication, First Kiss) – Sherlock and John are stuck in quarantine. Against all expectations, John is the one who goes stir-crazy first. Sherlock has a unique solution to the problem. (to read)
The Unexpected Threat by J_Baillier (T, 4,283 w., 1 Ch. || Military AU / Pacific Rim Fusion || Established Relationship, Medical Conditions, Coronaviruses, Doctor John, Bratty Sherlock, Romance, Science Fiction, Futuristic Medicine, Ghost Drifting AKA Telepathy, Medical Hurt/Comfort, Sexual Healing) – The kaiju are not the only threat to the security and well-being of the staff of PPDC's Chard's Rift base. It's the year 2050, and a coronavirus epidemic sweeping the planet has reached The Azores. Part 4 of the At The Edge of Our Hope (to read)
Quarantine by wendymarlowe (T, 6,444+ w., 20/? Ch. || WiP || COVID-19, Forced Isolation / Quarantine, John’s Blog, Humour) – John and Sherlock are stuck at 221B together due to coronavirus concerns. Sherlock slowly drives John barmy. (to read)
Stranded by BeautifulFiction (T, 5,798 w., 1 Ch. || First Kiss, Communication / Relationship Discussion, Pining Sherlock, Sherlock POV, BAMF John, Doctor John, Case Fic, Drinking, Huddling For Warmth, Friends to More) –  When stranded on a derelict barge at high tide, John and Sherlock reconsider their friendship.
Attentions, Experiments, Oddnesses by hubblegleeflower (E, 6,383 w., 1 Ch. || Friends to Lovers, Experiments, Frottage, Mutual Masturbation, Kissing, First Time) – John is behaving oddly, and Sherlock hopes it means what he thinks it means, but he has several theories and could well be missing some of the facts. (to read)
Casualty by Silvergirl (E, 12,051 w., 4 Ch. || Canon Compliant Until T6T, Mary’s Dead, Trauma/Comfort, John’s a Good Friend, Friends to Lovers, First Kiss/Time, Sherlock Learns Teamwork, Parentlock) – Sherlock renders assistance at a hit-and-run and is left deeply shocked. When the accident turns into a case, John moves back in to 221b to help—and finds that Sherlock has way oversold his image as an emotionless thinking machine. (to read)
The Night Riviera from Paddington to Penzance and Back Again by  Iwantthatcoat (M, 12,918 w., 5 Ch. || Post-S4, Hurt/Comfort Emotional Hurt/Comfort, BAMF John, Devil's Foot Adaptation, Hallucinations, Oral Sex) – Mrs Hudson has decided her boys need a little vacation together (after the events of S4) away from London and has booked them an inordinately (per Sherlock) long train ride from Paddington Station to Penzance. (to read)
A Gossamer Dream by CarmillaCarmine (E, 15,985 w., 4 Ch. || Writer/Teacher AU || First Meetings, Friends to Lovers, Writer John / Teacher Sherlock, Fluff, London, Holding Hands, Online Friendship / Romance, Phone Sex, Anal Sex, Happy Ending) – Sherlock had never realised one could care so much about someone they'd never met in person. Now he is about to meet the friend with whom he's been chatting online for months and his anticipation is reaching a crescendo. (to read)
Contrition by sussexbound (E, 18,556+ w., 5/? Ch. || WiP || Post-S4/TFP Didn’t Happen, Rosie Doesn’t Exist, T6T/TLD is Canon, Year After TLD, Light BDSM, Soft Dom Sherlock / Sub John, Punishment, Light Bondage, Light Masochism / No Sadism, Love Confessions, First Kiss, Tenderness, Aftercare, Forgiveness, Edging, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Mutual Masturbation, Hand Jobs, Anal Fingering, Rimming, Frottage, Communication, Sexual Negotiation, Sexual Tension, Spanking, Head Injury, Anal Sex) – “You’ve been tense ever since we got back, itching for a fight, all your usual tells, but why…?” The truth strikes like lightning. “Oh… Oh! You’re not angry at me. Not this time. Well—maybe a little. But mostly, mostly you’re angry at yourself. Why? For falling behind? For not being there in time. For not taking Wilkes down fast enough?” Sherlock waves a dismissive hand. “It doesn’t really matter.” He lifts a finger to his swollen cheek and cut eyebrow. “You blame yourself for this. And you offered to fix it. But I wouldn’t let you, and… But that’s not what you really want, anyway, is it?” John looks stunned, a deer caught in the headlights of an oncoming lorry, frozen, waiting for the lethal strike. “You don’t want me to let you help. At least not right away. No. What you want, what you really want is—punishment.” (to read)
Feeling Seen by jadztone (E, 30,177 w., 9 Ch. || Ballet!Sherlock / Rugby!John, Demisexuality, Virgin John, Experienced Sherlock, Toplock, Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn, Background Molly/Irene & Greg/Sally) – Rugby player John is starting over at a new university, with the help of friends Molly and Bill. Few people know that John is demisexual, but ballet dancer Sherlock Holmes deduces right away that he has no interest in sex unless he’s fallen in love. John finds this strange genius intriguing and would like to get to know him, but Sherlock has a self-cultivated reputation for only wanting casual sex. John has reason to believe that’s not really true, but he’s not sure he wants to risk his twice-fractured heart to find out. (to read)
Sanguineous Serendipity by CarmillaCarmine (E, 34,783 w., 14 Ch. || Vampire AU || Alternate First Meeting, Turning a Character, Vampire Sherlock, Captain John, POV John, Feeding, Blood Drinking, Crossdressing Sherlock, Genderfluid Character, Sherlock in Heels, Transphobic Behaviour, Emotional Hurt / Comfort, Soulmates, Romance, Happy Ending) – Vampire Sherlock meets a dying John in a field hospital in Afghanistan and gives him a whole new life. (to read)
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse by SilentAuror (E, 50,635 w., 1 Ch. || Post-S4/S4 Divergence, Case Fic, For a Case / Reverse Fake-Relationship, Conferences, Marriage Equality, Travelling / New York, Pride, Homophobia, Bottomlock, Marriage Proposal, John POV, Sexuality, Love Confessions, Emotional Love Making, Public Hand Jobs, Blow Jobs, Passionate Kissing, Needy/Clingy Sherlock, Virgin Sherlock, Touching / Hand Holding, Bed Sharing, Little Spoon Sherlock, Intense Orgasms) – John and Sherlock go to New York to attend a conference run by the National Defence of Traditional Marriage Coalition in order to investigate the potential bombing of the annual Manhattan Pride parade. As the conference unfolds, John finds himself repulsed by the toxic ideology being presented, which becomes relevent to his own unacknowledged issues and his friendship with Sherlock...
Next Right: Welcome to Westbound Rest Area 818 by elwinglyre (E, 59,874+ w., 13/15 Ch. || WiP || American Unilock AU || Bunk Beds, Anonymous Sex, Homophobia, Closeted John, Roommates, Angst with Happy Ending, Idiots in Love, Music, Rape/Non-Con, Hurt John, BAMF John) – Sherlock Holmes dreams of escape from his smothering family and space to breathe. Studying chemistry at the University of Michigan, he's almost far enough away to fill his lungs. Almost. While John Watson dreams of being a doctor, he also dreams of being with another man. John knows that with hard work and study, he can make the first a reality, but he's certain the second can never be. Until a secret encounter in the dark at Rest Area 818 changes everything. When Sherlock meets his new roommate, John Watson, he sees a man in the closet. Sherlock hides from no one. Except from his own family, a detective inspector who wants his evidence returned, and his secret encounter at Rest Area 818. Thank you to recently folded who lovingly beta’d chapters 1-5 and helped with an important plot point that deeply enriches this story. Also thank you to hotshoeagain for beta'ing the rest of the story.Setting late 1970s, Michigan, USA. POV third person alternates between John Watson and Sherlock Holmes. (to read)
Thermocline by J_Baillier (M, 83,557 w., 14 Ch. || Scuba Diving AU || Adventure, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Marine Archaeology, Asexual Sherlock, Horny John, Relationship Drama, Technical/Scuba/Wreck Diving, Slow Burn, Underwater /  Medical Peril, Doctor John, Hurt Sherlock, Anxious Sherlock, John POV, Protective John, Body Appreciation) – John "Five Oceans" Watson — technical dive instructor, dive accident analyst and weapon of mass seduction — meets recluse professor of maritime archaeology Holmes. As they head out to a remote archipelago off the coast of Guatemala to study and film its shipwrecks for a documentary, will sparks fly or fizzle out?
Talk by illwick (E, 6,364 w., 1 Ch. || Dirty Talk, John’s Giant Junk, PWP, Light BDSM, Size Kink, Oral / Anal, Rough Sex, Dirty Talk, Established Rel.) – Sherlock was never much for dirty talk... until an unexpected visit yields unexpected results. Part 20 of Unwind
Ghost Stories by SwissMiss (M, 22,256 w., 1 Ch. || Pining, Holmes Family, Christmas, Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn, Bed Sharing, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, First Time) – Sherlock's parents think he and John are a couple. They might be onto something.
Pater Noster by SilentAuror (E, 34,256 w., 2 Ch. || Case Fic, HLV/S3 Fix It Fic, Family Trauma, Sherlock POV, Villain Mary) – During the autumn that John is staying at Baker Street again after Sherlock was shot, he ruminates over the similarity between Sherlock's shot and the one that killed his father when he was fifteen. Cold case meets series 3 fix-it. Part I takes place entirely within His Last Vow, Part II takes place starting at the end of HLV and continues after.
The Homecoming Series by sussexbound (M, 51,744 w. across 12 stories, WIP || Domestics, PTSD, Love Confessions, Hurt/Comfort, Cuddling, Jealousy, Family Issues) – Sometimes home is all you need. After three years of horror, betrayals, and crushing loss, John and Sherlock find their way back home to one another, and together find new footing in a world that has changed forever.
The Green Blade by verityburns (T, 72,929 w., 15 Ch. || Case Fic, Bromance) – As a serial killer hits the headlines, the police are out of their depth and the next victim is out of time. With faith in Sherlock Holmes at an all time low, this is a case which will push loyalties to the limit...
All Roads Lead To You by TardisIsTheOnlyWayToTravel (T, 2,549 w., 2 Ch.|| Pining Crowley, Oblivious Aziraphale, Love Confessions, Feelings, Resolved Romantic Tension, Rescuing, Happy Ending, Snake Crowley, Magic Bracelets, POV Aziraphale) – It had taken Aziraphale quite some time to find the presence he had been looking for, but here he was, in the Reptile House of the London Zoo. As an angel, Aziraphale shouldn’t have been finding amusement in the discomfort of another, but he couldn’t help but do so as he was glared at by a very familiar snake. “Oh my dear,” Aziraphale murmured, “how ever did you end up in this situation?”
The slowest moving object in the universe by chamyl (G, 4,996 w., 1 Ch. || God POV, Mutual Pining, Idiots in Love, Beach Day, Games, Light Humour, Tenderness, Embarassed Crowley, Soft Idiots, First Kiss, Love Confessions) – Crowley and Aziraphale have had feelings for each other for a very long time. It takes a date at the lake and a round of 36 Questions That Lead To Love to give them the final push.
Wings and How to Hide Them by triedunture (M, 10,134 w., 1 Ch. || Mutual Pining, First Time, Love Confessions, Body Swap, Wing Kink, Idiots In Love) – Crowley's been annoyingly in love for six thousand years. What's another lifetime between friends? Or: Aziraphale definitely fucks and isn't that just perfect?
Souls In Creation by Dragonfruit112 (NR [M], 23,110 w., 6 Ch. || Aziraphale was Raphael, Hurt/Comfort, Angst With Happy Ending, True Angel Forms, Memory Loss/Amnesia, Seraph!Aziraphale, Cherub!Crowley, Moments of Time, Pining Aziraphale, Deaths, Disasters Through History, Whump, Taking Care of Each Other, Friendship, Mates to Friends to Mates, Bed Sharing, Sick Crowley, Healing Powers, BAMF Aziraphale) – They knew each other before the Fall. They loved each other before the Fall. They were creation's first soul mates. But the Fall changed everything, and now Aziraphale is forced to live in a world where only he remembers their shared past. Burdened by pain and grief, he hides himself under the guise of a clumsy Principality until he can make his love remember once more. Only, he doesn't know how long that'll take.
Any Way You Want It by LieutenantLiv (M, 27,585 w., 5 Ch. || Holidays, Slow Burn, Fluff, First Time, Eventual Smut, Swimming, Dreams of Dancing, Kissing in the Rain, Self-Esteem Issues, Misunderstandings, Crying Love Confessions, Soft Crowley, Clingy Crowley, Virgin Aziraphale, Romance) – Saving the world is exhausting work. With Heaven and Hell off their backs, it seems as good a time as any for Crowley and Aziraphale to take a proper break. Neither one of them predicts the direction their holiday takes.Who'd have thought that sharing a cottage in Scotland would be quite so romantic?
99 notes · View notes
varian-varient · 4 years
“I-I-I... to s-say... to tel-l you... I-I mean...”
Gift for @kingtamakimurder!! <3 HAPPY VALENTINES DAY. I LOVE YOU.
1- I know cherry blossoms do not bloom in February, it just fits my vision. 2- Yes, it’s 110% Valentines in the ficlette, I started this a while ago and thought I would finish this sooner than Christmas. 3- Please teach me how to format on mobile. 4- lmao y’all, good luck reading the confession, you have to fill in the stutter and pauses better than I could write.
Word Count: 2,400-ish.
KISSES!!! (ɔˆ ³(ˆ⌣ˆc)
It tumbled out of your locker when you were talking to Nejire. You didn’t notice it at first, but the gasp she made was enough to make you worry. She held your arm and jumped, repeating “oh my god!” in your ear in various pitches and volumes.
“Meet me under the old Cherry Blossom tree by Ground Xi during lunch?”
You think she squealed louder than you did. The little note was perfect- the script was neat and well practiced, something you don’t think you could recognize and the missing signature didn’t help. The little drawing of the bunny at the bottom was adorable, and oddly familiar. You held it too your face and smiled- it smelled like vanilla. You hoped it was from him...
Valentine’s Day was the only day where people could fawn over all the crushes they had without being ridiculed. However, you still couldn’t tell yours. He was... a work in progress, some times. But he was worth the work and time. His smile, his laughter, everything was worth every second it took to make him smile. Tamaki was your everything- even if you weren’t his.
You started to like him after your first year Sports Festival. After walking to the stage to fight you, he got nervous after some of the other students cheered both of you on and he accidentally activated his quirk- chicken wings to hide himself, but he was an angel. For the rest of the battle you couldn’t stop thinking about how... angelic, perfect, absolutely beautiful he looked. He eventually just knocked you out of the ring, muttering a thousand apologies. It was when he got to the final battle with Mirio did he actually fight.... kidding- those idiots played three rounds of “Rock, Paper, Scissors” and decide the winner off of that. Tamaki won.
But that was 2 years ago! You couldn’t harbor feelings like this for going on 3 years! ......... It was a lie and you knew it; Mirio and Nejire knew it; the class knew it; the teachers knew it; the only one who didn’t know it was Tamaki himself. You would laugh at his jokes, smile at him, wave to him, made sure his comments were taken care of in group activities if Mirio wasn’t around, ask him questions about his day or weekend, have him know that someone was watching out for him.
Few times did you talked to him alone- you felt your face flush thinking about him- he would turn away and nod to questions or comments. Hardly would he actually respond back to you. Sometimes, on days he’s was flushed and sick, he would avoid you all together. It was nice to think he was afraid of getting you sick too.
As you left to leave for class, you ran into Mirio and Tamaki talking in a mostly empty hallway. Mirio was giving Tamaki his daily pep talk, but this one looked more personal. A loud “YOU GAVE IT TO HER?” echoed, pride and terror both laced Mirio’s tone. As they locked eyes with you, Tamaki shied away against a window. You waved, but only one waved back- almost robotic and forced for the situation. Passing by them, you smiled to Tamaki. He only gave a half smile back- and with the small glimpse of his face you saw, he was as red as you could remember him to be. What a horrible day to get sick on...
You walked the rest of the way to class, mostly lost in thought, even with Nejire beating on your arm. Crossing paths with your homeroom teacher, Present Mic, you silently greeted him with a lovesick smile on your face. Nejire walked in behind you, talking her head off about anything and everything. You over heard a quick “Did he...? Oh my god! He did?!” and “Yes! He did!” from Nejire and Mic. Those two could gossip together more than any other student.
As you sat and got your desk ready for class, you spaced out thinking about the note, and Tamaki, and who ever else you could think of who could have writen it. There was the electric blond from 1-A; the shadow girl from 2-C; the one student from 2-B you sometimes tutored; but everything lead to Tama-
“So? You gonna go?” Nejire whispered loudly, catching you out of thought. She pulled a chair up to your desk and sprawled a crossed your table. You looked up and away from her- accidently catching Mic-Sensei; his grin was enough to make you give up. You titled your head a little, looking away from Mic, and signed. “I’ll go, but it would feel like cheating on my feelings...if I said yes.” you whispered back. Nejire sat up straight, determination on her face. She gave you a small frown and opened her mouth to make another comment.
“What about cheating?” A voice boomed out before she could though, it was Mirio with Tamaki behind him. You gave both boys a better greeting from the first as Nejire beamed at them, waving her arms and talked louder than she needed to. “Our little one here got a confession note!” Nejire gushed about. “It fell out her locker in front of her face and she didn’t even see it. And it’s got the cutest little bunny on it, and she keeps smelling it!” Most of the class comments died down, and looked at the four of you waiting on the rest of the commotion.
“S-smelling it?” Tamaki murmured, his cheeks were a slightly less shade of pink as you locked eyes. He turned on his heels and walked to his seat, not letting anyone talk to him. He knocked his head to the top of his desk, and wrapped his arms around himself. His ears peaked from behind his hair- red as the octopus he eats. Nauseous...?
Classes were more than uneventful. More homework, no hero training for the day. Something or another about a request from the other girls. Most teacher didn’t do anything and let people talk quietly. Earserhead came by last second before lunch to ask for Tamaki, you didn’t know why but the class held their breath at it. For once was Tamaki confident, walking out with one of the most hard teachers.
They left for the hallway, the class erupted in comments. “Do you think...”, “It has to be, he’s friends with the red kid.”, “Holy shit, she’s not going to believe it.”, “This is gonna be like a fairytale!” Little comments pulled you to and from person to person. What was Tamaki going to do? Did he get in trouble? Who is “she”? What has Kirishima to do with it? Your head was swamped with dread, thinking that he was in trouble.
The lunch bell rang and the class ran out of the room. Giggles and the noise following. Nejire stayed behind with you- watching you scarf down the bento you pack- thanks to your quirk you had been limited on what you can eat. She talked enough the fill the silence as you ate. Mostly about her hair, or her nails, or how Yuyu has been doing, or her training.
“For someone afraid to cheat on your feelings, you’re excited enough to go see the note writer!” was the last comment you heard before you booked it out of the classroom. Waving her a salut, you ran down the empty hallway. “Yeah,” you thought. “I’m waiting for Tamaki.”
Finding the tree was easy- it is the only tree as old as quirks itself. Generations upon generations of flowers blooming from its branches. No one was under it yet, you were alone- happily. You steadied your breath once and you walked back and forth, in front of the tree.
Was it just the wind or did you it feel like the blossoms were falling much quicker around you alone? None of the other flowers from other trees were falling as quickly. Trying to look up, the sunlight glared at you to look back down.
You stood, bouncing and walking back and forth, waiting- for what could have felt like hours. Checking your phone, you see that it’s only been 20 minutes. Just long enough for someone to eat, normally, and make their way over to the tree, when not running. You brushed your hands against your face, reminding yourself to breath. They would come when they were ready.
They would come and it would be fine- the writer of the note would be coming and you’d look cute and if it wasn’t Tamaki, you’d gently let them down, and if it was Tamaki, you wouldn’t cry and let him talk first- but if this was a jok-
“L-Lost in th-though-t a-a-again, Bun-Bunny?” a timid voice got you out of the scatterbrained thoughts. You locked eyes with the same shade indigo you were just thinking of. It didn’t click to you who it even was- blinking away. He laughed silently, watching at the gears turned before the lightbulb clicked on.
“Ta-Ta-Tama!” You took a few steps back, and bumped into the tree. You were so ready for it to be him, but now? Now you lost everything you wanted to say to him. Blank minded, you could stare.
He jumped back at same time you did. The slight of his cool demeanor gone. He grasped his hands and pulled at his fingers, a trick Mirio taught him to calm down. Taking a heavy breath, he stayed staring at the ground and begin his nervous rant.
“I-I wasn’t sure i-if you would ev-en come. Mirio sai-d I shoul-d tell you bef-before the year en-ded, but I... wasn’t sure if you-you wanted to... be w-with... me. Fat Gum tol-told me that I-I would re-regret it if... I didn’t tel-l you s-oon, since I see you ev-ery-day and may not-not get to see you as oft-often af-ter grad-gradu-ation- with us becom-becoming heroes and all.... And Kiri-Kirishi-ma and other fir-first years ke-kept giv-ing me re-really b-bad ideas t-to con-fess to... you. Yaya sai-d thi-is would be be-best.” He took a small break and kept talking. He rocked himself; from one foot to the other, and back and forth from his heels to his toes.
“Bu-t I-I did-n’t wa-nt to... em-barr-ass you a-and m-ma-ke you so un-uncom-forta-ble that-that you woul-d leave... me. You’re jus-t ama-zing, a-and st-rong, a-and you nev-never gi-give up t-to anyth-thing. You al-alway-s put other-other people fir-first.” He was rambling and shying himself away. His stutter was getting worse with every passing word.
“Tama, slow down... I would always be here for you...” you knew what he was getting at, but right now you didn’t want him to put you on this pedestal. You just wanted to help him before he launched himself into a panic. He gave a small huff, he looked down harder, twitteling his hands together then grabbing his pants. You reached forwards to grab him, before he wrinkled his pants or ripped them from his grasp, but he took a step back from you. His head still hung low.
“I-I-I... to s-say... to tel-l you... I-I mean...” His stutter was worse. He wasn’t shaking yet, but he has going to be getting there soon. You took another step forward, but he took another step back- he didn’t want the comfort, he wanted to do this. You raised one of your hands out to him, letting him come to you instead. Giving him the softest smile you could, reminding him you’re still you and still here for him. He let go of his pants and grabbed your outstretched hand and just pressed his lips to your knuckle for a few seconds. Letting go of your hand and taking a deep breath, he looked up and looked you in the eyes.
“I wanted to tell you I like you, Bunny.”
For once he didn’t stutter. You collapsed against him and grabbed the back of his shirt, and began to sniffle to stop yourself from crying. Baring your face into his chest- vanilla eloping your mind. He wrapped his arms around you and nervously called for you. You felt yourself begin to tear up anyways. The note was his- this was his declaration to you.
“B-Bunn-y?” There is was. The pauses and stutter you love. The nervous ticks you love. The person you love. He loved you back.
You pulled away ever so sightly, and looked up to him. Your smile was brighter than the sun itself. He felt the same way. He felt the same way and this wasn’t a dream. Your eyes were glossy. You held onto his cheeks and tilted, catching him onto the most chaste, most innocent first kiss. He tensed up for a second and you began to pull away and apologize.
But- soft and gently- his began to kiss back, gliding onto yours. His hands dropped from your back to rest upon you hips, innocently pulling you close. You hands drifted from his face to his hair, tugging the knotted strands. As you parted for a quick breath, he uttered the words against your lips.
“I love you, Bunny.”
You leaned in for another kiss, feeling the tears begin to finally fall, before you both heard it. Whoops and cheers came from above you; you both pulled away and looked up in shock. Classmates and the students from 1-A sat in the tree- waging and waving the branches to make the cherry blossoms fall faster.
“I KNEW IT!” “Go Tamaki!” “Congrats Senpais!” “I told you this would work, Amajiki!” “He finally got the girl!”
You turned away form the monkeys and looked at Tamaki. The word was breathless on your lips. He smiled and held you, whipping away a few stray tears. Your cheeks began to hurt from how much your were smiling.
“Finally?” Like the last of the the tape had been ripped away from him, Tamaki sternly looked at your nose. Keeping his eyes on your face, yes, but still to nervous to look into your eyes again.
“Bunny, I-I.... I’ve lov.... l-liked you gr-eatly sin-since fir-st year. W-ill you please go-o out with...me?” He gasped out the last of the confession and gave a small pause at ‘me’. Like he was waiting for rejection, he turned his head and held his breath. Still holding onto your waist. You placed your hands back onto his cheeks and guided him face you, kissing him again- telling him he’s been the only one in your heart.
While everyone knew about your crush on Tamaki but him; everyone knew about Tamaki’s crush on you but you.
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ssaalexblake · 4 years
star wars spoilers
ros spoilers
move onnnn
like actual proper major spoilers and i’m making this intro long in case mobile decides to hate read mores today
Anyway like, i am a Shallow sw viewer who isn’t actually likely to kick up a fuss abt what i didn’t like in any serious way even tho i got issues, But i wanna say what i really liked b/c?? there were moments in that movie with themes i Loved and i don’t wanna be negative nancy for this franchise because i am actually incapable of taking it seriously tbh no matter how wtf or wild it is and i just Gotta;
First of all. The entire franchise was worth Rey it for calling Leia Master. 
like, they added her in best as they could, which wasn’t fabulous but i can’t really say how they’d work their way around that tbh so i’m not gonna rag on abt the Leia plot But god they proper confirmed she was a Legit Jedi thank u V much.
Chewie!!! Got!!! his!!! medal!!!
they put porgs in the movie, it was my only request and i recieved. i am content. 
also the effects on old palps were Incredible and Creepy and!!! props to the vis effects teams
also s/o to the choreographer who planned out rey’s fighting style to look like gymnastic tumbles but with a murderous glow stick. love it.
idk what extended sw canon now says about force powers being able to heal But the old eu book shatterpoint is one of my faves and i loved the inclusion that Rey can just like. Heal. 
also lol i heard daisy ridley on the radio this morning and she was supposed to be requesting songs to air but didn’t know the names of them and i have Never related to anybody more than i did in that moment. 
look ok, that rey and kylie could literally fight each other when not in the same room was Really Cool ok
tho i would have Paid to have seen the pov of an outsider while they had lightsaber battles from miles away tbh b/c that would have been Wild
i had one Horrified moment where i thought the ‘rise of skywalker’ thing was a Pun about kylie dragging his ass up from that hole and u have No Idea how thankful i was @ the Rise sequence
also i, a massive mace windu fan, was Ecstatic his voice was present in the proceedings
which were A) tacky and B) Abdolutely my favourite thing ever. 
it’s a space opera ok i am allowed to Want to be here for the tacky heartwarming shit
‘is that the navy??!?!?!?!?@ ‘ no sir... it’s.. .People’ was one of the funniest yet heartwarming sequences in anything ever ngl
inexplicable lin manuel miranda cameo
rey’s temper explained due to the fact that she is related to... Vilanelle
and look ok, i Always hated the idea of Rey being related to the skywalkers and Any crap meta that she had to be family for it to Count properly. It was an insult to found family, any form of adoption etc etc and i am.. Actually very mollified by this familial turn of events lol. It has a certain symmetry. and sw is literally built on the idea that history repeats but... different. 
i was’t against rey being related to anybody, i just didn’t want her to be a skywalker because like... she was gonna Be a skywalker b/c legacy isn’t about blood, and uh... least i was right. i am naturally happy abt this. 
also when i watched tlj the first time i was CONVINCED at the end of the movie she’d raise luke’s x wing from the depths as yoda did for luke in esb, and was Super off put that i was wrong. I was not wrong just... my timing was off. luke rose the x wing for her. ur yoda now luke. deal with it. 
the other ex storm troopers who laid down their weapons!!! all of them!!! fin is not alone, they only have power by making you think you are alone!!! 
i Really loved that thematic thread btw
also richard e grant’s performance was actually kind of chilling
but i am glad that i can still happily say that every character in sw Is a total unmitigated idiot. All of them. Stupid. Idiot rights. Yes, this is a plus point. 
i also liked that it’s Kind of obvious hamill and ford picked up slack for what Would have been carrie’s scenes??? Like, it’s horrible she’s not there but they obviously care to do that in her stead. it’s sad but makes you smile. 
as much as i’m not a kyle fan and never will be, and as much as i am not a fan of the ship, i can’t say there there weren’t decent thematic threads around the rey and kylie plot. Her symbolically killing kylie in a fit of rage, actively actually rising to his bait, realising as luke did in the roj climax that she had let the dark side get the better of her But having the power to take that Back and heal him and Stop even after she’d done something. It’s like the originals but not. And so, kylo is dead and Solo walks again. Was this plot My thing? No. But i appreciate the symbolism of him being stabbed through the stomach like he did to Han, and i appreciate the contrast of her actions after doing that versus His after he did it. What a difference. 
i said this wasn’t a complaint post but u wanna know the worst part abt the movie??? how cheap the sith dagger looked. surely u can do better than that???
anyway, 3po’s red eyed when he translated the sith was hilarious tbh. 
also hilarious: sw’s response to hiring Another brown haired white lady was to Only show her eyes in a way that was Incredibly conspicuous and was therefore unintentionally hilarious. 
Finn is Explicitly force sensitive now and it’s over for y’all 
like... the sith amphitheater???  with the ghosties of all sith past (i think??? my interpretation anyway) was Genuinely creepy??? 
this is a Bit of a side note, but Luke was Perfectly in tune with tlj luke??? Because tlj luke changed tune before the end of That movie when he gucci booted his astral ass to distract kylie, him Saying his fear was wrong was merely verbal confirmation of what was portrayed in tlj. really. That’s not them backing away from tlj, it’s afffirming it. 
i really loved that hux just got That death. I liked  that while he Was used for ridiculous comic relief, the narrative did not forget he was just straight up evil. 
that i all. that’s the point. just lando.
sheev palpatine’s late entry for Shittiest parent/paternal figure in the sw universe Was at the eleventh hour but by god did he give it his all to win the competition. 
things only relevant to cm fans: they killed kate callahan’s husband!!! :((((
critics are slamming them for like, hardly killing anybody but I for one am happy they didn’t go grimdark and just went. Fuck it, we’re gonna keep being bullheadedly optimistic and most everybody lives, deal with it.
s/o to that gay moment that lasted like 2 solid seconds but i’d have preferred it if she’d been like, making out w/ chewie tbh.
that hug!! the trio hug!! my ot3!!! that i am even more convinced would Properly work as an ot3, too btw. Poe spent the whole movie jealous finn is into Rey, while confused abt it b/c He’s also kinda into Rey in that han/leia Tension kinda way, but Finn is also into Poe but not in the Puppy way he is with Rey, in the ‘i am so in love w/ you i don’t realise it but i trust you with the world’ kinda thing and Rey also has the Tension thing w/ Poe and would do anything for Finn but she’s like... Busy. B/c like, unfortunate family reunions and the awkwardness of being a millennial Actually offered a decent job that your morals do not allow you to take and the crisis that leaves u with. 
anyway what i’m saying is the ot3 is Sailing in my head. look how it ended!!! Sailing. 
however, i would like it known that the lady at the end Should have heard the word skywalker and Run for the hills. missed a chance. 
But also Rey Did find that family of hers Maz told her she’d get ahead of her!!! i hate how many ppl say that was dropped or forgotten. like wtf??? what are finn and poe and chewie and bb8 and 3po and all the army of droids that love her and all the resistance that does too??? Luke and Leia??? y’all obsessed with blood when it comes to sw. She’s got her family. 
now i Could make a complaints post but i just... I’ll leave that to everybody else and their mothers for now bc they’d be better at it anyway. I liked This stuff. Except for that point about the dagger. that sucked. 
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polygamyff · 5 years
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Listening to my dad just talk on and on and on, he lives the sound of his own voice. He wants things to be his own ideas but I am sorry old man his ideas are useless, nobody wants what he wants anymore “are you done?” looking up at him “I wish you wouldn’t get cheeky with me, I do try” try he says “ok, listen to me. I want to ask you something, it’s playing on my mind. I don’t know how you sleep at night. You may class your first born as your eldest son but I do, I have an older brother. What’s his name?” my dad slammed his pen down “I didn’t want you to go out search for him, leave it as it is. He is no use to us, he lives just fine. You will see it. Go Germany” he’s a real asshole “I will, what’s his name huh? You wanted me to know, I ain’t say shit to your other kids. Do you have any pictures of him?” my dad sat back in his chair “why would I? He is useless to me, I needed normals kids, he just wanted loving and I can’t give that. His name is Adam Davenport, he lives with his mom and they live well ok? Now stop” shaking my head “nah, I won’t stop. I would like to see my oldest brother, you’re one sick man you do know that right? Even if my first born has issues I will love it, I didn’t grow up with love but somehow I bought myself up to love. You gonna die and people are going to be happy you gone, that ain’t no legacy. I am sure you felt the same way with your dad” getting up from the chair “none of you or mom bought me up, I did it myself. Shamefully I lost my mind when I was twenty because you know I had drugs on my lap, I could get anything. Thank you for getting me back together so I can be better person but now I ain’t making that mistake again, I just hope you can change because you don’t have much time to live” I am surprised my dad ain’t trying to beat my ass, but then again he is getting old and maybe he regrets things.
Closing the office door “upsetting your dad again?” my mom said as she walked towards me “when do I ever upset that man? I barely said a word to him, just the truth” my mom is sly too, she knew about this “so uhm, Adam Davenport” my mom sighed out “so you knew but you let him do it, you never ever as a woman said let my eldest brother be with us? He has down syndrome who fucking cares, y’all weak as shit” my mom glared at me in anger “it makes it worse because you knew, I need to buy a new place. I can’t stand to see any of you” my mom clasped her hands together “you have to understand this family, it’s not rainbows and butterflies. You can’t have feelings, it’s all about having an heir. This is what we are waiting for with you” I wanted to laugh, Naomi can’t give shit “I am telling you now, if I have a daughter. She will be the heir, I don’t care for this male shit bullshit. Just admit you failed as a parent, Malik is where sorry? Oh yeah, Vegas for the fifth time falling asleep in someone’s pussy. You two are never parents, who is chasing him? Nalah, I forgot. You just continue to do your nails ok” they both stupid, money hungry assholes.
I got to leave for New Jersey tonight, I have to overlook the real estate there. Before that I need to get myself a coffee, I am tired “Malik, I was just speaking about you” he is finally home after going missing for a few days “about what?” he looks bad “well you know, didn’t know where you was? Why didn’t you say? I was worried at least” Malik chuckled “I was in Vegas, didn’t know anyone cared” he shrugged “well since being back home I am now seeing you’re never here” Malik pointed at him “actually, why are you here?” rubbing the back of my head “because me and the wife aren’t getting along, I don’t want to live with her. You missed it, her father came along. I made dad lie and say I was away, it’s funny what you can make dad do when you find shit about him” sighing out “but anyways, why don’t you come with me New Jersey? You know, can show you the things how it works. I want you to work?” Malik is lazy as shit, he wants to live the life but not work “you know what brother, you can do this” he walked off like I knew he would.
Staring at the boards at Starbucks, I actually might get a Latte. Stuffing my hands in my pockets, there is always a damn queue in this place. Looking down at the sandwiches, I might get a sandwich actually. I am always on the go, in a week I will never stay the full week in Texas, it is hard to run a whole business. I hate meetings though, my dad is better at that he can talk but me on the other hand can do it but hate it. Picking out the Chicken BLT sandwich, this looks nice actually staring down at it “Maurice?” that voice, my eyebrows knitted together looking up ahead of me “what you mean Maurice? How do you know him?” looking to the side of me and at the table, my eyes widened. Dropping my sandwich to the floor “Bonita? I mean Robyn. What are you doing here?” picking my sandwich back up “uhhh, oh wow Kellen, Tiffany” Kellen squinted his eyes at me, I am speechless the fuck is this set up “I came to see my friend, I have time off from work, you knew this” oh wow, she is so beautiful “ok, what is happening here?” Kellen had to be here “next please” looking ahead of me, it’s my turn, this is so fucked up.
Holy shit she is walking over to me, I never knew I mean I have been very busy for once but I wasn’t ready. Pushing my snapback down further more “I did actually tell you I was coming” Kellen is staring at me so hard “I’ve been busy and my mobile number has changed, like an idiot I dropped it in the toilet. Yes I use my phone in the bathroom, so I got a new one I was going to tell you but this was literally yesterday it happened. Wow, this is happening so quick. I mean I just can’t believe you’re here” I needed to mentally build myself for this and now look at me, stuttering all over the place “well here I am, I got a week off so I came to see Tiffany and then you are here. I didn’t come just for you so you can switch that thought off” my smile grew “well erm, it’s good to see you Bonita” Robyn placed her hand over her mouth giggling “it’s how I imagined” biting my bottom lip, do I hug her. What do I do” I am so awkward “I mean this is the first time meeting, it had to be here. I wish I knew earlier now, I mean do I hug you? That is what people do when they meet right? I mean is this something you wanted to see?” Robyn laughed at me “well you did say you would show me Texas, get your Latte” she pointed out, the person didn’t even say anything “oh yeah” grabbing my Latte to go “and that is what people do when they actually meet you’re right” Robyn walked off back to Kellen, she dresses so good.
I wish this didn’t happen though in front of Kellen “cousin” Kellen said, smiling at Robyn as she sat down “I will give my new mobile number” Robyn pointed at me smiling “well, you are my tour guide” see, this is what I love about her “I am just going to speak to my cousin, be back” Kellen got up from his seat “enjoy your sandwich though” smiling at her, Kellen hit my arm wanting me to go. Stepping outside knowing for a fact what this nigga going to say “ok, what the fuck?” holding my drink out to him “hold it” I want to unlock my car door, Kellen is in shock just staring at me and I know what he wants to say but I don’t want to know “Maurice, nigga. Talk to me” pulling open my car door, grabbing my Latte from him and leaning down into my car and placing it into the holder “I am talking to you, what do you want” moving out of my car and turning to him “how?” he said, I shrugged “how, what? What is it? Come on” Kellen looked at the Starbucks “how do you know Robyn? That’s my friend” licking my top lip looking up at the sky “we spoke” closing my car door, I just didn’t want him to know and now he does.
Sitting on the edge of the car front, taking a bite of my sandwich “spoke? When? I introduced you to her at the wedding and you didn’t care, what is this speaking you’re saying? She knows you’re married” staring at the sandwich, this is good actually “nope, you’re not going to say anything either” looking up at Kellen “why wouldn’t I?” is this nigga dumb “Kellen, I added her on Facebook. Shit just escalated from there, don’t blow this for me. You know my situation and you know I never wanted to marry her, please Kellen. I won’t hurt her, we are just getting to know each other, I think she is nice” my cousin is not happy “but I don’t want her to get hurt, like you said. She is nice, I am a bad friend if I lie. Tiffany will kill me” getting up from my position “does she know I am married?” I asked “no, she ain’t even met Naomi” that is a good thing “Kellen, Naomi is not for me. The marriage is gone, she can’t even have a fucking baby. I am done, just shut your mouth on this. I ain’t ask anything from you but this I am, please” Kellen placed his hands on the top of his head “fine, if you hurt her. She is innocent in this, I will beat you myself. I am lying to my wife here” he can’t kill a fly but I will take it “I won’t, just be blind to it. I honestly like Robyn, nigga look how beautiful she is. That day I had so much on my mind that I couldn’t think, Shawn pushed me to do it and now look. Please let me be happy” I am begging to happy, how sickening is this “Kellen, we going now” Tiffany came from behind him, I don’t know. Something with Robyn that makes me want to smile, staring at her just staring at me “uh yeah, we finish now” I want to dick her so bad.
Robyn looked at my Porsche and then back at me “your car?” she asked, looking behind me “my dad’” I lied, Kellen glared at me “nice car” Kellen walked by me “let’s sit in the car Tiffany, but let me say something to my cousin” Kellen grabbed my arm and dragged me away from them “does she know who you are?” shaking my head “I said hotel manager” Kellen rolled his eyes “Tiffany fucking knows my uncle which is your dad owns these things, you want it to work you tell the truth on that part. She doesn’t know you’re married so that is fine, she won’t ever say anything like that but work wise, tell the truth” he is right, I wasn’t thinking “aight I will” turning around “Bonita!” I spat “Bonita? The fuck?” Kellen walked away in annoyance “come here please” I really need to finish my sandwich off “can we trust him?” Tiffany said before Kellen dragged her away “yeah?” I wish I knew she was here beforehand “we can meet tomorrow, are you staying? Or you leaving?” I should be going New Jersey but that is cancelled now “fine, text me your new number. Rude, didn’t even send me it either” looking down at my sandwiches “you want some?” I offered “no, keep that but text me. We can meet tomorrow and I am staying at a hotel” my eyes lit up “which hotel?” I hope it’s the ones we own “Davenport” I knew it, laughing a loud “what’s funny?” shaking my head “I got to tell you something before you go, I don’t want to seem like a bad guy because I am not. Just the situation I am in, you know when I said I am a hotel manager, that is somewhat true but my family own Davenport hotels, I run these hotels now” Robyn placed her hand over her face “I am sorry for making it out like it was just a hotel, I didn’t want to like scare you away” I probably have now, Robyn looked up at me “I feel a little stupid because, your cousin said about it. I should have put one and one together, I was thinking but then it is still kind of not wrong what you said, we can speak tomorrow if you want” she is so nice, god she is good “for sure, but this, the money. It doesn’t change anything, seriously” she smiled at me walking backwards.
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Closing the car door as I got into the car, that was so random. Imagine seeing him here out of all the places in the world, kind of makes sense when he was not answering my texts “don’t be smiling in the back, since fucking when?” Tiffany turned in the front seat to look at me “I am not smiling” waving her off “yes the fuck you are, how? Please explain” rolling my eyes sighing out, looking out of the car window seeing Maurice’ car. I don’t know, he didn’t tell me the truth but I don’t blame him “well” looking back at Tiffany “he added me on Facebook and he was like we met at the wedding and I did remember him, it was really nothing. We just spoke on a level, like friends would. We ended up exchanging numbers, texting ended up being calls and then facetime. I find him funny, at the wedding we didn’t get to really see each other but we just grew close, that kind of person you grow used too” Tiffany gawked at me “but why did you not say anything? To me anyways” I shrugged “I said nothing to Leon either, I don’t know where it will take me. We been meaning to meet and now we have” this is why I didn’t say anything, she all pushy with me “so what do you think to my cousin? He’s got a good heart Robyn, he will do a lot for you” Kellen spoke, frowning at him “we not even together, calm down. I can tell what he is like, he is very kind hearted with me. He understands my line of work, he’s different from what I have dated” Tiffany kissed her teeth at me “you didn’t tell me, ain’t shit ass” Tiffany still hasn’t grown up, still has a tantrum.
“You know his ass is rich, he more rich than Kellen” I knew Tiffany wasn’t staying quiet “I know, I realised I am in the hotel they own. Kellen you ain’t say shit, and you made me pay!?” I just realised this “well I didn’t know, we told you to stay with me but I know now why, you wanted to get dicked down by my cousin, we know!!” I want to slap Kellen but I won’t “that is a lie, you think he likes me?” I can ask these things now “like you? He seems a little taken back by you, and it’s weird because his dad, well my uncle. He never gave him that, see how it goes. When you seeing each other again? He will probably find your hotel room number” I gasped “joking, I am playing. But you feeling my cousin? Didn’t seem it on the day” I shrugged laughing “because it was hectic, I wasn’t looking for a man. I was there for the wedding, he added me. I told you, we just text and it happens. You get used to that person, I just want to see how it goes. If he think he can give me shit I am not having it but he seems like a loving guy, I want that” Tiffany cooed out “daddys girl wants some loving, loving from the D, don’t give me that” it’s always about sex when it’s not, she is stupid.
Kellen’ and Tiffany’ apartment is so cute “so, while Kellen is gone, let’s talk” Tiffany just wants more gossip “we could be cousin in laws, I didn’t know about Maurice. Kellen mentioned it, the thing about this family they are so different. They keep themselves to themselves, you know like my mom goes to your house and we all just do things together. They don’t, it’s like you stay there and I stay here which is weird to me. Kellen said that his father owns all of the hotels, Maurice will get the hotels. It’s weird, you don’t get to know much about them at all. Oh god, you ever seen his sister? Maurice’ sister is a bitch, straight up. Girl, she saw me and Kellen and had the nerve to look away from me. Good luck with that” that is horrible and petty “god, how mean. So she just ignored you, I guess it’s the power of money. They should do better with the money they have, see how it goes. It’s early days, I am open to new beginnings and someone that is in need” Tiffany stared at me dumbfounded “I am into my feelings, you know this. I just feel like Maurice is missing something, he is a good guy so either way we will speak” Tiffany giggled “you so into your feelings I love it, when I told your ex that you are into your feelings and he said how, and then you blurted out because I ain’t even in love that’s why. And you don’t see or feel shit” laughing out loud “stop it, that was so rude. I couldn’t help it” that was so funny, no wonder he left my ass because I was rude.
Watching Kellen and Tiffany argue with each other over cooking, they so cute though. My phone pinged at the side of me, new number which can only mean one person.
From: Maurice
To: Robyn
It’s Maurice, took me time to text. Hope I ain’t like fucked it up. I was shocked to see you, I wish my phone didn’t mess up on me though x
Even a little kiss which is cute of him, I don’t know why he feels as if he messed up because he really hasn’t. It is really not a big lie, he probably felt like I would be with him well speak to him because of money which is not the case. I don’t care for money, money is in my bank so I don’t need that.
To: Maurice
From: Robyn
Don’t even think that, you know me. At your big age you shouldn’t care lol jk, it’s weird seeing you in person. We can meet tomorrow BUT you have to find my hotel room, I will be ready by 12:30pm and if you ain’t here by 1:00pm I am going out. Let’s see if you can impress ;)
I am playing with him which I shouldn’t but we shall see, biting my bottom lip not knowing if to send it or not but I am. This is me, I like to keep them on their toes. My mom is constantly like that with my dad, pressing send on the message giggling to myself “you sent a risky text? This is so weird to me” Kellen said from the kitchen “I will let you know if your cousin succeeds which I am ninety nine percent sure he will” I guess it will be a nice little first meet tomorrow for us.
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changarroo · 6 years
Lost Boy // Changbin AU
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Reposting since posting on a mobile devices suckssssss. Here is the full AU for y’all :)) Also can we talk about the fact that this AU is 17 PAGES LONG?!?!
Word Count: 7k
Genre: Angst // Fluffy
Some trigger warnings but we put an edited section as well. 
You sit at the bottom of the stairs watching your mother leave...not that it is anything new.
“Y/N we will be at the end of the month.” Your mother tells you
“M-mommy did you fo-forget?” You ask looking up at her
Your mother sighs “What are you talking about Y/N”
“M-my b-bir” You say stuttering
“ Spit it out Y/n! We need to get your stuttering under control. Sophia while we are gone make sure to schedule appointments for Y/N to see a speech therapist her stuttering still has not improved. Oh i’m going to be late for my flight. See you later mommy loves you.” She said and with that she closes the door
“My birthday….” You say quietly
* End of Flashback*
You sigh heading up to your room not bothering to say goodbye. You are always on your own not that it bothered you, you’d prefer to be alone than be stuck with a woman who is practically has her head up her ass. Your father was just as your mother in and out not bothering to speak a word to you just adding money to you bank account, money that you have been saving up so you can withdraw it and escape
You’ve been planning your escape since the age of fourteen, you knew that you were never destined for this life, you started out by following your parents schedule but you were never serious enough to follow through until now. You have enough money saved up to last you at least three or four years. The only reason it took you so long to follow with the plan was the money and the women who practically raised you
“Happy Birthday to you Happy birthday to you Happy birthday dear Y/N Happy birthday to you.” A women sings
You awake from your sleep to see to see Sophia your caregiver holding a cake. You smile wide
“Is it-
“Vanilla sponge cake with buttercream icing yes it is” She chuckles
You begin to cry she places the cake and walks over to you.
“Please don’t cry Y/N it’s your birthday.” She says
“W-why doesn’t mommy or daddy love me? W-why do t-they have to go all t-the time?” You cry into her chest
“Baby they do love you they just don’t know how to show it. Say how about you take a shower and wash your pretty face, then come downstairs to eat some cake.” She suggests
You nod and smile
*End of Flashback*
You smile every time you think of that memory, it definitely was one that changed your views on life. She was the only person that actually seemed to care… until you met woojin! That happy little ball of sunshine. You never understood how one person could be so happy but he never failed to make you laugh everyday.
“Why does he make you so happy.” A voice says
You jump dropping the items you held in your hand and look around your room not seeing anyone, you know it cannot be Sophia because she doesn’t come until later nor does she have a males voice.  You slowly turn back around to see a figure lying on your bed
“AHHH WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU.” you scream not thinking of the proper sentence
“It’s who are you firstly and second it’s not very nice to scream at your guest.” He said
You just look at him
“Take a photo it will last longer. You know your bed is not that comfortable.” He said
“Excuse me can you get out. I have no idea who you are or how you got in my house but can you leave before I call the police.” You say trying to scare him
“Call them.” Is all he simply said
You pick your phone up to call and it is flown out of you hand
“You know that’s a very cute picture. Who is this guy?” He ask
“I’ll answer when you tell me who you are.” You reply irritated
“Changbin nice to meet you. Now who is this”
You run to snatch your phone back but he moves so quickly that you fall flat on your face.
“Too slow.” He teases you
You huff out in annoyance
“Well Changbin if you must know that is Woojin my best friend.” You cross your arms
“He’s your best friend?” He laughs
“Yes he is my best friend what is so funny about that?” You ask
“He doesn’t fit you.” He says
“Excuse me you inconsiderate prick what do you know about me.”
*Warning this might be a sensitive topic so I will make a separate part in parentheses for you guys*   
“Everything babygirl… you never were shown love by your parents, constantly left alone, never had a friend until little woojin…” He says dangling a picture of you and him in a frame
“Came along.” He drops it
“You have anxiety, depression, and you used to cut yourself. You have scars of all shapes and sizes running down your legs arms and hips. You tried to kill yourself but I guess it never worked because you are still here right. Little Woojin stopped you from that and is trying to fix you but I don’t think its working since you are planning to run away.” He laughs
“Stop it.” You say
“All you ever wanted was mommy’s attention but she could care less about you. Don’t even mention your father he wanted a boy to run his company but he got stuck with a female a weak one if that. You got good grades, joined clubs,played sports, hell you even changed your style to become more girly to fit in with your moms friends daughter but she still d-didn’t c-care did she.” He finished
*Edited Version*
(“Excuse me you inconsiderate prick what do you know about me.”
“Everything babygirl… you never were shown love by your parents, constantly left alone, never had a friend until little woojin…” He says dangling a picture of you and him in a frame
“Came along.” He drops it
“All you ever wanted to do was fit in with the crowd that was presented but no  the matter what you did you were an outcast, a fool, a loser, a gypsy, a castaway seriously list can go on and on. )
You had tears streaming down your face
“SHUT UP GET OUT I DON’T KNOW WHO YOU ARE BUT JUST LEAVE ME ALONE.” You scream closing your eyes covering your ears
When you open your eyes he was gone. You grabbed your phone and called woojin
“C-can w-we meet up?” You asked
“O-of course wanna meet up at the ice cream shop?” He suggest
You hum in response and hang up grabbing your shoes and walking downstairs
“Where ya going?” You recognized the voice but chose to ignore him
“I asked you a question.” He states back
“And I choose not to answer.” You snap back
“No need for attitude.” He snaps back
“Don’t get snappy with me you were the one with all the questions” You said walking towards the door.
“I wouldn’t touch the door knob if I were you” He said sitting on the staircase.
You looked about at him and get dead eyed him for about ten seconds before you reach for the door knob. You felt an electric shock go throughout your whole body.
“HEY WHAT WAS THAT FOR” You quickly turned to him.
“I warned you didn’t I” He said still sitting in the same position.
You can see him chuckle but you were three seconds away from screaming at him.
“All I want to do is meet with Woojin.” You sigh
“Why I am way better than him. I mean look at me.” He said
You could not lie he was handsome but he was a jerk as well.
“You may know all my issues but what are you going to do” You said crossing your arms leaning onto the door.
“I don’t know I never dealt with issues like this.” He said walking down the stairs up to you.
“Well once you learn I’m going to Woojin.” You said opening the door and walking out the door.
“Hey what took you so long” Woojin said standing up once you arrived at the Ice Cream Parlor.
“It’s a long story not in the mood to tell.” You said setting your bag down.
“Okay then... I order your usual ice cream Vanilla Tangerine and Shortbread.” He said and smiled.
You couldn’t help but smile
“Thank you woojinnie.” You said giggling
The rest of the day went well, the two of laughed and joked and ended up at the park.
“You know woojin…” You say looking at him as you lie on the grass
“We’ve been friends for ages but no feelings have ever sparked between us… weird.” You chuckle
“Y-yeah I guess…” Woojin said
“Why do you sound so unsure?” You ask
“Oh it’s nothing my stomach hurts because of the ice cream.” He said laughing
“Oh my goodness let’s go!” You said grabbing his hand
“You need to get home and rest… you did eat three ice creams you dummy.” You also said
“It made you smile right?” He asks
“Of course you always make smile.” You state pinching his cheek
You notice him blushing
“Let me walk you home it’s getting pretty late.” He said wrapping his arms around your shoulder
“What about your stomach?” You ask
“Eh don’t worry I will live.” He smiles
You finally arrive at your house and you turn to him…
“Thank you for making my day so much better. You always make me the happiest girl.” You give him a hug resting your head on his shoulder
“You know I’d do anything for you in a heartbeat.” He says grabbing your face and looking into your eyes
You try to look away as a blush formed on your cheeks
“Y-you sh-should head home it’s going to be late soon.” You suggested
“Yeah you are right...  I’ll see you later.” He began to walk away
“See you.” You wave
You sigh and begin to walk into the house as you see him slowly fade away
“Why didn’t you kiss him?” Is the first thing you hear as you step into your house
“You’re still here.” You state looking at the familiar spirit sitting on your staircase.   
“Am I supposed to answer that?” He asked
“Are you an idiot! What are you still doing here?” You try to say camly
“Don’t you think I would leave if I could. I don’t want to stuck in a house with you.” He sighed and threw himself on the couch
“What do you mean if you could you would.”
“Sweetheart I am not...” He said calmly
“You know what just be out of my house in the morning” You said
“Yeah I would if I could you brat” He replied.
“What do you mean if you could” You question his responds.
“Listen sweetheart” he started to say before you cut him off.
“Listen Y/N, you’re stuck with me I’m stuck with you. It’s a blessing for you curse for me.”
“How it is a blessing for me?”
“Umm you have this beautiful face to look at. I am come on I’m freakin handsome”. He said winking at you.
“What beauty? I am not impressed.” You say setting down your bag and taking your shoes off
He gasps
“EXCUSE ME YOU HORSE.” He yells at you
“A-You are not wrong about that but my face is still better.”  He said and walked away
You have no energy left to deal with his childish ways.
Once finally making it to your room you lock the door and jump on your bed. Today has been way to much for you too handle and you slowly drift off to sleep.
You wake up to a horrible smell.
“What the heck is going on” You thought
You jump up and see Changbin in the kitchen holding a burnt pan with mush in it.
“Changbin what in the world are you doing.” You question him
“Well I was trying to make food for me since sleeping beauty wants to sleep in late but as you can see it did not turn out so well.” He says shyly
You laugh and walk over to him
“Just leave the cooking to me please or sophia. Speaking of Sophia she was supposed to be here yesterday… I should probably call her. Excuse me for a second.” You say as you leave the room
*Phone Call*
Sophia: Hello
Y/N:  Hey is everything okay? You didn’t come yesterday
Sophia: Yeah everything is fine just a minor emergency.
Y/N: Oh okay will you be coming over today?
Sophia: Yes I will try darling
Y/N: Okay I’ll see you soon
*End of Call*
You walk back to the kitchen and pull things out of the refrigerator but as you doing this you can feel an intense stare but your are trying to ignore it. Half way through you beginning to cook the staring doesn’t stop, so you turn around
“What the hell are you staring at me for?” You ask
“I’m trying to make you disappear.” He said calmly
“Don’t worry I’ll be leaving soon.” You mumble
“What was that?” He asked
“Don’t worry about it.” You reply
Once you finish cooking you make a plate and Changbins eyes look wide and his mouth begins to water.
“Wow it looks so good!” He says in excitement
“Thanks.” You day and walk right past him
His smile drops
“Hey where’s my plate?” He questions
“Oh you can fix it. I think I left enough for you.” You say as you keep walking to your room
He just smiles and shakes his head
“This girl is something else.” He said and heads to “fix” his plate.
You sigh once reaching your room knowing that you are leaving in less than three days. It never occurred to you how much you were going to miss this place, Sophia, and Woojin
(Younger You)
Your giggle is heard across the house as you try to stay quiet while playing hide and seek with Sophia. Your best hiding spot was in your father's office. Though you are not allowed in there which makes it all the better. You hear footsteps coming closer and you place your hand over your mouth so you don’t laugh. The footsteps come closer and than stop. Your breathing is hitched in your throat
“Y/N are you in my office?” You father asked
What is he doing here? You begin to panic trying to calm your breathing down. Daddy is going to be so mad if I come out now
“Sir is everything alright?” You here Sophia ask
“What is Y/N doing in my office I told you all this place is off limits!” He yells at her
“Y-Yes sir I am aware.” She says looking at you
You are in deep trouble if he finds where you are out. You look at her with pleading eyes
“Sir I apologize again but are you sure she is in-” Sophia knocks off documents that were placed nicely on your fathers desk.
“Sir I am so sorry. I lost my balance.” She said as she bends down the other way blocking your fathers view as he and she pick up the papers
Quietly you sneak out of the hiding spot and run for the door down the stairs and outside.
Your breathing in uncontrollably fast and your chest begins to tighten, more tears are flown down you face
“Are you okay?” Someone asks
You look up to see a kid with wide smile and yellow blondish hair
You shake your head no
“M-My ch-chest h-hurts.” You barely spoke out
“Here try this my doctor gave this to me when my chest hurts.” He said give you a weird shaped object
“You place it in your mouth and press the top and a medicine will shoot out. It’s called an inhaler!” He explains
You do as your told and press it. The cold funny tasting spray shoots into your mouth and you scrunch your face
He giggles at your facial expression
“It taste weird…” You say giving him back the inhaler
“Yeah but do you feel better? I hope it works I don’t like seeing you sad.” He blurts out
This kid was strange to you. How could he care about you and not even know you
“I’m Woojin.” He stuck his hand out
“I-I’m Y/N.” You reply back
“Wanna come play at my house. I have apple juice and cookies.” He suggest
Your smile got brighter
“Y-Yeah l-let me g-go ask S-Sophia” You stutter out
You walk back into the house and you hear crying and moaning. You aren’t sure of what it is so you walk closer and you see Sophia and she’s crying. You were about to say something when she shook her head no and looks at you
“Go please.” She mouths
You run downstairs and outside to Woojin
“S-She sa-said yes.” You half heartedly smile
“Okayy oh I have dogs and sibling by the way. They are all really nice.”
*End of FlashBack*
“You think too much.” Changbin states as he appears on your bean bag in the corner
“You know you are really getting on my last nerve. Tell me about yourself Mr. High and Mighty”
“Well… my name is Seo Changbin I am nineteen years old and I have an older sister.” He sighs
You look at him “Go on.”
“I like to compose music, sing, and rap. I used to be in a group called 3RACHA with two other members, as well as debuting with six other guys that were like my brother. I had a future ahead of me but I ruined it…” He pauses
“H-How did you ruin it?” You ask quietly
“I me-mean you d-don’t h-have to tell me.” You spit out fast
“You are cute when you stutter.” He says and looks at you
You quickly look away “What happened”
“I was shot,, it’s a pretty ugly story.”
“Please tell me what happen if you don’t mind” you said interrupting him midway through his sentence.
“I was out with my best friend Felix and there was this guy or company or whatever that kept stealing our groups music so we wanted to do something about it” he began.
“It was midday and we went to the house of the CEO of the opposing company who was stealing our music to confront him. Little did we know how wicked this guy was. We saw him yell at one of his workers and that when things took turn. Felix he charged into the house and started to curse at the owner. All of a sudden a gun was up to his head.”
You felt tears coming down your face.
“I quickly pushed Felix out of the way and”
“Changbin did you?”
“I took a bullet for my best friend, yes. He was a year younger than me but I can’t live with myself if he died”
“Wow” you said looking down at the ground “How did you become”
“A spirit, funny story I don’t really know how the whole spirit thing works. But I guess I can talk to you and you can talk to me”.
“Do you remember who shot you?”
“All I remember was staring at a man in front of me and looking at a woman with the gun up to Felix”.
You wanted to go run up to Changbin and give him a hug but wasn’t sure if it was going to work.
You ignore every law of science and just went straight for a hug and to your surprise it work.
There was a cold feeling hugging him but you were hugging him. You could feel his arms wrapped around you and pulling you closer. Something about this felt right.
“You are pretty short.” He says as he rest your head into his chest.
You do not understand what you are doing but everything just felt natural, something about his oura made you feel warm but you knew you needed to pull away
“Do you ever sleep?” You ask pulling away from him going towards your bed
“Define sleeping?” He asked
“Seven to eight hours of sleep?” You reply  
“I think you mean dozing off and waking up every five seconds yeah I sleep.” He said looking away
You lean back and look at him biting your lip. You honestly feel bad for him. Even though he did a good deed he is stuck in this form.
“A while back you said this was a curse right.” You recall
“Yeah… what about it?” He asks looking at you
“H-How do you break it or lift it?” You ask curiously
“Do you really want to know?” He said taking steps closer to the bed
“Y-yeah.” You said shyly
He takes more steps closer to where the bed is and sits next to you
You get nervous because you have no idea what he is going to do next
“Ch-changbin how do you break it.” You ask once again
“Why do you not want me to be here anymore .” He says coming closer to you
You scoot further away from him though there is not much room left
“There is something about you that ca-” He stops as the doorbell rings
“I sh-should go get that.” You push him off running out the room and tripping over your feet
“Th-that did not happen.” You blush and open the door
“Ah that girl makes me feel complete something I have never felt before.” He sighs sitting on the edge of the bed…
You finally reach downstairs and look through the camera to see Sophia. You immediately open the door and squeal.
“Hello beautiful.” She says with a beautiful smile
“Momma Sophia.” You say back moving to the side to let her in
“There are groceries in the back we are going to cook tonight.” She sad
“Just like old times?” You questioned
“Just like old times my darling.” She said back
You nod and walk out the door
“Is this really the right thing to do? Am I really going to be able to break her heart?” You think to yourself as you grab the bags out of the car
For some reason your mind goes back to Changbin... if I leave will he be trapped in this house… he can’t leave. Should I just stay until we can find a way to lift the curse. Your mind is running and running you don’t even realize you are at the door.
You just sigh
“Y/N are you feeling okay sweetheart?” Sophia asks as you set the bags down
“Yeah just a lot on my mind…” You simply say
“Do you want to talk about it?” She asks once again
You just begin to cry. You have no idea why just a wave of emotions hit you and you begin to shake. Why am I feeling this way. I can’t focus…
“Y/N” You hear faintly
The last thing you see is Changbin lunging for you
*While You Are Sleeping*
“Wh-where am I.” You say out loud
You slowly sit up and look around… it’s your room
You jump up quickly “What is going on” You say as you hear muffled yelling
You open your door to see black figures heading towards your father’s office but they are moving so quickly, so you follow them as well. Once arriving you push open the door to see four figures. One tall man with brown hair wearing a suite but his face is black, another was a female her body was more defined and she had blonde hair that stopped just above her waist, the other two were males as well one were what you assumed to be a flannel tied to his waist with blonde hair, and lastly was a shorter male, his hair was parted slightly in the middle he wore all black, but his face was almost recognizable it was long and sharp just li-like changbin. You move closer to see watching your steps because there was glass all on the floor, before you could even look up the was a loud bang sound that caused your ears to ring. You instantly reach for them and hold them
You shot up breathing hard and you look around, you are in your room. You freeze, I cannot be reliving what just happened
“Are you okay?” It was Changbin
You scramble to get up and run to him and hug him
He was shocked at first but then slowly wrapped his arms around you
“Hey what is going on?” He questions you
“I don’t know wh-what I just saw but I d-don’t want to s-see it ag-again.” You say still in fear
“Let’s get you back into bed.” He suggests
“NO!” You yell back
“Hey easy their doll face.” He said trying to calm you
You door opens and both of you snap your head towards the door, it was Sophia
“Are you okay Y/N? I heard you scream” She rushes over to you and places her hand on your forehead
“I’m fine… I am okay for now.” You rush out as your eyes dart to Changbin who has a look of fear written all over his face
“I think I just need more rest. It’s been a really stressful past two days.” You say trying to get her to leave
“Okay yeah you are right. I will wake you up in a few hours to see if you are okay.” She said
You hum in response and get under the blankets. She kisses your head and walks out
“Changbin are you okay?” You sit up looking at him
“W-who is that?” He questions
“That is Sophia. She is like my mother.” You say and smile
“S-she really seems to care for you.” He said
“Yeah she has really been the biggest part in my life besides Woojin. I feel bad though.” You said and finally laid down you pat a spot next to you for Changbin
“Why do you feel bad?” He ask
“Ever since you came along… my focus is not on Woojin and he is the only man in my life to care for me.” You say and yawn
“I still don’t know what you see in him.” He said sitting next to you on the bed
“It’s not about looks to me… it’s the way he treats me. It’s almost as if I can’t give him what he wants but he still comes back to me. I can see the pain in his eyes whenever I used about liking a  guy but he always told me to go for it or late nights I would call him whenever my parents made cry and he would always leave his window unlocked for me. The way he held me in his arms he… he made me feel human… I don’t know what I am talking about anymore. I should probably sleep.” You finish and close your eyes
Changbin is still wide awake staring at the wall
“I don’t like this Woojin guy. I don’t trust him” Changbin says to himself
He turns his head and looks at you, listening to your heart beat, counting how many breaths you take.
“Y/N I don’t understand what you are doing to me but it is making me feel alive again”
There is a slight knock on the door which makes Changbin shake you.
“Ugh you sleep like a log” Changbin soon pushed you off the bed onto the floor.
“Hey what was that for.”
Changbin points to the door as another knock was heard.
You sit up “Come in.” You say to the person outside the door.
It was Sophia
“There is a boy at the door for you. It’s Woojin.” Sophia states
“Crap. Okay give me a second. Ummm I gotta get dressed.” You rush up and push her out
“Why are you rushing.” Changbin questions
You stop and look at him
“What do you mean?” You ask
“I mean you look fine. Why are you rushing to try and fix yourself.” He said quietly
“I d-don’t know. Are you sure I look okay?” You look at him
“Yeah I’m sure. Go see him.” He said
You smile and walk out
Changbin sighs
“Can’t I keep you Y/N…” Changbin says and heads downstairs
“Hey Woojin!” You say in excitement and run to him
“Hey Y/N.” He says and hugs you
“What are you doing here? This is quite a surprise!”
“Yeah” a smile appeared on his face
“What do I owe this pleasure?” You say taking a seat on the couch motioning for him to come next to you
“I brought your favorite junk food and comedy movie!”
“Changbin scoffs and walks over in front of Woojin and you gasp
“What’s wrong?” Woojin asks
“N-nothing I just thought I saw something.” You say glaring at him
He smiles evilly
“I’ll be right back do you want water or something?” You ask trying to get Changbin to follow you to the kitchen
“I’ll take water.” He shouts back
Little did you know Changbin already did his deed..
You open the fridge and the water bottles are at the highest self
“What the heck? What are you doing” You said looking at Changbin who is standing right in front of you.
“What I can’t be locked up in your room all day sweetheart” he said looking at you.
His eyes seem darker than normal and his smile was glowing.
“You can stay but you have to say twenty feet away from Woojin and I”
“I need to make sure you don’t pull anything” staring directly into Changbin eyes.
What is going on why is he like this.
“Woojin can you please help me with the drinks”  You said  not breaking eye contact with Changbin
“Yeah of course.” Woojin yells from the couch
You watch as he stands up to take a step and everything went down from that and you truly meant down. Woojin took a step and lunged forward trying to grab a hold of something and all you saw was fear written over his face. You stay in place due to being shocked at the scene in front of you, popcorn flown in the air that he placed on the couch,  a loud crash sound was heard as  Woojin and the popcorn bowl hit the ground and shattered.
“Oh my goodness.” You yelled and rush over to his side trying to be careful of all the glass around him
“Woojin!” You laugh and quickly cover your mouth
He begins to laugh as well
“I kn-know I shouldn’t be laughing but this is so funny.” You say while still laughing
“Oh my lord is everything okay?” Sophia asks rushing down the stairs
“Yeah we are fine. I need to go get Woojin cleaned up.” You say while helping him up but as you do you notice his shoe strings are tied together.
“That little brat tied his shoes.” You thought to yourself
“Hey Woojin let me help you take your shoes off. We just got the carpet done in my room and I don’t want it to get dirty.” You said while taking off his shoes
“Thanks.” He simply said
While helping him to the stairs you look at Changbin’s face and it is bright red from laughing so hard.
“I’m going to get you back for this.” You mouth and his face instantly changes
“Okay Woojinnie you are all cleaned up. You had little cuts from the glass but nothing too serious.” You  say and kiss his small cut giggling
“Y/N I have been meaning to talk to you about something…” He pauses
“I’m not sure if you feel the same way or not but Y/N I'm in love with you. I have been for the past three years. I never told you because I don’t want to ruin our friendship but I cannot hold it back anymore. The more I look at you the more it hurts but a good hurt. It’s the kind of hurt that makes me want you more. Y/N you are a stunning girl, you are strong and you are completely different from any other girl and that is what makes me love you more. Y/N I’m not saying you have to love me the way I love you but you have to feel something…. There is something between us.” He finishes looking into your eyes
You could not gain the courage to speak up...you were complete in shock
“Y/N say something.” He pleads
You look up in the direction of the door and see Changbin looking not so pleasant
“I-I don’t know what to say. Woojin i’ve only ever seen you as friend. If I lead you on in some way I am sorry but you are my best friend.” You state honestly
“I’m tired of being labeled as your best friend. I want more! I deserve more.” He states
“Deserve more?” You questioned
“I have been the only male to care for you. It wasn’t easy either. I could’ve chosen other females but no I wanted you but I see that was a waste.” He says
“W-Why are you being so harsh. I am sorry I don’t feel the same way for you.” You say being very honest. Not once have you thought of Woojin more than a friend.
“Is there another guy? Who is he?” Woojin asked coming closer
“W-Woojin stop there is no other g-guy.” But in that same moment you thought of Changbin and how he made you feel. He made you frustrated yes but he is also very caring. You begin to cry I wish Changbin was here.
“Woojin please leave. You are acting irrational and it’s scaring me.” You beg trying to get further away from him
You back ends up hitting the wall and your anxiety began to pick up.
“It’s over I am completely weak against Woojin. I am so scared.” You thought
You close your eyes and just gave up, you slid your body to the floor and cried as you felt him closer.
But Nothing ever came. You open your eyes to see Changbin holding onto Woojin
“C-Changbin h-how are you doing that.” You question but he does not speak a word to you, his main focus is on Woojin and Woojin only.
The look in his face is something you’ve never seen before and it was haunting
It was almost like Changbin was glowing out of anger a dark red mist almost seeping out of him
You had no idea of what he was capable of.
“W-What are you doing Changbin!”
He didn’t listen.
Once he heard you he turned his head and looked at you. He saw how powerless you were in this situation. Quickly he ran up to you and comfort you wrapping you in his arms.
“I’m so sorry Y/N I don’t know what got over me. I think I just hate seeing you like this” he said finishing up wrapping you in the blanket.
“What the” before Woojin could finish Sophia entered the room.
“Y/N are you oh” before she could finish that sentence she locked eyes with Changbin and her jaw dropped.
“H-How are you here?” She questions out loud
“You” Changbin said standing up.
“What’s going on” you question the situation.
“I remember you, do you want to tell Y/N what happen?” Changbin said walking closer to Sophia.
“I-I have no idea what you are talking about Changbin.” She states
He chuckles “Oh really let me refresh your memory.”
“Five years ago I walked into this very house and demanded with my friend Felix, that the man you were working for would stop stealing our music. Of course he denied it.
“Are you sure this is a good idea Changbin.” Felix asks
“I’m sure but if you don’t want to go in than it’s fine. I’m tired of hearing our music that we worked hard on being used by someone else.” Changbin finishes
He had a point… a man named Park Hyunsik ( I love him so much. Watch Strong Girl Bong Soon)  from another company kept stealing the music Changbin and our group made. All nine of us were very upset so we finally decided to do something about it.
“No I’m good.” Felix turns and looks at him
“We got this.”
Both boys walk up to the door and bang on it making sure they were heard
The door is opened and a woman speaks “May I help you boys?” A women chuckles
“Yeah you can actually is Park Hyunsik here?” Changbin says
“Hyung don’t be so rude.” Felix  says
Changbin nods  just nod
“Yes he is. What is your business with him?” She asks
“We need to talk to him about stealing our music.” Felix says calmly
“E-Excuse me?” She asks
“More than six of our songs and demos have been stolen by Hyunsik and we have come here to talk to him. So if you would please move out of the way.” Changbin says
She stands there for a few seconds then smirks and moves to the side allowing them access
“What was that all about?” Felix asks
The door is locked and shut. Felix has a bad feeling about this.
“Changbin I don’t think we should do this. Trust me” Felix tries to plead his case.
“Look if you have a problem than go wait outside Felix.” Changbin
“There no need for that” the suited man said snapping his snapping his fingers.
All of a sudden you a gun click and slowly raising to Felix’s head.
“One more move and your friend is history”
“You are seriously that evil. You would kill an innocent person just so you can steal more songs. You want to become a murder and witness this child die? HE’S NOT EVEN EIGHTEEN YET AND YOU WANT TO TAKE HIS LIFE. WHAT KIND A HUMAN ARE YOU” Changbin screamed at the top of his lungs.
“One who loves money and has to provide for his family”
“Felix I’m so sorry”
“Hyung what are you talking about”
All of a sudden Changbin ran and pushed Felix out of the way. While doing this he closed his eyes knowing the events that were about to happen next. A gun shoot was heard.
“NOOOOO CHANGBIN!” Felix yelled seeing his best friend laying on the floor.
“You MONSTER LOOK WHAT YOU DID” he continued to yell. He then turned and face the woman that shoot Changbin. She was shaking herself in shook of the events that just play out in front of her.
With tears in his ears Felix finally looked her in the eye “I hope you remember this for the rest of your life.”
*End of FlashBack*
“S-Sophia how could you?” You look at her with such disgust
“I-I am so sorry. I’m sorry Changbin.” She starts to cry
“What are you sorry for the deed has been do-” Changbin doesn’t finish his sentence as he begins to fall
“Changbin!” You exclaim as you run over to catch him
“Y/N” Woojin said
“W-What Woojin?” You look at him with tears streaming down your face
“His time is up…” He looks down
“H-HOW DO YOU KNOW HE’S LEAVING! HE CAN’T LEAVE ME I NEED HIM!” You scream not realizing what you just said.
In that moment you started to realize the little
things Changbin has done for you. The way his eyes glow when he smiles. The way he makes you feel at home. You did not want to think of your days without him.. He is the reason you stayed… why can’t he stay. Why does he have to leave? I just want him to h-hold me
You can feel the tears spilling down your face
“Y/N” Woojin said putting his hand on your shoulder “I know you may not like me like that and I’m okay with that. I see the way you look at Changbin. You really love him Y/N”.
“Woojin I know I hurt you”
“Hey I’m fine. There are other people right” he said smiling.
“You will always be my best friend Woojinnie nothing is going to change that” tears started to roll down your eyes. Soon after you leaned into Woojin for a hug.
“You can save him you know” Woojin said looking down at you. “I read into this stuff when I was going through my quote on quote emo phrase but it should work”
“H-How please tell me how.” You sob harder
“If I am correct you are doing it now.” He says
“W-What?” You look at him confused
“When a trapped spirit exerts as much force as he did it has to be for a good reason. He did it for you… Y/N he loves you. He risked his life for you because I did a stupid thing. I let my emotions control me. I am so sorry.” He says tearing up
You hold him tighter and cry.
Why would he do such a thing, How could I have not seen it. I am such an idiot all the times he would act like an ass, he just was protecting me. He really does love me.
You fall onto Changbin chest just like the first time you hug him. You could still hear his heartbreak. You got up a bit lean over his head, hand on his cheek. Looking at him like this broke your heart.
“I love you Changbin” your voice started to break “please don’t leave me”.
A tear fall from your face onto his cheek. So after your head fell onto his chest.
You heard a voice but you thought you were dreaming. So you felt a hand on your arms. Opening your eyes you saw it in the flesh.
“Hey I’m okay Y/N” you heard that familiar voice again.
Lifting your head you were faced with Changbin in the flesh.
“C-Changbin y-you’re actually”
“It’s me Y/N” he said placing his hand on your cheek.
You couldn’t control your tears.
“Ch-Changbin I thought I lost you forever. I don’t know what I would do.” You grab onto him tighter
“It’s good to know someone will miss me” he said chuckling.
“Please don’t leave me.” You beg him
“I’m here now babygirl.” He said grabbing your hand and kissing it
You smile
“Sophia.” You say with a stern voice
“Y-yes?” She asks nervously
“You are a terrible women. I will never be able to look at you the same.” You said and shed a tear
“Y/N it’s fine. You shouldn’t hate her for the past. She is still the women who raised you.” Changbin says standing up reaching for your hand to stand you up.
“Please can everyone just leave us?” You try to ask nicely
Both Sophia and Woojin nod and leave closing the door
Changbin pulls you into his embrace again and you rest your head on his shoulder
“Do you really love me Y/N?” Changbin asks
“I would never lie to you.” You say looking into his eyes
“No you haven’t.” He says looking back at you and smiling
“And I will never.” You bite your lip
I really love this man.
“Y/N be mine.” He says quickly
“W-What?” You ask him again smiling just so you can hear it again
“Be my girl. I want to spend the rest of my human life with you. You are the only person who loved me and was willing to fight for me.” He finishes
You place your hands on either side of his face standing on your tippy toes, pulling him in for a kiss
“Of course.” You respond back and kiss him again
Changbin though it has been a short time I can not imagine myself without you.
“I bet you 11,000 won that it was my charming face that made you fall on your knees for me” Changbin said after the kiss
“And I bet it was my stuttering that made you fall for me” returning the answer.
“Where’s my wallet...you just got yourself 11,000 won” he said pressing his nose on yours smiling.
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jeremichal-archive · 6 years
and if you weren't him, would that be such a bad thing
honestly, i just missed writing for my boys and i had to live up to my username, so here’s some good old angsty jeremichael. i hope y’all enjoy & don’t forget to let me know what you think! 
WARNINGS: Swearing PAIRING: Jeremichael, past Raychael
Michael hates him in the exact same way he hates Ray.
No note. No warning. A missing car and an empty apartment. It’s two years ago all over again, and Michael can’t help but wonder if it’s his fault; if he’s the problem. Once is just shit luck, but twice means Michael’s just made to be left behind.
He made a mistake with Ray. That much he knows. He didn’t chase, didn’t see the need to when he was so fucking sure he’d come back. Blind faith; blind hope - all it got him was heartbreak and an after-thought message from Barbara saying that Ray’s new girlfriend is “super amazing, Michael. You need to meet her!”
So yeah, this time, Michael does everything he can. He calls his mobile; disconnected. He calls his burner phone; abandoned. He asks Gavin to track him; gone. He sends out a message to everyone in Los Santos and prays for something back.
Find Rimmy Tim, and bring him back alive.
It’s three days after, when Jack asks, “Maybe he got himself into trouble?” As if Jeremy’s a cat stuck up a tree.
“And he left to protect us?” Gavin adds, and Michael desperately hopes that he doesn’t crack a molar from the way he’s clenching his jaw so fucking hard.
Ryan leans across the kitchen table. His mask is off, but then again, his face paint does a good enough job replacing the loss. “It’s possible,” he hums and Michael’s pushing himself out of his chair before he realises it. The legs scrape against the hardwood floor - a sound not unlike nails down a chalkboard - and four sets of eyes snap to him.
Afterwards, he’ll regret not just keeping his mouth shut. But in the moment, the words tumble out before he can stop them.
“You’re all fucking idiots if you think he cared about us for even one damn second.”
His old apartment smells like Ray.
It’s why he sleeps at the penthouse. It’s why he still pays its rent. It’s why he hasn’t set foot in the place in about a year.
The last time he was there, he wasn’t alone. Now, the thought just makes him feel sick.
“You sure I should be here, Michael?”
“You don’t have to stay.”
“But you want me too…?”
Jeremy looks so much smaller than normal, hovering uncertainly just outside the doorway. Michael stares back at him, wishing he could tell what was going on inside his head.
“You’re not his replacement, you know,” he mutters, just in case, and Jeremy rears back as if he’s been hit. “You smell nothing like him, for one.”
His old apartment smells like Ray. The penthouse smells like Jeremy. Michael just can’t seem to catch a fucking break.
Five days after, it’s obvious that Geoff picks the short straw, mainly because he shoulders his way into Michael’s room at 5 pm. His suit jacket is off, and the top three buttons of his shirt are popped, but he’s still everything that Michael looks up too.
“You’re taking this the hardest, aren’t you Michael.”
“And what, you’re not?” he hisses back, tucking his legs back up and under his blankets. If Geoff thought to look hard enough, he’d see Jeremy’s stupid purple and orange doona peaking out; but either he doesn’t see it, or he lets Michael have this one because he doesn’t comment.
“We are, Michael. Of course, we are… but it’s just- I’ve seen you like this before-”
“Shut up,” he growls. The air around them crackles and Geoff levels him with a look full of pity. “Get the fuck out of my room, Geoff.”
He does, but not without hitting him where it hurts the most. “He’s coming back. We’ll get him back, Michael. It’ll be different this time,” and Michael hates the hope that blossoms in his chest.
Michael’s smart enough to know that it won’t work, but the pathetic side of him? Well, it’s desperate enough to demand that he still tries. So he puts in the number. He hits call.
It rings.
It rings.
It rings.
Someone picks up.
There’s a moment where he’s stuck in limbo. Sat outside on the pier, head tipped back to face the sun with his phone clutched between his fingers. He pretends it’s both of them, or that it’s neither of them, waiting for him to speak first. Schrodinger’s phone call.
“Where are you?” he asks, because he’s desperate and tired, and so fucking alone. He’s still got Gavin and the others - but they were both something so different, something else and Michael misses them so fucking desperately.
No one answers, but Michael can hear the steady sound of breathing on the other side.
“Are you safe?” he whispers, because he’d throw himself into the damn ocean right now if it meant Jeremy would come back. If it meant Ray would call him. If it meant he wouldn’t have to keep losing the people he loves.
There’s no answer again, and something inside him snaps a little bit. He clenches his hands into fists by his sides, pressing them down against the old wooden pier.
“Did I do something wrong?” he pleads, because once is just shit luck, but twice means there’s something wrong with him, there’s something wrong with him, there's something fucking wrong with him-
“No,” Jeremy whispers and Michael slumps back, feeling his head collide with the hard floor at the same time the line goes dead.
Seven days after, Michael wonders how he managed to survive the first time.
Ray leaves in Spring and it’s sometime around Autumn when it finally sinks in. He’s not coming back. Ray’s not coming back tomorrow, today or in three weeks time. Ray’s gone, and so are all the promises he made.
“You want to get married one day?”
“... Not even if it was to me?”
Ray glances at him over the top of his DS and his eyes look pitch black without the screen illuminating them. Michael does his best to hold a straight face because laughing would give Ray the opportunity to take his words as a joke and he doesn’t want that.
“If we’re not dead by the time we’re thirty, then sure.”
“Sounds like a good plan to me.”
It would be funny, something that he could look back on and joke about with Gavin or even Jack, if it weren’t for the ring he’d purchased, buried in the back of his closet once upon a time ago.  
In a way, Michael hates Gavin too.
It wouldn’t be hard to add him to the list - the godforsaken list of damaged people that Michael loves - but then again, ignorance is bliss and Michael would rather just keep pretending.
At least this way, when Gavin shows up to the penthouse covered in lipstick marks and that goddamn lovestruck smile on his face, he can pretend it doesn’t hurt. When Gavin asks him if he wants to get bevs, only for Lindsay and Meg to be there when he shows up, Michael can pretend he���s not jealous.
Because Gavin was almost a mistake; he was almost a mistake in the same way Ray was. The same was Jeremy currently is. A habit he can’t seem to break, falling for someone who doesn’t have the emotional capacity to love him back.
It his own brand of torture, one more effective than anything Ryan could ever think to dream up himself.
Two weeks after, Michael gives up.
It’s three am when he crawls under Jeremy’s empty bed sheets, pulling them up and around him - suffocating himself in Jeremy’s scent. It’s three am when he shoves his face into Jeremy’s purple pillow, letting his tears turn the colours more black than purple. It’s three am when Michael loses all hope that Jeremy will ever come back.
It’s like losing a part of himself. A perfect 5”4 hole. Open, raw and destroying him from the inside out.
It hurt so much more this time.
Why does it hurt so much more this time?
Ray’s hurt. Ray’s still fucking hurts. His best friend left him. His best friend up and fucking left him, with no warning, two days after Michael took a bullet to his shoulder. There was nothing, no explanation, no apology. It was just Michael, a few empty promises and a cheap kiss that didn’t mean as much as he thought it fucking did.
But Jeremy’s? Jeremy’s fucking kills. Jeremy’s tears him apart. There was something there; he was so sure of it. It was an almost. An almost lover, and almost boyfriend. A person Michael thought he could trust. A person Michael told everything. From the reason why he keeps his old apartment, to the fucking ring he brought six weeks after Ray made that promise. He was almost everything he needed, but then he fucking left.
So Michael gives up. Jeremy’s not coming back. Ray’s not coming back.
Maybe he’s just built to be left behind.
He gets a text message from a burner phone. Gavin tracks it for him and he learns very little, but it’s enough. Purchased in Austin, Texas; paid for in cash.
Can we meet?
Impulse makes him want to text back ‘no’, but he doesn’t. He just stares at it, as the rest of his crew stare at him. No one dares to interrupt the silence that’s settled around them, but Michael wishes they would. The kitchen’s never been so eerily silent before and it makes him uneasy.
Geoff puts a hand over his hand; Michael manages not to flinch. “You don’t have to go. We can send someone else, if it- if it’s too much.”
“It might not be him…” Ryan mutters and Michael can hear how much it hurts him to say that. He knows they’re all hurting too. Being apart of the crew means being apart of a family, so Jeremy leaving hits deep in all of them.
He stares back down at the phone. There’s a slightly visible tremble to his hands that he doesn’t bother trying to hide. “I gotta try,” he whispers and Geoff slowly pulls his hand back, “doesn’t matter how small the odds are, I gotta see if it’s him.”
His apartment, ironically enough, sits on Innocence Boulevard. It’s a four-story building, with one dodgy fire escape and a back alleyway that Michael absolutely hates.
It’s the last place he broke something, his fist after punching the fucking brick wall. It’s where he and Ray kissed for the first time. It’s where he had to explain to Jeremy that his place in the crew? it wasn’t merely temporary. Bad things happen in that alleyway, which is exactly why he sits on the front steps of his building and waits for Jeremy, an ambush, whoever’s coming to meet him there.
At five to three, Michael stands. There’s a slight tremor to his whole being, but it makes itself known the most in his legs. They shake, and it’s enough to force him to lean against the wall.
At five past three, a car pulls up at the curb. Michael knows that car. He’s ran heists in that car. He’s joy ridden in that car. He’s crashed that godforsaken fucking car before. He’s the reason why the back bumper is black and not orange. He’s the reason it has a stain on the back seat.
And he’s never been happier to see that stupid fucking car.
At least… he was, up until the moment two bodies climb out of it and Michael’s heart stops beating.
Jeremy makes the first move.
He approaches the steps slowly, like he’s approaching a wild animal ready to run, and Michael doesn’t blame him. Especially since he’s got one hand on the door handle and the other out in front of him, trying to tell the world to stop.
“Just… give it ten minutes?” he whispers, coming to a stop on the bottom step. Michael stares at him. It’s only been two and a half weeks since he saw him last, but God, it’s felt like years. He looks the same, but somehow entirely different and Michael realises it's because of the look in his eyes.
Fear, apprehension, insecurity and a little bit of guilt. It’s like he’s just joined the crew all over again and Michael hates it. He opens his mouth, ready to say something, but the words die on his tongue. It doesn't help that Jeremy’s already stepping back, making room for Ray, who's stuck hovering awkwardly by the car.
Neither of them makes a move. It's a stalemate. Both of them not quite sure where they stand with the other.
“You flew all the way out here with me, Ray,” Jeremy mutters in the end, cutting through the tension in a way only he could, “and I know you didn’t do it just to stand on the sidewalk the whole time.”
Ray turns his gaze to Jeremy.
“Maybe not,” he mutters, “but it would be a hell of a lot more easier if I did.”
The second the door swings shut behind Ray, Michael’s moving towards the kitchen. He doesn’t care if Ray follows. He doesn’t care if turns around and walks right back out onto the street. All Michael cares about is dousing the fire that’s ignited inside him with alcohol. It’ll make things worse, he knows, but he can’t fucking find it in himself to care.
He pours himself a glass of whiskey and downs it in one swallow. Ray makes a face. Michael pours himself another.
“So Jeremy left, to go get you,” he hisses, sipping it this time. The alcohol does a good job of masking Ray’s scent; both the one that lingers in his apartment and the entirely different one that belongs to him now.
“He told me that you needed- you needed me.”
“He lied. You can leave. Sorry for wasting your time.”
Something catches inside him, and the burning in his veins turns into a full-blown forest fire. “You don’t get to ‘Michael’ me,” he hisses, spinning around to meet Ray head on, “you left. You fucking left. No note! No reason! You left me all alone and I-” his voice cracks. Ray looks guilty, for what Michael guesses must be the first time in his entire life.
“I didn’t think you’d take it this hard...”
He sets the glass down just a little bit too hard, and the sound resonates through the room. Sharp and obnoxious, just like the anger inside of him. His face feels hot, and it’s either the anger or the alcohol that’s staining his cheeks red.
“Don’t lie to me. You knew exactly what would happen, how I’d feel.” He leans his hip against the counter. “You aren’t stupid Ray, but you are selfish and cruel. I always pretended you weren’t, but we both know who you are and what you’re capable of.”
It only takes a second for Ray’s posture to change and Michael watches him snap upright. He picks at the fabric of the couch lazily, from where he’s balanced on the arm precariously. “We were killing each other-”
“Try again.”
Ray sighs. “Okay. You were killing me. You expected so much from me Michael. You wanted so much. You wanted a happy family, you wanted a boyfriend and a husband and the whole shebang. I couldn’t give you that and I knew you wouldn’t take no for an answer.”
“You think I would have forced you to be with me?” he asks, frowning slightly. The anger drains out of him slowly, and then all that’s left is that all too familiar hollow feeling.  
“No, not in the way you’re thinking,” he mutters, looking up at Michael, “you wouldn’t have made me be with you, but you would have made me stay with you, Michael. I couldn’t do that. I couldn’t stay- I couldn’t-”
“Yeah. I can see that now.”
He tells Ray to send Jeremy up and in after him and pointedly ignores the look that flashes in his eyes. He waits for him on the couch at first, but the nerves get to him and he ends up pacing around the apartment. When the door opens, he’s halfway to pouring himself another glass of whiskey, just to do something with his fucking hands.
Jeremy hovers in the doorway again and deja vu washes over him. He stops. Jeremy licks his lips. Neither of them move.
“You-” he tries, but the words fail and Michael has to look away to keep himself from crying. He sucks in a deep breath, staring at the tattered wallpaper while he pretends he’s alight.
“You left-”
“-I-I was coming back!” Jeremy interjects and Michael holds up a hand.
“You left… to go find Ray… for me?” he finishes. Jeremy slowly nods and Michael takes one step forward. “Why?”
“You brought a ring for him, Michael. You’re in love with him. I was just trying- I wanted-” he looks away, gazing dropping to the floor like he’s waiting to be scolded. Michael swallows around the lump in his throat.
“You could have told me…”
“And what?” Jeremy replies, shrugging slightly, “leave you disappointed when I inevitably failed? Have you tell me not to stick my damn nose in places where it doesn’t fucking belong? I didn't know if-” he stops. Michael takes another step forward. It’s a year ago all over again, but this time Michael’s more prepared.
“You didn’t know what?” he asks, sucking in a breath and holding it. Jeremy shuffles on the spot, looking anywhere but him.
“I didn’t know if I was allowed-” he sneaks a glance a Michael- “no, I mean- I didn’t want to- Michael, you have to understand,” he pleads. He runs a hand over his head and Michael can see the red scratches he leaves behind in wake of his fingernails. “I just didn’t want to overstep any boundaries, and I know I should have asked, but- but you were just so- and I wanted to help! And- and- I’m so fucking sorry,” he babbles, his breath coming out in quick huffs.
“I messed this up, didn’t I?” he whispers, like it’s a secret. Like it’s the end of the world. Like he’s just realised what he’s done. “I shouldn’t have tried to- I just wanted to- I thought it would work. Fucking hell, fuck, fuck!”
He makes the move to do it again, ready to drag his nails across the top of his head and Michael can tell it’s going to draw blood this time. He wants to stop him, wants to stop Jeremy from hurting himself.
So he does.
He reaches out and catches Jeremy’s wrists, holding them down gently. Jeremy instantly freezes, and whether it’s from the touch or the proximity, Michael doesn’t know.
“You’re not his replacement, you know,” he whispers and Jeremy squeezes his eyes shut, face scrunching up. It’s a tell and one that screams to Michael that he’s hit Jeremy so close to home. “I know you think you are, and I’m honestly terrified that you still believe that if Ray comes back, we’ll get rid of you… but we won’t.”
“Listen to me,” he pleads, squeezing Jeremy’s wrists and waiting for him to open his eyes first before continuing. “Yeah, I brought him a ring. And yeah, I was gonna ask him to marry me. But Jeremy, three days after I told you about it, I realised I didn’t need it anymore and I threw that fucking thing off the pier. Do you know why?” he asks. Jeremy stares back at him with wide eyes as he shakes his head, and Michael licks his lips slowly.
“Cause of you.”
“What? I- I don’t-”
“I- I know I loved him, and maybe I still do-” Jeremy flinches- “but not in the same anymore. He’s different and I'm different, and it doesn't matter how many times you bring him back for me, he’s still going to leave again. The thing is, yeah it hurt like hell when he left, but Jeremy, it felt so much fucking worse when you did.”
He lets the words sink in. He waits for Jeremy to react, but all he does is stare down at Michael’s hands, eyebrows furrowed. “I didn’t think you’d…” he mumbles, words trailing off.
“What?” he whispers back, “notice? Care? Of course, I care, Jeremy. Of course, I fucking care about you…”
He waits for a moment. Jeremy’s chest rises and falls in quick succession and Michael runs his hands up Jeremy��s arms, settling just below the elbow. “I don’t want to do this wrong again,” he continues, “I don’t want to make the same mistakes twice, so if I’m being too much or if I’m ‘killing you’ then please tell me-”
“You’re not,” Jeremy hisses, head instantly snapping up, “you couldn’t.”
He lets out a harsh breath. “You’re not his replacement,” he says again, and Jeremy sways on his feet, gravitating ever so slightly to Michael. “You smell nothing like him, for one.”
“And that's a good thing?” Jeremy asks, and the look on his face is so open and vulnerable that Michael feels his heart skip a beat.
“Yeah, it is,” he mumbles, and then he’s surging forward to kiss him and Jeremy happily meets him halfway.
Michael wakes up with a body lying along the length of his, and a face pressed into the crook of his neck.
He doesn’t dare move.
It’s much nicer just to enjoy the moment. The way Jeremy’s breath skitters across his skin. The way he can feel the other man’s heart beating steadily against his. There’s no worry that he’ll wake up to an empty room. There’s no threat of heartbreak when he’s got Jeremy right there, sapping his warmth from his body like the thief he is.
He lets his hand move slowly, tracing the length of Jeremy’s spine; following along all the bumps and dips. It’s only when he moves in to kiss the shell of Jeremy’s ear that he gets a reaction.
“Go back to sleep,” Jeremy slurs and Michael laughs softly.
“What time is it?” he questions, turning his gaze towards the window. Light seeps through the gaps in the curtains, but it’s not enough for Michael to believe it’s time to get up. Plus, even if it was, he wouldn’t dare disturb Jeremy. He waits for a reply, and when it doesn’t come, he slides his hand down Jeremy’s side to rest on his hip. The gentle lulling of Jeremy’s breathing makes him close his eyes, and it's hard not to give into Jeremy’s advice.
Before he completely goes under though, he presses his nose into Jeremy’s neck and breathes in.
He smells like apples and gunpowder. Michael loves it.
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Episode 4: what's the harm in a lil flirting - Liam
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Me @ this swap when I’m in such a GREAT position on this Cat tribe. Literally for one, my name was never out considering everyone asked me for what names I’ve heard. Then two, I literally have two alliances which none of them have the same people. And they weren’t groups I made, people came to me wanting me in them lmao. The first one is me, Daulton, Livingston, and Keaton. Then the second one is me, Jesse, and Maynor. I also have a pretty good relationship with Dan and me and Josh have gotten along well so far. If Zach wasn’t exiled, I definitely could have been close with him too. It’s whatever, at least I have people who have trust in me moving into this swap which is all I need. And I got some peeps on this other tribe who I worked with at the first tribal so this could be good.
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So, just when the cat lovers were really starting to feel like a family, we end up getting swapped. Apparently the people that did the best in each puzzle category last round became team captains, and Dan chose me thank GOD. I trust Dan a lot, and I’m glad he sees me as an asset to his game and wants me on his tribe. I also have Livingston from OG Macneil, so that’s good because him and I had the alliance with Grace and Keaton. Hopefully they are good over their tribes, and we make it back together again. The new tribe, the Morgan Tribe, is the tribe I care the least about just based on who’s on it. I obviously want Keaton to make it through, and I like Jessie a lot, but the other 4 are a little less important to my game. The new Samhain tribe is honestly iconic too, and I want Macneil and Samhain to win immunity. Which speaking of immunity, it’s a fucking creative challenge which I do not excel in at all. I just hope the other people on this tribe are good at creative challenges or we’re screwed.
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a tribe swap!!!! spicy. I really was not expecting that one, so good on you hosts for shaking things up.  So my strategy for the swap was to pick everyone I was close with originally lmao. very complex strategy, I know. I will accept player of the season now.  But seriously, I wanted to pick people that I felt would want to work with me and that would not target me specifically if there were to be someone to flip.  
I picked Liam because I feel like we connected pretty well on the original 21 person shit show. I had said to him that I wanted to work with him and Nik had told me he was someone to really have on my side.  I then picked Livingston because I'm really trying this story arc redemption moment with him from trinity. I also... genuinely like him. I feel like we vibe really well and are upfront with one another about game stuff. I hope he doesn't let the past cloud anything going forward, but for now he's definitely my #1.  I then picked Zac because I really got along with him early on as well. A great byproduct of this is that he told me he's super close with Austin, which means thats either information I can exploit, or use to my advantage. If we go to tribal, I could easily target them as a pair, OR join forces with them against someone else. We love accidental connections coming through. Then I picked Daulton because I feel like if I hadn't, he would have been mad. I know what y'all are thinking, why not pick your alliance member Keaton? Well, here's the thing, I don't want to be stuck with the same people all game and really feel like I need to branch out. I also feel like Keaton will understand this better than Livingston, hence picking Livingston over Keaton. Anyway, back to Daulton. Daulton cracks me the fuck up with his blunt delivery. I just have really enjoyed working with him and would love to work with him and livingston moving forward. And that brings us to Austin, who I didn't necessarily pick, but who I was fine with getting. We had some good convos pre swap and I am looking forward to seeing where his heads at in this game.
As far as the challenge is concerned, I think a lot of direction is gonna come from Livingston, which is fine by me. I really am not a creative soul, so I feel like I will be channeling my energy into Livingston's creative process and let him take the wheel. I think we have a good shot of being untouched into the next phase of the game but we'll see. Also, I feel like I basically found the key to all the advantages in the game tonight in my idol search, so trust and believe i'm about to fuck this game up ladies!
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I had high hopes from our first new tribes and the way I play is short, simple, and sweet. Tim made a 5 person alliance of people i liked, and i thought that it was good. Liam is extremely solid, brandan is good not great, and Nik is typically okay on a short term basis. But i had my reserves on Nik, and of course Nik saw the opportunity to break me and Tim up, even though we arent this duo who will flip flop, fuck people up, we are old school people, we find our people we roll with them, we get to the end. We're loyal, but we aren't stupid. 
The minute I saw Tim was getting a lot of the votes and that it got too quiet, i knew the fix was in. Liam has been our informant and I went out of my comfort zone right into the mainchat ala Nik style. I called them out, and I had the immunity idol. The GTO play (Game theory optimum) would be to let Tim go and play the game by myself and break that perception and have an idol. But I AM LOYAL. I do not let my ride or dies sink in the game. I have never voted tim out of a game nor will i ever let him go home if i have anything to say about it.
We manuevered the vote dynamics, made sure the votes were on him, and we made Nik get to steppin. Moving forward it would have been very tough but now a swap is among us.
So we just swapped, and Tim was tribe captain. Exactly what we needed. Nik was 100% right, all i need is one swap and just a few rounds to mobilize my army and build a coalition. Give me time, and i will break people. Not in a bad way. I need people who will be dedicated, and will never waver, never flip. My militia is called the L&J team. Me, Tim, Liam, thats 3, 3/18 = 1/6. Now we recruit Zach, and we pull in grace. 5/18. 27% of the cast. I begin to like these odds once the numbers dwindle and we keep our people in the game.
I may seem like this menace, but I am extremely calculated and people who give me their word I will return the favor. Me and Tim are loyal people. But if you are halfway with me, or are against me we will fucking murder you in cold blood. 
Josh V is the next to go, Brandan worst case if we lose again. We aren't going anywhere anytime soon, we found our people, now we show the game what we can do.
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You ever have those moments where you're hyped, but also not hyped at the same time? Well this is one of those times. I got a fucking idol!!!! but I also earned our tribe a disadvantage in the challenge in the process. So that basically means to me that you probably get a disadvantage any time you get an advantage. or are in the process of getting an advantage. So that means Tim probably got pretty close to getting something, or got something. I'm not sure if that means Zach got an advantage (exile) or if that was his disadvantage? Idk, I'm fucking nervous now, we're gonna have to pull out all the stops for the challenge. 
My worry about the challenge is that we don't really have a story line, we just have the slasher concept. I mean, realistically, I would love to have my idol for myself later in the game, but I would also rather get rid of it if we lose this comp because of my disadvantage... I'm very nervous now, and I think I fucked my game up with this whole idol search business. I hate everything lmao. Well played hosts, well played.
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I feel so fucking guilty. I know there’s probably a bunch of people in here laughing at me and saying I’m an idiot, but I literally didn’t mean to get a fucking disadvantage. I’m really considering just leaving zac or Livingston my idol and getting voted out. I’m so fucking mad at myself.
So I’m feeling more into the game today now that I’ve slept on it. My plan is to fucking stay by any means necessary. I spoke with Livingston just now and told him about my idol. Obviously I know that could come back and bite me in the ass, but frankly I’m playing the idol tonight if I’m in danger or not so fuck y’all. But anyway, I do trust Livingston more than anyone else here. We have a good rapport and I know he’s a loyal guy. So lettuce pray that everything works out and I can idol out a big threat hehehe
Tribal in two hours. It’s me or zac. I’m voting zac and I’m playing my idol so square up with your idol boo
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Well Well Well... I'm not having a good day! I heard it's Zac going... I REFUSE! He will not be going on my watch! Zac is an ICON who I love and adore! I was LITERALLY crying at the thought of voting him out so imma fight for him! I REALLY don't wanna lose anyone on this tribe but especially Zac!
In more positive news Daulton and I are the first Showmance of the season! I've always thought Daulton was cute so what's the harm in a lil flirting ☺️
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Meep merp beep. Ive been soo not into the game that i need to focus again. I want to do well in this game but ill end up just letting myself down as always. 
Soo im haply our trailer won immunity. Im safe. 😊
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Oh, poor Liam. :( He really doesn’t want Zac to be the vote tonight, but I think it’s pretty set in stone at this point unless and Idol is played. I don’t want to sound cocky though because I realize anything can happen, but I feel like Livingston, Austin, and I in addition to Dan are all on board to vote Zac. Liam feels like it’ll be a 3-3 vote which I’m not sure how that will play out unless Austin flips. I really don’t want to go to rocks this early in the game, but I told Dan I wouldn’t write his name, so if Livingston wants to flip, that’s on him, but I just don’t think I can do it. I just hope it is 4-2.
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So we won immunity for once with the videos! Really don’t appreciate the hating on my editing skills/lack of appearance in the video @judges. It was editing or being filmed and I choose editing haha. Anyway, I’m feeling pretty comfortable with this group. Really hoping we don’t lose again. Splitting into 3 tribes really helps give us a chance. I like everyone on my tribe but they’re also super super quiet and we only talk during challenges which is a bit awkward...
0 notes
occasionalfics · 7 years
Cross the Stars, part XIII
part xii, part xiv
A/N: Don’t hesitate to tell me what you think! :D
Summary: Kraglin has an idea to help Yondu, Indriza, and Peter gain their freedom, but Indriza doesn’t like it. Doesn’t help that she doesn’t much like Krylorians.
Words: 3,152
They steer clear of Kree and Xandarian provinces. They’re heavily populated, but that offers so many more opportunities for them to be found out. So, as they float along through what used to be an Axion province, Yondu addresses the crew.
The whole crew.
Indriza never knew that was possible, but there they all are, matching coats and everything.
“Has e’eryone seen Taserface, Mids, and Tulk?” he asks the crowd.
Most of them nod - those that don’t try to get higher to see. The three idiots that tried to attack Indriza all stand together in the center of the group. She smirks at them and receive growls and spit in return.
“That’s what happens when ya mess with an Axion,” Yondu says.
The crowd pipes up - everyone says something different and all of it is unintelligible. Yondu whistles, bringing out his arrow. It waves in the space beside his head, but its presence quiets everyone in the room.
“Ya’ll forget Indriza’s been a ravager almost half her life. ‘S longer than most a ya,” he says.
“What’s it to us?” someone asks. She thinks it’s Taserface - who has the most idiotic name she’s ever heard - but Indriza can’t be sure.
“Ask Tulk,” Yondu says. “He’s the one that needs a new eye.”
Anyone that can looks at Tulk and grumbles. She thinks she hears whispers of Yondu going soft, but they miss the point entirely. She stands tall, arms crossed, face stern - she’d done this with her own crew, a long time ago. She’s out of the habit in front of so many people, but she thinks of Omara’s intimidating face and tries to invoke the image herself.
“Now,” Yondu says. “I ain’t here to tell y’all to take mercy and go soft. I’m just lettin’ ya know that messin’ with Indriza,” he points at her, “might not be yer best idea. Fer yer own sakes.”
“She is nothing to us,” someone calls.
“She is everything to ya,” Yondu responds, speaking slowly and intentionally. “She’s the reason we haven’t been found and ravaged ourselves.”
“Stakar Ogord wants her too, now,” Tulk calls. “What’s keepin’ us from turnin’ her in ourselves?”
“You wanna try, Cyclops?” Yondu asks. “Look, I’m just givin’ y’all fair warnin’. I ain’t about to protect y’all from her or her from y’all. Ya’ll’re capable, or ya ain’t, but I’ll let Indriza decide that fer herself.” With that, he walks out of the room.
Indriza watches as the crew glares at her and becomes rowdy again, but especially as the three she has already taken out growl and hold their ground. She knows they mean to warn her, but she is not scared of them. She has bigger, more significant things to worry about. She follows Yondu from the room without another word or glance.
Peter and Kraglin are in the cockpit, as usual. The Terran child stands at the large window at the front of the room, his music blasting loud enough for her to hear its remnants across the space. Kraglin is working on a mobile comm, most likely searching for the latest whereabouts of Stakar Ogord and her sister.
She knows nothing more than anyone else in the room - except for Peter, of course. Yondu lets him keep his music on as loudly as he wants so that the three of them may discuss important matters without scaring him. But the rest are restless and anxious. None of them know whether or not Omara and Stakar have teamed up, or if other factions are after them. They have no informants other than Allura, who still has not contacted Indriza. She is worried that Allura, the woman who still holds half of her heart, is imprisoned or has been tortured or killed - but she doubts that Omara would stoop so low. She hopes not, anyway.
“An’thing new?” Yondu asks as he sits in the captain’s seat.
Kraglin shakes his head. “Axion ships spotted near Sovereign, but nothing else. Not even a report from the high priest.”
Yondu sighs. “Where to next?”
Kraglin looks up from his pad. “Krylor, maybe?”
Indriza wonders why, but doesn’t ask. She wants Kraglin, the skinny kid that he is, to explain himself without intimidation, not that it would be intentional. She and Yondu stare at him before he goes on.
“They have technology that could change our features,” he says quietly. “And they’re not allied to Ogord or the Axion faction. They don’t much care for ravagers, but we may be able to strike a deal with’em.”
“For what?” Yondu asks.
“Disguises. Clothes. If we got’em to agree ta our terms, we could leave the Elector for a bit. We could hide.”
“What do we have to offer Krylorians?” she asks. “We can’t give them protection from other ravager factions when they’re all after us, and they have plenty of riches for the whole planet over. Twice. What use are we to them?”
No one answers her for a bit. Kraglin swallows spit hard.
“They’re like rare things,” he says finally.
She raises her eyebrows. “Rare things?”
Yondu sits forward in his chair. “Three outta four people in this room’re rare things,” he says.
She looks at him, then to Peter, and then Kraglin - the only common person there is the Xandarian kid. Axion is gone and so are most of her people; Centaurians have been almost entirely wiped out or claimed by Kree battle slavery; Terrans hardly ever make it past Mars without help.
“What do you mean they like rare things?” she asks, putting her hands on her hips. “Like the Collector?”
Yondu shakes his head. “Nah. They don’t keep rare things, just run tests and studies on’em. Ain’t dangerous, from what I hear. But they’re timely and annoyin’.”
“Why?” she asks.
Kraglin looks at her, his eyes too wide for his bony face. “Some people think they’ll be lookin’ to recreate whole species themselves soon.”
She scoffs. Peter turns around and takes his headphones off, but Indriza is the only one that sees.
“This could be our only chance to get disguises. We wouldn’t have be holed up on this damn ship,” Yondu says in a light voice.
“So we just let some Krylorian creeps poke and prod at us because they have fancy gadgets?” she asks.
“Fancy gadgets that’ll get us a few hours on solid land, Driza,” Yondu says.
“There’s a way to get off the ship?” Peter asks from across the room.
Everyone turns to look at him, all wide eyed except for Indriza. She moves and stands over him, moving her hands to rest on the back of her hips, elbows out behind her. “Kraglin thinks there is,” she says in the same way she’d say it to anyone. “I think it’s foolish and not worth the effort, though.”
“But we could get off the ship. All of us.” Peter’s eyes are wide as he looks at her. “We could see a sun and go shopping and feel grass.”
“We could get lost,” she says. “Or separated. Or trapped and hurt. Badly.”
“We have to try,” Peter says. He turns to Yondu. “Right? We have to try.”
Yondu stands and joins them toward the window. “We have to try, Driza,” he says, putting a hand on her arm gently.
She looks from Yondu, to Peter, and back a few times. Their faces are grave, but serious. And he is the captain - she has some say if she can convince him of certain things, but in this, he seems firm. She has no choice but to follow him, though she doesn’t like the feeling the plan leaves in her stomach.
She sighs and turns around, leaving the room entirely. For just a second, she’s worried that Kraglin will think she’s mad at him. She’s not, even if she doesn’t like his plan. He’s a child still, and like many Xandarian people, can be stubborn. But she’s not angry with him. She just wants to be alone, to think this whole plan over and decide how she will best protect herself and her new family.
Indriza goes to Yondu’s room. He doesn’t follow her, which she is thankful for, so she gets into the bed and looks out his window into the vast galaxy. Of all the places to go, Krylor? Those pink jackasses have nothing to claim except being superficial and ambitious. That’s what she’s been told her entire life on Axion; her people were ancient, and the Krylor are descendants of them. No one would remember that in a hundred years, when she and everyone else she’d known from home were gone. The Krylorians will continue their pompous research and take credit for, eventually, re-creating whole species and planets. If she were to be one of their experiments, they would surely take more of her than she allowed. They would keep it, and they would use it to bring Axion people back, only this time, they would be descendants of the Krylorians.
But she doesn’t have a choice. Yondu wants his freedom, Peter wants his, and she does too...but she doesn’t know what the price for that freedom is. She doesn’t want to find out. She wants to find another way to do this - to get off the ship and be happy again. Really happy.
She closes her eyes and tries to picture what that looks like. Yondu is there, of course. Peter and Kraglin, too. And Allura. They live in a large building on some random planet - that’s not important - with no one else to worry about. In a perfect version of this vision, she and Allura and Yondu all share one wing of the house, one bed. There’s no fighting over anyone - and, if she has her way as much as she wants to, all three of them are in love with one another. Peter and Kraglin are their sons and everything is perfect.
But that isn’t how the galaxy works. She’ll be surprised if Allura and Yondu ever meet. She’ll probably never own a home on any planet, and likely never live in one either. She’ll be stuck on this ship, a place she chose to come to, unless she lets Yondu go through with Kraglin’s plan. She doesn’t want to trap everyone else, but she definitely doesn’t like the feeling she gets when she thinks of letting Krylorian scientists poke into her skin, take her blood and skin samples, and keep it for themselves. For their glory, while Axion is no more.
She hears her mobile comm pad go off from across the room. Indriza goes to find it, and is able to breathe when she sees Allura’s information displayed. She accepts the signal immediately, then jumps back into bed, smiling like a fool when she sees Allura’s face. She can’t help it; it’s been so long since she’s seen her beautiful features that her heart beats faster now.
“Indi,” Allura says, her face sporting a worried glance. “I think they’re getting close.”
“I doubt it,” Indriza answers lightly. “I miss you.”
Allura sighs and relaxes her features. “You’re not near Kolok, are you?”
Indriza shakes her head. “Not even close. Keeping our distance. I really miss you.”
Allura stares. “You have bigger things to worry about.”
“I’ve worried about them before, and I’ll worry about them again. But right now, I’m worried about you.”
Allura leans forward with her eyes closed, slowly, and then sits back again. Indriza can see that she has tears in her eyes, threatening to fall.
“What’s wrong?” she sighs, leaning against her pillow.
“I’ve just...been so lonely without you, Indi,” Allura says. “Omara’s not the same. She’s cruel to me - to the whole crew, but especially me. She thinks I’m giving you intel and betraying the faction.”
“Yondu said the same,” Indriza says. “I set him straight, though. And the next time I see Omara, I’ll-”
“You’ll do nothing but run,” Allura says in a stern voice. “Turn and run. She wants your head, Indi. I can’t let her have it.”
Indriza picks up her head again. “What? But there’s a bounty!”
“She doesn’t care about the bounty. You hurt her badly - or so she says. She wants to hurt you right back.”
“She’d definitely be stupid to kill me, then,” she says, immediately regretting it. She’s right, but she doesn’t like what her words imply; hurting the people Indriza loves is what will hurt her, of course. And Omara has just the right person before her to hurt, if she cares at all about hurting her sister.
“She and Stakar are in constant contact, but even he isn’t able to talk her out of her mania,” Allura says softly. She gets choked up as she says, “I don’t think she’s ever coming back from this, Indi, and I don’t know what’s going to happen to us.”
Indriza feels like shutting off. She frowns and curls into herself, holding the comm close to her face. This is not the conversation she wanted to have with Allura. She wants to reach through the hologram and pull Allura through, hold her tight and keep her safe. But it is too late for that, she feels. She can’t even suggest Allura leaving for the Elector, where Indriza is her only reason to live. The Axion is more her home than it was for Indriza when she left, so leaving is likely impossible.
“I miss you,” Indriza whispers. There is nothing else she can say.
“I love you,” Allura says back, leaning into the comm again.
Indriza nods. “I love you so much, Allura. I’m so sorry for this mess.”
Neither speaks for a few moments after that. They breathe together, tears fall together, and the silence endures. And then, after a while, Allura wipes her face and sits straighter.
“I have to go,” she says quietly.
“No,” Indriza says, her voice cracking. “Come. Find me. Be safe.”
Allura sighs. “I have to keep Omara from finding you,” she says as her eyes glaze over again.
“Promise me you’ll call soon,” Indriza says.
“I promise to call when I can,” Allura replies. “Stay safe, my love.” And then she is gone.
Indriza lays in bed for a while, left alone with her thoughts. She watches through the window as the Elector moves, slowly, into the heart of the galaxy. They won’t be there long; Krylor is close to Terra, but not in the same solar system. Still, the stars pass by, dragging dust behind them as they go.
She knows she’s been outvoted. Her gut still tells her that this is a bad idea, and not just because the Krylorians are greedy pink freaks that want the key to her genetic makeup. She knows they’d take a Centaurian just as quickly. But there is something heavier sitting on her, telling her that this is wrong. Someone will not be making it out of this without paying a huge price, and she is terrified that it will be Yondu. He’s the captain, and he has the most to lose. Everyone on the ship is connected through him.
Just as she’s starting to drift off, Yondu comes into the room. She lifts her head lazily when she hears the door lock, then watches him as he comes around the bed. He takes off his boots and coat, then sits on top of the sheets. Indriza turns to face him.
“We’re headed for Krylor,” he whispers.
She nods.
“I know you ain’t fond’a the idea.”
She watches and listens, but says nothing.
“It’s the only option we got, Driza. I wanna see the galaxy with ya, y’know? Can’t do that from behind Elector doors.”
“Can’t really do it with bounties on our heads, either, and we can’t change that.”
“No, but we could disappear. Our outsides, that is. So what if those Krylorian jackasses wanna little bit’a us? They can make us disappear.”
She looks at her hands and remembers how rare they are, how sought-after her coloring is. She’ll have to give it up for him, but that’s not really the case, she knows. Yondu isn’t asking her to change who she is or where she’s come from, but just to appear different. Just so that they can have a little bit of freedom to walk around and not have to fear for their lives. Or Peter’s.
“We don’t know that for sure,” she whispers, looking back at him. “This technology Kraglin speaks of is experimental. And I don’t trust them.”
He sighs and his face is so sad. Everything droops - it even looks like his fin droops, too, but she knows that can’t be possible. The metal might bend under extreme heat, but not over emotion.
“I don’ either, but we don’t have another option.”
“Our other option is to continue doing what we’ve already been doing.”
“So you want to stay cooped up on this damn hunka junk? Forever? Ya never wanna see the rest of the universe ever again? Because Stakar and yer sister aren’t ‘bout to let up, if I know either of’em half as well as I think.”
He’s right. And she hates the thought of never feeling sun against her skin, never seeing snow on Contraxia or rain on Markus X again. She sighs and moves to put her head in his lap. Without much hesitation, his hand is in her hair, pulling gently on strands. She shivers against him, and reaches up to trace the scars on his cheek. She is glad he’s not touching her still-tender face, especially with how wonderful it feels to have him play with her hair.
“I just have a terrible feeling about everything,” she whispers, gazing into his red eyes with the hope of finding some sense of stability and freedom. But she knows he doesn’t have all the answers, even if he thinks he does. He is only one man, after all.
Yondu nods. “Me too, but I ain’t got any other ideas, and that kid deserves better.”
She takes her hand from his face and reaches down for his hand, running her nails over his calloused skin. “I know,” she says. “He does. Peter’s just a child, and he should be outside.” She studies his fingernails, which are darker blue than his skin but just as rough. He is so hard physically, she thinks, but so soft on the inside - and she knows she is the only one on the ship that appreciates that. “I know we’re going, and I know what we have to do. I don’t like it, but I know we have to do it. For Peter, especially.”
“And us,” Yondu says.
She nods and brings his hand to her lips, placing a soft kiss on his palm, despite the small twinge of pain it causes her.
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fortheloveofeos · 7 years
Blackout - Part 3
Hello, lovelies! I hope y’all are enjoying this series so far. I’m not sure how many more parts there will be, but I do know things are about to pick up. This is only my second time writing NSFW content so I really hop it’s okay. Also, Dark Pompto kills me.
Prompto twirled his gun in his fingers once before it de-materialized into a blue light. tiny droplets of blood covered his arms and some had managed to dry in his now messy hair. There were a few stains on his clothes but because they were black it was difficult to tell exactly what it was. My guess was blood.
Gladio exited the elevated after Prompto. He had been wearing a plain black cutoff shirt and jeans, both now splattered with blood. Unlike Prompto, he seemed awake and ready to go as he bounced his weight from one foot to the other. Ignis placed a hand on both their shoulders, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. He, too, had clear evidence of the battle but his dress clothing was much cleaner than either of the two behind him. His shirt may have been ruined, but his pants were fine. “You couldn’t place your dishes in the dishwasher, Noctis?”
I was already standing the moment Prompto’s eyes met mine. The worry and stress that I only then realized had been what made him look tired began to fade. “Ailey,” he breathed. I expected him to come to me and fold me up in his arms just as he had before. Instead, he hung back behind Ignis as if he were afraid of approaching me. The look in his eyes shifted to something similar to fear. Was he afraid of me?
“Tired,” Noctis mumbled as he rose from the crouch and stretched. The sound of the elevator must have woken him. “Report in.” He sounded completely uninterested but still followed through the motions.
Ignis, Prompto, and Gladio all shared a look before anyone spoke. “We managed to take down a handful of the Imperials without much trouble. They seemed surprised that we mobilized against their attack so quickly.” Prompto’s glassy eyes stayed trained on mine as he spoke.
“The only injuries on our side belonged to one of your father’s men. No organs were damaged and he managed to get into the car himself. Only death was the driver,” Ignis nodded as he recounted the information of the fight. “We left one survivor who I imagine has returned home with his tail between his legs and reported to his master by now.” A small smirk pulled at one corner of his lips. “Cleanup has been taken care of and the police have blocked off the area for the time being until the scene is completely clear.”
Gladio clapped his hand on Ignis’ shoulder. “Managed to get some information out of one of the MT’s before he…broke,” he chuckled at his own joke. “Seems they were hoping to get to someone close to you, Prince Noctis. They want to know all about your father’s plans.”
Sighing once again Noctis nodded and if nothing they were saying were surprising. “Idiots,” he shook his head. “Good work cleaning up the mess. I’ll speak with my father and let him know about the incident.” Noctis waved to us all as if saying good night before disappearing into a room at the far end of the hall with his phone pressed to his ears.
Ignis entered the kichen, rolled up his sleeves, and set to work cleaning up the small mess left by the young crime lord. Although the expression on his face was somewhat disappointed, his eyes seemed to be content. Gladio pulled off his shirt and made for the bathroom, the sound of the shower cutting on drifted through the walls once the door closed. Prompto hung by the elevator, awkwardly picking of the drying blood on his arms.
“You’re okay?” I finally managed. A million questions were racing through my mind but that one seemed to be the most important. My eyes had raked over his body a hundred times since he arrived and I couldn’t see anywhere that he was injured and all the blood seemed to belong to other people but I needed to hear him say as much out loud. I held my breath as I waited.
He looked his eyes onto mine for a moment as if searching. “Not a scratch. None of this is mine,” he added as he gestured to his messy state. “Getting this out of my hair is going to be a bitch, though.” The cocky grin he so often wore had lost some its steam.
i nodded and let the tension in my body dissipate somewhat. Suddenly my shoes seemed to be the most interesting thing in the room. “Prompto -”
“I’m sorry,” he cut me off. Startled I glanced back up to find him only a hair’s breadth away from me. He had moved so quietly that I hadn’t noticed his approach. “Tell me you’re okay.” I nodded and opened my mouth to tell him as much but his lips crashed against my own with such force that any thought I had died in an instant.
A throat clearing caused me to jump but Prompto flipped his middle finger up without glancing in the direction of the kitchen. “Perhaps the two of you had best head home, Prompto. I imagine the two of you have much to…discuss.”
“Fuck off, Specs.” Prompto laughed but still took my hand in his before grabbing a set of keys from a rack by the elevator. He lead me to a navy Jeep parked in the underground lot before heading back towards the arts district of Insomnia. Neither of us spoke until we were in his loft apartment above a photography studio he ran. Immediately, Prompto picked out a fresh set of clothing before heading to the bathroom, leaving the bathroom door cracked so that we could still speak. Once he was in the shower, he opened the door to signal me to begin.
I had thought about what I would say in what order the whole way to his apartment and still hadn’t come up with what to say. Everything about the shootout was a blur. Then, there were the pictures on his camera and the evidence that he had been stalking me. “What is an MT?”
Prompto laughed, the surprisingly light sound echoing around the steamy bathroom before it reached my ears. “That’s you first question?” I could imagine him smirking and shaking his head incredulously as he washed the blood from his body. The thought of him being so exposed only a few feet from me caused my cheeks to burn and I was thankful he couldn’t see me. “Stands for Mentally Transformed or Terminated. Gladio came up with the acronym a few months ago and likes to slide it in wherever he can.” He paused for a moment and I heard him squeeze shampoo from a nearly empty bottle before the scent of mint filled the air. “The Empire trains those that choose to work for them until they’re basically killing machines. They don’t even flinch when you place the barrel of your gun against their temple.” I shuddered at the thought. “Whatever they do to them changes them and makes them something…less than human.”
That would explain why they were willing to cause a scene in the middle of the street. They had a mission and that was all that mattered. Everyone else be damned. “And the Empire?”
“Opposing gang, so to speak. Groups kind of pop up and fade away a lot in this city. Regis really knows what he’s doing and knows how to take out the opposition. The Empire, as they call themselves, is an organization that runs a few of the closer cities around Eos. They’ve set their sights on gaining full rights to do their shady - and I mean a million times worse than Regis - business around Insomnia.” Another empty bottle being squeezed rang out before I smelled mint and…sandalwood?  “They don’t stand a chance of taking down Regis. The man has connections all over the city in nearly every business that exists here. They just can’t seem to give up. This fight has been going on for years. Before I got involved with any of this.”
My next question was undoubtedly a loaded one but of the million thoughts racing around my head at that moment I had to ask him. His answer had the power to change everything. There would be no going back once I asked him. “How did you? Get involved with all of this, I mean.”
The shower cut off and the towel was ripped off the curtain rod where it hung. A moment later, Prompto stepped from the shower with the towel wrapped around his hips. His golden hair was damp and clean and dripped onto his neck. His fingers seemed somewhat shaky as they combed through his dripping locks. When his eyes found mine, they seemed clouded and unfocused as if seeing something else in front of him. “I met Noct…wow, I guess its been a long time. I was just a kid. We went to school together.” He shook his head, water droplets flying around him in a halo, to clear the memories. “I wasn’t…in a good place then. Noctis really helped me - way more than he will ever know. He and his father are the only family I’ve ever really had.”
Unsure of what to say, I could only nod. Prompto remained silent for several moments, leaning against the door frame as the water from his hair traced the side of his neck before running over his shoulder and leaving a trail down his bare and lightly freckled torso.
My cheeks began to burn as I tore my eyes away from him. I felt guilty and forced myself to swallow to clear my throat. I wanted to ask about the pictures but now I was far too embarrassed to ask at all.
“Ailey,” I nearly jumped out of my skin when his calloused fingers tipped my face up to meet his. His tongue darted out to dampen his chapped lips. His eyes were so dark they reminded me of the night sky, tiny flakes of gold imitating the twinkling stars. His breath fanned over my lips a moment before his lips crashed against mine.
Several moments later we were both trying to catch our breath. “Prompto, I h-have more qustions,” I struggled to get the words out.
He brushed the hair from my face and rested his forehead against my own. “Can we talk later? I know there is still a lot you must want to know.” His lips grazed my nose. “Please,” he begged me, “for right now let’s not talk about this.”
The lightest touch of his fingers sent chills racing down my spine as he gently pushed me back onto the bed. “Prom-” I breathed against his lips. This was all happening so quickly and I wasn’t sure I could stop him. I wasn’t sure that I wanted to. I gasped when his lips ghosted against the sensitive spot on my neck. In a moment, the loose sweater I had been wearing was ripped over my head. Prompto groaned at the sight of me in my black lace bra and jeans. His lips were forceful against mine and his deft fingers made quick work of my pants as he peeled them down my legs.
I giggled when he flipped us over, my hair falling in messy waves over my shoulder as I straddled him in his slightly damp towel. “You’re beautiful,” he smiled and ran his fingers through my hair. “I wish I had my camera.”
“No way,” I laughed. “You are not photographing me in my underwear. You got lucky earlier. I actually hate pictures.”
Prompto held his fingers up so that he looked as if he were holding his camera and pressed the imaginary button with his finger. “You are one Kodak moment after another. His hands ran down my sides before coming to rest of my waist. “I can promise you that I am going to take a thousand pictures of you and you are going to love them.”
“Maybe you’re being a little too confident?”
Prompto flipped us over once again. “I’m good at a lot of things,” he waggled his eyebrows suggestively and I couldn’t help but giggle. I knew exactly what he was doing. He was trying to make sure that I was comfortable. Seeing me laugh must have given him all the confirmation he needed because his lips connect with mine once more and my jeans and underwear joined his towel in a pile on the floor.
Prompto supported his weight on his elbow, his lips sucking harshly on my neck and his fingers tangled in my hair. He continued his assault on my neck but his fingers began to wonder further down my body. His touch was firm and confident as he outlined by sides. When his fingers tweaked my already sensitive nipple I gasped, “Let me hear you,” he purred against my skin. His hot breath fanned over my flushed skin, his lips following his hands down. His teeth tugged gently at my right nipple as his fingers continued to work at the left. His teeth were slightly painful but his tongue was soft and soothing. He knew precisely the amount of pressure to put on the sensitive, hardened skin to have me moaning beneath him. I was so distracted by him switching to the other that I didn’t notice his hands. In one swift movement, Prompto inserted one of his long fingers into my most sensitive area.
“Prompto,” I gasped, my own fingers pulling at his blonde roots.
He smiled against my breast as he continued to suck. His thumb began to rub painfully slow circles against my clit as he slowly pumped his finger within me. He traced butterfly kisses down my stomach before blowing cool air onto my throbbing clit. I whimpered at the sensation and he quickly attached his mouth, replacing his thumb. He inserted a second finger and began to curl them slightly upwards.
Unable to control myself, I struggled to keep my legs open for him as he worked me closer and closer to the edge. Heat began to build in my stomach and I clenched the sheets into my fingers. Prompto held my hip pinned to the bed with one hand in an attempt to stop my squirming. “Look at me,” he commanded in a authoritative tone. I forced my eyes open and attempted to focus on his eyes. His pupils had grown so large that the crystalline blue was nearly completely swallowed in the black of his lust. The heat in my stomach continued to build just as Prompto gave a harsh thrust with his fingers, curling them perfectly into the spot he had been searching for.
“I-I’m gonna -” I moaned and attempted to warn him. Prompto chuckled and licked a stripe up my folds before rising to his feet. I whimpered at the loss of contact but my eyes never left his.
Prompto crawled up the bed, pushing me farther up onto the mattress. He pumped his impressive length a few times as if testing himself before forcing my legs apart. I squeaked at the force of his movement and he settled in between my thighs. He captured my lips with his own long enough to take my breath away. “I don’t want you to come until I give you permission.Do you understand?”
I forced myself to swallow and nodded to show him that I understood. Seeing him being so dominant was causing me to become even wetter. I was embarrassed by just how much I needed him at that moment. My cheeks burned but Prompto paid no attention. He positioned himself carefully so that the head of his cock lightly pressed into my core. Lifting one leg over his shoulder and kissing me forcefully, Prompto pushed himself into me in one quick motion.
I groaned against his lips at the feeling of him stretching me so deeply. I had never felt so completely full and my walls strained against him. He waited patiently for the stress to leave my body before he pulled himself nearly completely out of me. He pushed my other leg over his shoulder and thrust once more so that he was fully seated within me. His hips found a slow rhythm as he snapped himself against me.
I bit the back of my hand in an attempt to quieten my moans. Prompto ripped my hand from my mouth and held my hands above my head. “Don’t hide your sounds from me,” he gave a forceful thrust as if to punctuate his words. “I want to hear everything, Ailey.”
He began to pick up his pace, the bed beginning to protest the movements. The sound of slapping skin filled the room and it was easily the most erotic thing I had ever heard. I was a whimpered mess beneath the sharpshooter. Heat began to coil inside my abdomen once more and I silently begged the Six that i would find release this time.
Still holding my wrists above my head, Prompto’s other hand lightly gripped my throat and turned my head to the side. His mouth began to leave marks on my flushed skin, sucking harshly before blowing cool air to sooth the slight pain. “Prompto,” I mewled, his name barely more than a whisper.
He grunted and began to rub circles against my clit, all the while he slammed into me with increasing speed. “Are you close, baby?” I could hear the desperation beginning to build in his own voice.  
The pressure in my stomach was nearly at the breaking point. Prompto rubbed furious circles as his hips worked to staple me to the bed. “I-I,” I couldn’t string together the proper words.
“That’s it,” he grunted. “Just let go, I’ve got you,” he pleaded.
His words sent me over the edge and I whimpered before his name left my lips as if it were a sacred prayer. My back arched and he released my hands to pull me closer as he worked me through my high. I felt his thrusts grow sloppy and erratic before he twitched inside me. He kissed me desperately before grunting and allowing his hot cum to fill me. He collapsed on top of me once he had emptied himself.
“Fuck,” he chuckled and placed a gentle kiss on my forehead. “Are you okay?”
I panted beneath him but managed a nod. I half smiled and snuggled against me for a moment, both of us struggling to catch our breath. Slowly, he pulled himself out of me and made for the bathroom. I couldn’t help but wince at the movement. A moment later he returned with a towel and one of his shirts.
Prompto gently helped to clean me up before pulling the shirt over my head. He found his boxers on the floor and pulled them on. “Ailey,” he sighed. He sat back against the headboard and opened his arms for me. Hesitatingly, I snuggled into his chest so that he could wrap me in his arms. “I really had not planned on that,” he half laughed.
I definitely had not been planning on sleeping with him. “Me neither,” I confessed. I still had so many questions - there was still the issue of the pictures to deal with. I didn’t want to think about anything other than him but my mind was already racing with a million things.
His chest rumbled as he laughed and pulled the covers over both of us. Silence filled the room, the only sound was that of us breathing and his steady heartbeat beneath my ear. “You’re beautiful,” he finally murmured against my hair. He pressed a kiss against my crown before reaching over to turn off the lamp by his bed. He settled down into the mattress, pulling me so that I was half laying on top of him. The comforting sound of his heartbeat was finally enough to drive away the thoughts rampaging my head and I drifted off to sleep wrapped safely in his arms.
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Hi steph! I was wondering if you could maybe help me to find some reading material :). You know those silly short fics where they end up having first sex, like the hotel with just one bed and that kind of stuff? Well, that's my tea. If you could recommend me any I would appreciate it :3
Hi Nonny!
AHHHHHHH a good choice, Nonny! I’ve actually a TONNE of “First Time” fics, so you’re getting them all, LOL. Fics are sorted in word count order, so the first group of fics will be the short ones you’re looking for!
Everyone else: This list will be cut upon the THIRD reblog of it. Sorry, I do this so I have a desktop and a mobile version of the post
Hope y’all enjoy!!
John Will Never Forget by gelos (NR, 244 w. || Fluff, First Time, Love Confessions) – John will never forget Sherlock’s everything.
The First Night by TheForerunner (NR, 1,043 w. || First Time, Fluff, Non-Explicit, Prose, ACD Canon) – When all was over, Sherlock reached to dress again and John reached to stop him. They sat at opposite ends of the bed and one set of eyes surveyed the other’s set of limbs, and they were quiet in the downbeat, melody suspended. Sherlock was sheepish, and this confused John, who now smelled of his companion and felt they were part of one another.
Mine (He Says While Still Being Smol) by beejohnlocked (E, 1,319 w. || Jealous Sherlock, Possessive Sherlock, Amused John, Needy Sherlock, Blowjobs) – A suspect flirts with John. Sherlock gets a bit jealous. Okay, a LOT jealous.
29 January 2017 by wearitcounts (E, 1,765 w. || Anniversary, First Time, Insecure Sherlock, Love Confessions, Post-S4) – “That,” John says, “should have happened years ago. Maybe even the first time.”
But Love Is A Voice On The Wind by Snow (M, 1,832 w. || First Time, Meddling Mycroft, Texting) – Sherlock keeps getting texts from Mycroft with tips on wooing John.
Caught by Salambo06 (E, 1,859 w. || Frottage, First Time / Kiss, Bed Sharing, Wet Dreams, POV John, Masturbation) – A hotel room. They’re here for a case, hadn’t planned to spend the night and ended up sharing a room. No, sharing a bed. Suddenly John is very much aware of his own hand closed around his hard cock and the ragged breathing next to him. Closing his eyes for the briefest second, John dares to turn his head just enough to confirm what he already knows. Sherlock, on his side, watching him.
Moonlight by ConsultingPurplePants (E, 2,213 w. || First Time, Scars, Camping, Sherlock’s Bum, Waterfall Sex) – Sherlock is standing near the door, wearing, for what John thinks may be the first time in their acquaintance, jeans and a jumper. John drags his eyes away from the way the jeans cling to Sherlock’s just-muscled-enough legs to notice that Sherlock is wearing his own backpack, and is also carrying a collapsed tent. John’s jaw drops open. Is he about to go camping with Sherlock Holmes!?
Where You Are by Mazarin221b (E, 2,478 w. || Beach Sex, First Time, Fluff, Smut, Holidays, Pining) – He can admit he’s secretly a little glad Sherlock didn’t come with him. He needs a break. Sherlock is a handful at the best of times, and the near-constant apologizing, fixing, dealing-with, and following up on is exhausting. The near-constant unrequited attraction is a bit exhausting, too, to be honest, and John could really use a tiny bit of rest from the relentless hammering on his brain and heart.
Turn the key, and come home by TooManyChoices (M, 2,718 w. || First Kiss / Time, Angst With a Happy Ending, Emotional Messes, Implied Sex, Angst and Humour, Bed Sharing, Post-TRF) – Sherlock and John have been dancing around what’s between them for years. Will John return to Baker Street, and if so, will things ever be the same?
Your love it feels so good by Hotaru_Tomoe (E, 2,843 w. || Gay Club / Gay Bar, Lingerie, Stripping, Anal) – Sherlock is last at a quiz night and is forced by Anderson to perform in a gay stripclub. John must be with him, because he will have to record the performance. Sherlock takes the task very seriously. Part 20 of The English job
What He’s Like by magikspell (E, 2,919 w. || Love Confessions, Fluff, First Time, Inexperienced Sherlock) – Realistic first time. They love each other so much.
Right Foot Red by Irrevocably_Sherlocked (E, 3,089 w. || First Kiss/Time, Board Games, Frottage, Masturbation, Frottage, PWP, Friends to Lovers, Come as Lube, Come Marking) – …ok, it’s juvenile, but at least it’s a game where touching is allowed. And if something more were to happen, well, John can’t say he’d be too upset about that. “What are the rules of this game?” Sherlock asks, the disdain evident on the word ‘game’. “I spin, you do as I say.” John thinks he sees a slight widening of those pale grey eyes at that, just for a fraction of a second, before it is shut down. Oh, this is interesting, he thinks.
Affirmation by jamlockk (E, 3,096 w. || First Time, Dev. Rel., PWP, Love Declarations, Emotional/Overwhelmed Sherlock, Comforting/Caring John, Gross Fluff) – “Sunlight dappled John’s skin, casting a glow across his spreadeagled form as he dozed among the rumpled sheets. Sherlock knew the expression on his face was hopelessly soft but for once did not care about showing his true feelings so openly. He simply stood there, in the doorway, gazing at the impossibly beautiful man currently snuffling softly in his slumber.” Part 8 of All the ways we love
Acceptable Behaviour by bbcatemysoul (M, 3,449 w. || Fluff, Dev. Rel., Miscommunication, First Time) – Sherlock isn’t really sure why John wants to shag him, but he’s certain that if he’s careful to behave properly about it, John can be persuaded to keep doing it. In other news, John is a good boyfriend and Sherlock is an idiot.
Measuring Damage With the Fujita Scale by teahigh (T, 3,548 w. || First Kiss / Time, Vacation / Holidays, Friends to Lovers, Bed-Sharing, Pining Sherlock, Sherlock POV, Angsty Fluff, Scars, Awkward Talks) – John goes back into town, into the storm, and Sherlock realises he forgot to say, “I just want to be alone with you.”
Stay by msdisdain (M, 3,561 w. || First Kiss / Time, Angst / H/C, Bed Sharing, Nightmares, Blow Jobs, Anal) – John’s nightmares are nothing new. Sherlock’s inability to ignore them, however, is.
It Wasn’t Just the Mistletoe by Irrevocably_Sherlocked (E, 3,593 w. || Christmas Fluff, Mistletoe, First Kiss / Time, Frottage, Masturbation, Come as Lube) – Sherlock and John just stood there, seemingly frozen. Sherlock was desperately trying to think of a way out of this. There was no way he could kiss John, even a small kiss, and not have him know immediately how he felt. Sherlock could lie, and fake and sham, but there was no way he could hide this.
Well Begun Is Half Done by Avice (E, 3,897 w. || Virgin Sherlock, First Time, Anal/Oral, Seduction, John in Charge, Pining Sherlock, John’s Penis, Bottomlock) – Sherlock is putting together an elaborate plan of seducing John. John grows tired of waiting and takes matters into his own hands.
In the cherry blossom’s shade by Eliane (M, 3,934 w. || Post S3, First Time / Kiss, Sleeping Together, Pining / Obsessive Sherlock, Minor Char. Death) – This isn’t new. Sherlock has already done this – has gone through cities, and dingy hotels, and sleepless nights but it was different before. John wasn’t there before. They’re in this together.
Tree Topper by May_Shepard (E, 4,017 w. || Christmas Tree, Christmas Fluff, Drunken Shenanigans, Smut, First Time, Friends to Lovers) – Sherlock and John are celebrating Christmas the best way they know how–alone together, with booze. They’ve almost finished decorating their tree, but John is determined to find the best way to top it.
Things That You Can’t Say Tomorrow Day by PsychGirl (T, 4,022 w. || Post S4, POV John, Cuddling / Snuggling, Hypothermia, Snowed In, Angst, Romance, First Kiss/Time) – Things go horribly wrong while John and Sherlock are on a mission for Mycroft. Now they’re out in the woods in the middle of winter with no coats and no shelter. However will they stay warm?
Sherlock Holmes and the Mysterious Piercing by Lorelei_Lee (E, 4,130 w. || Travelling, Sherlock is Loud, Secrets, Genital Piercing, First Time, Licking, Coming Nearly Untouched) – John discovers by chance that Sherlock has a piercing. To his surprise John can’t stop thinking about it…
Someone Else’s Heart by thisprettywren (E, 4,188 w. || First Time, H/C, POV Sherlock, Caretaking John, Pining Idiots) – A crime scene, a rainstorm, and something they both should have known all along.
Obsession, Appassionato by shinychimera, Yeomanrand (E, 4,249 w. || Possessive Sherlock, First Time, Jealous Sherlock, Music / Sherlock’s Violin, Present Tense, Frottage) – John is late, and he hasn’t called, and Sherlock works himself into a state. Part 1 of Love and Ysaye
The Sum of His Parts by CommonNonsense (T, 4,311 w. || Body Worship, Pining, First Time) – There are eleven major organ systems in the human body. Sherlock knows about all of them to some degree, but none fascinate him as much as the ones that make up John Watson.
Overture by Kate_Lear (M, 4,435 w. || First Kiss / Time, Friends to Lovers, Angry John, Introspection, Dev. Rel., Embarassed / Insecure Sherlock, Morning After, Bed Sharing, Cuddles / Limpet Sherlock) – A short snippet on how John and Sherlock might have got together.
It Isn’t Strange Until You Think About It by ivyblossom (T, 4,596 w. || For A Case, First Time, First Person John POV) – John tells the truth about how it happened. For some reason, “it’s for a case” always seems to do the trick.
The Prize We Sought Is Won by deathfrisbees (E, 4,610 w. || First Time, Mild D/S, Oral, Military Kink, Bottomlock) – Sherlock’s in love, or in lust, or both – unfortunately, the object of his affections is not only his completely oblivious flatmate, but said flatmate would probably run screaming into the hills should he find out. John’s been invited to a wedding–unfortunately, the groom used to serve under him back in Afghanistan, and requests that John wear a uniform he’s honestly not sure he fits into. Unfortunately for both flatmates, Sherlock’s got a military kink the size of Kandahar and John wants to know if he actually can fit into this uniform or if his eyes are deceiving him. It goes from there.
Carry On by Mazarin221b (M, 4,647 w. || 5 and Ones, H/C, Afghanistan, Frottage, Hand Jobs, First Time, Drunk John, Hospitals, Humour, Soft Sex) – Five times John didn’t want to be carried, and one time he did.
Sherlock and John Go Clubbing by wendymarlowe (E, 4,716 w. || Clubbing, Dirty Talk, Dancing, Coming Untouched, Coming in Pants, Bi John, For a Case, Friends to Lovers, Flirting, Sherlock is Lost for Words, Sexy John, Mutual Pining, Possessive John, Floor Sex) – John pinched the bridge of his nose - even for Sherlock, this was a new level of no bloody boundaries. “You want me to go with you to a gay club, wait around twiddling my thumbs while I let you get pawed by a criminal, then out-flirt him and talk you into coming home with me instead?” Part 32 of John and Sherlock’s Kinky First Times
You Can’t Always Get What You Want by hubblegleeflower (E, 4,804 w. || Pining, Sexual Tension, UST / RST, First Time) – John wants. He always has, but now that he’s living with Sherlock again, it’s all he can do to hold it back. And Sherlock isn’t helping…
One Day Like This by nondeducible (E, 4,872 w. || First Time, Bed-Sharing, Romance, Fluff, Virgin Sherlock) – When Sherlock emerged from the bathroom, the sight before him nearly took his breath away. The only light in the room was the small lamp on the bedside table. John’s skin shone like gold, his hair like the purest silver. He was on his side, facing the empty part of the bed, his outstretched hands ready to embrace whoever climbed in next to him. Sherlock could imagine, just for a second, that this was their shared bed and he was coming back to settle into John’s arms.
Cephalalgia by the_beekeeper_of_sussex (E, 4,979 w. || First Kiss / Time, Sick Fic, Porn With Feelings, Love Declarations, Frottage, Friends to Lovers) – John is in pain and it’s up to Sherlock to set him to rights by any means possible
Sleeping next to you by Salambo06 (E, 5,018 w. || ASiB Fic, Bed Sharing, Frottage, Mutual Masturbation, Rimming, Anal, First Kiss/Time) – Based on an Anonymous Prompt: “So, that scene from ASiB when Mrs H has been attacked by the american CIA guy & John, Sherlock & she are in Mrs H’s kitchen when John says “She’ll have to sleep upstairs in our flat tonight. We need to look after her.” to which Sherlock replies with “no”. John of course suggested that because he cares about her safety, but maybe he also did it cause he /wanted/ that to happen. What if they finally agreed on letting her have John’s or Sherlock’s bed & J&S sleep in the same one?“ Part 12 of Tumblr Collection
What Happens in Vegas (is legally binding in the United Kingdom) by  moonblossom (E, 5,051 w. || Accidental Marriage, Friends to Husbands to Lovers, CSI Crossover, Fluff & Porn, Bathtub Sex, Hand Jobs, First Time) – When a case sends the boys to Vegas, John comes out of it with a bit more than he bargained for. Part 19 of Prompt Fills, Remixes, Works inspired by others
Every Little Thing by the_beekeeper_of_sussex (E, 5,066 w. || First Time / Kiss, Fluff, Frottage, Come as Lube, Embarassed Sherlock, Porn With Feelings) – When Sherlock walks in on John making tea wearing nothing but a tight pair of boxer-briefs things get a little heated…physically and emotionally.
Pillow Talk by scullyseviltwin (M, 5,183 w. || Post-S3, Angsty Fluff, Pillow Talk, Bed Sharing, Worried John, First Time Morning After, Soft Sherlock, Sexuality Discussion, Love Confessions, Kisses and Cuddles) – John has been looking at Sherlock for ages, it feels like.
Strings by EstherShapiro (E, 5,267 w. || Virgin Sherlock, First Time, Massage, Friends to Lovers, Fingering, Anal, PWP) – Sherlock wakes his doctor up. Was this weird? John was sitting on his bed, late at night, rubbing his hands over another man’s body? That was supposed to be weird, right? Then again, this wasn’t just some man, it was Sherlock. They were so used to each other that John didn’t even think to question it. It wasn’t weird.
Sociopathy and Other Fibs by kinklock (M, 5,314 w. || 5+1, Miscommunication, Humour, Friends to Lovers, Post S3, Love Confessions) – Five times John called Sherlock out, and one time Sherlock returned the favour.
The Honeymoon Suite by Salambo06 (E, 5,827 w. || Fake Relationship, Fake Marriage, Frottage, First Kiss, Cuddling/Snuggling/Sleepy Cuddles, Bed Sharing, Holidays / Hotels, Case Fic) – “You’ll see,” the receptionist smiles, handing John the key to their room, “This honeymoon suite is quite spectacular. Our hotel has won many awards, most of them for these rooms.” John nods, licking his lips and playing with the key in his hand. We’ll probably be leaving first thing in the morning, he wants to tell her. As soon as Sherlock proves who robbed the previous couple who booked a room here, we’re out of here and stopping this happily married charade. “Thank you,” he says instead.
Tease You Till You Come by phoenix089 (E, 6,090 w. || First Time, Clueless Sherlock, Sexting/Texting) – Initially, Sherlock was rather put out by John’s lack of presence on the case. But then he starts to receive pictures, several of them, of an unexpected nature. The case is forgotten rather quickly after that.
Problematic by MrsNoggin (E, 6,164 w. || First Time / Kiss, Oral Fixation, Obsessed Sherlock, Face-Licking) – Sherlock really wants to ask John something. Only, he’s not sure what…
Naked by sussexbound (E, 6,166 w. || Frottage, Fluff, Intimacy, First Time, Love Declarations, Trust) – John takes a deep breath, and then lets out a long-suffering sigh. “Sherlock, how would you feel if you were sitting out here doing one of your bloody experiments, and I just waltzed out of the loo and started fixing myself breakfast completely starkers? Hmm…? ”Sherlock’s lips inch up at the corners into a pleased hint of a smile he can’t seem to suppress. Part 2 of Intimacy
Thirty Three Hours Without John Watson by Bookaholic, mybrotherharry (M, 6,232 w. || First Kiss / Time, Pining Idiots, BG Mystrade, Crackish) – Sherlock can SO TOTALLY survive without John Watson. It should be a piece of cake. AKA the time when Sherlock braved grocery store lines for milk, purchased and gave away a box of tampons and figured out what the X-Factor is. Greg and Mycroft didn’t sign up for this shit. Next time, they are going to the Bahamas.
Just a Touch by MissDavis (E, 6,248 w. || Bed Sharing, Masturbation, First Time/Kiss, Friends to Lovers, Sharing a Room) – John has trouble falling asleep these days. There’s one thing he can do that always seems to help, but he’s stuck in this hotel room with Sherlock and doesn’t think he’ll get the chance. How will he ever find relief and a good night’s sleep?
The Effect of Memory by testosterone_tea (E, 6,430 || Praise Kink, First Kiss / Time, Fluff, Smut, Virgin Sherlock, Love Confessions, Confused Sherlock) – John has temporary amnesia coming off of anaesthesia after an operation and not only does he not recognize Sherlock, he starts flirting with him! After John recovers, he doesn’t remember the incident at all. But Sherlock does. Confusion ensues.
once upon a time by darcylindbergh (M, 6,501 w. || Fluff and Angst, First Kiss / Time, Love Declarations, Christmas) – It starts with a wish. In the beginning, John comes home. Part 1 of things fairy tales are made of
The Death of Doubt by Gingerhermit (E, 6,584 w. || Alternate Canon, BAMF John, POV Sherlock, Sherlock’s Mind Palace, Hurt/Comfort, Angst/Drama, Meddling Mycroft) – Mycroft asks for John’s help in rescuing Sherlock from his Serbian captors.
Better Than Fiction by Irrevocably_Sherlocked (E, 6,813 w. || Pining Sherlock, Sherlock’s Mind Palace, Masturbation, BJ’s, First Time / Kiss, Friends to Lovers, Anal) – …he opens his eyes, but instead of seeing John he is staring at his bedroom ceiling, the pale plaster a startling contrast from the scene in his head. It had felt so real. He can only imagine what the feel of John’s lips would be like, his taste. But luckily for him, he thinks with a smirk, he’s always had a brilliant imagination.
The space between by Salambo06 (E, 6,830 w. || PWP, Friends to Lovers, Masturbation, Virgin Sherlock, First Time, Miscommunications, Bottom Sherlock, Mutual Pining, Sexual Fantasy) – “It’s for a case,” Sherlock says as soon as John looks down at his computer. John remains silent for a long moment, eyes moving from the screen to Sherlock, before saying, “You don’t have to explain.” His voice is low, too low, and Sherlock looks at the computer, putting the video on pause. “Lestrade asked me-, no, forced me to find out who’s threatening a famous porn star, and the suspect is among his co-stars, so I only need to watch out for any signs from his partners, anything that might show they’re the one sending those threats and I can move to something else.” “Right.”
The Tip Over Into The Inevitable by ivyblossom (T, 6,894 w. || Grief, Cuddles, Insomnia, Hurt/Comfort, Friends to Lovers) - When his father dies, Sherlock avoids sleeping. Then discovers he can’t sleep at all. John finds a way to help.
Onomatopoeia by aquabelacqua (M, 6,904 w. || First Time/Kiss, Frottage, Dirty Talk, Domestics, Word Kink) – Something is the matter with John. Sherlock is determined to figure out what it is. Mark his words.
Full Disclosure by Itsallfine (E, 7,032 w. || Bars & Pubs, Fake Relationship, First Kiss / Time, Love Confessions, John’s Army Mates, Three Continents Watson, Semi-Public Sex) – John’s army mates get together for the first time post-discharge and invite John “Three Continents” Watson to join them. If John shows up alone, he knows he’ll be the object of non-stop ridicule all night. Sherlock plays along. John tests the waters.
Six Dates by avawtsn (E, 7,421 w. || 5+1, First Time / Kiss, Post S4-Compliant, POV John) – A rather accidental 5+1 written for the prompt “is this a date?” Hint: it is.
High and Tight, Soft and Loose by cwb (E, 7,429 w. || Jealous John, Miscommunications / Misunderstandings, First Kiss / Time, BAMF John, Insecure Sherlock, Clueless Sherlock, POV John, Embarrassed John, Adorable Sherlock, Junk Size, UST / RST) – John pressed the knuckle of his index finger against his mouth and sighed. “So, you’re coiled like a spring and ready to be … sprung?” “If you want to be pedestrian about it, yes.” “Like I said, you should do something about that.” “And like I said, pedestrian. What would you have me do? Take up jogging? Yoga? Oh! Unless you mean –” “I don’t mean anything. Let’s drop it.”
I can’t pretend by Salambo06 (E, 7,692 w. || Fake Relationship, Victor Trevor, Jealous John, Miscommunications, Bed Sharing, Love Confessions, First Kiss/Time, Anal, BJs) – They had arrived more than a hour ago, and the moment they had walked inside the hotel reception, John had understood why Sherlock hadn’t wanted to come. Two men, posh suits and expensive watches on their wrists, had come to greet them with sharp remarks and badly hidden mockery, and John had seen red. Sherlock hadn’t said anything, mostly ignoring the two men entirely, and without thinking twice about it, John had slid an arm around Sherlock’s waist and introduced himself as his husband.
On the Losing Side by missselene (E, 8,210 w. || Anal / Oral, First Kiss / Time, Angst, Misunderstandings, Mild Dub Con / Drunk John) – After Mary’s death, John moves back into Baker Street, but is still upset at the loss of his wife and child. Eventually, he and Sherlock stumble into a sort of relationship, but it’s more physical than anything and they don’t talk about it. They especially don’t talk during sex. If they are going to have sex, Sherlock notices the signs hours beforehand, and he prepares carefully. The lights are off, they’re under the covers, he prepares himself using lots of lube so he can make it feel as much like a woman as he can, and he doesn’t let himself make any noise so that, if John wishes, he can pretend that he’s still with Mary.
Matters of National Security by mistyzeo (E, 8,465 w. || BAMF John, Doctor John, Jealous Sherlock, Dating, Bisexuality, Arguing, Stupidity, Teasing, First Kiss/Time, Hand Jobs, Frottage, RST, Idiots in Love) – John starts dating a male client of Sherlock’s, and Sherlock can’t figure out why he’s so incensed about it.
Presence by LostGirl (M, 8,625 w. || Pre-Slash, First Time, Jealousy, Friends to Lovers) – Sherlock has recently noticed a shift in his own perceptions, but he can’t quite figure out when it started.
My Life for His by QuinnAnderson (E, 8,816 w. || Guardian/Protector, Greek Mythology || Growing Up, Sex, Religious Themes, Suicide, Minor Character Death) – It began when Sherlock was eight, and he attempted to climb all the way up to the highest branch in the old willow tree in his back garden. He’d thought he was still small enough that it could support him, but the second he’d grabbed hold of it to pull himself up, the branch snapped, and down he went, plummeting a solid twenty metres.The odd thing was, he never actually hit the ground.
The Very Unlikely Existence of a Flightless Bird in a Tuxedo by cwb (E, 8,829 w. || Poetry, Penguins / Animals / Zoos, First Kiss / Time, Blow / Hand Jobs, Sleepy Cuddles, Endearments, Friendship / Love, Adorable / Sleepy Sherlock, Case Fic, Sherlock Can’t Say Penguin) – A case at the zoo reveals something John finds cute about Sherlock. A conversation ensues, and so does happy endings.
Unwasted by patternofdefiance (E, 8,966 w. || Post-S3 / S3 Fix-It, Developing Relationship, Friends to Lovers, Angelo’s, Fluff, First Time, Anal, Cum Play, Flashbacks to ASiB, Mutual Pining, Love Confessions, Bottomlock, Cuddles, Multiple Orgasms, BJ’s, Bed Sharing) – John finds it three months after he’s moved back. He’s on the hunt for something to make for dinner, is scrounging through the cupboards, when he happens upon the graveyard of pasta boxes Sherlock still seems to create when left to his own devices. Behind seven boxes of pasta, all almost completely empty, is a dark-glassed bottle, with a paler coat of dust.It’s unopened. John’s face falls slack when he sees it, instantly recognises it, and for a long moment he just stands and looks at it.
Illogical, even. by magikspell (E, 9,119 w. || Grey-Ace Sherlock, Character Study, Growing Up, Victor Trevor, Romance, First Time/Kiss, Sherlock-centric) – Five reasons Sherlock never believed in love and one reason he does now.
Supernova by buttcat (M, 9,178 w. || Body Swap, Science Fiction, Idiots, Mastrubation, First Time, Anal) – John wakes up in Sherlock’s body. He’s a little too enthusiastic about it.
Stay Awake by pandoras_chaos (E, 9,325 w. || BAMF!John, First Time, Angst, Pining Sherlock, Rimming, Oral/Anal) – Sherlock can feel the tenuous threads of this conversation shuddering under the strain of all the unspoken words. His eyes narrow as he gazes up at John, noting the residual tension in his shoulders, the dark circles under his lower lids, and the way he is avoiding Sherlock’s eyes like a bi-polarized magnet. He knows John Watson inside and out, like the perfectly balanced coils and gears of a beautifully balanced grandfather clock, and yet John keeps surprising him. It’s uncanny, the way he keeps on being so utterly and wonderfully unpredictable.
Drive by lifeonmars (M, 9,537 w. || Virginity, Awkward First Times, Minor Injuries) – John and Sherlock are stranded by the roadside, and John is injured. They need to spend the night in the back of a humvee. Sherlock is confused. John is understanding.
Inked in Memory by 221b_hound (E, 9,716 w. || Post-HLV, Tattoos, First Kiss / Time, Anal, Cuddling, Scars, Captain John, Kissing, Switchlock) – John has been back at Baker Street for a year, following the debacle that ended in Mary’s death. Things are good. Back almost to what they used to be. Sherlock might wish they were something else, now, but he only has himself to blame, he thinks. It’s too late, now, for the things he first denied before he’d ruined any chances he might have had. Sherlock also thinks that people who get tattoos are idiots. But perhaps he’s about to learn a thing or two, not least of which might be it’s not as late as he thinks it is. Part 1 of Lock and Key
The Things You Hide *Adult Edition* by verityburns (E, 10,281 w. || Excessive Fluff, Drunk Sherlock, Porn, Romance, Pining Sherlock, Stroppy Sherlock, Love Confessions) – Sherlock and John have been working and living together for nearly a year, each finding the other’s friendship to be the one thing they would not risk or want to live without. Until something happens to disturb the status quo…
Paparazzi by SilentAuror (E, 10,543 w. || Virgin Sherlock, First Time, Friends to Lovers, Post S3) – John moves back into 221B Baker Street after his marriage falls apart and the paparazzi won’t leave him and Sherlock alone about the status of their supposed relationship. Sherlock, of course, never denies it, until one day he does…
Never Have I Ever by hudders-and-hiddles (E, 10,655 w. || Pining Sherlock, First Kiss / Time, Drinking Games, Love Confessions, Fluff and Angst, Friends to Lovers) – John and Sherlock tag along for the Met’s weekly night out, where the evening’s chosen drinking game is Never Have I Ever. Sherlock is reluctant to join in until he realizes he can learn all kinds of new things about John, but he forgets that John might learn a thing or two about him as well.
Of Course I Forgive You by allonsys_girl (E, 10,735 w. || Love Confessions, Canon Divergence, First Time, Frottage, Wall Sex, Infidelity) – What if things had gone differently on that train car?
The Thin Line by Odamaki (M, 10,809 w. || Virgin Sherlock, Awkwardness, Confessions, First Times, Anal, Idiots in Love, Hand Jobs, Gentle Kissing) – John swallows. Keeps his eyes on Sherlock. Begs him not to ruin him.Sherlock leans forward over the witness box ever-so slightly, "I was distracted,” he informs the court, “by my partner, John Watson.”
John Watson’s Moon by patternofdefiance (E, 11,314 w. || Werewolf John, First Time, BAMF John, First Time, Anal, Fleeting Depictions of Violence) – Sherlock finds out John is a werewolf and wants to see the transformation. It, uh, gets really kinky.
Rainbow Hearts Retreat by PajamaSecrets (E, 11,638 w. || Fake Relationship, Case Fic, Undercover, Fluff and Smut, Bed-Sharing, Therapy, Humour/Crack, First Time) – "It’s a same-sex couples retreat. For those experiencing troubles in their relationship. Consists of group and couples therapy as well as encouraging socialization between the couples. It’s all in their incredibly dull brochure.” “Rainbow Hearts Retreat,” John read. “Sounds… quite gay.”
Praise Me by testosterone_tea (E, 11,813 w. || Sherlock POV, Bottomlock, Dev. Rel., Virgin Sherlock, First Kiss / Time, BJ’s, Anal, Praise Kink, Understanding John, Public Sex, Rimming, Hand Jobs) – In which Sherlock has an interesting physical reaction to compliments and John discovers it.
The Slow Burn by CaitlinFairchild (E, 12,097 w. || Romance, Emotional Infidelity, Friends to Lovers, Sherlock POV, First Kiss/Time, Fix-It) – John smiles, something small and private and for him alone, and Sherlock just…he knows. With a heart-stopping certainty, Sherlock suddenly knows. It feels like falling off the edge of a cliff. It feels like falling off the edge of the world. It feels like flying.
All the Girls Love a Soldier by Book7BrokeMyBrain (E, 12,951 w. || Military Kink, Frottage, Domesticity, Post S3, Pining Sherlock, Kilt John, Wedding, Dancing, Oral, Romance, ) – John is invited to a stag party and a wedding. The related accoutrement suit Sherlock to a T.
Barricade by stitchy (M, 14,127 w. || HLV Fix It, Friends to Lovers, Angst, Happy Ending, UST, Mary’s Not Nice, First Time, Pining Sherlock, Time Skip Filler, Drunkenness) – Sherlock has been struggling to keep his feelings at bay for everyone’s sake. Part 1 of Barricade
Better Than One by Innerspace (E, 14,760 w || Threesome, Self-cest / Clone Sex, First Time, BJ’s, Power Play, Slight Dub-Con) – Sherlock creates a clone and discovers things about himself and John he never imagined. John is just along for the ride, so to speak.
Pattern Behaviour by SilentAuror (E, 14,835 w. || POV First Person Sherlock, Jealous Sherlock, Pining Sherlock, Introspection, Stroppy Sherlock, Light Humour, Friendship, John Takes Care of Sherlock, First Kiss/Time, Wall Kisses, Fluffy Angst, Happy Ending) – Sherlock doesn’t even know why he resents John’s dates so much. Until the day he does know. Slight angst, unrequited feelings (but don’t let that scare you off!)
Merlot by Itsallfine (E, 14,844 w. || Christmas, Pining Sherlock, Wine, Slow Burn, First Kiss / Time, Love Confessions, Wine, Holmes Family) – Sherlock and John work toward becoming something more as they prepare to host the Holmes parents at 221B for the holidays. Part of 25 Days of Fic-Mas 2015.
In A Changing Age by allonsys_girl (E, 15,590 w. || Victorian AU, Virgin / Demi Sherlock, First Kiss / Time, Friends to Lovers, Love Confessions, Mild H/C, Bottomlock) – Sherlock wakes up in the 19th century, with no idea how he got there.
The Detective and the Pin-Up by XistentialAngst (T, 15,683 w. || Sexy John, Romance, Fluff, Humour, First Kiss / Time) – Sally Donovan discovers an old secret John Watson considered long buried - a ten-year old “Men of the Armed Forces” calendar, which has John as a very enticing pin-up for August. The image of John might just change the way everyone sees the unassuming sidekick, even Sherlock Holmes. Rated NC-17 for eventual smut, but the story reasonable concludes before that chapter if you prefer fluff and humor.
At the Edge of Desire by philalethia (E, 16,375 w. || Post S3, Pining, Arse Worship, Humour, First Kiss / TIme, Sexual Fantasy, Awkwardness) – While helping John move back in to the flat, Sherlock discovers a strap-on among John’s things. He finds the discovery considerably difficult to move past.
Everlasting by cypress_tree (M, 16,884 w. || Magical Realism, First Time, Immortality, Angst & Fluff) – Most lives end. A Tuck Everlasting fusion, in which the Holmes brothers have lived for a very, very long time.
Let’s Make a Bed Out in the Rain by theimprobable1 (M, 17,664 w. || Pining Sherlock, Angst & Fluff, First Kiss, Unrequited, Jealous Sherlock, Protective Sherlock) – John is devastated after his long-term girlfriend leaves him. Sherlock helps him through it.
With All My Heart by QuinnAnderson (E, 19,257 w. || Red Marks / Soulmates || Magical Realism, Growing Up, First Kiss / Time, Falling in Love) – AU in which every time a person falls in love, a red line like a tally mark appears on their wrist. Sherlock is determined to keep himself from ever gaining one of these marks for fear that love will corrode his mental faculties. Then he meets John Watson.
At the Heart of it All by SilentAuror (E, 19,823 w. || Virgin Sherlock, Post S3, POV John, Domestics, First Time, Kissing, Romance) – John has been back at Baker Street for four months now and thinks it’s about time they had the Talk to see whether or not they could be more than friends. Sherlock has a lot of uncertainty about this concept for multiple reasons. Unabashed romance.
echoes through time by chellefic (E, 21,619 w. || First Time, Romance, ACD & BBC, Epistolary) – Mummy sends a trunk from the Holmes cottage in Sussex to 221B. Its contents alter the way John and Sherlock see themselves and one another.
Ghost Stories by SwissMiss (M, 22,256 w. || Pining, Holmes Family, Christmas, Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn, Bed Sharing, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, First Time) – Sherlock’s parents think he and John are a couple. They might be onto something.
Maintaining A Personal Life by Gingerhermit (E, 24,284 w. || Alternating POV’s, Bisexuality, BAMF!John, Jealous Sherlock, Romance / Drama, Sort-of Case Fic, Peril & Angst, Love Confessions, Toplock, Soft Idiots in Love, Post S3) – Sherlock and John discover some interesting revelations about each other’s sexuality, which lead them both to question the assumptions they’ve made about one another for years. In the midst of their mutual discoveries, a dangerous psychopath looms on the side-lines who threatens to destroy their new beginning.
The Sexual Awakening of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John Watson by suitesamba (M, 24,579 w. || Post-TRF, Case Fic, H/C, First Kiss/Time) – Sherlock owes Mycroft a favor. Mycroft calls in that favor by offering Sherlock’s consulting services in a charity auction. Sherlock and John soon find themselves at the country manor of Mrs. Ives-Patton Smarmington III - not very coincidentally a long-time friend of Sherlock’s mother - where they are reluctant participants in her Murder Mystery Weekend. It’s a play within a play for Sherlock and John, and their roles for the weekend event bleed over into their real lives, waking the sleeping dragons within.
Tomorrow’s Song by agirlsname (M, 24,645 w. || Post-TRF, POV Sherlock, Angst with a Happy Ending, Virgin / Repressed Sherlock, Love Confessions, Slow Burn, Pining, Jealous Sherlock) – How can he think a relationship with me would be a good idea? I am the sort of person to take a break from my life and when I come back after two years, I expect to find it exactly as I left it. In reality I find it shattered to pieces. (I actually equate you with my life. When did I start doing that?)
State of Flux by Atiki (E, 24,655 w. || S3 Fix It, Sherlock POV, Slow Burn, First Kiss/Time, Friends to Lovers, Frottage, Cuddles and Snuggles, Awkwardness, Insecure/Virgin Sherlock, Romance, Humour, Masturbation, Love Declarations) – John’s marriage is over and he is finally back home (i.e. at Baker Street, where he belongs). Sherlock is awfully insecure and John is awfully hesitant, and they’re both awkward idiots, of course, but they figure it out. Many First Times happen.
26 Pieces by Lanning (E, 28,236 w. || H/C, Torture, First Time, Happy Ending, Schmoop, Past Abuse) – Mycroft gives Sherlock the apparently simple task of solving a puzzle box containing a stolen microchip. It isn’t simple.
To be Loved by You by TwisterMelody (M, 28,775 w. || S3 Fix It Fic / Post HLV, Angst, H/C, Friends to Lovers, Post-HLV, Infidelity, Character Death, Background Mystrade, Pining, First Time, Romance) – Too many times they had confessed themselves in the darkness, leaving it there, never to speak of it again.  But this is different.  This love deserves the light of day.
“finally kiss the bloody idiot” by Salambo06 (E, 29,812 w. || Mutual Pining, Fake Relationship, First Kiss / Time, Angst, Misunderstandings, Fantasies, POV John) – Inspired by a fic idea on tumblr : “John and Sherlock know the Yard has a pool going for when they’re finally going to get together. It’s been running forever, and it’s worth thousands of pounds. It’s all fun and games, hahaha, until they find out Lestrade is in dire financial straits (dog needs emergency surgery, he’s putting his kid through gymnastics training, I don’t know, something), and they decide to fake a relationship to win the pool for him. Sherlock figures out the day and way that Lestrade thinks it’s going to happen, and they act it out. It’s all for a good cause, fake relationship style, until it’s not.” Part 1 of The Pool
The Kissing Disease by cottonballz_of_death (E, 30,856 || Sickfic, Angst with Happy Ending, Case Fic, Self-Harm, Slow Burn, Jealous Sherlock, Body Image Issues, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional H/C, POV Sherlock, Oral / Anal, Thong, Frottage) – John brings home a boyfriend, shocking Sherlock, who long ago gave up hope that his straight flatmate would ever take a romantic interest in him. In a bid to reconnect with John, he tries to infect himself with a “harmless” virus. Neither of them is prepared for the emotional fallout that results.
A Study In Auto-Signatures, Sniper Dolphins, and Sex Holidays by cwb (E, 32,690 w. || Case Fic, Post S3, Evil Mary, Dev. Rel., Beach Holidays, Confused Sherlock, Friends to Lovers, Honeymoon, Epistolary, Bottomlock, First Kiss / Time, Fluff, Secret Agents, BAMF!John) – John and Mary go on their sex holiday, and Sherlock is grumpy and pining about it. Part 1 of HOT DOLPHIN SEX
Where Else Would I Be? by cwb (E, 34,910 w. || Retirementlock, Domestic Fluff, Falling in Love, Parentlock, Fluff and Smut, Reminiscing) – John and Sherlock’s five-year-old granddaughter spends the weekend with them in Sussex. Sherlock happily indulges her whims, and John takes care of them while quietly revisiting the past thirty years of their lives together.
Nothing to Make a Song About by emmagrant01 (E, 36,833 w. || Post-TRF, First Time, Reunion, Jealous John, Pining Sherlock, Romance, Angst with Happy Ending, Sherlock Has a Boyfriend) – When Sherlock returned from his faked death, John could not forgive him for the deception and broke off their friendship. Ten years later, John returns to London in search of yet another new beginning. Sherlock, not surprisingly, is waiting.
A Promise Made to Be Broken by PlantsAreNeat (E, 37,018 w. || Fake Relationship, Pining, Slow Burn, RST, Eventual Relationship, POV Sherlock) – A young John makes an ‘if we’re still single at 40, we’ll get together’ pledge to a woman who ends up all wrong for him. She keeps reminding him of the promise, and won’t let go of it. John asks Sherlock to pose as his boyfriend at a family wedding, so as to dash her hopes permanently. Sherlock, who has at last acknowledged his feelings for John, reluctantly agrees despite knowing how painful it will be to ‘have’ John, but not keep him.
Turn Left at the Park by Glenmore (NR (E), 37,409 w. || Alternate First Meeting / ASiP Divergence, Case Fic, Depression, Suicidal Ideation, Loneliness, No Mary, Possessive Sherlock, Fluff & Angst, Nightmares/PTSD, Sherlock Saves John, Sherlock Whump-ish, Doctor John) – So what would have happened if John hadn’t walked through the park and met Stamford?What if, instead, he walked around the park and just went home?
Goodness Gives Extras by mydwynter (E, 39,629 w. || Fluff & Angst, Case Fic, Oral / Anal, Humour, First Time, Miscommunication, Snark, Christmas) – Christmas time. ‘Tis the season to settle down with a drink, some food and a present or two, and to enjoy the quiet relaxation of the holiday. Instead, there’s a case that drags them all over, missing presents, disappointed kids, angry parents, and a freak snowfall. On top of that John has to deal with Sherlock, who is being even more of a prat than usual. He really shouldn’t have expected anything different.
The Semantics of Crop Circle Formation: a case study by Sherlock Holmes [unpublished] by canolacrush (M, 41,710 w. || Post-S2, Sherlock POV First Person, Aliens, Wordplay, Case Fic) – “Look at these photographs,” I said, gesturing to the wall of crop circles. “What do you observe?” “Crop circles,” John replied. “Obvious. What else?” “Are…are those intestines surrounding them?” “Yes. The majority are bovine and ovine in origin. The farmers who have acquired these crop circles in their fields have also had a tenth of their livestock murdered and arranged thus.” “Why?” John said, presumably in a rhetorical fashion. I detest rhetorical questions. “That is what I must find out, John.”
Bedroom Tales by Junejuly15 (M, 49,950 w. || Friends to Lovers, Through the Years, H/C, Military Kink, First Kiss / Time, Romance, Insecure Sherlock, Voyeurism, Post-TRF, Ficlets, Fluff and Angst, Fix-It Fics) – Bedroom Tales is a collection of John and Sherlock ficlets. They are set at various stages of their relationship and are in no particular order. Some are fluffy, some sexy, some angsty, there is hurt and comfort, romance and love. What unites them is that they all play in a bedroom, but not necessarily the one in 221B.
In the Dark Hours by hubblegleeflower (E, 51,639 w. || Friends to Lovers, Unreliable Narrator, Closeted Bi John, Angst, Miscommunications, Slow Burn, First Time, John’s Blog / Epistolary) – John, wounded and silent, drifts back to Baker Street for healing…and then goes home again. He visits, gets more upbeat, chattier, smiles, jokes… and still goes home again. Sherlock wants him to move back in - it just makes sense - but John shows no signs of doing so. This is the story of how John and Sherlock learn to say what needs to be said when they’re both so very, very rubbish at talking.
Spare Change by Ermerness (E, 51,966 w. || Rich Holmeses AU || First Kiss / Time, Holmes Family, Virgin Sherlock, Anal, First Meetings) – The Holmes family is one of the richest and most powerful in England. Sherlock spends his time flying around the world on the family’s private jet drinking a lot and shopping at expensive boutiques as a way of trying to alleviate his endless boredom. His mother decides it’s time he settles down with someone powerful, wealthy and well connected. John Watson happens to be none of those things.
Coventry by standbygo (E, 52,020 w. || Dollhouse AU || Case Fic, Slow Burn, Sci-Fi / Fantasy, First Kiss / Time, Attempted Rape, BAMF John, Falling in Love) – “Let me get this straight,” John said, wondering when his life had become a science fiction film. “Some guy orders up a personality, a person, to his specifications, and they program this into a real live person, who has consented to do this, and she goes to this person and acts as his wife, or lawyer, or Royal Marine, or Navy Seal or what have you, and she has all the skills, all the knowledge, everything? Then you say the magic words, and she follows you back to The House, and they erase it all until her next appointment?”
Never Change a Running System by Lorelei_Lee (E, 54,246 w. || Pre-TRF, Romance, Humour, Drama, Sex Toys, Anal, Rimming, Masturbation, Frottage, Blow Jobs, Public Sex, First Kiss / Time, Virgin Sherlock / Loss of Virginity, Accidental Voyeurism, Unresolved Sexual Tension, Experiments, Naive Sherlock, Pining Sherlock, Jealous Sherlock, Possessive Sherlock, Straight With an Exception John, Hand Jobs) – Sherlock discovers his sexuality – with far-reaching consequences for John.
Guilty Secrets by Ellipsical (E, 55,086 w. || Drumsticks, First Time, Love Confession, Self-Sexual-Discovery) – John has a prostate exam and discovers something surprising about himself. Experimentation follows. Sherlock wants to help. They’re in love. You know the drill.
Wars We Fought, Things We’re Not by blueink3 (M, 55,204 w. || Post S3 / Post TAB, Parentlock, Fluff & Angst, Kidnapping, Whump, Post-TAB, UST/URT, 3G, Mild Peril, Slow Burn, Couple for a Case, Protective Mycroft, Infant Death Pre-Story, Friends to Lovers) –  Five months after John’s world has fallen apart, Mycroft sends the consulting detective and his doctor on a case that neither is prepared for.
One Little Change by jadztone (E, 58,312 w. || ASiB Divergence, Fake Relationship, Bed Sharing, Mutual Pining, Friends to Lovers, First Kiss / Time, Anal Sex, Blow Jobs, Bi John / Gay Demisexual Sherlock, Switchlock, Alternating POV, Jealousy, Misunderstandings, Case Fic, Angst with Happy Ending, Emotional Love Making, Butt Plugs, Cuddles) – Our story begins right after John and Sherlock’s first meeting with Irene Adler in September. It splits off into an AU that imagines them taking a case where they act as bait to hook a killer targeting closeted gays in secret relationships. In the weeks leading up to Christmas, many things happen that have our boys wondering if maybe they have a chance with each other. Then Irene fakes her death on Christmas Eve, and things get a lot more complicated - especially since they still have a killer to catch.
The Great Sex Olympics of 221B by XistentialAngst (E, 58,611 w. || First Time/Kiss, Experiments / Sexual Experimentations, Multi Pairings, Voyeurism) – John Watson thinks Sherlock Holmes should admit that he, Watson, is more of an expert on sex than Sherlock is. But Sherlock refuses to concede the point. He comes up with an experiment plan that will resolve the issue. The results will determine who wins the prize. But sometimes even the best thought-out scientific study has unexpected consequences.
Bridging the Ravine by SilentAuror (E, 58,887 w. || Post S4, Couple For a Case, Bed-Sharing, First Times, Confessions, Awkwardness, Sex Trafficking) – Sherlock and John go undercover at Ravine Valley, a therapy centre for same-sex male couples in an investigation into a possible human trafficking ring. As they pose as a couple and fake their way through the therapy sessions for the sake of the case, it quickly becomes difficult to avoid discussing their very real issues. Set roughly six nine months after series 4.
floating through a dark blue sky by Lediona (M, 58,966 w. || Notting Hilll AU || POV John, Celebrity Sherlock, First Date / Time / Kiss, Past Drug Addiction, Angst with a Happy Ending) – Of course, I’d seen his films and always thought he was, well, brilliant – but, you know, a million miles from the world I live in. Or, when John is the owner of a travel book shop and the famous Sherlock Holmes stops in one day.
The Book of Silence by SilentAuror (E, 60,056 w. || S4 Fix It / Post S4, Virgin Sherlock, Rosie / Parentlock, Domesticity, Fluff, Praise Kink, Sex Toys, First Person POV) – As spring blooms in London, John and Sherlock begin to take new cases and cautiously negotiate this new phase of life with John living at Baker Street again. Despite how well it’s all going, John struggles to forgive himself for the way he treated Sherlock following Mary’s death as well as trying to figure out how to finally put his long-time feelings for Sherlock into words. Part 1 of The Book of Silence/Rosa Felicia
The Bells of King’s College by SilentAuror (E, 64,019 w. || Post-S4, Missed Opportunities, Angst with Happy Ending, Fake Relationship, Case Fic, John POV, Jealous John, John in Denial, Travelling / Holidays, Virgin Sherlock, Wedding Proposals) – It’s only been two weeks since Eurus Holmes disrupted their lives when Mycroft sends John and Sherlock to Cambridge to pose as an engaged couple at a wedding show in the hopes of solving six unsolved deaths…
Electric Pink Hand Grenade by BeautifulFiction (E, 67,718 w. || First Time / Kiss, Seizures, Headaches) – “If Sherlock’s brain is a hard drive, then these attacks are an electro-magnetic pulse.” Sherlock Holmes does not do anything by half, not even a migraine. It falls to John to witness one of the greatest minds he has ever known tear itself apart, and he must do his best to help Sherlock pick up the pieces.
The Moonlight and the Frost by CaitlinFairchild (E, 77,289 w. || Case Fic, Post-HLV, Self Harm, Virgin Sherlock, First Time, Oral/Anal/Rimming, Romance, Angst, Mary is Not Nice) – John has to somehow rebuild his life in the wake of Mary’s betrayal and Sherlock’s deceptions.
31_Days_of_Porn_Challenge_2017 Series by distantstarlight (E, 96,540 w. across 31 stories || Prompt Ficlets, Assorted Kinks, PWP) – A collection in response to the 31 Days of Porn Challenge issued by AtlinMerrik! Thanks for doing that because this has been buttload of fun (that joke never gets old). All stories will be brief stand-alone one-shots.
The Heart In The Whole by verityburns (E, 101,650 || Post-TGG Canon Divergence, Drama & Angst, H/C, First Time, Blind Sherlock) – Events after ‘The Great Game’ leave Sherlock dependent on his best friend and colleague. But John has a secret of his own…
Shatter the Darkness (Let the Light In) by MojoFlower (E, 109,683 w. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || Genie/Djinn AU || Magical Realism, Kidnapping, Genie Sherlock, First Kiss / Time, Case Fic, H/C, Angst, Clubs, John Whump, Mild DubCon, Hand / Blow Jobs, Torture) – Fairy tales are for those who remember how to dream; not John Watson, broken and hiding from his bleak future in a beige bedsit. But then he discovers a lamp and finds himself in the dangerous riptide of an enigmatic man whose very existence is unbelievable, murder charges against his sister, and the growing pains of feeling alive once more.
To Light Another’s Path by BeautifulFiction (E, 128,654 w. || Post-TGG, Sick Fic, Hurt/Comfort, Drug Addiction / Recreational Drug Use, First Time / Kiss, Case Fic) – Teaching John to observe seems to be a losing battle, but when Sherlock falls ill and submits himself to John’s care, will he realise that there is more to life than the science of deduction? Meanwhile, there is a murder to solve, and John must try and convince Sherlock not to sacrifice his own health for the sake of the case.
A Fold in the Universe by darkest_bird (E, 152,869 w. || Omegaverse / Prime Universe Crossover || OmegaJohn / AlphaSherlock, First Kiss / Time, Friends to Lovers, Established Relationship, Angst, H/C, Dub Con, Humour) – Alpha Sherlock and Omega John are in a relationship. Prime Sherlock and Prime John are not. So what happens when a freak fold in the universe switches one John for the other?
Sketchy by serpentynka (E, 184,053 w. || Post-TRF, Post-Mary, John Whump, Slow Burn Love Story, Case Fic, Art, Porn With Feelings, Switchlock, Travelling, Career Change, Family Secrets, Illness / Health) – What (and who) will be left when nobody cares about your Work? A slow-burn fic with cases, places, mistaken identities, unfair choices, essential changes, violent feels, blatant lies, fearless portraiture, family secrets, high-risk bespoke gifts, durable friendships, bedtime stories, foreign travel and tongues, sickness (and health), and the significance of things which are slow to unfurl – but cannot be ignored. Oh, and…porn. Part 1: Sherlock takes on an obvious case (barely a 4) and meets someone who will force him to re-examine what it means to see. Part 1 of Sketchy
Unkissed Series by 221b_hound (T to E, 184,168 w. across 46 works || Established Relationship, Ace Sherlock) – Sherlock returned from the dead a year ago. John returned to Baker Street six months ago. They’ve been in a couple since then. or at least, not NOT a couple. For two smart men, they sure can be dumb. Luckily, an art thief tries to drown Sherlock, Sherlock has a fever dream and things are about to change.
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Hiya, Steph! :D I was wondering if there was any Gen/Mild-Johnlock fics for if the explosion in TGG had more of an impact on Sherlock? Love your amazing blog, and thanks! :D
Hi Lovely!! 
Aww, thanks!! I’m so happy you enjoy my blog! I have quite a few TGG-related fics, so how about I give them all to y’all?? :D Just check out my tags to see if it is an AU or not :) I’ve been meaning to do that
ANYWAY, if anyone has any to add (others or your own!), please let us know so we can get your fic out there!
The Moment When by drekadair (K, 509 w. || TGG Fic, Friendship, First Person POV Sherlock, Introspection, Worried Sherlock) – Sherlock sees John in the pool, and doubts. Set during the end of "The Great Game."
Five Seconds by xXLadyLovelaceXx (K+, 658 w. || Friendship, Introspection, TGG Pool Scene) – In the half-second before Sherlock shoots the jacket, John notices something.
Burn Burn by Jenn1984 (K+, 925 w. || Post-TGG, Angst, Worried / Panicked / Possessive Sherlock) – A week after the events of "The Great Game", Sherlock returns to 221B Baker Street to find it empty.
Idiot by Anesthesiologist (T, 1,229 w. || Hurt/Comfort, Friendship, TGG AU, BAMF John, Sherlock Whump, Inner Monologue, John Saves Sherlock, POV Sherlock) – What the heck happened? He remembered the pool and Moriarty, but then what? Had he been dying?
I Was Wrong by AllesandraQuartermaine (K, 1,496 w. || TGG AU, Friendship, Hospitalization / Injury, John’s Self Esteem, Sleepy Sherlock) – Sherlock and John have a conversation a few days after the pool face off with Moriarty. And John hears something quite surprising.
Back in the Saddle by grannysknitting (M, 1,577 w. || Post TGG AU, Donovan POV, Observation / Introspection, Protective Sherlock, Injured John, Case-ish Fic) – Their first return to solving crime after the pool and the explosion.
One in Ten Thousand by Blind Author (K+, 1,856 w. || Post-TGG, Friendship / Pre-Slash, Discussions of Violence, Worried then Curious Sherlock, Scars/John’s Bullet Wound, Medical Anomolies) – John seems to have unusual mobility for a shoulder wound…
Coming Full Circle by KCS (K+, 2,358 w. || Alternate TGG, Friendship, Drama, Violence/Death References, Drugging/Poisoning, Kidnapping, BAMF John, Moriarty POV, Introspection) – Moriarty had John for almost six hours between his abduction and the showdown at the pool - more than enough time to implement a Plan B for his escape should Sherlock call his bluff with the fake bomb vest.
It's All Fine by AkoyaMizuno (T, 2,459 w. || Post-TGG, Introspection, Mild Angst, Friendship) – Sherlock never asked what happened in the hours between John being kidnapped and the events at the pool. It occurs to him, days after the fact, that he probably should have.
Crime Scene Procedure for Death by Drowning by paxlux (T, 2,668 w. || Post-TGG, First Kiss, Sherlock’s Violin, Fluff) – He lies back in bed and listens to the notes and pictures them gathering around Sherlock’s feet like water. Part 1 of proper procedure
All That I Have by the_arc5 (M, 3,721 w. || Post-TGG Canon Divergence, Pining Sherlock, John Whump, Anxious / Worried Sherlock, Light Angst) – In the aftermath of the Great Game, Sherlock finds himself with a new weakness. John is both the cause and the cure.
Sink Like a Stone by pennydreadful (T, 4,348 w. || Angst / Dark, Cuddling/Snuggling) – After defeating Moriarty at the pool, life isn't quite the same around 221B Baker Street...it's more peaceful. And stranger.
The Care and Keeping of Your Mad Genius by Janieshi (T, 4,553 w. || Post-TGG, Friendship, Anxious/Worried Sherlock, Light Humour/Teasing, Alternating POV, Cranky Sherlock) – If he hadn't been so focused on holding the bastard still, John would have laughed aloud. This maniac really thought John was the pet in this dynamic?
The Refining Fire by Arwen Jade Kenobi (T, 5,451 w. || Post-TGG AU, Angst, Friendship, Alternating POV (Lestrade, Mycroft, Sherlock), Worried Sherlock, Hospital Recovery) – Fire can burn things to ashes, but it can also burn things together.
BANG by ElvendorkInfinity (T, 7,016 w. || Post-TGG AU, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Worried / Scared Sherlock, Alternating POV, Whump, Hospital Recovery, Open Ending) – 'I should warn you,' Sherlock says, his voice steady and his eyes fixed on Moriarty. 'You are sadly misinformed.' And he fires. Prequel to M Is For Moriarty
The Hours Before Midnight by Lady Sam Mallory (T, 7,773 w. || TGG Fic, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Torture / John Whump, Kidnapping, Drugging, Alternating POV, Worried / Protective Sherlock) – Moriarty doesn't play fair. John must deal with hours of torment from Moriarty before going to meet Sherlock at the Pool at the end of the Great Game and Sherlock must deal with the consequences of his boredom.
Victim, Bait, Hero, Friend by KimberlyTheOwl (T, 7,887 w. || Post-TGG Epilogue, Angst, Friendship, Hurt/Comfort, Introspection, Past Kidnapping / Torture / Implied Rape, Panic Attacks, Worried / Possessive Sherlock, Lestrade is a Good Friend) – Some insights into why John was perfectly willing to throw everything away for a chance to kill Moriarty at the pool. Trauma, ugliness, and finally healing. Some nice supporting work by Lestrade as well.
All the Times Something ALMOST Happened by allonsys_girl (T, 9,049 w. || POV Sherlock, Pining Sherlock, Canon Compliant, Angst, Friendship/Love, UST, All Seasons) – John and Sherlock dancing around what they dance around in canon.
Always the sun by Rose de Sharon (K+, 12,377 w. || Song Fic, Alternate Post-TGG, Friendship/Bromance, Hurt/Comfort, Introspection / Reflection, Injury Recovery, Obsessive / Protective Sherlock, Nightmares, John’s Past, Bed Sharing / Cuddles) – Sherlock ponders about how much his life has changed since John has become his flatmate.
Understanding by rizandace (T, 13,268 w. || Friendship, Hurt/Comfort, Worried Sherlock, John Whump Then Sherlock Whump, Post-TGG) – Sherlock's hiding something about his newest case, and John wants answers. Friendship fic, mostly, with brief entrances from Harry and Lestrade just for fun.
Hope for Heroes by Richefic (K+, 16,887 w. || Post-TGG Fic, Introspection / Flashbacks, Friendship/Epic Bromance, Hurt/Comfort, Worried/Anxious Sherlock, Sherlock Admires John, BAMF John, John Deduces, Fancy Party, John’s Self Esteem, Domestics) – In the final moments of "The Great Game" Holmes hopes he will have the chance to tell his flatmate that he was wrong. Heroes do exist after all and the one in front of him is called Dr John Watson.
An Experiment in Empathy Series by belovedmuerto (T, 62,397 w. across 13 stories || Empath AU || Psychic John, Psychic-by-Proxy Sherlock, Empathy, Psychic Bond, Romance / Bromance) – In which John is an empath, Sherlock is Sherlock, and an epic bromance happens. In the aftermath of The Great Game, John creates an unexpected bond between himself and Sherlock. Now they have to learn how to deal with it. John is better at this than Sherlock is.
The Heart In The Whole by verityburns (E, 101,650 || Post-TGG Canon Divergence, Drama & Angst, H/C, First Time, Blind Sherlock) – Events after ‘The Great Game’ leave Sherlock dependent on his best friend and colleague. But John has a secret of his own…
Maintenance and Repair by patternofdefiance (E, 106,650 w. || Future AU, Augmentation || Augmented John, Depression, Body Modification, Slow Burn, Worldbuilding, Sci-Fi, Self-Care, Body Dysmorphia, TGG Remix) – John wants to explain the rush of sensation and data, which is just another form of sensation (or is it the other way around?). John wants to say: Augmentation circuits report temperature, pressure, various forms of quantitative input. Sudden changes are reported as pain, since sudden changes are dangerous, and pain is the quickest way to encourage reflexive extraction. But all John can manage is, “Nng.” Because this sudden touch is not reporting as pain. Part 2 of STATIC
To Light Another's Path by BeautifulFiction (E, 128,654 w. || Post-TGG, Sick Fic, Hurt/Comfort, Drug Addiction / Recreational Drug Use, First Time / Kiss, Case Fic) – Teaching John to observe seems to be a losing battle, but when Sherlock falls ill and submits himself to John's care, will he realise that there is more to life than the science of deduction? Meanwhile, there is a murder to solve, and John must try and convince Sherlock not to sacrifice his own health for the sake of the case.
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