#ikepri au
solomons-poison · 6 months
Now for thoughts on arranged marriage AU with Silvio.
Arranged marriage with Silvio is... difficult. He agrees to marrying you, but only just. In fact, it takes a lot of convincing between nobles of both his court and yours for him to finally agree, and even then, it's glaringly obvious how much he hates the idea. Even in your own kingdom, your people hear rumors about his womanizing ways, sleeping with the prettiest women that approach him and the way he all but kicks them out after, leaving you unsure and doubtful about the success of this relationship.
As is expected, your impression of him doesn't change much after the first meeting, or after attending a nobles party to become acquainted with him and his court, or even after the wedding. He's arrogant, snobby, abrasive, and downright cruel, in all honesty. It's clear what his priorities are, expanding his wealth and the prosperity of his kingdom's economy, without a care for anything else. And you are just the tool to help him branch out and utilize your old kingdom's resources and connections to get what he wants.
There's plenty of arguments in the beginning, and comments from one often incite a smartass response from the other. You have no problem with attending him in his work, meeting the merchants and checking out new wares, getting an idea of what new products will be entering the market. But it quickly wears on you how shallow he seems, his focus on glam and money and status, and the way he tries to treat you like an object as well. It's almost endless the way he tries to throw expensive jewels and silks and rare items at you, dressing you like a living doll sometimes, but they're all empty gestures.
Every attempt to get closer to him as a person seems to be met with a brick wall, answering questions about his work but never anything personal. He avoids your touch like the plague, something like fear or vulnerability visible in his eyes that only serves to confuse you, and snaps at you when you try to approach. It eventually results in the first full fight, plenty of yelling and curse words exchanged before it ends with doors being slammed. Silvio's attendant, Carlo, seems to fear him but still makes an effort to apologize secretly on his behalf, helping to calm you down a little.
This explosion of feelings only pushes you to work harder, determined to change his opinion and accept you as his partner. For a while, it feels like nothing is changing, and that your efforts are for nothing. But the truth is, even before the first big fight, Silvio had fallen for you early, and he fell hard. He just couldn't bring himself to make himself vulnerable like that. Anybody could be bought with money, he had been convinced of that time and time again, and although it was unlikely anyone had riches to match his, he couldn't take that chance with someone he was legally tied to.
But somewhere in the arguments, the sass, and your persistence in breaking down his walls, you'd achieved your goal unknowingly in exposing the true man inside. It takes longer than both of you would like for him to accept these feelings, and even longer for him to come clean about how he got here. But once he accepts that he is yours, it's like a change overcomes him.
True to the dalmatian on his coat of arms, he changes from his prior abrasive attitude to one of protection and loyalty. Silvio is no stranger to the way people use money to buy others, and he works to protect you from being used as he had been in the past. The sassy remarks continue, but you both do it lovingly now, a strongly knit bond connecting you as you work together for the prosperity of the kingdom. Silvio never would have imagined forging a union not bought by his massive wealth in the past, but now that he has you, he realizes you were truly the answer all along.
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The Fire & The Selkie
In the ocean, especially this far North, warmth can be hard to find and harder to keep. But a spark starts on an island, far into the frigid waters. Will it flicker out, smothered by the winds and the mist? Will it ignite? Or, will it burn everything to ash?
Main character; Keith Howell
Content; Gender-neutral reader (they/them pronouns), maritime and selkie shenanigans
Content Warnings; Swearing, some fear
Word Count; 2.9K
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You should have heeded the elders' warnings.
“Red sky in morning, sailor take warning.”
But you couldn’t afford not to go out on the water, and an old rhyme wasn’t about to dissuade you from missing out on earning some money from checking the crab lines and cast nets.
But now, several hours away from the safety of dry land, you found yourself fighting the waves and winds to keep your boat from capsizing. And with no crew, you were burning both from the cold, and exhaustion. You knew that if you survived this storm, you would most likely be sick if not with a cold, but also hypothermia.
It wasn’t the time to imagine the consequences of today if you didn’t live long enough to see tomorrow.
You spat out the salty water from your mouth and braved the storm. This was hardly your first one, but a dread weighed you down. The quiet part of your conscience, a part that was much older, was screaming caution.
Not caution about the storm, but of something else.
Nothing but fishing tales made larger than life. Is what the rational part of your brain argued, but it was unsure.
While there was no such thing as monsters that lay in wait under the waters waiting for a boat to devour, you did know that if you were to capsize, you wouldn’t be coming out of the water alive. The frigid water would sap all warmth from you, and you would slowly sink to the bottom. The only evidence of you being a destroyed boat drifting to some coastline.
You gritted your teeth as a particularly freezing wind blew back the hood of your coat, causing your eyes to sting from the salt in the air. You didn’t even bother trying to fix it, knowing that it would be a fruitless endeavour trying to keep it up — you could use that energy elsewhere.
You gripped onto the wheel tightly, barely being able to feel it, and pressed forward. 
Did you know where you were going? Not in the slightest. If you didn’t at least steer into the waves, the only place you would be going was Davy Jones’ locker, where many of your more reckless and overly confident community members had found themselves before.
Some would say you were reckless and overly confident as well, it was always a calculated risk. Even today.
Just today was by far the largest risk you had taken yet, but the potential yield from those traps and lines would be able to not just feed your community but also could prove to change your life from being just an errand runner, to finally running your own boat. 
To finally be a captain of a crew, and not being some lackey for the drunkard in town. To be the one making orders yet still treating your crew fairly. To be fully in charge of your own life and not be at the mercy of others.
A flash of lightning struck the horizon, providing a blinding light in the darkness that was the storm. And from that darkness, you could just make out a tall, dark mass that pierced from the ocean.
Please, please, please. You silently begged the sky to send another bolt of light to illuminate the way. Just long enough for you to figure out how to navigate there.
A crash of thunder. Any second now, light would follow.
As if answering your call, lightning danced throughout the sky, just long enough for you to steer the boat to face the island.
Fighting the waves, and screaming back at the howling winds, you were also laughing like a madman, all sense of sensibility — and perhaps sanity — thrown out the window. The time for that was long gone, and you were rapidly running out of both energy and willpower, but also gas. The needle tipping right above zero.
It was a last-ditch effort, and you didn’t slow down as the boat practically crashed into the rocks at shore.
Another boom and flash of lightning seemed to congratulate you on surviving and welcome you to the island. And while you were relieved that by some stroke of luck that you had made it through the storm and made it to some semblance of land, you also knew that this island — a speck in the middle of a frigid sea — was not just a lifeline, but also a death sentence if you couldn’t call for help, or someone didn’t find you.
But fighting the panic that was starting to build in your chest, and threatened to choke your breath, you hauled the boat further up shore to where the waves and the thick mist couldn’t reach, and flipped it to the side, watching water pour out. Once only a few drips trickled out, you flipped it upside down, creating an artificial cave, blocking out the roar of the wind, and the outside world.
After hours of noise, the relative quiet made your ears ring. But you couldn’t relax just yet, knowing that if you fell asleep now, you wouldn’t wake up.
Adjusting the boat — how a dingy piece of metal managed the storm avoided you — you shuffled like some absurd hermit crab to where you could place the damned (or blessed?) piece of metal so you could get some airflow. 
To survive, you needed fire, but you also didn’t want smoke inhalation to be the death of you, nor hypothermia.
You poked around in the few storage containers you had on board since they were the only dry things you had on hand. A pot, a steel wool sponge, some batteries, and a threadbare blanket, that was what you were willing to sacrifice.
“Come on,” you whispered, a white cloud escaping from your mouth, “work for me.”
You placed the battery on the steel wool sponge and mentally sighed in relief as you saw it slowly turning red before catching on fire. Gently, you placed the small fire on the blanket, anxiously waiting for it to spread. 
Soon, the cold from the hours of exposure was traded for the warmth of a fire. But the burning from the cold was replaced with shivering that shook your whole body. 
Knowing that it would take much longer for you to warm up if you kept on the layers of soaking fabric, you gently peeled away the layers until you were just wearing the slightly damp thermal leggings and top.
Scooting closer to the fire you made yourself comfortable, as comfortable as you could knowing that finding help was nearly impossible and sat there, knowing better than to fall asleep.
Sometime throughout the night, you had drifted to sleep from exhaustion and the comforting warmth of the fire. The cawing of sea birds waking you from a dreamless sleep.
The storm had passed, but it had left its mark.
You had bruises, the aching kind that would definitely be an ugly shade of purple and oh so tender, and now in the weak light of day, you could see large dents on the boat, from where the waves had continuously struck at the haul.
Crawling out from your makeshift shelter, you stretched out, feeling and hearing all sorts of cracks and you groaned at feeling the tension release. Sleeping on cold rocks didn’t do you any favours, but you were thankful that you made it to see today.
But since you could actually see more than an arm's length in front of you, you took the chance to inspect the craggy island, to see if there was anything of use besides the abandoned fishing nets and other man-made debris that had also found its way here.
You walked down the narrow shoreline you had beached yourself on until it slowly opened up to a larger beach. There wasn’t much, a seabird here or there, but what caught your attention was a seal, basking in the weak sunlight.
You had seen seals before, but never for long since they would slide into the water at the first sight of humans. And you stood there, just looking at its content sleeping face.
The seal was cute, just look at them, but you kept on moving, going towards a small cliff by the water that was encrusted with marine plants. While not super appetizing, they would be enough, plus you didn’t feel confident in trying to catch one of the aforementioned seabirds currently. So the algae would be enough for now.
Happy with your collection of assorted marine plants, you started making your way back. You looked back though, hoping to see the seal one more time for an added dose of some much-needed serotonin, but they were gone, the only evidence that they were there was the slide track going towards the water. 
Your mouth twitched, nearing a frown, before you shook your head and continued back to camp, not really looking forward to your meal.
It was more or less the same when you got back, but the same feeling that you had while in the storm, to be cautious.
But what danger could be found on some craggy spire in the midst of the sea? As far as you knew, you were the only other person here. But your brain and your body were on high alert.
Ignoring your breakfast of ocean-provided greens, you carefully looked around your camp. All seemed as it was before you left, but upon entering under your boat, you found a large fresh halibut on the rocks, dead.
It couldn’t have washed up to shore, the tide didn’t come up this high. Upon flipping the fish over you found one large puncture mark.
Something had killed this fish and left it in your camp while you were gone for less than three hours. And while one part of you was grateful that you wouldn’t just be dining on seaweed, another part of you felt sick with dread.
You weren’t alone. They knew about you, maybe even have seen you, but you haven’t seen them.
You felt dizzy, and running out of your boat tent, you vomited into a rocky crevice.
“Tch,” you huffed, wiping your mouth. “If you think this is some sort of game you can fuck right off!”
Spinning around you hoped to see someone trying to hide, or to at least hear some sort of sound, but all you found was a seabird sitting comfortably on your boat, and another (or perhaps even the same) seal sitting at the tide line.
They looked at you curiously and turned their head to the side. Like they were surprised by your outburst.
You furrowed your brow, “Maybe I’m just going mad. Swallowed too much seawater.”
Shaking your head, you crept back under your shelter. But there was no denying that the fish was caught by someone and not by yourself. Your stomach gurgled, and putting aside your suspicion, you started a fire and prepared the fish. You might have not caught it, but like hell were you going to let it go to waste.
Soon, the suspicion was replaced for contentment at finally getting some hot food into you. And you looked outside, wondering when you would be getting an answer.
Keith didn’t have company very often besides the seabirds, so he took to sunbathing when possible, fighting away the cold of the ocean. Warmth was a hard thing to be found.
Sure, that jangly fellow visited every few months, but he hardly counted as good company. Something about him irritated Keith, but he couldn’t put a finger on it, so he just stayed polite, waiting for the man to leave. Their interactions were icey, much like the ocean waters that he knew.
But there was now a new visitor, they crawled out of the raging sea, a fire burning bright in them. Even though they were shrouded by darkness and mist, there was a warmth. Keith could only watch in curiosity as they fought their way out of the water and made a camp.
Fire was a rare and precious thing, not easily made or kept here, the cold and damp forcing it to die out sooner or later. But the new human, who was looking half drowned and half dead, was burning so brightly that Keith could only watch as orange light slowly illuminated the makeshift shelter they had made.
Humans rarely ever brought anything good with them, the litter on the beach being evidence of that, but he couldn’t help but be intrigued. Even while exhausted and barely holding on, they were fighting where some may have just given up.
In a place that was typically cold and isolated, Keith couldn’t help but think that maybe the ocean had finally answered his call for a companion.
So he watched, and took notice of their shivering form. Unlike himself, humans weren’t made for this type of weather. He couldn’t just waltz in though, not wanting to scare them away. 
After what felt like hours, the human finally fell asleep, somehow getting comfortable on the rocks even though they would definitely leave bruises on their skin. Keith slowly made his way towards the shelter, and looked curiously in, making sure that there was no chance that they were still awake.
But nope, you were out cold.
Keith slowly took off his seal coat, morphing into a man, and gently placed it on you, knowing that it would warm you up. 
A part of him was a tad disappointed that you didn’t turn into a seal like him — you would have made an adorable seal — but he felt his face warm up as you burrowed subconsciously into his coat, curling up into a ball. Warmth in his face? That was new… but not unwarranted.
And he stayed on the other side of the shelter, by the entrance, but still close enough that if you woke up suddenly, he could take his coat and high tail it out of there if need be.
Giving your coat to a human? What am I thinking?
But he also didn’t want you to die. You brought vibrant warmth to the cold landscape. While he knew the fire could bring warmth, he also knew it could burn and destroy, consuming everything in its path.
He also knew that in order for him to be bound to you, like the old wives tales told, you would have to not only take his coat, but also give it back. The tales said nothing about him lending and then taking it back without you knowing–
The rustling of the pebbles moving took him out of his thoughts and he snatched his coat back and made a beeline for the water, quickly throwing it overtop of his self. Once back in the relative safety of the sea, he peered over the waves to see you crawling out of the shelter and stretching out, much like he did when sunbathing.
And then you were making your way down the shore, heading west, towards the haul out beach. Knowing that you were headed somewhat in that direction, Keith made his way there.
Its not so I can see them, no, just trying to warm up is all.
But he usually didn’t get a flutter in his chest from the prospect of sunbathing. 
Naturally, he arrived before you did. Judging from his prior trekking experiences with that Silvio fellow, he reckoned that he had at least an hour before you stumbled your way to his haul out site. So, he stretched out, much like you did, however without the aforementioned cracking of every joint of his body.
He had a nice chat with some seabirds that were passing by, and mainly just enjoyed the weak sun that peaked through the clouds.
Then he heard your footsteps, and looked at you.
You looked back, only for a brief moment though, before continuing to the shoreline, picking up seaweed and algae. And even from the distance between the two of you, Keith could hear the gurgle of your stomach.
So, he went back into the water, into the depths, and hunted down a good sized halibut — surely a 5 pound fish would be enough for today? And left it in your shelter as a sort of welcoming/please don’t die gift.
But he wasn’t expecting you to come basically running out of your shelter and hurl into the cliff side.
“If you think this is some sort of game you can fuck right off!” You snapped, and Keith shrunk into the water.
Did you not like the gift? Did you find it offensive? Did he do something wrong?
But your ire, or what he assumed to be ire, cooled down and you went back into your shelter and Keith could smell the distinctive aroma of fish cooking. He usually preferred his meals cold, but he couldn’t help but wonder what hot fish tasted like.
He knew though that he would never have the chance, one human knowing of the existence of selkies was dangerous enough — what with the folk tales that still circled around after centuries — and while you may be intriguing, he couldn’t risk endangering everything just because you piqued his interest.
But he also couldn’t just ignore you.
You were a fire, and he couldn’t let you run rampant on his island because of the slight chance that you would burn everything to the ground.
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xbalayage · 9 months
H ELLO MICHELLE. Are you going to continue that AU? That you wrote? I honestly really enjoyed the idea!! :D Have you thought any other ideas or wrote anything further for it?
Ahhh! My cliche asf AU? Hahaha, The Princess and the Merchant AU? (honestly it's my baby and i love this AU so much fdjskfdj) I've been so busy with other things BUT I have written a little more for it and I GUESS I can share it with you. :3
Her jaw hung open and the adrenaline made her heart race. How did he find her? Why was he here? She watched as he eased himself upward just to shift into another lax position. His balance was impressive, the way he fully laid his back against the palace walls, his legs outstretched and crossed, arms lazily support his head behind him. "Heh, ya got a lil' somethin'.." he trailed off with a smug grin, pointing at her clothes. Oh, that's right, she's pretty much not wearing anything because it was so late in the night. A deep blush reached her cheeks and instead of thinking clearly to go inside and grab a shawl, her hands crossed over her chest quickly and frantically. "Wha- how did you found out where I live?? What are you doing here so late?? What if somebody sees you!" She kept her voice from raising too high, not wanting to attract the guards attention from down below. "For a princess, ya really don't got much charm, do ya? Or foresight. What have they done, huh? Kept ya locked inside a box? Anyone who's anyone knows about your family and where ya live. Gettin' in was a different story." He shrugs, not at all finding any of this much of a big deal at all. Ah, yes, there was that care free attitude of his that caught Emma's attention from town. "Plus," she blinked, being pulled away from her thoughts and hadn't realized until too late how close he had gotten, leaving little distance between until a hand cupped her chin to force her to look up at him, "I offered for ya to be mine, lady. I'm still waitin' on an answer. Or are ya too stuck up and prissy, needin' a good-for-nothin' prince by your side to save you? I have my ways of gettin' where I need, it's nothing you need to concern yaself with."
I haven't written much else for it. BUT if you're wanting more insight or ideas on the AU just specify in another ask and I'll do my best to answer. <3
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dotster001 · 2 years
Meet the Family
Summary: After Sariel offers to train you, you are taken to a secondary location for training. Now you need to meet your new house mates
Continuation of were creatures au
Sariel had given you some clothes and a collar that he assured you was enchanted to hold off any transformation, then he'd left to tell the mayor that he had killed the werewolf, but you had been a victim in the process.
It was sad to say goodbye to your town. It was the only place you'd ever known. And it looked like it was still going to be, since Sariel had blindfolded you on the journey, so you didn't know where you were. 
When his cold fingers removed the blindfold, you found yourself in a fancy room, surrounded by men doing various activities. It took them all a minute to notice you, and when they did, they all started chattering in various stages of excitement.
A blond man burst out of the crowd and gave you a tight hug. 
"You must be so scared right now, but you're safe now."
Even though a strange man was hugging you, you felt relaxed, like he would never hurt you. And suddenly the tension you didn't realize you'd been holding released itself, as you hugged him back.
"Rio," Sariel said firmly, and the man pulled away. He stood behind you and placed a hand on your shoulder, anouncing, "This is Y/N L/N. They are joining our household to train." 
Rio extended his hand excitedly. "Rio Ortiz. I'll be helping program your brain." He said with a bright smile.
"Rio is a vampire with telekinetic abilities," a man with a dazzling smile and dark black hair boomed. "Leon Dompteur. I'm a were lion. If you need help, I'll be there. It's hard to learn this stuff."
You shook his hand with a confused look, "Wait, a vampire? And there's more wear creatures than werewolves?" 
"Of course there are!" Another blond man with a haughty air about him said. 
"Evie, be nice,"  a tall man with hazel hair laughed. "Hey beautiful, I'm Jin Grandet. Were eagle. That's Yves," he indicated the blond haughty man. "He's a were cat."
"A cat?" You asked skeptically.
"Yeah," Yves said with a pout. "it's not cute, or whatever you're thinking."
"I wasn't…" you began.
"Don't worry, Y/N, Yves is just shy around new people," Leon laughed. "That's Licht over there. He's a werewolf like you. His twin is a were fox though. When licht warms up to you, they have an interesting family history."
"Not happening," Licht said coldly. 
"He's shy too," Jin whispered, wrapping an arm around your shoulders, and giving you a squeeze. 
"Hey! Give them room to breathe,old man." Yves said, pulling you away from Jin, as a tall redhead approached you from the other side.
"I'm Luke, a were bear. Thank you so much for coming, I'm so tired of training." He said.
"You'll still be training, you'll just have company. And I can already tell that  they will be a much more disciplined study than you. So you'll have to step it up." Sariel said, grin dark and sadistic, much to Luke's disappointment. 
"Luke has only been with us for a couple months," Leon laughed. "The rest of us are fully able to control our abilities, so we'll be helping Sariel."
"You said something about Licht's twin. Nokto right?" You asked.
"He's out," Licht said, reading his book and ignoring you.
"He is my apprentice, so he will not be here very often," Sariel said. 
"He's the one who found me," Luke smiled. 
"We have two more who come in and out of the house," Leon said, sitting down on the couch and patting the spot next to him. You gratefully took the seat, noticing how exhausted you were by all the new things.
"Chevalier and Clavis," Yves said. "Chevalier is a king of some foreign country, but he comes in for visits and updates. He's a were tiger, who sought out Sariel of his own free will. He'll never let the rest of us live it down." He rolled his eyes.
"And Clavis?" You asked.
The room gave a collective groan, except for Jin, who laughed. 
"Clavis is his number two, at least until he gets bored of that. He's a were leopard, but we also think he's at least part fae," Jin explained. "He has a penchant for causing trouble, so be careful around him."
"That's everyone," Sariel clapped his hands, "Rio will show you to your room."
Rio jumped up and grabbed your hand, radiant smile still on his face.
"Let's go! You'll be in the room next to mine!" He said, practically running from the room with you in tow.
When the door shut behind you, Jin turned to Sariel.
"They seem different than the rest of us, somehow. Are you sure this is a good idea?" 
"I'm never wrong about these things Mr. Grandet," Sariel smiled. "Unless you are about to start doubting my methods?" 
Jin raised his hands in surrender, shaking his head with a wry smile. Sariel watched the door for a moment before going to his office without another word. He had some letters to send out.
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pawnkyyy · 4 days
fem gilbert. It was 4 in the morning.
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I think fem!gil will has long, mid-back length hair. Give her a nice bun that she did it herself because she thinks it’s cute.
Knee length skirt probably suits gilbert’s ‘playful??’ character so well, and a warm stocking is important. She’s cold.
i love military lolitas. The suitors would look so good with it :3c i might draw her outfit more properly when i have enough free time
-and i also draw them together
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More tiger, more trouble. Poor belle.
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violettduchess · 7 months
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A/N: I am so happy to be able to share my gift for the lovely @ikeromantic 💜 A deep dive into your blog told me you love AUs as much as I do so I was so happy to create one for our favorite Lelouchian.
Thank you to @ikemenlibrary and @sunnyikemen for hosting and for being supportive, accommodating and all-around superstars. 💜
Clavis x Emma
Magic AU, Soulmates AU, First Kiss, Enemies to Lovers
WC: ~2k
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The sun is glowing a bright lemon-yellow as Emma closes the wooden door to her shop. It’s a beautiful door, made of dark walnut and decorated with silvery moons and stars. Across the top, the words “Belle Magie” are etched into the hard wood. At night, the lettering glows a soft gold. Humming to herself, she wraps her free hand around the ornate brass doorknob and a subtle, warm orange glow emanates from her fingertips. The moons and stars flash once and she hears a satisfying, soft whoosh of magic. The door to her shop is now locked via enchantment and no one except Emma will be able to enter and poke around at all the treasures that line her shelves and counters.
Smoothing down her ochre and black robes, she carefully makes her way across the cobblestone street to the shop that is literally across from hers. Her nose wrinkles at the sign that hangs above the wooden door: “Lelouchian Enchantments” written in swirling, silver lettering that she would say is barely legible. His note, written in the same dizzying writing, is clutched tightly in her hand as she pushes open the lavender-colored door with a celestial design nearly identical to her own. But that is where the similarity ends.
Whereas Emma’s shop is neat, organized by ingredients, everything with its own place and labeled in her own very careful handwriting, his is a gigantic explosion of almost anything one can imagine. Bottles filled with liquids of all colors and bottles with questionable things floating in them, dried herbs and seeds in pots and packets, a whole section of plants that bite anyone who comes near them, not to mention odd gemstones, vibrant powders, paints and feathers. She ducks underneath the silver vines that have wrapped themselves around the wooden ceiling beams, ignoring the way they contract and rustle their leaves at her, and approaches the counter where she finds Clavis himself, carefully sorting what looks like glittery kidney beans.
“I got your missive. I believe it broke in through my window in order to deliver itself.”
At the sound of her voice, he turns, golden eyes gleaming like copper in sunlight. He wipes his hands on the folds of his pale lavender robes, grinning slowly. She is forced to admit to herself for the millionth time that Clavis is hardly unpleasant to look at, per say. But oh, how he irks her, with his smooth words, flamboyant personality and flashy enchantments. 
“Oh dearie me, when I said it was urgent, I suppose that gave it permission to cause destruction. I apologize.”
She bats away several tiny golden motes that have taken an interest in her chestnut hair and Clavis lifts his hand, wiggling his fingers in invitation. The golden pinpricks of light float towards him, circling his wrist and then solidify into a gold bracelet.
Refusing to be distracted by his tricks, she unscrolls his letter and lays it on the counter.
“Well? Where is it?”
“So impatient,” he tuts as he kneels down, lifting an ornate silver box from under the counter. It’s about the size of his hand and she can’t help but watch the way he trails his fingertips over the decorative embellishments. He has such elegant hands.
One brow arches slowly as she crosses her arms, shoving that thought away and burying it in annoyance.. “Well…..are you going to open it….?”
He sighs theatrically. “Some people have no sense of showmanship.”
Her lips quirk into a small, involuntary grin. “I’m not one of the poor suckers who come in here for your tricks and potions, Lelouch. Now open the box.”
He tilts his head, clearly enjoying how much she is trying to hide her curiosity. His hand rests on the lid of the box but doesn’t move.
“Don’t you want to know the story of how I acquired such a treasure? Why, it’s a tale of mighty heroics the likes of-”
“No. No, I do not.”
He pretends to be offended but the light in his eyes gives away the truth. 
“But it involves a goblin merchant from Benitoite and a heartsick wizard from the Jade Forest and-”
“And a dragon and a sea witch and a bloody one-eyed pegasus. Clavis, just open the box!” 
He laughs and it is the needle deflating the balloon of irritation that had overtaken her. She’s never met anyone with a laugh quite like his. It’s almost musical, but in the way of the inviting, simple melody of a children’s song. Something that stays with her, imprinting itself on her mind.
“Such an impatient pumpkin.”
“Don’t call me pumpkin.” The response is automatic, a reflex built over the long while she has known him. The first time Clavis had seen her do magic and seen the yellow-orange glow her magic emanates, he had bestowed her with that aggravating nickname.
Nimble fingers curl over the lid of the box and then he lifts it, revealing a round, milky-white stone nestled into a bed of black velvet. It reminds her immediately of the moon against a starless night sky.
She tilts her head quizzically. “This is the all-power Amor Lapis?” She had imagined something called the “Love Stone” being far more ostentatious, something pink or red and wild with sparkles. Something that would take her breath away. This stone, while pretty in its own way, looks rather ordinary.
“Such a skeptic.” He lifts the stone from its box, holding it in the palm of his hand. “It will only glow when two soulmates have found each other.” He lifts his gaze to her, his smile playful. “Know any perfect couples?”
She rolls her eyes, reaching out to touch the stone. “There’s no such thing as a perfect-” Her fingers brush Clavis’s palm and suddenly, the middle of the white stone begins to brighten, a soft glow radiating out from the center.
She jerks her hand away even as he nearly drops it. Her heart roars to life, knocking wildly around inside her chest.
Neither of them move and then, at the same time they both do, Clavis uncharacteristically fumbling to put the stone back in its box and she taking several steps back, one hand curling into the velvet folds of her cloak.
“It’s broken! It’s clearly defective!” Why does her voice sound just a bit shrill to her ears?
He clears his throat. She’s rarely seen him so rattled.
“It….oh dear…..maybe it is.” He frowns, staring down at the stone, at the dull, cream color of it, no glow to be seen. Then he draws in a breath, one that even she can hear shaking and looks at her. There is something unfamiliar in the depths of his sunrise eyes.
“We should try that again.”
“Try what again, exactly?”
She should be balking at the very suggestion. 
She should already be halfway out of his crazy shop. 
She shouldn’t be stepping closer again, her gaze jumping from the stone back to him and then back again. 
And she really really should not be saying-
“Alright. To-to prove its deficiency.”
The smooth, dark counter is a barrier between them, one that feels like armor, something that will protect her although what she needs protecting from is uncertain, some nebulous thing forming on the edges of her consciousness, some unknown dream rising from the shadows of slumber.
Clavis then holds out his hand, palm up, his gaze meeting hers. Her heartbeat drums wildly through her veins, a rhythm she has never known before. Slowly she lifts her hand and places it in his. His skin is cool and smooth, soft in a way she would not have expected. Emma can feel his magic just here, flowing through him. It feels shockingly calm, not the wild chaos she thought it might be but soothing, like the scent of lavender, the soft pastels of the sky at sundown. She can feel her own magic responding, warming as it flows through her.
Beneath their joined hands, the Amor Lapis begins glowing again, a soft white light like a tiny flame igniting inside the stone. Her heartbeat roaring in her ears, she slowly withdraws her hand from his and watches as the glow dims and then, when they are no longer touching, winks off like a tiny candle snuffed out by a breeze. When Emma has gathered enough courage, she raises her gaze from the milky-colored stone to Clavis and her heart trips over its own beat. His eyes rival the glow of the stone, something new burning in their golden depths. The light of revelation. The light of truth. The light of desire.
When he finally speaks, his voice sounds soft, breathy in a way that causes Emma to bite the inside of her lip at the sound.
“Dearie me,” he murmurs, his gaze locked with hers, bright with an intensity that feels almost physical. “If that happens when we touch hands, imagine what might happen if we actually kiss.”
The word lingers between them, shimmering in the air like desert heat over sand dunes. Emma unconsciously licks her lips and Clavis’s gaze drops there, fast as quicksilver. His own lips part slightly as he stares at the full curve of her lower lip, the sweet bow of the top. His own voice, his own words, echo like thunder between them. 
….if we actually…..
Emma hasn't moved, hasn’t said a word, her soft eyes wide as a deer’s startled by a sudden, unexpected sound. And then he realizes what he said, what he has actually suggested and shame floods him, a tsunami of embarrassment that washes away the glimmer of hope, the clouds of desire that had overtaken him. 
What the hell was he thinking, talking like that? As if someone like her, someone so intelligent and kind and talented, someone beautiful inside and out, would ever be soulmates with someone like him. Forget soulmates, she doesn’t even like him. 
He hangs in head, soft twilight locks falling across his forehead, his knuckles white as he grips the counter with trembling hands. Stupid. Idiot. Never good enough. Never smart enough. Never ever would he be enough for someone else.
“Nevermind, I lost myself for a moment.” The words are acrid on his tongue and he feels the hot wash of color staining his cheeks and neck. “Obviously, there’s no way–”
Her hands are suddenly gripping those warm cheeks, pulling him towards her, forcing him to lean over the counter, above the stone, where she presses her lips to his. The Amor Lapis explodes with radiance, a tiny supernova encased by smooth stone. Even with closed eyes, Emma notices the brightening of the light but right now, she does not care. Because right now, she is holding Clavis’s face in her hands, and she is falling falling falling into kissing him.
At first he freezes, shock turning his blood to ice water in his veins. But then he realizes her mouth is really there, pressed against his, and then the burst of light automatically closes his eyes and the shock begins to thaw.
Now all he feels is the warmth of her kiss, the tentative movement of her lips and he gasps, reaching across the counter to touch her. Cradling each other’s face, they kiss, at first slowly, drinking in the fragile newness of the sensation, the unveiling of the truth that has been growing in both their hearts, quietly. Steadily. And then novelty slowly turns to pleasure, to desire. He grows bolder, sliding a hand down to the nape of her neck, holding her there so he can part her lips and sink into the sweet taste of her. If this is a dream, may he never wake up.
Emma sighs against him, a sound that echoes the twinkling of diamond-bright stars in a black velvet sky. All this time….all this time she’s been falling in love and never even realized it.
Minutes pass. Or maybe hours. Neither of them can say when they finally pull away from one another. Breathless, light-headed, floating, they both glance down at the Amor Lapis. The stone is luminous, glowing like a tiny moon dropped from the heavens. 
And it will continue to give off its beautiful light, for the rest of their days.
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Tagging: @xbalayage @alexxavicry @queengiuliettafirstlady @rhodolitesrose @ikemen-writer @bellerose-arcana @thewitchofbooks @aria-chikage @redheadkittys @tele86 @dear-mrs-otome @firestar-otomeobsessed @curious-skybunny @rhodoliteschaos @kpop-and-otome @writingwhimsey @mxrmaid-poet @silver-dahlia @wendolrea @otomefoxystar @nightfoxqueen @myonlyjknight @portrait-ninja @ikesimpleton @mastering-procrastinating @namine-somebodies-nobody @queen-dahlia @scorchieart @nightghoul381 @bubblexly
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romance-rambles · 2 months
concept: in an alternate universe where the three princes arrive in rhodolite after emma leaves, five years after chevalier's coronation, silvio ricci—"mr. secretly a caring brother"—decides to take a stroll around the capital to clear his mind.
he's been trying to find valerio for ages, and he'd briefly thought that maybe his brother is still in rhodolite, but for whatever reason, he can't seem to get any leads. after making the questionable decision to drink, he ends up wandering into the bustling markets of the city.
a pair of brothers catches his gaze. the older one is buying the younger one a treat—and really, they can't be too old. silvio has had little interaction with kids, but he'd guess them to be around the early teens. and it makes him think of how he was never able to do anything like that for valerio.
naturally, in the middle of cursing his brother out, he happens to hear a vaguely familiar voice professing his love for some woman named emma. he has to rub his eyes to make sure he's seeing things right and—
yup, blonde hair, blue eyes. an earring. the face of a man he loathes, though not as much as his mother.
and in front of his kneeling self—
a clearly pregnant woman who looks on, with amusement glittering in her brown eyes as she gracefully accepts the offered rose. silvio thinks he might be going insane.
"emma" then proceeds to pull him up and the lady selling flowers giggles about how wonderful it is that they're so in love. the guy from the stall next door hollers about how, since it's rio, it's to be expected.
they leave and silvio does not follow them.
what silvio does do is go back to his room in the castle and punch the wall, unable to figure out how he should feel about the fact that valerio is married with a kid on the way. one thing's for sure though:
emidio must not know.
so, silvio packs up and leaves for benitoite, and in about two years, even those in rhodolite whisper about how the second prince attempted to commit treason—and admitted, in a fit of rage, that he was the one who sent valerio to die.
(for this, the king begrudgingly thanks silvio and offers to make him king. but silvio pretends he hasn't already found valerio and vows to find him.)
then, silvio returns to rhodolite.
and finds out that the child valerio's wife was carrying was their second child, after a brat who happens to be the splitting image of valerio overhears asking about "rio" and "emma".
this kid is nothing less than a blabbermouth. within thirty minutes, silvio's aware of his history and "rio"'s too. he knows that valerio's second born is a girl, that he's disappointed that neither of his two children look like his wife, and that they'll probably not stop at two kids. he knows that the kid's name is elliott, that he's named to match the first letter of his mom's name—it's the same for his sister, who is named rhys, after his dad.
and yet, despite the fact that being armed with this seemingly useless knowledge comorts him, he's too much of a coward to try and approach valerio. after all, emidio's dead. valerio seems happier than he ever was in the benitoite's court. isn't it selfish to drag valerio back solely for silvio's pride?
(a part of him is also jealous of elliot's long list of uncles, who he suspects to be rhodolite's princes—most frequent are nokto, yves, leon, clavis, and luke. sometimes, jin and licht. chevalier, surprisingly, does ask after him and rhys, but never visits. sariel keeps tabs on them, just in case)
so he runs before his sister-in-law arrives to take elliot home.
and rinse and repeat. days bleed into weeks and he's not keen about letting them bleed into months, even if he views elliott as a "second chance."
but he doesn't have to.
valerio comes to him.
apparently, he's seen silvio hanging around his son. his wife is delighted that elliott's made a friend, even if he is older than she'd hoped for, and also a bit concerned about silvio's identity, so she wanted to invite him to dinner.
unfortunately, elliott told rio about how silvio once told him to cherish and protect his sister. he said that he couldn't protect his brother from getting hurt, and that he hopes valerio is happy.
the names are what tipped rio off.
there was other identifying information too, but rio already had his memories. the names were all he needed.
you see, he'd started having an inkling of his identity when emma was belle. he'd been pouring over some texts about benitoite and he thought some of it felt strangely familiar. but he kept those thoughts hidden because he was afraid of letting emma know. it was when emidio was arrested that his memoried fully started coming back.
[we now take a brief intermission to talk about how rio married the love of his life:
emma, whilst fretting over her uncontrollable feelings, is looking at the "engagement ring". rio comes in, and for a moment, they simply stare at each other.
then rio correctly guesses that this is something he had on him before. emma confides in him that she thinks it's an engagement ring, which causes rio to realize why she would push him away.
he tells her that he has no interest in returning home. he wanted to die, after all. it's likely nothing was waiting for him. and, if it is an engagement ring, he probably bought it because he knew he'd be meeting the love of his life soon (this makes her hit him on the shoulder). rio thinks he likely wasn't engaged at all.
this causes emma to decide that she wants to be selfish, even if it means living with that kind of guilt.
the rest is history.]
rio: "i really don't want you to meet emma...what if you fall in love with her? she's so pretty, i can see it happening."
silvio: "huh? why would—"
rio: "...but i need someone to testify that i wasn't engaged before i lost my memories. i didn't have a lover either. my wife's been holding onto this misconception, so i want to clear it up immediately."
silvio takes it for the olive branch it is. everyone and their grandmothers know that he's been searching for valerio. it's really no surprise that rio would realize his intentions.
the next night, he joins rio and his family for dinner. silvio brings flowers for emma and gifts for each of the munchkins, and for rio, he shoves a bottle of wine at him. his reddened ears don't have the luxury of returning to normal because elliott starts pointing out how his ears are super red. they have an enjoyable dinner, after which emma reintroduces herself as his sister-in-law and they confirm that they'll hold off on telling elliott, like silvio wants them to.
silvio is a coward though, so he tells elliott on literally the last day of his stay in rhodolite. elliott makes him promise to come back soon, and rio and emma, who are there to pick elliott up, reveal that they might go visit silvio instead.
[this is because someone manages to spill silvio's secret to the king. which means rio would need to establish himself to better protect his family.]
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leonscape · 9 months
tears streamed down her face as she quietly cried. she wandered around the palace, looking for her father. the halls looked the same and she got lost in the maze of corridors.
“papa,” she sniffled. “papa where are you?”
no answer.
it wasn’t until she came across her uncle chevalier. his footsteps were muted by the carpet, but they were the only sound that filled the silence. she ran to him, her pitter patter was quick to catch up with his long strides.
“uncle sheba,” she called him.
the man looked down at her and she just stared back. he looked up and down the hall; no maids were coming to get the lost child. she copied his actions, scanning the hallway too. their gazes met once again, his icy blue eyes met her warm golden ones.
he was about to leave and let the maids find her. that was until she lifted her arms and made grabby hands at him.
with a sigh, chevalier picked her up and carried her on his hip. his clumsy gloved thumb dried her tears. “stop crying,” he told her. it came out a little more harsh than he anticipated, but she obeyed.
suddenly a maid came rushing down the hall. she immediately bowed and apologized. he simply nodded in acknowledgment but kept walking down the hall, leaving the maid dumbfounded and frozen in her spot, fearing for her job.
chevalier arrived at the domestic faction’s office and set her down on her feet. after a crisp knock on the door, he opened it and let her inside. when she saw her father sitting at his desk, she bolted over to him and shouted with glee, “papa!”
leon caught her in his arms and hugged her tightly. “what are you doing here? aren’t you supposed to be taking a nap right now?”
“i missed you, papa!” she said.
“i missed you too, sweet pea. but you need to take a nap,” he told her.
“i could just take a nap here!” she suggested.
“okay, but you have to actually go to sleep okay? you can’t bother anyone.”
“okay i promise i will sleep.”
chevalier lingered in the door, his sight fixed on the father-daughter duo. he couldn’t ignore the feelings bubbling up in his chest. his lips turned up into the tiniest of smiles.
“thanks,” leon told him. chevalier’s lips went back to their usual resting state and he turned on his heel, closing the door behind him.
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wordycheeseblob · 1 year
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How you ask? The night sky is a chart. Those who know to read it will never get lost.
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solomons-poison · 6 months
So continuing the thoughts on arranged marriage AU with Chev.
He's just doing his princely duties, the marriage is advantageous and it's important to forge political bonds with your country. Nothing more and nothing less than his duty, he's not upset but he's certainly not thrilled. The wedding goes without a hitch, and you're left alone in a new country with a husband that doesn't know or care for follies of love, the Brutal Beast they call him, and he mostly leaves you alone.
He makes sure your needs are met, of course. Your maids are kind, dresses made for you every so often to refresh your wardrobe, with occasional jewelry obtained from new merchants. The food is delicious, though it's all new and unfamiliar dishes to you. You're at his side for important events, and he introduces you to other nobles to forge more relationships. He'll listen to you talk at dinnertime, but he's largely unresponsive and doesn't seem to absorb any of it. He's not unkind and he's fairly quiet, but his gaze is always cold and faraway when he looks at you, like you're a piece of furniture.
However, as time passes, he doesn't miss the way you cringe away when he's killed recently on the battlefield or "took care" of some assassins. And he isn't blind to the way the servants and waitstaff that fear him, also end up keeping their distance from you, too, as much as they can. You're alone, and no matter how many times he doesn't respond to you or seems uninterested, you still persist. And something about that tenacity endeared you to him.
He'll sometimes sit with you for tea in the evenings, reading his books and listening to you talk about your day. As time goes on, it happens more and more often, until suddenly its a daily occurrence. The clothing he gives you and the jewelry start to become more to your preferences, although he hasn't asked you what you liked in so many words. The same thing happens with the food you eat, realizing they've started to include foods from your home country.
Before long, you and others in the palace start to see his true personality. The quirk of his lips when you say something silly, the softness of his eyes when you talk about your lessons or a good book you've read recently, and how often you share your bed with him and the way he holds you close in the mornings when he refuses to wake.
You had been married off to a beast for political advantage, small and scared and lost in a new place with new people. But anyone that saw the two of you now would see an incredible beast tamer, bold and bright and excited, with the tamed beast at your side— if only tamed for you. No one expected him to discover the true feeling of love from this marriage, him least of all, but he couldn't say he disliked this new warm feeling in his chest.
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floydsteeth · 2 months
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Doodles using my new pen :3
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ikeprimodern · 4 months
Clavis and Cyran!
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keithsandwich · 3 months
Insta Following List...
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Hi! First of all, we (me and @bicayaya) are so happy that you guys joined us in our Insta!AU! Maeve and Beatrice are now following y'all.
We've decided to make a little masterlist so we won't lose any of your beautiful Insta pages 💕
In case you still wanna jump in, here's the template. Just tag us if you want us to see your work and include you in this list!
Also, if you're in this list but want out, send me a DM and it'll be done.
In alphabetical order:
♡ Agnes by @altairring
♡ Beatrice by @bicayaya
♡ Carina by @fang-and-feather
♡ Charlotte by @aquagirl1978
♡ Chevalier by @aquagirl1978
♡ Ciel by @floydsteeth
♡ Constance by @scummy-writes
♡ Elle by @hellecat
♡ Esther by @lorei-writes
♡ Evelyn by @chandeliermichel
♡ Imke by @dove-da-birb
♡ Keith by @keithsandwich
♡ Leyla by @violettduchess
♡ Linet by @fang-and-feather
♡ Oliver by @olivermorningstar
♡ Maeve by @keithsandwich
♡ Misaki by @akitsuneswife
♡ Persephone by @faustianfascination
♡ Rio by @floydsteeth
♡ Sigfrit by @wordycheeseblob
♡ Tala by @m-mmiy
♡ Viva by @lorei-writes
♡ Yara by @fang-and-feather
♡ Yves by @bicayaya
Please, let me know if I've forgotten to add you!
Updated: 04.11
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everywhere i go.......... i see his face.........
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violettduchess · 2 months
Hello hello!!
May I request Cyran // courage // Gangster AU? ^^
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A/N: My entry for the Wish Upon an Aide CC hosted by the wonderful @lorei-writes and @wordycheeseblob
Cyran x Reader, Gangster AU; Prompt: Courage
I went a less obvious route with the prompt. It's not exactly nsft but it is suggestive. A kind of follow up to this Cyran Gangster fic.
WC: ~1k
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In order for there to be courage, there must be fear. Darkness needs light to exist, light cannot shine without darkness. They are intertwined, interconnected, essential to one another like the moon and the tide, like oxygen and life.
In the shadows of your bedroom, the glow from the neon sign across the street slides its way through the blinds, bathes your skin in red. 
Red means danger. 
It means warning.
It means stop. 
But Cyran couldn't stop now, not for all the money in the world. His hands travel down the smooth plane of your waist, slide across the round curves of your hips. It is a road he has only traveled once before but one he has never, ever forgotten. He feels the pressure of your arms around his neck, the way your fingers curl into the ends of his hair. More red.
His mouth follows the pulse in the side of your neck. He presses his tongue flat against it, then sucks hard. The sound you make should be illegal. It fogs his mind with desire, smothers the rational thought that thrives in the cold light of day.
Being the doctor they call, you are already in too deep with The Organization. No good can come of dragging you selfishly deeper, through the unpredictable danger of his job, under the waves of fear and anxiety that every assignment floods him with. He is certain that being with him will bring you nothing but heartache. 
And yet……how can he stop an avalanche’s momentum? How can he push back the tide? How can he stop drinking in the taste of your lips? Stop drowning in your breathless whisper of his name?
He is a criminal, one who walks the opaque fog between right and wrong....but with you, everything becomes crystal-clear.
And he is not strong enough to deny what his body and soul so loudly cry for.
Cyran’s hands have divested you of all clothing. Only the golden rose necklace they gave you lays against your skin. He sweeps it aside, pressing a line of desperate kisses across your collarbone, first one, then the other.
He walks you backwards towards your bed, his clothing falling like flower petals along the way until he is as bare as you. When the back of your knees bumps into the mattress, you pause to drink in the sight of him, disheveled and alight with desire, his broad chest rising and falling with each labored breath.
God, is he beautiful. All sculpted muscle. Powerful lines. You unconsciously bite down on your lower lip as your fingertips trace the Rhodolitian rose tattooed on his shoulder. Unlike some of the other gang members, his rose is not blood red, but has been rendered in shades of gray. You follow the line of the petals, then glide down over the curved stem lined with sharp thorns. In reality, they would have torn your fingers to shreds. But right now, all you feel is warm skin. All you feel is him.
He can’t take the sight of your lip between your teeth. He wants it for himself. Surging forward, he kisses you and you fall back onto the bed, your body catching fire, your heart aflame.
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The neon sign has blinked out, replaced by the pale yellow of early morning sunlight. Cyran is sound asleep, his red hair a bright spot among your white pillows. Propped up on one elbow, you watch him as he sleeps. You haven’t been able to tear your gaze away since you woke up, your body heavy with satisfaction, sore with the remnants of last night’s storm.
His face is softer now, carrying none of the hard, concentrated lines of responsibility, duty. He is at ease, for once, lost in the clouds of dreaming. He looks younger somehow. Almost innocent. You allow yourself the luxury of staring, of gazing at the line of his jaw, covered in stubble, the slope of his neck down to his broad shoulders. You notice the small crescent-moon marks there, the ones from your fingers as they clutched him, held him tightly against your body. A smile ghosts across your lips.
You follow the relaxed surface of his bare chest down to where your bed sheets are draped modestly over his hips. One long leg, bent at the knee, sticks out from the covers and you're struck by an overwhelming wave of emotion, something warm and bright that sends your heart into a gentle swoon.
Wanting him. Dare you even think….loving him…..is dangerous. You know it. There are a hundred reasons why falling for him is nothing but jagged peril, a treacherous road you should not walk. 
But the way he rasped your name is still ringing in your ears.
Your fingers remember the grip of his own when they intertwine with yours.
You know the way his body feels against you. It is now written across your heart like a swathe of stars in the night sky, burned into your skin like a brand.
He sighs in his sleep, shifting to roll onto his side, and a lock of red hair falls across his forehead. You reach out instinctively to brush it away and something inside you is kindled, like a forge slowly coming to life. 
Yes, it is risky to give yourself over to what you are feeling, to fight for a place in his heart and life. 
But you are brave. 
Your hand gently cups the side of his face and your heart sinks into the flame of the forge, becoming something strong, a sword to face the danger, a light to wield in the dark. Courage and determination flow through your veins as mightily as desire had just a few short hours ago.
Cyran is worth loving. He is worth every twist and turn if only for the feel of him under your palm, the light in his eyes as they flutter open and see you, his slow, sleepy, unburdened smile.
“Good morning,” you murmur, leaning down even as he reaches for you, a kiss already waiting on his lips.
This is worth all your courage. This will be your light.
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Tagging: @alexxavicry @queengiuliettafirstlady @bellerose-arcana @thewitchofbooks @aria-chikage @redheadkittys @tele86 @dear-mrs-otome @olivermorningstar @writingwhimsey @silver-dahlia @wendolrea @nightfoxqueen @myonlyjknight @ikesimpleton @ikemenlibrary @namine-somebodies-nobody @cellophanediamond @whatever-fanfics @justpeachyteastea @chirp-a-chirp @got7igot7family @kookie-my-little-sunshine @portrait-ninja @starlitmanor-network @queen-dahlia @themysticalbeing @nightghoul381 @whitelittlebunny @chi-the-idiot @bubblexly
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lettersfromaphrodite · 7 months
| love me like you do |
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―pairing : Keith Howell x fem! Reader ―genre : soft smut ―word count : 362
― notes : extract from a fic I will never write so here have this humble offering my sweet loves ― notes : extra kudos to @jodiosmenu for believing in me over this fragment of madness
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that night, Keith made love to you for the first time; it was gentle and not rushed, his hips moving slowly and languidly as if you had all the time in the world, as if the night you were spending together was never going to end, Keith's lips caressing your body delicately as if you were some sort of goddess he was going to spend his life worshipping as the most devoted believer.
«I love you,» you mumbled against his lips as you both reached your climax. «I love you too.» he mumbled back with a smitten smile, touching your lips with his.
After that, Keith leaned down to kiss your neck, peppering your sweaty skin with chaste kisses, and as soon as you felt the soft and gentle nibbles turning into playful and harsh bites you knew what happened, without the need to ask him for confirmation.
Immediately, you took Keith's face in your hands as delicately and firmly as you could, bringing his face in front of you, his sharp gaze locking into yours and allowing you to acknowledge alter Keith with a soft smile.
«I love you,» you repeated, a subtle way to confirm that when you told Keith you loved him, you meant both of them, as fucked up and strange as the situation could be seen from the outside. Alter Keith didn't answer, he simply scoffed with an arrogant smirk, but you didn't mind.
Without waiting for you to properly come down from your high, alter Keith made love to you for the first time; it was passionate and intense, his hips moving roughly in a way that made you cry out in pleasure and tremble, for alter Keith seemed to be almost demanding with wanting to see and enjoy your pleasure, his mind and body focused on take and take and take what he could from you, kissing your skin with occasional rough nibbles here and there, as if you were a goddess and this was his desperate way to ask you - to plead you, to spare a glance his way, still not fully believing that you could love both Keith in the same way.
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all works © lettersfromaphrodite
Do not modify, repost, translate or plagiarize my stories. I only publish my works on tumblr & AO3.
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