#ikepri scenarios
oigimi · 10 months
. silvio parent hcs ! .
Very deliberately, you and Silvio have quite a few kids.
Your firstborn is a baby boy, with your hair color and Silvio’s deep blue eyes.
He’s really fussy, always crying out for his mom’s attention.
Silvio dotes on his son, but he always gravitates towards you.
It’s the Benitoite(Italian) in him.
After your first son, you have another.
The eldest boy loves his little brother, and they’re the best of friends.
Even though the oldest has a sharing problem with his toys.
After the second boy is a third, who ends up being a lot more shy and timid next to his brothers.
Silvio begins to wonder if you’re ever going to have a daughter.
He loves all his sons, and would do any and everything for them, but deep down he really wanted a daughter with you.
And then, on your fourth and final delivery, she arrives.
A tiny girl, who looks just like you.
Needless to say, your husband is over the moon.
He’s always holding her and buying her the finest toys, blankets, and clothes money could possibly buy.
That’s not to say he doesn’t spoil your boys either, but your daughter has definitely earned a special place in Silvio’s heart.
At first it can seem overwhelming being one of two girls in the Ricci family, but make no mistake: This is a female-run family.
Silvio is completely whipped for you and your daughter both, and basically will do anything you want.
Very stereotypical Italian father, lovingly rough with his sons and bending over backwards for his daughter.
Your boys are completely devoted to you too.
They’re also really overprotective of their sister.
The headstrong eldest, second in-command second-born, and soft-spoken third boy create quite a defense force for you both against anyone, be it annoying palace staff, rude attendants, or mean playmates to your daughter.
Speaking of your third boy, Silvio takes special care of him.
You’d expect him to be hard on him, and he can be sometimes, but he has a lot of compassion for him, since he reminds him of you and your pure heart.
He’s mellowed out quite a bit since marriage.
His favorite thing to do is go on family trips with you all, showing his kids the love and kindness he never got as a child.
It takes some adjustment, and he can be awkward with some aspects of parenthood, but he really means well for all four of your kids.
The five of you are really a blessing to him, one he isn’t sure he always deserves.
But he tries his hardest every day to make up for the mistakes he had to suffer at the hands of his own father, by adoring you and your children.
He’s always willing to hug them when they need it, and do something to brighten their day.
If it’s something that he knows he would’ve needed growing up, he wants to give it to them.
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writer-akihiko · 1 year
Hi, this is the first time doing this but may I ask for one for Ikeprince where Belle was the childhood friend for the princes but they lost contact after many years and only meet again during the prologue. Thank you.
Rekindled Connection: IkePri Princes
I've officially returned! Thank you to everyone who's waited honestly. Also, I assume that you don't want me to spoil any content, so a few characters are omitted from the ask such as Gilbert, Silvio and Keith. Contains spoilers for Leon's and Luke's route mainly, but the rest are route spoilers inclined.
"The new Belle of Rholodite, YN." Sariel announced.
Jin Grandet
Even before the meeting, he dreaded the day to meet the new Belle. He was careful to hide his discontent from someone like Sariel and his younger brothers, promising to never involve himself with Belle
Your careful entrance to the hall where the princes gathered was expected, but Jin didn't expect… you. His princely seductive smile faltered, his face drawn to a harsh scowl instead
He knew who you were. He didn't know if the rest did,  but it didn't cross his mind as his fist slammed against the table
Leon and Chevalier stopped their welcoming greetings, the princes' eyes on their eldest. Jin stormed out, clutching you by the arm, before glowering at Sariel. "She was never supposed to be a part of this."
Your soft protests rang in his ears down the hallway, before Jin pulled you tight to his chest
"YN… Why did you become the Belle?" His voice near breaking, he'd never wish such a fate upon you, even if it was your way of reconnecting with him
The guards slowly closed on him, however, with Jin as your shield, the common guards couldn't bear the thought of harming the first Prince Jin Grandet
Nearing the gardens, you struggled enough to pull away from the prince who suddenly seized you. The frenzy of the day got to you, unable to even lift your head in front of the country's princes… The fear rushed to your head that one of the princes wanted to take you immediately
All panic fled once you saw the man with the brown hair who you met oh so long ago. "Jin…?"
He stopped, regretfully turning to you. "I'll explain more later," He said, glancing back at the advancing guards. "Trust me one more time, YN."
Chevalier Michel
Oh, how he wanted to curse his deceased father from beyond the grave… There was a note of familiarity when he first saw you
As much as he wanted to be delighted, his position was too fragile. He couldn't protect you definitely from those corrupt nobles
He let a few days past, before he heard a knock to his office door. You were there, as he predicted. You would've seeked him out, one way or another
He allowed Clavis and Nokto to be in the same room, so he wasn't surprised when your smiles and clumsy behaviour turned solemn upon meeting him
"I didn't mean to, Chev." You began. The other princes wondered how were you so bold to address the prince without title, much less a nickname
He hushed his brothers, before turning to Clavis. Whispers of preparations filled the room, before Chevalier got up, exiting the room just before whispering in your ear to follow Clavis' words
The first emotions that go through his head were of fondness towards you. There were many things he kept buried behind his aloof personality, you included
He had left, not sparing much of a glance to you. He's been pissed off the entire week due to you being Belle. He read your letters of your explanation before, remembering that it was tucked with the past writings he kept from you since you both were children
Of course things wouldn't go smoothly, with how cunning Sariel was. Nokto and Luke getting drunk with their older brother Jin was as much proof as he needed, and soon you were kept from him
Clavis and you weren't oblivious to the situation. Being forbidden from leaving the palace until you made your decision made your and Chevalier's life ever more difficult. It wasn't something you expected, but sooner it became more comfortable even with the sudden addition of secret lessons of queendom here and there as Chevalier wrote that it was for you
Your lives were still as separated as before, but the letters were ever so warm as you both hid behind the guise of your titles. It was not time yet to be reunited with your childhood lover, so all Chevalier could do was send you a rose from afar…
Clavis Lelouch
The first emotions that go through his head were of fondness towards you. There were many things he kept buried behind his aloof personality, you included
He couldn't believe that you were that person oh so long ago, and neither can you. Clavis now was unlike before, perhaps it was better to focus on the task at hand
He stumbled over you upon the first meeting, but you made an effort to avoid him afterwards… but gosh darn was this man persistent
Bringing up things of the past, wondering if you had him in your heart… How were you supposed to know that he was a prince all those years ago? The time it was only nailed into your head was when the soldiers showed up was to threaten your loved ones
All these years and he wasn't a prince who'd comply to such rules. The opportunity given by Sariel was a way to make things better at home, so you insisted to follow them by the book
Somehow someway, Clavis Lelouch finds a way where it was just a moment between you two. The aloof prince gone, and a glimpse of perhaps the shy prince you once fell for
"Back then, maybe I did care, Clavis," You said. "It's not the time for me to be nice to you anymore. I ask you do not address me as if I were your friend."
He held on to you, stating how he never forgot your kindness towards him and how he too was forced to throw you away. "Just once, may we begin anew?"
Multiple instances of his pleas and your wavering heart finally was his. The pace was by your terms as there were clearly rules against your relationship Not like Clavis cared much for the rules anyway…
He got a kick out of giving a few nobles a heart attack after oh so kindly threatening them to denounce his title if they deny your marriage…
Leon Dompteur
He doesn't mention it at first, as he wanted to confirm his suspicions. Back then, you were the young girl who would secretly hand them off food when your family bakery was near its closing
He remembered how you still continued such, even after his adoption. For years he had to find you once again after news of your family migrating to Obsidian. You being Belle is simply another part of you that would give him the pleasure of getting to know you once more
How you returned, he'd never knew. His other brothers must've realised how much you piqued the interest of Leon so much so that he invited you often for small talks
From a few moments of conversing, he doubted that you remembered him. Nonetheless, he wanted to know more about the one who saved him back then
The sliver of friendship back then began to grow into companionship. You were someone that Leon could visibly relax around, and Leon was someone you could forget your duties with
It wasn't until Yves found that you had a knack for baking, and soon your goodies were presented to Leon's faction Your good friend takes nothing but a loaf of bread, not even the sweets you laboured over…
It made you quite curious, yet you couldn’t help but giggle from the adorable Leon's face stuffed with bread
As you stare longer at his stuffed face, the roundness of his cheek and his glinting smile… It was a moment of dejavu. Particularly the small boy back then who would always smile after you gave him bread…
Shaking off the connection, you excused yourself as you tried to recount any memories of the boy and Leon. It was uncanny for sure, but the conclusions drawn up in your head were too close to be ignored
"I had a feeling you figured it out," The voice belonging to none other than Leon emerged next to you. "Hello YN, I've missed you."
Yves Kloss
He was… surprised to say the least. He was silent the entire meeting, not moving from his chair even at your personal introduction to him
He at first, was unsure if you recognised him. Everything that you knew of him back then… he’s a different Yves now. The childish promises weren’t something that he should believe in again
Back then, he was a hopeless child, wishing to the little girl in his eyes who was his princess with a promise of marriage. “YN… pwease marry me when… when I’m bigger!”
The mortifying scenarios that repeated back in his head only served to push him away from you. It’s best if you forgot about him really, as much as he feels inclined to uphold his promise…
Jealousy did not catch him when he saw you amongst his brothers, but the irritation of some of them to pursue you so recklessly made him want to jump in at the chance
He wasn’t being demanding, was he? It was only a simple invitation to a tea party… with just him involved. Well, anything to get you away from Nokto really
He noticed you carried with you a flower ring, usually of any strays from the gardeners. You’d keep it around your ring finger ever so tightly, being frightened if it were to fall off
Oh… what an idiotic child Yves was. He proposed to you with a flower ring. All these years, you’d waited for him
His constant glances at your finger, particularly the flower, made you laugh. “Belle… YN… You knew it was me didn’t you?”
You picked up one of his favourite tarts, holding it to his face. “And if I said yes, would you finally replace this flower ring on my finger with a real one?”
Licht Klein
He wasn’t someone that would attract too much attention, especially with how boisterous and loud the others were. Yet, he couldn’t shake your gaze off of him. Why were you so attentive to him?
There was some note of familiarity to how you acted. There was no air of nobility about you, instead a comfort that was akin to a friend that kept his attention
It… began to be distracting for him. Not an annoyance like Clavis, but distracting enough to be a constant reminder throughout his day. It was… a welcomed distraction, if he was fully honest with himself
The day where you observed your duties as Belle could make him care less, however the times where you were scheduled to visit made him much more active. His brothers saw his much more vocal participation in such meetings
Much to Licht’s own detriment, Clavis and Leon of all people, always informed where your location was. Leon much less, but he’d always find a way to give Licht a heads up. Clavis was much more of an annoyance, but Jin was the worst, giving Licht money to buy ‘nicer clothes to impress YN’
It was not until you gifted him a woven bracelet did he remember you. Unable to deny the flood of memories that struck him, he pulled you into a soft embrace, sniffling tears that stained your dress. Murmurs of ‘why didn’t you tell me’ and apologies spilled from him
All you did was reply, saying how much you missed him as you stroked his back gently. Yes, you were the little girl who always played with him and Nokto, constantly comforted Licht’s lonely moments until you were forcefully taken away from him
By law, the land you resided in belonged to Jade instead, and all form of contact lost except for a woven bracelet you last left when you played together. He kept it with him, treasuring it even to its last threads
As he thought about it, your predicament only angered him. You did not deserve to be thrown into a castle of beasts, surrounded by only those who wish to use you
His trajectory as a prince now included you, to free you from any burdens as Belle. He acts in secret, just as his feelings towards you. It is not the right time to tell you, so locked shall his affections be
Nokto Klein
He doesn’t recall you. None of it really. He truly made a fool of himself when it came to you. An honest fool in fact…
Nothing to you clicked for him. Really, it’s not his fault, given that you two were about the age of toddlers when you played with each other. You didn’t know it was him either, continuing on your days as normal
Nokto regardless was a flirtatious man to you. His affections did not cease, yet he’s drawn to you for your utter perseverance to refuse him. The person who really comforted you was none other that Licht, his own brother. Nokto found his twin embracing you in joy one day, and he was utterly confused
He trailed you and his twin, until the point he reached the servant’s quarters. What were you two doing there? Surely, Nokto thought that you were in a secret relationship with his own brother! One of the princes… It frustrated him so, realising that the flirtations turned to genuine love for you
He was being cynical, wanting to catch you and use such information against you but he stopped when Licht took out a beaded necklace to give to you. One that belonged to their mother’s loyal maid…
“How dare you?!” He stormed the room, ready to draw his sword to his own brother and you. Licht knew how much such memories meant to Nokto. The loyal maid in question was one who cared for them in the absence of their mother, in happier times…
“How dare I? How dare you!” You argued back, clutching the necklace. “This was my mother’s!” You ran out the door, leaving the two princes in shock
Licht simply looked at his brother in distaste, “I don’t have to spell everything out for you.” Heeding the words of his twin, he searched for you. It was not difficult, considering your limitations and boundaries within the castle walls.
For once in his life, he apologised. With full sincerity. “I didn’t realise you were… her. It all makes sense,” He added. “Your mother... she meant a lot to me.”
The comforting silence that hung between you two was enough for Nokto. His feelings would come after another apology, one for his jealousy and another for confessing his feelings. He would hope you waited, just as he did
Luke Randolph
He didn’t want to meet you personally, since any past connections would ruin his purpose being there. It would hurt to explain anything and everything that happened after you left
He was a silent observer, going out of his way to make sure your adjustment to the castle was as well as it could be. You were still surrounded by the beasts he called as his brothers after all
Despite his refusal to meet you, you find a way to surprise him regardless. He was often the consumer for your sweets, especially your honeyed cookies. It was too hard to pass up!
The differences in your schedules lead to your once childish exchange of letters. Small notes of ‘We’re meeting up right?’ or ‘Remember to bring some snacks…’ passed between you, reigniting the cheerful friendship once again
He often thinks to skip his missions and meetings that aren’t in the palace. He knew he was getting attached, and that was dangerous. Yet… seeing you innocently reading in the garden makes him want to abandon everything he’s worked for
He doesn’t end up skipping work due to your persistence, but regardless he is skipping if it involves escorting you anywhere. It’s just another hangout, with fancier clothes and food
Ah… he’s going crazy. The second time he’s escorting you, it hits him. It hits him hard how much he cares for you. It’s dangerous really, but he’s a beast. Danger often follows the beast…
Afterwards, he’s more forward, especially with his brothers that you’re his. Some understand, some intend to tease while others have the intention to pry you from his hands. They’ll have to deal with his bared fangs first
It’s a stupid decision to tell you everything, but many nights with a burden would bring anyone’s shoulders down. Those in the past, how much they mean to him… To him, you matter the most, when you hug your bear, allowing him to weep
Some things are left in the dark, but as they are brought to light, he hopes you’re able to face it with him together. “YN… if anything… put yourself first before me okay? Just like last time…”
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lettersfromaphrodite · 7 months
| love me like you do |
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―pairing : Keith Howell x fem! Reader ―genre : soft smut ―word count : 362
― notes : extract from a fic I will never write so here have this humble offering my sweet loves ― notes : extra kudos to @jodiosmenu for believing in me over this fragment of madness
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that night, Keith made love to you for the first time; it was gentle and not rushed, his hips moving slowly and languidly as if you had all the time in the world, as if the night you were spending together was never going to end, Keith's lips caressing your body delicately as if you were some sort of goddess he was going to spend his life worshipping as the most devoted believer.
«I love you,» you mumbled against his lips as you both reached your climax. «I love you too.» he mumbled back with a smitten smile, touching your lips with his.
After that, Keith leaned down to kiss your neck, peppering your sweaty skin with chaste kisses, and as soon as you felt the soft and gentle nibbles turning into playful and harsh bites you knew what happened, without the need to ask him for confirmation.
Immediately, you took Keith's face in your hands as delicately and firmly as you could, bringing his face in front of you, his sharp gaze locking into yours and allowing you to acknowledge alter Keith with a soft smile.
«I love you,» you repeated, a subtle way to confirm that when you told Keith you loved him, you meant both of them, as fucked up and strange as the situation could be seen from the outside. Alter Keith didn't answer, he simply scoffed with an arrogant smirk, but you didn't mind.
Without waiting for you to properly come down from your high, alter Keith made love to you for the first time; it was passionate and intense, his hips moving roughly in a way that made you cry out in pleasure and tremble, for alter Keith seemed to be almost demanding with wanting to see and enjoy your pleasure, his mind and body focused on take and take and take what he could from you, kissing your skin with occasional rough nibbles here and there, as if you were a goddess and this was his desperate way to ask you - to plead you, to spare a glance his way, still not fully believing that you could love both Keith in the same way.
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all works © lettersfromaphrodite
Do not modify, repost, translate or plagiarize my stories. I only publish my works on tumblr & AO3.
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revasserium · 10 months
Hi! It's me, I'm the problem Jazz again 🤣
Ikemen Prince ask for either Leon or Silvio with prompt number 88 please 🙏 ♥️
send me a number and a character :)
priceless (88. This world was never meant for one as beautiful as you.)
silvio; 1,374 words, fluff and... fluff LOL this is only tangentially inspired by the prompt u__u whoops
when you break his heart the first time, he doesn’t really know it’s real. he presses the lips of a dozen priceless wine bottles to his mouth and imagines every one to be yours — he drinks until the world is spinning, the way it spun when he asked you to dance for the very first time.
he gets drunk on the sound of your remembered laughter.
he makes a mess of the sheets, of his silk-lined robes, of all the richest furs in the corners of his closet — he falls asleep wishing that this were all but a dream.
he wakes up and has to deal with the realization that it is not all just a dream and that for the first time in his life, this isn’t something he can buy his way out of because what is the price of heartbreak? the tag on the pieces of a shattered wish — he screams into every single pillow he owns and falls asleep at noon.
the second time you break his heart, he catches your arm before you can leave.
“what d’you want?” he asks, desperate and imploring, with a shudder in his voice that he’s never truly heard there before but —
you shake your head.
“i — i don’t want anything from you.”
he feels his fingers slip from around your wrist as you purse your lips and stumble back half a step. but that’s all he needs. he’s needlessly reminded of a story he’s heard a long, long time ago — about a genie and a girl who accidentally summons him. about the genie who asked the girl what she wished for and she told him she didn’t. the genie stayed with that girl for years and years and years, and in the beginning, whenever she asked him to do anything, he’d ask if that was her wish but she’d shake her head no. she’d tell him that he didn’t have to if he didn’t want to.
and yet somehow, he always found that he wanted to.
silvio wonders what he really wants, and the answer comes — clear and quiet as a winter stream —
he wants… you.
the third time, he thinks he can get used to this.
the fourth time, he’s ready for it —
“no,” you say, shaking your head, frowning at something he’s demanded of you.
“alright then,” he says, shrugging.
you blink, watching him as he turns away. watching him as he takes three steps away from you before you reach for him, tugging him back by the sleeve.
“what — that’s it? you’re… not gonna force me?”
he chuckles, “what’s the point if you’re just gonna snark at me? and anyway — i’ve got proper maids for this kind of stuff.”
“fine then,” you say, petulant, your voice sharp in a way that makes his lips twitch.
he grins, cocking his head as he watches the color wash up into your cheeks.
“fine,” he parrots back, his own voice painfully sweet and just as smug. he revels in the way your eyes flash, the way your fingers curl into fists at your side as he turns away.
so it really does take two to tango.
“y’know, a million girls would kill to be in your place right now.”
“then why aren’t they?”
“hm? why aren’t they what?”
“why aren’t they here, in my place?”
silvio licks his lips, tasting salt and heat and the midnight air.
“cause… i didn’t really take to any of ‘em.”
you sigh, rolling your eyes.
“and you just so happened to take… to me. why?”
silvio shrugs, “you’re beautiful.”
“bullshit — there are plenty of girls out there prettier than me.”
“prettier, yeah. but more beautiful? no.”
your breath catches in your chest — hook, line, and sinker. you feel the tug in the base of your belly, your mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water.
“w-what? that… that doesn’t make any sense.”
silvio only laughs, casting his eyes back out at the florid lushness of his palace gardens, teaming with the world’s rarest flowers — the night blooming cereus, the elusive ghost orchids, the fire lilies, and his prized juliet rose bushes. he leans over the thick railing to tug one from it’s bed of thorns, pressing it to his nose and taking a deep breath.
“it took my best gardener 12 years to cultivate one o’ these,” he says, twirling the peach-colored flower between his fingers.
“wow,” you say, eyeing the small, unassuming bloom, “that’s… a long time.”
“yeah, sure. but the gardener was rewarded pretty damn well for his work.”
at this, you heave another sigh, leaning up against the stone banisters.
“and i’m sure that’s the only reason he worked as hard as he did, right?”
silvio traces a finger along the edge of a velvet petal, admiring the fractal-like formation of the flower’s center.
“yeah… i’m sure it is.”
the sixth time you reject him, he almost laughs out loud. it really is fun pushing all your buttons after all.
the seventh time, he curls his lips around the shape of your name and dares to ask why.
you tell him, “because… it’d be nice of you to ask instead of demand for a change.”
he shivers at the gentleness of your tone, at the feather-soft of your confession, the pink that kisses your cheeks like the rosy-fingered dawn.
“but… if i ask, there’s a chance you’re gonna say no.”
you laugh and roll your eyes, “i say no anyways.”
“so why bother askin’ when i know what your answer’s gonna be?”
“because… sometimes, if you give someone the choice to stay or to go — they’ll surprise you.”
“can… can y’just… stay? please?”
“when’d you learn how to say please?”
you twist to face him in the silver light of an encroaching dawn.
silvio groans as he buries his face in the silken pillows, his hair a hallo of lingering moonlight.
“dunno — shuttup… it’s too damn early.”
you allow yourself a smile and snuggle in before drifting back off to sleep.
“kiss me.”
silvio smirks, cocking his head, “no.”
you narrow your eyes, frowning even as he chuckles, his fingers tight around your waist as the pair of you spin in ever and ever faster circles to music only the two of you can hear.
“why not?”
“cause…” he bites back, laving his tongue luxuriously across the expanse of his bottom lip before tugging it between his teeth, “y’didn’t ask nicely.”
you fight down the urge to push him away but his grip on you is tight and true, strong and steady and… so very nearly sweet.
“fuck off.”
he grins a foxhole grin and you feel yourself sinking into it’s depths, deeper and deeper as he spins you beneath his arm and dips you low, low, low.
“nope — pretty sure y’didn’t ask there either. and… that ain’t proper language for a lady, now is it?”
you roll your eyes as he pulls you back up and the dance begins again.
“fine,” you bite out, sparing him a half-hearted glare, “can i please have a kiss?” you ground out the words, even as the heat crests up your chest and bubbles over into your cheeks, burning all the way to the tips of your ears.
“hm… now that wasn’t so hard, now was it?”
he leans in and you let your eyes flutter shut.
when he breaks the kiss, he is smiling.
“kiss me again,” he says.
you smirk, “what happened to asking nicely?”
“hn. don’t feel like it — too much trou—”
but you cut him off with another kiss, and briefly, silvio considers the merits of tugging away if only to tease you about the impropriety of interrupting a prince’s speech before he’s finished. and then the next moment, he decides that, really, he prefers just kissing you instead.
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bespectacledbun · 10 months
is it just me or does anyone else wonder where tf the real 4th prince’s remains are….. cause like. they couldn’t bury him in the royal cemetery because it would immediately expose the ruse of “leon” replacing the prince….. But Also. I don’t think lady dompteur and that knight would have disrespected the 4th prince by putting him in a pauper’s grave yknow?
realistic scenario: there’s a marked grave somewhere in the woods that only “leon” knows about (or maybe he doesn’t know about it so he’s not tempted to visit and give himself away idk)
horrific scenario: the remains are somewhere inside the castle itself. the 4th prince never left the grounds (he’s inside the walls of “leon’s” bedroom or in a locked tower somewhere)
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Ikemen Prince
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"Feeling like an empty shell, sinking to the ocean's floor despite the current that wishes to carry me ashore.."
Character(s): Leon
Genre: Hurt / Comfort
Type: Headcanon
Description: As much of a husk as you feel you are, there's still that overwhelming sense of suffocation. Perhaps a night-time trek will allow you to finally breathe?
Warning(s): Depression, Possibly Unsettling Descriptors of The Emotional Pain, Reader has Hair(Length Not Mentioned), (Currently Not Writing for Ikepri, Don't Request it)
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➢ Leon
The sounds which danced upon your ears belonged to the storm that raged just beyond your window
Rumbling thunder and pounding rain against the scratching of your pen and rattling of the stained glass which held it all at bay
Somehow, it only made you feel trapped
As if you were between the walls - smooshed with no way out
Everything seemed muffled yet equally as clear
Even as you took a breath and leaned back from your work, the tides of pressure continued to rise into the harbor of your mind
Your hands rise to cup your cool cheeks, fingers brushing delicately beneath your eyes
And, with a shift of your legs, you find yourself standing from your cluttered desk
Every movement felt foreign, almost far away
As if your heart was the one making the decisions rather than your mind
But you couldn't quite feel anything anymore
The suffocation, the ache, had dulled into nothingness
Did you...finally break?
Your environment changed quickly, transforming from the earthly tones of your room to the soft hues of the porcelain-like hallway you traversed often
You were running, you realized
The heel of your shoe hitting the well-polished floor was loud yet it was a mere thumping against your ears, but you noticed it
And you also noticed a hum, barely there and tired
At least until a warmth settled on your arm
It was a hand, it's grip firm
You were turned, gently, and held in place
"Hey, are you alright?"
Your lungs ached when you took in a sharp breath
And you became all too aware of your trembling lips and burning eyes
You almost couldn't register who had grabbed you; reached out for you
But only one person had eyes dusted a muddy gold and hair as unruly as vines
Caught in your throat, your words die by the time they get to your tongue
So you settle for a simple lift and shake of your head as the air halts within your lungs
Your body was brought forward, an arm slipping to the small of your back - a hand curling around your head until it was tucked beneath his chin
Almost like a damn, the tears rushed past your lashes and fell until they dripped from your jaw
It felt like you were breathing for the first time all over again
You could feel the crisp air on your skin and his breath atop your head
And you could feel your body shake within his arms
Everything you had lost mere moments ago...came crashing back into you
"I don't know what happened, Leon."
Your voice came out in quiet, broken sobs, wavering as if you were trying to whisper beneath your breath
It rose and lowered and then mellowed out before rising again
"I, I was fine and then I-"
There was a hush, and then a soft squeeze
"...you don't have to explain, (Y/n)."
His hand slowly smoothed down your hair, hesitant yet committed
"Just let it out.."
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manunelle · 5 months
Ikemen Princes in Panem (a The Hunger Games AU!)
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I started to write these scenarios (or headcanons? no idea how to categorize this) after I finished rewatching the franchise's four movies, so most of these are self-indulgent.
My original plan was to write about all the characters, but I had to stop to finish some assignments, so I had no time to finish it and I don't know if I'll continue it. Well, might as well post it here to share with the fandom.
Just for contextualization, the order of winner of each game is: Sariel > Jin > Gilbert > Chevalier > Clavis > Silvio > Leon > Keith > Yves > Rio > Licht > Nokto > Luke > Emma
District: 9 - Grain 
Age: 17 
Weapon: martial arts, dagger. 
Kills: 3
District 9 (Grain) 
An only son of a sick farmer woman, was chosen as a tribute when he was 17 years old. 
Despised the whole concept of the game, but pretended well enough to receive the public’s sympathy and a few patrons that could sponsor him throughout the game. 
Trained mostly body combat, but was also able to manage a few weapons, like the sword and dagger. 
Managed to form an alliance with a few tributes when the game started. Due to his charismatic and protective behavior towards his peers, most of them younger than him, he received the nickname big brother. 
Refused to kill other participants, only knocking them out or incapacitating them when necessary, which kind of angered the producers. This resulted in him and his group having to fight a few beasts and earthquakes that came their way. 
As the game progressed, and the number of participants decreased, his group disbanded against his protests, too afraid to stick together. Only one little girl stayed with him, a young girl from district 12 named Leyla, too afraid to go off on her own. Jin swore to protect the girl, even if it cost his own life. 
However, due to conflict with other participants, the two became separated for a few instants, only for Jin to find the little girl being tortured by another tribute. 
Jin broke their neck, his first death in the whole game. He had become a murderer. 
Leyla was severely injured, and he was certain that there was no medicine that could help her. Watching the girl agonizing, crying for her real big brother in pain, Jin decided to end her life quickly, stabbing her in a place that instantly ceased her life. 
Survived the rest of the game by hiding and avoiding conflict with the remaining tributes. However, had to fight for his life against the last remaining tribute, stabbing them to death with his hidden dagger. 
Due to his gentle manner and charismatic personality, Jin was intentionally one of the capitol’s darlings, which resulted in him having to stay there longer after the games ended. When he returned home, he was welcomed by the somber looks of his neighbors and the grave of his mother. 
The whole experience left a bitter taste in Jin’s mouth, the usual smile on his face hiding the burning anger he felt within. As an adult,he started to drink and to seek the company of women, trying to find comfort in their warmth. 
As a winner, he was given the responsibility of mentoring other tributes, trying to make the experience as unpleasant as possible for the children he encountered. He also uses his assets to sponsor the tributes, helping them with food, medicine and other elements that might help them survive.
District:  3 - Technology 
Age: 16
Weapon: All weapons, but mostly swords 
Kills: around 15 (The most brutal) 
The heir of a distinguished family, Chevalier didn’t even falter when his name was read. He'd better get this shit over with as quick as possible. Despite his aloofness, he could not get rid of the heavy sensation of his chest when none of his family came to watch him go. 
Did not bother trying to gain the Capitol’s love, openly criticizing the whole thing while on interview. Also avoided the other tributes that tried to seek an alliance, which made him both a threat and a target. 
Everybody was shocked while watching him training – he mastered any weapon that touched his hands. And not only that, he exceeded all the tests regarding plants, soil, scavenger, etc.
When the games started, he assumed a fight position always, never fleeing from anyone. This resulted in some conflicts (I imagine around 7-9), which ended quickly with him collecting supplies completely bloodied. 
By the end of day 3, there were only him and another 6 participants alive. 
Since the capitol was not a fan of him, they did everything they could to disturb him, from extreme heat waves to depriving him of food and water. However, Chevalier managed to surpass it, finding ways to survive that most people had no idea could exist. 
During the feast, which was happening right in the middle of an artificial lake, Chevalier managed to electrocute the remaining six tributes, officially becoming the winner of his edition. 
Left the arena drenched in blood, a feral shine on his eyes. To this day, he is still called the brutal beast. 
Did not grant interviews nor accepted any gifts, returning directly to his home. His grandfather welcomed him, but not his mother, not that he was surprised. He went directly to his study, grabbing and burrowing his nose in a romance novel that he could not finish before the games. 
Sort of became a recluse, only leaving home when necessary or when threats against his family came from the capitol. Unfortunately, he was given the responsibility of mentoring other tributes, which, again, unfortunately, made him crossways with the purple hellcat. 
District: 3 - Technology 
Age: 15 
Weapon: Dagger, bombs
Kills: around 7 
Don’t let his appearance nor his gentle words deceive you, because his actions and pranks have been dangerous ever since he was a little boy. And that’s probably why his family and friends could have the luxury of feeling hopeful – if there was someone that could pull it off, it was their Clavis. 
He left his hometown with a wide smile on his face, waving joyfully as the train led him towards the capitol. Thank god his dear mother and friends could not see how awfully he was trembling from such a great distance, because he could not bear to see their worried faces. 
“How foolish.”
Oh yes, if his situation was not good enough, Clavis had been given the most useful and amicable mentor that one could have: the brutal beast, the one who had killed most of the tributes in the previous edition. 
He felt intimidated by his presence, sure, but he wished Chevalier was at least a few years older so that he could take this a bit more seriously. But Clavis knew that age didn’t matter in this situation, so he held his tongue. 
Despite having Chev as his mentor, Clavis ended up doing almost everything on the contrary of what the blonde had done the previous year. With his charming smile and charismatic words, he soon gained the love of the capital, becoming the darling. He engaged in idle chat with the other tributes, offering false advice and manipulating one into despising the other, and vice versa. 
Chevalier trained him in most weapons, practically beating his ass into learning how to use every single one of them. Despite his coldness, he offered a few advices on strategy and how to scavenge for food and supplies. 
Clavis dreaded the day they would take him to the arena, something that Chevalier had realized from day one, trying his best to offer as much as he could to the younger boy. The two would never admit it, but they developed a bond during the training. 
When the games started, he avoided conflict with the other tributes at first, grabbing a weapon and a bag with supplies and running as far as he could. Started to sabotage other people’s camping and stealing their supplies. Sometimes, he would even set a few bombs around, climbing into a tree to see the chaos unroll. However, this strategy soon wore off, having been spotted by a few participants. So he had no choice but to finish them off, so that they could not spread the info to other participants. 
Had several sponsors who sent him food, fresh water, medicine, weapons, even a few luxuries like a blanket and a comb, so that he could brush his gorgeous hair and look presentable to the public. 
Oh yes, the public. This edition of the games was the one with the most audience, all thanks to Clavis, who managed to win the hearts of the public, cheering his name on the streets. 
Was wounded on his wrist by an arrow, only escaping death due to the producers intervention, who chose that hour to start a ginormous earthquake that opened a hole on the floor, swallowing his attacker mercilessly. 
Hid the rest of the game, only appearing again when the last remaining participant searched for him. Sneaking behind them, Clavis sliced their throat in a quick motion. As they agonized, choking in their own blood, Clavis stepped back, a horrified expression on his face. He left the arena with a trembling smile, his pale complexion almost giving away all the horror and disgust he felt. 
Went to all the interviews and meetings the capitol requested, always smiling and laughing with the public, as if he had not just been fighting for his life a few days ago. Whenever he returned to his room, trembling with a furious expression, Chevalier would scoff at him, seeing right through his acting. 
“Don’t pretend you didn’t know things were going to be this way.”
Oh, how he wished he was strong enough to beat that guy’s ass. 
When he returned home, he finally shed the tears he had been holding, crying in his mother’s arms like a little child. Clavis felt so ashamed of himself, for having to pretend all the time that the blood on his hands was unimportant. 
In the years after his edition, Clavis was also granted the responsibility of mentoring the new tributes, a bitter taste on his tongue whenever it was announced that another district 3 tribute had been killed. It makes him disgusted that he could not be as useful as Chevalier had been to him. If only he could know more, if only he could train them to be stronger like Chevalier had done to him. That’s why he starts reading so much, gathering as much knowledge he can so that at least one life can be saved. 
Talking about Chevalier, they meet from time to time, with Clavis pestering the brutal beast’s life. 
District: 2 - Masonry 
Age: 14
Weapon: sword, body combat
Kills: 4
An orphan that has worked as a servant of a wealthy family as far as he can remember. 
When Leon was chosen, he was scared and angry, but nobody paid attention to the emotions of an orphan. 
Openly criticized the games during interviews, making him a target of the capitol. However, he could not care less, since he had nothing to lose to them. This absurd, or brave, behavior resulted in a few admirers, who even started fanclubs to cheer for him during the games. Leon was not aware of these until the end of the game, since the capitol hid it very well. 
This boy is not an actor, everything that leaves his tongue is genuine. In other words, the tributes around him could easily see who were his friends and who were his enemies. 
Managed to make friends with a few other tributes, who were weaker and more scared than him. Leon was really protective of them, since it was the first time he had such a close relationship with other children. 
Jin was Leon’s main sponsor throughout the game. Maybe because he saw himself in the young boy, or because he had pitied the young orphan that was despised by the capitol. 
Managed to grab a long-sword and a few supplies during the cornucopia bloodbath, having to enter conflict with a few other tributes. Ended up knocking one out and having to kill another, running off into the woods.
Had to fight against other tributes that tried to hunt him down, but mostly stayed hidden in caves and bushes. Was forced out of his hiding place mostly because of the producers, who would send flocks of beasts his way. 
Leon discovered that most of his friends had been killed during the first day, with only one, Julius, remaining alive. Grieving, he searched for the boy through the whole arena. When he finally found the boy, the happiness of it was cut short. Julius launched towards him, sword in hand, and the two boys entered a mortal combat. Julius died, Leon didn’t. 
He felt distant from everything throughout the rest of the edition, fighting when necessary, but mostly walking around the arena, his empty eyes ignoring the corpses scattered around the floor. 
When the last remaining tribute consumed poisoned water, Leon became the winner of his edition. He ignored the applause and interviews, feeling empty. 
This only stopped when Jin took him under his wing, comforting him and giving him advice (free therapy lol) about how to cope with the trauma. 
Leon managed to pretend to hide his feelings better post-game, always smiling and greeting fans and interviewers. However, he never stopped criticizing the capitol’s actions, always giving speeches about how the slaughter of children should cease at once.
He sort of becomes an inspiration to the people, who start to rebel against the capitol’s forces and promote riots and attacks towards it. 
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vanilla-c0c0 · 2 years
silvio, the rich business man married to idol!MC who always makes sure he has enough time to attend all her concerts and award ceremonies. he knows by heart all the lyrics and coreographies and when he's in the audience he secretly dances to them
MC's fans spot this ridiculously handsome man in the audience dancing to her songs and make edits of him like this
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keithsandwich · 9 months
Would you rather;
Have Keith at your mercy
Be at Keith's mercy?
<: )
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dark-frosted-heart · 2 years
Team Cool Princes
Discuss! Cool ways to block an escape route
What is this story...it's like I'm getting situation CDs without any audio.
It's the day after the "Day of the Beloved". MC's enjoying a tea party with Licht and Keith one early afternoon. They talk about the roses they received the day before and the two princes have a banter.
After a while, Sariel approaches, documents in hand, and says it's unusual to see the three of them have a tea party without Yves. Licht explains that Yves was originally going to join them but something came up. MC asks why Sariel's here and he gestures to the papers, saying he's delivering them to Chevalier. Keith says the prince isn't around though. They follow after Sariel as he heads behind the bushes and are shocked to see Chevalier there sitting on a bench and reading. Sariel calmly asks him to look over the documents.
MC can't believe she didn't notice him at all. Especially since he has to go past them to get to the bench. Has he been there since before the start of the tea party? MC apologizes for disturbing him in any way. Chevalier says he doesn’t care and goes over the documents. MC realizes that if he did care, he would have left a long time ago and breathes a sigh of relief. But know that she's aware of Chevalier's presence, she's hesitant about continuing the tea party. She's wondering what to do when Keith proposes that the five of them have a tea party together.
And now all 5 of them sit in silence. Yes, Chevalier joined them. And he continues to read the romance book from Jade that MC had borrowed from Keith. Sariel turns to MC and talks about how the castle's become more crowded this year because of #1 Prince competition. MC says she saw everyone be given roses several times that day, Sariel included. He's happy to receive so many roses, he says, but he's not a prince so he's a bit troubled. That aside, he asks MC if she knows who she's going to give her rose to. Nope. Everyone's so different, it's hard to decide who's the most prince-like. She'd love to give everyone one if she could. Sariel tells her that she doesn't have to think about it too hard since this day comes every year. Licht nods in agreement. He then lists out examples for reasons why people would give a rose: liking Yves sweets, liking Nokto's face, liking the beautiful curvature of Sariel's glasses. Says that the reasons don't have to be serious, at least that’s what Jin told him. Sariel is somewhat offended by his example. Well, whatever. He then suggests MC give out her rose for a lighthearted reason as well.
MC's brings up something she overheard from some maids a few days ago. They were talking about a romance book where a popular prince smoothly kabedons women. Sariel explains what a kabedon is to Keith and Licht. There's not much response to it and she deflates. But Sariel asks if she's thinking about giving a rose to someone that kabedons her like the prince. MC says she isn't but thought it'd be a reason to give a rose. The beautiful curvature of Sariel's glasses shine suspiciously. Even though the sun had nothing to do with it, MC thinks. Sariel continues and asks who she'd give the rose to, if it was for that reason. She regrets bringing up the kabedon book but there's no turning back. She tries to picture it. And continues trying. But says that while she can see them all perform a kabedon, she can't picture the situation for it. So she asks them all in what situations would they perform a kabedon. MC volunteers Keith to go first.
~~~Keith Scenario~~~
You and Keith are one your way home after a night out in town when it starts to rain.
Keith: "Oh, it's starting to rain. Let's find shelter for a bit." "I hope it stops soon." "Are you cold? The rain's gotten worse." "Um...if you don't mind, I could stand closer?" "Reason? Uh, well..."
Keith timidly places his hand on the wall, closing the distance to the point your breaths touch. Golden eyes peer through his wet hair, looking down at you with worry.
Keith: "I thought I could protect you from the wind and rain for a bit like this." "Sorry, I got too close. Your face's red."
"Something like that?", Keith asks. He hopes she doesn't think he lacks imagination. MC thinks it was a gentle kabedon, much unlike the kind the maids were raving about. Just thinking about it makes her heart race. Sariel thinks it's an appealing situation with the benefit of the guy being worried about you. MC says it's great because he's tall. He thanks them and is glad that his needlessly large stature is useful for something. Keith then asks Licht what he'd do. Licht's just like "do I have to..." Sariel wants to know. Keith and MC agree. Chevalier's still there reading.
~~~Licht Scenario~~~
One evening when you're sluggishly walking down a hallway, Licht calls out to you.
Licht: "You're not feeling well, are you? You look like you're about to collapse with how pale you are." "Are you alright- You still have work?"
As you try to move past him, he places his hand on the wall and blocks your path.
Licht: "Where do you think you're going? I'm not done talking yet."
You try to go back the way you came, but his other hand blocks your way. Trapped between his arms, his red eyes look at you.
Licht: "I'm not going to let you go." "I'm not worried. It's just be troublesome if you collapsed." "Also, you should take better care of yourself."
Keith calls him the assertive type. Sariel says that since Licht's a kind person, he becomes pushy when worried. Licht didn't ask for their reactions. He tells Sariel that he's next. Doesn't matter if he's not a prince, he's the one that got them into this situation so he can't avoid it.
~~~Sariel Scenario~~~
Having been so immersed in your studies, you forgot about the "promise" you made to Sariel.
Sariel: "You know why you're here. "You made a promise this morning to not lose sleep over studying." "Heh, it's good to apologize sincerely without excuses." "I forgive you for breaking your promise."
You try to leave the room after Sariel says that, but...
Sariel: "However..."
He closes the door and places his hand on it to keep it closed. He leans next to your ear.
Sariel: "The lecture's not over yet."
He wraps his other hand around yours that was holding the doorknob.
Keith can feel his heart pounding at the scenario and asks if Licht agrees. Licht asks why Keith is asking him to. MC agrees with Keith though. It was a mature kabedon. At that, Licht wonders if there's such thing as mature and childish kabedons. Sariel suggests putting scenario into practice one day since she has a habit of overworking herself. MC says she'll be mindful. Then remembers being recently told not to overdo it. She wonders if it was a warning.
All that's left is Chevalier. He continues to read despite everyone's stares. MC knows he's just here to read so she doesn't know why she got her hopes up. Taking a sip of tea, she wonders what a Chevalier kabedon scenario would be like. She starts to picture it...
~~~Chevalier Scenario~~~
I was reading with Chevalier.
MC: (Did I fall asleep?)
I look up and see Chevalier leaning against a bookshelf, reading.
MC: (You definitely noticed that I dozed off.) "I'll just excuse myself..."
When I stood up to quickly leave the room in embarrassment-
Chevalier: "Wait."
MC: (Eh?)
Chevalier stood before me and placed his hand on the bookshelf, closing the distance between us. Icy blue eyes looked down at me and I felt myself getting hot. It was like I was entranced and couldn't look away.
MC: "Whaa!?"
Suddenly, Chevalier trips me and I fall back into the chair.
MC: (What the heck...)
I felt something fall slip off my lap and I caught it as quickly as I could.
MC: (This is...)
It was the book I was reading before I fell asleep.
MC: (Did you do this because the book was about to fall?)
When I give Chevalier a look in question, he smirks.
Chevalier: "What were you expecting, simpleton?"
Back to reality, MC's surprised that the last line was from the real Chevalier. He laughs scornfully and closes his book. And with a plop, places it on her head, telling her that it's a book she'd like. She's surprised that he's finished already. Chevalier gets up and leaves dashingly. That laugh of his earlier...MC wonders if it was because Chevalier knew she was imagining his kabedon. He's able to read her mind so easily, she can't believe it.
Keith comments on Chevalier being at the tea party just to read, and Licht says that he's the #1 book lover in the country. Keith might just have to bring more books from Jade among other things then. Sariel's sure that Chevalier will be pleased and that surprises Keith. Chevalier? Pleased?
Anyway, even though they didn't hear Chevalier's kabedon scenario, he asks if MC's decided on who she'd give her rose to. She'd completely forgotten the reason for the scenarios. She thinks for a while but the scenario she imagined with Chevalier sticks to the front of her mind. Sariel, with a smile, points out that she's turning red. Licht questions if it's getting hotter and Keith hands her water with lemon to combat the heat.
MC doesn't think she can choose one winner and now understands why the maids were so excited. If she's getting this hot from imagination alone, what would if be like to experience it in real life? She continues to sip the water but fails to cool down.
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scorchieart · 2 years
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These two. I can never tell if they're being serious or just seriously love roasting each other.
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chirp-a-chirp · 1 year
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| devoted to you |
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―pairing : Clavis Lelouch x fem!Reader ―genre : fluff ―word count: 782 ― summary : Clavis and MC are dancing in her room after the ball they attended because MC didn’t have a chance to dance with him /insert random political stuff here/ and of course Clavis noticed her pout when they were in the carriage and our boy can do the math
― notes : this fic looks familiar?it is! I’m reposting ALL my works on this brand new blog and therefore please, bear with me! as always, askbox is always open and feedbacks are always welcome 💌
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The sudden knock at your door made you snap out of your usual daydreams. «Rise and shine!» Clavis greeted, walking in your room as gracefully as he always did, just to close the wooden door behind his shoulders with a quick movement; you met his gaze through the mirror, before placing the earrings you’ve been wearing on the boudoir’s marble surface.
«I believe it’s quite late at night, your Highness,» you teased him, standing up so that you could face him, «I doubt most of the people in the Castle are sleeping, yet.»
«I know, I know, however, my heart is heavily burdened,» despite his words, Clavis spoke with his usual grin while walking towards you with long steps, wrapping an arm around your waist and tugging you towards his chest, «I didn’t get to dance with my sweetheart.» he whispered, and you desperately wanted to kiss that annoying smirk from his lips.
«Why didn’t you save me a dance?» he teased again, leaning towards your lips with the intention to finally kiss you, but you immediately tilted your head to the side, so that his lips found your cheek instead.
«I believe it’s you who didn’t save me a dance…» you mumbled, your tone a little bit sadder than you originally planned.
The truth was that you desperately wanted to dance with Clavis at some point of the night, but such a simple wish seemed to be impossible to realize: your lover was constantly talking about business with nobles, thing that left you waiting for him as you occupied your time chatting with the other Princes.  
Although you sometimes met Clavis’ apologetic gaze through the crowd, you spent song after song waiting, and waiting, and waiting; without realizing it, it was already time to head home. Clavis’ fingertips tilted your head towards him, and as his gaze burned into yours, you noticed that every trace of his usual amusement had vanished from his features; he gently ran his gloved fingertips on your cheekbones and repeated the action a handful of times to the point it tickled, and you scoffed a laugh in half annoyance.
«I have an idea,» you watched as Clavis’ perfect grin painted his lips, «let’s have a dance.» «Here?» you echoed, unsure. «Here and now.» Clavis confirmed, before detaching himself from you and taking a step back and you could nothing but look with with incredulous amusement at the Prince – now hinting a bow in front of you.
«Would you bless me with the honour to dance with me?» Clavis dramatically asked, and you giggled in return.
«I would love to, but…» although your doubts, the Prince had already guided both your hands on his shoulders, before wrapping his arms around your waist, «what about the musicians? And… Well, personal space?» you asked, referring to the fact that the stance you were in definitely wasn’t like any steps allowed during dances.
«Do we need any of that, my love?» Clavis confidently answered before taking your hand and slowly making you twirl in front of him, just to guide you in the position you were in earlier; your bodies were slowly swinging left and right, the only music you could actually hear was the song of nocturnal birds and crickets and still, as Clavis’ eyes bore into yours with nothing but the deepest affection, you found yourself preferring this to any kind of dance he could have asked for in public.
«Most importantly, I unintentionally made my only love sad tonight.» Clavis admitted, his features serious once again; you sighed softly, reaching out to caress the frown away from his handsome face.
«You didn’t make me sad,» you replied earnestly, «although I love spending time with you while we’re in public, I love just as much – probably even more, when I have you all for myself.» you confessed, enjoying the faint blush colouring Clavis’ surprised features. Clavis’ adorablesurprised face turned into a gentle smile, and he buried his face in your neck while mumbling a soft «how can you be so cute…» thing that made you genuinely laugh, simultaneously making the two of you stop your silent dance.
«Do you think we could dance like this again, sometimes?» you asked Clavis, who instinctively stole your lips in a chaste and quick kiss.
«I don’t know, leaving the decision to me means that we’re going to have this kind of tryst every night.» Clavis’ eyes were now hungrily travelling on your features, and you slid your hands from his shoulders to his nape, standing on your tiptoes so that you could meet his eyes.
«Every night it is, then.» you hummed, before capturing the Prince’s lips in a kiss.  
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all works © lettersfromaphrodite
Do not modify, repost, translate or plagiarize my stories. I only publish my works on tumblr & AO3.
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revasserium · 11 months
7 things - leon
7 things he loves about you, fluff for @violettduchess to soothe ur soul for the next two weeks
the way you cradle books to your chest like they're living things; and they are, so you'd told him once -- each story a breathing thing, changing every person who flips open the page, the words like plucking fingers against the strings of each life they touch; you handle each one with care, press them to you like if you just tried hard enough you could brand the story into your soul and become it's vessel; he doesn't have the words to tell you that thats how he wants to hold you too -- maybe, if he reads enough books, he'll have the words one day
the way you fall asleep with your head on his shoulder
how your hand fits in his, just right, palm warm against palm, your skin milk smooth beneath his own callused fingers -- worn from years of swinging his sword, but you'd once pressed open his hands and traced maps into his skin, telling him that he holds a kingdom in the palms of his hands and he's never forgotten it since
how to you, love isn't a learned thing -- not like it is for so many he knows, but innate, a reaction and sometimes it is more than an emotion because when its with you, sometimes love feels like an element; some raw, unsteady dream of nature herself, something with a will of its own, something with gravity and bodies that pull -- he wonders if anyone else feels windswept when you turn to cast your smile in their direction like he does; or maybe it's just because he's been locked in your orbit for longer than he can even remember
how sometimes, you snort when you're laughing too hard
how you like to be little spoon and big spoon in equal measure, pressing yourself into his chest or curling yourself around his back, murmuring into the nape of his neck the endings and beginnings of fairy tales he never knew existed
knowing when he falls asleep each night that you'll still be right by his side when the morning comes
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Hi! The tsundere reader ask you did for me was soo good so i have to ask, do you write for ike prince? Cuz if you do then can you do one for that as well? Romantic headcanons for this please 🙏 thank you so much:)
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Ikemen Prince
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Character(s): Clavis, Sariel, Leon
Genre: Fluff
Type: Headcanon
Description: Who would find themselves falling for a tsundere?
Warning(s): Gender-Neutral Reader(My Default), Reader is MC, Romantic, Possible OOC(I've Only Read Yves Route So Far)
I don't take requests for ikepri since I'm still new to the game(and am struggling with motivation to play games in general rn TT), but I do have inspiration for your request so I'm going to do it :3
Thank you again for requesting! I hope you also like this one <3
(Also, you can find what fandoms and characters I write for on my pinned post through the Fandoms + Characters link)
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   ➢ Clavis
Clavis being...well, Clavis, he finds ways to tease you at least a few times a day. Mostly to see your reaction, but also to quell that aggressive trickster prancing around inside. He'll premeditate a plethora of pranks and "coincidental" meetings just do everything mentioned above
It's truly not long until he takes a proper liking toward you. His heart honestly gets softer each time he calls you a term of endearment too, as if it's melting into putty. He might get a bit mean once he realizes this, though. Pranks will become a little mean-spirited and the pet names he'd call so sweetly will be dripping in sarcasm...he's definitely still falling for you, he just needs some time before admitting it
   ➢ Sariel
Another person who has a thing for teasing you, though it's a tad different than Clavis. Sariel does well in creating tension and implying things that he can easily wave off as him meaning something else(and then teasing you on what you thought he had meant). He lives up the devil title in many ways despite kindly helping you with your new duties
Most times he'll say and do things to get a rise out of you, relishing in the way you stumble to insult him or attempt to aggressively push him away. But with each day he spends doing so, he finds his words becoming rather...sincere. Perhaps he truly would like to place his lips on more than just your hands; perhaps he would enjoy a midnight stroll through the gardens with you
   ➢ Leon
Unlike Clavis and Sariel, Leon makes it quite apparent that he finds you cute. Utterly adorable, even. He wants to pinch your cheeks like a granny and gush about how hot your face feels in his hands. He'll call you all sorts of pet names before actually settling on one - should he say 'morning, cutie' or 'hey, precious'? Now, despite how open he is with his feelings for you, he's still rather reserved about it. He won't be shouting it to the rooftops, he'll just keep between you and him(and, albeit rare, his faction)
He's well aware of his feelings for you and embraces them as much as he can with his pain and hesitancy, that is caused by such pain. He might be distant from time to time before he fully confesses, but he makes it clear it's not your fault. And when that 'I love you' falls from his lips in the same way he fell for you...it was all worth it
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candied-boys · 5 months
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This would explain why Rio didn't know he was from Benitoite if people in Benitoite also speak the same language.
This is, scientifically speaking, the most unlikely linguistic scenario possible without a dominant country/culture AND public education system enforcing a standard language. None of which seem to exist in the ikepri universe. But at least it solves a LOT off plot holes.
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