#ikesen match-up
lorei-writes · 2 years
Match-Up #33
Hi Lorei!! :'D Thank you for doing these match-ups! Submitting one for my OC, Reika. I hope you don't feel pressured to choose Kennyo! I'm just very curious and interested in your analysis. :3c 
Hello, @nyktoon-in-otomeland​ ! I’m terribly sorry it took me, well, a literal eternity in internet years to get to this TvT At this point, I just hope it’s a pleasant surprise this appeared at all. It was never my intention to have it wait for so long, but... Well, some things I could not predict, it appears. But, let’s get riiight into it!
5 positive qualities
Strong sense of justice; cares about people’s well-being
Intelligent; eager to learn & share knowledge
Usually relaxed and easy-going; quick to smile and laugh
A good listener; thoughtful when talking to others
Perceptive; good at understanding others’ motives and making sense of the world
Right off the bat, we have justice -- it makes me wonder, how would she feel about suitors operating more so in the grey area? Using questionable means to achieve their goals? The added details lead me to believe she may be opposed to the ‘end justifies the means’ line of reasoning, and that she’d rather not differentiate between people as those who can be expendable and those who cannot be sacrificed.
Mitsuhide (-1) Shingen (-1) Kennyo (-1)
Inteligent! Well, it only seems suitable to pair her with somebody who’d be able to properly stimulate her mind then. After all, a dull conversation partner wouldn’t do, no? Let’s go for the more intellectual and curious suitors. 
Nobunaga (+1) Mitsuhide (+1) Mitsunari (+1) Masamune (+1) Shingen (+1) Sasuke (+1)
Relaxed, easy going... I think it’d be mostly appreciated by all, although I also do presume some would take it as a sign of recklessness.
Ieyasu (-1) Kenshin (-1)
My, my, good listener? They surely are looking for coaches and therapists in Sengoku, I believe she’s right where she needs to be! Openly, or privately so, I think all of the possible relationships would benefit from this trait of hers, hence I can’t add any points for it - everybody would just get +1. 
Perceptiveness, on the other hand -- that would come in EXCEPTIONALLY handy when dealing with some of the less open warlords. Say, the ones who hide something at all times? The ones who constantly pretend? Keep up appearances? Yeah, those ones.
Mitsuhide (+1) Ieyasu (+1) Masamune (+1) Shingen (+1) Kenshin (+1) Kennyo (+1)
5 negative qualities
Has rage buttons connected to strong sense of justice; can lose composure
Not willing to accept/forgive everyone, particularly regarding cruelty or cowardice
Non-conformist; chafes at being constrained by expectations she disagrees with, which can cause conflict
No sense of loyalty; relationships are maintained on merit
Doesn’t get attached or open up about herself easily, even if she’s friendly on the outside; she doesn’t often expect relationships to last
Given the first 3 qualities, I think her forming any close relationship with Nobunaga is highly doubtful. It isn’t that it wouldn’t be possible after he changes, it’s only that... He wouldn’t reach the point at which he does change. His character development most likely wouldn’t have a chance to begin. As for why: true, his MC is fairly resilient and has a bit of a character... But she doesn’t seem to realise the nature of their bet, or to see through the design of it. She’s stubborn, but she still lets him get away with plenty things. I just don’t see it happening with Reika. 
Nobunaga (+1)
Similarly, due to the 4th listed quality, and the previous point I’ve made, I think she’d have a heavy falling in love with Hideyoshi - partially because of his unrivaled loyalty, partially because of the one it falls onto.
Hideyoshi (0)
Now, given the last point, I’d also say Reika has few chances of becoming emotionally intimate with Masamune. A short fling, perhaps, but anything lasting? They seem to think too similarly, and if I understand correctly, she just may let him go when he becomes afraid of losing her. Which could happen.
Masamune (+2)
Now, something more positive -- I do believe certain suitors could appreciate the 3rd and 4th listed quality. I believe they’d take it as a sign of being willing to navigate through this world on her own, rather than to be led through it (and consequently deceived by the mirages created by the likes of them).
Mitsuhide (+1) Shingen (+1)
Lastly: her unwillingness to forgive everyone... In a self-depreciating way, I do belive Kennyo would agree with that. And if she chose to loathe him, he’d probably -- sadly so -- agree with her.
Kennyo (+1)
1st Summary:
Mitsuhide (+2) Shingen (+2) Mitsunari (+1) Sasuke (+1) Kennyo (+1)
Reading & writing poetry
Having time to relax; sleeping in
Animals & cute animal-themed items (like shoes with cat faces on them)
Helping people learn new things
Seeing people & animals happy and thriving
Points distributed for likes:
Mitsunari (+1) - reading Ieyasu (+2) - animals, seeing animals happy and thriving (Wasabi) Shingen (+3) - reading, helping people learn new things, seeing people & animals thriving Sasuke (+1) - mixed for reading and helping people learn new things (sharing knowledge) Kennyo (+2) - helping people learn new things (I think he’d appreciate that a lot), mix of animals and seeing people and animals thriving (he has a soft spots for that, I believe)
5 dislikes
Strategy games like chess (she’s bad at them)
House cleaning
Sexism and bigotry
Narcissism / elitism / superiority complexes
Being condescended to / bossed around
Points distributed for dislikes:
Mitsuhide (-2) - strategy (ever-present around him), being bossed around (may happen due to safety reasons -- as a result of knowledge gap) Mitsunari (-2) - strategy (as above, ever-present around him), house cleaning (he’s hopeless when it comes to it, and produces a lot of mess) Ieyasu (-1) - can be seen as condescending Shingen (-1) - strategy (ever-present around him) Yukimura (-1) - can be seen as condescending
I put ‘strategy’ as a category there, as I believe she could find it overwhelming or boring to engage with the topic for too long... And what is worse, with certain suitors, could found herself as a pawn in real-life game of chess. Brr.
Kennyo (+1) - antithesis of elitism
2nd Summary:
Shingen (+4) Kennyo (+4) Sasuke (+2) Ieyasu (+1) Yukimura (-1)
Only characters with positive value by their names will be considered in the final stages of the match-up.
Relationship dealbreakers
Disregarding sexual boundaries
Cruelty; hurting others for self-gratification or gain
Cowardice and apathy towards suffering; someone not being willing to take a stand
Not considering and respecting her as an intellectual equal
Insisting on traditions that are ignorant and/or hurtful
None of the remaining suitors hit any of the deal-breakers. 
Up to 3 pet peeves
Making jokes at other peoples’ expense unless the target is like, really a jerk
Ieyasu (-1) - I suppose his approach towards Mitsunari would not be appreciated. 
3 Wild Cards
Fourth generation Japanese-American who recently moved to Japan for work and to connect with her heritage, although she doesn’t really feel at home anywhere (yet)
Her undergraduate degree was in Japanese literature; her masters and doctorate degrees were in educational studies / cognitive science (yes, she’s technically Dr. Ishikawa although she’s not quite comfortable being addressed that way)
Has had a few long-term relationships in the past; she learned a lot from those relationships and doesn’t regret them, and she knows what she wants now. Still, she’s uncertain and cautious about getting involved -- although once she’s made up her mind, she’s romantically and sexually confident
Ohh, I have an odd feeling Kennyo and Reika could bound over not having a place that ‘feels like home’, and they’d be sweet building it together... But then again, I also think it would be an interesting mix with Shingen, as he is quite certain where his home is.
Kennyo & Shingen (+1)
Final Ranking
Kennyo & Shingen (+5) Sasuke (+2)
You know, we have two characters on the first place, so I should technically write it with Sasuke... But I’m in a Kennyo mood.
Confessed first: It happened roughly at the same time -- she wanted to tell him, he wanted to tell her. They just had a little problem with who’d go first, though...
Makes tea in the morning: Kennyo. He’s the first to wake up, and he also prepares the entire breakfast.
Hogs blankets at night: Reika. Although it’s hard to call it hogging when he encourages it quite openly. Kennyo always claims he’s warm.
Is the little spoon: Kennyo. 
Possible points for conflict: There are few things Kennyo wouldn’t do for his people. What may not come across, though, is that he detests himself for some of those. At first, that may be a conflict point -- one that would evolve to still be an issue later on, as he cannot quite forgive himself, no matter what he does.
Free time ideas: Gardening together, strolls through the forest, foraging, playing with stray cats.
Favourite date spot: Your own garden, steam rising from the teacups in your hands as you gaze over the setting sun.
A secret they share: Kennyo really enjoys when she’s very gentle with him in small gestures. Her preparing him a meal? Hugging him from behind? Giving his hand a little squeeze? The man is absolutely weak against that.
His favourite thing about her: How complex her outlook on the world is.
His message to her: “Reika... You gave my world back to me.”
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ikeromantic · 1 month
Ikesen Boys React to a Tattooed MC pt 4
Thank you again to @otomedad for this fantastic idea ^_^ This one has Mitsuhide, Keiji, and Ieyasu! Approx. 2600 words of tattoo and MC appreciation!
Mitsuhide’s smile was infuriating. You wipe the sweat from your forehead and stretch your aching muscles. After five hours of practice, you were tired, your hair was a tangled mess, and your clothes looked even worse. And Akechi was just standing there, grinning, not a single hair out of place.  
“That was much better, little mouse. Almost passable.” His grin widens. “In another week or two, you might be able to fend off, say, a small rabbit? Perhaps a squirrel?”
You throw a sweat-damp rag at him, which he dodges easily. 
Mitsuhide’s eyebrows arch. “What’s this? Another match? I could never deny my little one.” 
“W-wai-ahhhh!” You hold up a hand to stop him, only for him to grab your hand and send you up and over his shoulder. He holds you there, your head flopping against his upper back, legs kicking uselessly in the air.
“Hmm. I think you’ve lost this round. You don’t seem to be able to get down.”
You seriously consider biting him, but there’s no easy spot to clamp down on. Besides, he’d probably just - 
“If you bite me, I will return the favor.” You hear the laughter in his voice, and feel his breath on your leg.
“Put me down!” 
Mitsuhide does laugh then, a low, wicked chuckle that sends feelings skittering through your frayed nerve endings. “I don’t think I want to, though. You’ll have to convince me.”
You struggle some more, trying to grab hold of him so you can leverage your grip to wriggle out of his. It’s impossible not to be aware of the flex of his muscle, covered by thin linen. The way he holds you, gentle, but implacable. Your pulse is racing and your face is red from more than exertion. I’m just embarrassed, you think, knowing that’s not quite true. 
With some effort, you manage to grasp his clothes firmly enough to pull yourself down, but you feel the loose folds of your hakama slide away from your hips as you do. You freeze, held by the terrible image of Mitsuhide carrying a pantless you, your rear in the air, legs kicking. 
“It seems my little mouse has only further ensnared herself.”   
The low, smooth tone of his voice sends a little shiver over the newly bare skin of your hip, and you fancy that you can feel his hair tickling that sensitive spot. “You - I - this - this is your fault!” It’s hard to think, and you wonder if he’s distracting you on purpose. Teasing, as always.
Mitsuhide chuckles, the laugh more something you can feel than hear. “But however will you escape? Perhaps you could persuade -” He pauses, holding very still.
“Ummm. Pretty please? Put me down?” You stop squirming, hopeful this means he’s done with his current game.
Instead, he shifts his grip on you, and you feel a cool, calloused finger drag against your hip. 
The unexpected touch, featherlight, sends a jolt of heat through you, and you bite back a pleased sigh. There is no way you’re letting Akechi get to you. Nope. No. You refuse to give him the satisfaction of knowing his taunting touch got to you this time. “Mitsuhide -”
“You have been marked. What is this, my naughty little mouse?” 
For a moment, you have no idea what he means and then you realize. He must have glimpsed your tattoo. Your face, already hot, grows hotter still. This was something you hoped to keep to yourself. Especially given . . .
You feel his fingers catch the waist of your hakama and pull it a little further down. “Wait! Stop!”
Mitsuhide pauses, though now you can feel the cool air and his warm breath teasing your low hip. “This is no irezumi kei.” His voice has changed, the teasing replaced by strained curiosity.
“I told you I’m from the future. People have all kinds of tattoos there.” You hope he hasn’t realized what the design is. Please, please, you think, if there is any goodness in the world, he won’t see enough to -
“Little one. This is a -” His voice is so low you don’t catch the end of his sentence. 
You let out a breath, realizing there’s no escaping it now. “Look. I got that a long time ago. It was supposed to be the first part of a full leg sleeve.”
He sets you down gently, his hands lingering at your sides. His eyes are molten gold, and you find it hard to look away. “May I see it?”
 It is tempting to tell him no. To return some of the frustration you feel with his obtuse answers, his hot and cold behavior. But you find that you want to show him. Afterall, who else would appreciate this particular design more? You carefully tug your hakama down to display your hip and upper thigh. There, etched in bright colors is a nine-tail fox. The kitsune leaps from cloud a cloud toward a flower that looks like a cloud - or perhaps it’s a cloud that looks like a flower - and below that, the first hint of a river that was meant to tie the leg sleeve together. 
Mitsuhide’s smile widens and he kneels to get a closer look. 
“Go ahead,” you sigh. “Say what you’re going to say.”
His breath is warm against your skin as he leans close, his hand not quite touching. He stares into the soulful eyes of the inked kitsune, one fox to another, as if it might hold answers for him. When he looks up at you, your heart stutters in your chest. “You somehow manage to surprise me still, little one.” 
You aren’t sure what to say, and honestly, you feel as if you can barely breathe much less speak. It’s not just Mitsuhide’s closeness, or even your vulnerability in this position. It is the expression that haunts his eyes, a flicker of something hopeful, something raw beneath his usual smiling mask. 
“Why did you choose this? This . . . unworthy trickster?” His voice is almost inaudible, as if he too is having trouble breathing.
“Unworthy?” Your eyes go wide. “Kitsune are wise. Tricksters, yeah, but that just means they didn’t lose their sense of humor. They are noble and cunning and they pursue knowledge, even when it’s forbidden, and - and I wanted to be all those things too.” You fall silent, wondering why his comment upset you so much.
Mitsuhide stares at you, his brows arched high, his lips parted. Then he laughs, a paper thin, breathy sound that rises to a low chuckle. “Truly you are something . . . else.” He stands gracefully, his gaze still on your face.
“You too,” you mutter and turn away, busying your hands with fixing your clothes. It isn’t fair how he always tangles your feelings, you think. Looking at you like that, his voice, his eyes, his touch.
“Your tattoo is lovely. As lovely as you are.” He brushes a hand down your arm, a tender gesture. 
You freeze, butterflies filling your chest. His compliment means so much to you, but you don’t know what to say in return. Your throat feels parched and tight. After a shaky breath, you look up, determined to ask him why he teases you so, but he is already moving away, his back to you, the moment gone.  
“Sometimes I don’t know why I bother,” you murmur to yourself. The subject and cause of your annoyance crouches a few steps away, all but ignoring you, his gaze turned toward the street just beyond the mouth of this narrow alley. You think you might prefer his silence to his commentary. 
He turns his head slightly to regard you, and you have the uncanny sense that he heard your whispered complaint. Chagrined, you offer him an apologetic smile, which earns you an eyeroll and a smirk. 
You do your best to ignore his reaction, but you can’t help the flush of embarrassment in your cheeks, or the way his regard makes your pulse pound.
A few short minutes later, he gestures you forward as he steps out into the clear street ahead. You follow, a nervous energy in your steps. In fact, you are so nervous that your feet tangle mid-step. 
Keiji catches you before you hit the ground, his warm arms pulling you up in an unexpected embrace. “Careful,” he admonishes you sharply, but you see the genuine concern in his gaze.
“Thanks.” You pull away, self conscious and even more embarrassed now. At this rate, Keiji will never ask you along to anymore of his clandestine missions. You try not to meet his gaze again as you straighten your clothes.
He reaches out, grabbing your hand before you manage to tug your sleeve back into place. “Is that - are you - princess . . .” The sharpness in his tone melts into surprise as he pulls your sleeve back up. 
“Ehehe, umm . . . it’s a tattoo?” The inked lines of three noh masks stare back at the two of you. “I did costuming for theater and I, I liked these designs.” You end on a defiant note, practically daring Keiji to say something snarky.
Surprisingly, he says nothing, just strokes your marked skin with the rough pad of his thumb. The touch sends a pleasant shiver through you, which you hope he doesn’t notice. 
“So . . . can I have my arm back,” you venture after a few awkward moments. 
Keiji nods, but doesn’t let go of you. “Do you know what these mean?” His voice sounds distant, soft and surprisingly tender. 
You nod. “I . . . yes.” Your gaze follows his thumb to the three faces. I got Zō because I feel like she represents the best in women. Divinity and beauty. Wisdom. And then, Namanari because hell hath no fury, right? Holding onto anger makes me a demon. So she’s kind of a warning for me to let it go, but also, like, a reminder that it’s ok to be angry too.”
“And Rōjo?” He looks up, his warm amber eyes meeting yours. 
“To remind me that getting older is ok too.” You shrug uncomfortably, feeling oddly exposed by the confession. 
Keiji studies you, tension in his shoulders and jaw. “It’s nice. Your tattoo.”
Your eyes widen a little at the compliment. “You know you don’t have to fake things around me,” you tell him, half hoping he means it and half sure he doesn’t.
“I said I like it, ok? It’s pretty.” He frowns, a little crease forming between his eyebrows.
For some reason, the all too familiar expression of disapproval combined with the kind words sends little butterflies spinning through your tummy, and makes your heart do a funny little flip in your chest. He has no right to look so cute, you think. Or to say such nice things while his thumb makes little circles on the inner side of your arm. “Th-thanks.”
One eyebrow lifts slightly along with the corners of his lips. “You’re blushing.”
You jerk your arm away, trying to get ahold of your galloping heart. “I am not!” 
He laughs, a sound free of nega-Keiji’s bitterness, one full of a sudden, intoxicating joy. 
This does nothing to help you rein in your reaction, but you find yourself joining in the laughter with him. “Come on, let’s just go meet your contacts,” you say through your giggles. 
“Yeah. That’s right.” He smiles and you feel another flush of heat in your cheeks. One that only grows as he reaches for your hand.
“Hold still.” Ieyasu’s crisp tone brooks no disobedience. 
You stop squirming and take a deep breath. “Sorry,” you mumble. “It just hurts.”
A faint smile curls the edges of his mouth. “Yes, well, tumbling down a gravel path usually does. You should be more careful. At this rate, I’ll have to accompany you everywhere just to ensure you don’t hurt yourself.”
You feel a goofy happiness at the gentle expression on his face as he says it, though his tone stays sharp. “I’m not that clumsy,” you argue. “I don’t need babysitting.” 
“The evidence leaves that very much in doubt.” Ieyasu tugs your kimono aside, revealing your hip and thigh. There is an angry red patch of skin where the gravel scraped you badly, and his eyes flick over the wound with concern. Then his gaze travels up and you notice his brows rise. 
“What? What is it?” You start to move again and stop as he rests a hand on you. 
Ieyasu frowns, his fingertip tapping just above your injury. “You have a mark. Like a painting but -” He drags his finger over the ink of your tattoo. 
“Oh, that.” You laugh self-consciously. You hadn’t been thinking about the tattoo at all - especially not after your spectacularly embarrassing accident that morning. Tripping over a rock and sliding halfway down a gravel and sand path while out walking with Hideyoshi. And to make matters worse, he’d insisted on carrying you to see Ieyasu for treatment. Thankfully, he hadn’t stayed. You could easily imagine his disapproving expression. Probably more so than the face Ieyasu was making now. 
“Yes. That.” He leaned closer to your leg, studying the colorful image there. “It looks like an octopus. Holding a flower?” Ieyasu’s voice has lost some it’s usual coldness, thawing to an unexpected warmth with curiosity.
You feel another little flutter in your chest and tell yourself to calm down. “It’s supposed to be Akkorokamui holding an anemone. I got it after my parents passed away.” The memory of your intense grief is enough to make you pause. It’s been so many years since you lost them, but it still hurts. A dull, distant ache you don’t notice most of the time. Only on those lonely, long nights when there is nothing to distract you. 
Ieyasu looks up, concern in his wide green eyes. “You don’t need to tell me if it’s too much.”
“No, it’s ok. I can talk about it. That was several years ago and I - I’m alright now.” You give him what you hope is a reassuring smile. “I read that the octopus was a symbol for adaptability. And that Akkorokamui meant healing and wisdom. So . . . I got it as a tattoo, so I would never forget I can handle everything life throws my way. That I will always heal, in time.”
His warm palm strokes your thigh, a gentle touch meant to be calming. The effect on you is less than, sending your pulse skyrocketing. “I see.” He continues the tender caress, though his brows furrow. “But why is it holding a flower?”
“Fragility and strength. Because I’m fragile but I want to be strong.” You take a breath, trying to calm your heart and settle the ache in your soul. Surprisingly, your grief already feels less, as if Ieyasu’s closeness has chased it away.
He nods, looking back down with his thoughtful expression. “I think it’s nice.” 
You can’t miss the flush of red in his cheeks, or his sudden shyness as he pulls his hand away. 
“Too bad such a pretty picture can’t stop you from being a danger to yourself. But I don’t think this will leave a scar on your lov- er, your skin.” Ieyasu’s coldness returns in full force, his eyes as hard as jade.
“Do you really think it’s pretty? I like it but -”
“Of course it is,” he snaps back, already pulling out a tincture to clean your wound.
You bite your lip at the sting, eyes watering a little. 
Ieyasu sighs, his shoulders losing some of their tension. “Sorry. I should have warned you. This will hurt a little.”
“It’s fine. I’m just glad you like me - ah - my tattoo.” 
His eyes widen at your slip in speech, his mouth open. The red in his cheeks spreads to his ears, and something in his gaze wavers. “Well. Even I can admit when someone-thing- is pretty. I’m not blind.”
You feel a giggle rising up and clamp down. Laughing now would not be a good thing. “Thanks.”
“Sure,” he mutters, turning away. You can still see the red tips of his ears.
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cloudcountry · 5 months
Yknow this whole me vs the ikemen games thing is funny bc dove matched me up with Licht and it would work
And now im wondering if there are any ikemen games compatibility quizzes out there bc I'd like to see what I get
ive taken this one three times, got vincent twice and will once
ive taken this one countless times and i always nearly tie or actually tie with zero and kyle!!
this is literally teh only one ive found,,,,, sigh i actually dont remember who i got on thsi one so i'm gonna retake it
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DAMN OK stem majors for the win ig!!
also literally the only one i can find. oops. um i also took this one three times and got luke twice and leon once ^^
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Friends to Lovers Tournament: Round 1, Side A, Match 7
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propaganda under the cut!
THE MOST FRIENDS TO LOVERS EVER. Mai is the MC of Ikesen which is a dating sim/otome game. Originally from the 21st century, she's accidentally time travelled to the Sengoku Era where she unknowingly rescues Oda Nobunaga from his historical death thus changing the course of history forever. She reunites with a fellow 21st century dweller Sasuke whom she'd briefly met right before the accidental time travel, who is now a ninja. Though they're on opposing sides, they're friends in all the routes as Sasuke promises to protect her and bring her back to the 21st century safely. Regardless of which route you're playing, Sasuke will always be your friend and he's the same smart yet silly goofy guy, making references to 21st century events and slang and memes which have the other warlords scratching their heads in confusion. Sasuke's route is the ultimate friends-to-lovers + slow burn + mutual pining combination, as they both gradually develop feelings for each other, yet it's also kinda frustrating (in a good way) bc Sasuke is SO clueless to her feelings and his own for a good majority of the route while Mai was down horrendous for him. The pay-off in the end is really sweet (i legit cried when sasuke finally confessed to mai lol) and spicy (ikesen is uhh a bit of a mature game), which makes the achingly slow burn really worth it. Also Sasuke's just a really nice fucking guy, like real boyfriend material, no red flags, the perfect golden retriever boyfriend frfr
Submission 1:
they're from the winter troupe of the mankai company, and unlike the other troupes they're all adults. that said, they all have varying degrees of trauma and emotional stuntedness. it takes them some time to fully open up to each other bc they're all very cautious of each other's boundaries and don't want to cross any lines which initially led to some issues in the group's formation. over time they've learned to bridge the gap while still being mindful of hard boundaries. at one point they have a discussion about what exactly their relationship is (gay) cuz they were talking about how the other troupes have clearly defined dynamics (spring=family, summer=besties, autumn=rivals & teammates) but they don't,, and homare deadass says they're "people bound by a common destiny" which in and of itself sounds very Gay (like why are you as a man bound to other men by a common destiny), but it goes even further because homare starts spouting WEDDING VOWS: "In sickness and in health, for better or for worse, we shall share our laughter and our tears as those with an intertwined fate... How beautiful we are!" THIS IS A DIRECT QUOTE FROM THE GAME AND THE MC EVEN REMARKS "i can already hear wedding bells in the distance..." 
gradually they become closer, in individual sub-units based on who's paired up as co-leads for a play, and as a troupe overall. also two of its members are childhood friends who had a messy 'divorce' in their young adulthood and it took the game breaking its genre to introduce a timeloop for them to finally make up if that means anything to you. one of their troupe songs "precious to us ~bokura no kisetsu" has some pretty beautiful and fruity lines: "The many kindnesses born in me here / Never fail to breathe life into my chest / Even all the pain and bitterness / Have now become dear to me (Ah…Stay with me)", "No matter how many times our season passes / Let us keep living together / Holding our hands, without ever letting go / Let us open up the curtain of tomorrow", "There is no need for words, because once our gazes meet / Joy sparks a light in your eyes", "Our journey, may it be a brilliant one / As our breaths overlap as one"
a lot of their plays has a LOT of homoerotic tension between the two leads too. their first play has tsumugi and tasuku play angels, and it's heavily implied that tasuku's character has an unrequited crush on tsumugi's character. their third play has azuma play a vampire and tasuku play Just Some Guy and it's generally agreed in the fandom to be one of the gayest, if not THE gayest, play A3 has ever written. obviously the vampire thing is very fruity, but there's also how the vampire was longing to bite the human but was holding himself back, and when the vampire left the human in the end, the human was absolutely HEARTBROKEN over it and was swearing they would reunite one day. the stage play of this takes it even further by having the vampire embrace the human from behind and BITE his neck. the fourth play is a watered-down adaptation of Phantom of the Opera where they genderbend Christine into Chris among other things and change the relationship between Chris and the Phantom to one of friendship.... ostensibly so, because there's still a lot of homoerotic undertones in their interactions. i could go on but this should be enough of a sampling taste 
Submission 2:
the writers rlly said "let's take 2 normal guys who are childhood friends and have been into theatre since their school days and have them go through a pre-canon messy divorce, an eccentric poet with a potentially controversial haircut, an amnesiac sleepyhead who can only be awoken with marshmallows but is also somehow extremely athletic despite doing nothing but sleeping and eating marshmallows all day, a man who is so beautiful and mysterious he breaks gender, and a supposed android from a fictional south asian country, and throw them into a blender, oh and for good measure let's throw in some theatre and angst and gay and angst and gay" and the end result was marriage. i mean it took them a lot of awkward fumbling around and conflicts to get there but they got there and thats what matters. ok *technically* in-text they're all rlly good friends and kinda found family BUT they are found family via marriage papers i do not make the rules chief
Submission 3:
The reason why they are so friends-to-lovers to me is because their relationship is founded on quiet and unconditional acceptance of each other—regardless of how flawed they may be or how heavy their burdens and trauma may be. When the troupe first formed (sans Guy who was in another country at the time), they didn’t have any major clashing personalities at the very beginning and generally they were mindful of each other’s boundaries, unlike the other troupes that came before them. However, it’s BECAUSE they were too mindful of said boundaries that it was difficult for them to break down their walls and bond as a team—and there were a LOT of walls to break down, as all of them had varying degrees of emotional baggage and trauma.
In fact, it’s only three plays in that they finally truly start opening up to each other, with Azuma getting the ball rolling by opening up about the deep loneliness that haunted him ever since his childhood. It’s during this conversation that they also discuss what their relationship as a troupe is, because the other troupes have defined their relationship as a team (Spring is family, Summer is best friends, Autumn is rivals & teammates), and Homare goes on to declare that they’re “people bound by a common destiny” and goes on to spew wedding vows: "In sickness and in health, for better or for worse, we shall share our laughter and our tears as those with an intertwined fate... How beautiful we are!" I mean… it can’t get any more obvious than this, really. They are married.
But anyway, Tsumugi says he wants their relationship to be one where while they respect each other’s need for space, they’ll also be there for each other and share their pains and burdens—or in his words: “supporting each other when our burdens become too heavy to bear on our own”—which I think is really sweet because it carries this idea of quiet, unconditional acceptance; they don’t push each other to share more than they’re comfortable with sharing, but with whatever they ARE comfortable with sharing everyone carries the load and pain because pain is easier to bear when you’re not bearing it alone <3 
A later part of the story focuses on Hisoka, a mysterious amnesiac, being terrified of regaining his memories and facing some “sin” from his past that has led to another character, Chikage, trying to take revenge on him. When he confesses this to the rest of the Winter troupe, Homare asks, “How heavy is this sin you bear?” and Azuma suggests, “Perhaps it’s just heavy enough for the five of us to carry together.” (at this point Guy hasn’t joined yet). The stage play adapts this scene into a song called Key to Memory. The key (pun unintended) part is 1:27 where there’s a back-and-forth between Hisoka and the other Winter troupe members (sans Tasuku because he wasn’t in that particular play)
Hisoka: “I’m scared…”
Tsumugi, Homare, Azuma: “It’s okay.”
Hisoka: “My unforgivable sin…”
Tsumugi, Homare, Azuma: “Let’s carry it together.”
Hisoka: “I might not be me anymore.”
Tsumugi, Homare, Azuma: “It’s all right. We understand and we accept you, so let’s go together.”
And it ends with Hisoka singing: “I was afraid to open the door of my locked memories. But if everyone is here, I believe I can do it.”  In both the game and stage play, Hisoka fully regains his memories and reconciles with Chikage (long story). He tells Fuyupoly he can’t go into detail about his past with Chikage because it’s dangerous but he’ll tell them when the time is right, and they accept this saying that no matter what his past is, they know and love him as their Hisoka which obviously is a very sweet thing for friends to say, but it’s also very Marriage-coded to me.
Later, Guy is introduced as an android from Zahra (a fictional South Asian country) and joins the Winter troupe as a temporary member—because he’s stuck in Japan for the foreseeable future—until they find a permanent member to replace him. The other Winter members have a conversation among themselves and agree that regardless of whether he’s really an android or a human they’ll accept Guy for who he is and help him improve his acting, which again harkens back to the idea of ‘unconditional acceptance’. Eventually it’s revealed that Guy is in fact a human who has forgotten his memories of the past and his emotions. He recovers his memories all at once which shocks his system and causes him to pass out. When he wakes up in his room, he finds the rest of the Winter Troupe asleep around the room—which I believe is symbolic of their whole theme of “quiet acceptance”: they don’t want to push Guy to share beyond what he’s comfortable with, but they’re always there to listen to him and share his load if that’s what he wants. He opens up about the memories he recovered, and they don’t treat him with pity like he’s a lost child, but still extend gentle empathy and understanding. They also emphasise that it genuinely doesn’t matter to them whether he’s human or android because he’s Guy first and foremost. It’s at this point that Guy truly lets himself become part of the Winter troupe/Fuyupoly and not just as a temporary stand-in member, because he’s found a place where he’s found himself again and people who will accept who this “himself” is, whether that be an android devoid of emotions or a human brimming with vivid beautiful emotions.
[Mod note: There’s a LOT more but we’re afraid of crashing the post. I (Deli) summarised it the best I can since I’m familiar with A3, but if you want to read the full thing you can check it out on this google doc)
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writingwhimsey · 1 year
Hello! If you are still doing the Sparring Writing prompts, I'd like to request the whole *not feeling well, but still training and passing out* with the dialogue, "Oh god- I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to hit you that hard-".
If that's doable with IkeSen's hardest training warlord, Keiji. 😁
Thank you!! 🧡
Hello and thank you for the request! Here is what I came up with and I hope you enjoy @bestbryn!
Sparring Prompts:
Prompt 9: You aren't well, but you don't want to skip training and make them worry, so you continue on as usual, thinking it's not that serious. But that's proven wrong when you faint right in front of them mid-fight
Dialog 6: "Oh god- I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to hit you that hard-"
ikesen: Keiji
Princess Training
Keiji woke up not feeling so hot. His head hurt and his body ached. He let out a groan as the sunlight filtered in the room, intensifying his headache. He knew he should stay in bed…but then he remembered. He had promised the princess he’d give her some extra training today. He knew she would understand if he told her he wasn’t feeling it today…but she seemed so excited about the training. 
Keiji let out a sigh as he slowly sat up in bed. “Can’t let the princess down…” He muttered to himself. “Just need to wash my face…drink some water and I’ll be good as new…maybe get something to eat.” 
Slowly Keiji got up out of bed and began to get ready for the day. He washed his face and filled a cup with cool water. The maids brought him in a tray of breakfast…and his stomach lurched at the sight of the food. “Maybe we’ll skip breakfast today.” He muttered.
He once again thought about just going back to bed and sending a message to the Princess that they would have reschedule. But then he mentally smacked himself at that idea. Training was when he got to spend the most time with her and…just picturing her smile brought a warmth to his chest. “Just another act to put on…that’s all.” He said. “I can do it for her.”
Keiji managed to get himself dressed and drug his weary body to the training room. She was already there and waiting. Her hair was pulled up in a messy bun atop her head and she was wearing hakama for ease of movement. She wore a bright smile as she greeted him.
“Hey Keiji! Thanks for agreeing to the extra training today!”
Her bright smile did funny things to his heart. He was a bitter cynic, but her sunshine… it was genuine and beautiful. It was something he couldn’t get enough of. It honestly made the trip from his manor worth it. Keiji plastered on his own smile, though it was slightly more genuine than normal just because it was her.
“Anything to help our hard-working princess now.” He told her. “You ready?”
“Yup.” She answered, continuing to smile brightly at him.
“Alright, let’s go.” Keiji declared, giving the princess his signature bright smile. He may not have really been all sunshine and rainbows…but seeing her smile always made his more genuine…even if he was straining today from how unwell he felt.
“Did you already start some training?” She asked him, looking at him. “Your face is a bit red and you look like you’ve been sweating…” 
Keiji could detect the note of concern in her voice. “Yup, got going before the sun even came up. Always have to be prepared, you know!” He hoped he could continue to fool her. “Now, let’s get to work.”
“Right.” The princess said with a nod. 
Keiji began leading her through some more stances and swings with the practice spear. It took so much effort for every movement Keiji made, but he really didn’t want to give up this time with the princess. Besides, she was so determined to learn some kind of fighting skill…who was he to turn her down? Clearly she needed this for something personal.
“Alright, now let’s try something new. I think you’re ready to put the moves to use.” He told her. 
“You mean…like actually…spar?” She asked, her eyes widening.
“Best way to learn is to do.” Keiji told her. “Now come on, let’s have a friendly match. I promise to take it easy on ya…but don’t you take it easy on me. I really want you ta give it your all.”
She seemed to be thinking for a moment, processing his words. “Alright, I’ll do my best.” She replied, her face taking on that cute determined look.
“Atta girl!” Keiji whooped before moving to take a fighting stance. “Let’s get this match going. Show me whatcha got, Princess!”
She gave him a determined nod as she took her own fighting stance. “I can do this.” She muttered to herself.
It didn’t take long for the sparring match to begin. Keiji could feel himself moving a little slower and it was taking a bit more effort to block the Princess’s blows than it should have. He was about two or three times her size. The sweat was really starting to pour down his face and coat his body.
The Princess was lifting her staff in an offensive move. He knew she was getting ready to strike and was moving to block, but his arms were moving slower. His body wasn’t responding the way it should, his arms aching and muscles feeling like lead. His ears were ringing and the room was beginning to spin.
The world fell away as darkness engulfed Keiji  just as soon as the Princess brought her practice spear down  on his head. The last thing he heard before passing out was her voice. “OH MY GOD! KEIJI!”
It was sometime later, Keiji was coming to, the Princess’s face hovering above his. Her hand was on his face, gently patting his cheek. “Come on…oh thank goodness. Keiji can you see me? Can you talk?”
“How…long…have I been…out?” Keiji asked. “And you should…probably back up…”
“Oh God-I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to hit you that hard.” She told him as she pulled back, thinking he was probably upset with her. 
Slowly Keiji began to sit up. His head was pounding, but it had nothing to do with the hit. Nothing did. “No…you didn’t hit me that hard. Didn’t even feel it.”
“But…you passed out.” She replied. “You must be delirious. How many fingers am I holding up?” She asked, holding up her hand and three fingers.
“Three.” He answered, grabbing her hand and pulling it down. “It’s my fault. I woke up sick…that’s why I told you to back up.”
The princess blinked. “What…do you mean? You’re sick and you still came to train me? Why didn’t you say you were sick and stay home? This was supposed to be your day off.”
“Didn’t want to let you down.” Keiji answered.
She seemed to be touched by his words. “Well…you wouldn’t have let me down. Now let’s get you some place you can lie down.”
The Princess was then doing her best to help Keiji up. He was unsteady on his feet and she was instantly at his side, letting him wrap an arm around her shoulders as she wrapped one around his waist. “Alright, let’s go…” 
With effort the pair left the training room and were soon coming to a stop. Keiji was surprised to find that the princess had led him to her own room. “I’ll be fine to go home…” He protested.
“Nonsense. You’re in no condition to walk all the way back to your manor.” She told him, “My room is closer and perfectly fine. You just lie down and let me take care of you.”
“I can’t do that…”
“You pushed yourself for training me today. The least I can do is help you in your time of need.” She told him. “Now I won’t take no for an answer.”
“Alright…but only for a little while.”
She helped Keiji get into the futon. She was then leaving for a moment and returning with a small basin of cool water, a rag, and what looked like rice porridge. “Alright, let’s get you feeling better.” She declared as she sat down by his head, wetting the rag and placing it on his forehead.
“Y-you don’t have to do that…” Keiji said, thankful for his fever since it hid the blush he felt.
“If that’s how you feel about me putting a cool cloth on your head, you’re in for it when you realize I’m going to feed you the rice porridge.” She told him with a smile.
“You really don’t have to…”
“Just let me take care of you.” She told him. “You’ve already done a lot for me since you came back. Let me do something for you…besides we’re friends. Friends take care of each other and help each other out.”
“Yeah…alright.” Keiji replied, for some reason the word friends not quite setting right with him.
She was picking up the rice porridge and spoon and began feeding him. “Come on you have to eat to keep your strength up.” She encouraged him as he opened his mouth to accept the food.
After finishing the rice porridge, she continued to stay with Keiji, allowing him to rest in her bed. At one point, she was humming some tune Keiji didn’t know and stroking his hair as he slowly drifted to sleep. He had never been happy to feel so terrible. Being sick and passing out didn’t seem like such a bad thing now.
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not-krys · 9 months
1. Introduction (Houki, Abby, Clara)
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Totally dropped the ball on August's prompt (in that I completely forgot to do it in favor of doing some art stuff instead), but I did some of the prompt that was meant for August today.
These ideas stem from taking the beginnings of routes and putting my OCs in those meeting scenarios. As such, I guess technically spoilers for route beginnings? I guess? Houki gets IkeSen's prologue with rescuing Nobunaga, plus snippets from her original game's lore; Abby gets the beginning of Vincent's route, and Clara gets the wonderful beginning of Nokto's route.
Other warnings are that this is raw writings, no editing, and cuts off in places, maybe a lil rambl-y in others. Nokto is also a lil shit, but what else is new?
Houki tried to close her eyes, trying to think this was all just a dream. That she was going to wake up in her room on Vale Island and that Jasper was going to scold her for sleeping in when there were other suitors and activities she needed to participate in, like Cordelia's tea party, or to watch the boat race that was going to happen later today.
Instead, all she could feel was heat and all she could smell was burning wood and smoke.
Had her room caught on fire? It wouldn't surprise her, really, since that incident with the poisoned letter.
But, no, this was certainly not her room. No plush curtains or glass windows in sight. Just burning pillars and the sound of creaking wood, straining under great pressure.
She also wasn't alone in the blazing room.
A man in black armor was laying on the floor, unconscious. In most matters, he seemed a handsome man, black hair to match his armor, a tall frame. A general, perhaps? His face was scowling in his 'rest'. Perhaps he was left to die in the blazing building. Not a comforting thought. Who was this man that would be left to die in such a place?
Going against her better judgment, Houki bent down to shake his shoulders, the crackle of the fire seeming to lick her cheeks.
Fortunately, her trapped companion seemed a light sleeper, as his eyes snapped open immediately, staring at her with bright carnelian eyes, red as the flames surrounding them.
"Who…?" his deep voice started before a pillar fell behind them with a loud crash.
"There's no time!" Houki said, grabbing hold of his hand, "we need to leave!"
The man didn't need to be told twice, standing up with the grace of a hawk taking flight. Houki covered her nose with her sleeve, trying her best to navigate through the blaze, coughing from the smoke. Her eyes were drying and hurting, as were her lungs. It didn't help that she was still recovering from the poisoned letter incident, making her breathing hurt much worse.
Abby sat on the floor, her back against the wooden door, hugging her knees to her chest. She wiped her eyes and saw the familiar brown coat, much too long and big in the shoulders for her, but the comforting scent of sunshine and fresh laundry eased her racing heart.
She was living in a mansion filled with vampires, as Arthur had made so plain to her. Rattled her with it, even. To make matters worse, when she tried to escape, she ran into two unscrupulous gentlemen. If Vincent hadn't happened by when he did…
She shuddered at the thought. She pulled his jacket closer, taking in more of his scent. The bruise on her wrist throbbed.
'She is a very special guest of this mansion,' she remembered him saying, his voice stern and vaguely threatening 'Touch her again and face the consequences.'
Vincent had been so protective of her, even if they had just met barely hours prior. She felt bad when she had swatted his hand away in her fright. She tried to apologize, but Vincent just smiled gently.
"Ah, it's my fault for trying to touch you without your permission, especially after going through something so scary."
He tried his best to comfort her, telling her that she can talk to Sebastian if she felt more comfortable, since he was still human like her. And, like a spell spoken, Sebastian did appear, taking her off Vincent's hands, helping her to her room. In her stupor, she had forgotten she was still wearing his jacket he had so gently and carefully placed on her shivering shoulders. She promised herself that she would return it in the morning, but would also ask Sebastian how to launder it first, since she was no doubt wrinkling it and staining it with her tears. She didn't want to cause him, or anyone else, any trouble. Especially if everyone else surrounding her was a vampire. Would they eat her if she did something out of turn? Arthur seemed to delight in the idea, especially when she saw the red touches on his starched and white collar.
She pulled the jacket closer, trying her best to hold back a sob. She didn't want to leave, lest she get a repeat of running into Arthur again, or anyone else for that matter.
The scent of Vincent's jacket wafted to her nose again.
Clara felt like she was going to be sick. Her head pounded something fierce and she was surrounded by silken sheets and scent she normally would have associated with the unsavory parts of town.
Her eyes shot open, the morning light burning her eyes. She closed them again, a pained groan escaping her lips.
"Good morning, my dear." A voice said beside her, soft in delivery but the tone was full of amused mischief.
Her eyes shot open again, taking in the sight of ruby red eyes and a hand with painted black nails reaching for her forehead.
She shot up in the bed, immediately regretting that choice and held her head, her dark hair cascading over her face and shoulders.
"Well, that wasn't very smart of you, now was it?"
Clara gritted her teeth, still holding her head.
"Where… where am I?"
"My bedroom," that voice cooed, "you were so insistent last night, not letting me have a choice. It was quite bold of you, telling a prince you wanted to sleep with him."
"I would never-" her head throbbed, stealing her of her voice, "I wouldn't-"
"And yet, here we are, Belle."
Belle, right… She agreed to that yesterday. She had wanted to get to know the princes. And she had taken Nokto's word that he had sincerely wanted to help her.
This was not the direction she had thought, or hoped, the previous night would take.
She looked down at herself, still thankfully dressed in the fancy underclothes of the dress she had been given to go to that ball with that sleazeball of a prince, but the poofy dress was not on her person, instead laying in a precarious position on the floor. She wished she had the strength to glare at the prince no doubt grinning at her on the bed, but her head barely allowed her the pleasure of concentrating. The room even smelled like stale rose wine, making her stomach turn.
"Ah yes, you should know that you had wine spilled on your dress last night," she could hear the smirk in Nokto's voice, "thus why it's on the floor over there."
"What, I didn't just throw my clothes at you in my lust filled state that you seem to imply I was in?"
"You did try. I just dodged."
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the12thnightproject · 2 years
Hi! Love ur blog. 10/10. Chaotic idea: warlords meet their female selves. Only ones I would request would be Shingen & Nobunaga, and anyone else who you think would be fun. 🖤
Hi Anon!
Thank you for the love! Interesting question... could be awesome, could be a recipe for disaster.
Nobunaga: Ok... here's my 2 cent psych analysis of the type of alpha/alpha relationship that would occur if Nobunaga met a woman who was exactly like him. While I do think that it's totally possible for two alphas to have a healthy relationship, they need to be willing to trust one another enough to give up a certain amount of control. When we meet Nobunaga at the start of Ikesen, he is not willing to give up control. MC/Mai is able to gain that trust, but she is also willing to defer to his authority in certain situations. She facilitates his emotional growth, because she has a better understanding of feelings.
A female version of Nobunaga will not defer to him, nor will she be able to access her feelings, and I foresee difficulties in any relationship they attempt. Think... Rhett Butler and Scarlett O'Hara ... Anyway, that said...
He is entranced by this powerful, charismatic, confident woman.
He grabs her arm.
She grabs his butt.
So... completely ... turned on.
Sex is immediate, intense, hot.
They both want to be on top (power rolling ensues).
The next day both are covered in love bites.
She stands up to him, gives as good as she gets.
Marathon games of Go end in stalemates.
They fight over the last piece of konpieto.
Their fights are legendary... and not even because they disagree on the main issues, values (in fact, they don't even disagree on the big things) ... but they both want to win, and neither backs down.
Make up sex is also legendary.
Neither of them will admit to being in love, let alone say, "I love you" first. Feelings? Pffft.
Neither of them is willing to trust the other enough to let go of their need for control.
They admire each other greatly, but unless some outside force intervenes that will allow them to get past the trust issue, any relationship between them will implode.
They'll never get over each other.
But they'll also never admit it.
Shingen: Another alpha male, but the difference between Shingen and Nobunaga is that Shingen has high emotional intelligence and has an ability to compromise (at least in situations not related to Nobunaga). So in his case, an alpha/alpha relationship is exactly what he needs... he and female Shingen will push each other to grow together. If they were a movie couple, they would be Cary Grant and Rosaline Russell in 'His Girl Friday.'
No encouragement needed to be attracted to her, flirting commences instantly.
She flirts back - no shyness here - and the conversation flows easily as they match each other compliment for compliment, and quip for quip.
Joking and flirting is fun, and they egg each other on to come up with the cheesiest pick up line.
They don't instantly consummate the attraction, though. Both understand the value of slow seduction.
They pamper the other, planning out increasingly elaborate dates.
They will jokingly fight over the last piece of pastry, have fun "stealing" it, before dividing it into pieces and feeding each other.
When they make love, it's a sensual explosion as they lavish all their attention on each other - both are fully present for the experience.
With their strategic brains, they spend their days reading reports, plotting, designing tactics... they're pretty much the ultimate power couple.
If there are problems, they occur because both of them put everyone else's needs ahead of their own, have a tendency to work too hard, push themselves too far, and to the point where they end up nagging each other about their health.
But generally, they're pretty much that couple who are always together, discreetly touching each other's hands, or arms, or the small of their backs in public, and everyone else around would get tired and annoying of this behavior if they weren't so darn charming.
Yukimura: If... if they can just get past hello. When Harry Met Sally...
Their first meeting is an misunderstanding that ends in a childish name calling fight. He calls her boar-woman. She calls him donkey-brain.
So is their second...
And their third.
You again? Really, why does fate keep throwing that boar-woman / donkey-brain into each other's paths?
He pokes her in the forehead.
She punches his arm.
Eventually, though, they've become comfortable enough fighting each other that they relax enough to be able to talk. More or less.
And they realize they have a lot in common.
They might even be... friends?
As long as boar-woman and donkey-brain keep their mouths shut, they're kind of sort of attractive.
Not that they are attracted.
Boy germs / girl germs.
"Kiss me. I dare you."
The first time they have sex is... catastrophically bad.
So bad that, really the only response is to laugh about it... which leads to the second sexual encounter. That was enough of an improvement that they keep trying.
But even after all that, arguing is still their major mode of communication. It annoys everyone else around them, but it... works for them.
And, bonus...
Oh, look.... books!
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azureaqua · 2 years
Giving the Ikesen guys modern outfits (because I can) <Pt. 1>
Yeah, we’re doing this. I've probably put way too much thought and time into this. But at this point I have to share it. Why the Ikesen guys, you ask? Because they have the most traditional clothes, especially seeing that nowadays western-style fashion is present everywhere! Let's get it!
How did this post even came alive? Tbh, I was just browsing Pinterest and one of my secret hobbies is that I like to thirst over fashion runways and designer stuff. Not that I would ever buy them, or have the money to buy them, but I still enjoy it for some reason haha. So one time, I was looking at an outfit and suddenly a warlord popped into my head. That's when I decided that I'll do a full detailed research on this. Inspired mainly by their armors and color palettes. (First I thought about drawing the outfits myself, but my drawing skills are questionable, so I edited them instead. My editing skills are better, I promise.)
Also, as I said; these are from fashion runways, so almost everything is from luxury brands and/or quality designers. So not the 'typical' street fashion, because I figured it would be more interesting this way. Plus since I needed a lot of jackets and blazers for the guys, I'm thanking Balmain, because most of these are from their shows XD.
Toyotomi Hideyoshi
I started with him for some reason, when I decided to put together the collages (?). I don't know why, because when I searched for materials and inspiration I was a bit gutted when it came to him. Nonetheless I think managed to craft a decent outfit! A light traditional-looking top, nothing too fancy. Then these cargo pants that can connect as a top as well, in a garish orange color. I just had a vibe that Hideyoshi would rock it. Also it can be very functional! Then boots, to not slip in the hallways. Some leather gloves, to protect the hand and the skin (and he sometimes gives it to Nobunaga, bc he's worried.) And a bigger bag, because he packs for two people usually; Mitsunari and himself.
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Maeda Keiji
The free, sometimes unhinged party guy. Who dresses as if the concept of summer had raided a party store. So I wasn't afraid to give him something unusual! Big, loose-legged pants that ventilate well. Some chunky white basketball shoes, that you also see in street dance videos. A traditional-looking top as well, with a kimono-like neckline, even simpler than Hideyoshi's. A magenta belt for good contrast, looks as if it's made out of satin! And to top it off, a leather jacket with an interesting opening! I admit, at first I wanted to use the jacket with nothing under it, making Keiji shirtless... But then I didn't. 🤫 Nonetheless, he rocks it anyway!
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Mouri Motonari
I admit, this wasn't the first setup for him. I changed almost all the things, when I revisited it, since I did his outfit early on. I changed everything except the shoes lol. But for the better, since my first attempt was a disaster. I like his tailcoat the best, since it makes me remember sailors and the navy - you know, seeing he's a pirate -, with it's design. Also, it color IS navy blue, so plus points for that. The pants are quite simple, but still got that nice blue color, like the sea. I also wanted to honor his tassels, that are on his main design in the game, and I like the harsh red accent color, it matches his eyes! The top under the jacket is a simple long-sleeved black shirt, with a little extra cut in the front. He's got nice, lace up boots, with some animal printing on it, I believe? I liked the shape haha. And I added his gloves on, since we know he needs them.
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Naoe Kanetsugu
I won't lie, he looks like a K-pop poster boy, but I just got these vibes from him, when I was putting this together. The black-and-white contrast is strong, I'm not sure why it's him out of all the warlords, but it was intuition haha! His outfit is fairly simple with the thight black pants, and black shoes. He has a longer, leather belt on for important design elements. His top/shirt is the most extra, with the half-and-half form! I think overall it's pleasing for the eyes. Not as colorful as Keiji, but still cool and collected!
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Sanada Yukimura
I wanted only black and red pieces for him, strictly. Especially some harsh red, since he's that kid who speaks his mind no matter what and has a strong sense of honesty and justice. So red seemed appropriate and in-character for him. The details are very sharp-edged and abstract on them, mainly the top. Yukimura is also like that in a way. The pants got a red add-on as well, and the boots' laces are blood red too! Then there's this weird harness thing and the shoulder blades (?)... I was trying to mimic something like an armor, not sure how I did, but it has the rough-around-the-edges vibe - literally -, that I was going for. Then gloves, and a baseball cap too, because he's the town's cool kid!
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Oda Nobunaga
My first idea was a big, epic mafia-boss fur coat. Then it ascended into something feather-like, since he has Haguro. Then it became this fancy black feather thing, on his shoulders. Another tailcoat, probably from the same runway as Motonari's XD. With luxurious black velvet design, with some nice accent blue details, and the materials mix on the belt, which is good contrast! The pants are a big baggy which I don't mind, but they're simple enough to tone the outfit down. And lastly the tall boots, which I was a bit hesitant to give to him, but it was a good decision! It's aesthetic is still very boss-like, so I'm happy that I achieved my goal!
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Imagawa Yoshimoto
Did I went overboard with the idea that he has a pet peacock? Yeah, but if it's Yoshimoto, he needed something fab! He looks like a crazed bird lady, but I promise he's a crazed bird lady at a fashion show, so it's not forever. I found this photoshoot where the models had peacock themed coats, shirts and everything, so it was meant to be. I didn't put anything under his big coat, but let's pretend he wears a thin shirt, for good measure. Also, the main piece is the poncho-like thing, so I made the pants simple as well. The neckline is an intricate lace, to mix textures. And on the sides I tried to mimic the colorful feathers of a peacock. It's obvious the coat was put together from many separate pieces, but it's special. As a last touch I gave a hat to him, to add to his gentlemanly side.
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Date Masamune
The huge urge to dress him in those cool dragon-patterned clothes! I had a blast finding pieces like that! I wanted to give him a loose, care-free outfit, to capture the real reckless side he has! Although the top and the pants aren't that compatible; since the top is a more elegant suit jacket and the pants seem like a pair of trainers, I still think it looks good! (Also because I definitely wanted to use that top and refused to let go.) I found this another harness thing I believe, and I wanted to mimic his armor with it, and I think it certainly makes the full picture better! I gave him gloves too, but fingerless ones this time. Also I found this super cool, over-the-top mask that made me remember an ancient dragon so it seemed like a good accessory. Instead of an eyepatch. 😅
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This was a long process, and we're only halfway in!
The others are in part two, due to picture limit!
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dark-frosted-heart · 1 year
First impressions on the suitors of ikevil?
They all sound interesting and I really like the art for what I assume will be their standard 5*s. But I really don’t have a lot of thoughts on some.
I am very much head empty, only Roger. I seem to have a thing for arrogant mad scientists. Glasses not required but preferred. And deep Egu 😩 I still stand by him having a soft center. Buried deep, deep inside.
Victor's the one I'm second most interested. I love his whole design (I want his coats) but boy is he loud 😂 As expected from the Takahashi Hiroki roles I'm familiar with.
Jude's hair was very unexpected but I like it. From the cropped preview I thought it'd be dark blue but turns out that's just the shading. Man’s likely got some duality to him to match his hair. I'm weak to kansaiben so I'm also looking forward to this rude man. This expression was the first time I saw his face and he looks like he’s just done with everything. It suits him.
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Harrison's cute. I really love this image of him. Is it weird that he make think of mint chocolate LOL. I actually don’t have much to say about Harrison but I always like those who have a fox motif though I’m worried that his route will be close to Mitsuhide’s or Nokto’s.
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Alfons - Yes my lordo. Deadass looks and feels like a butler, especially since his curse is the magic mirror from Snow White. He sounds fun though.
William may be able to sway me with his voice. Idk, he scares me xD Looks more vampire than Vlad.
I like how simple Liam’s outfit is compared to everyone else sans Roger. He feels like one of the nicer ones out of the suitors. Then there was that one voice line of his with a lot of breathing that made me feel uncomfy.
Ellis, Elbert...yandere vibe. Ellis’ other art with him wearing the veiled crown doesn’t help. It screams “Marry me”. Elbert’s pretty. However, Ikesen aside, the pretty ones don’t usually end up high on my list. I think Elbert has moments of explosive anger.
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lorei-writes · 2 years
Match-Up #34
Hewooo Lorei~ 💕 I'm a lil nervous cuz I know very little about ikesen, so I'm going in with no expected suitor in mind haha good luck!! 
Hello, @alby-rei ! Well, this may actually be more interesting now, at least if you dove further into the IkeSen hellhole, haha. Jokes aside, I’m terribly sorry it took me so long to write this. I wish I could have foreseen some real-life event, but alas, life doesn’t work that way. Nevertheless, I hope that at this point, it will be a pleasant surprise.
5 positive qualities
Being book-smart... Hmm... Well, it’s not exactly the same as being street-smart, but I do presume it would be appreciated by warlords who operate more so in the theoretical realms.
Mitsunari (+1) Sasuke (+1)
Optimism -- if that isn’t a double-edged sword. Some take it as an advantage, some may see it as a sign of recklessness, or even an omen of doom... and for some, it surely is a breath of fresh air, without any other value added to it.
Nobunaga (+1) Mitsuhide (+1) Ieyasu (-1) Kenshin (-1)
Honesty could be especially valued by those forced to lie, either before themselves or everybody around.
Mitsuhide (+1) Masamune (+1) Shingen (+1)
As for loyalty, I do believe those who lived through betrayal or need constant reassurance would approve of that. For some it would be useful given their lifestyle and line of work -- a disloyal spouse could be disastrous in consequences.
Nobunaga (+1) Mitsuhide (+1) Hideyoshi (+1) Shingen (+1) Kenshin (+1)
As for friendliness and open-minded-ness, I think it’d be universally cherished, with a small exception of some rather cynical warlords.
Ieyasu (-1) Kenshin (-1)
5 negative qualities
very sensitive (emotionally and physically)
random drops in self-confidence
stress/panic easily
Indecisiveness could get you killed in those times, I presume... Hmm... I wonder, how does it combine with loyalty? Does loyalty override it? But then, wouldn’t it be blind? -- That could make for a very strong line of understanding between you and Hideyoshi, but it could also be destructive. Therefore, I will hold my vote on that. As for the other warlords, I do think the majority of them would see it as an immediate risk factor, especially the ones who wouldn’t necessarily want to dictate for you how to behave. Hence, no immediate (-1) points will be administered for that specifically. Combined with being highly sensitive, I do think it could prevent certain relationships from forming -- the ones in which you’d have to press on the suitor harder for them to finally open up, all while risking being hurt yourself (both emotionally and physically).
Nobunaga (+1) Mitsuhide (+3) Masamune (+1)
As for forgetfulness -- my, my, I’d presume it’d be better if the potential partner didn’t share the same affliction.
Mitsunari (-1)
Being highly sensitive -- overall, I suppose it would make for the worst mix with the more so crude in words warlords (let’s factor in fluctuating sense of self-confidence here as well), and with the less mentally stable ones.
Ieyasu (-2) Yukimura (-2) Kenshin (-1)
Stress and panic -- well... Those would be the warring times, so... I think none would spare you. :I
1st Summary:
Nobunaga (+3) Shingen (+2) Hideyoshi (+1) Sasuke (+1) Ieyasu (-4) Kenshin (-2)
Jokes, puns, anything that makes me laugh
Open communication
Traveling, seeing new places
Listening to music (obsessed with it, in fact)
Hugs!! (A necessity)
Points distributed for likes:
Nobunaga (+2) - travelling, physical affection Hideyoshi (+1) - physical affection Shingen (+1) - physical affection Sasuke (+4) - jokes, communication (future person concepts in common), travelling, physical affection
5 dislikes
lying (can’t do it, can’t spot it, can’t handle it)
cold weather
loud noises/people
Points distributed for dislikes:
Nobunaga (-2) - mix for alcohol and noise (may surround him), rudeness Mitsunari (+1) - he’s not a liar Ieyasu (-1) - rudeness Shingen (-2) - alcohol, lying Kenshin (-3) - loudness (around him, at parties, for instance), alcohol, rudeness (he may come across as such)
2nd Summary:
Sasuke (+5) Nobunaga (+3) Hideyoshi (+2) Shingen (+1) Ieyasu (-5) Kenshin (-5)
Only characters with positive value by their names will be considered in the final stages of the match-up. 
Deal breakers
Negative attitude/pessimism
Getting yelled at/hurt physically
Not being treated as an equal
Shingen (+1) - shadiness Nobunaga (+3) - not being treated as an equal (pre-his-chara-development)
Pet peeves
Being micro-managed
Someone bringing up past faults or mistakes way too late (e.g., a month later)
When someone gives the silent treatment/is closed off about their feelings
Hideyoshi (-1) - micro-managing Sasuke (-1) - closed off about his feelings
3 Wild Cards
When I’m interested in something, I will learn everything about it and wanna ramble about it
I often adopt people’s speech patterns or mannerism if I spend a lot of time with them
my love languages (giving): physical touch and quality time
Hideyoshi & Sasuke (+1) - would appreciate said love languages
Final Ranking
Sasuke (+5) Hideyoshi (+2)
Confessed first: Sasuke. Via a note. By accident. It wasn’t supposed to be delivered.
Makes tea in the morning: You alternate on that.
Hogs blankets at night: The problem was solved after it happened once. You have two separate blankets, and for colder days - additional big one, to share between you two. Although cuddles are much preferred.
Is the little spoon: You.
Possible points for conflict: Sasuke struggles with identifying his emotion, and then with verbalising things regarding it. As such, things may sometimes seem to appear out of the blue, which startles you in turn. However, he’s attempting to work on it... It’s just a process.
Free time ideas: Visiting book stalls together, reading in the archives, having Sasuke talk in-depth about any topic of mutual interest (and then having you take over the lecture), stargazing.
Favourite date spot: One of the restaurants in the city surrounding Kasugayama castle. De-li-cious!
A secret you share: You always hide when Kenshin begins the deadly game of tag with Sasuke. It is strictly for the reason that you attempted to lie to him once about whereabout of Sasuke, and it went fairly poorly -- and you cannot seem to live it down. (It was bad). (Sasuke doesn’t mind, though).
His favourite thing about you: How easy it is for him to understand you.
His message to you: “Test your hypotheses with more confidence. There’s only one way to arrive at the conclusion, and... Whichever route you take, you will always emerge more knowledgeable than you were before.”
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krys-loves-otome · 1 year
Krys! Hello!
🎀give yourself a compliment about your own writing
🌿how does creating make you feel?
💘Is there any posted fic you want to rework/re-edit/re-write?
💫what is your favorite kind of comment/feedback?
Let's Get Real Fanfic Writer Asks
🎀give yourself a compliment about your own writing
You're working you way up to be more consistent in posting, good for you.
I made it my New Years Resolution this year to post at least one writing thing and one art thing a month. It can be something incomplete like a WIP Wednesday or a sketch, so long as something posts at least once a month. If I've got more juice in me to do more, then I'll do some more writing and art things.
🌿how does creating make you feel?
Peaceful and excited, if that make sense.
9 times out of 10, most of my creative pursuits happen on my off days. I can just stay home and see where my keyboard or my pen takes me. 
💘Is there any posted fic you want to rework/re-edit/re-write? 
I kinda wanna go back and rework my first IkeSen fic. The beginning doesn't really have much to do with the rest of the fic. Looking at it again, it feels like I started with one idea and ended up in a different one once Masa and Reader started talking and getting frisky. If I could go back and do it again, I'd like to fix that beginning portion to match more with the rest of the fic, if that makes sense.
(Not linking it as it is a smut fic. Have fun looking at my masterlist for it)
💫what is your favorite kind of comment/feedback?
I like most kinds of comments I get, but my favorite thus far are the 'glad to see you back' I get whenever I update 'Second Glance' on ao3. Understandable that the last two chapters took me about a year for each of the latest chapters (3 and 4 both), but there's something heartwarming about peeps coming and welcoming me back, that they're glad to see this story again.
Another special shoutout to readers that find my older stuff and feel the need to say either they are surprised by its age (for something I wrote in like, 2016, which, grated, wasn't that long ago, given how long I've been writing overall), and another that was on one of the ones I wrote as a teenager and all it had was the 🗿 emoji. It made me laugh and feel my age a bit.
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Kyubei & Kage
You know the anniversary campaign that Ikesen is running now in its EN app? The one where they release the pet POV stories slowly but surely. Well, Kyubei and Kage also get one. Enjoy.
Fandom: Ikemen Sengoku
Character: Kyubei & Kage the crow
Words: -1k
Warnings: mentions of food.
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Another clear day! How wonderful! How fresh! How—
Below me I could see a familiar human stretching herself out in the garden, arms high up above her head and her waist going left and right, as if trying to imitate Chimaki from lord Mitsuhide’s house.
“How unladylike!”
My admonishment isn’t understood as the princess turns around, her smile bright as ever while waving at me.
“Good morning, Kage!”
Good morning? Good? A perfectly good day, ruined now, and all because master Kyubei decided to bring this lass home and set up a home for himself!
Though, I have to admit I don’t miss Chimaki’s company one bit. I never trusted that fox, especially none so white and fed by such a cunning master.
“Energetic as always, I see.”
Master Kyubei is quick to join us, having gotten up as early as ever to buy breakfast at the shops. The lady’s favourite, I can smell it all the way here, accompanied with my fair share as well.
“Kyubei, use the door!”
I scoff at the way the master gets scolded, remembering the undignified poses from earlier. Master slides down the roof nonetheless, landing in the grass without as much as a sound as he lands a kiss on the princess’ forehead.
“Sure, get affectionate there!”
But neither seem to pay me any heed as they smile at each other.
Disgusting. So much affection.
“I made you a new haori, and a matching one for Kage!”
The exclamation captures my interest, wondering why the mistress felt a need to make me one of those human layers of fabric. I have feathers, and beautiful ones at that! She said so herself the other day!
“You guys will look so adorable together!”
To be described as adorable displeases me, but to see master Kyubei smile so widely and even burst out laughing when he is handed the miniature jacket meant for me is such a sight, I can’t even be mad at the thought that they will be trying to put this on me.
“You will never catch me!”
“I think Kage is saying he doesn’t want to wear it.”
Master Kyubei laughs as he holds the haori into the air, eyeing me as I yell back at them.
(You know, she might not be a real princess. I'm glad for it. Master Kyubei seems so much more relaxed without having to deal with a spoiled brat. And I get a treat out of it!)
“Stay away!”
I yell one more time before rising into the air. The delightful hum of happiness reaching to the sky as I amuse my humans some more.
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nad-zeta · 2 years
Hey there! Do you have a favorite Ikesen/Ikevamp suitor? If so, why???? I love your writing btw. Literally gives me life.
Heyaaa cutie!🥺🥺🤩🤩❤️ eeeeeek thanks for stopping by!��🥺🥺🤩✨️✨️ and omw stoppppp you ganna make me blush😳😳😳😳😳😳 you are too kind for words!🥺🥺😳😳 honestly wish i had more time to get back to writing 🥺🥺 but anyyyways….
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My faves!😏😏😏😏😏 i have a few😍
My biggest favs of the moment….
THEO! for ikevamp
KENSHIN for ikesen
Other mentions but im not ganna get into: Motonari, Vincent, Arthot, Nobu, Kanetsugu, Napoleon aaaand i have a good feeling bout vlad🤩✨️
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So i could give you a really well thought out semi generic answer that is totally rational oooooor i could just give ya the truth 🤣🤣🤣🤣 which is I don't always know why I love the characters as much as I do😆 obviously overall looks plays a role and i do have a type 🤣🤣🤣 cause im vain af😆
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Jokes aside, if i had to look at all my fav characters and find a common thread of similarity I'd say its most likely cause they are incredibly passionate and dedicated to their crafts. When I was still in my younger years of studying I looked up at their destructive workaholic tendencies and was like //wow I wish I had something I loved so much that I could just work endlessly towards. But also wow bro you are working yourself to an early grave😱😱😱And now? I found that thing 🤣🤣🤣 and i get it🤣🤣🤣 but yeah nothing draws my eyes like a person with a killer work ethic🤣🤣 wanna impress me? Don't be a lazy slacker lolol🤣
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So ima just throw it out there as a fitness fanatic 🤣🤣 i back his love for training and war? Lol i kinda get it, that adrenaline rush, the stories you can tell after ✨️ like obviously don't kill people buuuuuut i mean I can see why he enjoys it🤣 nothing like that happy hormone that gets released when ya move ya body! Plus if someone really makes me angry, nothing like running off that frustration 🤩🤣🤣😳
DRINKING! ME AND KENSHIN ARE ON THE SAME wavelength👏👏👏 like what a coincidence i love to chill with ma fav drink as well lolol🤣👏✨️
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Also something about a strong manly man that becomes a soft marshmallow around his significant other just absolutely makes my heart turn to mush😍😍
Also cuddles! All the soft cuddles! I love post relationship Kenshin cause omw the amount of love and cuddles he gives😳😳🥺🥺🥺🥺 even in the latest story event where he said he would dote like mad on his significant other (omw mush, i was turned to mush)🥺🥺
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Like I also love how noble and just the bro is. Like even though he loves a good fite he NEVER hurts the innocent or down trot! If anything there are multiple time in others routes where he swallows his own pride and joins hands or even takes responsibility for when his own outta control subordinates act shady🥺🥺🥺🥺
While he had a "different" way of showing his love, this man definitely is kind beyond words. Like let's be real, his castle is pretty much an orphanage at this point with people he just adopts and absolutely cares for and supports…. Unconditionally mind you! Like i dont see him asking for rent lolol just the occasional sparring match😆😆🌷🔥. Like you lost your whole home and life? Bro legit be there to welcome ya with open arms 🤣🤣👏🥺 in his own murderous way of course 🥺🥺🥺❤️ like even his bunnies. He legit lets them carry on even though im pretty sure they are overtaking the whole garden 🤣🤣👏🥺and and like when Sasuke goes missing in others route who is it that stays up all night looking for and waiting for him? FREAKEN KENSHIN THAT'S WHO!
ALSO THIS DUDE HAS A SENSE OF HUMOR. like ngl i can't help but laugh my ass off when he makes appearances in other routes🥺🤣🤣🤣 sometimes the things he says is just absolute gold✨️✨️✨️👏😳
Back to the bunnies! I believe animals have a keen sense of a person and the fact that the bunnies love him so much! Thats telling enough 🔥❤️🌷 like this man has proven time and time again that he is actually a gentle soul 🥺🥺🥺😏
Okay lemi stop here and head to bed 🤣🤣🤣 its almost midnight and i gotta be up at 3am😭🤣
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I have so so so much to say for Theo 🥺🥺🥺like gaaaaaaah. Despite his lack of fashion sense 😭 this bro be on another lvl with his passions and work ethic! Like I did a whole two posts dedicated to what I love and hate (which is all the things i hate to love) about him. 😍😍😍❤️🍬🤩 so instead of ramble and repeat i'll just reblog those for ya to investigate 😳😳👏🥺🥺😏😏😏 cause im a lazy lazy person 🤣🤣🤣
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THANKS FOR THE SUPPORT AND ALSO DROPPING THE ASK🥺🥺✨️❤️❤️🤩 I honestly miss interacting and becoming more involved but alas🤣🤣🤣🤣 the workaholic lifestyle is one that does not leave much room for fun lolol🤣🤣🤣🤣
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writingwhimsey · 2 years
I think I am going to match you up with… Mitsunari from Ikesen.
I think Mitsunari would be really drawn to your dedication to your work, being quite dedicated with his own work himself. You seem like a really nice and approachable person like he is, so I think he would feel very comfortable being around you. He would also probably volunteer to help you with many projects as well, being the cinnamon-roll that he is. I feel like you two may be very similar, so he would fall for you due to you two getting along well.
Oh to get to be with Mitsubun and do nothing but read/write all day *dreamy sigh* and purple is my favorite color so there's that lol. I do think that I might potentially be a bit more of a jerk sometimes than that sweet angel deserves though -alas I have my moments and get frustrated so easily at times- but given that he adores Ieyasu even though he can be straight up mean to him...maybe he could handle me and my mood swings well haha.
And thank you for all of the kind words of course :)
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not-krys · 9 months
[Repost] Introduction - Houki
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Part of this set of WIP Wednesdays
Notes: Incomplete, oc lore building, follows a lil bit of ikesen's prologue, so things are gonna be on fire, whoops.
Houki tried to close her eyes, trying to think this was all just a dream. That she was going to wake up in her room on Vale Island and that Jasper was going to scold her for sleeping in when there were other suitors and activities she needed to be participating in, like Cordelia’s tea party, or watching the boat race that was going to happen later today.
Instead, all she could feel was heat and all she could smell was burning wood and smoke.
Had her room caught on fire? It wouldn’t surprise her, really, since that incident with the poisoned letter.
But, no, this was certainly not her room. No plush curtains or glass windows in sight. Just burning pillars and the sound of creaking wood, straining under great pressure.
She also wasn’t alone in the blazing room.
A man in black armor was laying on the floor, unconscious. In most matters, he seemed a handsome man, black hair to match his armor, a tall frame. A general, perhaps? His face was scowling in his ‘rest’. Perhaps he was left to die in the blazing building. Not a comforting thought. Who was this man that would be left to die in such a place?
Going against her better judgment, Houki bent down to shake his shoulders, the crackle of the fire seeming to lick her cheeks.
Fortunately, her trapped companion seemed a light sleeper, as his eyes snapped open immediately, staring at her with bright carnelian eyes, red as the flames surrounding them.
“Who…?” his deep voice started before a pillar fell behind them with a loud crash.
“There’s no time!” Houki said, grabbing hold of his hand, “we need to leave!”
The man didn’t need to be told twice, standing up with the grace of a hawk taking flight. Houki covered her nose with her sleeve, trying her best to navigate through the blaze, coughing from the smoke. Her eyes were drying and hurting, as were her lungs. It didn’t help that she was still recovering from the poisoned letter incident, making her breathing hurt much worse.
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lorei-wrote · 3 years
Match-Up Guidelines
Adjustments for the guidelines were made with your help.  Thank you once more for your participation in the survey! 
Request status: closed
Basic Rules:
I will write IkeSen match-ups only.
Match-Up forms are accepted in 5-forms intervals, meaning that I take 5 forms, write all of the match-ups and only then open next 5 slots.
You can submit a form either for yourself or for your OC.
I will make a post announcing the order in which forms rolled in - so that you can get some estimate for how long you’ll have to wait.
I will only accept Match-Up forms submitted via “Submit post” option.
I am not sure how long it will take for all spots to fill up, but given the limited number of slots - please, take only one spot per interval. If you wanted to say, send a form for yourself an your OC, you can always slide in my DMs. If the slots do not fill up by the end of the day, I will contact people who did that, in order in which they messaged me.
Match-Up Form:
Match Up form must include the following:
5 positive qualities,
5 negative qualities,
5 dislikes,
relationship dealbreakers (any number; this is a place to mention anything that makes a relationship impossible for you - be it being appalled by something or something clashing with your lifestyle. It can include things like triggers - as I do expect some things could roll out similarly to the game routes. However, I am aware those can be private, so it’s completely up to you what you decide to put in here - if you wanted to submit some piece of information in this category and would rather not have it made public, just let me know, any way of doing that works).
up to 3 pet peeves,
3 Wild Cards (This is a place for anything! Fun facts, sad facts, “how I got this stupid scar” story - just anything you want to mention!)
most disliked characters (optional ; IkeSeries characters only).
Please, do follow this order.
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