#im artblocking real hard
dollarneko · 1 month
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keracchi · 2 years
cant for the life of me actually make proper lineless www
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spoiledmilks · 6 days
Hard day today so im gonna talk about the weird ass dream i had cuz its all i can give as art today
Me and some random people were in the newest mimecraft version (except everything looked and worked the same as the real world)
And suddenly this buncha weirdos came in and tried to murder us
So this guy in our group said “we need to go to minecraft 1.0 to escape!!” And when we did the weirdos came back and we kept traveling like this
The group of weirdos also murdered many while trying to get to us, im honestly surprised with the amount of blood and gore my brain came up with
Actually kinda scary i woke up at like 3am cuz of this and went back to sleep just to continue this fuckass dream
One of the weirdos was a cowboy with a hook for a hand and he tore of a guys head just to show me how cool and evil he is
I drew him cuz he was extra funky
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Idk what caused this dream, before falling asleep i was making up venlumi scenarios so ??
Oh and also before waking up this extra creepy weirdo with his eyes bulging out came after me and i had to run and hide in my parents closet???
He was also acting like a creepy old pedophilic man you’d see on the street
Anyway thats it thanks for paying attention
I will now go back to artblocking
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viasolaris · 21 days
im gonna be real brave and vulnerable and say that im artblocked and burnt out and have been for a very long time, but i want to draw and it makes me happy..posting does too but i dont know why its so hard. it sucks when most of what you do is not something you want to show people. i am my biggest bully for no reason ... decided to make a little pile of random things i havent posted. i have like 10 more drafts and i gotta.gotta show them
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justlet-melive · 6 months
here’s a question :3 uh do you have like any favourite anatomy or reference books/texts. or any tips for doing study’s??
sorry if this is like annoying or weird idk i’ve just been a little obsessed with your art lately. the way you capture shape and movement is so fantastic. you have such a talent for capturing characters personality through visual quirks too. idk like the way you draw ellie tlou is so specific. it’s not exactly on model but it’s kind of better lol. i can instantly tell most of what you need to know about her. same with your recent astarions like idk you’ve just managed to capture a real physicality about him that i think can be hard. idk i’m maybe biased but i think without any exposure to the game you could probably guess how he moves and sounds from your art.
idk uh sorry if this is worded weird i feel like i always do that LOL okay though anyways i adore your art it’s just so distinct. i’d eat it if i could. i’d honestly do a lot to capture even a fraction of the magic you’re creating. okay hope this message finds you well BYE
no need to feel self conscious about doing me a kindness in the form of gratifying to read, thoughtful observations of my fanart!!!!
thank you. very late response because i wanted to respond with some equally thoughtful advice and also let my ego calm down a bit, but..
im 'lazy' and like to keep drawing for fun as easy as possible. So i dont have any reference books hm... You obviously look at art and are able to relay to yourself and others what you saw and felt. thats the skill you should always indulge. looking at all kinds of things youre drawn to and observing why. best ref! (thanks again btw, best feeling being on the receiving end of that. to be... astarion voice: Seen in the Eyes of Another)
I have studied (and continue to do so when i get the chance) figure drawing at my community college, which was a big leap. i ended up focusing a lot on the relationship between the ribcage/pelvis/flow of the spine at that time. still my favorite part of drawing lol. During my most recent artblock i started copying muscle anatomy pages from a Morpho book as a way to keep drawing without a proper fixation. which is great because i also love the weight of flesh :^D
if you'd like my 'woo-woo advice' it's to get lost in the process and less invested in the results. and never be embarrassed. it'll keep you drawing (behind every piece of successful fanart is a mountain of scrap drawings of Fictional Guy #2378 facing 3/4 left.) and its meditative!! cathartic? personally i like to have a song/playlist to keep up the emotion im trying to work out going throughout my drawing session. helps me tell if the expression im drawing feels 'right'
and on the topic of drawing off model--!! Anytime im onto a new character i do spend a few sessions tracing their proportions/copying their models. after i figure out more or less what about their original design makes that Character i like to lose the training wheels. artistic interpretation is more interesting for me to look at and create. and i think it frees you up to better convey a feeling. the more you draw something the more you settle into 'what works' but i never set out to draw the same way twice! usually never anyway
thank you again for taking time to observe my drawings, and relaying back what you saw and felt. it honestly makes my day(s) to the point i almost feel guilty about it
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holyplum · 25 days
real talk i have no motivation to make any renders i got artblock or smth cos why is it so hard to produce smth good i think its a mix of feeling not good enough its deadass so demotivating... im also not happy with my oc i kinda wanna switch it up a bit.. maybe add another, maybe lore idk yall im lost
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theeio · 9 months
Hello! I just want to say that I adore your art and how fluid and expressive it is! Do you have any tips on staying motivated when practicing? I notice whenever I try and do studies to improve I often lose motivation and get bored easily, haha
Hope your having a lovely day/afternoon/evening! 💕
T-T WWWWWEHHGHHng thank you so much, this means a lot aaah!!
and ooooh i totally understand! sitting down and doing studies are a toughie. im not sure if i have a concrete answer for you, but what helps me a lot is having something specific that inspires and interests me! ill keep this under the cut since it gets a little rambly
as an example, recently i came across this artist, krummavisur on twitter that has some of the most striking figures, such incredible shapes and silhouettes! couldnt get it out of my head. heres a link to the artwork plspls go check em out!!
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this inspired me to try making art similar to that!! but i didnt do it for what felt like the longest time, until the weekend when i was horribly artblocked and needed some warmups, so onto pinterest i went.
so in my brain, with those arts at the back of my head it kept going “silhouettes, the colour black, edgy, strong poses” so i tried looking for photos that had a vibe that description and kept poking around until i found a thread of photos that had exactly what i was looking for. heres a screenshot of what i saved
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then i tried going in and drawing what i saw, but this time with a specific focus on the silhouette, instead of all the details in the figure. these doodles are from a recent post i made. note how the lines i emphasised was the outline and the gaps between the figure!
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of course this isnt the best example but that had to be one of the most fun study sessions i had in a while, because it was focused and on something i genuinely enjoyed and wanted to learn better!
so my suggestion to try out:
find something specific you are not just inspired by, but obsessed with-and study that (eg. my passion for edge with strong shape language)
look up and gather a couple references that fits this specific need you have (eg. poking around pinterest to look for some photography with real edgy models)
Draw studies of them with those specific inspirations in mind. If you find it hard to focus while drawing, what helps me is putting on some music that keeps me pumped up and going, or maybe setting a 2min timer to get the drawings down. I always have a lot of fun doing quick pose studies :D
I think that should be it!! Feel free to give this suggestion a shot, or do it in a different way that works better for you! I really hope this helps in at least a tiny way for you, im wishing you well and all the best anon! have a wonderful day or evening wherever you are💞
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1800duckhotline · 1 year
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artblock is real and hard as a rock but not in a sexy way im trying to give salice some outfits
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honeybyte · 1 year
You have inspired me fully
I am currently working on a wallpaper for my phone of Altair bc apparently he's the only oc i care ab anymore. Like, it's been MONTHS and i almost exclusively want to draw it....I mean, it seems like my artblock is gone at least? Anyways, Dallas is a real cutie <3 His design is so cool, and all the pieces you make of him are absolutely gorgeous!
I've also been enjoying the pride series! I didn't know Adri and Frogmouth were t4t, but I am absolutely delighted by it. Have a good day!
!!!!! OHHHHHHH i hope you have fun!!! having personal artwork on your phone is smth else, esp when its your little being you've poured all your love and hard work into.
i'm glad you like Dallas!! he's my big himbo sweetie. originally i made him as a fan chara for twst as a play on tick tock the croc, but the more i work on him the more i love him and also discover i accidentally designed an alligator instead LMAO
and thank you!! ngl doing as many pieces as i did in the span of two weeks was exhausting so i think once i clear my drafts im done for the month. but its been fun and i'd like to make it an annual thing! being seen is a very important thing to me, i am as i am and i want to celebrate that, what better way to do that than w my ocs!
also for future reference: i may not outright state it but not a single oc i have is straight or cis. everyone is some flavor of lgbt
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solfinite · 1 year
i want to rant real quick, its not anything serious, just a personal art rant
ive always loved art, since like kindergarten, its something that i do alot and like to share. it helps me through depressive episodes and other troubles, it helps me fall asleep and i just do it bc i want to, etc.
i have other hobbies too, i love making music, playing games, reading, writing,, but those don't fully satisfy me
a few years ago, back in late middle school, or early high-school. i was talking with classmates. we were talking about hobbies and one mentioned that they noticed i draw alot, and asked if i do other stuff.
i said something along the lines of "yeah but i mostly draw" to which they responded "oh, thats kinda sad"
it hit me pretty hard. why was it 'sad'? i knew not to really listen to people like that but it stuck with me.and i started feeling self conscious that i drew daily.
i'd hold myslef back from posting when i made art and only would post every few days. i didn't like people knowing how much i drew. it made me really anxious at some times
and something i found hard to relate to alot of other artists i was friends with, follow or watch is,, not drawing. for whatever reasons they stop drawing, im mostly talking art block. as i just still doodle when i have artblock, bc i need to do something with my hands
and now i do just post whenever i have art but its still hard to not feel this weird guilt or distaste towards how often i draw
its ok if you draw alot and its ok if you don't, its ok if you rarely draw or in an artblock, or can't for whatever reason
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cottoncandyjester · 3 years
Your blog is an absolute delight to browse through <33333
I adore your OCs. They all have their individual quirks and seeing you write them is a treat.
If you are accepting requests, I was wondering if you could do some reverse comfort for your OCs? Where they're not having a good day and their s/o comforts them.
I love yandere content but I am still a sucker for that good wholesome stuff :).
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I absolutely love this
Also Was unsure if I should add salem in this cause a lot of people sent hate about him since i Introduced him cause he's disgusting but i did add him cause I love him and he needs love and support
Story contains: some angst, talk of self harm, fluffy fluff, soft boys
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You've never seen theo angry ever since you two got together but today he seemed to be stressed out, he was studying for a test and from the sounds of it he was going crazy. You walked towards the room only to hear a loud crash which made you jump and you rushed in
Theo had thrown his glasses across the room now sitting in the chair with his head in his hands a shaky sigh escaping him.
"im never going to get it, damn it.."
You looked at the papers scattered about and it looked like some intense stuff, you walked towards theo and hugged him from behind.
"take a break.."
Theo chuckled lightly before he leaned back looking in your eyes, it was clear he hasn't slept in a while.
"you know i can't do that angel, you get to bed though it's late"
You moved onto theo's lap which he allowed, he shivered lightly at the stern look in your eyes since he never seen you look this serious. He tried to settle your worries by giving you soft kisses on your neck but it seems you weren't easy to sway.
"theodore, I want you to get into bed with me and sleep right now."
The male sighed and looked at the clock on the study desk seeing it was about 2am, he did want sleep but he was far too worried about not passing to even think about it.
"sweetie, I have to study. How will I be a good husband if I don't finish college?"
"who says you arent already a good husband?"
Your words shocked him and he stared at you with a confused look before you lovingly wrap your arms around his neck and planting a soft kiss onto his lips.
"you're perfect theo, you don't have to constantly prove it okay? Don't ever doubt that."
Theodore was silent after that and he buried his face in your neck with a low hum, he truly didn't deserve you.
"you think I'm perfect?"
"of course I do, I love you so come and get some rest"
Theo decided to give in and lay down with you and for some reason when he did all those worries drifted away.
Hikaru didnt have time feeling sad, he was a model not to mention a public figure. He never lets you see that side of him unless it's to lash out at you but he onky does that in anger. Today was different, he was quiet today which Definitely wasn't like him
"hey, [y/n]?"
You looked up from your phone to look at the male who just got out the shower his hair still damp and he only wore sweatpants
"what's wrong? Want me to dry your hair again? You should put on a shirt before you get sick"
Hikaru said nothing and simply walked towards you and hugged you close making you both fall back on the bed, the shocked you and you started to pat hikaru on the back trying to get him off.
"h-hey! Are you okay? Are you sick?! Hikaru?!"
"I'm..sorry I'm really sorry, [y/n] dont leave cause I'm really sorry"
He was making zero sense and it only concerned you more but you heard sniffling which made you now freaked out so you softly pulled him back seeing tears rolling down his face.
"hey, why are you crying? What's wrong hikaru?"
The male sat up now sittinf on his knees and he kept his head down letting his hair cover his face as he tried to stop crying.
"I know you dont really love me, I'm mean and cold and awful. You want to leave don't you? But- but I don't want you to go! Im sorry I don't know how to love you i just don't know!"
Hikaru sounded an absolute mess and you didn't know where this was coming from but he simply out the male close into a hug letting him nuzzle his face into your chest as you played with his slightly damp hair.
"yeah, you are mean and cold..but I love you. You can be so sweet and really fun to be with, hikaru Im not going to leave no matter what"
"r-really? No matter what?"
"of course! After all without you my sense of style would be a mess!"
You heard a muffled chuckle escaping him as he hugged you tightly now resting his head on your chest
"you're an idiot."
With a cocky grin you poked his cheek earning a hushed whine of discomfort from you which you found adorable
"but I'm your idiot, so you're stuck with me!"
Axis is the type where he will tell you when he's sad, he's a crybaby so he will absolutely let you know when he needs comfort. So when the male popped up while you were thinking about what to do for dinner you figured he was feeling down
"what's wrong ax?"
"artblock..I have to come up with a new piece but i have nothing"
You gave a small hum before stopping and turned around wrapping your arms around him.
"well, how about we go on a date tonight we can go out to eat and do a bunch of fun stuff.."
"like fireworks?!"
You sighed loudly at your boyfriend's obsession with fireworks and decided to please him and his wishes
"we can get sparklers and small stuff okay?"
Axis smiled brightly and kissed your cheek over and over.
"date night date night!"
He started chanting like a child and you couldn't help but laugh at his antics but you were glad he wasn't sad anymore.
Prince hides his insecurities very well with flirting and smooth words, he likes you to think that he's all okay. you noticed he was far more clumsy today with things, it went from simply dropping things to full on tripping and falling.
Prince winced as he tripped and fell ontop of you earning an annoyed huff from you as you glared up at him for of his weird behavior that he brushes aside like its nothing
"prince what the hell is going on? You're being weird today"
Prince looked down at you before letting out a loud groan before nuzzling his face into your neck feeling quite embarrassed
"I'm scared..of our future"
"why would that scare you?"
Prince picked his head up and had a slight pout before he glanced away being unsure of how to put his words together.
"you're my first real serious relationship..what if I screw up?"
"oh princey.."
Your soft cooing made him even more embarrassed and he groaned while laying his face in your chest.
"you're amazing and great and I'm just..me!"
You simply messed with his hair finding his remark to be pretty dumb but you excused it cause he looked far too cute when pouty.
"prince, I love you forever and ever you aren't going to screw it up"
After a few minutes of silence he popped up and hopped to his feet with newfound energy
"you're right! I mean I'm pretty great! I bet you wanna marry me cause I'm so handsome!"
Well he was definitely back to normal
It honestly took you weeks to figure out yuki was upset cause he is the master of hiding his emotions. He never shows many emotions besides a smile when around you or a glare when around strangers.
of course he doesn't talk about his feelings at all either so you are blissfully unaware of how he feels, until he slipped up and finally broke.
You had come home from shopping when you noticed how quiet the house was which was normal but it had an eerie feeling to it.
"is he taking a nap? Hmm.."
You went to the room and opened the door to see yuki curled up in the bed, the light were off and he was pretty quiet so you assumed he was sleeping but as you started to get ready for a shower when a muffled sniffle made you turn back to yuki and you walked to him before softly moving the blankets only to get a slight sight of tears before he buried himself deeper into the pillow to hide.
You sat on the bed now fully invested in helping him but you had a feeling you knew what was wrong, you softly rubbed his back seeing that he was sweaty and slightly shaking.
"you have a nightmare?"
There was silence before he nodded and you simply laid next to him facing his back and softly touching his back your gentle touch being enough to cheer him up.
When he turned to face you his eyes were puffy yet had bags under them, his hair was a mess and he was breathing harshly from fear.
"wanna talk about i-"
You gave a sigh and simply cuddled against him and closed your eyes, his body stiffened but quickly relaxed before he held you close and closed his eyes
"just rest then. I'm here now okay?"
Yuki smiled as he buried his face in your hair taking in your scent and feeling his body settle against yours. He didn't need words of comfort or huge signs of affection this was all he needed..you being here helped him far more than any words can.
When salem breaks down it's heartbreaking and intense, he gets into these PTSD triggered panic attacks to the point where he just loses it.
You had left the house and left him alone, it was only for a few hours but when you came back the bedroom was trashed and salem was freaking out curled up in the corner.
"b-bad boy, very bad super bad..I've been so bad I'm so sorry sorry sorry sorry"
You rushed to him and sat on your knees infront of him seeing fresh bruises and marks on his face, he probably hurt himself again.
"salem, baby look at me"
"b-bad boy..bad boys deserve death"
He was definitely not listening and you totally needed to snap him out of it so you did the one thing you could think of...you slapped him.
It wasn't too hard but he definitely looked up at you in shock now focused on what you had to say.
"you're not in that dark place anymore salem, you're here with me and no one is dying okay?"
"b-but I'm a sinner, I'm disgusting, revolting, i-"
You cut him off by selling your lips against his roughly kissing him and settling him down.
When you pulled back you gave him a stern gaze not letting him spill anymore degrading words out.
"listen to me salem. I love you and all your weird quirks! I don't care what anyone else says you're my boyfriend and I love you more than anything okay?"
"y-your lips t-taste like sugar.."
With that he leaned forward trailing his tongue over your lips with a shaky laugh
"thank you, [y/n]"
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daaziscoolbesties · 3 years
i yearn for one(1) thing only, and that is to have a nice, simplistic, cartoonish artstyle. an artstyle that doesnt rely on anatomy, but the "movement" of the drawing, if you get what i mean.
i dont want realistic proportions and traditional colors and basic poses and gradient shading, i want funky lil dudes in funky poses with funky styles littering my sketchbook :( but alas i havent figured out how to develop that kind of style yet, my brain wants anatomy to look nice but also i dont want to draw eyes. i dont want to take time out of my day to learn how to draw lips i want to draw a line that extends past the characters face. i dont want all my characters to have pointy chins with curved cheeks i want their heads to be round and friend-like or full of sharp edges depending on their personalities and styles. i want to give them all not-quite human ears, blob feet, simple faces, but at the same time i want enough detail to convey the story or emotion im trying to tell.
ive spent so much time recently agonizing over how to use 3d model websites, using real-life references and tracing over them for practice, color-picking from real images to try and do realism and failing miserably, but you know whats easier than that? funky little dudes. little dudes who do not care if their legs are too long or their hair is too bouncy. i dont want my characters to look human.
ive spent enough time on the artfight website to realize that most people who classify their characters as "human" have the most basic ass designs (no offense to people who like basic human designs its just not my thing) or its like dnd-medieval style outfits which i cant draw for the life of me (ive tried). again no offense to people who actively enjoy and draw characters like that. i just need my dudes to have that certain,,, off-ness to them. tails are cool. wings are swag (especially if they arent even like,, fully attached,, ), elf ears are so wonderful to me no matter how much theyre overused, horns are so much fun to draw, and colors!! i have no knowledge in the color theory department so this works great for me!! the only thing i really know is dont shade with black, other than that i just colorpick from references usually but i dont want to do that!! i want the colors to hurt people's eyes but in a satisfying way. like the character's design is so nice to look at that you dont mind your eyes hurting a bit. like how im enjoying writing this post even though its 2 am and the brightness on my computer wont go any lower.
and then another thing ive noticed from being on the artfight website is that a lot of people classify their characters that are anthro/have anthro features under humanoids/monsters. like i made a google form to find some people to attack and someone sent me in a character with some sort of animal (wolf? idk) arms and legs. like dude!! peak character design i love her. but me personally? i cant draw that shit, its so hard for me. i tried a while back and its just Not my thing. nothing against furries i just. cant. and i dont want to either.
and i got another submission that i accidentally deleted that was like full anthro/wolf-like like my comrade,,, i cannot draw animals what makes you think i can draw an animal who acts like a human lmao. i can do like. very basic tails, and also animal ears but i cant do the arms and legs and such i just dont know the anatomy, and i know i was talking about how i dont want to care about anatomy but i feel like for anthros you really do need to know at least basic animal anatomy so you know how the limbs look and shit and i dont have that knowledge and dont feel like gaining it.
and then there were some submissions that i absolutely adored. there was one that like, was vaguely human shaped but definitely was not a human. they had a dark-ish lavender colored skin and horns and tusks and like goat ears and a sorta fluffy tail with spikes on it and they had wings and such and they were such a pleasure to draw i love them. and they had a fairly simple outfit too, nothing too complicated. and then i also enjoy object head characters, theyre so neato to me. i got one of those and i really wish i had the motivation to work on it cause it looks so fun.
i want to make funky characters but id have nothing to do with them because the only book i ever tried writing (key word tried - never got past planning it out) had strictly human characters in it, and most of the books i read are humans/humans with powers in situations specific to them so id have no idea what lore to make with the dudes. assuming i have the motivation to make lore and backstory because honestly i just really enjoy character designing its super duper fun.
(side note a song about trucks doing the deed came on just now and its interrupted my flow, apologies).
i only have three actual characters right now. one is an original roleplay oc whos design is literally athletic shorts, an oversized long sleeved grey sweatshirt, long purple hair, and demon horns. the second one is my persona whos design some sorta medival knight outfit kinda thing? but not ugly it looks really cool (idk one of my friends designed it bc i won some contest from him but the drawing was on a super small scale so idrk the details,,,) with a plague doctor mask and crown, and shoulder length wavy brown hair, dyed bright pink at the end. and then my last one im not too comfortable using other places because theyre a character my friend is using in the story hes writing, and thats really the only place theyve been used. but theyre easily my favorite and im already writing a ton so ill talk about them too.
they're a sorta elf species thing from another planet, with pale green skin and pointed ears. they also have a tail, its like,, super thin, but with a feathery bit at the end. probably not the texture of a feather but i dont know how else to describe it. they have short, curly, almost-draco-malfoy-blonde hair that when it gets too long they can put in a man bun. their eyesight is kinda shitty so when they got to earth, they were exploring some supply closets around the airship. drop off area. thing. like airport but for rocketships and also fancier. yeah. they were exploring that area and found a nice big pair of round glasses with grey frames. and they also found a cowboy-style hat and a sharpie so they wrote their name on the underside of the brim of the hat and stole the hat and glasses (but left the sharpie in the supply closet).
yeah theyre my favorite, my absolute beloved, my child, so cool. i want more characters like them but with maybe a bit more snazzier designs. theyre super cool and all but they could have more pizzazz if they werent in a story where its too late to give them more pizzazz. i just want to be able to give my characters thigh-high boots with a bunch of buckles and fluffy hair with tons of accessories crammed in and abnormally large and long ears that can harbor many piercings and horns that can hold rings on them and special little details on their outfits like who knows what but i dont have any characters to do that too, so i have to make them from scratch, which is always hard especially when you have artblock.
and i also have like 17 characters i need to fully draw, line, and maybe color for artfight before august 1st. so i dont know. i have many things to do and plenty of time to do it but instead i spend my time halfway watching repetitive youtube videos that get boring or sleeping all damn day because i stay up too late doing things like this or i just do nothing at all and its tiring and frustrating but i also feel nothing about it like theres no consequence if i dont do it besides you know. not doing it, not gaining that experience, not making something i enjoy.
so i should do it but i dont for whatever reason, i think its called executive dysfunction but im not sure. this post started out very differently than it ended and i said somewhere up there that i was writing this at 2 am but now its almost 3. this is so many words why couldnt i have put this energy into something productive
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trashwarden · 4 years
Have you ever felt as if drawing is against you? Now that you've progressed so much, did the feeling go away? I feel like whenever i draw something, the whole thing is against me. I get frustrated, annoyed and felt like I should just chop my hands away because it all felt wrong. Out of all the hobbies that i had that made me happy. Drawing is the only thing left for me. But it seems like even that wants to run away from me.
Now there is a thing I realized some time ago: every artist feels insecure about their art and sometimes its a real struggle for even the most professional artists out there.
Trust me. I have a pleasure of knowing many amazing artist, including professionals, whose art is just brilliant. Yet even they are having hard time. I'd even say that the more you expect from the piece and the more you pressure yourself, the harder it gets if the art doesnt meet your expectation. Especially if you start comparing yourself with others.
Truth is, any creative activity requires a lot of patience and practice and a diverse skillsets.
I dont even feel like I progressed much (thank you for that tho) but at this point I just want to draw the thing, even if my skills arent yet there - I can always redraw it later when Im more experienced. Heck, I wanna redraw the Trespasser comic for 3rd time now.
Anyways, draw what's fun for you, even if it's 108766 pictures of Dorian's profile. And if you feel artblocked, try to get a new perspective and consume other media. Books, animation, games, tv shows - all great, all expand your world. You find inspiration in weirdest places sometimes.
Also always use references because otherwise you make very frustrating mistakes. See that Life is Strange Zine preview i posted yesterday? Its cropped but Chloe is holding a cigarette. I had to google what a person having ciggie looks like because I suddenly realized I don’t know which side goes to the mouth lmao.
If you need some picking up try reading “Art & Fear: Observations On the Perils (and Rewards) of Artmaking”. It’s a short book that can be applicable to any creative process and shows perfectly that actually the struggles you feel are VERY universal. Get it through book depository shop - they have sales and free shipping worldwide: https://www.bookdepository.com/Art-Fear-David-Bayles/9780961454739
If you don’t want to spend any money have a free read about why it’s hard to draw form imagination (passive and active memory is really fascinating):
TL;DR don’t chop your hands off yet, many artists, pros and hobbyists, feel like “losers” when it’s coming to drawing. For me drawing is a real struggle - I want the end result, hate the process. But don’t give up and try to understand why you feel like that and how can you fix it 💪
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neitype · 3 years
and also, i wouldnt call it artblock but its like im not really able to draw anything easily right now unless its a personal project, i guess
im trying real hard though!
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m e m o r y d a n c e m i d o r i
LOL im sorry i havent gotten around to finishing his sprites, i got distracted and proceeded to have the worst artblock ever. I'll try working on them again real soon, although i still need to figure them out completely since its a little hard to imagine dance sprites for such a rigid looking dude
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yofriesenburg · 4 years
I’m back working at the office again. We were previously a work from home set up but our supervisor asked if there’s any volunteer to go back in the office.
I have issue with internet and it’s affecting my work so I volunteered. But at the same time, My main reason is because I dont really feel human again and I know I need to do something about myself because im the only and should be the one who could help myself and maybe going back to work even if Im kinda risking my health is a better option. (And if I ever got covid my only wish is for me to die quickly and painless like in my sleep or something like goddammit PLEASE LET ME REST IN PEACE)
I’m being inactive again, online and in real life. I’m having artblock and readersblock again, but 1 week of going to office is maybe ok. I am taking shower again and eating properly unlike before. And our office has really tight security and rules when it comes to safety and proper social distancing. At the very least I feel safe at the office. I just like the idea of going to work without having to interact or socialize with anybody. Like I dont have to force myself to pretend Im happy all the time and talk to my coworkers. Now, I can get free coffee, work in peace and i dont have to talk to anyone. That’s all I want in work LMAO
Sometimes, I think I should really go see a doctor and get myself fixed thru medicine or theraphy or something but that costs money and I defitely don’t have a luxury for that because I need to pay our bills and feed my siblings. And at the same time I feel like I’m just overreacting and just pretending to be this sad sad girl to get attention. I still doubt myself for having thse kind of thoughts and feelings. I can hear my friends voice already saying that there are people who are suffering and hurting more than I do, that I should just stop this nonsense, that I should stop acting like a teenager with an emo phase and be thankful. I’m trying I swear.
I don’t know how to end this. I think im feeling ok when I started going back to office than WFH set up because I have a reason to take a shower or something. I am able to sleep faster than before too, It still take some time but not like before that I almost couldn’t sleep. I still feel tired emotionally but at least my tiredness physically is overwhelming that so. I’m still worried about getting the virus but really I thought if I ever get sick, I just wish I have enough savings for my funeral so I gots to work hard.
I guess that is all...I will try to get back at drawing again. I have so many things I wanna draw but when I am infront of the canvas THOUGHTS ARE EMPTY lol.
I am playing Genshin Impact and I love it so much, I’ll probBly draw fanarts of them once artblock is gone...
So yeah, i guess that is all for now.
Maybe posting this shit is the only best option so if you are reading this, please don’t mind this. Just need to vomit some thoughts because life sucks
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