#im reading another fucking merthur fic
justaz · 3 months
me: i hate cliches. theyre so predictable and overdone. i just want something new-
every fic ever: character A confidently/impulsively kisses character B who freezes under their touch causing character A to panic and begin to pull back just as character B remembers themself and kisses back with a passion
me, born to ascend, forced to act casual by societal norms:
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mikkaeus · 3 years
fics across fandoms that i have reread >2 times that are >40k words:
(as you can maybe tell i am currently drowning in nostalgia) ((ok this is long as shit and no one’s gonna read it but does anyone remember the destiel fic a room of one’s own???))
merthur: lost count, would still reread: the student prince, the wasting game lost count but would probably not reread to the end now: pianos are made for falling, we are all diamonds lost count how many times i attempted to finish this series but always stalled before the end because it’s 1.3 million words and i always had to read it from the start each time: loaded march. i think i made it to like.. 700k the last and final time.
hp: here’s the pencil, make it work (drarry, ~4x), if them’s the rules (lost count. harry & tom riddle (platonic). the only wip here & the only one without a main romantic pairing. i’ve kept up with this for 6 years now. 200k words, stalled at 41/83 chapters that started in 2011, updated a little over a year ago. if it an update comes out ill cry)
johnlock: saving sherlock holmes (lost count), nature and nurture (~3x)
mdzs (exception: these are all n=2 and 20-40k mainly bc newer fandom + active author community on twitter resulting in it being easy to find many excellent fics, so im more inclined to cut down my tbr than reread): the montreal trip (sxx), attempting the impossible (wwx&jc), hunters seeking solid ground (wangxian)
honorary ments for extremely memorable fics: - a room of one’s own (destiel... the last time i read this would be nearly 6 years ago jesus. why do i remember so much of it. the wings. the car. the frolicking bunnies. cas lowering his blood pressure too much and nearly passing out. weapons grade denial and miscommunication. it really had it all.) - stop my heart by wowoashley (taek00k) (don’t ask. though if anyone knows/remembers the drama im all ears bc i remember one time i got super obsessed with trying to figure out what happened w/this author but now ive forgotten again) - fucking beijing (i cant remember the actual title) (merthur. i am still in love with this. all-time favourite under 20k.) - alone in the water (johnlock. was this the first time i ever cried reading fic???) - that one sterek fic where stiles is a broke college student and he makes meals in tupperwares for derek for $$. (i actually read quite a few sterek fics in like 2014 but none of them made that much of an impression on me) - codename MONSTER (chanba3k (EXO). eternal wip i believe. this was in 2017? i was so enamoured with this universe that i offered to beta (another fic) for the author so theyd write faster. that’s when i found out that perfectionism combined with a lack of imagination does not mix very well with beta-ing.
(censored the kpop ones bc i dont want to draw the attention of rabid fourteen year olds)
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bellamyblakru · 3 years
HEYYYYYYY i’m so excited to respond to ur ask it made me so happy to see u in my notifs and i’m so excited for u for ur milestone! anyways i kinda want all of them but i decided to cut down to 🥺 :)))) 👀 pls rant i will read it all and ☕️ for morgwen andddd manon from the tog books. <3 <3 :*
HEY AMY!!! i hope you had a lovely day today🥺thank you for the ask💞
🥺- for my mutuals, ill talk about why i follow you and why everyone should be as well
omg im pretty sure i met and started following you like the day of that bellamy scene™️ because i remember thinking how fucking horrendous that episode ended, and, at the same time, how amazing that night on tumblr was aksnakaaj. so that night, tumblr was a fucking disaster and chaotic and funny asf. i remember texting @tkstrrand the entire ep (bc she couldn’t watch it for some reason) like how boring it was/how she wasn’t missing much blahblah and then when the death scene happened at the last fucking second, i sent her about a thousand separate incoherent texts in the span of like two minutes LOL tumblr was in shambles and i made a few posts about how fucking dumb the show was—one post i made i told my few new followers to fuck the 100 and just watch merlin and you texted me about it!! we have literally so much in common (with merlin, atla, the 100, tog!!!) that when you texted me about how you felt about that scene compared to merlin’s ending, my thought was like “this blog is so kind and we feel the same way and i need to follow asap.”
you are literally so sweet and lovely to talk to🥺that night™️ may had been disastrous, but i can look on it with a lighter heart because we met because of it!! every time we talk i always smile so much (and dw, i know i still have to get clone wars for our boy anakin👀👀)
dude, everyone should be following you because your blog is incredible, your tags are superb, and you are literally one of the sweetest people i’ve met on here😭💞 i adore you.
👀 - and ill tell you a parallel from merlin or the 100 that still fucks me up
this post for merthur still FUCKS ME UP by @camelotsheart
☕️ + send me a ship/character/movie/book and ill give you my opinions on it
my opinions on morgwen:
I LOVE IT SO MUCH. I SHIP IT WITH MY WHOLE ASS SOUL. dude, their potential as a ship is incredible😭i fucking love them together. i wrote them as a side pairing in my first multi-chapter merthur fic and i adored writing their interactions and dynamic sm. if morgana was going to be with anyone, my first choice will always be gwen. i also read them as a pairing in fics all the time because the pure power-couple potential is insane.
hot ☕️ here™️: i think if someone was to bring morgana back from the brink of hatred, it should have been gwen (not merlin). so, like, i could definitely see merlin telling her about his magic and whatnot and maybe that would have stopped her from going dark side...but...i didn’t think merlin should have (ekk probably an unpopular opinion).
see, i love merlin with my entire heart..and tbh telling uther fucking pendragon’s ward that he had magic was just too much of a gamble—especially with arthur’s life on the line, which literally became merlin’s sole purpose in life (another matter for a different essay™️). i understand his need to keep it a secret from her even more when the large reptile repeatedly got into merlin’s head that she was bad news from the jump (also another matter for a different essay™️).
SO. that leaves two options for our miserable magical gal: arthur or gwen. now, i honestly believe arthur wouldn’t have hurt her if he was told. and i even think he may have became more sympathetic to the magical community because of it—especially when he saved mordred wayyyy early on that cemented the fact that arthur was not uther. but i can also understand why morgana wouldn’t tell arthur, and it’s pretty much the same reason merlin didn’t tell her about his magic: the risk was too big and she didn’t want to gamble her life with an unknown reaction.
now we get to the main point: gwen would have been the best option for her. whether it is platonic or not, gwen was always there for morgana. gwen is such a kind, loving soul, and she deeply respected and adored morgana—you can tell by the way she smiled around her in the beginning seasons, how she would get her flowers, how she would worry about morgana’s wellbeing. even though gwen was morgana’s servant, she cared for her in more ways than were required and it showed. they were best friends. the entire incident with gwen’s father, which was horrendous, might be the reason gwen would be rightfully upset about the subject of magic; however. she knew her father wasn’t magical, she knew uther was a tyrant, and she knew morgana’s heart. someone is gonna tell me that if morgana had explained to gwen what happened, how her magic was innate, how morgana would never fucking choose to have magic anywhere near her shithead guardian (who probably would have killed her imo if he knew bc you know the whole “fire will purify” bullshit), that gwen would hate her??? I MEAN LITERALLY WATCH THE LAST EPISODES AGAIN. when QUEEN GWEN realizes that the whole time it was merlin saving everyone’s asses, and she connected all the dots, her face showed nothing but pure understanding and acceptance.
gwen was such an underused character. her fucking potential arcs could have been phenomenal (again, LOL, another matter for a different essay™️), and the way canon made morgana use gwen was fucking gross and im not a fan🙃 but fuck canon. i ship them and i love them to pieces ✌🏻thank you for coming to my talk✌🏻
my opinions on manon mf blackbeak:
oh boy, where do i start? i would die for her...is that too extreme for the starting place? i fucking LOVE manon blackbeak dude. oh my god, so, remember when her and aelin fought for the first time in QoS? i remember jumping up from my lounging position with my hand over my smiling mouth because i love both of these badass hardcore women with everything i am. i mean, aelin owns my ass (she is probably my favorite character of all time rn) but manon hits differently. her storyline at the beginning was so bleh, but, man, did it escalate fast to “holy shit” to “i fucking love her” to “oh fuck im sobbing.”
the only thing i will complain about with her character in canon was the fact that my girl was straight???? excuse me?? she has been alive for fucking forever and she is straight? no. i cant accept that. tbh i ship manon and elide🥺 (i also ship dorain and chaol oops). but her character development was everything and i cant think too long on what happens because i will start crying tbh sksjsmakks
okay wow im so sorry for, uh, spilling every thought i had into this. it legit took me like a day to respond 😔
i appreciate you so much. thank you🥺💞
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Fandom=Merlin// Ship=KaixMax // Character=Mariah
oh my fucking god im actually replying to one of these thank you universe
EVERYTHING AT ONCE gems doesn’t want me to work today XDDDDD
took me 45 minutes - WORTH IT.
Fandom: Merlin
Favorite character: Probably Merlin. Or Gwaine. 
Least Favorite character: Idk, everyone love to hate Uther right?? I never understood everyone liking Leon. Bland McBlanderson. 
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Merthur (Merlin/Arthur, Merlin/Lancelot, Merlin/Gwaine, Merlin Morgana, Merlin/Gwen/Morgana. Additional ones because fuck numbers: Merlin/Gwen/Lancelot, Merlin/Gwen/Arthur. 
Character I find most attractive: MERLIN. CHEEKBONES AND CRYING.
Character I would marry: Gwen
Character I would be best friends with: Gwen! Lancelot also seems like great best mate potential. 
A random thought: this show frustrated me so very, very much lol for its insistence on the status quo. Also fun fact that I once sat down and worked out - because of all the timeskips between series, the in-universe duration is about ten years. 
An unpopular opinion: I have no idea what’s unpopular in this fandom lol. I ship Morgana/Morgause, tumblr probably hates that?? 
My canon OTP: NA. I grew to quite like Arthur/Gwen, but it’s not OTP. 
Non-canon OTP: I wrote Merthur first, but actually I am a real sucker for Merlin/Lancelot. I wrote a oneshot about it, after Lancelot’s initial death, how Merlin’s ability to be open with Lancelot about his magic really gives a depth to their relationship. You can read that here, if you want.
Most badass character: MERLIN Gwen has some very cool moments too. 
Pairing I am not a fan of: I can live without the canon ships, and I am annoyed by the lack of really GOOD Gwen/Morgana. Don’t just throw them together because it meshes well with Merthur argh. They deserve better. Oh wait, better answer, do people still ship Leon with Morgana?? I never understood that. 
Favourite friendship: Merlin and Gwen!! And Merlin and Lancelot. And season one Morgana and Gwen, though it’s very shippy lol. 
when or if I started shipping it. Aha fuck THAT, let’s go with when I first wrote a fic for them ... ok so that would be this in 2008. So, idk, Around then. 2007?? Idk. 
What makes me happy about them: *flails at the above sentence* Also I like that they constantly show friendly respect towards each other in canon, and aren’t hung up on “life or death rivalries” towards each other. 
What makes me sad about them: Idk?? Do I have sad thoughts about them?? I don’t think so??
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: I haven’t read enough of them, believe it or not lol. I’ve read a few that treated Max as too childlike and innocent though - same complaints as all Max fans have lol.   
Things I look for in fanfic: oh god I haven’t read Beyblade fic in SO FUCKING LONG. Believable characterisation (doesn’t have to be perfectly IC, I just have to believe that they could get there). Sex would be nice. Most of the Kai/Max fics I’ve read are just fluff. 
My kinks: *adjusts question to What kinks would work for these characters? because aha the two questions are not the same*: I do see Kai as a sub, which is absolutely tied into the way I enjoy whumping him and seeing him brought weaker than how he is displayed in canon. #problematicMaz2020. He has a hidden humiliation kink and a blindingly obvious praise kink, likes his handcuffs and feeling helpless. I think Kai would learn to both top and bottom for fireplay; I think the thematic drama would suit him down to the ground. I don’t really see Max as his D-type, but a service top? Max could do that. Max is very open-minded and up for trying pretty much anything. I love the idea that as a result of this, Max is much more experienced when they start introducing kink into their sex life. 
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Guys I have so many ships this is just impossible. Ok, Kai is fairly easy - my original OTP was Kai/Ray. Also I like the idea of Tala/Kai (now Tala could Dom Kai, though omfg would Kai enjoy being a brat) but not the way that it tended to be written about ten years ago lol, which was making Tala somewhat of a camp gay guy, and/or giving them Abbey childhoods together. Let the Demolition Boys have their shared Abbey trauma. Kai’s was a different occurrence/type, imo. Max ... fuck you I ship Max with almost everyone under the sun. I’m going to write down my two favourite Max crack ships, which are Max/Oliver and Max/Ming-Ming, just so that you can all see them too lol. 
My happily ever after for them: idk?? Kai helps Max grow the beyshop business? idk. I’m here for the  cute and then the sex ok, I have simple needs. 
How I feel about this character:I love her!! She knows what she wants and she’s not afraid to go and get it. 
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Replace ‘romantically’ with ‘sexually’. Imagine a lot of these as PWPs. 
All of the girls, yes that includes Judy once Mariah’s old enough, Ray, Rick, Romero once Mariah’s old enough yes I have an age gap kink why do you ask, Enrique. I used to attempt Kai/Ray/Mariah a lot, but couldn’t get Kai and Mariah to stop hating each other enough for more than a PWP ...
My non-romantic OTP for this character: You leave fandom for like 8 years and then they start saying “non-romantic OTP” wtf, they’re  just BFFs. Julia and Mathilda! :D
My unpopular opinion about this character: I headcanon her as getting fat. Because fat can be sexy too. I’m also a Kai/Ray shipper from like 2005 who never dragged her down to big up my OTP. That was rare, back in the day.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: Oh don’t we all wish her blading in G-Rev had been different??
My OTP: Ooooh I really don’t know. I tend to default to Ray/Mariah. Mariah/Mariam is fun, though difficult to keep straight, too many Ms lol. 
My OT3: Mariah/Julia/Mathilda. Because Julia/Mathilda is VIRTUALLY CANON. 
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