#imagine loving your colleagues this much. wish that were me.
suiheisen · 1 year
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the core + their 1000th game wedding vows
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guardarecheluna · 5 months
Wishing you were here tonight is like holding on. (CEO!H)
Words; 11.6K (look at me gooooo!)
Warnings: Fluff city, angst, parent death, smut (oral; fem rec. praise, penetrating sex.)
Summary: Harry has a brand-new employee at Pleasing. An employee that he fell in love with the minute he saw her, that he constantly had to hide his emotions from, because, well, he was the boss.
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A/N: My first CEO!Harry one shot!! Eeeek I’m so excited for you to read this one, I’ve worked really hard on it, and I’ve always wanted to write about CEO Harry. I love him already; I hope you do too! If you read, please let me know what your favourite part was or talk to me here. I’m always open for conversations <3 (ALSO! This is my first time writing any smut, so be kind please) Take care and go easy on yourself this week. Elle x
March 2018
Harry is a good boss. Really, he is. He always stands up for his staff members, approving vacation days without much trouble and brought in pastries to the creative meetings.
He would maybe even be described as a happy, joyfull person, kind and engaged in what his staff was creating and how they were doing. And he was, but it was mostly a façade.
And it wasn’t that he didn’t feel joy around his colleagues, or that he was faking it to gain something else – Harry was just miserable in his personal life.
You would think it is impossible to be sad and to feel hopeless when you have a multi-million-pound company at the ripe age of 34, the cars, the women, the parties and all the vacation days he could ever want. But Harry wasn’t that shallow, he never had been. He wanted connection. Craved and yearned for a soulful connection with someone else. A lover, a soulmate to be his own, and not just a one-night stand or a drunken philosophical debate with whoever was available.
Harry sat in his penthouse suite, in the lounge. The penthouse was eerily quiet, apart from a few raindrops smattering against the glass of the windows. The sky looked as dreary and sad as he felt on the inside, his chest tightening and a furrow between his brows as the thought about her. There wasn’t a her yet, but when Harry sat there on his sofa, tie loose around his neck and clammy hands resting on his thighs, he couldn’t help but imagine her there with him.
He wasn’t going to cry though, have a breakdown or feel sorry for himself; it didn’t do him any good, even if it was all he needed right now. He almost called his mom, ready to confess his loneliness, his longing, empty, fragile heart, in hopes that his mothers love could glue at least a few pieces back together.
There was no use, though. He could feel himself falling deeper and deeper into the feeling of loneliness, his head leaning back over the arm of the couch.
A sudden phonecall woke him up from this circle of evil he found himself in. It was Niall, his COO, and best friend, the co-founder of Pleasing. Harry took a deep breath, readying himself for answering Niall’s phone call. It was past 8pm on Wednesday, if anything he wanted to go have a drink at a shitty bar somewhere and drag on about his ex-girlfriend. Harry couldn’t have that tonight.
Harry pressed answer and put on his façade, like he always did when there was possible business to oversee. “Hey, Niall.” Harry said, putting on his calmest, most stable voice. “Heeeeey there H! Sorry to bother you at this hour, I may have done something stupid, but I want you to hear me out before you get pissed, you hear me?” Niall enthused over the phone. Harry sighed, falling back on the sofa with the phone to his ear. This could be anything, it could be that he sold his part of the company to the devil himself or that someone put roses instead of tulips at the entrance of the building. “What did you do, Niall?” Harry let out, already feeling defeated with how his evening was going. His hand over his forehead, bracing himself for what was about to come out of Niall’s mouth. “It could be worse, Styles, I’ve done worse than this. So, you know how we were going over the applications for the new senior creative for cosmetics and design earlier?” Niall led on. “Yes.” Harry replied shortly. “Well, a very interesting application just got through a few hours late and I’ve already called her and set up an interview for tomorrow afternoon. Her resume looks incredible, she’s just leaving her post at Rare beauty and has previously worked as a creative at Milk makeup. She does marketing, press, design and has so many other skills, I just couldn’t put down her application without giving her a chance. If she’s anything like what’s mentioned in her resume she’ll-“Niall rambled on, Harry interrupting him, annoyance filling his head, although Niall didn’t deserve the blow of it. “Niall. We have a full day of interviews tomorrow, and you just booked another one until late. We don’t have time for this, I’m sure someone we’re interviewing can do all those tasks just as well.” Harry just wasn’t feeling it, at all. He didn’t care if Niall had just found the rarest gem in the industry, his workday was over at 5 and not a minute later. With how much brainpower has gone to his depressed mood and anxiety, he couldn’t bear the thought of staying until at least 6:30 on a Thursday. “Harry, I don’t know what to tell you, but I have a feeling about this one. I can stay and do the interview on my own if it bothers you that much. I just want us to give her a chance.” The line got quiet. Niall knew he had messed up not checking with Harry first, but his gut was telling him that this girl might be right for Pleasing. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Niall.” Harry plainly said and hung up the phone. Harry threw his phone on the couch, not wanting to even think about how drained he’ll be tomorrow as he went for his evening shower.
The next day dragged on, Harry keeping a big smile on his face for every new applicant that came through the door. There were a few possible hires, definitely, but with the final interview coming up, Harry felt the day wash over him as he waved goodbye to the one applicant they had just finished interviewing.
Their floor was pretty much empty now, just a few staff members hanging around and talking about their day. Harry needed a coffee to be able to finish strong, he didn’t want to leave Niall to do the final interview himself, even if all he wanted right now was to get a takeout and then get straight home. “Do you want anything?” Harry mumbled to Niall as he rose from his seat beside him, making an exit for the door of his office. There was still a few minutes remaining until the last applicant was supposed to be interviewed. Niall didn’t look up as he just said, “No thanks, mate.” And continued reading through the next applicant’s personal letter and information.
Harry walked out into the hall, hearing cheerful laughter down by the offices as he made his way through. His eyes zeroed in on the end of the hallway, the coffee machine calling out his name. “Hi, Sorry, can I just ask you something?” A sweet, nervous sounding voice came from behind him. Harry turned around and was met with what was probably the most stunning woman he had ever laid his eyes on. His breath caught in his throat, cheeks already flushing just by looking at her. She was the most beautiful creature he’d ever seen. Harry realized he had been quiet for a few seconds to long and kicked himself back into gear. “Of course, what can I help you with?” He got out, flashing his sweet smile at her. He got a chance to study her features, her outfit. Her full lips as she smiled, eyes bright and curious as she looked right at him. He felt like he had won the lottery, just by looking at her, his chest was on fire. She was wearing a fun, colourful outfit that was still business casual, a few cartoonish looking enamel pins on her blazer pocket. Creative she was. “I’m sorry to be a bother, I think the receptionist has already left. I have an interview for the senior creative position here and I’m just lost looking for Horan and Styles offices. Do you know where I can find them?” She smiled at him, a hopeful, kind look in her eyes as she awaited his answer. Harry immediately felt disappointment, if she was looking for work at Pleasing, he couldn’t even think about looking at her the way he was right now. Harry reached his hand out. “I’m the Styles you’re looking for, it’s nice to meet you…” He looked at her with a questioning look, not yet having heard her name. “Oh! This couldn’t be more perfect! It’s Y/N Y/L/N.” She bubbled with joy, reaching for his hand and shaking it. “It’s really good to meet you Y/N, you can call me Harry, everyone here does.” He smiled at her; he really couldn’t help it at this point.
“I was going to get some coffee before our meeting, we still have…13 minutes. Do you want anything?” Harry continued, looking down at his wristwatch to catch the time. Her shoulders slumped in relief, maybe partly relaxing because of his kind demeanour and kind offering. “I-yes, coffee sounds like it’s exactly what I need right now. Thank you, Harry.” She said lightly, with a giggle in her voice. Harry doesn’t think he’s ever heard such a beautiful sound in all his life, and she had managed to worm her way into his heart and make an impression bigger than the other 5 applicants had made combined. They walked together to the coffee machine, small talking about visions and dreams for the company and why she sent in her resume to work for them. And Harry, Harry was in trouble.
Harry was light on his feet as he stepped into the lift at Pleasing HQ this morning, because he was in love. His whole life had transformed in just a matter of months, no longer feeling the lonely, bitter thoughts taking over him at night. He was in his own world of pink rose petals falling from the sky, rosy cheeks and laughter echoing in his head. He felt like he way going crazy, and maybe he was. Y/N had obviously gotten the position as a senior creative. After she left her interview, Harry was just obsessed with her. With what she saw for the company’s future, her laugh and kindness, her witty humour.
Y/N had been working for pleasing now for the last three months, taking it all in stride and charming the whole office with her tactics and energy; Harry had never seen anyone so passionate about their job, so caring about the people around her. She was the perfect puzzle piece.
There was just one issue.
Y/N had no idea about any of this. Or, maybe she could’ve guessed. Niall had to tell him how obviously in love he was with her, and that he had to get his ducks in a line or there would be issues. Dating a co-worker, especially as a boss was frowned upon, however not forbidden.
Harry just couldn’t stop thinking about her, ever. And they were friends, really good friends. Having lunch together, always getting stuck in conversation at their after-work gatherings, and Harry always did an extra round by the offices in the afternoon just to have an excuse to talk to her. Maybe she saw right through him, but he’s not sure he minded it. He was desperate to be a part of her world at this point, just to have a little piece of her, even if he couldn’t have her in the way he so desperately craved. This was going to have to be enough. It was like Harry had accepted his fate of this unrequited love, but he couldn’t really complain as long as she was still in his life. He didn’t feel sad about it anymore, it wasn’t that heartache he had felt previously, he had accepted that he had found his person, but that he was never going to have her. It was alright, he decided.
Y/N was doing a big pitch today, her first one. She had ben scrambling around for the first three months trying to learn everything about the company, the values, the staff and the consumers to really get an idea of what they were wanting to put out. She had worked hard, stayed some late nights to finish a mood-board or sketch a new design for something.
And Y/N was excited. Nervous for sure, but mostly excited to show everyone her interpretation of what Pleasing could become.
Harry spotted her in their conference room as he entered the floor. A smile on his lips immediately after seeing her setting up some snacks for everyone and trying to get the projector to work. He knocked on the slightly open door. “Morning, there! You need help with anything before we kick off?” Harry offered as he leaned against the doorframe. Y/N hastily turned around from the table she was standing on, trying to fix the cord to the projector that was not doing it’s best work today. She jumped down, straightening out her clothes and sighed. “I think most of it is all set, I just can’t seem to pull down the screen for the projector though, and you seem like a tall enough lad.” Y/N jokingly said to him, eyes scrunching and her little crow’s feet by her eyes showing. Harry loved every detail of her. “Course, love.” Harry replied as he walked over to the front of the room and pulled down the screen, easy as pie. “Thank you, H.” She said, now focused on her laptop screen, and fingers picking nervously at her lips. “You’re going to do incredible; I know it. Don’t have to be nervous, it’s just the staff and you know all of them.” Harry said, catching her nervousness as he’d known her for years. “Hm? Oh, yeah, I’m a little nervous, but everyone here is so nice, I have trouble believing I’ll be roasted by any of you.” She answered. He noticed that she never replied to his compliment about her being incredible. Sweet girl, Harry thought, she’s too nice and too sceptical of her own ability, she’s absolutely incredible at what she’s doing. Just as he was about to repeat himself, affirming his trust in her, the other staff started to trickle into the room. Harry hadn’t even put away his coat since he got here, he just went straight to Y/N. “Oh shit, give me a minute, yeah? I’m just going to put away my things, I’ll be right back.” Harry excused himself from the room, but not before hearing, “Hurry up, bossman, you’ve got to minutes to business-time!” Y/N shouted after him, earning a giggle from the people in the room. Harry just smiled to himself as he shook his head in adoration before walking over to his office.
She did so good. Of course she did. She had nothing to be nervous about, and she charmed the whole office with her visions and imagination of future products. She had put fourth an idea about more homegoods, candles, pyjamas and blankets. She had even went so far as to research materials, resellers for those materials and always making sure to stay true to the company’s values according to fair trade and labour rights. Her presentation was also funny, It barely felt like a meeting, she was just so naturally comedic, and Harry absolutely adored her. He sat way in the back, leaning back on his chair and twiddled with his shirtsleeve, looking like a lovesick puppy. Her every move and her every word entrancing him and pulling him deeper and deeper into her trenches. Although, he’d happily go down.
Just as Y/N finished, everyone cheered and clapped for her, everyone was proper impressed by her ideas and research, and couldn’t wait to get started with things. Harry stayed in the back, listening to everyone talk and share their ideas, budgets, raw material ideas and colourswatches. Harry was so proud of her. Everyone slowly left the room, congratulating Y/N on her impressive work, giving her hugs and encouraging words. Harry was the last one there. He was wearing a big, dimply smile as he walked up to her. “You have no idea what you just started, did you hear everyone? You’re fucking amazing, Y/N I don’t even know what to say. I’m so, so impressed.” Harry said, the smile never leaving his lips. If he didn’t know better he’d congratulate her with all the kisses she’d want. Y/N was blushing, her cheeks turning rosy as she looked up at him. “Thank you, Harry. I’m so relieved everyone liked it and that you’ve been here to support me, I really couldn’t have done any of this if you weren’t there so I could ask all those stupid questions.” She replied, humble as always. Harry got stuck in her eyes, just nodding to her. “Celebratory lunch? On me?” Harry followed up with, the blush never leaving her cheeks. “I’d like that.”
Another 4 months had passed, and Harry fell just fell deeper and deeper into the sticky sweet lovecloud he was constantly in. It was dreary and dark out, the middle of November as Harry made his way into the office, preparing for their regular staff meeting, when he noticed Y/N was nowhere to be found. A pang of worry beat through his chest. Had she called in sick? Maybe she got in an accident on the way here? Harry felt his heart beating out of his chest in worry for his favourite girl; and just like that his phone went off. It was her.
He’s never answered his phone so quickly in his life. “Hey, there, I was beginning to wonder where you were.” Harry said immediately with a smile teasing on his lips, waiting to hear her voice. The line was quiet on the other end, he could hear her breathing and some rustling of something in the background. “Love? You there? Are you alright?” He said, softening his voice for her, the worry back in his chest as he stepped aside from a few other co workers and into his office, closing the door. “Harry…I’m sorry to call so late in the workday, I-i just don’t know what to do, i-.” He heard her crying over the phone, clearly upset, her breathing irregular and voice shaky. “Shhh, it’s okay love, take a deep breath for me, yeah? Tell me what’s happening, are you alright?” Harry was pacing in his office, wanting to demand her to tell her what was wrong, but he kept his voice gentle for her. He felt his pocket for his car keys in case he had to come get her. He would do anything. “It’s my dad, my dad has- he passed away in the night, and th-they don’t know what happened, I just I ca-can’t come in today so, so I was just…can I-I work from home today, is that o-okay?” Harry’s chest was aching as he listened to her tearful voice. Silly girl, working from home when something like this happened. He couldn’t allow it, and all he could think about was seeing her, wrapping her up in his arms to shield her from the pain she was experiencing. “Listen to me, Y/N, everything is going to be alright. I’m so sorry about your loss, I am so, so sorry. You’re not working today, or tomorrow, you’re going to take the week off and go see your family, do you understand?” He tried to be as gentle and clear as possible so her foggy brain could understand his words. “Do you have someone there with you?” Harry continued, biting his nails in worry for the sweet girl he had fallen so hard for. Harry already knew her answer, her family lived a plane ride away and she was pretty new in London, not yet having made a steady base of friends to look after her. She didn’t protest when he said she wasn’t going to work this week. “No-no. I’ve already booked a flight home, but it isn’t until the weeken-nd.” She stuttered through her tears. “Can I come see you? I just want to make sure you’re alright.” He said immediately, taking any chance he could to care for her. “It’s, it’s okay, Harry. You’re busy, and i-I’m a mess anyways. Thank you for l-letting me out of work tho-though, I’ll make it up to y-you.” She said, but he knew her better than this by now. He knew she’d never ask for help, even if it was from a friend, and just the fact that she called him instead of her closest boss, or Niall for that matter, made his cheeks warm, they were friends first, he decided then.
“Don’t worry a second about work right now, I’m never too busy for you, you know that. I’m going to excuse myself from the meeting and I’ll be at yours in 30 minutes, alright?” He said gently, her heavy breathing on the other side. “It’s going to be okay, doll, I’ve got you.” Harry continued as he grabbed his coat from the hanger and fished his keys out of his pocket, not letting go of his phone for a single second. “Thank you, H.” She just said, as they hung up and Harry was sprinting through the office building to get to the meeting he was supposed to attend minutes ago. He peeked his head through the glass door. “Sorry everyone, Niall can I borrow you for just a second? Important.” Their staff was all very kind and gentle people, Niall excused himself as small talk was rolling around in the meeting area. The staff not wanting to intrude on their conversation. “Y/N’s father has passed away, and she needs a friend right now, she’s all alone and her family lives a plane ride away. I just got a call from her, and she needs someone, will you be handling the meetings for today?” Harry said as he buttoned his coat up, barely looking at Niall, cause all he could think about was her, her, her. Niall put on a knowing smile, but not without feeling his chest tighten for one of his favourite colleagues. “Of course, mate, that’s so shit to hear. Be gentle with her and give her a hug from all of us, yeah?” Niall said, looking for eye contact with Harry. They weren’t a super big company, they were around 20 people and everyone knew each other well, including Y/N. Niall thought he’d tell them she wouldn’t be in for the rest of the week. “I will be, good luck, I’ll phone you tonight.” Harry said, already halfway to the lift as he harshly pressed the buttons in attempt to get a move on, faster. Niall gave harry a smile and nodded. He had to know exactly what Harry was feeling, he was a shit liar and could see right through him.
Harry sped off to Y/N’s apartment, making no stops and pushing the gas a little extra to get to her as fast as he could. He almost ran up the flight of stairs to her apartment, out of breath as he knocked on her door.
And there she was. Still the most beautiful person he’d ever known, despite the tears staining her face, her messy hair and pyjamas still on. It was like another wave of tears hit her the minute she saw Harry, it was like now that he was here, she was going to be okay. “Hey, doll, I’m so sorry.” Harry said as Y/N crashed into his arms, her body heavy and limp from the crying, panic and absolute bottomless darkness she found herself in. Harry had shivers running down his back, just being able to hold her like this, comfort her. His arms wrapped around her, his cheek pressing to the top of her head as he breathed her in and continued whispering affirming words to her. Without letting go of her, Harry stepped them inside her apartment, closing the door behind him with his foot. “Shhh, I’m sorry, I’m so, so sorry, love.” He continued, pulling her head out of his chest and tear stained shirt, his thumbs drying her cheeks and looking her in her eyes. “I know it’s difficult right now, but I’m here to help, alright? C’mon, let’s get you settled, yeah?” He continued. She couldn’t have possibly missed his loving gazes and soft language. She couldn’t have possibly missed how he without any doubt took her into his chest to calm her down. She couldn’t have possibly missed how Harry’s heart was beating out of his chest when he held her so close.
Harry took her into her lounge, witnessing a mess of tissues, her open laptop and a now ice-cold cup of tea on the table. Y/N was still burrowed in Harry’s chest, searching for any kind of comfort she could find. In this moment, she didn’t care that he was her boss, that he had hired her months before to be an addition to his very successful team of workers. She knew it was a strange situation to be in, and to be such good friends with your boss, but with her being so new to the London, sha wanted to grab and hold onto the people she had. And Harry was a very special friend to Y/N, she really liked him as a friend, but it was difficult to not harbour feelings for the man, affectionate, kind and clever as he is. She tried her best to keep things as casual as possible between them, but she was stumbling in the dark right now, looking for whatever lifeline she could grab, and Harry showed up. Of course he did.
Harry settled her down in the lounge, now on a mission to do whatever he could to make her feel at least a little bit better. He wanted nothing more than to hold her, kiss her, stroke her wild hair and paint soft circles on her skin with his fingers but he had to draw a line. He couldn’t use this situation to his advantage, this wasn’t about him and his feelings.
Harry knew her well by know, she couldn’t function in a messy environment, so he took the first step, that was deemed appropriate enough, and started cleaning up and cozying up her lounge area. He removed all the tissues, wiped down her table and made her a new steaming hot cup of tea. He lit a candle, and put on some soft, but not too sad music for her in the background. She protested, of course, not wanting to bother him, it was almost embarrassing that he had to take care of her in this way; but for Harry it was an act of pure love. Of course he would do absolutely everything and anything for her, even if it was picking up her snotty tissues.
As he finished, he settled down on the other side of her sofa where she was laid down. Her crying had settled, she didn’t have a single tear left in her eye. At this point he was just staring at the candle in front of her, trying to focus her energy on something else other than the trainwreck that was her current situation. Harry sighed as he looked over at her. “Thank you for being here, Harry.” Y/N mumbled quietly, not letting her eyes drift away from the flame. “You don’t have to thank me; you know I’d do anything for you.” Harry answered her, his warm hand coming to give her a comforting squeeze around her ankle. She just nodded.
There they sat, Harry’s hand still on her ankle, at loss for action or words. “Is there anything I can do, at all, to help you? I know it’s a stupid question, I know there’s physically nothing I can do to make this any better, but if there is anything, please let me help.” Harry said into the still air of the room. A few more tears welled up in her eyes; he was so kind to her. “C-can I have a hug? I know it’s not proper but I coul-” Y/N said quietly, almost ashamed to be asking such a thing from him, but she really needed him right now. Harry let a puff of air escape his lungs, almost relieved at her words as sat up slightly and opened his arms for her. “C’mere, sweet girl.” Harry let the words slip from his mouth so easily, he couldn’t help but call her those sweet names when she was like this. And Harry often did call her those names, she didn’t seem to mind.
Without another word she turned over on the sofa, crawling her way up into his arms, and letting his scent embrace her and calm her down. His warm chest and comforting strokes to her back. Harry was trying hard to keep his cool with her so close to him, and tried to emit calmness in hopes that she could feel it too. And it wasn’t just a hug, it was more of a cuddle. But in that moment, they both needed it more than anything else.
After that day at her apartment, Harry and Y/N had become even closer. Y/N had gone to see her family for the weekend, and Harry had assured her that she could stay longer if she needed to. She was slowly coming out of her hazy mind, thinking more clearly, but she was still barely functioning. Grief is hard. It’s cruel, dark and endless. Y/N’s mind was constantly racing between the final time she saw her dad, their memories, and all the things she had to do that was piling up over the week. Harry was checking in on her constantly, texting, calling, showing up with dinner or helping her with the most simple tasks, that felt huge and impossible in her state of mind.
Y/N was going back to work tomorrow, and although she dreaded the pitying looks and comforting hugs, although she really wanted to get back to her life. Not to forget what had happened with her father, but more to kickstart herself, she knew she didn’t want to lose herself in this grief, so she had to at least try and do something about it.
Harry was taking up a big chunk of her mind as well. As if she wasn’t falling for him before all this, she was now hopelessly lovesick over someone she couldn’t have. She didn’t want it to turn out this way, and she had thought about all possible scenarios for them to maybe, just maybe have a chance together, but was constantly reminded of the one thing that made her heart ache more than anything – he probably didn’t want her. He was just the best human alive, supporting and cheering for his friends, she knew he was like this with all of his friends, he couldn’t possibly not be. She shouldn’t mistake his kindness and generosity for being in love with her.
Harry felt like he was going to explode at any given time. They had spent so much time together in the last few weeks, and now that she was coming back to work, full time, he wasn’t sure if he could handle just seeing her without giving her a good cuddle or asking how she’s doing. He knows that as a boss, this is the last thing he should be doing and thinking about, but Harry had never felt like this. It had been months of torture not having her the way he wanted, and he felt completely blinded by the love he felt. Even so far as considering leaving pleasing to Niall just so he could maybe be with her. That was an insane thought though, he was still pretty sure that Y/N didn’t even reciprocate those feelings for him, and he was weighing his options of telling her what he felt or if he was going to take it to his grave. He didn’t want to risk her career, and if they actually got together, he wasn’t sure how the company would take it. HR would hate it, even though it wasn’t forbidden to date a coworker.
This was what his mind was racing on and on about, and he felt like he was going to accidentally expose himself soon if he didn’t say anything.
He had to talk to Niall. He was his best friend, his COO. Harry knew that he was blinded by the love he had inside of him, he needed someone with a clear mind.
“Niall, I need you here for a short meeting, it’s personal though so don’t bring anyone with you.” Harry texted Niall after lunch that day. He wasn’t functioning properly, he felt incapacitated from all of this love that he had nowhere to put, and it was time to come clean to someone, although Niall already knew some of the feelings he was harbouring for Y/N.
Not even 2 minutes later, Niall popped into Harry’s office, closing and locking the door. His office at leas had some frosted glass, so they wouldn’t be totally exposed. “What can I do for you, lad?” Niall said as he sat down across from where Harry was sitting, at his desk. Harry looked deep in thought, his arm leaning on the armrest of his chair, chin supported by his hand. He didn’t even know how to say it, but he could feel a word vomit coming up his throat as the silence grew bigger. “I don’t know what to do, Niall.” Harry said, eyes glazing over as the iceberg finally tipped over, and everything came to the surface. Niall instantly looked worried about his friend, not yet knowing where he was going with all of this. Niall leaned forward in his seat, eyes on Harry as he watched him rub his eyes to rid them from tears coming through.
“I’m so in love with her and I don’t know what to do anymore. I feel like I can’t do anything without thinking of her, I feel totally incapacitated. But I know that if I tell her this, her career could be at risk. I want to let her know, I need to, but it could go wrong in so many ways. She probably doesn’t even feel the same way I do, and I don’t think I could live with that. I’d rather not tell her and keep her in my life for as long as I can…And I know it sounds dramatic, but I’m desperate at this point, Niall, It’s been seven months and I-“ Harry trailed off as he rubbed his eye once again, refusing to let another tear fall for this girl. He was rambling, almost incoherent at times, but Niall listened to him.
Niall knew, he knew without Harry even mentioning her name. It was obvious that they were both in love with each other. The whole office basically knew, except for Harry and Y/N. And for this, Niall wanted to almost laugh at this immensely dense friend of his, but he kept it to himself, aware that this was probably paining Harry more than he knew.
“Harry, I’m going to tell this to you straight and you need to listen to me.” Niall said, no readable look on his face. Harry readied himself for a proper metaphorical fist to the face. He knew this wasn’t right, he was her boss for chirst’s sake. Niall continued. “I think the whole office knows that you’re both in love with each other except for you two. And I need you to get your house in order because I can’t watch this anymore. You’re going to tell her, and you’re doing it tonight. Y/N just left for her half-day and I suggest you call her up right now and see her tonight.” Harry is just staring blankly at Niall, not completely sure that he heard him right. He just starts nodding. And then the tears come. It was relief in some way, and although he still wasn’t sure about her response if he told her, there was still something there for them to build on. “Niall, I-. What if it all goes wrong, I’m her fucking boss, what do I do if she becomes uncomfortable at her own workplace, she’s a genius, I’m going to have to be the one that leaves.” Harry stuttered. “You’re not going to spend a single second thinking about that just yet, because it might not even happen. In fact, I don’t think it will. You know, she’s talking about you all the time. And she has these disgusting puppy eyes every time you just walk past or even glance at her direction. This needs to end. Call her.” Niall continued, supporting his friend. Niall really did think they were endgame, he could already see it when she had her interview here, all those months ago. Harry nodded. And in a moment of bravery, he got out his phone and pressed her contact information.
Y/N’s heart grew when she saw Harry’s contact on her phone. She didn’t waste a second picking up. “Hey, there bossman, everything alright?” She chirped on the other end of the line. Harry’s heart was beating out of his chest. “Y/N.” He just said, as her blood ran cold. She felt like she was in trouble. Had she forgotten something important? Did she do something to offend him? Y/N was thinking at a million miles per hour, every thought she had ever had about Harry was coursing through her brain at the same time. Harry continued. “I was just wondering if I could come see you later, I have something I need to speak to you about.” Harry said, trying his best not to let his emotions spill into his speech. “Harry? Are you alright? I’m free now, do you want me to come back to the office? I just left.” Y/N said. She could tell this wasn’t the regular hang out or check in like in the past two weeks. “I’m alright, love. And don’t turn around. Can I pick you up at 6 and we could go to mine?” Harry said, looking at Niall who was still sitting across from him, nodding and giving him a thumbs up like a child doing a prank call. Harry’s nicknaming made her slightly calmer, maybe he just had a stressful day. Although, he’d never offered her to come to his, if they were hanging out they were always at hers. “Of course, that sounds good. I’ll be outside by 6, then?” Y/N replied. “Yeah. I’ll see you later, okay?”. Harry said and then hung up the phone.
Harry’s hands were shaking on the steering wheel of his range rover. When he had gotten home from his office he stormed around his penthouse, cleaning up any mess that he could detect. He made sure he had something to serve her, and some snacks in case they wanted some. Every thought he had about telling her, he tried to steer away. Instead he cleaned up, took a shower, did some nervous pacing around, and now finally, he was behind the wheel, minutes from Y/N’s apartment. It was all or nothing, now. And he thought about every likely outcome for what was about to happen, he just couldn’t stop stressing out about it.
He didn’t want to mess this up. That thirst, longing, yearning feeling for connection had immediately been quenched the minute he met her. The person he had been waiting for. And maybe, if it didn’t turn out the way he was hoping, all those dreams of a love so deep maybe wasn’t meant for him. And maybe it would be okay if that was the outcome. Harry wasn’t sure he wanted anyone else but her.
Y/N was stood outside her apartment complex as harry drove up. She looked heart-stoppingly beautiful, like she always did. She had been getting a little better sleep and routines for the past few days, which had been nice to see for Harry. He was such a worry wart when it came to her.
Y/N enthusiastically threw the door open to his car, stepping in as if it was nothing.
“Hi, doll.” Harry said sweetly. “Hi, H.” She replied. “So, what’s this mystery topic you can’t talk about over the phone, huh? Top secret business?” Y/N continued, wiggling her eyebrows in suspense. A smile crept on Harry’s face for maybe the first time today. “I’ll tell you when we get to mine, yeah? You might be surprised, who knows?”
Y/N stepped out of the elevator that led directly into Harry’s penthouse. Her chin was on the floor, she didn’t realize he lived somewhere like THIS. She was almost ashamed of the fact that he had ever hung out in her neighbourhood. She was absolutely well paid as a senior creative at Pleasing, but this was a whole other level. “Sit down, cuppa tea?” Harry led her to his lounge, overlooking the city skyline. “Mhm, yes please.” She said, instead going over to the windows rather than sitting down. Harry disappeared for a second and she could hear him put the kettle on. You could see the office from his window, just barely.
Y/N zoned out in some kind of philosophical thought, looking at the skyline, thinking about her current life. But at the forefront of her mind, she was always thinking about Harry. And now she was at his place.
“Cuppa tea, for you, love.” Harry mentioned, putting their two mugs down on a table by the sofas. Y/N stood still, looking at all the lights as she could feel Harry’s presence behind her. She felt his eyes looking at her, and she craned her neck to take a good look at him. Y/N is thinking that he is getting more beautiful by the day. His defined features lit up by the twinkling lights of the city, and his perfectly unperfect chestnut brown curls, framing his face in the most delicious looking way. A pang of adoration fought it’s way into her chest, but she couldn’t let him know.
“Y/N, I really need to tell you something. And before you say anything I really need you to listen to me and let me explain. Can you come sit down?” Y/N was shaken out of her daydream with his serious words. Y/N could just nod, plopping down on the sofa, facing him as he tried to relax against the back of the sofa. Y/N did her best to put on a calm and settled look, smiling at him when she could tell that he was getting nervous. This was going to be way worse than she was expecting, she’s sure now.
“I don’t even know how to say this.” Harry started. It took everything in Y/N’s body to stay still and not question those words from him, he had told her to just listen at first. Her thoughts were racing, as she stared at him, waiting for more words to come out of his mouth. He doubted his voice, trying to get words out and then it was like he was changing his mind. Over and over again. Y/N reached for his hand that was resting on his thigh, fingers lacing together as she gave him a long, hard squeeze. Harry looked to their interlocked hands, carefully stroking her hand with his callous fingers. He gained courage enough to look straight at her. ”I’m in love with you. I have been since the day I first saw you.” The words left Harry’s mouth as he gauged her reaction to them in real time. Harry continued, “And I feel like an asshole, because I know I’m putting you in a tricky situation with me being selfish and telling you this. But I also want you to know that if you want nothing to do with me, or this situation, that’s okay. I-I just had to tell you, because I felt like I was going to drown If I didn’t.” Harry looked right into her eyes. “I was fucking drowning.” He said, almost like he was all out of air, or breathing oxygen for the first time. Y/N couldn’t believe a single word coming from his mouth. This had to be a prank, it couldn’t be. And if it is true, maybe she wouldn’t feel sad ever again. “Harry…” Y/N got out before he stopped her again, grabbing her same hand with his other one. “I’ve been realizing a lot of things lately, and one of them-.” Harry continued. Y/N could see the gears turning in his head, trying to get the right words out, but she couldn’t wait another second for her lips to collide with his. Her eyes glazed over as she realized that he wasn’t going to let her speak. So instead, she took control. “Harry!” She said loudly. Moving from her position on the sofa, towards him and settling herself in his lap. “Shhhh, I don’t want to hear another word about that, just tell me again.” Y/N said as she got closer to his face. Lips calling out to one another. Harry couldn’t breathe. Not with her this close, with her breath on his lips, her thighs hugging his, his hands around her back. It was Harry’s turn to get teary eyed. It just dawned on him what her answer to his speech would be. “Just tell me.” Y/N breathed against his lips. “Please.” She was almost begging to tell her those words again. Just to know if they were true. “I love you, I’m in love with you.” The words left his mouth like they had been sitting on his lips for his whole existence. Y/N let a watery smile overtake her features, and a chuckle left her mouth. “Thank god.” She whispered as she finally pressed her lips against his. His pink, puffy lips danced with hers as their tongues licked into each other’s mouths. It wasn’t like any first kiss; this was a long time coming. It was desperate, passionate and everything they had been craving. Their wet lips then collided in a smattering of pecks, one after the other being placed on their lovers’ lips. Wanting to do absolutely anything except speaking words right now. “I love you, H.” It was Y/N’s turn to speak, in between desperate kisses. Harry was seeing stars as she said those words loud, her nickname for him feeling like it’s burning a hole through his heart.
It was hard for Harry to be vulnerable. He only really was with his family, and Niall. He couldn’t even remember how it felt to have a possible partner to be vulnerable with. Someone he could pour his heart out to, someone who listened, and who vowed to take care of him. Y/N has stepped into his life and cracked open his whole being, it felt like he was on fire from top to toe from all the emotions and tenseness releasing. Y/N let go from his lips as she felt wetness smeared onto her cheeks. Harry was full on crying now. Y/N put her hands around his cheeks, drawing soft patterns on his cheeks with her thumbs, strategically removing the tears from his eyes. “I-I’m so happy, I promise, I ju-st…” Harry breathed, looking at her with wet, wild eyes, his face leaning into her hold. “I know, it’s alright. It’s been a long time coming, yeah?” Y/N chuckled out, in attempt to lift the moods. Harry nodded, smiling to her. His hands moved to her wrists, holding her in place. “I’m going to tell you everything I’ve been feeling these past few months, but the girl I love just told me she loves me too, so I just need to breathe for a second. Take a good look at her.” Harry joked, eyes still focused on Y/N’s face, his gaze bouncing all over her features, drinking her in. Y/N just nodded to him, her love for the man in front of her glowing in her chest. It had been a long, long time since she had felt like this.
This wasn’t at all what Y/N had in mind when he had called her earlier that day. She really had no idea that he was in love with her, she really had no idea that he felt the same way she had, especially in the last few weeks, with them becoming extra close since her father passed away.
Y/N agreed to stay over at Harry’s that night. She didn’t bring a single thing with her to prepare her for an overnight stay, but Harry had convinced her that he had everything that she would need. And she really didn’t want to let him go, not when their night had turned out like this, maybe she would just stay here, always.
They had barely stopped touching since the moment he told her. Always at least one hand on one another; they had a lot of time to make up for.
As they settled in his bed for the night, it was still early, barely 10. They had changed into soft, comfortable clothing, and Y/N got to borrow a set from him. There they laid, Harry was behind her, strong arms wrapped around her frame, fingers lightly touching and playing. Harry breathed in her scent, burrowing his face into her neck and soft, lavender scented hair.
They talked for hours, pouring their hearts out about the past months that they had known each other. But the tears had since long left their eyes, they had each other now, and there was not a single broken heart in sight.
“I still feel like this is all in my head. Like I’m going to wake up from this dream and I’ll be as fucking lonely and sad as I always am.” Harry said into her neck, placing a light kiss after he finished his sentence. “I know. But it isn’t a dream, although my mind is definitely trying to tell me otherwise.” She replied to him. Her eyes focused on the lights from the city dancing on the walls. Suddenly Y/N turned around in his arms, so that they were facing eachother. “Hi.” She said. “Hi, sweet girl:” Harry’s reply came so easily, and he was finally able to say it whenever they wanted to. “I think we need to talk about work, what do we say to HR, do we even say anything? I know it’s all still so new, but I want you to know that I’m all in…if you want that as well.” Y/N continued, a worried look on her face. The thought was bothering Harry as well, but as things had turned out well for them, his positive mindset was telling him that it was going to be alright. And work, HR and people’s opinions was about the last thing he wanted to talk to her about. At least for tonight.
They talked for hours, kissed for hours. In this room, it was just them, Harry and Y/N. They had both been craving this for so long, Y/N had thought of him so much. How it would feel like to be loved by him, what it was like to feel his hands on her body, in her hair, on her cunt. She couldn’t stop herself from thinking about it some nights when she was all by herself in her apartment, with her hands between her legs. Heavy breath lingering in the air as his name left her lips in a desperate call for him to do anything to her, anything he wanted. She had felt guilty about it, of course. But now that they were in his bed together, those illicit thoughts were starting to creep back into her head. Now that he was touching all over her, she wanted more.
Her lips reached for his neck, leaving wet kisses and small bites around his soft spot, as Harry’s breathing got a little heavier. “Love, what are you up to, hm?” He said in the gentlest voice, knowing where this was going as her kisses had suddenly changed from pure and loving, to slightly more sexual. “Tell me what you need, pet. I’ll give you anything, do you know that?” Harry continued, as he brought his lips to hers. Y/N almost mewled out a reply, mind fuzzy from his scent and sweet talking. “I need you, everywhere. Please. Just do anything, I’m yours.” Her eyes closing as Harry placed kisses all over her face, nose, cheeks and corners of her mouth. “You’re mine now, huh? I love to hear those words from you, you have no idea. But I need you to tell me what to do pet, what do you want?” He tried again, wanting to make sure that she knew what she was asking for, and wasn’t just caught up in her hazy mind. “I need you to touch me, k-kiss me, I just want you, H.” Y/N said desperately, in an almost whisper. Harry chuckled at the sweet girl in front of him. Of course he was going to take care of her. “Alright, love I’ve got you, yeah? But I need you to tell me if there’s something you need or if you want me to stop, do you understand?” Harry spoke clearly to her now, looking into her eyes to make sure that his message got through. “Yes. Yes, H, I want you.” She got out, her hands now underneath his t-shirt, nails scraping against his stomach. Harry’s hands touched her all over, keeping her close to his body, his hands travelled south and dipped into the waistband of her borrowed sweatpants. He stroked her soft skin over the thighs, bum and finally stopped on the outside of her underwear. Their mouths connected, and Harry was trying to stay focused on her pleasure, on the ques and clues she was leaving him with her touches and the way she moved. “Please, H” She moaned out, so zeroed in o finally getting a little taste of him on her tongue. “Shhh, pet, you’ll get all of me, don’t worry.” He tried to reassure her as his hand grazed over her underwear, laying soft and gentle strokes over her underwear, right on her clit. He moved devilishly slow, and Y/N was aching for more, higher pleasure from him. A moan slipped from Y/N’s lips and it was like all of the blood in Harry’s body rushed to his cock, almost making him lightheaded. Harry’s fingers that were moving on the outside of her underwear was now moving said underwear out of the way, being able to fully feel how wet she had become just from a few touches. Y/N had started to tug on his t-shirt. “Off, I want it off” she said to him in the dimly lit room, wanting to see all of him. Harry chuckled at the silly, sweet girl in his bed and removed himself from her, pulling his shirt over his head aswell as removing his sweats, just in his underwear mow. His next mission was to get Y/N out of her kit. He tugged on her t-shirt. “Is this alright? Wanna see you.” Harry whispered in her ear as his large hands were already underneath the t-shirt she was wearing, massaging her soft sides. Without a word from her, she sat up, and pulled it all off, discarding the t-shirt and her bra on the floor. “You’re so fucking beautiful, love.” Harry said, without tearing his gaze away from her breasts. His mouth instantly coming towards her belly and kissing up towards her boobs, wrapping his lips around one of her nipples, fingers tugging and rolling the other one. A moan ripping out of Harry’s chest the second he got a taste of her. “Shit, H, that feels…” Y/N moaned out, fingers running through Harry’s hair, slightly tugging on it. Harry continued kissing her chest, any skin he could to touch or kiss, he was there. Desperate to taste every inch of skin that she’d offer him.
Harry’s mouth started to travel down Y/N’s belly, teasing at the waistband with his green eyes looking into her’s for permission to remove them. Y/N slightly lifted her hips to make it easier for him, and her underwear and sweats were on the floor in barely a second, his body falling in between her legs, as he continued to kiss anywhere he could get to. “Are you going to let me have a taste, pet? Yeah?” He said to her, eyes still looking into hers. Another “please” fell from her lips, eager to get him on her. “Hmm, so kind to me, yeah? I’ll show you my worth, I promise you.” Harry said with a gentle tone, leaving her even more needy and ready for him to do something; anything. His lips finally met with her wet cunt, licking broad, strong swipes over her entrance and clit. Harry moaned at the taste of her, his eyes falling shut; he’d been dreaming about tasting her like this, but this was way better than anything he could’ve imagined. Y/N was writhing in her place on the mattress, her hips chasing after his tongue and heavy moans escaping her throat as he continued to kiss, lick and poke at her with his tongue. “You’re so goo-d, Harry, fuck! You’re mine, please,” Her moans encouraged him and simultaneously made his cock even harder, if that was even possible. Harry’s arms came up, one arm over her hips to slightly still her, and one over her breast, teasing her nipple. “I’m yours, don’t worry pet.” He replied to her, letting go of her messy, wet cunt for just a second before diving back in. Y/N’s hand flew to his hair, searching for anything to hold on to in her intense amount of pleasure. “Please, I’m going to come, you’re gonna make me com-e, please” Y/N was moaning out, almost screaming at this point, to deep into her pleasure to realise how loud she as being. Harry didn’t mind it at all. The hand that was previously on her breast moved down to her cunt, a finger playing at her entrance before pushing two of them inside her, slightly curving his fingers as he could feel her clenching around them. Y/N could almost black out at this point. She could barely remember the last time someone else had made her come this hard, it wasn’t usually happening at all with her previous partners. Her breathing started to get heavier as she came closer to her climax. “Come for me, pet, let me taste what I’ve worked so hard for. Look at me.” Harry let out, having to rut his hips into the mattress to get some kind of relief, he felt like he could come just by looking at her in this immense state of pleasure. With her eyes locked to his, she came, orgasm ripping through her body, legs trembling as Harry worked her through her orgasm with his mouth and fingers. When she slowly started to come down, Harry’s touches became lighter and more gentle, not wanting to overwhelm her after such an intense orgasm. As Harry’s lips let go of her, he moved to crash down on top of her, kissing her puffy, swollen lips. He had already missed her mouth. “I think I’m going to have to keep you forever, if that’s how you’re going to make me come.” Y/N admitted with a smile, her flushed face close to his and lips lingering on each other. “Darling, you know I wouldn’t mind, I’m here for as long as you want me.” He said back. Now it was her hands that started to travel down to his boxers, slipping inside of his boxers and gently stroking over his cock. “Shit, doll, I’m not going to last if you put your hands and me and I’m planning on at least two more orgasms for you.” Harry shakily breathed against her lips. “Mmmh” Was Y/N’s only reply, instead ridding him of his underwear and mumbling. “Are you clean, please tell me you’re clean I just want to feel you. I have a Nexplanon.” She almost begged him, it felt like too much to just get out of bed in search of a condom. “I got tested after my last partner, I’m clean as well, do you trust me? I could go get a condom, it’s no trouble, pet.” He replied in between kisses.
“No condom, I want to feel all of you. Please?” Her wide eyes looked into his for any kind of regret about it. She trusted him, he had already proven himself to be loyal and trustworthy, and she couldn’t find a single reason not to believe him although Y/N religiously always wore a condom with new partners. “Of course, pet, give you everything, you can trust me. Always so good for me, yeah?” He said, loving her reaction to the words that came out of her mouth. He turned them around, so that he was on his back, with her on top. “I want you on top to start with, okay? You can go as fast or as slow as you’d like, pet, it’s up to you.” Her heart trembled as he encouraged her to feel good with his body, completely trusting her and wanting to go at her pace. Although, her face fell slightly as her confidence wore thin when she had been on top with previous partners. Harry could read her immediately. “Shhh, no frown on that beautiful face, just to start and then I’ll take over when you’re ready, yeah?” He said, sitting up so their naked, upper bodies were flush against each other. “C’mon, doll, take what you want.” He encouraged her as she lined him up and slowly sank down onto him. She was slightly worried about taking him, he was above average in comparison to others and she wasn’t a fan of the pain that it could bring. But as sank down and took all of him, and she had never felt such a spark of pure pleasure as he filled her up. “Fuck me, pet, you feel so good around me, never had anyone feel this good on my cock.” Harry praised her, as she started to slowly grind her hips for some friction. Harry held her close, arms clasped around her upper body for support, as he attached his lips to hers. They moaned into each others mouth as Harry’s encouragement made her more brave and she moved more freely, her hips desperate for more, more of him. She had never felt this good during sex. Y/N’s thighs were burning from the work out she was getting, her belly on fire from him, so deep inside of her. “You feel good, baby? You’re taking my cock so well, look at you.” Harry praised her. She could barely think straight, not even being able to form a single word as more moans escaped from her lips and spilled into his mouth. His lips went to her neck, leaving lovebites, kissing, sucking, not for a second thinking of any marks he was leaving, deciding that he liked it like that. “Harry…” Y/N let out a tired whimper of his name, feeling so close to another orgasm already, but her legs felt like jelly, and she was frustrated that she couldn’t keep up her pace to chase after her climax. “I’ve got you.” Harry replied, giving her a big smile as his hands came up to her sweaty face to get some hairs away from her eyes. He just wanted to see her properly. “Going to let me take care of you? Make you come, again?” Harry continued, a proud, cocky, smile on his lips. Y/N just about had time to nod as he pushed her onto her back onto the mattress, getting up after her and getting on top of her. “This is my favourite…” Harry said into her neck, proceeding to put both of her legs over his shoulder, Harry leaning over her. As he pushed himself back into her, Y/N could swear she was seeing stars, the angle made up for her almost lost orgasm as after just a few strong thrusts, she was barrelling towards her orgasm again. Her hand attempted to slip in between them, to rub her puffy clit, she could taste her orgasm, it was just right there. Harry had realised quickly pulling up her arm and replacing her hand with his. “You’re going to come for me, again, pet? Spoiling me, aren’t you?” Harry laughed, pressing and pinching her clit, as Y/N’s lips attached to his neck. His scent was grounding her as another orgasm rolled through her body, causing her to grip on to Harry hard, pressing herself against him as if he would vanish at any given moment. Y/N’s nails pressed into his biceps, his shoulder blades, earning a grunt from Harry. Every nerve ending in her body was exploding, wanting more him, needing him like water or air.
Harry’s pace didn’t falter, he worked her through her orgasm and continued. The pleasure was so overwhelming, but she didn’t want to stop, she wanted more. “Darling, look what you’re doing to me. Promised you another one though, didn’t i? I’m so close, pet, be gentle with me, alright? Harry stuttered softly to her, kissing her lips as he released her legs from his shoulders, pulling out of her. Wordlessly, he turned her to her side, placing a pillow under her head as he got in behind her and pulled Y/N’s leg up for him to enter her again. Y/N was lost for words, she was in some hazy dream state driven by her lust for him, and not thinking a single thought besides him. “There we go,” Harry whispered to her, his arm encasing her shoulders as his other hand find it’s way back to her clit, in hopes of luring her into another orgasm. Y/N sighed as he picked up his pace again, her head falling back on his shoulder as she let him manipulate her to wherever he wanted. She was almost pissed at this point; she had gone her whole life without having sex that was this could? She had no idea that this is what it could’ve been. And she’s also pissed at herself for missing out on so much time with him, when he had been in love with her this whole time.
“Pet, you’re going to make me come any moment, where do you want it?” Harry’s voice was strained, trying to keep his composure as he neared his end. Y/N could barely get her words out, already feeling her next orgasm growing from those words he said to her. “Inside, come inside me.” She manged to say into the air as she turned her head slightly to catch his lips.
Harry let out an otherworldly moan from that sentence. “So good to me, Y/N, i’m going to come, are you with me?” He grunted out, his thrusts quickening as did his hand on her clit. Y/N was sure she was going to black out by the time they were done, as she felt her orgasm triggered by Harry’s cock steadily poking her g-spot. Y/N just about screamed, hands clawing at Harry’s arms, writhing around in the bed, wanting to get closer to him and get away from him at the same time. She could feel Harry’s cock twitching inside of her and his cum filling her as his pace faltered, giving deep, hard thrusts into her. They were both moaning out, breathing laboured, as they had just ran a marathon. Y/N was now shivering in her post orgasmic state, Harry’s cock still inside of her as he had caught up to reality, placing soft kisses on her neck, jaw, and cheek.
“Did so good for me, you feel okay, pet? I’m honestly kind of pissed that we didn’t get to do this earlier, best I’ve ever had.” Harry mumbled, nose grazing her cheek. Y/N smiled, slowly coming back to reality; their minds had to be connected somehow. Y/N turned around in bed, now facing him on their sides as she clung on to him. Sweaty bodies embracing each other, heartrates still way too high to be healthy. “Mm-hmm.” Was all she could reply to him, as she closed her eyes, taking in his scent, a mixture of sweat, his cologne and pure man, peppery, citrusy. “I don’t even think I could form a proper sentence; you’ve absolutely wrecked me.” Y/N manged to get out, a teasing smile on her lips as their eyes made contact. “Yeah, I was kind of hoping I’d ruin everyone else for you, you’re mine now, huh?” Harry winked at her, an almost comedic tone to his voice, although Y/N could see the hopeful glint in his eyes as he had repeated those words back to her. He can’t fool her that easily. “I am yours. If you’ll be mine.” She said to him, watching a glowing smile spread over his face, a puff of air escaping his lungs, full of all the love he had for her. “I’m all yours, and I have been for a long time.”
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userlando · 1 year
got drunk on you — daniel ricciardo
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daniel ricciardo x verstappen!reader [6.5k] summary: max comes for a visit before the race in monza and he fails to mention that he'd invited daniel along. warnings: 18+ explicit smut, verstappen!reader, explicit language. a/n: not me writing this during my 12hr shift lmfao i hope it's somewhat enjoyable to read. as always, feedback is v much appreciated. love you all 🤍
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The first time you saw Daniel, was when he’d been clad in orange at the paddock in Bahrain. It wasn’t so much as your eyes being drawn to him automatically, but more so his laughter. You still remembered where you stood with Max and his girlfriend, offering words of support to your brother before qualifiers. Your eyes had solely been on him, but they’d immediately glanced around at sound of the big belly laugh from across the paddock, drawn like a moth to a flame.
It wasn’t hard to match the laughter to the smiling face, watching with mild interest as he messed around with Lando; slapping him between the legs and dodging the punches the British boy dished out in retaliation. He looked fun, carefree, bearing absolutely no tension or nerves that half the grid did for the upcoming race.
Daniel was beautiful. There was no other word to describe him. The sheer charm radiating off of him had your interest piqued immediately, and pairing that with the forbidden fruit feeling, you were hooked. There had never been any real desire to break the unspoken rule of you dating your brother’s friends and colleagues, but it was easy to imagine stepping over that line when you’d watched the tall Australian.
No words were exchanged, but you did get glances and friendly smiles whenever you passed each other. Your best friend received the brunt of your inner thoughts, texting her like a madman of the tall glass of water on the grid.
When Max won, you’d gone back to the hotel and had a few drinks while you got ready for the after party, keeping Sofia - your friend - on the line. She’d somehow convinced you to follow him on Instagram, which you did, and you’d tried not to overthink it when he’d sent you a follow request back a few minutes later.
If liking pictures was flirting, then you were well on the right track.
You’d only ever gotten glimpses of him whenever you did end up tagging along to races, but the first time you actually met him was when Max showed up on your doorstep with Kelly, claiming that he missed his little sister and wanted to spend a few days with you before he was off to Monza. You didn't point out that you'd be right there with him in Italy, accepting his intrusion easily because despite it all, you missed him a whole lot.
What he’d failed to mention was that Daniel would be dropping by too, having invited him without checking with you. It usually wasn’t a problem, sometimes guys from the grid would show up with your brother and it was always a good time.
You really, really wished he’d mentioned it before you opened the door the morning after your brother’s arrival though, still in your very embarrassing pajamas and a toothbrush used and abandoned in your bathroom, fully expecting to see the delivery man on the other end. What you didn’t expect was the tall man who you’d silently been yearning for, looking way too good for someone who'd stepped off a plane.
“Hey.” He greeted you, shooting you a smile that made you blink owlishly. “Good morning.”
You frowned, opening your mouth to greet him but was pushed to the side by your idiot brother. There was a loud and silly exchange between the two men, like you weren’t standing right there with a big question mark on your face, and you watched in silence before Daniel’s gaze on you made Max turn around; like he’d forgotten you were there. In your own home.
“Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you but I invited Daniel.” Max said and you refrained from glaring at him, giving the other man a kind smile instead. “It’s no problem, yeah?”
Killing your brother would have to wait.
“Hi, sorry, of course not.” You thrust your hand out for him to shake, which he did. “It’s nice to finally meet you.”
You invited him in, closing the door and shooting your brother a glare when his friend wasn’t looking. He responded with a clueless frown of his own, eyes dropping to what you were wearing.
“What are you wearing?” He asked, yelping when you elbowed him a little too hard in the ribs. “And what do you have on your face?”
He reached a hand out to swipe at your cheek, rubbing off toothpaste and you watched in horror, wanting nothing more than the floor to open up and swallow you whole.
Thankfully, Max lead the way without another word, chatting with the Australian as he showed him to the room he’d presumably be staying in. You watched them round a corner before fleeing to the kitchen, finding Kelly by the stove, looking ten times more put together than you did. The whole place smelled like pancakes, and you almost lost your track of thoughts just by the sheer smell of them. But you were too wound up, a little upset and a whole lot embarrassed.
“What is he doing here?” You asked, careful to keep your voice hushed because you knew how well sound traveled through your house. “Why didn’t Max say anything!”
Kelly looked a little lost, like she wasn’t sure why you were as upset as you were. Which, fair, she didn’t know the absolute turmoil you’d experience whenever you caught sight of Daniel. It was embarrassing, how nervous the man made you. Like a teenaged girl with a crush on her brother's best friend.
“I thought he did.” She looked over her shoulder at you before plating a pancake with practiced ease. “He’s coming with us to the vineyard.”
You leaned against the counter, feeling a little miffed and she must’ve seen the look on your face because she smiled in amusement.
“You’re the one who complained about third wheeling when I booked the tour for us.”
She had a point, but you didn’t say it out loud. Instead, you plucked a cut up strawberry from a plate and turned around to go get ready before the boys came back. The giraffe pajamas had caused you enough embarrassment for a day. It was time for them to retire deep, deep in the back of the closet.
Breakfast was surprisingly pleasant, conversation flowing freely as you dug into your food. You’d forgotten how incredibly well your brother and Daniel fit together, bickering like siblings and taking friendly jabs at each other. Kelly shifted the conversation to the vineyard you’d be touring, talking about the kinds of wines they made and would have in the menu.
It was a beautiful day to spend outside, the Spanish sun shining brightly as you found your little group huddled around the entrance. It was a small group consisting of maybe fifteen people, and you looked around as Kelly and Max walked ahead of you.
“D’ya reckon we’ll get drunk off our asses?” Daniel asked and you gave the man an amused smile.
“I don’t think the samples are that big.” You frowned. “Right?”
“No clue.” He looked ahead as the two of you fell into step, presumably glancing at Max. “Do you like wine?”
You considered lying, but then you figured that it wouldn’t do much harm to just be honest so you shook your head in the negative.
“Absolutely hate it.” You let out a small giggle when Daniel laughed, bumping his arm against yours. “I’m sorry but it smells and tastes so bad!”
“It does the job, though, no?”
You smiled, opening your mouth to reply but Max cut in, yelling at you to hurry up and join them. The tour guide had appeared like magic, out of thin air, and he was standing to the side patiently. You eyed him suspiciously, turning to Kelly to ask her whether it was an English or Spanish tour, but then the man started speaking and your suspicion turned into sheer amusement.
“Why’s he speaking Spanish?” Max murmured quietly enough for only the three of you to hear.
“Because we’re in Spain, Max.” You answered him sarcastically, earning a snort from Daniel and an exasperated eye roll from your brother.
Kelly made a sound in her throat, sounding a lot like a warning to shut up like she did so many times whenever the two of you started bickering in public.
“I think I might’ve booked the wrong guide.” Kelly admitted sheepishly, quietly and you muffled a laugh behind your hand.
It was a funny thought, that she’d managed to choose a tour with a Spanish guide when only one out of the four of you could speak the language. The one being you. You knew it was only a matter of time before your brother would disassociate out of boredom, and you couldn’t wait to witness it.
“He’s telling us to follow him.” You murmured helpfully, referring to the guide and the group moved in tandem as everyone entered the vineyard.
The tour went as well as expected, watching with mild interest and confusion as you walked the fields, descending stairs to basements and getting to sip on samples of expensive wine in the dampness of old cellars.
You tried not to grimace too hard when you brought the glass to your lips, stomach roiling dangerously as you sipped. And it was only when you’d shuddered that you noticed Daniel watching and grinning across from you, catching you in the act.
At some point, you lost sight of Max and Kelly. You suspected that they’d broken out of the group and gone to the restaurant to sample more wines; like their lips weren’t already stained and Kelly wasn’t starting to get into that giggly mood she always got into when she’d had a little much to drink.
You and Daniel stuck together though, eventually wandering off and getting lost in the field of grapes and greens.
It was fun. More fun than you’d had in a while. You took silly pictures, talked and you forgot the time completely.
“I think Max is a little drunk.” You pointed out, holding your phone in your hand with the screen lit up by a text from the man himself.
You held out your phone so Daniel could read the text, watching how he threw his head back to laugh at the jumble of words he found there. Much like the texts he’d sometimes receive after bar crawls and night clubs.
where arew yoh?? This wind is amazing
??? Wind not wind
are yyu lost? do I nee f to call for help
“He’s trashed.” Daniel agreed.
You sent back a quick assurance that you were fine, pocketing your phone and looking up to find the man already looking at you. It sent a zip of awareness down your back and you looked away bashfully.
The sun had done a lot of good for him, his cheeks were gaining colour and had already started to freckle. It was pretty, and so, so endearing.
“So, are you excited for Monza?” You asked lightly, turning a corner in the hopes of finding the way back to the restaurant but it was another dead end.
The both of you kept walking though, figuring that you’d find your way back eventually. You just hoped it would be before it got dark outside. Max was drunk, but he’d send a search party out and you had no doubt about that.
“Oh yeah, I got it in the bag.” He said, playful, easy. So very attractive. “Max doesn’t stand a chance.”
You laughed, shoving him in the side and he stumbled with a cackle; regaining his footing easily.
"The most skillful driver out there." It wasn't a complete lie, Daniel was one of the good ones. He just needed a team that could keep up with his speed.
“I’m in the category of the more good looking drivers, actually.”
“Oh really?”
“Yeah,” he puffs up his chest, lips getting sucked between his teeth in a poor effort to keep the massive smile off his face. “That’s what my mom said anyway.”
You let out a laugh, thinking of how utterly charming he was. It seemed to come naturally to him, and usually it’d intimidate you when that charm is paired with wildly good looks but he somehow managed to put you at ease.
It wasn’t difficult to see why Daniel was so popular and loved in and out of the grid. He made everyone feel like they were old childhood friends and that was a rare quality to possess.
“I’m starting to think that she lied, though.” He continued, like he hadn’t been staring at your smiling face for a beat too long.
You’d been staring too, though. He was too mesmerising.
“Why’s that?” You grinned, knowing that he’d say something that would reel you in completely, judging by the playful little shake of his head.
“Because you didn’t agree.” He laughed at your eyebrows jumping on your forehead. “You laughed too hard.”
“How do you know I wasn’t laughing out of agreement?” You narrowed your eyes a little playfully.
Daniel smiled, delighted that you were playing along and falling right into his little flirty traps. He couldn’t even remember why he was so nervous to talk to you in the first place.
But then you smiled at him, eyes glistening a little too prettily and it was like someone had knocked the breath out of him. So, he looked away and tried not to show how he’d suddenly felt like someone had pulled the rug right from underneath him.
Never mind that you were Max’s sister, knowing that there was some silent bro-code that he had to consider. It was hard when you had all the qualities he usually looked for in women. And not to mention how fucking attracted he was to you.
“So you do agree that I’m good looking.” He nodded, looking a little smug and you shook your head in amusement.
“Who doesn’t?” You asked, before you had any time to rethink the words coming out of your mouth.
He looked at you and you struggled to not break eye contact, even though your face was feeling a few degrees hotter. If he noticed your nerves, he didn’t say anything and you were eternally grateful for that.
“Well,” he sucked his teeth and tried not to look like his ego hadn’t tripled by that one comment. “ditto, sweetheart.”
The way he said it so casually almost made you stop in your tracks, heat creeping up your neck at the way the word sweetheart sounded on his tongue. You briefly wondered how it’d sound in other contexts.
The thought made your heart race and you quickly banished that thought, because what the fuck?
Daniel made a little sound and stopped walking, and you automatically looked up to notice that you’d finally found your way back. You laughed because somehow you’d accidentally circled around and ended up back where you started.
“Ready for some more wine?” Daniel asked jokingly, brushing his hand against yours and you resisted the urge to grab it.
It was easier to nod, words stuck in your throat as you made your way up the stairs to the restaurant.
It was night by the time you came stumbling back through the threshold of your house, Kelly and Max a little tipsy with Daniel not too far behind; judging by the slight flush on his cheeks that definitely hadn’t been caused by the Spanish sun.
Your cheeks were aching from smiling and laughing too much during the evening, heart feeling light as you navigated your way through the house. Your brother grabbed you with an arm around the shoulders, pulling you into his embrace so suddenly that it made you stumble.
“Easy, Max.” You let out a yelp when he smacked a kiss on your head, slapping at him with your hands until he eased his hold on you.
“Goodnight, bunny.” He was slurring a little, but the words sounded fond coming from his mouth.
You got a similar kiss from Kelly - but less sloppy - and you watched them walk away before disappearing out of sight. The sound of a half-snorted laugh made you turn around, finding Daniel hiding his smile behind his hand. Not that it did much hiding, eyes scrunched up in amusement.
“Bunny?” He referred to your brother’s nickname for you and you frowned in embarrassment. He easily recognised the sheer disdain colouring your face and was quick to plead. “No, no. I need to hear that story.”
“No, you really don’t.” You shook your head with a laugh and began walking to the kitchen. “It’s horrifying enough that you saw me in my pajamas this morning.”
Daniel let out a laugh this time, the sound echoing in the kitchen and you couldn’t even hide your smile even if you tried.
“Hey, giraffes are cute, alright?” He plucked a clean glass out a cabinet and accepted the water bottle you’d gotten out of the refrigerator. “I thought you looked good.”
“Oh, you’re a bad driver and a liar.” You hauled yourself up to sit on the counter.
“I’m not ly— you think I’m a bad driver?” He looked offended, voice going up an octave in sheer disbelief. “You really do have your brother’s sense of humour.”
You stretched a leg out to poke his waist and he easily caught your leg when you tried to pull back. A startled yelp left your lips at his quick reflexes, and you tried not to think too hard about the fact that he was trailing the grip up your leg as he inched closer to you.
“Tell me why he calls you bunny.” He said seriously, and you blinked in disbelief because how did he break the tension so fast?
“You’re not allowed to laugh.” You warned him and he nodded, the smile telling you that he was going to do exactly that. “I used to pretend to be a bunny when I was little. I’d demand carrots for dinner and it has just stuck through all these years.”
He threw his head back and cackled so loudly that you were almost worried that Max would come back out and see what the commotion was all about. But it was hard to deny that his laughter was contagious, so loud and carefree that you couldn’t find it in yourself to even pretend to be mad.
“That’s adorable!” He placed both hands on your thighs as he stepped between them, giving you a bright smile. “Did you hop around as well? Oh you did, didn’t you?”
Your embarrassed smile was enough of an answer, and it sent him into fits of laughter again until you groaned and hid your burning face behind your hands. Daniel’s peals of laughter slowly died down and he made a noise of protest, hands coming up to pry yours off your face.
“Don’t be embarrassed, bunny.” He said and you glared.
“Don’t call me that.” You pointed a finger at him. “Only Max is allowed because he rarely does anymore. I don’t want that nickname to stick.”
He held up his hands in surrender, sucking in his lips to stop himself from smiling and you held your own smile back while staring straight at him.
You hadn’t realised how close the two of you had gotten, your thighs on either side of his waist and him leaning oh, so close to you. There was a shift in the air then, where you both seemed to realize the position you found yourselves in. He didn’t make any moves to pull away though, and you weren’t about to be the one to push him away.
You were aware that you were playing a dangerous game, toeing the fine line that Max had drawn in the imaginary sand. There was no telling how your brother would react if he walked into the kitchen right now, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care as your hands found life of their own; trailing up the meaty expanse of Daniel’s arms until you reached his broad shoulders.
He wasn’t a massive guy, by any means, but he was defined and had muscle. It wasn’t so hard to see that he’d put in work to look the way he did, it came with his job after all.
“Can I…” His words died on his tongue when you glanced up at him, getting a little lost in your eyes and the way you were practically eating him up with your gaze. It was intoxicating. “Can I kiss you?”
A rush of heat flooded your stomach, and you responded by running your fingers through his hair and bringing his head closer to yours. He went easily, eagerly settling his mouth over yours in a kiss that had you gripping his hair and shoulder.
The need took over so fast, you barely had time to take a breath. Your heart sped up when he took that last step forward, bringing his knees flush to the counter as his mouth opened under yours.
You didn’t know what to focus on, getting lost in the feeling of his hands gripping at your ass cheeks and pulling you into him until your crotch was slotted right against his lower belly; allowing you to rub off on him if you so pleased. And fuck, you really wanted to.
He must’ve sensed it, or even read your thoughts because he helped you thrust forward with the help of his hands on your ass, groaning deeply into your mouth when you started grinding against his torso. Daniel didn’t know if he was imagining the heat against his stomach, but you felt warm and so ready for him to take you apart however he pleased.
“Tell me what you want.” He demanded quietly against your lips, and you let out a needy little whimper when he squeezed the meat of your ass in his palms. “You gotta tell me what you want.”
“You.” You managed, leaning forward to kiss him and Daniel allowed it before pulling back slightly.
You almost huffed in frustration, but refrained from doing so. Instead, you grabbed one of his hands and guided them up the apex of your thighs, under your dress and settled his hands right where you needed him most. Daniel’s breath stuttered, the heat of it hitting your face and you blinked at him with pleading eyes.
“Touch me, please, Daniel.” You arched your back a little until his hand moved of its own accord, stroking softly over the dampness of your underwear.
He couldn’t believe how wet you already were, fingers eagerly searching for your hole through the cotton and pressing down until you were whining. It was like music to his ears, and he needed to hear more.
Daniel yanked your panties to the side, cursing loudly at the wetness of your pussy against the pads of his fingers. He touched your swollen clit in circles, never taking his eyes off of your face. You were so animated, pleasure written in large bold letters on your face as your eyelids fluttered; eyes rolling a little when he stroked you particularly nicely, mouth dropping opening in breathy moans.
He couldn’t resist leaning forward to steal a kiss, the filthiness of it making his cock ache.
“Does that feel good?” He asked when you broke from the kiss, tipping your head backwards so his mouth met your chin instead. He kissed down the column of your throat and sucked against the skin there, mindful to not leave any visible marks.
“Feels perfect.” You slurred, your accent melding into your English and it was so horribly endearing and hot at the same time that Daniel couldn’t resist sinking a finger into you.
The response from you was beautiful, your back arching and hips thrusting into his hand as your hole swallowed his digit without any trouble. Daniel wasn’t sure if you were even aware of the noises you were making, high pitched little uh’s that rose in octaves and he was quick to silence them by kissing you.
He took the opportunity to slide another finger alongside his middle one, meeting a little resistance before you relaxed in his hold. The wetness and warmth of you was so intoxicating that he had to take a deep breath to not blow too soon in his pants.
“Want you—“ your words trailed off as your hands came up to search for the button of his pants.
You were panting, feeling impatient and Daniel watched in silence as the sound of the zipper echoed in the quiet kitchen. There was a brief sense of relief when you dragged down the hem of his underwear, just enough for you to fish him out and get your hands on him.
“Fuck.” You cursed in a whisper, voice laced in enough wonder for Daniel to laugh breathlessly. It was unbelievable how that one word could breathe so much confidence into his body.
Daniel was heavy and hard in your hand, and you took a moment to stroke him to get him fully hard, marvelling at the sheer weight and size of him. Of course, he couldn’t possess the personality and looks, he had to have the full package as well.
“You sure you want this?” He asked and you glanced up at him.
“I want this.” You almost said need, but bit your tongue.
You looked for any sign that maybe he didn’t want this, but you could find none and that made the urgency flare up in your chest as you brought him closer to you. He went easily, hands gripping your thighs to spread them.
“Spread your legs wider.” He instructed you and you did as you were told, ignoring the slight ache in your thighs at being stretched so wide.
Maybe you should’ve felt embarrassed by the position you were in, on display on your kitchen counter with your dress flipped up to reveal your bottom half. But Daniel was roving his eyes over you like he hadn’t seen anything like it before, and that was enough for the last smidge of self-consciousness to dissipate into thin air.
He took himself in his hand and stroked a couple of times, and you were so mesmerised by the sight of it that you almost missed the way he suddenly halted and looked around.
“What’s wrong?” You asked, frowning and he glanced at you.
“Do you have… anything?”
It took a second for you to gather your thoughts and understand what he meant, and dread suddenly sank in your stomach when you realised that no, you really didn’t have protection.
“Shit.” You swore, frowning as you sat up a bit. You looked at him, eyes searching his face as the most stupid idea crept into your mind. “I don’t— I don’t mind?”
His eyebrows jumped, and you couldn’t blame his surprise because it was a reckless move. But you were on the pill and you hadn’t been sexually active for a while. And maybe you shouldn’t, but you trusted Daniel enough.
“I mean, I’m clean and I’m on the pill.” You quickly added when he still hadn’t said anything.
You briefly contemplated sneaking into the sleeping couple’s room and stealing from Kelly, but the sheer horror you felt at the thought of being caught by your brother was enough for you to dismiss that thought. No way.
“I’m clean too.” Daniel said, placing a hand on your cheek and tilting your head up to look at him. “Are you sure about this? We don’t have to do it.”
“I’m sure.” You said and you meant it.
Daniel smiled with a nod, leaning forward to press a tentative kiss to your lips and it didn’t take long to fall back into that previous urgency you’d felt. You loved on his lower lip as he stepped forward, slipping two fingers into you and stretching you out for good measure before he gripped himself in his hand and guided you forward on the counter.
It felt like the breath was stolen from you as he breached you, keeping his eyes on your face to watch for any change and your eyelids fluttered shut as he pushed inside.
“Fuuuuck me.” He dragged out the words, struggling to find his breath at the sheer warmth enveloping him. “Look at me. Keep your eyes on me.”
You blinked them open, mouth falling into an O that looked too inviting for Daniel. He kept his eyes on yours as he bottomed out, waiting for a nod from you before he pulled back and thrusted forward, jolting you and making you moan out.
“Fuck, baby.” He set up a good rhythm, leaning his forehead against yours as he started fucking you. “Sound so pretty for me but you need to keep it down. Wouldn’t want your brother to find us like this, do you?”
He groaned when you tightened around him, giving you a particularly hard thrust in retaliation that made you whimper.
“That got you tight.” He turned his head to nudge his nose against your cheek, and you could feel him smile slowly against your skin. You could only imagine how downright filthy it looked. “Does that turn you on? The fact that someone could walk in and see you like this?”
It was a horrifying thought, but you couldn’t deny the heat spreading through your entire body as you imagined it. And Daniel could feel it affecting you, feeling you squeeze around his cock so deliciously tight that he almost faltered in his rhythm.
Your stomach was starting to tighten up, a telltale sign that you were so close but you still needed that incentive; that last push over the edge of wild oblivion. Your hand wrapped around the back of his neck to keep you upright while the other one found a home between your legs, fingers a little too slippery to cause any real friction. You let out a frustrated huff and wiped your hands on your dress before returning to touching yourself.
Daniel had his eyes fastened on you the entire time, feeling dangerously close to climaxing but he refused to be the one to come first, staving off for as long as he could.
It was difficult, it was so hard to keep up pace when you were clenching around him like you were subconsciously trying to keep him deep inside. He glanced up at your face and got exactly a two second warning before your mouth fell open and your legs got tight around him.
“Dan—“ The rest of your moan got choked off against the dampness of his shirt as he placed a hand on the back of your head and pressed your face to his shoulder; a poor attempt at muffling your sounds.
He couldn’t hold it off any longer, burying his face against the side of your head. “Where do you want me?” He should’ve pulled out, and he would if you told him so, but you felt heavenly around him and he momentarily wished that he could bury himself deep in your being and never get up for air.
“In.” Your words were trembling, breathless. “In me, please.”
And who was he to deny that, when you were begging so prettily?
“Fuck, sweetheart.” He gave a thrust, two and let out a guttural moan that he struggled to keep inside. Your breathy little noises as he shot off inside you was the only thing he could hear alongside the rush of blood in his ears. “This cunt.”
Your whole world tilted on its axis and you found yourself on your back, the hard and cool plane of the counter a nice contrast against your sweaty back. A giggle left your lips when you glanced down where Daniel had somehow managed to lose his balance, folding himself on top of you.
Daniel glanced up at the sound of your laughter, a dazed smile creeping onto his face and you couldn’t help but run your fingers through his sweaty hair, pushing the locks away from his forehead so you could get a look at his eyes.
He looked a lot like he did after a gruelling race. Sweaty and flushed, the apples of his cheeks tinted pink. But there was a bliss to him that definitely didn’t come from racing, and you flushed all over when you realized that it was your doing, you’d done that.
It was a powerful feeling to bring a man like that to his knees.
“Sorry.” He apologised as he placed both hands on either side of you, pushing himself up on unsteady feet. He held his hand out and helped you sit up. The stickiness between your legs was starting to cool, feeling uncomfortable and very much like you were in dire need of a shower. “You alright?”
You glanced up at him and smiled. “Perfect.”
He reciprocated the smile, looking like he was a little unsure of how to proceed. You didn’t blame him, because what did you do after that whole ordeal, in a kitchen, nonetheless. You wrapped one leg around his thigh and urged him forward, hands grabbing at his arms when he was close enough.
“You look beautiful.” He said, voice sincere and quiet, just for your ears. It made you feel a little sheepish, but you thought that you’d never get tired of hearing it if it came from his mouth.
“So do you.” You said, words spoken against his lips before he slotted his mouth over yours in a kiss.
The skin around your mouth was feeling a little chafed from his beard, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care as you let yourself be kissed; lost in the taste and smell of him. It was unbelievable how intoxicating he was.
“I’m gonna need a shower after that.” You said, laughing when he gave you a look and burying your face in the juncture of his neck and shoulder, wrapping yourself around him - much like a koala bear. Daniel must’ve mirrored your delirious thoughts, because he spoke up a moment later.
“Alright, you little koala bear.” He laughed, sounding five shades of amused as he wrapped his arms around you.
You slapped at his back, “Do not make that a nickname.”
The counter disappeared beneath you as he lifted you, the feeling of being weightless so sudden and jarring that you let out a yelp; arms clutching at him to not fall. He had no intention of dropping you though, hauling you up in his arms until he was holding you steadily.
“What are you doing?” You whispered, half-hushed and it was kind of ridiculous that you were being mindful of your voice after all the noise you’d surely created a few minutes prior.
The possibility of Max walking in felt a lot more dangerous now that you weren’t blind with lust, and you still didn’t know how Daniel felt about screwing his friend’s sister behind his back. It was a lot of feelings to unpack, but you put it in an imaginary box and locked it away in your mind for another day.
“You said you needed a shower.” His smile was blinding as always when you pulled back to look at him. “I’m here to assist.”
“That’s what they’re calling it nowadays? Assisting?” You joked and Daniel raised his brows in amusement as he began navigating the way to the bathroom.
It was an old house, depriving you of an en suite that you desperately wished you had now. You’d never felt a need for it, seeing as you were living alone, but it would’ve lowered the chances of the other two occupants hearing the shower running so late.
Your concerns went up in smoke when Daniel finally found the bathroom, kicking the door shut gently behind him. It was a failed attempt, the door screeching like something out of a scary movie and it made you muffle your laugh behind your hand.
“Gonna need to oil that, love.” He said, putting you down on your feet.
That’s what you’d told yourself a hundred times since moving in, but it had a weird charm to it so you never did. That, and you just never got around to fixing the door.
There was a bizarre thought that was so fleeting that you dismissed it almost immediately, imagining Daniel dropping by in Spain and coming to visit you between GP's. Him in your kitchen with his guard down, doing maintenance work on your house that so desperately needed it. It warmed your heart to the core, thinking of him squeezing you into his busy schedule but then you thought of Max and your thoughts halted.
Max. He'd done nothing throughout your childhood but protect you, being there for you whenever you needed it and you'd been leaning on each other into adulthood. He was the closest person to you in your life, and the thought of going behind his back made something sour bloom in your mouth.
You looked up at the hushed word, blinking in slight confusion when you saw the concern marring Daniel's face. He must've seen you zone out completely and you realized that you'd been deep in your thoughts for a while because the shower was running already.
Daniel reached a hand out to touch your shoulder, just a quick stroke of his fingers against your skin and you felt your body light up at the slightest touch from him.
"Lost you there for a minute." He said, tilting his head to the side to catch your eyes. "What are you thinking about?"
You looked at him, considered lying, but again, what good would it do?
"Max." You said, the name heavy on your tongue.
His face morphed into something unreadable and he regarded you silently. Like he was trying to reach into your brain and dissect your thoughts.
"Look," He sat down on the edge of the bathtub and peered up at you with his beautifully brown eyes. "I want to explore this with you, see where it takes us. Do you?"
You nodded before he'd finished his sentence, relief seeping into your tense body because he understood your sudden fear, he knew what you'd meant.
"Alright." He gave you a smile, radiant and reassuring. "We don't have to involve Max until we're absolutely sure where we stand."
He made it sound so easy, and maybe it was. Maybe you could do this without involving the outside world, exist in your own little bubble and see where it takes you without the added pressure from the public or either families.
Daniel helped you out of your dress, pressing small and fleeting kisses to your shoulder and arms. It was like he was trying to encourage you to take the plunge.
And in some way you did, as you stepped under the spray of the shower with him.
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scarletta-ruan · 1 year
hi hi, i'm the anon of the mental breakdown request and i really loved it! thanks!
well, as expected (😭😭😭), if i'm not disturbing you, could i request one more thing? it can be with the same characters (sigma, nikolai, jouno, fyodor and now + odasaku) reacting to reader hugging/clinging onto them when tired?? again, thank you if you can write it and don't worry if you need to reject!!! take care and don't forget to rest, hope your weeks are being good! <3
(also, expect to see me requesting for a good while, i'm sorry 😔)
WARNING: OOC, soft!character, fem!reader, reader being a clingy person, characters take care of reader.
TYPE: Headcanon
PAIRING: Sigma || Nikolai Gogol || Saigiku Jouno || Fyodor Dostoevsky || Sakunosuke Oda x fem!reader
WORDCOUNTS: 1.1k+ words
NOTES: Your request was kinda cute, I'm just happy when you loved my work. Sorry for taking too long in writing a request.
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1. Sigma
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How could he turn you down when you cling on to him like that?
Our precious baby, of course. He would let you cling to him when his face turned red.
Imagine one day you were very exhausted, lying on the couch while whining to him that you were really tired from work today. 
And then you suddenly wrapped your arms around his waist, leaned on his back and kept whining about your day when he was making some dinner for you.
Boy, he would listen to everything you said. Even though you were whining or complaining about your colleague, he still loved to hear it all. 
He would give some comments when you suddenly asked him while telling your story.
“You know what, that guy who works/studies with me is a bastard.”
“Yeah, I know it. He was the worst in the office/school right?”
This was cuter when you still wrapped your arms around him while Sigma was moving around in the kitchen in order to get more ingredients or just grabbed some seasonings. His mind also told him that he now looked absolutely like a mother chicken with small chicks running after her.
And when he thought about it, he just chuckled to himself and shook his head. But unfortunately, you still realized that he was chuckling.
“Why are you chuckling? Is there anything funny in my story?”
“No, love. It’s just because I saw that you are cute when you cling on to me like that.”
Always searched for a chance to have you cling on to him because Sigma loved the way you were cute and small like a small kitten begging for love.
2. Nikolai Gogol
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Nikolai would 100% love it when you cling or hug him.
Always wished that today you would give him some hugs after work. Man, he loved cuddling with you a lot so he would never slip this chance.
One time when you were exhausted after a work day, Nikolai was on the couch as you entered inside home.
Would definitely know you were home perfectly.
“Hi, my dear, little cutie Dove. How was your day today?”
“Not fine, of course. Doing too much work, being stressed with the boss's orders, and exhausted with the crowded street.”
Nikolai would let you mumble or curse everything which happened to you today, because he said that it would be alright if you told them out rather than keep it inside.
Then moved to the part hugging him. Because of being tired, you went hugging and clinging to him, begging for some attention.
“Aw, my Dove is getting clingy today.”
“You better let me do it, else I would never do it again.”
Felt satisfied when you cling to him, of course.
Wouldn't let the chance of you leaving him in any seconds. Nikolai would let you cling to him like a small Koala when he went around the house to get some water or a snack for you.
3. Saigiku Jouno
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Let's say that Jouno denies you hugging or clinging to him. 
Why? Because he needed to move around then get you some things you really needed when you were tired.
But when you insisted on hugging him, Jouno couldn't turn you down. He loved the way you let yourself cling on him when you were too tired.
Always told you that you needed him for charging, and often compared you to a device that needed to be charged.
“You look absolutely like a run out battery flashlight.”
“Yeah, and you are my own charger in my life.”
Interaction with people like Jouno was very precious. Because still he couldn't see anything, then a hug of you could be a way to express that you loved and needed him.
Always teased about your heartbeat when you hugged him.
“Your heartbeat is getting faster when you cling on me, is that right?”
“But I hug you from behind…”
“Blind people can be so sharp, you know.”
Would absolutely give you a kiss when you requested him over and over.
4. Fyodor Dostoevsky 
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Yeah, another person denied hugging and clinging like Jouno. Fyodor found it too annoying for calm people like him.
But still, he let you do it whenever you wanted.
Enjoyed a book while you tangled up on his body like a small exhausted kitten. 
Would give you a head pat because he thought you were a small lazy kitten that curled up on his lap.
“You and the kittens are the same.”
“Yeah, it's just because kittens often get tired like me.”
Sometimes suddenly sighed when you clinging to him, while he cooked dinner for you. Feeling your warmth behind him and then your slow breath made his heart flutter.
“The bed is in your bedroom, or the couch is in the living room. I’m not the place where you can relax, you know.”
“No, but still you are fluffier than them.”
“Fine, just do what you want.”
Would let you touch everything on his, including his hair, his hands, his chest, his back. Sometimes still this man would sigh but everything was alright, he loved how you leaned on him when you were tired.
Listened to all of your stories about work today, every complaint or else every compliment you got today.
Would give you a bath because you wanted him to do this for you, and he still obedient do that for his little kitten.
5. Sakunosuke Oda
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He looked absolutely like a mother carried his child.
Imagine that he was cooking dinner and you were behind his back giving lots of complaints about how bad your colleague and your company were.
“The boss considered me like his dog, I had to walk around the office serving his ass and other colleagues wanted me to do lots of  things for them.”
“Mm, they are bad, aren’t they?”
Couldn’t move around easily because you were stuck on him, sometimes when he moved to the refrigerator to pick up some ingredients for your favorite food, you just hugged him from behind and followed him. Oda considered you as a chick, for real.
“Do I look like a mother chicken?”
“Because I have a small chick that keeps following behind my back.”
He would give you a shower since you were too exhausted and you didn’t want to keep yourself up to go to the bathroom. Of course, Oda was bathing you like a small child.
“Close your eyes or the water will spit into it.”
“But I can’t see anything if I close my eyes.”
He also fed you by himself since when you were tired you definitely skipped dinner.
“I'm not a child, Odasaku.”
“This is my responsibility, though.”
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pathetic-sapphic · 11 months
soft viktor headcanons please ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ
Soft Viktor HC's
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a/n: thank you for the request, dear anon! i recently wrote Fluffly Viktor HC's so you can also check those out if you want :)
Soft Viktor
Viktor tends to run his hands through his hair a lot whenever he feels stressed or is just deep in thought about something which causes him to have a very messy and mussed-up hairstyle most of the time.
Doesn't have the best eyesight and owns a pair of reading glasses but foregoes them whenever he's at the laboratory because it's too bothersome for him to take them off whenever he is putting on safety goggles. Thinks he looks like a nerd when he has them on, but they actually suit him quite well and make him even more handsome than he usually looks.
He is so bad at cooking that it's endearing. How such a smart and calculated man can be so clumsy at something like that is honestly beyond me but he does his best, which is all that matters in the end.
Unconsciously chews on his pen when stuck on a particularly damning equation or problem. Jayce points it out from time to time, but Viktor stubbornly refuses to admit it despite the deformed look that all of his pens possess.
Science and engineering books aren't the only reading material he's interested in. Viktor loves a good romance novel to curl up with. He would never admit it but when you two were still in the flirting and dancing around each other stages of your relationship, he often imagined the two of you in fluffy situations that the protagonists of his favorite novels found themselves in.
He would love to have a cat at his apartment but since he is so busy, it only remains as wishful thinking. (Of course, once you two move in together you adopt a stray cat named Hex.) (And of course, Viktor is the one who named it.)
Wherever he is and whatever he is doing, Viktor makes sure to never forget where his roots lie and why he is still here today. He is a very righteous and hard-working man who only wants the best for his people and loved ones. It's the only motivation he needs to stay alive and keep going.
Soft moments with you
We all know how utterly in love with you this scientist is as he never hides it in front of anyone. He loves showing off his beautiful partner to his colleagues and will praise you to high heaven to anyone who listens. His whole demeanor seems brighter and more relaxed whenever you visit his workplace or when you keep him company at those pretentious galas. Everything is easier and the world is brighter as long as he has you by his side.
Viktor is a very attentive and considerate lover. He loves listening to you talk about your interests and will try to keep up with them. If there is a book you like, he makes sure to read it so that you two can discuss it together. Do you want to go to a newly-opened museum? Well, why not make a date out of it? He also notices when your eyes linger for too long on a certain trinket whenever you visit the markets so he makes sure to buy it when you're not looking and gifts it to you later. For him, the greatest gift of all is the sparkle of happiness in your enchanting eyes.
He very much appreciates your attention and feedback when it comes to his work and inventions. If he happens to be stuck on a certain mechanism and you offer advice that genuinely helps, he'll gather you in his arms and plant soft kisses all over your smiling cheeks. You never cease to amaze him and he loves you for that.
You cannot imagine how much it means to him to have someone who accompanies him on the bad days. Your support and soft touches make the pain so much more bearable and he feels like the luckiest man in the world to have someone as lovely as you stay by his side for better or for worse.
Viktor loves praising you, whether it be your looks, your good heart, or your wit. He genuinely finds you beautiful and you will often catch him looking wistfully at your features, daydreaming about kissing them and softly tracing them with his calloused fingers.
Place your lips softly on his beauty marks and watch him turn to putty in your hands. He craves your closeness and your touch, as he thinks that your embrace is worthy of going to war for.
Genuinely tears up whenever you gift him something thoughtful, doesn't matter if it's a science book that he's been eyeing for months or a pretty rock that made you think of his soft almond eyes. He is so grateful for your generosity and consideration that he'll never be able to put it into words.
Viktor is a very romantic man and shows it without shame. He will take you on lovely dates, give you the most endearing nicknames he can think of, and will always remind you how important you are to him.
Some of his favorite pet names for you include: ljubavi moja (my love), sunce moje (my sun), anđele moj (my angel), and, in English, he loves calling you his darling or his heart.
Some of his favorite activities with you include sleeping in, cuddling on the couch while reading, doing domestic chores, and stargazing while talking about what the future holds for you two.
He loves to initiate tickle fights. Seeing your face full of unadulterated joy, hearing your loud laugh, and feeling your body tremble and shake underneath his hands makes Viktor's heart skip a beat.
Overall, Viktor is a wonderful person to have as a partner and there will be no shortage of fluffy and soft moments in your life as long as he's around.
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pixelmensupremacy · 1 year
May i request a DBH fic? The moment they realized they fell in love with reader. May i request Gavin and the RK bros
A/N: Honestly, I don't why it took me so long to get this out. Either way that's an interesting request, Nonny! Here's my take on the dbh boys realizing they have feelings for the reader.
Warnings: GN!reader, it's implied that reader is shorter, pretty much fluffy stuff, not proof read
Being his snarky self, Gavin would be jokingly flirty at first not thinking much of it
Until he began sensing a warmth every time (Y/N) laughed at his silly jokes and sarcastic comments
Before he knew it, he was always spending his free time with (Y/N)
Going into the breakroom, whenever he noticed they were there
Greeting them every morning with a genuine smile on his face
Vibrant morning sunrays hit (Y/N) skin as walked into the building of the Detroit police department. It was quiet except for the usual sound of mouse clicks and the occasional phone ring. A bright smile curled the corners of their lips at the sight of their partner Gavin Reed.
"Morning, Reed!" Enthusiasm was evident in their voice; his attention was immediately anchored to them and their face, which he found absolutely adorable. Affected by their happy expression, he couldn't help but smile back at them.
"Somebody call the cops because it’s got to be illegal to look that good!" He eyed the from head to toe, causing them to shyly look away.
Interestingly enough, it was the colleagues at the department that noticed the change first
His longing to constantly be in (Y/N)'s company was obvious to everyone else but Gavin and (Y/N)
Happy to finally see Gavin break character and soften, his colleagues would tease him every once in a while
While on the other hand (Y/N) would get overwhelmed with questions such as "Did you put him under a spell?"
I feel like Gavin will distance himself once he realizes that his feelings toward (Y/N) are more than just a silly crush
Progressively he will grow colder to (Y/N)
He would find himself in a rabbit hole of repressed emotions and anxieties, connected to his past, which will ultimately lead to avoiding (Y/N)
Hurt and confused, (Y/N) wouldn't give up on reaching out to him but with little to no success
Until they give up, which in return pains Gavin even more
Suddenly he will have to deal not only with the fear of abandonment but also the consequences of said fear taking over him
I like to imagine Hank will be quick to notice the distance formed between the two and will talk to Gavin
Knowing him since his rookie days, Hank is one of the few people who know quite a lot about Gavin, which helps him in advising the detective
Eventually, thanks to Hank's help, Gavin will be able to realize that by avoiding his problems he made things worse
He will want to apologize to (Y/N) for hurting them
“I know I’ve been a total ass the past few weeks, but maybe I can make it up to you. (Y/N) silently gaze at him as if they weren’t sure if this was a dream or reality.
“There’s new restaurant down the block and I thought maybe..” He went on all the while studying their face. “Maybe we could check it out?”
Much to his delight, they agree
The two have the time of their life, catching up like nothing ever happened
And even getting closer
“So,” He spoke up, hot puffs of air escaping his mouth. “Are we even?”
(Y/N) swayed back and forth on their feet, overdoing the time it took them to answer.
“I’m afraid a single date won’t be enough, Reed.” Their hand reached for his neck, bringing his face closer to theirs; their lips touched his in a soft and delicate kiss that left him wanting more.
“Your wish is my command.” (Y/N) giggled, causing a warmth to spread in his chest, despite the cold of the November night.
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Markus is definitely the type of person, who looks for a friend first and a lover second
So, I expect him to fall for (Y/N) after they have gotten to know each other
His feelings for them will slowly but surely progress into a sensation he's never felt before
Even if the thought of (Y/N) wouldn't leave his mind, he would be reluctant to share that with them
Or at least not verbally
Being the altruist he is, his love language would be one of service
Anyway he could, he would help
Standing on their tippy toes, (Y/N) struggled to reach the contents of the top shelf; even the chair they were standing on seemed to not help much. Passing by the kitchen, Markus’ attention was caught by the creaking of the chair and (Y/N)’s puffs and quiet curses. With a puzzled expression, he walked up to them and took a glance at what they were doing.
Reaching with a hand near theirs, he took a hold of a box of cereal; electrical shock ran through (Y/N)’s entire body at the slight brush of his cold skin against theirs.
“Is this what you were looking for?” They nodded as they got down.
“Yeah, thanks.” (Y/N)  took the box with a bright smile on their face that caused his circuits to malfunction, resulting in LED lighting up in a vibrant amber color.
Though he will eventually come to realize that his desire to help (Y/N) exceeded past just his typical friendly behavior
He desired to be by their side at all times
He will absolutely melt if (Y/N) were to compliment him
The enchanting melody filled the space, alluring (Y/N) the source of the sound. Letting the music take over them, their steps were in perfect sync with the rhythm of the song; it almost felt as if time stopped and they have found themselves in a wonderland- one they couldn’t imagine even in their wildest dreams.
The volume grew louder so did the effect of the melody upon (Y/N); seeing a door, they weren’t surprised to see Markus sat before the piano. His slender fingers stroked the snow-white keys, the impact of his firm, yet delicate, touch made for a captivating melody akin to the song of a siren that drew in sailors in the dead of night.
Much like a sailor, bewitched by a magnificent siren, (Y/N) stood and watched as his composition tingled their every sense. Not long after did Markus sense their presence; startled by their sudden appearance, he stopped playing.
“Why did you stop?” Disappointment was written in their expression.
“I didn’t expect to have an audience.” He made a reply in a bashful manner, his colorful eyes avoiding theirs.
“I love it when you play the piano.” (Y/N) began as they neared him. “No matter how many times I hear you play it’s never the same. It’s truly fascinating.” There was a spark in their eyes as they spoke that caused a tingling sensation to occur in his thirium pump. Was he malfunctioning?
Markus will definitely confess once the revolution is successful and he feels safe enough to have another person in his life
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He's completely oblivious
Never in his short life did he expect to feel let alone fall in love
So, he's very confused when he experiences system malfunctions in (Y/N)'s presence
He constantly runs system checks only to get confused when the results show no apparent errors
Despite being a prototype, created to unravel complicated cases with ease, it takes him some time to figure out it's (Y/N) that causes these malfunctions
Of course, not without Hank's help
Enamored by the enigma surrounding them, Connor couldn’t help but stare at them and wonder: why they caused such reactions in him. Coincidently or not, Hank had noticed Connor’s lack of focus on his tasks; following the direction of his gaze, the man had found the reason.
“You know it’s rude to stare right? Or that isn’t in your damn program?” Hank got straight to the point but Connor seemed clueless, for he gave him a puzzled look. The man let out a sigh of disappointment.
“Look, I know you got something towards (Y/N) and you better go talk to them.”
“But I-“
“Trust me. They like you too.” Silently, Connor looked at his partner, processing what he had said. “Come on! Don’t waste your chance.” He urged the android on.
Connor will get flustered if (Y/N) were to compliment him
“Good morning!” (Y/N) greeted; their voice akin to a bell rang in Connor’s ears.
“Mornin’, kid” Hank mumbled under his nose, not quite returning their excitement.
“You’re here early!” They stared in awe.
“Yeah, thanks to him.” He pointed to Connor, who shyly waved his hand; (Y/N) smiled.
“Good job, Connor! Even if I wanted, I wouldn’t be able to bring Hank here before noon.” They joked, causing the lieutenant to laugh, meanwhile, Connor’s cheeks got blue, dusted with deep shades of blue, and amber hues danced on his LED.
If it came to physical touch Connor would probably shut down from how many system errors he gets
Much like in Markus' case, I think Connor will be confident in his emotions after the revolution when he becomes a deviant
It may take him a bit longer to fully grasp the experience of having feelings
Though he will get used to it with some guidance
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Just like Gavin, Sixty will be flirty but mostly with someone, who reflects the same energy
He may be a bit too daring at times, openly flirting without any shame whatsoever
Heading towards the breakroom with their partner beside them, (Y/N) was eager to get their morning coffee, though it seemed Sixty had other plans.
"Is your phone in your back pocket? Because your ass is calling me." With him being close by their side, his voice- barely above a whisper- caused shivers to run down their spine.
“Haha very funny, Sixty.” They sarcastically laughed, in hopes of hiding the excitement that grew within them.
“You know I’m always at your service.” He winked at them as he opened the door for them.
It may take him a lot longer to get attached and even longer to acknowledge his feelings
He would definitely test (Y/N)'s loyalty for him to fully trust them
Being Connor's successor and the android that almost caused the downfall of the revolution, Sixty is battling his past
An awkward silence had settled upon the two; worried, (Y/N) glanced at Sixty though his blank expression didn’t aid them in understanding what was going on.
“Is everything alright, Sixty?” Their voice were calm and quiet, loud enough only for him to hear; his brown eyes stared back at theirs. A puff of air escaped past his lips.
“It’s none of your concern.” He cut them off, bitterness was evident in his voice.
So, he will fall for someone, who accepts him for who he is and helps him in forgiving himself
His path to deviancy will be turbulent, filled with an explosion of repressed emotions Sixty is forced to deal with
But by being by his side, (Y/N) cloud build a bridge to his heart
The moment he realizes he is head over heels for (Y/N) is when he lets his guard down
When the playful facade crumbles down and what is left is a person, fighting to be accepted and forgiven
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Out of all of the boys, it will take Nines the most time to catch feelings
Being the most advanced android in the world, Nines is less prone to deviancy
Not only it takes him more time to feel emotions but to also acknowledge and accept them
So, romance with Nines is close to nonexistent until deviancy
Though there still would sign in his behavior that indicate a crack in his system
With all of his advances, I feel Nines would want to use his assets for good
And working at DPD gives him such an opportunity
Upon meeting (Y/N) he wouldn't sense anything right away
Though as they work together and get accustomed to each other, Nines will slowly change
His curiosity will grow, resulting in asking (Y/N) questions outside their field of work
Yet what draws Nines in is their tolerance
They never pressure him to open up or to talk when he doesn't want to
It just occurs naturaly
“Detective, may I ask you something?” Nines’ icy blue irises bore into theirs.
“Of course, go ahead.” (Y/N) took a sip of their drink.
“Why did you join the force?” A smear of genuine curiosity was evident behind his enigmatic gaze.
“Well,” A smile curled the corners of their lips as the memories flooded in. “I guess you could say I just want to help people.” Their gaze met his. “What about you?”
He stayed silent for a few moments; bright yellow circled across his light-emitting diode.
“I suppose we have common motives.” He danced around the question, yet they didn’t question him any further.
I feel like a life-or-death situation may bring his feelings to the surface
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sakusafilm · 2 years
This fic of yours is so good! Even though i hate kiyoomi for being such a bastrd😣 i feel like i can relate to the reader so much! The reader really deserve better! Not only she is failing but her boyfriend doesn't love her anymore and cheating on her😭 i really can't imagine how hurt is that😭 did u plan on writing a part 2? Kinda wish he's regretting or begging her to come back tho:')
Anyway, welcome to tumblr!:)
was really thinking of doing a part 2 !! so here it is. hope u like it 🍰
in which kiyoomi sakusa begs for you to come back.
sakusa x fem!reader, kita x fem!reader, angst, they fought and like punched each other, mentions of bokutitties LMAO
part 1
© sakusafilm. do not repost.
nine years.
you spent nine years of your life with kiyoomi sakusa, just to fall apart.
you always believed that people, indeed, just come and go. some of them will be just seasonal. your high school friends, your college friends. for some reason, you lost a lot of connections through the years. and it's not like someone's at fault, it just happened. because, well, people come and go.
but with kiyoomi, you never expected it to happen.
you were so sure that he is someone that you will spend the rest of your days with. you were so sure that he will marry you someday. you were so sure that he is a permanent one. he wasn't just a boyfriend or a partner, he was your bestfriend. so you never expected it.
although you knew that falling out of love hurts, it was the betrayal that is killing you. because falling out love isn't inevitable, but betraying you... like he never loved you... is beyond all of this. it's his choice.
after leaving sakusa's apartment, you moved to a smaller one near the hospital where you're working. you had nothing but some personal things that you tried to fit into your one and only luggage. but that's fine, you know you won't be staying at home much. the plan is to tire yourself out until you pass out.
you chuckle at your own self-destructing thoughts. you want to pass out and find out what hurts more, slamming your butt against the floor or kiyoomi's words. ah, you're going crazy for real.
for the next three months, that's what you did. work your ass off, volunteer doing the things you don't have to do so that you'll have an excuse to stay in the hospital. you basically lived there and if it weren't for some upperclassmen who nagged you, you really won't go home.
your review for the next licensure exams did not stop while brainstorming about your next individual dissertation. and you love tiring yourself out for things like this. you prefer this than think about kiyoomi again.
“sakusa kiyoomi for the first service ace of the game! nasty as always!”
today is different.
you can't escape him and his famous ass today. everyone, like literally everyone, is talking about the next match between adlers and black jackals. this is a highly anticipated match—so every phone, laptop and television around the hospital is on it.
after the adlers lost to jackals a few months ago, this is the most awaited revenge.
you're scribbling random notes in the quarters as your colleagues cannot contain their excitement towards the game. some are throwing awkward looks at you. they know your relationship with kiyoomi, and even if you didn't talk, it's obvious that you're over because of the continuous dating articles about him for the previous months. your colleagues never asked why, but they are hardly trying to be sensitive towards what you feel. you appreciate that, but they don't really have to.
you really understand how kiyoomi is famous and you cannot avoid him all the time so when their stares became too bothering, you looked at them, “just enjoy the game, guys. stop staring.”
“s-sorry, doctor!” someone said, “we just—”
“it doesn't matter to me, so please don't mind me and just enjoy watching.” you chuckled at them.
it's a lie, ofcourse. it does matter to you.
and even if you understand that kiyoomi is famous and all that shit, it still hurts. just hearing his name hurts. hearing and realizing that he's been doing so well hurts. because... why are you the only one miserable? why does it seem like you're the only one who got hurt? he continued in winning, being admired, being loved.
it felt unfair.
“bokuto caught the ball with his titties again!” they laughed, “he's literally my favorite, god! i'm starting to think that he's actually practicing that move in training!”
“better put that chest to use.”
you wanted to laugh and watch with them about the game like you used to. but you cannot endure seeing kiyoomi again even for a second because even after six months since that day, no progress has been made.
even if you work until you pass out, or read and try to retain information in your head—you still remember him. you still love him. and who can blame you? god, you fucking spent almost half of your life with that man. you grew up with him. you showed him parts of you that you can never show to other people. you believed him, you know. genuinely.
“seems like msby will win again.”
you wanted adlers to make msby eat dust this time out of bitterness, but that's not happening at all. seems like everyone in msby trained so hard for this match. atsumu miya is on fire with his sets, shoyo hinata showed new moves, kotarou bokuto can even joke and play around, and kiyoomi sakusa isn't being playing around with his spikes. he has always been so competitive with volleyball but today, there's something different about him. like... he's mad and going insane at the same time.
seems like you have to wait for another game before it's msby's outside hitter 15's turn to eat some shit.
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kiyoomi scored so much with his spikes in the game. if it was an official game, he probably became the mvp. in the locker room, atsumu glanced at sakusa who's been staring at the floor too much. bokuto hummed as he tries to read the mood of the room and shoyo made face, trying to make him shut up.
“stop staring,” sakusa, as always, has some great intuitions. everyone knows that. that's why it's a riddle for the three boys why he did what he... just did. to be frank, they are annoyed by it. especially atsumu. he knows how much you love his moody teammate, he watched how much you supported him from the sidelines.
“you were on edge the whole game,” miya commented, “it was a nice game but you have to know that being angry disrupts a lot in the system we built during practice.”
“i...” sakusa tried to search for words, “i'm just a little fired up earlier.”
“you're not fired up, omi.” miya says, “you're so mad, you're trying to ease the anger in you.”
“shut the fuck up. are you a therapist?” sakusa scoffs.
“it's so obvious.” atsumu answers, “you fucked up real bad. hope you know that.” kiyoomi looks at him, “and no, i'm not talking about the game.”
he knows. he fucking knows.
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forgetting kiyoomi sakusa is the hardest thing you ever tried to do your whole life. the memories are following you around. taunting and haunting, like those dreamlike days suddenly became a nightmare.
you know exactly what you need to do: move on. there's no other way but to move forward. you cannot let sakusa have the luxury to ruin more things for you. you deserve better than mopping around for a man who left you first.
so after a year, you started meeting new people. a lot of colleagues tried to set you up with a date with their friends. you agreed, ofcourse. you're single, a professional, beautiful. you can definitely agree to it. and these dates reminded you how huge it is out there.
it was fun and amusing to see men try so hard to please you with what they have. one time, you had a date with this lawyer who just talked about the cases he loved handling. it's pretty interesting for you. a lot of them are really interesting. but not consistent.
“you better have fun, dr. __!” dr. uchinaga has been nagging you to meet his nephew for a lot of times already. he waited until you finally agreed, “my nephew is a gentleman. very responsible and smart. i really think that this will work out.”
he's a senior doctor in the hospital and you couldn't reject it, but to be honest, it's making you curious too. he's been sweet talking about his handsome and responsible nephew for months now, and even told you that the man likes you too. at last, it's happening.
this one felt different. you don't know why but this makes you nervous.
you arrived at the restaurant five minutes early from the time that dr. uchinaga told you. it's a michelin five star restaurant in the middle of tokyo, very famous to tourists because of their traditional japanese food.
“uh, a reservation under dr. uchinaga—”
“a reservation under dr. uchinaga—” you looked at the man who spoke in unison with you.
“kita shinsuke.” you almost choked on air. you blinked, couldn't believe the gray-haired man infront of you. your lips parted as you stare at him.
“i think we should be together tonight.” he uttered with the same confidence you remember from years ago.
no way. yes way.
you're dumbfounded as you stare at kita shinsuke but when you managed to offer his arms to you, you mindlessly took it and walked with him inside the restaurant. this is a joke, right? kita shinsuke? the kita shinsuke? inarizaki's former captain? your high school crush?
he is your date tonight?
your heart is racing. something about seeing shinsuke again after years is making you excited. god, you were head over heels for him before you met your damned ex. back then, everyone's gushing over the top five aces of japan or the miya twins, and then there's you admiring shinsuke from afar.
you admired the calmness in him. you admired his precise words. there's nothing extraordinary about his plays but no one can beat him in the mindset department. he is not just book smart, he is wise. especially if compared to teenagers back then.
“do you—”
“do you—”
shinsuke chuckled, “you first.”
you chuckled too, “oh, i was just going to ask if you remember me but then i remembered that it has been like... ten years? so... this is probably a coincidence...”
“oh, not really.” he answered. your lips parted. your face doesn't show it much, but disbelief is crawling under your skin. but, he doesn't know you. or atleast he didn't care about his admirers back then.
“my uncle showed me a picture of his favorite junior. i wouldn't agree to this if i don't know you,” he says, you figured that out, hell! that's just so him, “so yes, i remember you. and i bet you... still remember me?”
“i do!” you quickly told him. damn, how could you forget? you remembered travelling to hyogo just to watch their final match. you brought a banner you did to cheer for him. you were such a fangirl back then, “i do... remember you. i mean— i—”
he chuckled, “let's not talk about high school if that makes you awkward.”
shinsuke made sure that you are comfortable with him throughout the dinner. he is true to his words. he did not ask about high school and kept asking about work. you decided that it would be fun to go to skytree after dinner and he agreed.
you already know this since high school but kita is different.
all this time, you talked to people who wanted to impress you. you never felt that with him. is it because he's confident enough? you're not sure, but you feel like it's deep rooted to the fact that if this ends, it won't be his lost, but yours. dr. uchinaga is right, he has a very responsible and amazing nephew.
“if you don't mind me asking...” he said, “you're not with—”
you looked at him, “i am not with him anymore. yes.” you looked at the view from the skytree.
lo and behold, japan's night lights.
“i think i won't be here with you if i have a boyfriend...” you chuckled.
“right.” he chuckled back, “it's rude to say good to hear, right?”
“yes, that's rude, kita.” you laughed.
the drive home was fun. shinsuke insisted to drive you. he talked about the farm and how he just went to tokyo again for a little vacation. he's staying in the suburbs, loving his best life quietly. and you can't stop yourself from answering, “that's so you.”
it's embarassing. it's as if you know so much about him!
“you know me well,” he commented, “what else do you know about me?”
he gave you a small smirk, you chuckled, “oh, i know a lot. like the way you watch your teammates whenever they are in game like a fox. or the way you clean the comfort room in inarizaki—”
he suddenly laughed, “alright, alright. you were such a fangirl back then. to be honest, the cheering doesn't matter to me.”
oh, you know.
“but when you started not showing up in games, it kinda felt dull.” you were stunned, “so if you ask me if i remember you, i do. you are loud everytime we are in a match and i don't have a lot of supporters back then compared to the miyas, so... kind of hard to forget, honestly...”
“thought you were annoyed by those cheers.” you told him.
“i didn't mind. that's all.” he answered you.
when you and kiyoomi started dating each other, ofcourse, you stopped supporting and going to kita's games. but now that you're out here, hearing what he thinks of you years ago, you cannot help but ask yourself: what if you rejected sakusa? what if you continued supporting shinsuke?
“i can go home from here.” you told him when you saw the convenience store near your apartment. he stopped the car slowly, “thank you for today. i had so much fun.”
“me too.” he smiled, “i'll go home to hyogo tomorrow but will be back for the weekend again. would you like to... uhm...”
“see each other again?” you asked him, “i don't mind, if it's not a bother to you.”
“it's not.” he immediately told you, “i would love to know more about you.”
your stomach felt heavy the moment you stepped out of the car. you waited for kita to drive away first before you started walking home.
the thought of being back in the first stage of getting to know someone makes you feel... angry. kiyoomi actually wasted your time. the years you spent together. and now, you don't fucking know you can actually do this again because the fear of shinsuke dropping you once you invested everything to him is inevitable. it's already rooted in your trauma.
if a man who was with you for nine years can do that, what more for a man that you just met again today?
you sighed at yourself. you have to stop thinking for a moment. it will be okay. kita is so different from kiyoomi. and besides, he's just trying to get to know you. it's not like you'll enter a relationship immediately with him.
“__,” you stopped walking. your heart stopped. your hands became cold as you slowly face the man who called your name.
in a black hoodie, black ballcap and black facemask. lean and tall with his curly hair, after a year of trying to build these walls against him, you realized how you haven't made any progress at all. sakusa kiyoomi stands across from you, the only thing you can see are his eyes.
the lamppost where he's leaning is lighting his face up.
“sakusa.” saying his name again has a bitter aftertaste.
“can we talk?”
“we have nothing to talk about, kiyoomi.” you firmly told him, “leave.”
“just tonight, just... hear me out... baby—”
”do not!” you exclaimed, tears threatening to fall, “do not fucking call me that... do not fucking come here like it's my fault that i don't want to talk to you... do not fucking come here like i should listen to you! because i don't! i owe you nothing!”
”ofcourse... ofcourse, baby...” he removed his mask and took a step closer. you took a step backward and looked at him again.
“it's been a year, sakusa. just leave,”
“it's all my fault. i know.” he says, “i have no excuses. i did it. i kissed another woman. i betrayed you. i ruined everything. i ruined us. i could rest but i chose to do the shittiest thing that i could ever do to you. i wasted everything. it took me a while, but i know that now.”
“and what do you want me to do? take you back like nothing happened?” you remarked, “i am not a pushover, sakusa. i you genuinely loved me, you will never do that... you will never even think of it... but you still did...”
you turned your back from him.
“i miss you so much,” god, he's so cruel. he's a fucking asshole for doing this to you. and you can't allow this. you can't be tamed by this, you can't forgive him so easily, “i am stupid and foolish. but i still love you, __. i just want to tell you this, i just want you to know. you don't have to tell me anything. but when i told you, back then, that i don't love you anymore... it was my pride talking for me...”
you still love him too. but if there's one thing you learned from all of this: it's love being not enough. it's not enough to make you stay. it's not enough to forgive. because you can be angry to those who you love, and that's okay. those feelings are messy and confusing, but they are valid.
“it's over, sakusa.” you said, stopping yourself from tearing up in front of him before finally walking inside the apartment.
but for kiyoomi sakusa, it's not yet over.
after that night, he constantly sent you gifts at home and at the hospital. it varies from flowers to chocolates to snacks to coffees and everything he knows that you love. sometimes, he would wait infront of the lamppost again but you won't stop walking and you won't give him even an ounce of attention, leaving him in emptiness.
on the other hand, shinsuke has been so consistent too. video calls on your free time, dates on your day offs. he would travel from hyogo to tokyo consistently to be with you. he's making you try new things— that secret starbucks recipe, the pink tulips that you hated before, the dark chocolate that you never tried because you were so inlove with the milk chocolate.
“thanks for today, uh,” you stopped tracking of the dates you had with kita already, “do you want to go to my apartment? it's just, uhm, you told me that you want to see this new netflix movie and i also want to—”
“i'd love to.” he smiled at you, “don't be nervous, it's just me.”
you smiled back at him. it's been five months. for others, it may seem fast. but for you, it's already slow enough. shinsuke has been so considerate enough.
he held your hand as the both of you walk to your apartment. it's still early and you're so sure that kiyoomi won't be waiting outside. you're so sure— until you saw his figure waiting. your eyebrows furrowed and you stopped walking. shinsuke looked at you.
kiyoomi is standing there, holding a huge bouquet of red roses. immediately, kita figured it out, “think i have to go—”
“no you don't,” you looked at him, “please don't go,”
he looks at you and slowly nodded, holding your hand tightly as you walk with him. sakusa stands up properly, looking at you and the faux haired boy holding your hand tightly. the bouquet fell on the dust. regret, anger and pain crawling in kiyoomi's system. sakusa knows kita shinsuke, your crush. before him, there's kita.
“__,” sakusa called your name.
kita stares at him.
“please leave, sakusa,” you said, “you see, i don't have the time to talk to you or to even treat you like a guest. just... leave...”
your eyes met his and slowly, a pang of guilt and pain went through your system. these days, you've been thinking why that sensation of guilt and pain has been washing through you whenever you look at him, despite being angry. despite of everything he did.
is it love? you don't think so.
or maybe it is? you're unsure.
because if it's love, maybe it's the love you had with him back then. the love he wasted. the love he discarded like trash for temporary pleasure. and maybe, you will keep hurting for him, for the both of you, because you will continue to grieve for the lost chances. you will keep hurting for each other and think about your what could've beens. you will keep grieving for the memories and the photographs you shared. you will keep hurting for what hurts because you're human.
but it doesn't mean that you'll want him back.
slowly, kiyoomi bended his knees. kita's eyes widened, and yours too. he kneeled in front of you. his pants being dirtied by the dust on the ground. like a bouquet of flower losing his it's life, sakusa kiyoomi is begging you to come back to him. right now. in front of shinsuke.
“you jerk!” shinsuke took his collar and gave him a strong punch, “stop making her feel guilty! stop bothering someone who is doing everyone to forget about you! you wanted this! you ended things! you—”
”kita,” you calmly called his name, “please stop.”
shinsuke calmed down with that, moving away from kiyoomi and going behind you. he got too carried away, and now he's letting you handle this on your own.
“go home, omi.” after so long, he finally heard you call him by his nickname again. making him tear up.
“i don't know what's home anymore,” he whispered, just enough for you to hear.
“then build one again.” you answered, “nurture one again. start over again. because omi, this isn't home anymore.”
“is that what you tried to do?” he asked.
you nodded at him, “i changed the way i drink my coffee. i changed my favorite flowers. i really don't have to, but it helps. it helps a lot. i changed my routine. i built a home from nothing when you left me. and if i could do it, you could do it too.”
“kiyoomi, forgive yourself. we are just meant to fall apart.” you whispered.
“i'm sorry. i'm so so sorry,” he said.
“you were amazing and painful to love. you brought me feelings that i never thought i could feel. and the past nine years of my life has been such a rollercoaster ride. i am still thankful to you, for taking care of me, for loving me, for enduring me. so please go home... go home and rest... because you can't keep doing this anymore...” you said.
silence embraced the three of you. the wind is almost whistling to your ear. your heart is racing as you grasp kita's hand.
kiyoomi slowly nodded and looked at you, “are you happy? genuinely,”
you nodded at him.
sakusa looks at you tonight like he will always love you. and you remember him back then, being so in love with you. tears started falling through your cheeks.
it's over.
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kita shinsuke is inlove with you.
so when you started not going to his matches, it started being so dull for him. the annoying, loud girl is not cheering for him anymore. he never envied the attention that the miya twins has been getting but it sure as hell good to hear someone shouting his name from the audience.
you found out that you're dating sakusa kiyoomi in social media. he knows that it's you, because you have that smile in your pictures with him. and then he thought, right, she's from itachiyama. it's even a riddle for him how you managed to travel to hyogo everytime he has game. but he shouldn't be thinking about that now, because he will never see you again.
until it's not what happened and he managed to see you again. for a date. does that mean that you broke up with kiyoomi sakusa? after all those years?
when he confirmed it, he couldn't let go of the opportunity. he doesn't care if he travels from tokyo to hyogo every single day, that's what you did for him in high school, anyway. he will answer your call in a blink of an eye, hear your rants about that toxic colleague that makes it hard for you to work.
“shin!” tears filled your eyes as you hugged your boyfriend of two years, “i can finally have my second specialization!”
your dreams, your aspirations, your hard work. he loved every bit of it. he loves hearing about it.
“ah, i'm so proud of you,” shinsuke chuckled to your ears, “marry me.”
you chuckled, “i will. next week, right?”
you realized that time was never a factor. it is not a hindrance if we don't let it be one. a nine year relationship could fail and a two year relationship could be your happy ending, you will never know.
there's only one thing you know, though.
you and shinsuke... you love each other.
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perictione00 · 10 months
Call me Mommy
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Pairing: Gojo Satoru x reader
Warnings: Use of curse words, smut.
Synopsis: You give Gojo a taste of his own medicine.
Jujutsu Kaisen Masterlist
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"You like that, Mr. Gojo", you said with doe eyes as you continued stripteasing the old man. You knew he was getting hard; it wasn't just some skin but the traditional Gojo clan kimono that did the magic. You started undoing the obi belt, revealing more of your body, leaving barely anything for imagination, but of course, you turned away to torment him more.
"Come on, sweetheart, this is torture", he said, standing up from the couch while taking off his office shirt. He was well-built for someone his age. Maybe this was gonna be much easier than you expected.
You got on your knees, trying your best to look as submissive and appealing as you could. Unbuckling his belt, you cupped his bulge, making him sigh. He looked at you with a loving gaze, and that right there was what you needed for your plans with him. Before you could think further, he got down to your level and kissed you deeply. Fuck, this is getting good.
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You and Gojo had fucked around a few times, so you knew how weirdly kinky and adventurous he was when it came to sex. What you never expected was your friend showing you Gojo's sex tape online. It wasn't even surprising, but what shocked you was you. Yeah, that asshole had the audacity to not only make but upload the sex tape, including you, online without your consent. This shit was serious because, unlike Gojo, you had a job and a great reputation to maintain. It could not only embarrass the hell outta you but could get you ostracized socially or, even worse, get you fired. You were not gonna let a fucking manchild disrupt your life.
On your way to his infamous farmhouse, you kept checking your cell phone out of fear. You did not want a colleague of yours to find out about this. Once you reached the destination, you saw a few women coming out. Like, what were you even expecting? As you opened the door, you saw Gojo wearing a bunny outfit, showing his pole dancing skills. Now that was a sight for sore eyes. You wondered how someone could look so delicious but act like a total moron at the same time; however, that's not what you're here for. "You spoiled fucking whore", you begin as you move closer to him. "Wanna tell me about the stunt you pulled?"
"Oh babyyy, I don't remember telling you about my humiliation kink, but please don't stop", he said as he sat down in an intentionally sultry position. You were sure he knew about the effect he had on people, but today's not the day. Standing right in front of him, you slid your hands into his hair and pulled em before asking, "Would my lovely bitch like to explain why the fuck was a sex tape made and uploaded online without my permission?"
"Shit, babe-", you cut him off before he could continue, saying, "No, Gojo, you don't get to enjoy this situation; I'm serious right now. Delete that video right now; I don't care how many procedures it requires, I want it off the internet and your cellphone. Every fucking duplicate, deleted, RIGHT NOW!"
"Calm down, hon, why don't we have some fun", he said as his hands made their way to your ass, "we can talk, but let's be comfortable first, no?"
"No. No, Gojo I'm not kiddin right now; delete that shit, or just gimme your cellphone; I'll do it myself". Before you could search for it, he pulled out his mobile and said, "I'll comply with your wishes...I guess, but what's in it for me hmm?"
You've had enough; you already had a long day, and now he was getting on your last nerve. "Nothing. You don't get anything, Gojo; just by doing this, you've already compromised my job, and who knows what? So just stop irritating me and do it".
"Okay, okay, woah, grumpy pants I will delete it from the internet, but at least lemme keep a cop-", he stopped and started laughing as he saw you glaring in his direction. "You know you can always join my company if things go downhill", he said while deleting the last copy as you replied, "I'd never wanna work under you".
"You sure loved it the other day in the hotel", of course, he said that, for which you gave him the finger.
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Fast forward: a spineless coward got you fired by spreading rumors about your risqué incident, and now you were planning to get back to Gojo Satoru. You knew no sex tape, rumors, or false accusations could shame or humiliate him, so your petty self came up with the greatest idea of all time, and you knew it was going to work.
And that's how you ended up on your knees in front of Gojo Sr. It wasn't hard to have him wrapped around your fingers, and it was just a plus that he was far more fun than you imagined him to be. Because Gojo's daddy issues portrayed him like a villain, you couldn't imagine him having such a huge dick, and he was so good at using it too, you hit a total jackpot.
You moaned loudly as you rode him, with his hands on your ass, helping you move better.
You loved how his expert fingers always found your clit helping you reach your orgasm right before he came. You rode through your orgasm as he kissed you deeply. "Fuck...fuck, are you okay, love?", he asked. "Never been better", you said as you pecked his lips again. You got ready to go back home after a shower together, as he was staying back for some work. It was all going well; you knew a confession was coming your way any day. You took more time with your heels to catch the perfect timing for something before you went out of the office.
As you walked out, you smiled when you saw the elevator door opening and a dumbfounded Gojo Satoru making his way to you. "Why—not trying to be rude, but why are you here?", he questioned as he looked back and forth between his father's office door and you.
"Oh, Daddy just needed some help, so Mommy came to the rescue".
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haihaihaitani · 10 months
Don't Be Scared ~ *Rindou Haitani*
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Summary: It seems Rindou’s colleagues don’t respect you as they go out of their way to make you miserable. But you would never tell Rin this. You’re stronger than that, right?
Pairing: Rindou Haitani X G/N!Reader
Genre: Angstyish Drabble
Word Count: 686
Warning: swearing, anxiety attack, insecurities. Rindou being OOC (but I need him to be this way), hating the nickname baby (seriously I could rant about how much I hate being called this, but I think I summed it up pretty well in this)
A/N: I wrote this as a sort of therapy piece. Two things mentioned in this story are insecurities of mine. And sometimes I just imagine a lovely anime boy telling me he’s going to protect me. So yeah. Very self-indulgent. 
A/N 2: Also my dad had piranhas. That’s why they’re here.
You were officially having the worst day ever. Currently, you were curled up in the far corner of your husband’s office, behind his couch. You were squeezed into a tight ball, shaking and crying like a child. All because you were embarrassed in front of your husband’s coworkers.
Honestly, you couldn’t remember who it was who did it and you frankly didn’t care. You could still remember what he did clearly, even though it happened over an hour ago. You don’t think you were ever going to forget.
You were on your way to your husband’s office with some important paperwork when some guy jumped out and scared you. You hated jumpscares because you always felt stupid afterwards. However, after he jumped out, you tripped over your own feet and fell on your ass.
While you were trying to fight back your heavy breathing and tears, the guy laughed and said, “Ha! Gotcha, you whore.”
You were frozen.
A whore? Is that what these people thought of you? You thought…
You shook your head. It didn’t matter what you thought anymore. What mattered is that no one here respected you. Maybe your own husband didn’t respect you like you thought. You just wanted to disappear and believe none of this ever happened. That when you close your eyes, count to three, and open them, you’d be home again.
The door to the office opened. You heard Rindou call out to you, “Baby? Are you here? Ran said he saw you run in here.”
Baby. You were right. Your own husband didn’t even respect you to see you as anything more than a child. Were you being dramatic? Sure. But you still felt justified in being a little extreme considering the humiliation you were subjected to.
“Babe?” Rindou’s voice was much closer to you now and you felt his shoulder brush against yours. You squeezed yourself into a tighter ball to get away from him. “Hey. What’s wrong?”
“Nothing. Go away.”
“I’m not going anywhere until you tell me. Something is bothering you and I will do whatever I can to make it right.”
“No! It’s embarrassing and I just want to crawl into a hole and die!”
You weakly struggled against him when he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into his lap. “Love, please. Let me help you.”
Taking a few breaths to try and calm yourself, you told him. You recounted the mortifying ordeal with the jumpscare and how he called you a whore. You then let your insecurities spill, how you were so stupid that you could handle a bloody massacre but couldn’t watch a horror movie. You mentioned that you didn’t think anyone respected you, much less like you and you wished you weren’t so dramatic, but explained that these were the thoughts and feelings you were having.
When you were done, Rindou didn’t say anything for a long time. You were about to ask him to say something when he whispered, “I’ll kill him.”
“I’ll fucking kill him. I’ll gut him like a fish and feed him to your piranhas for making you feel this way.” He snapped, his voice cold and deadly.
You shook your head and burrowed yourself into his chest. “Don’t do that. You’ll make yourself work more for something those fish won’t eat.”
He gave a slight chuckle but pulled you in closer. “I’m glad you’re making jokes but I’m furious someone would make you doubt yourself like that. You are not a baby and you are not a whore. I love you so much, I married you. If you want, I’ll stop calling you baby. I call you whatever you want. But you have to know that I have never thought less of you and I never will. You are the love of my life and I will never, ever stop loving you, okay?”
You nodded. “Can we go home?”
Rindou kissed the top of your head. “Of course, my love. Right after I call Ran, okay? I have to order a hit.”
“Tell him to be slow and painful.”
“Anything for you.”
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I can’t stop imagining spider becoming an absolute badass, like the amount of ideas literally keep me up at night. For example, imagine that one day, Neytiri just goes off on Spider and says the most foul things to him - stuff that was so horrendous, even people who equally hated Spider being around had to try and calm her down, because what she was saying was completely out of line. To spider, he’s heard this all from the People, the Scientists, the McCoskers - but Neytiri always strikes a cord that can’t be fixed or shrugged off easily. The only thing that snaps him from his thoughts, was what Neytiri said next while she was being pulled away from the situation.
“You will never be One of the People. Your father is a Demon, and your mother is worse for ever loving him and producing such Spawn”
There it is the breaking point. Spider has always turned the other cheek when it comes to people that insult him or insult him by comparing him to his father. He always found that retaliation and tantrums only proved his accusers assumptions correct. But nobody. Nobody insults his mother. Spider could have screamed back and shouted bloody murder at her, but at this point, he just doesn’t care. She isn’t worth trying to prove himself to. His siblings know who he is, that’s enough.
From that day on, he doesn’t go to High Camp again and doesn’t wear his loincloth. He starts wearing cargo pants and tank tops, but he keeps his armbands, knife and jewellery. He wants to come into his own identity, but he can’t shed what remains of his past life (trying to be part of the Omaticaya). Personally, I don’t think that Norm and the other Scientists wouldn’t care too much about what spider does until he crosses a line or breaks a rule that they haven’t outright told him (that kind of behaviour is traumatising, I would know 🙂). So when figures out to give himself piercings and tattoos, they are livid. They are shocked at the transformation - where painted blue stripes used to be, there were inky black stripes that passed over every limb and even on his face; where dirty brown locs used to be, golden blond hair was fashioned into a Viking braid reaching down his back (similar to a kuru).
The only person that understands and doesn’t overreact is Max. Personally, that man was a dark horse in his family before he came to Pandora, I know it in my soul (Headcanon coming soon or after this post). He takes it on himself to support Spider and nurture his clear talents. He wishes he could have raised spider as his own, but knew that he would be shunned by his colleagues for raising his son - he couldn’t be seen as a disgrace after his time as a child.
Spider had a number of talents and skills, including Engineering, Chemistry, Languages, Marksmanship and martial arts. Max helped to nurture each and everyone. Some days, he would have Spider build and repair weapons and tech. Other days, Spider would learn chemical reactions or a new language. Every evening, Max would instruct Spider in combat and would exercise and lift with him to encourage him. Over the course of a month or two, Spider was unrecognisable. He took in information like a sponge and soon Max was running out of things to teach him. Piloting Samsons and Scorpions - took a few tries, but Spider was truly a born pilot like Paz. Stealth and parkour - He was already a natural, but he was fooling Na’vi warriors more often than not after a week of practice.
Eventually, when Jake started performing raids on RDA Trains, Spider knew it was time to put this all into practice. You see, deep down, he still wanted to prove himself to the People, but not so he could be one of them. He wanted to prove himself, to show them what he forged himself into despite them. However, he knew Jake would never approve him going along - he was still a child. The thought to Spider was ludicrous; Spider never believed he was a child, because no child goes through what he did and remains a child. So he decides to go anyway and doesn’t bother with permission. Though, he does ask Max, who understandably forbids this from happening. After reasoning that he would be safer if he got support to complete this venture, Max relented after hours of back and forth.
And thus, Araña was born. Imagine Winter Soldier getup (Hydra-controlled Bucky, not White Wolf armour) where the half mask acts as his rebreather so he doesn’t risk glass from a regular mask entering his eyes. All manners of weapons are strapped to his body including an Assault Rifle, a revolver (nobody knows that it was actually Quaritch’s revolver that delivered the fatal shot to Grace), A bow and quiver, a LOT of knives and a grenade or two. He looks terrifying but despite this Max feels proud - not about his boy going to fight in a war that has devastated everything he loves, but because this kid, his son, has stepped into his role as a defender and Max is proud of how far Spider has come to reach his goals.
Queue Spider being the biggest menace to RDA society that has ever existed. There was no reason for the Na’vi Ground forces to blow up the rail line, because Spider had already hijacked the train and pulled the breaks. The look of an anonymous Sky Person swing around the train killing and disarming grown men confused everyone in the raiding party, especially the Sully’s. There was something familiar about the acrobatics of this mysterious warrior, the answer on the tips of their tongues. It was only after Spider saved Lo’ak and Neteyam from the missile strike, that everyone realised who this person was. Nobody believed it until Spider spoke and then all he’ll broke loose.
I apologise if this too long or weird, I just needed to get this out of my head. I’ll definitely be adding to this given time, regardless of whether or not people like it, and the only thing that can stop me is my undiagnosed AuDHD.
Farewell to all, Yours sincerely,
Your Favourite Evil Overlord
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aliasrocket · 1 year
Hello! I wasn't sure if you were taking requests or not, so please feel free to ignore this if you aren't!
Would I be able to request a Rocket X Fem!Reader (established relationship) oneshot or imagine or headcanons?
Y/n works at a bar on Knowhere and Rocket and the Guardians will often drink there. Half the time, Rocket's just sitting at the bar, talking to Y/n and only ordering drinks from her.
Maybe some smut at the end??
If you take this request, thank you!!
Have a great day!
Omg omg ok I have a quite a number of these lemme see if I can remember them hehe also!! This is my first smut imagine you guys!!! Wish me luck!
credit me if you use this gif! / masterlist!! / request stuff <3
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You work at one of the more well-known bare at Knowhere to no one’s surprise, though the bar had only been popular due to its lower prices and even lower pay, but, you weren’t complaining. You needed the money and the company wasn’t half bad. (That being Kraglin being one of the nicer ones to talk to you and Cosmo dropping by because of him. He works at a bar but often hops jobs when he’s not off being a guardian so you’re stuck with him for maybe another two weeks, probably more.)
You weren’t quite sure how it happened. A few times of talking and fucking were what crossed your mind first but when Rocket walked into the bar with his family like they do once or twice a week, you remember how lucky you are to have Rocket Raccoon as your boyfriend.
As per usual, he chats it up with his friends for the first few minutes and sets up the jukebox in the corner before picking up some drinks for his friends. The chilly air of Knowhere waltzed into the bar but you were far too busy pretending not to be completely dazed by your boyfriend’s roaming about the bar.
He finally sits down at the cocktail table where Kraglin had been working, and by this time your colleague already knew this was his cue to switch with you.
“I’m not disrupting your working hours, am I?” Rocket asked in a low, sultry voice as he rested his cheek on his fist, his elbow propped up on the table.
“Like you give a shit,” you scoffed with a smile. “The usual?”
And just like it had been every night, Rocket constantly shifted his attention between you and his family. Of course you didn’t mind because you knew how much it had made him happy and that’s all you could want for him and more.
“Oh, princess are you okay?”
“Hm? Yeah why?”
He tilted his head, a small smile curving his lips. “You just look so tired.”
“Nah, I’m fine. Anyway work ends in …” you glance at a clock hanging above the doors of the bar. “An hour.”
“If you say so …”
You’ve danced this tango before, it was Rocket just painfully reminding you of how he rewards your hard work with a good fuck in your apartment.
The truth is, you’re exhausted, of course you were, your shifts were always over ten hours long five days a week and the only relief you get is during your one hour break and when he comes to see you.
But you can’t let him know that or he’ll make it into a whole thing in bed that prolongs your agony, so you suck it up until he has you in bed, moaning his name.
“Rocket …”
“Yes, baby?”
“Shit, faster, I—” you were interrupted by your own squeal as he gave your cunt a firm slap.
“That’s no way to ask your boyfriend to pleasure you, is it? Try again, princess,” Rocket teased, a shit-eating grin stretching across his face as his chin tilted upward. His ego was inflating before your very eyes and you did nothing to stop it and instead, encouraged it.
“C’mon, baby, whine for me,” he demanded in little whispers that ran in hot breaths beside your ear.
“Rocket, please fuck me, please, I can’t take it anymore,” you begged.
“Oh, okay.” Rocket shrugged, completely feigning innocence with a playful tone. “Since my baby asked so damn nicely …”
After removing his clothes, he loved the feeling of his cock sliding into you at an incredibly slow pace. You saw it in his eyes, the fire in them when you squirmed and gripped the sheets as you stood helpless against the slow straining and stretching of your walls as he sinks into you, so, very slowly …
And when he’s about halfway in, he ruts into you once, head rolling around his shoulders at the very pretty noise you make when he does. The sound alone was almost enough to relieve all the tension in his muscles.
It didn’t take long before he was pounding into you, giving you little to no time to adjust as he took out the day’s frustrations on you.
You moan a lot, almost at every fast thrust and it always sends him so much closer to his release than usual. He’s panting, sweat on sweat as he gently nips at your collarbone.
“Fuck, baby, how are you still so tight?” He asks between grunts, the bed creaking at how vigorous his rutting had been. “It’s like you were made just for me.
“D’you think I was made for you, princess?”
You don’t know how but you know he’s grinning without even looking into his eyes. Your eyes were shut tight so as to prevent him from taking more pride in the fact that had your eyes been open, they would have rolled to the back of your head by now from all the pleasure he was fucking into you.
“Yes, yes, just for you,” you slurred, your brain unable to gather any sort of proper thought as your body grew more limp in his hands.
“Just for me, hm?”
“Oh, fuck—y-yeah!” You screamed as he began to hit a certain spot in you. “Fuck, Rocket!”
“I’m close,” he said, continuing at a merciless pace inside you. “So goddamn perfect for me, princess, fuck!”
His teeth were bared and his claws were probably drawing blood on your hips as he thrusted in and out of you like a piston on high speed. Soon enough, he came, pulling out right on time and letting his load leak onto your mattress.
He does a strangely good job at cleaning up the mess, but hey, once again, you weren’t complaining.
This usually follows with a little reward on how you’d like to come and he does anything you ask him to.
And when you say anything,
You mean anything.
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Thank you so much for reading!!
// tip jar. commission me for art/fanfic <33
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ahundredtimesover · 2 years
Missing our plm couple extra today. Wonder what they’re doing 🫶🏼
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I’ve had this on my drafts for a while and decided to finish it with the image of long-haired and glasses JK in mind. It sort of sets up the stage for the The Fight as well. I hope you enjoy 🥰
Title: Please Love Me Bonus 06 - I tell you everything.
WC: 4,421
Tags/Warnings: suggestive
Series Masterlist
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Five minutes. Jungkook’s phone pings.
No 10.
Or maybe 15 sorry hun I’m still packing up but also it’s the last day of class so everyone’s chatting it up oh you can come in if you want! Another ping. 
Jungkook laughs at your run-on sentences and knows you’ll be cringing at them later. But he’s also imagining you looking a little stressed, trying to multitask between fixing your tools and saying your goodbyes to your classmates. 
He turns off the engine and exits the car. It’s when he gets another message - Kook, can you come? I need help with my things 🥺 - that he jogs the block to the art studio and makes a left to the hallway where your class is. 
He looks around, in awe of how the decor at the west wing quickly changes. In the half year that you’ve been enrolled in your drawing class, he’s visited you a few times and each time, the art pieces hanging on the wall have been different. He’d spied a few of yours, too, and he’d spent too much time just admiring your work and imagining what inspired you or what you were thinking, something he always asked you about later on. 
But one other thing he likes to do when he picks you up is peek through the half-wall window and not-so-creepily watch you work on your piece - focused eyes surrounded by your soft features, with only a look of determination mixed with pure passion for the craft. You did say you’ve come to love drawing after all. 
It’s through his visits that your classmates have come to know him, too - that first time, one asked if he was the nude art model and another yelled they wished he was. Jungkook didn’t miss your slightly embarrassed and flushed face when you finally claimed him as your husband. The room melted into a puddle, with oohs and ahhs reverberating through the walls when he greeted you with a forehead kiss and picked up your things as he often does. 
Jungkook does all those again today. He sees one of your pieces and imagines what you were thinking of as you painted the sky green, then he turns to the room where the sound of applause catches his attention. But then his smile - the one he’s been sporting since this afternoon when he got to free up his evening so he could attend your event with you tonight - fades, his eyebrows furrowing and a pout forming on his face. 
He’s familiarized himself with all your classmates and colleagues, and that half-naked man with firm pectorals and large biceps and chiseled jaw and sharp nose is definitely not one of them. 
Back inside, you’re busy putting away all your pencils giggling at the light banter between your classmates. You’d asked Jungkook to help you with some of your things and you know he’s probably waiting outside.  
Before your gaze wanders outside, you look around the room and meet deep-set, hazelnut eyes - intense and paralyzing as they bore into you. You’re quite surprised, and as you zip up your bag, you accidentally hit your easel. You shut your eyes as reflex, ready for it to make that sound as it hits the floor. 
But it doesn’t.
“You nervous or something?” 
The man’s voice is deep. It’s familiar, and as you look up, you know why it is. 
He’s putting in place the easel that you almost knocked over. He’s got a smirk on, and you wonder if your flushed form has anything to do with it. You didn’t really expect that the man whose backside you were drawing just minutes ago would be speaking to you. The models for your nude drawing class don’t exactly interact with the artists - it’s kind of weird to do that when strangers have basically seen every part of you. 
But he’s here in front of you with a twinkle in his eyes that have now softened, and you’re only able to shake your head. Sure, he's handsome, but he’s also still half-naked - you’re not exactly sure how to process that outside of your drawing bubble.
“You’re rushing, then?” He asks.
“Uh, sort of?” You chuckle, relaxing a little as you try to focus on just his face.
“That’s a shame. I heard that Mrs. Yang’s treating your class to dinner and she invited me. I was really hoping I’d see you there,” he replies.
“Oh? I’ve got an event tonight. Is there something you wanted to tell me?”
“Sort of,” he chuckles now. “I’ve modeled for some of her other classes and no one draws me quite like you do. They seem so real and so intimate. Mrs. Yang said I could personally ask you if I could bring home your drawings of me. I like how you’re able to capture the—”
He’s cut off by the sound of a throat clearing and Jungkook turning you towards him with a deep kiss on your lips, his hand gripping your waist tightly as he lingers on your skin.
“Hey, babe,” he says.
“Kook,” you blink up at him, surprised again by the desperation in his actions. “Hi,” you recover, smiling at his presence despite the scowl on his face. 
“You ready to go?” He sounds in a hurry, uninterested.
“Yeah, I was just talking to Samuel. He was asking for my drawings of him.”
“Is he now?” Jungkook arches an eyebrow and crosses his arms. He looks up and down the man in question who still has a smirk on his face.
“I am,” Samuel replies, assessing your husband from head to toe just the same. “___ draws me so beautifully. Her pieces make the hours-long process of posing nude all worth it. She’s got an amazing eye, among other things.” 
If you didn’t really care much for him earlier, now, you don’t care much for him at all. You want to tell him off for how shameless he’s being, but the selfish and silly part of you wants to know how your husband would react and well, follow up that sudden kiss he gave you to get your attention.
“She does,” Jungkook replies. “She’s obviously talented but she’s also had some practice. I mean, I’m her muse when it comes to this… nude drawing thing and yeah, I know all about posing for so long being worth it.”
Jungkook gives you a naughty smile and you know exactly what he’s thinking about. “It’s quite the gift when you’re married to an artist, you know?”
“Ah, you’re married, I see,” Samuel hums, glancing at your left hand that’s now sporting the ring that you remove every time you draw or paint.  “That’s good. For both of you. Not for me but yeah, I shouldn’t be surprised,” he turns to you, chuckling now, realizing at how stupid he seemed. “But can I still keep the artwork, if that’s okay and not weird for your husband?”
“Her work, her choice,” Jungkook responds. 
“Sure, if it’s as nice as you say it,” you shrug, not minding much. It’s always a compliment when your model reacts that way to your final output. “You can just ask Mrs. Yang for them.”
“It is, I truly mean it,” Samuel smiles more genuinely this time. “And yes, I’ll choose the best one, although that might be difficult. They’re all great.”
“Thank you, Samuel,” you grin, not interested to keep this on. “I’ll get going now. It was a pleasure.”
“It was. I hope to see you around,” he smirks again, and you don’t miss the scowl that graces your husband’s face once more.
You wave goodbye to your classmates and tell them you’ll catch up with them another time. It’s when you exit the building that you turn to Jungkook, his frowned expression turning into a pout. 
“What was that, Mr. Jeon?” You giggle. 
“What?” He’s defensive, even as he takes your hand and leads you down the street. 
“Don’t think I didn’t know what you were doing with that kiss and head-to-toe look and hidden meanings in your words, hmm? Are you threatened?”
You’re teasing, a rarity for you because Jungkook does get quite jealous and you’ve never wanted to push him, but something about him in his work attire, rolled up sleeves with tattoos exposed and all that makes you want to just try. He looks tough like this, especially with his hair that he’s growing out, but the glasses he’s been wearing more frequently just makes him adorable. It’s a kind of sexy that you’ve been enjoying lately. 
“Just never seen him before,” he shrugs. “And he was obviously flirting with you. Like, ‘you’ve got a great eye among other things’? What the fuck does that mean?!”
“Yeah, I thought he was just being friendly until that,” you laugh. “He’s modeled just 3 times including today. He’s apparently an artist, too, so he knows a lot about forms and stuff. So that’s kind of nice, being complimented like that.”
“Hmm, probably. You also couldn’t stop looking at him.”
“Hey!” You nudge Jungkook. “It’s only because his body is so overwhelming, you know?”
“And what about mine?” He frowns.
“Perfect - just the way I like it,” you turn towards him, stopping him in his tracks so he could look at you and see the love in your eyes. “You, my dear husband, are the most handsome and sexiest being in this world, with or without clothes, and I absolutely adore every inch of you, every ridge and every dip and every beauty mark and every scar.”
You cup his cheeks and feel them rise to his eyes as he can’t help but smile at your words. 
“No need to worry, okay?” You assure. “Classes are over and I’m satisfied with my nude drawing abilities already, especially with the muse I’ve got.” You wink, liking how he blushes. He takes your hand and lovingly kisses it before kissing your forehead. 
“Hmm, might want to draw me again soon so that this is the only nude body you’ll remember,” he winks. 
“Oh trust me, this is the only nude body I remember,” you respond, resting your palms on his chest.
He takes the opportunity to pull you closer, his warm breath tingling your skin. “Good. I’ll keep reminding you though, maybe tonight? Or right when we get home?” He hums in satisfaction and kisses your lips.
You giggle in his hold. “Kook, we’re in public,” you remind him, as an old woman chuckles as she passes by you both. 
“I don’t care,” he huffs.
“I do,” you answer, though your words don’t have a bite in them.
“You didn’t answer my question,” he arches a brow.
“Do I need to?” You tease, tracing his defined pecs underneath his silk polo as you bite your lip.
“Fuck, let’s go.”
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You arrive at the grand estate of Mr. Lee that’s right at the edge of the city. It took a while to get here, as you and Jungkook took too much time feeling each other up before you actually got dressed, but it was something you didn’t mind. He gets riled up when he gets jealous, and you’d shyly told him it was quite a turn on. You would’ve passed up on this event if it wasn’t so important to you, and he understood. He promised to continue what you’d both started after, though, and that really got you smiling. 
The mansion is buzzing. Clanking sounds of champagne flutes, soft munching of canapés, and laughter and conversations fill the grand room and the hallways nearby. There are many familiar people - and not because you know them from the art world, you know them because of your family and Jungkook’s. Those present in the viewing of Mr. Lee’s private art collection are big names in the business and entertainment industry, after all. But they’re here by personal invitation and their appreciation of art, including you.
It’s a twice a year event, and you’re lucky that one of Mr. Lee’s granddaughters is currently your student in the weekly art class for children that you’ve been teaching for the past few months. Her mother befriended you and was kind enough to invite you tonight, and you couldn’t be happier, especially when Jungkook messaged you earlier that he was able to free up his evening to accompany you here. You’ve been busy with various projects on top of the classes you take and conduct, and you wanted to spend time with your husband, even if half the time you’d be gushing about the pieces anyway, something he said he wouldn’t mind at all.
You find your way to look at a contemporary piece, telling Jungkook about the artist, when someone calls your name. You turn to the side and see a familiar face. 
“Chi-won,” you smile. “It’s good to see you here.”
You return the hug that the man gives you and introduce your husband.
“You, too, although I figured you’d be here,” he grins. “You’re why I got invited in the first place. I heard you recommended the tattoo shop to Mr. Lee’s daughter. She came a few weeks ago and found out I collect art, too, and she invited me tonight. So thank you.”
“Ah, that’s wonderful,” you chirp. “She said her friends aren’t into the arts so she gives the invitations to even acquaintances whom she thinks would appreciate it. I’m glad you get to witness this, too. It’s amazing, isn’t it?”
Jungkook zones out a little once you and your friend start talking about the artists whose works are displayed in the estate. Somehow, art talk is only interesting to him when it’s you who’s talking, so he lets his mind wander a bit until he hears the words that sort of knock him out.
“Loving the tattoo, by the way. It looks really great now that it’s healed,” the man says. 
Saying it’s great means he’s looking at it, and looking at it means he’s got his eyes on the colored ink painted on the valley between your breasts. Much as Jungkook adores the low-cut neckline of your wine-colored satin dress, that obviously also means that other people get a peek at it, too. The tattoo is beautiful - it’s his birth flower, after all, and he feels blessed everyday that you got it because of him, and that he gets to marvel at it every single day. He just doesn’t like the thought of others having that opportunity, too.
“Thank you,” you gush. “You’ve got amazing people at the shop, and that’s because of you. I really love it, and so does my husband. Right, Kook?”
You turn to him and Jungkook manages a curt nod and an almost-whisper of “of course.” Is… is he the man who put this on you?
You and Chi-won say your goodbyes as he heads to the other wing, and you turn to Jungkook with his curious look mixed with a tinge of nervousness.
“He’s a tattoo artist at the shop where I got the flower done,” you say, realizing what your statement could imply once Jungkook’s eyes widen.
“Oh! He didn’t tattoo me, Kook. He just owns the shop,” you explain, not wanting your husband to worry that another man got to see your bare chest. Jungkook’s face relaxes and you hear his sigh of relief. “I told you I’d get a woman to do it even if you didn’t ask for it. I don’t exactly want to expose my body to another man, you know?”
“Just me, huh?” Jungkook shyly smiles now. 
“Of course, honey. No one else.” You kiss his nose and like how his eyes close and how his features soften at the act.
You both continue the tour around the mansion. There’s an entire area dedicated to all the pieces - paintings, sculptures, mixed media art - and you gush at each one. Somehow Jungkook feels like it’s just you and him in your own little bubble. Even with the people you greet every once in a while, you choose to experience the collection with just him, even if you know he doesn’t understand half of the things you’re explaining - he’s said he likes just hearing the tone of your voice and the way your eyes crinkle when you talk about the things that make you happy.
Unfortunately, he has to burst that, as he takes an important work call and excuses himself. It takes 15 minutes but when he returns, there you are with yet another man gushing over you, it seems like, as the tall man with incredibly strong features and perfect hair shows you photos from his phone and laughs along with you.
Jungkook stands there, not wanting to burst the bubble you have with another person who gets you, in that sense - someone who gets your art, your world, your passion, and who gets to respond to you with more than just “ah, that’s cool,” the way he does. So he lets you have your moment, your space. He’ll step in in a while, he tells himself.
“Why is it that every time I see you in one of these things, you’ve always got that look on your face as you watch your wife socialize with another man from afar?”
Jungkook knows the voice before he even turns to the side and finds Kim Namjoon, your brother’s close friend and a staple in these events as an art collector himself. He’s become familiar to Jungkook, too, finding him during the times when he’s stuck on his spot as he chooses to observe you from afar. Because the man’s right - this happens more frequently than Jungkook likes to admit.
“It comes with marrying a talented and beautiful woman, I guess,” Jungkook chuckles. “I’m used to it.”
“Well, it’s her world and she stands out,” Namjoon responds.
“She stands out anywhere, actually, with anyone,” Jungkook responds, letting the thought settle in before he continues. “The man’s this big shot executive and a single dad. His 5-year old is in her art class and the kid adores her so I don’t blame the guy for admiring my wife. She’s great with kids.”
“Is it really admiration, though? Looks like he’s just showing off his son to her,” Namjoon observes, as the man holds up his phone to show you various photos to both of your delight. You’re laughing along with the man, smiling as he shows more.
“Yeah? I mean, look at the way he looks at her,” Jungkook responds.
He should be used to it by now. You have a comforting charm about you, and if he wasn’t a stuck up teenager, he would’ve realized that very early on. But no; he’d shut you out and only got to see just how good it is to be around you once he’d married you.
Your students in art class are a testament to that - it’s no wonder you were asked to add another schedule because the kids enjoy your sessions that much. Their parents are a testament to that as well. Even strangers are. But it hits differently, as he sees how the man softly watches you laugh and coo at his own son. There’s a certain glow on your face when it comes to children - Jungkook won’t blame anyone for finding that beautiful. 
“Hmm, it’s nothing compared to the way she looks at you, though,” Namjoon says. “You’d be laughing or something, or socializing when you’re in your world, and she’d be looking at you with the brightest stars in her eyes.”
Jungkook looks at the older man with questioning eyes. 
“I’ve been to some of your family’s galas, Jungkook. She hangs with me sometimes when you’re off to do your duties, and it always made me smile how adoringly she looked at you, whether up close or from afar.”
“That’s, uh… that’s nice to know,” Jungkook hums, feeling his heartbeat quicken. 
“And it shouldn’t be news to you anymore. She may be catching a lot of people’s attention but at the end of day, all she wants is you.”
And right on cue, you look around and find him, your soft eyes asking if he’s okay. Jungkook nods - to you and to Namjoon’s suggestion of going over to you. 
“Hey, hun,” you take his hand as he gets closer. “This is Woobin, Sunoo’s dad. He was just showing me photos of them painting the new playroom.” You turn to the other man. “This is Jungkook, my husband.”
“Hi,” Jungkook shakes Woobin’s hand. “So you’re the father of the famous Sunoo. It’s nice to meet you.”
“Ah, so she’s talked about him,” Woobin chuckles. “And yes, I am. My son adores your wife, as many of the kids and their parents surely do.”
“___ talks about the kids at her class all the time,” Jungkook smiles, realizing it now. “They just make her so happy.”
Despite your busy schedule full of your own classes and the ones you run, on top of your actual job at the art firm and being an artist yourself, you’re devoid of any stress once you start talking about your students. You know what they like to paint or draw, know how to help them improve, and have so many ideas to make them appreciate art even more. It’s no wonder they love you as much as they do.
“Ah, that’s no surprise. I’m just glad my son got to enroll in her class. I heard it’s tough to get into it now since she’s in demand,” Woobin states. “But it was nice to meet you, Jungkook, and nice to see you again, ___. Sunoo will be happy to know I saw you tonight.”
You and Jungkook bid him goodbye and you turn to your husband, smiling sweetly at him. 
“I’ve seen everything tonight,” you inform him. “Another round of desserts and then we can go?”
“Sure, but I’m suddenly craving for churros and ice cream,” he responds.
“Hmm, let’s go to McDonald’s, then.”
“Alright, but uh, are you cold? Do you want to put this on?”
Jungkook removes his coat and offers it to you, and though you know the breeze outside is manageable, you take it, somehow wanting him much closer tonight. You also know that perhaps it’s your low neckline that he’s a bit wary of. 
“Sure, Kook. Thank you.”
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You lean on Jungkook’s shoulder and hum in satisfaction over the strawberry-flavored sundae. “Hmm, this is almost just as good as the desserts at the event.”
“Babe, McDonald’s is always just as good or better than anything,” Jungkook says with a half-full mouth. “It’s truly amazing.”
“It is. Somehow it cleanses our palette of rich-people stuff, doesn’t it?” You laugh and he joins you. It’s something that sparked your bond in the beginning, after all, and that hasn’t changed. 
“Yeah, but it’s also just my happy food, you know? Grease, sweets, unhealthy stuff… delicious.”
“Happy food, huh? Did something upset you tonight? Or maybe someone?” You ask, wanting to know if him stepping away while you spoke with Woobin has something to do with it. 
“Not really. Woobin didn’t cross a line,” Jungkook says, an admission that he knows what you’re talking about. “I mean, he was looking at you like a man with a crush, though, and I can’t blame him but he knew his boundaries. Good for him.”
“Of course he does, Kook. He knows I have a husband.”
“Yes, after you told him you couldn’t have coffee with him when he asked you out, which means that he was interested and he probably still is, like that nude model who was definitely into you.”
You turn to look at him who’s busy with his sundae but clearly bothered, but not enough to be angry. You’ve always been honest with him, the way he’d always been honest about the women at the Clubhouse who’d thrown themselves at him after one of his soccer games. You’ve always trusted each other, and you’re just glad that that’s always been enough to not have any miscommunication or arguments because of it.
“Ah, Samuel. Yeah, that was new.”
“Oh? He’s never hinted on a crush? Dude was looking at you like you were all he could see,” Jungkook shakes his head. 
“Yeah, then you came in with a kiss and swept me off my feet,” you teasingly roll your eyes. “How romantic.”
“Sorry, it was just reflex,” he explains. 
“I know, but you have nothing to worry about, okay? I tell you everything. Maybe not the mundane interactions or insignificant things that I easily forget but the important ones.”
“I know,” he says, smiling at you. “And you know I tell you everything, too.”
“You do,” you smile back. “But thank you for making it tonight. You’ve been so busy and I’m just glad I got to be with you.”
“Anything for you, babe. You’ve been so busy, too, and honestly, I didn’t mind moving the meeting with my father since I wasn’t really ready. Plus, all I had to say was that I was accompanying you to an art event and he let me go. You’re a spoiled daughter-in-law, you know that?”
You laugh at his teasing and the fact that your husband had the gall to ask his own father and boss to move a meeting for you. 
“I am, actually. And now it benefits you, too!”
“It benefits both of us,” he corrects. “But tonight was good. I mean, I kinda had to ward off certain men but I didn’t mind. It was still a fun one.”
“It was,” you hum, basking in his boyish smile and the twinkle in his eyes. Something comes alive inside you when he looks at you this way, and amidst the midnight buzzing of a McDonald’s in the city, you move closer and kiss his lips, gentle but wanting, and you feel him smile even wider against you.
“Babe, we’re in public,” he teases, and much as he likes to do that, he also enjoys it when you get a little flustered even when you mouth that you ‘don’t care.’
You peck his cheek and pull him, and as you walk to the car with his coat over your shoulder, as you talk about the art collection all the way home, and as you share a bath and then lie bare underneath the covers with your tangled limbs, Jungkook only knows this - this is your world, and in the one you both share, you’re the only two people who matter.
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Series Masterlist
Permanent Taglist: @sherlynxx​​​​ @di0rgguk @thequeen-kat​​​​ @fan-ati--c​​@cravingforhotchocolate​​​​ @adoraminie​​​​ @helenazbmrskai​​​​ @weasleyswizarding-wheezes​​​​ @preciouschimine​​​​ @gukssunshine​​​​ @nch327​​​​ @kookxin​​​​ @petuliii​​ @yoursthv​​​​ @libra04​​​​ @fancycollectormoon​​​​ @twixxxpie​​​​ @ignoretheskies​​​​ @ohmydarlin-g​​​​ @bids97​​​​ @minyoongiboongi​​ @main-bangtansmauyeondan​​​​ @investedreader
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luvistqrzzz · 11 months
Hug me tight
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21:04 jay x f.reader wc: 0.4K genre: angst, fluff (ig?), hurt comfort, established relationship, long distance warnings: bad days and work pressure
summary: jay was like moonlight, the soft comfort when the days are bad
An- again wrote it all of a sudden and after staring at my docs for an hour straight but jay is such a comfort person no one can change my mind istg... and to anyone having a bad day, just so you know, you're doing great ml and i believe in you<3!
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A soft sigh fell off your lips as you opened the door to your apartment. It was dark, the horns and noise of the streets were some distant melody, a lively one in your opinion and the lights of Seoul blinding you. Because inside the four falls the surrounded you was silence, a silence you had yearned from the moment you stepped into your workplace.
But now that you sat near the entrance of your living room, you couldn’t help but let the silence overwhelm you, like the haunting ghosts your mother used to read aloud to you as a kid at night. Back when each night consisted of laughter and feeling complete and not half. Missing the one person you knew could comfort you.
Jay. Some miles away from you. He was working so hard and you loved and supported him for it but on days like these you wished you could see him outside the phone screen. Long distance was so hard when all you wanted was to be in his arms.
‘This is not good enough.’ ‘You need to do this again.’ ‘Stop being so lousy.’ The voices of your boss and colleagues flooded your head until a tear rolled down your eyes. You sank to the floor, pulling your knees closer as a loud sob left your lips. Why is it always me? You thought, hugging yourself tightly.
Suddenly, you felt a presence beside you. Scared, you quickly lifted your head only to see a familiar figure sitting beside you, concern flashing in his eyes.
‘J-jay?’ It was a dream, right? Like the ones you had alone in bed. You would touch him and he’d go away, a figment of your imagination.
But he didn’t. Rather, he pulled you closer, softly and tenderly, wrapping his arms around you, your face so close to him and even in the dark you could see the love in his eyes.
You were too much in shock to say anything except look at him through tears, both happy and sad ones. ‘Ho-ow are yo-’ ‘Sshh’, he whispered, wiping your tears and resting your head on his shoulder, patting it. ‘You’re here?’ You croacked
You could feel him smiled softly, running a comforting hand through your hair, 'I’m here, I wanted to surprise you. I won’t leave it’s okay, love. We are together now.’
it's okay because in the darkness that was earlier swallowing you, Jay stepped, in being the comfort as soft as moonlight.
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permanent taglist open- send an ask- @rikizm @str0l0gy @yenqa @heetoldme @crxzs
work belongs to @/luvistqrzzz do not copy repost or translate my work
Reblogs and feedbacks are appreciated
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thenewausten · 2 months
You're in high school
You have a crush on Alex, but this girl also has a crush on Alex. Alex would have to pick the reader or the other girl.
Then drama starts :o
Thanks for the request!
Quackity Imagine: Heather
You were watching Heather, a colleague of yours, talk to the boy you loved so fuckin' much.
God, she was so pretty. You didn't have any chance with him, you knew it. Heather was so beautiful, she was an angel. You wish you could hate her, but you couldn't. You were only jealous because of the way Alex looked at her, his beautiful brown eyes would shine every damn time he'd look at her beautiful smile.
She's blonde, she has blue eyes, she has a beautiful body, the body of your dreams. Fuck, you wanted to be her so badly.
You couldn't understand how she's so fuckin' pretty. I mean, Alex would never look at you the way he looks at her. He'd never hug you the way he hugs her, his fingers would never touch your waist the way they touch hers. God, he'd never kiss you the way he kissed her in that party.
The only thing you have that she doesn't, is the fuckin' sweater Alex gave to you. He lent it to you last summer and then, when he saw you with it, he said: "You can keep it. It's better in you."
With a damn beautiful smile on his face.
"Hey, Y/N." You hear a voice, it's Alex. He's next to Heather as he approaches your table. "Can we sit with you? Why are you sitting here and not with us?!"
"Uh, I want to be alone. Sorry." You say and the boy frown his eyebrows. "Why?" He asks, Heather was in silence because she knew you had this crush for Alex. You look at her for some few seconds. "I... Just want to, okay?"
"Sure?" He asks again and you nod. "I'm, Alex. Please, leave."
He'd nod and leave with Heather.
"I'm tryin' to understand, because we used to be best friends and now you don't even want to sit on the same table as me and Heather." Alex says in your living room, he went to your house that night. "There's nothing to understand, Alex. I just want to be alone, okay? Leave my house, I didn't invite you there." You say to him, a little upset with the fact that he didn't accept leaving your damn house.
"That hurts, you know?" He says and you laugh, a very sarcastic laugh. "Oh, so you want to talk about pain?! About rejection?!" You ask him and he shrugs. "Is it about Heather?! Are you feeling excluded because of her?!" He asks and you sigh. "I..." You start. "Heather's nice."
"That's not what I asked, Y/N." He says. "Why are you here, Alex?! You chose her, congratulations! I don't want to bother the both of you, it'd be so damn weird."
"Chose? I didn't chose anyone, Y/N. You were the one that walked away." He says and you frown your eyebrows. "And why the fuck it'd be so weird?! What it'd be weird?!"
"Alex, what the fuck?! Heather and you are basically dating, wouldn't it be weird to have the other girl who has a crush on your boyfriend as a friend?!" You say, upset with his stupidity.
"What?!" He asks, so fuckin' surprised. "Do you have a... Wait, what the fuck?!"
"Why are you so surprised?! Heather told you at the party, and then you chose her." You say, Alex was in silence. "I don't judge you for choosing Heather, she's perfect, you know?! But I can't see you together because it fuckin' breaks my heart and it's my right to and I want you to respect that, Alex." The boy sits on the sofa and cover his face with his both hands.
"Y/N, I didn't know, I didn't fuckin' know." He whispers, now you're the only one who's surprised. "What do you mean?"
"Heather didn't tell me about you." What a fuckin' bitch, dude. "She said you thought I was ugly."
"Unbelievable." You whisper. "You're so handsome, 'Lex." You say and he sighs. "Thank you, I... Shit." He gets up and approaches you. "I don't love Heather." He whispers. "I love you, Y/N."
"But Heather..." You start. "Heather is not you, princess." He cuts you. "I don't want to date her, we're not even dating, I always wanted you to be my girlfriend."
"Shit, Alex." You whisper with tears on your eyes. "It's okay, don't need to cry, corazón."
"You don't think Heather is more beautiful than me?!" You ask. "No, I don't. Don't compare yourself with her, okay? I'm yours."
"Okay." You whisper. "That's why I have you my favourite sweater, uh? You're my favourite person in the whole world and I love you so much."
"I love you too, Alex. So much." You whisper. "You're also my favourite person." You say and he smiles, he connects his lips on yours in a very calm and passionate kiss, the way he holds your face is very gently, you can feel his love for you on the way his tongue slides to your mouth as he deepens the kiss.
You didn't want to be Heather anymore, you only wanted to be you. Because Alex loved you. Not her.
Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoy the writing! :)
Requests are open!
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i9eto · 2 years
Oh lia, won’t you please write about getting pantalone’s gloves all messy because reader was being a little brat all day and he has her across his lap? and of course the spanking~
i'm not even exaggerating i was giggling and tossing around on my bed when i got this request dkhfndhfndhfj also i'm sorry if this is kinda a flop I NEED TO WRITE MORE ugh
warning(s): nsfw (minors DNI), pantalone x fem!reader, slight and i mean SLIGHT childe x reader, dom!pantalone, pantalone is mean, fingering, orgasm denial, degradation (he called you so many things i lost track)
you could hear him tutting behind you, you could only imagine what his expression was behind you — with his little look of disapproval. his gloves were cold, but it was nothing compared to the metal rings he wore on his fingers. slender fingers rub gentle circles on your inner thigh as you try your best to stay put, he had your upper body laying down on his lap while also being on your knees as he sat comfortably on his arm chair.
it was unfair really, he had you lie down on him — completely naked — one strong hand holding you down so you wouldn’t move, while pantalone himself was fully clothed, even his gloves were still intact to him.
“one night, darling,” he paused, his hand sliding further up to your bare ass, albeit slowly, “one night is all i ask for you to behave, and you can’t even fulfil that.” he sighed, your body slightly jolting as his cold hand rested against your ass, you felt incredibly bare out of a sudden, but you didn’t dare to complain — too scared that it would annoy him. you pissed him off enough. “in front of everyone else too, you’ve put shame on my name, you know that?” you let out a shocked gasp when you felt his hand giving your ass a harsh slap.
“what’s wrong? don’t like it?” he asked, feigning concern for your wellbeing. you didn’t answer, your eyes remained glued to the wall in front of you. you knew you had gone a little too far at his dinner party, purposely dancing and getting touchy with his colleagues in front of him. sure, you wanted his attention so badly, but you didn’t expect him to be so furious at the sight of you and — what was his name again? — childe? dancing together. it wasn’t even intimate, but who knew childe would be pantalone’s limit.
another harsh slap landed on your ass again, you let out a yelp, biting your lower lip to stop yourself from whining as you knew he wouldn’t like it. “i asked you a question, y/n. or have you turned into a dumb little whore for that pathetic man?” his free hand grabbed you by your hair, forcing your back to arch against him. your nipples slightly grazing over his thigh. “n-no… it hurts,” your voice was nothing more than a whisper. “it hurts?” he scoffed, his grip on your hair tightened. you let out a soft moan that you wished he didn’t hear.
without warning, pantalone inserted two fingers into your cunt, the cold metal of his ring hitting your walls just slightly, but enough to let a louder moan out of you — “there we go, let me hear your moans, darling, don’t be so shy.” he was pleased to hear you moan, your sweet, sweet voice, moaning just for him. it felt like an achievement for him somehow. “you’re so wet, love, you’re enjoying this aren’t you? how could you lie to me?” he asked, removing his fingers from your cunt, making you clench around nothing. you wanted to move back to grind against them, but he held you in place.
he brought his fingers to your face for you to look, your slick glistened against the dark colours of his gloves. “answer.” he commanded, and you immediately shook your head as much as he allowed you through the grip he had on your hair. “i-i swear! i would never lie to you,” you said, you moved your head slightly to look him in the eyes, to let him know that you were being truthful.
the way your eyes lit up as he looked at you earned yourself a small smile from him, even in the midst of his anger, he couldn’t resist how adorable you look like whenever you give him that pleading look of yours.
“then…” he trailed off, eyeing the curves of your naked body, “since this isn’t enjoyable for you, i’d better not see you cum.” you were confused with his order at first, but the confusion immediately went away when you felt his fingers shoving deep inside your cunt, and the cold metal rings once again brushing against your sensitive walls. you bit your lips to prevent yourself from moaning, you weren’t supposed to be enjoying this after all.
he spread his fingers slowly in you, stretching you out but with a pace so slow you wished you could just fuck yourself on his fingers. you could hear him humming as he pulled his fingers all the way out, the metal once again grazing against you, making your back arch against him, pantalone gave you a knowing look, his fingers then being shoved, knuckles deep inside you. 
your eyes shut closed as you made do with the amount of friction he allowed you to feel, it wasn’t what you wanted — what you needed — but it wasn’t frustrating. his long fingers were hitting deep in you that you could only wish you were able to hit with your own fingers. pantalone would feel nice once in a while as he curled his fingers in your cunt, hitting the spongy spot that made you call out his name in pleasure.
“you like that, darling?” he asked, curling his fingers once again, you let out a helpless moan, nodding your head, “yes, yes, fuck, it feels so good,” you blabbered, earning yourself a chuckle from him. he quickened his pace, not forgetting to insert in a third finger into your already stuffed cunt. you whined, gripping the end of the armchair for support.
the feeling of his gloved fingers buried so deep in your cunt made your head spin, it made you forget entirely just how displeased he was with you mere minutes ago. your hips started grinding against his fingers for more friction, you didn’t care how needy you looked in his eyes, you were just so desperate for him. pantalone let you enjoy yourself, watching how you desperately fuck yourself against his fingers. to say the very least, it amused him.
“mm, don’t stop, sweetheart,” he grunted, helping you out as he increased his pace again, pulling his fingers out before shoving them knuckles deep in you in a split second, his fingers grazing against your sloppy cunt so nicely. his thumb rubbed against your clit gently at first, but it only lasted for a second before he started rubbing harsh circles onto it, forcing a squeal out of you as you quickly realised it was all too much for you to handle.
your body jolted from how sensitive you felt from his fingers absolutely ruining you, ultimately making you stop moving as you tried to focus on handling all the stimulation pantalone was giving you. your movements halting didn’t go unnoticed by him, there was a smirk on his face as he realised you were getting close. “you’re close, aren’t you?” he whispered, there was malice in his intonation, but your head was so clouded that all you could do was be honest with him. nodding your head to him as you desperately try to look at him.
his fingers were pressing against the spot that you needed him most multiple times that your eyes started to roll back, your head solely focusing on how good he was fucking you with just his fingers. the inconsistency of his pace as his thumb rubbed against your clit, and how he was harshly shoving all three fingers into your cunt before pulling them all the way out just to shove them in again, you were in a trance.
“god, i-” you choked out, tears pricking in the corner of your eyes, “i’m so close, i’m– i’m gonna cum!” you exclaimed, your back arching, your eyes rolling back as you desperately gripped onto the armchair for support.
then, you felt his fingers stopping. you didn’t even have the time to process what had happened before a hard slap landed on your ass again, leaving a croaked gasp out of you. and again, you hear pantalone tutting behind you. before you could even say anything, another slap landed on the same spot, making you cry out.
“you bratty bitch,” he paused, and then another slap. “lying to me, breaking promises,” another slap, “dancing with tartaglia – of all people.” slap, “i’m disappointed in you.” he sighed, followed by another slap, you couldn’t handle it anymore, the sting was too much for you as tears started streaming down your face, one hand tried to weakly hold his hand still. “p-please, no more…” your voice meek as you tried to pathetically beg.
pantalone grabbed your wrist before swatting it away, “quiet.” his voice was stern, “it h-hurts,” you sobbed as you felt him gently caress your ass at the spot where it stung the most. but before you could even begin to appreciate his gentleness, he gave you another harsh slap. you cried out his name, apologising over and over again. his spankings were unbearably strong, he really was angry with you. “i said quiet, you brat.” and another slap.
“you tell me to stop, yet you yourself aren’t tapping out.” he muttered, his palm leaving your bare ass and back to your cunt, a finger flicking you from your hole to your clit, making you gasp. “you tell me to stop, yet you proceed to make my glove messy from how wet you’ve gotten from the spankings alone.” pantalone brought his fingers to your view once again, this time to taunt you.
he caressed your cheek suddenly, and lovingly. your face instinctively gave in to his touch, “since you love acting like a slut, how about i record you for tartaglia to see, hmm?” he had an evil smile on him, and you knew he meant what he was saying. “you’d love for him to see how much of a needy bitch you are, wouldn’t you?” he continued.
you shook your head, your eyes watering again, “no, please, i only want you,” you choked out; it was the truth this time. you meant every word. pantalone didn’t quite care about what you had to say — hell, he was already getting hard from the thought of humiliating you.
he got you off of his lap, his hand travelled down to his pants, unzipping it to take it off, “we’ll see.” he smiled. your body was sore from the spanks he gave you — but seeing just how hard his cock was, you knew pantalone wouldn’t care. “if you please me good enough, i’ll reconsider sending this to tartaglia.” he gave you a smile, patting your cheek.
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naiatabris · 4 months
Day 1: "First Time"
Fellow BG3 addicts! Have you seen the BG3 February Writing/Creativity Challenge? 29 days of prompts for creativity of all kinds!
This is a little drabble that I couldn't quite mold into a full fic (it was actually a discarded part of "be selfish for me"). It technically responds to the NSFW day 1 prompt, "First Time," but it's a SFW look at how I think the leadup to the first time would have gone for Gale and my sorcerer Alys. I hope you enjoy!
"I can't do this, Gale." Alys shifted away from him as she fought the urge to cry. Tears sprung to her eyes; through the moisture, Gale’s brilliant sky looked even more lovely, and seemed even more devastating. "If you're planning to kill yourself, don't ask me to help you accept it.”
"Alys. I—you know what we face." Gale's expression was sorrowful. "Gods know I have no wish to do this. But Mystra's orders…"
"I don’t give a damn what Mystra ordered," Alys snapped.
She hated how her voice sounded in that moment—childish, petulant, jealous. Once she would have thought that jealousy was beneath her. But she'd spent weeks—months, really—longing for Gale, drawn to his kindness and his brilliance, wishing he would look at her and see more than a magical colleague.
It felt hopeless, though. Alys didn't lack for self-confidence, but even she doubted her ability to compete with a goddess for Gale's heart. She didn't think he was blind to her charms; he'd given her compliments here and there, told her she was radiant after battle. But none of it had led to anything more than words, and blaming Mystra was the easiest and most satisfying way to deal with her disappointment.
Then again, Mystra damn well deserved some blame.
"I don't know what she's playing at, casting you off without a word and then popping back up to tell you to end your own life, but I am not going to help her talk you into it," she continued heatedly.
Gale’s expression pleaded for understanding; his eyes were wide and open, his expression pained. "Alys, I…"
"Stop," she ordered, fighting tears as a torrent of emotion rushed through her.
"If you would just listen…"
 "I'm in love with you, Gale Dekarios," she blurted, the words pouring from her like water from an upended jug, fast and messy and impossible to stop. "And you don't feel the same way and that's fine, but don't you dare ask me to—to sit here under a sky you made to help yourself make peace with dying."
"I made the sky for you!"
Alys had been planning to spring to her feet and storm off. But that changed things. She felt her mouth gape open in the most ridiculous way. "For… me?"
"Yes, for you," Gale said, exasperated. "Because I'm trying to tell you that I'm in love with you. Only now you've said it first and I'm going to have to discard the entire speech I had planned." He shook his head, a little smile playing on his lips despite his irritated tone. "You have the most infuriating yet delightful way of putting me off balance."
He reached for her hand, taking it in his, and Alys twined her fingers against his, scarcely daring to breathe. Gale’s eyes met hers, and she saw an apology in them.
“You really didn’t know?” he asked softly.
Alys shook her head. “I—I thought you could, maybe, if things were different. But it seemed that you had so much else on your mind. I couldn’t imagine there might be room for me.”
“Oh, Alys.” He swallowed, closing his eyes briefly. “I wish—gods, how I wish I had the time to do this properly. To say it all better, to court you the way you deserve. But time is…”
Alys didn’t want him to finish that sentence. She didn’t want to hear him say that his time was short, that his sacrifice was the only way. So she leaned forward and stopped the words with a kiss, gentle and eager, filled with all her affection and warmth and longing. 
And Gale kissed her back, and for that moment as their lips touched, it felt as if they had all the time in the world.
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