#in paradisum
pettybourgeoiz · 2 years
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marsoid · 1 year
Big fan of your art style and comics 💚 (Long Exposure took my breath away a little bit.)
I love the way you draw yourself (this is going to sound ✨DUMB✨ but it feels almost intimate seeing depictions of you).
Anyway I am a weirdo 🙃 but thank you for all you do!
HA thank you. the drawings of me are much cooler than the real me lmaooo
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mythrae · 7 months
say what you want about religion but you gotta admit some sacred music truly FUCKIN SLAPS
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way-to-paradisum · 8 months
just as some house cleaning:
changed my url from tenderocean to way-to-paradisum, as to distance myself from someone (and memories attached to them)
to my friends who follow me who still refer to me as Natalie, I haven't personally used that name for myself in (at least) a couple of years, and while I haven't bothered correcting anyone about it because it hadn't really bothered me, for some personal reasons I'm very uncomfortable being called that name now
I've actually been using the name Chamomile online longer than I've been using the name Natalie, and it's (at least in my eyes) more of an androgynous name, so I think it suits me a better
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thewholecrew · 10 months
@deathvisited said:  “  they hurt me. now i want you to make it better. make them hurt too.  ”  this strikes me as Mare with whomever
     dark brown eyes look down at the petite woman in front of him while he weighs the information she just gave him. he could see the bruising and a tightness of anger builds in his chest making it hard to breathe, harder to think rational thoughts. the order was simple and what he wanted to do in the first place. hands clenched at his sides, forming into fists as he glared at the group of men who dared to lay hands on his wife. because whether he knew her well or whether he chose her or was simply paired to her from some ridiculous lottery, he would not stand for the abuse and he felt sick that it happened right under his nose.
     “i’ll be right back,” grant said in a low tone as he stalked past her like a predator stalking its prey. the men hadn’t even noticed him, hadn’t cared to look back after they let mare go. he’d kill them. kill them if he was allowed but he wasn’t and he wouldn’t put her in any more jeopardy. he bumped one of the guys shoulders as he walked up to them earning angry and disgruntled looks from the group, a few rude comments but it didn’t last long. the one with the most smug look on his face was first to get a fist of fury, sending teeth flying and him down quickly before the other two shouted and tried to tackle him. they got a gut punch in but after than grant laid them out. an elbow to the jaw followed by a knee to the chin and a strike forward into the last guys jugluar. 
     they all dropped like flies and far quicker than grant would have liked yet he couldn’t help his training, so he gave each a hard few kicks before crouching, grabbing the smug one by his hair to lift him a little causing him to yelp. “if you ever touch her or any one else again, you can kiss the rest of your teeth goodbye.” roughly he released the mans hair as he rose, kicking dirt at them one last time before calmly returning to mare, wiping the blood from his knuckles. “they won’t bother you again,” he promised her softly.
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juletheghoul · 2 years
Hey Jules. I love you’re writing very much and I’ve reread priest marcus like 4 times but I was wondering if you were considering writing more for him? Always a pleasure to read your work
🫶 lots of love
Hello my lovely,
Yes! I have another chapter planned for sure!
I also have an ending in mind, but like all of the characters I write for, I am always willing to dive right in with hcs or snippets or asks.
I’m happy you love him so much and thank you for reading!🥹♥️
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feuillesmortes · 2 years
Liturgy of the Dead
Subvenite Sancti Dei, occurrite Angeli Domini
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rillabrooke · 2 years
58, 72, 91, 101
58. symphony no. 4, 3. scherzo (allegro feroce) - antonin dvorak
72. requiem in d minor: in paradisum - gabriel faure
91. love like ghosts - lord huron
101. spirit voices - paul simon
send me a number 1-100 and i’ll tell the corresponding top 100 song
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callmelevinthia · 10 months
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Per Aspera Ad Paradisum ✨
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babyraptor · 1 month
in honor of Trigun Fan Fic Week, i'm going to try to make a post every night featuring some of my favorites. because i'm currently deep in rereading some AUs, i thought i'd start with a list of those. posted in alphabetical order.
a kind heart to haunt - by littleghost (and its sequel wild horses couldn't drag me away)
a cowboy AU where Vash is a rancher trying to put his past as an outlaw behind him and Wolfwood is a bandit who finds himself on Vash's doorstep one night. he leaves shortly after, but not without stealing Vash's horse and coming back again and again.
Ascension Day - by farseersfool
Wolfwood is a hitman turned bodyguard assigned to protect his boss's twin brother.
At the Top of the World - by Insomniac_with_dreams
a cowboy AU where Wolfwood answers an ad to come work on the Saverem ranch for the summer.
Bloodstained Devotion - by Bohemienne
a vampire AU where Vash returns to his clan after years of hiding. he selects Wolfwood as his human sacrifice in the vampires' ceremonial rites, but wants to show him that vampires and humans can live together.
by daybreak we'll be gone - by catachresis
Wolfwood takes a janitorial job at a facility where top secret research is being conducted. he realizes it must have something to do with the creature living in the tank in the basement.
Eyes of the Storm - by tenshinokorin
a reincarnation/cryptid AU where Wolfwood returns to the orphanage as a caretaker and is haunted by memories he didn't realize he had.
Fire on the Mountain - by Yuku_Laylee
a Jurassic Park AU where Vash is a cryptid living in the zoo/theme park where the others all work. there are mysteries and strange events galore.
i shot cupid (needle and thread) - by itsacoup
a mafia AU where Knives is a crime boss who sends out his crew to find his brother. Wolfwood gets to him first.
inter paradisum et infernum - by itsacoup
Western AU where Vash the outlaw finds himself in the town where Wolfwood is the town priest.
The Lighthouse - by EloFromMars
Wolfwood is fresh out of jail and accepts a job as a lighthouse keeper. Vash is an eldritch sea monster responsible for the constant storms surrounding the lighthouse.
More Than You'll Ever Know - by KiriKiriBonBon
a vampire/reincarnation AU throughout centuries where Vash tries desperately the find the man he loves after he loses him again and again.
nobody said it was easy - by procrastinatingbookworm
i almost didn't include this on my AU list, because it's not quite an AU in the same vein as the others i've included, but this is one of my all time favorite fics ever, and so i couldn't leave it out. a post Trimax AU where Vash and Livio meet up after it's all over and try to put the pieces back together.
Someday out of the Blue - by tenshinokorin (and its sequel, I Believe in the Kingdom Come)
a post Trimax AU where a hundred years later, Vash runs into the reincarnation of Nicholas D. Wolfwood.
Strawberries & Cigarettes - by Umbr_el_on
a modern day AU where Wolfwood is a tattoo artist and Vash is the new florist across the street.
Those were the days - by EloFromMars
a super sweet modern day AU where teen Vash and teen Wolfwood stumble across each other and road trip across the country.
Trillium & Ivy - by Shastafirecracker
the modern AU to which i measure all modern AUs against. Wolfwood is the new funeral director at the funeral home across the street from Vash's garden center.
Waiting at that shallow grave - by riotintheheartt
a non-linear narrative where Wolfwood is a hitman assigned to kill Vash who does not stay dead no matter what.
Wildflowers - by Shastafirecracker
a fantasy/medieval AU where Sir Nicholas the Punisher enters the Forgotten Woods in an effort to capture the Beast Lord and end the blight that is killing the lands.
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pascalconfessions · 5 months
I think the following tumblrs need to know that they ROCKED my world in 2023, and that they are appreciated, loved, and respected 🙌🥵🔥
@toxicanonymity Thank you for the dark and dirty Joelkemon filth, especially weed dealer Joel, Raider Joel, and dangerous Lincoln Joel 🙏
@ladamedusoif I’m bowing down to you right now for your masterful representation of a not-white-coded & middle-aged Lydia in Visiting. We need more and more and MORE fics that are designed to invite readers of every ethnicity to imagine themselves and enjoy the story without tripping over blushing and other white coding. And we also need more grownup women in fic!! 🙏💞🥰
@joelscruff Feelings on Fire broke me over and over again, in so many delicious ways. I know you had a rough patch last year, and I hope that you don’t feel pressured to write on command. Your story is yours, and I hope you tell it the way that YOU want to 💕
@spacecowboyhotch I adored Ambrosia and Tied together and we need MORE of your gorgeous storytelling in this fandom! 💖 I love soft/hot and dreamy, and I definitely think we need more black/poc reader inserts. Your writing is so detailed and layered that it left me breathless and I’m dying to read more from you!! 😍
@netherfeildren Art gallery Ezra took my breath away. I devoured the rest of your fics in turn, and your Mercy for the Disturbed broke and reshaped my heart and gave me the best/worst writers envy I’ve had in a long time. Kudos to you for draining my brain 😂
@juletheghoul Paradisum?!! 🔥 Gold Rush!!? 😍 Dulcis??? 🫨 and Silk 🤤 And I know for a fact that you’re one of the sweetest people I’ve ever met here. ❤️‍🔥Love, your secret admirer 😘
@hier--soir A Lover’s Pinch killed me. I am writing this from the grave. I am eating dirt, bestie. Please ship literature professor Joel to me immediately? 🥹🙏
@inclusivepedrolibrary I LOVE YOU SO MUCH YOU DONT EVEN KNOW 😍😍😍
@atticrissfinch We need to have a word about convenience store clerk Joel (🥵🔥😭HOT!!!) and about Wrong text dom! Joel (🔥🔥🔥🌶️🌶️🌶️😭😭😭 HOTTER!!!) Im mad at you for writing so hot and these men not being real
@bageldaddy 70’s porn star Joel is killing me. Thank you 🙏🥹❤️‍🔥
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illjustpretend · 8 months
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HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY @makotoscoffee !!!
You bring out the best in me 💖
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I’m trying to get into more series and I was wondering if you had any recommendations for any series on Joel or any Pedro characters in general? (Tryna save some for my birthday)
hi, babe!! i don’t read as much as i should and i mostly read frankie, but i have a few recs that i adore and have gone back to multiple times (warning: these fics are all explicit so if you’re not 18+ pls don’t interact) 🤍:
learning to live by @wheresarizona (Javier Peña)
weeknights by @frannyzooey (Frankie Morales)
because of you by @kteague (Frankie)
a future together by @kteague (Joel Miller)
paradisum by @juletheghoul (Marcus Pike)
the wedding party by @goodwithcheese (Frankie)
santa fe by @goodwithcheese (Frankie)
i’m sure there’s a few i’m missing but these are the ones that came to mind first!! happy reading and happy early birthday anon!! 🫶🏼
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thewholecrew · 11 months
@deathvisited said: [ fake ] sender and receiver pretend to be a couple and are forced to kiss each other to blend in --- haven and kassy
     it was the first mandatory gathering of all the couples since they’d been paired off and kassy was sure it would not be the last. though the council said it was put together as a thank you, as a celebration dinner, kassy was more than sure it was there simply so they could survey each couple like a hawk to see if there were any who weren’t getting along. that could not be kassy and haven. she did not wish for him to suffer under the hands of the council because she could not give him children. because she did not want children. and now that was the whole point of this match making bullshit. repopulate, save the world despite how little of it was left undestroyed. 
    kassy also hadn’t quite been expecting to enjoy spending time with her newly assigned husband which was almost like adding insult to injury. that there was a possibility the could live together in harmony if she had been open to having children. she exhaled in a sigh as she stood in front of the mirror, dressed in one of the few beautiful gowns she had saved, finishing the last braid and decorating it with some gold pieces. with a knock at the door she glanced behind her, over her shoulder, “come in haven, you don’t need to knock,” she told him though appreciated his gentlemanly habits, even if at times it looked like he was trying to remember a checklist for it in his head.
     turning towards him, she smiled, giving him an appraising look. “well don’t you look handsome,” she complimented. he hadn’t had a tux but they’d managed to get him a nice silk button up to go with some black pants. walking over to him she took his arm, thanking him for the compliment back, “hottest couple at the gathering, i’m calling it,” she teased with a wink as they headed out. 
     she was more than sure they were not the only couple who were putting on a bit of an act yet to kassy it didn’t seem as though she really needed to try. she was unsure about haven but she filled this role with ease because of the great chemistry they had. plus, he wasn’t bad to look at, had they the same wants and needs she could see herself giving this whole paired off monogomy a try. before the dinner was a chance for all the couples to meet one another and catch up with friends. she found it amusing when haven wrapped his arm around her protectively when they spoke to some of the other couples but she could feel the councils eyes on them, especially when they had a chance to themselves.
     they moved away from the crowds of couples to spend a minute together by the wall. glancing at him, her hand slid up along his arm. “how are you doing?” she asked him softly, head tilting as she turned towards him. she then stepped closer in an intimate manner, her other hand going to his chest. despite her actions, her question had been sincere. some of the couples here had actually looked genuinely happy and it made her wonder if haven was possibly upset because of it. of course with what she was going to do next there was a chance it could make him feel worse... or it could also possibly make him feel better.
     her hands slid up his chest to the nape of his neck as she drew him down closer towards her, her nose brushing against his, “i’m going to kiss you,” she told him quietly. they had spoken briefly ahead of time about showing affection in public and had gotten consent from one another but she still wished to give him a heads up. nails lightly trailed through his hair as she then leaned up to close the space left between them and meet his lips with her own. she kissed him soft and slow, tenderly as her hands came to cup his jaw. there was no point in making it overly aggressive, it was to show passion, a connection. of course she couldn’t help herself at the end and gave his bottom lip a playful, stinging bite as she drew away. 
     “they were watching,” she whispered, thumb lightly swiping the lipstick she’d left on his bottom lip before winking at him.
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juletheghoul · 2 years
Hey babe, so can I get the second prompt from the prompt list with your Father Marcus Pike please ? 🥺 I have to admit that I really do miss him. 🙈
Oof, father Marcus always hits different. Sorry it took me so long to answer this! ♥️
Smut under the cut (18+ no minors) read more about Father!Marcus here.
He should have left hours ago.
Should have gone back to sleep in his own bed for a good nights rest, he was leading the first mass in the morning.
In just a few hours.
“More, I want more.” Her voice cut through his thoughts, the sultry tone of it making his cock throb against her tongue.
“Anything you want, just open your mouth a little wider for me.” He smiled at the lust blown expression on her face, and forgot about the time again.
Smut Dialogue Prompts
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